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27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320807C2

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике и может быть использовано при разработке грунта вдоль береговой линии реки. Способ сохранения устойчивости русла при добыче нерудных строительных материалов включает перераспределение воды из взвесенесущего потока через прорезь, которую производят выборкой грунта в русле вдоль береговой линии. Прорезь выполняют прерывистой путем выборки грунта с интервалами, т.е. с чередованием выемок, которыми образуют застойные зоны, аккумулирующие влекомые и взвешенные наносы, и оставленных участков ненарушенного грунта, причем длина выемок и участков ненарушенного грунта составляет 0, 3÷0,35 ширины русла. Изобретение обеспечивает сохранение стабильности и устойчивости русла за счет исключения переформирования структуры потока и сохранения равнорасходных плановых струй по ширине русла. В прерывистой прорези образуются застойные зоны, которые выполняют роль ловушек влекомых и взвешенных наносов, аккумулируют, заиливают и восстанавливают их в естественное состояние.

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2319805C2

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому и природоохранному строительству при регулировании русел рек и восстановлении прибрежных водоохранных зон. Способ возведения полузапруды биопозитивной конструкции включает монтаж деревянных ряжей и укладку габионных тюфяков. Тюфяки выполняют из мешков с растительным грунтом и легких фашин, укладываемых послойно в сетчатые оболочки призматических ячеек ряжевого каркаса сооружения. Вначале по периметру сооружения в каждую ячейку укладывают плотный слой из легких фашин: в основание - горизонтально по направлению полузапруды, а по бокам - вертикально с прикреплением их к сетке. Внутреннюю часть каждой ячейки доверху заполняют слоями из мешков с растительным грунтом, плотно перевязанных и соединенных между собой. По верху мешков укладывают сплошной слой из легких фашин, сверху которого растягивают габионную сетку с прикреплением ее к боковым участкам сетки. Вокруг головной части полузапруды вплотную к ряжевым стенкам и на расстоянии друг от друга забивают ...

18-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633788C1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству и может быть использовано в качестве сопрягающего сооружения для регулирования участков малых рек и каналов в земляных руслах на горных и предгорных их участках. Двухступенчатый перепад включает входной порог 1, ступени-гасители энергии 2, 10 и боковые ограждающие стенки 17. В основании ступеней 2, 10 по всей площади уложены габионные тюфяки 3, 11 толщиной 0,3-0,5 м. Сверху габионных тюфяков 3, 11 устроены ячеистые прямоугольные коробчатые конструкции из железобетонных балок квадратного сечения. В конце каждой ступени 2, 10 высота поперечной балки наращена до 1,5 м и более для ее работы в качестве водобойной стенки 7, 15. Водобойная стенка 7 совмещена с железобетонной водосливной стенкой 8 в конце первой ступени 2, а водобойная стенка 15 совмещена с поперечной балкой 14 в конце второй ступени 10. Ячейки коробчатой конструкции над габионными тюфяками 3, 11 каждой ступени загружены крупнообломочным каменным материалом 9, 16 толщиной ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU159397U1

Длинный цельный трубопровод одинакового сечения для защиты от паводковой опасности, стационарно незакрепленный на поверхности земли, оборудованный задвижкой, перекрывающей полное сечение трубопровода, характеризующийся тем, что один открытый его конец расположен в водопотоке выше по течению реки или водного канала, а другой открытый конец - ниже по течению.

20-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2129186C1

Использование: в гидротехнике, а именно для регулирования течений в акваториях, преимущественно заливах, перегороженных участками дамб. Сущность изобретения: защитное гидротехническое сооружение содержит установленную в заливе водоема, куда впадает река, дамбу, выполненную из отдельных участков с проходами между ними, при этом участки дамбы с верховой и/или низовой их стороны снабжены обтекателями, которые перекрывают собой зоны акватории, в которых возможно возникновение застойных явлений или замкнутых течений. 4 з. п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для защиты опор мостов от плавающих деревьев, веток и кустарников

Номер: RU176731U1

Полезная модель относится к эксплуатации мостов и может быть использована для защиты опор мостов от плавающих деревьев, веток и кустарников.Технический результат, достигаемый при реализации заявленной полезной модели, заключается в обеспечении защиты опор мостов на горных реках от плавающих деревьев, веток и кустарников без образования каменных заносов.Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что неподвижная часть устройства выполнена в виде ограничительного кольца установленного выше меженного уровня воды, а подвижная часть выполнена в виде поворотного кольца, поворачивающегося относительно ограничительного кольца и имеющего горизонтальные и вертикальные лопасти, число лопастей нечетное, причем поворотное кольцо и лопасти выполнены гуммированным.

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU96581U1

Дамба из гибких водонепроницаемых материалов, выполненная из ряда плоских и замкнутых мешков, открытых сверху и заполняемых жидкостью, длинные стороны которых сверху прикреплены каждая к поплавку, отличающаяся тем, что мешки выполнены в виде гофрированных рукавов, состыкованных с перекрытием зазоров, открытых сверху, при этом по периметру каждого рукава прикреплен поплавок в виде полого круга, а днище мешков наполнено сыпучим материалом для устойчивости, например песком или гравием, причем мешки накрывают фиксирующей сетью.

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151476U1

Длинный цельный трубопровод одинакового сечения для защиты от паводковой опасности, стационарно незакрепленный на поверхности земли, оборудованный задвижкой, перекрывающей полное сечение трубопровода, характеризующийся тем, что один открытый его конец расположен в водопотоке реки или водного канала, а другой открытый конец - на прибрежной территории, при условии, что этот конец будет по уровню расположен ниже поверхности водопотока на другом конце трубопровода.

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2256023C1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству и может быть использовано для очистки русел рек, каналов и других сооружений от наносов. Способ предусматривает расчистку русла реки от наносов, которую осуществляют последовательными поперечными перемещениями бульдозеров: вначале бульдозерами с плоским отвалом производят грубую планировку русла реки, затем бульдозерами, имеющими грабельные отвалы с различной величиной прозоров между ножами, начинают очистку русла реки с образованием по её берегам струенаправляющих дамб, причем сначала проходят бульдозеры, у которых ширина прозоров в грабельном отвале большая, а затем бульдозеры, имеющие меньшую ширину прозоров. Тела дамб в поперечном сечении отсыпают последовательными перемещениями бульдозеров с грабельными отвалами так, что в верховом откосе дамб находятся более крупные фракции, а в верху и в низовом откосе – более мелкие фракции, после чего очищенные от крупных фракций наносы бульдозерами с плоским отвалом перемещают к оси русла ...

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2256024C1

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике и может быть использовано для предотвращения донной эрозии на реках и каналах. Русло реки по длине разбивают запрудами-перепадами на участки с проектными уклонами: iпр= (21,16· (d2/3)· (h1/3))/(C2·R), где С - коэффициент Шези, C = (1/n)+((0,45· lgR)/n), где R - гидравлический радиус, R=ω /λ ; d - диаметр частиц, меньше которого в данном грунте содержится по весу 60% частиц; h - глубина потока при расходе расчетной обеспеченности; ω - площадь живого сечения потока; λ - длина смоченного периметра; n - коэффициент шероховатости, n=0,025, которые формируют в результате транспортирования и осаждения донных наносов с учетом фракционного состава грунта русла реки, а длину участка между запрудами-перепадами определяют по формуле: lуч = (H)/(i-iпр), при этом количество запруд-перепадов будет равно: N = i/iуч, где i - гидравлический уклон, который можно считать равным уклону дна реки; H - высота запруды-перепада; l - полная длина реки. Изобретение снижает экономические ...

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2460843C1

Способ очистки заиленных прудов проводят в зимнее время. Очищают дорогу 5 для транспорта. Устраивают временную запруду 9 выше истока пруда для задержания поступающей воды. Затем сливают воду из пруда через плоский затвор шахтного водовыпуска 3 или опорожнение пруда производят сифонным трубопроводом 10. По мере снижения уровня воды для равномерной укладки льда 11 на ил 12 около берега, в зависимости от глубины воды, до начала опорожнения пруда и профиля берегов выполняют сквозные пропилы 13 льда 11 бензопилой. Причем длина пропила до 1 м и расстоянием между пропилами 5,0-10,0 м, расстояние ℓ от берега, где Н - глубина воды, δ - толщина льда, α - угол откоса берега пруда. После сливают воду из пруда и лед 11 равномерно ложится на ил 12. Далее приступают к экскавации ила 12 сапропеля. Очистку начинают с истока вершины 8 пруда. Бензопилой отрезают куски льда 11. Одноковшовый экскаватор 14 зачерпывает ил 12 и грузит в кузов автомобиля - самосвала 15, который отвозит его на площадку 7 складирования ...

10-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2108424C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в гидротехническом строительстве при русловыправительных работах для защиты русел рек и каналов от размыва. При выправлении русла реки с защитой его размыва разрабатывают наносные отложения земснарядами с одновременным замывом ими зон размыва. Перераспределением грунтовой массы из зоны естественного заиления в зону размыва создают динамически устойчивое русло путем выравнивания полей скоростей водного потока с понижением их до величин, близких к неразмывающим. При этом формируют защитный поверхностный слой тела намыва из наиболее крупных фракций гнунта путем укладки его перемещения рефулера земснаряда сначала поперек, а затем вдоль водного потока. 2 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604492C1

FIELD: hydraulic engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to hydrotechnical and water engineering, in particular, to methods of cleaning of small rivers, ponds, channels and other water bodies from bottom alluviums. Method comprizes a device in channel zone of diversion dykes 5, formation of sections of alluvium dumps 4, arrangement of water-discharge channel 12, recovery of bottom deposits by dredger 2, reclamation of sediments by pulp line 3 into sections of alluvium dumps 4, discharge of excess water and reclamation leveling of dump surface. Additionally, before beginning of reclamation of alluviums, water catch channel 10 and open tank 11 are constructed, as well as for each section of dumps of alluviums 4 diversion dykes 5 of the whole height of only from three sides are arranged. In the base of section of dumps of alluviums 4 drain horizontal lengthwise elements 8 are arranged as well as adjacent drain horizontal crosswise elements 7. Then, having low height water drain diversion dyke 6, adjacent to the collecting channel 10 is constructed. After that, reclamation of alluviums in section 4, is performed, while excess water from section 4 is discharged by gravity through a water drain diversion dyke 6 in water intake channel 10, further, into open tank 11, where it lightened due to loss of alluviums in residue. Then, clarified water by gravity via water collecting channel 12 is discharged into water body 1. After completion of reclamation of alluviums and filling section of dumps of alluviums 4 in body of reclaimed alluviums drainage vertical elements 9 are installed till their coupling with drain horizontal elements 7 or 8. Dewatering of body of water-saturated alluviums is performed by gravity via drain vertical element 9 and drain horizontal elements 7 and 8 in water intake channel 10. EFFECT: method allows to perform cleaning of water bodies from alluviums and dewater body of alluviums in a relatively short time, hence, to increase technological ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600694C1

FIELD: hydraulic engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to hydraulic engineering and aims at increasing relative reliability and stability of operation of mudslide protective elements in zone of maximum effect of mudflow flow on a structure. Mudslide damper includes, arranged on protected section of channel, elements, which are made in form of inclined in direction of mudflow piles with props, buried in bed, and have in upper part of protected section of bed maximum height of an elevated part, corresponding to height of mudflow waves. EFFECT: increased rigidity and stability of structure of mudslide protective elements enable its use in water-and-stone mud streams in highlands. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 600 694 C1 (51) МПК E02B 3/02 (2006.01) E02B 3/04 (2006.01) E02B 3/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015115247/13, 23.04.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.04.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2016 Бюл. № 30 2 6 0 0 6 9 4 R U (54) СЕЛЕГАСИТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ВОДНО-КАМЕННЫХ ПОТОКОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к гидротехнике и заглубленными в русло, и имеют в верхней части предназначено для повышения относительной защищаемого отрезка русла наибольшую высоту надежности и устойчивости работы элементов надземной части, соответствующую высоте селезащиты в зоне максимального воздействия селевых волн. Повышенная жесткость и селевого потока на сооружение. Селегаситель устойчивость конструкции элементов селезащиты включает размещенные на защищаемом отрезке дают возможность ее использования в руслах русла элементы, которые выполнены в виде водно-каменных селевых потоков в наклонно расположенных по направлению высокогорных районах. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. селевого потока свай с подпорками, Стр.: 1 C 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 119991, Москва, ГСП-1, Ленинские горы, 1, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Фонд "Национальное ...

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2096552C1

Изобретение относится к строительству мостов, в частности к общему устройству мостов, и может использоваться при строительстве или реконструкции мостов на жестких опорах, которые возводят через реки, где возможно прохождение волн прорыва, образующихся при разрушении сооружений гидроузлов. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что, в целях повышения эксплуатационных качеств моста, защиты мостового перехода от разрушения волной прорыва, он оборудуется защитным сооружением в виде нескольких параллельных одна другой стенок из рядов свай, которые располагаются по нормам к водному потоку с верховой стороны моста на пойме и части русла реки. Оборудование моста предложенным защитным сооружением повышает его устойчивость от разрушения волной прорыва за счет снижения уровня воды с верховой стороны моста. 3 ил.

17-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685401C1

FIELD: construction.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to hydraulic engineering and can be used as a mating structure for control of sections of small rivers and channels in earth channels on plains and foothills. Two-stage drop comprises an inlet spillway reinforced concrete wall 1, water wells of first 3 and second 4 stages, a reinforced concrete wall 5 between the steps and side enclosing walls 2. Gabion mattresses with filler made of sacks 9 with local soil and gravel layer 10 are laid in the base of water-bore well-stairs all over their area. Thickness of mattresses is 0.5–0.7 m. Under gabion mattresses there laid is coarse mesh reinforcement mesh 7, on top of which geogrid 8 is laid and attached. Gabion net stretched over the gravel layer is attached to enclosing walls 2 and reinforcement grid 7 in the base. In the wells of first 3 and second 4 steps from above the gabion mattresses and between enclosing walls 2 there are arranged reinforcement grate frames 12 with cells of not more than 1.0×1.0 m. Reinforcing frames 12 are of trapezoidal shape with increasing height from the beginning of the well to its end part, from 0.2–0.3 m to 0.5–1.5 m. Two-stage differential of combined structure provides effective damping of excessive energy of water flows and reliability of operation of whole structure in conditions of flat and foothills sections of channels and channels of small rivers.EFFECT: differential has flexibility and water permeability and can be effectively used for stabilization of erosion channel processes on flat and foothill adjustable sections of urbanized zones of small rivers and earth discharge channels.1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 685 401 C1 (51) МПК E02B 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02B 3/02 (2019.02) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018123259, 26.06.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.06.2018 17.04.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 17.04.2019 Бюл. ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2533912C1

Изобретение относится к гидрологии, гидротехнике, мостостроительству и может быть использовано при пропуске максимальных расходов в период паводков и половодий для обеспечения безопасности работы мостов, для предупреждения аварийных ситуаций, для предупреждения возможного подтопления прилегающих населенных пунктов. В русле реки в левобережных и правобережных побочнях перекатов вблизи мостов устраивают перегораживающие регулирующие сооружения в виде наклонных по ходу течения свайных рядов металлических труб, или рельсов, или бетонных свай. Обеспечивается повышение эффективности очистки русла реки. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

05-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679038C1

Изобретение относится к экологии. На валу 5 расположен скользящий блок шестерен 6 и 7. Вал 5 соединен карданной передачей 8 с муфтой 9. Один квадратный конец стержня барабана 11 вставлен в муфту 9. Второй круглый стержень расположен в планке 12. На барабанах 11 намотаны тросы 13, имеющие крюки 14. Крюк 14 троса 13 первой лебедки первого автомобиля зацеплен за скобу 17 ковша 16. Крюк 14 троса 13 второй лебедки второго автомобиля зацеплен за скобу 18 ковша. Водитель первого автомобиля соединяет рычагом шестерни 2 и 6. Барабан 11, вращаясь, наматывает трос 13. Трос 13 подтягивает ковш 16 к первому автомобилю. Водитель второго автомобиля соединяет рычагом шестерни 7 и 4. Барабан 11, вращаясь, разматывает трос 13. Ковш загребает со дна водоема мусор. Так автомобили, проезжая по берегам водоема, очищают его дно от мусора. Техническим результатом изобретения является увеличение производительности устройства для очистки водоемов путем очистки всего дна водоема. Очистка водоемов предложенной конструкцией ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130382A

Способ комплексного освоения древесины в акватории и береговой зоне озер и водохранилищ, состоящий в сборе обсохшей древесины с берегов, подъеме затонувшей древесины топлякоподъемными агрегатами, сборе древесины, находящейся в акваториях озер и водохранилищ в плавающем состоянии, формировании сплоточных единиц, секций и плотов, отличающийся тем, что создаются промежуточные запасы из сформированных сплоточных единиц, при этом транспортировку отдельных сплоточных единиц и секций осуществляют в составе плотов из свежесрубленной древесины, путем доформирования их в пунктах расположения промежуточных запасов на всем пути следования плота от формировочного рейда до пункта приплава предприятия, либо их транспортировку осуществляют в пределах линейной дистанции, по одному берегу без перехода на противоположный, секции формируют для последующего транспортирования в составе плотов из них, причем формирование плотов осуществляют по всей дистанции от дальнего пункта к ближнему, пока не будут отбуксированы ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008129070A

Способ управления энергией водного потока рек, основанный в заборе потока экологической чистой питьевой воды в бассейнах рек с помощью бетонной перемычки, бетонного оголовка, в которые укладывается труба, или с помощью металического раструба на трубе (водоводе), закрепленного на подушке с помощью скобы и растяжек с анкерами, используя правило сообщающихся сосудов, направляется в любом горизонтальном и вертикальном направлениях на высотные отметки ниже высотной отметки водозабора для водопотребления.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2537907C1

Изобретение относится к охране окружающей среды, в частности к технологии инженерно-биологической защиты береговой зоны рек от водной и ветровой эрозии, и может быть использовано для прогнозирования эвтрофикации водоема. Устанавливают защитные средства. Предварительно обследуют прибрежную зону реки и выявляют неблагоприятные участки обследуемых территорий. Затем на расстоянии не более 2, 4 и 6 м от линии уровня воды устанавливают вертикальные проградуированные вешки с ценой деления не более 1 см. Принимают показания уровня грунта на вешке за начало отсчета уровня намытого грунта. Затем в течение года после выпадения обильных осадков измеряют высоту намытого грунта у основания вешек и определяют среднюю высоту hнамытого грунта на каждой из трех вешек. Далее определяют среднее значение высоты намытого грунта на всех вешках и при значении hболее 3 см прогнозируют интенсивное развитие процесса эвтрофикации водоема. Осуществляют установку защитных средств в виде инженерных сооружений, например ...

28-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665072C1

FIELD: environmental protection.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of environmental protection and is intended for the restoration of ponds, lakes and reservoirs, as well as reducing the level of pollution and siltation of their main volume by depositing and localizing pollutants (suspended particles, anthropogenic debris, plant debris) in a limited area of the reservoir, falling into the reservoir from tributaries and with sewage from sewage and storm collectors, including permanent and emergency discharges of contaminants. Invention can also be used to stop the degradation of the basin, if this reservoir has lost the ability to support the self-cleaning process. Way of localization in the water area of the reservoir of pollutants entering the reservoir from tributaries and drains includes the erection of water-blocking water flow of hydraulic structures with a regulated culvert regime. Disinfecting hydraulic engineering structures are carried out in the form of a bulk dam closed on the shore of the reservoir, placing it in the water area of the reservoir opposite the mouth of the tributary or drain, covering the whole width of the estuary. Inside the fenced enclosing dam the parts of the reservoir deepen the bottom, extracting, at least, base sediments and transporting them to the shore of the reservoir. In the enclosing dam and / or the fenced part of the reservoir, drainage hydraulic structures are built.EFFECT: technical result of the proposed method is expressed in a significant decrease in the intake of suspended particles, pollutants, anthropogenic debris and plant residues in the main water area of the reservoir and their localization in confined fenced areas of ponds (ponds, lakes and reservoirs), that makes it possible to reduce the material and energy costs of cleaning water from pollution, and also significantly improve the ecological and sanitary condition of the reservoir and reduce the rate of its degradation, and in some cases restore its ...

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013143189A

Способ разрушения ледяных заторов путем создания области повышенного давления под ледяным покровом посредством динамической взрывной нагрузки, отличающийся тем, что область повышенного давления создается торпедной стрельбой.

20-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001117805A

... 1. Устройство для рыхления донных отложений, состоящее из самоходного судна и прикрепленных к нему параллельно расположенных поводцов с рыхлителями на концах, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено обладающего плавучестью вожаком, один конец которого закреплен на одном судне, второй - на другом, и прикрепленными к нему поводцами с рыхлителями. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что рыхлители выполнены в виде прикрепленных к поводцам плоских треугольных металлических оснований, имеющих зубья с обеих сторон.

27-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97106399A

... 1. Способ дноуглубления в скальном грунте, включающий разрыхление буровзрывным методом скального грунта откосов по периметру акватории и дна самой акватории на проектную глубину с последующим удалением разрыхленного скального грунта, отличающийся тем, что при производстве буровзрывных работ, дополнительно, в полосе, охватывающей откосы и примыкающие к ним территорию и дно акватории, за пределами проектного профиля на откосах разрыхляют слой грунта переменной толщины по высоте откоса и постоянной толщины на дне акватории, после чего удаляют слой грунта, находящийся в пределах проектного профиля. 2. Способ дноуглубления в скальном грунте по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на откосах разрыхляют слой, имеющий, перпендикулярно линии откоса, в точке, отвечающей основанию откоса, толщину Т, которая не должна быть менее высоты h расчетной волны на подходе к откосу, и в точке пересечения расчетного горизонта воды в акватории с линией откоса - толщину 5Т, а на дне акватории разрыхляют слой, имеющий толщину ...

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011128252A

... 1. Способ гидравлического промыва русла, включающий размыв отложений струями воды с последующим уносом потоком мелких фракций и закрепления поверхности дна водотока более крупными фракциями, формирующими отмостку, отличающийся тем, что создание в русле скоростей размывающих и уносящих наносные отложения, при непрерывном процессе промыва по течению, осуществляется из перемещающегося по ходу промыва руслового водохранилища, образованного устройством с функцией водоподпорного сооружения с геометрически изменяемыми плановыми и высотными характеристиками.2. Устройство для гидравлического промыва русла, включающее напорное полотнище с поплавком, тросовые связи и балласт, отличающееся тем, что оно выполнено из горизонтального полотнища с установленным на нем балластом, соединенного с напорным полотнищем тросовыми связями с образованием между ними водопропускной щели, вдоль которой на полотнищах закреплены баллоны, регулируемые с помощью заполнителя, при этом величина открытия щели регулируется ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014104007A

... 1. Способ предотвращения затопления территорий в период крупномасштабных и локальных наводнений на площади водосбора рек, заключающийся в том, что от водоемов, расположенных в зоне наводнений, прокладывают каналы для отвода избыточных вод в водоемы, расположенные ниже и вне зоны наводнения, для чего на площадях водосбора рек предварительно выявляют участки, подверженные затоплению во время наводнений, создают искусственные и/или задействуют естественные водоемы для приема избыточных вод, намечают места прокладки отводных каналов и производят расчеты их параметров, отличающийся тем, что отметку уровня дна каждого отводного канала в месте отвода избыточных вод из водоема выполняют на отметке или немного выше отметки нормального уровня поверхности воды в водоеме, соответствующего средней величине стабильного уровня, наблюдаемого на протяжении многих лет, при этом дно по длине каждого отводного канала выполняют с уклоном i в направлении нижерасположенного водоема.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся ...

27-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94016530A1

Гидротехническое сооружение предназначено для регулирования течений в акватории. Гидротехническое сооружение расположено выше и/или ниже по течению по отношению к участку дамбы, примыкает к этому участку и перекрывает собой участки акватории, в которых возможно возникновение застойных зон и/или зон с замкнутыми течениями. Изобретение улучшает экологическую систему, ликвидирует вредные последствия, являющиеся результатом сооружения участков дамб в мелководных акваториях.

19-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92002733A

Завеса относится к гидротехническим сооружениям, в частности к эксплуатации подводных трубопроводов, проложенных через реки с легкоразмываемым дном. Изобретение способствует снижению материалоемкости, обеспечению устойчивости завесы на дне и сокращению затрат на ее установку. Завеса состоит из секций, каждая из которых включает в себя расположенные по ее краям балластные карманы, с расположенной между ними решеткой, выполненной из деревянных или металлических пластин, заключенных в раму. Секции установлены на дне с захлестами длиной, равной протяженности каждого из балластных карманов.

07-04-1985 дата публикации

Способ регулирования стока рек

Номер: SU1148928A2

... 1. СПОСОБ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ СТОКА РЕК по авт. св. № 763510, отличающийся тем, что, с целью поддержания на период эксплуатации первоначального качества воды путем интенсификации процессов самоочищения, производят непрерывную подачу воды из канала в водохранилище с начала поступления в него поверхностного стока и до его окончания и одновременно создают и поддерживают в прибрежной зоне водохранилища скорость движения воды в пределах 0,15-0,25 м/с. 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что скорость движения воды в прибрежной зоне создают и поддерживают с помощью струенаправляющих сооружений.

15-08-1988 дата публикации

Способ регулирования стока рек

Номер: SU1416596A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству. Цель изобретения - предотвращение загрязнения и истощения реки и повышение надежности работы при наличии меж- пластовых вод. Способ включает выполнение скважин 4 в дне 3 водохранилища , оборудование скважин обратными фильтрами 6. Скважины 4 вьшолняют от поверхности до уровня грунтовых вЬд 5 и заполняют их фильтрующим материалом 7 на -величину заглубления скважин . Через скважины 4, заполненные фильтрующим материалом 7, проходит поверхностный сток водохранилища 1 с загрязненными веществами. В скважинах 4 он очищается и переводится в зону уровня грунтовых вод 5, через которую он и попадает-в малую реку 2. 1 ил. Ш W О) ел со о ...

30-08-1988 дата публикации

Регуляционное струенаправляющее сооружение для мостового перехода через водоток

Номер: SU1420095A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническим сооружениям, в частности к откосным струенаправляющим сооружения.м, предназначенным для регулирования внутренней структуры потока и организации движения наносов у мостовых переходов на предгорных участках рек. Цель изобретения состоит в повьилении эффективности работы сооружения путем регулирования внутренней структуры потока при различны.х уровнях воды в водотоке. Струенаправляющее сооружение состоит из подходной дамбы I и струе- направляющей дамбы, примыкающей прямолинейным участко.м 2 к торцу подходной дамбы. В струепаправляющей дамбе на заданной глубине устроены сквозные каналы 5, которые сориентированы так, что их оси пересекают оси соответствующих полузапруд 6 не далее чем на I/3 их длины, считая от головы полузапруд. Отметки дна каналов 5 расположены на отметках гребней голов соответствующих полузапруд и умень- щаются в сторону мостового створа 9. Выходные участки 10 каналов 5 выполнены в виде трамплинов. Цри незначительном затоплении поймы ...

15-05-1988 дата публикации

Защитно-регуляционное сооружение

Номер: SU1395731A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике и может быть использовано для регулирования твердого стока в водотоках и предотвращения размыва дна водотоков путем гашения энергии потока воды. Цель изобретения - упрощение изготовления и снижение материалоемкости Сооружение состоит из рассеивателей энергии потока воды выполненных из горизонтального ряда утилизированных автопокрышек 4 и 5, соединенных меладу собой посредством прокладок 6 и тросов 7. При набегании потока воды, двигающегося по руслу , за счет наличия между корпусами автопокрьшек 4 и5 множеств а отверстий , направленных в разные стороны, происходит.диссипация энергии потока воды. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. е (Л ...

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Номер: SU75007A1

31-01-1930 дата публикации

Прибор для уничтожения песчаных наносов на дне реки

Номер: SU12769A1
Автор: Романов П.А.

07-04-1992 дата публикации

Низконапорная плотина

Номер: SU1724793A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству. Цель изобретения повышение надежности и устойчивости работы плотины.Плотина состоит из полых железобе-- тонных блоков-колец 1, заполнения полостей блоков речным балластом 2, не несущих гибких связей 3 между блоками, гибкого крепления 4 дна реки и отмостки 5. Блоки-кольца укладываются в несколько рядов в одном уровне. Блоки-кольца крепятся между собой в продольном и поперечном направлениях гибкими не несущими связями и соединены со стороны нижнего бьефа с гибким креплением дна реки. Верхний бьеф выполняется отмосткой с заложением 1:5...1:10. 2 ил.

07-08-1983 дата публикации

Противоселевое устройство

Номер: SU1033627A1

ПРОТИВОСЕЛЕВОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО, содержащее сопряженный с дном русла лоток входного участка, выполненный с постепенным сужением дна лотка ;по течению,и расширяющиеся по течению участки быстротока и водобойного колодца, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повы шения эффекта гашения энергии ротока , стенка водобойного колодца выполнена в виде ряда криволинейных выемок :, направленных выпуклостью по течению, с расположенными между ними зубьями-рассекателями потока. (Л СО оа а: о sj ...

07-02-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для очистки русел рек

Номер: SU994649A1

23-04-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для аккумуляции наносов и стабилизации русла

Номер: SU1013551A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ АККУМУЛЯЦИИ НАНОСОВ И СТАБИЛИЗАЦИИ РУСЛА, включающее расположенные перпендикулярно к берегу водоема струенаправляющие дамбы, отличающееся тем что, с целью повышения эффективности в работе, оно снабжено треугольными в плане массивами , установленными на свободных концах дамб и между дамбами, обращенными вершиной к берегу, а массивы выполнены из цилиндрических блоков, причем блоки в боковых гранях установлены ступенчато с увеличением высоты в сторону берега. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что массивы, расположенные на концах дамб, равно удалены от берега, а массивы, установленные между дамбами, выдвинуты в сторону динамической оси потока. ш W со СП ел ...

15-02-1993 дата публикации

Способ улучшения судоходных условий на барах замерзающих рек

Номер: SU1794976A1

Использование: для строительных работ в области гидротехники, связанных с регулированием и использованием рек для судоходства, а именно к способам улучшения судоходных условий на барах в устьевой зоне замерзающих рек. Сущность изобретения: на барах (3) замерзающих рек (1), выше по течению реки к струенаправляющим дамбам (5) пристраивают поперек русла реки (1) молы-полузапруды (6), причем струенаправ- ляющие дамбы (5) и молы-полузапруды (6) возводят из льда до наступления ледохода. Крбме того, в необходимых случаях одновременно с возведением струенаправляю- щих дамб (5) между ними на естественный ледяной порок (11) дополнительно намораживают слой льда (12) толщиной, обеспечивающей проседание естественного ледяного покрова (11) от массы намороженного сверху слоя льда (12). 1 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

07-07-1984 дата публикации

Противоселевое устройство

Номер: SU1101499A1

ПРОТИВОСЕЛЕВОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО, устанавливаемое в селевом русле и выполненное в виде сквозной конструкции трамплинного типа, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности конструкции путем повьппения ее устойчивости, оно выполнено в виде полуконуса с арочным основанием и балками, соединенными в пучок, расходящийся по образующим полуконуса от вершины конуса к его основанию, причем вершина полуконуса обращена против селевого потока. J ...

15-12-1984 дата публикации

Способ предотвращения распространения грунтовых взвесей в водоемах

Номер: SU1129276A1

СПОСОБ ПРЕДОТВРАЩЕНИЯ РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЯ ГРУНТОВЫХ ВЗВЕСЕЙ В ВОДОЕМАХ, преимущественно при намыве земляных сооружений, заключа1ощийся в том, что зону производства работ ограждают эластичными полотнищами, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьппения эффективности путем образования замкнутого оборота загрязненной водь, зону производства работ разделяют на емкость укладки грунта и емкость забора грунта, которые соединяют между собой г ...

31-08-1951 дата публикации


Номер: SU91254A1
Автор: Терехов И.Б.

15-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: SU812887A1

02-10-2008 дата публикации

Method for controlling sulphate concentration in water courses by measuring the electric conductivity of the sulphate rich water to determine the drain rate into surface water

Номер: DE102007015633A1

A method for controlling the sulphate concentration in surface water, especially in rivers, uses monitoring systems to measure the electric conductivity of the sulphate rich water in the source water as well as in the ground water. This enables an automated control to limit the rate of discharge into ground water, keeping the ground water within preset limits. The system also includes a warning procedure if the preset sulphate limits are exceeded.

10-11-1994 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Reinigen von Entwässerungsgräben

Номер: DE0009413591U1

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Reinigen eines hydrotechnischen Bauwerks

Номер: DE102008062990A1

Bei einem Verfahren zum Reinigen eines hydrotechnischen Bauwerks, insbesondere eines Stausees vor einer Staumauer im Bereich eines Grundablasses, sollen Verunreinigungen mittels eines Hubelementes (5) vom Grund an die Oberfläche gebracht und dort auf einem Schwimmkörper (1) weiterbehandelt werden.

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Restauration von Binnengewässern und dazu geeignete Anordnung

Номер: DE502005005166D1

24-10-2001 дата публикации

River flood control network

Номер: GB0000121010D0

28-10-1915 дата публикации

Improvements in Rock Cutting Apparatus.

Номер: GB0191505140A

... 5140. Lobnitz, F. April 3. Vertically-driven rockbreakers.-In apparatus of the type in which a heavy rock-cutter is raised and then allowed to drop on to the rocks, the cutter has a double rope suspension, means are provided for guiding the ropes as they wind on and off a winch drum, and a coil clutch for the winch drum is applied or released by power-operated means. The double suspension is preferably provided by a single rope doubled over and secured to the winch drum s and to the cutter e in the manner described in Specification 5398/14. The ropes f are guided on to and off the drum s by a guide k on an arm i pivoted to the sheer-leg structure d, a follower l comprising a block adapted to engage the grooves of the drum being secured to a block m in the guide k and causing lateral movement of the guide. The drum s is clutched to its shaft t by a coil clutch o operated by the pressure of a laterally movable disk p on the tail-lever q of the clutch. The disk p is moved by a lever r connected ...

23-02-1928 дата публикации

An improved method of and means for use in dredging, scouring or sweeping river and other courses

Номер: GB0000285684A

... 285,684. Stewart, R. T. April 20, 1927. Scouring-apparatus. - River, lake, &c. beds are cleaned &c., and canals &c. are excavated, by means of a jet or jets of water each surrounded by a sleeve of air which assists the jet to penetrate a body of water without losing its jet force or an appreciable part of its velocity. As shown, a pontoon A carries pumps D drawing water through pipes F and delivering it through pipes G and nozzles H on to the surface under treatment. Some or all of the nozzles open into air chambers J with an air-inlet branch K opening above water. The pontoon is controlled by mooring ropes connected to winches B.

16-09-1992 дата публикации

Underwater material transfer

Номер: GB2253641A

Riverbed or seabed materials are transferred by means of a vibrating unit (6, 23) which is lowered from a working vessel to the desired riverbed or seabed level. The vibrating unit (6, 23) agitates the materials to permit mixing with water and resulting dispersion. The vibrating unit (6, 23) may comprise one or more vibrating cylinders provided with preferably helical, vanes (9). ...

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Flood control schemes

Номер: GB0002510638A

A flood control scheme uses a turbine, in-line pump or other device (10, figure 3) located at a point 7 in a river 1 or watercourse to increase water flow downstream 6 of said point and lower the height of the surface water upstream 5 of said point. The turbine, pump or other device may be attached to a temporary support or to an existing bridge (9).

11-03-1981 дата публикации

Methods of and apparatus for continuously cleaning the bottom of a body of water

Номер: GB0002055931A

The system comprises a flexible line provided with means for collecting products scattered at the water bottom by circulating the flexible line in contact with these products. On the rising portion of the path followed by the flexible line, the collecting means are passed through a tubular casing for simultaneously protecting the surrounding water against pollution from products released, while hoisting the products to the surface.

05-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002055931B

06-06-1922 дата публикации

A combined sub-aqueous rock-cutter and dredge

Номер: GB0000180768A

... 180,768. Lobnitz, Sir F. March 5, 1921. Drawings to Specification. Scoop-arm machines; grab machines; vertically-driven rock-breakers. - A vessel carrying dredging apparatus of the scoop-arm or grabtype is provided with rock-cutting means such as described in Specification 8578/06 which is operated from the boom or jib of the dredge and operates within a guide suspended from the boom or jib. The dredge may be dismounted during operation of the cutter and vice versa or each may remain in position while the other is operated; both may be operated from the same winch and the guide may be adjusted by an auxiliary winch or by temporary attachment to the cutter. The guide may comprise a metal tube lined with wood.

13-10-1927 дата публикации

Improvement in steel retainer for submarine hammer drills

Номер: GB0000273650A

... 273,650. Ingersoll-Rand Co., (Assignees of Hansen, C. C.). June 29, 1926, [Convention date]. Tools, retaining.-In a submarine drill the steel J is retained by two pivoted jaws a mounted inside the exhaust chamber E at the front end of the drill, and operated by means of arms g outside the chamber and connected by rigid manipulating members to suitable gear at the surface. The drill chuck is rotated by means of gear teeth Q engaged by a pinion R driven by a suitable independent motor.

18-06-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sub-aqueous rock ramming devices

Номер: GB0000222099A

... 222,099. Dormoy, M. E. P. E. Sept. 21, 1923, [Convention date]. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Vertically-driven rock breakers.-To enable short rammers to be used for subaqueous ramming operations on rock, the rammers 7 are guided at a point below the level of the pontoon 1. Uprights 2, a strut 3, and a pulley 4 support the rammers 7 which are operated by cables 5 and winches 6. An open space 8 is provided for the rammers and their guide 9, which is in the form of a wooden frame with metal plates on its upper and lower face, the upper face also carrying a forced steel frame, the whole. being cross braced by bolts. Holes 10 guide the rammers and may have removable bearings of hard wood with crossed grain. whipping action of the rammers being prevented by the weight of the frame. The frame is suspended by four slack chains 11 provided with weights 12 to ensure regular tension of the chains, and the operating depth is regulated bv chains 13, 14. An auxiliary cable 16 is attached ...

15-03-1966 дата публикации

Device of correction of the bed of the rivers.

Номер: OA0000000209A

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426173A

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0014212001A

25-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390982B

25-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323229B

26-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328965B

27-07-1970 дата публикации

Procedure for manufacturing a mechanism for draining slide-endangered or slipped natural tendencies and artificial embankments

Номер: AT0000283220B

16-09-1999 дата публикации

Flood protection system

Номер: AU0004113499A3
Автор: Donald G Thompson
Принадлежит: GRIFFITH HACK

20-12-1994 дата публикации

A flow compensation device for bridge pillars

Номер: AU0006902294A

09-06-1994 дата публикации

Serpent sediment-sluicing system

Номер: AU0000649951B2

08-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005943686A

29-08-1996 дата публикации

Ocean wave producing means

Номер: AU0004570796A

22-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1126039A

This invention relates to a floating breakwater which includes a plurality of tubular members which carry upwardly directed fins which extend over the length of the members with the members arranged to form a structure which includes substantially parallel lee and sea walls with intermediate transverse members joining the walls to form compartments which are substantially triangular in plan, extend over the width of the breakwater and are open top and bottom in direction normal to the surface of the water with the structure in use being submerged to a depth at which the tubular members are located below water level to reduce the response rate of the structure to surface wave action and at which the fins project to above water level horizontally to enclose the compartments at water level, and buoyancy control compartments attached to the structure to be located at or above water level to ensure positive buoyancy of the breakwater.

18-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1139676A

Méthode de nettoyage continu des fonds subaquatiques permettant de remonter à la surface des produits denses répandus sur le fond. Selon cette méthode on fait circuler dans l'eau, depuis la surface, une ligne souple munie de moyens de collecte de ces produits suivant un trajet comportant une portion de trajet descendante amenant les moyens de collecte au contact des produits au fond de l'eau et une portion de trajet ascendante assurant la remontée de ces produits, que l'on recueille ensuite en surface. Toujours selon cette méthode, on fait circuler, sur la portion ascendante du trajet, lesdits moyens de collecte à l'intérieur d'une gaine tubulaire, protégeant contre les risques de pollution lors de la remontée des produits la tranche d'eau surmontant la zone du fond où sont répandus ces produits. Système de mise en oeuvre de cette méthode.

09-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002389331C
Принадлежит: FOSSURA AS

Method for moving subsea rocks and sediments, also at significant depths, e.g. in connection with removal of protective rocks around subsea installations where maintenance is to be conducted, by which equipment comprising a tubing with an ejector nozzle is arranged completely externally in relation to the tubing on a standard, remote controlled submarine (ROV). The ejector nozzle is connected to a preferably hydraulic powered water pump; the water pump is run by means of the energy supply to the ROV, so that the ejector nozzle produces a pressure gradient through said tubing. The inlet end of said tubing is contacted with rocks and sediments to be moved with the result that said rocks and sediments are sucked into the tubing at its inlet end and blown out of its outlet end. The invention also relates to a device to conduct the method, which device is arranged on an ROV and comprises a tubing (5) through which the sediments (14) are transported, an ejector nozzle (11) arranged externally ...

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002420241C

The invention provides a control gate (10) adapted to be installed across a channel (12) for liquids. Control gate (10) has a barrier member (22) that is pivotally mounted at or adjacent the base (20) of flow channel (12) and at least one side member (26) attached to barrier member (22). A drive means (34) co-operates with the at least one side member (26) or central member to allow raising and lowering of barrier member (22) to regulate flow of liquid through control gate (10). Also described is a method of measuring flow rate through a control gate.

01-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002206334C

A system for alleviating scouring damage at the base of a structure anchored in the bed of a body of liquid flowing at a velocity relative to the structure, such as a bridge pier in a river bed, comprises a plurality of hollow vehicle tires surrounding the structure in a matrix of plural stacks of tires connected together with their toroidal axes substantially aligned. Each stack comprises a predetermined number of tires so that the top surface of the matrix forms a predetermined angle relative to horizontal.

15-06-1947 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000249073A

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для очистки водоемов и добычи илистых грунтов

Номер: RU0000202041U1

Полезная модель относится к технике очистки водоемов от гумоидных образований и добычи илистых грунтов. Устройство для очистки водоемов и добычи илистых грунтов включает заборный рабочий орган, содержащий корпус с рабочими камерами, всасывающими и отводящими отверстиями с клапанами и транспортирующий механизм. Корпус выполнен в виде трубы большего диаметра, с установленным в ней тором, а рабочие камеры выполнены из труб меньшего диаметра, с установленными в каждой из них торов, концентрично соединенных с корпусом. Транспортирующий механизм выполнен из соединенного с приводными барабанами троса, пропущенного через внутренние стенки торов, установленных в корпусе и рабочих камерах с возможностью совместного перемещения. Всасывающие отверстия выполнены в боковой стенке корпуса, а отводящие отверстия выполнены в боковых стенках рабочих камер, при этом полость корпуса сообщена с рабочими камерами. Внутренние стенки всех торов винтообразно скручены относительно центральных осей торов, причем степень скрученности внутренних стенок каждого из торов должна быть такой, чтобы достигалось формирование плотных линейных жгутов охватывающих трос. Технический результат - повышение срока службы и надежности устройства. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 041 U1 (51) МПК E02F 5/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02F 5/28 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019143064, 23.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 23.07.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 28.01.2021 Бюл. № 4 2 0 2 0 4 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2030519 C1, 10.03.1995. RU 2559067 C1, 10.08.2015. RU 2278927 C1, 27.06.2006. RU 2230856 C1, 20.06.2004. WO 2001/ 079089 A1, 25.10.2001. US 6846029 B1, 25.01.2002. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОЧИСТКИ ВОДОЕМОВ И ДОБЫЧИ ИЛИСТЫХ ГРУНТОВ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к технике очистки установленных в ...

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Silt Fence Unwinder

Номер: US20120267470A1
Автор: Rex Murphy
Принадлежит: Individual

A silt fence unwinder for manually unraveling and deploying a silt fence. The apparatus includes a base and a back, a front, and a central trough attached to the base. The back has a pair of panels attached to one another and is triangular in shape when viewed laterally. The front also includes a pair of panels but is preferably of an inverted u-shape in cross-section when viewed laterally defined by a rounded top, the rounded top joining each panel. As a result of this configuration, a wound silt fence can be situated between the front and the back within the central trough, and the leading edge of the silt fence can be continuously pulled over and away from the rounded top as the silt fence spins within the central trough and unwinds for use.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, System, and Method For Remediation of Contamination

Номер: US20130087510A1
Автор: Kryzak Thomas J.
Принадлежит: Environmental Lunch Box Technology LLC

An apparatus, system and method for removing and treating contaminated materials on a bottom of a body of water and introducing growth packets to revitalize the treated bottom of the body of water. The structure may comprise a vessel with an open face. The vessel may be lowered down to the bottom of the body of water with the face facing down. As a result, the vessel and the bottom form an isolated space. The structure may comprise at least one agitating device(s) for stirring up the materials inside the vessel so as to form a mixture containing the sediment materials which in turn contain the contaminants. Multiple at least one pipe(s) may be coupled to the vessel for transporting the mixture out of the vessel for processing (filtering, treating with chemicals, etc.) so as to neutralize or eliminate the contaminants in the mixture. Then, the treated mixture can be returned to the inside of the vessel via the at least one pipe(s). 1. Apparatus for remediation of contaminated sediment at the bottom of a body of water , said apparatus comprising:a vessel having an opening facing and configured for direct physical contact with the bottom of the body of water so as to isolate an area contained within the opening from areas outside the opening;at least one agitator for suspending sediment contained within the opening;a processing system for removing contaminants from suspended sediment;first pipes configured to transport the contained and suspended sediment from the isolated area to the processing system; andsecond pipes configured to transport processed suspended sediment from the processing system to the isolated area.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a flexible skirt extends from a rim of the opening so as to provide a flexible extension of the rim for direct physical contact with the bottom of the body of water.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one agitator is selected from the group consisting of a paddle claim 1 , an auger claim 1 , a spray ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Flood Control Method

Номер: US20140056645A1
Автор: Hogan Richard C.

Provided is a method of identifying and locating high probability areas along a waterway that are likely to flood using real-time data processing of stream gauges and dispatching water capture teams to preventing flooding of the waterway. Water is diverged, blocked, or captured along the waterway to prevent flooding in residential areas. Water is captured in temporary storage devices such as tanks, reservoirs, fabric tube arrays, or available reservoirs, whereafter the collected water can then be analyzed and repurposed after the event. Captured water is tested, treated, and identified. The water can be repurposed or released after the event as necessary. The present method provides a preemptive and long term flood control means for waterways across the country by collecting public source data into a single database, mapping available data points, locating at-risk areas, and coordinating with authorities to divert the water and prepare the local population. 1. A method of determining likely flood locations along a waterway prior to a storm event , comprising the steps of:identifying waterway gauge data sources;importing waterway gauge data from said waterway gauge data sources into an electronic database;homogenizing said waterway gauge data from each waterway gauge data source into a common data output;comparing said common data output from all data;mapping each of said waterway gauge data source locations on a digital map;updating said common data output in real-time on said digital map;importing meteorological data from meteorological data sources;predicting changes in said common data output based on said meteorological data;determining potential flood locations along a waterway based on the step of predicting changes in said common data output based on said meteorological data.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:verifying said map and said locations on said digital map.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:creating an ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002532A1

A method for river/lake level regulation and a water conservancy system. The method for level regulation employs a non-closure mode; a water reservoir system is built on one side of a river/lake, water from the river/lake enters into the reservoir system when the water level of the river/lake exceeds a warning water level, and the river/lake is replenished with the water stored in the reservoir system when the water level of the river/lake is unduly low; the conservancy system, which employs the non-closure mode, is built on one side of a river/lake waterway and includes the water reservoir system and a first water passage, the water reservoir system communicates with the river/lake waterway through the first water passage. The method for river/lake level regulation and the water conservancy system realize river/lake level regulation during drought and flood periods without any river/lake closure, so that water resources are control effectively. 1. A method for regulation of a river/lake level , wherein a non-closure mode is employed , and a water storage system is built on one side of a river/lake , when the river/lake level exceeds a warning water level , water from the river/lake enters into the water storage system , thereby lowering the river/lake level or reducing the rising velocity of the river/lake level; andwhen the river/lake level is unduly low, the river/lake is replenished with the water stored in the water storage system, thereby increasing the river/lake level or reducing the lowering velocity of the river/lake level.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a first water passage is arranged at one side of an embankment of the river/lake to connect the river/lake with the water storage system.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a second water passage is arranged downstream of the first water passage to connect the river/lake with the water storage system.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inlet of the first water passage ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Subsea Device for Sediment Removal

Номер: US20160053453A1
Автор: Jacobsen Tom

Subsea device with vertical axis for removal of sediment, comprising a pump unit which supplies pressurized water to a nozzle assembly and nozzle assembly comprising a central nozzle. The nozzle assembly furthermore comprises at least two additional nozzles directed with an inclination in relation to the central nozzle and arranged angularly symmetric in relation to the vertical axis of the device. 112-. (canceled)13101130404041424111. A subsea device () for removal of sediment with a vertical axis () , comprising a pump unit () for supplying pressurized water to a nozzle assembly () , the nozzle assembly () comprising a central nozzle () and at least two additional nozzles () directed with an inclination in relation to the central nozzle () and arranged angularly symmetric in relation to the vertical axis () of the device.14102011. The subsea device () of claim 13 , comprising a directionally controlling unit () for controlling any rotation around the vertical axis ().151020. The subsea device () of claim 14 , wherein the directionally controlling unit () comprises two substantially horizontally disposed thrusters.161021. The subsea device () of claim 15 , wherein the two thrusters () can be operated in parallel to move the device along a line parallel with the thruster axis.1710404142424142. The subsea device () of claim 13 , wherein the nozzle assembly () comprises a first nozzle () claim 13 , a second nozzle () and a third nozzle () claim 13 , the first nozzle () being oriented straight downwards claim 13 , and the second and third nozzles () being oriented with a substantially downward inclination and in opposite directions from each other.1810404311. The subsea device () of claim 13 , wherein the nozzle assembly () comprises fourth and fifth nozzles () which are oriented with a downward inclination claim 13 , angularly symmetrical relative to each other around the device vertical axis ().191040421142. The subsea device () of claim 18 , wherein the nozzle ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

System and method of water flow quantity equalization

Номер: US20140147211A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of removing water from a water body, such as a stream or river, upstream from an existing authorized stream diversion, while simultaneously, adding water (not native to the watershed), downstream of the new authorized diversion location, in a manner to not change or influence, the flow quantity or availability, historically passing a point downstream of the new location of non-tributary water introduced into the stream or river.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071378A1
Автор: DETERING Michael

In order to meet the objective of providing a device () and a method for a sediment transfer in waters () that works efficiently, a device () comprising at least one suction line () and at least one receiving means () for receiving sediment (), and furthermore, having at least one pressure line () for transferring the received sediment () is proposed. Following the at least one receiving means (), at least one pump device () and at least one measuring device () for determining a sediment concentration of the received sediment () are arranged. The device () further comprises a control unit () having a first interface () for inputting target values () and a second interface () for the at least one measuring device (), and determines a sediment concentration in the at least one suction line () and/or in the at least one pressure line (). Depending on the sediment concentration, a power of the pumping device () is adjustable. 23.-. (canceled)4. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one measuring device is arranged in a conveying direction of the received sediment subsequent to the at least one pumping device.5. Device according to wherein at least one compensator for oscillation suppression or oscillation damping is arranged between the at least one pumping device and the at least one measuring device.6. Device according to wherein the target values are selected from the group consisting of: a set clearing area of the sediment to be transferred claim 1 , conveying times claim 1 , depth indications of the water body and/or limit values of the sediment concentration to be transferred.7. Device according to including at least one sampling point with at least one sampling tap.8. Device according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one sampling point is arranged in the conveying direction of the received sediment subsequent to the at least one measuring device.9. Method for transferring sediment in waters claim 5 , wherein sediment is received from the water by ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Articulated Bed-Mounted Finned-Spar-Buoy Designed for Current Energy Absorption & Dissipation

Номер: US20140161532A1
Принадлежит: Murtech, Inc.

A constrained buoy experiencing vortex-induced, in-line and transverse angular motions and designed to absorb and attenuate the energies of streams, rivers and localized ocean currents is described. Referred to as a Finned-Spar-Buoy (FSB), the buoy design can be considered an exoskeleton, in that vertical fins are externally mounted on a vertical cylindrical float. The fins increase the drag coefficient by enhancing the wake losses. The FSB operates as a single unit or as a component of an array, depending on the application. The FSB can adjust to high-water events caused by tides, storm surges or spring-melting runoffs because the FSB can move axially along a center-staff which is attached to an anchor pole at a pivot point. The buoy-staff system is allowed to rotate in any angular direction from the vertical, still-water orientation of the center-staff. The FSB has a relatively small diameter-to-draft ratio, analytically qualifying the buoy as a slender-body. 1. A method for reducing the energy in a stream or river current , said method comprising:locating a plurality of buoys upstream of an object that is at least partially submerged and exposed to the stream or river current;anchoring said plurality of buoys to a bed in the stream or river; andpermitting said plurality of buoys to pivot about said anchor due to exposure of said plurality of buoys within the stream or river that causes buoy movement and vortex shedding, thereby dissipating energy of the stream or river current.2. The method of wherein said step of locating a plurality of buoys comprises positioning said plurality of buoys transversely of a flow of the stream or river current.3. The method of wherein said object comprises at least one piling that is secured to a bed in the stream or river current.4. The method of wherein said object comprises a submerged sand bar.5. The method of wherein said step of locating a plurality of buoys comprises forming buoys claim 1 , each of which has an elongated ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102441A1
Принадлежит: Applied University Research, Inc.

Discussed are several practical cost-effective refinements, extensions, additions, and improvements to the manufactured three-dimensional convex-concave fairing with attached vortex generators that was disclosed by Simpson et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 8,348,553). Extensions are disclosed for bridge piers and abutments at larger angles of attack of up to 45°, for piers and abutments downstream of a bend in a river where there is large-scale swirling approach flow, and for piers in close proximity to an adjacent pier of abutment. 1. A convex-concave fairing for a hydraulic structure comprising:a piece-wise continuous streamlined fairing surface installed around a perimeter of the hydraulic structure and extending from near the height above a river on the hydraulic structure to a bed of said river surrounding the hydraulic structure, said piece-wise continuous fairing completely enveloping the hydraulic structure and providing a piece-wise continuous faired shape in a direction of flow of the river, wherein the piece-wise continuous streamlined fairing surface comprises a plurality of continuous surfaces that are assembled together to form the piece-wise continuous streamlined fairing surface, and wherein the discontinuity in the piece-wise continuous streamlined fairing surface occurs at the intersection of the plurality of the continuous surfaces;at least one vortex generator attached to the piece-wise continuous fairing surface along a longitudinal distance of a stern to stern dimension of said piece-wise continuous fairing surface, and being proximal to the bed of the river in a flow region void of adverse pressure gradients that would persist downstream of said vortex generator for at least one length of said generator, so as to energize a portion of near wall flow with higher-momentum outer layer flow to produce a steady, compact separation and wake and prevent formation of scouring vortices within river flow.2. A fairing as in claim 1 , wherein; said hydraulic ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Automatic Adjustable Valve

Номер: US20150107697A1
Принадлежит: Hydroplus

A valve that switches between open and closed states includes a pivoting body having a reservoir, at least one filling port for filling the reservoir and at least one port for draining the reservoir, and a counterweight. The valve further includes a first conduit separate from the body, connected to the filling port, and having a water intake located at a higher position than the filling port, whether the valve is open or closed. 19.-. (canceled)10. An adjustable automatic valve that changes between open and closed states and that includes a body that can pivot about a horizontal axis , the body comprising:a reservoir substantially disposed above the horizontal axis,at least one filling orifice enabling entry of water for filling the reservoir and at least one draining orifice for draining the reservoir,a first pipe connected to the filling orifice and having a water intake located higher than the filling orifice whether the valve is open or closed, anda counterweight below the horizontal axis in the closed state of the valve, wherein the first pipe is separate from the body and is connected to the filling orifice when the valve is closed and disconnected therefrom when the valve is opened by pivoting of the body, andthe valve includes a second pipe separate from the body connected to the filling orifice when the valve is open and disconnected therefrom when the valve is closed by pivoting of the body, the second pipe having a water intake lower than the water intake of the first pipe and higher than the horizontal axis.11. The valve of wherein second pipe is connected to the first pipe and permanently connected to the filling orifice by a common section of the first and second pipes whether the valve is closed or open claim 10 , the second pipe having a water intake lower than the water intake of the first pipe.12. The valve of wherein the second pipe is connected to the first pipe so that the filling orifice is fed with water only after the first pipe is fed with ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150110559A1
Автор: JOKELA Jouni

A hydraulic structure having walls () creating a downstream narrowing passage in a streaming surface water. The downstream ends () of the walls () are edged in order to generate vortices () dissolving from the edges () downstream which dissipate the energy of the flow created by a level difference between the entry and the exit of the passage. 1. Hydraulic structure for water flow control in a running surface water , wherein two wall members constitute a water passage effectively narrowing downstream , the ground of the bed of the surface water decreases downstream in the passage , and the downstream end of at least one of the wall members constitutes an edge after which the width of the bed is effectively widened so that the energy of flow of the height difference of the ground between the ground upstream and downstream is dissipated by essentially vertical vortices created at or near the edges.2. The hydraulic structure according to claim 1 , wherein a section thereof comprising the passage is constructed as a minimum energy loss (MEL) structure until the water surface has dropped to the intended level.3. Hydraulic structure according to claim 1 , wherein the wall members are substantially impermeable to water.4. Hydraulic structure according to claim 1 , wherein the wall members are substantially vertically erected with respect to the direction of flow.5. Hydraulic structure according to claim 1 , wherein front surfaces of the wall members which front surfaces create the passage have an about mirror-symmetrical shape with respect to the streaming direction of the surface water.6. Hydraulic structure according to claim 1 , wherein the edge at the downstream end of the wall member has an angle of at least 30° with respect of the main direction of the flow.7. Hydraulic structure according to claim 1 , wherein after the downstream ends of the wall members the bed of the surface water is widened at least up to the width of the entry of the passage.8. Hydraulic ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150143726A1
Автор: Lewis Neal R.

A method and apparatus for selectively removing fine sediments from a water body bottom using a dredging head with one or more intake openings situated to accelerate flows through the interior of the head and across the water body bottom causing fine particles to become suspended in a slurry outflowing from the head for disposal, while coarser, heavier, bottom gravels remain in place. The stream cleaner dredging head includes a main body having at least one intake, at least one plate attachment feature, a discharge point, and an at least partly open bottom; a flow-adjusting plate that is adjustably connected to the at least one plate attachment feature and configured to adjust a fluid flow through the main body from the at least one intake, and a hose attachment connected to the discharge point of the main body. 1. A dredging head for removing sediment from a water body , comprising:a main body having at least one intake, at least one plate attachment feature, a discharge point, and an at least partly open bottom;a flow-adjusting plate adjustably connected to said at least one plate attachment feature, said flow-adjusting plate being configured to adjust a fluid flow through said main body from said at least one intake; anda hose attachment connected to said discharge point of said main body.2. The dredging head of claim 1 , wherein said at least one intake is configured such that a critical shear force is created within said dredging head of sufficient velocity to entrain fine sediments within said dredging head as a fluid flows through said at least one intake claim 1 , while the critical shear force is moderated at said discharge point such that any desirable heavy gravel and cobble do not exit said dredging head.3. The dredging head of claim 1 , wherein said main body includes a front surface where said at least one intake is located claim 1 , a rear surface opposed to said front surface claim 1 , a top surface opposed to said at least partly open bottom claim 1 ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159360A1
Автор: ALBERS Cory, AMELL Bernard

Embodiments deliver sediment-containing inflow to a pond through a low flow inlet, or through the low flow inlet and a high flow inlet. A hydraulic control system uses a flow directing element, such as a basin, manhole or the like, to collect the inflow and a spill control element, such as a weir or a high elevation point within a pipe or channel, to determine when the inflow is delivered entirely through the low flow inlet or is split between the low flow inlet and the high flow inlet. Flow through the low flow inlet is maintained at a minimum sediment-mobilizing velocity to ensure sediment is discharged from the inlet to the pond. The inflow is discharged from the low flow inlet and the high flow inlet at different locations in the pond. 1. A system for directing sediment-containing fluids to a receiving pond comprising:at least one low flow inlet for fluidly connecting to the pond;at least one high flow inlet for fluidly connecting to the pond; and delivering the sediment-containing inflow through the at least one low flow inlet for delivery to the pond, at a minimum sediment-mobilizing velocity for discharging sediment therefrom, when a rate of flow of fluids maintains a water surface elevation at an upstream side of the hydraulic control element at or below a threshold; and', 'when the rate of flow of fluids causes the water surface elevation at the hydraulic control element to rise above the threshold,', 'delivering a balance of the sediment-containing inflow through the at least one high flow inlet for delivery to the pond., 'an hydraulic control system for fluidly connecting between the low flow inlet and the high flow inlet for'}2. The system of wherein the low flow inlet and the high flow inlet discharge to different locations in the pond.3. The system of wherein a diameter of the low flow inlet is smaller relative to the diameter of the high flow inlet for maintaining the minimum sediment-mobilizing velocity.4. The system of wherein the hydraulic control ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189674A1

Installation for combating flooding associated with spates of a waterway, including a mobile barrage, an acceleration station designed to pump water through or under the mobile barrage, from upstream of the mobile barrage to downstream when this barrage is in the active configuration, so as to increase the gradient of the stream upstream of the barrage and increase the flow rate. 1. An installation- for combating flooding associated with spates of a waterway , comprising:a mobile barrage,an acceleration station designed to pump water through or under the mobile barrage, from upstream of the mobile barrage to downstream when this barrage is in the active configuration, so as to increase the gradient of the stream upstream of the barrage and increase the flow rate.2. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the acceleration station comprising at least one pumping unit.311. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the acceleration station comprising at least one screen rake at the inlet to the acceleration station ().4. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the acceleration station being embedded in the bed of the waterway and/or located under the mobile barrage.5. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the acceleration station resting on the foundations anchored in the bed of the waterway and the mobile barrage being supported by the foundations of the acceleration station.6. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the acceleration station having a pumping capacity of at least 105% of the capacity of the non-equipped waterway.7. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the water intake of the acceleration station being at least at 0.5 m from the water level upstream.8. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a means for detecting the level of the waterway upstream of the mobile barrage and the pumping power being adjusted in real time according to at least the detected level.9. The installation as claimed in claim 1 , the mobile barrage being ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161929A1

An asymmetric debris-flow discharge channel is provided. The debris-flow discharge channel has a main drainage channel for discharging a debris flow and an auxiliary channel provided outside of the main drainage channel. The side walls of the auxiliary channel are integrated with the side walls of the main drainage channel or provided outside of the side walls of the main drainage channel. The debris-flow discharge channel also has a break section integrated into a side wall of the auxiliary channel. The top width of the break section is equal to the top width of the auxiliary channel A method for designing and building the asymmetric debris-flow discharge channel is also provided, which provides a lower initial cost, higher safety performance, and a lower maintenance cost at the operating stage. 110-. (canceled)11. An asymmetric debris-flow discharge channel comprising:a main drainage channel for discharging a debris flow according to a predetermined standard, wherein the main drainage channel comprises side walls;an auxiliary channel provided outside of the main drainage channel, wherein the auxiliary channel comprises side walls that are integrated with the side walls of the main drainage channel or provided outside of the side walls of the main drainage channel, wherein the auxiliary channel has a top width defined by the side walls of the auxiliary channel; anda break section integrated into a side wall of the auxiliary channel, wherein the break section has a top width,wherein the top width of the break section is equal to the top width of the auxiliary channel; andwherein the side walls of the auxiliary channel side wall and the break section are made of different building materials selected from a group consisting of masonry, gabions, and concrete.12. The asymmetric debris-flow discharge channel according to claim 11 , wherein the break section has a cross section that is rectangular.13. The asymmetric debris-flow discharge channel according to claim 11 , ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Super Drainage System and Method for Flood Control

Номер: US20190161954A1
Автор: Xuejie Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

A super drainage system and a method for flood control comprise an open channel, a reinforced concrete conduit (RCC) inside the open channel. The RCC has a bottom slab supported on a riverbed, a bank-side wall for retaining bank soils, and a top slab elevated above a predetermined level. The RCC supports a road below the top of river banks for traffic traveling along the river banks during normal weather conditions. The traffic is either on the top slab or on the bottom slab. During extreme weather conditions, traffic is evacuated from the super drainage system and the entire space is available for water conveyance.

21-06-2018 дата публикации

System for aeration and seperation of contaminants from flowing water

Номер: US20180171571A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for aeration and separation of contaminant from flowing water ( 10 ) is disclose wherein a contaminated water travel through up and down flooring ( 6 ) and diverted its path frequently by the means of baffle ( 5 ) to aerate and increase travel distance in particular channel ( 1 ). The sink ( 2 ) between last baffle and partition wall ( 3 ) collect contaminant and sliding mesh( 4 ) above wall( 3 ) collect the plastic, metallic, paper and weed. Water plants ( 8 ) in H block baffle ( 5 ) groove with pebbles & soil( 9 ) removes toxic gases in flowing water( 7 )

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Sediment Control System

Номер: US20200173126A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sediment control system for a contaminated source, comprising an intake system for reversibly diverting flow from the contaminated source to a pipeline extending from the intake system to a plurality of spaced discharge outlets in a low turbulence zone within a water body to minimize mixing of the contaminated source flow with the water body. The source may be a stream, an industrial discharge, a construction site siltation settlement pond, a community storm drain, or a mine tailings source, The water body may be a lake, an ocean, a settlement pond, or a water reservoir.

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Submersible Isolation Enclosure Apparatus

Номер: US20160237634A1
Автор: Higgins Jonathan B.

Submersible isolation enclosure apparatus constructed of flexible, water resistant to water proof fabric or sheeting for enclosing and isolating selected areas of water bottom and water volume from surrounding water with access to the isolated bottom area exposed within a Base Member through one or more closed wall, tubular Access Member(s) connected to the Base Member and accessible from the water surface. Center-radial and perimeter portions of the Base Member fitted with attachment points and one or more tubular, closed wall Sleeve Members to allow for use of floatation, internal supporting rods or piping, and weights, to assist in the movement, positioning, shaping and securing of the apparatus to the selected water bottom area. Flexible fabric and weighting system allows the lower perimeter of the Base Member to conform to bottom structure. 1. A submersible aquatic collapsible enclosure apparatus for removal of contaminants , sediments and detritus from a target area of a water body , or for controlling aquatic fauna and flora within a target area of a water body , comprising:a Base Member enclosure of flexible water resistant to water proof material having an exterior, an interior and an open bottom to contact the target area of the water body, wherein at the open bottom of the Base Member is a perimeter comprising flexible water resistant to water proof material configured into at least one Sleeve Member to receive floatation member, rigid rods or piping for structural support, or weights, to move, shape, position, or hold the Base Member over the target area; andat least one tubular Access Member of flexible water resistant to water proof material connected to the exterior of the Base Member and extending in the direction of the surface of the water body, the tubular Access Member having an exterior and an interior wherein the interior is configured to allow fluids and solids to enter and exit the interior of the Base Member.2. The enclosure apparatus of ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237643A1

Drag dredger, for the extraction and cleaning of sediments in bays, port accesses, navigable channels, docks, watercourses, lakes or reservoirs, equipped with means for excavation, dragging and removal of bottom and means to regulate and support, with a driving force that is made from land, which facilitates the extraction of sediments directly onto land and immediately leaves a flat surface on the sea-bed. This is done by regulating the excavation means as well as the cutting depth very closely and all of this in less time and cost. The above is characterized because it is made up of a frame, equipped with a drag scoop () that can be moved vertically through the use of a hydraulic or mechanical mechanism (), to regulate cutting (drag cutting angle), and also has longitudinal () cross beams () which show crow-foot chains () for the dragging of the dredger. In addition, coupled to the frame are at least four watertight runner systems or means (), to be dragged with a at a cutting angle from a lower blade () located on the lower perimeter edge of the scoop (), these watertight runners () are what prevent it from sinking to the bottom or sinking into the material to be extracted. 11164944. Dredger , for the extraction and cleaning of sediments in bays , port accesses , navigable channels , docks , large waterways , lakes or reservoirs , equipped with means for excavation , dragging and removal of bottom and means to regulate and support , with a driving force that is made from land and does not from a vessel on the water surface , which facilitates the extraction of sediments directly onto land and immediately leaves a flat surface on the sea-bed. This is done by regulating the excavation means as well as the very approximate cutting depth and all of this in less time and cost , in addition to generating low environmental impact , CHARACTERIZED because it is made up of a drag shovel () equipped with a blade in the lower perimeter or area of such shovel () , with ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160244926A1

This invention relates to hydraulic engineering construction and can be used for deposit cleanup of river beds and channels. The object of the invention is to expand the arsenal of usable means for deposit cleanup and deepening of river beds, develop a method and create a device that uses the speed of the river current in the most effective way. The technical result of the claimed method is simplification and optimization of one existing method for cleanup of river beds and channels, increasing its functionality. The proposed method implements a movable water flow-restricting device with flow-guiding elements that creates a concentrated stream and directs it to a washout zone, bound by side walls, roof and washout surface. 1. A method for deepening river beds , comprising:a movable water flow-restricting device with flow-guiding elements that creates a concentrated stream and directs it to a washout zone, bound by side walls, a top plate, and a washout surface, and impacting hard bar portions with an activation device,characterized by maximally confining the washout zone from external environment by way of pressing the flow-restricting device to a bottom with an ability of the side walls to copy the bottom terrain within a range of specified depths, the stream of water is directed to the washout zone, bound by the side walls, the top plate which is gradually sloped into the washout zone, and the Washout surface, with a washout front and an outlet of washout mixture being directed at an angle to a direction of a stream movement and to a side,wherein a main flow cross-section is gradually decreased from the entrance of the restricting device to the outlet.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the activation device loosens hard parts of the washout surface by a spinning rotor with a serrated working surface.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the washout mixture is placed curbside along a trajectory of a motion of the flow-restricting device.4. The ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140338233A1
Автор: ALBERS Cory, AMELL Bernard

Apparatus for extended-reach remediation of a pond by removal of pumpable materials such as deposited sediment has a base and a rotatable multi-articulated boom to which a pump is connected at the distal end. The boom has a reach which exceeds the reach of conventional remediation apparatus and may be as long as 50 m or greater for reaching over obstacles between the base and the pond. The base can be stationary or it can be mobile or self-propelled for repositioning the apparatus about the perimeter of the water body or to platforms which are built within the pond and accessible by accessways when the pond is filled with water. The pump is lightweight so as not to affect the overall apparatus stability when the boom is fully extended. Geo-locating apparatus assists with mapping the remediation operation. Further, additional accessories can be connected to the end of the boom, such as fluid jets for controlling the fluid properties of the pumpable materials and a blender for shredding vegetation or other non-pumpable materials to render them pumpable. 1. Apparatus for extended reach remediation of a water body comprising:a base;a multi-articulated, extendable boom extending from a distal end to a proximal end rotatably secured to the base;a fluid conveyance conduit secured to the extendable boom and extending therealong between the distal end and proximal end of the boom; anda slurry-capable pump supported at the distal end of the boom, the pump having a pump outlet fluidly connected to a distal end of the fluid conveyance conduit, the pump receiving pumpable material at a pump intake and pumping the pumpable material through the fluid conveyance conduit to a proximal discharge end of the conduit for discharge therefrom.2. The apparatus of wherein the multi-articulated boom comprises a plurality of boom segments hingedly connected therebetween claim 1 , a maximum reach of a distal end of the boom being determined by a length of each of the plurality of segments.3. ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150259868A1
Автор: JR. Webster, Pierce

A transportable wave suppressor and sediment collection (WSSC) system positionable in deep water along a coastline of a body of water, having a plurality of sections, each section further including a base portion having an upper floor portion, a forward wall, rear wall and two sidewalls and an open bottom end portion for being positioned on a floor of the body of water; at least a pair of raised elongated members positioned on the upper surface of the upper floor of the base; an upper portion to be secured to the base portion, the upper section having a angulated front wall to receive the flow of water through a plurality of flow pipes as the water engages each section; at least a pair of elongated openings in the upper portion for receiving the raised elongated members positioned on the upper surface of the upper wall of the base to define a means for securing the base to the upper portion. There is further provided a one way valving element positioned on the rear end of each flow pipe, for allowing water containing sediments to exit the pipe at the rear wall, but preventing the water and sediments from returning through the flow pipe; and a spacer portion to be positioned intermediate the base portion and upper portion, the spacer portion including a plurality of flow pipes to allow water carrying sediment to the rear of the section. 1. A wave suppressor and sediment collection system , comprising one or more sections , each of the one or more sections further comprising:a. a forward wall, a rear wall, and two sidewalls;b. a plurality of flow bores positioned between the forward and rear walls, the plurality of flow bores each having an entrance proximate to the forward wall for receiving water and sediment flow therethrough; andc. a plurality of shelves extending out from the forward wall and positioned below the plurality of flow bores to facilitate the capture of water and sediment at the flow bore entrances.2. The system in claim 1 , wherein each section ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242091A1

A water conserving silt discharging device includes a moving bottom plate. A first material conveying water pump, a stirring box, a filler box and a compression box are sequentially arranged on an upper portion of the moving bottom plate. And a roller mechanism is arranged on each of four diagonal portions of a lower portion of the moving bottom palate. A controller, an infrared sensor and a high-definition camera assembly are arranged on the upper portion of the moving bottom plate. The first material conveying water pump conveys silt material to the stirring box through a convey pipe. A jitter mechanism assembly is arranged at a bottom portion of the stirring box to generate jittering. The jitter mechanism assembly comprises a plurality of identically shaking spring bodies and a driving cylinder arranged on the shaking spring bodies. 1. A water conserving silt discharging device , comprisinga moving bottom plate;wherein a first material conveying water pump, a stirring box, a filter box and a compression box are sequentially arranged on an upper portion of the moving bottom plate, a roller mechanism is arranged on each of four diagonal portions of a lower portion of the moving bottom palate;wherein a controller, an infrared sensor, and a high-definition camera assembly are arranged on the upper portion of the moving bottom plate; the first material conveying water pump conveys silt material to the stirring box through a convey pipe; a rotating shaft, a plurality of blades connected with the rotating shaft and a first driving motor driving the rotating shaft to rotate are arranged in the stirring box; an aeration mechanism assembly is arranged at a bottom portion of the stirring box; the controller is electrically connected with the first material conveying water pump, the infrared sensor, the high-definition camera assembly, the first driving motor and the aeration mechanism assembly; a jitter mechanism assembly is arranged at the bottom portion of the stirring ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160265178A1
Автор: Rasmussen Jon Erik

A dynamic fluid flow control structure is provided that allows precise control over fluid flow using a series of two or more orifices, at least one of which may be reconfigured to change its flow characteristics. A flood control system and a flood control process are provided that emulate a preset discharge profile over time. Some versions of the structure, process, and system can be used to provide controlled storm discharge patterns in a developed area that emulate the natural pre-development discharge patterns. 1. A process for controlling discharge from a body of water during a storm event , the process comprising:(a) receiving a rainfall measurement from an automated rain gauge;(b) reading a storm discharge function from a machine-readable storage device, wherein the storm discharge function sets a rate of volumetric discharge as a function of rainfall rate;(c) computing a target rate of volumetric discharge by plugging a rainfall rate value into the function; and(d) configuring a flow control structure to provide approximately the target rate of volumetric discharge from the body, of water.2. The process of comprising receiving a water level measurement from an automated water level gauge indicating the start of a storm event prior to steps (a)-(d).3. The process of comprising selecting the storm discharge function that corresponds to a measurement of storm severity.4. The process of comprising selecting the storm discharge function that corresponds to a measurement of storm severity selected from the group consisting of rainfall rate and water level change rate.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the function is a nonlinear function.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the function sets a rate of volumetric discharge at a given rainfall rate that approximates the pre-developmental rate of volumetric discharge at the given rainfall rate.7. The process of comprising:(a) receiving a second rainfall measurement that indicates an increase in storm severity above a ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Dredging

Номер: US20180266072A1

The invention relates to a dredging method for dredging a navigation channel for guaranteeing a nautical depth of a navigation channel. The method comprises performing agitation for mobilizing sediment and displacing the mobilized sediment to a collector which is embedded in the bottom of the navigation channel, the collector being a trench in the navigation channel wherein the trench has, when not being filled with sediment, a bottom level positioned substantially deeper than the nautical depth of the navigation channel. The method also comprises, in a step different from said performing agitation dredging, after solidification of the sediment collected in the collector, removing the solidified sediment from the collector so that the collector again has a bottom level positioned substantially deeper than the nautical depth of the navigation channel. 130-. (canceled)31. A method for dredging a navigation channel for guaranteeing a nautical depth of a navigation channel , the method comprisingperforming agitation for mobilizing sediment and displacing the mobilized sediment to a collector which is embedded in the bottom of the navigation channel, the collector being a trench in the navigation channel wherein the trench has, when not being filled with sediment, a bottom level positioned substantially deeper than the nautical depth of the navigation channel,in a step different from said performing agitation dredging, after solidification of the sediment collected in the collector, removing the solidified sediment from the collector so that the collector again has a bottom level positioned substantially deeper than the nautical depth of the navigation channel.32. A method according to claim 31 , wherein said displacing the mobilized sediment is performed by water injection.33. A method according to claim 31 , wherein said displacing the mobilized sediment is performed by plough dredging.34. A method according to claim 31 , wherein claim 31 , prior to said agitation ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180275686A1

A method and apparatus for stabilizing gas/liquid flow in a vertical conduit by utilizing one or more flow stabilizing devices positioned inside the conduit along a structural support tube. The flow stabilizing devices are configured and dimensioned to accelerate the velocity of the flowing two-phase fluid mixture in the conduit to sustain upward liquid flow. 1. A vertical production tubing for conveying a flowing two-phase fluid mixture , comprising of gas-liquid fluids , the tubing having an inner surface and upstream and downstream ends , the tubing comprising:one or more flow stabilizing devices positioned in the tubing along a structural support tube,the one or more flow stabilizing devices configured and dimensioned to accelerate the velocity of the flowing two-phase fluid mixture in the tubing to sustain upward liquid flow,wherein at least one of the one or more flow stabilizing devices includes:a first portion facing upstream, wherein the distal end of the first portion forms a first apex that faces upstream;a second portion facing downstream, wherein the distal end of the second portion form a second apex that faces downstream;a passageway extending from the first apex through the second apex;the structural support tube attached directly to the second apex and extending axially from the second apex, wherein the structural support tube is disposed entirely within the tube; andwherein each of the flow stabilizing devices is dimensioned and configured so that the exterior surface of the flow stabilizing device does not touch the adjacent inner wall of the tubing, wherein the exterior surface of the first portion forms a solid surface that is configured to block and deflect the path of the flowing two-phase fluid mixture; wherein a first portion of the mixture flows through the passageway; and wherein a second portion of the mixture flows around the flow stabilizing device.2. The vertical production tubing of comprising a plurality of flow stabilizing devices ...

23-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210395968A1

The present invention provides a low-energy coastal beach restoration method, comprising: constructing a convex beach berm, determining an aspect ratio of the beach berm edge, determining a beach face slope, performing sand replenishment, determining the dredging zone and dredging depth, and determining the steps of building a sediment groin. The present invention utilizes the feature of the convergence effect of the wave energy on the headland, artificially constructs a convex headland shaped beach berm, and determines the required beach face range and slope according to the convex beach berm edge. During beach restoration, dredging around the beach face, while reducing mud sources and increasing the nearshore water depth, it also builds a convex nearshore terrain, which effectively increases the wave energy at the restoration site and improves the coast muddy situation of low-energy coasts. 1. A low-energy coastal beach restoration method comprising:(a) constructing a convex beach berm edge, comprising determining a trend direction and an aspect ratio of the beach berm edge to be restored according to a shape and a direction of an original coastline and a main wave direction of an adjacent sea area;(b) determining a beach face slope and performing sand replenishment, comprising determining a beach face and the beach face slope outside the beach berm edge, determining a sand replenishment area based on the beach face and beach face slope, and(c) performing sand replenishment.2. The low-energy coastal beach restoration method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , in the step of constructing a convex beach berm edge claim 1 , a line connecting two end points of the beach berm edge is perpendicular to the main wave direction claim 1 , and an angle between the normal direction of the beach berm edge and the main wave direction is less than 10°.3. The low-energy coastal beach restoration method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , in ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150299972A1
Автор: Clark James Edward

An apparatus for water level management in bodies of water is provided herein. Further, a method of controlling beaver infestation in bodies of water is also provided. 1. A water level management apparatus that does not attract beavers , comprising: i. one of said apertures adapted to be located below a surface of a water body,', "wherein said cylindrical water diverter is adapted to divert water from a water body's surface and cause said water to enter the water level management apparatus from below the surface of said water body through the cylindrical water diverter's aperture located below the water body's surface;", 'ii. one of said apertures adapted to be located above a surface of a water body,'}], 'a. a cylindrical water diverter comprising two apertures;'} "wherein the cylindrical water diverter is attached to said baffle by an attachment means, said attachment means adapted to span the diameter of the cylindrical water diverter's aperture located above the water body's surface; and", 'b. a baffle;'} "wherein said riser is attached to the baffle distally to the baffle's point of attachment to the cylindrical water diverter's aperture located above the water body's surface, such that said baffle is positioned on the top of the riser and the cylindrical water diverter is positioned on top of said baffle.", 'c. a riser;'}2. The water level management apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:d. a support base.3. The water level management apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:d. a discharge pipe.4. The water level management apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:d. a support base; ande. a discharge pipe.5. The water level management apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the attachment means for attaching the cylindrical water diverter to said baffle is cross support bars.6. The water level management apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical water diverter is made of metal.7. The water level management apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical water ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277747A1

A system for flood water or water flow mitigation includes at least one aqueduct or drain having a first section linking a river, lake, reservoir, water retention pond or dam to another section linked to another lake, reservoir, storage tank or sea, characterized in that the first section are positioned at higher than the other section, and the aqueducts or drains are configured to be placed above ground level or extend upward from sides of river or existing drain, such that invert levels of the aqueducts or drains are higher than sea levels during high tide flooding or sea level increases. 1. A system for flood water or water flow mitigation , comprising:at least one aqueduct or drain supported by at least one pillar and pier, wherein the aqueduct having a first section that is linked to a river, lake, reservoir, water retention pond or dam to and another section that is linked to a storage tank or sea, in which the aqueducts or drains are elevated above ground level using bridge-like structures,wherein the first section is positioned at higher elevation than the other section, and the other section is elevated higher than sea levels during high tide or flooding, such that the aqueduct is extended along a path of an existing river or channel at an elevated level above-ground of the aqueduct holds the water to a certain flow and depth for use of water-based recreational activity, and transportation within the aqueduct.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the water flow and depth of the aqueduct are such that at least one vessels or boats navigable for boating transport and recreational activity.3. (canceled)4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueducts or drains are constructed along or across a river claim 1 , lake claim 1 , reservoir claim 1 , or water retention pound claim 1 , or existing drain.5. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising additional aqueducts or drains extend from sides of the river claim 1 , lake claim 1 , ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170298585A1
Принадлежит: RiverRestoration.org, LLC

Aspects of the present disclosure involve hydraulic systems and methods for altering a flow of a body of water, such as a river, channel, and/or other flowing or uncontained bodies of water. In one aspect, a hydraulic system provides a velocity barrier for the impedance of aquatic organism migration. More particularly, the velocity barrier may be adapted based on the swimming capabilities of one or more aquatic organisms to impede migration. The aquatic organism may be one or more species of fish, such as species sea lamprey (). The example implementations shown and described herein reference the restriction of the sea lamprey. However, it will be appreciated that other aquatic organisms could be restricted by the presently disclosed technology, for example, with different hydraulic targets depending on swimming capabilities. 1. A barrier system for prevention of migration of an aquatic species , the system comprising: 'an approach surface extending at least partially perpendicular to a direction of water flow in a body of water, the approach surface vertically contracting a volume of water flow in the body of water, the body of water comprising an upstream portion and a downstream portion; and', 'one or more adjustable barrier sills comprising 'an elongated wall with a downstream end and an upstream nose end, the upstream nose end extending away from the adjacent at least one of the one or more adjustable barrier sills to funnel the water flow over the at least one of the one or more adjustable barrier sills.', 'a plurality of flow guide structures adjacent to at least one of the one or more adjustable barrier sills to horizontally contract the volume of water flow in the body of water, each of the plurality of flow guide structures comprising2. The barrier system of wherein the one or more adjustable barrier sills further comprise a sloping runoff component connected to the approach surface to vertically expand the volume of water flow in the body of water as the ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170314219A1
Автор: Bartelt Dietrich

A method is provided for the artificial erosion of dammed bodies of water, wherein an average grain size distribution of sediments in the dammed body of water is determined across the ground surface of the dammed body of water. A sediment requirement for downstream water is determined, and as a result, at least one displacement of the sediments in the dammed body of water into the downstream water takes place in accordance with the sediment requirements for the downstream water. Advantageously, requirements regarding at least the quantity and grain size of the sediment for the downstream water are determined. 1. A method for artificially eroding dammed bodies of water comprising the steps of:distributing an average grain sizes of sediments of the dammed body of water over a ground surface of the dammed body of water;determining a sediment requirement for a downstream water; andascertaining the sediment requirement of the downstream water, at least one displacement of the sediments of the dammed body of water into the downstream water takes place.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising of a removal and/or accumulation of the sediments of the dammed body of water takes place in regions of the dammed body of water that have an average approximate grain size claim 1 , corresponding to the sediment requirements of the downstream water.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising of the downstream water and/or the dammed body of water are limnologically monitored.4. The method according to claim 3 , comprising the sediment requirements of the downstream water are determined by means of measurement data from the limnological monitoring.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprising of the displacement of the sediments is controlled via a control circuit.6. The method according to claim 1 , comprising of the displacement of the sediments is controlled.7. The method according to claim 1 , comprising of the removal and/or accumulation takes place by means of at ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Method for regulating and controlling discharge flow of dammed lake

Номер: US20200308788A1

A method for regulating and controlling discharge flow of a dammed lake includes steps of: (S1) estimating a most dangerous discharge condition; (S2) based on the most dangerous discharge condition, calculating a structural internal force of the steel flexible net; (S3) based on the internal force of the steel flexible net, calculating an anti-slide embedded depth at two sides of the steel flexible net; (S4) based on the most dangerous discharge condition, manually excavating a channel; and (S5) based on the anti-slide embedded depth at the two sides of the steel flexible net, embedding the steel flexible net into a barrier dam. According to the present invention, the steel flexible net is laid on the upstream slope of the barrier dam, two sides of the steel flexible net is embedded into the slope body with gravels of the barrier dam, and cooperates with the channel for usage. 1. A method for regulating and controlling discharge flow of a dammed lake with a steel flexible net , which comprises steps of:(S1) estimating a most dangerous discharge condition;(S2) based on the most dangerous discharge condition, calculating a structural internal force of the steel flexible net;(S3) based on the structural internal force of the steel flexible net, calculating an anti-slide embedded depth at two sides of the steel flexible net;(S4) based on the most dangerous discharge condition, manually excavating a channel; and(S5) based on the anti-slide embedded depth at the two sides of the steel flexible net, embedding the steel flexible net into a barrier dam.2. The method claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein: the step of (S1) comprises claim 1 , in an absence of the steel flexible net claim 1 , calculating a flood peak discharge when a barrier dam discharges claim 1 , a cross section of the channel corresponding to the flood peak discharge claim 1 , and a maximum cross section when the discharge diminishes.3. The method claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein: the step of ( ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150337511A1

Novel streamwater remediation systems and processes are presented. The disclosed systems involve design and placement of geometric volumes of porous media of variable hydraulic conductivity within the streambed to enhance hyporheic exchange (exchange of water from the stream or constructed urban waterway compartment to the porous media, or streambed, compartment). The disclosed systems may help improve water quality in various ways, for example through the removal of contaminants from water as it passes through the streambed. In some embodiments, contaminant removal is achieved by microbes and/or reactive geomedia incorporated into the streambed structures. By pairing hydrologic/flow structures with bacteria or reactive geomedia, diverse contaminants such as metals, nutrients, organics, pathogens, and more can be sorbed, deactivated, assimilated, transformed to harmless chemicals, and otherwise removed from the water. Because the structures are designed to return water to the stream after treatment, the stream water quality is improved by the structures. 1. An engineered streambed module for positioning below a stream surface comprising:an upstream block of low hydraulic conductivity material;a downstream block of low hydraulic conductivity material; andat least one intermediate block positioned between the upstream bock and the downstream block, wherein the upstream blocks have a hydraulic conductivity less than the hydraulic conductivity of a native streambed, intended to receive the module, and the intermediate block comprising native streambed and/or at least one material with a hydraulic conductivity that is similar to or greater than that of the native streambed.2. The engineered streambed module of claim 1 , comprising a bottom layer in contact with the upstream and the downstream blocks and at least one intermediate block.3. The engineered streambed module of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate block comprises at least one geomedia selected from iron filings ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Methods of marsh restoration via resuspension of sediment

Номер: US20150345091A1
Автор: James Morris

Methods for restoring tidal areas adjacent to a tidal water area are provided. The method can comprise: pumping water from the tidal water area; and directing a high-pressure water stream, using the water pumped from the tidal water area, to the bottom surface of the tidal water area during an incoming tide period. The high-pressure water stream impacts the bottom surface of the tidal water area with sufficient force to dislodge sediment from the bottom surface into the tidal water area.

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180355570A1
Автор: WALDING Daniel

A method of improving surf conditions above a seabed is provided. The seabed is at least partly formed of unrestrained sediment. The method includes moving some of the sediment to form a formation of unrestrained sediment. A grooming device is provided for improving surf conditions above a seabed. The device is movable in a direction of travel along the seabed and includes an outlet and an arrangement. The outlet is for directing, in a direction transverse to the direction of travel, a stream of water to move some of the sediment. The arrangement is for engaging the seabed to resist force resultant from the directing the stream of water. 116-. (canceled)17. A method of improving surf conditions above a seabed , the seabed being at least partly formed of unrestrained sediment;the method comprising: moving some of the sediment to form a formation of unrestrained sediment; andthe moving including directing a stream of water towards a portion of the seabed from which sediment is to be removed.18. The method of wherein the moving is in accordance with a plan selected to improve surf conditions.19. The method of wherein the plan is based on at least one of:anticipated swell intensity;anticipated swell angle; anda target surfer preference.20. The method of wherein one or more portions of the formation claim 17 , in plan claim 17 , each run transversely to an anticipated swell angle.21. The method of wherein the portions claim 20 , in plan claim 20 , each run at a respective included angle claim 20 , to the anticipated swell angle claim 20 , in the range of 30° to 60° inclusive.22. The method of wherein the formation has claim 20 , in plan claim 20 , a zigzag profile made up of a plurality of the portions.23. The method of including operating a propulsion device of a vessel to create the stream of water.24. The method of wherein the propulsion device is a jet.25. The method of wherein the vessel is a personal watercraft.26. The method of wherein the moving includes the ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160376181A1

An in-situ purification island structure and the construction method thereof, which refers to the field of sewage treatment technology. The in-situ purification island structure comprises the upstream purification island main body and the downstream purification island main body, in which the upstream purification island main body comprises the first base backfill layer, the first lower layer, the first hydrophobic layer, the first penetrating water layer and the first upper layer. The first ecological bags are set around the surface of the first base backfill layer. The first lower layer has center formed with a lower filling layer. The first hydrophobic layer has center formed with a hydrophobic filling layer. It has a good natural purifying effect on the sewage, saves the investment and cost, no limitation on the applications, the capacity and efficiency of the purifying is high, and saves the resource. 11211112131415. An in-situ purification island structure , characterized in that the structure comprises an upstream purification island main body () located on the upstream of a river and a downstream purification island main body () located on the downstream of the river; said upstream purification island main body ()comprises a first base backfill layer () , a first lower layer () , a first hydrophobic layer () , a first penetrating water layer () , and a first upper layer ();{'b': 11', '12', '11', '13', '12', '14', '13', '15', '14', '111', '11', '12', '121', '13', '131', '14', '141', '11', '121', '131', '141', '14', '15', '112', '1121', '15', '151', '2', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '21', '22', '21', '23', '22', '24', '23', '25', '24', '211', '21', '24', '25', '212', '25', '251, 'the first base backfill layer () is set on upper riverbed and parallel to horizontal plane of river water level. The first lower layer () is located on upper part of first backfill layer (); the first hydrophobic layer () is located on the upper part of the first lower layer (); the ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Dredging tube system

Номер: US20180363262A1
Автор: Kuo-Chang Huang
Принадлежит: Individual

A dredging tube system includes a tube unit and a plurality of spaced-apart sediment-trapping units. The tube unit includes a tube structure that has an inner surrounding surface surrounding a longitudinal axis. The sediment-trapping units are mounted fixedly on the inner surrounding surface and are arranged along the longitudinal axis. Each of the sediment-trapping units includes a plurality of sediment-trapping members that cooperatively form an annular ring structure. Each of the sediment-trapping members has an abutment portion that has a curved outer surface entirely abutting against the inner surrounding surface of the tube structure, and a projecting portion that extends radially and inwardly from the abutment portion.

14-05-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для защиты гидротехнических и мостовых сооружений от плавающих деревьев

Номер: RU2016144589A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2016 144 589 A (51) МПК E02B 3/02 (2006.01) E02B 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016144589, 14.11.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.11.2016 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 14.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Устройство для защиты гидротехнических и мостовых сооружений от плавающих деревьев, включающее продольную железобетонную балку, на которой устроены крестообразные железобетонные балки, отличающееся тем, что в основании крестообразной балки выполнены тавровые балки. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что при устройстве крестообразных железобетонных балок на сыпучих, аллювиальных и илистых грунтах в основании тавровой балки выполнены металлические стержни. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 6 1 4 4 5 8 9 A (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ГИДРОТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ И МОСТОВЫХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ ОТ ПЛАВАЮЩИХ ДЕРЕВЬЕВ 2 0 1 6 1 4 4 5 8 9 (72) Автор(ы): Анохин Александр Михайлович (RU), Бандурин Михаил Александрович (RU), Чугаева Ольга Викторовна (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 346428, Ростовская обл., г. Новочеркасск, ул. Пушкинская, 111, Новочеркасский инженерномелиоративный институт имени А.К. Кортунова ФГБОУ ВО "Донской государственный аграрный университет" (НИМИ ДГАУ), проф. А.М. Анохину (71) Заявитель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ "ДОНСКОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ" (RU)

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Device for protection of hydrotechnical and bridge structures from floating trees

Номер: RU2664835C2

FIELD: construction. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of hydrotechnical and environmental construction, hydrology, bridge construction and can be used to protect hydrotechnical, ship-lifting and bridge structures, prevention of emergencies and possible flooding of adjacent areas due to overlapping culverts and apertures by floating trees, driftwood and bushes. Device for protecting hydrotechnical and bridge structures from floating trees includes a longitudinal reinforced concrete beam, on which cross-shaped reinforced concrete beams 2 are arranged. At the base of the cross-shaped reinforced concrete beam 2, T-beams 3 are made. When the cross-shaped reinforced concrete beams 2 are applied to loose, alluvial and silty soils, at the base of the t-beam 3 metal rods are made. EFFECT: proposed device will provide trouble-free operation of hydrotechnical and bridge structures, exclude the emergence of emergency situations. 1 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 664 835 C2 (51) МПК E02B 3/02 (2006.01) E02B 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02B 3/02 (2018.01); E02B 3/04 (2018.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016144589, 14.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 23.08.2018 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 14.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 2 6 6 4 8 3 5 R U Адрес для переписки: 346428, Ростовская обл., г. Новочеркасск, ул. Пушкинская, 111, Новочеркасский инженерномелиоративный институт имени А.К. Кортунова ФГБОУ ВО "Донской государственный аграрный университет" (НИМИ ДГАУ), проф. А.М. Анохину (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2560616 C2, 20.08.2015. RU 2533912 C1, 27.11.2014. SU 61897 A1, 01.01.1942. KR 100971378 B1, 21.07.2010. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ГИДРОТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ И МОСТОВЫХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ ОТ ПЛАВАЮЩИХ ДЕРЕВЬЕВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области железобетонную балку, на которой устроены гидротехнического и природоохранного ...

27-04-2006 дата публикации

Various function of eco-ripple using fabric form and method for constructing the same

Номер: KR100574741B1

본 발명은 다목적 생태여울시스템에 관한 것으로서, 생태 환경이 악화된 하천의 수질을 정화시키고, 생물의 이동통로를 확보하며, 여울 또는 웅덩이 등의 생물체의 서식공간을 확보하고, 수변경관 및 수변접근성을 향상시키고, 생태계의 연속성을 유지시키는 토목섬유대를 이용한 다목적 생태여울시스템을 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. The present invention relates to a multipurpose ecological stream system, which purifies the water quality of a stream deteriorated in an ecological environment, secures a passage for living organisms, secures a habitat for living things such as a stream or a pond, and provides a water change pipe and waterside accessibility. Its purpose is to provide a multipurpose ecological wellness system using geotextiles to improve and maintain the continuity of the ecosystem. 상기와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 발명은 하천의 양측에 침식을 방지하도록 시공된 양안을 연결하며 잡석 또는 자갈등으로 형성되는 둑; 상기 둑의 침식을 막을 수 있도록 토목섬유대를 채워 이루어진 둑 사면; 상기 둑의 사면의 하류부를 덮는 잡석 또는 사석으로 이루어진 덮음재; 상기 둑에서 소정 거리 떨어진 하류에 언덕으로 형성되는 모래섬, 모래톱 등의 퇴적층; 상기 둑 상류의 소류지; 및 상기 둑과 퇴적층 사이에 상류의 소류지의 물이 흘러들어 형성되는 웅덩이를 조성하는 다목적이고 생태적인 토목섬유대를 이용한 다목적 생태여울시스템을 제공한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention connects both eyes constructed to prevent erosion on both sides of the river banks formed by rubble or gravel; A bank slope formed by filling a geotextile band to prevent erosion of the bank; Covering material consisting of rubble or sandstone covering the downstream portion of the slope of the bank; Sedimentary layers, such as sand islands and sandbars, which are formed as hills downstream from the bank; Upstream of the bank; And a multi-purpose ecological fox system using a multi-purpose ecological geosynthetic fiber band forming a puddle formed by flowing water from an upstream stream between the bank and the sedimentary layer. 또한, 본 발명은 하천의 형상과 물의 유수현황 등을 종합적으로 검토하여 위치를 선정하고 하상을 굴착하여 시설기초를 조성하는 기초조성단계; 하상토의 유출을 방지하는 필터를 깔고 잡석이나 막자갈을 이용하여 둑을 형성하는 둑 조성단계; 홍수시 침식을 방지하기 위하여 둑의 양안을 상 하류 안전거리 만큼 호안 조성하는 호안 조성단계; 상기 둑에 두겹의 토목섬유대로 직조된 섬유포를 포설하고 상류를 말뚝이나 사석등으로 고정한 후, 토목섬유대 내부에 콘크리트, 모르터 또는 자연환경생태주입재를 주입하여 둑의 사면을 형성하는 사면조성단계; 상기 사면으로 둘러쌓인 둑의 구조적 안정성을 보강하기 위하여 말뚝을 박는 말뚝을 박는 말뚝 ...

08-04-2008 дата публикации

A river pollutant removing equipment

Номер: KR100819548B1
Автор: 박석주
Принадлежит: 주식회사 동성엔지니어링

A river sediment removing apparatus is provided to clear sediment stacked on a riverbed, to clean the river, and to keep a river ecosystem clean by installing a sediment transport unit along a bank and directing the sediment to the outside. A river sediment removing apparatus comprises a bank(10), a pollutant transport unit(20), and anti flotation covers(30). The bank has a horizontal part(11), a vertical part(12) vertically formed on the horizontal part, and a front end part(13) fixed in the bottom of the river. The sediment transport unit includes a foundation block(21) having a mounting groove(21a) and a through hole(21b), a casing(22) inserted in the foundation block, a transport screw for moving the sediment inserted in the casing to a discharging part, a discharging pipe(24) for discharging the sediment moved by a transport screw to the outside, and a rock filtration cover for covering the transport screw. The anti flotation covers are fixed at the horizontal part by anchors.

08-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN112922069B
Автор: 庞婷婷, 郑喜连
Принадлежит: Hunan Jiji Technology Co ltd


02-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN105839585B
Автор: 崔建中
Принадлежит: 崔建中


02-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN105887752B
Автор: 张俊, 胡伟, 陈煜权


03-11-2011 дата публикации

Ecological lake device for making fishes' passageway using a airlift

Номер: KR101079825B1
Принадлежит: 한국건설기술연구원

에어리프트를 이용한 어도 조성용 생태호소 장치은 하천보다 상대적으로 높은 위치에 위치하고 에어리프트에 의해 하천과 연결되며 유수 내의 이물질을 침전시키는 저장수조와, 저장수조와 연결되어 유수를 정화시키는 정화수조와, 정화수조와 연결되어 다단계로 낮은 위치에 형성되는 일반호소를 포함한다. 이와 같이 구성되는 에어리프트를 이용한 어도 조성용 생태호소 장치에 의하면, 에어리프트를 이용하여 호소 내의 유수가 하류로 원활하게 흐르도록 하여 호소의 생태환경을 양호하게 하고, 다단계의 정화층을 통해 유수를 정화하여 호소 내의 수질을 개선하며, 에어리프트를 이용하여 수중생물을 이동시키므로 어도를 형성하므로 자연친화적인 이점이 있다. The ecological appeal device for airway construction using airlift is located at a relatively higher position than the river and is connected to the river by airlift, and the storage tank for sedimenting foreign substances in the flowing water, the purification tank for purifying the water by connecting with the storage tank, and the purification tank It includes a general appeal that is formed at a lower position in multiple stages in connection with the. According to the ecological appeal device for forming an airway using the airlift configured as described above, the flow of water in the appeal flows smoothly downstream by using the airlift to improve the ecological environment of the appeal and purify the water through the multi-stage purification layer. It improves the water quality in the appeal, and because it moves the aquatic organisms by using the air lift to form a fish has a natural friendly advantage. 어도 조성용 생태호소, 에어리프트, 정화호소, 기능성 처리층 Eco-Friendly Lake, Air Lift, Purification Lake, Functional Treatment Layer

08-06-2018 дата публикации

The sealing structure of the rectangular mud door of dredger

Номер: CN108130932A
Автор: 郭飞军
Принадлежит: Zhejiang International Maritime College


23-01-2014 дата публикации

Curage removal structure in lake of natural symbiosis

Номер: KR101343977B1
Принадлежит: 한국건설기술연구원

본 발명은 자연공생호소에서의 준설토 제거 구조체에 관한 것으로서 자연공생호소 내 수로의 설치를 통해 어류 은신처 및 대피로 조성 및 준설토와 오염토사물질의 효율적인 제거 및 관리가 가능하도록, 설치되는 수로가 호소바닥에 시공되며, 배수시 바닥에 쌓여있는 준설토와 같은 오염물질을 쉽게 한곳으로 모일 수 있는 구조를 포함하며, 수로와 함께 설치하는 둠벙이 어류의 은신처 형성이 되며 이는 갈수기 시 어류가 생존할 수 있는 공간을 제공한다. 이와 같이 구성되는 자연공생 호소에서의 준설토 제거구조체에 의하면, 둠벙을 이용하여 수생생태계가 파괴되지 않고 공사활동이 가능하고, 펌프를 이용해 배수작업 후 살수차를 이용하여 토사를 한곳으로 모아 적재하여 외부로 처리하면 되므로 인위적인 호수공간의 준설이나 고가의 공사비가 필요하지 않는 이점이 있다. The present invention relates to a structure for removing dredged soil in a natural symbiotic lake. The installation of a channel for installing a hideout and evacuation route and efficient removal and management of dredged soil and contaminated soil material through the installation of a channel in a natural symbiotic lake It is constructed on the ground, and includes a structure that can easily collect contaminants such as dredged soil accumulated at the bottom when drained, and the dumbun installed with the waterway forms a hideout of fish, which is a space where fish can survive during the dry season. To provide. According to the dredged soil removal structure in the natural symbiotic appeal constructed as above, it is possible to do construction activities without destroying the aquatic ecosystem using Doombun, and after draining by using the pump, the sewage truck is collected and loaded into one place to the outside. The treatment is advantageous because it does not require the dredging of artificial lake space or expensive construction cost.

01-10-2019 дата публикации

A dredging machine for a drain pipeline

Номер: KR102005683B1
Автор: 이창승
Принадлежит: (주)동영이엔씨, 이창승

The present invention relates to an unmanned dredging device, which dredges and discharges deposit soil or sewage in a sewer pipe. Specifically, the unmanned dredging device is possible to discharge the sewage or the deposit soil in the sewer pipe to the outside by sweeping the same with a rotating brush (50) even while an operator doesn′t directly enter the sewer pipe by being operated by supplying pressure oil discharged from an electric hydraulic pump (30) to a main hydraulic motor (25), boom cylinders (43, 44) and a rotating brush operating hydraulic motor (52) by operation of hydraulic control valves (32 to 35).

21-06-2010 дата публикации

Apparatus assembly for removing the armhful living organism

Номер: KR100964499B1
Принадлежит: 곽철우

PURPOSE: An assembly of a device for effectively removing harmful organisms stuck on the surface of underwater structures is provided to completely remove pest by using a chisel unit. CONSTITUTION: An assembly of a device for effectively removing harmful organisms stuck on the surface of underwater structures comprises a shaft unit(110), a showerhead, a first and a second handle parts(130,140), a lighting unit(150), and a photographing unit(160). The showerhead is detachably installed in one end of the shaft unit. The showerhead sprays pest removing agent. The first handle part is formed in the other end of the shaft unit. The second handle part is separately installed from the first handle part. The second handle part is perpendicularly installed to the mount direction of the first handle part to the shaft unit. The photographing unit takes a photograph of the underwater work environment.

12-07-2022 дата публикации

Sealing plate structure of mud door ring

Номер: CN111021451B
Принадлежит: 708th Research Institute of CSIC


27-03-2012 дата публикации

Natural Mid-Channel Bar for Sand Accumulate Guidance and Constructing Method thereof

Номер: KR101128365B1
Автор: 안홍규, 우효섭
Принадлежит: 한국건설기술연구원

본 발명은 하천에 설치되어 하천의 유수 흐름을 약화시켜 하천의 모래가 자연스럽게 퇴적되도록 유도하여, 퇴적양이 적을 때는 여울로 기능하여 수질을 정화시키며, 토사의 퇴적에 의한 하천 생물의 서식공간(biotope)이 되는 하중도가 형성되도록 하는 자연형 하중도(河中島) 형성 구조물 및 그 시공방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention is installed in the river to weaken the flow of the river flow to induce the sand of the river to be naturally deposited, when the amount of sediment is small to function as a fox to purify the water quality, the habitat of the river organisms by the sedimentary sediment (biotope The present invention relates to a structure for forming a natural load diagram (河 中 島) and a construction method thereof. 본 발명에서는 하천의 유속을 감세시키는 복수개의 말뚝(11)과, 사석 지지부(12)로 구성되어 하천 유수의 흐름을 감세시키는 유속 감세부(1)와; 유수의 흐름을 감세시킴과 동시에 섶 방틀부(3)를 지지하며 토사 퇴적을 유도하는 섶 방틀 지지 말뚝부(2)와; 수중에 설치되고 섶단(310)으로 이루어진 벽체(311)로 구성되어 상자 형태의 방틀을 이루고 있고 내부에는 충진재(314)가 채워져 있으며 고정용 말뚝(312)에 의해 지지되어 토사의 퇴적을 유도하는 섶 방틀(31)로 이루어진 섶 방틀부(3)가, 하천의 상류로부터 하류 방향으로 차례로 설치되어 있는 구조를 가지고 있어, 물이 흘러갈 때 토사의 퇴적을 유도하여 하중도가 형성되도록 하는 것을 특징으로 하는 하중도 형성 구조물과, 그 시공방법이 제공된다. In the present invention, a plurality of piles (11) for reducing the flow rate of the river, and a flow rate reducing unit (1) for reducing the flow of the river flow consisting of a sandstone support portion 12; 섶 frame support pile (2) to support the 섶 frame part (3) and induce sediment deposition while reducing the flow of running water; It is installed in the water and consists of the wall 311 consisting of the end 310 to form a box-shaped frame and the inside is filled with the filler 314 and is supported by the fixing pile 312 to induce the sedimentation of soil 섶 부 (3) consisting of the frame (31) has a structure that is installed in the downstream direction from the upstream of the stream in turn, induces the sedimentation of the soil when water flows to form a load degree There is also provided a load forming structure and a construction method thereof.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Rapid flow velocity mitigation device and method of construction thereof

Номер: KR102038913B1
Автор: 강찬성

The present invention relates to a rapid flow rate mitigating device and a construction method thereof, which prevent scour of a river floor and a facility base by slowing and mitigating a flow rate of rapid flow of a river so as to be possible to more easily prevent disaster generation caused by the scour. The rapid flow rate mitigating device includes a plurality of scour preventing blocks, a plurality of fixing boards, a plurality of piles and a rotating preventing part.

28-08-2020 дата публикации

Protective system of urban development and recreation objects from natural and industrial processes and method of erection thereof

Номер: RU2731057C1

FIELD: construction. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to hydrotechnical, hydropower and environmentally safe sustainable construction of urban development facilities and other populated areas, including recreation. Object of invention is to control mud flows, and similar phenomena, due to the fact that on the mud flow path there is a cascade-dam system made with a base and a flexible support wall with a rigid support element. Base is made of gabion, soil-filled, soil-reinforced, and flexible retaining wall is made as multi-shell membrane structure from heterogeneous composite nanomaterials, providing for separation of mud, water and other flows. Device is equipped with drain devices located in lower part of cascade-dam, clarifiers-purifiers, in which cartridges and retaining structures are installed, which are made of heterogeneous composite nanomaterials with hole, in which hydroelectric unit is located. EFFECT: invention provides for loss of mudflow energy and loss of mudflow mass, reduced load on protective system, remission and distribution of mud flow mass along its entire length by quantitative and qualitative composition and its selection along transport trays to places of their use. 2 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 731 057 C1 (51) МПК E02B 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02B 3/02 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019106725, 11.03.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.08.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 28.08.2020 Бюл. № 25 Адрес для переписки: 346428, Ростовская обл., г. Новочеркасск, ул. Просвещения, 132, ЮРГПУ(НПИ), ОИС 2 7 3 1 0 5 7 C 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2604933 C2, 20.12.2016. EA 20081 B1, 29.08.2014. RU 2441113 C2, 27.01.2012. RU 157458 U1, 10.12.2015. SU 1191516 A, 15.11.1985. CN 204326022 U, 13.05.2015. (54) Устройство защитной системы объектов городской застройки и рекреации от природно- ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации

Device for storage of bottom alluviums

Номер: RU2604493C1

FIELD: hydraulic engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to hydrotechnical construction, in particular, to installations for storage of bottom alluviums, generated as of the soil dumps along shore areas during cleaning of small rivers, ponds, channels and other water bodies from bottom of alluvial deposits. Installation for storage of bottom alluviums includes sections of alluvial dumps 4, placed in the meander zone, diversion dyke 5 made in the form of a guard along the whole perimeter of sections of alluvial dumps 4, and water discharge channel 14. Installation is additionally equipped with water-discharge diversion dyke 6, water-collecting channel 12, open tank 13, horizontal transverse drain elements 9, horizontal longitudinal drain elements 10 and vertical drain elements 11. Water discharge diversion dyke 6 is arranged in perimeter of diversion dykes 5 between the most remote from water body sections of diversion dykes 5 and constructed with low relative to other diversion dykes 5 height with possibility of overflow of water excess through it from sections of alluvial dumps 4 in water intake channel 12. Vertical drain elements 11 are located in a body of stored bottom alluviums and linked with horizontal transverse drain elements 9 or horizontal longitudinal drain elements 10 and are arranged in the base of sections of alluvium dumps 4. Horizontal longitudinal drain elements 10 are made linked with water channel 12 with the possibility of ingress of water from them from water saturated body of stored bottom alluviums into water intake channel 12. EFFECT: technical result is reduction of time for creation of installation for storage of bottom alluviums, reduced costs for its erection, increased efficiency of used construction equipment during its construction and prevention of silting of riverbed downstream from the point of creation of installation for storage of bottom alluviums. 5 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 604 493 C1 (51) МПК E02B 7 ...

27-07-2011 дата публикации

Four-sided dam with double drips

Номер: KR101052295B1
Автор: 오점곤
Принадлежит: 오점곤

본 발명은 이중 물받이부를 갖는 사방댐에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 사방댐의 물받이부를 콘크리트 물받이부와 자연석 물받이부의 이중으로 구성함으로써, 콘크리트 물받이부에 의해 토석류로 인한 세굴을 방지하는 것은 물론, 자연석 물받이부의 설치로 인해 콘크리트를 적게 사용하게 되어 자연경관을 유지하고 공사비용을 절감하도록 하는 것이다. The present invention relates to a four-sided dam having a double drip section, and more particularly, by configuring the drip bottom portion of the four-sided dam in the concrete and the natural stone drip section, to prevent scour due to the earth and stone by the concrete drip portion, natural stone drip section The installation requires less concrete, so that the natural landscape is maintained and construction costs are reduced. 이를 위한 본 발명에 따른 이중 물받이부를 갖는 사방댐은, 토석차단부의 좌, 우측에 댐어깨가 설치되어 이루어지는 사방댐에 있어서, 상기 사방댐의 토석차단부의 하류측 지면에는 콘크리트 물받이부와 자연석 물받이부로 이루어지는 이중 물받이부가 설치되어지되, 상기 콘크리트 물받이부는 콘크리트가 타설되어 일측은 상기 토석차단부 하부의 사방댐기초와 연결되고 타측은 자연석이 붙임되어 형성되는 자연석 물받이부와 연결되어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. The four-sided dam having a double drip according to the present invention, in the four-sided dam is provided on the left and right sides of the earth block, the double ground drip formed of a concrete drips and natural stone drips on the downstream surface of the earth block An additional part is installed, wherein the concrete drip tray is placed with concrete, one side of which is connected to the four-sided dam base of the lower part of the earth block, and the other side of which is connected to the natural stone drip tray formed by attaching natural stones. 이중 물받이부, 콘크리트 물받이부, 자연석 물받이부, 사방댐 Double gutters, concrete gutters, natural stone gutters, four sides dam

07-01-2015 дата публикации

Structure for controlling and guiding river regime and stabilizing river mainstream

Номер: CN104264626A


26-04-2017 дата публикации

Rapid recovery method of natural river landscape of city

Номер: CN106592511A


29-05-2020 дата публикации

River channel preset flow guide pipe emergency disposal method for river landslide blockage

Номер: CN111206536A
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University ZJU

本发明涉及堵江滑坡的处置领域,具体涉及一种堵江滑坡的河道预设导流管应急处置方法。包括以下步骤:(1)根据历史水文资料或者实测资料确定潜在的滑坡发生后入库流量Q 入 ;(2)根据工程实际设计导流管路线与位置;(3)估计滑坡形成的堰塞坝长度及位置,确定预设导流管长度,保证导流管的进出口在堰塞坝范围以外10m;(4)根据入库流量Q 入 和导流管的导流能力确定导流管的数量和直径;(5)在堵江滑坡下滑前,预先在河道水下布设导流管。本发明简单易行,便于实际工程使用。

18-02-1999 дата публикации

Artificial water plant system for controlling sediment transport on a water bed

Номер: KR0169169B1

본 발명은 침식에 대하여 모래사장을 보호하기 위한 수중 저층 유사포착용 인공수초 시스템에 관한 것이며, 수초는 원형 또는 비원형 단면 형상을 가지며 탄성계수가 500 내지 5000㎏/㎠인 열가소성 탄성중합체 단독 또는 상기 열가소성 탄성중합체로 구성된 외장과 합성섬유다발로 구성된 코어로 이루어진 복합체로 구성된 막대형상 또는 관형상 성형물로 구성된다. The present invention relates to an underwater aquatic layered artificial aquatic system for protecting the sandy beach against erosion, the myelin sheath having a circular or non-circular cross-sectional shape and the elastic modulus of 500 to 5000kg / ㎠ alone or the It consists of a rod-shaped or tubular molding composed of a composite composed of a sheath composed of a thermoplastic elastomer and a core composed of a bundle of synthetic fibers.

07-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for the hydraulic removal of sediments in sand trap where the sediment is suctioned through grooved pipes, said grooved pipes are branched from connection pieces in which at least two grooved pipes are connected to a common discharge pipe; Slotted pipe system for hydraulic sediment removal.

Номер: CL2012002050A1
Автор: Tom Jacobsen
Принадлежит: Jarala As

Método para la eliminación hidráulica de los sedimentos en trampa de arena donde el sedimento es succionado mediante tuberías ranuradas, dichos tubos ranurados están ramificados a partir de piezas de conexión en las cuales al menos dos tuberías ranuradas están unidas a una tubería de descarga común; sistema de tuberías ranuradas para la remoción hidráulica de sedimentos. Method for the hydraulic removal of sediments in sand trap where sediment is suctioned through grooved pipes, said grooved pipes are branched from connecting pieces in which at least two grooved pipes are attached to a common discharge pipe; Grooved pipe system for hydraulic sediment removal.

18-10-2017 дата публикации

Method of erecting two-step crosshead of combined structure

Номер: RU2633789C1

FIELD: construction. SUBSTANCE: method of erecting a two-step crosshead includes making an inlet overflow weir, baffle steps and side walls of reinforced concrete. At the base of each baffle step, a gabion mattress with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mis laid. Above the gabion mattress of each step, a cellular rectangular box-shaped structure of reinforced concrete beams square in section is arranged. At the end of each step, the height of the transverse beam is increased to 1.5 m and more for its operation as a baffle wall. The box structure cells above the gabion mattresses of each step are loaded with macrofragmental stone material with the thickness of 0.5-1 m. In the baffles of each step, the reinforced concrete beams of the box-shaped structure are rigidly connected to one another and to the baffle wall and delimited with side enclosing walls by means of expansion joints. The method of erecting a two-step crosshead of a combined structure is intended to stabilise eroded channel processes on mountain and foothill regulated areas of urbanized zones of small rivers and earth wasteways, where the concentrated difference in the channel marks does not exceed 3-3.5 m. EFFECT: effective excess energy dissipation of water flows and operation reliability of the entire structure. 2 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 633 789 C1 (51) МПК E02B 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016150245, 20.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.12.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 18.10.2017 Бюл. № 29 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: БАХТИН Б.М., КОРЮКИН С.Н. C 1 2 6 3 3 7 8 9 R U (54) СПОСОБ ВОЗВЕДЕНИЯ ДВУХСТУПЕНЧАТОГО ПЕРЕПАДА КОМБИНИРОВАННОЙ КОНСТРУКЦИИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к гидротехническому конструкции над габионными тюфяками каждой строительству и может быть использовано в ...

16-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of comprehensive processing method in river

Номер: CN108824350A
Автор: 张贤江, 潘国乔, 葛洪亮


06-07-2011 дата публикации

Dike for guiding the rapids of river bends that change the direction of the flow velocity of the flood

Номер: KR101045998B1
Автор: 민승기
Принадлежит: 민승기

본 발명은 하천의 양측에 축조되는 제방 중 만곡부위의 바깥쪽 제방에 있어서, 상기 바깥쪽 제방의 상측에 지면과 접하도록 설치되는 상판; 상기 상판의 하부에 소정 폭과 깊이로 형성되는 유도부; 상기 유도부의 상단에는 물유입구가 형성되도록 하고 하단에는 물배출구가 형성되도록 상기 유도부의 중도부에 수평으로 설치되는 수평 격판; 상기 유도부의 물유입구와 물배출구가 서로 연통되도록 상기 수평 격판의 내측에 형성되는 연통구; 상기 상판과 수평 격판 사이 및 상기 수평 격판과 바닥판 사이에는 다수의 상하측 유도벽으로 구획하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention is an outer bank of the curved portion of the banks built on both sides of the river, the upper plate is installed in contact with the ground on the upper side of the outer bank; An induction part formed at a lower portion of the upper plate to have a predetermined width and depth; A horizontal diaphragm installed horizontally in the middle of the induction part such that a water inlet is formed at an upper end of the induction part and a water outlet is formed at a lower end of the induction part; A communication port formed inside the horizontal diaphragm such that the water inlet and the water outlet of the induction part communicate with each other; Characterized by a plurality of upper and lower guide walls between the top plate and the horizontal plate and between the horizontal plate and the bottom plate. 따라서 본 발명은 하천의 만곡부 제방의 바깥쪽의 흐름을 하천수의 흐른 방향으로 맞추어 제공함으로써, 제방 하부의 침식을 방지하여 붕괴의 위험을 없애고 제방 외측의 주택 및 농지를 보호할 수 있는 매우 유용한 발명이다. Therefore, the present invention is a very useful invention that can prevent the erosion of the lower part of the embankment by eliminating the risk of collapse and to protect the housing and farmland outside the embankment by providing the flow of the river bank in the direction of the flow of the river to the flow direction of the river bank . 만곡된 하천, 제방, 유도벽, 배수입구 Curved Rivers, Dikes, Guided Walls, Drainage Inlets

30-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of mud excavating equipment

Номер: CN108915017A
Автор: 不公告发明人
Принадлежит: Yang Laisheng


11-01-2006 дата публикации

Bridge post structure for preventing scour

Номер: KR200406019Y1
Автор: 김성주
Принадлежит: 주식회사 도우엔지니어즈

본 고안은 하천 바닥을 이루는 토사층이 하천의 유력으로 침식되면서 교각의 지지기반을 붕괴시키게 되는 세굴현상을 최소화할 수 있는 교각구조에 관한 것으로, 소정 넓이의 평판으로, 교각 하단의 하천상류 쪽 전방에서 면부분이 정면을 향하도록 위치되어 연결대를 매개로 교각과의 사이에 소정공간이 형성되도록 이격되게 설치되는 와류발생판; 교각의 측면 하단에 돌출되어 교각의 측면을 따라 흐르는 하천수의 진로를 막되, 말단이 하천상류 쪽을 향하도록 경사지게 형성되어서 하천수의 운반토사가 경사면을 따라 교각 하단에 유입되도록 하는 다수의 걸림돌기; 및 상기 걸림돌기 상면에 입설되어 하천의 상층을 통해 이동하는 토사를 거르는 걸름망으로 이루어진 것이다. The present invention relates to a pier structure that can minimize the scour phenomenon that the soil layer constituting the bottom of the river erodes due to the river's strength and collapses the support base of the pier, in a flat plate of a predetermined width, A vortex generating plate which is disposed so that the surface portion faces the front and is spaced apart so that a predetermined space is formed between the piers through the connecting rod; A plurality of locking protrusions protruding from the lower side of the pier to block the course of the river water flowing along the side of the pier, the end of which is inclined toward the upstream of the pier so that the transport soil of the river water flows into the pier along the slope; And it is made of a strainer that is placed on the upper surface of the locking projections to filter the earth and sand moving through the upper layer of the river.

19-02-2021 дата публикации

Sediment transport reduction apparatus

Номер: KR102217837B1
Автор: 박성진
Принадлежит: (주)지오시스템리서치

The present invention relates to an apparatus for reducing sediment movement. A base plate (100) is installed on the seabed adjacent to the coast. A plurality of brackets (200) are provided on the base plate (100) to be spaced apart from each other at regular intervals. An insertion hole (210) is formed on the upper end of the bracket (200). A rotating shaft (300) is installed through the insertion hole (210) in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which seawater flows out to be able to rotate. One end of a plurality of sedimentation blocking plates (400) are connected to the rotating shaft (300) to be able to rotate. The other ends of the sedimentation blocking plates (400) are disposed to face the direction in which the seawater flows out. The other ends of the sedimentation blocking plates (400) are pushed to be erected due to the flow speed when the seawater ebbs, and the one end and the other end thereof maintain a horizontal state with the seabed when the seawater flows in. The sediment blocking plates (400) are formed to gradually decrease in thickness from the one end toward the other end. According to the present invention having such a configuration, the inflow of soil can be made enhanced with a simplified configuration that eliminates the need for a separate driving unit, the sediment blocking plates can reduce the transport of sand from the coast to the open sea, and, in particular, a flying phenomenon of sand due to flying sand can be prevented during construction of steel structures or artificial replacement near the beach.

10-07-2018 дата публикации

One kind is dredged flexible axle fixed plate peculiar to vessel

Номер: CN108265775A
Автор: 强林汉, 查俊, 陆青松
Принадлежит: Wuhu Wan Nan Shipbuilding Co Ltd


15-09-1995 дата публикации

Culvert Dredge

Номер: KR950025214A
Автор: 임정규
Принадлежит: 이은길, 주식회사 가야건설

본 발명은 암거의 바닥에 퇴적된 토사나 이물질등의 슬러지를 준설 제거할 수 있는 암거용 준설기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 한 특징에 따르면, 차륜이 구비되고 별도의 견인장치에 의해 견인가능한 차대에, 슬러지를 굴삭하여 중앙으로 모을 수 있도록 오거스크류가 대칭적으로 배열된 준설헤드가 기복가능하게 장착되고, 상기 준설헤드의 중앙에 모인 슬러지를 흡입하여 배출하는 흡입배출관을 구비한 것을 특징으로 하는 암거용 준설기가 제공된다.

18-02-2020 дата публикации

River regulation construction method

Номер: CN110804993A
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Dongshen Engineering Co Ltd


10-10-1922 дата публикации

Device for separating sand carried in watercourses

Номер: US1431367A
Автор: Buchi Jakob
Принадлежит: Individual

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Curage removal structure in lake of natural symbiosis

Номер: KR20130070497A
Принадлежит: 한국건설기술연구원

본 발명은 자연공생호소에서의 준설토 제거 구조체에 관한 것으로서 자연공생호소 내 수로의 설치를 통해 어류 은신처 및 대피로 조성 및 준설토와 오염토사물질의 효율적인 제거 및 관리가 가능하도록, 설치되는 수로가 호소바닥에 시공되며, 배수시 바닥에 쌓여있는 준설토와 같은 오염물질을 쉽게 한곳으로 모일 수 있는 구조를 포함하며, 수로와 함께 설치하는 둠벙이 어류의 은신처 형성이 되며 이는 갈수기 시 어류가 생존할 수 있는 공간을 제공한다. 이와 같이 구성되는 자연공생 호소에서의 준설토 제거구조체에 의하면, 둠벙을 이용하여 수생생태계가 파괴되지 않고 공사활동이 가능하고, 펌프를 이용해 배수작업 후 살수차를 이용하여 토사를 한곳으로 모아 적재하여 외부로 처리하면 되므로 인위적인 호수공간의 준설이나 고가의 공사비가 필요하지 않는 이점이 있다.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Device for water treatment and production of sapropel

Номер: RU2689107C1

FIELD: technological processes. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to cleaning of reservoirs from humid formations and production of sapropel. Device for cleaning reservoirs and production of sapropel comprises intake working tool of suction type with pump unit for sapropel intake and removal, drive. Pump unit is made in the form of conical pipe with installed in it cone torus, connected by means of tape with drive drum. In the branch pipe base there is a suction hole equipped with a valve; at that, the conical pipe is connected through a check valve to the discharge pipe. Inner walls of the conical toroid are twisted in twisted manner relative to the torus central axis. Belt connecting tapered torus with drive drum is also twisted by number of revolutions equal to number of turns of torsion of inner walls of tapered torus, wherein degree of torsion of inner walls of torus together with belt should be such that formation of dense linear bundle is achieved. EFFECT: longer service life and reliability of the device. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 689 107 C1 (51) МПК E02F 5/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02F 5/28 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018127154, 23.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 23.07.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 23.05.2019 Бюл. № 15 2592926 C1, 27.07.2016. RU 2348762 C1, 10.03.2009. RU 2278927, 27.06.2006. US 6846029 B1, 25.01.2002. US 4042279 A1, 16.08.1977. (54) Устройство для очистки водоёмов и добычи сапропеля (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к технике очистки Внутренние стенки конусного тора винтообразно водоемов от гумоидных образований и добычи скручены относительно центральной оси тора. сапропеля. Устройство для очистки водоемов и Лента, соединяющая конусный тор с приводным добычи сапропеля содержит заборный рабочий барабаном, также скручена на количество орган всасывающего типа ...

29-06-2021 дата публикации

Mountain area flood control retaining transports distribution system

Номер: CN111335249B
Автор: 刘全发, 李昌刚, 胡俊杰
Принадлежит: Zhejiang Wanli University


27-09-2007 дата публикации

Inflow removal type silt protector and it's river regime sediment treat method

Номер: KR100761507B1
Автор: 강종호, 최춘식
Принадлежит: 주식회사 우지스건설

본 발명은 유수단면적 전단면에 걸쳐 유수량과 오탁부유물의 양에 따라 필터막의 길이를 연장하거나 필터막 설치개수를 증가시켜 유수에 포함된 오탁을 제어하고, 오탁의 수거 정도에 따라 필터막의 교체가 용이하며, 필터막은 유수력에 의하여 수류 방향으로 펼쳐지도록 하며, 필터막 교체시 유수에 포함된 오탁부유물의 통과 및 방류가 없도록 밀폐와 개방이 용이하며, 경제성을 고려하여 필터막의 재사용이 가능하도록 한 유입 수거형 오탁방지장치 및 이를 이용한 하상침적물 제거방법을 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 상기한 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명에 따른 유입 수거형 오탁방지장치는 수면에 부유하도록 구형상으로 이루어진 구조체를 로프에 다수 개를 관통시켜 구조체의 이탈 및 회전등이 없도록 이중결박 연결 결합된 부표와; 상기 부표의 하부에 일체로 고정되며, 소정의 단면형상 및 강도를 가지며, 불투수성 재질로 이루어지는 오탁차단 및 오탁수 유도막과; 상기 오탁차단 및 오탁수 유도막의 하부에 길이방향으로 일정한 간격을 두고 오탁차단 및 오탁수 유도막의 표면을 관통 설치되며, 투수성 재질로 이루어진 필터막과; 상기 오탁차단 및 오탁수 유도막의 하단과 하상에 밀착되도록 선상으로 연결하여 결합된 막대추와; 상기 부표의 양단부 로프에 일체로 고정되면서 일정한 길이로 연장 형성되는 막대추 연결 앵커로프와; 상기 막대추 연결 앵커로프의 하단부에 각각 설치되는 앵커와; 상기 오탁차단 및 오탁수 유도막이 유수력에 의해 이탈되지 않도록 고정물에 결박하는 상단 고정로프 및 하단 고정로프로 구성됨을 특징으로 한다. 오탁방지장치, 필터막, 하상침적물

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Sled type dredging device for dredging and dredging method thereof

Номер: CN105735397A
Автор: 金亚伟


22-03-2017 дата публикации

Energy-gathering rotary accelerating silt removal method for long-distance standard-section artesian ditch

Номер: CN106522153A


15-12-2020 дата публикации

Construction method of movable wave-dissipating and silt-promoting combination

Номер: CN108999141B
Автор: 安树青


12-04-2022 дата публикации

Structure of predetermineeing of early processing of dammed lake

Номер: CN111945654B
Принадлежит: Sichuan University


30-04-2021 дата публикации

Hydraulic engineering synthesizes funnel filter mud brush silt processing apparatus of husky wall to one side

Номер: CN110952497B
Автор: 刘�东, 林怣河


29-06-2021 дата публикации

Farmland dam device of decontaminating fast

Номер: CN110565723B
Автор: 杨才明
Принадлежит: Individual


04-12-2018 дата публикации

Floating drum mechanism and mud with automatic adjustment tractive force magnitude function collect system

Номер: CN105951911B
Автор: 刘钊, 程江琳


18-10-2022 дата публикации

Cohesive sediment blaster

Номер: KR102455969B1

본 발명의 점착성퇴적물 파쇄장치는 평평한 형태에 계단형으로 이루어진 제1 밑판; 상기 제1 밑판의 일측에 탈착되는 제1 결합부; 상기 제1 밑판과 탈착되는 제2 밑판; 상기 제1 밑판의 일측에 수직으로 부착되어 있는 제2 결합부; 상기 제2 결합부의 일측에 수직으로 탈착 가능한 제1 에어탱크고정부재; 상기 제2 결합부의 일측에 수직으로 탈착 가능한 제2 에어탱크고정부재; 상기 제2 결합부의 내부에 설치되며 공기분사를 제어하는 솔레노이드밸브를 감싸 보호하고 있는 솔밸브 케이스; 상기 제1 에어탱크고정부재과 제2 에어탱크고정부재에 연결하여 고정되며 공기를 저장하고 있는 에어탱크; 상기 제1 밑판의 일측에 부착되는 제1 실린더고정부; 상기 제1 실린더고정부의 일측에 연결되는 에어건실린더; 상기 에어건실린더를 감싸며 슬라이딩 구조로 노즐암을 지지하는 노즐암지지부; 상기 에어건실린더의 실린더롯드 말단에 부착되어있는 노즐암 고정부; 상기 제2 밑판과 탈착가능하게 설치되며 에어건실린더의 높이를 조절하는 실린더 높이조절 볼트; 상기 에어탱크의 일측에 연결되어있으며 공기가 흐르는 에어호스; 상기 에어호스의 말단에 연결되어 있으며 노즐암지지부에 슬라이딩 구조로 연결되고 에어건실린더 롯드에 결합되어 실린더의 팽창시 전방으로 돌출되는 노즐암; 상기 노즐암의 일측에 연결되어 있으며 에어호스와 노즐암를 통과한 공기가 분사되는 분사노즐; 상기 제2 밑판위에 탈부착 가능하며, 상기 솔레노이드밸브전원연결부와 에어탱크에 전력을 공급하는 전원부; 상기 솔레노이드밸브케이스와 전원부를 이어 연결하며 전력을 공급하는 솔레노이드밸브전원연결부; 상기 에어탱크와 전원부를 이어 연결하며 전력을 공급하는 에어탱크전원연결부; 상기 전원부를 고정시키는 전원부고정부재; 및 상기 전원부와 연결되어 전력을 공급받으며 솔레노이드밸브, 에어호스 및 에어건실린더의 동작을 제어하며 통신이 가능한 제어부;를 포함하여 구성하고 있는 것을 특징으로 한다. Adhesive sediment crushing device of the present invention comprises: a first base plate formed in a flat form in a stepped shape; a first coupling part detachable from one side of the first bottom plate; a second base plate detachable from the first base plate; a second coupling part vertically attached to one side of the first bottom plate; a first air tank fixing member vertically detachable from one side of the second coupling part; a second air tank fixing member vertically detachable from one side of the second coupling part; a solenoid valve that is installed inside the second coupling part and surrounds and protects a solenoid valve for controlling air injection; an air tank fixed to the first air tank fixing member and the second air tank fixing member and storing air; a first cylinder fixing part attached to one side of the first bottom plate; an air gun cylinder connected to one side of the first cylinder fixing part; a nozzle arm support part surrounding the air gun cylinder and supporting the nozzle arm in a ...

02-09-2022 дата публикации

Sludge cleaning equipment capable of protecting river bottom vegetation from being damaged

Номер: CN112323897B
Автор: 黄明明


15-12-2017 дата публикации

A kind of process for constructing suitable for cold district sand Di Huhu hilllocks bank protection

Номер: CN107476245A
Автор: 王洪波
Принадлежит: Individual


13-04-2016 дата публикации

A kind of construction process of middle-size and small-size linearization(-sation) meandering form

Номер: CN104695377B


20-01-2014 дата публикации

Slurry removal device and method

Номер: RU2504613C2
Автор: Марк КРОН

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: device includes a manifold pipe having many holes made in its wall at a certain distance from each other, a suction pump, a suction pipe, one end of which is connected to the suction pump and an assembly of a suction head. The suction head assembly is connected to the other end of the suction pipe and is capable of moving in a sliding manner along the manifold pipe from one of its ends to the other. The suction head assembly includes a head section of the housing, which is spatially remote and connected to a rear section of the housing, which has a through axial hole interconnected with the suction pipe. Head and rear sections of the housing fill a considerable part of the manifold pipe during operation and form a suction zone between themselves of such length that at least one hole can be open at location of the suction head assembly at certain positions along the manifold pipe. The method is implemented by means of a device for removal of slurry and consists in installation at the bottom of a sediment tank or a pond of a manifold pipe, connection of the suction pump to one end of the suction pipe, connection of the suction head assembly to the other end of the suction pipe by means of a through axial hole in the rear section of the housing. After that, the suction head assembly is introduced into an open end of the manifold pipe. Besides, front and rear sections of the housing considerably fill the manifold pipe and form a suction zone between them of such length that at least one hole can be open in any position along the manifold pipe. The suction head assembly is moved through the through holes of the manifold pipe at subsequent passage of the working suction pump above holes in the manifold pipe wall. EFFECT: improving slurry removal efficiency. 21 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 504 613 (13) C2 (51) МПК E02B E02B B01D E02F E04H 3/02 15/10 21/24 5/28 4/16 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ ...

17-11-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and system for cleaning water on bottom of lake using hopper for shielding polluted water

Номер: KR101799212B1
Принадлежит: (주)코마린, 정종택

오염수 차폐용 호퍼를 이용한 호수 바닥 청소 장치 및 시스템이 개시된다. 개시된 호수 바닥 청소 장치는 수중에 위치하고, 분사구 및 배출구가 외벽에 형성되며, 하부면이 뚫린 형상의 호퍼;를 포함하되, 상기 분사구를 통해 물이 상기 호퍼의 내부로 분사되고, 상기 물로 인해 생성된 오염수가 상기 배출구로 배출되되, 상기 분사되는 물의 양보다 상기 오염수의 양이 크도록 설정된다. A system and system for cleaning a lake floor using a hopper for shielding contaminated water is disclosed. The disclosed lacquer bottom cleaning apparatus includes a hopper having an injection port and a discharge port formed on an outer wall and having a lower surface opened in the water, wherein water is injected into the hopper through the injection port, The polluted water is discharged to the discharge port, and the amount of the polluted water is set to be larger than the amount of the water to be sprayed.

24-08-2016 дата публикации

A kind of heavy metal polluted bed mud dredging accuracy control method

Номер: CN104805798B


08-06-2018 дата публикации

A kind of construction method of overlength basin slope excavating

Номер: CN106320261B
Принадлежит: CCCC Tianjin Harbour Engineering Co Ltd


12-09-2018 дата публикации

System for cleaning bottom of underwater

Номер: KR101898396B1
Принадлежит: (주)카네비컴

A system for cleaning the underwater bottom is disclosed. The system for cleaning the underwater bottom comprises: a hopper device raising and sucking a pollutant of the underwater bottom through spraying high-pressure water; and a drive device connected to the hopper device to provide high-pressure water and a suction force to the hopper device, and having driving equipment.

19-04-2019 дата публикации

Underwater rubble base bed flattening machine

Номер: CN109653275A
Принадлежит: CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co


19-10-2009 дата публикации

Flow overturning apparatus for water treatment channel

Номер: KR100922158B1
Автор: 이동수, 이상재
Принадлежит: 주식회사 동하

PURPOSE: A flow overturning device for a water treatment channel is provided to increase the water treatment efficiency by applying a powerless top and bottom switching type channel at a water treatment facility. CONSTITUTION: A flow overturning device for a water treatment channel comprises a pair of slope crossing boards(21), and a pair of triangle flat panels(22a). The slope crossing board diagonally passes through a waterway(10) at a top and a bottom part of the waterway. The slope crossing board is symmetrically installed to be faced each other based on a central line. The triangle flat panel connects the lower end part of top slope crossing board and the upper end part of the bottom slope crossing board.

05-09-2017 дата публикации

A kind of river channel ecology subtracts the method oozed

Номер: CN107130559A
Автор: 刘滨, 宋昊, 薛洋
Принадлежит: 刘滨


19-01-2007 дата публикации

Electromagnetic starter switch

Номер: KR100671668B1

과제 assignment 조립 공정수도 저감되는 스타터용 전자 스위치를 얻는다. The starter electronic switch which also reduces the number of assembly steps is obtained. 해결 수단 Resolution 본 발명에 관한 스타터용 전자 스위치에서는, 링 기어(35)에 피니언 기어(4)가 맞물리기 전에는, 보조 가동 접점(22)이 제 1의 보조 고정 접점(27a) 및 제 2의 보조 고정 접점(27b)에 맞닿음으로써, 전원의 전압은 저항체(34)에서 강압되어 모터(1)에 인가되고, 계속해서, 링 기어(35)에 피니언 기어(4)가 맞물린 후에는, 주 가동 접점(18)이 제 1의 주 고정 접점(26a) 및 제 2의 주 고정 접점(26b)에도 맞닿음으로써, 전원으로부터의 전압은 그대로 모터(1)에 인가되도록 되어 있는 스타터용 전자 스위치에 있어서, 주 스위치 커버(7a)에는, 제 1의 주 고정 접점(26a), 제 2의 주 고정 접점(26b), 제 1의 보조 고정 접점(27a) 및 제 2의 보조 고정 접점(27b)이 마련되어 있다. In the electronic switch for starter according to the present invention, before the pinion gear 4 is engaged with the ring gear 35, the auxiliary movable contact 22 is formed by the first auxiliary fixed contact 27a and the second auxiliary fixed contact ( 27b), the voltage of the power supply is stepped down by the resistor 34 and applied to the motor 1, and after the pinion gear 4 is engaged with the ring gear 35, the main movable contact 18 In the electronic switch for starter, in which the voltage from the power source is applied to the motor 1 as it is, so that)) also touches the first main fixed contact 26a and the second main fixed contact 26b. The cover 7a is provided with the 1st main fixed contact 26a, the 2nd main fixed contact 26b, the 1st auxiliary fixed contact 27a, and the 2nd auxiliary fixed contact 27b. 스타터, 전자 스위치 Starter, electronic switch
