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10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2314200C2
Принадлежит: ЗОПЛАР С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к креплению выдувной оправки в пневматической формовочной машине для изготовления полых изделий из термопластической пластмассы. Техническим результатом данного изобретения является совершенствование пневматического формовочного устройства относительно крепления его выдувных и калибровочных оправок, упрощение способа замены или изменения положения выдувных оправок, а также регулирования зажимного усилия выдувных оправок. Крепление при этом не должно негативно влиять на относительное положение по высоте. Технический результат достигается креплением для выдувных оправок в пневматическом формовочном устройстве, включающем нижнюю часть машины, в которой расположены выдувные формовочные пресс-формы с выдувными оформляющими полостями, и расположенную над ней верхнюю часть машины, в которой крепятся при помощи зажимов несколько выдувных оправок. Выдувные оправки совместно подводятся в осевом направлении к выдувным формовочным пресс-формам и вводятся в горловину оформляющих ...

20-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2087312C1

Использование: изготовление полых изделий из термопластов методом экструзионно-выдувного формования. Сущность изобретения: ось 8 шарнирного соединения поворотных рычагов 6 и 7 снабжена приводом возвратно-поступательного перемещения вдоль линии ВВ смыкания полуформ 4 и 5. Привод выполнен в виде установленного по линии смыкания полуформ силового цилиндра 9, шток 10 которого связан с осью 8. Привод поворота рычагов 6 и 7 выполнен в виде направляющих 18 и силовых цилиндров 11. Направляющие 18 закреплены на полуформах параллельно линии смыкания. Штоки 12 перпендикулярны линии смыкания и имеют на концах кулачки с опорами качения. Последние установлены в пазах направляющих 18. Благодаря этому обеспечивается плавное, но точное смыкание и размыкание полуформ. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005107524A

... 1. Способ изготовления пластиковой емкости для жидкостей с четырьмя боковыми стенками, нижним и верхним основаниями, с закрываемым заливным отверстием в верхнем основании и раздаточной арматурой из пластмассы, в частности клапанным или шаровым краном, с корпусом арматуры, имеющим входной и выходной штуцера, при этом входной штуцер корпуса арматуры присоединен к сливному отверстию в нижней вогнутой части передней стенки контейнера для приема раздаточной арматуры, отличающийся тем, что осуществляют формирование дутьем емкости (2) с по меньшей мере одним удерживающим сегментом (18) на внешней стороне (19) вогнутой части (12) передней стенки (3) емкости (2) для центрирования и удержания готовой полученной дутьем емкости (2) в сварочном аппарате и с круглым углублением (20) на внешней стороне (19) вогнутой части (12) с диаметром (21), соответствующим номинальному внутреннему диаметру раздаточной арматуры (10), вырезают основание (22) углубления (20) с помощью центрированного в нем режущего инструмента ...

07-12-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для открывания и закрывания полуформ выдувной машины

Номер: SU1612990A3

Изобретение относится к устройствам для изготовления полых изделий выдуванием в форме, а более конкретно к устройству для открывания и закрывания полуформ. Цель изобретения - снижение затрат времени и энергии на открывание и закрывание полуформ. Для этого средство для закрывания и открывания каждой полуформы выполнено в виде шатуна, шарнирно связанного с двумя рычагами, при этом свободный конец одного рычага закреплен на полуформе, а свободный конец другого рычага - на оси кулачка механизма перемещения средств закрывания и открывания полуформ. Кулачок выполнен поворотным и цилиндрическим с направляющим пазом на боковой поверхности, в котором установлен роликовый толкатель. Направляющие пазы в кулачках на верхних и нижних концах выполнены с прямолинейными участками, ось которых параллельна оси кулачков. Продольная ось, шарнирно соединяющая полуформы, установлена в геометрическом центре откидывания полуформ. При перемещении роликовых толкателей в направляющих пазах кулачков происходит вращение ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Blasformsystem sowie Verfahren zur Blasformung von Hohlkörpern

Номер: DE102012100156A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Blasformsystem zur Herstellung von Hohlkörpern umfassend wenigstens eine Extrudereinrichtung sowie wenigstens eine Blasformeinrichtung, die stationär oder mittels eines Antriebs entlang einer Führung gegenüber der Extrudereinrichtung linear verfahrbar ist, wobei weiterhin eine Antriebseinrichtung vorgesehen ist, mittels derer die beiden die Formhälften der Blasformeinrichtung tragenden Schließenhälften der Blasformeinrichtung zwecks Öffnen bzw. Schließen der Blasform gegeneinander verfahrbar sind. Gemäß der Erfindung wird eine Antriebskombination umfassend zwei voneinander unabhängig jeweils für sich oder gemeinsam betätigbare Antriebseinrichtungen (16, 18) verwendet, mittels derer erstens ein gleichzeitiges symmetrisches Verfahren der beiden Formhälften der Blasformeinrichtung gegeneinander beim Öffnen oder Schließen der Blasform möglich ist, mittels derer zweitens ein asymmetrisches Verfahren lediglich einer der Formhälften relativ zu der anderen ...

09-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003120480A1

11-11-2004 дата публикации

Schließplattenbefestigung bei einer Hohlkörperblasform

Номер: DE0010316565B3

Eine Vorrichtung, die eine fertigungstechnisch einfache und sichere Befestigung der Schließplatte auf den Enden insbesondere von Holmen großen Durchmessers ermöglicht, umfasst folgende Merkmale: DOLLAR A Eine auf das überstehende Ende des jeweiligen Holms (2) aufschiebbare Spannhülse (5) mit über ihren Umfang gleichmäßig verteilten, achsparallelen, zumindest über einen Teil ihrer Länge als Gewindebohrungen (5b) ausgebildeten Durchgangsbohrungen (5a); einen formschlüssig in eine Ringnut (2b) nahe des Holmendes einsetzbaren, geteilten Nutring (7) mit zu den Bohrungen der Spannhülse (5) fluchtenden Durchgangsöffnungen (7a); eine Sicherungsscheibe (8) mit zu den Bohrungen (5a) der Spannhülse (5) fluchtenden Durchgangsöffnungen (8a) und Spannschrauben (6), die, die Durchgangsöffnungen der Sicherungsscheibe (8) und des Nutrings (7) durchgreifend, in die Bohrungen (5a) der Spannhülse (5) eindrehbar sind und sich zum Verspannen der Schließplatte (1) gegen letztere abstützen.

11-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010317711A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Formvorrichtung zum Bewegen mindestens eines Formwerkzeuges (10, 10a), insbesondere zum Erzeugen von Behältergeometrien bei Kunststoffbehältern, mittels einer Kulissensteuerung (12), die das jeweilige Formwerkzeug (10, 10a) zumindest für das Schließen der Form in eine Schließstellung (I-I) bringt, und dass die Kulissensteuerung (12) von einem Antrieb (14) betätigbar ist. Aufgrund der Kulissensteuerung ist ein neuartiges Antriebs- und Bewegungskonzept für das jeweilige Formwerkzeug gegeben, das es erlaubt, auf hydraulische Antriebsmittel vollständig zu verzichten und als Antrieb kommt vorzugsweise ein elektrischer Antrieb, insbesondere in Form eines Schrittmotors, zum Einsatz.

03-07-1969 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Formen von Plastikwerkstuecken und Blasen

Номер: DE0001479255A1

26-08-1982 дата публикации

Device for blow moulding a container from a preform

Номер: DE0003101286A1

01-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004033131B4

Hohlkörperblasanlage bestehend aus einem Maschinengestell (1), mit einer Schlauchextrusionseinrichtung (4), unterhalb deren Düse (5) sich mindestens eine Schließeinheit (6) mit einer ersten und einer zweiten vertikalen Schließplatte (7, 8) befindet, die gegensinnig aufeinander zu und voneinander weg verfahrbar auf horizontalen Holmen (9, 10) geführt sind, die ihrerseits an einem Schlitten (12) montiert sind, mittels dessen die Schließeinheit (6) aus ihrer Position unter der Schlauchextrusionsdüse in eine andere Position verfahrbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass im oberen Bereich der ersten vertikalen Schließplatte (7) eine obere horizontale Schließplatte (20) freitragend befestigbar ist, die unterseitig eine obere Formhälfte (30a) trägt, und dass im unteren Bereich der zweiten vertikalen Schließplatte (8) eine horizontale Trägerplatte (21) freitragend befestigbar ist, gegen welche sich mindestens ein Hydraulikzylinder (22) abstützt, mittels dessen eine untere horizontale Schließplatte ...

18-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001313914A

... 1313914 Blow-moulding; mould opening SOC D'ETUDES VERRIERES APPLIQUEES 13 Aug 1970 [13 Aug 1969] 39078/70 Heading B5A [Also in Division F2] The mould-halves of blow-moulding apparatus are opened and closed by a fluid pressure motor controlled by a valve, itself controlled by a cam-follower, the motor comprising a jack, the body of which slides on a piston attached to a mould support and the cam follower is attached to the jack body. As shown in Fig. 2, a blowmould half is connected at 5 to jack body 4, the piston-rod 2 of which is connected at 3 to the machine frame. A valve body 6 is mounted on the jack and includes a chamber 7 divided by a slide member 8 into chambers 10, 11, slide 8 being biased to the left by a spring 9. Slide 8 carries a pusher 17 biased also to the left by a spring 19 and carrying a follower 21 moving against a cam 22. A fluid pressure source is connected by port 13 to chamber 7 which also connects with the outside by port 12 and via ports 14, 15 and passages 14 Подробнее

29-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001395727A

... 1395727 Blow-moulding METAL BOX CO Ltd 20 Oct 1972 [4 Nov 1971] 51221/71 Heading B5A Blow-moulding apparatus comprises a plurality of openable moulds movable serially along a path through a loading station where each mould opens to receive a parison and closes thereon, means to grip and pull the parison from an extruder into each mould and to cut off an appropriate length of parison. As shown, the apparatus comprises a wheel 10 rotating in direction A and carrying moulds 12A-12J openable by pivoting the halves on an axis tangential to wheel 10. A parison 16 is extruded from extruder 14. Each mould opens at position 12A, the parison 16 is fed into it and the mould closed thereon at position 12B and the parison cut off. The parison is expanded by air blow into it as the wheel rotates further and the bottle formed cools before falling out on mould opening at position 12A. Air and water are fed to the moulds through connections (48, 50, 52, Fig. 2, not shown), and trunking (54). Gripping and ...

12-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001435216A

... 1435216 Mould-half mounting G MEHNERT 26 Oct 1973 [7 Dee 1972] 49989/73 Heading B5A A mould unit for a blow-moulding machine comprises two mould halves movable between open and closed positions, each mould half being pivotally connected to a respective closing plate movable with the mould halves, the closing plates being guided on parallel beams outside of and beneath the mould halves, but penetrating at least one closing plate, and resilient means to resist pivoting of the mould halves relative to the closing plates. As shown in Fig. 2, the mould halves are mounted on clamping plates which are pivoted at 13 to bearing blocks 12 of the closing plates which are mounted on beams for closure of the mould halves on dividing plane 7 by thrust rod &c. Springs 14 are located between clamping plates and closing plates. In Fig. 3 (not shown) preform blow-moulds (15, 16) having clamping plates (20) and closing plates (31) are opened and closed on beams (33) and are moved between positions under extrusion ...

19-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001282534A

... 1282534 Blow-moulding ROBERT BOSCH GmbH 6 July 1970 [22 July 1969] 32573/70 Heading B5A Blow-moulding apparatus comprises a conveyer supplying preforms and a blow-mould divided transversely to the direction of travel of the conveyer, the upstream mould half being movable rectilinearly transversely to the conveyer, the other mould half being pivoted. As shown in Fig. 1, a conveyer 10 comprising chains 17 and retaining plates 18, 19 carries preforms 1 loaded by apparatus 11 past blow mould 12, rinser 13, filler 14, closing apparatus 15 and unloader 16 in successive stages. Upstream mould half 22 is vertically reciprocable on rod 27 and has grooves 29 engaging a cam roller 31 actuated by cylinder 34 to move the mould half. The other mould half 23 is mounted on rocker levers 39 which are pivoted at 38 and actuated by cylinder 45 through roller 41 and cam surface 40 of levers 39 so that the lever 42 is perpendicular to surface 40 when the mould is closed.

16-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001391237A

... 1391237 Extrusion-blow-moulding KAUTEX-WERKE REINOLD HAGEN GmbH 30 Jan 1973 [31 Jan 1972] 4572/73 Heading B5A Extrustion - blow - moulding apparatus comprises a hollow sectional mould reciprocable between a receiving station under an extrusion nozzle and a release station where the blown moulding is removed from the mould, the mould movement and the opening and closing thereof each being effected by cam followers co-operating with two cam tracks on a drive roller. As shown in Figs. 1, 2, the apparatus comprises a carriage 13 slidable on guide rods 11, 12 fixed to the machine base 37. Blow mould halves 14a, 14b are mounted on platens 19a, 19b having projections 20a, 20b pivoted to arms 21, themselves pivoted to carriage 13 at 22 and connected together at a common pivot 24 via links 23. Pivot 24 is mounted on a projection 25 of a cross-bar 26 slidable along rods 29 fixed at 30 to carriage 13. Fixed to rods 29 is a cross-bar 31. Cross-bars 26, 31 have cam rollers 32, 33 respectively fixed ...

18-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001313803A

... 1313803 Rotary blow-moulding apparatus SOLVAY & CIE 14 June 1971 [16 June 1970] 27751/71 Heading B5A Rotary blow-moulding apparatus comprises a series of contiguous moulds to receive extruded lengths of parison and mounted on a rotatable support, an inflating device being located in the bottom of each mould so as to inflate that portion of the parison in the following mould. As shown in Figs. 1, 3, the apparatus comprises moulds 1, 2, in the bottom portion of each of which is mounted an inflating device 3 and an ejector 5, which both act upon an extended portion 6 of the parison above its neck portion. Needle 4 of inflating device 3 is actuated by device 7 and ejector 5 by device 8. A shearstype cutter 9 may be located in each mould bottom and may have a recess 10 to retain the waste after cutting. Edges 11 of mould 2 grip the parison on mould closure and may draw it longitudinally, the mould rotation speed being regulated with respect to the extrusion speed.

28-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002062534B

18-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002094703B

28-05-1981 дата публикации

Blow molding method

Номер: GB0002062533A

Method and apparatus for blow molding plastic articles from preformed parisons by reheating the parisons and then stretching and blowing them. The parisons are conveyed in series to a plurality of fixed heating stations at which the parisons are fixedly positioned for heating, the parisons being rotated for uniform heating. The heating is enhanced by blowing air under pressure through a tunnel enclosing the successive heating stations. Finally, the parison is stretched and blown at a blow station in a blow mold of unique design.

22-09-1982 дата публикации

Injection/blow moulding bottles.

Номер: GB0002094705A

Molecularly-oriented plastic bottles are produced by first forming a parison 8, in a closed parison-forming mold 102, having a neck ring assembly 106. The mould is then opened and the parison removed with the neck ring assembly while still hot. The removed parison is then temperature conditioned, Figure 13, free from the neck ring assembly and is then stretched and blown, Figure 18, without being cooled substantially below its stretch and blow temperature. ...

08-09-1982 дата публикации

Reciprocating conveyor in blow-moulding.

Номер: GB0002093789A

An apparatus for blowing parisons to form bottles has a shuttle mechanism with a plurality of openings for receiving the parisons 8 (Fig. 3). These openings are spaced apart on longitudinally extending bars 203, and are constituted by a plurality of jaw sets 208 which are simultaneously opened and closed. An actuating arrangement 230 moves the jaw sets between two longitudinally spaced positions. Alternative arrangements are shown in Figs. 15 and 23. ...

11-04-1979 дата публикации

Apparatus for blow-molding hollow articles in particular bottles

Номер: GB0002004805A

An apparatus to make articles, in particular bottles, from parisons in a blow mold operation. The parisons are carried on transfer mandrels throughout the operation. The parisons riding on the transfer mandrels are heated while travelling around on a first wheel and are transferred into blow mold units mounted on a second wheel. Each blow mold unit is provided with an expanding mandrel which is extended through the transfer mandrel into the parisons. Two different blowing pressures are used in the blowing step which is controlled by cam controlled valves. From the second wheel the mandrels carrying the blown articles are transferred to an output wheel where the articles are removed from the transfer mandrels which are returned to the first wheel.

19-09-1979 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for blow molding

Номер: GB0002015920A

Method and apparatus for blow molding plastic articles from preformed parisons by reheating the parisons and then stretching and blowing them. The parisons are conveyed in series to a plurality of fixed heating stations at which the parisons are fixedly positioned for heating, the parisons being rotated for uniform heating. The heating is enhanced by blowing air under pressure through a tunnel enclosing the successive heating stations. Finally, the parison is stretched and blown at a blow station in a blow mold of unique design.

21-08-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in machines for making hollow plastic articles

Номер: GB0000781560A

... 781,560. Blow-moulding plastic bottles &c. GLENN PROPRIETARY, Ltd., L. & I. Nov. 18, 1954 [Dec. 24, 1953], No. 13281/56. Divided out of 780,439. Class 87(2). A machine for extruding a tubular length of plastic material and blowing it into bottle &c. shape is made by converting known injection-moulding machines of the type having a flxed platen 47, Fig. 2, a movable platen 46 and an injection cylinder 48 in which works a ram 55. The conversion involves removing the usual mould parts from the platens, removing the injection nozzle, fitting an extrusion-plus-blowing nozzle 56 to the cylinder and securing bottle mould halves Ma, Mb to the platens. Pressure pads 60 are secured to the platens to allow for the off-centre setting of Ma and Mb. In operation, ram 55 is moved to the left to extrude a tubular plastic length through nozzle head 56a, the extruded length being disposed between Ma and Mb. Then platen 46 is moved to the right by a hydraulic-plus-toggle arrangement to close Mb against Ma ...

15-12-1970 дата публикации

Improvements with the machines of moulding of hollow plastic body by blowing.

Номер: OA0000003021A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Method and equipment to form articles directed out of thermoplastic polymer by blowing.

Номер: OA0000002088A

10-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368061B

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430013T

15-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA742775A

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000431239T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000483573T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451214T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000495876T

15-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA315378A

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0018152003A

15-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324247T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505316T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009294T

15-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000021851T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000302675T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000311282T

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA27485A

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000214659T

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000271967T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000265307T

19-10-2006 дата публикации

Method to produce plastic containers for liquids

Номер: AU2005201157B2

04-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000520931B2

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002555046A1

A composite mould set for use on a conventional type of injection-moulding machine is made up of composite mould halves (10) which are mounted one on each platen (12) of the injection moulding machine. Each mould half (10) carries an array of injection moulding cavities (16) for moulding preforms, and an array of blow moulding cavities (18) for stretch blow moulding of the preforms into a blow moulded product. The respective cavities (16) and (18) are arranged so that they open in a common mould separation direction.

20-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001048725A1

07-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002702424C

In a traditional split mold insert significant load pressures can be exerted on top and bottom projecting portions of the insert during the mold opening stage. Provided is a split mold insert and a mold stack incorporating the same.The split mold insert (214) for defining, at least partially, a neck area of a preform suitable for blow molding into a final-shaped article, in particular, is provided. The split mold insert (214) comprises a body (402) having (i) a cavity defining portion (404) for defining, in use, a portion of the neck area and (ii) a top projecting portion (406) and a bottom projecting portion (408) located at opposite sides of the body (402), a first female taper portion (410) associated with the top projecting portion (406), a second female taper portion (412) associated with the bottom projecting portion (408), the first female taper portion (410) and the second female taper portion (412) for cooperating, in use, with a first male taper (209) of a first mold component ...

21-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1250111A

... 7. In accordance with the present invention, there is provided an injection stretching blow molding machine comprising a base secured onto a machine bed, a top plate positioned above said base and connected to said base by means of a plurality of tie rods in the peripheral edge, a movable plate slidably inserted through said tie rod and disposed movably up and down between the base and the top plate, a clamping plate above the movable plate, a transfer plate at the undersurface of said movable plate and rotable at predetermined intervals by a drive device provided in the central portion above the movable plate, the required number of hold molds consisting of split molds mounted on the undersurface of the transfer plate, said hold molds being opened and closed in a radial direction, an injection cavity and a blow cavity on the base closed in connection with said hold molds, an injection core and a blow core mounted at the lower side of said clamping plate and closed in connection with the ...

02-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1232111A

A mound closing device for plastics-processing machines, comprises a separate cylinder actuator for separating and bringing together the mound halves. Separate coupling links are provided on the mound halves. The coupling links mutually engage at the limit of travel of the cylinder actuator and complete closure of the mound.

07-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1098666A

Machine system for continuous formation of molecularly oriented plastic bottles by blowing heat-conditioned parisons comprising a modular unit including a parison forming section for simultaneously forming a plurality, preferably four, of parisons in injection molds, each mold having a neck ring assembly; a blowing or bottle forming section for simultaneously blowing the same number of bottles in blow molds as there are parisons in the parison forming section, and an invert arm assembly having a plurality of arms constructed and arranged between said parison forming section and bottle forming section so that the extreme end of each invert arm will retain the neck ring assembly of the injection mold, and in a first position the arms and neck rings are in operable association with the parison injection molds and in a second position are in operable association with the blow molds. In the method of operation, the arms of the invert arm assembly retain the neck rings of the parison forming ...

21-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001325408C

A rotary blow molding machine is provided with a rotor, a plurality of separable mold units each consisting of mold halves into which a parison is extruded to mold a hollow product, and a label applying apparatus for applying a label to the product. A rotating shaft intermittently rotated by predetermined angles is located in parallel to a rotational axis of the rotor holding a plurality of split mold units. A link mechanism is secured to be swingable to the rotating shaft and a rubber suction cup for holding a label is secured to the front end of the link mechanism. The label is positioned on the inner wall of the split mold halves in open state by the combination of the intermittent rotation of the rotating shaft and the swinging movement of the link mechanism. The split mold unit is supported by a holder which is constructed so that when a slider-crank mechanism in association with a cam follower is positioned to a dead position, the clamping force is applied. A large force is not applied ...

03-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001078568A1

07-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002419402A1

L'invention propose une unité de moulage comportant, entre deux entités constituées par un élément de moule (22) et son support (18), une chambre de compensation (56) dans laquelle un fluide sous pression est injecté pour écarter l'élément de moule (22) de son support (18), caractérisée en ce que la chambre (56) est délimitée par une membrane (42) comportant un joint périphérique (44) ô lèvre, la membrane (42) venant en appui contre l'une des entités (22, 18) et la lèvre du joint (44) venant en appui étanche contre l'autre des entités (18, 22).

21-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002471561A1

A mold for use in blow molding has a first fixture (12) and a second fixture (14). The fixtures (12,14) correspond to typical mold halves or portions. The first fixture (12) includes drive means (40), typically in the form of pins (46), while the second mold fixture has drive receiving means (66), typically in the form of holes (70), to receive the pins (46). When the second mold fixture (14) is in registration with the first mold fixture (12), the pins(46) or other drive means (40) are extended to lock and locate the two fixtures (12,14) together. Blow molding can then be carried out without the need of the typical blow molding presses. A method of blow molding involves the use of a robotic arm (84) to move the relatively lightweight second mold fixture (14) described above beneath an extrusion head (102) to accept a parison as it is being extruded so the parison is contained within the mold cavity (60). After extrusion is complete the arm (84) moves the second fixture (14) toward the ...

06-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000992275A1

04-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002495699A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de moulage, par soufflage ou étirage~soufflage de, récipients à partir de préformes en matériau thermoplastique, ce dispositif de moulage étant mobile, notamment rotatif, et comportant au moins un moule porte-feuilles (1) avec deux demi-moules (2a, 2b) mutuellement pivotant sur un axe, (3) ; deux biellettes (6) solidarisées l'une à l'autre, par une première articulation (7), à l'une de leurs extrémités et solidarisées avec articulation, à leur autre extrémité, respectivement aux deux demi-moules (2a, 2b) de part et d'autre de l'axe de pivotement mutuel ; et des moyens d'actionnement (8-12) connectés à la première articulation (7) et comprenant au moins un galet suiveur (10) propre à coopérer avec au moins une came fixe respective (11, 12) de manière à provoquer un déplacement de l'articulation (7) en direction du moule ou en éloignement de celui-ci s'accompagnant respectivement de la fermeture ou de l'ouverture du moule. On associe à l'articulation des ...

01-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001166415A1

08-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002017006C

A blow mold includes first and second mold halves pivotally mounted about a pivot shaft and including boundary faces which engage with each other to form an internal chamber used to blow mold a hollow article. A locked member is located on the end of the first mold half opposite to the pivot shaft and is for locking relative to the second mold half when the boundary faces are engaged by each other. A locking member is movably supported by the end of the second mold half opposite to the pivot shaft, and is for locking the locked member when the boundary faces are brought into contact with each other and to unlock the locked member before the boundary faces are separated apart from each other. A mold drive/control mechanism responsive to the driving force from the single power source controls a) an operative step between the pivotal movement of the first and second mold halves toward each other and the subsequent locking motion of the locking member, and b) an operative step between the unlocking ...

30-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002278599A1

Disclosed is a device (10) for producing cross-finned pipes, which exhibits molding cheek halves (12) lying adjacent to each other along a common molding segment and forming a molding channel (18). Each molding cheek half (12) exhibits a cooling channel (20) which is realized directly during the casting of the respective molding cheek half (12), for example, through a so-called false casting core. The cooling channel (20) extends in the corresponding molding cheek half (12) from a first to a second surface (22, 24) to easily separate the above-mentioned core from the molding body of the molding cheek half (12). On one surface (22), the cooling channel (20) exhibits a coolant inlet (26) and a coolant outlet (30) lying distant therefrom. The second distant surface (24) is sealed by means of a guiding and sliding element (34) that is fixed to the corresponding molding cheek half (12).

31-03-1930 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Darstellung eines Gerbstoffes.

Номер: CH0000138884A
Принадлежит: GEIGY AG J R, J. R. GEIGY A.-G.

15-08-1930 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Darstellung eines Gerbstoffes.

Номер: CH0000141788A
Принадлежит: GEIGY AG J R, J. R. GEIGY A.-G.

31-07-1958 дата публикации

Machine pour la fabrication d'objets creux en matière plastique

Номер: CH0000331625A
Принадлежит: SHIPTON & CO LTD E, E. SHIPTON & CO. LTD.

15-10-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000580486A5

30-11-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000582053A5
Принадлежит: MAUSER KG

15-01-1973 дата публикации

Appareillage rotatif de moulage de corps creux en matière plastique

Номер: CH0000532459A

15-02-1974 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000545719A

13-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000556727A

15-10-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000567922A5
Принадлежит: INCOPLAN GMBH

13-02-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000572545B5
Принадлежит: HOECHST AG

30-06-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000563224A5
Принадлежит: INCOPLAN GMBH

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Mould for blowing vessels with reinforced bottom

Номер: US20120031916A1
Принадлежит: Sidel Participations SAS

Mold for manufacturing, by blowing blanks made of plastic material, containers having a body and a bottom and a wall defining a cavity around a principal axis of the mold and a lateral surface. The wall has, in a lower part, an opening defining a passage for a mold bottom, an upper surface that confers at least in part the shape to the bottom of the container, with said opening having an upper edge. The mold, in any plane containing the axis of the wall: the ratio between a transverse dimension of the upper edge of the opening and a transverse dimension of a lower end of the lateral surface of the wall is greater than 0.95, and the tangent to the lateral surface of the wall, at the lower end thereof, forms with the axis of the wall an angle equal to or less than 30°.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Continuous motion neck calibrated wheel

Номер: US20120040037A1
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Co LP

A machine ( 10 ) for blow molding containers ( 100 ). The machine ( 10 ) has a stationary flow head ( 26 ) located proximate a turntable ( 12 ) on which molds ( 16 ) are mounted. A dwell cam mechanism ( 110, 120, 132 ) on the turntable causes the molds to accelerate ahead of the turntable, stop under the flow head to receive a parison ( 31 ), then accelerate to catch up with the turntable. This sequence allows the turntable to rotate continuously. Blow pins ( 30 ) mounted on the turntable inject gas into the molds to blow mold the parison while traveling a first path ( 144 ). Paddles ( 142 ) grip the molded containers and travel a second path ( 146 ) radially outward from the first path. The containers blow-molded from the parisons at a first station ( 18 ) are retained on the turntable after the turntable completes one full revolution and again passes the first station.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for Reshaping Plastic Preforms, Having a Heating Device

Номер: US20120091636A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

An apparatus for reshaping plastic preforms into plastic containers includes a plurality of blow-moulding stations that each have at least one receptacle space, within which the plastic preforms can be expanded into the plastic containers. The apparatus also includes a conveying device that conveys the containers along at least one specified travel path, wherein the apparatus has a plurality of heating devices that are arranged along the travel path of each container, upstream of the blow-moulding stations, wherein at least one heating device is allocated to at least one blow-moulding station.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable multiple-piece cam track

Номер: US20120251653A1
Принадлежит: Graham Engineering Corp

A multiple-piece cam unit for use in a molding machine. The cam unit has a cam track which engages cam followers of mold assemblies of the molding machine to move the cam followers between a first position and a second position. The cam unit includes a first cam section and a second cam section. The first cam section has an entrance portion which is dimensioned to receive the cam followers therein. The second cam section has an exit portion positioned to release the cam followers therefrom. The second cam section is moveably mounted to the molding machine to allow the exit portion of the second cam section to be moved relative to the entrance portion of the first cam section, to insure that the cam followers exiting the exit portion of the second cam section are properly aligned to enter the entrance portion of the first cam section.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115326A1
Автор: Zacchè Vanni
Принадлежит: SMI S.p.A.

Machines are provided for the blowing or stretch blow moulding of bottles or containers having a plurality of moulding units, each moulding unit having a first half-shell and a second half-shell, laterally hinged around a hinge pin having a hinge axis, and a bottom suitable for cooperating to cyclically form a closed cavity suitable for receiving a pre-heated pre-form and for allowing the expansion by stretch blow moulding of the preform inside the cavity so as to obtain a bottle, said moulding unit being arranged to cyclically assume a closed mould configuration and an open mould configuration by means of opening and closing elements of the half-shells towards and away from a closure plane X-X passing through said hinge axis, and movement elements of the bottom, wherein said half-shells and said bottom are actuated in a synchronized manner stating from a single motion inlet comprising a single cam coupling. 1. A machine for blowing or stretch-blow moulding of bottles or containers having a plurality of moulding units , each moulding unit comprising a lateral first half-shell and a second half-shell , hinged about a hinge pin having a hinge axis , and a bottom cooperating with said first half-shell and second half-shell in order to cyclically form a closed cavity suitable for receiving a pre-heated pre-form and for allowing the expansion by blowing or stretch blow moulding of the pre-form inside the cavity so as to obtain a bottle or container , said moulding unit being arranged to cyclically assume a closed mould configuration and an open mould configuration towards and away from a closure plane X-X passing through said hinge axis , said mould unit comprising opening and closing elements of the half-shells and handling elements of the bottom , wherein:said half-shells and said bottom are actuated by said opening and closing elements of the half-shells and handling elements of the bottom in a synchronized manner starting from a single motion inlet comprising a ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Device for Blowing Out Hollow Bodies Made of Plastics

Номер: US20130156882A1
Автор: Tanner Marcel
Принадлежит: M. Tanner AG

A device has a freely rotatable rotor (), which is equipped at its circumference with multiple nozzle heads (). The rotor () is arranged above a row of preforms (), wherein these preforms () are moved onto feed rails () in conveying direction (). At least one of the nozzle heads () respectively immerses into the hollow space () of a preform () and is taken along by the latter in conveying direction (). During the immersion, a gas stream is blown into the hollow space () of the preform () by a nozzle () in the nozzle head (). 1112324567891527810111613781414151616127817111312181913781441. A device for blowing out hollow bodies () , such as plastic containers , in a conveyor assembly , wherein the hollow bodies () are open at one end () and are closed at the other end () and comprise at the open end () a head () with a collar () , the conveyor assembly comprising a transport line () with feed rails ( , ) being inclined in a transport direction () , wherein the hollow bodies () are supported with the collar () and with the upwardly directed open end () on the feed rails ( , ) and are arranged relative to one another in a row with an axial distance () and are conveyed along the transport line , and wherein a facility for blowing a gas stream into the hollow space () of the hollow bodies () is arranged in a partial area of the transport line () , the device comprising: a rotatable rotor () above and at a distance from the feed rails ( , ) , the rotatable rotor having multiple nozzle heads () directed radially outwardly , each nozzle head () comprising a gas feed line () and a nozzle () , all nozzles () being arranged in a common plane wherein the common plane is arranged approximately perpendicular to a supporting surfaces () of the feed rails ( , ) and runs through an central axis () of the hollow bodies () and during conveying of the hollow bodies () , the rotor () rotates in a conveying direction ( , ) , and wherein , in an area () between the rotor () and the feed ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for blow moulding containers

Номер: US20130207319A1

The method and the device are used to blow mould containers. A parison is transformed into the container after thermal conditioning within a blow mould of a blow moulding machine by the action of blowing pressure. In order to adjust to a contour of the container to be produced, prior to the moulding of the container, at least a part of a first blow mould is first removed from the blow station and replaced by at least a part of a second blow mould. Betbre the part of the first blow mould is removed, a locking device which fixes this part in the blow station is released and after the insertion of the part of the second blow mould said locking device is again positioned for fixing the part of the second blow mould. Each locking device is coupled to an operating element.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236590A1

Disclosed herein are, amongst other things, a molding apparatus with which to mold, in use, a preform of a type for blow molding into a container. The molding apparatus includes a lock ring () for use in a first stack portion () of a mold stack (). The lock ring () includes a tubular body () that is configured to define, amongst other things, a support interface () in cooperation, in use, with a split insert () of the first stack portion through which a compressive load is transferrable during molding of the preform, wherein the support interface () includes a support shelf () that is defined, at least in part, on a first major promontory () of the tubular body (). 1. A molding apparatus with which to mold , in use , a preform of a type for blow molding into a container , the molding apparatus comprising:{'b': 104', '204', '108', '120', '104', '204', '150', '250', '194', '6', '106', '108', '194', '154', '152', '252', '150', '250', '6', '106, 'a lock ring (, ) for use in a first stack portion () of a mold stack (), wherein the lock ring (, ) includes a tubular body (, ) that is configured to define a support interface () in cooperation, in use, with a split insert (, ) of the first stack portion () that is engageable therewith through which a compressive load is transferrable during molding of the preform, and wherein the support interface () includes a support shelf () that is defined, at least in part, on a first major promontory (, ) that juts out from a side of the tubular body (, ) for supporting a bottom face of the split insert (, ).'}2. The molding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': 150', '250', '162', '107, 'the tubular body (, ) is configured to define a top portion () of a molding cavity ().'}3. The molding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': 154', '153', '253', '150', '250, 'the support shelf () is further defined on a second major promontory (, ) that juts out from a side of the tubular body (, ).'}4. The molding apparatus ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243898A1

A modular mold clamp assembly for use in a molding machine. The assembly has a frame with a base member and oppositely-facing end members, with the oppositely-facing end members having mounting areas provided thereon. First and second platens are movably mounted on the base member between an open and a closed position. The platens are mounted on the frame and are movable relative to the frame without transmitting forces to the frame. The frame, containing the platens, can be mounted or unmounted to the molding machine by the use of mounting hardware cooperating with the mounting area of the frame. 1. A modular mold clamp assembly for use in a molding machine , the assembly comprising:a frame having a base member, a first end member and a second end member, the first and second end members having mounting areas provided thereon;first and second platens movably mounted on the base member, the platens configured to mount mold halves thereon;the platens being movable between an open and a closed position without transmitting forces to the frame;whereby the frame, containing the platens, can be mounted or unmounted to the molding machine by the use of mounting hardware cooperating with the mounting area of the frame.2. The modular mold clamp assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein mounting openings are provided on the first end member and the second end member.3. The modular mold clamp assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein mounting hardware extends through the mounting openings to mount the modular mold clamp assembly to plates of the molding machine.4. The modular mold clamp assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein a drive is mounted on the base member claim 1 , the drive cooperating with the first and second platens to move the platens between the open position and the closed position.5. The modular mold clamp assembly as recited in claim 4 , wherein a cam follower is slidably mounted on the first end member claim 4 , the cam follower coupled to the drive claim 4 , ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017353A1

A blow mould () provided with a locking system to lock each half-mould () to the respective half-mould holder (), allowing simpler and quicker replacement of the lateral half-impressions () of the mould (). The blow mould () provides that the lateral half-impression () of each half-mould () is fixed in a cavity of the corresponding mould holder () by means of actuating at least one quick coupling device (). Said quick coupling device () comprises a force multiplier mechanism () configured so as to actuate a respective locking element () from an unlocking position, in which the half-mould () or a part thereof may be extracted from the mould holder (), to a locking position, in which half-mould () and mould holder () are integrally locked to each other, or vice versa. 1. A blow mould for plastic containers comprisingat least two half-moulds,at least two half-mould holders, each half-mould holder supporting one of said half-moulds, each half-mould holder and each half-mould defining respective complementary coupling surfaces between half-mould holder and half-mould,at least one quick coupling device to lock each half-mould to the respective half-mould holder,wherein said at least one quick coupling device is fixed to the respective half-mould holder and comprises a locking element and a force multiplier mechanism,wherein said locking element may move, by actuating said force multiplier mechanism, from an unlocking position to a locking position in which the locking element interacts with at least the respective half-mould, whereby half-mould and respective half-mould holder are locked to each other in a position in which the respective complementary coupling surfaces are coupled to each other, and wherein said force multiplier mechanism remains cinematically fixed to the quick coupling device both in said unlocking position and in said locking position.2. The blow mould according to claim 1 , wherein said force multiplier mechanism comprises a locking system with ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030373A1
Автор: GRAFFIN Andre
Принадлежит: SERAC GROUP

A device for blow-molding containers including a structure and a platform mounted to rotate on the structure about an axis of rotation. The platform is provided with blower members and with molds that are mounted under the blower members, each of which includes a stationary mold portion and a movable mold portion that is movable in pivoting by a control device between an open position and a closed position for the mold. The device includes blocking members for blocking the molds in the closed state, each blocking member including a strut. 112345671213111212. A device for blow-molding containers , the device comprising a structure () and a platform () mounted to rotate on the structure about an axis of rotation () , the platform being provided with blower members () and with molds () that are mounted under the blower members , each of which comprises a stationary mold portion () and a movable mold portion () that is movable in pivoting by control means ( , ) between an open position and a closed position for the mold , the device being characterized in that it includes blocking members for blocking the molds in the closed state , each blocking member comprising a strut () that is connected to the movable mold portion by at least one link and that is secured to a pivot shaft () mounted on the platform to move between a retracted position and a blocking position in which the strut is in contact with a surface secured to the movable mold portion , the pivot shaft () being positioned in such a manner that in the closed position the strut extends in a direction (F) along which a resultant of the blow-molding force as taken up by the movable mold portion is applied.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the strut claim 1 , the link claim 1 , the movable mold portion claim 1 , and the pivot shaft are positioned in such a manner that the strut is in contact with the surface of the movable mold portion beyond a position in which the hinged ends of the link are in ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001535A1

A locking finger for a molding unit, the molding unit comprising a cavity for molding the container that is at least defined by a first shell fixed on a first mold holder and by a second shell fixed on a second mold holder that can move relative to the first mold holder between an open position and a closed position, the first mold holder comprising a component for controlling the locking finger and the second mold holder comprising a locking opening, the locking finger including an interface for mechanically coupling to the control component, and a locking portion designed to engage with the locking opening in the closed position. The locking portion comprises an anti-friction composite material. 120110111110110122011122. A locking finger () for a molding unit , the molding unit comprising a container molding cavity delimited at least by a first shell fixed onto a first mold-holder () and by a second shell fixed onto a second mold-holder () that can move relative to the first mold-holder () between an open position and a closed position , the first mold-holder () comprising a member () for controlling the locking finger () and the second mold-holder () comprising a locking opening () ,{'b': '20', 'claim-text': [{'b': 19', '12, 'an interface () for mechanically coupling to the control member (), and'}, {'b': '22', 'a locking portion designed to cooperate with the locking opening () in closed position,'}], 'the locking finger () comprisingwherein the locking portion comprises an anti-friction composite material.220. The finger () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said composite material is a composite material with fibers in which fibers are embedded in a matrix of plastic material.320. The finger () as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said matrix comprises at least one plastic material taken from among a group comprising polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyetherimide (PEI) claim 2 ,and/or in that said fibers are glass fibers or carbon fibers, preferably with a 30% or 40% ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001487A1

A blow molding device for a rotary bottle blowing machine includes: a support base including a power-input shaft and a mold-insert control shaft which are pivotally disposed on the support base and extend along an axial direction; a drive source for driving the power-input shaft and the mold-insert control shaft to rotate; and a mold assembly with a first and second movable mold inserts pivotally disposed on the support base. The mold assembly makes the first and second movable mold inserts pivot toward or away from each other, rotation of the power-input shaft makes a bottom mold unit move in the axial direction, and can lock the first and second movable mold inserts. A method for using the blow molding device includes steps of mold opening or closing, mold lifting, and mold locking, and these steps are performed by using a single drive source. 1. A blow molding device for a rotary bottle blowing machine comprising:a support base including a power-input shaft and a mold-insert control shaft which are pivotally disposed on the support base and extend along an axial direction;a drive source for driving the power-input shaft and the mold-insert control shaft to rotate; anda mold assembly including a first movable mold insert and a second mold insert which are pivotally disposed on the support base, the mold assembly being controlled by the mold-insert control shaft to make the first and second movable mold inserts pivot toward or away from each other, rotation of the power-input shaft being used to drive a bottom mold unit to move in the axial direction, and drive a mold locking unit to lock the first and second movable mold inserts.2. The blow molding device for the rotary bottle blowing machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a direction perpendicular to the axial direction is defined as a radial direction claim 1 , and on the linear-movement guide member is provided a guide unit which is able to move in the radial direction claim 1 , on the guide unit is provided a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001491A1

The invention relates to a mold for molding a hollow body from a preform, the mold defining a molding cavity having the shape of the a hollow body to be molded. The mold including a first part and a second part movable relative to each other between an opened configuration, wherein the preform can be loaded inside the molding cavity, and a closed configuration, wherein the molding cavity is formed. The mold further including a locking element arranged to maintain the mold in its closed configuration in a locked position of the mold. The locking element having at least a sleeve portion arranged around a portion of the first and second parts in the closed configuration such that the sleeve portion surrounds the portion of the first and second parts and prevents the mold from moving towards its open configuration in the locked position of the mold. 1. A mold for molding a hollow body from a preform of said a hollow body , the mold comprising a first part and a second part cooperating to define a molding cavity having the shape of the a hollow body to be molded , said parts being movable relative to each other between an opened configuration of the mold , wherein the preform can be loaded inside the molding cavity , and a closed configuration of the mold , wherein the molding cavity is formed , the mold further comprising a locking element arranged to maintain the mold in its closed configuration in a locked position of the mold , the locking element including at least a sleeve portion , said sleeve portion being arranged around a portion of the first and second parts in the closed configuration such that said sleeve portion surrounds the portion of the first and second parts and prevents the mold from moving towards its open configuration in the locked position of the mold.2. The mold according the claim 1 , wherein the locking element further comprises a bottom portion claim 1 , the bottom portion closing the sleeve portion at one end thereof claim 1 , the first and ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001362A1

A device for transporting a hollow body provided with a neck which includes a vertically oriented internal wall, the device including at least elements for gripping the hollow body by engaging with the internal wall of the neck, which are mounted on the lower free end of a rod and movably connected thereto, the rod being mounted to be vertically movable between a high position and a low position, wherein the gripping elements are mounted to be radially movable between a retracted position in which the gripping elements are vertically inserted from top to bottom into the neck, without contacting the internal wall, and a deployed position in which the gripping elements engage the internal wall of the neck, and the change in position of the gripping elements from the retracted to the deployed position and/or from the deployed to the retracted position is actuated by a magnetic field. 260. Device according to claim 1 , wherein said gripping means () are forced into said deployed position by means of said magnetic field.3601001026060. Device according to claim 1 , wherein said magnetic means for actuating the gripping means () comprise at least the first magnetic means ( claim 1 , ) that selectively bring about the change in position of said gripping means () claim 1 , at least from the retracted position toward the deployed position claim 1 , by application of said magnetic field on the gripping means ().41001025610341001026034. Device according to claim 3 , wherein said first magnetic means ( claim 3 , ) are mounted on a support () of the device () in relation to which the rod () is mounted to move vertically in such a way that said first magnetic means ( claim 3 , ) bring about the change in position of said gripping means () from the retracted position toward the deployed position when the rod () claim 3 , moved vertically downward from its top position claim 3 , reaches its bottom position.510010256. Device according to claim 4 , wherein said first magnetic means ( ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001913A1
Автор: KOENIG Helmut

A stretch-blow molded plastic container includes a container body. A container neck, adjoins the container body via a shoulder region and has a container opening. The container body and the container neck are mutually separated by a support ring, which substantially radially protrudes, runs circumferentially in at least some regions and which has a support ring underside. The shoulder region has a first shoulder section, which runs in immediate proximity to the support ring underside, and a second shoulder support, which is integrally connected to the first shoulder support and which substantially radially adjoins the support ring. In a stretch-blow molding method a support ring of a preform, which is placed into a mold cavity of a blow molding tool, is overblown during radial and axial stretching of the preform. 1. A stretch-blow-molded plastic containercomprising:a container body, which is closed with a container base, and with a container neck that adjoins the container body via a shoulder area, which neck has a container opening; anda support ring separating the container body and the container neck, the support ring being an essentially radially protruding support ring that is circumferential at least in places and that has a support ring bottom that points in the direction of the container base, wherein the shoulder area has a first shoulder section that runs directly adjacent to the support ring bottom and a second shoulder section that is integrally bonded to the first shoulder section, which second shoulder section essentially radially adjoins the support ring.2. The stretch-blow-molded plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein the first shoulder section comprising:an essentially stepped outline and extends essentially radially parallel to the support ring adjacent the support ring bottom and merges in a stepped manner into the second shoulder section on a peripheral area of the support ring.3. The stretch-blow-molded plastic container according to ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004277A1
Автор: JR. John M., MATHY

An adjustable platen assembly and method of assembly therefore. The platen assembly has a platen and a pressure plate attached to the platen. The pressure plate may be rotatable around a longitudinal axis of the rod according to the size of a mold half mounted to the platen. The platen assembly may have at least one platen support mounted to the platen. The at least one platen support may be rotatably mounted to the mold clamp. The at least one platen support can be rotated according to the size of a mold half mounted to the platen. The adjustable platen provides support to the mold half to reduce the amount of deformation to the mold half that is caused by the application of a closing force. 17-. (canceled)8. A platen assembly for use with a mold clamp , the mold clamp having a rod which interacts with the platen assembly , the platen assembly comprising:a platen;at least one platen support mounted to the platen, the at least one platen support being rotatably mounted to the mold clamp;whereby the at least one platen support can be rotated according to the size of a mold half mounted to the platen, so that the positioning of the at least one platen support and the cooperation of the at least one platen support with the rod provides a support structure proximate the perimeter of the platen and mold half to prevent the bowing or distortion of the mold half.9. The platen assembly as recited in claim 8 , wherein a pressure plate is attached to the platen claim 8 , the pressure plate being rotatable around a longitudinal axis of the rod claim 8 , whereby the pressure plate can be rotated according to the size of a mold half mounted to the platen claim 8 , so that forces applied by the rod to the pressure plate are distributed to the platen and to a mold half over a large surface area to reduce the amount of deformation to the mold half that is caused by the application of the force.10. The platen assembly as recited in claim 8 , wherein the at least one platen support ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009019A1
Автор: Ohtsuka Kuniyuki

A blow-molding mold provides a mobile nest in which an insert member is set. The back side of the divisional mold is provided with a locking device. The locking device includes an air cylinder unit and a guide block, the axial direction of the air cylinder unit is at right angles to the forward and back direction of the nest, a rod of the air cylinder unit penetrates through the guide block, and the air cylinder unit and the guide block are provided in both sides of plate. 1. A blow-molding mold including a mobile nest in which an insert member is set , the mobile nest is connected with a plate , which is provided in a back side of the mold , the nest can move forward and backward in the mold by moving the plate via an air cylinder , the back side of the mold is provided with a locking device , the plate is locked in a condition abutting the back side of the mold via said locking device , the nest maintains a position of a forward end.2. The blow-molding mold according to claim 1 , wherein the locking device is provided with the air cylinder and a guide block claim 1 , a rod of the air cylinder protrudes in a direction at right angles to a forward and backward direction of the nest and along a back of the plate claim 1 , the guide block receives a pressure force. The present invention relates to a blow-molding mold product such as fuel tanks, particularly, it relates to a blow-molding mold which has an air cylinder, the air cylinder can receive a pressure force to act on a nest mounting an insert member at the time of forming.Patent documents 1-3 are known as prior arts to form an insert member integrally with a parison when performing the blow molding of the parison.A structure is disclosed in patent document 1 in which an insert member is clamped between a clamping member and the tip of a sleeve when forming a hollow container from a parison by blow molding, the hollow container is made to extend at the time of forming outwardly from the inside of the insert ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009152A1

A method for producing a foamed blow-molded article, which includes extruding a physical blowing agent-containing foamable molten resin downwardly through a annular die to form a tubular foamed parison, clamping the foamed parison between split molds, and then blow molding it. At the latest before completion of the clamping of the foamed parison between the split molds, a gas is blown toward an inner peripheral surface of an upper portion of the foamed parison, the bottom portion of which has been closed, from a gas ejection outlet located within the foamed parison at a position immediately below the annular die to widen the foamed parison. 15-. (Canceled)6. A method for producing a foamed blow-molded article , comprising the steps of:(a) extruding a physical blowing agent-containing foamable molten resin vertically downwardly through an annular die to form a tubular foamed parison, (b) closing a bottom portion of the foamed parison, (c) blowing a gas toward a whole inner peripheral surface of an upper portion of the foamed parison, the bottom portion of which has been closed, from a gas ejection outlet located within the foamed parison at a position immediately below the annular die to widen the foamed parison, (d) closing split molds to clamp the foamed parison therebetween, and (e) blow molding the foamed parison within the split molds, wherein step (c) is carried out at the latest before completion of step (d).7. The method as recited in claim 6 , wherein a ratio (D2/D1) of a perimeter length (D2) of the foamed parison that has been widened in step (c) to a perimeter length (D1) of a resin discharge outlet of the annular die is 3.0 or more.8. The method as recited in claim 6 , wherein the physical blowing agent is an inorganic physical blowing agent.9. The method as recited in claim 6 , wherein the foamed blow-molded article obtained in step (e) has an apparent density of 0.1 to 0.25 g/cm3 and an average thickness of 1 to 4 mm.10. The method as recited in claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008783A1
Автор: TOUTOUX Alexandre

A locking finger for a unit having a molding cavity for molding the container delimited at least by a first shell attached to a first mold carrier and by a second shell attached to a second mold carrier that is movable relative to the first mold carrier between an open position and a closed position, the first mold carrier comprising a control member for controlling the locking finger and the second mold carrier comprising a locking opening, the locking finger comprising an interface for mechanical coupling to the control member, and a locking portion designed to cooperate with the locking opening in the closed position. The molding unit is a subassembly of a plurality of mechanical parts assembled together rigidly, including a main body of the finger comprising the mechanical coupling interface, and said locking portion, which is a main sleeve made from anti-friction material assembled on the main body. 120110111110110122011122. A locking finger () for a molding unit , the molding unit comprising a container molding cavity delimited at least by a first shell fixed onto a first mold-holder () and by a second shell fixed onto a second mold-holder () that can move relative to the first mold-holder () between an open position and a closed position , the first mold-holder () comprising a member () for controlling the locking finger () and the second mold-holder () comprising a locking opening () ,{'b': '20', 'claim-text': [{'b': 19', '12, 'an interface () for mechanically coupling to the control member (), and'}, {'b': '22', 'a locking portion designed to cooperate with the locking opening () in closed position,'}], 'the locking finger () comprising [{'b': 21', '19, 'a main body () of the finger comprising the mechanical coupling interface (), and'}, {'b': 40', '21, 'said locking portion, which is a main sleeve () made of anti-friction material assembled on the main body ().'}], 'wherein it is a subassembly of several mechanical parts rigidly assembled with one another, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Transforming station for blow moulding machines without pressure pad

Номер: US20190009451A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

Transforming station for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers, wherein the transforming station has two side part supports for supporting side parts of a blow mould, and preferably has a base part support for supporting a base part of the blow mould, wherein these side parts and the base part of the blow mould together form a hollow space within which the plastic parisons can be transformed into the plastic containers by application of a free-flowing medium, wherein at least one of the two side part supports for opening and/or closing the blow mould is pivotable relative to the other side part with respect to a predetermined main axis, and wherein the transforming station has a locking mechanism in order in a closed state of the blow mould to lock a side part support with the other side part support, and wherein the locking mechanism has a second locking element which is pivotable with respect to a predetermined pivot axis and which interengages with a first locking element for locking the side parts. According to the invention at least one of the two locking elements has a first contact surface which is suitable to co-operate with a second contact surface of the first locking element during locking with the first locking element, wherein at least one of these contact surfaces is designed in such a way that in a pivoting operation of the second locking element with respect to the pivot axis in the direction of the first locking element the two side part supports are pushed towards one another.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022910A1

Moving servo motors of molds in synchronization with the operations of platens which enables fine patterns or shapes to be formed even on a large molded article. A mold clamping device forms patterns or the like on a molded article by detecting a mold position of a second platen among first, second, third platens with digital mold opening/closing position detector, and driving servo motors for molds of the molds in synchronization with a digital mold opening/closing position signal from the digital mold opening/closing position detector. 1. A mold clamping device that moves , with an actuator , at least a second platen among first , second , and third platens provided on a base via a tie bar , and closes and opens first and second molds provided on the second and third platens , respectively , the mold clamping device comprising:servo motor(s) for the molds provided in at least one or both of the respective molds; anddigital mold opening/closing position detection means provided on the base and detecting a mold position of the second platen, whereinone or both of the servo motors for the first and second molds are configured to be driven in synchronization with a digital mold opening/closing position signal from the digital mold opening/closing position detection means.2. The mold clamping device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and third platens are configured to move with the second platen.3. The mold clamping device according to claim 1 , wherein the digital mold opening/closing position detection means is formed from a combination of any of an encoder claim 1 , a resolver and a magnetic encoder claim 1 , and a rack-and-pinion.4. The mold clamping device according to claim 1 , wherein the mold clamping device is combined with a blow molding machine.5. The mold clamping device according to claim 1 , wherein the digital mold opening/closing position detection means is formed from a servo motor with a rotation detector claim 1 , and a ball screw.6. A mold ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055279A1

There is provided a blow molding device, in which the blow molding device includes an injection molding part injection-molding a preform having a main body portion, a temperature adjustment part adjusting a temperature of the preform, and a blow molding part blow-molding the preform, and the temperature adjustment part includes a conditioning core mold that is in contact with an inner surface of the main body portion and a conditioning cavity mold that is in contact with an outer surface of the main body portion, and compresses and deforms the main body portion of the preform into a desired shape with the main body portion sandwiched between the conditioning core mold and the conditioning cavity mold. 1. A blow molding device , comprising: an injection molding part injection-molding a preform having a neck portion on an open side and a main body portion on a closed side; a temperature adjustment part adjusting a temperature of the preform molded by the injection molding part; and a blow molding part blow-molding the preform whose temperature has been adjusted by the temperature adjustment part ,wherein the temperature adjustment part include a conditioning core mold that is in contact with substantially an entire inner surface of the main body portion and a conditioning cavity mold that is in contact with substantially an entire outer surface of the main body portion, and compress and deform the main body portion of the preform into a desired shape with the main body portion sandwiched between the conditioning core mold and the conditioning cavity mold.2. The blow molding device according to claim 1 , wherein the compression deformation of the preform into the desired shape deforms the preform from a shape that is easy to remove from the injection molding part to a shape that is easy to blow mold.3. The blow molding device according to claim 1 , wherein the conditioning core mold and the conditioning cavity mold are cooled to a temperature below a predetermined ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039278A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

A blow molding apparatus improves productivity and obtains a high-quality molded product by supplying a good-quality parison to molds. A blow molding apparatus includes: a die head which discharges a parison; a parison supplying part which cuts the discharged parison at a preset length and conveys the cut parison; and a blow molding part in which the supplied parison is clamped between blow molds so as to perform blow molding. The parison supplying part has a pickup chuck which conveys the cut parison alternately to a first supplying position set on one of right and left sides with respect to a discharge center of the die head and a second supplying position set on the other of right and left sides with respect to the discharge center. The blow molding part performs blow molding at the blow molds arranged at the first supplying position and the second supplying position, respectively. 1. A blow molding apparatus comprising:a die head which discharges a parison;a parison supplying part which cuts the discharged parison at a preset length and conveys the cut parison; anda blow molding part in which the supplied parison is clamped between blow molds so as to perform blow molding, whereinsaid parison supplying part includes a pickup chuck which conveys the cut parison alternately to a first supplying position set on one of right and left sides with respect to a discharge center of said die head and a second supplying position set on the other of right and left sides with respect to said discharge center, andsaid blow molding part performs blow molding of the supplied parison with said blow molds that are arranged at said first supplying position and said second supplying position, respectively.2. The blow molding apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinin said blow molding part,air blow to said blow molds that are arranged at one of said first supplying position and said second supplying position is started before the parison is supplied to said blow molds that are ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063140A1

A molding apparatus provided with a transfer capable of transferring a heavy-weight mold clamping device. The molding apparatus that molds a molded product, includes: a mold clamping device clamping a parison extruded from an extruder to obtain a molded body, a transfer rail to support the mold clamping device in a transferable manner, and an electric cylinder to transfer the mold clamping device along the transfer rail. The mold clamping device includes first and second platens for holding a die, and a clamping drive unit for driving the first and second platens closer to or separated from each other, the electric cylinder includes a motor having an output shaft and a feed screw mechanism that converts the rotary motion of the output shaft into a linear motion.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063169A1
Автор: TAKEHANA Daizaburo

A blow molding mold unit comprising: a plurality of blow molds each including: a pair of split molds forming a plurality of cavities arranged in a row in a first direction, a plurality of bottom molds respectively corresponding to the cavities, and a bottom mold fixing plate to which the plurality of bottom molds are fixed, the plurality of blow molds being arranged in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction, first fixing members holding split molds that are arranged at both end positions in the second direction, the first fixing members being fixed to a mold clamping plate, second fixing members arranged between the first fixing members, and to which split molds other than the split molds fixed to the first fixing members are fixed, a push-up rod disposed below the bottom mold fixing plate, and a push-up member configured to be coupled to a lifting device and extending along the second direction below the second fixing members, the push-up member being configured to push up, via the push-up rod, the bottom mold fixing plate to lift the plurality of bottom molds arranged in the second direction. 1. A blow molding mold unit comprising:a plurality of blow molds each including: a pair of split molds forming a plurality of cavities arranged in a row in a first direction; a plurality of bottom molds respectively corresponding to the cavities; and a bottom mold fixing plate to which the plurality of bottom molds are fixed, the plurality of blow molds being arranged in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction;first fixing members holding split molds that are arranged at both end positions in the second direction, the first fixing members being fixed to a mold clamping plate;second fixing members arranged between the first fixing members, and to which split molds other than the split molds fixed to the first fixing members are fixed;a push-up rod disposed below the bottom mold fixing plate; anda push-up member configured to be coupled to a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047203A1
Автор: OIKE Toshiteru

In a fixing member formed with an insertion hole for inserting an elevation rod , a communication hole communicating with the insertion hole is formed to open at a side surface of the fixing member . A key member is inserted into the communication hole and engaged with a key groove provided at the distal end of the elevation rod . By so doing, the elevation rod and the fixing member are coupled together. 112-. (canceled)13: A blow mold unit , comprising:a blow cavity mold including a pair of split molds to be mold-clamped upon contact of parting surfaces thereof with each other, and forming a molding space for molding a hollow container having a push-up bottom;a fixing member having an upper surface side to which a bottom mold for forming a bottom surface of the molding space is fixed, and a lower surface side to which an elevation rod provided in a raising/lowering device is connected to be disengageable.14: The blow mold unit according to claim 13 , wherein the fixing member has an insertion hole to open on the lower surface side of the fixing member claim 13 , and the elevation rod is engaged with the fixing member being inserted into the communication hole.15: The blow mold unit according to claim 14 , wherein the fixing member has an upper base plate and a lower base plate claim 14 , and the insertion hole is provided to penetrate the lower base plate.16: The blow mold unit according to claim 14 , wherein the insertion hole is formed to penetrate the lower base plate and to a depth reaching a part of the upper base plate.17: The blow mold unit according to claim 14 , further comprising:a key member being inserted into a communication hole, which communicates with the insertion hole is formed to open at a side surface of the lower base plate,wherein the key member being inserted into the communication hole is engaged with the elevation rod, whereby the elevation rod and the fixing member are coupled together.18: The blow mold unit according to claim 17 , wherein ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053272A1

A bottling apparatus () in aseptic conditions of containers () made of a thermoplastic material, comprising: at least one mobile organ such as, for example, a blowing nozzle () that is partially located in a contamination-controlled environment () isolated from an external environment (); a linear motor () for driving the mobile organ (), the linear motor () comprising a cylindrical stator () and a rotor or magnetic shaft () integrally connected to the mobile organ (), the separation volume between the rotor () and the cylindrical stator () being sanitisable by means of a sanitising fluid that passes through a grooved surface (). 11100. Bottling apparatus () in aseptic conditions for containers () made of thermoplastic material , comprising:{'b': 23', '24', '25', '3', '4, 'at least one mobile organ (; ; ) partially located in a contamination-controlled environment () that is isolated from an external environment ();'}{'b': 6', '23', '24', '25', '6, 'an actuation device () for actuating said at least one mobile organ (; ; ), characterised in that said actuation device () comprises a linear motor in turn comprising{'b': '7', 'a cylindrical stator ();'}{'b': 8', '7', '7', '8', '8', '23', '24', '25, 'a rotor or magnetic shaft () linearly sliding in said cylindrical stator () and spaced thereto in such a way that between the cylindrical stator () and the rotor () a separation volume is obtained, said rotor () being integrally connected to the mobile organ (; ; );'}{'b': 14', '15', '18, 'at least one grooved surface (, , ) exposing within the separation volume in order to allow a sanitizing fluid to enter and to exit from said separation volume.'}216701470. Bottling apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein said linear motor () further comprises a guide member () located in said separation volume claim 1 , said at least one grooved surface corresponding to the inner side surface () of said guide member ().31147016a. Bottling apparatus () according to claim 2 , wherein ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054206A1
Автор: Hartwig Klaus

The invention concerns a method of manufacturing a container in a blowing mould, the blown container () having a neck and a bottom aligned along a longitudinal axis (A) and being enclosed within a blowing mould (), the blowing mould comprising two side halves () which are in contact with each other along a joint plane (P) when the blowing mould is in a closed position, the blown container having at least one transverse dimension in a longitudinal cross-section including the longitudinal axis, characterized in that the method comprises a step of moving apart the two side halves () of the blowing mould along a substantially transverse direction, the two side halves being moved apart from the joint plane (P) over an overall distance that is less than the greatest transverse dimension of the blown container and that enables extraction of the blown container from the blowing mould (). 1. A method of manufacturing a container in a blowing mold , the blown container having a neck and a bottom aligned along a longitudinal axis and being enclosed within a blowing mold , the blowing mold comprising two side halves which are in contact with each other along a joint plane when the blowing mold is in a closed position , the blown container having at least one transverse dimension in a longitudinal cross-section including the longitudinal axis , the method comprises the step of moving apart the two side halves of the blowing mold along a substantially transverse direction , the two side halves being moved apart from the joint plane over an overall distance that is less than the greatest transverse dimension of the blown container and that enables extraction of the blown container from the blowing mold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the overall distance is dependent on the shape of the outer surface of the blown container and the at least one transverse dimension thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the overall distance is dependent on the transverse dimension of the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054678A1

Disclosed is a method for molding plastic preforms into plastic containers using a blow mould assembly including a blow mould unit, wherein a part of the blow mould unit is retained on a blow mould holder element using negative pressure. 1. A blow mould assembly for moulding plastic preforms into plastic containers , comprising a blow mould unit forming a cavity , within which the plastic preforms can be expanded into plastic containers , said blow mould unit being formed at least in two parts , and comprising a blow mould holder for receiving the blow mould unit , wherein the blow mould holder has at least two mould holder elements for receiving parts of the blow mould unit , and comprising a locking mechanism in order to arrest at least a part of the blow mould unit in relation to at least one mould holder element , said locking mechanism having an engagement member , which engagement member rests in an arrested condition of part of the blow mould unit in relation to a mould holder element on a section of part of the blow mould unit ,wherein the locking mechanism has an actuating member which is displaceable in a z-direction in order to achieve an arrest of the blow mould unit relative to the blow mould holder, wherein the locking mechanism is actuated either electromagnetically or pneumatically.2. The blow mould assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the engagement members are actuated pneumatically or electrically in order to arrest the blow mould in relation to the blow mould holder.3. The blow mould assembly as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the engagement members are provided only on a left-hand side, whereupon the blow mould can be turned in against the blow mould holder in order to come to rest in this way against the engagement members on the left-hand side.4. The blow mould assembly as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the entire arrest of the blow mould relative to the blow mould shell is pneumatically achieved.5. The blow mould assembly as claimed in claim 1 , ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068958A1
Автор: Tanner Marcel
Принадлежит: M. Tanner AG

An inspection and ejector unit for preforms for plastic containers in a transportation line, has at least one driver device which picks up preforms travelling from an inward conveyor device to the inspection and ejector unit, transports them further and passes on at least some of the preforms to an outward conveyor device, at least one detection device by which faulty preforms in the driver device are detected, and at least one ejection device by which preforms which are detected as faulty are removed from the driver device, and a corresponding method. 1. An inspection and ejector unit for preforms for plastic containers in a transportation line , comprising{'b': 8', '10', '2', '1', '10', '3, 'at least one driver device () which picks up preforms () travelling from an inward conveyor device () to the inspection and ejector unit (), transports them further and passes on at least some of the preforms () to an outward conveyor device ();'}{'b': 6', '10', '8, 'at least one detection device () by means of which faulty preforms () in the driver device () are detected; and'}{'b': 17', '25', '10', '8, 'at least one ejection device (, ) by means of which preforms () which are detected as faulty are removed from the driver device ().'}28. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the driver device () is configured in the form of a cam wheel which is driven about a vertical axis (X).31098. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that a preform () enters into engagement with each recess () of the cam wheel ().46. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the detection device () has at least one camera and one evaluation unit.517. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the ejection device () is a pneumatic ejection device which is preferably configured in the form of an air pipe or else an air nozzle.617. The inspection and ejector unit ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Locking device for a molding unit for containers of thermoplastic material

Номер: US20180065290A1
Принадлежит: Sidel Participations SAS

Disclosed is a locking device for a molding unit for containers of thermoplastic material. The device includes a lock with at least one locking pin, the at least one locking pin being made of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and advantageously has at least one metal insert.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076748A1

A blowing mould array includes a blowing mould unit forming a cavity, inside of which plastic preforms are expanded to plastic containers. The blow mould unit includes a blowing mould retainer having at least two mould retainer elements for accommodating parts of the blowing mould unit, and a locking mechanism to arrest at least one part of the blowing mould unit against at least one mould retainer element. The locking mechanism includes an engagement element that can be pivoted and/or shifted relative to a default axis, which in an arrested state abuts a segment of a part of the blowing mould unit. The locking mechanism has an actuating element to loosen the arrest between the mould retaining element and the blowing mould unit. Actuation of the actuating element is coupled with actuation of the engagement element. 1. A blow mould assembly for moulding plastic preforms into plastic containers , comprising a blow mould unit forming a cavity , within which the plastic preforms can be expanded into plastic containers , said blow mould unit being formed at least in two parts , and comprising a blow mould holder for receiving the blow mould unit , wherein the blow mould holder has at least two mould holder elements for receiving parts of the blow mould unit , and comprising a locking mechanism in order to arrest at least a part of the blow mould unit in relation to at least one mould holder element , said locking mechanism having an engagement member that can be pivoted and/or displaced in relation to a specified axis (X) , which engagement member rests in an arrested condition of part of the blow mould unit in relation to a mould holder element on a section of part of the blow mould unit ,wherein the locking mechanism has an actuating member, in order to release an arrest between the mould holder element and the blow mould unit, and a movement of this actuating member is coupled to the movement of the engagement member.2. The blow mould assembly as claimed in claim 1 , ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140151940A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

An apparatus is provided for the shaping of plastics material containers, with a movable carrier on which are arranged a plurality of shaping stations for the shaping of plastics material pre-forms into plastics material containers, wherein these shaping stations have blow mould carrier parts movable with respect to each other for opening and closing the shaping stations, and wherein the shaping stations have a locking mechanism for holding the shaping stations in a closed state. 1. An apparatus for the shaping of plastics material containers , comprising: a rotating carrier on which are arranged a plurality of shaping stations for the shaping of plastics material pre-forms into plastics material containers; wherein these shaping stations have blow mould carrier parts movable with respect to each other for opening and closing the shaping stations; and wherein the shaping stations have a locking mechanism for holding the shaping stations in a closed state , and with an opening and closing mechanism for opening and closing the shaping stations; wherein the locking mechanism has a locking cam opposite which the shaping stations move at least in part , wherein this locking cam extends—as viewed in the direction of movement of the carrier continuously between a position in which the blow mould carrier parts are opened and a position in which the blow mould carrier parts are closed; and the blow mould carrier parts are held automatically in the closed state at least along a further partial section of the periphery by a locking means arranged on the blow mould carrier parts.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the region of the partial section is made free of the locking cam.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus has an opening and closing cam claim 1 , in particular stationary claim 1 , which causes the shaping station to open and close claim 1 , and the opening and closing mechanism has a cam follower which co-operates with the opening ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Plastic Aerosol Container

Номер: US20160075502A1
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Company, L.P.

An aerosol container includes a main body portion that is constructed and arranged to withstand aerosol pressurization within a range that is about 90-180 psig and a threaded finish portion that is unitary with the main body portion. The threaded finish portion has at least one helical thread, a support ledge beneath the helical thread and a secondary flange that is positioned beneath the support ledge. The secondary flange has an outer circumference that is noncircular in at least one location, whereby it may be engaged during a capping operation to prevent rotation of the container during capping. A method of making an aerosol container in which a preform is capped before the blow molding process is also disclosed. 1. A method of assembling an aerosol container , comprising:providing a container having a threaded finish portion, a support ledge positioned beneath the threaded finish portion and a secondary flange positioned beneath the support ledge, the secondary flange having at least one noncircular portion;preventing rotation of the container by engaging the noncircular portion of the secondary flange;screwing at least a portion of an aerosol dispensing closure assembly onto the threaded finish portion at a torque that is within a range of about 15 in-lbs to about 50 in-lbs; andpressurizing the container with an aerosol mixture having an aerosol propellant.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the support ledge has a first maximum outer diameter and the secondary flange has a second maximum outer diameter claim 1 , and wherein the second maximum outer diameter is substantially the same as the first maximum outer diameter.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the support ledge has a first maximum outer diameter and the secondary flange is a second maximum outer diameter claim 1 , and wherein the second maximum outer diameter is not substantially greater than the first maximum outer diameter.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079212A1

Apparatus for forming plastic preforms into plastic containers, with at least one blowing station arranged on a moving carrier, wherein the blowing station has a blow mould carrier for holding a blow mould and the blow mould carrier has a first blow mould carrier part and a second blow mould carrier part, wherein the second blow mould carrier part can be moved away from the first blow mould carrier part in order to open the blow mould for removal of a plastic container and/or for insertion of a preform, and wherein the second blow mould carrier part can be moved towards the first blow mould carrier part in order to transfer the blow mould into a closed state for forming the preform, wherein that the second blow mould carrier part has a lower density and/or strength than the first blow mould carrier part. 1. An apparatus for forming plastic preforms into plastic containers , with at least one blowing station arranged on a moving carrier , wherein the blowing station has a blow mould carrier for holding a blow mould and the blow mould carrier has a first blow mould carrier part and a second blow mould carrier part , wherein the second blow mould carrier part can be moved away from the first blow mould carrier part in order to open the blow mould for removal of a plastic container and/or for insertion of a preform , and wherein the second blow mould carrier part can be moved towards the first blow mould carrier part in order to transfer the blow mould into a closed state for forming the preform , wherein the second blow mould carrier part has a lower density and/or strength than the first blow mould carrier part.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mass of the second blow mould carrier part is less than that of the first blow mould carrier part.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a distance travelled during an opening movement by the second blow mould carrier part is greater than a distance travelled by the first blow mould carrier part.4. ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077064A1
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Company, L.P.

A vertical additive processing system for use with a blow molding machine having a flow head from which a plastic parison is delivered to a mold and producing an article. The system has a servo-controlled accumulation technology (SCAT) unit including (a) an accumulator collecting plastic material when retracted and delivering plastic material when extended, and (b) an actuator directing the accumulator to retract and extend. The system further has a tooling unit including a bushing body adapted to engage the flow head, a distribution ring, a bushing cap, a central aperture defining a main parison flow path, and a distribution channel delivering additional plastic material received from the accumulator to the main parison flow path. The system still further has a material duct connecting the two units through which plastic material delivered by the SCAT unit is transported to and received by the tooling unit. 1. A blow molding machine for producing an article from a plastic parison , the machine comprising:a flow head from which the parison is delivered to a mold; an accumulator collecting plastic material when in a retracted position and delivering plastic material when in an extended position, and', 'an actuator directing the accumulator to retract and extend;, 'a servo-controlled accumulation technology (or SCAT) unit includinga tooling unit including a bushing body engaging the flow head, a distribution ring, and a bushing cap, the tooling unit having a central aperture defining a main parison flow path and a distribution channel delivering additional plastic material received from the accumulator to the main parison flow path; anda material duct connecting the SCAT unit and the tooling unit through which plastic material delivered by the SCAT unit is transported to and received by the tooling unit.2. A vertical additive processing system for use with a blow molding machine producing an article from a plastic parison , the machine having a flow head from which ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082644A1

An apparatus for fabricating containers. The apparatus including a plurality of mold segments, an injection cylinder, a closure cylinder and a motor cylinder. The injection cylinder defining a mold cavity substantially in the form of a container and accommodating a substantially tubular preform having a preform cavity in communication with an open end. The injection head establishes fluid communication with the preform and the injection cylinder is in fluid communication with the injection head and configured to inject a volume of liquid into the preform The closure cylinder is configured to exert a force on at least one of the mold segments to maintain them in a closed disposition. The motor cylinder is configured to drive the injection cylinder and being itself concurrently driven with the closure cylinder by a single pressure source. 1. An apparatus for fabricating containers , comprising:a plurality of mold segments, said plurality of mold segments defining a mold cavity substantially in the form of a container and configured to accommodate a substantially tubular preform having a preform cavity communicating with an open end;an injection head, said injection head configured to cooperate with said open end of said preform and establish fluid communication therewith;an injection cylinder, said injection cylinder comprising a chamber with a piston mobile therein and being disposed in fluid communication with said injection head, and further configured to inject a volume of liquid into said preform when said piston is advanced within said chamber;{'b': 125', '125, 'a closure cylinder (), said closure cylinder () being configured to exert a force on at least one of the mold segments so as to maintain said mold segments in a closed disposition;'}a motor cylinder comprising a piston, the piston of said motor cylinder driving said piston of said injection cylinder, the motor cylinder and closure cylinder being concurrently driven by a single pressure source.2. The ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140161920A1
Автор: Winzinger Frank
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

What is described is a blow-molding machine for plastic containers, comprising a plurality of platens for supporting blow mold halves, wherein at least two of the platens are in the form of movable multi-carriers for simultaneously supporting at least two blow mold halves which are assigned to different blow-molding cavities. Since the multi-carriers are driven in such a manner that at least one of the blow-molding cavities can be opened and at the same time at least one other of the blow-molding cavities can be closed by means of a continuous movement of the multi-carriers, acceleration and deceleration ramps can be reduced upon opening and closing and it is possible to gain process time for the blow molding. 1. A blow-molding machine for plastic containers with a plurality of mold carriers for carrying blow mold halves , comprising at least two of said mold carriers designed as movable multi-carriers for simultaneously carrying at least two blow mold halves that are associated to different blow mold cavities ,said multi-carriers being drivable such that at least one of said blow mold cavities can be opened with a continuous motion of said multi-carriers and simultaneously at least one other of said blow mold cavities can be closed.2. The blow-molding machine according to claim 1 , where at least one mold carrier is mounted linearly displaceable to simultaneously close a first set of blow mold cavities and to open a second set of blow mold cavities.3. The blow-molding machine according to claim 1 , where said mold carriers are rotatably mounted to simultaneously close a first set of blow mold cavities and to open a second set of blow mold cavities.4. The blow-molding machine according to claim 1 , where said mold carriers are designed as a double carriers for carrying two blow mold halves facing away from each other.5. The blow-molding machine according to claim 1 , where at least one of said mold carriers is stationary.6. The blow-molding machine according to ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095964A1

A blow mold assembly comprises removable neck insert mold components for forming features of a container for engaging a removable container closure and manually operable retention devices for releasably retaining the neck insert mold components with mating mold components of the mold assembly. Advantageously, each manually operable retention device comprises a clamp mechanism comprising a lever arm and clamp arm arranged so that the clamp arm is rotated between a release position and a clamp position by manual operation of the lever arm and the clamp mechanism is effective to resist forces acting on the clamp arm to rotate the clamp arm to the release position when the clamp arm is in the clamp position. Each manually operable retention device is retained with an associated mating mold component when a neck insert mold component is removed from or installed to the mold assembly. 1. A blow mold assembly comprising opposed mating mold components for production of containers wherein the exterior surface features of portion of each container that engages a removable container closure is formed from contact of a tubular preform with mold surfaces of the blow mold assembly , each mating mold component comprising:(a) a removable neck insert mold component comprising at least one member for forming, at least in part, the container closure engaging features of the container; and,(b) at least one manually operable retention device for retaining the neck insert mold component with the mating mold component wherein the manually operable retention device comprises a clamp mechanism that remains fixed to the mating mold component when the neck insert mold component is removed from or installed in the mold assembly.2. The mold assembly according to wherein each mating mold component further comprises a neck insert block attached to the mating mold component and the removable neck insert mold components are retained in the neck insert blocks by the manually operable retention ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102534A1
Автор: Idies Nedal

A method for producing a sealing bellows, involving (1) vulcanizing a sealing bellows having clamping elements integrated into the sealing region and into the attachment region () and having a substantially cylindrical casing, thereby forming the sealing bellow; (2) interrupting the vulcanizing after the mold cavity has been filled and after attaining dimensional stability of the sealing bellows and then releasing the sealing bellows from the mold; (3) introducing the sealing bellows having a substantially cylindrical casing into a heated blowing mold having a substantially spherical cavity and sealing the blowing mold in an airtight manner; (4) subjecting the interior of the sealing bellows to a relative excess pressure such that the casing is applied against a wall delimiting the cavity of the blowing mold; and (5) completely curing the sealing bellows, then opening the blowing mold to release the sealing bellows from the mold. 1. A method of producing a sealing bellows , the method comprising:forming, in a vulcanization process, the sealing bellows including a sealing region, an attachment region, and a substantially cylindrical casing that is disposed, in an axial direction of the bellows, between the sealing region and the attachment region, the sealing region being formed with an integrated first clamping element, and the attachment region being formed with an integrated second clamping element;interrupting the vulcanization process after a mold cavity for the sealing bellows has been filled and after dimensional stability of the sealing bellows has been attained, and releasing the sealing bellows from the mold cavity;introducing the sealing bellows with the substantially cylindrical casing into a heated blowing mold having a substantially spherical cavity, the blowing mold being sealed in an airtight manner;subjecting an interior of the sealing bellows to a relative excess pressure such that the casing is applied against a wall delimiting the cavity of the ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101325A1

Apparatus () for forming plastic preforms () into plastic containers (). In a closed state of a blow mould (), a contact area is formed between side parts (), in which the two side parts () rest against each other, the side parts () form a mould separation seam () in the contact area. In accordance with the invention, at least one section of at least one side part () has a coating and/or an additional element () in a region of the mould separation seam (), so that a heat transfer between the plastic preform () and the inner wall () in the contact area can be delayed at least in places at these at least one section. 1110208141020101414141414525410141414141414145ababababab. Apparatus () for forming plastic preforms () into plastic containers () , having at least one forming station () which has a blow mould () within which the plastic preforms () can be expanded into the plastic containers () by being acted upon by a flowable and in particular gaseous medium , with a loading device which loads the plastic preforms () with the flowable medium for their expansion , the blow mould () is a multi-part blow mould and has at least a first side part () and a second side part () , which are movable relative to one another for opening and closing the blow mould , wherein the first side part () and the second side part () each have an inner wall ( , ) against which the plastic preforms () can be expanded , wherein in a closed state of the blow mould () , a contact area is formed between the side parts ( , ) , in which the two side parts ( , ) rest against each other , the side parts ( , ) form a mould separation seam () in the contact area , characterised in that{'b': 14', '14', '60', '5', '10', '52', '54, 'i': a', 'b, 'at least one section of at least one side part (, ) has a coating and/or an additional element () in a region of the mould separation seam (), so that a heat transfer between the plastic preform () and the inner wall (, ) in the contact area can be delayed at ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Extrusion blow molding machine and blow molding method using the machine

Номер: US20140183796A1

An extrusion blow molding machine comprises an extrusion apparatus, an electrically-driven parison thickness programming apparatus, an electrically-driven mold-clamping apparatus with a dual-driving function, and a frame, wherein the extrusion apparatus, the parison thickness programming apparatus and the mold-clamping apparatus with a dual-driving function are installed on the frame. The mold-clamping apparatus with a dual-driving function comprises a driving assembly, a mold-opening/closing assembly, a mold-moving assembly, and a base. The driving assembly includes a servo motor, which actuates both mold-opening/closing and mold-moving assemblies, respectively. The parison thickness programming apparatus is driven by asynchronous motors, which run in a single direction continuously to result in a required axial parison thickness distribution. An extrusion blow molding method is realized using the machine. The present extrusion blow molding machine has an obviously simplified and compact structure, thereby reducing the manufacturing cost, lowering the energy consumption, and improving the transmission efficiency and position accuracy.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168944A1
Автор: KAWATA Katsuyuki
Принадлежит: KYORAKU CO., LTD.

An object of the present invention is to provide a rotary molding machine that can be easily manufactured. 1. A rotary molding machine comprising:first and second molds; a camshaft; and a cam track member, whereinthe first and second molds and the camshaft are configured to rotate around a revolving axis,the cam track member has a cam track, 'the first and second molds are configured to open and close as the camshaft moves, and', 'the camshaft is configured to move along the cam track as the first and second molds and the camshaft rotates,'} the first axial direction is a longitudinal direction of the camshaft when the first and second molds are closed,', 'the second axial direction is the longitudinal direction of the camshaft when the first and second molds are most opened., 'an angle between a first axial direction and a second axial direction is 45 degrees or less,'}2. The rotary molding machine of claim 1 , whereina distance from the revolving axis to the cam track varies along a circumferential direction.3. The rotary molding machine of claim claim 1 , whereinthe cam track member has a base plate,the cam track is formed of an annular groove or an annular projection provided on the base plate.4. The rotary molding machine of claim 1 , whereinthe first and second molds are connected by the hinge part and are configured to open and close by relative rotation around the hinge part.5. The rotary molding machine of claim 1 , whereinthe first and second molds are configured to open and close by transmitting movement of the camshaft to the first and second molds through a gear mechanism.6. The rotary molding machine of claim 5 , whereinthe gear mechanism has a mechanism that converts linear movement into rotational movement.7. The rotary molding machine of claim 1 , whereinan angle between the revolving axis and a horizontal plane is 45 degrees or less.8. A rotary molding machine comprising:first and second molds; a push-up member; and a driving mechanism, whereinthe ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190111608A1
Автор: HOELLRIEGL Thomas

Provided is an apparatus for deforming plastics parisons to form plastics containers, having a blow-molding device which is arranged at least indirectly on a main shaft which is pivotable about a pivot axis, which blow molding device has at least two mold supports, a base element and two blow mold parts, wherein the base element and the blow mold parts are suitable for forming a cavity within which the plastics parisons are deformable to form the plastic containers, and the base element is arranged on a base receptacle, and having a coupling device which couples an opening movement of the blow mold parts to a raising and lowering movement of the base part relative to the blow mold parts. 1. An apparatus for forming plastic preforms into plastic containers with a blow molding device , which is arranged at least indirectly on a main shaft that is pivotable about a pivot axis , and which comprises at least two mold carriers , a base element and two blow mold parts , wherein the base element and the blow mold parts are suitable for forming a cavity inside which the plastic preforms can be formed into the plastic containers , and the base element is arranged on a base holder , and with a coupling device which couples an opening movement of the blow mold parts to a lift and lower movement of the base element relative to the blow mold parts , 'the coupling device has a curve element which cooperates with a further element such that, by opening of the blow molding device by pivoting of at least one mold carrier about the pivot axis of the main shaft, the curve element and/or the further element can be brought into a rotational movement relative to the pivot axis or an axis parallel to the pivot axis, via which the base holder with the base element can be lowered, wherein the coupling device is arranged directly on the main shaft.', 'wherein'}2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , 'the further element is a roller arrangement with at least one roller which can be guided in ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108543A1
Автор: ROSENBECK John Scott

A blow mold clamping apparatus and a blow molding system are disclosed. 1. A mold clamping apparatus for opening and closing a pair of blow molds , the mold clamping apparatus comprising:a first inner platen coupled to a first outer platen so as to be movable therewith;a second inner platen coupled to a second outer platen so as to be movable therewith; andan actuator coupled between the first inner platen and the second inner platen for opening and closing a first mold clamp defined between opposing sides of the first inner platen and the second outer plated while simultaneously opening and closing a second mold clamp defined between opposing sides of the second inner platen and the first outer platen.2. A blow molding system comprising:an extruder having an extruder centerline; anda blow mold clamping assembly having a clamping assembly centerline, and a first mold clamp having a first mold clamp centerline located on a one side of the clamping assembly centerline and a second mold clamp having a second mold clamp centerline located on the opposite side of the clamping apparatus centerline, the blow mold clamping assembly positioned relative to the extruder such that the clamping assembly centerline is in line with the extruder centerline when viewed from above. The present application claims the benefit of prior U.S. Appl. No. 62/741,844, filed Oct. 5, 2018, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present invention relates to blow molding, and more particularly to a blow molding system and blow mold clamping apparatus.Embodiments hereof are directed to a blow mold clamping apparatus.Embodiments hereof are directed towards a blow molding system having a blow mold clamping apparatus.Specific embodiments of the present disclosure are now described with reference to the figures. The following detailed description is merely exemplary in nature and is not intended to limit the disclosure or the application and uses of the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129517A1
Принадлежит: Toledo Molding & Die, Inc.

A body for a blow-molded waste cart and a waste cart having a blow-molded hollow body with four upstanding side walls and corner sections therebetween, a floor, and a circumferential compression flange around the side walls and corner sections is disclosed. The waste cart may also include an axle and wheels mounted to a side wall and a handle assembly with lid also mounted to a side wall. The circumferential compression flange may have a generally consistent width and thickness at each of the side walls and corner sections and the lid rim meets the circumferential compression flange when the lid is closed. A method of forming a blow-molded waste cart body is also disclosed. The process includes melting a polymer material to form a parison, enclosing the parison in a main mold, pressurizing the parison within the mold and moving a secondary mold section onto the main mold squeezing the polymer outward to a gap between the secondary mold and main mold to form the circumferential flange. 1. A blow-molded waste cart body , comprising:a blow-molded hollow body having a four upstanding side walls and corner sections therebetween;a floor, the body and floor forming a waste receptacle; anda circumferential compression flange around the side walls and corner sections.2. The blow-molded waste cart body of claim 1 , wherein the circumferential compression flange has a consistent width at each of the side walls and corner sections.3. The blow-molded waste cart body of claim 1 , wherein the circumferential compression flange has a consistent thickness at each of the side walls and corner sections.4. A blow-molded waste cart claim 1 , comprising:a blow-molded hollow body having a four upstanding side walls and corner sections therebetween;a floor, the body and floor forming a waste receptacle;an axle and wheels mounted to a side wall;a handle assembly with lid mounted to a side wall; anda circumferential compression flange around the side walls and corner sections.5. The blow- ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134877A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

Provided is an apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers with a transport device which transports the plastic parisons along a predetermined transport path, with at least one transforming station which is arranged in a stationary manner along this transport path. The transforming station has a blow mould which can be opened and closed and which in a closed state forms a cavity inside which the plastic parisons can be transformed into the plastic containers by the application of a gaseous medium. The transforming station has a closing unit in order to close the blow mould and this closing unit has at least one component of the blow mould which is movable relative to another component of the blow mould. 1. An apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers with a transport device which transports the plastic parisons along a predetermined transport path , with at least one transforming station which is arranged in a stationary manner along this transport path , wherein the transforming station has a blow mould which can be opened and closed and which in a closed state forms a cavity inside which the plastic parisons can be transformed into the plastic containers by the application of a gaseous medium , and wherein the transforming station has a closing unit in order to close the blow mould and this closing unit has at least one component of the blow mould which is movable relative to another component of the blow mould , and wherein , furthermore , the transforming station has an application device , which can be applied to a region of the plastic parisons and/or of the blow moulds , in order to apply the gaseous medium to these plastic parisons , as well as a valve unit , in order to control the delivery of the gaseous medium to be delivered to the plastic parisons , wherein the closing unit has a wall surrounding the blow mould at least partially in a circumferential direction and the valve unit is arranged inside this ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144356A1

A one-step hydraulic blow molding system and method for forming a preform and a liquid filled container from the preform. The machine and method include a sealing mechanism that forms a seal primarily utilizing compressive forces in an axial direction to prevent the leakage of liquid blow medium. The sealing mechanism includes an axial end face of a forming head and an upper axial surface of a neck ring. 1. A hydraulic blow molding system for forming a preform and a plastic container from the preform during a one-step container molding process by injecting a liquid product into the preform , the system comprising:an injection core having exterior surfaces defining an interior shape of the preform;a preform mold assembly having interior surfaces cooperating to defining an exterior shape of the preform;a neck ring including radially inward facing surfaces defining a finish of the preform;a forming head including an injection nozzle, the injection nozzle defining a central passageway terminating in an exit orifice, the central passageway defining a central axis therethrough;a source of liquid blow medium coupled to the central passageway of the forming head;a container mold assembly having interior surfaces cooperating to define a mold cavity in the shape of the plastic container and within which a body of the preform is received;the hydraulic blow molding system characterized bya sealing mechanism associated with the forming head, whereby the forming head is configured to apply a sealing force in an axial direction, the forming head engaging the neck ring and the sealing mechanism including a primary seal defined between an axial end face of the forming head and an upper axial face of the neck ring to form a seal whereby molding medium injected into the preform through the central passageway to form the container is prevented from passing between the neck ring and the forming head.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing mechanism is further comprised ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140239557A1

In at least some implementations, a blow molding process provides that portions of the parison are engaged by one or more clamping devices disposed on or adjacent to the blow mold parts, and that the blow mold is opened whereby the parison is torn apart between the clamping devices, into two or more pieces of the parison. In other implementations, the clamping devices may be moved relative to the blow mold to tear the parison, or the parison may be torn by a combined movement of the blow mold parts and clamping devices. 1. A blow molding process for making a hollow body , in particular a fuel tank , comprising the following steps:placing a parison between parts of a blow mold;at least partially closing the blow mold whereby the end regions of the parison are closed in a gas tight manner;subjecting the interior space of the parison with a pressure medium whereby the parison is at least partially pressed against the blow mold parts and the hollow body is preformed;engaging portions of the parison with clamping devices;moving one or both of the blow mold parts relative to each other or at least one clamping device relative to the blow mold parts whereby the parison is torn between the clamping devices.2. The process of which also comprises placing at least one object between the torn apart pieces of the parison.3. The process of wherein the object is formed as a carrier for at least one fuel system component claim 2 , such as a fuel pump claim 2 , attached thereto.4. The process of wherein the clamping devices each comprise a groove into which groove material of the parison is received when the parison is subjected to the pressure medium.5. The process of wherein the clamping devices each comprise a clamping member which is adapted to be displaced relative to the blow mold parts claim 4 , and a stop surface disposed opposite to the clamping member claim 4 , wherein the groove is formed between the clamping member and the stop surface and wherein one or both of the ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154571A1

Blowing mold () for blowing thermoplastic material containers, comprising two half molds () and a device for the cyclic opening and closing of the half molds () which comprises a control shaft connected to the half molds by means of connecting rods () and a control hub (). The control hub is provided with a plurality of holes appropriately positioned so that by choosing the holes to which the connecting rods are hinged, it is possible to change the maximum opening angle of the mold. 1. A blowing mold for a thermoplastic material container , comprising two half molds hinged together and a cyclic opening and closing device adapted to reciprocally move away and approach the two half molds with an opening angle ranging from 0° in a closed position of the half molds to a maximum opening angle in a position of maximum opening of the two half molds ,the cyclic opening and closing device comprising a control shaft adapted to rotate about an axis thereof, a control hub integrally fixed to the control shaft, at least one first connecting rod and at least one second connecting rod, each having a first end hinged to a respective half mold and a second end hinged to the control hub, wherein a rotation of the control shaft by an angle of rotation β corresponds to the position of maximum opening of the two half molds,{'b': 1', '2', '2', '1, 'wherein the control hub is fixed in a removable manner to an end of the control shaft and is provided with at least three holes for hinging the second ends of said at least one first connecting rod and at least one second connecting rod, wherein the at least three holes define at least two different pairs of holes, of which a first pair defines a first maximum opening configuration of the half molds corresponding to a first maximum opening angle α, and a second pair defines a second maximum opening configuration of the half molds corresponding to a second maximum opening angle α, with α being smaller than α,'}and wherein the at least one first ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152683A1
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Company, L.P.

An aerosol container includes a main body portion that is constructed and arranged to withstand aerosol pressurization within a range that is about 90-180 prig and a threaded finish portion that is unitary with the main body portion. The threaded finish portion has at least one helical thread, a support ledge beneath the helical thread and a secondary flange that is positioned beneath the support ledge. The secondary flange has an outer circumference that is noncircular in at least one location, whereby it may be engaged during a capping operation to prevent rotation of the container during capping. A method of making an aerosol container in which a preform is capped before the blow molding process is also disclosed. 1. A method of assembling an aerosol container , comprising:providing a container having a threaded finish portion having at least one helical thread, a support ledge positioned beneath the threaded finish portion, the support ledge having at least one position-registering recess defined therein, and a secondary flange positioned beneath the support ledge, the secondary flange having an outer circumference that is noncircular in at least one location;preventing rotation of the container by engaging the noncircular portion of the secondary flange;screwing at least a portion of an aerosol dispensing closure assembly onto the threaded finish portion at a torque that is within a range of about 15 in-lbs to about 50 in-lbs; andpressurizing the container with an aerosol mixture having an aerosol propellant.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the support ledge has a first maximum outer diameter and the secondary flange has a second maximum outer diameter claim 1 , and wherein the second maximum outer diameter is substantially the same as the first maximum outer diameter.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the support ledge has a first maximum outer diameter and the secondary flange is a second maximum outer diameter claim 1 , and wherein the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167280A1

In at least some implementations, a blow molding apparatus provides that portions of the parison are engaged by one or more clamping devices disposed on or adjacent to the blow mold parts, and that the blow mold is opened whereby the parison is torn apart between the clamping devices, into two or more pieces of the parison. In other implementations, the clamping devices may be moved relative to the blow mold to tear the parison, or the parison may be torn by a combined movement of the blow mold parts and clamping devices. 1. An apparatus for making a hollow body by way of a blow molding process , comprising:a blow mold with at least two parts having edge regions that are disposed in a complementary opposed relation to each other; andclamping mechanisms oriented toward an inner region of the blow mold and provided at the edge regions, each clamping device having a groove that is variable in its width by means of a clamping element that is moveable from an open position to a clamped position to engage part of a parison received within the groove.2. The apparatus of wherein a stop surface is provided opposed to the clamping element and the clamping element is movable toward the stop surface when the clamping element is moved toward its clamped position to capture the material of the parison between the clamping element and the stop surface in the clamped position of the clamping element.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the clamping element is carried by one or more sliders that are movable relative to the parts of the blow mold.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein movement of the sliders relative to the parts of the blow mold causes tearing of the parison.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the sliders are driven by one or more actuators.6. The apparatus of wherein the parts of the blow mold are adapted to be moved apart in the clamped-shut setting of the clamping mechanism claim 2 , thereby tearing the parison between at least two clamping devices.7. The ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Blow mold unit, blow molding machine and blow mold unit fixing method

Номер: US20160167282A1
Принадлежит: Nissei ASB Machine Co Ltd

A blow mold unit in which, when clamping first and second blow cavity split molds which are fixed to first and second fixing plates and bottom molds which are fixed to a bottom mold fixing plate, pressure receiving members fixed to the first and second fixing plates are brought into engagement with the bottom plate fixing plate. Guide plates are fixed to the bottom mold fixing plate, and guided members capable of being brought into abutment with the guide plates are supported by first and second pressure receiving plates. The bottom mold fixing plate includes a first connecting portion to be connected to a bottom mold opening/closing unit and a second connecting portion to be connected to a moving and biasing member.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169926A1
Автор: OIKE Toshiteru

In a fixing member formed with an insertion hole for inserting an elevation rod , a communication hole communicating with the insertion hole is formed to open at a side surface of the fixing member . A key member is inserted into the communication hole and engaged with a key groove provided at the distal end of the elevation rod . By so doing, the elevation rod 111 and the fixing member are coupled together. 1. A blow mold unit , comprising;a blow cavity mold including a pair of split molds to be mold-clamped upon contact of parting surfaces thereof with each other, and forming a molding space for molding a hollow container having a push-up bottom;a bottom mold for forming a bottom surface of the molding space;a fixing member having an upper surface side to which the bottom mold is fixed, and a lower surface side to which an elevation rod provided in a raising/lowering device is connected; anda key member coupling the elevation rod and the fixing member together,wherein an insertion hole for inserting the elevation, rod is formed to open, on the lower surface side of the fixing member, and a communication hole communicating with the insertion hole is formed to open at a side surface of the fixing member, andthe key member is inserted into the communication hole and engaged with a key groove provided at a distal end of the elevation rod, whereby the elevation rod and the fixing member are coupled together.2. The blow mold unit according to claim 1 , further comprisinga restraint member provided at an opening peripheral edge of the communication hole of the fixing member, and provided with a rotating member pivotable between a first position where a distal end thereof opposes the communication hole and a second position where the distal end thereof lies outside the fixing member,wherein the restraint member is rotated from the second position to the first position, with the key member being inserted into the communication hole and kept in engagement with the elevation ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171732A1

An injection blow molding apparatus comprises: a first oil supply section which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from an oil tank to an injection mold drive unit provided in an injection mold unit; and a second oil supply section which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from the oil tank to a blow mold drive unit provided in a blow mold unit, the second oil supply section being provided independently of the first oil supply section. 14-. (canceled)5. An injection blow molding apparatus comprising: an injection unit; and', 'an injection mold unit configured to be operated by an oil pressure;, 'an injection molding section configured to form a preform by injection molding, the injection molding section including a first oil supply section including a hydraulic drive source and configured to supply oil from an oil tank to an injection mold drive unit of the injection mold unit, the hydraulic drive source including: a drive motor, whose number of revolutions is configured to be controlled; and a hydraulic pump; and', 'a controller configured to control the number of revolutions of the drive motor of the first oil supply section., 'a blow molding section configured to blow mold the preform and including a blow mold unit;'}6. The injection blow molding apparatus according to claim 5 , further comprising:a third oil supply section including a hydraulic drive source and configured to supply oil from the oil tank to an injection drive unit of the injection unit, the hydraulic drive source including: a drive motor, whose number of revolutions is configured to be controlled; and a hydraulic pump,wherein the third oil supply section is provided independently of the first oil supply section, andwherein the controller, which is configured to control the ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Die unit for blow molding, and blow molding device

Номер: US20200171735A1
Автор: Daizaburo TAKEHANA
Принадлежит: Nissei ASB Machine Co Ltd

The present application provides: first base members that respectively hold split molds disposed at both ends in a second direction, and are fixed to a mold clamping plate; second base members disposed between the first base members and having the split molds other than the split molds fixed to the first base members fixed thereto; and coupling members that couple the first base members and the second base members in a state that allows each of the pair of split molds to come into contact or separate. The present invention is configured such that the plurality of second base members follow the movement of the first base members.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210221042A1

Method for forming plastic preforms () into plastic containers (), wherein at least one and preferably a plurality of forming stations () for forming the plastic preforms () into the plastic containers () is arranged on a movable carrier () and these forming stations () are moved along a predetermined transport path at least temporarily during the forming process, wherein the forming stations () each have blow mould arrangements (), wherein blow mould parts () of these blow mould arrangements () are moved for opening and closing the blow mould arrangements (), and in a closed state of the blow mould arrangement () in a cavity formed by the blow mould parts () the plastic preforms () are formed into the plastic containers () by being acted upon by a flowable medium, wherein at least temporarily a value characteristic of the forming station () and/or of the blow mould arrangement () being measured by means of a measuring device (). According to the invention, the measurement is carried out by means of a measuring device () not arranged on the blow mould arrangement (). 11020410202446626466662641020468. Method for forming plastic preforms () into plastic containers () , wherein at least one and preferably a plurality of forming stations () for forming the plastic preforms () into the plastic containers () is arranged on a movable carrier () and these forming stations () are moved along a predetermined transport path at least temporarily during the forming process , wherein the forming stations () in each case having blow mould arrangements () , wherein blow mould parts ( , ) of these blow mould arrangements () being moved for opening and closing the blow mould arrangements () , and in a closed state of the blow mould arrangement () in a cavity formed by the blow mould parts ( , ) the plastic preforms () are formed into the plastic containers () by being acted upon by a flowable medium , wherein at least temporarily a value characteristic of the forming station () and/ ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194057A1

An actuator system for use in a mold system includes a first actuator operatively coupled to a first mold portion and configured to move the first mold portion along an axis in a first direction from a first molding position toward a first ejecting position. The system also includes a second actuator operatively coupled to a second mold portion and configured to move the second mold portion along the axis in the first direction from a second molding position toward a second ejecting position. The system further includes a controller in communication with the first and second actuators and configured to independently activate the first and second actuators. 1. An actuator system for use in a mold system , comprising:a first actuator operatively coupled to a first mold portion and configured to move the first mold portion along an axis in a first direction from a first molding position toward a first ejecting position;a second actuator operatively coupled to a second mold portion and configured to move the second mold portion along the axis in the first direction from a second molding position toward a second ejecting position; anda controller in communication with the first and second actuators and configured to independently activate the first and second actuators.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to activate the first and second actuators sequentially to move the respective mold portions in the first direction.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to activate the first actuator prior to activating the second actuator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first or second actuators includes a hydraulic actuator.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second actuators are configured to move the first and second mold portions claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , in a second direction opposite the first direction from the respective ejecting positions toward the respective molding positions.6. ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194058A1

A system for molding an object includes an articulated mold having an axis and a plurality of mold portions configured to collectively define a molding cavity for shaping the object when arranged in respective molding positions. The system includes a plurality of actuators, each operatively coupled to a respective mold portion and configured to move the respective mold portion along the axis from the respective molding position toward a respective ejecting position for releasing the object. The system includes a controller in communication with each of the plurality of actuators and configured to independently activate each of the plurality of actuators such that one of the plurality of mold portions moves along the axis from the respective molding position toward the respective ejecting position while at least one other of the plurality of mold portions remains stationary relative to the object in order to at least partially support the object. 1. A system for molding an object , comprising:an articulated mold having an axis and including a plurality of mold portions configured to collectively define a molding cavity for shaping the object when arranged in respective molding positions;a plurality of actuators, wherein each of the plurality of actuators is operatively coupled to a respective mold portion of the plurality of mold portions and configured to move the respective mold portion along the axis from the respective molding position toward a respective ejecting position for releasing the object; anda controller in communication with each of the plurality of actuators and configured to independently activate each of the plurality of actuators such that one of the plurality of mold portions moves along the axis from the respective molding position toward the respective ejecting position while at least one other of the plurality of mold portions remains stationary relative to the object in order to at least partially support the object.2. The system of claim 1 , ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Method for operating an apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers, and apparatus

Номер: US20200189149A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A method and apparatus for operating an apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers, wherein the apparatus has a movable carrier, on which a plurality of transforming stations are arranged for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers. The transforming stations each have at least two mould supports on which blow mould parts are arranged, which blow mould parts are components of a blow mould and form a hollow space within which the plastic parisons can be expanded into the plastic containers by application of a flowable medium. The mould supports are pivotable with respect to one another for opening and closing the blow mould and wherein furthermore the transforming stations have a latching mechanism which is configured to latch the two mould supports at least at times to one another such that an opening movement of the blow mould is prevented.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Method, device, working wheel, and molding station for producing filled containers from temperature-conditioned preforms

Номер: US20200189172A1

A method and a molding station for producing containers filled with a liquid filling material from preforms made of a thermoplastic material. Thermally conditioned preforms are molded into containers and filled with the liquid filling material, which is supplied to the preforms under pressure as a pressure medium in a multi-part mold of a molding station. The mold is movable from a closed state into an open state in order to repeatedly supply a preform and subsequently remove a completely molded and filled container. Molding of the preform into the container is performed against the mold inner wall when the mold is in the closed state. Liquid is removed from the mold between temporally successive supplying processes starting with the conversion of the mold from the closed state into the open state. A working wheel including such molding stations, and a device including such a working wheel are also disclosed.

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160221245A1
Автор: BOUCAUX Eric

A method for producing a fuel tank from plastic material including: inserting a plastic parison into an open mold including mold cavities; introducing at least one obstacle element between the mold cavities; and introducing a pressurized fluid into the parison to perform pre-blowing of the parison and applying a part of the parison against the obstacle element to prevent the part of the parison from being clamped between the mold cavities. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for producing a fuel tank from plastic material , comprising , in this order:a) inserting a plastic parison into an open mold comprising mold cavities;b) moving the mold cavities closer to close the mold;c) before complete closure of the mold, introducing a pressurized fluid into an interior of the parison to perform pre-blowing of the parison;d) once the mold cavities are in contact, carrying out a final blowing of the parison to press the parison onto the mold cavities of the mold with aid of the pressurized fluid;e) opening the mold and extracting the tank;wherein:before the pre-blowing of the parison, introducing at least one obstacle element between the mold cavities; andduring the pre-blowing of the parison, pressing a portion of the parison onto the obstacle element with aid of the pressurized fluid, to prevent the portion of the parison from being clamped between the mold cavities of the mold to obtain a weld-free exterior perimeter area.12. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the mold cavities of the mold each comprise at least one mobile portion and the mobile portions are configured to move closer to one another during the closure of the mold and to be assembled before the pre-blowing of the parison.13. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein at least one of the mold cavities of the mold comprises at least one mobile obstacle element.14. The method as claimed in claim 11 , further comprising mounting an accessory in the weld-free exterior perimeter area.15. The method as claimed ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245414A1

Method for operating an apparatus for forming plastic preforms into plastic containers, wherein in a working mode a plurality of forming stations are moved along a predetermined transport path by a movable carrier, wherein these forming stations in each case having blow mould arrangements which in a closed state in each case form cavities, within which the plastic preforms are formed into the plastic containers and the plastic preforms are supplied to these forming stations in order to be formed by supplying a flowable medium to the plastic containers, wherein this forming takes place at least temporarily during the transport of the forming stations along the transport path, and wherein at least temporarily at least components of the blow moulding arrangement are tempered. At least parts of the blow mould are pre-heated in a standstill of the carrier or a movement of the carrier, which is slower with respect to a movement of the carrier in the working mode. 1. A method for operating an apparatus for forming plastic preforms into plastic containers , wherein in a working mode a plurality of forming stations are moved along a predetermined transport path by a movable carrier , wherein these forming stations in each case having blow mould arrangements which , in a closed state , in each case form cavities within which the plastic preforms are formed into the plastic containers and the plastic preforms are fed to these forming stations , in order to be formed by supplying a flowable medium to the plastic containers , wherein this forming takes place at least temporarily during the transport of the forming stations along the transport path , and wherein at least temporarily at least components of the blow mould arrangement being tempered , whereinat least parts of the blow mould are pre-heated in a standstill of the carrier or a movement of the carrier which is slower with respect to a movement of the carrier in the working mode.2. The method according to claim 1 , ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140322376A1

A molding machine includes a machine table, a mold unit and a pair of positioning units. The mold unit includes first and second molds mounted on the machine table and movable between a mold-closing position and a mold-opening position. The first and second molds abut against each other in the mold-closing position. Each of the positioning units includes a first positioner connected to the first mold, and a second positioner connected to the second mold. When the first and second molds are in the mold-closing position, the first and second positioners are operable to move to a locked state, where the first positioner is held by the second positioner to restrain the first and second molds from deforming away from each other. 1. A molding machine comprising:a machine table;a mold unit including first and second molds that are mounted on said machine table and that are movable toward or away from each other in a first axis direction between a mold-closing position and a mold-opening position, said first and second molds abutting against each other to define a molding space therebetween in the mold-closing position, said first and second molds being spaced apart from each other in the mold-opening position;a drive unit mounted to said machine table for driving said first and second molds to move between the mold-closing position and the mold-opening position; anda pair of positioning units which are disposed respectively at two sides of said mold unit and which are spaced apart in a second axis direction perpendicular to the first axis direction, each of said positioning units including a first positioner that includes a lock member and that is connected to said first mold, and a second positioner that includes a clamp assembly and that is connected to said second mold;wherein, when said first and second molds are in the mold-closing position, said first and second positioners of each of said positioning units are operable to move from an unlocked state, where said lock ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180237230A1
Принадлежит: SMI S.p.A.

The present invention relates to a movement system of containers to and from operating units, in particular blowing units for bottles made of plastic material or filling units. 1. A movement system of containers to and from a processing unit of said containers , comprising:a rotating carousel at the perimeter of which a plurality of said processing units are arranged;a distribution unit of said containers, comprising at least one distribution star placed substantially at a tangent to said carousel and rotating in synchrony but in the opposite direction to said carousel, 'said distribution unit comprises a plurality of upper clamps for the transfer of a container to a respective processing unit and a plurality of lower clamps for the transfer of a container from said processing unit to said distribution unit,', 'wherein'} 'said processing unit comprises a clamp movable between an upper position at the level of said upper clamps of the distribution unit, to take a container by a respective upper clamp of the distribution unit, and a lower position at the level of said lower clamps of the distribution unit, for the transfer of said container to said processing unit.', 'and wherein'}2. The movement system according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution unit comprises a distribution star which comprises a plurality of upper clamps and a plurality of lower clamps claim 1 , in which the upper clamps are placed higher than the lower clamps and aligned therewith on a vertical axis.3. The movement system according to claim 2 , wherein the distribution star comprises a support disc rotatably supported on a support structure and rotated by a drive claim 2 , preferably a brushless motor claim 2 , the upper and lower clamps being mounted paired on a revolving stand hinged to the support disc.4. The movement system according to claim 3 , wherein the revolving stand can rotate claim 3 , in alternate directions claim 3 , around a vertical axis at least by an angle α between 60° and ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210291413A1

An actuator system for use in a mold system includes a first actuator operatively coupled to a first mold portion and configured to move the first mold portion along an axis in a first direction from a first molding position toward a first ejecting position. The system also includes a second actuator operatively coupled to a second mold portion and configured to move the second mold portion along the axis in the first direction from a second molding position toward a second ejecting position. The system further includes a controller in communication with the first and second actuators and configured to independently activate the first and second actuators. 1. An actuator system for use in a mold system , comprising:a first actuator operatively coupled to a first mold portion and configured to move the first mold portion along an axis in a first direction from a first molding position toward a first ejecting position;a second actuator operatively coupled to a second mold portion and configured to move the second mold portion along the same axis as the first mold portion and in the same first direction as the first mold portion from a second molding position toward a second ejecting position; anda controller in communication with the first and second actuators and configured to independently activate the first and second actuators.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to activate the first and second actuators sequentially to move the respective mold portions in the first direction.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to activate the first actuator prior to activating the second actuator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first or second actuators includes a hydraulic actuator.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second actuators are configured to move the first and second mold portions claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , in a second direction opposite the first direction from the ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200238589A1
Автор: Dorrmann Beate

Apparatus () for transforming plastic preforms () to form plastic containers () with a plurality of blow moulding stations (), wherein these blow moulding stations () each have a blow moulding device () which consists of two blow mould halves and a base mould, and wherein the blow moulding device in each case forms a cavity inside which the plastic preforms () can be transformed to form the plastic containers (), and which is releasably arranged indirectly or directly on blow mould supports (), wherein each blow moulding device has at least one temperature control device () with at least one electrical heating element () for temperature control of at least some regions of the blow moulding device (). According to the invention the apparatus () has at least one electrical connection () which can be automatically released and/or automatically made between at least one electrical heating element () and the blow moulding station (). 1110208814102016143032141328. Apparatus () for transforming plastic preforms () into plastic containers () with a plurality of blow moulding stations () , wherein these blow moulding stations () each have a blow moulding device () which consists of two blow mould halves and a base mould , and wherein the blow moulding device in each case forms a cavity inside which the plastic preforms () can be transformed to form the plastic containers () , and which is releasably arranged indirectly or directly on blow mould supports () , wherein each blow moulding device () has at least one temperature control device () with at least one electrical heating element () for temperature control of at least some regions of the blow moulding device () , characterised in that the apparatus () has at least one electrical connection which can be automatically released and/or automatically made between at least one electrical heating element () and the blow moulding station ().21141618. Apparatus () according to claim 1 , characterised in that the blow moulding ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Machine for forming and filling containers comprising a first closed loop and a second closed loop having a common part

Номер: US20160271858A1
Автор: Daniel DIESNIS
Принадлежит: DISCMA AG

A machine for shaping from a preform and filling with liquid successive containers. The machine includes forming stations comprising a main station and an elementary station. The machine further includes a series of elementary stations moving along a first closed loop and a series of main stations moving along a second closed loop. The first closed loop and the second closed loop including at least one common part wherein the main stations are coupled with the elementary stations and a distinct part wherein the main stations are separated from the elementary stations.

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150290865A1

A blow molding machine includes a support member and a moving mechanism that moves the support member to a projecting position a storing position. The blow molding machine includes a first fixed fulcrum shaft, and the support member includes a base end portion rotatably supported by the first fixed fulcrum shaft and a free end portion provided with a first movable fulcrum shaft. The moving mechanism includes a plurality of links connected rotatably to each other, one of the plurality of links being rotatably supported by the movable fulcrum shaft of the support member, and, when the support member is set at the projecting position, the plurality of links are maintained linearly by a first angle fixing tool, thereby enabling the plurality of links to serve as a leg portion that supports the free end portion of the support member. 1. A blow molding machine to which a mold component can be mounted , the blow molding machine comprising:a support member that supports the mold component carried into or out from the blow molding machine; anda moving mechanism that moves the support member to a projecting position at which the support member projects horizontally toward an outside of the blow molding machine and a storing position at which the support member is stored by the blow molding machine,wherein the blow molding machine includes a first fixed fulcrum shaft,wherein the support member includes a base end portion and a free end portion, the base end portion being rotatably supported by the first fixed fulcrum shaft, and the free end portion being provided with a first movable fulcrum shaft, andwherein the moving mechanism includes a plurality of links rotatably connected to each other, one of the plurality of links being rotatably supported by the first movable fulcrum shaft of the support member, and, when the support member is set at the projecting position, the plurality of links are maintained linearly by a first angle fixing tool, thereby enabling the plurality of ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150290866A1
Автор: TAKEHANA Daizaburo

In the process of closing a blow cavity split mold a roller is allowed to directly contact a bottom surface of a guide block and roll thereon. Thus, the mold clamping movement of the blow cavity split mold is guided, without clearance from the guide block Consequently, the upward movement of the blow cavity split mold is regulated. 14-. (canceled)5. A blow mold unit , comprising:a blow mold including a pair of split molds openably and closably supported on a machine base;guided members provided in the split molds at sites along an opening/closing direction of the split molds; andguide members which are provided on the machine base and which the guided members contact so as to roll relatively in accordance with opening and closing of the pair of split molds.6. The blow mold unit according to claim 5 , whereinthe guided members are each a rotating member rotating about an axis perpendicular to the opening/closing direction of the split molds, andthe guide members each have a rolling contact surface for regulating movement of the split molds in a direction crossing the opening/closing direction of the split molds upon rolling of the rotating member.7. The blow mold unit according to claim 6 , whereinan axis of rotation of the rotating member extends along a direction perpendicular to the opening/closing direction of the split molds,the guide member is a guide block having a bottom surface parallel to a surface including the opening/closing direction of the split molds and the axis of rotation of the rotating member, andthe rolling contact surface is the bottom surface of the guide block.8. A blow molding device comprising a blow mold unit having:a blow mold including a pair of split molds openably and closably supported on a machine base;guided members provided in the split molds at sites along an opening/closing direction of the split molds; andguide members which are provided on the machine base and which the guided members contact so as to roll relatively in ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297134A1
Автор: Tanner Marcel
Принадлежит: M. Tanner AG

An inspection and ejector unit for preforms for plastic containers in a transportation line, has at least one driver device which picks up preforms travelling from an inward conveyor device to the inspection and ejector unit, transports them further and passes on at least some of the preforms to an outward conveyor device, at least one detection device by which faulty preforms in the driver device are detected, and at least one ejection device by which preforms which are detected as faulty are removed from the driver device, and a corresponding method. 1. An inspection and ejector unit for preforms for plastic containers in a transportation line , comprising{'b': 8', '10', '2', '1', '10', '3, 'at least one driver device () which picks up preforms () travelling from an inward conveyor device () to the inspection and ejector unit (), transports them further and passes on at least some of the preforms () to an outward conveyor device ();'}{'b': 6', '10', '8, 'at least one detection device () by means of which faulty preforms () in the driver device () are detected; and'}{'b': 17', '25', '10', '8, 'at least one ejection device (, ) by means of which preforms () which are detected as faulty are removed from the driver device ().'}28. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the driver device () is configured in the form of a cam wheel which is driven about a vertical axis (X).31098. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that a preform () enters into engagement with each recess () of the cam wheel ().46. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the detection device () has at least one camera and one evaluation unit.517. The inspection and ejector unit as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the ejection device () is a pneumatic ejection device which is preferably configured in the form of an air pipe or else an air nozzle.617. The inspection and ejector unit ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170291346A1

A molding unit () for blow molding a container from a parison, the container including a wall portion and a base, the molding unit () including: 213335343317. A molding unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the wear ring () includes a flange () which radially protrudes from the guiding bushing () and by which the wear ring () is fixed to the bracket ().313534. A molding unit () according to claim 2 , wherein the flange () is integrally formed with the guiding bushing ().41331736. A molding unit () according to claim 2 , wherein the wear ring () is fixed to the bracket () by means of screws ().5133. A molding unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the wear ring () is made of a self-lubricating material.6133. A molding unit () according to claim 5 , wherein the wear ring () is made of an oil-impregnated metal.71. A molding unit () according to claim 6 , wherein said metal is bronze.8110213. A molding unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the cylinder jacket () is fixed to the mold sidewall () by means of screws ().91222222222. A molding unit () according to claim 1 , comprising a pair of half molds (A claim 1 , B) each defining half the mold sidewall () claim 1 , wherein the half molds (A claim 1 , B) are movable with respect to each other claim 1 , between an open position in which the half molds (A claim 1 , B) are spaced from each other and a closed position in which the half molds (A claim 1 , B) are in contact with each other to form together the whole counter print of the container wall portion.10110101022. A molding unit () according to claim 9 , wherein the cylinder jacket () is formed of a pair of half jackets (A claim 9 , B) each fixed to a respective half mold (A claim 9 , B).1111010412222101042224110101010. A molding unit () according to claim 10 , wherein each half jacket (B claim 10 , A) has a front edge () which claim 10 , in the closed position of the half molds (A claim 10 , B) claim 10 , protrudes from a parting plane (P) defined between the half ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Blow molding machine with automatically actuated base coupling

Номер: US20170291347A1
Автор: Florian Geltinger
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A system is provided for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers with at least one transforming station which has a blow mold within which the plastic parisons can be expanded by application of a gaseous medium, wherein the blow mold has a base part which is disposed releasably on a support, and with a first fastening mechanism in order to fasten the base part to the support, and wherein the blow mold has at least one side part which is disposed releasably on a support and a second fastening mechanism in order to fasten the side part to the support.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170291348A1

A blow molding device of the invention includes a pair of blow cavity split molds (A, B), a chuck member () that chucks a mouth portion () and conveys a preform (A), a blow core mold () that includes a tubular portion () which surrounds circumferences of the mouth portion and a flange () and introduces blow air into the preform, and a pair of projecting members (A, B) which have a halved ring shape and are provided detachably on each upper surface of the pair of blow cavity split molds. Each of the pair of projecting members includes an airtight sealing portion () which is in contact with a lower end face of the tubular portion of the blow core mold, and a positioning portion () which positions the flange of the preform. 1. A blow molding device for blow-molding a preform which includes a mouth portion , a body portion , and a flange provided between the mouth portion and the body portion into a container , the blow molding device comprising:a pair of blow cavity split molds;a chuck member that chucks the mouth portion and conveys the preform to the pair of blow cavity split molds which are opened;a blow core mold that includes a tubular portion which surrounds circumferences of the mouth portion and the flange of the preform and introduces blow air into the preform, after the chuck member is retracted from the preform which is disposed in the pair of blow cavity split molds which are closed; anda pair of projecting members which have a halved ring shape and are provided detachably on each upper surface of the pair of blow cavity split molds, an airtight sealing portion which is in contact with a lower end face of the tubular portion of the blow core mold, and', 'a positioning portion which positions the flange of the preform when the pair of blow cavity split molds are closed., 'wherein each of the pair of projecting members includes2. The blow molding device according to claim 1 ,wherein the airtight sealing portion has a lower wear resistance than that of the ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180290367A1
Автор: Hartwig Klaus

The invention concerns a method of manufacturing a container in a blowing mould, the blown container having a neck and a bottom aligned along a longitudinal axis and being enclosed within a blowing mould, the blowing mould comprising two side halves which are in contact with each other along a joint plane when the blowing mould is in a closed position, the blown container having at least one transverse dimension in a longitudinal cross-section including the longitudinal axis, characterized in that the method comprises a step of moving apart the two side halves of the blowing mould along a substantially transverse direction, the two side halves being moved apart from the joint plane over an overall distance that is less than the greatest transverse dimension of the blown container and that enables extraction of the blown container from the blowing mould. 1. Apparatus for manufacturing a container in a blowing mold , the apparatus comprising a blowing mold including a first side half and a second side half , the first side half comprises a first side half mold face and the second side half comprises a second side half mold face , the first side half mold face and the second side half mold face are in contact with each other along a joint plane when the blowing mold is in a closed position , the blowing mold enclosing a blown container , the blown container having at least one transverse dimension in a longitudinal cross-section including the longitudinal axis and a member for moving the first side half and the second side half apart along a transverse direction to separate the first side half mold face from the second side half mold face , the first side half and the second side half being both moved apart from the joint plane over an overall distance that is less than the greatest transverse dimension of the blown container and that enables extraction of the blown container from the mold.2. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus comprises an extractor ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283307A1

A container production method by liquid blow molding has a liquid blow molding step of supplying a pressurized liquid into a preform disposed in a metal mold to mold the preform into a container having a trunk that has a flat shape in a plan view and holds the liquid; and a transferring step of taking the container out from the mold and transferring the container in an approximate short axis direction of the trunk. 1. A container production method by liquid blow molding , comprising:a liquid blow molding step of supplying a pressurized liquid into a preform disposed in a metal mold to mold the preform into a container having a trunk that has a flat shape in a plan view and holds the liquid; anda transferring step of taking the container out from the mold and transferring the container in an approximate short axis direction of the trunk.2. The container production method according to claim 1 , wherein in the transferring step claim 1 , the metal mold is opened in the long axis directions of the trunk.3. The container production method according to claim 1 , in the transferring step claim 1 , the metal mold is opened in the short axis directions of the trunk claim 1 , and the container is transferred after changing the orientation of the container. The present disclosure relates to a container production method by liquid blow molding.Resin containers, typical examples of which are polypropylene (PP) bottles and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, are used to hold a variety of liquids, such as a beverage, a cosmetic product, a pharmaceutical product, a detergent, and a toiletry including shampoo, as the content liquids. Such a container is generally produced by blow molding a preform that has been formed by a thermoplastic resin material as mentioned above.As an example of blow molding in which a pressurizing medium is supplied into a preform to mold the preform into a container having a portion of a shape conforming to an inner surface of a cavity of a blow ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283308A1

A device including a drive mechanism and a mold carrier that is divided into a first part () and a second part () which are configured to hold a respective section () of a mold for forming a hollow container from a parison through the introduction of a gaseous or liquid pressurized medium under pressure into the parison. The first part () is connected to the drive mechanism () by a first part connection region () and is rotatable by the drive mechanism about an axis of rotation (A) such that the first part and the second part are transitionable between an open position and a closed position relative to each other. The first part connection region passes through a protective wall () that is arranged between and separates the mold carrier from the drive mechanism and thereby protects the drive mechanism against contamination on the mold carrier side. 17-. (canceled)8. A device comprising:a mold carrier configured to receive mold sections for forming a hollow container from a parison through the introduction of a gaseous or liquid pressurized medium under pressure into the parison; anda drive mechanism;wherein the mold carrier is divided into a first part that includes a portion for holding one of the mold sections, and a second part that includes a portion for holding another of the mold sections,wherein the first part of the mold carrier is connected to the drive mechanism by a first part connection region,wherein the first part is supported such that it is rotatable by the drive mechanism about an axis of rotation such that the first part and the second part are transitionable between an open position and a closed position relative to each other, andwherein the first part connection region passes through a protective wall that is arranged between and separates the portion of the first part of the mold carrier for holding one of the mold sections and the portion of the second part of the mold carrier for holding another of the mold sections from the drive mechanism.9 ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150306828A1

Apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers includes a transforming station having a blow mould within which plastic parisons can be expanded by application of a gaseous medium. The blow mould has a base part arranged releasably on a support. The transforming station has at least one first connector for supplying a flowable temperature control medium to the transforming station, and this supply of the temperature control medium can be disconnected via the connector. The fastening mechanism has a release element which is movable in a predetermined straight direction. By displacement of this release element into a first predetermined position fastening of the base part on the support is releasable and by displacement of this release element into a second predetermined position the base part can be fastened on the support. 1. An apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers , with at least one transforming station which has a blow mould within which the plastic parisons can be expanded by application of a gaseous medium , wherein the blow mould has a base part which is arranged releasably on a support , and with a fastening mechanism in order to fasten the base part to the support , wherein the transforming station has at least one first connector in order to supply a flowable temperature control medium to the transforming station , and this supply of the temperature control medium via the connector can be disconnected by removal of the base part from the support , wherein this fastening mechanism has a release element which is movable in a predetermined straight direction (L) , and by a displacement of this release element into a first predetermined position the fastening of the base part on the support is releasable and by a displacement of this release element into a second predetermined position the base part can be fastened on the support.2. An apparatus for transforming plastic parisons into plastic containers with at ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Mould for forming hollow articles from parisons

Номер: US20190291332A1

The present invention relates to a mold for molding hollow bodies from parisons. It is the object of the invention to provide such a mold having a closing mechanism, which allows the mold to be securely held closed even under high pressure and which is in addition easy to clean. The object is achieved according to the invention by a two-part mold ( 1 a, 1 b ) for molding hollow bodies, in particular containers, from parisons by way of a gaseous or liquid pressure medium introduced under pressure into the parison, in which at least a part of the mold ( 1 a, 1 b ) is supported so it is rotatable about an axis of rotation ( 3 ), and therefore the two parts are transferable from an open position into a closed position, and wherein each mold part ( 1 a, 1 b ) is connected to one end of a toggle lever ( 4 a, 4 b ) so it is rotatable about an axis ( 5 a, 5 b ) parallel to the axis of rotation ( 3 ). The two other ends of the two toggle levers are connected to one another and to an actuating mechanism ( 7, 8, 9 ) so they are rotatable about an axis ( 6 ) parallel to the axis of rotation. The mold is characterized according to the invention in that the toggle levers ( 4 a, 4 b ) are located shortly before their dead center in the closed position of the mold and the actuating mechanism ( 7, 8, 9 ) exerts an elastic force on the connecting axis ( 6 ) of the toggle levers ( 4 a, 4 b ) in the direction of their dead center.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Blow molding machine with molds moved mechanically and without the aid of electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices

Номер: US20170305060A1
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Co LP

An extrusion blow mold machine forming hollow containers. The machine has at least one pair of opposing half molds that combine to form a mold and define a mold cavity. Each of the half molds is positioned on a carrier plate and includes first, second, and third mold segments. The first and third mold segments can move with respect to each other and with respect to the second, fixed mold segment. A mechanical structure creates vertical movement of the first and third mold segments relative to the second mold segment as the mold opens horizontally, without the aid of any electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic device. A closing unit engages the carrier plate to move the carrier plate and its respective half mold toward and away from the opposing half mold and its respective carrier plate, thereby closing and opening the mold.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200307063A1
Автор: MAZZOTTO Filippo

A device for blow molding containers, which is provided with a supporting frame for at least one station for blow molding preforms in order to obtain containers, the blow molding station including two lateral bodies and a bottom which are adapted to provide by blow molding at least one container, at least one of the two lateral bodies being movable on command by way of means for cyclic opening and closing, with respect to the supporting frame, about an articulation axis that is substantially parallel to the axis of the at least one container, means being provided for kinematic connection between the at least one movable lateral body and the bottom and being adapted to produce cyclically the movement of the bottom along a movement direction substantially parallel to the; the cyclic opening and closing means include an actuation body which is supported by a first link rod which can be moved with respect to the supporting frame about a pivoting axis which is substantially parallel to the articulation axis (), the first link rod being kinematically connected to the at least one movable lateral body and being associated rotatably with a contoured body that defines a cam-like profile that can be engaged by at least one engagement element supported by the bottom. 19-. (canceled)10. A device for blow molding containers , which is provided with a supporting frame for at least one station for blow molding preforms in order to obtain containers , said blow molding station comprising two lateral bodies and a bottom which are adapted to provide by blow molding at least one container , at least one of said two lateral bodies being movable on command by way of means for cyclic opening and closing , with respect to said supporting frame , about an articulation axis that is substantially parallel to the axis of said at least one container , means being provided for kinematic connection between said at least one movable lateral body and said bottom and being adapted to produce ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327273A1

Disclosed are a water storage tank bladder, a manufacturing method therefor, the water storage tank including the bladder, and a water treatment apparatus including the water storage tank. According to one embodiment of the present invention, the water storage tank bladder used in the water storage tank to receive and store water and discharge the stored water has a lower side of which the thickness can be thicker than the thickness of the upper side of the bladder and thicker than the thickness of the lateral sides of the bladder.

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Molding Unit with Off-Center Neck Passage Opening

Номер: US20190315041A1

Disclosed is molding unit for the forming of containers made of thermoplastic material including: two half-molds delimited by a front joint face and by a rear assembly face, with the two half-molds being able to occupy a joined position via their joint face; and a molding cavity that is made of two parts in each joint face, where the cavity opens vertically upward via a passage opening. In the joined position, the assembly faces of the mold have two planes of symmetry that intersect at a central vertical axis of the mold. The central axis of the passage opening is offset transversely in relation to the central axis of the mold. 1306330. Molding unit () for the forming of containers made of thermoplastic material starting from preforms () , in particular by blow molding or stretch blow molding , with the molding unit () comprising:{'b': 32', '32, 'Two mold supports (A, B) that can move between an open position and a closed position;'}{'b': 40', '44', '44', '32', '32', '44', '44', '46', '52', '44', '44', '46', '32', '32, 'A mold () comprising at least two half-molds (A, B), each designed to be mounted on one of the associated mold supports (A, B), each half-mold (A, B) being delimited by a front joint face () and by a rear assembly face (), with the two half-molds (A, B) being able to occupy a joined position by their joint face () when the mold supports (A, B) occupy their closed position;'}{'b': 48', '46', '40', '48', '42', '12', '63, 'A molding cavity () that is made of two parts in each joint face () and that is recreated when the mold () occupies its joined position, where the cavity () opens vertically upward via a passage opening () that is designed to allow a neck () of the preform () to pass;'}{'b': 52', '40, 'In the joined position, the assembly faces () of the mold () have{'b': 1', '46', '42, 'A first transverse vertical plane (P) that extends along joint faces () and that passes through the center (C) of the passage opening (), and'}{'b': 2', '1', '1', '2 ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150343697A1

A blow mold unit in which, when clamping first and second blow cavity split molds which are fixed to first and second fixing plates and bottom molds which are fixed to a bottom mold fixing plate, pressure receiving members fixed to the first and second fixing plates are brought into engagement with the bottom plate fixing plate. Guide plates are fixed to the bottom mold fixing plate, and guided members capable of being brought into abutment with the guide plates are supported by first and second pressure receiving plates. The bottom mold fixing plate includes a first connecting portion to be connected to a bottom mold opening/closing unit and a second connecting portion to be connected to a moving and biasing member. 1. A blow mold unit comprising:first and second blow cavity split molds to be clamped together by bringing their parting faces into abutment with each other;a plurality of bottom molds defining a plurality of bottom shapes for a plurality of cavities which are defined by the first and second blow cavity split molds;first pressure receiving plates respectively fixed to both side faces of the first blow cavity split mold, which are located at both ends in a first direction along a direction in which the plurality of cavities are aligned;second pressure receiving plates respectively fixed to both side faces of the second blow cavity split mold and brought into abutment with the first pressure receiving plates when the first and second blow cavity split molds are clamped together;a first fixing plate to which the first blow cavity split mold and the first pressure receiving plates are fixed;a second fixing plate to which the second blow mold and the second pressure receiving plates are fixed;a bottom mold fixing plate to which the plurality of bottom molds are fixed;pressure receiving members respectively fixed to the first and second fixing plates and brought into engagement with the bottom mold fixing plate when the first and second blow cavity split ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170334122A1

An injection blow molding apparatus comprises: a first oil supply section A which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from an oil tank to an injection mold drive unit provided in an injection mold unit and a second oil supply section B which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from the oil tank to a blow mold drive unit provided in a blow mold unit the second oil supply section B being provided independently of the first oil supply section A. 1. An injection blow molding apparatus includingan injection molding section which is equipped with an injection unit and an injection mold unit to be operated by an oil pressure and which forms a preform by injection molding, anda blow molding section which is equipped with a blow mold unit to be operated by an oil pressure and which blow molds the preform,the injection blow molding apparatus, comprising:a first oil supply section which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from an oil tank to an injection mold drive unit provided in the injection mold unit; anda second oil supply section which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from the oil tank to a blow mold drive unit provided in the blow mold unit, the second oil supply section being provided independently of the first oil supply section.2. The injection blow molding apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a third oil supply section which has a hydraulic drive source composed of a drive motor, whose number of revolutions can be controlled, and a hydraulic pump and which supplies oil from the oil tank to an injection drive ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180345567A1

A method for fabricating containers wherein a molding apparatus is provided having a plurality of mold segments, each of which has two substantially opposite faces that form a mold cavity when abutted against an opposite face of an adjacent mold segment. A first mold segment is passed through a manipulation zone at an increased speed to open the mold cavity between the first and second mold segments. After a preform is positioned within the mold cavity, a second mold segment is passed through the manipulation zone at an increased speed to abut a face of the first mold segment against an opposite face of the second mold segment. A volume of a liquid is next injected into the preform, expanding the preform and forming the container. These steps are repeated and a container produced during the previous iteration is removed during an extracting step in an extracting manipulation zone. 1. A method for fabricating containers , comprising the steps of:(a) providing a molding apparatus having a plurality of mold segments, each of the mold segments being provided with at least two substantially opposite faces configured to form a mold cavity when abutted against an opposite face of another mold segment, the plurality of mold segments being disposed upon a guiding means conducting the mold segments in a cyclical succession along a closed path, the length of the closed path being greater than a total length of the mold segments when abutting against each other;(b) passing a first mold segment through a positioning manipulation zone disposed along the closed path at an increased speed relative to an adjacent second mold segment, thereby opening the mold cavity disposed within the first and second mold segments;(c) positioning a substantially tubular preform between the first and second mold segments, the preform defining a preform cavity and having a mouth disposed at an open end communicating with the cavity;(d) passing the second mold segment through the positioning ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200346387A1
Автор: Wahl Matthias

Provided is an apparatus for molding plastic preforms into plastic containers, with at least one blow molding arrangement, which includes at least a first mold carrier, a second mold carrier and a blow-molding device having at least two blow mold side parts and a base part, wherein the blow molding device can be releasably arranged on the mold carriers via a locking mechanism and forms a cavity inside which the plastic preforms can be molded into the plastic containers, wherein during the molding process, the mold carriers can be latched together by a latching device, and the apparatus includes a changeover robot which is suitable and intended for extracting the blow-molding device in an assembled state from the mold carriers. 1. An apparatus for molding plastic preforms into plastic containers , with at least one blow-molding arrangement , which comprises at least a first mold carrier , a second mold carrier and a blow-molding device having at least two blow mold side parts and a base part , wherein the blow-molding device can be releasably arranged on the mold carriers via a locking mechanism and forms a cavity inside which the plastic preforms can be molded into the plastic containers , wherein during the molding process , the mold carriers can be latched together by a latching device , and the apparatus comprises a changeover robot which is suitable and intended for extracting the blow-molding device , in an at least partially assembled state , from the mold carriers , wherein in a changeover mode , the mold carriers are operated to be opened or closed exclusively by at least one of the changeover robot , and the locking mechanism of the blow-molding device on the mold carriers can be actuated to be released or attached exclusively by at least one of the changeover robot , and the latching device can be operated by the changeover robot in a changeover mode.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein in an unlatched state claim 1 , the blow-molding device can ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200346391A1

The invention relates to a half-mold comprising a joint face; an opposing assembly face), where the longitudinal cross-section of the assembly face is in the form of an arc of a circle centered on a reference axis. The reference axis is offset longitudinally towards the front relative to the joint face. The invention also concerns a molding assembly, a molding unit and a forming facility comprising such half-molds. The invention also concerns a method for producing such half-molds and a method for producing a surface for receiving such half-molds. 138383838. A half-mold (A , B) for forming containers made of thermoplastic material of vertical orientation axis , notably by blow-molding or stretch blow-molding , the half-mold (A , B) comprising:{'b': 40', '42, 'a planar vertical transverse front joint face () provided with a molding half-cavity ();'}{'b': 46', '40', '46', '30', '26', '26, 'a vertical assembly face () that is opposite, in the longitudinal direction, the joint face () and has a convex curve, the assembly face () being intended to be housed in a complementary reception face () of an associated mold support (A, B);'}{'b': 46', '40, 'wherein, in longitudinal cross-section, the assembly face () has the form of a circular arc centered on a reference axis (X), said reference axis (X) being offset longitudinally forward relative to the joint face ().'}2383846464646464646. The half-mold (A claim 1 , B) as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the assembly face () comprises several vertical sections (A claim 1 , B claim 1 , C claim 1 , D claim 1 , E claim 1 , F) in the form of a cylinder segment centered on the reference axis (X).3383846. The half-mold (A claim 1 , B) as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the assembly face () has claim 1 , in longitudinal cross-section:{'b': 40', '46, 'a transverse chord (C) extending in the plane of the joint face () linking the free transverse ends of the assembly face (); and'}a longitudinal bisector (B) passing through the center (O) of ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180370111A1
Автор: TAKAHASHI Junji

A blow mold unit including: a blow mold including first and second blow cavity split molds and a plurality of raised bottom molds; first and second pressure receiving members; first and second fixing plates to which the first and second blow cavity split molds and the first and second pressure receiving members are respectively fixed; a third fixing plate interposed between the first and second fixing plates and to which the raised bottom molds are fixed at a first surface thereof; a pressure receiving rod extending down from a second surface; and a placement portion fixed to at least one of the first and second fixing plates and placing the third fixing plate thereon when the first and second blow cavity split molds are closed. The pressure receiving rod includes a first engaging portion engageable with a second engaging portion in a vertical direction. 1. A blow mold unit to be connected to first and second mold clamping plates movable such that they are symmetrical to each other by a mold clamping/mold opening device of a blow molding machine and an elevation device of the blow molding machine , the blow mold unit comprising:a blow mold including first and second blow cavity split molds to be clamped by bringing mold parting surfaces thereof into contact with each other, and a plurality of raised bottom molds that define a plurality of raised bottom shapes for a plurality of cavities defined by the first and second blow cavity split molds;first and second pressure receiving members that have parting surfaces and that receive mold clamping pressure by bringing the parting surfaces into contact with each other;a first fixing plate to which the first blow cavity split mold and the first pressure receiving member are fixed and to be connected to the first mold clamping plate;a second fixing plate to which the second blow cavity split mold and the second pressure receiving member are fixed and to be connected to the second mold clamping plate;a third fixing plate ...

13-03-2008 дата публикации

Blow Moulding Machine For The Moulding Of Containers, Comprising A Mould Base Which Is Biased Upwards

Номер: US20080063742A1
Принадлежит: Sidel Participations SAS

A blow moulding machine ( 10 ) for the manufacture of containers based on preforms, includes at least one rotating turntable ( 12 ) furnished with a console ( 16 ) supporting two half-moulds ( 20, 22 ) that are designed to form the body of the container and a mould base ( 32 ) that is designed to form the bottom of the container, of the type in which the mould base ( 32 ) is driven so as to slide vertically by a cam system ( 46 ), characterized in that the console ( 16 ) includes at least one return member that forces the mould base ( 32 ) towards its top position, and in that the cam system ( 46 ) includes a cam follower element ( 52 ) that is slidingly connected to the mould base ( 32 ) and that interacts with a control surface ( 54 ) oriented downwards.

25-02-2010 дата публикации

Moulding device for the production of containers made from a thermoplastic material

Номер: US20100047375A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a moulding device for producing vessels by blowing or stretch-blowing from preforms of a heated thermoplastic material, the device including at least one mould that has at least two half-moulds and a driving mechanism for moving the half-moulds between an open position and a closed position. The two half-moulds are hinged together for rotation about a hinge axis included in the junction plane and perpendicular to the axis of the moulding cavity, the hinge axis being located under the half-moulds, while a mechanism for locking the half-moulds in their closed position are also provided. Each half-mould includes an outer surface area capable of abutment with an inner surface area of the mechanism for locking the half-moulds in their closed position. The locking mechanism is in the form of a clamp capable of clamping the two half-moulds in their closed position.

26-11-2008 дата публикации

Apparatus for injection blow moulding

Номер: EP1995038A1
Автор: Otto Dr.-Ing. Appel
Принадлежит: TecPET innovation GmbH

The apparatus has a rack (3) and a form (9) and between them is an adjustable opening position which is having two halves and which is lockable. The interlocking device (18) is provided in a section of the frame (3) and which is arranged so that the shape of the two halves (5) absorbs, in its locking position when air is directly forced.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

blow molding

Номер: DE102013203085A1
Принадлежит: TI Automotive Technology Center GmbH

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Blasformverfahren zur Herstellung eines Hohlkörpers, insbesondere eines Kraftstoffbehälters, bei dem ein schlauchartiger Vorformling zwischen zwei Teilen einer Blasform angeordnet wird, die Blasform nicht vollständig geschlossen wird, wobei der Vorformling im Bereich seiner Enden gasdicht verschlossen wird, und der Innenbereich des Vorformlings mit einem gasförmigen Druckmedium beaufschlagt wird, wodurch der Vorformling gegen Innenwandungen der Blasformteile gedrückt und der Hohlkörper vorgeformt wird. Um eine einfache Art der Auftrennung des Vorformlings in zwei Hälften zu ermöglichen, wird gemäß der Erfindung vorgeschlagen, dass beim Vorformen des Behälters Partien des Vorformlings mittels an den Blasformteilen angeordneten Klemmvorrichtungen erfasst werden und dass beim Öffnen der Blasform der Vorformling jeweils zwischen den Klemmvorrichtungen in zwei Halbteile aufgerissen wird. The invention relates to a blow molding process for producing a hollow body, in particular a fuel tank, in which a tubular preform is arranged between two parts of a blow mold, the blow mold is not completely closed, wherein the preform is gas-tightly sealed in the region of its ends, and the interior of the preform is subjected to a gaseous pressure medium, whereby the preform is pressed against the inner walls of the blow molded parts and the hollow body is preformed. In order to enable a simple way of separating the preform into two halves, it is proposed according to the invention that, during the preforming of the container, portions of the preform are gripped by means of clamping devices arranged on the blow-molded parts and, when the blow-mold is opened, the preform in each case between the clamping devices in two Half parts are torn open.

03-09-2014 дата публикации

블로우 몰딩 방법 및 장치

Номер: KR20140106411A

적어도 몇 가지 실시예에 있어서, 적어도 몇 가지 실시예에 있어서, 블로우 몰딩 방법은 패리슨의 일부분들이 블로우 몰드 부분들 상에 배치되거나 인접하여 배치되는 하나 이상의 클램핑 장치에 의해 결합되고, 블로우 몰드의 개방에 의해, 패리슨이 클램핑 장치들 사이에서 2개 이상의 패리슨의 피스들로 파열 분리되는 것을 제공한다. 다른 실시예에 있어서, 클램핑 장치들은 패리슨을 파열시키기 위해 블로우 몰드에 대해 상대 이동될 수 있으며, 또는 패리슨은 블로우 몰드 부분들과 클램핑 장치들의 조합 운동에 파열될 수 있다.

16-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: JPH01142699A
Принадлежит: Japan Steel Works Ltd

(57)【要約】 【課題】 従来の中空成形機の型締装置においては、パ リソンの垂下方向と直交する水平方向において1個のト グル機構のみで金型の開閉を行っていたため、第2金型 保持体が左方向に傾斜するように押圧され、金型の合わ せ面にズレが発生し、成形品に大きいパーティングライ ンが生じ、外観不良となっていた。 【解決手段】 本発明による中空成形機の型締装置は、 金型開閉連動機構(50)のリアプレート(18)と金型(1)の 第2金型部(3)間に設けられ互いに逆方向に曲折する1 対のトグル機構(9,9A)を有し、各トグル機構(9,9A)の各 トグル(7,8,7A,8A)はパリソン(6)が垂下する方向に直交 する水平方向に移動しつつ曲折して金型(1)を開閉する ことにより、型締時の金型ズレを防止する構成である。

03-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CN101663151B
Принадлежит: Sidel SA


21-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN103101184B
Автор: 瓦尼·扎凯
Принадлежит: SMI SpA


07-12-2012 дата публикации

Moulding of plastics articles

Номер: KR101210160B1
Принадлежит: 콘스탄티노스 시데리스

종래의 유형의 사출 성형기에 사용하기 위한 복합 몰드 세트는 사출 성형기의 각각의 플래튼(12) 상에 장착된 복합 몰드 반부(10)로 이루어진다. 각각의 몰드 반부(10)는 프리폼을 성형하기 위한 사출 성형 캐비티(16)의 어레이와, 취입 성형된 제품으로 프리폼을 연신 취입 성형하기 위한 취입 성형 캐비티(18)의 어레이를 갖는다. 각각의 캐비티(16, 18)는 이들이 공통 몰드 분리 방향으로 개방되도록 배열된다. The composite mold set for use in a conventional type of injection molding machine consists of a composite mold half 10 mounted on each platen 12 of the injection molding machine. Each mold half 10 has an array of injection molding cavities 16 for molding a preform and an array of blow molding cavities 18 for stretching and blow molding the preform into a blow molded article. Each cavity 16, 18 is arranged such that they open in a common mold separation direction. 사출 성형기, 복합 몰드 세트, 복합 몰드 반부, 사출 성형 캐비티, 취입 성형 캐비티 Injection Molding Machine, Composite Mold Set, Composite Mold Half, Injection Molding Cavity, Blow Molding Cavity

22-10-1974 дата публикации

Blow molding apparatus

Номер: US3843286A
Автор: C Horberg, R Shelby
Принадлежит: Monsanto Co

An improved apparatus for rapidly and smoothly opening and closing partible sections of a blow mold which includes actuating means for substantially symmetrically reciprocating opposing blow mold sections on guide means into and out of abutting relationship with each other and means for intermittently imparting accelerating and decelerating motion to the actuating means. The actuating means preferably includes an eccentric member associated with each opposing mold section through a pivotally mounted crank. When the article being molded has a raised base portion, the mold may include special base means reciprocably mounted for movement in timed relation to the remaining sections of the blow mold.
