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10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587031C2
Принадлежит: РАВАЛ А.К.С. ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению и предназначено в качестве предохранительного гравитационного клапана в топливной системе транспортных средств. Гравитационный топливный клапан выполнен с герметизируемым поплавком модулем (10) канала текучей среды. Упомянутый клапан содержит поплавковый элемент (130, 230), который выполнен с возможностью смещения по оси внутри поплавкового корпуса между открытым положением и закрытым положением. Поплавковый элемент обычно поджат в направлении закрытого положения. Поплавковый элемент содержит открытую жидкостную камеру для сбора жидкости, таким образом участвуя в равновесии сил, действующих на поплавковый элемент. Изобретение направлено на повышение надежности срабатывания топливного клапана. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

05-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637586C2

Изобретение относится к резервуару для рабочей текучей среды, имеющему встроенный вентиляционный клапан и/или клапан выпуска воздуха, который также может называться запорный клапан, и к способу его изготовления. Резервуар (1) для рабочей текучей среды, имеющий вентиляционный клапан и/или клапан выпуска воздуха, причем резервуар (1) для рабочей текучей среды содержит вентиляционный клапан и/или клапан выпуска воздуха содержащий полый корпус (10) клапана, закрепленный во внутренней области резервуара для рабочей текучей среды. Внутренняя область (11) корпуса (10) находится в сообщении по текучей среде с вентиляционной линией (5) через вентиляционное отверстие (3). Область (11) находится в сообщении по текучей среде с внутренней областью резервуара для рабочей текучей среды через по меньшей мере одно вентиляционное отверстие (13). Вентиляционный клапан и/или клапан выпуска воздуха содержит тело (20) клапана, расположенное в области (11). В установленном положении резервуара (1) для рабочей ...

21-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730305C2
Принадлежит: РАВАЛ А.К.С. ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к запорным клапанам топливных баков (ЗКТБ), в частности, для использования с системами гибридных автомобилей. Запорный клапан топливного бака выполнен с возможностью сообщения по текучей среде с топливным баком и угольным фильтром топливной системы, причем ЗКТБ содержит интегрированный контроллер и соленоид, соединенный с клапаном, причем соленоид выполнен с возможностью перемещения между нормально закрытым положением, в котором клапан закрыт и предотвращает сообщение по текучей среде через первый путь прохождения потока ЗКТБ, и открытым положением, в котором клапан открыт и обеспечивает сообщение по текучей среде через упомянутый первый путь прохождения потока, причем указанный интегрированный контроллер выполнен с возможностью подачи сигналов срабатывания к соленоиду в ответ на сигналы, содержащие информацию о параметрах, полученные от одного или большего количества датчиков, связанных с топливным баком, при этом запорный клапан топливного бака выполнен с возможностью ...

07-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702297C2
Принадлежит: РАВАЛ Эй.Си.Эс. ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится в общем к клапанам сброса давления, в частности к клапанам сброса давления для паротопливных систем. Клапан (10) сброса давления выполнен для управления потоком текучей среды между первым каналом (12а) для текучей среды и вторым каналом (12b) для текучей среды. Клапан сброса давления содержит корпус (14), диафрагменный элемент (24), подвижно закрепленный внутри корпуса и содержащий отверстие (18) для текучей среды, первый отклоняющий элемент (20) для принудительного перемещения диафрагменного элемента в первом направлении и уплотнительный элемент (26), подвижно установленный в корпусе и выполненный с возможностью обратимой герметизации отверстия (18) для текучей среды. Когда давление во втором канале (12b) для текучей среды превышает первую предопределенную пороговую величину, диафрагменный элемент (24) прижимается к первому отклоняющему элементу (20), и уплотнительный элемент (26) вначале принудительно перемещается к отверстию (18) для текучей среды и затем выходит ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2403482C2
Принадлежит: РАВАЛ А.К.С. ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к запорной арматуре и предназначено для использования в качестве перекидного продувочного клапана, предотвращающего переполнение, в топливных баках транспортных средств. Перекидной продувочный клапан содержит корпус, снабженный впускным отверстием для текучей среды и выпускным отверстием для текучей среды, седло клапана, ограничивающее выпускное отверстие корпуса, плавучий элемент, размещенный в корпусе и перемещаемый в осевом направлении между запирающим положением и открытым положением. В запирающем положении запорный элемент прилегает с уплотнением к седлу клапана выпускного отверстия корпуса для запирания выпускного отверстия для текучей среды. В открытом положении запорный элемент отсоединен от седла клапана. Выпускное отверстие для текучей среды сообщается по потоку с впускным отверстием для текучей среды. Имеется устройство для поддержания давления, расположенное между седлом клапана и выпускным отверстием для текучей среды, выполненное с возможностью запирания ...

28-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2646013C2
Принадлежит: РАВАЛ Эй.Си.Эс. ЛТД. (IL)

Группа изобретений относится к гравитационному паротопливному клапану, вариантам паротопливной системы и вариантам топливного бака. Клапан содержит корпус с впускным и выпускным патрубками клапана и поплавковый элемент. Корпус содержит канал для текучей среды и представляет собой трубчатый корпус с внутренним радиусом, вмещающий стакан, неподвижно размещенный внутри него и ограничивающий внутреннее пространство, с поплавковым элементом. Стакан содержит пару боковых пластин. Паротопливная система содержит сегменты паротопливных труб и гравитационный паротопливный клапан. Ограничивающий клапан гравитационного клапана содержит впускной и выпускной патрубки и поплавковый элемент. Другой вариант паротопливной системы содержит гнущийся сегмент, сплюснутый сегмент, первый сегмент и выпускное отверстие для соединения с выходным отверстием топливного бака. Бак содержит паротопливную систему транспортного средства, установленную внутри него и содержащую гнущийся сегмент, сплюснутый сегмент, первый ...

23-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695435C2

Изобретение относится к баку (1) для вмещения топлива, при этом указанный бак (1) содержит продувную систему (2), содержащую заслонку (4) для закрытия отверстия (3), выполненного в баке (1), при этом указанная заслонка (4) связана с поплавком (7) и установлена шарнирным образом в баке (1), принимая, таким образом, закрытое положение вследствие выталкивания поплавком (7), когда уровень топлива в баке (1) достигает определенного порога, и открытое продувное положение, достигаемое под действием поплавка (7), когда уровень топлива ниже указанного порога. Заслонка (4) содержит клапан (8), управляемый средствами (13), способными открывать клапан (8), когда заслонка (4) находится в закрытом положении и уровень топлива ниже указанного порога. Технический результат: создание топливного бака, оборудованного продувной системой, которая является безопасной и позволяет – оптимально при любых обстоятельствах – обеспечить функцию продувки бака с целью исключить избыточное давление внутри указанного бака ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU137512U1

Устройство улавливания паров углеводородов на АЗС, содержащее резервуар с парами углеводородов, ресивер, компрессор, холодильник, кран, резервуар с дизельным топливом, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно происходит отбор паровоздушной смеси из бака автомобиля с помощью заправочного пистолета с резиновым уплотнением и дополнительным каналом для отвода паровоздушной смеси из бака автомобиля, датчик давления для включения компрессора, после ресивера установлен клапан для равномерной и стабильной загрузки системы, вертикальный полимерный мембранный фильтр селективного действия, позволяющий снизить энергозатраты на разделение паровоздушной смеси, резервуар с топливом "Нормаль-80" для сбора конденсируемой фракции паровоздушной смеси.

27-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007109447A

... 1. Перекидной клапан, выполненный с возможностью предотвращения перелива, содержащий корпус, определяющий ограниченное пространство и снабженный одним или более впускными отверстиями для впуска текучей среды в указанное ограниченное пространство, выпускную камеру для текучей среды в верхней части корпуса, сообщающуюся по потоку с выпускным каналом; первое выпускное окно, проходящее между ограниченным пространством и указанной выпускной камерой, и второе выпускное окно, проходящее между ограниченным пространством и указанной выпускной камерой; блок клапана, расположенный в ограниченном пространстве и содержащий плавучий элемент первой ступени, взаимодействующий с первым выпускным окном, и плавучий элемент второй ступени, взаимодействующий со вторым выпускным окном, причем указанные плавучие элементы установлены с возможностью перемещения в ограниченном пространстве по параллельным осям между открытым положением и закрытым положением, при этом плавучий элемент первой ступени, по меньшей мере ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556812C1

Изобретение относится к вентиляционному клапану для контроля внутреннего давления в баке топливного бака. Вентиляционный клапан имеет, по меньшей мере, один корпус с, по меньшей мере, одним первым соединением с топливным баком, и с, по меньшей мере, одним вторым соединением, которое может быть соединено с продувочной линией, ведущей к фильтру паров топлива. Вентиляционный клапан содержит, по меньшей мере, один клапанный элемент, который удерживается в седле клапана в положении, в котором он закрывает первое соединение посредством силы тяжести и/или подпружинивания и после того, как заданный порог давления превышен, поднимается от седла клапана, а когда заданный порог давления снижен, возвращается в исходное положение. Клапанный элемент и/или направляющая деталь клапанного элемента имеет/имеют, по меньшей мере, одно выпускное отверстие, которое образует перепускной канал для разрыва потока, который возникает, например, во время обратного движения клапанного элемента. Исключается возможность ...

12-03-1998 дата публикации

Motor vehicle IC engine fuel-tank ventilation

Номер: DE0019701353C1

The method unit of ventilating a tank for IC engine involves using a lambda control for regulating the air/fuel mixture supplied to the IC engine, and in which the fuel vapour is temporarily stored in an absorption container (21) containing an active carbon filter (22) having a loading index (AKF, BEL) dependent on the mass of the absorbed fuel vapour. The loading index of the filter (22) is determined and a desired coil current (M TEV SPUL) is calculated independently of the loading index and a given value for max. possible fuel mass flow through the tank ventilating valve (24). The duty cycle is adjusted for the ventilating valve depending on the desired coil valve depending on the desired coil current, the temp. of the coil flow (TANS) and the pressure drop at the ventilating valve (24) so that the lambda deviation (DLAM TE) of a lambda control unit does not exceed a given maximum value.

12-04-2001 дата публикации

Adsorbtionsfilter für Brennstoffdämpfe

Номер: DE0003935209C2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Adsorbtionsfilter für Brennstoffdämpfe, insbesondere für Kraftfahrzeuge, wobei die im Adsorbtionsfilter aufgenommenen Brennstoffdämpfe durch eine Ventilationseinrichtung ausgespült werden, so daß das Adsorbtionsfilter wieder regeneriert wird. DOLLAR A Im weiteren werden konstruktive Maßnahmen beschrieben, um die Wirkungsweise des Adsorbtionsfilters zu verbessern und den Funktionsablauf zu vereinfachen.

21-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069515998T2

07-02-1991 дата публикации

Gas mixture present in vehicle fuel tank - is stored, when filling tank, in expansion bellows inside second tank

Номер: DE0004032041A1

When filling up a vehicle fuel tank (2), the gas mixture present in the empty tank passes into an expansion bellows (4), instead of to the atmosphere via the filler cap (1). The gas is removed from the expansion beloows, which is fitted inside a second tank, via a pipe connection (5) to the engine. Pref. the pipe is connected to a low pressure area of the carburett-or (8). USE/ADVANTAGE - Fuel fumes do not escape to the atmosphere, but are usefully current in the IC engine of a vehicle.

05-06-1985 дата публикации

Container installation for liquids, epecially tank installation for motor vehicles

Номер: DE0003342871A1

A container installation for liquids, especially a tank installation for motor vehicles, is proposed which has at least two laterally spaced liquid containers which, on the one hand, communicate with one another via an overflow line in the lower region and, on the other hand, are connected to one another via an aeration/deaeration line which is arranged at a distance from the upper walls of the container and has line sections which are located inside the liquid containers, lead upwards and terminate in the region of the upper container walls. One of the liquid containers is provided with a removable container seal which preferably ensures both aeration and deaeration. A float valve is assigned to each open end of the line sections leading upwards in the liquid containers, which float vlave seals the line section when a predetermined filling level has been reached or when there is a danger of liquid sloshing into the line section. The float valves therefore keep the deaeration lines free ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Entlüftungsventil eines Tanksystems eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102018201269A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Entlüftungsventil eines Tanksystems eines Fahrzeugs, umfassend ein Gehäuse mit einem Zulauf, der an einen Tank anschließbar ist, einer Ausperlkammer, in die der Zulauf mündet, und einer Ventilkammer, in die die Ausperlkammer mündet und die zumindest eine Atmosphärenöffnung aufweist, einen aufschwimmbaren Ventilkörper in der Ventilkammer, und einen Ventilsitz in der Ventilkammer, an dem der schwimmende Ventilkörper dichtend anliegt.

29-03-2001 дата публикации

Tankeinsatz und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0019943673A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Einsatz (1) aus thermoplastischem Material zur Verbindung mit einem Kraftstofftank als eine Anschlußöffnung desselben auskleidendes und/oder einen Sitz für ein Anschlußelement bildendes Bauteil. Der Einsatz (1) zeichnet sich dadurch aus, daß er durch Preßformen eines für Kohlenwasserstoffe schwer permeablen Laminats erhalten wurde.

29-05-2019 дата публикации

Füllgrenzen-Entlüftungsventil für Kraftstoffbehälter

Номер: DE112017004111T5

Kurzbeschreibung: Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Füllgrenzen-Entlüftungsventil (FLW: Fill Limit Vent Valve) für Kraftstoffbehälter, das die Einfüllöffnung des Kraftstoffbehälters automatisch verschließt, wenn dem Kraftstoffbehälter eines Fahrzeugs die richtige Menge von Kraftstoff zugeführt wird bzw. den Verdampfungsgas-Auslassanschluss automatisch verschließt, wenn während der Fahrt der Kraftstoff im Kraftstoffbehälter schwappt oder durch einen Unfall das Fahrzeug umstürzt. Durch Strömungsminimierung infolge einer strukturellen Verbesserung von Schwimmern und Platten wird eine sichere Abdichtung (sealing) ermöglicht, durch Anwendung von Schwimmern und Platten in einer Halbmondform wird eine Größenoptimierung erreicht und durch Ermöglichung einer Gewichtszunahme von Schwimmern und Platten wird die Wiederöffnungsleistung verbessert. Um dies zu erreichen, ist die vorliegende Erfindung dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie aus einer oberen Abdeckung (100), die an einem Kraftstoffbehälter ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012022341A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Flüssigkeits-Dampfabscheider (1) für einen Kraftstoffbehälter für Kraftfahrzeuge, umfassend ein Gehäuse (2) mit einem Tropfensammelraum (9) für dampfförmigen Kraftstoff. Das Gehäuse (2) ist mit einem Anschlussquerschnitt (4) versehen, der in Einbaulage in einen von einem Einfüllrohr des Kfz umschlossenen Raum mündet. Der Flüssigkeits-Dampfabscheider (1) umfasst wenigstens einen ersten Anschluss (6) für eine Betankungsentlüftungsleitung des Kraftstoffbehälters, der in den Tropfensammelraum (9) mündet, einen zweiten Anschluss für eine Betriebsentlüftungsleitung des Kraftstoffbehälters und einen dritten Anschluss (8) für eine Entlüftungsleitung zu einem Kraftstoffdampffilter. Der Flüssigkeits-Dampfabscheider (1) gemäß der Erfindung umfasst weiterhin wenigstens ein Ventil, das bei der Betankung des Kfz wenigstens einen Betriebsentlüftungsweg (12) von dem zweiten Anschluss an das Kraftstoffdampffilter verschließt, wobei der Betriebsentlüftungsweg (12) als den Tropfensammelraum ...

17-05-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003811438C2

03-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020319920U1

Entlüftungsventil für den Kraftstofftank eines Fahrzeugs, mit einem, zur Befestigung in der Wandung des Tanks bestimmten Gehäuse (1), welches oberseitig eine Auslassöffnung (6) und im übrigen wenigstens eine mit dem Kopfraum (23) des Tanks zu verbindende Einlassöffnung (4) aufweist, wobei innerhalb des Gehäuses (1) ein mittels einer Feder auf dessen Boden (1') gestützter Schwimmkörper (3) in Längsrichtung des Gehäuses (1) beweglich angeordnet ist, wobei im Bereich der Auslassöffnung (6) ein durch deren Berandung definierbarer Ventilsitz (19) gebildet ist, der mit einer nach Maßgabe der Bewegung des Schwimmelements (3) zwischen einre die Auslassöffnung (6) schließenden und einer diese freigebenden Stellung bewegbaren Dichtelement in Wirkverbindung steht, wobei in der Schließstellung des Ventils das Dichtelement zwischen dem Ventilsitz (19) einerseits und einer , mit dem Schwimmelement (3) in Verbindung stehenden Gegenfläche andererseits fixiert ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Dichtelement ...

06-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059907203D1

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Kraftstoffbehälter mit Einlassrückschlagventil

Номер: DE102015221227A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kraftstoffbehälter (10) mit einem über ein Einlassrückschlagventil (34) in den Kraftstoffbehälter (10) mündenden Einfüllrohr (22) und mit einer Entlüftungseinrichtung zum Ableiten von Kraftstoffdämpfen aus dem Kraftstoffbehälter (10). Gemäß der Erfindung weist die Entlüftungseinrichtung mindestens eine im Inneren des Kraftstoffbehälters (10) verlaufende und mit einem offenen Ende in ein Gasvolumen im Bereich einer oberen Wandpartie des Kraftstoffbehälters (10) mündende Entlüftungsleitung (32; 38, 40; 50, 52) auf, wobei die mindestens eine Entlüftungsleitung (32; 38, 40; 50, 52) derart geführt ist, dass sie einen Siphon im Bereich einer unteren Wandpartie bildet, und wobei das Einlassrückschlagventil (34) einen Bypassanschluss (68) aufweist, an den die mindestens eine Entlüftungsleitung (32; 38, 40; 50, 52) angeschlossen ist.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ermitteln einer Leckage in einem Dampfmanagementsystem eines Kraftstoffsystems eines Kraftfahrzeugs sowie Dampfmanagementsysteme für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit Mitteln zum Ermitteln von Leckagen

Номер: DE112012005026B4

Verfahren zum Ermitteln einer Leckage in einem Dampfmanagementsystem (10) eines Kraftfahrzeugs, wobei das System (10) umfasst: einen Kraftstofftank (12) mit flüssigem Kraftstoff (46) darin und mit einen Dampfhohlraum (28) oberhalb des flüssigen Kraftstoffs (46); einen Dampfsammelkanister (14); ein Tankdrucksteuerventil (16) zwischen dem Tank (12) und dem Kanister (14) und welches eine Hochdruckseite (34), welche den Kraftstofftank (12) umfasst, und eine Niederdruckseite (32) definiert, welche den Kanister (14) umfasst; eine Unterdruckquelle (18); ein Entlüftungsventil (19) zwischen dem Kanister (14) und der Unterdruckquelle (18); ein Leckagedetektionsventil (20), welches mit dem Kanister (14) verbunden ist; und einen Prozessor (30), wobei das Verfahren die Schritte umfasst: Bereitstellen eines Fühlerrohrs (47) in dem Tank (12), wobei das Fühlerrohr (47) ein offenes Ende (48) aufweist, welches in der Nähe eines Bodens (50) des Tanks (12) angeordnet ist, so dass Kraftstoff (46) in dem Tank ...

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Ventil zur Begrenzung des Tankdrucks eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102007025048B4

Ventil zur Begrenzung des Tankdrucks eines Kraftfahrzeugs, umfassend eine erste Leitung (1) und eine zweite Leitung (2), welche strömungsverbindbar sind, indem zumindest ein Körper (3, 4) relativ zu einem weiteren Körper (4, 3) bewegbar ist, wobei der bewegbare Körper (3, 4) von einem Dichtsitz (5) abhebt und wobei ein erster Körper (3), ein zweiter Körper (4) und der Dichtsitz (5) eine in ihrer Gesamtheit bewegliche Einrichtung (6) ausbilden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die erste Leitung (1) von der zweiten Leitung (2) durch eine Rollmembran (15) fluiddicht abgetrennt ist, welche an einer Abstützsschulter (16) anlegbar ist.

08-07-1971 дата публикации

Kraftstoffbehaelter,insbesondere fuer Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0001964124A1

01-12-1994 дата публикации

In eine Öffnung eines Kraftstofftanks einsetzbarer Tankeinsatz

Номер: DE0009416414U1

05-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002422165A1

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Speicherung einer Harnstofflösung

Номер: DE102013213068A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Speicherung einer Harnstofflösung (2) in einem Kraftfahrzeug, wobei die Vorrichtung (1) einen durch fluiddichte Außenwände gebildeten Tank (3) zur Aufnahme der Harnstofflösung (2), ein das Innere (8) des Tankes (3) mit einem Befüllkopf (9) verbindendes Befüllrohr (7) und eine das Innere (8) des Tankes (3) mit dem Befüllkopf (9) verbindende Entlüftungsleitung (10) umfasst. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass eine Entlüftungsöffnung (11) in der Außenwand des Tankes (3) von einem gegenüber der Außenwand hervorstehenden Entlüftungsnippel (13) begrenzt ist und über ein im Inneren (8) des Tankes (3) angeordnetes Entlüftungsrohr (14) mit dem Inneren (8) des Tankes (3) strömungsoffen verbunden ist.

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Über-/Unterdrucklüftungseinrichtung für einen Brennstofflagertank

Номер: DE0019907709B4

Über-/Unterdrucklüftungseinrichtung, die an einem Lagertank montierbar ist, und ein Ventilgehäuse (3), welches eine Kammer definiert, die in Fluidverbindung mit dem Lagertank steht, wenigstens ein Ventil (37), welches auf einen Überdruckzustand im Tank zu dessen Druckentlastung anspricht, sowie wenigstens ein Ventil (33) aufweist, welches auf einen Unterdruckzustand im Tank anspricht zum Ausgleich eines in dem Tank herrschenden Vakuums, wobei zumindest das wenigstens eine Ventil, welches auf den Unterdruckzustand innerhalb des Lagertanks anspricht, ein Membranventil (33a, 33b) ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Membranventil (33a, 33b) einen Ventilkörper (71) besitzt, welcher innerhalb eines Lüftungsgehäuses (5) montiert ist, wobei der Ventilkörper (71) eine erste und eine zweite Seite besitzt und eine Membran (97) auf einer ersten Seite des Ventilkörpers (71) in einem Abstand von der Oberfläche der ersten Seite montiert ist zur Bildung einer Membranventilkammer (107) mit einem ersten ...

07-06-2001 дата публикации

Tank closure arrangement has pressure relief valve with actuation drive for opening it when activated by controller connected to sensor that detects opening of closure cover

Номер: DE0019956350A1

The arrangement has a tank connector (2), a closure element (11,13) within the tank connector and a pressure relief valve (35) with an actuation drive for opening it when activated by a controller connected to a sensor. The sensor detects opening of a closure cover and generates a signal causing activation of the actuating drive. A motor for actuating the tank closure arrangement also acts as the actuating drive (15).

31-05-2001 дата публикации

Valve for fuel tank in motor vehicles has pressure valve mounted on valve housing and opening at predetermined excess pressure in tank and with filling ventilation opening closable

Номер: DE0019956931A1

The valve housing contains a float valve and a pressure valve (30) which opens at a predetermined excess pressure in the fuel tank (1). The valve housing also has a filling/ventilation opening (15) which can be closed by a sealing plate (18, 20) which is displaceable in the longitudinal direction of the float (9a) and is guided through the float housing (13). The sealing plate also has an operating ventilation opening (22) which can be closed by a closing part formed on the float. At maximum filling level (6) both the ventilation opening for filling ventilation and for operating ventilation are closed by the float and sealing plate.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Ventileinheit mit Spülluftpumpe

Номер: DE102014216454A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Ventileinheit (9) mit Spülluftpumpe (7) zur Verwendung im Kraftstofftanksystem (1) eines Verbrennungsmotors (2) mit einem Kraftstofftank (16) und einem Speicherelement (19) zur temporären Speicherung von Kohlenwasserstoffen (23), wobei der Kraftstofftank (16) und das Speicherelement (5) derart miteinander verbunden sind, dass die Kohlenwasserstoffe (23), die aus einem im Kraftstofftank (16) befindlichen Kraftstoff (17) ausgasen, in dem Speicherelement (19) eingespeichert werden, wobei das Speicherelement (19) mit der Spülluftpumpe (7), die eine Saugseite (21) und eine Druckseite (22) aufweist, verbunden ist, wobei mit der Spülluftpumpe (7) Frischluft (24) zu dem Speicherelement (19) förderbar ist, wodurch die Kohlenwasserstoffe (23) aus dem Speicherelement ausgelöst und dem Verbrennungsmotor zur Verbrennung zuführt werden. Um eine Ventileinheit (9) mit Spülluftpumpe (7 anzugeben, die derart ausgebildet ist, dass die Dichtheit eines Kraftstofftanksystems regelmäßig ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Entlüftungseinrichtung für eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine, insbesondere eines Kraftwagens

Номер: DE102018000705A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Entlüftungseinrichtung (10) für eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine, mit wenigstens einer Entlüftungsleitung (12) zum Abführen eines Gases aus wenigstens einer der Verbrennungskraftmaschine zugeordneten Komponente, mit wenigstens einer fluidisch mit der Entlüftungsleitung (12) verbundenen Gegenleitung(14), in welche das Gas aus der Entlüftungsleitung (12) einleitbar ist, und mit wenigstens einer Diagnoseleitung (18), mittels welcher eine Leckage der Entlüftungsleitung (12) erfassbar ist, wobei die Diagnoseleitung (18) separat von der Entlüftungsleitung (12) ausgebildet, reversibel lösbar mit der Entlüftungsleitung (12) verbunden und an wenigstens einer Stelle (S) unabhängig von der Entlüftungsleitung (12) an der Gegenleitung (14) befestigt ist.

27-01-2000 дата публикации

Kapazitiver Flüssigkeitssensor und Ventil mit einem solchen Sensor

Номер: DE0029917910U1

04-05-2016 дата публикации

Adsorptionseinheit für die Adsorption von Treibstoffdämpfen in einer Tankentlüftung

Номер: DE102014115888A1

Adsorptionseinheit (10) für die Adsorption von Treibstoffdämpfen in einer Tankentlüftung (110) eines Treibstofftanks (100), aufweisend einen Adsorptionsbehälter (20), welcher zumindest teilweise mit Adsorptionsmaterial (22) gefüllt ist, mit einem Frischluftanschluss (24), einem Tankanschluss (26) und einem Spülanschluss (28), wobei an dem Frischluftanschluss (24) eine Frischluftleitung (30) angeschlossen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in der Frischluftleitung (30) ein Durchbruchbehälter (40) angeordnet ist, welcher zumindest teilweise mit Adsorptionsmaterial (42) gefüllt ist und einen Temperatursensor (44) aufweist für die Überwachung der Temperatur des Adsorptionsmaterials (42) im Durchbruchbehälter (40).

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Ventil für eine Tankbelüftung

Номер: DE102013112586A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Ventil (1, 26, 40) für eine Tankbelüftung mit einem Gehäuse (21), einem Schließglied (4), einem Dichtsitz (5), einem ersten Raum (17) und einem zweiten Raum (18), wobei die zwei Räume über eine Steueröffnung (19) miteinander verbunden sind, wobei der Dichtsitz (5) die Steueröffnung (19) umgibt, wobei das Schließglied (4) in einer Schließstellung dichtend auf dem Dichtsitz (5) aufsitzt, mit einem Spannmittel (6), wobei das Spannmittel (6) das Schließglied (4) in die Schließstellung gegen den Dichtsitz (5) vorspannt, wobei das Schließglied (4) in der Schließstellung die Steueröffnung (19) verschließt, wobei das Schließglied (4) abhängig von einem Druckunterschied zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Raum (17, 18) in eine Offenstellung bewegbar ist, wobei das Schließglied (4) in der Offenstellung vom Dichtsitz (5) abgehoben ist und die Steueröffnung (19) geöffnet ist, wobei der erste Raum (17) mit einer ersten Leitung (2) verbunden ist, wobei die erste ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Kraftstoffbehälter für ein Fahrzeug und Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102014011140A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kraftstoffbehälter (1) für ein Fahrzeug, welcher eine Entlüftungseinheit (2) mit zumindest einem Dichtelement (4) zum Abdichten zumindest einer Entlüftungsöffnung (3) bei einer Schräglage des Fahrzeuges umfasst. Erfindungsgemäß ist das Dichtelement (4) mit einem Quellelement (5) gekoppelt, welches bei Kontakt mit einem Kraftstoff (K) des Kraftstoffbehälters (1) sein Volumen vergrößert und das Dichtelement (4) zumindest abschnittsweise derart positioniert, dass die zumindest eine Entlüftungsöffnung (3) abgedichtet ist. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Fahrzeug mit einem solchen Kraftstoffbehälter (1).

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Kraftstoffanlage für ein Kraftfahrzeug sowie entsprechende Kraftstoffanlage

Номер: DE102015012656A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Kraftstoffanlage (1, 2) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit einem als Drucktank ausgebildeten Kraftstofftank (3), der ein durch einen Tankdeckel (4) verschließbares Einfüllrohr (5) und einen Drucksensor (9) zur Messung des Drucks (p) im Kraftstofftank (3) umfasst, einem Aktivkohlefilter (14) sowie einem zwischen dem Kraftstofftank (3) und dem Aktivkohlefilter (14) angeordneten Tankabsperrventil (12), wobei das Tankabsperrventil (12) geöffnet wird, nachdem ein Betankungswunsch angezeigt worden ist. Es ist vorgesehen, dass das geöffnete Tankabsperrventil (12) wieder geschlossen wird, wenn der vom Drucksensor (9) gemessene Druck (p) im Kraftstofftank (3) unter einen vorbestimmten ersten Druckschwellenwert (p1) sinkt, und das geschlossene Tankabsperrventil (12) anschließend wieder geöffnet wird, wenn der Druck (p) im Kraftstofftank (3) den vorbestimmten ersten Druckschwellenwert (p1) und/oder einen vorbestimmten zweiten Druckschwellenwert (p2) ...

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Schweissstruktur für ein Kunststoffteil

Номер: DE0060205386T2

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019208857A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Kraftfahrzeug, umfassend- einen Flüssiggastank (18) zur Speicherung verflüssigten Kraftstoffgases,- eine mit einem Antriebsstrang des Kraftfahrzeugs wirkverbundene Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10), die mittels eines einen ersten Wärmetauscher (22) durchlaufenden Gaspfades (20), über welchen im Flüssiggastank (18) verdampftes Kraftstoffgas aus diesem ableitbar ist, gasleitend mit dem Flüssiggastank (18) verbunden ist, sowie- eine Steuereinrichtung, die eingerichtet ist, die Ableitung des Kraftstoffgases zu steuern,Die Erfindung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Steuereinheit eingerichtet ist, bei Stillstand der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) im Flüssiggastank (18) verdampftes Kraftstoffgas aus dem Gaspfad (20) zu einer Kraftstoffgas in elektrische Energie umwandelnden Brennstoffzelle (16) abzuleiten und die erzeugte elektrische Energie in einer Batterie (14) des Kraftfahrzeugs zu speichern.

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Ventilsystem für einen Kraftstofftank

Номер: DE202017106540U1
Принадлежит: Alfmeier Präzision SE

Ventilsystem (2) für einen Kraftstofftank (4), insbesondere Ventilsystem (2) zur kontrollierten und/oder gesteuerten und/oder geregelten Ausbringung oder Einbringung eines Fluids, vorzugsweise Gas oder Luft oder mit Kohlenwasserstoffen angereicherte oder gesättigte Luft, aus dem oder in den Kraftstofftank (4), a) umfassend ein Gehäuse (10) a1) mit einem Tankanschluss (11a) zum Verbinden des Ventilsystems (2) mit einem Kraftstofftank (4) und a2) mit einem Filteranschluss (11b) zum Verbinden des Ventilsystems (2) mit einem Aktivkohlefilter (5) und/oder mit einem Einfüllrohranschluss (11c) zum Verbinden des Ventilsystems (2) mit einem Einfüllrohr (6) des Kraftstofftanks (4), b) wobei entweder der Tankanschluss (11a) und der Filteranschluss (11b) oder der Tankanschluss (11a) und der Einfüllrohranschluss (11c) über einen Hauptentlüftungskanal (12) fluidisch miteinander verbunden oder verbindbar sind, wobei in dem Hauptentlüftungskanal (12) zumindest ein Hauptentlüftungsventil (13) mit einem ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Ammoniakvorläufer-Lagerungssystem beinhaltend eine semi-permiable Membran

Номер: DE202011110564U1

Ein System zum Speichern eines Ammoniakvorprodukts, umfassend: – einen Tank, ausgelegt zum Aufnehmen des Ammoniakvorprodukts, – eine Füllöffnung, die durch eine Kappe verschlossen ist, wobei die besagte Kappe zum Wiederbefüllen des Tanks entfernbar ist; und – eine semi-permeable Membran, die in der besagten Kappe positioniert ist, wobei die semi-permeable Membran dazu ausgelegt ist, Flüssigkeit von dem Ammoniakvorprodukt zu blockieren und dazu ausgelegt ist, Luft und Dämpfe aus dem Ammoniakvorprodukt zu erlauben, durch diese hindurch zu passieren, wenn die Kappe die Füllöffnung verschließt, und wobei, wenn die Kappe die Füllöffnung verschließt, ein Pfadbereitgestellt ist, der einer wesentlichen Menge von Dämpfen erlaubt, von dem Tank in die Atmosphere zu entweichen, so dass das gesamte innere Volumen des Reservoirs 1 geteilt durch die Flussrate durch die Membran bei 10mbar (l/h) geringer ist als 20h.

20-01-2005 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Befüllung und Entlüftung eines Zusatzbehälters

Номер: DE0010329149A1

Bei einem Kraftstoffbehälter mit einem Zusatzbehälter ist eine Befüllleitung (8) des Zusatzbehälters innerhalb einer Entlüftungsleitung (7) angeordnet und zu einem Flansch (5) des Kraftstoffbehälters geführt. Die Befüllleitung (8) ist an einem verschieblichen Anschlussstück (10) angeschlossen. Hierdurch gestaltet sich die Montage der Befüllleitung (8) und der Entlüftungsleitung (7) besonders einfach. Der Zusatzbehälter lässt sich zudem besonders komfortabel nachfüllen.

20-09-2007 дата публикации

Kraftstofftankkomponente mit schweißbarem Verbinder

Номер: DE102007003661A1

Eine Kraftstofftankkomponente weist einen schweißbaren Verbinder auf, der mit einem Gehäuse über eine mikroporöse dünne Bindeschicht verbunden ist. Die Bindeschicht erzeugt eine Barriere gegen Kohlenwasserstoffdurchdringung zwischen den beiden verschiedenen Kunststoffen, die zur Erzeugung der Komponente eingesetzt werden.

06-12-2001 дата публикации

Vehicle fuel tank contains compensating volume in which lower and upper valves are mounted to bleed vapor from tank when specific pressure is exceeded due to rocking of tank, release pressure of upper valve being less than that of lower

Номер: DE0010027569A1

The vehicle fuel tank contains a compensating volume (1) in which a lower (10a) and upper (10b) valve are mounted. These bleed fuel vapor from the tank when a specific pressure is exceeded due to rocking of the tank, the release pressure of the upper valve being less than that of the lower valve.

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010133400C2
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Kraftstoffbehälter mit eingebautem Zusatzbehälter

Номер: DE102009005826A1

Ein Kraftstoffbehälter aus Kunststoff, in dessen Innerem sich ein Einsatz (2) befindet, der einen Raum (3) umschließt, soll bei einfacher Form der des Kraftstoffbehälters und des Einsatzes größte Raumökonomie bieten. Dazu an der Innenseite der oberen Wand (1) des Kraftstoffbehälters als Einsatz (2) eine oben offene Schachtel aus Kunststoff angebracht, welche zusammen mit der Wand (1) des Behälters einen geschlossenen Raum (3) bildet, welcher Einsatz (2) aus einem Boden (5) und Seitenwänden (6, 7, 8, 9) besteht, deren Oberkanten stoffschlüssig mit der Wand (1) des Behälters verbunden sind. Der Einsatz (2) enthält mit ihm einstückige Innenteile (20-26) und hat an den Seitenwänden (6, 7, 8, 9) mindestens ein Stutzen (13-16) für den Anschluss einer Rohrleitung.

15-01-2004 дата публикации

Roll-over valve for vehicle fuel tank is operated by ball which can roll freely in housing with funnel-shaped base

Номер: DE0010229800A1

The roll-over valve (2) for a vehicle fuel tank is operated by a ball (3) which can roll freely in a housing with a funnel-shaped base (5). The angle of the funnel walls with respect to the vertical is 25 -27[deg].

04-09-1996 дата публикации

Fuel tank

Номер: GB0009613897D0

09-02-1994 дата публикации

Anti-trickle arrangement for a vehicle fuel tank

Номер: GB0002269373A

An anti-trickle arrangement for a vehicle fuel tank includes a float rollover valve 9 shrouded by a fuel impervious skirt 12 which extends into the tank 1 almost to the level 3 at which fuel is normally filled. Any attempt to trickle-fill the tank above the normal level causes the fuel to rise in the skirt 12 as the trapped air is vented through the vapour vent line 11. As the fuel rises further in the skirt 12 the float 9 is lifted to seal the vent line 11. This arrangement ensures that apart from the volume of the skirt, the air trapped in the remaining space 8 at the top of the tank remains and further filling will cause only overflow from pipe 6. A small orifice 16 towards the top of the skirt 12 allows fuel trapped in the skirt to escape slowly, when the filler pipe 6 is closed by a cover (Figure 3), until the float 9 of the rollover valve falls to open the vapour vent line 11 and permit normal operation of the rollover valve 9 as the vehicle is driven. The size of orifice 16 must ...

05-08-1998 дата публикации

Fuel vapour recovery system

Номер: GB0002321639A

A fuel vapour recovery system for an automotive vehicle includes a fuel tank 16, first and second vapour recovery canisters and a bypass flow element 66. The first canister has an inlet 64 communicating directly with the fuel tank, and an outlet 60. The second canister has an inlet 62 communicating directly with the outlet of the first canister. The bypass flow element 66 can direct a portion of the vapour flow from the fuel tank directly to the inlet of the second canister, thereby reducing the vapour flow restriction through the system. The bypass flow element may include an orifice and a check valve (see figs 2 and 3), and may meter the flow so that the canisters fill with vapour either at equal or at different rates. The check valve may have a predetermined operating point so that the valve remains closed if the vapour flow rate is low, but opens if the flow rate is high, for instance during refuelling, to avoid pressure build up in the fuel tank.

26-04-2006 дата публикации

Fuel tank valve

Номер: GB0002419394A

A valve for a fuel tank includes an upper space or chamber 1 communicating with a ventilation channel; a lower chamber 2 disposed inside a fuel tank; a communicating part 4 for communicating the upper space with the lower chamber; and a float body 3 disposed inside the lower chamber for floating to block the communicating part from the lower chamber when fuel flows into the lower chamber. A space (20, Fig.8) between an inner surface of the lower chamber and an outer surface of the float body becomes a flow channel for gas when the float body is in a lower position. An inflow channel (24, Fig.7) allows fuel to flow into the lower chamber from the fuel tank.

23-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008431385D0

23-08-1995 дата публикации

Fuel tank pressure control system

Номер: GB2286695A

In a vehicle fuel supply system including a fuel tank 1 and a purge canister 2, a pressure control valve 19 is activated to regulate the fuel vapour pressure in the tank and a purge solenoid valve 20 is actuated in accordance with the engine operation conditions to supply fuel adsorbed in the canister 2 to the engine intake. The aim is to prevent possible damage to the tank resulting from excessive negative pressures or the loss of fuel vapour to the atmosphere resulting from excessive positive pressures which would otherwise develop in the tank. ...

27-05-1998 дата публикации

Fuel tank with venting valve

Номер: GB0002319516A

A fuel tank 1 has a venting valve 2 actuated by a float 10 which can admit fuel to vary the float's buoyancy. The float may have a foam- or sponge-like body, or may have a hollow body with at least one orifice 11. The float may have sieve-like or fuel-permeable walls, and may comprise an additional float element 9. The valve closes under gravity if the fuel tank is inverted (see fig 4). The valve protects the tank from overfilling by closing automatically when the fuel reaches a certain level. Float 10 then sinks as it fills with fuel, thus reopening the valve and protecting the tank from excessive pressure build up.

09-04-2003 дата публикации

Internal fuel vapor valve

Номер: GB0000304953D0

07-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002082527B
Принадлежит: DAIMLER BENZ AG

04-12-2013 дата публикации

Tank ventilation device for a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0002502720A

The invention relates to a tank ventilation device (10) for a motor vehicle. A fuel tank (12) can be filled with fuel via a filler pipe (14). A ventilation line (20) is connected at one side to the filler pipe (14) and at the other side to an activated carbon filter (26). To carry out a leak test of the tank ventilation device (10), the ventilation line (20) can be pressurized by means of a device (36) when the filler pipe (14) is closed by means of a tank cover. In the region of a connection (18) of the ventilation line (20) to the filler pipe (14) there is provided a float body by means of which an ingress of liquid fuel into the ventilation line (20) can be prevented. In this way, a hydraulic closure of the ventilation line (20) can be prevented if said ventilation line has a siphon (22).

27-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002099383B

22-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001459503A

... 1459503 Venting petrol tanks NISSAN MOTOR CO Ltd 12 Feb 1974 [17 Feb 1973 (3)] 6355/74 Heading B8V [Also in Division F2] A motor vehicle includes a hinged cover 24 for a bodywork recess in which the petrol tank filler cap 13 is situated, the cover controlling a valve 61 in a line 19a, 19b for venting the tank 11 via vapour/liquid separator 16 and valve 18 to the engine crankcase or air cleaner. Valve 61 is open when the cover is closed and closed when the cover is open. Valve 18, which may take several forms, Figs. 3-8 (not shown), relieves tank pressure and/or suction greater than a first predetermined value. If the pressure/suction exceeds this value, due e.g. to a blockage in the normal vent line downstream of junction 19b/22, a valve 21, which opens in response to a pressure/ suction value greater than the first value, provides a vent path to the space behind cover 24.

22-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009322455D0

14-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009021247D0

24-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001304418A

18-05-2005 дата публикации

Valve for fuel tank

Номер: GB0000507369D0

12-08-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in Fuel-tank-sealing Valves.

Номер: GB0000118841A

... 118,841. Tate, J. B. Aug. 25, 1917, [Convention date]. Vacuum relief valves. - A vacuum liquid-fuel feeding apparatus for a motor-car is fitted with a tank having a valve device adapted to open when there is either excessive pressure or suction in the tank to vent the tank and supply air thereto. In the form shown in the Figure, the easing 12 has a flange 13 held against a washer 15 on the inside of the filter cap 11 by a perforated cap 16 screwed on to the casing. The cylindrical valve member 24 is normally held by a pair of springs 25, 26 so as to cover two side passages 22, 23. The spring 26 arranged below the valve is a weak one adapted to be overcome by suction in the tank and open passage 23, while the spring 25 arranged between the upper side of the valve and a nozzle 21 is a stronger one adapted to be overcome by pressure in the tank and open passage 22.

23-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001236188A

... 1,236,188. Venting. GENERAL MOTORS CORP. 16 April, 1970 [28 April, 1969], No. 18129/70. Heading B8X. A rear-mounted vehicle fuel tank has vent lines connected to its forward corners leading to passages 42, 44 of a chamber 40 of a vent control device. Chamber 40 is connected by a valvecontrolled orifice 58 to a chamber 66 having a vent passage 76 leading to atmosphere or to a vapour storage device. Should liquid fuel enter the chamber 40 due, for example, to the vehicle being directed down an incline, a float 64 will rise and cause a valve 60 to close the orifice 58, thus preventing loss of liquid fuel from the tank. A vent line from the rear of the tank is connected directly to the chamber 66.

21-12-2022 дата публикации

Valve device

Номер: GB0002608013A

Provided is a valve device in which a pressure regulation valve can assuredly make full stroke to a maximum elevation position, and which can suppress increase in size of the device by making the pressure regulation valve compact. A valve device (10) comprising a housing (15), a float valve (80), and a pressure regulation valve (90), wherein: a first valve seat (26) is formed at a ventilation chamber-side rim of a valve port (25); an housing part (30) is formed so as to protrude from a ventilation chamber-side surface of a partition wall (23); the inner perimeter of the housing part is provided with a reduced diameter part (35) that fits with the outer circumference of the pressure regulation valve and an enlarged diameter part (37) that has a diameter larger than the outer circumference of the pressure regulation valve; the height of the upper end (36) of the reduced diameter part (35), while being in contact with the first valve seat (26) of the pressure regulation valve (90), is equal ...

20-09-2023 дата публикации

Valve device

Номер: GB0002616704A

There is provided a valve (10, fig 9), including a housing, a float valve (40, fig 9), and a seal member 80. An opening portion includes a first region 25a and a second region 25b. The seal member includes a first cover portion 81, and a second cover portion 83. The second cover portion includes a support portion 85, a wide portion 87, and a narrow portion 89. In a state where the seal member is retained and supported by the support portion with respect to the float valve, a width of the wide portion is set such that a tip end of the second region is covered, and that the second region of the opening portion is not exposed out of the seal member even in a state where the seal member is maximally displaced in a radial direction and/or a peripheral direction of the housing with respect to the opening portion.

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473127T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433389T

15-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: ATA189495A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000534543T

15-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000174897A

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347535T

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000356289T

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366198T

15-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000139596A

25-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006943U1

A fuel tank with ventilation system and activated carbon filter which, on the one hand, is connected by a first line ( 22 ) to the fuel tank and by a second line ( 25 ) to an internal combustion engine, and, on the other hand, by a third line ( 26 ) to the atmosphere, should have as simple and compact a ventilation system as possible, which fulfills all functions in full measure. To this end, a controlled two-way valve unit ( 23 ) is provided, whereof the first path connects the first line ( 22 ) to the third line ( 26 ) and the second path connects the second line ( 25 ) to the third line ( 26 ), and an electronic control unit ( 28 ) is provided, which on the input side is connected to a refueling sensor ( 7 ) and to a liquid level sensor ( 13 ) and on the output side is connected to the controlled two-way valve unit ( 23 ). The controlled two-way valve unit ( 23 ) comprises two valves ( 45, 46 ) accommodated in a common housing ( 40 ) and having closing bodies ( 47, 48 ), whereof the ...

25-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000003803U1

The valve consists of a float chamber (7) with vapor pipe (5), a fuel intake (9), and float (8) to close the vapor pipe. The intake is formed by a tube leading to the fuel tank, and contains a part (10) of open-pore synthetic foam. Alternatively, the intake may be formed by an intake chamber, and the foam part is located in the chamber. The intake encloses the float chamber, it has holes in the bottom, and is surrounded by the foam part. The float chamber is located in the fuel tank.

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000087551T

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000057567T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000311302T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000248724T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249345T

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Relief valve and fuel vapor valve assembly

Номер: US20120024265A1
Автор: Robert Dean Keller
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

A valve assembly is provided that can perform an overpressure relief function to vent fluid from a first component, such as to vent fuel vapor from a fuel tank, to a second component, such as a carbon canister, without being affected by the vapor pressure in the vent line to the second component. That is, the valve opens to provide pressure relief when needed regardless of the vapor pressure against which it opens. The valve assembly may also include a solenoid that is controllable to allow fluid flow separately from the movement in response to vapor pressure.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Evaporated fuel treatment device for vehicle

Номер: US20120240904A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An evaporated fuel treatment device for a vehicle is provided to suppress the flowout of evaporated fuel into atmospheric air. In the evaporated fuel treatment device, a communication chamber is formed in a fuel supply cap, allowing communication between a charge passage and the inside of a fuel tank in a closed state. In the communication chamber, a positive pressure adjusting valve is openable to supply evaporated fuel in the fuel tank to an evaporated fuel storage unit through the communication chamber and the charge passage, and a negative pressure adjusting valve is openable to supply atmospheric air to the fuel tank from the evaporated fuel storage unit through the communication chamber and the charge passage. An interlocking member is provided between the key cover and the negative pressure adjusting valve, and opens the negative pressure adjusting valve in an interlocking manner with an operation of opening the key cover.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Evaporated fuel control device for saddle-type vehicles

Номер: US20120312619A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

There is provided an evaporated fuel control device for a saddle-type vehicle in which an air supply passage is laid out without being disposed at a higher position than a fuel tank. The fuel tank 12 is disposed at a higher position than the engine 20 , an evaporated fuel passage 110 is routed as a descending passage from the fuel tank 12 to the engine 20 , and an air supply passage 120 is jointed to a halfway position of the evaporated fuel passage 110 which is located at a fuel tank 12 side with respect to a first check valve 117 and positionally lower than the uppermost portion of the fuel tank 12.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

In-tank evaporative emission control system

Номер: US20130061934A1
Принадлежит: TI Group Automotive Systems LLC

An evaporative emission control system includes a fuel vapor adsorption unit in physical contact with a heat generator inside a fuel tank. The heat generator can be a fuel pump that heats the adsorption unit during a purge cycle, thereby increasing the rate of desorption of captured fuel vapor during the purge cycle. The fuel vapor adsorption unit and/or an additional fuel vapor adsorption unit may be located inside the tank volume proximate a tank inlet opening so that incoming fuel can cool the adsorption unit(s) during a refueling event, thereby increasing the adsorption efficiency of the adsorption unit(s) during the refueling event.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Ventilation Arrangement For A Fuel Tank

Номер: US20130112290A1

A ventilation arrangement for the head space of the fuel tank of a vehicle comprises a switchable main valve intended for adjusting an arbitrary pressure in the head space of the tank. By way of the opening position of the main valve, a connection between a connection () intended for connection to the head space and a connection () intended for connection to the surrounding atmosphere is established, wherein the main valve is assigned a pilot valve, which opens during a first path element of a switching movement, wherein the main valve only opens following this first path element. Because of the small cross section of the pilot valve and the pressure relief that materialized through its opening, the switching power can be reduced and a smaller size drive can be employed. 130655626656: A ventilation arrangement for the fuel tank of a vehicle with its valves assigned to the head space for realizing a maximum non-exceedable pressure , a minimum , not undershootable pressure , and an arbitrarily adjustable pressure in particular intended for fueling , with a housing () receiving at least the valve for realizing a maximum pressure and the valve for realizing a minimum pressure , a connection () intended for connection to the atmosphere and a connection () intended for connection to the head space , wherein the valve is designed electromagnetically switchable for realizing an arbitrarily adjustable pressure and is in connection with a drive , characterized in that by means of the drive a switching movement can be generated , which starting out from the closing position of the electromagnetically switchable valves to its opening position during a first path element is equipped for opening a pilot valve , establishing a connection with small cross section between the connections ( , ) and subsequently during a second path element , for freeing the inlet opening () of the connection () , realizing a continuous completely opened connection between the connections ( , ). ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118456A1

A system () for optimizing tank venting of a fuel tank () is presented. The system () has a temperature sensor (), a closed-loop control unit () and a tank venting unit (). The temperature sensor () is arranged directly in the fuel tank () and is designed to determine a current fuel temperature of a fuel () present in the fuel tank (). The closed-loop control unit () is connected to the temperature sensor () and to the tank venting unit () and is designed to read out the current fuel temperature from the temperature sensor (). The closed-loop control unit () is furthermore designed to control the tank venting unit () in accordance with the loading of the activated carbon filter, which in turn depends on the time profile of the fuel temperature. 1131. A system () for optimizing tank venting of a fuel tank () , the system () comprising:{'b': 7', '5', '3, 'a temperature sensor (), which is designed to determine a current fuel temperature of a fuel () present in the fuel tank ();'}{'b': 9', '7, 'a closed-loop control unit (), which is designed to read out the current fuel temperature from the temperature sensor () and to determine a time profile of the fuel temperature; and'}{'b': 11', '7', '11', '9, 'a tank venting unit (), wherein the temperature sensor () and the tank venting unit () are connected to the closed-loop control unit ();'}{'b': 7', '3', '9', '11, 'wherein the temperature sensor () is arranged in the fuel tank () and the closed-loop control unit () is designed to control the tank venting unit () in accordance with the time profile of the fuel temperature.'}211353. The system () according to claim 1 , further comprising a filling level measuring unit () claim 1 , which is designed to determine a filling level of the fuel () in the fuel tank ();{'b': 13', '9', '15, 'wherein the filling level measuring unit () is connected to the closed-loop control unit () by a digital or analog interface (); and'}{'b': 7', '13, 'wherein the temperature sensor () is ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126007A1

The present disclosure refers to a fuel tank for a vehicle equipped with a valve housing and a ventilation opening that has a ventilation valve placed on an upper opening of the tank and which projects into the tank interior. Additionally, the wall of the valve housing is interspersed with at least one wall opening, and a float has been arranged in the valve housing that can be moved from a resting to a closing position and has a sealing element on its upper end. The float is in a lower place in the valve housing when it is in its resting position and the sealing element releases the ventilation opening. The float, when in a closing position, closes the ventilation opening with its sealing element as soon as the closing level is reached. Furthermore, there is a connecting channel K arranged between the valve interior and the tank interior, ending with an outlet opening located below the closing level in the tank interior, in which case the outlet opening is arranged above all other wall openings directly connected to the tank interior. 1. A fuel tank for a vehicle comprising:a tank wall defining an upper opening;a ventilation valve including a valve housing and a ventilation opening placed in the upper opening of the tank wall and projecting into an interior of the fuel tank, a wall of the valve housing defining at least one wall opening between an interior of the valve housing and the interior of the fuel tank;a float arranged in the interior of the valve housing that can be moved from a resting position to a closing position, the float having a sealing element on its upper end, the float being in a lower position in the valve housing when it is in its resting position and the sealing element spaced from the ventilation opening, the float, when in a closing position, closing the ventilation opening with the sealing element as soon as a fuel closing level is reached during fueling; anda connecting channel located between the valve housing interior and the tank ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153051A1
Принадлежит: RAVAL A.C.S. LTD.

A valve for a fuel tank comprising a housing configured with a float chamber and a disk chamber being in flow communication through an intermediate flow path. The float chamber configured with a valve inlet which is in fluid communication with the fuel tank and a fluid inlet port into the intermediate flow path. The disk chamber configured with a fluid outlet port from said intermediate flow path and a valve outlet and the fluid inlet port is sealable by a sealing member of a float member axially displaceable within the float chamber to selectively facilitate fluid flow to or from the float chamber via the valve, and the fluid outlet port is sealable by a pressure holding member axially displaceable within the disk chamber to selectively facilitate fluid flow into or out of said fluid outlet port. The pressure holding member configured with an under pressure bleed valve displaceable between a sealed position wherein the under pressure bleed valve is sealed, and an open position wherein the under pressure bleed valve is open, providing passage of fluid therethrough. 1. A valve for a fuel tank comprising a housing configured with a float chamber and a disk chamber being in flow communication through an intermediate flow path; said float chamber configured with: a valve inlet which is in fluid communication with the fuel tank; and a fluid inlet port into said intermediate flow path; said disk chamber configured with a fluid outlet port from said intermediate flow path and a valve outlet; the fluid inlet port is sealable by a sealing member of a float member axially displaceable within the float chamber to selectively facilitate fluid flow to or from the float chamber via the valve , and the fluid outlet port is sealable by a pressure holding member axially displaceable within the disk chamber to selectively facilitate fluid flow into or out of said fluid outlet port; said pressure holding member configured with an under pressure bleed valve displaceable between a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160867A1
Автор: Nemeth Christoffer

A fuel system vent valve comprises a housing with a first opening, and a float inside the housing. The float is movable between a first position in which the valve is open and a second position in which the float covers the first opening such that the valve is closed. The valve further comprises a liquid trap arranged above the housing such that it covers the first opening. The liquid trap comprises a housing in which is arranged a perimeter wall surrounding the first opening, the perimeter wall being arranged at a distance from the liquid trap housing thereby creating a first volume inside the wall and a second volume outside the wall. The first volume is larger than the second volume and the two volumes are connected via at least one gap between a top of the wall and a top of the liquid trap housing. 1. A fuel system vent valve comprising:a housing with a first opening in an upper part of the housing and multiple additional openings at least on a side of the housing;a float inside the housing, wherein the float is movable between a first position in which the valve is open and a second position in which the float covers the first opening such that the valve is closed; anda liquid trap arranged above the housing such that the liquid trap covers the first opening, the liquid trap comprising a housing in which is arranged a perimeter wall surrounding the first opening, the perimeter wall being arranged at a distance from the housing of the liquid trap thereby creating a first volume inside the wall and a second volume outside the wall, wherein the first volume is larger than the second volume and the two volumes are connected via at least one gap between a top of the wall and a top of the liquid trap housing, the housing of the liquid trap further comprising an outlet opening in direct connection with the second volume.2. A fuel system vent valve according to further comprising a spring arranged underneath the float acting against a bottom of the housing in which the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161342A1

A venting system () in an aircraft (), where the aircraft () is substantially symmetrical about a midline (), has a pair of wings ( and ) extending outwardly on respective sides of the midline (), a center fuel tank (), a surge tank ( and ) at outer ends of each wing ( and ), and optionally one or more wing fuel tanks ( and ) interposed between the center fuel tank () and the respective surge tank ( or ). The venting system () for the center fuel tank () includes a main vent line () that extends across the midline () to vent openings ( and ) communicating with respective surge tanks ( and ). The main vent line () forms a linear flow path for fluid, generally air, flowing between opposite ends of the vent line (). The venting system () also includes a branch vent line ( and ) extending from the main vent line () and opening on the center fuel tank (). The branch line has at least one fuel tank opening ( and ) on each side of the midline (). 1. In an aircraft that is substantially symmetrical about a midline , the aircraft having a pair of wings extending outwardly on respective sides of the midline , a center fuel tank , a surge tank at outer ends of each wing , and optionally one or more wing fuel tanks interposed between the center fuel tank and the respective surge tank; a venting system for the center fuel tank comprises:a main vent line that extends across the midline to vent openings communicating with respective surge tanks, the main vent line forming a linear flow path for fluid flowing between opposite ends of the vent line; anda branch vent line extending from the main vent line into the center fuel tank, the branch line having at least one fuel tank opening on each side of the midline.2. A venting system as set forth in claim 1 , where the main vent line defines a flow path that extends in a substantially straight line where the main vent line passes through the center fuel tank.3. A venting system as set forth in claim 1 , where the branch vent line ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192702A1

A plastic fuel tank and a process for manufacturing a fuel tank, the fuel tank including an upper wall, a lower wall, and at least one kiss point formed by welding together a multiplicity of contact points of the upper and lower walls and an accessory. Both the upper and lower walls show a concave recess in the kiss point area so that the weld of the kiss point is located in between planes defined by the upper and lower walls respectively; a bottom of the upper concave recess extends substantially beyond the weld of the kiss point, while a bottom of the lower concave recess does not; the accessory is at least partially located under the extension of the bottom of the upper concave recess. 112-. (canceled)13. A plastic fuel tank comprising:an upper wall;a lower wall;at least one kiss point formed by welding together a multiplicity of contact points of the upper and lower walls and an accessory;wherein both the upper and lower walls show a concave recess in an area of the kiss point so that the weld of the kiss point is located in between planes defined by the upper and lower walls respectively;a bottom of the upper concave recess extends substantially beyond the weld of the kiss point, while a bottom of the lower concave recess one does not extend substantially beyond the weld of the kiss point;the accessory is at least partially located under the extension of the bottom of the upper concave recess.14. A plastic fuel tank according to claim 13 , wherein the accessory is in contact with the extension of the upper recess and the lower tank wall.15. A plastic fuel tank according to claim 13 , wherein the accessory is a fuel pump.16. A plastic fuel tank according to claim 15 , wherein a volume delimited by the upper recess is closed off by sealing means allowing to seal off the recess tightly so that the recesss can act as a fuel reserve.17. A plastic fuel tank according to claim 16 , wherein the fuel pump is located inside a reservoir that is fixed on and extends from ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220999A1
Автор: Usui Takayuki

The present invention is to enhance the reliability of a fuel tank by integrating sealing points of a fuel tank body into one point, and to achieve the reduction in cost. 1. A fuel tank comprising:a fuel supply device for pressure-feeding fuel to an engine of a vehicle;a fuel vapor treating device configured to enable adsorption of fuel vapor;a fuel tank body which stores the fuel; anda cover material which blocks an opening portion formed in the fuel tank body,wherein an inlet portion to which an inlet pipe for guiding the fuel from a fueling port to the fuel tank body is connected is fixed to the cover material in a state of penetrating the cover material, anda pipe and a wire of the fuel supply device and the fuel vapor treating device are further fixed to the cover material in a state of penetrating the cover material.2. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein a size of the opening portion of the fuel tank body is formed to be a size through which a component mounted into the fuel tank body passes, andthe cover material is configured to be demountable from the opening portion and re-mountable thereto.3. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein a remaining fuel amount detecting device included in the fuel supply device is installed in the fuel tank body, anda signal line of the remaining fuel amount detecting device is included in the wire of the fuel supply device.4. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein an entirety of the fuel supply device is installed in the fuel tank body.5. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the fuel supply device is mounted to a device mounting portion formed on an inner wall surface of the fuel tank body by an engaging mechanism.6. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the fuel vapor treating device is disposed in the fuel tank body.7. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein a part of a container of a canister included in the fuel vapor treating device is molded integrally with a wall portion of the fuel ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221000A1

When a driver manipulates a fuel filler lid switch, a tank shutoff valve is opened. Then, time t is calculated, and then, remaining time, obtained by subtracting elapsed time from the time t, is presented on a display device. If the fuel filler lid switch is manipulated again, the tank shutoff valve is closed to seal a fuel tank, and a message to the effect that opening action of the fuel filler lid is cancelled is presented on the display device. If the time t has elapsed without the fuel filler lid switch being manipulated again, the fuel filler lid is opened, determining that internal pressure in the fuel tank has decreased to a level predetermined to ensure that the fuel tank can be filled safely without fuel or fuel evaporative gas spouting from the fuel tank. 1. A fuel storage system , comprising:a tank opening/closing unit switchable between an open and a closed positions to allow or block flow in a connecting passage connecting an fuel tank and a canister both mounted on a vehicle,a lid action control unit which is manipulated to control opening and closing actions of a fuel filler lid provided to cover an fuel filler opening of the fuel tank, anda filling preparation control unit which, in response to manipulation of the lid action control unit, performs filling preparation control to put the tank opening/closing unit in the open position, and after passage of a predetermined time, open the fuel filler lid, whereinthe filling preparation control unit stops the filling preparation control when detecting that the lid action control unit is manipulated again before the predetermined time elapses.2. The fuel storage system according claim 1 , whereinthe predetermined time is time until internal pressure in the fuel tank decreases to a predetermined value or below.3. The fuel storage system according claim 2 , further comprisinga vehicle state detection unit which determines whether the vehicle is in startup state, whereinthe filling preparation control unit ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233733A1

The present invention is to enable an adsorbent disposed in the vicinity of a tank port to be appropriately subjected to a purge when the adsorbent in a canister is subjected to the purge by air, thereby eliminating a non-desorption region of fuel vapor. In a fuel tank according to the present invention, a tank port () that communicates with a space in a fuel tank body (), a purge port (), and an atmosphere port () are formed in a container () of a canister () constituted by a container body () and a cover material (), an inside of the container () of the canister () is configured to be partitioned to form passages (T) and (T) so that insides of the passages (T) and (T) are filled with an adsorbent (C), and the atmosphere port () is provided on one end side in an air flow direction of the passages (T) and (T) and the tank port () is provided on the other end side in the air flow direction of the passages (T) and (T) together with the purge port (). 1. A fuel tank having a configuration in which a fuel tank body that stores fuel and a container body of a canister that stores an adsorbsent to which fuel vapor is able to be adsorbed are integrally molded ,whereby, in a container of the canister constituted by the container body and a cover material, a tank port that communicates with a space in the fuel tank body, a purge port that is able to communicate with an intake passage of an engine, and an atmosphere port that is able to release atmosphere are formed,an inside of the container of the canister is configured to be partitioned to form passages so that insides of the passages are filled with the adsorbent, andthe atmosphere port is provided on one end side in an air flow direction of the passages, and the tank port is provided on the other end side in the air flow direction of the passages together with the purge port.2. The fuel tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the atmosphere port, the tank port, and the purge port are disposed inside the fuel tank body.3. The ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233852A1
Автор: Mihara Kenta
Принадлежит: PIOLAX INC

A cap attaching structure includes a cylindrical member and a cap member. The cylindrical member has an end plate, a side wall to be inserted into the cylindrical member, and an engagement claw piece in which a proximal end portion is connected to an inserting side end portion of the side wall, while a distal end portion extends towards the end plate via a slit. On an outer circumference of the engagement claw piece, a claw portion adapted to be brought into engagement with an engagement hole of the cylindrical member is provided. The distal end portion of the engagement claw piece is disposed in a cutout portion in the end plate. 1. A cap attaching structure including:a cylindrical member; anda cap member which is attached to an opening portion of the cylindrical member,wherein the cylindrical member has an engagement hole in a circumferential wall at a position close to the opening portion thereof, an end plate which is disposed in the opening portion;', 'a side wall which extends from a circumferential edge of the end plate so as to be inserted into the cylindrical member; and', a proximal end portion which is connected to an inserting side end portion of the side wall,', 'a distal end portion which extends from the proximal end portion towards the end plate via a slit formed in the end plate and the side wall so as to constitute a free end, and', 'a claw portion which is formed on an outer circumference of the engagement claw piece so as to be brought into engagement with the engagement hole of the cylindrical member, and, 'an engagement claw piece which has'}], 'wherein the cap member includeswherein the distal end portion of the engagement claw piece is disposed in a cutout portion in the end plate via the slit, so that a deflection of the engagement claw is restricted through an abutment with the cutout portion in the end plate.2. The cap attaching structure of claim 1 ,wherein a plurality of cutout recess portions are formed in an opening side ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269804A1

A valve assembly for a fuel tank for a small engine includes a housing. A membrane is supported by the housing such that the membrane covers a housing opening. The membrane allows the passage of vapor through the membrane and into the housing cavity and prevents the passage of liquid through the membrane. A pressure relief valve is supported by the housing to control flow of a vapor through the housing cavity. 1. A valve assembly for a tank comprising:a housing at least partially located outside of the tank, wherein the housing defines a housing cavity; wherein the housing further defines a vapor opening to allow vapor to enter the housing cavity and a vapor outlet to allow vapor to exit the housing cavity; anda membrane supported by the housing on a first side of the vapor opening such that vapor flows from the tank through the membrane to reach the vapor cavity, wherein the membrane allows passage of the vapor and prevents passage of liquid; andwherein a first portion of the housing extends within the tank on a tank side of the membrane to deter liquid from reaching the membrane.2. The valve assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier supported by the housing and extending therefrom claim 1 , wherein the membrane is secured to the carrier; wherein the carrier includes a deflector positioned between the membrane and the tank; wherein the deflector defines a plurality of deflector openings to allow vapor to reach the housing opening and deter liquid from reaching the membrane.3. The valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the deflector defines at least one opening.4. The valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the deflector includes a plurality of ribs that extends toward the membrane.5. The valve assembly of claim 4 , wherein the ribs extend generally radially outward from said at least one opening.6. The valve assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a pressure relief valve supported by the housing to control vapor flow through the housing.7. The valve assembly of ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Ventilating device for liquid containers, in particular for liquid containers for an aqueous urea solution

Номер: US20130270284A1
Принадлежит: Kautex Textron GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a ventilating device ( 2 ) for liquid containers ( 1 ), in particular for liquid containers ( 1 ) for an aqueous urea solution, comprising a housing ( 3 ) which can be mounted at an opening of the liquid container ( 1 ) and has a first opening ( 4 ) to the liquid container ( 1 ) and a second opening ( 5 ) to the surroundings of the liquid container ( 1 ), a diaphragm ( 6 ) which is arranged within the housing ( 3 ), is permeable to air, is impermeable to liquid and is configured in such a way that a deformation of the diaphragm ( 6 ) takes place by a pressure change in the liquid container ( 1 ), as a result of which the volume within the housing ( 3 ) within the diaphragm ( 6 ) changes, with the result that the displaced volume leaves the housing ( 3 ) via the second opening ( 5 ) to the surroundings of the liquid container ( 1 ). Furthermore, the invention relates to a liquid container ( 1 ) having a ventilating device ( 2 ) according to the invention.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276912A1

A fuel cutoff valve is equipped with a casing main body having a valve chamber that forms a connection hole that is an opening to the valve chamber side on an upper wall, a cover that forms a pipe which forms a pipe passage, and a float housed inside the valve chamber. The cover is equipped with a pipe extended part which is provided extending inside the linking chamber from the pipe in a tube shape facing the connection hole and on an substantially straight line, the pipe extended part has an extended passage connected to the pipe passage, the extended passage has an inflow port that opens to the linking chamber, and the inflow port is provided on the side opposite the pipe with the connection hole as the center. 1. A fuel cutoff valve for opening and closing a passage between an interior of a fuel tank and the exterior , the fuel cutoff valve comprising:a casing main body that has (i) an upper wall, (ii) a side wall projecting in a circular tube shape from an outer circumference part of the upper wall, (iii) a valve chamber enclosed by the upper wall and the side wall and connected to inside the fuel tank, and (iv) a connection hole formed at the upper wall and connected to the valve chamber,a cover that is fixed to an upper part of the casing main body, and has (i) a cover main body which together with the upper wall forms a linking chamber connected to the connection hole, and (ii) a pipe projecting from an outer wall of the cover main body and forming a pipe passage which connects the exterior and the linking chamber, anda float that is housed within the valve chamber which opens and closes the connection hole by rising and falling according to a fuel liquid level within the fuel tank,wherein the cover includes a pipe extended part extending in an pipe shape from an end of the pipe to above the connection hole, whereinthe pipe extended part has an extended passage connected to the pipe passage, wherein the extended passage has an inflow port which opens to the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306628A1
Автор: ASO Shuichi

A fuel tank system is obtained, in which internal pressure does not readily increase and in which there is no need to secure a space for deformation at the periphery of the fuel tank. A vapor pipe is connected to a fuel tank, and an atmosphere release pipe is connected through a canister. An electromagnetic valve is attached to the vapor pipe, communicating a gas layer at an upper portion inside the fuel tank with the external atmosphere by opening the electromagnetic valve. A thinned deformation location capable of indentation-deformation towards the inside is provided at an upper wall portion of the fuel tank. A negative pressure pump is provided to reduce the pressure inside the fuel tank, causing the deformation location to indentation-deform towards the inside. The fuel tank is sealed by closing the electromagnetic valve in a state in which the deformation location is indentation-deformed towards the inside. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank capable of storing fuel that is supplied to an engine;a pipe that communicates a gas layer at an upper portion inside the fuel tank with the external atmosphere;a deformation location that is provided at a portion of an upper wall portion of the fuel tank so as to be provided at a periphery of a fuel pump provided at a central portion inside the fuel tank in plan view, and that is capable of deforming so as to indent towards the inside of the fuel tank;a deformation unit that deforms the deformation location such that the deformation location indents towards the inside of the fuel tank;a valve that is provided at the pipe, that opens the pipe to communicate the gas layer with the external atmosphere, and that closes off the pipe to seal the fuel tank; anda control unit that actuates the deformation unit with the valve in an open state after the gas layer has been communicated with the external atmosphere, and that closes the valve in a state in which the deformation location is indented towards the inside of the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312841A1

Provided is a fuel valve including a uniform valve housing accommodating a roll-over valve (ROV), an over-pressure relief valve (OPR) and a pressure retention valve (PRV), wherein a pressure retention disc is substantially axially displaceable within a top chamber of the valve housing, between a normally closed portion in which it sealingly bears over an outlet port of the flow path and an open position; the pressure retention disc is configured with a cutout portion at least partially enveloping a pressure relief port of the valve. 1. A fuel valve comprising a uniform valve housing accommodating a roll-over valve (ROV) , an over-pressure relief valve (OPR) and a pressure retention valve (PRV) , wherein a pressure retention disc is substantially axially displaceable within a top chamber of the valve housing , between a normally closed portion in which it sealingly bears over an outlet port of the flow path and an open position; the pressure retention disc is configured with a cutout portion at least partially enveloping a pressure relief port of the valve.2. The fuel valve according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is configured with a partition wall defining a fluid flow path extending between a bottom chamber configured with a valve inlet and a top chamber configured with a valve outlet; the bottom chamber accommodates a spring loaded float member axially displaceable between a closed position wherein a sealing head of the float member sealingly engages an inlet port of the flow path claim 1 , and a normally open position wherein the sealing head is disengaged from the inlet port; a pressure relief port extending between the bottom chamber and a valve outlet and being normally sealed by a sealing plunger biased into sealing engagement within the top chamber; and a pressure retention disc substantially axially displaceable within the top chamber between a normally closed portion in which it sealingly bears over an outlet port of the flow path and an open position; ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Venting system, in particular for a fuel tank

Номер: US20130319378A1

In a venting system, in particular for a fuel tank of a motor vehicle, which has a sorption filter for temporarily storing fuel evaporating from the fuel tank and a fluid-conveying conveying device situated between the sorption filter and an air supply or an intake manifold of an internal combustion engine, according to the present system, the conveying device is a bidirectional conveying device which is switchable in a first conveying direction in the direction of the internal combustion engine for regenerating the sorption filter and in a second conveying direction in the direction of the sorption filter for carrying out a fuel tank leak diagnosis.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327424A1

In a relief valve device, a positive-pressure relief valve opens a first valve port when pressure in a pressure chamber increases to a pressure that is equal to or higher than positive-pressure side valve-opening pressure. A negative-pressure relief valve opens a second valve port when pressure in the pressure chamber decreases to a pressure that is equal to or lower than negative-pressure side valve-opening pressure. When the positive-pressure relief valve is closed, a positive valve-opening pressure adjustment unit adjusts a set load of a positive-pressure spring according to an amount of an adjustment screw screwed in the pedestal plate. When the negative-pressure relief valve is closed, a negative valve-opening pressure adjustment unit adjusts a set load of the negative-pressure spring via the valve plate through forward or backward movement of the pedestal plate relative to a housing main body. 1. A relief valve device comprising: a pressure chamber which communicates with a pressure container;', 'a housing main body which opens on its one end side;', 'a valve plate that is disposed in the housing main body to define one side of the pressure chamber and that includes a first valve port and a second valve port, which communicate with the pressure chamber; and', 'a pedestal plate which is disposed further on the one end side of the housing main body than the valve plate;, 'a housing that includes the positive-pressure relief valve is disposed on an opposite side of the valve plate from the pressure chamber;', 'the positive-pressure relief valve includes a positive-pressure spring that is configured to set the valve-opening pressure on the positive-pressure side; and', 'the positive-pressure relief valve opens the first valve port when the pressure in the pressure chamber increases to the pressure that is equal to or higher than the valve-opening pressure on the positive-pressure side;, 'a positive-pressure relief valve configured to open when pressure in the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Fuel-filling aperture opening/closing device

Номер: US20130340866A1
Автор: Hiroshi Sasaki
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC

A fuel-filling aperture open-closing device is provided in one end of a filler pipe communicating with a fuel tank. The open-closing device includes a tube member internally forming a pathway, and connected to one end of the filler pipe; a first valve device provided inside the pathway, and opening a valve by being pressed by a fuel-filling nozzle inserted from an outer end side of the pathway; and a second valve device provided on an outer end side more than the first valve device inside the pathway, and opening a valve by being pressed by the fuel-filling nozzle inserted from the outer end side of the pathway so as to allow the fuel-filling nozzle to pass through. The first valve device opens by a load smaller than that of the second valve device.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007963A1
Автор: Just Thomas, Revink Ingo
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A tank ventilation device for a motor vehicle includes a ventilation line, connected on one side to an accumulator for gaseous hydrocarbons and connected on another side via a connection to a filling tube for filling a tank of the motor vehicle, wherein the ventilation line is connected to the tank so that gaseous hydrocarbons which are displaced during refueling are re-circulated toward the connection via the ventilation line, a device for applying a pressure on the ventilation line for carrying out a leakage test of the tank ventilation device, when the filling tube is closed with a closure device, and a float body provided in a region of the connection of the ventilation line to the filing tube for preventing entering of liquid fuel into the ventilation line. 16.-. (canceled)7. A tank ventilation device for a motor vehicle comprising:a ventilation line connected at one side via a connection to a filling tube for filling a tank of the motor vehicle and connected at another side to an accumulator for gaseous hydrocarbons, wherein the ventilation line is connected to the tank so that gaseous hydrocarbons which are displaced during refueling are re-circulated toward the connection via the ventilation line;a device for applying a pressure to the ventilation line for performing a leakage test of the tank ventilation device, when the filling tube is closed by a closure device; anda float body provided in a region of the connection of the ventilation line to the filing tube for preventing entering of liquid fuel into the ventilation line.8. The tank ventilation device of claim 7 , wherein the connection includes an outlet claim 7 , said outlet forming a valve seat for the float body.9. The tank ventilation device of claim 8 , wherein the float body is constructed spherical.10. The tank ventilation device of claim 7 , further comprising a retention element arranged in a chamber of the connection claim 7 , said chamber receiving the float body claim 7 , said retention ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026976A1
Принадлежит: RAVAL A.C.S. LTD.

Provided is a roll-over fuel valve configured with a float-sealable fluid path module including a float member axially displaceable within a float housing, between an open position and a closed position. The float member is normally biased in direction of the closed position and the float member includes an open liquid chamber for collecting liquid, thus taking part in the force equilibrium acting on the float member. 1. A roll-over fuel valve configured with a float-sealable fluid path module , comprising: a float member axially displaceable within a float housing , between an open position and a closed position; the float member being normally biased in direction of the closed position; and the float member comprises an open liquid chamber for collecting liquid , thereby taking part in the force equilibrium acting on the float member.2. The roll-over fuel valve according to claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises a multi-stage float-sealable fluid path module and according to a particular design the valve is a two-stage module configuration claim 1 , comprising two in-line float-sealable fluid path modules claim 1 , each module configured with an independent float member axially displaceable within a respective float housing claim 1 , between an open position and a closed position; the float member being normally biased in direction of the closed position; and the float member comprises an open liquid chamber for collecting liquid claim 1 , thereby taking part in the force equilibrium acting on the float member.3. The roll-over fuel valve according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is a two-stage float configuration the float members extend in series claim 1 , above one another claim 1 , wherein fluid flow from a one float-sealable fluid path module flows into a second float-sealable fluid path module extending there-above.4. The roll-over fuel valve according to claim 2 , wherein a two-stage float configuration of the float member of each module are displaceable ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034147A1
Автор: Treudt Volker

The invention relates to a pressure equalizing valve () for a fuel tank or secondary fluid tank on a motor vehicle, comprising at least one valve housing (), at least one valve body movably arranged in the valve housing (), at least one venting opening on the tank side and on the connection side or on the atmosphere side, which form a venting path () which may be opened or closed by the valve body depending on the position of the tank, when a predetermined transverse force is exceeded relative to a normal force which holds the valve body in a valve seat, the valve body being able to be lifted or deflected from the valve seat and thus opening the venting path () and when falling below said transverse force automatically adopting again the position closing the venting path (). The valve body is configured as a ball () and arranged so that when pressure prevails on the tank side, said valve body is held in the valve seat. 1. Pressure equalizing valve for a fuel tank or secondary fluid tank on a motor vehicle , comprising at least one valve housing , at least one valve body movably arranged in the valve housing , at least one venting opening on the tank side and on the connection side or on the atmosphere side , which form a venting path which may be opened or closed by the valve body depending on the position of the tank , when a predetermined transverse force is exceeded relative to a normal force which holds the valve body in a valve seat , the valve body being able to be lifted or deflected from the valve seat and thus opening the venting path and when falling below said transverse force automatically adopting again the position closing the venting path , and the valve body being arranged so that excess pressure on the tank side acts hydraulically on the valve body , such that said valve body is pressed into the valve seat.2. Pressure equalizing valve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the valve body is held in its valve seat claim 1 , actuated by gravity ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034172A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A method of manufacturing a valve assembly for a fuel tank includes forming a valve housing with a recess that is sized to retain a component inserted into the recess. The component is detectable by a sensor located outside of the fuel tank when the valve assembly is mounted in the fuel tank. A valve assembly includes a valve housing having a recess. The component is retained in the recess by the valve housing. 114-. (canceled)15. A valve assembly comprising:a valve housing having a cylindrical recess;a metal disc sized to fit into the recess and to be retained in the cylindrical recess only by the valve housing so that the metal disc is exposed;wherein the cylindrical recess is exposed at a surface of the housing; andwherein the metal disc has an angled rim configured to dig into the valve housing at the cylindrical recess so that the metal disc is retained to the valve housing.16. The valve assembly of claim 15 , wherein the angled rim has a variegated edge.17. The valve assembly of claim 16 , wherein the disc is generally circular;and wherein the variegated edge of the angled rim extends along the entire perimeter of the disc.18. The valve assembly of claim 16 , wherein the variegated edge extends into the housing beyond the recess.19. The valve assembly of claim 15 , wherein the cylindrical recess opens only at an outer surface of the housing so that the metal disc is entirely within the housing below the outer surface.20. The valve assembly of claim 19 , wherein the angled rim extends at least partially toward the outer surface of the housing.21. The valve assembly of claim 19 , wherein the angled rim has a variegated edge; and wherein no portion of the variegated edge is exposed.22. The valve assembly of claim 15 , wherein the valve housing is a one-piece claim 15 , injection-molded valve housing.23. An assembly comprising:a fuel tank having a wall with an inner surface partially defining an interior space; a component;', 'a valve housing having a cylindrical ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Valve assembly for high-pressure fluid reservoir

Номер: US20140041737A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

A valve assembly is disclosed for controlling fluid flow between two reservoirs. The valve assembly includes a relief valve arranged inside the housing and configured to open a first fluid flow path when the first reservoir is above a first predetermined pressure value.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Fuel tank pressure-relief vent to prevent ejection of fuel during refill

Номер: US20140053947A1

A fuel tank having an interior space defined by a wall, a fill tube to admit fuel into the interior space, and a vent to discharge air and vapor from the interior space as the fuel is admitted. The vent includes a vent tube extending through the wall and downward into the interior space, and having a non-circular opening. In this manner ejection of fuel from the fill tube can be prevented reliably under a wide range of refueling conditions, and without imparting excessive length to the vent tube.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060665A1
Автор: Gamble Jimmy D

A fuel tank vent apparatus for controlling discharge of fuel vapor from an interior region in a fuel tank includes a housing and a valve received in the housing that moves between an open position and a closed position. The valve assumes the open position when the fuel level in the fuel tank is relatively low and the valve assumes the closed position when the fuel level in the fuel tank is relatively high. 1. A fuel tank vent apparatus for controlling discharge of fuel vapor from a fuel tank , the apparatus comprisinga top wall formed to include a central vent port, a series of outer vent ports arranged to surround the central vent port, and a vapor-receiving chamber placed in fluid communication with each of the central and outer vent ports and adapted to communicate with an external fuel-vapor recovery canister,a diaphragm carrier including a buoyant float arranged to float up and down relative to the top wall on rising and falling levels of liquid fuel in a fuel tank containing the buoyant float and a diaphragm-support cage coupled to the buoyant float for movement therewith when the buoyant float is lifted upwardly on rising levels of liquid fuel in the tank, the buoyant float including a buoyant body and an upstanding stem coupled to the buoyant body and located between the buoyant body and the central vent port, andan intermediary diaphragm positioned to lie between the buoyant float and the central and outer vent ports formed in the top wall, wherein the intermediary diaphragm includes an anchor coupled to the diaphragm-support cage, an outer port closure arranged to extend radially outwardly away from the anchor to contact the top wall and close the outer vent ports upon upward movement of the buoyant float toward the central vent port, and a float-pusher spring arranged to extend radially inwardly from the anchor to lie in a position below the central vent port and above the stem of the buoyant float and to cooperate with the stem to close the central vent ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091567A1
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A connector attached to a fuel tank for connecting a ventilation flow passage thereof to the fuel tank is provided. The connector includes an upper chamber provided with a first communication portion relative to the ventilation flow passage; and a lower chamber provided with a second communication portion relative to the fuel tank, and a third communication portion relative to the upper chamber. A mortar-shaped portion narrowing toward a lower side is formed in a bottom portion of the upper chamber. The third communication portion is formed in a bottom of the mortar-shaped portion, and recesses and protrusions are formed in a wall face of the mortar-shaped portion. 1. A connector for a fuel tank attached to the fuel tank for connecting a ventilation flow passage thereof to the fuel tank , comprising:an upper chamber provided with a first communication portion relative to the ventilation flow passage; anda lower chamber provided with a second communication portion relative to the fuel tank, and a third communication portion relative to the upper chamber,wherein a mortar-shaped portion narrowing toward a lower side is formed in a bottom portion of the upper chamber, andthe third communication portion is formed in a bottom of the mortar-shaped portion, and recesses and protrusions are formed in a wall face of the mortar-shaped portion.2. A connector for a fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses and protrusions are formed by a plurality of grooves formed in the mortar-shaped portion.3. A connector for a fuel tank according to claim 2 , wherein the groove is formed in a range between an upper end of the mortar-shaped portion and the third communication portion.4. A connector for a fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein a cover body is supported directly above the third communication portion in the upper chamber.5. A connector for a fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein the first communication portion is formed in a lateral portion of the upper chamber ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000772A1
Автор: Onodera Hirofumi

A valve device includes a first passage opened by a first valve member, a second passage opened by a second valve member, and a specific chamber in which an asymmetrical state is caused. When the second valve member is open, escape fluid flows through the specific chamber just before flowing into a second passage and collides a collision part located in the specific chamber. The escape fluid flowing in the specific chamber collides the collision part and is divided into two divided flows, and the two divided flows are joined again at downstream of the collision part. In the asymmetrical state, a difference is caused in a pressure loss between the two divided flows. By the asymmetrical state, a pressure loss as an entire of the specific chamber decreases, and frequency in using a valve mechanism can be reduced. Therefore, the valve mechanism can be used longer without omitting the specific chamber. 1. A valve device comprising:a first valve member opening or closing a fuel tank with respect to an outside, the first valve member being operated such that a fluid flows out of the fuel tank;a first passage through which the fluid flowing out of the fuel tank flows when the first valve member is open;a second passage provided separately from the first passage;a second valve member opening or closing the second passage such that the fluid flowing out of the fuel tank flows through the second passage when the second valve member is open; anda specific chamber arranged upstream of the second passage so that the fluid flowing out of the fuel tank flows into the specific chamber just before flowing into the second passage, the specific chamber having a collision part being symmetrical in a mirror image, whereinthe specific chamber is provided such that the fluid collides the collision part and is divided into two divided flows when the second valve member is open, andthe two divided flows are in an asymmetrical state in which one divided flow has a different pressure loss that ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001703A1

A float valve () is provided for use with a liquid medium, the float valve having an upright configuration and an inverted configuration. The float valve includes: a housing (), defining at least one inlet port () and at least one outlet port (); a float assembly () movable within the housing; and an auxiliary float member () movable within said housing. The float assembly () comprises a primary float member (′), different from the auxiliary float member, and a spring element (). The primary in float member is configured for closing the at least one outlet port when in abutment therewith, the spring element being configured for providing a biasing spring force to the primary float member in a direction towards said at least one outlet port. The auxiliary float member is configured for providing a net upthrust force with respect to the liquid medium under submerged conditions irrespective of whether the float valve is in said upright configuration or in said inverted configuration. 130-. (canceled)31. A float valve for use with a liquid medium , the float valve having an upright configuration and an inverted configuration , the float valve comprising:a housing defining at least one inlet port and at least one outlet port;a float assembly movable within said housing; andan auxiliary float member movable within said housing;wherein the float assembly comprises a primary float member, different from said auxiliary float member, and a spring element; the primary float member configured for closing said at least one outlet port when in abutment therewith, the spring element being configured for providing a biasing spring force to the primary floating member in a direction towards said at least one outlet port;wherein said auxiliary float member is configured for providing a net upthrust force with respect to the liquid medium under submerged conditions irrespective of whether the float valve is in said upright configuration or in said inverted configuration.3230. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001704A1

A method for controlling a filling process of an operating fluid container, which can be filled by a filling device via a filling tube opening into the operating liquid container, wherein the operating fluid container is provided with a venting valve, which can be electrically operated between an open position, in which the operating liquid container is fluidically connected to the atmosphere, at least indirectly, by the venting valve, and a closed position, in which the operating fluid container is fluidically separated from the atmosphere by the venting valve. The method comprises the following method steps: a) moving the venting valve to the open position thereof; b) determining a filling level of the operating fluid container; c) reducing a venting volume flow through the venting valve whenever the filling level of the operating fluid container has reached or exceeded a predetermined shut-off filling level; d) detecting a filling stop of the filling device; and e) moving the venting valve to the closed position thereof after a predetermined time period once the filling stop has been determined. 1. A method for controlling a filling process of an operating fluid container , which can be filled via a filler pipe opening out into the operating fluid container by a filling device , wherein the operating fluid container has a venting valve , which can be electrically actuated between an open position , in which the operating fluid container is fluidically connected to the atmosphere , at least indirectly , by the venting valve , and a closed position , in which the operating fluid container is fluidically separated from the atmosphere by the venting valve , wherein the method has the following method steps:a) moving the venting valve into its open position;b) determining a filling level of the operating fluid container;c) reducing a venting volume flow through the venting valve if the filling level of the operating fluid container has reached or exceeded a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001811A1

Disclosed is a method for controlling depressurization in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle, including: the initial controlled opening of the isolation valve in order to lower the pressure inside the tank; determination of a blockage condition in the roll over valve on the basis of at least one item of information relating to the pressure gradient in the tank following the initial opening of the isolation valve; and, if the roll over valve blockage condition is met, the controlled closing of the isolation valve, followed by its controlled re-opening in order to continue lowering the pressure in the tank. 18-. (canceled)102216111161. A method of claim 9 , wherein the determination of the blockage condition the rollover valve is determined on the basis of first information (ΔP/Δt) on the gradient of the pressure in the tank which is evaluated on the basis of values of the pressure in the tank measured after a first determined time (ΔT) has elapsed after the initial opening () of the isolation valve claim 9 , and on the basis further of a second information (ΔP/Δt) on the gradient of the pressure in the tank which is evaluated on the basis of values of the pressure in the tank measured before said determined time (ΔT) has elapsed after the initial opening () of the isolation valve.11263. A method according to claim 9 , wherein if the blackage condition the rollover valve is met claim 9 , the isolating valve is kept closed during at least a second determined time (ΔT) before being reopened () in order to further decrease the pressure in the tank.12. A method according to claim 9 , further comprising a step of:{'b': 304', '61, 'comparing () the pressure within the tank with a determined pressure threshold (PStuck_ROV) at the initial opening () of the isolation valve; and'}{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00009', 'claim 9'}, 'if the rollover valve blocking pressure threshold is exceeded, determination that a first condition of existence of a risk of blocking the rollover valve ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003583A1

A connector includes a resin-made connector body and a pressure sensor. The connector body includes a first main tubular part that is connected to a first pipe, a second main tubular part that is connected to a second pipe, and a sensor mounting part. The first main tubular part and the second main tubular part connect with each other to form an angle. The sensor mounting part includes: a tubular intake part that is formed in line with a line extending from one of the first main tubular part and the second main tubular part and has a bottom face; and a sensor mounting seat that is capable of being mounted with the pressure sensor and communicates with a peripheral-surface opening of the tubular intake part. 1. A connector comprising:a connector body made of resin, the connector body comprising a first main tubular part configured to be connected to a first pipe, a second main tubular part configured to be connected to a second pipe, and a sensor mounting part; anda pressure sensor configured to detect pressure of fluid that passes through the connector body, the pressure sensor being mounted to the sensor mounting part,wherein the first main tubular part and the second main tubular part connect with each other to form an angle, and wherein the sensor mounting part comprises:a tubular intake part formed in line with a line extending from one of the first main tubular part and the second main tubular part, the tubular intake part including a bottom face; anda sensor mounting seat that is capable of being mounted with the pressure sensor, the sensor mounting seat communicating with a peripheral-surface opening of the tubular intake part.2. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein:the tubular intake part further includes a small-diameter part having a passage that is smaller in cross-sectional area than a passage of the one of the first main tubular part and the second main tubular part; andthe passage of the small-diameter part of the tubular intake part is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009707A1

A canister in one aspect of the present invention comprises an adsorber having a honeycomb shape that adsorbs evaporated fuel and a housing chamber that houses the adsorber. The canister comprises an outer passage, provided in the housing chamber, that passes over an outer surface of the adsorber and a flow passage that passes through the adsorber and the outer passage as a flow passage for the evaporated fuel to pass through the housing chamber. 1. A canister comprising:an adsorber having a honeycomb shape that adsorbs evaporated fuel; anda housing chamber that houses the adsorber, an outer passage, provided in the housing chamber, that passes over an outer surface of the adsorber; and', 'a flow passage that sequentially passes through the outer passage and the adsorber as a flow passage for the evaporated fuel to pass through the housing chamber., 'wherein the canister comprises2. The canister according to claim 1 , wherein the outer passage comprises a narrowing portion in which a flow passage area is gradually reduced from upstream toward downstream of a flow of the evaporated fuel.3. The canister according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first chamber that houses an adsorbent;a second chamber that houses an adsorbent; anda third chamber as the housing chamber,wherein the canister comprises a flow passage that passes through housing spaces where the adsorbents are housed in the first chamber and the second chamber, and through the adsorber and the outer passage in the third chamber.4. The canister according to claim 3 , wherein the adsorbents are activated carbon.5. The canister according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorber comprises a carbon material. This international application claims the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-10367 filed Jan. 23, 2014 in the Japan Patent Office, and the entire disclosure of Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-10367 is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a canister, and more ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015192A1
Автор: Abe Ryota

Provided is a flap valve device and a gas liquid separation device provided with a flap valve wherein the flap valve device is highly compact, and is easy to assemble. In a normally open flap valve device () comprising a main body () having an opening (), a flap () for selectively closing the opening and a torsion coil spring () provided between the main body and the flap for biasing the flap in an opening direction, the flap valve device further comprises a main body side bearing () provided on the main body; a flap side bearing () provided on the flap; a connecting member () including a hinge shaft (A) passed through the main body side bearing, the flap side bearing and a coil portion (A) of the torsion coil spring so as to serve as a pivot shaft for the flap, and an extension (B) extending from an end of the hinge shaft along an outer part (B) of the flap; and a spring engagement portion () provided on the main body for engaging an end of the torsion coil spring; another end of the torsion coil spring being engaged by the extension, the extension being engaged on the outer part of the flap. 1. A normally open flap valve device comprising a main body having an opening , a flap for selectively closing the opening and a torsion coil spring provided between the main body and the flap for biasing the flap in an opening direction , the flap valve device further comprising:a main body side bearing provided on the main body;a flap side bearing provided on the flap;a connecting member including a hinge shaft passed through the main body side bearing, the flap side bearing and a coil portion of the torsion coil spring so as to serve as a pivot shaft for the flap, and an extension extending from an end of the hinge shaft along an outer part of the flap; anda spring engagement portion provided on the main body for engaging an end of the torsion coil spring;another end of the torsion coil spring being engaged by the extension, the extension being engaged on the outer part of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034439A1
Принадлежит: MANN TEKNIK AB

A pressure tight plug for sealing a coupler of a dry disconnect valve includes a housing, a main flow valve, and at least one urging member being rotatable with respect to the housing of the coupler. The pressure tight plug includes a body, a locking ring, a pressure relief lock valve, and a pressure relief channel. The body includes an internal region for sealing adjacent the main flow valve of the coupler member, and a flanged perimeter for securing the plug to the coupler. The locking ring is receivable on, and rotatable with respect to, the body for engaging with the at least one urging member of the coupler. The pressure relief lock valve is fixed with respect to the body. The pressure relief channel extends from the internal region of the body to atmosphere, via said pressure relief lock valve. The pressure relief lock valve is arranged such that in a valve closed position the pressure relief lock valve is engaged with the locking ring, therein restricting movement of the locking ring and therein fixing the plug to the coupler. 1. A pressure tight plug for releasably sealing a coupler of a dry disconnect valve , the coupler comprising a housing , a main flow valve , and at least one urging member being rotatable with respect to the housing of the coupler , the pressure tight plug comprising:a body comprising: an internal region for sealing adjacent the main flow valve of the coupler, and a flanged perimeter for securing the plug to the coupler,a locking ring receivable on, and rotatable with respect to the body via the at least one urging member of the coupler,a pressure relief lock valve for releasably engaging the locking ring, the pressure relief lock valve rotatably fixed with respect to the body, anda pressure relief channel extending from the internal region of the body to atmosphere, via said pressure relief lock valve;the pressure relief lock valve being arranged such that in a valved closed position the pressure relief lock valve is engaged with the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015820A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A fuel tank system having a fuel tank and a fuel vapor recovery system including a vapor vent line fluidly coupled between the fuel tank and a canister, and a vapor purge line fluidly coupled to the canister. A multiplex director is selectively fluidly coupled to a first location in the fuel vapor recovery system and a second location in the fuel vapor recovery system. The multiplex director is movable between a first position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the first location and is fluidly blocked from the second location, and a second position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the second location and is fluidly blocked from the first location. The multiplex director is configured to monitor at least one of a pressure and a hydrocarbon concentration in the first location and the second location when fluidly coupled thereto. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank;a fuel vapor recovery system configured to recapture and recycle emitted fuel vapor, the fuel vapor recovery system including a vapor vent line fluidly coupled between the fuel tank and a canister, and a vapor purge line fluidly coupled to the canister; anda multiplex director selectively fluidly coupled to a first location in the fuel vapor recovery system and a second location in the fuel vapor recovery system, the multiplex director movable between a first position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the first location and is fluidly blocked from the second location, and a second position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the second location and is fluidly blocked from the first location, the multiplex director configured to monitor at least one of a pressure and a hydrocarbon concentration in the first location and the second location when fluidly coupled thereto.2. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , wherein the first location is a vent vapor tube coupled to the fuel tank claim 1 , and the second location is the vapor vent line.3. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017023A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A fuel tank system includes a fuel tank, a liquid trap and a tank venting assembly. The fuel tank defines a first vapor space and a second vapor space. The tank venting assembly includes a vent valve, a first vent line, a second vent line and a third vent line. The vent valve can have a movable member that is configured to move between a first open position wherein a front vent point is open and a second closed position wherein the front vent point is closed. The first vent line can be fluidly connected between the liquid trap and the vent valve. The second vent line can be fluidly connected between the vent valve and an auxiliary vent point. The third vent line can connect to an upper vent point. In a closed position, the auxiliary vent point and the upper vent point remain open and vented. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank configured as a reservoir for holding fuel to be supplied to an internal combustion engine, the fuel tank defining a first vapor space and a second vapor space at an area distinct from the first vapor space;a liquid trap; a vent valve having a movable member that is configured to move between a first open position wherein a front vent point is open and a second closed position wherein the front vent point is closed;', 'a first vent line fluidly connected between the liquid trap and the vent valve;', 'a second vent line fluidly connected between the vent valve and an auxiliary vent point at the first vapor space; and', 'a third vent line fluidly connected between the liquid trap and an upper vent point at the second vapor space; and, 'a tank venting assembly comprisingwherein the vent valve is configured to move to the closed position upon a fuel level reaching a predetermined level, wherein in the closed position, the auxiliary vent point and the upper vent point remain open and vented to the liquid trap.2. The fuel tank system of wherein the fuel tank further defines a third vapor space at the vent valve claim 1 , the third vapor ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for fuel level estimation

Номер: US20180017430A1

Methods and systems are provided for estimating fuel levels in a fuel tank. In one example, a method may comprise adjusting estimates of a fuel level in a fuel tank based on an amount of fuel added to the fuel tank during a refueling event. The amount of fuel added to the fuel tank may be provided by a vehicle operator via one or more of a dashboard user interface, a wireless device user interface, and a digital camera included within a user device.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Valve Assembly for a Fuel Tank

Номер: US20210016656A1
Принадлежит: Alfmeier Praezision SE

A valve assembly for a fuel tank includes a housing with a tank connection and a filter connection to respectively connect the valve assembly to the fuel tank and to an active carbon filter. The tank connection and the filter connection are or can be fluidically connected through a vent duct. A main vent valve with a valve element in the vent duct closes the vent duct in a closing position and opens it in a releasing position. A pilot valve to open the main vent valve is or can be fluidically connected to a pressure chamber of the main vent valve or to an overflow area. The overflow area fluidically connects or can fluidically connect the tank connection or a tank-side vent duct and the filter connection or a filter-side vent duct. Three check valves are also included.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016657A1

A fuel filler cap canister for a fuel filler cap includes: a base part having an attachment section attached to the cap and a communicating hole communicating with a fuel tank and formed in the base part; and a case member assembled to the base part and having an inner volumetric space provided with a spiral rib. The spiral rib extends from an opposing face of the case member facing the base part or an opposing face of the base part facing the case member toward the base part or the case member, respectively, and forms an adsorption path connecting the communicating hole and an atmosphere communicating hole formed in either one of a vicinity of a peripheral edge or substantially a central portion of the opposing face of the case member facing the base part. The adsorption path is filled with an adsorbing device. 1. A fuel filler cap canister for use with a fuel filler cap to be removably attached to a fuel filler port of a fuel tank , the fuel filler cap canister comprising:a base part provided with an attachment section to be attached to the fuel filler cap and a communicating hole that is in communication with the fuel tank, the communicating hole being formed in the base part in either one of substantially a central portion or a vicinity of an outer edge portion; anda case member to be assembled to the base part and provided with a volumetric space inside of the case member,wherein the volumetric space is provided with a spiral rib formed therein, the spiral rib extending from either one of an opposing face of the case member facing the base part or an opposing face of the base part facing the case member toward either one of the base part or the case member,the spiral rib forms an adsorption path having a first end that is in communication with the communicating hole and a second end that is in communication with an atmosphere communicating hole formed in either one of a vicinity of a peripheral edge or substantially a central portion of the opposing face of the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Vapor fuel processing apparatus

Номер: US20140102419A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A canister absorbs evaporated fuel produced in a fuel tank and supplies the absorbed evaporated fuel to an engine. A sealing valve is equipped between the fuel tank and the canister. A detection unit detects a state of a lid of the fuel tank. An intention estimation unit estimates existence of a refueling intention according to an activity of a user. A release time period estimation unit estimates a release time period, which is needed to release a pressure in the fuel tank, according to a state of a vehicle. A manipulation control unit opens the sealing valve when the lid is opened. The manipulation control unit opens the sealing valve, even in a case where the lid is closed, on estimation that the refueling intention exists, and on determination that the estimated release time period is greater than a predetermined time period.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Cap assembly integrated with check valves

Номер: US20190017614A1
Автор: Charles Qin, Sam Li

A cap assembly for a container comprises a cap and a body coupled to the cap. The body includes a peripheral wall and a valve seat. The valve seat includes a first side facing the cap and a second side facing away from the cap. A first check valve having an elastic valve body is positioned at the second side of the seat. A second check valve having an elastic valve body is positioned at the first side of the valve seat. When a pressure at the first side of the valve seat exceeds a pressure at the second side of the valve seat by a first predetermined value, the first check valve opens; and when the pressure at the second side exceeds the pressure at the first side by a second predetermined value, the second check valve opens.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021907A1
Автор: ASAI Takahiro

To provide a fuel line joint capable of improving resistance to an external force in a joint configured to store a liquid fuel. A fuel line joint is equipped with an integrally formed main body portion that has a storage region configured to store a liquid fuel in a lower part thereof and has an opening portion above the storage region of the liquid fuel; a lid that is formed separately from the main body portion, is attached to the main body portion so as to close the opening portion of the main body portion, and is not connected to members other than the main body portion; and a plurality of mounting portions that is formed integrally with the main body portion and mounted to each of a plurality of pipes forming a fuel line. 1. A fuel line joint comprising:an integrally formed main body portion that has a storage region configured to store a liquid fuel in a lower part thereof and has an opening portion above the storage region of the liquid fuel;a lid that is formed separately from the main body portion, is attached to the main body portion so as to close the opening portion of the main body portion, and is not connected to members other than the main body portion; anda plurality of mounting portions that is formed integrally with the main body portion and is mounted to each of a plurality of pipes forming a fuel line.2. The fuel line joint according to claim 1 , wherein:the fuel line joint is applied to a breather line that connects a fuel tank and a filler pipe; a first mounting portion mounted to one end portion of a first breather pipe,', 'a second mounting portion mounted to one end portion of a second breather pipe, and', 'a third mounting portion mounted to one end portion of a suction pipe;, 'the plurality of mounting portions includesthe first breather pipe is a pipe that has an upper space in the fuel tank communicating with the other end side thereof to discharge air in the fuel tank to the outside of the fuel tank;the second breather pipe is a pipe ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023549A1

A fuel container, in particular for motor vehicles, comprising an aereation and de-aereation device for balancing the internal gas pressure during filling of the container with fuel and during consumption of the fuel during the operation of a working machine powered by the fuel. The aereation and de-aereation device has a separator device for separating liquid fuel from an aereation and de-aereation line. In order to permit the separator device to be emptied, if a fuel pump, which serves this purpose during normal operation, is not in operation, the separator device comprises a housing and a pipe nozzle which is connected to the housing either directly or via a pipeline and in which pressure fluctuations occur as a result of incoming and outgoing fuel, said fluctuations acting as a pump for emptying the separator device. 1. A fuel container , having a venting device for equalizing an internal gas pressure during the filling of the container with fuel and during the consumption of the fuel during the operation of a machine which is operated by the fuel , wherein the venting device has a separator device for separating liquid fuel from a vent line , wherein the separator device has a housing and a pipe portion which is connected to the housing directly or via a pipeline and in which pressure fluctuations which are used as a pump for emptying the separator device occur as a result of incoming and outgoing fuel.2. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the separator device has a first valve which opens when fuel enters the pipe portion and closes when fuel exits the pipe portion.3. The fuel container as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first valve is a disk valve.4. The fuel container as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first valve is arranged in a wall of the pipe portion or in a wall of the pipeline which connects the pipe portion to the housing of the separator device.52. The fuel container as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the separator device has a second ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Vented Valve Cap

Номер: US20170021722A1

A fuel cap is described as having a top assembly and a bottom assembly slidably engaged with, and concentric to, the top assembly. The top assembly having a cap cover and a cylindrical cap body concentric with and protruding substantially perpendicularly from, an underside surface of the cap cover. The bottom assembly having a vacuum valve operatively coupled with a valve body. A wire-form keeper may slidably secure the bottom assembly to the top assembly. A pressure spring may impart a force that biases said bottom assembly away from said top assembly. 1. A venting apparatus comprising:a cap cover having a cylindrical cap body concentric with, and protruding substantially perpendicularly from, an underside surface of the cap cover;a bottom assembly slidably engaged with, and concentric to, the cap cover, wherein the bottom assembly is sized and shaped to at least partially reside within the cylindrical cap body, wherein the vacuum valve and the valve body are arranged substantially concentric to one another, the vacuum valve being moveable between a first position and a second position,', 'wherein the vacuum valve prevents flow through the valve body in the first position and permits flow through the valve body in the second position;, 'the bottom assembly having a vacuum valve slidably engaged with a valve body,'}a vacuum spring to bias the vacuum valve in the first position; anda pressure spring residing at least partially within each of the valve body portion and the cylindrical cap body, wherein the pressure spring is configured to impart a force that biases said bottom assembly away from said cap cover.2. The venting apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a keeper device to engage said valve body and said cylindrical cap body claim 1 , thereby slidably securing the bottom assembly to the cap cover.3. The venting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum valve comprises a vacuum base and a vacuum stem perpendicularly positioned on said vacuum base.4. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022211A1
Автор: Hill David

A vapour recovery system recovers vapour coming from a vehicle tank. The system includes a valve that is positionable in a closed position, an open position creating a passageway with a first size, and one or more intermediate positions each creating a passageway with a size smaller than the first size. The system also includes an electronic controller to control an actuator to position the valve in a sequence of positions over time. The sequence includes at least one of the intermediate positions during a time period larger than 1 second. The valve is arranged in a line of the vapour recovery system between a vapour outlet of the vehicle tank and the atmosphere. The actuator is a stepper-motor based linear actuator. The controlling includes selecting at least one intermediate position, and the selection includes selecting a number of steps to be set from a predetermined reference position. 1. A vapour recovery system for recovering vapour coming from a vehicle tank comprising:a valve configured for being positionable in a closed position, an open position creating a passageway with a first size, and one or more intermediate positions each creating a passageway with a size which is smaller than said first size;an actuator configured for operating said valve;an electronic controller configured for controlling said actuator to position said valve in a sequence of positions over time, wherein said sequence comprises at least one of said one or more intermediate positions during a time period, said time period being larger than 1 second;wherein the valve is arranged in a line of the vapour recovery system between a vapour outlet of the vehicle tank and the atmosphere;wherein the actuator is a stepper-motor based linear actuator; andwherein the controlling comprises selecting at least one intermediate position of said one or more intermediate positions, the selection consisting in selecting a number of steps to be set from a predetermined reference position.2. The vapour ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022212A1

The invention relates to a line termination element () for a ventilation outlet of a fluid container (), having a main body () which is formed as a closure element for a free end () of the ventilation outlet and which is cross-sectionally matched to the cross section of the ventilation outlet, comprising at least one flow passage as an insect barrier, which flow passage is smaller than a mouth cross section () of the ventilation outlet, and also at least one valve body (), which, in a first position, closes off the mouth cross section () of the ventilation outlet and, in a second position, opens up the mouth cross section () of the ventilation outlet. 1456317101717. A line termination element () for a ventilation outlet of a fluid container () , having a main body () which is formed as a closure element for a free end of the ventilation outlet () and which is cross-sectionally matched to the cross section of the ventilation outlet , comprising at least one flow passage as an insect barrier , which flow passage is smaller than a mouth cross section () of the ventilation outlet , and also at least one valve body () , which , in a first position , closes off the mouth cross section () of the ventilation outlet and which , in a second position , opens up the mouth cross section () of the ventilation outlet.246. The line termination element () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the main body () is formed as a closure cap for the free end of the ventilation outlet.346739. The line termination element () as claimed in either of and claim 1 , characterized in that the main body () surrounds a receiving space () for the free end of the ventilation outlet () claim 1 , and a valve chamber ().441073. The line termination element () as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the valve body () delimits the receiving space () for the free end of the ventilation outlet ().5410973. The line termination element () as claimed in or claim 3 , characterized in that the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023729A1

Methods and systems are provided for a zero hysteresis valve. In one example, a valve comprises protrusions shaped to maintain a distance between a moveable portion of the valve and a valve seat. 1. A valve , comprising:a piston shaped to oscillate within a valve housing, wherein a protrusion is physically coupled to the piston and shaped to prevent the piston from moving within a threshold distance of a valve seat.2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the valve housing comprises a single inlet arranged symmetrically along a central axis of the valve along which the piston oscillates.3. The valve of claim 2 , wherein the valve housing comprises a first outlet and a second outlet arranged directly opposite one another along an axis perpendicular to the central axis.4. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the protrusion is a first protrusion claim 1 , and where a second protrusion is physically coupled to the piston.5. The valve of claim 4 , wherein the first protrusion and the second protrusion are identically shaped claim 4 , and where the shape of the first and second protrusions is a semi-cylinder having a flat side in face-sharing contact with a top side of the piston claim 4 , and where a half-circle extends from the flat side claim 4 , a portion of the half-circle shaped to contact the valve seat without compressing claim 4 , and where the first and second protrusions are curved to match a curve of a circumference of the piston.6. The valve of claim 4 , wherein gaps separate the first and second protrusions claim 4 , and where the valve is rotational and bilaterally symmetric.7. A system claim 4 , comprising:a pressure control device comprising a moveable portion shaped to adjust flow of a fluid through an inlet and a plurality of outlets, the pressure control device further comprising one or more protrusions physically coupled to a top of the moveable portion, and where the pressure control device is symmetric.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the protrusions include a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025155A1

The invention relates to an internal combustion engine having a fuel tank (), a tank ventilation line () and a Venturi nozzle () disposed in a fluid-carrying component (), wherein the Venturi nozzle () has an inflow channel (), an opening point () adjoining downstream of the inflow channel () with a fluid connection to the tank ventilation line (), and an outflow channel () adjoining downstream of the opening point (). In this case, an outflow section () of the Venturi nozzle downstream of the opening point () is surrounded by the component () in such a manner that a detection space () is formed around the outflow section (), wherein the detection space () has at least one inlet opening () via which the detection space () can be pressurized and wherein at least one pressure sensor () for monitoring the pressure in the detection space () is provided. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:a tank ventilation line;a Venturi nozzle disposed in a fluid-carrying component, the Venturi nozzle comprising an inflow channel, an opening point adjoining downstream of the inflow channel, which is in fluid connection with the tank ventilation line, and an outflow channel adjoining downstream of the opening point; andan outflow section of the Venturi nozzle downstream of the opening point being surrounded by the fluid-carrying component such that a detection space is formed around the outflow section,wherein the detection space has at least one inlet opening via which the detection space is pressurized, andwherein at least one pressure sensor monitors a pressure in the detection chamber.2. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the inflow channel and/or a port to the tank ventilation line are at least partially surrounded by the fluid-carrying component.3. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid-carrying component is an intake hood or an exhaust gas turbocharger.4. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031315A1
Автор: SUZUKI Keiji
Принадлежит: KYOSAN DENKI CO., LTD.

A casing includes a container in which a float valve is disposed. When the float valve is closed, the casing keeps the float valve in a closed state for a relatively long period of time. A sub-float valve is provided below the container in the casing, and is closed by floating on fuel at the time of a turn of a vehicle or an automatic stop of first refueling. When the first refueling is completed, air in the sub-float valve is discharged, and the sub-float valve loses its floating function. 1. A fill-up control valve device comprising:a casing which is mounted to a fuel tank installed in a vehicle and in which a ventilation passage that communicates an interior of the fuel tank with an exterior of the fuel tank to allow gas in the interior of the fuel tank to be discharged to the exterior of the fuel tank is formed; anda first float valve that is provided vertically movably in an accommodation space formed in the casing, that floats on liquid fuel in the casing, and that is configured to open and close the ventilation passage with a vertical movement of a fuel surface in the casing, wherein:the casing has a vent hole that communicates an interior space of the fuel tank with the accommodation space;the casing includes a container that is a container which has a bottom surface and in which the first float valve is disposed;the container includes an introduction port that is an introduction port provided above the bottom surface and that introduces liquid fuel into the container, and a discharge passage that is provided below the introduction port to extend through the container and that discharges the liquid fuel introduced from the introduction port into the container to an exterior of the container, wherein the discharge passage has a passage cross-sectional area smaller than an opening area of the introduction port;the fill-up control valve device further comprises a second float valve that is provided vertically movably in an accommodation space in the casing, the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029467A1
Автор: EASTER Jason, Flynn Daniel

A tube extends through an attachment section and defines a vapor passageway. A housing is supported to the attachment section for movement between several positions relative to the attachment section. The housing defines a float chamber below the tube. A valve seat portion is located within the float chamber and has an engagement part, a sleeve part and a seat surface. The engagement part is connected to the housing. The sleeve part telescopically engages the tube and is movable along the tube with the housing. The valve seat portion defines a central bore open to the vapor passageway and the seat surface. The float moves within the float chamber. When to fluid enters the float chamber the float floats up against the seat surface closing off the central bore and the vapor passageway. In the absence of fluid the float moves downward exposing the seat surface. 1. A fuel tank vapor valve assembly , comprising:an attachment section having an upper surface and a lower surface;at least one tube extending through the attachment section defining a vapor passageway that extends from the upper surface to a point below and spaced apart from the lower surface;a housing supported to the attachment section for movement between at least a first position and a second position relative to the attachment section, the housing defining a float chamber below the at least one tube;a valve seat portion located within the float chamber, the valve seat portion having an engagement part, a sleeve part, and a seat surface, the engagement part being coupled to the housing for movement therewith, the sleeve part being in telescoping engagement with the at least one tube such that the sleeve part telescopically moves along the at least one tube with the housing, the valve seat portion defining a central bore open to the vapor passageway and the seat surface; anda float freely movable within the float chamber such that in response to fluid entering the float chamber the float floats up against ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029468A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A fuel tank system constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure includes a saddle fuel tank, a control module, a first and second solenoid, and a first and second vent line. The saddle fuel tank can have a first lobe and a second lobe. The first vent line can have a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank. The first solenoid is configured to open and close the first vent port. The second vent line can have a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank. The second solenoid is configured to open and close the second vent port. The control module sends a signal to the first and second solenoids to close the first and second vents upon reaching a full fuel condition. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a saddle fuel tank having a first lobe and a second lobe;a control module;a first solenoid;a second solenoid;a first vent line having a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank, the first solenoid configured to open and close the first vent port; anda second vent line having a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank, the second solenoid configured to open and close the second vent port;wherein the control module sends a signal to the first and second solenoids to close the first and second vents upon reaching a full fuel condition.2. The fuel tank system of wherein the first and second vent ports are positioned near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank.3. The fuel tank system of wherein the saddle fuel tank further includes a recessed central portion intermediate the first and second lobes claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the saddle fuel tank is located above the recessed central portion.4. The fuel tank system of wherein the control module is positioned intermediate the first and second vent ports on the saddle tank.5. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , further comprising:a liquid trap, wherein the first and second vent lines are routed between ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150032307A1

Methods and systems for controlling a fuel tank isolation valve coupled to a fuel tank in a vehicle are disclosed. In one example approach, a method comprises, in response to a refuel request, actuating a fuel tank isolation valve to vent a fuel tank for refueling; and, in response to a pressure in the fuel tank below a threshold pressure after a predetermined time duration, discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank. 1. A method for a vehicle with an engine , comprising:in response to a refuel request, actuating a fuel tank isolation valve to vent a fuel tank for refueling; andin response to a pressure in the fuel tank below a threshold pressure after a predetermined time duration, discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the refuel request comprises one or more of an actuation of a switch by a vehicle operator and a detection of an open refuel door.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank is performed while fuel is being added to the fuel tank.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank in response to detection of a refuel door closed.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank in response to a vehicle speed greater than a speed threshold.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank claim 1 , actuating the fuel tank isolation valve to vent the fuel tank in response to a pressure in the fuel tank above the threshold pressure.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after discontinuing actuation of the fuel tank isolation valve to seal the fuel tank claim 1 , actuating the fuel tank isolation valve to vent the fuel tank ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030303A1
Автор: TAKAKURA Shinsuke

A fuel evaporative emission processing system suitable for a hybrid vehicle includes a shut-off valve, a first purge control valve and a second purge control valve. The shut-off valve is selectively opens and closes a fuel vapor passage between a fuel tank and a canister. The first purge control valve selectively opens and closes a purge passage between the canister and the intake passage of an internal combustion engine. The second purge control valve selectively opens and closes a tank opening passage between the canister and the fuel tank. When releasing a pressure for refueling, the second purge control valve with a small diameter opens prior to opening of the shut-off valve so that blow-by of gas associated with opening of the shutoff valve is prevented. 1. A fuel evaporative emission processing system for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a fuel vapor passage communicating a fuel tank and a charge port of a canister;a shut-off valve interposed in the fuel vapor passage and configured to selectively open and close the fuel vapor passage, the shut-off valve being a solenoid valve that is configured to open during refueling;a tank opening passage communicating the fuel tank and the canister;a second control valve interposed in the tank opening passage and configured to open prior to opening of the shut-off valve when releasing a pressure for refueling;a tank pressure sensor configured to detect a pressure in the fuel tank; anda diagnosis mechanism configured to diagnose the second control valve based on a pressure change in the fuel tank developed after opening of the second control valve from a state in which the pressure in the fuel tank is positive with the shut-off valve and the second control valve closed.2. The fuel evaporative emission processing system according to claim 1 , whereinthe second purge control valve is formed with a passage area smaller than a passage area of the shut-off valve.3. The fuel evaporative emission processing system ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031408A1
Автор: EASTER Jason, Flynn Daniel

A fuel pump assembly includes an attachment section and a pump housing. The attachment section includes an upper telescoping section having an outer portion and a support rod that extends into the outer portion for telescoping movement with respect thereto. The support rod further extends downward from the outer portion. The pump housing is supported to a lower end of the support rod of the attachment section. The upper telescoping section of the support rod is configured such that the pump housing is movable between a first position and a second position, such that in the first position the pump housing is retained by the upper telescoping structure a first distance away from the attachment section and in the second position the pump housing is located a second distance away from the attachment section. The first distance is greater than the second distance. 1. A fuel pump assembly , comprising:an attachment section including an upper telescoping section having an outer portion and a support rod that extends into the outer portion for telescoping movement with respect thereto, the support rod further extending downward from the outer portion;a pump housing supported to a lower end of the support rod of the attachment section,the upper telescoping section of the support rod being configured such that the pump housing is movable between a first position and a second position, such that in the first position the pump housing is retained by the upper telescoping structure a first distance away from the attachment section and in the second position the pump housing is located a second distance away from the attachment section, the first distance being greater than the second distance.2. The fuel pump assembly according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer portion of the upper telescoping structure defines a hollow interior with a biasing member being retained therein, the biasing member urging the support rod away from the attachment section.3. The fuel pump assembly according ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034175A1

In at least some implementations, a fuel tank includes a tank body defining a chamber adapted to receive liquid fuel therein, a reinforcement for the tank body to permit the pressure within the chamber to exceed the vapor pressure of a fuel to be received within the chamber, and an inlet to the tank body through which fuel is added to the chamber. The inlet is configured to mate with a refueling nozzle through which fuel is added to the chamber to permit refueling the tank and maintaining the pressure in the chamber above atmospheric pressure. 1. A fuel tank , comprising:a tank body defining a chamber adapted to receive liquid fuel therein, and a reinforcement for the tank body to permit the pressure within the chamber to exceed the vapor pressure of a fuel to be received within the chamber; andan inlet to the tank body through which fuel is added to the chamber, the inlet configured to mate with a refueling nozzle through which fuel is added to the chamber to permit refueling the tank and maintaining the pressure in the chamber above atmospheric pressure.2. The fuel tank of wherein the inlet is defined in a fill pipe that extends from the tank body and communicates with the chamber.3. The fuel tank of which also includes a pressure relief valve that permits flow therethrough when a pressure within the tank exceeds a threshold pressure.4. The fuel tank of which also includes a valve adapted to limit the maximum level of fuel that may be received within the chamber.5. The fuel tank of which also includes a vapor canister selectively communicated with the chamber and a valve disposed upstream of the vapor canister to selectively permit fluid flow from the chamber to the vapor canister claim 1 , the valve being open during a refueling event when fuel is added to the chamber and closed at other times to prevent fluid flow to the vapor canister.6. The fuel tank of which also includes a fill level valve adapted to limit the maximum level of fuel that may be received ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031220A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A sensor adapter assembly configured to couple a vapor pressure sensor to a fuel tank includes a base housing configured to couple to the fuel tank, and an insert adapter coupled to the base housing. The insert adapter defines a sensor insertion aperture configured to provide fluid communication to a space inside the fuel tank. The insert adapter is configured to couple to the vapor pressure sensor such that at least a portion of the vapor pressure sensor extends through the sensor insertion aperture into the space inside the fuel tank. 1. A sensor adapter assembly configured to couple a vapor pressure sensor to a fuel tank , the assembly comprising:a base housing configured to couple to the fuel tank; andan insert adapter coupled to the base housing, the insert adapter defining a sensor insertion aperture configured to provide fluid communication to a space inside the fuel tank;wherein the insert adapter is configured to couple to the vapor pressure sensor such that at least a portion of the vapor pressure sensor extends through the sensor insertion aperture into the space inside the fuel tank.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a clip extending outwardly from an upper surface of the insert adapter claim 1 , the clip configured to engage the vapor pressure sensor to maintain coupling between the vapor pressure sensor and the insert adapter.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an anti-rotation tab extending outwardly from an upper surface of the insert adapter claim 1 , the anti-rotation tab configured to abut against the vapor pressure sensor when the vapor pressure sensor is coupled to the insert adapter to facilitate preventing relative rotation between the vapor pressure sensor and the insert adapter.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base housing is overmolded over at least a portion of the insert adapter.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein a seal is coupled to the insert adapter and the base housing is overmolded over the seal.6. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031221A1
Автор: Kato Tsuyoshi, SUI Xiaohui

In a valve device for a fuel tank, a fuel liquid level of filling-up fuel feed and an allowable fuel amount of additional fuel feed can be easily and appropriately changed by replacing only a part of components forming the valve device. A first valve chamber has a structure of positioning an open end below a support portion of a first float having a passage portion for a fluid. A second valve chamber includes a support portion of a second float having a passage portion for the fluid. The first valve chamber and the second valve chamber are formed by fitting a lower-portion including the support portion and the open end of the first float and the support portion of the second float relative to an upper-portion including a first valve opening and a second valve opening. 1. A valve device for a fuel tank , comprising:an upper-portion including a first valve opening and a second valve opening for communicating inside and outside of a fuel tank;a lower-portion assembled with the upper-portion, and including a first valve chamber formed below the first valve opening, a second valve chamber formed below the second valve opening and partitioned from the first valve chamber, a partition wall separating the first valve chamber and the second valve chamber, a first support portion having a passage portion for a fluid so that the first valve chamber has an open end below the support portion, and a second support portion having another passage portion for a fluid;a first float disposed inside the first valve chamber and supported on the first support portion to be movable up and down; anda second float disposed inside the second valve chamber and supported on the second support portion to be movable up and down,wherein the first valve chamber and the second valve chamber are assembled by fitting the lower-portion including the first support portion for the first valve and the second support portion for the second float to the upper-portion.2. A valve device for a fuel tank ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036531A1

A fuel tank system constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure includes a fuel tank, a purge canister, a valve assembly and a bypass means. The valve assembly can be fluidly coupled between the fuel tank and the purge canister and that selectively controls fuel vapor flow between the fuel tank and the purge canister. The bypass means can selectively bypass fuel vapor around at least a portion of the valve assembly from the fuel tank to the purge canister. The bypass means can include a bypass valve. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank;a purge canister;a valve assembly that is fluidly coupled between the fuel tank and the purge canister and that selectively controls fuel vapor flow between the fuel tank and the purge canister; anda bypass means that selectively bypasses fuel vapor around at least a portion of the valve assembly from the fuel tank to the purge canister.2. The fuel tank system of wherein the bypass means comprises a bypass valve.3. The fuel tank system of wherein the valve assembly comprises an over-pressure relief valve having a piston and a seal that collectively translate relative to a seat between open and closed positions.4. The fuel tank system of wherein the bypass means comprises a pushpin that is selectively movable to urge the seal of the over-pressure relief valve off of the corresponding seat.5. The fuel tank system of wherein the valve assembly is disposed in a housing and wherein the pushpin is enclosed in a flexible diaphragm that sealingly encloses the pushpin claim 4 , the pushpin biased toward a closed position.6. The fuel tank system of wherein the bypass means comprises an over-pressure relief valve having a seal formed of magnetic material claim 1 , the seal selectively engaging a corresponding seat in a closed position.7. The fuel tank system of wherein the seal is selectively urged away from the corresponding seat upon a magnet being placed proximate to the seal.8. The fuel tank system of wherein ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Tank sealing valve and evaporation fuel processing device including the same

Номер: US20170036532A1
Автор: Yuichiro Miura
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A tank sealing valve arranged in a passage network through which a fluid flows between a fuel tank and a canister includes a first valve unit and a second valve unit. A first port and a second port of three ports included in an outer case body of the first valve unit are open toward a first chamber of two chambers divided by a diaphragm or a bellows of the first valve unit, and a third port of the three ports is open toward a second chamber of the two chambers. A valve body of the first valve unit includes a through passage penetrating a valve portion and a column portion of the valve body. The valve portion communicates with the first port and the second chamber through the through passage in a case where the first port is closed. The second valve unit opens and closes the third port.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037107A1

A vehicle fuel system is provided that includes a fuel tank and a manual vent system. The manual vent system includes an emergency valve and an actuator. The manual vent system is configured to cause the emergency valve to open after the actuator has been actuated. 120.-. (canceled)21. A manual vent system for a vehicle fuel system , comprising:an emergency valve; andan actuator,wherein the emergency valve is configured to open after the actuator has been actuated.22. The manual vent system of claim 21 , further comprising a connection between the actuator and the emergency valve.23. The manual vent system of claim 22 , wherein the connection comprises a cable disposed in a sheath.24. The manual vent system of claim 22 , wherein the connection comprises a time lag to delay the opening of the valve for a short duration.25. The manual vent system of claim 22 , wherein the connection is configured such that if severed the emergency valve is caused to open.26. The manual vent system of claim 21 , further comprising a controller adapted to receive a wireless signal and in response to cause the valve to open.27. The manual vent system of claim 26 , wherein the controller is configure to provide a time lag to delay the opening of the valve for a short duration.28. The manual vent system of claim 22 , wherein a signal provided along the connection actuates a mechanism disposed adjacent to the valve to open the valve.29. The manual vent system of claim 22 , wherein the connection is disposed in a fire resistant structure.30. The manual vent system of claim 21 , further comprising a secondary actuator disposed adjacent the valve claim 21 , the secondary actuator configured to open the valve when actuated.31. The manual vent system of claim 24 , wherein the time lag is selectable by the actuator.32. A vehicle comprising: an emergency valve;', 'an actuator; and', 'a connector configured to connect the valve and the actuator,', 'wherein severing the connector causes the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038320A1

Disclosed herein are liquid containment systems, methods for making such systems, and vehicle fuel storage systems having vapor recirculation capabilities. Presented is a liquid containment system for stowing hydrocarbon-based liquids. This system includes a vapor canister coupled to a liquid container to receive hydrocarbon vapor from the container. A fill conduit coupled to the container has an opening for receiving a fill nozzle. A vapor recirculation transmits vapor from the container to the fill conduit. A multi-stage check valve, which is coupled to the container and recirculation conduit, has a housing and a plunger with a bleed hole. The plunger seats against the housing such that vapor passes from the container through the bleed hole to the fill conduit via the recirculation conduit. Responsive to increased in-tank pressure, the plunger unseats from the housing such that vapor passes through the bleed hole and around the plunger to the fill conduit. 1. A liquid containment system for stowing a hydrocarbon-based liquid discharged from a fill nozzle , the liquid containment system comprising:a liquid container configured to stow therein the hydrocarbon-based liquid;a vapor canister fluidly coupled to the liquid container and configured to receive and store hydrocarbon vapor from the hydrocarbon-based liquid stowed in the liquid container;a fill conduit fluidly coupled to the liquid container, the fill conduit having an open end configured to receive the hydrocarbon-based liquid from the fill nozzle;a vapor recirculation conduit fluidly coupled to the liquid container and to the fill conduit proximate the open end thereof, the vapor recirculation conduit being configured to transmit hydrocarbon vapor from the liquid container to the fill conduit; anda multi-stage check valve assembly fluidly coupled to the liquid container and the vapor recirculation conduit, the check valve assembly having a housing and a plunger with a bleed hole, the plunger being movable ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Fuel Tank Venting System for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20150046025A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A fuel tank venting system for a motor vehicle includes an outlet side of a tank venting valve connected to an inlet side of a first vent line and to an inlet side of a second vent line. An outlet side of the first vent line is connected to an intake manifold upstream from a throttle valve and downstream from an air filter, and an outlet side of the second vent line is connected to the intake manifold downstream from the throttle valve. The first check valve has a first position sensor and the first closing element has a detectable element. The first position sensor is connected to an electronic control device to transmit signals. A position of the first closing element may be determined by means of the position sensor and the detectable element. 110-. (canceled)11. A fuel tank venting system for a motor vehicle , comprising:an intake manifold configured to supply air to a cylinder of an internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle, the intake manifold including a throttle valve and an air filter;a fuel tank;a tank vent valve;a cutoff valve;an electronic control device configured to actuate the throttle valve, the tank vent valve, and the cutoff valve;a first vent line, which includes a first check valve having a first closing element, anda second vent line,wherein the cutoff valve is indirectly or directly connected to an inlet side of the tank vent valve, and an outlet side of the tank vent valve is connected to an inlet side of the first vent line and to an inlet side of the second vent line,wherein an outlet side of the first vent line is connected to the intake manifold upstream from the throttle valve and downstream from the air filter, and an outlet side of the second vent line is connected to the intake manifold downstream from the throttle valve,wherein the first check valve has a first position sensor, and the first closing element has a detectable element, the first position sensor is connected to the electronic control device to transmit a signal, ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046183A1

A component is made for a vehicle plastic hollow article, such as a fuel tank, wherein the article includes a wall obtained from a plastic parison. The component is configured to be welded to the wall and includes a main hollow body including an external face, a shoulder protruding from the external face, and at least one recess configured to receive air when the shoulder contacts the wall during welding of the component. 116-. (canceled)17. A component for a vehicle plastic hollow article including a wall obtained from a plastic parison , the component configured to be welded to the wall and comprising:a main hollow body including an external face;a shoulder protruding from the external face; andat least one recess configured to receive air when the shoulder contacts the wall during welding of the component.18. A component according to claim 17 , wherein the recess or at least one of the recesses has a closed bottom.19. A component according to claim 17 , further comprising ribs defining the recess or at least one of the recesses between each other.20. A component according to claim 19 , wherein the ribs are oriented along a radial direction with reference to a main axis of symmetry of the component.21. A component according to claim 19 , wherein the ribs are parallel to a same plane and parallel to a main axis of symmetry of the component.22. A component according to claim 17 , wherein the recess or at least one of the recesses includes two distinct openings.23. A component according to claim 17 , wherein the recess or at least one of the recesses extends in the shoulder.24. A component according to claim 17 , wherein the recess or at least one of the recesses extends in a wall of the body.25. A component according to claim 17 , wherein the recess or at least one of the recesses is in communication with a main internal cavity of the body.26. A component according to claim 17 , wherein the recess or at least one of the recesses is configured to not be in ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043766A1
Автор: WADA Toshio
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A valve device forming a ventilation flow channel of a fuel tank includes a float valve; an inside case including a valve opening relative to the float valve at an upper portion, and housing the float valve; an outside case receiving the inside case from an upper open end, and provided with a bottom portion; and an attachment portion relative to a tank side. A flow channel which becomes one portion of the ventilation flow channel is formed between a side portion of the inside case and a side portion of the outside case, and a through hole is provided in the side portion of the inside case. Furthermore, an engagement claw relative to the outside case is provided directly above the through hole. 1. A valve device forming a ventilation flow channel for a fuel tank , comprising:a float valve;an inside case including a valve opening relative to the float valve at an upper portion thereof, and housing the float valve;an outside case receiving the inside case from an upper open end, and having a bottom portion; andan attachment portion relative to a tank side,wherein a flow channel which becomes one portion of the ventilation flow channel is formed between a side portion of the inside case and a side portion of the outside case, andthe side portion of the inside case includes a through hole, and further, an engagement claw relative to the outside case directly above the through hole.2. A valve device according to claim 1 , wherein the upper open end of the outside case is positioned at an upper side relative to the through hole of the inside case.3. A valve device according to claim 1 , wherein the outside case includes an engagement hole relative to the engagement claw of the inside case.4. A valve device according to claim 3 , wherein the side portion of the inside case includes an engaged portion receiving an engagement piece provided in a structural member of the attachment portion by an elastic deformation claim 3 , and engaging the engagement piece by an elastic ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Fuel vapor processing system

Номер: US20180045127A1
Автор: Yuichiro Miura
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

The present disclosure provides a fuel vapor processing system. The system includes a tank passage, a canister, a purge passage, an air passage, a purge valve, a controller, a fuel vapor processing portion, a pressure sensor, a fuel refill detecting portion, and an abnormality detecting portion. The fuel refill detecting portion detects that fuel refill to the fuel tank is started or fuel refill to the fuel tank is being performed by executing a fuel refill detecting process. An abnormality detecting portion detects, by executing an abnormality detecting process, a clogged situation where the tank passage is clogged based on a signal from the pressure sensor received after the fuel refill detecting portion detected that the fuel refill to the fuel tank was started.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062813A1
Автор: Iwamoto Koji

A canister that adsorbs and desorbs an evaporated fuel generated in a fuel tank of a vehicle includes an outer case, an inner case, a connecting port, and a sealing member. The inner case has a cylindrical shape. The inner case is fitted into the outer case. The inner case is filled therein with an adsorbent in a granular form. The inner case includes a first end and a second end. The connecting port connects an inside and an outside of the outer case to each other. The sealing member is provided to the second end of the inner case located opposite to the first end leading to the connecting port. The sealing member seals a gap between the outer case and a joining portion of the inner case. The joining portion joins the inner case to the outer case. 1. A canister that adsorbs and desorbs an evaporated fuel generated in a fuel tank of a vehicle , the canister comprising:an outer case;an inner case having a cylindrical shape, the inner case fitted into the outer case and filled therein with an adsorbent in a granular form, and the inner case including a first end and a second end;a connecting port connecting an inside and an outside of the outer case to each other; anda sealing member provided to the second end of the inner case that is located opposite to the first end leading to the connecting port, the sealing member sealing a gap between the outer case and a joining portion of the inner case, the joining portion joining the inner case to the outer case.2. The canister according to claim 1 , wherein an opening at the second end of the inner case is shaped such that an opening area is reduced toward the first end of the inner case leading to the connecting port.3. The canister according to claim 2 , a main body containing the adsorbent therein, the main body including a first end and a second end; and', 'a flange provided to the second end of the main body that is located opposite to the first end leading to the connecting port, the flange having a shape protruding ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047406A1

The present invention discloses an operating fluid container for a motor vehicle, wherein the operating fluid container comprises a fill level sensor, a tank control device and an electrically and/or electromagnetically actuable actuator; the tank control device is connected to the actuator by means of a first data exchange connection and to the fill level sensor by means of a second data exchange connection; the fill level sensor is designed to transmit data representing a fill level of the operating fluid container to the tank control device via the second data exchange connection; the tank control device is designed to transmit a filling stop signal to the actuator via the first data exchange connection upon receiving data which represent a predetermined fill level of the operating fluid container; and the actuator initiates the termination of a filling procedure of the operating fluid container upon receiving the filling stop signal. 1. An operating fluid container for a motor vehicle comprising:a fill level sensor;a tank control device; andan electrically and/or electromagnetically actuable actuator by means of which the termination of a filling procedure of the operating fluid container can be initiated;wherein the tank control device is connected to the actuator by means of a first data exchange connection and to the fill level sensor by means of a second data exchange connection; the fill level sensor is configured to transmit data representing a fill level of the operating fluid container to the tank control device via the second data exchange connection; the tank control device is designed to transmit a filling stop signal to the actuator via the first data exchange connection upon receiving data which represent a predetermined fill level of the operating fluid container; and the actuator initiates the termination of a filling procedure of the operating fluid container upon receiving the filling stop signal.2. The operating fluid container of claim 1 , ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047407A1

A high-pressure tank mounting structure includes: a case disposed beneath a floor of a vehicle cabin and having a bottom wall, a peripheral wall and a top wall; and a plurality of high-pressure tanks accommodated so as to be lined up within the case, wherein a first hydrogen collection portion that is recessed upwardly is formed at a back surface of the top wall of the case, and a hydrogen sensing sensor is disposed at the first hydrogen collection portion. 1. A high-pressure tank mounting structure comprising:a case disposed beneath a floor of a vehicle cabin and having a bottom wall, a peripheral wall and a top wall; anda plurality of high-pressure tanks accommodated so as to be lined up within the case,wherein a first hydrogen collection portion that is recessed upwardly is formed at a back surface of the top wall of the case, andwherein a hydrogen sensing sensor is disposed at the first hydrogen collection portion.2. The high-pressure tank mounting structure of claim 1 , further comprising a discharging mechanism discharging claim 1 , to an exterior of the case claim 1 , hydrogen that has been accumulated at the first hydrogen collection portion.3. The high-pressure tank mounting structure of claim 2 , wherein the discharging mechanism comprises:{'b': '83', 'a discharge hole () that communicates an interior of the case with the exterior of the case;'}a shutter that opens and closes the discharge hole; anda control section that controls opening and closing of the shutter in accordance with output of the hydrogen sensing sensor.4. The high-pressure tank mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein the first hydrogen collection portion is positioned at a vehicle longitudinal direction central portion and a vehicle transverse direction central portion of the top wall.5. The high-pressure tank mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein a guide portion claim 1 , which is inclined downwardly toward an outer edge portion of the top wall claim 1 , is formed at at least one of a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065731A1
Автор: Miyabe Yoshikazu

When a closing valve is in a closed state, a controller may determine presence of leakage from the closing valve based on: a pressure detected by a first pressure sensor and/or a pressure detected by a second pressure sensor detected when a difference between a pressure in the vapor passage upstream of the closing valve and a pressure in the vapor passage downstream of the closing valve is a first difference; and the pressure detected by the first pressure sensor and/or the pressure detected by the second pressure sensor detected when the difference is a second difference different from the first difference.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053704A1

A valve apparatus for use in an interior of a fuel tank, a fuel tank including the valve apparatus, and a motor vehicle including the fuel tank. The valve apparatus includes a substantially flat housing defining a channel between an inlet orifice and an outlet orifice, and a membrane arranged to seal the channel. The membrane is configured to be impermeable to liquid fuel and permeable to fuel vapor. 114-. (canceled)15. A valve apparatus for use in an interior of a fuel tank , the valve apparatus comprising:a substantially flat housing defining a channel between an inlet orifice and an outlet orifice; anda membrane arranged to seal the channel, wherein the membrane is configured to be impermeable to liquid fuel and permeable to fuel vapor.16. The valve apparatus according to claim 15 , wherein the substantially flat housing has a shape of a hollow prism or cylinder with a base and a mantle claim 15 , wherein the inlet orifice is provided in the base and the outlet orifice is provided in the mantle claim 15 , and wherein the membrane is sealingly attached along a perimeter of the inlet orifice.17. The valve apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the prism or cylinder further has a top plane claim 16 , the top plane including a bonding feature for facilitating attachment of the housing to the interior of the fuel tank.18. The valve apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein the bonding feature is a circular ridge.19. The valve apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein a top portion of the mantle is configured to be hermetically sealable to a surface of the interior of the tank during molding to form an upper wall of the housing.20. The valve apparatus according to claim 15 , further comprising a first coupling section for connecting a tube or a pipe to the outlet orifice.21. The valve apparatus according to claim 16 , further comprising a conical section arranged around the inlet orifice claim 16 , an inlet of the conical section being narrower than the inlet ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053437A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A fuel tank system controlled by a control module and constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure includes a saddle fuel tank, and a venting assembly. The saddle fuel tank has a first lobe and a second lobe extending on opposite ends of a recessed central portion. The venting assembly comprises a first vent line, a second vent line and a rotary actuator. The first vent line has a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion. The second vent line has a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion. 1. A fuel tank system controlled by a control module , the fuel tank system comprising:a saddle fuel tank having a first lobe and a second lobe extending on opposite ends of a recessed central portion; a first vent line having a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion;', 'a second vent line having a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion; and', 'a rotary actuator configured to rotate a cam, the cam selectively translating a first valve configured to open and close the first vent line and a second valve configured to open and close the second vent line, wherein the first and second vent ports are positioned in the respective first and second vent lobes above the first and second valves; and, 'a venting assembly comprisingwherein the control module sends a signal to the rotary actuator to rotate the cam and therefore close the first and second vent lines with the respective first and second valves upon reaching a full fuel condition.2. The fuel tank system of wherein the cam is configured to close one of the first and second valves.3. The fuel tank ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050512A1

Methods and systems are provided for a latchable refueling valve designed to reduce noise associated with opening and closing the valve. In one example, a system may include a valve armature with first and second latch indices formed on an outer diameter of the armature. The latch indices may be rounded and configured to engage with a latch guide to enable rotation between the armature and the latch guide. 1. A latching mechanism for a valve , comprising:an armature including each of an upper and lower offset rounded cam element formed integrally thereon,a rotation sleeve concentrically surrounding the armature and including a plurality of cam guides,a solenoid actuator, movement of the armature toward the spring engages the armature cams with the cam guides to impart rotation between the armature and the rotation sleeve, and', 'movement of the armature away from the spring seats the valve in one of a first or second desired valve position., 'a valve core attached to the armature and configured to transmit electromagnetic force into motion against a spring wherein,'}2. The latching mechanism of claim 1 ,wherein the armature includes an upper armature portion with a first, larger outer diameter and a lower armature portion with a second, smaller outer diameter;wherein the upper and lower cam elements are integrally formed on the lower armature portion; andwherein the rotation sleeve concentrically surrounds only the lower armature portion.3. The latching mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the spring is attached to an upper axial surface of the upper armature portion claim 2 , and wherein a lower axial surface of the upper armature portion is seated on an upper axial end of the rotation sleeve in the first desired valve position.4. The latching mechanism of claim 3 , a first prong with a first upper angled surface and a first lower angled surface, and', 'a second prong with a second upper angled surface and a second lower angled surface;, 'wherein the plurality of cam ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050513A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

The resinous filler port includes: a filler-port body including a nozzle insertion port through which a filler nozzle is insertable, a fuel supply port supplying a fuel supplied from the filler nozzle to a fuel tank by way of a filler tube, and a vapor inlet port letting flow in vapors arising from the fuel and passing through a breather tube from a side of the fuel tank; a joint formed to penetrate through from one of opposite ends thereof to another one of the opposite ends, fitted undetachably into and around the vapor inlet port at the one of the opposite ends, and connected with the breather tube at the other one of the opposite ends; and a flow control valve accommodated inside the joint, and controlling a flow volume of the vapors flowing into the filler-port body from the breather tube. 1. A resinous filler port comprising:a filler-port body made of resin, and including a nozzle insertion port through which a filler nozzle is insertable, a fuel supply port supplying a fuel supplied from the filler nozzle to a fuel tank by way of a filler tube, and a vapor inlet port letting flow in vapors arising from the fuel and passing through a breather tube from a side of the fuel tank;a joint made of resin, and formed to penetrate through from one of opposite ends thereof to another one of the opposite ends, fitted undetachably into and around the vapor inlet port at the one of the opposite ends, and connected with the breather tube at the other one of the opposite ends; anda flow control valve accommodated inside the joint, and controlling a flow volume of the vapors flowing into the filler-port body from the breather tube.2. The resinous filler port according to claim 1 , wherein:the filler-port body further includes a tubular fit-in portion provided with the vapor inlet port:the flow control valve is movable in an interior of the joint in a distribution direction of the vapors in compliance with a pressure of the vapors, and controls a flow volume of the vapors in ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Fuel vapor canister purge using reversible vacuum pump

Номер: US20160053725A1

A method for a fuel system, comprising: during a first condition, purging fuel vapor from a fuel vapor canister to a fuel vapor accumulator; and then during a second condition, evacuating fuel vapor from the fuel vapor accumulator to a fuel tank. The fuel vapor accumulator increases the volume of the fuel system, providing a temporary storage for desorbed fuel vapor. In this way, canister breakthrough of hydrocarbons can be mitigated, thereby reducing bleed emissions.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054821A1

A shutoff vent is disclosed. A main body has a first end and a second end. The main body defines a first opening towards the first end, a second opening towards the second end, and a mating port between the first opening and the second opening. The first opening and the second opening are in communication through the mating port to define a gas passageway. A translatable plug is disposed within the main body, and the gas passageway extends past the translatable plug. The translatable plug is configured to reversibly translate towards the second end to sealably obstruct the mating port. In some examples, the translatable plug is configured to translate towards the second end when force is applied to the translatable plug from the first end. 1. A shutoff vent comprising:a main body comprising a first end and a second end, wherein the main body defines a first opening towards the first end, a second opening towards the second end, and a mating port between the first opening and the second opening, wherein the first opening and the second opening are in communication through the mating port to define a gas passageway; anda translatable plug disposed within the main body, wherein the translatable plug is configured to reversibly translate towards the second end to sealably obstruct the mating port, wherein the gas passageway extends past the translatable plug.2. The shutoff vent of any of and - , further comprising a first gas-permeable substrate between the first opening and the second opening to define the gas passageway.3. The shutoff vent of any of - and - , wherein the first gas-permeable substrate is coupled to the main body across the first opening and the translatable plug is coupled to a central region of the first gas-permeable substrate.4. The shutoff vent of any of - and - , wherein the translatable plug is coupled to the first gas-permeable substrate.5. The shutoff vent of any of - and - , further comprising a carrier coupled to the translatable plug , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061089A1
Автор: TSUCHIYA Akira

An evaporated fuel treatment apparatus includes a main canister containing an adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel generated in a fuel tank; a sub-canister connected to the main canister, the sub-canister containing an additional adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel contained in an exhaust discharged from the main canister; and a connection pipe that connects the main canister and the sub-canister. The connection pipe includes a first portion that is located near a muffler, and a second portion which is a portion other than the first portion, the second portion being located apart from an exhaust pipe and located below the first portion in the vertical direction with respect to the vehicle. 1. An evaporated fuel treatment apparatus comprising:a main canister connected to a fuel tank of a vehicle, the main canister containing an adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel generated in the fuel tank;a sub-canister connected to the main canister, the sub-canister containing an additional adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel contained in breakthrough gas discharged from the main canister; anda connection pipe that connects the main canister and the sub-canister,wherein the connection pipe includes a first portion that is located near an exhaust system for an engine and a second portion which is a portion other than the first portion, the second portion being located apart from the exhaust system for the engine and located below the first portion in a vertical direction with respect to the vehicle.2. The evaporated fuel treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion of the connection pipe includes a first vapor trap that is a portion between the first portion and the main canister claim 1 , the first vapor trap being located below the first portion in the vertical direction with respect to the vehicle and located either flush ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Fuel Tank Units

Номер: US20210061090A1
Принадлежит: Aisan Industry Co Ltd

A fuel tank unit includes a lid member configured to close an opening formed on a fuel tank. The fuel tank also includes an upper unit attached to the lid member and including a combination valve device configured to be introduced into the fuel tank via the opening formed on the fuel tank and configured to function as an evaporated fuel control valve and a full limit valve. The lid member includes a cylindrical protective case configured to protect the combination valve device of the upper unit when the combination valve device is introduced into the fuel tank via the opening. The protective case is configured to entirely enclose an outer circumferential surface of the combination valve device with a space therebetween.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061342A1

A vent valve may include, among other things, a valve body having an inlet opening and an outlet opening forming a flow path. The inlet opening may be oriented in a first direction and the outlet opening may be oriented in a second direction. A poppet member may be provided on or about the valve body and can be configured for movement between an opened position and a closed position relative to the inlet opening. The poppet member may be movable along the valve body in a direction that is perpendicular to the first direction of the inlet opening. A float member may be attached or operatively connected to the poppet member, the float member configured to move the poppet member between the first and second positions. 1. A vent valve comprising:a valve body having an inlet opening and an outlet opening forming a flow path, wherein the inlet opening is oriented in a first direction and the outlet opening is oriented in a second direction;a poppet member provided on or about the valve body and configured for movement between an opened position and a closed position relative to the inlet opening, wherein the poppet member is movable along the valve body in a direction that is perpendicular to the first direction of the inlet opening; anda float member attached or operatively connected to the poppet member, the float member eon figured to move the poppet member between the opened and closed positions.2. The vent valve of claim 1 , wherein the valve body includes a generally cylindrical portion having a side wall claim 1 , and the inlet opening extends through the side wall and the outlet opening claim 1 , is defined by an open end of the valve body.3. The vent valve of claim 2 , including a plurality of inlet openings that are circumferentially spaced around the side wall of the valve body.4. The vent valve of claim 1 , further including a first seal disposed between the valve body and the poppet member for providing a sealing connection therebetween when the poppet member ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055390A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A pump assembly for a liquid trap of a vehicle fuel tank assembly includes a pump configured to couple to the liquid trap and selectively drain liquid therefrom, a sensor configured to monitor an inductive signature of the pump, and a controller programmed to operate the pump and monitor the inductive signature to determine if liquid is present in the liquid trap based on the monitored inductive signature. 1. A pump assembly for a liquid trap of a vehicle fuel tank assembly , the pump assembly comprising:a pump configured to couple to the liquid trap and selectively drain liquid therefrom;a sensor configured to monitor an inductive signature of the pump; anda controller programmed to operate the pump and monitor the inductive signature to determine if liquid is present in the liquid trap based on the monitored inductive signature.2. The pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further programmed to:operate the pump if the monitored inductive signature indicates a presence of liquid in the liquid trap; andshut off the pump if the monitored inductive signature indicates an absence of liquid in the trap.3. The pump assembly of claim 2 , wherein the controller is further programmed to periodically turn on the pump and monitor the inductive signature of the pump.4. The pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pump is a solenoid pump.5. A method of operating a vehicle fuel vapor management system having a fuel tank and a liquid trap claim 1 , the method comprising:operating a pump operably coupled to the liquid trap and configured to drain liquid from the liquid trap to the fuel tank;monitoring an inductive signature of the operating pump, the inductive signature indicating a presence or absence of liquid in the liquid trap; andselectively turning the pump on and off based on the monitored inductive signature.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:operating the pump if the inductive signature is a first measured inductive signature indicative of a ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137948A1
Автор: Hagen Harald
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method for operating a fuel system of an internal combustion engine, the fuel system has a fuel tank and a ventilation device, which has at least one vent valve, for ventilating the fuel tank. The magnitude of deformation caused by an internal pressure of the fuel tank of a deformation zone of the fuel tank is ascertained and the vent valve is opened when the magnitude of deformation exceeds a limit value. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of operating a fuel system of an internal combustion engine , comprising:fluidly connecting a ventilation device of the fuel system via a vent line with a fuel tank of the fuel system for ventilation of the fuel tank;providing an actuator for actuating a first vent valve of the ventilation device;connecting in parallel to the first vent valve two overflow valves configured to enable opposite throughflow directions and to open or close a throughflow in dependence on a pressure differential between a first section of the vent line on one side of the first vent line and a second section on an opposite side of the first vent valve;ascertaining a magnitude of deformation of a deformation of a deformation zone of the fuel tank as caused by an internal pressure of the fuel tank; andopening a second vent valve of the ventilation device when the magnitude of deformation exceeds a limit value.12. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mechanically transmitting the deformation of the deformation zone to the second vent valve so that the deformation causes a force to open the second vent valve.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the magnitude of deformation is ascertained by a sensor claim 11 , with the second vent valve being opened by a control unit which is connected to the sensor.14. The method of claim 11 , further comprising selecting the limit value such that the deformation of the deformation zone is elastic when the magnitude of deformation is equal to the limit value.15. The method of claim 11 , further comprising determining ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137964A1

A fuel tank system in which a solenoid valve on piping that communicates between a fuel tank and a canister may be reduced in size. A valve member (a diaphragm valve) is disposed in vent piping that communicates between the fuel tank and the canister. A second bypass channel is provided between a back pressure chamber of the diaphragm valve and the canister side of the vent piping. The solenoid valve is disposed in the second bypass channel. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank capable of accommodating fuel therein;a canister that adsorbs and desorbs evaporated fuel, produced in the fuel tank, with an adsorbent;an atmospheric opening pipe for opening an interior of the canister to the atmosphere;vent piping that provides fluid communication between the fuel tank and the canister such that evaporated fuel in the fuel tank can flow to the canister;a valve member that partitions a main chamber from a back pressure chamber that is provided at an opposite side of a main body of the valve member from the main chamber, the main chamber and the back pressure chamber sandwiching the valve member main body, the main chamber being provided at the vent piping such that a tank internal pressure of the fuel tank acts at the main chamber, and the valve member opening and enabling fluid communication through the vent piping when a pressure in the main chamber is higher than a pressure in the back pressure chamber and the valve member main body moves;a first bypass channel that provides fluid communication between the vent piping from the fuel tank to the main chamber and the back pressure chamber;a second bypass channel that provides fluid communication between the vent piping from the main chamber to the canister and the back pressure chamber; anda solenoid valve that is provided at the second bypass channel and is controlled so as to open and close the second bypass channel.2. The fuel tank system according to claim 1 , further comprising a pressure difference preserver ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062928A1

A fill limit vent valve includes a float valve, a housing, and a lid. The housing includes a cylindrical outer wall and a tubular portion. The outer wall has a central axis. The tubular portion accommodates the float valve. The lid is placed on the upper end of the tubular portion and has a communicating opening. The housing includes a fuel passage that has an inlet and a discharge port. The discharge port is connected to the communicating opening. A section of the tubular portion that faces the fuel passage is constituted by a curved surface. A guide wall that has at least one guide surface is provided between the fuel passage and the inlet. A straight line on the curved surface that is parallel with the central axis is defined as a generatrix. The guide surface extends along the curved surface while being inclined relative to the generatrix. 1. A fill limit vent valve comprising:a float valve; a cylindrical outer wall that constitutes an outer shell of the housing and has a vertically extending central axis, and', 'a tubular portion that accommodates the float valve such that the float valve is movable vertically along the central axis; and', 'a lid that is placed on an upper end of the tubular portion, wherein, 'a housing including'}the lid has a communicating opening that connects a space inside the tubular portion and a space above the lid, whereinthe housing includes a fuel passage between the tubular portion and the outer wall,at least a part of a section of the tubular portion that faces the fuel passage is constituted by a curved surface that bulges toward the fuel passage,the fuel passage includes an inlet for liquid fuel and fuel vapor in a fuel tank and a discharge port connected to the communicating opening,the discharge port is located above the inlet,the fill limit vent valve is configured such that, as a level of liquid fuel that has flowed into the tubular portion through the fuel passage rises, the float valve moves upward and closes the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061518A1
Принадлежит: Yamaha Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle includes a seat, an engine, a fuel tank, a canister connected to the fuel tank via a gas pipe, a breather pipe, and a drainpipe. The fuel tank is located lower than a seat surface of the seat. The canister adsorbs evaporation gas generated by evaporation of fuel inside the fuel tank. The breather pipe includes an inlet connected to the canister, and an outlet located at a higher position than the seat surface of the seat and open to the atmosphere. The drainpipe includes a drain hole located lower than the outlet, and branches from the breather pipe.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080825A1

A filling head for introducing operating fluid into an operating fluid tank of a motorized vehicle, where the filling head includes: 115-. (canceled)16. A filling head for introducing operating fluid into an operating fluid tank of a motorized vehicle and for venting the operating fluid tank when introducing operating fluid into it , where the filling head comprises:A filling head housing where the filling head housing exhibits a delivery-accommodation region, which is configured for temporally transient accommodation of various delivery devices, such as for instance a spigot and a storage container neck,Where the filling head housing is configured for transmitting operating fluid in a delivery sense from the delivery-accommodation region along an operating fluid delivery route to an outlet port of the filling head housing arranged in the delivery sense downstream of the delivery-accommodation region,A venting structure, which during a transmission of operating fluid through the filling head housing in the delivery sense allows a transmission of gas in a venting sense that is opposite to the delivery sense,Where the delivery-accommodation region of the filling head exhibits a plug-in nozzle extending along a virtual nozzle path with a plug-in orifice, through which an accommodating space for temporally transient accommodation of the delivery device is accessible, where the accommodating space is connected fluid-mechanically with the outlet port,Where the nozzle path defines axial directions proceeding along the nozzle path, radial directions proceeding orthogonally to it, and circumferential directions proceeding around it,Where in the filling head housing, at an axial magnet distance from the plug-in orifice, a magnet arrangement is arranged whose magnetic field acts on the operating fluid delivery route,Where the venting structure comprises a channel arrangement, which at least along an axial section of the plug-in nozzle is bounded radially inwards by an inner ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068617A1

A valve includes: a float that is provided within a fuel tank and that, by floating in fuel, blocks a communication hole that communicates with an engine, a housing that accommodates the float within the fuel tank such that the float can move vertically, and into and from which fuel, that is within the fuel tank, enters and exits, and a dam member that is provided at the float, and that locally narrows a gap between the float and the housing. 1. A valve comprising:a float that is provided within a fuel tank and that, by floating in fuel, blocks a communication hole that communicates with an engine;a housing that accommodates the float within the fuel tank such that the float can move vertically, and into and from which fuel, that is within the fuel tank, enters and exits; anda dam member that is provided at the float, and that locally narrows a gap between the float and the housing.2. The valve of claim 1 , further comprising:a fuel inflow port that is formed in the housing and through which fuel, that flows into the housing, passes; anda resistance member that, at least in a state in which the float blocks the communication hole, applies movement resistance to fuel that passes through the fuel inflow port.3. The valve of claim 2 , wherein the resistance member includes a mesh member that is provided at the fuel inflow port.4. The valve of claim 2 , wherein the resistance member includes a cover member that moves vertically together with the float and that claim 2 , by rising claim 2 , blocks at least a portion of the fuel inflow port.5. The valve of claim 4 , wherein the cover member is molded integrally with the float.6. The valve of claim 5 , wherein the cover member has:a laterally extending portion that extends from the float and that passes through a through-hole of the housing;an upwardly extending portion that extends upward from the laterally extending portion; anda cover main body portion that is provided at the upwardly extending portion, and that covers ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068060A1

A closure device, such as a fuel cap, for controlling evaporative emissions from a fuel tank. In one aspect, the invention comprises: a housing defining an internal chamber about a central axis; a diffuser plate positioned within the internal chamber that separates the internal chamber into an upper zone and a lower zone; a hydrocarbon adsorbing media disposed in the upper zone of the internal chamber; an inlet passageway for introducing fuel vapor from a fuel vapor inlet port to the lower zone of the internal chamber; and at least one outlet passageway extending from the upper zone of the internal chamber to an atmospheric air outlet port. 1. A closure device for controlling evaporative emissions from a fuel tank comprising:a housing defining an internal chamber about a central axis;a diffuser plate positioned within the internal chamber that separates the internal chamber into an upper zone and a lower zone;a hydrocarbon adsorbing media disposed in the upper zone of the internal chamber;an inlet passageway for introducing fuel vapor from a fuel vapor inlet port to the lower zone of the internal chamber; andat least one outlet passageway extending from the upper zone of the internal chamber to an atmospheric air outlet port.2. The closure device according to further comprising a particle filter disposed adjacent the diffuser plate.3. The closure device according to wherein the diffuser plate comprises a plurality of diffuser holes that form axial passageways between the lower zone and the upper zone.4. The closure device according to wherein the diffuser holes are arranged on the diffuser plate in a circumferentially equi-spaced manner about the central axis.5. The closure device according to wherein the diffuser holes are spaced a radial distance from the central axis; and wherein the inlet passageway extends along the central axis.6. The closure device according to wherein the lower zone of the internal chamber has a first axial height measured from a floor of ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068061A1

Pressure relief apparatus for use with fuel delivery systems are described herein. An example pressure relief apparatus includes a body defining a cavity and an annular wall projecting from a lower surface of the cavity. A first valve includes a first valve body defining a first flow passage between a first inlet to be oriented toward atmospheric pressure and a first outlet to be oriented toward a fuel tank. The first valve body houses a first flow control member to control fluid flow through the first flow passage between the first inlet and the first outlet. The first valve body projects from the lower surface of the cavity and toward an upper surface of the annular wall a distance substantially equal to a depth between the lower surface and the upper surface of the annular wall. 1. A pressure relief apparatus for use with a fuel cap , comprising:a body defining a cavity and an annular wall projecting from a lower surface of the cavity;a first valve including a first valve body defining a first flow passage between a first inlet to be oriented toward atmospheric pressure and a first outlet to be oriented toward a fuel tank, the first valve body housing a first flow control member to control fluid flow through the first flow passage between the first inlet and the first outlet, the first valve body projecting from the lower surface of the cavity and toward an upper surface of the annular wall a distance substantially equal to a depth between the lower surface and the upper surface of the annular wall.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the first valve body is integrally formed with the body.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first flow control member is movable between a first position at which the first flow control member is spaced away from a valve seat of the first valve to enable fluid flow through the first flow passage and a second position at which the first flow control member sealingly engages the valve seat to prevent fluid ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Oiling or Charging Port Assembly

Номер: US20200062111A1

The present disclosure relates to an energy replenishment port assembly, comprising: a housing seal made of an elastic material; a housing having an installation port, the housing seal being arranged around an edge of the installation port and extending from a reverse side of the edge of the installation port; and a receiving port component comprising a receiving port, the receiving port component being detachably installed on the installation port. The housing seal is configured to being pressed against a vehicle body to sealingly install the housing onto the vehicle body. The receiving port is configured to receive an energy replenishment connector. 1. An energy replenishment port assembly comprising:a housing seal made of an elastic material;a housing including an installation port, the housing seal being arranged around an edge of the installation port and extending from a reverse side of the edge of the installation port; anda receiving port component including at least one receiving port, the receiving port component being detachably installed on the installation port; the housing seal is configured to be pressed against a vehicle body to sealingly install the housing into the vehicle body, and', 'the at least one receiving port is configured to receive an energy replenishment connector., 'wherein2. The energy replenishment port assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one receiving port comprises a pipeline seal, andthe pipeline seal is configured to sealingly press against the energy replenishment connector.3. The energy replenishment port assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the receiving port component further comprises a base plate extending outwardly from an edge of the at least one receiving port, andthe receiving port component is configured to be installed on the installation port via the base plate.4. The energy replenishment port assembly according to claim 3 , wherein:the energy replenishment port assembly further comprises a receiving port ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063672A1

A method for venting the tank of a vehicle, a device for venting the tank of a vehicle, as well as a vehicle are provided. In this context, the vehicle in which the method is employed has an internal combustion engine that can be operated with a fuel, an air supply system, an exhaust gas system comprising at least an exhaust gas turbocharger, a fuel tank that is designed to supply the internal combustion engine with fuel, and a fuel vapor sorption system. It is provided that, in the method or by means of the device, a drive flow in the air supply system is regulated as a function of an altitude reserve of the exhaust gas turbocharger and as a function of an engine load point, so that the flushing air volume flow of the tank venting system that ensues is determined and can be supplied as a function of an altitude rotational speed of the exhaust gas turbocharger and as a function of the engine load point. 1. A method for venting the tank of a vehicle , wherein the vehicle has the following: an internal combustion engine that can be operated with a fuel , an air supply system , an exhaust gas system comprising at least an exhaust gas turbocharger , a fuel tank that is designed to supply the internal combustion engine with fuel , a fuel vapor sorption system , the method comprising:regulating a drive flow in the air supply system as a function of an altitude reserve of the exhaust gas turbocharger and as a function of an engine load point, so that the flushing air volume flow of the tank venting system that ensues is determined and can be supplied as a function of an altitude rotational speed of the exhaust gas turbocharger and as a function of the engine load point.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising generating the drive flow by a Venturi nozzle.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising regulating the drive flow by means of at least one regulation device as a function of the altitude reserve of the exhaust gas turbocharger and as a ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075380A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

An activated carbon filter for a fuel tank supplying a heat engine of an automobile, the carbon filter including a housing including an inlet port capable of being connected to the fuel tank, a discharge port capable of being connected to the heat engine, and a vent port. The housing includes at least one internal wall dividing the inner volume thereof into at least two intercommunicating chambers, at least one activated carbon chamber containing activated carbon capable of trapping hydrocarbon gases, and a storage chamber forming a storage volume of a gas stream entering through the inlet port of the housing. 110-. (canceled)11. An activated-carbon filter for a fuel tank supplying a heat engine of a motor vehicle , the carbon filter comprising:a casing fitted with an input orifice that can be connected to the fuel tank;a purge orifice that can be connected to the heat engine and a breather orifice; a first internal wall dividing an internal volume thereof into at least two chambers communicating with one another, at least one activated-carbon chamber containing the activated carbon able to trap gaseous hydrocarbons, and a storage chamber forming a storage volume for a gas flow entering via the input orifice of the casing; and', 'a second internal wall extending longitudinally to separate the purge orifice from at least one of the input and breather orifices., 'wherein the casing includes12. The activated-carbon filter as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the storage chamber is placed upstream of the activated-carbon chamber in relation to the gas flow entering via the input orifice and exiting via the breather orifice.13. The activated-carbon filter as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the casing includes at least two activated-carbon chambers containing activated carbon claim 11 , the storage chamber being placed upstream of one activated-carbon chamber and downstream of another activated-carbon chamber in relation to the gas flow entering via the input orifice and ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Vent valve mount of fuel tank

Номер: US20160075229A1
Автор: Chan Yu-Peng

A vent valve mount of a fuel tank includes a plurality of support rings each including an opening, a circular top platform greater than the opening, and a wall extending from the top platform to the opening; and a plurality of hollow, circular seats disposed on the fuel tank. An inner surface of each seat is secured to both the top platform and the wall of each support ring. 1a plurality of support rings each including an opening, a circular top platform greater than the opening, and a wall extending from the top platform to the opening; anda plurality of hollow, circular seats disposed on the fuel tank; andwherein an inner surface of each seat is secured to both the top platform and the wall of each support ring.. A vent valve mount of a fuel tank comprising: 1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to fuel tanks and more particularly to a mount of a vent valve of an automotive fuel tank.2. Description of Related ArtA conventional fuel tank B is shown in . The fuel tank B includes two hollow seat B each having two opposite projections B on the mouth. A vent valve A is mounted on the projections B of each seat B as shown in .However, the seats B are not durable, thereby limiting the useful life of the fuel tank B. Thus, the need for improvement still exists.It is therefore one object of the invention to provide a vent valve mount of a fuel tank comprising a plurality of hollow, circular seats disposed on the fuel tank; and a plurality of support rings each including an opening, a circular top platform greater than the opening, and a wall extending from the top platform to the opening; wherein an inner surface of each seat is secured to both the top platform and the wall of each support ring.The above and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description taken with the accompanying drawings.Referring to , a mount of an automotive fuel tank in accordance with the invention comprises the following ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072153A9

A valve configured for use with a fuel tank can have a floating main valve housed within a valve body. The valve body can define a first port fluidly connected to the fuel tank, a second port fluidly connected to a tank venting system of the fuel tank and a third port fluidly connected to the filler neck. The solenoid can be configured on the check valve. The solenoid can have a pin configured to extend into the valve body and engage the floating main valve in a locked position. 1. A valve configured for use with a fuel tank system having a fuel tank and a filler neck , the valve comprising:a check valve disposed on the fuel tank and having a floating main valve housed within a valve body, wherein the valve body defines a first port fluidly connected to the fuel tank, a second port fluidly connected to a tank venting system of the fuel tank, and a third port fluidly connected to the filler neck; anda solenoid configured on the check valve and having a pin configured to slidably extend into the valve body and engage the floating main valve in a locked position.2. The valve of wherein the floating main valve further comprises a notch configured to receive the pin in the locked position.3. The valve of wherein the check valve further comprises a baffle configured within the valve body claim 2 , the baffle having openings defined therein claim 2 , wherein the openings provide a flow path between the second port and the third port.4. The valve of wherein the baffle is angled outwardly toward an inner surface of the valve body.5. The valve of wherein the check valve further comprises a biasing member disposed within the valve body claim 3 , the biasing member biasing the floating main valve toward a normally open position permitting flow from the second port to the third port.6. The valve of wherein the check valve further comprises a first o-ring disposed on the floating main valve and configured to slidably communicate on the valve body.7. The valve of wherein the check ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089018A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for controlling shut-off of a fuel gun in a filler pipe of a fuel tank which inhibits early shut-off of the fuel gun before the fuel tank is fully filled with fuel while refueling. The apparatus includes: a retainer mounted in a filler neck of the fuel tank; a partition disposed in a space between an inner circumferential surface of the filler neck and an outer circumferential surface of the retainer and having a fuel intake hole formed in a lower end of the partition; and an early shut-off prevention valve disposed in the partition. The early shut-off prevention valve closes the fuel intake hole before the fuel tank is fully filled with fuel, and opens the fuel intake hole by fuel flowing to the filler neck from the fuel tank when the fuel tank is fully filled with the fuel. 1. An apparatus for controlling shut-off of a fuel gun in a filler pipe of a fuel tank , the apparatus comprising: external air intake holes configured to draw external air,', 'evaporation gas venting holes configured to discharge fuel evaporation gas, wherein the external air intake holes and the evaporation gas venting holes are formed in an upper portion of the retainer in a fuel injection direction of the filler neck, and', 'an opening formed in a lower portion of the retainer, disposed outside a fuel discharge part of the fuel gun inserted into the filler neck, and configured to fluidly communicate with the external air intake holes and open a venturi port of the fuel discharge part;, 'a retainer mounted in a filler neck of the fuel tank, and includinga partition disposed in a space between an inner circumferential surface of the filler neck and an outer circumferential surface of the retainer and having a fuel intake hole formed in a lower end of the partition, wherein the partition is configured to define a first space where the opening and the external air intake holes are fluidly communicate to each other; and close the fuel intake hole before the fuel tank is ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Tank System of a Motor Vehicle Comprising a Volume-Modifying Element

Номер: US20190070953A1

A tank system of a motor vehicle includes a volume-modifying element, which is provided in the interior of the fuel tank at least substantially above the liquid level and which is designed as a deformable bag, which forms a compensation volume connected to the environment, and includes a valve assembly, which closes under the control of a float during the filling of the fuel tank and thus brings about a maximum fill level in the fuel tank. A measure is provided for eliminating an effect of the volume-modifying element on the maximum fill level height. This measure can be that the volume-modifying element is arranged in the fuel tank such that, when the vehicle is standing on a horizontal surface, the top side of the volume-modifying element is not significantly above the fuel fill level at which the valve assembly closes in the vertical axis direction. Other measures include, for example, a controllable valve, which is provided in the connection between the compensation volume of the volume-modifying element and the environment and which is actuated in the closing direction when the fill level rising during the filling process has reached the maximum fill level height. 1. A tank system of a motor vehicle , comprising:a fuel tank;a volume-modifying element arranged in an interior of the fuel tank at least substantially above a liquid level, wherein the volume-modifying element forms a compensating volume connected to surroundings of the fuel tank;a valve arrangement that closes in a float-controlled manner when filling the fuel tank so as to bring about a maximum fill level in the fuel tank; andmeans for eliminating an influence of the volume-modifying element on the maximum fill level in the fuel tank.2. The tank system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for eliminating the influence of the volume-modifying element on the maximum fill level comprises:arranging the volume-modifying element in the fuel tank such that, in a case of a vehicle standing on a ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070954A1

A float valve for a fuel tank has a pipe. The pipe is arranged to protrude into the fuel tank from the upper part of the fuel tank. A main-float valve is arranged in the pipe. A sub-float valve is disposed in the pipe on the fuel tank side of the main-float valve. The pipe has a first case housing the main-float valve. The pipe has a second case connected via a coupling mechanism to a lower end of the first case. The second case accommodates the sub-float valve. The second case has a tubular portion extending in a height direction between the connecting mechanism and the sub-float valve. The tubular portion extends further downwardly beyond the lower end of the first case. 1. A float valve for a fuel tank , the float valve comprising:a pipe which is disposed to project from an upper part of a fuel tank into the fuel tank so as to define an air passage from an inside of the fuel tank;a main-float valve which is disposed in the pipe, opens the air passage when there is no fuel in the pipe, and closes the air passage by floating on fuel that has reached the pipe; anda sub-float valve which is disposed in the pipe closer to the fuel tank than the main-float valve, and restricts an arrival of the fuel to the main-float valve by opening the air passage when the fuel is not present in the pipe and closing the air passage by floating on the fuel that has reached the pipe, whereinthe pipe includes:a first case for housing the main-float valve; anda second case which is connected to a lower end of the first case via a connecting mechanism and accommodates the sub-float valve, the second case having a tubular portion extending in a height direction of the second case, anda third case which is connected to a lower end of the second case.2. The float valve for a fuel tank claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe tubular portion further extends downwardly beyond a lower end of the first case.3. The float valve for a fuel tank claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe tubular portion is a cylinder ...
