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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
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Укажите год

Применить Всего найдено 159111. Отображено 200.
27-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2335011C2

Изобретение относится к графическим пользовательским интерфейсам. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении пользователям портативных компьютерных устройств возможности навигации по графическому пользовательскому интерфейсу на уменьшенном дисплее. Такой результат достигается тем, что поверх части рабочего стола, отображаемого на дисплее, отображается панель отображения, включающая в себя внутренний кадр. В ответ на обнаружение перетаскивания кадра курсором внутри панели отображения происходит панорамирование виртуального рабочего стола. При этом панель отображения предпочтительно включает в себя уменьшенное изображение виртуального рабочего стола, а часть уменьшенного изображения виртуального рабочего стола внутри кадра в панели отображения соответствует части виртуального рабочего стола, отображенного на экране. Местоположение и непрозрачность панели отображения изменяются в зависимости от местоположения курсора относительно панели отображения и/или действий, предпринятых в отношении ...

27-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2427929C2

Изобретение относится к средствам отображения, в частности к дисплеям. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности определения, какая часть поверхности дисплея является сенсорной, даже при условии, когда дисплей не функционирует. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что как минимум одну часть дисплея, представляющего гибкий, или негибкий, или частично гибкий дисплей, состоящий как минимум из одной сенсорной части, или же гибкий, или негибкий, или частично гибкий дисплей, в котором как минимум одна часть дисплея функционирует как сенсорная, обозначают посредством отличия от другой части, которое заключается в том, что в одном из альтернативных вариантов осуществления часть дисплея отражает попадающие на ее поверхность световые лучи иным способом, чем другая часть дисплея или части.

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2541882C2

Изобретение относится к обработке изображений. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности кодирования изображений с прогнозированием. Устройство обработки изображения включает модуль 31 горизонтальной обработки и модуль 33 объединения. Модуль 31 горизонтальной обработки осуществляет горизонтальную упаковку для манипуляций в горизонтальном направлении матрицей пикселов, расположенных в шахматном порядке, в каждом из первого и второго прореженных изображений, полученных путем исключения пикселов, в первом изображении и втором изображении, отличном от первого, каждой второй строки в наклонном направлении, так что пикселы первого и второго прореженных изображений упакованы в горизонтальном направлении. Модуль 33 объединения генерирует объединенное изображение, созданное путем размещения рядом первого и второго прореженных изображений после горизонтальной обработки, в качестве изображения, служащего объектом кодирования с прогнозированием. Настоящее изобретение может быть применено ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2538297C2
Принадлежит: Нокиа Корпорейшн (FI)

Изобретение относится к совместному использованию множества дисплеев и/или пользовательских интерфейсов для улучшения взаимодействия мобильных устройств. Технический результат - улучшение пользовательского интерфейса в мобильном устройстве за счет объединения дисплеев множества устройств для их совместного функционирования. В частности, примеры способов могут обеспечить обнаружение первого события касания или перетаскивания, прием от соседнего устройства сообщения, указывающего второе событие касания или перетаскивания, происходящее во время упомянутого первого события касания или перетаскивания, формирование события объединения и обеспечение передачи упомянутого события объединения в упомянутое соседнее устройство. Способ также может включать обновление реестра соседних устройств в ответ на прием сообщения о событии касания или перетаскивания от соседнего устройства. Способ также может включать обеспечение представления контента на дисплее устройства и указание контента, который должен ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2222056C2

Изобретение относится к устройству обработки входных дискретизированных данных изображения для увеличения картинки в горизонтальном направлении. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности увеличения различных областей разделенного на n частей изображения с различными степенями увеличения в горизонтальном направлении для получения различных изобразительных эффектов. Технический результат достигается тем, что предлагаемое устройство содержит блок хранения кадров 12 входных данных изображения, блок 18 хранения коэффициентов фильтра, соответствующих множеству степеней увеличения, контроллер 20 нелинейного увеличения для выдачи разрешающего сигнала считывания соответствующих данных изображения из блока 12 и адреса AD3 выбора коэффициента для считывания соответствующего коэффициента из блока 18 на основании предварительно определенной ширины области w для деления экрана отображения на n частей и предварительно определенного увеличения для n областей и фильтр 14 для фильтрования ...

01-02-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2812729C2

Изобретение относится к способу управления отображением и устройству управления отображением. Способ управления отображением для отображения операций для выполнения смены полосы движения системой управления, которая управляет поведением транспортного средства ТС-носителя, содержит этапы отображения. Отображают изображение, показывающее стрелку для указания на смену полосы движения, на дисплее, который может быть визуально распознан водителем, в ситуации, когда система управления предлагает водителю ТС-носителя выполнить смену полосы движения. Причём изображение отображается на дисплее в ответ на предложение выполнить смену полосы движения, сделанное водителю системой управления. Изображение отображается на дисплее в ответ на согласие водителя с упомянутым предложением. Изображение отображается на дисплее в соответствии с приведением в действие указателя поворота в направлении, в котором системой управления выполняется смена полосы движения. Причём режим отображения стрелки переключается ...

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598393C2

Изобретение относится к области электроники и может быть использовано для управления яркостью в портативном терминале. Предоставлены способ и устройство для управления яркостью в портативном терминале. Способ содержит измерение температуры согласно заранее заданному периоду, извлечение значения яркости, соответствующего измеренной температуре, из таблицы сохраненной яркости, и изменение яркости портативного терминала, чтобы соответствовать извлеченному значению яркости. Технический результат - увеличение продолжительности срока службы дисплейного блока. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 6 ил.

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2257684C2

Изобретение относится к схеме преобразования развертки. Техническим результатом является предотвращение в движущемся изображении, представленном видеосигналом, неестественного вида вертикальных и наклонных линий для воспроизведения изображения высокого качества. Технический результат достигается тем, что выводят видеосигнал, количество строк развертки которого удвоено путем встраивания в него интерполируемой строки развертки входных видеосигналов строк развертки, расположенных сверху и снизу, соответственно соседних с интерполируемой строкой развертки. Для этого схема преобразования развертки содержит блок обнаружения направления для обнаружения направления, имеющего наибольшую корреляцию, центрированных в точке интерполяции, включая вертикальное и наклонное направления, на основе входного видеосигнала, и блок вычисления среднего значения сигналов изображения в двух точках выборки на строках развертки, расположенных сверху и снизу, соответствующих обнаруженному направлению. Блок обнаружения ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441269C2

Изобретение относится к мобильным терминалам. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей за счет создания изменения пользователем информации, отображаемой на дисплее терминала. Способ предоставления данных в мобильном терминале, который включает в себя обнаружение, прикоснулись или нет к, по меньшей мере, одному световому элементу среди множества световых элементов, содержащихся в дисплее терминала, и управление свечением, по меньшей мере, одного светового элемента, если этап обнаружения определяет, что к, по меньшей мере, одному световому элементу прикоснулись. 2 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640750C2

Изобретение относится к преобразованиям динамического диапазона для изображений. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности улучшенных преобразований динамического диапазона, которые могут адаптироваться к конкретным характеристикам визуализации изображения. Устройство обработки изображения содержит приемник (201) для приема сигнала изображения, второй приемник (1701) для приема сигнала данных от дисплея (107), процессор (203) динамического диапазона, выполненный с возможностью генерирования выходного изображения путем применения преобразования динамического диапазона к кодированному изображению, и выход (205) для вывода выходного сигнала изображения на дисплей. Сигнал изображения содержит кодированное изображение. Сигнал данных содержит поле данных, которое содержит индикацию динамического диапазона дисплея для дисплея (107), содержащую светимость точки белого, которая способна характеризовать, является ли дисплей дисплеем высокого динамического диапазона. Процессор (203) ...

10-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2305860C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительным компонентам для упорядочивания графических элементов, отображаемых через графический пользовательский интерфейс. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей за счет поддержки компоновок для видимых изображений приложения, которым отведен набор графических элементов. Система презентаторов предоставляет базовый класс презентаторов и набор методов интерфейса, выполняемых механизмом представления, для создания и интеграции расширяемого набора классов презентаторов для обработки данных графических элементов различных типов во время операции компоновки в заданном видимом изображении. Система презентаторов позволяет реализовать комплексные операции компоновки отображения через вызовы механизма представления. Указанные комплексные операции компоновки отображения включают в себя: разбиение на страницы, частичное вычисление, пошаговое вычисление, множество проб, изменение возможностей/операций компоновки. 4 н. и 47 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2393532C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу и системе отображения информации для вычислительного устройства. Техническим результатом является обеспечение усовершенствованного способа и системы отображения информации с использованием вспомогательного дисплея. При этом система содержит: портативный персональный компьютер, который включает в себя: блок обработки; встроенный дисплей, соединенный с блоком обработки, для вывода информации, при этом встроенный дисплей включает в себя основной дисплей и вспомогательный дисплей; множество элементов данных, характерных для пользователя портативного персонального компьютера, и службу, присоединенную к контекстному датчику, которая управляет выводом информации на вспомогательном дисплее на основе текущего контекста, при этом она принимает указания, производит идентификацию и предписывает вспомогательному дисплею отображать только информацию элементов данных. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2343510C2
Принадлежит: МОТОРОЛА, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к области техники портативных дисплеев и направлено на повышение удобства при их использовании. Этот результат обеспечивается за счет того, что двухрежимный дисплей включает в себя монохроматический отражательный дисплей прямого видения и полноцветный виртуальный дисплей, расположенный позади монохроматического отражательного дисплея прямого видения. Монохроматический отражательный дисплей прямого видения включает в себя отображающую панель, имеющую первую схему расположения пикселей, и узкополосный отражатель, расположенный позади отображающей панели. Виртуальный дисплей имеет вторую схему расположения пикселей, причем каждый пиксель испускает свет в одной из трех основных цветовых полос через монохроматический отражательный дисплей прямого видения, и свет, испускаемый каждым пикселем, в комбинации со светом, испускаемым другими пикселями виртуального дисплея, формирует полноцветное виртуальное изображение от двухрежимного дисплея. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2348964C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Техническим результатом является обеспечение функциональных возможностей пользовательского интерфейса программно доступными для приложения без знания о типе элемента. Шаблоны управления используются для описания функциональных возможностей, которые могут проявляться двумя или более типами элементов или управляющих элементов. Функциональные возможности, которые обычны для двух или более типов элементов, описываются одним и тем же шаблоном управления. Некоторые предопределенные способы, структуры, свойства и/или события могут быть связаны с конкретным шаблоном управления. Элементы, которые поддерживают шаблон управления, когда они запрашиваются, возвращают интерфейс, который описывает эти способы, структуры, свойства и/или события. Шаблоны управления являются взаимоисключающими в функциональных возможностях, которые они представляют, так что они могут быть объединены произвольным образом для проявления полного набора функциональных возможностей ...

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2360275C2

Изобретение относится к способам обработки графической и иной видеоинформации для отображения в компьютерных системах. Техническим результатом изобретения является усовершенствование графической модели, которая позволяет пользоваться многочисленными особенностями и возможностями обработки графики и эффективно выводить сложные графические и аудиовизуальные данные. Технический результат достигается благодаря тому, что уровень интеграции сред, включающий в себя интерфейс прикладного программирования (API) и объектную модель, позволяет разработчикам программного кода согласованно взаимодействовать со структурой данных графа сцены для вывода графики. Посредством интерфейсов программный код добавляет дочерние визуальные объекты к другим визуальным объектам для построения иерархического графа сцены, записывает списки команд, например данные геометрии, данные изображения, данные анимации и другие данные для вывода, и может задавать на визуальных объектах свойства преобразования, усечения и непрозрачности ...

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2360284C2

Изобретение относится к компьютерной графике и компьютерным операционным системам, в частности к способу воспроизведения рабочего стола на компьютере, использующем операционную систему с моделью компонованного рабочего стола. Техническим результатом изобретения является расширение возможности по представлению визуально богатого контента и использование улучшений в технологии графического воспроизведения. Технический результат достигается благодаря тому, что администратор окон компонованного рабочего стола при принятии контентной информации от прикладных программ рисует окно в буферную память для будущего использования и пользуется преимуществом улучшенного графического аппаратного обеспечения и визуальных эффектов, чтобы воспроизводить окна, базируясь на контенте, на котором они рисуются. Окна могут также воспроизводиться, базируясь на переменных средах, включающих в себя виртуальные световые источники. Фреймовая часть каждого окна может генерироваться пиксельным затенением битовой карты ...

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2219679C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки цифровых сигналов. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей. В способе для сбора разбитой на пакеты информации сети Интернет принимают разбитую на пакеты информацию из широковещательного источника видеопрограмм, выбирают идентификатор данных из программных идентификаторов с использованием карты распределения информации, идентифицируют данные сети Интернет в разбитой на пакеты информации из широковещательного источника видеопрограмм с использованием выбранного идентификатора данных, выполняют поиск данных сети Интернет из входного канала для получения информационного выходного сигнала в ответ на запрос пользователя, форматируют найденную информацию для отображения. 3 с. и 15 з.п.ф-лы, 9 ил.

01-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611978C2

Изобретение относится к технологиям обработки сигнала изображения, содержащего значения пикселей с высоким динамическим диапазоном. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности кодирования сигнала изображения за счет совместного кодирования в сигнале индикатора типа HDR. Предложено устройство для формирования сигнала изображения, в котором пиксели закодированы в N-битных словах, кодирующих, по меньшей мере, яркость для каждого пикселя. Устройство содержит приемник, первый и второй генераторы. Приемник получает значения пикселя с высоким динамическим диапазоном в соответствии с первым представлением цвета в M-битных словах. Первый генератор включает значения пикселей с высоким динамическим диапазоном в упомянутый сигнал изображения в N-битных словах согласно второму представлению цвета. 4 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635246C2

Изобретение относится к области реализации на мобильных устройствах приложений, услуг и содержимого контента. Технический результат – обеспечение гарантированной доступности приложений, услуг и содержимого контента на мобильных устройствах. Предложен способ выполнения функции устройства на основании информации движения устройства в заданном рабочем режиме (например, активном или режиме ожидания) устройства и устройство для выполнения способа. Устройство включает в себя датчик, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения перемещения устройства в режиме ожидания (или активном режиме) устройства; хранилище, выполненное с возможностью сохранения информации движения на основе информации, которая относится к перемещению, и по меньшей мере одного фрагмента информации функции, соответствующего информации движения; и процессор, выполненный с возможностью управления устройством для выполнения функции, соответствующей информации движения, в заданном рабочем режиме на основе информации, которая относится ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643485C2

Изобретение относится к преобразованиям динамического диапазона для изображений. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности улучшенных преобразований динамического диапазона, которые могут адаптироваться к конкретным характеристикам рендеринга изображений. Устройство обработки изображений содержит приемное устройство (201) для приема сигнала изображения, содержащего кодированное изображение и опорную величину целевого дисплея. Опорная величина целевого дисплея указывает динамический диапазон целевого дисплея, для которого кодируется кодированное изображение. Процессор (203) динамического диапазона формирует выходное изображение посредством применения преобразования динамического диапазона к кодированному изображению в ответ на опорную величину целевого дисплея. Вывод (205) выводит сигнал выходного изображения, содержащий выходное изображение на подходящий дисплейПреобразование динамического диапазона выполняется в ответ на индикатор динамического диапазона отображения, принимаемый ...

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2353003C1

Способ для выравнивания чувствительности детекторных лучей оптоэлектронной сенсорной системы (варианты) и система для его реализации относятся к информационным системам, использующим сенсорную технологию ввода информации, и служат достижению технического результата, заключающегося в снижении времени отклика оптоэлектронной сенсорной системы и снижении требований к ее вычислительным ресурсам. Способ для выравнивания чувствительности детекторных лучей оптоэлектронной сенсорной системы и система для его реализации основаны на уточнении чувствительности текущего формируемого детекторного луча относительно его предварительно установленной отсчетной чувствительности на основе оценивания как прямо, так и косвенно длины текущего формируемого детекторного луча относительно длины отсчетного детекторного луча. 7 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

17-02-2017 дата публикации

Устройство отображения графической и текстовой информации

Номер: RU168776U1

Полезная модель относится к электронике, а именно к системам отображения визуальной текстографической информации с использованием экранов, изготовленных по технологии "электронная бумага" (также известна, как "электронные чернила", т.е. e-Ink).Устройство отображения графической и текстовой информации, включающее контроллер управления и передачи информации 1 с электронной схемой управления 2, вычислительное устройство 3 с микропроцессором 4, экран на базе технологии «электронная бумага» 5 и источник электропитания 6, отличающееся тем, что контроллер 1 управляет и передает информацию с помощью радиоканала передачи данных 7, микропроцессор 4 обеспечивает возможность реализации протокола приема-передачи цифровой информации, хранения и обработки данных, а также логики управления питанием устройства, имеется антенна радиосвязи ближнего радиуса действия 8, при этом схема управления 2 обеспечивает передачу воздействий, необходимых для подачи сигналов вывода изображения на разъемное соединение экрана ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Пользовательский картографический интерфейс

Номер: RU173728U1

Пользовательский картографический интерфейс представляет собой сенсорный экран мобильного компьютера или планшета, обеспечивающий возможность просмотра космических снимков, на котором выделен, по меньшей мере, один участок для отображения космических снимков, соответствующих выбранной пользователем местности. Для удобства работы с архивом космических снимков упомянутый участок сенсорного экрана представляет собой ленту для отображения серии космических снимков, соответствующих выбранной пользователем местности в течение заданного периода времени.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503068C2

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к измерительной технике, в частности к способу и устройству для измерения пороговых напряжений в устройствах МЭМС. Способ измерения порогового напряжения устройства на основе микроэлектромеханических систем, согласно которому к устройству прикладывают перепады напряжения и измеряют количество заряда, переданного на устройство при приложении по меньшей мере одного из указанных перепадов напряжения, на основании измеренного заряда определяют, изменяет ли каждый из указанных перепадов напряжения состояние устройства и определяют пороговое напряжение на основе перепада напряжения, вызывающего изменение состояния. Устройство на основе микроэлектромеханических систем, выполненное с возможностью перехода в активированное состояние под действием активирующего напряжения, возможностью перехода в выключенное состояние под действием выключающего напряжения и возможностью сохранения текущего состояния под действием напряжением удержания содержит первые и вторые ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU98295U1

Устройство для определения местоположения объекта в пространстве, содержащее трехосевой акселерометр, микроконтроллер и приемопередатчик, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено гироскопом и магнитным датчиком.

27-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2125740C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Его использование в системах отображения изображений с фоновыми экранами позволяет произвольно определять число фоновых экранов в каждой сцене и комбинацию числа цветов каждого из фоновых экранов. Отображающее фоновое изображение устройство содержит средство запоминающего устройства данных изображения символов, средство запоминающего устройства данных элементов изображения, первое и второе средства считывания, средство параллельно-последовательного преобразования, средство вывода и средство генерации видеосигнала. Технический результат достигается благодаря введению средства генерации данных режима и выполнению средства параллельно-последовательного преобразования с возможностью запоминания данных элементов изображения для заданного числа элементов изображения на один символ. 5 з.п.ф-лы, 20 ил.

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU142371U1
Принадлежит: ЯН, Мэн-Да (TW)

... 1. Клавиатурное устройство с шрифтовым дисплеем, включающее:основной корпус клавиатуры, включающий некоторое число клавишей, предусмотренных на нем для ввода данных пользователем;блок дисплея для отображения введенного сообщения, прикрепленный к упомянутому основному корпусу клавиатуры; иблок обработки, электрически соединенный с упомянутым некоторым числом клавишей и упомянутым блоком дисплея, чтобы включаться соответственно и отображать во взаимодействии,отличающееся тем, что блок дисплея содержит световой модуль, предусмотренный в нем для излучения света по меньшей мере одного цвета с целью показать текущий тип ввода.2. Клавиатурное устройство с шрифтовым дисплеем по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упомянутый блок дисплея отображает по меньшей мере один символ знака и упомянутый блок дисплея включает экран дисплея, имеющий некоторое число рядов содержания.3. Клавиатурное устройство с шрифтовым дисплеем по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упомянутый блок дисплея кроме того включает механизм регулировки ...

10-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2141173C1

Система обработки цифрового видеосигнала принимает кодированные пакеты данных, представляющие информацию о телевизионном изображении в сжатой форме. Для декодирования и декомпрессии видеопакетов с формированием групп цифровых слов, представляющих телевизионное изображение, используется видеодекодер с соответствующим запоминающим устройством с произвольной выборкой. Кроме того, видеодекодер содержит блок воспроизведения графического изображения, который преобразует битовое отображение, хранящееся в одной из областей запоминающего устройства, в группе цифровых слов, представляющих графическое изображение. Цифровые слова, представляющие телевизионное изображение, и цифровые слова, представляющие графическое изображение, совместно мультиплексируются под управлением блока воспроизведения графического изображения. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества индикации и упрощении устройства экранной индикации. 2 c. и 5 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

09-01-2023 дата публикации

Многосюжетное устройство визуально-звукового воспроизведения информации

Номер: RU2787429C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам визуально-звукового воспроизведения информации, а именно развлекательно-познавательным комплексам, и может служить наглядным пособием для изучения достопримечательностей, экономики, инфраструктуры и исторического развития конкретного региона, реализации сюжетных историй, привязанных по месту их развития и отражающих при этом разные сюжетные истории и события. Техническая проблема, на решение которой направлено заявляемое изобретение, заключается в создании многосюжетного устройства визуально-звукового воспроизведения информации, объединяющего в рамках одного конструктивного решения разные сюжетно-информационные композиции, интегрированные в общее конструктивное решение устройства визуально-звукового воспроизведения информации. Технический результат достигается тем, что многосюжетное устройство визуально-звукового воспроизведения информации, состоящее из стационарного стенда, имеющего горизонтальную информационную площадку, на которой размещены информационные ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695053C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат – обеспечение отслеживания пространственных манипуляторов перед экраном отображения объектов 3D-сцены. Способ управления трехмерными объектами в виртуальном пространстве содержит: получение 3D-координат глаз пользователя с помощью устройства отслеживания; получение 3D-координат и угловых параметров манипулятора с помощью устройства отслеживания, расположенного в каждом манипуляторе; определение действий, которые следует выполнить с объектом 3D-сцены, путем определения воздействия на органы управления манипулятора; построение карты глубины 3D-сцены с учетом 3D-координат глаз пользователя; построение 3D-луча от каждого манипулятора и определение ближайшего к пользователю объекта 3D-сцены, пересекаемого 3D-лучом; построение 3D-сцены с учетом информации о ближайших к пользователю объектах 3D-сцены, пересекаемых 3D-лучами с обеспечением эффекта параллакса движения и/или эффекта бинокулярного параллакса; вывод изображения 3D-сцены ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494443C1

Изобретение относится к мобильным нашлемным устройствам для видеоотображения оперативной информации совместно с прямым наблюдением окружающей обстановки. Техническим результатом является повышение информативности отображения объектов окружающей обстановки в широком угловом поле зрения и в широком динамическом диапазоне освещенности объектов с обеспечением быстродействующей защиты зрения от излишне высокого уровня освещенности объектов и от иной мешающей внешней засветки. Нашлемное устройство для отображения оперативной информации и окружающей обстановки с защитой от высокой внешней засветки содержит микродисплейный модуль, защитный светофильтр, блок управления, источник видеоинформации и источник оперативной информации, причем микродисплейный модуль выполнен в виде бинокулярного микродисплейного модуля, источник видеоинформации выполнен в виде по крайней мере одной бинокулярной видеокамеры и генератора стереометок, в устройство дополнительно введено полупрозрачное зеркало, а защитный светофильтр ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2317587C1

Изобретение относится к системам обработки изображений, в частности к способам и системам кодирования и декодирования изображений. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности обработки, кодирования/декодировния изображений для адаптации в мобильных устройствах с малым объемом и производительностью памяти, достигаемый за счет того, что входное изображение разделяют на несколько блоков (600) изображения, содержащих несколько элементов (610) изображения, далее блоки (600) изображения кодируются в кодированные представления (700) блоков, содержащие цветовое кодовое слово (710), кодовое слово (720) интенсивности и последовательность (730) представлений интенсивности. Цветовое кодовое слово (710) является представлением цветов элементов (610) блока (600) изображения. Кодовое слово (720) интенсивности является представлением набора из нескольких модификаторов интенсивности для модификации интенсивности элементов (610) в блоке (600) изображения, а последовательность (730) представлений ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005120672A

... 1. Объект визуализатора для визуализации чернил, содержащий интерфейс для подключения упомянутого объекта к компоненту, который координирует тем, как чернила обрабатываются объектами. 2. Объект визуализатора по п.1, в котором упомянутый компонент включает в себя синхронные и асинхронные интерфейсы. 3. Объект визуализатора по п.2, в котором упомянутый объект визуализатора соединен с упомянутым синхронным интерфейсом упомянутого компонента. 4. Объект визуализатора по п.1, в котором упомянутый компонент представляет собой один их двух компонентов, причем упомянутый объект визуализатора находится в синхронном интерфейсе упомянутого первого из упомянутых двух компонентов; и упомянутый второй компонент имеет по меньшей мере один дополнительный объект, ассоциированный с ним. 5. Объект визуализатора по п.1, дополнительно содержащий кэш для временного хранения данных, которые визуализировались. 6. Объект визуализатора по п.1, в котором упомянутый компонент включает в себя входную и выходную очереди ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004139198A

... 1. Устройство ввода для генерации данных, представляющих рукописные штрихи, причем указанное устройство ввода содержит устройство захвата изображения для захвата изображения области объекта, поверх которой расположено устройство ввода и генерации данных захваченного изображения, процессор для обработки данных захваченного изображения, память для сохранения данных, представляющих рукописные штрихи, основываясь на данных захваченного изображения, и идентификатор устройства ввода. 2. Устройство ввода по п.1, дополнительно содержащее устройство связи для передачи данных, представляющих перемещения устройства ввода на внешнее устройство обработки для генерации сигналов, представляющих рукописный ввод. 3. Устройство ввода по п.2, в котором внешнее устройство обработки представляет собой персональный цифровой помощник. 4. Устройство ввода по п.2, в котором устройство связи выполнено с возможностью беспроводной передачи данных, представляющих перемещение. 5. Устройство ввода по п.4, в котором устройство ...

20-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004114219A

... 1. Система управления компоновкой графических выходных данных для упорядочивания и поддержания графически отображаемых выходных данных программ, выполняющихся на компьютерной системе, причем система управления компоновкой графических выходных данных содержит графические элементы, содержащие данные, которые представляют отображаемый контент программы; презентаторы, определяющие состояния отображения для графических элементов, где презентатор конкретного типа поддерживает описание компоновки для соответствующего графического элемента; и систему презентаторов, включающую в себя ведущий интерфейс презентаторов, содержащий метод для подготовки компоновки для видимого изображения в соответствии с набором презентаторов, связанных с графическими элементами, содержащимися в видимом изображении. 2. Система управления компоновкой графических выходных данных по п.1, в которой система презентаторов дополнительно содержит базовый класс презентаторов и в которой набор презентаторов создается из классов ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441285C1

Изобретение относится к средствам индикации, используемым в LED-дисплеях и других панелях индикации больших размеров. Техническим результатом является снижение уровня излучаемых ими электромагнитных помех и обеспечение, таким образом, большей безопасности устройств. Блок содержит последовательно соединенные средство классификации содержимого и средство обработки мультимедийных данных. Средство классификации содержимого мультимедийных данных выполнено с возможностью выделения данных, соответствующих недопустимому уровню электромагнитного излучения. Средство обработки мультимедийных данных выполнено с возможностью транспонирования мультимедийных данных в безопасный вид. Блок конструктивно выполнен в виде врезки в сигнальный кабель панели индикации. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656584C1

Изобретение относится к технологиям управления и редактирования объектов в виртуальной реальности. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности проектирования объектов в виртуальной реальности, повышение точности проектирования объектов в виртуальной реальности за счет осуществления проверки соответствия характеристик виртуального объекта характеристикам технической документации. Предложена система проектирования объектов в среде виртуальной реальности в реальном времени. Система содержит по меньшей мере одно устройство отображения, выполненное с возможностью: отображения в реальном времени по меньшей мере одного трехмерного изображения объекта, отслеживания движения маркера, получения данных от вычислительного устройства, получения данных от устройства позиционирования, а также по меньшей мере одно устройство позиционирования, выполненное с возможностью: измерения положения и ориентации по меньшей мере одной конечности пользователя, обновления положения объекта в среде виртуальной ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124191A

... 1. Устройство (10) для определения позиции объекта (5) относительно представления изображения (3), подлежащего представлению, содержащее:вход (11) для по меньшей мере одного изображения (3), подлежащего представлению;генератор (12) позиционных шаблонов для генерации позиционного шаблона (13), который подразделяется на множество участков шаблона, причем каждый из участков шаблона содержит однозначный битовый шаблон из множества битовых шаблонов, причем битовые шаблоны подвергаются обобщенному греевскому кодированию;блок (14) объединения для объединения позиционного шаблона (13) с по меньшей мере одним изображением (3), подлежащим представлению, и для обеспечения соответствующего объединенного изображения;оптический датчик (15) для оптического восприятия секции изображения объединенного изображения, причем секция изображения коррелирует с позицией объекта (5);фильтр (16) для извлечения по меньшей мере одного битового шаблона из секции изображения, причем секция изображения может содержать ...

08-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731838C1

Изобретение относится к области технологии дисплеев. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении отказа функции отображения жидкокристаллической панели отображения. Предусмотрены защитная схема, подложка матрицы и панель отображения. Защитная схема включает в себя: подсхему управления, имеющую первый конец, электрически подключенный к контакту ввода напряжения, и второй конец, выполненный с возможностью вывода сигнала общего напряжения, подаваемого с контакта ввода напряжения; и разрядную подсхему, имеющую первый конец, электрически подключенный ко второму концу подсхемы управления, и второй конец, электрически подключенный к по меньшей мере одной линии данных. Разрядная подсхема высвобождает электрические заряды по меньшей мере одной линии данных под управлением сигнала общего напряжения, подаваемого от подсхемы управления. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2278423C1

Изобретение относится к технике оптико-электронных измерительных систем и может быть использовано для ввода информации в компьютеры, банкоматы, электронные киоски и прочие интерактивные системы. Техническим результатом является упрощение устройства. Устройство содержит первый и второй излучатели, ленточный приемник излучения и вычислительное устройство, причем ленточный приемник излучения содержит множество линейно расположенных фотоприемников и охватывает часть периметра «виртуальной клавиатуры», а первый и второй излучатели представляют собой точечные источники излучения. Создаваемая в результате функционирования устройства так называемая "виртуальная клавиатура" может быть использована для интерактивного ввода информации в память компьютеризированных устройств. 3 ил.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Устройство отображения

Номер: RU2724658C1
Автор: ЦЗЯН Хао (CN)

Изобретение относится к устройствам отображения. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении устройства отображения, содержащего наголовный узел, носимый на голове пользователя способный адаптироваться к криволинейной форме шеи пользователя. Устройство содержит наголовный узел, носимый на голове пользователя, узел формирования оптического изображения, установленный на наголовном узле и выполненный с возможностью представления виртуального изображения пользователю, когда пользователь носит наголовный узел на своей голове и нашейный узел, носимый на шее пользователя и выполненный с возможностью получения виртуального изображения и предоставления виртуального изображения узлу формирования оптического изображения для представления, при этом нашейный узел содержит жесткие конструкции, которые пространственно отделены друг от друга, и деформируемую часть, сформированную между соответствующими жесткими конструкциями, при этом конструкция внешней оболочки деформируемой части выполнена из гибких ...

20-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009109090A

... 1. Компьютерная система, имеющая множество отображающих устройств и унифицированную компонующую машину, содержащую ! интерфейс программирования, который принимает запросы на воспроизведение для улучшенных графических операций от компонующего администратора окон рабочего стола; ! очереди запросов, которые хранят запросы на воспроизведение, принятые от компонующего администратора окон рабочего стола; ! администраторы ресурсов, которые решают конфликты, которые возникают при выполнении улучшенных графических операций; и ! воспроизводящие модули, которые обрабатывают улучшенные графические операции, хранящиеся в очереди запросов, в интервалы, совпадающие со скоростью обновления множества отображающих устройств компьютерной системы. ! 2. Компьютерная система по п.1, которая также содержит пространственный графический интерфейс, коммуникативно соединенный с унифицированной компонующей машиной, при этом пространственный графический интерфейс реализует подобласть улучшенных графических операций ...

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010146700A

... 1. Экранное устройство отображения для визуализации команд, функций, рабочих состояний, положений и/или функциональных состояний (эксплуатационные характеристики, данные) на машинах или установках (установке) ! с вычислительным устройством для управления производственными процессами для управления и контроля установки и ! с управляющим устройством экранного устройства отображения с программой для управления экранным устройством отображения согласно заданным параметрам вычислительного устройства для управления производственными процессами, ! отличающееся тем, что ! экранное устройство отображения собрано из нескольких независящих и отделенных друг от друга частичных экранных устройств (8.1-8.4) отображения, ! при этом с каждым частичным экранным устройством в качестве управляющего устройства экранного устройства отображения соотнесено соответственно полное управляющее устройство (10.1-10.4) частичных экранных устройств отображения, которое не зависит от соответственно других управляющих ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014116971A

... 1. Устройство обработки изображения, содержащее:приемник (201) для приема сигнала изображения, причем сигнал изображения содержит по меньшей мере кодированное изображение;второй приемник (1701) для приема сигнала данных от дисплея (107), причем сигнал данных содержит поле данных, которое содержит индикацию динамического диапазона дисплея для дисплея (107), причем индикация динамического диапазона дисплея содержит по меньшей мере светимость точки белого, причем эта светимость точки белого способна характеризовать, является ли дисплей дисплеем высокого динамического диапазона, посредством светимости точки белого, способной иметь значение 1000 нит или выше;процессор (203) динамического диапазона, выполненный с возможностью генерирования выходного изображения путем применения преобразования динамического диапазона к кодированному изображению в ответ на принятую индикацию динамического диапазона дисплея, причем процессор (203) динамического диапазона выполнен с возможностью применения преобразования ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008124893A

... 1. Декоративная система, содержащая: ! процессор; ! базу данных, связанную с процессором; ! декоративный элемент, имеющий конфигурацию, позволяющую получать и отображать переданные данные; и ! контроллер, имеющий интерфейс пользователя, причем интерфейс пользователя имеет доступ через процессор для приема маркеров данных от пользователя и для хранения маркеров данных в базе данных, при этом маркеры данных объединены с предопределенными данными, причем процессор, декоративный элемент и контроллер имеют электронную связь друг с другом, при этом контроллер выбирает маркеры данных из базы данных и передает данные, объединенные с маркером данных, на декоративный элемент. ! 2. Декоративная система по п.1, в которой декоративный элемент содержит корпус, дисплей и приемный элемент, причем дисплей и приемный элемент соединены с корпусом, при этом дисплей имеет электронную связь с приемным элементом. ! 3. Декоративная система по п.1, в которой данные, переданные контроллером, получают при помощи ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011128286A

... 1. Способ передачи тактильной информации в мобильных беспроводных электронных устройствах, содержащий два или более мобильных устройств, снабженных устройством воспроизведения вибраций, отличающийся тем, что с помощью специального программного обеспечения мобильные устройства переходят в особый режим передачи тактильной информации, при котором на инициирующем устройстве воспринимается тактильный сигнал, затем информация о тактильном сигнале передается на воспринимающее устройство через системы передачи данных общего пользования, затем на воспринимающем устройстве воспроизводится тактильный сигнал.2. Способ передачи тактильной информации в мобильных, беспроводных электронных устройствах по п.1, отличающейся тем, что передача тактильной информации ведется в дуплексном режиме.3. Способ передачи тактильной информации в мобильных беспроводных электронных устройствах по п.1, отличающийся тем, что переход в режим передачи тактильной информации осуществляется инициирующим устройством для всех устройств ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135023A

... 1. Устройство для организации интерфейса пользователя с объектом виртуальной реальности, содержащее источник подсветки, телевизионную камеру, оптически сопряженную с ними рассеивающую излучение поверхность и пространственный указатель, причем выход телевизионной камеры подключен к вычислительному устройству, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит вторую телевизионную камеру, оптически сопряженную с первой, выход которой подключен ко второму входу вычислительного устройства, причем в качестве рассеивающей поверхности используется экран введенного 3D-монитора с соответствующими ему очками пользователя-оператора, кроме того введен интерфейсный модуль, вырабатывающий видеосигналы.2. Устройство для организации интерфейса пользователя с объектом виртуальной реальности по п.1, отличающееся тем что источник подсветки оптически сопряжен с первой и второй телевизионными камерами и располагается в непосредственной близости от первой и второй телевизионных камер.

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011134390A

... 1. Устройство управления отображением, содержащее:средство управления отображением для управления, при отображении изображения вместе с добавленной областью без изображения, в области отображения средства отображения, которое используется для отображения изображения, причем изображение имеет формат, отличный от формата области отображения;средство принятия для принятия операции прокрутки по выдаче команды отображения прокрутки изображения, отображаемого в области отображения;средство управления прокруткой для управления для осуществления отображения прокрутки в соответствии с операцией прокрутки, принятой упомянутым средством принятия; исредство настройки для настройки области без изображения для уменьшения ширины области без изображения в направлении перемещения прокрутки во время выполнения отображения прокрутки по мере того, как количество операций прокрутки, принятое упомянутым средством принятия, увеличивается.2. Устройство по п.1, в котором средство управления прокруткой выполнено ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012116290A

... 1. Система защищенной авионики для летательного аппарата, отличающаяся тем, что содержит точно три устройства (DU1, DU2, DU3) отображения и, по меньшей мере, три компьютера (CGG1, CGG2, CGG3, CGG4) генерации графики, подключенных к устройствам отображения,при этом каждый компьютер генерации графики содержитсредство (GG) генерации изображения для генерирования, по меньшей мере, двух полуизображений,средство (I/O) соединения, соединяющее упомянутый компьютер с, по меньшей мере, первым устройством отображения и со вторым устройством отображения,при этом каждое устройство отображения содержитсредство (I/O) соединения, соединяющее упомянутое устройство отображения с, по меньшей мере, первым компьютером генерации графики и со вторым компьютером генерации графики,два одинаковых и независимых электронных узла адресации, причем каждый узел используется для отображения полуизображения на одной половине экрана отображения устройства отображения, причем два отображаемые полуизображения поступают от ...

20-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001125137A

... 1. Устройство для демонстрации изображений, содержащее серию изображений для размещения вдоль трассы транспортного средства, содержащего последовательность окон, осветительную аппаратуру для кратковременной подсветки отдельных изображений и модуль управления для управления осветительной аппаратурой указанных изображений для подсветки изображений последовательно по мере движения транспортного средства, содержащий средство обнаружения прибытия транспортного средства, средство определения меры скорости транспортного средства, средства запоминания и/или определения положений соответствующих окон транспортного средства, средство управления указанной осветительной аппаратурой в качестве реакции на обнаружение прибытия транспортного средства для многократной подсветки каждого отдельного изображения, учитывая скорость транспортного средства и положения соответствующих окон транспортного средства, так что изображение освещается, когда его положение совпадает с положениями окон транспортного средства ...

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007115496A

... 1. Способ предоставления данных в мобильном терминале, причем способ содержитобнаружение, прикоснулись или нет к, по меньшей мере, одному световому элементу среди множества световых элементов, содержащихся в дисплее терминала, иуправление свечением, по меньшей мере, одного светового элемента, если этап обнаружения определяет, что, по меньшей мере, к одному световому элементу прикоснулись.2. Способ по п.1, в котором этап управления содержитопределение количества, сколько раз к, по меньшей мере, одному световому элементу прикоснулись, иуправление, по меньшей мере, одним световым элементом, чтобы он включался и выключался, или чтобы изменять цвет, по меньшей мере, одного светового элемента, базируясь на количестве, сколько раз к, по меньшей мере, одному световому элементу прикоснулись.3. Способ по п.1, содержащий такжеопределение, была ли выбрана функциональная клавиша включения/выключения, содержащаяся в устройстве ввода мобильного терминала, ивыключение всех в текущее время включенных световых ...

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010125343A

Устройство для трехмерной локализации объектов, содержащее телевизионную камеру, источник подсветки, оптически сопряженный с телевизионной камерой, вычислительное устройство, вход которого связан с выходом телевизионной камеры и пространственный указатель, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит вторую телевизионную камеру, оптически сопряженную с первой и с источником подсветки, выход данной камеры подключен ко второму входу вычислительного устройства, а источник подсветки представляет собой активную излучающую поверхность, которая охватывает часть рабочей зоны, образуемой пересечением телесных углов обзора первой и второй телевизионных камер, и создает излучение, направленное в сторону первой и второй телевизионных камер.

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015116420A

... 1. Устройство отображения изображения, содержащее:модуль отображения, устанавливаемый на голове пользователя;модуль детектирования положения, выполненный с возможностью детектирования положения головы; имодуль управления отображением, выполненный с возможностью управления отображением изображения на модуле отображения на основе положения головы, причем изображение фиксируется с помощью мобильного устройства.2. Устройство отображения изображения по п. 1, в котором модуль управления отображением выполнен с возможностью вырезать область, соответствующую положению головы, из широкоугольного изображения, фиксируемого мобильным устройством, и отображать вырезанную область на модуле отображения.3. Устройство отображения изображения по п. 1, в котором при отображении множества изображений точек обзора, снятых с множества точек обзора с использованием способа параллельного глубокого фокусирования, модуль управления отображением выполнен с возможностью регулировать точку схождения между изображениями ...

30-07-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для регистрации информации

Номер: SU1327803A3

Изобретение относится к автоматике , в частности к устройствам для регистрации информации. Цель изобретения состоит в упрощении устройства и повыгаении его надежности. Поставленная цель достигается путем применения , много сегментного ультразвукового преобразователя с управлением ра-. ботой отдельных сегментов с помощью сигналов с дискретным частотным спектром для выделения амплитуд спектральных компонентов. I ил. (/ С оо ю vj 00 о со о ...

15-04-1983 дата публикации

Устройство воспроизведения текстовых и графических знаков на экране электронно-лучевой трубки (элт)

Номер: SU1012809A3

УСТРОЙСТВО ВОСПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ ТЕКСТОВЫХ И ГРАФИЧЕСКИХ ЗНАКОВ НА ЭКРАНЕ ЭЛЕКТРОННО-ЛУЧЕВОЙ ТРУБКИ (ЭЛТ), содержащее блок памяти, включающий последовательно соединенные первый переключатель , блок перезаписи, буферный накопитель , первый накопитель информации и второй накопитель информации , второй вход которого соединен с первым выходом первого переключателя, второй выход которого соединен с вторым входом буферного накопителя, генератор знаков содержащий первый, второй и третий элементы памяти, выходы которых подключены соответственно к входам первого, второго и третьего регистров сдвига, а входы объединены и соединены с выходом второго накопителя информации блока памяти, смеситель и генератор тактовых импульсов, причем выходы первого, второго и третьего регистров сдвига через второй переключатель подключены к первому вхо ду смесителя, управляющий вход переключателя , объединенные управляющие входы регистров сдвига, второй, третий четвертый и пятый входы смесителя непосредственно , а шестой ...

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069515539T2

02-09-2004 дата публикации

Kompression der Videoauffrischungsdaten

Номер: DE0069532910T2

03-04-1997 дата публикации

Computer system with multiple independent screens

Номер: DE0019636923A1

The computer system has a pair of graphics terminal monitors 108,110 that are accessed with use of a common mouse 104 and a common keyboard 102. The system is based around a computer workstation 100. The workstation has a pair of servers 118,120 coupled to the monitors by interfaces 112,114. Both servers use the application programs and are coupled to a peripheral manager. The mouse cursor is moved on one screen until a point is reached where automatic changeover to the other takes place. The keyboard follows the mouse to the assigned screen.

19-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069530395T2

14-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004115440A1

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019005486T5

Es gibt einen Bedarf an einer Technik zum Verbessern der Qualität einer Anzeige eines Videos in einem Überlappungsbereich mehrerer Anzeigebereiche, selbst wenn sich die Position der Anzeige des Videos ändert. Es wird eine Datenverarbeitungsvorrichtung bereitgestellt, die eine Anzeige-Steuereinheit (134) enthält, die die Darstellung der Anzeige des Videos in wenigstens einem Anzeigebereich unter mehreren Anzeigebereichen auf der Grundlage einer Eingabeposition steuert, die aus einem aufgenommenen Bild detektiert wird, wobei die mehreren Anzeigebereiche einen ersten Anzeigebereich und einen zweiten Anzeigebereich enthalten, wobei, wenn sich die Eingabeposition in einen Überlappungsbereich verschiebt, in dem der erste Anzeigebereich und der zweite Anzeigebereich einander überlappen, die Anzeige-Steuereinheit die Darstellung der Anzeige des Videos in dem Überlappungsbereich auf der Grundlage der Eingabeposition vor der Verschiebung in den Überlappungsbereich steuert.

22-04-2010 дата публикации

Fahrzeuginformationssystem zur geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Dienstebereitstellung in einem Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE202004021689U1

20-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003811148A1

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Anzeigesteuervorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug, Anzeigesteuersystem für ein Fahrzeug und Anzeigesteuerverfahren für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102018106172B4

Anzeigesteuervorrichtung (20) für ein Fahrzeug, wobeidie Anzeigesteuervorrichtung (20) an einem Host-Fahrzeug montiert ist, unddie Anzeigesteuervorrichtung (20) ausgestaltet ist, um:aus einem rechteckigen Bild eines Bereichs, der hinter dem Host-Fahrzeug liegt, ein nicht-rechteckiges Bild mit einem gekrümmten Teil in einem oder beiden von einem oberen Ende eines Bildes und einem unteren Ende des Bildes zu erzeugen, wobei das rechteckige Bild von einer Aufnahmeeinheit (10) aufgenommen wird, die an dem Host-Fahrzeug montiert ist;das nicht-rechteckige Bild mit dem gekrümmten Teil in einem rechteckigen Anzeigebereich einer Anzeigeeinheit (30) anzuzeigen, der einen Außenrahmen in einer vorgegebenen Farbe hat; undeinen in dem rechteckigen Anzeigebereich der Anzeigeeinheit (30) enthaltenen Teil in der gleichen Farbe wie der Farbe des Außenrahmens des rechteckigen Anzeigebereichs anzuzeigen, wobei der Teil ein Bereich ist, in dem das nicht-rechteckige Bild mit dem gekrümmten Teil nicht angezeigt ...

16-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060022219T2

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017007535B4

Anzeigebearbeitungsvorrichtung umfassend:eine Aufgenommenes-Bild-Erwerbungseinheit (111) zum Erwerben eines Bildes eines durch eine Kamera (101) aufgenommenen Zielobjekts;eine Grafik-Empfangseinheit (112) zum Empfangen erster Grafikinformationen, die sich auf eine auf dem Bild gezeichnete erste Grafik beziehen;eine Grafik-Ergänzungseinheit (120) zum Ergänzen, auf der Grundlage der von der Grafik-Empfangseinheit (112) empfangenen ersten Grafikinformationen, der ersten Grafik, so dass eine Form auf dem Zielobjekt der ersten Grafik bilateral symmetrisch wird, um dadurch ergänzte erste Grafikinformationen zu erzeugen;eine Positionsbeziehungserwerbungseinheit (113) zum Erwerben einer Positionsbeziehung zwischen dem Zielobjekt und der Kamera (101) zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem das Bild aufgenommen wird;eine Koordinatenkonvertierungseinheit (115) zum Berechnen zweiter Grafikinformationen aus der durch die Positionsbeziehungserwerbungseinheit (113) erworbenen Positionsbeziehung und der durch die Grafik-Ergänzungseinheit ...

19-06-2019 дата публикации

Anzeigesystem und elektronisches Gerät

Номер: DE112017004983T5

Ein neuartiges Anzeigesystem wird bereitgestellt. Das Anzeigesystem beinhaltet einen Anzeigeabschnitt und einen Steuerabschnitt. Der Steuerabschnitt beinhaltet eine Steuerung und eine Speichervorrichtung. Der Anzeigeabschnitt weist eine Funktion zum Anzeigen eines Bildes auf. Die Steuerung weist eine Funktion zum Ausgeben eines Signals zum Steuern einer Bildwiederholrate des Bildes auf. Die Speichervorrichtung weist eine Funktion zum Speichern von Daten auf, die Daten, die einen Wahrnehmungszustand des Bildes kennzeichnen, und Daten darüber umfassen, ob ein Flimmern in dem Wahrnehmungszustand von einem Benutzer wahrgenommen wird oder nicht. Die Steuerung weist eine Funktion zum Ändern der Bildwiederholrate des Bildes unter Bezugnahme auf die in der Speichervorrichtung gespeicherten Daten auf, wenn Daten darüber, ob ein Flimmern wahrgenommen wird oder nicht, von dem Benutzer eingegeben werden.

11-07-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002525155C2

12-08-1999 дата публикации

Elektronische Anzeige

Номер: DE0019750530A1

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Bildschirmanzeige

Номер: DE0019752056C5

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Bildschirmanzeige mit einem Betätigungsglied, das um eine Längsachse drehbar und in Richtung der Längsachse bewegbar ist und wodurch ein Punkt einer aus Menü, Teilmenüs, Funktion und/oder Funktionswert bestehenden Menüstruktur auswählbar und als optisch hervorgehobenes Feld in der Bildschirmanzeige darstellbar ist, wobei die Felder eines Menüs am Rande der Bildschirmanzeige umlaufend dargestellt sind, bei der das Betätigungsglied eine Ausgangslage besitzt und demgegenüber gegen die Wirkung einer Rückstellfeder eine Zusatzbewegung mit zwei zusätzlichen Freiheitsgraden durchführen kann, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass – die am Rand umlaufend permanent dargestellten Felder einem übergeordneten Menü zugeordnet sind, von denen durch die Zusatzbewegung des Betätigungsglieds ein Feld auswählbar ist, – das Auswählen die Anzeige eines diesem Feld zugeordneten untergeordneten Menüs in dem vom Randbereich umfassten Mittelbereich der Bildschirmanzeige bewirkt, und – dass ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019006716T5
Принадлежит: ROHM CO LTD, Rohm Co. Ltd.

Eine Videoeingangsschnittstelle 310 empfängt Videodaten 400. Eine OSD-Schaltung 330 zeichnet eine Zwischenschicht 406 in einem Zielbereich 404, in welchem ein OSD-Zeichen 402 auf die Videodaten 400 überlagert werden soll, und überlagert das OSD-Zeichen 402 auf der Zwischenschicht 406.

01-03-2001 дата публикации

Anordnung zur Darstellung von dreidimensional wahrnehmbaren Bildinhalten

Номер: DE0020013872U1

27-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003043100A1

23-08-2007 дата публикации

Eingabegerät mit Dreherfassung auf der Basis eines Pucks

Номер: DE112005002019T5

Ein Zeigegerät (10, 60), das folgende Merkmale aufweist: eine erste Oberfläche (12), die ein darauf definiertes Puck-Bewegungsfeld (19) aufweist; einen bewegbaren Puck (11), der darauf beschränkt ist, sich auf der ersten Oberfläche (12) zu bewegen; und einen Positionsdetektor (93), der eine Position des Pucks (11) in dem Puck-Bewegungsfeld (19) und einen Drehwinkel des Pucks (11) um eine zu der Oberfläche senkrechte Achse bestimmt.

24-12-2014 дата публикации

Techniken für die Ratenregelung eines Anzeigedatenstroms

Номер: DE112011105994T9

Techniken zur Ratenregelung eines Anzeigedatenstroms werden beschrieben. Bei einer Ausführungsform kann ein Gerät zum Beispiel einen Prozessorkreis und ein Grafikverwaltungsmodul aufweisen, das einen Differenzanalysator umfasst. Bei einigen Ausführungsformen kann das Grafikverwaltungsmodul auf dem Prozessorkreis arbeiten, um eine Zielanzeigedatenübertragungsrate für einen oder mehrere Displays zu bestimmen, durch den Differenzanalysator eine aktuelle Anzeigedatenübertragungsrate für einen oder mehrere Anzeigedatenpakete basierend auf der Zielanzeigedatenübertragungsrate bestimmen, das eine oder die mehreren Anzeigedatenpakete basierend auf der aktuellen Anzeigedatenübertragungsrate übertragen und einen Unterschied zwischen der aktuellen Anzeigedatenübertragungsrate und der Zielanzeigedatenübertragungsrate für jedes des einen oder der mehreren Datenpakete anzusammeln. Andere Ausführungsformen sind beschrieben und beansprucht.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE112012006104T5

Eine Sequenz-Programm-Design-Hilfsvorrichtung 10 gemäß einer Ausführungsform umfasst eine Bildschirm-Anzeigeeinheit, welche einen zu einer Aufgabe für ein Entwerfen eines Sequenzprogramms einer speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerung gehörenden Arbeitsbildschirm anzeigt; eine Eingabeeinheit, welche eine Einstelloperation von Arbeitsphasen bei dem Entwerfen des Sequenzprogramms, eine Vergrößerungsoperation begleitet von einem Operationswert, und eine Verkleinerungsoperation begleitet von einem Operationswert erhält, eine Zustand-Speichereinheit, welche darin die von der Eingabeeinheit erhaltenen Arbeitsphasen und eine aktuelle Aufgabe speichert, eine Arbeitsmodell-Speichereinheit, welche darin ein partielles Abfolgeverhältnis von einer für jede der Arbeitsphasen angegebenen Aufgabe zusammen mit einem zu der Aufgabe gehörigen Arbeitsbildschirm speichert, und eine Anzeige-Steuereinheit 3, welche einen zu einer nächsten Aufgabe der aktuellen Aufgabe in dem partiellen Abfolgeverhältnis gehörenden ...

24-12-2014 дата публикации

Zweischirmanzeige und Anzeigeverfahren

Номер: DE112013000581T5

Eine Zweischirmanzeige und ein Anzeigeverfahren. Die Zweischirmanzeige umfasst: eine Anzeigeeinheit (11), eine Steuereinheit (12) und steuerbare transparente Körper (14). Jede Anzeigeeinheit (11) umfasst mindestens drei Subpixel-Einheiten (13). Die steuerbaren transparenten Körper (14) sind auf einer oberen Fläche und einer unteren Fläche der Subpixel-Einheiten (13) verteilt. Die Steuereinheit (12) wird entsprechend einer Anweisung eines Benutzers zum Steuern eines Steuersignals verwendet, das an die steuerbaren transparenten Körper (14) angelegt wird, so dass die Transparenz der steuerbaren transparenten Körper (14) gesteuert wird. Die steuerbaren transparenten Körper (14) sind auf den beiden Flächen der Subpixel-Einheit (13) verteilt und ein Steuersignal wird entsprechend einer Anweisung des Benutzers angelegt, so dass die steuerbaren transparenten Körper (14) eine entsprechende Transparenz aufweisen, wodurch Licht der Subpixel-Einheit (13), das zu den beiden Flächen abgestrahlt wird, ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Display Timing Control Circuit and Method Thereof

Номер: US20120026156A1
Принадлежит: MStar Semiconductor Inc Taiwan

A display timing control circuit is capable of rapidly adjusting display timing to achieve frame synchronization. The display timing control circuit includes an output pixel clock generator, a display timing generator, and a clock adjusting unit. The output pixel clock generator generates an output pixel clock signal according to a reference clock signal and a clock divisor. The display timing generator generates a display timing signal and an output vertical reference signal having an output frame rate according to the output pixel clock signal. The clock adjusting unit adjusts the clock divisor according to the output pixel clock signal, the output vertical reference signal, and an input vertical reference signal having an input frame rate.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Image display device, image display system, and image display method

Номер: US20120032976A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image display device refers to a database, in which at least one image frame to be displayed on a display unit and configuration information representing at least one drawn image to be superimposedly drawn on the at least one image frame are registered to be associated with each other, to judge whether or not an image frame identical to one of the at least one image frame received from an image frame provision device is present in the database, and causes the display unit to display at least one of the at least one drawn image represented by a part of the configuration information associated with an image frame judged as being identical to a received one of the at least one image frame.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Wireless communication apparatus, wireless communication method, program, and integrated circuit

Номер: US20120051290A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A wireless communication apparatus ( 1000 ) includes a wired interface ( 1100 ) wire-connected to one or more apparatuses in accordance with the High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) Standard, a wireless interface ( 1200 ) wireless-connected to the other wireless communication apparatus, an address management table ( 1300 ) containing CEC logical addresses for identifying each of the apparatuses wire-connected to the pair of wireless communication apparatuses, a table update unit ( 1400 ) that updates the address management table ( 1300 ) upon receipt of a message indicating that the apparatus connected on the side of one of the wired interface ( 1100 ) and the wireless interface ( 1200 ), and a control unit ( 1500 ) that notifies the apparatus present on the side of the other of the wired interface ( 1100 ) and the wireless interface ( 1200 ) that the table update unit ( 1400 ) has updated the address management table ( 1300 ).

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Selective compensation for age-related non uniformities in display

Номер: US20120133835A1

A video signal compensator ( 10, 70, 80, 290 ) for selectively compensating for age-related non-uniformities in a display, receives an indication of motion or detects motion in an incoming video signal, and receives or determines an indication of amounts of compensation for the different parts of the display needed to compensate for the non-uniformities. The compensator selectively applies the needed amount of compensation to the video signal according to the indicated motion to apply less of the needed compensation where there is less motion, over at least some of the range of possible motions. This can reduce the drive levels at least where the non uniformities are less visible because of the motion in the video. The reduced drive levels can lead to less ageing and thus prolong display life. The amounts of needed compensation can be predicted or determined from measured outputs of pixels of the display.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Manipulation information input apparatus

Номер: US20120147032A1
Автор: Takahiro Ishikawa
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

Several images are displayed based on instructions. A map image is displayed first as a base image. A destination setup image is then displayed as a manipulation image. A telephone number input image is then displayed also as a manipulation image. Then, an input of a telephone number of a destination is made to the telephone number input image. When an event occurs in the middle of the input, a present map image is alternatively displayed while the previously displayed images from the map image as a closest displayed base image up to the telephone number input image as an interrupted displayed manipulation image are recorded as an image transition in an image recording portion. When the event disappears, the recorded image transition is displayed from the closest displayed base image up to the interrupted displayed manipulation image, enabling smooth resumption of the interrupted input.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Integrated display and touch system with displayport/embedded displayport interface

Номер: US20120182223A1
Автор: Henry Zeng, Ji Park
Принадлежит: Integrated Device Technology Inc

An integrated controller for an integrated display and touch panel and its associated method provide (a) a DisplayPort or embedded DisplayPort interface for communicating control and data signals for both display and touch functions between a host system and the integrated controller, wherein the touch control and data signals are communicated over an auxiliary channel of the DisplayPort or embedded DisplayPort interface; (b) a display panel interface for communicating display data and control signals between the integrated controller and a display monitor; (c) a touch panel interface for communicating touch data and control signals between the integrated controller and a touch panel; and (d) a control circuit which processes the display and touch control and data signals of the DisplayPort or embedded DisplayPort interface, the display data and control signals of the display panel interface and the touch data and control signals of the touch panel interface.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Data processing device and semiconductor device

Номер: US20120182273A1
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

Data transfer is enabled according to the reception capability of each of peripherals when a plurality of peripherals is connected to a host device via common lanes. A data processing device 1 includes a host device 10 provided with an interface, a first device 12 connected to the interface via a plurality of data lanes, and a second device 13 connected to the interface via some of the data lanes. The interface adds dummy data to actual data and then assigns and transmits the resultant data to the data lanes. When the actual data is taken in one of the first device and the second device, the interface causes the other one to recognize that the actual data is meaningless. Therefore, data can be transferred to the first device 12 and the second device 13 in accordance with reception capabilities.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Display control device and display control method

Номер: US20120218180A1
Автор: Mai Ootsuka
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A display control device acquires the size of a picture added in advance to picture data and an optimum viewing distance corresponding to the picture. The display control device calculates a viewing distance, in which the relationship between the size of the picture and the optimum viewing distance is equal to the relationship between the display size and the viewing distance, as a recommended viewing distance based on the size of the picture, the optimum viewing distance, and the display size of the picture. Then, the display control device notifies the calculated recommended viewing distance to a user.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic thresholds for document tamper detection

Номер: US20120218284A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Disclosed is a method ( 160 ) for identifying potential tamper in a candidate document having content affected by noise. A candidate content value for each of a plurality of sub-regions of the candidate document and an original content value for each of a plurality of sub-regions of a corresponding original document are determined. The content values are desirably determined based on at least one characteristic of the content in the corresponding sub-region. The candidate content values ( 330 ) are associated with the corresponding original content values and a distribution of the candidate content values based on the corresponding original content values is determined. The method characterises ( 340 ) the noise in the candidate document by determining an expected content value range based on the spread of a selected part of the distribution of candidate content values. The method can then identify ( 350 ) candidate content values outside the expected content value range as potential tamper.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Presentation format selection based at least on device transfer determination

Номер: US20120249287A1
Принадлежит: ELWHA LLC

A computationally implemented method includes, but is not limited to: determining that a computing device that was in possession of a first user has been transferred from the first user to a second user, the determining including at least partially identifying the second user and the computing device being designed for presenting one or more items; and presenting, via the computing device, the one or more items in one or more particular formats, the one or more particular formats being selected based, at least in part, on said determining. In addition to the foregoing, other method aspects are described in the claims, drawings, and text forming a part of the present disclosure.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Pinch-to-zoom video apparatus and associated method

Номер: US20130009997A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

Full-motion video displayed on a portable communications device such as a tablet personal computer, can be processed “on the fly” to provide a “zoom-in” and “zoom-out” functionality. Image elements are added to video image frames as they are read out from memory and prior to being display on the picture elements (pixels) of a display device in order to make objects depicted in an image file as being larger than how it appears in the original image file. Similarly, image elements are subtracted or deleted from video image frames as they are read from memory and prior to their being displayed in order to make objects depicted in the image frames as being smaller. Video from any source can be zoomed in and zoomed out.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Video processor

Номер: US20130028337A1
Автор: Yuuki NISHIO
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A video processor receives original video data, an original synchronization signal, and an original data valid region signal from a video signal source, supplements insufficient part of the original video data relative to a predetermined valid pixel region, and outputs new video data having the predetermined valid pixel region and a new data valid region signal indicating the predetermined valid pixel region. The video processor includes a valid position regeneration controller delaying at least one of the original video data or the original synchronization signal to match positions of color-difference signals in the original video data to positions of color-difference signals in the new video data in determining based on the original synchronization signal and the original data valid region signal that the color-difference signals in the new video data are displayed while being replaced with each other; and a controller controlling operation of the valid position regeneration controller.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069978A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A detection device has an animal detection part that detects an animal from a captured image, a person detection part that detects a person from the image, and a detection result output part. The detection result output part outputs a detection result including at least information indicating that a target body is detected when the animal detection part detects the animal from the image and when the person detection part detects the person from the image. 1. A detection device comprising:an animal detection part configured to detect an animal from a captured image;a person detection part configured to detect a person from the image; anda detection result output part configured to output a detection result including at least information indicating that a target body is detected when the animal detection part detects the animal from the image and the person detection part detects the person from the image.2. The detection device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga pet determination part configured to determine whether the animal detected from the image by the animal detection part is a pet kept by a person, whereinthe detection result output part outputs the detection result including the information indicating that the target body is detected when the animal determined to be the pet by the pet determination part is detected from the image and the person detection part detects the person from the image.3. The detection device according to claim 1 , further comprisingan owner determination part configured to determine whether the person detected from the image by the person detection part is an owner who keeps an animal, whereinthe detection result output part outputs the detection result including the information indicating that the target body is detected when the person determined to be the owner by the owner determination part is detected from the image and the animal detection part detects the animal from the image.4. The detection device according to claim ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076597A1
Автор: Becze Charles
Принадлежит: Z124

A handheld communication device includes first and second screens, a hinge to rotate the first and second screens between open and closed positions, and a position sensor to determine the relative position of the first and second screens. The position sensor can be a Hall-Effect sensor. 1. A handheld computing device , comprising:first and second screens comprising first and second display panels, respectively, to receive input from and provide graphical output to a user;a plurality of electronic components comprising a processor and memory, the plurality of electronic components generating an electromagnetic field during operation;a hinge connected to the first and second screens, wherein the hinge moves between a closed position and an open position; andat least one Hall-Effect sensor operable, at a selected time, to sense at least one of variations in and a strength of the electromagnetic field, wherein the processor is configured, based on the currently sensed at least one of variation in and strength of the electromagnetic field, to determine a relative position of the first and second screens.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one Hall-Effect sensor comprises first and second Hall-Effect sensors positioned proximal to the first and second screens claim 1 , respectively.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the first Hall-Effect sensor is positioned near a periphery of the first screen and the second Hall-Effect sensor is positioned near the hinge.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one magnet to resist opening of the device when the hinge is in the closed position and a magnetic field of the at least one magnet being sensed by the at least one Hall-Effect sensor.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the at least one magnet comprises first and second magnets claim 4 , the first magnet being proximal to the first screen and the second magnet being proximal to the second screen claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , when the hinge is in the closed ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076616A1

An adaptive tracking system for spatial input devices provides real-time tracking of spatial input devices for human-computer interaction in a Spatial Operating Environment (SOE). The components of an SOE include gestural input/output; network-based data representation, transit, and interchange; and spatially conformed display mesh. The SOE comprises a workspace occupied by one or more users, a set of screens which provide the users with visual feedback, and a gestural control system which translates user motions into command inputs. Users perform gestures with body parts and/or physical pointing devices, and the system translates those gestures into actions such as pointing, dragging, selecting, or other direct manipulations. The tracking system provides the requisite data for creating an immersive environment by maintaining a model of the spatial relationships between users, screens, pointing devices, and other physical objects within the workspace. 1. A method comprising:affixing a plurality of tags to a plurality of objects, the plurality of tags including a plurality of features such that each tag comprises at least one feature;defining a spatial operating environment (SOE) by locating a plurality of sensors, wherein the SOE includes the plurality of objects;detecting the plurality of features with the plurality of sensors;receiving from each sensor of the plurality of sensors feature data corresponding to each object of the plurality of objects detected by the respective sensor; andgenerating and maintaining a coherent model of relationships between the plurality of objects and the SOE by integrating the feature data from the plurality of sensors.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coherent model includes spatial relationships between the plurality of objects.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the coherent model includes at least one of location claim 2 , orientation claim 2 , and motion of the plurality of objects.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076782A1
Принадлежит: Z124

Methods and devices for selectively presenting a user interface in a dual screen device. More particularly, the method includes providing a gallery for the dual screen device. The gallery can present one or more images in a user interface. The gallery user interface can adapt to changes in the device configuration. Further, the gallery can display images or videos in the various configurations. 1. A method , comprising:providing a device having at least first and second screens, wherein the device is in a landscape dual screen orientation;receiving a first input to the device, wherein the first input executes a gallery function; andin response to the first input, displaying the gallery across at least a portion of the first screen and at least a portion of the second screen.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more albums are displayed in a first section of the gallery.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first section is displayed on the first screen.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first section is navigable.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein a grid of one or more image thumbnails is displayed in a second section of the gallery.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the second section is displayed in at least a portion of the first screen and at least a portion of the second screen.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the gird is navigable.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the gallery includes an action bar comprising one or more user selectable icons for executing one or more functions in the gallery.9. The method of claim 8 , further comprising receiving a selection of an album in the first section.10. The method of claim 9 , further comprising claim 9 , in response to the selection of the album claim 9 , changing the display of the grid to include one or more images associated with the album.11. A device claim 9 , comprising:a first screen, the first screen including a first gesture capture region;a second screen, wherein the second screen faces an ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076783A1

According to one embodiment, a medical image display apparatus includes at least a time information obtaining unit, an image storage unit, a display unit, a display unit, and an indicating unit. The time information obtaining unit obtains information on a scan sequence and obtains scan time information as information of a time when a medical image is picked up in accordance with the scan sequence. The image storage unit stores the scan time information in association with the medical image. The display unit simultaneously displays the medical image including the scan time information stored in the image storage unit and a time chart indicating the scan sequence. When a predetermined medical image displayed on the display unit is selected, the indicating unit displays an image indicating a time position on the time chart corresponding to the scan time information included in the medical image. 1. A medical image display apparatus comprising:a time information obtaining unit configured to obtain information on a scan sequence and obtain scan time information as information of a time when a medical image is picked up in accordance with the scan sequence;an image storage unit configured to store the scan time information obtained by the time information obtaining unit in association with the medical image;a display unit configured to simultaneously display the medical image including the scan time information stored in the image storage unit and a time chart indicating the scan sequence; andan indicating unit configured to, when a predetermined medical image displayed on the display unit is selected, display an image indicating a time position on the time chart corresponding to the scan time information included in the medical image.2. The medical image display apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a scan condition setting unit configured to set a scan condition under which an image of an object is picked up; anda scan plan creating unit configured to ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082902A1
Автор: Zhou Yifeng
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A mobile terminal is provided as a solution to a problem in which ease use is low. Display part A is provided on casing A, while display part B is provided on casing B. Detector detects the attitude of at least one of casings A and B and the opening/closing angle between casings A and B. Execution section executes an application. Controller displays a view of the application on at least one of display parts A and B in a display style according to detection results detected by detector 1. A mobile terminal with two casings connected so as to be openable from and closable to each other , the mobile terminal comprising:two display parts respectively provided on the two casings;a detector that detects an attitude of at least one of the two casings and an opening/closing angle between the casings;an execution section capable of executing a first application; anda controller that, when said execution section executes the first application, displays a view of the first application on said display parts in a display style according to a detection result detected by said detector.2. The mobile terminal according to claim 1 , wherein said controller obtains claim 1 , based on the detection result detected by said detector claim 1 , an orientation and an inclination of an imaginary plane parallel to an opening/closing axis between the casings and passing through end sides of the casings remote from the opening/closing axis claim 1 , and adjusts the display style according to the orientation and the inclination of the imaginary plane.3. The mobile terminal according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when a first inclination amount that is the amount of inclination of a first direction on the imaginary plane perpendicular to the opening/closing axis with respect to an initial state of the first direction is equal to or larger than a first predetermined value claim 2 , said controller displays the view on one of the display parts provided on the casing on the side toward which the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082990A1

The present invention relates to a display device including a substrate, a display signal line disposed on the substrate, a contact assistant disposed on the pad region of the substrate as a draw-out terminal of the display signal line, a driver IC chip disposed on the substrate and connected to the display signal line through the contact assistant, and a testing thin film transistor disposed between the substrate and the driver IC chip. The testing thin film transistor and the display signal line are connected to each other. 1. A display device , comprising:a substrate;a display signal line disposed on the substrate;a contact assistant disposed on a pad region of the substrate, the contact assistant being a draw-out terminal of the display signal line;a driver integrated circuit (IC) chip disposed on the substrate and connected to the display signal line through the contact assistant;a testing thin film transistor disposed between the substrate and the driver IC chip;a gate insulating layer formed on the display signal line, the display signal line being a gate line; anda passivation layer disposed on the source electrode, the drain electrode, and the gate insulating layer,wherein the testing thin film transistor and the display signal line are connected to each other in the pad region, a gate electrode on the same layer as the gate line;', 'a semiconductor disposed on the gate insulating layer and overlapping the gate electrode; and', 'a source electrode and a drain electrode disposed on the semiconductor,, 'is wherein the testing thin film transistor compriseswherein the passivation layer has a first contact hole to expose the drain electrode, the first contact hole being disposed in the pad region, and the contact assistant contacts the drain electrode through the first contact hole, andwherein the passivation layer and the gate insulating layer have a second contact hole to expose the display signal line, the second contact hole being disposed in the pad region ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083057A1

A system stores identification information for identification of a part associated with installation information for designation of a position where the part is installed in a first apparatus; receives the identification information about the part to be read and transmits it by a second apparatus; and retrieves the received identification information from the storage unit, and generates a first composite image by combining installation information corresponding to the retrieved identification information with an image of the first apparatus. 1. A non-transitory recording medium storing a program used to direct a computer having a storage unit for storing identification information for identification of a part associated with installation information for designation of a location where the part is installed in a first apparatus , for performing , comprising:retrieving the identification information of the part from the storage unit upon receipt of the identification information from a second apparatus for reading the identification information of the part; andgenerating a first composite image by combining the installation information corresponding to retrieved identification information with an image of the first apparatus.2. The non-transitory recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe part is located at a specified position of a linear structure.3. The non-transitory recording medium according to claim 2 , wherein:the storage unit further associates and stores route information about a route for arrangement and installation of the linear structure in the first apparatus; andthe computer executes a process of retrieving the identification information from the storage unit and generating a second composite image by combining retrieved route information with an image of the first apparatus.4. An installing operation support device claim 2 , comprising:a storage unit storing identification information for identification of a part associated with installation ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088412A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An apparatus for displaying information in a motor vehicle, has a first display device which has a display area which is arranged in a dashboard of the motor vehicle. The apparatus also has a second display device for displaying the information on a windshield of the motor vehicle, which has a projection device. The second display device is arranged with respect to the first display device, and the two display devices are connected to a common control device, in such a way that coherent information, which continues from the first display device to the second display device, can be displayed on the two display devices. 17-. (canceled)8. An apparatus to display information in a motor vehicle having a dashboard and a windshield , comprising:a first display device which has a display area arranged in the dashboard; anda second display device to display at least a portion of the information on the windshield, the second display device having a projection device,wherein the second display device is arranged with respect to the first display device, and the two display devices are connected to a common control device, in such a way that coherent information, which continues from the first display device to the second display device, is displayed on the two display devices,wherein the display area of the first display device curves toward the second display device, changing from a substantially vertical orientation on a side facing away from the second display device, into a substantially horizontal orientation on a side facing toward the second display device.9. The apparatus according to claim 8 , whereinthe first display device uses a projection device to project at least a portion of the information onto the display area.10. The apparatus according to claim 9 , wherein the first display device uses the projection device of the second display device to project at least a portion of the information onto the display area.11. The apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Seam Resolution

Номер: US20130100092A1
Автор: Danks Mark Edward
Принадлежит: 3D Systems, Inc.

Systems and methods are provided for resolving seams in computer graphics when a two-dimensional image is applied to a three-dimensional structure. The method can include providing a two-dimensional image in a UV space, identifying at least one sub-image on the two-dimensional image, defining a seam connectivity for the two-dimensional image in the UV space, and remapping the location of an object on the two-dimensional image when the location of the object is within at least one seam boundary of the seam map. 1. A method comprising:providing a two-dimensional image in a UV space;identifying, with control circuitry, at least one sub-image on the two-dimensional image; anddefining, with the control circuitry, a seam connectivity for the two-dimensional image in the UV space.2. The method of wherein providing the two-dimensional image in the UV space includes providing the two-dimensional image with the at least one sub-image with a constant color.3. The method of wherein providing the two-dimensional image with the at least one sub-image with the constant color includes providing the sub-image with a non-background color.4. The method of wherein identifying claim 1 , with the control circuitry claim 1 , the at least one sub-image on the two-dimensional image includes a scanner horizontally scanning the two-dimensional image pixel by pixel.5. The method of further comprising determining a color of each pixel in the two-dimensional image.6. The method of further comprising identifying a range of non-background color pixels in the two-dimensional image as the at least one sub-image.7. The method of wherein defining a seam connectivity claim 1 , with the control circuitry claim 1 , for the two-dimensional image includes identifying at least first and second seams of the at least one sub-image.8. The method of further comprising identifying each pixel associated with the at least first and second seams with a unique color.9. The method of further comprising:receiving, via ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106824A1
Автор: Yamauchi Yoshimitsu

A liquid crystal display device includes a data signal line driving circuit which separately drives data signal lines of an active matrix pixel array. One vertical period is divided into a scanning period and a non-scanning period. The data signal line driving circuit applies a signal voltage corresponding to the pixel data having the same polarity to the same data signal line with a predetermined fixed potential as a reference regardless of an order of a selected scanning signal line in the scanning period, and applies an intermediate voltage between maximum and minimum values of pixel voltages to each data signal line in the non-scanning period, the pixel voltages being respectively held in the pixel electrodes of the pixels connected to each data signal line. 1. A data signal line driving circuit which separately drives a plurality of data signal lines of an active matrix pixel array , whereineach pixel constituting the pixel array includes:a unit display element that presents a different display state in accordance with a pixel voltage held in a pixel electrode; anda thin-film transistor element including a first terminal, a second terminal, and a control terminal that controls conduction/non-conduction between the first and second terminals, the first terminal being electrically connected to the pixel electrode, the second terminal being electrically connected to any one of the plurality of data signal lines extending in a column direction, the control terminal being electrically connected to any one of a plurality of scanning signal lines extending in a row direction,a scanning period is one successive period set within one vertical period when pixel data are written into all pixels of the pixel array, wherein the plurality of scanning signal lines are sequentially selected and the pixel data are written into the pixels connected to each sequentially selected scanning signal line,a non-scanning period is another successive period set within the one vertical ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113700A1

An operating and monitoring screen displaying apparatus according to the present disclosure selects a screen among a plurality of split display screens displaying information about a part of a process in a plant and displays the selected screen as an operating and monitoring screen. The apparatus includes a receipt unit which receives a selection of a screen to be displayed among a plurality of split display screens; a split screen display unit which displays the screen selected through the receipt unit; and a map display unit which displays a map in which process elements constituting the process are associated with display areas, and indicates, on the map, a display area associated with a process element included in the screen being displayed by the split screen display unit. 1. An operating and monitoring screen displaying apparatus , which selects a screen among a plurality of split display screens displaying information about a part of a process in a plant , and displays the selected screen as an operating and monitoring screen , the operating and monitoring screen displaying apparatus comprising:a receipt unit configured to receive a selection of a screen to be displayed among a plurality of split display screens;a split screen display unit configured to display the screen selected through the receipt unit; anda map display unit configured to display a map in which process elements constituting the process are associated with display areas, and indicates, on the map, a display area associated with a process element included in the screen being displayed by the split screen display unit.2. The operating and monitoring screen displaying apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a detailed screen display unit configured to display a screen indicating details about a process element associated with the display area according to an operation on the display area of the map being displayed by the map display unit.3. The operating and monitoring screen ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113822A1

A device includes a device manager stored on a computer readable storage device. A display has multiple tiles corresponding to smart devices installed in a user home having inter-dependent statuses and settings. The device manager generates the tiles with corresponding smart device information displayed in the tiles, and selection of a tile provides a view showing details about the smart device while not obscuring unselected tiles. 1. A device comprising:a device manager stored on a computer readable storage device;a display having multiple tiles corresponding to smart devices installed in a user home having inter-dependent statuses and settings; andwherein the device manager generates the tiles with corresponding smart device information displayed in the tiles, and selection of a tile provides a view showing details about the smart device while not obscuring unselected tiles.2. The device of wherein the display comprises a touch screen.3. The device of wherein the device manager generates a control panel displayed upon selection of a tile claim 1 , wherein the control panel provides the view and includes selectable settings.4. The device of wherein the device manager places other tiles outside of the control panel such that smart device information in such tiles is visible while a user interacts with the control panel.5. The device of wherein the tiles comprise dynamic information and navigation constructs for displaying further information.6. The device of wherein the tiles are arranged the same regardless of the type of display.7. The device of wherein the device manager received dynamic information regarding the smart devices and displays the received dynamic information in the tiles.8. The device of wherein the device manager further comprises a network connector to communicate wirelessly with the smart devices.9. The device of wherein at least one tile contains a recommendation for energy management.10. The device of wherein at least one tile contains status ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120352A1

A data driver includes two data processing circuits for respectively providing positive and negative pixel voltages according to first and second pixel data, and a multiplexer circuit including multiplexer units. Each multiplexer unit has first and second input terminals respectively receiving the positive and negative pixel voltages, and an output terminal coupled to a data line. A first switching device has first and second switches serially coupled between the first input and output terminals. A node between the first and second switches is selectively grounded via a third switch. A second switching device has fourth and fifth switches serially coupled between the second input and output terminals. A node between the fourth and fifth switches is selectively grounded via a sixth switch. When the first and second switches turn on, the sixth switch turns on. When the fourth and fifth switches turn on, the third switch turns on. 1. A data driver for correspondingly driving a plurality of data lines of a display panel according to a plurality of pixel data , the pixel data comprising a first pixel datum and a second pixel datum , the data driver comprising:a first data processing circuit and a second data processing circuit for processing the pixel data, wherein the first data processing circuit provides a positive pixel voltage according to the first pixel datum, and the second data processing circuit provides a negative pixel voltage according to the second pixel datum; and a first input terminal and a second input terminal for respectively receiving the positive pixel voltage and the negative pixel voltage;', 'an output terminal coupled to one of the data lines;', 'a first switching device having a first switch, a second switch and a third switch, wherein the first and second switches are serially coupled between the first input terminal and the output terminal, and a voltage level of a first node between the first and second switches is controlled via the third ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120417A1
Автор: Tanabe Akihiro

A display controlling apparatus that is capable of communicating with an image processing apparatus that sends image data to the display controlling apparatus in response to a notification from the display controlling apparatus, includes the following elements: a sending unit configured to send the notification to the image processing apparatus; a first receiving unit configured to receive the image data sent from the image processing apparatus in response to the notification; and a first computing unit configured to compute a first time required to display the image data received by the first receiving unit. The sending unit sends a new notification to the image processing apparatus at a timing based on the first time computed by the first computing unit. 110-. (canceled)11. A display controlling apparatus that is capable of communicating with an image processing apparatus that sends image data to the display controlling apparatus , comprising:a sending unit configured to send a notification to the image processing apparatus; anda receiving unit configured to receive image data sent from the image processing apparatus,wherein, if a predetermined condition is satisfied, the receiving unit receives image data, which is sent in response to the notification sent by the sending unit, from the image processing apparatus, andwherein, if the predetermined condition is not satisfied, the receiving unit receives image data sent from the image processing apparatus without sending the notification sent by the sending unit.12. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 11 , wherein the predetermined condition is related to the size of the image data.13. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 11 , further comprising a display control unit configured to display image data received by the receiving unit.14. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein the predetermined condition is related to the size of the image data displayed by the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120476A1
Автор: Todorovich Mark M.
Принадлежит: QUALCOMM MEMS Technologies, Inc.

An apparatus for displaying data includes a first array of display elements having a plurality of rows and columns, a second array display of display elements having a plurality of rows and columns, and a third array of display elements having a plurality of rows and columns. In some implementations, the third array is disposed between the first and second arrays. The apparatus further includes a first set of busses connected to supply display signals to columns of the first array, a second set of busses connected to supply display signals to columns of the second array, and a third set of busses connected to supply display signals to columns of the third array. 1. A display comprising:a first display section including a first plurality of rows and columns of conductive material and further including a first set of busses extending along the first plurality of columns;a second display section including a second plurality of rows and columns of conductive material and further including a second set of busses extending along the second plurality of columns;a third display section including a third plurality of rows and columns of conductive material; anda driver configured to drive the first, second, and third display sections in parallel,wherein one or more redundant busses in the first and second sets of busses are coupled to one or more of the third plurality of columns in the third display section, and are isolated from all of the first and second plurality of columns.2. The display of claim 1 , wherein the conductive material forming a first plurality of columns is approximately twice as wide as the conductive material forming a second plurality of columns claim 1 , and wherein redundant busses in the first and second sets are each positioned next to or under the first plurality of columns.3. The display of claim 2 , wherein approximately half of the redundant busses extend under the first display section claim 2 , and the remaining redundant busses extend under ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127688A1

A display system includes an image forming device and a mobile communication terminal. In the display system, the mobile communication terminal accepts a flick manipulation to move the screen, and transmits flick information on the accepted flick manipulation to the image forming device. The image forming device decides an area, which is a part of the screen of the mobile communication terminal and in which display is changed when the screen is moving, and sequentially transmits to the mobile communication terminal positional information on the decided area and screen data of the screen before the movement is completed since the movement is started, which is decided based on the flick information in the decided area. The mobile communication terminal displays the screen in the area of the transmitted positional information based on the transmitted screen data. 1. A display system comprising:a first display device in which screen data is stored;a second display device for displaying a screen based on the screen data stored in said first display device;a manipulation accepting unit for accepting a flick manipulation to move the screen through said second display device;a first transmitter for transmitting flick information on the flick manipulation accepted by said manipulation accepting unit to said first display device;an area decision unit for deciding an area that is a part on the screen of said second display device, display being changed in the area when the screen is moving;a second transmitter for sequentially transmitting positional information on the area decided by said area decision unit and screen data of a screen in the area decided by said area decision unit from said first display device to said second display device, the screen data of the screen being sequential data before the screen movement is completed since the screen movement is started and being decided based on said flick manipulation; anda first display unit for displaying a screen in the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127811A1

Systems and methods provide automatic switching of display update properties such as screen resolution, pixel depth, and refresh rate in response to a power management event. The display update property may be decreased when power is switched from AC power to DC power, for example, when the system is unplugged from a wall outlet and is running on battery power. 1. An apparatus comprising:a power management driver executed by one or more processors to receive an indication of a power situation;a video driver executed by one or more processors to (1) select a policy from a plurality of power management policies, wherein the selected policy is responsive to the power situation and (2) request to change a display property of a video display based on the selected policy and wherein the display property is at least one of a video color quality, screen resolution, and screen refresh rate; andvideo hardware to selectively adjust a display property in response to the request to change a display property.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the power situation comprises a change in a power source from AC power to DC power and wherein the request to change an image display property includes a request to decrease at least one of the video color quality claim 1 , screen resolution claim 1 , and screen refresh rate.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the power situation comprises a change in a power source from DC power to AC power and wherein the request to change an image display property includes a request to increase at least one of the video color quality claim 1 , screen resolution claim 1 , and screen refresh rate.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the power situation comprises a power level of a battery falling below a predetermined threshold and wherein the request to change an image display property includes a request to decrease at least one of the video color quality claim 1 , screen resolution claim 1 , and screen refresh rate.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device

Номер: US20130127913A1

An easy to use electronic device is provided. The electronic device functions as a telephone and has a display portion, an audio input portion, an audio output portion, and operation keys. The display portion has a passive element, and the operation keys have LEDs. The direction of an image displayed by the LEDs is switchable. 1. An electronic device comprising:operation keys; andgroups of pixels, each group of pixels being comprised in a corresponding one of the operation keys and configured to display an image;wherein directions of the images displayed by the groups of second pixels are switchable between a first orientation and a second orientation.2. An electronic device comprising:a display portion;first pixels comprised in the display portion;sensors comprised in the display portion;operation keys; andgroups of second pixels, each group of second pixels being comprised in a corresponding one of the operation keys and configured to display an image;wherein directions of the images displayed by the groups of second pixels are switchable between a first orientation and a second orientation.3. An electronic device comprising:a group of pixels, the group of pixel being configured to display an image indicating a type of information input,wherein the device is configured so that the types of information input can be input to the electronic device by an action of a user directed to the group of pixels, the groups of pixels displaying an image corresponding to the type of information input;wherein a direction of the image displayed by the group of pixels is switchable between a first orientation and a second orientation.4. An electronic device comprising:groups of pixels, each group of pixels being configured to display an image indicating a type of information input,wherein the device is configured so that one of the types of information input can be input to the electronic device by an action of a user directed to one of the groups of pixels, the one of the groups ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127914A1
Автор: Miyazawa Masaaki

A reproducing device that can reproduce data and operates on a battery includes displaying means, attitude detecting means for detecting an attitude of the reproducing device, determining means for determining whether the reproducing device satisfies a predetermined condition, and controlling means for changing a setting of the reproducing device on a basis of a result of detection of the attitude detecting means when the determining means determines that the reproducing device satisfies the predetermined condition. 123-. (canceled)24. A display controlling apparatus comprising:an attitude detecting unit configured to detect an attitude of the display controlling apparatus;a determining unit configured to determine whether the display controlling apparatus satisfies a predetermined condition; anda controlling unit configured to change a setting of the display controlling apparatus on a basis of a result of detection of the attitude detecting unit in a case that the determining unit determines that the display controlling apparatus satisfies the predetermined condition,wherein the determining unit is configured to determine that the display controlling apparatus satisfies the predetermined condition in a case that an operating instruction is given to the controlling unit by an operating unit.25. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 24 , wherein the setting is a display orientation of displayed data.26. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 24 , wherein the setting is definitions assigned to buttons of the operation unit.27. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 24 , wherein the controlling unit is further configured to claim 24 , when the attitude is not detected by the attitude detecting unit claim 24 , cause a menu screen to be displayed in an orientation of a previously displayed screen.28. The display controlling apparatus according to claim 24 , wherein the controlling unit is further configured to change the setting ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device, Method of Displaying Display Item, and Search Processing Method

Номер: US20130127921A1

An acquisition unit acquires a content image corresponding to content. A content image display unit arranges a plurality of content images side by side in a display screen image, and a related information display unit displays information related to an arranged content image. A first reception unit acquires a first moving instruction for the content images arranged side by side, and a second reception unit acquires a second moving instruction for the content images arranged side by side. The content image display unit moves the content images according to a moving instruction acquired by the first reception unit or the second reception unit. A related information display unit displays different types of related information when the first reception unit acquires the first moving instruction and when the second reception unit acquires the second moving instruction. 1. An electronic device comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire data of a display item corresponding to content; anda display control unit configured to generate an image to be displayed on a display,wherein the display control unit has:a first display unit configured to arrange a plurality of display items side by side;a second display unit configured to display information related to the display items arranged by the first display unit;a first reception unit configured to acquire a first moving instruction for the display items arranged side by side; anda second reception unit configured to acquire a second moving instruction for the display items arranged side by side,wherein the first display unit moves the display items on the display according to a moving instruction acquired by the first reception unit or the second reception unit, andwherein the second display unit displays different related information for the same display item arranged by the first display unit when the first reception unit acquires the first moving instruction and when the second reception unit acquires the second ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128060A1

A smart phone senses audio, imagery, and/or other stimulus from a user's environment, and acts autonomously to fulfill inferred or anticipated user desires. In one aspect, the detailed technology concerns phone-based cognition of a scene viewed by the phone's camera. The image processing tasks applied to the scene can be selected from among various alternatives by reference to resource costs, resource constraints, other stimulus information (e.g., audio), task substitutability, etc. The phone can apply more or less resources to an image processing task depending on how successfully the task is proceeding, or based on the user's apparent interest in the task. In some arrangements, data may be referred to the cloud for analysis, or for gleaning. Cognition, and identification of appropriate device response(s), can be aided by collateral information, such as context. A great number of other features and arrangements are also detailed. 114-. (canceled)15. A method comprising the acts:receiving imagery depicting a scene; andpresenting said imagery depicting the scene to a user on a display, overlaid with indicia corresponding to supplemental data that relate to one or more features in the scene;wherein the method further includes narrowing a universe of possible indicia for display down to a smaller number of indicia, said narrowing being a function of first and second criteria, where:the first criterion comprises one or more factors selected from the list: actions previously taken by the user expressing interest or disinterest in presented indicia; actions previously taken by one or more third parties expressing interest or disinterest in presented indicia; time of day; topical preference data for the user; areas of the display in which indicia would respectively be overlaid; and payments offered by one or more commercial parties for presentation of their indicia; andthe second criterion comprises a setting of a user-settable verbosity control;wherein the user can vary ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128173A1
Автор: Wu Yanbing
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

According to an embodiment of the invention, there is disclosed an array substrate, comprising: data lines; first and second gate lines, the first and second gate lines and the data lines crossing with each other so as to define sub-pixel structures; each of the sub-pixel structures comprising first and second sub-pixels; a first control line, insulated from the first and second gate lines; and first switch devices, each for making the first gate line and the second gate line corresponding to the first sub-pixel and the second sub-pixel in the same sub-pixel structure connected or disconnected under the control of the first control line, wherein in each of the sub-pixel structures, the first gate line is connected to the first sub-pixel, the second gate line is connected to the second sub-pixel, and the first sub-pixel and the second sub-pixel are connected to the same data line. 1. An array substrate , comprising:data lines;first gate lines and second gate lines, the first and second gate lines and the data lines crossing with each other so as to define a plurality of sub-pixel structures arranged in a matrix form; each of the plurality of sub-pixel structures comprising a first sub-pixel and a second sub-pixel, and each of the first sub-pixel and the second sub-pixel including a pixel electrode and a thin film transistor, the thin film transistor for each of them comprising a gate, a source, a drain and an active layer;a first control line, insulated from the first gate lines and the second gate lines; andfirst switch devices, each for making the first gate line and the second gate line corresponding to the first sub-pixel and the second sub-pixel in the same sub-pixel structure connected or disconnected under the control of the first control line,wherein in each of the sub-pixel structures, the first gate line is connected to the first sub-pixel, the second gate line is connected to the second sub-pixel, and the first sub-pixel and the second sub-pixel are ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Easy Diagnosis, Repair, and Maintenance of a Commercial Display Screen

Номер: US20130134987A1
Автор: Jong Hyuk Park
Принадлежит: GPO U S Inc

One or more apparatuses and methods for enabling easy diagnosis, repair, and maintenance of a commercial display screen are disclosed. In one embodiment of the invention, this apparatus includes a removable commercial display kit box, a corresponding base plate interface unit attached to a rear panel of the commercial display screen, and a guiding mechanism for docking the removable commercial display kit box and the corresponding base plate interface unit. Furthermore, in one embodiment of the invention, the removable display kit box contains an analog-to-digital converter board, a power board, automatic-switching dual data ports, maintenance check visual indicators, and a removable fuse inlet. In case of a commercial display screen malfunction, the removable display kit box allows a quick inspection and a modular repair or replacement of a malfunctioning part, without requiring the entire commercial display screen to be dismounted from a wall or another attached structure.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Determining the Orientation of an Eye

Номер: US20130135181A1
Принадлежит: Metaio GmbH

In a device or a method for determining the direction of vision of an eye, a starting point or a final point of a light beam reflected by a part of the eye and detected by a detector system, or of a light beam projected by a projection system onto or into the eye two-dimensionally, describes a pattern of a scanning movement in the eye. The inventive method uses a displacement device that guides the center of the pattern of movement into the pupil or macula center of the eye, and a determination device that uses the pattern of movement of the scanning movement to determine the pupil center or macula center. 1. (canceled)2. A method for determining the position and/or orientation of an eye , comprising:detecting light reflected by at least a part of the eye using a detector system of a device,determining the position and/or orientation of the eye relative to an environment at least partially according to the detected light,determining an object on which a user is focusing from the position and/or orientation of the eye relative to the environment, andcontrolling the object corresponding to a predetermined control program.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein detecting light reflected by at least a part of the eye is based on active scanning and/or passive scanning.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the light can first be actively projected into the eye by means of a projection system claim 2 , such as a laser claim 2 , a radiator claim 2 , and a beam.5. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:determining the position of the pupillary center of the eye from the detected light, anddetermining the position and/or orientation of the eye relative to the device from the position of the pupillary center of the eye.6. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:determining the position and/or orientation of the device relative to the environment from an orientation determining device.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Display mode-based input key function reassignment in a communication device

Номер: US20130135265A1

A communication device is disclosed. The device includes a transceiver coupled to a controller, and a display having a user interactive touch-interface. The controller is configured to control a first function of the device upon actuation of a first switch when the display is in a first state and to control a second function of the communication device in upon actuation of a second switch. The first switch is perceptible regardless of the state of the display, and second switch is perceptible when the display is in the first state but not the second state. The controller controls the second function in response to actuating the first switch when the display is in a second state.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135267A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A display apparatus includes a display panel, a data driving part, and a timing control part. The display panel includes gate lines extending in a first direction, data lines extending in a second direction crossing the first direction, and first and second pixel groups. The first and second pixel groups are disposed at opposing sides of a data line and are alternately connected to the data line. The data driving part includes channels connected to the data lines. The channels output a data signal to the data lines, the data signal has a first polarity or a second polarity, and the second polarity has an inversed phase to the first polarity. The timing control part outputs a data inverse control signal and first and second polarity control signal, which control the polarity of the data signal based on the data inverse control signal. 1. A display apparatus , comprising:a display panel comprising a plurality of gate lines extending in a first direction, a plurality of data lines extending in a second direction crossing the first direction, a first pixel group, and a second pixel group, wherein the first and second pixel groups are disposed at opposing sides of one of the data lines and are alternately connected to the one of the data lines;a gate driving part configured to output a gate signal to the gate lines;a data driving part comprising a plurality of channels electrically connected to the data lines, wherein the plurality of channels are configured to output a data signal to the data lines, the data signal has a first polarity or a second polarity, and the second polarity has an inversed phase to the first polarity with respect to a reference voltage; anda timing control part configured to output a data inverse control signal, a first polarity control signal, and a second polarity control signal, wherein the first and second polarity control signals control the polarity of the data signal based on the data inverse control signal.2. The display apparatus of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135286A1
Автор: Li Xin, Zhao Lei

A display method, a display apparatus, and an electronic terminal are disclosed. The electronic terminal comprises a display unit; the method comprises: detecting a first operation, when a display object is displayed along a first display direction at a first display position of the display unit; determining a second display position according to the first operation, when the first operation is a predefined operation, whereat the second display position is different from the first display position; acquiring a correspondence relationship between the display positions and the display directions; determining a second display direction corresponding to the second display position, based on the correspondence relationship between the display positions and the display directions as well as the second display position; and displaying the display object along the second display direction at the second display position. 1. A display method , applied in an electronic terminal comprising a display unit , characterized in that , the method comprising:detecting a first operation, when a display object is displayed along a first display direction at a first display position of the display unit;determining a second display position according to the first operation, when the first operation is a predefined operation, whereat the second display position is different from the first display position;acquiring a correspondence relationship between the display positions and the display directions;determining a second display direction corresponding to the second display position, based on the correspondence relationship between the display positions and the display directions as well as the second display position; anddisplaying the display object along the second display direction at the second display position.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the display unit comprises at least a first display region and a second display region claim 1 , and the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137483A1
Автор: SENOO Hidemitsu

A mobile phone () includes a display (), an acceleration sensor (), etc., and a displaying direction of the display () is set based on an inclination detected by the acceleration sensor. If the mobile phone () is rendered in a horizontal posture or approximately horizontal posture, an image imaged by a first camera module () is output so as to be subjected to face detection processing. If a face of a user is detected from the imaged image, a direction of the face is detected. When the face direction is detected, the displaying direction of the display () is set based on the face direction. An image is displayed on the display () in a displaying direction being set based on the direction of the face of the user. 1. A mobile terminal having a display portion which displays a content and a detecting portion which detects a posture of the mobile terminal , and a displaying direction of the display portion is changed according to an inclination of the mobile terminal detected by the detecting portion , comprising:a camera module which outputs an imaged image;an activating portion which activates the camera module when a horizontal posture or approximately horizontal posture of the mobile terminal is detected by the detecting portion;a performing portion which performs face detection processing through which a face is detected from the imaged image output from the camera module being activated by the activating portion;direction detecting portion which detects a direction of the face detected through the face detection processing;a setting portion which sets a displaying direction of the display portion based on the direction of the face detected by the direction detecting portion; anda displaying processing portion which displays a content on the display portion in accordance with the displaying direction set by the setting portion.2. A mobile terminal according to claim 1 , further comprising a rotation detecting portion which detects a rotation of the mobile terminal ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141310A1
Автор: JOO Sang-Woo
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

An apparatus performs a method to control displays in a mobile terminal including a first display and a second display positioned over the first display. In the method, first information whose output via the first display is allowed and second information whose output via the second display is allowed are identified using output information. The first information is output via the first display. The second information is output via the second display. 1. A method for controlling displays in a mobile terminal comprising a first display and a second display positioned over the first display , the method comprising:identifying first information whose output via the first display is allowed and second information whose output via the second display is allowed using output information;outputting the first information via the first display; andoutputting the second information via the second display.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outputting of the first information via the first display comprises determining a region configured to output the first information and a region not configured to output the first information.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the outputting of the first information via the first display comprises inactivating the region not configured to output the first information.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , when the first information does not exist claim 1 , inactivating the first display.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outputting of the second information via the second display comprises:determining a region configured to output the second information and a region not configured to output the second information, and processing the region not configured to output the second information as transparent.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the outputting of the first information via the first display comprises:determining a region configured to output the first information and a region not configured to output the first ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141403A1
Автор: Shibuya Masaki

To reduce current noise by reducing the current peak value and the current rise slope, a data driver includes a delay unit and a plurality of output circuits. The delay unit sequentially delays a control signal and outputs delay control signals. The output circuits start outputting in response to the delay control signals. The delay unit generates the delay control signals to be output to the output circuits. 1. A data driver comprising:a delay unit that sequentially delays a control signal and outputs a plurality of delay control signals; anda plurality of output circuits that start outputting in response to a corresponding delay control signal of the delay control signals,wherein the delay unit generates the delay control signals to be output to the output circuits, respectively, so that the time difference between the output start time of an output circuit coupled to a line with a relatively large load capacitance of the output circuits and the output start time of the following or previous output circuit is larger than the time difference between the output start time of an output circuit coupled to a line with a relatively small load capacitance of the output circuits and the output start time of the following or previous output circuit.2. The data driver according to claim 1 ,wherein the delay unit includes a plurality of delay circuits for outputting the delay control signals,wherein the delay circuits are coupled in series,wherein, of the delay circuits, a delay circuit coupled to an output circuit that is coupled to the line with a relatively large load capacitance, has a long delay time, andwherein, of the delay circuits, a delay circuit coupled to an output circuit that is coupled to the line with a relatively small load capacitance, has a short delay time.3. The data driver according to claim 2 ,wherein, of the serially coupled delay circuits, the operation order of a delay circuit coupled to an output circuit that is coupled to the line with a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for driving image display device

Номер: US20130141404A1
Автор: Jin-Sung Kim, Min-Ki Kim
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

An apparatus and method for driving an image display device are disclosed. The disclosed driving apparatus and method achieve synchronous driving of driving integrated circuits for driving an image display panel, through internal generation of drive control signals, thereby preventing a degradation in picture quality caused by erroneous driving timing while achieving an enhancement in product reliability. The driving apparatus includes a display panel, which includes a plurality of pixel regions, to display an image, a plurality of data integrated circuits, which share at least one of synchronizing signals internally generated therefrom, generate gate and data control signals in accordance with the shared synchronizing signal, and drive data lines of the display panel, using the internally-generated data control signals, and a gate driver for driving gate lines of the display panel in accordance with the gate control signal generated from one of the plural data integrated circuits.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141468A1
Автор: Coon Jonathan
Принадлежит: 1-800 CONTACTS, INC.

A computer-implemented method for scaling an image is described. An image that depicts a device in contact with a user is obtained. The image depicts identifying information that is being displayed on a display of the device. A type of the device is identified based on the identifying information. A size of the device is determined based on the identified type of the device. At least a portion of the depiction of the user is scaled based on the determined size of the device. 1. A computer-implemented method for scaling an image , comprising:obtaining, by a processor, an image that depicts a device in contact with a user, wherein the image depicts identifying information that is being displayed on a display of the device;identifying, by the processor, a type of the device based on the identifying information;determining, by the processor, a size of the device based on the identified type of the device; andscaling, by the processor, at least a portion of the depiction of the user based on the determined size of the device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a pupillary distance of the user based on the scaled depiction of the user.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image is captured by the device.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising displaying the identifying information on the device.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifying information comprises one or more of a Quick Response (QR) code claim 1 , a make of the device claim 1 , a model of the device claim 1 , and dimensions of the device.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a relationship between the depiction of the device and the depiction of the user.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein scaling the at least a portion of the depiction of the user comprises translating the scale of the device to the at least a portion of the depiction of the user based on the determined relationship.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifying information has a ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Display Moving Image Quality Improvement In 3D Barrier Type Display

Номер: US20130147696A1
Автор: Jani Edvin Penttilä
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

A method to display moving images is described. The method includes shuttering one or more display pixels in a plurality of display pixels. Shuttering blocks substantially all light emanating from the display pixel. The method also includes, while shuttered, refreshing the one or more display pixels and allowing the one or more display pixels to stabilize. Backlights for the shuttered display pixels may be turned off while shuttered. After the one or more display pixels have substantially stabilized, unshuttering the one or more display pixels is included in the method. Apparatus and computer readable media are also described.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147706A1

A control method of a mobile terminal is disclosed. The control method of a mobile terminal includes: acquiring a pressure signal through a pressure sensing module for sensing a change in pressure applied to at least one part of the body in at least two degrees; and generating an event for changing a display state of a display unit through a control signal to be matched to the pressure signal. Emotional quality can be improved by changing a display state of a display unit in response to a change in pressure applied to the body. 1. A mobile terminal comprising:a body;a display unit configured to be located on the front surface of the body;a pressure sensing module configured to be located lateral surface of the body and configured to sense pressure applied to at least one part of the pressure sensing module, wherein the pressure sensing module includes a plurality of pressure sensing element provided consecutively along the lateral surface of the body; anda control unit configured to scroll a screen of the display unit toward a direction determined based on at least of one of pressure sensing position of the pressure module and a movement direction of pressure sensing positions of the pressure sensing module.2. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein control unit is configured to scroll the screen of the display unit toward a direction from a scroll reference position of the lateral surface of the body to the pressure sensing position.3. The mobile terminal of claim 2 , wherein the control unit is configured to control screen scroll speed based on intensity of the pressure sensed through the pressure sensing position.4. The mobile terminal of claim 2 , wherein the control unit is configured to control screen scroll speed based on distance between the scroll reference position and the pressure sensing position.5. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to screen scroll speed base on movement speed of the pressure sensing positions.6. ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147772A1

The invention provides an instrument control panel that is easily customized and reconfigured, and yet provides the familiar tactile sensation of physical knobs, sliders, and buttons. The instrument control panel comprises one or more interface components that are removably coupled to an interface display wherein the interface components communicate with one or more control components disposed behind the interface display. The present invention lends itself particularly well to an instrument panel. 1. An instrument control apparatus comprising;an interface surface that is used to interface with at least one electronic application;at least one removable interface component coupled to the interface surface;at least one control component electronically coupled to the at least one electronic application and configured to control at least one function of the electronic application,wherein the at least one removable interface component is remotely coupled to the at least one control component through the interface surface;wherein the at least one function of the electronic application is controlled responsive to manipulation of the at least one interface component.2. The instrument control apparatus of wherein the interface surface comprises a liquid crystal display (LCD).3. The instrument control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interface surface displays content relating to at least one function of the electronic application.4. The instrument control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic application comprises a stereo receiver coupled to an audio output.5. The instrument control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic application comprises an audiovisual receiver coupled to an audio output claim 1 , wherein the interface surface comprises a liquid crystal display (LCD) claim 1 , and wherein the LCD is configured as a video output.6. The instrument control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic application comprises a Global Positioning System (GPS ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147775A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A display device is disclosed which includes: a control substrate configured to include a timing controller; a data connector configured to transfer signal from the control substrate to a display panel; a data driver mounted to the data connector; at least one outer connector disposed by at least one of both sides of the data connector and loaded with a driver chip, wherein the driver chip and the data driver are loaded on the outer connector and the data connector using the same bonding system, respectively. 1. A display device comprising:a control substrate that includes a timing controller;a data connector configured to transfer signal from the control substrate to a display panel;a data driver mounted to the data connector;at least one outer connector disposed by at least one of both sides of the data connector and loaded with a driver chip,wherein the driver chip and the data driver are loaded on the outer connector and the data connector using the same bonding system.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the driver chip and the data driver are loaded in a COF (chip on flexible printed circuit film) system.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the driver chip and the data driver are loaded in one of tape carrier package (TCP) and chip on glass (COG) systems.4. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the driver chip includes a level shifter.5. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the driver chip includes a programmable gamma integrated circuit (IC).6. The display device of claim 1 , further comprising:a source substrate connected to the data connector and the outer connector; andan auxiliary connector that connects the source substrate with the control substrate.7. The display device of claim 4 , wherein the at least one outer connector includes first and second outer connectors which are disposed in both sides of the data connector.8. The display device of claim 7 , wherein the display panel includes gate drivers claim 7 , which are disposed in ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154905A1

A USB image transmission system is provided. The USB image transmission system may include a content source configured to be operatively coupled to a USB-enabled display device. Image data may be transmitted over the USB connection from the content source for display by the display device. In some embodiments, a USB collaboration hub may enable multiple content sources to be operatively linked through a USB connection to one or more USB-enabled display devices. 1. An image display system , comprising:a plurality of display devices, each with a serial bus port, the plurality of display devices to be provided image data;a serial bus link coupled with each of the plurality of display devices;a content source coupled with the serial bus link, the content source to send the image data over the serial bus link to at least one of the plurality of display devices, whereina bulk end-point is established, through which image data is transferred, anda control end-point is established, through which control data is transferred.2. The image display system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of display devices is configured to act as a moderator claim 1 , wherein the moderator is configured to function as a system controller to set a collaboration mode and aggregate image content to the plurality of display devices.3. The image display system of claim 2 , wherein the collaboration mode of the moderator is a file transfer between two of the plurality of display devices.4. The image display system of claim 2 , wherein the collaboration mode of the moderator is configured to control which display devices may utilize the serial bus link coupled with the content source.5. The image display device of claim 2 , wherein the collaboration mode of the moderator is an ad-hoc mode claim 2 , wherein the serial bus link is open from any of the plurality of display devices to broadcast image data from the content source.6. An image display system claim 2 , comprising:a plurality ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154906A1

Systems and methods for selecting an action associated with a power state transition of a head-mounted display (HMD) in the form of eyeglasses are disclosed. A signal may be received from a sensor on a nose bridge of the eyeglasses indicating if the HMD is in use. Based on the received signal, a first powers state for the HMD may be determined. Responsive to the determined first power state, an action associated with a power state transition of the HMD from an existing power state to the first power state may be selected. The action may be selected from among a plurality of actions associated with a plurality of state transitions. Also, the action may be a sequence of functions performed by the HMD including modifying an operating state of a primary processing component of the HMD and a detector of the HMD configured to image an environment. 120-. (canceled)21. A wearable computing device , comprising:an infrared proximity sensor configured to provide an output that is indicative of whether the wearable computing device is in use;a computing system; and receiving an output from the infrared proximity sensor,', 'based on the received output, determining a first power state for the computing system,', 'determining that the first power state is a different power state than an existing power state of the computing system, and', 'in response to determining that the first power state is a different power state than the existing power state, modifying an operating state of the computing system., 'instructions stored in a memory of the computing system and executable by at least one processor of the computing system to perform functions comprising22. The wearable computing device of :wherein the wearable computing device comprises an eyewear device, andwherein the infrared proximity sensor is coupled to an inner side of the eyewear device.23. The wearable computing device of :wherein the eyewear device comprises a modular device coupled to an extending side-arm of a head- ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155039A1

An image generating apparatus according to the present invention is an image generating apparatus that generates pattern image data including a pattern component image for inspecting display quality of an image display apparatus in which an emission brightness of a backlight can be controlled for each block obtained by dividing a screen. The image generating apparatus according to the present invention comprises a detecting unit that detects a block in which display quality is estimated to be degraded, from among the blocks of the image display apparatus, as a degradation estimation region; and a generating unit that generates pattern image data such that the pattern component image is displayed in a block detected as the degradation estimation region by the detecting units when an image based on the pattern image data is displayed by the image display apparatus. 1. An image generating apparatus that generates pattern image data including a pattern component image for inspecting display quality of an image display apparatus in which an emission brightness of a backlight can be controlled for each block obtained by dividing a screen ,the image generating apparatus comprising:a detecting unit that detects a block in which display quality is estimated to be degraded, from among the blocks of the image display apparatus, as a degradation estimation region; anda generating unit that generates pattern image data such that the pattern component image is displayed in a block detected as the degradation estimation region by the detecting units when an image based on the pattern image data is displayed by the image display apparatus.2. The image generating apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe generating unit generates a plurality of pattern image data with different types of pattern component images.3. The image generating apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe detecting unitcompares for each block an accumulated light-up time in which the backlight is lit up with ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162538A1
Автор: Ichieda Hiroyuki

A display device can make it possible to easily recognize a plurality of indication bodies as a plurality of pointing devices. The display device is provided with a function device having a first interface and a second interface, and stores configuration information assigning the same class to the first interface and the second interface in a storage section. The display device detects a first position indicated by a first indication body to a display surface and a second position indicated by a second indication body to the display surface, assigns first coordinate data representing the first position to the first interface, assigns second coordinate data representing the second position to the second interface, and supplies a host device with the first coordinate data and the second coordinate data. 1. A display device comprising:a function device connected to a host device in a manner compliant with a USB (Universal Serial Bus) standard, and having a first interface and a second interface;a storage section storing configuration information, which assigns the same class to the first interface and the second interface;a display section adapted to display an image on a display surface;a detector adapted to detect a first position indicated by a first indication body and a second position indicated by a second indication body to the display surface; anda supply section adapted to assign first coordinate data representing the first position detected by the detector and supply the host device with the first coordinate data via the function device, and assign second coordinate data representing the second position detected by the detector and supply the host device with the second coordinate data via the function device.2. The display device according to claim 1 , whereinthe storage section stores the configuration information, which assigns HID (Human Interface Device) class to the first interface and the second interface.3. The display device according to claim 2 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162566A1
Автор: YAJIMA Chikashi
Принадлежит: Sony Mobile Communications Japan, Inc.

An information processing apparatus that controls a display to display captured image at a first portion of the display; detects whether an image of a specific pattern exists in the captured image; controls the display to display an image corresponding to data in a second portion of the display; detects that a user input was received at a first position corresponding to the first portion of the display and a second position corresponding to the second portion of the display; and transmits data corresponding to an image displayed at the first position to another information processing apparatus corresponding to the captured image displayed at the second position. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:a display;a position input unit stacked on or integrally formed with the display, the position input unit detecting a position of a received user input and outputting position information based on the detected position;a wireless interface that performs wireless communication;an image capturing unit that captures an image;a storage unit configured to store data; and controls the display to display the captured image at a first portion of the display;', 'detects whether an image of a specific pattern exists in the captured image;', 'controls the display to display an image corresponding to data stored in the storage unit or data that exists in a network in a second portion of the display;', 'receives position information from the position input unit indicating that a user input was received at a first position corresponding to the first portion of the display and a second position corresponding to the second portion of the display; and', 'controls the wireless interface to transmit data corresponding to an image displayed at the first position to another information processing apparatus corresponding to the captured image displayed at the second position., 'a processor that'}2. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe position input unit is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162659A1
Автор: KOTANI Junji

A display apparatus includes a USB connector used to connect an external device so as to be able to communicate with that device. The display apparatus also includes a CPU which controls to make a display based on data received from the external device with which a communication connection is established via the USB connector. The CPU acquires class information indicating a class of the external device, the communication connection of which is established. When the communication connection with the external device is disconnected, if the acquired class information indicates a predetermined class, the CPU controls to continue the display based on the received data, and if the class information does not indicate the predetermined class, the CPU controls to end the display. 114-. (canceled)15. A display control apparatus comprising:a communication unit configured to communicate with an external device; anda display control unit configured to display, on a display unit, an image received from the external device via the communication unit, and if communication with the external device is disconnected, to stop the display of the image received from the external device,wherein the display control unit varies a period of time from the disconnection to the stopping of the display of the image depending on a type of the external device.16. The display control apparatus according to claim 15 , wherein the display control unit stops the display of the image immediately or after a specific period of time elapses from the disconnection depending on a type of the external device.17. The display control apparatus according to claim 15 , wherein if the communication with the external device is physically disconnected claim 15 , the display control unit stops the display of the image after a predetermined first period of time elapses.18. The display control apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein if the communication with the external device is logically disconnected claim 17 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Progressive refinement of an edited image using secondary high resolution image processing

Номер: US20130162678A1
Автор: Harris Jerry G.

The present disclosure includes systems and techniques relating to processing of high resolution images, such as digital painting on high resolution images. In general, one aspect of the subject matter described in this specification can be embodied in a method that includes receiving input defining a modification to a target image; determining, at a first processor, a low resolution proxy result of the modification applied to the target image; determining, at a second processor, a higher resolution result of the modification applied to the target image; displaying the low resolution proxy result before completion of the determining at the second processor; and updating the displayed low resolution proxy result with the higher resolution result. Other embodiments of this aspect include corresponding systems, apparatus, and computer program products. 1. A method comprising:receiving input defining a modification to a target image;determining, at a first processor, a low resolution proxy result of the modification applied to the target image;determining, at a second processor and in parallel with the determining at the first processor, a higher resolution result of the modification applied to the target image;displaying the low resolution proxy result before completion of the determining at the second processor; andupdating the displayed low resolution proxy result with the higher resolution result.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining at the first processor comprises determining the low resolution proxy result using a graphics processing unit claim 1 , and the determining at the second processor comprises determining the higher resolution result using multiple processors.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the updating comprises progressively refining the displayed low resolution proxy result by compositing the low resolution proxy result with intermediate results from the determining the higher resolution result claim 1 , the intermediate results ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162695A1

A display control apparatus is provided. Every time when the level of the signal is obtained, the peak display with respect to the level of the signal is initiated by the first peak display control unit in a predetermined display manner in the display position obtained by the peak position obtaining unit. On the other hand, the previous peak displays being displayed according to the level of the signal obtained at a previous time and a time before the previous time is continued, and the display manner of the previous peak display being displayed is changed according to the second peak display control unit. Accordingly, while one and more than one level are simultaneously displayed on one display device, the temporal sequence of the levels, which is simultaneously displayed with different display manners, can be recognized by the user. 1. A display control apparatus to control a level display device , the level display device comprising a plurality of display positions arranged in a predetermined order corresponding to increasing signal levels , the display control apparatus comprising:a level obtaining unit obtaining a level of a signal;a peak display position obtaining unit obtaining a display position among the plurality of display positions to perform a peak display for displaying a peak of the signal according to the level obtained by the level obtaining unit;a first peak display control unit displaying the peak display in a predetermined display manner in the display position obtained by the peak display position obtaining unit when the level of the signal is obtained by the level obtaining unit; anda second peak display control unit, when the level of the signal is obtained by the level obtaining unit while a previous peak display with respect to a level of signal obtained at a previous time by the level obtaining unit is being displayed in the display positions, continuing the previous peak display and changing a display manner of the previous peak display ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169509A1
Принадлежит: Measurement Systems, Inc.

A portable operator control unit (OCU) includes a main portion disposed between handle portions extending from the main portion; the main portion has a front side, an opposing back side, and a top surface. The OCU includes a plurality of display devices including a primary display disposed on the front side of the main portion, and a secondary display movable with respect to the main portion. The secondary display is viewable by the operator along with the primary display while the secondary display is in use, and is stowed out of the operator's view while the secondary display is not in use. 1. A portable operator control unit (OCU) comprising:a main portion disposed between handle portions extending from the main portion, the main portion having a front side, an opposing back side, and a top surface; and a primary display disposed on the front side of the main portion, and', 'a secondary display movable with respect to the main portion, wherein, 'a plurality of display devices including'}the secondary display is viewable by the operator along with the primary display while the secondary display is in use, andthe secondary display is stowed out of the operator's view while the secondary display is not in use.2. An OCU according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary display has a front surface including a display screen claim 1 , and said display screen is proximate to the back side of said main portion while the secondary display is not in use.3. An OCU according to claim 2 , further comprising a sliding mechanism wherein the secondary display is slidably attached to the main portion claim 2 , said display screen being viewable by the operator above the top surface of the main portion in accordance with the secondary display slid upwards against said back side when in use.4. An OCU according to claim 2 , further comprising a joint mechanism having a rotatable portion and a pivot claim 2 , wherein the secondary display is attached to the main portion via the joint ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169510A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The present information processing system processes information through communication between a first information processing device and a second information processing device. The first information processing device is provided with a device detection unit that, if the case where the first information processing device and second information processing device are in proximity or in contact, the detection unit detects the position of the second information processing device. The first information processing device is provided with a first monitor unit that displays information, a first selection unit that selects information displayed by the first monitor unit, and a first communication unit that transmits the selected information to the second information processing device if first selection unit has selected information and moved the selected information across a first region a screen edge of the first monitor unit in a selected state. 1. An information processing system comprising:a first information processing device;a second information processing device; a device detection unit configured to detect a position of the second information processing device respective to the first information processing device if the first information processing device and the second information processing device are in proximity or in contact with one another;', 'a first monitor unit configured to display information, the first monitor unit including a first region and a screen edge, the first region disposed on the side of the first monitor unit nearest to the second information processing;', 'a first selection unit configured to select information displayed by the first monitor unit; and', 'a first communication unit configured to transmit the information selected by the first selection unit to the second information processing device, if the first selection unit moves the information across the first region of the first monitor unit to the screen edge of the first monitor unit ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169511A1

A wireless transmission display system includes a central processing device and a terminal device. The central processing device includes a processor, a first display unit, and a first wireless transmission unit. The processor multitasks with respect to a first program and a second program. The first display unit displays a first image generated through execution of the first program. The terminal device includes an input unit, a second wireless transmission unit, and a second display unit. The input unit generates an operating instruction. The second wireless transmission unit transmits the operating instruction to the first wireless transmission unit. The processor executes the second program according to the operating instruction, and transmits a second image generated through execution of the second program to the second wireless transmission unit via the first wireless transmission unit. The second display unit displays the second image. 1. A wireless transmission display system comprising: a processor for multitasking with respect to a first program and a second program;', 'a first display unit for displaying a first image generated through execution of the first program; and', 'a first wireless transmission unit electrically connected to the processor; and, 'a central processing device comprising a first input unit for generating a first operating instruction;', 'a second wireless transmission unit for transmitting the first operating instruction to the first wireless transmission unit, wherein the processor executes the second program according to the first operating instruction, and transmits a second image generated through execution of the second program to the second wireless transmission unit via the first wireless transmission unit; and', 'a second display unit for displaying the second image., 'a first terminal device comprising2. The wireless transmission display system of claim 1 , wherein the first terminal device has a first verification code ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169514A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A system, method and apparatus for configuring a dense pack of virtual mission control stations within a confined area. Information for a mission is received at a control station. The virtual mission control station includes a display system, a motion capture system, a number of input devices, a dense pack seat associated with the number of input devices, and a processor unit. The display system is configured to be worn on the head of an operator and to present a virtual display to the operator. The motion capture system is configured to track movement of the head. The processor unit is configured to execute program code to generate the display and adjust the display presented to the operator in response to detecting movement of the head of the operator. A mission is performed using the information and the virtual mission control station. 1. An apparatus comprising:a dense pack seat including a frame attachable to a floor, the dense pack seat also having a control board carrying an input device and configured to rotate on and translate about the dense pack seat;a virtual display system;an inertial sensor motion capture system configured to track movement of a head mounted virtual display device;an oxygen system; anda processor unit in communication with the virtual display system, the inertial sensor motion capture system, and the input device, wherein the processor unit is configured to execute program code to generate a virtual display and adjust the virtual display in response to detecting movement of the head mounted virtual display device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the dense pack seat further comprises a seat and the frame comprises: a footrest claim 1 , an armrest claim 1 , and the control board configured to rotate on and translate along the armrest; andsuch that the seat is configured to attach to the frame, and the seat comprises: a left leg, a right leg, a seat pan, and a seatback, the left leg and the right leg connected to the seat pan and ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169576A1

A touch display panel includes a display panel, a plurality of touch sensing devices, and a touch driver circuit. The display panel includes an array substrate. The touch driver circuit is disposed on the array substrate. The touch driver circuit is electrically connected to the touch sensing devices, and the touch driver circuit is employed to provide at least one scan driving signal to the touch sensing devices. 1. A touch display panel , comprising:a display panel, comprising an array substrate;a plurality of touch sensing devices; anda touch driver circuit, disposed on the array substrate, wherein the touch driver circuit is electrically connected to the touch sensing devices, and the touch driver circuit is employed to provide at least one scan driving signal to the touch sensing devices.2. The touch display panel of claim 1 , wherein the display panel further comprises a counter substrate disposed oppositely to the array substrate claim 1 , the counter substrate has an inner surface facing the array substrate claim 1 , and the touch sensing devices are disposed on the inner surface of the counter substrate.3. The touch display panel of claim 2 , further comprising at least one connecting device disposed between the array substrate and the counter substrate claim 2 , wherein the touch driver circuit is electrically connected to the touch sensing devices through the connecting device.4. The touch display panel of claim 1 , wherein the display panel further comprises a counter substrate and a circuit board claim 1 , the counter substrate is disposed oppositely to the array substrate claim 1 , and the touch driver circuit is electrically connected to the touch sensing devices through the circuit board.5. The touch display panel of claim 4 , wherein the counter substrate has an outer surface facing the opposite direction from the array substrate claim 4 , and the touch sensing devices are disposed on the outer surface of the counter substrate.6. The touch display ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Shift Register and Gate Driving Circuit Using the Same

Номер: US20130169609A1

Disclosed are a shift register, and a gate driving circuit including a plurality of shift registers connected in sequence to respectively supply scan signals to a plurality of gate lines of a display device. Each shift register includes: an input unit which outputs a directional input signal having a gate high or low voltage based on an output signal from a previous or subsequent shift register to a first node; an inverter unit which is connected to the first node, generates an inverting signal to a signal at the first node, and outputs the inverting signal to a second node; and an output unit which includes a pull-up unit connected to the first node and activating an output clock signal based on the signal at the first node, and a pull-down unit activating and outputting a pull-down output signal based on a signal at the second node. 1. A gate driving circuit comprising a plurality of shift registers connected in sequence to respectively supply scan signals to a plurality of gate lines of a display device ,the shift register comprising:an input unit which outputs a directional input signal having a gate high voltage VGH or a gate low voltage VGL based on an output signal from a previous or subsequent shift register of the shift register to a first node;an inverter unit which is connected to the first node, generates an inverting signal to a signal at the first node, and outputs the inverting signal to a second node; andan output unit which comprises a pull-up unit connected to the first node and activating an output clock signal based on the signal at the first node to be output as an output signal to a corresponding gate line, and a pull-down unit activating and outputting a pull-down output signal based on a signal at the second node,the inverter unit being controlled by coupling with a control clock signal.2. The gate driving circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the inverter unit comprises:a first switching device that comprises a gate terminal to receive the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169663A1

An apparatus and method for displaying images and an apparatus and method for processing images are provided. The image display apparatus includes an image processor configured to receive an image frame and convert a gradation value of each of a plurality of pixels constituting the image frame to generate a sub image frame; and a controller configured to control a display panel to sequentially display the image frame and the sub image frame. 1. An apparatus for displaying images , comprising:an image processor configured to receive an image frame and convert a gradation value of each pixel of a plurality pixels constituting the image frame to generate a sub image frame; anda controller configured to drive a display panel to sequentially display the image frame and the sub image frame.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the image processor generates the sub image frame by converting the gradation value of each pixel of the plurality of pixels of the image frame according to a relation equation V=V−V claim 1 , wherein Vis a gradation value of a pixel from among the plurality of pixels of the sub image frame claim 1 , Vis a maximum gradation value claim 1 , and Vis a gradation value of a pixel from among the plurality of pixels of the image frame.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller drives the display panel to display the sub image frame during a display time which is shorter than a display time of the image frame.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein image processor generates the sub image frame by converting the gradation value of each pixel of the plurality of pixels of the image frame based on a luminance difference between a target luminance value corresponding to the gradation value of each pixel of the plurality of pixels of the image frame and a real luminance value.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the image processor controls a gamma value to adjust a maximum luminance and a minimum luminance ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169874A1

A display apparatus, a connectable external peripheral device and a method of displaying an image are disclosed. The display apparatus includes a display unit; an image processor which first processes an image signal according to a preset first image processing operation, and secondly processes the first processed image signal processed according to the first image processing operation, and outputs the processed image signal to the display unit. The display apparatus further includes a peripheral device connector, to which an external peripheral device is connected that processes the image signal processed by the first image processing operation. The second image processing operation is performed in the external peripheral device. The image processor transmitting to the external peripheral device the first processed image signal in response to the external peripheral device being connected to the peripheral device connector. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a display unit;an image processor which first processes an image signal according to a preset first image processing operation, and secondly processes the first processed image signal in order to display an image on the display unit, and outputs the secondly processed image signal to the display unit;a peripheral device connector configured to be connected to an external peripheral device having an image processor which is configured to processes, according to a second image processing operation, the image signal processed by the image processor according to the first processing operation; andthe image processor of the display apparatus transmitting to the external peripheral device the first processed image signal processed according to the first image processing operation in response to the external peripheral device being connected to the peripheral device connector, and the image processor in the external peripheral device processing the image signal processed according to the second image processing ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176287A1
Автор: Chu Chang-Woong

A stereoscopic image display device, including: an image displaying unit including a plurality of pixels, the plurality of pixels displaying a left-eye image and a right-eye image, a first light blocking unit having a lattice structure including a plurality of openings corresponding to the plurality of pixels, and a second light blocking unit extending from the first light blocking unit into horizontal center portions of the plurality of openings; and a parallax barrier opposed to the image displaying unit, the parallax barrier including transmitting regions and blocking regions, the transmitting regions and the blocking regions extending in a vertical direction and being alternately disposed to spatially divide the left-eye image and the right-eye image displayed by the image displaying unit. 1. A stereoscopic image display device , comprising: a plurality of pixels, the plurality of pixels displaying a left-eye image and a right-eye image,', 'a first light blocking unit having a lattice structure including a plurality of openings corresponding to the plurality of pixels, and', 'a second light blocking unit extending from the first light blocking unit into horizontal center portions of the plurality of openings; and, 'an image displaying unit includinga parallax barrier opposite to the image displaying unit, the parallax barrier including transmitting regions and blocking regions, the transmitting regions and the blocking regions extending in a vertical direction and being alternately disposed to spatially divide the left-eye image and the right-eye image displayed by the image displaying unit.2. The stereoscopic image display device of claim 1 , wherein boundaries between the transmitting regions and the blocking regions of the parallax barrier overlap the second light blocking unit.3. The stereoscopic image display device of claim 1 , wherein the first light blocking unit includes a vertical pattern extending in the vertical direction and a horizontal pattern ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181957A1
Автор: CHEN Chiun-Shiu

A transmission system includes a transmission apparatus, a first electronic device and a second electronic device electrically connected to one another. The first electronic includes a composite driver, a first application program, a first display image and a virtual display device. The first composite driver emulates the virtual display device according to the first display image. The second electronic device includes a second application program and a second display image. The transmission interface includes a transmission controller and two transmission interfaces. The two transmission interfaces are connected to the first electronic device and the second electronic device, respectively. When the first application program transmits output data corresponding to the virtual display device via the two transmission interfaces and the transmission controller to the second application program, a virtual display image corresponding to the first display image is presented on the second display image. 1. A transmission system , comprising:a first electronic device, comprising a composite driver, a first application, a first display image and a virtual display device; the first composite driver emulating the virtual display device according to the first display image;a second electronic device, comprising a second application program and a second display image; anda transmission controller, electrically connected to the first electronic device and the second electronic device via two transmission interfaces, respectively;wherein, when the first application program sends output data corresponding to the virtual display device to the second application program via the transmission interfaces and the transmission controller, a virtual display image corresponding to the first display image is displayed on the second display image.2. The transmission system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first electronic device further comprises a virtual human-machine interface (HMI) ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182014A1
Автор: PARK Jieun

A mobile terminal for outputting an image and a control method thereof are provided. The mobile terminal includes a terminal main body, a display unit disposed on a front surface of the main body and configured to display an image, a movement sensor mounted in the main body and configured to sense a movement of the main body, a camera sensor activated in response to a movement of the main body, and a controller configured to control a display direction of the image according to a user location sensed by the camera sensor. 1. A mobile terminal comprising:a terminal main body;a display unit disposed on a front surface of the main body and configured to display an image;a movement sensor mounted in the main body and configured to sense a movement of the main body;a camera sensor activated in response to a movement of the main body; anda controller configured to control a display direction of the image according to a user location sensed by the camera sensor.2. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the controller discriminates the user's face from image data applied through the camera sensor claim 1 , and analyzes a relative position between the main body and the user by using the discriminated user's face.3. The mobile terminal of claim 2 , wherein the controller calculates an angle between a virtual reference axis set based on a first direction of the main body and the discriminated user's face and controls a display direction of the image based on the calculated angle.4. The mobile terminal of claim 3 , wherein when the calculated angle is outside the reference range claim 3 , the controller changes the display direction of the image.5. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the camera sensor is activated in response when the main body is tilted at a reference angle or greater in a pre-set direction.6. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the controller adjusts a magnifying power of the camera sensor such that data of the user's face is included in image ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187938A1

An image display device includes: a storing section configured to store associating information that associates information indicating one or more providing sources of image data with each of one or more display areas set within a display screen; an obtaining section configured to obtain image data from a providing source corresponding to each of one or more display areas on the basis of the associating information stored in the storing section; a forming section configured to form display image data of a display image to be displayed on the display screen on the basis of the image data being obtained by said obtaining section for each of one or more display areas; and a display processing section configured to display the display image corresponding to the display image data formed by the forming section on the display screen. 1. An image display device comprising:storing means for storing associating information that associates information indicating one or more providing sources of image data with each of one or more display areas set within a display screen;obtaining means for obtaining image data from a providing source corresponding to each of said one or more display areas on the basis of said associating information stored in said storing means;forming means for forming display image data of a display image to be displayed on said display screen on the basis of the image data being obtained by said obtaining means for each of said one or more display areas; anddisplay processing means for displaying the display image corresponding to said display image data formed by said forming means on said display screen.2. The image display device according to claim 1 , further comprising:receiving means for receiving an instruction input from a user;measuring means for measuring a time from display of the display image on said display screen by said display processing means; anddisplay controlling means for controlling said obtaining means, said forming means, and said ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194162A1
Автор: Autenzeller Peter

The invention relates to a display device designed like a tower comprising display panels (-) which are arranged one over the other in levels (), are connected pivotably on each level like wings, and level by level can rotate independently of one another about a common vertical axis (), with actuation means for folding and unfolding the display panels (-) level by level between a position in which the display panels (-) of a level come to rest, unfolded, in a common vertical plane, and a position in which the display panels, folded up, form the side surfaces of a prism, and for rotating the display panels (-) level by level. 131-. (canceled)321119202129111911191119. A display device designed like a tower comprising display panels (-) which are arranged one over the other in levels ( , ) , are connected pivotably on each level like wings , and level by level can rotate independently of one another about a common vertical axis () , with actuation means for folding and unfolding the display panels (-) level by level between a position in which the display panels (-) of a level come to rest , unfolded , in a common vertical plane , and a position in which the display panels , folded up , form the side surfaces of a prism , and for rotating the display panels (-) level by level.33. The display device of claim 32 , characterized in that the prism is a right prism.34. The display device of claim 33 , characterized in that the prism is a triangular prism.3511192324251119. The display device of claim 32 , characterized in that the display panels (-) on each level are connected to a particular prismatic support structure ( claim 32 , claim 32 , ) which comes to rest within the prism that the display panels (-) define in the folded state.36121518232425121518. The display device of claim 35 , characterized in that a display panel ( claim 35 , claim 35 , ) is connected securely to the support structure ( claim 35 , claim 35 , ) while the display panels of the same level adjacent ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194163A1
Автор: Oh Soohwan

A mobile terminal and a control method thereof are provided. Contents displayed in a mobile terminal may be optimized for and displayed on a different mobile terminal in communication therewith. The method for controlling a mobile terminal includes: outputting previously stored contents to a first mobile terminal; and controlling a transmission of the contents being outputted based on characteristic information of a second mobile terminal that is to receive at least a portion of the contents being outputted, wherein there is a difference between the contents being outputted to the first mobile terminal and the contents the second mobile terminal is to receive and output. 129.-. (canceled)30. A mobile terminal , comprising:a display unita storage unit; anda controller coupled to the display unit and the storage unit, and the controller configured to:display on the display unit a first content stored on the storage unit of the mobile terminal in response to an occurrence of a first event on the mobile terminal;transmit the first content to a terminal in communication with the mobile terminal, wherein the first content is displayed on a display unit of the terminal in communication with the mobile terminal; andoutput on the display unit of the mobile terminal a second content in response to an occurrence of a second event on the mobile terminal while transmitting the first content to the terminal, wherein the first content is continuously displayed on the display unit of the terminal.31. The mobile terminal of claim 30 , wherein the first content is a still image or a video.32. The mobile terminal of claim 30 , wherein the second content is generated by executing an application program stored in the storage unit.33. The mobile terminal of claim 30 , wherein the occurrence of the first event is triggered in response to receipt of an input via a pre-set button or key or in response to an arrival of pre-set time.34. The mobile terminal of claim 30 , wherein the occurrence ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus, display panel, and display method

Номер: US20130194167A1

A display apparatus, a display panel, and a display method are provided. The display apparatus includes: a first panel which displays an object by using a self-emission device formed of a transparent material; a second panel which is disposed on a back surface of the first panel; and a controller which switches a state of the second panel to one of a transparent state and an opaque state.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194258A1

Various embodiments present a combined visual entity that represents overlapping visual entities. The combined visual entity can include a primary visualization that represents one of the overlapping visual entities and annotations that represent others of the overlapping visual entities. For example, a map view can include multiple geographical entities that overlap. A primary visualization can be rendered that represents one of the multiple geographical entities. The primary visualization can be visually annotated (e.g., with symbols, letters, or other visual indicators) to indicate others of the multiple geographical entities. In some embodiments, a zoom operation can cause visual entities to be added and/or removed from the combined visual entity. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:rendering a combined visualization that represents multiple visual entities that overlap;receiving an indication of a user interaction with the combined visualization; andautomatically zooming in response to receiving the indication such that at least one of the multiple visual entities no longer overlaps and is represented by one or more visualizations separate from the combined visualization.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the multiple visual entities correspond to one or more locations on a map.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the multiple visual entities represents one of an instance of content or an instance of a data file.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combined visualization comprises a visualization specified by an end-user.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combined visualization is rendered as part of a travel route from the perspective of a traveler along the travel route claim 1 , and the multiple visual entities represent geographical entities that occur along the travel route.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the multiple visual entities is associated with a particular z-order for display claim 1 , and ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194302A1

A display system including a display apparatus and an upgrading apparatus are provided along with a control method. A display apparatus includes an image processor which processes an image signal, a display which displays the processed image thereon, a connector to which an upgrading apparatus comprising at least one upgrading function is connected and a controller which communicates with the upgrading apparatus and controls the display to display thereon a user interface (UI) screen displaying at least one upgrading function list generated by the upgrading apparatus in response to a user selection. 1. A display apparatus comprising:an image processor which processes an image signal;a display which displays a processed image of the processed image signal;a connector to which an upgrading apparatus comprising at least one upgrading function is connected; anda controller which communicates with the upgrading apparatus and controls the display to display a user interface (UI) screen which displays at least one upgrading function list generated by the upgrading apparatus.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a user input which receives a user's selection claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the at least one upgrading function selected by a user from the at least one upgrading function list to be performed.3. The display apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the controller controls the upgrading apparatus to generate a UI screen which displays the selected at least one upgrading function list.4. The display apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the selected at least one upgrading function list is changed according to a user's input claim 3 , and the controller controls the upgrading function to be performed which corresponds to the changed selection.5. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller communicates with the upgrading apparatus which generates an overlay screen claim 1 , and controls the display by ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194502A1

A display system comprising: a display apparatus which comprises a first data processor to perform a first data processing, an output unit to output the processed data, at least one first signal connector to transmit and receive data and a first controller to control the first data processor; and an upgrading apparatus which comprises at least one second signal connector connected to the first signal connector to connect the display apparatus from the outside, a second data processor to perform a second data processing, and a second controller to control the second data processor. The first data processor and the second data processor perform the data processing independently. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a first data processor which performs a first data processing;an outputter configured to output the processed data;at least one signal connector to which an upgrading apparatus comprising a second data processor to perform a second data processing is connected; anda controller which controls the first data processor to perform the data processing independently from the second data processor of the upgrading apparatus connected to the at least one signal connector.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one signal connector comprises at least one from among high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) claim 1 , universal serial bus (USB) claim 1 , Local Area Network (LAN) claim 1 , Wi-Fi and HDMI Ethernet Channel (HEC) interfaces.3. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein while the upgrading apparatus upgrades a hub site claim 1 , the controller controls the first data processor to output information through the outputter according to a command transmitted by the upgrading apparatus.4. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein while the upgrading apparatus updates a program claim 1 , the controller controls the first data processor to output information of an update program according to a command of the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201175A1
Автор: Liu Wo-Chung

A display driving apparatus and driving method thereof are disclosed. The display driving apparatus includes a display panel and a display driver. The display panel has a plurality of pixels, and the pixels are arranged in an array. The pixels are divided into a plurality of first display regions and a plurality of second display regions, and each of the first display regions and each of the second display regions are arranged in the display panel alternatively. The display driver provides a plurality of driving signals for driving the first and second display regions. The driving polarities of the neighboring first display regions are different, and the driving polarities of the neighboring second display regions are different. 1. A display driving apparatus , comprising:a display panel having a plurality of pixels arranged in an array, the pixels are divided into a plurality of first display regions and a plurality of second display regions, wherein each of the first display regions and each of the second display regions are arranged in the display panel alternatively; anda display driver coupled to the display panel, providing a plurality of driving signals so that the driving polarities of the neighboring first display regions are different, and the driving polarities of the neighboring second display regions are different.2. The display driving apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the first display regions comprises M first sub display regions and M second sub display regions claim 1 , each of the second display regions comprises M third sub display regions and M fourth sub display regions claim 1 , each of the first and second sub display regions are arranged alternatively claim 1 , each of the third and fourth sub display regions are arranged alternatively claim 1 , and each of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third claim 1 , and fourth sub display regions respectively comprises N display columns claim 1 , the driving polarities of the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207882A1

Example methods and apparatus to display information are described. On example method includes a method including a mobile device exchanging information with at least one other mobile device; controlling transmission of media, to the mobile device and the at least one other mobile device, based on attributes of the mobile devices; and presenting the received media. 1. A mobile device comprising:a projector to present images;a communication subsystem to exchange information with at least one other mobile device;a controller to control transmission of media, to the mobile device and the at least one other mobile device, based on attributes of the mobile device and the at least one other mobile device.2. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the communication subsystem receives attributes of the at least one other mobile device.3. The mobile device of claim 2 , wherein the attributes of the at least one other mobile device comprise data connectivity information.4. The mobile device of claim 2 , wherein data connectivity information comprises one or more of communication signal quality claim 2 , data communication speed claim 2 , or data network connectivity.5. The mobile device of claim 2 , wherein the attributes comprise one or more of remaining battery life or processing speed.7. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the communication subsystem exchanges information with the at least one other mobile.8. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls transmission of media to the mobile device and the at least one other mobile device.9. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the controller directs the transmission of media to the mobile device and the at least one other mobile device.10. A mobile device comprising:a projector to present images;a communication subsystem to exchange information with at least one other mobile device;a controller to control presentation of media based on attributes of the mobile device and attributes of the at least one ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Display Device

Номер: US20130207945A1
Автор: Watanabe Kazunori

A display device with fewer terminals. The display device includes a timing signal generating circuit which outputs an output signal based on a clock signal, in which one signal line serves as both a signal line to which a start pulse signal that drives the timing signal generating circuit is input and a signal line to which an image signal is input. Further, a blocking circuit which outputs a start pulse to the timing signal generating circuit but does not output the image signal is provided between the signal line and the timing signal generating circuit. 1. A display device comprising:a display portion comprising a plurality of pixels;a scan line driver circuit electrically connected to the display portion;a signal line driver circuit electrically connected to the display portion;a first circuit electrically connected to the scan line driver circuit and the signal line driver circuit;a second circuit electrically connected to the first circuit; anda first terminal to which an image signal comprising a start pulse signal is input and which is electrically connected to the signal line driver circuit and the, second circuit,wherein the second circuit is configured to output the start pulse signal to the first circuit, andwherein the image signal is input to the signal line driver circuit.2. The display device according to claim 1 , further comprising a first switch and a second switch in the second circuit claim 1 ,wherein the first switch comprises a second terminal electrically connected to the first terminal and a third terminal electrically connected to the first circuit,wherein the second switch comprises a fourth terminal to which a ground potential is input and a fifth terminal electrically connected to the first circuit, andwherein the first switch and the second switch are configured to turn off and turn on, respectively, by input of the start pulse signal.3. The display device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a sixth terminal to which a first ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215013A1

A mobile communication terminal and method thereof capable of generating content data according to a synchronization scheme suitable for a mobile environment are provided, which allow a user to simply create and share content. The method includes receiving a user input or selection instruction for a plurality of content; determining whether there is sound data among the plurality of content; and if there is sound data, generating content data by synchronizing first content to be displayed while the sound data is played among the plurality of content to first segment data. 1. A mobile communication terminal comprising:a user input unit for receiving a user input or selection instruction for a plurality of content;a content generator for generating the plurality of content to be single content data; anda controller for determining whether there is sound data among the plurality of content and controlling the content generator to synchronize first content to be displayed while the sound data is played among the plurality of content to first segment data with the sound data if there is the sound data, and to synchronize second content to be displayed while the sound data is not played among the plurality of content to at least one piece of second segment data.2. The mobile communication terminal of claim 1 , wherein the second segment data comprises the second content input or selected through the user input unit from when the plurality of content starts to be input through the user input unit to when the sound data is input.3. The mobile communication terminal of claim 1 , wherein the second segment data comprises the second content input or selected through the user input unit from when inputting of the sound data is completed to when another sound data is input through the user input unit.4. The mobile communication terminal of claim 1 , further comprising a display unit for displaying the content data claim 1 ,wherein the display unit displays the content data in ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215146A1

An image-drawing-data generation apparatus includes an image input unit, a layout storing unit, a display layout determination unit, and an image-drawing-data generation unit. The image input unit receives information about an image obtained by photographing a sample containing a cell. The layout storing unit stores a plurality of layouts. The display layout determination unit determines a display layout, from among the plurality of layouts, that is displayed when the image is to be displayed. The image-drawing-data generation unit generates image drawing data to be displayed based on the information about the image and the display layout. The plurality of layouts include a first layout for observing the image obtained by photographing the sample that holds a tissue structure, and a second layout for observing the image obtained by photographing the sample that does not hold a tissue structure. 1. An image-drawing-data generation apparatus comprising:an image input unit configured to receive information about an image obtained by photographing a sample containing a cell;a layout storing unit configured to store a plurality of layouts;a display layout determination unit configured to determine a display layout, from among the plurality of layouts, that is displayed when the image is to be displayed; andan image-drawing-data generation unit configured to generate image drawing data to be displayed based on the information about the image and the display layout,wherein the plurality of layouts include a first layout for observing the image obtained by photographing the sample that holds a tissue structure, and a second layout for observing the image obtained by photographing the sample that does not hold a tissue structure.2. The image-drawing-data generation apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the display layout determination unit determines the display layout from among the plurality of layouts in accordance with a display mode.3. The image-drawing-data ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222209A1
Автор: Watanabe Gen

According to one embodiment, a display control apparatus includes a communication module, a detector and a display. The communication module is configured to communicate with an external display control apparatus. The detector is configured to detect a positional relationship of the external display control apparatus with respect to the display control apparatus. The display controller is configured to control a setting of extended display for a display screen of the external display control apparatus, based on the detected positional relationship. 1. A display control apparatus comprising:a communication module configured to communicate with an external display control apparatus;a detector configured to detect a positional relationship of the external display control apparatus with respect to the display control apparatus; anda display controller configured to control a setting of extended display for a display screen of the external display control apparatus, based on the detected positional relationship.2. The display control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe communication module is configured to perform the communication with directionality, andthe display controller is configured to control the setting based on the directionality.3. The display control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the display controller is configured to control the setting Extended Display Identification Data.4. The display control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the display controller is configured to control settings of extended display for display screens of a plurality of external display control apparatuses.5. A display control apparatus comprising:a communication module configured to communicate with an external display control apparatus;a detector configured to detect a setting of extended display for a display screen from the external display control apparatus in relation to the display control apparatus; anda display controller configured to control the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222416A1
Принадлежит: Pantech Co., Ltd.

A method for controlling a terminal with a processor includes detecting a first bend on a flexible display unit; determining, using the processor, whether the first bend comprises a curvature greater than or equal to a first curvature; and displaying a plurality of virtual layers in a hierarchical order according to the first bend. A terminal includes a flexible display unit to display an image provided on a virtual layer corresponding to a reference hierarchy; a bending determination unit to determine whether a first bend of the flexible display unit includes a curvature greater or equal to a first curvature; and an interface unit to display a plurality of virtual layers in a hierarchical order according to the first bend. 1. A method for controlling a terminal with a processor , comprising:detecting a first bend on a flexible display unit;determining, using the processor, whether the first bend comprises a curvature greater than or equal to a first curvature; anddisplaying a plurality of virtual layers in a hierarchical order according to the first bend.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:setting a hierarchical display area,wherein the virtual layers are displayed in the hierarchical display area.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:detecting a touch in the hierarchical display area,wherein the hierarchical area ranges from a position of the touch to an edge portion of the flexible display unit.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hierarchical display area is set at a portion of the flexible display unit at which a reference bend has a curvature above a reference threshold.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:detecting a touch on at least one of the virtual layers; anddisplaying the virtual layer corresponding to the touch.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:detecting a touch scroll on at least one of the virtual layers; andsequentially displaying the virtual layers according to the touch scroll.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229399A1

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes: a presence determining module configured to determine at an interval whether a user is present based on image data output by a camera; a display power controller configured to turn on a display when the user is present and to turn off the display when the user is not present, based on a result of the presence determining module; and a detection interval controller configured to control the interval such that the interval is shorter when the display is off compared to when the display is on and the user is determined to be present. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a presence determining module configured to determine at an interval whether a user is present based on image data output by a camera;a display power controller configured to turn on a display when the user is present and to turn off the display when the user is not present, based on a result of the presence determining module; anda detection interval controller configured to control the interval such that the interval is shorter when the display is off compared to when the display is on and the user is determined to be present.2. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe detection interval controller is configured to set a presence confirmation period after the user is determined not to be present for a first time while the display is on, and to control the interval to be shorter during the presence confirmation period compared to immediately before the user is determined not to be present for the first time.3. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the interval is set to be equal or shorter during the presence confirmation period compared to when the display is off.4. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection interval controller is configured to control the interval with preliminary reference to an electric power saving mode shifting setting for shifting to an electric power saving mode.5. The electronic ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241904A1

A driving circuit and a data transmitting data method thereof are disclosed. The data transmitting method includes: according to an input control signal, selectively transmitting a plurality digital data to a plurality of channels, wherein the channels include a first channel and a second channel, and the first channel and the second channel respectively have a negative conversion unit and a positive conversion unit; by means of the negative conversion unit or the positive conversion unit converting the digital data into a plurality of negative analog data or a plurality of positive analog data; and according to a switching control signal, by means of a switching unit selectively switching the negative analog data or the positive analog data from its corresponding channel to another channel. 1. A data transmitting method , comprising:(a) according to an input control signal, selectively transmitting a plurality digital data to a plurality of channels, wherein the channels include a first channel and a second channel, and the first channel and the second channel respectively have a negative conversion unit and a positive conversion unit;(b) by means of the negative conversion unit or the positive conversion unit converting the digital data into a plurality of negative analog data or a plurality of positive analog data; and(c) according to a switching control signal, by means of a switching unit selectively switching the negative analog data or the positive analog data from its corresponding channel to another channel.2. The data transmitting method of claim 1 , further comprising:generating a plurality of control signals having different control timings, wherein the control signals comprise the input control signal and the switching control signal, and the control timings comprise a first control timing and a second control timing.3. The data transmitting method of claim 2 , wherein the digital data comprises a first digital data; the data transmitting method ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Image processing system, image processing apparatus, and display apparatus

Номер: US20130241943A1
Автор: Takao Okamura
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image processing system includes a display apparatus and an image processing apparatus that transmits image data to the display apparatus. The image processing apparatus includes a processing side memory unit that stores characteristic information of the image processing apparatus and the display apparatus, an image conversion process unit that converts input image data into converted image data that is optimized according to a display characteristic of the display apparatus based on the characteristic information, and a processing side transmission process unit that transmits the converted image data to the display apparatus. The display apparatus includes a display side reception process unit that receives the converted image data transmitted from the image processing apparatus, and an image display unit that displays the received image data.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device and Display Control Method Thereof

Номер: US20130241944A1
Автор: Chen Yu, Li Chen, Lin Weizhi

A display control method for an electronic device and an electronic device are provided, which can implement interactive program display or interactive picture display, and thus provide good user experience. The method includes: a display unit receives a first operation and generates a first instruction corresponding to the first operation; a process unit responses the first instruction to control the display region, so that the first display region and the second display region perform interactive program display or interactive picture display. 1. A display control method for an electronic device , which is applied to the electronic device comprising a display unit and a process unit , a display region of the display unit comprises at least a first display region and a second display region , the method comprises:receiving a first operation and generating a first instruction corresponding to the first operation by the display unit; andresponding the first instruction and controlling the display region by the process unit, so that the first display region and the second display region perform interactive program display or interactive picture display.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein if the interactive program display is performed claim 1 , a first operating system runs on the electronic device claim 1 , the first display region and the second display region are a first operation and identification region and a second operation and identification region respectively claim 1 , the first operation and identification region and the second operation and identification region are part of the display region and are adapted to promote a user to perform a touch operation on the operation and identification region claim 1 ,whereinbefore receiving the first operation by the display unit, the method further comprises: displaying an interactivable program interface of a first application in the first operation and identification region, wherein the first application ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249885A1
Автор: PENG Du-Zen
Принадлежит: InnoLux Corporation

A display device includes a pixel array and a sensing circuit. The pixel array includes multiple active display pixels and at least one dummy display pixel. The active display pixels and the dummy display pixel respectively include a transistor. The sensing circuit is coupled to the transistor of the dummy display pixel for sensing a voltage at the transistor and generates a trigger signal according to the sensed voltage, where a voltage generating device in the display system generates or adjusts a first control voltage according to the trigger signal and the transistors of the active display pixels and the dummy display pixel are turned off in response to the first control voltage. 1. A display device , comprising:a pixel array having pixels arranged in a matrix form, comprising a plurality of active display pixels and at least one dummy display pixel, wherein the active display pixels and the dummy display pixel respectively comprise a transistor; anda sensing circuit, coupled to the transistor of the dummy display pixel for sensing a voltage at the transistor of the dummy display pixel and generating a trigger signal according to the sensed voltage, wherein a voltage generating device generates or adjusts a first control voltage according to the trigger signal and the transistors of the active display pixels and the dummy display pixel are turned off in response to the first control voltage.2. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a display panel claim 1 , wherein the display panel comprises:a gate driving circuit, for generating a plurality of gate driving signals for driving the pixel array;a data driving circuit, for generating a plurality of data driving signals to provide data to the pixel array; anda controller chip, for controlling operations of the display panel.3. The display device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the sensing circuit is integrated in the controller chip.4. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Current Calibration Method and Associated Circuit

Номер: US20130257397A1
Принадлежит: MStar Semiconductor Inc Taiwan

A current calibration method and the associated control circuit are provided. The method includes: providing a predetermined voltage to the differential output for obtaining an accurate current passing through the panel resistor during a calibration procedure and, providing a driving current to the differential output according to the accurate current during a normal operation procedure.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257847A1

A display device includes a display panel having pixels arranged at intersections of source lines and gate lines, a plurality of source drivers configured to dispersedly output image data signals to the source lines in response to source control signals and a data packet, a plurality of gate drivers configured to drive gate lines in response to gate control signals so as to be connected with pixels corresponding to the source lines, and a timing controller configured to output the data packet, the source control signals, and the gate control signals. At least one of the plurality of source drivers is configured to output carry information associated with an output of the image data signals, and at least another of the plurality of source drivers is configured to output the image data signals in response to the carry information. 1. A display device , comprising:a display panel having pixels arranged at intersections of source lines and gate lines;a plurality of source drivers configured to dispersedly output image data signals to the source lines in response to source control signals and a data packet;a plurality of gate drivers configured to drive gate lines in response to gate control signals so as to be connected with pixels corresponding to the source lines; anda timing controller configured to output the data packet, the source control signals, and the gate control signals,wherein at least one of the plurality of source drivers is configured to output carry information associated with an output of the image data signals, and at least another of the plurality of source drivers is configured to output the image data signals in response to the carry information.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein each of the pixels comprises:a thin film transistor connecting one of the source lines and a pixel node in response to one of the gate control signals;a liquid crystal capacitor connected between the pixel node and a common node and having a liquid crystal layer ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264950A1
Автор: Asano Mitsuru

A display device having at least a plurality of pixel circuits, connected to signal lines to which data signals in accordance with luminance information are supplied, arranged in a matrix, wherein pixel circuits of odd number columns and even number columns adjacent sandwiching an axis in a column direction parallel to an arrangement direction of the signal lines have a mirror type circuit arrangement symmetric about the axis of the column direction, and there are lines different from the signal lines between signal lines of adjacent pixel circuits. 1. A display device , comprising:at least a plurality of pixel circuits, connected to signal lines to which data signals in accordance with luminance information are supplied, arranged in a matrix, whereinpixel circuits of odd number columns and even number columns adjacent sandwiching an axis in a column direction parallel to an arrangement direction of the signal lines therebetween have a mirror type circuit arrangement symmetric with respect to the axis of the column direction, anda line different from the signal lines is arranged between signal lines of adjacent pixel circuits.2. A display device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the signal lines which are adjacent to each other and do not employ a mirror type circuit arrangement are arranged so as to be adjacent to each other claim 1 , and the line different from the signal lines is arranged between signal lines of adjacent pixel circuits not having the mirror type circuit arrangement relationship.3. A display device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the line different from the signal lines is a potential line held at a predetermined potential at least while data signals are being propagated at adjacent signal lines.4. A display device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the line different from the signal lines is a potential line held at a predetermined potential at least while data signals are being propagated at adjacent signal lines.5. A display device as set ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265261A1
Автор: Min Hyun-Suk

A handheld user device and a control method thereof are provided, the user terminal device includes a first user interface, a second user interface, a sensing device which senses an operating condition of the handheld user device, a controller which enables the first user interface and disables the second user interface if the operating condition corresponds to a first condition and enables the second user interface and disables the first user interface if the operating condition corresponds to a second condition. 1. A handheld user device comprising:a first user interface;a second user interface;a sensing device which senses an operating condition of the handheld user device; anda controller which enables the first user interface and disables the second user interface if the operating condition corresponds to a first condition and enables the second user interface and disables the first user interface if the operating condition corresponds to a second condition,wherein the operating condition is at least one of an external operating environment of the handheld user device and a motion of the handheld user device.2. The handheld user device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a third user interface,wherein the controller enables two of the first user interface, the second user interface and the third user interface and disables a remaining user interface if the operating condition corresponds to a third condition.3. The handheld user device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the third user interface comprises one of a voice input claim 2 , a touch input claim 2 , an eye tracking input claim 2 , a touch-less motion input and an external device input.4. The handheld user device as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising:a display unit which displays a window in which the first user interface, the second user interface and the third user interface are assigned a priority level,wherein the controller selects the two of the first user interface, the second user ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271352A1

A method for operating a plurality of flexible displays to implement an interactive operation among the plurality of flexible displays is provided. The method is used between the plurality of flexible displays and a system control platform. Each flexible display is configured with a plurality of light sensors and a plurality of sensors and a processor. The method includes: quantifying, by each light sensor, a external luminosity value received by each flexible display; quantifying, by each sensor, a sensor-measuring value received by each flexible display; generating and transmitting, by the processor coupled to the light sensors and the sensors, luminosity information and sensor information according to the external luminosity values and the sensor-measuring values; and receiving, by the information platform, the luminosity information and the sensor information, and implements the interactive operation among the plurality of flexible displays between the plurality of flexible displays according to the sensor information. 1. An interactive system for operating a plurality of flexible displays , comprising: 'a plurality of light sensors, wherein each light sensor is used to quantify an external luminosity value received by the flexible display;', 'a plurality of flexible displays, wherein each flexible display comprises 'a processor, coupled to the plurality of light sensors and the plurality of sensors and used to generate and transmit luminosity information and sensor information according to the external luminosity values and the sensor-measuring values; and', 'a plurality of sensors, wherein each sensor is used to quantify a sensor-measuring value received by the flexible display, and each sensor is one of a pressure sensor and a bending sensor; the sensor-measuring value corresponding to the pressure sensor is a pressure value, and the sensor-measuring value corresponding to the bending sensor is a bending value; and'}a system control platform, coupled to the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271481A1
Автор: LIN Tsung-Wei

Display methods and interfaces for high dynamic range images. High dynamic range images and corresponding histograms are displayed on a display device. The histogram panel displays low dynamic range and high dynamic range data of the images simultaneously. The low dynamic range and high dynamic range data is brightness level of the image pixels. 1. A display method for high dynamic range images , comprising displaying an image and a histogram panel on a screen , wherein the image is a high dynamic range image and the histogram panel displays low dynamic range data and high dynamic range data of the image , wherein the low dynamic range data comprises data of pixels comprised in the image specifying a brightness level ranging from 0˜255 , and the high dynamic range data comprises data of pixels comprised in the image specifying a brightness level lower than 0 and/or higher than 255.2. The display method for high dynamic range images as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the histogram panel displays a two-dimensional histogram claim 1 , comprising a first axis to display brightness and a second axis to display pixel counts.3. The display method for high dynamic range images as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the histogram panel changes the histogram of the image when the brightness thereof is adjusted.4. A user interface for high dynamic range images claim 1 , comprising:an image panel, displaying a high dynamic range; anda histogram panel, displaying low dynamic range data and high dynamic range data of the high dynamic range image, wherein the low dynamic range data comprises data of pixels comprised in the image specifying a brightness level ranging from 0˜255, and the high dynamic range data comprises data of pixels comprised in the image specifying a brightness level lower than 0 and/or higher than 255.5. The user interface for high dynamic range images as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the histogram panel displays a two-dimensional histogram claim 4 , comprising a first ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278552A1
Принадлежит: CANOPY CO., INC.

A system and method that utilizes a protective sensor-interface apparatus, which removably connects and interfaces to a mobile electronic device, enabling users to more readily access and engage mobile content and data. The present invention provides a method and device wherein the user interfaces with digital content by using touch-sensitive areas on the back and sides of a protective case that interfaces with the mobile device, the software application and other users. This enables additional features that can be customized by users and developers for enhanced sensory experiences and digital rights management by creating components of a separate environment that exists in the case. 1. A method for implementing and using a sensory-interface device , the method comprising:providing a protective case having plurality of touch-sensitive sensors;attaching the touch-sensor case to a user's mobile device;providing a communications mechanism configured exchange data between the protective case and a user's mobile phone;sensing touch of a user on the case;sensing a gesture made by the user on one of the touch sensitive surfaces;generating a first authentication code that is personal to the user based on the sensed gesture;combining the first authentication code with a device authentication code to generate a combined personal-and-device authentication code that enables a software function of the mobile device; andgathering data from a plurality of sources for compilation into at least one touch-sensitive device; wherein the data can be sent to remote satellite devices; wherein the data is searchable from a database that is internal to the touch-sensitive device that is accessible through a communications network.2. The method of wherein the touch sensitive sensors are located on the back and sides of the protective case.3. The method of wherein the touch sensitive sensors sense touch location and pressure claim 1 , and wherein the touch sensors sense multiple simultaneous ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278570A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A gate driving circuit includes first to n-th gate clock lines, first to m-th selection lines, a holding control line, a voltage line and a plurality of stages. The first to n-th gate clock lines transfer first to n-th gate clock signals. The first to m-th selection lines transfer first to m-th gate selection signals. The holding control line transfers a holding control signal. The voltage line transfers a gate-off voltage. The stages outputs a plurality of gate signals, each stage outputs a high voltage of a gate clock signal as a gate-on voltage of a gate signal in response to a high voltage of a gate selection signal, and outputs the gate-off voltage in response to a high voltage of the holding control signal. 1. A gate driving circuit comprising:first to n-th gate clock lines configured to transfer first to n-th gate clock signals (‘n’ is a natural number);first to m-th selection lines configured to transfer first to m-th gate selection signals (‘m’ is a natural number);a holding control line configured to transfer a holding control signal;a voltage line configured to transfer a gate-off voltage; anda plurality of stages configured to output a plurality of gate signals, each stage configured to output a high voltage of one of the gate clock signals as a gate-on voltage of a gate signal in response to a high voltage of one of the gate selection signals, and configured to output the gate-off voltage in response to a high voltage of the holding control signal.2. The gate driving circuit of claim 1 , wherein each stage comprises:a first transistor comprising a control part configured to receive one of the gate selection signals, an input part configured to receive one of the gate clock signals and an output configured to output one of the gate signals; anda second transistor comprising a control part configured to receive the holding control signal, an input part configured to receive the gate-off voltage and an output part configured to output one of the gate ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278571A1
Автор: Ahn Seung-Kuk
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A flat panel display device, which can reduce manufacturing costs is disclosed. The flat panel display device includes a display panel for displaying images and a plurality of driving integrated circuits for driving the display panel. Each of the plurality of driving integrated circuits includes a timing controller for arranging input image data such that the image data is suitable for driving of the display panel and generating a plurality of data control signals and a data driver for converting the image data provided from the timing controller into data voltages in response to the plurality of data control signals. Intervals during which the timing controllers of the driving integrated circuits supply clock signals to the data drivers of the corresponding driving integrated circuits are different. 1. A flat panel display device , comprising:a display panel that displays images; anda plurality of integrated driving circuits that drive the display panel,wherein each of the plurality of driving integrated circuits includes a timing controller that arranges input image data such that the image data is suitable for driving of the display panel and generates a plurality of data control signals and a data driver for converting the image data provided from the timing controller into data voltages in response to the plurality of data control signals, andwherein the driving integrated circuits are configured to independently supply clock signals to the data drivers of the corresponding driving integrated circuits to control the data drivers timing controllers of the driving integrated circuits at non-overlapping time intervals.2. The flat panel display device of claim 1 , wherein the timing controllers are configured to generate the clock signals only during an interval while the data drivers of the driving integrated circuits sample the image data.3. The flat panel display device of claim 2 , wherein the timing controllers sequentially generate the clock signals in the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285885A1

A head-mounted light-field display system (HMD) includes two light-field projectors (LFPs), one per eye, each comprising a solid-state LED emitter array (SLEA) operatively coupled to a microlens array (MLA). The SLEA and the MLA are positioned so that light emitted from an LED of the SLEA reaches the eye through at most one microlens from the MLA. The HMD's LFP comprises a moveable solid-state LED emitter array coupled to a microlens array for close placement in front of an eye—without the need for any additional relay or coupling optics—wherein the LED emitter array physically moves with respect to the microlens array to mechanically multiplex the LED emitters to achieve resolution via mechanically multiplexing. 1. A light-field projector (LFP) device comprising:a solid-state LED array (SLEA) comprising a plurality of light-emitting diodes (LEDs);a microlens array (MLA) placed at a separation distance from the SLEA, the MLA comprising a plurality of microlenses; and identify a target pixel for rendering on the retina of a human eye,', 'determine at least one LED from among the plurality of LEDs for displaying the pixel,', 'move the at least one LED to a best-fit pixel location relative to the MLA and corresponding to the target pixel, and', 'cause the LED to emit a primary beam of a specific intensity for a specific duration., 'a processor communicatively coupled to the SLEA and adapted to2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the separation distance is equal to a focal length for a corresponding microlens in the MLA to enable the MLA to collimate light emitted from the SLEA through the MLA.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the processor communicatively coupled to the SLEA is further adapted to add focus cues to the generated light field.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising image generation based on a measured head attitude of a LFP user in order to reduce latency between a physical head motion and a generated display image.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286059A1
Автор: SAISHU Tatsuo

An image display apparatus according to an embodiment includes: a plurality of panels arranged in a matrix form, each panel having, on its display surface, a plurality of pixels arranged in a matrix form; a first junction portion provided between the panels adjacent to each other in a horizontal direction; a second junction portion provided between the panels adjacent to each other in a vertical direction; a first optical member covering the first junction portion, and magnifying or diffusing the pixels of the panels in the vicinity of the first junction portion with an anisotropy in a first direction; and a second optical member covering the second junction portion, and magnifying and diffusing the pixels of the panels in the vicinity of the second junction portion with an anisotropy in a second direction. 1. An image display apparatus comprising:a plurality of panels arranged in a matrix form, each panel having, on a display surface, a plurality of pixels arranged in a matrix form;a first junction portion provided between the panels adjacent to each other in a horizontal direction;a second junction portion provided between the panels adjacent to each other in a vertical direction;a first optical member covering the first junction portion, and magnifying or diffusing the pixels of the panels in the vicinity of the first junction portion with an anisotropy in a first direction; anda second optical member covering the second junction portion, and magnifying the pixels of the panels in the vicinity of the second junction portion with an anisotropy in a second direction.2. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the first direction of the first optical member is tilted relative to a vertical direction of the panels; andthe second direction of the second optical member is tilted relative to the vertical direction of the panels.3. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the first optical member is arranged to be axisymmetric with ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286462A1

Provided is a flexible display device including a display body having flexibility; an actuator for changing and driving the display body; and an initial shape forming substrate for maintaining an initial state of the display body before the display body is changed and driven. The flexible display device allows a user to exactly control a change state of the flexible display device by driving the actuator and to decrease power consumption for changing and driving the flexible display device. Thus, by using the flexible display device, user convenience can be improved and the flexible display device can be driven with low power consumption. 1. A flexible display device comprising:a display body having flexibility;an actuator for changing and driving the display body; andan initial shape forming substrate for maintaining an initial state of the display body before the display body is changed and driven.2. The flexible display device of claim 1 , wherein the actuator comprises a first electrode and a second electrode which face each other claim 1 , and an electro-active polymer layer that is interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode.3. The flexible display device of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when a voltage is applied to the first electrode and the second electrode claim 2 , the electro-active polymer layer extends whereby the flexible display device is changed.4. The flexible display device of claim 2 , wherein the electro-active polymer layer comprises a material selected from the group consisting of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) claim 2 , polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) claim 2 , polyvinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene (PVFT) claim 2 , and combinations thereof.5. The flexible display device of claim 2 , wherein the first electrode and the second electrode comprise an indium tin oxide (ITO) material.6. The flexible display device of claim 2 , wherein the actuator is formed of one basic unit in which the electro-active polymer layer is ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293522A1

A voltage programmed pixel circuit, display system having the pixel circuit and driving method thereof is provided. The pixel circuit includes a light emitting device, a driving transistor connected to the light emitting device and a programming circuit. The programming circuit adjusts a pixel current during a programming cycle of the pixel circuit. 130-. (canceled)31. A method of driving a pixel circuit , the pixel circuit comprising a light emitting device having a first electrode and a second electrode; a driving transistor having a gate terminal , a first terminal and a second terminal , the first terminal of the driving transistor being connected to the first electrode of the light emitting device; a first capacitor having first and second terminals , the first terminal of the first capacitor being connected to the gate terminal of the driving transistor , the second terminal of the first capacitor being connected to the first terminal of the driving transistor and the first electrode of the light emitting device; a first switch transistor having a gate terminal , a first terminal and a second terminal , the first terminal of the first switch transistor being connected the gate terminal of the driving transistor and the first terminal of the first capacitor; and a programming circuit having a programming transistor , the programming transistor being connected to the first electrode of the light emitting device; the method comprising the steps of:at a programming cycle of the pixel circuit, turning the programming transistor on;after the programming cycle, turning the programming transistor off for the remainder of a frame time comprising the programming cycle followed by a driving cycle during the frame time.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein during the driving cycle claim 31 , a voltage at a second node between the first electrode of the light emitting device and a first terminal of the driving transistor goes to a voltage across the light emitting device.33 ...
