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20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264435C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к составам угольных брикетов для процессов восстановительного плавления, а также к способу получения угольных брикетов. Угольный брикет включает 50 мас.% и менее по меньшей мере шлама и/или пыли и остаток мелкого угля в качестве основных компонентов, при этом шлам и пыль включают железо или соединения железа, углерод, соединения кальция и магния, а также 5-20 весовых частей связующего на 100 весовых частей основных компонентов. Описан также способ получения угольных брикетов. Изобретение позволяет получать брикеты с высокой прочностью при падении и удовлетворительном динамическом растрескивании при нагревании. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 6 табл.

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583432C2

FIELD: building industry. SUBSTANCE: invention describes the method of manufacturing moulded articles comprising coal particles, in which the coal particles are mixed with a water-containing binder system, and the resulting mixture is processed by moulding to obtain the moulded articles, characterised in that before mixing with the water-containing binder system a partial amount of the coal particles are subjected to the impregnation stage at which the particles are impregnated with a substance. The said substance is added in the form of a liquid or using the liquid for impregnation, where the said substance is selected from the group consisting of water-insoluble and/or water repellent substances, aqueous colloidal suspension of a solid material. The solid material has water-repellent properties, and the lower limit of the amount of the said substance added at the stage of impregnation is 0.3 wt % relative to the weight of the coal particles of the material to be reprocessed into the moulding articles. Also the moulded article and its use in the process of iron smelting are disclosed. EFFECT: obtaining moulding articles with sufficient strength. 13 cl, 3 dwg, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C10L 5/04 C10L 5/10 C10L 5/14 C10L 5/06 (13) 2 583 432 C2 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013105720/04, 08.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.07.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ХЕКМАНН Хадо (AT), ШТОККИНГЕР Йозеф (AT) 12.07.2010 AT A1180/2010 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.08.2014 Бюл. № 23 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ПРАЙМЕТАЛЗ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ АУСТРИА ГМБХ (AT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2016 Бюл. № 13 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 12.02.2013 2 5 8 3 4 3 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 3321683 A 22.12.1983. RU 2078120 C1 27.04.1997. ...

26-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707297C2

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention discloses fuel briquette containing fuel, binder, hardener and filler – husks of oilseeds, which is characterized by that fuel contains dehydrated oil sludge, binder – oil coke, and curing agent cement in following ratio of components, wt. %: combustible 40–45; binder 25; filler 25; hardener 5–10. Also disclosed is a method of producing fuel briquettes, characterized in that mixing of all components is carried out without additional treatment at ambient temperature for 30–40 minutes, and briquetting is carried out in a stamp press at pressure of 600–800 kgf/cm 2 . EFFECT: technical result: obtaining fuel briquettes with relatively high mechanical strength and high heat conductivity, as well as low power consumption during production process (stages). 2 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 707 297 C2 (51) МПК C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/12 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/44 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/02 (2019.08); C10L 5/06 (2019.08); C10L 5/12 (2019.08); C10L 5/14 (2019.08); C10L 5/44 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018104411, 05.02.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 26.11.2019 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 05.08.2019 Бюл. № 22 (45) Опубликовано: 26.11.2019 Бюл. № 33 2 7 0 7 2 9 7 (54) ТОПЛИВНЫЙ БРИКЕТ И СПОСОБ ЕГО ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает топливный брикет, Также раскрывается способ получения содержащий горючее, связующее, отвердитель и топливных брикетов, характеризующийся тем, наполнитель - лузга семян масленичных культур, что смешение всех компонентов осуществляется характеризующийся тем, что горючее содержит без дополнительной обработки при температуре обезвоженный нефтешлам, связующее - нефтяной окружающей среды в течение 30-40 минут, а кокс, а отвердитель цемент при следующем брикетирование ведут в штемпельном прессе при соотношении компонентов, ...

22-03-2017 дата публикации

Способ получения угольных брикетов из окисленных углей для рекультивации нарушенных земель

Номер: RU2613962C2

FIELD: fuel. SUBSTANCE: invention describes a method of producing coal fuel briquettes from oxidised coal, including screenings of coal furnace burden from large fines, its mixing with the binder – aqueous solution of polyacrylamide with admixture of propylene glycol surfactant and “Biogum” humic preparation, briquetting, drying and packing the obtained briquettes. EFFECT: technical result is obtaining coal briquettes with higher efficiency of recultivation and mined-land reclamation. 1 cl, 1 tbl, 7 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 613 962 C2 (51) МПК C10L 5/00 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015120515, 29.05.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.05.2015 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.05.2015 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2016 Бюл. № 36 Адрес для переписки: 650002, г. Кемерово, ул.Серебряный бор, 15А, кв.208, Устиновой Ю.В. (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2473671 C2 27.01.2013. RU 2157401 C1 10.10.2000. US 4167398 A 11.09.1979. SU 1765171 A1 30.09.1992. 2 6 1 3 9 6 2 R U (57) Формула изобретения Способ получения угольных топливных брикетов из окисленного угля, включающий в себя технологические стадии: отсев угольной шихты от крупной мелочи; ее смешение со связующим - водным раствором полиакриламида с примесью поверхностноактивного вещества - пропиленгликоля и гуминового препарата «Биогум»; брикетирование, сушку, затаривание полученных брикетов. Стр.: 1 C 2 C 2 (54) Способ получения угольных брикетов из окисленных углей для рекультивации нарушенных земель 2 6 1 3 9 6 2 (45) Опубликовано: 22.03.2017 Бюл. № 9 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Шевченко Татьяна Викторовна (RU), Новикова Яна Анатольевна (RU), Устинова Юлия Владиславовна (RU), Доня Денис Викторович (RU), Кучер Николай Алексеевич (RU) R U 22.03.2017 (72) Автор(ы ...

22-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2767863C1

Изобретение относится к области переработки пылевидного угля. Способ получения углеродсодержащих брикетов из неспекающихся видов угля включает измельчение неспекающегося угля, смешение его со связующим, брикетирование и последующую карбонизацию полученных брикетов при температуре 520-900°С, при этом в качестве связующего используют отруби, которые смешивают с углем и водой при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас. %: отруби 4-30, вода 10-30, уголь остальное, приготовленную смесь прессуют в брикеты при температуре 60-160°С и давлении 10-300 МПа, сушат при температуре 20-110°С, после чего карбонизируют. Технический результат – получение углеродсодержащих брикетов из неспекающихся видов угля. 1 табл., 5 пр.

10-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128685C1

Изобретение относится к твердому топливному продукту и способу его формирования. Описывается твердый топливный продукт в виде брикетов или таблеток на основе спрессованных мелких углеродсодержащих частиц с полимерным связующим, заключающийся в том, что полимерное связующее образовано в результате реакции свободных карбоксильных ионов на поверхности углеродсодержащих частиц с полимером стирола или акрилонитрила с получением длинноцепного полимера, образующего химические связи с указанными частицами и обеспечивающего длительную сохранность топливного продукта. Описывается также способ его формирования. Технический результат состоит в создании относительно крупного твердого продукта, изготавливаемого из существующих отходов при добыче угля, а также производства кокса и/или стали и обладающего высокой топливной эффективностью и коммерческой ценностью. 2 с. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. зэ9зстс ПЧ ГЭ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВО "72 128 685‘ 5 МК С 40 Е 5/14, 9/40 13) СЛ 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 96116324/04, 07.04.1994 (30) Приоритет: 21.01.1994 Ц$ 08/184,099 (46) Дата публикации: 10.04.1999 (56) Ссылки: 1. ЕР, 0053921, А2, 16.06.82. 2. 3Ц, (71) Заявитель: Ковол Текнолоджиз, Инк. (Ц$) (72) Изобретатель: Форд Джордж В. (ЦЗ) (73) Патентообладатель: Ковол Текнолоджиз, Инк. (1$) 223042 А, 02.08.68. 3. ЕР, 0277018, А2, 03.08.88. <“ (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную о фазу: 21.08.96 (86) Заявка РСТ: > Ц$ 94/03814 со (87) Публикация РСТ: М\МУО 95/20022 (27.07.95) < (98) Адрес для переписки: со 191186, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 230, АРС-Патент [| .. .. = (54) ТВЕРДЫЙ ТОПЛИВНЫЙ ПРОДУКТ И СПОСОБ ЕГО ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ Сс' (57) Реферат: способ его формирования. Технический Изобретение относится к твердому результат состоит в создании относительно топливному продукту и способу его крупного твердого продукта, — формирования. Описывается твердый изготавливаемого из существующих отходов топливный продукт в виде ...

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014350C1
Принадлежит: Эниричерке С.п.А. (IT)

Применение: в угольной и топливной промышленности. Сущность изобретения: способ обогащения каменного угля включает добавление в водную дисперсию угля агломерирующей смеси, содержащей легкий углеводород (н -гексан, н - пентан, петролейный эфир) с т. кип. не выше 70°С, 2 - 50%, тяжелый углеводород - каменноугольное масло с т. кип. - 200 - 400°С, остаточные продукты нефти или их смеси 0,2 - 3% и неионогенную маслоподобную добавку, полученную регулируемым пропоксилированием фенольных фракций из угольных коксовальных дегтей, 0,02 - 1% от массы угля; пропоксилированные фенольные фракции являются этоксилированными; тяжелый углеводород выбирают из антраценовых масел, газопромывочных масел или их смеси. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529205C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения топливных брикетов, включающему смешивание измельченного твердого топлива со связующим, брикетирование смеси под давлением, где в качестве измельченного твердого топлива используют коксовую пыль с размерами частиц менее 1 мм, а в качестве связующего используют фусы коксования в количестве 8,0-10% к массе коксовой пыли, пресс-форму предварительно нагревают до температуры 40-50ºС, а брикетирование смеси под давлением производят ступенчато, для чего сначала устанавливают нагрузку 5-6 атм, с выдержкой 3-5 мин и далее до 15 атм с выдержкой при максимальной нагрузке 3-5 мин. Техническим результатом является получение топливных брикетов повышенной прочности, улучшение экологической обстановки в углеперерабатывающих регионах, снижение себестоимости топливных брикетов. Полученные брикеты могут быть использованы в качестве топлива для сжигания в бытовых и промышленных топках, а также для коксования в коксохимической и металлургической промышленности. 2 табл ...

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2098460C1

Изобретение относится к топливным брикетам, которые могут быть использованы в теплоэнергетике и для коммунально-бытового потребления. Топливный брикет включает спресованную смесь, содержащую, мас.%: торф 20-30, утилизируемое твердое ракетное топливо 5-15, карбонат щелочного или щелочноземельного металла 4-12, угольную мелочь остальное. Брикет обладает высокими зажигательными свойствами, длительным временем горения и обеспечивает экологическую безопасность при его использовании. 1 табл.

20-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2144559C1

Состав для получения топливных брикетов включает мелкофракционное топливо - уголь, полукокс или нефтяной кокс, структурообразующую и связующую добавку, в качестве структурообразующей и связующей добавки содержит смесь древесной щепы и лигнина в равных количествах при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: мелкофракционное топливо 30-70; древесная щепа 15-35; лигнин 15-35. Изобретение может найти практическое применение на брикетных фабриках в целях удешевления и улучшения качества выпускаемых топливных брикетов для промышленных и жилищно-бытовых нужд. 3 з. п.ф-лы, 2 табл.

24-03-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения топливных брикетов из коксовой мелочи

Номер: RU2792824C1

Изобретение относится к области твердотопливных брикетов для использования в металлургии и других отраслях промышленности. Предложен способ получения топливных брикетов из коксовой мелочи, включающий дозирование компонентов в соотношении, мас.%: антрацитовой мелочи 20-25, термоантрацита 25-30 и связующего мелассы 15, коксовой мелочи остальное, смешивание и брикетирование с двусторонним сжатием брикета под давлением 35-50 МПа в течение 5-8 с, сушку, при температуре, не превышающей 380°С, при этом перед двусторонним сжатием брикета смесь укладывают слоем толщиной 110-130 мм и проводят односторонний прогрев, с одной из сторон сжатия, до температуры 90-150°С. Технический результат – ускорение процесса сушки с сохранением высокого качества брикета. 2 табл.

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2445347C1

Изобретение относится к брикетированию горючих органических веществ и может быть использовано для производства бытовых топливных брикетов, которые можно использовать в самых разных условиях. Слоистый топливный брикет состоит из основной части, включающей каменный уголь и связующее, и зажигательной части, и имеет продольные отверстия по всему объему брикета. Зажигательная часть расположена на торцевой поверхности брикета, соосно с отверстиями, таким образом, что большая часть поперечного сечения всех отверстий попадает на зажигательную часть. Площадь поперечного сечения зажигательной части меньше площади поперечного сечения брикета и выполнена увеличивающейся от торцевой поверхности брикета к его центру. При этом зажигательная часть может быть выполнена в форме усеченного конуса, в форме касающихся друг друга коаксиальных цилиндров, при этом меньший цилиндр расположен выше другого, или в форме объемной многолучевой звезды. Указанные формы и расположение зажигательной части обеспечивают надежное ...

27-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2147029C1

Изобретение относится к технологии твердого формованного топлива и может быть использовано для коммунально-бытовых нужд, а также в промышленности. Описывается топливный брикет на основе смеси измельченного твердого топлива из группы растительных отходов и/или угольной, и/или коксовой мелочи и связующего из группы, включающей лигносульфонат, мелассу, талловый пек или их смеси, отличающийся тем, что связующее дополнительно содержит синтетический воск - побочный продукт производства полиэтилена или пропилена, или парафин, или парафиновый гач, и/или цемент, или глину, и/или осадок от очистки сточных вод при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: связующее из группы лигносульфонат, меласса, талловый пек или их смеси 1 - 8; дополнительное связующее из группы синтетический воск, или парафин, или парафиновый гач 1 - 7, и/или цемент, или глина 1 - 20, и/или осадок от очистки сточных вод 2 - 25 при общем содержании не менее трех связующих 5 - 50, измельченное твердое топливо - до 100. Описывается ...

22-11-2019 дата публикации

Композиция для получения твёрдого древесного топлива

Номер: RU2707072C1

Изобретение описывает композицию для получения твердого древесного топлива, включающая древесное сырье и связующее на основе камеди, при этом в качестве связующего композиция содержит продукт взаимодействия уксусного ангидрида и ксантановой камеди при массовом соотношении ксантановая камедь:уксусный ангидрид 1:0,25-0,5, при массовом соотношении древесного сырья и связующего 1:0,01-0,02. Технический результат: получение твердого древесного топлива, обладающего пониженной пылимостью, повышенной насыпной плотностью, твердостью и высокой теплотворной способностью. 3 табл., 2 пр.

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2098461C1

Использование: в промышленности и в быту, для производства бездымных топливных брикетов. Сущность изобретения: способ получения брикетированного топлива включает смешение измельченного угля, измельченных отходов деревопереработки, углеводородсодержащего связующего и воды, формирование брикетов из смеси при давлении до 20 МПа, сушку брикетов и их последующую термообработку при 350-500oC до разложения органических веществ и достижения 30 - 60% пористости брикетов.

27-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529204C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения топливных брикетов, включающему смешивание измельченного твердого топлива со связующим, брикетирование смеси под давлением, где в качестве измельченного твердого топлива используют коксовую пыль с размерами частиц менее 1 мм, а в качестве связующего используют фусы коксования в количестве 8,0-10% к массе коксовой пыли, смесь коксовой пыли и связующего нагревают до 100°C, прессуют ступенчато: сначала устанавливают нагрузку 5-6 атм с выдержкой 3-5 мин и далее до 15 атм с выдержкой при максимальной нагрузке 3-5 мин, готовый топливный брикет прокаливают при температуре 250-300°C без доступа воздуха в течение 10-12 мин. Техническим результатом является получение бездымных топливных брикетов повышенной прочности, улучшение экологической обстановки в углеперерабатывающих регионах, снижение себестоимости топливных брикетов. Полученные брикеты могут быть использованы в качестве топлива для сжигания в бытовых и промышленных топках, а также для коксования ...

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014349C1
Принадлежит: Эниричерке С.п.А. (IT)

Применение: в угольной и топливной отраслях промышленности. Сущность изобретения: способ обогащения каменного угля включает добавление в водную дисперсию угля агломерирующей смеси легкого углеводорода (например, петролейного эфира) с температурой кипения, не превышающей 70°С, тяжелого углеводорода - каменноугольного масла, с т.кип. 200 - 400°С, остаточных продуктов нефтеперегонки или их смеси и неионогенной добавки - маслорастворимых пропоксилированных фенольных или алкилфенольных соединений, перемешивание дисперсии и последующее выделение агломератов обогащенного угля; легкий углеводород используют в количестве 2 - 50%, неионогенную добавку - в количестве 0,02 - 1% и тяжелый углеводород в количестве 0,2 - 3% от массы каменного угля; маслорастворимые пропоксилированные фенольные и алкилфенольные соединения являются этоксилированными; тяжелый углеводород выбирают из антраценовых масел, газопромывочного масла или их смесей. 13 з.п.ф-лы, 3 табл.

20-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU97107218A

Топливный брикет, включающий каменный уголь и нитрат целлюлозы, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит фрезерный торф и смесь оксидов титана и кремния при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Нитрат целлюлозы - 36,0-40,0 Каменный уголь - 30,0-31,0 Фрезерный торф - 29,2-31,8 Смесь оксидов титана и кремния - 0,8-1,2 ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556226C1

Изобретение описывает топливные брикеты, содержащие горючее связующее, загуститель - угольную пыль и наполнитель, при этом в качестве горючего связующего они содержат смесь нефтешлама и каменноугольного масла в соотношении 1:(0,6-0,8), в качестве наполнителя - лузгу семян масличных культур и дополнительно содержат отвердитель - гидрофуз и отход процесса дезодорации растительных масел в соотношении 1: (0,1-0,5) при следующем массовом соотношении компонентов:Техническим результатом является получение топливных брикетов высокого качества, расширяющих ассортимент их состава, а также утилизация отходов нефтепереработки, производства растительных масел и угля. 10 пр., 2 табл.

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2738709C1

FIELD: technological processes. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method of producing molded fuel, which includes coal milling to particle size of less than 2.5 mm, mixing with ground binder, pressing during heating of mixture and pressure of 170-200 MPa, characterized in that bran with particle size less than 1 mm in amount of 4-20 wt.% is used as binding additive, and produced mixture is pressed at temperature of 110-160 °C and pressure from 70-169 MPa to 201-300 MPa. EFFECT: obtaining molded fuel having high mechanical abrasion and dropping strength. 1 cl, 1 tbl, 1 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 738 709 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/00 (2006.01) C10L 5/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/00 (2020.08); C10L 5/06 (2020.08); C10L 5/10 (2020.08); C10L 5/14 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020118238, 25.05.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 15.12.2020 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Алексеенко Эдуард Владимирович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 15.12.2020 Бюл. № 35 R U (54) СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ФОРМОВАННОГО ТОПЛИВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к cпособу получения мас. %, а прессование полученной смеси формованного топлива, который включает осуществляют при температуре 110-160°C и измельчение угля до размера частиц менее 2,5 мм, давлении от 70-169 МПа до 201-300 МПа. смешивание с измельченной связующей добавкой, Технический результат: получение формованного прессование при нагреве смеси и давлении 170топлива, обладающего высокой механической 200 МПа, характеризующийся тем, что в качестве прочностью на истирание и сбрасывание. 1 табл., связующей добавки используют отруби с 1 пр. размером частиц менее 1 мм в количестве 4-20 Стр.: 1 C 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 634029, г. Томск, ул. Белинского, 21/1, кв. 49, Батурина Оксана Николаевна (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2645218 C1, 19.02.2018. CN 1908135 A ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Способ получения высококалорийных топливных пеллет из органического сырья с ежегодным возобновлением

Номер: RU2723938C1

FIELD: technological processes.SUBSTANCE: disclosed is a method of producing high-caloric fuel pellets from organic material with annual regeneration, involving heat treatment of biomass in a reactor with pressure, high steam and air, in which pressure is released after completion of treatment. Biomass used is rapeseed and rape straw subjected to preliminary treatment by mechanical rolling and impregnation with furnace fuel, with ratio of all components of the mixture, wt%, rapeseed 80, rape straw 19, furnace fuel 1, heat treatment in a reactor at temperature of 80±5 °C, at pressure of 10 atm, with holding for 75 s, in which pressure after treatment is reduced, mixing until homogeneous mass with rape straw and molding mixture by pelletizing, with subsequent extraction of pellets and holding for 24 hours at air temperature of 18±3 °C.EFFECT: production of high-caloric fuel pellets from organic raw materials with annual renewal with high thermophysical properties of solid fuel and low complexity of the process of obtaining the product in ecologically clean conditions.1 cl, 1 dwg, 1 ex, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 723 938 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/44 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/14 (2020.02); C10L 5/44 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019142146, 18.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЭКОТОПЛИВО" (RU) 18.06.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 18.06.2020 Бюл. № 17 2 7 2 3 9 3 8 R U (54) Способ получения высококалорийных топливных пеллет из органического сырья с ежегодным возобновлением (57) Реферат: Предложен способ получения при давлении 10 атм, с выдержкой в течение 75 с, высококалорийных топливных пеллет из в котором давление по завершении обработки органического сырья с ежегодным сбрасывают, смешению до однородной массы с возобновлением, включающий тепловую ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94043321A

Изобретение относится к технологии получения брикетов из мелких классов горючих компонентов, таких, например, как мелкий уголь, угольный шлам, опилки, лузга, дробленая кора и другие. Топливные брикеты в зависимости от состава горючих компонентов могут быть использованы как сортовое топливо для сжигания в бытовых и промышленных топках или как сортовое сырье для получения кокса в коксохимической и металлургической промышленностях. Предлагаемый топливный брикет включает горючую оболочку определенной формы, внутри которой находится смесь горючих компонентов с водорастворимым связующим, влажность смеси внутри оболочки в момент изготовления брикета более 9%, формообразующая поверхность оболочки замкнута, а внутренний объем полностью заполнен смесью, причем сохраняется форма брикета при его сжигании, коксовании, транспортировке и хранении. Смесь горючих компонентов с водорастворимым связующим внутри оболочки может быть как в спрессованном, так и не в спрессованном состоянии. В предлагаемом брикете ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011115476A

... 1. Органическое связующее для топливных угольных брикетов, отличающееся тем, что для повышения теплотворной способности и механической прочности топливных брикетов, получаемых из мелких фракций угля и угольных шламов, используют смолистые отходы - кубовые остатки производства диафена «ФП», относящиеся к универсальным ПАВ. ! 2. Связующее по п.1, отличающееся тем, что его расход составляет 8-9% от массы угольного материала.

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004115736A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2004 115 736 (13) A C 10 L 5/10 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2004115736/04, 30.05.2003 (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 02.09.2002 KR 10-2002-0052556 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.03.2005 Áþë. ¹ 9 (86) Çà âêà PCT: KR 03/01072 (30.05.2003) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ã.Á. Åãîðîâîé (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Åãîðîâà Ãàëèíà Áîðèñîâíà (54) ÓÃÎËÜÍÛÅ ÁÐÈÊÅÒÛ ÄËß ÏÐÎÖÅÑÑÀ ÂÎÑÑÒÀÍÎÂÈÒÅËÜÍÎÃÎ ÏËÀÂËÅÍÈß È ÑÏÎÑÎÁ R U Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Óãîëüíûé áðèêåò äë ïðîöåññà âîññòàíîâèòåëüíîãî ïëàâëåíè , ñîäåðæàùèé: 50 ìàñ.% è ìåíåå øëàìà è îñòàòîê ìåëêîãî óãë â êà÷åñòâå îñíîâíûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ, ïðè ýòîì øëàì ñîäåðæèò æåëåçî èëè ñîåäèíåíè æåëåçà, óãëåðîä, ñîåäèíåíè êàëüöè è ìàãíè ; è 5-20 âåñ. ÷. ñâ çóþùåãî íà 100 âåñ. ÷. îñíîâíûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ. 2. Óãîëüíûé áðèêåò äë ïðîöåññà âîññòàíîâèòåëüíîãî ïëàâëåíè , âêëþ÷àþùèé: 50 ìàñ.% è ìåíåå ïûëè è îñòàòîê ìåëêîãî óãë â êà÷åñòâå îñíîâíûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ, ïðè ýòîì ïûëü ñîäåðæèò æåëåçî èëè ñîåäèíåíè æåëåçà, óãëåðîä, ñîåäèíåíè êàëüöè è ìàãíè ; è 5-20 âåñ. ÷. ñâ çóþùåãî íà 100 âåñ. ÷. îñíîâíûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ. 3. Óãîëüíûé áðèêåò äë ïðîöåññà âîññòàíîâèòåëüíîãî ïëàâëåíè , âêëþ÷àþùèé: 50 ìàñ.% è ìåíåå ñìåñè øëàìà è ïûëè è îñòàòîê ìåëêîãî óãë â êà÷åñòâå îñíîâíûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ, ïðè ýòîì øëàì è ïûëü ñîäåðæàò æåëåçî èëè ñîåäèíåíè æåëåçà, óãëåðîä, ñîåäèíåíè êàëüöè è ìàãíè ; è 5-20 âåñ. ÷. ñâ çóþùåãî íà 100 âåñ. ÷. îñíîâíûõ êîìïîíåíòîâ. 4. Óãîëüíûé áðèêåò ïî ï.1 èëè 3, â êîòîðîì øëàì íàõîäèòñ â íåâûñóøåííîì âèäå, ñîäåðæàùåì 50% è ìåíåå âëàãè. 5. Óãîëüíûé áðèêåò ïî ëþáîìó èç ïï.1-3, â êîòîðîì øëàì èëè ïûëü ñîäåðæèò 2,0 è ìåíåå ïðîöåíòîâ öèíêà, 2,0 è ìåíåå ïðîöåíòîâ ùåëî÷íûõ ìåòàëëîâ, 1,0 è ìåíåå ïðîöåíòà ñåðû, 1,0 è ìåíåå ïðîöåíòà ôîñôîðà, 6,0 è ìåíåå ïðîöåíòîâ îêñèäà àëþìèíè Al 2O3 è 1,0 è ìåíåå ïðîöåíò õëîðà â êà÷åñòâå ïðèìåñåé. 6. Óãîëüíûé áðèêåò ïî ï.5 ...

10-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94000943A1

Изобретение относится к области технологии брикетирования угля. Брикетированный уголь и шлам могут быть использованы в качестве топлива для сжигания в бытовых и промышленных топках, а также для коксования в коксохимической и металлургической промышленности. Целью изобретения является снижение капитальных, энергетических, материальных и трудовых затрат, а также повышение уровня экологической безопасности и гигиены труда. В качестве сырья принимают угольные шламы и мелкие классы угля, связующим служат растворы натриевых солей метиленнафталинсульфокислоты в количестве 1% от брикетируемой массы угля, шлама или гумата натрия в объеме 2,5oC20% от брикетируемой массы угля, шлама, реагент - гидрофобизатор, в качестве которого могут служить поглотительное, антраценовое масла и другие. Уголь или шлам перемешивают со связующим в указанном соотношении, затем смесь с влажностью 8-25% прессуют на вибропрессе с давлением 1-3 МПа в брикеты, брикеты сушат до влажности 8-10%, после чего на их поверхность ...

30-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1778154C

30-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1778153C

30-11-1992 дата публикации

Состав брикетированного топлива

Номер: SU1778152A1

Состав брикетированного топлива. Сущность изобретения: топливо содержит 80- 90% угольной мелочи и 10-20% связующего, представляющего собой водную суспензию отходов муки и кондитерских изделий с концентрацией 5-15% мае. После брикетирования и сушки при 100-150°С топливо имеет пористость 75-85%, крошимость 1,5-2,1%. 21абл.

31-05-1916 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Fuel.

Номер: GB0191505018A

... 5018. Sutcliffe, E. R., and Pure Coal Briquettes, Ltd. March 31. Coking processes.--Compressed blocks made from coal, anthracite, coke, &c., are coked at 400-1200‹ C. Where anthracite is used, it is first heated to 300-700‹ C. without access of air, and allowed to cool.

09-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001438944A

... 1438944 Combustible artificial resin compositions BROBAT-KAYFORD Ltd 1 June 1973 [5 June 1972 17 Nov 1972] 26089/72 Heading C3R [Also in Division C5] A combustible composition comprises carbonaceous particles substantially uniformly bonded by a carbamide or formaldehyde resin that was cured at below 60‹ C. A liquid hydrocarbon fuel (e.g. kerosene) may be absorbed in the particles and/or emulsified in the resin. The carbonaceous particles may be coal dust, creosote residues, charcoal, coking plant debris, wood charcoal plant fines, soot, and coal briquetting plant fines. Powdered hard coking pitches may also be included. The resin may be produced by use of an acidic or basic catalyst or by use of RF or radio-active radiation. Resins produced by use of a catalyst include melamine - formaldehyde, dicyandiamideformaldehyde, urea - formaldehyde, furfuryl alcohol - formaldehyde, furfuryl alcohol - ureaformaldehyde, phenolic formaldehyde, and resorcinol - formaldehyde resins. Surface active agents ...

04-07-1928 дата публикации

Improved process of briquetting finely divided coal, fuel or other pulverulent materials

Номер: GB0000293136A

... 293,136. Reynard, O., and Tapping, F. F. April 4, 1927. Emulsions, making.-An emulsion for use in briquetting material with a bituminous binder consists of 1 part of fuel oil to 1-6 parts of emulsifying agent which may comprise a solution of the chloride, sulphate, nitrate; carbonate or hydroxide of an alkali metal or ammonia, the chloride or nitrate of an alkaline earth metal, or the silicate of an alkali metal. Or organic, colloidal solutions such as sodium caseate, alginate, pectate. tannate, gelatin, glue, or acid or neutralized sulphite cellulose liquor, or suspensions of cereal pulps as of maize, wheat, or barley, or tubers such as potatoes or beet, or marine or fresh water algae with sodium carbonate or hydroxide may be employed. Specifications 3892/97, 8503/00, [both in Class 50, Fuel, Manufacture of] : 2461/09, [Class 20 (iv), Floors &c.], are referred to.

18-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008703410D0

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002240341A

A process for the preparation of a solid fuel comprises compacting, under pressure, a mixture comprising: (a) at least 50% by weight of a particulate carbonaceous material having a carbon content of at least 50% by weight; (b) at least 5% by weight of a wax; and (c) at least 2.5% by weight of a carbonisable binder; whereby to produce discrete pieces of compacted material.

14-04-1999 дата публикации

Process for the agglomeration of petroleum coke fines

Номер: GB0002330150A

A particulate composition comprising particulate petroleum coke and a particulate non-combustible material in an amount of from 1 to 10% by weight based on the weight of the particulate petroleum coke is agglomerated to form a particulate solid fuel by mixing with a phenol-formaldehyde resole resin in alkaline aqueous solution, as binder, and one or more organic esters selected from esters of polyhydric alcohols, carbonate esters and lactones, as curing agent for the phenolic resin binder, forming the mixture into agglomerates and allowing the resin binder to undergo cure by reaction with the curing agent. The resulting agglomerate, which contains no coal-based fuel, has use as a domestic solid fuel.

11-06-1952 дата публикации

Method for producing smokeless briquetted fuel

Номер: GB0000673659A

... 673,659. Composition fuel. VLOEBERGHS, A. March 10, 1949 [May 14, 1948; Jan. 11, 1949], Nos. 6537/49 and 6538/49. Class 50. A method of producing briquetted fuel comprises forming a paste-like mixture of a powdered solid fuel, such as lean or semi-bituminous coal, and a binder consisting of molasses and at least one residual product of cellulose manufacture, the paste being briquetted and the briquettes heated and finally cooled. The term " molasses " includes any residuary material containing crystallizable sugar. In an example, briquettes prepared as above and containing 3-10 per cent by weight of binder are passed on a conveyer into a tunnel furnace where their temperature is raised rapidly to 200-300‹ C. They are kept at this temperature for 10 to 30 minutes and then gradually cooled. The resulting briquettes are resistant to breakage and practically smokeless on ignition.

01-08-1929 дата публикации

Номер: GB0000294879A

... 294,879. Schmidt, F. L. July 30, 1927, [Convention date]. Composition fuel. - In briquetting powdered carbon, coal, &c. with a binder of molasses or cellulose pitch the sugar substances in the binder are removed wholly or in part by fermentation with yeast and the residue concentrated by evaporation above 100‹ C. until a test portion sets on cooling. Acetone, acetaldehyde, alcohol, glycerine &c. may be obtained in the course of the fermentation. In an example 92 parts of finely divided carbon are mixed with 8 parts of prepared binder and the mixture is warmed to 100‹ C. and briquetted under a pressure of about 300 atmospheres. The mixture is preferably treated with stearn if the binder is prepared from fermented cellulose lyes. In another example 4 parts of ground hard pitch replace an equal amount of the binder.

04-11-1987 дата публикации

Briquette hardening

Номер: GB2189806A

Shaped briquettes for use as a smokeless or smokey combustible solid fuel are manufactured by firstly compressing a mix of agglomerated solid fuel particles and a binding agent such as resin and starch or a lignosulphonate to produce "green" briquettes of low compression strength. The green briquettes are then treated in a fluidised bed dryer, (such as in a horizontal vibrating fluidised bed dryer, with air at elevated temperature - e.g. 120 DEG -220 DEG C) for a period of time sufficient to bring about partial or complete hardening and curing of the green briquettes. If further hardening and curing treatment is required to increase the compression strength of the final product to an acceptable level, a retort oven or another fluidised bed dryer may be used. A process is also disclosed using a static fluidised bed dryer with sand as a heat transfer agent instead of a horizontal vibrating fluidised bed dryer.

22-02-1967 дата публикации

A method of manufacturing briquettes

Номер: GB0001059679A

Fuel briquettes are made by pressing and heat-treating a mixture of a carbonaceous fuel (coal or coke), with (a) urea and formaldehyde, and (b) spent sulphite lye, optionally with (c) an acidic catalyst. The urea may be partly replaced by melamine, e.g. up to 10%. The weight ratio of (a) to (b) is preferably in the range 0.2 to 1 to 3 to 1, and (a), (b) and (c) together preferably constitute 2 to 8% b.w. of the total dry mixture, (a) and (b) being in the form of at least 50% b.w. aqueous solutions. The catalyst may be an organic or inorganic acid, e.g. formic, oxalic, acetic, boric or phosphoric, or a salt, e.g. NH4Cl. After mixing, the composition is hot or cold-pressed, and heated, e.g. at 100 DEG to 200 DEG C. to form a resin. Specific examples, using coal as the base, are described.ALSO:Ore briquettes are made by pressing and heat-treating a mixture of the material to be briquetted with (a) urea and formaldehyde, and (b) sulphite lye, optionally with (c) an acidic catalyst. The urea ...

12-12-1929 дата публикации

Process for the manufacture of agglomerated fuel

Номер: GB0000322713A

... 322,713. Hue, M. H. April 8, 1929. Materials for making coke comprise the dust or waste of anthracite or other mineral fuels agglomerated with a binder consisting of petroleum pitch, fuel oil and a vegetable oil. The fuel, after a preliminary coking in retorts heated to 1200‹ C., is mixed with the binder and pressed, the agglomerates being heated in ovens at 300- 400‹ C. for a period, e.g. 1¢ hours, which may vary with the fuel. The binder may consist of 65 per cent of petroleum pitch, 24 per cent of fuel oil, 6 per cent of cotton oil and 5 per cent of water and the substances may be mixed at about 60‹ C., a proportion of 5-25 per cent of the mixture being employed to 95-75 per cent of the fuel.

10-08-1960 дата публикации

Metallurgical coke production

Номер: GB0000843660A

Briquettes comprising ground coke or semi-coke and a binder comprising one or more of the heavy fractions obtained by the distillation of gas coal tar, low temperature coal tar, petroleum tar or generator gas tar are oxidized at a temperature of 200 DEG -300 DEG C. to increase their mechanical strength. In an example 500 kg. of iron ore, 120 kg. of calcium oxide and 380 kg. of semi-coke, all having a grain size of 3 mm. or less are mixed with 65 kg. of binder. The briquettes are heated for 4 hours at a temperature of 250-300 DEG C. in an atmosphere of combustion gases containing about 15 per cent of oxygen. The briquettes may be further heated under non-oxidizing conditions to 800 DEG -1000 DEG C.

14-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001494722A

... 1494722 Charging coke oven batteries KOPPERS CO Inc 11 Feb 1976 [4 March 1975] 05466/76 Heading C5E A method for charging a coke oven battery comprises forming coal cakes by compressing a mixture of coal and binder, and side charging the cake, preferably after preheating, to a chamber of a coke oven battery. Preferably the binder is 2-6% by weight of hot coal tar, and the mixture is compressed at 60-70 p.c.f. to give cakes which are preheated to 150-250‹ C.

08-08-1995 дата публикации

Utilizing discarded carbon

Номер: AU0006664494A

30-04-1997 дата публикации

Briquetting of mineral fines

Номер: AU0007223096A

10-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001296898C

A process for deashing coal is disclosed, which comprises the following steps (a) to (e): (a) crushing coal to form crushed coal having a particle size under 15 mm, (b) producing an aqueous slurry comprising the crushed coal, 1 to 4 wt.% of a binder based on the crushed coal, and water, (c) agitating the aqueous slurry of crushed coal to allow ash in the crushed coal to disperse in the water and, at the same time, allow the coal particles in the crushed coal to tumble and agglomerate to thereby obtain an aqueous slurry of agglomerated coal, (d) separating the aqueous slurry of agglomerated coal by means of a solid-liquid separator into coarse agglomerated clean coal on a separating medium and an aqueous flurry of fine agglomerated clean coal and ash under the separating medium, and (e) adding a frother or a frother-based flotation reagent to the aqueous slurry of fine agglomerated clean coal and ash, and recovering the fine agglomerated clean coal by flotation.

27-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1178568A

METHODS FOR PROCESSING COAL Methods of converting raw coals into low ash fuels which are competitive with the heavier grades of petroleum-based fuels and into other products. The raw coal is comminuted in aqueous slurry until resolved into separate, particulate phases of coal and mineral matter. Then, an agglomerating agent is mixed with the slurry until the coal particles have coalesced into agglomerates, and the agglomerates are recovered from the slurry. The ash content of the product coal can be reduced even further by redispersing the product coal in clean water and then reagglomerating the particles of coal and/or by subjecting it to an acid leach.

25-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001174851A1

27-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001178440A1

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834081A1

The properties of charcoal can be improved by providing microcapsules containing an ignitable material on or within the charcoal. The microcapsules can be made of polyacrylate and the ignitable material includes hydrocarbons such as a paraffin combination, alcohols, and combinations.

02-01-1922 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Brikettierung von Kohlen- und Koksresten aller Art.

Номер: CH0000092361A

01-04-1926 дата публикации

Procédé pour la fabrication des agglomérés de combustibles.

Номер: CH0000114243A
Принадлежит: LIAIS LUCIEN

15-11-1942 дата публикации

Aggloméré combustible.

Номер: CH0000224175A

15-09-1945 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Brennstoff-Briketts.

Номер: CH0000238970A

30-09-1946 дата публикации

Aggloméré combustible.

Номер: CH0000244762A

15-03-1952 дата публикации

Procédé de fabrication d'agglomérés combustibles.

Номер: CH0000281372A

15-11-1944 дата публикации

Procédé de fabrication d'agglomérés combustibles.

Номер: CH0000235010A

30-11-1943 дата публикации

Aggloméré et procédé pour sa fabrication.

Номер: CH0000229812A

15-12-1954 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000303690A

29-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000605407A5

31-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000597096A5

13-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000680797A5

15-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000676364A5

30-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201390205A1

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000027118B1

Изобретение относится к области черной и цветной металлургии, химической промышленности и машиностроения, а именно к коксобрикету - твердому брикетированному топливу для выплавки литейного чугуна и шахтной плавки цветных металлов, обжига известняка в шахтных печах. Решаемой задачей изобретения является повышение механической прочности коксобрикета, снижение суммарных энергозатрат на производство коксобрикетов. Технический результат достигается путем использования в качестве структурообразующего наполнителя углеродистого материала с развитой тонкопористой структурой, удельной площадью поверхности 120-500 м2/г, следующего технического состава: зола (Ad) 1,0-5,0%; летучие вещества (Vdaf) 0,1-15,0%; сера не более 0,4%; фосфор не более 0,04%, остальное - углерод, при следующем соотношении компонентов в коксобрикете, мас.%: коксовая мелочь фракции 3 мм - 88-90%; нефтяной битум и наполнитель - до 100%. При этом содержание структурообразующего наполнителя в составе органического связующего составляет ...

29-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201501027A1

26-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000096027C2

Способ изготовления формованных изделий, в частности, брикетов, из мелко- среднезернистого смешиваемого материала с применением вяжущего. Этот способ включает на первом этапе нагревание смешиваемого материала до температуры, необходимой для процесса формирования, а на втором этапе, отделенном от атмосферы, смешивание смешиваемого материала с вяжущим, а также последующие стадии процесса. Благодаря способу можно предотвращать выбросы, которые являются вредными для здоровья.

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000066819 C2

Спосіб одержання зв’язуючого (варіанти) базується на використанні як вихідної сировини побічного продукту виробництва синтетичного фенолу кумольним методом - фенольної смоли. Фенольну смолу попередньо модифікують термічною обробкою при температурі 200-280°С з одночасним вилученням летких компонентів до термополімеризації ненасичених сполук, а отриману таким чином модифіковану фенольну смолу (МФС) конденсують обробкою альдегідом при лужному або кислотному каталізі. За відсутності альдегіду проводять конденсацію модифікованої фенольної смоли шляхом термообробки в присутності концентрованої сірчаної кислоти з подальшою нейтралізацією лугом. Спосіб забезпечує підвищення стабільності властивостей зв'язуючого, можливість отримання зв'язуючого як у вигляді рідини, так і у твердому вигляді при збереженні в'яжучих властивостей.

15-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000038747C2

Спосіб згрудкування мінеральної сировини і шихта на основі бурого вугілля. Винахід відноситься до галузі одержання згрудкованого твердого палива з вуглевмісних матеріалів мінерального походження, у тому числі з бурого вугілля. Згідно з винаходом лігніт з природною вологістю змішують зі зв'язуючим на основі негашеного вапна та рідкого скла. В'язку пастоподібну масу формують. Запропонований спосіб використання нової шихти забезпечує одержання гранул із заданими характеристиками міцності при скороченні технологічної стадійності і за рахунок цього зниження енерговитрат. Гранули можливо транспортувати на далекі відстані, зберігати та використовувати як паливо. .

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Способ получения связующего для угольных брикетов

Номер: UZ0000002726C

Использование: переработка твердого топлива. Задача: разработка экономичного и эффективного способа при снижении энергоемкости процесса. Сущность изобретения: способ включает получение связующего для угольных брикетов из углеродсодержащих отходов путем их термообработки. Перед термообработкой углеродсодержащие отходы смешивают с известью, взятой в количестве 1-10 мас.% от количества отходов. Термообработку осуществляют при температуре 120-160°C в течение 0,5-2 ч. В качестве углеродсодержащих отходов используют хлопковый гудрон. 1 н.п.ф-лы, 5 прим., 1 табл.

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Способ получения связующего для угольных брикетов

Номер: UZ0000002726 C

Использование: переработка твердого топлива. Задача: разработка экономичного и эффективного способа при снижении энергоемкости процесса. Сущность изобретения: способ включает получение связующего для угольных брикетов из углеродсодержащих отходов путем их термообработки. Перед термообработкой углеродсодержащие отходы смешивают с известью, взятой в количестве 1-10 мас.% от количества отходов. Термообработку осуществляют при температуре 120-160°C в течение 0,5-2 ч. В качестве углеродсодержащих отходов используют хлопковый гудрон. 1 н.п.ф-лы, 5 прим., 1 табл.

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000072341C2

12-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000110482C2

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000050312 A

Спосіб отримання паливних брикетів із відходів вугільної або деревообробної промисловості, що включає добавлення до відходів при перемішуванні зв'язуючого, нагрітого вище температури його плавлення, сушіння, пресування і охолодження брикетів. Використовують пилодоподібні поганозаймисті відходи, як зв'язуюче застосовують відходи нафтопереробки - парафін або відпрацьоване машинне масло або їх композиції, у кількості 5-10% від маси відходів, додають мікродомішку мінерального походження Са (ОН)2 у кількості 1-5% від маси відходів, здійснюють перемішування відходів із зв'язуючими або їх композиціями і мікродомішкою протягом 20-30 сек, проводять сушіння з поступовим підвищенням температури повітря в інтервалі температур 100-300°С в сушарці киплячого шару, а пресування паливних брикетів здійснюють з періодичною витримкою 1-2 хв під тиском 20 - 25 МПа.

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000050313 A

Спосіб отримання паливних брикетів із відходів вугільної або деревообробної промисловості включає добавлення до відходів при перемішуванні зв'язуючого нагрітого вище температури його плавлення, пресування і охолодження брикетів. Використовують пилоподібні поганозаймисті відходи з високою вологістю, як зв'язуюче застосовують відходи нафтопереробки - нафтовий шлам або петролатум або їх композиції, у кількості 3-8% від маси відходів, додають мікродомішку мінерального походження СаСО3 у кількості 1-5% від маси відходів, здійснюють перемішування відходів з зв'язуючими або їх композиціями і мікродомішкою у змішувачі з швидкообертаючими насадками протягом 30-50 сек, а пресування з одночасним нагрівом до 100°С паливної брикетованої суміші здійснюють з періодичною витримкою 2-3 хв під тиском 25-30 МПа.

25-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000125758U

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201792430A1

26-06-2013 дата публикации

Technology for molding coke breeze or pulverized coal

Номер: CN103173258A

The invention discloses a technology for molding coke breeze or pulverized coal. The technology comprises the steps of firstly, drying and dewatering coke breeze or pulverized coal and a molding agent component 1 (asphalt) respectively; fully and evenly mixing the coke breeze or pulverized coal with the molding agent component 1 (asphalt), component 2 (quinoline) and component 3 (water) according to a certain ratio at normal temperature; pressing a mixed body of the coke breeze or pulverized coal and the molding agent at normal temperature, so as to obtain a green ware body by molding the coke breeze; carrying out pretreatment on the green ware body at medium temperature to cure the asphalt in the green ware body, so as to obtain a half-cooked body; and sintering the half-cooked body at high temperature to obtain the molded cooked carbon block. The technology has the advantages that the technology has no special demand (less than 2mm) on granularity of the coke breeze or pulverized coal ...

11-12-2013 дата публикации

Inflammable hexagonal spherical barbecue carbon

Номер: CN103436310A
Автор: Cheng Jinjun

The invention relates to the technical field of barbecue carbon, and particularly relates to inflammable hexagonal spherical barbecue carbon for barbecuing foods and heating. The inflammable hexagonal spherical barbecue carbon comprises the following raw materials in percentage by weight: 60%-70% of anthracite, 4%-10% of lime, 7%-10% of starch adhesives and 15%-20% of saw dust. The preparation method comprises the following steps of crushing, stirring, and then extruding into a hexagonal spherical shape; then drying till the moisture is less than or equal to 5%, and immersing into 3-6 grams of self-made organic liquid; and finally packaging, wherein the self-made organic liquid comprises the following components in percentage by weight: 60%-75% of biological diesel oil, 8%-15% of stearic acid, 7%-15% of colophony and 6%-10% of turpentine. According to the inflammable hexagonal spherical barbecue carbon, the self-made liquid soaked on the product can be directly ignited by using a match, ...

03-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001052691A

A combustion type coal which is made of industrial waste alcohol residue as binder and fabrication method are published in this invention. The soft coal is main crude material, alcohol residue is used as binder, proper smoke vanishing agent and desulfurizer are added and are mixed evenly, then are shaped by machine press. The coal is saved by 40%.

21-04-1954 дата публикации

Process for the manufacture of agglomerates

Номер: FR0001062343A

16-12-1929 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of agglomerates

Номер: FR0000671634A

31-05-1957 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the production of useful articles starting from coal

Номер: FR0001137551A

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing solid fuel mainly including synthetic resin-pulp scrap

Номер: US20120247004A1
Автор: Young Cheol JEON
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are eco-friendly and low-price solid fuel, which is naturally dried, and a method of manufacturing the same. Disposable diapers or disposable sanitary pads, which are failed during the manufacturing process, are used to produce industrial alternative fuel having a low price through a predetermined process, so solid fuel having no pollution problem in combustion is provided. The solid fuel is mainly made of synthetic resin-pulp scrap including synthetic resin integrated with pulp like the disposable diapers or the disposable sanitary pads. The method includes introducing a scrap, such as the wasted disposable diaper or the wasted disposable sanitary pad, including synthetic resin integrated with pulp into a crusher to break the scrap into fragments, adding a slight amount of waste cooking oil serving as a binding agent to the fragments, performing an extrusion-molding with respect to the fragments, cutting the extrusion-molded fragments to make pallets, and then drying pallets.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing pressed articles containing coal particles

Номер: US20130160607A1
Принадлежит: Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH

A method for producing pressed articles containing coal particles, pressed articles obtained from such method, and the use of such pressed articles in methods for producing pig iron in a fixed bed or for producing carbon carriers for methods for producing pig iron in a fixed bed, are provided. To this end, a partial amount of the coal particles to be processed into pressed articles is impregnated with a substance before the material to be processed into pressed articles is mixed with a binder system containing water and finally being processed into pressed articles.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Process and System For Manufacturing Improved Heat Value Solid Fuel From Solid Waste

Номер: US20130192127A1
Автор: Rhatigan William F.

A method for manufacturing solid fuel, including estimating a heat value for at least a portion of a combustible waste stream. At least one type of combustible polymer is added to the combustible waste stream as needed to raise the estimated heat value of the portion of combustible waste stream to a desired heat value. The combustible waste stream is heated and mixed with the at least one type of combustible polymer to increase the structural integrity of a solid fuel formed from the mixed combustible waste stream and to increase the hydrophobic properties of the solid fuel. The heated and mixed combustible waste stream is pressed into objects of solid fuel, such as briquettes, which are substantially hydrophobic. 1. A method for manufacturing solid fuel , comprising:removing non-combustible and hazardous materials from a waste stream of substantially solid materials to produce a substantially combustible waste stream;estimating a heat value for at least a portion of the combustible waste stream;adding at least one type of combustible polymer to the combustible waste stream as needed to raise the estimated heat value of the portion of combustible waste stream to a desired heat value;heating and mixing the combustible waste stream with the at least one type of combustible polymer to increase the structural integrity of a solid fuel formed from the mixed combustible waste stream and to increase the hydrophobic properties of the solid fuel; andpressing the heated and mixed combustible waste stream into objects of solid fuel which are substantially hydrophobic.2. The method of wherein the at least one type of combustible polymer includes recycled resins.3. The method of wherein at least two types of combustible polymers are selectively added to the combustible waste stream.4. The method of wherein the combustible polymer is heated to a temperature between 200 degrees F. to about 350 degrees F. at least during mixing with the combustible waste stream.5. The method of ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite carbonaceous fuel compact

Номер: US20130212935A1
Автор: Robert L. Heimann
Принадлежит: Enginuity Worldwide LLC

A carbonaceous compact is provided by the present disclosure that includes a body having a partially or fully carbonaceous biomass composition and an adhesive additive. The adhesive additive includes a starch and a hydroxide. The porous nature of the carbonaceous material provides means for nutrient retention or filtering means. Carbon is activated through chemical or thermal reaction from pyrolyized wood/nut.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228044A1

A composite product and a method of manufacturing the composite product are disclosed. The composite product includes (a) a polymeric material binder and a metal-bearing material or (b) the polymeric material binder and a carbon-bearing material. The 5 method includes heating and mixing the components of the composite product and thereafter forming the heated mixture into a final product shape, with the heating step being sufficient to melt at least a part of the polymeric material binder to facilitate forming the product. 1. A method of manufacturing a composite product in the form of (a) a polymeric material binder and a metal-bearing material or (b) the polymeric material binder and a carbon-bearing material that comprises heating and mixing the components of the composite product and thereafter forming the heated mixture into a final product shape , with the heating step being sufficient to melt at least a part of the polymeric material binder to facilitate forming the product.2. The method of manufacturing the composite product that comprises the polymeric material binder and the metal-containing material defined in includes mixing sources of carbon other than the polymeric material binder claim 1 , with the metal-bearing material and the polymeric material.35-. (canceled)6. The method defined in comprises mixing the metal-bearing material and the polymeric material binder so that there is a uniform dispersion of the metal-bearing material through the product.7. The method defined in comprises mixing the carbon-bearing material and the polymeric material binder so that there is a uniform dispersion of the carbon-bearing material through the product.8. The method defined in comprises heating the mixture of the components of the product at a temperature that is sufficiently high to completely melt the polymeric material binder.912-. (canceled)13. The method defined in includes forming the heated mixture into the composite product by extruding the heated mixture. ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Fuel system and process for its production for environmental protective energetic use of urban sewage sludge

Номер: US20130247458A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a fuel system and to a process for the production of such a fuel system by using urban sewage sludge. Environment protective energetic use of urban sewage sludge and the reduction of fossil Carbon dioxide are the important goals. The fuel system according to the present invention shows a content of fossil carbon which is clearly reduced compared to that of fossil fuels while the fuel-technological properties are the same. Thus the emission of the carbon dioxide based on fossil carbon is notably reduced during the use of the fuel system according to the invention. In one embodiment of the process according to the invention, the fuel system according to the invention is provided consisting of different fossil regular fuels and urban sewage sludge as biogenic carbon donor, with biomasses serving as a biogenic carbon donor.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Processed Biochar Pellets from Beneficiated Organic-Carbon-Containng Feedstock

Номер: US20160010015A1

A renewable processed biochar pellet composition made with a pelletizing sub-system followed with a heating sub-system from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock made with a beneficiation sub-system is described. Renewable biomass feedstock passed through a beneficiation sub-system to reduce water content to below at least 20 wt % and an intracellular water-soluble salt reduction of at least 60% from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock on a dry basis. The processed feedstock is introduced into a pelletizing sub-system and then into a heating sub-system to result in renewable processed biochar pellets having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT), a water content of less than 10 wt %, and an intracellular water-soluble salt content that is decreased by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis for the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock. 1. A composition , comprising:a processed biochar pellet composition that comprises a processed biochar made from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock and having characteristics that include an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT), a water content of less than 10 wt %, and an intracellular water-soluble salt content in the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that is decreased more than 60 wt % on a dry basis from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that was the source of the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock, andthe processed biochar pellet is made from unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that is converted into a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock with a beneficiation sub-system, into the processed biochar with a heating sub-system, and into the processed biomass pellet with a pelletizing sub-system.2. The composition of wherein the beneficiation sub-system claim 1 , comprises:a. a transmission device configured to convey into a reaction ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Aggregates of Cleaned High Energy Coal Fines and Beneficiated Organic-Carbon-Containing Feedstock

Номер: US20160010017A1

A processed biomass/coal blended compact aggregate composition made with a blending sub-system from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock made with a beneficiation sub-system and high energy coal is described. Renewable biomass feedstock passed through a beneficiation sub-system to produce a processed biomass with an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (19 GJ/MT), a water content of below at least 20 wt % and an intracellular water-soluble salt that is at least 60% below that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock on a dry basis. High energy un-cleaned coal is sized and passed through a coal cleaning sub-system to result in cleaned high energy coal having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT) and a content of sulfur that is at least 50 wt % less than that of the content of sulfur in the coal before it passed through the coal cleaning sub-system. The processed feedstock is sized and blended with the cleaned high energy coal in a blending sub-system to form a blended aggregate that comprises at least 10 wt % of the cleaned high energy coal and at least 10 wt % of the processed biomass. 1. A composition , comprising:a processed biomass/coal blended compact aggregate that comprises at least 10 wt % of a coal having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT) and a content of sulfur that is at least 50 wt % less than that of the content of sulfur in the coal before it passed through a coal cleaning sub-system, and at least 10 wt % of a processed biomass comprising a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock with characteristics that include an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (19 GJ/MT) and a water-soluble intracellular salt content that is decreased more than 60 wt % on a dry basis for the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that was the source of the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock,the processed biomass/coal blended compact ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033726A1
Автор: Hampson Carl

A briquette for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres is produced by 113.-. (canceled)14. A method of producing a briquette , suitable for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres , said method comprising: a) recycled waste mineral wool,', 'b) cement, and', 'c) at least 10 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) with respect to 100 parts by dry weight of the cement; and, 'forming a mouldable mixture comprising'}moulding and curing the mouldable mixture to form the briquette.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the mouldable mixture comprises 10 to 40 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) per 100 parts by dry weight of cement.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the cement is selected from the group consisting of Portland cement claim 14 , alumina cement and mixture thereof.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the sugar(s) are selected from the group consisting of dextrose claim 14 , fructose claim 14 , sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.18. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recycled waste mineral wool comprises waste mineral wool comprising uncured sugar containing binder wherein the uncured sugar containing binder is selected from:i) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s);ii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s); andiii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s), nitrogen-containing compound(s) and curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s).19. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recycled waste mineral wool comprises waste mineral wool comprising cured binder claim 14 , wherein the cured binder comprises nitrogenous polymer claim 14 , wherein the cured binder comprises greater than 2% by mass and less than 8% by mass nitrogen claim 14 , and wherein the cured binder ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Coconut shell charcoal log

Номер: US20220041947A1
Автор: Britt Reynolds
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for fabricating a coconut shell heat producing device. Heat is applied to coconut shells to form carbonized coconut charcoal pieces. The charcoal pieces are ground to form coconut charcoal powder. A moistened blend is created that includes the coconut charcoal powder, a binder and water. The moistened blend is placed into a press. Pressure is applied in the press to form the moistened blend into the heat providing device. The heat providing device includes at least one hole extending through the device. In a preferred embodiment the heat producing device is a coconut shell charcoal log.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041948A1
Автор: HUPFAUF Benjamin

A process for the production of charcoal comprising the steps of: a) feeding biomass, in particular wood chips, into a pyrolysis unit, in which the wood chips are pyrolyzed into a full stream comprising solid, liquid and gaseous material, b) feeding the full stream and a gasifying agent into an oxidation unit, wherein the full stream is oxidized at least partially and transported pneumatically, c) feeding the partially oxidized full stream from the oxidation unit into a reduction unit arranged essentially vertically, the material outlet of the oxidation unit being connected to the reduction unit, with the cross-section of the reduction unit increasing as the distance from the material outlet of the oxidation unit increases, the flow rate of the full stream in the reduction unit being adapted to the material of the full stream and to the shape of the flow cross-section of the reduction unit in such a way that a stable fixed bed kept in suspension is formed in the reduction unit, d) removing the raw charcoal from the reduction unit via an overflow, e) separating gaseous components in a hot gas filter and collecting the charcoal, and f) quenching the collected charcoal with water. 1. A process for the production of charcoal comprising the steps of:a) feeding biomass, in particular wood chips, into a pyrolysis unit, in which the wood chips are pyrolyzed into a full stream comprising solid, liquid and gaseous material,b) feeding the full stream and a gasifying agent into an oxidation unit, wherein the full stream is oxidized at least partially and transported pneumatically,c) feeding the partially oxidized full stream from the oxidation unit into a reduction unit arranged essentially vertically, the material outlet of the oxidation unit being connected to the reduction unit, with the cross-section of the reduction unit increasing as the distance from the material outlet of the oxidation unit increases, the flow rate of the full stream in the reduction unit being adapted ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027038A1
Принадлежит: Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH

Process for producing a briquette containing carbon carriers (): mixing the carbon carriers () together with a binder system () with introduction of steam and the mixture obtained is pressed to form briquettes. At least one of drying carbon carriers (), setting the temperature of the carbon carriers () to be mixed with the binder system before mixing or heat treating the briquettes after pressing by direct or indirect interaction with superheated steam. Waste steam is at least part of the steam introduced during mixing. An apparatus for carrying out such a process has such interaction with steam, from which a waste steam conduit leads and opens directly or indirectly into the mixing device. 2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising: mixing the binder system with the carbon carriers in a first mixing step to form a premix claim 1 , and mixing the premix in a second mixing step with the introduction of the steam.3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising setting the inlet temperature of the premix in a predefined temperature range on entry of the premix into the second mixing step.4. The process as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising setting the inlet temperature of the premix by setting the temperature of the carbon carriers that are supplied to the first mixing step in a predefined temperature interval.5. A process as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising performing at least one step selected from the group consisting ofsetting the inlet temperature of the premix in a predefined temperature range on entry of the premix into the second mixing step,setting the inlet temperature of the premix by setting the temperature of the carbon carriers supplied to the first mixing step in a predefined temperature interval, wherein direct or indirect interaction with steam takes place.6. The process as claimed in claim 5 , further comprising using waste steam during the interaction as at least one component of the steam introduced during mixing ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037834A1
Принадлежит: Kimmel's Metallurgical Products LLC

A method of introducing carbon to an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) used for melting steel, and a composition of matter including carbon, and made in a briquette form. The composition comprises between 45 and 96 weight percent of a carbon-containing material, between 2 and 30 weight percent of a basic oxide, and between 2 and 25 weight percent of a binder material. The method comprises mixing between 45 and 96 weight percent of a carbon-containing material, between 2 and 30 weight percent of a basic oxide, and between 2 and 25 weight percent of a binder material to form a solid material mixture; compressing individual portions of the solid material mixture into compressed briquettes; curing the compressed briquettes into solid briquettes; and adding the solid briquettes into the molten steel in the electric arc steelmaking furnace. 1. A material composition formed as a solid briquette and comprising between 45 and 96 weight percent of a carbon-containing material , between 2 and 30 weight percent of a basic oxide , and between 2 and 25 weight percent of a binder material.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-containing material is selected from coke claim 1 , coke breeze claim 1 , anthracite claim 1 , anthracite fines claim 1 , coal claim 1 , coal fines claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the basic oxide includes calcium oxide and magnesium oxide.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the binder material is selected from the group consisting of molasses claim 1 , brewers' yeast claim 1 , bentonite claim 1 , industrial byproduct hydrocarbon binder material claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the solid briquette has a density of at least 120 lb/cubic foot.6. The composition of claim 1 , comprising between 78 and 94 weight percent of the carbon-containing material claim 1 , between 3 and 10 weight percent of the basic oxide claim 1 , and between 3 and 12 weight percent of the binder ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037835A1
Автор: Lake Michael A.

A high-energy water-resistant pellet of at least 75% biomass material such as torrefied wood, whole-tree (white) wood, agricultural waste, flax and the like. and the remainder a binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet. The binder is a two-component system—a plasticizer, such as tall oil pitch, rosin, fatty acid, vegetable oils, animal oils, corn protein and glycerin—preferably from 3% to about 20% of the binder, and lignin from about 80-97% of the binder. 1. A high-energy , water-resistant pellet comprising:(a) at least 75% biomass material; and(b) the remainder of said pellet being a two-component binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet wherein said binder is a two-component system comprising a plasticizer, and the other component is lignin isolated from its source.2. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said high-energy water-resistant pellet comprises at least 85% biomass material and less than 10% by weight water.3. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said biomass material is selected from the group consisting of torrefied wood claim 1 , whole-tree (white) wood claim 1 , agricultural waste and flax.4. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plastizer is selected from the group consisting of tall oil pitch claim 1 , fatty acids claim 1 , rosin claim 1 , vegetable oil claim 1 , animal oils claim 1 , corn protein and glycerin.5. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said biomass material is flax.6. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plastizer is glycerin.7. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plasticizer is from about 3% to about 20% of said binder.8. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said lignin is from about 80% to about 97% of said binder.9. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein high-energy water ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Method to Produce Charcoal Without Producing Bio Oil Through Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass

Номер: US20160060555A1
Автор: Talwar Mahesh

A biomass processing system produces charcoal briquettes in a closed loop system. The system includes a first and second torrefaction/drying augers drying green raw sawdust and providing the dried material to a carbonizing auger. Charcoal released from the carbonizing auger is formed into charcoal briquettes. Process gas created during the charcoal production is used to provide heat required by the process. 1. A method for producing charcoal , the method comprising:feeding wet biomass to at least one pyrolysis systems;feeding the wet biomass sequentially through two torrefaction/drying sealed augers of the at least one pyrolysis systems;drying the biomass to create dry biomass;feeding the dried biomass through a sealed charcoal discharge auger at least one pyrolysis systems;discharging charcoal from the charcoal discharge auger;carrying the discharged charcoal from the at least one pyrolysis systems to a bulk packaging system;mixing the discharged charcoal with a charcoal binder;forming the mixed charcoal and binder into charcoal briquettes; anddrying the charcoal briquettes.2. The method of claim 1 , further including:separating liquid/gas mixture bio oil produced by the at least one pyrolysis systems are separated into process gas and into condensed liquids; andheating the at least one pyrolysis systems by the process gas.3. The method of claim 2 , further including mixing the condensed liquids with concentrated binder to provide the binder. The present application is a Continuation In Part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/140,766 filed Dec. 26, 2013 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/140,956 filed Dec. 26, 2013 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/510,298 filed Oct. 09, 2014, which applications are incorporated in their entirety herein by reference.The present invention relates to charcoal production and in particular to a method for converting woody biomass feed material into useful charcoal briquettes.Biomass is comprised mainly of cellulose, hemi ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060559A1
Автор: Barford Eric Dennis

The present invention relates to a method of making a firelog, as well as to a firelog itself, and methods of using the firelog. The method of the present invention allows firelogs to be made that burn very cleanly. This is advantageous for the environment. Furthermore, the firelogs of the present invention can be burnt in a conventional fireplace, or in a stove. This is in contrast to the presently available firelogs which cannot be burnt in a stove. 1. A method of making a firelog , wherein the firelog comprises a fibre component , a wax component and an aqueous binder , the method comprising the steps of:(a) mixing the fibre component and the wax component together at a temperature above the drop point of the wax component;(b) simultaneously stirring and cooling the mixture of the fibre component and the wax component from step (a) to below the congealing temperature of the wax component;(c) mixing the cooled mixture of the fibre component and the wax component from step (b) with the aqueous binder; and then(d) extruding the mixture of the fibre component, the wax component and the aqueous binder from step (c) to form a firelog.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the firelog comprises 15% to 50% by weight of the fibre component claim 1 , 20% to 65% by weight of the wax component and 15% to 30% by weight of the aqueous binder.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the firelog comprises to 20% to 40% by weight of the fibre component claim 1 , 30% to 60% by weight of the wax component and 21 to 25% by weight of the aqueous binder.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wax component comprises by weight at least 90% fully saturated compounds claim 1 , preferably wherein the wax component comprises by weight at least 95% fully saturated compounds claim 1 , more preferably wherein the wax components comprises 100% fully saturated compounds.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the fully saturated compounds are selected from the group ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Composite Products and Manufacturing Method

Номер: US20160075959A1

A composite product and a method of manufacturing the composite product are disclosed. The composite product includes (a) a polymeric material binder and a metal-bearing material or (b) the polymeric material binder and a carbon-bearing material. The 5 method includes heating and mixing the components of the composite product and thereafter forming the heated mixture into a final product shape, with the heating step being sufficient to melt at least a part of the polymeric material binder to facilitate forming the product. 129-. (canceled)30. A method of manufacturing a composite product for use in methods carried out in metallurgical furnaces at high temperatures of at least 400° C. , the composite product substantially consisting of (a) a recycled polymeric material that acts as a binder selected from recycled low density polyethylene , recycled high density polyethylene , and recycled polypropylene , and (b) a carbon-bearing material selected from any one or more than one of rubber , coke fines , char fines , and coal fines , with the amount of the polymeric material comprising greater than 10 wt. % of the product , the method of manufacturing the composite product comprising mixing and heating the components of the composite product and thereafter forming the heated mixture into a final product shape in the form of pellets , granules , blocks , pigs , patties , plugs , or pucks , with the heating step being sufficient to melt at least a part of the recycled polymeric material binder to facilitate forming the product , the product being a non-porous product that is at least substantially waterproof that comprises a continuous network of the polymeric material and a uniform dispersion of the carbon-bearing material , with the product being formed to have sufficient strength and toughness to be able to be handled within high temperature processing plants and to be charged into metallurgical furnaces in the plants without significant breakdown of the product into ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Solid fuel compositions containing lignocellulosic syrup and coal fines

Номер: US20160102264A1
Автор: James Russell Zeeck

A pelletized fuel composition is made from a mixture of coal fines, and cellulosic by-product from ethanol production. The coal fines range from about 50%-90% by weight and the cellulosic by-product ranges from about 10%-50% by weight of the composition. The cellulosic by-product is a syrup or a cake. The syrup binds the coal fines. The coal fine and syrup mixture is pelletized to produce a solid fuel product that is easily handled and transported.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101596A1

Example embodiments provide methods and apparatuses for providing fuel briquettes from human feces. In an example embodiment, feces are treated to inactivate pathogens resident therein and to cause the cellulose material in the feces to undergo a phase transition. The treatment of the feces comprises heating the feces. Briquettes are formed from a mixture comprising the treated feces and carbonized agricultural waste product. The treated feces acts a binder such that the mixture may be formed into briquettes. 1. A method for making fuel briquettes using feces to bind the fuel briquettes , the method comprising:heat treating the feces to inactivate pathogens resident therein and to cause cellulose material in the feces to undergo a bond transition;mixing the treated feces and water to create a homogenous binder; andforming briquettes from a mixture comprising the binder and non-carbonized and/or carbonized biomass material, wherein the treated feces acts to bind the mixture such that the mixture may be formed into briquettes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feces are heated using solar radiation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feces are heated using a solar concentrator reflector.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feces are collected using a waste collection device configured to separate feces from urine.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feces are heated to a temperature greater than 55° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating of the feces causes the cellulose material in the feces to transition into a glass transition state.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the binder is created by mixing the treated feces and water in a 3:1 ratio by mass (water : treated feces).8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbonized biomass material and the binder are combined at a ratio of 5:2 by mass (carbonized biomass material : binder).9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the binder claim 1 , water claim 1 , and the carbonized biomass material are ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128487A1

Certain disclosed pellets, briquettes, and other compacted products contain multiple components and have a composition tailored to meet specific requirements for a given application. Frequently, at least one of the components is a biomass component. The compacted biomass products can be used in various applications including power generation, animal bedding, and waste absorbent. One particular embodiment involves using compacted body or mass as a fuel supplement or fuel replacement for coal or other fossil fuel(s) in co-firing power plants. Other specific applications include bedding for various animals including fowl, horses, and rabbits. Another application comprises pelletized absorbents such as cat litter for absorbing liquid and/or solid waste products. 1. A method of preparing a first compacted body comprising first particles comprising biomass , and second particles comprising a different material , wherein the compacted body containing the first particles and the second particles resists fragmentation , the method comprising:converting biomass feedstock to a form comprising said first particles;concurrently compacting the first particles and the second particles to produce the first compacted body having an energy content, wherein the compacted body has a total moisture content of about 15% by weight or less; andadjusting the compacted body composition based on seasonal fluctuations of the biomass feedstock; andcompacting particles employing the adjusted composition to produce a second compacted body having an energy content consistent with that of the first compacted body produced,wherein the first compacted body has no more than about 300 ppm of chloride.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said compacting takes place in a briquette press.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second particles are coal particles.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first component is selected from the group consisting of soybean stocks claim 1 , sage claim 1 , corn stocks ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210155865A1
Автор: Hampson Carl

A briquette for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres is produced by—combining: a) recycled waste mineral wool selected from i) waste mineral wool comprising uncured sugar containing binder, ii) waste mineral wool comprising cured binder, iii) waste mineral wool without binder and iv) combination thereof, b) cement, and c) additional sugar(s) to form a mouldable mixture and—moulding and curing the mouldable mixture to form the briquette. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method of producing a briquette , suitable for use as a mineral charge in a cupola furnace for the production of mineral wool fibres , said method comprising:forming a mouldable mixture comprisinga) recycled waste mineral wool,b) cement, andc) at least 10 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) with respect to 100 parts by dry weight of the cement; andmoulding and curing the mouldable mixture to form the briquette.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the mouldable mixture comprises 10 to 40 parts by dry weight of sugar(s) per 100 parts by dry weight of cement.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the cement is selected from the group consisting of Portland cement claim 14 , alumina cement and mixture thereof.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the sugar(s) are selected from the group consisting of dextrose claim 14 , fructose claim 14 , sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.18. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recycled waste mineral wool comprises waste mineral wool comprising uncured sugar containing binder wherein the uncured sugar containing binder is selected from:i) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s);ii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and nitrogen-containing compound(s); andiii) an uncured sugar containing binder comprising reducing sugar(s), nitrogen-containing compound(s) and curable reaction product(s) of reducing sugar(s) and ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210155866A1
Автор: KIKKAWA Takashi

Provided is a binder for a coal-containing formed product, which contains a macromolecular polymer having an intrinsic viscosity of 2.0 dl/g or higher. 1. A binder for a coal-containing formed product , comprising a macromolecular polymer having an intrinsic viscosity of 2.0 dl/g or higher.2. The binder for a coal-containing formed product according to claim 1 , wherein the macromolecular polymer is an anionic polymer or a cationic polymer.3. The binder for a coal-containing formed product according to claim 1 , comprising an emulsion comprising the macromolecular polymer.4. The binder for a coal-containing formed product according to claim 1 , wherein the macromolecular polymer is at least one selected from the group consisting of polymers of sodium (meth)acrylate claim 1 , copolymers of sodium (meth)acrylate with acrylamide claim 1 , and copolymers of (meth)acrylic acid 2-trimethylaminioethyl chloride with acrylamide.5. The binder for a coal-containing formed product according to claim 1 , wherein the macromolecular polymer is at least one selected from the group consisting of polymers of sodium acrylate claim 1 , copolymers of sodium acrylate and acrylamide claim 1 , and copolymers of acrylic acid 2-trimethylaminioethyl chloride with acrylamide.6. The binder for a coal-containing formed product according to claim 1 , wherein the intrinsic viscosity is 3.0 dl/g or higher and 30 dl/g or lower.7. A method for producing a coal-containing formed product claim 1 , comprising using the binder according to .8. The method for producing a coal-containing formed product according to claim 7 , wherein the macromolecular polymer is added as an emulsion.9. The method for producing a coal-containing formed product according to claim 7 , wherein forming is performed by compression forming. The present invention relates to a binder for a coal-containing formed product. The binder includes, for example, binders to be used for formed coal used as part of coal charge in coke ovens, ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145519A1

With the rapid increase in the price of fossil fuels and growing concerns over climate change, the demand for renewable energy sources continues to increase. Densified biomass fuels are an alternative, renewable energy source that is becoming increasingly popular. A densified biomass with increased and controllable energy density is needed. Various embodiments of densified biomass and process to manufacture are taught herein. 1. A process for manufacturing a densified biomass having an energy density of greater than 8000 BTU/lb. comprising the steps of:a) combining a carbonized component and at least one other component chosen from the group consisting of biomass, lubricant, and binder to form a combined carbonized component; andb) densifying the combined carbonized mixture to form the densified biomass.2. The process according to where the combined carbonized mixture claim 1 , based on dry weight claim 1 , is 10-80% carbonized component claim 1 , 0-80% biomass claim 1 , 0-30% binder claim 1 , 0-20% lubricant.3. The process according to where the combined carbonized mixture claim 1 , based on dry weight claim 1 , is 10-40% carbonized component claim 1 , 50-80% biomass claim 1 , and 0-5% binder claim 1 , and 0-5% lubricant.4. The process according to where the carbonized mixture claim 1 , based on dry weight claim 1 , is 10-40% carbonized component claim 1 , 50-80% biomass claim 1 , and 5% binder claim 1 , and 5% lubricant.5. The process according to where the combined carbonized mixture includes the carbonized component and the biomass.6. The process according to where the biomass is comprised of both woody type and non-woody type biomasses.7. The process according to where the combined carbonized mixture includes the carbonized component and the binder.8. The process according to where the combined carbonized mixture claim 7 , based on dry weight claim 7 , is 80-90% carbonized component and 0-20% binder.9. The process according to where the binder includes at least ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Sorghum-containing pellets

Номер: US20140223809A1
Принадлежит: Chromatin Inc

The invention is directed to compositions and methods of making pellets comprising a sorghum material, more preferably a sweet sorghum material having an average Brix value of 10 or higher. In embodiments, the pellets are highly combustible and comprise woody materials in addition to the sorghum materials.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140773A1

A method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles includes mixing a film forming agglomeration aid (FFAA) with a quantity of ultra-fine coal particles to form ultra-fine coal particles coated with the FFAA. The FFAA has a lower surface energy relative to a surface of the ultra-fine coal particles. The FFAA is mixed with the ultra-fine coal particles in an amount less than 3% by weight of the ultra-fine coal particles on a dry basis. Agglomerates of the ultra-fine coal particles coated with the film forming agglomeration aid are formed using vibration, pelleting, and/or briquetting. The agglomerates have a size of at least 2 mm. The ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 100 μm. The agglomerate has a tumbler test friability less than 3%. The drop shatter friability is also less than 3%. 1. A method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles comprising:mixing a film forming agglomeration aid with a quantity of ultra-fine coal particles to form ultra-fine coal particles coated with the film forming agglomeration aid, wherein the ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 100 μm, wherein the film forming agglomeration aid has a lower surface energy relative to a surface of the ultra-fine coal particles, wherein the film forming agglomeration aid is mixed with the ultra-fine coal particles in an amount less than 3% by weight of the ultra-fine coal particles on a dry basis; andforming agglomerates of the ultra-fine coal particles coated with the film forming agglomeration aid, wherein the agglomerates have a size of at least 2 mm.2. The method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles according to claim 1 , wherein the ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 50 μm.3. The method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles according to claim 1 , wherein the ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 25 μm.4. The method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Coal binder composition

Номер: US20180179461A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The presently claimed invention relates to a briquette comprising coal fines and a binder composition comprising at least one homo- or copolymer of (meth)acrylic acid (i) and at least one alkyl(meth)acrylate-styrene-copolymer (ii), a method for manufacturing said briquette and the use of a binder composition for the agglomeration of coal fines.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214629A1
Автор: Ostvik Bjornulf

A method of preparing a fuel composition includes placing coal having a heat content between about 3,000 BTU/lb and about 9,000 BTU/lb and a moisture content between about 20 wt % and about 60 wt % in a vessel. The coal is exposed to heat and a pressure less than atmospheric pressure within the vessel, thereby reducing the coal, such that an average primary particle size of the coal is less than 1 millimeter. A binder is introduced to the vessel, such that the coal combines with the binder to yield a mixture. The mixture is shaped to yield a fuel composition. 1. A method of preparing a fuel composition , the method comprising:placing coal having a heat content between about 3,000 BTU/lb and about 9,000 BTU/lb and a moisture content in a range between about 20 wt % and about 60 wt % in a vessel;exposing the coal to heat and a pressure less than atmospheric pressure within the vessel, thereby reducing the coal, such that an average primary particle size of the coal is less than 1 millimeter;introducing a binder to the vessel, such that the coal combines with the binder to yield a mixture; andshaping the mixture to yield a fuel composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coal is exposed to heat before combining the coal and the binder.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein exposing the coal to heat comprises heating the coal by conduction.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein exposing the coal to heat comprises contacting the coal with a heated surface.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the heated surface comprises a rotating blade.6. The method of claim 3 , further comprising agitating the coal in the vessel.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein agitating the coal comprises intermittently agitating the coal in the vessel.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein exposing the coal to the pressure less than atmospheric pressure within the vessel comprises intermittently reducing the pressure in the vessel.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the mixture by ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195017A1
Принадлежит: CTP Biotechnology LLC

A process for making a renewable processed biochar pellet composition made with a pelletizing sub-system followed with a heating sub-system from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock made with a beneficiation sub-system is described. Renewable biomass feedstock passed through a beneficiation sub-system to reduce water content to below at least 20 wt % and an intracellular water-soluble salt reduction of at least 60% from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock on a dry basis. The processed feedstock is introduced into a pelletizing sub-system and then into a heating sub-system to result in renewable processed biochar pellets having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT), a water content of less than 10 wt %, and an intracellular water-soluble salt content that is decreased by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis for the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock. 1. A process of making biochar comprising:inputting into a system comprising a first, a second, and a third subsystem an unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that includes free water, intercellular water, intracellular water, intracellular water-soluble salts, and at least some plant cells comprising cell walls that include lignin, hemicellulose, and microfibrils within fibrils;passing unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock through the first subsystem, a beneficiation sub-system process, to produce a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock having a water content of less than 20 wt % and a water soluble intracellular salt content that is reduced by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock;passing the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock through the second subsystem, a heating sub-system process, to produce a processed biochar; andpassing processed biochar through the third subsystem, a pelletizing sub-system process, ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210340455A1
Автор: Metcalfe Colin
Принадлежит: Binding Solutions Limited

The invention also provides a briquette comprising: 1. A briquette comprising:a particulate material; and(ii) a binder, the binder comprising (a) at least partially saponified polyvinyl alcohol and (b) an alkali metal alkyl siliconate or polyalkylsilicic acid; wherein the particulate material is selected from a carbonaceous material, metal, metal ore, mineral waste or a mixture thereof.2. A briquette according to comprising 0.01 to 0.8% by weight of PVA.3. A briquette according to comprising 0.01 to 1.0% by weight of the alkali metal alkyl siliconate or the polyalkylsilicic acid.4. A briquette according to wherein the alkali metal alkyl siliconate is an alkali metal Cto Calkyl siliconate or the polyalkylsilicic acid is a poly Cto Calkyl silicic acid.5. A briquette according to wherein comprising potassium methyl siliconate or poly methyl silicic acid.6. A briquette according to comprising up to 99% by weight particulate material.7. A briquette comprising:(i) a particulate metal ore or metal containing waste; and(ii) a binder comprising 0.5 wt % to 1.5 wt % phenol formaldehyde resin.8. A briquette according to claim 7 , wherein the metal ore or metal waste is iron-ore.9. A briquette according to claim 7 , wherein the resin is a resole phenol formaldehyde resin.10. A briquette according to claim 7 , wherein the binder comprises 0.1 to 0.2 wt % polyvinyl alcohol.11. A briquette according to claim 7 , wherein the binder comprises 0.05 wt % to 1 wt % guar gum.12. A briquette comprising:(i) a particulate material, especially a superfine particulate material(ii) a binder comprising 0.5-1.0 wt % anionic polyacrylamide.13. A briquette according to claim 12 , wherein the particulate material is iron residue.14. A briquette according to claim 12 , wherein the binder comprises guar gum and optionally calcium oxide.15. A briquette comprising:(i) a particulate carbonaceous material, especially coke; and a binder comprising(ii) 0.5-1.5 wt % styrene acrylate emulsion and(iii) 5-10 ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Composite Products and Manufacturing Method

Номер: US20160281013A9

A composite product and a method of manufacturing the composite product are disclosed. The composite product includes (a) a polymeric material binder and a metal-bearing material or (b) the polymeric material binder and a carbon-bearing material. The 5 method includes heating and mixing the components of the composite product and thereafter forming the heated mixture into a final product shape, with the heating step being sufficient to melt at least a part of the polymeric material binder to facilitate forming the product. 129-. (canceled)30. A method of manufacturing a composite product for use in methods carried out in metallurgical furnaces at high temperatures of at least 400° C. , the composite product substantially consisting of (a) a recycled polymeric material that acts as a binder selected from recycled low density polyethylene , recycled high density polyethylene , and recycled polypropylene , and (b) a carbon-bearing material selected from any one or more than one of rubber , coke fines , char fines , and coal fines , with the amount of the polymeric material comprising greater than 10 wt. % of the product , the method of manufacturing the composite product comprising mixing and heating the components of the composite product and thereafter forming the heated mixture into a final product shape in the form of pellets , granules , blocks , pigs , patties , plugs , or pucks , with the heating step being sufficient to melt at least a part of the recycled polymeric material binder to facilitate forming the product , the product being a non-porous product that is at least substantially waterproof that comprises a continuous network of the polymeric material and a uniform dispersion of the carbon-bearing material , with the product being formed to have sufficient strength and toughness to be able to be handled within high temperature processing plants and to be charged into metallurgical furnaces in the plants without significant breakdown of the product into ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140366431A1

Provided is a method of economically modifying low rank coal (LRC) to be high grade coal having minimized water re-absorption and minimized spontaneous ignition possibility while saving energy by coating heavy oil directly on coal without using solvent oil. Provides is a method of modifying coal using palm oil residue, including milling the coal, homogenously mixing the palm oil residue with the milled coal, melting the palm oil residue mixed with the coal so as to be coated on a surface of the coal, and simultaneously drying moisture in the coal, cooling the dried coal, and briquetting the cooled coal. 1. A method of modifying coal using palm oil residue , the method comprising:(a) milling the coal;(b) homogenously mixing the palm oil residue with the milled coal;(c) melting the palm oil residue mixed with the coal so as to be coated on a surface of the coal, and simultaneously drying moisture in the coal;(d) cooling the dried coal; and(e) molding the cooled coal; orperforming the step (d) followed by (e).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an average size of a coal grain after the milling of the coal is not more than about 10 mm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the palm oil residue of about 0.5% by weight to about 30% by weight of the coal is mixed when homogeneously mixing the palm oil residue with the milled coal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixing comprises cutting the palm oil residue into a sliced form and then mixing the sliced palm oil residue with the milled coal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixing comprises melting the palm oil residue and then mixing the melted palm oil residue with the milled coal.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating and the drying are performed in an indirect heat exchange type drying & coating machine claim 1 , an internal temperature of the indirect heat drying & coating machine is about 100° C. to about 115° C. claim 1 , and the coal is moved inside the indirect heat drying & coating machine for mixing ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Additive used in the production of wood pellets

Номер: US20190284493A1
Принадлежит: ArrMaz Products LP

An additive used in the production of wood pellets to increase throughput. The additive may be applied as a booster to wood prior to forming the wood into pellets. The booster may comprise 30% to 100% tall oil pitch and 70% to 0% tall oil head and may be applied at a rate of 0.01 to 2 wt. % of the wood.

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292475A1

A system for forming a woody biomass component and a binder component into a solid fuel element having a predetermined density. The system includes a first compression assembly for compressing an uncompressed mixture of the woody biomass component and the binder component to provide a first compressed mixture formed into a preliminary element having a preliminary density. The system also includes a second compression assembly for compressing the preliminary element to form the solid fuel element having the predetermined density, which is greater than the preliminary density. 123.-. (canceled)24. A system for forming a woody biomass component and a binder component into a solid fuel element having a predetermined density , the system comprising:a mixer assembly for mixing the woody biomass component and the binder component in predetermined proportions to provide an uncompressed mixture;a first compression assembly comprising a first cylinder comprising a first chamber therein and a first piston movable in the first cylinder, for compressing the uncompressed mixture in the first chamber to provide a first compressed mixture formed into a preliminary element occupying a first volume, the preliminary element having a preliminary density;a fine meter assembly for delivering at least one predetermined amount of the uncompressed mixture to the first chamber;a plurality of heat-generating elements for heating the uncompressed mixture and the first compressed mixture to at least one preselected temperature that is less than a melting temperature of the binder component; anda second compression assembly comprising a second cylinder comprising a second chamber therein and a second piston movable in the second cylinder, for compressing the preliminary element in the second chamber to provide a final compressed mixture formed into the solid fuel element occupying a second volume that is less than the first volume, the solid fuel element having the predetermined density, the ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305791A1

A fuel made from co-products derived from a lignocellulosic biomass fermentation process is used to fuel a cement production process. Filter cake and syrup co-products are mixed and dried, then burned in a cement kiln to create the temperatures needed for cement production. 1. A cement composition comprising ash from burned material selected from the group consisting of filter cake and syrup fuel , filter cake , syrup , and mixtures thereof.2. A concrete composition comprising ash from burned material selected from the group consisting of filter cake and syrup fuel , filter cake , syrup , and mixtures thereof.3. The cement composition of wherein the filter cake and syrup fuel claim 1 , the filter cake claim 1 , and the syrup are all lignocellulosic comprising both lignin and cellulose.4. The cement composition of wherein the filter cake comprises:is a) from about 35% to about 65% moisture;b) from about 20% to about 75% volatiles;c) from about 35% to about 65% solids;d) from about 1% to about 30% ash content; ande) from about 5% to about 20% fixed carbon;wherein the filter cake has an energy value of about 2,000 to about 9,000 BTU/lb.5. The cement composition of wherein the syrup comprises:a) from about 40% to about 70% solids;b) from about 10 g/l to about 30 g/l of acetamide; andc) at least about 40 g/l of sugars;{'sup': '3', 'wherein the syrup has a density of about 1 to about 2 g/cmand a viscosity of less than 500 SSU at 100° F. (38° C.).'}6. The cement composition of wherein the syrup comprises at least about 5 g/l of ammonia.7. The cement composition of wherein the filter cake and syrup fuel claim 1 , the filter cake claim 1 , and the syrup have a moisture content of between 8% and 20%.8. The cement composition of further comprising burned cement raw material selected from the group consisting of limestone claim 1 , clay claim 1 , shale claim 1 , sand claim 1 , bauxite claim 1 , iron ore claim 1 , fly ash claim 1 , slag claim 1 , and combinations thereof.9. The ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Solid fuel product

Номер: US20160340600A1
Автор: Jeff Fair, Steve Dailey
Принадлежит: Z Dust Group Inc

A solid fuel product can include a carbon based solid fuel, a cementitious material, and a plastic material. The carbon based solid fuel can include coal, petroleum coke, wood and/or other carbon products. The cementitious material can include Portland cement, lime, calcium aluminate cement, natural cement, slag cement, blended cement, cement kiln dust, lime kiln dust, and/or fly ash. The plastic material can include a thermoplastic material and/or a thermoset material. The solid fuel product can include about 45% by weight to about 98% by weight of the carbon based solid fuel and about 1% by weight to about 50% by weight of the plastic material.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322955A1

A method for preparing a briquette binder using a landfill leachate and a method for producing an industrial briquette using the briquette binder. The landfill leachate is modified by sulfonation and amination, and is mixed with the modified rice straws to prepare the briquette binder, so as to effectively use the products generated in garbage processing to realize secondary economic benefits in garbage processing. The industrial briquette is produced by the prepared briquette binder, and the industrial briquette is used as steam coal or metallurgical coal with large briquette consumption, so as to promote the resource utilization of the landfill leachate, reduce the cost in preparation of the briquette binder and enhance benefits. 1. A method for preparing a briquette binder using a landfill leachate , comprising the following steps:a) adding the landfill leachate concentrate with a solid content of 30%-40% to a reactor for stirring; after raising a solution temperature in the reactor to 80° C.-120° C., adding a sulfonating agent according to a mass ratio of the landfill leachate concentrate to the sulfonating agent of 10:1-1.5 to react for 2-3 h; after the reaction is completed, controlling the solution temperature in the reactor as 30° C.-50° C.; adding an animation reagent according to a mass ratio of the landfill leachate concentrate to the animation reagent of 10:0.5-0.9; and after the reaction is completed, standing and cooling the solution to room temperature, to prepare a modified landfill leachate; andb) uniformly mixing the above modified landfill leachate and modified rice straws, and heating and drying under continuous stirring, to prepare a required brown yellow powdery briquette binder.2. The method for preparing the briquette binder using the landfill leachate according to claim 1 , wherein the sulfonating agent in the step a) is one or a mixture of more of sodium sulfite claim 1 , sodium bisulfate claim 1 , chlorosulfonic acid claim 1 , sulfur ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334628A1

A method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles includes mixing a film forming agglomeration aid (FFAA) with a quantity of ultra-fine coal particles to form ultra-fine coal particles coated with the FFAA. The FFAA has a lower surface energy relative to a surface of the ultra-fine coal particles. The FFAA is mixed with the ultra-fine coal particles in an amount less than 3% by weight of the ultra-fine coal particles on a dry basis. Agglomerates of the ultra-fine coal particles coated with the film forming agglomeration aid are formed using vibration, pelleting, and/or briquetting. The agglomerates have a size of at least 2 mm. The ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 100 μm. The agglomerate has a tumbler test friability less than 3%. The drop shatter friability is also less than 3%. 1. A method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles comprising:mixing a film forming agglomeration aid with a quantity of ultra-fine coal particles to form ultra-fine coal particles coated with the film forming agglomeration aid, wherein the ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 100 μm, wherein the film forming agglomeration aid has a lower surface energy relative to a surface of the ultra-fine coal particles, wherein the film forming agglomeration aid is mixed with the ultra-fine coal particles in an amount less than 3% by weight of the ultra-fine coal particles on a dry basis; andforming agglomerates of the ultra-fine coal particles coated with the film forming agglomeration aid, wherein the agglomerates have a size of at least 2 mm.2. The method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles according to claim 1 , wherein the ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 50 μm.3. The method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal particles according to claim 1 , wherein the ultra-fine coal particles have a particle size less than 25 μm.4. The method of preparing agglomerates of ultra-fine coal ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200362257A1

A combustible log torch which can be ignited to provide heat for warmth or cooking, and light for illumination can be made by compacting a mixture of wood sawdust and a food grade binder. Such combustible log torches are convenient and safe to use and provide optimal characteristics of quickly providing a bonfire without the need for a fireplace or a fire pit. The fire produced by such combustible logs is also optimal for safely and conveniently cooking food items. Such a combustible log torch can be manufactured by a method which comprises compacting a composition which is comprised of a mixture of wood particles and a food grade binder under a pressure of at least about 5 psi (0.034 megapascals) in a mold to produce the combustible log torch having at least one vertical cavity (hole) which extend vertically through the entire length of the combustible log torch. 1. A combustible log torch having a top end , a bottom end , a circumferential peripheral side , at least 3 vertical holes which extend through the entire length of the combustible log torch from the bottom end to the top end , and at least 3 vents which extend through the circumferential peripheral side of the torch longitudinally from each of the vertical holes; said top end , said bottom end , and said circumferential peripheral side defining a log torch structure which constitutes the peripheral surfaces of the combustible log torch; said combustible log torch being comprised of a combustible mixture of compressed wood particles and a food grade binder.2. The combustible log torch of wherein the vents are situated at the bottom end of the combustible log torch.3. The combustible log torch of wherein the vents are angled upwardly from the circumferential peripheral side of the combustible log torch to each of the vertical holes; and wherein the vents are angled upwardly at an angle which is within the range of 5° to 70°.4. The combustible log torch of wherein the combustible log torch is further ...

22-07-1992 дата публикации

Stabilised foamable protein hydrolysate

Номер: GB2251857A
Автор: W T Williams
Принадлежит: BRANDCASTER Ltd

Proteinaceous material is hydrolysed with either sodium hydroxide or ammonium hydroxide, the hydrolysate neutralised with hydrochloric acid, concentrated by heating and stabilised by the addition of ferrous sulphate, thereby to produce a foamable protein hydrolysate. Colouring agents and accelerators may be added. The foam produced may have a pore size of from 5 to 20 microns. The foaming agent may be used to produce foamed cement (particularly for use in the construction of marine buildings), in the construction of culverts and ducts, to produce foamed calcium silicate (especially for water storage, filter media and water desalinisation), as a binder for coal particles, as a transport system for heavy loads, and as a muffling agent in the exhausts of internal combustion engines.

29-12-2022 дата публикации

Process for forming a fuel pellet

Номер: US20220411708A1
Принадлежит: Changeover Technologies Ltd

The present invention relates to a process for forming a fuel pellet, based on using a particular formula for making the fuel pellets. The process for forming a fuel pellet comprising of the following steps: providing a particulate carbonaceous material having a particle size of <1 mm; admixing the particulate carbonaceous material with a polysaccharide or a polyvinyl alcohol binder, and a crosslinker; shaping the so-formed mixture to provide the fuel pellet.

06-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN107531487B
Автор: 李春柱, 胡勋
Принадлежит: Curtin University of Technology


10-12-2016 дата публикации

Method for production of dried combustible material

Номер: RU2604724C2
Принадлежит: Акт Ко., Лтд

FIELD: fuel. SUBSTANCE: invention discloses a method for production of a dried combustible material, including: the stage of mixing when mixing multiple particles made from a combustible moisture-containing material and a dehydrogenating fluid made of an emulsion containing synthetic resin to form a mixture, wherein the particles surfaces come into contact with the dehydrogenating fluid; as well as the stage of drying with formation of a coating from synthetic resin made from the dehydrogenating liquid, dried on the particles surfaces with evaporation of moisture from the particles in order to generate coated particles including the particles with low percentage of moisture content and a coating from synthetic resin, which covers the particles surfaces, herewith the synthetic resin contained in the dehydrogenating fluid represents an acrylic resin, an urethane resin or a polyvinyl acetate resin, at that, a dried combustible material is obtained formed from the coated particles. EFFECT: technical result is production of a dried combustible material with low moisture content. 18 cl, 6 dwg, 5 tbl, 3 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C10L 5/46 C10L 5/44 C10L 5/48 C10L 5/40 C10L 5/00 (13) 2 604 724 C2 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014147612/04, 25.02.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.02.2014 (72) Автор(ы): ЯМАСИТА Хироюки (JP), ОКУДА Акихиса (JP) (73) Патентообладатель(и): АКТ КО., ЛТД (JP) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2016 Бюл. № 17 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.02.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2016 Бюл. № 34 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 26.11.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 6 0 4 7 2 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2011-153282 A 11.08.2011. JP 201307213 A 22.04.2013. EA 0000000979 B1 28.08.2000. ЕР 4389218 A1 21.06.1983. RU 2471859 C2 ...

20-02-2004 дата публикации

Elevated-strength coal briquette and a method of fabrication thereof

Номер: RU2224007C1

FIELD: manufacture of building materials. SUBSTANCE: metallurgicalapplication briquettes consist of 100 parts coal fine, 1-5 parts burnt lime, and 7-15 parts molasses. Fabrication comprises mixing burnt lime with coal fine, ageing resulting mix, adding indicated amount of molasses, stirring, and directly molding stirred mix into briquettes. EFFECT: optimized strength required for novel iron production processes. 10 cl, 1 dwg, 7 tbl, 3 ex 0 0уссс ПЧ ко. (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ — АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (11) КО (51) МПК? (13) 2 224 007 С 10 5/02, 5/06 СЛ 12 ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002129219104 , 12.12.2001 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 12.12.2001 2000/78779 2001/52328 (30) Приоритет: 19.12.2000 КК 29.08.2001 КК (46) Дата публикации: 20.02.2004 (56) Ссылки: СВ 2 221 024 А, 18.07.1990. ЕР 377 995 А2, 18.07.1990. КУ 2 147 029 СЛ, 27.03.2000. КУ 2 149 889 С1, 27.05.2000. (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную фазу: 31.10.2002 (86) Заявка РСТ: КК 01/02149 (12.12.2001) (87) Публикация РСТ: УМО 02/50219 (27.06.2002) (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу (72) Изобретатель: КАНГ Чанг-Ох (КК), ЛИ Хоо-Геун (КК), АХН Хо-Сик (КК) ‚ РИОУ Дзин-Хо (КК), ЧО Дзае-Еок (КК), ДЗУНГ Биунг-Кук (КК), ПАРК Санг-Хоон (КК) (73) Патентообладатель: ПОСКО (КВ), РИСЕРЧ ИНСТИТЬЮТ ОФ ИНДАСТРИАЛ САЙЕНС ЭНД ТЕКНОЛОДЖИ (КК) (74) Патентный поверенный: Миц Александр Владимирович (54) УГОЛЬНЫЙ БРИКЕТ, ОБЛАДАЮЩИЙ ПОВЫШЕННОЙ ПРОЧНОСТЬЮ, А ТАКЖЕ СПОСОБ ЕГО ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к брикетам, применяемым в металлургии. Брикеты состоят из 100 вес.ч. угольной мелочи, 1-5 вес.ч. негашеной извести и 7-15 вес. ч. мелассы. Способ включает в себя операции смешивания 1-5 вес.ч. негашеной извести со 100 вес.ч. угольной мелочи и выдерживания смеси, смешивания 7-15 вес. ч. мелассы с выдержанной смесью и их перемешивания и ...

08-05-2012 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of molding coal using coal dust

Номер: KR101142398B1
Автор: 정정철, 최문규
Принадлежит: (주)한천자원

본 발명은 석탄계 분탄의 성형탄 제조방법에 관한 것으로서, 무연탄, 유연탄, 코크스 등의 석탄계 연료를 사용목적에 따라 덩어리탄인 괴탄으로 제조하는 과정에서 많은 분탄이 발생하는데 이러한 분탄에 CMC(Carboxi Methyl Cellulose) 및 수산화칼륨(KOH), 수산화나트륨(NaOH) 등의 경화제가 함침된 휴믹산(풍화석탄)을 혼합한 혼합물을 교반할 때 물을 분사시키면서 교반한 후 압축 성형시켜 성형탄으로 제조하는 것이다. 이렇게 제조된 성형탄은 CMC의 강력한 접착력과 칼륨 및 나트륨의 경화작용으로 인하여 강도를 가지면서 휴믹산에 첨가된 탄소 성분에 의하여 성형탄을 제조하기 위하여 첨가되는 무기 접착 물질들에 의한 성형탄의 발열량 저하를 방지하여 자연 상태의 괴탄과 유사한 특성을 나타냄으로써 저가의 분탄을 고가의 성형탄으로 판매가 가능할 뿐만 아니라 사용용도에 따라 형상 및 크기를 조절하여 제조할 수가 있어서 저가의 분탄을 고가의 괴탄으로 대체할 수 있는 경제적인 방법을 제시하는 것이다. The present invention relates to a coal briquette manufacturing method of coal briquettes, and a lot of powdered coal is generated in the process of manufacturing coal coal such as anthracite, bituminous coal, coke, etc. according to the purpose of use as agglomerate coal, CMC (Carboxi Methyl Cellulose) And a mixture of humic acid (weathered coal) impregnated with a curing agent such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), while stirring with water spray, and then compression molded to produce coal briquettes. The coal briquettes thus prepared have strength due to the strong adhesion of CMC and the hardening action of potassium and sodium, and thus prevent the lowering of the calorific value of coal briquettes by the inorganic adhesive materials added to prepare coal briquettes by the carbon component added to the humic acid. By showing characteristics similar to natural coal, it is not only possible to sell low price coal powder as expensive coal briquettes, but also it can be manufactured by adjusting the shape and size according to the usage, so it is economical to replace low price coal powder with expensive coal coal. Is to present a way. 무연탄, 코크스, CMC, 괴탄, 성형탄, 휴믹산, 수산화칼륨, 수산화나트륨, Anthracite, coke, CMC, lump coal, coal briquettes, humic acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide,

10-05-2019 дата публикации

Carbohydrate composition, article comprising the same and method of manufacturing crosslinked saccharides

Номер: KR101977463B1
Автор: 서정현, 송영훈
Принадлежит: 영남대학교 산학협력단

The present application relates to a carbohydrate composition wherein the carbohydrate composition of the present application comprises a carbohydrate compound having a hydroxy group and a compound capable of ionizing in water to emit metal cations and hydroxide ions as a crosslinking agent, When it is produced, a molded article having excellent strength can be provided.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of obtaining metallurgical briquette

Номер: RU2655175C1

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention discloses a method for producing metallurgical briquette which consists in mixing of starting components – carbonaceous material, which is coke breeze of MK-1 grade obtained by medium-temperature carbonization of brown coal, bicomponent binder containing resin and starch in ratio of (0.5–2):1, water with temperature of 1 to 99 °C, initial components are mixed in the following ratio, by weight: carbon-containing material – not less than 50; bicomponent binder – 8–20; water – the rest. After mixing, resulting briquette mixture is compressed and formed briquette is dried. EFFECT: technical result consists in obtaining briquettes with low content of phosphorus oxides, high strength and low water absorption, which makes it possible to use them in the processes of silicon production in ore-thermal furnaces. 1 cl, 4 ex, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 655 175 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/06 (2018.02); C10L 5/02 (2018.02); C10L 5/10 (2018.02); C10L 5/14 (2018.02); C10L 5/16 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018109074, 14.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.05.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 101831340 A, 15.09.2010. RU (45) Опубликовано: 24.05.2018 Бюл. № 15 2 6 5 5 1 7 5 R U (54) Способ получения металлургического брикета (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает способ получения металлургического брикета, который заключается в смешении исходных компонентов – углеродсодержащего материала, представляющего собой мелочь коксовую марки МК-1, получаемую посредством среднетемпературной карбонизации бурого угля, двухкомпонентного связующего, содержащего смолу и крахмал в соотношении от (0,5-2):1, воды с температурой от 1 до 99°С, при этом исходные компоненты смешивают в следующем ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Coal briquettes with high strength and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR102023065B1
Автор: 김재동, 류진호, 박석인
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

연화용융 온도범위를 증가시켜서 열간 강도를 향상시킨 성형탄 및 그 제조 방법을 제공한다. 성형탄은 i) 환원철이 장입되는 용융가스화로, 및 ii) 환원철을 용융가스화로에 제공하고, 용융가스화로로부터 환원 가스를 제공받는 환원로를 포함하는 용철제조장치에서 용융가스화로에 장입된다. 성형탄의 제조 방법은 i) 3 종류 이상의 석탄들을 혼합하는 단계, ii) 석탄들에 바인더를 혼합한 혼합물을 제공하는 단계, 및 iii) 혼합물을 성형하여 성형탄을 제조하는 단계를 포함한다. 석탄들을 혼합하는 단계에서, 3 종류 이상의 석탄들 중 제1 석탄의 연화용융 온도범위와 제2 석탄의 연화용융 온도범위의 중첩 온도 범위는 0 내지 10℃일 수 있다. It provides a coal briquettes and a method of manufacturing the same by increasing the soft melt temperature range to improve the hot strength. The coal briquettes are charged into a molten gasifier in a molten iron manufacturing apparatus including i) a molten gasification furnace into which reduced iron is charged, and ii) a reducing gas providing the reducing iron to a molten gasifier and receiving a reducing gas from the molten gasifier. The method for producing coal briquettes includes i) mixing three or more types of coals, ii) providing a mixture of coal mixed with a binder, and iii) molding the mixture to produce coal briquettes. In the coal mixing step, the overlapping temperature range of the softening melting temperature range of the first coal and the softening melting temperature range of the second coal among the three or more types of coals may be 0 to 10 ° C.

16-06-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing fuel briquettes

Номер: RU2749721C1

FIELD: fuel production.SUBSTANCE: method for producing a solid fuel briquette from coal by treating small particles with a binder containing a solution of polyvinyl alcohol includes following steps: small coal particles are impregnated with a 10% aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol, briquetting is carried out under a pressure of 100-150 MPa, then the briquette is frozen at a temperature of minus 20ºC for 20 hours, then it is defrosted at room temperature and dried to a constant mass, in which the content of coal particles is 99-99.5% wt., polyvinyl alcohol is 0.5-1% wt.EFFECT: increase in the environmental friendliness of the fuel due to the absence of waste oil products and reduction of the amount of binder while maintaining the mechanical strength and calorific value of the briquettes.1 cl, 1 tbl, 8 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 749 721 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/26 (2006.01) C10L 5/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/10 (2021.02); C10L 5/14 (2021.02); C10L 5/26 (2021.02); C10L 5/30 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020126709, 10.08.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 16.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 16.06.2021 Бюл. № 17 2 7 4 9 7 2 1 R U (54) Способ получения топливного брикета (57) Реферат: Способ получения твердого топливного брикета из угля путем обработки мелких частиц связующим, содержащим раствор поливинилового спирта, отличающийся тем, что мелкие частицы угля пропитывают 10%-ным водным раствором поливинилового спирта, проводят брикетирование под давлением 100-150 МПа, затем брикет замораживают при температуре минус 20°С в течение 20 ч, затем размораживают при комнатной температуре и Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2322480 C2, 20.04.2008. SU 1765169 A1, 30.09.1992. RU 2486232 C1, 27.06.2013. RU 2467058 C1, 20.11.2012. RU 2075502 C1, 20.03.1997. RU 2473672 C1, 27.01. ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013105720A

1. Способ изготовления прессованных изделий, содержащих частицы угля, по которому частицы угля смешивают с содержащей воду системой связующего, и получаемую при этом смесь перерабатывают путем прессования для получения прессованных изделий,отличающийся тем, что перед смешиванием с системой связующего, содержащей воду, частичное количество частиц угля подвергают стадии пропитки, на которой частицы пропитывают веществом,при этом нижняя граница количества вещества, добавляемого на стадии пропитки, составляет 0,3%по отношению к весу частиц угля материала, подлежащего переработке в прессованные изделия.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стадия пропитки включает нанесение испарением вещества на частицы угля, орошение веществом частиц угля, подмешивание вещества в подвижную засыпку частиц угля или подмешивание вещества в вихревой слой частиц угля.3. Способ по любому из предыдущих пунктов, отличающийся тем, что вещество, которым частицы угля пропитывают на стадии пропитки, представляет собой воду.4. Способ по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что вещество, которым частицы угля пропитывают на стадии пропитки, является не растворимым в воде и/или водоотталкивающим веществом.5. Способ по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что вещество, которым частицы угля пропитывают на стадии пропитки, представляет собой водный раствор материала или смеси материалов.6. Способ по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что вещество, которым частицы угля пропитывают на стадии пропитки, представляет собой водную суспензию коллоидов твердого материала, причем твердый материал имеет водоотталкивающие свойства.7. Способ по любому из пп. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 105 720 A (51) МПК C10L 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013105720/04, 08.07.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): СИМЕНС ФАИ МЕТАЛЗ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ ГМБХ (AT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 12.07.2010 AT A1180/2010 (85) Дата начала ...

03-07-2020 дата публикации

Novel formed coke adhesive and method for preparing formed coke by using same

Номер: CN111363599A
Автор: 刘国, 朱卫恒


14-07-2022 дата публикации

High-efficiency solid fuel containing recycled coffee waste and half-carbonized rice husks and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: KR20220099624A
Автор: 김진선
Принадлежит: 주식회사 대윤

본 발명은 커피박과 반탄화된 왕겨를 재자원화하는 고효율 친환경 고형연료 및 그의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명은 고형화처리 기술을 이용하되 폐기되어지는 커피박과 반탄화 왕겨를 친환경적이고 독성물질이 없는 접착제를 혼합시켜 고형화하여 커피박 및 반탄화 왕겨를 재자원화하는 브리켓성형된 고효율 고형연료를 제조함으로써 석탄발전소에서 신재생에너지공급의무화(RPS)를 달성하기 위해 확보해야 하는 신재생에너지로 적용할 수 있으며, 지자체에서 발생하는 커피박의 커피부속물로서의 환경문제를 안정적으로 처리함과 동시에 커피부속물 처리비용을 현격히 절감시킬 수 있도록 하는 한편, 커피박 및 반탄화 왕겨를 포함하는 브리켓성형된 고효율 고형연료를 사용함으로써 석탄 수입 대체 효과와 온실가스 감축 및 탄소배출권 확보 등의 경제적 가치를 창출할 수 있으며, 아울러 발전소에서 사용하는 우드브리켓 수입대체 효과로 외화절감이 구현될 수 있는 것이다.

01-06-2018 дата публикации

High caloric carbonized pellet, and method and device for manufacturing thereof

Номер: KR101863561B1

본 발명은 탄소원소 함량이 50 내지 99%이고, 저위발열량이 4500 내지 8000 kcal/kg인 고열량 탄화펠릿과 목재를 박피하여 목재칩을 제조하는 단계, 제조된 목재칩을 무산소하에서 반탄화하는 단계, 반탄화된 목재칩을 분쇄하여 분말화하는 단계, 반탄화된 목재칩 분말과 바인더 및 나노금속 촉매용액를 혼합한 혼합물을 펠렛으로 성형하는 단계, 및 성형된 펠렛을 탄화하는 단계를 포함하는 고열량 탄화펠렛 제조방법 및 장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a process for producing a wood chip by peeling wood with a high calorific carbon pellet having a carbon element content of 50 to 99% and a low calorific value of 4500 to 8000 kcal / kg, semi-carbonizing the produced wood chip under anaerobic conditions, Comprising the steps of milling and pulverizing a semi-carbonized wood chip, molding the mixture of the semi-carbonized wood chip powder and the binder and the nano-metal catalyst solution into pellets, and carbonizing the molded pellets, And a method of manufacturing the same.

10-07-2018 дата публикации

System and process for combusting coal and beneficiated organic-carbon-containing feedstock

Номер: US10018355B2
Принадлежит: CTP Biotechnology LLC

A coal combustion process is described using coal feedstock and processed biomass feedstock to reduce adverse by-products in a coal combusting apparatus including the reduction of carbon dioxide by at least 50 volume %. The coal feedstock is selected from coal, a coal substitute processed biomass, or an aggregate blend of coal and processed biomass. The biomass feedstock comprises processed biomass pellets.

08-08-2017 дата публикации

Lignocellulosic biomass fermentation process co-product fuel for cement kiln

Номер: US9725363B2
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A fuel made from co-products derived from a lignocellulosic biomass fermentation process is used to fuel a cement production process. Filter cake and syrup co-products are mixed and dried, then burned in a cement kiln to create the temperatures needed for cement production.

23-01-2018 дата публикации

Fuel compositions containing lignocellulosic biomass fermentation process syrup

Номер: US9873846B2
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A solid lignocellulosic fuel composition is produced from combining the syrup co-product of a lignocellulosic biomass fermentation process and an additional fuel component. The syrup is an excellent binder for a powdery fuel material that is not readily handled. The fuel composition is further processed to form briquettes, pellets and the like.

04-08-2009 дата публикации

A solid fuel for untreated waste

Номер: KR20090083660A
Автор: 동 권 김
Принадлежит: 동 권 김

본 발명은 폐기물을 이용한 고체 연료에 관한 것이다. 목재 분쇄물 65~90 중량%와; 30~70%의 함수율을 가지는 축산분뇨 5~15 중량%와; 가연성 점결재로서 30~70%의 함수율을 가지는 음식물 쓰레기 2~10중량% 및 녹말풀 3~10중량%;를 교반기에서 혼합하여 100~200㎏/㎠의 압력으로 압축성형하고, 일정한 크기로 절단하여서 되는 것으로, 목재 분쇄물과 축산분뇨가 가연성 점결재의 역할을 하는 음식물 쓰레기와 녹말풀에 의하여 점결력을 가지고 압축 성형되어, 산업용 및 난방용으로 충분한 화력을 제공하고, 연소 온도를 일정하게 유지할 수 있어서 연소 상태가 지속적으로 유지되어 연료화 할 수 있는 것이다. 산업 폐기물, 축산 폐기물, 생활 폐기물

02-12-2010 дата публикации

Pellets and briquets from compacted biomass

Номер: US20100300368A1

Certain disclosed pellets, briquettes, and other compacted products contain multiple components and have a composition tailored to meet specific requirements for a given application. Frequently, at least one of the components is a biomass component. The compacted biomass products can be used in various applications including power generation, animal bedding, and waste absorbent. One particular embodiment involves using compacted body or mass as a fuel supplement or fuel replacement for coal or other fossil fuel(s) in co-firing power plants. Other specific applications include bedding for various animals including fowl, horses, and rabbits. Another application comprises pelletized absorbents such as cat litter for absorbing liquid and/or solid waste products.

14-01-2003 дата публикации

Pelletizing and briquetting of combustible organic-waste materials using binders produced by liquefaction of biomass

Номер: US6506223B2
Автор: Donald H. White
Принадлежит: Waste Technology Transfer Inc

A fuel pellet is produced by the combination of organic waste material with a binder obtained by direct liquefaction and/or fast pyrolysis of biomass material. Direct liquefaction and fast pyrolysis are carried out according to known liquefaction processes. The liquefied bio-binder base is mixed with additives, if desired, such as petroleum asphalt and cross-linking agents, in order to modify its characteristics to meet specific needs of particular applications, and the resulting mixture is mixed with organic-waste material preheated to 100° C. or more and allowed to react at about 150-200° C. Combustible extenders and fillers, reinforcing fibers, and cross-linking agents may be mixed with the organic material or the bio-binder base to provide additional specific properties to the mixture. The resulting well mixed mass is then pelletized or otherwise molded in conventional equipment.

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013140297A

1. Способ кальцинирования зеленого нефтяного кокса, включающий:разделение зеленого кокса, имеющего частицы размером от 0,1 мм до 75 мм, на мелкодисперсную и грубодисперсную фракции, причем мелкодисперсная фракция включает частицы размером менее примерно 4,75 мм и грубодисперсная фракция включает частицы размером более примерно 4,75 мм;гранулирование или брикетирование мелкодисперсной фракции вместе со связующим для получения гранулированного или брикетированного кокса;соединение грубодисперсной фракции и гранулированного или брикетированного кокса с образованием исходной смеси икальцинирование исходной смеси с получением прокаленного кокса.2. Способ по п.1, в котором кальцинирование зеленого кокса включает применение шахтной печи, вращающейся печи для обжига или печи с вращающимся подом.3. Способ по п.1, в котором гранулирование мелкодисперсной фракции включает применение связующего агента в количестве менее или равном 15% по весу.4. Способ по п.1, в котором связующее выбрано из группы, состоящей из крахмала, сахара, карбоксиметилцеллюлозы, поливинилового спирта, лигносульфоната, гемицеллюлозы и других известных растворимых в воде органических связующих.5. Способ по п.3, в котором гранулирование мелкодисперсной фракции включает применение каменноугольного пека или нефтяного пека с температурой размягчения, равной от примерно 90 до примерно 120°C.6. Способ по п.1, который дополнительно включает нагревание мелкодисперсной фракции до температуры, составляющей примерно 150°C пред проведением гранулирования.7. Способ по п.1, в котором размолотая или тонкоизмельченная мелкодисперсная фракция имеет частицы размером ме РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 140 297 A (51) МПК B05D 5/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013140297/05, 13.07.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): РЭЙН СиАйАй КАРБОН ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ЭДВАРДС Лесли С. (US) 23.02.2011 US 13/033,110 ...

25-01-2021 дата публикации

Solid fuelization system and method using excrement of livestock as the main row material

Номер: KR102205450B1
Автор: 김남천, 김상진
Принадлежит: 김남천, 주식회사 원천환경기술

The present invention relates to a solid fuelization system using livestock manure as a main raw material and a method therefor and, more particularly, to a system for manufacturing/processing solid fuel that meets the standards and criteria of solid fuel presented by the government′s related laws for livestock manure. To this end, the system comprises: a transfer measuring unit which collects a livestock manure mixture and measures the amount of livestock manure and a moisture content ratio; a primary crushing and mixing unit which primarily crushes the livestock manure mixture supplied by the transfer measuring unit, and puts a swelling agent into the mixture so as to mix the mixture with mixing equipment such that a content ratio of ingredients is overall uniform; a compression dehydrating unit which compresses and dehydrates the livestock manure mixture supplied by the primary crushing and mixing unit so as to lower the moisture content ratio; a secondary crushing unit which crushes the compressed and dehydrated cake-shaped livestock manure mixture supplied by the compression dehydrating unit so as to form livestock manure mixture powder; a drying and torrefaction unit which dries and torrefies the secondarily crushed livestock manure mixture powder supplied by the secondary crushing unit; and a molding unit which processes and molds the torrefied products dried and torrefied by the drying and torrefaction unit so as to manufacture an excipient for processing solid fuel or spherical coal. Therefore, the present invention can be used as an eco-friendly alternative energy source without secondary environmental pollution and can improve the competitiveness of livestock farms by expanding the demand for livestock manure.

10-02-2009 дата публикации

Plant for manufacturing of melted iron by means of injection of fine-dispersed carbon-bearing material into gas-producing melting furnace and manufacturing method of melted iron by using of this plant

Номер: RU2346058C2
Принадлежит: Поско

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention concerns plant for manufacturing of melted iron by means of injection of fine-dispersed carbon-bearing materials into gas-producing melting furnace and method of melted iron by means of using of such plant, providing reduction of fuel consumption, receiving of reducing gas, allowing improved reducing capacity, more efficiently to use coal combustion heat. Method provides mixtures reduction, containing iron ore, in reducing reactor, charging of lump carbon-bearing material into domical top of gas-producing melting furnace and formation of packed coal bed, injection of oxygen and fine-dispersed carbon-bearing material into coal layer through the lance, mounted in gas-producing melting furnace, connected to reducing reactor, and manufacturing of melted iron, and feeding of reducing gas, containing of volatile matters contented as in lump carbon-bearing material, as and in fine-dispersed carbon-bearing material, from melting furnace into reducing reactor. EFFECT: reduction of fuel consumption, receiving of reducing gas, allowing improved reducing capacity, more effective usage of coal combustion heat. 46 cl, 10 dwg, 5 tbl, 4 ex ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 346 058 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ C21B 13/14 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007105966/02, 29.07.2005 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÊÂÎÍ ßíã-×óë (KR), ÕÓÐ Íàì-Ñóê (KR), ÏÀÐÊ ßíã-Äî (KR), ÊÈÌ Õàê-Äîíã (KR) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 29.07.2005 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÏÎÑÊÎ (KR) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 30.07.2004 KR 10-2004-0060584 22.04.2005 KR 10-2005-0033775 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.09.2008 2 3 4 6 0 5 8 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 10.02.2009 Áþë. ¹ 4 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: RU 2133780 C1, 27.07.1999. RU 2175675 C2, 10.11.2001. DE 19950827 A1, 08.06.2000. WO 03/025230 A1, 27.03.2003. JP 62-224619 A, 02.10.1987. RU ...

30-11-2018 дата публикации

The preparation method of burn wood pellets and burn wood pellets

Номер: CN105051170B
Принадлежит: Standard Brands UK Ltd


01-09-2020 дата публикации

Wood-polymer composites of low flammability and method of their production

Номер: RU2731268C2

FIELD: production of composite materials. SUBSTANCE: invention discloses low-flammability wood-polymer composite, characterized by that it contains low-pressure polyethylene, ammonium polyphosphate, wood flour, pre-treated with a fire retardant from urea phosphate, a mixture of borax with boric acid, and antioxidant Irganox 1010, with the following ratio of components, wt %: polyethylene—25.0–30.0; wood flour—45.0–55.0; ammonium polyphosphate—16.5–19.5; fire retardant—3.0–5.0 and antioxidant—0.5. Also disclosed is a method of producing a low-flammability wood-polymer composite, characterized in that wood flour is treated with a solution of a fire retardant from a series: urea phosphate, a mixture of borax with boric acid while stirring and at ambient temperature, dried by air aeration at temperature of 70 °C, components of the wood-polymer composite are mixed in a double-screw extruder at temperature of 180 °C. EFFECT: obtaining a wood-polymer composite which is characterized by high resistance to combustion and low water absorption. 4 cl, 4 ex, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 731 268 C2 (51) МПК C08L 23/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/40 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C08L 23/06 (2020.02); C10L 5/06 (2020.02); C10L 5/14 (2020.02); C10L 5/40 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018105618, 14.02.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.09.2020 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 14.08.2019 Бюл. № 23 (45) Опубликовано: 01.09.2020 Бюл. № 25 2 7 3 1 2 6 8 R U (54) Древесно-полимерные композиты пониженной горючести и способ их получения (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает древеснопониженной горючести, характеризующийся тем, полимерный композит пониженной горючести, что древесную муку обрабатывают раствором характеризующийся тем, что содержит антипирена из ряда: фосфат мочевины, смесь полиэтилен низкого давления, полифосфат буры с ...

05-04-2006 дата публикации

Method of Briquettes having superior strength for smelting reduction iron making process

Номер: KR100568337B1
Автор: 류진호, 박상훈, 조재억

본 발명은 성형탄의 제조 방법에 관한 것으로, 그 목적은 미분탄, 당밀, 소석회의 배합순서를 제어하여 균일한 혼합을 도모하면서 당밀과 칼슘의 화학반응에 의해 강도를 증진시킨 성형탄의 제조방법을 제공함에 있다. 본 발명에 따라 제조된 성형탄은 강도가 우수하여 신제철법인 용융환원제철공정에 적용될 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method for producing coal briquettes, the object of which is to provide a method for producing coal briquettes in which the strength of the coal briquettes, molasses, and slaked lime is enhanced by the chemical reaction of molasses and calcium while promoting uniform mixing. have. Coal briquettes prepared according to the present invention is excellent in strength and can be applied to a molten steel reduction process, which is a new steelmaking method. 상기 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명은, The present invention for achieving the above object, 미분탄에 바인더인 당밀을 1차 혼합하는 단계, Firstly mixing molasses as a binder with pulverized coal; 미분탄과 당밀의 혼합물에 경화제인 소석회를 2차 혼합하는 단계, Secondary mixing calcined lime as a curing agent in a mixture of pulverized coal and molasses, 상기 2차 혼합물을 성형탄으로 성형하는 단계를 포함하여 이루어지는 성형탄의 제조방법에 관한 것을 그 기술적요지로 한다. Technical aspect of the present invention relates to a method for manufacturing coal briquettes including the step of molding the secondary mixture into coal briquettes. 파이넥스, 코렉스, 성형탄, 소석회, 미분탄, 당밀 Finex, Corex, coal briquettes, slaked lime, pulverized coal, molasses

22-09-2006 дата публикации

Coal briquette having superior strength for smelting reduction iron making process and briquetting method thereof

Номер: KR100627469B1

본 발명은 야금용 성형탄에 관한 것으로, 그 목적은 미분탄의 수분과 생석회의 발열반응으로 미분탄의 건조공정을 생략하면서 칼슘당산염 결합의 화학반응에 의해 강도가 우수한 성형탄과 그 제조방법을 제공하는 것이다. The present invention relates to a coal briquette for metallurgy, an object of the present invention is to provide coal briquettes having excellent strength by chemical reaction of calcium saccharide bonds while omitting the drying process of the pulverized coal due to the exothermic reaction of pulverized coal and moisture of quicklime. . 상기 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명은, The present invention for achieving the above object, 미분탄과 이 미분탄 100중량부에 대해 생석회:1~5중량부, 당밀:7~15중량부로 조성되는 강도가 우수한 성형탄 그리고, Coal briquettes having excellent strength composed of quicklime: 1 to 5 parts by weight, molasses: 7 to 15 parts by weight, based on pulverized coal and 100 parts by weight of this pulverized coal, 미분탄 100중량부에 생석회를 1~5중량부 혼합하는 단계, Mixing 1 to 5 parts by weight of quicklime to 100 parts by weight of pulverized coal, 상기 혼합물을 숙성하는 단계, Aging the mixture, 상기 숙성된 혼합물에 미분탄 100중량부에 대해 당밀을 7~15중량부 혼합하는 단계, Mixing molasses 7 to 15 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of pulverized coal to the aged mixture, 상기 당밀이 혼합된 혼합물을 교반하는 단계, Stirring the mixture in which the molasses is mixed, 상기 교반한 혼합물을 성형탄으로 성형하는 단계를 포함하여 이루어지는 강도가 우수한 성형탄의 제조방법에 관한 것을 그 기술적요지로 한다. Technical aspect of the present invention relates to a method for producing coal briquettes having excellent strength, including forming the stirred mixture into coal briquettes. 파이넥스, 코렉스, 성형탄, 생석회, 미분탄, 당밀 Finex, Corex, coal briquettes, quicklime, pulverized coal, molasses

17-10-2018 дата публикации

Method of briquetting carbon reducing agents

Номер: RU2669940C1

FIELD: technological processes. SUBSTANCE: invention describes a method for briquetting carbon reducing agents, preferably brown coal or stone semi char (coke), comprising mixing binder materials with a semi char (coke), pressing and drying of briquettes, characterized in that, as binding materials, a combined binder comprising high-temperature and low-temperature components is used, the carbonaceous reductant is mixed with the high-temperature component, then a low-temperature component is added, at the same time, high-temperature components are used as bottoms of oil processing in the form of a pyrolysis resin or a catalytic gas oil in an amount of 25–30 wt. %, and as a low-temperature component, organic substances are used in the form of a solution of gluten or molasses in an amount of 70–75 wt. %. EFFECT: technical result consists in increasing the mechanical and thermal strength of the briquette. 5 cl, 4 ex, 3 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) (19) RU (11) (13) 2 669 940 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/00 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/16 (2006.01) C01B 33/025 (2006.01) C22B 5/10 (2006.01) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/06 (2018.08); C10L 5/00 (2018.08); C10L 5/10 (2018.08); C10L 5/14 (2018.08); C10L 5/16 (2018.08); C01B 33/025 (2018.08); C22B 5/10 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017138041, 31.10.2017 31.10.2017 17.10.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 31.10.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2376342 C1, 20.12.2009. KZ (45) Опубликовано: 17.10.2018 Бюл. № 29 (54) СПОСОБ БРИКЕТИРОВАНИЯ УГЛЕРОДНЫХ ВОССТАНОВИТЕЛЕЙ (57) Реферат: Изобретение описывает способ добавляют низкотемпературный компонент, при брикетирования углеродных восстановителей, этом в качестве высокотемпературного преимущественно буроугольного или каменного компонента используют кубовые продукты полукокса (кокса), включающий смешение переработки нефти в виде смолы ...

12-02-1997 дата публикации

Utilizing discarded carbon

Номер: CN1142845A
Автор: 小乔治·W·福特


08-11-2005 дата публикации

Formed coal having superior initial strength

Номер: KR100526131B1
Автор: 류진호, 박상훈, 조재억

본 발명은 신제철법인 용융환원프로세스의 코렉스나 파이넥스에서 사용하는 야금용 성형탄에 관한 것이다. 이 성형탄은, 미분탄과 상기 미분탄 100중량부에 대하여 생석회:1∼5중량부, 라이신 CMS(Condensed Molasses Solubles)와 당밀의 혼합액:7∼15중량부로 조성되고, 상기 라이신 CMS와 당밀의 혼합액에서 라이신 CMS의 함량은 0%초과 80%이하이다. 이 성형탄은 실온에서 가압성형할 수 있어 저온 안정성이 우수하고, 대량 취급이 용이할 뿐 아니라, 초기강도가 우수하다. The present invention relates to a coal briquette for metallurgy used in Korex or Finex of a melt reduction process, a new steelmaking method. The coal briquettes are composed of quicklime: 1-5 parts by weight of pulverized coal and 100 parts by weight of the pulverized coal, a mixture of lysine CMS (Condensed Molasses Solubles) and molasses: 7-15 parts by weight, and the lysine in the mixture of lysine CMS and molasses. The content of CMS is more than 0% and less than 80%. The coal briquettes can be press-molded at room temperature to provide excellent low temperature stability, easy handling in large quantities, and excellent initial strength.

30-11-2018 дата публикации

Method of obtaining smokeless household fuel

Номер: RU2673794C1

FIELD: technological processes. SUBSTANCE: invention discloses a method for producing a smokeless household fuel, comprising mixing the starting components – a carbon-containing material, a binder, a mineral additive, and water; pressing the briquette mixture and drying the formed briquette; at the same time as the carbonaceous material using coke breeze brand MK-1, obtained by medium temperature carbonization of brown coal, with an initial particle size of 0–15 mm, cereal crops flour or starch is used as a binder, clay, siltstone or bentonite are used as a mineral additive, where the initial components are taken in the following ratio, wt. %: carbon material not less than 50; binding agent 3.5–20.0; mineral additive 1.0–10.0; water – the rest. EFFECT: technical result consists in obtaining briquettes with a low content of volatile components, high calorific value, as well as a long period of combustion in the furnace device. 1 cl, 3 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 673 794 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/00 (2006.01) C10L 5/04 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/12 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/00 (2018.08); C10L 5/04 (2018.08); C10L 5/10 (2018.08); C10L 5/12 (2018.08); C10L 5/14 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018112960, 10.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 30.11.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2473672 C1, 27.01.2013. US (45) Опубликовано: 30.11.2018 Бюл. № 34 2 6 7 3 7 9 4 R U (54) Способ получения бездымного бытового топлива (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает способ получения бездымного бытового топлива, включающий смешение исходных компонентов – углеродсодержащего материала, связующего, минеральной добавки и воды, прессование брикетной смеси и сушку сформированного брикет, при этом в качестве углеродсодержащего материала используют мелочь коксовую марки МК-1, получаемую посредством ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Coke fuel briquette

Номер: RU2653509C1

FIELD: ecology; chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention discloses a coal-coke fuel briquette comprising a coal and coke dust concentrate and a binder, with pet coke being used as coke, and as a binder a mixture of a heavy tar of pyrolysis of oil and tar is used, with the following ratio in the binder, mass%: heavy pyrolysis resin 10–28; tar – the rest, and with the following ratio of components in the briquette, mass%: binder 6–8; petroleum coke 20–40; coal dust – the rest. EFFECT: technical result of the invention is the production of environmentally friendly fuel briquettes, which allow to reduce the ecological load on the environment. 1 cl, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 653 509 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/02 (2018.02); C10L 5/10 (2018.02); C10L 5/14 (2018.02); C10L 5/16 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016149578, 16.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 10.05.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Инштейн" (ООО "Инштейн") (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2018 Бюл. № 13 2 6 5 3 5 0 9 R U (54) Углекоксовый топливный брикет (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает углекоксовый топливный брикет, включающий концентрат из угольной и коксовой пыли, и связующее, при этом в качестве кокса используют нефтяной кокс, а в качестве связующего используют смесь тяжелой смолы пиролиза нефти и гудрона при следующем их соотношении в связующем, мас. %: тяжелая смола пиролиза 10-28; гудрон – остальное, и при Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2458974 C1 20.08.2012. JP 2011068770 A 07.04.2011. EP 2937407 A1 28.10.2015. CN 102746916 A 24.10.2012. RU 2592846 C1 27.07.2016. RU 2420548 C2 10.06.2011. JP 58021485 A 08.02.1983. C 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 664074, г. Иркутск, ул. Гоголя, 79, кв. 47, А.С. Горошенову 2 6 5 3 5 ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации

Method for preparing biomass solid refuse fuel

Номер: KR101539224B1
Автор: 김남천
Принадлежит: 김남천, 동하정보기술 주식회사

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing biomass solid fuel using an organic sludge cake of a wastewater treatment plant as a main material. High-quality biomass solid fuel with a heating value of 3,000 kcal/kg or more and a moisture content of 10 wt% or less can be manufactured by the manufacturing method as described above.

12-09-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing lump fuel

Номер: RU2666738C1

FIELD: technological processes.SUBSTANCE: invention discloses a method for producing lump fuel by mixing the starting components – carbonaceous material, granular filler and binder, molding the resulting mixture and drying, while the carbon-containing material is used as a precipitate of filter presses at the coal-dressing factory, obtained as a result of enrichment of coal of grades D, DG, G, with the initial granulometric composition 0–100 microns, as a binder – a mixture of flour and resin pyrolysis heavy in a ratio of 1:1, with the original components taken in the following amount, mass. %: sediment filter presses of the coal-dressing factory – 49.0–79.0, granular carbon filler – 19.0–49.0, binder – no more than 5.EFFECT: technical result consists in obtaining lump fuel, which has increased strength and heat of combustion.1 cl, 4 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 666 738 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/00 (2006.01) C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/00 (2018.05); C10L 5/02 (2018.05); C10L 5/10 (2018.05); C10L 5/14 (2018.05); C10L 5/16 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018101772, 18.01.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.09.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 20787954 С1, 10.05.1997. RU (45) Опубликовано: 12.09.2018 Бюл. № 26 2 6 6 6 7 3 8 R U (54) Способ получения кускового топлива (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает способ получения кускового топлива путем смешения исходных компонентов – углеродсодержащего материала, зернистого наполнителя и связующего, формования полученной смеси и сушки, при этом в качестве углеродсодержащего материала используют осадок фильтр-прессов углеобогатительной фабрики, получаемый в результате обогащения угля марок Д, ДГ, Г, с исходным гранулометрическим составом 0-100 Стр.: 1 2227803 С1, 27.04.2004. Антипенко Л.А. "Новые ...

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Forming method of semicoke powder and quicklime powder

Номер: CN106010707A
Автор: 吴道洪, 夏碧华, 薛逊


07-07-2016 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing dried combustible material

Номер: KR101637802B1
Принадлежит: 가부시키카이샤 액트

수분을 포함한 가연 물질(1)을 포함하는 다수의 입상체와, 합성 수지를 함유하는 에멀전을 포함하는 탈수 처리액(2)을 혼합하여 혼합물(3)을 형성함과 함께, 혼합물(3) 중의 입상체의 표면에 탈수 처리액(2)을 접촉시키는 혼합 공정 S1과, 입상체의 표면에 탈수 처리액(2)이 건조하여 이루어지는 합성 수지 피막을 형성함과 함께 입상체의 수분을 증발시킴으로써, 함수율을 저감시킨 입상체와, 그 표면을 피복하는 합성 수지 피막을 포함하는 피복 입상체를 형성하고, 상기 피복 입상체로 구성되는 건조 가연 물질(31)을 얻는 건조 공정 S3을 갖는 것을 특징으로 하는 건조 가연 물질의 제조 방법이다. (3) is formed by mixing a plurality of grains containing a combustible material (1) containing water and a dehydrating solution (2) containing an emulsion containing a synthetic resin to form a mixture (3) A mixing step S1 of bringing the dehydrating treatment liquid 2 into contact with the surface of the granular material, and a synthetic resin coating formed by drying the dehydrating treatment liquid 2 on the surface of the granular material and evaporating the moisture of the granular material, Characterized by comprising a drying step (S3) for forming a coated particulate material including a particulate material with reduced moisture content and a synthetic resin coating film covering the surface thereof to obtain a dried flammable material (31) composed of the coated particulate material A method for producing a combustible material.

15-07-1994 дата публикации

Fuel briquette for metallurgical processes and process for manufacturing thereof

Номер: RU2016048C1

FIELD: metallurgical processes. SUBSTANCE: the fuel briquette comprises (wt % ): 60-90 granular lignite coke having a specific surface area of 300 m 2 /g; anthracite fines having a particle size of 0.5-4 mm; and 5-10 starch. The fuel briquette is prepared at 100-110 C by mixing granular lignite coke (granule particle size of maximum 5 mm), anthracite fines and starch with water used in an amount of 15-40 % by weight of the coke and anthracite; the mixture is briquetted and dried, water can partly be used as superheated steam and the drying operation can be effected in a furnace with hot air circulating at 110-130 C. EFFECT: improved properties of the fuel briquette. 6 cl, 1 tbl ЗУОЭГОС ПЧ Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ “” 2016 048 ' 13) Сл С 10 Е 5/14 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 4895304/04, 15.05.1991 (30) Приоритет: 16.05.1990 ЕК 9006129 (46) Дата публикации: 15.07.1994 (56) Ссылки: Заявка СВ М 2185755, кл. С 10 502, 1987.Патент Ц$ М 4654049, кл. С 10Ё 500, 1987. (71) Заявитель: Ле Комбюстибль де Норманди (ЕК) (72) Изобретатель: Жан-Клод Флоик[ ЕН], Ипполит Леон Луи Воклэр[ЕК] (73) Патентообладатель: Ле Комбюстибль де Норманди (ЕК) (54) ТОПЛИВНЫЙ БРИКЕТ ДЛЯ МЕТАЛЛУРГИЧЕСКИХ ПРОЦЕССОВ И СПОСОБ ЕГО ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Использование: топливные брикеты для металлургических процессов в способах выплавки стали или перекарбюрации стали и чугуна в качестве источника энергии, восстанавливающего материала илили карбюризатора. Сущность изобретения: ТОПЛИВНЫЙ брикет содержит, мас. %: гранулированный лигнитовый кокс с удельной поверхностью до 300 мг 60 - 90: антрацитовая мелочь с размером частиц 0,5 - 4 мм 5 - 30; крахмал 5 - 10. Гопливный брикет получают смешиванием при 100 - 110°С гранулированного лигнитового кокса (с размером гранул не более 5 мм), антрацитовой мелочи и крахмала с водой, используемой в количестве 15 - 40% от массы магнитового кокса и антрацитовой мелочи, ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Pelletising and baking of green coke

Номер: RU2577266C2

FIELD: oil and gas industry. SUBSTANCE: claimed process comprises the separation of green oil coke of particle size of 0.1-75 mm to fine and coarse fractions. Note here that fine fraction includes the particle sized to approx 4.75 mm. Note also that coarse fraction includes the particle sized to approx 4.75 mm. Fine fraction is pelletised long with the organic binder in the amount of smaller than or equal to 5 wt %. To get the pelletised coke, coarse fraction and pelletised coke are bound to make the initial mix. The latter is baked to get the calcined oil coke. EFFECT: invariable-composition homogeneous product, namely, dense and strong pellets not sticking together to decrease the dusting. 22 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 577 266 C2 (51) МПК C10B 55/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013140297/05, 13.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.07.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ЭДВАРДС Лесли С. (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и): РЭЙН СиАйАй КАРБОН ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 23.02.2011 US 13/033,110; 12.07.2011 US 13/180,765 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.04.2015 Бюл. № 10 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4039319 A, 02.08.1977. US 4388152 A, 14.06.1983. US 3966560 A, 29.06.1976. SU 747814 A1, 15.07.1980. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.09.2013 2 5 7 7 2 6 6 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2016 Бюл. № 7 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 7 7 2 6 6 R U C 2 C 2 US 2011/043799 (13.07.2011) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2012/115680 (30.08.2012) Адрес для переписки: 119019, Москва, Гоголевский бульвар, 11, этаж 3, "Гоулингз Интернэшнл Инк.", Соболеву А.Ю. (54) ГРАНУЛИРОВАНИЕ И КАЛЬЦИНИРОВАНИЕ ЗЕЛЕНОГО КОКСА (57) Реферат: Изобретения могут быть использованы в менее или равном 5% по весу, для получения нефтяной и коксохимической промышленности. гранулированного или брикетированного кокса; ...

23-09-2014 дата публикации

Fuel pellet for powdered coal boiler and it's manufacturing process by using palm oil byproduct

Номер: KR101442769B1
Автор: 남문식
Принадлежит: 남문식

The present invention relates to a fuel pellet for coal powder boiler of coal power plant using palm byproducts wasted from a palm oil process. According to the present invention, a mixture of palm film powder and palm seed bark is rolled by a forming press, and the moisture contents of the mixture is equal to or lower than 10 wt%, while the ash fusion temperature is higher than 1200°C. The fuel pellet for coal powder boiler of coal power plant using palm byproducts has over 1200°C of ash fusion temperature, thus can be useful for a coal powder boiler and for a highly calorific power generation without going through a semi-carbonization process.

27-12-2016 дата публикации

A method of obtaining coal briquettes from oxidized coal for the restoration of disturbed lands

Номер: RU2015120515A

Способ получения угольных топливных брикетов из окисленного угля, включающий в себя технологические стадии: отсев угольной шихты от крупной мелочи; ее смешение со связующим - водным раствором полиакриламида с примесью поверхностно-активного вещества - пропиленгликоля и гуминового препарата «Биогум»; брикетирование, сушку, затаривание полученных брикетов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C10L 5/00 C10L 5/14 C10L 5/02 C10L 5/10 (13) 2015 120 515 A (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015120515, 29.05.2015 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.05.2015 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2016 Бюл. № 36 (57) Формула изобретения Способ получения угольных топливных брикетов из окисленного угля, включающий в себя технологические стадии: отсев угольной шихты от крупной мелочи; ее смешение со связующим - водным раствором полиакриламида с примесью поверхностноактивного вещества - пропиленгликоля и гуминового препарата «Биогум»; брикетирование, сушку, затаривание полученных брикетов. R U A 2 0 1 5 1 2 0 5 1 5 A (54) Способ получения угольных брикетов из окисленных углей для рекультивации нарушенных земель 2 0 1 5 1 2 0 5 1 5 (72) Автор(ы): Шевченко Татьяна Викторовна (RU), Новикова Яна Анатольевна (RU), Устинова Юлия Владиславовна (RU), Доня Денис Викторович (RU), Кучер Николай Алексеевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 650002, г. Кемерово, ул.Серебряный бор, 15А, кв.208, Устиновой Ю.В. (71) Заявитель(и): Шевченко Татьяна Викторовна (RU), Новикова Яна Анатольевна (RU), Устинова Юлия Владиславовна (RU), Доня Денис Викторович (RU), Кучер Николай Алексеевич (RU) Стр.: 1

17-10-2012 дата публикации

Pellets and briquettes from compacted biomass

Номер: CN102741383A


27-08-2018 дата публикации

Method of coke fine grades briquetting

Номер: RU2665044C1

Изобретение раскрывает способ брикетирования мелких классов кокса, включающий смешивание мелких фракций кокса со связующим веществом, прессование брикетов, отличающийся тем, что коксовую шихту, приготовленную из коксовой мелочи класса 0-10 мм типичной для коксового производства влажностью смешивают с коксовой пылью фракции 0-1 мм в соотношении от 2,5/1 до 4,5/1 по массе, со связующим веществом, подвергают прессованию давлением до 35 МПа и отверждению в естественных условиях, преимущественно при 20°С, в течение 24 часов, в качестве связующего вещества используют смесь сухой золы уноса (отходы тепловых станций угольной генерации) и кристаллического каустика в соотношении от 3/2 до 4/1 по массе, доля которой в брикетной шихте составляет 7-10% по массе, при этом смесь золы уноса, каустика и влаги коксовой мелочи выполняет функцию образования алюмосиликатного клея, оказывающего цементирующее действие для созревания прочности. Технический результат заключается в получении бездымных углеродсодержащих брикетов без термической сушки, с повышенной механической прочностью, в снижении энергоемкости и стоимости брикетов. 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 665 044 C1 (51) МПК C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/06 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/12 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C10L 5/02 (2018.05); C10L 5/06 (2018.05); C10L 5/10 (2018.05); C10L 5/12 (2018.05); C10L 5/14 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018119637, 28.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 27.08.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 Адрес для переписки: 650000, г. Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28, КузГТУ, отдел управления интеллектуальными ресурсами 2541317 C1, 10.02.2015. RU 2107089 C1, 20.03.1998. RU 94017274 A1, 10.01.1996. KR 2013047229 A, 08.05.2013. JP 58063790 A, 15.04.1983. CN 101812341 A, 25.08.2010. GB 2330150 A, 14.04.1999. C 1 2 6 6 5 0 4 4 (56) Список документов, ...

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Patent RU2020107862A3

Номер: RU2020107862A3

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2020 107 862 A (51) МПК C10L 5/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2020107862, 15.08.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): АРБАФЛЕЙМ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИ АС (NO) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): БРУСЛЕТТО Руне (NO) 16.08.2017 NO 20171359 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 16.03.2020 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 16.09.2021 Бюл. № 26 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2019/035723 (21.02.2019) R U (54) Способ и устройство для получения топливных гранул на основе целлюлозы (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ получения топливных гранул на основе целлюлозы из больших продолговатых кусков древесного материала (23), включающий i) измельчение больших продолговатых кусков древесного материала (23) до древесного материала (54) в виде частиц, ii) осуществление термообработки материала в виде частиц в реакторе (61), нагретом до температуры и в течение периода времени, достаточных для размягчения лигнина в материале, iii) снижение давления таким образом, чтобы вызвать разделение на волокна материала в виде частиц, и iv) гранулирование материала с использованием размягченного лигнина по меньшей мере частично в качестве связующего для гранул, отличающийся тем, что измельчение больших кусков древесного материала (23) осуществляют в одну стадию, в ходе которой большие продолговатые куски древесного материала загружают в измельчающее устройство (12), в котором по меньшей мере один вращающийся барабан (22), снабженный режущими зубьями, выполнен с возможностью полного измельчения большого продолговатого древесного материала. 2. Способ по п. 1, в котором большие продолговатые куски древесного материала (23) выбраны из бревен и секций бревен. 3. Способ по п. 1, в котором измельчение осуществляют таким образом, чтобы Стр.: 1 A 2 0 2 0 1 0 7 8 6 2 A Адрес для переписки: 191036, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 24, "НЕВИНПАТ", А.В. Поликарпову 2 ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Compressed biomass pellets and briquettes

Номер: RU2510660C2

FIELD: power industry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to compressed base for use in co-combustion power aggregates and house heating, containing first particles of biomass material selected out of a group including planting stock of soy beans, sage, planting stock of corn and sunflower, and second, carbon particles, where compressed base containing first and second particles and a linking agent (algae or wax) is resistant to fragmentation. Invention relates to a method of obtaining compressed base containing biomass material, carbon particles and algae or wax as linking agent. In addition, invention describes a total of compressed bases in container for use in co-combustion power aggregates and house heating. EFFECT: compressed base resistant to fragmentation. 23 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: (19) RU (11) (13) 2 510 660 C2 (51) МПК C10L 5/40 (2006.01) C10L 5/04 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) A01K 1/015 (2006.01) A01K 1/035 (2006.01) B01D 15/00 (2006.01) B01J 20/22 (2006.01) ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011147840/04, 25.05.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.05.2010 (72) Автор(ы): МАЙЕРЗ, Майкл, Б. (US), ХУД, Джей, Дж. (US) 26.05.2009 US 61/181,101; 24.09.2009 US 61/245,506 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): АМЕРИКАН ПЕЛЛИТ СЕПЛАЙ ЛЛК (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.05.2013 Бюл. № 15 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4589887 A 20.05.1986 . US 6692544 В1 17.02.2004 . US 20070006526 A1 11.01.2007 . UA 67674 A 15.06.2004 . SU 1774846 А3 11.07.1992 . RU 2273129 C1 10.04.2006. UA 21851 U 15.04.2007 (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 25.11.2011 US 2010/036079 (25.05.2010) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 5 1 0 6 6 0 WO 2010/138514 (02.12.2010) R U 2 5 1 0 6 6 0 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2014 Бюл. № 10 Адрес для переписки: 123242, Москва, Кудринская ...

23-04-2021 дата публикации

Coal briquet composition using a soluble binder and method for producing the same

Номер: KR102243573B1
Автор: 김봉주, 배우현, 이동걸
Принадлежит: 주식회사 이에스알

본 발명은 입경 3mm 이상의 원료탄 및 입경 0.5mm 이하의 미분탄 중 어느 1종 이상을 포함하는 석탄 원료 100 중량부에 대하여 수용성 바인더를 1 내지 15 중량부 포함하며, 상기 수용성 바인더는 α-전분 및 목화씨 전분 중 어느 1종 이상을 포함하는 혼합 전분 및 폴리비닐알코올 수용액을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 성형탄 조성물 및 이의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 석탄 원료 배합 시 균일하게 배합이 가능하고, 보다 균일하고 강하게 결합되어 성형공정과 코크스 생산 공정에서 설비에 의한 이송과정에서 야기될 수 있는 파손을 방지하고, 건조공정이나 가열공정을 경유하지 않고 자연건조 상태에서 성형탄의 압축강도가 향상되는 효과를 제공한다.

08-10-2018 дата публикации

Coke fuel briquette

Номер: RU2653509C9

FIELD: ecology; chemistry.SUBSTANCE: invention discloses a coal-coke fuel briquette comprising a coal and coke dust concentrate and a binder, with pet coke being used as coke, and as a binder a mixture of a heavy tar of pyrolysis of oil and tar is used, with the following ratio in the binder, mass%: heavy pyrolysis resin 10–28; tar – the rest, and with the following ratio of components in the briquette, mass%: binder 6–8; petroleum coke 20–40; coal dust – the rest.EFFECT: technical result of the invention is the production of environmentally friendly fuel briquettes, which allow to reduce the ecological load on the environment.1 cl, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 653 509 C9 (51) МПК C10L 5/02 (2006.01) C10L 5/10 (2006.01) C10L 5/14 (2006.01) C10L 5/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) СКОРРЕКТИРОВАННОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Примечание: библиография отражает состояние при переиздании (52) СПК C10L 5/02 (2018.02); C10L 5/10 (2018.02); C10L 5/14 (2018.02); C10L 5/16 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016149578, 16.12.2016 16.12.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.12.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Инштейн" (ООО "Инштейн") (RU) (15) Информация о коррекции: Версия коррекции №1 (W1 C1) (48) Коррекция опубликована: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2458974 C1, 20.08.2012. JP 08.10.2018 Бюл. № 28 2 6 5 3 5 0 9 R U (54) Углекоксовый топливный брикет (57) Реферат: Изобретение раскрывает углекоксовый топливный брикет, включающий концентрат из угольной и коксовой пыли, и связующее, при этом в качестве кокса используют нефтяной кокс, а в качестве связующего используют смесь тяжелой смолы пиролиза нефти и гудрона при следующем их соотношении в связующем, мас. %: тяжелая смола пиролиза 10-28; гудрон – остальное, и при Стр.: 1 2011068770 A, 07.04.2011. EP 2937407 A1, 28.10.2015. CN 102746916 A, 24.10.2012. RU 2592846 C1, 27.07.2016. RU 2420548 C2, 10.06. ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации

Method for preparing briquette binder from kitchen waste and cattle manure

Номер: CN106381184A
Автор: 孟中立, 盛艳花, 袁春华
Принадлежит: Individual


27-04-2009 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of briquettes with direct usage of coal with wide particle distribution by dimensions, method and facility with usage of this method

Номер: RU2353660C2
Принадлежит: Поско

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to receiving of coal briquette, used during the receiving of liquid cast iron in facility for melting-gasification. For receiving of coal briquettes with usage of coal with wide particles distribution by dimensions implemented initial classification of the first group of coal by particles sizes for receiving of fine coal. Fine coal is mixed to the second group of the coil with the mean reflection coefficient (Rm) 0.8 or higher. Coal mixture including fine coal from the first group of coal and the second group of coal are dried and implemented secondary classification of this coal mixture by particles size with receiving of sizes of coal grains equal or less than established dimension for charging in facility of melting-gasification. To the coal mixture with grain size equal or less than established size for charging into facility of melting-gasification it is added curing agent and molasses binder, there are mixed and manufactured coal briquettes by means of moulding of this coal mixture. EFFECT: development of effective method of receiving of coal briquettes, used during the receiving of liquid cast iron in facility for melting-gasification. 34 cl, 4 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 353 660 (13) C2 (51) МПК C21B 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006126829/02, 26.01.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.01.2005 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.03.2008 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2188239 С2, 27.08.2002. US 6332911 В, 25.12.2001. ЕР 0315825 B1, 17.05.1989. SU 830200 A, 15.05.1981. (73) Патентообладатель(и): ПОСКО (KR) 2 3 5 3 6 6 0 R U (86) Заявка PCT: KR 2005/000218 (26.01.2005) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 28.08.2006 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2005/071119 (04.08.2005) Адрес для переписки: 191036, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 24 ...

15-12-1992 дата публикации

Polymeric compositions

Номер: US5171781A
Принадлежит: Allied Colloids Ltd

Water absorbent particulate polymers and their uses are described. Friable aggregates may be made by bonding substantially dry polymer particles with an aqueous liquid and drying the aggregates. These aggregates can be broken down to the individual polymer particles upon mixing with an aqueous medium and thus can have the flow properties of relatively coarse particles and the performance properties of relatively fine particles. They may be soluble nd used as flocculants or viscosifiers or binders for, for instance, iron ore pelletisation. Alternatively they may be swellable and insoluble, for instance for converting a sticky particulate mass (such as coal fines filter cake) to a crumbly solid. When pellets are formed by compression moulding from a crumbly solid made by mixing water absorbent polymer particles with a sticky mass of inorganic particles (such as a coal fines filter cake) improved properties are obtained when the absorbent polymer particles are introduced in the form of a dispersion in water-immiscible liquid.

06-05-2013 дата публикации

Formed coal using water-soluble binder and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR101259338B1
Автор: 오종구
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 석탄 및 미분탄 중 1종 또는 2종을 포함하는 석탄배합물 100중량부 및 수용성 바인더 3-10중량부를 포함하며, 상기 수용성 바인더는 (1) 수용성 아크릴 에멀션, PVA(polyvinyl alcohol)수용액을 포함하는 제1바인더성분 50-60중량%와 (2) 수용성 셀룰로오스 및 호화전분 중 1종 또는 2종을 포함하는 제2바인더성분 15-25중량% 및 (3) 글리세린 15-25중량%를 포함하는 성형탄을 제공한다. 이를 통하여, 성형탄의 강도가 높고, 바인더의 높은 침투력에 의해 석탄과 미분탄이 보다 균일하고 강하게 결합됨으로써 성형탄의 압축강도가 향상되는 효과를 나타내므로, 보다 높은 강도의 코크스를 제조할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 수용성 바인더를 이용함으로서 광물성 오일 보다 취급성이 용이하여 생산성이 크게 향상되는 효과를 나타낸다. The present invention includes 100 parts by weight of a coal blend containing one or two kinds of coal and pulverized coal, and 3 to 10 parts by weight of a water soluble binder, wherein the water soluble binder contains (1) a water-soluble acrylic emulsion and a PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) (2) 15-25% by weight of a second binder component comprising one or two of water-soluble cellulose and starch, and (3) 15-25% by weight of glycerin. Thereby providing a molded charcoal. As a result, the strength of the briquette is high, and the coal and the fine coal are more uniformly and strongly bonded due to the high penetration of the binder, so that the compression strength of the briquetted coal is improved. Thus, the cokes of higher strength can be produced, By using the binder, the handling property is easier than the mineral oil, and the productivity is greatly improved.

27-02-2015 дата публикации

Solid fuel using fallen leaves and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: KR20150020910A
Автор: 김기영
Принадлежит: 김기영

본 발명은 낙엽을 이용한 고체연료 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 낙엽 100 중량부, 숯 분말 10 ~ 20 중량부, 쇄절된 볏집 15 ~ 30 중량부, 분탄 15 ~ 25 중량부 및 천연 바인더 1 ~ 5 중량부의 재료를 교반 압축하여 직경 50 ~ 200mm 및 길이 50 ~ 400mm인 원기둥 형상 또는 원통 형상으로 제조된 고체연료와 그 제조방법을 제공함으로써, 활엽수 및 침엽수 낙엽을 천연 바인더와 함께 원형 그대로 사용할 수 있으며 숯 분말, 볏집 또는 분탄을 추가 배합함으로써 연소시 화염의 특성이나 발열량을 달리하여 용도에 따라 연료를 선택 사용할 수 있는 있음은 물론, 고발열 저단가의 친환경 고체 연료를 대량 제조할 수 있는 효과가 있다.

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing of coal briquettes and coal briquettes

Номер: KR101914085B1
Автор: 김현정, 박석인
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

The method for producing a molded coal according to the present invention comprises the steps of preparing a blend by mixing raw charcoal and acid-treated starch powder, heat treating the blend to transform the acid-treated starch powder into bioplastics, And a step of drying the molded charcoal. Therefore, according to the embodiment of the present invention, it is possible to produce a molded charcoal having a water content of as low as 6% or less even if the molded plastic containing bioplastics is produced. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the drop of the strength of the briquette caused by moisture, and thus the briquette of high strength can be produced. Further, even when the molded blanket is dried using hot air, the hot strength (or the drum strength) can be prevented from being lowered by the addition of glycerol.

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012108893A
Принадлежит: Электрисите Де Франс

1. Брикет, состоящий- из спрессованного лигноцеллюлозного тела, содержащего:(a) от 60 до 90 вес.% обрезков травяных стеблей и(b) от 10 до 40 вес.% трепаного лигноцеллюлозного связующего со степенью трепания от 38 до 75°RS (градусы Шоппера-Риглера), предпочтительно от 45 до 70°RS,(указанные проценты выражены в сухом весе относительно сухого веса суммы (а) и (b)) и- из жидкого при комнатной температуре топлива, имеющего температуру вспышки от 30 до 150°С, пропитывающего спрессованное лигноцеллюлозное тело, причем указанный брикет имеет, по существу, цилиндрическую форму и имеет центральный дымоотвод со звездообразным поперечным сечением.2. Брикет по п.1, в котором обрезки травяных стеблей состоят на более 60 вес %, предпочтительно более 75 вес % и наиболее предпочтительно более 90 вес % из фрагментов, величина которых такова, что их больший размер составляет от 3 до 20 мм, предпочтительно от 5 до 15 мм.3. Брикет по п.1, в котором травяными стеблями являются стебли Miscanthus giganteus.4. Брикет по п.1, в котором спрессованное тело дополнительно содержит от 2 до 15 вес.%, предпочтительно от 3 до 8 вес.% в расчете на сухой вес (а) и (b) минерального компонента, содержащего щелочной металл, (компонента (с)), предпочтительно оксида кальция.5. Брикет по п.1, в котором центральный дымоотвод имеет звездообразное поперечное сечение, где звезда имеет по меньшей мере 3 луча, предпочтительно от 4 до 20 лучей и наиболее предпочтительно от 5 до 10 лучей.6. Брикет по п.1, в котором жидкое топливо имеет температуру вспышки от 40 до 120°С, наиболее предпочтительно от 50 до 70°С.7. Брикет по п.1, в котором жидким топливом является масло растительного или животного происхождения, сложный алкиловый эфир � РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2012 108 893 A (51) МПК C10L 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012108893/04, 07.03.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): ЭЛЕКТРИСИТЕ ДЕ ФРАНС (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Environmental friendly briquettes and the method for preparing the same

Номер: KR101605307B1
Автор: 차상윤
Принадлежит: 차상윤

본 발명은 코크스 제조에 사용되는 친환경 성형탄 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 구체적으로는 미분탄 및 석탄 중 적어도 하나를 포함하는 성형탄 원료 100 중량부에 대하여 점결제 3 내지 30 중량부를 포함하며, 상기 점결제는 잔탄검 수용액 50 내지 94 중량%; 다가알코올 5 내지 45 중량%; 및 친수성 합성 고분자 1 내지 5 중량%를 포함하는 친환경성 성형탄을 제공하고, 그 제조방법으로 미분탄을 포함하는 성형탄 원료를 준비하고, 상기 성형탄 원료에 점결제를 분사하여 혼합한 뒤, 가압 성형하는 단계를 포함한다. 본 발명에서 제공하는 성형탄은 점결제로서 생분해성이 우수한 천연고분자를 사용하여 외부로 유출 시에도 2차 환경오염을 최소화할 수 있으며, 상기 점결제를 종래 기술대비 적은 양으로 포함하여도 효과적인 성형탄의 품질 강도를 확보할 수 있어 가격 경쟁성을 향상시킬 수 있다. The present invention relates to an eco-friendly molded coal used in the production of coke and a method for producing the same, and more specifically, it relates to a method for producing an eco-friendly forged carbon which comprises 3 to 30 parts by weight of a binder for 100 parts by weight of a raw material for forging comprising at least one of pulverized coal and coal, 50 to 94% by weight aqueous solution of xanthan gum; 5 to 45% by weight of polyhydric alcohol; And 1 to 5% by weight of a hydrophilic synthetic polymer; preparing a raw material for molding coal containing pulverized coal by pulverizing the raw material for pulverized coal by spraying, mixing and pressurizing the pulverized raw material; . The present invention also provides a method of producing a carbon black which is capable of minimizing secondary environmental pollution even when the natural polymer is externally discharged by using a natural polymer having excellent biodegradability as a point settlement, Quality strength can be ensured and price competitiveness can be improved.
