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23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670504C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Элемент поглощения энергии для узла бампера транспортного средства содержит открытоячеистую пену, магнитореологическую текучую среду и источник магнитного поля. Магнитореологическая текучая среда расположена в открытоячеистой пене. Источник магнитного поля служит для выборочного регулирования магнитного поля в открытоячеистой пене. Открытоячеистая пена включает в себя ячеистые стенки, которые покрывает магнитореологическая текучая среда, открытые ячейки, незаполненные магнитореологической текучей средой, и регулятор. Узел бампера для транспортного средства содержит брус бампера и упомянутый элемент поглощения энергии, связанный с брусом бампера. Способ регулирования жесткости элемента поглощения энергии узла бампера транспортного средства, по которому отслеживают скорость транспортного средства, обеспечивают магнитное поле в магнитореалогической текучей среде и изменяют магнитное поле на основе изменения скорости транспортного ...

23-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2704042C2

Группа изобретений относится к вариантам транспортного средства, имеющего пассивный поглотитель энергии, который должен поддерживаться посредством бампера транспортного средства. Пассивный поглотитель энергии может включать в себя основание, протягивающееся поперечно, несколько ребер и несколько стопоров. Каждое ребро может протягиваться продольно из основания и быть разнесено поперечно от смежных ребер с возможностью формировать поперечные зазоры между ними. Каждый стопор может формировать, с соответствующей частью основания, треугольную призму в различном поперечном зазоре. Основание, несколько ребер и несколько стопоров могут формироваться из полимерного материала. Обеспечивается повышение безопасности. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2392135C2

Изобретение относится к бамперной системе для передней части автомобиля. Бамперная система содержит поперечную балку (7) бампера, которая удерживается на жесткой раме (1) автомобиля, деформируемую наружную обшивку бампера, сминаемую структуру (10) и поддерживающую нижнюю зону наружной обшивки несущую часть (13). Сминаемая структура (10) расположена между верхней зоной наружной обшивки и поперечной балкой (7). Несущая часть (13) вместе с несущим поперечную балку (7) деформируемым коробчатым элементом (3) закреплена на фланцевых пластинах (2) рамы. Несущая часть (13) содержит поперечную балку (15) и две соединяющие выполненную в виде С-образного профиля поперечную балку (15) с фланцевыми пластинами (2) консоли (14). Несущая часть (13) выполнена в виде одной части из упругого пластмассового материала. Консоли (14) выполнены в виде I-образного профиля. Наружные плечи С-образного профиля плавно переходят в наружные перегородки каждого I-образного профиля. Достигается уменьшение травмирования ...

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2472650C2

Изобретение относится к системе (1) ограничения удара автомобиля, включающей в себя облицовочный элемент (8) и подструктуру (9) бампера. Подструктура (9) бампера дистанцирована от облицовочного элемента (8) и перекрыта облицовочным элементом (8). Подструктура (9) бампера расположена на кузове (10) автомобиля и имеет воспринимающие энергию удара элементы (11). Между облицовочным элементом (8) и подструктурой (9) бампера в системе (1) ограничения удара предусмотрен передающий силу удара элемент (12). Передающий силу удара элемент (12) имеет стабильную форму и является неподатливым, и силовое ударное воздействие на облицовочный элемент (8) передает на подструктуру (9) бампера. Достигается возможность использования ее для различных автомобилей в рамках одной платформы и/или выходом за рамки платформы с различными свесами кузова. 13 з.п. ф-лы. 7 ил.

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595706C2
Принадлежит: ШЭЙП КОРП. (US)

Изобретение относится к установке для формования листа (варианты), способу формования трубчатой балки (варианты) и к машине для роликового профилирования. Техническим результатом является повышение производительности оборудования и повышение точности размеров балки. Технический результат достигается установкой для формования листа в непрерывную балку, имеющую четыре наружные стенки и общую центральную секцию, простирающуюся между противоположными двумя из данных стенок. При этом четыре наружные стенки образуют прямоугольное поперечное сечение, и общая центральная секция разделяет прямоугольное поперечное сечение на первый и второй соседние трубчатые элементы. При этом общая центральная секция имеет закругленные по радиусу концы, а лист имеет края, которые упираются в закругленные по радиусу концы. Установка содержит машину для роликового профилирования, включающую позиции роликового профилирования с роликами для формования листа. При этом машина включает станцию сварки со сварочными аппаратами ...

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU61656U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, в частности к балке бампера автомобиля. Балка бампера транспортного средства содержит верхнюю 5 и нижнюю 6 внутренние полки, являющиеся образующими центральной продольной впадины балки и, соответственно, верхнего и нижнего продольных выступов балки, верхний участок для поддержания верхней полки наружной панели бампера. Новым является наличие верхних 10 и нижних 11 поперечных выступов, последние из которых сформированы в центральной продольной впадине и соединяют верхнюю 5 и нижнюю 6 внутренние полки балки, а верхние поперечные выступы 10 сформированы в верхней продольной впадине, образующими которой являются верхняя наружная полка балки и нижняя полочка верхнего участка балки, соединенные между собой упомянутыми верхними поперечными выступами 10, причем верхний и нижний продольные выступы содержат отверстия, выполненные, соответственно, в верхней 5 и нижней 6 внутренних полках балки с заходом на стенки, являющиеся образующими, соответственно ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130668A

... 1. Деформируемый элемент для сопряжения с балкой бампера, содержащий:основную часть, проходящую от верхнего края до нижнего края вдоль оси аппликат A;при этом указанная основная часть содержит пару боковых стенок, проходящих между монтажными концами и ударными концами на некотором удалении друг от друга; ипо меньшей мере одно х-образное ребро жесткости, проходящее между указанными боковыми стенками вдоль плоскости P, расположенной перпендикулярно указанной оси A.2. Деформируемый элемент по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий выступающую часть, которая составляет одно целое с указанной основной частью и проходит наружу от смежного ударного конца одной из указанных боковых стенок, при этом выступающая часть расположена вдоль плоскости P и проходит между первым концом выступающей части и вторым концом выступающей части для того, чтобы ограничить находящуюся между ними полость выступающей части.3. Деформируемый элемент по п. 2, в котором указанная выступающая часть содержит по меньшей мере одно ...

05-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666059C1

Группа изобретений относится к бамперу и узлу бампера. Бампер включает в себя несущий элемент, имеющий стенку, продолжающуюся вдоль продольной стороны, и первую полку и вторую полку, продолжающиеся в сторону от стенки в первом направлении. Множество гребней подвижно прикреплены к несущему элементу между первой полкой и второй полкой и расположены на определенном расстоянии друг от друга вдоль продольной оси. Гребни могут перемещаться во введенное в действие положение, чтобы усиливать бампер для улучшения повреждаемости бампера на низких скоростях, и могут перемещаться в недействующее положение, которое может предоставлять облицовке возможность деформироваться легче относительно введенного в действие положения, чтобы обеспечивать поглощение энергии для ударов при столкновении с пешеходом. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

10-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008135295A

... 1. Система (7) ограничения удара автомобиля, включающая в себя облицовочный элемент (8) и подструктуру (9) бампера, при этом подструктура (9) бампера расположена на кузове автомобиля дистанцированно от облицовочного элемента (8) и перекрываясь облицовочным элементом (8), и при этом подструктура (9) бампера имеет воспринимающие энергию удара элементы (11), отличающаяся тем, что система (1) ограничения удара имеет передающий силу удара элемент, расположенный между облицовочным элементом (8) и подструктурой (9) бампера. ! 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что передающий силу удара элемент (12) образует проставку (13) и компенсирует стилевые различия моделей (14, 15) автомобиля относительно барьерного хода (16) проникновения. ! 3. Система по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что передающий силу удара элемент (12) имеет стабильную форму и является неподатливым и силовое ударное воздействие на облицовочный элемент (8) передает на подструктуру (9) бампера. ! 4. Система по любому из пп.1-3, отличающаяся ...

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2288116C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для поглощения энергии удара при столкновении транспортного средства с препятствием. Бампер содержит смонтированные на кузове 1 внутреннюю неподвижную и наружную подвижную рамы 2, 3, связанные винтовыми цилиндрическими пружинами 4, жестко прикрепленными одними торцами к подвижной раме 3. Другие торцы пружин 4 с прикрепленными к ним дисками 5 размещены внутри установленных на неподвижной раме 2 кольцевых ограничителей 6. Контактирующие поверхности 7 дисков 5 и неподвижной рамы 2 выполнены шероховатыми. В средней части к каждой из пружин 4 прикреплены с противоположных сторон две поперечные полуоси 8, 9. Каждая из пружин 4 снабжена двумя продольными тягами, состоящими из двух элементов 10, 11 и 12, 13 каждая, внутренние концы которых шарнирно закреплены на поперечных полуосях 8, 9, а наружные концы также шарнирно закреплены на неподвижной и подвижной рамах 2, 3 с возможностью проворота вокруг параллельной пружинам 4 оси. Технический результат заключается ...

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1833773C

30-12-1991 дата публикации

Энергопоглощающее устройство

Номер: SU1702868A3

Изобретение относится к транспортному и сельскохозяйственному машинострое- нй1д и может быть использованЬ на любых транспортных средствах. Целью изобретения является повышение эффективности га шения удара. Для этого устройство . выполнено в виде нескольких полых элементов 1-3, имеющих форму усеченных;- конусов различной высоты, установленных коаксиально большими основаниями в одну сторону с зазорами между боковыми стенками и имеющих со стороны больших оснований общую крышку, к которой жестко прикреплены. Меньшие основания каждого конуса закрыты индивидуальными крышками 6, 7 и 8, а все элементы могут иметь в поперечном сечении форму овала, наружные поверхности которых параллельны между собой. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Aufprallquerträgers sowie Aufprallquerträger

Номер: DE102011121381B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Aufprallquerträgers für eine Kraftfahrzeugkarosserie,wobei der fertige Aufprallquerträger ein langgestrecktes, bogenförmig verlaufendes Hohlprofil ist, das eine konvex verlaufende Außenseite und eine konkav verlaufende Innenseite aufweist und mit seinem Verlauf eine Längsrichtung definiert,wobei das Hohlprofil aus zwei sich in Längsrichtung erstreckenden Teilprofilen besteht, die auf einander zu gerichtet miteinander zusammengefügt und fest miteinander verbunden sind, undwobei das erste Teilprofil als U-förmiges Profil mit einer über die Länge gleichförmigen oder nicht gleichförmigen Krümmung und einem die konkav verlaufende Innenseite bildenden U-Steg im Rollformverfahren aus Metall-Flachbandmaterial hergestellt wird,dadurch gekennzeichnet,dass das zweite Teilprofil als die konvex verlaufende Außenseite bildendes Deckblech mit einer Krümmung hergestellt wird, die dem Endmaß der Schenkel des ersten Teilprofils entspricht,dass das das zweite Teilprofil bildende ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Frontstruktur für eine Karosseriestruktur eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102018114344A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Frontstruktur für eine Karosseriestruktur eines Kraftfahrzeugs, wobei die Karosseriestruktur (2) einen ersten Längsträger und einen zweiten Längsträger umfasst, und wobei die Frontstruktur (1) einen ersten Strukturarm (5) und einen zweiten Strukturarm (6) umfasst, die mit Hilfe eines Strukturquerträgers (4) miteinander verbunden sind, und wobei der erste Strukturarm (5) mit dem ersten Längsträger und der zweite Strukturarm (6) mit dem zweiten Längsträger verbindbar ausgebildet sind.Erfindungsgemäß ist die Frontstruktur (1) brückenbogenartig ausgebildet, wobei eine Innenfläche (13) des Strukturquerträgers (4) eine im Wesentlichen kreissegmentformartige oder ellipsensegmentformartige Krümmung (14) aufweist, wobei ein erster Radius (R1) der Krümmung (14) kleiner ausgebildet ist als ein an einem Übergang (17) zwischen dem Strukturquerträger (4) und den Strukturarmen (5, 6) ausgebildeter zweiter Radius (R2).

22-04-1982 дата публикации

Soft nose collision protection for car - has streamlined foam filled bumper on impact absorbing mountings

Номер: DE0003035176A1

The outside shell of the soft-nose fitting (8) is harder than the foam filling and is deformed in small impacts. A transverse support bar (18) is embedded in the rear of the shell and is linked to the impact absorbing bumper supports (7).The shell is contoured to fit the body shape for low drag and replaces the conventional bumper. The shell has cut-outs for the lights (16) and air intake slots (17). The bottom edge has tooling holes (20) to reach the support bolts (19) and is spaced from the spoiler (12) to leave an air intake gap (14).

19-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003039365A1

05-04-1984 дата публикации

Bumper for motor vehicles

Номер: DE0003236171A1

In order to provide a bumper arrangement which can be used at both end regions of a motor vehicle, is easy to mount and absorbs high forces with a low level of permanent deformation, it is proposed to connect the support part of said bumper arrangement, at least in the region between the vehicle longitudinal supports lying opposite one another at a distance, irremovably to said longitudinal supports. An energy absorption element, preferably consisting of a foamed body, is connected in front of the support part and is covered on the visible side by a covering made of visco-elastic material and is fixed directly or indirectly to the support part via the covering. This covering is not supported directly on the support part at predetermined, exposed areas during a feeding-in movement.

26-02-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Stoßfängeranordnung eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102007063629A1

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Stoßfängeranordnung (1) eines Kraftfahrzeugs durch Umformung einer Platine zu einem im Querschnitt U-förmig profilierten Stoßfängerquerträger (2), welcher einen Mittenabschnitt (4) und sich an den Mittenabschnitt (4) endseitig anschließende, als Crashboxen dienende Anbindungsabschnitte (3) aufweist, mit folgenden Schritten: a) Bereitstellen einer Platine aus einem vergütbaren Stahl; b) Umformung der Platine zu der Stoßfängeranordnung (1); c) Härten des Mittenabschnitts (4) während oder im Anschluss an Schritt b); d) Ausbilden von wenigstens zwei quer zur Längserstreckung des Stoßfängerquerträgers (2) aufeinanderfolgenden Langlöchern (14, 15) in einem sich im Wesentlichen in horizontale Richtung erstreckenden Obergurt (6) und/oder einem Untergurt (7) im Bereich der Anbindungsabschnitte (3).

27-05-2010 дата публикации

Bumper for motor vehicle, has deformation element with upper horizontal section, which deforms during impact of deformation element with obstacle such that material of horizontal section moves upward

Номер: DE102008057881A1

The bumper (1) has a support structure (2), and a deformation element (4) that is centrically attached to the support structure in a transverse direction (y) of the bumper. The deformation element exhibits a vertical section (5) running in a vertically aligned plane and an upper horizontal section (6) running in a horizontally aligned plane, where the horizontal section is attached to an upper side of the vertical section. The horizontal section deforms during impact of the deformation element with an obstacle in such a manner that the material of the horizontal section moves upward.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Aufprall-Detektorvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102009012589B4

Aufprall-Detektorvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug mit einem Stoßfänger (1), mit:einer ersten Fühleinrichtung (9), die in dem Stoßfänger (1) montiert ist, um ein Aufprallsignal (P(t)) zu liefern, wenn ein aufprallendes Objekt oder Zusammenstoß-Objekt gegen den Stoßfänger (1) schlägt;einer zweiten Fühleinrichtung (11) zum Liefern eines Fahrzeug-Geschwindigkeitssignals (V); undeiner Detektoreinrichtung (13) zum Detektieren eines aufprallenden Objektes gemäß dem Aufprallsignal (P(t)) und dem Fahrzeug-Geschwindigkeitssignal (V), wobeidie Detektoreinrichtung (13) eine effektive Masse (M) des aufprallenden Objektes basierend auf sowohl dem Aufprallsignal (P(t)) als auch dem Fahrzeug-Geschwindigkeitssignal (V) berechnet und das aufprallende Objekt von vielfältigen Arten von Objekten basierend auf der effektiven Masse (M) des aufprallenden Objektes unterscheidet, und wobeider Stoßfänger (1) eine Druckkammer (7a) enthält; unddie erste Fühleinrichtung (9) aus einem Drucksensor besteht, der in der Druckkammer ...

13-10-2011 дата публикации

Verbindungsanordnung von wenigstens zwei Strukturbauteilen für einen Kraftwagen sowie Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE102010014513A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verbindungsanordnung von wenigstens zwei Strukturbauteilen insbesondere von einen Stoßfängerquerträger (10) und wenigstens einem Energieabsorptionselement (12,14), für einen Kraftwagen, wobei das eine Strukturbauteil (10) eine Stecköffnung (22, 24) aufweist, in welche das andere Strukturbauteil (12, 14) einsteckbar ist, und wobei das eine Strukturbauteil (10) im Bereich seiner Stecköffnung (22, 24) wenigstens einen Wandbereich (26, 27, 28, 29) aufweist, welcher mit einem korrespondierenden Wandbereich (31, 32, 33, 34) des anderen Strukturbauteils (12, 14) in Anlage ist, wobei die jeweiligen Wandbereiche (26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34) der beiden Strukturbauteile (10, 12, 14) über wenigstens eine formschlüssige Verbindung (41) miteinander fest verbunden sind. Des Weiteren betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer solchen Verbindungsanordnung.

03-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019806541A1

05-06-2008 дата публикации

Fahrzeug mit Stossstange und Deformationselement

Номер: DE0050113885D1

25-08-1983 дата публикации

Flexible bumper beam having a frontal covering

Номер: DE0003224979A1

A shock absorber is proposed, consisting of a flexible bumper beam having a frontal covering made of tough, elastic material. The covering is subdivided into three sections, a forwardly protruding ram strip of high elasticity forming the first section and a second section of lower elasticity than the ram strip adjoining the first section. A third section, designed as an apron and having an even lower elasticity, extends downwards. The different elasticities are obtained by means of stepped wall thicknesses or by using materials having different moduli of elasticity.

13-06-2002 дата публикации

Stahllegierung zur Herstellung von Stossfängern für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0059901386D1

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Crashstruktur für ein Kraftfahrzeug, Verfahren zum Herstellen einer solchen Crashstruktur und Kraftfahrzeug mit einer solchen Crashstruktur

Номер: DE102018111226B3
Принадлежит: E GO MOBILE AG, e.GO Mobile AG

Crashstruktur (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (2) mit einem Trägerkörper (3), von dessen Trägerfläche (5) wenigstens eine mit dem Trägerkörper (3) einstückig ausgebildete Verformungseinheit (4, 4a, 4b) hervorspringt, die durch wenigstens zwei übereinander angeordnete und miteinander verbundene Verformungselemente (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) und eine Aufprallfläche (7) gebildet ist, wobei ein Längsschnitt (14) des jeweiligen Verformungselements (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) zwei einander gegenüberliegende, einer jeweiligen ungeraden Kurve (17, 18) folgende Längsschnittflächen (15, 16) aufweist, wobei die Aufprallfläche (7) über die Verformungselemente (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) von der Trägerfläche (5) beabstandet ist.

30-11-2000 дата публикации

Painted bumper (fender) assembly, bumper shell of which has arresting devices

Номер: DE0019923030A1

The bumper assembly includes a bumper shell (1) and an impact batten (3), which has greater intermediate spacing from the bumper shell than the final spacing and which can be released. Before painting, the shell and the batten are set at the intermediate spacing and painted together for greater color precision and for ease of transporting them together.

19-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002715986A1

30-11-1978 дата публикации

Car bumper bar cover - has self clamping profiled edge and is supported by bumper

Номер: DE0002724425A1

The upper gap between the bumper bar and vehicle body work is covered by a flexible material, strip attached to the body. The strip edge facing the vehicle has a profile corresponding to that of the bodywork. The strip is supported by the bumper bar edge. The strip edge facing the vehicle bodywork folds downwards and inwards to give a self locking effect which requires no special fasteners and allows room for expansion. The strip can be readily changed.

27-06-1985 дата публикации

Shock absorber

Номер: DE0003345408A1

A shock absorber, which serves in particular for installation between the bumper and the body or the chassis of motor vehicles, has a moulded body which, in order to achieve the required force absorption characteristics and the necessary compressive strength, consists of a flock-composite foam material compressed to a density of 50 to 250 kg/m<3>.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Stoßfängeranordnung und Füllelement

Номер: DE102018211974B4

Stoßfängeranordnung mit einem Außenhautelement (16), mit einem in Fahrzeuglängsrichtung betrachtet dahinter angeordneten Hauptstoßfängerquerträger (18) und mit einem in Fahrzeughochrichtung betrachtet unterhalb des Hauptstoßfängerquerträgers (18) angeordneten Fußgängerschutzquerträger (26), wobei der Fußgängerschutzquerträger (26) über mindestens einen, sich zwischen dem Hauptstoßfängerquerträger (18) und dem Fußgängerschutzquerträger (26) überwiegend in Fahrzeughochrichtung erstreckenden Vertikalträger (28) mit dem Hauptstoßfängerquerträger (18) verbunden ist und wobei unterhalb des Hauptstoßfängerquerträgers (18) zwischen dem Außenhautelement (16) und dem Vertikalträger (28) ein Freiraum (30) gebildet ist, wobei in dem Freiraum (30) mindestens ein Füllelement (32) angeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Füllelement (32) mittels einer Clipverbindung mit dem mindestens einen Vertikalträger (28) verbunden ist und dass das Füllelement (32) mindestens zwei Rastnasen (34a, 34b, 34c ...

15-12-2005 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug nit Stossstangenanordnung zum Fussgängerschutz

Номер: DE0060107570T2

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Fußgängerschutzvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019135201A1

Die erfindungsgemäße Fußgängerschutzvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug, insbesondere ein Personenkraftfahrzeug, hat einen Querträger, insbesondere einen Stoßfängerquerträger, beispielsweise einen vorderen Stoßfängerquerträger, und eine Deformationseinrichtung, die vor dem Querträger angeordnet ist. Die Deformationseinrichtung weist Biege-Schenkel auf, deren Enden an einer Fläche anliegen oder bei einer Kollision des Kraftfahrzeugs zur Anlage an der Fläche kommen. Dabei sind die Enden der Biege-Schenkel in Folge der Kollision entlang der Fläche verschiebbar ausgebildet, wobei an der Fläche eine Rasteinrichtung ausgebildet ist, mit der die Enden der Biege-Schenkel in Folge der Kollision verrastbar sind. Erfindungsgemäß sind ein erster Biege-Schenkel und ein zweiter Biege-Schenkel benachbart zueinander, insbesondere aneinander angrenzend, angeordnet. Der erste Biege-Schenkel und der zweite Biege-Schenkel sind in Verschieberichtung der Biege-Schenkel versetzt zueinander angeordnet. Alternativ ...

12-10-2006 дата публикации

Stossfänger für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0060214331D1
Принадлежит: SEAT SA, SEAT S.A.

11-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069912622T2

21-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004432764A1

The invention concerns a road-vehicle bumper (10) which is particularly easy to mount on the vehicle and looks as if it is part of the bodywork. In order to secure the flexible fairing (14) to the front or rear of the vehicle, round which it fits in an essentially U shape, the invention calls for a clamp (20) by means of which the side pieces (32) of the fairing (14) are fixed in simple fashion to a mounting surface (60) on the vehicle bodywork, at the same time ensuring that the visible surfaces (87, 88) of the fairing (14) fit snugly against the sides (32) of the vehicle body.

14-06-2007 дата публикации

Stoßfängersystem für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102005059447A1

Ein Stoßfängersystem für ein Kraftfahrzeug umfasst einen Stoßfängerquerträger (7), der an einem steifen Rahmen (1) des Kraftfahrzeugs gehalten ist, eine verformbare Stoßfänger-Außenhaut, eine zwischen einem oberen Bereich der Außenhaut und dem Querträger (7) angeordnete stauchbare Struktur (10) und ein den unteren Bereich der Außenhaut abstützendes Trägerteil (13), das gemeinsam mit einer den Querträger (7) tragenden Crash-Box (3) an Flanschplatten (2) des Rahmens verankert ist.

20-01-2005 дата публикации

Cross member behind outer skin of bumper of motor vehicle has plastically deformable profile with upper and lower surfaces each having on end of cross member at least one cut-out located perpendicularly to direction of impact force

Номер: DE0010339831B3

The cross member (1) for a motor vehicle is polygonal in cross section and constructed as a stable but plastically deformable profile (2) with an upper (12) and a lower (13) surface which yield above a predetermined load during an impact-like force action. The upper and lower surfaces of the profile each have on the end of the cross member at least one cut-out (3) located perpendicularly to the direction of force. The cut-outs are located close to the impact surface (14) of the profile.

29-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002433137A1

02-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005022469D1

05-10-2006 дата публикации

Motor vehicle`s bumper area, has plastic foam arranged adjacent to sensor unit, and energy absorption unit arranged behind sensor unit and formed of special energy absorption material, where foam and absorption unit are of same height

Номер: DE102006011171A1

The area has a sensor unit (10), and a plastic foam (7) that is arranged adjacent to the sensor unit. An energy absorption unit (12) is arranged behind the sensor unit and formed of special energy absorption material. The energy absorption unit exhibits a higher energy absorption capability than the plastic foam. The plastic foam and the energy absorption unit are of same height.

18-03-2010 дата публикации

Bumper for use in rear area of motor vehicle, has deflection element standing in contact with flexible traction element during crashfall, where flexible traction element pulls away bumper casing from rear flap

Номер: DE102008045894A1

The bumper (1) has a flexible traction element attached to a bumper casing and/or to a component connected with the bumper casing at two connection points distanced from each other, where the traction element is formed as a band. A deflection element is attached at a body part (3). The deflection element stands in contact with the flexible traction element during crashfall such that distance between the two interconnect points is shortened by the flexible traction element. The flexible traction element pulls away the bumper casing from a rear flap.

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Carrier structure, e.g. integral carrier, axle carrier, cross beam or strut for motor vehicle, has one component and another reinforced operating component, where former component has internal foam-like structure

Номер: DE102008049485A1

The carrier structure (1) has a component (2) and another reinforced operating component (3). The former component has an internal foam-like structure and a closed-porous surface. The former component is manufactured from a cast material. The latter component is formed as a depositor, where the depositor is partly surrounded by the cast material of the former component.

15-01-2009 дата публикации

Bumper for motor vehicle has at least one stiffening element that is joined to bumper by joint region and that is made in one piece

Номер: DE102007034696A1

The bumper (10) has at least one stiffening element (12) that is joined to the bumper by a joint region (14) and that is made in one piece. The stiffening element can be joined to the bumper by fixing elements that can be varied in shape and number and can be provided with a clip-on function. An independent claim is also included for a stiffening element for a motor vehicle bumper.

11-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001445293A

... 1445293 Vehicle bumpers BRITISH LEYLAND UK Ltd 7 April 1975 [6 April 1974] 15342/74 Heading B7J A vehicle bumper comprising a moulded polyurethane foam body 1 riveted to a welded steel structure 4, is characterized in that the hollow body 1 has a first series of spaced webs 5, a second series ef interposed spaced webs 6 and a cross web 7 all moulded integrally with the body. The inner ends of the webs 5, 6 and 7 are spaced at increasing distances from the structure 4. Additional series of webs may be provided.

05-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001355203A

... 1355203 Vehicle bumpers A S BECKLEY 5 May 1971 [8 May 1970 22 Feb 1971] 52596/73 Divided out of 1355201 Heading B7J A motor vehicle bumper comprises a plate 54, Fig. 12, of impact resistant material such as a rigid thermoplastics laminate, arranged to be fixedly disposed over a portion of vehicle, and a mass 55 of cellular, shock-absorbing polymeric material of greater thickness than plate 54 disposed on the side of the plate which is outwards in use, preferably covering the whole of this side. The mass 55 presents an outward surface area of at least 1,000 square inches and is of uniform thickness which is at least 4 inches, preferably 9 to 24 inches, for use at the front end of the vehicle and is at least 2 inches, preferably 4 to 12 inches, for use at the vehicle rear end. Preferred properties of the cellular polymeric material are given, it preferably being a blown compatible blend of 45 to 60% thermoplastic resin, 30 to 45% NBR and 6 to 12% plasticizer. As shown in Fig. 1, the mass ...

14-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009113631D0

13-03-2002 дата публикации

Automotive vehicle bumper assembly

Номер: GB0002344794B

21-06-2000 дата публикации

Vehicle bumper assembly

Номер: GB0002344794A

A bumper assembly for a vehicle has two multi-stage crush caps 16 attached to longitudinal ends of two generally parallel vehicle body support members 12, each of the crush caps having an outward facing impact surface. A bumper member 18 is attached to the body support members 12 so as to extend generally laterally therebetween encasing the two crush caps 16. The bumper member 18 has upper 34 and lower 38 crush grooves and an outward facing crush groove 26, all extending laterally along the bumper member 18. The outward facing crush groove 26 has an inner crush initiating surface 30 spaced from and substantially parallel to the impact surface 42 of each of the crush caps. The bumper assembly provides a progressive absorption of energy in three stages, a first stage in which the upper and lower crush grooves 34,38 deform, a second stage in which the crush caps 16 are deformed by contact with surface 30 and a third stage in which the bumper deforms about groove 26 such that the crush caps ...

04-07-2012 дата публикации

Front region of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002486933A

A front region of a vehicle 1 comprises an upper front region 2, a middle front region 3 and a lower front region 4. The upper front region 2 comprises an engine hood 5, front regions of mudguards, headlamps or driving direction indicators. The middle front region 3 comprises an impact energy-absorbing region and has moulding elements in driving direction A. The moulding elements interact with impact energy-absorbing, yielding structures 10. The yielding structures 10 are plastically deformable. The lower front region 4 comprises a moulding apron 12, wherein the lower front region 4 is elastically deformable. The deformable structures protect the legs 30 of pedestrians from serious injuries.

12-02-2003 дата публикации

An motor vehicle and a bumper assembly therefor

Номер: GB0000300645D0

28-11-2001 дата публикации

A bumper assembly

Номер: GB0000124052D0

21-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001338138A

... 1338138 Vehicle bumpers SAAB-SCANIA AB 19 April 1971 [20 April 1970] 27164/71 Heading B7J A vehicle bumper assembly comprises at least one channel shaped bumper beam 1, having a web 1a and limb portions 1b, adapted to be secured to a vehicle by ties 5 and 6 welded to the beam, a number of shock absorbing inserts 2 each formed of tubular cells 11 and an end-plate 10 being mounted in pocket-like section 8 formed in the beam between transverse strip 7 and each insert abutting the web and extending outside the profile of the beam to a distance of at least one fourth of the distance between the web and the extremities of the limbs furthest from the web, a protective casing 3 at least partially surrounding and stretched over the beam and inserts and being clamped in place between the beam and a locking bar 4.

17-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001581791A

20-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002032575B

10-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001476257A

... 1476257 Vehicle bumpers FIAT SpA 14 June 1974 [25 June 1973] 26425/74 Heading B7J A motor vehicle front or rear bumper assembly comprises upper and lower bumper parts 10, 14 having downward end lugs 12, 13 and upward end lugs 16, 17 respectively and securable to the front or rear vehicle end so that opposed lugs are spaced apart to leave space for direction indicator lamps 8, each bumper part 10, 14 comprising an elongate porous elastomeric body 20, 24, e.g. foam plastics, covered by textile, rubber or plastics 22, 26 each body having a plurality of blind cavities 28 each having the shape of a solid of revolution formed by rotating a substantial ogive with their openings facing the vehicle body 40, and vertical channels 30 situated in the vicinity of headlamps 6 (or rear lights) which channel openings also face the body 40 and allow of drainage from the headlamps or rear lights. The bumper parts 10, 14 also having vertical metal reinforcements 34, 36, carrying bolts 46, 48 securable to ...

17-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001511397A

... 1511397 Energy absorbing devices AUTOMOBILES M BERLIET 17 June 1976 [20 June 1975] 25022/76 Heading F2S An energy dissipating device (2) for use as a rear bumper of a van (1) comprises a core 4 constituted by a plurality of corrugated bonds 7, each two adjacent bonds 7 being arranged so that the corrugations butt against each other, that in a collision energy is absorbed by permanent flattening of the corrugations. In the embodiment of Fig. 1 the corrugated bonds 7 are arranged so that the corrugations of each two adjacent bonds 7 one at right angles but in the embodiment of Fig. 4 (not shown) the bonds (13) have their corrugations parallel to delimit a series of elongated parallel cavities. In fact the corrugations of adjacent bonds may run at any angle between 0 and 90 degrees. The bonds 7 may be assembled to each other by sticking, welding, screwing or riveting. The bonds may be of steel, aluminium or plastics material, the material may vary from one bond to another and bonds may be ...

17-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002013827B

03-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002008501B

31-12-1979 дата публикации

Absorber of energy for car.

Номер: OA0000004231A

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405458T

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361863T

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000384643T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442979T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501897T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502821T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000425898T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518701T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552146T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553007T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552147T

15-05-2018 дата публикации

Cross member with integrated pedestrian protection for a motor vehicle

Номер: AT0000519243A4

Ein Querträger (3) mit integriertem Fußgängerschutz für ein Kraftfahrzeug weist erfindungsgemäß zwei Elemente auf, nämlich einen Grundträger (1) und ein Aufprallelement (2), wobei das Aufprallelement (2) in Fahrtrichtung vor dem Grundträger (1) angeordnet ist. Im Normalzustand ist das Aufprallelement (2) durch Anlageflächen (4a, 4b) formschlüssig an Leisten (6a, 6b) des Grundträgers (1) abgestützt. Diese formschlüssige Abstützung ist jedoch bei einem Unfall mit einem Fußgänger durch Aufblasen eines Aufblaselements (7) mittels eines pyrotechnischen Gasgenerators lösbar, sodass das Aufprallelement (2) auf den Grundträger (1) aufschiebbar ist und somit die Kraft auf das Bein des Fußgängers relativ gering ist. Vorzugsweise wirkt das Aufblaselement (7) auch auf einen hinteren Bereich (5) des Aufprallelements (2), sodass dieses aktiv eingezogen wird und somit die Aufprallkraft auf das Bein des Fußgängers nochmals reduziert wird.

15-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000164890A

15-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474775A

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345955T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407037T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000419148T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416955T

10-05-2011 дата публикации

Элемент обшивки

Номер: RU0000104144U1

1. Элемент обшивки (1) автомобиля, например облицовка бампера для автомобиля, где указанный элемент обшивки (1) содержит, по меньшей мере, одну крепежную секцию (5), с помощью которой указанный элемент обшивки (1) может соединяться с соответствующим удерживающим участком секции кузова и/или узлом автомобиля, отличающийся тем, что указанная крепежная секция (5) содержит, по меньшей мере, один крепежный элемент (6, 6') для крепления с возможностью отсоединения элемента (7, 8) проводки, например шланга, трубы и/или кабеля. ! 2. Элемент обшивки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанная крепежная секция (5) представляет собой соединительный фланец. ! 3. Элемент обшивки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что форма указанного крепежного элемента (6, 6') выполнена дополняющей форму элемента (7, 8) проводки и/или дополнительных элементов, расположенных на указанном элементе (7, 8) проводки. ! 4. Элемент обшивки по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что указанный крепежный элемент (6, 6') представляет собой выемку, в которой могут крепиться или зажиматься, по меньшей мере, некоторые участки элемента (7, 8) проводки и/или дополнительного элемента, расположенного на указанном элементе (7, 8) проводки, причем указанная выемка охватывает, по меньшей мере, некоторые участки указанного элемента (7, 8) проводки и/или указанного дополнительного элемента. ! 5. Элемент обшивки по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что указанный крепежный элемент представляет собой выточку, в которую могут вставляться, по меньшей мере, некоторые участки указанного элемента проводки и/или дополнительного элемента, расположенного на указанном элементе проводки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 104 144 (13) U1 (51) МПК B62D 65/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010136859/11, 06.09.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.09.2010 (72) Автор(ы): ВЮРТЕМБЕРГЕР ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Интегрированный узел крепления молдингов переднего бампера автомобиля

Номер: RU0000181832U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к элементам наружной панели переднего бампера. Интегрированный узел крепления молдингов переднего бампера автомобиля, который состоит из наружной панели бампера и расположенных по бокам от площадки под номерной знак наружной панели бампера молдингов, выполненных скобообразной формы и состоящих из верхней и нижней частей, на тыльной стороне которых сформированы элементы крепления в виде защелок и бобышек, выполненных заедино с молдингами и расположенных поочередно между собой, причем нижняя часть молдинга по верхней кромке снабжена позиционирующим выступом с отверстием, а верхняя часть молдинга по нижней кромке снабжена направляющим штырем с возможностью фиксации в отверстии позиционирующего выступа. Технический результат направлен на повышение четкости позиционирования молдингов при обеспечении простого и надежного крепления и для создания фиксированных видовых зазоров при монтаже, что улучшает потребительские свойства автомобиля. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 832 U1 (51) МПК B60R 13/02 (2006.01) B60R 19/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60R 13/02 (2006.01); B60R 19/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018112913, 09.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "АВТОВАЗ" (RU) 26.07.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2104180 C1, 10.02.1998. US (45) Опубликовано: 26.07.2018 Бюл. № 21 8985661 B2, 24.03.2015. US 6830274 B2, 14.12.2004. US 9522637 B2, 20.12.2016. 1 8 1 8 3 2 R U (54) ИНТЕГРИРОВАННЫЙ УЗЕЛ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ МОЛДИНГОВ ПЕРЕДНЕГО БАМПЕРА АВТОМОБИЛЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области между собой, причем нижняя часть молдинга по транспортного машиностроения, а именно к верхней кромке снабжена позиционирующим элементам наружной панели переднего бампера. выступом с отверстием, а ...

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Энергопоглощающий буфер для автомобиля

Номер: RU0000193207U1

Изобретение относится к автомобильному транспорту, а именно к буферам автомобилей, обладающим способностью поглощать энергию удара при столкновениях, и может найти применение в конструкциях автомобилей в качестве переднего и заднего буферов. Изобретение позволяет создать высокоэффективный энергопоглощающий буфер для автомобилей с высокой удельной энергоемкостью на основе использования для поглощения энергии удара пластической деформации металла. Энергопоглощающий буфер для автомобиля состоит из бампера 1 и телескопических цилиндрических устройств 2, состоящих из подвижного 3 и неподвижного 4 звеньев, скрепленных соответственно с внутренней поверхностью бампера 1 и несущей конструкцией транспортного средства, внутри телескопических цилиндрических устройств 2 размещены деформируемые устройства с энергопоглощающими элементами, выполненными по схеме «дорн-трубка»: подвижный элемент 3 выполнен в виде стержня, на конце которого жестко закреплен конический дорн 5, а неподвижный элемент выполнен в виде деформируемой пластичной трубы 6, конический дорн 5 установлен в деформируемой пластичной трубе 6 по прессовой посадке, размер конического дорна 5 превышает внутренний размер деформируемой пластичной трубы 6. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 207 U1 (51) МПК B60R 19/02 (2006.01) B60R 19/34 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60R 19/02 (2019.05); B60R 19/34 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019114611, 13.05.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 16.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 16.10.2019 Бюл. № 29 1 9 3 2 0 7 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ КАЗЕННОЕ ВОЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ Военная академия Ракетных войск стратегического назначения имени Петра Великого МИНИСТЕРСТВА ОБОРОНЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 1419698 A, 07.01.1976. DE 2549936 A1, 12.05.1977. CN ...

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Tubular beam with single center leg

Номер: US20120074720A1
Принадлежит: Shape Corp

A reinforcement beam for a vehicle bumper system comprises a single sheet deformed to define first and second tubes sharing a common single center wall. A channel rib is formed on each tubes and a crevice rib over the center leg forms a third rib. Edges of the sheet are deformed to a radius so that their surface consistently engages an associated radiused corner formed on ends of the center leg, which facilitates consistent abutting line engagement of material surfaces, and thus facilitates consistent welding. In a preferred beam, front wall sections of each tube are coplanar and form a face of the beam, with each channel rib and crevice rib providing added stiffness to the beam, and yet nothing extends forward of the coplanar front wall sections. Related apparatus and methods are also disclosed.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Automobile bumper arrangement and modular bumper system

Номер: US20120091742A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

An automobile bumper arrangement includes a crossbeam coupled to side rails of an automobile via crash boxes, wherein the crossbeam has extensions disposed at end sections which are laterally supported on a corresponding crash box. A modular bumper system has a crossbeam, an extension and a crash box coupled to a side rail of an automobile, wherein the crossbeam has a standardized length and a vehicle-specific width of a bumper can be attained by varying the length of the extension.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Energy absorbing beam with controlled crush characteristics

Номер: US20120112478A1
Автор: Thomas Vikstrom
Принадлежит: Individual

An energy absorbing beam structure has controlled crush characteristics. The beam is an elongated structure in which at least a portion of the length of the beam is configured so that a cross section taken transverse to the length of the beam defines a first sidewall, a second sidewall, a first hollow flange projecting from the first sidewall and a second hollow flange projecting from the second sidewall together with a front wall extending between the first and second sidewalls. The beam may be configured to define an open or closed tubular structure and may define one or more central lobes. In an impact condition the beam crushes in a reliable and controlled manner so as to absorb a large amount of kinetic energy. Further disclosed are motor vehicles which include the energy absorbing beams as well as roll forming processes for fabricating the beams.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Bumper apparatus

Номер: US20120133160A1
Принадлежит: Aptera Motors Inc

An automotive vehicular bumper apparatus is provided. In another aspect, a bumper beam is attached to a composite body panel of an automotive vehicle. A further aspect provides a bumper beam including a first pair of generally V-shaped structural members and a second pair of generally V-shaped structural members joined together adjacent apexes thereof. In another aspect, a centralized bumper beam and a small width bumper are employed.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Bumper arrangement for an automobile and method for operating a bumper arrangement in a crash

Номер: US20120323447A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A bumper arrangement for an automobile includes a crossbeam with crash boxes and a pedestrian protection element arranged on the crossbeam. The material of the pedestrian protection element has a lower firmness compared to the material of the crossbeam. A deformation element is arranged in the pedestrian protection element. The deformation element can be retracted into the crossbeam in an impact with a pedestrian, so that only the pedestrian protection element produces a damping effect. In a high-intensity crash, the deformation element can be rigidly connected with the crossbeam and thus lengthen the available deformation path of the crash box along the deformation element.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Car body with a shear element on one side

Номер: US20130093211A1

A car body, for example, a front or rear frame is provided. The car body includes at least one crossmember and at least one pair of left and right braces that are arranged at least substantially symmetric to the crossmember. The car body also includes a shear element that is designed for absorbing shear forces during a collision and that is mounted on a brace of the pair, wherein no shear element is provided symmetrically thereto on the other brace of this pair.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Front structure for vehicle

Номер: US20130106141A1
Автор: Taichi YAMASHITA
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A lower wall portion of a bracket is attached to a motor compartment cross member via a charger. The bracket has an L-shaped cross-sectional configuration when viewed from a side of the vehicle, and includes a vertical wall portion which is bent from a vehicle-rear side end of the lower wall portion and extends toward the top of the vehicle. A DC/DC converter is attached to an upper portion of the vertical wall portion of the bracket. The DC/DC converter is located in such a position that an upper portion of the DC/DC converter overlaps with a cowling when viewed from a front of the vehicle.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119680A1

A bumper reinforcement structure capable of achieving a weight reduction while still securing required bending strength in a bumper reinforcement structure with closed cross-section structure configured by joining together an inside member and an outside member. A bumper reinforcement is formed with two closed cross-sections configured by joining together three top-to-bottom flanges of an inner panel to three top-to-bottom flanges of an outer panel. The flanges of the inner panel are disposed in the same front-rear direction position as that of the wall portions that configure the closed cross-sections. 1. A bumper reinforcement structure formed with two or more closed cross-sections in a vehicle top-bottom direction configured by joining together an inside member and an outside member at three or more joint sections provided respectively separated from each other in the vehicle top-bottom direction ,the inside member being disposed along a vehicle width direction at a vehicle front-rear direction end potion of a vehicle and supported by a framework member from the vehicle front-rear direction central side,the outside member being disposed running along the vehicle width direction at the opposite side to the framework member with respect to the inside member,wherein at least a portion of the joint sections is disposed at a same location in the vehicle front-rear direction as a wall portion configuring a vehicle front-rear direction front side or rear side of the closed cross-section, or disposed at a side away from the closed cross-section.2. The bumper reinforcement structure of wherein:a plurality of the joint sections are disposed at the same location in the vehicle front-rear direction as a wall portion configured by the outside member within the wall portions configuring the vehicle front-rear direction front side and rear side of the closed cross-section, or disposed at the side away from the closed cross-section.3. A bumper reinforcement structure comprising: ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127189A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

Bumper system for a motor vehicle with a cross member which is arranged cross to longitudinal members and having a top side, a bottom side, a front side and a back side and with at least one means to ensure adequate energy impact into the cross member 2 characterized in that at least one means on the top side and/or on the bottom side of the cross member is arranged in that way that it is pointing away from the cross member wherein air can stream at least partially through a region above and/or beneath the cross member during driving of the motor vehicle. 1. A bumper system for a motor vehicle comprising a crossmember arranged transversely to the vehicle longitudinal members with an upper face , a lower face , a front face and a rear face and comprising at least one guide means for introducing force into the crossmember , wherein at least one guide means is arranged on the upper face and/or on the lower face of the crossmember facing away from the crossmember , wherein air is able to flow at least partially through a region above and/or below the crossmember during travel.2. The bumper system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one guide means protrudes at least partially vertically from the upper face and/or the lower face.3. The bumper system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one guide means does not protrude over the front face of the crossmember.4. The bumper system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein all guide means terminate substantially flush with the front face of the crossmember.5. The bumper system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one guide means is shaped as an integral component of the crossmember.6. The bumper system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one guide means is shaped at least partially in the extension of the front face.7. The bumper system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one guide means comprises a web portion and flank portions protruding from the web portion in the direction of the rear face of the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Modular Bumper System

Номер: US20130147215A1
Принадлежит: Omix-Ada, Inc.

A modular reconfigurable bumper system for an off road vehicle includes a center base mountable to the front of the vehicle. The center base has ends, a top face, and a front face. A pair of first mounting locations having associated mounting holes are located on the front face of the center base adjacent its ends and a pair of second mounting locations having associated mounting holes are located on the top face adjacent the ends of the center base. A pair of third mounting locations are located on the ends of the center base. A plurality of optional accessories including end plates, end extenders, an overrider, a prerunner, a stinger, and D-rings are selectively mountable to the center base, all via the first, second, and third mounting locations. The system also includes a rear bumper assembly mountable to the back of the vehicle and having a hinged spare tire carrier and D-rings selectively attachable to the rear bumper via common fourth mounting locations. 1. A modular bumper system comprising:a center base having a length, a front portion, a top portion, and ends and being generally horizontally oriented when attached to a vehicle;first mounting locations comprising sets of holes on the top portion of the center base;second mounting locations comprising sets of holes on the ends of the center base;a plurality of accessories each being optionally attachable to the center base to form a bumper of a predetermined configuration;the plurality of accessories including at least a pair of end extenders selectively attachable to the center base via the second mounting locations, the end extenders, when attached, extending the length of the center base and being formed with an up-swept configuration relative to the center base, and an overrider loop having ends that are selectively attachable to the center base at least via a set of holes of the first mounting locations, the overrider loop, when attached, comprising a bar that extends upwardly from the ends of the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Protective bumper device

Номер: US20130156998A1
Автор: Kim Louise Fox
Принадлежит: Individual

A protective bumper device for attachment to an upright member, the device including a flexible base having a first surface for receipt against an upright member and an opposing second surface carries at least one elongated bumper member having a first end and a second end. An aperture extends through the elongated bumper member from the first end to the second end. A strap member extends through the aperture a first end and a second end extending beyond the ends of the elongated bumper member. A fastening mechanism including an engagement element and a complemental engagement element is attached to the ends of the strap member for releasable engagement.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168982A1

A bumper absorber () has a squared U-shaped cross section formed of: a vertical face () extending in a top-bottom direction and a vehicle width direction, and a top face () and a bottom face () respectively extending rearward from a top end and a bottom end of the vertical face (). The bumper absorber () is configured such that the top face () and the bottom face () thereof are supported by the bumper reinforcement () via multiple attachment members ( to ), and an interval between the attachment members adjacent to each other in the vehicle width direction is set to decrease from end portions () in the vehicle width direction toward a central portion () in the vehicle width direction. 1. A vehicle bumper comprising:a bumper fascia provided in any of a front end and a rear end of a vehicle and extending in a vehicle width direction;a bumper absorber arranged inside the bumper fascia in a front-rear direction and having a higher stiffness at end portions in the vehicle width direction than at a central portion in the vehicle width direction; anda bumper reinforcement arranged inside the bumper absorber in the front-rear direction to support the bumper absorber, whereinthe bumper absorber has a squared U-shaped cross section formed of a vertical face extending in a top-bottom direction and the vehicle width direction, and a top face and a bottom face respectively extending from a top end and a bottom end of the vertical face inward in the front-rear direction, anda support stiffness of the bumper absorber for the bumper reinforcement is set to be higher at the central portion in the vehicle width direction than at the end portions in the vehicle width direction.2. The vehicle bumper according to claim 1 , whereinthe bumper absorber is configured such that the top face and the bottom face thereof are supported by the bumper reinforcement via a plurality of attachment members, andan interval between the attachment members adjacent to each other in the vehicle width ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Bumper Beam

Номер: US20130181463A1

A bumper beam having increased bending strength achieved with a minimum increase in the weight of the bumper beam. The bumper beam () is mounted to the front of a vehicle, extends along a reference line (W), and is provided with a beam body () and a reinforcing plate (). In at least one cross section perpendicular to the reference line (W), the reinforcing plate () extends linearly and the beam body () includes a pair of protrusions () protruding, while surrounding an inner space, from the reinforcing plate () in a direction intersecting the reinforcing plate (). If the Young's modulus and the density of the beam body () are Eand ρ, respectively, and the Young's modulus and the density of the reinforcing plate () are Eand ρ, respectively, the expression (Et/ρ) <(E/ρ) is satisfied. 1. A bumper beam , which is configured to be mounted on the front or rear of a vehicle body and to extend along a reference line , comprising:a beam body formed of a metallic plate and extending along the reference line; anda metallic first reinforcing plate extending along the reference line and attached to said beam body, whereinin at least one cross section perpendicular to the reference line, said first reinforcing plate extends linearly, and said beam body includes a pair of swelling parts each swelling from said first reinforcing plate in a direction intersecting it while enclosing an internal space, and wherein {'br': None, 'i': E', 'E, 'sub': st', 'st', '2', '2, 'sup': 3', '3, '(/ρ)<(/ρ)'}, 'said beam body and said first reinforcing plate satisfy the following condition.'}{'sub': 'st', "E: Young's modulus of said beam body"}{'sub': 'st', 'ρ: Density of said beam body'}{'sub': '2', "E: Young's modulus of said first reinforcing plate"}{'sub': '2', 'ρ: Density of said first reinforcing plate'}2. The bumper beam , wherein , in at least one cross section perpendicular to the reference line , each swelling part has an outer wall part extending in a direction intersecting said first ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187396A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

In a method for producing a motor vehicle bending cross member bending a double-U-profile is initially formed from a metal plank. The double-U-profile has two U-shaped longitudinal sections which are connected by a web. The outer legs of the double-U-profile are longer than the inner legs which are connected by the web. The outer legs are formed in a further forming step thereby forming hollow chambers and subsequently joined with the bending cross member preferably in the intermediate region from the inner legs to the web 1. A method for producing a motor vehicle bending cross member from a metal blank comprising the steps of:forming the metal blank into a double-U-profile, said double-U-profile having two U-shaped longitudinal sections connected by a web, each of said U-shaped longitudinal sections having outer and inner legs;molding the outer legs of the U-shaped longitudinal sections to thereby form respective hollow chambers of the motor vehicle bending cross member, said hollow chambers extending along a longitudinal direction of the motor vehicle bending cross member; andjoining the outer legs to the motor vehicle bending cross member, such that the hollow chambers are spaced apart by the web and the web is configured one layered.2. The method of wherein the motor vehicle bending cross member is constructed as a door impact member or an impact cross member.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outer legs are longer than the inner legs.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein longitudinal edges of the outer legs are joined to the bending cross member.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outer legs are joined to the motor vehicle bending cross member in a region of the web.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bending cross member has a double-O-profiled cross section.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the hollow chambers is formed to have a cross section which varies in a longitudinal direction of the hollow chamber.8. The method of claim 1 , further ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Energy absorbing assembly and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20130193698A1

In an embodiment, an energy absorbing assembly comprises a foam stage having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the second surface comprises a recess; and a thermoplastic stage comprising a frame and crush lobes; wherein the crush lobes extend from the frame of the thermoplastic stage into the recess. In another embodiment, a method of making an energy absorbing assembly comprises forming a foam stage having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the second surface comprises recesses; forming a thermoplastic stage having a frame and crush lobes protruding from the frame; and engaging the recesses and the crush lobes to form the energy absorbing assembly.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200638A1

A material handling vehicle includes a laminated bumper that provides both durability and reduced energy transmissibility. The laminated bumper includes at least a first bumper layer and a second bumper layer, such that at least one of the first bumper layer and second bumper layer of the laminate bumper are allowed to translate upon bumper contact with an object. 1. A bumper for a material handling vehicle , the bumper comprising:a lug secured to a frame of the material handling vehicle;a first bumper layer and a second bumper layer, the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer movably secured to the frame to form a vehicle bumper, at least one of the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer includes a slot for the lug to extend through; andat least one of the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer is allowed to translate relative to the frame upon the vehicle bumper contact with an object to reduce energy transmissibility through the frame.2. The bumper as set forth in wherein the slot is sized to allow at least one of the first bumper layer and a second bumper layer to translate in a horizontal direction.3. The bumper as set forth in wherein the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer movably secured to the frame comprise a laminate bumper.4. The bumper as set forth in wherein the lug comprises a shoulder bolt.5. The bumper as set forth in wherein the lug is biased within the slot.6. The bumper as set forth in wherein the lug applies a clamp force on at least one of the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer.7. A laminate bumper for a material handling vehicle claim 1 , the laminate bumper comprising:a lug secured to a frame of the material handling vehicle; anda first bumper layer and a second bumper layer, the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer positioned relative to the frame to form a bumper, such that at least one of the first bumper layer and the second bumper layer is allowed to translate upon the bumper ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle bumper reinforcement

Номер: US20130241218A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Keikinzoku Co Ltd, Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

Provided is a vehicle bumper reinforcement including: an inner-wall section in a long shape along the width direction of a vehicle; an outer-wall section formed in a long shape so as to be arranged to face the inner-wall section; an upper-wall section connecting an upper end side of the inner-wall section and an upper end side of the outer-wall section; and a lower-wall section connecting a lower end side of the inner-wall section and a lower end side of the outer-wall section. The inner-wall section has a first concave section with a bottom, which is formed along a longitudinal direction thereof, the outer-wall section has a second concave section with a bottom, which is formed along a longitudinal direction thereof, and a bottom surface of the first concave section and a bottom surface of the second concave section are arranged to face each other.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle body front structure

Номер: US20130249246A1
Автор: KITAIZUMI Toshiharu

A vehicle body front structure includes a pair of side members and disposed behind a front bumper; a bumper member; a clearance behind the bumper member; an absorber disposed in front of the bumper member, the absorber being configured to absorb an impact from the front of the vehicle; and an upper member disposed above the bumper member, a front end of the upper member being located, in a front-rear direction of the vehicle, slightly behind the bumper member, wherein the bumper member is formed of a single plate and forms a protrusion protruding toward the front of the vehicle. 1a front bumper installed at a front end of a body of a vehicle;a pair of side members disposed behind the front bumper spaced apart in a width direction of the vehicle and extending in a front-rear direction of the vehicle;a bumper member extending in the width direction of the vehicle and connected at both ends thereof to front ends of the pair of side members;a clearance behind the bumper member;an absorber disposed in front of the bumper member and extending in the width direction of the vehicle, the absorber being configured to absorb an impact from the front of the vehicle; andan upper member disposed above the bumper member and extending in the width direction of the vehicle, a front end of the upper member being located, in the front-rear direction of the vehicle, slightly behind the bumper member;wherein the bumper member is formed of a single plate and forms a protrusion protruding toward the front of the vehicle and extending across the width direction of the vehicle, the protrusion having a shape that is longer in an up-down direction of the vehicle than in the front-rear direction of the vehicle.. A vehicle body front structure comprising: This application claims the benefit of and priority to Japanese Application No. 2012-069998 filed Mar. 26, 2012 and entitled “Vehicle Body Front Structure”, which is assigned to the assignee hereof and which is incorporated herein by reference ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285397A1
Автор: Ito Keita

A bumper module including a body portion that is positioned between a front bumper cover and a heat exchanger in a vehicle front-and-rear direction and is disposed extending in a vehicle width direction and the vehicle front-and-rear direction; plural longitudinal ribs that are integrally formed on a lower surface of the body portion, extend toward a vehicle lower side, are disposed extending in the vehicle front-and-rear direction, and are lined up at intervals apart from each other in the vehicle width direction; and an air guide rib that is integrally formed on an upper surface of the body portion, extends toward a vehicle upper side, guides cooling air from a vehicle front to the heat exchanger, and whose front end is unaligned in at least one direction of the vehicle width direction and the vehicle front-and-rear direction with respect to front ends of the plural longitudinal ribs. 1. A bumper module comprising:a body portion that is positioned between a front bumper cover and a heat exchanger in a vehicle front-and-rear direction and is disposed extending in a vehicle width direction and the vehicle front-and-rear direction;plural longitudinal ribs that are integrally formed on a lower surface of the body portion, extend toward a vehicle lower side, are disposed extending in the vehicle front-and-rear direction, and are lined up at intervals apart from each other in the vehicle width direction; andan air guide rib that is integrally formed on an upper surface of the body portion, extends toward a vehicle upper side, guides cooling air from a vehicle front to the heat exchanger, and whose front end is unaligned in at least one direction of the vehicle width direction and the vehicle front-and-rear direction with respect to front ends of the plural longitudinal ribs.2. The bumper module according to claim 1 , wherein front ends of plural ribs including the plural longitudinal ribs and the air guide rib are lined up at equal pitches in the vehicle width direction ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300153A1
Автор: Wuylens Philippe

An MHE impact deceleration device, which includes an elongate outer profile and an elongate inner profile, the outer profile surrounding at least part of the inner profile, wherein the outer and the inner profile are made out of an elastomeric material, the elastomeric material of the inner profile having a shore resistance higher than the shore resistance of the outer profile. 115-. (canceled)16. A material handling equipment impact deceleration device comprising an elongate outer profile , an elongate inner profile , the outer profile surrounding at least part of the inner profile , said outer and the inner profile being made out of an elastomeric material having shore resistance , the elastomeric material of the inner profile having a shore resistance higher than the shore resistance of the outer profile.17. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device according to claim 16 , wherein the outer profile has a shore A resistance higher than 30 claim 16 , and the inner profile has a shore A resistance higher than 50.18. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device according to claim 16 , wherein between the outer and inner profile claim 16 , a layer of air is provided.19. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device according to claim 16 , wherein the outer and/or the inner profile have one or more air chambers.20. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device according to claim 16 , wherein the outer profile and the inner profile are integrally formed in one piece.21. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device according to claim 16 , wherein the inner profile is freely movable within the outer profile.22. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device according to claim 16 , wherein the inner and outer profiles have respective lengths and the length of the outer profile is less than the length of the inner profile.23. The material handling equipment impact deceleration device ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307281A1
Автор: Birka Mark P.
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc.

A bumper () created using a resistive implant welding process. The bumper includes a mounting plate portion () and a composite bumper portion (). The mounting plate portion () is connected to the composite bumper portion () using a resistive implant welding process. In one embodiment, the present invention includes a bumper for a vehicle having a mounting plate () and a bumper portion (). The bumper portion () includes at least one flange () formed as part of the bumper portion (), a first contact area () formed as part of the mounting plate (), and a second contact area () formed as part of the flange (). A connection point is used to bond the first contact area () and the second contact area () such that the mounting plate () is connected to the bumper portion (). 1. A composite bumper arrangement for a vehicle comprising:a mounting plate;a bumper portion;a first contact area formed as part of said mounting plate;a second contact area formed as part of said bumper portion; anda connection point bonding said first contact area and said second contact area such that said mounting plate is connected to said bumper portion.2. The composite bumper arrangement for a vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a mesh disposed between said first contact area and said second contact area such that when said mesh is heated claim 1 , said first contact area and said second contact area melt such that material from said first contact area and material from said second contact area flows through said mesh claim 1 , and when said mesh cools claim 1 , said first contact area is molded to said second contact area claim 1 , forming said connection point.3. The composite bumper arrangement for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein said mounting plate and said bumper portion are made from one selected from the group consisting of propylene and nylon.4. The composite bumper arrangement of wherein the composite bumper arrangement as a whole exhibits displacement of less than 55 mm when exposed ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001780A1
Автор: Inoue Katsuya

A bumper structure, that can mitigate impact when a collision body collides with a vehicle transverse direction end portion of an impact absorbing member, is obtained. A bumper structure has a bumper reinforcement that extends along a vehicle transverse direction at a vehicle front-rear direction end portion; an impact absorbing member that is provided at a vehicle front-rear direction outer side of this bumper reinforcement, and at which an outer side surface of a vehicle transverse direction end portion is made to be an inclined surface that is inclined toward a vehicle transverse direction outer side, from a vehicle front-rear direction outer side toward a vehicle front-rear direction inner side; and a plate-shaped member that is provided along the inclined surface, and whose rigidity is higher than the impact absorbing member. 1. A bumper structure comprising:a bumper reinforcement that extends along a vehicle transverse direction at an end portion in a vehicle front-rear direction;an impact absorbing member that is provided at a vehicle front-rear direction outer side of the bumper reinforcement, and at which an outer side surface of a vehicle transverse direction end portion is made to be an inclined surface that is inclined toward a vehicle transverse direction outer side from a vehicle front-rear direction outer side toward a vehicle front-rear direction inner side; anda plate-shaped member that is provided along the inclined surface, having higher rigidity than the impact absorbing member.2. The bumper structure of claim 1 , wherein the plate-shaped member can separate from the impact absorbing member in conjunction with deformation of the impact absorbing member due to input of an impact load to a vehicle transverse direction inner side region that includes the vehicle transverse direction end portion of the impact absorbing member.3. The bumper structure of claim 1 , wherein a bent portion claim 1 , that is bent so as to wrap around toward a vehicle ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Bumper Assembly for Vehicle

Номер: US20140008923A1

A bumper assembly for vehicle may include a first side member disposed in each of both sides of a vehicle body in a longitudinal direction thereof, a second side member coupled to an external surface of the first side member, a fender member having one side coupled to an external side of the second side member, a member flange connected to front ends of the first and second side members respectively, a mounting flange coupled with the member flange, a first crash box having a rear end connected to the mounting flange, a second crash box having a rear end connected to the mounting flange, and a bumper beam having both distal sides, each of which may be coupled to front ends of the first and second crash boxes. 1. A bumper assembly for vehicle , comprising:a first side member disposed in each of both sides of a vehicle body in a longitudinal direction thereof;a second side member coupled to an external surface of the first side member;a fender member having one side coupled to an external side of the second side member;a member flange connected to front ends of the first and second side members respectively;a mounting flange coupled with the member flange;a first crash box having a rear end connected to the mounting flange;a second crash box having a rear end connected to the mounting flange; anda bumper beam having both distal sides, each of which is coupled to front ends of the first and second crash boxes.2. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first crash box and the second crash box are aligned with a predetermined angle.3. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the both distal sides of the bumper beam are bent with a radius of curvature.4. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second side member is formed in a triangular shape.5. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the member flange includes:a first mounting surface coupled with the front end of the first side member; anda second mounting surface formed to be bent from the first mounting ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Tubular beam of an automotive structure having an improved impact behavior

Номер: US20140049059A1

Bumper crossbeam ( 10, 10′ ), having a plane of symmetry (Y) and globally oriented in a direction (T) perpendicular to the plane of symmetry (Y), comprising two attachment areas ( 12 a, 12 b ) symmetrically arranged with respect to the plane of symmetry (Y) and distant from each other by a distance D, said beam being designed to absorb the energy dissipated by a shock generated by a force substantially horizontal and oriented in a direction (L) perpendicular to said direction (T), made from a globally tubular body ( 11 ) with a monotonically varying nominal cross-section (Sn) over most of its length between said attachment areas ( 12 a, 12 b ), except in two weakened areas ( 15 a, 15 b ), which are symmetrical with respect to the plane of symmetry (Y), which are remote from the said plane of symmetry by a distance of between 0.10*D and 0.40*D, wherein the second moment of area about the axis (Z) perpendicular to the plane (L, T) is lower in the said weakened areas than expected from the nominal cross-section.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054907A1

Provided is a bumper beam assembly system. The A bumper beam assembly system includes a bumper beam and a stay connecting the bumper beam to a vehicle, wherein the stay is replaceably coupled to both sides of the bumper beam to occupy a corner portion of the bumper beam. 1. A bumper beam assembly system comprising:a bumper beam; anda stay connecting the bumper beam to a vehicle,wherein the stay is replaceably coupled to both sides of the bumper beam to occupy a corner portion of the bumper beam.2. The bumper beam assembly system of claim 1 , wherein the stay comprises a bucket structure or a partition wall structure.3. The bumper beam assembly system of claim 2 , wherein the bucket structure comprises:a frame assembly part that is coupled to a frame;a first sidewall disposed on one side of the frame assembly part to constitute the corner portion of the bumper beam;a second sidewall disposed on the other side of the frame; anda bumper beam assembly part extending from the frame assembly part, the first sidewall, and the second sidewall in a flange shape and coupled to the bumper beam.4. The bumper beam assembly system of claim 2 , wherein the partition wall structure comprises:a first outer wall couples to a rare end of the bumper beam;a second outer wall disposed on one side of the first outer wall to constitute the corner portion of the bumper beam;a third outer wall disposed on the other side of the first outer wall;a fourth outer wall connecting the second outer wall to the third outer wall, the fourth outer wall being couple to the frame; andat least one partition wall vertically connecting the first outer wall to the fourth outer wall.5. The bumper beam assembly system of claim 1 , wherein the stay is formed of steel or a thermoplastic or thermosetting composite material.6. The bumper beam assembly system of claim 5 , wherein the composite material comprises a synthetic resin and a glass fiber and is press-molded. The present invention relates to a bumper beam ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062105A1
Автор: Shimotsu Koji
Принадлежит: ASTEER CO., LTD.

Providing a bumper absorbing large amount of impact energy with respect to both a light collision and a heavy collision, and preventing the reinforcement beam from bending and protruding backward at a portion where an obstacle collides and from displacing backward in this protruding state. Provided is a bumper for vehicles including a reinforcement beam made of metal and a pair of support members having a hollow cross section, protruding from a vehicle frame, and supporting the reinforcement beam therebetween. A quenched region is provide over a portion including a middle of the reinforcement beam. Unquenched portions are provided on the pair of connecting portions or a pair of adjacent portions inside the pair of connecting portions. 1. A bumper for vehicles comprising:a reinforcement beam made of metal; anda pair of support members having a hollow cross section, protruding from a vehicle frame, and supporting the reinforcement beam therebetween;wherein the reinforcement beam is provided with a pair of connecting portions to which the pair of support members is connected, the reinforcement beam is provided with a quenched region and unquenched portions, a mechanical strength of the unquenched portions is smaller than the mechanical strength of the pair of support members and the quenched region, the quenched region is provide over a portion including a middle of the reinforcement beam, the unquenched portions are provided on the pair of connecting portions or a pair of adjacent portions inside the pair of connecting portions.2. The bumper for vehicles according to claim 1 ,wherein the reinforcement beam has hollow cross sections having corners, the unquenched portions are provided over at least one corner of the hollow cross sections having corners cut across the pair of connecting portions or the pair of adjacent portions inside the pair of connecting portions.3. The bumper for vehicles according to claim 2 ,wherein the reinforcement beam has hat shaped cross ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070552A1
Автор: Shimotsu Koji
Принадлежит: ASTEER CO., LTD.

A bumper for vehicles having a high productivity and a large energy absorption amount in which the reinforcement beam is prevented from buckling. The bumper includes a reinforcement beam made of steel and support members protruding from a vehicle frame and supporting the reinforcement beam therebetween. The reinforcement beam is provided with a quenched portion provided at least over a portion where an obstacle hits the reinforcement beam. The reinforcement beam is further provided with unquenched portions next to the portion where the obstacle hits the reinforcement beam to sandwich the quenched portion. A mechanical strength of the unquenched portions is smaller than the mechanical strength of the quenched portion. 1. A bumper for a vehicle comprising:a reinforcement beam made of steel; andsupport members protruding from a vehicle frame and supporting the reinforcement beam therebetween;wherein the reinforcement beam is provided with a quenched portion provided at least over a portion where an obstacle hits the reinforcement beam, the reinforcement beam is further provided with unquenched portions next to the portion where the obstacle hits the reinforcement beam to sandwich the quenched portion, and a mechanical strength of the unquenched portions is smaller than the mechanical strength of the quenched portion.2. The bumper for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the portion where the obstacle hits the reinforcement beam is around a middle portion of the reinforcement beam in an extending direction claim 1 , and the unquenched portions is symmetrically provided with respect to the middle portion of the reinforcement beam.3. The bumper for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the unquenched portions are provided at least on a front face of the reinforcement beam.4. The bumper for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement beam has a hollow cross section having corners. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a bumper for ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070554A1

A motor vehicle bumper with a crossmember () in channel form and a front element (), which is mounted in front of said crossmember and is in channel form, said crossmember and front element together forming a pedestrian protection system, characterized in that, in the assembled state, the front element () has a greater overall height (h) than the crossmember (), and the rear part (), which faces the crossmember, of the upper and lower wall regions of said front element are inclined from the horizontal towards the crossmember (). 112. A motor vehicle bumper with a crossmember () in channel form and a front element () , which is mounted in front of said crossmember and is in channel form , said crossmember and front element together forming a pedestrian protection system ,{'b': 2', '2', '1', '3', '3', '1, 'i': a', 'b, 'characterized in that, in the assembled state, the front element () has a greater overall height (h) than the crossmember (), and the rear part (, ), which faces the crossmember, of the upper and lower wall regions of said front element are inclined from the horizontal towards the crossmember ().'}2. The bumper according to claim 1 ,characterized in thateach upper or lower wall region is inclined in its rear part, facing the crossmember, in a contact site towards the crossmember, where the angle formed by it and the forward-oriented horizontal is between 60° and 180°, preferably between 80° and 120°, and particularly preferably is approximately 90°.3. The bumper according to claim 1 ,characterized in that each end of the rear, upper and lower wall regions of the front element meets onto the crossmember in a contact site where it forms an acute angle with the vertical originating from the outer side of the crossmember, the absolute value of which is preferably less than 30°, particularly preferably less than 10° and especially preferably is approximately zero degrees.4188ab. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the crossmember () has upper and lower ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070570A1

A hood bumper is provided and includes a first end including a body defining a longitudinal axis and a surface having an angular edge oriented along the longitudinal axis, a second end opposite the first end and including a skirt portion and a bumper portion protruding from a longitudinal end of the skirt portion in a protrusion direction defined along the longitudinal axis and an intermediate section interposed between the first and second ends. The intermediate section includes reverse-helical threading. 1. A hood bumper , comprising:a first end including a body defining a longitudinal axis and a surface having an angular edge oriented along the longitudinal axis;a second end opposite the first end and including a skirt portion and a bumper portion protruding from a longitudinal end of the skirt portion in a protrusion direction defined along the longitudinal axis; andan intermediate section interposed between the first and second ends, the intermediate section including reverse-helical threading.2. The hood bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a polygonal volumetric shape.3. The hood bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the skirt portion has an elliptical shape.4. The hood bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the skirt portion is continuously smooth along a circumferential direction.5. The hood bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the bumper portion comprises a curved leading side.6. The hood bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the first end claim 1 , the second end and the intermediate section comprise an injection molded material and the bumper portion comprises a compliant material.7. The hood bumper according to claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the intermediate section is greater than a diameter of the first end and a diameter of the second end is greater than the diameter of the intermediate section.8. A hood bumper assembly claim 1 , comprising:a bracket element including a surface defining a bore and a helically tapered ramp at the bore; ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Motor vehicles having bumper counter rotation brackets

Номер: US20140077510A1

A motor vehicle includes a first side member having first lower and upper darts. The motor vehicle also includes a second side member parallel with and spaced apart from the first side member, the second side member having second lower and upper darts. The upper darts are positioned between the lower darts and end portions of the respective first or second side members. The motor vehicle further includes first and second bumper brackets coupled to the end portion of the respective first or second side members, a bumper reinforcement member coupled to the first and second bumper brackets, and a counter rotation bracket coupled to the bumper reinforcement member and extending upwards from the bumper reinforcement member. The lower darts and the upper darts form a preferential buckling zone of the first and the second side members.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084608A1

A front vehicle structure includes: a bumper fascia; a radiator panel upper disposed in a vehicle width direction behind the bumper fascia; and an upper energy absorbing (EA) member for pedestrian protection. The upper EA member is provided in the vehicle width direction in a substantially Σ shape as a side view between the top of the bumper fascia and the radiator panel upper. A rear of the upper EA member for pedestrian protection is fixed to the radiator panel upper. An upper projection and a lower projection are respectively formed above and below the upper EA member. 1. A vehicle front structure comprising:a bumper fascia;a front rigid body disposed in a vehicle width direction behind the bumper fascia; andan energy absorbing member for pedestrian protection which is placed upward between the bumper fascia and the front rigid body in the vehicle width direction, the energy absorbing member for pedestrian protection having a rear fixed to the front rigid body,wherein a bend is formed in the vehicle width direction on a front wall of the energy absorbing member for pedestrian protection, the front wall facing the bumper fascia, the bend being bent in a recessed shape in a vertical direction, and an upper projection and a lower projection are respectively formed above and below the bend and project in a direction toward the bumper fascia.2. The vehicle front structure according to claim 1 , wherein the lower projection projects toward the bumper fascia beyond the upper projection.3. The vehicle front structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe energy absorbing member for pedestrian protection has the front wall and a rear wall disposed behind the front wall;an upper end of the bumper fascia is fixed to an upper surface flange that extends rearward from an upper end of the upper projection; andan upper end of the rear wall is provided continuously to the front upper surface flange forward of a position of the upper surface flange at which the upper end of the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091595A1

A frontal impact countermeasure assembly for an automotive vehicle, the countermeasure assembly comprising: a front side rail extending in a generally longitudinal direction and having a forward end; a bumper extending generally laterally to the longitudinal direction of the front side rail and having an outboard end; and a pivot link having outer and inner mounting portions, the outer mounting portion being pivotably engaged with the bumper in a region of the outboard end to define a front pivot joint, the inner mounting portion being pivotably engaged with the front side rail to define a rear pivot joint, the rear pivot joint being located rearward and inward relative to the front pivot joint. 1. A frontal impact countermeasure assembly for an automotive vehicle , the countermeasure assembly comprising:a pair of front side rail extending in a generally longitudinal direction of the vehicle and having a forward end;a bumper attached to and extending between the front side rails and generally laterally to the longitudinal direction of the front side rails, the bumper having an outboard end; anda pivot link having outer and inner mounting portions, the outer mounting portion being pivotably engaged with the bumper in a region of the outboard end to define a front pivot joint, the inner mounting portion being engaged with the front side rail to define a rear joint, the rear pet joint being located rearward and inward relative to the front pivot joint.2. The countermeasure assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rear joint is a rear pivot joint and includes a pivot bracket engaging the inner mounting portion and fastened to an outer wall of the front side rail claim 1 , the front side rail defining a box structure including the outer wall and having an inner wall claim 1 , an upper wall and a lower wall.3. The countermeasure assembly of claim 2 , wherein the outer wall defines a vertical width of the front side rail claim 2 , the pivot bracket having a base defining a length ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001927A1

A front vehicle-body structure comprises a crash can fixed to a front end of a front frame. The crash can comprises an upper face portion, a lower face portion, a pair of side face portions, corner portions respectively positioned between the side face portion and the upper face portion and between the side face portion and the lower face portion, a first fragile portion provided at each of the corner portions, and a second fragile portion provided at each of the side face portions. The first fragile portion is configured to be deformed before the second fragile portion when a collision load applied toward a vehicle rearward side is inputted to an extension portion of a bumper beam. The second fragile portion is configured to be deformed before the front frame when the collision load applied toward the vehicle rearward side is inputted to the extension portion. 1. A front vehicle-body structure of a vehicle , comprising:a pair of front frames provided to be separated, in a vehicle width direction, from each other and extending in a vehicle longitudinal direction;a pair of crash cans fixed to respective front ends of the pair of front frames and extending in the vehicle longitudinal direction; anda bumper beam fixed to respective front ends of the pair of crash cans and extending in the vehicle width direction,wherein said bumper beam comprises crash-can fixation portions which are respectively fixed to said pair of crash cans and extension portions which respectively extend outwardly, in the vehicle width direction, from said crash-can fixation portions,each of said pair of crash cans comprises an upper face portion which extends in the vehicle longitudinal direction and forms an upper face of the crash can in a vehicle elevational view, a lower face portion which extends in the vehicle longitudinal direction and forms a lower face of the crash can in the vehicle elevational view, a pair of side face portions which respectively interconnect both end portions, in the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001862A1
Автор: Son Song-Nam

A shock absorber of a vehicle employing permanent magnets and electromagnets includes a first permanent magnet on an internal surface of a bumper face; a second permanent magnet on the front surface of a shock absorbing foam, which is installed on a front surface of the vehicle body and has the same polarity as the first permanent magnet; and an electromagnet on the internal surface of the shock absorbing foam, and has the same polarity as that of the second permanent magnet when the vehicle operating speed exceeds the standard vehicle speed, wherein the first permanent magnet and the second permanent magnet are respectively comprised of a plurality of partitioned magnet blocks; and their external surfaces are coated with rubber or synthetic resin thereby reducing damage. 1. A shock absorber for a vehicle comprising:a first permanent magnet on an internal surface of a bumper face;a second permanent magnet on a front surface of a shock absorbing foam on a front surface of the vehicle body and has the same polarity as that of the first permanent magnet; andan electromagnet on an internal surface of the shock absorbing foam, and has the same polarity as that of the second permanent magnet when the vehicle operating speed exceeds the standard vehicle speed,wherein the first permanent magnet and the second permanent magnet are respectively comprised of a plurality of partitioned magnet blocks.2. The shock absorber according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet blocks use permanent magnets and electromagnets coated with rubber or synthetic resin coating layer.3. The shock absorber according to claim 1 , wherein the first permanent magnet and the second permanent magnet are installed so that the same polarity face each other in a side door of the vehicle.4. The shock absorber according to claim 1 , wherein the electromagnet operates when an operating speed of a vehicle exceeds a standard speed measured by speedometer of the vehicle and the distance between the vehicle and an ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001863A1

A lower stiffener for a vehicle is provided. The lower stiffener includes a core cover longitudinally installed at a lower portion of a bumper, and an inner core longitudinally installed inside the core cover, wherein density and strength of the inner core are larger than those of the core cover. 1. A lower stiffener for a vehicle comprising:a core cover longitudinally mounted along a lower portion of a bumper; andan inner core longitudinally installed inside the core cover, wherein density and strength of the inner core are larger than those of the core cover.2. The lower stiffener according to claim 1 , further comprising a mount integrally provided on the core cover to connect the core cover to a vehicle frame.3. The lower stiffener according to claim 1 , wherein the core cover and the inner core are integrally formed with a plastic composite material.4. The lower stiffener according to claim 1 , wherein the inner core twists along the entire length thereof claim 1 , and the core cover surrounds the inner core.5. The lower stiffener according to claim 2 , further comprising a reinforcing rib to connect the core cover and the mount.6. The lower stiffener according to claim 3 , wherein the plastic composite material is a continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic plastic.7. The lower stiffener according to claim 5 , wherein the mount and the reinforcing rib are formed of a glass fiber reinforced composite material.8. A method of manufacturing a lower stiffener for a vehicle claim 5 , comprising:forming a twisted inner core using a first plastic composite material; andintegrally forming a core cover over the inner core by placing a second plastic composite material around the inner core, and pressurizing the second plastic composite material.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the inner core is formed by twisting a plurality of first-plastic bars each being made of the first plastic composite material.10. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the core ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001864A1
Автор: JR. Richard W., Roberts

An energy management system for use with a vehicle having an interior includes an elongated plastic member having a wall defining a cavity. Disposed within the cavity is an elongated first in-situ foam core member, which has a first thermal bond to the wall. The wall having a first portion facing towards the vehicle interior and a second portion opposed to the first portion. A second in-situ foam core member is connected to at least a portion of the elongated plastic member forming the energy management system. The energy management system is capable of passing a 5-mph crash test passing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 215 (FMVSS 215) Phase II. 1. An energy management system for use with a vehicle having an interior , the system comprising:an elongated plastic member having a wall defining a cavity and an elongated first in-situ foam core member disposed within the cavity and having a first thermal bond to the wall, the wall having a first portion facing towards the vehicle interior and a second portion opposed to the first portion; anda second in-situ foam core member connected to at least a portion of the elongated plastic member, wherein the energy management system is capable of passing a 5-mph crash test passing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 215 (FMVSS 215) Phase II.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy management system has weight and weighs less than 50 lbs.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first in-situ foam core member density ranges from 1 lb/ftto 25 lb/ft.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first in-situ foam core member density ranges from 2 lb/ftto 9 lb/ft.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein at one of the first and second in-situ foam core member compositions include a polyolefin composition claim 1 , an alkenyl aromatic polymer composition claim 1 , a polystyrene composition claim 1 , a polyvinyl chloride composition claim 1 , or a biopolymer composition.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second in-situ foam core member ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001880A1
Автор: Matsuo Yuji, Nomura Kenta

A front structure of a vehicle includes two side members extending in a front-rear direction of the vehicle and a bumper beam located in front of the side members and extending in a lateral direction of the vehicle. The bumper beam is fixed to the side members and includes outer sections located outward in the lateral direction from the corresponding side members. A transfer portion extends generally rearward in the front-rear direction from at least one of the outer sections. An insertion portion is inserted into the at least one of the outer sections. 1. A front structure of a vehicle comprising:two side members extending in a front-rear direction of the vehicle;a bumper beam located in front of the side members and extending in a lateral direction of the vehicle, wherein the bumper beam is fixed to the side members and includes outer sections located outward in the lateral direction from the corresponding side member;a transfer portion extending generally rearward in the front-rear direction from at least one of the outer sections; andan insertion portion inserted into the at least one of the outer sections.2. The front structure of a vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a coupling member that fixes the transfer portion and the insertion portion to the bumper beam.3. The front structure of a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the insertion portion is connected to the transfer portion outside the bumper beam.4. The front structure of a vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein the insertion portion is formed integrally with the transfer portion.5. The front structure of a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the insertion portion extends through the entire interior of the outer section in a generally front-rear direction of the vehicle.6. The front structure of a vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe bumper beam includes a front wall and a rear wall, andthe insertion portion extends from the front wall to the rear wall in the outer section.7. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Structure of Underrun Protection

Номер: US20170001588A1
Автор: Shigeki Kurihara
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A structure of an underrun protection bound to a plurality of brackets disposed at the front or rear portion of a frame of a vehicle is disclosed. The structure has a hollow having a closed section defined by a distal face of a longitudinal direction of the vehicle, a proximal face of the longitudinal direction, an upper face, and a lower face. A plurality of lightening holes are formed in line along an extending direction of the underrun protection on at least one of the distal face and the proximal face. The plurality of lightening holes have diameters in vertical direction set larger as departing farther from binder parts each at which the underrun protection is bound to one of the plurality of brackets.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001722A1

A bumper cross member for a motor vehicle includes an insert of fiber-reinforced composite material and reinforcing structures molded onto the insert. A first groove is formed onto the insert, and the reinforcing structures include ribs formed in the first groove. The ribs extend inclined in relation to a longitudinal direction of the groove from one lateral wall of the groove to the other. The insert is further formed into a second groove, which are open toward opposing sides of the insert. The first and second grooves share a lateral wall. An outer bumper skin is supported by the bumper cross member. 115-. (canceled)16. A bumper structure for a motor vehicle comprising a bumper cross member having an insert of fiber-reinforced composite material and reinforcing structures molded onto the insert.17. The bumper structure according to claim 16 , in which at least one first groove is formed onto the insert claim 16 , and the reinforcing structures encompass ribs formed in the first groove.18117. The bumper structure according to claim claim 16 , in which the insert is further formed into a second groove claim 16 , and the grooves are open toward opposing sides of the insert.19. The bumper structure according to claim 17 , in which the ribs extend inclined in relation to a longitudinal direction of the groove from a first lateral wall of the groove to a second lateral.20119. The bumper structure according to claim claim 17 , in which the insert is further formed into a second groove claim 17 , and the grooves are open toward opposing sides of the insert.21. The bumper structure according to claim 20 , in which the two grooves share a lateral wall.22. The bumper structure according to claim 21 , in which ribs of the second groove extend so as to lengthen one respective rib of the first groove.23. The bumper structure according to claim 17 , further comprising an outer bumper skin supported by the bumper cross member claim 17 , wherein the first groove is open toward the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001723A1

A bumper device for an automobile includes a bumper beam consisting of a fiber-reinforced resin and bumper extensions which consist of a fiber-reinforced resin. The bumper device for an automobile is characterized in that the bumper beam has a Θ-shaped cross-section and in that the bumper beam and the bumper extensions are molded integrally. The bumper device for an automobile has desirable strength and rigidity and is capable of exhibiting excellent energy absorption performance when a large load is inputted to the bumper beam. 17-. (canceled)8. A bumper device for an automobile comprising a bumper beam consisting of a fiber-reinforced resin and bumper extensions consisting of a fiber-reinforced resin , wherein the bumper beam has a Θ-shaped cross-section and the bumper beam and bumper extensions are integrally molded.9. The bumper device according to claim 8 , wherein said bumper beam further comprises a unidirectional material aligned with reinforcing fibers in one direction and a member having a cloth material woven with reinforcing fibers.10. The bumper device according to claim 9 , wherein said unidirectional material is disposed at least at a bumper beam rear surface positioned at a vehicle body side so that an extending direction of reinforcing fibers becomes a vehicle width direction.11. The bumper device according to claim 9 , wherein said cloth material is disposed with an angle from a vehicle width direction at least at bumper beam front claim 9 , upper and lower surfaces.12. The bumper device according to claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , in each of said bumper extensions claim 8 , a unidirectional material aligned with reinforcing fibers in one direction is disposed continuously from said bumper beam.13. The bumper device according to claim 9 , wherein claim 9 , in said bumper beam claim 9 , said unidirectional material is disposed claim 9 , in addition at a bumper beam rear surface positioned at a vehicle body side claim 9 , also at a bumper beam front ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001808A1
Автор: McGregor Scott Andrew

A guard assembly for a machine is provided. The guard assembly includes a guard structure and a frame. The frame is attachable to the machine at a machine component. The guard structure is pivotably connected to the frame and movable between a first position and a second position. The frame further includes a magnet structure to releasably couple the frame to the machine component. Furthermore, the frame includes a cap being secured to the magnet structure. The cap includes a skin having at least one side extending beyond the magnet structure and contacting at least a portion of the machine component. 1. A guard assembly for a machine , the guard assembly comprising:a guard structure; a magnet structure to releasably couple the frame to the machine component; and', 'a cap being secured to the magnet structure, the cap including a skirt having at least one side extending beyond the magnet structure and contacting at least a portion of the machine component., 'a frame attachable to the machine at a machine component, the guard structure being pivotably connected to the frame and movable between a first position and a second position, the frame including2. The guard assembly of claim 1 , wherein the machine component is a machine counterweight.3. The guard assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame includes at least one mounting post coupled to the skirt and the guard structure.4. The guard assembly of claim 3 , wherein the skirt includes a top plate having at least one coupling receptacle to facilitate coupling of the skirt to the mounting post.5. The guard assembly of claim 1 , wherein the magnet structure includes a first permanent magnet and a second permanent magnet housed within a magnet body claim 1 , the magnet body including a magnet switch operatively coupled to the first permanent magnet for rotating the first permanent magnet and switching the magnet structure between an ON position and an OFF position.6. The guard assembly of claim 5 , wherein the frame ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001853A1

A bumper beam includes a first member, a second member, and an inner plate. The first member includes a top plate section, two vertical wall sections, and two flange sections. The two flange sections connect to the two vertical wall sections, respectively. The second member is plate-shaped, is joined to the two flange sections of the first member, and doses the gap between the two flange sections at least. The inner plate is joined to the two vertical wall sections of the first member and is disposed substantially in parallel with the second member in a space formed by the first member and the second member. Out of the first member and the second member, the second member is disposed facing the outside of a vehicle. Such a bumper beam has high energy absorption efficiency. 1. A bumper beam for a vehicle , comprising:a first member including a top plate section, two vertical wall sections connecting to both side sections of the top plate section, respectively, and two flange sections connecting to the two vertical wall sections, respectively;a plate-shaped second member which is joined to the two flange sections of the first member and doses a gap between the two flange sections at least; andan inner plate which is joined to the two vertical wall sections of the first member, and is disposed substantially in parallel with the second member in a space formed by the first member and the second member, whereinthe second member out of the first member and the second member is disposed facing outside of the vehicle.2. The bumper beam for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein{'b': 1', '1, 'a ratio d/h is not less than 0 and not more than 0.6, where h is an interval between the second member and the top plate section of the first member, and d is an interval between the second member and the inner plate.'}3. The bumper beam for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein{'b': 1', '1, 'a ratio d/h is not less than 0 and not more than 0.2, where h is an interval between the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001930A1

A vehicle body front structure includes a front sub-frame configured such that a gear box is fitted to a front part of the front sub-frame, an arm portion extending from a front part of the front sub-frame forward and outward in a vehicle width direction, an impact absorbing portion supported by the arm portion, and a horn portion arranged on a front side of the impact absorbing portion. 1. A vehicle body front structure comprising:a front sub-frame configured such that a gear box is fitted to a front part of the front sub-frame;an arm portion extending from a front part of the front sub-frame forward and outward in a vehicle width direction;an impact absorbing portion supported by the arm portion; anda horn portion arranged on a front side of the impact absorbing portion.2. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe horn portion projects outward in the vehicle width direction from the impact absorbing portion, andthe horn portion and the impact absorbing portion take on an L-shape in plan view.3. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 2 , wherein an outer end in the vehicle width direction of the horn portion and an attachment surface of an alloy wheel are located substantially at the same position in the vehicle width direction.4. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe horn portion is arranged below a bumper beam, anda front surface of the horn portion is formed into the same shape as a front surface of the bumper beam and the front surfaces overlap each other in plan view.5. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 1 , wherein a rear end of the arm portion is connected to a corner part of the front part of the front sub-frame.6. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 5 , whereinthe front sub-frame includes a front leg portion extending from the corner part and being connected to a front side frame, andthe rear end of the arm portion is connected to both of the corner part and ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002028A1

Structural beam which comprises a first beam and a cover plate to be attached to the first beam. The first beam has a substantially U-shaped cross-section along at least a first portion of its length. The U-shape comprises a bottom wall, two sidewalls, a lateral flange at an end of at least one of the two sidewalls, and a groove in the junction between the sidewall and the lateral flange. The groove has a substantially flat first joining region at or near the bottom of the groove. The cover plate of the structural beam has a substantially flat second joining region welded to a first joining region. Methods for manufacturing such beams are also provided. 1. A structural beam comprising:a first beam and a cover plate configured to be attached to the first beam, a cross-section with a substantially U-shape along at least a first portion of its length, the U-shape including a bottom wall, and two sidewalls, and wherein', 'the groove has a first joining region at or near the bottom of the groove,', 'the cross-section further comprises an outwardly projecting lateral flange at an end of at least one of the two sidewalls, and a groove in a junction between the sidewall and the outwardly projecting lateral flange, wherein'}, 'the first joining region being substantially flat and, 'the first beam having'}the cover plate having a substantially flat second joining region wherein the cover plate is welded to the first beam at first and second joining regions, and wherein the first joining region and the second joining region have a width of about 2-10 mm.2. The structural beam of claim 1 , comprising an outwardly projecting lateral flange at an end of each of the two sidewalls claim 1 , and a groove in the junction between the sidewalls and each outwardly projecting lateral flange claim 1 , each groove having a first joining region at or near the bottom of the groove claim 1 , the first joining region being substantially flat.3. The structural beam according to claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Arrangement for Absorbing Kinetic Energy

Номер: US20170008472A1

An arrangement for absorbing kinetic energy acting on a front bumper of a vehicle, in particular a motor vehicle, includes at least one pedestrian protection element which can be arranged on a cross member of the bumper, at least one absorption element which can be arranged on the cross member and is movable on the cross member in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle relative to the cross member between a front absorption position and a rear release position, and at least one locking device which can be arranged on the cross member by which the absorption element can be temporarily arrested in the absorption position thereof. The absorption element, in the absorption position thereof, is switched parallel to the pedestrian protection element in respect of a force initiated by the kinetic energy into the bumper. 1. An arrangement for absorbing kinetic energy acting on a front bumper of a vehicle , comprising:at least one pedestrian protection element that is arrangeable on a cross member of the bumper;at least one absorption element that is arrangeable on the cross member and is movable in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle relative to the cross member between a front absorption position and a rear release position; andat least one locking device which is arrangeable on the cross member and by which the at least one absorption element is temporarily lockable in its absorption position,wherein, in the absorption position, the absorption element is connected in parallel with the pedestrian protection element with regard to introduction of force into the bumper that is brought about by the kinetic energy.2. The arrangement according to in claim 1 , wherein the absorption element is less rigid than the cross member at least in a direction of the introduction of force.3. The arrangement according to in claim 1 , wherein at least two absorption elements are provided claim 1 , wherein a first absorption element is arranged above the pedestrian protection element ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Bumper Beam

Номер: US20160009236A1
Автор: Johan Nilsson
Принадлежит: Gestamp Hardtech AB

A bumper beam has a hat-shaped profile ( 11 ) with a cover ( 12 ) which is recessed into the hat-shaped profile and is welded to the sides ( 16, 17 ) of the hat-shaped profile, inside the hat-shaped profile.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009058A1

A vehicular structure includes: a first member formed in a tubular shape and having protrusions on an outer periphery thereof; and a second member formed in a tubular shape and having a locking wall with a hole in which the first member is inserted. The first member is joined to the second member such that a portion of the first member that is inserted in the hole of the second member is expanded, and the protrusions are in contact with the locking wall of the second member. 1. A vehicular structure comprising:a first member formed in a tubular shape and having a protrusion on an outer periphery thereof; anda second member formed in a tubular shape and having a locking wall with a hole in which the first member is inserted,wherein the first member is expanded at a portion thereof inserted in the hole of the second member and joined to the second member, andwherein the protrusion is in contact with the locking wall of the second member.2. The vehicular structure according to claim 1 , wherein the hole penetrates the locking wall in a direction intersecting a longitudinal direction of the second member claim 1 , andwherein the protrusion protrudes in the longitudinal direction.3. The vehicular structure according to claim 1 ,wherein the protrusion extends in an axial direction of the first member.4. The vehicular structure according to claim 3 ,wherein a protruded amount of the protrusion has distribution in the axial direction of the first member of the protrusion.5. The vehicular structure according to claim 1 ,wherein the first member is a bumper stay for a vehicle, and the second member is a bumper beam for a vehicle.6. The vehicular structure according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the first member and the second member is made of an aluminum material.7. The vehicular structure according to claim 1 ,wherein a material of the first member is different from a material of the second member.8. The vehicular structure according to claim 7 ,wherein the first member is ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009742A1

A bumper assembly having a transverse bumper body and at least one wing extension that is configured for pivotal movement relative to a side end of the transverse bumper body. Each wing extension has inner and outer surfaces and is moveable from a rest position to an impact position in response to an impact force acting within a horizontal plane. In the rest position, the outer surface of each wing extension is parallel or substantially parallel to the transverse axis, and in the impact position, the outer surface of the wing extension is positioned at an acute angle relative to the transverse axis. Each wing extension is configured to return to its rest position in response to removal of the impact force. 1. A bumper assembly comprising:a transverse bumper body having opposed first and second side ends spaced apart relative to a transverse axis; anda first wing extension pivotally coupled to bumper assembly and configured for pivotal movement relative to the first side end of the transverse bumper body, wherein the first wing extension has inner and outer surfaces and is moveable from a rest position to an impact position in response to an impact force acting within a horizontal plane,wherein, in the rest position, the outer surface of the first wing extension is substantially parallel to the transverse axis,wherein, in the impact position, the outer surface of the first wing extension is positioned at an acute angle relative to the transverse axis within the horizontal plane, andwherein the first wing extension is configured to return to the rest position in response to removal of the impact force.2. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first elastic plate coupled to the transverse bumper body and extending laterally from the first side end of the transverse bumper body claim 1 , wherein the first elastic plate is positioned to contact the inner surface of the first wing extension as the first wing extension moves from the rest position to the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009822A1

An upper side joint section that extends inward in a vehicle width direction from a vicinity of a rear side frame and a lateral side joint section that extends downward from the upper side joint section and that is separated in the vehicle width direction from the rear side frame are provided on a rear floor panel of a vehicle body rear part structure. 1. A vehicle body rear part structure , comprising:a pair of right and left rear side frames that are arranged substantially along a vehicle body front-to-rear direction;a rear floor panel that is provided on the pair of rear side frames;a rear panel that is arranged to stand at a rearward position of the rear side frame and that is joined to rear ends of the pair of rear side frames and a rear end of the rear floor panel;a rear bumper beam that extends substantially along a vehicle width direction on a rearward side of the rear panel; anda pair of extensions that connect together the rear panel and the rear bumper beam on an extension in a rearward direction of each of the rear side frames, an upper side joint section that extends inward in the vehicle width direction from a vicinity of the rear side frame; and', 'a lateral side joint section that extends downward from an inner end portion in the vehicle width direction of the upper side joint section and that is arranged to be separated in the vehicle width direction from the rear side frame,, 'wherein a joint part, which is joined to the rear panel, of a rear end of the rear floor panel has a frame joint part to which rear ends of the rear side frames are joined;', 'a first floor joint part to which the upper side joint section is joined; and', 'a second floor joint part to which the lateral side joint section is joined,, 'the rear panel hasa longitudinal bead in which an expansion shape that expands in a vehicle body frontward direction or a vehicle body rearward direction extends substantially along a vertical direction is provided on a part of the rear panel ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010038A1

This injection molded article has a body part and a movable part. The body part has a first stopper part and a second stopper part, while the movable part has a movable body and a first rib and a second rib that are formed to protrude at both widthwise end parts of the movable body. A first groove and a second groove that extend in the depth direction perpendicular to the axial direction of a hinge part, are respectively formed between the movable body and the first rib and between the movable body and the second rib. 1. An injection molded article having: a main body section; and a movable section coupled , via a hinge section , to the main body section ,the main body section having a first stopper section and a second stopper section,the movable section having: a movable main body; and a first rib and a second rib that are formed in a projecting manner in both end sections in a width direction along an axis direction of the hinge section, of the movable main body and that, after the movable section has passed between the first stopper section and the second stopper section due to the movable section revolving about the hinge section, are respectively stopped in an engaged manner by the first stopper section and the second stopper section, anda first groove and a second groove that extend along a depth direction orthogonal to the axis direction of the hinge section being respectively formed between the movable main body and the first rib and between the movable main body and the second rib.2. The injection molded article according to claim 1 , whereincorners of regions abutting on each of the first rib and the second rib, of the first stopper section and the second stopper section have an arc shape, andcorners of regions abutting on each of the first stopper section and the second stopper section of the first rib and the second rib have an arc shape, and, furthermore,the first groove and the second groove are formed in a passing direction front surface that passes ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015005A1
Автор: SHIN Joong Hyun

A hybrid bumper beam for a vehicle includes a beam body formed of a resin group material, and a reinforcement injection molded with the beam body as one unit in a state the reinforcement is inserted in the beam body in a length direction of the beam body and opposing ends of the reinforcement are exposed to an outside of the beam body for fastening to stays, respectively. 1. A hybrid bumper beam for a vehicle comprising:a beam body formed of an injection-molded resin-group material; anda reinforcement extending within the beam body, the reinforcement including an elongated member extending within the beam body along a length direction of the beam body having opposing ends protruding outside of the beam body for fastening to stays, respectively.2. The hybrid bumper beam of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement includes:a plurality of steel pipes inserted in the beam body, andfastening plates coupled to the steel pipes at the opposing ends thereof as one unit exposed to a rear side of the beam body for fastening to the stays, respectively.3. The hybrid bumper beam of claim 2 , wherein the beam body is formed to have a fixed curvature in a length direction thereof claim 2 , and the steel pipes are formed in conformity with the curvature of the beam body.4. The hybrid bumper beam of claim 2 , wherein the steel pipes are two in number claim 2 , are pressed down before inserted in a mold and have tooling holes formed therein at fixed intervals for mounting positioning pins therein claim 2 , respectively.5. The hybrid bumper beam of claim 1 , wherein the beam body is formed of a resin group material including PA6 and GF50.6. A bumper beam unit for a vehicle comprising:a bumper beam formed of an injection-molded resin-group material including a reinforcement having an elongated member extending within a beam body and having opposing ends protruding outside of the beam body;stays fastened to the opposing ends of the reinforcement, respectively; andmounting plates coupled to ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015006A1

A bumper beam formed of an automobile fiber-reinforced resin member integrally includes a main body part that has a squared U-shaped cross section opening in one direction and that has a bottom wall and a pair of side walls, and a rib that connects the bottom wall and the pair of side walls. The main body part reinforced with continuous fibers and the rib reinforced with a discontinuous fiber are press formed at the same time to prevent the cross section from collapsing by reinforcing the main body part having a squared U-shaped cross section. It is possible to use the discontinuous fiber to reinforce the rib, which is difficult to reinforce with the continuous fibers, while ensuring high strength by reinforcing the main body part with the continuous fibers, and to eliminate the necessity of separately molding and joining the main body part and the rib. 1. An automobile fiber-reinforced resin member integrally comprising a main body part that has a bottom wall and a pair of side walls and has a squared U-shaped cross section having an open face which is in front when involved in a frontal collision , a horizontal rib extending in a vehicle width direction and having a rear edge connected to a bottom wall , and a vertical rib extending in a vertical direction so as to be perpendicular to the horizontal rib and having a rear edge connected to the bottom wall and upper and lower edges connected to the pair of side walls , respectively , and the horizontal rib and the vertical rib being formed into a lattice shape , whereinthe main body part, which is reinforced with continuous fibers, and the horizontal rib and the vertical rib, which are reinforced with a discontinuous fiber, are press formed at the same time.2. The automobile fiber-reinforced resin member according to claim 1 , wherein the continuous fibers are aligned in two directions that are perpendicular to each other and are plain woven.32. The automobile fiber-reinforced resin member according to claim claim 1 ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015007A1

A reinforcement beam is roll formed from a metal sheet for use in a vehicle bumper system. The reinforcement beam includes adjacent tubes having a common center wall and lateral portions extending from opposing sides of the common center wall that are roll formed simultaneously in the same rotational direction to enclose interior volumes of the adjacent tubes and to define top and bottom walls and front and rear wall of the reinforcement beam. The front walls of the adjacent tubes each include a channel rib depressed into the interior volume of the respective adjacent tube longitudinally along the reinforcement beam for stiffening the respective front wall. A weld is formed separately in each of the seams between the front walls and between the rear walls, thereby defining a crevice rib between the channel ribs to improve the bending strength and torsional strength of the reinforcement beam. 1. A reinforcement beam roll formed from a metal sheet , comprising:adjacent tubes having a common center wall and lateral portions extending from opposing sides of the common center wall that are roll formed simultaneously in the same rotational direction to enclose interior volumes of the adjacent tubes and to define top and bottom walls of the reinforcement beam that are parallel with the common center wall and front and rear walls of the reinforcement beam that are in coplanar alignment with each other and perpendicular with the common center wall;wherein the front walls of the adjacent tubes each include a channel rib that is defined by a portion of the respective front wall depressed into the interior volume of the respective adjacent tube longitudinally along the reinforcement beam for stiffening the respective front wall;wherein seams are defined between the front walls and between the rear walls by a bend radius being roll formed on lateral edges of the metal sheet to extend the lateral edges into the interior volumes of the adjacent tubes in abutting and continuous ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015895A1

A bumper reinforcement includes a body part extending in a vehicle width direction, and a terminal part, which extends in the vehicle width direction, is attached to an end part of the body part in a longitudinal direction, and is joined to the body part in a state of being superimposed on the end part of the body part. Rigidity of the end part of the body part in the longitudinal direction is lower than rigidity of a center part of the body part in the longitudinal direction. 1. A bumper reinforcement for a vehicle , comprising:a body part extending in a vehicle width direction; anda terminal part, which extends in the vehicle width direction, is attached to an end part of the body part in a longitudinal direction, and is joined to the body part in a state of being superimposed on the end part of the body part, whereinrigidity of the end part of the body part in the longitudinal direction is lower than rigidity of a center part of the body part in the longitudinal direction.2. The bumper reinforcement according to claim 1 , whereina section of the end part of the body part in the longitudinal direction, which is a section perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the body part, has a smaller area than an area of a section of the center part of the body part in the longitudinal direction, which is a section perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the body part.3. The bumper reinforcement according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 ,in the end part of the body part in the longitudinal direction, the area of the section perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the body part becomes gradually smaller from the center part of the body part to one end side of the body part.4. The bumper reinforcement according to claim 2 , wherein:the body part includes a first wall part, in which the vehicle width direction is a longitudinal direction of the first wall part, and a vehicle height direction is a width direction of the first wall part, a second wall part, in ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016282A1

A vehicle body rear part structure includes a bumper beam, an extension, and a gusset. The bumper beam extends in a vehicle width direction in a rear part of a vehicle body. The extension is provided for attaching the bumper beam to the vehicle body. The gusset is provided between the bumper beam and the extension and at an inner position in a vehicle width direction of the extension. A deformation facilitating part is provided on a middle part of the gusset. 1. A vehicle body structure comprising:a bumper beam that extends in a vehicle width direction in at least one of front and rear parts of a vehicle body;an extension for attaching the bumper beam to the vehicle body; anda gusset that is provided between the bumper beam and the extension and at an inner position in a vehicle width direction of the extension,wherein a deformation facilitating part is provided on a middle part of the gusset.2. The vehicle body structure according to claim 1 ,wherein the gusset has an outer wall on an outer side in a vehicle width direction and an inner wall on an inner side in the vehicle width direction that extend in a vehicle body front-to-rear direction, andthe deformation facilitating part has a bend part that is provided on the outer wall and that is bent toward the extension.3. The vehicle body structure according to claim 2 ,wherein the gusset hasa first rib that is connected to the outer wall and the inner wall and that extends in a vehicle body front-to-rear direction anda second rib that extends toward the extension diagonally outward in a vehicle width direction from a connection point between the first rib and the inner wall.4. The vehicle body structure according to claim 3 ,wherein the gusset hasa third rib that extends diagonally inward in a vehicle width direction to the inner wall from a connection point between the first rib and the outer wall anda fourth rib that extends diagonally inward in a vehicle width direction to the inner wall from a connection point ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Deformation Structure and Pedestrian Protection Device Having a Deformation Structure

Номер: US20190016295A1

A deformation structure has at least a first layer and a second layer, which are spaced apart from each other and displaceable relative to each other in the deformation direction or load direction. The first layer and the second layer have complementary protrusions and recesses, which are designed in such a way that the protrusions of the first layer can plunge into the recesses of the second layer and the protrusions of the second layer can plunge into the recesses of the first layer. The first layer and the second layer are connected to each other by deformable webs in such a way that, in the event of a high impulse in the deformation direction, the protrusions of the first layer plunge into the recesses of the second layer and the protrusions of the second layer plunge into the recesses of the first layer such that deformation of the deformation structure in the deformation direction occurs at a relatively low force level and, in the event of a low impulse in the deformation direction, the protrusions of the first layer hit the protrusions of the second layer such that further deformation of the deformation structure in the deformation direction occurs at a relatively high force level. 1. A deformation structure , comprising:a first layer and a second layer, which are arranged spaced apart from each other in a deformation direction and displaceable with respect to each other, whereinthe first layer and the second layer have complementary protrusions and depressions, which are configured such that the protrusions of the first layer and the depressions of the second layer and also the protrusions of the second layer and the depressions of the first layer are insertable into one another,the first layer and the second layer are connected to each other via deformable web elements such that, in an event of a high impulse in the deformation direction, the protrusions of the first layer enter into depressions of the second layer and also protrusions of the second layer ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Safe Protection Equipment for all vehicles and drivers

Номер: US20200017045A1
Автор: Gao Qiusheng

Safe protection equipment for all vehicles will significantly reduce the collision force by elasticity of ring and material in that the rings will be deformed and the materials of the rings will be compressed when the vehicle bumps to obstacle or two vehicles collide with each other. The reduced colliding force will be passed to the chassis that will move the vehicle forth or back. The damage to the body of the vehicle and the passengers in the vehicle will be reduced significantly. This equipment can be used on front, rear, side and corner of the vehicle. Combination of rings can reduce the collision smoothly. 1. Rings comprising:{'b': '3', 'single or multiple rings ()'}{'b': 4', '3, 'front plate () that fixes rings ()'}{'b': 2', '3', '1', '4', '1', '2', '3', '5, 'back plate () that fixes rings () on one side and is fixed to the bumper () on other side characterized in that a colliding force hitting on the front plate () push the rings Di that push the bumper () through back plate () thereof the rings () will be deformed and compressed to reduce the colliding force that is passed to the chassis () that will move the vehicle forward or back hence significantly reduce the damage to the body of the vehicle and the passengers inside the vehicle.'}23235. The rings as claimed in characterized in that a colliding force hitting on a ring () in left or right side will push the ring that push the bumper through back plate () thereof the ring () will be deformed and compressed to reduce the colliding force that is passed to the chassis () that will move the vehicle forward or back hence significantly reduce the damage to the body of the vehicle and the passengers inside the vehicle.3363. The rings as claimed in characterized in that the combination of rings () with small size rings () will reduce the colliding force smoothly with the rings () of big size being deformed and compressed first.43. The rings as claimed in characterized in that the rings () can be applied to front ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017046A1
Автор: Min Huen-Sick

An ultralight front end module with lower memberless may include a carrier, a crash box inserted into a lateral direction on one side surface of the carrier, a mounting portion fixedly fastened to the crash box and fixedly mounted on the one side surface of the carrier, and a front back beam fixedly coupled to an end portion of the crash box. 1. An ultralight front end module with lower memberless , the ultralight front end module comprising:a carrier;a crash box inserted into a lateral direction on a side surface of the carrier;a mounting portion fixedly fastened to the crash box and fixedly mounted on the side surface of the carrier; anda front back beam fixedly coupled to an end portion of the crash box.2. The ultralight front end module with lower memberless of claim 1 ,wherein a portion of a tip portion end portion of the crash box is inserted into the internal to a side member.3. The ultralight front end module with lower memberless of claim 2 ,wherein the portion of the tip portion end portion of the crash box is fixedly fastened to the side member.4. The ultralight front end module with lower memberless of claim 1 ,wherein the mounting portion fixedly fastens an upper end portion and a lower end portion of the crash box.5. The ultralight front end module with lower memberless of claim 4 ,wherein the mounting portion fixedly fastens an upper end portion and a lower end portion of a side frame of the carrier.6. The ultralight front end module with lower memberless of claim 5 ,wherein the mounting portion includes an upper end mounting bracket fixing the upper end portion of the mounting portion and the carrier and a lower end mounting bracket fixing the lower end portion of the mounting portion and the carrier.7. The ultralight front end module with lower memberless of claim 1 ,wherein a side lower end surface of the carrier is provided with an insert groove into which an insulator is inserted therein to fixedly fasten a cooling module.8. The ultralight front ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016733A1
Принадлежит: JABIL INC.

An apparatus, system and method capable of providing a bumper capable of providing decreasing reversionary impact forces upon an impacting collider as the bumper is compressed. The apparatus, system and method may include at least a bumper cover; and a scissor mechanism housed within the bumper cover. The scissor mechanism may comprise a forward extension member proximal and having a parallel axis that is at least substantially parallel to a parallel tangential axis of the bumper cover; a rear extension member substantially parallel to the forward extension member, and distal from the flexible bumper; at least left and right long scissor members that are rotatably and slidably associated with respective slots in the forward extension member, and that, are rotatably associated with the rear extension member; and at least left and right short scissor members that are rotatably associated with the front extension member, and that are rotatably associated with a respective one of the left and right long scissor members. 1. A bumper capable of providing decreasing reversionary impact forces upon an impacting collider as the bumper is compressed , comprising:a bumper cover; a forward extension member proximal and having a parallel axis that is at least substantially parallel to a parallel tangential axis of the bumper cover;', 'a rear extension member substantially parallel to the forward extension member, and distal from the flexible bumper;', 'at least left and right long scissor members that, proximally to the bumper cover, are rotatably and slidably associated with respective slots in the forward extension member, and that, distally to the bumper cover, are rotatably associated with the rear extension member; and', 'at least left and right short scissor members that, proximally to the bumper cover, are rotatably associated with the front extension member, and that, distally to the bumper cover, are rotatably associated with a respective one of the left and right long ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016832A1

In a bumper system, one end portion of a first tube is inserted into first beam holes, and the other end portion of the first tube is inserted into a first plate hole, one end portion of a second tube is inserted into second beam holes, and the other end portion of the second tube is inserted into a second plate hole. The bumper stay is joined to a bumper beam and a vehicle body plate by press-fitting in a state in which the first tube is expanded at the holes and the second tube is expanded at the holes. A first connection rib is in contact with the bumper beam, and a second connection rib is in contact with the vehicle body plate in the same direction as a direction in which the first connection rib is in contact with the bumper beam. 1. A bumper system , comprising:a bumper stay in which a first tube and a second tube extending in the same direction are connected by a first connection rib provided at least at one end portion and a second connection rib provided at least at the other end portion;a bumper beam having a first beam hole into which one end portion of the first tube is insertable and a second beam hole into which one end portion of the second tube is insertable; anda vehicle body plate having a first plate hole into which the other end portion of the first tube is insertable and a second plate hole into which the other end portion of the second tube is insertable, wherein:the bumper system is a system in which the bumper stay and the bumper beam are joined and the bumper stay and the vehicle body plate are joined;the one end portion of the first tube is inserted into the first beam hole, the other end portion of the first tube is inserted into the first plate hole, the one end portion of the second tube is inserted into the second beam hole, and the other end portion of the second tube is inserted into the second plate hole;the bumper stay is joined to both the bumper beam and the vehicle body plate by press-fitting in a state in which the first tube ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018398A1

A bumper for a mobile platform of a guided test platform includes a first end, a second end residing opposite the first end, a first surface extending between the first and second ends, and a second surface extending between the first and second ends and residing opposite the first surface. The bumper defines a ramp structure extending between the bumper first end and the bumper second end. The ramp structure is structured to guide a wheel of a vehicle in a direction away from the first surface as the wheel moves along the second surface in a direction from the bumper first end toward the bumper second end. 1. A bumper for a mobile platform of a guided test platform , the bumper comprising:a first end;a second end residing opposite the first end;a first surface extending between the first and second ends; anda second surface extending between the first and second ends and residing opposite the first surface,the bumper defining a ramp structure extending between the bumper first end and the bumper second end and structured to guide a wheel of a subject vehicle in a direction away from the first surface as the wheel moves along the second surface in a direction from the bumper first end toward the bumper second end.2. The bumper of wherein the bumper defines a plane extending between the first and second ends and residing between the first and second surfaces claim 1 , wherein a Shore hardness of a material forming the bumper between the plane and the first surface has at least a first predetermined value claim 1 , and wherein the plane extends at a first non-zero angle with respect to the first surface.3. The bumper of wherein the bumper between the plane and the first surface comprises a first piece of material having a Shore hardness of at least the first predetermined value claim 2 , and wherein the plane is defined by a surface of the first piece of material.4. The bumper of wherein the bumper between the plane and the second surface comprises a second piece of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021938A1

A number of variations may include a product including an energy absorbing component for a vehicle comprising at least one of a crush can, an insert for a cross car beam or a front impact extension. 1. A product comprising:a front energy absorbing insert constructed and arranged to be received in a pocket or opening of a cross car beam, the front energy absorbing insert comprising a bottom wall and opposite top wall, and a first side wall extending between the top wall and the bottom wall.2. A product as set forth in further comprising a first middle horizontal wall connected to the first side wall.3. A product as set forth in further comprising a second middle horizontal wall connected to the first side wall.4. A product as set forth in further comprising a third middle horizontal wall connected to the first side wall.5. A product as set forth in further comprising a first end wall connected to the top wall and the first middle horizontal wall.6. A product as set forth in further comprising a second end wall connected to the second middle horizontal wall and the third middle horizontal wall.7. A product as set forth in further comprising a first end wall connected to the top wall in the first middle horizontal wall claim 4 , and a second end wall connected to the second middle horizontal wall and the third middle horizontal wall.8. A product as set forth in further comprising a cross car beam claim 1 , and wherein the cross car beam includes a pocket or opening claim 1 , and wherein the front energy absorbing insert is received in the pocket or opening of the cross car beam.9. A product as set forth in further comprising a vehicle crush can having a first side wall and an opposite second side wall and wherein the first side wall of the front energy absorbing insert is aligned with the first side wall of the crush can claim 5 , and wherein the first end wall is aligned with the second side wall of the crush can.10. A product as set forth in further comprising a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021941A1

The invention relates to a deformation element, in particular for bumper cross member () on a motor vehicle, having at least one predetermined breaking point (S) at which, in the event of a crash, the deformation element () breaks apart into a breaking segment () facing the crash which is displaced over the course of the crash and into a stationary breaking segment () facing away from the crash. According to the invention the deformation element () is produced with at least one material layer () made of a fibre-reinforced plastic having a fibre fabric () embedded in a bedding material (), said fibre fabric being exposed, after the deformation element () breaks apart, between the breaking segments () and connecting said breaking segments to each other. 1. A deformation element , in particular , for a bumper cross member of a motor vehicle , comprisingat least one predetermined breaking point, at which in the event of a crash the deformation element breaks apart into at least one breaking segment facing the crash which is displaced over the course of the crash and one fixed breaking segment facing away from the crash,wherein the deformation element is produced with at least one material layer made of a fiber-reinforced plastic having a fiber fabric embedded in a bedding material, which is exposed between the breaking segments after the deformation element breaks apart, and connects the breaking segments to each other.2. The deformation element as recited in claim 1 , wherein after the deformation element breaks apart claim 1 , the breaking segment facing the crash is displaceable past the fixed breaking segment facing away from the crash claim 1 , and the exposed fiber fabric section tears out additional breaking material from the bedding material while reducing the deformation energy.312141114a,b. The deformation element as recited in claim 1 , wherein the section () of the fiber fabric () exposed between the breaking segments () is tensioned over the course of the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021786A1
Автор: LEE Hyung Jin

An interlocking multipiece vehicle shield is assembled from plural pieces which are joined edgewise, for example by studs and apertures having a snap-together feature. The pieces are designed so that the assembled shield conforms to the shape of the front end of a particular vehicle. The shield is secured to the vehicle by adhesive tape applied around the periphery of the shield. 1. A protective device for installation on the front end of a motor vehicle , said device comprisinga plurality of pieces, each shaped to conform to a contour of a respective underlying component of the vehicle,each of said pieces having connecting structure for joining that piece to at least one neighboring said piece, andmeans for connecting each said piece to an underlying component of the vehicle.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the connecting structure is an adhesive connector.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the adhesive connector comprises foam tape having adhesive on both faces thereof.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein said connecting structure comprises mating male and female fasteners.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein said male and female fasteners are formed integrally with said pieces.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein said male fasteners are studs and said female fasteners are apertures sized to receive said studs.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein at least one of said studs and said apertures has structure which provides a snap connection.8. The device of claim 4 , wherein said structures can be disconnected without damage.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of said pieces is made from a polymeric material.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least two of said pieces are of different colors.11. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least two of said pieces have different surface textures. This invention relates to a shield for protecting the front end or hood of a vehicle from damage by road debris.Accessory shields and airflow deflectors, which one can attach to the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021787A1

A bumper having at least one embossment being formed extending counter to the vehicle traveling direction and the embossment having a base surface, a rear face, an internal inner face, and an external inner face. The base surface is formed as a step and the rear face has at least one first vent hole. The first vent hole is connected to a vent passage and the vent passage comprises a vent passage longitudinal axis that forms an acute angle with the vehicle traveling direction. 1. A bumper comprising:at least one embossment, the embossment being formed extending counter to the vehicle traveling direction and the embossment comprising a base surface, a rear face, an internal inner face, and an external inner face, wherein the base surface is constructed as a step; andat least one first vent hole formed in the rear face, the first vent hole being connected to a vent passage, the vent passage having a vent passage longitudinal axis that forms an acute angle with a vehicle traveling direction.2. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the vent hole is a vent passage extending counter to the vehicle traveling direction.3. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the vent passage is shaped widened in cross-section.4. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the vent passage is constructed as a separate component.5. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the vent passage has a C-profile.6. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the external inner face of the embossment is configured to merge in a wall of the vent passage.7. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the bumper has plug sockets.8. The bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the bumper has at least one cover.9. The bumper according to claim 8 , wherein the cover has at least one passage.10. The bumper according to claim 9 , wherein the passage facilitates vent stream to pass into the vent passage.11. The bumper according to claim 8 , wherein the cover is detachably and/or movably connected or is ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021788A1
Автор: ARNS Wilhelm
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A bumper assembly for a motor vehicle comprising a cross member that extends transverse the motor vehicle, and has an open hat-shaped hollow profile with a rear-sided web and legs, extending from the web, wherein flanges extend from a free end of the legs in the vertical direction; and an opening pointing away from the motor vehicle, in the longitudinal direction. At least one closing plate is arranged allowing the opening to be completely closed in the vertical direction and arranged allowing a partial length of less than 50% of the length of the opening to be closed in the transverse direction; and that the flanges are offset from each other with an offset in the longitudinal direction; and that the cross member has a varying cross section over its length, wherein a central region is offset upwards from the end regions with a height offset to the vertical direction. 1. A bumper assembly for a motor vehicle , said , bumper assembly comprising a cross member that , extends with a length in the transverse direction Y of the motor vehicle , wherein the cross member is configured in the cross section as an open hat-shaped , hollow profile with a rear-sided web and legs , extending from the web , wherein flanges extend from a free end of the legs in the vertical direction Z of the motor vehicle; and an opening is oriented , pointing away from the motor vehicle , in the longitudinal direction X of the motor vehicle , wherein at least one closing plate is arranged in a manner allowing the opening to be completely closed in the vertical direction Z of the motor vehicle and is arranged in a manner allowing a partial length of less than 50% of the length of the opening to be closed in the transverse direction Y of the motor vehicle; and that the flanges are offset from each other with an offset in the longitudinal direction X of the motor vehicle; and that the cross member has a varying cross section over its length , wherein a central region of the cross member is offset ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023105A1

A housing structure for a device to be mounted on a vehicle is provided with which strength for withstanding a collision can be ensured. An electric compressor (), which is a device to be mounted on a vehicle, is equipped with a device main body (), and a cylindrical housing () provided in a vehicle and on the inside of which the device main body () is accommodated. A protruding portion () protruding radially outward is formed on a cylindrical part () constituting the housing (). A cross section of the protruding portion () orthogonal to an axial line (L) of the cylindrical part () presents an arc-like shape or a substantially arc-like shape protruding outward in the radial direction. 110-. (canceled)11. A device to be mounted on a vehicle , the device comprising:a housing having a cylindrical shape to be mounted on the vehicle, and for housing a device main body; andthe device main body, whereina protruding portion that protrudes outward in a radial direction is disposed on a cylindrical part constituting the housing,a wall thickness of the housing is increased at a position of the protruding portion, anda cross-section of the protruding portion orthogonal to an axial line of the cylindrical part exhibits an arc-like shape or a substantially arc-like shape that protrudes outward in the radial direction.12. The device to be mounted on the vehicle according to claim 11 , wherein B/A is from 4 to 7 claim 11 , both inclusive claim 11 , where A is a height to a tip end of the protruding portion measured in the radial direction of the cylindrical part claim 11 , and B is a distance measured from the tip end of the protruding portion to a position of an end edge of the protruding portion in a direction of a tangential line drawn to the tip end.13. The device to be mounted on the vehicle according to claim 11 , wherein an interface portion between an end edge of the protruding portion and an outer peripheral surface of the cylindrical part includes an R part having an arc- ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023206A1

In a collision detection device for a vehicle, the bumper absorber includes general parts and holding parts alternately in a lengthwise direction of the groove portion. In each of the general parts, a predetermined clearance is formed between an inner wall surface of the groove portion on at least one side of vehicle up and down sides, and the detection tube member. Each of the holding parts is in contact with a surface of the detection tube member on at least one side of vehicle up and down sides, and vehicle front and rear sides to hold the detection tube member. A holding part ratio, which is a ratio of a part of the detection tube member held by the holding parts to a unit length of the detection tube member, is set to be smaller than a predetermined value. 1. A collision detection device for a vehicle , comprising:a bumper absorber that is placed on a vehicle front side of a bumper reinforcement in a bumper of the vehicle;a detection tube member that is attached to a groove portion formed on a rear surface of the bumper absorber along a vehicle width direction and that includes therein a hollow part;a pressure sensor that detects a pressure in the hollow part of the detection tube member; anda collision detection part that detects a collision of an object with the bumper based on a result of the pressure detection by the pressure sensor, wherein:the bumper absorber includes general parts and holding parts alternately in a lengthwise direction of the groove portion;in each of the general parts, a predetermined clearance is formed between an inner wall surface of the groove portion on at least one side of vehicle up and down sides, and the detection tube member;each of the holding parts is in contact with a surface of the detection tube member on at least one side of vehicle up and down sides, and vehicle front and rear sides to hold the detection tube member; anda holding part ratio, which is a ratio of a part of the detection tube member held by the holding ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024022A1
Автор: Matecki Joseph R.
Принадлежит: SHAPE CORP.

A hybrid bumper assembly for a vehicle includes a steel reinforcement beam and aluminum crush cans attached to end portions of the steel reinforcement beam. The reinforcement beam has a multi-tubular shape that is formed by a high-strength steel sheet that is roll formed to provide at least two tubular portions. A crush can has an interfacing portion that is coupled to an end portion of the reinforcement beam. The end portions of the reinforcement beam and the interfacing portion of the crush cans may be configured to attach together using a select joining technology in a manner that minimizes or eliminates bimetallic or galvanic corrosion between the reinforcement beam and the crush cans. 1. A hybrid bumper assembly for a vehicle , the hybrid bumper assembly comprising:a multi-tubular reinforcement beam comprising a high-strength steel sheet material;a crush can comprising an aluminum alloy and having a tubular body and a flange protruding at a front end of the tubular body; anda dual-material coupling feature fixedly attaching the flange of the crush can with a wall of the multi-tubular reinforcement beam.2. The hybrid bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the dual-material coupling feature comprises an element arc spot weld rivet.3. The hybrid bumper assembly of claim 2 , wherein the element arc spot weld rivet comprise (i) a ring element engaged with the flange of the crush can and (ii) a puddle weld disposed in a central opening of the ring element attaching the ring element to the wall of the multi-tubular reinforcement beam.4. The hybrid bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the dual-material coupling feature comprises fastening element having (i) a first portion engaging an outer surface of one of the flange or the rear wall and (ii) a second portion extending from the head portion and coupling with the other one of the flange or the rear wall.5. The hybrid bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tubular body of the crush can comprises a rectangular cross- ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Bumper assembly

Номер: US20210024023A1

A bumper assembly includes a bumper beam elongated in a cross-vehicle direction and a bumper that is plastic. The bumper is elongated in the cross-vehicle direction and is affixed to the bumper beam. The bumper beam is rigid relative to the bumper. The bumper defines a cavity enclosed by the bumper. The cavity is elongated in the cross-vehicle direction.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024141A1

A vehicle assembly includes, among other things, a bumper assembly, a skid plate, and a capacitive sensor system of the skid plate. A sensing method for a vehicle includes using a capacitive sensing system to detect a proximity of a vehicle to an object. The capacitive sensing system is incorporated into a skid plate that is vertically beneath a portion of a bumper assembly of the vehicle. 1. A vehicle assembly , comprising:a bumper assembly;a skid plate; anda capacitive sensor system of the skid plate.2. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive sensor system comprises a graphene infused material.3. The vehicle assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a skin covering the graphene infused material.4. The vehicle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the skin is molded-in-color and is non-conductive.5. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive sensor system is from 10 to 25 percent by weight graphene.6. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive sensor system includes a conductive coating adjacent a base substrate.7. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive sensor system is sealed within the skid plate.8. The vehicle assembly of claim 7 , wherein an active ground extends about a periphery of the capacitive sensor.9. The vehicle assembly of claim 8 , wherein the active ground is sealed within the skid plate.10. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the skid plate is electrically isolated from the bumper assembly.11. The vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the skid plate faces vertically downward.12. A sensing method for a vehicle claim 1 , comprising:using a capacitive sensing system to detect a proximity of a vehicle to an object, the capacitive sensing system incorporated into a skid plate that is vertically beneath a portion of a bumper assembly of the vehicle.13. The sensing method of claim 12 , wherein the capacitive sensor system comprises a graphene infused material.14. The sensing method of claim 12 , ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028951A1

A bumper unit of a vehicle includes a plurality of bumper beams arranged in a width direction of the vehicle, each of the bumper beams being coupled at both ends thereof to a vehicle body, a bumper reinforcement member configured as a molded synthetic-resin base, the base being formed with a plurality of through-holes in the width direction of the vehicle such that the bumper beams penetrate the base via the through-holes, and a strengthening band formed of reinforcement fiber tows, the strengthening band being configured to surround the exterior of the bumper reinforcement member. 1. A bumper unit of a vehicle , comprising:a plurality of bumper beams arranged in a width direction of the vehicle, each of the bumper beams being coupled at both ends thereof to a vehicle body;a bumper reinforcement member configured as a molded synthetic-resin base, the base being formed with a plurality of through-holes in the width direction of the vehicle such that the bumper beams penetrate the base via the through-holes; anda strengthening band formed of reinforcement fiber tows, the strengthening band being configured to surround the exterior of the bumper reinforcement member.2. The bumper unit according to claim 1 , wherein the bumper reinforcement member is formed claim 1 , in one surface thereof claim 1 , with a plurality of recesses arranged in a lattice form.3. The bumper unit according to claim 2 , wherein the surface of the bumper reinforcement member claim 2 , formed with the recesses claim 2 , faces the vehicle body.4. The bumper unit according to claim 1 , wherein the bumper beams are formed of high-strength steel via hot stamping.5. The bumper unit according to claim 1 , wherein the bumper reinforcement member is formed via injection-molding on outer surfaces of the bumper beams in a state in which the bumper beams are in a mold.6. The bumper unit according to claim 1 , wherein the strengthening band is formed by winding the reinforcement fiber tows around the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028952A1
Автор: Altemeier Mark

A hitch plate includes a hitch plate body having a heightwise extending portion sized and configured to extend alongside a rear of a utility vehicle and a lengthwise extending portion sized and configured to extend underneath the utility vehicle. The hitch plate further includes a male receiver hitch portion extending outwardly from the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body over the lengthwise extending portion of the hitch plate body and a female receiver hitch portion extending outwardly from the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body in a direction opposite the male receiver hitch portion. 1. A hitch plate comprising: a heightwise extending portion sized and configured to extend alongside a rear of a utility vehicle;', 'a lengthwise extending portion sized and configured to extend underneath the utility vehicle;, 'a hitch plate body comprisinga male receiver hitch portion extending outwardly from the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body over the lengthwise extending portion of the hitch plate body; anda female receiver hitch portion extending outwardly from the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body in a direction opposite the male receiver hitch portion.2. The hitch plate of claim 1 , wherein the female receiver hitch portion terminates outwardly from the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body at a linkage location sized and configured to engage a mountable apparatus.3. The hitch plate of claim 1 , wherein the male receiver hitch portion terminates outwardly from the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body at a utility vehicle hitch engaging portion sized and configured to engage a vehicle mounted receiver hitch.4. The hitch plate of claim 1 , wherein an end of the heightwise extending portion of the hitch plate body further comprises a support flange sized and configured to engage a support structure of a rear of a utility vehicle.5. The hitch plate of further comprising one ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Roll Formed Bumper Beam And Method For Manufacturing A Bumper Beam

Номер: US20180029549A1
Автор: Daniel PALO
Принадлежит: Gestamp Hardtech AB

A bumper beam is roll formed so that it gets a closed cross section with, along the length, constant cross section having at least two closed chambers ( 15, 16 ) separated by an essentially horizontal partition wall ( 14 ). Each chamber has a side ( 19 ), which is turned away from the vehicle, with at least one longitudinal concave portion ( 20, 21; 22, 23 ) extending along the entire length and one side ( 24 ), which is facing the vehicle, with at least one longitudinal convex portion ( 25, 26; 27, 28 ) extending along the entire length. After the roll forming, some portions ( 32 ) of the cross section are pressed together vertically or horizontally in order to adapt the deformation properties.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Automotive Vehicle Bumper Assembly

Номер: US20180029550A1

A bumper assembly is provided having a flange that overlies the body of the vehicle. The flange may be a body flange extending from an elongate bumper beam or a cladding flange extending from an external cladding that covers at least a portion of the bumper beam. The flange may protect the body from wear or corrosion, and/or bridge a gap between the frame and the body of the vehicle. The assembly may also include a contact structure for contacting at least a portion of the vehicle frame, such as the hitch beam. The contact structure may resist rotation of the bumper assembly, prevent vibration of the bumper assembly against the frame, and/or support a vertical load on the bumper. In some embodiments, the assembly may be primarily mounted to the body of the vehicle, such that the bumper beam “hangs” from the body of the vehicle. 1. A bumper assembly for attachment to a vehicle having a body and a frame , the bumper assembly comprising:an elongate bumper beam;at least one body flange disposed along the length of the bumper beam, the at least one body flange configured to overlie the body of the vehicle; andat least one contact structure disposed on an inner surface of the bumper beam, for contacting a portion of the frame of the vehicle.2. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one body flange is integral to the bumper beam.3. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one attachment point disposed on the body flange claim 1 , for attaching of the body flange to the body of the vehicle.4. The bumper assembly of claim 3 , wherein the at least one attachment point on the body flange forms the primary attachment point between the bumper assembly and the vehicle.5. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one body flange extends along an opening in the body of the vehicle claim 1 , when the bumper assembly is attached to the vehicle.6. The bumper assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one body flange protects the body from ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048453A1

Front bumper assembly for mounting a seat and ballast means and add-on structure in vehicle is provided. Front bumper assembly includes a bumper frame a mounting member and a plurality of reinforcement members The bumper frame includes a base frame B and a plurality of legs L. The front bumper assembly is removably connected to a vehicular structure C at a first position in which each leg L of the bumper frame is horizontally connected to the vehicular structure C, and a second position in which each leg L of the bumper frame is vertically connected to the vehicular structure C. The front bumper assembly is adapted to removably receive at least one of an operator's seat S, a ballast means and an add-on structure when the front bumper assembly is in the second position. 1200200. A front bumper assembly for a vehicle , said front bumper assembly comprising:{'b': 202', '202', '202, 'a bumper frame having a base frame B and a plurality of legs L,'}wherein{'b': 200', '202', '202', '202', '202, 'said front bumper assembly is adapted to be removably connected to a vehicular structure C at a first position in which each leg L of said bumper frame is horizontally connected to the vehicular structure C, and a second position in which each leg L of said bumper frame is vertically connected to the vehicular structure C.'}2200202202. The front bumper assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the base frame B of said bumper frame defines claim 1 ,{'b': 202', '202, 'a plurality of first portions F, wherein each first portion F is provided at a predetermined distance from the other; and'}{'b': 202', '202, 'at least one second portion S adapted to extend between each first portion F along a widthwise direction of the vehicle.'}3200202202202202. The front bumper assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein each leg L of said bumper frame is adapted to transversely extend from corresponding first portion F of the base frame B and provided at a predetermined distance from the other. ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048454A1

A cross member () for a bumper beam includes an outer beam () with a main beam portion () comprising an upper beam wall (), a lower beam wall () and a front beam wall (), defining together a beam inner volume () open in a back direction, a reinforcement element () defining a reinforced area () of the outer beam (), located inside a part of said beam inner volume () and having a cross section, defining a reinforcement inner volume () open in the rear direction, a closing plate () closing at least a part of the beam inner volume (). The cross section of the reinforcement element () has a shape which is not matching the shape of the outer beam () in the reinforced area (). 124-. (canceled)25: A cross member for a bumper beam for an automotive vehicle comprising:an outer beam extending along a transverse direction with a main beam portion comprising an upper beam wall, a lower beam wall and a front beam wall connecting the upper beam wall and the lower beam wall, the upper beam wall, lower beam wall and front beam wall defining together a beam inner volume open in a back direction opposite to the front beam wall;a reinforcement element defining a reinforced area of the outer beam, the reinforcement element located inside a part of the beam inner volume and having a cross section, the reinforcement element defining a reinforcement inner volume open in the back direction; anda closing plate closing at least a part of the beam inner volume,the cross section of the reinforcement element having a shape which is not matching the shape of the outer beam in the reinforced area,the reinforcement element comprising at least an upper reinforcement wall linked to a first intermediate reinforcement wall by an upper joining wall, the first intermediate reinforcement wall being joined to a second intermediate reinforcement wall by a central joining wall and the second intermediate reinforcement wall being linked to a lower reinforcement wall by a lower joining wall, the upper and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Bumper arrangement

Номер: US20220048455A1
Автор: Johannes Aalberg
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A bumper arrangement includes a cross member and two deformation elements for arrangement between end regions of the cross member and longitudinal members of a motor vehicle. The cross member is hollow with a front and rear walls and upper and lower walls. The front wall has a depression extending in longitudinal direction of the cross member. The depression has a deepest region extending at a distance from the rear wall. The upper and lower walls of the cross member each have in the end regions a further depression which extends in longitudinal direction of the cross member, so that the upper wall and the lower wall are more corrugated in the end regions than in a central region of the cross member, so that the distance between the front wall and the rear wall in the end regions is smaller than in a central region of the cross member.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031087A1

A vehicle constituent member and a manufacturing method for manufacturing the vehicle constituent member are provided. The vehicle constituent member includes: a body portion made of metal and having a vertical wall; a reinforcing member made of fiber reinforced resin and having a sheet shape, the reinforcing member being disposed on a surface of the vertical wall; and an adhesive layer provided between the surface of the vertical wall and the reinforcing member and connecting the vertical wall and the reinforcing member, the adhesive layer being configured such that a thickness of a part of the adhesive layer becomes thinner as the part of the adhesive layer is distanced outwardly from a surface end of the reinforcing member, the part of the adhesive layer being disposed outwardly from the surface end of the reinforcing member. 1. A vehicle constituent member comprising:a body portion made of metal and having a pair of vertical walls disposed such that the vertical walls face each other;a reinforcing member made of fiber reinforced resin and having a sheet shape, the reinforcing member being disposed on a first surface of one of the vertical walls, the first surface being on a side opposite from a second surface of the one of the vertical walls, the second surface facing the other one of the vertical walls; andan adhesive layer provided between the one of the vertical walls and the reinforcing member and joining the one of the vertical walls to the reinforcing member, the adhesive layer being configured such that a thickness, in a vehicle front-rear direction, of a part of the adhesive layer becomes thinner as the part of the adhesive layer is distanced outwardly from a surface end of the reinforcing member, the part of the adhesive layer being disposed outwardly from the surface end of the reinforcing member.2. The vehicle constituent member according to claim 1 , whereinan end surface of the reinforcing member is covered with the adhesive layer.3. The vehicle ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117685A1

A panel member having a U-shaped cross section includes step portions at an upper face portion and a lower face portion, and a distance, in a vehicle longitudinal direction, of the step potions from a panel member formed substantially in a flat-plate shape, is configured such that the distance at a central portion, in the vehicle width direction, of a bumper reinforcement is the maximum and the distance decreases gradually toward an outward direction of the vehicle. Accordingly, the vehicle-body structure which can properly ensure the bending strength and also attain the light weight of the bumper reinforcement, improving the load transmission from the bumper reinforcement to crash cans, can be provided. 1. A vehicle-body structure of a vehicle equipped with a bumper reinforcement , the bumper reinforcement comprising:a first panel member having a U-shaped cross section, the first panel member including an upper face portion and a lower face portion, a vertical wall portion, and flange portions; anda second panel member formed substantially in a flat-plate shape, the second panel member being arranged on an opposite side to a vehicle compartment relative to the first panel member and joined to the first panel member so as to form a closed cross section extending in a vehicle width direction together with the first panel member,wherein said first panel member includes step portions at the upper face portion and the lower face portion, and a distance, in a vehicle longitudinal direction, of the step potions of the first panel member from said second panel member is configured such that the distance at a central portion, in the vehicle width direction, of the bumper reinforcement is the maximum and the distance decreases gradually toward an outward direction of the vehicle.2. The vehicle-body structure of a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein a length (H) claim 1 , in the vehicle longitudinal direction claim 1 , of the cross section of the bumper reinforcement and said ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031296A1
Автор: GE Zhimin, HONG Anyi, WANG An

An automobile rear bumper in a T-shaped structure comprises a pedal, a fixture, and a rotatable lid. The surface of the pedal is an arched platform which is flat in the middle and raised at both ends, and is provided with a vertically penetrating mounting hole in the center. The rotatable lid covers the mounting hole rotatably. Laterally penetrating fixing holes arranged in order are provided in the middle of the left and right sides of the fixture. The product is simple in structure, convenient to install, and safe in use. 1. An automobile rear bumper , in a T-shaped structure and comprising a pedal , a fixture , and a rotatable lid , wherein the surface of the pedal is an arched platform which is flat in the middle and raised at both ends , transverse anti-slip strips are arranged in order on the platform , and a vertically penetrating mounting hole is provided in the center of the platform; the rotatable lid covers the mounting hole rotatably; the interior of a rear side of the pedal is a hollowed-out structure , and at least two groups of slanting buffering ribs are disposed symmetrically at a top position in the interior of the rear side of the pedal; interlaced reinforcement ribs are disposed at a lower position in the interior of the rear side of the pedal; and several laterally penetrating fixing holes arranged in order are provided in the middle of left and right surfaces of the fixture.2. The automobile rear bumper according to claim 1 , wherein the rotatable lid is provided with a round of downward extending flange at an edge of a bottom surface claim 1 , the periphery of the rotatable lid abuts against the top of an inner annular wall in the mounting hole claim 1 , a buckle is disposed on an outer wall of the flange claim 1 , a positioning hole is provided corresponding to an upper edge of the inner annular wall claim 1 , a rotating groove for the buckle to enter and rotate is provided on the inner annular wall below the positioning hole claim 1 , the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031403A1
Автор: ASO Shuichi

A fender structure for a vehicle includes: a fender panel that is disposed on a lateral surface of a vehicle-body front portion; a reinforcing member that supports the fender panel from the inner side in the vehicle width direction; a first engagement portion that is able to engage with a top end portion of the fender panel; a second engagement portion that is able to engage with a bottom end portion of the fender panel; and a spring portion that biases the first engagement portion and the second engagement portion with an elastic restoring force in the vehicle height direction in which the first engagement portion and the second engagement portion are separated from each other in a state in which the first engagement portion and the second engagement portion engage with the top end portion and the bottom end portion of the fender panel. 1. A fender structure for a vehicle , comprising:a fender panel that is disposed on a lateral surface of a vehicle-body front portion;a reinforcing member that is disposed on an inner side in a vehicle width direction of the fender panel, extends in a vehicle height direction and the vehicle width direction, and supports the fender panel from the inner side in the vehicle width direction;a first engagement portion that is disposed in a top end portion of the reinforcing member and is able to engage with a top end portion of the fender panel;a second engagement portion that is disposed in a bottom end portion of the reinforcing member and is able to engage with a bottom end portion of the fender panel; anda spring portion that is disposed in an intermediate portion in the vehicle height direction of the reinforcing member and biases the first engagement portion and the second engagement portion with an elastic restoring force in the vehicle height direction in which the first engagement portion and the second engagement portion are separated from each other in a state in which the first engagement portion and the second engagement ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031700A1

A vehicle body rear structure includes: a rear panel provided in a rear part of a vehicle body; a bumper beam attached to a structural member provided in the rear part of the vehicle body; a sensor holding member attached to the rear panel; and a sensor attached to the sensor holding member and configured to detect surrounding information on a rear side of a vehicle, wherein an entirety of the sensor is positioned more forward than a rear end of the bumper beam, lower than a lower end of the bumper beam, and higher than a departure angle face. 1. A vehicle body rear structure , comprising:a rear panel provided in a rear part of a vehicle body;a bumper beam attached to a structural member provided in the rear part of the vehicle body;a sensor holding member attached to the rear panel; anda sensor attached to the sensor holding member and configured to detect surrounding information on a rear side of a vehicle,wherein an entirety of the sensor is positioned more forward than a rear end of the bumper beam, lower than a lower end of the bumper beam, and higher than a departure angle face.2. The vehicle body rear structure according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor holding member includes: a first bracket joined to the rear panel; and a second bracket joined to the first bracket and the rear panel and holding the sensor.3. The vehicle body rear structure according to claim 2 , wherein the rear panel includes: an upper vertical part extending substantially vertically; an inclined part extending downward from a lower edge of the upper vertical part and inclined with respect to a fore and aft direction; and a lower vertical part extending downward and substantially vertically from a lower edge of the inclined part claim 2 ,the first bracket is made of a plate and includes: a main part; an upper joined part extending higher than an upper edge of the main part and joined to the inclined part; and a lower joined part extending lower than a lower edge of the main part and joined ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031715A1

A self-diagnosing sensor system for a vehicle is provided. The vehicle has a bumper with fascia material. The sensor system includes an elongated, deflectable cable disposed in the bumper generally adjacent to the fascia material. A tensioning and sensing unit is coupled to each end of the cable and fixed to the vehicle. Each unit includes a tension sensor electrically connected with an ECU of the vehicle such that the ECU receives signals from the tension sensors regarding tension in the cable, indicative of 1) whether the bumper has been impacted based on deflection of the cable from a sensing position, or 2) whether damage to the cable or a tensioning and sensing unit has occurred. 1. A self-diagnosing sensor system for a vehicle , the vehicle having a bumper with fascia material , the sensor system comprising:an elongated, deflectable cable disposed in the bumper generally adjacent to the fascia material, a cable drive member fixed to an associated end of the cable,', 'a biasing member acting on the cable drive member so as to bias the cable to a non-deflected, sensing position, and', 'a tension sensor constructed and arranged to detect tension of the cable,, 'a tensioning and sensing unit coupled to each end of the cable, each tensioning and sensing unit being fixed to the vehicle and comprisingwherein each tension sensor is constructed and arranged to be electrically connected with an ECU such that the ECU can receives signals from the tension sensors regarding tension in the cable, indicative of 1) whether the bumper has been impacted based on deflection of the cable from the sensing position, or 2) whether damage to the cable or a tensioning and sensing unit has occurred.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes the ECU and the ECU includes a processor circuit constructed and arranged to determine whether tension of the cable claim 1 , when in the sensing position as detected by the tension sensors claim 1 , is within a preset range.3. ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039374A1

A vehicle front structure includes: a pair of right and left front side members extending in the vehicle front-rear direction; load receiving members each projecting from a corresponding one of the front side members outward in the vehicle-width direction, having an outer side surface in the vehicle-width direction, which is tilted inward in the vehicle-width direction from the vehicle front side toward the vehicle rear side; and protruding members each disposed forward of a corresponding one of the load receiving members in the vehicle front-rear direction, each protruding forward in the vehicle front-rear direction, and each having a front end portion and a rear end portion, the rear end portion being fixed at a position at which at least a part of the protruding member overlaps with the corresponding load receiving member in a front view of the vehicle, and the front end portion being a free end. 1. A vehicle front structure comprising:a pair of right and left front side members extending in a vehicle front-rear direction;load receiving members each projecting from a corresponding one of the front side members outward in a vehicle-width direction, each of the load receiving members having an outer side surface in the vehicle-width direction, and the outer side surface being tilted inward in the vehicle-width direction from a vehicle front side toward a vehicle rear side; andprotruding members each disposed forward of a corresponding one of the load receiving members in the vehicle front-rear direction, each of the protruding members protruding forward in the vehicle front-rear direction, each of the protruding members having a front end portion and a rear end portion, the rear end portion being fixed at a position at which at least a part of the protruding member overlaps with the corresponding load receiving member in a front view of the vehicle, and the front end portion being a free end.2. The vehicle front structure according to claim 1 , wherein the front ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036623A1
Автор: SUZUMORI Michio

A bumper reinforcement comprising an elongated, channel-shaped body member with a bottom portion, sidewall portions, and an open side and a closure member closing the open side of the body member so that the bumper reinforcement has a closed cross section. The closure member provides an impact surface that receives an external impact. The closure member comprises lateral edges and a central portion, the closure member being welded to the body member with the lateral edges of the closure member laid on inner surfaces of open side edges of the sidewall portions of the body member. 1. A bumper reinforcement comprising:an elongated, channel-shaped body member with a bottom portion, sidewall portions, and an open side; anda closure member closing the open side of the body member so that the bumper reinforcement has a closed cross section, wherein the closure member provides an impact surface that receives an external impact,the closure member comprising lateral edges and a central portion, the closure member being welded to the body member with the lateral edges of the closure member laid on inner surfaces of open side edges of the sidewall portions of the body member.2. The bumper reinforcement of claim 1 , wherein the bumper reinforcement is disposed in a front or rear of an automobile such that the bumper reinforcement extends along a width of the automobile and that the open side of the body member is directed outward of the automobile.3. The bumper reinforcement of claim 1 , wherein the central portion of the closure member is substantially planar and extending in a plane of open side edges of the channel-shaped body member at the closure member claim 1 , and the closure member further comprises a transitional portion between the central portion and each edge portion claim 1 , the transitional portion being recessed toward the bottom portion of the body member.4. The bumper reinforcement of claim 1 , wherein no flanges is present at the open side edges of the body ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036624A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A bumper beam body and upper and lower parts of a flange portion each contain a continuous fiber reinforced polymer layer and a first flange tip portion made of thermoplastic resin that has an L-shaped cross section extending outward in a vertical direction and then curving outward in a vehicle rear-front direction is connected to edges of the flange portion Thereby, even when continuous fibers and matrix resin of the continuous fiber reinforced polymer layer stick out from the edges of the flange portion as flash, this flash can be covered with the first flange tip portion 1. A bumper beam for a vehicle to be disposed in a vehicle widthwise direction , the bumper beam comprising:a bumper beam body that has an elongated body disposed along the vehicle widthwise direction and a U-shaped cross section an inside of which is opened toward a vehicle inner side in a vehicle rear-front direction, an upper edge and a lower edge of the U-shaped cross section extending outward from the bumper beam body, thereby forming a flange portion, said bumper beam body and said flange portion thereof each containing a continuous fiber reinforced polymer layer; anda first flange tip portion that is made of thermoplastic resin and provided to the upper edge and the lower edge of the flange portion such that the first flange tip portion covers the upper edge and the lower edge, the first flange tip portion extending from the upper edge or the lower edge outward in a vertical direction and then curving outward in the vehicle rear-front direction, thereby forming an L-shaped cross section.2. The bumper beam according to claim 1 , whereinsaid bumper beam body and said flange portion each have a two-layered structure comprising said continuous fiber reinforced polymer layer and a discontinuous fiber reinforced polymer layer layered on the continuous fiber reinforced polymer layer, andsaid discontinuous fiber reinforced polymer layer in said flange portion is thicker than said discontinuous ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Deformation Element Arrangement and Motor Vehicle Having a Deformation Element Arrangement

Номер: US20170036625A1

A deformation element arrangement is provided for a motor vehicle, having a deformation element and a vibration-generating device. The vibration-generating device is arranged and designed in such a way that the deformation element, when required, can be set in vibration so that a deformation behavior and/or a flow behavior of the deformation element is/can be varied in accordance with a request condition. 1. A deformation element arrangement for a motor vehicle , comprising:a deformation element, anda vibration-generating device coupled with the deformation element, whereinthe vibration-generating device is arranged and constructed such that, when required, the deformation element is set in vibration so that a deformation behavior and/or a flow behavior of the deformation element is varied in accordance with a requirement condition.2. The deformation element arrangement according to claim 1 , whereinthe deformation element is mountable on the motor vehicle and is constructed such that, in an event of a collision of the motor vehicle with a pedestrian, the deformation element dampens an impact of the pedestrian onto the motor vehicle.3. The deformation element arrangement according to claim 2 , whereinthe deformation element is adapted for being arranged on a forward vehicle end and/or on a rearward vehicle end.4. The deformation element arrangement according to claim 3 , whereinthe deformation element is adapted to be arranged on a bumper cross member.5. The deformation element arrangement according to claim 3 , whereinthe deformation element is adapted to be arranged between a bumper covering and a bumper cross member.6. The deformation element arrangement according to claim 5 ,wherein the deformation element extends essentially over an entire width of the bumper cross member.7. The deformation element arrangement according to claim 4 ,wherein the deformation element extends essentially over an entire width of the bumper cross member.8. The deformation element ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036699A1
Автор: ASAI Tetsuya

The present invention provides a vehicle frame structure including: a pair of right and left side rails; a cross member that bridges the side rails in the vehicle width direction; a bumper reinforcement that is placed on the front side of the side rails; load bearing portions that are disposed at vehicle width direction outer side surfaces of the side rails; curved portions that are disposed in the bumper reinforcement, curve toward the vehicle rear side heading outward in the vehicle width direction in sections of the bumper reinforcement at the vehicle width direction outer sides of the side rails; and projecting portions that are secured to rear surfaces of the curved portions of the bumper reinforcement, that project toward the vehicle rear side, that are placed with gaps between them and the load bearing portions. 1. A vehicle frame structure comprising:a pair of right and left side rails that are placed at vehicle width direction outer sides and extend along a vehicle front and rear direction;a cross member that bridges vehicle front portion sides of the pair of right and left side rails in a vehicle width direction;a bumper reinforcement that is placed at a vehicle front and rear direction front side of the side rails and extends in the vehicle width direction;load bearing portions that are disposed at vehicle width direction outer side surfaces of the side rails in joint sections between the side rails and the cross member;curved portions that are disposed at the bumper reinforcement, that curve toward a vehicle rear side heading outward in the vehicle width direction in sections of the bumper reinforcement at the vehicle width direction outer sides of the side rails, and that have a shape which, in a case in which a load from a vehicle front end portion has been input to a section of the bumper reinforcement at a vehicle width direction inner side of the side rails, opens toward a vehicle front end portion side; andprojecting portions that are secured to ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Cast Bumper System And Method Of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20180037179A1

A bumper system including a bumper beam being cast from metal having a front panel and a back panel, extending between a first bumper beam end and a second bumper beam end. A plurality of reinforcing ribs integrally cast with the bumper beam extends between the front panel and the back panel defining a non-uniform cross-sectional profile along a portion of the bumper beam. The front panel includes a front center portion disposed between a pair of front side portions. The back panel includes a back center portion disposed between a pair of back side portions. The front center portion has a front center portion thickness greater than a back center portion thickness. Each of the front side portions has a front side portion thickness being less than a back side portion thickness of adjacent one of the back side portions. Method of manufacturing the bumper system is provided. 1. A bumper system comprising:a bumper beam being cast from metal and having a front panel and a back panel extending in spaced relationship to one another between a first bumper beam end and a second bumper beam end,a plurality of reinforcing ribs integrally cast with said bumper beam and extending between said front panel and said back panel for providing structural rigidity to said bumper beam, andsaid plurality of reinforcing ribs defining a non-uniform cross-sectional profile along at least a portion of said bumper beam.2. The system as set forth in wherein said plurality of reinforcing ribs define a plurality of pockets varying in quantity as said plurality of reinforcing ribs extend longitudinally between a first profile end disposed relative to said first bumper beam end and a second profile end disposed relative to said second bumper beam end to establish said non-uniform cross-section profile.3. The system as set forth in wherein said plurality of reinforcing ribs includes a top reinforcing rib and a bottom reinforcing rib disposed in spaced relationship to one another and extending ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039541A1
Автор: Tyan Tau

A strengthening member for an automobile includes a cellular structure having a plurality of cells. A cross section of each cell has eight sidewalls interconnected at eight corners to define a closed polygon. The sidewalls define eight internal angles located at the corners. Two of the internal angles are acute and two of the internal angles are reflex. 1. A strengthening member for an automobile comprising:a cellular structure including a plurality of cells, a cross section of each cell having eight sidewalls interconnected at eight corners to define a closed polygon, the sidewalls define eight internal angles located at the corners, wherein two of the internal angles are acute and two of the internal angles are reflex.2. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein four of the internal angles are obtuse.3. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein each of the cells defines a lateral centerline and is symmetrical about the lateral centerline.4. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein each of the sidewalls are straight.5. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein a first sidewall of the sidewalls extends between one of the reflex angles and one of the acute angles claim 1 , and a second sidewall of the sidewalls extends between the other of the reflex angles and the other of the acute angles claim 1 , wherein the first and second sidewalls have a same cross-sectional length.6. The strengthening member of claim 5 , wherein four of the internal angles are obtuse claim 5 , and wherein a third sidewall of the sidewalls extends between two of the four obtuse angles and a fourth sidewall of the sidewalls extends between the other two of the four obtuse angles claim 5 , and the third and fourth sidewalls have a same cross-sectional length.7. The strengthening member of claim 6 , wherein a fifth sidewall of the sidewalls extends between the first sidewall and the second sidewall and a sixth of the sidewalls extends between the third sidewall and the fourth ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039458A1

A beam configured to couple to a vehicle includes end areas comprising end midpoints that are equidistant from a top face and a bottom face on a vertical axis when the beam is positioned on a vehicle, and a central area positioned between the end areas, the central area having a central area midpoint that is equidistant from the top face and the bottom face on the vertical axis when the beam is positioned on a vehicle and that is positioned in the center of the beam along the longitudinal axis. The longitudinal axis of the beam passes through the end area, wherein the central area is capable of rotating about the longitudinal axis when the beam is impacted by an applied force. 1. A beam configured to couple to a vehicle , comprising:a first end area comprising a first end midpoint equidistant from a top face and a bottom face on a vertical axis when the beam is positioned on the vehicle;a second end area comprising a second end midpoint equidistant from the top face and the bottom face on the vertical axis when the beam is positioned on the vehicle;a central area positioned between the first end area and the second end area, the central area having a central area midpoint that is equidistant from the top face and the bottom face on the vertical axis when the beam is positioned on the vehicle and that is positioned in the center of the beam along a longitudinal axis;an inner surface; andan outer surface;wherein the longitudinal axis of the beam passes through the first end area and the second end area;wherein the central area is capable of rotating about the longitudinal axis when the beam is impacted by an applied force.2. The beam according to claim 1 , wherein a cross-section portion of the beam taken along a line from the inner surface to the outer surface varies along the length of the beam.3. The beam according to claims 1 , wherein the central area comprises a cross-sectional geometry comprising a box section claims 1 , a triangular section claims 1 , or a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039465A1

An autonomous robot vehicle in accordance with aspects of the present disclosure includes a conveyance system and a compartment coupled to the conveyance system. The conveyance system autonomously drives the autonomous robotic vehicle between one or more storage locations and one or more delivery locations. The compartment receives one or more items stored at the one more storage locations. The compartment includes a temperature control module configured to maintain the compartment within a predetermined temperature range to provide temperature control for the one or more items as the conveyance system drives between the one or more storage locations and the one or more delivery locations. 1. An autonomous vehicle comprising:a conveyance system configured to autonomously drive the autonomous robotic vehicle between a first location and a second location; andat least one storage compartment, the at least one storage compartment including at least one sub-compartment, the at least one storage compartment being removable from the autonomous vehicle for selective replacement of the at least one storage compartment, the at least one sub-compartment configured to receive at least one item at the first location, the at least one storage compartment being operatively coupled to a temperature control module configured to maintain the at least one compartment within a predetermined temperature range to provide temperature control for the at least one item as the conveyance system drives the autonomous vehicle between the first location and the second location.2. The autonomous vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one item is a grocery item.3. The autonomous vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the first location is a grocery storage location.4. The autonomous vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one item is a food item.5. The autonomous vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the temperature control module is configured to maintain the at least one sub-compartment within the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046889A1

A bumper structural body () includes a bumper reinforcement (), energy absorbing members (), and intermediate members (). The sloped sections () of the bumper reinforcement () are connected to the energy absorbing members () and the intermediate members (). The intermediate members () are each formed in a quadrilateral by connecting a first portion () contacting the energy absorbing member (), a second portion () contacting the bumper reinforcement (), and portions connecting the first portion () and the second portion (). 1. A bumper structural body , comprising:a bumper reinforcement extending in a vehicle width direction of a vehicle;an energy absorbing member connected to a vehicle frame and to the bumper reinforcement; andan intermediate member arranged between the bumper reinforcement and the energy absorbing member, and joined to each of the bumper reinforcement and the energy absorbing member; whereinthe bumper reinforcement is joined to each of the energy absorbing member and the intermediate member, a first portion joined to the energy absorbing member,', 'a second portion joined to the bumper reinforcement, and', 'a third portion and a fourth portion that connects the first portion to the second portion,, 'the intermediate member includesthe first portion, the second portion, the third portion, and the fourth portion are connected so as to form a quadrilateral,an angle between the third portion and the fourth portion is larger than an angel between the first portion and the second portion, and an angle between the second portion and the third portion is equivalent to an angle between the fourth portion and the first portion.2. (canceled)3. The bumper structural body according to claim 1 , wherein:a line length of the first portion is equivalent to a line length of the second portion, and a line length of the third portion is equivalent to a line length of the fourth portion. The present disclosure relates to a bumper structural body.A bumper structural ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046248A1

A bumper module for a vehicle includes at least one shaped part that is unitarily deep-drawn from a sheet material. The shaped part has two connecting flanges facing a back side for fastening to side members of the vehicle and an arch which is pre-curved towards a front side connecting the connecting flanges. At least in lateral portions of the arch, the sheet material is laid into folds, which are elongated from the back side towards the front side. 115-. (canceled)16. A bumper module for a vehicle having an outer shaped part unitarily deep-drawn of a sheet material , the outer shaped part which comprises two connecting flanges facing a back side , wherein each connecting flange configured to fasten with a side member of the vehicle , and an arch pre-curved towards a front side connecting the connecting flanges , wherein at least in a lateral portion of the arch the sheet material is laid into folds , which are elongated from the back side towards the front side.17. The bumper module according to claim 16 , wherein the sheet material comprises a thermoplastic matrix.1816. The bumper module according to claim 16 , wherein the sheet material is reinforced by a fiber insert.19. The bumper module according to claim 16 , wherein the lateral portion comprise a top side claim 16 , a bottom side and an outer wall connecting a front edge of the top and bottom sides such that the folds are provided on at least one of the outer wall claim 16 , the top side or the bottom side.20. The bumper module according to claim 19 , wherein each of the connecting flanges have a screw holes arranged between the folds and projecting towards the edge of the connecting flanges for fastening to the side members.21. The bumper module according to claim 16 , wherein the outer shaped part has at least one opening formed therein for fastening an outer body part.22. The bumper module according to claim 21 , wherein the outer shaped part further comprises a screw dome backing the opening.23. The ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046249A1

An energy absorption system comprises a vehicle bumper, an energy absorption member attached to the vehicle bumper, and a plurality of ribs having respective first ends that are hingedly attached to the energy absorption member. The ribs extend between the energy absorption member and the bumper. The ribs may be actuated based on the speed information from the onboard vehicle communication network. 1. An energy absorption system , comprising:a vehicle bumper;an energy absorption member attached to the vehicle bumper; anda plurality of ribs having respective first ends that are hingedly attached to the energy absorption member;wherein the ribs extend between the energy absorption member and the bumper.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one pull bar fixedly attached to respective second ends of the ribs.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a cable claim 2 , wherein the cable is threaded through one of an opening in the energy absorption member and openings in the ribs claim 2 , and further wherein first and second ends of the cable are attached to first and second ends of the at least one pull bar claim 2 , respectively.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a motorized pulley claim 3 , wherein the cable is moved when the pulley is actuated such that the pull bar is moved claim 3 , thereby moving the second ends of the ribs.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein each of the second ends of the ribs is provided with an opening to accommodate the at least one pull bar.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the at least one pull bar includes a plurality of first portions having a first diameter claim 5 , and a plurality of portions having a second diameter that is reduced with respect to the first diameter claim 5 , and further wherein the second diameter is equal to or larger than a diameter of the opening in each of the second ends of the ribs.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one pull bar is two pull bars.8. The system of claim ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043734A1

An airbag apparatus may include: an inflator part installed in a vehicle so as to spray gas; and an airbag cushion part deployed by the gas sprayed by the inflator part. The airbag cushion part may include: a main cushion to which the gas sprayed by the inflator part is introduced; an auxiliary cushion connected to the main cushion and tucked into the main cushion; and an expansion limiting part connecting the main cushion to the tucked-in auxiliary cushion at a preset pressure or less so as to limit expansion of the auxiliary cushion. 1. An airbag apparatus comprising:an inflator part installed in a vehicle so as to spray gas; andan airbag cushion part deployed by the gas sprayed by the inflator part,wherein the airbag cushion part comprises:a main cushion to which the gas sprayed by the inflator part is introduced;an auxiliary cushion connected to the main cushion and tucked into the main cushion; andan expansion limiting part connecting the main cushion to the tucked-in auxiliary cushion at a preset pressure or less so as to limit expansion of the auxiliary cushion.2. The airbag apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the main cushion is divided into a plurality of chambers by a separator claim 1 , and the separator has holes through which gas is moved between the respective chambers.3. The airbag apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when the expansion limitation by the expansion limiting part is released claim 1 , the auxiliary cushion is expanded by the gas sprayed from the inflator part claim 1 , and protrudes to the outside of the main cushion.4. The airbag apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the airbag cushion part comprises a pair of auxiliary cushions coupled to both ends of the main cushion.5. The airbag apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the auxiliary cushion is integrated with the main cushion.6. The airbag apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the expansion limiting part comprises a tether which is sewed and connected to the main cushion and the auxiliary cushion.7. The airbag ...
