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26-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683055C2

FIELD: water supply.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a thermostatic faucet-mixer comprising elongated body (1) having cold water inlet (2) at its one end, hot water inlet (3) at its other end and mixed water outlet (4), also comprising temperature control unit (5) for mixing cold and hot water and at least one tubular element (6) of hot water, which is located completely in housing (1) and in which hot water is directed to temperature control unit (5). Tubular element (6) of hot water is made of metal, wherein internal surfaces (7) of tubular element (6) of hot water coming into contact with water, at least in sections are made of antibacterial material. Tubular element of hot water is fixed in body (1) at least in one section by means of bushing (8), which is made of heat-insulating material.EFFECT: due to new properties acquired by thermostatic faucet-mixer it can be used in healthcare sphere.13 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 683 055 C2 (51) МПК F16K 11/10 (2006.01) G05D 23/13 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 11/10 (2019.02); G05D 23/1346 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017131082, 04.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ИДЕАЛ СТАНДАРТ ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ НВ (BE) 26.03.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 10323270 A1, 16.12.2004. SU 20.09.2016 EP 16189640.2 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 04.03.2019 Бюл. № 7 1332281 A1, 23.08.1987. DE 2728044 A1, 12.01.1978. DE 19811378 C1, 30.12.1999. RU 2382395 C1, 20.02.2010. (45) Опубликовано: 26.03.2019 Бюл. № 9 2 6 8 3 0 5 5 R U (54) ТЕРМОСТАТИЧЕСКИЙ КРАН-СМЕСИТЕЛЬ С ТРУБЧАТЫМ ЭЛЕМЕНТОМ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к термостатическому воды изготовлен из металла, причем внутренние крану-смесителю, содержащему удлиненный поверхности (7) трубчатого элемента (6) горячей корпус (1), имеющий входное отверстие (2) воды, приходящие в контакт с водой, по ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2313712C2

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для медицинских учреждений и предназначено для использования в бытовой водоразборной арматуре, в вагонах поездов и в пассажирских самолетах, а также в смесительной производственной арматуре для смешения двух и более жидких компонентов. Смеситель содержит корпус с двумя входными и одним выходным патрубком, запорные органы со штоками. В устройство введены два бесконтактных датчика близости, электромагниты по числу входных патрубков. Сердечники электромагнитов соосно соединены со штоками и запорными органами. Ручные приводы оснащены фиксаторами штоков. Питание электромагнитов подается через введенные в устройство силовые ключи, управляемые от датчиков близости. Изобретение позволяет повысить удобство пользования водоразборной арматурой, расширить функциональные возможности при обеспечении бесконтактного управления устройством. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

07-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU204117U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтегазодобывающей, нефтегазоперерабатывающей областям промышленности и предназначена для защиты от механического разрушения оборудования и трубопроводов избыточным давлением путем автоматического выпуска избытка среды из систем и сосудов с давлением сверхустановленного. Блок содержит входной и выходной патрубки и присоединенные к каждому из них боковые угловые патрубки, два присоединенных к угловым патрубкам предохранительных клапана, два переключающих устройства. Переключающее устройство на входе предохранительных клапанов содержит запорный орган двустороннего действия, между каждым угловым патрубком переключающего устройства на выходе предохранительных клапанов и выходным патрубком блока установлен обратный клапан, выполненный в виде подпружиненной створки. Заявляемый блок является недорогим в изготовлении, позволяет производить ремонт в короткие сроки без применения сложных и дорогостоящих устройств.

11-03-2019 дата публикации

Клапан поддержания давления

Номер: RU187492U1

Полезная модель относится к газовой промышленности и предназначена для управления потоком рабочей среды в трубопроводных магистралях высокого давления для использования на гидропневматических приводах исполнительных механизмов магистральных трубопроводов. Полезная модель позволяет поддерживать входное рабочее давление, необходимое для нормальной работы исполнительных механизмов магистральных трубопроводов без участия персонала путем:- автоматического переключения источника давления с приоритетной магистрали на резервную магистраль, при падении давления питания в магистрали приоритетной подачи от системы импульсного газа ниже необходимого (настраиваемого) порогового значения;- автоматического переключения источника давления с резервной магистрали на приоритетную магистраль, при повышении давления питания в магистрали приоритетной подачи от системы импульсного газа выше необходимого (настраиваемого) порогового значения. 3 ил.

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2593219C1

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению и предназначено для использования в водопроводном оборудовании для смешивания в любом соотношении горячей и холодной воды и подачи ее на душ или излив в ванну. Смеситель двухручковый содержит корпус с каналами для подвода горячей и холодной воды и отвода смешанной воды на душ или излив, две вентильные головки с поворотными ручками и распределительными подвижной и неподвижной пластинами. В неподвижных пластинах выполнены сквозные окна: центральное и два дугообразных вокруг него, а в подвижной - секторная выемка. Каждая подвижная пластина кинематически связана с поворотной ручкой. Центральные окна неподвижных пластин соединены друг с другом дополнительным каналом корпуса. Дугообразные окна в первой вентильной головке соединены с каналами для подвода горячей и холодной воды соответственно, а во второй вентильной головке - с каналами корпуса, соединяющими их с душем или изливом соответственно. Поворот подвижной пластины второй головки направляет смешанную ...

08-06-2021 дата публикации

Двухзапорный клапан

Номер: RU2749288C1

FIELD: valve engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to valve engineering, in particular to valves of power plants, characterized by difficult operating conditions. The two-stop valve consists of a body with inlet and outlet nozzles, the main and additional shut-off elements interacting with the coaxial sealing seats of the body and kinematically connected to the drives. The actuators provide independent movement of the shut-off elements through the coaxially located inner and outer rods, equipped with a stuffing box seal and a thrust head. The two-stop valve is equipped with additional sealing elements that duplicate the stuffing box seals. A sealing element in the form of a bellows is installed in the upper part of the outer rod. The upper end of the bellows is rigidly and hermetically fixed to the body, and the lower end is fixed to the outer rod with the possibility of joint movement with the rod. A sealing band is made at the lower end of the thrust head of the outer rod. The specified sealing collar interacts with a sealing seat located on the inner surface of the additional closure member. EFFECT: invention is aimed at eliminating the direct effect of the pressure of the working medium on the stuffing box seals of the outer and inner rods. This makes it possible to increase the tightness of the valve relative to the external environment, and, consequently, to increase the reliability of the two-stop valve. 3 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 749 288 C1 (51) МПК F16K 1/44 (2006.01) F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 1/44 (2021.02); F16K 11/10 (2021.02); F16K 11/20 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020132574, 01.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Юрасов Александр Михайлович (RU) Дата регистрации: 08.06.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 01.10.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 08.06.2021 Бюл. № 16 2 7 4 9 2 8 8 R U ...

23-12-2019 дата публикации

Топливная система летательного аппарата

Номер: RU2709965C1

Изобретение относится к топливной системе летательных аппаратов. Топливная система летательного аппарата содержит бак, инерционный клапан переключения забора топлива, расходный отсек с перегородкой и трубопроводы (4,5) забора топлива из бака. При этом, инерционный клапан переключения забора топлива расположен вдоль оси по направлению полета и состоит из двух обратных клапанов (10,11), оппозитно расположенных относительно единой полости (19) забора топлива в двигатель. Упомянутые обратные клапаны (10,11) разделены между собой упором-качалкой (14), закрепленным в корпусе (18) инерционного клапана. Изобретение обеспечивает непрерывное питание двигателя топливом в любых положениях летательного аппарата. 5 ил.

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494301C1

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению, в частности к запорным устройствам, и предназначено для герметизации устья фонтанных скважин. Фонтанная арматура содержит трубную головку и елку с центральной стволовой частью. Последняя включает последовательно расположенные два запорных устройства и вентиль с манометром. Между запорными устройствами установлен тройник. Боковой отвод тройника снабжен контрольной задвижкой, термокарманом, задвижкой-дросселем, после которой последовательно установлены рабочая задвижка и дроссель, в совокупности образующие основной отвод для отбора скважинного флюида и второй запасной отвод через дроссельный выход задвижки-дросселя для временного отбора продукции в период ремонта основного. Изобретение имеет при одинаковых эксплуатационных показателя, наименьшие габариты боковых отводов и металлоемкость. 1 ил.

20-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95110090A1

Изобретение относится к трубопроводной арматуре, в частности к смесительным устройствам для смешивания в различном соотношении горячей и холодной воды, и может быть использовано в качестве за порно-регулирующего устройства в системах водоснабжения. Сущность предлагаемого крана-смесителя выражается в том, что он состоит из корпуса, механизмов для запора и регулирования расхода воды, установленных в корпусе на каналах подвода горячей и холодной воды, распределителя смешанной воды к душу и изливу, размещенного в камере смешения, и крышки корпуса. Распределитель воды включает распределительные пластины с проходными окнами, выполненными по форме сектора, и расположены по дуге окружности. Неподвижная пластина установлена в корпусе пазом на фиксатор и подпружинена относительно корпуса с помощью эластичной прокладки, имеет два выходных окна, которые сопряжены с каналами отвода смешанной воды к душу и изливу, и разделены перемычкой, соответствующей входному окну на подвижной пластине. Подвижная ...

10-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97106894A

... 1. Двухвентильный смеситель, содержащий корпус с одним осевым проходным каналом, соединяющим выходные патрубки с полостями гнезд вентильных головок, являющихся продолжением входных патрубков для горячей и холодной жидкости, переключатель направления потока жидкости на душевую сетку и трубку излива, вентильные головки для перекрытия потока жидкости и регулирования ее температуры и расхода, отличающийся тем, что цельнолитой, изготовленный заодно с входными и выходными патрубками корпус смесителя имеет два продольных проходных канала, один из которых соединяет полости гнезд вентильных головок для горячей и холодной жидкости с выходным патрубком на душевую сетку, и второй канал - с выходным патрубком на трубку излива, а гнезда вентильных головок, являющиеся продолжением корпуса смесителя, перпендикулярно входным патрубкам для горячей и холодной жидкости, имеют основание с одним входным и двумя выходными отверстиями, на котором через уплотнение устанавливают неподвижную керамическую шайбу, и ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Клапан двухзапорный

Номер: RU2711796C1

FIELD: valve industry.SUBSTANCE: two-lock valve relates to valve industry, in particular, to two-lock valves operating in power plants characterized by complex operating conditions, high reliability requirements, maximum restrictions of mass and dimensions characteristics, for example, in nuclear power plants for transport purposes, as a localizing shutoff element on steam pipelines of the second circuit. Technical result is achieved due to that in two-lock valve containing housing, installed in housing coaxial seats and interacting with them main and additional locking members, connected with coaxially located external and internal rods, connected with drives, wherein connection of additional locking element to outer rod is sealed by elastic shell, for example bellows, connection of additional locking element with external rod is supplemented with support ring contacting with spherical surface of end face of intermediate sleeve projection, rigidly and hermetically fixed on outer rod, wherein outer guide surface of intermediate sleeve is made in contact with internal bore of additional locking member, and on end of internal bore of external rod there is a sealing seat interacting with sealing band on inner stock, thus forming additional upper seal of valve – along internal stock.EFFECT: higher reliability of two-lock valve.5 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 711 796 C1 (51) МПК F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 11/10 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019100666, 10.01.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.01.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.01.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 23.01.2020 Бюл. № 3 2 7 1 1 7 9 6 R U (54) Клапан двухзапорный (57) Реферат: Клапан двухзапорный относится к арматуростроению, в частности к двухзапорным клапанам, работающим в составе энергетических установок, характеризующихся сложными условиями эксплуатации, высокими ...

20-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001101136A

... 1. Трехходовой клапан с проходными и управляющими клапанами, содержащий корпус с входным, выходным и сливным патрубками, толкающий элемент, связанный с запирающим элементом, две уплотнительные поверхности, два седла, отличающийся тем, что в него введен дополнительно второй подпружиненный запирающий элемент, установленный с возможностью механического контакта второй уплотнительной поверхностью со вторым седлом, а первый подпружиненный запирающий элемент, установленный с возможностью механического контакта первой уплотнительной поверхностью с первым седлом, причем один из них установлен с возможностью поджатия к седлу, а другой с возможностью отжатия от седла. 2. Клапан по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве толкающего элемента использована мембрана. 3. Клапан по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что в качестве толкающего элемента использован поршень. 4. Клапан по пп. 1-3, отличающийся тем, что в качестве второго запирающего элемента использована мембрана. 5. Клапан по пп. 1-4, отличающийся ...

20-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93036458A

Изобретение относится к механике, в частности к узлам и деталям машин, и может быть использовано в устройствах, действие которых основано на использовании импульсов энергии сжатого газа. Цель изобретения состоит в обеспечении автоматической поочередной подачи дозированных импульсов сжатого газа нескольким потребителям. Эта цель достигается тем, что в надпоршневой камере клапана установлен дополнительный подвижный поршень с устройством регулирования его положения, в нижней части гильзы силового цилиндра выполнены окна для выхода газа, а силовой цилиндр через пару подпружиненных поворотных рычагов и обгонную муфту соединен с запорным органом, выполненным в виде поворотного диска с отверстием, сообщающим подпоршневую полость с одним из выходных патрубков.

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002129563A

... 1. Многоходовой клапан для санитарной арматуры, с по меньшей мере тремя отдельными клапанами, каждый из которых содержит седло клапана (12) и подвижное по отношению к нему запорное тело (13), 1.2 с перекидным элементом (17), который на своей окружности связан с запорными телами (13) отдельных клапанов для приведения их в действие и в своей средней зоне для образования точки опрокидывания имеет точечную опору, а также по меньшей мере с одним приводным элементом, выполненным для опрокидывания перекидного элемента (17) и вследствие этого для приведения в действие отдельных клапанов. 2. Многоходовой клапан по п.1, при котором многоходовой клапан выполнен с возможностью приведения в действие таким образом, что открыт только один отдельный клапан. 3. Многоходовой клапан по п.1 или 2, при котором приводной элемент выполнен таким образом, что при приведении в действие один отдельный клапан открыт и один отдельный клапан закрыт. 4. Многоходовой клапан по одному из предыдущих пунктов с приводным ...

01-02-2021 дата публикации

Двухзапорный клапан

Номер: RU2019124749A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 124 749 A (51) МПК F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019124749, 01.08.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 01.08.2019 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 01.02.2021 Бюл. № 4 (72) Автор(ы): Юрасов Александр Михайлович (RU), Гоголев Валерий Александрович (RU), Чернов Сергей Васильевич (RU) A 2 0 1 9 1 2 4 7 4 9 R U Стр.: 1 A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Двухзапорный клапан, содержащий корпус с осевым и боковым патрубками и двумя уплотнительными седлами, взаимодействующие с последними, основной и дополнительный запорные органы, соединенные с коаксиально расположенными внутренним и наружным штоками, уплотняемыми сальником и управляемыми независимым приводами, отличающийся тем, что основной запорный орган соединен с внутренним штоком и снабжен механизмом разгрузки, состоящим из внутреннего уплотнительного седла затвора, уплотнительного пояска на внутреннем штоке, опорной гайки и упругого элемента, причем на внутренней поверхности основного запорного органа выполнены пазы, в опорной гайке и в основном запорном органе в районе уплотнительного седла выполнены проходные отверстия, а между внутренней поверхностью основного запорного органа и наружной поверхностью дополнительного запорного органа имеется полость, обеспечивающая проход среды в боковой патрубок. 2. Двухзапорный клапан по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что внутренний шток имеет головку с направляющим пояском, выполненным в виде тора. 3. Двухзапорный клапан по пп. 1, 2, отличающийся тем, что на головке внутреннего штока выполнен цилиндрический упор, размещенный внутри упругого элемента и взаимодействующий с торцом опорной гайки. 4. Двухзапорный клапан по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упругий элемент выполнен в виде пакета тарельчатых пружин. 2 0 1 9 1 2 4 7 4 9 (54) Двухзапорный клапан R U Адрес для переписки: 603074, г. Нижний Новгород, Бурнаковский пр-д, 15, АО "ОКБМ Африкантов" (71) Заявитель( ...

30-08-1989 дата публикации

Многоходовой клапан

Номер: SU1504453A2

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции клапана за счет использования одной пружины для всех затворов. Под действием давления рабочей жидкости, подаваемой в канал 3, один из затворов 2 перемещается внутрь отверстия 6, сжимая пружину 8 через разделительную шайбу 7 до тех пор, пока не будут сообщены входной канал 3 и выходной канал 4. Жидкость при этом поступает из канала 3 в корпус 1 клапана, затем через канал 4 к потребителю. При прекращении подачи давления в входной канал 3 затвор 2 под действием усилия на разделительной шайбе 7, создаваемого сжатой пружиной 8, возвращается в исходное положение. 2 ил.

28-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: SU914851A1
Автор: Маринин В.П.

10-09-1969 дата публикации

Трехходовой пневмогидравлический клапанный распределитель

Номер: SU252034A1
Автор: Лукин А.М.

07-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: SU1183764A1

КРАН-СМЕСИТЕЛЬ, содержащий корпус с входными и выходными патрубками , запорные органы, вьтолненные из упругого материала в виде мембраны с полусферической полой головкой, взаимодействующей с седлом, и связанные со шпинделем Привода поступательно перемещаемым промежуточным элементом, отличающийс я тем, что, с целью повышения долговечности крана-смесит-еля, наружная, и внутренняя сферические поверхности головки выполнены концентрическими, а на внутренней поверхности головки выполнены винтовые пазы одного направления с переменной по длине паза глубиной, увеличивающейся к вершине головки.

25-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: SU594383A1

30-09-1983 дата публикации

Электромагнитный клапанный распределитель

Номер: SU1044876A1

ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫЙ КЛАПАИНЫР1 РАСПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛЬ, содержащий связанные между собой через переключающий элемент и взаимодействующие с автономными электромагнита.ми двусторонние клапаны, выполненные в виде установленны .х с возможностью перемещения друг относительно друга впускного, разобщающего входную и зь ходную магистрали, и дренажного, разобщающего вы.ходную и дренажную магистрали, запорных органов, причем полость под дренажным запорным органом сообщена с дренажной магистралью а над ним - с выходной магнстралью, огличающийся тел, что с: целью повыщения экономичности распри. делителя, двусторонние клапаны снабжены взаимодействующими с электромагнитами сервоприводами , порщнн которых связаны с вьтускными запорными органами и соосно расположены впускными запорными органами навстречу друг к другу, а переключающий элемент выполнен в БИ.де толкателя, расположенного между порннями сервоприводов. S ...

30-01-1983 дата публикации

Распределительное устройство

Номер: SU992877A1

23-05-1984 дата публикации

Двухпозиционный переключатель газа

Номер: SU1093856A1

ДВУХПОЗИПИОНИЫИ ПЕРЕКЛЮЧ МЕЛЬ ГАЗА, содержащий подвижный ;)апорный элемент в виде сферы, размещенной в сообщенном с выходной магистралью горизонтальном желобе между седлами газораспределительных магистралей, подсоединенных к противоположным торцам желоба, о т л и ч а ю щ и и с я тем, что, с цел1)Ю повышения надежности работы, переключателя, желоб образован двумя расгголоженными под углон одна к другой плоскостями, сопряженными с цилиндрической поверхностью , а запорный элемент расположен 1 желобе с эксцентриситетом к седлам .J ...

07-10-1992 дата публикации

Запорное устройство

Номер: SU1767262A1

Изобретение относится к арматуростро- ению и может быть использовано в испытательных системах высокого давления. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы за счет упрощения конструкции. Толкатель 9 выдвигается до соприкосновения с клапаном 4 и, преодолевая усилие пружины 6, перемещает клапан 4 до упора его в клапан 5. При этом тыльные стороны клапанов 4 и 5 смыкаются, а рабочая часть клапана 5 прижимается к рабочей кромке гильзы 3. 3 этом режиме полость в отсекается, и рабочая жидкость не поступает ни в полость нагнетания г ни в полость сброса д. Толкатель 9 выдвинут в крайнее верхнее положение. Подведенная к по/юсти в жидкость своим ачлением поднимает клапан Ч, преодолевая усилие пружины 6. Жидкость проходит в кольцевую щель между клапаном 5 и пользой 3 а затем через отверстие а и через полость г к потребителю. 4 ил ...

07-03-1981 дата публикации

Быстродействующий двойнойпНЕВМОКлАпАН

Номер: SU811033A1

19-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202009005162U1

07-03-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001959446C3

15-11-2007 дата публикации

Three-way regulating valve, has auxiliary regulating device integrated in operating mechanism such that regulating body is operated for changing flow rate by regulating device and auxiliary regulating device

Номер: DE102006020184A1

The valve (1) has a valve housing (2) and two flow regulating bodies (40, 50) that are arranged in an area of flow openings (2.5, 2.6) and are adjusted by a common operating mechanism. An auxiliary regulating device is integrated in the operating mechanism such that the regulating body (50) is operated for changing a flow rate by the regulating device and the auxiliary regulating device. The flow rate of the flow regulating body (40) is unchanged by using the auxiliary regulating device during regulation.

22-09-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003013651C2

16-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060120626T2
Принадлежит: SEB SA, SEB S.A.

03-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012001618U1
Принадлежит: Fischer Meß- und Regeltechnik GmbH

Differenzdruckmessanordnung zur Ermittlung von Raumüber- oder -unterdrücken, mit einem Differenzdruckmessgerät (12), das über zwei Messleitungen (7a, b) mit zwei ausgangsseitigen Messanschlüssen (6, 8) eines Ventilblocks (2) verbunden ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Ventilblock (2) eingangsseitig einen Raumdruckanschluss (22), einen Referenzdruckanschluss (28), zwei Kalibrieranschlüsse (24, 26) und einen Injektionsanschluss (20) aufweist, wobei in dem Ventilblock in einer Verbindung zwischen dem Raumdruckanschluss (22) und einem ersten Messanschluss (6) ein Raumdruckabsperrventil (40) angeordnet ist, in einer Verbindung zwischen dem Injektionsanschluss (20) und dem Raumdruckanschluss (22) ein Injektionsabsperrventil (32) angeordnet ist, in einer Verbindung zwischen dem Raumdruck- und dem Referenzdruckanschluss (22, 28) ein Ausgleichsventil (34) angeordnet ist, in einer Verbindung zwischen einem ersten Kalibrieranschluss (24) und dem ersten Messanschluss (6) ein erstes Kalibrierabsperrventil ...

13-01-2005 дата публикации

Pneumatisches Patronenventil

Номер: DE0069919438T2
Принадлежит: EMHART GLASS SA

22-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001650321A1

27-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007916673U1
Принадлежит: G. KRAMER GMBH & CO KG, 5860 ISERLOHN

28-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007506725U

26-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002362502A1

03-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001966014B2

20-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002200915A1

18-11-1998 дата публикации

Diverter valve

Номер: GB0002289743B

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Fluid flow control system

Номер: GB2455430A

A fluid flow control system includes a valve 12, in which a control element 23 regulates flow through a metering orifice 21, 24. A further control element 27 regulates flow through an orifice 22 downstream of the orifice 21, 24 and is responsive to the pressure downstream of the orifice 21, 24 and to an opposing control pressure on a line 28. The element 23 is positioned in accordance with the pressure in a chamber 36 controlled by an electrical valve 32, 33, 34. The pressure in line 28 is set to provide a required pressure drop across the orifice 21, 24.

07-12-2005 дата публикации

Medical Valve Assembly

Номер: GB0002414678A

A medical valve assembly having a first straight pipe 81 arranged in line with a second straight pipe 82, and one or more side branches 83 intersecting the first and second straight pipes 81, 82 at a confluence 84. A check valve 3 is sealingly mounted inside at least one branch pipe 83 permitting uni-directional flow of a fluid or gas from a free end of the branch pipe to the confluence 84. Part of the side branch pipe concealing the check valve 3 is a flexible portion 67 made of an elastic material. Pressure applied to the flexible portion 67 deforms the check valve, allowing fluid to pass from the confluence to the free end of the branch.

31-05-2000 дата публикации

Integrated gas control device

Номер: GB0000008924D0

21-06-2017 дата публикации

Selection valve and beverage system including same

Номер: GB0002545512A

Selection valve suitable for a beverage machine comprising: a valve body; hot water inlet 49; air inlet 51; at least one outlet (77,133, figure 7B); a selector member (21, figure 5) movable between a first and second position; whereby first position connecting hot water inlet 49 and the at least one outlet (77,133, figure 7B); second position connecting both hot water inlet 49 and air inlet 51 with the at least one outlet (77,133, figure 7B); A satellite member 79 with predefined limited relative free movement with respect to the selector member (21, figure 5) for positioning satellite element 79 independently between the first and second positions. The satellite element 79 is associated with a cam element for operating a stop bracket 93. The selector member (21, figure 5) may comprise two parts 83, 85 unmovably mounted in a holder. The valve includes a hot-water by-pass and vent. Other Aspects define the valve for use in a mixing unit as part of a beverage preparation machine which accepts ...

08-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008921752D0

30-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001505814A

... 1505814 Valves GENERAL GAS LIGHT CO 10 Feb 1976 [27 Feb 1975] 05151/76 Heading F2V A valve in which the closure members are substantially pressure-balanced has a pair of plungers 37 movable in bores 17, 18 to control flow between an inlet 26, an outlet 27, and a work port 28. Each plunger is guided by end seals 36, 38 and has a pair of grooves 41, 42 in one of which a seal 43, 44 is positioned to co-operate with a seat 22, 24. Extensions of the plungers are connected to an armature 61 for movement by an electromagnet 51. The plungers are normally biased upwards by a spring 66 but if the armature and electromagnet arrangement is reversed the plungers are normally biased downwards. The spring 66 may be replaced by a further electromagnet. Four plungers may be connected to the armature.

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000371397T

15-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA878774A

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399963T

15-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA628774A

15-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000672177A

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322073A

15-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000878774A

12-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000348448B

15-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000022382A

15-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009511T

15-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013461T

15-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000035033T

15-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000047211T

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000039555T

15-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000020131T

15-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000052940T

15-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011331T

15-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000028354T

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000022486T

15-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160093T

10-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000326436B

10-08-1973 дата публикации

From several individual components existing collective connection support plate

Номер: AT0000309176B

10-04-1973 дата публикации

Multi-way transfer valve

Номер: AT0000306469B
Принадлежит: Ross Operating Valve Co

10-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336507B

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342773T

15-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000189046T

10-05-1965 дата публикации

Double non-return valve

Номер: AT0000240122B

15-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000202817T

27-10-1970 дата публикации

Mixing tap for hot and chilled water

Номер: AT0000285469B

25-09-1969 дата публикации

Hydraulic three-way current automatic controller

Номер: AT0000274504B

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Filtration system

Номер: AU2019211764A1
Принадлежит: IP SOLVED (ANZ) PTY. LTD.

A filtration system is disclosed, which comprises a filtration-element within a filtration chamber, and a valving device located exteriorly to the filtration chamber, for reversing the direction of fluid-flow through the filtration-element for backwashing. The valving device thus functions as a common valve for handling both filtration and backwash. The common valve is based on a linearly-movable plug located inside a valve housing which is communicable with the filtration chamber, with a source of fluid to be filtered, and with evacuation port for backwash fluid, through three respective openings in the valve housing, and is characterized by an uninterrupted bend-free flow-channel extending at least from exteriorly to an inlet opening of the valve housing, to the body of the filtration-element whenever the common valve is in a filtration mode of operation.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Bypass piston port and methods of manufacturing a bypss piston port for a series progressive divider valve

Номер: AU2011258890B2

A series progressive divider valve comprises a valve body and pistons. A fluid inlet extend into the valve body. Stations are disposed in the valve body and extend from a first end to a second end; each station comprises piston stations extending through the valve body and a bypass station fluidly isolating the first end form the second end. The piston stations comprise a piston bore and a piston. The bypass stations comprise first and second fluid passages extending from the first and second ends to positions inside the valve body. Outlet bores extend into the valve body, and each comprises first and second sets of outlet bores. Porting forms passageways connecting the stations to each other and with the outlet bores such that when high pressure fluid is applied to the inlet the pistons reciprocates from the first end to the second end in sequence.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2015202519B2
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

BYPASS PISTON PORT AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING A BYPSS PISTON PORT FOR A SERIES PROGRESSIVE DIVIDER VALVE A series progressive divider valve comprises a valve body and pistons. A fluid inlet extend into the valve body. Stations are disposed in the valve body and extend from a first end to a second end; each station comprises piston stations extending through the valve body and a bypass station fluidly isolating the first end form the second end. The piston stations comprise a piston bore and a piston. The bypass stations comprise first and second fluid passages extending from the first and second ends to positions inside the valve body. Outlet bores extend into the valve body, and each comprises first and second sets of outlet bores. Porting forms passageways connecting the stations to each other and with the outlet bores such that when high pressure fluid is applied to the inlet the pistons reciprocates from the first end to the second end in sequence. 11/05/15,dh-22712 - abstract - cdm.docx ...

14-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000542779B2

24-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000565754B2

21-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002038192A

17-03-1994 дата публикации

Drug delivery arrangement

Номер: AU0004730093A

25-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001035250A1

15-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002600902C

... ²²²A portal apparatus in the form of an arch-shaped pipe fitting (10) for use ²with a fumigation chamber that in part incorporates a flexible canopy. The ²pipe fitting (10) can be seated on the ground (12) so as to be positioned ²between the canopy and the ground (12). A sealing surface (22) on the pipe ²fitting (10) is contactable with the flexible canopy so as to provide a gas-²tight seal. An assembly for directing the flow of gas in general, the assembly ²being operable in various configurations, and comprising first and second gas ²inlets and outlets respectively. An assembly for operatively coupling gas ²extraction, treatment and recirculation apparatus, and comprising first and ²second gas inlets and outlets respectively that can be selectively coupled in ²first and second configurations. A method of fumigating a product in a ²fumigation chamber, and comprising the operative coupling of fumigant ²introduction, extraction, absorption and recirculation apparatus in a stepwise ²fashion ...

22-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002765910C

An apparatus and system for transferring a liquid, such as an anesthetic, from the outlet port of a reservoir to a machine while effectively and conveniently minimizing the release of anesthetic. In one embodiment, the apparatus and system can include a first valve movable between a first position and a second position; a first housing surrounding the first valve; a second valve slidably connected to the first valve and movable between a third position and a fourth position; and a second housing which surrounds the second valve,- wherein the apparatus defines a first opening, a second opening, and a receiver passage between the first and second openings. In another embodiment, a movable plunger can be slidably connected to the second valve.

03-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760572C

A self-sealing valve comprises a valve housing having a fluid conduit, a valve seat, and a retaining member, the valve housing being configured to pass fluid through the fluid conduit, and a flexible diaphragm comprising a flexible material having resiliency, wherein the retaining member and the flexible diaphragm are configured so that the retaining member retains a portion of the flexible diaphragm so as to use the resiliency of the flexible material to bias the flexible diaphragm against the valve seat to a closed position of the self-sealing valve to provide a self- seal of the fluid conduit, and to facilitate movement of the flexible diaphragm under a fluid bias against a first side of the flexible diaphragm in a first direction away from the valve seat to an open position, and wherein the retaining member and the flexible diaphragm are configured so that the self-sealing valve can be contacted to move a portion of the flexible diaphragm away from the valve seat to the open position ...

02-05-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000899200A

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1260355A

... 84-053 CIRCULATING AND DEAD END COLOR CHANGERS WITH IMPROVED VALVES AND MANIFOLDS Modular circulating and dead end color changers are made from synthetic materials inert to chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents. Universal supply and return manifolds have relatively smooth and uninterrupted walls defined, in part, by inlet and return valve surfaces, for easy solvent flow cleaning. Circulating high pressure color changers have improved actuators and circulating means including bypass lines for continuously recirculating both selected and non-selected paints. Valve sealing is enhanced by improved valves and pressure drop across each module is minimized by modular construction regardless of the number of modules used.

22-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000908001A

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Dual fuel heater with selector valve

Номер: US20130098349A1
Автор: David Deng
Принадлежит: Individual

A heater assembly can be used with a gas appliance. The gas appliance can be a dual fuel appliance for use with one of a first fuel type or a second fuel type different than the first. The heater assembly can include at least one pressure regulator, a housing, and an actuation member. The housing has a first fuel hook-up for connecting the first fuel type to the heater assembly, a second fuel hook-up for connecting the second fuel type to the heater assembly, and an internal valve. The actuation member can control the position of the internal valve based on whether the first or the second fuel hook-up is used.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263649A1
Принадлежит: PARItec GmbH

The invention relates to a valve (), comprising a first valve element () and a second valve element (), wherein the first valve element comprises a first carrier part () which is made of plastic material and a first surface element () which is made of silicon or silicon oxide and is fastened to the first carrier part, and the second valve element comprises a second carrier part () made of plastic material and a second surface element () which is made of silicon or silicon oxide and is fastened to the second carrier part. The valve elements are arranged such that the first and second surface elements are seated in a planar manner against each other at least partially along an abutment surface, wherein the valve elements can be moved relative to each other in at least one direction parallel to the abutment surface of the surface elements. The first surface element has at least one first opening () and the second surface element has at least one second opening (), wherein the valve elements can be moved relative to each other in the at least one direction parallel to the abutment surface in at least one first position, in which the at least one first opening and the at least one second opening are in fluid connection with each other, and at least one second position, in which the at least one first opening and the at least one second opening are not in fluid connection with each other. The invention further relates to a device () comprising such a valve, to a use of the valve in a device, and to a micropump (), a nebulizer system () and a dosing/mixing device () comprising such a valve. 1. Valve having a first valve element and a second valve element , whereinthe first valve element comprises a first carrier part of plastics material and a first planar element of silicon or silicon oxide which is fastened to the first carrier part,the second valve element comprises a second carrier part of plastics material and a second planar element of silicon or silicon oxide which ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001388A1
Автор: Lomax Stuart
Принадлежит: XAMOL LIMITED

The invention relates to a valve assembly which includes at least one, but typically two, balls () located along a passage and which balls can be moved between open and closed positions to selectively control the passage of fluid along the passage. The valve assembly includes at at least one end thereof a retaining assembly () which allows the effective sealing against one surface of a ball and retention of the same in position. A sealing assembly is also provided when two balls are provided, intermediate the same, which allows effective sealing to be achieved and at least one of the two trunnions which allows each of the balls to be mounted within the valve body is located only internally of the valve body. The components of the valve assembly which are located within the same can in one embodiment all be inserted into and located within the valve body from one common end. 1. A valve assembly , said valve assembly including at least one passage along which fluid can be selectively allowed to pass , said assembly including , a valve body in which the passage is formed and at least one ball located in the passage so as to be moveable between a first position in which a channel in the ball forms part of the passage and a second position in which the ball prevents fluid passing along the passage and wherein at at least one end of the body and depending inwardly towards one side of the at least one ball there is provided a retention assembly , said assembly comprising a first annular member to contact with the ball , a second annular member receiving and locating at least one biasing means , said first and second annular members located within an annular housing , said annular housing retained within the valve body , and an annular securing member which is engaged with the valve body and which has an outer face which forms or receives an external sealing face for the valve assembly to a pipeline or pipeline flange.2. A valve assembly according to wherein the annular ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Fluid Switching Valve

Номер: US20140007660A1

A fluid switching valve includes a first valve element (e.g., a stator) that has a plurality of first fluid-conveying features (e.g., ports), and a second valve element (e.g., a rotor) that has one or more second fluid-conveying features (e.g., fluid conduits in the form of grooves). The second valve element is movable, relative to the first valve element, between a plurality of discrete positions such that, in each of the discrete positions, at least one of the one or more second fluid-conveying features overlaps with multiple ones of the first fluid conveying features to provide for fluid communication therebetween. At least one of the first valve element and the second valve element includes a recess. The recess serves to reduce wear between the first valve element and the second valve element. The recess is arranged such that it does not overlap with any of the first fluid-conveying features or any of the second fluid-conveying features when the rotor is in any of the discrete positions. 1. A fluid switching valve comprising:a first valve element having a plurality of first fluid-conveying features;a second valve element having one or more second fluid-conveying features,wherein the second valve element is movable, relative to the first valve element, between a plurality of discrete positions such that, in each of the discrete positions, at least one of the one or more second fluid-conveying features overlaps with multiple ones of the first fluid conveying features to provide for fluid communication therebetween, andwherein at least one of the first valve element and the second valve element includes a recess, the recess serving to reduce wear between the first valve element and the second valve element and arranged such that it does not overlap with any of the first fluid-conveying features or any of the second fluid-conveying features when the rotor is in any of the discrete positions.2. The fluid switching valve of claim 1 , wherein the recess is positioned ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053933A1
Принадлежит: LightSail Energy Inc

Embodiments relate to valves comprising a member such as a plate or poppet, that is moveable relative to a stationary seat. The state of the member may be maintained against opposing forces with relatively little expenditure of energy. According to one embodiment, a poppet displaced from seating in the valve seat, may be held in position against opposing forces tending to close the valve, until a desired flow of gas through the valve has taken place. The poppet may then be released as desired, such that those opposing forces serve to passively close the valve. The valve may be secured in position utilizing mechanical, magnetic, electromagnetic, pneumatic, electrostatic, or hydraulic approaches. Valve embodiments may be particularly suited to controlling gas flows for compression and/or expansion in an energy storage system.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Urea Injection Systems Valves

Номер: US20150027553A1

Apparatuses and methods for urea dosing of an exhaust after treatment system are disclosed. Exemplary apparatuses include a chamber configured to receive pressurized gas at a first inlet, receive urea solution at a second inlet, and provide a combined flow of pressurized gas and urea to an outlet, a flow passage extending from the first inlet to a seating surface, and a valve member configured to move between an open position in which the valve member is spaced apart from the seating surface and a closed position in which the valve member contacts the seating surface. As the valve member moves from the open position to the closed position the valve member contacts the seating surface at a first location and wipes an area of the seating surface extending from the first location in a direction toward the flow passage. 1. An apparatus for urea dosing of an exhaust aftertreatment system , the apparatus comprising:a chamber configured to receive pressurized gas at a first inlet, receive urea solution at a second inlet, and provide a combined flow of pressurized gas and urea solution to an outlet;a flow passage extending from the first inlet to a seating surface; anda valve member configured to move between an open position in which the valve member is spaced apart from the seating surface and a closed position in which the valve member contacts the seating surface;wherein as the valve member moves from the open position to the closed position the valve member contacts the seating surface at a first location and wipes an area of the seating surface extending from the first location in a direction toward the flow passage.2. An apparatus according to wherein the valve member deforms as it wipes the area of the seating surface.3. An apparatus according to wherein the valve member comprises a ball-shaped portion in the open position which contacts the seating surface and deforms as it moves to the closed position.4. An apparatus according to wherein the valve member comprises ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027702A1

Apparatus and methods for distributing and mixing gas are provided. In one example, a gas distributor comprises a body, a gas inlet for admitting gas to the body, an orbital array of gas outlets for distributing the gas to an external component, and a central gas distribution point disposed within the body at a center of the orbital array of gas outlets and in fluid communication with the orbital array of gas outlets. 1. A gas distributor comprising:a body;a gas inlet for admitting gas to the body;an orbital array of gas outlets for distributing the gas to an external component; anda central gas distribution point disposed within the body at a center of the orbital array of gas outlets and in fluid communication with the orbital array of gas outlets.2. The gas distributor of claim 1 , wherein the orbital array of gas outlets are radially spaced equidistantly around the central gas distribution point.3. The gas distributor of claim 1 , wherein the body includes internal gas conduits connecting the central gas distribution point to the orbital array of gas outlets.4. The gas distributor of claim 3 , wherein respective gas flow paths of the internal gas conduits from the central gas distribution point to the orbital array of gas outlets are equal in length.5. The gas distributor of claim 1 , wherein each gas outlet includes an orifice sized to permit or regulate a predetermined flow of gas going through that gas outlet.6. The gas distributor of claim 5 , wherein the body includes mounting locations for respective control valves or nozzles to permit or regulate predetermined flows of gas exiting the gas outlets.7. The gas distributor of claim 6 , wherein each of the control valves or nozzles includes an orifice.8. The gas distributor of claim 6 , further comprising the control valves or nozzles.9. The gas distributor of claim 8 , wherein the control valves or nozzles are replaceable.10. The gas distributor of claim 8 , wherein the control valves or nozzles are ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033461A1

Multi-functional piezo-actuated flow control systems and methods for use in gas exchange analysis systems such as photosynthesis measurement systems. A fluid valve assembly module includes a housing structure including a plurality of ports and a plurality of fluid passageways interconnecting the ports, and a plurality of piezo-actuated valves in fluid communication with the fluid passageways, each valve including a piezo element that controls flow along a passageway, wherein the passageways and valves are arranged within the housing structure so as to define a fluid control module, which includes a flow swapping component, a flow splitting component and a flow pressurization component. The flow swapping component has first and second inlets and first and second output ports and is configured to receive a first fluid flow at the first inlet and a second fluid flow at the second inlet and in a first operational mode to direct the first fluid flow to the first output port and the second fluid flow to the second output port, and in a second operational mode to direct the first fluid flow to the second output port and the second fluid flow to the first output port. The flow splitting component has an input port, a third output port and a first outlet and is configured to receive an input fluid flow at the input port and to control an amount of the input fluid flow provided to the third output port and to the first outlet in a continuously adjustable manner, wherein the first outlet is fluidly connected to the first inlet of the flow swapping component and the third output port is adapted to be fluidly coupled with an external reservoir. The flow pressurization component has an entry port in fluid communication with a second outlet and is configured to receive a third fluid flow at the entry port and to control the pressure of the third fluid flow at the second outlet, wherein the second outlet is fluidly connected to the second inlet of the flow swapping component and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049785A1
Автор: SEEKINGS Matthew

A valve assembly for a climatization container and a method of manufacturing a valve assembly. The valve assembly includes a body portion, an air pressure relief valve and a drain valve. The air pressure relief valve is configured to allow air into the body portion. The drain valve is configured to allow a liquid out of the body portion. The body portion is configured to fluidly couple to the interior of a climatization container. 2. A valve assembly as claimed claim 1 , wherein the air pressure relief valve comprises a cross slit air inlet valve claim 1 , such that the valve assembly is configured to allow air into the body portion when air pressure in the body portion drops below air pressure outside of the body portion a predetermined value.3. A valve assembly as claimed in or claim 1 , wherein the drain valve comprises a resilient slit configured to release liquid when the weight of the liquid reaches a predetermined value.4. A valve assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the body portion comprises a connection portion configured to couple to the connector.5. A valve assembly as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the drain valve is offset relative to the connection portion such that when coupled to a climatization container liquid can drain from the connection portion to the drain valve.6. A valve assembly as claimed in or claim 4 , wherein the body portion is T-shaped claim 4 , with the connection located between the air pressure relief valve and the drain valve.7. A valve assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 4 , wherein the air pressure relief valve is seated in a splayed end portion of the body portion and secured to the body portion via a retaining cap.8. A valve assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 4 , wherein the air pressure relief valve or the drain valve are secured to the body portion via a sealant claim 4 , an adhesive claim 4 , welding claim 4 , an interference fit claim 4 , corresponding screw threads or a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033276A1

Embodiments relate generally to systems and methods for normalizing the pressure proximate to a gas sensor within a gas detector. A rectifier assembly for use with a gas detector may comprise a flow barrier; a first valve connected to the flow barrier configured to open to normalize the pressure proximate to the gas sensor; a second valve connected to the flow barrier configured to open to allow airflow from the pump toward the gas sensor; and one or more retainer rings configured to position the first valve, second valve, and flow barrier with respect to one another, and configured to position the rectifier assembly within a cavity of the gas detector, wherein the rectifier assembly is configured to be located between a pump and at least one gas sensor of the gas detector; and wherein the rectifier assembly is configured to normalize pressure proximate to the gas sensor. 1. A gas detector comprising:one or more gas sensor;a pump configured to provide airflow to the gas sensor; anda rectifier assembly located between the pump and the one or more gas sensor, wherein the rectifier is configured to normalize pressure proximate to the gas sensor, wherein the rectifier assembly comprises one or more valves.2. The gas detector of claim 1 , wherein the rectifier assembly comprises:a flow barrier;a first valve configured to open to normalize the pressure proximate to the gas sensor;a second valve configured to open to allow airflow from the pump toward the gas sensor; andone or more retainer rings configured to fit around the flow barrier, first valve, and second valve.3. The gas detector of claim 2 , wherein the first valve is located within the same plane as the second valve.4. The gas detector of claim 2 , wherein the first valve comprises a first flapper configured to move in a first direction claim 2 , and wherein the second valve comprises a second flapper configured to move in a second direction.5. The gas detector of claim 4 , wherein the first valve comprises a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041009A1

The present invention relates to a device () for delivery of fluid, said device comprising at least two fluid ducts (-) of flexible material, each of which in one end can be connected to a fluid source and in the opposite end is connected to a manifold () having an inlet end and an outlet end, each of said fluid ducts (-) comprising a pinch valve () for closing and opening the duct. According to the invention a check valve () is disposed in at least one of said fluid ducts (-) in the end thereof connected to the manifold (). 1112171812171920121718. A device () for delivery of fluid , said device comprising at least two fluid ducts (-) of flexible material , each of which in one end can be connected to a fluid source and in the opposite end connected to a manifold () having an inlet end and an outlet end , each of said fluid ducts (-) comprising a pinch valve () for closing and opening the duct , wherein a check valve () is disposed in at least one of said fluid ducts (-) in the end thereof connected to the manifold ().2120171816. The device () of claim 1 , wherein the check valve () of the fluid duct () situated nearest the inlet end of the manifold () as seen in a direction from the inlet end to the outlet end of the manifold is disposed up-stream of and close to the adjacent fluid duct ().3121181215181617. The device () of claim 2 , wherein a further check valve () is disposed in the manifold () up-stream of and close to each of said fluid ducts (-) being situated nearer the outlet end of the manifold () than the two fluid ducts ( claim 2 ,) nearest the inlet end of the manifold.4112171820. The device () of claim 1 , wherein each fluid duct (-) is connected to the manifold () by T-connectors and the check valve () in the at least one fluid duct is disposed inside the T-connector.511. The device () of claim 1 , wherein the device () is of a single-use disposable type.611. The device () of claim 1 , wherein the device () is pre-sterilized.7120. The device () of ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038492A1
Автор: Meyer Burkhard
Принадлежит: NEOPERL GMBH

The invention relates to a sanitary change-over valve () having a valve housing () which has one valve inlet () and two selectively actuatable valve outlets (), having a valve piston () which is movable from a first switch-over position in which the fluid is guided by way of a flow path that is routed through a first valve outlet () to a second switch-over position in which the fluid is guided by way of a flow path that is routed by way of a second valve outlet () as soon as that portion of the second flow path that is routed beyond the change-over valve () has been released, wherein the valve piston () is configured as a hollow body through which the fluid in the course of at least one of the flow paths is routed by way of at least one piston inlet () that is disposed on the piston circumference. The change-over valve according to the invention is characterized in that the fluid that is routed by way of the at least one piston inlet () in the course of the second flow path is routed by way of a first piston outlet that is provided on that piston end side that faces away from the piston base (), and in that a flow throttle (), a flow regulator (), or a return flow preventer is provided in the first piston outlet (cf. FIG. ). 1123456451699101211. A sanitary change-over valve () comprising a valve housing () which has one valve inlet () and first and second selectively actuatable valve outlets ( , ) , a valve piston () which is movable from a first switch-over position in which fluid is adapted to be guided by a first flow path routed through the first valve outlet () to a second switch-over position in which the fluid is adapted to be guided by a second flow path routed to the second valve outlet () as soon as that portion of the second flow path that is routed beyond the change-over valve () has been released , the valve piston () is configured as a hollow body through which the fluid in the course of at least one of the flow paths is adapted to be routed by at ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pressure Reducing Valve and A Pressure Reducing System

Номер: US20180046205A1

A pressure reducing valve and a pressure reducing system are provided. The pressure reducing valve includes a main valve body in which a valve chamber is formed; the main valve body is provided with a valve outlet and a valve inlet communicating with the valve chamber; and at least two pressure reducing devices adapted between the valve inlet and the valve outlet to depressurize the fluid at the valve inlet and discharge to the valve outlet. The pressure reducing valve occupies a small space, low cost and low pressure leakage point. Each pressure reducing device shares a main valve body, independent of each other, do not interfere with each other, and can be flexible to switch or use at the same time. The pressure reducing system is provided with at least one regulating member, which comprising an adjustment medium outlet section which communicates with the valve chamber through the valve body and the valve seat. Through the regulating member to reduce erosion and wear caused by the cavitation effect, and adjust the fluid flow flexibly.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Progressive modular distributor

Номер: US20140124073A1
Автор: DIVISI Walter
Принадлежит: DROPSA S.p.A.

A progressive modular distributor device for the division between a plurality of outlets of a lubricant fluid, said distributor including a first and a second base between which are sandwiched at least three distributor modules. The bases being interconnected by tie rods which pass through openings in the modules. A first surface of at least one of the modules presents at least one projecting part integral with the module. A second surface of a second of the modules, resting on the first, presents a corresponding housing in which the projecting part is inserted. The projecting part and the housing shaped to prevent reciprocal movement of the first and second module at least along an axis perpendicular to an axis of the tie rods when the projecting part is inserted in the housing. 1. A progressive modular distributor device for division between a plurality of outlets of a lubricant fluid , said distributor comprising:a first base and a second base between which are sandwiched at least three distributor modules, the bases being interconnected by tie rods which pass through openings in the modules,each of said modules being provided with a first surface and a second surface arranged to couple respectively with second and first surfaces of other functionally identical modules,said first and second surfaces presenting a plurality of surface holes arranged so, when two modules are rested with the second surface of the first module superimposed on the first surface of the second module, the surface holes of the first and the second surface create channels arranged for passage of the lubricant fluid between two rested modules,each module comprising inside it at least one piston mobile between a first and a second limit position, and at least a first lubricant outlet and a second lubricant outlet, so, on movement of the piston into said first or second operating position, the lubricant fluid is supplied through one of the outlets of the distributor,each of said bases ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053901A1

Disclosed is a pneumatic valve for a vehicle that includes a valve housing that has an intake hole in an intake unit at one end, an exhaust hole and a relief hole in an exhaust unit at another end, and a channel through which air flows therein. An intake plunger selectively opens and closes the intake hole by sliding in the channel of the valve housing. A relief plunger selectively opens and closes the relief hole by sliding in the channel of the valve housing. An intake coil is disposed outside the valve housing and slides the intake plunger using an electromagnetic force; and a relief coil is disposed outside the valve housing and slides the relief plunger using an electromagnetic force. 1. A pneumatic valve for a vehicle , comprising:a valve housing that has an intake hole in an intake unit at one end, an exhaust hole and a relief hole in an exhaust unit at another end, and a channel through which air flows therein;an intake plunger that selectively opens and closes the intake hole by sliding in the channel of the valve housing;a relief plunger that selectively opens and closes the relief hole by sliding in the channel of the valve housing;an intake coil that is disposed outside the valve housing and slides the intake plunger using an electromagnetic force; anda relief coil that is disposed outside the valve housing and slides the relief plunger using an electromagnetic force.2. The pneumatic valve for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the intake hole and the relief hole are selectively opened and closed by the intake plunger and the relief plunger claim 1 , and the exhaust hole always communicates with the channel of the valve housing claim 1 , when being open.3. The pneumatic valve for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the intake plunger and the relief plunger are spaced from each other and an elastic member is disposed there between claim 1 , so the plungers close the intake hole and the relief hole by being pressed in opposite directions as a normal close type.4. ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051818A1

A check valve comprises a valve housing defining an opening and a plurality of flapper elements each pivotally mounted to the valve housing about a respective axis transverse to the opening in which the flapper elements permit flow of fluid through the opening and a closed position in which they block the flow of fluid through the opening. Each flapper element comprises a first side facing the valve housing sealing surface in the closed position, a second side, opposed to the first side and facing away from the valve housing sealing surface in the closed position, a base end, a first edge region extending away from the base end and a second edge region extending away from the base end. 1. A check valve comprising:a valve housing defining an openinga valve housing sealing surface surrounding the opening;a plurality of flapper elements, each flapper element being pivotally mounted to the valve housing about a respective axis transverse to the opening, for rotation between an open position in which the flapper elements permit flow of fluid through the opening and a closed position in which they block the flow of fluid through the opening;each flapper element comprising:a first side facing the valve housing sealing surface in the closed position;a second side, opposed to the first side and facing away from the valve housing sealing surface in the closed position;a base end, the flapper element being mounted to the valve housing at its base end;a first edge sealing region extending away from the base end for sealing engagement with the valve housing sealing surface in the closed position of the flapper element; anda second edge sealing region extending away from the base end for sealing engagement with the base end of an adjacent flapper element in the closed position of the flapper element, an edge of the second edge sealing region of the flapper element engaging with the second side of an adjacent flapper element when the flapper elements are in the open position.2. A ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059893A1
Принадлежит: SMC Corporation

A switching valve includes main valve constituted of a five-port electromagnetic switching valve settable to a closed-center position, and a residual pressure exhaust valve including an exhaust valve cavity communicating with a supply port of the main valve and two exhaust ports, two residual pressure discharge flow paths respectively communicating with the exhaust ports, two exhaust valve elements placed inside the exhaust valve cavity and driven by pressure air from the supply port to open and close the residual pressure discharge flow paths, and a release spring that biases the exhaust valve element in a direction to open the residual pressure discharge flow paths. While the pressure air is not supplied into the exhaust valve cavity through the supply port, the exhaust valve element opens the residual pressure discharge flow paths so as to discharge residual pressure from the exhaust port, and when pressure air is supplied into the exhaust valve cavity the exhaust valve element closes the residual pressure discharge flow path, and hence the residual pressure is not discharged from the exhaust port. 1. A five-port switching valve with residual pressure exhaust valve , comprising:a main valve constituted of a five-port electromagnetic switching valve settable to a closed-center position; and a residual pressure exhaust valve attached to the main valve,wherein the residual pressure exhaust valve includes, in an exhaust valve cavity formed in an exhaust valve body, two residual pressure discharge flow paths respectively communicating with two output ports of the main valve so as to open the output ports to ambient air; two exhaust valve elements configured to contact and move away from a residual pressure exhaust valve seat of the respective residual pressure discharge flow paths to open and close the respective residual pressure discharge flow paths; a release spring that biases each of the exhaust valve elements in a direction away from the residual pressure ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Distribution valve

Номер: US20190056037A1

The invention concerns a distribution valve for the use in the feed or return of a medium circuit, with a housing ( 1 ) forming the feed line or the return line, respectively, a branch line ( 2 ) branching off from the housing ( 1 ) and an adjusting unit ( 3 ) for adjustment of a flow of medium through the branch line ( 2 ), which adjusting unit is formed separately from the housing ( 1 ) and opposite to the branch line ( 2 ) is arranged at the housing ( 1 ) and protrudes the housing wall. The adjusting unit ( 3 ) comprises an adjusting spindle ( 4 ), the axial position of which with respect to a component ( 5 ) of the adjusting unit ( 3 ) which is connected to the housing ( 1 ) can be changed by twisting it relative to said component ( 5 ), thereby changing the flow rate. The valve is designed in such a manner that an axial movement of the adjusting spindle ( 4 ) relative to the component ( 5 ) in direction towards the branch line ( 2 ) effectuates an increase of the flow rate through the branch line ( 2 ). Furthermore, adjustable stopper means are present, by means of which, through abutting of a first abutment face ( 7 ) which is connected with the adjusting spindle ( 4 ) against a second abutment face ( 8 ) which is connected with the housing ( 1 ), an axial movement of the adjusting spindle ( 4 ) with respect to the component ( 5 ) in direction towards the branch line ( 2 ) can be limited at a specific axial position, for limiting the maximum flow rate through the branch line ( 2 ) that can be adjusted. The invention makes it possible to provide in a cost-efficient manner very compact and simple designed distribution valves at which a once adjusted limitation of the maximum flow rate is preserved in case of a temporarily closing or decrease of the flow rate.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059719A1
Автор: Hong David, Liang Jemm Yue

A sound producing device includes an air pulse generating element and a control unit. The air pulse generating element includes an air chamber, a membrane, a first air entrance and a first valve. The membrane is disposed in the air chamber. The first air entrance is disposed at a side of the membrane in a first direction. The first valve is disposed between the first air entrance and the membrane. The control unit generates a driving signal to control a movement of the membrane, such that the air pulse generating element generates an air pulse in response to the driving signal. During an operation, an first airflow corresponding to the air pulse flows into or flows out of the air chamber through the first air entrance, and passes through the first air entrance substantially along a direction parallel to the first direction perpendicular to the moving direction of the membrane. 1. A sound producing device , comprising: an air chamber;', 'a membrane disposed in the air chamber and having a plurality side edges;', 'a first air entrance disposed at a side of the membrane in a first direction and adjacent to one of the side edges of the membrane; and', 'a first valve disposed between the first air entrance and the membrane; and, 'at least one air pulse generating element, each of the at least one air pulse generating element comprisinga control unit configured to generate at least one driving signal, wherein the driving signal controls a movement of the membrane of the air pulse generating element, such that the air pulse generating element generates an air pulse in response to the corresponding driving signal;wherein during an operation of the sound producing device, an first airflow corresponding to the air pulse flows into or flows out of the air chamber through the first air entrance, the first airflow passes through the first air entrance substantially along a direction parallel to the first direction, the first direction is substantially perpendicular to a ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066765A1
Автор: NARUKAWA Bunta

[Object] Provided is a control valve capable of ensuring controllability in both flows without increasing the number of parts. 1. A control valve comprising:a valve body which is provided with a main valve chamber and first and second inlet/outlets and in which a bottom portion opening and first and second side portion openings are opened to the main valve chamber:a main valve body which is disposed in the main valve chamber to be elevatable relative to the bottom portion opening in order to control a flow rate of a fluid flowing in the bottom portion opening; andan elevation drive source which elevates the main valve body relative to the bottom portion opening,wherein differential pressure valves operated in response to a front/rear differential pressure are respectively disposed between the first inlet/outlet and the first side portion opening, between the second inlet/outlet and the second side portion opening, between the first inlet/outlet and the bottom portion opening, and between the second inlet/outlet and the bottom portion opening inside the valve body so that a fluid pressure acting on the main valve body becomes the same in a flow in both directions including one direction from the first inlet/outlet to the second inlet/outlet through the main valve chamber and the other direction from the second inlet/outlet to the first inlet/outlet through the main valve chamber.2. The control valve according to claim 1 ,wherein a first side portion differential pressure valve allowing a fluid to flow only in a direction from the first inlet/outlet to the first side portion opening or the opposite direction in response to a differential pressure between the first inlet/outlet and the first side portion opening is disposed between the first inlet/outlet and the first side portion opening inside the valve body,wherein a second side portion differential pressure valve allowing a fluid to flow only in a direction from the second inlet/outlet to the second side portion ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067569A1
Автор: Ballenger Justin R.

A poppet valve includes an inlet port, a first outlet port, a second outlet port, a first exhaust port, a second exhaust port, and a spindle. A first poppet element and a second poppet element each float relative to the spindle. A first piston and a second piston are fixed relative to the spindle. The spindle moves from an initial centered closed position to a first actuated position or a second actuated position to direct air flowing from the inlet port to the first outlet port or the second outlet port, respectively. The initial centered closed position is located between the first actuated position and the second actuated position. A housing contains the spindle, the first poppet element, the second poppet element, the first piston and the second piston. 1. A poppet valve comprising:an inlet port, a first outlet port, a second outlet port, a first exhaust port, and a second exhaust porta spindle;a first poppet element and a second poppet element that each float relative to the spindle;a first piston and a second piston that are each fixed relative to the spindle, wherein the spindle moves from an initial centered closed position to a first actuated position or a second actuated position to direct air flowing from the inlet port to the first outlet port or the second outlet port, respectively, and the initial centered closed position is located between the first actuated position and the second actuated position; anda housing that contains the spindle, the first poppet element, the second poppet element, the first piston, and the second piston.2. The poppet valve as recited in wherein a resilient member is located between the first poppet element and the second poppet element and biases the first poppet element and the second poppet element away from each other.3. The poppet valve as recited in wherein the spindle includes a first shoulder and a second shoulder located outwardly of the first poppet element and the second poppet element claim 1 , respectively claim ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075633A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A valve is provided. The valve includes a housing including an interior and a side wall at least partially delimiting the interior, a valve element within the interior of the housing and configured to be selectively operable between an open position and a closed position. The valve element includes an interior and a side wall at least partially delimiting the interior of the valve element. The valve also includes a series of pressure relief devices within the side walls of the housing and the valve element. The series of pressure relief devices include at least one check valve and are configured to provide flow communication from the interior of the housing to exterior of the housing upon actuation of the at least one check valve. 1. A valve comprising:a housing comprising an interior and a side wall at least partially delimiting said interior;a valve element within said interior of said housing and configured to be selectively operable between an open position and a closed position, said valve element comprising an interior and a side wall at least partially delimiting the interior of said valve element; anda series of pressure relief devices within said side walls of said housing and said valve element, said series of pressure relief devices comprising at least one check valve and configured to provide flow communication from said interior of said housing to exterior of said housing upon actuation of said at least one check valve.2. The valve in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said at least one check valve is configured to restrict fluid flow through said series of pressure relief devices when said valve element is in the open position claim 1 , and configured to allow fluid flow through said series of pressure relief devices when said valve element is in the closed position.3. The valve in accordance with claim 2 , wherein said at least one check valve is configured to restrict fluid flow in a first direction claim 2 , and configured to allow fluid flow in a ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150885A1
Автор: Brouwer Buck

Systems and methods are described for actuating a plurality of pneumatic valves to positively isolate one or more pieces of equipment. A manual valve can be disposed on a supply conduit that fluidly couples each of the pneumatic valves to a fluid supply source. To place the pneumatic valves in a safe position, the manual valve can be closed, which disrupts a flow of fluid from the source. Closing the manual valve can also open a drain conduit that allows the supply conduit to be depressurized. 1. A system for actuating a plurality of pneumatic valves , comprising:first and second pneumatic valves coupled to a fluid source via a supply conduit, such that pressure of fluid from the fluid source causes the first and second pneumatic valves to open; anda manual valve coupled to the supply conduit between the fluid source and the first and second pneumatic valves, and configured such that closing the manual valve (a) isolates the first and second pneumatic valves from the fluid source and (b) shuts off a flow of the fluid from the fluid source to the first and second pneumatic valves.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manual valve comprises a key-lock device.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manual valve comprises a three-way valve claim 1 , and wherein closing the manual valve drains the fluid from the supply conduit between the manual valve and the first and second pneumatic valves.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manual valve is disposed remotely relative to each of the first and second pneumatic valves.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manual valve is disposed adjacent to the fluid source.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid source comprises air.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a third and fourth pneumatic valve coupled to the fluid source, such that pressure of the fluid from the fluid source causes the third and fourth pneumatic valves to open; andwherein the manual valve is further configured such that closing the manual ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087687A1

[Object] An electric valve control device capable of preventing a start delay of an electric valve control (an opening degree control) by shortening a waiting period of a system control device and an electric valve device including the same are provided. 1. An electric valve control device controlling a valve opening degree of an electric valve including a valve body and a motor driving the valve body ,wherein a signal indicating an end or an interruption of an electric valve initialization operation is output after the electric valve initialization operation ends or is interrupted.2. The electric valve control device according to claim 1 ,wherein when a transmission request signal is received from the outside after the electric valve initialization operation ends or is interrupted, a signal indicating the end or the interruption of the initialization operation is output.3. The electric valve control device according to claim 1 ,wherein a signal indicating the current electric valve initialization operation is output during the electric valve initialization operation.4. The electric valve control device according to claim 3 ,wherein when the transmission request signal is received from the outside during the electric valve initialization operation, a signal indicating the current initialization operation is output.5. The electric valve control device according to claim 1 ,wherein following operations are performed sequentially such that the electric valve initialization operation is started when an initialization operation instruction signal is received from the outside, a signal indicating the current initialization operation is output during the initialization operation, an initialization operation end signal is output when the electric valve initialization operation ends, and the electric valve enters a normal operation state when a normal operation instruction signal is received from the outside.6. The electric valve control device according to claim 1 ,wherein ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101685A1

A thermal expansion valve with one-way control function includes a valve body having an inlet passage and an out passage, a temperature sensor installed on one end of said valve body, and a first valve core component installed in an inside chamber of said valve body. Said first valve core component includes a first valve core and a valve rod against said temperature sensor. Said valve body also includes an accommodation component extending from said inlet passage into said valve body and coaxially installed with said inlet passage. Said accommodation component has a second valve port connected with said inside chamber. Said accommodation component has a second valve core component having a supporting piece and a second valve core matching said second valve port. The processing of the structure is convenient and the assembly of the second valve core component is simple and reliable. 1. A thermal expansion valve with one-way control function , comprising a valve body having an inlet passage and an outlet passage , a temperature sensing component placed at one end of the valve body , and a first valve core component placed in an inner cavity of the valve body , wherein the first valve core component comprises a valve rod abutting against the temperature sensing component , and a first valve core configured to cooperate with a first valve port in the inner cavity to control a flow of fluid medium flowing from the inlet passage to the outlet passage , and the valve body further comprises an accommodating portion extending inwardly to the valve body from the inlet passage , the accommodating portion is provided with a second valve port in communication with the inner cavity , a second valve core component is provided in the accommodating portion; and in a case that the medium flows from the inlet passage to the outlet passage , the second valve port is closed; and in a case that the medium flows from the outlet passage to the inlet passage , the second valve port is ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107691A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes de Controle Moleur

The invention relates to a fluid flow valve, particularly for a motor vehicle. Said fluid flow valve comprises a body (), capable of having said fluid pass therethrough; and a sealing means (), placed in said body, capable of occupying different angular positions by rotation of said sealing means () relative to said body (). Said sealing means () is configured so as to enable, in a first angular position, the fluid to pass from a first inlet () to a first outlet () of the valve and from a second inlet () to a second outlet () of the valve, and, in a second angular position, to enable the fluid to pass from the first inlet () to the second outlet () through the body (). Said sealing means () is also configured so as to ensure a gradual closing of the first inlet (). 1. A fluid flow valve for a motor vehicle , comprising:a body capable of being traversed by said fluid; anda sealing means which is arranged in said body the sealing means being configured to occupy different angular positions by the rotation of said sealing means relative to said body, wherein the sealing means:permits, in a first angular position, the fluid to pass from a first inlet to a first outlet of the valve and from a second inlet to a second outlet of the valve and, in a second angular position, to permit the fluid to pass from the first inlet to the second outlet through the body, andensures the gradual closing of the first inlet.2. The valve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said gradual closing of the first inlet is ensured by the sealing means when the sealing means is in said second angular position.3. The valve as claimed in any one of claims 1 , wherein said sealing means is configured so as to leave open a passage through said body between the first outlet and the second inlet claims 1 , during the gradual closing of said first inlet.4. The valve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said body comprises a cylindrical internal housing of circular cross section and said sealing means comprises two ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170560A1

The invention relates to a valve assembly for a diaphragm pump, the valve assembly having an inlet side and an outlet side. A first outlet channel () leads from an inlet opening () arranged on the inlet side to an outlet opening () arranged on the outlet side, and a second outlet channel () leads from an inlet opening () arranged on the inlet side to an outlet opening () arranged on the outlet side. An inlet channel () has a first part () and a second part (), the second part () having an outlet opening (), which is arranged on the inlet side, and the first part () extending at an angle to the second part (). An inlet valve body () is provided at the outlet opening () of the second part () of the inlet channel (), and a first outlet valve body () is provided at the outlet opening () of the first outlet channel (). The outlet opening () of the second outlet channel () is closed and opened either by a second outlet valve body or also by the first outlet valve body (). 114.-. (canceled)15. A valve assembly for a diaphragm pump , the valve assembly having an inlet side and an outlet side , comprising:a first outlet channel which leads from an inlet opening arranged on the inlet side and assigned to the first outlet channel, to an outlet opening arranged on the outlet side and assigned to the first outlet channel;a second outlet channel which leads from an inlet opening arranged on the inlet side and assigned to the second outlet channel, to an outlet opening arranged on the outlet side and assigned to the second outlet channel;an inlet channel comprising a first part and a second part adjoining the first part, wherein the second part has an outlet opening arranged on the inlet side, and wherein the first part extends at an angle to the second part;an inlet valve body at the outlet opening of the second part of the inlet channel, which closes the outlet opening in a closed position and releases the outlet opening in an open position;an outlet valve body on the outlet ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114328A1

A control valve includes a valve body, which defines first, second, and third valve passageways. The valve body also defines a supply passageway. The control valve includes a first spool movable relative to the valve body between first and second positions. The control valve includes a second spool movable relative to the valve body between open and closed positions. The supply passageway is in fluid communication with the first valve passageway when the first spool is in the first position. The supply passageway is in fluid communication with the second valve passageway when the first spool is in the second position. The supply passageway is in fluid communication with the third valve passageway when the second spool is in the open position. The second spool precludes fluid flow between the supply passageway and the third valve passageway when the second spool is in the closed position. 1. A control valve , comprising:a valve body extending along a longitudinal axis, wherein the valve body defines a first valve passageway, a second valve passageway, a third valve passageway, and a supply passageway;a first spool movably disposed in the valve body, wherein the first spool is movable relative to the valve body along the longitudinal axis between a first position and a second position; anda second spool movably disposed in the valve body, wherein the second spool is movable relative to the valve body along the longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position;wherein the supply passageway is in fluid communication with the first valve passageway when the first spool is in the first position, with the second valve passageway when the first spool is in the second position, and with the third valve passageway when the second spool is in the open position; andwherein the second spool precludes fluid flow between the supply passageway and the third valve passageway when the second spool is in the closed position.2. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein the ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106031A1
Автор: Boland Brian, Lem Jeroen

A vehicle seating assembly includes a seat base. A seatback is operably coupled to the seat base. A plurality of bladders is positioned within at least one of the seatbacks and the seat base. A valve module includes a common pressure rail and a common exhaust rail fluidly coupled with a plurality of valves and the plurality of bladders. An exhaust valve is positioned downstream of the plurality of valves on the common exhaust rail. 1. A vehicle seating assembly , comprising:a seat base;a seatback operably coupled to the seat base;a plurality of bladders positioned within at least one of the seatback and the seat base; anda valve module comprising a common pressure rail and a common exhaust rail fluidly coupled with a plurality of valves and the plurality of bladders, wherein an exhaust valve is positioned downstream of the plurality of valves on the common exhaust rail.2. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of valves comprises a plurality of two-way valves.3. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust valve comprises a two-way valve or a three-way valve.4. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 3 , wherein the exhaust valve is positioned downstream of the bladders.5. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bladders are positioned within the seatback.6. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bladders are positioned within the seat base.7. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bladders are positioned within both the seatback and the seat base.8. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust valve is positioned within the valve module.9. The vehicle seating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust valve is positioned exterior to the valve module.10. A seating assembly claim 1 , comprising:a seatback operably coupled to a seat base;a plurality of bladders positioned within at least one of the seatback and the seat base;a ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114903A1

A control valve is provided for a fluid treatment apparatus, including a housing with at least one cylinder defining a fluid flow path in the apparatus, each cylinder having an associated reciprocating piston valve. The valve includes a first piston valve half; a second piston valve half complementary to the first piston valve half; and a resilient seal constructed and arranged for being sandwiched between the first and second piston valve halves. The first piston valve half is constructed and arranged for engaging the cylinder before the second piston valve half, and having an exterior peripheral edge defined by a plurality of peripherally spaced teeth creating flow spaces between the teeth. 1. A control valve for a fluid treatment apparatus , including a housing with at least one cylinder defining a fluid flow path in the apparatus , each said cylinder having an associated reciprocating piston valve , said valve comprising:a first piston valve half;a second piston valve half complementary to said first piston valve half;a resilient seal constructed and arranged for being sandwiched between the first and second piston valve halves;said first piston valve half being constructed and arranged for engaging the cylinder before said second piston valve half, and having an exterior peripheral edge defined by a plurality of peripherally spaced teeth creating flow spaces between the teeth.2. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein said teeth comprise approximately half the periphery of said first valve half.3. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein said teeth are regularly spaced about said peripheral edge of said first valve half.4. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein said resilient seal has a generally “T”-shaped vertical cross-section including a main body and a pair of outwardly extending arms claim 1 , and wherein said arms are secured by respective portions of said first and second valve halves and a designated pocket in each half claim 1 , and said body extends ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122360A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang Sanhua Co., Ltd.

An electronic expansion valve is provided, which includes a main valve cavity. A sleeve is fixed in the main valve cavity. A lower end part of the sleeve is supported by a valve seat, and the lower end part of the sleeve surrounds a main valve port. A valve core seat is axially movably arranged in the sleeve. A lower part of the valve needle component extends into the sleeve to open and close the valve core valve port. A circumferential side wall of the sleeve is provided with a first communicating hole close to the main valve port and a second communicating hole away from the main valve port. The structural design of the electronic expansion valve may prevent an excessive impact on a valve core seat caused by the refrigerant with high pressure when the refrigerant flows forward, thereby preventing the eccentricity of the valve core seat. 1. An electronic expansion valve , comprising a valve seat , a vertical connecting pipe and a transverse connecting pipe , the valve seat being provided with a main valve cavity; the electronic expansion valve further comprising a main valve port in communication with the vertical connecting pipe and a valve core seat configured to open and close the main valve port , the valve core seat being provided with a valve core valve port which allows a communication with the vertical connecting pipe; and the electronic expansion valve further comprising a valve needle component configured to open and close the valve core valve port , wherein ,a sleeve is fixed in the main valve cavity, the valve core seat is axially movably arranged in the sleeve, and a lower portion of the valve needle component extends into the sleeve to open and close the valve core valve port; anda circumferential side wall of the sleeve is provided with a first communicating hole close to the main valve port and a second communicating hole away from the main valve port; and in a case that a fluid medium flows from the transverse connecting pipe to the vertical ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109787A1
Автор: TSUJI Ryuki

A housing, a valve, a pipe member, and a pipe fastening member are provided. The pipe fastening member is passed through a pipe-side fastening hole to be screwed into a housing-side fastening hole to fix a pipe-side fixing part to a housing-side fixing part. The housing-side fixing part define a housing gap between the housing-side fixing part and the outer wall of a housing main body. 1. A valve device configured to control cooling water in a heating element of a vehicle , comprising:a housing including a housing main body defining an inner space therein, a housing-side fixing part formed integrally with the housing main body, a housing-side fastening hole formed in the housing-side fixing part, and a port connecting the inner space to an outside of the housing main body;a valve including a valve body rotational about a rotational axis in the inner space, a valve body flow path inside the valve body, and a valve body opening connecting the valve body flow path to an outside of the valve body, the valve configured to change a communication status between the valve body flow path and the port via the valve body opening with a rotational position of the valve body;a pipe member including a cylindrical pipe having an inner space that communicates with the port, a pipe-side fixing part formed integrally with the pipe and fixed to the housing-side fixing part, and a pipe-side fastening hole formed in the pipe-side fixing part; anda pipe fastening member passed through the pipe-side fastening hole and screwed in the housing-side fastening hole to fix the pipe-side fixing part to the housing-side fixing part, whereinthe housing-side fixing part defines a gap between the housing-side fixing part and an outer wall of the housing main body.2. The valve device according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing has a plurality of the ports,the pipe member includes a plurality of the pipes connected to each other, andthe valve device further comprising:a plurality of seal units provided ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136260A1
Автор: Zhan Caiyi
Принадлежит: Zhejiang Sanhua Co., Ltd.

An electronic expansion valve includes a drive component including a screw rod which reciprocates axially and a nut which cooperates with the screw rod by screw threads, and a lower end of the screw rod forms the valve needle component. A sleeve is fixed in the main valve cavity, an upper portion of the sleeve cooperates with the nut, and a lower end of the sleeve is supported by the valve seat and surrounds the main valve port. The valve core seat is axially movably arranged in the sleeve, and the lower end of the screw rod extends into the sleeve to open and close the valve core valve port. The structural design of the electronic expansion valve prevents an excessive impact on a valve core seat caused by the refrigerant with high pressure when the refrigerant flows forward, thereby preventing the eccentricity of the valve core seat. 1. An electronic expansion valve , comprising a valve seat , a vertical connecting pipe , and a transverse connecting pipe , the valve seat being provided with a main valve cavity; the electronic expansion valve further comprising a main valve port in communication with the vertical connecting pipe and a valve core seat configured to open and close the main valve port , the valve core seat being provided with a valve core valve port which allows a communication with the vertical connecting pipe; and the electronic expansion valve further comprising a valve needle component configured to open and close the valve core valve port; wherein ,the electronic expansion valve further comprises a drive component, the drive component comprises a screw rod and a nut which cooperates with the screw rod by screw threads, and a lower end of the screw rod forms the valve needle component;a sleeve is fixed in the main valve cavity, and an upper portion of the sleeve cooperates with the nut; the valve core seat is axially movably arranged in the sleeve, and a lower portion of the screw rod extends into the sleeve to open and close the valve core valve ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Electronically-Controlled Pressure Regulator System for Poultry Drinker Lines

Номер: US20150136262A1

An electrically-controlled water pressure regulator for use with a poultry watering system receives potable water at a first high pressure level and reduces the water pressure level of the water provided to watering valves that dispense water to the flock within a poultry house. A variable control valve uses a needle-shaped cone to engage a round port inside the housing of the regulator. A stepper motor controls the liner movement of the control valve in incremental microsteps to adjust the water pressure level provided to the flock. A feedback component enables the variable control valve to maintain the water pressure level at a desired set point for the flock. The desired set point for the flock is controlled or automated to match the growth of the flock over their growth cycle. An electrical controller and suitable cabling enable multiple regulators to be controlled efficiently and cost-effectively. 1a main housing having a plurality of ports and apertures, the main housing defining an interior chamber;an input associated with one of the plurality of ports and connected to a water supply line, the water supply line providing potable water to the water pressure regulator at a first pressure level;an output associated with another one of the plurality of ports and connected to a dispensing line, the dispensing line having a plurality of watering valves configured to supply the potable water to the flock of poultry at a second pressure level, the second pressure level being lower than the first pressure level and optimized to provide a desired amount of potable water to the flock through the plurality of watering valves;a variable control valve mounted onto the housing, the variable control valve positioned to control the flow of potable water out of the interior chamber of the main housing and through the output, the variable control valve having a needle-shaped cone adapted to engage a round port inside the housing and configured to move linearly and incrementally ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124194A1

A hydraulic system comprises a valve distributor comprising one or more sections connectable to respective uses, a supply apparatus comprising a pump and a supply channel, a discharge channel connected to a low-pressure tank, a use signal channel coming from the section of the valve distributor and further comprises a hydraulic regulating device connected via said channels which includes a 2-position 3-way proportional valve configured so as to provide operative fluid at a conditioned pressure, different with respect to the pressure that is characteristic of the operative condition of use, to the supply apparatus and at least one proportional pressure reducing valve. 2. The hydraulic system according to claim 1 , wherein said proportional valve is subjected to said reduced pressure provided by said proportional pressure reducing valve only at one end claim 1 , wherein the opposite end is subjected to the action of a spring urging the proportional valve with a respective equivalent pressure or subjected to a discharge pressure of the discharge channel connected to the tank.3. The hydraulic system according to claim 1 , wherein said proportional valve is subjected at said first end claim 1 , preferably on two distinct thrust areas claim 1 , to the reduced pressure provided by a first proportional pressure reducing valve and to said pressure that is characteristic of the operative condition of the use coming from said use signal channel.4. The hydraulic system according to claim 1 , wherein said proportional valve is subjected at said second end to the reduced pressure provided by a second proportional pressure reducing valve and to the conditioned pressure to be provided to the supply apparatus.5. The hydraulic system according to claim 1 , wherein said supply apparatus comprises a variable displacement pump of the Load Sensing type claim 1 , which includes a flow rate regulator comprising said pressure compensator to which said conditioned pressure is provided claim ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210183626A1

In some examples, a gas mixer comprises a body and an orbital array of gas inlets for receiving one or more constituents of a mixed gas. A mixed gas outlet emits a mixed gas from the body and is disposed at a center of the orbital array of gas inlets. A central gas mixing point, separate from the mixed gas outlet, comprises an internal volume disposed within the body and is surrounded by the orbital array of gas inlet. The internal volume is in fluid communication with the orbital array of gas inlets via a corresponding array of gas pathways extending from the internal volume to each of the gas inlets. Each gas path length of the respective gas pathways is the same. Control circuitry is configured to control gas flow rate within each of the gas pathways individually. 1. A gas mixer comprising:a body;an orbital array of gas inlets for receiving one or more constituents of a mixed gas;a mixed gas outlet for emitting a mixed gas from the body, the mixed gas outlet disposed at a center of the orbital array of gas inlets;a central gas mixing point, separate from the mixed gas outlet, the central gas mixing point comprising an internal volume disposed within the body and surrounded by the orbital array of gas inlets, the internal volume being in fluid communication with the orbital array of gas inlets via a corresponding array of gas pathways extending from the internal volume to each of the gas inlets, and wherein gas path lengths of the gas pathways are the same; andcontrol circuitry in fluid communication with the internal volume, the control circuitry configured to individually control gas flow rate within each of the gas pathways.2. The gas mixer of claim 1 , wherein the orbital array of gas inlets are radially spaced equidistantly around the central gas mixing point.3. The gas mixer of claim 1 , wherein the body includes internal gas conduits connecting the central gas mixing point to the orbital array of gas inlets.4. The gas mixer of claim 3 , wherein respective ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167504A1
Автор: KINOUCHI Soichi

A supply oil passage is defined in a sleeve and communicates to a feed port to which oil is supplied. A valve object is able to be seated on or separated from a valve seat defined on an inner wall of the supply oil passage. A guide wall is defined by an inner wall of the sleeve, and the valve seat is located between the feed port and the guide wall. A forward flow port extends from the guide wall to an oil passage of an attachment component. A pressure chamber is defined in the sleeve, and the valve seat is located between the supply oil passage and the pressure chamber. A backflow port always allows the pressure chamber and the oil passage of the attachment component to communicate with each other. The forward flow port is located between the valve seat and the backflow port. 1. An oil pressure control valve to be attached to an attachment component having an oil passage , the oil pressure control valve comprising:a sleeve having a cylindrical shape, a supply oil passage being defined in the sleeve and communicating to a feed port to which oil is supplied;a valve object that is able to be seated on or separated from a valve seat defined on an inner wall of the supply oil passage;a guide wall defined by an inner wall of the sleeve, the valve object being able to slidingly move in contact with the guide wall, the valve seat being located between the feed port and the guide wall;a forward flow port extending from the guide wall to the oil passage of the attachment component;a pressure chamber defined in the sleeve, the valve seat being located between the supply oil passage and the pressure chamber; anda backflow port that always allows the pressure chamber and the oil passage of the attachment component to communicate with each other, whereinthe forward flow port is located between the valve seat and the backflow port.2. The oil pressure control valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe valve object is located at a place where the valve object faces the forward flow ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176261A1
Автор: McAlpine James Edward

Plumbing apparatus () for incorporation in a waste pipe system comprises a tubular body having an inlet () for connection to an upstream waste pipe and an outlet () for connection to a downstream waste pipe. A one-way water valve () is provided in the body and is arranged to permit flow from the inlet to the outlet and to prevent flow from the outlet to the inlet. An air valve () is mounted on an upper portion of the body and is arranged to permit flow of air into the body and to restrict flow of air out of the body. In the event of negative pressure in the downstream waste pipe system the air valve opens to allow air to be drawn into the system. In the event of positive pressure in the downstream waste pipe system the one-way water valve closes. 1. Plumbing apparatus for incorporation in a waste pipe system , the apparatus comprising:a tubular body having an inlet for connection to an upstream waste pipe and an outlet for connection to a downstream waste pipe;a one-way valve in the body arranged to permit flow from the inlet to the outlet and to restrict flow from the outlet to the inlet, andat least one pressure relief device on a portion of the body arranged to permit the flow of air into the body and to restrict flow of air out of the body.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one pressure relief device is in communication with the body downstream of the one-way valve.3. The apparatus of or claim 1 , wherein the at least one pressure relief device is an air valve.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the air valve is a one way air admission valve.5. The apparatus of or claim 3 , wherein the air valve is located on a boss provided on an upper portion of the body.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the boss tapers to an opening downstream of the one-way valve.7. The apparatus of or claim 5 , wherein the air valve includes a cylindrical collar sized to fit closely inside the boss.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising a valve disc mounted ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Controlled three-way proportional valve unit

Номер: US20150177740A1

The invention relates to a controlled three-way proportional valve unit comprising: a valve assembly with two individual valves; an actuating device actuating valves of the valve assembly; and a control unit acting upon the actuating device and having a control signal input, the valves of the valve assembly being designed as poppet valves arranged on opposite sides and having counter-rotatable valve spindles. The valve spindles are prestressed relative each other in opposite directions by a prestressing element such that, when the actuating unit is inactive, a first poppet valve is open and the second poppet valve is closed. The actuating device comprises an actuator common to both poppet valves, acts upon the two valve spindles and changes the position of the valve spindles counter to the effect of the prestressing element.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Transflow Valve with an Isolation and Switching Mechanism for Double Block and Bleed Arrangement

Номер: US20140261823A1

A transfer valve system includes an improved double block and bleed transflow valve system which uses six valves and uses one single spindle interconnecting the inlet and outlet transflow valves, which valves also drive a gear train mechanism connecting all six valve stems. As such, by operating one main spindle connected to the two inlet and outlet transflow valves, all six valves of this double block and bleed configuration operate simultaneously and assure an uninterrupted flow of fluid from one device to another standby device. The transflow valve system also is formed of separable components to form both single and double block and bleed configurations. 1. A transflow valve system comprising:a first system device having a respective inlet and outlet for fluid;a second system device having a respective inlet and outlet for fluid; anda double block and bleed transflow valve assembly which comprises an inflowing first valve and an outflowing second valve which are connected to a main inlet and outlet for fluid and have a common spindle interconnecting the first and second valves to actuate said first and second valves by rotation of said spindle, said transflow valve assembly comprising third and fourth valves connected between the inlet and outlet of the first system device and the first and second valves, and fifth and sixth valves connected between the inlet and outlet of the second system device and the first and second valves, said first, third and fifth valves being operatively interconnected by a first set of gears and said second, fourth and sixth valves being operatively connected by a second set of gears, said first and second sets of gears being connected to said spindle and being operated by rotation of said spindle to simultaneously actuate each of said first to sixth valves between first and second operative conditions which direct fluid flow either to said first system device or said second system device to assure an uninterrupted flow of fluid from ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170264A1
Принадлежит: NIBCO INC.

A gas sediment trap assembly includes a generally cylindrical length with a generally perpendicular tee and a vertically oriented capped portion. The gas sediment trap assembly is coupled to the gas supply line and the gas fired appliance. One or more gas ball valves can be coupled to the gas sediment trap assembly. The gas sediment trap assembly can be used with conventional gas piping, flexible gas piping, and/or other gas line components. 1. A gas sediment trap assembly comprising: a first end portion configured to be coupled to a gas ball valve connected to a gas supply line;', 'a second end portion;', 'a medial portion located between said first end portion and said second end portion, said medial portion including a tee with a portion extending generally perpendicular to said length of said body; and, 'a body having a generally cylindrical length, comprisinga cap coupled to said second end portion of said body.2. A gas sediment trap assembly as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said generally perpendicular portion of said tee includes an FIP union for coupling to a pipe nipple.3. A gas sediment trap assembly as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said generally perpendicular portion of said tee includes a male flare union for coupling to a gas hose with a flare connection.4. A gas sediment trap assembly as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said cap is coupled to a strap that is coupled to said second end portion of said body.5. A gas sediment trap assembly as set forth in claim 1 , including a gas certified ball valve coupled to said first end portion of said body.6. A gas sediment trap assembly as set forth in claim 5 , wherein said coupling between said certified ball valve and said first end portion of said body is permanent.7. A gas sediment trap assembly as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said gas ball valve and said cap are ¾″.8. A gas sediment trap assembly comprising: a first end portion with a gas ball valve to be coupled to the inlet of a gas fired appliance;', ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173569A1

A multi-port valve is provided. The multi-port valve includes a housing which defines an internal cavity. The housing further includes a plurality of ports. Each of the plurality of ports is in communication with the internal cavity. A valve member is rotatably disposed within the internal cavity. A seal member is also provided between the internal cavity and at least one of the ports. A check valve assembly is also provided in fluid communication with at least one of the ports to provide an additional checked flow therefrom or a checked flow therethrough. Temperature, pressure, and/or flow sensors may also be provided. 1. A multi-port valve , comprising:a housing defining an internal cavity, the housing further comprising a plurality of ports, wherein each of the plurality of ports is in communication with the internal cavity;a valve member rotatably disposed within the internal cavity;at least one seal member sealingly positioned between the valve member and at least one of the plurality of ports; anda check valve assembly in fluid communication with at least one of the plurality of ports to provide at least one of an additional checked flow therefrom or a checked flow therethrough.2. The multi-port valve of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ports includes a first port claim 1 , a second port claim 1 , and a third port claim 1 , the first port claim 1 , second port claim 1 , and third ports of the plurality of ports are arranged relative to one another such that they are angularly spaced apart from one another in an angular direction and situated at a same axial height relative to a longitudinal axis of the housing.3. The multi-port valve of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of port bodies claim 1 , respectively received in the plurality of ports such that one port body of the plurality of port bodies is received in one port of the plurality of ports.4. The multi-port valve of claim 3 , wherein the at least one seal member includes a plurality of seal ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Combination valve and bidirectional flow control valve using the same

Номер: US20180195627A1
Автор: Toru Takeuchi
Принадлежит: KYB Corp

A combination valve built in a main valve of a solenoid valve includes: a first communication passage having a first port and a second port; a second communication passage branching from the first communication passage and having a third port; a first valve body provided in the first communication passage and configured to permit only the flow of working oil from the first port to the third port; and a second valve body provided in the first communication passage and configured to permit only the flow of working oil from the first port to the second port. The first valve body is located upstream relative to the second valve body.

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140299198A1

A multi-end connector adaptor comprising a main pipe run having a main pipe run connector flange located at the inlet end of the main pipe run; and outlet ends of first and second transverse auxiliary pipe runs having a ball valve type end connector flange comprising a flow bore through the respective flange and an annular landing recessed in the respective flange around the flow bore to receive a seat ring for sealing against a flow control element of a ball valve. Multiport severe service ball valve assemblies, systems comprising the multi-end connector adaptors and methods of use are also disclosed. 1. A multi-end connector adaptor , comprising:a main pipe run comprising an inlet end in fluid communication with outlet ends of first and second transverse auxiliary pipe runs;the main pipe run comprising a main pipe run connector flange located at the inlet end of the main pipe run; andthe outlet ends of the first and second transverse auxiliary pipe runs each comprising a ball valve type end connector flange comprising a flow bore through the respective flange and an annular landing recessed in the respective flange around the flow bore to receive a seat ring for sealing against a flow control element of a ball valve.2. The multi-end connector adaptor of claim 1 , wherein the main pipe run connector flange is a pipe type end connector flange.3. The multi-end connector adaptor of claim 1 , further comprising a minimum seat recess spacing of the annular landing of the ball valve type end connector of the first transverse auxiliary pipe run which is less than two main pipe run diameters claim 1 , wherein the main pipe run diameter is determined at the inlet end and the minimum seat recess spacing is the minimum distance between the annular landing and a central longitudinal axis of the main pipe run determined along a longitudinal axis of the first transverse auxiliary pipe run.4. The multi-end connector adaptor of claim 3 , wherein the minimum seat recess spacing is ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150219225A1

A valve that includes a control spline positioned to move from a first position to a second position and the control spline being axially rotatable in both the first position and second position. The valve also includes a portion of a first fluid mixing cartridge rotatably coupled to at least one portion of the control spline when the control spline is in the second position. The valve includes a portion of a second fluid mixing cartridge rotatably coupled to the at least one portion of the control spline when the control spline is in the second position and the first fluid mixing cartridge is configured to rotate in a different direction than the second fluid mixing cartridge when the control spline is in the second position. 1. A valve , comprising:a control spline positioned to move from a first position to a second position and the control spline being axially rotatable in both the first position and second position;a portion of a first fluid mixing cartridge rotatably coupled to at least one portion of the control spline when the control spline is in the second position;a portion of a second fluid mixing cartridge rotatably coupled to the at least one portion of the control spline when the control spline is in the second position;wherein the first fluid mixing cartridge is configured to rotate in a different direction than the second fluid mixing cartridge when the control spline is in the second position.2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid cartridge further comprising an inlet that is configured to receive cold and hot water from cold and hot water intakes of the valve.3. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the second fluid mixing cartridge further comprising an inlet that is configured to receive cold and hot water from cold water intake and hot water intake of the valve.4. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid mixing cartridge is configured to rotate in a cooperative mode with the second fluid mixing cartridge when the control spline is in ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160230900A1

The invention relates to a valve device, in particular a double stop-check valve, preferably of the two-way valve type, comprising at least three fluid connections () provided in a valve housing (), at least two valve elements () that can slide in the valve housing (), and at least one control device () for controlling the valve elements (). The valve is characterized in that at least one of the valve elements () forms, together with parts () of the valve housing (), a seat leak-tight closure part for the associated fluid connections (). 2123. The valve device according to claim 1 , characterized in that a positively overlapped valve concept is implemented claim 1 , in which claim 1 , during the switching of the valve together with associated valve elements claim 1 , no fluid connection exists between at least two of the at least three fluid connections ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ).3656712. The valve device according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , by means of the valve elements ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , at least the directly assignable fluid connections ( and ) can be damped during operation of the device.4716567. The valve device according to claim 1 , characterized in that a control device () is provided claim 1 , which allows the valve elements ( claim 1 , ) to be controlled independently of one another.57151656765676567. The valve device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the control device has a rod-like control element () that is displaceable in the valve housing () in the direction of travel of the valve elements ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , during the displacement of which in the one or other direction of travel claim 1 , the one or the other valve element ( claim 1 , ) can be carried along claim 1 , independently of the other valve element ( claim 1 , ).6656763596151. The valve device according to claim 1 , characterized in that valve elements in the form of conical pistons ( claim 1 , ) are provided with a conical sealing surface () which claim ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190219180A1

The invention relates to a bypass valve (), in particular for an expansion machine () of a waste heat recovery system (). The bypass valve () has a housing () with a valve chamber () formed therein. An inlet (), an expander outlet () and a bypass outlet () are formed in the housing (), which feed into the valve chamber (). A closing element () is moveably arranged in the valve chamber (). A valve seat () is formed on the housing (). The closing element () cooperates with the valve seat () in order to open and close a first hydraulic connection from the inlet () to the expander outlet (). A control valve () opens and closes a second hydraulic connection from the inlet () to the bypass outlet (). The control valve () forms a first throttle point () in an open position. A second throttle point () is arranged between the valve chamber () and the bypass outlet (). The control valve (), the second throttle point () and the closing element () border a control chamber (). The first throttle point () has a greater flow cross-section than the second throttle point (). 11293452969112611348358212295822692122a. A bypass valve () comprising a housing () with a valve chamber () formed therein , wherein an inlet () , an expander outlet () and a bypass outlet () are formed in the housing () and open into the valve chamber () , wherein a closing body () is movably arranged in the valve chamber () , wherein a valve seat () is formed in the housing () , wherein the closing body () interacts with the valve seat () for the opening and closing of a first hydraulic connection from the inlet () to the expander outlet () , wherein a control valve () opens and closes a second hydraulic connection from the inlet () to the bypass outlet () , wherein in an open position the control valve () forms a first restriction point () , wherein a second restriction point () is arranged between the valve chamber () and the bypass outlet () , wherein the control valve () , the second restriction point () ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240841A1

A pressure switch including a pressure chamber and a moving disc. The moving disc is moveable in response to a pressure in the pressure chamber to cause contact between a moveable contact and a fixed contact. An orifice communicates a fluid pressure into the pressure chamber. The orifice provides a tortuous path for a fluid flow to reach the pressure chamber. An oil supply system and a generator are also disclosed. 1. A pressure switch comprising:a pressure chamber and a moving disc, said moving disc being moveable in response to a pressure in said pressure chamber to cause contact between a moveable contact and a fixed contact; andan orifice pack for communicating a fluid pressure into said pressure chamber, said orifice providing a tortuous path for a fluid flow to reach the pressure chamber.2. The pressure switch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said orifice pack includes at least two discs claim 1 , each having at least one orifice claim 1 , and one of said two discs causing flow in a counterclockwise direction and the other of said two discs causing the fluid to begin flowing in a clockwise direction.3. The pressure switch as set forth in claim 2 , wherein there is an intermediate disc which accelerates the flow.4. The pressure switch as set forth in claim 2 , wherein an effective orifice size of said orifice pack is between 0.0028 inch (0.0071 centimeters) and 0.0032 inch (0.0081 centimeters).5. The pressure switch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said moveable contact is a de-burred claim 1 , stamped metal part.6. An oil supply system comprising:an oil pump for delivering oil to a system, and a tap for monitoring a pressure of the oil; anda pressure switch for monitoring the pressure including a pressure chamber and a moving disc, said moving disc being moveable in response to a pressure in said pressure chamber to cause contact between a moveable contact and a fixed contact, an orifice pack for communicating a fluid pressure from said tap into said ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Mixing valve

Номер: US20140338769A1
Автор: Schröder Lothar

A mixing valve includes a housing having, arranged therein: a first flow duct having a first flap mounted rotatably in the first flow duct and configured to influence the throughflow cross section of the first flow duct, and a second flow duct, the second flow duct issuing into the first flow duct, and having a second flap mounted rotatably in the second flow duct and configured to influence the throughflow cross section of the second flow duct. The first flow duct has, downstream of the issue of the second flow duct, as seen in the flow direction, a region with at least two cross-sectional widenings, and at least one stationary guide element, projecting into the first flow duct, is arranged in the region with the at least two cross-sectional widenings. 110-. (canceled)11. A mixing valve comprising: [{'b': 2', '2', '2, 'a first flow duct () having a first flap mounted rotatably in the first flow duct () and configured to influence the throughflow cross section of the first flow duct (), and'}, {'b': 3', '3', '2', '3', '3, 'a second flow duct (), the second flow duct () issuing into the first flow duct (), and having a second flap mounted rotatably in the second flow duct () and configured to influence the throughflow cross section of the second flow duct (),'}], 'a housing having, arranged therein{'b': 2', '3', '11', '14', '15', '12', '13', '2', '11', '14', '15, 'wherein the first flow duct () has, downstream of the issue of the second flow duct (), as seen in the flow direction, a region () with at least two cross-sectional widenings (, ), and at least one stationary guide element (, ), projecting into the first flow duct (), is arranged in the region () with the at least two cross-sectional widenings (, ).'}1214152. The mixing valve as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the cross-sectional widenings ( claim 11 , ) are arranged symmetrically over the circumference of the first flow duct ().1312132. The mixing valve as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the at least one guide ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170248249A1

The invention relates to an electrically operable valve with an electrical coil and with several spring tongues, which are movable by means of a magnetic field generated by the coil between a first switch position and a second switch position each and with several first valve openings, which are opened when the spring tongues are in the first switch position and which are closed by means of the spring tongues when the spring tongues are in the second switch position. 1. An electrically operable valve , the valve comprising:an electrical coil;a plurality of spring tongues that are movable by a magnetic field generated by the electrical coil between a first switch position and a second switch position; anda plurality of valve openings which are open when the plurality of spring tongues are in the first switch position and which are closed when the spring tongues are in the second switch position.2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of valve openings is assigned to one of the plurality of spring tongues; wherein the valve further comprises a closure arranged on each of the plurality of spring tongues; and wherein the closure closes the assigned valve opening when the assigned spring tongue is in the second switch position.3. The valve of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of valve openings is assigned to one of the plurality of springs tongue; and wherein the valve is executed such that at least two of the plurality of spring tongues open and close the assigned valve openings of the at least two of the plurality of spring tongues with different magnetic field strengths.4. The valve of claim 3 , wherein the at least two of the plurality of spring tongues have different spring constants; and/orthe at least two of the plurality of spring tongues in an initial position, are pre-stressed differently against the assigned valve openings; and/orthe at least two of the plurality of spring tongues in the initial position, are spaced differently from the ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267720A1

The invention is to provide a modular combined electro-hydraulic multi-way valve system using compact two-way cartridge valves. Two sets of seat valve main stages including two compact two-way cartridge valves separately are used to control two reversible controlled cavities, a cartridge pressure compensation control assembly is used to control load compensation, and valve body forms the main part of electro-hydraulic multi-way valve; The main body has the function of self-supply-oil pilot control by two side flange control plates; The main part of electro-hydraulic multi-way valve, side flange control plates, pilot stages and auxiliaries combine sandwich self-supply-oil high-voltage electro-hydraulic multi-way valve reversing league with four main ports P, T, A, B and multiple control ports Pc, Tc, Ls and auxiliary ports; The system can satisfy the requirements of higher efficiency, energy saving, low emission and diversity raised by equipment manufacturers through more kinds and more reasonable modular combined configurable solutions. 1. A modular combined electro-hydraulic multi-way valve using compact two-way cartridge valves , comprising:two sets of seat valve main stages including two compact two-way cartridge valves separately configured to control two reversible controlled cavities;a cartridge pressure compensation control assembly configured to control load compensation;valve body forming a main part of electro-hydraulic multi-way valve for self-supply-oil pilot control by two side flange control plates;mounting holes for four symmetrically placed two-way cartridge valves and a mounting hole for an independent cartridge valve in the valve body;and the flange control plates by two sides configured to connect and control the symmetrically placed four seat valve main stages; wherein the main part of electro-hydraulic multi-way valve, side flange control plates, pilot stages and auxiliaries in combination sandwich self-supply-oil high-voltage electro-hydraulic ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267818A1

Provided is a refrigeration valve having a valve body having an inlet, an outlet, and a flow passage defined therebetween, an expansion valve in the flow passage, a first hand valve between the inlet and the expansion valve, and a second hand valve between the outlet and the expansion valve. The first and second hand valves are provided at a top of the valve body and are movable in a first direction for preventing fluid flow through the flow passage. By providing the first and second hand valves at the top of the valve body rather than at a bottom of the valve body, valve life is increased and the valves are not prevented from operating due to particulate build up in the valves. 1. A refrigeration valve assembly including:a valve body having an inlet, an outlet, and a flow passage defined therebetween;an expansion valve in the flow passage for throttling fluid flowing through the flow passage;a first hand valve between the inlet and the expansion valve and movable in a first direction for preventing fluid flow from the inlet to the outlet; anda second hand valve between the outlet and the expansion valve and movable in the first direction for preventing fluid flow from the outlet to the inlet.2. The refrigeration valve assembly according to claim 1 , further including a regulator valve between the first hand valve and the expansion valve.3. The refrigeration valve assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the regulator valve includes a cartridge assembly having a cartridge body extending into the flow passage and being seated against a shoulder in the valve body claim 2 , a piston disposed in the cartridge body and movable by a force acting on a backside of the piston claim 2 , and a plug movable relative to the cartridge body by the piston to regulate the flow of fluid through the passage.4. The refrigeration valve assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the cartridge body and plug each include a plurality of windows through which fluid flows.5. The refrigeration ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292619A1
Автор: LEE Chanhui, LEE Youngsong

A structure for forming a fluid path is provided. The structure for forming a fluid path according to one embodiment of the present disclosure includes a body configured with first and second fluid paths which communicate with each other, and a third fluid path which is provided at a position, at which the first and second fluid paths are connected to each other, and communicates with the first and second fluid paths, and includes one or more among a first ball which is able to be disposed in the first fluid path, a second ball which is able to be disposed in the second fluid path, and a third ball which is able to be disposed in the third fluid path, wherein a diameter of the first fluid path is greater than that of the second fluid path, and the second ball is able to be disposed in the second fluid path by passing the first fluid path. 1. A structure for forming a fluid path , comprising:a body configured with first and second fluid paths which communicate with each other, and a third fluid path which is provided at a position, at which the first and second fluid paths are connected to each other, and communicates with the first and second fluid paths; andone or more among a first ball which is able to be disposed in the first fluid path, a second ball which is able to be disposed in the second fluid path, and a third ball which is able to be disposed in the third fluid path,wherein a diameter of the first fluid path is greater than that of the second fluid path, andthe second ball is able to be disposed in the second fluid path by passing the first fluid path.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid path is provided with a first opening located at a surface of the body claim 1 , and a second opening located at a position at which the first fluid path is connected to the second fluid path claim 1 , anda first stepped portion configured to restrict a movement position of the first ball is formed between the first opening and the second opening.3. The ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190293190A1

A fluid housing for a fluid collection system or a fluid distribution system is described, which comprises at least two fluid housing modules adjoining one another along an alignment direction. On each fluid housing module at least one fluid connection is provided, which is connected fluidically to a first central fluid duct via a respectively assigned lateral fluid duct. In addition, on each of the fluid housing modules at least two contact surfaces are provided, which protrude with respect to an assigned fluid housing module basic body along the alignment direction. Adjacent fluid housing modules are positioned in relation to one another via the contact surfaces. Furthermore, a fluid collection system or a fluid distribution system with such a fluid housing is presented. 1. Fluid housing for a fluid collection system or a fluid distribution system , withat least two fluid housing modules adjoining one another along an alignment direction anda first central fluid duct, which extends substantially along the alignment direction and is formed by first central fluid duct sections of the adjoining fluid housing modules,wherein on each fluid housing module at least one fluid connection is provided, which is connected fluidically to the first central fluid duct via a respectively assigned lateral fluid duct,characterized in thaton each of the fluid housing modules at least two contact surfaces are provided, which protrude with respect to an assigned fluid housing module basic body along the alignment direction and adjacent fluid housing modules are positioned in relation to one another via the contact surfaces.2. Fluid housing according to claim 1 , wherein adjacent fluid housing modules are positioned in relation to one another exclusively via the contact surfaces3. Fluid housing according to claim 1 , wherein adjacent fluid housing modules are positioned in relation to one another in the alignment direction via the contact surfaces.4. Fluid housing according to claim 1 ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190293199A1

Embodiments of the disclosure generally relate to a flapper valve. The flapper valve may be used with processing chambers, such as semiconductor substrate processing chambers. In one embodiment, a flapper valve includes a housing having a first opening at a first end thereof and a second opening at a second end thereof, a first flapper pivotably disposed in the housing, and a second flapper pivotably disposed in the housing. The first and second flappers are movable to selectively open and close at least one of the first opening and the second opening. 1. A flapper valve , comprising:a housing having a first opening at a first end thereof and a second opening at a second end thereof;a first flapper pivotably disposed in the housing; anda second flapper pivotably disposed in the housing, the first flapper and the second flapper movable to selectively open and close at least one of the first opening and the second opening, the first flapper and the second flapper overlapping in an open position.2. The flapper valve of claim 1 , further comprising a first seal on the first flapper and a second seal on the second flapper claim 1 , wherein the first seal overlaps the second seal when the first flapper and the second flapper are in open positions.3. The flapper valve of claim 1 , wherein the first flapper and the second flapper are positioned face-to-face when in an open position.4. The flapper valve of claim 1 , wherein the first flapper and the second flapper are independently cooled by flowing fluid through respective cooling channels formed in the first flapper and the second flapper.5. The flapper valve of claim 4 , wherein the first flapper and the second flapper are cooled independently of the housing claim 4 , the housing having one or more cooling channels formed therein.6. The flapper valve of claim 1 , wherein each of the first flapper and the second flapper are disposed on rotating shafts claim 1 , the rotating shafts having seals disposed therearound claim 1 ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170307096A1
Автор: Janecke James P.

A three-way valve assembly, including a valve body having a fluid flow path and a valve member movable in the fluid flow path between a supply port and a work port, and between a load sense passage and a pressure relief port. The valve member may move between a first position and a second position for controlling flow and regulating fluid pressure differences sensed in the flow path; and for limiting fluid pressure in the flow path to a predetermined pressure level set by a pilot-operated pressure limiter valve when the valve member is in the second position. The valve member may move between the second position and a third position to open the flow path from the load sense passage to the pressure relief port for relieving fluid pressure in the flow path when the fluid pressure from an over-loaded actuator exceeds the predetermined pressure level set by the pressure limiter valve. 1. A three-way valve assembly comprising:a valve body having a fluid flow path;a valve member movable in the valve body and being disposed in the fluid flow path between a supply port and a work port, and between a load sense passage and a pressure relief port, the valve member having a valve surface exposed to fluid pressure upstream of the load sense passage and an opposite valve surface exposed to fluid pressure downstream of the load sense passage;wherein, in response to fluid pressure acting on the opposite valve surfaces of the valve member, the valve member is configured to move to a pressure relieving position in which the flow path from the load sense passage to the pressure relief port is opened for relieving fluid pressure in the valve body.2. (canceled)3. The three-way valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the valve member has a sealing surface configured to cooperate with a valve body sealing surface to permit or restrict fluid flow from the load sense passage to the pressure relief port.4. The three-way valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the valve spool ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319239A1

A leveling valve () for discharging and supplying air from and to a plurality of utilization elements (), in particular pneumatic suspension bellows, includes a valve arrangement () for directing air between a source () of pressurized air, an exhaust port () and the utilization elements (), and a supply port () in fluid communication with the valve arrangement (103) and the source (207) of pressurized air. A check valve () is mounted upstream of the valve arrangement () and is configured to allow fluid flow from the supply port () towards the valve arrangement () and to block fluid flow from the valve arrangement () through the supply port (). 1101205101a. A leveling valve () for discharging and supplying air from and to a plurality of utilization elements ( , b) , the leveling valve () comprising:{'b': 103', '207', '3, 'a valve arrangement () for directing air between a source () of pressurized air, an exhaust port () and the utilization elements;'}{'b': 1', '103', '207, 'a supply port () in fluid communication with the valve arrangement () and the source () of pressurized air; and'}{'b': 5', '103', '5', '1', '103', '103', '1, 'a check valve () mounted upstream of the valve arrangement (), the check valve () being configured to allow fluid flow from the supply port () towards the valve arrangement () and to block fluid flow from the valve arrangement () through the supply port ().'}251. The leveling valve of claim 1 , wherein the check valve () is installed in the supply port ().31951191421421cc. The leveling valve of claim 1 , wherein the supply port () comprises a first elongate section () holding the check valve () claim 1 , and a second elongate section () adjacent the first elongate section () holding a connector () claim 1 , the connector () being configured for sealingly connecting a fluid conduit to the supply port ().41425c. The leveling valve of claim 3 , wherein the connector () has an inner dimension such that when in the mounted state claim 3 , the ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180348801A1

A proportional valve is provided having a pilot control valve that can be controlled by means of a control signal and having a booster valve that can be actuated by means of the pilot control valve. The proportional valve has a compressed-air connection for connecting a compressed-air supply, a working connection, and an air-removal connection. The booster valve has three valve elements, which are arranged one after the other and can each be moved in an axial direction against a spring force. 112321654. A proportional valve () with a pilot valve () that can be activated by a control signal and a booster valve () that can be actuated by means of the pilot valve () , wherein the proportional valve () has a compressed-air port () for connection of a compressed-air supply , a working port () and a vent port () ,{'b': 3', '8', '9', '10, 'wherein the booster valve () has three valve elements (, , ) connected in series and respectively movable in an axial direction against a spring force, namely'}{'b': 8', '2, 'a first valve element () actuated by the pilot valve (),'}{'b': 9', '2, 'a second valve element (), which is actuated by the first valve element (), and'}{'b': 10', '9, 'a third valve element (), which is actuated by the second valve element (),'}{'b': 1', '8', '9', '10', '3', '26', '8', '9', '27', '10', '16', '2', '8', '9', '10', '5', '5, 'wherein, in a basic position of the proportional valve (), the first, the second and the third valve elements (, , ) are spaced apart from one another in pairs and, within the booster valve (), a first sealing seat () acting between the first valve element () and the second valve element () and a second sealing seat () acting between the third valve element () and the housing () are formed and disposed in such a way that during variation of the control signal that activates the pilot valve () and of the resulting cascade-like positioning of the axial positions of the first, second and third valve elements (, , ), various switched ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160369902A1
Принадлежит: ALPHINITY, LLC

An encapsulated valve system includes a first housing portion having a first facing surface, the first facing surface comprising a plurality of branch pathways formed as a recess within the first facing surface. The valve system further includes a second housing portion having a second facing surface, the second facing surface comprising a plurality of branch pathways formed as a recess within the second facing surface. A disposable conduit is configured to be interposed between the first and second housing portions and disposed within the recess of the first facing surface and the recess of the second facing surface. The disposable conduit is thus sandwiched between the first and second facing surfaces. A plurality of pinch valve actuators are mounted on one or both of the first housing portion and the second housing portion, the plurality of pinch valve actuators configured to pinch the disposable conduit at selective branch pathways. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of controlling flow for pressurized pharmaceutical or biological liquid fluids comprising:inserting a disposable conduit comprising un-reinforced polymer tubing having a common line and one or more branch lines connected to the common line in an exoskeleton formed from a first housing and second housing, the first housing and the second housing each having respective pathways formed as a recesses in facing surfaces thereof, wherein a plurality of pinch valve actuators are mounted one or both of the first housing and the second housing and configured to pinch the disposable conduit along the common line and one or more branch lines;securing the first housing to the second housing using one or more fasteners, wherein no portion of the disposable conduit between the first housing and the second housing is exposed to the external environment and not encapsulated by the exoskeleton;actuating one or more of the plurality of pinch valve actuators to divert flow from the common line to one or more of the branch ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200355282A1

A capacity control valve V includes a valve housing provided with a Pc port, a Pd port and a Ps port; a main valve body that includes a main valve portion which comes into contact with and separates from a main valve seat to close and open a communication between a Pd port and the Pc port using a driving force of a solenoid; a pressure-sensitive valve capable of opening and closing, depending on a surrounding pressure, a first communication passage through which the Pc port and the Ps port are communicable with each other; and a differential pressure valve capable of opening and closing, depending on a pressure difference, a second communication passage through which the Pc port and the Ps port are communicable with each other. 1: A capacity control valve comprising:a valve housing provided with a Pc port, a Pd port and a Ps port;a main valve body that includes a main valve portion which is configured to come into contact with and to separate from a main valve seat to close and open a communication between a Pd port and the Pc port using a driving force of a solenoid;a pressure-sensitive valve that is configured to open and close, depending on a surrounding pressure, a first communication passage through which the Pc port and the Ps port are communicable with each other; anda differential pressure valve that is configured to open and close, depending on a pressure difference, a second communication passage through which the Pc port and the Ps port are communicable with each other.2: The capacity control valve according to claim 1 ,wherein a maximum opening area of the differential pressure valve is smaller than a flow path cross-sectional area of the Pc port.3: The capacity control valve according to claim 1 ,wherein the differential pressure valve includes a differential pressure valve body having a cylindrical shape and a spring which is configured to bias the differential pressure valve body in a valve opening direction, and is concentrically provided outside the ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum breaker with back flow preventer

Номер: US20200362546A1
Принадлежит: Goodrich Corp

A dual purpose valve assembly may comprise a conduit, a first valve, and a second valve. The first valve may comprise a vacuum breaker valve. The second valve may comprise a check valve. A drain system may comprise a supply tube, a drain tube, and a dual purpose valve disposed between the supply tube and the drain tube. The drain system may allow fluid to drain based on gravity alone, and the dual purpose valve assembly may operate based on gravity alone.

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190388608A1

Disclosed herein are systems comprising a pressure adjustment manifold, a pressure distribution manifold, and an electronic board, each of which are operatively connected. Also provided herein are methods of making and using the same. 1. A system , comprising:a pressure adjustment manifold, a pressure distribution manifold, and an electronic board, each of which are operatively connected to each other;wherein the pressure adjustment manifold comprises one or more of the following components: a pump, on-off valve, proportional valve, pressure sensor, orifice, and/or a fluid channel;wherein the pressure distribution manifold comprises a 3-way valve and/or a fluidic channel; andwherein the electronic board controls the pumps, valves, and sensors in the system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel provides communication between one or more fluidic parts.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pump is a diaphragm pump.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the valves are solenoid valves.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein a pump provides pressure sources for two or more pressure output with different pressures.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein one pressure outlet can be further split into two or more pressure output through pressure distribution manifold.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluidic channels can be shape of circle claim 1 , rectangle claim 1 , or trapezoid.8. The system of claim 1 , where the fluidic channel height or width ranges from 0.2 mm to 2 mm.9. The system of claim 1 , where the electronic board communicates with pressure sensors and using PID control algorithm to control proportional valve for a desired pressure output.10. The system of claim 9 , where the pressure output is between 0-20 psi.11. The system of claim 9 , where pressure output is vacuum which ranges from −10 psi to 0 psi.12. The system of claim 9 , where multiple pumps are used for multiple pressure output.13. The system of claim 9 , where the pressure output ranges ...

09-04-1963 дата публикации

Exhaust valve

Номер: US3084707A
Принадлежит: Individual

10-05-2005 дата публикации

Вентиль для теплообменников, в частности вентиль для радиаторов

Номер: RU2003135520A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) (13) 2003 135 520 A F 16 K 1/00 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2003135520/06, 27.11.2003 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): Äàíôîññ À/Ñ (DK) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 30.11.2002 DE 10256021.8 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.05.2005 Áþë. ¹ 13 (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Äîùå÷êèíà Âàëåíòèíà Âèêòîðîâíà A 2 0 0 3 1 3 5 5 2 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU A Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Âåíòèëü äë òåïëîîáìåííèêîâ, â ÷àñòíîñòè äë ðàäèàòîðîâ, ñ êîðïóñîì, èìåþùèì âïóñêíîå è âûïóñêíîå îòâåðñòèå, ñ ðåãóëèðóþùèì êëàïàíîì è êëàïàíîì ðåãóëèðîâêè äàâëåíè , ïîääåðæèâàþùèì ïîñòî ííîå äàâëåíèå â âåíòèëå è èìåþùèì ñåäëî êëàïàíà, çàòâîð, ïðóæèíó è äàò÷èê äàâëåíè , õàðàêòåðèçóþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî ñåäëî (24, 54) êëàïàíà, çàòâîð (27, 53), ïðóæèíà (31) è äàò÷èê äàâëåíè (32, 52) îáðàçóþò åäèíûé óñòàíîâëåííûé â êîðïóñå (2) óçåë, ñêðåïëåííûé ñ ïîìîùüþ îäíîãî ñîåäèíèòåëüíîãî ýëåìåíòà (33) è âûïîëíåííûé ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ åãî äåìîíòàæà è îòäåëåíè îò êîðïóñà (2) è ðåãóëèðóþùåãî êëàïàíà. 2. Âåíòèëü ïî ï.1, õàðàêòåðèçóþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî çàòâîð (27, 53) è äàò÷èê äàâëåíè (32, 52) ñîåäèíåíû ñ ïîìîùüþ ñîåäèíèòåëüíîãî ýëåìåíòà (33), à ïðóæèíà (31) è îïîðíûé ýëåìåíò ñåäëà (24, 54) êëàïàíà çàæàòû ìåæäó äàò÷èêîì äàâëåíè (32, 52) è çàòâîðîì (27, 53). 3. Âåíòèëü ïî ï.2, õàðàêòåðèçóþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî ñîåäèíèòåëüíûé ýëåìåíò (33), êîòîðûé ïðîõîäèò ÷åðåç îòâåðñòèå (35), èìååò áîëüøèé äèàìåòð èëè øàéáó (34) ñ òîé ñòîðîíû îòâåðñòè (35), êîòîðà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíà ïðóæèíå (31). 4. Âåíòèëü ïî ëþáîìó èç ïï.1-3, õàðàêòåðèçóþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî ñåäëî (24, 54) êëàïàíà ðàñïîëîæåíî ñ âíåøíåé ñòîðîíû óçëà, à çàòâîð (27, 53) âûïîëíåí ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ âûäâèæåíè èç óçëà. 5. Âåíòèëü ïî ï.4, õàðàêòåðèçóþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî ñåäëî (24) êëàïàíà îõâà÷åíî êîëüöåâûì áîðòèêîì (25), îõâàòûâàþùèì ïðîñòðàíñòâî (26), â êîòîðîì äâèæåòñ çàòâîð (27). 6. Âåíòèëü ïî ëþáîìó èç ïï.1-5, õàðàêòåðèçóþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî ñåäëî (24, 54) êëàïàíà ïîìåùåíî íà ïåðâîé êîëüöåîáðàçíîé ÷àñòè (23, 55) ...

29-05-2020 дата публикации

체크밸브 및 이를 포함하는 모듈레이터블록

Номер: KR20200060034A
Автор: 변승환
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명의 체크밸브 및 이를 포함하는 모듈레이터블록이 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따르면, 내부를 관통하여 형성되며, 각각 유체가 유입되는 유입구와 유체가 배출되는 배출구를 갖는 제1 및 제2 내부유로가 마련되는 밸브하우징; 상기 제1 내부유로에 마련되어 유체의 액압에 의해 개폐되는 제1 개폐부재; 상기 제2 내부유로에 마련되어 유체의 액압에 의해 개폐되는 제2 개폐부재; 및 상기 밸브하우징에 압입 결합되는 마개부재;를 포함하는 체크밸브를 제공할 수 있다.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Two-stop valve

Номер: RU2711797C1

FIELD: valve industry.SUBSTANCE: double-locking valve is intended for pipeline valves operating in power plants characterized by complex operating conditions, high reliability requirements and maximum restrictions of mass and dimension characteristics, for example, in nuclear power plants for transport purposes, as a localizing shutoff element on steam pipelines of the second circuit. Technical result is achieved due to that main gate is equipped with unloading mechanism, arranged between main gate and external stem and consisting of inner sealing seat of main gate and sealing band on thrust head of outer rod, and support element, fixed in main bumper and enclosing inner rod, at that, O-rod thrust head has slots. In support element there are through input holes. In the main element there are output through holes on the side of glands. At that, inner opening of additional gate communicates with inner cavity of outlet branch pipe.EFFECT: improving valve reliability with two gates and reducing drive dimensions.3 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 711 797 C1 (51) МПК F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 11/10 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019100955, 10.01.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.01.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 23.01.2020 Бюл. № 3 2 7 1 1 7 9 7 R U (54) Клапан двухзапорный (57) Реферат: Клапан двухзапорный предназначен для трубопроводной арматуры, работающей в составе энергетических установок, характеризующихся сложными условиями эксплуатации, высокими требованиями надежности и максимальными ограничениями массогабаритных характеристик, например, в составе атомных энергетических установок транспортного назначения, в качестве локализующего запорного элемента на паропроводах второго контура. Технический результат, заключающийся в повышении надежности клапана с двумя затворами и уменьшение ...

07-10-2004 дата публикации

Sequencing valve and hydronic system

Номер: US20040194836A1
Принадлежит: Romac Ind Inc

A sequencing valve and associated hydronic system are provided. The valve has first and second ports, which can be connected to a heat exchange device, and the valve is configured to selectively provide multiple fluids to the heat exchange device. For example, the valve can selectively connect hot and cold water supplies to the heat exchanger so that the heat exchanger can be used alternately to heat and cool air for a refrigeration system. The valve can include check valves that are adjusted by rotatable cams for controlling the flow of fluids into and out of the ports. Each cam can be mounted on a rotatable shaft so that the cams rotate to adjust the check valves between open and closed positions.

05-01-2006 дата публикации

Sequencing valve and hydronic system

Номер: US20060000598A1
Принадлежит: Romac Ind Inc

A sequencing valve and associated hydronic system are provided. The valve has first and second ports, which can be connected to a heat exchange device, and the valve is configured to selectively provide multiple fluids to the heat exchange device. For example, the valve can selectively connect hot and cold water supplies to the heat exchanger so that the heat exchanger can be used alternately to heat and cool air for a refrigeration system. The valve can include check valves that are adjusted by rotatable cams for controlling the flow of fluids into and out of the ports. Each cam can be mounted on a rotatable shaft so that the cams rotate to adjust the check valves between open and closed positions.

10-01-2006 дата публикации

Sequencing valve and hydronic system

Номер: US6983764B2
Принадлежит: Romac Ind Inc

A sequencing valve and associated hydronic system are provided. The valve has first and second ports, which can be connected to a heat exchange device, and the valve is configured to selectively provide multiple fluids to the heat exchange device. For example, the valve can selectively connect hot and cold water supplies to the heat exchanger so that the heat exchanger can be used alternately to heat and cool air for a refrigeration system. The valve can include check valves that are adjusted by rotatable cams for controlling the flow of fluids into and out of the ports. Each cam can be mounted on a rotatable shaft so that the cams rotate to adjust the check valves between open and closed positions.

08-04-2008 дата публикации

Sequencing valve and hydronic system

Номер: US7353843B2
Принадлежит: Romac Ind Inc

A sequencing valve and associated hydronic system are provided. The valve has first and second ports, which can be connected to a heat exchange device, and the valve is configured to selectively provide multiple fluids to the heat exchange device. For example, the valve can selectively connect hot and cold water supplies to the heat exchanger so that the heat exchanger can be used alternately to heat and cool air for a refrigeration system. The valve can include check valves that are adjusted by rotatable cams for controlling the flow of fluids into and out of the ports. Each cam can be mounted on a rotatable shaft so that the cams rotate to adjust the check valves between open and closed positions.

14-08-2018 дата публикации

Oil exploitation regulating valve

Номер: CN106382402B


02-08-2011 дата публикации

A mobile high-pressure water canon for fire protection

Номер: KR101053727B1
Автор: 김준환
Принадлежит: 김준환

본 발명은 이동식 초고압 소방포에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 함체형으로 형성되는 본체의 일측에는 소방수 주입부를 형성하고, 타측에는 소방수 분사부를 형성하며, 상기 본체의 내부에는 소방수를 초고압으로 변환시키는 승압부를 형성하되, 상기 승압부에 사용되는 구동장치는 경량 구동장치를 사용하면서 그 일측에는 고속회전용 트랜스미션을 결합체결하여, 전체적으로 이동용이하게 경량화하면서 원거리로 수평분사가 가능한 초고압의 소방수가 형성가능하도록 함을 특징으로 하는 이동식 초고압 소방포에 관한 것이다. 즉, 본 발명은 일정 형상의 함체형으로 형성되는 본체와; 상기 본체의 일측에 형성되되, 물탱크와 연결가능하게 형성되어 본체 내부에 소방수를 주입케 하되, 외측 단부에는 송수관과 연결가능하도록 연결체결부가 형성되는 소방수 주입부와; 상기 본체에 내설되어 상기 소방수 주입부를 통해 주입되는 소방수를 초고압으로 변환시키는 승압부와; 상기 승압부와 연결체결되어 초고압으로 형성된 소방수를 외부로 분사하는 소방수 분사부와; 상기 본체의 저면에 형성되어 상기 본체가 용이하게 이동할 수 있도록 하는 바퀴; 를 포함하여 이루어지는 이동식 초고압 소방포를 특징으로 한다.

20-07-2016 дата публикации

Prefabricated 3-way flow control valve

Номер: KR101636353B1
Автор: 이명상
Принадлежит: 이명상

본 발명은 조립식 3방 유량제어밸브에 관한 것으로, 외주연에 관결합하는 플랜지가 형성되고, 그 중심으로 유입배출구(102,202)가 형성되며, 상기 유입배출구(102,202)의 직선유로상으로 연통되어 유입배출구 직경보다 확대되는 유량제어결합부(104,204)가 일측으로 형성되고, 상기 유량제어결합부(104,204)의 외주연을 따라 하우징 체결플랜지(106,206)가 형성된 제1하우징(100) 및; 제2하우징(200)과; 좌우측에 상기 제1하우징(100)과 제2하우징(200)이 각각 대응되어 상기 하우징 체결플랜지(106,206)를 통해 플랜지결합되도록 결합통공(302)이 다수 관통 형성되고, 중앙으로 관통된 유체흐름통공(304)이 형성되며, 상기 결합통공(302)과 유체흐름통공(304) 사이 좌우측면에 기밀유지하기 위한 오링이 결합되는 오링홈(306)이 형성되고, 상기 유체흐름통공(304) 중심으로 유체의 흐름에 간섭 없도록 유량제어수단(400)이 결합되어 상기 제1하우징(100) 및 제2하우징(200)의 유입배출구(102,202) 개폐를 제어하며, 상기 유체흐름통공(304) 하방향으로 직교되게 유량통공(308)이 연통되고, 상기 유량통공(308) 외주연을 따라 관 체결플랜지(310)가 형성된 유량제어하우징(300)과; 상기 제1하우징(100) 및 제2하우징(200)의 유입배출구(102,202)에 각각 결합되고, 상기 유량제어수단(400)에 의해 상기 유입배출구(102,202)로 유체가 유입배출되는 것을 제어하도록 상기 유량제어수단(400)이 밀착대응되는 경사면(502)을 가진 패킹시트(500);가 형성되되, 상기 유량제어수단(400)은 상기 유량제어하우징(300)과 일체로 유체흐름통공(304) 중심에 형성되고, 유입배출구(102,202)측 각각의 일단에 내측으로 요입형성된 플러그결합부(412)가 대칭형성되며, 상기 플러그결합부(412) 각각의 선단 내주연에 오링이 결합되는 복수의 유량제어기밀홈(414)이 형성된 트림하우징(410)과; 상기 트림하우징(410) 외주연으로부터 상기 플러그결합부(412)로 공기를 공급배출하도록 좌우 대칭형성된 조정통공(420)과; 상기 조정통공(420)이 상기 플러그결합부(412)와 연통되는 위치까지 상기 플러그결합부(412) 각각의 내주연에 체결되어 상기 플러그결합부가 플러그조정실(PA)과 플러그안치실(PE)로 구분되게 밀폐 결합되고, 중앙에 로드가이드공(432)이 관통형성되며, 상기 로드가이드공(432) 내주연에 기밀을 위한 오링이 결합되는 복수의 패킹홈(434)이 형성된 가이드디스크(430)와; 원판형상의 구동디스크(446)가 일단에 일체로 형성된 플러그샤프트(444)가 형성되고, 상기 유량제어기밀홈(414)에 외주연이 기밀대응되어 상기 플러그결합부(412)의 기밀을 유지하도록 안치결합되는 플러그(442)가 상기 플러그샤프트(444) 타단에 결합되어 상기 패킹시트(500)와 상호작용하여 유체를 제어하며, 상기 구동디스크(446)는 상기 가이드디스크(430)에 의해 구획된 플러그결합부(412)의 플러그조정실(PA)에 위치되고, 상기 플러그(442)는 상기 가이드디스크(430)에 의해 구획된 플러그결합부(412)의 플러그안치실(PE)에 위치되며, 상기 플러그샤프트(444)는 상기 가이드디스크(430)의 로드가이드공(432)에 직선왕복운동가능하게 기밀결합되어 상기 조정통공(420)을 통해 공급배출되는 공압에 의해 상기 구동디스크(446)가 상기 플러그조정실(PA) 내에서 상기 플러그샤프트(444)의 축선상으로 직선왕복운동하여 상기 플러그(442)가 상기 플러그안치실(PE) 내에서 상기 패킹시트(500) 경사면(502)으로 직선왕복운동되도록 형성된 유체제어유닛(440);으로 형성된 것을 특징으로 하는 조립식 3방 유량제어밸브에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a prefabricated three-way flow control valve, in which a flange is coupled to the outer periphery of the ...

29-10-2018 дата публикации

Ball valve

Номер: RU2671001C1

FIELD: valve production.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to pipe fittings intended to shutdown a pipeline duct, and also to allow movement of the working medium in only one direction. Ball valve includes a housing in which a spherical shut-off valve is mounted in two disks. It is connected with a drive of its rotation, is equipped with a ball and is made with a through hole. Through hole of the shut-off valve consists of three cylindrical samples arranged with their axes in one vertical plane. First sample has a bottom, is downward directed and is made from a spherical wall of the shut-off valve. Second sample is made from a bottom side of the bottom of the first sample, perpendicular to a wall of this bottom. Third sample is downward directed, made from the spherical wall of the shut-off valve and communicates with a cavity of the second sample. Chamfer is removed from an edge between a side wall of the second sample and a bottom wall of the first sample. Ball is installed in the first sample and under its own weight tightly seals its wall against a conical chamfer wall with the arrangement of a rotary drive the shut-off valve at the top of the housing. From the top of the side wall of the first sample, a threaded sample is made, into which a screw is screwed to prevent the ball from leaving the first sample.EFFECT: design of the proposed ball valve is simplified.1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 671 001 C1 (51) МПК F16K 5/06 (2006.01) F16K 15/04 (2006.01) F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 5/06 (2018.08); F16K 15/04 (2018.08); F16K 11/10 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017136696, 17.10.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 29.10.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 29.10.2018 Бюл. № 31 2 6 7 1 0 0 1 R U (54) ШАРОВОЙ КРАН (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к трубопроводной арматуре, предназначенной для перекрытия канала трубопровода, а также для ...

11-06-2008 дата публикации

Valve apparatus for heat transfer, especially for heating element

Номер: CN100394089C
Автор: M·H·克里斯滕森
Принадлежит: Danfoss AS


28-01-2009 дата публикации

3-port directional control valve

Номер: EP1910721B1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

03-04-1991 дата публикации

Fluid valve structures

Номер: KR910002105B1
Автор: 윌리암즈 아서

내용 없음. No content.

17-10-2022 дата публикации

A bypass valve for vehicle

Номер: KR102455463B1
Автор: 류동한, 이성주
Принадлежит: 캄텍주식회사

본 발명은 제1유로와, 상기 제1유로와 나란히 이격 배치되는 제2유로와, 상기 제1유로와 제2유로를 동시에 관통하는 샤프트홀이 형성되는 밸브 하우징; 상기 샤프트홀에 삽입되고 일 단부에 구동부가 연결되는 샤프트와, 상기 샤프트의 일 측에 결합되어 상기 제1유로를 개폐하는 제1플레이트와, 상기 샤프트의 타 측에 결합되어 상기 제2유로를 개폐하며 상기 제1플레이트와 샤프트 상에 직렬로 연결되는 제2플레이트와, 상기 제1플레이트와 제2플레이트 사이의 샤프트 영역에 마련되는 제1니들 베어링을 포함하는 개폐부; 를 포함하고, 상기 샤프트 상에서 상기 제1플레이트와 제2플레이트의 배치 각도가 서로 다르게 형성되며, 상기 제1플레이트와 제2플레이트 중 적어도 어느 하나는 외주면에 실링부재를 구비하는 것을 특징으로 하는 차량용 3웨이 밸브를 제공한다.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Double-closure valve

Номер: RU2756951C2

FIELD: engineering elements. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to pipeline fittings operating as part of power units characterized by difficult operating conditions, high reliability requirements and maximum restrictions on weight and size characteristics, for example, as part of nuclear power units for transport purposes, as a localising closure element on secondary steam pipelines. The double-closure valve comprises a body with an axial and a lateral branch pipes and two sealing seats, a main and an additional closure elements connected with coaxially aligned inner and outer stems sealed by a stuffing box and controlled by independent drives. The main closure member is equipped with an unloading mechanism comprised of an inner sealing seat guide, a sealing band on the inner stem, a support nut and an elastic element, wherein grooves are made on the inner surface of the main closure member, a passage is made through the support nut and the main closure member in the area of the sealing seat, and there is a cavity between the inner surface of the main closure member and the outer surface of the additional closure member providing passage of the medium into the lateral branch pipe. EFFECT: technical result is increased reliability of the valve in emergency situations. 4 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 756 951 C2 (51) МПК F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 11/10 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019124749, 01.08.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 07.10.2021 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 01.02.2021 Бюл. № 4 (45) Опубликовано: 07.10.2021 Бюл. № 28 2 7 5 6 9 5 1 R U (54) Двухзапорный клапан (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к трубопроводной арматуре, работающей в составе энергетических установок, характеризующихся сложными условиями эксплуатации, высокими требованиями надежности и максимальными ограничениями массогабаритных характеристик, ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2319880C2
Принадлежит: Данфосс А/С

Вентиль предназначен для использования в теплообменниках, в частности для радиаторов. Вентиль содержит корпус, имеющий впускное и выпускное отверстие, регулирующий клапан и клапан регулировки давления, поддерживающий постоянное давление в вентиле и имеющий седло, затвор, пружину и датчик давления. Такой вентиль может производиться с небольшими издержками. Для этого предусмотрено, что седло клапана, затвор, пружина и датчик давления образуют единый, установленный в корпусе узел, скрепленный с помощью одного соединительного элемента и выполненный с возможностью демонтажа и отделения от корпуса и регулирующего клапана. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение затрат на производство и расширяет область использования. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил. ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 319 880 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ F16K 1/32 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2003135520/06, 27.11.2003 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÊÐÈÑÒÅÍÑÅÍ Ìîðòåí Õ. (DK) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 27.11.2003 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): Äàíôîññ À/Ñ (DK) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 30.11.2002 DE 10256021.8 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.05.2005 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.03.2008 Áþë. ¹ 8 2 3 1 9 8 8 0 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: RU 2090794 C1, 20.09.1997. EP 0911714 A1, 28.04.1999. WO 01/13017 A2, 22.02.2001. US 3344805 A, 03.10.1967. Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 191002, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, à/ 5, ÎÎÎ "Ë ïóíîâ è ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Â.Â.Äîùå÷êèíîé 2 3 1 9 8 8 0 îáåñïå÷èâàåò ñíèæåíèå çàòðàò íà ïðîèçâîäñòâî è ðàñøèð åò îáëàñòü èñïîëüçîâàíè . 11 ç.ï. ô-ëû, 7 èë. R U (57) Ðåôåðàò: Âåíòèëü ïðåäíàçíà÷åí äë èñïîëüçîâàíè â òåïëîîáìåííèêàõ, â ÷àñòíîñòè äë ðàäèàòîðîâ. Âåíòèëü ñîäåðæèò êîðïóñ, èìåþùèé âïóñêíîå è âûïóñêíîå îòâåðñòèå, ðåãóëèðóþùèé êëàïàí è êëàïàí ðåãóëèðîâêè äàâëåíè , ïîääåðæèâàþùèé ïîñòî ííîå äàâëåíèå â âåíòèëå è èìåþùèé ñåäëî, çàòâîð, ïðóæèíó è äàò÷èê äàâëåíè . Òàêîé âåíòèëü ìîæåò ïðîèçâîäèòüñ ...

22-05-2013 дата публикации

Dual-gas-source gas self-adaptive main control valve

Номер: CN102506198B
Автор: 戴长林


08-11-2006 дата публикации

Board mounted manifold valve

Номер: JP3843060B2
Принадлежит: SMC Corp

29-08-2017 дата публикации

A kind of dehumidifying motor-driven valve of air-conditioning system

Номер: CN107101020A
Автор: 单宇宽, 朱龙健, 胡煜刚
Принадлежит: Zhejiang DunAn Hetian Metal Co Ltd


28-12-2021 дата публикации

Two-way valve

Номер: RU2763342C1

FIELD: power engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of power engineering, in particular to fittings for pipelines of power plants. The two-stop valve contains a body with axial and lateral nozzles, main and additional shut-off elements located on the side of the lateral nozzle, interacting with the coaxial sealing seats of the body and connected to coaxially located inner and outer rods. These rods have thrust heads and are controlled by independent drives. The connection of the additional shut-off element with the external stem is equipped with a seal in the form of an unloading valve, consisting of a sealing collar on the thrust head of the outer stem and an internal sealing seat of the additional shut-off element. In this case, grooves are made on the thrust head of the outer rod. Through holes are made in the additional shut-off member on the side of the lateral nozzle, connecting, when it is opened, the inner cavity of the lateral nozzle with the inner cavity of the body, located between its sealing seats. EFFECT: increasing the reliability of the two-way valve and reducing the size of the actuator. 3 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 763 342 C1 (51) МПК F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 11/10 (2021.08); F16K 1/44 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021113970, 17.05.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Юрасов Александр Михайлович (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.12.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 28.12.2021 Бюл. № 1 2 7 6 3 3 4 2 R U (54) Двухзапорный клапан (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области энергетического машиностроения, в частности к арматуре для трубопроводов энергетических установок. Двухзапорный клапан содержит корпус с осевым и боковым патрубками, основной и дополнительный запорные органы, расположенные со стороны бокового патрубка, взаимодействующие с соосными уплотнительными седлами корпуса и ...

04-03-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017131082A3

Номер: RU2017131082A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

26-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN109386631A
Автор: 全仁旭
Принадлежит: Mando Corp


20-03-2009 дата публикации

Multipurpose valve to control flow for water preparation systems

Номер: RU2349819C2
Принадлежит: Жуньдэ ЯН

FIELD: mechanics. SUBSTANCE: proposed multipurpose valve to control flow for water preparation systems incorporates body (1) with water inlet branch pipe (5), water outlet branch pipe (6), waste water outlet (7) and constricting channel for fluid medium communicating with inner and outer spaces of water preparation system filtration element (18). The valve body incorporates valve rod with movable valve plate (3) and fixed valve plate (2) contacting by their face surfaces to form a tight contact zone. The movable valve plate (3) has through hole (15) and at least two blind recesses (13, 14). The fixed valve plate has through holes to communicate with water inlet branch pipe (5), water outlet branch pipe (6) and waste water outlet (7). Valve stem (4) is linked up with the movable valve plate (3) to allow it to turn relative to fixed plate (2). Movable valve plate (3) turns to adjust the flow. Here through hole (15) made in the said plate and blind recesses (13, 14) get aligned with appropriate holes with plate (2) to form various channels for fluid medium. Both aforesaid plates are mounted aligned to allow alignment of through hole (15) and blind recesses (13, 14). EFFECT: simpler operation, compact design, higher water purification quality. 3 cl, 30 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 349 819 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ F16K 11/074 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007104785/06, 18.03.2005 (72) Àâòîð(û): ßÍ Æóíüäý (CN), Ó Ñ îæóí (CN), ÄÈÍ Ôýí í (CN) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 18.03.2005 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ßÍ Æóíüäý (CN) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 17.07.2004 CN 200420062895.3 21.08.2004 CN 200420078956.5 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.08.2008 2 3 4 9 8 1 9 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.03.2009 Áþë. ¹ 8 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: CN 2092002 U, 01.01.1992. RU 2115051 C1, 10.07.1998. US 5162080 A, 10.11.1992. ...

13-05-2009 дата публикации

Backflow prevention assembly

Номер: EP1741843B1
Автор: Willi Hecking
Принадлежит: Hans Sasserath GmbH and Co KG

09-04-2021 дата публикации

Closing valve

Номер: RU2746231C1

FIELD: closing pipe reinforcement. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to closing pipe reinforcement; it can be widely used in complex cleaning units, where the regeneration mode includes the processes of high-temperature heating and vacuuming. The closing valve is made in the form of a cylinder, connected to the drive through a rod. A seal and three chambers are placed in the cylinder. The first and third chambers are cylindrical, and the second is annular. The first chamber is located above the seal, while it is connected to the second and third chambers by means of axial channels made in the cylinder. Radial channels are made along the perimeter of each chamber. In addition, the closing valve is equipped with an additional chamber located on the side opposite to the cover relatively to the case and having an inlet pipe, a spring-loaded valve for supplying cooling medium and a seal for a hollow rod connected to the third chamber and interacting with the valve for supplying cooling medium. Besides, the outer surface of the cylinder, the hollow rod and the inner surface of the additional chamber facing the third chamber are thermally insulated. EFFECT: invention makes it possible to create a closing valve design in which the valve seal is reliably protected from the temperature effects of the working medium used in the regeneration process. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 746 231 C1 (51) МПК F16K 49/00 (2006.01) F16K 11/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 49/00 (2021.02); F16K 11/10 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020119458, 08.06.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Духанин Юрий Иванович (RU) Дата регистрации: 09.04.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.06.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 09.04.2021 Бюл. № 10 2 7 4 6 2 3 1 R U (54) ЗАПОРНЫЙ КЛАПАН (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к запорной трубопроводной арматуре и может быть ...

25-06-2019 дата публикации

Open type guide type electromagnetic ball valve

Номер: CN108006263B
Автор: 陈艳艳


31-10-2017 дата публикации

A kind of automatic control return valve for bypassing No leakage

Номер: CN107304845A


11-10-2006 дата публикации

Gas panel

Номер: KR100633190B1

반도체 제조용 공구에 사용되는 가스 패널(14)은 처리 가스 수용용 유입구(100)를 가진 단일 매니폴드(152)를 구비한다. The gas panel 14 used in the semiconductor manufacturing tool has a single manifold 152 with an inlet 100 for receiving process gas.

06-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of control valve

Номер: CN108757625A
Автор: 邵立坤


13-07-2016 дата публикации

Water treatment valve with bypass flow mixing device and equipment with water treatment valve

Номер: CN105757291A


23-12-2020 дата публикации

Integrated electronic valve for expansion and switching direction

Номер: KR102194459B1
Автор: 박장식, 전승민, 홍태호

The present invention relates to an electronic expansion and direction switch integrated valve and, more specifically, to a valve capable of forming a flow path supplying a refrigerant by switching from one input port to one of two output ports as well as making a switch to an expansion state, in which a refrigerant is expanded by forming an expansion gap, or a completely open state in which a refrigerant is distributed in its original form without expansion. The electronic expansion and direction switch integrated valve includes: a valve body (100) having a block shape and comprising a flow path (110) formed therein to connect an input port (101), a first output port (102) and a second output port (103); a rotary valve (200) provided to be rotatable in a circumferential direction in the flow path (110), and comprising an expansion recess (210) and an open hole (220); a valve plate (300) comprising a first through hole (301) and a second through hole (302); and a driving member (400) delivering a rotation force to the rotary valve (200). Therefore, the present invention is capable of reducing production costs by simplifying the production of a heat pump applied to an air conditioner for a vehicle, and maximizing user convenience and market competitiveness by enabling the precise control of an air conditioner.
