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10-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175696C2

Установка может быть использована в производстве химических волокон, а именно, для графитизации в газовой среде углеродных волокнистых материалов, сформированных в виде нитей, и позволяет обеспечить постоянство прочностных параметров углеродного волокнистого материала по всей его длине при его термомеханической обработке. Установка содержит узел размотки, имеющий бобинодержатель с тормозным устройством и подающие ролики, высокотемпературную печь и узел накопления нити, имеющий привод, тянущие ролики и бобинодержатель. Подающие ролики узла размотки снабжены тормозным устройством, с которым связан один из подающих роликов. Тормозные устройства подающих роликов и бобинодержателя узла размотки выполнены регулируемыми в виде электродвигателей, установленных с возможностью электрического торможения. Подающие ролики и бобинодержатель узла размотки связаны с электродвигателями с помощью понижающих зубчатых редукторов. Узлы размотки и накопления смонтированы в герметичных корпусах. 3 з.п. ф-лы, ...

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2314369C2
Принадлежит: ТЕЙДЖИН ТВАРОН Б.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к способу получения высокопрочных волокон или пленок. Способ получения синтетических органических ароматических гетероциклических стержневых волокна или пленки, обладающих большой прочностью на растяжение и/или большим модулем упругости при растяжении, включает этапы: формование волокна или получение пленки; последующее нагружение волокна или пленки в присутствии технологической добавки при температуре ниже точки кипения технологической добавки, но выше -50°С, при натяжении, составляющем 10-95% прочности на разрыв волокна или пленки; и последующее удаление технологической добавки и/или выполнение этапа нагрева при натяжении, составляющем 10-95% прочности на разрыв волокна или пленки. Изобретение включает также получение PIPD-волокна с линейной плотностью элементарной нити в пределах 0,1-500 дтекс и средней прочностью на растяжение больше 3200 мН/текс и пленки, модуль упругости которой составляет по меньшей мере 14 ГПа, а предпочтительно - по меньшей мере 20 ГПа. Изобретение ...

20-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2270281C2

Изобретение относится к области изготовления упрочняющих элементов, вводимых в изделия на основе каучука - приводных ремней, шлангов, автомобильных шин. Способ включает погружение комплексных углеродных нитей в пропитывающую ванну, содержащую раствор резорцин-формальдегидной смолы и каучукового латекса, сушку и скручивание нитей. Нити предварительно рассредотачивают так, чтобы каждая нить имела развитую увеличенную поверхность. Изобретение обеспечивает возможность более полно и равномерно пропитывать упрочняющие элементы, что оказывает влияние на прочностные показатели изделий. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2208071C2

Устройство может быть использовано для обработки нити, в частности в фильерах для завихрения и корпусах для обработки паром, и обеспечивает сохранение эксплуатационной надежности фильеры и корпуса для обработки нити в условиях давления, тепла, пара и максимально возможную нечувствительность к используемым химическим веществам и продолжительного срока службы и возможности узкого шага траекторий прохождения нити. Устройство выполнено с одним винтовым соединением составного корпуса для обработки с одной или двумя параллельными траекториями прохождения нити. Соединение имеет один или два миниатюризированных установочных штифта с параллельными осями для позиционирования и монтажа/демонтажа в осевом направлении соединения, поддерживаемых в первой части корпуса из высокоизносостойкого, в частности из керамического, материала с помощью механических зажимных средств и направленных во второй части корпуса через калибровочные отверстия. Соединительные средства расположены на одной линии, параллельной ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2443806C2

Изобретение относится к производству химических волокон и касается плавкого клеящего полиэфирного бикомпонентного волокна. Плавкое клеящее бикомпонентное волокно получено посредством вытяжки невытянутой нити, содержащей сложный полиэфир в качестве первого компонента и олефиновый полимер с температурой плавления ниже температуры плавления первого компонента в качестве второго компонента. Двойное лучепреломление в первом компоненте из сложного полиэфира составляет не более 0,150, а отношение двойного лучепреломления в первом компоненте к двойному лучепреломлению во втором компоненте составляет не более 3,0. Степень ориентации оси С кристаллического элемента второго компонента плавкого клеящего бикомпонентного волокна составляет не менее 90%, а прочность одной нити плавкого клеящего бикомпонентного волокна составляет не менее 1,7 сН/дтекс. Изобретение обеспечивает получение сверхтонкого термоусадочного бикомпонентного волокна с высокой производительностью, при котором состояние вытяжки-течения ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2225467C1

Предложены сопла ложной крутки, с помощью которых одной или нескольким нитям за счет интенсивного крутильного течения придается текстурирование. Благодаря оптимизации воздушных каналов можно за счет мощного крутильного потока заменить, по меньшей мере, часть прежних механических вьюрков. Центральным новым элементом является крутильная вставная пластина. Сопло ложной крутки содержит, по меньшей мере, одну пластину в качестве крутильной вставной пластины со сквозным отрезком канала для нити и тангенциальным каналом и, по меньшей мере, один элемент с проходящей параллельно оси канала для нити и взаимодействующей с крутильной вставной пластиной воздухоподачей к ускоряющему каналу. Заявленное решение обеспечивает множество выполнений для обработки отдельных нитей или группы нитей с выборочным комбинированием S- и Z-образной крутки. Конструктивно сопла ложной крутки можно использовать в виде узлов поблочно или порознь. 2 с. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 40 ил.

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238353C1

Устройство, имеющее в своем составе цилиндр (20) вытягивания, вокруг которого в форме слоя наматываются волокна (10), поступающие из фильеры, систему (50) предварительного прядения, захватывающую волокна, предназначенные для отбраковки, систему (30) прядения, которая позволяет отделить волокна от поверхности цилиндра и обеспечить их прием, средства (40) направления упомянутых волокон в упомянутую систему (30) прядения, и далее, вплоть до мотальной машины уже в форме жгута, характеризуется тем, что упомянутая система (50) предварительного прядения располагается позади упомянутой системы (30) прядения. Технический результат-уменьшение габаритов устройства прядения с обеспечением возможности размещения одного или нескольких заявленных устройств в установку формирования волокон.15 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2046849C1

Сущность изобретения: устройство для пневматического текстурирования по меньшей мере одной комплексной нити содержит направляющий элемент со сквозным каналом, имеющим выходное отверстие. Игольный элемент снабжен сквозным каналом для нити, который расположен соосно с каналом в направляющем элементе. Конец игольного элемента проходит в конический входной участок канала в направляющем элементе и образует с ним сквозную щель для сжатого воздуха. Воздух через два подводящих канала поступает в кольцевое пространство перед сквозной щелью. В зоне выходного отверстия расположен отбойный элемент. Нить, выходящая из отверстия, отклоняется перед отбойным элементом от центральной плоскости, которая включает ось канала направляющего элемента и плоскостный центр тяжести сечения устья подводящих каналов. Благодаря этому текстурированная нить имеет только небольшие равномерно распределенные петли. 8 з. п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2119979C1

Для получения преимущественно свободной от скручивания смешанной пряжи пневмотекстурированием потоком ударной волны с образованием петель, которая обладает всеми преимуществами комбинации бесконечной комплексной нити со штапельными волокнами и может использоваться в промышленной практике. Согласно способу бесконечную комплексную нить подают в нагнетаемом воздушном потоке с набеганием, направляют ее по расширяющемуся каналу ускорения фильеры пневматического текстурирования и раскрывают в раскрывшуюся комплексную нить воздушным потоком, засасывают и примешивают штапельные волокна с питающего устройства через всасывающе-смесовую головку. Воздушный поток переводят в поток с ударной волной, образующий петли на элементарных нитях, которыми охватываются и ввязываются штапельные волокна, после чего в зоне плетения текстурированную смешанную пряжу стягивают почти под прямым углом. В устройстве для осуществления способа указанный технический результат достигается тем, что оно содержит фильеру для ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701417C1
Принадлежит: ЧВОРЛД КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к шовной нити и способу ее изготовления, причем способ включает: первый этап, на котором выполняют нагрев полуфабриката шовной нити в заданном температурном диапазоне; второй этап, на котором выполняют обжатие полуфабриката шовной нити, нагретого на первом этапе, для проведения прямого прессования; третий этап, на котором выполняют формирование линейных надрезов на первой кромке и второй кромке прессованного шовного материала, полученного на втором этапе, с последующим формированием зубчатого участка путем приложения растягивающего усилия к прессованному шовному материалу, имеющему линейные надрезы, причем линейные надрезы на первой кромке и второй кромке выполняют непрерывно на заданном расстоянии друг от друга с заданным углом наклона в одном направлении или в разных направлениях. Таким образом, получена шовная нить, которая превосходно способствует регенерации ткани в области шва, превосходно поддерживает квазинепрерывный эффект лифтинга, а также обладает ...

27-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2109861C1

Изобретение относится к формованию политриметилентерефталата в нить, пригодную для ковровых покрытий. Из расплава политриметилентерефталата формуют множество элементарных волокон, охлаждают, соединяют их в нить, вытягивают в две стадии, наматывают вытянутую нить. На первой стадии вытяжку нити осуществляют с первой степенью вытяжки в пределах 1,05 - 2. Величину степени вытяжки задают по меньшей мере одним подающим валком и по меньшей мере одним первым вытяжным валком, каждый подающий валок нагревают до температуры ниже 100oС, а каждый вытяжной валок до 80 - 150oС. На второй стадии вытяжку осуществляют со второй степенью вытяжки, в 2,2 раза превышающей степень вытяжки на первой стадии. Один или каждый второй вытяжной валок, задающие величину степени второй стадии вытяжки, нагревают до 100 - 200oС. Ковровое покрытие содержит волокна из политриметилентерефталатной нити, имеющей объемность 20 - 45% и полученной заявленным способом. 2 с. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил, 17 табл.

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005101316A

... 1. Способ изготовления неориентированного кристаллизующегося термопласта, имеющего ориентировочно от 4 до 40% термически порожденной кристалличности, предусматривающий проведение формования с раздувом и вытяжкой заготовки, содержащей указанный термопласт, при температуре (Tg+45° С), где Tg представляет собой температуру фазового перехода аморфного стекла указанного термопласта, при этом получают ориентированное кристаллизованное термопластичное изделие, имеющее от 20 до 60% полной кристалличности. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором кристаллизующийся термопласт представляет собой полиэфир. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором кристаллизующийся термопласт представляет собой полиэтилентерефталат. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором заготовку, которая содержит неориентированный полиэтилентерефталат, имеющий ориентировочно от 10 до 40% термически порожденной кристалличности, ориентируют в двух направлениях растягивания, при температуре от 125 до 205° С. 5. Способ по п.4, в котором заготовка содержит неориентированный ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005101884A

... 1. Способ получения синтетических органических ароматических гетероциклических стержневых волокна или пленки, обладающих большой прочностью на растяжение и/или большим модулем упругости при растяжении, включающий следующие этапы: формование синтетического органического полимера в ароматическое гетероциклическое стержневое волокно или получение синтетического органического полимера в виде ароматической гетероциклической стержневой пленки; последующее нагружение волокна или пленки в присутствии технологической добавки при температуре ниже точки кипения технологической добавки, но выше -50°С, при натяжении, составляющем 10-95% прочности на разрыв волокна или пленки; и последующее удаление технологической добавки и/или выполнение этапа нагрева при натяжении, составляющем 10-95% прочности на разрыв волокна или пленки. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором подвергают этапу нагружения волокно в состоянии непосредственно после формования или пленку в состоянии непосредственно после получения. 3. Способ по ...

27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2266989C1

Способ может быть использован для получения пряжи с повышенной объемностью и позволяет улучшить ее теплозащитные свойства. Согласно способу в сформированную пряжу вводят латексное связующее во вспененном состоянии с последующей термообработкой пряжи. После термообработки пряжу полностью раскручивают в направлении, противоположном начальной крутке, и ворсуют. Термообработка пряжи с введенным в нее вспененным связующим обеспечивает образование наибольшего числа склеек при наиболее уплотненной структуре пряжи, что способствует сохранению деформационных свойств пряжи при ее последующем раскручивании и ворсовании. При полном раскручивании пряжи с сохранением в ней склеек достигается увеличение ее поперечника, снижение плотности, увеличение объемности и повышение теплозащитных свойств пряжи.

26-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668207C1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, в частности к пряже для изделий ручного вязания из ткани, в состав которой входят полиэфирные нити. Способ изготовления пряжи, характеризующийся тем, что пряжа изготавливается из тканного материала, в состав которого входит полиэстер (полиэтиленгликольтерефталат, ПЭТФ, ПЭТ, лавсан, майлар) с процентным содержанием не менее 50%, причем материал разрезают на полосы шириной от 5 до 50 мм, а полученную ленту туго наматывают на бобину, при этом края ленты загибаются к центру, образуя из ленты шнур, длина ленты в клубке от - 1 до 300 м, ленту подвергают нагреванию до полного прогревания в диапазоне от 45 до 246°С. Технический результат предложенного решения состоит в получении новой пряжи для ручного вязания с высокой степенью защиты от неблагоприятных погодных условий, износоустойчивостью, стойкостью цвета и формы, защитой от вредителей и плесени и без впитывания запахов.

20-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97119392A

... 1. Устройство для непрерывной термической обработки длинномерного материала, состоящее из кожуха, внутри которого размещают нагревательные элементы и вальцы для транспортирования длинномерного материала, отличающееся тем, что нагревательный элемент, по крайней мере один, размещают параллельно оси вальца в пространстве, ограниченном восходящей и нисходящей ветвями огибающего валец длинномерного материала, на равных расстояниях от этих ветвей, отражающей поверхностью не соприкасающегося с материалом вальца и отражающими пластинами. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что отражающие пластины располагают между ветвями длинномерного материала, двигающегося в противоположных направлениях, на противоположной к вальцу от нагревательного элемента стороне - поперечные пластины, а также по бокам, торцам к материалу с обеих сторон в сфере действия нагревательного элемента - боковые пластины.

10-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94046346A

Способ вытяжки заключается в том, что нити, в частности из термопластиков, вытягивают с воздействием на их температуру для улучшения свойств нитей. Способ может применяться в процессе прядения или на последующем этапе отделки. Согласно изобретению, температурой термостатирующего устройства управляют в зависимости от сигнала усилия натяжения нити, получаемого в зоне вытяжки или за ней.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013129689A

... 1. Устройство для формирования узлов переплетения на комплексной нити (20) с вращающимся сопловым кольцом (1), которое имеет обегающую направляющую канавку (7) и по меньшей мере одно радиально оканчивающееся в направляющей канавке (7) сопловое отверстие (8), с неподвижным статором (2), который направляет по своему контуру сопловое кольцо (1) и который имеет напорную камеру (9) с образованным на контуре отверстием (10) камеры, с соотнесенной с направляющей канавкой (7) крышкой (13), которая соотнесена с сопловым кольцом (1) напротив отверстия (10) камеры статора (2), и с входным нитеводителем (15) и выходным нитеводителем (16), которые расположены с обеих сторон соплового кольца (1) и направляют нить (20) с контактом в основании направляющей канавки (7) соплового кольца (1), причем угол (α) раскрытия отверстия (10) камеры в статоре (2) и контактный угол (β) охвата нити (20) в направляющей канавке (7) перекрываются, отличающееся тем, что входной нитеводитель (15) и выходной нитеводитель ( ...

30-12-1982 дата публикации

Способ получения полиэфирных волокон

Номер: SU985162A1

01-01-1954 дата публикации

Устройство для стрижки веревки

Номер: SU99637A1

07-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1833396C

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1834923C

30-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1805147C

07-11-1980 дата публикации

Камера пневмотекстурирующего устройства

Номер: SU777095A1

27-06-1963 дата публикации

Способ выработки чистошерстяных тканей

Номер: SU153427A1

30-07-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для лазерной термообработки синтетических нитей

Номер: SU1326661A1

Изобретение относится к производству синтетических нитей и позволяет повысить эксплуатационные свойства устройства путем обеспечения некритичности зеркальных поверхностей к угловой разъюстировке при одновременном повышении качества продукции. Зеркальные поверхности I и 2 вьтол- нены в виде тел вращения, смонтированных на одной оси с возможностью вращения. Основная зеркальная по верх- ность 1 выполнена в виде полого цилиндра , а вспомогательная (2) - в виде полого усеченного конуса. Большее основание полого усеченного конуса примыкает к торцу полого цилиндра. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.. Я7 с Л ...

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Пневмокомпактирующее устройство

Номер: SU1707104A1

Изобретение относится к произвол- ству химических нитей и может быть использовано в непрерывном процессе формования комплексных нитей. Устройство содержит заправочную щель и канал для обработки нити со ступенчатым профилем. Для повышения интенсивности и равномерности пневмокомпакти- рования соотношение диаметров ступеней канала с входной его стороны составляет 13:25:8,а два взаимно перпендикулярных воздуховода размещены в выпускной части устройства и направлены против движения нити. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Полиамидная пряжа и способ ее изготовления

Номер: RU2003740C1

Полиамидная пряжа, содержащая по меньшей мере 85 мас.% поли- е - капроамида и имеющая относительную вязкость более 50, сопротивление на разрыв по крайней мере 9,3 г/д сухую тепловую усадку при 160° С менее 3 %, модуль по крайней мере -20 г/д жесткость по крайней мере 240г/д, индекс совершенствования кристалла более 82 и длиннопериодное расстояние более 100 Способ изготовления пряжи включает вытягивание исходной пряжи при одновременном нагреве до температуры по крайней мере 185°С на конечном этапе вытягивания для обеспечения натяжения пряжи по крайней мере 4,8 г/д последующее снижение натяжения при одновременном нагреве до температуры по крайней мере -185 С с. целью обеспечения уменьшения длины пряжи примерно на 135 -30% и последующие охлаждение и упаковку пряжи 2 из. и 24 апф-лы, 1 ил.

30-11-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для регулирования температуры нити

Номер: SU1057585A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ТЕМПЕРАТУРЫ НИТИ преимущественно на крутильно-вытяжной машине , содержащее нагреватель, pacnontbженный по одну сторону нити между верхним и нижним вытяжными дисками, рабочая поверхность которого размещена параллельно иитн с возможностью изменения площади контакта с нитью, блок стабилизации температуры нагревателя и -чувствительный элемент, установленный между нагревателем и нижним вытяжным диском, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрмпения конструкшш, чувствительный элемент выполнен в виде размещенной по другую сторону нити термобиметаш1Ическ1Л U -образной пластины с нигепроводником и теплдазоляционной прокладкой, при этетл один конец пластины закреплен через теютсизоляцишную прокладку на корпусе машины, а к другхлгу прикреплен нитепроводнйк.

15-06-1976 дата публикации

Нагреватель синтетической нити

Номер: SU518144A3

15-06-1984 дата публикации

Способ контроля обрыва нити и устройство для осуществления этого способа

Номер: SU1097728A1

... 1. Способ контроля обрыва нити, заключающийся в том, что нить облучают световым потоком и контролируют перекрытие нитью светового потока. а обрыв нити констатируют при неперекрытии нитью светового потока, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения помехозащищенности, световой поток периодически прерывают , а перекрытие нитью светового потока контролируют в периоды наличия облучающего светового потока. 2. Устройство для осуществления способа по П.1, содержащее осветитель и светоприемник, размещенные по обе стороны от траектории движения нити, отличающееся тем, что оно имеет генератор и схему И, причем генератор подключен к осветителю и первому входу схемы И, соединенной вторым входом со светоприемни (Л ком. .1 ...

30-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1839674C

15-11-1988 дата публикации

Способ изготовления переплетенной вытянутой полиэфирной пряжи с низкой усадкой

Номер: SU1438618A3

Изобретение относится к области производства химических нитей. Цель изобретения - улучшение качества нитей за счет повышения прочности, понижения остаточной усадки и уменьшения натяжения при усадке. При осуществлении способа изготовления переплетенной вытянутой полиэфирной пряжи. с низкой усадкой операции релаксации, переплетения и намотки осуществляют при температуре от 90 до . 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. о ...

23-09-1987 дата публикации

Способ получения основы или отрезков основы из непрерывных синтетических полностью вытянутых нитей из термопластичного материала группы полиэфиров,полиамидов,полиэтилена и полипропилена

Номер: SU1340594A3

Изобретение относится к производству синтетических нитей и позволяет повысить качество продукции. Ряд из 24 параллельных неполностью вытянутых нитей подают на вытяжку при одновременном прохождении через барку с термостатической жидкостью. Затем после выхода из барки нити во влажном состоянии подвергают пневмо- перепутыванию перед операцией шлихтования . 1 з.п. ф-лы. со о ел со 4 ...

30-08-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для нагревания пряжи

Номер: SU1838471A3

Использование: производство пряжи из химических волокон, точнее обогрев пряжи в системе прядения. Сущность изобретения: устройство для нагревания пряжи содержит неподвижный удлиненный сердечник , телескопическую втулку, охватывающую сердечник. Втулка установлена с возможностью вращения на сердечнике и образует с ним замкнутое пространство. Между втулкой и сердечником по всей длине величина постоянная. Устройство содержит электрический нагреватель , установленный внутри сердечника. Нагреватель имеет удлиненный патрон с намотанной проволокой высокого сопротивления и источник электрического возбуждения нагревателя. Плотность намотки проволоки в патроне по длине нагревателя выполнена переменной. 1 з,п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

23-01-1989 дата публикации

Ворсовая нить и способ ее получения

Номер: SU1454258A3

Изобретение относится к производству фасонной ворсовой нити и способу ее получения и позволяет расширить ассортимент ворсовой нити за счет придания ей фасонного эффекта. Ворсовая нить содержит стержневую нить с закрепленным на ней по периметру волокнистым ворсом, который на неравномерно расположенных по ее длине участках вьтолнен из ворсовых волокон разной длины и тонины, одного или разного цвета, с различной их плотностью и различным направлением расположения. Ворсовую нить получают путем проведения покрытой клеем заземленной стержневой нити под натяжением через электростатическое поле высокого напряжения, подачи в него ворсовых волокон разной длины и тонины и одного или разного цвета и нанесения их в поле на стержневую нить по ее периметру с последующей сушкой нити перед ее намоткой. При проведении стержневой нити через эле к- тростатическое поле изменяют напряжение поля и/или натяжение стержневой нити, и/или количество подаваемьгх в поле ворсовых волокон. 2 с,п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

07-07-1993 дата публикации

Способ получения полигексаметиленадипамидного волокна

Номер: SU1827000A3

Использование: для армирования каучука , изготовления корда для покрышек, ремней и подобных изделий, в качестве материала для отделки интерьера, изготовления одежды. Сущность изобретения: расплав полигексаметиленадипамида с относительной вязкостью по муравьиной кислоте 50- 100 экструдируют через фильеру со скоростью 1000-5000 м/мин. Охлаждают экструдат. Вытягивают при 180-280°С с использованием нагревателей, установленных между вытяжными роликами со скоростью 10-100 м/мин, нагревание осуществляют контактным или бесконтактным способом. 4 фиг. 14 табл.

16-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004100925A1

A process and device are disclosed for processing fibre pieces. The fibre pieces (24) are introduced into a gas-solid mixture by a transport section (11) of a heating device (14). In the heating device (14), the free ends of the fibre pieces (24) are rounded and/or thickened. After leaving the heating device, the processed fibres (25) flow into a conveyor section and then into a separator device (18), in which the gas-solid mixture is separated. The fibre pieces produced according to the disclosed process considerably improve the mechanical quality characteristics and properties of fibre reinforced composite materials. The disclosed device allows the disclosed process to be implemented in a particularly economical manner.

06-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004102650A1

30-12-1976 дата публикации

Multifilament yarn fluid jet interlacing - in processing bore where separate fluid flows generate shock waves

Номер: DE0002525699A1

In a yarn interlacer appts., shock waves extend completely across the path of yarn travel through the bore, and pref. travel in opposite directions along the bore from a fluid entry duct at about the midpoint of a bore in an interlacer. Specif. the yarn may pass through the bore of a second interlacer, and the fluid entry ducts of each interlacer are either more than, but less than 1.5 times, the bore cross-section, or are at least double the bore cross-section, or are equal to it. The appts. is esp. compacting and interlacing spun cellulose acetate filaments before wind-up and allows processing without producing tie points which show as flashes in fabrics.

04-07-1991 дата публикации

Draw rolls for synthetic - has adjustment to correct alignment when in motion

Номер: DE0003943121A1

Draw rolls for synthetic filament, at a set distance from the driven roll, have an adjustable axis alignment, on a bracket which is set at a slight angle to the vertical. ADVANTAGE - The distance between the free running draw roll and the driven roll does not vary. The draw roll axis angle can be adjusted while the machine is in motion, and the alignment observed without having to stop prodn..

02-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004108676A1

20-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069201379T2

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016002637T5
Автор: VERMA ROHIT, Verma, Rohit

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine elektrostatische Mischvorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Vermischen von Filamenten. Die Filamente werden vermischt, um ein Garn zu erzeugen. Die elektrostatische Mischvorrichtung besteht aus einem Trichter, einem Verlängerungsrohr, einer Vielzahl von Schlitzen, einer Vielzahl von Elektroden und einer elektrische geerdeten Scheibe. Die Vielzahl von Schlitzen ist auf der Peripherie des Verlängerungsrohrs angeordnet, um die Vielzahl der Elektroden aufzunehmen. Der Trichter ist so angepasst, dass er die Filamente, die ihn passieren, statisch auflädt. Die Polarität der Vielzahl der Elektroden wird selektiv geändert, um die räumliche Anordnung der statisch aufgeladenen Filamente zu modifizieren und damit die statisch aufgeladenen Filamente miteinander zu vermischen, um vermischte aufgeladene Filamente zu erhalten. Die elektrisch geerdete Scheibe ist so angepasst, dass sie die vermischten aufgeladenen Filamente aufnimmt und neutralisiert. Die elektrostatische ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Proteinfaser, und Verfahren zum Schrumpfen von Proteinfaser

Номер: DE112018001273T5

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Proteinfaser, umfassend einen Schritt in welchem eine Proteinrohfaser enthaltend ein Protein mit Wasserdampf in Kontakt gebracht wird in einer Lagerkammer, in welcher die Temperatur auf einen Bereich unterhalb von 120°C eingestellt ist, um eine Hitzebehandlung der Proteinrohfaser durchzuführen.

30-10-1997 дата публикации

Tool to clean heat treatment tubes in fast synthetic thread spinning

Номер: DE0019710411A1

An apparatus for cleaning tubes used in a heater device for the heat treatment of running threads is a cylindrical shell (14, 15, 20) which has an outer diameter (19) slightly larger than the inner diameter of the heat treatment tube (7). A slot (18) extends over at least part of the shell length starting from its front end face (22), and on its opposite rear face (23) it is equipped with an extension (16, 20) for connecting and disconnecting a driving rod.

02-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003871523D1

27-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000136276A5

16-08-2001 дата публикации

Beheizte Galette zum Erwärmen synthetischer Fäden

Номер: DE0059703986D1

01-10-2009 дата публикации

Markisenstoff und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0060328848D1
Принадлежит: MUN GU UI, MUN, GU UI

01-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003716690A1

08-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003717475A1

31-07-1969 дата публикации

Mehrfaediges Garn,das Verfilzungen der Faeden aufweist,sowie Vorrichtung zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0001900325A1

07-01-1971 дата публикации

Vorrichtung fuer die Temperaturregelung eines erwaermten,umlaufenden Koerpers

Номер: DE0001959003A1

06-05-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Strecken eines thermoplastischen Fadens

Номер: DE0001950744A1

19-05-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001953527A1

14-09-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002103962A1

09-03-1995 дата публикации

Drawing process and mechanical drawing machine

Номер: DE0004428998A1

The invention comes within the sector of machines and processes for the working of synthetic fibres. More precisely, it relates to a drawing process and to a drawing machine, in which the pressure on the fibre bunch running through is exerted by pressure devices (1) which maintain constant contact with uniform pressure between the fibre bunch and the extended surface of these. The said pressure devices (1) comprise closed bands (4) running on rollers (2, 3) and having the same speed as the fibre bunch which runs in. Moreover, the injection of steam in the direction of movement of the fibre bunch and in the opposite direction is provided. ...

16-07-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8605829U1
Принадлежит: BARMAG AG, 5630 REMSCHEID, DE

10-10-1996 дата публикации

Simple cost-effective vibration damper for a high speed rotating body

Номер: DE0019604804A1

A rotating body vibration damper comprises a radially sprung bush (45) with O-rings (51) on its outer circumference. The bush encircles the shaft of the bearing flange and a machined hole (131) in the flange (102.1) encircles the O-rings so that they are compressed radially and the bush grips a roller bearing (111) or its bush (130) without play. Also claimed are alternative arrangements as follows: (a) springy rod with one end in the bearing case and the other in a rubber ring fixed in a bearing flange without play; (b) between flange and case, a rubber ring with two-sided trapezoidal rim fitting corresp. recesses in flange and case; (c) similar ring except on each rim side three min. cylindrical nubs fit snugly into recesses; (d) combination of rod and two O-rings between flange and case with pref. oil between O-rings; (e) another combination except O- rings replaced by rubber ring and (f) another combination except the flange machined out to accept bush mounted in sets of O-rings and ...

10-01-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002212678B2

27-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000020760U1

Устройство для замасливания пряжи и нитей, содержащее парафиновый усеченный конус, установленный на оси с возможностью свободного вращения, и направляющую поверхность для контакта замасливателя с обрабатываемыми нитями, отличающееся тем, что направляющая поверхность выполнена в виде прямого геликоида и расположена соосно парафиновому усеченному конусу. (19) RU (11) 20 760 (13) U1 (51) МПК D02J 3/18 (2000.01) D01H 13/30 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001111299/20 , 25.04.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.04.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 27.11.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Радченко О.В., Никифорова Е.Н., Сакалов М.А., Свешникова Л.А., Легкова И.А. R U 2 0 7 6 0 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для замасливания пряжи и нитей, содержащее парафиновый усеченный конус, установленный на оси с возможностью свободного вращения, и направляющую поверхность для контакта замасливателя с обрабатываемыми нитями, отличающееся тем, что направляющая поверхность выполнена в виде прямого геликоида и расположена соосно парафиновому усеченному конусу. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАМАСЛИВАНИЯ ПРЯЖИ И НИТЕЙ 2 0 7 6 0 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, ком.359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 U 1 2 0 7 6 0 2 0 7 6 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 20 760 U1 RU 20 760 U1 RU 20 760 U1 RU 20 760 U1 RU 20 760 U1

27-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061293U1

Устройство для термофиксации пряжи, содержащее термокамеру в виде цилиндрической трубы, к которой подведен воздуховод, соединенный с пневмопроводом для подачи нагретого воздуха в зону движения обрабатываемой нити, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено распределителем нагретого воздуха с дополнительными пневмопроводами, каждый из которых соединен с термокамерой и имеет клапан для индивидуального распределения количества подаваемого воздуха в конкретную зону, и торцевыми регуляторами для регулирования общего количества воздуха в термокамере. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 61 293 (13) U1 (51) МПК D02J 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006137025/22 , 19.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2007 6 1 2 9 3 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для термофиксации пряжи, содержащее термокамеру в виде цилиндрической трубы, к которой подведен воздуховод, соединенный с пневмопроводом для подачи нагретого воздуха в зону движения обрабатываемой нити, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено распределителем нагретого воздуха с дополнительными пневмопроводами, каждый из которых соединен с термокамерой и имеет клапан для индивидуального распределения количества подаваемого воздуха в конкретную зону, и торцевыми регуляторами для регулирования общего количества воздуха в термокамере. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ТЕРМОФИКСАЦИИ ПРЯЖИ 6 1 2 9 3 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Московский государственный текстильный университет им. А.Н. Косыгина" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 119071, Москва, ГСП-1, М. Калужская, 1, Московский государственный текстильный университет им. А.Н. Косыгина (72) Автор(ы): Кобраков Константин Иванович (RU), Капитанов Анатолий Федорович (RU), Баранова Елена Васильевна (RU), Папилин Николай Михайлович (RU) RU 5 ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000165956U1

1. Устройство ширительное для жгутовых гидратцеллюлозных волокнистых материалов, характеризующееся тем, что на металлической раме с размещенным в её внутреннем пространстве узлом смотки подлежащего расправлению и расширению жгутовых гидратцеллюлозных волокнистых материалов жестко закреплена выполненная из металлического материала в форме уголка сварная каркасная рама прямоугольной коробчатой формы, в нижней части которой установлен узел расправления и расширения жгутовых гидратцеллюлозных волокнистых материалов, выполненный в виде установленной на подвижной оси с возможностью качания вверх-вниз рамки расправления и расширения жгутовых гидратцеллюлозных волокнистых материалов в однонаправленный ровинг с равномерной толщиной и поверхностной плотностью, выполненная в виде двух соединенных между собой равноплечих коромысел, плечи которых выполнены под углом 150°, причем сужающиеся концы равноплечих коромысел попарно соединены между собой параболически вогнутыми в направлении движения жгутовых гидратцеллюлозных волокнистых материалов дугами их расширения и расправления, при этом поверхность дуг расширения и расправления жгутовых гидратцеллюлозных волокнистых материалов выполнена с произвольной шероховатостью, а также содержит узел намотки полученного однонаправленного ровинга с равномерной толщиной и поверхностной плотностью перед его последующей пропиткой. 2. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что выполненная из металлического уголкового материала рама коробчатой формы имеет высоту 1500 мм, длину 1700 мм и ширину внутренней части 500 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК D02J 1/18 (11) (13) 165 956 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015145575/12, 11.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Озолин Александр Александрович (RU), Лазарев Михаил Николаевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2016 Стр.: 1 U 1 1 6 5 9 5 6 R U U 1 (54) ...

23-01-2017 дата публикации

Щеточная головка для устройства со щеткой для кожи

Номер: RU0000168201U1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль

Предложены щеточные головки, выполненные и установленные так, что вращение или колебание щеточных головок генерирует эффективное движение пучков и/или нитей. Некоторые щеточные головки включают в себя пучки щетинок, также называемые нитями (волокнами), имеющие одинаковые характеристики (например, материалы, диаметры, высоты и т.п.), в то время как другие щеточной головки включают в себя пучки, имеющие множество щетинок с различающимися характеристиками (например, материалами, диаметрами, высотами и т.п.). Характеристики могут отличаться от пучка к пучку или в каждом пучке. Высоты щетинок могут изменяться за счет неплоских поверхностей щеточной головки с пучками, путем обрезки щетинок до разных высот, и т.д. В результате данных и других конфигураций отдельные щетинки, а также все пучки или группы пучков обеспечивают пространственную (3D) подвижность. 3D движение пучка и/или щетинки в пространстве может обеспечивать улучшенное очищение, массирование и/или пилинг кожи субъекта. 3 н. и 11 з. п.ф-лы, 16 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 201 U1 (51) МПК A46B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014139295, 01.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.11.2013 (72) Автор(ы): БРЮЭР Джеральд Кит (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR) R U Дата регистрации: 23.01.2017 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.06.2013 US 61/838,783 1 6 8 2 0 1 (45) Опубликовано: 23.01.2017 Бюл. № 3 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.09.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2013/002427 (01.11.2013) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 1 6 8 2 0 1 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ЩЕТОЧНАЯ ГОЛОВКА ДЛЯ УСТРОЙСТВА СО ЩЕТКОЙ ДЛЯ КОЖИ (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Щеточная головка, содержащая: множество пучков, закрепленных на основании щетки, причем ...

26-04-2017 дата публикации

Красконаносящий элемент плоских кистей, используемых для ногтевого дизайна, рисования и творчества при работе с жидкими красками

Номер: RU0000170521U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к конструкции красконаносящих элементов для кистей, используемых в ногтевом дизайне, художественных работах и прочих кистях, используемых для рисования жидкими красками.Техническим результатом предлагаемого красконаносящего элемента является расширение функциональных возможностей прорисовки плавных переходов от одного цвета в другой благодаря наличию у кисточки мягкой вершинки, которая получается за счет хаотичного перемешивания волосков разной длины в общем пучке.Красконаносящий элемент плоских кистей, используемых для ногтевого дизайна, рисования и творчества при работе с жидкими красками выполнен в виде пучка 1 волос. Пучок 1 волос представляет собой композицию двух пучков, первый из которых 2 собран из заостренных волос с неизменяющимся по высоте контуром мазка. Второй пучок 3 выполнен из заостренных волос длиной, меньшей контура мазка и определяемой выражением 1/4А≤В<2 А, где А - высота самого маленького волоска; В+А - высота самых больших волосков от линии контакта с обоймой, при этом волосы пучков в едином пучке перемешаны хаотичным образом. Это позволяет получит очень мягкую и тонкую вершинку кисти, обеспечивающую плавные переходы от одной краски к другой, очень важную в ногтевом дизайне. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 521 U1 (51) МПК A46B 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016149070, 13.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.12.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Бяков Андрей Леонидович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бяков Андрей Леонидович (RU) 26.04.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5220702 A 22.06.1993. DE Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 26.04.2017 Бюл. № 12 Адрес для переписки: 610014, г. Киров, ул. Сурикова, 42, корп. 1, кв. 97, Вохмянину Владиславу Григорьевичу 1 7 0 5 2 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Suture anchoring assemblies and methods of use

Номер: US20120010657A1
Автор: Lonnie E. Paulos
Принадлежит: Paulos Lonnie E

A suture anchor assembly and methods of use will now are disclosed for the repair of human or animal tissue defects. The suture anchor assembly is capable of being inserted into a tissue or bone while also being able to create an expanded profile when subjected to a retrograde force. This expanded profile anchors the assembly into the tissue or bone by a changing of position of elements of the assembly relative to other assembly elements. Embodiments of the suture anchor assembly and methods are capable of precisely positioning assembly elements in the tissue or bone to effectively repair the defects.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Tissue anchor insertion system

Номер: US20120041454A1
Автор: Alan John Johnstone

A tissue anchor insertion system for inserting a tissue anchor into a body tissue such as bone, comprising a cutting device having a sharp leading end to create an aperture in the bone for insertion of the tissue anchor therein. The cutting device is deployed through a sleeve which is a close fit with the cutting device. The distal end of the sleeve is typically configured to penetrate the tissue in which the tissue anchor is to be inserted. A tissue anchor is also deployed through the sleeve, after the sleeve is in position, on a delivery device configured to support the tissue anchor during its insertion into the tissue. Typically the leading end of the sleeve is embedded within the tissue when the tissue anchor emerges from the distal end during the insertion process, so the tissue anchor is not damaged by insertion through the tissue.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Knotless suture anchor for securing soft tissue to bone

Номер: US20120059415A1
Автор: Joseph H. Sklar
Принадлежит: Individual

A suture anchor for anchoring a length of suture to bone, the suture anchor comprising: an elongated expandable body having a distal end surface, a proximal end surface, an exterior sidewall extending between the distal end surface and the proximal end surface, and an interior passageway extending between the distal end surface and the proximal end surface; and an actuator comprising a distal end, a proximal end and a shaft extending between the distal end and the proximal end, the distal end of the actuator comprising a suture capture mechanism movably disposed relative to the elongated body; wherein the suture capture mechanism comprises a diamond-shaped structure configured to provide an opening into the interior thereof.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and devices for soft tissue and joint repair

Номер: US20120123416A1
Принадлежит: Suspension Orthopaedic Solutions LLC

Disclosed herein are methods and devices for tissue and joint repair. Devices as disclosed herein can be used during surgical procedures, for example, to repair biceps tendons, elbows, shoulders, and knees. Methods disclosed herein relate to methods for repairing the same using the disclosed devices.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Bioabsorbable suture anchor system for use in small joints

Номер: US20120184992A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek LLC

A bioabsorbable suture anchor for anchoring soft tissue to a bone is provided. The suture anchor is configured to toggle and anchor itself inside a bone cavity of a small joint. The anchor comprises an elongate body defined by a longitudinal axis, a first, leading end and a second, trailing end. The elongate body also has two opposed surfaces between the first and second ends, and a plurality of sidewalls extending between the two opposed surfaces. Extending from one of the sidewalls is a flared portion that is formed on the second end of the elongate body. A suture channel extends between the two opposed surfaces. The suture channel is formed in the elongate body for passage of a suture strand therethrough, such that pulling on an attached suture strand effects toggling of the anchor inside a bone cavity.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Bone anchor

Номер: US20120245632A1
Принадлежит: Intai Technology Corp

A bone anchor comprises a screw body and a flange, which are joined together in a way to keep their rotation independent from each other. In implanting the screw body into a bone, the flange does not rotate to prevent twisting and/or snarling of the suture in wounded bone from occurring.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Surgical Filament Snare Assemblies

Номер: US20120253390A1
Автор: Mehmet Sengun
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek LLC

A surgical filament snare assembly including an anchor capable of being fixated in bone and having a filament engagement feature. A first filament has a noose with first and second noose limbs connected, preferably slidably, to the filament engagement feature. The first and second noose limbs emerge from the anchor as first and second free filament limbs that are capable of being passed through tissue to be repaired and then passable through the noose. The noose is capable of receiving the free filament limbs and strangulating them when tension is applied to at least one of the free filament limbs and the noose to enable incremental tensioning of the tissue after anchor fixation. Preferably, the snare assembly further includes a flexible sleeve joining at least some portion of the first and second free filament limbs to facilitate passing of the free filament limbs as a single unit.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Multi-loop adjustable knotless anchor assembly, adjustable capture mechanism, and method for repair

Номер: US20120296375A1
Автор: Raymond Thal
Принадлежит: Individual

A suture anchoring system includes a mounting sleeve having an open distal end and an open proximal end defining a passageway therethrough. The system also includes a first elongated member with an anchor suture secured thereto and a tissue suture loop. A method for securing tissue includes passing a tissue suture loop through the tissue such that opposed first and second loop sections are formed, passing an anchor suture through first and second openings respectively defined by the opposed first and second loop sections, capturing the anchor suture after passing through the first and second openings with a first elongated member attached to the anchor suture, and securing the first elongated member attached to the anchor suture to a desired anchor hole in an anatomical site.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Multi durometer reinforced suture sleeve

Номер: US20120330354A1
Автор: John Swoyer, Lawrence Kane
Принадлежит: Greatbatch Ltd

Suture anchors for securing therapy delivery elements, such as stimulation leads or catheters, within a living body. The suture anchor includes an inner sleeve constructed with an inner layer of a softer, more pliable material that easily conforms to the therapy delivery element to reduce slippage and an outer layer constructed from a harder, stiffer durometer material that protects the therapy delivery elements from damage due to over-tightening the tie down sutures. A suture material located in the suture groove is tensioned to apply a radial compressive force. The reinforcing structure spreads the radial compressive force along a greater surface area of the therapy delivery element.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Multi-loop adjustable knotless anchor assembly and method for repair

Номер: US20120330357A1
Автор: Raymond Thal
Принадлежит: Individual

A suture anchor assembly with an adjustable suture loop for securing a bone mass to soft tissue. The suture anchor system achieves secure, tensioned attachment of soft tissue to a bone mass using a suture anchor assembly in conjunction with an adjustable suture loop composed of loop member with a tensioning suture component extending therefrom and coupled thereto through the creation of a pre-tied slip (or sliding) knot.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Dental interproximal cleaning device

Номер: US20130000668A1
Автор: Niels Madsen

By the invention a dental interproximal cleaning device is provided including a handle and a holder, the handle having a proximal end and a distal end, the holder having a base joined to the distal end and a bifurcation forming two branches and a cleaning element extending between the branches of the bifurcation. The cleaning element has a thread element and a brush element, the thread element having a length corresponding at least to the transversal dimension of a tooth or to the transversal dimension of a contact surface between said tooth and an adjacent tooth, and the brush element having a length at least corresponding to one half of the length of the thread element.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

System for use in tissue repair

Номер: US20130035692A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to a system for use in tissue repair. The system includes a cannulated guide, an obturator configured for insertion through the guide, a drill configured for insertion through the guide, and an anchor delivery tool configured for insertion through the guide.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Knotted Suture End Effector

Номер: US20130072972A1
Автор: Nicholas Maiorino
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A suture including a knotted end effector is provided. The suture includes a body portion defining a longitudinal axis and an end effector integrally formed from the body portion. The end effector includes first and second extensions extending outwardly from the longitudinal axis in opposite directions. Each of the first and second extensions includes at least one throw.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072974A1
Автор: DAgostino William L.

The present invention provides that coatings applied to natural, synthetic and recombinant expressed polymer filaments can be used to modify the properties of monofilament and multifilament self-retaining sutures. In an embodiment of the invention, the coating enables the suture to be easily inserted into tissue, whereupon the extended interaction of the coating and the tissue increase the ability of the tissue retainers to hold the suture in the tissue. In an embodiment of the present invention, the coated polymers have a melting point in the range from between approximately 40° C. to approximately 180° C. while retaining tensile strength. In an embodiment of the invention, the increased strength is due in part to the tissue specific reaction generated by the suture coating. 1. A suture comprising:at least one filament;a coating including at least one coating material, wherein the coating is applied to one or more filament, wherein the coating assists the suture passing through the tissue during suturing.2. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one coating material is selected from the group consisting of natural wax claim 1 , synthetic wax claim 1 , low viscosity glycolic acid polymers claim 1 , lactic acid polymers claim 1 , trimethylene carbonate polymers claim 1 , paradioxanone polymers claim 1 , epsilon-caprolactone polymers claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 1 , urethane claim 1 , collagen claim 1 , silicones and polyhydroxyalkanate polymers.3. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one coating material is selected based on the at least one coating material melting point temperature claim 1 , wherein the coating is solid during suturing claim 1 , wherein the coating melts as the suture is heated to the temperature of the tissue claim 1 , wherein after the coating melts the suture is retained in the tissue.4. The suture of claim 1 , further comprising at least one tissue retainer claim 1 , wherein the tissue retainer is introduced into the ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072975A1

In one embodiment, the present invention includes a method for holding soft tissue in apposition with a bone using a suture, the method including engaging the soft tissue with an engaging portion of a suture thread; engaging an end of the suture thread with a rotatable shaft of an anchor; implanting the rotatable shaft in the bone; and rotating the shaft in a first direction to wrap the engaged suture thread onto the shaft thereby increasing tension on the suture and on the soft tissue. 1. A method for holding soft tissue in apposition with a bone using a suture , comprisingengaging the soft tissue with an engaging portion of a suture thread;engaging an end of the suture thread with a rotatable shaft of an anchor;implanting the rotatable shaft in the bone; androtating the shaft in a first direction to wrap the engaged suture thread onto the shaft thereby increasing tension on the suture and on the soft tissue.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying force against the wrapped suture thread to prevent slippage of the wrapped suture thread on the rotatable shaft.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preventing the rotatable shaft from counter-rotation with a pawl and a plurality of teeth of a ratchet mechanism.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising disengaging the ratcheting mechanism temporarily to permit rotation of the shaft in the second direction to loosen the suture.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rotatable shaft includes a pointed tip claim 1 , wherein the implanting step includes impacting the rotatable shaft such that the pointed tip penetrates the bone.6. The method of claim 1 , the anchor further comprising an outer tubular member claim 1 , substantially surrounding the rotatable shaft claim 1 , wherein the step of rotating the shaft to wrap the engaged suture thread onto the shaft includes claim 1 , as the suture thread is wrapped onto the shaft claim 1 , contacting an inner surface of the outer tubular member to exert an ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072976A1

In one embodiment, the present invention includes a knotless suture anchor for implanting in bone including an outer tubular member having a distal end, a proximal end, an outer wall, and an at least one aperture through the outer wall; an inner member being rotatably disposed within the outer tubular member, the inner member having an at least one aperture for receiving at least one suture thread; a pointed tip configured to facilitate impaction of the anchor into the bone; and at least one suture thread guide positioned on the outer tubular member, wherein the at least one suture thread is positioned through the at least one suture thread guide, the at least one aperture of the outer tubular member, and the at least one aperture of the inner member. 1. A knotless suture anchor for implanting in bone , comprising:an outer tubular member having a distal end, a proximal end, an outer wall, and an at least one aperture through the outer wall;an inner member being rotatably disposed within the outer tubular member, the inner member having an at least one aperture for receiving at least one suture thread;a pointed tip configured to facilitate impaction of the anchor into the bone; andat least one suture thread guide positioned on the outer tubular member, wherein the at least one suture thread is positioned through the at least one suture thread guide, the at least one aperture of the outer tubular member, and the at least one aperture of the inner member.2. The knotless suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein the outer wall includes a retaining portion configured to deform outwardly into contact with the bone.3. The knotless suture anchor of claim 2 , wherein the retaining portion of the outer tubular member is configured to expand outwardly as a result of the inner member being rotated so that the at least one suture thread in the anchor has placed outward pressure to deform the retaining portion.4. The knotless suture anchor of claim 2 , wherein the outer diameter of the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of Washing Eggs

Номер: US20130074877A1
Автор: Buisman Paul

A method of washing eggs in a manner which allows controlling the level of pollutants of the washing fluid. At least two sprayer units are located over a conveyor in which eggs to be washed travel in a conveying direction. The eggs are engaged by a brush at each sprayer station. At least two sprayer units located over the conveyor receive washing fluid, spray the washing fluid over the eggs and collect the washing fluid in a collector. The intake of washing fluid, the spraying of the washing fluid and the collecting of the washing fluid at each of the sprayer units is confined to that sprayer unit. Each sprayer unit except the farthest downstream sprayer unit receives washing fluid from the collector of the next downstream sprayer unit. 1. A method of washing eggs by exposing all surfaces of the eggs to a washing spray from a plurality of at least two sprayer units which include a first downstream sprayer unit and a second upstream sprayer unit , in a manner which allows controlling the level of pollutants of the washing fluid supplied to each sprayer unit , comprising the steps of:conveying the eggs to be washed along a roller conveyor in a conveying direction from upstream to downstream, while turning the eggs so that all surfaces of the eggs are exposed to the washing fluid at each sprayer unit,engaging the eggs with a brush at each sprayer unit, andconfining the intake, spraying and collection of washing fluid at each sprayer unit to that sprayer unit, with the washing fluid delivered to the second sprayer unit being received from the washing fluid collected at the first sprayer unit, by the following steps:supplying washing fluid into the first sprayer unit, causing the washing fluid therein to wash the eggs passing beneath the first sprayer unit and then collecting in a first collector all of and only the washing fluid sprayed from the first sprayer unit, delivering the washing fluid from the first conveyor into the inlet of the second sprayer unit, causing ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079819A1

A suture anchor comprising a one piece blank folded to form a body. The body has a floor, a first sidewall extending from one end of the floor and a second sidewall extending from an opposite end of the floor. A recess is defined by the floor, first sidewall and second sidewall. A crossbar extends inwardly from the second sidewall across the recess such that a free end of the crossbar is normally disposed distally of a transverse edge of the body. The crossbar is flexible such that when a distally directed force is applied, the free end of the crossbar is positionable in the recess. The free end of the crossbar is engageable with the transverse edge to limit the proximal motion of the crossbar from a proximally directed force. 1. A suture anchor , comprising:a one piece blank folded to form a body having a proximal end, a distal end, a floor positioned at the distal end, a first sidewall extending from one end of the floor toward the proximal end, a second sidewall extending from an opposite end of the floor toward the proximal end, a recess defined by the floor, the first sidewall, and the second sidewall, a transverse edge formed on the first sidewall, and a crossbar extending inwardly from the second sidewall across the recess such that a free end of the crossbar is normally disposed distally of the transverse edge of the body,wherein the crossbar is flexible such that when a distally directed force is applied to the crossbar, the free end of the crossbar is positionable in the recess and when a proximally directed force is applied to the crossbar, the free end of the crossbar is engageable with the transverse edge to limit proximal motion of the crossbar.2. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein the first sidewall has a crossbar window in communication with the recess claim 1 , wherein the crossbar window has a proximal side and a distal side claim 1 , and wherein the proximal side of the crossbar window defines the transverse edge of the of the body.3. The ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Knotted Suture End Effector

Номер: US20130079822A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A suture including a knotted end effector is provided. The suture includes a body portion defining a longitudinal axis and an end effector formed from the body portion. The end effector includes first and second extensions which extend outwardly from the longitudinal axis in opposite directions when the end effector is in a permanent configuration. The extensions of the end effector extend substantially along the longitudinal axis when the end effector is in a temporary position. In embodiments, at least a portion of the end effector includes a shape memory material. 1. A method of forming an end effector , the method comprising the steps of:providing a length of suture and a fixture;crossing a first end of the suture over a second end of a suture to form a first loop;wrapping the first end of the suture around the suture within the first loop “n” number of times;positioning the suture adjacent the fixture such that the fixture is positioned between the first loop and the first end;wrapping the first end of the suture around the fixture to form a second loop;wrapping the first end of the suture around the suture within the first loop “m” number of times;pulling the first and second ends in opposite directions to tighten the first and second loops about the fixture;threading the first end of the suture through the second loop to form a third loop;threading the second end of the suture through the second loop to form a fourth loop;removing the suture from the fixture;pulling the third and fourth loops in opposite directions to tighten the first and second loops; andpulling the first and second ends of the suture in opposite directions to tighten the third and fourth loops.2. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of trimming the first end of the suture.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fixture includes a channel for receiving the first and second ends of the suture.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of threading the first end of the suture ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090685A1

Fastening devices are provided that are designed to effectively close tissue as well as instruments for applying the inventive fastening devices. The devices are useful for closing tissue such as mucosa in the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, laryngeal surfaces, oronasopharynx, or other mucosal tissues. In particular, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), uvulopalatal flap (UPF) technique, and tonsillectomy can be assisted using the inventive system. Embodiments also provide methods of using the fastening devices and/or instruments, and kits including the fastening devices. 1. A fastening device for fastening tissue , the fastening device comprising:a body that forms a partial ring shape, wherein the body comprises a first end and a second end;a first fastening member proximal to the first end of the body, wherein the first fastening member comprises an aperture; anda second fastening member proximal to the second end of the body, wherein the second fastening member comprises a plurality of engagement members configured to be inserted through the aperture.2. The fastening device of wherein the plurality of engagement members are spaced along the body.3. The fastening device of wherein the plurality of engagement members are configured to restrict the second end from being withdrawn from the aperture when an engagement member is inserted through the aperture.4. The fastening device of wherein the body forms a ring shape when an engagement member is inserted through the aperture.5. The fastening device of wherein the plurality of engagement members are configured to allow the ring shape to be contracted but not expanded when an engagement member is inserted through the aperture.6. The fastening device of wherein the engagement members and the aperture form a ratcheting mechanism.7. The fastening device of wherein the body comprises a non-circular cross-section.8. A method of fastening tissue claim 1 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090687A1

A surgical device includes a member having first and second opposing surfaces. The member includes an intermediate portion in which the first surface has a recessed surface portion. The intermediate portion defines a hole extending from the recessed surface portion to the second surface. End portions extend from the intermediate portion, and each end portion defines a hole extending from the first surface to the second surface. The member has a tapered surface portion on the second surface. The surgical device includes a second member sized to be received within the recessed surface portion. A method includes locating a tissue fixation device at an opening to a bone hole, and increasing the size of the tissue fixation device by placing the tissue fixation device within a larger device. 1. A method , comprising:locating a tissue fixation device at an opening to a bone hole, the tissue fixation device being coupled to a tissue graft by a flexible member, andincreasing the size of the tissue fixation device by placing the tissue fixation device within a larger device having a hole for receiving the flexible member.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein increasing the size comprises increasing the size of the tissue fixation device prior to locating the tissue fixation device at the opening.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flexible member comprises suture.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bone hole comprises a femoral passage.5. The method of comprising drilling the femoral passage such that the femoral passage has a substantially uniform diameter.6. The method of comprising passing the tissue fixation device and the tissue graft through the bone hole.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the larger device comprises an intermediate portion and locating the tissue fixation device at the opening to the bone hole comprises locating the intermediate portion of the larger device at the opening such that a portion of the intermediate portion is received within the opening ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096582A1
Принадлежит: NEOTRACT, INC.

A system and associated method for manipulating tissues and anatomical or other structures in medical applications for the purpose of treating diseases or disorders or other purposes. In one aspect, the system includes a delivery device configured to deploy and implant anchor devices for such purposes. 120-. (canceled)21. A system for treatment of body tissue , comprising:a delivery device comprising an elongate distal end and a proximal handle;a needle assembly configured to deploy a needle through a window in the elongate distal end, wherein the needle delivers a first anchor assembly and a connector;a cutter assembly configured to move along the long axis of the elongate distal end to cut the connector, the cutter assembly operatively connected to a cutter block within the proximal handle; anda pusher assembly configured to move along the long axis of the elongate distal end to push a second anchor assembly onto the connector, the pusher assembly operatively connected to a pusher block within the proximal handle;wherein the cutter block and pusher block cooperate to push the second anchor assembly onto the connector prior to cutting the connector.221. The system of claim wherein the window is on a side of the elongate distal end.231. The system of claim further comprising a cover configured to exclude tissue from entering the window and permit deployment of the needle.241. The system of claim wherein the cutter assembly comprises a cutter window.254. The system of claim wherein the needle is deployed through the cutter window.261. The system of claim wherein the cutter assembly is configured to cut the connector when the cutter assembly is moved proximally.271. The system of claim wherein the cutter assembly is configured to cut the connector when the cutter assembly is moved distally.281. The system of claim wherein the cutter assembly comprises at least one guide to guide the connector into position to be cut.291. The system of claim , wherein the cutter ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096611A1
Автор: Sullivan Derek C.

Systems and methods for soft tissue to bone repairs, without knot tying. The soft tissue repair systems include self-cinching constructs with a fixation device, a flexible strand and a shuttle/pull device attached to the flexible strand and provided within the body of the fixation device. A splice is formed by pulling on the shuttle/pull device subsequent to the fixation device being secured into the bone, to allow desired tensioning of soft tissue to be fixated or repaired relative to the bone. 1. A surgical system for tissue repairs , comprising:a fixation device comprising a body, a longitudinal axis, a proximal end and a distal end; anda tensionable construct pre-loaded on the fixation device, the tensionable construct comprising a flexible strand and a shuttling device attached to the flexible strand.2. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the body is cannulated and the tensionable construct extends through the body of the fixation device.3. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible construct is fixed to the body of the fixation device.4. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the tensionable construct consists of the flexible strand and the shuttling device attached to the flexible strand.5. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the fixation device is an anchor with a post and a pair of openings symmetrically positioned relative to the post claim 1 , the pair of openings extending in a direction about transversal to the longitudinal axis of the body claim 1 , the pair of openings being configured to allow the tensionable construct to be passed through the body of the fixation device and around the post.6. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible strand is a suture formed of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene.7. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the shuttling device is a suture passing instrument.8. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the shuttling device is a nitinol loop.9. The surgical ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096612A1
Принадлежит: Arthrex, Inc.

Systems and methods for bone to bone, or soft tissue to bone, repairs without knot tying. The repair systems include self-cinching constructs which are tensionable and which include a flexible strand with a knotless, adjustable loop with at least one splice and a shuttle/pull device attached to the flexible strand. A final splice is formed by pulling on the shuttle/pull device subsequent to the knotless, adjustable loop being assembled with or secured to tissue (for example, a soft tissue graft or BTB graft), to allow desired tensioning of the graft to be fixated relative to the bone. 1. A fixation system for tissue reconstruction , comprising:a knotless tensionable loop construct having two flexible loops that are interconnected and two splices, at least one of the two flexible loops having an adjustable length; andtissue connected to the tensionable loop construct.2. The fixation system of further comprising a button attached to the knotless tensionable loop.3. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two flexible loops is passed through the tissue.4. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the tissue is looped over and attached to the tensionable loop construct.5. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the tissue is soft tissue claim 1 , graft claim 1 , tendon claim 1 , ligament claim 1 , synthetic material claim 1 , biological material claim 1 , bone claim 1 , or a combination of such materials.6. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the tissue is an autograft or an allograft.7. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the tissue is a BTB graft.8. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the two flexible loops and two splices are formed from a same flexible strand.9. The fixation system of claim 8 , wherein the flexible strand is a suture formed of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene.10. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the tensionable loop construct is formed by the steps of:providing a first flexible strand having two ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Suture Holder Delivery System

Номер: US20130096613A1
Автор: Rickey Hart, Thore Zantop
Принадлежит: Karl Storz SE and Co KG

A suture holder delivery system including a housing having a distal end and a proximal end, a first driver mechanism and a second driver mechanism, each movable in a longitudinal direction with respect to the housing, a first delivery needle and a second delivery needle, the first delivery needle connected at a proximal end to the first driver mechanism and the second delivery needle connected at a proximal end to the second driver mechanism, the first driver mechanism and said second driver mechanism each having fully retracted and fully extended positions and a toggle assembly operable to fix at least one of the first driver mechanism and second driver mechanism in at least one longitudinal position. The delivery system may alternatively or additionally include a locking mechanism operable to prevent the second driver mechanism from being moved in a distal direction until the first driver mechanism is longitudinally advanced to the extended position.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for guide-wire based advancement of a rotation assembly

Номер: US20130096672A1
Принадлежит: Valtech Cardio Ltd

Apparatus is provided, comprising (1) a guide member, (2) a tissue-adjustment mechanism having (a) an upper surface and a lower surface, (b) at least one first opening at the upper surface, (c) at least one second opening at the lower surface, and (4) a channel extending between the first and second openings, the channel facilitating advancement of the tissue-adjustment mechanism along the guide member; and (3) at least one repair chord coupled at a first portion thereof to the tissue-adjustment mechanism and having at least a first end that is configured to be coupled to a portion of tissue of a patient, the repair chord being configured to adjust a distance between the portion of tissue and the tissue-adjustment mechanism, in response to adjustment of the repair chord by the tissue-adjustment mechanism. Other embodiments are also described.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101843A1

This disclose relates to dope for spinning lyocell including cotton linter pulp and an aqueous solution of N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO), a method for manufacturing lyocell filament fiber using the dope, lyocell filament fiber manufactured by the method, a method for manufacturing lyocell staple fiber using the dope, and lyocell staple fiber obtained by the manufacturing method. According to the present invention, fiber that exhibits a low orientation degree and fibrillation degree, and a high elongation, and thus may be applied for fiber for high grade clothing, may be provided without conducting additional processes. 1. A dope for spinning lyocell , comprising:cotton linter pulp; andan aqueous solution of N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO).2. The dope for spinning lyocell according to claim 1 , comprising:6 to 16 wt % of the cotton linter pulp; and84 to 94 wt % of the aqueous solution of N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide.3. The dope for spinning lyocell according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution of N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide comprises N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide and water in a weight ratio of 91:9 to 83:17.4. The dope for spinning lyocell according to claim 1 , wherein the cotton linter pulp comprises 99 wt % or more of alpha-cellulose.5. A method for manufacturing lyocell filament fiber claim 1 , comprising: discharging the spinning dope according to from a spinner;passing the discharged dope through a coagulation bath to coagulate it into a filament;washing the filament that has passed through the coagulation bath; anddrying the washed filament.6. The method for manufacturing lyocell filament fiber according to claim 5 , wherein the discharging of the spinning dope from a spinner is conducted at 80 to 130° C.7. The method for manufacturing lyocell filament fiber according to claim 5 , wherein the drying of the washed filament comprises applying tension of 0.1 to 1 g/d to the filament at 80 to 200° C.8. Lyocell filament fiber manufactured from the spinning ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Suture anchors and methods of use

Номер: US20130103083A1
Автор: Baird Kevin N.
Принадлежит: Cayenne Medical, Inc.

An anchoring system for securing tissue to bone includes an implant having a body through which a suture eyelet extends transversely, a suture recess extending along a portion of a length of the body, having a predetermined depth below an outer surface of the body, and a suture pinch ramp disposed at a proximal end of the suture recess. The suture pinch ramp has a depth approximately equal to the predetermined depth at a distal end thereof and sloping outwardly in a proximal direction so that a depth of a proximal end of the suture pinch ramp approaches zero. An insertion member includes an insertion tube and a handle which is engageable with the anchor body to deploy the anchor in a selected bone site. 1. An anchoring system for securing tissue to bone , comprising an implant comprising a body having a suture eyelet extending transversely therethrough , a suture recess extending along a portion of a length of the body , having a predetermined depth below an outer surface of the body; and a suture pinch ramp disposed at a proximal end of the suture recess , the suture pinch ramp having a depth approximately equal to said predetermined depth at a distal end thereof and sloping outwardly in a proximal direction so that a depth of a proximal end of the suture pinch ramp approaches zero.2. The anchoring system as recited in wherein the implant further comprises external surface features for securing the implant within surrounding bone.3. The anchoring system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the external surface features comprise bone barbs.4. The anchoring system as recited in claim 3 , and further comprising suture barbs disposed on the outer surface of the body at a proximal end thereof claim 3 , for clamping suture or tissue between the outer surface of the body and adjacent bone.5. The anchoring system as recited in claim 1 , and further comprising bone displacement tabs disposed on a distal portion of the implant body claim 1 , for displacing bone distal to suture ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Suture Anchor Kit

Номер: US20130103085A1
Автор: Hart Rickey, Zantop Thore

A suture anchor kit including first and second suture anchors, each having two eyelets, and first and second sutures, each having a free end and a fixed end, where the first suture is received in a first of the two eyelets of the first suture anchor and a first of the two eyelets of the second suture anchor and where the second suture is received in a second of said two eyelets of the first suture anchor and a second of the two eyelets of the second suture anchor, the fixed end of the first suture being connected to the free end of the second suture via a first knot and the fixed end of the second suture being connected to the free end of the first suture via a second knot is provided. The kit may also include a delivery device including a housing, a first driver mechanism and a second driver mechanism, each movable in a longitudinal direction with respect to the housing, the first suture anchor being in communication with said the driver mechanism and the second suture anchor being in communication with the second driver mechanism.. 1. A suture anchor kit , comprising:first and second suture anchors, each having two eyelets; andfirst and second sutures, each having a free end and a fixed end;said first suture received in a first of said two eyelets of said first suture anchor and a first of said two eyelets of said second suture anchor;said second suture received in a second of said two eyelets of said first suture anchor and a second of said two eyelets of said second suture anchor;said fixed end of the first suture being connected to the free end of said second suture via a first knot;said fixed end of the second suture being connected to the free end of said first suture via a second knot.2. The suture anchor kit of wherein said first and second knots are single overhand knots.3. The suture anchor kit of wherein said first and second knots are locking slipknots.4. The suture anchor kit of wherein each of said first and second anchors define a connecting portion ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130110165A1
Принадлежит: Arthrex, Inc.

Suture constructs and methods for soft tissue to bone repairs. The suture construct is a soft, suture-based anchor which is self-cinching and has a specific, accordion-type configuration (i.e., with the ability to fold from a first, extended position to a second, folded or compressed position). The suture-based anchor may be formed essentially of a flexible material such as a high strength surgical suture, suture chain, or suture. 1. An anchor for surgical repairs comprising suture designed to be compressed from an extended , non-folded position to a compressed , folded position.2. The anchor of claim 1 , wherein the anchor consists essentially of suture.3. The anchor of claim 1 , wherein the suture comprises a length of suture material and a flexible cord which claim 1 , when pulled claim 1 , is designed to compress the length of suture material from the extended claim 1 , non-folded position to the compressed claim 1 , folded position.4. The anchor of claim 3 , wherein the flexible cord attaches to the length of suture material by being passed through the length of suture material at different points throughout the length of the suture material.5. The anchor of claim 3 , wherein the flexible cord is attached to the length of suture material by passing one end of the flexible cord through different points spaced apart along the length of the suture material claim 3 , beginning with a first point claim 3 , and then passing the other end of the flexible cord at a position adjacent the first point to form a loop.6. The anchor of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , when the two ends of the flexible cord are pulled claim 5 , the loop collapses and compresses the length of suture material from the extended claim 5 , non-folded position to the compressed claim 5 , folded position.7. The anchor of claim 6 , wherein in the compressed claim 6 , folded position claim 6 , the length of suture material forms a plurality of folds in the shape of an accordion.8. The anchor of claim 3 , ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Stitching Tendons

Номер: US20130116730A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

Methods and apparatuses for repairing a tear in soft tissue are disclosed. A method according to the principles of the present disclosure includes connecting an intermediate member to a bone anchor and placing the intermediate member on the soft tissue. The method further includes inserting a first suture through the intermediate member and the soft tissue to attach the intermediate member to the soft tissue and fixing the bone anchor to bone to secure the soft tissue to the bone. 1. A method for attaching soft tissue to bone comprising:connecting an intermediate member to a bone anchor;placing the intermediate member on the soft tissue;inserting a first suture through the intermediate member and the soft tissue to attach the intermediate member to the soft tissue; andfixing the bone anchor to bone to secure the soft tissue to the bone.2. The method of wherein the intermediate member is a flat claim 1 , planar member that includes at least one of a ribbon and a sheath.3. The method of wherein the intermediate member includes at least one of polyester claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polyurethane urea claim 1 , polyether ether ketone (PEEK) claim 1 , and bioresorbable material.4. The method of wherein the intermediate member is at least one of braided claim 1 , knit claim 1 , and woven.5. The method of wherein the intermediate member has a thickness between 0.25 millimeters (mm) and 0.75 mm.6. The method of further comprising folding the intermediate member to form first and second segments and placing the first and second segments on one side of the soft tissue before attaching the intermediate member to the soft tissue.7. The method of further comprising folding the intermediate member to form first and second segments and placing the first and second segments on opposite sides of the soft tissue before attaching the intermediate member to the soft tissue.8. The method of further comprising inserting a plurality of suture constructs through the intermediate member ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118527A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a mandrel bar cleaning facility capable of effectively suppressing carburization generated on the inner surface of a pipe or tube while the pipe or tube is elongated and rolled without hindering an operation. 1conveying the mandrel bar in an axial direction of the mandrel bar while revolving the mandrel bar in a peripheral direction of the mandrel bar; andjetting high-pressure water having a water pressure of 20 to 150 MPa toward an outer surface of the conveyed mandrel bar from a position opposite to a side of the mandrel bar to clean the surface of the mandrel bar to which a graphite-based lubricant containing an organic binder and having water resistance adheres.. A mandrel bar cleaning method which cleans a mandrel bar pulled out of a mandrel bar conveying line after being used for elongating and rolling a pipe or tube in a mandrel mill, comprising the steps of: The present invention relates to a mandrel bar cleaning facility which cleans a mandrel bar used for producing a seamless pipe or tube. Specifically, the present invention relates to a mandrel bar cleaning facility capable of suppressing carburization generated on the inner surface of a pipe or tube elongated and rolled without hindering an operation. Hereinafter, “pipe or tube” is referred to as “pipe” when deemed appropriate.In the production of the seamless pipe due to a Mannesmann-mandrel mill method, first, a round billet or a square billet is heated at 1200 to 1260° C. in a heating furnace, and the billet is then pierced and rolled by a piercer to produce a hollow shell. Next, a mandrel bar is inserted into the inner surface of the hollow shell, and the hollow shell is elongated and rolled by a mandrel mill to produce a pipe reduced to a prescribed thickness. After the mandrel bar is then extracted from the pipe having the reduced thickness, the pipe is roll-formed to a prescribed outer diameter by a sizing mill to produce a seamless pipe as a ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for a Suture Button

Номер: US20130123841A1
Автор: Lyon Thomas

A suture button apparatus is described that comprises a first button, a plate, a second button and a set of sutures. The first button includes a tubular wall that includes a proximal end portion and an opposed distal end portion that define a central longitudinal axis. An inner surface of the tubular wall defines an aperture aligned with the central longitudinal axis and an outer surface of the tubular wall includes threads. The plate defines at least one aperture that receives and connects with the first button. The set of sutures connect the first button and the second button. The set of sutures connect the first and second buttons. 1. A suture button apparatus that comprises:a first button that includes a tubular wall that has a proximal end portion and an opposed distal end portion, the tubular wall defines a central longitudinal axis, the proximal end portion of the tubular wall includes a proximal terminal end and an external interface adapted to connect to an external drive mechanism, the tubular wall has an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defines an aperture aligned with the central longitudinal axis, the outer surface of the tubular wall includes threads;a plate that includes a first side and an opposed second side connected by a sidewall, the plate defines an aperture that extends through the first side and the second side, the first side receives the first button, the aperture of the plate includes threads that mate with at least a portion of the threads of the first button;a second suture button that includes at least one aperture;a set of sutures that connect the first button and the second button; anda bar positioned in the aperture of the first button and connected to the tubular wall, the bar positioned distal to the proximal terminal, the bar includes a fixation mechanism that fixes the set of sutures relative to the first button; anda position for treatment that includes the set of sutures connecting the first button and the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Suture anchor

Номер: US20130123842A1
Принадлежит: VentureMD Innovations LLC

Suture anchors are disclosed having suture locking features able to lock multiple suture ends extending from a body tissue, such as from a bone tunnel, with a single device.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of anchoring a suture

Номер: US20130123843A1
Принадлежит: VentureMD Innovations LLC

Suture anchors and associated methods are disclosed having suture locking features able to lock multiple suture ends extending from a body tissue, such as from a bone tunnel, with a single device.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123845A1
Принадлежит: Smith & Nephew, Inc.

The present disclosure relates to an anchor. The anchor includes an outer member including a body having an inner cavity, wherein the inner cavity includes a proximal portion configured for receipt of a delivery device and a distal portion having area of increased diameter. The anchor also includes an inner member coupled to the outer member, wherein the inner member includes a proximal portion having a projection configured for receipt in the area of increased diameter and a distal portion having a transverse through hole. A delivery device and method for tissue repair are also disclosed. 110-. (canceled)11. A delivery device comprising:an inner shaft including a proximal portion and a distal portion;a first handle coupled to the proximal portion of the inner shaft;an outer shaft slidably engaged with the inner shaft and including a proximal portion and a distal portion; anda second handle coupled to the proximal portion of the outer shaft.12. The delivery device of further comprising an anchor comprising:an outer member including a body having an inner cavity, the inner cavity including a proximal portion configured for receipt of the outer shaft of the delivery device and a distal portion having area of increased diameter; andan inner member coupled to the outer member, the inner member including a proximal portion having a projection configured for receipt in the area of increased diameter and a distal portion having a transverse through hole wherein the outer member rotates relative to the inner member.13. The delivery device of wherein the proximal portion of the inner member includes an opening configured for receipt of the inner shaft of the delivery device.14. A method of tissue repair comprising:inserting a first anchor into bone, the first anchor having a flexible member coupled thereto;passing the ends of the flexible member through the tissue;providing a second anchor comprising an outer member including a body having an inner cavity, the inner cavity ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131723A1

Some embodiments of the present invention include a suture anchor with both knotless and knotted suture attachment capabilities, as well as methods for loading the suture in knotless and knotted configurations. Some embodiments of the present invention include a suture anchor with an inner implant body with a spreader that slides in relation to an outer expandable collar, such that pushing the expandable collar distally with an inserter causes the spreader to expand the collar against the surrounding bone to secure the suture anchor in place. Such embodiments may also include a detachment or breakaway feature between the inserter and the suture anchor to permit separation after anchor deployment. Some embodiments of the present invention include methods for deploying such suture anchors and expanding the expandable collars and/or detaching the inserter tools. Embodiments of the present invention may be used in various orthopedic applications such as, for example, shoulder repair. 1. A suture anchoring system comprising: an insertion nose at the distal end, the insertion nose configured for insertion into bone;', 'a slot formed in the implant body, the slot extending at least partially longitudinally, the slot having a slot proximal edge and a slot distal edge; and, 'an implant body extending substantially longitudinally from a proximal end to a distal end, the implant body comprisinga slider that slides along the slot, the slider comprising a slider proximal edge and a slider distal edge;a first aperture at least partially formed by the slot distal edge and the slider distal edge;a second aperture at least partially formed by the slot proximal edge and the slider proximal edge, the second aperture located proximally with respect to the first aperture; such that a suture passed through only one of the first and second apertures before implantation is moveable freely in both directions after implantation, and', 'such that a suture threaded, before implantation, ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138108A1
Принадлежит: Arthrex, Inc.

A technique for joint repair employing a suture/button construct and an applicator designed to securely engage a button of the suture/button construct. The button of the suture/button construct securely engages two shafts of the applicator (i.e., an angled, non-vertical flat face of the outer shaft and a threaded region of the inner shaft). Engagement to and disengagement from the applicator is conducted without rotation of the button. The applicator with the secured button is introduced into the tissue (for example, soft tissue or a bone tunnel) and the button is passed through the tissue. 1. A surgical assembly , comprising:a fixation device comprising a body, a flat side surface, and at least one eyelet extending through opposing surfaces of the body;a flexible strand attached to the at least one eyelet; anda device for engaging and securing the flat side surface of the fixation device and for subsequently advancing the fixation device through anatomical tissue.2. The surgical assembly of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises an outer shaft having a proximal end and a distal end claim 1 , a handle provided at the proximal end claim 1 , an inner shaft extending through a whole length of the handle and through the outer shaft claim 1 , the inner shaft being provided with a threaded distal end configured to securely engage a corresponding threaded recess within the body of the fixation device.3. The surgical assembly of claim 2 , wherein a most distal end of the outer shaft of the device terminates in an angled claim 2 , non-vertical surface that matingly engages the flat side surface of the fixation device.4. The surgical assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fixation device is an oblong button.5. An applicator for a suture/button construct claim 1 , comprising:an elongated outer shaft having a longitudinal axis, a proximal end and a distal end;a handle provided at the proximal end; andan inner shaft extending through the handle and through the outer shaft, the inner ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138149A1
Автор: Tegels Zachary J.
Принадлежит: St. Jude Medical Puerto Rico LLC

A vascular closure system includes a suture and an anchor assembly. The anchor assembly includes a first anchor portion having a plurality of petal members automatically expandable from a retracted position for delivery through a vessel puncture in a vessel, and an expanded position when deployed within the vessel. The anchor assembly also includes a second anchor portion connected to the suture and positioned distal of the first anchor portion within the vessel. Withdrawing the suture pulls the second anchor portion against the first anchor portion to contact the first anchor portion against an inner surface of the vessel adjacent to the vessel puncture. The vascular closure system may also include an automatic compaction assembly that automatically compacts a sealing member against the anchor assembly to seal closed the vessel puncture upon withdrawal of the vascular closure system. 1. A vascular closure system , comprising:a suture; a first anchor portion having a plurality of petal members automatically expandable from a retracted position for delivery through a vessel puncture in a vessel, and an expanded position when deployed within the vessel;', 'a second anchor portion connected to the suture and positioned distal of the first anchor portion within the vessel;, 'an anchor assembly comprisingwherein withdrawing the suture pulls the second anchor portion against the first anchor portion to contact the first anchor portion against an inner surface of the vessel adjacent to the vessel puncture.2. A vascular closure system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of petal members are oriented perpendicular to a longitudinal dimension of the anchor assembly when in the expanded position.3. A vascular closure system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of petal members extend proximally when in the refracted position.4. A vascular closure system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of petal members pivot in a single direction from the expanded ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138150A1
Принадлежит: Arthrex, Inc.

A technique and associated instrumentation for correcting large intermetatarsal angles that result from hallux valgus. The system includes a button and a suture loop attached to the button. A suture strand is threaded through holes in the button to attach the button to the suture. The suture ends are then brought together (by being swaged, spliced or cinched together, for example) to form the suture loop comprising a continuous, uninterrupted suture loop with a single strand of swaged-together ends. The swaged-together ends may be attached to a suture passing instrument such as a K-wire (Kirschner wire) that may be further used to drill a hole through the first and second metatarsals. The swaged-together ends of the suture are then passed through the drill holes in the first and second metatarsals; and the ends of the suture are pulled until the button abuts the second metatarsal. The swaged together portion of the suture loop is then cut, and the free suture ends are passed through holes in another (second) button. The suture ends are pulled to adjust the first metatarsal to a correct intermetatarsal angle, and the first metatarsal is secured in place by tying the ends of the suture together against the second button. 1. A fixation system , comprising a button/loop construct having a button with at least a pair of apertures designed to allow passage of a flexible strand , and a loop construct connected to the button , the loop construct comprising a continuous uninterrupted loop of a flexible strand , with both opposing ends of the flexible strand terminating in a single strand.2. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible strand is a suture strand.3. The fixation system of claim 2 , wherein the suture strand comprises a plurality of fibers of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene.4. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the loop has a fixed length.5. The fixation system of claim 1 , wherein the loop and the single strand have a combined length ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Suture Anchors With A Vertical Eyelet

Номер: US20130138152A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A suture anchor for anchoring a suture in the selected portion of an anatomical portion for fixing a suture thereto. The suture anchor including an anatomical engaging portion and a suture engaging portion wherein both the anatomical engaging portion and a suture engaging portion are adopted to be substantially disposed below an exterior of the anatomical portion after implantation. Suture eyelets are provided in the suture engaging section and a suture passage is formed to interconnect the eyelets to allow a suture to be easily threaded in the suture engaging section from the first eyelet to the second eyelet. 1. A suture anchor to anchor a suture in a selected bone portion , comprising: a bone engaging portion to engage a selected bone region;', 'a suture protecting portion configured to substantially limit contact of the suture with the bone portion;', a suture engaging portion configured to hold a suture relative to said first member;', 'a first member engaging portion;, 'a second member, including], 'a first member, includingwherein when the suture engages said suture engaging portion, the suture is protected from generally contacting the selected bone portion after implantation of the suture anchor.2. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein said bone engaging portion and said suture protecting portion of said first member are integrally formed from a substantially a unitary portion.3. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein said suture engaging portion and said first member engaging portion of said second member are substantially integrally formed as a single unit.4. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein said bone engaging portion includes a deflectable member that is generally forced outwardly from said first member by said first member engaging portion;wherein said first member engaging portion engages said deflectable member to increase a pull out strength of said first member from the selected bone portion.5. The suture anchor of claim 4 , wherein said ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Manufacturing A Crimped Compound Thread

Номер: US20130140729A1
Автор: Stündl Mathias
Принадлежит: Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

The invention relates to a method and a device for producing a crimped composite thread, wherein the inventive method consists in extruding, cooling and in drawing several yarns in the form of a plurality of strand filaments and in jointly crimping them in order to obtain a crimped composite thread. The aim of said invention is to make it possible to pre-treat the threads in a manner adaptable to each treatment step. The aim is attained by that at least one multi-treaded yarn is whirl-tangled many times during several operations prior to crimping. For this purpose, a whirl-tangling device provided with a plurality of whirl-tangling units following each other in a direction of the yarn displacement is used. 1. A method of manufacturing a crimped compound thread , comprising: preparing a plurality of individual threads , each comprised of a plurality of filament strands , via extrusion , cooling , and drawing , and combining the plurality of individual threads into a compound thread which is subjected to crimping , wherewith the multifilament individual threads are separately subjected to whirl-tangling prior to the crimping; and wherein at least one of the multifilament individual threads is subjected to whirl-tangling a plurality of times , in a plurality of pre-treatment stages.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein each of the multifilament individual threads is separately subjected to whirl-tangling in a first pre-treatment stage prior to the drawing.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the individual threads is subjected separately to whirl-tangling in a second pre-treatment stage following the drawing.4. A method according to one of claim 1 , wherein the individual threads are subjected to whirl-tangling in at least one pre-treatment stage claim 1 , wherein set-point values of a pressure of compressed air in a compressed air feed are at respective different values for the different threads.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144334A1

A suture anchor system and method including a suture anchor and a suture anchor drive. The suture anchor is positionable on a rod of the suture anchor drive. The rod defines an awl for forming a hole in a bone. The suture anchor drive further has an impactor for moving the suture anchor along the rod between a retracted position and an advanced position so as to implant the suture anchor in the bone with the awl positioned in the bone. 1. A suture anchor , comprising:a body member having a leading end, a trailing end, a cannula extending through the body member from the leading end to the trailing end, and an outer surface comprising one or more bone engaging members to retain the anchor inside a bone, the leading end having at least one suture receiving notch.2. The suture anchor of wherein the leading end has a pair of diametrically opposed suture receiving notches formed therein.3. The suture anchor of claim 2 , wherein the suture receiving notches are substantially V-shaped.4. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein the trailing end of the body member has at least one alignment notch.5. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein the leading end tapers to facilitate insertion of the suture anchor into a bone.6. The suture anchor of claim 1 , wherein the leading end is resiliently deformable.7. The suture anchor of claim 6 , wherein the body member is constructed of a polymeric material.8. The suture anchor of claim 1 , further comprising a tip member having a leading end claim 1 , a trailing end claim 1 , a leading end claim 1 , and a cannula extending through the tip member from the leading end to the trailing end claim 1 , the trailing end of the tip member rotatably connected to the leading end of the body member with the cannula of the tip member axially aligned with the cannula of the body member.9. The suture anchor of claim 8 , wherein the leading end of the tip member has a pair diametrically opposed suture receiving notches formed therein.10. The suture ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144335A1
Автор: Sandow Michael John

When ligaments or tendons detach from associated bone, or become damaged by way of being torn, surgical intervention can be used to assist repair and reattachment (restoration). An anchor in the cortical portion of the bone is provided which is used to secure a suture with respect to the bone wherein the suture is attached at one end to a tendon or other portion of the body and the free end is secured to the anchor without the use of a knot. An arthroscopic transosseous knotless suture anchoring arrangement for holding a suture includes, a hollow body for at least partial insertion into a cortical portion of a hone and a holding dement having an elongate body sized for fitment with and within the hollow of the body for holding a suture located in the hollow body with respect to the cortical portion of the bone. 1. An arthroscopic transosseous knotless suture anchoring arrangement for holding a suture with respect to a cortical portion of a bone , comprising:a hollow body for at least partial insertion into a cortical portion of a bone; anda holding element having an elongate body sized for fitment with and within the hollow of the body tor holding a portion of a suture located in the hollow body with respect to the cortical portion of the bone.2. An arthroscopic transosseous knotless suture anchoring arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the holding element and hollow body are adapted for interference fitment together.3. An arthroscopic transosseous knotless suture anchoring arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the holding element and hollow body are adapted for removeable fitment together.4. An arthroscopic transosseous knotless suture anchoring arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow body further includes a rim radially extending from an end of the body.5. An arthroscopic transosseous knotless suture anchoring arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow varies in diameter being at least wider at one end to the other end of the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144336A1

A method of connecting a suture to a bone including the steps of inserting at least one suture anchor into the bone, and disposing a suture loop about a crossbar of the suture anchor in such a way that when a proximally directed force is applied to the suture loop, a free end of the crossbar engages a transverse edge of the body of the suture anchor to limit proximal motion of the crossbar and capture the suture loop. 1. A method of connecting a suture to a bone , comprising: a body having a proximal end, a distal end, an axial recess extending from the proximal end toward the distal end, and a transverse edge; and', 'a crossbar extending from the body and across the axial recess such that the crossbar has a free end and a fixed end and the free end of the crossbar is normally disposed distally of the transverse edge of the body; and, 'inserting at least one suture anchor into the bone, the suture anchor comprisingdisposing a suture loop about the crossbar in such a way that when a proximally directed force is applied to the suture loop, the free end of the crossbar engages the transverse edge of the body to limit proximal motion of the crossbar and capture the suture loop.2. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of disposing the suture loop about the crossbar further comprises the step of distally deflecting the free end of the crossbar relative to the fixed end and moving the suture loop past the free end of the crossbar.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of disposing the suture loop about the crossbar further comprises the step of:disposing the suture loop about a suture threader, the suture threading comprising a shaft having a pair of fingers formed on a distal end thereof, the fingers separated from one another along at least one portion thereof by a window and along another portion thereof by a slit extending from the distal end of the shaft and intersecting the window;inserting the suture threader into the axial recess so as deflect the free end ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for Coupling Soft Tissue to a Bone

Номер: US20130144337A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A method for coupling tissue with a flexible member including a tail and a self-locking construct coupled to the tail. The self-locking construct includes a first loop and an adjustable second loop coupled thereto. The method includes implanting an anchor in bone. The anchor is slidably mounted to the tail. The tail is positioned relative to the tissue. An end of the tail is inserted through the first loop. The tail is passed through the first loop. The second loop is pulled into the anchor. The self-locking construct is positioned relative to the tissue. The self-locking construct is tightened against the tissue by pulling on an end of the self-locking construct. 1. A method for coupling tissue with a flexible member including a tail and a self-locking construct coupled to the tail , the self-locking construct including a first loop and an adjustable second loop coupled thereto , the method comprising:implanting an anchor in bone, the anchor slidably mounted to the tail;positioning the tail relative to the tissue;inserting an end of the tail through the first loop;passing the tail through the first loop, pulling the adjustable second loop into the anchor, and positioning the self-locking construct relative to the tissue; andtightening the self-locking construct against the tissue by pulling on an end of the self-locking construct.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning the tail relative to the tissue one of before or after implanting the anchor in bone.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the tail includes positioning the tail such that the tail passes through a first tissue portion and a second tissue portion to arrange the self-locking construct across the first tissue portion and the second tissue portion claim 1 , and couple the first tissue portion to the second tissue portion.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the tail includes positioning the tail such that the tissue is between a first portion of the tail and a second ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for Coupling Soft Tissue to a Bone

Номер: US20130144338A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A flexible member for coupling tissue. The flexible member includes a tail and a self-locking construct. The tail includes a first end and a second end opposite to the first end. The tail defines a tail passageway proximate to the second end. The self-locking construct includes a first loop and an adjustable second loop. The second loop is slidably threaded through the tail passageway defined by the tail. The self-locking construct is configured such that passing the tail through the first loop so that the second loop extends into the first loop forms a tissue capture region defined by the self-locking construct. The tail passageway defined by the tail defines a locking member configured to secure the second loop to the first loop. 1. A flexible member for coupling tissue comprising:a tail including a first end and a second end opposite to the first end, the tail defining a tail passageway proximate to the second end; anda self-locking construct including a first loop and an adjustable second loop, the second loop slidably threaded through the tail passageway defined by the tail;wherein the self-locking construct is configured such that passing the tail through the first loop so that the second loop extends into the first loop forms a tissue capture region defined by the self-locking construct; andwherein the tail passageway defined by the tail defines a locking member configured to secure the second loop to the first loop.2. The flexible member of claim 1 , further comprising a first anchor defining a first anchor passageway claim 1 , the tail extends through the first anchor passageway and the first anchor is slidably mounted to the tail.3. The flexible member of claim 2 , wherein the first anchor is a first flexible anchor claim 2 , and further comprising a second flexible anchor defining a second anchor passageway claim 2 , the tail extends through the second anchor passageway and the second anchor is slidably mounted to the tail.4. The flexible member of claim ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for repairing tissue

Номер: US20130158598A1
Автор: Jose E. Lizardi
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek LLC

Devices and methods for anchoring tissue to bone are provided herein. In various embodiments, the tissue anchor systems and methods can provide a length of suture having terminal ends coupled to one another via a sliding knot so as to define a suture loop having an adjustable length. After passing a portion of the suture loop through a damaged tissue and coupling the suture loop to bone, the sliding knot can be advanced to shorten the suture loop in order to secure the tissue to bone.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Knotless Instability Anchor

Номер: US20130158599A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek LLC

Methods and devices are provided for anchoring suture to bone. In one exemplary embodiment, a suture anchor is provided that includes one or more bone-engaging surfaces features and an external sidewall. The external sidewall can allow a suture coupled to the suture anchor and located between the anchor and bone to be movable relative to the suture anchor, even when the suture anchor is partially or fully disposed within a bone hole. Suture threaders and suture anchor drivers are also provided that can be used with the various methods and devices disclosed herein, or with other methods and devices known in the art.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158600A1

Devices for securing prostheses such as heart valves or annuloplasty rings with sutures and without using knots are disclosed. The devices are particularly well suited for traditional surgery or minimally invasive surgery, and improve the ease of implantation by eliminating surgical knots a clinician would normally tie in the limited space in and around the implant site. The devices have opposed the clamp halves surrounded by a coil spring. Sutures pass between the clamp halves and the coil spring has an inner coil diameter sufficient to compress the sutures between the clamp. A retention member positioned between the clamp halves maintains a minimum space and therebetween to enable the locking device to be slid along the sutures into position, and to adjust the tension of the sutures therethrough. A delivery tool may be used to deliver and deploy the locking devices. 1. A system for locking a device on one or more sutures , comprising:one or more sutures each having a thickness;a bifurcated locking clamp including a pair of substantially similar clamp halves each having an exterior surface and an inner surface facing the inner surface of the other clamp half to form a variable sized slot therebetween, the clamp halves being connected for movement toward or away from one another while being fixed axially with respect to one another, wherein the suture(s) extend through the slot between the inner surfaces of the clamp halves;a biasing member positioned on the outside of the locking clamp having a relaxed size that, in the absence of an object in the slot, urges the inner surfaces of the clamp halves together such that the slot has a width smaller than the suture thickness; anda retention member positioned between the clamp halves against the force of the biasing member and having a thickness that maintains the slot width large enough to permit passage of the suture therethrough, wherein removal of the retention member permits the biasing member to urge the inner ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Soft Tissue Repair Assembly And Associated Method

Номер: US20130158601A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A soft tissue repair assembly. The assembly includes a flexible member having first and second ends, and a strand passing through the flexible member. The strand has first and second strand ends extending through the flexible member, such that pulling at least one of the first and second strand ends changes the flexible member from a first shape suitable for insertion through soft tissue to a second shape suitable for securely lodging the soft tissue repair assembly relative to soft tissue. 1. A soft tissue repair device comprising:a first deformable anchor, the first deformable anchor deformable from a first shape to a second shape different than the first shape;a first deformable vascularization conduit having a side wall and defining a plurality of perforations extending through the side wall; anda flexible strand having a first end and a second end and coupled to the first deformable anchor and the first deformable vascularization conduit, wherein upon pulling on at least one end of the flexible strand causes the first deformable anchor to deform from the first shape to the second shape.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a first strand loop passing at least partially through a longitudinal bore of the first deformable anchor and having first and second loop ends extending outside the bore of the first deformable anchor.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the flexible strand passes through the first and second loop ends of the first strand loop.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the flexible strand extends through at least a portion of an inner bore of the first deformable vascularization conduit.5. The device of claim 4 , further comprising a second deformable anchor claim 4 , the second deformable anchor deformable from a third shape to a fourth shape different from the third shape claim 4 , wherein the flexible strand is coupled to the second deformable anchor.6. The device of claim 5 , further comprising a second deformable vascularization conduit ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165972A1
Автор: Sullivan Derek C.
Принадлежит: Arthrex, Inc.

Systems and methods for soft tissue to bone repairs, without knot tying. The soft tissue repair systems include self-cinching constructs with splices and loops that are pre-loaded onto modified knotless anchors (for example, swivel and/or screw-in suture anchors and/or push-in suture anchors with a distal eyelet) to position the self-locking, adjustable construct at the repair site. The systems allow for knotless tensioning of the tissue after the knotless anchors have been implanted. 1. A surgical system for tissue repairs , comprising:a fixation device comprising a body, a longitudinal axis, a proximal end and a distal end; anda tensionable construct pre-loaded on the fixation device, the tensionable construct comprising a flexible strand with a closed loop and a splice formed within the flexible strand.2. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible strand has a first free end and a second end which is a knot claim 1 , a loop or a free end.3. The surgical system of claim 2 , wherein the second end is a loop that is attached to a second fixation device.4. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the body is cannulated and the tensionable construct extends through the body of the fixation device.5. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the splice is located within the body of the fixation device claim 1 , and extends between the distal end and the proximal end of the body.6. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the tensionable construct consists of the flexible strand claim 1 , the splice and the closed loop.7. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the fixation device is a cannulated anchor with a cannulation and a post claim 1 , the cannulation extending in a direction about parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body claim 1 , the cannulation being configured to allow the tensionable construct to be passed through the body of the fixation device and around the post.8. The surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172893A1

Methods and kits are provided to treat scapho-lunate ligament tears, which involve stabilization of the scaphoid and lunate both dorsally and volarly. The treatments can be performed through open, mini-open or arthroscopic procedures, as an intra-capsular or extra-capsular repair and stabilization procedure. The treatment procedures involve the use of sutures or wires to fix the relative orientations of the scaphoid and lunate, and the optional use of bone anchors or other bone attachment devices to create a capsulodesis between the lunate and scaphoid, or other bones, to lift the scaphoid into the desired position. Localization of the entry point of the sutures or wires into the bones are used to improve positioning of the bone anchors, sutures and wires. 1. A method of treating a patient , comprising:making entry incision in a distal extremity of a patient;exposing a first bone and an adjacent second bone;drilling entry openings of first and second passageways in the first and second bones, respectively;radiographically confirming positioning of the dorsal openings;drilling the first and second passageways through the first and second bones to form exit openings, wherein the first and second passageways are oriented to permit fixation of the first and second bones;radiographically confirming positioning of the exit openings;looping a suture through the first and second passageways; andsecuring the suture to resist separation of the first and second bones.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:drilling a third passageway in the second bone, wherein at least a portion of the third passageway is spaced farther from the articulation between the first and second bones than the second passageway.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:attaching a coupling member to the between the first bone and the third passageway of the second bone; andadjusting the coupling member to maintain fixation between the first and second bones.4. The method of claim 3 , further ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178898A1

Systems and methods for approximating tissue using suture are described. The systems include at least one suture with a locking portion that is integral to the suture. The locking portion may be an expanded portion of the suture body. The locking portion may receive a plurality of snares that work to carry the at least one end of the suture through the locking portion. The systems may also include suture anchors and external locking mechanisms such as a tubular sheath. The systems may be used to approximate two soft tissue portions together, or a soft tissue and a bone portion together. 1. A system for approximating tissue , comprising:a first suture carrier feature; anda flexible member, wherein the flexible member is temporarily coupled to the first suture carrier feature, wherein the flexible member comprises a first end portion and a second end portion, wherein the flexible member comprises a lock portion between the first end portion and the second end portion, wherein the lock portion is integral to the flexible member.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible member comprises a body claim 1 , wherein the lock portion comprises an expanded portion of the flexible body.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first suture carrier comprises a snare claim 1 , wherein the snare comprises at least a partial loop and a stalk claim 1 , wherein when the first suture carrier is temporarily coupled to the flexible member claim 1 , a portion of the stalk is contained within the lock portion.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system comprises a second suture carrier feature claim 1 , wherein the first suture carrier feature is attachable to the first end portion and the second suture carrier portion is attachable to the second end portion.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the flexible member is temporarily coupled to the second suture carrier feature.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein when the first suture carrier is attached to the first end portion claim 4 , ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Attachment Device for Tissue Approximation and Retraction

Номер: US20130178899A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

An attachment system for tissue apposition or manipulation and a method of attaching a suture to a tissue for apposition or manipulation of the tissue are provided. The system includes an attachment device including a body having a proximal portion and a distal portion. The attachment device further includes a tissue attachment portion operably connected to the distal portion wherein the tissue attachment portion has a shape that is maintained throughout a tissue apposition procedure. The attachment device also includes a suture operably connected to the body and having an unconnected proximal end and a retaining structure at the proximal portion of the body. The retaining structure configured to releasably mate with a complementary retaining structure on a stylet. 1. An attachment system for tissue apposition or manipulation; the system comprising: a body having a proximal portion and a distal portion;', 'a tissue attachment portion operably connected to the distal portion, the tissue attachment portion having a shape that is maintained throughout a tissue apposition procedure;', 'a suture operably connected to the body and having an unconnected proximal end; and', 'a retaining structure at the proximal portion of the body, the retaining structure configured to releasably mate with a complementary retaining structure on a stylet., 'an attachment device comprising2. The attachment system of claim 1 , further comprising a stylet having a retaining structure complementary to the retaining structure of the body.3. The attachment system of claim 2 , further comprising an inner sheath slidably positionable over a connection between the stylet retaining structure and the body retaining structure to hold the stylet and body in a releasable connection.4. The attachment system of claim 3 , wherein the stylet is rotatable in an insertion direction and rotates the attachment device when the inner sheath is positioned over the connection.5. The attachment system of claim 3 , ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Porous Implants

Номер: US20130178900A1

A porous PEEK implant system which may provide tissue ingrowth throughout the body of the implant. The implant may comprise a solid or porous PEEK core. The porous PEEK implants may be of general shape and size but provide the structure necessary to carry out the function of the implant. The porous PEEK implant pores may be seeded with agents to encourage tissue ingrowth as well as other agents such as antibiotics, anesthetics, analgesics and the like. 1. A surgical fastener for fixation in bone , the surgical fastener comprising:a solid polymer core component;a porous polymer outer component which at least partially encompasses the core component, the outer component having a distal end configured to be inserted into a bone;a transition portion between the solid polymer core component and the porous polymer outer component, in which the solid polymer is intermixed with the porous polymer; anda retention portion formed as a continuation of the solid polymer core component, the retention portion protruding proximally out of the porous polymer outer component.2. The surgical fastener of claim 1 , wherein the retention portion includes an aperture for receiving a suture.3. The surgical fastener of claim 2 , wherein the core component has a distal end which is enclosed within the outer component claim 2 , wherein porous polymer material lies between the core component distal end and the outer component distal end.4. The surgical fastener of claim 3 , wherein the outer component is tapered proximally to distally claim 3 , and wherein the core component is tapered proximally to distally within the outer component.5. The surgical fastener of claim 4 , wherein the outer component comprises a pointed tip formed of porous polymer material.6. The surgical fastener of claim 5 , wherein the outer component comprises threads for engaging bone.7. The surgical fastener of claim 6 , further comprising at least one biological agent loaded within the surgical fastener claim 6 , the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184748A1
Принадлежит: DEPUY MITEK, LLC

A suture anchor comprises a tubular body having an axial bore therethrough and having one or more purchase enhancements on an exterior surface of the body adapted to enhance purchase of the body within a bone hole, such as threads. A lateral port passes through the body from the bore to the exterior surface and is formed of a slot entering the body from its proximal end. A length of suture for attaching soft tissue to bone passes down along the exterior surface over the one or more purchase enhancements, over a distal end of the body, up into the bore through and then back out of the bore and up along the exterior surface over the one or more purchase enhancements. 1. A suture anchor comprising:a tubular body having an axial bore therethrough and having a proximal end and a distal end;one or more purchase enhancements on an exterior surface of the body adapted to enhance purchase of the body within a bone hole;a lateral port through the body from the axial bore to the exterior surface, the port comprising a slot into the body from the proximal end.2. A suture anchor according to wherein the slot has a first portion extending from the proximal end of the body and a second portion extending partially circumferentially about the body.3. A suture anchor according to wherein the second portion also extends proximally.4. A suture anchor according to wherein the second portion extends counterclockwise about the body when viewed from the body proximal end.5. A suture anchor according to wherein the second portion passes through the body at an oblique angle to a distally extending portion of a central longitudinal axis through the body claim 2 , whereby to allow suture to pass in a distal direction through the port and into the axial bore while forming an oblique angle with itself.6. A suture anchor according to wherein the slot further comprises a suture engaging lip to restrain proximal movement of suture out of the slot.7. A suture anchor according to wherein at least a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190816A1
Автор: Theobald Elizabeth A.
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

Described are methods and systems for engaging sutures and anchors and the resulting suture and anchor sets. In certain aspects, an end of the suture may be heated to create a melted mass of suture material. The melted mass may act as a shoulder to resist backing out of a hole in the anchor through which the suture is threaded, thereby engaging the suture and the anchor. Adhesive material may optionally be used to enhance the engagement between the suture and anchor. 1. A suture anchor apparatus , comprising:an anchor for securing a strand of suture material in the body, the anchor defining a passageway; anda suture engaged with the anchor, wherein a portion of the suture extends through the passageway, the suture having a proximal end and a distal end;wherein the distal end of the suture includes an integral polymeric mass configured to prevent the distal end of the suture from passing through the passageway thereby disengaging the suture and the anchor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the passageway has a distal end opening with a perimeter and the anchor has an outer wall surface surrounding the distal end opening claim 1 , the integral polymeric mass extending beyond the perimeter at at least one point and abutting at least a portion of the outer wall surface adjacent the distal end opening.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the passageway has a distal end opening with a diameter in a first plane claim 1 , wherein the integral polymeric mass includes a largest periphery in a plane parallel to the first plane claim 1 , the periphery being larger than the diameter of the distal end opening.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive material occurring within the passageway between the anchor and the portion of the suture extending through the passageway to further engage the anchor and the suture.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the adhesive material is cyanoacrylate.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the suture and the anchor are ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190817A1
Принадлежит: Synthes USA, LLC

A compression screw comprising a threaded shaft and a head associated with the proximal end of the shaft. The head has a plurality of outwardly extending projections spaced from one another so as to define a plurality of recesses there between for receiving a screw drive in such a way that rotational force may be transferred from the screw drive to the screw. The projections of the head may be provided with suture fixation holes or a suture coupling may be positioned over the shaft so as to extend between the projections of the head. 1. A compression screw , comprising:a shaft having a proximal end and a distal end, at least the distal end being threaded to engage bone; anda head associated with the proximal end of the shaft, the head having a plurality of outwardly extending projections spaced from one another so as to define a plurality of recesses there between.2. The compression screw of claim 1 , wherein the projections of the head extend radially outwardly.3. The compression screw of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the projections of the head has at least one suture fixation hole extending therethrough.4. The compression screw of claim 1 , wherein each of the projections of the head has at least one suture fixation hole extending therethrough.5. The compression screw of claim 3 , wherein each of the shaft and the head has a cannula extending therethrough.6. The compression screw of claim 1 , further comprising a suture coupling having an opening for receiving the shaft and the suture coupling configured such that the suture coupling is compressed between the head of the screw and the bone when the screw is implanted into the bone and such that the suture coupling extends between adjacent projections of the head.7. The compression screw of claim 6 , wherein the suture coupling is constructed of a bio-inert textile material.8. The compression screw of claim 1 , further comprising a suture coupling having an opening for receiving the shaft of the screw and the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus For Coupling Soft Tissue To A Bone

Номер: US20130190818A1
Автор: Norton Daniel
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A flexible member for coupling tissue. The flexible member includes a tail and a self-locking construct. The tail includes a first end and a second end opposite to the first end. The tail defines a tail passageway proximate to the second end. The self-locking construct includes an adjustable first loop and an adjustable second loop. The second loop is slidably threaded through the tail passageway defined by the tail. The self-locking construct is configured such that passing the tail through the first loop so that the second loop extends into the first loop forms a tissue capture region defined by the self-locking construct. The tail passageway defines a locking member configured to secure the second loop to the first loop. 1. A flexible member for coupling tissue comprising:a tail including a first end and a second end opposite to the first end, the tail defining a tail passageway proximate to the second end; anda self-locking construct including an adjustable first loop and an adjustable second loop, the second loop slidably threaded through the tail passageway defined by the tail;wherein the self-locking construct is configured such that passing the tail through the first loop so that the second loop extends into the first loop forms a tissue capture region defined by the self-locking construct; andwherein the tail passageway defines a locking member configured to secure the second loop to the first loop.2. The flexible member of claim 1 , wherein the tail includes a first flexible member coupled to a second flexible member.3. The flexible member of claim 1 , wherein the tail includes a first suture directly coupled to a second suture.4. The flexible member of claim 3 , wherein the first suture and the second suture include visual indicia distinguishing the first suture from the second suture.5. The flexible member of claim 3 , wherein the first suture includes a different color to distinguish the first suture from the second suture.6. The flexible member of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method For Coupling Soft Tissue To A Bone

Номер: US20130190819A1
Автор: Norton Daniel
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A method for coupling tissue with a flexible member including a tail and a self-locking construct coupled to the tail. The self-locking construct includes an adjustable first loop and an adjustable second loop coupled thereto. The method includes implanting an anchor in bone, the anchor slidably mounted to the tail. The tail is positioned relative to the tissue. An end of the tail is inserted through the first loop. The tail is passed through the first loop, the second loop is pulled into the anchor, and the self-locking construct is positioned relative to the tissue. The self-locking construct is tightened against the tissue by pulling on an end of the self-locking construct. The first loop is tightened onto the second loop. 1. A method for coupling tissue with a flexible member including a tail and a self-locking construct coupled to the tail , the self-locking construct including an adjustable first loop and an adjustable second loop coupled thereto , the method comprising:implanting an anchor in bone, the anchor slidably mounted to the tail;positioning the tail relative to the tissue;inserting an end of the tail through the first loop;passing the tail through the first loop, pulling the second loop into the anchor, and positioning the self-locking construct relative to the tissue;tightening the self-locking construct against the tissue by pulling on an end of the self-locking construct; andtightening the first loop onto the second loop.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning the tail relative to the tissue one of before or after implanting the anchor in bone.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising tightening the first loop to the second loop by closing the first loop onto the second loop.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising tightening the first loop to the second loop by pulling on the end of the self-locking construct.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein passing the tail through the first loop includes passing through the first ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190863A1
Принадлежит: Mitralign, Inc.

Methods of repairing the mitral valve and reducing mitral regurgitation. One method includes securing a first tissue anchor to a position on a posterior portion of the annular tissue of the mitral valve and a second tissue anchor to a position on an anterior portion of the annular tissue of the mitral valve. At least one tensile member spans between the first and second tissue anchors and across the orifice of the mitral valve. When tension is applied to the at least one tensile member, the posterior portion of the annular tissue is pulled toward the anterior portion. 1. A method of repairing a mitral heart valve , the mitral heart valve having posterior and anterior leaflets forming an orifice therebetween , an annulus surrounding the posterior and anterior leaflets , and posterior and anterior commissures where the posterior and anterior leaflets join the annulus , the method comprising:(a) securing a first tissue anchor to a position on a posterior portion of the annulus between the posterior and anterior commissures;(b) securing a second tissue anchor to a position on an anterior portion of the annulus between the posterior and anterior commissures;(c) spanning at least one tensile member between the first and second tissue anchors and across the orifice of the mitral valve; and(d) applying tension to the at least one tensile member, thereby pulling the posterior portion of the annulus toward the anterior portion of the annulus.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one tensile member is a suture claim 1 , a wire claim 1 , or a staple base.3. The method according to further comprising:maintaining the tension applied to the at least one tensile member with a suture locker.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the suture locker includes a locker body and a slidable member coupled to the locker body for securing the at least one tensile member claim 3 , the slidable member having a latent condition wherein the at least one tensile member ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Absorbable Suture Device

Номер: US20130204296A1
Автор: Brauman Daniel

A suture device including one or more sutures and one or more suture retention members, each suture retention member anchoring a portion of a fiber of the one or more sutures. The suture device may be adapted to hold together and approximate skin edges. The suture may be situated both within the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The suture device may be anchored to the undersurface of one or more of the skin and the subcutaneous layer. 1. A suture device for holding together and approximating skin edges , comprising:one or more sutures; andone or more retention members.2. The suture device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of an absorbable suture material.3. The suture device of claim 2 , wherein the absorbable suture material is adapted to be substantially absorbed in a dermis layer of skin.4. The suture device of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a malleable material.5. The suture device of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a partially malleable material.6. The suture device of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a partially rigid material.7. The suture device of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a rigid material.8. The suture device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a partially absorbable material.9. The suture device of claim 8 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a malleable material.10. The suture device of claim 8 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a partially malleable material.11. The suture device of claim 8 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a partially rigid material.12. The suture device of claim 8 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a rigid material.13. The suture device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a non-absorbable material.14. The suture device of claim 13 , wherein the one or more sutures are formed of a malleable material.15. The suture device ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204297A1

A suture anchor assembly includes a length of suture having an anchor attached to an end thereof. A releasable suture clamp is disposed in a clamped configuration about the suture. The releasable suture clamp includes a plurality of independent stackable components rotatable about a common axis, which is transverse to opposing faces of the stackable components. Each of the stackable components has a first opening passing through the opposing faces, spaced from the common axis, and sized for receiving the suture therethrough. The releasable suture clamp has an unclamped configuration in which the first openings are aligned relative to an alignment axis and the clamped configuration in which the first openings are misaligned relative to the alignment axis, wherein the alignment axis is parallel to the common axis. 1. A suture anchor assembly , comprising:a length of suture having an anchor attached to an end thereof; anda releasable suture clamp disposed in a clamped configuration about the suture;wherein the releasable suture clamp includes a plurality of independent stackable components rotatable about a common axis, wherein the common axis is transverse to opposing faces of the stackable components, wherein each of the stackable components has a first opening passing through the opposing faces, spaced from the common axis, and sized for receiving the suture therethrough;wherein the releasable suture clamp has an unclamped configuration in which the first openings are aligned relative to an alignment axis and the clamped configuration in which the first openings are misaligned relative to the alignment axis, wherein the alignment axis is parallel to the common axis.2. The suture anchor assembly of claim 1 , further including:a needle; anda pusher slidably received in the needle;wherein the anchor is received within a distal end of the needle and the suture extends outside of the needle.3. The suture anchor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the needle claim 2 , the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204298A1
Принадлежит: Pivot Medical, Inc.

Apparatus for securing a first object to a second object, the apparatus comprising: 1. Apparatus for securing a first object to a second object , the apparatus comprising:an elongated body having a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending between the distal end and the proximal end, the lumen comprising a distal section and a proximal section, the distal section of the lumen having a wider diameter than the proximal section of the lumen;a window extending through the side wall of the elongated body and communicating with the lumen, the window being disposed in the vicinity of the intersection between the distal section of the lumen and the proximal section of the lumen and being sized to receive a first object therein;an elongated element extending through the lumen of the elongated body, the elongated element comprising a proximal end and a distal end; anda locking element mounted to the distal end of the elongated element and disposed in the distal section of the lumen;whereby, when the elongated body is disposed in a second object, and a first object extends through the window, and the locking element is thereafter moved proximally, proximal movement of the locking element causes the elongated body to capture the first object to the elongated body, whereby to secure the first object to the second object.2. Apparatus according to wherein the locking element has a diameter greater than the proximal section of the lumen claim 1 , whereby proximal movement of the locking element causes the elongated body to expand.3. Apparatus according to wherein the locking element has a diameter approximately equal to the proximal section of the lumen.4. Apparatus according to wherein the axis of the locking element is offset from the axis of the elongated body.5. Apparatus according to wherein the first object comprises suture.6. Apparatus according to wherein the second object comprises bone.7. Apparatus according to wherein the first object comprises suture which is ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204299A1
Принадлежит: NCS LAB S.R.L.

A fixing device for suture threads to be inserted into a bone tissue comprises: a first portion () provided with at least a first eyelet (), slot or eye, through which at least a first suture thread () can be threaded; at least a second portion () destined to be coupled stably in a transosseus seating or hole () afforded in a cortical part thereof. The second portion () is elastically deformable in order to enable effective coupling to the seating or hole (). 111211020412225420). A fixing device for suture threads to be inserted into a bone structure , characterised in that it comprises: a first portion ( , ) provided with at least a first eyelet ( , ) , slot or eye , through which at least a first suture thread () can be threaded; at least a second portion ( , ) destined to be coupled stably in a transosseus seating or hole () afforded in a cortical part thereof , said device further exhibiting a second eyelet , slot or eye , through which at least a suture thread (another thread) () can be inserted , different from the thread or threads insertable in the first eyelet ().212225). The device of claim 1 , characterised in that at least the second portion ( claim 1 , ) is elastically deformable in order to enable effective coupling to the seating or hole ().312134). The device of or claim 1 , characterised in that the second portion () has an annular and therefore closed elongate structure claim 1 , destined to identify said second eyelet () claim 1 , slot or eye claim 1 , through which at least a suture thread () can be threaded.412). The device of claim 3 , characterised in that the second portion () exhibits overall a convex external conformation in which opposite central parts of the annular structure are projecting externally relative to other parts thereof.52224). The device of claim 2 , characterised in that the second portion () has an open elongate structure constituted by two opposite branches ().6234202224). The device of claim 5 , characterised in that it ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205600A1
Автор: Kehoe Sean T.

An accessory configured for use with a reciprocating saw having a spindle. The accessory is configured to reciprocate with the spindle. The accessory includes an attachment portion having a tang including a first tang member and a second tang member and an aperture that extends through the attachment portion from a first broad side to a second broad side. The attachment portion also includes a first radius, which terminates to define a projection, located on a first narrow side. The attachment portion also includes a second radius, which terminates to define a projection, located on a second narrow side. The first radius and the second radius are configured to contact an exterior of the spindle. 1. A scraper blade configured for use with a reciprocating saw having a spindle , the scraper blade configured to be coupled to the spindle to reciprocate with the spindle , the scraper blade comprising:a first end configured to be received in the spindle of the reciprocating saw;a second end opposite the first end;a cutting edge that defines the second end of the scraper blade;a first broad side that extends between the first end and the second end;a second broad side facing opposite the first broad side, the second broad side extends between the first end and the second end;a first narrow side that extends between the first and second broad sides and the first and second ends;a second narrow side facing opposite the first narrow side, the second narrow side extends between the first and second broad sides and the first end and the second end; a tang including a first tang member and a second tang member;', 'an aperture that extends through the attachment portion from the first broad side to the second broad side,', 'a first radius located on the first narrow side and the first radius terminating to define a projection, the first radius configured to contact an exterior of the spindle, and', 'a second radius located on the second narrow side and the second radius ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205741A1
Принадлежит: GILBOS N.V.

The present invention provides an improved method and device for producing an alternate S/Z twist plied braid and joined alternate S/Z twist plied yarns. The invention further provides an alternate S/Z twist plied braid and joined alternate S/Z twist plied yarns produced according to a process of the invention. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step c) comprises bringing together the alternately S/Z twisted strands via a narrowing claim 1 , in phase: all nodes coinciding claim 1 , and with zones of equal twist direction next to each other.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step g) comprises combining the alternate S/Z twist plied yarns via a narrowing in phase: all nodes coinciding claim 1 , and with zones of equal twist direction next to each other.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein step m) comprises bringing together the alternately S/Z twist plied strandsvia a narrowing, in phase: all nodes coinciding, and with zones of equal twist direction next to each other.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein step q) comprises combining the alternate S/Z twist plied yarns via a narrowing in counter phase: all nodes coinciding claim 4 , and with zones of opposite twist direction next to each other.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tension of the alternate S/Z twist plied yarns is reduced in a controlled manner with a closed circuit system on the basis of the measured tension of the alternate S/Z twist plied braid respectively the joined alternate S/Z twist plied yarns.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tension of the alternate S/Z twisted yarns is reduced in a controlled manner with a closed circuit system on the basis of the amount of yarn between the step of connecting the nodes of the alternate S/Z twist plied yarns (h claim 1 , r) claim 1 , and the step of leading away the yarn produced (j claim 1 , s).9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fibers or filaments of the alternate S/Z twisted yarns ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211451A1
Принадлежит: Anulex Technologies, Inc.

An implantable bone anchor assembly comprises an outer anchor tube and a tubular insert. The outer anchor tube defines a longitudinal axis of the bone anchor assembly and a longitudinal channel. The outer anchor tube has a first portion including a first end, and a plurality of fingers circumferentially spaced from one another about the longitudinal axis. Each of the fingers extends from the first portion and has a free end, wherein the fingers are configured to project laterally at an oblique angle relative to the longitudinal axis, and are further configured to be deflectable radially inward to allow the anchor tube to be disposed within a tubular cannula for deployment. The tubular insert has a head having an opening therein, a shank extending from the head having an open end, and a longitudinal bore extending from the opening in the head to the open end of the shank. The longitudinal bore is configured to receive a portion of a suture assembly for an orthopedic treatment. The shank is sized to be received in the longitudinal channel, and the outer anchor tube and the tubular insert are configured to be locked together upon complete insertion of the shank into the longitudinal channel. 1. An implantable bone anchor assembly comprising:an outer anchor tube defining a longitudinal axis of the bone anchor assembly and a longitudinal channel, the outer anchor tube having a first portion including a first end, and a plurality of fingers circumferentially spaced from one another about the longitudinal axis, each of the fingers extending from the first portion and having a free end, wherein the fingers are configured to project laterally at an oblique angle relative to the longitudinal axis, and are further configured to be deflectable radially inward to allow the outer anchor tube to be disposed within a tubular cannula for deployment; anda tubular insert having a head including an opening therein, a shank extending from the head having an open end, and a longitudinal ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Soft Tissue Repair Device And Associated Methods

Номер: US20130211452A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine, LLC

A fibrous tissue repair device includes first and second tubular anchors having corresponding longitudinal passages. The tissue repair device includes corresponding first and second inserters. Each inserter has a shaft with a distal portion received in the longitudinal passage of the corresponding tubular anchor. A flexible strand couples the first and second anchors. 1. A method for repairing a meniscal tear in meniscal tissue comprising:positioning a first inserter carrying a first anchor on a distal end of the first inserter adjacent to the meniscal tear;passing the distal end of the first inserter through the meniscal tear and deploying the first anchor at a first location on an outer surface of the meniscal tissue;retracting the first inserter relative to a second inserter;positioning the second inserter carrying a second anchor on a distal end of the second inserter adjacent to the meniscal tear;passing the distal end of the second inserter through the meniscal tear and deploying the second anchor at a second location on the outer surface of the meniscal tissue; andreducing the tear by tightening a flexible strand coupling the first and second anchors.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising completely removing the first inserter after deploying the first anchor.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing the distal end of the first inserter through a cannula.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising passing the distal end of the second inserter through the cannula.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising using the flexible strand to rotate the first anchor on the outer surface of the meniscal tissue.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising using the flexible strand to rotate the second anchor on the outer surface of the meniscal tissue.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sliding the first inserter relative to the second inserter.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing the first anchor through the meniscal ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218205A1
Автор: Stanley Cleon
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

Described are devices, methods and systems for securing sutures external to the body. In certain aspects, a suture securement device includes a base paddle defining a slot and a suture aperture in communication with the slot, and a rotating paddle having an extension arm with a suture aperture. In such embodiments, the extension arm can rotate within the slot to frictionally crimp a suture, such that the suture is substantially prevented from moving with the apertures. 1. An external suture securement apparatus , comprising:a base paddle having a wing portion and defining a slot extending at least partially through the base paddle, wherein the base paddle defines a suture aperture extending therethrough and being adapted to receive a suture, wherein the suture aperture is in communication with and extends transversely through the slot; anda rotating paddle having a wing portion and an extension arm rotatably received in the slot along a connection axis, wherein the extension arm defines a suture aperture extending therethrough and being adapted to receive a suture, wherein the extension arm is configured to rotate in the slot to frictionally crimp a suture extending through the suture apertures, wherein the extension arm includes a detent mechanism configured to maintain positioning of the extension arm in the slot and prevent disengagement of the rotating paddle from the base paddle;wherein at least one of the base paddle and the rotating paddle includes a locking mechanism configured to lock the rotational position of the rotating paddle with respect to the base paddle;wherein, in an uncrimped configuration, the suture apertures in the base paddle and the rotating paddle are in axial alignment such that the suture is freely moveable within the apertures, and wherein the wing portions of the base paddle and the rotating paddle extend from the connection axis positioned adjacent each other in a substantially planar arrangement,wherein, in a crimped configuration, ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218206A1
Автор: Gadlage Kristyn G.

A suture retention device is provided for retaining a suture. The device has a locked state and an unlocked state. In the locked state, a spring biases a first gripping surface and second gripping surface together to enmesh a suture to prevent the suture from sliding through the device. In the unlocked state, an actuator may be engaged to bias the spring and separate the first and second gripping surfaces to allow the suture to freely slide through the device. 1. A suture retention device , comprising:a housing comprising an inner cavity and a first gripping surface disposed along a first side of said inner cavity;a sliding body disposed within said inner cavity and comprising a second gripping surface;a spring disposed within said inner cavity and biasing said sliding body toward said first side of said inner cavity to enmesh said first and second gripping surfaces;a suture hole extending through said housing and disposed such that a suture extending through said suture hole is enmeshed between said first and second gripping surfaces when said spring biases said sliding body toward said first side of said inner cavity;an actuator disposed at least partially outside of said housing, said actuator comprising an operator engageable surface outside of said housing, wherein said actuator biases said spring and slides said sliding body away from said first side of said inner cavity to separate said first and second gripping surfaces when an operator engages said engageable surface, a suture thereby be slidable through said suture hole.2. The suture retention device according to claim 1 , wherein said first and second gripping surfaces comprise interlocking teeth.3. The suture retention device according to claim 1 , wherein said housing comprises a first and second housing claim 1 , said second housing comprising a second side of said inner cavity opposite from said first side.4. The suture retention device according to claim 1 , wherein said housing comprises a first and ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228195A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

Disclosed are a cleaning system for a panel, which includes a steam sprayer for spraying steam on the panel and a cooling water sprayer for spraying cooling water on the panel, and a cleaning method of a panel performing cleaning the panel through steam spraying and cooling water spraying. While the panel is sprayed with steam, a foreign substance attached to the panel may be temporarily swollen or experience a phase change. After the process of spraying the steam, the panel is sprayed with cool water, through which the foreign substance is cooled and condensed, which may cause weakening of the coupling force with the panel. 1. A cleaning system for a panel , comprising:a panel supporter on which the panel is loaded; and a steam sprayer for spraying steam on the panel; and', 'a cooling water sprayer for spraying cooling water on the panel., 'a cleaning head disposed above the panel supporter, the cleaning head comprising2. The cleaning system for a panel of claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the steam sprayed from the steam sprayer is 50° C. to 100° C.3. The cleaning system for a panel of claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the cooling water sprayed from the cooling water sprayer is 0° C. to 20° C.4. The cleaning system for a panel of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning head further includes at least one of a cleaning liquid sprayer claim 1 , a belt cleaner claim 1 , and a brush.5. The cleaning system for a panel of claim 1 , further comprising: a pump for drawing water from the water tank;', 'a heating apparatus for heating the water supplied from the pump to generate steam; and', 'a steam spraying nozzle for spraying the steam., 'a water tank, the steam sprayer being connected to the water tank, the steam sprayer comprising6. The cleaning system for a panel of claim 1 , further comprising:an air sprayer for applying air to the panel.7. The cleaning system for a panel of claim 6 , wherein the air sprayer includes a blade for emitting air.8. The cleaning system for a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Locking suture

Номер: US20130231699A1
Автор: Edward Lyle Cain, JR.

A locking suture comprises a main suture branch with at least one member fixably attached, wherein the main suture branch and at least one member pass through a suture eyelet of the locking suture in a first direction, but passage of the member in a second direction through the suture eyelet is resisted due to mechanical impediment between the member and the eyelet.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231702A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A compound barb medical device includes a body portion and at least one barb extending therefrom. The at least one barb defines an inner surface. The inner surface includes a first portion disposed at a first orientation relative to a longitudinal axis of the body portion and a second portion disposed at a second orientation relative to the longitudinal axis. The at least one barb is made from a shape memory material which can be deformed into a temporary shape from a permanent shape. The barb projects from the body portion in a first position relative to the body portion when in the permanent shape and in a second position when in the temporary shape. 1. A compound barb medical device comprising:a body portion including a plurality of barbs extending therefrom, at least one of the plurality of barbs having an inner surface including at least one inflection point, the at least one inflection point defining a first concave portion and a second convex portion,wherein the at least one of the plurality of barbs is made from a shape memory polymer which can be deformed into a temporary shape from a permanent shape, wherein the at least one of the plurality of barbs projects in a first position relative to the body portion when in the temporary shape and in a second position, which is different from the first position, when in the permanent shape.2. The compound barb medical device of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the at least one of the plurality of barbs has a complementary shape with an outer surface of the body portion.3. The compound barb medical device of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the at least one of the plurality of barbs further includes a third arcuate portion.4. The compound barb medical device of claim 3 , wherein the inner surface of the at least one of the plurality of barbs further includes a fourth arcuate portion.5. The compound barb medical device of claim 1 , wherein in the first position the barb extends substantially parallel with ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232709A1
Автор: Hong Jeong Wook

The present invention relates to a method for molding a shape of bristles of a mascara brush for eyelashes, a mold in used in the method. Two strands of iron cores are twisted and brush bristles respectively having dorsal portions are radially spread between the twisted iron cores through post-process so as to form a mascara brush, wherein the dorsal portions are formed by the brush bristles of the same length on the basis of the iron cores without difference in the length of the brush bristles, so that a mascara solution contained in the dorsal portion does not run down when being applied to eyelashes, and the mascara provides more volume and a beautiful eyelash make-up when a sufficient amount of the mascara solution is applied. 1. A method of molding a shape of mascara brush bristles for eyelash makeup , the comprising:preparing a mascara by putting nylon bristles constituting brush bristles on two strands of iron cores and twisting them spirally several times so as to spread in all directions on the basis of the iron cores so that the brush bristles have a circular section;seating the brush bristles of the prepared mascara in a dorsal portion molding hole of a mold;putting the mold, in which the brush bristles are seated, into a molding furnace and heating the molding furnace so that the brush bristles of the mascara made of nylon are thermally transformed into a form corresponding to the dorsal portion molding hole of the mold to thereby mold dorsal portions;drawing out the mold and extracting the mascara brush having the dorsal portions by being thermally transformed in correspondence with the dorsal portion molding hole after the mold is heated and the brush bristles having the dorsal portions are completely molded; anddrying the mascara extracted from the dorsal portion molding hole of the mold at room temperature so as to plastic-form the dorsal portions of the brush bristles formed by thermal transformation through an annealing process.2. The method ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

High-Density Self-Retaining Sutures, Manufacturing Equipment and Methods

Номер: US20130238021A1

A self-retaining suture has a suture thread less than 1 millimeter nominal diameter. A plurality of retainers is cut into the suture thread using a high accuracy retainer cutting machine. The retainer cutting machine has sufficient accuracy and repeatability to cut consistent and effective retainers at high density on suture threads less than 1 mm nominal diameter. 1. A self-retaining suture comprising:a suture thread with a plurality of retainers distributed along the suture thread;wherein the plurality of retainers is distributed at a density of about at least 100 retainers per inch along a length of the suture thread; andwherein the plurality of retainers is distributed in a pattern selected from: a quadra-helix pattern; a double-helix pattern; and a single helix pattern.2. The self-retaining suture of claim 1 , wherein the pattern has a pitch (P) and the retainers have a length (L) and wherein P<2 L; the retainers are distributed at a density of between 200 retainers per inch and 1 claim 1 ,600 retainers per inch; said suture thread is of a size in the range of 4-0 to 12-0; said retainers comprise a portion of the suture thread having a cut which partially separates a portion of the suture thread into a shape adapted to engage tissue; and wherein the suture thread has a diameter (SD) and L>0.6SD.3. A self-retaining suture comprising:a suture thread;a plurality of retainers distributed along the suture thread;wherein the suture thread has a suture diameter (SD) no greater than about 300 μm;wherein the retainers have a cut depth (C) between 5% and 35% of the suture diameter (SD);wherein the retainers have a retainer length (L) greater than 50% of the suture diameter (SD); andwherein the retainers are distributed at a density greater than 2 retainers per suture diameters (SD) in length of suture thread.4. The self-retaining suture of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of retainers is distributed at a density greater than 2 retainers per retainer length (L) of suture ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Self-Retaining Systems Having Laser-Cut Retainers

Номер: US20130238022A1

Self-retaining suture systems including a suture thread bearing a plurality of laser-cut retainers are disclosed. A laser system allows the creation of retainers and self-retaining suture systems in configurations which are difficult and/or impossible to achieve using mechanical cutting technology. 1. A self-retaining suture thread wherein:the suture thread has a surface and a central axis;a plurality of tissue retainers being distributed on the surface;wherein the plurality of tissue retainers each have a tip and at least one tissue engagement surface oriented at an acute angle to the central axis of the suture thread;wherein the at least one tissue engagement surface is a laser-cut surface; andwherein the plurality of tissue retainers each have an entrance ramp from which a volume of material has been removed from the suture thread adjacent the tip of the retainer the entrance ramp being adapted to promote engagement of tissue by the tissue engagement surface of the retainer.2. The self-retaining suture thread of claim 1 , wherein:the suture thread comprises a plurality of laser-cut slots which define said tissue retainers;each slot having a thickness from which material has been removed; andwherein the at least one tissue engagement surface of each of the plurality tissue retainers is defined by a laser-cut slot.3. The self-retaining suture thread of claim 1 , wherein the suture thread is no greater than USP 2-0 in size.4. The self-retaining suture thread of claim 1 , wherein the suture thread is no greater than USP 4-0 in size.5. The self-retaining suture thread of claim 1 , wherein the suture thread is no greater than USP 6-0 in size.6. The self-retaining suture thread of claim 1 , wherein the suture thread is no greater than USP 8-0 in size.7. The self-retaining suture thread of claim 1 , wherein the suture thread is no greater than USP 10-0 in size.8. A self-retaining suture comprising:a suture thread having a plurality of slots wherein a volume of suture ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238023A1

A system and method for securing a medical implant within a patient. The method comprises disposing an anchor element around the implant, the anchor element including a pair of tabs each including an eyelet, and a flexible intermediate portion between the tabs, wherein disposing the anchor element around the implant includes positioning the implant within the intermediate portion and folding the anchor element such that the tabs contact one another and the eyelets aligned. The anchor element is positioned at a desired implantation position with the tabs positioned proximate soft tissue of the patient. The method further comprises inserting a distal tip of a fixation element delivery tool through the eyelets and into the soft tissue, the fixation element including at least one tissue anchor and an adjustable suture arrangement coupled to the tissue anchor. The at least one tissue anchor is deployed from the delivery tool and into the soft tissue of the patient. The delivery tool is withdrawn from the soft tissue and the eyelets of the anchor element, and the adjustable suture arrangement is tightened to secure the anchor element against the soft tissue. 1. A method of securing a medical implant within a patient , the method comprising:disposing an anchor element around the implant, the anchor element including an anchoring portion and a flexible intermediate portion coupled to the anchoring portion, wherein disposing the anchor element around the implant includes positioning the implant within the intermediate portion and folding the anchor element around a portion of the implant;positioning the anchor element at a desired implantation position with the anchoring portion positioned proximate soft tissue of the patient;inserting a distal tip of a fixation element delivery tool through the anchoring portion and into the soft tissue, the fixation element including at least one tissue anchor and an adjustable suture arrangement coupled to the tissue anchor;deploying the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238024A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A suture retention device includes a stack of suture engaging members which can be provided by coils or other segments of a spring. A suture engages with the stack so as to permit travel of the retention device along the suture in one direction more facilely than travel along the suture in the other direction. The retention device can include a housing that encloses the spring or other stack structure, and the suture can pass from a first hole in the housing, through the suture engaging members, and to a second hole in the housing. A suture anchor can be attached to the suture, and the resulting assembly can be combined with a needle designed to introduce the anchor and suture into patient tissue, e.g. in the conduct of a gastropexy procedure. 1. A surgical tether retention device , comprising:a housing having a first end and a second end, the first end defining a first end wall surface configured for receipt against an external patient surface and a first end wall opening;a tether engaging stack structure retained by the housing, the stack structure including at least first and second adjacent stack members;a surgical tether having a housed tether portion extending through the housing in a path from the first end wall opening to a second opening spaced from the first end wall opening;the surgical tether having a first external tether portion, the first external tether portion extending out of the first end wall opening in a first direction external of the housing;the surgical tether having a second external tether portion, the second external tether portion extending out of the second opening in a second direction different from the first direction and external of the housing;wherein the housed tether portion includes at least one tether segment received between the first stack member and the second stack member; andwherein the housed tether portion is further cooperatively associated with the tether engaging stack so as to urge the first and second stack members ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238027A1

A non-invasive device for anchoring a suture includes a sheet to which a suture can be attached and an adhesive that can affix the sheet to bone. The method provides placing effective amount of an adhesive on a bone and attaching the suture to the adhesive and allowing the adhesive to set. 1. A method of affixing a suture to bone in a minimally invasive manner comprising the steps of applying an effective amount of an adhesive to the surface of a bone , attaching a suture to the adhesive and allowing the adhesive to set.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive when set has a separation force of greater than or equal to about 30 N.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive comprises claim 1 , tetracalcium phosphate claim 1 , phosphoserine and water.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , prior to the applying step claim 3 , the step of mixing the effective amount of tetracalcium phosphate claim 3 , phosphoserine with water to create the adhesive;wherein the adhesive has a tack state for up to about 12 minutes after the tetracalcium phosphate and phosphoserine are mixed with the water, has a separation strength in the range of about 10 kPa to about 250 kPa during the tack state, has a putty state for up to about 15 minutes after the tetracalcium phosphate and phosphoserine are mixed with the aqueous medium, and an adhesive strength upon curing of greater than 250 kPa.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the adhesive further includes a fiber.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the suture is threaded through a sheet and the sheet is adhesively bonded to the bone.7. A suture anchor that can be adhesively attached to the surface of bone comprising a relatively flat sheet and a suture attached to the sheet.8. The suture anchor of claim 7 , wherein the sheet has one side that is roughened.9. The suture anchor of claim 7 , wherein the sheet has protrusions extending from one side of the sheet.10. The suture anchor of claim 9 , at least one protrusion ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245685A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek, Inc.

The present invention provides a suture anchor that includes an elongate shank defining a longitudinal axis and having at least one engaging member for applying the suture anchor within the bone and securing the suture anchor in the bone once implanted formed thereon, and a drive head having a proximal end, a distal end and a radial cross-sectional geometry, where the drive head is mated to the elongate shank, includes at least one suture attachment element formed in a portion thereof and at least one anti-rotational member integral therewith, suture anchor kits utilizing the suture anchors and methods of attaching bone to gone. 1. A method for attaching soft tissue to bone , comprising the steps of:forming a bone cavity within a bony structure;providing a suture anchor comprising an elongate shank comprising a proximal end and a distal end and defining a longitudinal axis, said shank further comprising at least one engaging member formed thereon; and a drive head comprising a proximal end, a distal end mated to said elongate shank, at least one suture attachment element formed in a portion of said drive head, said suture attachment element comprising a suture disposed therein, and at least one anti-rotational member integral therewith;inserting said suture anchor into said bone cavity; andattaching soft tissue to said suture.2. The method of wherein said radial cross-sectional geometry of said drive head is rectangular claim 1 , square claim 1 , hexagonal claim 1 , flattened oval or oval.3. The method of wherein said radial cross-sectional geometry of said drive head is oval.3. The method of wherein said suture attachment element comprises at least one suture tunnel extending transversely through said drive head.4. The method of wherein said drive head further comprises at least one suture-receiving channel formed in an outer surface of said drive head and originating at and extending proximally from an opening of said suture tunnel.5. The method of wherein a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Cmc repair using suture-button construct

Номер: US20130245700A1
Автор: Ronald J. Choinski
Принадлежит: Arthrex Inc

A button and attached suture loop for CMC repair. A suture strand is threaded through holes in the button to attach the button to the suture. The suture ends are then brought together (by being swaged, spliced or cinched together, for example) to form the suture loop comprising a continuous, uninterrupted suture loop with a single strand of swaged-together ends. The swaged-together ends are attached to a suture passing instrument such as a K-wire (Kirschner wire) that is also used to drill a hole through adjoining metacarpals (for example, the first and second metacarpals). The swaged-together ends of the suture are then passed through the drill holes in the first and second metacarpals, and the ends of the suture are pulled until the button abuts one of the first and second metacarpals. A second button is used to secure the cut suture ends to the other metacarpal.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Device and Method for Producing Interweaving Knots

Номер: US20130247341A1
Автор: Stündl Mathias
Принадлежит: Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

A device and a method for producing interweaving knots in a multifilament thread are described. The thread is guided in a circumferential guiding groove of a rotating annular nozzle in contact with the groove base of the guiding ring. An inlet thread guide and an outlet thread guide are arranged such that the contact wrap angle of the thread in the guiding groove of the annular nozzle is greater than the opening angle of the chamber opening on the stator. Thus, the thread is guided with contact before the pressure impulse is generated and the annular nozzle is preferably driven with a circumferential speed that is lower than the speed of the thread in order to influence the thread tension. 1. A device for producing interweaving knots in a multi-filament thread comprising:a stationary stator that includes (i) a chamber opening on its circumference and (ii) a pressure chamber;a rotating annular nozzle disposed about a circumference of the stator, the annular nozzle including a circumferential guiding groove and at least one nozzle bore that is at least intermittently in fluid communication with the chamber opening and the guiding groove;a cover extending over the guiding groove; andan inlet thread guide and an outlet thread guide arranged on both sides of the annular nozzle wherein the thread is guided with contact in a base of the guiding groove of the annular nozzle, such that an opening angle (α) of the chamber opening on the stator and a contact wrap angle (β) of the thread are overlapping in the guiding groove;wherein the inlet thread guide and the outlet thread guide are arranged in such a way that the contact wrap angle (β) of the thread in the guiding groove of the annular nozzle is greater than the opening angle (α) of the chamber opening on the stator.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the contact wrap angle (β) of the thread in the guiding groove of the annular nozzle is greater than the opening angle (α) of the chamber opening on the stator by at ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253526A1
Автор: Marshall S. Charles

An anchor placement jig for partial thickness rotator cuff repair. The anchor placement jig includes a frame, a target extending from a distal end of the frame, and a guide disposed on the frame and aligned with the target. The guide has a guide axis that intersects an aperture that extends through the target. The aperture is sized to receive a suture anchor. The target includes a perimeter structure. The perimeter structure extends at least partially around the aperture. The perimeter structure includes a perimeter clearance between the perimeter structure of the target and the aperture of less than one sixteenth of an inch. 148-. (canceled)49. An anchor placement jig for partial thickness rotator cuff repair comprising:a frame; a perimeter structure;', 'an aperture extending through the target, the aperture having a maximum diameter of between one eighth of an inch and one half of an inch, the perimeter structure extending at least partially around the aperture;', 'wherein the perimeter structure extends less than entirely around the aperture, and wherein the perimeter structure comprises a gap extending into the aperture and running the entire height of the target, the gap sized to allow a suture having constrained ends to he passed from outside of the perimeter structure to the aperture via the gap;', 'a perimeter clearance between an exterior border of the perimeter structure of the target and the aperture of less than one sixteenth of an inch;, 'a target extending from a distal end of the frame, the target comprisingwherein the target has a height of less than one sixteenth of an inch,a barrel disposed on the frame and aligned with the target, the barrel having a guide axis that intersects the aperture of the target;a guide rotation adjustment mechanism to rotate the guide around the target;a vertical grip disposed on the frame; a guide arm extending away from the vertical grip, the barrel disposed at a distal end of the guide arm; and', 'a target arm ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255017A1
Автор: Lee David

An oral care implement such as a toothbrush includes a head and a plurality of tooth cleaning elements supported by the toothbrush head. The tooth cleaning elements preferably include an elastomeric scrubbing element having a base portion and a tooth engaging portion comprising a plurality of cleansing members circumferentially spaced apart on the base portion. In one embodiment, the base portion has a circumferentially continuous sidewall to stiffen the scrubbing element. The cleansing members project outwards and preferably upwards from the base portion in one embodiment to collectively define a central cavity for retaining dentifrice. Embodiments of the oral care implement may include a circular bristle field arranged circumferentially around and associated with the scrubbing element. 117-. (canceled)18. An oral care implement comprising:a head defining a longitudinal axis; andat least one flexible elastomeric tooth scrubbing element including:a supporting base portion attached to the toothbrush head, the base portion having a circumferentially continuous sidewall; anda tooth engaging portion comprising a plurality of cleansing members circumferentially spaced apart on the base portion, the cleansing members projecting outwards from the base portion and collectively defining a central cavity for retaining dentifrice, a top portion of the cleansing members being terminated with a top end having an angled scrubbing surface configured for engaging the teeth and gums.19. The oral care implement of claim 18 , wherein the scrubbing element has an overall cylindrical shape.20. The oral care implement of claim 18 , wherein the cleansing members project vertically upwards from the base portion.21. The oral care implement of claim 18 , wherein the angled scrubbing surface faces outwards from the scrubbing element claim 18 , and upwards away from the head of the oral care implement.22. The oral care implement of claim 18 , wherein the angled scrubbing surface is disposed at ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261665A1
Принадлежит: NEOTRACT, INC.

An elastically curved suture anchor is resiliently straightened and delivered into tissue by a needle. When the needle is withdrawn, resumption of the curvature provides leverage for anchor rotation as the attached suture is pulled to fasten the anchor within the tissue. A fin at the proximal end of the anchor further increases the rotational leverage and expedites anchor fastening. When two or more anchors with connecting suture are delivered in series on a needle, the tension of the suture helps to draw the anchors together and approximates the pierced tissue. 129-. (canceled)30. A suture anchor delivery device comprising:a penetrating member; and a suture anchor body;', 'a passage extending at least partially through the suture anchor body, the passage sized and configured to receive the penetrating member;', 'at least one suture opening sized and configured to receive a suture, the at least one suture opening separate from the passage; and', 'a guiding platform;, 'a suture anchor having a delivery configuration and a deployment configuration, the suture anchor comprisingwherein the suture anchor is carried on the penetrating member and wherein removing the penetrating member from the suture anchor body changes the suture anchor from the delivery configuration to the deployment configuration.31. The suture anchor delivery device of claim 30 , wherein the guiding platform is a generally flat surface.32. The suture anchor delivery device of claim 30 , wherein the guiding platform includes the at least one suture opening.33. The suture anchor delivery device of claim 30 , wherein the at least one suture opening is at a middle portion of the suture anchor.34. The suture anchor delivery device of claim 30 , wherein the guiding platform extends along at least a majority of a length of the suture anchor body.35. The suture anchor delivery device of claim 30 , wherein the guiding platform runs generally parallel to the passage of the suture anchor body.36. The suture ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Device For Producing Interlaced Knots

Номер: US20130263414A1

A device for producing interlaced knots in a multifilament thread is described. The device includes a rotating nozzle ring having a circumferential guide groove and a plurality of nozzle bores opening radially into the base of the guide groove. A stationary pressure chamber, having a chamber opening and an air connection, is associated with the nozzle ring, wherein by rotation of the nozzle ring the nozzle bores can be connected in turn to the chamber opening of the pressure chamber. To permit an intensive air treatment of the thread, the dimension of the chamber opening in the pressure chamber and the spacing of adjacent nozzle bores on the nozzle ring are designed such that as the nozzle ring rotates a plurality of nozzle bores are simultaneously connected to the chamber opening. 1. A device for producing interlaced knots in a multifilament thread comprising:a. a nozzle ring, which includes a circumferential guide groove and a plurality of spaced apart nozzle bores opening radially onto a groove base of the guide groove;b. a stationary pressure chamber associated with the nozzle ring and including an air connection; and,c. a chamber aperture that extends radially over the stationary pressure chamber an amount defined by an aperture angle (α),wherein the chamber aperture and the nozzle bores are configured such that, upon rotation of the nozzle ring, at least two nozzle bores are simultaneously fluidly connected with the chamber aperture.2. The device according to further comprising an input thread guide on a first side of the nozzle ring and an output thread guide on a second side of the nozzle ring claim 1 , wherein the input thread guide and the output thread are configured to guide the thread into contact with the groove base of the guide groove of the nozzle ring such that a contact length of the thread in the groove base defines a contact wrap angle (β).3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the aperture angle (α) and the contact wrap angle (β) overlap ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268001A1

A system and associated method for manipulating tissues and anatomical or other structures in medical applications for the purpose of treating diseases or disorders or other purposes. An implant for attachment of soft tissue to bone, an insertion tool for anchoring suture anchors to bone, and a method for anchoring a suture anchor to bone. 1. A suture anchor comprising:a distal portion configured to penetrate tissue;a proximal portion comprising a wing; anda body portion having a first configuration and a second configuration, wherein the second configuration increases the cross-sectional area of the suture anchor as compared to the first configuration.2. The suture anchor of wherein the body portion comprises a telescoping portion.3. The suture anchor of wherein the telescoping portion comprises a mechanism for longitudinally translating the proximal portion with respect to the distal portion.4. The suture anchor of further comprising a locking mechanism.5. The suture anchor of further comprising a spring biasing mechanism.6. The suture anchor of wherein the telescoping portion comprises a pivoting mechanism.7. The suture anchor of wherein the body portion comprises a plurality of nested segments configured to separate.8. The suture anchor of wherein more than one of the plurality of nested segments includes a wing.9. The suture anchor of wherein the body portion comprises an expanding element configured to expand in a direction transverse to a longitudinal axis of the suture anchor.10. The suture anchor of wherein the expanding element comprises flexible segments configured to flex in a direction transverse to a longitudinal axis of the suture anchor.11. A method of anchoring a suture in tissue claim 1 , comprising:providing a suture connected to a suture anchor, the suture anchor comprising a inserting portion, a positioning portion, and a body portion, wherein the body portion has a first configuration and a second configuration;penetrating tissue in a ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268002A1
Принадлежит: Anulex Technologies, Inc.

This disclosure presents methods for treating a defect in soft tissue of a patient. The methods employ fixation delivery apparatuses and fixation apparatuses positioned, at least in part, in or on the soft tissue to be repaired. In some aspects, these techniques include the use of this includes a fixation apparatus that includes at least one bone anchor connected to at least one tissue anchor by a shortenable elongate member. 1. An orthopedic repair method for re-approximating a defect in tissue of a patient , the method comprising:inserting a bone anchor into a bone that is contiguous to tissue having a defect to be repaired, wherein the bone anchor is coupled to a shortenable elongate member;disposing a portion of the elongate member proximate to the defect in the tissue;providing a fixation device having a first member, a second member, and a connecting element therebetween;placing the first member of the fixation device into the tissue on a first side of the portion of the elongate member disposed proximate to the defect in the tissue;placing the second member of the fixation device into the tissue on a second side of the portion of the elongate member disposed proximate to the defect in the tissue so that the connecting element between the first member and the second member extends across the portion of the elongate member disposed proximate to the defect in the tissue;after the second member is placed, shortening a length of the connecting element between the first member and second member; andshortening the elongate member to an extent sufficient to cause the connecting element between the first member and the second member to be drawn in tension to pull, wholly or partially, the tissue toward the bone anchor positioned within the bone.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of placing the first member further comprises disposing the first member proximate to the defect in the tissue.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of placing the second member ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Suture anchor and method for attaching soft tissue to bone

Номер: US20130274798A1
Автор: Vyhmeister Edwin D.
Принадлежит: Quality Products LLC

A suture anchor made of a single length of resilient wire bent to form a suture retaining loop disposed proximally between two diverging legs with pointed ends sharing an independent plane. The anchor is to be inserted suture retaining loop first into a bone tunnel having a diameter equal to the diameter of the suture retaining loop but smaller than the transverse spacing of the distal points of the static uncompressed legs. The two diverging coplanar legs extend radially till the distal points are set wider than the diameter of the bone tunnel so that when the anchor is inserted into the bone tunnel the static uncompressed legs compress together to penetrate into the bone tunnel. Once the anchor is set deep enough into the hole so that the distal points of each leg are below the surface of the bone cortex the sharp distal points of each leg expand out under pressure and penetrate the tunnel wall prohibiting removal of the anchor and penetrate the tunnel wall in response to applied withdrawal forces. Spring loading of the resilient wire allows for lateral expansion of the two diverging legs inside of the soft bone tunnel and the tension or pulling on the suture sets the distal tip of each leg into the inner surface of the bone cortex. 1. An anchor for attaching suture to a bone having a predetermined diameter and depth , said anchor comprising;a single length of wire bent into a generally helical shape of at least one complete suture retaining loop with first and second diverging coplanar legs extending from said helical segment at an angular plane independent to the helical sections plane and at a diverging 30 to 45 degree angle, said helical segment having a diameter equal to said predetermined bone tunnel diameter, said first and second legs having pointed ends with said distal points normally and statically spaced by a distance greater than the predetermined diameter of said bone tunnel, said legs being resiliently compressible toward one another sufficiently to ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274799A1
Принадлежит: NEOTRACT, INC.

A system and associated method for manipulating tissues and anatomical or other structures in medical applications for the purpose of treating diseases or disorders or other purposes. In one aspect, the system includes a delivery device and a plurality of anchor assemblies. The delivery system is configured to deliver a first anchor using loaded energy and reload the energy required to deliver an addition anchor. 1. A system for deploying an anchor assembly , comprising:a cartridge carrying the anchor assembly,a handle configured to couple with the cartridge such that mechanical energy loaded in at least one spring mechanism within the handle is transferred to the cartridge to deploy the anchor assembly; andan actuator configured to initiate transfer of the mechanical energy and restore the majority of the mechanical energy to the spring mechanisms.2. The system of wherein the actuator is configured to restore the majority of the mechanical energy during deployment of the anchor assembly.3. The system of wherein the actuator is configured to be activated more than one time to completely deploy the anchor assembly and restore the majority of the mechanical energy.4. The system of wherein the actuator is configured to restore mechanical energy to the at least one spring mechanism sufficient to deploy a second anchor assembly from a second cartridge.5. The system of wherein the cartridge is removable from the handle without releasing the mechanical energy in the at least one spring mechanism.6. The system of wherein the cartridge further comprises a needle.7. The system of wherein the anchor assembly comprises a first anchor claim 1 , a connector claim 1 , and a second anchor.8. The system of wherein the cartridge further comprises an elongate member configured to access an interventional site adjacent a prostate.9. The system of further comprising an insert configured to couple with the handle.10. The system of wherein the insert is configured such that removal of the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276827A1

a brush for removing chewing gum remains and weeds from a surface (), consists of a baseplate () provided with first hairs () and one or more detachable brush parts () provided with second hairs (), in which the second hairs () extend beyond the first hairs () at the cleaning surface (), and in which one or more first () or second hairs () are steel strips or wires having a serrated or toothed edge and/or tip. A machine for removing chewing gum remains has at least one such brush and is provided with a heating chamber () for heating chewing gum remains before the brush () moves across the surface. A method for removing chewing gum uses such a brush () or such a machine. 1. Brush for removing chewing gum remains and weeds from a surface and in a crevice , consisting of a baseplate provided with at least one set of first hairs and one or more detachable brush parts provided with at least one set of second hairs , in which the first and second hairs form such a cleaning surface that the second hairs are longer than the first hairs at the cleaning surface , wherein one or more first or second hairs are steel strips or wires having a toothed or serrated edge and/or tip.2. Brush according to claim 1 , characterized in that the wires are braided or wound wires.3. Brush according to claim 1 , characterized in that the strips are made from card wire.4. Brush according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one set of second hairs of the detachable brush parts comprises steel strips or wires.5. Brush according to claim 1 , characterized in that the strips or wires have a width of 2-10 mm claim 1 , preferably of 2-5 mm.6. Brush according to claim 1 , characterized in that the strips or wires are made from steel with one of the following carbon contents: C60 claim 1 , C75 claim 1 , C100.7. Brush according to claim 1 , characterized in that the strips or wires are made from steel which has undergone an aftertreatment claim 1 , such as a hardening.8. Brush according to claim ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277445A1
Автор: Karube Kenta

A descaling nozzle that can efficiently remove scale from a steel sheet. A spray section at an end of the descaling nozzle includes a taper portion continuous with a large diameter portion that forms a cylindrical channel, a first orifice formed on an outlet side of the taper portion, a resonant chamber continuous with an outlet side of the first orifice and that has a dimension in a radial direction that is greater than a major axis of the first orifice, and a second orifice formed on an outlet side of the resonant chamber. 1. A descaling nozzle for removing scale from a steel sheet by spraying water onto a surface of the steel sheet and using impact of the water ,wherein a spray section at an end of the nozzle includes a taper portion that is continuous with a large diameter portion that forms a cylindrical channel, a first orifice that is formed on an outlet side of the taper portion, a resonant chamber that is continuous with an outlet side of the first orifice and that has a dimension in a radial direction that is greater than a major axis of the first orifice, and a second orifice formed on an outlet side of the resonant chamber.2. The descaling nozzle for removing scale from a steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the resonant chamber has a rectangular cross-sectional shape.3. The descaling nozzle for removing scale from a steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the second orifice is elliptical claim 1 , and the resonant chamber has a height in an axial direction that is in a range of 0.5 to 10 times a major axis of the second orifice.4. A descaling apparatus for removing scale from a steel sheet claim 1 , the descaling apparatus comprising a plurality of descaling nozzles disposed above and below the steel sheet that is a material to be rolled in a rolling process claim 1 , the descaling apparatus removing scale from a surface of the material to be rolled by spraying high pressure water from the descaling nozzles onto the surface of the material to ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Side-entry knotless suture anchoring clamps and deployment tools

Номер: US20130282028A1
Принадлежит: Edwards Lifesciences Corp

Suture locking clamps for securing prostheses such as heart valves or annuloplasty rings with sutures and without knots improve the ease of implantation. The clamps have opposed clamp halves separated by a slot opening to one side and surrounded by a biasing member such as one or more C-clip springs. Sutures pass laterally into the slot which is held open by a retention member positioned between the clamp halves. The locking clamp slides along the sutures into position, the tension of the sutures is adjusted, and the retention member removed to allow the biasing member to clamp the sutures between the clamp halves. A delivery tool used to deliver and deploy the locking clamps contains a number of clamps within a delivery tube in a stack and bonded together for safety and a common retention member. The tool has a longitudinal channel on one side for entry of sutures.
