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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2201815C2
Принадлежит: ОАО "Станкоагрегат"

Изобретение относится к области коммунального хозяйства и может быть использовано при подготовке твердых бытовых отходов к вторичному использованию. При предварительной сортировке осуществляют предварительный отбор крупных фракций картона и обработку их в роторной дробилке. Последующие сортировку и разрыхление производят в барабанном вращающемся грохоте и одновременно очищают от прилипших частиц отходов барабан. Отбор фракций цветных металлов осуществляют сепаратором цветных металлов. Накопитель однородных фракций выполнен в виде ленточного конвейера, установленного под углом к основному конвейеру. Прессуют и брикетируют отобранные фракции с автоматической обвязкой спрессованных кип. Камера прессования покрыта износостойкими листами. Реализация изобретения позволяет увеличить производительность, качество сортировки, эффективность, сократить транспортные расходы на перевозку брикетов, экономить средства на рекультивацию отходов. 2 c. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 4 ил.

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2363552C2

Изобретение относится к области горнодобывающей промышленности и может быть использовано для дробления и классификации углей в шахтах, на угольных разрезах и складах. Дробильно-сортировочный комплекс включает раму, на которой установлены питатель, дробилка и скребковый конвейер. Рама и установленные на ней ставы скребкового конвейера имеют форму параболы, боковые ветви которой выполнены с возможностью дискретного углового перемещения. Верхний и нижний ставы скребкового конвейера разнесены в вертикальной плоскости не менее чем на 400 мм. Днище верхнего рештачного става конвейера представляет собой классификационную двухрядную щелевую решетку, образованную двумя рядами прутков с сечением трапециевидной формы, которые направлены под прямым углом навстречу друг другу и соответственно под углом 45° к направлению движения цепи конвейера. Верхняя грань прутка развернута под углом к плоскости днища конвейера. Нижний став конвейера выполнен с цельным днищем с тем, чтобы выделенный на классификационной ...

20-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636063C2

Предложенное изобретение относится к установке для обработки материала. Установка для обработки материала содержит раму, устройство для обработки материала, корпус устройства для обработки материала, шарнирно присоединенный к раме питатель для подачи материала к обрабатывающему устройству, первое соединительное средство, которое содержит первый поворотный опорный рычаг, имеющий первую ось поворота и вторую ось поворота, расположенные на первом расстоянии друг от друга. Первая ось поворота присоединена к первому концу питателя, а вторая ось поворота присоединена к раме обрабатывающей установки для перемещения первого конца питателя. Установка дополнительно содержит второе соединительное средство, содержащее второй поворотный опорный рычаг, имеющий третью ось поворота и четвертую ось поворота, расположенные на втором расстоянии друг от друга, причем второй поворотный опорный рычаг шарнирно присоединен третьей осью поворота ко второму концу питателя, а четвертая ось поворота присоединена к ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531438C2

Изобретение относится к области измельчения и разделения твердого полезного ископаемого и может быть использовано, например, при обогащении разного вида минерального сырья. Измельчитель-классификатор содержит вращающийся перфорированный барабан 2, установленный на приводных 4 и поддерживающих 5 роликах, и размещенный внутри перфорированного барабана 2 рабочий элемент. Рабочий элемент снабжен индивидуальным приводом и выполнен в виде вала-измельчителя 6 со сменными рабочими рельефными накладками 8, при этом вал-измельчитель относительно внутренней поверхности перфорированного барабана 2 установлен с регулируемым по высоте зазором 7. Вал-измельчитель 6 и перфорированный барабан 2 посредством индивидуальных приводов имеют возможность изменения частоты и направления вращения, а ось вращения вала-измельчителя 6 расположена на вертикальной оси поперечного сечения перфорированного барабана 2. Измельчитель обеспечивает повышенную эффективность разрушения материала при минимальных энергетических ...

20-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2198746C2

Изобретение относится к коммунальному машиностроению, в частности к грохотам барабанного типа, предназначенным для подготовки отходов потребления к их предварительной переработке. Грохот барабанного типа содержит цилиндрический барабан, по крайней мере, часть стенок которого перфорирована и который установлен на приводных и поддерживающих роликах и имеет на внутренней поверхности барабана шнек. Барабан установлен с возможностью наклона его оси под углом к горизонтали в одну или в другую сторону. Барабан имеет штыри для разрыва упаковки, расположенные на поверхности барабана между лопастями шнека. Изобретение повышает качество подготовки отходов потребления к обработке. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2130805C1

Изобретение относится к обогащению полезных ископаемых и предназначено для разделения зернистых материалов по крупности в жидкой среде, может найти применение в горнорудной, химической, металлургической промышленности и сельском хозяйстве. Устройство для гидравлической классификации включает наклонный в сторону разгрузки короб с днищем, расположенную в коробе просеивающую поверхность, трубопровод, гофрированный поддон, расположенный под просеивающей поверхностью с изменяющимся зазором в сторону разгрузки, загрузочное и разгрузочное приспособления. Загрузочное приспособление выполнено в виде суживающегося конуса с внутренними диаметрально расположенными количеством не менее четырех криволинейными направляющими, при этом входное отверстие суживающего конуса и отверстия просеивающей поверхности асимметричны, а соотношение площадей меньшего основания конуса и большего составляет 1/5 - 1/7. Устройство позволяет повысить эффективность классификации. 2 ил. .

27-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU76586U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для разделения сыпучих материалов по крупности, может быть использована в отраслях промышленности, добывающих и перерабатывающих руды и строительные материалы, позволяет повысить эффективность грохочения. Сито грохота включает просеивающую поверхность с рядами щелеобразных отверстий, образованных путем соединения между собой группы смежных прямоугольных, треугольных или других многогранных отверстий (ячеек) совмещением их смежных углов. Сужения по длине щелеобразных отверстий в местах контактов щелеобразующих ячеек препятствуют прохождению под сито плоских «лещадных» зерен. Таким образом повышается качество разделения материала по крупности по сравнению с применямыми щелевыми ситами,пропускающими «лещадные» зерна крупнее допустимых в подрешетный продукт. Благодаря сближению и соединению ячеек, образующих щелеобразные отверстия, сито имеет высокий коэффициент живого сечения. Промышленная полезность предлагаемого устройства заключается в повышении эффективности ...

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU48283U1

Полезные модели относятся к области разделения сыпучих материалов по крупности и могут быть использованы в коксохимическом производстве для сортировки кокса, а также в угольной, горнорудной, строительной и других отраслях промышленности. Полезные модели решают задачу повышения эффективности грохочения при обеспечении граничного размера зерна просеиваемого материала, а также возможность замены не всего сита, а только изношенной его части. По первой полезной модели (первый вариант сита) задача решается тем, что сито, содержащее просеивающую поверхность, состоит из отдельных продольных секций, равных его длине и отделенных друг от друга промежутками, ширина промежутка соответствует граничному размеру зерна просеиваемого материала. По второй полезной модели (второй вариант сита) задача решается тем, что сито, содержащее просеивающую поверхность, состоит из отдельных сдвоенных или строенных продольных секций, равных его длине и отделенных друг от друга промежутками, ширина промежутка соответствует ...

10-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU75965U1

Полезная модель относится к области разделения сыпучих материалов по крупности составляющих компонентов и может найти применение в коммунальном хозяйстве для сортировки твердых бытовых отходов по фракциям, а также в сельском хозяйстве, в пищевой, горнорудной, металлургической и строительной отраслях промышленности. Ротационно-револьверный узел содержит размещенный над сортировочным столом сепаратор, имеющий форму тела вращения, например, цилиндра, конуса, усеченного конуса или шара, установленного с возможностью одновременного вращения вокруг вертикальной и горизонтальной осей, а также совершения колебательных движений. В стенках сепаратора выполнены сепарационные отверстия для прохода фракций сепарируемого материала, при этом сепаратор оснащен загрузочно-разгрузочным или загрузочным и разгрузочным отверстиями. Сортировочный стол выполнен многоуровневым. Нижний уровень сортировочного стола предназначен для фракций материала, отсепарированных через сепарационные отверстия в стенках сепаратора ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU104097U1

Просеивающая поверхность грохота для выделения пластушки, включающая продольные элементы, выполненные из эластичного материала, через отверстия в которых проходят поперечно металлические стержни, рабочая поверхность жестко прикреплена одной стороной в месте загрузки, а продольные стороны прижаты сверху эластичными элементами, отличающаяся тем, что по 2 стержня в поперечном ряду поверхности расположены один ниже, а другой выше уровня постоянной плоскости просеивающей поверхности с чередованием со стержнями, расположенными на постоянном уровне.

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU83017U1

... 1. Устройство для классификации сыпучих материалов, включающее загрузочное приспособление, горизонтально расположенный вращающийся калибрующий элемент, выполненный из винтовой пружины изогнутой вверх, отводящие лотки, отличающееся тем, что пружина выполнена с постоянным межвитковым расстоянием, при этом плоскость изогнутой пружины наклонена на угол α к горизонту, а загрузочное приспособление расположено над пружиной по всей ее поверхности. ! 2. Устройство для классификации сыпучих материалов по п.1, отличающееся тем, что размер верхнего шага пружины h1 и нижнего h2 установлены в зависимости от классификации материала.

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151095U1

Устройство для определения крошения почвы почвообрабатывающими машинами, включающее основание, имеющее отверстие, в которое установлен каркас цилиндрической формы с возможностью вращения, с расположенными в нем друг над другом решетами, диаметр отверстий которых уменьшается по ходу движения фракции почвы.

29-07-2022 дата публикации

Устройство для комплексной оценки продовольственного зерна и семенного материала

Номер: RU2776946C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для оценки качества зерна, в частности, посредством сканирования и визуальной оценки параметров с последующим их сопоставлением с заданными эталонами. Устройство содержит корпус, систему управления, систему визуальной оценки, рабочую платформу для исследуемого материала. При этом система визуальной оценки дополнительно содержит механизм позиционирования, включающий каретку Х-оси, каретку Y-оси, перемещающиеся по направляющим опорными колесами, каретка Х-оси, каретка Y-оси закреплены к неподвижным гайкам, находящимся на подвижных винтах, подключенных к шаговым двигателям, на вертикальной стойке каретки Х-оси расположена видеокамера высокого разрешения с подсветкой, на рабочей платформе для исследуемого материала установлен вибростол с вибратором, на вибростоле зажимами закреплена емкость с ячейками вытянутой полусфероидной формы. При этом площадь поверхности ячейки вытянутой полусфероидной формы на 40% выше, чем половина площади поверхности максимального ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU129022U1

Устройство для отделения угольной мелочи от кусков породы, включающее передвижной бункер, в верхней части которого укреплена наклонная решетка из металлических прутьев, а под решеткой установлена наклонная плоскость, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено транспортером, нижний конец которого размещен в днище бункера, а верхний расположен на высоте, достаточной для погрузки угля в самосвалы.

30-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006295C1

Использование: в технологии очистки и разделения материалов, в частности пульпы от щепы, например, в процессах обогащения шламов. Сущность изобретения: щепоуловитель включает корпус 1 с переливным порогом 2, расположенным против щели под передней стенкой корпуса 1. Над щелью на передней стенке корпуса 1 расположена подвижная заслонка 3. Непосредственно на переливном пороге 2 расположено сито 4, выполненное из ряда параллельно расположенных консольных стержневых элеменов. На передней стенке корпуса 1 закреплены серьга 5 и привод, осуществляющий возвратно-поступательное перемещение гребенки 7. В основании гребенки 7 выполнен паз 8. Гребенка 7 шарнирно соединена с серьгой 5 и пальцем эксцентрика. Под ситом 4 расположены приемный бункер 10 для пульпы и лоток 11 для щепы. 2 ил.

18-05-2022 дата публикации

Способ комплексной переработки смешанных твёрдых отходов

Номер: RU2772178C1

Изобретение относится к способу комплексной переработки смешанных твердых отходов, в частности отходов строительства, сноса зданий, сооружений и грунта (ОССиГ), и может быть использовано на организованных производственных площадках или площадках по рекультивации нарушенных земель. Технический результат - повышение эффективности переработки отходов ОССиГ, получение востребованных вторичных продуктов или новых, в которых использованы вторичные продукты. Способ включает приемку, экспресс-контроль, распределение исходного сырья на два потока по агрегатному состоянию и по видам происхождения, переработку первого потока сырья в виде отходов строительства и сноса IV и V классов опасности, механическую сортировку по сфере использования, выделение металлических включений как вторичного продукта утилизации, раздельную переработку оставшегося сырья с помощью последовательных приемов фрагментации, грохочения, дробления и измельчения с получением востребованных вторичных продуктов переработки в виде ...

20-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2130340C1
Автор: Кутырев Э.И.

Изобретение относится к области обогащения руд самородных элементов и природных сплавов - золота, серебра, меди, металлов платиновой группы и других видов полезных минералов, обладающих высокой пластичностью (ковкостью). Способ содержит многоэтапное дробление, измельчение и грохочение горной породы на несколько относительно однородных по крупности продуктов. Наиболее крупную фракцию измельчают ударом и обогощают грохочением до тех пор, пока на просеивающей поверхности останется концентрат вязких (ковких) полезных материалов, а хрупкие, вскрытые при ударе минерала, отойдут в подрешетную фракцию. Операции измельчения и грохочения проводят со следующей более мелкой фракцией до фракции 0,08 или 0,074 мм включительно. Способ позволяет получать концентраты с содержанием полезного компонента, близким к 99 %, за счет укрупнения ковких частиц, является экологически чистым, удешевляет обогащение.

10-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2132753C1

Изобретение относится к обогатительному оборудованию и может быть использовано для разделения и сортировки твердых материалов в горнорудной, металлургической, строительной и других отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение интенсивности и эффективности грохочения, снижение затрат электроэнергии. Гидрогрохот включает короб с приемным и разгрузочным ситами, установленный на упругих элементах и погруженный в бункер с водой, пульпоприемник, разгрузочный лоток, привод, сообщающий коробку колебания. Привод снабжен дифференциальным двухкривошипным механизмом, выполненным в виде ведомого кривошипа, центр вращения которого расположен с вертикальным и горизонтальным эксцентриситетами относительно центра вращения ведущего кривошипа. Изобретение позволяет повысить эффективность грохочения и снизить затраты электроэнергии. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2038172C1

Изобретение относится к горной промышленности и может быть использовано при тонком гидравлическом грохочении в горно-обогатительной отрасли. Цель - снижение эксплуатационных расходов. Пульпа подается в наклонный короб (К) 11 с ситом 10 через питаюшую воронку 2 и поворотный желоб (Ж) 4. На К 11 закреплен ударный механизм 14 для всряхивания сита 10. Периодически К 11 поворачивается вокруг горизонтальной оси с изменением наклона в противоположную сторону. Для изменения направления потока пульпы одновременно с К 11 меняет направление наклона Ж4. Поворот К 11 и Ж 4 осуществляется приводом в виде пневмоцилиндров и кинематических связей. 2 ил.

10-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2057600C1

Использование: для разделения или сортировки твердых материалов по физико-механическим свойствам, в горной и других отраслях промышленности. Сущность изобретения: способ извлечения металлических частиц из природного материала содержит предварительное грохочение исходного материала, дробление надрешетного продукта предварительного грохочения с одновременной прокаткой или прессованием металических частиц для их уплощения, повторное грохочение продуктов дробления на грохоте с размером просеиващих отверстий, равном размеру просеивающих отверстий грохота для предварительного грохочения. Уплощенные металлические частицы отводят в виде надрешетного продукта повторного грохочения. 3 ил., 2 табл.

20-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2121892C1

Способ очистки семян по комплексу физико-механических свойств и устройство для его осуществления содержат подачу исходной смеси на решетный стан, жестко закрепленный на колеблющейся фрикционной плоской деке, предварительную сепарацию на решетном стане, сепарацию смеси на колеблющейся фрикционной поверхности деки, разделение смеси на фракции воздействием установленного над декой вращающегося транспортера с закрепленными на нем захватывающими элементами гибкими нитями в направлении, не параллельном движению смеси, после которого отходы подвергаются воздействию воздушного потока из воздушной колонки, входное сопло которой сопряжено с приемником фракций отходов. Изобретение позволяет наиболее полно использовать семена основной культуры, сохраняя технические семена. 2 с. и 3 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005112790A

... 1. Сито, содержащее просеивающую поверхность, отличающееся тем, что оно состоит из отдельных продольных секций, равных его длине и отделенных друг от друга промежутками, ширина промежутка соответствует граничному размеру зерна просеиваемого материала. 2. Сито, содержащее просеивающую поверхность, отличающееся тем, что оно состоит из отдельных сдвоенных или строенных продольных секций, равных его длине и отделенных друг от друга промежутками, ширина промежутка соответствует граничному размеру зерна просеиваемого материала. 3. Сито, содержащее просеивающую поверхность, отличающееся тем, что оно состоит из отдельных продольных секций, равных его длине, при этом продольные секции, расположенные на вторичном по ходу движения просеиваемого материала участке, отделены друг от друга промежутками, ширина которых соответствует граничному размеру зерна просеиваемого материала.

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94029077A1

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к машинам для очистки и сортирования зерна. Зерноочистительная машина включает два параллельных решетных стана и каналы дорешетной аспирации с делителем потока зерна и послерешетной аспирации с двойным вводом зерновой смеси. Делитель выполнен в виде решета и установлен в нижней части канала дорешетной аспирации так, что обеспечивает подачу прохода - на верхний, а схода - на нижний решетные станы. Зерноочистительная машина за счет выполнения делителя потока зерна в виде решета обеспечивает высокую эффективность очистки.

10-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95100034A1

Изобретение относится к процессам сортировки продуктов измельчения, преимущественно зерна, и предназначено для использования в мукомольной промышленности при производстве мини-мельниц. Новым в изобретении является то, что в устройстве для сепарирования продуктов размела зерна, состоящем из подвешенной на тросах с возможностью качания несущей рамы, закрепленных на ней секций с ситовыми рамками и поддонами, имеющими канал для входа сходного продукта, каналы для выхода готовых и промежуточных продуктов, дебалансного колебателя, секции с ситовыми рамками и поддонами закреплены последовательно одна над другой в вертикальном направлении, каналы для выхода каждого готового продукт всех секций соединены между собой вертикальными каналами, имеющими выходы в нижней части устройства, кроме того входные каналы для исходного продукта и выходные каналы для промежуточных продуктов выполнены в виде выступающих за пределы корпуса секций лотков, а на противоположной стороне несущей рамы симметрично секциям ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009132454A

Сито для гранулирования, включающее верхний и нижний корпуса и закрепленную между ними протирочную сетку с помощью болтового соединения, отличающееся тем, что просеивающая поверхность (протирочная сетка) надежно закрепляется между верхним и нижним корпусами сита за счет фиксирующего элемента, представляющего собой кольцевой выступ треугольной формы высотой 2-6 мм с углом 90-120° в верхнем корпусе и кольцевую канавку глубиной 2-6 мм с углом 90-120° в нижнем корпусе диаметрально расположенную под кольцевым выступом, а натяжение сетки происходит за счет надавливания на нее гильзы, усилие давления которой обеспечивается жесткостью пружин и положением регулирующих гаек.

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006101109A

Сито грохота, содержащее стационарные опоры, выполненные в виде стоек с жестко закрепленными на них параллельными верхними и нижними пластинами, причем нижняя пластина выполнена с выступами, и набор эластичных колосников с упругими утолщениями на концах, предназначенными для закрепления колосников на опорах, упорные утолщения колосников выполнены с пазами, охватывающими выступы стационарных опор, отличающееся тем, что эластичные карты изготовляются выпуклой формы, благодаря этому на их поверхности, под воздействием массы сортируемого материала, создаются сжимающие напряжения, снижающие интенсивность изнашивания.

27-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95114201A

... 1. Способ переработки каменной соли, включающий в себя операции грохочения, дробления, измельчения, классификации и затаривания соли, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности солеперерабатывающего комплекса, снижения эксплуатационных и капитальных затрат и негативного возведения на экологию окружающей среды, переработку соли осуществляют в две стадии, при этом первую стадию переработки соли производят в отработанной очистной камере, где исходную "сырую" соль грохотят по границе разделения 4,5 мм, дробят и измельчают в последовательном порядке надрешетный продукт плюс 4,5 мм до фракции от 0 до 4,5 мм, классифицируют соль фракцией от 0 до 4,5 мм по границе разделения 2,5 мм, из подрешетного продукта грохочения фракцией от 0 до 2,5 мм в процессе последующей операции классификации по границе разделения 0,2 мм выделяют фракцию от 0 до 0,2 мм и направляют ее поточным транспортом в отработанные очистные камеры для складирования или утилизации, а два надрешетных продукта классификации ...

20-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97114763A

Гидрогрохот, включающий корпус с цилиндрической верхней и конической нижней частями, крышку корпуса, тангенциальный подводящий патрубок, патрубки выхода крупного и мелкого продуктов грохочения и коническое решето, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри цилиндрической части корпуса, коаксиально последнему обечайкой, выполненной из поперечно расположенных шпальтовых сит с направленными в сторону внутреннего пространства обечайки рабочими поверхностями, причем подводящий патрубок сообщен с внутренним пространством обечайки, а обечайка установлена посредством стойки и тяг на крышке корпуса с возможностью вращения относительно последнего.

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009118168A

... 1. Сепаратор сыпучих материалов, содержащий зигзагообразно установленные в вертикальном канале с наклоном решета, расположенные под ними с зазором дефлекторы, загрузочный бункер и патрубки вывода разделенных фракций, отличающийся тем, что решета выполнены цилиндрическими с приводными валами, валы соединены друг с другом передачей, при этом между концом и началом смежных цилиндрических решет, установлены направители сходовых фракций. ! 2. Сепаратор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия решет выполнены вдоль образующей цилиндрических решет. ! 3. Сепаратор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что отверстия решет в перпендикулярном сечении образующей цилиндра выполнены конусными.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007130024A

Вибросито, содержащее вибрационную раму, просеивающие элементы, упругие элементы, два вибратора, закрепленных на раме, с обеспечением параллельностей осей вращения дебалансов, отличающееся тем, что, с целью получения эллиптической траектории движения вибрационной рамы, дебалансы вибраторов имеют статические моменты масс, различающиеся друг от друга на 40-60%, результирующая векторов сил проходит через центр тяжести вибрационной рамы, а угол между горизонталью и линией, соединяющей центр тяжести вибрационной рамы с осью вращения дебалансов для большего вибратора составляет 50-65°, для меньшего - 15-30°.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007130570A

Ультразвуковое сито, содержащее сетку укрепленную на раме, ультразвуковой излучатель, контактирующий с сеткой через резонатор и резонансопередающие элементы, жестко скрепленные с резонатором, отличающийся тем, что ультразвуковой излучатель через волновод связан с резонатором.

10-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95100034A

Изобретение относится к процессам сортировки продуктов измельчения, преимущественно зерна, и предназначено для использования в мукомольной промышленности при производстве мини-мельниц. Новым в изобретении является то, что в устройстве для сепарирования продуктов размела зерна, состоящем из подвешенной на тросах с возможностью качания несущей рамы, закрепленных на ней секций с ситовыми рамками и поддонами, имеющими канал для входа сходного продукта, каналы для выхода готовых и промежуточных продуктов, дебалансного колебателя, секции с ситовыми рамками и поддонами закреплены последовательно одна над другой в вертикальном направлении, каналы для выхода каждого готового продукт всех секций соединены между собой вертикальными каналами, имеющими выходы в нижней части устройства, кроме того входные каналы для исходного продукта и выходные каналы для промежуточных продуктов выполнены в виде выступающих за пределы корпуса секций лотков, а на противоположной стороне несущей рамы симметрично секциям ...

27-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009118655A

... 1. Сепаратор сыпучих материалов, включающий установленные в вертикальном канале одно в другом с наклоном просеивающие решета, расположенный под ними дефлектор, загрузочное приспособление и патрубки вывода разделенных фракций, отличающийся тем, что просеивающие решета выполнены цилиндрическими с возможностью вращения вокруг длинной оси и установлены коаксиально, с зазорами между их образующими. ! 2. Сепаратор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что решета установлены под острым углом к горизонтальной поверхности. ! 3. Сепаратор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что просеивающие отверстия в сечении перпендикулярном образующим цилиндра выполнены конусными.

20-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93058155A

Изобретение относится к устройствам для разделения смесей сыпучих материалов с низкой насыпной плотностью (например, менее 0,7 т/м3) и может быть использовано в сельском хозяйстве и других отраслях промышленности, где необходимо разделение материалов по массе и форме. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что просеивающее полотно выполнено в виде гофрированной поверхности с отверстиями, расположенными в стенках гофр с обеих сторон, причем гофры ориентированы в поперечном направлении относительно направления движения материала. Повышение эффективности процесса разделения достигается за счет многократной переориентации элементов материала при его передвижении по полотну и созданию условий прохождения их через отверстия под действием силы, превышающей силу гравитации.

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94029077A

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к машинам для очистки и сортирования зерна. Зерноочистительная машина включает два параллельных решетных стана и каналы дорешетной аспирации с делителем потока зерна и послерешетной аспирации с двойным вводом зерновой смеси. Делитель выполнен в виде решета и установлен в нижней части канала дорешетной аспирации так, что обеспечивает подачу прохода - на верхний, а схода - на нижний решетные станы. Зерноочистительная машина за счет выполнения делителя потока зерна в виде решета обеспечивает высокую эффективность очистки.

20-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97114762A

... 1. Гидрогрохот, включающий корпус с цилиндрической верхней и конической нижней частями, крышку корпуса, подводящий патрубок с регулирующим шибером, патрубки выхода крупного и мелкого продуктов грохочения и коническое решето, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленной внутри цилиндрической части корпуса, коаксиально последнему обечайкой, выполненной из продольно расположенных шпальтовых сит с направленными в сторону внутреннего пространства обечайки рабочими поверхностями, соединенным с обечайкой и размещенным эквидистантно коническому решету коническим фартуком, выполненным в виде установленных под углом и соединенных между собой секторов из продольных шпальтовых сит с параллельным расположением шпальт между собой, и закрепленной на внутренней поверхности конического решета пластины, выполненной в виде нисходящей спирали Архимеда, причем подводящий патрубок сообщен с внутренним пространством обечайки. 2. Гидрогрохот по п. 1, отличающийся тем, он снабжен скрепленным с коническим решетом ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006109822A

... 1. Сито грохота, включающее просеивающую поверхность с рядами ячеек, отличающееся тем, что в средней части сита дополнительно установлена продольная опора, например, уголок или швеллер. 2. Сито грохота по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средняя часть сита поднята выше краев на высоту просеиваемой фракции.

15-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019128781A

10-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97109503A
Автор: Кутырев Э.И.

Способ обогащения металлических полезных ископаемых, основанный на многоэтапном дроблении, грохочении, измельчении горной породы, получении концентрата с заданным содержанием полезных ископаемых компонентов, отличающийся тем, что горную породу дробят, измельчают, классифицируют на несколько относительно однородных по крупности продуктов, наиболее крупную фракцию измельчают ударом и обогащают грохочением, повторяя измельчение и грохочение до тех пор, пока на просеивающей поверхности останется концентрат вязких (ковких) полезных минералов, а хрупкие нерудные и вновь вскрытые при ударе рудные минералы малых размеров отойдут в подрешетную фракцию, те же операции измельчения и грохочения (обогащения) проводят со следующей, более мелкой фракцией, и так до фракции +0,08 (или +0,074) мм включительно.

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2564872C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству и может быть использовано для разделения зерносмесей по длине. Триер содержит загрузочное устройство, овсюжный и кукольный ячеистые цилиндры, выводящий лоток со стенками различной высоты, в днище которого при его входе в кукольный ячеистый цилиндр выполнено окно, шнек, привод. Кукольный ячеистый цилиндр смещен в осевом направлении относительно овсюжного ячеистого цилиндра. Радиус R кукольного ячеистого цилиндра больше, чем радиус r овсюжного ячеистого цилиндра. Стенки выводящего лотка, размещенные в овсюжном и кукольном ячеистых цилиндрах, по высоте пропорциональны их радиусам - h/H=r/R. Приводные валы ячеистых цилиндров соединены цепным контуром с передаточным отношением, равным. Триер характеризуется простотой конструкции и обеспечивает повышение качества технологического процесса. 2 ил.

10-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93028270A

Изобретение относится к разделению или сортировке твердых материалов и может найти применение в горно-обогатительной и горно-добывающей промышленности. Предлагаемый способ заключается в том, что исходный продукт сначала подвергают грохочению, затем полученный классифицированный материал подвергают дроблению, например путем прокатки или прессования, затем производят второй этап грохочения на сите, размер ячеек которого по меньшей мере равен минимальному размеру ячеек сита первого этапа грохочения. Устройство, реализующее способ, содержит по меньшей мере два узла грохочения и узел дробления в виде двух валков, установленных на осях с возможностью встречного вращения за счет того, что боковые поверхности валков касаются одна другую. Изобретение позволяет добиться более полного извлечения плоских металлических частиц из сыпучего природного материала.

27-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94041150A1

Изобретение относится к лесной и деревообрабатывающей промышленности и может быть использовано для сортировки и транспортировки технологической щепы. Устройство содержит подвижное основание с люками для выгрузки щепы и установленные на основании опорные стойки с пазами, внутри которых размещены пружины, к которым крепятся ползуны подвижного бункера с направляющими опорами качения, установленными в стенках подвижного бункера и в вертикальных пазах неподвижного бункера. Подвижный бункер содержит загрузочный люк с питателем. На нижней поверхности подвижного бункера смонтированы на опорах ползуны, на которых посредством тяг установлены сита мелкой и средней фракций. Ползуны системой тяг связаны с эксцентриком с приводом от гибкого вала отбора мощности. Неподвижный бункер содержит верхние и нижние упоры и эластичные перегородки, закрепленные в верхней части по линиям соединения сит различных фракций.

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151206A

... 1. Способ управления агрегатом для переработки минеральных материалов,отличающийся тем, чтоподают перерабатывающему агрегату (100) команду на переключение в режим ожидания;ограничивают подачу минерального материала к перерабатывающему агрегату (100) в ответ на указанную команду переключение в режим ожидания;уменьшают скорость двигателя (104) или двигателей перерабатывающего агрегата (100) с рабочей скорости (Rf) до сниженной скорости (Rsb) ожидания в ответ на указанную команду переключения в режим ожидания;обеспечивают возможность продолжения работы, по существу, всех выбранных исполнительных устройств перерабатывающего агрегата (100) на сниженной скорости.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что команду переключения в режим ожидания подают посредством переключателя (111, 111′).3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что команду переключения в режим ожидания подают автоматически после истечения заданного периода времени с момента выполнения условия запуска режима ожидания.4. Способ по п. 3 ...

30-12-1991 дата публикации

Способ грохочения сыпучих материалов и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1701400A1

Изобретение относится к разделению сыпучих материалов (СМ) по крупности и м.б. использовано в горной, металлургической , коксохимической и строительной отраслях пром-сти при разделении СМ на фракции по крупности частиц, Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности грохочения . Устройство для осуществления способа грохочения содержит колеблющийся короб 2 с ситом 3, над которым установлены ребра (Р) 9. Установлены Р 9 вдоль короба 2 в шахматном порядке с возможностью изменения расстояния между собой и ситом 3 и под углом к его поверхности. На слой СМ, находящегося на колеблющемся сите 3, воздействуют поперечными колебаниями, которые передаются ему Р 9. Высоту этого слоя ограничивают величиной, равной 0,3- 0,6 Н, где Н - высота слоя материала на сите 2 с п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

07-12-1991 дата публикации

Гидравлический грохот тонкого грохочения

Номер: SU1695995A1

Изобретение относится к горной технике и предназначено для тонкого грохочения мелкоизмельченных материалов в горнодобывающей, металлургической и других отраслях народного хозяйства. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности удобства в обслуживании грохота, Грохот содержит узел питателя 1, сито 2 и механизм 3 встряхивания, размещенные на раме 4. Над рабочей поверхностью сита 2 расположено приспособление (П) 5 для вертикального М о о ел ю ю ел Фи,1 ...

07-02-1988 дата публикации

Способ разделения зерновой смеси

Номер: SU1371717A1

Изобретение относится к разделению сынучих материалов на фракции и м.б. иснользовано в мукомольной, крупяной, комбикормовой и др. отраслях пром-сти. Цель изобретения - повышение пропускной способности сита (С) за счет увеличения скорости прохождения частиц через отверстия С. При реализации способа в поле действия сил тяжести исходную смесь пода юг к ии- чалу распределительной решетки (Р), уст новленной над С. Под воздействием ко.юба- тельных движений С и распределите.п.но Р частицы смеси растекаются но Р сп.юшнмм слоем, проходят через отверстия и IKKTX пают с предварительным разгоном на (, мп- рознь и равномерно по его ширине. Расстояние между С и распределительной Р выбирают таким, чтобы численное значение скорости подачи частиц смеси было не меньше минимальной скорости их витания и не больше скорости их разрупкмшя о поверхность С. Регулировку подачи смеси для обеспечения оптимальной nponycKiiuii способности С производят изменением iMa наклона Р. Способ по сравнению с известным позволяет ...

28-02-1992 дата публикации

Способ автоматического контроля состояния рассевного агрегата

Номер: SU1715436A1

Изобретение относится к диагностике технологического оборудования и м.б. использовано при управлении процессом размол-рассев для контроля состояния рассевных агрегатов. Цель - повышение точности контроля. Способ заключается в непрерывном измерении контролируемого параметра и сравнении его с заданным. В качестве контролируемого параметра принимают величину среднего размера частиц материала, а в качестве заданного - ее граничное значение. Определяют абсолютное значение производной измеренной величины и усредняют его за интервал времени равный времени переходного процесса технологической линии размол-рассев. Задают величину производной размера частиц и сравнивают усредненное значение с заданным значением производной. В случае, если усредненная величина абсолютного значения производной не превышает заданного значения производной размера частиц, а измеренная величина среднего размера частиц материала достигла заданного граничного значения частиц определяют факт залипания сит рассевного агрегата ...

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Грохотильно-дробящее устройство

Номер: SU1740082A1

Использование: сортировка с одновременным дроблением крупнокусковой массы на перегрузочных пунктах предприятий горно-добывающей промышленности. Сущность изобретения: устройство снабжено кожухом (К) 8, охватывающим билы (Б) 3, установленные с возможностью вращения между наклонными колосниками грохота (КГ) 2, расположенными над бункером 7. Нижние концы КГ 2 изогнуты вниз по линии 9, повторяющей линию изгиба 10 К 8, а Б 3 расположены в плоскости 11 его симметрии. К 8 верхним концом связан узлами 13 крепления с дробящей плитой 5. а нижним - узлами 14 крепления с бункером 7, лод которым установлен питатель 6. При подаче скальной горной массы на грохот мелкие куски проваливаются между КГ 2, а крупные скользят по КГ 2 под удары Б 3. Б 3 подбрасывают куски с соударением о плиту 5, куски разрушаются и проваливаются между КГ 2 в бункер 7. 3 ил.

07-03-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для гидравлической классификации

Номер: SU1632495A1

Изобретение относится к обогащению полезных ископаемых и предназначено для разделения зернистых материалов по крупности в жидкой среде, может найти применение в горнорудной, химической, металлургической промышленностях и сельском хозяйстве, Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности классификации. Устройство содержит наклоненный в сторону разгрузки короб 1 с днищем 2. В коробе расположена просеивающая поверхность (ПП) 3. Под ПП 3 с зазором к ней по всей ее длине расположен гофрированный поддон 7. Оси гофр поддона 7 расположены перпендикулярно продольной оси короба 1, Затем между выступами гофр и ПП 3 уменьшается в сторону разгрузки Через загрузочное приспособление 4 пульпа поступает в короб 1 на ПП 3. Под воздействием синусоидальных пульсаций жидкости, возникающих при помощи гофрированной поверхности поддона 7, материал перемещается к разгрузочным приспособлениям 5, 6. Одновременно происходит классификация мелких и тонких частиц. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. со с ...

05-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: SU469500A1

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: SU1366231A1

Изобретение относится к рудопод- готовке и м.б. использовано для мокрого грохочения тонкоизмельченных руд черных, цветных металлов и горнохимического сырья. Цель изобретения- улучшение качества грохочения за счет повьшения интенсивности ударных воздействий на застрявшие в отверстиях просеивающей поверхности частицы и повышение надежности работы. Грохот включает короб (К) 1 с вибровозбудителем и просеивающей поверхностью 3, поддон 4, раму (Р) 5 и ударные элементы (УЭ) 6. Одни из УЭ ...

23-12-1987 дата публикации

Питающее устройство вибросепаратора

Номер: SU1360815A1

Изобретение относится к технике послеуборочной обработки зерна путем его отделения от семян сорных растений и м.б. использовано в сельском хозяйстве, а также в горно-рудной, химической и др. отраслях пром-ти для сепарации сыпучих .материалов . Цель изобретения - повышение качества процесса вибросепарации за счет обеспечения равномерной подачи семян одновременно на все неперфорированные деки (ZI). Внутри воронкообразной оболочки 1 с загрузочным 2 и выходным 3 отверстиями установлен делитель в виде жестко скрепленного с оболочкой 1 винтообразного тела (ВТ) 5. В мел витковом пространстве ВТ 5 но всей длине винтовой поверхности, кроме верхнего витка, установлены спиралевидные перегородки 6-8. Последние образуют с иоверхностямп смежных витков ВТ 5 винтообразные нолости (П) 9-12. Боковыми сторонами П 9 и 12 являются ренняя поверхность оболочки I и наружная поверхность центрального стержня 13. Пло- . щади проходных сечений П 9-12 в пределах одного витка равны. К выходным концам П 9-12 присоединены ...

12-05-1970 дата публикации


Номер: SU271161A1

07-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: SU1456246A1

30-11-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для стабилизации спека

Номер: SU1355297A1

Изобретение относится к металлургической пром-ти, в частности к Г подготовке металлургического сырья. Цель изобретения - повьшение качества агломерата за счет удаления некондиционных фракций и стабилизации гранулометрического состава. Грохот устройства имеет два смонтированных на коробе яруса сит (С): верхнее колосниковое 4 и нижнее 5. В разгрузочной части С 4 установлен эксцентричный ротор (Р) 7. Билы Р 7 при вращении частью своей длины перемещаются в зазорах между колосниками С 4. В загрузочной части С 4 над его колосниками под углом 38-45 посредством шарнира 10 подвешена отбойная плита 3. В процессе рассева и разделения спека куски, размер которых больше предельно допустимого, пере- меш;аются к Р 7, вращаются им и отбрасываются на плиту 3. При ударе о плиту 3 куски дробятся и, отражаясь, попадают в загрузочную часть С 4. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. (Л с 77 со ел ел INS CD {Ouf.t ...

07-06-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для улавливания негабаритных кусков материала

Номер: SU1738382A1

Использование: сортировка и дробление крупнокускового скального материала. Сущность изобретения: к шарнирно закрепленной одной боковой стороной колосниковой решетке 2 присоединен тяговый орган 5, пропущенный через отклоняющий блок 6 и приводной барабан 4. Решетка 2 закреплена на тележке 1. Огибая барабан 4, тяговый орган 5 через блок 8 маятникового компенсатора 9 прикреплен к торцу тележки 1. Вращаясь, барабан 4 перемещает через блоки 6 и 8 тележку 1 с лежащим на решетке 2 негабаритом 13. При ее остановке тяговый орган 5, продолжая движение, поворачивает решетку 2, при этом негабарит 13 скатывается по наклонной плоскости. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

30-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: SU1286298A1

Изобретение относится к области обогащения полезных ископаемых в технологических процессах отмывки, классификации и обезвоживания и предназначено для разделения материалов по . крупности в водной среде. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности грохота и улучшение качества разделения на фракции за счет обеспечения очистки сита. Для этого плавающие тела (ПТ) 8, связанные между собой и стенками заполненной водой ванны 1 по- посредстБОм гибких связей, размещены под погруженным участком наклонного CSi сита 2. Под действием возмущающей си- «в .4 (Л N9 00 Од to оо 15 фб/а.7 ...

07-05-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для усреднения качества твердых сыпучих материалов

Номер: SU1731948A1

Использование: предложенное устройство предназначено для усреднения и получения смеси в заданной кондиции полезного компонента и улучшения качества усреднения и может быть использовано во всех отраслях промышленности, где в технологической цепи присутствуют операции усреднения и получения смеси определенного качества. Сущность изобретения: Устройство для усреднения качества твердых сыпучих материалов содержит загрузочное , разгрузочное и распределительное отделения, бункер, состоящий из усредняющего и емкостного отделений с наклонным днищем. Емкостное отделение выполнено из отдельных состыкованных по вертикали секций. В нижней части стенок указанных секций, смежных с распределительным отделением , выполнены загрузочные ниши. В нижней части противоположных стенок выполнены разгрузочные отверстия, под которыми установлены питатели, соединяющие емкостное и усреднительное отделения. В распределительном отделении под загрузочными нишами шарнирно закреплены двусторонние направляющие скаты. На ...

30-07-1983 дата публикации

Просеивающая поверхность

Номер: SU1031535A1

... 1. ПРОСЕИВАЮЩАЯ ПОВЕРХНОСТЬ , включающая колосники в виде гребенок, установленные на подколосниковых б.алках, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повьяиения эффективности разделения путем увеличения живого сечения просеивающей поверхности, колосники соседних гребенок установлены внахлест, при этом каждый зубец гребенки имеет трапециедальную форму. . 2. Поверхность по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что зубцы гребенок расположены под углом 7-8° к плоскости подколосниковых балок. 9 СО ел оо СП ...

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Способ грохочения

Номер: SU1535651A1

Изобретение относится к разделению материалов по крупности и может быть использовано в горной и др. отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности и производительности грохочения. Исходный материал (ИМ) подают на сито и за счет вибрации перемещают его по нему с получением подрешетных и надрешетных фракций. Подачу ИМ на сито производят циклично, отдельными позициями. Продолжительность Т подачи каждой позиции ИМ определяют по формуле T = (D.K1.K2):V, где D - размер отверстия сита K1- коэффициент, зависящий от интенсивности колебаний сита K2- коэффициент, зависящий от содержания трудных фракций в ИМ V - скорость движения ИМ по ситу. Продолжительность паузы между позициями равна 0,8 - 1,2 продолжительности подачи позиций. При этом в момент пауз подачи позиций ИМ на сито повышают виброускорение сита на время, определяемое по формуле T = K3.ФD/D.@ , где ФD- содержание в ИМ трудных фракций D - размер отверстия сита F - частота подачи повышенных виброускорений сита, см-1 K3 ...

07-06-1990 дата публикации

Грохот для классификации пульп

Номер: SU1569038A1

Изобретение относится к обогащению полезных ископаемых и может быть использовано при классификации рудных пульп в горнорудной и других отраслях народного хозяйства. Грохот содержит короб 1 с защитным экраном (Э) 3, внутри которого расположено сито (С) 2, и приспособление для подачи пульпы на С 2, выполненное в виде консольно закрепленных на расположенном вдоль борта нагнетательном пульпопроводе (ПП) 5 упругих труб (Т) 4, расположенных между С 2 и защитным Э 3. С одной стороны полость Т 4 сообщена с полостью ПП 5. Между ПП 5 и магистральным ПП расположен распределитель потока. На Т 4 выполнены отверстия 8, направленные к плоскости Э 3. С другой стороны полость Т 4 заглушена. Распределитель потока периодически подает пульпу под давлением из магистрального ПП в нагнетательный ПП 5, из которого она поступает в Т 4. Под действием реактивной силы Т 4 прогибаются, ударяют по С 2. Пульпа взаимодействует с Э 3, теряет свою кинетическую энергию и поступает на С 2 равномерно по всей площади. 3 ил.

30-01-1984 дата публикации

Способ переработки рассыпающихся шлаков

Номер: SU1069875A1

СПОСОБ ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ РАССЫПАгЮЩИХСЯ ИШАКОВ, включаш ий охлаждение слитого из печи шлака в режимах, обеспечивающих его распад, с последующим разделением на металлическую и неметаллическую составляницие в потоке энергоносителя, отличающийся тем, что, с цепью Новы- . шения эффективности извлечения силвкоксшьция из шлака, разделение ведут в восходящем воздушном, потоке, движущемся со скоростью 3-6 м/с, при концентрации подаваемого на разделение шлака 0,2-2,5 кг/нм йоздуха. S ...

30-10-1984 дата публикации

Колосниковый грохот

Номер: SU1121052A1

КОЛОСНИКОВЫЙ ГРОХОТ, включающий просеивающую поверхность в виде консольных колосников, нажимные площадки, поворотную соь, размещенную под колосниками, ог.лича/оы иыся тем, что, с целью снижения износа колосников за счет создания постоянной толщины породной подушки при разгрузке грохотимого материала, консольные колосники снабжены криволинейными кулаками со спицами, которые установлены на поворотной оси, при этом .одни концы криволинейных кулаков жестко соединены с нажимными площадками , а другие концы размещены в щелях между консольными колосниками и выступают над их рабочей поверхностью. (Л ю сд го ...

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Feed sieve used in casting installations comprises body with wire mesh formed as one layer in edge zone and having partially flattened wires in wire crossing regions of edge zone

Номер: DE202006002897U1
Принадлежит: HAVER & BOECKER OHG

A feed sieve (1) comprises a body (2) with a wire mesh (12) formed as one layer in an edge zone (3) and having partially flattened wires in the wire crossing regions of the edge zone.

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Mobile Schwerstoff-Trennanlage

Номер: DE102004001951A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine mobile Schwerstoff-Trennanlage, welche zum Abtrennen von Mineralien, vorzugsweise Diamanten, aus einem Aushub geeignet ist. Vorteilhafterweise ist die Anlage dabei auf dem Gelände, das nach geographischen Gegebenheiten als geeignet ausgewählt wurde, raupenmobil.

04-07-2002 дата публикации

Kombiniertes Schubkarren-Durchwurf-Sieb

Номер: DE0020202117U1
Принадлежит: IHH GMBH

10-01-1952 дата публикации

Brauserohr, insbesondere fuer die Aufbereitungs- und Siebtechnik

Номер: DE0000827631C

29-04-2015 дата публикации

A cleaning device

Номер: GB0002519576A

There is provided a device for cleaning solid hydroponic growing media for example spherical clay pebbles, the cleaning device comprising a first slide 110 tilted in a first direction relative to a horizontal plane and a second slide 112 located below the first slide and tilted in a second direction relative to a horizontal plane, the first and second slides being arranged such that, in use, hydroponic growing media placed at an upper end of the first slide is caused to move under gravity along a path down the first and second slides, said movement causing dirt, debris and plant matter to be separated from the solid hydroponic growing media. This arrangement enables efficient cleaning of hydroponic growing media. The upper and lower slides of the device may be curved such that their respective upper ends are steeper than the lower ends (figure 4). The device may also have a box 140 to hold the growth media prior to cleaning and a catching means 138 at the bottom of the lower slide.

26-08-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for separating solids from a solids laden drilling mud

Номер: GB0002523488A

Apparatus and method of use thereof, the apparatus comprising a skid (2) and a basket (3) and a vibratory mechanism (5) to vibrate said basket (3), basket (3) having at least one screen deck (7,8,9) for receiving at least one screen, basket (3) having a feed end (16) where solids laden drilling fluid is introduced and a discharge end (17) where solids are discharged through opening (19,219), apparatus further comprising a hood (101,201) encompassing at least a discharge end (17) of said basket (3) at least one extraction outlet (111,211) arranged at said discharge end to remove fume laden air, wherein said hood (101,201) forms a complete housing having at least one replacement air opening arranged underneath the at least one screen deck (7,8,9) and at a feed end (15) of the basket (3), said at least one replacement air opening sized to facilitate control of flow of replacement air to replace fume laden air removed through said at least one extraction outlet (111,211).

04-10-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for processing aggregate material

Номер: GB0002548856A

An apparatus for processing aggregate material comprises a chassis 2 upon which is mounted a logwasher comprising a trough 4 mounted on the chassis at an inclined angle, a pair of parallel shafts (6,8, fig 2) rotatably mounted within the trough extending from a lower to an upper end of the trough, an electric motor 10 being provided for driving the shafts in opposite directions, each shaft having a plurality of blades (14,16, fig 2) mounted thereon. The blades on the adjacent shafts are staggered such that the blades can pass between one another during rotation of the shafts. The blades are angled so that they carry material within the trough towards an upper end of the trough. Means are provided for adding water to the trough and at least one weir 18 is provided at a lower end of the trough over which excess water and any trash floating thereon can pass. The weir 18 leads to a respective duct 26 to convey water and trash onto the deck of a dewatering screen 32 mounted adjacent the lower ...

07-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001309364A

... 1309364 Screening apparatus H H BURKHARDT H M KURTZ and M KURTZ [trading as HERMANN FINCKH METALLTUCH-UND MASCHINENFABRIK] 27 May 1971 [11 June 1970] 17551/71 Heading B2H A sifting device comprises a plurality of cylindrical sieves 13, an individual cleaning blade assembly 14 for each sieve, and an individual motor 15 for rotating each cleaning blade assembly, the sieves being arranged around the circumference of at least one circle with the longitudinal axis of each sieve orientated radially of the said circle. In the embodiment shown in Fig. 1, the sieves are arranged in three vertically spaced groups each group consisting of eight sieves in a star-shaped arrangement. The material to be sifted e.g. a suspension of a solid in a liquid, is introduced through an inlet 16 and forced downwardly through an opening 25 in a cover 23. A fine component of the material passes through the sieves, is removed from the inside surface thereof by the blades 14 and eventually passes out of the device through ...

21-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008403958D0

28-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002307428A

Apparatus for sieving particulate material comprises a mesh tray 22 detachably mounted in a sub-frame 18 mounted for sliding movement on a main frame 1, and a container 26 positioned below the sub-frame 18 for collecting sieved material. An electric motor 14 for reciprocating the subframe 18 is mounted on the main frame 1 and connected to the sub-frame 18 via a drive rod 35. The container 26 can be suspended on the main frame 1 which has a pair of ground engaging wheels 7 at the front for moving the apparatus as a complete unit to different locations. In alternative arrangements (Figures 4 to 6 not shown), the sub-frame is mounted for rotational movement on the main frame.

26-04-2006 дата публикации

Sieve frame with labyrinth seal

Номер: GB0002419308A

A sieve frame of the kind generally used in a sifter where a number of such frames are superimposed in a stack, the frame comprising side walls (13) adapted to enclose a loose clothing frame through which the material is sifted, being made from a food-quality plastics material and having male and female interlocking labyrinth seals (20, 21, 22 and 23, 24, 25) at the upper and lower edges to lock the superimposed frames together and to seal against the escape of stock between the frames.

01-09-1999 дата публикации

Foldable frame for a conveyor system

Номер: GB0009915554D0

14-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009310801D0

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092606A1
Принадлежит: ANDRITZ OY

In a screening device, a rotor element on a rotor coaxial with a cylindrical screen drum and a cylindrical screen including: an upper surface and a front face between the surface of the rotor and the upper surface, wherein the front face faces upstream into pulp flow through a gap between the screen drum and the cylindrical screen; a trailing surface extending downstream of the pulp flow from the upper surface, wherein the trailing surface tapers to the surface of the rotor and meets the surface of the rotor at a back region of the trailing surface, and opposite sidewalls extending between the trailing surface and the surface of the rotor, wherein the opposite sidewalls gradually converge towards the back region. 1. In a screening device , a rotor element on a rotor coaxial with a cylindrical screen drum , wherein a gap between the rotor and screen drum receives a pulp flow and at least one of the rotor and screen drum rotates relative to the other , wherein the rotor element protrudes outward from a surface of the rotor and towards the screen drum , the rotor element comprising:an upper surface and a front face between the surface of the rotor and the upper surface, wherein the front face faces upstream into the pulp flow in the gap;a trailing surface extending downstream of the pulp flow from the upper surface, wherein the trailing surface tapers to the surface of the rotor and meets the surface of the rotor at a back region of the trailing surface, andopposite sidewalls extending between the trailing surface and the surface of the rotor, wherein the opposite sidewalls gradually converge towards the back region.2. The rotor element in wherein the opposite sidewalls each include straight sections which taper towards the back region.3. The rotor element in wherein the opposite sidewalls each include a gradually curved portion proximate to the back region claim 1 , wherein the curved portions merge to a point of the back region.4. The rotor element in wherein the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for Grading Water-Absorbent Polymer Particles

Номер: US20130098809A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for classifying water-absorbing polymer beads, wherein the polymer beads are separated into n particle size fractions by means of at least n screens and n is an integer greater than 1. 1. A process for classifying water-absorbing polymer beads by separating the polymer beads into n particle size fractions , where n is an integer greater than 1 , which comprises using at least n screens with decreasing mesh sizes of the n screens in product flow direction.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein n is greater than 2.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least (n+1) screens are used.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least two screen fractions obtained in succession in the product flow direction are combined to give one particle size fraction claim 1 , and mesh sizes of the screens on which these screen fractions occur differ in each case by at least 50 μm.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two screen fractions which occur first in the product flow direction are combined to give one particle size fraction.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two screen fractions which occur first in the product flow direction are combined to give one particle size fraction claim 1 , and mesh sizes of the screens on which these screen fractions are obtained differ in each case by at least 500 μm.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least one screening machine with n screens is used.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a throughput per hour of water-absorbing polymer beads in the course of classification is at least 100 kg per mof screen area.11. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the water-absorbing polymer beads are flowed over by a gas stream during the classification.12. The process according to claim 11 , wherein the gas stream has a temperature of from 40 to 120° C.13. The process according to claim 11 , wherein the gas stream has a steam ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168298A1

The present invention relates to methods and devices for separating particles according to size. More specifically, the present invention relates to a microfluidic method and device for the separation of particles according to size using an array comprising a network of gaps, wherein the field flux from each gap divides unequally into subsequent gaps. In one embodiment, the array comprises an ordered array of obstacles in a microfluidic channel, in which the obstacle array is asymmetric with respect to the direction of an applied field. 1. A device comprising:an array of obstacles within a microfluidic channel, wherein the device employs a field that propels particles through the microfluidic channel and said array of obstacles is asymmetric with respect to the average direction of the field, such that, when particles are introduced into the array, particles having a size less than a predetermined critical size are transported in a first direction, and particles having a size at least that of the critical size are transported in a second direction, and wherein the first and second directions are different.2. A method comprising:introducing particles into an array of obstacles within a microfluidic channel, wherein the device employs a field that propels particles through the microfluidic channel and the array of obstacles is asymmetric with respect to the average direction of the field, such that, when particles are introduced into the array of obstacles, particles having a size less than a predetermined critical size are transported in a first direction, and particles having a size at least that of the critical size are transported in a second direction, and wherein the first and second directions are different.3. The device of claim 1 , the device further comprising a buffer source at a beginning of said microfluidic channel.4. The device of claim 1 , the device further comprising a sample source at a beginning of said microfluidic channel.5. The device of claim 1 ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206649A1
Принадлежит: ALSTOM Technology Ltd

A screening device () comprises a first compartment () for receiving solid particulate material, a second compartment () for receiving screened particulates from said first compartment (), a perforated wall () separating the first () and second () compartments from each other for screening the solid particulate material into at least two particulate size-dependent N fractions, and a gas permeable layer () for fluidization of particulates in said first compartment (). The first compartment () is provided with a solid particulate material inlet () located at a first end () of screening device (), and a particulate material outlet () located at a second end () of screening device (), with perforated wall () extending from first end () to second end () of screening device (), enabling simultaneous transport and screening of at least a portion of said solid particulate material. 1. A screening device comprising:a first compartment for receiving a solid particulate material to be screened;a second compartment for receiving screened particulates from said first compartment;a perforated wall for separating first compartment and second compartment from each other and for screening the solid particulate material into at least two particulate size-dependent fractions; anda gas permeable layer for fluidization of particulates to simultaneously transport particulates through said screening device along said perforated wall and screen particulates within said screening device.2. The screening device according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the length to the widest width of first compartment is at least 3:1.3. The screening device according to claim 1 , wherein said gas permeable layer slopes downwardly in a direction moving from first end to second end of screening device.4. The screening device according to claim 1 , wherein said second compartment includes a gas permeable layer for fluidization of particulates therein.5. The screening device according to claim 4 , wherein a ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206650A1

A screening machine for superfine powder. The screening machine includes a casing, a screen drum, a funnel, a negative pressure chamber, a rotary air spray pipe, a drive motor, a blast pipe, and a feed pipe. The screen drum is disposed in the middle part of the inner cavity of the casing. The funnel is disposed beneath the casing. The opening of the screen drum is arranged on the bottom of the screen drum and communicates with the upper opening of the funnel. The inner cavity of the casing communicates with the external induced draft fan via the negative pressure chamber disposed on the upper part of the casing. The rotary air spray pipe is arranged in the space between the screen drum and the casing. The middle part of the transverse pipe is connected via a transmission with the drive motor. 1. A screening machine for superfine powder , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a) a casing (), the casing comprising an inner cavity;'}{'b': 2', '2, 'b) a screen drum (), the screen drum () comprising an opening;'}{'b': 3', '3, 'c) a funnel (), the funnel () comprising: a sidewall, and an upper opening;'}{'b': '4', 'd) a negative pressure chamber ();'}{'b': 6', '7, 'e) a rotary air spray pipe, the rotary air spray pipe comprising: a transverse pipe (), and a vertical pipe ();'}{'b': '8', 'f) a drive motor ();'}{'b': 9', '9, 'g) a blast pipe (), the blast pipe () comprising: an air inlet, and an air outlet; and'}{'b': 12', '12, 'h) a feed pipe (), the feed pipe () comprising: a feed inlet, and a feed outlet;'} [{'b': 2', '1, 'the screen drum () is disposed in a middle part of the inner cavity of the casing ();'}, {'b': 3', '1, 'the funnel () is disposed beneath the casing ();'}, {'b': 2', '2, 'the opening of the screen drum () is arranged on a bottom of the screen drum () and communicates with the upper opening of the funnel;'}, {'b': 1', '5', '1, 'the inner cavity of the casing () communicates with an external induced draft fan () via the negative pressure chamber disposed on an upper ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Classifying Kits

Номер: US20130213862A1
Автор: Peterson Mark

Classifying kits useful in separating gold, other precious metals, gems, collectable rocks, fossils, and archaeological artifacts from earth material. Classifying sieves and other parts of the classifying kits herein are configured to be used within a bucket and can readily be removable therefrom. Depending on the parts used and the goals of a user, the kits herein can be used with dry sifting methods or with water. 1. A kit for classifying objects from earth material comprising:a bucket having a top aperture opening to a lower main cavity defined by a periphery, and a bottom surface;a self-supporting funnel, configured to be removably inserted and removed within the bucket, wherein the funnel includes a top section having means for holding and vertically supporting a first classifying sieve and a conical section of the funnel positioned below said means for vertical support that tapers inward towards a small exit hole at the bottom of the funnel, wherein the inner conical section includes a plurality of raised baffles that traverse downwards towards the exit hole; anda first classifying sieve having a mesh screen and configured to be removably inserted into the top section of the funnel.2. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of baffles traverse nearly at least 80% of the length of the inner conical surface of the funnel.3. The kit of claim 2 , wherein the baffles portion the conical section of the funnel into equal sized sections claim 2 , or approximately so.4. The kit of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of baffles is 3 such that they portion the conical section into equal sized ⅓ sections claim 3 , or approximately so.5. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the funnel includes an outwardly protruding upper rim positioned at the top of the funnel and configured to rest on top of the bucket periphery.6. The kit of claim 5 , wherein the funnel lacks a downwardly extending sidewall that vertically supports the funnel.7. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230720A1

A processed DRI material having an average surface roughness (Ra) of less than 1.5 μm is disclosed. A method and system for making processed DRI are also disclosed. One embodiment of the method and system may include assembling a rotatable chamber having an internal screen capable of supporting DRI during tumbling, with at least one opening in the chamber to permit fines to exit the chamber during tumbling, and delivering DRI into the chamber to tumble the DRI on the screen to remove fines from the DRI. Another embodiment of the method and system may include assembling a rotatable chamber having a feed end and an exit end, and having a screen therein capable of supporting DRI as the DRI moves through the chamber, and delivering DRI to the chamber and rotating the chamber to tumble the DRI while removing fines.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid Rotary Screen Separator

Номер: US20130299395A1
Автор: DeWaard David

A rotary screen separator for processing feed material comprising liquids and solids, the rotary screen separator comprising a separator member, a collector structure, a drive system, and first and second vane structures. The separator member defines a first perforation region and a second perforation region. The collector structure defines a first material output and a second material output. The vane structures are supported relative to the separator member such that operation of the drive system to rotate the separator member causes the first vane structure to displace the feed material through the first perforation region at a first material displacement rate and the second vane structure to displace the feed material through the second perforation region at a second material displacement rate. The first material displacement rate is greater than the second material displacement rate. 1. A rotary screen separator for processing feed material comprising liquids and solids , the rotary screen separator comprising:a separator member defining a longitudinal axis, an input port, an output port, a first perforation region, and a second perforation region, where the first perforation region is arranged between the input port and the output port and the second perforation region is arranged between the first perforation region and the output port;at least one collector structure;a drive system for rotating the separator member relative to the support structure; andfirst and second vane structures supported relative to the separator member; whereinoperation of the drive system to rotate the separator causes the first vane structure to displace the feed material through the first perforation region at a first material displacement rate;operation of the drive system to rotate the separator causes the second vane structure to displace the feed material through the second perforation region at a second material displacement rate; andthe first and second vane structures are ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319913A1

A sieving system includes a filter; a blade stirring a powder accumulated on the filter; a driver driving the blade; a notifier notifying predetermined information of a status of the filter, based on a load of the driver while driving the blade. 1. A sieving system , comprising:a filter;a blade configured to stir a powder accumulated on the filter;a driver configured to drive the blade;a notifier configured to notify predetermined information of a status of the filter, based on a load of the driver.2. The sieving system of claim 1 , wherein the driver rotates the blade around a rotational axis intersecting with the filter.3. The sieving system of claim 1 , further comprising a regulator configured to regulate a height of the powder accumulated on the filter.4. A sieving system claim 1 , comprising:a filter;a blade configured to stir a powder accumulated on the filter;a driver configured to drive the blade; anda drive controller configured to control the driver driving the blade, based on a load of the driver.5. A sieving system claim 1 , comprising:a filter;a feeder configured to feed a powder on the filter;a blade configured to stir the powder accumulated on the filter;a driver configured to drive the blade; anda feed controller configured to control the feeder feeding powder on the filter, based on a load of the driver.6. A method of notifying information claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'notifying predetermined information of a status of the filter, based on a load of the driver to drive the blade in the sieving system according to .'}7. A method of controlling driving claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'controlling driving the blade, based on a load of the driver to drive the blade in the sieving system according to .'}8. A method of controlling feeding claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00005', 'claim 5'}, 'controlling feeding the powder, based on a load of the driver to ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323588A1
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

An electrode binder composition includes polymer particles. The polymer particles include 5 to 40 parts by mass of a constituent unit (A) derived from an alpha,beta-unsaturated nitrile compound, and 0.3 to 10 parts by mass of a constituent unit (B) derived from an unsaturated carboxylic acid, and have a number average particle size of 50 to 400 nm. The electrode binder composition has a gel content of 90 to 99% and an electrolyte solution swelling ratio of 110 to 400%. 1. An electrode binder composition , comprising:polymer particles,wherein the polymer particles comprise from 5 to 40 parts by mass of a constituent unit (A) derived from an alpha,beta-unsaturated nitrile compound and from 0.3 to 10 parts by mass of a constituent unit (B) derived from an unsaturated carboxylic acid, and having a number average particle size of from 50 to 400 nm, andwherein the electrode binder composition has a gel content of from 90 to 99% and an electrolyte solution swelling ratio of from 110 to 400%.3. The electrode binder composition according to claim 2 ,wherein the compound is hydroxyethyl methacrylate.4. The electrode binder composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer particles further comprise a constituent unit (C) derived from a conjugated diene compound.5. The electrode binder composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the electrode binder composition has a pH of from 6 to 8.6. The electrode binder composition according to claim 1 , wherein a number of particles having a particle size of 20 micrometers or more measured with a particle counter is zero.7. A method for producing the electrode binder composition according to claim 6 , the method comprising:filtering the electrode binder composition so that the number of particles having a particle size of 20 micrometers or more measured with a particle counter is zero.8. An electrode slurry claim 6 , comprising:an active material and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the electrode binder composition ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008273A1
Автор: Malmberg Mats
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

A support structure for supporting screening media in a vibrating screen. The support structure is received on longitudinal beams of the vibrating screen. The support structure is formed of fixation strips having fixation parts, on which fixation parts carriers are received. The fixation strips and carriers are placed perpendicular to each other. 1. A support structure and fixation means for screening media in a vibrating screen for fractionizing of crushed stones , gravel or the like , the support structure and fixation means comprising a plurality of fixation strips and a plurality of carriers , the plurality of fixation strips and carriers are being placed perpendicular to each other.2. The support structure of claim 1 , wherein each fixation strip has a generally elongated upper part having a plate shape and a downwardly projecting snap rail claim 1 , and wherein each fixation strip is received on top of a beam claim 1 , the beam being placed longitudinally in the vibrating screen and fixed to a frame of the vibrating screen.3. The support structure of claim 2 , wherein a plurality of beams are placed parallel and evenly spaced in the vibrating screen claim 2 , wherein each of the beams has a longitudinal opening in an upper part claim 2 , in which the longitudinal opening and the snap rail of each of the fixation strips are received and wherein edges of the longitudinal opening of each of the plurality of beams snap into grooves on the outside of the snap rail of the fixation strips.4. The support structure of claim 1 , wherein a fixation part is placed on top of each fixation strip.5. The support structure of claim 4 , wherein the fixation part has one or more snap rails claim 4 , the one or more snap rails extending perpendicular to a general direction of the respective fixation strip on which the fixation part is placed.6. The support structure of claim 5 , wherein the fixation part has two snap rails and a raised section disposed between the one or more ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083912A1
Автор: DeFino Hector

A system for recycling asphalt millings and methods thereof are provided. In exemplary embodiments, an apparatus for recycling asphalt millings may comprise a blender comprising a basin having an interior volume, an agitator disposed within the interior volume, the agitator adapted to agitate asphalt millings, a blender grate disposed on the bottom of the basin, the blender grate comprising apertures adapted to allow bitumen to pass through the blender grate, a heating conveyor comprising a heating apparatus for heating the asphalt millings, a cooling conveyor comprising an input for receiving asphalt millings and an opening adapted to receive a cold material applicator, a cold material applicator disposed in the opening, the cold material applicator adapted to apply cold material to asphalt millings. 1. An apparatus for recycling asphalt millings , the apparatus comprising:a blender comprising a basin having an interior volume;an agitator disposed within the interior volume, the agitator adapted to agitate asphalt millings;a blender grate disposed on the bottom of the basin, the blender grate comprising apertures adapted to allow bitumen to pass through the blender grate;a heating conveyor comprising a heating apparatus for heating the asphalt millings;a cooling conveyor comprising an input for receiving asphalt millings and an opening adapted to receive a cold material applicator; anda cold material applicator disposed in the opening, the cold material applicator adapted to apply cold material to asphalt millings.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the blender comprises a ribbon blender.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cooling conveyor comprises a screw conveyor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interior volume comprises from about 4 cubic feet to about 2 claim 1 ,000 cubic feet.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heating apparatus comprises an infrared heater.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heating apparatus comprises:a propane ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of sorting abrasive particles, abrasive particle distributions, and abrasive articles including the same

Номер: US20140090308A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A method of making an abrasive particle distribution includes: sorting an initial lot of abrasive particles into a plurality of sublots including first and second sublots of the abrasive particles according to their average particle diameter and aspect ratio, and combining the first and second sublots. The initial lot conforms to an abrasives industry specified nominal grade. The first sublot has an average particle diameter and aspect ratio less than the second sublot. A sum of the first sublot and the second sublot contains fewer abrasive particles than the initial lot. The resultant abrasive particle distribution and abrasive articles including the same are also disclosed

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Sifter Apparatus

Номер: US20140102951A1

A sifter attachment for a stand mixer that sifts directly into the bowl; sifting can be done simultaneously while mixing wet mix 2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The improvement of claim 1 , wherein said sifting apparatus further comprises:a hopper body forming a sidewall circumscribing a holding volume adapted for the containment of sifted ingredients;an upper opening formed at a top of said sidewall for accessing said holding volume;a lower opening forming a discharge at a bottom of said sidewall, said lower opening adapted for and positionable such as to allow for discharged contents to directly access said mixing bowl; anda sifting mesh spanning and cover said lower opening.5. The improvement of claim 4 , wherein said sifting apparatus further comprises said hopper body being contoured about said mixer drive motor such as to maintain close proximity with said mixing bowl.7. The improvement of claim 6 , wherein said sifting apparatus further comprises a translation between said second input drive shaft and said motion cam for varying the speed or torque between said second input drive shaft and said motion cam.8. The improvement of claim 4 , wherein said sifting apparatus further comprises a drive stop mechanism for ceasing motion between said motion cam and said moment arm.9. The improvement of claim 4 , further comprising an independent operator for imparting rotary motion to second input drive shaft independent of said stand mixer.10. The improvement of claim 9 , wherein said independent operator further comprises a hand crank adapted for manual rotary manipulation.11. The improvement of claim 6 , further comprising an adapter for allowing operative attachment of said sifting apparatus to a variant designed stand-mixer.12. The improvement of claim 5 , wherein said sifting apparatus is adapted such that said hopper body can be alternately affixed to a right side of said mixer drive motor or a left side of said mixer drive motor.13. A sifter for a stand mixer that ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Mobile screening apparatus

Номер: US20150027932A1
Автор: John Andersen

A mobile screening apparatus includes a support chassis. The support chassis is configured for carrying at least one screening assembly having a top screen deck and at least one further screen deck below the top screen deck. At least at least one primary feed mechanism is configured for arrangement in communication with any one or more of the top and further screen decks to feed material to be screened onto said any one or more of the top and further screen decks.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029080A1
Автор: Gilbert Steve L.

A device for sorting particulate material includes a main conveyor belt, a separation screen, a graded material conveyor, and an oversize material conveyor. The separation screen is configured to separate the material into a first portion and a second portion with a larger average particle diameter than the first portion. The graded material conveyor is positioned below the separation screen to receive the first portion of the material, and the oversize material conveyor is positioned at an end of the separation screen to receive the second portion of the material. 1. A device for sorting particulate material , the device comprising:a main conveyor belt;a separation screen configured to receive material from the main conveyor belt and separate the material into a first portion and a second portion;a graded material conveyor positioned below the separation screen and configured to receive the first portion of the material; andan oversize material conveyor positioned at an end of the separation screen and configured to receive the second portion of the material.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main conveyor belt comprises a flexible belt material.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the graded material conveyor and oversize material conveyor convey a first portion of the material and second portion of the material in opposing lateral directions.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the graded material conveyor includes a control plate.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the oversize material conveyor includes a control plate.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the oversize material conveyor is moveable in a lateral direction relative to the separation screen.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the oversize material conveyor has a conveyance speed in a range of 0.5 feet per second to 20 feet per second.8. A device for loading material claim 1 , the device comprising:a main conveyor belt;a rotor positioned adjacent to an end of the main conveyor belt and configured to ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116927A1
Автор: MOE Charles

An apparatus is configured to recover gold and transport gravel. The apparatus includes a bucket attached to a higher pressure water feed and a lower pressure water line. A make-up water supply is connected to the higher pressure water feed. A classifier assembly is attached to the bucket and configured to filter larger material from smaller material. The smaller material includes gold particles and gravel. A gold concentrator plate is connected to the bucket and configured to segregate the gold particles from the gravel. Water enters the higher pressure water feed and travels through the make-up water supply running across the gold concentrator plate and causing gold particles to be caught in the gold concentrator plate. Water additionally travels through the lower pressure water line with the gravel transporting the gravel away from the bucket. 1. An apparatus configured to recover gold and transport gravel , the apparatus comprising:a bucket mechanically coupled to a higher pressure water feed and a lower pressure water line;a make-up water supply connected to the higher pressure water feed;a classifier assembly attached to the bucket and configured to filter larger material from smaller material; wherein the smaller material includes gold particles and gravela gold concentrator plate detachably coupled to the bucket and configured to segregate the gold particles from the gravel;wherein water enters the higher pressure water feed and travels through the make-up water supply running across the gold concentrator plate and causing the gold particles to be caught in the gold concentrator plate;wherein the water additionally travels through the lower pressure water line with the gravel transporting the gravel away from the bucket.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the classifier assembly further comprises a classifier carriage mechanically coupled to a classifier ring and a classifier grate.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the gold concentrator plate further ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124417A1

An apparatus includes a vibratory separator, a screen support coupled to an inner surface of the vibratory separator, a screen having a first side with a sloped edge and a second side, the second side having a sloped edge, a screen retainer coupled to the vibratory separator, a wedge retainer coupled to a sidewall of the vibratory separator opposite the screen retainer, and a wedge having a first surface configured to engage the wedge retainer and a second surface configured to engage the a sloped edge of the second side of the screen. A method includes disposing a screen on a screen support in a vibratory separator, engaging a first side of the screen with a screen retainer coupled to the vibratory separator, and applying at least one of a downward vertical force and a lateral force to a second side of the screen with a clamping apparatus. 1. An apparatus comprising:a vibratory separator;a screen support coupled to an inner surface of the vibratory separator;a screen having a first side with at least one sloped edge and a second side opposite the first side, the second side having at least one sloped edge, the screen configured to engage the screen support;a screen retainer coupled to the vibratory separator and configured to engage the at least one sloped edge of the first side of the screen;a wedge retainer coupled to a sidewall of the vibratory separator opposite the screen retainer; anda wedge having a first surface configured to engage the wedge retainer and a second surface configured to engage the at least one sloped edge of the second side of the screen.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wedge retainer comprises a lower angled surface configured to engage the first surface of the wedge.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first surface of the wedge is parallel to the second surface of the wedge.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein an angle of the lower angled surface of the wedge retainer is approximately equal to an angle of the at least one ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Mobile Mineral Material Processing Station

Номер: US20220062951A1
Автор: Vesa-Matti Salminen
Принадлежит: Metso Outotec Finland Oy

A mobile mineral material processing station has a mobile platform having tracks or wheels or a skids for supporting or forming a body that supports in line, in a transport configuration: a feed conveyor; a screen frame and a multi-layer screen; first and second exit conveyors; and a third exit conveyor on top of the first and second exit conveyors. The first exit conveyor turns from a transport position, under the third exit conveyor, to a first operation direction, onto a first side of the station, for operating the station, and back. The second exit conveyor turns from a transport position, under the third exit conveyor, to a second operation direction onto a second side of the station, opposite to the first side, and back.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Mobile Mineral Material Processing Station

Номер: US20220062952A1
Автор: Salminen Vesa-Matti
Принадлежит: Metso Outotec Finland Oy

A mobile mineral material processing station has a mobile platform having tracks or wheels or a skids for supporting or forming a body that supports in line, in a transport configuration: a feed conveyor; a screen frame and a multi-layer screen; first and second exit conveyors; and a third exit conveyor on top of the first and second exit conveyors. The first exit conveyor turns from a transport position, under the third exit conveyor, to a first operation direction, onto a first side of the station, for operating the station, and back. The second exit conveyor turns from a transport position, under the third exit conveyor, to a second operation direction onto a second side of the station, opposite to the first side, and back. 115-. (canceled)17. The mobile mineral material processing station of claim 16 , wherein the first exit conveyor is internally pivotable.18. The mobile mineral material processing station of claim 16 , wherein the second exit conveyor is internally pivotable.19. The mobile mineral material processing station of claim 16 , wherein a base portion of the first exit conveyor and a base portion of the second exit conveyor are located under a discharge end of the screen.20. The mobile mineral material processing station of claim 16 , wherein the transport orientation of the feed conveyor is parallel with or at most 15 degrees off a ground line of the mobile platform.21. The mobile mineral material processing station of claim 16 , further comprising a tilting mechanism configured to tilt the feed conveyor claim 16 , the screen when mounted to the screen frame and the third exit conveyor from a compacted configuration to an extended operating configuration in which the feed conveyor slopes upwards claim 16 , the screen when mounted to the screen frame slopes downwards and the third exit conveyor slopes upwards.22. The mobile mineral material processing station of claim 21 , wherein the tilting mechanism is further configured to maintain the third exit ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for segregating and grinding oxidizable catalyst material

Номер: US20220074589A1
Автор: Carlos Valdez
Принадлежит: Maitland Co LLC

A method of disposing of a mixture of oxidizable catalyst material and inert support media. The method comprises introducing inert gas into an enclosure; introducing the mixture into the enclosure; separating the oxidizable catalyst material and the inert support media within the enclosure; maintaining an inert gas environment around the oxidizable catalyst material during separating; exporting the separated inert support media from the enclosure; and grinding the separated oxidizable catalyst material into a powder for disposal as hazardous waste via incineration.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080462A1

Tables for sorting agricultural producta. The tables include legs, a deck, and a vibration generator. The deck is supported on the legs. The deck includes a loading end, a terminal end, and a grate. The terminal end is opposite the loading end. The grate extends between the loading end and the terminal end and defines the grate openings. The vibration generator is mounted to the deck and configured to vibrate the deck. The grate supports agricultural products that are larger than the grate openings. Agricultural products that are smaller than the grate openings pass through the grate. The vibration generator vibrating the deck causes the agricultural products to move across the deck over the grate. 1. A table for sorting a supply of agricultural products , comprising:legs; a loading end;', 'a terminal end opposite the loading end; and', 'a grate extending between the loading end and the terminal end and defining grate openings;, 'a deck supported on the legs, the deck includinga vibration generator mounted to the deck and configured to vibrate the deck;wherein the grate supports agricultural products within the supply that are larger than the grate openings and agricultural products within the supply that are smaller than the grate openings pass through the grate through the grate openings;wherein the vibration generator vibrating the deck causes the supply of agricultural products to move across the deck over the grate.2. The table of claim 1 , further comprising a shelf mounted to the legs below the deck.3. The table of claim 2 , further comprising a bin supported on the shelf below the grate to collect agricultural products passing through the grate.4. The table of claim 3 , further comprising a gate moveably mounted to the shelf proximate the bin.5. The table of claim 4 , wherein:the gate is configured to move between an access position and a lock position;the gate is spaced from the bin in the access position to allow the bin to be moved relative to the shelf; ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Transfer Conveyor Assembly for a Screening Apparatus

Номер: US20180065153A1
Автор: Andersen John

A transfer conveyor assembly for a screening apparatus includes at least one transfer conveyor that is oriented transversely with respect to a feed direction of the screening apparatus and is configured to receive material from at least one respective screen deck of the screening apparatus. At least one intermediate transfer conveyor is positioned with respect to at least one further screen deck of the screening apparatus to receive material from the at least one further screen deck to feed material to a position away from the at least one transfer conveyor in a discharge direction of the screening apparatus. 1. A transfer conveyor assembly for a screening apparatus , the transfer conveyor assembly comprising:at least one transfer conveyor that is oriented transversely with respect to a feed direction of the screening apparatus and is configured to receive material from at least one respective screen deck of the screening apparatus; andat least one intermediate transfer conveyor that is positioned with respect to at least one further screen deck of the screening apparatus to receive material from the at least one further screen deck to feed material to a position away from the at least one transfer conveyor in a discharge direction of the screening apparatus.2. The transfer conveyor assembly as claimed in claim 1 , which includes at least one further transfer conveyor that is oriented transversely with respect to a feed direction of the screening apparatus and is configured to receive material from the at least one intermediate transfer conveyor and to feed the material onto at least one respective conveyor.3. The transfer conveyor assembly as claimed in claim 2 , in which the claim 2 , or each claim 2 , intermediate transfer conveyor is positioned underneath the at least one transfer conveyor.4. The transfer conveyor assembly as claimed in claim 2 , in which the at least one transfer conveyor is a first transfer conveyor and a second transfer conveyor claim 2 , ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069750A1

A screening assembly for screening material includes an assembly frame, a multi-deck screening device, a transfer conveyor and a drive means. The drive means is operable to shift at least one of the discharge ends of the screening device and the receiving end of the conveyor relative to the assembly frame to allow the transfer conveyor to selectively receive material from an upper screen and from both screens of the screening device at their respective discharge ends. A mobile material processing plant incorporating the screening assembly is included. 1. A screening assembly for screening material comprising:an assembly frame;a screening device coupled to the assembly frame, the screening device including a first screen and a second screen, the second screen being substantially vertically-stacked below the first screen, each of the first and second screens having a discharge end;a first conveyor coupled to the assembly frame and configured to receive at a receiving end material from at least one of the screens at their respective discharge ends; anda drive means mounted at the assembly frame, wherein the drive means is operable to shift at least one of the discharge ends of the screening device and the receiving end of the first conveyor relative to the assembly frame, to allow the first conveyor to selectively receive material from the first screen at its discharge end or from the first and the second screens at their respective discharge ends.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first conveyor is arranged transversely relative to a longitudinal direction of the screening device claim 1 , the first conveyor being a transfer conveyor.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the assembly frame includes a carrier frame and a screen support frame movably coupled to the carrier frame claim 1 , wherein the carrier frame is configured to support the first conveyor and the screen support frame is configured to support the screening device.4. The assembly of claim 9 , ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069751A1
Автор: Kykyri Tommi, Salo Lasse

A mobile screen body and a mobile mineral material processing plant are disclosed that include a platform frame, a plurality of legs for supporting the platform frame to ground, a screen support frame supported by the platform frame movably between a transport position in which the screen support frame is adjacent to the platform frame and an operating position in which the screen support frame is elevated from the transport position, and a plurality of supports having first ends configured to be structurally coupled with the screen support frame, and second ends configured to be structurally coupled with respective ones of the plurality of legs, when the screen support frame is in the operating position. The supports are arranged in pairs that reside outside the platform frame in sideways direction. 115-. (canceled)16. A mobile screen body that comprisesa platform frame;a plurality of legs for supporting the platform frame to ground;a screen support frame supported by the platform frame movably between a transport position in which the screen support frame is adjacent to the platform frame and an operating position in which the screen support frame is elevated from the transport position; anda plurality of supports having first ends configured to be structurally coupled with the screen support frame and second ends;which supports are arranged in pairs that reside outside the platform frame in sideways direction; wherein:the second ends are configured to be structurally coupled with respective ones of the plurality of legs, when the screen support frame is in the operating position; andthe mobile screen body further comprises a support joint for structurally coupling the support with the leg, which support joint comprises a horizontal connecting part that is connected to a top part of the leg.17. The mobile screen body of claim 16 , wherein the second ends of the supports are detachably attachable to respective legs in the operating position.18. The mobile screen ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080461A1
Автор: EASTMAN Bernard

A fluidized aggregation separation system including an intake assembly having a first and a second end, and a separation assembly configured to separate material larger than a predetermined size from material smaller than the predetermined size. The separation assembly includes a screen assembly configured to prevent the material larger than the predetermined size from passing through the screen assembly and to allow the material smaller than the predetermined size to pass through the screen assembly. The fluidized aggregation separation system also includes an exit assembly configured to direct the material smaller than the predetermined size towards a restoration area, 1. An aggregate separation system for separation of material in aggregate larger than a predetermined size from material in the aggregate smaller than the predetermined size , the aggregate separation system comprising:an aggregate intake assembly having a first and a second end, the aggregate intake assembly allowing aggregate to travel in a first direction within the aggregate intake assembly;a velocity reduction chamber configured to receive the aggregate from the second end of the aggregate intake assembly, the velocity reduction chamber configured to reduce a velocity of the aggregate and redirect the aggregate in a second direction opposite the first direction; a screen assembly configured to prevent the material larger than the predetermined size from passing through the screen assembly and to allow the material smaller than the predetermined size to pass through the screen assembly; and', 'a deflector assembly situated below the screen assembly, the deflector assembly comprising a plurality of deflectors configured to deflect the material smaller than the predetermined size passing through the screen assembly in a substantially downward direction; and', 'an exit assembly configured to receive the material smaller than the predetermined size from the deflector assembly and to direct the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Vibrating screening system, comprising at least two screening machines arranged in a row

Номер: US20220097101A1
Принадлежит: Spaleck GmbH and Co KG

A vibrating screening system, made up of at least two screening machines configured in a row and that can be set into vibration, each screening machine having a resiliently supported screening material feed end and a resiliently supported screening material discharge end. All supports of the last screening machine, in the screening material conveying direction, are supported directly on the supporting surface. The support provided respectively in the region of the screening material feed end of any earlier screening machine in the conveying direction is likewise supported directly on the supporting surface. In each case, the support provided in the region of the screening material discharge end of any such earlier screening machine in the conveying direction is supported in the region of the screening material feed end of the screening machine that is subsequent in the screening material conveying direction, on this subsequent machine.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096944A1

A portable, self-contained screening module for processing a bulk material in-feed and methods thereof are disclosed. The screening module may comprise: an inlet arranged to receive the material in-feed; at least one screening assembly arranged to separate particles having a predetermined size classification from the material in-feed; a material outlet arranged to discharge processed material; and a waste outlet arranged to discharge the separated particles. A modular containerized bulk material recovery system for processing a material in-feed which includes such a screening module is also disclosed. 1. A portable , self-contained screening module for processing a bulk material in-feed , the screening module comprising:an inlet arranged to receive the material in-feed;at least one screening assembly arranged to separate particles having a predetermined size classification from the material in-feed;a material outlet arranged to discharge processed material; anda waste outlet arranged to discharge the separated particles.2. A screening module according to claim 1 , wherein the or each screening assembly is arranged to apply multifrequency vibration to the material in-feed to separate particles.3. A screening module according to claim 1 , comprising two or more screening assemblies claim 1 , each screening assembly being arranged to separate particles according to a respective size classification claim 1 , each respective size classification being different to the others.4. A screening module according to claim 3 , wherein the screening assemblies are arranged in sequence.5. A screening module according to claim 4 , wherein the screening assemblies are arranged with reducing size classifications.6. A screening module according to comprising a product outlet claim 3 , wherein the screening module is arranged to discharge particles of a target size from the product outlet.7. A screening module according to claim 3 , comprising two processing circuits arranged in one of ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Rock Separator

Номер: US20190091726A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A rock separator for separating rocks from soil, where the rock separator includes a mounting plate a plurality of elongate tines secured to the mounting plate, where the plurality of elongate tines define a curved shape across the mounting plate, a plurality of support members laterally joining the plurality of elongate tines and an attachment bracket on the mounting plate for releasably mounting to a machine. The mounting plate has a first major surface and a second major surface opposite the first major surface. The attachment bracket is attached directly to the mounting plate, where the plurality of elongate tines do not move relative the attachment bracket.

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101181A1

The invention relates to a rock processing plant () having a machine frame (), which supports a screening unit (), wherein the screening unit () has at least two screen decks (), which are arranged offset from each other in the vertical direction (H) of the rock processing plant (), wherein the screen decks () each have a discharge area (A A), wherein a transport device () is connected to the screening unit () in the conveying direction, wherein the transport device () has a feed area () and a discharge area (), wherein a transport means, in particular an endless circulating conveyor belt (), extends in a transport direction (D) at least partially between the feed area () and the discharge area (), wherein the transport device () is attached to the machine frame () by means of a mechanical actuator (), wherein the mechanical actuator () can be used to move the feed area () of the transport device () between two control positions, in which the feed area () is optionally assigned to one of the discharge areas (A A) of the two screen decks () or both discharge areas (A A), and wherein the mechanical actuator () can be used to move the feed area () of the transport device () between the two control positions in the vertical direction and in the transport direction (D) of the transport device (). Such a rock processing plant has a simple and space-saving design, which permits a conversion to the different operating positions with little effort. 113-. (canceled)1. A rock processing plant , comprising:a machine frame;a screening unit supported on the machine frame, the screening unit including at least first and second screen decks offset from each other in a vertical direction, the first and second screen decks having first and second screen deck discharge areas, respectively;a transport device including an endless circulating transport conveyor belt extending in a transport direction at least partially between a transport conveyor belt feed area and a transport conveyor ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100748A1
Автор: Greenwood Zachariah

An apparatus comprising a chamber having a smooth inner surface, the chamber including a first hemisphere and a second hemisphere, wherein the first hemisphere is removably attached to the second hemisphere; a plurality of apertures located on a bottom center surface of the second hemisphere; a plurality of nozzles, each of the plurality of nozzles having an inlet and an outlet, wherein each of the outlets penetrate the plurality of apertures without intersecting the smooth inner surface; an air compressor; a compressed air regulator; an air hose connected to each of the inlets of the plurality of nozzles and the air compressor. 1. An apparatus for separating plant matter comprising:a chamber having a smooth inner surface, the chamber including a top portion and a bottom portion, wherein the top portion is removably attached to the bottom portion;at least one aperture located on a bottom center surface of the bottom portion;at least one nozzle having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the outlet penetrates the aperture without intersecting the smooth inner surface of the chamber;an air compressor;a compressed air regulator;an air hose connected to inlet of the nozzle and the air compressor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outlet of the nozzle is positioned on a downward slope of the bottom portion and aimed at the center of the chamber.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a conduit in fluid communication with the chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the conduit is tangentially positioned in relation to the chamber.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the conduit is substantially U shaped comprising a first section and a second section claim 4 , the first section is attached to the top portion and the second section is attached to a removable collection device.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the removable collection device comprises a HEPA filter and a collection container.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the plant matter is ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105663A1

The invention concerns a mobile processing device having a material processing unit, such as a mobile crusher having a crusher unit or a mobile screen having a material screening unit. The mobile processing device comprises a power unit, a frame and a noise encapsulation for the material processing unit. The noise encapsulation is attached to the frame and comprises two cover elements, each of which is pivotable between an open position providing access to the crusher unit and a closed position wherein the cover elements can be interconnected to create an encapsulation for the material processing unit. 1. A mobile processing device having a material processing unit; a power unit; a frame; and a noise encapsulation for said material processing unit , wherein the noise encapsulation is attached to the frame and wherein the noise encapsulation comprises two cover elements , each of said cover elements being pivotable between an open position providing access to the material processing unit and a closed position wherein the cover elements can be interconnected to create an encapsulation for the material processing unit , said encapsulation having a roof and side walls , wherein said material processing unit is a mobile crusher having a crusher unit , and wherein it further comprises a crusher cavity cover element , wherein said crusher cavity cover element is pivotable around a generally horizontal axis between an open position in which access is provided to the crusher cavity and a closed position.2. A mobile processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the two cover elements are hinged at respective vertical beams.3. A mobile processing device according to claim 2 , wherein the vertical beams are parts of a sub-frame.4. A mobile processing device according to claim 1 , wherein each cover element comprises a sidewall and a roof part and wherein claim 1 , in the closed position claim 1 , the respective roof parts abut each other and are interconnectable by locking ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Combined Bucket Drill and Soil Screen Apparatus and Method for Archaeological Excavations

Номер: US20210123305A1

One embodiment of a bucket drill and soil screen apparatus consists of a mast () attached to a prime mover vehicle (). A carriage () and hydraulic motor () slide vertically along the mast from which an attached kelly bar () and drilling bucket () are rotated and lowered into the ground. A kickout assembly () lifts drilling bucket () outward in an arc. Soil and cultural artifacts are transferred to a screen basket () by rotating open the drilling bucket through a latch and hinge. The screen basket is lifted to its screening position and rotated around a central axis to facilitate the passing of fine soil particles through the hardware cloth walls of the basket. Cultural artifacts retained in the screen basket are transferred to a fixed sorting screen () by rotating the screen basket to its dump position. 1. A combined bucket drill and soil screen apparatus for excavating archaeological test pits , comprising:a drill mast attached to a prime mover vehicle having a carriage and drive motor slidably attached to said drill mast, and a means for conveying energy from said drill mast to said carriage such that the drive motor can be controllably lifted and lowered;a drilling bucket comprising a cylinder and a floor; and said floor having at least one digging edge and inlet port; and said inlet port having a selectable open position and closed position; and means for coupling rotational energy from said drive motor to said drilling bucket;a soil screen mechanism attached to said drill mast having a drive actuator and a pivotally attached screen basket, wherein the walls of said screen basket having a multitude of openings of predetermined size; and means for coupling rotational energy from said drive actuator to said screen basket thereby causing soil particles to pass through said multitude of openings;means for transferring soil from said drilling bucket to said screen basket;means for transferring cultural artifacts retained within said screen basket to a detached ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for large debris conveyance

Номер: US20220176408A1
Автор: Steve L. Gilbert
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for sorting particulate material includes a main conveyor belt, a separation screen, a graded material conveyor, and an oversize material conveyor. The separation screen is configured to separate the material into a first portion and a second portion with a larger average particle diameter than the first portion. The graded material conveyor is positioned below the separation screen to receive the first portion of the material, and the oversize material conveyor is positioned at an end of the separation screen to receive the second portion of the material.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122616A1
Автор: Viilo Keijo

A conveyor for conveying mineral material vertically includes a conveyor frame; at least two conveyor main rolls or pairs of conveyor main pulleys, a plurality of conveyor guide rolls or conveyor guide pulleys and a first and a second endless conveyor belt. The main rolls or pulleys are arranged on top of each other and the guide rolls or pulleys are arranged outside each conveyor main roll or pulley at a circumference of a circle. The endless conveyor belts alternate between being moved on either a main roll or a pair of main pulleys or on a group of guide rolls or guide pulleys. The endless conveyor belts are arranged to be moved at a speed that any material being conveyed stays in contact with the surface of either the first or the second endless conveyor belts when being moved on a the conveyor guide rolls or pulleys. 1. A conveyor for conveying mineral material vertically comprising:a conveyor frame;at least two conveyor main rolls or at least two pairs of conveyor main pulleys being fitted rotatably in connection with the conveyor frame;a plurality of conveyor guide rolls or conveyor guide pulleys, each guide roll or pulley being fitted rotatably in connection with the conveyor frame; anda first and a second endless conveyor belt means being arranged to be moved on the conveyor main rolls and on the conveyor guide rolls, characterized in that the conveyor main rolls or pairs of conveyor main pulleys are arranged on top of each other at a vertical distance from each other in such a way that the horizontal distance between the conveyor main rolls or pairs of conveyor main pulleys is such that at least a part of the conveyor main rolls or conveyor main pulleys is substantially on a same vertical line;{'b': '120', 'the conveyor guide rolls () or conveyor guide pulleys are arranged outside each conveyor main roll or main pulley at a circumference of a circle having its centre point on the rotation axis of the corresponding conveyor main roll or main pulley and ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for backfilling a trench

Номер: US20190112785A1
Автор: Keith James MCCABE
Принадлежит: Delta Pipeline Machinery BV

An apparatus for backfilling a trench and, more particularly, an apparatus for laying a pipeline bed layer in a trench and for laying a pipeline bedding layer once a pipeline is laid in the trench. The apparatus comprises a multi-deck screen vibrating unit. The upper deck screen comprises finger tines or a grizzly arrangement.

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Mobile machine for handling aggregate material having a movable component carrier above a conveyor line

Номер: US20220267099A1
Принадлежит: Kleemann GmbH

A mobile machine for conveying and/or processing mineral aggregate material, includes a machine frame and a conveyor module supported on the machine frame so as to be displaceable relative to the latter. A conveyor line runs along a virtual conveyor path (FB), the conveyor module being designed at least for conveying the aggregate material along the conveyor path on the conveyor line. A component carrier in a working state of the machine runs in an elevation direction (H) at a distance from the conveyor line crosswise with respect to the conveyor path above the conveyor line. The component carrier supports at least one functional module which interacts with the aggregate material conveyed on the conveyor line. The conveyor module is displaceable relative to the machine frame with a displacement component in the elevation direction. The component carrier is movable both relative to the conveyor module and the machine frame.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Aggregate dewatering device and method

Номер: US20210156614A1
Принадлежит: Superior Industries Inc

A dewatering device for aggregate product can be used to retro-fit existing aggregate product dewatering facilities in order to more efficiently capture product. The dewatering device can be movable to allow for the portability of the device relative to existing dewatering facilities. The device is adapted to receive a slurry of aggregate product and water and to vibrate to dry the aggregate product. A recycle system is included to receive any fines that may otherwise be lost by the system. The recycle system captures the fines and redirects them back towards the vibrating process of the vibrating device to direct them towards an exit of the vibrating device in order to use said fines as well as the other dewatered aggregate product. The portability of the device allows the device to be used with the existing facilities without the need to completely replace existing components for dewatering aggregate product.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Blended Regolith Simulant Material and Method of Making the Material

Номер: US20140209515A1

A method includes the steps of blending a first part comprising a low-density fine particulate material additive with a second part comprising original regolith simulant material for producing a lower bulk density blended regolith simulant material having gravity-driven flow properties that resemble those that the original regolith material would have under a reduced gravity of a target extraterrestrial body. The blended regolith simulant material includes one part by volume of original regolith simulant material to N parts by volume of a low-density fine particulate material additive, where N is generally greater than one less than the ratio of the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the earth to the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the target extraterrestrial body. 1. A method comprising:steps for producing a lower bulk density blended regolith simulant material having gravity-driven flow properties that resemble those that an original regolith material would have under a reduced gravity of a target extraterrestrial body.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising steps for separating out claim 1 , and discarding claim 1 , coarsest particles before blending.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising steps for achieving an approximate bulk density of the blended regolith simulant material that is reduced from a bulk density of the original regolith simulant material by roughly a same factor as gravity on the target extraterrestrial body is reduced from the earth's surface gravity level.4. A method comprising the steps of:blending a first part comprising a low-density fine particulate material additive with a second part comprising original regolith simulant material for producing a lower bulk density blended regolith simulant material having gravity-driven flow properties that resemble those that the original regolith material would have under a reduced gravity of a target extraterrestrial body.5. The method as ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140209530A1
Принадлежит: Bilfinger Water Technologies, Inc.

An adjustable nozzle assembly for a sieve box and a sieve box including same, including a support assembly and nozzles. A pair of elongated support members may be received through openings in support collars. Nozzles may be operatively connected to the collars. The support assembly, which may include collars and rods, are configured to provide at least one of lateral movement and rotational movement of the nozzles. At least one of the first elongated support member and the second elongated support member may be configured to move when coupled to the sieve box to adjust a spray angle of the nozzles. Pivoting of the one rod about the other rod adjusts the angle at which the nozzles are disposed. The rods may be externally threaded, and the collars may be internally threaded, such that when the rods are rotated, the collars translate laterally along the rods to move the nozzles. 3. The nozzle assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first elongated support member and the second elongated support member each comprise a rod.4. The nozzle assembly of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first elongated support member and the second elongated support member is configured to move when coupled to the sieve box to adjust a spray angle of the nozzle.5. The nozzle assembly of claim 2 , wherein pivoting of the second elongated support member about the first elongated support member adjusts the angle at which the nozzle is disposed.6. The nozzle assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first elongated support member and the second elongated support member are externally threaded claim 2 , and the first support collar and the second support collar are internally threaded claim 2 , such that when the elongated support members are rotated claim 2 , the support collars translate laterally along the respective elongated support member.7. The nozzle assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a plate member to which the first support collar claim 2 , the second support collar claim 2 , and the nozzle ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Mobile Mechanical Xeriscape Gravel Cleaner

Номер: US20140215731A1
Автор: Hill Thomas R.

Disclosed is mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner which is delivered to the site of the xeriscaping to be cleaned by a wheel/axle assembly, leveled with adjustable jack stands mounted on the metal frame. Xeriscape material to be cleaned is collected and deposited in a hopper with slide plate to control flow of material into the receiving chamber. Using an external power system, the auger/screener device rotation begins and picks up and carries forward the material, passing through the transition plate to the auger/cleaner chamber where foreign material passes through the screen. The cleaned material proceeds to the discharge chamber where it is collected and returned to the original xeriscaped site. The mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner can clean xeriscape gravel at a lower cost, with improved quality and a higher rate of speed than was previously possible, with significantly reduced burden to the ecosystem. 1. A MOBILE MECHANICAL XERISCAPE GRAVEL CLEANER consisting of: a device constructed of a welded metal frame with independent wheel/axle and stabilization jacks , topped with worker safety/access panels with endplates and a single split transition plate capable of traveling to a site in need of removal of dirt and debris from xeriscaped landscaping; the device is powered by an external power device and control panel which provides a variable rotation speed and gravel flow rate based on volume of dirt and debris to be removed as well as size of xeriscaped gravel to be cleaned; xeriscaped gravel is loaded into the hopper where it is gravity fed and flow regulated with a slide gate; xeriscape gravel is then delivered to a receiving chamber and is mechanically pulled into the cleaning chamber by a single flight or double flight auger; as the gravel passes through the cleaning chamber , the dirt and debris falls through the screens for disposal and the cleaned xeriscape gravel transitions to the discharge chamber for collection and replacement to the ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130016A1
Автор: DeFino Hector

A system for recycling asphalt millings and methods thereof are provided. In exemplary embodiments, an apparatus for recycling asphalt millings may comprise a blender comprising a basin having an interior volume, an agitator disposed within the interior volume, the agitator adapted to agitate asphalt millings, a blender grate disposed on the bottom of the basin, the blender grate comprising apertures adapted to allow bitumen to pass through the blender grate, a heating conveyor comprising a heating apparatus for heating the asphalt millings, a cooling conveyor comprising an input for receiving asphalt millings and an opening adapted to receive a cold material applicator, a cold material applicator disposed in the opening, the cold material applicator adapted to apply cold material to asphalt millings. 1. A process for recycling asphalt millings , said asphalt millings comprised of stone and bitumen , the process comprising the steps of:heating said asphalt millings;applying cold air to said asphalt millings after said step of heating said asphalt millings; andseparating said stone from said bitumen after said step of applying cold air thereto.2. The process of further comprising the step of blending said asphalt millings in a blending apparatus prior to said step of heating said asphalt millings.3. The process of wherein said step of separating said stone from said bitumen comprises the step of passing said bitumen through a grate.4. The process of further comprising the step of pretreating said asphalt millings prior to said step of heating said asphalt millings.5. The process of wherein said step of pretreating said asphalt millings comprises the step of cleaning said asphalt millings in a liquid.6. The process of wherein said liquid is comprised of water claim 5 , oil and a chemical selected from the group comprising sodium lauryl sulfate claim 5 , sodium laureth sulfate claim 5 , lauramine oxide claim 5 , alcohol denatured claim 5 , sodium chloride claim 5 , ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170458A1
Автор: Mitchell Craig

A mobile machine for separation and recovery of spent shot, the machine including a drive unit to provide self-propelled mobility to the machine, a charged soil collection assembly mounted relative to the drive unit to collect soil charged with spent shot, and at least one separation assembly to separate spent shot from other collected material, the spent shot conveyed to a collection vessel for disposal. 1. A mobile machine for separation and recovery of spent shot , the machine including a drive unit to provide self-propelled mobility to the machine , a charged soil collection assembly mounted relative to the drive unit to collect soil charged with spent shot , and at least one separation assembly to separate spent shot from other collected material , the spent shot conveyed to a collection vessel for disposal.2. A mobile machine according to wherein a control cabin is provided on or relative to the drive unit.3. A mobile machine according to wherein the charged soil collection assembly and the at least one separation assembly are provided as an integrated unit mounted relative to claim 1 , or relative to claim 1 , a forward side of the drive unit.4. A mobile machine according to wherein the drive unit is provided with one or more forward lifting assemblies configured to lift a rear portion or end of the integrated unit.5. A mobile machine according to wherein a forward end of the integrated unit is provided with one or more support assemblies claim 3 , the support assemblies being adjustable up-and-down to change the height of the integrated unit and/or the separation of the integrated unit relative to a ground surface6. A mobile machine according to wherein the charges soil collection assembly comprises a cutter subassembly claim 1 , a scoop and a conveyor assembly to convey the soil charged with spent shot to the separation assembly.7. A mobile machine according to wherein the cutter subassembly includes one or more disks configured to open claim 6 , dislodge ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Material processing apparatus with multi-mode feed conveyor assembly

Номер: US20140224906A1
Принадлежит: Gordon Dunn, Martin Mcgirr, Raymond Young

A material processing apparatus comprising: a base; a first material processing unit, for example a crusher; a feed conveyor; and a second material processing unit, for example a screening unit. The feed conveyor and the second material processing unit are both movable with respect to the first material processing unit and with respect to each other so that material can be fed into the first material processing unit directly from the feed conveyor, or indirectly from the feed conveyor via the second material processing unit. The second material processing unit can be stored beneath the feed conveyor when not in use.

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150165394A1

A system includes a solid feed pump having a housing, a rotor disposed in the housing, a curved passage disposed between the rotor and the housing, a solid feed inlet coupled to the curved passage, and a solid feed outlet coupled to the curved passage. Also, a solids packing device is coupled to the solid feed inlet of the solid feed pump. The solids packing device includes a first channel configured to receive a solid feed with a first range of sizes, a second channel configured to receive transport assisting particles (TAP) with a second range of sizes. The first range is different from the second range. A third channel is configured to receive and mix the solid feed and the TAP to provide a solid feed-TAP mixture with the TAP filling interspatial spaces between the solid feed. The third channel is coupled to the solid feed inlet. 1. A system , comprising: a first channel configured to receive a solid feed with a first range of sizes;', 'a second channel configured to receive transport assistance particles (TAP) with a second range of sizes, wherein the first range of sizes is different from the second range of sizes; and', 'a third channel configured to receive and mix the solid feed and the TAP to provide a solid feed-TAP mixture with the TAP filling interspatial spaces between the solid feed; and, 'a solids packing device comprising a housing;', 'a passage disposed within the housing;', 'a solid feed inlet configured to receive the solid feed-TAP mixture from the third channel and provide the solid feed-TAP mixture to the passage; and', 'a solid feed outlet coupled to the passage., 'a solid feed pump, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a second portion of the second channel is circumferentially disposed about a first portion of the first channel.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the solid feed-TAP mixture is configured to enter the solid feed inlet at a first pressure and to exit the solid feed outlet at a second pressure claim 1 , the second ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Screen maintenance link

Номер: US20190160492A1
Принадлежит: Terex USA LLC

Disclosed is an inclined mobile screen for processing road building materials which provides for easy reconfiguration of the screen from operation configuration to a transport configuration and to a maintenance configuration, which allows for increased clearance between the screen and a feed conveyor without requiring a hydraulic actuator disposed therebetween. Nested telescopic supports are selectively coupled together in an offset connection to allow changes in the orientation of the screen to result in changes in the separation between the screen and the conveyor so as to allow for more clearance therebetween during time of maintenance.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176647A1

A mineral material processing plant includes a frame and a screen which is supported on the frame of the processing plant, and a conveyor which is fixed in connection with the screen for transporting material to be processed by the screen. The support of the conveyor relative to the screen includes a four-bar linkage mechanism, and pivot points of the four-bar linkage mechanism are arranged in support arms which are fixed pivotably in connection with the screen, and the conveyor is arranged to be moved farther from the screen and closer to the screen by the movement of the four-bar linkage. A method for operating a processing plant is also disclosed. 1. A mineral material processing plant comprising:a frame;a screen which is supported on the frame; anda conveyor which is fixed in connection with the screen for transporting material to be processed by the screen,wherein the support of the conveyor relative to the screen comprises a four-bar linkage mechanism, and pivot points of the four-bar linkage mechanism are arranged in support arms which are fixed pivotably in connection with the screen, and the conveyor is arranged to be moved farther from the screen and closer to the screen by the movement of the four-bar linkage.2. The processing plant according to claim 1 , comprising a conveyor above the screen claim 1 , the support of which conveyor comprises a third support arm and a fourth support arm which support arms are fixed at a distance from each other and pivotably at third pivot points in connection with the conveyor above the screen and pivotably at fourth pivot points in connection with the screen claim 1 , forming a movable second four-bar linkage mechanism.3. The processing plant according to claim 1 , wherein the support of the screen on the frame of the processing plant comprises a first support arm and a second support arm which support arms are fixed at a distance from each other and pivotably at first pivot points in connection with the screen and ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174846A1

A method of preparing hydrogel particles includes applying a solution including a plurality of hydrogel particles to a stir cell. A retentate side of a filter defines a lower surface of the stir cell. The filter has the retentate side and a permeate side. The method further includes, while stirring the solution within the stir cell, dispensing a buffer solution at a first flow rate to the stir cell and drawing a permeate from the permeate side of the filter using a pump at a second flow rate, the permeate including a subset of the plurality of hydrogel particles. 1. A method of preparing hydrogel particles , the method comprising:applying a solution including a plurality of hydrogel particles to a stir cell, a retentate side of a filter defining a lower surface of the stir cell, the filter having the retentate side and a permeate side; andwhile stirring the solution within the stir cell, drawing a permeate from the permeate side of the filter using a pump at a first flow rate, the permeate including a subset of the plurality of hydrogel particles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pump is a syringe pump.3. The method of claim 1 , dispensing a buffer solution at a second flow rate to the stir cell.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first and second flow rate are approximately equal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the velocity of the permeate across the filter is in a range of 0.01 cm/min to 0.17 cm/min claim 1 , a range of 0.02 cm/min to 0.17 cm/min claim 1 , a range of 0.05 cm/min to 0.16 cm/min claim 1 , a range of 0.07 to 0.15 cm/min claim 1 , or a range of 0.08 cm/min to 0.15 cm/min.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying the permeate to a second stir cell, a retentate side of a second filter defining a lower surface of the second stir cell, the second filter having the retentate side and a permeate side; andwhile stirring within the second stir cell, drawing from the permeate side of the second filter using a second pump at a third flow ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Material processing plant

Номер: US20200164382A1
Принадлежит: Terex USA LLC

A mobile recycling plant with a single diesel engine to power the crusher intermittently and the generator continuously, with a return conveyor discharge chute 502 that is automatically stowed by merely folding the top portion of the return conveyor, with an automatic retraction of the return conveyor 130 by merely lower the screening machine, with a dual screen dual angle screening machine, and with a system for deploying a ferrous metal removal system 160.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210205849A1
Автор: Currey Albert Ben

A bucket with a vibrating screen is provided. The bucket includes a bucket member having an inner volume. The bucket member includes an first portion having a first opening to access the inner volume and a tapered second portion having a second opening to access the inner volume. The second opening is smaller than the first opening. The bucket includes a screen removably coupled to the bucket member within the inner volume in a location between the first portion and the second portion. The bucket includes a vibration generation device coupled to the screen. 1. A method of using a bucket with a vibrating screen , the method comprising:coupling the bucket with the vibrating screen to a vehicle, the bucket having a first portion and a tapered second portion separated by the vibrating screen;filling the bucket member at a first location with material and retaining the material on the screen within the first portion;moving the bucket to a second location;operating the vibrating screen to screen material through the vibrating screen, wherein material sized to fit through the screen and retaining larger material on top of the screen; andcontrolled directing of screened material through the tapered second portion controlling placement of the screened material at the second location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bucket member further comprises:an inner volume, the bucket member comprising:the first portion comprising a first opening to access the inner volume;the tapered second portion comprising a second opening to access the inner volume, wherein the second opening is smaller than the first opening;a flat bottom member extending in a plane from the first opening to the second opening, the flat bottom member forming part of the first portion and forming part of the second portion; anda vibration generation device coupled to the screen;3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising dampening the screen during vibration.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein operating the ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171545A1

A screening bucket comprises a main structure which includes a collecting portion for the material to be screened and a receiving member in which there is collected the material which is subjected to sieving and which has a discharge opening for the screened material. A plurality of rotating elements are arranged in the region of the discharge opening and are supported in a removable manner on pairs of opposing bearing groups. The bearing groups comprise a bearing and a rotatable support, to which there is connected an end of the rotating element by means of a male/female connection, wherein the rotatable support further comprises a locking portion which is capable of being retained by means of a corresponding retention device so as to prevent the rotation of the rotatable support when the rotating element is removed. 1100110111221212223313031212322230232222232230334302. A screening bucket () comprising a main structure () comprising a collecting portion () for the material to be screened and a receiving member () in which the material which is subjected to sieving is collected and which has a discharge opening () for the screened material , a plurality of rotating elements () which are arranged in the region of the discharge opening () so as to at least partially obstruct the discharge opening () , allowing the passage of material having dimensions less than a predetermined dimension when the rotating elements () are rotated , the rotating elements () being supported in a removable manner on pairs of opposing bearing groups () , the bearing groups comprising a bearing () and a rotatable support () , which is fixed to the bearing () and to which an end () of the rotating element () is connected by a male/female connection which is formed by a receiving seat () and by a coupling extension () formed on the rotatable support () and on the rotating element () , respectively , or vice-versa , the receiving seat () and the coupling extension () being configured so that ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160193611A1
Автор: MCDEVITT Terry

A mobile bulk material processing apparatus includes a main frame having a pair of opposed beams that are spaced apart in a widthwise direction across the apparatus. A conveyor transports material from or to a material processing unit mounted at the main frame. The beams are arranged to receive at least part of the conveyor to protect the conveyor in a raised transport position. 1. A mobile bulk material processing apparatus comprising:a longitudinally extending main frame having a first end and a second end;a conveyor to transport material from or to a material processing unit mounted at the main frame; andat least one coupling to mount the conveyor at the main frame for movement between a raised transport position and a lowered operative position, wherein the main frame towards the first end, includes a pair of opposed beams spaced apart such that at least a part of the conveyor may be accommodated between the beams when in the raised transport position.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pair of opposed beams form a majority of the longitudinally extending main frame and extend between the first and second ends.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least a pair of endless tracks or wheels mounted at a base region of the main frame to allow the apparatus to move over the ground.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the frame includes at least one neck section that extends upwardly from the base region claim 3 , each of the opposed beams projecting from an uppermost part of the neck section.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one cross beam or brace extending between and linking the opposed beams in a widthwise direction of the apparatus.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one coupling includes a pivot joint to allow the conveyor to pivot relative to the main frame to change a position of a distal end of the conveyor relative to the main frame.7. The ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Mineral material processing plant and a method for operating a processing plant

Номер: US20160199850A1
Принадлежит: Metso Minerals Oy

A mineral material processing plant includes a mineral material processing apparatus and a first conveyor which is arranged to feed the processing apparatus during operation of that processing apparatus. The first conveyor includes a first material transport part, a second material transport part and a pivot by which the second material transport part is fixed in relation to the first material transport part. The first conveyor is pivotable to an operation position in which the transported material is arranged to be fed via a discharge end of the second material transport part to the processing apparatus and to a service position which is in a first pivoting direction in relation to the operation position. In the service position, the projection of the discharge end of the second material transport part is arranged to leave free the lifting centre of the processing apparatus when viewed from above. A method for operating a processing plant is also disclosed.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197218A1
Автор: MCDEVITT Terry

A folding hopper for a bulk material processing machine includes walls that are configured to pivot upwardly and downwardly and to interlock when raised to their uppermost use positions. Interlocking of the wall is achieved exclusively via interlocking hook shaped flanges fixed rigidly to end edges of the hopper walls. 1. A folding hopper for a bulk material processing apparatus the folding hopper comprising:at least one sidewall pivotally mounted to a support frame via at least one first pivot mount;a first power operated mechanism having a first power operated actuator to provide pivoting of the sidewall between a lowered first position and a second raised position;at least one end wall pivotally mounted to the support frame via at least one second pivot mount and extending perpendicular or transverse to the sidewall;a second power operated mechanism having a second power operated actuator to provide pivoting of the end wall between a lowered first position and a second raised position; andfirst and second mechanical interlock connections provided respectively at the side and end wall such that when interlocked the side and end walls are prevented from being pivoted from the raised second position to the lowered first position, wherein the first or second power operated mechanism includes a third power operated actuator configured to provide a translational movement of the side or end wall in an upward and downward direction such that a locking and unlocking of the first and second interlock connections includes the pivoting and the translational movement of the side or end wall.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first and second interlock connections include flanges having hooked portions that are configured to overlap one another when interlocked.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the flanges are positioned at or towards respective end edges of the side and end walls to engage one another as the end edges are mated in touching or ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Conveyor body and mobile mineral material processing plant

Номер: US20150217942A1
Автор: Lauri Saarinen
Принадлежит: Metso Minerals Oy

A conveyor body for conveying mineral material includes a middle section having a first end and a second end, and a first pivot axis passes through the first end of the middle section, and the middle section is arranged to be pivoted around the first pivot axis from an operation position of the conveyor to a transport position and back to the operation position, and a second pivot axis passes through the second end of the middle section to pivot a head section sideways around the second pivot axis from the operation position of the conveyor which head section is connectable to the middle section through the second pivot axis, wherein the middle section includes a top plate, a bottom plate, and vertical side plates which are fixed between the top plate and the bottom plate. A mineral material processing plant is also disclosed

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Screening Device

Номер: US20210252555A1

A screening arrangement including two side walls, each having an inward facing side and an outward facing side, and a screen holder arrangement extending between the inward facing sides of the side walls for use in connecting a first and a second screening element. The screen holder arrangement includes a first screen connector and a second screen connector. The first screen connector includes a pivotable element arranged to pivot about an axis that is parallel with a longitudinal extension of the first screen connector. The pivotable element includes a connection portion arranged to hold one end of the first screening element. The pivotable element is arranged to pivot between a first position and a second position, where the pivotable element is arranged such that when it is in the second position and a screen is connected to the pivotable element, particles larger than a predetermined size are prevented from passing between the first and second screen connectors. 115.-. (canceled)16. A screening arrangement including two side walls , each having an inward facing side and an outward facing side , and a screen holder arrangement extending between said inward facing sides of said two side walls for use in connecting a first and a second screening element , said screen holder arrangement comprising:a first screen connector and a second screen connector,wherein said first screen connector comprises a pivotable element arranged to pivot about an axis that is parallel with a longitudinal extension of said first screen connector,wherein said pivotable element comprises a connection portion arranged to hold one end of said first screening element, and said pivotable element is arranged to pivot between a first position and a second position, respectively,wherein said pivotable element is arranged such that when it is in said second position and a screen is connected to said pivotable element, particles larger than a predetermined size are prevented from passing between ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140332611A1

The invention relates to processing apparatus and methods and in particular, but not exclusively, to an apparatus that may be used to process a wide variety of feed materials by one or more of milling or grinding, mixing, blending, separation, drying and sterilisation. In a preferred embodiment there is provided a feed material processing apparatus () comprising: a chamber (); at least one inlet () in flow communication to an upper region of the chamber (); a rotor () located within the chamber () that is rotatable about a substantially vertical axis by a rotation drive (), wherein the rotor () promotes a circulatory flow of feed material and/or gas within the chamber (); at least one outlet () in flow communication from a lower region of the chamber (). Preferably the apparatus () comprises at least one feature located laterally on the rotor () to promote the circulatory flow. 1. A feed material processing apparatus comprising:a chamber;at least one inlet in flow communication to an upper region of the chamber for receiving feed material;at least one outlet in flow communication to a lower region of the chamber for collecting processed feed material;a rotor located within the chamber so that there is an annular gap between an inner chamber wall and an outer surface of the rotor, the annular gap being less than the diameter of the rotor to promote classification of the feed material;at least one projection extending from the rotor to promote circulatory flow of feed material within the chamber to subject particles of the feed stream to interparticulate collisions to reduce the feed stream particle size such that the feed stream particle size reduces as the feed stream travels from the upper region to the lower region of the chamber; andone or more screens or ledges that narrow the diameter of the chamber towards the base to deflect circulating feed material above the screen(s) or ledge(s) to increase feed material residence time in the chamber.2. The apparatus ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180243796A1
Автор: Ivanoff Enda

An apparatus for washing and grading sand and aggregate includes a first multi-deck screen and a sump for collecting undersize material from the plurality of decks. A first set of hydrocyclones receives undersize material and water from the sump of the first screen. A second screen has a deck for producing at least one sand product and a sump beneath the deck, the deck of the second screen receiving an underflow from each cyclone of the first set of hydrocyclones. A second set of hydrocyclones receives undersize material and water from the sump of the second vibratory screen. The deck of a third screen receives an underflow from each cyclone of the second set of hydrocyclones. A further hydrocyclone receives undersize material and water from the sump of the third screen, and an underflow from the further hydrocyclone is delivered onto the deck of the third screen. 1. An apparatus for washing and grading sand and aggregate comprises:a first vibratory screen having a plurality of vertically stacked decks for producing a plurality of aggregate products therefrom, and a sump for collecting undersize material comprising sand and water from the plurality of decks;a first set of hydrocyclones arranged to receive undersize material and water from the sump of the first vibratory screen, the first set of hydrocyclones comprising a plurality of cyclones arranged in parallel, each having an inlet receiving the undersize material and water from the sump of the first vibratory screen;a second vibratory screen having a deck for producing at least one sand product and a sump beneath the deck for receiving undersize material and water from the deck of the second vibratory screen, the deck of the second vibratory screen receiving an underflow from each cyclone of the first set of hydrocyclones;a second set of hydrocyclones arranged to receive undersize material and water from the sump of the second vibratory screen, the second set of hydrocyclones comprising a plurality of cyclones ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160256894A1

A magnetically retained screen assembly for a conveyor for processing goods is disclosed. The magnetically retained screen assembly includes one or more magnetic screens and one or more magnet assemblies, wherein the one or more magnet assemblies are configured to magnetically retain the one or more magnetic screens within the conveyor support structure. 1. A conveyor for processing goods , comprisinga conveyor support structure, anda magnetically retained screen assembly, the magnetically retained screen assembly comprising one or more magnetic screens and one or more magnet assemblies, wherein the one or more magnet assemblies are configured to magnetically retain the one or more magnetic screens within the conveyor support structure.2. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 1 , wherein the one or more magnet assemblies includes one or more magnet assemblies configured to magnetically retain the one or more magnetic screens in a vertical direction.3. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 2 , wherein the one or more magnet assemblies includes one or more magnet assemblies configured to magnetically retain the one or more magnetic screens in a lateral direction.4. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 1 , wherein the one or more magnet assemblies are fixedly attached to an inner wall of the conveyor support structure.5. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 2 , wherein the one or more magnet assemblies comprises a magnet enclosed in casing such that the magnet is 1/16of an inch from a magnetic screen bearing surface of the casing.6. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 5 , wherein the casing is comprised of ultra-high molecular weight plastic.7. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 5 , wherein the one or more magnet assemblies include one or more faceplates covering an exterior surface of the casing.8. The conveyor for processing goods of claim 1 , wherein the conveyor support structure further comprises:one or more slots within a ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180250684A1

A mineral material processing plant including a base frame, an intermediate frame configured to be attached on top of the base frame of a mineral material processing plant and at least one actuator, wherein the intermediate frame is configured to support the at least one actuator. 1. A mineral material processing plant , comprising:a base frame;an intermediate frame configured to be attached on top of the base frame of a mineral material processing plant and supported on the base frame on the lower surface of attachment points; andat least one actuator; whereinthe intermediate frame is configured to support the at least one actuator on the attachment points, and the base frame is configured to support the intermediate frame and at least one actuator; and that the intermediate frame further comprises elements extending longitudinally on the side of the intermediate frame for aligning the intermediate frame with the base frame; wherein the elements comprise a bottom surface extending below the frame structure of the intermediate frame.2. The mineral material processing plant of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate frame further comprises hydraulic legs configured to raise the intermediate frame from and lower the intermediate frame onto the top of the base frame.3. The mineral material processing plant of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate frame further comprises elements extending longitudinally on the side of the intermediate frame for aligning the intermediate frame with the base frame.4. The mineral material processing plant of claim 3 , wherein the elements for aligning the intermediate frame with the base frame comprise a bottom surface extending below the hydraulic legs when retracted.5. The mineral material processing plant of any claim 2 , wherein the hydraulic legs are comprised in hydraulic leg elements configured to be pivoted against the intermediate frame.6. The mineral material processing plant of claim 1 , wherein the at least one actuator comprises a ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210299674A1

A manoueverable crushing and screening system () is disclosed. The manoueverable crushing and screening system () comprises of a chassis () with a manoueverable undercarriage (). The system () also comprises of a crushing unit () mounted at one end of the chassis () and a screening unit () that is mounted on the other end of the chassis (). A steep angle conveyor () is configured between the crushing unit () and the screening unit () and the steep angle conveyor () is operable between a first position (A) and a second position (B). In the first position (A), the steep angle conveyor () conveys crushed material from the crushing unit () to the screening unit (). This configuration of the system reduces operating length of equipment and also reduces length of the plant. 1. A manoueverable crushing and screening system , the system comprising:a chassis with a manoueverable undercarriage;a crushing unit mounted at one end of the chassis; a screening unit mounted on the other end of the chassis;a steep angle conveyor configured between the crushing unit and the screening unit, wherein the steep angle conveyor is operable between a first position (A) and a second position (B),wherein, at the first position (A), the steep angle conveyor is configured to convey crushed material from the crushing unit to the screening unit.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the manoueverable undercarriage is at least one of a tracked under carriage or a wheeled undercarriage.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at the second position (B) claim 1 , the steep angle conveyor is lowered and supported at a substantially same level as that of the crushing unit.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the steep angle conveyor is a pocket conveyor.5. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the steep angle conveyor comprising:a loading section fixed to the chassis;a head section mounted on articulation unit (C) supported by the chassis; anda steep angle conveyor belt ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254036A1
Автор: GIET Marc, ZWICKL Patrick

A screen belt system for a beach cleaning vehicle, including a flexible, sheet-type screen belt arrangement which is deflected by at least two deflection shafts, with at least one thereof being driven by a drive unit. The screen belt arrangement is provided with lengthwise extending outer straps on opposite longitudinal sides, and has at least one screen belt fabric. Transversely extending reinforcing profiles are also provided, each extending over a working width of the at least one screen belt fabric and being connected to the at least one screen belt fabric and attached to the outer straps on the face end side. 1. Screen belt system for a beach cleaning vehicle , comprising a flexible , sheet-type screen belt arrangement , which is deflected by means of at least two deflection shafts , with at least one thereof being driven by a drive unit , wherein the screen belt arrangement is provided with lengthwise extending outer straps on opposite longitudinal sides , in that the screen belt arrangement has at least one screen belt fabric , and in that transversely extending reinforcing profiles are provided , each extending over a working width of the at least one screen belt fabric and being connected to the at least one screen belt fabric and attached to the outer straps on the face end side.2. Screen belt system according to claim 1 , wherein the outer straps are provided with profilings in the region of their interior sides facing the deflection shafts claim 1 , and in that at least one deflection shaft has two drive wheels provided with complementary outer profilings claim 1 , which wheels are held on a common shaft and cooperate with the profilings of the outer straps in a form-fitting manner.3. Screen belt system according to claim 1 , wherein the screen belt arrangement has at least one screen belt fabric which is configured as a metallic braided fabric.4. Screen belt system according to claim 3 , wherein the reinforcing profiles penetrate through loops of the ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160263583A1

The present invention relates to a device for processing an aggregate material into fracturing sand, the device comprising: a screen box comprising an upper compartment adapted to receive an aggregate material from a hydro tube device; a plurality of induction jets connected to the steel box for supplying pressurized water, via spray nozzle heads, to wash the aggregate material through a series of grading screens. The device further comprises a lower compartment to receive a washed aggregate from the upper compartment, and comprises a plurality of screen panels with a predefined size for screening out particles of predetermined size to a sand screw via a 12 inch pipe for receiving a finished cut fracturing sand and washing down the rest of the particles larger than the predetermined size to a conveyor and disposed as waste via a hopper connected to the conveyor. 1. A device for processing an aggregate material into fracturing sand , the device comprising:a screen box comprising an upper compartment adapted to receive an aggregate material from a hydro tube device;a plurality of induction jets operatively connected to the screen box for supplying pressurized water, via spray nozzle heads, to wash the aggregate material through a series of grading screens;a lower compartment, adapted to receive a washed aggregate from the upper compartment, further comprises a plurality of screen panels with a predefined size for screening out particles of a predetermined size and convey to a sand screw adapted to receive a finished cut fracturing sand and washing down remaining particles to a hopper via a conveyor.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the aggregate material comprises stone claim 1 , sand and gravel.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprises a water manifold with a plurality of pressure gauges in fluid connection with the spray nozzle heads.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of induction jets are adapted to supply pressurized water at 55 psi pressure.5. ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190254220A1
Автор: BERTINO Luiz Henrique

An agricultural motor vehicle able to connect to a variety of agricultural implements, and comprising a structural set having four parts: a lower chassis, an intermediate structure, a front complementary structure, and a rear complementary structure. The set is supported over a set of front traction wheels and a set of smaller rear wheels and also houses a vibrating sieve, above which is located a beating cylinder, the front edge of which connects to a concentrating guiding roller and a hinged inlet nozzle, as well as a cockpit and a grain dumper located over the set. Preceding the grain dumper is a clean grain collection gutter, a motor power set, a suction cleaning set, a clean grain elevator and lastly, a retractable side belt, whose lower edge is hinged at its midpoint and located on the upper edge of the intermediate structure. 119-. (canceled)20. An agricultural motor vehicle , comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'a structural set having four combined parts, comprising a lower chassis (), an intermediate structure () housed overtop the lower chassis (), and two lengthwise prolongations at a front end and a rear end of the intermediate structure (), comprising a front complementary structure () and a rear complementary structure ();'}{'b': 1', '5', '6, 'two 4×2 wheel sets assembled underneath the lower chassis (), comprising a set of front traction wheels () and a set of smaller rear wheels ();'}{'b': 7', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'a vibrating sieve () assembled overtop the lower chassis () and underneath the intermediate structure (), wherein the vibrating sieve extends from a rear side of the front complementary structure () to an inside of the rear complementary structure ();'}{'b': 8', '7', '2', '3', '20, 'a beating cylinder () assembled lengthwise above the vibrating sieve () and inside the intermediate structure (), the beating cylinder extending starting at the rear side of the front complementary structure () and ending inside a suction cleaning set ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272382A1
Автор: Ayres Paul Thomas
Принадлежит: Red Flint Group, LLC

A portable processing plant for processing granular material is provided. The portable plant includes a plurality of portable processing modules configured to be stacked vertically to allow for a vertically downward progression of the generally granular material through the portable processing plant. Each portable processing module includes a self-supporting independent frame structure and has at least one processing component affixed to the self-supporting independent frame structure. The self-supporting independent frame structures of the plurality of portable processing modules combine to define a structural skeleton of the portable processing plant. Each self-supporting independent frame structure can be removed from the structural skeleton substantially fully assembled while the at least one processing component carried by the self-supporting. Methods of assembling and disassembling the portable processing plant are also provided. 134-. (canceled)35. A portable processing plant for processing a flow of granular material comprising:a plurality of portable processing modules configured to be stacked vertically to allow for the vertically downward progression of a flow of granular material from one portable processing module to the next, each portable processing module including a self-supporting independent frame structure, each portable processing module having at least one processing component affixed to the self-supporting independent frame structure;the self-supporting independent frame structures of the plurality of portable processing modules combining to define a structural skeleton of the portable processing plant, wherein each self-supporting independent frame structure is removable from the structural skeleton substantially fully assembled while the at least one processing component carried by the self-supporting independent frame structure remains affixed thereto; a first separation unit including a processing component in the form of at least one ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283083A1
Принадлежит: Portafill International Limited

A mobile aggregate processing plant for screening aggregate material comprising a mobile chassis, a vibrating screening unit mounted on the mobile chassis and able to provide at least one aggregate discharge stream therethrough, and an underscreen conveyor located wholly or substantially beneath the vibrating screening unit to wholly or substantially receive said at least one aggregate discharge stream, wherein the underscreen conveyor is driveable in an uphill direction so as to be able to discharge the aggregate discharge stream at a height higher than receiving the aggregate discharge stream, relative to the mobile chassis. 2. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the underscreen conveyor is moveable relative to the vibrating screening unit between a first position to work in co-operation with the vibrating screening unit in use claim 1 , and at least a second position able to provide an access portal below the vibrating screen unit when not in use.3. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the underscreen conveyor is mounted on the mobile chassis independently of the mounting of the vibrating screening unit on the mobile chassis.4. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mobile chassis has a main frame and a sub-frame claim 1 , and the underscreen conveyor is mounted on the main frame claim 1 , and the vibrating screening is mounted on the sub-frame.5. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the underscreen conveyor is vertically moveable relative to the vibrating screening unit between the operating and non-operating configurations.6. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the underscreen conveyor is laterally moveable relative to the vibrating screening unit between the operating and non-operating configurations.7. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in wherein the vibrating screening unit comprises at ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Mobile Mechanical Xeriscape Gravel Cleaner

Номер: US20160310993A1
Автор: Hill Thomas R.

Disclosed is mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner which is delivered to the site of the xeriscaping to be cleaned by a wheel/axle assembly, leveled with adjustable jack stands mounted on the metal frame. Xeriscape material to be cleaned is collected and deposited in a hopper with slide plate to control flow of material into the receiving chamber. Using an external power system, the auger/screener device rotation begins and picks up and carries forward the material, passing through the transition plate to the auger/cleaner chamber where foreign material passes through the screen. The cleaned material proceeds to the discharge chamber where it is collected and returned to the original xeriscaped site. The mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner can clean xeriscape gravel at a lower cost, with improved quality and a higher rate of speed than was previously possible, with significantly reduced burden to the ecosystem. 1. A mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner comprising: a device constructed of a welded metal frame with independent wheels and axles , stabilization jacks , worker safety and access panels with endplates , and a single split transition plate; an external power device and control panel which provides control of a variable rotation speed and gravel flow rate based on volume of dirt and debris; a hopper with gravity feed and flow regulated with a slide gate; a receiving chamber; a cleaning chamber with a single flight or double flight auger; and a discharge chamber for collection and use of cleaned gravel.2. A mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner according to : wherein said receiving chamber is a cylinder with inside diameter slightly greater than outside diameter of the auger and an inlet on top consistent with open hopper slide gate outflow claim 1 , of a material that allows the gravel movement through the receiving chamber into the cleaning chamber with minimal friction.3. A mobile mechanical xeriscape gravel cleaner according to : ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200291604A1
Автор: CANGINI Giorgio

Screening bucket () provided of a screening basket () comprising a first cylindrical body () having a central axis () and a plurality of first holes (); an actuating unit () being provided to rotate the first cylindrical body () around the central axis (); a second cylindrical body () being coupled to the first cylindrical body () in a longitudinally free and angularly fixed manner; the second cylindrical body () having a plurality of second holes () facing the first holes (); an actuating unit () being arranged between the first and the second cylindrical bodies () () to move them longitudinally relative to each other.

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Mobile modular screen plant with horizontal and variable operating angles

Номер: US20150321224A1
Принадлежит: Terex USA LLC

A mobile variable angle vibrating screen with the ability to process aggregate material in a horizontal orientation and at incrementally higher angles of inclination where changes in angles of inclination can be affected without the need to dismantle the vibrating screen and without the use of hand tools. The variable angle screen being configured: to blend output at all of the various operating angles of inclination, be transportable with a detachable bolt on feeder module; have an overhead feed conveyor which operates at a substantially horizontal configuration and at various operating angles of inclination.

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170314228A1
Автор: Sirr Chester Lea
Принадлежит: X HAND INC.

Disclosed is an apparatus for screening material at the end of an excavator arm comprising a blade having a bottom edge, a top edge and a connector therebetween for securing to a distal end of the arm of a earth moving equipment. The bucket has a bottom screen having front and rear edges being rotatable about the top edge of the blade section. The bottom screen is positionable so as to extend angled away from the bottom edge of the blade. The bucket further comprises a front screen rotatable relative to the bottom screen having a main portion and an angled bottom portion. The front screen is positionable to a closed position proximate the front edge of the bottom screen such that the front edge of the bottom screen extends past the angled bottom portion of the front screen. 1. An apparatus for screening material at the end of an excavator arm comprising:a blade having a bottom edge, a top edge and a connector therebetween for securing to a distal end of an arm of an earth moving equipment;a bottom screen having front and rear edges being rotatable about top edge of said blade section, said bottom screen being positionable so as to extend angle away from said bottom edge of said blade;a front screen rotatable about a pivot axis relative to said bottom screen having a main screen portion and an angled end screen portion, said front screen being positionable to a closed position proximate said front edge of said bottom screen such that said front edge of said bottom screen extends past said end portion of said front screen; anda rotary actuator having an axis along said pivot axis adapted to rotate said front screen relative to said bottom screen.2. The apparatus of wherein said front screen extends between side plates oriented perpendicular to a screening surface of said front screen.3. The apparatus of wherein said bottom screen extends from side plates extending perpendicularly therefrom.4. The apparatus of wherein said side plates of said front screen and said ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160339479A1
Автор: Ayres Paul Thomas
Принадлежит: Red Flint Group, LLC

A portable processing plant for processing granular material is provided. The portable plant includes a plurality of portable processing modules configured to be stacked vertically to allow for a vertically downward progression of the generally granular material through the portable processing plant. Each portable processing module includes a self-supporting independent frame structure and has at least one processing component affixed to the self-supporting independent frame structure. The self-supporting independent frame structures of the plurality of portable processing modules combine to define a structural skeleton of the portable processing plant. Each self-supporting independent frame structure can be removed from the structural skeleton substantially fully assembled while the at least one processing component carried by the self-supporting. Methods of assembling and disassembling the portable processing plant are also provided. 1. A method of forming a portable processing plant for processing a flow of generally granular material at an assembly location , the method comprising:stacking a plurality of portable processing modules vertically to allow for a vertically downward progression of the generally granular material from one portable processing module to the next, each portable processing module including a self-supporting independent frame structure, each portable processing module having at least one processing component affixed to the self-supporting independent frame structure while stacking the plurality of portable processing modules;when stacked, the self-supporting independent frame structures of the plurality of portable processing modules combine to define a structural skeleton of the portable processing plant, wherein each self-supporting independent frame structure can be removed from the structural skeleton substantially fully assembled while the at least one processing component carried by the self-supporting independent frame structure ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334332A1
Автор: Eberts Kenneth Scott

A material processing unit includes a main frame and a pivot assembly pivotally mounted to the frame. The pivot assembly is movable between a first pivot position, where a portion of the pivot assembly extends below the main frame, to a second pivot position, where the pivot assembly is generally above the main frame. The pivot assembly includes a mount platform that is below the main frame when the pivot assembly is in the first pivot position. The pivot assembly includes a slewing bearing mounted on the mount platform. The pivot assembly also includes a carrier mechanism that is rotatably mounted to the slewing bearing. The carrier mechanism is configured to be rotated generally parallel to the mount platform via the slewing bearing. The material processing unit includes a discharge conveyor that is pivotally mounted to the carrier mechanism. 1. A material processing unit comprising:a main frame; a mount platform being below the main frame when the pivot assembly is in the first pivot position;', 'a slewing bearing mounted on the mount platform;', 'a carrier mechanism rotatably mounted to the slewing bearing, the carrier mechanism being configured to be rotated generally parallel to the mount platform via the slewing bearing; and, 'a pivot assembly pivotally mounted to the frame, the pivot assembly being movable between a first pivot position, where a portion of the pivot assembly extends below the main frame, to a second pivot position, where the pivot assembly is generally above the main frame, the pivot assembly includinga discharge conveyor being pivotally mounted to the carrier mechanism.2. The material processing unit of claim 1 , wherein the main frame defines a proximal frame end and a distal frame end claim 1 , the pivot assembly being pivotally mounted to the frame at the proximal frame end.3. The material processing unit of claim 2 , wherein the proximal frame end includes a tow hitch on a bottom side thereof claim 2 , the tow hitch being configured to ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170361332A1
Автор: Bennington John

Aggregate washing systems are described including mechanisms for slurrying, washing and/or dewatering aggregate material. 1. An aggregate washing system , comprising: a tank disposed at a first incline angle, the tank having an aggregate material inlet for receiving aggregate material, the tank having a tank outlet;', 'a water inlet for supplying water to said tank;', 'a propulsion assembly rotatably supported at least partially within said tank, wherein rotation of said propulsion assembly agitates said water and said aggregate material to form a slurry, wherein rotation of said propulsion assembly conveys said slurry toward said tank outlet, wherein said tank retains substantially all water that does not exit said tank outlet;, 'a slurry mixer, said slurry mixer comprising a vibrating screen having a screen media deck for separating oversize material in said slurry from water and undersize material in said slurry, the screen media deck having a plurality of openings for receiving water and undersize material, the screen media deck having an end over which oversize material is deposited; and', 'at least a first washing element disposed to direct water toward said screen media deck., 'a dewatering mechanism disposed to receive said slurry from said tank outlet of said slurry mixer, said dewatering mechanism comprising2. The aggregate washing system of claim 1 , wherein said screen media deck is disposed at a second incline angle.3. The aggregate washing system of claim 2 , wherein said first incline angle is between 2 and 8 degrees claim 2 , and wherein said second incline angle is between 0 and 4 degrees.4. The aggregate washing system of claim 3 , wherein said screen media deck is vibrated at an acceleration greater than 3 g.5. The aggregate washing system of claim 4 , wherein a length of said screen media deck is at least twice a width of said screen media deck.6. The aggregate washing system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of said first and second incline ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for separating organics from a contaminated organics-inorganics waste stream

Номер: US20180369828A1

An improved process and apparatus for separating organics and inorganics from waste material with a specific object of preparing the separated organic fraction for the production of biogas or other methods for diverting organics from landfills. Waste material, such as municipal solid waste or source-separated organic waste (SSO), is subjected to a first separation treatment that separates organic and inorganic waste components. The apparatus includes a hopper to receive contaminated organic waste from different sources, a vertical separator that separates the inorganics from the organics by creating a vortex effect in a stationary filtration drum by which the solid contaminants (paper, plastic, metals) are blown in a spiral pattern upwards and removed from the top, while the organic fraction is removed from the bottom. 12471011810. An apparatus that includes a hopper() to receive contaminated organic waste from different sources , and a conveyor() that feeds a vertical separator that separates the inorganics from the organics by creating a vortex effect within a perforated drum () by which the solid contaminants (paper , plastic , metals) are blown by air in a spiral pattern upwards and removed from the top , while the organic fraction is removed from the bottom , air motion is affected by means of an inner rotating paddle-drum () to which a multiplicity of inclined paddles ()creating a twister effect are attached to its external surface , where fouling of the paddles by plastic wrappings or by long fibrous waste material is prevented by the addition of two or more chains () to the bottom of rotating paddle-drum ().224101177. An apparatus that includes a hopper() to receive contaminated organic waste from different sources , and a conveyor() that feeds a vertical separator that separates the inorganics from the organics by creating a vortex pattern upwards and removed from the top , while the organic fraction is removed from the bottom , air motion is affected by ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for large debris conveyance

Номер: US20200368781A1
Автор: Steve L. Gilbert
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for sorting particulate material includes a main conveyor belt, a separation screen, a graded material conveyor, and an oversize material conveyor. The separation screen is configured to separate the material into a first portion and a second portion with a larger average particle diameter than the first portion. The graded material conveyor is positioned below the separation screen to receive the first portion of the material, and the oversize material conveyor is positioned at an end of the separation screen to receive the second portion of the material.

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200384504A1
Принадлежит: Portafill International Limited

The present invention relates to a mobile aggregate processing plant for screening aggregate material comprising a mobile chassis having a main frame and a vibrating screening unit mounted via one or more absorbers on a screen-mounting frame and able to provide at least one aggregate discharge stream therethrough, wherein the vibrating screening unit is moveable relative to the screen-mounting frame between a first in-use position, and at least a second position able to provide an access portal below the vibrating screening unit when not in use. 1. A mobile aggregate processing plant for screening aggregate material comprising a mobile chassis having a main frame and a vibrating screening unit mounted via one or more absorbers on a screen-mounting frame , and able to provide at least one aggregate discharge stream therethrough ,wherein the vibrating screening unit is moveable relative to screen-mounting frame between a first in-use position, and at least a second position able to provide an access portal below the vibrating screening unit when not in use.2. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in wherein the vibrating screening unit is moveable at one end relative to the screen-mounting frame between the first in-use position and at least a second position.3. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in wherein the vibrating screening unit is moveable at both ends relative to the screen-mounting frame between the first in-use position and at least a second position.4. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in wherein one end of the vibrating screening unit is pivotable to the screen-mounting frame during movement of the vibrating screening unit to a second position.5. A mobile aggregate processing plant as claimed in wherein the vibrating screening unit includes pivot pins at least at one end claim 4 , and the screen-mounting box includes complementary pin housings claim 4 , which pins and pin housings are configured to be not engaged when the ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Feed unit for a processing plant, in particular for a crushing or screening station

Номер: US20200391946A1

The invention relates to a feed unit for a processing plant, in particular for a crushing or screening station, having a feed chute which has a chute beam (), wherein the chute beam () has a bottom (), wherein the bottom () extends in the conveying direction (V) of the feed chute, wherein at least one beam () extending in the conveying direction (V) is arranged in the area of the underside of the bottom () and supports the bottom (), wherein furthermore a bracket () is provided, which supports at least one vibration exciter (), and wherein the bracket () is connected to the beam (). A particularly resilient and in continuous operation durable feed unit is created according to the invention by the beam forming a closed hollow section or at least a wall segment of the beam () in conjunction with a reinforcing section () connected thereto forming a closed hollow section, and the hollow section extending with an angular deviation in the range of +/−15° in the direction of the excitation direction. 115-. (canceled)16. A feed unit for a processing plant , comprising:a feed chute including a chute bottom extending in a conveying direction of the feed chute;at least one beam supporting the chute bottom;a bracket attached to the at least one beam;at least one vibration exciter supported from the bracket and configured to generate a vibration in an excitation direction; andwherein the at least one beam includes a closed hollow section extending in a direction of longitudinal extension within a range of plus or minus 15 degrees of the excitation direction.17. The feed unit of claim 16 , wherein:the closed hollow section includes first and second end segments at its longitudinal ends, the first end segment being connected to the chute bottom and the second end segment being connected to the bracket.18. The feed unit of claim 16 , wherein:the direction of longitudinal extension of the closed hollow section extends at an angle less than 90 degrees to the chute bottom.19. The feed ...

14-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of sorting abrasive particles, abrasive particle distributions, and abrasive articles including the same

Номер: US8628597B2
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A method of making an abrasive particle distribution includes: sorting an initial lot of abrasive particles into a plurality of sublots including first and second sublots of the abrasive particles according to their average particle diameter and aspect ratio, and combining the first and second sublots. The initial lot conforms to an abrasives industry specified nominal grade. The first sublot has an average particle diameter and aspect ratio less than the second sublot. A sum of the first sublot and the second sublot contains fewer abrasive particles than the initial lot. The resultant abrasive particle distribution and abrasive articles including the same are also disclosed.

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Screening roller for a device for screening decomposable material

Номер: EP2409784B1
Автор: Josef Willibad
Принадлежит: J Willibald GmbH

29-06-2004 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for mechanical treatment of materials such as catalysts

Номер: US6755364B2
Принадлежит: Symyx Technologies Inc

Methods and apparatus for combinatorial (i.e., high-throughput) materials research, such as catalysis research, that involves parallel apparatus for simultaneously effecting mechanical treatments such as grinding, mixing, pressing, crushing, sieving, and/or fractionating of such materials are disclosed. The methods and apparatus are useful for mechanically treating catalysis materials and other solid materials, including without limitation, electronic materials such as phosphors, colorants such as pigments, and pharmaceuticals such as crystalline drugs or drug candidates. The simultaneous protocols and parallel apparatus offer substantial improvements in overall throughput for preparing arrays of materials, such as catalysis materials.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Patent JPWO2021049465A1

Номер: JPWO2021049465A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

10-12-1976 дата публикации

Nestepitoisten aineseosten, etenkin kuitulietteiden ja/tai kuitumassal ietteiden puhdistussihtilaite

Номер: FI51381C
Автор: Karl Erik Bergstedt
Принадлежит: Sunds Ab

08-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111112207A
Автор: 孔了一


05-05-1976 дата публикации

Device for separating aqueous suspensions

Номер: SU513598A3

08-03-2006 дата публикации

Canister for receiving food waste

Номер: KR200410766Y1
Автор: 김규환, 정기출
Принадлежит: 정기출

본 고안은 음식물쓰레기 내에 포함된 오수를 효과적으로 제거함으로써 음식물쓰레기로부터 발생되는 악취를 줄여 보다 쾌적한 주방환경을 조성할 수 있으며 음식물쓰레기를 감량하여 배출할 수 있도록 하는 음식물쓰레기 처리장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a food waste treatment apparatus that can effectively remove the filth contained in the food waste to create a more comfortable kitchen environment by reducing the odor generated from the food waste and to reduce the discharge of food waste. 본 고안에 따른 음식물쓰레기 처리장치는, 내부에는 음식물쓰레기가 수용되고 하부에는 밸브가 구비된 배수구가 설치되는 본체와, 본체의 바닥으로부터 소정간격으로 이격되어 설치되는 거름망과, 본체의 상부에 탈부착가능하게 결합되는 뚜껑과, 본체 내에서 상하로 이동되면서 본체 내의 음식물쓰레기를 압착하는 압착판과, 뚜껑에 상하이동가능하게 결합되며 그 하단은 압착판에 결합되어 압착판을 상하로 이동시키는 압착판구동수단을 포함하고, 여기서 압착판구동수단은, 뚜껑에 일체로 형성되고 중앙에 관통공이 형성되는 마운팅브래킷과, 마운팅브래킷의 관통공을 관통하며 그 하단은 압착판에 결합되는 랙기어와, 마운팅브래킷 내에서 랙기어에 맞물려지는 피니언기어와, 마운팅브래킷의 일측에 회전가능하게 설치되며 피니언기어에 축결합되어 피니언기어를 회전시키는 핸들을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. Food waste treatment apparatus according to the present invention, the food waste is accommodated inside and the main body is provided with a drain is provided with a valve in the lower portion, the strainer is installed spaced apart from the bottom of the main body at a predetermined interval, and detachable to the upper portion of the main body Cap and the plate to be moved up and down in the body while pressing the food waste in the main body, and the lid is coupled to the shangdong movable and the lower end is coupled to the pressing plate to drive the pressing plate to move the pressing plate up and down And a pressing plate driving means comprising: a mounting bracket integrally formed in the lid and having a through hole formed at the center thereof, a rack gear passing through the through hole of the mounting bracket, the lower end of which is coupled to the pressing plate, and a mounting bracket; Pinion gear meshed with rack gears within the rack, and rotatably installed on one side of the mounting bracket and condensed on the pinion gear It is characterized in that it comprises a handle for rotating the pinion gear. 음식물쓰레기, 본체, 압착판, 뚜껑, ...

20-09-2008 дата публикации

Method of screening machine control and screening machine

Номер: RU2333805C2
Принадлежит: Метсо Минерэлз Инк.

FIELD: technological processes. SUBSTANCE: invention is related to screening devices, more precisely - to equipment that is used for screening machine control. According to suggested method of screening machine control, amount of material on the screening surface is determined automatically, and rate of feed facilities supply is preset on the basis of measurements of automatic control system so that supply rate is changed for differing supply rate by one of the following methods: upper and lower values that were set in advance are used (val max , val min ) as measurements (val m ) of variable, which is dependent on amount of material on the sieve surface, and when the value of measurements (val m ) reaches one of previously set values, the rate of feed facilities is reduced, and when value of measurements reaches another previously set value, the rate of feed facilities increases, or when the rate of measured value change (val m ) exceeds the previously set value ((Δval m /Δt) max ), the rate of feed facilities changes. Screening machine, which is used for method implementation, contains sensor (S) for measurement of variable, which is dependent on amount of material on screen surface, controller (C), for which the mentioned sensor (S) is connected via the line of data transmission for obtainment of measurement values that are connected with mentioned variable from sensor, handle of drive (A) that is connected with feed facilities and is installed for changing rate of feed facilities supply. Controller (C) is connected with the mentioned handle of drive (A) via data transmission line and is installed to send commands to mentioned handle in response to measured value (val m ), which was received from sensor (S) for changing rate of feed facilities supply to different values of supply rate. EFFECT: increase of screen sizing efficiency and quality of screened material with optimisation of screen sizing parameters. 14 cl, 6 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 333 ...

21-09-2005 дата публикации

Peeling off device for recycling gravels

Номер: KR100516470B1
Автор: 박찬진, 이호근
Принадлежит: 삼흥종합환경 (주)

건설폐기물의 중간처리공정을 통해 생산되는 재생골제의 품질을 보다 향상시키기 위한 일환으로, 재생골재의 표면을 박리시키기 위해 사용되는 재생골재용 표면박리기가 개시된다. 개시된 재생골재용 표면박리기는 재생골재가 투입되는 호퍼와; 일측에는 상기 호퍼를 통해 낙하되는 골재가 투입되는 투입공이 형성되며, 타측에는 재생골재가 배출되는 배출공이 형성되며, 내주면에는 소정의 요철부가 형성되되, 투입공이 형성된 측에서 배출공이 형성된 측으로 경사지게 설치된 케이스와; 상기 케이스의 내부에 장착되되, 외주면에는 소정의 요철부가 형성된 회전드럼과; 상기 회전드럼을 회전시키도록 상기 회전드럼과 축상으로 결합된 구동수단과; 상기 케이스를 지지하기 위한 지지대를 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. In order to further improve the quality of recycled aggregates produced through the intermediate treatment process of construction wastes, a surface peeler for recycled aggregates used to peel off the surface of recycled aggregates is disclosed. Surface peeling for the recycled aggregate disclosed is a hopper to which the recycled aggregate is put; One side is formed with an input hole into which the aggregate falls through the hopper is formed, the other side is formed with a discharge hole for discharging the recycled aggregate, a predetermined uneven portion is formed on the inner circumferential surface, the case is installed to be inclined toward the side where the discharge hole is formed Wow; A rotating drum mounted inside the case and having a predetermined uneven portion formed on an outer circumferential surface thereof; Drive means axially coupled to the rotating drum to rotate the rotating drum; It characterized in that it comprises a support for supporting the case.

13-06-2014 дата публикации

Equipments for treating oil and heavy metal-contaminated soil

Номер: KR101407610B1
Автор: 김상문, 이상진
Принадлежит: 주식회사 아이케이

Disclosed is an apparatus to treat oil and heavy metal-contaminated soil. One aspect of the present invention provides an apparatus to treat oil and heavy metal-contaminated soil, comprising: a soil washing part to wash contaminated soil contaminated by oil and heavy metals separately or compositely using washing water having an acid treating agent to remove heavy metals input therein, wherein the input amount of the acid treating agent is adjusted according to the contamination status of the contaminated soil; and a wastewater treating part to purify wastewater discharged from the soil washing part and supplying the wastewater to the soil washing part as washing water.

14-01-2019 дата публикации

Conveyor body and mobile mineral material processing plant

Номер: RU2676997C2
Принадлежит: Метсо Минералз, Инк.

FIELD: transportation.SUBSTANCE: conveyor body (100) includes middle section (102) having first and second ends (102', 102''); first and second pivot axes (40, 50) extending therethrough. Middle section (102) is arranged to be pivoted around first pivot axis (40) from an operation position of the conveyor to a transport position and back. Head section (103) is connectable to middle section (102) through second pivot axis (50) and is pivotable sideways about said axis from the operation position of the conveyor. Middle section (102) comprises top plate (1), bottom plate (2), and vertical side plates (3, 4) which are fixed between top plate (1) and bottom plate (2). Body further comprises load section to which middle section (102) is connected through first pivot axis (40). First hydraulic cylinder has a first end which is connected to the load section and a second end which is connected to a fixing part of middle section (102). Head section (103) comprises an adapting part having a pivot in its first end, which pivot is connected to middle section (102) through second pivot axis (50). Second hydraulic cylinder is connected by the first end to middle section (102) and the second end to the adapter.EFFECT: simple design of the conveyor body.15 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 676 997 C2 (51) МПК B07B 1/00 (2006.01) B65G 21/14 (2006.01) B65G 41/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B07B 1/005 (2006.01); B65G 21/14 (2006.01); B65G 41/005 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016134761, 15.01.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): МЕТСО МИНЕРАЛЗ, ИНК. (FI) Дата регистрации: 14.01.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 0641607 A2, 08.03.1995. WO 2013057300 A2, 25.04.2013. EA 14343 B1, 29.10.2010. 06.02.2014 US 14/174,346 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 07.03.2018 Бюл. № 7 (45) Опубликовано: 14.01.2019 Бюл. № 2 (86) ...

09-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113083657A
Автор: 宋鹏程
Принадлежит: Individual


08-06-2018 дата публикации

Main frame for mobile bulk processing apparatus

Номер: RU2657144C2

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: mobile bulk material processing apparatus having a main frame comprising a pair of opposing beams, that are spaced apart in a widthwise direction across the apparatus. Main frame also contains a transition section, which extends upward from the area of the base, with each of the opposing beams projecting from the uppermost part of the transition section. EFFECT: beams are arranged to receive at least part of a conveyor to protect the conveyor in a raised transport position. 14 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 657 144 C2 (51) МПК B65G 41/00 (2006.01) B02C 21/02 (2006.01) B02C 23/08 (2006.01) B07B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65G 41/002 (2006.01); B65G 41/005 (2006.01); B02C 21/026 (2006.01); B02C 23/08 (2006.01); B07B 1/005 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016108797, 26.06.2014 26.06.2014 (73) Патентообладатель(и): САНДВИК ИНТЕЛЛЕКЧУАЛ ПРОПЕРТИ АБ (SE) Дата регистрации: 08.06.2018 026403 A1, 04.04.2002. WO 2012/110679 A1, 23.08.2012. WO 2013/102699 A1, 11.07.2013. 14.08.2013 EP 13180383.5 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 15.09.2017 Бюл. № 26 (45) Опубликовано: 08.06.2018 Бюл. № 16 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2014/063530 (26.06.2014) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 14.03.2016 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 5 7 1 4 4 WO 2015/022112 (19.02.2015) R U 2 6 5 7 1 4 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3700383 A, 24.10.1972. WO 2002/ Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (72) Автор(ы): МАКДЕВИТТ Терри (IE) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ГЛАВНАЯ РАМА ДЛЯ ПЕРЕДВИЖНОГО УСТРОЙСТВА ОБРАБОТКИ НАСЫПНОГО МАТЕРИАЛА (57) Реферат: Передвижное устройство обработки этом каждая из противоположных балок насыпного материала, имеющее главную раму, выступает из ...

09-10-2017 дата публикации

Установка по переработке минеральных материалов и способ управления такой установкой

Номер: RU2016110528A
Принадлежит: Метсо Минерэлз, Инк.

А 2016110528 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) 7 „й (0 заяа зада вое АХ аа к А ВО ТО ба (50) МПК ВО2С 21/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016110528, 04.09.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): Метсо Минерэлз, Инк. (Е1) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.09.2013 (72) Автор(ы): САЛМИНЕН Веса-Матти (ЕП), (43) Дата публикации заявки: 09.10.2017 Бюл. № 28 ХУДТТИНЕН Йоуни (Е!) (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 04.04.2016 (86) Заявка РСТ: Е 2013/050854 (04.09.2013) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2015/033012 (12.03.2015) Адрес для переписки: 191036, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 24, "НЕВИНПАТ" (54) Установка по переработке минеральных материалов и способ управления такой установкой (57) Формула изобретения 1. Установка (100) по переработке минеральных материалов, содержащая: раму (1), дробилку (10), центробежный конвейер (60) и первый конвейер (30), причем центробежный конвейер содержит первый направляющий шкив (73), второй направляющий шкив (67), основную конвейерную ленту (66), окружающую указанные направляющие шкивы, шарнир (70) и открывающуюся головную часть (60'’), которая выполнена с возможностью поворота вокруг шарнира, отличающаяся тем, что открывающаяся головная часть (60') содержит подвижную раму (71), на которую на подшипниках установлен второй направляющий шкив (67), и предназначена для соединения центробежного конвейера в транспортирующем материал соединении с первым конвейером для перемещения минерального материала на первый конвейер (30), и разъединения из указанного транспортирующего материал соединения открывающейся головной части (60°) для разгрузки минерального материала непосредственно снаружи установки (100), вместо первого конвейера (30), при этом ось поворота шарнира (70) расположена в области внутри периферии основной конвейерной ленты (66). 2. Установка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что первый конвейер (30) содержит загрузочный бункер (34) для приема материала ...

15-04-2000 дата публикации

적색용암석이 혼합된 모르타르의 제조장치

Номер: KR200178294Y1
Автор: 지경섭
Принадлежит: 지경섭

본 고안은 적색용암석이 혼합된 모르타르의 제조장치에 관한 것으로서, 더 상세하게는 건조된 적색용암석 및 모래를 일정비율로 혼합한 후 통상의 시멘트와 다시 혼합하여 제조하도록 장치를 제공함으로써 공사현장에서 물만 혼합하면 즉시 사용할 수 있는 적색용암석이 혼합된 모르타르의 제조장치에 관한 것으로, 수분이 함유된 적색용암석 및 모래가 저장되는 저장고와, 상기 저장고로부터 이송된 적색용암석 및 모래중 큰 입자를 걸러내는 오버사이즈 스크린과, 상기 오버사이즈 스크린을 거쳐 이송된 적색용암석 및 모래를 가열에 의해 건조시키고 혼합하는 건조기와, 건조된 적색용암석 및 모래중 큰 입자를 회전에 의해 다시 걸러내는 로터리 스크린과, 상기 로터리 스크린을 거쳐 이송된 적색용암석 및 모래를 저장하는 건조모래 사일로와, 통상의 제조공정을 거쳐 제조된 시멘트를 저장하는 시멘트 사일로와, 상기 건조기의 상측에 설치된 닥트흡입관과 연결배관되어 분진을 흡입처리하는 필터와, 상기 건조모래 사일로 및 시멘트 사일로에 저장된 건조된 모래 및 적색용암석과 시멘트를 일정비율로 계량하는 계량기와, 건조된 모래 및 적색용암석과 시멘트를 일정비율로 혼합하여 모르타르 조성물로 제조하는 믹서와, 상기 믹서의 하측에 설치되는 호퍼와, 상기 믹서를 통한 모르타르 조성물을 저장하는 완제품 사일로와, 상기 각 구성품간에 재료나 모르타르 조성물을 이송시키는 이송수단으로, 구성됨을 특징으로 하는 적색용암석이 혼합된 모르타르 제조장치를 제공하여, 공사현장에서 시멘트와 모래를 별도로 구입할 필요가 없을 뿐만 아니라 현장에서 별도로 모래를 건조시킬 필요가 없고 장소와 장비 및 인력의 구애를 덜 받으며 한번의 공정으로 미장마감을 완료할 수 있는 적색용암석이 혼합된 모르타르의 제조장치에 관한 것이다.

05-02-2021 дата публикации

Integrative equipment of broken is retrieved to field straw

Номер: CN112314180A
Автор: 楼小莲
Принадлежит: Individual


25-03-1996 дата публикации

Solid-liquid separator

Номер: KR960002420Y1
Автор: 정용원
Принадлежит: 정용원

내용 없음. No content.

09-10-2017 дата публикации

Mineral processing plant and method for controlling such a plant

Номер: RU2016110524A
Принадлежит: Метсо Минерэлз, Инк.

А 2016110524 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) # 7 РИ “> 2046 44 < за 5 \$ (50) МПК В02С 21002 (2006.0Т) у вода д о: д. А 2% 777 р се ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016110524, 04.09.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): Метсо Минерэлз, Инк. (Е1) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.09.2013 (72) Автор(ы): , САЛМИНЕН Веса-Матти (ЕП), (43) Дата публикации заявки: 09.10.2017 Бюл. № 28 КОЙВУМЯКИ Йоуни (ЕП (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 04.04.2016 (86) Заявка РСТ: Е1 2013/050855 (04.09.2013) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2015/033013 (12.03.2015) Адрес для переписки: 191036, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 24, "НЕВИНПАТ" (54) Установка по переработке минеральных материалов и способ управления такой установкой (57) Формула изобретения 1. Установка (100, 200, 300, 400) по переработке минеральных материалов, которая содержит устройство (10, 20) по переработке минеральных материалов и первый конвейер (30), выполненный с возможностью подачи материала в устройство по переработке во время работы этого устройства, причем первый конвейер содержит первую часть (31) для транспортировки материала, отличающаяся тем, что первый конвейер (30) содержит вторую часть (32) для транспортировки материала и шарнир (33), с помощью которого указанная вторая часть для транспортировки материала прикреплена к первой части (31) для транспортировки материала с возможностью поворота относительно нее: - в рабочее положение, в котором транспортируемый материал может подаваться через разгрузочный конец (32') второй части для транспортировки материала в устройство (10, 20) по переработке, и - вположение технического обслуживания, которое находится в первом поворотном направлении относительно рабочего положения, причем в положении технического обслуживания проекция разгрузочного конца второй части для транспортировки материала может оставлять свободным подъемный центр устройства по переработке, если смотреть сверху, и - в положение ...

15-12-2017 дата публикации

A kind of husky equipment of sieve for building

Номер: CN107470129A
Автор: 王峰
Принадлежит: 王峰


12-06-2018 дата публикации

Mineral material processing equipment and the method for operating process equipment

Номер: CN105592928B
Принадлежит: Metso Minerals Oy


08-08-2018 дата публикации

Patent RU2016134761A3

Номер: RU2016134761A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

`”ВУ“” 2016134761” АЗ Дата публикации: 08.08.2018 Форма № 18 ИЗИМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2016134'761/11(054277) 15.01.2015 РСТ/Е12015/050022 15.01.2015 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 14/174,346 06.02.2014 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) КОРПУС ТРАНСПОРТЕРА И ПЕРЕДВИЖНАЯ УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ МИНЕРАЛЬНОГО МАТЕРИАЛА Заявитель: МЕТСО МИНЕРАЛЗ, ИНК.., ЕЙ 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. п см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) В07В 1/00 (2006.01) В65( ЛЧ (2006.01) Вб65С 41/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) ВО7В 1/00 В65@ 21/00, 21/10, 21/14 В65С 41/00 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): РУ\У/Р1, Езрасепе, РабЗеагсЬ 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, ...

08-08-2008 дата публикации

Washing apparatus for contaminated soil

Номер: KR100851280B1
Автор: 김탑수
Принадлежит: 김탑수

본 발명은 유류 및 중금속 등의 오염물질에 오염된 토양을 수거하여 세척하고, 세척중에 토사의 입도(粒度) 별로 선별하여 선별된 입도 별로 수거한 원래의 위치에 복토하거나 건축자재용, 매립용 또는 강설시 도로상의 살포용 등으로 사용할 수 있도록 한 오염토양 세척장치로서, 본 발명의 중요 구성은 오염토양을 세척하면서 조립,중립,세립토사(A,B,C)의 3종류 입경의 크기별로 선별하여 이송하되 중립토사(B)는 배출하는 1차 선별세척기(10)와, 1차 선별세척기(10)에서 선별된 조립토사(A)의 부유물(F)을 제거하는 2차 선별세척기(20)와, 1차 선별세척기(10)에서 사용된 세척수에서 세립토사(C) 만을 분리하기 위하여, 이 세립토사(C)에서 다시 미분(D)을 분리하고 세립토사(C)는 배출하는 3차선별 세척기(30)와, 사용된 세척수의 미분(D)을 침전하는 미분침전탱크 4(70)과, 세척약품이 섞인 세척수를 공급하는 세척수 탱크(90)가 서로 유기적으로 연동되어 오염토양을 세척하는 오염토양 세척장치이다. 선별세척장치, 세척수, 세척수 탱크, 미분침전탱크 , 사이클론 분리기 The present invention collects and washes soil contaminated with contaminants such as oil and heavy metals, and sorts by soil particle size during washing to cover the original location collected by the selected particle size or for building materials, landfill or As a soil cleaning device that can be used for spraying on roads during snowfall, An important configuration of the present invention, while washing the contaminated soil is selected and transported by the size of the three kinds of particle size of granulated, neutral, fine granular sand (A, B, C), the neutral earth (B) is the primary sorting washer (10) Wow, Second sorting washer 20 for removing the suspended solids (F) of the granulated soil (A) screened in the first sorting washing machine 10, and In order to separate only the fine grained sand (C) from the washing water used in the primary sorting machine (10), the fine grained sand (C) is again separated from the fine powder (D) and the fine grained sand (C) 30) and, The fine sedimentation tank 4 (70) for sedimenting the fine powder (D) of the used washing water, and the washing water tank 90 for supplying the washing water mixed with the cleaning chemicals are organic soil interlocking device for washing the contaminated soil. Separation washing unit, washing water, washing water tank, differential sedimentation tank, cyclone separator
