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10-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2172028C2

Изобретение относится к оптической записи и может быть использовано для скоростной записи, воспроизведения и хранения больших объемов информации. В устройстве реализовано фазоразностное представление информации в интерференционной решетке-пите и быстродействующая развертка световых пучков. Для этого выход фазоразностного модулятора присоединен к электрическому входу акустооптического модулятора и установлен акустооптический сканер. Сканер содержит дефлектор сопровождения и дефлектор "бегущей линзы". Электрические входы дефлекторов соединены с выходами генераторов с линейной частотной модуляцией (ЛЧМ). Запуск генераторов производится через элементы задержки запускающих импульсов. Для оптико-электронного слежения за треком данных цепь управления ЛЧМ-генератора сопровождения соединена с выходом блока сдвига частоты, а задержка запуска ЛЧМ-генератора "бегущей линзы" выполнена управляемой. Входы управления этой задержкой и блоком сдвига частоты объединены. Режим сопровождения "бегущей линзы" ...

20-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2195026C1
Автор: Сейсян Р.П.

Изобретение относится к оптическим носителям информации с высокой плотностью записи информации. Оптический носитель содержит последовательности питов, выполненных в материале упомянутого носителя и расположенных вдоль дорожки записи на носителе, при этом каждый пит содержит N штриховых оптических неоднородностей, где N≥l, причем при N>1 штриховые неоднородности в пределах каждого пита являются параллельными и периодическими и образуют угол θ относительно вектора электрического поля электромагнитной волны считывающего излучения, причем величина угла θ является элементарным источником информации и различается для разных питов. Технический результат - увеличение информационной емкости оптического носителя записи. 2 с. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009131893A

... 1. Голографическая запоминающая система (1) для считывания голограммы (7), сохраненной на голографическом носителе данных (6), включающая: ! средства, несущие носитель данных, размещенные вдоль оптического пути опорного луча (3); ! пространственный модулятор света (SLM) (4), размещенный вдоль упомянутого оптического пути для кодирования опорного луча (3) кодовой комбинацией (15); ! детектор (5) для детектирования изображения восстановленной голограммы (7); и ! блок автоматического регулирования (14) для определения рассогласованности упомянутого опорного луча (3) и упомянутого носителя данных (6) из детектированного изображения и для воздействия на упомянутый SLM (4) для смещения упомянутой кодовой комбинации (15). ! 2. Система по п.1, в которой SLM (4) представляет собой модулятор света пиксельного матричного типа, предпочтительно микродисплей, жидкокристаллический дисплей или жидкокристаллический дисплей на кремнии. ! 3. Система по п.1, в которой кодовая комбинация (15) включает круглую ...

27-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008138073A

... 1. Ближнепольная оптическая головка, содержащая ! источник света; ! рассеивающий элемент, имеющий практически плоскую форму; и ! башмак-ползун, удерживающий источник света и рассеивающий элемент, при этом ! башмак-ползун удерживает рассеивающий элемент таким образом, что конец рассеивающего элемента находится непосредственно у носителя; ! рассеивающий элемент имеет первую плоскость, расположенную на боковине источника света и практически перпендикулярно носителю; ! свет, испускаемый из источника света, облучает первую плоскость практически перпендикулярно; и ! конец рассеивающего элемента формирует свет ближнего поля и направляет свет ближнего поля к носителю, чтобы тем самым сформировать метку записи на носителе рядом со светом ближнего поля. ! 2. Ближнепольная оптическая головка по п.1, в которой ! дополнительно предоставляется световодный элемент, который передает свет, излучаемый из источника света, и направляет свет так, чтобы облучать первую плоскость практически перпендикулярно; ...

10-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008138599A

... 1. Оптическое устройство считывания информации, содержащее: ! объектив (5) для фокусирования выходного света от источника (1) света на поверхность для записи информации носителя (14) записи информации; ! линзу (2, 64) коррекции сферической аберрации, имеющую одну поверхность, сформированную с большей кривизной, чем другая поверхность, для коррекции сферической аберрации луча света, сфокусированного на поверхность для записи информации объективом (5); ! отражающее вверх зеркало (4) для отклонения выходящего света, проходящего сквозь линзу (2) коррекции сферической аберрации, под по существу прямым углом и направления на входную поверхность объектива; ! держатель (9) линзы, конфигурированный более тонким, чем максимальная толщина линзы коррекции сферической аберрации, для удерживания линзы коррекции сферической аберрации таким образом, чтобы поверхность с большей кривизной частично выступала, при этом поверхность большей кривизны обращена к стороне отражающего вверх зеркала; ! направляющий ...

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010148131A

... 1. Упаковка с контактной линзой, содержащая: ! контактную линзу, хранящуюся в упаковке; ! пружинящий диск, хранящийся в упаковке; и ! первый лист, герметично закрывающий упаковку для удерживания линзы и пружинящего диска в упаковке так, что пружинящий диск и линза удерживаются в сжатом состоянии и возвращаются к естественному равновесному состоянию только тогда, когда упаковка открывается посредством отделения первого листа от остальной части упаковки. ! 2. Упаковка с контактной линзой по п.1, в которой упаковка содержит второй лист и отрывной запечатывающий элемент, окружающий пружинящий диск и линзу и герметично соединяющий второй лист и первый лист вместе таким образом, что первый лист может быть оторван от второго листа; и пружинящий диск размещен на втором листе, и линза расположена между пружинящим диском и первым листом. ! 3. Упаковка с контактной линзой по п.2, в которой, по меньшей мере, один из второго листа и первого листа представляет собой ламинат. ! 4. Упаковка с контактной ...

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008149108A

... 1. Устройство чтения оптического диска, содержащее ! считыватель (401) диска для генерации первого сигнала путем чтения оптического диска (403), ! битовый детектор (405) для генерации потока детектированных данных в ответ на первый сигнал, ! средство (407) коррекции ошибок для осуществления коррекции ошибок на потоке детектированных данных, ! средство (411) сигнала ошибки для генерации сигнала ошибки позиционирования читающей головки, и ! средство (413) для задания значений надежности, по меньшей мере, некоторых из детектированных данных в ответ на сигнал ошибки позиционирования головки, и причем ! средство (407) коррекции ошибок способно осуществлять коррекцию ошибок в соответствии со значениями надежности. ! 2. Устройство чтения оптического диска по п.1, в котором сигнал ошибки позиционирования читающей головки является сигналом ошибки зазора головки. ! 3. Устройство чтения оптического диска по п.2, в котором средство (411) сигнала ошибки способно определять сигнал ошибки зазора головки ...

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008149100A

... 1. Устройство чтения оптического диска, содержащее ! читатель (401) диска для генерации первого сигнала посредством чтения оптического диска (403), ! битовый детектор (407) для детектирования значений данных в соответствии с первым сигналом и опорными сигналами данных, причем опорные сигналы данных указывают предполагаемые сигналы для разных последовательностей данных, ! средство (415) сигнала ошибки для генерации сигнала ошибки положения читающей головки, и ! средство (409) изменения для изменения опорных сигналов данных в соответствии с сигналом ошибки положения читающей головки, в котором сигнал ошибки положения читающей головки является сигналом ошибки зазора линзы. ! 2. Устройство чтения оптического диска по п.1, в котором опорные сигналы данных содержат опорные уровни для разных последовательностей данных, и средство (409) изменения способно изменять, по меньшей мере, один опорный уровень в соответствии с сигналом ошибки положения читающей головки. ! 3. Устройство чтения оптического ...

20-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001131705A

... 1. Способ перемещения блока каретки из начального положения в конечное положение относительно носителя информации, характеризуемого центром и окружностью и вращающегося относительно упомянутого блока каретки с окружной скоростью вокруг упомянутого центра, отличающийся тем, что включает в себя следующие операции: определение первого радиального расстояния между упомянутым начальным положением упомянутого блока каретки и упомянутым центром упомянутого носителя информации; определение второго радиального расстояния между упомянутым конечным положением упомянутого блока каретки и упомянутым центром упомянутого носителя информации; определение расстояния по окружности между упомянутым начальным положением упомянутого блока каретки и упомянутым конечным положением упомянутого блока каретки параллельно упомянутой окружности упомянутого носителя информации; определение начальной окружной скорости упомянутого носителя информации вокруг упомянутого центра упомянутого носителя; определение траектории ...

01-01-1946 дата публикации

Устройство для записи звука

Номер: SU67175A1
Автор: Швацман Д.О.

23-01-2003 дата публикации

Informationsaufzeichnungs- und/oder -wiedergabegerät

Номер: DE0069528383T2

02-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069421394D1

02-02-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003346812C2

26-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003536103A1

22-07-1999 дата публикации

Optische Abtasteinrichtung

Номер: DE0069229451D1

01-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003784327D1

17-10-1996 дата публикации

Magnetooptischer Lesekopf

Номер: DE0069028510D1

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Optische Kopfanordnung

Номер: DE0069834291D1
Принадлежит: NEC CORP

03-01-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003341589C2

02-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003279403D1

16-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069902153T2

28-08-2008 дата публикации

Optisches Abtastgerät und optisches Plattenlaufwerk

Номер: DE602004015003D1
Принадлежит: RICOH KK, RICOH CO. LTD.

06-08-2009 дата публикации

Optisches Abtastgerät

Номер: DE602005015044D1

11-01-1996 дата публикации

Multiple beam optical read-write head for data recording

Номер: DE0019523567A1

A record/playback information system has a multi-beam optical head with multiple light sources (11). An optical system (12-20) directs the light beams on the recording surface of the recording medium (15) and receives the reflected light beams, a reflecting mirror (16a) being used to guide the light beams onto the recording surface. A rotation control system (16) is assigned to the reflecting mirror, positioning the light beams on tracks of the recording medium to record and playback information.

10-04-2003 дата публикации

Optical CD or DVD read-write device has a combined optical unit for beam collimation and reflection of a beam component for checking the beam power so that a more compact design is made possible

Номер: DE0010240574A1

Optical CD or DVD read-write device (1) has a laser diode for generation of light beam (10) with an external photo-diode monitor (3) used to check the emitted light power. A single optical unit (20) with twin elements (4, 5) serves both to collimate the read-write component (13) of the light beam (10) and to split-off the component of the light beam (14) used for checking the light power.

24-03-1993 дата публикации

Multi-beam tracking system

Номер: GB0002259803A

Apparatus for scanning and optically reading data from a moving medium having digital data encoded thereon in a spiral track comprising: means 121 arranged to generate a plurality of first light beams and to generate a plurality of second light beams 121a, 121b; a servo operated focusing means 124a, 124b; arranged to focus a selected ones of the plurality of the first beams onto and to traverse them along respective first line portions across a respective one of a first plurality of parts of the track of data on the medium and to focus selected ones of the plurality of second beams onto and to traverse them along respective second line portions across a respective one of a second plurality of parts of the track of data on the medium; said first line portions being spaced along a first line lying generally radially across the medium; and said second line portions being spaced along a second line which is adjacent the first line, and being interspaced with said first line portions; means ...

06-12-1995 дата публикации

An optical pickup comprising an integrated laser diode and detector

Номер: GB0002289974A

PURPOSE: To produce two elements in a single collective step by manufacturing the structure of a vertical resonator surface light emission type oscillation laser diode in the form of a single integrated chip to use as a light source and a light detector. CONSTITUTION: A laser beam issued from a surface light emission type light source 11 is entered into an objective lens 2 via a hologram element 3. A light beam entered to a track is reflected according to information recorded in the track, entered into the hologram element 3 through the objective lens 2, and then diffracted thereby. That is, reflected light carrying the information is diffracted by the hologram element 3 and then entered into a light detector 10. The light detector 10 detects the information of the disk, a focusing error and a tracking error from the diffracted light, thus performing its intended purpose.

03-03-1999 дата публикации

Optical pickup includes waveguide for condensing light from source

Номер: GB0002328776A

The optical pickup includes: a light source unit 100 including a light emitting diode (LED) 101 for emitting light and a waveguide 103 for condensing the light emitted from the LED 101; a collimating lens 110 for collimating the light emitted from the waveguide 103; an objective lens 140 for condensing the light passed through the collimating lens 110 to form a light spot on the recording surface of a recording medium 1; light path changing means 130 arranged on an optical path between the collimating lens 110 and the objective lens 140, for changing a travelling path of the incident light; and a photodetector 160 for receiving the light incident via the objective lens 140 and the light path changing means 130 after being reflected from the recording medium 1. A further embodiment (Fig 3) uses a plurality of LEDs, each having a respective waveguide.

17-11-1999 дата публикации

Optical pickup apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002328777B

29-12-1999 дата публикации

Bar code reading optical apparatus

Номер: GB0002310749B

13-03-2002 дата публикации

Galvano mirror unit with biassing member

Номер: GB0002366625A

A galvano mirror unit comprises a galvano mirror (26), a rotor (70) to which said galvano mirror is mounted, a stator (80) that rotatably supports said rotor about a rotation axis, first and second center pins (71, 72) provided to said stator, first and second receive meters (73, 74) provided to said rotor, which respectively receive said first and second center pins, and a biassing meter (82) provided to said stator which biases said first center pin to said first receive member thereby to eliminate backlash between said first center pin and said first receive member and between said second center pin and said second receive member.

29-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008812384D0

29-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008812383D0

14-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002155198B

21-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB2231709A

A light scanning device comprising a source of a parallel light beam. The parallel light beam is passed through a first liquid crystal shutter and a first lens to converge at a focal point thereof. A rectangular light reflecting box with inside reflecting surfaces is arranged next to the first lens, so that a portion of the light beam passing through the first lens is able to directly pass through the light reflecting box and another portion of the light beam is reflected at the reflecting surfaces and then able to pass through light reflecting box, whereby multiple light paths are obtained. The passage of the multiple light paths is controlled by a second liquid crystal shutter located on the end of the rectangular light reflecting box, the second liquid crystal shutter having a plurality of selectively controllable light permeable regions. The light beam is finally impinged on a desired light recording media, and thus it is possible to scan the light recording media by controlling the ...

05-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232291A

An optical system of an optical information recording/reproducing apparatus including a light source (10) for emitting a generally parallel luminous flux; an objective optical system for converging the luminous flux emitted from said light source portion onto a medium; a beam splitter (30) for splitting the luminous flux reflected by said medium from a light path directed to the light source portion and guiding the same to a light receiving system (40); a chromatic aberration correcting element (23) having almost no power disposed between said objective lens and said beam splitter and adapted to correct a chromatic aberration of said objective lens; and means for independently actuating said objective lens at least in an optical axis direction thereof.

24-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002053553B
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

20-01-1999 дата публикации

Optical system for optical disk drive

Номер: GB0002327291A

An optical system for an optical disk drive for reading/writing data from/in an optical disk includes a light source (7) emitting a parallel laser beam (P) to be incident on a deflector (26) having a mirror surface rotatable about an axis (01). The parallel laser beam is deflected towards an objective lens system (10) which faces an optical disk (2). A relay lens system (29, 30) is provided between the deflector and the objective lens system such that the mirror surface and a mirror side principal plane (S'1) of the objective lens system have a substantially conjugate relationship.

20-02-2002 дата публикации

Galvano mirror unit with offset magnet on stator

Номер: GB0002365536A

A galvano mirror unit comprises a galvano mirror (26), a rotor (250) which said galvano mirror is mounted, a stator (260) that rotatably supports said rotor about a rotation axis, first and second center pins (251,252) provided to said stator, said first center pin (251) being made of a magnetized member, said first center pin being provided in a hole of said stator so that said first center pin is movable in the direction of said rotation axis, first and second receive members (253,254) provided to said rotor, said first and second receive members respectively receiving said first and second center pins, and an offset magnet (256) provided to said stator, said offset magnet attracting said first center pin in a predetermined direction thereby to prevent deviation of the inclination of said first center pin in said hole.

21-02-2001 дата публикации

Imaging system suitable for use in multi-layer optical data storage applications

Номер: GB2353392A

A three dimensional imaging system is described which uses a diffraction grating to divide a wavefront and ancillary optical modules in each diffraction order to modify the imaging characteristics in each order. Object planes located at different distances from the diffraction grating are imaged simultaneously and spatially separated on a single image plane and correction for different levels of spherical aberration associated with different object planes is achieved. The system may be used for simultaneously imaging spatially separated data elements in a 3d optical storage medium.

08-06-2011 дата публикации

Hologram recording device

Номер: GB0002476010A

A hologram recording device comprises: laser light source 1; polarization beam splitter 3, splitting the laser beam into recording S and reference R beams; spatial light modulator (SLM) 5 modulating the recording light S according to information to be recorded; phase plate 4 applying a predetermined phase shift to the recording beam between the polarization beam splitter and the spatial light modulator; a recording optical system causing modulated recording beam S to impinge on a predetermined portion of a hologram recording medium B; and a reference optical system, with movable mirror 9, causing reference beam R to impinge on the hologram recording medium B while changing an incident angle of the reference beam, so the reference and recording beams interfere at various angles. Thus, multiplex hologram recording by interference between the recording and reference beams is enabled. The hologram recording device further comprises a light adjustor 20 for variably adjusting an amount and a ...

07-11-2001 дата публикации

Galvano mirror unit

Номер: GB0000122280D0

01-10-2003 дата публикации

System for storing holographic digital data

Номер: GB0000320336D0

11-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002132380B

01-10-1934 дата публикации

Improvements in optical apparatus for reproducing sound from electro-mechanically-produced records

Номер: GB0000417597A

... 417,597. Recording and reproducing sound. SOC. LA RECHERCHE INDUSTRIELLE FRANCAISE (R.I.F.) SOC. D'ETUDES POUR L'EXPLOITATION DES BREVETS NUBLAT, 5, Rue Galilee, Paris. March 29, 1933, No. 9473. Convention date, March 31, 1932. [Class 40 (ii).] Relates to photo-electric apparatus for reproducing sound from a record made in the form of a wavy groove of constant width and transparency ; such a record may be made by the removal, by means of a vibrating tool, of part of an opaque layer covering a transparent film, the width of the groove being such that each sinuous edge lies wholly on one side of a medial line. According to the invention, the reproducing apparatus comprises a diaphragm having a very narrow illuminated slit, and a short-focus objective forming an image of the slit transversely on the record in such a position (as shown at 6 or 7, Fig. 1) that the image is intersected by only one edge of the groove. As shown, one end of the image may lie on the medial line 4. The Specification ...

15-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001267176A

04-03-1998 дата публикации

Optical pickup

Номер: GB0009800136D0

23-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001493081A

... 1493081 Reading records photo-electrically SONY CORP 4 Feb 1975 [12 Feb 1974] 4739/75 Heading G1A [Also in Divisions G4 G5 and H1] To read-out a record carrier on which information is recorded as areas having high or low reflectivity, a semi-conductor laser diode having only one resonator reflector is placed adjacent the carrier, so that whenever a reflective area is opposite the laser it forms the second resonator reflector and laser emission results. The emission can be detected photo-electrically and decoded, or can be scanned across and displayed on a phosphorescent screen to form a picture. In Fig. 4 the laser diode 12 has cleaved end surfaces, the one nearer the record carrier 18 being coated with a non-reflecting layer 16. Lenses 19, 21 are provided, and when a reflective area of the record is opposite the diode laser emission occurs. This leaves the laser via the cleaved resonator surface 14' and is detected at 20. The detector signal is demodulated to give the recorded information ...

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412962T

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365962T

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364229T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381097T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322071T

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Optical pickup device

Номер: US20120026858A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An optical pickup device has an astigmatism element which imparts astigmatism to reflected light of laser light reflected on a recording layer, and a spectral element into which the reflected light is entered, and which separates the reflected light. The spectral element is divided into four third areas by a first area having a certain width and formed along a straight line in parallel to a first direction, and by a second area having a certain width and formed along a straight line in parallel to a second direction. The spectral element is configured to guide the reflected light passing through the four third areas to respective corresponding sensors on a photodetector while making propagating directions of the reflected light different from each other, and to avoid guiding the reflected light entered into the first area and into the second area to the sensors.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Optical pickup apparatus

Номер: US20120051205A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

Provided is an optical pickup apparatus using a reduced number of parts. An optical pickup apparatus ( 26 ) of the present invention includes: a laser unit ( 108 ) for emitting a laser beam complying with the BD standards; a laser unit ( 106 ) for emitting a laser beam complying with the DVD standards and a laser beam complying with the CD standards; and a PDIC ( 10 B) for receiving and detecting the laser beams complying with the respective standards. Because the laser beam complying with the DVD standards and the laser beam complying with the BD standards are received by one photo detector provided in the PDIC ( 10 B), the number of parts needed for the optical pickup apparatus ( 26 ) can be reduced, and the costs of the apparatus can be decreased.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Optical pickup device

Номер: US20120082020A1
Автор: Kenji Nagatomi
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An astigmatism element converges laser light in first and second directions to generate focal lines. A spectral element makes propagating directions of light fluxes entered into first through fourth areas different from each other to disperse the four light fluxes from each other. The direction along which the first and second areas are aligned is in parallel to a direction of a track image of a recording medium projected onto the spectral element. Each of the first and second areas has a surface area larger than a surface area of each of the third and fourth areas, and a boundary portion between the first and second areas, and the third and fourth areas includes a straight portion extending in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the track image.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Optical head device and optical disc device

Номер: US20120106310A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An optical head device mounted in an optical disc device. The optical head device is provided with a diffractive optical element and a photodetector. The diffractive optical element has: a primary diffraction region at a location on which the positive and negative first-order components and some of the zero-order component of a reflectively diffracted light beam are incident; and secondary diffraction regions at locations on which the rest of the zero-order component but none of the positive or negative first-order components of the reflectively diffracted light beam are incident. A main light-receiving section of the photodetector receives the zero-order component of a transmissively diffracted light beam that has passed through the primary diffraction region and the secondary diffraction regions. Secondary light-receiving sections receive the positive first-order component and/or the negative first-order component of the transmissively diffracted light beam that has passed through the secondary diffraction regions.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Optical head, optical disc device, information processing device, and objective lens

Номер: US20120213052A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Provided are an optical head capable of favorably recording or reproducing information to or from an information recording medium including a plurality of information recording surfaces, an optical disc device including the optical head, an information processing device including the optical disc, and an objective lens. The optical head ( 40 ) includes a blue-violet laser light source ( 1 ) which emits a blue-violet laser beam, an objective lens ( 8 ) which has an orbicular zone-shaped diffractive structure, and which diffracts the blue-violet laser beam and converges the generated diffracted light of n-th order (where n is a natural number) on a predetermined information recording surface of a multi-layer optical disc ( 60 ), and a light-receiving element ( 23 ) which receives the blue-violet laser beam reflected by the predetermined information recording surface, wherein the diffractive structure adds a positive power component and a spherical aberration component to the n-th order diffracted light.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Optics with Simultaneous Variable Correction of Aberrations

Номер: US20120257278A1
Принадлежит: Akkolens International BV

The invention refers to an optical system comprising at least two optical elements of which at least one is movable relative to the other in a direction perpendicular to the optical axis of the optical system, wherein the combination of optical elements is adapted to correct variable aberrations of at least two different orders simultaneously of which the degree of correction depends on the relative position of the optical elements. This optical system is adapted to correct aberrations which are variable and dependent on the position of the lens with respect to the subject/imaging plane. Further the optical system is adapted to correct aberrations varying along with defocus of the system. These aberrations may include second order aberrations, meaning defocus and astigmatism, third-order aberrations, meaning comas and trefoils, fourth-order aberrations, for example, spherical aberration, and further higher-order aberration terms.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Optical pickup and optical information storage medium system using the same

Номер: US20120281516A1
Автор: Jin-Ho Jung

An optical pick-up is provided. The optical pick-up includes a light source, a first objective lens configured to focus light emitted from the light source on a high-density optical information storage medium, a photo-detector configured to detect a signal by receiving light reflected from the high-density optical information storage medium, an optical-path changer configured to convert a travel path of incident light to allow the light emitted from the light source to proceed toward the high-density optical information storage medium, and to allow the light reflected from the high-density optical information storage medium to proceed toward the photo-detector, and a blocking device disposed in an optical path of signal light reflected from a target reproducing/recording layer of the high-density optical information storage medium, passes through the first objective lens, and proceeds toward the photo-detector.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Optical pickup apparatus

Номер: US20130010178A1
Автор: Shinzoh Murakami
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

There is provided an optical pickup apparatus. In an optical pickup apparatus, a focus diffraction region includes focus regions of which a number of types is equal to a number of types of light that can be emitted by a light source. The types of the focus regions correspond to the respective types of light, the respective focus regions diffract the corresponding types of light toward same positions of focus light-receiving regions. The focus regions include a plurality of focus segmented regions. The plurality of focus segmented regions of the respective types of focus regions are periodically distributed in the focus diffraction region, and at least some of the focus segmented regions are disposed to be adjacent to focus segmented regions for different types of light.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for generating focus error signal, optical head and optical driving apparatus

Номер: US20130015320A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Media Electronics Co Ltd

In a method and apparatus for generating a focus error signal, an optical head and an optical driving apparatus are configured such that a light beam is divided into at least two light beams, coma aberration of a predetermined direction is added to one of the divided light beams, and coma aberration of a direction different from the predetermined direction of the coma aberration is added to the other divided light beam to thereby generate the focus error signal.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Optical pickup, inclination angle detection method, optical information device and information processing device

Номер: US20130083645A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An optical pickup, an inclination angle detection method, an optical information device, and an information processing device capable of reliably and accurately detecting a relative inclination angle between an end face of a solid immersion lens and a surface of an optical recording medium are provided. A convergence position modifying unit modifies convergence states of a first beam and a second beam according to layers of an optical recording medium, a first optical detector includes a first light receiving section which receives the converged first beam and a second light receiving section which receives the converged second beam, and the first optical detector detects a relative inclination angle between an end face of a solid immersion lens and a surface of the optical recording medium based on a difference in quantities of received light between the first light receiving section and the second light receiving section.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100792A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Kentarou
Принадлежит: Konica Minolta Opto, Inc.

Provided is an objective optical element which can appropriately correct degradation from spherical aberration upon fluctuation of a light source wavelength while maintaining light use efficiency, just by changing the magnification of the objective optical element, and which can record/reproduce information to/from different optical discs. Also provided is an optical pickup device using the objective optical element. When a light flux having two different wavelengths λ, λ(wherein λ<λand λ−λ=5 nm) within a range of wavelength λis introduced to the objective optical element to measure the wavefront aberration, the following third order and fifth order spherical aberrations in unit of λrms are obtained: SA3(λ), SA5(λ), SA3(λ), SA5(λ). If ΔSA3=|SA3(λ)−SA3(λ)|, ΔSA5=|SA5(λ)−SA5(λ)|, the following expression is satisfied: 0.18>ΔSA3>ΔSA5>0(1) 115.-. (canceled)17. The optical pickup device of satisfying ΔSA3:ΔSA5=α:1 claim 16 , wherein the value of a satisfies 4≦α≦9.18. The optical pickup device of claim 16 ,{'b': 3', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3, 'wherein the objective optical element is used for the optical pickup device further comprising a third light source emitting a third light flux with a wavelength λ (λ<λ), wherein the optical pickup device records and/or produces information by converging the third light flux onto an information recording surface of a third optical disc including a protective layer with a thickness t (t Подробнее

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107691A1
Автор: Nishiwaki Seiji
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

In an embodiment, an optical pickup includes at least one light source for selectively emitting three light beams having blue, red, and infrared wavelengths, respectively, and an objective lens arranged so that each of the three light beams enters thereto. The objective lens includes a first grating, and a second grating formed in the same plane as the first grating. The first and second gratings each have phase steps arranged concentrically around a center axis of a lens in a region in which all the three light beams pass, and are different in phase step positions. The first grating diffracts the three light beams having the blue, red, and infrared wavelengths in a 2order, a 1order, and the 1order, respectively. On the other hand, the second grating diffracts the three light beams having the blue, red, and infrared wavelengths in the 1order, the 1order, and the 1order, respectively. As a result, the three light beams having the blue, red, and infrared wavelengths, which have been transmitted through the first grating and the second grating, are diffracted in a 3order, the 2order, and the 2order, respectively. 1. An optical pickup , comprising:at least one light source for selectively emitting three light beams having blue, red, and infrared wavelengths, respectively; andan objective lens arranged so that each of the three light beams enters thereto,wherein the objective lens has a blazed grating structure, [{'sup': nd', 'st', 'st, 'a first grating having phase steps arranged concentrically around a center axis of a lens in a region in which all the three light beams pass, for diffracting the three light beams having the blue, red, and infrared wavelengths in a 2order, a 1order, and a 1order, respectively; and'}, {'sup': st', 'st', 'st, 'a second grating formed in the same plane as the first grating and having phase steps arranged concentrically around the center axis of the lens in the region in which all the three light beams pass at positions different from ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279318A1
Принадлежит: ZET Nanolaboratory, Ltd.

The invention provides for a recording method comprising the steps of modulating a first light beam; directing a second light beam to interfere with the first light beam to produce an interference pattern in a region of a recording medium; forming an optical device in the medium responsive to the interference pattern, wherein optical characteristics of the optical device are varied responsive to variations in the interference pattern. A method of playback, a recording and/or reading head and data carriers are also claimed. An example relates to a full diffraction analogy of gramophone recording. The interference of two beams, one of which is functionally linked to an audio signal, results in a change of the diffractive structure that instantly reflects the change of the input signal. On playback the diffracted light beam oscillates in the same way as the gramophone needle would vibrate. Another aspect of the disclosure relates to multilevel digital recording using holographic and/or diffractive structures. 1. A recording method comprising the steps of modulating a first light beam for recording purposes; directing a second light beam to interfere with the said first light beam to produce an interference pattern in the region of a recording medium; forming an optical device in the said medium responsive to the said interference pattern and wherein optical characteristics of the said optical device are varied responsive to variations in the said interference pattern.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first and second light beams comprise coherent light.3. A method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first and second light beams comprise laser light beams.4. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first beam is modulated by a light modulator.5. A method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the light modulator comprises an acoustic-optic deflector or electro-optic or mechanical-optical or nonlinear optical modulator.6. Our method as claimed in claim 1 , ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068642A1

There is provided an optical pickup including a light source, an objective lens configured to focus light from the light source onto one signal face of an optical disc, the optical disc including two or more signal faces, each of the signal faces having a groove formed therein, a photodetector configured to receive returning rays from the optical disc, the photodetector having a light receiving face divided into four light receiving regions by a dividing line that is substantially parallel to a track direction of the optical disc and by a dividing line that is substantially perpendicular to the track direction, and a shading unit disposed at an incident side of the photodetector and configured to block, of returning rays from a signal face other than the one signal face of the optical disc, at least a diffracted ray that is diffracted by the groove. 1. An optical pickup comprising:a light source;an objective lens configured to focus light from the light source onto one signal face of an optical disc, the optical disc including two or more signal faces, each of the signal faces having a groove formed therein;a photodetector configured to receive returning rays from the optical disc, the photodetector having a light receiving face divided into four light receiving regions by a dividing line that is substantially parallel to a track direction of the optical disc and by a dividing line that is substantially perpendicular to the track direction; anda shading unit disposed at an incident side of the photodetector and configured to block, of returning rays from a signal face other than the one signal face of the optical disc, at least a diffracted ray that is diffracted by the groove.2. The optical pickup according to claim 1 , wherein the shading unit is disposed at a position at which the diffracted ray substantially concentrates.3. The optical pickup according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , provided that amax is a maximum value of a radius of a 0th order ray of ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098656A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An optical element has at least one surface divided into a plurality of regions and includes: a first region configured to converge light with a wavelength λ onto a storage surface of a first optical disc and converge light with a wavelength λ onto a storage surface of a second optical disc; and a second region formed around the outer circumference of the first region and configured to converge light with the wavelength λ onto the storage surface of the first optical disc. The second region has a concave-convex structure concentrically formed on an aspheric surface and having a cross section being a saw teeth shape. The concave-convex structure is formed by a plurality of different saw teeth shapes, and the plurality of different saw teeth shapes respectively give different phase differences corresponding to substantially integer multiples of the wavelength λ for light with the wavelength λ 1. An optical element having at least one surface divided into a plurality of regions , the optical element comprising:{'b': 1', '2, 'a first region configured to converge light with a wavelength λ onto a storage surface of a first optical disc and converge light with a wavelength λ onto a storage surface of a second optical disc; and'}{'b': '1', 'a second region formed around the outer circumference of the first region and configured to converge light with the wavelength λ onto the storage surface of the first optical disc, wherein'}the second region has a concave-convex structure concentrically formed on an aspheric surface and having a cross section being a saw teeth shape,the concave-convex structure is formed by a plurality of different saw teeth shapes,{'b': 1', '1, 'the plurality of different saw teeth shapes respectively give different phase differences corresponding to substantially integer multiples of the wavelength λ, for light with the wavelength λ,'} [{'b': '1', 'a first saw teeth shape that gives a first optical path difference, for light with the wavelength λ ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026045A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Norikazu

A lighting apparatus includes: a light source generating a first color component light; a separation element partially transmitting the first color component light, partially reflecting the first color component light, and transmitting a second color component light different from the first color component light at a certain moment; an illuminant excited by the first color component light transmitted through the separation element to generate the second color component light; and an optical system combining the first color component light made incident on the separation element from the light source and reflected by the separation element with the second color component light made incident on the separation element from the illuminant and transmitted through the separation element. The separation element is configured to have variable transmittance and reflectance with respect to the first color component light. 1. A lighting apparatus comprising:a light source generating a first color component light;a separation element configured to partially transmit the first color component light, partially reflect the first color component light, and transmit a second color component light different from the first color component light at a certain moment;an illuminant excited by the first color component light transmitted through the separation element to generate the second color component light; andan optical system configured to combine the first color component light made incident on the separation element from the light source and reflected by the separation element with the second color component light made incident on the separation element from the illuminant and transmitted through the separation element, whereinthe separation element is configured to have variable transmittance and reflectance with respect to the first color component light, andthe first color component light generated by the light source is linearly polarized, a half-wave plate rotatably disposed, ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043320A1

An optical pickup is configured such that light split by a light-splitting element is received by light-receiving elements provided on a light-receiving surface of a light-receiving unit, has on the light-receiving surface of the light-receiving unit quartered light-receiving portions that detect position-adjustment light and configured by equal quartering so as to be arranged in two dimensions, and in which the position of the light-splitting element is adjusted based on the position-adjustment light received by each of the quartered light-receiving portions.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049170A1
Автор: FUJITA Kouji

During reconstruction, the hologram cannot be reconstructed at high speed. In the present invention, the distance between the optical system base point, which is associated with a recording medium address during recording, and the recording medium is measured, and said distance is recorded in a memory. During reconstruction, distance information, which is the distance of the recording medium from the memory that is associated with a recording medium reconstruction address, is read, and the position of an aperture filter is adjusted at high speed in the optical axis direction on the basis of the read distance information and a distance measurement result for the optical system base point during reconstruction and the recording medium. Thus, the relative positions of the hologram within the recorded medium associated with the optical system during reconstruction and during recording can be matched. 1. An optical information recording and reconstructing device that records information by irradiating a recording medium with a signal beam and a reference beam and forming a hologram and reconstructs an information signal by irradiating the hologram of the recording medium with the reference beam; the optical information recording and reconstructing device comprising:a laser light source;a branching unit that causes an emitted beam from the laser light source to branch into the signal beam and the reference beam;a spatial light modulating unit that adds the information signal to the signal beam;an objective lens for irradiating the recording medium with the signal beam to which the information signal is added;an optical detecting unit that detects diffraction light when the recording medium is irradiated with the reference beam; anda distance measuring unit that measures a distance from a predetermined point of an optical structure unit including the objective lens to the recording medium; whereininformation about the distance in a case of recording is stored in the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160055875A1
Автор: YAMAZAKI Kazuyoshi

A hologram recording and reproducing device and an angular multiplexing recording and reproducing method capable of detecting an angular error signal for which, in a two-beam angle multiplexing method, high-speed reproducing can be achieved with a superior recovered signal. A branch element branches a light beam, emitted from a light source, into a signal light and a reference light. Angle-variable elements modify the incident angle of the reference light that is incident to the optical information recording medium. A spatial light modulator adds information to the signal light; and an objective lens radiates the signal light to the optical information recording medium. An imaging element detects diffracted light generated from a recording region when the reference light is radiated upon the optical information recording medium; a detection system detects at least two angular error signals for controlling the angle-variable elements; and switching is performed between the two angular error signals. 1. A hologram recording/reproducing device which records an information signal by casting a signal beam and a reference beam upon an optical information storage medium to thereby form a hologram and reproduces an information signal by applying a reference beam to a hologram within an optical information storage medium , the device comprising:a light source which emits an optical beam;a splitting unit which splits an optical beam emitted from a light source into a signal beam and a reference beam;an angle adjustment unit for varying an angle of incidence of a reference beam incident on an optical information storage medium;a spatial light modulation unit for adding information to a signal beam;an objective lens for casting a signal beam upon an optical information storage medium;an imaging unit for detecting a diffracted beam generated from a hologram within an optical information storage medium when casting the reference beam onto an optical information storage medium; ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Optical information reproduction device and optical information reproduction method

Номер: US20160055876A1
Автор: Makoto Hosaka
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

An optical information recording/reproduction device is capable of appropriately correcting the angle of a reference beam during data reproduction even when a wavelength deviation or an angle deviation in multiplexing and vertical directions of the reference beam occurs in a holographic memory recording medium. The optical information reproduction device has a laser light source that generates a reference beam; an image-capturing unit that detects a diffraction ray to be reproduced from the optical information recoding medium; and an optical detection unit that has at least two light-receiving surfaces and is used for detecting a diffraction ray reproduced by irradiating the reference beam on the optical information recording medium. The device also has a light-shielding unit that shields part of the diffraction ray detected by the optical detection unit; and an error signal calculation unit that generates an error signal from a detection signal outputted by the optical detection unit.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140153376A1

An optical pickup apparatus which includes a light transmitting system is provided. A light source system provides the light transmitting system with light; a light receiving system includes detectors which are configured to detect light reflected from the multilayer optical disk; and a stray light controller is configured to prevent stray light from reaching the detectors. The stray light controller is disposed between the light source system and the light receiving system. The stray light controller includes a light transmitting portion through which light reflected from the multilayer optical disk and the stray light are configured to pass; a light diffraction portion is configured to diffract the light reflected from the multilayer optical disk and the stray light; and a light blocking portion configured to block the light reflected from the multilayer optical disk and the stray light. 2. The optical pickup apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe light diffraction portion is provided on one surface of the light transmitting portion, and the light blocking portion is provided on another surface of the light transmitting portion which is opposite to the one surface of the light transmitting portion.3. The optical pickup apparatus of claim 2 , whereinthe light diffraction portion comprises linear diffraction gratings.4. The optical pickup apparatus of claim 2 , whereinthe light blocking portion is disposed in front of the light diffraction portion, and has a narrower width than that of the light diffraction portion.5. The optical pickup apparatus of claim 2 , whereineach of the plurality of detectors comprisesa main detecting portion in which the plurality of light beams reflected from the multilayer optical disk and passed through the light transmitting portion are imaged; andat least one auxiliary detecting portion in which the plurality of light reflected from the multilayer optical disk and passed through the light diffraction portion are imaged.6. The optical pickup ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085633A1

An optical information recording apparatus configured to record information into an information recording medium by using holography, the apparatus including: a signal generation unit configured to generate two-dimensional data; and a two-dimensional spatial light modulator unit configured to display the two-dimensional data and to spatially modulate a transmitted or reflected beam, wherein the two-dimensional spatial light modulator unit includes a signal region and an external region, the signal region displays two-dimensional data based on user data, the external region displays two-dimensional data not including the user data, and the signal generation unit generates two-dimensional data in such a manner that a frequency of the two-dimensional data displayed on the external region becomes equal to or larger than a frequency of the two-dimensional data displayed on the signal region. 1. An optical information recording apparatus configured to record information into an information recording medium by using holography , the apparatus comprising:a signal generation unit configured to generate two-dimensional data; anda two-dimensional spatial light modulator unit configured to display the two-dimensional data and to spatially modulate a transmitted or reflected beam,wherein the two-dimensional spatial light modulator unit includes a signal region and an external region,the signal region displays two-dimensional data based on user data,the external region displays two-dimensional data not including the user data, andthe signal generation unit generates two-dimensional data in such a manner that a frequency of the two-dimensional data displayed on the external region becomes equal to or larger than a frequency of the two-dimensional data displayed on the signal region.2. The optical information recording apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the signal generation unit generates two-dimensional data in such a manner that a lower limit M (M: natural number) of the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Optical Component Positioning Device and Optical Recording Device Using Same

Номер: US20160086628A1

Diffracted light generated by a recording medium in reproduction is largely blocked by a spatial filter because of a position shift of the recording medium. Thus, the light amount of the diffracted light converged onto an optical detector is reduced and a satisfactory level of a reproducing signal cannot be obtained. In addition, in recording, it is necessary to fix the position of the spatial filter in rays for removing unnecessary frequency components or the like in a light beam emitted from a light source. In actuators having at least two spatial filters, one spatial filter is mounted on an actuator driven along two or more axes and moves independently of another spatial filter, and the other spatial filter is fixed to a common one-axis actuator. Switching of the positions of the spatial filters is performed by the common one-axis actuator. 115.-. (canceled)16. An optical component positioning device moving at least two optical components arranged in an optical path of a light beam emitted from a light source to position the at least two optical components at predetermined positions , comprising:a first actuator, on which the two optical components are mounted, configured to move the two optical components together and be driven along one axis;a second actuator, on which a first optical component of the two optical components is mounted, configured to move the first optical component independently of another second optical component and be driven along or more axes; anda control device configured to control the first actuator and the second actuator,wherein the first actuator mechanically holds positions of the optical components, andthe first and second optical components are formed by mutually replaceable optical systems.17. The optical component positioning device according to claim 16 , wherein the first and second optical components are switched by movement by the first actuator driven along the one axis.18. The optical component positioning device according ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160104505A1

An RF hologram is divided in a direction perpendicular to a tangent line of an information track of an information recording surface of an optical disc, and includes a central region including an optical axis of laser light as well as a first end portion region and a second end portion region which sandwich the central region, the central region is formed by a binary diffraction grating and generates ±1 order diffracted light, the first end portion region is formed by a blazed diffraction grating and generates first +1 order diffracted light, the second end portion region is formed by a blazed diffraction grating and generates second +1 order diffracted light, and an RF light receiving element receives both the ±1 order diffracted light, the first +1 order diffracted light, and the second +1 order diffracted light. 1. An optical information apparatus that records and/or reproduces information on and/or from a recording medium having a plurality of information recording surfaces , the optical information apparatus comprising:a light source that emits laser light with a wavelength of λ;an objective lens that causes the laser light from the light source to converge on any of the plurality of information recording surfaces of the recording medium;a luminous flux splitting element which is divided in a direction perpendicular to a tangent line of an information track of the information recording surface of the recording medium, which has a central region including an optical axis of the laser light and a first end portion region and a second end portion region that sandwich the central region, and which splits the laser light reflected by any of the information recording surfaces of the recording medium into a luminous flux diffracted by the central region, a luminous flux diffracted by the first end portion region, and a luminous flux diffracted by the second end portion region;a first light detector which receives a plurality of luminous fluxes split by the luminous ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150109895A1

When books are densely bedded on a recording medium for recording a hologram on the medium with a high density, the books need to be positioned at a reference light irradiation position with a high precision when reproducing. An optical information reproducing apparatus for producing information from an optical information recording medium, includes: a light source that emits a reference light; an angle adjustment part that adjusts an incident angle of the reference light emitted from the light source to the optical information recording medium; a filter part that suppresses an unnecessary light of a diffracted light obtained when the optical information recording medium is irradiated with the reference light adjusted by the angle adjustment part; a light detection part that detects at least a part of the diffracted light obtained by irradiating the optical information recording medium with the reference light adjusted by the angle adjustment part; and a control part that controls the filter part, wherein at least a part of page data within an adjacent book is recorded as information on the optical information recording medium while deviating the incident angle of the reference light in an angle multiplexing direction, and wherein the control part controls the filter part on the basis of the signal detected by the light detection part. 1. An optical information reproducing apparatus for reproducing information from an optical information recording medium , the apparatus comprising:a light source that emits a reference light;an angle adjustment part that adjusts an incident angle of the reference light emitted from the light source to the optical information recording medium;a filter part that suppresses an unnecessary light of a diffracted light obtained when the optical information recording medium is irradiated with the reference light adjusted by the angle adjustment part;a light detection part that detects at least a part of the diffracted light obtained by ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160111123A1

The optical information recording/reproduction device for recording information by irradiating an optical information recording medium with signal light and reference light to form a hologram, and reproducing the information by irradiating the hologram with the reference light, wherein the optical information recording/reproduction device is provided with a branching element for branching laser light from a laser light source into signal light and reference light, a spatial light modulation unit for adding two-dimensional information to the signal light, an objective lens for irradiating an optical information recording medium with the signal light, a photodetector for detecting diffracted light from the optical information recording medium when irradiated with the reference light, and an optical axis adjustment unit disposed between the laser light source and the branching element, the optical axis adjustment unit adjusting the optical axis of the laser light. 1: An optical information recording/reproduction device that irradiates an optical information recording medium with signal light and reference light to form a hologram to record information , and irradiates the hologram of the optical information recording medium with the reference light to reproduce information , the optical information recording/reproduction device comprising:a laser light source configured to emit laser light;a branching element configured to branch the laser light from the laser light source to the signal light and the reference light;a spatial light modulation unit for adding two-dimensional information to the signal light;an objective lens for irradiating the optical information recording medium with the signal light;a photodetector configured to detect diffracted light from the optical information recording medium when the optical information recording medium is irradiated with the reference light;an optical axis adjustment unit arranged between the laser light source and the ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160118076A1
Автор: YAMAZAKI Kazuyoshi

A hologram apparatus and hologram optical system includes: a light source which emits a light beam; a splitter which splits the light beam emitted from the light source into a first light beam and a second light beam; a first lens for exposing an optical information recording medium to convergent light of the first light beam; an optical path angle varying device which causes the second light beam to become incident at substantially the same position as the first light beam in the optical information recording medium and changes an angle of incidence of the second light beam incident on the optical information recording medium; and an optical path shifting element which shifts a position of a light beam incident on the optical information recording medium, according to an angle to the optical information recording medium of the light beam incident on the optical information recording medium. 1. An optical information recording/reproducing apparatus for recording information on or reproducing information from an optical information recording medium using holography , comprising:a light source which emits a light beam;a splitter which splits the light beam emitted from the light source into a first light beam and a second light beam;a first lens for exposing an optical information recording medium to convergent light of the first light beam;an optical path angle varying device which causes the second light beam to become incident at substantially the same position as the first light beam in the optical information recording medium and changes an angle of incidence of the second light beam incident on the optical information recording medium; andan optical path shifting element which shifts a position of a light beam incident on the optical information recording medium, according to an angle to the optical information recording medium of the light beam incident on the optical information recording medium.2. The optical information recording/reproducing apparatus ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200110277A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

To provide a diffractive optical element having a high light utilization efficiency, whereby light spots having a predetermined pattern can be stably formed, a projection device and a measuring device. 1. A diffractive optical element having a convexo-concave pattern to generate two-dimensional phase distribution , which two-dimensionally diffracts incident light into plural diffracted light rays ,which comprises a transparent substrate, a convexo-concave portion formed so as to be in contact with one surface of the transparent substrate and a filling portion with which concave portions of the convexo-concave portion are filled and which covers top surfaces of convex portions of the convexo-concave portion for planarizing the convexo-concave portion,{'b': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, 'wherein the convexo-concave portion has at least two stages on the surface of the transparent substrate; the top surfaces of the respective stages are parallel to one another; among the transparent substrate, the convexo-concave portion and the filling portion, the refractive indexes of at least the convexo-concave portion and the filling portion are different with respect to the incident light which enters from the normal direction of the surface of the transparent substrate; and all values of n, n and n are at most 2.2, wherein n, n and n are refractive indexes of the transparent substrate, the convexo-concave portion and the filling portion respectively with respect to the incident light.'}223. The diffractive optical element according to claim 1 , wherein |n−n|≥0.2.3. The diffractive optical element according to claim 1 , wherein the angle toward the diagonal direction of light spots of plural outgoing diffracted light rays when the incident light enters from the normal direction claim 1 , is at least 7.5°.4. The diffractive optical element according to claim 1 , wherein the number of formed light spots of plural outgoing diffracted light rays when the incident light enters from the ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220270645A1

A system includes a polarization selective optical element configured to diffract a light reflected by an object into a plurality of signal lights. The system also includes at least one optical sensor configured to receive the signal lights and generate a plurality of tracking signals for tracking the object. 1. A system , comprising:a polarization selective optical element configured to diffract a light reflected by an object into a plurality of signal lights; andat least one optical sensor configured to receive the signal lights and generate a plurality of tracking signals for tracking the object.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least two of the plurality of signal lights have orthogonal polarizations.3. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the at least one optical sensor includes a single optical sensor, and the system further includes a polarization separator disposed between the single optical sensor and the polarization selective optical element, andwherein the polarization separator is configured to separate the plurality of signal lights in at least one of a time multiplexing or a spatial multiplexing manner.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the polarization separator includes at least one of a wire grid polarizer claim 3 , a polarization selective beam steering assembly claim 3 , or a combination of a polarization switch and a polarizer.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one optical sensor includes a plurality of optical sensors spaced apart from one another claim 1 , and configured to receive the plurality of signal lights.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of optical sensors are disposed at different sides of the tracked object and configured to receive the signal lights propagating in different directions.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of optical sensors are disposed at the same side of the tracked object claim 5 , and are coupled with a plurality of reflectors configured to selectively reflect the signal ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220270646A1

A radiation image reading device includes: a light scanning unit; a light detection unit. Each of a transmittance when the excitation light reflected from the surface of the recording medium is transmitted through the optical filter and a transmittance when the signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium at an angle larger than a predetermined angle with respect to a direction perpendicular to the scan line within the detection surface is transmitted through the optical filter is smaller than a transmittance when the signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium at an angle smaller than the predetermined angle with respect to a direction perpendicular to the scan line within the detection surface is transmitted through the optical filter. 1. A radiation image reading device comprising:a light scanning unit configured to scan excitation light along a scan line with respect to a surface of a recording medium having a radiation image recorded thereon; anda light detection unit configured to detect signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium by the scanning of the excitation light within a detection surface including the scan line and intersecting the surface of the recording medium; andwherein the light detection unit is a multi-pixel photon counter including a plurality of photodetector elements arranged along a direction parallel to the scan line, andwherein electric signals output from the plurality of photodetector elements are added and are output from the light detection unit.2. The radiation image reading device according to claim 1 ,wherein, within the detection surface, a width of a detection region of the signal light is longer than a width of a scan region of the excitation light in the surface of the recording medium.3. The radiation image reading device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an optical element is disposed between the light detection unit and the surface of the recording medium, and ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150146511A1
Автор: FUJITA Kouji

In an optical information recording/reproducing device that radiates signal light and reference light to a recording medium, forms a hologram, and records information and emits the reference light to the hologram of the recording medium and reproduces information, a laser light source that generates the signal light and the reference light; a light angle control unit that controls an angle of the reference light incident on the recording medium; a light detecting unit that detects diffracted light when the reference light is radiated; a positioning unit that allocates an address to the recording medium and performs positioning of the recording medium for the address; a tilt measuring unit that measures a tilt of the recording medium; and a control unit that controls the incidence angle of the reference light, on the basis of a tilt measurement result in a recording mode, in a reproduction mode, are included. 1. An optical information recording/reproducing device that radiates signal light and reference light to a recording medium , forms a hologram , and records information and emits the reference light to the hologram of the recording medium and reproduces information , the optical information recording/reproducing device comprising:a laser light source that generates the signal light and the reference light;a light angle control unit that controls an angle of the reference light incident on the recording medium;a light detecting unit that detects diffracted light when the reference light is radiated to the recording medium;a positioning unit that allocates an address to the recording medium and performs positioning of the recording medium for the address;a tilt measuring unit that measures a tilt of the recording medium; anda control unit that controls the incidence angle of the reference light by the light angle control unit, on the basis of a tilt measurement result in a recording mode, which is stored in a storage unit and is measured by the tilt measuring unit ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132275A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Norikazu

A lighting apparatus includes: a light source generating a first color component light; a separation element partially transmitting the first color component light, partially reflecting the first color component light, and transmitting a second color component light different from the first color component light at a certain moment; an illuminant excited by the first color component light transmitted through the separation element to generate the second color component light; and an optical system combining the first color component light made incident on the separation element from the light source and reflected by the separation element with the second color component light made incident on the separation element from the illuminant and transmitted through the separation element. The separation element is configured to have variable transmittance and reflectance with respect to the first color component light. 1. A lighting apparatus comprising:a light source generating a first color component light;a separation element configured to partially transmit the first color component light, partially reflect the first color component light, and transmit a second color component light different from the first color component light at a certain moment;an illuminant excited by the first color component light transmitted through the separation element to generate the second color component light; andan optical system configured to combine the first color component light made incident on the separation element from the light source and reflected by the separation element with the second color component light made incident on the separation element from the illuminant and transmitted through the separation element, whereinthe separation element is configured to have variable transmittance and reflectance with respect to the first color component light.2. The lighting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first color component light generated by the light source is ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140233367A1

Provided is an optical pickup device and a method of aligning a twin-light source in an optical disc drive. The method operates two light emitting chips in the light source simultaneously to cause two laser beams to be transmitted through a grating element at the same time. Location errors and rotation errors of the two light emitting chips with respect to the grating element may be corrected while monitoring the laser beams transmitted through the grating element. 1. A method of aligning a twin-light source and a grating element in an optical pickup device , the method comprising:generating two laser beams from two light emitting chips of the twin-light source by supplying an electric current to the two light emitting chips;aligning the twin-light source with respect to the grating element while simultaneously monitoring a diffraction status of the two laser beams as they are transmitted through the grating element using an imaging device; andfixing the grating element and the light source to a base of the optical pickup device, in response to the aligning.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generating comprises forming claim 1 , by a collimating lens claim 1 , the two laser beams as parallel light claim 1 , and during the aligning the imaging device captures the two laser beams transmitted through the collimating lens.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the twin-light source comprises a twin light source for a compact disc (CD) and a digital versatile disc (DVD).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the twin-light source is driven by an electric current supplied from a laser diode driver (LDD).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aligning comprises adjusting location errors and rotation errors of the two light emitting chips with respect to an optical center axis of the grating element.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aligning comprises matching the optical center axis to one light emitting point of the two light emitting chips claim 1 , and aligning an ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180151194A1
Автор: Noguchi Toshiyuki

An image display device includes an image light generation unit configured to generate image light, a projection system optical unit configured to project the image light, a correction system optical unit configured to correct aberrations, a first diffraction element configured to deflect the image light incident on a first incident surface, and a second diffraction element configured to deflect the image light incident on a second incident surface. The projection system optical unit, the second diffraction element, the correction system optical unit, and the first diffraction element are arranged in this order in a direction of the image light emitted from the image light generation unit, and the image light deflected and dispersed into rays of respective wavelengths by the second diffraction element is focused by the first diffraction element. 1. An image display device comprising:an image light generation unit configured to generate and emit image light;a projection system optical unit configured to project the image light;a correction system optical unit configured to correct aberrations of the image light;a first diffraction element configured to deflect the image light incident on a first incident surface; anda second diffraction element configured to deflect the image light incident on a second incident surface, whereinthe projection system optical unit, the second diffraction element, the correction system optical unit, and the first diffraction element are arranged in this order in a direction of the image light emitted from the image light generation unit, andthe image light, which is incident on the second incident surface through the projection system optical unit and deflected and dispersed into rays of respective wavelengths by the second diffraction element, is incident on the first incident surface through the correction system optical unit and focused by being deflected by the first diffraction element.2. The image display device according to claim ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140241141A1

Provided are an optical pickup and an optical information storage system including the same. The optical pickup includes a photodetector that receives a main light beam and a plurality of sub-light beams reflected from an information storage medium and diffracted by a diffracting element. The photo detector detects a tracking error signal using zeroth-order light as the main light beam and using one of first-order light and third-order light as the sub-light beam based on a type of an optical information storage medium. 1. An optical pickup comprising:a light source unit that emits light comprising a plurality of different wavelengths for a plurality of types of information storage media which each have different recording density and format;a diffracting element that splits light that is incident from the light source unit into a main light beam and a plurality of sub-light beams including first order light and third-order light; anda photodetector that receives the main light beam and the sub-light beams reflected from the information storage medium, and detects a tracking error signal using zeroth-order light as the main light, and further using one of first-order light and third-order light as the sub-light based on a type of the information storage medium.2. The optical pickup of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of information storage media comprise a digital versatile disc (DVD) and a compact disc (CD) claim 1 ,the light source unit emits light of the first wavelength for the DVD and light of the second wavelength for the CD, andthe third-order light is used as the sub-light when the information storage medium is the DVD, and the first-order light is used as the sub-light when the information storage medium is the CD.3. The optical pickup of claim 1 , wherein the photodetector comprises:a first main light receiving unit and a first sub-light receiving unit that receive the main light and the sub-light, respectively, of the first wavelength; anda second main ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Optical pickup and optical information storage system including the same

Номер: US20140241142A1

Provided are an optical pickup and an optical information storage system including the same. The optical pickup includes a diffracting element that splits incident light into main light and a plurality of sub light. The diffracting element has at least three regions including first through third regions. A second region is disposed between a first region and a third region and has a phase difference from the first and third regions. The optical pickup detects a tracking error signal by using light diffracted by the diffracting element.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160171997A1

According to an embodiment, a recording/reproducing apparatus includes a diffraction grating and a light-receiving element. The diffraction grating divides return light from the guide layer in accordance with areas. The areas include a first area and a second area that does not overlap the first area. The light-receiving element includes (i) a first detecting cell group which receives a zero-order beam to which astigmatism is imparted, (ii) a second detecting cell group which receives at least one of a positive and negative first-order beam, which passes the first area and made astigmatic, and (iii) a third detecting cell group which receives at least one of a positive and negative first-order beam, which passes the second area and made astigmatic. 1. A recording/reproducing apparatus comprising:an objective lens which focuses guide light on a guide layer in an information recording medium and which focuses information recording light on an information recording layer in the information recording medium;an area-dividing diffraction grating which divides return light from the guide layer in accordance with a plurality of areas, including a first area and a second area that does not overlap the first area;an astigmatic optical system which imparts astigmatism to a zero-order beam, a positive first-order beam and a negative first-order beam, into which the return light is divided by the area-dividing diffraction grating;a light-receiving element including (i) a first light-detecting cell group which receives a zero-order beam to which astigmatism is imparted by the astigmatic optical system, (ii) a second light-detecting cell group which receives at least one of a positive first-order beam and a negative first-order beam, which passes the first area and made astigmatic by the astigmatic optical system, and (iii) a third light-detecting cell group which receives at least one of a positive first-order beam and a negative first-order beam, which passes the second area and ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Multiplexing method for increasing storage capacity in disc-type holographic storage medium

Номер: US20210201949A1
Принадлежит: Amethystum Storage Technology Co Ltd

The present invention relates to the technical field of holographic multiplexing storage, and in particular, to a multiplexing method for increasing storage capacity in a disc-type holographic storage medium. According to the method disclosed by the present invention, holograms with different grating vector directions can be overwritten and recorded in the same storage medium according to Bragg selection characteristics of volume holographic records, and the obtained holograms do not affect each other. According to the method disclosed by the present invention, on the premise of ensuring low crosstalk between data pages, the multiplexing number of shift multiplexing storage is increased by using a cross-shift multiplexing method, and the storage density is improved.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166681A1

Embodiments herein provide systems and methods for forming an optical component. A method may include providing a plurality of proximity masks between a plasma source and a workpiece, the workpiece including a plurality of substrates secured thereto. Each of the plurality of substrates may include first and second target areas. The method may further include delivering, from the plasma source, an angled ion beam towards the workpiece, wherein the angled ion beam is then received at one of the plurality of masks. A first proximity mask may include a first set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to just the first target area of each of the plurality of substrates. A second proximity mask may include a second set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough just to the second target area of each of the plurality of substrates. 1. A system for generating angled gratings , the system comprising:a plasma source delivering an angled ion beam to a workpiece;a plurality of substrates coupled to the workpiece, each of the plurality of substrates including a first angled grating and a second angled grating; anda plurality of proximity masks positionable between the plasma source and the workpiece, wherein a first proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a first set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to form the first angled grating of each of the plurality of substrates, and wherein a second proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a second set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to form the second angled grating of each of the plurality of substrates.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of substrates further includes a third angled grating claim 1 , and wherein a third proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a third set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to form the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Optical head, objective lens, optical disc device, computer, optical disc player and optical disc recorder

Номер: US20140269244A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An objective lens ( 101 ) is configured to converge laser light of a first wavelength λ1 (390 [nm]≦λ1≦430 [nm]), laser light of a second wavelength λ2 (630 [nm]≦λ2≦680 [nm]), and laser light of a third wavelength λ3 (750 [nm]≦λ3≦810 [nm]) on an information recording surface of a first information recording medium, an information recording surface of a second information recording medium, and an information recording surface of a third information recording medium, and is configured such that the distance from a convergent point of normal diffracted order light, to a virtual collecting point formed by virtual diffracted order light between the convergent point of normal diffracted order light and a collecting point of unwanted diffracted order light is twice or more of the pull-in range of a focus error signal to be obtained in recording or reproducing information with respect to the third information recording medium.

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160196849A1

Provided is a holographic data storage system characterized by including: a first polarizing beam splitter (PBS), wherein at least either of a first lens module and a second lens module transmits P-polarized light and reflects S-polarized light; a relay lens collecting light passing through the first PBS; a mirror reflecting the light collected through the relay lens back to the relay lens; and a quarter wave plate located between a second PBS beam splitter and the relay lens, converting transmitted linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light, and converting the circularly polarized light into linearly polarized light. By reducing the volume of the relay lens, it is possible to decrease the size of the holographic data storage system, and by decreasing the number of lenses, it is possible to lower manufacturing costs. 15.-. (canceled)6. A holographic data storage system comprising:a light source unit configured to supply light vibrating in a given direction;a reference lens configured to direct the light supplied from the light source unit to a holographic storage medium;a spatial light modulator (SLM) configured to combine digital information with the light supplied from the light source unit so as to modulate the light into a signal beam having a phase shift of λ/2 in relation to the light supplied from the light source unit;a second polarizing beam splitter (PBS) located in front of the spatial light modulator and configured to pass P-polarized light and reflect S-polarized light;a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor oriented perpendicular to the spatial light modulator and configured to convert input light into an electrical signal;an objective lens configured to record the digital information on the holographic storage medium by directing the modulated signal beam to the holographic storage medium at a prescribed angle in relation to the reference lens;a first lens module configured to transmit light input from the light ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200185002A1

A radiation image reading device includes: a light scanning unit; a light detection unit. Each of a transmittance when the excitation light reflected from the surface of the recording medium is transmitted through the optical filter and a transmittance when the signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium at an angle larger than a predetermined angle with respect to a direction perpendicular to the scan line within the detection surface is transmitted through the optical filter is smaller than a transmittance when the signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium at an angle smaller than the predetermined angle with respect to a direction perpendicular to the scan line within the detection surface is transmitted through the optical filter. 1. A radiation image reading device comprising:a light scanning unit which scans excitation light to a surface of a recording medium having a radiation image recorded thereon along a scan line;a light detection unit which detects signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium by the scanning of the excitation light within a detection surface intersecting the surface of the recording medium and including the scan line; andan optical filter which is disposed between the light detection unit and the surface of the recording medium,wherein each of a transmittance when the excitation light reflected from the surface of the recording medium is transmitted through the optical filter and a transmittance when the signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium at an angle larger than a predetermined angle with respect to a direction perpendicular to the scan line within the detection surface is transmitted through the optical filter is smaller than a transmittance when the signal light emitted from the surface of the recording medium at an angle smaller than the predetermined angle with respect to a direction perpendicular to the scan line within the detection surface is ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210225399A1

The present invention relates to a holographic storage device and method for simultaneously recording and reading on two sides, and pertains to the technical field of optical holographic storage. The device and method disclosed in the present invention use a characteristic that orthogonal light would not interfere with each other and a Bragg selectivity characteristic for holographic storage, and use two optical heads to constitute two interference fields orthogonal in polarization directions on two sides of a same position of a holographic storage medium, so as to perform two-path simultaneous recording and reading on a hologram. The device and method provided in the present invention implement two-path parallel recording and reading of holographic storage, and combine shift multiplexing and circumferential rotation multiplexing, thereby improving the speed of an information data recording and reading process while increasing a capacity of the holographic storage. 1. A holographic storage device for simultaneously recording and reading on two sides , wherein two optical heads are disposed on both sides of a medium; the two optical heads are capable of performing information recording and reading simultaneously or separately.2. The holographic storage device for simultaneously recording and reading on two sides according to claim 1 , wherein signal beam and reference beam led out from a same optical head are off-axis.3. The holographic storage device for simultaneously recording and reading on two sides according to claim 1 , wherein signal beam or reference beam is mutually coaxial in the two optical heads during hologram recording.4. The holographic storage device for simultaneously recording and reading on two sides according to claim 1 , wherein during hologram recording claim 1 , polarization directions of beams between the two optical heads are mutually orthogonal claim 1 , and polarization directions of the signal beam and the reference beam in the same ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140293766A1
Автор: Minami Kazuhiro

An optical element having compatibility among two or more wavelengths and having an excellent converging performance for light with each wavelength, and an optical head apparatus using the optical element are provided. An optical element according to the present disclosure has a first region including an optical axis and a second region formed around the outer circumference of the first region. The first region and the second region respectively have a first diffraction structure and a second diffraction structure each cyclically formed on an aspheric surface and having a step-like cross section. In the first region, the number of steps included between top portions of the first diffraction structure is different from the number of steps included between the optical axis and a top portion that is closest to the optical axis in the first diffraction structure. 1. An optical element having at least one surface divided into a plurality of regions , the optical element comprising:a first region including an optical axis and configured to converge light with a wavelength λ1 onto a storage surface of a first optical disc and converge light with a wavelength λ2 onto a storage surface of a second optical disc; anda second region formed around the outer circumference of the first region and configured to converge light with the wavelength λ1 onto the storage surface of the first optical disc and converge light with the wavelength λ2 onto the storage surface of the second optical disc, whereinthe first region has a first diffraction structure cyclically formed on an aspheric surface and having a step-like cross section,the second region has a second diffraction structure cyclically formed on an aspheric surface and having a step-like cross section, andin the first region, the number of steps included between top portions of the first diffraction structure is different from the number of steps included between the optical axis and a top portion that is closest to the optical ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195662A1
Автор: NAOR Michael

An improved optical encoder uses an optical pick-up unit that provides for degrees of freedom in the tracking and focus axes that are unavailable in conventional optical encoders thereby improving the encoders' performance. In an embodiment the encoder employs an optical disc marked with pits and lands which may be arranged in a spiral pattern. The optical disc is mounted on the shaft whose motion is to be monitored by the optical encoder. The encoder may be arranged to read the markings on the optical disc using the three-beam pickup method. 1. An optical encoder , comprising:a light focusing element;a light detector that receives light from a substrate containing markings via the light focusing element and converts the received light into at least one electrical signal;a servomechanism that adjusts a position of the light focusing element based on the at least one electrical signal; anda processor receiving the at least one electrical signal and adapted to report motion of the substrate based on the received at least one electrical signal.2. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the light focusing element is moveable by the servomechanism laterally with respect to the substrate.3. The optical encoder of claim 2 , further wherein the light focusing element is movable by the servomechanism toward or away from substrate.4. The optical encoder of claim 1 , further wherein the light focusing element is movable by the servomechanism toward or away from substrate.5. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the received light has an origin in a light source that is a laser.6. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is shaped as a disc.7. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the markings are lands and pits that are arranged in at least one of a spiral pattern or a linear pattern.8. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the actuator adjusts the focus of the light received at the light detector by controlling the position of the light focusing ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160225399A1

A light interference module includes an object lens, a first light-guiding element, and a second light-guiding element. The object lens is configured to project a signal light beam to an optical storage media. The first light-guiding element is configured to project a first reference light beam to the optical storage media, in which the first reference light beam and the signal light beam produce a first interference pattern on the optical storage media. The second light-guiding element is configured to project a second reference light beam to the optical storage media, in which the second reference light beam and the signal light beam produce a second interference pattern on the optical storage media, and the first interference pattern is different from the second interference pattern. 1. A light interference module , comprising:an object lens configured to project a signal light beam to an optical storage media;a first light-guiding element configured to project a first reference light beam to the optical storage media, wherein the first reference light beam and the signal light beam produce a first interference pattern on the optical storage media; anda second light-guiding element configured to project a second reference light beam to the optical storage media, wherein the second reference light beam and the signal light beam produce a second interference pattern on the optical storage media, and the first interference pattern is different from the second interference pattern.2. The light interference module of claim 1 , wherein the first light-guiding element and the second light-guiding element are disposed to surround the object lens.3. The light interference module of claim 1 , further comprising:a first lens disposed at a light outlet of the first light-guiding element, wherein the first light-guiding element projects the first reference light beam to the optical storage media via the first lens; anda second lens disposed at a light outlet of the second ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190212480A1

Embodiments herein provide systems and methods for forming an optical component. A method may include providing a plurality of proximity masks between a plasma source and a workpiece, the workpiece including a plurality of substrates secured thereto. Each of the plurality of substrates may include first and second target areas. The method may further include delivering, from the plasma source, an angled ion beam towards the workpiece, wherein the angled ion beam is then received at one of the plurality of masks. A first proximity mask may include a first set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to just the first target area of each of the plurality of substrates. A second proximity mask may include a second set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough just to the second target area of each of the plurality of substrates. 1. A system for generating angled gratings , the system comprising:a plasma source delivering an angled ion beam to a workpiece;a plurality of substrates coupled to the workpiece, each of the plurality of substrates including a first angled grating and a second angled grating; anda plurality of proximity masks positionable between the plasma source and the workpiece, wherein a first proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a first set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to form the first angled gratings of each of the plurality of substrates, and wherein a second proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a second set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to form the second angled gratings of each of the plurality of substrates.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of substrates further includes a third angled grating claim 1 , and wherein a third proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a third set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to form the ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Optical head device and optical disc device

Номер: US20140313874A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An optical component, a hologram, and a photodetector are configured in an optical head device of an optical disc device such that a +1-order beam or a −1-order beam of diffracted light generated from light reflected from an information track in the intended information recording layer strikes the interior of the light-receiving surfaces of the tracking error detection light-receiving sections, a +1-order beam or a −1-order beam of diffracted light generated from light reflected from an information track in an information recording layer one layer deeper than the intended information recording layer strikes outside the light-receiving sections, and a +1-order beam or a −1-order beam of diffracted light that is generated from light reflected from an information track in an information recording layer one layer shallower than the intended information recording layer strikes outside the light-receiving sections.

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140321251A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An optical head device () provided with: an optical element () for transmissively diffracting a light beam emitted from a semiconductor laser (), generating a zero-order diffracted light beam and ±1-order diffracted light beams; and a photodetector () for receiving the zero-order diffracted light beam and the +1-order diffracted light beam after reflection from an optical disc (). The photodetector () includes a primary light receiving section () for receiving the zero-order diffracted light beam, and a first secondary light receiving section () disposed outward from the primary light receiving section (). The first secondary light receiving section () is positioned to detect an outer portion of the received light spot of the +1-order diffracted light beam, performs photoelectric conversion of this portion, and outputs a secondary detected signal. 114-. (canceled)15. An optical disc device comprising:an optical head device;a disc drive unit for spinning an optical disc;a signal processing unit for generating a tracking servo control signal on a basis of a signal detected by the optical head device; anda servo control unit for performing control to shift an objective lens in a radial direction of the optical disc in response to the tracking servo control signal; whereinthe optical head device includesa semiconductor laser,an optical element for transmissively diffracting a light beam output from the semiconductor laser to generate a zero-order diffracted light beam, a +1-order diffracted light beam, and a −1-order diffracted light beam,an objective lens for focusing the +1-order diffracted light beam and the zero-order diffracted light beam to form a focused spot on an information recording layer in the optical disc, anda photodetector for receiving the +1-order diffracted light beam and the zero-order diffracted light beam after reflection from the optical disc;the photodetector includesa primary light receiving section having a first primary light receiving surface ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200233125A1

Embodiments herein provide systems and methods for forming an optical component. A method may include providing a plurality of proximity masks between a plasma source and a workpiece, the workpiece including a plurality of substrates secured thereto. Each of the plurality of substrates may include first and second target areas. The method may further include delivering, from the plasma source, an angled ion beam towards the workpiece, wherein the angled ion beam is then received at one of the plurality of masks. A first proximity mask may include a first set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to just the first target area of each of the plurality of substrates. A second proximity mask may include a second set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough just to the second target area of each of the plurality of substrates. 1. A method , comprising:providing a plasma source and a plurality of substrates, each of the plurality of substrates including a first target area and a second target area; andpositioning a plurality of proximity masks between the plasma source and the plurality of substrates, wherein a first proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a first set of openings permitting an angled ion beam to pass therethrough to the first target area of each of the plurality of substrates, and wherein a second proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a second set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass therethrough to the second target area of each of the plurality of substrates.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:delivering, from the plasma source, the angled ion beam towards the plurality of substrates; andreceiving the angled ion beam at the first proximity mask or the second proximity mask.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a third proximity mask of the plurality of proximity masks includes a third set of openings permitting the angled ion beam to pass ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Optical information device, cross-talk reduction method, computer, player, and recorder

Номер: US20140341007A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A ratio Xm of an information item recorded on an adjacent track relative to an information item recorded on a main track included in a first signal obtained from a first light flux having passed through a center region ( 6 c ) is different from ratios Xs1 and Xs2 of the information items recorded on the adjacent track relative to the information items recorded on the main track included in second and third signals obtained from second and third light fluxes having passed through first and second end regions ( 6 r , 6 l ), and a ratio of respective gains of a first waveform equalizer ( 80 c ), a second waveform equalizer ( 80 r ), and a third waveform equalizer ( 80 l ) is determined so as to cancel the information item recorded on the adjacent track in each of frequency components of the first signal, the second signal, and the third signal.

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170256280A1
Автор: NAKATA Kohei

In an optical disc apparatus for reproducing information recorded on a track of an optical disc, an optical head irradiates a light beam onto the track, detects a reflected light reflected by the track, and generates a reproduction signal based on the reflected light. A decoder circuit decodes the reproduction signal, and generates a decoded signal including information recorded on the track. A correlation detector circuit calculates a cross-correlation value between the reproduction signal and the decoded signal. A servo circuit detects a deviation amount of an irradiation position of the light beam onto the track, from the reproduction signal, and controls the irradiation position of the optical head based on the cross-correlation value and the deviation amount. 1. An optical disc apparatus for reproducing information recorded on a track of an optical disc , the optical disc apparatus comprising:an optical head that irradiates a light beam onto the track, detects a reflected light reflected by the track, and generates a reproduction signal based on the reflected light;a decoder circuit that decodes the reproduction signal, and generates a decoded signal including information recorded on the track;a correlation detector circuit that calculates a cross-correlation value between the reproduction signal and the decoded signal; anda servo circuit that detects a deviation amount of an irradiation position of the light beam onto the track, from the reproduction signal, and controls the irradiation position of the optical head based on the cross-correlation value and the deviation amount.2. The optical disc apparatus as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the optical head comprises:a dividing element that receives the reflected light, and generates a plurality of diffracted lights in a plurality of diffraction regions from the received reflected light, anda photodetector that receives the plurality of diffracted lights of the dividing element, and detects a plurality of ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170263281A1

A holographic characterization and playback apparatus is provided, which includes a light source, an optical path-forming optical system for separating the light emitted from the light source into a probe light and a reference light of different polarizations, and combining optical paths of the probe light and the reference light. 1. A holographic characterization and playback apparatus , comprising:a light source for emitting light;an optical path-forming optical system for, in the characterization mode, separating the light emitted from the light source into a probe light and a reference light of different polarizations from each other and advancing the same, and then combining optical paths of the probe light and the reference light;an objective lens disposed on the optical path of the probe light to focus the probe light, and movable along an optical path direction of the probe light so as to vary a focal position of the probe light along a depth direction of a holographic data storage medium; anda scattering lens disposed on the optical path of the probe light between the objective lens and the holographic data storage medium to scatter the probe light focused by the objective lens.2. The holographic characterization and playback apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a beam blocking part disposed on the optical path of the probe light between the light source and the objective lens to block the probe light in a playback mode;an optical modulator for, in the playback mode, receiving the reference light transferred through the optical path-forming optical system, modulating the reference light to emit a playback light, and emitting the playback light along the optical path of the probe light in a direction opposite an irradiation direction of the probe light;a photodetector disposed at a position adjacent to the optical path of the probe light to detect the playback light; anda beam splitter disposed on the optical path of the probe light in front of the ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Optical Identifier and System for Reading Same

Номер: US20190265399A1
Принадлежит: Neur Sciences LLC

A system includes a plurality of optical identifiers and a reader for the optical identifiers. Each optical identifier has an optical substrate and a volume hologram (e.g., with unique data, such as a code page) in the optical substrate. The reader for the optical identifiers includes an illumination source (e.g., a laser), and a camera. The illumination source is configured to direct light into a selected one of the optical identifiers that has been placed into the reader to produce an image of the associated volume holograms at the camera. The camera is configured to capture the image. The captured image may be stored in a digital format by the system.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160284375A1

A recording device of the present disclosure includes a light source, an objective lens, a beam splitter, an optical element, a detector and an operation circuit. The optical element divides a light beam into a first main region, a second main region, a first main end region, a second main end region, a first sub-region, and a second sub-region. The operation circuit generates a main signal in which a first main end region signal is multiplied by a coefficient a and added to the first main region signal, and a second main signal in which a second main end region signal is multiplied by the coefficient α and added to the second main region signal. 1. A recording apparatus comprising:a light source configured to emit a light beam;an objective lens configured to focus the light beam on a recording medium having a groove-shaped track capable of recording information;a beam splitter configured to split the light beam reflected and diffracted by the recording medium from a light path of the light source;an optical element configured to divide the light beam split by the beam splitter into desired regions;a detector configured to receive a light of each region of the desired regions divided by the optical element; anda first operation circuit configured to calculate a signal received from the detector and output the signal,wherein the optical element divides the light beam split by the beam splitter, intoa first main region mainly including a region in which a zero-order light and a plus first-order diffracted light of the track overlap with each other,a second main region mainly including a region in which the zero-order light and a minus first-order diffracted light of the track overlap with each other,a first main end region mainly including both ends in a track tangential direction of the region in which the zero-order light and the plus first-order diffracted light of the track overlap with each other,a second main end region mainly including both ends in the track ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Optical information recording device, optical information recording and reproducing device, optical information recording method, optical information recording and reproducing method, and optical element

Номер: US20150294681A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co Ltd

The optical information recording and reproducing method realizes an increased number of multiplexing in recording and favorably stabilized signal recording in a manner of uniforming media consumption in angle-multiplexed recording by changing a phase of signal light on a pixel basis in a manner in which the speed of a phase change on a pixel basis is constant or is greater than or equal to a certain speed in a page and between pages when the driving speed of a phase mask changes at the time of recording. The optical information recording and reproducing method, while moving an optical element that adds phase information to a light flux which includes two-dimensional page data information in a direction that is perpendicular to an optical axis of the light flux, records the page data on the recording medium by adding the phase information to the light flux.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Optical Information Reproduction Device and Optical Information Reproduction Method

Номер: US20160307591A1

Provided are an optical information reproduction device and a method therefor with which the influence of reference light reflected from the surface of a disk can be reduced, thereby enabling data to be reproduced in a stable manner in an optical information reproduction device that uses holography. The information reproduction device, which reproduces from a recording medium information that has been recorded on the recording medium by the formation of a hologram, is equipped with: a light output unit that emits laser light; an optical system that generates reference light from the laser light emitted from the light output unit; an objective lens that reproduction signal light reproduced by the reference light with which the recording medium has been irradiated enters; a light detector that receives the reproduction signal light propagated by the objective lens; a medium-reflected light reduction unit that reduces the amount of medium-reflected light (generated when the recording medium reflects the reference light) with which the light detector is irradiated; and a control unit that controls the operation of the information reproduction device. 1. An information reproduction device for reproducing from a recording medium information recorded on the recording medium by formation of a hologram , the device comprising:a light output unit configured to emit laser light;an optical system configured to generate reference light from the laser light emitted from the light output unit;an objective lens configured to receive reproduction signal light incident thereon, the reproduction signal light being reproduced by irradiation of the recording medium with the reference light;a light detector configured to receive the reproduction signal light propagated through the objective lens;a medium-reflected light reduction unit configured to reduce irradiation of the light detector with medium-reflected light generated by reflection of the reference light on the recording medium; ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150318010A1

An optical pickup includes a light source ; a diffraction element for generating a write main beam and a read sub-beam via diffraction; an objective lens ; a wavelength plate ; a polarization hologram element having a plurality of diffraction regions with different diffraction characteristics, designed so that each diffraction region separates a light beam reflected from the optical storage medium and transmitted through the wavelength plate into a 0order light beam and ±1order light beams; an actuator ; and a photodetector configured to detect a light beam reflected from the optical storage medium and diffracted by the polarization hologram element . The photodetector generates an RF signal from a detection result concerning a 0order light beam derived from the main beam, generates a focus error signal and a tracking error signal from a detection result concerning one of ±1order light beams derived from the main beam, and generates a signal indicating that data has been recorded normally from a detection result concerning a 0order light beam derived from the sub-beam. 1. An optical pickup for , while recording data onto a track of an optical storage medium , reading data that has been recorded on the track , comprising:a light source for emitting a light beam;a diffraction element for separating the light beam emitted from the light source into a plurality of light beams including a write main beam and a read sub-beam;an objective lens configured to converge the main beam and the sub-beam onto a same track on the optical storage medium;a wavelength plate disposed on an optical path from the diffraction element to the optical storage medium, the wavelength plate being designed so that a polarization direction of light which is incident from the diffraction element onto the wavelength plate is orthogonal to a polarization direction of light reflected from the optical storage medium and transmitted through the wavelength plate;{'sup': th', 'st, 'a polarization ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150318012A1
Автор: HOSAKA Makoto

An optical information reproduction apparatus using holography can appropriately correct an angle and a wavelength of a reference beam in a direction perpendicular to multiplexing while data is reproduced. In the optical information reproduction apparatus which reproduces information from an optical information recording medium by using holography, an angular error signal in the direction perpendicular to multiplexing of the reference beam is generated by using a signal detected by a light detecting unit. A perpendicular angle adjustment element adjusts an angle of the reference beam in the direction perpendicular to multiplexing, based on the angular error signal. A wavelength error signal is generated from a signal detected by the light detecting unit, and a wavelength is adjusted based on the wavelength error signal. 1. An optical information reproduction apparatus which reproduces information from an optical information recording medium by using holography , the apparatus comprising:a laser beam source which generates a reference beam;a multiplexing angle adjustment element which adjusts an angle of the reference beam in a multiplexing direction;a perpendicular angle adjustment element which adjusts an angle of the reference beam in a direction perpendicular to multiplexing;an imaging device which detects diffraction light which is to be reproduced from the optical information recording medium;an optical axis division element which divides the reference beam into at least two reference beams having different angles in the multiplexing direction; anda light detecting unit which has at least two light receiving surfaces or more detecting diffraction light which is reproduced by irradiating the optical information recording medium with the divided reference beams in a state where an angle of the divided reference beams in the multiplexing direction is shifted from an optimal angle.2. The optical information reproduction apparatus according to claim 1 , further ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160322077A1

A light information recording/reproducing apparatus can improve the optical efficiency of an optical system at the time of reproduction to thereby improve the reproduction transfer rate. An optical element (for example, an optical isolator), which removes a return light beam of a light beam, is arranged such that the light beam passes through the optical element at the time of recording information in an optical information recording medium and such that the light beam does not pass through the optical element at the time of reproducing information from the optical information recording medium. 1. A light information recording/reproducing apparatus configured , by using holography , to record and reproduce information into and from an optical information recording medium , comprising:a light source that emits a light beam;a light splitting element that splits the light beam into a first optical path through which the light beam passes at the time of recording information, and a second optical path through which the light beam passes at the time of reproducing information;a first optical system that is arranged on the first optical path and includes an optical isolator which prevents a part of the light beam emitted from the light source from returning to the light source; anda second optical system that is arranged on the second optical path,wherein the optical system through which the light beam passes is switched by the light splitting element to the first optical system or the second optical system at the time of recording or reproduction.2. The light information recording/reproducing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the first optical system includes a pinhole which removes high frequency components of the light beam.3. The light information recording/reproducing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the first optical system is provided with a first pinhole that removes high frequency components of the light beam;the second optical system is provided ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180315448A1

A cross section of a luminous flux of returning light from a disc is split into a plurality of regions, and an operation is performed so that a weighting of a light amount of a region which has favorable symmetry in a radial direction and is formed on a circumference of an ellipse among the split regions is increased. Further, a lens shift detection signal is formed, and a lens shift detection signal is canceled from a push-pull signal. 1. An optical disc device that records and/or reproduces information on an optical medium in which a guide groove is formed on a signal recording layer , the optical medium being capable of recording information in both a land portion and a groove portion formed by the guide groove , the optical disc device comprising:a light source;an objective lens configured to condense a light beam radiated from the light source onto the signal recording layer formed on the optical medium;an objective lens moving unit configured to move the objective lens in a tracking direction;an optical splitting element configured to split a luminous flux of a light beam reflected by the optical medium into a plurality of regions;a light detecting unit configured to receive each of light beams corresponding to the plurality of regions split by the optical splitting element and generate a light reception signal;a control signal generating unit configured to generate a tracking error signal indicating a deviation amount between a condensing spot on the signal recording layer and the guide groove in the tracking direction on the basis of a signal from the light detecting unit; anda servo control unit configured to move the objective lens in the tracking direction via the objective lens moving unit on the basis of the tracking error signal generated by the control signal generating unit and cause the objective lens to move and track on a desired land portion or groove portion,wherein a weighting of a second region among the plurality of regions is larger than a ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Optical Information Device and Optical Information Processing Method

Номер: US20160336033A1
Автор: TANAKA Yukinobu

An optical information device and an optical information processing method which can perform high-speed and accurate positioning are provided. An optical information device which reproduces information from and/or records information on an optical information recording medium on which interference patterns between signal light and reference light are recorded as a hologram includes: an optical system which emits an optical beam; an aperture unit which passes at least a portion of reproduced light acquired when the optical beam from the optical system is radiated onto the optical information recording medium; a first detection unit which detects at least a portion of the reproduced light; a second detection unit which detects the position of the aperture unit; and a control unit which, based on a first signal acquired from the first detection unit and a second signal acquired from the second detection unit, controls the position of the aperture unit. 1. An optical information device for reproducing information from and/or recording information on an optical information recording medium on which an interference pattern of signal light and reference light is recorded as a hologram , comprising:an optical system that emits a light beam;an aperture portion that causes at least a part of reproduced light obtained when the light beam from the optical system is radiated onto the optical information recording medium to pass therethrough;a first detection unit that detects at least a part of the reproduced light;a second detection unit that detects a position of the aperture portion; anda control unit that controls the position of the aperture portion based on a first signal obtained from the first detection unit and a second signal obtained from the second detection unitwherein the control unit switches a control state of the aperture portion by switching the first signal and the second signal.2. (canceled)3. The optical information device according to claim 1 ,wherein the ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160343397A1

A holographic light-emitting module includes a light source module and a light shape control module. The light source module is configured to provide a signal light beam and a reference light beam, in which polarizations of the signal light beam and the reference light beam are orthogonal. The light shape control module is configured to receive the signal light beam and the reference light beam propagated from the light source module, in which the signal light beam and the reference light beam are modulated and emitted by the light shape control module The reference light beam is surrounded by the signal light beam and located at a center of the signal light beam, and the signal light beam and the reference light beam are partially overlapped. 1. A holographic light-emitting module , comprising:a light source module configured to provide a signal light beam and a reference light beam, wherein a polarization of the signal light beam is orthogonal to a polarization of the reference light beam; anda light shape control module configured to receive the signal light beam and the reference light beam propagated from the light source module, wherein the signal light beam and the reference light beam are modulated and emitted by the light shape control module, the reference light beam is surrounded by the signal light beam and located at a center of the signal light beam, and the signal light beam and the reference light beam are partially overlapped.2. The holographic light-emitting module of claim 1 , wherein the light shape control module comprises:a light-splitting module configured to receive the signal light beam and the reference light beam propagated from the light source module, and to guide and emit the signal light beam and the reference light beam;a first light-guiding module configured to receive the signal light beam propagated from the light-splitting module and to guide the signal light beam back to the light-splitting module:a second light-guiding module ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150364151A1

In recording and reproducing devices that use angular-multiplexing holography, accessing a recorded hologram of interest had taken time because after positioning at the vicinity of the hologram, it had been necessary to carry out fine adjustment of the position while checking the signal quality of the hologram. The optical information recording and reproducing device according to the present invention uses angular-multiplexing to record interference patterns formed from a signal beam and a reference beam onto an optical information recording medium as page data and reproduces information from the optical information recording medium, said optical information recording and reproducing unit being provided with: a light-source unit that outputs light; an optical splitting unit that splits the light into a reference beam and a signal beam; an angle controlling unit that controls the angle for the direction of angle multiplexing at which the reference beam enters the optical information recording medium; an optical detecting unit that detects a reproduced image that is reproduced by using the reference light; and a position control unit that controls the position relationship between the reference beam and the optical information recording medium. The device treats a set of page data as a book, and during recording, at least a portion of the page data in adjacent books is recorded while the entrance angle for the direction of angular-multiplexing for the reference light is shifted by means of the angle controlling unit. During reproduction, at least a portion of the light amount of a reproduced image is detected by using the optical detecting unit, and the position of the book is detected on the basis of information about the detected light amount. 1. An optical information recording and reproducing device for recording an interference pattern of signal light and reference light as page data on an optical information recording medium through angular-multiplexing and ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190341072A1

An optical information processing device writes and reads information on an information recording medium having recording layers. The optical information processing device includes: first and second light sources; a light condensing element that condenses light from the first and second light sources on the medium; a first photodetector that receives light reflected by the medium after being emitted from the first light source and generates a first focusing error signal; a second photodetector that receives light reflected by the medium after being emitted from the second light source and generates a second focusing error signal; and a focusing control circuit that controls the light condensing element by using the first focusing error signal in such a manner that the light from the second light source is condensed on each of the recording layers. The second focusing error signal is used to add a correction to the focusing control circuit. 1. An optical information processing device that writes and reads information on an information recording medium having: a guide layer having a guide track; and a plurality of recording layers , the optical information processing device comprising:a first light source;a second light source;a light condensing element that condenses light from the first light source and light from the second light source on the information recording medium;a first photodetector that receives light reflected by the information recording medium after being emitted from the first light source and generates a first focusing error signal;a second photodetector that receives light reflected by the information recording medium after being emitted from the second light source and generates a second focusing error signal; anda focusing control circuit that controls the light condensing element by using the first focusing error signal in such a manner that the light from the second light source is condensed on each of the plurality of recording layers in the ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Optical disc information device and information processing device

Номер: US20150380041A1

An optical disc information device is an optical disc information device for reproducing and/or recording information with respect to an optical disc including a track in the form of a groove, and capable of recording information in a land portion and in a groove portion of the groove. The optical disc information device includes a laser light source, an objective lens, a transmittance limiting element, a dividing element, a light detector, a central amplifier, at least two end amplifiers, a gain controller, an adder, a reproduction signal processor, and a control signal processor. The transmittance limiting element includes a first central region, and at least two first end regions which interpose the first central region therebetween, and attenuates light passing through at least the first end regions out of a light flux emitted from the laser light source more strongly than light passing through the first central region.

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190353830A1

A plasmonic system is disclosed. The system includes at least one polarizer that is configured to provide at least one linearly polarized broadband light beam, an anisotropic plasmonic metasurface (APM) assembly having a plurality of nanoantennae each having a predetermined orientation with respect to a global axis representing encoded digital data, the APM assembly configured to receive the at least one linearly polarized broadband light beam and by applying localized surface plasmon resonance reflect light with selectable wavelengths associated with the predetermined orientations of the nano antennae, and at least one analyzer that is configured to receive the reflected light with selectable wavelength, wherein the relative angles between each of the at least one analyzers and each of the at least one polarizers are selectable with respect to the global axis, thereby allowing decoding of the digital data. 1. A plasmonic system , comprising:at least one polarizer, configured to provide at least one linearly polarized broadband light beam;an anisotropic plasmonic metasurface (APM) assembly having a plurality of nanoantennae (unit cells) each having a predetermined orientation with respect to a global axis representing encoded digital data, the APM assembly configured to receive the at least one linearly polarized broadband light beam and by applying localized surface plasmon resonance, reflect the light with selectable wavelengths associated with the predetermined orientations of the nanoantennae;at least one analyzer, configured to receive the reflected light with selectable wavelength, wherein the relative angles between each of the at least one analyzers and each of the at least one polarizers with respect to the global axis are selectable with respect to the orientation of the nanoantennae, thereby allowing decoding of encoded digital data.2. The plasmonic system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of nanoantennae is a rectangle made of one of Al claim 1 ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200363240A1
Автор: NAOR Michael

An optical encoder is provided. The encoder includes an optical disc mounted on a shaft, the optical disc containing pit and land markings; an optical pickup unit for an optical disc that receives light from the optical disc and supplies as an output an electrical signal representative of the received light, comprising: a reading head objective lens, and dynamic steering actuators that control the focus and tracking of the reading head objective lens; a processor that receives as an input the electrical signal from the optical pickup unit and reports motion of the substrate based on the received at least one electrical signal. 1. An optical encoder , comprising:an optical disc mounted on a shaft, the optical disc containing pit and land markings; a reading head objective lens, and', 'dynamic steering actuators that control the focus and tracking of the reading head objective lens;, 'an optical pickup unit for an optical disc that receives light from the optical disc and supplies as an output an electrical signal representative of the received light, comprisinga processor that receives as an input the electrical signal from the optical pickup unit and reports motion of the substrate based on the received at least one electrical signal.2. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the motion is reported as an angular change.3. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the optical pickup unit is adapted for use with a three beams detection method.4. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the pit and land markings are arranged in a spiral data pattern track.5. The optical encoder of claim 1 , wherein the optical pickup unit is adapted for use with a three beams detection method and wherein the pit and land markings are arranged in spiral tracks between which are spiral half-tracks lands.6. The optical encoder of claim 1 , further including a light source that produces three beams. This application is a Divisional Application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/290,394 ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации

Optical pickup apparatus and focal-point adjusting method

Номер: US20090225645A1
Автор: Kenji Nagatomi
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An optical pickup apparatus is provided with: an astigmatic element for introducing astigmatism to a reflected light from a recording medium; and an optical element for varying advancing directions of luminous fluxes within four different luminous flux regions with one another, out of the reflected light, so as to scatter the luminous fluxes within the four luminous flux regions with one another. When an intersecting point of two mutually crossing straight lines respectively parallel to a first direction by the astigmatic element and a second direction vertical to the first convergence direction is aligned to an optical axis of the reflected light, the two luminous flux regions are placed in a direction where a set of vertical angles created by the two straight lines forms a line, and the remaining two luminous flux regions are placed in a direction where the other set of vertical angles forms a line.

28-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE4029040A1
Автор: Teruo Fujita
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

27-04-2006 дата публикации

Liquid crystal diffractive lens element and optical head device

Номер: WO2006043516A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

A liquid crystal diffractive lens element and an optical head device capable of switching between the focal lengths of both go and return lights with one element. The lens element comprises transparent substrates (1a, 1b), a liquid crystal (4) held between the transparent substrates (1a, 1b), transparent electrodes (2a, 2b), double-refraction Fresnel lens members (3a, 3b) having a Fresnel lens shape and consisting of a double refraction material, and a seal (5), wherein the abnormal light refractive index direction A of the double-refraction Fresnel lens member (3a) and the abnormal light refractive index direction B of the double-refraction Fresnel lens member (3b) mutually cross orthogonally, and the orientation direction of the liquid crystal (4) at the interface between the liquid crystal (4) and the transparent substrate (1a) and the orientation direction of the liquid crystal (4) at the interface between the liquid crystal (4) and the transparent substrate (1b) cross orthogonally.

19-09-2002 дата публикации

Diffraction type optical pickup lens and optical pickup apparatus using the same

Номер: US20020131175A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Photo Optical Co Ltd

In a diffraction type optical pickup lens, at least one surface of a convergent lens is formed with such an aspheric surface that a luminous flux having a wavelength λ 1 is converged at a first predetermined position. At least one surface of the convergent lens is formed with a zone plate having such a wavelength selectivity that a luminous flux having a wavelength λ 2 is converged at a second predetermined position whereas the luminous flux having a wavelength λ 1 is transmitted therethrough as it is. The convergent lens is transparent to the luminous fluxes having the wavelengths λ 1 and λ 2 .

09-08-2007 дата публикации

Liquid crystal diffraction lens element and optical head device

Номер: US20070182915A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A liquid crystal diffraction lens element and an optical head device, which can switch focal lengths of both of outgoing light and returning light by a single element, are provided. The liquid crystal lens element comprises transparent substrates 1 a , 1 b , a liquid crystal 4 sandwiched between the transparent substrates 1 a , 1 b , transparent electrodes 2 a , 2 b , birefringent Fresnel lens members 3 a , 3 b each having a Fresnel lens shape and made of a birefringent material, and a seal 5 , wherein the extraordinary refractive index direction A of the birefringent Fresnel lens member 3 a and the extraordinary refractive index direction B of the birefringent Fresnel lens member 3 b are perpendicular to each other, and the alignment direction of the liquid crystal 4 at the interface between the liquid crystal 4 and the transparent substrate 1 a is perpendicular to the alignment direction of the liquid crystal 4 at the interface between the liquid crystal 4 and the transparent substrate 1 b.

20-05-2008 дата публикации

Nano-scale resolution holographic lens and pickup device

Номер: US7376068B1
Автор: Jehad Khoury
Принадлежит: Jehad Khoury

An extremely high resolution holographic lens is provided, comprising an interference pattern between light emitted from at least one tiny point source of light such as the tip of an optical fiber, having a diameter in the nanoscale region, and at least one plane or quasi-plane broad light beam. The holographic lens is employed for example in pickups for reading data off of, and writing data upon terabit optical storage mediums and nanoscale resolution microscopic media.

26-01-2006 дата публикации

Liquid crystal lens element and optical head device

Номер: WO2006009176A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

There is provided a liquid crystal lens element not causing a transparent wavefront change in spite of the polarization state of the incident light at OFF state when no voltage is applied and exhibiting the concave lens function for the abnormal light polarized incident light at ON state when voltage is applied. The liquid crystal lens element (10) having a liquid crystal layer (16) sandwiched between two transparent substrates (11, 12) changes the light collection point of light transmitting through the liquid crystal layer (16) according to voltage applied to it. The liquid crystal lens element (10) includes a Fresnel lens (17) having a cross section formed on the transparent substrate (11) has a convex/concave shape, a first transparent electrode (13) formed on a flat surface of the transparent substrate (11) where the Fresnel lens (17) is formed, and a second transparent electrode (14) formed on the flat surface of the other transparent substrate (12).

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Optical information apparatus and optical information processing method

Номер: JPWO2015114743A1
Автор: 幸修 田中
Принадлежит: Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co Ltd

本発明の目的は、高速かつ正確な位置決めを可能とする光情報装置、光情報処理方法を提供することである。解決手段の一例として、信号光と参照光との干渉パターンがホログラムとして記録されている光情報記録媒体から情報を再生する、および/あるいは光情報記録媒体に情報を記録する光情報装置であって、光ビームを出射する光学系と、前記光学系からの光ビームを光情報記録媒体に照射したときに得られる再生光の少なくとも一部を通過させる開口部と、前記再生光の少なくとも一部を検出する第1の検出部と、前記開口部の位置を検出する第2の検出部と、前記第1の検出部から得られる第1の信号と前記第2の検出部から得られる第2の信号に基づいて、前記開口部の位置を制御する制御部と、を備える光情報装置が挙げられる。 An object of the present invention is to provide an optical information apparatus and an optical information processing method that enable high-speed and accurate positioning. An example of a solution is an optical information device that reproduces information from an optical information recording medium in which an interference pattern of signal light and reference light is recorded as a hologram and / or records information on the optical information recording medium. An optical system for emitting a light beam, an opening for passing at least part of the reproduction light obtained when the optical information recording medium is irradiated with the light beam from the optical system, and at least part of the reproduction light. A first detection unit for detecting; a second detection unit for detecting a position of the opening; a first signal obtained from the first detection unit; and a second signal obtained from the second detection unit. And an optical information device including a control unit that controls the position of the opening based on a signal.

19-09-2006 дата публикации

Diffraction grating, method of fabricating diffraction optical element, optical pickup device, and optical disk drive

Номер: US7110180B2
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A diffraction grating with periodically arranged protrusions and grooves at a relatively narrow pitch and improved diffraction efficiency is disclosed. The protrusions of the grating are made of a material whose index of refraction is greater than that of the grooves, and the ratio of the width D of the protrusion to the pitch Λ of the protrusion is set equal to or less than 0.4 (D/Λ≦0.4).

25-12-2018 дата публикации

Display device with optics for brightness uniformity tuning having DOE optically coupled to receive light at central and peripheral regions

Номер: US10162181B2
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

Introduced here is a display device that comprises a light emitter and a diffractive optical element (DOE) that is optically coupled to receive light from the light emitter and to convey the light along an optical path. The DOE may have an input surface and an output surface parallel to the input surface, where the input surface and the output surface each have a central region and a peripheral region. The DOE further may have optical characteristics such that light exiting the DOE in the peripheral region of the output surface has greater brightness than light exiting the DOE in the central region of the output surface.

29-10-2002 дата публикации

Optical information storage device having phase compensating mechanism and polarization plane rotating mechanism

Номер: US6472651B1
Автор: Hirataka Ukai
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An optical information storage device including a first photodetector for detecting a regenerative signal from reflected light from an optical recording medium, a second photodetector for detecting a tracking error signal and a focusing error signal from the reflected light, and a beam splitter for separating the reflected light into a first beam directed toward the first photodetector and a second beam directed toward the second photodetector. The optical information storage device further includes a phase compensating mechanism provided between the beam splitter and the first photodetector for compensating for a phase difference of the first beam, a Wollaston prism provided between the phase compensating mechanism and the first photodetector for separating the first beam into two beams having orthogonal polarization planes, and a polarization plane rotating mechanism for rotating the polarization plane of the first beam incident on the Wollaston prism.

16-10-2008 дата публикации

Optical pickup device and optical disk apparatus

Номер: US20080253264A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An optical pickup device according to an aspect of the present invention includes a rotary mechanism which rotates a half-wave plate in mechanical conjunction with drive of first and second collimator lenses. The rotary mechanism locates the half-wave plate at a first rotational position when the first collimator lens is located at a control operation position, and the rotary mechanism locates the half-wave plate at a second rotational position when the second collimator lens is located at the control operation position. When the rotational position of the half-wave plate is switched between the first rotational position and the second rotational position, a polarization direction of a laser beam is changed with respect to the polarization beam splitter to switch an optical path of the laser beam.

16-03-2006 дата публикации

Hologram element, production method thereof, and optical header

Номер: US20060055993A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A method of producing a hologram element is disclosed that is able to prevent spread of a polymerization reaction and light leakage during exposure with interference light, and improve productivity in mass production. The hologram element is for transmitting, reflecting, diffracting, or scattering incident light, and includes a pair of substrates, an isolation member between the substrates that forms an isolated region, and a photo-sensitive recording material sealed in the isolated region. The hologram element includes a periodic structure formed by exposing the recording material to interference light. The interference light is generated by two or more light beams, or by using a master hologram. The recording material is formed from a composite material including a polymerized polymer or a polymerized liquid crystal. The periodic structure is formed by exposing the recording material to the interference light to induce the polymerization reaction and phase separation in the composite material.

12-08-2009 дата публикации

Optical pickup device and optical disk device

Номер: JP4312241B2
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Optical pickup device and optical disk device

Номер: WO2012098775A1
Принадлежит: 三菱電機株式会社

The present invention provides an optical pickup device that enables size to be reduced. The optical pickup device (220) moves in a feeding direction that is parallel to a radial direction of an optical disk that rotates about an axis of rotation (211), and performs recording or playback of information with respect to an information recording surface of the optical disk. The optical pickup device has a first light source (1) for emitting light of a first wavelength, a second light source (2) for emitting light of a second wavelength being different to the first wavelength, a first objective lens (3) for focusing light from the first light source onto the information recording surface, a second objective lens (4) for focusing light from the second light source onto the information recording surface, an optical system for guiding light from the first and second light sources to the first and second objective lenses, respectively, and objective lens actuators for driving the first and second objective lenses. When seen from the direction of the axis of rotation, the first and second objective lenses and the first light source are arranged in series on a line (LX) that passes through the axis of rotation and is parallel to the feeding direction.

09-06-2014 дата публикации

Optical pickup device and optical disk device

Номер: JPWO2012098775A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

本発明は、寸法を小さくすることができる光ピックアップ装置を提供する。光ピックアップ装置(220)は、回転軸(211)回りに回転する光ディスクの半径方向に平行な送り方向に移動し、光ディスクの情報記録面に対して情報の記録または再生を行う光ピックアップ装置であって、第1の波長の光を出射する第1の光源(1)と、第1の波長と異なる第2の波長の光を出射する第2の光源(2)と、第1の光源からの光を情報記録面に集光させる第1の対物レンズ(3)と、第2の光源からの光を情報記録面に集光させる第2の対物レンズ(4)と、第1および第2の光源からの光をそれぞれ第1および第2の対物レンズに導く光学系と、第1および第2の対物レンズを駆動する対物レンズアクチュエータとを有する。回転軸の方向から見た場合に、回転軸を通り送り方向に平行な直線(LX)上に、第1および第2の対物レンズと、第1の光源とが並べて配置される。 The present invention provides an optical pickup device that can be reduced in size. The optical pickup device (220) is an optical pickup device that moves in the feed direction parallel to the radial direction of the optical disk rotating about the rotation axis (211) and records or reproduces information on the information recording surface of the optical disk. The first light source (1) that emits light of the first wavelength, the second light source (2) that emits light of the second wavelength different from the first wavelength, and the first light source A first objective lens (3) for condensing the light on the information recording surface, a second objective lens (4) for condensing the light from the second light source on the information recording surface, and the first and second An optical system for guiding light from the light source to the first and second objective lenses, respectively, and an objective lens actuator for driving the first and second objective lenses. When viewed from the direction of the rotation axis, the first and second objective lenses and the first light source are arranged side by side on a straight line (LX) passing through the rotation axis and parallel to the feed direction.

20-05-1997 дата публикации

Waveguide-gratings used for analysis of optical beams constructed as dual-pitch double surface corrugations

Номер: US5631885A
Автор: John C. Brazas, Jr.
Принадлежит: Eastman Kodak Co

An optical system for recording or reading out information from an optical disk is disclosed which includes focus detector and data and tracking detectors. An element is disposed in the optical system and responsive to a beam of light projected off of the optical disk and having a transparent substrate and a waveguide with gratings formed on the top and bottom surfaces. The waveguide-gratings have a predetermined grating period, with the periods being different and selected so that a separate focus error signal beam is projected onto the focus detector, and a separate transmitted beam is provided through the waveguide and substrate and projected onto the data and tracking detectors.

14-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN105940451A
Автор: 田中幸修
Принадлежит: Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co Ltd


18-11-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal element, optical head device, and variable optical modulation element

Номер: KR101330860B1

액정 소자로서, 투명 기판과, 액정 재료로 구성되며 주기적인 요철로 이루어지는 요철부를 포함하는 액정층을 갖고, 상기 액정층의 요철부는, 상기 투명 기판측에 위치함과 함께 상기 액정층의 요철부의 계면인 요철면에 위치하는 액정 분자의 장축 방향이 상기 투명 기판측의 요철면에 대해서 실질적으로 수직 방향이 되거나, 또는 상기 액정층의 요철부는, 상기 투명 기판의 반대에 있는 매질측에 위치함과 함께 상기 액정층의 요철부의 계면인 요철면에 위치하는 액정 분자의 장축 방향이 상기 매질측의 요철면에 대해서 실질적으로 수직 방향이 되도록 배향되어 회절 격자를 형성한다. A liquid crystal device, comprising: a liquid crystal layer comprising a transparent substrate and an uneven portion composed of a liquid crystal material and consisting of irregularities, wherein the uneven portion of the liquid crystal layer is located at the transparent substrate side and is an interface of the uneven portion of the liquid crystal layer. The major axis direction of the liquid crystal molecules located on the uneven surface of the phosphor is substantially perpendicular to the uneven surface of the transparent substrate side, or the uneven portion of the liquid crystal layer is located on the side of the medium opposite to the transparent substrate. The long-axis direction of the liquid crystal molecules positioned on the uneven surface, which is an interface between the uneven portions of the liquid crystal layer, is aligned so as to be substantially perpendicular to the uneven surface on the medium side, thereby forming a diffraction grating.

30-10-1997 дата публикации

Method for producing an optical component

Номер: DE69314082D1
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

15-06-1999 дата публикации

Dual focus optical pickup device

Номер: KR100197942B1
Автор: 이근종
Принадлежит: 대우전자주식회사, 전주범

본 발명은 듀얼 포커스 광 픽업장치에 관한 것으로, 빔스플리터에서 발생되는 광량의 손실을 방지하고, 레이져다이오드와 광검출기의 설치위치를 복합구성하여 광 픽업의 설계치수를 감소시켜 광 픽업의 소형화를 유도할 수 있음과 동시에 홀로그램 광학렌즈와 대물렌즈의 복합적인 제작상의 난해함을 해소하여 광 픽업의 제작기술을 용이하게 함으로 레이저 다이오드의 광량 조절이 용이하고 에러 발생율을 저감시켜 독립적으로 분리되어 조립되는 구성부품간의 상호 신뢰성을 향상시킬 수 있도록, 두개의 서로 상이한 파장의 레이져빔을 방사하는 2파장 레이져다이오드(12)와 광검출기(18)와 홀로그램격자(16) 및 회절판(14)을 일체로 구비한 홀로그램 소자(10)와, 2파장 레이져다이오드(12)의 레이져빔을 선택적으로 투과시키는 입방형 편광프리즘(20)과, 입방형 편광프리즘(20)을 경유한 레이져빔에 직선성을 부여하는 콜리메이트렌즈(30)와, 콜리메이트렌즈(30)를 경유한 빔을 디스크상에 두개의 스포트 사이즈로 포커싱시키는 대물렌즈(40)를 구비하여 형성된 광 픽업장치로서, 디지털 오디오 및 디지털 비디오 디스크를 함께 재생하고 구성부품의 배치가 단순하고 부품수를 절감하여 광 픽업장치의 소형화를 이룰 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a dual focus optical pickup device, which prevents the loss of the amount of light generated by the beam splitter, and reduces the design dimension of the optical pickup by combining the laser diode and the photodetector installation location, thereby inducing the miniaturization of the optical pickup. At the same time, it eliminates the complicated manufacturing problems of the holographic optical lens and the objective lens, thereby facilitating the manufacturing technology of the optical pickup, making it easy to control the amount of light of the laser diode and reducing the error occurrence rate. In order to improve mutual reliability therebetween, the two wavelength laser diode 12, the photodetector 18, the hologram lattice 16, and the diffraction plate 14, which emit laser beams having two different wavelengths, are integrally provided. A hologram element 10, a cubic polarizing prism 20 for selectively transmitting a laser beam of a two-wavelength laser diode 12, A collimated lens 30 that gives linearity to the laser beam via the cubic polarization prism 20, and an objective lens that focuses the beam via the collimated lens 30 to two spot sizes on the disk ( An optical pickup apparatus formed with 40) has the effect of miniaturizing the optical pickup apparatus by reproducing digital audio and digital video discs ...

13-10-2006 дата публикации

Optical system having an element for correcting aberration of mirror and optical pick-up apparatus employing the same

Номер: KR100634511B1
Принадлежит: 삼성전기주식회사

본 발명은 미러의 표면 형상 오차에 의해 발생되는 수차를 홀로그램 소자를 이용하여 보상하는 광학계 및 이를 이용한 광 픽업 장치를 개시한다. 본 발명의 한 유형에 따른 미러의 수차를 보정하는 광학계는, 광을 발생시키는 광원; 상기 광원에서 발생한 광의 광 경로를 변환시키기 위한 미러; 및 상기 미러의 표면 형상 오차로 인해 상기 미러로부터 반사된 광에 발생하는 수차를 보상하기 위한 수차 보상 소자;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention discloses an optical system for compensating aberration caused by a surface shape error of a mirror using a hologram element and an optical pickup apparatus using the same. An optical system for correcting aberration of a mirror according to one type of the present invention includes a light source for generating light; A mirror for converting a light path of light generated from the light source; And an aberration compensating element for compensating aberration generated in light reflected from the mirror due to a surface shape error of the mirror. 광 픽업 장치, PV 값, 미러, 수차, 습식 에칭, 홀로그램 소자 Optical pickup device, PV value, mirror, aberration, wet etching, hologram element

02-03-2007 дата публикации

Lens holder assembly of an optical pick up and Manufacturing method thereof

Номер: KR100688831B1
Автор: 장인철, 정호섭, 진영수
Принадлежит: 삼성전기주식회사

본 발명의 렌즈홀더조립체(100)는 실리콘기판(110), 렌즈지지체(120), 유리판(130), 회절부재(140) 및 비구면렌즈(150)를 포함한다. 실리콘기판(110)은 습식식각에 의해 그 중앙에 경사진 단면을 갖는 결합구(111)가 형성되고, 렌즈지지체(120)는 실리콘기판(110)의 결합구(111)에 성형되며 그 중앙에 대물렌즈(160)이 탑재되는 탑재구(121)와 광빔이 진행하는 관통구(122)가 형성되며, 유리판(130)은 광빔을 통과시킴과 동시에 결합구(111)를 봉하도록 실리콘기판(110)의 하면에 부착되고, 회절부재(140)는 유리판(130)의 하면에 부착되며, 비구면렌즈(150)는 렌즈지지체(120)에 형성된 관통구(122)에 의해 노출되는 유리판(130)의 상면에 형성된다. The lens holder assembly 100 of the present invention includes a silicon substrate 110, a lens support 120, a glass plate 130, a diffraction member 140, and an aspherical lens 150. The silicon substrate 110 is formed with a coupler 111 having an inclined cross section at the center thereof by wet etching, and the lens support 120 is formed at the coupler 111 of the silicon substrate 110 and at the center thereof. The mounting hole 121 on which the objective lens 160 is mounted and the through hole 122 through which the light beam travels are formed, and the glass plate 130 passes through the light beam and simultaneously seals the coupling hole 111. Is attached to the lower surface of the glass plate 130, the diffraction member 140 is attached to the lower surface of the glass plate 130, the aspherical lens 150 of the glass plate 130 is exposed by the through hole 122 formed in the lens support 120 It is formed on the upper surface. 광픽업, 렌즈홀더조립체, 렌즈지지체, 습식식각, 대물렌즈, 열경화성폴리머, 회절부재, 비구면렌즈, 유리판 Optical pickup, lens holder assembly, lens support, wet etching, objective lens, thermosetting polymer, diffraction member, aspherical lens, glass plate

30-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: JPS6076038A
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

11-12-2006 дата публикации

광회절 소자 및 광정보 처리 장치

Номер: KR100656000B1

본 발명은 파장이 서로 다른 복수의 광빔이 통과하는 광로에 배치되는 광회절 소자이다. 복수의 광빔 중, 임의의 파장 λ 1 을 갖는 제 1 광빔이 제 1 방향 X로 편광한 직선편광 상태에 있을 때는, 제 1 광빔을 거의 완전히 투과시키지만, 제 1 광빔이 제 1 방향에 직교하는 제 2 방향 Y로 편광한 직선편광 상태에 있을 때는, 제 1 광빔을 거의 완전히 회절시키는 주기 구조를 갖고 있다. 복수의 광빔 중, 제 1 광빔의 파장 λ 1 과는 다른 파장 λ 2 를 갖는 제 2 광빔의 적어도 일부는 그 편광 상태에 상관없이 회절시킨다.

02-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CN1314026C


18-06-2009 дата публикации

회절 소자 및 이것을 구비한 광 헤드 장치

Номер: KR20090064444A
Автор: 히로타카 나시

격자부는 제 1 투명 재료를 포함하는 제 1 층과 제 2 투명 재료를 포함하는 제 2 층을 가지며 상기 투명 기판의 적어도 일방의 주면 상에 형성되고, 서로 평행하게 제 1 방향으로 연장 형성됨과 함께 그 제 1 방향과 직교하는 제 2 방향으로 주기적으로 배열된 복수의 볼록부를 갖는다. 충전부는 제 3 투명 재료를 포함하는 제 3 층에 의해, 적어도 상기 복수의 볼록부 사이를 충전한다. 상기 제 1 투명 재료의 굴절률의 온도 변화율을 α A , 상기 제 2 투명 재료의 굴절률의 온도 변화율을 α B , 상기 제 3 투명 재료의 굴절률의 온도 변화율을 α C 로 했을 때에, α A <α C <0 또한 │α C │>│α B │ 의 관계를 만족한다. 회절 소자, 굴절률, 광 헤드 장치, 온도 변화량

24-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: JPH1079138A

(57)【要約】 【課題】 互換型の光ピックアップ装置を提供する。 【解決手段】 所定波長の光を出射する第1光源51 と、第1光源51から出射された光の波長と異なる波長 の光を出射する第2光源61と、これらの光源51,6 1から出射された光を記録媒体10に集束させる対物レ ンズ41と、これらの光源51,61と対物レンズ41 との間の光経路上に配置され入射される光の進行経路を 変換する光経路変換手段63,65と、第1光源51か ら出射され記録媒体10および光経路変換手段63,6 5を経由して入射される光を受光する第1光検出器57 と、第2光源61から出射され記録媒体10および光経 路変換手段63,65を経由して入射される光を受光す る第2光検出器69とを備えることにより、厚みが異な るディスクの互換採用を可能とする。

05-11-2003 дата публикации

Optical pickup device

Номер: KR100382900B1
Принадлежит: 소니 가부시끼 가이샤

소망의 정보신호가 기록되는 정보신호층을 복수 적층하여서 이루는 다층광디스크에 기록된 정보신호를 재생하기 위해 사용되는 광픽업장치이다. 이 광픽업장치는 광빔을 방사하는 광원과, 이 광원에서 방사된 광빔을 메인빔, 제 1사이드빔 및 제 2사이드빔으로 3분할하여 다층광디스크에 조사하는 광학수단과, 다층광디스크에서 반사된 메인빔을 수광하는 메인빔용의 수광부와, 다층광디스크에서 반사된 제 1 및 제 2사이드빔을 각각 수광하는 제 1 및 제 2사이드빔용의 수광부와, 메인빔용의 수광부, 제 1 및 제 2사이드빔용의 수광부에서 수광되는 광량에 따른 광량검출신호를 출력하는 수단과를 갖춘다. 제 1 및 제 2사이드빔용의 수광부가, 다층광디스크상의 초점이 맞춰져있지 않은 정보신호층에서 반사되는 메인빔의 반사광이 간섭하지 않는 위치에, 메인빔용의 수광부에서 소정의 간격을 두고 배치됨으로써, 다층광디스크상의 초점이 맞춰져있지 않은 정보신호층에서 반사되는 반사광의 영향을 받지 않고, 정보신호를 독해하여야 할 정보신호층에 기록된 정보신호의 정확한 재생이 행하여진다. An optical pickup apparatus is used for reproducing an information signal recorded on a multilayer optical disc formed by laminating a plurality of information signal layers on which a desired information signal is recorded. The optical pickup apparatus comprises a light source for emitting a light beam, optical means for dividing the light beam emitted from the light source into a main beam, a first side beam, and a second side beam to irradiate the multilayer optical disk, and a main reflected from the multilayer optical disk. A light receiving portion for the main beam receiving the beam, a light receiving portion for the first and second side beams receiving the first and second side beams reflected from the multilayer optical disk, respectively, a light receiving portion for the main beam, and a first and second side beam And means for outputting a light quantity detection signal according to the amount of light received by the light receiving portion. The light-receiving portions for the first and second side beams are arranged at predetermined intervals in the light-receiving portions for the main beams at positions where the reflected light of the main beams reflected from the unfocused information signal layer on the multi-layer optical disks does not interfere. Accurate reproduction of the information signal recorded in the information signal layer to be read out is performed without being affected by the reflected light reflected ...
