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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 36472. Отображено 200.
20-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2274868C2

Способ предназначен для оценки и индикации искажений выходного сигнала усилителя звуковой частоты, возникающих вследствие его ограничения сверху в усилителе звуковой частоты (перегрузки усилителя). Измеряют статистический показатель выходного сигнала, такой как дисперсия, среднеквадратическое значение, средневыпрямленное значение, среднее количество выбросов. Сравнивают полученную оценку с заранее установленным пороговым значением. Пороговое значение определяют на основе субъективно-статистической экспертизы, выявляющей степень заметности нелинейных искажений. По результатам сравнения выносят решение об индикации искажений. Способ направлен на повышение эффективности индикации искажений звукового сигнала за счет учета психофизиологических особенностей человека. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

15-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2770332C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству мониторинга электрического состояния аккумулятора. Носимое на теле медицинское устройство содержит батарейные контактные элементы, конденсатор и блок управления. Причем блок управления содержит узел тестирования аккумуляторной батареи, выполненный с возможностью проведения тестирования аккумуляторной батареи, включающего определение первого напряжения U1 конденсатора в первый момент времени t1, определение второго напряжения U2 конденсатора во второй момент времени t2, прохождение тестового тока между первым моментом времени t1 и вторым моментом времени t2. Причем первый момент времени t1 определяется началом прохождения тестового тока, а второй момент времени t2 определяется таким образом, что при прохождении тестового тока напряжение U конденсатора принимает установившийся характер и становится по существу неизменным. Определение степени заряженности аккумуляторной батареи из разности напряжений между первым напряжением U1 конденсатора и вторым ...

18-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2764604C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Технический результат заключается в упрощении конструкции и снижении потребления электроэнергии. Представлена система, генерирующая аэрозоль, содержащая: источник (60) электропитания; электрический нагреватель (40); и схему (100) управления мощностью, присоединенную между источником (60) электропитания и нагревателем (40), причем схема (100) управления мощностью содержит: блок (30) измерения мощности, выполненный с возможностью определения мощности, подаваемой на нагреватель (40) из источника (60) электропитания, и вывода напряжения, соответствующего измеренной мощности, пропорционально мощности, поданной на нагреватель (40); компаратор (10) напряжения, соединенный с блоком (30) измерения мощности и выполненный с возможностью вывода сигнала разности напряжений на основании разности между напряжением, соответствующим измеренной мощности, и эталонным напряжением (V эталонное); и регулятор (12) мощности, присоединенный между источником (60) электропитания ...

27-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2127015C1

Устройство для контроля вторичного источника питания относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано для построения системы с ограниченным количеством каналов телеметрии. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей устройства путем введения контроля работоспособности источников питания. Устройство для контроля вторичного источника питания содержит первый и второй вторичные источники питания, подключенные к шинам питающего напряжения, компаратор, подключенный ко входу первого порогового элемента, второй пороговый элемент, элемент И, выходы первого порогового элемента и элемента И подключены соответственно к входам первого и второго исполнительных блоков, и элемент ИЛИ. Устройство позволяет исключить появление ложной информации при отсутствии или снижении напряжения первичного питания. 1 ил.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Устройство обеспечения непрерывной работоспособности электронных устройств при перенапряжениях и коротких высоковольтных импульсах в бортовой сети транспортного средства

Номер: RU193906U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехнике и может быть использована для защиты электронных устройств от высоких пиковых напряжений сети, а также от возникновения на длительный период времени высокого постоянного напряжения на линиях питания, превышающее в несколько раз номинальное. Задачей полезной модели является создание устройства, защищающего электронные приборы от высоких пиковых и постоянных значений напряжения бортовой сети ТС, приводящих к их выходу из строя. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение надежности работы такого устройства защиты. Технический результат полезной модели достигается при использовании устройства обеспечения непрерывной работоспособности электронных устройств при перенапряжениях и коротких высоковольтных импульсах в бортовой сети ТС, содержащего блок защиты элементов электронного устройства от коротких высоковольтных импульсов, высоковольтный высокоскоростной электронный ключ с управляющим входом, фильтр низких частот, блок отслеживания ...

27-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689323C1

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат – обеспечение контроля электрических параметров источника в процессе его работы у потребителя. Устройство для контроля параметров вторичного источника бесперебойного питания содержит компьютер, подключенный к микроконтроллеру, выход которого соединен с запоминающим устройством, а входы подключены к аналого-цифровому преобразователю и генератору, управляемому напряжением, который связан с блоком сжатия. Блок сжатия содержит четыре дифференцирующих усилителя, выходы которых подключены к сумматору, который связан с генератором, управляемым напряжением, а входы дифференцирующих усилителей подключены к входам аналого-цифрового преобразователя и выходам согласующего устройства, к входам которого подключены входная сеть и выход вторичного источника бесперебойного питания, вход которого подключен к входной сети, а выход - к нагрузке. 3 ил.

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Система накопления и распределения энергии и способ ее эксплуатации

Номер: RU2737616C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к системам накопления и распределения энергии. Технический результат заключается в повышении стабильности работы системы. Достигается тем, что блок управления преобразователем имеет входы измерения мгновенных значений напряжения источника питания и нагрузки, тока нагрузки, тока звена переменного тока преобразователя, входы измерения тока и напряжения звена постоянного тока преобразователя, блок управления преобразователем выполнен с возможностью сохранять алгоритмы работы системы и объединен с двунаправленным преобразователем. К блоку управления преобразователем может быть функционально подключен электронный ключ и цепь измерения напряжения сети. Подсистема накопления может быть выполнена на суперконденсаторах или по комбинированной схеме. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

04-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729176C1

Датчик наличия высокого напряжения, включающий корпус датчика (1), шинку (2), выходящую из корпуса датчика, и разъем для индикатора (3), установленный на корпусе датчика, отличающийся тем, что содержит блок датчика из последовательно соединенных резисторов (4) и конденсаторов (5), установленный внутри корпуса так, что с одной стороны соединен с шинкой, а с другой стороны - с разъемом для индикатора.Техническим результатом при реализации заявленного решения является повышение точности определения наличия высокого напряжения и уменьшение габаритных размеров. Также такой датчик имеет относительно низкий вес и небольшие габариты, что придает удобство при установке на уже существующих устройствах. Отсутствие магнитных свойств способствует независимости влияния на датчик больших динамических усилий, возникающих в распределительных устройствах при коротких замыканиях. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94032108A

Изобретение относится к области приборостроения, в частности к электроизмерительным приборам с трехпозиционным регулированием. Электроизмерительный прибор с трехпозиционным регулированием содержит опорные источники, первый и второй компараторы, блок выбора индикации, устройство индикации со схемой управления, первый и второй элементы И, первый и второй элементы ИЛИ. Новым в устройстве является снабжение третьим и четвертым элементами И, двумя элементами НЕ и двумя управляющими входами, при этом управляющий вход соединен с вторым входом первого элемента И, первым входом третьего элемента И и через первый элемент НЕ - с первым входом четвертого элемента И, а второй управляющий вход соединен с первым входом второго элемента И, вторым входом четвертого элемента И и через второй элемент НЕ - со свободным входом первого элемента И, прямой выход первого компаратора соединен со свободным входом второго элемента И, прямой выход второго компаратора соединен со свободным входом четвертого элемента ...

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93048254A

Устройство визуального контроля величины напряжения относится к области измерительной техники и может найти широкое применение в автомобильных средствах, где необходим как постоянный контроль за напряжением сети, так и при поисках неисправностей электрооборудования. Прилагаемое устройство содержит два резистивных делителя, соединенных в мостовую схему, пороговый элемент на стабилитроне и резисторе и два светодиода, включенных последовательно, при этом их средняя точка соединена со средней точкой порогового элемента. Устройство обеспечивает визуальный контроль номинальной величины напряжения, при этом горят оба светодиода; контроль минимального напряжения, при этом горит один светодиод красного свечения; контроль максимального напряжения, при этом горит светодиод зеленого свечения.

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003129015A

... 1. Контур управления установкой удаления покрытий с деталей, отличающийся тем, что он содержит средство измерения потенциала между деталью и электродом сравнения и генерирования выходного сигнала разности потенциалов, средство сравнения упомянутого выходного сигнала разности потенциалов с заданной величиной напряжения и вырабатывания выходного сигнала на уменьшение разницы между выходным сигналом разности потенциалов и заданной величиной напряжения, и средство подачи тока на упомянутую деталь. 2. Контур управления по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит средство обеспечения упомянутого средства сравнения заданной величиной напряжения. 3. Контур управления по п.2, отличающийся тем, что упомянутое средство обеспечения заданной величиной напряжения содержит цифро-аналоговый преобразователь. 4. Контур управления по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутое средство измерения содержит электрометр. 5. Контур управления по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый электрод сравнения содержит ...

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94032108A1

Изобретение относится к области приборостроения, в частности к электроизмерительным приборам с трехпозиционным регулированием. Электроизмерительный прибор с трехпозиционным регулированием содержит опорные источники, первый и второй компараторы, блок выбора индикации, устройство индикации со схемой управления, первый и второй элементы И, первый и второй элементы ИЛИ. Новым в устройстве является снабжение третьим и четвертым элементами И, двумя элементами НЕ и двумя управляющими входами, при этом управляющий вход соединен с вторым входом первого элемента И, первым входом третьего элемента И и через первый элемент НЕ - с первым входом четвертого элемента И, а второй управляющий вход соединен с первым входом второго элемента И, вторым входом четвертого элемента И и через второй элемент НЕ - со свободным входом первого элемента И, прямой выход первого компаратора соединен со свободным входом второго элемента И, прямой выход второго компаратора соединен со свободным входом четвертого элемента ...

30-07-1991 дата публикации

Многоуровневый статистический анализатор площади выбросов и провалов напряжения

Номер: SU1667105A1

Изобретение относится к информационно-измерительной технике и может быть использовано для контроля качества электроэнергии в промышленных электрических сетях. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей за счет получения семейства функций распределения площади превышения выбросами и провалами напряжения различных уровней анализа. Анализатор содержит нуль - орган 2, каналы обработки информации, которые состоят из вычитателей 4, 5, нуль - органов 9, 10 и интеграторов 8, 7, коммутатор 11, источник 6 опорного напряжения, генератор 13 прямоугольных импульсов, аналого-цифровой преобразователь 12, счетчик 15, блоки 16, 17 памяти, компаратор 18, элемент И - НЕ 19, одновибраторы 14, 20, аналоговые ключи и инвертор. 3 ил.

02-12-1968 дата публикации


Номер: SU223906A1

23-01-1991 дата публикации

Пороговый вольтметр

Номер: SU1622825A1

07-12-1992 дата публикации

Измерительный прибор с линейным дисплеем

Номер: SU1780031A1

Использование: в электроизмерительной технике, в индикаторных приборах различного назначения. Сущность изобретения: измерительный прибор с линейным дисплеем содержит блок управле ния. два N-разрядных регистра памяти, два N-разрядных цифровых компаратора, два блока записи, аналоговый компаратор, элемент переключения, первый генератор, группу из N двухвходовых элементов ИЛИ- НЕ. труппу из N стробируемых инверторов, группу из N стробируемых повторителей, линейный дисплей, второй генератор и N- разрядный параллельный аналого-цифровой преобразователь. 1 ил.

07-11-1991 дата публикации

Электроизмерительный прибор

Номер: SU1689864A1

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Устройство индикации напряжения

Номер: SU1366958A1

Изобретение может быть использовано в переносной аппаратуре с универсальным питанием. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей устройства. Устройство содержит формирователь 1 порогового уровня, резисторы 4 и 5, све- тодиод 6 и нагрузку 12. Введение элемента 7 с односторонней проводимостью , в качестве которого может быть использован диод, обеспечивает возможность индикации как разряда батареи 11 гальванических элементов, так и индикации включения сетевого блока 14 питания. 1 ил.

07-12-1987 дата публикации

Двухпороговый компаратор

Номер: SU1357860A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано для определения выхода напряжения из установленных пределов, а также в качестве дифференциального дискриминатора. Целью изобретения является расширение диапазона регулирования уровней и повышение точности. Для достижения цели в устройство, содержащее сдвоенный компаратор 1, резисторы 2 и 3, источники 6 и 7 питания , полевой транзистор 13 и резистор 14, дополнительно введены р-п-р-тран- зистор 4, п-р-п-транзистор 5, два делителя 8 и 9 напряжения, резисторы 10 и 11, переменный резистор 12. При этом изменением сопротивления резистора 12 достигается установка пороговых уровней в положительной и отрицательной областях диапазона пороговых уровней. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. (Л 00 ел vj СХ) ф ...

12-10-1973 дата публикации

Датчик импульсных сигналов

Номер: SU401926A1
Автор: Шикалов Л.Ф.

30-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1812512C

23-11-1987 дата публикации

Устройство контроля амплитуды переменного напряжения

Номер: SU1354122A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть исполь-.- зовано в приборах допускового контроля и в автоматизированных системах управления. Цель изобретения - повышение быстродействия, точности и расширение функциональных возможностей устройства. Устройство содержит формирователи 1, 2 и 8 импульсов, элемент 3 совпадения, злементы И 5 и 6, реверсивный счетчик 7, пороговый элемент 12, делитель 14 частоты и триггер 19. Введение элемента 4 совпадения, формирователей 9 и 10: импульсЬв, фазовращателя 11, генератора 13 импульсов, элементов И 16- 18, инверторов 20 и 21 и формировате- .ля 22 кода сокращает время уравновешивания , уменьшает допусковый интервал и обеспечивает сравнение и контроль двух переменных напряжений. 2 ил. КЛ с 00 СП 4 ND to ...

15-05-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для допускового контроля напряжений

Номер: SU1310738A1

Устройство для допускового контроля напряжения содержит входные шины (Ш) 1,2, выходную Ш 3, компаратор 4, резисторы 5, 6, диоды 7, 8, масштабирующие усилители 9, содержащие транзистор 10-13 и резистивнйе делители 14, 15 напряжения, плюсовую и минусовую Ш 16, 17 источников питания . Изобретение позволяет расширить область использования устройства за счет обеспечения возможности сравнения двух парафазных переменных напряжений . 2 ил. «: -USx со Фиг.1, ...

15-07-1985 дата публикации

Датчик для контроля проводимости вентилей

Номер: SU1167516A1

ДАТЧИК ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ ПРОВОДИМОСТИ ВЕНТИЛЕЙ, содержащий оптрон, выход которого включен в цепь соединения контрольного резистора с выходом первого источника питания, три канала связи с вентилями , снабженных индивидуальными токоограничивакядими резисторами, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения надежности работы и КПД, в него введены три компаратора, три ключа, второй источник питания и четвертый токоограничивающий резистор , причем сигнальные входы компараторов подключены к выходам соответствующих каналов связи с вентилями , выход второго источника питания соединен с питающими входами компараторов и через четвертый токоограничивающий резистор - с входом (Л оптрона, ключи включены параллельно входу оптрона и управляющими входами соединены с выходами соответствющих компараторов.

30-01-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля напряжения

Номер: SU1137406A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ, содержащее два входных зажцма противоположной полярности, измерительный мост, в первое плечо которого включены стабилитрон и два термостабилизирующих диода, соединенные последовательно, а в каждое из трех других плеч включен резистор , один вывод питающей диагонали измерительного моста, образованный объединенными вьшодами анода стабилитрона первого плеча и резистора второго плеча, присоединен к отрицатель:ному входному зажиму, а другой ее вьшод, образованный объединенными вьгеодами резисторов третьего и четвертого плеч связан с положительным входным зажимом, первый транзистор р-гьр-типа, переход база-эмиттер которого включен в измерительную диагональ моста, при зтом эмиттер транзистора соединен с анодом термостабил лизиручнцего диода первого плеча, а база связана с объединенными выводами резисторов второго и четвертого плеч, делитель напряжения, выполненный в виде двух резисторов, соединенных последовательно, связанный одним крайним выводом с положительным ...

30-09-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля падения напряжения на коммутирующих контактах системы зажигания автомобиля

Номер: SU1045144A1

... 1, УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ ПАДЕНИЯ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ НА КОММУТИРУЮЩИХСЯ КОНТАКТАХ СИСТЕМЫ ЗАЖИГАНИЯ АВТОМОБИЛЯ , содержащее цепь ограничения и защиты, выполненную в виде ограничивающего резистора, один вывод которого связан с входньм зажимом, и стабилитрона, катод которого присоединен к другому выводу ограничивающего резистора, . , соединен с общим зажимом, иэмерительную цепь, включающую транзисторный ключ, управляющий вход которого через резистор связан с входнь .зажимом, индикатор и источник питания измерительной цепи, отличающееся тем, что,с целью повьпиения точности измерения и снижения времени контроля, в измерительную цепь дополнительно введены компаратор со стройируюсшм входом и источник опорного напряжения, причем 1нвертирующий вход компаратора соединен с катодом стабилитрона цепи ограничения и защиты, неинвертирующий вход компаратора присоединен к выходу источника опорного напряжения, вход Q которого соединен с источнике пита- tt НИН измерительной цепи, стробирую (Л щий .вход, компаратора ...

07-02-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля электронной схемы

Номер: SU1456917A1

Изобретение относится к контрольно-измерительной технике. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей устройства. Устройство содержит источники 1 и 2 тока, транзисторы 3-5, операционные усилители 7 и 8 и резисторы 9 и 10. Введение блока 11 контроля тока , включающего два компаратора и резистор , обеспечивает возможность контроля тока, потребляемого контролируемым выводом злектронной схемы. 2 ил. (Л 4 са О) со фиг.1 19 го 12 /J ...

07-09-1989 дата публикации

Аналого-дискретный преобразователь напряжения

Номер: SU1506370A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано в измерителях постоянного напряжения в качестве преобразователя аналоговых значений измеряемых напряжений в дискретные. Целью изобретения является повышение чувствительности устройства и уменьшение тока потребления. Входное напряжение подается на подложку входного полевого транзистора 3, затвор которого соединен с затворами транзисторных переключателей 1.1-1.N. Опорное напряжение источника 5 опорного напряжения подается на подложку транзисторных ключей 1.1-1.N через N-ступенчатый делитель 4 напряжения. Нагрузочными элементами 2.1-2.N транзисторных переключателей служат токовые зеркала, на которых формируется выходной код. 2 ил.

15-11-1989 дата публикации

Электроизмерительный показывающий прибор

Номер: SU1522115A1

Изобретение относится к электроизмерительной технике и может быть использовано для отображения информации. Цель изобретения - повышение точности отображения. Прибор содержит газоразрядный индикатор 1, блок управления 2, формирователь анодного напряжения 3, триггеры 4,8, генератор импульсов 5, счетчик 6, генератор ступенчатого напряжения 7, компаратор 9, регистр сдвига 11, элемент И 12, элемент ИЛИ 13, делитель частоты 14. Цель изобретения достигается за счет введения режима импульсной индикации дополнительного катода индикатора. 2 ил.

07-06-1988 дата публикации

Индикатор состояния источника питания

Номер: SU1401392A1

Изобретение может быть использовано для встроенного контроля уровня напряжения и тока нагрузки источников питания различных радиоэлектронных устройств при помощи одного элемента индикации . Индикатор содержит компараторы I и 2, генераторы 5 и 6. Введение датчика 4 тока нагрузки, элементов И-НЕ 7 и 8 и образование новых функциональных связей позволяют одновременно контролировать как напряжение источника 3 питания , так и его ток нагрузки, что расширяет функциональные возможности индикатора и повышает достоверность контроля состояния источника 3 питания. 1 ил. (О ...

07-04-1988 дата публикации

Способ сравнения двух гармонических сигналов одинаковой частоты по амплитуде и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1386927A1

Изобретение относится к области электроизмерительной техники и может быть использовано при допусковом контроле параметров изделий электронной техники. Цель изобретения - повышение точности сравнения амплитуд двух переменных напряжений . Способ основан на определении интервала времени между моментами перехода каждого из сравниваемых напряжений и, (t) и Uj (t) через опорный нулевой уровень, фиксировании мгновенных значений и, и U2 переменных напряжений в момент времени, соответствующий середине этого временного интервала, и сравнении полученных мгновенных значений U, и V по модулю. Устройство для реализации данного способа содержит пороговые элементы I и 2, триггеры 3 и 4, элементы И 5 и 6, счетчики 9 и 10 и ключи 12 и 13, а также генератор 7 импульсов, делитель 8 частоты, элемент 16 сравнения и цифровой компаратор 11. Устройство обеспечивает совмещение моментов фиксирования мгновенных значений сравниваемых напряжений . 2 с.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. I (Л ...

23-07-1988 дата публикации

Устройство контроля напряжения

Номер: SU1411956A1

Изобретение относится к импульсной технике и может быть использовано в приборостроении для контроля перегрузки измерительных усилителей. Цель изобретения - повышение помехозащищенности достигается за счет исключения влияния помех, длительность которых не превышает определенную величину,и помех,имеющих величину превышающую заданные отрицательные и положительные эталонные напряжения. Устройство содержит дифференциальные усилители 1 и 2,входную шину 3,переменные резисторы 4 и 5,резистор 6,ключ 7, опорные источники 8 и 9 отрицательного и положительного напряжения соответственно , элемент И-НК 10, элемент 11 задержки, выход 12 устройства. В устройстве исключено ложное срабатывание от помех в виде узких положительных и отрицательных импульсов, величина которых превьш1ает заданные отрицательные и положительные эталонные напряжения, что повышает помехозащищенность по сравнению с известными аналогичными устройствами. 2 ил, Ф (Л с: ...

15-06-1988 дата публикации

Измеритель нестабильности напряжения переменного тока

Номер: SU1402953A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике. Цель изобретения - повышение быстродействия и расширение функциональных возможностей измерителя . Измеритель содержит источник 1 опорных напряжений, однополу- периодные преобразователи 2 и 3 среднеквадратичного значения напряжения и нуль-орган 6. Введение коммутатора 4, логометра 5 нуль-органа 7 и образование новых функциональных связей обеспечивают измерение асимметрии исследуемого напряжения. 1 ип. с б ...

23-09-1991 дата публикации

Статистический анализатор

Номер: SU1679400A1

Изобретение относится к электроизмерительной технике и может быть использовано при настройке сложных электронных защит. Цель изобретения - упрощение устройства . Устройство содержит многоуровневый блок 1 сравнения, коммутатор 2, счетчики 4.1-4.N, генератор 9 импульсов, индикатор 13. Использование в качестве счетчиков 4.1-4.N счетчиков-делителей частоты , а также введение в устройство блока 5 элементов ИЛИ, блока 6 разрешения счета, счетчика-делителя 7 частоты, блока 8 управления , элементов И 10 и 11. счетчика 12 обеспечивают заданную емкость накопителей (счетчиков) меньшим числом микросхем, что особенно выгодно при большом числе анализируемых уровней. 1 ил.

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Индикатор уровня напряжения постоянного тока

Номер: SU1707555A1

Изобретение относится к области электроизмерений и может быть-использовано для индикации уровня напряже- . ний постоянного тока. Целью изобретения является повышение стабильности работы устройства. Измеряемые напряжения через масштабирующий усилитель 1 поступают на затвор полевого транзистора 12, изменяя сопротивление его канала и постоянную времени заряда конденсатора 1. Преобразователь 2 напряжения в скважность импульсов оы- рабатывает по окончании запускающего импульса, вырабатываемого делителем 8 частоты, импульс, длительность которого пропорциональна величине входного напряжения. В течение этого импульса счетчик 3 считает импульсы генератора 7 тактовых импульсов о Дешиф-. ратор Ь преобразует изменяющийся код счетчика 3 в унитарный код и засвечивает поочередно элементы индикации 5.1-5.N. Введение делителя 8 частоты, масштабирующего усилителя 1 и выполнение преобразователя 2 напряжения в скважность импульсов в виде инверторов 9 и 11, диода 10, конденсатора , полевого транзистора 12 позволяет ...

28-02-1986 дата публикации

Дискретно-аналоговый измерительный прибор

Номер: SU1215037A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано в ЩИТОВЫХ: электроизмерительных приборах. Цель изобретения - повьшение удобства эксплуатации - достигается путем одновременной индикации на одном индикаторе измеряемой величийы и уставок. Дополнительно достигается индикация измеряемой величины и уставок различными цветами свечения. Устройство содержит аналого-цифровой преобразователь (АЦП) I,входную шину 2, задатчики 3 и 4 уставок, генератор 6, оптоэлектронный счетный блок 7, со шкалой и линейкой 8 светоиз- лучающих элементов, блок 9 управления , распределитель 12 импульсов, управляемый источник 13 тока. Для достижения поставленной цели в устройство введены коммутатор 5, распределитель 12 импульсов на пять- шесть направлений и логические элементы ИЛИ 10 и НЕ 11. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. (Л СП О оо ...

07-10-1981 дата публикации

Сигнализатор напряжения

Номер: SU871086A1

07-05-1983 дата публикации

Многоканальное устройство для контроля постоянных напряжений

Номер: SU1016748A1

МНОГОКАНАЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ ПОСТОЯНШОХ НАПРЯЖЕНИЙ, содержащее Общие дяя всех каналов генератор импульсов, источник эта- , лонного напряжения и блок совпаде , ния, выход которого подключен к входу индикатора, индивидуальные канальные компаратор, одии вход к аждого из которых соединен с выходом источника контролируемого напряжения , а выход через соответствующие детектор и фильтр - с одним нз входов блока совпадения, отличающееся тем, что, с целью расширения функциональных возможностей устройства путем обеспечения возможности оценки степени и направления отклонения контролируемых напряжений от номинальных величин, в каждый из каналов введены резкстивный cyNwaTop, интегратор и вольтметр , а общий генератсф импульсов выполнен в виде источника напряжения треугольной формы, причем каждый резистивный сумматор установлен на другом входе канального компаратора и входами соединен с выходами источника эталонногчэ напряжения ko и генератсфа импульсов, вход каждого интегратора подключен к ...

07-08-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для допускового контроля напряжения

Номер: SU1583861A1

Изобретение относится к электроизмерительной технике и может быть применено в автоматических системах регулирования и контроля. Цель изобретения - повышение стабильности точностных характеристик устройства. Устройство содержит операционный усилитель 1, ключ 5, переключатели 2 и 3, источник 11 опорного напряжения. Введение переключателя 4, конденсаторов 6, 7 и 8 и блока 9 управления обеспечивает высокую точность допускового контроля напряжения в течение длительной эксплуатации устройства. 3 ил.

30-06-1974 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля напряжения трехфазной сети

Номер: SU434532A1

15-03-1990 дата публикации

Двухпороговое устройство

Номер: SU1550431A1

Изобретение касается электроизмерений и может быть использовано для допускового контроля напряжения. Целью изобретения является повышение точности контроля запусковых зон в условиях изменения величины напряжения питания. Поставленная цель достигается в результате использования пары биполярных транзисторов 1 и 2 разного типа проводимости, базы которых через две разные пары встречно включенных диодов 6, 7 соединены с входной шиной. Устройство содержит логический элемент ИСКЛЮЧАЮЩЕЕ ИЛИ 9, который является индикатором оценки напряжения входного сигнала. 2 ил.

23-12-1990 дата публикации

Индикатор постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1615634A2

Изобретение относится к электроизмерительной технике и может быть использовано для дистанционного контроля и индикации наличия и отклонения напряжений от заданных уровней. Целью изобретения является расширение области применения индикатора постоянного напряжения за счет обеспечения дистанционного контроля, т.е.передачи результата контроля на большие расстояния с помощью высокочастотного колебания, отношение амплитуд гармонических составляющих которого определяется контролируемым напряжением. Индикатор содержит источник 1 постоянного напряжения, последовательно соединенные генератор 2 синусоидальных колебаний, усилитель 3 напряжения, среду 4 распространения колебаний, первый полосовой фильтр 5.1, первый амплитудный детектор 6.1 и делитель 7 напряжения, а также первый и второй компараторы 8.1 и 8.2, второй фильтр 5.2, второй амплитудный детектор 6.2, управляемые генераторы 9.1 и 9.2 и элемент 10 сигнализации. При этом усилитель 3 напряжения содержит биполярный транзистор 11, резисторы 12,13,16 ...

07-05-1991 дата публикации

Электроизмерительный показывающий прибор

Номер: SU1647438A2

Изобретение относится к электроизмерительной технике и может быть использовано для отображения информации с повышенной точностью. Цель изобретения повышение точности отображения за счет более полного использования сигнализирующих возможностей индикатора Прибор содержит газоразрядный дискретно-аналоговый индикатор 1, блок 2 управления, формирователь 3 анодного напряжения, генератор 5 тактовых импульсов, генератор 7 ступенчато-пилообразного напряжения, триггеры 4 и 12 задержки, регистр 10 сдвига, счетчик 6, делитель 15 частоты, компаратор 8, элемент И 11 и элемент ИЛИ 14. Введение делителя 16 частоты и триггера 13 задержки , установочного входа делителя 15 и дополнительного установочного входа триггера 12 и новых связей обеспечивает уменьшение погрешности отображения до Jb1/6n, где п - количество дискретных элементов индикатора. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил ел ...

30-05-1984 дата публикации

Дискриминатор напряжения по двум допусковым границам

Номер: SU1095082A1

ДИСКРИМИНАТОР НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ ПО ДВУМ ДОПУСКОВЫМ ГРАНИЦАМ, содержащий туннельный диод сравнения по верхней допусковой границе, туннельный диод сравнения по нижней допусковой границе , первые из выводов которых подсоединены к общей шине, вторые - через резисторы - к источнику контролируемых импульсов, источники допуско;вых напряжений по верхней и нижней допусковым границам, каждый из которых соединен через резистор с соответствующим туннельным диодом, и логический блок, входы которого соединены с вторыми выводами туннельных диодов, a выход - с выходом устройства, отличающийся тем, что, с целью расширения функциональных возможностей, в него введены источник импульсов питания туннельных диодов, блок синхронизации, полупроводниковый диод и два резистора, при этом источник импульсов питания туннельных диодов соединен с вторыми выводами туннельных диодов через соответствующие введенные резисторы, блок синхронизации включен между источником импульсов питания туннельных диодов и источником контролируемых ...

05-04-1974 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU423059A1

20-08-2015 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Testen einer Leistungsversorgung

Номер: DE102010000953B4

Verfahren zum Überprüfen eines Bauelements, das an einen Ausgang einer Leistungsversorgung gekoppelt ist, wobei das Verfahren aufweist: Messen eines Frequenzgangs zwischen einem Regeleingang der Leistungsversorgung und einem Ausgang der Leistungsversorgung; Auswerten des Frequenzgangs unter Verwendung einer vorgegebenen Metrik; basierend auf der Auswertung: Bestimmen des Bauelements als korrekt oder nicht korrekt.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Störimpuls-Detektionsschaltung und intelligente Karte

Номер: DE0010324875B4

Störimpuls-Detektionsschaltung für einen integrierten Schaltungschip mit einem ersten Spannungsteiler (522), einem zweiten Spannungsteiler (524) und einem dritten Spannungsteiler (526), die jeweils wenigstens zwei Widerstände (R12, R11, R22, R21, R32, R31) umfassen, die in Reihe zwischen einer Betriebsspannung (VDD) und Masse (GND) eingeschleift sind, einem ersten Spannungskomparator (542) mit einem ersten Eingangsanschluss (COMPIN1), der mit einem ersten Knoten (S1) zwischen den beiden Widerständen (R12, R11) des ersten Spannungsteilers (522) gekoppelt ist, um eine erste Knotenspannung (V1) zu empfangen, und mit einem zweiten Eingangsanschluss (COMPIN2), der mit einem zweiten Knoten (S2) zwischen den beiden Widerständen (R22, R21) des zweiten Spannungsteilers (524) gekoppelt ist, um eine zweite Knotenspannung (V2) zu empfangen, wobei der erste Spannungskomparator (542) ein erstes Vergleichssignal am Ausgangsanschluss (COMPOUT1) in Abhängigkeit von der Spannungsdifferenz (V2 V1) zwischen ...

12-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002547495A1

14-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069512001D1

27-05-1992 дата публикации

Monitoring circuitry for electrical resistance esp. of heating resistance wire - has measuring resistor in series with heating element and voltage comparator

Номер: DE0004037115A1

The circuitry detects and monitors the electrical resistance of an ohmic appliance supplied with a.c. esp. a heating element. A measuring resistor (1) in series with the appliance (8) ascertains the flow of current through the latter. A voltage compartor (5) generates a logic control pulse if the supply voltage exceeds or drops below a preset value for a working time measuring point. A sample-and-hold circuit (4) stores the instantaneous value of the current flow through the measuring resistor when the control pulse is generated. An operational amplifier (2) is connected to the voltage terminal (5) of the measuring resistor. USE/ADVANTAGE - Ascertaining instantaneous temp. value from knowledge of temp. coefft. Detecting resistance changes caused by aging processes, esp. when caused by oxidation, offering change before failure occurs. Esp. useful in air conditioning installation where air flow can be reduced or blocked, e.g. by failure of fan. The resulting excess temp. can lead to damage ...

18-10-2007 дата публикации

Elektronische medizinische Geräte mit Warnungsfunktion bei niedriger Stromspannung

Номер: DE202007009301U1

Ein elektronisch medizinisches Gerät mit Warnfunktion, umfassend ein elektronisches Thermometer, umfassend: ein Gehäuse, das eine erste Öffnung und eine zweite Öffnung hat, und das in seinem Inneren einen Platz für mindestens eine elektrische Batterie aufweist; ein Messgeber, der auf der ersten Öffnung des Gehäuses angebracht ist und angepaßt ist, um mit dem Messobjekt in Kontakt zu kommen oder es zu erkennen, wobei das zweite Endteil des Messgebers demgegenüber im Inneren des Gehäuses angebracht ist; eine Anzeigentafel, die in der zweiten Öffnung des Gehäuses eingelassen ist; ein elektronischer Steuerkreis, der im inneren des Gehäuses untergebracht und mit dem Messgeber und der Anzeigetafel verbunden ist, zum Messen der Spannung der elektrischen Batterie, wobei der elektronische Steuerkreis eine festgelegte Verarbeitungseinrichtung für eine erste und eine zweite Spannungsstufe und eine mit Warnsignalausgabe bei niedriger Spannungsstufe aufweist; wobei, wenn das elektronische Thermometer ...

20-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003780459D1

20-07-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002602560C3
Принадлежит: HITACHI, LTD., TOKIO

02-11-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002533577B2

20-08-1998 дата публикации

Driver- and overload protection circuit for electric switch arrangement

Номер: DE0019702602C1

The protection circuit comprises a two-stage comperator circuit (comp1, comp2) which is supplied with switching control pulses with a minimum pulse duration. The two-stage comperator circuit has a first, lower and a second, higher comperator threshold value. When the lower comperator threshold is overstepped through a switching control pulse, the electric switch arrangement (Q1) is activated. An overload detection circuit (comp3) is provided, which causes a switching off of the electric switch arrangement at a detection of an overload of the electric switch. Any overload signal of the overload detector arrangement is blocked, as long as the momentary voltage value of the respective switching control pulse does not lie above the upper comperator threshold, so that switching-on voltage spikes, e.g. when switching capacitive loads, do not lead to a switching off of the arrangement.

20-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002552691C3

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Switching circuit for increasing reliability of ground connection, has measuring device is provided for detecting differential voltage between two ground terminals, where measuring device is provided with differential amplifier

Номер: DE102012019186A1

The switching circuit (30) has two ground terminals (31,32) electrically connected to each other through a switch (40). A measuring device (62) is provided for detecting a differential voltage (Ud) between the ground terminals. A magnitude of the measured differential voltage is compared to a predetermined reference voltage (Ur) by a comparator (64), while the result is stored in a bistable memory (66). The switch is operated in a forward position, when the magnitude of the measured differential voltage exceeds predetermined reference voltage. The measuring device has a differential amplifier. An independent claim is included for a method for increasing reliability of a ground connection.

03-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002542605B2

18-08-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003045441C2

25-11-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003106683C2

02-12-2021 дата публикации

Magnetisch-induktive Durchflussmessvorrichtung

Номер: DE102020114517A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein magnetisch-induktives Durchflussmessgerät (1), umfassend:- eine Vorrichtung (5) zum Erzeugen eines Magnetfeldes mit einer Selbstinduktivität (L), wobei die Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen des Magnetfeldes eine Spulenanordnung (24) umfasst;- eine Vorrichtung (8) zum Abgreifen einer im fließfähigen Medium induzierten Messspannung;- eine Betriebsschaltung (7), welche dazu eingerichtet ist ein Betriebssignal (11) an die Spulenanordnung (24) aufzubringen, wobei das Betriebssignal (11) Betriebssignalparameter aufweist;- eine Messschaltung (23), welche dazu eingerichtet ist einen Spulenstrom (I) der Spulenanordnung zu bestimmen;- eine Reglerschaltung (10), welche dazu eingerichtet ist mindestens einen der Betriebssignalparametern so zu regeln, dass eine, von einem Selbstinduktionswert der Selbstinduktion (L) und einem Spulenstromwert des Spulenstromes (I) abhängige Funktion nicht von einem vorgegebenen ersten Sollwert abweicht.

04-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002364313A1

13-01-1994 дата публикации

Test unit for detecting resistance and voltage presence or drop e.g. for vehicle - has connectors for coupling leads to positive and negative terminals of battery, manually-operated switch for controlling supply of current, and protection switch against cable burning due to short-circuit

Номер: DE0004317598A1

Two leads (3a, 3b) are connected to the positive pole and the other to the negative pole of a DC source. A switch (7) is provided supplying the probe (18) with current of differing polarity or with no current. A protective switch (11) prevents cable burn out with short circuit. The two leads (3a, 3b) at their ends remote from the test unit are provided respectively with terminal tongs (4a, 4b). USE/ADVANTAGE - Test passage of current and polarity. Test unit can additionally carry out functionability and voltage drop testing. No problem occurs with closing of current circuit.

11-11-2004 дата публикации

Unit for sensing physical quantity

Номер: DE102004014728A1

Es wird eine Sensoreinheit zum Erfassen einer physikalischen Größe geschaffen, welche eine erste Spannungsauswerteschaltung, eine zweite Spannungsauswerteschaltung, eine Alarmsignalausgabeschaltung und eine Sensorausgangsschaltung aufweist. Die erste Spannungsauswerteschaltung wertet eine Versorgungsspannung aus, indem sie diese mit einer Referenzspannung vergleicht und ein Störsignal ausgibt, wenn die Versorgungsspannung unter einer ersten vorbestimmten Spannung liegt. Die zweite Spannungsauswerteschaltung, welche in einem niedrigeren Spannungsbereich arbeitet, in welchem die erste Spannungsauswerteschaltung unempfindlich ist, gibt das Störsignal aus, wenn die Versorgungsspannung unter einer zweiten vorbestimmten Spannung liegt. Die Alarmsignalausgabeschaltung gibt ein Alarmsignal als Reaktion auf das Störsignal aus. Die Sensorausgangsschaltung gibt ein Sensorsignal aus und sperrt die Schaltung, derart, dass diese das Sensorsignal als Reaktion auf das Störsignal nicht ausgeben kann, so ...

26-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004002209T2
Автор: LEIP G, LEIP, G.

30-03-1978 дата публикации

Voltage ratio monitoring network - changes state when defined ratio occurs and has summing network connected to multiplier circuit

Номер: DE0002734097A1

A network is used for monitoring the ratio of two input signal voltages which change state when a certain predefined ratio occurs. The system is accurate, stable and has accurately defined hysteresis. The circuit is more accurate than a combination of Schmitt triggers which can be used for this purpose. The incoming signals (U1, U2), are fed to a summing network (3) the output of which is fed to a multiplier circuit (6) to which a sign signal derived from a comparator (4) is also fed. The output of this is fed with one input to a further analogue comparator (7) and this feeds the sign comparator (4) in a feedback loop which latches and unlatches at accurately defined levels in the manner required.

28-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002811594A1

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Spannungsdetektionsvorrichtigung für eine zusammengesetzte Batterie

Номер: DE102014223323A1

Eine Spannungsdetektionsvorrichtung für eine zusammengesetzte Batterie zum Detektieren einer Spannung an einer zusammengesetzten Batterie, die eine Vielzahl von in Reihe geschalteten Einzelbatterien umfasst, umfasst: Einzelbatteriespannungsdetektionsschaltungen, die Spannungen an den jeweiligen Einzelbatterien detektieren; Einzelbatteriespannungsdetektionsanschlüsse, die mit Enden der Einzelbatterien verbunden sind; Verbinder, die die Einzelbatteriespannungsdetektionsanschlüsse und die Einzelbatterien verbinden; Spannungsdetektionsanschlüsse TH/TL, die Spannungen an jeweils einer der Einzelbatterien, die an jeweils einem Ende in der zusammengesetzten Batterie angeordnet ist, detektieren, eine Spannungsdetektionsschaltung für eine zusammengesetzte Batterie, die eine Potentialdifferenz zwischen den Spannungsdetektionsanschlüssen detektiert; einen Einzelbatteriespannungssummenberechner, der eine Summe der von den Einzelbatteriespannungsdetektionsschaltungen detektierten Spannungen berechnet ...

24-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002341405A1

25-08-2011 дата публикации

Motoransteuereinrichtung mit Spannungsausfall-Detektionsfunktion

Номер: DE102010055225A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Motoransteuereinrichtung, die eine Spannungsausfalldetektion gemäß einer Spannungsausfalltoleranz mit einer relativ einfachen Konfiguration genau erzielt. Eine Zählereingangs-Berechnungseinheit bestimmt als einen Zählereingangswert einen Wert, der umgekehrt proportional zur Spannungsausfalltoleranz ist, die aus einem Spannungsamplitudenwert bestimmt wird, und liefert den Zählereingangswert an einen Zähler. Der Zähler akkumuliert den Eingangswert in vorgegebenen Intervallen und gibt einen Ausgangswert aus. Ein Komparator bestimmt, dass ein Spannungsausfall stattfindet, wenn der Ausgang des Zählers einen Schwellenwert überschreitet.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung und Verfahren zur Bereitstellung der Sollgröße einer Stromregelung zwecks Strombegrenzung

Номер: DE102013104380B4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Schaltungsanordnung (100) zur Bereitstellung einer Ausgangsspannung (Uo) als Sollgröße einer Stromregelung zwecks Strombegrenzung, mit einer Vergleichseinrichtung (106) zum Vergleichen eines Wertes einer elektrischen Eingangsspannung (Uacc) mit einem oberen Schwellwert (U1, U2, ..., Un) und/oder mit einem unteren Schwellwert (U3, U4, ..., Um), mit einer Erhöhungseinrichtung (112a, 112b, ..., 112n) zum Erhöhen einer elektrischen Ausgangsspannung (Uo), wenn der Vergleich durch die Vergleichseinrichtung (106) ergibt, dass der Wert der Eingangsspannung (Uacc) größer als der obere Schwellwert (U1, U2, ..., Un) ist, und mit einer Reduziereinrichtung (114a, 114b, ..., 114n) zum Reduzieren der elektrischen Ausgangsspannung (Uo), wenn der Vergleich ergibt, dass der Wert der Eingangsspannung (Uacc) kleiner als der untere Schwellwert (U3, U4, ..., Um) ist. Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein entsprechendes Verfahren zur Bereitstellung der Sollgröße einer Stromregelung zwecks ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Entprellen eines elektrischen Eingangssignals sowie Entprellmodul

Номер: DE102019109653A1

Ein Verfahren zum Entprellen eines elektrischen Eingangssignals (xin) wird vorgestellt. Das Verfahren weist die folgenden Schritte auf: Zunächst wird ein Eingangssignals (xin) empfangen und ein aktueller Wert des Eingangssignals (xin) wird ermittelt. Nun wird ermittelt, ob der aktuelle Wert des Eingangssignals (xin) oberhalb oder unterhalb von wenigstens einem vordefinierten Grenzwert (xG) liegt. Eine Entprellstatusgröße (xE) wird mit einem definierten Anfangswert erzeugt. Der Wert der Entprellstatusgröße (xE) wird basierend zumindest darauf verändert, ob der Wert des Eingangssignals (xin) oberhalb oder unterhalb des wenigstens einen Grenzwerts (xG) liegt, wobei der Wert der Entprellstatusgröße (xE) zwischen einem minimalen Wert (Wmin) und einem maximalen Wert (Wmax) veränderbar ist. Basierend darauf, ob der Wert der Entprellstatusgröße (xE) dem minimalen Wert (Wmin), dem maximalen Wert (Wmax) oder einem Wert zwischen dem minimalen Wert (Wmin) und dem maximalen Wert (Wmax) entspricht, wird ...

15-01-1942 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Messung von Gleichspannungen und schwachen Gleichstroemen

Номер: DE0000716235C

03-05-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002731650C2

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Messeinrichtung zum redundanten Erfassen einer Eingabespannung

Номер: DE102014100984B4

Messeinrichtung (100) zum redundanten Erfassen einer Eingabespannung (VADCin), mit:einem Referenzspannungserzeuger (101) zum Erzeugen einer zeitlich veränderlichen Referenzspannung (103);einem ersten Spannungsvergleicher (105-0) zum Ausgeben eines Startsignals (107-0), falls die Referenzspannung (103) eine Startreferenzspannung (VADCinmin) überschreitet;einem zweiten Spannungsvergleicher (105-1) zum Ausgeben eines Redundanzsignals (107-1), falls die Referenzspannung (103) eine Vergleichsreferenzspannung (VADCref) überschreitet;einem dritten Spannungsvergleicher (105-2) zum Ausgeben eines Messsignals (107-2), falls die Referenzspannung (103) die Eingabespannung (VADCin) überschreitet;einem vierten Spannungsvergleicher (105-3) zum Ausgeben eines Endsignals (107-3), falls die Referenzspannung (103) eine Endreferenzspannung (VADCinmax) überschreitet; undeiner Berechnungseinheit (109) zum Erfassen eines ersten Wertes für die Eingabespannung (VADCin) auf Basis des Startsignals (107-0), des Messsignals ...

02-05-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002916529C2

23-02-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003408167C2

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Elektrische Schaltung für den sicheren Hoch- und Runterlauf eines Verbrauchers

Номер: DE102018200704B4
Автор: Hermann
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch GmbH

Elektrische Schaltung zur Gewährleistung eines sicheren Hoch- und Runterlaufs wenigstens einer geregelten Betriebsspannung (UVDDI), einer Referenzspannung (UVBG) und eines Reset-Signals (NRST) für einen Verbraucher mittels Verhinderung eines fehlerhaften Zustands des Reset-Signals (NRST), umfassend einen Spannungsreferenz-Schaltkreis (X1) und einen Spannungsregler (X2), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Spannungsregler (X2) zur Bereitstellung einer geregelten Betriebsspannung (VDDI), der Spannungsreferenz-Schaltkreis (X1) zur Versorgung durch die von dem Spannungsregler (X2) bereitgestellte geregelte Betriebsspannung (VDDI) und der Spannungsregler (X2) zum Erhalt einer Referenzspannung (VBG) von dem Spannungsreferenz-Schaltkreis (X1) vorgesehen sind.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Schaltung sowie Verfahren zum Vergleichen von Spannungen

Номер: DE102008012545B4
Автор: Tepass, Pfoh, Frese, Dell, Wirth
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch GmbH

Schaltung zum Vergleich zweier Spannungen, umfassend: eine Komparatorschaltung, umfassend einen Komparator (10, 11, 80) mit einem ersten Eingang (101, 111), einem zweiten Eingang (102, 112) und einem Ausgang (103, 113), wobei am ersten Eingang eine erste Spannung anliegt und an dem zweiten Eingang eine zweite Spannung anliegt, und wobei der Komparator in Abhängigkeit einer Differenzspannung zwischen den Spannungen am ersten und am zweiten Eingang ein Ausgangssignal am Ausgang ausgibt und eine Spannungsquelle (30, 31, 32, 33) mit einem Ausgang (301, 311, 321), wobei der Ausgang der Spannungsquelle mit dem ersten Eingang des Komparators gekoppelt ist, wobei die Spannungsquelle in einem ersten Zustand die Spannung, die am ersten Eingang anliegt, verändert, und in einem zweiten Zustand die Spannung, die am ersten Eingang anliegt, unverändert belässt; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schaltung eine Frühwarnschaltung (76, 79) umfasst, die die erste Spannung mit einer dritten Spannung (7710, 790 ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Voltage measurement apparatus

Номер: US20120133355A1
Автор: Takahito Hayakawa
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A resistor element that is coupled between each of voltage measurement points of a measurement object and a voltage measurement circuit is further coupled to a path of a constant current between a power supply side constant current circuit and a ground side constant current circuit. By controlling the operation of the power supply side constant current circuit and the ground side constant current circuit with a control circuit, the control circuit switches the switch circuit on and off to prevent a voltage drop due to an electric current that turns on the switch circuit.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Low voltage detector

Номер: US20120323508A1

A low voltage detector ( 100 ) includes a power supply voltage monitor circuit ( 110 ) that produces a voltage V SP related to a first a power supply voltage, and a voltage generator ( 105 ), which includes a plurality of self-cascode MOSFET (SCM) structures ( 101 - 103 ) in a cascade configuration, that generates a reference voltage V xm . A voltage comparator ( 140 ) outputs an output signal in response to a differential between V xm and V SP , wherein V xm and V SP have proportional to absolute temperature behavior (PTAT) over temperature with respect to a second power supply voltage. The output signal changes state when the first power supply voltage equals a trip point of the comparator. Each SCM structure is sized to provide a rate of change with temperature of the PTAT behavior of V xm that matches a rate of change with temperature of the PTAT behavior of V SP .

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127474A1
Автор: Chen Li, Zhang Dajun

Disclosed are a control processing method of an energy-saving cell and a base station. The method comprises: a base station to which a basic coverage cell belongs judging whether a current load state is greater than or equal to a preset energy saving threshold, where more cells are required to participate in a service when the current load state is greater than or equal to the preset energy saving threshold, and the basic coverage cell refers to a cell unable to be turned off or enter an energy saving state in order to ensure continuity; when the current load state is greater than or equal to the preset energy saving threshold, the base station to which the basic coverage cell belongs determining a distribution state of a current service load of a serving cell; the base station to which the basic coverage cell belongs determining, according to information of an energy-saving cell and the distribution state of the current service load, the energy-saving cell to be deactivated, the energy-saving cell being a cell capable of entering the energy saving state; and the base station to which the basic coverage cell belongs deactivating the determined energy-saving cell. The present invention provides a solution for selectively activating and deactivating an energy-saving cell among different systems, and can optimize the existing energy saving technology, and improve the energy utilization rate of the entire network. 1. A method for a control process of an energy-saving cell , comprising:a base station serving an essential coverage cell determining whether a current load state of the essential coverage cell is above or equal to a preset energy-saving threshold, wherein an additional cell or cells are required to participate in a service when the current load state is above or equal to the preset energy-saving threshold, and the essential coverage cell refers to a cell that can not be disabled or brought into an energy-saving state in view of guaranteed continuity;the base ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003327A1

Provided is a battery monitoring system that has a high level of safety even under a state in which characteristics of a reference voltage circuit are deteriorated. The battery monitoring system has a configuration in which: a reference voltage of a first battery monitoring IC is monitored by a second battery monitoring IC; and the second battery monitoring IC outputs, when detecting that the reference voltage reaches a value falling outside a predetermined range, a signal indicating an abnormality of the reference voltage to the first battery monitoring IC, and the first battery monitoring IC stops monitoring of a battery when the signal indicating the abnormality of the reference voltage is input to the first battery monitoring IC. 2. A battery monitoring system according to claim 1 ,wherein the first battery monitoring IC includes a reference voltage output terminal for outputting the reference voltage, and an input terminal for inputting the signal indicating the abnormality of the reference voltage, andwherein the second battery monitoring IC includes an external reference voltage input terminal for inputting the reference voltage, an external reference voltage monitoring circuit configured to detect the abnormality of the reference voltage, and an output terminal for outputting the signal indicating the abnormality of the reference voltage.3. A battery monitoring system according to claim 1 ,wherein the first battery monitoring IC is configured to: monitor a reference voltage of the second battery monitoring IC; and output, when the first battery monitoring IC detects that the reference voltage reaches a value falling outside a predetermined range, a signal indicating an abnormality of the reference voltage to the second battery monitoring IC, andwherein the second battery monitoring IC is configured to stop monitoring of the battery when the second battery monitoring IC inputs the signal indicating the abnormality of the reference voltage from the first ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011244A1

The systems and methods of the present disclosure use measurement circuitry that includes first and second circuits, a selecting circuit, a determination circuit, and a setting circuit. Each of the first and second circuits measures voltage or current sensed by a sensor. The selecting circuit selects the first circuit to provide the measured voltage or current values. The determination circuit determines whether the measured voltage or current values reach a predetermined level. The setting circuit changes a setting of the second circuit from a first setting to a second setting if the measured voltage or current values reach the predetermined level. The selecting circuit selects the second circuit to provide the measured voltage or current values when a first predetermined time elapses after changing the setting of the second circuit. The selecting circuit also changes a setting of the first circuit from the first setting to the second setting after selecting the second circuit. 1. A measurement circuit that measures voltage or current of electrical energy generated by a generator , the measurement circuit comprising:a first circuit configured to measure the voltage or current;a second circuit configured to measure the voltage or current;a selecting circuit configured to select the first circuit to provide the measured voltage or current;a determination circuit configured to determine whether the measured voltage or current reaches a predetermined value; anda setting circuit configured to change a setting of the second circuit from a first setting to a second setting when the determination circuit determines that the measured voltage or current reaches a predetermined value,wherein the selecting circuit is further configured to select the second circuit to provide the measured voltage or current when a first predetermined time elapses after the setting circuit changes the setting of the second circuit, andwherein the setting circuit is further configured to change a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034962A1

A test system for measuring electrical current consumption of a device under test (DUT) includes a capacitor with power and ground terminals; a voltage regulator with input and output terminals; first and second switching elements; and a controller. The voltage regulator generates a DUT operating voltage based on its input voltage. The first switching element is arranged between a direct current (DC) voltage source and the regulator input, and the second switching element is arranged between the DC voltage source and the capacitor. The controller operates the switching elements to charge the capacitor, and to configure the test system for measuring operating current of the DUT using the capacitor as the power source. 1. A test system for measuring electrical current consumption of a device under test (DUT) , the test system comprising:a power capacitor comprising a power terminal and a ground terminal, the power capacitor configured to provide capacitor voltage at the power terminal;a voltage regulator comprising a regulator input terminal and a regulator output terminal, the voltage regulator configured to generate a DUT operating voltage at the regulator output terminal based on an input voltage at the regulator input terminal;a switching circuit to regulate electrical connections between a direct current (DC) voltage source, the power capacitor, and the voltage regulator; and control the switching circuit to place the test system into a charging state to charge the power capacitor with the DC voltage source;', 'after the power capacitor has reached a charged voltage, control the switching circuit to place the test system into a measurement state such that the power capacitor provides the capacitor voltage to the voltage regulator; and', 'after the power capacitor has reached a discharged voltage in response to loading, calculate electrical current provided by the power capacitor in a time period recorded during operation of the test system in the measurement ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020195A1
Автор: Zimmermann Thomas

A method for identifying the switch topology of multiple energy storage module connected in parallel and/or in series, which respectively have at least one energy storage element, each module has a switch element for selectively activating and deactivating the module and a unique identifier, wherein each module is assigned to a module string in that a total current flowing across the switch topology is checked, and individual modules are activated successively via the switch element until the total current is detectable. 1. A method for identifying the switch topology of multiple energy storage modules that are connected in parallel and/or in series , each having at least one energy storage element , wherein ,each module has a switch element for selectively activating and deactivating the module and a unique identifier,{'b': '640', 'claim-text': [{'b': '642', 'a total current flowing across the switch topology is checked (); and'}, {'b': '641', 'individual modules are activated successively via the switch element () until the total current is detectable.'}], 'and a module string comprising at least one module is identified (), in that'}2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinto identify the module string,{'b': 645', '646, 'an activated module is deactivated () and the total current is checked following the deactivation (); and'}{'b': '647', 'the deactivated module remains deactivated, if the total current remains detectable following the deactivation, and the deactivated module is reactivated (), if the total current is no longer detectable following the deactivation.'}3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinto identify a module string,{'b': 645', '646, 'the activated modules are successively deactivated () and the total current is checked following each deactivation (); and'}{'b': '647', 'a deactivated module remains deactivated, if the total current remains detectable following the deactivation, and a deactivated module is reactivated (), if the total ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025791A1

An overcurrent detecting circuit and a leakage current detecting circuit are disclosed. In one aspect, the overcurrent detecting circuit of a display device supplying a power voltage to a display panel through a plurality of power supply lines. The overcurrent detecting circuit includes a plurality of power voltage measurement lines electrically connected to different points of the power supply lines. The overcurrent detecting circuit also includes a plurality of voltage measurement units respectively electrically connected to the power voltage measurement lines. The voltage measurement units are configured to measure the power voltage at the different points through the power voltage measurement lines and generate a plurality of measurement voltages based at least in part on the measured power voltages. The overcurrent detecting circuit further includes a controller configured to detect presence of an overcurrent based at least in part on the measurement voltages. 1. An overcurrent detecting circuit of a display device supplying a power voltage to a display panel through a plurality of power supply lines , the overcurrent detecting circuit comprising:a plurality of power voltage measurement lines electrically connected to different points of the power supply lines;a plurality of voltage measurement units respectively electrically connected to the power voltage measurement lines and configured to i) measure the power voltage at the different points through the power voltage measurement lines and ii) generate a plurality of measurement voltages based at least in part on the measured power voltages; anda controller configured to detect presence of an overcurrent based at least in part on the measurement voltages.2. The overcurrent detecting circuit of claim 1 , wherein each of the voltage measurement units includes a comparator configured to compare the power voltage to a predetermined reference voltage.3. The overcurrent detecting circuit of claim 2 , wherein the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028916A1

A circuit and method for detecting a brown-out condition and providing a feed-forward transfer function in a power supply circuit. A comparison circuit is coupled to a delay element through a latch. A second delay element is connected between the first delay element and an input of the latch. The output of the first delay element is connected to a clamping circuit via a logic circuit. A first voltage is compared with a reference voltage to generate a comparison voltage, which is transmitted through the latch and the first delay element. The comparison voltage is monitored at an output of the first delay element. A brown-out condition occurs if the comparison voltage being monitored at the output of the first delay element results from the first voltage being less than the reference voltage. 1. A method for detecting a brown-out condition , comprising:generating a comparison voltage by comparing a first voltage appearing at a first node with a reference voltage;setting a voltage at a second node in accordance with the comparison voltage;after a first delay, setting a voltage at a third node in accordance with the voltage at the second node; andmonitoring the voltage at the third node and the comparison voltage, wherein the brown-out condition occurs if the voltage being monitored at the third node and the comparison voltage results from the first voltage being less than the reference voltage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein setting the voltage at the second node in accordance with the comparison voltage includes setting the voltage at the second node to a logic high voltage if the first voltage is less than the reference voltage.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein setting the voltage at the second node in accordance with the comparison voltage includes setting the voltage at the second node to a logic low voltage if the first voltage is greater than the reference voltage.4. The method of claim 1 , further including clamping a voltage at the first node at a voltage ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150035564A1
Автор: Tobin David

An electrical circuit includes a comparator that receives a first signal at a first input pin, where the first signal is indicative of a current drawn from a power supply unit (PSU) that delivers power to an electronic component. The comparator substantially simultaneously receives a second signal at a second input pin, where the second signal is indicative of a voltage provided by the PSU to the electronic component and is set to a predetermined threshold. An output of the comparator changes if a difference exists between the first signal and the second signal. The electrical circuit includes a variable gain amplifier that provides the first signal to the comparator, where a gain of the variable gain amplifier is set according to the predetermined threshold. 1. An electrical circuit , comprising:a comparator that receives a first signal at a first input pin, wherein the first signal is indicative of a current drawn from a power supply unit (PSU), wherein the PSU delivers power to an electronic component, wherein the comparator receives a second signal at a second input pin, wherein the second signal is indicative of a voltage provided by the PSU to the electronic component and is set to a predetermined threshold, wherein an output of the comparator changes if a difference exists between the first signal and second signal; anda variable gain amplifier that provides the first signal to the comparator, wherein a gain of the variable gain amplifier is set according to the predetermined threshold.2. The electrical circuit of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of amplifiers that measures a differential of a portion of the voltage from a reference voltage and provide the reference voltage adjusted by the differential as the second signal to the comparator.3. The electrical circuit of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of amplifiers comprises:a non-inverting unity gain buffer amplifier; andan inverting voltage amplifier, wherein the non-inverting unity gain amplifier ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042480A1

The disclosed embodiments provide a system that facilitates the use of an electronic device. The electronic device may be a keyboard, a mouse, a trackpad, a remote control, a mobile phone, a wireless phone, a toy, a portable media player, a game controller, and/or a camera. During operation, the system monitors a state-of-charge of a battery used to power the electronic device. Next, the system calculates a charge threshold associated with a low-battery warning for the battery based on the monitored state-of-charge. If the state-of-charge of the battery reaches the charge threshold, the system generates the low-battery warning. 1. A method for facilitating the use of an electronic device , comprising:monitoring a state-of-charge of a battery used to power the electronic device;calculating a charge threshold associated with a low-battery warning for the battery based on the monitored state-of-charge; andif the state-of-charge of the battery reaches the charge threshold, generating the low-battery warning.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:if the state-of-charge of the battery has not reached the charge threshold, recalculating the charge threshold based on the monitored state-of-charge.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein monitoring the state-of-charge of the battery involves:periodically measuring a voltage of the battery;determining the state-of-charge of the battery based on the measured voltage; andrecording the state-of-charge and a timestamp associated with the measured voltage.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating the charge threshold based on the monitored state-of-charge involves:calculating an average charge consumption associated with the battery using the monitored state-of-charge; andmultiplying the average charge consumption by a trigger period associated with the low-battery warning.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein calculating the average charge consumption associated with the battery using the monitored state-of-charge involves: ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Battery System with a Voltage Equalizing Circuit

Номер: US20190047438A1
Автор: Jaster Magnus
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

Various embodiments may include a battery system comprising: a battery cell; and a voltage balancing circuit for balancing a voltage at the battery cell. The voltage balancing circuit includes: a balancing current path electrically connected between a positive power connection terminal and a negative power connection terminal of the battery cell, two resistors, and a controllable balancing switch connected in series with the two resistors; and a measuring arrangement electrically connected on a signal-input side to an electrical connecting point between the two resistors and configured to detect a first voltage potential at the electrical connecting point. 1. A battery system comprising:a battery cell;a voltage balancing circuit for balancing a voltage at the battery cell; 'a balancing current path electrically connected between a positive power connection terminal and a negative power connection terminal the battery cell, two resistors, and a controllable balancing switch connected in series with the two resistors; and', 'wherein the voltage balancing circuit includesa measuring arrangement electrically connected on a signal-input side to an electrical connecting point between the two resistors and configured to detect a first voltage potential at the electrical connecting point.2. The battery system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring arrangement is electrically connected on the signal-input side to the negative power connection terminal of the battery cell and is configured to detect a second voltage potential at the negative power connection terminal.3. The battery system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring arrangement comprises an analog-to-digital converter electrically connected to the electrical connecting point by first signal input and is configured to form a first digital voltage potential value from the first voltage potential.4. The battery system as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the analog-to-digital converter is electrically ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054489A1

A power supply detecting circuit includes a power supply module configured to receive a first voltage signal from an alternating current (AC) power source; a voltage converting circuit configured to convert the first voltage signal to a second voltage signal; a switch circuit connected to an output terminal of the voltage converting circuit; a micro control unit (MCU) connected to the switch circuit; and a display module connected to the MCU. The switch circuit outputs a detecting signal to the MCU according to the second voltage signal. The MCU determines whether the first voltage signal is within a predetermined range according to the detecting signal and sending a detecting result to the display module which displays the detecting result. 1. A power supply detecting circuit comprising:a power supply module configured to receive a first voltage signal from an alternating current (AC) power source;a voltage converting circuit configured to convert the first voltage signal to a second voltage signal;a switch circuit connected to an output terminal of the voltage converting circuit;a micro control unit (MCU) connected to the switch circuit; anda display module connected to the MCU;wherein the switch circuit outputs a detecting signal to the MCU according to the second voltage signal, the MCU determines whether the first voltage signal is within a predetermined range according to the detecting signal and sends a detecting result to the display module which displays the detecting result.2. The power supply detecting circuit of claim 1 , further comprising a relay coupled to the first voltage signal claim 1 , wherein when the first voltage signal is not within the predetermined range claim 1 , the MCU controls the relay to be switched off to power off the power supply module; and when the first voltage signal is within the predetermined range claim 1 , the relay is switched on to power on the power supply module.3. The power supply detecting circuit of claim 1 , wherein ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069560A1

A circuit includes a monitor circuit. The monitor circuit includes a nonlinear functional unit configured to receive a current sense signal and to generate a power signal representing the power of the current sense signal. The circuit further includes a first filter configured to receive the power signal and to generate a first filtered signal and a second filter configured to receive an input signal that depends on the current sense signal and to generate a second filtered signal. A comparator circuit is configured to receive the first filtered signal and the second filtered signal and to compare the first filtered signal with a first threshold value and the second filtered signal with a second threshold value. The protection signal is indicative of whether the first filtered signal exceeds the first threshold value or the second filtered signal exceeds the second threshold value.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for an open wire scan

Номер: US20190056454A1

Systems and methods for an open wire scan are provided. In certain embodiments, An apparatus comprising a circuit includes a plurality of inputs for connecting with a plurality of outputs of a multi-cell battery pack; and an open connection detection circuit, formed within the circuit, for detecting an open connection on at least one of the plurality of inputs connected to the multi-cell battery pack and generating a fault condition responsive thereto. The open connection detection circuit comprises at least one current source device; and at least one device for turning on and off the at least one current source device. The open connection detection circuit also comprises at least one amplifier; an analog to digital converter; and a control logic circuit. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a circuit including a plurality of inputs for connecting with a plurality of outputs of a multi-cell battery pack; and at least one current source device coupled between the plurality of inputs connected to the multi-cell battery and a reference voltage;', 'at least one device for turning on and off the at least one current source device, wherein the at least one device causes a current to flow through an input in the plurality of inputs to which the at least one device is connected;', 'at least one amplifier for amplifying voltages at adjacent inputs of the plurality of inputs and generating a voltage responsive thereto;', 'an analog to digital converter for measuring the voltage produced by the at least one amplifier, wherein the analog to digital converter measures voltages produced by the at least one amplifier at the beginning and end of a time period; and', 'a control logic circuit for generating a fault detection indication responsive to the voltage indicating an open connection on at least one of the plurality of inputs based on the measured voltages by the analog to digital converter., 'an open connection detection circuit, formed within the circuit, for detecting an open ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063449A1
Автор: Chiu Hsiang-Yi

An overcurrent detector for multiple level shifter circuits includes an overcurrent detecting circuit that senses currents acquired through level shifter circuits, and that outputs an indication signal indicating occurrence of overcurrent when one of the currents sensed thereby is greater than a predefined current level. 1. An overcurrent detector for a multi-channel level shifter module that includes multiple level shifter circuits , the overcurrent detector comprising: a plurality of current sensing units, each of which is coupled to a respective one of the level shifter circuits to sense a current acquired through the respective one of the level shifter circuits, and is configured to output a sensed signal based on the current sensed thereby; and', 'a plurality of overcurrent determination units, each of which is coupled to a respective one of said current sensing units for receiving the sensed signal therefrom, and has an output terminal to output a first indication signal when the sensed signal received by the overcurrent determination unit indicates that the current sensed by the respective one of the current sensing units is greater than a predefined current level, wherein said output terminals of said overcurrent determination units are coupled to each other at a common node, and said overcurrent detecting circuit is configured to output a second indication signal that indicates occurrence of overcurrent in one of the level shifter circuits when any one of said output terminals of said overcurrent determination units outputs the first indication signal., 'an overcurrent detecting circuit including2. The overcurrent detector of claim 1 , further comprising:a voltage level transition circuit coupled to said overcurrent detecting circuit for receiving the second indication signal therefrom, and configured to reduce a voltage level of the second indication signal, so as to output a third indication signal for a circuit which operates at a voltage level lower ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059104A1

The invention provides a charging apparatus and an operating method thereof. The charging apparatus includes a power conversion circuit, a feedback circuit, an identifier control circuit, and a low voltage trickle control circuit. The feedback circuit generates a feedback signal for the power conversion circuit, and the power conversion circuit correspondingly adjusts a charging power according to the feedback signal. The power conversion circuit provides the charging power to charge a battery device. The identifier control circuit determines whether to control the feedback circuit to change the feedback signal according to identifier information of the battery device. The low voltage trickle control circuit determines whether to control the feedback circuit to change the feedback signal according to a voltage of the charging power. When the low voltage trickle control circuit controls the feedback circuit to change the feedback signal, the feedback circuit ignores control of the identifier control circuit. 1. A charging apparatus configured to charge a battery device , the charging apparatus comprising:a power conversion circuit configured to provide a charging power to charge the battery device;a feedback circuit coupled to the power conversion circuit and configured to generate a feedback signal associated with the charging power for the power conversion circuit, wherein the power conversion circuit correspondingly adjusts the charging power according to the feedback signal;an identifier control circuit coupled to the feedback circuit and configured to receive identifier information from the battery device and determine whether to control the feedback circuit to change the feedback signal according to the identifier information to dynamically adjust the charging power to adapt to the battery device; anda low voltage trickle control circuit coupled to the feedback circuit and the power conversion circuit and configured to determine whether to control the feedback ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064230A1

The present disclosure provides a battery high voltage sampling circuit and a battery management system. The battery high voltage sampling circuit includes a positive relay, a negative relay, a first positive sampling unit, a first negative sampling unit and a reference voltage terminal, wherein: a first terminal of the positive relay is connected to a positive electrode of a power battery pack to be detected, a first terminal of the negative relay is connected to a negative electrode of the power battery pack to be detected, and both of the first positive sampling unit and the first negative sampling unit are connected to the reference voltage terminal. 1. A battery high voltage sampling circuit comprising a positive relay , a negative relay , a first positive sampling unit , a first negative sampling unit and a reference voltage terminal , wherein:a first terminal of the positive relay is connected to a positive electrode of a power battery pack to be detected, a first terminal of the negative relay is connected to a negative electrode of the power battery pack to be detected, and both of the first positive sampling unit and the first negative sampling unit are connected to the reference voltage terminal;the first positive sampling unit is configured to acquire a first positive sampled signal at the first terminal of the positive relay; andthe first negative sampling unit is configured to acquire a first negative sampled signal at the first terminal of the negative relay.2. The battery high voltage sampling circuit of claim 1 , further comprising a first positive sampling point and a first negative sampling point claim 1 , wherein:the first positive sampling unit is further configured to provide the first positive sampled signal to the first positive sampling point; andthe first negative sampling unit is further configured to provide the first negative sampled signal to the first negative sampling point.3. The battery high voltage sampling circuit of claim 2 , ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067157A1

A method for detecting correct connection of at least one energy reservoir to a vehicle electrical system of a motor vehicle. The method includes: ascertaining a voltage dropping at the energy reservoir, and/or a current flowing through the energy reservoir, and/or a voltage present at a terminal as a representative of the electrical system voltage, when the electrical system voltage exceeds or falls below at least one desired voltage, preferably as a function of at least one magnitude characteristic of the energy reservoir, such as an open-circuit voltage or gassing voltage; comparing the ascertained magnitude, such as the voltage and/or current, with at least one limit value; correct connection of the energy reservoir to the vehicle electrical system, or at least one fault, is inferred as a function of the comparison. 110-. (canceled).11. A method for detecting correct connection of at least one energy reservoir to a vehicle electrical system of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:ascertaining a magnitude of at least one of: (i) a voltage dropping at the energy reservoir, (ii) a current flowing through the energy reservoir, and (iii) a voltage present at a terminal as a representative of the electrical system voltage, the magnitude being ascertained when the electrical system voltage exceeds or falls below at least one desired voltage as a function of at least one magnitude characteristic of the energy reservoir;comparing the ascertained magnitude with at least one limit value; andinferring, as a function of the comparing, one of: (i) a correct connection of the energy reservoir to the vehicle electrical system, or (ii) at least one fault.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the at least one desired voltage is one of an open-circuit voltage or a gassing voltage.13. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein to detect at least one fault situation claim 11 , the electrical system voltage is at least one of raised and lowered.14. The method as recited ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Multi-Dimensional Triggers for Power Control

Номер: US20200064383A1
Автор: PHILIP Dean Olsen

A power monitor establishes a three-dimensional (3D) trigger to trigger an action related to control of electrical power responsive to a reference variable indicative of a signal. The 3D trigger includes trigger conditions directed to a reference threshold, a trigger period, and a trigger number. The power monitor periodically measures the signal to produce signal values, and produces reference values for the reference variable based on the signal values. The power monitor tests whether the reference values meet the trigger conditions. The power monitor triggers or does not trigger the action when the test operation indicates or does not indicate that the reference values meet the conditions, respectively. 1. A method performed by a power monitor comprising:establishing a three-dimensional (3D) trigger to trigger an action related to control of electrical power responsive to a reference variable indicative of a signal, wherein the 3D trigger includes trigger conditions directed to a reference threshold, a trigger period, and a trigger number;periodically measuring the signal to produce signal values, and producing reference values for the reference variable based on the signal values;testing whether the reference values meet the trigger conditions; anddetermining whether to trigger the action in response to whether the testing indicates that the reference values meet the trigger conditions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the testing includes, upon detecting that one of the reference values surpasses the reference threshold, determining whether each reference value among a total number of the reference values produced during the trigger period, following the detecting, surpasses the reference threshold; andthe determining whether to trigger the action includes, when the trigger period expires, determining whether the number of the reference values determined to surpass the reference threshold exceeds the trigger number.3. The method of claim 2 , whereinthe trigger ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and Circuit for Complying with Maximum Values for Output Parameters of a Power Supply Unit

Номер: US20190067935A1

A method and a circuit for complying with specified maximum values for output parameters a power supply unit includes at least a non-floating switch converter, an output voltage control unit, a current limiter and a switch element, wherein actual values of the current and voltage outputs of the power supply unit are measured continuously, where an evaluation unit calculates actual output power values of the power supply unit from the actual measured values of the output current and voltages, and subsequently compares at least the respective actually measured values of the output current and the respective actually calculated output power values with specified maximum values such that if at least one of the specified maximum values is exceeded by an actually measured value of the output current and/or by an actually calculated output power value, a current flow in the power supply unit is then interrupted by the evaluation unit. 1. A method for complying with specified maximum values for output parameters of at least one power supply unit comprising at least a non-floating switch converter , a switch element , an output voltage control unit and an internal current limiter , the method comprising:measuring actual values of an output current of the at least one power supply unit and actual values of an output voltage of the at least one power supply unit continuously;calculating, by an evaluation unit, actual output power values of the at least one power supply unit from the actually measured values of the output current and the output voltage;comparing respective actually measured values of the output current and respective actually calculated output power values with corresponding specified maximum values by the evaluation unit; andinterrupting a current flow of the at least one power supply unit by the evaluation unit if at least one of the specified maximum values is exceeded by an actually measured value of at least one of (i) the output current and (ii) an ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067975A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

Systems and methods for limiting battery discharge based on battery temperature are disclosed. In an example, a controller sets a current limit, using battery temperature, and provides corresponding current limits to a power management device and a system-on-chip (SOC). Upon battery discharge current exceeding the discharge current limit, the controller increases the discharge current limit, and provides updated current limits to the PM device and the SOC. Upon the battery temperature exceeding a battery pack maximum temperature, the controller issues a shutdown command to the PM device and the SOC. 1. An apparatus for temperature based controlling battery pack discharge current , the apparatus comprising:a sensor interface configured to receive a temperature measurement indicative of a temperature at a battery pack; and set a discharge current limit, based at least in part on the temperature measurement,', 'provide, based at least in part on the discharge current limit, a current limit command to a system-on-chip (SOC) device coupled to a power rail,', increase the discharge current limit by an amount, and', 'correspondingly update the current limit command to the SOC device; and, 'monitor a battery pack discharge current and, upon instances of the battery pack discharge current exceeding the discharge current limit, to, 'receive updates of the temperature measurement, upon the updated temperature measurement exceeding a battery package target temperature, to transmit a shutdown command to the SOC device., 'a control logic, coupled to the sensor interface, and configured to2. The apparatus of for controlling battery pack discharge current claim 1 , wherein:the current limit command is a first current limit command, provide, in association with the first current limit command and based at least in part on the discharge current limit, a second current limit command to a power management (PM) device coupled to the power rail,', 'update the second current limit command ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200076447A1

A voltage detector circuit is disclosed. The voltage detector circuit includes a ladder selector that includes a first node, a second node and a selector node. The voltage detector circuit also includes a first resistive ladder that includes a first string of resistors coupled between a sensing input node and the first node of the ladder selector and a first set of transistors. An input node of each transistor in the first set of transistors is coupled to a respective intermediate node between two resistors in a subset of resistors in the first string of resistors and an output node of each transistor in the first set of transistors is coupled to a sensing output node. The voltage detector circuit also includes a second resistive ladder that includes a second string of resistors coupled between the sensing input node and the second node of the ladder selector and a second set of transistors. 1. A voltage detector circuit comprising:a ladder selector comprising a first node, a second node and a selector node; a first string of resistors coupled between a sensing input node and the first node of the ladder selector; and', 'a first set of transistors, wherein an input node of each transistor in the first set of transistors is coupled to a respective intermediate node between two resistors in a subset of resistors in the first string of resistors and an output node of each transistor in the first set of transistors is coupled to a sensing output node; and, 'a first resistive ladder comprising a second string of resistors coupled between the sensing input node and the second node of the ladder selector; and', 'a second set of transistors, wherein an input node of each transistor in the second set of transistors is coupled to an intermediate node coupled between two resistors in a subset of resistors in the second string of resistors and an output node of each transistor in the second set of transistors is coupled to the sensing output node., 'a second resistive ladder ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Power Supply Array System Capable of Outputting Multiple Voltages

Номер: US20180088612A1

A power supply array system includes N first receiving devices and a power supply array device capable of generating N voltages. The power supply array device includes M adjustable power control boards, an adjustable input/output circuit board, and a controller. The M adjustable power control boards are used for outputting the N voltages. Each adjustable power control board has a plurality of output terminals. Each output terminal is used for outputting a voltage. The adjustable input/output circuit board is coupled to the plurality of output terminals of each adjustable power control board for detecting a voltage and a current of each output terminal. The controller is used for receiving data of the voltage and the current of the each output terminal of the each power control board accordingly. N and M are two integers greater than two and N>M. 1. A power supply array system , comprising: M adjustable power control boards configured to output the N voltages, wherein each power control board comprises a plurality of output terminals, and each output terminal is configured to output a voltage;', 'an adjustable input/output (I/O) circuit board coupled to the plurality of output terminals of the each power control board and configured to detect a voltage and a current of the each output terminal of the each power control board; and', 'a controller coupled to the M adjustable power control boards and the adjustable input/output circuit board and configured to receive data of the voltage and current of the each output terminal of the each power control board, and configured to control the M adjustable power control boards accordingly; and, 'a power supply array device configured to generate N voltages, comprisingN first receiving devices coupled to the M adjustable power control boards, wherein each first receiving device receives a voltage generated from the power supply array device;wherein N and M are two integers greater than two and N>M.2. The system of claim 1 , ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088800A1
Автор: Hess Robert A.

A method and system to determine if there is an open cell in a battery pack of cells arranged in a lattice. Voltage measurements from each parallel cell group along with information on the battery pack topology are used to estimate the resistance of each cell group. The resistance of each cell group is calculated based on the measured voltage less a nominal open circuit voltage divided by the current level of the battery pack. The average cell group resistance of the battery pack is also calculated. The cell group resistances are analyzed statistically using the resistance of each cell group and the average cell group resistance to reveal outliers which are indicative of open cell groups. 1. A computer implemented method for determining open connections in a cell group of a battery pack , the battery pack comprising a plurality of cell groups connected in series , the cell groups comprising a plurality of battery cells connected in parallel , the method comprising:measuring the voltage of each cell group of the plurality of cell groups as a function of time;obtaining a current level of the battery pack as a function of time;calculating the resistance of each cell group as a function of time based on the measured voltage less a nominal open circuit voltage divided by the current level of the battery pack;calculating the average cell group resistance of the battery pack as a function of time;determining that a cell group has an open connection based on the resistance of each cell group and the average cell group resistance; andproviding a signal in response to the determining step.2. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein determining that a cell group has an open connection comprises using statistical analysis.3. The computer implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the statistical analysis includes comparing a mean cell group resistance to the average cell group resistance.4. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the current ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190094274A1

A detection circuit of an electronic device includes a resistance detecting circuit and a voltage supplying circuit, wherein the detecting circuit is coupled to an input circuit which is coupled to the electronic device and comprises a plurality of resistors respectively coupled to a plurality of switches, wherein the resistance detecting circuit is arranged to detect whether the input circuit has a resistance variation and generate a detecting signal indicative of the resistance variation; and the voltage supplying circuit is coupled to the resistance detecting circuit to supply a first voltage signal, wherein the voltage supplying circuit receives the detecting signal, and selectively switches the first voltage signal to a second voltage signal according to the detecting signal; wherein the resistance detecting circuit determines whether at least one of the plurality of switches is closed according to the second voltage signal. 1. A detection circuit adapted for an electronic device , comprising:a resistance detecting circuit, arranged to detect an input circuit coupled to the electronic device, the input circuit comprising a plurality of resistors respectively coupled to a plurality of switches, wherein the resistance detecting circuit is arranged to detect a resistance variance of the input circuit and generate a detecting signal indicative of the resistance variance; anda voltage supplying circuit, coupled to the resistance detecting circuit to provide a first voltage signal, wherein the voltage supplying circuit receives the detecting signal, and selectively switches the first voltage signal to a second voltage signal according to the detecting signal;wherein the resistance detecting circuit determines if at least one switch in the plurality of switches is activated according to the second voltage signal.2. The detection circuit of claim 1 , wherein the first voltage signal has a first signal pattern claim 1 , and the second voltage signal has a second signal ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106869A1

A method is provided for monitoring the status of a plurality of battery cells in a battery pack the method including: arranging the battery cells in at least two groups of cells; connecting the groups of cells to a sensor unit; and obtaining, by means of the sensor unit, at least one sensor measurement for each group which is indicative of the state of operation of the battery pack. The method according to the invention further includes: determining a cell measurement for each battery cell by means of an over-determined equation system which defines the cell measurement as a function of the sensor measurement; and evaluating any residual terms resulting from the equation system in order to identify any battery cell having a cell measurement which deviates from an expected value based on the remaining battery cells. A battery management system for monitoring the status of a plurality of connected battery cells as mentioned above is also provided. 2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:.determining cell measurements corresponding to the residual terms by means of a recalculation of the over-determined equation system using information from the previous calculation of the equation system.3. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the method further comprises:providing the residual terms based on a comparison of a cell measurement with an average value of the cell measurements from the equation system.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:obtaining, by means of the sensor unit, the at least one sensor measurement in the form of a terminal voltage measurement of each battery cell or a temperature measurement of each battery cell.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:arranging the groups of cells in a manner so that:at least two of the groups comprise two or more cells, andat least two of the groups overlap so that a cell forms part of the overlapping groups; andconnecting the ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190104770A1

A controlling method for an electronic cigarette with multiple output modes and an electronic cigarette are disclosed. The controlling method comprises receiving a first operation signal for switching between output modes when the electronic cigarette is in a standby state. An output mode is in a memory, the output mode corresponding to the first operation signal and displacing a previous output mode. When the electronic cigarette receives a smoking signal, outputs are controlled according to the output mode stored in the memory. Whether the smoking signal is interrupted is determined when the battery feeds power to the load. The electronic cigarette enters standby state when the smoking signal is interrupted, otherwise whether a duration of the smoking signal reaches a preset duration is determined. If yes, the load is stopped charging and a hint is generated for indicating that a working duration of the electronic cigarette is too long. 1. A controlling method for an electronic cigarette with multiple output modes , the electronic cigarette comprising a battery and a load electrically connected to the battery , the controlling method comprising:receiving a first operation signal for switching between output modes;storing an output mode corresponding to the first operation signal in a memory which replaces an output mode previously stored in the memory, after the electronic cigarette receives the first operation signal;controlling outputs according to the output mode stored in the memory when the electronic cigarette receives a smoking signal,determining whether the smoking signal is interrupted when the battery feeds power to the load according to the smoking signal;controlling the electronic cigarette to enter a standby state when the smoking signal is interrupted, and determining whether a duration of the smoking signal reaches a preset duration when the smoking signal is not interrupted; andstopping charging the load and generating a hint for indicating that a ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160116510A1

Disclosed herein are methods, systems, and computer-readable media for operating an electronic locking device. The disclosed methods include a method of predicting a battery life of an electronic locking product based at least in part on a usage history of the electronic locking product. The predicted battery life may include an adjustment based on received weather information relating to a location of the electronic locking device. The disclosed methods include a method of sharing an unlocking code to an electronic locking product by a first user to a second user. 1. A method of predicting a battery life of an electronic locking product based at least in part on a usage history of the electronic locking product , the method comprising:receiving, at a server, lock event information associated with a lock event of the electronic locking product from a user device;storing, in a database of the server, the lock event information, wherein the lock event information is associated with the electronic locking product in the database;calculating, by the server, an expected battery life of a battery of the electronic locking product based at least in part on the lock event information;determining, by the server, that the expected battery life of the battery is below a threshold value; andinitiating, by the server, an alert to a user computing device indicating a low battery condition of the battery in response to determining that the expected battery life is below the threshold value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lock event information includes a location of the locking device claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises receiving claim 1 , by the server claim 1 , weather information from a weather service.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adjusting claim 2 , by the server claim 2 , the expected battery life of the battery based on the weather information.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising predicting claim 1 , by the server claim 1 , an ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140195179A1

Disclosed herein are various systems and methods for capturing and utilizing temperature information in a battery pack. An electrical measurement system may be configured to determine a subdivision electrical parameter associated with one or more subdivisions, and a thermal measurement system configured to determine and track a thermal parameter associated with one or more subdivisions. A battery model may utilize the thermal parameter and the electrical parameter to estimate a characteristic of one or more battery subdivisions. In some embodiments, the battery model may further estimate a second thermal parameter of a second subdivision based upon a location of the second subdivision within the battery pack and based on the estimated characteristic of a first subdivision. Some embodiments may further estimate a life assessment of one or more subdivisions based at least in part on the subdivision electrical parameter and the thermal parameter. 1. A system to capture and utilize temperature information in a battery pack comprising a plurality of subdivisions , the system comprising:a battery pack comprising a plurality of subdivisions;an electrical measurement system configured to determine a subdivision electrical parameter associated with a first subdivision selected from among of the plurality of subdivisions;a thermal measurement system configured to determine and track a thermal parameter associated with the first subdivision over a plurality of charge and discharge cycles of the battery pack; anda battery model configured to estimate a characteristic of the first subdivision based at least in part upon the subdivision electrical parameter and the thermal parameter.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the battery model is further configured to estimate a second thermal parameter of a second subdivision based upon a location of the second subdivision within the battery pack and based on the estimated characteristic of the first subdivision.3. The system of claim 2 ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180115178A1

A battery management system (BMS) may include a battery, a relay configured to electrically connect and disconnect the battery for supplying a voltage (an electric power) to an electric load to and from the electric load, the electric load configured to receive the voltage (the electric power) from the battery, to compare the received voltage (the electric power) with a reference value and to output a wakeup signal according to the compared result, when the relay is electrically connected, and a controller configured to wake up by the wakeup signal, to monitor a state of the battery and to control a state of the relay. It is possible to prevent overdischarge and overcharge of the battery by monitoring the battery through the electric load in a state in which a vehicle is turned off and switching the BSM to a wakeup state only if necessary. 1. A battery management system comprising:a battery;a relay configured to electrically connect or disconnect the battery for supplying a voltage to an electric load to or from the electric load;the electric load configured to receive the voltage from the battery, to compare the received voltage with a predetermined value and to output a wakeup signal according to the compared result, when the relay is electrically connected; anda controller configured to wake up by the wakeup signal, to monitor a state of the battery and to control a state of the relay.2. The battery management system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller includes:a power supply connected to the battery and configured to receive a driving voltage;a wakeup input device configured to receive the wakeup signal from the electric load and to switch to a wakeup state; anda relay controller configured to monitor the state of the battery and control ON/OFF of the relay according to a state of charge (SoC) of the battery, when switching to the wakeup state is performed in the wakeup input device.3. The battery management system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115768A1
Принадлежит: Ardent Edge, LLC

Embodiments of the present invention are directed to a cell protection system that may be employed in high voltage systems such as grid scale energy storage systems. In some embodiments, the advanced cell protection system includes a proactive balancing system for balancing one or more battery units of the energy storage systems. In some embodiments, the advanced cell protection system includes a switching protection system for safely connecting and disconnecting the one or more battery units of the energy storage systems to other systems. In some embodiments, the advanced cell protection system includes an isolated communication system for allowing the one or more battery units to safely communicate with each other and at least one controller of the energy storage system. 1. A protection system for selectively connecting one or more battery units of a battery system to a power system and disconnecting the one or more battery units of the battery system from the power system , via a bus , the protection system comprising: a first electrical path configured to be connected between a positive terminal of the bus and a positive terminal of the one or more battery units, the first electrical path comprising a first switch;', 'a second electrical path configured to be connected between a negative terminal of the bus and a negative terminal of the one or more battery units, the second electrical path comprising a second switch; and', 'a third electrical path connected in parallel to the first electrical path between the positive terminal of the bus and the positive terminal of the one or more battery units, the third electrical path comprising a third switch and an inductor; and, 'a bridge circuit configured to be connected between the bus and the one or more battery units, wherein the bridge circuit comprises 'control a switching frequency of the third switch in order to control an impedance of the inductor while (i) connecting the one or more battery units to the bus ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120880A1

A current detecting apparatus and a battery management system are provided. In the current detecting apparatus, a positive electrode of a power battery pack is connected to a first terminal of a primary positive circuit, a negative electrode of the power battery pack is connected to a first terminal of a primary negative circuit, and a current sensor is connected in series between the negative electrode of the power battery pack and the first terminal of the primary negative circuit; the current sensor is configured for obtaining and outputting a voltage signal of the power battery pack; a microcontroller unit is configured for implementing current conversion on the voltage signal, transmitting a detected current value, which is obtained by the current conversion, of the power battery pack and receiving a control command for controlling the primary positive and negative circuits to turn on or turn off. 1. A current detecting apparatus , characterized in comprising a current sensor , a microcontroller unit , a primary positive circuit and a primary negative circuit , wherein:a positive electrode of a power battery pack to be tested is connected to a first terminal of the primary positive circuit, a negative electrode of the power battery pack is connected to a first terminal of the primary negative circuit, and the current sensor is connected in series between the negative electrode of the power battery pack and the first terminal of the primary negative circuit;the current sensor is configured for obtaining and outputting a voltage signal of the power battery pack;the microcontroller unit is configured for collecting the voltage signal output from a signal terminal of the current sensor, implementing current conversion on the voltage signal, transmitting a detected current value, which is obtained by the current conversion, of the power battery pack and receiving a control command for controlling the primary positive circuit and the primary negative circuit to turn ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131690A1

A power source voltage detection apparatus is provided, including a reference voltage generator connected to a differential amplifier via a first transmission line and decreases a power source voltage of a direct current power source to output a power source reference voltage, the first transmission line transmitting the power source reference voltage as a first power source voltage detection voltage; a standard voltage generator connected to the differential amplifier via a second transmission line and outputs a predetermined standard voltage, the second transmission line transmitting the standard voltage as a second power source voltage detection voltage; the differential amplifier differentially amplifying the first and second power source voltage detection voltages; and an abnormality detector which, based on the first and second power source voltage detection voltages, detects the power source voltage and detects an abnormality of the first transmission line and/or the second transmission line. 1. A power source voltage detection apparatus , comprising:a reference voltage generator which is connected to a differential amplifier via a first transmission line and which decreases a power source voltage of a direct current power source to output a power source reference voltage, wherein the first transmission line transmits the power source reference voltage as a first power source voltage detection voltage;a standard voltage generator which is connected to the differential amplifier via a second transmission line and which outputs a predetermined standard voltage, wherein the second transmission line transmits the standard voltage as a second power source voltage detection voltage;the differential amplifier which differentially amplifies the first power source voltage detection voltage and the second power source voltage detection voltage; andan abnormality detector which, based on the first power source voltage detection voltage and the second power source ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131718A1

The present invention appropriately detects line-breakages in a signal line related to a battery connected to a discharge circuit for discharging. Namely, an initialization operation produces a state in which a capacitor (C) is charged with the difference between the voltage of a signal line (Vn) and a self-threshold voltage (Vx), and a capacitor (C) is charged with the difference between the voltage of a signal line (Vn−1) and a self-threshold voltage (Vx), in a comparison circuit (). In a comparison operation, a voltage adjusting section (ILn+1) produces a state in which line-breakage detection current is drawn out from a signal line (Ln), a signal line (Lc) is connected to the capacitors (C, C) and a voltage (DVn) is input to the capacitors (C, C). When an output OUT=L level, it is detected that there is no line-breakage, and when the output OUT=H level, it is detected that there is a line-breakage. 1. A battery monitoring system comprising:a plurality of batteries connected together in series;a discharging unit including a resistor element provided straddling between a first signal line connected to a high potential side in the plurality of respective batteries and a second signal line connected to a low potential side in the plurality of respective batteries, and a discharge switching element connected in series with the resistor element;a potential adjusting unit that is connected to the first signal line and supplies a lower potential than the potential of the second signal line in cases in which the discharge switching element is provided between the resistor element and the second signal line, and that is connected to the second signal line and supplies a higher potential than the potential of the first signal line in cases in which the discharge switching element is provided between the resistor element and the first signal line; anda comparison unit that compares a first potential between the resistor element and the discharge switching element, against a ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190124736A1
Автор: Zhou Jun, Zhu Liqiang

System and method for controlling one or more light emitting diodes. For example, the system for controlling one or more light emitting diodes includes a current generator configured to generate a first current flowing through one or more light emitting diodes. The one or more light emitting diodes are configured to receive a rectified voltage generated by a rectifying bridge coupled to a TRIAC dimmer. Additionally, the system includes a bleeder configured to receive the rectified voltage, and a controller configured to receive a sensing voltage from the current generator and output a control signal to the bleeder. The sensing voltage indicates a magnitude of the first current. 1. A system for controlling one or more light emitting diodes , the system comprising:a current generator configured to generate a first current flowing through one or more light emitting diodes, the one or more light emitting diodes being configured to receive a rectified voltage generated by a rectifying bridge coupled to a TRIAC dimmer;a bleeder configured to receive the rectified voltage; anda controller configured to receive a sensing voltage from the current generator and output a control signal to the bleeder, the sensing voltage indicating a magnitude of the first current; generate the control signal to turn off the bleeder if the sensing voltage satisfies a first condition so that the bleeder does not generate a second current, the second current being larger than zero in magnitude; and', 'generate the control signal to turn on the bleeder if the sensing signal satisfies a second condition so that the bleeder generates the second current;, 'wherein the controller is further configured towherein the second condition is different from the first condition.2. The system of whereinthe first condition is the sensing voltage being larger than a reference voltage in magnitude; andthe second condition is the sensing voltage being smaller than the reference voltage in magnitude.3. The system ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128638A1

An electronic device is described. The electronic device includes current measuring circuitry configured to measure load current to produce a load current measurement. The electronic device also includes a processor coupled to the current measuring circuitry. The processor is configured to calculate an estimated load current slope based on the load current measurement and to determine a predicted zero-cross point based on the estimated load current slope to minimize damaging voltage spike creation. 1. An electronic device , comprising:current measuring circuitry configured to measure load current to produce a load current measurement; anda processor coupled to the current measuring circuitry, wherein the processor is configured to calculate an estimated load current slope based on the load current measurement and to determine a predicted zero-cross point based on the estimated load current slope to minimize damaging voltage spike creation.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the processor calculates a rolling average of the load current for a current sample point.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the processor calculates the rolling average using at least ten sample points.4. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the processor stores the rolling average in an average value array.5. The electronic device of claim 4 , wherein the average value array comprises rolling averages for a number of sample points.6. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the processor configured to calculate the estimated load current slope comprises the processor configured to:determine an average load current difference between the rolling average for the current sample point and a rolling average for an earlier sample point; anddivide the average load current difference by a time interval between the current sample point and the earlier sample point.7. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the processor configured to determine the predicted zero-cross ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190137548A1
Автор: Hsu Jhih Yuan

Brown-out detector and method thereof. For example, the brown-out detector includes a variable resistor and a P-type current mirror including a P-type transistor associated with a threshold on-voltage. The P-type current mirror is configured to generate a characteristic voltage of a supply voltage and generate a characteristic current flowing through the variable resistor to generate a reference voltage based at least in part on the characteristic current. Additionally, the brown-out detector includes a voltage comparator configured to compare the characteristic voltage and the reference voltage and output a signal indicating a comparison result, and a controller. The threshold on-voltage is associated with a first rate of thermal change, and the characteristic current is associated with a second rate of thermal change. 18.-. (canceled)9. A brown-out detector comprising:a variable resistor;a current mirror including a transistor associated with a threshold voltage, the current mirror being configured to generate a first voltage representing a supply voltage received by the current mirror and generate a first current flowing through the variable resistor to generate a second voltage based at least in part on the first current; anda comparator configured to receive the first voltage and the second voltage and generate a comparison signal based at least in part on the first voltage and the second voltage; anda controller coupled to the variable resistor and configured to vary an equivalent resistance value of the variable resistor; an absolute value of the threshold voltage changes with temperature at a first rate of change; and', 'the first current changes with temperature at a second rate of change;, 'whereinwherein the controller is further configured to set the equivalent resistance value of the variable resistor based at least in part on the first rate of change and the second rate of change.10. The brown-out detector of wherein the current mirror is further ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180143263A1

An example system includes a failure detection circuit. The failure detection circuit is to detect a failure of a first power source electrically coupled to a first load. The failure detection circuit is to output a first signal indicating the detection of the failure of the first power source. The system also includes a current regulating circuit. The current regulating circuit is electrically coupled to the failure detection circuit. The current regulating circuit is to electrically couple a second power source to the first load based on the first signal output by the failure detection circuit. The current regulating circuit is to restrict a first current from the second power source. 1. A system , comprising: detect a failure of a first power source electrically coupled to a first load, and', 'output a first signal indicating the detection of the failure of the first power source; and, 'a failure detection circuit to electrically couple a second power source to the first load based on the first signal output by the failure detection circuit, and', 'restrict a first current from the second power source., 'a current regulating circuit electrically coupled to the failure detection circuit, the current regulating circuit to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the current regulating circuit includes a plurality of diodes electrically coupled in series with each other claim 1 , wherein the current regulating circuit electrically couples the second power source to the first load through the plurality of diodes claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of diodes restrict the current from the second power source.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the current regulating circuit includes:a first plurality of diodes electrically coupled in series with each other;a first switch electrically coupled in series with the first plurality of diodes;a second plurality of diodes electrically coupled in series with each other and in parallel with the first switch; anda second switch ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200136410A1
Автор: Tian Chen

Provided are a method for testing an output state of an adaptor, a system for testing an output state of an adaptor, and a computer storage medium. The method includes the following. After an adaptor is instructed to enable quick charging, a first instruction is received, where the first instruction is used for instructing determination of a state of output voltage. In response to the first instruction, a first output voltage is acquired and a voltage state is determined according to the first output voltage. After a charging current corresponding to the quick charging is received, a current change rate of the charging current is acquired, and a current state is determined according to the current change rate. A test result of the output state of the adaptor is obtained according to the voltage state and the current state. 1. A method for testing an output state of an adaptor , comprising:receiving a first instruction from the adaptor after instructing the adaptor to enable quick charging, wherein the first instruction is used for instructing determination of a voltage state of the adaptor;in response to the first instruction, acquiring a first output voltage, and determining the voltage state according to the first output voltage;acquiring a current change rate of a charging current corresponding to the quick charging after the charging current is applied, and determining a current state according to the current change rate; andobtaining a test result of the output state of the adaptor according to the voltage state and the current state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the voltage state according to the first output voltage comprises:determining the voltage state to be a first state in response to the first output voltage being higher than a preset threshold voltage;determining the voltage state to be a second state in response to the first output voltage being equal to the preset threshold voltage; anddetermining the voltage state to be a third ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149701A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided is a method for detecting failure of a battery cell due to an unknown discharge current, and the method includes connecting a detector in series between the battery cell and a power supply for supplying a charging power, determining whether the charging of the battery cell progresses by the charging power in excess of a predetermined battery cell specific charging reference time, measuring a current value of the battery cell in real time if the charging of the battery cell progresses in excess of the battery cell specific charging reference time, determining whether the current value of the battery cell measured in real time exceeds a predetermined battery cell specific failure determination reference current range value, and determining a state of the battery cell as a failure state in which an unknown discharge occurs if the current value of the battery cell exceeds the predetermined battery cell specific failure determination reference current range value. 12-. (canceled)3. A method for detecting failure of a battery cell due to an unknown discharge current , the method comprising:a detector connection operation of connecting a detector in series between the battery cell and a power supply for supplying a charging power;a test proper charging time determination operation of determining whether the charging of the battery cell progresses by the charging power in excess of a predetermined battery cell specific charging reference time;a current real-time measurement operation of measuring a current value of the battery cell in real time if the charging of the battery cell progresses in excess of the battery cell specific charging reference time;a battery cell current accumulation storage operation of accumulating and storing the real-time measured current value of the battery cell in a storage element for each measured time;a current slope variation calculation operation of calculating a current slope variation of the current value of the battery cell ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160164279A1

Circuits, switches with over-current protection and methods for measuring a current are described herein. A circuit configured to provide a current from a supply voltage to a load includes a first transistor, a second transistor, and a detecting circuit. The first transistor has a larger active area than the second transistor. The detecting circuit is configured to detect a current through the second transistor. A same voltage is applied between a control terminal of the first transistor and a first controlled terminal of the first transistor and is applied between a control terminal of the second transistor and a first controlled terminal of the second transistor. The detecting circuit is coupled to the second controlled terminal of the second transistor and is coupled to the supply voltage. 1. A circuit , configured to provide a current from a supply voltage to a load , comprising:a first transistor;a second transistor; anda detecting circuit configured to detect a current through the second transistor;wherein the first transistor has a larger active area than the second transistor;wherein a same voltage is applied between a control terminal of the first transistor and a first controlled terminal of the first transistor and is applied between a control terminal of the second transistor and a first controlled terminal of the second transistor;wherein the detecting circuit is coupled to the second controlled terminal of the second transistor; andwherein the detecting circuit is coupled to the supply voltage.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors, wherein the control terminals are gate terminals, the first controlled terminals are source terminals, and the second controlled terminals are drain terminals; and', 'insulated gate bipolar transistors, wherein the control terminals are gate terminals, the first controlled terminals are emitter terminals, and the second controlled terminals are collector terminals., 'the first ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for Checking Load Circuits in a Technical Installation

Номер: US20220299548A1
Автор: Harald Schweigert
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Method for operating a radio communication system for an industrial automation system, which includes at least one base station and a plurality of subscriber stations, wherein the base station cyclically polls datagrams to be transmitted by the subscriber stations, at predefined transmission times, where the base station predefines for the subscriber stations the transmission times for transmitting the datagrams to be transmitted within a polling cycle, the transmission times are each determined from a preceding transmission time by adding a polling cycle duration and subtracting a delay time, while the at least one datagram to be transmitted prior to the preceding transmission time is already in the corresponding subscriber station and ready for transmission, and where the subscriber stations transmit information to the base station regarding the corresponding delay time in order to determine the transmission times.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154759A1
Принадлежит: Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.

Voltage-dividing resistors are arranged in parallel with a first DC power supply. A first switch is electrically connected to a first resistor and a second resistor and includes a first terminal, a second terminal, and a control terminal. A second switch switches supply of a power voltage from a second DC power supply. A voltage comparator includes a first and a second input terminals. A reference power supply is connected to the first input terminal of the voltage comparator and outputs a reference voltage. The first terminal of the first switch is electrically connected to the second input terminal of the voltage comparator. The control terminal of the first switch is electrically connected to a positive voltage side of the second DC power supply. When the power voltage is supplied to the control terminal, and allows a voltage to be applied to the first and the second resistors. 1. A battery voltage detector that detects an output voltage of a connectable first DC power supply , comprising:voltage-dividing resistors that are arranged in parallel with the first DC power supply and include at least a first resistor and a second resistor;a first switch that is electrically connected to the first resistor and the second resistor and includes a first terminal, a second terminal, and a control terminal;a second DC power supply that supplies a power voltage;a second switch that switches supply of the power voltage;a voltage comparator that includes a first and a second input terminals; anda reference power supply that is electrically connected to the first input terminal of the voltage comparator and outputs a reference voltage, whereinthe first terminal of the first switch is electrically connected to the second input terminal of the voltage comparator,the control terminal of the first switch is electrically connected to a positive voltage side of the second DC power supply directly or via a resistor, andwhen the power voltage is supplied to the control terminal, the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Electrical Equipment Fault Diagnosis And Control

Номер: US20210191341A1

A system for automatically learning and adapting to the energy usage of an equipment installed at a facility or many pieces of equipment at a plurality of facilities, where the system is provided with an initial baseline energy usage signature for the equipment, which is modified by measured energy usage and by at least one peripheral sensor measurement data to create a modified energy usage signature. The system uses artificial intelligence to learn and adapt the baseline energy usage signature to learn the business operation and account for external variables such as temperature variance and increased business flow or an interaction between devices. The smart system can identify when a piece of equipment falls outside of “normal” operation and determines what automatic action is to be taken for that piece of equipment. 1. A system for automatically learning and adapting to the energy usage of an equipment operating according to a control input , the system comprising:a computer having a storage and coupled to a network;an energy consumption sensor and at least one peripheral sensor each associated with the equipment and coupled to said computer;software executing on said computer including a baseline energy usage signature for the equipment;said energy consumption sensor measuring energy consumption of the equipment during a first measurement period and generating first energy consumption data;said at least one peripheral sensor measuring a parameter during the first measurement period and generating first peripheral measurement data;said software modifying the baseline energy usage signature based on the first energy consumption data and the first peripheral measurement data to generate a modified baseline energy usage signature;said energy consumption sensor measuring an energy usage of the equipment during operation of the equipment and generating energy usage data;said software comparing the energy usage data to the modified baseline energy usage signature to ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180166899A1

A charger with a wide range output voltage includes a voltage output side, a first constant voltage output unit, a voltage modulation unit and a load voltage detection unit. The first constant voltage output unit generates a first constant voltage. The load voltage detection unit detects a load voltage and transmits the load voltage to the voltage modulation unit. According to the load voltage and a load charging voltage requirement, the voltage modulation unit generates a modulation voltage and transmits the modulation voltage to the first constant voltage output unit. The first constant voltage output unit transmits the first constant voltage and the modulation voltage to the voltage output side. Moreover, the modulation voltage is an n times of a second constant voltage. The n is a positive number. 1. A charger with a wide range output voltage comprising:a voltage output side;a first constant voltage output unit electrically connected to the voltage output side, and the first constant voltage output unit generating a first constant voltage;a voltage modulation unit electrically connected to the first constant voltage output unit; anda load voltage detection unit electrically connected to the voltage output side, the first constant voltage output unit and the voltage modulation unit, and the load voltage detection unit detecting a load voltage and transmitting the load voltage to the voltage modulation unit,wherein according to the load voltage and a load charging voltage requirement, the voltage modulation unit generates a modulation voltage and transmits the modulation voltage to the first constant voltage output unit; the first constant voltage output unit transmits the first constant voltage and the modulation voltage to the voltage output side;wherein the modulation voltage is an n times of a second constant voltage; the n is a positive number.2. The charger in further comprising:a second constant voltage output unit electrically connected to the voltage ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210203344A1

The present disclosure provides a voltage-to-time converter and method for reducing parasitic capacitance and power supply influences. The voltage-to-time converter includes: a main sampling network, a compensation sampling network, a discharge network and an over-threshold detection unit. The influence of a traditional VTC parasitic capacitance on a VTC output swing amplitude is reduced by using the compensation sampling network. A sampling common-mode level of the compensation sampling network is compensated, such that the influence of the low-frequency disturbance of a power supply voltage on a threshold of a traditional VTC threshold detection circuit is reduced. The output swing amplitude of the voltage-to-time converter of the present disclosure can reduce the influence of a parasitic capacitance. A voltage common-mode level of a VTC input end is related to a power supply voltage, which reduces a conversion error caused by the influence of the power supply voltage on a threshold. 1. A voltage-to-time converter for reducing influences of parasitic capacitance and power supply , comprising:a main sampling network, to sample a main input signal and a main reference level;a compensation sampling network, to sample a compensation input signal and a compensation reference level;the main sampling network comprises a main sampling capacitor and a main sampling common-mode level, the main sampling common-mode level samples and converts a difference between an input voltage and a reference voltage; the compensation sampling network comprises a compensation sampling capacitor and a compensation sampling common-mode level, the compensation sampling common-mode level samples and converts the difference between the input voltage and a reference level, and compensates the input voltage;a discharge network, to discharge the main sampling capacitor and the compensation sampling capacitor;an over-threshold detection unit, to detect whether the output level of the discharge ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160181911A1

A load regulation device for controlling the amount of power delivered to an electrical load may be able to calibrate the magnitude of an output voltage of the load regulation device in order to control the magnitude of a load voltage across the electrical load to a predetermined level. The load regulation device may receive the feedback from a calibration device adapted to be coupled to load wiring near the electrical load. The feedback may indicate when the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load has reached a predetermined level. The load regulation device may gradually adjust the magnitude of the output voltage, receive the feedback from the calibration device, and then use the feedback to determine the magnitude of the output voltage corresponding to when the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load has reached the predetermined level. 1. A load regulation device for controlling the amount of power delivered to an electrical load , the load regulation device comprising:a load regulation circuit configured to generate an output voltage for producing a load voltage across the electrical load; anda control circuit configured to adjust the magnitude of the output voltage of the load regulation circuit based on external feedback indicating whether the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load has reached a predetermined level.2. The load regulation device of claim 1 , wherein the external feedback indicates whether the magnitude of the load voltage has exceeded the predetermined level.3. The load regulation device of claim 2 , wherein the control circuit is configured to gradually increase the magnitude of the output voltage until the external feedback indicates that the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load has reached or exceeded the predetermined level.4. The load regulation device of claim 3 , wherein the control circuit is configured to gradually increase the magnitude of the output voltage ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210208195A1

A circuit fault detection apparatus includes an AD conversion circuit, a corrector, a threshold value setting device and a fault detector. The AD conversion circuit detects a voltage corresponding to a current flowing through a circuit fault detection element connected to the electric circuit or a voltage applied to the circuit fault detection element, and converts the voltage to a digital value. The corrector corrects the digital value or a measurement value as a voltage value representative of the digital value to a corrected measurement value. The threshold value setting device sets a threshold value closer to a normal value side than a limit value of the corrected measurement value determined based on a convertible range of the AD conversion circuit. The fault detector detects whether the fault occurs in the electric circuit, based on comparison between the threshold value and the corrected measurement value. 1. A circuit fault detection apparatus for detecting a fault in an electric circuit , comprising:an AD conversion circuit configured to detect a voltage corresponding to a current flowing through a circuit fault detection element connected to the electric circuit or a voltage applied to the circuit fault detection element, and convert the voltage to a digital value;a corrector configured to correct the digital value output by the AD conversion circuit or a measurement value as a voltage value representative of the digital value to a corrected measurement value as a value in a situation where a resistance value of the circuit fault detection element is preliminarily set to a standard resistance value;a threshold value setting device configured to set a threshold value, which is compared with the corrected measurement value, closer to a normal value side than a limit value of the corrected measurement value determined based on a convertible range of the AD conversion circuit; anda fault detector configured to detect whether or not the fault occurs in the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178920A1

A semiconductor device is provided which can detect a fluctuation of a power supply voltage. The semiconductor device includes a counter circuit that outputs a signal when a period during which a power supply voltage of a system to be monitored is lower than or equal to a first voltage value exceeds a predetermined time, a first flag circuit that sets a first flag based on the signal, a second flag circuit that sets a second flag when the power supply voltage becomes a second voltage value or lower, and a circuit that outputs a reset signal that resets the system when both the first and the second flags are set. The first voltage value and the second voltage value are higher than a minimum voltage that guarantees normal operation of the system. The first voltage value is higher than the second voltage value. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a counter circuit that outputs a signal when a time of a state where a power supply voltage of a system to be monitored is lower than or equal to a first voltage value exceeds a predetermined time width;a first flag circuit to which the signal is inputted and which sets a first flag;a second flag circuit that sets a second flag when the power supply voltage becomes a second voltage value or lower; anda circuit that outputs a reset signal that resets the system when both the first and the second flags are set,wherein the first voltage value and the second voltage value are higher than a minimum voltage that guarantees normal operation of the system, and the first voltage value is higher than the second voltage value.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the counter circuit further outputs an alarm signal that generates an alarm when a time of a state where the power supply voltage is lower than or equal to the first voltage value exceeds a predetermined time width.3. A semiconductor device comprising:a first drop detection circuit that outputs a first interrupt signal when a power supply voltage of a system ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180188298A1
Автор: INUKAI Fumihito

An analogue measurement data detection system according to the present invention includes: a reference voltage generation circuit configured to generate and output a reference voltage; an analogue/digital converter configured to compare an analogue signal with the reference voltage outputted from the reference voltage generation circuit, and based on a differential voltage between the analogue signal and the reference voltage, generate and output a digital signal corresponding to the analogue signal. The reference voltage generation circuit is configured to cause the reference voltage to have such a temperature characteristic as to compensate for temperature characteristics of at least the analogue/digital converter and the reference voltage generation circuit. 1. A battery voltage detection system comprising:a plurality of battery cells included in a battery;a selector, to which terminal voltages of the plurality of respective battery cells are inputted and which outputs an analogue signal;a reference voltage generation circuit configured to generate and output a reference voltage;an analogue/digital converter configured to output a digital signal corresponding to the analogue signal; anda first memory electrically connected to the reference voltage generation circuit, whereinthe reference voltage generation circuit outputs a variable reference voltage as the reference voltage, the variable reference voltage being based on a first correction value stored in the first memory, andthe analogue/digital converter compares a voltage of the analogue signal with the variable reference voltage, and outputs the digital signal based on a difference between the voltages, such that characteristics variation of the digital signal due to the analogue/digital converter and the reference voltage generation circuit is constant.2. The battery voltage detection system according to claim 1 , whereinthe variable reference voltage is a voltage signal whose characteristics gradient is ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180188326A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed are an apparatus and method of diagnosing a failure of a switch element used to switch on or off external connection of a battery. The apparatus according to the present disclosure is an apparatus for diagnosing a failure of a switch element provided on a first line between a first electrode of a battery and a first external terminal, the apparatus including a current measuring unit configured to measure a current flowing through a second line between a second electrode of the battery and a second external terminal, a diagnosis resistor and a diagnosis switch provided on a third line to connect an outer node of the switch element and an outer node of the current measuring unit, and connected to each other in series, and a controller configured to apply a control signal for turning on or off the switch element, to the switch element, to turn on the diagnosis switch after the control signal is applied and then receive a measured current value from the current measuring unit, to determine a level of the current flowing through the second line, by using the measured current value, and to diagnose a failure of the switch element by comparing the current level to a reference current level. 1. An apparatus for diagnosing a failure of a switch element provided on a first line between a first electrode of a battery and a first external terminal , the apparatus comprising:a current measuring unit configured to measure a current flowing through a second line between a second electrode of the battery and a second external terminal;a diagnosis resistor and a diagnosis switch provided on a third line to connect an outer node of the switch element and an outer node of the current measuring unit, and connected to each other in series; anda controller configured to apply a control signal for turning on or off the switch element, to the switch element, to turn on the diagnosis switch after the control signal is applied and then receive a measured current value from the ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170192060A1
Автор: Pizzuti Robert J.
Принадлежит: Infineon Technologies Americas Corp.

Systems, devices, methods, and techniques are disclosed for performing calibrated measurements of current through switches in an electronic control unit. In one example, a device includes a current sensor system; a controller, operably connected to the current sensor system; and one or more switches, operably connected to the controller. The current sensor system is configured to receive a measurement of current conducted through at least one switch of the one or more switches. The current sensor system is further configured to perform a measurement of calibrated total current for the one or more switches. The current sensor system is further configured to determine a calibrated value of current for the at least one switch, based at least in part on a comparison of the measurement of current conducted through the at least one switch and the measurement of calibrated total current for the one or more switches. 1. A device comprising:a current sensor system;a controller, operably connected to the current sensor system; andone or more switches, operably connected to the controller, receive a measurement of current conducted through at least one switch of the one or more switches;', 'perform a measurement of calibrated total current for the one or more switches; and', 'determine a calibrated value of current for the at least one switch, based at least in part on a comparison of the measurement of current conducted through the at least one switch and the measurement of calibrated total current for the one or more switches., 'wherein the current sensor system is configured to2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the current sensor system is further configured to communicate the calibrated value of current for the at least one switch to the controller claim 1 , and the controller is configured to regulate current to the at least one switch based at least in part on the calibrated value of current for the at least one switch as determined by the current sensor system.3. The ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190190305A1
Автор: Tian Chen, ZHANG Jialiang

The present disclosure provides a power supply device and a charging control method. The power supply device includes a primary conversion circuit, a secondary conversion circuit, a transformer, a feedback control circuit, and a power adjustment circuit. An input end of the feedback control circuit is coupled to both ends of an inductance element in the secondary conversion circuit. The feedback control circuit is configured to sample an output current of the power supply device based on the impedance of the inductance element to obtain a current sampling value, and to generate a feedback signal according to the current sampling value. The power adjustment circuit is coupled to an output end of the feedback control circuit, and is configured to adjust a power coupled from the primary conversion circuit to the secondary conversion circuit via the transformer according to the feedback signal. 1. A power supply device , comprising:a primary conversion circuit, a secondary conversion circuit, and a transformer between the primary conversion circuit and the secondary conversion circuit, wherein the primary conversion circuit is configured to perform primary rectification and/or primary filtering on input alternating current, the transformer is configured to couple an output power of the primary conversion circuit to the secondary conversion circuit, the secondary conversion circuit is configured to perform secondary rectification and secondary filtering based on a power coupled from the primary conversion circuit to the secondary conversion circuit to generate an output current of the power supply device, and the secondary conversion circuit comprises an inductance element for secondary filtering;a feedback control circuit, wherein an input end of the feedback control circuit is coupled to both ends of the inductance element, and the feedback control circuit is configured to sample the output current of the power supply device based on an impedance of the inductance ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200187891A1
Автор: GOTOH Keita

In an X-ray imaging apparatus, an X-ray irradiation unit, an X-ray detection unit, a control unit configured to control irradiation of an X-ray, an X-ray image processing unit configured to operate independently of the control unit, and a storage battery for the X-ray image processing unit and the control unit are provided. The X-ray image processing unit is configured to acquire information on a remaining amount of the storage battery from the control unit and perform processing of reducing power consumption of the X-ray image processing unit when the remaining amount of the storage battery is equal to or less than a predetermined threshold value. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray irradiation unit configured to irradiate an X-ray to a subject;an X-ray detection unit configured to detect the X-ray irradiated from the X-ray irradiation unit and has passed through the subject;a control unit configured to control irradiation of the X-ray from the X-ray irradiation unit;an X-ray image processing unit configured to be operable independently of the control unit and generate an X-ray image based on the X-ray detected by the X-ray detection unit; anda storage battery configured to supply power to the X-ray image processing unit and the control unit,wherein the X-ray image processing unit is configured to acquire information on a remaining amount of the storage battery from the control unit and perform processing of reducing power consumption of the X-ray image processing unit when an acquired remaining amount of the storage battery is equal to or less than a predetermined threshold value.2. The X-ray imaging apparatus as recited in claim 1 ,wherein the X-ray image processing unit is configured to suspend processing of generating the X-ray image and save image data, and then perform the processing of reducing the power consumption of the X-ray image processing unit when the remaining amount of the storage battery received from the control unit is equal to or ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200204075A1

A switch-mode power supply includes a DC-DC converter and metering circuitry that is coupled to the DC-DC converter. The metering circuitry includes scaling circuitry, a current source, a capacitor, switching circuitry, and a comparator. The scaling circuitry is configured to generate a reference current scaled to be a predetermined fraction of a peak current flowing in an inductor of the DC-DC converter. The current source is configured to output a first current that is one-half of the reference current. The capacitor is coupled to the current source. The switching circuitry is configured to switchably connect the current source to the capacitor. The comparator is coupled to the capacitor. The comparator is configured to generate a signal indicating that a voltage across the capacitor exceeds a threshold voltage. 1. A switch-mode power supply , comprising:a DC-DC converter; andmetering circuitry coupled to the DC-DC converter, the metering circuitry comprising:scaling circuitry configured to generate a reference current scaled to be a predetermined fraction of a peak current flowing in an inductor of the DC-DC converter;a current source configured to output a first current that is one-half of the reference current;a capacitor coupled to the current source;switching circuitry configured to switchably connect the current source to the capacitor; anda comparator coupled to the capacitor, the comparator configured to generate a signal indicating that a voltage across the capacitor exceeds a threshold voltage.2. The switch-mode power supply of claim 1 , wherein the current source is a first current source claim 1 , and the metering circuitry further comprises:a second current source configured to output a second current that is one-half of the reference current;wherein the switching circuitry is configured to switchably connect the first current source and the second current source to the capacitor.3. The switch-mode power supply of claim 2 , wherein the switching ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210242789A1

A method for controlling a power converter includes turning on a power switch to maintain a desired output voltage, wherein the power switch is coupled to a primary winding to control a primary current flow and the output voltage is provided by a secondary winding. The method also includes adding a capacitance in parallel to the power switch at a time determined by a magnitude of an input voltage to the power converter. Here, the timing of adding the capacitance depends on the operation mode of the power controller. In a low input voltage mode, the capacitance is added in a demagnetization-time during which the secondary winding discharges. In a high input voltage mode, the capacitance is added in a discontinuous time. 1. A power converter , comprising:a transformer having a primary winding for coupling to an input voltage, a secondary winding providing an output voltage of the power converter, and a sensing circuit for providing a sensing signal through auxiliary winding,a power switch for coupling to the primary winding of the power converter to control a primary current flow;a capacitor and a modulation switch coupled in parallel to the power switch, the modulation switch being coupled in series with the capacitor; and a power controller for turning on the power switch to maintain a desired output voltage;', 'a mode selection circuit for comparing the input voltage with a reference voltage and providing a mode selection signal that indicates a high input voltage mode if the input voltage is higher than the reference voltage and a low input voltage mode if the input voltage is lower than the reference voltage; and', in the low input voltage mode, the modulation switch is turned on in a demagnetization-time during which the secondary winding discharges; and', 'in the high input voltage mode, the modulation switch is turned on in a discontinuous time during which no current flows in the transformer and the sensing signal is characterized by a resonant waveform., 'a ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226809A1
Автор: CHA Sun-Young, JOE Won-Tae
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed is an apparatus and method for estimating a parameter of a secondary battery. The apparatus includes a sensor unit configured to repeatedly measure a voltage of a secondary battery including a blended cathode material containing at least first and second cathode materials at time intervals when the secondary battery is in an operation state or in an idle state, and a control unit configured to receive the repeatedly measured plurality of voltages from the sensor unit, identify an inflection point in a voltage change profile corresponding to the plurality of voltages, and estimate a depth of discharge (DOD) of the secondary battery by using a voltage measured after the inflection point is identified as a reference voltage. 121-. (canceled)22. An apparatus for estimating a depth of discharging (DOD) of a secondary battery , comprising:a sensor unit configured to repeatedly measure a voltage of a secondary battery including a blended cathode material containing at least first and second cathode materials at time intervals when the secondary battery is in an operation state or in an idle state; anda control unit configured to receive the repeatedly measured plurality of voltages from the sensor unit, identify an inflection point in a voltage change profile corresponding to the plurality of voltages, and estimate a DOD of the secondary battery by using a voltage measured after the inflection point is identified as a reference voltage.23. The apparatus for estimating a DOD of a secondary battery according to claim 22 ,wherein the control unit is configured to estimate the DOD by using a voltage measured after a predetermined time since the inflection point is identified as a reference voltage.24. The apparatus for estimating a DOD of a secondary battery according to claim 22 ,wherein the control unit is configured to estimate the DOD by using a lookup table or a lookup function which defines a correlation between the reference voltage and the DOD in advance.25. ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180217207A1

A device includes an interface and a processor. The interface receives information for a parameter indicative of a status of a battery. The processor calculates a remaining capacity of the battery, calculates a capacity ratio of the calculated remaining capacity to a capacity reference of the battery, compares the parameter with a parameter reference to generate a first comparison result, compares the capacity ratio with a ratio reference to generate a second comparison result, sets an amount according to the first and second comparison results, and changes the calculated remaining capacity by the amount. 1. A method for estimating a remaining capacity of a battery , said method comprising:charging said battery via a host device;measuring, with said host device, a battery voltage of said battery during said charging;determining, using said host device, whether said battery is defined as being close to being fully charged based on said battery voltage and a condition that defines when said battery is close to being fully charged; and counting charges passing in said battery to estimate a calculated remaining capacity of said battery by monitoring a charging current of said battery;', 'calculating a calculated capacity ratio of said calculated remaining capacity to a capacity reference of said battery;', 'comparing said charging current with a current reference to generate a first comparison result;', 'comparing said calculated capacity ratio with a ratio reference to generate a second comparison result;', 'setting an amount according to said first and second comparison results;', 'providing a calibrated remaining capacity by increasing said calculated remaining capacity by said amount if said charging current is less than said current reference and if said calculated capacity ratio is less than said ratio reference;', 'calculating a calibrated capacity ratio in percentage form of said calibrated remaining capacity to said capacity reference; and', 'controlling a ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210263079A1

A current sensor arrangement includes a first conductor configured to conduct a first portion of a primary current in a current flow direction; a second conductor configured to conduct a second portion of the primary current in the current flow direction; and a magnetic sensor. The first and second conductor are coupled in parallel. The first current produces a first magnetic field as it flows through the first conductor and the second current produces a second magnetic field as it flows through the second conductor. The first conductor and the second conductor are separated from each other in a first direction that is orthogonal to the current flow direction, thereby defining a gap. The magnetic sensor is arranged in the gap such that the first conductor is arranged over a first portion of the magnetic sensor and the second conductor is arranged under a second portion of the magnetic sensor. 1. A current sensor arrangement , comprising:a conductor configured to conduct a primary current, the conductor comprising a first end, a second end oppositely arranged with respect to the first end, and a slit that extends partially between the first end and the second end in a current flow direction,wherein the slit divides the conductor into a first conductor portion and a second conductor portion both conjoined at the first end and the second end of the conductor,wherein the primary current flows in the current flow direction from the first end to the second end,wherein the primary current is divided into a first current that produces a first magnetic field as it flows through the first conductor portion in the current flow direction and a second current that produces a second magnetic field as it flows through the second conductor portion in the current flow direction, andwherein the first conductor portion and the second conductor portion are separated from each other in a first direction that is orthogonal to the current flow direction, thereby defining a gap; anda ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Calibration of a Load Control Device for a Light-Emitting Diode Light Source

Номер: US20180241304A1

A load regulation device for controlling the amount of power delivered to an electrical load may be able to calibrate the magnitude of an output voltage of the load regulation device in order to control the magnitude of a load voltage across the electrical load to a predetermined level. The load regulation device may receive the feedback from a calibration device adapted to be coupled to load wiring near the electrical load. The feedback may indicate when the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load has reached a predetermined level. The load regulation device may gradually adjust the magnitude of the output voltage, receive the feedback from the calibration device, and then use the feedback to determine the magnitude of the output voltage corresponding to when the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load has reached the predetermined level. 1. A load control system for controlling the amount of power delivered from a power source to an electrical load , the load control system comprising:a load regulation device configured to be coupled to the electrical load via load wiring and to generate an output voltage for producing a load voltage across the electrical load; anda calibration device configured to be coupled to the load wiring near the electrical load and to provide feedback to the load regulation device indicating whether the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load is greater than or equal to a predetermined level,wherein the load regulation device is configured to adjust the magnitude of the output voltage based on the feedback from the calibration device indicating whether the magnitude of the load voltage across the electrical load is greater than or equal to the predetermined level.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the load regulation device is configured to gradually increase the magnitude of the output voltage until receiving the feedback indicating that the magnitude of the load voltage across the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190237990A1
Автор: LI CHAO

A circuit for polarizing magnetic material using a magnetic field of an excitation coil includes a port configured to provide a connection with a DC power supply. The circuit also includes at least one capacitor and driver circuitry configured to drive the excitation coil and the at least one capacitor. The driver circuitry is configured to discharge the excitation coil to the DC power supply via the at least one capacitor. 1. A circuit for polarizing magnetic material using a magnetic field of an excitation coil , the circuit comprising:a port configured to provide a connection with a DC power supply,at least one capacitor, anddriver circuitry configured to drive the excitation coil and the at least one capacitor, wherein the driver circuitry is configured to discharge the excitation coil to the DC power supply via the at least one capacitor.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the driver circuitry is configured to:activate a first mode of operation, wherein the circuit is configured to charge the excitation coil in the first mode of operation; andactivate a second mode of operation, wherein the circuit is configured to discharge the excitation coil in the second mode of operation.3. The circuit of claim 2 , wherein the circuit is configured to charge the at least one capacitor to a predetermined voltage in the first mode of operation.4. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in the first mode of operation claim 3 , the circuit is configured to:charge the at least one capacitor when a voltage across the at least one capacitor is smaller than the predetermined voltage, anddischarge the at least one capacitor when the voltage across the at least one capacitor is larger than the predetermined voltage.5. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined voltage comprises a voltage provided by the DC power supply.6. The circuit of claim 2 , wherein the excitation coil and the at least one capacitor are connected in parallel in the first mode of operation.7. The ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Sensor Device

Номер: US20150260765A1

In a related art sensor device, an output voltage of the sensor device is fixed not to a power supply voltage or a ground potential but to an intermediate potential upon disconnection of a power supply line or a ground line. A sensor device is composed of: a detection element whose voltage Vsen changes depending on a detected physical quantity; an output circuit configured by MOS switches to and to , capacitors and , an operational amplifier , a reference voltage source , and output NMOS transistor ; a series circuit of the MOS switch and the capacitor , the series circuit being arranged in a negative feedback part of the output circuit; and a diode that connects a well electrode of the MOS switch and a power supply terminal Vcc. 1. A sensor device for detecting a predetermined physical quantity , the sensor device including a power supply terminal and a ground terminal which are supplied with power from outside , an output terminal which outputs an output signal of the sensor device to the outside as an analog voltage , and an output circuit which generates an output signal of the output terminal , the sensor device comprising:a series circuit of a MOS switch and a capacitor, the series circuit being arranged in a negative feedback part of the output circuit; andan element which serves as a diode connected to a well electrode of the MOS switch.2. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the output circuit is an output circuit of an open drain type.3. The sensor device according to claim 2 ,wherein the output circuit is an NMOS open drain circuit, and the element which serves as the diode takes a direction from the power supply terminal to the well electrode of the MOS switch as a forward direction.4. The sensor device according to claim 2 ,wherein the output circuit is a PMOS open drain circuit, and the element which serves as the diode takes a direction from the well electrode of the MOS switch to the ground terminal as a forward direction.5. The sensor ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242931A1
Автор: Butcher Steven G.

A system for detecting changes in an operating state of an appliance includes a plug-through monitoring device and an alarm structured to produce an alarm notification. The plug-through monitoring device has an electrical monitoring mechanism for monitoring electrical current draw by the appliance from a power source. The plug-through monitoring device including a sensor, a processor, and a memory, and has a transmitter coupled with the electrical monitoring mechanism. The transmitter is coupled with the alarm. 1. A method for monitoring an operating state of an appliance , the method comprising:detecting an increase in current draw indicative of a first change in the operating state;detecting a decrease in current draw indicative of a second change in the operating state that is indicative of the appliance completing a task;monitoring current draw after detecting the decrease in current draw; andoutputting an alarm signal responsive to the second change in the operating state.2. The method of wherein detecting an increase in current draw includes detecting current draw in excess of a threshold current level.3. The method of wherein detecting a decrease in current draw includes detecting a decrease in current draw below a threshold current level claim 1 , and monitoring current draw after the decrease in current draw further includes determining the current draw is below the threshold current level.4. The method of wherein detecting a decrease in current draw includes detecting a decrease in current draw that is at least a majority of current draw in a prior operating state.5. The method of wherein the steps are performed by a plug-through device.6. The method of further comprising generating an alarm notification at a receiver separate from the plug-through device responsive to the alarm signal.7. A system for detecting changes to an operating state in an appliance comprising:a plug-through device positioned in electric series between the appliance and a power ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Power Conversion Device, Power Conversion Device Control Device, and Power Conversion Device Control Method

Номер: US20210305903A1

An object of the present invention is to sufficiently reduce a switching loss. A control device causes a positive electrode of a first voltage to appear at a second connection point by switching second and third switching elements to an ON state. Next, the control device causes the positive electrode of the first voltage to appear at a first connection point by switching the second and third switching elements to an OFF state. After that, fifth and eighth switching elements are switched to the OFF state, and sixth and seventh switching elements are switched to the ON state.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190257860A1

The present invention discloses a voltage detection and determination circuit and a power battery system having the same. The circuit includes: a detection processing module, connected to a voltage sampling end and configured to output a first detection voltage based on a voltage sampled by the voltage sampling end; a detection similarity processing module, configured to imitate the detection processing module, to generate a reference voltage corresponding to the first detection voltage; a current source module, configured to provide a bias current to the detection processing module and the detection similarity processing module; and a comparison processing module, configured to perform comparison processing on the first detection voltage and the reference voltage, to output a voltage detection signal. The circuit uses the detection similarity processing module to imitate the detection processing module, to generate reference voltage, does not need a reference voltage, and has a simple circuit structure. Moreover, there is no need to consider an influence caused by an offset voltage of a comparator. A voltage sampled by a sampling end may be accurately detected and determined, so that charging and discharging states of a battery pack are correctly identified. 1. A voltage detection and determination circuit , comprising:a detection processing module, wherein the detection processing module is connected to a voltage sampling end, and the detection processing module is configured to output a first detection voltage based on a voltage sampled by the voltage sampling end;a detection similarity processing module, wherein the detection similarity processing module is configured to imitate the detection processing module, to generate a reference voltage corresponding to the first detection voltage;a current source module, wherein the current source module is connected to the detection processing module and the detection similarity processing module, and the current source ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210349130A1

A method of inspecting power units applied to a plurality of power units is connected to a signal bus. The method is to disconnect the power unit having an output current from the signal bus, give a control command by a controller for raising the output current, measure the output current after the control command is given, and compare the measured output current with the target current value corresponding to the control command for determining an inspection result. The present disclosed example can effectively reduce inspection time and improve inspection accuracy. 1. A method of inspecting a plurality of power units connected to a signal bus , each of the power units comprising a power module and a controller , the method comprising following steps:a) disconnecting one of the power units from the signal bus, wherein the power unit being disconnected has an output current;b) providing a control command by the controller for raising the output current;c) measuring the output current after the control command is provided; andd) determining an inspection result of the power unit by comparing the measured output current with a target current value corresponding to the control command.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising following step:e) selecting one of the power units without the inspection result to execute the step a) to step d).3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising following steps to be executed before the step b):{'b': '1', 'f) executing a state detection on the power unit; and'}{'b': '2', 'f) skipping the execution of the step a) to the step d) and outputting a notification when any error is detected during the state detection.'}4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step d) comprises following steps:{'b': '1', 'd) determining that the inspection result of the power unit is normal when the measured output current reaches the target current value; and'}{'b': '2', 'd) determining that the inspection result of the ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210382110A1

A method for supplying power to an inductive load () using an H-bridge () power supply structure, comprising a first block B of steps for detecting an anomaly using a “DIAG ON” diagnostic method, a second block B of steps for detecting an anomaly using a “DIAG OFF” diagnostic method, and finally a third block B of steps for discriminating the detected anomaly and for confirming a short circuit at the inductive load () anomaly. 112212312. A method for supplying power to an inductive load () using an H-bridge () power supply structure , comprising a first block B of steps for detecting an anomaly using a “DIAG ON” diagnostic method , a second block B of steps for detecting an anomaly using a “DIAG OFF” diagnostic method , and finally a third block B of steps for discriminating the detected anomaly and for confirming a short circuit at the inductive load () anomaly.2121612621426323264. The method for supplying power to an inductive load () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the first block B of steps for detecting an anomaly using a “DIAG ON” diagnostic method comprises a step () of putting the H-bridge () into an activation state from among a first activation state and a second activation state claim 1 , a step () of measuring successive values of the strength of a high-side current flowing in a high-side switch (M claim 1 , M) in the on state of the H-bridge () claim 1 , a step () of measuring successive values of the strength of a low-side current flowing in a low-side switch (M claim 1 , M) in the on state of the H-bridge () claim 1 , and a step () of evaluating a criterion for detecting an overcurrent of the low-side current or of the high-side current on the basis of the measured values.312. The method for supplying power to an inductive load () as claimed in claim 2 , characterized in that it comprises a step of recording the type of anomaly detected in relation to the overcurrent of the low-side current or the high-side current that is detected.41221 ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200274374A1

The present disclosure discloses a detection circuit and method. The detection circuit comprises: a controller, a battery pack, a main positive switch module, a main negative switch module and at least one detection loop. The controller collects voltages of a positive electrode and a negative electrode of the battery pack and a voltage between external sides of the main positive switch module and the main negative switch module when turning on the main positive or negative switch module and after turning on any detection loop, and obtains resistance values of insulation resistors of the external sides according to resistance values of insulation resistors of internal sides of the main positive and negative switch module, as well as the voltages of the positive electrode and the negative electrode and the voltage between the external sides of the main positive switch module and the main negative switch module, which are collected twice. 1. A detection circuit , comprising: a controller , a battery pack , a main positive switch module , a main negative switch module and at least one detection loop; wherein ,both sides of the main positive switch module and both sides of the main negative switch module are connected with a reference potential terminal respectively, and one side of the main positive switch module and/or one side of the main negative switch module are/is connected with the reference potential terminal through at least one detection loop; a positive electrode of the battery pack is connected with an internal side of the main positive switch module, a negative electrode of the battery pack is connected with an internal side of the main negative switch module;the controller is configured to turn on the main positive switch module or the main negative switch module when the detection circuit is in an initial state, collect voltages of the positive electrode and the negative electrode of the battery pack and a voltage between an external side of the main ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200275378A1

An industrial cellular modem includes a radio module powered by a battery, a battery voltage sensor, a transmitted power meter, and a temperature sensor, and a processor having a memory for executing program instructions for a method of dynamic low battery voltage threshold (LBVT) control. A current battery voltage is compared to a current LBVT (CLBVT), and the modem is turned on and a cellular data session begun with a host server if the current voltage is≥the CLBVT, or if the current battery voltage is Подробнее

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170302069A1

A semiconductor device is provided for measuring a voltage of each of plural unit cells series-coupled in multi-stage and configuring an assembled battery. The semiconductor device includes two terminals coupled to two nodes which are electrodes of a unit cell and coupled with other unit cells, and a voltage measurement circuit which measures the inter-terminal voltage between the two terminals. The device also includes a down-convert level shifter circuit which converts the inter-terminal voltage into a low-potential-side inter-terminal voltage based on a ground potential, and a comparator circuit which compares the converted low-potential-side inter-terminal voltage with a predetermined reference voltage. The semiconductor device further includes an up-convert level shifter circuit which converts a low-potential-side shunt control signal based on the ground potential into a high-potential-side shunt control signal, and a switch which short-circuits the two terminals via a resistor based on the converted high-potential-side shunt control signal. 1. A method of measuring voltage of each of a plurality of unit cells series-coupled in multi-stage and configuring an assembled battery , the method using at least one semiconductor device , wherein the semiconductor device comprises:a first terminal to be coupled to a first node which is one electrode of a unit cell and is coupled to another unit cell in the unit cells; anda second terminal to be coupled to a second node which is the other electrode of the unit cell and is coupled to another unit cell,the method comprising:measuring an inter-terminal voltage between the first terminal and the second terminal by a voltage measurement circuit;converting the inter-terminal voltage into a low-potential-side inter-terminal voltage by a first level shifter circuit;comparing the low-potential-side inter-terminal voltage with a predetermined reference voltage by a comparator circuit;converting a low-potential-side shunt control ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Field device with monitor and method of operation

Номер: US20200300899A1

A field device having a monitoring device for grounding and/or shield connections, wherein the monitoring device is connected to a power supply of the field device, an activation arrangement for activating a monitoring current and at least one current detection device downstream of the activation arrangement, wherein the at least one current detection device is connected to at least one component of the field device to be grounded and/or to be shielded. 1. A field device comprising a monitoring device for grounding and/or shield connections , wherein the monitoring device is connected to a power supply of the field device , and has an activation arrangement for activating a monitoring current and at least one current detection device downstream of the activation arrangement , wherein the at least one current detection device is connected to at least one component of the field device to be grounded and/or shielded.2. The field device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one component is a component to be connected with a protective conductor and/or a grounding conductor claim 1 , in particular a measuring electronic circuit and/or a housing and/or a fastening arrangement of the field device.3. The field device of claim 1 , wherein respectively one current detection device each is connected to respectively one component.4. The field device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one current detection device is connected to a computing unit.5. The field device of claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device is connected to a display unit.6. The field device of claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device comprises a memory for storing a value for the monitored currents.7. A method for operating a field device comprising a monitoring device for grounding and shield connections according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the activation arrangement of the monitoring device performs a monitoring process at least upon startup of the field device by sending a monitoring current ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170315160A1

The systems and methods of the present disclosure use measurement circuitry that includes first and second circuits, a selecting circuit, a determination circuit, and a setting circuit. Each of the first and second circuits measures voltage or current sensed by a sensor. The selecting circuit selects the first circuit to provide the measured voltage or current values. The determination circuit determines whether the measured voltage or current values reach a predetermined level. The setting circuit changes a setting of the second circuit from a first setting to a second setting if the measured voltage or current values reach the predetermined level. The selecting circuit selects the second circuit to provide the measured voltage or current values when a first predetermined time elapses after changing the setting of the second circuit. The selecting circuit also changes a setting of the first circuit from the first setting to the second setting after selecting the second circuit. 122-. (canceled)23. A measurement circuit that measures a waveform of electrical energy generated by a generator , the measurement circuit comprising:a sensor configured to sense a waveform having a first range of amplitudes; an attenuator configured to amplify an amplitude of the waveform by multiplying the waveform by an attenuation factor;', 'an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to digitally sample the amplified waveform, which has a second range of amplitudes, to obtain digital samples;', 'a gain element configured to multiply the digital samples by a gain factor; and', 'a factor adjustor configured to adjust the attenuation factor and the gain factor; and, 'first and second circuits configured to filter the sensed waveform, each circuit includinga controller configured to calculate voltage and current of the waveform based on the digital samples and to control the generator based on the calculated voltage and current,wherein the first range includes and is larger than the ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200313444A1

Aspects of the present disclosure provide for circuit. In at least some examples, the circuit includes a controller, a current source, a switch, and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The controller includes an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) having an input and an output, a first register, and a second register coupled to the output of the ADC. The switch is coupled between an output of the current source and a first node and has a control terminal coupled to the controller. The first node is coupled to the input of the ADC and is configured to couple to a resistor. The DAC has an input coupled to the controller and an output configured to couple to a battery. 1. A circuit , comprising: an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) having an input and an output;', 'a first register; and', 'a second register coupled to the output of the ADC;, 'a controller, comprisinga current source having an output;a switch coupled between the output of the current source and a first node and having a control terminal coupled to the controller, wherein the first node is coupled to the input of the ADC and is configured to couple to a resistor; anda digital-to-analog converter (DAC) having an input coupled to the controller and an output configured to couple to a battery.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the switch to close to source current through the resistor to cause the ADC to generate a digital representation of a value of a signal present at the first node and store the digital representation in the second register.3. The circuit of claim 2 , wherein the first register is configured to receive a programmed charging current for charging the battery via the DAC.4. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to compare the programmed charging current stored in the first register to the digital representation stored in the second register and control the DAC to charge the battery at a charging rate defined by a lesser of the ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200328756A1

A device for monitoring voltage in a battery-operated system, the device comprising: a ladder selector configured to select between a first resistive ladder and a second resistive ladder; the first resistive ladder comprising: a first string of resistors coupled between a sensing input node and a first node of the ladder selector; and a first set of transistors configured to tap intermediate nodes of a set of resistors in the first string of resistors; the second resistive ladder comprising: a second string of resistors coupled between the sensing input node and a second node of the ladder selector; and a second set of transistors configured to tap intermediate nodes of a set of resistors in the second string of resistors; and wherein a selected transistor in one of the first set of transistors or the second set of transistors is turned on, and non-selected transistors of the first set of transistors and the second set of transistors are turned off to set a threshold voltage for a sensing output node. 1. A device for monitoring voltage in a battery-operated system , the device comprising:a ladder selector configured to select between a first resistive ladder and a second resistive ladder; a first string of resistors coupled between a sensing input node and a first node of the ladder selector; and', 'a first set of transistors configured to tap intermediate nodes of a set of resistors in the first string of resistors;, 'the first resistive ladder comprising a second string of resistors coupled between the sensing input node and a second node of the ladder selector; and', 'a second set of transistors configured to tap intermediate nodes of a set of resistors in the second string of resistors; and, 'the second resistive ladder comprisingwherein a selected transistor in one of the first set of transistors or the second set of transistors is turned on, and non-selected transistors of the first set of transistors and the second set of transistors are turned off to set a ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190331725A1

A first decision unit of an AC leakage detection section outputs a first output signal with a signal level depending on the level of a corrected first voltage signal output from a correction unit relative to a first threshold value. An excitation unit of a DC leakage detection section applies, to an excitation coil, an excitation voltage having an excitation frequency. A DC component detection unit outputs a second voltage signal representing magnitude of a DC component of the voltage obtained by a current-detecting resistor. A second decision unit outputs a second output signal having a voltage level depending on the level of the second voltage signal relative to a second threshold value. The DC leakage detection section includes a low-pass filter provided between an input terminal electrically connected to a connection point between the excitation coil and the current-detecting resistor and the excitation coil.

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180351494A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A motor drive apparatus includes a converter configured to convert AC power inputted by an AC power supply to DC power and to output the same to a DC link, a DC link capacitor provided for the DC link, an inverter configured to convert the DC power in the DC link to AC power for driving a motor and to output the AC power, a DC voltage detection unit configured to detect a value of DC voltage applied across the DC link capacitor, an AC voltage detection unit configured to detect a peak value of AC voltage on an AC input side of the converter, and a leakage current detection unit configured to detect a leakage current caused by driving the motor, based on the value of DC voltage detected by the DC voltage detection unit and the peak value of AC voltage detected by the AC voltage detection unit. 1. A motor drive apparatus comprising:a converter configured to convert AC power inputted by an AC power supply to DC power and to output the DC power to a DC link;a DC link capacitor provided for the DC link;an inverter configured to convert the DC power in the DC link to AC power for driving a motor and to output the AC power;a DC voltage detection unit configured to detect a value of DC voltage applied across the DC link capacitor;an AC voltage detection unit configured to detect a peak value of AC voltage on an AC input side of the converter; anda leakage current detection unit configured to detect a leakage current caused by driving the motor, based on the value of DC voltage detected by the DC voltage detection unit and the peak value of AC voltage detected by the AC voltage detection unit.2. The motor drive apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the leakage current detection unit comprises a calculation unit configured to calculate a difference between the value of DC voltage detected by the DC voltage detection unit and the peak value of AC voltage detected by the AC voltage detection unit anddetects an occurrence of leakage current caused by driving the motor, based ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150375634A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided is a current measuring relay device capable of measuring a current flowing in a relay and controlling an operation of the relay based on the measured result, without depending on a control operation of an external control device such as a battery management system (BMS) by integrating the relay with a current measuring sensor. 1. A current measuring relay device , comprising:a relay provided in a circuit;a current measurement unit measuring a current of the relay;a comparator comparing a measured current value with a preset current limit value; anda switch controlling an operation of the relay depending on whether the measured current value exceeds the current limit value.2. The current measuring relay device of claim 1 , wherein the relay and the current measurement unit are integrated to be modularized.3. The current measuring relay device of claim 1 , wherein the current measurement unit includes a current sensor corresponding to at least one of a current transformer type claim 1 , a hall element type claim 1 , and a fuse type.4. The current measuring relay device of claim 1 , wherein the current measurement unit measures at least one of an alternating current and a direct current.5. The current measuring relay device of claim 1 , wherein the comparator transmits an excessive sensing signal to the switch when the measured current value exceeds the current limit value.6. The current measuring relay device of claim 5 , wherein the switch turns on or off a power supply of the relay.7. The current measuring relay device of claim 6 , wherein when the switch receives the excessive sensing signal claim 6 , a state of the switch is changed from a turn on state to a turn off state and thus an operation of the relay stops.8. The current measuring relay device of claim 1 , wherein the state of the switch is changed from the turn on state to the turn off state regardless of whether a battery management system (BSM) is normally operated claim 1 , when the measured ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200348710A1

A voltage monitoring circuit portion is arranged to monitor a negative supply voltage (V) and comprises a negative voltage generator arranged to generate the negative supply voltage (V) and to output the negative supply voltage (V) at an output terminal. A capacitor is arranged so that a first capacitor plate is connected to the output terminal of the generator and to a reference node via a potential divider. The potential divider is arranged to produce a monitor voltage (V) between the resistors, where the reference node is supplied with a positive predetermined reference voltage (V). A comparator compares the monitor voltage (V) to a threshold voltage (V) and to produce an output signal having a first value when the monitor voltage (V) is below the threshold voltage (V) and having a second value otherwise. The negative voltage generator is enabled only when the output signal has its second value. 1. A voltage monitoring circuit portion arranged to monitor a negative supply voltage , said voltage monitoring circuit portion comprising:a negative voltage generator arranged to generate the negative supply voltage and to output said negative supply voltage at an output terminal of the negative voltage generator;a capacitor having a first capacitor plate and a second capacitor plate, said first capacitor plate being connected to the output terminal of the negative voltage generator, said first capacitor plate being further connected to a reference node via a potential divider comprising first and second resistors connected in series, wherein the potential divider is arranged to produce a monitor voltage at a monitor node between said first and second resistors and wherein the reference node is supplied with a positive predetermined reference voltage; anda comparator arranged to compare the monitor voltage to a threshold voltage and to produce an output signal having a first value when the monitor voltage is below the threshold voltage and having a second value when the ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190361056A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Interface circuits that may utilize a limited number of pins to detect a presence of an accessory, determine whether the accessory can provide or receive power, communicate with the accessory regarding at least that transfer of power, and transfer power accordingly. One example may provide detection circuitry for a host that may detect the presence of a pull-down resistor on a data pin of an accessory. The pull-down may indicate that a power consuming accessory has been connected. This example may detect the presence of power on a power pin. The presence of the power on the power pin may indicate that a power providing accessory has been connected. 1. A method of detecting a connection of an accessory , the method comprising:providing a pull-up resistor at a data pin, the pull-up resistor connected between a power supply and the data pin;measuring a first resulting voltage at the data pin, and if the resulting voltage is not approximately equal to the power supply, then determining that a power consuming accessory has been connected, otherwiseproviding a pull-down resistor at a data pin, the pull-down resistor connected between ground and the data pin;determining whether power is being received by the host, and if it is, then determining that a power providing accessory has been connected, otherwiseproviding the pull-up resistor at a data pin, the pull-up resistor connected between the power supply and the data pin.2. The method of wherein if the accessory is a power consuming accessory claim 1 , then the host provides power to the accessory.3. The method of wherein the host is a portable computing device.4. The method of wherein the pull-up resistor is provided for a first duration and the pull-down resistor is provided for a second duration claim 1 , the second duration at least ten times as long as the first duration.550. The method of wherein the pull-up resistor is provided for a first duration and the pull-down resistor is provided for a second duration claim ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190391187A1

A circuit for monitoring a supply voltage for an electronic device. The circuit includes a first reference voltage source, which generates a first reference voltage; a comparison device, which compares the first reference voltage with the supply voltage; a voltage regulator for regulating the supply voltage, the first reference voltage serving as a reference for the voltage regulator and the output voltage of the voltage regulator which supplies at least the comparison device a second reference voltage source, which generates a second reference voltage; and at least one comparator, which compares the output voltage of the voltage regulator with the second reference voltage. 115- (canceled)16. A circuit for monitoring a supply voltage for an electronic device , comprising:a first reference voltage source configured to generate a first reference voltage;a comparison device configured to compare the first reference voltage with the supply voltage;a voltage regulator configured to regulate the supply voltage, the first reference voltage serving as a reference for the voltage regulator and the output voltage of which supplies at least the comparison device;a second reference voltage source configured to generate a second reference voltage; andat least one comparator configured to compares the output voltage of the voltage regulator with the second reference voltage.17. The circuit as recited in claim 16 , wherein the supply voltage is a VDD5 supply voltage.18. The circuit as recited in claim 16 , wherein the comparator is configured to output an error signal when the output voltage is above the second reference voltage.19. The circuit as recited in claim 16 , wherein the comparator is configured to output an error signal when the output voltage is below the second reference voltage.20. The circuit as recited in claim 16 , wherein the comparison device is an application-specific integrated circuit.21. The circuit as recited in claim 16 , wherein the comparison device ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220404403A1

An electricity meter includes a front circuit connected to an external transformer and a conductor connected to the external transformer via the front circuit; a test circuit including a test generation chain and a test measuring chain connected to the conductor and a processing component; the test generation chain being arranged to apply a test voltage on the conductor, which produces a test current circulating in the test measuring chain, the test voltage having a level which depends on the impedance of the external transformer, the processing component being arranged to detect a cutoff of the external transformer when the level of the test voltage is greater than a predefined detection threshold. 1. An electricity meter comprising:a front circuit arranged to be connected to an external current transformer located outside of the electricity meter and mounted on a phase of a distribution network;a conductor arranged to be connected to the external current transformer via the front circuit;a test circuit comprising a test generation chain having an output connected to the conductor, a test measuring chain having an input connected to the conductor, and a processing component;the test generation chain comprising a voltage generator and being arranged to apply a test voltage on the conductor, the test voltage producing a test current circulating in the test measuring chain and said test voltage having a level which depends on an equivalent impedance of the front circuit and of the external current transformer, the test measuring chain being arranged to measure the level of the test voltage, the processing component being arranged to acquire the level of the test voltage and to detect a cutoff of the external current transformer when the level of the test voltage is greater than a predefined detection threshold.2. The electricity meter according to claim 1 , wherein the front circuit comprises an internal current transformer arranged to be connected to the external ...

08-08-2002 дата публикации

Circuit for detecting overcharging and overdischarging, and chargeable power supply

Номер: KR100332334B1
Автор: 다케시 마시코

과충방전 검출회로의 비교기의 이득을 충분히 얻음으로써, 제어회로의 관통전류를 억제하고, 전지와 과충방전 검출회로 사이에 보호저항을 삽입해도, 과충방전 검출전압의 설정을 어긋나게 하거나 발진하는 등의 현상이 나타나지 않고 정확한 과충방전 검출을 가능하게 한다. 2개의 직렬전지(101, 102), 전지 각각의 분할저항기(103, 104, 105, 106), 기준전압(107, 108), 전압 비교회로(109, 110)로 구성된 과충방전 검출회로에 비교기(107)의 구성을 N채널 MOS 입력형의 비교기로 구성하고, 비교기(108)의 구성을 P채널 MOS 입력형의 비교기로 구성함으로써, 최적의 큰 이득이 얻어진다. 제어회로(111)에서 사용하는 CMOS 논리 소자에 흐르는 관통 전류를 억제하며, 보호저항(203), (205)에 의해, 검출전압이 상승하거나, 발진하는 과충방전 검출회로의 오동작을 일으키는 것을 방지한다. By sufficiently obtaining the gain of the comparator of the overcharge / discharge detection circuit, the current flow of the control circuit can be suppressed, and even if a protection resistor is inserted between the battery and the overcharge / discharge detection circuit, the setting of the overcharge / discharge detection voltage is shifted or oscillated This does not appear and enables accurate overcharge and discharge detection. The comparator (2) consists of two series cells (101, 102), split resistors (103, 104, 105, 106), reference voltages (107, 108), and voltage comparison circuits (109, 110). By configuring the configuration of 107 as an N-channel MOS input comparator, and configuring the comparator 108 as a P-channel MOS input comparator, an optimum large gain can be obtained. The through current flowing through the CMOS logic element used in the control circuit 111 is suppressed, and the protection resistors 203 and 205 prevent the detection voltage from rising or causing the overcharge and discharge detection circuit to malfunction. .

11-05-2009 дата публикации

배터리 관리 장치 및 그 제어 방법

Номер: KR20090046474A
Автор: 김금수, 박재욱, 박종민
Принадлежит: (주) 누리기술, 태성전장주식회사

본 발명은 자동차용 단일 배터리에 연결 또는 일체화되는 배터리 관리 장치에 있어서, 배터리의 전류 및 전압 값을 측정하고, 온도 센서를 포함하여 배터리의 온도값을 측정하며, 측정된 전류, 전압 및 온도 값을 디지털 값으로 변환하여, 오차를 보정하는 센싱부, 상기 센싱부에서 측정된 전류값, 전압값 및 온도값을 가공하여, 잔존 용량과 잔존 수명을 추정하며, 소정 시간 간격마다 타이머 인터럽트를 발생하여 측정 및 추정이 연동되어 수행되도록 제어하는 제어부, 상기 센싱부 및 상기 제어부의 통신을 처리하며, 외부 마스터와의 통신을 처리하는 통신부를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 배터리 관리 장치를 제공한다. 따라서, 본 발명에 의하면 배터리의 상태를 측정하여, 이를 제어함으로써, 배터리에 의해 공급된 부하와 차량 또는 차량의 운전자가 요청하는 부하량의 균형을 맞출 수 있으며, 또한 부하 공급에 따른 불량 요인을 현저히 줄일 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 자동차의 신뢰성을 향상시킬 수 있다. 배터리 관리 장치, BMS

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Potable Rotor Diagnosis Device And Method for Induction Machines

Номер: KR102113497B1
Автор: 윤민한
Принадлежит: 동명대학교산학협력단

유도기 설비(10)의 고장을 진단하는 휴대용 회전자 진단 장치에 있어서, 3상 인버터(100); 상기 인버터(100)의 출력단에 연결되어 출력되는 전류를 측정하는 전류센서(200) 및 상기 인버터(100)를 제어하고 상기 전류센서(200)로부터 측정된 전류를 분석하여 고장유무를 진단하는 인베디드 시스템(300)을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하고, 3상 인버터(100), 상기 인버터(100)의 출력단에 설치되어 출력되는 전류를 측정하는 전류센서(200)를 포함하는 유도기 설비(10)의 휴대용 회전자 진단 장치를 사용하는 방법에 있어서, 상기 인버터(100)에서 PWM 스위칭 하여 상기 유도기 설비(10)로 인가할 교류신호 크기와 주파수를 지정한 지령 전압 V s 를 지정하는 단계(S100); 상기 인버터(100)에서 상기 유도기 설비(10)로 상기 V s 를 인가하는 단계(S200); 상기 전류센서(200)에서 상기 유도기 설비(10)의 회전자(11)와 고정자(12)의 전류를 측정하는 단계(S300); 상기 단계(S300)에서 측정한 전류를 ADC 변환하여 전류 응답 i s 를 획득하는 단계(S400); 상기 V s 와 상기 단계(S400)에서 획득한 i s 를 통해 임피던스 Z eq 를 획득하는 단계(S500); 상기 Z eq 로부터 등가 저항 R eq 와 등가 리액턴스 X eq 를 획득하는 단계(S600); 상기 i s , Z eq , R eq, X eq 각각의 변동률을 계산하는 단계(S700) 및 상기 단계(S700)를 통해 고장을 진단하는 단계(S800)를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. A portable rotor diagnostic apparatus for diagnosing a failure of an induction machine facility, comprising: a three-phase inverter 100; The embedded sensor that is connected to the output terminal of the inverter 100 to measure the current output and controls the inverter 100 and analyzes the current measured from the current sensor 200 to diagnose the presence or absence of a fault. It characterized in that it comprises a system 300, a three-phase inverter 100, the portable terminal of the induction machine facility 10 including a current sensor 200 installed in the output terminal of the inverter 100 to measure the output current A method of using a rotor diagnostic device, comprising: PWM switching in the inverter (100) to designate a command voltage (V s ) specifying an AC signal size and frequency to be applied to the inducer facility (S100); Applying the V s from the inverter 100 to the induction machine facility 10 (S200); Measuring currents of the rotor 11 and the stator 12 of the induction machine facility 10 in the current sensor 200 (S300); Converting the current measured in step S300 to ADC to obtain a current response i s (S400); Obtaining an impedance Z eq through the V s and i ...

26-12-2014 дата публикации

Power conversion device

Номер: KR101473106B1
Автор: 양천석, 장재훈, 정중기
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

The present invention relates to a power conversion apparatus. The power conversion apparatus includes: a rectifier which rectifies a voltage received from an outside source to output the rectified voltage; a detector unit which detects the input voltage rectified in the rectifier; and a control unit which checks the status of the input voltage based on a detection signal from the detector unit. The detector unit transmits the detection signal which maintains the original waveform of the input voltage outputted from the rectifier to the control unit.

08-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5896416A
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

28-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111077391A


23-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111323666A
Автор: 李晓慧


08-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for Detecting Faults and recovering of Underground Transmission Line

Номер: KR102049525B1
Автор: 오석열
Принадлежит: (주)신화에프이원

Provided are an apparatus for detecting and recovering a fault of an underground power cable. The apparatus of the present invention comprises: pipes buried in the ground, formed in a rectangular pipe shape, accommodating a power cable in an inner space thereof, and connected in parallel with each other; winding units disposed between the pipes, and winding the power cable by a predetermined length; a fault detecting unit for detecting a current value at a set position of the power cable, and determining whether the detected current value reaches a preset abnormal current value or more to detect a fault section; a cutting unit disposed to be movable along the pipes, and cutting a predetermined section of the power cable corresponding to the fault section; a control unit for unwinding the power cable to have the length corresponding to the predetermined section of the power cable using the winding units when the fault section is detected; and a coupling unit disposed to be movable along the pipes, and welding and connecting both ends of the cut power cable.

12-12-1997 дата публикации

Overcharge and overdischarge control circuit and charging power supply using the same

Номер: KR970077880A
Автор: 다케시 마시코

제어 회로를 통해 전류의 통과를 억제하게끔 과충전/과방전 검출회로의 복수의 비교기에 충분한 게인이 부여된다. 비록, 보호 저항이 셀과 과충전/과방전 검출회로 사이에 삽입될지라도, 과충전/과방전 검출회로의 부설 선로의 전복과 같은 필요치 않는 현상을 억제한다. 과충전및 과방전의 정밀한 검출이 가능하다. 과충전/과방전 검출회로는 직렬 접속된 2개의 셀(101, 102), 셀 전압을 분할하기 위한 분압 레지스터(103, 104, 105, 106), 기준 전압원(107, 108) 및 전압 비교 회로(108, 110)을 포함한다. 이러한 과충전/과방전 검출회로의 비교기(107)는 그 입력 상태가 N-채널 MOS 장치로 이루어지는 비교기이다. 상기 비교기(108)는 입력 상태가 P-채널 MOS 장치로 이루어지는 비교기이다. 이들 비교기의 결합으로 인해 최적의 현저하게 큰 게인이 확보된다. 제어 회로(111)에 활용되어 각각의 CMOS 논리 장치를 통해 통과되는 전류가 억제되게 된다. 보호 레지스터(203 및 205)는 이를테면, 검출 전압 및 발진의 증대와 같이, 과충전/과방전 검출회로의 기능불량을 방지한다.

25-03-2013 дата публикации

Cabinet panel of built-in neutral line protection function

Номер: KR101246886B1
Автор: 강기욱, 김나운, 김인태
Принадлежит: 강기욱, 김나운

PURPOSE: A distributing board including a neutral wire protection function is provided to maintain a normal voltage by preventing an overvoltage generated by voltage imbalance. CONSTITUTION: A power supply device(100) includes a main circuit breaker(101) and a power distribution breaker(MccB). A neutral wire restoring device(200) is connected with a power supply device. The neutral wire restoring device operates a zig-zag transformer to reduce an image harmonic. The neutral wire restoring device senses the image formation of the power supply device. The neutral wire restoring device connects an end of an inductance with a neutral wire for restoration in order to prevent an overvoltage through the restoration of the neutral wire. The neutral wire restoring device includes a neutral wire restoring unit(240). The neutral wire restoring device includes a first switch, a second switch, and the zig-zag transformer. [Reference numerals] (210) Open phase detector; (220) Current detector; (230) Controller; (240) Neutral wire restoring unit; (250) Alarm generator; (260) Alarm release signal input unit

19-10-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for diagnosing malfuction of high voltage relay device

Номер: KR101667635B1
Автор: 박성식
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명이 이루고자 하는 기술적 과제는 고전압 릴레이의 접점 융착을 진단할 수 있는 고전압 릴레이 고장 진단 장치 및 이의 방법을 제공하는 데 있다. 따라서, 본 발명은 배터리를 사용하는 회로에 전원 공급을 전극 별로 단속하는 제1 및 제2 릴레이, 상기 제1 릴레이 단자 중 배터리 측 또는 회로 측 단자와 상기 제2 릴레이 단자 중 상기 회로 측 또는 상기 배터리 측 단자 간의 제1 전압을 측정하고, 상기 배터리 측 또는 상기 회로 측의 양 단 간의 제2 전압을 측정하는 전압 측정부 및 상기 제1 또는 제2 릴레이의 단속을 제어하여 상기 전압 측정부에 의해 측정된 상기 제1 및 제2 전압 값을 근거로, 상기 제1 또는 제2 릴레이에 대한 고장 여부를 판단하는 제어부를 포함하는 고전압 릴레이 고장 진단 장치를 제공한다. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a high-voltage relay fault diagnosis apparatus and a method thereof capable of diagnosing contact fusion of a high-voltage relay. Accordingly, the present invention provides a relay device comprising: first and second relays for interrupting power supply to a circuit using a battery on an electrode-by-electrode basis; a battery-side or circuit-side terminal among the first relay terminals and the circuit- A voltage measuring unit for measuring a first voltage between the first and second terminals and measuring a second voltage between both ends of the battery or the circuit side and an intermittent operation of the first or second relay, And a controller for determining whether the first or second relay is malfunctioning based on the first and second voltage values.

16-12-1986 дата публикации

Current measuring apparatus

Номер: US4630218A
Автор: James R. Hurley
Принадлежит: Cooper Industries LLC

A current measuring apparatus utilizes a known fundamental frequency, e.g., 60 Hz, for measuring current and includes a sensing and measurement pulse generation circuit including a current transformer for developing a low power signal directly related to the line current in a powerline, and a diode bridge with a first Zener diode for sensing when the developed current related signal exceeds a first predetermined positive threshold value and a second Zener diode for sensing when the developed current related signal falls below a second predetermined negative threshold value. Across the bridge is an LED for generating a first measurement signal having a duration related to the time when the developed signal exceeds the positive threshold value and second measurement signal during the time when the current related signal falls below the negative threshold value. The apparatus further includes processing circuitry and optical fibers for transmitting the measurement signals to the processing circuitry which is capable of processing the measurement signals durations (t 1 or t 2 ) to determine parameters of the developed current related signal thereby to determine the current flowing in the power line.

11-09-2018 дата публикации

A kind of high side power pipe over-current detection circuit of simplification

Номер: CN105954570B
Автор: 夏存宝, 王良坤
Принадлежит: 王良坤


15-06-2018 дата публикации

Monitoring apparatus of medical device

Номер: KR101866896B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 비트컴퓨터

According to an embodiment of the present invention, there is provided an apparatus for monitoring a medical device, which includes a detection unit for detecting a voltage or a current of a connected medical device; a determination unit for determining whether the medical device operates abnormally based on the voltage or current detected by the detection unit; a calculation unit for calculating the normal operation ratio in a normal state and the abnormal operation ratio in an abnormal state by distinguishing a normal operation time and an abnormal operation time of the medical device; a database storing a first normal operation ratio range of the medical device and a second normal operation ratio range overlapping with the first normal operation ratio range within a predetermined range; and a controller for determining a replacement timing of the medical device by comparing the normal operation ratio and the abnormal operation ratio of the medical device with the first normal operation ratio range and the second normal operation ratio range.

25-10-2017 дата публикации

Secondary battery protection integrated circuit and secondary battery protection circuit

Номер: JP6217838B1
Автор: 勉 山内, 巌 北村
Принадлежит: Mitsumi Electric Co Ltd

【課題】二次電池の電池電圧を外部回路が正確に検出できるようにすること。【解決手段】二次電池の一方の電極に接続される第1の経路に挿入されたスイッチ回路の制御によって前記二次電池を保護する電池保護集積回路であって、前記一方の電極の電位をモニタ可能にする第1のモニタ可能端子に接続されるセンス端子と、前記一方の電極と前記スイッチ回路との間で前記第1の経路に接続される第1の電源端子と、前記二次電池の他方の電極と、前記他方の電極の電位をモニタ可能にする第2のモニタ可能端子との間の第2の経路に接続される第2の電源端子と、前記第1の電源端子と前記センス端子との間の内部配線に挿入された内部スイッチと、所定の異常を検出する異常検出回路と、前記所定の異常が検出されていない場合、前記内部スイッチをオンにし、前記所定の異常が検出された場合、前記内部スイッチをオフにするスイッチ制御回路とを備える、電池保護集積回路。【選択図】図7 An external circuit can accurately detect a battery voltage of a secondary battery. A battery protection integrated circuit that protects the secondary battery by controlling a switch circuit inserted in a first path connected to one electrode of the secondary battery, wherein the potential of the one electrode is set. A sense terminal connected to a first monitorable terminal enabling monitoring; a first power supply terminal connected to the first path between the one electrode and the switch circuit; and the secondary battery. A second power supply terminal connected to a second path between the other electrode of the second electrode and a second monitorable terminal enabling the potential of the other electrode to be monitored; the first power supply terminal; An internal switch inserted in the internal wiring between the sense terminal, an abnormality detection circuit for detecting a predetermined abnormality, and when the predetermined abnormality is not detected, the internal switch is turned on, and the predetermined abnormality is detected. If detected, the internal switch And a switch control circuit for turning off the switch, battery protection integrated circuit. [Selection] Figure 7

23-03-2005 дата публикации

Battery state monitoring circuit and battery device

Номер: CN1194456C
Автор: 樱井敦司
Принадлежит: Seiko Instruments Inc


11-01-2019 дата публикации

The measuring device of corona current and multiple spot corona current localization method is carried out with it

Номер: CN106093733B


17-06-1982 дата публикации

Voltage drop detecting circuit

Номер: JPS5797456A
Автор: Yukikazu Matsuda
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd
