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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002091U1

Устройство для регенерации и очистки фильтрующих засыпок, выполненное в виде вертикального корпуса, имеющего сливное отверстие, центрально размещенный, заглушенный сверху коллектор, соединенный посредством трубопровода через насос с расходной емкостью для регенеративного раствора и снабженный раздаточными патрубками, причем высота коллектора составляет не менее 3/4 от высоты корпуса, отличающееся тем, что к раздаточным патрубкам подсоединены гидродинамические излучатели. (19) RU (11) (13) 2 091 U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94037799/20, 07.10.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Атаманов Владимир Викторович, Савинов Андрей Адольфович, Цой Владимир Револович, Швец Василий Григорьевич U 1 2 0 9 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для регенерации и очистки фильтрующих засыпок, выполненное в виде вертикального корпуса, имеющего сливное отверстие, центрально размещенный, заглушенный сверху коллектор, соединенный посредством трубопровода через насос с расходной емкостью для регенеративного раствора и снабженный раздаточными патрубками, причем высота коллектора составляет не менее 3/4 от высоты корпуса, отличающееся тем, что к раздаточным патрубкам подсоединены гидродинамические излучатели. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕГЕНЕРАЦИИ И ОЧИСТКИ ФИЛЬТРУЮЩИХ ЗАСЫПОК 2 0 9 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Атаманов Владимир Викторович, Савинов Андрей Адольфович, Цой Владимир Револович, Швец Василий Григорьевич R U (72) Автор(ы): Атаманов Владимир Викторович, Савинов Андрей Адольфович, Цой Владимир Револович, Швец Василий Григорьевич RU 2 091 U1 RU 2 091 U1 RU 2 091 U1

16-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000008627U1

1. Конденсатор паровой турбины, содержащий корпус с узлом приема пара, конденсаторные трубки, закрепленные в трубных досках и примыкающих к корпусу, переднюю и заднюю водяные камеры, отличающийся тем, что задняя водяная камера снабжена дополнительным узлом ввода охлаждающей среды. 2. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в верхней части задняя водяная камера снабжена узлом для подсоединения к эжектирующей системе. 3. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительный узел ввода охлаждающей среды соединен с входной частью передней водяной камеры. 4. Конденсатор по п.1 или 3, отличающийся тем, что дополнительный узел ввода охлаждающей среды соединен с напорным водоводом передней водяной камеры. (19) RU (11) (13) 8 627 U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 98109515/20, 27.05.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.12.1998 U 1 8 6 2 7 R U (54) КОНДЕНСАТОР ПАРОВОЙ ТУРБИНЫ (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Конденсатор паровой турбины, содержащий корпус с узлом приема пара, конденсаторные трубки, закрепленные в трубных досках и примыкающих к корпусу, переднюю и заднюю водяные камеры, отличающийся тем, что задняя водяная камера снабжена дополнительным узлом ввода охлаждающей среды. 2. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в верхней части задняя водяная камера снабжена узлом для подсоединения к эжектирующей системе. 3. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительный узел ввода охлаждающей среды соединен с входной частью передней водяной камеры. 4. Конденсатор по п.1 или 3, отличающийся тем, что дополнительный узел ввода охлаждающей среды соединен с напорным водоводом передней водяной камеры. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное предприятие Ленинградская атомная электростанция им.В.И.Ленина, Закрытое акционерное общество Научно-производственное объединение "Энергоатоминвент" 8 6 2 7 (72) Автор(ы): Шмаков Л.В., Самусев Л.Е., Московский В. ...

10-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000015298U1

1. Конденсатор паровой турбины, содержащий корпус с узлом приема пара, конденсаторные трубки закрепленные в трубных досках, переднюю и заднюю водяные камеры, с узлом для подсоединения эжектирующей системы к задней водяной камере, напорный и сбросной водоводы, отличающийся тем, что задняя водяная камера в нижней части соединена байпасом с напорным водоводом. 2. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что байпас снабжен запорно-регулирующим устройством. 3. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что байпас со стороны ввода в заднюю водяную камеру соединен трубопроводом, снабженным запорным устройством, со сбросным водоводом. 4. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что задняя водяная камера снабжена датчиками температуры, установленными в ее верхней и нижней части. (19) RU (11) 15 298 (13) U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000119452/20 , 26.07.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.07.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.10.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Шмаков Л.В., Самусев Л.Е. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Шмаков Леонид Васильевич U 1 1 5 2 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Конденсатор паровой турбины, содержащий корпус с узлом приема пара, конденсаторные трубки закрепленные в трубных досках, переднюю и заднюю водяные камеры, с узлом для подсоединения эжектирующей системы к задней водяной камере, напорный и сбросной водоводы, отличающийся тем, что задняя водяная камера в нижней части соединена байпасом с напорным водоводом. 2. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что байпас снабжен запорно-регулирующим устройством. 3. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что байпас со стороны ввода в заднюю водяную камеру соединен трубопроводом, снабженным запорным устройством, со сбросным водоводом. 4. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что задняя водяная камера снабжена датчиками температуры, установленными в ее верхней и нижней части. 1 5 2 9 8 (54 ...

27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018496U1

Устройство очистки воздуха, состоящее из двух блоков: соединенного трубопроводом с отстойником блока очистки воздуха (БОВ), содержащего входной и выходной патрубки для прохождения воздуха, а также блока регенерации моющей жидкости (БРЖ), отличающееся тем, что БОВ и БРЖ включены в замкнутую цепь циркуляции моющей жидкости с помощью трубопроводов, причем в трубопроводе отвода жидкости из отстойника включен фильтр для очистки моющей жидкости от механических загрязнений (МФ), а в цепи циркуляции моющей жидкости между выходом фильтра МФ и входом БРЖ установлен насос. (19) RU (11) 18 496 (13) U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000122662/20 , 06.09.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.09.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 27.06.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Брайнес А.С., Калачев В.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Малое внедренческое предприятие "Фильтр" R U Адрес для переписки: 103460, Москва, Завод "Ангстрем", МВП "Фильтр" (71) Заявитель(и): Малое внедренческое предприятие "Фильтр" 1 8 4 9 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство очистки воздуха, состоящее из двух блоков: соединенного трубопроводом с отстойником блока очистки воздуха (БОВ), содержащего входной и выходной патрубки для прохождения воздуха, а также блока регенерации моющей жидкости (БРЖ), отличающееся тем, что БОВ и БРЖ включены в замкнутую цепь циркуляции моющей жидкости с помощью трубопроводов, причем в трубопроводе отвода жидкости из отстойника включен фильтр для очистки моющей жидкости от механических загрязнений (МФ), а в цепи циркуляции моющей жидкости между выходом фильтра МФ и входом БРЖ установлен насос. 1 8 4 9 6 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ОЧИСТКИ ВОЗДУХА U 1 U 1 1 8 4 9 6 1 8 4 9 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 18 496 U1 RU 18 496 U1 RU 18 496 U1 RU 18 496 U1 RU 18 496 U1

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061583U1

1. Система выносной регенерации ионитов водоподготовительных установок, включающая рабочий фильтр смешанного действия с впускным и выпускным патрубками гидроперегрузки ионитов, фильтр разделения катионита и анионита и регенерации катионита с впускным и выпускным патрубками гидроперегрузки ионитов, верхним и нижним дренажными устройствами, средним дренажным устройством с выпускным патрубком гидроперегрузки ионитов и с содержащимся в этом фильтре слоем перегруженных на регенерацию ионитов, фильтр-регенератор анионита с впускным и выпускным патрубками гидроперегрузки ионитов, фильтр для промежуточного слоя с впускным и выпускным патрубками гидроперегрузки ионитов и трубопроводы напорной системы гидроперегрузки ионитов, отличающаяся тем, что в фильтре разделения катионита и анионита и регенерации катионита выше уровня расположения средней дренажной системы установлено дополнительное дренажное устройство с выпускным патрубком гидроперегрузки ионитов, а выпускной патрубок фильтра для промежуточного слоя ионитов связан трубопроводом системы напорной гидроперегрузки с впускным патрубком гидроперегрузки ионитов рабочего фильтра смешанного действия. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что высота расположения дополнительной дренажной системы над уровнем расположения средней дренажной системы в фильтре разделения катионита и анионита и регенерации катионита составляет 0,15-0,25 высоты общего слоя ионитной загрузки в этом фильтре. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 61 583 (13) U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/02 (2006.01) B01J 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006135532/22 , 09.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2007 U 1 6 1 5 8 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Система выносной регенерации ионитов водоподготовительных установок, включающая рабочий фильтр смешанного действия с впускным и выпускным патрубками ...

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000111772U1

1. Фильтр-контейнер, включающий цилиндрический корпус с крышкой и днищем, патрубки подвода и отвода воды, патрубки гидрозагрузки и гидровыгрузки мелкозернистого материала и фильтрующий элемент, отличающийся тем, что фильтрующий элемент выполнен в виде вертикальной оправки с боковой спиральной фильтрующей поверхностью, проницаемой для воды и непроницаемой для загружаемого мелкозернистого материала, и зафиксирован с возможностью съема в центре днища соосно патрубку отвода воды. 2. Фильтр-контейнер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что фильтрующий элемент зафиксирован с возможностью съема в центре днища соосно патрубку отвода воды резьбовым соединением. 3. Фильтр-контейнер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что фильтрующий элемент зафиксирован с возможностью съема в центре днища соосно патрубку отвода воды фланцевым соединением. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 111 772 U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/02 (2006.01) B01J 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011125915/05, 24.06.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Машиностроительный завод "ЗиОПодольск" (ОАО "ЗиО-Подольск") (RU) 24.06.2011 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.06.2011 1 1 1 7 7 2 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтр-контейнер, включающий цилиндрический корпус с крышкой и днищем, патрубки подвода и отвода воды, патрубки гидрозагрузки и гидровыгрузки мелкозернистого материала и фильтрующий элемент, отличающийся тем, что фильтрующий элемент выполнен в виде вертикальной оправки с боковой спиральной фильтрующей поверхностью, проницаемой для воды и непроницаемой для загружаемого мелкозернистого материала, и зафиксирован с возможностью съема в центре днища соосно патрубку отвода воды. 2. Фильтр-контейнер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что фильтрующий элемент зафиксирован с возможностью съема в центре днища соосно патрубку отвода воды резьбовым соединением. 3. Фильтр-контейнер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что фильтрующий ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000161894U1

1. Гидродинамический фильтр, характеризующийся тем, что содержит корпус фильтра, входные патрубки, фильтроэлемент, зазор конусообразного сечения, выполненный между стенками корпуса фильтра и фильтроэлементом, высоковольтный разрядник, установленный внутри фильтроэлемента, подключенный к блоку формирования высоковольтных импульсов, бункер-гидроциклон, выход которого через эжектор соединен с входом гидродинамического фильтра. 2. Гидродинамический фильтр по п. 1, характеризующийся тем, что блок формирования высоковольтных импульсов включает блок заряда конденсаторов и блок конденсаторов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 161 894 U1 (51) МПК B01D 24/46 (2006.01) B01D 35/16 (2006.01) B01D 41/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015142794/05, 08.10.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.10.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2016 Бюл. № 13 1 6 1 8 9 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Гидродинамический фильтр, характеризующийся тем, что содержит корпус фильтра, входные патрубки, фильтроэлемент, зазор конусообразного сечения, выполненный между стенками корпуса фильтра и фильтроэлементом, высоковольтный разрядник, установленный внутри фильтроэлемента, подключенный к блоку формирования высоковольтных импульсов, бункер-гидроциклон, выход которого через эжектор соединен с входом гидродинамического фильтра. 2. Гидродинамический фильтр по п. 1, характеризующийся тем, что блок формирования высоковольтных импульсов включает блок заряда конденсаторов и блок конденсаторов. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ГИДРОДИНАМИЧЕСКИЙ ФИЛЬТР 1 6 1 8 9 4 Адрес для переписки: 109456, Москва, Рязанский пр-кт, 75, корп. 4, 1-я башня, 7 этаж, КГ "Вайзэдвайс", ООО "ФПБ "ГАРДИУМ", пат. пов. Купцовой Е.В., рег. N 1264 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федотов Олег Васильевич (RU), Финкильштейн Александр Максович (RU), Финкельштейн Леонид Зельманович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.10.2015 (72) Автор(ы): ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000171031U1

Полезная модель относится к газовой промышленности и предназначена для применения промывки фильтров газоперекачивающих агрегатов. Устройство для промывки фильтров содержит емкость для промывочной жидкости, снабженную дренажным шаровым краном, коллектор и трубопровод подачи сжатого воздуха. Емкость для промывочной жидкости снабжена планкой для установки фильтрующего блока, на котором с помощью крепежной планки установлен соединительный элемент с штуцером для подсоединения через шланг к коллектору и трубопроводу подачи сжатого воздуха. Трубопровод снабжен шаровыми кранами и фильтром для очистки подающего воздуха. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 031 U1 (51) МПК B01D 41/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016141819, 25.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.10.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Волобуев Евгений Михайлович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Газпром трансгаз Югорск" (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1017370 A, 15.05.1983. SU Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.10.2016 R U 1 7 1 0 3 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРОМЫВКИ ФИЛЬТРОВ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к газовой промывочной жидкости снабжена планкой для промышленности и предназначена для установки фильтрующего блока, на котором с применения промывки фильтров помощью крепежной планки установлен газоперекачивающих агрегатов. Устройство для соединительный элемент с штуцером для промывки фильтров содержит емкость для подсоединения через шланг к коллектору и промывочной жидкости, снабженную дренажным трубопроводу подачи сжатого воздуха. шаровым краном, коллектор и трубопровод Трубопровод снабжен шаровыми кранами и подачи сжатого воздуха. Емкость для фильтром для очистки подающего воздуха. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 625000, г. Тюмень, ул. Республики, 55, оф. 216, Тюменский ОС ВОИР 1 7 1 0 3 1 ...

30-09-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для зарядки регенеративных патронов

Номер: RU0000192740U1

Полезная модель служит для набивки патронов регенеративного респиратора поглотителем, в том числе поглотителем химическим известковым (ХП-И), и может применяться в аварийно - спасательных подразделениях военной, морской, горной, химической, нефтяной, металлургической и других отраслях с вредными производствами, в которых применяются респираторы изолирующие. Технический результат - обеспечение практического обеспылевания рабочего пространства вокруг устройства при одновременном повышении качества поглотителя и, тем самым, качества газо-воздушной смеси, вдыхаемой человеком. Для этого устройство для зарядки регенеративных патронов содержит герметично закрывающийся бункер для сыпучего материала, расположенные под ним сепаратор материала и зарядную емкость для связи ее с патроном, виброплиту для регенеративных патронов и систему пылеотсоса со сборником пыли. Система пылеотсоса выполнена с возможностью отсоса пыли от сепаратора и из патрона в сборник пыли, который снабжен фильтром, механизм обеспечения вибрации виброплиты связан с сепаратором и выполнен с возможностью регулировки амплитуды вибрации. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 740 U1 (51) МПК B01D 35/20 (2006.01) B01D 41/02 (2006.01) B01D 46/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 35/20 (2019.05); B01D 41/02 (2019.05); B01D 46/30 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019112423, 24.04.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ТЕХНИКА СПАСЕНИЯ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 30.09.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1659297 А1, 30.06.1991. JPS 60110907 A, 17.06.1985. KR 20180069178 A, 25.06.2018. UA 34238 U, 11.08.2008. (45) Опубликовано: 30.09.2019 Бюл. № 28 1 9 2 7 4 0 R U (54) Устройство для зарядки регенеративных патронов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель служит для набивки вдыхаемой человеком. Для этого устройство для патронов ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Suction cup for a mobile cleaning device and a mobile suction system with such a suction cup

Номер: US20120024316A1
Автор: Christian Reining
Принадлежит: Individual

A suction cup for a mobile cleaning device for cleaning a hose filter. The suction cup has a base body with an outer circumference secured with respect to the hose filter. And, the suction cup has a through-opening with an inner circumference and a longitudinal axis. The suction cup also has a first felt seal secured with respect to the base body outer circumference, and a second felt seal secured with respect to the through-opening inner circumference.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing potable water and/or purifying water including the elimination of a target compound and filtration within a filter drum

Номер: US20120285888A1

The invention relates to a method for treating water laden with pollutants for the purpose of making the water drinkable, said method including: an elimination step consisting of contacting said water laden with pollutants, within a stirred contact tank ( 2 ), with an active particulate material ( 19 ) using a predetermined concentration of the active particulate material ( 19 ) in said water; an extraction step consisting of continuously extracting from said contact tank ( 2 ) a mixture consisting of water and of active particulate material ( 19 ); a separation step consisting of continuously separating said active particulate material ( 19 ) from said mixture. According to the invention, the separation step consists in particular of feeding the mixture of water and active particulate material into a filter drum ( 4 ).

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091831A1

An exhaust gas purification device is arranged in an exhaust gas route of a common rail type engine. At least one of an intake air throttle device and an exhaust gas throttle device are arranged in intake and exhaust systems of the engine. In the case that a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device becomes equal to or more than a prescribed level, an auxiliary renewing mode which raises the temperature of an exhaust gas from the engine by actuating at least one of the intake air throttle device and the exhaust gas throttle device is executed, and in the case that the clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device is not improved even by executing the auxiliary renewing mode, a forced renewing mode which supplies a fuel into the exhaust gas purification device by a post injection is executed. 1. An exhaust gas purification system comprising:an exhaust gas purification device which is arranged in an exhaust gas route of a common rail type engine; andat least one of an intake air throttle device and an exhaust gas throttle device which are arranged in intake and exhaust systems of the engine, whereinin the case that a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device becomes equal to or more than a prescribed level, an auxiliary renewing mode which raises a temperature of an exhaust gas from the engine by actuating at least one of the intake air throttle device and the exhaust gas throttle device is executed, and in the case that the clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device is not improved even by executing the auxiliary renewing mode, a forced renewing mode which supplies a fuel into the exhaust gas purification device by a post injection is executed.2. The exhaust gas purification system according to claim 1 , wherein in the case that an accumulated drive time of the engine is equal to or more than a set time which is previously set claim 1 , the mode is changed to the forced renewing mode regardless of the clogged state of the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111885A1

A method pertaining to an HC dosing system for cleaning exhaust gases from an engine (). A dosing unit supplies fuel to an exhaust duct (): Determining (s) whether there is an undesired temperature level of the dosing unit. If that is found, removing (s) warmed fuel from the dosing unit () by supplying it to the vehicle's exhaust duct (), entailing calculating (s) and removing an amount of fuel based on a prevailing temperature of the dosing unit (), or removing (s) a predetermined amount in the form of substantially all of the warmed fuel of the dosing unit and transmitting it to the exhaust duct. Also computer programme product containing programme code (P) for a computer () for implementing the method. Also to a device and a motor vehicle () which is equipped with the device are disclosed. 1. A method pertaining to an HC dosing system of an engine having an exhaust duct and the engine generates exhaust gases to the exhaust duct when the engine is operating , the system being configured and operable for cleaning of exhaust gases from an engine;the system comprises a dosing unit to supply a fuel to said exhaust duct;the method comprising:determining whether there is an undesired temperature level of said dosing unit;if said undesired temperature level is found, removing warmed fuel from said dosing unit by supplying said removed fuel to said exhaust duct; andcalculating and removing an amount of said fuel based on a prevailing temperature of said dosing unit or removing a predetermined amount comprised of substantially all of said warmed fuel of said dosing unit and transferring said removed fuel from said dosing unit to said exhaust duct.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine ceases generating exhaust flow; andsaid determination of whether there is said undesired temperature level is done after said cessation of an exhaust flow.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising continuously cooling said dosing unit by flow of said fuel to said ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152550A1

A method for regeneration of a particle filter () pertaining to a combustion process, which filter treats exhaust gases arising from combustion in a combustion engine (): During regeneration, controlling the engine () according to a first mode and a second mode, in the first mode, the engine () is controlled such that a high exhaust temperature is generated, determining a temperature of the particle filter (), and controlling the engine () according to the first mode when the temperature determined is below a first value until the temperature reaches a higher second value, and then controlling the engine in the second mode. The invention relates also to a system and a vehicle (). 1202101. A method for regeneration of a particle filter () pertaining to a combustion process , which filter is arranged to treat exhaust gases arising from combustion in a combustion engine () , which method comprises:{'b': 101', '101, 'during said regeneration, controlling said engine () according to a first mode and a second mode, in which first mode the engine () is controlled in such a way that a high exhaust temperature is generated, which method further comprises{'b': '202', 'determining a temperature for said particle filter (), and'}{'b': '101', 'controlling said engine () according to said first mode when said temperature determined is below a first value.'}2101. A method according to claim 1 , whereby in said second mode the engine () is controlled in such a way that a substantially larger amount of nitrogen oxides is delivered than in said first mode.3101101. A method according to or claim 1 , whereby said engine () is controlled according to said first mode until said temperature determined reaches a second value which is higher than said first value claim 1 , whereupon control of said engine () changes to said second mode.4. A method according to claim 3 , whereby said second value is a suitable temperature exceeding 250° C.5. A method according to any one of the foregoing ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199566A1
Автор: Kipp Jens Werner

The invention relates to a method for cleaning filters () which are designed as solid bodies having pores and/or having channels which are open towards the surface, by blasting using a blasting medium, characterised in that the blasting medium is gaseous and contains solid or liquid blasting agents, if appropriate in the form of substances having a boiling point of no more than 140° C., the blasting medium is accelerated in a jet nozzle ( ) so that it strikes the filter () at least at almost the speed of sound, and during blasting the filter () is disposed in front of an intake opening () which draws in the blasting medium as well as ambient air. 115-. (canceled)16. Method for cleaning filters , the filters designed as solid bodies having pores and/or channels , which are open towards the surface , the cleaning performed by blasting using a blasting medium , characterized in thatthe blasting medium is gaseous and contains a solid or liquid blasting agent, if appropriate, in the form of substances having a boiling point of no more than 140° C.,the blasting medium is accelerated in a jet nozzle so that it strikes the filter at least nearly the speed of sound, andduring blasting, the filter is arranged in front of a suction opening, which draws in the blasting medium as well as ambient air.17. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the filter is mounted in a casing claim 16 , which at least contains a jet nozzle and a manipulator system and in which wall a suction opening is arranged.18. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the filter is directly attached to the suction opening.19. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the blasting agent is dry snow.20. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the volume flow through the suction opening per minute corresponds at least to the three-fold volume of the filter.21. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the blasting agent is exhausted with an negative pressure of at least 1 kPa from the pores of the filter.22. Method ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227933A1

An engine command override may occur when a diesel particulate filter (DPF) requires regeneration. The need for regeneration may be indicated by regeneration level. The engine may be operated in a normal mode when the DPF regeneration level is below a regeneration level threshold, wherein the engine command is based on the throttle input. Additionally, the engine may be operated in an override mode when the DPF regeneration level is above a regeneration level threshold and the engine is operating in the idle state, wherein the engine command is based on a predetermined throttle regeneration setting. 1. A method of automatically controlling an engine to override a throttle input setting and operate at a predetermined throttle regeneration setting sufficient to initiate a regeneration event for a diesel particulate filter associated with a machine and operably coupled to the engine , the engine including a controller configured to generate an engine command setting , the method comprising:determining a DPF regeneration level indicative of a need to regenerate the diesel particulate filter;determining whether the engine is in an idle state;operating the engine in a normal mode when the DPF regeneration level is below a regeneration level threshold, wherein the engine command setting in the normal mode is based on a throttle input setting; andoperating the engine in an override mode when the DPF regeneration level is above a regeneration level threshold and the engine is operating in the idle state, wherein the engine command setting in the override mode is based on the predetermined throttle regeneration setting.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the DPF regeneration level is based on at least one DPF operating parameter associated with the diesel particulate filter claim 1 , wherein the at least one DPF operating parameter is selected from the group of DPF operating parameters including DPF soot level claim 1 , machine operating time claim 1 , and machine operating ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298530A1

A power system comprising an engine that produces exhaust, a fuel system that injects a fuel into the engine, an aftertreatment system that treats the exhaust, and is controller. The aftertreatment system includes an oxidation catalyst that converts NO from the engine into NO2, a particulate filter that traps soot from the engine, and a sensor that provides an indication of the amount of soot in the particulate filter. The controller increases an engine fuel injection pressure when the amount of soot in the particulate filter is above a threshold. 120-. (canceled)21. A power system comprising:an engine configured to produce exhaust;a particulate filter configured to trap soot from the engine; anda controller configured to switch the power system from a first operation mode to a second operation mode configured to regenerate the particulate filter,wherein a transition between the first operation mode and the second operation mode occurs at a slower rate when an amount of soot in the particulate filter changes relative to a threshold than when a load on the engine changes.22. The power system of claim 21 , wherein the second operation mode includes actuating a regeneration valve claim 21 , and the regeneration valve actuates at a slower rate when the amount of soot in the particulate filter changes relative to the threshold than when the load on the engine increases.23. The power system of claim 21 , wherein a transition from the second operation mode back to the first operation mode occurs at the slower rate when the amount of soot in the particulate filter falls below the threshold than when the load on the engine increases.24. The power system of claim 23 , wherein the second operation mode includes a closing of a regeneration valve claim 23 , and the regeneration valve opens at the slower rate when the amount of soot in the particulate filter falls below the threshold than when the load on the engine increases.25. The power system of claim 24 , wherein the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298537A1
Автор: Aoki Keiichiro

This invention has an object to appropriately correct characteristic variation of a PM sensor and to improve detection accuracy of the sensor. 1. A controller for an internal combustion engine comprising:a PM sensor having a detection portion for capturing particulate matters in an exhaust gas and outputting a detection signal according to the captured amount and a heater for heating the detection portion;PM combusting unit for combusting and removing the particulate matters by electrical conduction to the heater if a predetermined amount of the particulate matters are captured by the detection portion of the PM sensor; andsensitivity correcting unit to correct an output sensitivity of the PM sensor by using a relationship between a supply power amount to the heater required for changing the sensor output by a certain amount and the output sensitivity of the PM sensor, the sensitivity correcting unit for measuring a parameter corresponding to power supplied to the heater while the detection signal changes from a first signal value to a second signal value different from the signal value in a state where electricity to the heater is turned on by the PM combusting unit and for correcting output sensitivity of the detection signal with respect to the captured amount of the particulate matters on the basis of the parameter.2. The controller for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , whereinthe PM combusting unit is configured to supply constant power over time to the heater when the sensitivity correcting means is operated; andthe sensitivity correcting unit is configured to measure, as the parameter, elapsed time during which the detection signal changes from the first signal value to the second signal value.3. The controller for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , whereinthe sensitivity correcting unit is configured to measure, as the parameter, a supply power integrated amount which is a total sum of power supplied to the heater while ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312616A1

An exhaust purification system for a working machine reliably issues filter regeneration warnings to the operator, prompting manual regeneration, so that damage to the DPF device can be avoided. When a PM estimate becomes higher than a given value, a screen displays a warning message prompting manual regeneration. If the warning message fails to prompt the operator to perform manual regeneration and reference time t has passed since the display of the warning message, a speaker outputs a first warning sound. When the operator notices the first warning sound and turns on a regeneration switch, regeneration control is started. If the operator fails to notice the first warning sound and reference time t passes, the speaker instead outputs a second warning sound louder than the first warning sound. When the operator notices the second warning sound and turns on the regeneration switch, regeneration control is started. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. An exhaust purification system for working machine , the system comprising:{'b': 32', '1, 'a filler (), located in an exhaust system of an engine (), for capturing particulate matter contained in exhaust;'}{'b': 33', '39, 'a regeneration device (, ) for burning off particulate matter accumulated on the filter to regenerate the filler;'}{'b': '42', 'a regeneration controller () for starting or stopping the operation of the regeneration device;'}{'b': '38', 'a regeneration switch () for instructing the regeneration controller to start regeneration; and'}{'b': 6', '42', '43, 'i': a', 'a, 'warning means (, , ) for prompting an operator to turn on the regeneration switch,'}{'b': 3', '8', '41', '47, 'i': 'a', 'wherein the system further comprises status judging means (, , , ) for judging the status of the working machine,'}{'b': 6', '41, 'i': c', 'b, 'wherein the warning means includes a warning sound output function () for outputting warning sounds and a warning sound altering function () for altering the warning sounds after the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333355A1

An exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure relates to a system for active regeneration of a DPF of a diesel engine, and more particularly, to a system and a method for active regeneration of a DPF including an electro-hydraulic pump, in which a non-work load is arbitrarily provided to the diesel engine to quickly perform active regeneration of the DPF even in a state in which substantial work of the construction machine having an electro-hydraulic pump is stopped, and to this end, provides a system and a method for active regeneration of a DPF of a construction machine in that, when performing the active regeneration of the DPF, a center bypass cut valve is driven to convert a hydraulic system of the construction machine to an open state, a predetermined flow rate of working fluid is discharged from the electro-hydraulic pump using an adjustor such as an electromagnetic proportional control valve (EPPR), and the working fluid is collected in to a tank through an opened center bypass line, thus allowing the working fluid to flow without driving a working machine to produce a so-called non-work load, and the engine is overheated by the load, and the temperature of the exhaust gas is raised to a predetermined temperature so as to satisfy a temperature condition required for the active regeneration of the DPF. 1. A system for active regeneration of a DPF of a construction machine having an electro-hydraulic pump , the system comprising:a diesel engine;electro-hydraulic pumps driven by the diesel engine and of which a discharge flow rate is adjusted by a current control of a controller;a plurality of working machines driven by working fluid discharged from the electro-hydraulic pumps;a center bypass line having one end connected to the electro-hydraulic pumps, and the other end connected to a tank, so that the working fluid discharged from the electro-hydraulic pumps returns back to the tank when the plurality of working machine is not driven;center bypass cut ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013728A1
Автор: Meier Philip, Shao Sten
Принадлежит: MACK TRUCKS ,INC.

A fluid cooled injector includes an injector body comprising an injector tip and a cooling channel, the injector tip comprising an injector orifice, and a heat conducting shield, the heat conducting shield comprising a heat conducting shield orifice arranged coaxially with the injector orifice, the heat conducting shield being in direct contact with at least one of the injector body and the injector tip. An exhaust after treatment system and a vehicle including such an injector, and a method involving the use of such an injector, are also disclosed. 1. A fluid cooled injector , comprising:an injector body comprising an injector tip and a cooling channel, the injector tip comprising an injector orifice; anda heat conducting shield, the heat conducting shield comprising a heat conducting shield orifice arranged coaxially with the injector orifice, the heat conducting shield being in direct heat conducting contact with at least one of the injector body and the injector tip.2. The fluid cooled injector as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the injector body comprises a main body portion and the injector tip comprises a cylindrical portion that extends from the main body portion.3. The fluid cooled injector as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the heat conducting shield is in direct contact with at least part of the cylindrical portion.4. The fluid cooled injector as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the heat conducting shield is in direct contact with a top surface of the cylindrical portion surrounding the injector orifice.5. The fluid cooled injector as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the heat conducting shield is spaced from at least part of the cylindrical portion.6. The fluid cooled injector as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the heat conducting claim 2 , shield is in direct contact with the main body portion and the cylindrical portion.7. The fluid cooled injector as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the heat conducting shield is made of a material that is at least as conductive ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033923A1
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS, LTD.

Related is a method for regeneration of a particulate filter wherein manual regeneration of the particulate filter started with a vehicle being stopped causes an exhaust brake to throttle an exhaust passage. This increases an engine load and a fuel injection amount to elevate in temperature an exhaust gas then, fuel addition is started by post injection with a fuel injection device and the particulate filter is regenerated by heat of an oxidation reaction of the added fuel on an oxidation catalyst After the starting of the manual regeneration, whether a fuel injection amount exceeds a reference value or not is judged. Only if the judgment is affirmative, throttling of the exhaust passage by the exhaust brake is released provided exhaust temperature exceeds a reference temperature on an entry side of the particulate filter 1. A method for manually regenerating a particulate filter , said particulate filter being incorporated in an exhaust pipe and having an oxidation catalyst preceding the same , fuel addition means being arranged upstream of said oxidation catalyst for addition of fuel to exhaust gas , exhaust throttling means being arranged for throttling of an exhaust passage from an engine , manual regeneration of said particulate filter being started with a vehicle being stopped to throttle the exhaust passage by said exhaust throttling means and thus increase an engine load , fuel addition by said fuel addition means being started after an fuel injection amount is increased to increase temperature of the exhaust gas , captured particulates being burned off by heat from an oxidation reaction of the added fuel on said oxidation catalyst , thereby regenerating said particulate filter , which comprises determining whether the fuel injection amount exceeds a reference value after the starting of the manual regeneration of the particulate filter , and releasing the throttling of the exhaust passage by said exhaust throttling means provided exhaust temperature on an ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060010A1
Принадлежит: FEV GmbH

Method for the regeneration of a carbon particulate filter in a combustion engine arrangement with a combustion engine and an exhaust-gas aftertreatment device wherein the combustion engine arrangement is switched to a heating operation for increasing the exhaust-gas temperature, which is suitable, to heat the exhaust-gas to a carbon particulate ignition temperature. By means of the operation conditions of the combustion engine arrangement the necessary energy input per carbon particulate mass (specific energy input) is determined and monitored for the regeneration. When falling below a threshold value for the specific energy input, the heating operation for the regeneration of the carbon particulate filter is started. 1. A method for a regeneration of a carbon particulate filter in a combustion engine arrangement provided with a combustion engine and an exhaust-gas aftertreatment device , the method comprising the following steps:switching the combustion engine arrangement to a heating operation for increasing the exhaust-gas temperature, which is suitable to heat the exhaust-gas to a carbon particulate ignition temperature,determining and monitoring, according to the operation condition of the combustion engine arrangement, the energy input per carbon particulate mass, which is necessary for the regeneration as a specific energy input, andstarting the heating operation for the regeneration of the carbon particulate filter, when the specific energy input falls below a threshold value for the specific energy input.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe heating operation for the regeneration of the carbon particulate filter is only started then, when a saturation condition of the carbon particulate filter exceeds a defined threshold value.3. The method according to claim 2 , whereinthe threshold value of the saturation condition of the carbon particulate filter is at least 30% of a complete saturation of the carbon particulate filter.4. The method according ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method of filtering a liquid with a filter assembly having a primary and a secondary filter

Номер: US20140069874A1
Принадлежит: 37 DEGREE FILTERS INC

An oil filter assembly is disclosed for a machine, such as an internal combustion engine, that has an oil output port and an oil input port. A mounting plate may be fixed with an outer enclosure and may be adapted for securing to the machine. The mounting plate may be further adapted to conduct oil from the machine into a peripheral portion of the outer enclosure, and then returning oil from a central portion of the outer enclosure back to the machine. Oil may pass from the peripheral portion to the central portion through a primary filter having a first porosity. A pressure-actuated valve may be fixed fluidly between the peripheral portion and central portion of the outer enclosure. Oil may pass through the pressure-actuated valve only when an oil pressure differential between the peripheral portion and the central portion of the outer enclosure exceeds a predetermined threshold pressure. A secondary filter may have a second porosity greater than the first porosity, and may be fixed fluidly between the pressure-actuated valve and the central portion of the outer enclosure.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000257A1
Автор: YU Jin Hwan

An active regeneration control device for a diesel particulate filter (DPF) according to the present disclosure includes: an active regeneration determining unit judging an active regeneration time of the (DPF); an active regeneration signal generating unit generating an active regeneration signal according to the decision of the active regeneration determining unit; and an active regeneration inducing unit. The active regeneration inducing unit induces the active regeneration when the active regeneration is not performed after the active regeneration signal is generated. 1. An active regeneration control device for a diesel particulate filter (DPF) , comprising:an active regeneration determining unit including one selected from a group that consists of a DPF regeneration process based active regeneration determining unit, a soot amount based active regeneration determining unit, an in-DPF soot distribution based active regeneration determining unit, an ash learning based on active regeneration determining unit, and a DPF regeneration frequency based active regeneration determining unit to judge an active regeneration time of the DPF;an active regeneration signal generating unit generating an active regeneration signal according to the decision of the active regeneration determining unit; andan active regeneration inducing unit inducing the active regeneration when the active regeneration is not performed after the active regeneration signal is generated.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the DPF regeneration process based active regeneration determining unit extracts the number of DPF regeneration which is abnormally progressed based on the regeneration data based on previous regeneration data claim 1 , and decides active regeneration when the number of DPF regeneration times which is abnormally progressed is equal to or more than a predetermined value.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the soot amount based active regeneration determining unit ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Filter Cleaning System and Method

Номер: US20150001165A1
Автор: Guillermo Duenas
Принадлежит: Individual

A filter cleaning system and method utilizes stationary conduit frames to discharge a cleaning fluid onto a filter without requiring removal of the filter. An intake valve positions on a housing upper end for receiving the fluid from an external source. A primary conduit extends along a longitudinal axis of the housing to carry the fluid from the housing upper end to a housing lower end, and in proximity to the filter. A plurality of conduit frames join the primary conduit at predetermined intervals along the longitudinal axis of the housing. The fluid flows through the conduit frames. Each conduit frame includes a plurality of apertures oriented to face the filter and discharge fluid onto the filter. Throughout the process, the conduit frames remain stationary. Support rods provide longitudinal stability, while wedges provide lateral stability to the conduit frames. A release valve discharges fluid and debris after cleaning.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001303A1

Methods and related apparatuses for sorbent recharging are provided. The methods and related apparatuses for recharging can recharge a specific rechargeable layer or module of a sorbent material such as zirconium phosphate in a sorbent cartridge. The methods and apparatuses include a fluid source containing at least one recharging fluid, wherein the fluid source is fluidly connectable to at least one rechargeable sorbent module for use in sorbent dialysis in a fluid flow path. The methods and apparatuses include passing a single solution through the zirconium phosphate for ion exchanges, resulting in zirconium phosphate to maintain a substantially consistent pH in a dialysate used during dialysis. 136-. (canceled)37. A solution for recharging zirconium phosphate , comprising a combination of at least one sodium salt and at least one acid , the solution having a predetermined pH value that results in a substantially consistent pH in a dialysate passing through the zirconium phosphate after the solution is used for recharging zirconium phosphate.38. The solution of claim 37 , wherein the solution is selected from the group consisting of sodium acetate/acetic acid solution claim 37 , glycolic/glycolate solution claim 37 , citric/citrate solution claim 37 , propionate/propionic solution claim 37 , phosphate-monobasic solution claim 37 , or any combination thereof.39. The solution of claim 37 , wherein the solution consists essentially of sodium chloride claim 37 , sodium acetate and acetic acid.40. The solution of claim 39 , wherein concentrations of the sodium chloride claim 39 , the sodium acetate claim 39 , and the acetic acid are about 3.60M claim 39 , 0.40M claim 39 , and 0.40M claim 39 , respectively claim 39 , or about 3.88M claim 39 , 0.12M claim 39 , and 0.40M claim 39 , respectively. The present application is a Divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/722,119 filed May 26, 2015, which is a continuation-in-part (CIP) application of U.S. patent ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001882A1

Disclosed are processes to treat water having halide ions and organohalides. The process comprises contacting a plant biomass with an alkaline solution to give an alkaline plant biomass, and contacting the alkaline plant biomass with water to give a biomass material. An aqueous sample with organohalides or halide ions is contacted with the biomass material to provide a low halide filtrate and a spent biomass. 1. A method for removing a halide , a herbicide , or a combination thereof in an aqueous sample , the method comprising:contacting a plant biomass with an alkali solution to give an alkaline plant biomass;trans-esterifying the alkaline plant biomass to obtain a treated plant biomass; andcontacting the treated plant biomass with the aqueous sample to remove the halide, the herbicide, or a combination thereof from the aqueous sample.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising washing the treated plant biomass before contacting the aqueous sample.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein washing the treated plant biomass comprises washing the treated plant biomass with an organic solvent claim 2 , water claim 2 , or combination thereof.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising drying the treated plant biomass before contacting the aqueous sample.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein contacting the plant biomass with the alkali solution comprises contacting the plant biomass selected from water hyacinth claim 1 , elephant grass claim 1 , jute claim 1 , water lily claim 1 , duck weed claim 1 , azolla claim 1 , wood claim 1 , coir claim 1 , banana claim 1 , ramie claim 1 , pineapple claim 1 , sisal claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , hemicellulose claim 1 , lignin claim 1 , and a combination thereof with the alkali solution.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein contacting the plant biomass with the alkali solution comprises contacting the plant biomass having an average particle size of about 1 micron to about 5000 microns with the alkali solution.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration In Transport Refrigeration System

Номер: US20150007552A1

A method and system are provided for performing a regeneration cycle for regenerating a diesel particulate filter () for removing particulate matter from a flow of engine exhaust gas from a diesel engine associated with a refrigeration system () having a refrigeration unit () powered by the diesel engine () having a first higher RPM speed and a second lower RPM speed. 1. A method for performing a regeneration cycle for regenerating a diesel particulate filter used for removing particulate matter from a flow of engine exhaust gas from a diesel engine associated with a refrigeration system having a refrigeration unit powered by the diesel engine having a first higher RPM speed and a second lower RPM speed , comprising:determining whether the diesel engine is operating at the first higher RPM speed;if the diesel engine is not operating at the high RPM speed, increasing a refrigeration load on the refrigeration unit until the diesel engine is operating at the first higher RPM speed;maintaining the increased refrigeration load on the refrigeration unit until the regeneration cycle is terminated; andif the diesel engine was not operating at the higher RPM initially, following termination of the regeneration cycle, decreasing the refrigeration load on the refrigeration unit.2. The method as set forth in wherein the regeneration cycle is terminated after the lapse of a predetermined time of operation of the diesel engine at the first higher PRM speed.3. The method as set forth in wherein the regeneration cycle is terminated based on a parameter associated with the engine exhaust gases.4. The method as set forth in wherein the parameter comprises an engine exhaust gas pressure.5. The method as set forth in further comprising:initiating the regeneration cycle when an engine exhaust gas pressure (EEGP) sensed upstream of the diesel particulate filter exceeds an upper set point engine exhaust gas pressure (EEGP1); andterminating the regeneration cycle when the engine exhaust ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

HVAC Home Air Filter

Номер: US20200016523A1
Принадлежит: K&N Engineering,Inc.

An apparatus and a method are provided for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) home air filter to remove airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces. The HVAC home air filter includes a supportive frame having a shape and size suitable to orient the HVAC home air filter within a residential HVAC system. A filter medium is retained within the supportive frame to remove the airborne molecular contaminants and VOCs from air flowing through the residential HVAC system. The filter medium includes a combination of media layers configured to exhibit a relatively high filtration efficiency and a low air pressure drop across the filter medium. The supportive frame includes a plurality of elongate sections and corner sections disposed along perimeter edges of the filter medium to support the filter medium within the residential HVAC system so as direct air through the filter medium. 119.-. (canceled)20. An air filter for removing airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces , the air filter comprising:a filter medium configured to remove contaminants from an air stream flowing through a residential HVAC system; anda supportive frame configured to direct the air stream through the filter medium.21. The air filter of claim 20 , wherein the filter medium comprises one or more media layers disposed between a first screen and a second screen.22. The air filter of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the first screen and the second screen comprises a rigid material.23. The air filter of claim 22 , wherein the at least one of the first screen and the second screen is configured to resist bowing of the filter medium due to the air stream.24. The air filter of claim 20 , wherein the filter medium includes a fiber density that increases in a direction of air flow through the filter medium.25. The air filter of claim 20 , wherein the filter medium ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102078A1
Автор: PARK Jun Sung

An exhaust gas purification system and a regeneration control method thereof is configured to determine whether a regeneration condition of particulate filter is satisfied through vehicle information to regenerate the particulate filter until particulate matter has reached a predetermined reference amount by increasing temperature of exhaust gas when a regeneration condition is satisfied, to maintain temperature of lean NOx trap in a range of a predetermined reference temperature when regeneration of the particulate filter has reached the predetermined reference amount, to provide desulfurization performed to the lean NOx trap during rich burn, and regeneration where the particulate matter during lean burn is removed according to engine being controlled to drive such that lean burn and rich burn are repeatedly and alternately performed, and to control engine to drive by a normal burn when the desulfurization of the lean NOx trap and the regeneration of the particulate filter are completed. 1. An exhaust gas purification system for a vehicle comprising:an engine providing a lean burn;a lean NOx trap absorbing or adsorbing nitrogen oxide (NOx) included in exhaust gas exhausted from the engine, and purifying the absorbed or adsorbed nitrogen oxide by reduction;a particulate filter disposed downstream of the lean NOx trap and trapping particulate matter included in the exhaust gas exhausted from the engine; anda control unit controlling combustion of the engine, desulfurization of the lean NOx trap, and regeneration of the particulate filter,{'sub': 'soot1', 'wherein the control unit regenerates the particulate filter by a reference amount (m), and then drives the engine such that lean burn and rich burn are repeatedly and alternately performed so as to perform unifying control to desulfurize sulfur components absorbed or adsorbed at the lean NOx trap and to regenerate the particulate filter.'}2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising differential pressure detecting ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

HVAC Home Air Filter

Номер: US20170021298A1
Принадлежит: K&N Engineering, Inc.

An apparatus and a method are provided for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) home air filter to remove airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces. The HVAC home air filter comprises a supportive frame having a shape and size suitable to orient the HVAC home air filter within a residential HVAC system. A filter medium is retained within the supportive frame to remove the airborne molecular contaminants and VOCs from air flowing through the residential HVAC system. The filter medium comprises a combination of media layers configured to exhibit a relatively high filtration efficiency and a low air pressure drop across the filter medium. The supportive frame comprises a plurality of elongate sections and corner sections disposed along perimeter edges of the filter medium to support the filter medium within the residential HVAC system so as direct air through the filter medium. 1. A heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) home air filter to remove airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces , comprising:a filter medium comprising a combination of one or more media layers disposed between a first screen and a second screen, the filter medium being configured to remove the airborne molecular contaminants and VOCs from air flowing through a residential HVAC system of a residence; anda supportive frame comprising a plurality of elongate sections and corner sections disposed along perimeter edges of the filter medium and configured to orient the filter medium within the residential HVAC system.2. The HVAC home air filter of claim 1 , wherein each of the elongate sections and corner sections comprises a U-shaped cross-sectional shape including an open side that provides a recess suitable to receive a perimeter edge of the filter medium.3. The HVAC home air filter of claim 2 , wherein the elongate sections and corner sections ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Method of Using Cyclodextrin-Based Metal Organic Frameworks

Номер: US20170028383A1

This disclosure relates to a method that includes (1) contacting a solvent with a porous cyclodextrin-based metal organic framework (CD-MOF) adsorbed with COto release CO, and (2) collecting the released CO. The CD-MOF includes at least a metal cation and a plurality of cyclodextrin components. 1. A method , comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'contacting a solvent with a porous cyclodextrin-based metal organic framework (CD-MOF) adsorbed with COto release CO, the CD-MOF comprising at least a metal cation and a plurality of cyclodextrin components; and'}{'sub': '2', 'collecting the released CO.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CD-MOF adsorbed with COcomprises at least about 4% by weight of CO.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CD-MOF adsorbed with COcomprises at most about 10% by weight of CO.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is Calcohol claim 1 , Calkane claim 1 , methylene chloride claim 1 , water claim 1 , acetone claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , acetonitrile claim 1 , benzene claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , dimethylformamide claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is saturated with CO.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is in the form of a liquid or a vapor.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cyclodextrin is γ-cyclodextrin.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal cation is a Group I metal cation claim 1 , a Group II metal cation claim 1 , or a transition metal cation.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the metal cation is Na claim 8 , K claim 8 , Rb claim 8 , or CS.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , prior to the contacting step claim 1 , the method further comprises disposing a CD-MOF in a gas comprising at least about 0.04% by volume of COto form the CD-MOF adsorbed with CO.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the gas comprises at most about 25% by volume of CO.12. The method of claim 10 , further comprising transferring the CD-MOF adsorbed with COinto a regeneration vessel prior to the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028000A1

An organic silica thin film including: organic silica having a light absorbable organic group in a skeleton, wherein the organic group has a local maximum absorption wavelength in a wavelength range of 200 to 1200 nm, a content ratio of silicon and the organic group which constitute the organic silica is in a range of 0.05 to 0.50 based on a ratio of a mass of the silicon to a mass of the organic group ([mass of the silicon]/[mass of the organic group]), the thin film has a textured structure, and an axis direction of the textured structure is a direction substantially perpendicular to a surface opposite to a surface of the organic silica thin film having the textured structure formed therein. 1. An organic silica thin film comprising:organic silica having a light absorbable organic group in a skeleton, whereinthe organic group has a local maximum absorption wavelength in a wavelength range of 200 to 1200 nm,a content ratio of silicon and the organic group which constitute the organic silica is in a range of 0.05 to 0.50 based on a ratio of a mass of the silicon to a mass of the organic group ([mass of the silicon]/[mass of the organic group]),the thin film has a textured structure, andan axis direction of the textured structure is a direction substantially perpendicular to a surface opposite of the organic silica thin film to a surface thereof having the textured structure formed therein.2. The organic silica thin film according to claim 1 , whereinthe organic group has a local maximum absorption wavelength in a wavelength range of 200 to 600 nm.3. The organic silica thin film according to claim 1 , whereinthe organic silica thin film is a porous film having a textured structure in which dent parts are formed of column-shaped pores or a thin film having a textured structure formed of a pillar array in which bump parts are formed of column-shaped bodies and the column-shaped bodies are arranged.4. A method for producing an organic silica thin film claim 1 , ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116247A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

A regeneration control device of a diesel particulate filter, includes: a regeneration control unit configured to combust particulate matter accumulated in a diesel particulate filter that removes the particulate matter from exhaust gas of an engine and regenerate the diesel particulate filter when an accumulation amount of the particulate matter accumulated in the diesel particulate filter exceeds a predetermined value, wherein the regeneration control unit is configured to perform lower limit control in which a lower limit of an engine speed is set to a value greater than or equal to a predetermined threshold value during the regeneration. 1. A regeneration control device of a diesel particulate filter , comprising:a regeneration control unit configured to combust particulate matter accumulated in a diesel particulate filter that removes the particulate matter from exhaust gas of an engine and regenerate the diesel particulate filter when an accumulation amount of the particulate matter accumulated in the diesel particulate filter exceeds a predetermined value,wherein the regeneration control unit is configured to perform lower limit control in which a lower limit of an engine speed is set to a value greater than or equal to a predetermined threshold value during the regeneration and the regeneration control unit is configured to continue to perform the lower limit control for a predetermined time after the regeneration is ended.2. (canceled)3. The regeneration control device of the diesel particulate filter according to claim 1 , wherein the regeneration control unit is configured to initiate the lower limit control in which the lower limit of the engine speed is set to the value greater than or equal to the predetermined threshold value when a predetermined control initiation condition is satisfied during the regeneration.4. The regeneration control device of the diesel particulate filter according to claim 3 , wherein the predetermined control initiation ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Device and Method for Cleaning Bag Filters

Номер: US20140116471A1
Автор: Dennis Grieve
Принадлежит: GITA GREEN Inc

A device configured for cleaning bag filters with compressed air comprises a frame having a hollow interior defining a wall of the frame and openings formed through a thickness of the wall so that the hollow interior is in open communication with an environment external to the frame. A mounting member is configured to be releaseably or permanently attached to one end of the frame and is further configured to be releaseably or permanently attached to a member configured to pass air flow therethrough.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032683A1

A method for regenerating a particulate filter in an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine, wherein it is thereby provided that the quantity of overrun air in the overrun operation of the combustion engine be adapted to the air required for oxidizing the soot trapped in the particulate filter to achieve a rapid and efficient regeneration of the particulate filter, and it is provided that a throttle valve be opened in overrun operation to an extent that allows a maximum permissible soot conversion without risking thermal damage to the particulate filter. 1. A method for regenerating a particulate filter in an exhaust system of a combustion engine , the particulate filter being regenerated in an overrun phase of the combustion engine , comprising the following steps:determining a saturation condition of the particulate filter;heating the particulate filter to a regeneration temperature;computing a quantity of oxygen needed for regenerating the particulate filter; andadapting the quantity of overrun air to the quantity of oxygen needed for regenerating the particulate filter.2. The method for regenerating a particulate filter as recited in claim 1 , further comprising increasing the quantity of overrun air by modifying the position of the throttle valve or by adapting the opening times of the valves of the combustion engine.3. The method for regenerating a particulate filter as recited in claim 2 , further comprising opening the throttle valve in overrun operation to an extent that allows a maximum soot conversion on the particulate filter.4. The method for regenerating a particulate filter as recited in claim 1 , further comprising increasing the quantity of overrun air by opening the throttle valve when the particulate filter has reached a lower threshold temperature.5. The method for regenerating a particulate filter as recited in claim 4 , wherein the lower threshold temperature is within the range of 550° C.-600° C.6. The method for regenerating a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036148A1

A method for cleaning a filter arrangement which has a first fluid connector, a second fluid connector and a filter device which is arranged between the first and second fluid connectors and which has a surface to which contaminants can adhere. The method has the following steps: connecting the first fluid connector to a blowing chamber which has a gas connector, at least partially filling the blowing chamber with a liquid, and generating a cleaning pulse, in which gas is conducted under pressure via the gas connector into the blowing chamber for a first time duration, such that a gas-liquid mixture is forced via the first fluid connector through the filter device and out of the second fluid connector. 1. A method for cleaning a filter arrangement which has a first fluid connector , a second fluid connector and a filter device which is arranged between the first and second fluid connectors and which has a surface to which contaminants can adhere , the method having the following steps:connecting the first fluid connector to a blowing chamber which has a gas connector;at least partially filling the blowing chamber with a liquid; andgenerating a cleaning pulse, in which gas is conducted under pressure via the gas connector into the blowing chamber for a first time duration, such that a gas-liquid mixture is forced via the first fluid connector through the filter device and out of the second fluid connector.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second fluid connector is open or is connected to a collecting chamber claim 1 , the volume of which is larger than a volume of the blowing chamber.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio between a gas volume of the gas that is used in the cleaning pulse and a liquid volume of the liquid that is used in the cleaning pulse lies in a range between 20:1 and 4000:1.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gas connector of the blowing chamber is connected by way of a fast-opening gas valve or gas cock ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Modified Walnut Shell and Use

Номер: US20180044203A1
Принадлежит: Polymer Ventures Inc

Herein are described compositions useful in the purification of hydrocarbon-contaminated liquids (e.g., oil-contaminated water), methods of their manufacture, and methods of their use. In one instance, the composition can include a porous agricultural substrate selected from the group consisting of walnut shell, pecan shell, apricot pit, peach pit, corn cob, and a mixture thereof; the porous agricultural substrate having an external surface and pores, wherein the external surface is hydrophilic; and an organo-amine carried within the pores of the porous agricultural substrate. These compositions are utilized as regenerable filter media in place of, for example, ground walnut media.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123627A1

In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, a method for controlling regeneration for an exhaust system including a particulate filter is provided, where the method includes determining a mass flow rate of oxygen, determining a particulate mass, providing information describing desired set point temperatures corresponding to oxygen mass flow rates and particulate mass values and determining a temperature set point for exhaust gas entering the particulate filter based on the mass flow rate of oxygen, the particulate mass and the information describing desired set point temperatures corresponding to oxygen mass flow rates and particulate mass values. The method further includes communicating a signal to control a parameter for at least one selected from the group consisting of: a hydrocarbon injector, a heating device and a fuel injector configured to provide hydrocarbon post-injection to a cylinder of the internal combustion engine, the controlling based on the determined temperature set point. 1. A method for controlling regeneration for an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine , wherein the exhaust system comprises a particulate filter , the method comprising:determining a mass flow rate of oxygen received by the internal combustion engine;determining a particulate mass within the particulate filter;providing information describing desired set point temperatures corresponding to selected oxygen mass flow rates and selected particulate mass values;determining a temperature set point for exhaust gas entering the particulate filter based on the mass flow rate of oxygen, the particulate mass and the information describing desired set point temperatures corresponding to selected oxygen mass flow rates and selected particulate mass values;providing the determined temperature set point to a controller coupled to the exhaust system; andcommunicating a signal, from the controller, to control a parameter for at least one selected from the group consisting of: a ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123850A1
Автор: Bedell Stephen Alan

A carbon dioxide capture system includes a solid sorbent material including an amine. A base solution is in communication with the sorbent material when the amine becomes deactivated. The base solution is removed from the sorbent material when the amine is regenerated by the base solution. 1. A carbon dioxide capture system comprising:a solid sorbent material comprising an amine;a base solution in communication with the sorbent material when the amine becomes deactivated; andthe base solution being removed from the sorbent material when the amine is regenerated by the base solution.2. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the solid sorbent material comprises the amine applied to a substrate via a covalent linkage.3. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the amine is selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , a primary claim 1 , a secondary claim 1 , a tertiary amine claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the amine is selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , diethanolamine (DEA) claim 1 , diisopropanolamine (DIPA) claim 1 , and 2-hydroxyethyl piperazine (HEP).5. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the base solution is selected from the group consisting of solutions of NaOH claim 1 , KOH claim 1 , NaCOand KCOand slurries of CaO.6. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the base solution comprises NaOH having a concentration of 1-50 wt %.7. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the base solution comprises NaOH having a concentration of 1-10 wt %.8. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the base solution comprises KOH having a concentration of 1-50 wt %.9. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , wherein the base solution comprises KOH having a concentration of 1-10 wt %.10. The carbon dioxide capture system of claim 1 , comprising a water supply in communication with the solid sorbent material ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050931A1

A process for separate removal and recovery of heavy metals from industrial wastewater is provided. The wastewater to be treated flows through adsorbents after filtration and adjustment of a pH to about 3 to 7 to obtain the adsorbents which have adsorbed corresponding heavy-metal ions, which are then eluted from the corresponding adsorbents using an acidic solution such that eluates containing the corresponding heavy-metal ions are obtained. 1. A process for separate removal and recovery of heavy metals from industrial wastewater , comprising the steps of:(a) adjusting the pH of the wastewater to a pH in the range of about 3 to 7 after filtration;(b) discharging the wastewater obtained in said step (a) after flowing the wastewater through adsorbents to obtain the adsorbents which have adsorbed the corresponding heavy-metal ions; and(c) eluting the heavy-metal ions from the corresponding adsorbents obtained in said step (b) using an acidic solution such that eluates containing the corresponding heavy-metal ions are obtained.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein at least two different kinds of adsorbents claim 1 , which adsorb different kinds of heavy-metal ions claim 1 , are provided.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the industrial wastewater obtained in said step (a) flows through the at least two different kinds of adsorbents in series.4. The process of claim 2 , wherein the number of the adsorbents of the same kind is at least 3.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the wastewater obtained in said step (a) flows through a plurality of adsorption paths in parallel claim 1 , and the number of the adsorption paths in parallel is at least 2.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbents are ion-imprinted polymers.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the acidic solution in said step (c) is a hydrochloric acid solution and/or a nitric acid solution.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the volume (ml) of the acidic solution to the mass (g) of the corresponding ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130296A1

An apparatus for cleaning air filters utilizes a pressurized fluid flow, preferably air, to rotate a set of air spraying jets inside a hollow interior of a filter in order to remove particles from the filter. To ensure proper positioning of the jets in relation to the filter the present invention uses a set of plates with slots and pins, wherein the pins secure the apparatus on one end of the filter. The set of plates also at least partially blocks the flow of air out of the ends to more efficiently direct the flow of air from the jets to the filter. The jets then may be moved reciprocated along the length of the filter for cleaning purposes. 1. An apparatus for cleaning a tubular air filtering member , comprising:(a) a member having a hollow interior and defining a longitudinal axis of said apparatus;(b) one or more nozzles mounted, in a fluid communication with said hollow interior of said member, for a rotation thereabout, whereby said one or more nozzles are operable to deliver a pressurized fluid flow to an internal surface of the tubular air filtering member when said hollow interior of said member is connected to a source of the pressurized fluid flow, said one or more nozzles extending outwardly relative to said member in a plane being normal to said longitudinal axis of said apparatus;(c) a mounting member having an aperture formed through a thickness thereof, said aperture being sized to receive an exterior surface of said member therewithin, said mounting member further having a surface thereof positioned in an abutting engagement with one end of the tubular air filtering member during use of said apparatus;(d) wherein said member is inserted into said aperture for a reciprocal linear movement along a length of said apparatus during said use thereof, whereby said aperture is aligned with said longitudinal axis of said apparatus; and(e) wherein said one or more nozzles are positioned within a hollow interior of the tubular air filtering member during said ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131293A1
Принадлежит: Pall Corporation

Systems and methods condition a filter assembly. Purging liquid is passed through the filter assembly to remove contaminants from the pores and voids of the filter medium and from the upstream and downstream sides of the filter medium. 1. A method for conditioning a filter assembly which includes a permeable filter medium having an upstream side and a downstream side , an inlet and a vent on the upstream side of the filter medium , and an outlet on the downstream side of the filter medium , the method comprising:opening the inlet and the vent and closing the outlet, and passing purging liquid through the open inlet, along the upstream side of the filter medium, and through the open vent of the filter assembly; andopening the inlet and the outlet and closing the vent, and first passing purging liquid at a first flow rate through the open inlet, through the filter medium from the upstream side to the downstream side, along the downstream side of the filter medium, and through the open outlet of the filter assembly, and then passing purging liquid at a second flow rate greater than the first flow rate through the open inlet, through the filter medium from the upstream side to the downstream side, along the downstream side of the filter medium, and through the open outlet of the filter assembly, thereby filling the filter assembly with the purging liquid.2. The method of wherein passing purging liquid includes passing a solvent.3. (canceled)4. The method of wherein passing purging liquid at the first flow rate includes decreasing the pressure at the outlet of the filter assembly.5. The method of wherein decreasing the pressure at the outlet of the filter assembly includes vacuum drawing the purging liquid from the outlet of the filter assembly.6. (canceled)7. The method of wherein passing purging liquid through the open inlet claim 1 , along the upstream side of the filter medium claim 1 , and through the open vent of the filter assembly includes directing purging ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072511A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A method of recycling superabsorbent polymers derived from a used absorbent article, the method including: treating the superabsorbent polymers with ozone water after inactivation; reactivating, with an alkaline aqueous solution, the superabsorbent polymers treated with the ozone water; and adding hydrophilic fine particles to the superabsorbent polymers reactivated with the alkaline aqueous solution and then drying the superabsorbent polymers. 1. A method of recycling superabsorbent polymers derived from a used absorbent article , the method comprising:treating the superabsorbent polymers with ozone water after inactivation;reactivating, with an alkaline aqueous solution, the superabsorbent polymers treated with the ozone water; andadding hydrophilic fine particles to the superabsorbent polymers reactivated with the alkaline aqueous solution and then drying the superabsorbent polymers.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:after the reactivating of the superabsorbent polymers and before the adding of the hydrophilic fine particles, dehydrating and washing the superabsorbent polymers with an organic solvent.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe reactivating of the superabsorbent polymers includes:dehydrating and washing the superabsorbent polymers while reactivating the superabsorbent polymers with an aqueous solution containing an organic solvent and an alkali metal ion supply source supplying an alkali metal ion.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:inactivating the superabsorbent polymers with an inactivating agent, whereinin the treating of the superabsorbent polymers, the superabsorbent polymers inactivated with the inactivating agent are treated with the ozone water.5. The method according to claim 4 , whereinthe inactivating agent contains an acidic aqueous solution.6. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe hydrophilic fine particles include silica fine particles.7. The method according to claim 1 , ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Tailing pond remediation

Номер: US20190054404A1
Принадлежит: Plasma Tech Holdings LLC

Various embodiments of the present disclosure can include a system for filtering of contaminated fluid. The system can include a fiber manufacturing plant. The system can include a filter system which utilizes a fiber filter produced in the fiber manufacturing plant to clean and recycle a contaminated fluid.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068192A1

An exhaust treatment system to treat exhaust gas includes a particulate filter and a pressure sensor. The particulate filter is configured to trap soot contained in exhaust gas. The pressure sensor is configured to output a pressure signal indicative of a pressure differential of the particulate filter. The exhaust treatment system further includes a soot mass module configured to determine a soot mass. The soot mass is indicative of an amount of soot stored in the particulate filter based on the pressure differential and a soot model stored in a memory device. The exhaust treatment system further includes a continuously regenerating trap (CRT) compensation module configured to generate a variable CRT threshold. The CRT compensation module selectively outputs a CRT compensation value that modifies the soot model based on comparison between the NOx flow rate and the soot mass-based variable CRT threshold. 1. An exhaust treatment system to treat exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine , the exhaust treatment system comprising:a particulate filter configured to trap soot contained in the exhaust gas flowing therethrough;a pressure sensor that outputs a pressure signal indicative of a pressure differential between an inlet of the particulate filter and an outlet of the particulate filter;a soot mass module configured to determine a soot mass indicative of an amount of soot stored in the particulate filter based on the pressure differential and a soot model stored in a memory device; anda continuously regenerating trap (CRT) compensation module configured to generate a variable CRT threshold based on the soot mass and to selectively output a CRT compensation value that modifies the soot model based on a comparison between a NOx flow rate and the variable CRT threshold.2. The exhaust treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the CRT threshold continuously varies as the soot mass changes.3. The exhaust treatment system of claim 2 , wherein the CRT compensation module ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068987A1

Fluid filtration systems that have openings in their sump closures are provided. Spouts for processed fluid may be added to direct flow of processed fluid. The spouts may be attached, permanently or removably, to the sump closures or to media cartridges. The system comprises: an inlet, an unprocessed fluid outlet, and a processed fluid outlet; a sump housing and a sump closure operatively associated therewith, the processed fluid outlet being located through the sump closure; a media cartridge located in the sump housing, the media cartridge providing processed fluid upon contact with unprocessed fluid; and a diverter. Flow of processed fluid may be directed through any desired angle when a rotatable structure is included in the system. Filtration systems may easily be cleaned and/or sanitized. 1. A fluid filtration system for a faucet , the system comprising:an inlet, an unprocessed fluid outlet, and a processed fluid outlet;a sump housing and a sump closure operatively associated therewith, the processed fluid outlet being located through the sump closure;a media cartridge located in the sump housing, the media cartridge providing processed fluid upon contact with unprocessed fluid; anda diverter having a first position where the inlet is in fluid communication with the unprocessed fluid outlet, and a second position where in the inlet is in fluid communication with the processed fluid outlet.2. The fluid filtration system of further comprising a processed fluid spout that directs flow of processed fluid.3. The fluid filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the sump closure is attached to a media element of the media cartridge.4. The fluid filtration system of comprising a media cartridge that comprises a media element claim 1 , a first end cap sealed to the media element claim 1 , and a second end cap comprising the sump closure sealed to the media element and comprising a sealing mechanism that operatively engages with the sump housing.5. The fluid filtration ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072344A1

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to methods, systems, and apparatuses for dewatering solid particles in a liquid mixture, such as those, for example, comprising receiving a liquid mixture, the liquid mixture including solid particles; suspending a filter in the liquid mixture; agglomerating, at the filter, solid particles in the liquid mixture, the agglomerating including potentiating passage of liquid in the liquid mixture through the filter and potentiating accumulation of solid particles in the liquid mixture to collect and agglomerate at the filter; and applying a shockwave to the filter, the applied shockwave operable to remove the agglomerated solid particles from the filter. 1. A method of dewatering solids , the method comprising:receiving a liquid mixture, the liquid mixture including solid particles;suspending a filter in the liquid mixture;agglomerating, at the filter, solid particles in the liquid mixture, the agglomerating including potentiating passage of liquid in the liquid mixture through the filter and potentiating accumulation of solid particles in the liquid mixture to collect and agglomerate at the filter; andapplying a shockwave to the filter, the applied shockwave operable to remove the agglomerated solid particles from the filter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shockwave is selectively applied when a flow rate of liquid passing through the filter is below a minimum threshold value.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shockwave is selectively applied based on a thickness of solid particles agglomerated at the filter.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shockwave is selectively applied based on consistency of a layer of solid particles agglomerated at the filter.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shockwave is applied when liquid in the liquid mixture is not passing through the filter.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing the filter from the liquid mixture;wherein the shockwave is ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089987A1
Автор: Palm Scott K., WANG Qun
Принадлежит: EP MINERALS, LLC

This disclosure includes regenerated inorganic fermented beverage stabilization and/or clarification media and a process for such regeneration. Inorganic stabilization and clarification media (for processing beer or the like) may include expanded perlite or other expanded natural glasses, diatomaceous earth, silica gel or other precipitated silicas and compositions that incorporate these materials. Such media may be regenerated individually, together in a mixture or together as part of a composite product. The regenerated media meet the requirements for physical and chemical properties for re-use and replacement of the majority of particulate inorganic filtration media and inorganic stabilization media consumed in stabilization and clarification processes, and the related regeneration process provides for substantial benefits to brewers through a reduction of costs to purchase and transport stabilization and clarification media, to dispose of spent cake and/or membrane retentate, while providing for substantial reductions in the introduction of soluble impurities into the fermented beverage. 130-. (canceled)31. A method of preparing a media for re fermented beverages comprising:heating a spent fermented beverage media in an oxidizing environment to form a regenerated spent fermented beverage media for re-use in stabilization of fermented beverages, wherein the regenerated spent fermented beverage media includes silica stabilization media.32. The method of claim 31 , further comprising dewatering the spent fermented beverage media prior to heating for regeneration.33. The method of claim 32 , further comprising drying the spent fermented beverage media prior to heating for regeneration.34. The method of claim 31 , wherein heating the spent fermented beverage media in an oxidizing atmosphere in a temperature range of about 600° C. to about 800° C.35. The method of claim 34 , wherein the temperature range is about 650° C. to about 750° C.36. The method of claim 34 , ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076820A1

A method and apparatus for removing a volatile component from a mixture are disclosed. The method and apparatus employ a crosslinked elastomer with a glass transition temperature ≤+25° C. as the sorbent. 1. A method for depleting a volatile component in a mixture comprising the volatile component and at least one other component , the method comprising1) sorbing at least some of the volatile component into bulk of a nonporous crosslinked elastomer with a glass transition temperature ≤+25° C., thereby forming a depleted mixture containing less of the volatile component than the mixture before sorbing and enriching the nonporous crosslinked elastomer with sorbed volatile component thereby forming an enriched crosslinked elastomer, wherein during step 1), at least some of the volatile component is in gas phase,2) desorbing at least some of the sorbed volatile component from the enriched crosslinked elastomer, thereby forming a desorbed volatile component and a regenerated elastomer containing less of the sorbed volatile component than the enriched crosslinked elastomer prior to desorbing, and3) using the regenerated elastomer as all or a portion of the nonporous crosslinked elastomer in repeating step 1), and4) directing one or both of the depleted mixture during and/or after step 1) and the desorbed volatile component during and/or after step 2).2. The method of claim 1 , where the nonporous crosslinked elastomer is a nonporous crosslinked polyorganosiloxane elastomer.3. The method of or claim 1 , where the volatile component is a cyclic polyorganosiloxane with a degree of polymerization from 3 to 12 claim 1 , a silane claim 1 , or a noncyclic polyorganosiloxane with a DP up to 14.4. The method of or claim 1 , where the volatile component is a volatile organic compound.5. The method of claim 4 , where the volatile organic compound is selected from the group consisting of (i) an aldehyde claim 4 , (ii) an aromatic compound claim 4 , (iii) an alkane claim 4 , (iv) an ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078889A1
Автор: MAYER Hanspeter

The invention relates to a method for the quality improvement of a gas-permeable object, such as a filter or catalyst, removed from an exhaust gas system of an internal combustion engine. To attain a cost-effectively realizable method, it is provided according to the invention that, in an automated process, a condition of the object is measured, after which a quality improvement is carried out, after which a condition of the object is measured again. 115. A method for the quality improvement of a gas-permeable object , such as a filter () or catalyst , removed from an exhaust gas system of an internal combustion engine , characterized in that in an automated process , a condition of the object is measured , after which a quality improvement is carried out , after which a condition of the object is measured again.23. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the object is transported during the process with a workpiece carrier () that is gas-permeable and claim 1 , in particular claim 1 , comprises a diffuser.311. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the object is cleaned with a hot gas that is applied through an axially and/or radially adjustable variable diffuser () which is adapted to a geometry of the object before application of the hot gas.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that a hot gas is applied to two opposing faces of the object from different directions.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that a cleaning takes place with a pressurized gas claim 1 , preferably air claim 1 , which is applied at a velocity of 1.0 to 3 times the speed of sound.619. The method according to claim 5 , characterized in that the gas is applied through a nozzle () claim 5 , wherein a spray angle is 1° to 45° claim 5 , preferably 10° to 15°.719. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , for the cleaning claim 1 , a gas is applied alternatingly to a face of the object through multiple claim ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166594A1
Автор: SAITO Yasuhiro
Принадлежит: NIHON GENRYO Co., Ltd.

An external device for cleaning a filtration material is applied to a filtration device for filtering a supplied unfiltered liquid by layers of a filtration material to remove muddiness in the liquid and discharging the cleaned liquid to the outside. The cleaning device has an upstanding outer tube, a screw conveyor rotatably placed in the outer tube and transferring the filtration material upward from the lower rod to the upper end of the outer tube while rub-washing the filtration material, a drive section for rotationally driving the screw conveyor, a control section for controlling rotation of the drive section, and a discharge tube for discharging the filtration material having been rub-washed, into a filtration container from the inside of the outer tube and an introduction tube that introduces the filtration material into the outer tube. 1. A system comprising: a filtration device which is provided with a filtration container having layers of a granular filtration material at the inside and is adapted for filtering a supplied unfiltered liquid by the layers of the filtration material to remove muddiness in the liquid for discharging the cleaned liquid to the outside; sod a cleaning device which is located outside of the filtration container for cleaning the filtration material of the filtration device , wherein the cleaning device comprises:i) an outer tube,ii) a screw conveyor rotatably placed in the outer tube for transferring the filtration material upward from an inlet at a lower end section of the outer tube to an outlet at an upper end section of the outer tube, while rub-washing the filtration material,iii) a drive section for rotationally driving the screw conveyor,iv) a control section for controlling rotation of the drive section,v) an introduction tube, one end of which is connected to the inlet of the outer tube and the other end of which is located at the layers of the filtration material to introduce the filtration material from the inside of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087533A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic, Inc.

The invention relates to devices, systems, and methods for recharging zirconium phosphate in a reusable zirconium phosphate sorbent module. The devices, systems, and methods provide for customization of the zirconium phosphate effluent pH based on the needs of the user and system. The devices systems and methods also provide for calculation of the volumes of recharge solution needed for fully recharging the zirconium phosphate modules. 1. A method , comprising the steps of:determining a desired initial therapy zirconium phosphate effluent pH based on one or more patient parameters; andrecharging zirconium phosphate in a zirconium phosphate module by pumping one or more recharge solutions through the zirconium phosphate module; the one or more recharge solutions comprising an acid solution, a base solution, a buffer solution, a salt solution, water, or combinations thereof;wherein the one or more recharge solutions have an acid concentration, a base concentration, a buffer concentration, and a salt concentration to result in the desired initial therapy zirconium phosphate effluent pH.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of pumping the one or more recharge solution through the zirconium phosphate module comprises pumping multiple recharge solutions through the zirconium phosphate module in a sequential order.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sequential order comprises a first recharge solution containing an acid or buffer claim 2 , and a second recharge solution containing a sodium salt; or a first recharge solution containing a sodium salt and a second recharge solution containing an acid or buffer.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the buffer contains acetic acid and sodium acetate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired initial therapy zirconium phosphate effluent pH is between 4.0 and 6.9.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a single recharge solution is pumped through the zirconium phosphate module.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the single ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095607A1

Methods and systems are provided for identifying when an exhaust valve of an engine cylinder is not functioning as desired while the engine is being operated to raise a temperature of an exhaust system emissions control device, and in turn taking mitigating action. Thus, in one example a method comprises adjusting an amount of fuel that is provided to each of a plurality of cylinders of an engine during an exhaust stroke of the engine in response to an indication of degraded combustion stemming from a cylinder of the engine. In this way, the engine may continue to be operated to raise the temperature of the exhaust system emissions control device, while mitigating the issue of the degraded combustion. 1. A method for operating an engine , comprising: adjusting an amount of a fuel that is provided by fuel injectors to each of a plurality of cylinders of the engine during an exhaust stroke of the engine in response to an indication of a degraded combustion quality, the degraded combustion quality determined to be stemming from a cylinder that is one of the plurality of cylinders receiving the fuel due to operational degradation of an exhaust valve of the cylinder,', 'wherein the operational degradation of the exhaust valve for the cylinder is determined based on combustion metrics that include one or more of engine speed, fuel balance control, knock, and maximum cylinder pressure, and wherein the combustion metrics are based on information retrieved from one or more sensors of the engine., 'via a controller of the engine,'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the amount of the fuel includes discontinuing late post in-cylinder fuel injection to the cylinder that the degraded combustion quality is determined to be stemming from due to the operational degradation of the exhaust valve of the cylinder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the amount of the fuel includes discontinuing providing the fuel to the cylinder for which the degraded combustion ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140183405A1

The present disclosure relates to a floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate that can effectively remove phosphate from aqueous phase through reaction between an amine function attached on the surface of a sponge and phosphate. This adsorbent can be regenerated by desorbing the adsorbed phosphate, a method for fabricating same and a method for regeneration the floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate. The floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate according to the present disclosure is fabricated by immersing a sponge in a mixture solution of an amine precursor and anhydrous toluene to form an amine function on the surface of the sponge. The amine precursor may be 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and the APTES and the anhydrous toluene may be mixed at a volume ratio of 0.5-1:1. 1. A method for fabricating a floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate , comprising immersing a sponge in a mixture solution of an amine precursor and anhydrous toluene to form an amine function on the surface of the sponge.2. The method for fabricating a floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate according to claim 1 , wherein the amine precursor is 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES).3. The method for fabricating a floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate according to claim 2 , wherein the APTES and the anhydrous toluene are mixed at a volume ratio of 0.5-1:1.4. The method for fabricating a floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate according to claim 1 , wherein an inert gas is supplied to the mixture solution of the amine precursor and the anhydrous toluene in order to prevent evaporation of the anhydrous toluene.5. The method for fabricating a floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate according to claim 1 , wherein the sponge has a porous structure and is foamed from a natural or synthetic resin.6. A floating type adsorbent for removal of phosphate claim 1 , comprising:a sponge; andan amine group provided on the surface of the ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106347A1

Nanoparticle-treated particle packs, such as sand beds, may effectively filter and purify liquids such as waste water. When tiny contaminant particles in waste water flow through the particle pack, the nanoparticles will capture and hold the tiny contaminant particles within the pack due to the nanoparticles' surface forces, including, but not necessarily limited to van der Waals and electrostatic forces. Coating agents may help apply the nanoparticles to the particle surfaces in the filter beds or packs. 1. A method for purifying an aqueous liquid containing contaminant particles , the method comprising: where the substrate particles are comparatively larger than the particulate additive and are selected from the group consisting of sand, gravel, ceramic beads, glass beads, and combinations thereof,', 'where the particle pack is at least partially coated with a coating agent comprising a carrier fluid selected from the group consisting of alcohol, glycol, polyol, vegetable oil, and combinations thereof,', 'where the particulate additives have a mean particle size of 1000 nm or less and are selected from the group consisting of alkaline earth metal oxides, alkaline earth metal hydroxides, alkali metal oxides, alkali metal hydroxides, transition metal oxides, transition metal hydroxides, post-transition metal oxides, post-transition metal hydroxides, piezoelectric crystals, pyroelectric crystals, and mixtures thereof; and, 'contacting said aqueous liquid containing said contaminant particles with a particle pack comprising substrate particles and comparatively smaller particulate additives;'}attracting said contaminant particles from the aqueous liquid to the particulate additive to purify the aqueous liquid.2. The method of wherethe alkaline earth metal is selected from the group consisting of calcium, strontium, and barium,the alkali metal is selected from the group consisting of lithium, sodium, potassium,the transition metal is selected from the group consisting ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113952A1
Принадлежит: CUMMINS IP, INC.

The present disclosure relates to a controller apparatus for regenerating a particulate matter sensor. The controller apparatus includes a sensing module configured to detect a soot loading on a particulate matter sensor and generate a regeneration request indicating a desired regeneration temperature and a heating module configured to receive the regeneration request and send a heating command signal to a heating element based on the regeneration request. The controller apparatus further includes an electrical resistance module configured to detect an electrical resistance in the heating element and determine an actual temperature of the heating element and a temperature feedback module configured to modify the heating command signal according to the difference between the desired regeneration temperature and the actual temperature. The present disclosure also includes a related method and system. 1. A controller apparatus for regenerating a particulate matter sensor , comprising:a sensing module configured to detect a soot loading on a particulate matter sensor and generate a regeneration request indicating a desired regeneration temperature;a heating module configured to receive the regeneration request and send a heating command signal to a heating element based on the regeneration request;an electrical resistance module configured to detect an electrical resistance in the heating element and determine an actual temperature of the heating element; anda temperature feedback module configured to modify the heating command signal according to the difference between the desired regeneration temperature and the actual temperature.2. The controller apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensing module is configured to further detect dynamic exhaust flow information and the heating command signal is dependent on the dynamic exhaust flow information.3. The controller apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrical resistance is detected by measuring a response voltage and ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220174917A1

A watercraft for breeding aquatic organisms, including an aquaculture facility and a device for feeding water into the aquaculture facility so that water intended to be fed into the aquaculture facility can escape from a body of water in which the watercraft is floating. A feed opening for receiving the water from the body of water is open in the longitudinal direction of the watercraft and/or is arranged below a water line of the watercraft. The feed opening is arranged on the hull of the watercraft, preferably on the bow. The watercraft includes a device for letting out water from the aquaculture facility to the body of water. An outlet opening of the outlet device is open in the longitudinal direction of the watercraft and/or is arranged below the water line of the watercraft. The outlet opening preferably being arranged on the hull of the watercraft, on the bow thereof. 120-. (canceled)21. A watercraft for production of aquatic organisms , comprising: an aquaculture system arranged in the watercraft; and a feed device for feeding water into the aquaculture system , the feed device being configured to take water from a body of water in which the watercraft is floating.22. The watercraft according to claim 21 , wherein the aquaculture system is configured for farming and/or breeding fish.23. The watercraft according to claim 21 , wherein the feed device has a feed opening for receiving the water from the body of water claim 21 , the feed opening being open in a longitudinal direction of the watercraft and/or being arranged below a waterline of the watercraft.24. The watercraft according to claim 23 , further comprising a hull claim 23 , wherein the feed opening is arranged in the hull of the watercraft.25. The watercraft according to claim 24 , wherein the feed opening is arranged in a bow of the hull.26. The watercraft according to claim 24 , further comprising an outlet device for discharging water from the aquaculture system into the body of water claim 24 , ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176307A1
Автор: Lackner Klaus

A device, system, and method for small scale COextraction is disclosed. The device includes a sorbent bed having a sorbent resin. The device also includes a blower in fluid communication with the sorbent bed through at least one duct, as well as a collection tray beneath the sorbent bed and having a drain. The device also includes a capture configuration and a regeneration configuration. The capture configuration includes an air flow driven by the blower passing through the sorbent resin. The regeneration configuration includes the flooding of at least the sorbent resin with regeneration fluid. The regeneration fluid has a higher dissolve inorganic carbon concentration after flooding the sorbent resin. Multiple devices may be employed together as a system capable of providing a continuous product stream having an upgraded concentration of CO. 1. A carbon dioxide collection system , comprising:a plurality of carbon dioxide collection devices, each device comprising:a sorbent bed comprising a sorbent resin;a blower in fluid communication with the sorbent bed through at least one duct;a collection tray beneath the sorbent bed, the collection tray comprising a fluid drain;an air intake and an air exhaust in fluid communication with the air intake through the sorbent bed, the at least one duct, and the blower;a capture configuration comprising an air flow driven by the blower and flowing from the air intake to the air exhaust and passing through the sorbent resin of the sorbent bed, the at least one duct, and the blower; anda regeneration configuration comprising the sorbent bed submerged in a regeneration fluid;wherein moving the device from the capture configuration to the regeneration configuration comprises flooding at least the sorbent resin of the sorbent bed with the regeneration fluid having a first dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration, the regeneration fluid introduced to the sorbent resin via a liquid input and preventing the air flow from passing ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138438A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Processes for regenerating sorbents at high temperatures, and associated systems, are generally described. 1. A method , comprising:regenerating a sorbent that has been exposed to an acid gas via exposure to steam such that at least part of the acid gas is separated from the sorbent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sorbent comprises an alkali metal borate claim 1 , ABO claim 1 , wherein A is one or more alkali metals claim 1 , B is Boron claim 1 , O is Oxygen claim 1 , and x is a number such that 0 Подробнее

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117516A1

An air compressor system having a refrigerated dryer and a form of a filter is used between a compressor of the air compressor system and the refrigerated dryer. The filter can include a conical shape such as frustoconical, and includes an outer retainer having a plurality of openings and an inner mesh filter. The retainer and mesh filter can be made out of metal. An end cap and a flange can close off both ends of the conical shape, and a handle can extend from a flange to aid in ease of handling. The components extending between the ends (i.e. between the end cap and flange) may only include the retainer and the mesh filter. 1. An apparatus comprising:an air compressor filter having a conical shape, and including a retainer having a plurality of passages therethrough structured to permit compressible gas to pass between a first side of the retainer and a second side of the retainer, the retainer forming an outer surface of a frustum having an open interior within which is located a filter mesh having plurality of mesh passages formed therein, the frustum having a first narrow end attached to a first end cap and a second wide end attached to a second end cap, each of the plurality of passages of the retainer having a cross sectional area which is greater than one hundred orders of magnitude larger than a median cross sectional area of the plurality of mesh passages.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , which further includes a first end cap located and a second end cap claim 1 , the first end cap.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first narrow end and the second wide end are sealed such that air is caused to pass solely through perforations in the perforated retainer and thereafter pass solely through passages in the filter mesh when the second wide end of the air compressor filter sealingly abuts an inside surface of a compressor conduit into which the air compressor filter is fitted.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the filter mesh is a 5μ fine filter mesh ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266176A1

An oil filter assembly is disclosed for a machine, such as an internal combustion engine, that has an oil output port and an oil input port. A mounting plate may be fixed with an outer enclosure and may be adapted for securing to the machine. The mounting plate may be further adapted to conduct oil from the machine into a peripheral portion of the outer enclosure, and then returning oil from a central portion of the outer enclosure back to the machine. Oil may pass from the peripheral portion to the central portion through a primary filter having a first porosity. A pressure-actuated valve may be fixed fluidly between the peripheral portion and central portion of the outer enclosure. Oil may pass through the pressure-actuated valve only when an oil pressure differential between the peripheral portion and the central portion of the outer enclosure exceeds a predetermined threshold pressure. A secondary filter may have a second porosity greater than the first porosity, and may be fixed fluidly between the pressure-actuated valve and the central portion of the outer enclosure. 118.-. (canceled)19. A filter assembly , comprising:(i) a mounting plate adapted to conduct fluid from an outlet port of an attached machine into the filter assembly via a tapered conduit,(ii) a primary filter and a secondary filter, wherein the secondary filter is concentrically positioned within the primary filter;(iii) a pressure-actuated valve situated in the filter assembly, wherein the pressure-actuated valve is movable into an open position in response to a pressure differential; and(iv) an inlet port configured to receive the filtered fluid from the filter assembly and return the filtered fluid to the attached machine.20. The filter assembly of claim 19 , wherein the primary and secondary filters are each made from titanium mesh claim 19 , metallic stainless mesh claim 19 , hybrid ceramic material claim 19 , Nitronic 60 claim 19 , glass claim 19 , stainless steel claim 19 , micro glass ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114301A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure describe a method of capturing chemical species from a fluid composition comprising providing a metal-organic framework characterized by the formula MMF(O/HO)(pyrazine).x(solv), wherein Mis Ni; Mis Nb, Al, or Fe; x is from 0 to 10 and solv is one or more of HO, CO, DMF, EtOH, NMP, MeOH; contacting the metal-organic framework with a fluid composition including HO, CO, and one or more other chemical species; and capturing HO and COsimultaneously from the fluid composition. 1. A method of capturing chemical species from a fluid composition , comprising:{'sub': a', 'b', '5', '2', '2', 'a', 'b', '2', '2, 'sup': 2+', '5+', '3+', '5+', '3+', '5+, 'providing a metal-organic framework characterized by the formula MMF(O/HO)(pyrazine).x(solv), wherein Mis Ni; Mis Nb, Fe, Fe, V, or V; x is from 0 to 10 and solv is one or more of HO, CO, DMF, EtOH, NMP, MeOH.'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'contacting the metal-organic framework with a fluid composition including HO, CO, and one or more other chemical species; and'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'capturing HO and COsimultaneously from the fluid composition.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal-organic framework includes one or more of NiNbOF(pyrazine).x(solv) and NiFeF(HO)(pyrazine).x(solv).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal-organic framework includes a periodic array of open metal coordination sites and fluorine moieties within a contracted square-shaped one-dimensional channel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more other chemical species are selected from N claim 1 , H claim 1 , CH claim 1 , n-CH claim 1 , iso-CH claim 1 , 1-propanol claim 1 , and isopropanol.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more other chemical species further includes a linear hydrocarbon and/or branched hydrocarbon.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein HO and COare preferentially captured at distinct adsorption sites of the metal-organic framework.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein HO is captured at open ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116096A1
Автор: OHSUMI Kazuo

A filter regeneration system for an internal combustion engine, the filter regeneration system including: a calculation unit configured to calculate a minimum oxygen concentration and a minimum nitrogen dioxide concentration at which a passive regeneration reaction, in which carbon in PM accumulated on a filter arranged in an exhaust gas passage of the internal combustion engine reacts with nitrogen dioxide and oxygen to generate carbon dioxide and nitrogen monoxide, occurs based on an amount of the PM accumulated on the filter; and an exhaust gas temperature control unit configured to, in a case where an oxygen concentration and a nitrogen dioxide concentration in exhaust gas on an upstream of the filter are equal to or higher than the minimum oxygen concentration and the minimum nitrogen dioxide concentration, respectively, control a temperature of exhaust gas flowing into the filter within a temperature range in which the passive regeneration reaction occurs preferentially. 1. A filter regeneration system for an internal combustion engine , the filter regeneration system comprising:a calculation unit configured to calculate a minimum oxygen concentration and a minimum nitrogen dioxide concentration at which a passive regeneration reaction, in which carbon in PM (Particulate Matter) accumulated on a filter arranged in an exhaust gas passage of the internal combustion engine reacts with nitrogen dioxide and oxygen to generate carbon dioxide and nitrogen monoxide, occurs based on an amount of the PM accumulated on the filter; andan exhaust gas temperature control unit configured to, in a case where an oxygen concentration and a nitrogen dioxide concentration in exhaust gas on an upstream of the filter are equal to or higher than the minimum oxygen concentration and the minimum nitrogen dioxide concentration, respectively, control a temperature of exhaust gas flowing into the filter within a temperature range in which the passive regeneration reaction occurs ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129382A1
Автор: Bloomfield William

A system for isolating reusable filter media from worn media is provided, including a water tank having a first filter, the water tank providing water to a feed tank; the feed tank having a vibrating separator to separate reusable filter media in the feed tank from worn media in the feed tank and water; the vibrating separator including first and second screens sized to separate the reusable filter media and worn media, respectively; wherein the reusable filter media is retrievable from the feed tank; wherein the water provided to the feed tank is led from the feed tank back to the water tank; and a means for transporting filter media from a filtering vessel to the feed tank.

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140208720A1

A system and method of effective regeneration of a diesel particulate filter used in the exhaust system of a diesel engine during low engine operating temperatures, is disclosed. Generally speaking, a catalytic burner system and method used in filter regeneration on a diesel engine comprises a burner diesel oxidation catalyst (BDOC) coupled to an exhaust flow of the diesel engine, a mixer fluidly coupled to the BDOC, a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) fluidly coupled to the mixer, and a diesel particulate filter (DPF) fluidly coupled to the DOC, wherein the BDOC directs the exhaust flow through the mixer, the DOC and the DPF during a regeneration cycle of the DPF under low engine temperature operating conditions. 1. A catalytic burner system for use in regeneration of a filter in an exhaust system on a diesel engine , the burner system comprising:a burner diesel oxidation catalyst (BDOC) having an inlet for receiving an exhaust flow from the diesel engine and an outlet at an opposing end;a mixer fluidly coupled to the outlet of the BDOC;a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) fluidly coupled to the mixer; and,a diesel particulate filter (DPF) fluidly coupled to the DOC, wherein the BDOC channels the exhaust flow through the mixer, the DOC and the DPF during a regeneration cycle of the DPF under low engine temperature operating conditions.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the BDOC further includes a collar positioned at the inlet of the BDOC.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the collar has a conical shape including a narrower opening and a wider outlet.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the collar directs the exhaust flow through the BDOC at a pre-determined flow rate.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the BDOC has a conical shape claim 1 , having a narrower inlet channeling the exhaust flow toward a wider outlet.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the BDOC comprises a first substrate and a second substrate claim 1 , wherein the second substrate is positioned downstream ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Diesel particulate filter cleaning machine with filter cleaning time prediction

Номер: US20180128137A1
Принадлежит: Ecoclean Advantage LLC

A diesel particulate filter cleaning machine. The filter is filed with a soaking solution comprising water and a surfactant and retained within the filter during a soaking interval. The filter is placed in a rinsing station after the soaking interval. A rinse water head positioned above an upper surface of the filter supplies rinse water into the filter, the rinse water passes through and drains from the filter. During the rinsing process, an actuator moves the rinse water head relative to the upper surface of the filter. A drain receives the rinse water after draining from the filter.

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216016A1

A wall flow type particulate filter is arranged inside the exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine where combustion is performed under an excess of oxygen. The particulate filter carries a solid acid. The solid acid has an acid strength which is higher than the acid strength of sulfurous acid and lower than the acid strength of sulfuric acid. To remove the ash from the particulate filter, ash atomization processing for rendering the state of the particulate filter a state where the exhaust gas which flows into the particulate filter is lowered in concentration of oxygen and the particulate filter is raised in temperature is temporarily performed. 1. An exhaust purification system for an internal combustion engine in which fuel is burned under an oxygen excess , in which a wall flow type particulate filter for trapping particulate matter in the exhaust gas is arranged inside of an exhaust passage , and in which ash is trapped along with particulate matter by the particulate filter , the particulate filter carries a solid acid, the solid acid having an acid strength which is higher than the acid strength of sulfurous acid and lower than the acid strength of sulfuric acid, and', 'ash atomization processing, which renders the state of the particulate filter a state where the concentration of oxygen in the exhaust gas which flows into the particulate filter is lowered and the temperature of the particulate filter is raised to remove ash from the particulate filter, is temporarily performed., 'the exhaust purification system wherein'}2. An exhaust purification system for an internal combustion engine as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the acid strength of the solid acid is expressed by one or more parameters selected from a Hammett acidity function claim 1 , hydrogen ion exponent claim 1 , acid dissociation constant claim 1 , and measurement value obtained by the temperature programmed desorption method using ammonia.3. An exhaust purification system for an ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216017A1
Автор: SHIRAI Akira

A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine in the present invention includes a DPF installed in an exhaust passage and a DOC installed in the exhaust passage on the upstream side of the DPF. The control apparatus changes an engine control parameter so as to facilitate NO-based regeneration when it is determined that an operating state in which the NO-based regeneration speed is higher than a predetermined threshold value is established during operation of the internal combustion engine. 1. A control apparatus for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a particulate filter that is installed in an exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine and traps particulate filter; anda controller that is programmed to:{'sub': '2', 'produce NOin exhaust gas supplied to the particulate filter;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'estimate an NO-based regeneration speed that is a speed of regeneration of the particulate filter using NO, during operation of the internal combustion engine;'}{'sub': '2', 'determine whether or not an operating state in which the NO-based regeneration speed is higher than a predetermined threshold value is established during operation of the internal combustion engine; and'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'change an engine control parameter so that when determining that the operation state in which the NO-based regeneration speed is higher than the threshold value is established, an amount of NOsupplied to the particulate filter and a temperature of the particulate filter are increased,'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the controller determines that the operating state in which the NO-based regeneration speed is higher than the threshold value has been established when a present temperature of the particulate filter is higher than a predetermined temperature threshold value and a present amount of accumulation of particulate matter in the particulate filter is larger than a predetermined accumulation amount threshold value and a present amount of NOflown into the ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140223889A1
Автор: Amano Takafumi

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a DPF travel-time regeneration control system of stably raising the temperature even during travel and capable of decreasing the frequency of DPF regeneration when the vehicle is stopped. In this control system, if the DPF () needs to be regenerated, the vehicle is traveling on cruise control, and the exhaust temperature detected by an exhaust temperature sensor () is higher than a threshold value, then fuel is injected into the exhaust pipe by a fuel injection means (), and if the exhaust temperature is lower than the threshold value, the exhaust temperature is raised by operating the exhaust brake without injecting fuel into the exhaust pipe. 1. A DPF regeneration system based on in-exhaust-pipe fuel injection in a diesel engine equipped vehicle , the DPF regeneration system comprising:an operation device that enables a vehicle to travel on cruise control, an exhaust brake and a fuel injection means being disposed to the exhaust pipe,a DPF being disposed in a region on the downstream side of the fuel injection means,an exhaust temperature sensor being disposed in a region on the upstream side of the DPF,pressure sensors being disposed on the upstream side and the downstream side of the DPF, anda control unit that controls the exhaust brake and the fuel injection means in response to detection signals from the exhaust temperature sensor and the pressure sensors,Wherein the control unit has:a function to inject fuel into the exhaust pipe by the fuel injection means when a differential pressure between the upstream side and the downstream side of the DPF measured by the pressure sensors is equal to or snore than a threshold value, the vehicle is traveling on cruise control, and an exhaust temperature detected by the exhaust temperature sensor is higher than a threshold value; anda function to operate the exhaust brake when the differential pressure is equal to or more than the threshold value and the vehicle is ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230409A1

Method for determining a starting time of a regeneration process of a particle filter which is connected into the exhaust train of an internal combustion engine, in particular of a diesel engine, wherein the data of an air mass flow rate meter, of an exhaust gas temperature sensor and of a differential pressure sensor are fed to a control unit and the control unit starts the regeneration on the basis of the data by means of the comparison with characteristic diagrams. 1. A method for determining a starting time of a regeneration process of a particle filter which is connected into the exhaust train of an internal combustion engine , comprising:providing characteristic diagrams of exhaust gas temperature, mass air flow and differential pressure;providing an air mass flow rate meter measuring air mass flow to the internal combustion engine and providing measured air mass flow rate data to a control unit;providing an exhaust gas temperature sensor measuring temperature of exhaust gas from the internal combustion engine and providing measured exhaust gas temperature data to a control unit;providing a differential pressure sensor measuring pressure difference between and inlet and outlet of the particle filter and providing measured differential pressure data to a control unit;providing characteristic diagrams of exhaust gas temperature, mass air flow and differential pressure at one or more particle filter soot load state conditions;determining the starting time for regeneration by comparing measured data to the characteristic diagrams2. Method according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of the characteristic diagrams allocates to an air mass flow a value of a load state of the particle filter, starting at which air mass flow can be regenerated.3. Method according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of the characteristic diagrams allocates to a load state a minimum value of an air mass flow, starting at which load state can be regenerated.4. Method according to whereina ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150157960A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic, Inc

This disclosure generally relates to at least one reusable module of a sorbent cartridge in a sorbent dialysis system and a method of using the same. One of the drawbacks of a conventional sorbent dialysis system is the high cost. In one aspect of the invention, the sorbent cartridge contains at least one module for optionally recharging sorbent materials in-line with an optional bypass and conduits for the sorbent cartridge. The sorbent cartridge can have two or more modules that are connected to one another through connectors. The modules can be reusable and the sorbent materials contained in the modules can be recharged. 1. A method of recharging a sorbent , comprising the steps of:connecting at least one reusable module and a second module in series with one or more connectors, wherein the reusable module and second module each contain one or more sorbent materials;fluidly connecting at least one connector to at least one wash line, wherein the wash line is fluidly connected to a recharger;fluidly connecting at least one connector to a bypass line, wherein the bypass line diverts flow from the connector to bypass at least one module;connecting a valve assembly to the connectors at junctions between the modules, wash lines and/or bypass lines; andselectively opening and closing the valve assembly to direct flow through the connectors, modules, wash lines and/or bypass lines.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a first valve assembly positioned on a connector before the reusable module claim 1 , the valve assembly connecting the connector claim 1 , a wash line and a bypass line claim 1 , wherein the valve assembly is open to the wash line claim 1 , and closed to the connector and bypass line such that flow is directed from the recharger claim 1 , through the wash line claim 1 , and into the reusable module.3. The method of further comprising a second valve assembly positioned on a connector between the reusable module and the second module; the second ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151525A1
Автор: Woodward Benjamin Lee

A filter cleaning apparatus preferably comprises a filter holding assembly, a vibration assembly, and a diffusion delivery module. The filter holding assembly may secure the filter within a cleaning chamber. The vibration assembly may be operatively coupled to the filter holding assembly and may be configured to vibrate the filter. The diffusion delivery module may reciprocate along a longitudinal axis of the filter and deliver cleaning air radially and substantially perpendicular to an interior surface of the filter. The cleaning air may be pulsated to enhance the cleaning effect. 1. A filter cleaning apparatus comprising:an air source; anda diffusion delivery module in fluid communication with said air source to deliver cleaning air to an interior surface of the filter, said diffusion delivery module including a diffusion pipe that terminates in diffusion nozzle that delivers the cleaning air simultaneously over substantially 360°.2. A filter cleaning apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the diffusion nozzle comprises a block to which a diffusion cap is connected claim 1 , said block and said diffusion cap defining a gap therebetween through which the cleaning air from the air source is delivered toward the filter.3. A filter cleaning apparatus as set forth in claim 2 , wherein said block has a concave inner structure and said diffusion cap is substantially disk-shaped.4. A filter cleaning apparatus as set forth in claim 2 , wherein said block and said diffusion cap are connected to each other via a plurality of elongate fasteners.5. A filter cleaning apparatus as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the cleaning air from the air source is pulsated to enhance the cleaning effect. This application is a continuation of copending application Ser. No. 14/638,776, filed Mar. 4, 2015, which claims the benefit of provisional application Ser. No. 61/948,883, filed Mar. 6, 2014. The aforementioned applications are each relied upon and incorporated herein by reference for ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238003A1

A PM accumulation amount estimation device is provided with an exhaust amount computation means for computing PM exhaust amount which is discharged in an exhaust gas passage and a passive regeneration amount computation means for computing a PM regeneration amount in a DPF and is configured to estimate the PM accumulation amount in the DPF from the difference between the PM exhaust amount computed by the exhaust amount computation means and the PM regeneration amount computed by the passive regeneration amount computation means The PM accumulation amount estimation device is further configured such that, when an abnormality is found in an airflow meter the PM regeneration amount from NOis computed, and the PM accumulation amount in the DPF is estimated, without using the airflow amount measured by the airflow meter 1. A PM accumulation amount estimation device comprising:a diesel particulate filter (DPF) configured to collect exhaust gas particulate matter (PM) in exhaust gas exhausted to an exhaust path from an internal combustion engine;a PM accumulation amount estimation unit configured to estimate a PM accumulation amount of PM accumulating in the DPF;an emission amount computation unit configured to compute a PM emission amount of the PM exhausted to the exhaust path; anda passive regeneration amount computation unit configured to compute a PM regeneration amount of the PM passively regenerated in the DPF,wherein the PM accumulation amount estimation unit is configured to estimate the PM accumulation amount in the DPF based on a difference between the PM emission amount computed by the emission amount computation unit and the PM regeneration amount computed by the passive regeneration amount computation unit,wherein the passive regeneration amount computation unit is configured to compute a passive regeneration amount of PM regenerated passively by adding a PM regeneration amount of PM regenerated by oxygen in the exhaust gas and a PM regeneration amount of PM ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297036A1

A method for recycling a scrapped polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane through chemical cleaning-structural transformation-hydrophilicity is disclosed, which can extend the service life of scrapped PVDF membrane materials (namely, membrane at the end of service life). The method includes the following steps: cleaning a scrapped membrane with sodium hypochlorite and citric acid; treating the membrane with a structural transformation agent, where, irreversible contaminants are washed away while the PVDF membrane is subjected to pore expansion and hydrophilization; and with self-polymerization of dopamine on a membrane surface, further improving the hydrophilicity of the membrane surface, enhancing the anti-contamination performance, and repairing damaged points on the surface of the scrapped PVDF membrane produced during long-term operation. 1. A method for recycling a scrapped polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane produced in a water treatment , comprising the following steps:1. a cleaning of the scrapped PVDF membrane: soaking the scrapped PVDF membrane in 0.2 wt % to 1.0 wt % sodium hypochlorite for 0.5 h to 4 h and then in 0.5 wt % to 4.0 wt % citric acid for 0.5 h to 4 h to remove mud cakes attached to a surface of the scrapped PVDF membrane to obtain a first cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane; and rinsing the first cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane with deionized water to obtain a second cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane for later use;2. a structural transformation of the second cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane: soaking the second cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane treated in step 1) in a structural transformation agent at 10° C. to 40° C. for 0.5 min to 4.0 min to obtain a third cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane, wherein, irreversible contaminants are washed away while the second cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane is subjected to a pore expansion and a hydrophilization; and thoroughly rinsing the third cleaned scrapped PVDF membrane with deionized water to remove superficial ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

HVAC Home Air Filter

Номер: US20220297047A1
Принадлежит: K&N Engineering, Inc.

An apparatus and a method are provided for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) home air filter to remove airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces. The HVAC home air filter includes a supportive frame having a shape and size suitable to orient the HVAC home air filter within a residential HVAC system. A filter medium is retained within the supportive frame to remove the airborne molecular contaminants and VOCs from air flowing through the residential HVAC system. The filter medium includes a combination of media layers configured to exhibit a relatively high filtration efficiency and a low air pressure drop across the filter medium. The supportive frame includes a plurality of elongate sections and corner sections disposed along perimeter edges of the filter medium to support the filter medium within the residential HVAC system so as direct air through the filter medium. 1. An air filter for cleaning air within interior residential spaces , comprising:two or more filter panels comprising a V-bank filter element for removing contaminants from an airstream;a top member and a bottom member for supporting the V-bank filter element;a frame for coupling with the top member and the bottom member; andone or more openings disposed in the frame for allowing the airstream to enter the V-bank filter element.2. The air filter of claim 1 , wherein the two or more filter panels that are angled with respect to one another to form one or more V-configurations.3. The air filter of claim 2 , wherein the two or more filter panels are arranged into adjacent V-configurations.4. The air filter of claim 2 , wherein the two or more filter panels each comprises a filter medium that provides an area through which to pass the airstream and entrap particulates and other contaminates flowing with the airstream.5. The air filter of claim 4 , wherein the filter medium includes one or more media layers disposed between a ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170157533A1
Автор: Cummings Larry J.

The present invention discloses methods of neutralizing apatite surfaces, for example after a flow-through collection of a target and prior to cleaning the chromatography solid support. 1. A method for cleaning an apatite solid surface following target molecule purification by a non-adsorbing flow through process , the method comprising ,(a) contacting a sample comprising the target molecule in a buffer comprising 5-20 mM phosphate to an apatite solid surface thereby flowing the target molecule past the apatite solid surface;(b) neutralizing the apatite solid surface by contacting the apatite solid surface with a sufficient concentration and volume of an alkaline hydroxide; and(c) after the neutralizing with alkaline hydroxide, cleaning the apatite solid surface, thereby eluting adsorbed biological compounds, wherein the cleaning comprises contacting the apatite solid surface with a phosphate solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkaline hydroxide is selected from the group consisting of sodium hydroxide claim 1 , potassium hydroxide and lithium hydroxide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the alkaline hydroxide is between 0.01 and 2 M.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the alkaline hydroxide is between 0.1 and 1 M.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the phosphate solution has a pH at or between 6.5 and 10.0.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the phosphate concentration of the phosphate solution is at or between 0.1 and 1.0.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the apatite is selected from the group consisting of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the apatite is ceramic hydroxyapatite or ceramic fluorapatite.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the apatite is a non-ceramic apatite.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target molecule is a protein.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the protein is selected from an antibody claim 10 , an antibody fragment claim 10 , and a recombinant ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158528A1

Cross-linked polymeric resins from anilines linked together with polyamine alkyl chains. A process for producing the cross-linked polymeric resins by Mannich-type polycondensation of anilines and diaminoalkanes linked together by an aldehyde and subsequent basification. In addition, a method for removing heavy metals, such as Pb (II) and As (V) from aqueous solution via contacting and treatment with the cross-linked polymeric resins. 2: The cross-linked polymeric resin of claim 1 , wherein each Ris —H.4: The cross-linked polymeric resin of claim 1 , which is in the form of a pulverulent powder having a BET surface area in the range of 2.0 to 15.0 mg.5: A process for producing the cross-linked polymeric resin of claim 2 , comprising:reacting an aniline compound with a diaminoalkane compound in the presence of an aldehyde to form a cross-linked polyamine terpolymer; and{'sub': '1', 'treating the cross-linked polyamine terpolymer with a base to form the cross-linked polymeric resin wherein each Ris —H.'}6: The process of claim 5 , wherein the molar ratio of the aldehyde to the aniline compound is in the range of 4:1 to 8:1.7: The process of claim 5 , wherein the molar ratio of the diaminoalkane compound to the aniline compound is in the range of 1:1 to 5:1.8: The process of claim 5 , wherein the aniline compound is aniline claim 5 , the aldehyde is paraformaldehyde and the diaminoalkane compound is at least one selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 5 ,4-diaminobutane claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,6-diaminohexane claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,8-diaminooctane claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,10-diaminodecane claim 5 , and 1 claim 5 ,12-diaminododecane.9: A method for removing a heavy metal from an aqueous solution claim 5 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'contacting the cross-linked polymeric resin of with the aqueous solution comprising at least one heavy metal; and'}adsorbing the heavy metal onto the cross-linked polymeric resin to form a heavy metal loaded ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160166963A1
Автор: Rife Robert T.

An air filter reconditioning apparatus is provided for cleaning air filters. There is a vessel body with a lid and an arbor axle tube provides a source of incoming air. A two stage live arbor is provided having a first roller bearing fitted on the arbor axle tube, a spacer ring fitted on the first roller bearing, a second roller bearing fitted on the arbor axle tube, an impeller ring fitted on the second roller bearing and a housing fitted on the spacer ring and the impeller ring, with an air redirection plate disposed in the housing and fitted to the arbor axle tube. A V-grooved arbor nozzle adapter is threadably connected to the housing such that the housing and the V-grooved nozzle adapter rotate around the arbor axle tube. Nozzles defined in the V-grooved arbor nozzle adapter direct air into the air filter during rotation. 1. A method of cleaning an air filter comprising the acts of:providing a source of incoming air;providing an arbor axle tube and defining an arbor axle tube port in the arbor axle tube and the arbor axle tube for delivering the incoming air;providing a two stage live arbor having a first roller bearing fitted on the arbor axle tube, a spacer ring fitted on the first roller bearing, a second roller bearing fitted on the arbor axle tube, an impeller ring fitted on the second roller bearing and the first and second roller bearings are spaced a distance from one another, and providing a housing and fitting the housing on the spacer ring and the impeller ring such that the housing is capable of rotating around the arbor axle tube when the arbor axle tube is stationary;providing the two stage live arbor further with an redirection plate having an air redirection plate opening and press fitting the air redirection plate to the arbor axle tube and positioning the air redirection plate in the housing such that the impeller ring and second roller bearing are disposed between the air redirection plate and the first roller bearing and the spacer ring; ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305458A1

Disclosed herein are materials and methods related to the removal of a polyfluorinated alkyl compound from water. The materials contain both fluorine and an ion, which materials can be used as a network to remove the polyfluorinated alkyl compound from water. 1. A method of removing a polyfluorinated alkyl compound from water , the method comprising absorbing the polyfluorinated alkyl compound from the water with a fluorinated ionic polymer network.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the step of removing the fluorinated ionic polymer network comprising the absorbed polyfluorinated alkyl compound from the water.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the method further comprises the step of separating the absorbed polyfluorinated alkyl compound from the fluorinated ionic polymer network.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic polymer network is a fluorinated cationic polymer network.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic polymer network is a fluorinated anionic polymer network.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic polymer network is a fluorinated zwitterionic polymer network.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic polymer network is a co-polymer made from a monomer comprising fluorine and a monomer comprising an ion-generating moiety.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the ion-generating moiety is an amine claim 7 , imidazole claim 7 , benzimidazole claim 7 , guanidinium claim 7 , triazole claim 7 , pyridine claim 7 , diazine claim 7 , triazine claim 7 , thiol claim 7 , thioether claim 7 , phosphorane claim 7 , or phosphine.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic polymer network is a co-polymer made from a monomer comprising fluorine and a monomer comprising an ion.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated ionic polymer network comprises a quaternary ammonium or quaternary phosphonium.17. The method of anyone of claim 11 , wherein the polymerizable ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174516A1

An apparatus for cleaning air filters utilizes a pressurized fluid flow, preferably air, to rotate a set of air spraying jets inside a hollow interior of a filter in order to remove particles from the filter. To ensure proper positioning of the jets in relation to the filter the present invention uses a set of plates with slots and pins, wherein the pins secure the apparatus on one end of the filter. The set of plates also at least partially blocks the flow of air out of the ends to more efficiently direct the flow of air from the jets to the filter. The jets then may be moved reciprocated along the length of the filter for cleaning purposes. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. A method for cleaning a tubular air filtering member , said method comprising the steps of:(a) providing an apparatus comprising a member having a hollow interior communicating a pressurized fluid flow, a body mounted for a rotation at one end of said member and having a hollow interior disposed in a fluid communication with said hollow interior of said member, and nozzles attached to said body in said fluid communication with said hollow interior thereof;(b) positioning at least said body and said nozzles of said apparatus within a hollow interior of said tubular air filtering member;(c) connecting said member of said apparatus to a source of pressurized fluid flow;(d) delivering said pressurized fluid flow, by way of said nozzles, to an internal surface of said tubular air filtering member; and(e) moving said body and said nozzles, by way of said member, along a length of said tubular air filtering member during delivery of said pressurized fluid flow.20. (canceled)21. The method of claim 19 , whereinsaid step (a) further comprises the steps of:(a) providing a closed chamber within ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Method and System for Removing Retentate from Filters

Номер: US20180193789A1

A cleaning system and method of cleaning filters that removes the ash in the plugged regions is disclosed. The filter is subjected to vibrations, which serve to loosen trapped and packed retentate from the filter. The loosened retentate is then captured by a collection bin. The cleaning system can be integral with the intended application, such as within an automobile. In another embodiment, the cleaning system is a separate cleaning station, where the filter is removing from its intended application, cleaned, and then reinstalled. 1. A method of cleaning retentate from a filter , comprising:applying forced vibrations to a filter element, said forced vibrations being used to dislodge and remove retentate from the filter;using measurements of filter retentate levels to vary the applied forced vibrations;using a fluid to remove said retentate dislodged by said forced vibrations; andcollecting said retentate in a retentate collection system.2. The method of for use in a machine comprising:an engine generating exhaust with particulates;said filter element, having an inlet and outlet, to capture said particulates;a first conduit connecting said engine and said inlet of said filter element;a second conduit connected to said outlet of said filter element;a vibrating element mechanically coupled to said filter element for applying said forced vibrations to said filter element to loosen said retentate captured by said filter element; andsaid retentate collection system located in said first conduit for collecting said retentate loosened in said filter element, wherein whenever said engine is generating exhaust, said retentate collection system retains said collected retentate.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising a gating mechanism in said first conduit having a first position where exhaust flows from said engine to said inlet claim 2 , and a second position where said loosened retentate flows from said inlet to said retentate collection system.4. The method of claim ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Regeneration Control System For Exhaust Filter And Method

Номер: US20140298775A1

A regeneration control system for an exhaust filter in an internal combustion engine system includes a first sensing mechanism for monitoring an exhaust flow resistance of the exhaust filter, and a second sensing mechanism for monitoring an attenuation of electromagnetic energy transmitted through the exhaust filter. The regeneration control system further includes an electronic controller coupled with the sensing mechanisms and configured to output a filter regeneration command responsive to an amount of particulate matter trapped within the exhaust filter. The electronic controller is further configured to weight data from the first and second sensing mechanisms in determining the amount of particulate matter. Weighting of the data may be responsive to an operating state of the internal combustion engine system. Related methodology is also disclosed. 1. A method of operating an internal combustion engine system comprising the steps of:operating the internal combustion engine system in a first operating state at an earlier time, and in a second operating state at a later time;trapping particulate matter in exhaust produced by the internal combustion engine in each of the first and second operating states within an exhaust filter;receiving data from a first sensing mechanism monitoring exhaust flow resistance through the exhaust filter, and from a second sensing mechanism monitoring attenuation of electromagnetic energy transmitted through the exhaust filter, in each of the first and second operating states;commanding a first regeneration of the exhaust filter in the first operating state at a time determined using a first relative weighting of the data from the first and second sensing mechanisms; andcommanding a second regeneration of the exhaust filter in the second operating state at a time determined using a second relative weighting of the data from the first and second sensing mechanisms that is different from the first relative weighting.2. The method of ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Flush Station

Номер: US20200197989A1
Автор: Reyes Junior

An example flush station includes an upper cabinet and a lower cabinet. At least one cleaning head is mounted in the upper cabinet, and has an anchoring attachment, a cleaning solution inlet to dispense cleaning solution, and a compressed air inlet to dispense compressed air. A vacuum system may be provided in the upper cabinet to entrain airborne particulates. A catch basin formed in the lower cabinet receives spent cleaning solution from the upper cabinet. At least one settling tank in the lower cabinet receives spent cleaning solution from the catch basin for settling at least some suspended particulate matter in the spent cleaning solution. A grate at an interface between the upper section and the lower cabinet provides a cleaning deck for filters and/or other components to be cleaned during the cleaning operation. During the cleaning operation, cleaning solution and/or compressed air are dispensed through the filters and/or other components. 1. A flush station , comprising:an upper cabinet having an opening formed through a lower section of the upper cabinet;at least one cleaning head mounted in the upper cabinet, the at least one cleaning head having an anchoring attachment, a cleaning solution inlet to dispense cleaning solution, and a compressed air inlet to dispense compressed air;a lower cabinet to support the upper cabinet, the lower cabinet having an opening formed through an upper section of the lower cabinet;a catch basin formed in the lower cabinet under the opening formed through the upper section of the lower cabinet;at least one settling tank in the lower cabinet, the at least one settling tank fluidically connected to the catch basin to receive spent cleaning solution and particulates from the catch basin for settling at least some suspended particulate matter in the spent cleaning solution prior to discharging the spent cleaning solution; anda grate provided at an interface between the opening formed through the lower section of the upper cabinet ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305303A1

A method for regenerating a particulate filter of an internal combustion engine. The method includes passing an exhaust gas stream through the particulate filter, determining what kind of fuel is being combusted in the internal combustion engine, and determining a burn-off temperature that is capable of burning off a kind of soot formed in the particulate filter as a result of the combustion of the kind of fuel. The burn-off temperature is based on the kind of fuel. 18.-. (canceled)9. A method for regenerating a particulate filter of an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:passing an exhaust gas stream through the particulate filter;determining what kind of fuel is being combusted in the internal combustion engine; anddetermining a burn-off temperature that is capable of burning off a kind of soot formed in the particulate filter as a result of the combustion of the kind of fuel, the burn-off temperature being based on the kind of fuel.101. The method of claim , wherein the burn-off temperature is a base burn-off temperature , the base burn-off temperature being a lowest temperature capable of burning off the kind of soot formed in the particulate filter as a result of the combustion of the kind of fuel.111. The method of claim , wherein the kind of fuel is a blend of a diesel fuel and a biofuel.121. The method of claim , comprising the step of regenerating the particulate filter at the burn-off temperature.131. The method of claim , comprising the step of determining an instantaneous charging state of the particulate filter based on the step of determining the kind of fuel , the instantaneous charging state being an amount of soot in the particulate filter at a given time as a result of the combustion of the kind of fuel.14. The method of claim 13 , comprising the step of regenerating the particulate filter at the burn-off temperature when the instantaneous charging state of the particulate filter exceeds a predetermined limit value claim 13 , the ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180214623A1
Автор: Gerber Martin T.

The invention relates to systems and methods for recharging sorbent materials and other rechargeable dialysis components. The systems and methods include rechargers, flow paths, and related components for connecting multiple rechargers together to sharing infrastructure and resources. The rechargeable dialysis components can include zirconium phosphate, zirconium oxide, and other sorbent cartridge materials including any combination thereof or any other rechargeable component of a dialysis system. Additionally, a single-use cartridge or a multi-use cartridge can be used in the present invention. 1. A recharger , comprising:at least one recharger connector affixed to an outer surface of the recharger and fluidly connectable to a fluid line or a second recharger;wherein the recharger connector is fluidly connected to at least one recharging flow path.2. The recharger of claim 1 , wherein the recharging flow path is selected from the group consisting of a zirconium phosphate recharging flow path comprising a zirconium phosphate module inlet and a zirconium phosphate module outlet; a zirconium oxide recharging flow path comprising a zirconium oxide module inlet and zirconium oxide module outlet; an activated carbon recharging flow path comprising an activated carbon module inlet and an activated carbon module outlet claim 1 , an alumina recharging flow path comprising an alumina module inlet and an alumina module outlet claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The recharger of claim 1 , wherein the recharger connector is fluidly connectable to a first end of a fluid connector; and wherein a second end of the fluid connector is fluidly connectable to a recharger connector of a second recharger.4. The recharger of claim 1 , wherein the recharger comprises a zirconium phosphate recharging flow path comprising a zirconium phosphate module inlet and a zirconium phosphate module outlet and a zirconium oxide recharging flow path comprising a zirconium oxide module inlet and ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Method And System For Removing Retentate From Filters

Номер: US20150231544A1

A cleaning system and method of cleaning filters that removes the ash in the plugged regions is disclosed. The filter is subjected to vibrations, which serve to loosen trapped and packed retentate from the filter. The loosened retentate is then captured by a collection bin. The cleaning system can be integral with the intended application, such as within an automobile. In another embodiment, the cleaning system is a separate cleaning station, where the filter is removing from its intended application, cleaned, and then reinstalled. 1. A method of cleaning retentate from a filter , comprising:applying forced vibrations to a filter element, said forced vibrations being used to dislodge and remove retentate from the filter;and collecting said retentate in a retentate collection system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said applying forced vibrations comprises applying vibrations of a first frequency and a first energy for a first time period to loosen said retentate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said applying forced vibration further comprises applying vibrations of a second frequency and a second energy for a second time period claim 2 , after said first time period.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said first frequency is less than said second frequency.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein said first frequency is less than 60 Hz and said second frequency is greater than 100 Hz.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein said first energy is greater than said second energy.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the application of forced vibrations is stopped after a predetermined amount of time or after a specified amount of retentate has been removed from said filter element.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein measurements of filter retentate levels are used to vary the applied forced vibrations.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising using a fluid to remove retentate dislodged by said forced vibrations.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein said fluid is a liquid.11. The ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225106A1

A filter and filter cleaning system wherein the filter is reusable after ultrasonic cleaning in a tank. The filter is disassembled, separating the filter element from the case. The filter element comprises a micromesh metallic filter core that traps contaminants within it during normal use. The micromesh core element is cleaned in a liquid bath while being exposed to ultrasonic vibrations that shake the contaminants from the mesh filter structure. The contaminants are washed from the mesh by the fluid bath as they are separated from the mesh structure. Once cleaned, the filter is reassembled and can be reused unlike typical paper care filters that must be discarded. 2. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which the reusable filter element comprises a micromesh material.3. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which the micromesh material of the filter element is a metallic mesh sheet.4. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which the metallic mesh comprises a stainless steel sheet.5. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which the metallic mesh is formed into a pleated cylindrical filter element within the filter case.6. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which said filter element further comprises a metallic sintered mesh filter material.7. The reusable filter cleaning system of further comprising a cleaning solvent in the at least one well of the fluid tank.8. The reusable filter cleaning system of further comprising a second well in the fluid tank.9. The reusable filter cleaning system of wherein the second well contains a cleaning solvent.10. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which the ultrasonic wave generator produces dynamic frequency sweep ultrasonic energy waves into the at least one well of the fluid tank.11. The reusable filter cleaning system of in which the ultrasonic generator comprises modular transducers.12. The reusable filter cleaning system of further comprising absorbent pads placed on the cleaning solvent for ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217274A1

A method of recovering crude oil from crude oil drenched adsorbent and simultaneously regenerating the adsorbent to render it suitable for re-use in crude oil adsorption. The method includes contacting crude oil drenched adsorbent, in the form of solid nanofibrous expanded polystyrene drenched with adsorbed crude oil, with a non-polar solvent, thereby obtaining regenerated crude oil lean adsorbent and crude oil rich solvent. 1. A method of recovering crude oil from crude oil drenched adsorbent and simultaneously regenerating the adsorbent to render it suitable for re-use in crude oil adsorption , the method including contacting crude oil drenched adsorbent , in the form of solid nanofibrous expanded polystyrene drenched with adsorbed crude oil , with a non-polar solvent , thereby obtaining regenerated crude oil lean adsorbent and crude oil rich solvent.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nanofibrous expanded polystyrene is electrospun expanded polystyrene.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nanofibrous expanded polystyrene is comprised by a membrane.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent is n-hexane.5. A method of treating crude oil contaminated water to remove crude oil therefrom claim 1 , the method includingcontacting crude oil in crude oil contaminated water with crude oil adsorbent in the form of solid nanofibrous expanded polystyrene, thereby obtaining crude oil drenched adsorbent and treated water; andcontacting crude oil drenched adsorbent with a non-polar solvent, thereby obtaining regenerated crude oil lean adsorbent and crude oil rich solvent.6. The method according to claim 5 , which includes separating crude oil drenched adsorbent and treated water prior to contacting crude oil drenched adsorbent with the solvent.7. The method according to claim 5 , which includes separating regenerated crude oil lean adsorbent and crude oil rich solvent after contacting crude oil drenched adsorbent with the solvent.8. The ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200215586A1

The present invention provides a new filter cleaning method that has cleaning performance superior to that of ultrasonic cleaning. The method for cleaning a filter of the present invention includes the steps of: generating a shock wave; and bringing the shock wave into contact with a filter to which a filler adhered, wherein in the shock wave contacting step, a pressure applied to the filter by the shock wave is 0.07 MPa or more. 1. A method for cleaning a filter , comprising the steps of:generating a shock wave; andbringing the shock wave into contact with a filter to which a filler adhered, whereinin the shock wave contacting step, a pressure applied to the filter by the shock wave is 0.07 MPa or more.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin the shock wave contacting step, the shock wave is brought into contact with the filter under water.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe filler is at least one selected from the group consisting of titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, talc, silica, montmorillonite, sepiolite, clay, wollastonite, potassium titanate, zonotolite, gypsum fibers, aluminum borate, fibrous magnesium compounds, aramid fibers, carbon fibers, glass fibers, mica, glass flakes, polyoxybenzoyl whisker, zeolite, silver ion-supported zeolite, silica balloons, glass balloons, shirasu-balloons, resin balloons, carbon black, graphite, metal powder, metal fibers, metal foils, carbon nanotubes, ferrite, magnetic iron oxide, samarium cobalt, Nd—Fe—B, aluminum oxide, aluminum nitride, boron nitride, beryllium oxide, barium titanate, lead zirconate titanate, lead, tungsten, stainless steel, barium sulfate, molybdenum sulfide, charcoal powder, glass beads, magnesium oxide, hydrotalcite, antimony oxide, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, zinc borate, red phosphorus, zinc carbonate, dosonite, zinc oxide, iron oxide, calcium oxide, cerium oxide, activated clay, polymeric gel, pigments, polytetrafluoroethylene powder, and silica gel.4. A filter ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240185A1

The present invention relates to a process for in situ regeneration of spent filter aid including the steps of: a) circulating through a spent filter aid cake in a circulation loop a regenerating oil at a temperature of from 40° C. to 100° C., in a regenerating oil/spent filter aid (v/w) ratio of from 0.3/1 to 12/1; b) removing the regenerating oil from the treated spent filter aid cake; and c) recovering the regenerated filter aid. 1. A process for in situ regeneration of spent filter aid comprising the steps of:a) circulating a regenerating oil through a spent filter aid cake in a circulation loop at a temperature of from 40° C. to 100° C., in a regenerating oil/spent filter aid (v/w) ratio of from 0.3/1 to 12/1;b) removing the regenerating oil from the treated spent filter aid cake; andc) recovering the regenerated filter aid.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the regenerating oil is a non-refined claim 1 , partially refined or fully refined vegetable oil.3. A process according to claim 2 , wherein the vegetable oil is chosen as being partially refined or fully refined sunflower oil claim 2 , olive oil claim 2 , corn oil or cottonseed oil.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the regenerating oil is chosen as being the same oil as the oil being winterised in the process having generated the spent filter aid.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the regenerating oil circulates through the spent filter aid cake at a temperature of from 45° C. to 85° C.6. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the regenerating oil is circulating through the spent filter aid cake during 5 to 60 minutes.7. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the regenerating oil/spent filter aid (v/w) ratio of from 1/1 to 9/1.8. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the regenerating oil is removed from the treated spent filter aid cake by draining and then blowing said cake.9. A process according to claim 8 , wherein the treated spent filter aid cake is blown with air or ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150246341A1

A method for regenerating a Cu-BTC material includes: impregnating a Cu-BTC adsorbed with guest molecules in an acidic proton solvent or in a steam environment thereof, and filtering the Cu-BTC material, to obtain a solid; impregnating the solid in a non-acidic organic solvent or a steam environment thereof, and finally filtering, washing and drying the solid, to complete the generation of the Cu-BTC material. 1. A method for regenerating a Cu-BTC material , comprising: impregnating Cu-BTC adsorbed with guest molecules in an acidic proton solvent or a steam environment thereof , and filtering the Cu-BTC material to obtain a solid; and impregnating the solid in a non-acidic organic solvent or a steam environment thereof , and finally filtering , washing and drying the solid , to complete the regeneration of the Cu-BTC material.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the guest molecules are gas molecules or organic dye molecules; and are preferably one or more selected from CO claim 1 , CO claim 1 , N claim 1 , H claim 1 , CH claim 1 , CH claim 1 , CH claim 1 , NO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , SO claim 1 , HS claim 1 , methyl orange claim 1 , methyl blue claim 1 , methylene blue claim 1 , methyl red and Sudan red.3. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein the guest molecule adsorption in the Cu-BTC adsorbed with guest molecules is 0 to 100 wt % claim 1 , and further 0.1 wt % to 100 wt %.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the specific surface area of the Cu-BTC adsorbed with guest molecules and the Cu-BTC material is greater than 600 m/g.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic proton solvent is at least one selected from acetic acid claim 1 , formic acid claim 1 , hydrochloric acid claim 1 , sulfuric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , carbonic acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , hydrofluoric acid claim 1 , hydrogen bromide and hydrogen iodide.6. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein the acidic proton solvent has a pH value of ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150251117A1

A filter cleaning apparatus has a top section and a base section. The top section rests on a housing support. A lid in the top section is connected to the top section by a hinge. Internally, there is a threaded rod supporting a cone and a positioning nut. The positioning nut is used to secure the position of the cone. When a filter is to be placed in the apparatus, the position of the cone is adjusted with the positioning nut. A filter is then placed thereon and the lid closed. A locking mechanism secured the lid in place. A textured disk is positioned on the underside of the lid. When a crank handle on top of the lid is turned, the textured disk is turned thereby turning the filter resting on the cone. As the filter turns, cleaning mechanisms remove debris which pass through openings for removal. 1. A filter cleaning apparatus comprising: wherein the top section has a lid hingeably coupled thereto and the top section is attached to the base section,', 'wherein the base section has a plurality of openings;, 'a housing having a top section and a base section,'}a disk rotatably coupled to the lid of the top section; 'wherein the threaded rod has an adjustment mechanism attached thereto;', 'a threaded rod rotatably coupled to the base section,'}at least one cleaning mechanism extending from an inner wall of the base section; anda crank handle rotatably coupled to the lid.2. The apparatus of further comprising a locking mechanism.3. The apparatus of wherein the locking mechanism secures the lid to the top section thereby keeping it shut during use.4. The apparatus of wherein the housing is generally circular in shape.5. The apparatus of the adjustment mechanism further comprising a cone threadably engaged to the threaded rod claim 1 ,wherein the height of the cone is determined by a positioning nut.6. The apparatus of wherein the cleaning mechanism is a brush.7. The apparatus of wherein the type of brush is selected based on the composition of the item being cleaned.8. ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232195A1
Автор: Alper Hal

This disclosure relates to new filtration systems, granular substrates, granular media and processes that are highly effective for removing suspended oil, particulates and oily particulates from an oil-water mixture. The new filtration media comprises a microporous granular substrate having a combination of specified micro-porosity, hardness and additional characteristics, the substrate being modified by an infused or coated absorption composition. This resulting filtration media displays excellent filtration performance, including outstanding durability and robustness to sustain its excellent performance over a large number of backwash cycles. 1. A method of removing oil and particulate contaminants from contaminated water , the method comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'M', 'a) flowing water contaminated with suspended oil droplets and/or particulates through a filter bed comprising a microporous granular media, the microporous granular media comprising a microporous granular substrate having a standard MyCelx Hardness (H) of at least or about 7.0; and'}b) coalescing at least a portion of the oil droplets during flow and retaining the coalesced oil in the filter bed and/or retaining at least a portion of the particulates in the filter bed;wherein at least a portion of the microporous granular media is at least partially coated or infused with an absorption composition comprising a homogeneous thermal reaction product of an oil component selected from the group consisting of glycerides, fatty acids, fatty acid esters, alkenes and alkynes, and a methacrylate or acrylate polymer component:,c) terminating the flow of contaminated water after the coalesced oil and/or particulates have been retained in the filter bed; andd) turbulently backwashing the filter bed with a backwash liquid to release the contaminants, and separating the released contaminants from the backwashed filter bed.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the -step of:e) re-initiating the ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200229670A1
Автор: Adams Cynthia

A handheld dust-removing device, including a main body to remove at least one particle of dust disposed on a surface of an air conditioning filter, and a handle at least partially disposed within at least a portion of the main body to allow a user to move the main body across the surface of an air conditioning filter to remove the at least one particle of dust. 1. A handheld dust-removing device , comprising:a main body to remove at least one particle of dust disposed on a surface of an air conditioning filter, such that the main body is a flexible and malleable piece of electrostatic cloth; anda handle at least partially disposed within at least a portion of the main body to allow a user to move the main body across the surface of an air conditioning filter to remove the at least one particle of dust.2. The handheld dust-removing device of claim 1 , wherein the handle comprises:a motor disposed within at least a portion of the handle; andat least one rod to connect the motor to the main body to manipulate the main body in response to a movement of the motor.3. The handheld dust-removing device of claim 2 , wherein the movement of the motor is at least one of a reciprocal movement claim 2 , a vibrating movement claim 2 , and a spinning movement.4. The handheld dust-removing device of claim 2 , wherein the handle further comprises a button.5. The handheld dust-removing device of claim 4 , wherein the motor causes the main body to vibrate in response to a first press of the button to destabilize the at least one particle of dust attached to the air conditioning filter.6. The handheld dust-removing device of claim 4 , wherein the motor causes the main body to rotate in response to a second press of the button to increase a surface area of the main body that is in contact with the outer surface of the air conditioning filter.7. A handheld dust-removing device claim 4 , comprising:a main body to remove at least one particle of dust disposed on a surface of an air ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252699A1

In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, a method of regenerating an exhaust gas particulate filter in a vehicle having an internal combustion engine is provided. The method includes determining a soot accumulation in the particulate filter, determining a soot humidity and temperature correction factor, and adjusting, using the soot humidity and temperature correction factor, the soot accumulation to determine a corrected soot accumulation in the particulate filter. The method further includes performing a regeneration of the particulate filter when at least one of the following occurs: the corrected soot accumulation reaches a predetermined threshold, and the corrected soot accumulation indicates a contorted soot mass to flow resistance relationship. 1. A method of regenerating an exhaust gas particulate filter in a vehicle having an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:determining a soot accumulation in the particulate filter;determining a soot humidity and temperature correction factor;adjusting, using the soot humidity and temperature correction factor, the soot accumulation to determine a corrected soot accumulation in the particulate filter; and the corrected soot accumulation reaches a predetermined threshold; and', 'the corrected soot accumulation indicates a contorted soot mass to flow resistance relationship., 'performing a regeneration of the particulate filter when at least one of the following occurs2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the soot accumulation is determined by a predictive model based on a measured flow resistance in the particulate filter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the soot humidity and temperature correction factor is determined based on at least one of a humidity model based on temperature claim 1 , air mass claim 1 , and 0% claim 1 , a humidity measurement from a humidity sensor claim 1 , an air/fuel stoichiometric ratio as a function of ambient humidity and temperature claim 1 , and a barometric pressure as a ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

HVAC Home Air Filter

Номер: US20200230539A1
Принадлежит: K&N Engineering, Inc.

An apparatus and a method are provided for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) home air filter to remove airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces. The HVAC home air filter comprises a supportive frame having a shape and size suitable to orient the HVAC home air filter within a residential HVAC system. A filter medium is retained within the supportive frame to remove the airborne molecular contaminants and VOCs from air flowing through the residential HVAC system. The filter medium comprises a combination of media layers configured to exhibit a relatively high filtration efficiency and a low air pressure drop across the filter medium. The supportive frame comprises a plurality of elongate sections and corner sections disposed along perimeter edges of the filter medium to support the filter medium within the residential HVAC system so as direct air through the filter medium. 1. A heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) home air filter to remove airborne molecular contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air within residential spaces , comprising:a supportive frame comprising a shape and size suitable for orienting the HVAC home air filter within a residential HVAC system; anda filter medium retained within the supportive frame and configured to remove the airborne molecular contaminants and VOCs from air flowing through the residential HVAC system.2. The HVAC home air filter of claim 1 , wherein the filter medium is comprised of paper claim 1 , foam claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , spun fiberglass claim 1 , or other known filter materials claim 1 , woven or non-woven material claim 1 , synthetic or natural claim 1 , or any combination thereof3. The HVAC home air filter of claim 1 , wherein the filter medium is pleated claim 1 , or otherwise shaped claim 1 , or contoured so as to increase the surface area for passing the air stream to be cleaned.4. The HVAC home air ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Fluid Monitoring And Content Control In Industrial Fluid Systems

Номер: US20210275949A1
Автор: Byron James Arthur

The present disclosure provides an exemplary process for a system that may remove particulate from industrial water fluids using a Particulate Removal System (PRS). In some aspects, this system may treat water pulled from different Industrial Fluid Systems (IFS) while doing continuous monitoring and quality tests of the water. In some embodiments, the system may use sensors and other technology to allow for the system to periodically self-clean itself allowing for maximum efficiency and accuracy while also cleaning the water from the IFS. In some implementations, the water from the IFS may be filtered through a Particulate Trap Mechanism (PTM) to ensure that particulate including dissolved material has been removed from the water and separated from possible contamination throughout the system. In some aspects the system may be used for continuous and direct measurement of water quality and automatic chemical level adjustment by systems to maintain a desired range or setpoints. 1. A particulate removal system for continuous fluid sampling in industrial fluid systems , the particulate removal system comprising:a receiving end configured to receive fluid from an industrial fluid system;a plurality of sensors, wherein each of the plurality of sensors is configured to monitor a predefined attribute of fluid received from the industrial fluid system when fluid is flowed in contact with each of the plurality of sensors;at least one fluid actuator controlling flow of fluid from the industrial fluid system to the particulate removal system;an outflow end to expel fluid flowed through the particulate removal system; anda controller in logical communication with one or more of the plurality of sensors and the at least one fluid actuator, wherein the controller controls a position of the at least one fluid actuator.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a particulate trap mechanism located between the industrial fluid system and the system for fluid monitoring claim 1 , ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210275989A1
Автор: Gubler Daniel

Provided herein are devices, systems, and methods for capturing toxic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Certain embodiments of the present disclosure are related to a pollutant-absorbing material that includes an absorbent compound, such as sodium copper chlorophyllin, capable of binding to and capturing a toxic pollutant, and methods of making and using the material for the capture of toxic pollutants. The pollutant-absorbing material can be incorporated into an article worn by a person, such as a shirt or a facemask. 1. A pollutant-absorbing composition comprising a textile material and an absorbent compound , wherein the composition captures a toxic pollutant.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the textile material comprises cotton claim 1 , rayon claim 1 , silk claim 1 , flax claim 1 , hemp claim 1 , bamboo claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , or wool claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the textile material is configured as a mask claim 1 , a shirt claim 1 , an overcoat claim 1 , a hat claim 1 , a linen claim 1 , gloves claim 1 , or an air filter.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent compound is sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC).5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent compound is present in an amount ranging from 2 μmol to 30 μmol of absorbent compound per gram of textile material.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent compound is present in an amount ranging from 50 to 500 nmol of absorbent compound per cmof textile material.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent compound is present in an amount of 1 gram to 20 grams.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the toxic pollutant comprises an airborne pollutant.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the toxic pollutant comprises a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH).10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the toxic pollutant comprises benzo[a]pyrene claim 1 , benzo[e]pyrene claim 1 ...
