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27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2387754C2

Изобретение относится к системе швартовки бок о бок. Система содержит оборудование для хранения и/или обработки углеводородов, прикрепленное к морскому дну или покоящееся на нем в некотором месте в открытом море, и судно, швартуемое вдоль оборудования для хранения и/или обработки. В передней части и задней части упомянутого оборудования имеется, по меньшей мере, одна несущая конструкция вдоль стороны оборудования, выступающая наружу из корпуса, подвешивающий элемент, один конец которого прикреплен к несущей конструкции, а другой конец - к причальному элементу, свисающему с подвешивающего элемента. Причальный элемент содержит амортизатор, контактирующий с судном. Причальный элемент содержит точку крепления швартова, канат, проходящий от точки швартовки в передней части судна и в задней части судна соответственно к соответствующей точке крепления швартова на причальном элементе. Точки швартовки на судне и соответствующие точки крепления швартовов отстоят друг от друга в направлении длины ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU159186U1

... 1. Двойное вертикальное отбойное устройство, содержащее раму, полые амортизаторы и приспособления для крепления к защищаемому сооружению, отличающееся тем, что рама включает два установленных параллельно швеллера, жестко соединенных между собой поперечными связями с ребрами, внутри каждого швеллера с шагом закреплены горизонтальные пластины с отверстиями для стержня, образующие вертикальные модули, в каждом модуле на стержне установлен амортизатор, причем стержни жестко соединены с верхней и нижней пластинами, между вертикальными модулями расположены верхний горизонтальный модуль, образованный задней, нижней стенками и боковинами, и нижний горизонтальный модуль, образованный задней, верхней стенками и боковинами, между боковинами закреплены горизонтальные стержни, на которых установлены амортизаторы.2. Отбойное устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что поперечные связи выполнены с отверстиями под крепежные элементы.3. Отбойное устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что поперечные связи с ...

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007121667A

... 1. Система швартовки, содержащая оборудование (1) для хранения и/или обработки углеводородов, прикрепленное к морскому дну (2) или покоящееся на нем в открытом море, и судно (13), швартуемое вдоль оборудования (1) для хранения и/или обработки, причем оборудование (1) для обработки содержит корпус (6), а в передней части (2 6) и задней части (25) оборудования имеется, по меньшей мере, одна несущая конструкция (7, 7') вдоль стороны оборудования, выступающая наружу из корпуса (6), подвешивающий элемент (9, 12), один конец которого прикреплен к несущей конструкции (7, 7'), а другой конец к причальному элементу (10, 10'), свисающему с подвешивающего элемента, при этом причальный элемент содержит амортизатор (11, 11'), контактирующий с судном (13), отличающаяся тем, что причальный элемент (10, 10') содержит точку (18, 18') крепления швартова, канат (16, 16', 28, 28'), проходящий от точки (17, 17', 29, 29') швартовки в передней части (26) судна (13) и в задней части (25) судна (13) соответственно ...

20-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94035489A1

Использование: оборудование причалов для швартовки судов различного водоизмещения. Цель: разработка конструкции отбойного устройства большой энергоемкости и высокой надежности. Сущность изобретения: отбойное устройство включает комплект из двух амортизаторов в виде полых цилиндров из упругого материала, закрепленных соосно на лицевой стенке причального сооружения. Амортизаторы установлены с зазором, обеспечивающим при навале судна независимое поперечное деформирование каждого из них. Отбойный щит закреплен на свободном торце одного амортизатора, выступающем относительно свободного торца другого амортизатора. Технический эффект: за счет последовательного включения в независимую работу каждого из амортизаторов комплекта отбойное устройство способно гасить значительную энергию навала крупнотоннажных судов.

23-11-1991 дата публикации

Плавучее швартовное устройство Баранова В.М.

Номер: SU1693173A1

Изобретение относится к строительству , эксплуатации и реконструкции причальных гидротехнических сооружений. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции, повышение эксплуатационных характеристик и увеличение энергоемкости. Плавучее швартовное устройство содержит понтон в виде рамы 1 с проемами, в которых посредством осей 2 установлены балансиры 3. Последние выполнены в виде двуплечего рычага, имеющего горизонтальное амортизирующее плечо 4 с запасом плавучести и вертикальное плечо 5 со швартовными элементами-роульсами 6. Швартовные связи 7 заводятся на швартовные устройства и раскрепляют раму 1 с судном 8 и причалом 9. Рама 1 оборудована отбойными устройствами 10. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. А-А ...

15-10-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для отталкивания судна от причала

Номер: SU1684404A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству. Цель изобретения - снижение эксплуатационных затрат путем обеспечения возможности причаливания судов без заранее установленных на их бортах щитов. Устройство содержит наклонную штангу 1, один конец которой шарнирно закреплен на причале 2 и зафиксирован с оттяжкой 3, тягу 4 с грузом 5, щит 6 Устройство снабжено также дополнительной штангой 7, шарнирно скрепленной со Свободным концом наклонной штанги 1. Один конец штанги 7 связан тягой 4 с грузом 5, а другой шарнирно скреплен со щитом 6. При навале судна 10 точка крепления штанг 1 и 7 приподнимается, при этом штанги 1 и 7 складываются и груз 5 через тягу 4 поднимается . 1 ил, ...

25-07-1973 дата публикации

Пал эстакадного типа

Номер: SU391223A1

07-09-1992 дата публикации

Отбойное устройство

Номер: SU1759994A1

... использование: в гидротехническом строительстве. Сущность изобретения: отбойное устройство содержит ряды утяжеленных хворостяных канатов 1, уложенных послойно и рядами на дно 2 водотока 3. Внутренняя часть каждого хворостяного каната заполнена каменной смесью 4. наружная хворостяная часть 5 на расчетном расстоянии друг от друга перевязана проволочными скрутками. Концы каждого каната 1 туго затянуты также проволочными скрутками и заглублены в грунт берега 7. В грунт берега 7 заглублены также анкерные стойки 8. К ним спирально уложенным с натягом стальным канатом 9 прикреплен каждый горизонтальный слой канатов 1. Канаты 1 переднего ряда попарно и пара с парой соединены между собой гибкими связями. Пространство между стенкой и берегом заполнено каменной загрузкой 11.4 ил.

15-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: SU1184887A1

30-06-1991 дата публикации

Гидродинамическое отбойное устройство

Номер: SU1659570A1

Изобретение относится к причальным, направляющим или защитным гидротехническим сооружениям Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции, повышение энергоемкости и эксплуатационных характеристик Гидродинамическая отбойная балка перекрывает пролет между бычками 1 Оперта и соединена с последним посредством горизонтальных осей 2 Она выполнена в виде двуплечего рычага - переднего отбойного 3 и тылового амортизирующего 5, обладающего запасом плавучести. При навале балка поворачивается на горизонтальных осях, при этом тыловое плечо погружается до тех пор, пока возникающий реактивный момент не уравновесит момент, создаваемый силой навала На время стоянки судна обеспечивается синхронная реакция отбойной балки на подвижки судна, что создает безопасные условия стоянки. После снятия нагрузки, тылбвое плечо всплывает и в обратной последовательности возвращает балку в исходное положение 4 ил ...

30-04-1992 дата публикации

Отбойное устройство

Номер: SU1730341A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике, к отбойным устройствам транспортных гидротехнических сооружений. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности и улучшение ремонтопригодности устройства. Устройство содержит амортизаторы 1, прикрепленные к стенке сооружения 2. Жесткий щит 3 оперт на амортизаторы и снабжен стойками 4, соединенными ригелем 5. Ригель имеет упругие цилиндрические элементы 6, диаметр которых больше диаметра ригеля. Щит 3 со стойками установлен ригелем 5 в паз 7 на дне перед сооружением 2. Дно паза 7 размещено выше уровня перемещения наносов . Щит 3 соединен со стенкой сооружения 2 гибкими связями 8. 3 ил.

15-08-1990 дата публикации

Навесное отбойное устройство

Номер: SU1585442A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию причальных сооружений. Цель изобретения - упрощение и облегчение устройства и расширение его эксплуатационных возможностей. Навесное отбойное устройство состоит из отбойной рамы 1, подвешенной на причале 2 при помощи оси 3. Нижняя часть отбойной рамы 1 посредством шарнира 4 соединена с одним концом наклонных жестких связей 5. На другом конце жесткой связи 5 посредством подвесок 6 закреплен амортизирующий элемент 7 и установлена опора, выполненная в виде вращающегося катка 8. В верхней части отбойной рамы 1 установлен фиксирующий упор 9, выполненный в виде ребер жесткости отбойной рамы. Жесткая связь оперта на причал с возможностью перемещения через опору. Во время стоянки судна амортизирующим элементом 7 обеспечивается синхронная реакция отбойной рамы 1 на подвижки судна, что создает безопасные условия стоянки при волнении и воздействии ветра. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Отбойное устройство

Номер: SU1700131A2

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике , точнее к отбойным устройствам транспортных гидротехнических сооружений. Цель изобретения - улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик устройства путем повышения его устойчивости на воздействие боковых нагрузок. Устройство включает амортизатор , выполненный в виде резино- металлического цилиндра 1. Амортизатор снабжен фланцем 2, внешний диаметр которого равен внешнему диаметру торца амортизатора 1, а внутренний - диаметру полости 3 амортизатора 1 . К фланцу 2 прикреплено кольцо 4 из высокомолекулярного полиэтилена с помощью болтов 5. сЬланец 2 жестко соединен с втулкой 6, Втулка 6 выполнена с отсЬланцовкой и размещена в полости 3 амортизатора 1, Она скреплена с фланцем 2 при помощи сварного шва 7. Втулка 6 заанкерована за место сопряжения 8 двух диаметров внутренней полости 3 амортизатора 1 при помощи конусной отфланцовки 9- Соединение втулки 6 с фланцем 2 выполнено с предварительным их натяжением друг относительно друга. о S ...

16-02-1961 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Rammen von mehrpfaehligen Dalben unter Verwendung von Rammschablonen

Номер: DE0001099952B

08-07-1971 дата публикации

Elastischer Fender

Номер: DE1634037B1

24-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001634060B2

27-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002152302A1

06-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001402485A

... 1402485 Non-metallic springs SOC APPLICAZIONI GOMMA ANTIVIBRANTI SAGA SpA 6 Feb 1973 [18 May 1972] 5878/73 Heading F2S [Also in Division B7] A fender for mounting on or adjacent a jetty or wharf, e.g. on posts 1, has a movable plate 4 (omitted in Fig. 4), for contacting a ship, attached (by way of a triangular reinforcing plate 5) and three pairs of springs 6, 7, 8 (comprising alternating rubber bodies and metal discs) to a plate (triangular frame 3) for fixing to the posts 1, &c. and with which each pair of springs forms an isosceles triangle, with smaller base angles than vertex angle, the vertices being connected to the movable plate 4 and the intersection of the planes of the pairs of springs 6, 7 and 8 with the plate 3 forming an equilateral triangle ABC and the connections of the springs with the movable plate 4 forming another equilateral triangle DEF, a horizontal side AB of one equilateral triangle being its uppermost side and that DF of the other being the lowermost of that other ...

11-05-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wharf fenders

Номер: GB0000729705A

... 729,705.. Fenders. RAYMOND CONCRETE PILE CO. Aug. 14, 1953 [Oct. 21, 1952], No. 22516/53. Class 113 (1). In a wharf fender having a framework 12 extending longitudinally of, and spaced from, the face of a wharf 11, a plurality of cushioning units 16 mounted between the framework and the wharf comprise elements having a body of rubber 30 with its opposite surface areas bonded to surface areas of metal members 31, 32, Fig. 5, arranged in such a manner that the force applied by a ship against the framework is absorbed by the cushioning units by subjecting the rubber to a substantial extent to shear. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 1 the cushioning unit 16 comprises a plurality of elements 30 bolted together between metal abutments 20, 21 secured to the wharf and a metal wedge block 23 screwed to the framework. In two other embodiments the cushioning unit between the wharf 47 and the fender framework 46 comprises at least two substantially coaxial telescoping members with bodies of rubber ...

31-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001460104A

... 1460104 Elastomeric springs CLOUTH GUMMIWERKE AG 16 May 1974 [26 May 1973] 21693/74 Heading F2S [Also in Division B7] A resilient support, e.g. for a marine fender, comprises a U-section resilient member 1 of e.g. rubber with an arcuate central portion 1a, and a member 2 having an elongate ridge 3, the length of which is substantially equal to the length of the resilient member 1 and the breadth of which at its base is less than the spacing between end portions 1b of the resilient member 1 outlying said central portion 1a, the crest of the ridge 3 being so movable into the central portion 1a when the fender is under load as to cause the sense of curvature, of the central portion 1a to be reversed and for it to be deflected into the space between the outlying end portions 1b. The ridge member 3a may be integral with the member 2a, Fig. 4 (not shown), and the resilient member may be prevented by spreading by abutments 6, or tie bars 9, Fig. 4 (not shown). Several supports 1 may be used in ...

24-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001418998A

... 1418998 Fenders YOKOHAMA RUBBER CO Ltd 22 Feb 1973 8834/73 Heading B7S [Also in Division F2] A marine fender comprises firstly a cupshaped body 21 of gas-tight resilient material having a base 2111, a circumferential sidewall and an integral external flange 211, and secondly a backing plate 26 arranged for co-operation with the flange 211 to form a sealed chamber A. The body 21 is of rubber, 22, 24 with a reinforcing layer 23 and the backing plate 26 has a passage 30 for admitting gas to the chamber A. The base of the body 21 may include a metal plate 50, Fig. 9 (not shown) and the sidewall may have circumscribed metal rings 60, Fig. 10 (not shown).

17-11-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fenders for ships, docks or the like

Номер: GB0000718624A

... 718,624. Fenders for ships &c. ALLEN, F. W. April 29, 1953 [Feb. 11, 1952], No. 3490/52. Class 113(1) A fender comprises a rigid body member carrying at least one hollow resilient ring and deformable hollow balls disposed in the ring. A closed cylindrical body 1, Fig. 1 is surrounded by tyre outer covers 3 packed with hollow rubber balls 6 and retained by end plates 4, 5. The fender may be made up of units each consisting of end plates 7, 8, Fig. 3, connected by a ring 9 to form a watertight cylinder, the plates extending beyond the ring to provide flanges supporting an outer ring 11 on which a tyre cover 20 packed with balls 21 is secured by T-shaped clips 15, Fig. 4, passed through T-shaped slots 12 in the ring 11 and held in the feet thereof by their flanged bases 18. Radial channel members 22 accommodate bolts 23 by which units may be joined together. Single units may be rotatably mounted in brackets on a quayside. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specification 627,915 ...

11-03-1998 дата публикации

Boat fender

Номер: GB0002316995A

A boat fender comprises a series of fenders joined by pivoted male/female connections, as shown. The fenders may be inflatable.

21-11-2007 дата публикации

Marine Device

Номер: GB0002433973B

30-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB2225407A

A fender for a boat comprises a cylindrical member 10 having a convex surface 12 formed at one end thereof, a concave surface 11 formed at the other end thereof and an aperture or apertures formed therein to enable a cable or rope 15 to pass therethrough in use. The member 10 may be tubular and the apertures in the convex 12 and concave 11 surfaces are formed centrally therethrough and may have a tubular member (14, Fig. 1) located therebetween. The member 10 may be formed of flexible synthetic plastics material, such as polyvinylchloride, inflated to a predetermined pressure, or of foamed plastics material. ...

01-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002328214B

26-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001271657A

... 1,271,657. Wharf fenders. A. L. L. BAKER. 1 May, 1969 [3 April, 1968], No. 16093/68. Heading B7S. In a fender 2 suspended from a wharf 1 by extensible cables 7, the vessel-contacting surface members 4 extending beyond the wharf, the framework of the fender extends rearwardly from members 4 and each cable 7 has an extensible portion running along the wharf or along the fender. In the embodiment shown, the fender is suspended by nylon cables which are pulled up tight so that the upper edges of framework members 5 engage with downwardly extending member 12 and a roller 13 at the rear of the framework engages the underside of the wharf.

18-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001446367A

... 1446367 Marine monomooring terminals INGECO SpA 11 Jan 1974 1404/74 Heading B7S [Also in Division B8] A marine monomooring terminal comprises a base structure piled into the sea bed, a head located above the surface and supported by a jacket which is constructed so as to yield should a vessel collide with the terminal and thereby prevent the head and base structure from being damaged. It is stated that the head may be supported by a single vertical column, but in the preferred embodiment it is supported by a plurality of columns 19 whose lower ends are stepped in respective housing parts 4 and 7 of the base structure 3 pinned to the sea bed by piles 1. The head comprises an inner space frame 9 which is rotatable on a bearing 8 about a vertical axis and an outer annular space frame 11 suspended from the frame 9 by metal rods, chains or cables 10, connected to the frames 9, 11 by spherical or cardan joints. Fenders 12 are located around the periphery of the frame 11 and stacks of rubber elements ...

19-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002054093B

04-08-1982 дата публикации

Protective cover for fender

Номер: GB0002091842A
Автор: Forsyth, Robert M

A protective textile cover for use with marine fenders and other similar devices comprises a tube or sock of preferably elasticated material to enclose the fender and prevent accumulation on the surface of the latter of abrasive material which would otherwise tend to damage a hull against which the fender is used. ...

25-09-1963 дата публикации

Improved marine fender

Номер: GB0000938112A

... 938,112. Fenders. FIRESTONE BURLEIGH MARINE PNEUMATIC FENDERING CO. Ltd. Oct. 17, 1961, No. 37197/61. Class 113. A fender comprises an axle 5 having mounted thereon one or more rotatable flexible ring-like members 1, e.g. inflated pneumatic tyres. The axle 5 is mounted in a frame 12, 13, which also carries load-resisting rollers 10, in bearings 9 so as to be movable away from the load which is taken by the rollers 10 bearing on the ring members 1. The ring members 1 are supported on hubs 3 so as to be capable of rotational and longitudinal movement on the axle 5. Stop rings 6 and buffer rings 7 are provided intermediate of the axle and at the ends to limit the longitudinal movement. The axle 5 may be positioned horizontally or vertically or any angle therebetween. Specification 892,541 is referred to.

29-04-1964 дата публикации

Improved impact absorbing devices

Номер: GB0000956388A

... 956,388. Fenders. NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. March 20, 1962 [March 20, 1961], No. 10121/61. Heading B7S. A fender comprises an elongated hollow flexible walled envelope 10, closed at one end 12, and having provision (weights 16) for weighting the other end at which there is an opening. A vertical metal spine 18 on the envelope 10 slides in a guide 20 on the structure 22 to be protected by the fender. The fender floats (the inside water level being suggested by the broken line) with the air pressure above the water level providing stiffness.

14-10-1981 дата публикации

Berthing unit

Номер: GB0002073119A
Автор: Hodgson, Sidney

A floating berthing unit 10 has a V-shaped notch 12 to receive the bow of a ship 11, the sides of the notch being provided with pneumatic roller fenders 18 to absorb the berthing energy of the ship. The other side of the unit is provided with fenders 23 of hardwood timber facing which are arranged to transmit the berthing energy to piles 17. The unit has both dry tanks and water ballast tanks. ...

16-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008605722D0

18-12-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fenders for ships and piers

Номер: GB0000226101A

... 226,101. Read, C. W. May 19, 1924. Fenders.-Fenders for ships are formed by moulding rubber as a solid or hollow body of elongated shape of circular cross-section. The central cavity may be filled with a. core of inferior rubber or other material, or, in some cases. may be filled with compressed air. The supporting rope b may pass through a central channel 2, Fig. 2, and be secured by means of a knot co-operating with a washer b'. In another form the rope is secured to an eye-bolt terminating either in bifurcated rivets embedded in the rubber or in an axial od passing entirely through the fender and secured bv a nut and washer.

13-04-2022 дата публикации

Marine fenders

Номер: GB0002599685A

A method of constructing a marine fender 301 comprising an energy-absorptive core 302 and a protective cover 303, 304 is disclosed. The method comprises obtaining an energy-absorptive core, obtaining a protective cover shaped to conform around the energy-absorptive core, and locating the protective cover around the energy-absorptive core to cover the energy-absorptive core. A marine fender comprising an energy-absorptive core and a protective cover formed from first and second parts covering the energy-absorptive core is disclosed. A kit of parts formed from an energy-absorptive core and a protective cover that is manipulable to cover the energy-absorptive core is also disclosed.

31-08-1983 дата публикации

Device to deaden frictions of the ships against the quays.

Номер: OA0000007007A

31-03-1987 дата публикации

Device of energy absorption for the protection of works for berthing.

Номер: OA0000008079A

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000432389T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527164T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546590T

10-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334830B

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000280277T

11-06-1997 дата публикации

Fender protective structure for curved surfaces

Номер: AU0007610096A

23-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003218425A1

27-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008269591A

03-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002341473B2

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Fender Holder and Assembly

Номер: AU2012101432A4

FENDER HOLDER AND ASSEMBLY Abstract On aspect of the invention provides a fender assembly. The fender assembly includes a fender holder (10). The fender holder includes a base (12), to be attached to a berthing structure at a position proximate an edge of the berthing structure, and a fender engaging formation (20) attached to said base. The fender assembly further includes a fender body (28). The fender holder formation is adapted to hold the fender body such that said fender body extends outwardly from the fender holder so as to overlaps the edge of the berthing structure.

15-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002472784A

29-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000558350B2

03-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002665092A

19-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003803372A

05-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003402171A

08-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001005094A1

28-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001199839A1

18-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002322574C

A terminal and system for the automatic computerized unloading of containerized cargo from container ships to trucks, railroad cars, other ships or storage. The terminal system (10) is equipped to store or transfer unloaded cargo automatically by using independent container transfer vehicles (26). The cargo ships (20) are moored between quays (22) of a terminal building constructed in or adjacent to a waterway. Independent container transfer vehicles (26) on an overhead transverse beam (28) system lift a container (18) up and away from a ship and transfer it to the elevated ground rail (72) system without changing the container orientation, and then shuttle on elevated ground conveyance rails to other areas of the terminal to distribute the container to the pertinent transportation system (railcar, truck, another ship) or to storage (40). Containers can also be unloaded from trucks and railroad cars and transported to a berthed ship utilizing the same transportation system. Remotely controlled ...

01-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA970173A

21-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002414802A1

A marine docking device according to the present invention includes a fender having a first end coupled to a first arm by a first attachment member and a second end coupled to a second arm by a second attachment member. The first attachment member and the second attachment member are configured to prevent the fender from rotating about a longitudinal axis that passes through the first end and the second end. The first arm includes a compression assembly that facilitates movement of the first end between a first position and a second position. The compression assembly includes a tubular member that is slidable within a sleeve. A spring is compressed between a first spring abutment provided on the sleeve and a second spring abutment provided on the tubular member. The first spring abutment is continuously urged toward an advanced position by the spring.

22-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002585377A1

20-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000981924A1

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003045754A1

A ferry slip (100) comprising a vehicle driveway (41,42) arranged on a quayside (60), the ferry slip (100) comprising an elongate fluid cylinder unit (20) connected to the quayside (60) and extending longitudinally away from the quayside (60) in a seawards direction (x), the fluid cylinder unit (20) having a support element (10) at its seawards end, the fluid cylinder unit (20) fluidly connected to an accumulator unit (70) via a fluid distribution system (80). There is also provided a method of operating a ferry slip.

26-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002383672A1

A bridge pillar debris deflection apparatus (10), which attaches to a pillar supporting a structure located on a water way, such as a river or ocean. The apparatus (10) deflects debris to maintain the pillar clear from any unwanted build-up of rubbish. The apparatus utilizes at least one finned cylinder (30) that is rotatably held in place in front of a pillar (50) with an upper attachment bracket (26) and a lower attachment bracket (28). The cylinder is rotated by the force of the water impinging on a multiplicity of fins (44) extending from the outer surface of the cylinder to deflect the debris and prevent any accumulation. An axle (38) is positioned between the brackets and extends through the cylinder in the preferred embodiment. Any number of cylinders may be used in tandem, according to the need and environmental conditions. A variety of different brackets may be employed to attach the apparatus to a pillar or buttress, such as attaching plates (23), circumferencial bands (22), sliding ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002921980A1

There is herein described improved natural rubber compositions for use in engineered rubber products for use in civil and mechanical engineering applications having nanocarbon and carbon black as reinforcing agents wherein the nanocarbon is uniformly pre-dispersed within the rubber component. In particular there is described rubber compositions comprising a mixture of natural rubber, nanocarbon and carbon black wherein the relative amount in parts per hundred rubber (pphr) of nanocarbon to carbon black is in the range of about 1 : 40 to about 1 : 2 and the relative amount in parts per hundred rubber (pphr) of nanocarbon to natural rubber is in the range of about 1 : 100 to about 10 : 100 and wherein the nanocarbon component is pre-dispersed within the natural rubber component.

07-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002751792A1

A connector for connecting a floating module to a beached module of a modular wharf, the connector comprising: a resilient member adapted for resiliently opposing movement of the floating module toward the beached module; a sliding connector for slidably connecting said floating module to said beached module to allow vertical movement of the floating module relative to the beached module during tides of said body of water while restricting horizontal and lateral movement of said floating module.

06-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001127013A1

19-03-1997 дата публикации

Loading Dock Bumpers

Номер: CA0002158535A1

26-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002239726C

A method of making a fender protective structure is comprised of placing cur ed elastomeric spacers in a mold; pouring an alloy mix of crumb elastomer and plastic powder into the mold over the elastomeric spacers; providing a layer of plastic powder over the alloy mix; curing the plastic layer and the elastomer and plastic mix to thereby make a n elastomer and plastic alloy; and, removing the elastomeric spacers, wherein the elastomeric spacers create voids in the alloy, and are easily removed because of the difference in thermal expansion between the cured rubber and the alloy.

15-12-1956 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000318128A

25-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000116708C2

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Fender structure

Номер: CN0106741723A
Автор: LI BIN

21-08-2020 дата публикации

Offshore structure with concrete wharf structure

Номер: CN0111566287A

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Channel lateral stand column protection device

Номер: CN0105421271A

20-10-2017 дата публикации

Buffer stop suitable for pier

Номер: CN0206570677U

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Tether pile protection structure that boats and ships were used

Номер: CN0210482218U

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Bridge girder and pier buffer stop

Номер: CN0207919497U

26-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0210621621U

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Inflatable PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) fender

Номер: CN202935551U

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Deep water sea area prevents that ship hits interception system

Номер: CN0205636659U

04-07-2017 дата публикации

The structure is stable energy dissipation fender

Номер: CN0104963317B

05-08-2015 дата публикации

System for detecting tensile force of guy rope in pneumatic fender and pneumatic fender

Номер: CN104822587A

The present invention provides a system for detecting the tensile force of a guy rope in a pneumatic fender capable of preventing the breakage of the guy rope, and a pneumatic fender. Tensile force data (T) detected by a tensile force sensor (5) detecting the tensile force of a guy rope (2) is transmitted by a wireless transmitter (6), and is inputted to a computation device (8) through a receiver (7). An alerting device (9) issues an alert when the tensile data (T) is at least equivalent to reference data (C) previously inputted to the computation device (8).

09-03-2018 дата публикации

For bridges of the movable ship interception method

Номер: CN0105544439B

16-02-2018 дата публикации

Bridge anticollision device

Номер: CN0207017227U

09-02-2011 дата публикации

Crash resistant composite material and method for producing the same

Номер: CN0101173087B

The invention discloses anti-collision elastic material, which mainly consists of epoxy resin, polybasic amine curing agent, metal powder and slate powder enhanced particle, and the weight proportion of each component is as follows: epoxy resin of 25 to 30 parts, polybasic amine curing agent of 10 to 16 parts, metal powder of 42 to 45 parts and slate powder enhanced particle of 54 to 58 parts. The material has the preparation method that: firstly, E-51 epoxy resin is put in the container, then mixed amine curing agent is added for full mixing, and then iron dust and quality BaSO4 are added, and then continuously mixed, finally the evenly mixed matter is poured into the mould for curing. The elastic material has proper density, low bending mould quantity, low damping ratio and high impact toughness, and improves the collision preventing ability of lock gate and dike protection slope.

01-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002412655B1

17-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002413584B1

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002601395A


26-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002429873B1

07-01-1957 дата публикации

Defense for quays and piers

Номер: FR0001128499A

04-04-1969 дата публикации

Номер: FR0001562172A

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Boat Bow Cover and Guard Device

Номер: US20120132127A1
Автор: Gerald Dion
Принадлежит: Individual

A protective guard for shielding key areas of a boat hull that are exposed to the greatest risk of impact damage from kicked up road debris while being transported behind a tow vehicle. A V-shaped tarp is fastened to the forward tie line anchors of a boat, with the interior angle of the V situated at the bow crest. The tarp is tautly stretched along the hull by bungee cords spanning the underside of the boat, attaching the port and starboard side of the tarp. The rear bottom corners of the tarp are fastened to the boat trailer. This configuration protects of the entire underside of the bow from road debris and damaged resulting therefrom. Other embodiments include a variety of configurations to accommodate not only various sizes of boat, but also to facilitate installation on various other towable objects including different water craft, all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Segmented recreational device

Номер: US20120252293A1
Автор: Patrick J. Romzek
Принадлежит: Individual

A segmented flotation device available in a plurality of colors, sizes, and configurations is disclosed. Each flotation device includes one or more buoyant members strung together with an elastic band. A recessed cup at each end of the device stores a coupler which is in turn secured to the elastic band. The coupler is configured with couplers for interconnecting flotation devices to create a variety of shapes and structures such as grids, float mats, and long float lines. A cord lock may be provided on the elastic band for adjusting the preloaded tension. A plurality of flotation devices can be packaged with other accessories connectable to the devices for creating a seat, mat, island or other structure, for holding beverages, or for providing awning structure.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Floating standoff assembly

Номер: US20120263536A1
Принадлежит: Kepner Plastics Fabricators Inc

A standoff system for keeping a containment boom or other floating barrier device spaced at a desired standoff distance away from a structure. The system includes an inner side member, an outer side member, and a plurality of compression members disposed between the side members. The system has a collapsed configuration in which the distance between the inner and outer side members is less than the desired standoff distance, and a deployed configuration in which the distance between the side members is greater than or substantially equal to the desired standoff distance. Alternatively, the system can be collapsed longitudinally by moving the adjacent compression members into abutting relationship with each other. The system is towed into place in the collapsed configuration, and once in place, is transformed into the deployed configuration by applying tension to the side members.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Bank Protection Structure with Shape of Hollow Circular Truncated Cone

Номер: US20130071185A1

The present invention discloses a concrete structure used for bank protection and scour prevention of river bank and coast. Its construct is a hollow circular truncated cone and concrete flat plates are plugged on the hollow circular truncated cone. By tearing, dispersing and stirring up water flow, the energy of local water flow is dissipated, and the scouring strength of the water flow is weakened, achieving the aim of scour prevention and bank protection. It has good mechanical property, not easy to be destroyed, has good stability in water and big overhead rate, and can save materials. Compared to previous various structures for scour prevention, the present invention has better effects of energy dissipation and scour prevention. It not only can be used in bank protection and scour prevention, but also can be used for supplementary energy dissipation when plugging and closure. 1. A bank protection structure with shape of hollow circular truncated cone , characterized in that said bank protection structure consists of a hollow circular truncated cone and concrete flat plates; the circular truncated cone , being made of concrete materials , shaped by template pouring , and the diameter of bottom surface of the circular truncated cone being bigger than the diameter of top surface of the circular truncated cone; said concrete flat plates , perpendicular to curved surface of the circular truncated cone , being plugged on the circumference surface of the circular truncated cone.2. The bank protection structure according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , said concrete flat plates have plug grooves which allow said concrete flat plates to be plugged by the wall of the circular truncated cone from up to down claim 1 , then mouth of the plug groove being sealed by concrete.3. The bank protection structure according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , said concrete is bamboo reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete.4. The bank protection structure ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251459A1
Автор: Izumi Minami

A pneumatic fender is configured to improve workability during folding up, be conveniently secured during transport, and suppress damage during folding up and during transport, thus increasing durability. A method for transporting the pneumatic fender also has these characteristics. In the pneumatic fender, at least one crease is formed extending in the lengthwise direction at the outer surface of a torso body section in the pneumatic fender. After the air has been discharged from the pneumatic fender, a bag is pushed flat with mirror body sections as the upper surface of the torso body section and then with the crease as a boundary, the bag is folded towards the upper surface. In this folded state, the pneumatic fenders are loaded into a container and transported. 1. A pneumatic fender having a bag comprising a cylindrical torso body section and dome-shaped mirror body sections connected to both ends of the torso body section , at least one crease extending in a longitudinal direction is formed in an outer surface of the torso body section.2. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein at least one crease extended in a width direction is formed in an outer surface of the mirror body sections at the both ends.3. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein at least one crease that is concentric with respect to a center axis of the torso body section is formed in an outer surface of the mirror body sections at the both ends.4. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein creases that are radial with respect to a center axis of the torso body section are formed in an outer surface of the mirror body sections at the both ends.5. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the crease comprises a concave groove.6. The pneumatic fender according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , inside the bag claim 5 , a concave line or a convex line is formed opposing to the concave groove.7. A method for transporting a pneumatic fender claim 5 , when the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259580A1

A system is disclosed for protecting supporting structures, such as those of a bridge or other such marine supporting structure, from the force of an impact of a vehicle/vessel. Such a system includes a plurality of modular components arranged in series and configured to dissipate the energy of the force through the progressive buckling of one or more of the modular components. Each modular component contains an energy dissipation unit that includes a plurality of adjacent cells. The energy of the force is dissipated in the buckling of the walls of the cells of the energy dissipation units through the formation of one or more plastic hinges and/or volume reduction of the cells. 1. A method for dissipating an applied force , comprising:providing a plurality of modular components, each modular component containing an energy dissipation unit comprising a plurality of cells;arranging the plurality of modular components in series such that the applied force contacts a first modular component of the series;dissipating the applied force by buckling at least one cell wall of the cells of the energy dissipation unit of the first modular component of the series;upon the buckling of at least one cell wall of the cells of the energy dissipation unit of the first modular component, transferring remaining force to a next adjacent modular component in the series until at least one of all of the applied force has been dissipated and no further adjacent modular components remain in the series;wherein the plurality of modular components is configured to attach to a marine structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cells are hollow tubes.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hollow tubes are arranged rows such that each hollow tube may buckle or hinge without contacting an adjacent hollow tube of the same row.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of modular components are configured to rest on a surface of a body of water.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276689A1
Автор: MARSHALL John C.

A boat protection device includes a boat fender having a cushion, a first attachment element and a second attachment element. The first attachment element has a first keyhole aperture. The first keyhole aperture has a first slot and a first passage contiguous with the first slot. The second attachment element has a second keyhole aperture. The second keyhole aperture has a second slot and a second passage contiguous with the second slot. 1. A boat protection device , comprising:a cushion;a first attachment element attached to the cushion, the first attachment element comprising a first keyhole aperture having a first passage and a first slot contiguous with the first passage, the first passage having a first width and the first slot having a second width smaller than the first width; anda second attachment element attached to the cushion, the second attachment element comprising a second keyhole aperture having a second passage and a second slot contiguous with the second passage, the second passage having a third width and the second slot having a fourth width smaller than the third width.2. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second passages are substantially circular.3. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first slot is orientated substantially orthogonal to the second slot portion.4. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element further comprises an opening for receiving a fender line.5. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element and the second attachment element are located at opposite ends of the cushion.6. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element and the second attachment element are integral with the cushion.7. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the cushion claim 1 , the first attachment element claim 1 , and the second attachment element have rear surfaces coplanar with one another.8. The boat protection ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309021A1
Автор: Rowley John

A piling protector includes an abrasion resistant surface disposed along an outer surface of the piling protector, a plurality of channels defined in an inner surface of the piling protector, the plurality of channels facilitating flexibility of the piling protector, and first and second appendages extending from first and second lateral sides of the piling protector. The first and second appendages are configured for attachment to a piling. Portions of the interior surface of the piling protector defined between channels of the piling protector are curved to correspond to a curved outer surface of a generally cylindrical piling. The piling protector is configured for engagement with both a curved outer surface of a generally cylindrical pylon and a flat surface. 1. A piling protector comprising:(a) an abrasion resistant surface disposed along an outer surface of the piling protector;(b) a plurality of channels defined in an inner surface of the piling protector, the plurality of channels facilitating flexibility of the piling protector;(c) first and second appendages extending from first and second lateral sides of the piling protector, the first and second appendages being configured for attachment to a piling;(d) wherein portions of the interior surface of the piling protector defined between channels of the piling protector are curved to correspond to a curved outer surface of a generally cylindrical piling;(e) wherein the piling protector is configured for engagement with both a generally curved outer surface of a generally cylindrical pylon and a generally flattened surface of a deformed generally cylindrical pylon.2. The piling protector of claim 1 , wherein the piling protector is eight feet long.3. The piling protector of claim 1 , wherein the abrasion resistant surface is one of a plurality of abrasion resistant surfaces of the piling protector.4. The piling protector of claim 1 , wherein the abrasion resistant surface is replaceable.5. The piling ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030028A1
Автор: DeMay Steven Edward

A frame rail assembly for a boat dock structure includes a frame rail member and a removable resilient rub-rail member. The frame rail member includes a first side configured for securing the frame rail member to a side of the boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; a first channel extending along a length of the frame rail member; and a second channel below the first channel, the second channel extending along the length of the frame rail member. An interlocking frame rail system for boat dock structures includes a first frame rail member, a second frame rail member, and an upper connector member extending along at least a portion of a length of the first frame rail member and at least a portion of the length of a second frame rail member. 17.-. (canceled)8. An interlocking frame rail system for boat dock structures , comprising:a first frame rail member including a first side configured for securing the first frame rail member to a first side of a first boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; an upper section between the first side and the second side of the first frame rail member; a lower section between the first side and the second side, and below the upper section, of the first frame rail member; an upper channel extending along a length of the first frame rail member; and a lower channel below the upper channel, the lower channel extending along the length of the first frame rail member;a second frame rail member including a first side configured for securing the second frame rail member to a first side of a second boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; an upper section between the first side and the second side of the second frame rail member; a lower section between the first side and the second side, and below the upper section of the second frame rail member; an upper channel extending along a length of the second frame rail member; and a lower channel below the upper channel, the upper channel ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044491A1

A standoff system for keeping a containment boom or other floating barrier device spaced at a desired standoff distance away from a structure. The system includes an inner side member, an outer side member, and a plurality of compression members disposed between the side members. The system has a collapsed configuration in which the distance between the inner and outer side members is less than the desired standoff distance, and a deployed configuration in which the distance between the side members is greater than or substantially equal to the desired standoff distance. Alternatively, the system can be collapsed longitudinally by moving the adjacent compression members into abutting relationship with each other. The system is towed into place in the collapsed configuration, and once in place, is transformed into the deployed configuration by applying tension to the side members. The system also may include one or more tension members attached diagonally between adjacent compression members to keep the system in the deployed configuration. The standoff system can be a separate, free-standing structure placed between a ship and a boom or it can be integrated with a containment boom. 1an inner side member;an outer side member;a plurality of compression members disposed between the side members, each compression member having an inward end attached to the inner side member and an outward end attached to the outer side member, the inward ends being spaced a first distance apart from each other and the outward ends being spaced a second distance apart from each other;the compression members having a first, collapsed orientation in which the compression members are disposed at first angles relative to the side members such that the distance between the side members is less than the desired standoff distance; andthe compression members having a second, deployed orientation in which the compression members are disposed at second angles relative to the side members, the ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048005A1
Принадлежит: BOSTON WHALER, INC.

A rub rail system for a vessel including a rigid track extrusion attached to a vessel, a resilient flexible fender extrusion, and a shock absorbing inner core. The inner core is disposed in the fender extrusion and the core is substantially softer than the fender extrusion. The fender extrusion is configured to matingly engage the track extrusion. The fender extrusion has an upper barb engaging an upper receiving cavity of the track extrusion and a lower barb engaging a lower receiving cavity of the track extrusion. The track extrusion has an upper tang engaging an upper recess of the fender extrusion and a lower tang engaging a lower recess of the fender extrusion. The track extrusion also includes an upper lip configured to engage a top portion of the perimeter of the vessel and a lower lip configured to engage a lower portion of the perimeter of the vessel. 1. A rub rail system for a vessel , comprising:a rigid track extrusion and a resilient flexible fender extrusion;said resilient flexible fender extrusion completely encasing a shock absorbing inner core, wherein said inner core is substantially softer than said fender extrusion;said track extrusion configured to attach to a perimeter of said vessel; andsaid fender extrusion configured to matingly engage said track extrusion.2. The rub rail system of claim 1 , said rigid track extrusion including an upper lip and a lower lip claim 1 , said upper lip configured to engage a top portion of said perimeter of said vessel and said lower lip configured to engage a lower portion of said perimeter of said vessel.3. The rub rail system of claim 2 , wherein said lower lip has a square cross-section.4. The rub rail system of claim 2 , said fender extrusion including an upper flange and a lower flange claim 2 , wherein said upper flange engages said upper lip of said track extrusion and said lower flange engages said lower lip of said track extrusion.5. The rub rail system of claim 4 , wherein said upper flange includes a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002840A1
Автор: VAN DER BURG Gerrit

A fender for fending a ship from a mooring wall comprises a hydraulic cylinder and piston assembly arranged so that compression of the fender is translated into a force to move the piston in the cylinder. Valves couple the hydraulic cylinder to reservoir that is at least partially filled with gas. An overpressure valve allows hydraulic liquid to flow from the cylinder to the reservoir when the fender compression force exceeds a threshold, allowing the fender to be compressed. When the force drops away, a return valve allows hydraulic liquid to return to the cylinder, causing the piston to move to expand fender, following movement of the ship away from the fender. In this way oscillating motion is reduced. A plurality of such fenders may be combined with mooring cable holding devices with a similar mechanism that pays out cable when the movement of the ship from the mooring wall cause the force on the mooring cable to grow. Energy generated from such forces may be used to reduce movement of the ship. 1. A fender for fending a ship from a mooring wall , the fender comprisinga fender base structure;a movable fender surface mounted moveable in a fender compression direction relative to the fender base structure;a hydraulic cylinder and piston assembly operationally connected between the fender base structure and the movable fender surface,a reservoir filled at least partially with gas;an overpressure valve configured to pass hydraulic liquid from the hydraulic cylinder to the reservoir when a difference between a pressure of the hydraulic liquid in the hydraulic cylinder and a pressure in the reservoir reaches a first threshold;a return valve configured to pass hydraulic liquid from the reservoir to the hydraulic cylinder when a difference between a pressure of the hydraulic liquid in the hydraulic cylinder drops below a second threshold lower than the first threshold.2. The fender according to claim 1 , comprising an electromagnet with poles configured to generate a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009241A1

An impact absorbing device includes a waterproof outer sleeve and a core assembly disposed within the outer sleeve. The core assembly includes a bendable structural element encased in foam. 1. An impact absorbing device comprising:a waterproof outer sleeve; anda core assembly disposed within the outer sleeve,wherein the core assembly includes a bendable structural element encased in foam.2. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the structural element is bendable to a bent configuration under an external force claim 1 , and wherein the structural element is configured to remain in the bent configuration upon removal of the external force.3. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the foam includes closed-cell foam configured to provide a waterproof barrier around the structural element.4. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the structural element includes an expanded metal sheet.5. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the outer sleeve includes a first end claim 1 , a second end opposite the first end claim 1 , and a grommet coupled to the outer sleeve adjacent the first end.6. The impact absorbing device of claim 5 , further comprising a strap extending through the grommet.7. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the outer sleeve is made of PVC-coated polyethylene.8. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the outer sleeve is made of chlorosulfonated polyethylene synthetic rubber.9. The impact absorbing device of claim 1 , wherein the outer sleeve is air-tight.10. An impact absorbing device comprising:an outer sleeve; and a first foam layer,', 'a second foam layer, and', 'an expanded metal sheet disposed between the first foam layer and the second foam layer,, 'a core assembly disposed within the outer sleeve, the core assembly including'}wherein the first foam layer and the second foam layer are melted together to seal the expanded metal sheet between the foam layers.11. The impact absorbing device of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Dock bumper

Номер: US20220034057A1
Автор: Monte Goble
Принадлежит: TRIM GARD CO Ltd

A dock bumper that protects boats from being damaged when they are moored to a dock is provided. The dock bumper incorporates a clear, transparent lens which allows a light emitting diode (LED) rope light to shine through, and it incorporates a support member to hold the LED rope light in place. The dock bumper of the present disclosure makes it much safer to dock a boat in poor light conditions (night, fog etc.). The dock bumper of the present disclosure may also be used to protect vehicles such as water vehicles, land vehicles and air vehicles, from damage when hitting a hard surface.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Pneumatic Fender and Mouth Piece Metal for Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20170016195A1
Автор: Yamada Shu

A pneumatic fender and a mouth piece metal for a pneumatic fender with an open/close valve fixed at a position in which a through hole formed in a dividing wall constituting a receiving chamber, where the valve is closed by closed position fixing members. A safety valve is isolated from a cavity of a fender bladder by a receiving chamber, the safety valve being able to be detached and attached while the pneumatic fender is in use. A confirmation test of a valve opening pressure of the safety valve is performed by opening a receiving chamber open/close valve and raising an internal pressure of a cavity of the receiving chamber to a pressure threshold via a receiving chamber communication passage. The open/close valve is fixed at a position in which the through hole is open by open position fixing member. 1. A pneumatic fender comprising:a fender bladder including a cylindrical portion and bowl-like hemispherical portions connected to each end of the cylindrical portion;a mouth piece metal disposed on at least one of the hemispherical portions,the mouth piece metal including:a safety valve that, upon an internal pressure of a cavity of the fender bladder reaching a pressure threshold, opens to connect the cavity of the fender bladder to outside air and reduce the internal pressure, anda communication passage that connects the cavity of the fender bladder and outside air; anda bladder open/close valve that opens and closes the communication passage; whereinthe mouth piece metal further includes:a receiving chamber that isolates the safety valve from the cavity of the fender bladder,a through hole that connects a cavity of the receiving chamber and the cavity of the fender bladder, the through hole being formed on a dividing wall constituting the receiving chamber,an open/close valve that opens and closes the through hole,a closed position fixing member that fixes the open/close valve at a position in which the through hole is closed,an open position fixing member that ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016761A1
Автор: Malmberg Mats

The present invention concerns a fender system comprising one or more fenders (). The one or more fenders () are to be fastened to a quay wall (). The fender system further comprises a panel () carrying one or more shields. The panel () is fastened to the one or more fenders (). Each fender () is formed of two or more fender sections (). 1. A fender system comprising one or more fenders , which one or more fenders are to be fastened to a quay wall , a panel carrying one or more shields , which panel is fastened to the one or more fenders , characterized in that each fender is formed of two or more fender sections connected to each other by means of connecting pieces and that each fender has the form of a truncated cone and has a flange at each end.2. The fender system of claim 1 , wherein each fender is formed of four identical fender sections forming a quarter of the fender.3. The fender system of claim 1 , wherein one flange has a larger outer diameter than the other flange and wherein the flange having the larger diameter is to be facing the quay.4. The fender system of claim 1 , wherein connecting pieces are received in recesses of the flanges claim 1 , each connecting piece is bridging two fender sections and wherein each connecting piece has a curved form claim 1 , following the curvature of the flanges of the fender sections.5. The fender system of claim 4 , wherein each connecting piece has through holes at opposite ends and wherein the through holes of the connecting piece are placed in line with through holes of the respective flange claim 4 , wherein the fender sections are connected to each other by means of the connecting pieces in such a way that a gap is formed between adjacent fender sections in the formed fender and wherein each connecting piece has a boss protruding from one side of the connecting piece going into the gap between adjacent fender sections.6. The fender system of claim 5 , wherein fastening screws goes through the through holes of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016860A1

Fender arrangement for docking a marine vessel () with a boat landing () of a marine offshore structure () such as a wind power plant, including at least one fender unit () composed of elastically deformable material and provided with a receiving recess () for a docking rail () of said boat landing (). The fender arrangement is especially characterized in that fender unit () exhibits an internal deformation control cavity () positioned at a distance from the receiving recess () within the fender unit () and extending at least along the width of said receiving recess (), controlling deformation of the fender unit () into forming a gripping hold of a docking rail () by compression of the internal deformation control cavity () when the fender unit () is pressed against the docking rail (). 1. Fender arrangement for docking a marine vessel with a boat landing of a marine offshore structure such as a wind power plant , including at least one fender unit composed of elastically deformable material and provided with a receiving recess for a docking rail of said boat landing , characterized in that the fender unit exhibits an internal deformation control cavity positioned at a distance from the receiving recess within the fender unit and extending at least along the width of said receiving recess , controlling deformation of the fender unit into forming a gripping hold of a docking rail by compression of the internal deformation control cavity when the fender unit is pressed against the docking rail.2. A fender arrangement for docking a marine vessel with a boat landing of a marine offshore structure , the fender arrangement comprising:at least one fender unit comprised of elastically deformable material and including a receiving recess for a docking rail of the boat landing, wherein the fender unit includes an internal deformation control cavity positioned at a distance from the receiving recess within the fender unit that extends at least along the width of the receiving ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Pneumatic Fender and Mouth Piece Metal for Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20170022678A1
Автор: Yamada Shu

A pneumatic fender and a mouth piece metal with an open/close valve is biased by a resilient member toward a closing direction of a through hole formed on a dividing wall constituting a receiving chamber. A safety valve is isolated from a cavity of a fender bladder by a receiving chamber, thus allowing the safety valve to be able to be detached and attached while the pneumatic fender is in use. A confirmation test of a valve opening pressure of the safety valve is performed by opening a receiving chamber open/close valve and raising an internal pressure of a cavity of the receiving chamber to a pressure threshold (Pm) via a receiving chamber communication passage. Upon an internal pressure (P) of the cavity being less than the pressure threshold (Pm) and greater than a standard pressure (Pc), the open/close valve opens the through hole, thus allowing the safety valve to function. 1. A pneumatic fender comprising:a fender bladder including a cylindrical portion and bowl-like hemispherical portions connected to each end of the cylindrical portion;a mouth piece metal disposed on at least one of the hemispherical portions,the mouth piece metal including:a safety valve that, upon an internal pressure of a cavity of the fender bladder reaching a pressure threshold, opens to connect the cavity of the fender bladder to outside air and reduce the internal pressure, anda communication passage that connects the cavity of the fender bladder and outside air; anda bladder open/close valve that opens and closes the communication passage; whereinthe mouth piece metal further includes:a receiving chamber that isolates the safety valve from the cavity of the fender bladder,a through hole that connects a cavity of the receiving chamber and the cavity of the fender bladder, the through hole being formed on a dividing wall constituting the receiving chamber,an open/close valve that opens and closes the through hole,a resilient member that constantly biases the open/close valve toward a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Pneumatic fender and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20220041257A1
Автор: Kouko TSUCHIYA
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A cord angle of reinforcing layers having a bias structure constituting a body portion is set to 25° or more and 45° or less in a neutral state of a body. Reinforcing layers are bonded with a bonding member interposed between the reinforcing layers, the bonding member disposed in a space between the reinforcing layers facing in the cylinder axial direction of the body portion and a hemispherical portion. The layered bonding members have the same bias structure as the reinforcing layers of the body portion. A cord angle of the bonding member is set to ±10° of the cord angle of the reinforcing layers of the body portion. The spaces have a plurality of different sizes. One set of ends of the spaces are set to a plurality of different positions, and the other set of ends are also set to a plurality of different positions.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042264A1
Автор: TSUCHIYA Kouko

Reinforcing layers each have a cord angle set to 25° or greater and 45° or less when a body is in a neutral state. When the body is loaded with a specified internal pressure, intermediate rubber layers disposed between adjacent sets in which cords of the reinforcing layers extend in an intersecting direction are shear-deformed, the cord angle increases approximately to a stable angle of repose, and the expanded body maintains a predetermined shape. In each of the sets being formed of two reinforcing layers layered adjacently, the cords of the reinforcing layers extend in an identical direction at the predetermined cord angle. Since substantially no shear force acts on the intermediate rubber layers disposed between the reinforcing layers, the resistance when expanding the body decreases. This provides a pneumatic fender that expands more smoothly and ensures a predetermined shape when a body is loaded with a specified internal pressure. 1. A pneumatic fender , comprising a body comprising a body portion having a cylindrical shape and a hemispherical portion having a bowl shape and connected to both ends of the body portion , the body being composed of a plurality of reinforcing layers layered between an inner layer rubber and an outer layer rubber , in the body portion , each of the reinforcing layers being formed of a number of cords bunched and extending in parallel at a predetermined cord angle with respect to a cylinder axial direction , an intermediate rubber layer being disposed between the reinforcing layers ,the pneumatic fender having a structure in which two reinforcing layers being layered adjacently in the body portion form one set, a plurality of the sets are provided, each of the sets is composed of different reinforcing layers, in each of the sets, the cords of the reinforcing layers extend in an identical direction, and in the sets layered adjacently, the cords of the reinforcing layers extend in an intersecting direction, andthe cord angle of each ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039502A1

An inflatable bag is selectively usable as one of a buoy and a punching bag. The inflatable bag is inflated depending on the selected use, and the inflating is practiced differently depending on the use decision. When it is decided to use the bag as a punching bag, the bag is suspended, and the bag is inflated with water. An inflatable bag member and kit includes components suitable for the selected use. 1. A method of using an inflatable bag , the method comprising:(a) selectively inflating the inflatable bag with one of water and air;(b) when step (a) is practiced by inflating with air, securing the inflated bag on a boat for use as a buoy; and(c) when step (a) is practiced by inflating with water, suspending the bag for use as a punching bag.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the inflatable bag includes a support opening claim 1 , and wherein when step (a) is practiced by inflating with water claim 1 , the method further comprises:(d) attaching a shackle to the support opening;(e) securing a hanging support hook to the shackle;(f) suspending the bag using the hanging support hook; and(g) filling the inflatable bag with water.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein step (f) is practiced before step (g).4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the inflatable bag includes a plug claim 2 , and wherein the method comprises claim 2 , before step (g) claim 2 , the step of removing the plug claim 2 , and after step (g) claim 2 , the step of replacing the plug.5. A method according to claim 2 , wherein step (g) is practiced by attaching an adapter to a water hose claim 2 , and securing the adapter to the inflatable bag.6. An inflatable member and kit selectively usable as a buoy and as a punching bag claim 2 , the inflatable member and kit comprising:an inflatable bag including a support opening and being selectively inflatable with one of water and air;a shackle attachable to the support opening;a hanging support hook securable to the shackle; anda hose ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

A mooring device and a floating unit comprising at least one mooring device

Номер: US20210047013A1

There is disclosed a mooring device () comprising an attachment unit () for mooring of a floating unit () to a floating or non-floating structure (). The mooring device () comprises a first mooring arm () and a second mooring arm () for transferring and/or absorbing forces and energy that arises when the floating unit () moves relative to the floating or non-floating structure. There is also disclosed a floating unit and a floating or non-floating structure comprising one or more such mooring devices (). 2. Mooring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first mooring arm is telescopic and comprises first telescopic part comprising the first end portion of the first mooring arm, and a second telescopic part comprising the second end portion of the first mooring arm.3. Mooring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the second mooring arm is telescopic and comprises first telescopic part comprising the first end portion of the second mooring arm, and a second telescopic part with the second end portion of the second mooring arm.4. Mooring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first mooring arm joint device of the support element joint device or the second mooring arm joint device of the support element joint device is securely attached to the support element.5. Mooring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the support element comprises a base plate element, a first side plate element that is securely attached to the base plate element and a second side plate element that is securely attached to the base plate element, the first mooring arm and/or the second mooring arm being rotatably connected to the first side plate element and the second side plate element.6. Mooring device according to claim 5 ,wherein the first mooring arm joint device is fork-shaped, that the second mooring arm joint device is plate-shaped and adapted to fit into the fork-shaped first mooring arm joint device, that the support element is fork-shaped and that the fork-shaped first mooring arm ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048545A1
Автор: Bae, JR. Warren Edmund

A piling cover. The piling cover includes a body having a tubular cylindrical shape. The body is hollow and further includes an open bottom end leading into an internal compartment of the body. The body is made of a resilient and compressible material such that, upon impact the body deforms and then retains its original shape. The piling cover is placed over a piling of a dock and disperses energy when a boat hits the piling, thereby preventing damage to the boat. 1. A method of protective boats at a dock comprising steps of: 'a body comprising a tubular cylindrical shape and having an open bottom end, wherein the body is made of a resilient and compressible material;', 'providing a piling cover comprisinginserting a piling of the dock into the body through the open bottom end such that the piling cover covers a substantial portion of the piling disposed above water.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the piling cover further comprising a cap comprising a dome shape and affixed to a top end of the body claim 1 , wherein the cap covers a top end of the piling.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the cap is made of the resilient and compressible material.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the cap and the body are unitary.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resilient and compressible material comprises an inflatable and deflatable bladder.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resilient and compressible material comprises a foam.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the foam is polyethylene.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the body further comprises an open top end. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. provisional application No. 62/545,126, filed Aug. 14, 2017 and U.S. provisional application No. 62/595,684, filed Dec. 17, 2017, the contents of which are herein incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to pilings and, more particularly, to a boat fender that fits over a dock piling.A dock is the area of water between or next to one or a ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130725A1

An anti-collision device made of a buffering energy-absorbing type web-enhanced composite material, including an anti-collision unit. The anti-collision unit includes a housing and a filling material body located in the housing, and the housing is a solid housing formed of a composite material surface layer or a sandwiched housing formed of a composite material surface layer internally filled with a sandwiched material, and the sandwiched material; the filling material body includes a space lattice body and an energy consuming material, the space lattice body is formed of fiber webs arranged in the housing in a single-layered unidirectional, single-layered bidirectional, multi-layered unidirectional or multi-layered multi-directional manner, and the energy consuming material is located between the fiber webs and/or between the fiber webs and inner walls of the housing. 1. An anti-collision device made of a buffering energy-absorbing type web-enhanced composite material , comprising an anti-collision unit , wherein the anti-collision unit comprises a housing and a filling material body located in the housing , wherein the housing is a solid housing formed of a composite material surface layer or a sandwiched housing formed of a composite material surface layer internally filled with a sandwiched material , and the sandwiched material; the filling material body comprises a space lattice body and an energy consuming material , the space lattice body is formed of fiber webs arranged in the housing in a single-layered unidirectional , single-layered bidirectional , multi-layered unidirectional or multi-layered multi-directional manner , and the energy consuming material is located between the fiber webs and/or between the fiber webs and inner walls of the housing.2. The anti-collision device made of a buffering energy-absorbing type web-enhanced composite material according to claim 1 , wherein any two anti-collision units adjacent and connected to each other are ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Fender with Enhanced Functionality

Номер: US20190054986A1
Автор: Belanger Michael P.
Принадлежит: FENDER, LLC

Examples disclosed herein relate to a fender for a watercraft where the fender passenger safety device includes a three dimensional body. The three dimensional body includes a top area, a bottom area, a middle area, and an internal area. In addition, the fender passenger safety device includes a tunnel area where the tunnel area includes a tunnel entrance formed onto the middle area. The internal tunnel area is located inside of the internal area. In one example, a safety device located on the top area, the bottom area, or the middle area allows a person to bind to the fender passenger safety device. 1. A fender device for a watercraft comprising:a three dimensional body which includes a top area, a bottom area, a middle area, and an internal area;a tunnel area including a tunnel entrance formed onto the middle area where an internal tunnel area is inside of the internal area.2. The fender device of claim 1 , wherein the three dimensional body has a cylinder shape.3. The fender device of claim 1 , wherein the three dimensional body has a non-cylinder shape.4. The fender device of claim 3 , wherein the non-cylinder shape includes a first side configured to be adjacent to a hull of the watercraft and a second side configured to be adjacent to an external device.5. The fender device of claim 4 , wherein the external device is a piling.6. The fender device of claim 4 , wherein the first side has a straight shape and the second side has a curved shape.7. The fender device of claim 1 , further including a second tunnel entrance formed on a second area of the middle area.8. The fender device of claim 1 , further including a drainage area for the tunnel area.9. The fender device of claim 1 , wherein the internal tunnel area includes a bottom area where the bottom area is a rough surface.10. The fender device of claim 1 , wherein the internal tunnel area includes a bottom area where the bottom area includes a groove area configured to allow a person to grip the groove area. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Marine Fender and Method of Assembly of Components of Same

Номер: US20160060837A1
Автор: Breedt Andries Lucas

This invention relates to a marine fender and a method of assembly of the components of said marine fender. The fender is comprised of a plurality of components that are conjoined with mating edges () and a self-holding tapered wedge (). Preferably, the components are made from resilient material that is suitable for compression molding, and are approved for use in the marine environment. One preferred embodiment of the invention encircles a single piling (FIG. ). The fender can be positioned to float with changing water levels, and rotate upon impact. The marine fender can be installed on existing isolated and independent marine structures with little or no modification of the structure. 1. A marine fender for absorption , deflection , and dissipation of kinetic impact energy resulting from a waterborne vessel berthing or otherwise engaging contact with a marine structure , and a method of assembly of the components of the same , comprising:a plurality of interlocking sections with mating edges;a plurality of other members with mating edges;a plurality of self-holding tapered wedges conjoining said interlocking sections or other members one to another.2. The method of assembly of the components of the marine fender of comprises:providing a mold for interlocking section half with cavities for internal air pockets, and with groove to accept and secure one side of a double-tongue mechanical seal cord.providing a mold for self-holding tapered wedge half with cavities for internal air pockets, and with groove to accept and secure one side of a double-tongue mechanical seal cord.providing a mold for other member half with at least one end that is with mating edges with groove to accept and secure one side of a double-tongue mechanical seal cord. The other member half can be with air cavities.fastening the interlocking section half each half to its identical half by introducing one-side of double-tongued mechanical seal cord into a groove present in one half and the other ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066512A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

A system for planning and predetermination of boat fender heights and dock location information, comprising a boat fender controller configured to calculate a required fender deployment height prior to arrival at a predetermined dock location, based on real-time information, and to raise or lower a plurality of boat fenders based on the calculated fender deployment height on final approach to the predetermined dock location. 1. A system for planning boat fender deployment location , comprising:a boat fender controller comprising at least a processor and a memory and programmable instructions stored in the memory and operating on the processor, the programmable instructions configured to raise or lower a plurality of boat fenders on approach of a boat to the predetermined dock location or area.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system calculates boat fender deployment location based on real-time information claim 1 , the real-time information comprising information such as boat location.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system adjusts the boat fender deployment height.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system adjusts the boat fender deployment height based on characteristics of the boat.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system adjusts boat fender deployment height based on the docking location.6. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system updates the calculated boat fender deployment height in response to a change in at least a portion of the real-time information.7. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system updates the calculated boat fender deployment height in response to a tidal information.8. The system of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the real-time information is received from a data source via a network.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the boat fender controller operates a user interface claim 1 , wherein the user interface is configured to prompt a user prior to raising or lowering the plurality of boat fenders.10. The system of ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150078835A1
Автор: DeMay Steven Edward

A frame rail assembly for a boat dock structure includes a frame rail member and a removable resilient rub-rail member. The frame rail member includes a first side configured for securing the frame rail member to a side of the boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; a first channel extending along a length of the frame rail member; and a second channel below the first channel, the second channel extending along the length of the frame rail member. An interlocking frame rail system for boat dock structures includes a first frame rail member, a second frame rail member, and an upper connector member extending along at least a portion of a length of the first frame rail member and at least a portion of the length of a second frame rail member. 17.-. (canceled)8. An interlocking frame rail system for boat dock structures , comprising:a first frame rail member including a first side configured for securing the first frame rail member to a first side of a first boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; an upper section between the first side and the second side of the first frame rail member; a lower section between the first side and the second side, and below the upper section, of the first frame rail member; an upper channel extending along a length of the first frame rail member; and a lower channel below the upper channel, the lower channel extending along the length of the first frame rail member;a second frame rail member including a first side configured for securing the second frame rail member to a first side of a second boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side;an upper section between the first side and the second side of the second frame rail member; a lower section between the first side and the second side, and below the upper section of the second frame rail member; an upper channel extending along a length of the second frame rail member;and a lower channel below the upper channel, the upper channel ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Vertical Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20160083056A1

A vertical pneumatic fender includes a bob connected to a lower hemispherical portion, an internal space containing a predetermined amount of ballast water, a body portion constituted by reinforcing layers layered between an inner rubber layer and an outer rubber layer, cords of adjacently layered upper and lower reinforcing layers disposed intersecting each other at a predetermined cord angle with respect to a cylinder axial direction, and intermediate rubber layers interposed between the reinforcing layers, where the cord angle in a neutral state is set to at least 15° and no more than 45°. 1. A vertical pneumatic fender comprising a cylindrical body portion; andhemispherical portions at both ends of the cylindrical body portion, the body portion being constituted by a plurality of reinforcing layers layered between an inner rubber layer and an outer rubber layer, the reinforcing layers being cord layers formed from a multiplicity of cords arranged in parallel, cords in adjacently layered upper and lower reinforcing layers being disposed so as to intersect one another at a predetermined cord angle with respect to a cylinder axial direction, a bob being connected to the lower hemispherical portion, and ballast water being contained within an internal space of the fender, wherein the fender is characterized in that:intermediate rubber layers are interposed between the reinforcing layers, the cord angle is set to from 15° to 45° both inclusive in a neutral state, andan air injection device for injecting additional air is connected to the internal space.2. The vertical pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the air injection device is a built-in power source operated or non-electrically operated air injection cylinder.3. The vertical pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate rubber layers have thicknesses of from 1 mm to 5 mm both inclusive in a neutral state.4. The vertical pneumatic fender according to any claim 1 , wherein the rubber ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20150091226A1

A pneumatic fender having a body portion is configured by laminating a plurality of reinforcing layers between the inner layer rubber 4 and the outer layer rubber. Cords of reinforcing layers are laminated adjacent to each other. The cords intersect and are arranged at a predetermined cord angle with respect to the body axial direction. An intermediate rubber layer is interposed between each of the reinforcing layers. In an uninflated, neutral state, the thicknesses of the intermediate rubber layers are 1 mm to 5 mm, and the cord angle is set from 15° to 45°, so when the interior of the fender is filled with air to the prescribed internal pressure, the cord angle increases to a static angle while the intermediate rubber layers deform in shear, and the body portion increases in diameter and inflates. 1. A pneumatic fender comprising mirror sections at the two ends of a cylindrical body portion , a plurality of reinforcing layers is laminated between an inner layer rubber and an outer layer rubber , the reinforcing layers are cord layers formed by arranging a plurality of cords in parallel , and the cords of reinforcing layers that are laminated adjacent to each other intersect with a predetermined cord angle with respect to the body axial direction , wherein an intermediate rubber layer is interposed between each of the reinforcing layers , and in an uninflated neutral state the thicknesses of the intermediate rubber layers is set to 1 mm to 5 mm , and the cord angle is set to 15° to 45°.2. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the 100% modulus of the rubber of the intermediate rubber layers is 0.5 MPa to 5.0 MPa.3. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the intermediate rubber layer in the uninflated neutral state becomes thicker in the intermediate rubber layers on the outer circumferential side.4. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the external diameter of the body portion in the uninflated neutral state ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Pontoon protective cover device and method

Номер: US20180086423A1
Автор: William E. Smith
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for protecting a floatation device includes an elongate body, the elongate body including a closed front end and an open back end, a securing mechanism removably attached to the open back end of the elongate body wherein the securing mechanism is configured to secure a floatation device in the elongate body. The apparatus for protecting a floatation device is useful for protecting a floatation device such as a pontoon on a watercraft. The apparatus for protecting a floatation device slides over the front end of the pontoon and is secured by a securing mechanism at the rear end of the pontoon to prevent the pontoon from coming into direct contact with rocky shores and docks.

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093197A1
Принадлежит: DOCKER, LLC

A boat docking apparatus includes a guide assembly adapted to guide a boat through an entranceway. The guide assembly includes a beam with a horizontal and a vertical element which includes a first end and a second end. A first vertical frame is coupled to the first end of the horizontal element and a second vertical frame is coupled to the second end of the horizontal element. A slider apparatus is coupled to each of the first vertical frame and second vertical frame. A first door and a second door is coupled to the slider apparatus and a first roller coupled to the first door, and a second roller coupled to the second door. A boat lift is coupled to the horizontal element of the guiding assembly and includes a structural platform on which the boat is to be docked. 1. A boat docking apparatus comprising: a beam comprising a horizontal element and a vertical element, wherein said horizontal element comprises a first end and a second end;', 'a first vertical frame that is coupled to said first end of said horizontal element and a second vertical frame that is coupled to said second end of said horizontal element;', 'a slider apparatus coupled to each of said first vertical frame and said second vertical frame, wherein said slider apparatus comprises a spring hinge and a side slider;', 'a first door that is coupled to said slider apparatus, wherein said first door is rotatable from a first position to a second position, wherein said spring hinge and said side slider prevent said first door from rotating beyond said second position;', 'a second door that is coupled to said slider apparatus, wherein said second door is rotatable from a third position to a fourth position, wherein said spring hinge and said side slider prevent said second door from rotating beyond said fourth position;', 'a first roller coupled to said first door, wherein said first roller is rotatable when said boat comes into contact with said first roller to allow said boat to pass through said ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Frame rail assemblies and interlocking frame rail systems

Номер: US20200087878A1
Автор: Steven Edward DeMay
Принадлежит: Steven Edward DeMay

A frame rail assembly for a boat dock structure includes a frame rail member and a removable resilient rub-rail member. The frame rail member includes a first side configured for securing the frame rail member to a side of the boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; a first channel extending along a length of the frame rail member; and a second channel below the first channel, the second channel extending along the length of the frame rail member. An interlocking frame rail system for boat dock structures includes a first frame rail member, a second frame rail member, and an upper connector member extending along at least a portion of a length of the first frame rail member and at least a portion of the length of a second frame rail member.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145561A1
Автор: Iozzo, JR. Nicola

A device for holding a boat fender in place at an installation site, such as a dock. The device including a main fabric body that is foldable and has a first end, an opposing second end, a first side, and an opposing second side. The device further includes first and second adjustable fasteners configured to attach the second end to the first end for allowing the main fabric body to cradle and hold the boat fender. A boat fender strap has a first end that is attached to the main fabric body and an opposing second end that is detachably attached to the main fabric body. The boat fender strap is configured to pass through a center hole of the boat fender for securely attaching the boat fender to the main fabric body. 1. A device for holding a boat fender in place at an installation site comprising:a main fabric body that is foldable and has a first end, an opposing second end, a first side, and an opposing second side;first and second adjustable fasteners configured to attach the second end to the first end for allowing the main fabric body to cradle and hold the boat fender; anda boat fender strap that has a first end coupled to the main fabric body and an opposing second end that is detachably coupled to the main fabric body, the boat fender strap being configured to pass through a center hole of the boat fender for securely attaching the boat fender to the main fabric body.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main fabric body comprises a marine fabric.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main fabric body has a base layer formed of a marine fabric and a second layer that is located only on one face of the base layer in a region for contacting a boat's hull claim 1 , the second layer being formed of a fabric that is more plush than the marine fabric.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first adjustable fastener and the second adjustable fastener comprises a plastic quick side release snap buckle.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein each of the first ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114274A1
Автор: de Bruijn Jacob

Fender for protecting an object from damage comprising a core of at least a closed cell foam part, an intermediate layer fully enclosing the core comprising at least a fiber reinforced cloth, a coating that at least partly covers the intermediate layer. The invention also relates to a fixed or floating maritime structure provided with such a fender and to a method for manufacturing such a fender. 1. Fender for protecting an object from damage comprisinga core of at least a closed cell foam part,an intermediate layer fully enclosing the core comprising at least a fiber reinforced cloth,a coating that at least partly covers the intermediate layer.2. Fender according to claim 1 , wherein the core comprises at least two closed cell foam parts claim 1 , wherein at least two of the parts have a mutually different density.3. Fender according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer comprises at least two at least partly overlapping fiber reinforced cloths.4. Fender according to claim 1 , wherein the coating covers the intermediate layer completely.5. Fender according to claim 1 , wherein the coating is a sprayed coating.6. Fender according to claim 1 , wherein at least a closed cell foam part is provided with at least one hole for receiving at least one elastic element.7. Fender according to claim 6 , wherein the hole in the closed cell foam part is a through hole.8. Fender according to claim 6 , wherein an opening of the hole is closed off by a closing layer for enclosing the elastic element in the hole.9. Fender according to claim 6 , wherein the closing layer is a rubber layer.10. Fender according to claim 1 , wherein the core further comprises a ballistic layer.11. Fixed or floating maritime structure provided with a fender according to .12. Method for manufacturing a fender protecting an object from damage claim 1 , comprising providing a core of at least a closed cell foam part claim 1 , fully covering the core with an intermediate layer comprising fiber ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114275A1
Автор: Isaac Troy

A mooring system for a personal watercraft includes a bow bracket, a console bracket and a stern bracket. The bow bracket is secured to the bow of the craft. The console bracket is secured to the console of the craft. The stern bracket is secured to the stern of the craft. 1. A mooring system for a personal watercraft , comprising:a bow bracket secured to a bow of said personal watercraft;a console bracket secured to a console of said personal watercraft; anda stern bracket secured to a stern of said personal watercraft.2. The mooring system of further including a first mooring line having a first proximal end connected to said bow bracket claim 1 , a second mooring line having a second proximal end connected to said console bracket and a third mooring line having a third proximal end connected to said stern bracket.3. The mooring system of further including a buoy line including at least one buoy.4. The mooring system of claim 3 , wherein said buoy line has a first end connected to said bow bracket and a second end connected to said stern bracket.5. The mooring system of claim 4 , wherein said bow bracket includes a first loop element.6. The mooring system of claim 5 , wherein said console bracket includes a second loop element.7. The mooring system of claim 6 , wherein said bow bracket holds a light on said first loop element.8. The mooring system of claim 7 , wherein said console bracket holds an accessory on said second loop element.9. The mooring system of claim 7 , wherein said bow bracket further includes a center plate having a V-shape for engaging a forward edge of said personal watercraft.10. A bow bracket for a personal watercraft claim 7 , comprising:a center plate; anda loop element secured to said center plate.11. The bow bracket of claim 10 , wherein said center plate is V-shaped.1280150. The bow bracket of claim 11 , wherein said V-shaped center plate defines an included angle of between about and about degrees adapted to receive a forward edge of ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112015A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system and various methods for remotely deploying boat fenders from a safe and convenient location. The boat fenders, which are placed along the entire periphery of the boat, may be deployed and retracted with lines attached to winches and motors. A smart phone app may be employed to remind users to deploy boat fenders upon entering known ports, and may also deploy the boat fenders automatically. 1. A system for deploying or retracting boat fenders based on deployment location and lifting scenarios , comprising:at least one motor; and determine the geographical location of the boat; and', 'activate the motor or motors to raise or lower a boat fender or fenders based on the geographical location of the boat., 'a controller comprising at least a plurality of programming instructions stored in the memory of, and operating on at least one processor of, a computing device, wherein the plurality of programming instructions, when operating on the processor, cause the computing device to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the activation is after or inline with an operator prompt.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the application remembers a decision of the user.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is a smartphone claim 1 , a navigation plotter claim 1 , a GPS device claim 1 , a tablet claim 1 , an industrial computerized device claim 1 , a device deigned to operate as boat controller or a device modified to work as boat controller claim 1 , or an embedded computing system on the boat itself claim 1 , on a boat fender system claim 1 , or on any other equipment on the boat claim 1 , and wherein the computing device may be a single device or may be a network of devices.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system calculates boat fender deployment location based on information comprising boat location or map data.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system adjusts boat fender deployment height based on the docking location.7. The system of claim ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Universal dock and watercraft protection system

Номер: US20190112773A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dock and boat protection system includes a flexible sheet, fasteners, and a plurality of colinearly aligned marine fenders. The sheet has an envelope portion sized to at-least-partially surround fenders when conformed there-around, and an edge portion extending from the envelope portion and configured to engage a dock, wherein the edge portion is secured to the dock by the fasteners.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121972A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a cradle assembly for cradling a boat, the cradle assembly comprising: a support, comprising one or more support fenders; one or more enclosure fenders extending along opposite lengths of the support; an arrestor located at one end of the support; an open-ended enclosure for a boat being formed between the support, the one or more enclosure fenders and the arrestor, the one or more support fenders facing into the enclosure, and the open end of the open-ended enclosure being opposite the arrestor. 1. A cradle assembly for cradling a boat , the cradle assembly comprising:a support, comprising one or more support fenders;one or more enclosure fenders extending along opposite lengths of the support;an arrestor located at one end of the support; andan open-ended enclosure for a boat being formed between the support, the one or more enclosure fenders and the arrestor, the one or more support fenders facing into the enclosure, and the open end of the open-ended enclosure being opposite the arrestor.2. The cradle assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least a part of one or more of the following is deformable or resiliently deformable:the one or more support fenders;the one or more enclosure fenders; and the arrestor.3. The cradle assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the support fenders and the enclosure fenders are at least one of controllably inflatable and/or controllably deflatable.4. The cradle assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the support fenders and the enclosure fenders comprise cladding.5. The cradle assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the support fenders claim 1 , the enclosure fenders claim 1 , and any cladding thereof claim 1 , comprise one or more of: polychloroprene and chlorosulfonated polyethylene.6. The cradle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the support fenders comprise one or more of: a predominantly energy absorbing support fender and a predominantly load bearing ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Light Altering Bumper Device

Номер: US20170121923A1
Автор: Taylor Zachary

The present invention is an integrally formed, light altering bumper designed to amplify amounts of visible light from a self-contained, integrated light source. The present invention is generally an illuminating dock bumper for attachment to either a dock or a dock vehicle made from a spine member; a lobe member; and a protective housing located within the recessed portion of the spine member for receiving an elongate light source therewithin, the light from the light source to illuminate the bumper in turn. The protective housing has a linear concave light refractor disposed thereon, the linear concave light refractor being a centrally-disposed, uniform, elongate concave depression extending along the length of the protective housing. 1. An illuminating dock bumper for attachment to either a dock or a dock vehicle , comprising:a. an L-shaped spine member with an inner surface, outer surface, a vertical plane, horizontal plane and a recessed portion along the outer surface of the vertical plane;b. a lobe member with an inner surface, outer surface, a first lobed portion protruding perpendicularly forward from the outer surface of the vertical portion of the spine member, and a second substantially planar portion protruding perpendicularly backward from the inner surface of the vertical portion of the spine member; andc. a protective housing located within the recessed portion of the spine member for receiving an elongate light source therewithin, the light from the light source to illuminate the bumper in turn.2. The bumper of wherein the second portion of the lobe member substantially overlaps the outer surface of the horizontal plane of the spine member.3. The bumper of wherein claim 1 , the second portion of the lobe member is integral with the horizontal plane of the spine member.4. The bumper of wherein the lobe member has a substantially cylindrical cross section.5. The bumper of wherein the lobe member has a substantially triangular cross section.6. The ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127071A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system and various methods for detangling and positioning of automatic fender positioning systems, comprising a system for stowing a boat fender in a fender receptacle, the receptacle having an opening for threading through a line, the line being attached to the fender, the line operable to pull up the fender into the receptacle through a second opening at the bottom of the receptacle, where upon while retracting the fender, the motor is configured to detect changes in current, and is configured to shut down if an overcurrent state is detected, the overcurrent state detection being based at least in part on a configured current limit. 1. A system for stowing a boat fender , comprising:a fender receptacle, the receptacle having an opening for threading through a line, the line being attached to the fender configured to move along the receptacle, the line connected at one end to a motor operable to pull up the fender into the receptacle, whereupon while retracting the fender, the motor is configured to detect changes in current, and is configured to change its operation if an overcurrent or change in current state is detected.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the overcurrent state detection is based at least in part on a current limit.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the overcurrent or change in current state is caused by a tangle in the line.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the overcurrent or change in current state is caused by the fender not entering the fender receptacle properly.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein upon the current change detection claim 1 , the system attempts to achieve a full retraction by reversals of line movement.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein a camera with visual recognition software is used instead of or in addition to current sensing.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein if fender retraction fails after the number of reversals claim 5 , an alert is provided to an operator.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Systems and Methods Related to Marine Fenders

Номер: US20190127033A1

Systems and methods directed to marine fenders include fender rotation through a vertical plane while translating horizontally. Fenders are extended and retracted radially outwardly from and radially inwardly to a marine vessel by at least one electrically or pneumatically controlled and/or operational linear actuator. If a plurality of fenders are provided on a starboard and/or port side of the marine vessel, all of the plurality on a particular side may be activated substantially contemporaneously by control from the helm of the marine vessel, such as a recreational pontoon boat. 1. A marine fender system comprising:a fender; anda pushrod coupled to the fender, the pushrod being reciprocally moveable between and including a first longitudinal position and a second longitudinal position;wherein longitudinal movement of the pushrod translates to substantially horizontal translation of the fender and rotation of the pushrod translates to rotation of the fender in a substantially vertical plane,wherein as the pushrod moves between the first longitudinal position and the second longitudinal position, the pushrod rotates a predetermined angle of less than one hundred eighty degrees.2. A marine fender system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an actuator operatively coupled to the pushrod to impart longitudinal movement to the pushrod;3. A marine fender system according to claim 2 , wherein the actuator comprises a linear actuator.4. A marine fender system according to claim 2 , wherein the actuator is electrically controlled and/or operated.5. A marine fender system according to claim 2 , wherein the actuator is pneumatically controlled and/or operated.6. A marine fender system according to claim 1 , the pushrod supporting a rotational guide member at a longitudinal location along a length of the pushrod.7. A marine fender system according to claim 6 , wherein the rotational guide member comprises a radial protrusion from the pushrod.8. A marine fender system ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134350A1
Принадлежит: Contact Left, LLC

An arrangement of fenders nested together for compact storage, the fenders including two or more cylindrical bodies having a cavity accessed through the fender top, the fenders being similar shape but graduated in size such that the cavity of a larger fender tensionally receives the next smaller sized fender, the outer diameter of the smaller fender equal to the inner diameter of the larger fender cavity. A fender has a rigid inner core surrounded by a compressible shell made of foam or similar material. The inner core has attachment points for a rope or line. The smallest nesting fender in the set has a cavity diameter sized to fit a commercially-available, off-the-shelf fender. The fenders may be separated and deployed at individual locations on a vessel, or kept together and deployed as a single fender capable of absorbing a greater impact than any of the fenders individually would absorb. 1. A nesting fender arrangement comprising: a cylindrical body; and', 'an interior cavity, the interior cavity including at least an annular shape with a top aperture, the top aperture leading to the interior cavity through a top surface of the cylindrical body; and, 'a first fender, including at leastat least one other fender, the at least one other fender including at least a cylindrical body diameter that is substantially the same as an interior cavity diameter of the first fender.2. The nesting fender arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the first fender removably receives an entirety of the at least one other fender within the interior cavity through the top aperture.3. The nesting fender arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the at least one other fender includes at least a cylindrical height equal to or less than a height of the interior cavity of the first fender.4. The nesting fender arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical body comprises:a rigid inner core; anda compressible outer shell.5. The nesting fender arrangement of claim 1 , wherein a bottom surface of the ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144047A1

The fender assembly has a fender holder. The fender holder includes a base, to be attached to a berthing structure at a position proximate an edge of the berthing structure, and a fender engaging formation attached to said base. The fender assembly further includes a fender body. The fender engaging formation is adapted to hold the fender body such that said fender body extends outwardly from the fender holder so as to overlaps the edge of the berthing structure. 1. A fender holder comprising:a base adapted for attachment to a berthing structure at a position proximate an edge of said berthing structure; anda fender engaging formation attached to said base, or forming part thereof, said fender engaging formation being adapted in use to receive and hold a portion of a fender body such that said fender body extends outwardly from said fender engaging formation so as to overlap said edge of said berthing structure.2. A fender holder according to claim 1 , wherein said fender engaging formation includes an upright support extending operatively upwardly from said base claim 1 , said upright support holding a ring structure in an upright position wherein a central axis defined by said ring structure lies in a substantially horizontal plane.3. A fender holder according to claim 2 , wherein said fender engaging formation includes two upright brackets adapted to hold said ring structure in said upright position claim 2 , said upright brackets being attached to one another via an attachment member located between them.4. A fender holder according to claim 1 , wherein said fender engaging formation includes a support that is adapted to hold opposing end portions of a substantially cylindrical fender body claim 1 , said fender body extending along a longitudinal axis and said support being adapted to hold said cylindrical fender body so that said longitudinal axis lies in a substantially horizontal plane.5. A fender assembly comprising: a base attached to a berthing structure ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Frame rail assemblies and interlocking frame rail systems

Номер: US20220282442A1
Автор: Steven Edward DeMay
Принадлежит: Individual

A boat dock structure includes an upper deck, sides extending downward from the upper deck, and a wheel bumper having a substantially round shape. The wheel bumper has a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being positioned under the upper deck, the second portion extending outward from the open or cutout portion of at least one of the sides to protect the boat dock and a boat from damage when the boat is docking at the boat dock adjacent to the wheel bumper. At least one of the sides may have an open or cutout portion.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145822A1
Автор: Gerst Paul R.

A roller assembly for a floating dock, wherein the roller assembly is adapted to roll along a piling as the dock moves in a generally vertical direction, and dampen movement of the floating dock relative to the piling when the dock moves in a generally horizontal direction. The roller assembly includes a connecting bracket attachable to the dock and a wheel rotatably coupled to the connecting bracket. The wheel is compressible against the piling in response to horizontal movement of the dock relative to the piling, wherein the compression of the wheel dampens such horizontal movement to stabilize the dock, and dampen impact loads. 1. A compressible roller assembly configured for use on a floating dock for stabilizing the dock relative to an adjacent piling defining a longitudinal piling axis , the compressible roller assembly comprising:a connecting bracket connectable to the floating dock; anda wheel rotatably coupled to the connecting bracket and rotatable about a rotation axis generally perpendicular to the piling axis when the connecting bracket is coupled to the floating dock, the wheel at least partially defining an internal reservoir, the wheel being sized and configured to be engageable with the piling in response to movement of the floating dock relative to the piling in a direction substantially perpendicular to the piling axis, movement of the floating dock along the longitudinal piling axis causing rotation of the wheel about the rotation axis when the wheel is engaged with the piling; anda compressible medium located within the internal reservoir and adapted to impart a dampening force on the floating dock via the connecting bracket in response to engagement between the wheel and the piling to mitigate further movement of the floating dock toward the piling.2. The compressible roller assembly recited in claim 1 , wherein the connecting bracket is a U-shaped bracket having an end plate positioned between a pair of opposed side plates.3. The compressible ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Cleat Having An Adjustable Anchoring Structure

Номер: US20170144730A1

A cleat having an adjustable anchoring system configured to suspend a bumper. The cleat has a first horn located opposite a second horn. A support structure is connected to the cleat. A recess of the support structure has a ridge protruding from a wall surface of the recess. The ridge is configured to deform a portion of rope. A bore of the support structure is configured to receive a fastener. A base has a bore configured to receive the fastener. The bore of the support structure is oriented to align with the bore of the base. The base has two ramps that protrude from a wall surface of a recess of the base. The two ramps form a pocket that can have a protrusion configured to bind a portion of the rope when the fastener is tightened. 1. A cleat , comprising:a first horn located opposite a second horn;at least one support structure connected to said cleat, said at least one support structure having at least one recess, whereby, at least one protrusion protrudes from a wall surface of said at least one recess of said at least one support structure, said at least one protrusion is configured to deform a portion of a length of material;said at least one support structure having a bore, said bore of said at least one support structure is configured to receive a fastener; and,a base having a bore configured to receive said fastener, whereby, said bore of said at least one support structure is oriented to align with said bore of said base, said base having at least one recess, said base having at least two ramps protruding from a wall surface of said at least one recess of said base, whereby, said at least two ramps are oriented to form a pocket.2. The cleat of claim 1 , further comprising said cleat having a light emitting unit.3. The cleat of claim 1 , further comprising said cleat having at least one compartment claim 1 , said at least one compartment containing a light emitting unit.4. The cleat of claim 1 , further comprising a power storage device.5. The cleat of ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152616A1
Автор: Taylor Zachary

The present invention is an illuminating dock bumper for attachment to either a dock or a dock vehicle, comprising an elongate, forwardly projecting parabolic arch, which is of uniform substantially-arched cross-section; and an elongate structural tension member laterally extending between the lateral extremities of the parabolic arch, the structural tension member comprising a planar rear surface about which the structural tension member and thereby the bumper is secured to the dock or the dock vehicle, the structural tension member comprising an elongate, forwardly projecting, protective housing of uniform substantially-arched cross-section disposed on the front surface thereof and along the length thereof, the protective housing for receiving an elongate light source therewithin. 1. An illuminating dock bumper for attachment to either a dock or a dock vehicle , comprising:(a) an elongate, forwardly projecting parabolic arch, which is of uniform substantially-arched cross-section; and(b) an elongate structural tension member laterally extending between the lateral extremities of the parabolic arch, the structural tension member comprising a planar rear surface about which the structural tension member and thereby the bumper is secured to the dock or the dock vehicle, the structural tension member comprising an elongate, forwardly projecting, protective housing of uniform substantially-arched cross-section disposed on the front surface thereof and along the length thereof, the protective housing for receiving an elongate light source therewithin, the light from the light source to illuminate the bumper in turn.2. The bumper of wherein claim 1 , the parabolic arch and the structural tension member are integral with one another.3. The bumper of made of a translucent material.4. The bumper of wherein claim 3 , the translucent material comprises polymer.5. The bumper of wherein claim 1 , the rear surface of the structural tension is lined with a reflective layer.6. The ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Force-Rated Tie Rod Assembly

Номер: US20200140010A1
Автор: Ross Bryon

A flexing tie rod assembly has a steel cable having a diameter and a length, metal cable ends joined rigidly to opposite ends of the steel cable, the cable ends adapted to join to adaptive tie rod ends, a steel coil spring surrounding the cable for full length of the cable between the metal cable ends, and a polymer casement enclosing the cable and coil spring from metal cable end to opposite metal cable end. The strength characteristics of the cable, the coil spring and the polymer casement result in a compressive force rating below which the tie rod assembly stays straight under linear compression, and above which the tie rod assembly buckles to some degree without relative rotation of the cable ends. 1. A flexing tie rod assembly , comprising:a steel cable having a diameter and a length;metal cable ends joined rigidly to opposite ends of the cable, the cable ends adapted to join to adaptive tie rod ends;a steel coil spring surrounding the cable for full length of the cable between the metal cable ends; anda polymer casement enclosing the cable and coil spring from metal cable end to opposite metal cable end;wherein the strength characteristics of the cable, the coil spring and the polymer casement result in a compressive force rating below which the tie rod assembly stays straight under linear compression, and above which the tie rod assembly buckles to some degree without relative rotation of the cable ends.2. The tie rod assembly of wherein the polymer casement penetrates between coils of the coil spring to the steel cable.3. The tie rod assembly of further comprising adaptive tie rod ends common to an automotive steering assembly.4. The tie rod assembly of further comprising adaptive tie rod ends comprising flanges orthogonal to the length of the tie rod assembly claim 1 , the flanges having a bolt pattern adapted to bolt the flanges to a plane surface.5. The toe rod assembly of wherein the coil spring has coil spacing sufficient to avoid coil contact when ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155889A1
Автор: Smith Scott

The present disclosure provides a maritime fender assembly for mounting to a berthing structure, the fender assembly including: a substantially flat panel assembly comprising a plate and at least one outwardly facing wear pad releasably mounted to the plate; a frame for releasably receiving the panel assembly; a resilient fender element mounted between the frame and the berthing structure; and an optional engagement means to allow engagement and disengagement of the panel assembly from the frame to allow removal and replacement of the panel assembly. 1. A method of maintaining a maritime fender assembly mounted to a berthing structure , the maritime fender assembly comprising:a substantially flat panel assembly comprising a plate and at least one outwardly facing wear pad releasably mounted to the plate; a pair of opposing channels into which the panel assembly is slidingly received, the pair of opposing channels being, in use, substantially vertical; and', 'a panel assembly securing means having a release configuration whereby the panel assembly is removable from the pair of opposing channels and an engaged configuration whereby the panel assembly is secured in the pair of opposing channels; and, 'a frame assembly for releasably receiving the panel assembly, the frame assembly comprisinga resilient fender element mounted between the frame assembly and the berthing structure, the resilient fender element for absorbing forces on the panel assembly and/or the frame assembly; configuring the panel assembly securing means to the release configuration;', 'removing an existing panel assembly from the pair of opposing channels by sliding the existing panel assembly out of the pair of opposing channels;', 'positioning a serviceable panel assembly into the pair of opposing channels; and', 'configuring the panel assembly securing means to the engaged configuration to secure the serviceable panel assembly to the frame assembly,, 'wherein the method compriseswherein the method ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Boat Fender Holder

Номер: US20190153688A1
Автор: McGilvery James R.

This disclosure to boat fender holders for improving the protection of boats and docks against damage. Disclosed herein are boat fender holders comprising a holder portion and a lip portion, whereby the lip portion defines one or more holes that are configured to receive one or more fasteners. 1. A boat fender assembly comprising a holder portion and a lip portion , wherein the lip portion defines one or more holes to receive one or more fasteners.2. The assembly of further comprising one or more fasteners for securing the assembly to a surface.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fasteners are screws.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lip portion defines the one or more holes to have threading for receiving the one or more fasteners.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the assembly comprises a first material.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first material is selected from the group consisting of natural rubber claim 1 , synthetic rubber claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene polystyrene claim 1 , polyamides claim 1 , thermoplastics claim 1 , and polyvinyl chloride.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first material is a combination of one or more materials selected from the group consisting of natural rubber claim 1 , synthetic rubber claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene polystyrene claim 1 , polyamides claim 1 , thermoplastics claim 1 , and polyvinyl chloride.8. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the assembly is coated with a second material.9. The assembly of claim 8 , wherein the second material is a material that is water-repellant.10. The assembly of claim 8 , wherein the second material is selected from the group consisting of polysiloxanes claim 8 , Hypalon® claim 8 , EPDM rubber claim 8 , polyvinyl chloride claim 8 , and fluoropolymer-based water repellants.11. A method securing a boat fender into a proper position on a dock claim 8 , the method comprising:a) providing a boat fender holder comprising a ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Inflatable Modular Panel Protection System

Номер: US20170159312A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A modular inflatable protection system for protecting an item is provided. The system includes a plurality of inflatable modules, each of the modules having an inflatable body; a gas valve configured to receive a gas to inflate the inflatable body; a first connection portion; and a second connection portion. The first connection portion is configured to removably connect a first one of the modules to the second connection portion of a second one of the modules, the first connection portion can be reused to connect the first one of the modules to the second connection portion of a third one of the modules, and the system is configured to provide a barrier to protect the item from damaging contact by a potentially damaging element.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Bumper Holder

Номер: US20210188407A1
Автор: ROBINSON Gregory

A bumper holder may attach or clamp to a variety of types of personal watercraft (PWC) to provide a bumper. The bumper holder may be used to hold the PWC in place regardless whether the PWC is docked or in use. The bumper holder does not require being near a dock/pier or piling to be used. The bumper holder may have a clamp that may connect to a PWC. The clamp may be affixed to a first bar that may be attached to a second bar using a hinge portion. The second bar may include the bumper at the end opposite the hinge portion. The bumper holder may include a lock bar that may connect and secure a top portion of the first bar to the second bar. The first bar and the second bar may be telescopic and/or adjustable. 1. A bumper holder assembly to mount to a personal watercraft (PWC) , the bumper holder assembly comprising:a pedestal formed by parallel elongated members connected by a pin, the pedestal attaching to the PWC;a first bar attached to the pedestal;a second bar, the second bar attached to the first bar through a hinge portion; anda bumper attached to the second bar at an end opposite the hinge portion,wherein when mounted to the PWC, the pedestal holds the bumper in a specified location.2. The bumper holder assembly of claim 1 , the pin further comprising:a round head at each end of the pin.3. The bumper holder assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the round heads are telescopic.4. The bumper holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first bar and the second bar are formed of a material that securely hold the pedestal and the bumper in place relative to one another.5. The bumper holder assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first bar and the second bar are formed of metal.6. The bumper holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bumper holder assembly extends to approximately 8 feet from the hinge portion.7. The bumper holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bumper is integrated with the pedestal claim 1 , the first bar claim 1 , and the second bar.8. The bumper holder ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171572A1
Автор: DeMay Steven Edward

A frame rail assembly for a boat dock structure includes a frame rail member and a removable resilient rub-rail member. The frame rail member includes a first side configured for securing the frame rail member to a side of the boat dock structure; a second side opposing the first side; a first channel extending along a length of the frame rail member; and a second channel below the first channel, the second channel extending along the length of the frame rail member. An interlocking frame rail system for boat dock structures includes a first frame rail member, a second frame rail member, and an upper connector member extending along at least a portion of a length of the first frame rail member and at least a portion of the length of a second frame rail member. 128-. (canceled)29. A frame rail assembly for a boat dock structure , the frame rail assembly comprising: wherein the first channel includes a first inner section and a first outer section, the first outer section being open at the outer surface, wherein the first inner section has a cross-sectional area larger than the outer section,', 'wherein the second channel includes a second inner section and second outer section, the second outer section being open at the outer section, wherein the second inner section has a cross-sectional area larger than the second outer section;, 'a frame rail member including an outer surface, a first side configured for securing the frame rail member to a side of the boat dock structure, a second side opposing the first side, a first channel extending along a length of the frame rail member, and a second channel below the first channel, the second channel extending along the length of the frame rail member, wherein the first and second channels are on opposite sides of the frame rail member,'}an alignment pin disposed between the second side of the first frame rail member and the second side of the second frame rail member and oriented in an axial direction perpendicular to the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Water Craft Bumper

Номер: US20140270977A1
Автор: Goodman Toby Michael

A watercraft bumper for a watercraft may include a sleeve to connect to a piling, the sleeve being detachably connected to the piling, the sleeve having a slit to open and close to detachably connect to the piling, the slit being in communication with a central aperture to cooperate with the piling, and the sleeve including a biasing device to open and close the slit. 1. A watercraft bumper comprising:a stationary structure positioned in a body of water;a watercraft adjacent the stationary structure; anda protective member encircling the stationary structure, the protective member disposed between the stationary structure and the watercraft, in which the protective member is buoyed by the body of water, and wherein the protective member is formed from a polymer.2. The watercraft bumper of claim 1 , further comprising a biasing device supported by the polymer protective member claim 1 , the biasing device secures the polymer protective member in sliding communication with the stationary structure absent the presence of additional fastening means and wherein the stationary structure is a piling.3. The watercraft bumper of claim 2 , wherein the piling supports a dock protruding into the body of water.4. The watercraft bumper of claim 3 , wherein the protective member mitigates contact of the watercraft with the piling.5. The watercraft bumper of claim 4 , in which the watercraft and the protective member move in unison in response to a change in a depth of the body of water.6. The watercraft bumper of claim 5 , in which the protective member encircling the piling is in sliding contact with the piling.7. The watercraft bumper of claim 6 , in which the protective member conforms to a shape of the piling.8. The watercraft bumper of claim 1 , in which the protective member comprises:an open proximal end;an open distal end;a hollow core disposed between the open proximal end and the open distal end; andan open slit running an entire length of the protective member, the open ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178885A1
Автор: HADCROFT John Mackay

In summary, described herein is a mooring device for mooring a first structure to a second structure, the device comprising: an engagement member for releasably engaging the first structure; a dampener having a first portion movably connected to a second portion, the first portion being connected to the engagement member and the second portion being connected to the second structure, wherein the dampener is configured to damp load transfer between the first and second portions of the dampener and thereby damp relative motion between the first and second structures. 1. A mooring device for mooring a first structure to a second structure , the device comprising:an engagement member for releasably engaging the first structure;a dampener having a first portion movably connected to a second portion, the first portion being connected to the engagement member and the second portion being connected to the second structure; andan electro-mechanical drive mechanism for driving the engagement member into engagement with the first structure,wherein the dampener is configured to damp load transfer between the first and second portions of the dampener and thereby damp relative motion between the first and second structures.2. The mooring device of claim 1 , wherein the dampener includes a damping mechanism configured to move the first portion of the dampener relative to the second portion of the dampener.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the damping mechanism comprises a tensioner claim 2 , the tensioner being in resilient communication with opposing ends of the first portion of the dampener such that movement of the tensioner urges the first portion of the dampener to move relative to the second portion of the dampener.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein a first end of the first portion of the dampener is operably engaged with the tensioner via a first resilient member and a second end of the first portion of the dampener is operably engaged with the tensioner via a second ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183065A1

Dampers for mounting on a dock to control landing a boat. The dampers may be used individually or in damper systems made up of a plurality of dampers. Each damper has a flexible body with one or more sidewalls defining an inner chambers, and orifices are provided in one of the sidewalls to allow the chamber to be filled with water when the damper is in an at-rest state. When the boat approaches the dock and contacts the damper or the outer set of dampers in a damper assembly/system, the collision or impact force applied by the boat against the outer surfaces of the damper(s) causes the damper body to be compressed, which causes the sidewalls of the chamber to collapse so as to expel water out of the inner chamber via the orifices so as to reduce the speed of the boat at a desired rate of deceleration. 1. A water navigation system for controlling docking a boat in a body of water , comprising:a dock with a surface proximate to the body of water; anda damper submerged in the body of water and positioned against the surface of the dock,wherein the damper includes a body formed of a flexible material,wherein the body includes a chamber and at least one orifice in the body defining a passageway to the chamber that is open to the body of water, whereby the chamber receives and contains a volume of the water when the body is in a non-compressed state,wherein a portion of the volume of the water is discharged from the chamber through the orifice when the body is deformed under compressive forces from the non-compressed state to a compressed state,wherein the water navigation system further comprises a second damper with a second body with an outer shape and size matching the body of the damper, andwherein the second body includes an inner chamber and two or more orifices defining passageways to the chamber that is open to the body of water allow flow of the water from the body of water at a different flow rate than through the orifice of the body of the damper, whereby the ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20160194064A1
Автор: Okuno Hiroko

A pneumatic fender has fiber reinforcing layers. The warp of at least one layer of the fiber reinforcing layers embedded between an inner surface rubber layer and an outer surface rubber layer of the pneumatic fender is constituted by twisted cords formed from PEN (polyethylene-2,6-naphthalate) fibers. The tensile strength of the twisted cords is 210 N or greater, the break elongation is from 14% to 20% both inclusive, and the intermediate elongation at 67 N tension is 3% or less. 1. A pneumatic fender , comprising:at least one layer of fiber reinforcing layers embedded between an inner surface rubber layer and an outer surface rubber layer;a warp of the at least one layer of the fiber reinforcing layers being constituted by twisted cords formed from PEN fibers, tensile strength of the twisted cords being 210 N or greater, break elongation being from 14% to 20% both inclusive, and intermediate elongation at 67 N tension being 3% or less.2. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber reinforcing layers have a cord fabric structure in which a plurality of twisted cords is laid out in parallel.3. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the twisted cord has a ply structure in which two or three PEN fibers are twisted.4. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber reinforcing layers are constituted by three layers or more claim 1 , and claim 1 , out of these fiber reinforcing layers claim 1 , the warp of at least the fiber reinforcing layers disposed on the innermost peripheral side and the outermost peripheral side is constituted by twisted cords formed from PEN fibers.5. The pneumatic fender according to claim 2 , wherein the twisted cord has a ply structure in which two or three PEN fibers are twisted.6. The pneumatic fender according to claim 5 , wherein the fiber reinforcing layers are constituted by three layers or more claim 5 , and claim 5 , out of these fiber reinforcing layers claim 5 , the warp of at least the ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150203179A1

An electromagnetic marine fender, including: a rubber fender, two electromagnet groups, tensile steel ropes, an electric cable, and a waterproof power socket. Each electromagnet group includes at least one electromagnet. The electromagnet coils of the electromagnets have the same winding direction. The two electromagnet groups are disposed on two sides of the rubber fender, and the two electromagnet groups and the rubber fender are connected and fixed as a whole by the tensile steel ropes. The electromagnet is a combination structure including an electromagnet core, an electromagnet coil, an electromagnet steel shell, and a rubber coating covering the electromagnet steel shell from the center outward. The electromagnet coils of the electromagnets of the two electromagnet groups are connected in parallel, and the two electromagnet groups are in electric connection to the waterproof power socket via the electric cable. 2. The electromagnetic marine fender of claim 1 , wherein the rubber fender comprises a pneumatic valve and is made of a rubber composite material.3. The electromagnetic marine fender of claim 1 , wherein when the electromagnet group is electrified claim 1 , the electromagnets have the same pole directions claim 1 , the electromagnetic marine fender operates as a combined electromagnet providing a magnetic force to attract steel plates of both sides of two ships claim 1 , and the two sides of the fender function as an N pole and an S pole of the combined electromagnet claim 1 , respectively. This application is a continuation-in-part of International Patent Application No. PCT/CN2014/000379 with an international filing date of Apr. 8, 2014, designating the United States, now pending, and further claims priority benefits to Chinese Patent Application No. 201310155374.6 filed May 2, 2013. The contents of all of the aforementioned applications, including any intervening amendments thereto, are incorporated herein by reference. Inquiries from the public to ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200406A1
Автор: Schaefer David

The present disclosure relates to pontoon shields. The pontoon shields disclosed herein may, for example, protect pontoons from damage and/or enhance the aesthetic appearance of pontoons. The shields may be fashioned from one or more segments of resilient material configured to attach along a longitudinal aspect of a pontoon. The shields may be fashioned from a single segment, or from one or more segments configured to mate with one another. The shields may be attached to a pontoon, for example, via an adhesive, weld, and/or one or more brackets, or other mechanical means. 1. A pontoon shield comprising:one or more segments of resilient material configured to attach to a pontoon by means of one or more brackets, along a longitudinal aspect of the pontoon.2. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein the shield comprises a front segment claim 1 , at least one mid-segment claim 1 , and a rear segment.3. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein the one or more segments are configured to mate with one another segment.4. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the segments is cut to size from a length of material.5. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the segments are configured to attach to the pontoon by means of an adhesive.6. (canceled)7. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the segments comprise a channel configured to receive the bracket.8. The pontoon shield of claim 7 , wherein the cross-sectional shape of the channel comprises a circle or an L-shape.9. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the segments comprise one or more sockets configured to receive the bracket.10. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the segments are removable.11. The pontoon shield of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the segments are constructed from a material selected from the group consisting of: natural or synthetic rubbers claim 1 , polymers claim 1 , ceramics claim 1 , plastics claim 1 , composites of ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200407A1
Автор: Schaefer David

The present disclosure relates to pontoon shields. The pontoon shields disclosed herein may, for example, protect pontoons from damage and/or enhance the aesthetic appearance of pontoons. The shields may be fashioned from one or more segments of resilient material configured to attach along a longitudinal aspect of a pontoon. The shields may be fashioned from a single segment, or from one or more segments configured to mate with one another. The shields may be attached to a pontoon, for example, via an adhesive, weld, and/or one or more brackets, or other mechanical means. 1. A vessel comprisinga pontoon; anda pontoon shield comprising a length of resilient material attached, at least in part by means of one or more brackets, along a longitudinal aspect of the pontoon, the length of resilient material being substantially solid and having a low profile configuration.2. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the length of resilient material comprises a curvilinear outward surface.3. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the length of resilient material comprises a curvilinear outward surface and a concavity configured to allow the shield to deflect upon impact.4. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the length of resilient material comprises one or more concave aspects aligned in a planar fashion.5. The vessel of claim 4 , wherein the one or more concave aspects allow the shield to deflect upon impact.6. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein a surface of the shield is configured to contact an adjoining surface of the pontoon claim 1 , so as to form a seal effective to prevent water from penetrating between the shield and the pontoon.7. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the length of resilient material is configured to attach to the pontoon claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , by means of an adhesive tape.8. The vessel of claim 7 , wherein the adhesive tape comprises acrylic tape.9. The vessel of claim 7 , wherein a surface of the shield is configured to contact an adjoining surface of the ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229781A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system and various methods for very accurately deploying boat fenders from a safe and convenient location. The boat fenders, which are placed along the periphery of the boat, may be very accurately deployed and retracted with lines attached to winches and motors. A smart phone app may be employed to remind users to deploy boat fenders upon entering known ports or based on boat's speed, and may also deploy the boat fenders automatically. 1. A system for deploying or retracting boat fenders based on geographical location , comprising:a motor;a line fastened to the motor; and receive a geographical location;', 'determine a boat fender deployment height based on the geographical location; and', 'activate the motor to raise or lower the line such that a boat fender attached to the line is caused to be deployed at the boat fender deployment height., 'a controller comprising at least a plurality of programming instructions stored in the memory of, and operating on at least one processor of, a computing device, wherein the plurality of programming instructions, when operating on the processor, cause the computing device to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the geographical location is a previous claim 1 , current claim 1 , or future location of a boat to which the system is attached.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the geographical location is a location of a dock.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the geographical location is a relative distance between a previous claim 1 , current claim 1 , or future location of a boat to which the system is attached and a location of a dock.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the boat fender deployment height is determined based on a height of a dock above the waterline for the dock.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the boat fender deployment height is determined by retrieving the boat fender deployment height from a database.7. The system of claim 3 , wherein the boat fender deployment height is determined in part using ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Light Altering Rub Rail and Rub Rail Insert

Номер: US20150217840A1
Автор: Taylor Zachary

A light altering rub rail comprising (1) an elastic, semi-rigid translucent polymer base having at least a body portion with proximal and distal ends, top and bottom ends and front and rear faces; (2) an access flap forming the majority of the base front face creating a gap in the base; (3) a light source embedded within the gap in the base; (4) a plurality of mounting lobes at the proximal and distal end portions; and (5) a plurality of linear light refractors embedded within the base wherein the gap in the base may be sealed to create a fully enclosed water-proof housing. 2. The rub rail of wherein a first light refractor is concave and positioned in front of the internal light source and forms a dual or single concave lens with the light source housing.3. The rub rail of wherein the first concave light refractor is in the shape of a triangle.4. The rub rail of wherein the first concave light refractor directs light towards the proximal and distal ends of the base.5. The rub rail of further comprising a plurality of light dispensing lobes positioned on the top and bottom ends of the base.6. The rub rail of wherein a second light refractor is concave and dispenses light vertically through the light dispensing lobes.7. The rub rail of wherein a third light refractor is concave and reflects light internally throughout the base.8. The rub rail of further comprising a painted rear surface to reflect light that is reflected backward towards the light source.9. The rub rail of wherein the painted rear surface is white.10. The rub rail of wherein the light source is positioned at the top end of the polymer base and angled downward.11. The rub rail of further comprising a metal plate attached to the front face of the base.12. The rub rail of further comprising a linear light reflector attached to the back side of the metal plate wherein the top of the reflector is concave and the bottom of the reflector is convex.13. The rub rail of wherein the internal light source is ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Vertical Pneumatic Fender and Monitoring Method for Same

Номер: US20160215467A1

A vertical pneumatic fender comprises a fender body having bowl-shaped hemispherical portions joined to both ends in the axial direction of a cylindrical body portion, and a weight that is connected to the bottom of the fender body. The vertical pneumatic fender accommodates ballast water in an interior space of the fender body, and is provided with a backup chain. One end of the backup chain is connected to the fender body in a position that is offset with respect to the axial line of the fender body, and the other end is connected to the weight. The fender body and the weight are connected with the backup chain in a sack state. The slope of an axial orthogonal reference line and an axial parallel reference line are detected by way of a reference line detector. 1. A vertical pneumatic fender , comprising:a fender body having bowl shaped hemispherical portions joined to both ends in a cylinder axial direction of a cylindrical body portion;a weight that is connected to a hemispherical portion on one side of the fender body;ballast water that is accommodated in an interior space of the fender body; anda backup chain provided connected at one end thereof to the fender body and at another end thereof to the weight,the backup chain being connected to the fender body and the weight in a slack state.2. The vertical pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the one end of the backup chain is connected to the fender body at a position that is offset with respect to an axial center line.3. The vertical pneumatic fender according to claim 2 , wherein the one end of the backup chain is connected to a fitting provided on the hemispherical portion to which the weight is connected.4. The vertical pneumatic fender according to claim 2 , wherein a protective net is fitted to an outer periphery of the fender body claim 2 , and the one end of the backup chain is connected to the protective net.5. The vertical pneumatic fender according to claim 2 , wherein a mounting chain is ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199838A1
Автор: DeMay Steven Edward

A boat dock structure includes an upper deck, sides extending downward from the upper deck, and a wheel bumper having a substantially round shape. The wheel bumper has a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being positioned under the upper deck, the second portion extending outward from the cutout portion of at least one of the sides to protect the boat dock and a boat from damage when the boat is docking at the boat dock adjacent to the wheel bumper. At least one of the sides may have a cutout portion. 1. A boat dock , comprising:an upper deck;sides extending downward from the upper deck, at least one of the sides having a cutout portion; anda wheel bumper having a substantially round shape, the wheel bumper having a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being positioned under the upper deck, the second portion extending outward from the cutout portion of at least one of the sides to protect the boat dock and a boat from damage when the boat is docking at the boat dock adjacent to the wheel bumper.2. The boat dock of claim 1 , wherein the wheel bumper extends from the cutout portions of at least two of the sides.3. The boat dock of claim 1 , wherein the wheel bumper is integrated into a corner section of the boat dock.4. The boat dock of claim 1 , wherein a center of the wheel bumper is positioned at a corner of the boat dock structure.5. The boat dock of claim 1 , further comprising a wheel bumper axle positioned to extend in a direction substantially perpendicular to an upper surface of the upper deck and through a center of the wheel bumper.6. The boat dock of claim 5 , wherein the wheel bumper axle extends upward from the upper deck of the boat dock.7. The boat dock of claim 1 , wherein the wheel bumper extends outward from the cutout portion of only one of the sides.8. The boat dock of claim 1 , wherein the wheel bumper is formed from polyvinyl or polyethylene.9. The boat dock of claim 1 , wherein the wheel bumper comprises a ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305055A1
Автор: LEI Da

A dock bumper made from rubber material derived from scrap tires with a trapezoidal cross-section, a trapezoidal side profile, a base, and an optional longitudinal lumen. The longitudinal lumen also has a trapezoidal cross-section and may be open at one or both ends. The dock bumper is further provided with mounting holes for mounting on a surface. The mounting hole includes an opening for a fastener and an indentation in which a plug maybe securely installed to cover the fastener. A guardrail cover adapted for installation over a conventional crash barrier guardrail. A variety of rubber encased pillars, including crash barrier pillars on which guardrails are mounting, coast walls, and railroad ties. The rubber encased pillars are concrete-filled steel beams encased in rubber material derived from recycled scrap tires. The rubber encased railroad ties include raised sections for mounting and supporting railroad tracks. 1. A dock bumper made from rubber material derived from scrap tires.2. The dock bumper of claim 1 , wherein the dock bumper has a trapezoidal cross-section and a trapezoidal side profile.3. The dock bumper of claim 2 , wherein the dock bumper additionally comprises a base.4. The dock bumper of claim 3 , wherein the base is integrated with the dock bumper.5. (canceled)6. The dock bumper of claim 4 , additionally comprising a longitudinal lumen.7. The dock bumper of claim 6 , wherein the longitudinal lumen has a trapezoidal cross-section.8. The dock bumper of claim 8 , additionally comprising a mounting hole for mounting the dock bumper onto a surface.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The dock bumper of claim 8 , additionally comprising a mounting hole for mounting the dock bumper onto a surface.12. The dock bumper of claim 11 , the mounting hole additionally comprising an opening adapted for a fastener for mounting the dock bumper onto the surface claim 11 , and an indentation adapted for installing a plug to cover the fastener.13. The dock bumper of ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Sensor Accommodation Container for a Pneumatic Fender and Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20140305360A1
Автор: Shu Yamada
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A sensor accommodation container, attached to a cap member of a pneumatic fender and installed inside a fender bag, includes a container body attached to a through hole penetrating the cap member so as to be able to move and protrude out of the fender bag and held at a predetermined protruded position, a lid for closing the through hole, a first seal member for sealing a gap between the container body and the through hole, a communication hole for communicating inside and outside of the container body when the container body has been installed inside the fender bag and a second seal member for shutting off the communication between the inside and the outside of the fender bag via the communication hole when the container body has been held at a predetermined protruded position.

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Protective Apparatus For Marine Structures

Номер: US20140311395A1
Автор: Hough Jonathan B.

An apparatus for inhibiting damage from impact between a marine structure and an adjacent watercraft, and a related method, are described. The apparatus includes a cushion body forming a mounting surface and a watercraft-engaging surface substantially opposing the mounting surface, at least one rigid support member, the rigid support member defined by or configured for contact with the mounting surface of the cushion body and disposed, during use, between the cushion body and the portion of the marine structure, and attachment means for detachably attaching the cushion body to the portion of the marine structure. The cushion body, when attached to the portion of the marine structure, is sized and configured to prevent destructive contact between the marine structure and a watercraft when the watercraft-engaging surface is contacted by the watercraft. 2. The apparatus of wherein the cushion body comprises an inflatable body having a substantially cylindrical shape such that its greatest longitudinal axis length is greater than its greatest latitudinal axis length.3. The apparatus of wherein the inflatable body comprises an internal bladder and an external cover layer.4. The apparatus of further comprising an inflation and air pressure management system comprising an infill valve claim 2 , the infill valve coupled to the inflatable body and providing fluid communication between an internal fluid in the inflatable body and the external atmosphere.5. The apparatus of further comprising a pressure relief valve claim 4 , the pressure relief valve coupled to the inflatable body and providing fluid communication between an internal fluid in the inflatable body and the external atmosphere.6. The apparatus of wherein at least a portion of the watercraft-engaging surface is substantially cylindrical in shape.7. The apparatus of wherein longitudinal axes of the watercraft-engaging surface and the mounting surface are substantially parallel to each other.8. The apparatus of ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160236759A1

A supplemental bumper apparatus for covering the bumper of a personal water craft and providing enhanced shock absorption and blemish resistance. The supplemental bumper apparatus comprises a synthetic rubber body and a fastener system. The synthetic rubber body provides a barrier which can absorb shock and block blemishes from an impact. The synthetic rubber body is attached to the bumper fastener system defined by a plurality of snap fasteners on its upper section and a hook and loop fabric fastener is on its lower section. A plurality of snap fastener base members are permanently attached to the bumper and a corresponding hook and loop fastener material is permanently attached to the bumper, each providing a corresponding engaging member to enable the snap fasteners and the hook and loop fastener surface to attach the synthetic rubber body to the surface of the bumper. 1. A supplemental bumper apparatus , comprising:an arcuate base body having a top side and a bottom side and sized to correspond to the size of a protruding portion of a target bumper on a personal water craft, wherein when said base body is positioned against the target bumper, the base body is adapted to cover the protruding portion without encroaching over the remainder of the personal water craft and while leaving an absorption space between the base body and target bumper;a plurality of top fasteners each adapted engage the top side and the target bumper at a fastening angle when said base body is positioned against the target bumper, thereby securing base body to target bumper; anda plurality of bottom fasteners each adapted engage the bottom side and the target bumper vertically when said base body is positioned against the target bumper, thereby securing base body to target bumper.2. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said base body is constructed of a synthetic rubber material.3. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said base body is constructed of ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233045A1
Автор: Nelson Grant

An easily storable and transportable boat fender including two fender boards, each fender board having a slot. To assemble and use the boat fender the two fender boards are combined by inserting the slot from one board into the slot of the other board and pressing the two boards together. To store the boat fender the boards are separated, after which they occupy a relatively small amount of space and may be stored in a number of convenient locations. 1: A boat fender comprising:two fender boards, each fender board having a slot that extends along a portion of the length of the board and that is positioned along a longitudinal axis that extends lengthwise on the board, the slot having an opening on one end of the fender board and wherein the boards are coupled together by inserting the open end of one slot into the open end of the other slot.2: The boat fender of claim 1 , wherein the two fender boards are approximately the same size and shape claim 1 , each being generally rectangular in shape and having length significantly greater than its width.3: The boat fender of claim 2 , wherein the slot extends from the opening to a closing end that is located at approximately the midpoint of the length of the fender board.4: The boat fender of claim 3 , wherein the opening of the slot is located at approximately the midpoint of the width of the fender board.5: The boat fender of claim 4 , wherein the fender boards are coupled together using a rope. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to bumpers and fenders, particularly those that are used with marine vessels.Discussion of Prior ArtBoat fenders are devices that are used to shield, cushion and otherwise protect marine vessels from rubbing against docks, piers, rafts, and other vessels and similar such objects that may be adjacent to the vessels. For the sake of brevity, the term “boat” will be used hereinafter, but it is understood that the term includes other vessels. Boat fenders come in a variety of forms, such ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190225310A1
Принадлежит: Contact Left, LLC

An arrangement of fenders nested together for compact storage, the fenders including two or more cylindrical bodies having a cavity accessed through the fender top, the fenders being similar shape but graduated in size such that the cavity of a larger fender tensionally receives the next smaller sized fender, the outer diameter of the smaller fender equal to the inner diameter of the larger fender cavity. A fender has a rigid inner core surrounded by a compressible shell made of foam or similar material. The inner core has attachment points for a rope or line. The smallest nesting fender in the set has a cavity diameter sized to fit a commercially-available, off-the-shelf fender. The fenders may be separated and deployed at individual locations on a vessel, or kept together and deployed as a single fender capable of absorbing a greater impact than any of the fenders individually would absorb. 1. A nesting fender , comprising:at least two segments;at least one connector; anda rope.2. The nesting fender of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two segments and the at least one connector include at least two passages.3. The nesting fender of claim 2 , wherein the at least two passages of each of the at least two segments and the at least one connector are alignable to form at least two rope channels.4. The nesting fender of claim 3 , wherein the rope is passed through the at least two rope channels and a first end of the rope and a second end of the rope are joined after the rope is passed through the at least two rope channels.5. The nesting fender of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two segments includes at least an outer wall claim 1 , an inner wall claim 1 , and an engineered truss disposed between the outer wall and the inner wall.6. The nesting fender of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two segments includes a U channel proximate to a top portion of a segment and a U channel proximate to a bottom portion of the segment.7. The nesting fender of claim ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Deployable Keel / Bow Mat

Номер: US20200223516A1
Автор: Hinds Shaun Cameron

The invention is an apparatus consisting of a durable, low friction flexible material that can be easily deployed when landing a boat onto the shoreline of a water-body. The invention when deployed provides a barrier/cushion/mat between the keel of the boat and the sandy/rocky shoreline thereby protecting the boat keel from damage and wear. 1. A deployable protective barrier used to protect the Keel of a boat when landing upon a shoreline.2. A deployable barrier , apparatus , mat or cushion of such a design to minimize or eliminate the wear to a boats keel when landing on the shoreline of a body of water.31. A barrier , apparatus , mat or cushion as claimed in , where said deployment may be of any means including but not limited to a Motorized/Spring deployed retractable design , a Manual/Spring deployed retractable design , a corded/tethered manually deployed design or simply an un-tethered manual placement of the apparatus.41. A barrier , apparatus , mat or cushion as claimed in , where the invention may yield aesthetic visual effects. Lettering or Artwork may be added to the apparatus for the purposes of promotional advertising/branding , personalization or decorative appearance. Boat operators carefully maintain and operate their vessels protecting against damage and wear that ultimately lowers the value as well as the aesthetic appearance of their boat. In preventing unsightly wear and damage to their boats keel, many boat operators avoid landing their vessels on shore. In doing so, they are forced to anchor their vessel off of the shoreline or stand offshore holding the vessel in position thereby reducing the enjoyment of accessing beaches and exploring shorelines. When landing a vessel is unavoidable to on-load and off-load, the boat operator will undoubtedly cause wear damage to the boats keel.Aside from the application of permanently installed wear material to a boats keel for the purposes of wear protection, a deployable keel/bow mat or similar apparatus ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252545A1

An adjustable self-leveling boat bumper system attaches to a nautical structure associated with a body of water, and includes a longitudinal main guide, a longitudinal adjustment guide connected to a float element, a receiver, a boat bumper connected to the receiver, and an adjustment lock. The main and adjustment guides are oriented perpendicularly to a water surface. The receiver includes a main guide aperture and an adjustment aperture. The main and adjustment guides are moveably engaged with the main guide and adjustment apertures, respectively. The lock determines whether the adjustment guide is moveable. The float element provides a buoyancy force that maintains the receiver and float at a particular position along the main guide relative to the tide level of a body of water. 1. An adjustable self-leveling boat bumper system configured to attach to a nautical structure that extends at least in part over a body of water having a low tide and a high tide , said system comprising:a longitudinal main guide fixed to the nautical structure and oriented perpendicular to a surface of the body of water;a longitudinal adjustment guide, oriented perpendicular to the surface, and having a first end extending upwardly and a second end attached to a float element;at least one receiver including a main guide aperture and an adjustment aperture, the main guide aperture having said main guide disposed therethrough with said at least one receiver being moveably engaged with said main guide, and the adjustment aperture having said adjustment guide disposed therethrough;a boat bumper connected to said at least one receiver and positioned to face away from the nautical structure; andan adjustment lock, adjacent to said adjustment guide, and being moveable between a locked position, in which at least a portion of said lock contacts said adjustment guide to render said adjustment guide immovably engaged with said at least one receiver, and an unlocked position, in which the portion ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Enhanced system and method for remotely deploying boat fenders

Номер: US20200231258A1
Автор: Shmuel Sam ARDITI
Принадлежит: Individual

An enhanced system and various methods for remotely deploying boat fenders from a safe and convenient location. The boat fenders, which are placed along the entire periphery of the boat, may be deployed and retracted with lines attached to winches and motors. A smart phone app may be employed to remind users to deploy boat fenders upon entering known ports, and may also deploy the boat fenders automatically.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Watercraft Docking Structure

Номер: US20170254038A1
Автор: Levin Kerry Ira

A structure includes a bracket and a vertical member. The vertical member includes a vertical member top end and a vertical member bottom end. The vertical member is affixed to the bracket. The structure further includes at least one bumper. The at least one bumper is affixed to the vertical member bottom end via a bumper connecting structure. The structure further includes an arm member. The arm member includes an arm member first end and an arm member second end. The arm member second end is affixed to the vertical member top end. In another aspect, a structure includes a support, and affixed to the support, a bracket. The structure further includes, affixed to the support via a bumper connecting structure, at least one bumper. The structure further includes, affixed to the support, an arm member. 1. A structure , comprising:a bracket;a vertical member, said vertical member comprising a vertical member top end and a vertical member bottom end;said vertical member being affixed to said bracket;at least one bumper, said at least one bumper being affixed to said vertical member bottom end via a bumper connecting structure; andan arm member, said arm member comprising an arm member first end and an arm member second end; andsaid arm member second end being affixed to said vertical member top end.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein said bracket is affixed to a dock.3. The structure of claim 1 , wherein said bumper connecting structure comprises:a horizontal member comprising a horizontal member first end and a horizontal member second end;said horizontal member being slidably-lockably affixed to said vertical member lower end;a first bumper arm member slidably-lockably affixed to said horizontal member first end; anda second bumper arm member slidably-lockably affixed to said horizontal member second end;and, wherein:at least one of said at least one bumper comprises a rigid bumper member surrounded by a shock absorbing layer;said at least one bumper comprises at ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Assembly and process for creating an extruded marine dock bumper

Номер: US20160263807A1
Принадлежит: US Farathane Corp

An assembly and process for forming a two stage extrusion of an elongated marine dock from a plasticized material, such as including but act limited to extruding a first generally “L” shaped bracket from a first more rigid thermoplastic, following which a cross head die arrangement is utilized in order to extrude a secondary arcuate and flexible material in extending fashion from a lower side of the “L” bracket. The secondary/flexible elastomer is extracted in an open flexed position relative to the first extruded bracket, and further such that, following completion, can be flexed into a closed engagement with an upper perpendicularly extending side of the bracket.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257749A1
Автор: Arnold Mark H.

A self-adjusting, drive-on, floating dock for personal watercraft including a central float having a plurality of central float rollers to support the keel or bottom of the hull of a personal watercraft; and a plurality of side floats with attached side float arms having attached side float rollers that support the sides of the hull of a personal watercraft; and in which at least one of the side floats is attached to the central float in such a manner to allow it to float independently of the center float, but is restrained from drifting away from said central float; and the independent buoyant forces created by both the central float and the plurality of side floats together support the hull of a personal watercraft. 1. A floating dock system for a personal watercraft , comprising:a main floating platform, comprising:a center docking section and at least one roller rotationally secured about an axis to the main floating platform, wherein the axis of the at least one roller is positioned across a longitudinal centerline of the main floating platform; andat least two side portions, at least one of the side portions positioned opposite at least one other side portion about the longitudinal centerline of the main floating platform, at least one side portion having at least one opening between a top side of the main floating platform and a bottom side of the main floating platform;at least one buoyant side member in one of the at least two side portions which is configured to float independently of the main floating platform, wherein the at least one buoyant side member comprises at least one pair of arms with a side roller rotationally secured between each of the at least one pair of arms; andwherein the at least one pair of arms of the at least one buoyant side members is positioned within the at least one opening of the at least two side portions.2. The floating dock system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one side portion has at least one cavity in the bottom side ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Marine fender

Номер: US20210331772A1
Автор: John C. Norling
Принадлежит: Auctoritas LLC

A marine fender can stick to, and conform to, the hull of a boat and protect the hull from abrasions and impacts. It can remain attached to the side of the boat despite motion of the boat and hard impacts or friction with neighboring objects. The marine fender can be rapidly and straightforwardly applied to, and/or removed from, the side of the boat hull. A boat can be protected by a number of individual fenders, and the group of fenders can be dissembled from each other when desired, and stowed in a relatively small area.

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150284057A1

A supplemental bumper apparatus for covering the bumper of a personal water craft and providing enhanced shock absorption and blemish resistance. The supplemental bumper apparatus comprises a synthetic rubber body and a fastener system. The synthetic rubber body provides a barrier which can absorb shock and block blemishes from an impact. The synthetic rubber body is attached to the bumper fastener system defined by a plurality of snap fasteners on its upper section and a hook and loop fabric fastener is on its lower section. A plurality of snap fastener base members are permanently attached to the bumper and a corresponding hook and loop fastener material is permanently attached to the bumper, each providing a corresponding engaging member to enable the snap fasteners and the hook and loop fastener surface to attach the synthetic rubber body to the surface of the bumper. 1. A supplemental bumper apparatus , comprising:a base body sized to correspond to the size of a bumper on a personal water craft, enabling the base body to cover the bumper without encroaching over the remainder of the personal water craft; anda fastener system, wherein said fastener system includes a first fastener set integrated with said base body and a first fastener base integrated with said bumper.2. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said base body is constructed of a synthetic rubber material.3. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said base body is constructed of EPDM rubber.4. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said fastener system additionally includes a second fastener set integrated with said base body and a second fastener base integrated with said bumper.5. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 4 , wherein said first fastener set is defined by a plurality of snap fasteners and the first fastener base is defined by a plurality of snap fastener base members.6. The supplemental bumper apparatus of claim 4 , wherein said ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355646A1
Автор: Kane David

In general, embodiments of this invention relate to methods, apparatuses, and systems for providing boat or ship protection from damages associated with vessel contact, allision, or other physical contact or with objects. Therefore a preferred embodiment of the invention is demonstrated as a fender system comprising: a base composed of a vertical back portion of cushioning material; a top foam portion of marine grade material; and a bottom foam portion of marine grade material where the top portion and the bottom portion are connected to the top and bottom of the back portion respectively; the top and bottom foam or marine grade material portion each having a connector to facilitate rotational connection to a fender; and a fender rotationally connected to the top and bottom portion. 1) A fender apparatus comprising: i. A back portion,', 'ii. A top portion and a bottom portion each operationally connected to the top and bottom of the back portion respectively, and', 'iii. The top portion and the bottom portion are capable of rotationally attaching to a fender placed in-between the top portion and the bottom portion; and, 'a. A base portion comprising,'}b. A fender rotationally connected to the top portion and bottom portion;c. At least one eyelet on the base portion capable of receiving a fender whip.2) The fender apparatus of wherein the base portion includes a clip on the eyelet capable of connecting the base portion to a net or a loop of a fender whip.3) The fender apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the base portion is comprised of a series of loops claim 1 , the back portion being a fender whip claim 1 , the top portion being a loop on the fender whip claim 1 , and the bottom portion being a second loop on the fender whip claim 1 , and the fender being a center hole fender rotationally connected to the top portion and the bottom portion by a rope through the center hole of the fender which operationally connects to the top portion and bottom portion loops.4) The ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Flex Slide System

Номер: US20200263377A1
Автор: Moran Michael
Принадлежит: Seahorse Fender & Docking "LLC."

A floating object securement system configured to provide limited movement between a floating dock and a support structure while not squeaking or making other obnoxious noises is disclosed. The floating object securement system may include a slidable base configured to slide along a track that confines the slidable base to only lateral movement generally aligned with a longitudinal axis of the track. The floating object securement system may include a primary movement control member coupled to the slidable base and extending outwardly from the slidable base. The primary movement control member provides limited movement and rotation of the bracket relative to the slidable base about X, Y and Z axes while not squeaking or making other obnoxious noises. 1. A floating object securement system , comprising:a slidable base configured to slide along a track;wherein the track configured to limit movement of the slidable base;a primary movement control member coupled to the slidable base and extending outwardly from the slidable base;a bracket coupled to the primary movement control member remote from the slidable base;wherein the primary movement control member provides limited rotation of the bracket relative to the slidable base about x, y and z axes.2. The floating object securement system of claim 1 , wherein the track and slidable base are configured to only allow movement of the slidable base relative to the track along a longitudinal axis of the track.3. The floating object securement system of claim 1 , wherein the primary movement control member is formed from a resilient material such that the primary movement control member absorbs shock forces without elastically deforming.4. The floating object securement system of claim 3 , wherein the resilient material is a conveyor belt.5. The floating object securement system of claim 1 , wherein the primary movement control member is a single piece of material.6. The floating object securement system of claim 1 , wherein ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Watercraft fender with locking suction mechanisms

Номер: US20210380206A1
Автор: Carlie Long
Принадлежит: Okoboji Coast LLC

A protective fender for a watercraft includes a plurality of attachment mechanisms configured to secure the protective fender to an exterior portion of the watercraft. The protective fender further includes a fender body, wherein a first surface of the fender body that contacts the exterior portion of the watercraft comprises a smooth surface. The protective fender also includes a plurality of adjustable-length straps. A first adjustable-length strap secures an upper-left quadrant of the fender body upwards to a first attachment mechanism of the plurality of attachment mechanisms, and a second adjustable-length strap secures an upper-right quadrant of the fender body upwards to a second attachment mechanism of the plurality of attachment mechanisms.

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150292173A1
Автор: Smith Scott

The present disclosure provides a maritime fender assembly for mounting to a berthing structure, the fender assembly including: a panel assembly including an outwardly facing wear pad for contact with a vessel; a frame for releasably receiving the panel assembly; a resilient fender element mounted between the frame and the berthing structure; and an engagement means to allow engagement and disengagement of the panel assembly from the frame to allow removal and replacement of the panel assembly. The present disclosure also provides a maritime fender assembly comprising a frame carrying an outwardly facing wear pad, the frame including at least one frame-side support chain mount and at least one frame-side detensioner mount; a base mounted to the berthing structure, the base including a base-side support chain mount and a base-side detensioner mounts; a resilient fender element mounted between the frame and base; and support chains connected to a base-side support chain mount and a corresponding frame-side support chain mount, wherein the frame-side detensioner mount and base-side detensioner mount include a corresponding pair of detensioner mounts, the corresponding pair of detensioner mounts positioned to connect a detensioner between, the detensioner actuable to detension at least one support chain. The present disclosure also includes methods of maintaining such maritime fender assemblies. 1. A method of maintaining a maritime fender assembly mounted to a berthing structure , the maritime fender assembly comprising: a pair of opposing channels into which the panel assembly is slidingly received, the pair of opposing channels being, in use, substantially vertical; and', 'a panel assembly securing means having a release configuration whereby the panel assembly is removable from the pair of opposing channels and an engaged configuration whereby the panel assembly is secured in the pair of opposing channels; and', 'a resilient fender element mounted between the frame ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170283018A1
Автор: Karpinski David S.

A boat fender includes a vinyl fender core that is sized and shaped for suspension adjacent a boat exterior to protect the boat exterior from damage resulting from impact with an obstacle. An integrated cover is secured to the fender core, such as by flocking. 1. A boat fender comprising:a fender core defining a substrate, the fender core being sized and shaped for suspension adjacent a boat exterior to protect the boat exterior from damage resulting from impact with an obstacle;an adhesive applied to at least a portion of the substrate; anda flock material deposited on the substrate and secured by the adhesive.2. A boat fender according to claim 1 , wherein the fender core is substantially cylindrical including an exterior circumferential surface and ends claim 1 , wherein the exterior circumferential surface defines the substrate claim 1 , and wherein the adhesive and the flock material are disposed on the exterior circumferential surface.3. A boat fender according to claim 1 , wherein the fender core is substantially cylindrical including an exterior surface and ends claim 1 , wherein the exterior circumferential surface defines the substrate claim 1 , and wherein the adhesive and the flock material are disposed on at least a middle portion of the exterior circumferential surface.4. A boat fender according to claim 1 , wherein the fender core comprises a vinyl material.5. A boat fender comprising a vinyl fender core that is sized and shaped for suspension adjacent a boat exterior to protect the boat exterior from damage resulting from impact with an obstacle claim 1 , and an integrated cover secured to the fender core.6. A boat fender according to claim 5 , wherein the integrated cover comprises a flock material that is deposited onto the fender core.7. A boat fender according to claim 6 , further comprising an adhesive on the fender core claim 6 , wherein the flock material is secured to the fender core with the adhesive.8. A boat fender according to claim 7 , ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150292587A1
Автор: SHEN Jianqing

An impact relieving device includes an impact portion and a fixed portion. The impact relieving device has an integral structure that is formed by one-step extrusion molding. The impact portion includes an inner layer and an outer layer. The inner layer and the outer layer are separated by a separation rib to form a cavity. The outer layer of the impact portion is arc-shaped, and an arc surface protrudes outwards. The impact relieving device has low manufacturing cost, is easy to manufacture and install, has a simple structure, and can effectively relieve an impact force. 1. An impact relieving device comprising: an impact portion and a fixed portion , with the impact relieving device having an integral one-step extrusion molding structure , the impact portion including an inner layer and an outer layer , a separation rib located between the inner layer and the outer layer to define a cavity there between , the outer layer of the impact portion having an arc shape with a curved surface protruding outwards.2. The impact relieving device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the fixed portion and an inside wall of the impact portion form a fixed slot claim 1 , and the fixed slot is located on the top of the impact relieving device.3. The impact relieving device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein is equipped on the inside wall of the inner layer of the impact portion includes a wall section groove or a prominent block which is adapted for fitment against an opposing wall section on a vehicle hull claim 1 , and the wall section of the impact portion maintains a constant connection with the opposing wall section of the vehicle.4. The impact relieving device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an insert block is respectively equipped on the both ends of the cavity and an interference fit is between the insert block and the cavity.5. The impact relieving device in accordance with claim 1 , the separation rib further defining a second cavity adjacent the cavity and ...

23-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210394876A1
Принадлежит: Ørsted Wind Power A/S

Described are ships and docking systems comprising a fender for mounting on a bow of a ship, comprising an elastically deformable body portion, and a concave engagement surface defined by the body portion, wherein the concave engagement surface extends perpendicular to a center line of the ship, such that portions of the fender distal to the center line extend further forward in a direction parallel to the center line than a portion of the fender central to the center line. 112.-. (canceled)13. A fender for mounting on a bow of a ship , comprising:an elastically deformable body portion; anda concave engagement surface defined by the body portion, wherein the concave engagement surface extends perpendicular to a center line of the ship, such that portions of the fender distal to the center line extend further forward in a direction parallel to the center line than a portion of the fender central to the center line.14. The fender of claim 13 , wherein the concave engagement surface defines a sector of a circle.15. The fender of claim 14 , wherein the sector has a radius of about 1 meter to about 10 meters.16. The fender of claim 14 , wherein the sector has a radius of about 1 meter to about 10 meters.17. The fender of claim 14 , wherein the sector has a radius of about 3 meters to about 10 meters.18. The fender of claim 14 , wherein the sector has a radius of about 4 meters to about 8 meters.19. The fender of claim 14 , wherein the sector has a radius of about 5 meters to about 7 meters.20. The fender of claim 14 , wherein the sector has a center point located at least 3 meters ahead of the ship.21. The fender of claim 20 , wherein the center point is located on the center line of the ship.22. The fender of claim 13 , further comprising a crush zone.23. The fender of claim 13 , further comprising at least one recess in the fender claim 13 , the recess extending at a ninety degree angle to the concave engagement surface.24. The fender of claim 23 , wherein a pair of ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304173A1
Автор: VANOISE Jean-Luc

Inflatable fender having an inflatable first, internal, casing provided at least at one end in the continuation of the chamber with an inflatable tubular appendage () equipped with a stoppered end stub (), this assembly being housed inside an external second casing () that hugs the first casing and the appendage () and being equipped, at the neck hugging the appendage, with at least one pair of fixings () of the D-ring type. 1) An inflatable fender comprising a first inflatable inner casing provided with at least one end in the continuity of the chamber of an inflatable tubular appendage equipped with a stoppered end stub , the assembly being housed in a second outer casing espousing the first casing and the appendage and being equipped , at the neck espousing the appendage , with at least one pair of securing means of the D-shaped ring type.2) The fender according to claim 1 , wherein the second outer casing comprises at least a textile material.3) The fender according to claim 1 , wherein the end stub comprises a body with a threaded orifice provided coaxially with a stopper for deflating and a stopper for inflating.4) The fender according to claim 1 , wherein the appendage is secured on the neck of the second outer casing on at least two securing areas regularly distributed on the periphery claim 1 , the first inflatable inner casing not being secured to the second textile outer casing.5) The fender according to claim 1 , wherein the appendage is secured by sticking on the neck of the second outer casing on at least two securing areas regularly distributed on the periphery claim 1 , the first inflatable inner casing not being secured to the second textile outer casing.6) The fender according to claim 1 , wherein at least one pair of securing means of the D-shaped ring type are vertically sewn on at least two stitched areas regularly distributed on the periphery on the neck of the second outer casing.7) The fender according to claim 6 , wherein said stitched areas ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Enhanced system and method for detangling and protection of automatic fender positioning systems

Номер: US20160304174A1
Автор: Shmuel Sam ARDITI
Принадлежит: Individual

An enhanced system and various methods for detangling and positioning of automatic fender positioning systems, comprising a system for stowing a boat fender in a fender receptacle, the receptacle having an opening for threading through a line, the line being attached to the fender, the line operable to pull up the fender into the receptacle through a second opening at the bottom of the receptacle, where upon while retracting the fender, the motor is configured to detect changes in current, and is configured to shut down if an overcurrent state is detected, the overcurrent state detection being based at least in part on a configured current limit.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304175A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system and various methods for safe and convenient deployment and retraction of boat fenders, comprising a system for stowing a boat fender in a fender receptacle, the receptacle having an opening for threading through a line, the line being attached to the fender, the line operable to pull up the fender into the receptacle through a second opening at the bottom of the receptacle, the receptacle being located within the rail, hull, or attached thereto, and being attached to a hinge, operated either mechanically or manually, to enable unobstructed deployment of the fenders. 1. A system with a protective enclosure for stowing a boat fender , the protective enclosure attached to a vessel , the protective enclosure having an opening for threading through a line , the line being attached to the boat fender by a spring or elastic cord , the line operable to pull the fender into the protective enclosure through the opening in the protective enclosure;2. The system of wherein at least one of the protective enclosures possess a moveable bar positioned across a lower opening of the protective enclosure above the fender claim 1 , the moveable bar having an opening for guiding the line claim 1 , which passes through it the moveable bar being moveable along a substantially vertical cylindrical axis of the protective enclosure and acts to guide the fender as it is pulled with the boat fender into the protective enclosure.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the line threaded through the protective enclosure of at least one of the protective enclosures is attached directly to the boat fender.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the line of at least one of the protective enclosures is routed inside the protective enclosure and exits from any point along a length of the protective enclosure including the opening through which the fender is stowed and deployed claim 3 , obviating the need for a second opening.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the moveable bar of at least one ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150314841A1

A self-leveling boat bumper system attached to a nautical structure can include a floating bumper arrangement having a float element, a float extension, and a boat bumper; and a receiver, fixed to the nautical structure and moveably engaged with the arrangement, or fixed to the arrangement and moveably engaged with a guide fixed to the nautical structure. When floating within a body of water, the float element can provide a buoyancy force that maintains the boat bumper in a static position between, and including, first and second positions, and as the level of the water changes. 1. A self-leveling boat bumper system attached to a nautical structure at least partially over a body of water having a low tide and a high tide , comprising:a floating bumper arrangement including a float element, a float extension, connected to the float element, and extending upwardly, and a boat bumper connected to said arrangement; anda receiver, fixed to one of the nautical structure and said arrangement, and moveably engaged with one of said arrangement and a guide fixed to the nautical structure, the moveable engagement being between a low position, in which the boat bumper is at a first position, and a high position, in which the boat bumper is at a second position above the first position;wherein when floating within the body of water, the float element provides a buoyancy force that maintains the boat bumper in a static position between, and including, the first and second positions.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said floating bumper arrangement further includes a bumper adapter connected to the float extension claim 1 , and the bumper element is attached to the bumper adapter.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the float extension is a ladder.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the float element includes an upper portion and said floating bumper arrangement further includes a float deck attached to the upper portion of the float element.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150314842A1
Автор: MARSHALL John C.

A boat protection device includes a boat fender having a cushion, a first attachment element and a second attachment element. The first attachment element has a first keyhole aperture. The first keyhole aperture has a first slot and a first passage contiguous with the first slot. The second attachment element has a second keyhole aperture. The second keyhole aperture has a second slot and a second passage contiguous with the second slot. 1. A boat protection device , comprising:a cushion;a first attachment element attached to the cushion, the first attachment element comprising a first keyhole aperture having a first passage and a first slot contiguous with the first passage, the first passage having a first width and the first slot having a second width smaller than the first width; anda second attachment element attached to the cushion, the second attachment element comprising a second keyhole aperture having a second passage and a second slot contiguous with the second passage, the second passage having a third width and the second slot having a fourth width smaller than the third width.2. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second passages are substantially circular.3. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first slot is orientated substantially orthogonal to the second slot portion.4. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element further comprises an opening for receiving a fender line.5. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element and the second attachment element are located at opposite ends of the cushion.6. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element and the second attachment element are integral with the cushion.7. The boat protection device of claim 1 , wherein the cushion claim 1 , the first attachment element claim 1 , and the second attachment element have rear surfaces coplanar with one another.8. The boat protection ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305513A1
Принадлежит: Contact Left, LLC

An arrangement of fenders nested together for compact storage, the fenders including two or more cylindrical bodies having a cavity accessed through the fender top, the fenders being similar shape but graduated in size such that the cavity of a larger fender tensionally receives the next smaller sized fender, the outer diameter of the smaller fender equal to the inner diameter of the larger fender cavity. A fender has a rigid inner core surrounded by a compressible shell made of foam or similar material. The inner core has attachment points for a rope or line. The smallest nesting fender in the set has a cavity diameter sized to fit a commercially-available, off-the-shelf fender. The fenders may be separated and deployed at individual locations on a vessel, or kept together and deployed as a single fender capable of absorbing a greater impact than any of the fenders individually would absorb. 1. (canceled)2. The nesting fender arrangement of claim 5 , wherein the first fender removably receives an entirety of the at least one other fender within the interior cavity through the top aperture.3. The nesting fender arrangement of claim 5 , wherein the at least one other fender includes at least a cylindrical height equal to or less than a height of the interior cavity of the first fender.4. (canceled)5. A nesting fender arrangement claim 5 , comprising: [ a compressible outer shell; and', 'a rigid inner core, the rigid inner core disposed within a hollow interior to the compressible outer shell and adjacent to an upper rim of the compressible outer shell; and, 'a cylindrical body, including at least, 'an interior cavity, the interior cavity including at least an annular shape with a top aperture, the top aperture leading to the interior cavity through a top surface of the cylindrical body; and, 'a first fender, including at leastat least one other fender, the at least one other fender including at least a cylindrical body diameter that is substantially the same as an ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Mooring Device

Номер: US20150336637A1
Автор: Brelsford Loren

A portable water level-responsive mooring device has a mooring strap capable of engaging the mooring device around a dock piling, a cleat strap that secures the mooring device to an associated water vessel, a fender attached to the mooring device to protect against dock piling impact, and a link securing mooring device components together for operation. 1. A portable water level-responsive mooring device comprising:a mooring strap comprising a length of mooring cord having a link connector on each end, a plurality of spacing tubes, and a plurality of rollers having an outer diameter greater than the outer diameter of the spacing tubes and an inner diameter larger than the outer diameter of the mooring cord, wherein the spacing tubes and the rollers are alternatingly arranged between the ends of the mooring cord, and wherein the mooring cord is positioned within respective apertures of the spacing tubes and the rollers, the length of the mooring cord being sufficient to wrap around a dock piling;a fender having a link connector; anda link, comprising a cleat catch portion adapted to secure a link connector from an associated cleat strap, a mooring catch portion adapted to secure at least one link connector from the mooring strap, and a fender catch portion adapted to secure the link connector of the fender.2. The device of further comprising:a cleat strap comprising a cord having a loop at one end configured for engaging a boat cleat and a link connector at an opposite end of the cord.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cleat catch portion comprises a cleat aperture.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the mooring catch portion comprises at least one mooring aperture.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the mooring catch portion further comprises at least one clip.6. The device of claim 3 , wherein the mooring catch portion comprises at least one clip integral to the link.7. The device of claim 3 , wherein the fender catch portion comprises a latch assembly.8. The ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319467A1

In accordance with one embodiment, a servicing watercraft that may be safely secured to a serviced watercraft. The servicing watercraft comprises at least one auxiliary section that may be positioned to either a) increase the effective width of the servicing watercraft thus reducing rolling motion while the servicing watercraft is stationary or in operation, OR b) decrease the width of the servicing watercraft thus reducing drag while the watercraft is moving through the water. Furthermore, the auxiliary section(s) help the servicing watercraft to be positioned in an optimum location adjacent to the serviced watercraft as to avoid impact from accidently dropped cargo or shipping containers from the serviced watercraft. 1. A servicing watercraft , comprising a main section and at least one auxiliary section whereby said auxiliary section(s) provide(s) support to said main section to sufficiently secure said main section to a serviced watercraft in a location that is away from the danger of falling cargo from said serviced watercraft.2. The servicing watercraft of claim 1 , wherein said servicing watercraft is a barge claim 1 , a powered barge claim 1 , a vessel claim 1 , a powered vessel claim 1 , a floating platform claim 1 , a semi-submersible watercraft claim 1 , a boat claim 1 , or a floating dock.3. The serviced watercraft of claim 1 , wherein said serviced watercraft is an oceangoing vessel (OGV) claim 1 , a ship claim 1 , a container ship claim 1 , a cargo ship claim 1 , a liquid bulk ship claim 1 , a dry bulk ship claim 1 , a tanker claim 1 , a Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo) ship claim 1 , an auto transport vessel claim 1 , a general cargo vessel claim 1 , or a passenger ship.4. The servicing watercraft of claim 1 , wherein said auxiliary section is a buoyant member claim 1 , a collection of contiguous buoyant members claim 1 , a beam with buoyant members claim 1 , or at least one pontoon.5. The servicing watercraft of claim 1 , wherein said auxiliary section moves ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316311A1

A damper for absorbing impact shock generated upon docking of a moving structure with a stationary structure or foundation is shown, the damper comprising a cylinder () connectable to the docking structure, the cylinder arranged with a cap end and a head end and having a piston () arranged movable in the cylinder and separating a cylinder cap volume () from a cylinder head volume (). A check valve (), a pressure relief valve () with adjustable opening pressure and an orifice () of static size are respectively arranged in the cap end of the cylinder, wherein under constant load from the piston during a terminal stroke length of the damper in compression, the orifice provides a restricted flow from cylinder cap volume generating a constant pressure in the cylinder cap volume below the opening pressure of the pressure relief valve. 1. A damper for absorbing impact shock generated upon docking a moving structure with a stationary structure or foundation , the damper comprising:{'b': '1', 'a cylinder () connectable to the moving structure, the cylinder arranged with a barrel, a cap end and a head end,'}{'b': 2', '13, 'a piston arrangement () movable in the barrel, the piston defining a cylinder cap volume () in the cap end of the cylinder which varies with the position of the piston in extension and compression,'}{'b': 14', '13, 'a check valve () arranged in the cap end of the cylinder, the check valve in open state permitting flow into the cylinder cap volume () as the piston rod is extended out of the cylinder,'}{'b': '15', 'a pressure relief valve () in the cap end of the cylinder adjustable to open upon exceeding of a predetermined internal pressure in the cylinder cap volume, in open state permitting restricted flow from the cylinder cap volume,'}{'b': 16', '23, 'an orifice (; ) of static size in the cap end of the cylinder, wherein under constant load from the piston during a terminal stroke length of the damper in compression, the orifice provides a restricted ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160340005A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system for controlling boat fenders wherein, based on a tidal range chart, a motion function is calculated for one or more boat fenders, which is loaded into a fender controller so that fenders are lifted or lowered to protect a boat over a period of time as boat rises and falls with water levels when stationed at a dock. 1. A system for controlling deployable fenders of a boat , based on a tidal range , the system comprising: calculate a motion function based on a tidal range where fenders are or will be deployed; and', 'raise or lower a plurality of boat fenders based on the motion function as the boat rises and falls with water levels., 'a boat fender controller comprising at least a processor and a memory and programmable instructions stored in the memory and operating on the processor, the programmable instructions configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the boat falls below a predefined point claim 1 , the programmable instructions stop raising or lowering the fenders and the fenders remain in a fixed position.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein an amount of energy required to execute raising and lowering of the plurality of fenders is calculated claim 1 , a battery charge remaining is checked claim 1 , and a safe reserve of energy is determined and reported to a user.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein an amount of energy required to execute raising and lowering of the plurality of fenders is measured claim 1 , a battery charge remaining is checked claim 1 , and a safe reserve of energy is determined and reported to a user.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein fender or boat vertical location relative to a dock is measured or observed.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the boat fender controller is embedded as a component within a smartphone claim 1 , a navigation plotter claim 1 , a GPS device claim 1 , a tablet claim 1 , an automatic fender system claim 1 , the boat itself or any other equipment on the boat.7. The system of claim 1 , ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Marine Fender System

Номер: US20160340848A1
Автор: Kedar Mordechai

A marine fender system for absorbing energy to prevent damage to berthing facilities, berthing structures, and vessels during the berthing of the vessels. The marine fender system generally includes a plurality of mounts which are secured against a berthing structure such as a dock or the like. Each of the mounts comprises a first angled edge and a second angled edge. A frame is suspended from the berthing structure, including fenders extending from the frame toward the berthing structure. Each of the fenders comprises a first arm and a second arm extending diagonally outward in different directions from a deflector. The deflector rests against the angled edges such that pressure exerted on a bumper on the outer end of the frame will cause the deflectors to move with respect to the angled edges of the mount, thus absorbing energy which otherwise would be transferred directly to the berthing structure. 1. A marine fender system , comprising:a mount adapted to be secured against a berthing structure;a frame positioned near the berthing structure, wherein the frame comprises an inner end and an outer end;a bumper on the outer end of the frame;a first fender between the mount and the inner end of the frame, wherein the first fender is connected to the inner end of the frame;a second fender between the mount and the inner end of the frame, wherein the second fender is connected to the inner end of the frame;wherein the first fender and the second fender are each adapted to move against the mount when pressure is exerted on the bumper.2. The marine fender system of claim 1 , wherein the mount comprises a V-shaped projection including a first angled edge and a second angled edge.3. The marine fender system of claim 2 , wherein the first fender is adapted to slide along the first angled edge and wherein the second fender is adapted to slide along the second angled edge.4. The marine fender system of claim 2 , wherein the first fender comprises a first deflector adapted to ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Pneumatic Fender

Номер: US20150345092A1

Provided is a pneumatic fender that suppresses damage to a flexible hollow body and an energy-absorbing body and exhibits improved ship sway reduction effects. A pneumatic fender is provided with an orifice that allows for communication between an interior space of a flexible hollow body and the interior space of the casing, and a safety valve that opens and allows for communication between the internal space of the flexible hollow body and the internal space of the casing by opening when the internal pressure of the flexible hollow body reaches a predetermined pressure. 1. A pneumatic fender comprising a flexible hollow body provided between facing mounting plates , the fender comprising: an orifice that allows for communication between an interior space of the flexible hollow body and an interior space of a rigid casing that is provided on a surface of one of the mounting plates; and a safety valve that opens and allows for communication between the interior space of the flexible hollow body and the interior space of the casing by opening when the internal pressure of the flexible hollow body reaches a predetermined pressure.2. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the casing is provided on a surface of the one mounting plate positioned within the interior of the flexible hollow body.3. The pneumatic fender according to claim 2 , wherein the height to which the casing projects is set to 40% or less of a spacing between the mounting plates claim 2 , and the volume of the inner space of the casing is set to 10% to 35% of the volume of the inner space of the flexible hollow body.4. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , wherein the casing is provided on an external surface of the one mounting plate on a side opposite a side in the interior of the flexible hollow body.5. The pneumatic fender according to claim 4 , wherein the maximum compression rate of the flexible hollow body is set to 80% to 90%.6. The pneumatic fender according to claim 1 , ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160355243A1

Disclosed are rubrail assemblies used in vessels, such as boats or ships which include, among other elements, a base element and a trim or insert element. The base element has a main body portion and first and second end portions which extend from opposed lateral edges of the main body portion and define a longitudinal channel or gap therebetween. The elongated trim element includes a head portion and an engagement portion which is inserted into the longitudinal channel of the base portion so as to secure the trim element to the base element. One or both of the base element and the trim element include at least one sliding surface that has a coefficient of friction which facilitates insertion of the engagement portion of the trim element into the longitudinal channel of the base element. 2. The rubrail assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first end portion of the base element includes a first sliding surface and the second end portion of the base member includes a second sliding surface claim 1 , each of the first and second sliding surfaces having a coefficient of friction which facilitates insertion of the engagement portion into the longitudinal channel of the base element.3. The rubrail assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the engagement portion of the trim element includes a collapsible barb.4. The rubrail assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the collapsible barb includes third and fourth sliding surfaces each having a coefficient of friction which facilitates insertion of the engagement portion into the longitudinal channel of the base element.5. The rubrail assembly as recited in claim 2 , where the main body portion claim 2 , first and second end portions and first and second sliding surfaces of the base element are formed as a unitary structure by coextrusion.6. The rubrail assembly as recited in claim 4 , wherein the head portion claim 4 , engagement portion and third and fourth sliding surfaces of the trim element are formed as a unitary ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338819A1
Принадлежит: CMI LIMITED CO.

Example embodiments of the invention generally relate to a dampening and impact absorption device including a first component, a second component, and at least one elastomeric element operatively coupled between the first component and the second component. Other example embodiments of the invention generally relate to a dampening and impact absorption system including one or more such dampening and impact absorption devices. In example applications, the dampening and impact absorption device is utilized to dampen and reduce impacts, forces and noise between the platform and anchor pilings of a floating dock system, for example resulting from wave action or other dynamic effects. 1. A dampening and impact absorption device for a floating dock platform positioned adjacent to a vertical piling , the dampening and impact absorption device comprising:a first component,a second component pivotally coupled to the first component,at least one elastic element operatively coupled between the first component and the second component, andat least one contact element coupled to the second component and configured to engage the vertical piling;wherein the elastic element is stretched from an unbiased neutral state to an elongated state as the at least one contact element engages the vertical piling, and wherein the elastic element returns to the neutral state as the contact element disengages the vertical piling.2. The dampening and impact absorption device of claim 1 , wherein the first component comprises an outer frame channel and wherein a first side of the outer frame channel is coupled to the floating dock platform.3. The dampening and impact absorption device of claim 1 , wherein the floating dock platform comprises a cutout or hole configured to receive the vertical piling.4. The dampening and impact absorption device of claim 3 , wherein the at least one dampening and impact absorption device is positioned around the hole or cutout.5. The dampening and impact absorption ...
