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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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29-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683581C2

Изобретение относится к атомному машиностроению. Устройство для извлечения упавших предметов ядерного реактора содержит подвижную платформу с грузоподъемным устройством, привод, вертикальную полую штангу, соединенную со средством захвата, включающим лапки захвата, соединенные с поворачиваемыми рычагами шарнирным соединением. Устройство дополнительно содержит опорную раму с размещенным на ней снабженным тросами-тягами приводом, которая соединена в верхней части с грузоподъемным устройством, а в нижней части - с неподвижной полой секцией штанги, выполненной телескопической. Подвижная секция штанги соединена с тросом-тягой перемещения ее по вертикали и в нижней части соединена со средством захвата, которое включает полый корпус с прорезью, снабженный в нижней ее части общей осью двух рычагов и размещенным внутри соединенным с тросом-тягой подвижным грузом, который в нижней части выполнен с двумя горизонтальными осями, размещенными в пазах двух рычагов на общей оси и поворачивающими рычаги ...

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2397555C1

Изобретение относится к атомному машиностроению и может быть использовано для выполнения транспортно-технологических операций со свежими и отработавшими тепловыделяющими сборками (ТВС) в ядерном реакторе. ! Перегрузочная машина ядерного реактора содержит рабочую штангу, вертикально установленную на тележке, и механизм подрыва. Исполнительное устройство механизма подрыва выполнено взаимодействующим с рабочей штангой. Исполнительное устройство выполнено в виде электромеханических домкратов с жесткой кинематической связью. Домкраты установлены на тележке, равноудалены от рабочей штанги и находятся с ней в одной вертикальной плоскости. Для подрыва ТВС включают привод, посредством которого электромеханические домкраты с жесткой кинематической связью, взаимодействуя с рабочей штангой, создают дополнительное вертикальное «толкающее» усилие, заставляя перемещаться рабочую штангу вместе с ТВС до момента освобождения хвостовика ТВС из опорного стакана шахты реактора. При этом рабочие винты домкратов ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2313837C1

Изобретение относится к атомной технике и может быть использовано для перегрузки отработавших тепловыделяющих сборок (ОТВС) транспортных реакторов. Предложен контейнер перегрузочный, в котором блочный механизм выполнен в виде рамы с встроенным блоком. Один конец рамы соединен осью с вилкой. Вилка со шпонкой установлена во фланец со шпоночным пазом. Нижний конец вилки выполнен с возможностью упора в весоизмерительное устройство и снабжен компенсатором и пружинным кольцом. Другой конец рамы втулкой связан с возможностью взаимодействия с подпружиненным штоком, размещенным в стакане, и шпоночным пазом штока с винтом стакана. На штоке неподвижно установлен кулачок с возможностью взаимодействия с роликами конечных выключателей. Привод перемещения захвата снабжен сельсинным устройством. Выполненные отверстия под установку прибора для измерения температуры и заливку среды заглушены пробками. Приводы и электрооборудование снабжены кожухом. В результате использования изобретения осуществляется расширение ...

12-03-2024 дата публикации

Манипулятор для сборки пучка тепловыделяющих элементов

Номер: RU2815268C1

Изобретение относится к области ядерной энергетики, в частности к манипуляторам для сборки пучка тепловыделяющих элементов. Манипулятор содержит: верхнюю раму, включающую первые направляющие и первое быстроразъемное соединение; нижнюю раму, включающую вторые направляющие, второе быстроразъемное соединение и первый универсальный привод. Манипулятор также содержит модуль вертикального перемещения, выполненный с возможностью установки на верхней раме и возможностью стыковки с тепловыделяющим элементом. Узел подачи тепловыделяющих элементов выполнен с возможностью установки на верхней части нижней рамы и с возможностью последовательного приема тепловыделяющих элементов. Хомут установлен в нижней части нижней рамы и выполнен с возможностью фиксации пучка тепловыделяющих элементов. Толкатель выполнен с возможностью установки на верхней части нижней рамы и с возможностью перемещения тепловыделяющих элементов из узла подачи тепловыделяющих элементов в хомут. Датчик выполнен с возможностью установки ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581099C1

Изобретение относится к области ядерной энергетики и может быть использовано преимущественно для перегрузки части выемной главного циркуляционного насоса в ядерных реакторах с жидкометаллическим теплоносителем. Захват представляет собой корпус, в котором на поворотных осях установлены три рычага, взаимодействующие с переходником, который закреплен на части выемной ГЦН. На рычагах захвата смонтированы ролики, взаимодействующие с поворотным копиром, который обеспечивает открывание и закрывание захвата при взаимодействии с приводом управления захвата. Корпус захвата удерживается крестовиной, которая установлена на тележке, закрепленной на цепи привода перемещения захвата. Крестовина снабжена попарно установленными роликами, взаимодействующими с направляющими, установленными внутри контейнера. На нижнем торце захвата выполнено отверстие для сохранения ориентации части выемной ГЦН при перемещении. Достигается расширение технологических возможностей захватного устройства, улучшение радиационной ...

17-10-2024 дата публикации

Программно-аппаратный комплекс выявления опасного приближения рабочей штанги к стенкам бассейна ядерного топлива на основе видеонаблюдения

Номер: RU2828724C1

Изобретение относится к области обработки видеопотоков. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности и надежности выявления опасного приближения рабочей штанги к стенкам бассейна в процессе перегрузки ядерного топлива. Программно-аппаратный комплекс включает взаимодействующие между собой модуль настройки сервера, модуль настройки приложения, модуль визуализации видеонаблюдения, модуль управления видеокамерами, причем дополнительно содержит модуль видеоаналитки, который системно связан с модулем управления интегральным алгоритмом, при этом последний взаимосвязан с модулем управления алгоритмом аналитики видеонаблюдения методом распознавания цветовых пятен, модулем управления алгоритмом аналитики видеонаблюдения методом граней, основанным на контурном анализе и методах работы с контурами, модулем управления алгоритмом обученной нейронной сети, а также соединен с системным модулем управления машиной перегрузочной. 1 ил.

27-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2157008C1

Транспортно-перезарядный контейнер для перегрузки активной зоны ядерного реактора относится к ядерной технике. Технический результат изобретения - повышение эффективности охлаждения активной зоны ядерного реактора, расширение технологических возможностей, обеспечение биологической защиты и снижение возможных динамических нагрузок, уменьшение габаритов и массы контейнера. Контейнер снабжен выдвижными упорами, удерживающими активную зону от раскачивания в период транспортирования, и демпфирующим устройством с биологической защитой в районе шиберной задвижки, предохраняющими активную зону и механизмы контейнера от механических повреждений и разгерметизации полости корпуса контейнера при воздействии динамической нагрузки, обслуживающий персонал - от облучения, а входной и выходной патрубки системы охлаждения расположены внутри корпуса в виде телескопических труб, автоматически соединяющихся с патрубками активной зоны через переходник. 2 ил.

10-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001128279A

... 1. Устройство для перегрузки и контроля герметичности тепловыводящего элемента реактора с жидким теплоносителем, содержащее наружную секцию, внутри которой размещена внутренняя секция, захват перемещаемого и/или контролируемого тепловыводящего элемента, систему подачи газа и систему контроля радионуклидов в газе, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит блок управления, захват размещен в нижней части внутренней секции, подключенной к приводу, система подачи газа включает компрессор, газовую емкость, форсунку и трубопроводы, причем компрессор подключен к блоку управления, выход компрессора соединен с газовой емкостью, выход которой посредством клапана подключен к входу трубопровода, выход которого соединен с форсункой, установленной с возможностью введения газа из газовой емкости в нижнюю часть наружной секции, а система контроля содержания радионуклидов в газе включает трубопровод, измерительное устройство и побудитель расхода газа, причем входной конец трубопровода расположен в ...

20-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96100285A

Сцепка для пеналов с радиоактивными объектами, содержащая корпус с узлами крепления пеналов, расположенными на его торцах, причем один из них выполнен в виде выдвижных радиальных фиксаторов и снабжен уплотняющей пробкой, подвижной относительно корпуса, а другой - в виде накидной ходовой гайки, установленной на направляющем стержне, закрепленном с этой же стороны в центре торца корпуса.

20-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004113195A

... 1. Узел уплотнения стыковочного патрубка перегрузочной машины канального ядерного реактора, содержащий размещенное в стыковочном патрубке между двумя опорными кольцами уплотнительное средство, выполненное в виде набора W-образных пакетов с дугообразными впадинами и упругих разделительных элементов, расположенных между пакетами, отличающийся тем, что узел уплотнения дополнительно снабжен уплотнительным элементом, опирающимся на верхнее опорное кольцо, и упругим элементом, воздействующим через нажимной элемент на вышеупомянутый уплотнительный элемент, при этом уплотнительный элемент выполнен в виде кольца терморасширенного графита, внутри которого размещены два металлических кольца, поперечное сечение которых имеет волнообразную форму, при этом вышеуказанные металлические кольца отделены друг от друга разделительным кольцом, а образовавшиеся при этом пустоты заполнены коллоидной графитопластовой пастой. 2. Узел уплотнения по п.1, отличающийся тем, что узел уплотнения стыковочного патрубка ...

27-03-2020 дата публикации

Приспособление для извлечения трубы обсадной разгрузочно-загрузочной машины

Номер: RU2717964C1

Изобретение относится к области атомного машиностроения. Приспособление для извлечения трубы обсадной разгрузочно-загрузочной машины (РЗМ) включает соединенные между собой осью оправку и кронштейн, упоры, установленные на кронштейне, магниты. Конструкция оправки выполнена с возможностью поворота на оси одной деталью сложной пространственно-геометрической формы, полученной в результате механической обработки заготовки в двух проекциях пересечением: двух твердотельных цилиндрических поверхностей, изготовленных в одной проекции, с цилиндрической поверхностью. В гладких отверстиях оправки магниты установлены разнополярно. Конструкция кронштейна выполнена в форме ключа и оснащена выступом с выемкой для размещения и закрепления в нем упоров. Приспособление выполнено с возможностью свободного перемещения внутри трубы обсадной в зафиксированном положении оправки относительно кронштейна и возможностью расфиксации и поворота оправки относительно кронштейна перед зацеплением с трубой обсадной только ...

28-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735094C1

Группа изобретений относится к области инспекционного контроля тепловыделяющих сборок (ТВС). Оборудование для контроля ТВС с ядерным топливом содержит контрольное оборудование с по меньшей мере одной видеокамерой. Оборудование содержит: контрольную стойку, разработанную для проведения выдвижного движения в бассейн топлива, которая на одном конце снабжена соединительным средством, позиционируемый механизм перемещения, разработанный для соединения с указанным соединительным средством контрольной стойки. Позиционируемый механизм перемещения создан для изменения положения контрольной стойки в бассейне топлива. Контрольная стойка снабжена подвижным захватом, предназначенным для захватывания ТВС, когда данный захват расположен подвижно в контрольной стойке и предназначен для подъема ТВС со стеллажа хранения топлива бассейна топлива и для втягивания данной ТВС в контрольную стойку. Контрольная стойка оснащена одной видеокамерой для контроля поверхности ТВС, одним измерительным зондом. Также описан ...

20-08-2003 дата публикации

Способ перегрузки быстрого ядерного реактора и система перегрузки

Номер: RU2002101180A

... 1. Способ перегрузки быстрого ядерного реактора, заключающийся в поштучной замене отработавшей топливной сборки активной зоны, погруженной в жидкометаллический теплоноситель, с находящейся над ним зоной инертного газа, на новую, в установке отработавшей топливной сборки во внутриреакторное хранилище, концентрично расположенное вокруг активной зоны реактора, в выдержке во внутриреакторном хранилище до следующей кампании перегрузки, в последующем извлечении из внутриреакторного хранилища, в установке в транспортное средство и в перемещении в передаточную камеру, отличающийся тем, что отработавшую топливные сборки устанавливают во внутриреакторное хранилище, расположенное над уровнем активной частью активной зоны реактора, при этом извлечение и установку топливной сборки из активной зоны реактора, внутриреакторного хранилища и транспортного средства осуществляют перегрузочным средством прямого удаления, а после установки топливной сборки в транспортное средство производят ее поворот в вертикальной ...

23-01-1987 дата публикации

Дистанционный захват

Номер: SU1195828A1

ДИСТАНЦИОННЫЙ ЗАХВАТ, содержащий гтангу, внутри которой размещена на шариковых опорах опорная площадка корпуса механизма открытия и закрытия захвата, снабженная подпружиниваницими пальцами,о т личзющийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности установки тепловьщелякмцих сборок любого сечения в ядерный реактор, опорная площадка корпуса вьтолнена трехгранной, причем каждая грань при вершине снабжена подпружинивающими пальцами, размещенными перпендикулярно граням и взаимодействукяцими с тремя сухарями , установленными в штанге параллельно граням опорной площадки корпуса .

19-11-1971 дата публикации

Демпфирующее устройство

Номер: SU321651A1

15-09-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для герметизации пеналов ядерного реактора

Номер: SU1085420A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ГЕРМЕТИЗАЦИИ ПЕНАЛОВ ЯДЕРНОГО РЕАКТОРА,содержащее тележку с механизмом передвижения , телескопическую штангу из нескольких секций с захватным устроГютвом и с механизмами подъема и поворота , отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности при сейсмических воздействиях и yMeni,i;ieния габаритов, на телескопической штанге смонтированы колеса червячных передач механизмов подъема и поворота , ведущие валы которых с продольными пазами устанопле1гы внутри полых валов-шестерен и встроены корпус тележки в зацеплении с пром-жуточными валами-шестернями, причем механизм передвижения тележки и секции телескопической штанги снабжен г-иитсшыми « передачами. (Л ...

07-08-1980 дата публикации

Захват манипулятора

Номер: SU753629A1

30-07-1993 дата публикации

Привод стыковочного патрубка перегрузочной машины

Номер: SU1086964A1

ПРИВОД СТЫКОВОЧНОГО ПАТРУБКА ПЕРЕГРУЗОЧНОЙ МАШИНЫ, содержащий электродвигатель с конечным выключателем, соединенный через редук тор с винтами, взаимодействующими С гай/ ками, расположенными в траверсе, которая Шарнирно соединена с подвижной час-тью стыковочного патрубка, о т л и чаю .щ и и с я тем, что, с целью повышения надежности стыковки, между электродвигателем и редуктором установлена поводковая муфта, в ведущей полумуфте которой расположены подпружиненные шарики, контактирующие с гнездами, выполненными в ведомой полумуфте , а на ведомой полумуфте установлено с возможностью бсевого перемещения относительно ведомой полуМуфты кольцо, взаимодействующее с конечным выключателем: электродвигателя, причем кольцо снабжено выступом, взаимодействующим с винтовой канавкой, длина которой не менее длины дуги между поводками, выполненной на наружной поверхности ведущей полумуфты , а гайки зафиксированы в осевом направлении относительно траверсы.

28-08-1973 дата публикации

Система управления позиционным механизмом

Номер: SU395905A1

28-10-1971 дата публикации

Привод регулирующего стержня ядерного реактора

Номер: SU319150A3

22-05-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001295715B

26-03-1970 дата публикации

Greifervorrichtung an einer Lademaschine fuer Kernreaktoren

Номер: DE0001539941A1

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Transfervorrichtung für den Transfer von Brennelementen

Номер: DE102013104765A1

Es handelt sich um eine Transfervorrichtung (6) für den Transfer von Brennelementen (5) zwischen einem oberen Becken (3) und einem unteren Becken (4) einer kerntechnischen Anlage, insbesondere einem oberen Becken innerhalb eines Reaktorgebäudes (1) und einem unteren Becken eines Brennelementelagers (2), mit einem das obere und das untere Becken (3, 4) verbindenden und schräg zur Vertikalen verlaufenden Transferrohr (12), einem oder mehreren Transferkörben (11), in welche jeweils ein oder mehrere Brennelemente (5) für den Transfer durch das Transferrohr (12) einsetzbar sind, einer oberen Umladeeinrichtung (21) im oberen Becken (3) zum Beladen und/oder Entladen der Transferkörbe (12) mit Brennelementen (5) und/oder einer unteren Umladeeinrichtung (22) im unteren Becken zum Beladen und/oder Entladen der Transferkörbe (12) mit Brennelementen (5), Diese Vorrichtung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in die obere Umladeeinrichtung (21) und/oder die untere Umladeeinrichtung (22) jeweils zwei Transferkörbe ...

03-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001934062B2

03-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001332408A

... 1332408 Gripping devices for fuel element and control rod holders LICENTIA PATENTVERWALTUNGS GmbH 19 April 1971 [15 April 1970] 26442/71 Heading B8H A gripping device is provided with an insert 12 in a slot 7 to enable it to selectively pick up holders for fuel elements or control rods in a nuclear reactor. The device also comprises a jaw-shaped aperture 5 and a rotatable gripper hook 3. The insert 12 can be positioned as shown in Fig. 3 with the prongs 13, 14 facing outwardly when only control rod holders can be picked up since the thicker fuel element holders cannot enter the gap between the prongs 13, 14 and hence cannot be engaged by the hook 3. With the insert 12 in its alternative position (Figs. 1 and 4) only the fuel element holders can be picked up since the insert 12 prevents the control rod holders from getting far enough into the slot 7 to be engaged by the hook 3. The inset 12 may be replaced by one allowing more than two shapes to be selectively lifted.

25-10-1967 дата публикации

Grabs for handling nuclear fuel elements

Номер: GB0001088969A

... 1,088,969. Lifting nuclear fuel elements. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE. Aug. 5, 1966 [Aug. 13, 1965], No. 35265/66. Heading B8H. To remove a nuclear fuel element 80, Fig. 4, from a hollow nozzle 81 where it is held by balls 83 which are pushed outwards by a spring-loaded sleeve 84 a grab 1 is lowered into the hollow head of the element and latched thereto by balls 34. The balls 34 are urged outwards by a slide - block 29 which is moved up the grab by a screw 18 turned in a fixed nut 19 by an electric motor 9 and a sleeve 12. When a rod 35, which moves with the slide block 29, closes contacts 36 the motor 9 stops. After a time delay a second motor 66 is energized and pushes arms 69, 70, Fig. 4, out of slits 79, 80, Fig. 1, by rotating a differential housing 50. The housing 50 is prevented from further rotation by the arms 69, 70 when the latter are fully extended. Continued rotation of the motor 66 causes rotation of a screw 42 in a nut 43, through the differential gearing, which raises ...

26-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002152008B

15-07-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to couplings

Номер: GB0000963955A

... 963,955. Controlling nuclear reactors. GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION. Oct. 17, 1962 [Nov. 7, 1961], No. 39352/62. Heading G6C. [Also in Divisions E2 and F2] A coupling mechanism for connecting a nuclear reactor control rod 25 having an enlarged head 31 forming a male coupling member with an elongated driving shaft 35 having a lengthwise bore 37 comprises a female coupling member 61 rotatably attached to one end of the shaft 35 and means 65 accessible through the bore 37 for releasably locking the member 61 to the shaft 35 to prevent rotation therebetween, the member 61 including a bayonet-type socket 101 which receives the head 31 of the rod 25 and is so shaped that rotation of the socket 101 relative to the head 31, when this is fully inserted in the socket, locks the rod 25 to the shaft 35. The head 31 is in the form of a sphere having portions cut away to provide a cruciform cross-section and is inserted through a tapered opening in the base of the coupling member 61 towards a receiving ...

15-02-1967 дата публикации

Gripping apparatus including a television camera

Номер: GB0001058851A

... 1,058,851. Lifting nuclear fuel elements. SOC. ALSACIENNE DE CONSTRUCTIONS ATOMIQUES DE TELE-COMMUNICATIONS ET D'ELECTRONIQUE " ALCATEL," and SOC. DE TRANSACTIONS COMMERCIALES ET INDUSTRIELLES ENTRE LA FRANCE ET L'ALLEMAGNE. April 3, 1964 [April 5, 1963], No. 13847/64. Heading B8H. [Also in Divisions G2 and H4] A gripping device for handling, e.g. a fuel element A in a nuclear reactor channel B, comprises three sealed casings 4, 8, 13a interconnected by ball- and - socket joints 6, 7 and 11, 13 so that a push or pull action exerted on a member 14 of the upper casing may be transmitted to jaws 1 on the lower casing. The casing 4 encloses an electromagnet 2 for operating the jaws, feelers 21 for engagement by the fuel element A to cause automatic gripping action of the jaws and lamps 5 for illuminating the fuel element. The jaw action is described in detail with reference to Fig. 2 (not shown). An endoscope 3 extends through the casing 4 to present an image of the fuel element to ...

26-06-1985 дата публикации

Refuelling of nuclear reactors

Номер: GB0002150340A

During unrodded refueling, the drive rods and the control rods and coolant-displacement rods, attached to the drive rods, are removed from a fuel assembly, preliminary to the transfer of the fuel assembly, and are reinserted in the reactor after a replacement fuel assembly has been positioned in the reactor. Prior to the transfer of a fuel assembly, a lifting rig is secured to the upper-internals support. A lift plate is removeably mounted on latches in a lower position of the lifting rig. The latches are released and the lift plate is connected to the drive rods. The lift plate is then raised and removeably mounted on latches in an upper position on the lifting rig. In this position, the control rods and coolant-displacement rods are in the guides in the upper internals of the reactor. During the lift-plate raising operation, the loading on the drive rods is monitored and if the loading exceeds a predetermined magnitude, the excess loading is indicated. After the lift plate and the rods ...

07-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001442189A

... 1442189 Handling device for nuclear fuel elements and control rods EISENWERK WESERHUTTE AG 25 Oct 1973 [20 Jan 1973] 49700/73 Heading B8H A handling device, for lifting, lowering and transporting fuel elements and control rods in a nuclear reactor, comprises respective grippers for the fuel elements and control rods mounted in a telescopic tube and controlled such that when one is operative the other is inoperative. The telescopic tube 1, 2 is suspended from an overhead hoist carriage (not shown) and the grippers from part of a head 3 rotatably mounted on a plate 9 suspended within the tube by cables 6 connected to the winch carriage. Further cables 7, also connected to the winch carriage, are connected to a lever 11 to pivot same about its mounting on the plate 9 between two end positions corresponding respectively to the operative positions of the grippers. The lever 11 is connected through a swivel head 21 to a coaxial sleeve 22 and rod 23 which actuate the fuel element gripper and the ...

19-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008428646D0

18-08-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to manipulating tools

Номер: GB0001001652A

... 1,001,652. Fuelling reactors. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE. Sept. 18, 1962 [Sept. 18, 1961], No. 35478/62. Heading G6C. [Also in Division B8] A gripping device with jaws 43, Fig. 5, is supported on a pinion 23, Fig. 1, which is suspended by a chain 22, from a differential winch, which, by lowering the gripping device on to an object (e.g. a fuel element) to be lifted, causes the jaws to close, and by rotating the pinion moves sash bolts 25 to lock the jaws either open or closed. When the jaws are lowered on to a fuel element, a cam member 42, Fig. 5, attached to rods 50, 40, is pushed upwards against a spring 41 by a handle 48 on the element to close the jaws 43, Fig. 6. Upward movement of the rods 50, 40 also raises a member 45 so that a slot 47 therein is lifted clear of the end 25a of the sash bolt 25. Whilst the rods 50, 40 are raised the pinion 23 is rotated through 180 degrees by turning a wheel 17, Fig. 1, to allow a bolt 18 to be moved from a hole 20 to a hole 21. The movement ...

05-07-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to safety release mechanisms

Номер: GB0000872092A

... 872,092. Controlling reactors. NUCLEAR POWER PLANT CO. Ltd. Aug. 14, 1959 [Sept. 8, 1958], No. 28768/58. Class 39(4). A safety release mechanism for releasing a member from a parent member in response to changes in pressure in a fluid in which the releasable member is immersed comprises a push rod attached to the releasable member and operable to trip a latch mechanism joining the releasable member to the parent member and a pressure sensitive device located in the releasable member and forming an enclosed space therein; the pressure sensitive device being responsive to pressure changes between the enclosed space and fluid surrounding the releasable member and exerting a force on the push rod sufficient to trip the latch mechanism when a predetermined pressure change occurs. Fig. 1 shows an arrangement for releasing a control or safety rod in a gascooled nuclear reactor. The control rod comprises a tube 2 containing boron and arranged between inner and outer stainless steel tubes 1, 3.

13-09-1961 дата публикации

Improvements relating to fuel charging and discharging apparatus for a nuclear reactor

Номер: GB0000877423A

... 877,423. Nuclear reactors; handling nuclear fuel elements. BOYD Ltd., WINNETT. Sept. 1, 1959 [Sept. 2, 1958], No. 28180/58. Class 39(4). A gas-cooled reactor having horizontal fuel element channels 2 in its graphite core 1 has a spherical pressure vessel 3 surrounded by cooling and shielding water 6 within concrete shielding 5, the channels 2 being charged and discharged by apparatus contained in auxiliary pressure vessels which are permanently connected to the vessel 3 and subjected to the pressure therein whereby the fuel elements may be loaded and unloaded whilst the reactor is under load and without the necessity of making any gas-tight connections. The auxiliary pressure vessels comprise elevator shafts 15 which extend upwardly from a central position disposed at each end of the reactor and each of which contains tracks 14 for an elevator dolly 19 supported by chains 19a, the top end of each shaft having an enlarged head 18. A series of horizontal tracks 12 is disposed adjacent each ...

25-01-1967 дата публикации

Lifting devices

Номер: GB0001056413A

... 1,056,413. Article engaging devices for lifting and lowering. ENGLISH ELECTRIC CO. Ltd. Feb. 25, 1965 [Feb. 27, 1964], No. 8297/64. Heading B8H. A grab for moving fuel elements into or out of nuclear reactors comprises a hollow body 10, Fig. 1, attached to a rope 37 and having pivoted thereon jaws 12 and a probe 18 movable longitudinally in the body between an extended position and a retracted position for endwise engagement with the element, the probe having cam portions 20B, 20C, 20D for engaging projections 15, 16 on the jaws 12 to move the latter between its open and closed positions. The body is in three parts 10A, 10B, 10C and the part 10C is formed with four radial slots 11, each of which has disposed therein a jaw 12 provided with a gripping lug 14 and a radial locating fin 17. The probe 18 comprises a solid core 19 around which is rigidly secured a sleeve 20 having a nose 20A and the cam portions 20B, 20C, 20D, the portion 20D having lateral surfaces 20E and a lower surface 20F ...

15-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000305377A

17-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001229359A1

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131893A1

Systems and methods position tools about a flooded nuclear reactor during maintenance outages without overhead support or alignment structures being necessary, systems may include annular clamps for support from a reactor steam dam, a telescoping mast, a motor or other drive to extend or retract the mast, and/or an articulator to hold the payload and move the same about any degree of freedom. The telescoping mast may include several nested sections joined to a drive motor. Several different articulators are useable, including those with separate gearings for rotation about perpendicular axes and self-leveling wrists to orient tools in confirmed positions. Systems can be locally or remotely powered and controlled through powered and communicative connections to move about any position in a reactor annulus or core.

01-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1268562A

Lors du démantèlement d'un assemblage combustible de réacteur nucléaire, on réalise la préhension simultanée de tous les crayons, disposes selon un réseau à pas carre dans cet assemblage, au moyen d'un dispositif effectuant un serrage en bout des rangées de crayons. A cet effet, le dispositif comporte des couloirs dans lesquels on fait pénétrer les extrémités des deux rangées adjacentes de crayons. Dans ces couloirs sont emprisonnes des organes mobiles disposes de telle sorte que chaque crayon soit placé entre deux organes voisins. En appliquant dans chaque couloir un effort de serrage sur les organes mobiles d'extrémité on pince chaque crayon entre deux organes. De préférence, les organes mobiles sont munis de butées limitant l'effort de serrage appliqué individuellement sur chaque crayon. Pour combler les vides du réseau de crayons correspondant aux emplacements occupés par les tubes guides dans les assemblages, on place des rouleaux aux emplacements correpondants, dans les couloirs.

18-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1123873A

STUD MANIPULATING DEVICE A device for inserting and removing studs 16 from bores 19 in a workpiece, for example a nuclear reactor vessel, comprises manupulating devices 22 for operating on individual studs. Each device 22 is capable of tensioning a stud 16 slackening a working nut 17 on the stud, and subsequently removing the stud from the bore. A ring 92 has dogs 93 which can engage recesses in the working nut to interlock with the nut against relative rotation. Motors 100 are coupled to the ring 92 and operable to rotate the working nut. A top nut 51 is coupled to motor 100 which are operable to rotate the nut and screw it onto the stud 16. The top nut 51 together with other operating parts of the device can be raised and lowered on a tube 61 by means of a hydraulic actuator 65. A hydraulic load cell 52 is located between the top nut and a stool 53 which rests on the workpiece. The load cell 52 can be pressurised to tension the stud 16 by means of the top nut 51 and thus facilitate rotation ...

15-10-1964 дата публикации

Pince de manutention

Номер: CH0000382866A

15-02-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000429964A

15-06-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000437553A

28-02-1965 дата публикации

Bras de manipulation pour réacteur nucléaire

Номер: CH0000388479A

31-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000549855A

30-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000571935A5

31-03-1966 дата публикации

Appareil de manutention

Номер: CH0000410208A

15-09-1969 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000478443A

31-12-1968 дата публикации

Appareil de soulèvement de plaques

Номер: CH0000466903A

15-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000616636A5

31-01-2018 дата публикации

Nuclear reactor and method for the disposal of one or more radioactive components from nuclear reactors of nuclear power stations.

Номер: CH0000709320B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kernreaktor mit einer Vorrichtung zum Entsorgen von einer oder mehreren radioaktiven Komponenten aus dem Kernreaktor umfassend eine erste Aufnahme, die zum Aufnehmen der einen oder mehrerer radioaktiver Komponenten ausgelegt ist, einen Rahmen, der zum Stützen der ersten Aufnahme im Kernreaktor ausgelegt ist, und eine Trennvorrichtung, die zum Trennen der einen oder mehrerer radioaktiver Komponenten in zwei oder mehr Teile während des Absenkens der einen oder mehrerer radioaktiver Komponenten in die erste Aufnahme ausgelegt ist. Die Erfindung umfasst ebenfalls ein Verfahren zum Entsorgen von einer oder mehreren radioaktiven Komponenten aus einem Kernreaktor umfassend das Montieren einer Vorrichtung zum Entsorgen der einen oder mehrerer radioaktiver Komponenten und das Bewegen der montierten Vorrichtung in einen Bereich eines Reaktorkerns (102). Ein weiteres Verfahren zum Entsorgen von einer oder mehreren radioaktiven Komponenten aus einem Kernreaktor umfasst ...

01-05-2013 дата публикации

Underwater cobalt rod assembly dismounting and waste reception apparatus

Номер: CN103077754A

The invention relates to the technical field of underwater dismounting and waste transportation, and specifically discloses an underwater cobalt rod assembly dismounting and waste reception apparatus. The apparatus comprises a long-handled nut wrench and a waste reception box. A positioning head is arranged in an inner tube of a hanging ring assembly of the long-handled nut wrench. An outer tube of a hoisting component is arranged in the inner tube. A hexagon wrench head with a threaded structure on the periphery is arranged on the lower end of the outer tube. A box body in the waste reception box is connected by using a hinge assembly, such that the bottom plate of the box body can be opened. A positioning cylinder is arranged on the bottom plate of the box body. A threaded connection pipe is arranged at the opening place of the box body bottom plate. With the apparatus provided by the invention, functions such as underwater dismounting, waste transportation, waste dumping, and like can ...

16-04-2019 дата публикации

Passive form direction stand structure

Номер: CN0208752971U

20-08-2019 дата публикации

Escalator-type fuel transmission device

Номер: CN0110148482A

07-04-2023 дата публикации

Detachable reactor internals sling guide post

Номер: CN115938626A

The invention relates to the technical field of reactor internals hoisting, and particularly discloses a detachable reactor internals sling guide post, which comprises a basic guide post, an extended guide post and a mounting tool, wherein the basic guide column is mounted on a flange surface mounting hole of the pressure vessel, and the extended guide column is remotely spliced and detached with the basic guide column through a mounting tool. The main line overhaul time is saved, good economical efficiency is achieved, and the irradiation dose of operators can be effectively reduced.

11-03-1960 дата публикации

Assembly for fuel element of nuclear reactor

Номер: FR0001210962A

19-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002395569A

L'invention concerne les techniques nucléaires. Le procédé faisant l'objet de l'invention est du type dans lequel le déchargement de l'assemblage combustible à remplacer 47 s'effectue par extraction de ce dernier de la zone active (coeur) du réacteur 2 par une machine de chargement-déchargement 1 le déplaçant en montée et le plaçant ensuite dans le corps étanche de ladite machine, ledit assemblage combustible étant, pendant ledit déchargement, refroidi par deux courants de gaz inerte dont l'un est amené sur la surface extérieure dudit assemblage tandis que l'autre est soufflé à travers l'assemblage, et est caractérisé en ce que le courant de gaz inerte destiné à traverser l'assemblage combustible à remplacer 47 est amené à contresens dudit mouvement de montée de ce dernier lors de son extraction de la zone active du réacteur. L'invention s'applique notamment aux réacteurs nucléaires refroidis par un métal liquide tel que par exemple le sodium.

13-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002028003B1

20-09-1963 дата публикации

Equipment of fuel handling for nuclear reactor

Номер: FR0001337829A

13-04-1960 дата публикации

Sliding assembly of fuel elements for nuclear reactors and its device of operation

Номер: FR0001215002A

14-12-1962 дата публикации

Hook for the handling of the fuel rods of nuclear reactors

Номер: FR0001312240A

01-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002045644B1

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Extension tooling apparatus

Номер: US20120324695A1

An extension tooling apparatus can include a delivery portion and a control portion. The delivery portion can include a base element mountable to a fixed surface, an arm pivotably coupled to the base element, and a tool attachment coupled to a tool end of the arm. The control portion can include a shank, a tip member joined to a tip end of the shank, and a collar adjacent a distal end of the tip member. The collar can support the tool attachment of the delivery portion so that positioning of the tool attachment is controllable by movement of the shank. The extension tooling apparatus can be useful for manipulating nuts, bolts, and other hardware from a distance.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Tool for tractor p.t.o

Номер: US20130042452A1
Автор: Roy H. Noel
Принадлежит: Individual

A tool facilitating operable interconnection between a power take off (P.T.O.) shaft and an input shaft of a driven accessory includes a wrench for engaging the splined P.T.O. shaft and turning the shaft to rotationally align with the input shaft of cooperating structure.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Wrench for Jar-Top Valve Covers

Номер: US20130118319A1

A wrench for a valve includes an elongated member having a first end portion and a second end portion. A first leg and a second leg are attached to the first end portion. The first leg and the second leg extend at an angle with respect to each other to form a gap therebetween. The first leg and second leg both having an inner surface for engaging with an outer surface of a bonnet and both legs having a front surface for engaging with a side surface of a rib attached to the outer surface of the bonnet. The wrench also including a handle attached to the second end portion. 1. A wrench for a valve having a bonnet , the bonnet having a body with an outer surface and a rib attached to and extending from the outer surface , the rib having a side surface , the wrench comprising: a first end portion and an opposing second end portion;', 'a t-shaped handle attached to the first end portion;', a rigid rectangular shape and a front surface and an inner surface; and', 'a second leg having a rigid rectangular shape;, 'a first leg attached to the second end portion, the first leg having, 'the second leg attached to the second end portion, the first leg and the second leg extend away from the second end at a non-zero angle with respect to each other, thereby forming a gap, the gap being unobstructed between the first leg and the second leg, so as to permit the bonnet to engage the first leg along the inner surface from the second end to an end portion of the first leg;', 'wherein the inner surface of the first leg engages the outer surface of the bonnet and the front surface of the first leg engages the side surface of the rib during removal of the bonnet from the valve., 'an elongated member having2. The wrench according to claim 1 , further comprising:a socket adapter attached to the t-shaped handle.3. The wrench according to claim 2 , further comprising:a cup housing coupled to the socket adapter.4. The wrench according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first post attached to a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167691A1

A drywall screwdriver includes a housing, a screw-in depth limiting element, and a gearing unit. The drywall screwdriver further includes a coupling unit, an output spindle, an electric motor, and a battery receptacle region. The housing of the screwdriver has at least one hand grip region. An overall weight of the drywall screwdriver is less than 1.2 kg. 1. A drywall screwdriver , comprising:a housing;a screw-in depth limiting element;a gearing unit;a coupling unit;an output spindle;an electric motor; anda battery receptacle region;wherein the housing has at least one hand grip region, andwherein the drywall screwdriver has an overall weight of less than 1.2 kg.2. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the drywall screwdriver has a first overall length of less than 232.5 mm.3. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the drywall screwdriver has a first ergonomic overall length of less than 206 mm.4. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 2 , wherein the drywall screwdriver has a second overall length of less than 230 mm.5. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 3 , wherein the drywall screwdriver has a second ergonomic overall length of less than 204 mm.6. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the battery receptacle region is arranged at least substantially entirely radially within the housing.7. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor has a diameter of less than 44 mm.8. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the gearing unit includes at least one planetary gear set.9. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 8 , wherein the planetary gear set is of single-stage design.10. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the gearing unit has a transmission ratio of between 3 and 10.11. The drywall screwdriver according to claim 1 , wherein the gearing unit and the electric motor are configured to generate a rotational speed of the output spindle of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177124A1
Принадлежит: AREVA NP

A device for the dry handling of nuclear fuel assemblies is provided. The device includes a transfer basket which can be connected to a lifter and which includes a gripper for gripping the fuel assembly to be transferred, the gripper being supported by a lift built into the basket; and an indexing table which can be placed on a cask and which comprises a positioner for positioning the basket over a slot in the cask. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for the dry handling of nuclear fuel assemblies comprising:a transfer basket connectable to a lifter and having an inner gripper for gripping a fuel assembly to be transferred, the inner gripper supported by a lift built into the basket, the transfer basket including a bottom provided with valves pivoting between an open position for the passage of the fuel assembly to be transferred and a closed position of the basket; andan indexing table placeable on a cask and including a positioner for positioning the basket on a slot of the cask and orienting the inner gripper relative to the fuel assembly.17. The device as recited in wherein the basket comprises an upper portion including a double attachment system with a hook for the lifter claim 16 , a body containing the built-in lift bearing the inner gripper and a lower portion formed by the bottom provided with the valves.18. The device as recited in wherein the bottom of the basket includes a central opening for the passage of the inner gripper and the fuel assembly in the open position of the valves.19. The device as recited in wherein the valves have mutually complementary shapes to cover the central opening in the closed position of the valves.20. The device as recited in wherein each valve is formed by a triangular plate whereof the base is hingedly mounted on the bottom.21. The device as recited in wherein each valve is placed above the bottom and is associated with at least one movement element between the open and closed positions.22. The device as recited in wherein the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199341A1
Автор: Imi Katsumi

A bolt tensioner is provided with: a housing; a puller bar; an oil pump unit; a puller bar socket; a locking ring; a nut socket; and a nut rotation device. The housing is structured with a first housing that houses the puller bar and a second housing that houses the nut socket, and the first and second housings are integrally connected so that regardless of the shape of the member to be fastened, nuts can be appropriately fastened to/loosened from stud bolts. 1. A bolt tensioner that fastens or loosens nuts to be respectively screwed to a plurality of stud bolts by rotating the nuts while applying a tension to the stud bolts in an axial direction away from an object to be fastened , with respect to which the plurality of stud bolts are arranged by screwing them , the bolt tensioner comprising:a housing having a cylindrical shape;a puller bar located in an axial center portion in the housing;a puller bar moving device that enables the puller bar to move in the axial direction;a puller bar socket that connects the puller bar and the stud bolts in such a manner that the puller bar and the stud bolts cannot move relatively in the axial direction;a locking ring that operates the puller bar socket;a nut socket that is rotatably supported in the axial center portion in the housing and closer to the front end than the puller bar; anda driving device that is attached to an outer periphery of the housing and that is capable of rotating the nut socket positively and negatively, whereinthe housing is structured with a first housing that houses the puller bar and a second housing that houses the nut socket, the first and second housing being integrally connected.2. The bolt tensioner according to claim 1 , wherein the driving device is located between the first housing and the second housing.3. The bolt tensioner according to claim 1 , wherein the driving device is located at the front end of the first housing.4. The bolt tensioner according to claim 1 , wherein the nut socket ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205575A1
Автор: Imi Katsumi

A fastening and loosening device is provided with a device main body () having an upper portion supported along an arrangement direction of stud bolts () in a freely movable manner by a conveyance device (), a bolt tensioner () freely ascendable/descendable with respect to the stud bolts () together with the device main body () by a lift device (), a guide device () coupled with the device main body () in a freely relatively movable manner via a cylinder () and having right and left guide members ( and ) contactable with an outer periphery of a nut () from both the right and left sides of a moving direction of the device main body (), and a guide position adjustment device () capable of moving an inner guide member () in a horizontal direction intersecting with the moving direction of the device main body (). 1. A fastening and loosening device having a plurality of stud bolts screwed in an object to be fastened and arranged and nuts respectively screwed with the stud bolts , and rotating the nut with causing tension to act on the stud bolt in a shaft center direction away from the object to be fastened to perform fastening or loosening , the fastening and loosening device comprising:a device main body having an upper portion movably supported along an arrangement direction of the stud bolts;a bolt tensioner supported by the device main body and being freely movable along the shaft center direction of the stud bolts;a guide device provided in a lower portion of the device main body and having right and left guide members contactable with an outer periphery of the nut from both right and left sides of a moving direction of the device main body; anda guide position adjustment device capable of moving at least one of the right and left guide members in a horizontal direction intersecting with the moving direction of the device main body.2. The fastening and loosening device according to claim 1 , wherein the arrangement direction of the stud bolts is a circumferential ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315364A1
Автор: BRESOUS Luc
Принадлежит: AREVA NP

A device for turning a container about a turning axis is provided. The device includes a stationary holding member and two bearing members which are spaced apart along the turning axis on each side of a space for receiving a container, and which are capable of being used for bearing on the container while enabling the rotation of the container about the turning axis relative to the bearing members. The device includes a movable holding member that is mounted onto the stationary holding member so as to rotate about the turning axis, at least one bearing member being supported by the movable holding member while being mounted onto the movable holding member so as to rotate about the drive axis, the or each bearing member supported by the movable holding member not rotating about the turning axis relative to the stationary holding member when the movable holding member rotates about the turning axis relative to the stationary holding member. 117-. (canceled)18. A device for turning a container about a turning axis comprising:a stationary holding member;two bearing members which are spaced apart along the turning axis on each side of a space for receiving the container and which are capable of being used for bearing on the container while enabling the rotation of the container about the turning axis relative to the bearing members;a movable holding member that is mounted on to the stationary holding member so as to be rotatable around the turning axis, at least one of the bearing members being supported by the movable holding member while being mounted onto the movable holding member, so as to rotate about the turning axis, the or each bearing member supported by the movable holding member not rotating about the turning axis relative to the stationary holding member when the movable holding member rotates about the turning axis relative to the stationary holding member.19. The turning device according to further comprising a clamp capable of holding the or each bearing ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319180A1

The invention concerns a family of insertable temporary fasteners () comprising the following: 2. Family of temporary fasteners according to claim 1 , with each fastener including an additional visual identifier associated with the diameter of the fastener.340052407. Family of temporary fasteners () according to or claim 1 , with each fastener including a magnetic ring () placed on the control nut ().410. Temporary fastener installation set () comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a family of fasteners according to ,'}{'b': '13', 'claim-text': [{'b': 14', '54', '74', '12', '109', '209, 'a first cylindrical sheath (, , ) placed on an axis (), capable of interacting with the body (, ) of a temporary fastener to prevent the body from moving on the axis,'}, {'b': 15', '55', '75', '109', '209, 'a second cylindrical sheath (, , ), housed within the first cylindrical sheath, capable of interacting with the body (, ) of a temporary fastener to prevent the body from rotating around the axis,'}, {'b': 18', '58', '78, 'claim-text': [{'b': 21', '22, 'with one end () of the third sheath relative to the axis equipped with the means () to begin rotation around the axis via the output shaft of a motor system, and'}, {'b': 20', '107', '207', '307', '407, 'the other end () of the third sheath relative to the axis capable of interacting with the control nut (, , , ) on the temporary fastener in order to rotate it,'}], 'a third cylindrical sheath (, , ) housed within the second cylindrical sheath, that can be rotated and moved on the axis relative to the first sheath,'}, {'b': 26', '30', '50', '52, 'a means (, , , ) of detecting the axial position of the third sheath relative to the first'}], 'an installation tool () comprising5303026141521421525182181415. Set according to claim 4 , where a means () of detecting the axial position of the third sheath comprises a position sensor () and a pin () placed inside the first and second cylindrical sheaths ( claim 4 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Fuel exchange apparatus

Номер: US20140023171A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy Ltd

A fuel exchange apparatus, comprising: a traveling carriage moving horizontally in one direction; a traversing carriage moving horizontally on the traveling carriage in a direction orthogonal to the one direction in which the traveling carriage moves; and a fuel holding unit attached to the traversing carriage, and including an telescopic tube enabling to extend and contract, a holding tool for holding a fuel assembly and releasing the held fuel assembly, and a lifter for raising and lowering the holding tool by winding and running out linear members for suspending and supporting the holding tool from the traversing carriage, wherein the holding tool is selectively placed in a constrained state in which the holding tool is subject to a constraint by the telescopic tube and in a freely suspended state in which the holding tool is released from the constraint by the telescopic tube and freely suspended by the linear members.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Universal self-adjusting, open-ended powered wrench

Номер: US20140083255A1

Examples disclosed herein relate to one or more wrench devices. An apparatus may include a drive gear assembly configured to be coupled to a power source. The drive gear assembly may include a plurality of drive gears. The apparatus may include a cam assembly coupled to the drive gear assembly. The cam assembly may include a first cam and a second cam. Further, the first cam and the second cam may be configured to interact with each other to move a part.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001450A1

An extractor may include an elongated section including a proximal section configured to be coupled to a rotary tool and a distal section configured to be inserted into a bore of a bolt. A longitudinal axis may extend lengthwise through a center of the distal section and wherein the first and second surfaces are recessed inwardly toward the longitudinal axis. The distal section may be generally shaped as a prism having a generally polygonal cross-section including a plurality of faces, and a contact edge is defined between adjacent ones of the faces. Each of the faces includes a first surface and a second surface, the first surface narrowing in a direction toward a distal end of the distal section and the second surface widening in the direction toward the distal end of the distal section. 1. A bolt extractor , comprising:an elongated section including a proximal section configured to be coupled to a rotary tool and a distal section configured to be inserted into a bore of a bolt;a longitudinal axis extends lengthwise through a center of the distal section and wherein the first and second surfaces are recessed inwardly toward the longitudinal axis from a distal end gradually outwardly to an outer dimension of said bolt extractor;the distal section is shaped as a geometry prism having a generally polygonal cross-section including a plurality of faces, and a contact edge is defined between adjacent ones of the faces;each of the faces includes a first surface and a second surface, the first surface narrowing in a direction toward a distal end of the distal section and the second surface widening in the direction toward the distal end of the distal section;an angle between said first surface and said second surface being obtuse along an entire length of said contact edge.2. The bolt extractor of claim 1 , wherein:the second surface provides support to the edge defined between adjacent ones of the faces during counterclockwise rotation of the bolt extractor.3. The bolt ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001440A1
Автор: LEE Kwan Wing

This invention discloses an anvil for power tools. The anvil includes an installation mechanism and an engaging mechanism. The installation mechanism is used to install the anvil to the power tool. When the anvil is installed to the power tool, the engaging mechanism is adapted to extend forward from the power tool. The engaging mechanism is adapted to selectively engage one of a plurality of impact sleeves having different internal dimensions. This invention also discloses a power tool having the anvil. The anvil of this invention can selectively engage impact sleeves having different internal dimensions, so that the user does not need to frequently change tools or anvils to carry out different impact operations, the operation flexibility of power tools are effectively improved, and the work efficiency of the user is improved. 1. An anvil for power tools , comprising:an installation mechanism for installing the anvil to the power tool to connect with the drive mechanism of the power tool; andan engaging mechanism adapted to extend forward from the power tool when the anvil is installed on the power tool;wherein the engaging mechanism is adapted to selectively engage one of a plurality of impact sleeves having different internal dimensions.2. The anvil according to claim 1 , wherein the engaging mechanism is adapted to selectively engage the following impact sleeves: ½ inch impact sleeves; ⅜ inch impact sleeves; and ¼ inch impact sleeves.3. The anvil according to claim 1 , wherein the engaging mechanism has a plurality of engaging members claim 1 , and wherein the outer surface of each of the engaging members defines cross sections of different dimensions for engaging impact sleeves having corresponding internal dimensions.4. The anvil according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of engaging members is coaxially arranged.5. The anvil according to claim 1 , wherein the cross section defined by the outer surface of each of the engaging members has approximately the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001603A1
Принадлежит: Innovative Works, Inc.

A semi-trailer landing gear apparatus employing a handheld power tool is disclosed. The landing gear apparatus is attached to a standard landing gear drive shaft. The landing gear apparatus includes a slip collar drive that allows an operator to use the power tool without removing the hand crank. The power tool has a locking blade which slides into or otherwise engages with a trailer-mounted bracket or bracket mounted on a telescoping arm when the coupler is engaged, preventing rotational movement against the operator as the motor is activated. The power tool also has a quick-release socket assembly which readily connects and disconnects the power tool from the apparatus. A planetary gear system is employed for gear reduction within the power tool. The apparatus may employ a trailer-mounted motor to raise and lower the trailer landing gear. 1. A trailer landing gear lifting apparatus for rotating a drive shaft of a landing gear of a land vehicle , comprising: a generally cylindrical trailer bolt having a spring loaded ball bearing, a first end of the trailer bolt adapted to couple with a drive shaft of a landing gear, and', 'a generally hollow, cylindrical hand crank drive socket, the hand crank drive socket receiving a second end of trailer bolt opposite the first end, the hand crank drive socket adapted for receiving and selectively coupling and decoupling with the trailer bolt when the ball bearing engages with hand crank drive socket, wherein:', 'when the hand crank drive socket is coupled to the trailer bolt, the hand crank drive socket is adapted for driving the trailer bolt, and', 'when the hand crank drive socket is decoupled with the trailer bolt, the trailer bolt is configured to rotate within the stationary hand crank drive socket; and,, 'a slip collar drive comprisinga stabilizing connector configured for coupling to a land vehicle, the stabilizing connector configured to receive and detachably secure a body of a motorized power tool from rotating during ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008158A1

A device to apply a rotational force to a spring of a rollup or overhead garage door counterbalancing mechanism. The device has a rotatable driven member mounted in a housing. The housing and the driven member have slots with an open end adapted to receive the shaft of the overhead garage door counterbalancing mechanism. A coupling member is configured to mount to the driven member and connect the driven member to the winding cone of a garage door spring to apply rotational force to the spring. The housing with the driven member may be connected to the body of an existing power tool in place of the original tool head, or, the housing may be permanently combined with a motor and transmission to provide a special purpose tool. 1. An apparatus for applying rotational force to portions of a garage door assembly comprising:(1) a housing with a first slotted portion;(2) a driven member mounted to the housing having a second slotted portion;(3) a transmission adapted to apply rotational force to the driven member;(4) a coupling member adapted to mate with the driven member, the coupling member comprising at least one engagement member adapted to engage portions of a winding member of a garage door assembly.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling member has an opening configured to admit a shaft.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a central aperture adapted to mate with portions of the coupling member.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a motor adapted to engage with the transmission and provide motive force thereto.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one engagement member includes one or more slots or at least one hooked member.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the housing and transmission are adapted to attach to portions of a pre-existing power hand tool.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising a prong for engagement with portions of a winding cone of an ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Tensioning device for expanding a threaded bolt

Номер: US20150013502A1

In a tensioning device for expanding a threaded bolt by a pull on its threaded end portion, a supporting tube surrounds the threaded end portion and a nut is screwed onto the threaded end portion. A cylinder is arranged in the prolongation of the supporting tube and has at least one piston movable therein in the longitudinal direction and connectable to a hydraulic supply. An interchangeable bush is screwable to the threaded end portion and is drivable axially by the piston. A gear arrangement for adjusting the nut is provided. Components of the gear arrangement are a driver element engaging externally on the nut and a drive shaft provided with an engagement structure for a drive tool. In this case, the axis of rotation of the drive shaft is arranged at an angle of preferably 90° to the longitudinal mid-axis of the piston. 1. A tensioning device for expanding a threaded bolt by a pull on a threaded end portion of the threaded bolt , the tensioning device comprising:a supporting tube surrounding the threaded end portion and surrounding a nut screwed onto the threaded end portion;a cylinder arranged in a prolongation of the supporting tube;at least one piston disposed in the cylinder and moveable in the cylinder axially in a direction of a longitudinal mid-axis of the piston;a hydraulic supply operatively connectable to the at least one piston;an interchangeable bush adapted to be screwed to the threaded end portion and adapted to be driven axially by the at least one piston;a gear arrangement for adjusting the nut;the gear arrangement comprising a driver element adapted to engage externally on the nut and further comprising a drive shaft provided with an engagement structure for a drive tool;wherein an axis of rotation of the drive shaft is arranged at an angle of more than 0° and less than 180° relative to the longitudinal mid-axis of the at least one piston.2. The tensioning device according to claim 1 , wherein the angle is 90°.3. The tensioning device according ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013505A1
Автор: Saito Hirofumi

A round top set screw is provided, including a first section having a shape of substantially a cylinder having a threaded side surface, a second section for wrenching drive, the second section formed contiguously and concentrically to the first section and having a shape of substantially a polygonal prism, and a third section formed contiguously and concentrically to the second section, the third section having a cylindrical portion and a round top having a convex shape, the edge of which contiguously connects to a side surface of the cylindrical portion, wherein the curvature of the convex shape is predetermined to prevent damages to a metal plate when it is pressed at an angle against the third section of the screw. A tool is provided for attaching the screw to a base board and securing it by using a corresponding nut. 1. A wrenching tool for attaching a screw to a base board and securing it by using a corresponding nut , the wrenching tool comprising:a first unit configured to act on the screw comprising a first section having a shape of substantially a cylinder having a threaded side surface, a second section for wrenching drive, the second section formed contiguously and concentrically to the first section and having a shape of substantially a polygonal prism, and a third section formed contiguously and concentrically to the second section, the third section having a cylindrical portion and a round top having a convex shape, the edge of which contiguously connects to a side surface of the cylindrical portion; anda second unit configured to act on the nut having a threaded internal side surface.2. The wrenching tool of claim 1 , whereinthe first unit comprises a first handle and a first cylindrical part, wherein the first handle is horizontally fixed to one end portion of the first cylindrical part, and the first cylindrical part has a section where a hollow is formed therein to have an internal side surface configured for engaging the second section of the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025538A1

Various torque-limiting screwdrivers, systems, and methods are disclosed. The screwdriver can include a body supporting a motor configured to rotate a screw engaged with the screwdriver. The screwdriver can include a controller configured to implement torque-limiting functionality, such as by monitoring the amount of torque applied to the screw and reducing or stopping rotation of the screw when certain torque-limiting criteria are met. Some embodiments include a threshold point, after which the torque-limiting functionality can be engaged. Some embodiments include a slowdown point, after which the rotational speed of the screw is reduced. 1. A surgical torque-limiting screwdriver comprising:a housing;a motor positioned in the housing and configured to receive electrical power from a power source;a drive head positioned at a distal end of the screwdriver, the drive head configured to receive a bit that engages a screw and to be rotated by the motor so as to enable the screwdriver to drive the screw into a bone;a current sensor that samples electrical current drawn by the motor during operation of the motor; receives signals from the current sensor indicative of the electrical current drawn by the motor;', 'uses the signals to determine a plurality of driving torque values, each of the plurality of driving torque values indicative of an amount of torque that the screwdriver is applying to the screw during a respective time period t;', 'stores at least the three most-recent of the plurality of driving torque values in a memory;', 'compares each of the driving torque values that occur after a deadband with a threshold torque value;', 'prevents engagement of a torque-limiting function until at least one of the driving torque values that occur after the deadband is greater than or equal to the threshold torque value;', 'permits engagement of the torque-limiting function in response to at least one of the driving torque values that occur after the deadband being greater ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027539A1

Systems join with a control rod drive and expand or contract to displace elements necessary for decoupling. Joining structures affix to on sides of the control rod drive allow discriminatory jacking by a powered drive also in contact with the control rod drive. A moveable piston tube can be displaced by this jacking with hundreds or thousands of pounds of force with respect to the control rod drive. Probes and other instrumentation and sensors are useable in the systems to accurately measure any of piston tube displacement, temperature, malfunction; drive power status, displacement or speed; and communications status. Manual interaction with the systems are not required during the jacking, and installation and removal of the systems requires no tools or great amount of time or effort. Through remote operation and brief installation, human exposure to radiation about control rod drives is minimized. 1. A remote decoupling system for use in a nuclear reactor , the system comprising:an attachment structure configured to removably secure to a control rod drive of the reactor such that the control rod drive and attachment structure do not move relative to one another in a vertical direction; anda jack secured to the attachment structure, wherein the jack is configured to displace a piston tube of the control rod drive in the vertical direction relative to the control rod drive and the attachment structure without human contact.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the jack includes a port configured to provide mechanical securing claim 1 , electrical communications claim 1 , and electrical power.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the attachment structure includes claim 1 ,a sleeve shaped to fit around a lower flange of the control rod drive, anda clamp arm connecting to the sleeve and configured to attach to a backside of the flange.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the clamp arm is rotatable with respect to the sleeve and extendable claim 3 , and wherein the clamp arm ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027261A1

Fuel elements are moved between upper and lower pools of a nuclear plant through a conveyor tube having upper and lower ends in the upper and lower pools. A transport basket movable internally along the tube and into which at least one of the fuel elements can be placed can travel through the conveyor tube. A blocking element at one end of the tube can fully close the conveyor tube. A traction cable guided through the conveyor tube raises and lowers the transport basket through the tube. An intermediate partially closing blocking element offset from the fully closing blocking element in the tube is movable between an open position allowing the basket to pass and a closed position blocking such passage and is formed with a cable passage through which the traction cable can pass in the closed position. 1. In combination with a nuclear power plant having an upper pool and a lower pool with a liquid level of the upper pool above a liquid level of the lower pool , a transfer system for moving fuel elements between the upper pool and the lower pool , the transfer system comprising:a conveyor tube having an upper end at the upper pool and a lower end at the lower pool and extending between the upper and lower ends at an acute angle to the vertical;a transport basket movable internally along the tube and into which at least one of the fuel elements can be placed for transfer through the conveyor tube;a fully closing upper blocking element at the upper end of the tube that can fully close the conveyor tube at the upper end;a cable hoist having a traction cable guided through the conveyor tube for raising and lowering the transport basket through the conveyor tube;a lower fully closing lower blocking element without a cable passage at the lower end; andan intermediate partially closing blocking element between the upper and lower fully closing blocking elements in the tube, movable between an open position allowing the basket to pass and a closed position blocking such ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029135A1

An ultra-precise boring cartridge and an adjustment device is disclosed. The boring cartridge includes a cam, a cam follower contacting the cam by a slopped portion, and a spring arrangement exerting a biasing force against the cam follower. The adjustment device includes a graduated dial affixed to an annular sleeve having a hexagonal-shaped end engaged with the boring cartridge. A dial of the boring cartridge is rotated in increments of about 3.6° by the adjustment device, which causes movement of about 0.005 mm of the cam in a X-direction and movement of about 0.001 mm of the cam follower in a Y-direction, thereby selectively adjusting a machining radius of a cutting insert mounted on the cam follower. 1. An ultra-precise boring cartridge , comprising:a housing;a dial rotationally mounted within the housing;a cam having a threaded portion, wherein rotation of a dial causes linear movement of the cam;a cam follower contacting the cam by a slopped portion that is inclined at an angle with respect to a plane parallel to an X-axis; anda spring arrangement exerting a biasing force against the cam follower,wherein rotation of the dial in a clockwise direction causes movement of the cam in a first X-direction and movement of the cam follower in a first Y-direction, andwherein rotation of the dial in a counterclockwise direction causes movement of the cam in a second, opposite X-direction and movement of the cam follower in a second, opposite Y-direction due to the biasing force exerted by the spring arrangement against the cam follower, andwherein movement of the cam follower in the first and second Y-directions selectively adjusts a machining radius of a cutting insert mounted on the cam follower.2. The boring cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the slopped portion has an angle of about between about 5° and about 15° with respect to a plane parallel to the X-axis.3. The boring cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein movement of Δx of the cam in the first and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Door Stop Installation Tool and Method of Using Same

Номер: US20220048166A1
Принадлежит: Marshen Tools, LLC.

A door stop installation device. The door stop installation device may include a main body portion; a door stop receiving portion integrated into the main body portion; an extension portion extending from a proximal end of the main body portion; an opening in a distal end of the main body portion; and wherein, the door stop receiving portion may be configured to receive at least one type of a door stop. 1. A door stop installation device , comprising:a. a main body portion;b. a door stop receiving portion integrated into the main body portion;c. an extension portion extending from a proximal end of the main body portion;d. an opening in a distal end of the main body portion; andwherein, the door stop receiving portion is configured to receive at least one type of a door stop.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the door stop receiving portion comprises a cavity formed in the main body portion.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein a proximal end of the extension portion is configured to engage with a driver device.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the extension portion comprises a hex extension.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main body portion and extension portion are configured together such that as the extension portion rotates the main body portion rotates.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the door stop receiving portion of the main body portion is configured such that as the main body portion rotates a door stop received in the door stop receiving portion rotates.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the extension portion extends into the door stop receiving portion.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the distal end of the extension portion comprises one of a slotted claim 7 , cross-head claim 7 , torx claim 7 , or hex head.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main body portion further comprises one or magnets at the distal end of the main body portion.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main body portion comprises a slot formed in a side ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Combination Castlenut and Barrelnut Socket Adapter for Use with Torque Creating Devices

Номер: US20190030690A1
Автор: Hamby David M.

This disclosure describes embodiments of a Combination Castlenut and Barrelnut Socket Adapter that may be used to remove castlenuts and barrel nuts from firearms. 1. An apparatus for ambidextrously holding open the bolt of a Kalashnikov style firearm , for ambidextrously selecting whether the Kalashnikov style firearm will fire multiple rounds or a single round each time the user pulls and holds down the trigger on the firearm and for ambidextrously selecting whether the Kalashnikov style firearm will fire when the user pulls the trigger on the firearm when the Kalashnikov style firearm is equipped with a left receiver , a right receiver , a charging handle , an auto sear mounting pin , a primary keyhole , a secondary mounting hole , a bolt carrier assembly and a recoil spring assembly , a disconnector , a hammer and a trigger assembly , said apparatus comprising: [ a means for creating friction between the external part and the right receiver;', 'a means for conformably clearing the auto sear mounting pin by allowing the external part to pass over the auto sear mounting pin;', "a rigid hold open member extending from the external part so as to conformably engage the front of the firearm's charging handle in such a manner that prevents the bolt of the firearm from closing for so long as the hold open member is engaging the front of the firearm's charging handle;", 'a right thumb piece operatively configured to provide leverage to a user rotating the primary selector piece;, 'an external part which extends laterally along the right receiver, comprising, a means for pivoting on keyhole passthrough;', 'a means for blocking mechanism which is capable of blocking the disconnector and the trigger assembly;', 'a means for permitting reciprocation of bolt carrier assembly;', 'a means for pivoting on secondary mounting hole that possesses an insertion space conformably made to accommodate a means for fastening the primary selector piece to the left thumb piece;, 'an internal ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Integrated System for Forming and Transporting Packaging Assemblies, and the Assembly, Filling and Disassembly Stations Thereof

Номер: US20160035447A1

The invention relates to an assembly consisting of a plurality of packaging bottles () for conditioning, storing and transporting radioactive bars or tubes, hereinafter called fagot assembly (), wherein: said bottles () are identical and interchangeable; and said bottles are attached to each other in order to form a fagot or a bundle (), by means of quick-fastening means (), said fagot () comprising N bottles, N≧2; characterised in that said bottles () are formed from steel and are thicker at one of the two ends thereof, over a certain length. 223. The fagot assembly () according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is modular and has a variable geometry claim 1 , i.e. claim 1 , it can be subdivided or dimensioned in smaller subassemblies claim 1 , still using the same fastening means ().3212. The fagot assembly () according to claim 1 , characterized in that each of said bottles () is a type of packaging corresponding to the Type A certification of the IAEA Regulation for the transport of radioactive materials claim 1 , and the fagot assembly () also corresponds to said Type A certification.424. A use of a fagot assembly () according to claim 1 , for conditioning claim 1 , storing and transporting reformed guide tubes for control cluster rods () coming from pressurized or boiling water nuclear reactors.5611222. A handling installation () for filling Type A packaging bottles () with radioactive bars or tubes in the building of a nuclear reactor claim 1 , said bottles () forming a fagot assembly () according to claim 1 , said installation being integrated into the fagot assembly () so that the ground footprint of that integrated installation is limited to the dimensions of the fagot assembly ().6628910. The handling installation () according to claim 5 , characterized in that the fagot assembly () is topped by walkways () and equipped with ladders () and lifting means ().75312. An installation for the assembly and disassembly () with quick-fastening means () of Type ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033504A1

A method of the plug and removable block extraction when reloading the nuclear reactor. The invention relates to nuclear engineering, in particular to a process of the plug and the removable block extraction from a fast reactor with a heavy liquid metal coolant. The technical result consists in extracting the plug and the removable block without fuel assemblies from the nuclear reactor using a complex of handling equipment under radiation safety conditions. The method of the plug removable block extraction involves preliminary installation of handling equipment, removing the plug from the reactor monoblock, as well as transportation and positioning of the plug in the plug shaft, unloading the removable block, its transportation and placing the removable block in the shaft for the removable block disassembly. 1. A method of plug and removable block extraction during nuclear reactor reloading which consists in the following: the plug transportation device is installed on the reactor plug , an additional cargo is installed on the plug transportation device , cable reduction box internal frame part is installed and fixed on the reactor monoblock cover , the plug transportation device middle part is turned into a position where its projections enter into the operational area of the cable reduction box fixing element , the additional cargo is dismantled and the external part of cable reduction box is installed on the reactor monoblock , the internal media of the cable reduction box cavity is replaced , the guide channel is installed on the cable reduction box , the reloading armor is installed on the guide channel , the internal media of the reloading armor and guide channel is replaced , the plug transportation device with the plug is moved into the reloading armor , the reloading armor with the plug is transported into the plug shaft where the plug is unloaded , the guide channel is re-installed on the cable reduction box , the reloading armor with the removable block ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051821A1

A modular nuclear reactor system includes a lift-out, replaceable nuclear reactor core configured for replacement as a singular unit during a single lift-out event, such as rather than lifting and replacing individual fuel assemblies and/or fuel elements. The system includes a reactor vessel and a power generation system configured to convert thermal energy in a high temperature working fluid received from the reactor vessel into electrical energy. The reactor vessel includes: a vessel inlet and an adjacent vessel outlet arranged near a bottom on the vessel; a vessel receptacle configured to receive a unified core assembly; locating datums in the base of the vessel receptacle and configured to constrain a core assembly in multiple degrees of freedom; and an interstitial zone surrounding the vessel receptacle and housing a set of control or moderating drums. 1. A nuclear power reactor system comprising: a vessel inlet and a vessel outlet disposed coaxially with the vessel inlet;', 'a core receptacle defining a central axis and comprising a set of locating datums to receive a nuclear reactor core;', 'a set of control drums disposed about a periphery of the core receptacle; and', 'a set of control drum actuators coupled to the set of control drums and configured to selectively position each of the set of control drums;, 'a reactor vessel comprising a moderating core structure comprising a set of graphite prismatic blocks arranged adjacent a set of vertical flow channels configured to pass a working fluid adjacent the set of graphite prismatic blocks to the vessel outlet;', 'a set of locating features configured to mate with the locating datums in the reactor vessel to locate the moderating core structure in the core receptacle and along a flow path between the vessel inlet and the vessel outlet; and', 'a lift-out support plate configured to vertically support the moderating core structure during insertion of the moderating core structure into the core receptacle at a ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051822A1

A modular nuclear reactor system includes a lift-out, replaceable nuclear reactor core configured for replacement as a singular unit during a single lift-out event, such as rather than lifting and replacing individual fuel assemblies and/or fuel elements. The system includes a reactor vessel and a power generation system configured to convert thermal energy in a high temperature working fluid received from the reactor vessel into electrical energy. The reactor vessel includes: a vessel inlet and an adjacent vessel outlet arranged near a bottom on the vessel; a vessel receptacle configured to receive a unified core assembly; locating datums in the base of the vessel receptacle and configured to constrain a core assembly in multiple degrees of freedom; and an interstitial zone surrounding the vessel receptacle and housing a set of control or moderating drums. 1. An automated method for installing a nuclear reactor core comprising:locating a shielded core transporter enshrouding a nuclear reactor core to a lowering position over a vessel;aligning a set of locating features arranged on the nuclear reactor core to a set of datum arranged within the vessel adjacent a working fluid plenum;lowering the nuclear reactor core from the shielded core transporter into the vessel such that the set of locating features engage with the set of datum;disengaging a lift adapter from a lift-out support plate arranged with the nuclear reactor core and into the shielded core transporter;removing the shielded core transporter from the lowering position;arranging a vessel head onto the vessel; andsealing the vessel head onto the vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising prior to locating the shielded core transporter enshrouding the nuclear reactor core to the lowering position over the vessel:verifying that a human is in a safe location distal from the shielded core transporter and the vessel by registering a unique identifier of the human in the safe location distal from the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Multiplex Bolting Tool

Номер: US20210046627A1
Автор: VORNWEG Stefan

A torque wrench for multiple bolts or nuts comprises multiple drive spindles that are arranged annularly around a center and are equipped or able to be equipped at the end with respective torque-applying tools, and a ratchet drive, associated with each drive spindle and driven by means of a hydraulic piston drive, for driving the drive spindles. The torque wrench for multiple bolts or nuts also comprises an actuator unit for inducing a rotary movement in the drive spindles, having an actuating wheel mounted rotatably about the axis of the center of the annular arrangement of the drive spindles as drive wheel, which drives respective output wheels fitted on the drive spindles, wherein the driving movement of the actuating wheel is transmitted to the drive spindle via respective torque limiters. 126-. (canceled)27. A multiplex bolting tool for multiple bolts or nuts with multiple drive spindles that are arranged around a center and are equipped or able to be equipped at an end with respective torque-applying tools , and a ratchet drive , associated with each drive spindle and driven by means of a hydraulic piston drive , for driving the drive spindles , comprising: an actuator unit for inducing a rotary movement in the drive spindles , the actuator unit having an actuating wheel mounted rotatably about the axis of the center of the annular arrangement of the drive spindles as drive wheel , which drives respective output wheels fitted on the drive spindles , wherein driving movement of the actuating wheel is transmitted to the drive spindles via respective torque limiters.28. The multiplex bolting tool of claim 27 , wherein the output wheels are connected to the drive spindles via a slip coupling for transferring drive force to the drive spindles in a torque-limited manner claim 27 , and respective gear rings of the output wheels mesh with outer splines of the actuating wheel.29. The multiplex bolting tool of claim 28 , wherein the slip coupling of each drive spindle ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190043626A1

The modular lower moving system for nuclear fuel handling includes: a lower reactor vessel assembly including nuclear fuel loaded therein; a carrier having a space allowing the lower reactor vessel assembly to be accommodated therein; a rail extending from a reactor area to a fuel handling area; a transfer cart horizontally movable along the rail; a lifting device installed at the transfer cart, movable upward or downward with respect to the transfer cart; and a drive device configured to supply power to the transfer cart and the lifting device. The method of refueling nuclear fuel using the modular lower moving system includes a carrier lifting process, a lower reactor vessel assembly detachment process, a process of accommodating the lower reactor vessel assembly in the carrier, a carrier lowering process, a transfer cart movement process, a nuclear fuel offloading process, and a nuclear fuel loading process. 1. A modular lower moving system for nuclear fuel handling , the modular lower moving system comprising:a lower reactor vessel assembly installed below a reactor vessel located in the reactor area, detachable from the reactor vessel, and comprising nuclear fuel loaded therein;a carrier having a space allowing the lower reactor vessel assembly detached from the reactor vessel to be accommodated therein;a rail installed at a bottom of the transfer canal and extended from the reactor area to the fuel handling area;a transfer cart horizontally movable along the rail;a lifting device installed on the transfer cart, horizontally movable along the rail along with the transfer cart, and movable upward or downward with respect to the transfer cart; anda drive device configured to supply power to the transfer cart and the lifting device,wherein the carrier is assembled on the lifting device to be lifted or lowered via the lifting device, the lower reactor vessel assembly detached from the reactor vessel is accommodated in the carrier, and the carrier is horizontally ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Torque Limiting Tool and Methods

Номер: US20140123819A1

A torque limiting tool is provided that has a handle and a body, which in certain embodiments may be assembled by an operator. The body of the torque limiting tool has a side portion with a tubing slot for allowing tubing to exit the torque limiting tool. The handle and body have one or more abutments, designed to allow the torque limiting tool to deliver a maximum amount of torque. The torque limiting tool may be used with an adapter to allow coupling with a variety of fitting sizes and shapes. The torque limiting tool may be adapted for use with a flat bottom port, such as in an analytical instrument, like liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, ion chromatography, or in in vitro diagnostic systems. 1. A torque limiting tool for use with an analytical instrument system , comprising:a) a handle having a first end and a second end and a passageway therethrough, an inner wall, and a handle abutment attached to said inner wall; andb) a body having a first end, a second end, a side portion, a tubing slot within said side portion, a body mating portion proximal to said body first end comprising a lip and a recessed portion for mating the body to the handle, and a body abutment proximal to the body first end for engaging the handle abutment.2. The torque limiting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said handle comprises a plurality of abutments.3. The torque limiting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said handle abutment comprises a first ramp and a second ramp.4. The torque limiting tool according to claim 3 , wherein the first ramp comprises an angled portion steeper than an angled portion of the second ramp.5. The torque limiting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said handle comprises a plurality of splines.6. The torque limiting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said body comprises a plurality of abutments.7. The torque limiting tool according to claim 1 , wherein said body abutment comprises a first ramp and a second ramp.8. The torque limiting tool ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Mobile and Modular Drill Apparatus, Components thereof, and Methods of Use

Номер: US20220063067A1
Принадлежит: Swinerton Incorporated

An apparatus providing a platform for installing screws can include a cart with wheels, an assembly rail system mounted to the cart, and a screw assembly mounted to the assembly rail system. The screw assembly can include a screw feeding device, a screw guide tube, and a screwing device such as a drill that rotates a drive shaft that engages a screw received from the screw guide tube. The screw feeding device can include a screw rack that holds screws, and a magnetic grip that moves a screw from the screw rack to a screw feeding tube that is connected to the screw guide tube. The screw guide tube can include bristles for centering a screw received from the screw feeding tube. The apparatus can include a computer control system that operates the screwing device and the screw feeding device. 1. A screw feeding device , comprising:a screw feeding tube;a screw rack for holding a plurality of screws; and,a magnetic grip that moves a single screw from the screw rack to the screw feeding tube, the screw feeding tube having a first opening dimensioned to receive the single screw.2. The screw feeding device of claim 1 , wherein the first opening comprises a screw slot along the longitudinal axis of the screw feeding tube.3. The screw feeding device of claim 1 , further comprising:a solenoid to release the single screw from the screw rack;a screw guide bracket to support and guide the single screw towards the magnetic grip; and,an air piston to advance the single screw through the screw guide bracket.4. The screw feeding device of claim 3 , further comprising:a rotatable rod, wherein the magnetic grip is mounted on the rotatable rod; and,a screw feeding motor coupled to the rotatable rod.5. The screw feeding device of claim 4 , wherein actuating the screw feeding motor rotates the rotatable rod until the single screw is passed through the first opening and dropped into the screw feeding tube.6. A screw assembly claim 4 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Harmonic Balancer Stabilizer Apparatus

Номер: US20210053194A1
Автор: Matson Roy

A harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus for removing engine harmonic balancers includes a wrench body having a top side, a bottom side, a front end, a back end, a left edge, and a right edge. The wrench body has a principal aperture extending from the top side through the bottom side proximal the front end. The wrench body has a plurality of auxiliary apertures extending from the top side through the bottom side adjacent the principal aperture. Each of the plurality of auxiliary apertures is distributed around a perimeter of the principal aperture a fixed distance from the perimeter. 1. A harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus comprising:a wrench body, the wrench body having a top side, a bottom side, a front end, a back end, a left edge, and a right edge;the wrench body having a principal aperture extending from the top side through the bottom side proximal the front end; andthe wrench body having a plurality of auxiliary apertures extending from the top side through the bottom side adjacent the principal aperture, each of the plurality of auxiliary apertures being distributed around a perimeter of the principal aperture a fixed distance from the perimeter.2. The harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus of further comprising each of the front end and the back end being rounded.3. The harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus of further comprising each of the front end and the back end being semicircular.4. The harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus of further comprising the semicircular front end being concentric with the principal aperture.5. The harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus of further comprising the left edge and the right edge tapering from the front end to the back end.6. The harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus of further comprising the plurality of auxiliary apertures being evenly radially distributed around the perimeter of the principal aperture.7. The harmonic balancer stabilizer apparatus of further comprising the plurality of auxiliary apertures ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Powered Compression Clamping System

Номер: US20220072686A1
Автор: MARTIN Matt

A powered compression clamping system is provided by a wrench which is engageable to a power tool such as a drill on a first end. A second end of the wrench has a connector thereon which is configured to removably engage a handle of a clamp to rotate it using the power tool. 1. A wrench for imparting powered rotation to a rotating handle operatively engaged to operate a clamp , comprising:a wrench having a first end and having a second end opposite said first end thereof;said first end of said wrench having a tool connector thereon;said second end of said wrench having a first connector thereon;said tool connector engageable to a rotating powered shaft of a power tool;said first connector configured for a removable engagement with a rotating handle actuating a clamp at a connection position on said handle; andwherein with said first connector in said removable engagement at said connection position, actuation of said power tool to rotate said powered shaft imparts a powered rotation to said handle.2. The wrench of claim 1 , wherein said first connector comprises:a first sidewall opposite a second sidewall;a slot positioned between said first sidewall and said second sidewall, said a slot defined by a first interior surface of said first sidewall and a second interior surface of said second sidewall which is positioned on an opposite side of said slot from said first interior surface; andcontact of said first interior surface against a first side of said handle and of said second interior surface against a second side of said handle opposite said first side, defining said removable engagement with said rotating handle.3. The wrench of claim 2 , additionally comprising:a first recess formed into said first interior surface opposite a second recess formed into said second interior surface; andan area within said first recess and said second recess and said slot therebetween defining a pocket for positioning an end of said handle therein.4. The wrench of claim 3 , ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055171A1
Автор: Dooley Cheston Oneal

Hand Tool that combines a funnel and a socket-wrench extension into one device. The Nuffle makes engine oil changes easier by integrating both the device used to remove oil-pan drain plugs and the device used to direct the flow of fluids draining from the engine. The Nuffle eliminates the numerous hazards of using a separate funnel and socket-wrench to perform engine oil changes in both home and commercial settings. 1. Metallic funnel device combined with a metallic hand tool device—when combined , can act as a funnel and remove fasteners (bolts)2. Hollow metallic socket wrench extension accessory used to channel draining fluids (as the shaft portion of a funnel)3. Metallic funnel device as a socket wrench accessory4. Metallic socket wrench accessory used to remove and capture fasteners in a “funnel like” device My invention is called a “Nuffle”. The Nuffle was conceived with the intent of making automobile maintenance easier; specifically it would be used to assist in the process of “changing the oil” in automobiles and other machines with engines that use motor oil. The Nuffle would serve a dual function; it would serve as a way to remove oil-pan drain plugs (similar to existing socket-wrenches) and also serve as a funnel to drain the oil. The Nuffle brings two existing devices together as one, thus making automobile maintenance easier and safer.The Nuffle is part funnel and part socket-wrench extension. The Nuffle combines the funnel and the socket wrench extension into a device that is both a tool and a socket-wrench extension. The Nuffle solves the problem of losing or misplacing the oil-pan drain plug during an engine oil change, by eliminating the need to quickly remove the oil-pan drain plug and place a funnel underneath the oil-pan drain hole. The Nuffle can do this because the tool you use you remove the oil-pan drain plug is the same tool you would use as a funnel to direct the flow of the draining engine oil to your desired location.The Nuffle was ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068766A1
Автор: Jahnke Douglas Aaron

A rotational driver for driving a connector through adjacent tubulars is provided. The adjacent tubulars are positionable in a wellbore of a wellsite for passing fluid therethrough. The rotational driver includes a gearbox housing positionable about the connector, a socket carried by the gearbox housing to receivingly engage the connector, and a plurality of gears driven by at least one motor. The gears are operatively connectable to the socket to transfer torque from the motor thereto, and have interlocking teeth defining a plurality of contacts therebetween whereby load on the gears is distributable therebetween. 1. A rotational driver for driving a connector through adjacent tubulars , the adjacent tubulars positionable in a wellbore of a wellsite for passing fluid therethrough , the rotational driver comprising:a gearbox housing positionable about the connector;a socket carried by the gearbox housing to receivingly engage the connector; anda plurality of gears driven by at least one motor, the plurality of gears operatively connectable to the socket to transfer torque from the at least one motor thereto, the plurality of gears having interlocking teeth defining a plurality of contacts therebetween whereby load on the gears is distributable therebetween.2. The rotational driver of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of gears comprises:a plurality of pinion gears operatively connectable to a plurality of the at least one motor and rotationally driven thereby;a drive gear operatively connectable to the plurality of pinions and rotationally driven thereby;a plurality of intermediate gears operatively connectable to the drive gear and rotationally driven thereby; anda socket gear operatively connectable to the plurality of intermediate gears and rotationally driven thereby, the plurality of intermediate gears having a plurality of teeth in constant engagement with the socket gear whereby torque is distributed between the intermediate gears during rotation thereof with ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061781A1

A method comprises the steps of providing a tool over a collar secured to a stud on a gas turbine engine system. The collet is driven to rotate and remove the collar from the stud. A tool for removing collars from studs has a driver with a housing receiving a piston. A spring drives the piston, and the housing also has a hydraulic fluid supply opening for selectively receiving a hydraulic fluid to move the piston in opposition to a force from the spring. Collet fingers are movable between a released position and a secured position when a supply of hydraulic fluid is supplied into the housing. 1. A tool for removing collars from studs comprising:a driver having a housing and receiving a piston moveably within said housing, a spring driving said piston, said housing also having a drive for selectively moving said piston in opposition to a force from said spring; andcollet fingers being moveable between a released position and a secured position.2. The tool for removing collars from studs as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said drive includes a hydraulic fluid supply opening for selectively receiving a hydraulic fluid to move said piston in opposition to said force from said spring claim 1 , and supply of hydraulic fluid controlling the movement of said collet fingers between said released position and said secured position.3. The tool for removing collars from studs as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the supply of hydraulic fluid drives said piston to said released position and when the hydraulic fluid is released claim 2 , said spring drives said piston to move the collet fingers to the secured position.4. The tool for removing collars from studs as set forth in claim 3 , wherein said housing having an opening and there being a conical surface on said piston claim 3 , said conical surface being forced against edges of said opening in said housing to cam said collet fingers to said secured position.5. The tool for removing collars from studs as set forth in claim 4 , ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Inclined Hoist of Nuclear Reactor

Номер: US20190066856A1

The inclined hoist of a nuclear reactor comprising a trolley with a sleeve for SFA, which moves along a rail track in an inclined corridor by means of a cable . At the entry into the inclined corridor , a guide block is installed, equipped with an asymmetric channel for routing the cable and installed at an angle β relative to the track, satisfying the condition: 1. The inclined hoist of a nuclear reactor , comprising a trolley with a sleeve for installation of spent fuel assemblies moving along a rail track in an inclined corridor , a drum with a cable , a drive , characterized in that a guide block is installed at the entrance to the inclined corridor , wherein this block has a channel for passage of the cable and is installed under angle β relative to the track , satisfying the condition:{'br': None, 'i': 'tgβ=t/πD'}where β is an angle of inclination of the guide block to the track;t is a pitch of cable grooves on the drum;D is a diameter of the drum.2. The inclined hoist according to claim 1 , characterized in that the guide block channel is asymmetric claim 1 , and its axis is located along the cable movement trajectory. This application is a US 371 Application from PCT/RU2017/000179 filed Mar. 29, 2017, which claims priority to Russia Application 2016112291 filed Apr. 1, 2016, the technical disclosures of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.The invention relates to the field of nuclear engineering and can be used as part of handling equipment of nuclear reactor.A fast neutron nuclear reactor with a sodium coolant is known, that uses an inclined hoist (conveyor) to handle spent fuel assemblies (SFA), wherein the upper part of the hoist is located in the gas atmosphere of an discharge pit, and the lower part—in the water of a suppression pool (Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye, 2005, “Machine building in nuclear industry”, Book 1, Volume IV-25, p. 345).Arrangement of the inclined hoist and the suppression pool with cooling water in the same building as the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Rail Track for Inclined Hoist of Nuclear Reactor

Номер: US20190074096A1

The invention relates to the field of nuclear engineering and can be used as part of handling equipment of nuclear reactor. 1. A rail track for the inclined hoist of the nuclear reactor providing the movement of the trolley with the sleeve for installation of the spent fuel assemblies along the inclined corridor between the egression pit and the suppression pool , which is made with an alternation of the rectilinear and curvilinear sections , wherein the initial rectilinear section and the final rectilinear section have the same inclination angle α.2. According to claim 1 , the rail way is characterized in that the inclination angle α of any rectilinear sections is chosen according to the condition tg α>k claim 1 ,where α is the inclination angle of the rectilinear sections;k is the friction coefficient of the trolley and the track. This application is a US 371 Application from PCT/RU2017/000180 filed Mar. 29, 2017, which claims priority to Russia Application 2016112292 filed Apr. 1, 2016, the technical disclosures of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.The invention relates to the field of nuclear engineering and can be used as part of handling equipment of nuclear reactor.A fast neutron nuclear reactor with a sodium coolant is known, that uses an inclined hoist (conveyor) to handle spent fuel assemblies (SFA), wherein the upper part of the hoist is located in the gas atmosphere of an egression pit, and the lower part—in the water of a suppression pool (Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye, 2005, “Machine building in nuclear industry”, Book 1, Volume IV-25, p. 345).Arrangement of the inclined hoist and the suppression pool with cooling water in the same building as the reactor reduces the reactor unit reliability and safety, since in case if the suppression pool wall loses tightness in an emergency situation (for example, during an earthquake), water can enter a room with radioactive sodium equipment of the first circuit, which can lead, with the active ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Tool and method for frontal unscrewing of a link nut in a twin-spool turbine

Номер: US20150082633A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A method for unscrewing a link nut of an HP rotor of a twin-spool turbine, including a front fan, an intermediate casing, a HP module with a HP rotor, and a LP turbine module, the intermediate casing including a support bearing for the HP rotor, the rotor being retained in the bearing by the link nut, the method including: placing an unscrewing tool in front of the link nut after having removed the fan and released access to the nut from the front; with rotation of the HP rotor locked and the frontal unscrewing tool including a socket spanner including teeth having a shape that complements that of teeth of the link nut, attaching a mounting for the socket spanner to the intermediate casing, the socket spanner being rotatably mounted on the mounting, and applying an unscrewing torque to the socket spanner. An unscrewing tool implements the method.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle Mountable Arm for Valve Operating Machine

Номер: US20190078702A1
Автор: Ferrar Scott

A valve operating device includes a mounting for attachment to a vehicle and an elongate arm, the free end of which is only moveable across the underlying ground. The joints of the arm pivot around vertical axes and the arm is locked into a desired orientation by a brake at each joint. A valve turning machine is at the free end of the arm. The brakes are engaged and released by a control on the valve turning machine. 1. A valve operating device , comprising:a mounting configured to retain the device to a vehicle;a first arm having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the first arm is attached to the mounting at a first pivot, wherein the first arm is rotatable about a first axis at the first pivot;a second arm having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the second arm is attached to the second end of the first arm at a second pivot, wherein the second arm is rotatable about a second axis at the second pivot;a valve turning machine attached to the second end of the second arm;a first brake at the first pivot for selectively locking and unlocking the first arm from rotating about the first axis;a second brake at the second pivot for selectively locking and unlocking the second arm from rotating about the second axis; anda control for controlling application and the release of at least one of the first brake and the second brake, wherein the first arm is locked from rotating about the first axis with the first brake applied and the first arm is manually rotatable about the first axis while the first brake is released, wherein the second arm is locked from rotating about the second axis with the second brake applied and the second arm is manually rotatable about the second axis while the second brake is released, and wherein the control is positioned remote from the first brake and the second brake.2. The valve operating device of claim 1 , wherein the first brake is a first hydraulic brake and the second brake is a second hydraulic ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078911A1
Автор: Hooks Jason

According to one or more embodiments, a hand-held, portable opener for a hopper trailer and method of opening is described. The hopper trailer opener comprises a base tool assembly coupled with an extension shaft assembly and can be adapted for use with a variety of different trailer opening mechanisms. 1. A hopper trailer opener comprising an extension shaft assembly removably coupled with a base tool assembly , wherein the base tool assembly comprisesa motor contained within a motor housing anda rotatable drive configured to be rotated by the motor, the rotatable drive having a drive head and a spindle attached to the rotatable drive and protruding from the drive head, and wherein the extension shaft assembly comprisesa drive shaft having an end comprising a base tool assembly connector configured to be removably coupled to the rotatable drive of the base tool assembly and an opposing end having a trailer coupler configured to couple to an opening mechanism of a hopper trailer.2. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the base tool assembly further comprises a trigger lever configured to adjust at least one of motor speed or motor direction.3. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the base tool assembly further comprises a torque reaction bracket fixedly attached to the base tool assembly.4. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the motor is a pneumatic motor claim 1 , an electric motor claim 1 , a battery-powered motor claim 1 , or a hydraulic motor.5. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the base tool further comprises an end having a fitting connectable to a source of power.6. The hopper trailer opener of claim 5 , wherein the source of power is a pressurized source of air supplied by attachment to the fitting.7. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the motor is configured to provide 40 to 250 ft-lbs of torque to the opening mechanism of the hopper trailer.8. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the motor ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Low-Profile Impact Tools

Номер: US20180085900A1
Принадлежит: Ingersoll Rand Co

Illustrative embodiments of impact tools are disclosed. In at least one illustrative embodiment, an impact tool comprises a motor including an output shaft configured to rotate about a first axis and a drive train configured to be driven by the output shaft of the motor and to drive rotation of an output drive about a second axis that is non-parallel to the first axis, wherein the drive train includes an impact mechanism comprising a hammer configured to rotate about a third axis to periodically deliver an impact load to an anvil, the third axis being parallel to and spaced apart from the second axis.

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Transferring Spent Nuclear Fuel From Wet Storage to Dry Storage

Номер: US20150092904A1
Принадлежит: Nac International Inc

Systems and methods of transferring nuclear fuel from fuel pools having size and/or weight limitations to a storage or transport cask are disclosed. A canister containing spent nuclear fuel is inserted into a transfer cask. A shielding sleeve is then placed around the transfer cask. A lifting device simultaneously lifts the transfer cask and the shielding sleeve over a storage cask and the spent fuel is transferred from the transfer cask to the storage or transport cask.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096778A1

An insulation system for a tool includes a first element configured to electrically insulate an output unit of the tool from a detachably receivable tool element of the tool that is configured to process a workpiece. The insulation system further includes and a second element configured to electrically insulate the output unit toward the outside. A method includes mounting the insulation system on the tool. 1. An insulation system for a tool , comprising:a first element configured to electrically insulate an output unit of the tool from a detachably receivable tool element of the tool, the detachably receivable tool element being configured to process a workpiece; anda second element configured to electrically insulate the output unit toward the outside.2. The insulation system according to claim 1 , wherein the second element is configured to receive the output unit of the first element and a receiving element configured to detachably receive the tool element claim 1 , and/or wherein the second element encloses the output unit and the first element claim 1 , and the receiving element projects out of the second element.3. The insulation system according to claim 1 , wherein the second element has a bearing configured to reduce radial play of an insulating output shaft which comprises a drive flange claim 1 , the first element claim 1 , and the receiving element claim 1 , and/or wherein the second element has a collar configured to bound a gripping region for the user of the tool.4. The insulation system according to claim 1 , wherein the second element is configured such that the receiving element is removable only with removal of the second element from the tool.5. The insulation system according to claim 1 , wherein the second element engages around one end of the tool and/or is a plastics housing.6. The insulation system according to claim 1 , wherein the first element is an electrically insulating and insulated element that fits by way of a form-fitting toothing ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096256A1
Автор: Calianno Steven F

A preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed to a rotary tool and, more specifically, to a pneumatic wrench that can be used as both a standard socket wrench and as a fastening tool for setting HI-LOK-type fasteners commonly used in the aviation industry. In a preferred embodiment, the wrench comprises a handle and a rotational member connected to the handle, said rotational member configured for exerting torque about an axis of rotation in one direction only. The wrench further comprises a hole extending through the rotational member along the axis of rotation. The hole has two ends each having female threads. One end has right-hand threads and the second end has left-hand threads. The tool further comprises socket adaptors having right-hand and left-hand male threads for attaching the adaptors to the wrench. Each socket adaptor also has a through hole that aligns with the hole in the rotational member. The holes allow a hex key to be inserted through the wrench so that the wrench can be used to fasten HI-LOK fasteners. The simple design of the tool results in a wrench that is easy to use and relatively inexpensive to manufacture. A preferred embodiment of the invention further comprises a method of using the wrench. 1.) A tool comprising:a. a handle;b. a rotational member connected to said handle, the rotational member configured for exerting torque about an axis of rotation; and,c. a hole extending through the rotational member along the axis of rotation, said hole having two ends, at least one end having a female threaded section.2.) The tool of claim 1 , the first end of said hole having a right-hand female threaded section and the second end having a left-hand female threaded section.3.) The tool of claim 2 , further comprising a first socket adaptor having two ends claim 2 , the first end having a right-hand male threaded section for threading the socket adaptor into the right-hand female threaded section of the hole in the rotational member ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101507A1
Автор: Grady Patrick

This application is directed to a device for replacing a pocket door track without removing a section of the wall adjacent the track. 1. A device for replacing a pocket door track , comprising:a rigid shaft having a proximal end, a distal end and a cross-sectional dimension that permits the shaft to be inserted into a pocket door frame; the electrically powered screwdriver assembly has a cross-sectional dimension that permits it to be inserted into a pocket door frame; and', 'a shaft/tip of the screwdriver assembly is capable of being positioned perpendicular to the pocket door track to be replaced; and, 'an electrically powered screwdriver assembly coupled to the rigid shaft at or near its distal end, whereina controller at or near the proximal end of the rigid shaft, which controller is operatively coupled to a power source of the screw driver assembly.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rigid shaft is substantially straight and the length from its proximal end to its distal end is about 36 to about 80 inches.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the rigid shaft comprises 2 or more lengths that are shorter than the desired length and that are coupled together to achieve the desired length.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rigid shaft is fabricated from a metal claim 1 , a metal alloy claim 1 , a polymer claim 1 , a composite claim 1 , wood or any combination of these.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the electrically powered screwdriver assembly comprises an electric screwdriver.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the electrically powered screwdriver assembly comprises a power drill having a chuck coupled to a screwdriver shaft/tip.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the screwdriver assembly is coupled to the rigid shaft using screws or nuts and bolts.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the screwdriver assembly is coupled to the rigid shaft using a clamp.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the screwdriver assembly is coupled to the rigid shaft by a strap.10. The ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168869A1

A screwdriver compact in a front-rear direction includes a motor including a stator and a rotor including a rotor shaft extending upward frontward, a switch, a pinion, a clutch operable with the pinion, a bit holder movable in the front-rear direction in front of the clutch, a gear housing accommodating the pinion and the clutch and including front and rear divided parts, a motor housing joined to the gear housing and accommodating the motor, and a resin grip joined to the motor housing and accommodating the switch. The bit holder at a rearward position causes the clutch to be connecting to transmit rotation of the rotor and at a frontward position causes the clutch to be disconnecting to transmit no rotation of the rotor. 1. A screwdriving tool , comprising:a motor including a stator and a rotor, the rotor being rotatable relative to the stator and including a rotor shaft extending vertically;a switch operable to rotate the rotor;a pinion rotatable by the rotor shaft;a clutch configured to transmit rotation from the pinion;a bit holder located in front of the clutch, the bit holder being movable in a front-rear direction, the bit holder being at a rearward position to cause the clutch to be connecting to transmit the rotation of the rotor, the bit holder being at a frontward position to cause the clutch to be disconnecting to transmit no rotation of the rotor;a gear housing accommodating the pinion and the clutch, the gear housing at least partly comprising metal;a motor housing joined to the gear housing and accommodating the motor, the motor housing comprising resin; anda grip joined to the motor housing and accommodating the switch, the grip comprising resin.2. The screwdriving tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe gear housing holds a bearing supporting the pinion, andthe gear housing includes at least a portion holding the bearing comprising metal.3. The screwdriving tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe gear housing includes two divided parts in the front- ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Valve Seat Removal Impact Driver Attachment Device

Номер: US20220168878A1
Автор: Zufelt Zachary

The present invention relates generally to the field of accessories for use with impact drivers that are useful for removing a valve seat from a fitting. The device has a first end, a second end and a central body portion. The first end has a shaft that allows the device to be attached to the chuck of an impact driver or drill. The second end has a head that can be placed within a valve seat. Once inserted into the valve seat, the impact driver or drill can be used to spin the device to remove the valve seat from the surrounding fixture. 1. A tool for removing a valve seat , the tool comprising:a body having a first end, a second end and a central body portion disposed between the first and second ends;wherein the first end having an engagement head and a recess adjacent to the engagement head; andfurther wherein the second end is sized and configured to fit within the valve seat.2. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second end comprises an insertion gauge.3. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second end comprises a deformable element for securing the second end in the valve seat.4. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in further comprising an LED light.5. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 4 , wherein the LED light is located on the central body portion.6. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 1 , wherein the recess is between the engagement head and a body portion of the first end.7. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first end comprises a diameter that is less than a diameter of the second end.8. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 7 , wherein the diameter of the first end is approximately half the diameter of the second end.9. The tool for removing a valve seat as recited in claim 8 , wherein the diameter of the first end is approximately one third of the diameter of the second end.10. The ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104799A1

A uniquely designed torque wrench having a torque body, the torque body attached to a frictional squeezing clamp, and a lug socket which is rotationally connected to the frictional squeezing clamp. The frictional squeezing clamp entering a contracted stated during extension of a rod of a hydraulic cylinder, and entering an expanded state during the retraction of the rod of a hydraulic cylinder, the lug socket turning the wing nut of a hammer union. 23-. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” no hammering is performed on any lug of the wing nut.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein during steps “c” and “d” no hammering is performed on any lug the wing nut.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein during steps “c” and “d” the frictional squeezing clamp remains detachably connected to one of the joints of pipe and the lug socket remains detachably connected to one of the lugs of the wing nut.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” the frictional squeezing clamp remains rotationally static relative to one of the joints of pipe.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” the frictional squeezing clamp rotates relative to one of the joints of pipe.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “e” is performed until the torque of the tightened hammer union reaches a predefined tightening torque.9. (canceled)10. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” the amount of squeezing on the frictional squeezing claim both increases and decreases during turning of the wing nut for tightening the hammer union.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein during the initial portion of a turn of the wing nut the squeezing increases and at the end portion of a turn the squeezing decreases.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the frictional squeezing clamp includes a quick lock/quick unlock system claim 1 , and the relative position between the squeezing frictional clamp and one of the joints of pipe can be changed by placing the quick lock/quick unlock system ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190313A1
Автор: Kearney Kevin Patrick

A motorized casket/coffin crank raises and lowers a casket/coffin bed effortlessly and with minimal sound emission. The casket/coffin crank can be used similar to a drill to be inserted into the bed device's hole and, with its long shaft, turning the key, which is typically hidden underneath the fabric lining in both the head and foot ends of the casket/coffin, allow the raising and lowering of the casket bed at an accelerated rate without requiring the effort typically required with manual cranks. 1. A motorized casket/coffin key/crank comprising:a motor;a shaft, rotatable by the motor, fitting into an outer casket shaft port and extending to an inner casket female receiver crank port;a bit at an end of the shaft, the bit fitting into the inner casket female receiver crank port;a battery powering the motor; andan activation switch electrically connecting the battery with the motor.2. The motorized casket/coffin key/crank of claim 1 , wherein the motor is disposed orthogonally to the shaft.3. The motorized casket/coffin key/crank of claim 1 , further comprising a decibel lowering device operable to minimize sound emission from the motor during use.4. The motorized casket/coffin key/crank of claim 1 , wherein the motor turns the shaft at about 300 revolutions per minute.5. The motorized casket/coffin key/crank of claim 1 , wherein the motor provides about 20 foot-pounds of torque.6. A motorized casket/coffin key/crank comprising:a motor;a shaft extending orthogonal from the motor and rotatable by the motor, the shaft fitting into an outer casket shaft port and extending to an inner casket female receiver crank port;a bit at an end of the shaft, the bit fitting into the inner casket female receiver crank port;a battery powering the motor;an activation switch electrically connecting the battery with the motor; anda decibel lowering device operable to minimize sound emission from the motor during use.7. The motorized casket/coffin key/crank of claim 6 , wherein the ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170110208A1

Provided is a device for transferring spent fuel between spent fuel storage pools. The device includes a transfer container extending in a direction, disposed in a vertical direction, and containing spent fuel therein; a guide frame configured to guide the transfer container while maintaining a vertical orientation of the transfer container; and a transfer unit configured to transfer the transfer container along the guide frame. 1. A device for transferring spent fuel between spent fuel storage pools , the device comprising:a transfer container extending in a direction, disposed in a vertical direction, and containing spent fuel therein;a guide frame configured to guide the transfer container while maintaining a vertical orientation of the transfer container; anda transfer unit configured to transfer the transfer container along the guide frame.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the transfer container comprises a plurality of first holes for cooling down the spent fuel.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the transfer container comprises a second hole on a lower portion thereof for cooling-down and discharging cooling water.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein a bumper surrounds with an upper end portion of the transfer container in a direction perpendicular to a lengthwise direction of the transfer container so as to maintain a distance between the transfer container and a spent fuel handling machine that transfers the spent fuel to the transfer container.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the guide frame comprises support frames disposed on a bottom surface of a refueling cavity in a vertical direction to be spaced apart from each other claim 1 , and a guide rail disposed in a horizontal direction to be coupled to the support frames.6. The device of claim 5 , further comprising a guide wheel coupled to the transfer container claim 5 ,wherein the guide wheel moves along the guide rail.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the transfer unit comprises:a pulley coupled to ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176525A1
Автор: Vandenberg Roger A.

An installation tool and related methods are provided. The tool can pull a strip of collated fasteners along a collated fastener path to a guide, where individual fasteners are sequentially separated from the strip and advanced into a workpiece. The tool can include a tension feeder located downstream of the guide. The tension feeder is configured to apply tension to the strip between the guide and a leading end of the strip. The tool can include a driveshaft configured to attach to a conventional drive tool chuck or a drive tool having hexagonal type drive components. The guide can be one piece and replaceable, with a guide body and a guide head. A strip slot can be defined in the same to align a fastener head with a backstop and facilitate entry of a fastener shank in a feed slot. Related methods of use are provided. 1. A method of installing a fastener comprising:pulling on a strip at a first location downstream of a guide defining a bore, the strip including a plurality of fasteners, each fastener defining a hexalobular drive hole; andsequentially advancing the plurality of fasteners through the bore and into a work piece with a drive element that extends through the strip while rotating.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein a tension feeder automatically pulls the strip during the pulling step through the guide, the tension feeder including a feeder element,wherein the feeder element engages the strip at the first location,wherein the feeder element moves with the strip at the first location, farther and farther away from the guide with each succeeding fastener advanced from the plurality of fasteners.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:guiding a first fastener into a feed slot that is upstream of the bore and downstream of the guide channel.4. The method of claim 3 , comprising:rotating the first fastener with the drive element as the first fastener moves through the bore.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising:guiding the strip with a guide channel distal from ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200105427A1

Refueling of a nuclear reactor () includes removing a fuel assembly (). The removal method includes lowering a lifting tool () of a crane () onto a top of the fuel assembly. The lowered lifting tool including a plurality of downwardly extending elements () that surround and vertically overlap a portion () of a control rod assembly () extending above the top of the fuel assembly. The downwardly extending elements are locked with corresponding mating features () at the top of the fuel assembly to connect the lifting tool with the fuel assembly. The connected fuel assembly is moved into a spent fuel pool () using the crane, and the lifting tool is disconnected from the top of the fuel assembly by unlocking the downwardly extending elements from the corresponding mating features at the top of the fuel assembly. 1. A method of refueling a fuel assembly from a reactor core of a nuclear reactor , the method comprising:connecting a lifting tool of a crane with a plurality of lifting pins of the fuel assembly, each lifting pin being non-rotatably affixed to an upper nozzle plate of the fuel assembly and extending upwardly therefrom, the lifting tool comprising a plurality of downwardly extending bars, wherein each of the downwardly extending bars has an upper portion and a lower portion capable of circumferential rotation independent of both the upper portions and the other downwardly extending bars, the connecting including forming a bayonet connection by lowering the downwardly extending bars over the lifting pins so that the lifting pins are disposed within the lower portions of the downwardly extending bars and circumferentially rotating only the lower portion of each of the downwardly extending bars to create a mating connection between each of the downwardly extending bars and the lifting pin over which each of the downwardly extending bars was lowered, whereinthe mating connection is made between a grooved portion and a narrowed portion of the lifting pin and a recess ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for the Shielded Relocation of a Nuclear Component

Номер: US20160118150A1
Автор: Harkness Alexander W.

A nuclear component transfer device that incorporates a shielded canister into the mast design of a conventional nuclear refueling machine. A moveable mast telescopes within a stationary mast which is attached to a bridge for lateral positioning. The canister allows for the addition of shielding that is positioned with the movement of the moveable mast without additional motorized components to deploy the shielding during nuclear component movement. The nuclear component is drawn up into the shielded canister as the moveable mast lifts the nuclear component. The nuclear component is then placed into a transfer cart that is also fitted with a shielded canister. The transfer is made without exposing the nuclear components resulting in completely shield movement. 1. A method for relocating the nuclear plant component with the machine of comprising the steps of:moving the bridge assembly to position the machine over the nuclear plant component to be relocated with the gripper assembly aligned with the nuclear plant component;moving the moveable mast downward with the mast shield canister suspended below the gripper;supporting the lower end portion of the mast shield canister above the nuclear plant component with the nuclear plant component in line with the central opening through which the moveable mast can extend;lowering the moveable mast through the central opening;engaging the gripper assembly on a top surface of the nuclear plant component;raising the moveable mast to withdraw the moveable mast and the nuclear plant component upward within the central opening; andmoving the bridge assembly to position the nuclear plant component at a new location.2. The method of including the steps of:lowering the moveable mast at the new location;disengaging the gripper assembly from the nuclear plant component; andraising the moveable mast.3. The method of wherein the new location is a transfer cart comprising a moveable platform for transporting the nuclear plant component ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114612A1

Various examples of the disclosure relate to an apparatus comprising: a housing configured to enclose at least a portion of one or more components that at least partially pass through the housing; one or more seals configured to provide a seal between the housing and the enclosed portion of the one or more components, thereby defining a sealed chamber between the housing and the enclosed portion of the one or more components; a pressure compensating device configured to adjust a pressure internal of the sealed chamber, wherein the pressure compensating device is configured to be driven by a pressure differential between a pressure internal of the sealed chamber and an ambient pressure. 1. An apparatus comprising:a housing means configured to enclose at least a portion of one or more components that at lease partially pass through the housing means;one or more seals that engage with the housing means and the enclosed portion of the one or more components to define a sealed chamber between the housing means and the enclosed portion of the one or more components;a pressure compensating device configured to adjust a pressure internal of the sealed chamber, wherein the pressure compensating device is configured to be driven by a pressure differential between a pressure internal of the sealed chamber and an ambient pressure.2. The apparatus of wherein the sealed chamber is configured in use claim 1 , to be substantially filled with a fluid claim 1 , and wherein the pressure compensation device is configured so as to be driven by the pressure differential to cause one or more of:introducing additional fluid to the sealed chamber, andremoving fluid from the sealed chamber.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pressure compensating means comprises a movable member claim 1 , and wherein the apparatus is configured such that movement of the moveable member adjusts the pressure internal of the sealed chamber claim 1 , and wherein the member is configured to be driven by the ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140198889A1
Автор: Harkness Alexander W.

A nuclear component transfer device that incorporates a shielded canister into the mast design of a conventional nuclear refueling machine. A moveable mast telescopes within a stationary mast which is attached to a bridge for lateral positioning. The canister allows for the addition of shielding that is positioned with the movement of the moveable mast without additional motorized components to deploy the shielding during nuclear component movement. The nuclear component is drawn up into the shielded canister as the moveable mast lifts the nuclear component. The nuclear component is then placed into a transfer cart that is also fitted with a shielded canister. The transfer is made without exposing the nuclear components resulting in completely shield movement. 1. A machine for moving a nuclear plant component from a first location to another comprising:a bridge assembly for positioning the machine over the nuclear plant component to be moved;a stationary mast supported from the bridge assembly at a first end and extending down from the bridge assembly in a direction of the nuclear plant component;a moveable mast, telescopingly nested within the stationary mast and configured to extend from the stationary mast and retract within the stationary mast under the control of an operator;a mast shield canister having an axially extending central opening through which the moveable mast can extend, the mast shield canister having an upper end portion and a lower end portion, with a first stop on the upper end portion of the mast shield canister and/or on a lower end of the moveable mast preventing the lower end of the moveable mast from withdrawing out of the upper end portion of the mast shield canister and a second stop on either or both the stationary mast or the mast shield canister that prevents the mast shield canister from moving more than a preselected distance from the stationary mast, the mast shield canister being sized at least to fit over substantially the full ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140198890A1
Автор: Harkness Alexander W.

A lifting fixture for removing the upper internals from a reactor to provide access to the core for refueling that does not require flooding of a refueling canal. The invention provides a means of shielding and ventilation that is integral to a lifting rig used to remove the upper internals. The lifting rig provides a means for personnel to decouple the drive rods from the rod cluster control assemblies so the drive rods can be lifted from the core with the upper internals while shielding maintenance personnel without flooding the area above the reactor. 1. An upper internals package lifting fixture for refueling a reactor having a reactor vessel with an upper flange surrounding an opening in the reactor vessel that is sealed by a mating flange on a closure head , the reactor vessel enclosing an upper internals package that seats above a plurality of fuel assemblies within a core of the reactor , the upper internals package including control rod assembly drive rod travel housings in which control rod assembly drive rods are housed and through which the drive rods travel along a vertical path , the upper internals package lifting fixture comprising:a shield plate sized to cover the opening in the reactor vessel when supported on the reactor vessel upper flange, the shield plate being formed from a material that lessens the radiation exposure of workers working above the shield plate covering the reactor vessel opening;a lifting rig formed integral with and extending above the shield plate; andmeans for attaching the shield plate to the upper internals package.2. The upper internals package lifting fixture of wherein the shield plate includes openings to access the control rod assembly drive rods.3. The upper internals package lifting fixture of wherein the openings to access the control rod assembly drive rods respectively include a tubular penetration through the shield plate that align and mate with the rod travel housings in the upper internals package.4. The ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140198891A1
Автор: Harkness Alexander W.
Принадлежит: Westnghouse Electric Company LLC

Apparatus and a method for retracting in-core instrument thimble tubes from the reactor core prior to refueling a nuclear reactor with top mounted instrumentation. The apparatus includes a penetration flange interposed between the head flange and the reactor vessel flange through which the instrumentation cabling passes. The penetration flange is connected to the upper internals and can be raised relative thereto to retract instrumentation thimbles from the core prior to removal of the upper internals from the reactor vessel for refueling. The penetration flange is removed from the vessel with the upper internals. 1. A nuclear reactor comprising:an elongated reactor vessel enclosed at a lower end and having an open upper end on which an annular flange is formed and a central axis extending, along an elongated dimension;a reactor vessel head having an annular portion on an underside of the bead that is machined to form a sealing surface;a first removable annular seal ring, sized to seat on the reactor vessel flange between the flange and the sealing surface on the underside of the reactor vessel head, the seal ring being interposed between the sealing surface on the underside of the vessel head and the flange on the reactor vessel and having a thickness sized to sealably accommodate one or more radial passages through which one or more instrument conduits pass from outside of the reactor vessel to an interior thereof to communicate instrumentation signals out of a core of the nuclear reactor, the core comprising a plurality of fuel assemblies;an upper internals package supported above the core within the reactor vessel and having a plurality of hollow support columns respectively having a substantially vertical passage therethrough, that extends through and between an upper core plate and an upper support plate of the upper internals package, the passage through the upper core plate being aligned with a corresponding instrument thimble within one of the fuel ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266425A1

A tool for sealing a workpiece, the workpiece comprising a first component and a second component sharing a rotation axis A, the tool comprising: a fastening head capable of engaging the first component; a first motor operationally coupled to the fastening head; a controller capable of: storing a rotation value representing rotation of the first component a predetermined desired angle around axis A; measuring movement of the first component, and controlling movement of the first motor; the tool, when the fastening head is engaged with the first component, and the second component is essentially immobilized from rotation around axis A, is configured to allow precisely sealing the workpiece by: rotating the first component in a closing direction R toward the second component, according to the rotation value and under the control of the rotation by the controller. 1. A tool for sealing a workpiece , the workpiece comprising a first component and a second component sharing a rotation axis A , the tool comprising:a fastening head capable of engaging the first component;a first motor operationally coupled to the fastening head; storing a rotation value representing rotation of the first component a predetermined desired angle around axis A;', 'measuring movement of the first component, and', 'controlling movement of the first motor;, 'a controller capable of 'rotating the first component in a closing direction R toward the second component, according to the rotation value and under the control of the rotation by the controller;', 'the tool, when the fastening head is engaged with the first component, and the second component is essentially immobilized from rotation around axis A, is configured to allow precisely sealing the workpiece bya gripping head capable of engaging the second component, anda second motor operationally coupled to the gripping head; wherein engaging the gripping head with the second component and activating the second motor allow essentially ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140205050A1

A fuel assembly handling tool that can be lowered onto the top nozzle of a fuel assembly, positively latch the top nozzle, unlatch from the top nozzle, and be raised off the top nozzle of the fuel assembly. The tool head, that interfaces with the top nozzle has load bearing grippers that latch onto the fuel assembly, that are located in a storage position up within the tool while the tool is lowered onto the fuel assembly. The gripper fingers are then lowered into position during the latching process, and are raised back to the storage position during the unlatching process. In the storage position, the gripping fingers are spaced above the fuel assembly top nozzle when the tool head is resting on the nozzle. 1. A fuel assembly handling tool comprising:a bail configured to be connected to a crane or other hoist;a bail plate connected to the bail as to be freely supported by the bail;a tool body freely supported at an upper end from the bail plate and extending between the bail plate and a lower end with the length between the upper and lower ends being gauged to access a top nozzle of a fuel assembly; anda tool head connected to the lower end of the tool body and sized to house a gripper assembly in a withdrawn position so that the gripper assembly is out of contact with the top nozzle of the fuel assembly when the tool head contacts or otherwise rests on the top nozzle, the gripper assembly being operable to extend below its withdrawn position to an extended position to grip a portion of the top nozzle of the fuel assembly to support the fuel assembly as the crane or other hoist lifts the bail.2. The fuel assembly handling tool of including an actuator arm accessible from the bail plate and operable to extend or withdraw the gripper a assembly to the extended or withdrawn position.3. The fuel assembly handling tool of wherein the gripper assembly is moved to the withdrawn position or the extended position by respectively raising or lowering the actuator arm in a ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154808A1
Принадлежит: Focused Technology Solutions, Inc.

A portable device is disclosed for drilling a hole through a plate and into a wooden tie and/or inserting a lag screw into the hole in the plate and into the wooden tie. The portable device may include a handle and a removable drill with a rechargeable battery that provides power to the portable device. In various embodiments, the portable device may include a gear ratio and gear reduction system configured to allow a user to change speed and torque settings for the portable device independent from the battery-powered drill. In some embodiments, the portable device may include a quick connect/disconnect component configured to enable the portable device to be used as a tie drill device or a lag screw inserter device by interchangeably connecting either a drill bit or a lag screw socket to the portable device. 1. A portable device for drilling a hole through a plate and into a wooden tie and/or inserting a lag screw into a hole in a plate and into a wooden tie , the device comprising:an electric-powered drill;a handle assembly comprising a handle, one or more fastening straps to removably secure the drill to the device, and one or more side plates to connect the handle assembly to a body of the device;a gear ratio and gear reduction system configured to change a speed or torque setting of the device independently from the drill; anda drill bit configured to drill a hole through a plate and into a wooden tie or a lag screw socket configured to insert a lag screw into the hole in the plate and into the wooden tie.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the drill is a battery-operated drill.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the drill includes a rechargeable battery configured to provide power to the portable device.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the drill is powered by an integrally-powered DC motor claim 1 , servo motor claim 1 , or stepper motor claim 1 , AC power claim 1 , or a replaceable fuel cell.5. The device of claim 1 , the device further comprising a first ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220270771A1

A combined blade guide and exchange tool, include a blade guide tool having a lower end and an upper end and a plurality of frame rails supporting a pair of lower collet housings at a lower end of the blade guide tool. A pair of fuel support grapple actuating rods are supported between the plurality of frame rails and have a first end engaging a pair of collets within the pair of lower collet housings and a second end disposed at the upper end of the blade guide tool. A blade exchange tool is releasably mounted to the upper end of the blade guide tool and includes a pair of upper collets for engaging the pair of fuel support grapple actuating rods. The blade exchange tool further including a slider and hook assembly attached to a cable guided by the blade exchange tool and adapted for engaging a control rod. 1. A method of removing a control rod and fuel support from a cell of a boiling water reactor , comprising:inserting into the cell a blade guide tool having a pair of collet housings at a lower end of the blade guide tool so that the pair of collet housings are received in respective fuel bundle pockets in the fuel support, the blade guide tool including a pair of fuel support grapple actuating rods each including a first end engaging a respective one of a pair of collets within the pair of collet housings and having a second end disposed at an upper end of the blade guide tool;assembling a blade exchange tool to the upper end of the blade guide tool, the blade exchange tool including a pair of upper collets for engaging the pair of fuel support grapple actuating rods, the blade exchange tool further including a slider and hook assembly attached to a cable guided by the blade exchange tool;actuating the pair of upper collets to engage the pair of lower collets via advancement of the fuel support grapple actuating rods and causing the pair of lower collets to engage the fuel bundle pockets in the fuel support; andengaging the hook assembly to a control rod and ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Dual Positionable Fastener Installation Tool Adaptor

Номер: US20190126446A1

A dual positionable adaptor for a fastener driver assembly employs a tandem guide assembly mounted to a guide head which has an entry reference surface defining an opening for a fastener to provide a proper location and entry angle for the fastener. A pair of wings each defines a pair of reference engagement edges which engage either an upper horizontal member or a lower horizontal member. The wings, together with the entry reference surface, define a proper entry location and angle for connecting a vertical stud to either an upper plate or a lower plate. The selected adaptor position is achieved by securing the adaptor in one of two angular positions relative to the tube axis of the fastener driver assembly. The wings are also affixed with squirrel claws to lock the adaptor in place for installing the fastener. The adaptor also includes flush indicators to indicate that the proper flush position of the reference surface against the vertical member is achieved. The wings are independently pivotal to accommodate situations wherein the tandem wing configuration cannot be employed. The fastener is retained within the adaptor fastener channel via a magnet assembly. 1. A dual positionable adaptor for a fastener driver assembly comprising:a guide head mounting a fastener receiver assembly and having a reference surface defining a fastener opening;a connector configured to mount said guide head to the driver assembly so that a fastener received in said receiver assembly is drivable through said opening;a guide assembly pivotally mounted to said guide head comprising a pair of spaced wings having opposed faces, each wing having an engagement edge and being positionable wherein said engagement edges are coplanar;so that when said guide assembly is at a first angular position and at least one engagement edge engages an upper horizontal member and said reference surface engages a vertical member, a fastener is drivable by said fastener drive assembly through said fastener ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161625A1
Автор: MAJIDI Amirhossein

The present invention is a dental implant tool comprising of a handle and a head portion connected to each other via a hinge facilitating the head to pivot relative to the handle to enable the dentist to reach various positions within a patient's mouth. The head portion configured to retain an abutment, an impression coping or healing abutment during a dental procedure and can be moved to the left and the right up to 90 degrees. The head comprises a rotatable ratchet with a key-shape center hole to hold an abutment in place while affixing the abutment to an implant and provides a complete access to implant-driver tip to the screw head, regarding to any abutment-body angulation, position and screw access hole. The inner wall of the center hole has 3°-degree convergences at any plan of the walls in order to grasp, lock and hold implant abutments. The dental tool provides practitioners with a better and more enhanced access to the sites of the implants without any limitations, regarding to the implant while minimizing the amount of health risk exposure through increasing the level of safety standards. 1) A dental tool for installing a dental abutment or the like , comprising: i) a square-shaped opening to receive a square-shaped plate; said square-shaped plate has a key-hole shaped aperture with an internal wall;', 'ii) a slot to insert said square-shaped plate into the square-shaped opening, and', 'iii) a securing mechanism to secure said dental abutment in said key-hole aperture;, 'a) a head having a distal end and a proximal end for holding a dental abutment, wherein said head comprising 'whereby the dental tool provides a secure access for a screw to an implant-driver tip for any abutment-body angulation and position.', 'b) an elongated handle pivotally and rigidly connected to said head from the proximal end at a pivot point and wherein said head moves 90 degrees to a right side or a left side;'}2) The dental tool of claim 1 , wherein the internal wall has 3°- ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162464A1
Принадлежит: Metso Sweden AB

The disclosure relates to a lining arrangement for wear protection comprising: at least one lining element arranged to be fastened to a support structure; and at least one device, the device comprising: a first element adapted to be received in a through hole of said at least one lining element or a through hole created by adjacent lining elements, the first element having an axially arranged opening; a second element for engagement with the first element, such that the at least one lining element is attached to the support structure upon interconnection between the first element and the second element, and wherein an outer periphery of the second element comprises a plurality of grooves for engagement with a handling tool. The disclosure further relates to a method for fastening lining elements to a support structure. 2. A lining arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said first element is manufactured in a flexible and deformable material claim 1 , and preferably chosen from the group consisting of thermoplastic material or polyurethane or combinations thereof.3. A lining arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said first element has slit openings arranged in a longitudinal extension in a second end opposite said first end.4. A lining arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein said first element has slit openings arranged in a longitudinal extension in a second end opposite said first end.5. A lining arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said second element is manufactured of a material chosen from the group consisting of ceramic material claim 1 , steel or rigid plastic.6. A lining arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein an outer periphery of a first portion of said second element comprises a plurality of grooves for engagement with a handling tool.7. A lining arrangement according to claim 6 , wherein said grooves extend in an axial direction and along at least a portion of the length of said second element.8. A lining arrangement according to ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281081A1

There is provided a tightening tool control system including a tightening tool and a PC (Personal Computer) for controlling the tightening tool, the tightening tool having a registration mode for detecting a tightening posture when tightening a member and for registering the detected tightening posture in the PC. 1. A tightening tool control system , comprising a tightening tool and a control device for controlling the tightening tool ,the tightening tool having a first mode for detecting a tightening posture when tightening a member and for registering the detected tightening posture in the control device.2. The tightening tool control system according to claim 1 , wherein:based on the tightening posture registered when the tightening tool is in the first mode, the control device determines a proper range in which the tightening posture is a proper posture when tightening a member; andthe tightening tool has a second mode for tightening a member based on the proper range determined by the control device.3. The tightening tool control system according to claim 2 , wherein:in the second mode, the tightening tool detects the tightening posture, determines success-failure of tightening a member, associates the detected tightening posture with the determination result of the success-failure of tightening, and transmits the tightening posture associated with the determination result to the control device; andthe control device determines the proper range, based on the tightening posture transmitted by the tightening tool and the determination result of success-failure of tightening associated with the tightening posture in the second mode.4. The tightening tool control system according to claim 3 , whereinthe tightening tool, in the second mode, detects a current posture of the tightening tool, and dose not start tightening a member if the detected current posture is not within the proper range determined by the control device.5. The tightening tool control system ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130150A1

A powered ratchet tool includes a housing and an output member. The output member has an inner opening, an outer toothed surface, and an output member aperture extending through the outer toothed surface to the inner opening. The powered ratchet tool further includes a drive mechanism for driving the output member. The drive mechanism includes a yoke in which the output member is arranged. The yoke has a yoke aperture. The powered ratchet tool further includes a first pawl in the yoke that is biased toward the toothed surface of the output member and a second pawl in the yoke that is biased toward the toothed surface of the output member. When the output member is in a home position, the first pawl and the second pawl are engaged with the toothed surface of the output member and the output member aperture is aligned with the yoke aperture. 1. A powered ratchet tool comprising:a housing;an output member having an inner opening, an outer toothed surface, and an output member aperture extending through the outer toothed surface to the inner opening;a drive mechanism for driving the output member, the drive mechanism including a yoke in which the output member is arranged, the yoke having a yoke aperture;a first pawl in the yoke that is biased toward the toothed surface of the output member; anda second pawl in the yoke that is biased toward the toothed surface of the output member;wherein when the output member is in a home position, the first pawl and the second pawl are engaged with the toothed surface of the output member and the output member aperture is aligned with the yoke aperture.2. The powered ratchet tool of claim 1 , wherein when the output member is in a second position that is different from the home position claim 1 , the second pawl is engaged with the toothed surface of the output member and the output member aperture is aligned with the first pawl claim 1 , such that the first pawl does not engage with the toothed surface of the output member.3. The ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170552A1

A shear wrench tool including an electric motor having a motor output shaft, a transmission having a plurality of planetary gear stages and an output section having first and second output sleeves the first output sleeve being configured for mating with a nut and the second output sleeve being configured for mating with a tip of a bolt to be sheared, wherein the electric motor is configured to provide torque via the transmission to the output section for causing the first and second output sleeves to be rotated in opposite directions relative to each other in use, and wherein the electric motor, the transmission and the output section are arranged in an axial sequence one after the other such that the first and second output sleeves circumferentially extend coaxially around the same axis that the motor output shaft and the planetary gear stages rotate about. 1. A shear wrench tool comprising an electric motor having a motor output shaft , a transmission having a plurality of planetary gear stages and an output section having first and second output sleeves the first output sleeve being configured for mating with a nut and the second output sleeve being configured for mating with a tip of a bolt to be sheared , wherein the electric motor is configured to provide torque via the transmission to the output section for causing the first and second output sleeves to be rotated in opposite directions relative to each other in use , and wherein the electric motor , the transmission and the output section are arranged in an axial sequence one after the other such that the first and second output sleeves circumferentially extend around the same axis that the motor output shaft and the planetary gear stages rotate about in use , thereby providing that the motor output shaft , the planetary gear stages and the first and second output sleeves are coaxial.2. The shear wrench tool of claim 1 , having a handle located part way along the axial length of the tool between the motor ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170553A1

A sleeve assembly for a shear wrench tool including an output sleeve configured to mate with a nut to facilitate winding of the nut onto a threaded bolt and having a plurality of circumferentially arranged locking features for interlocking with those of a transmission sleeve. A transmission sleeve for transferring torque between the output sleeve and at least one feature of a shear wrench tool transmission section. The transmission sleeve has a first set of circumferentially arranged locking features for interlocking with the locking features of the output sleeve and a second set of circumferentially arranged locking features for cooperating with a locking sleeve. A locking sleeve coupled to the output sleeve in a manner which permits the locking sleeve to rotate between first and second rotational positions relative to the output sleeve. 1. A sleeve assembly for a shear wrench tool comprising:an output sleeve configured to mate with a nut to facilitate winding of the nut onto a threaded bolt and having a plurality of circumferentially arranged locking features for interlocking with those of a transmission sleeve;a transmission sleeve for transferring torque between the output sleeve and at least one feature of a shear wrench tool transmission section the transmission sleeve having a first set of circumferentially arranged locking features for interlocking with the locking features of the output sleeve and a second set of circumferentially arranged locking features for cooperating with a locking sleeve;a locking sleeve coupled to the output sleeve in a manner which permits the locking sleeve to rotate between first and second rotational positions relative to the output sleeve, the locking sleeve having circumferentially arranged locking features which cooperate with the second set of circumferentially arranged locking features of the transmission sleeve upon rotating the locking sleeve between the first and second rotational positions when the locking features of ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144275A1
Автор: Wang Min

The present invention provides a wrench comprising a handle, having a cylindrical inner surface as a first surface; a torque output member, arranged within the first surface of the handle, the torque output member having a cylindrical outer surface as a second surface; one or more wedging member(s), arranged between the first surface and the second surface; varied distance being between the first surface and the second surface, so that the wedge members can prevent the rotation of the first surface relative to the second surface in a predetermined direction. The wrench according to the present invention adopts wedge member to prevent the rotation of the handle relative to the torque output member. When the handle idles relative to the torque output member, only the wedge member will leave the stop position and no sound will be made. Such a wrench is a quiet wrench. Adopting such a configuration not only can reduce wearing of the wrench, extend the service life of the wrench, and improve the user's experience. Providing pre-tightening force can effectively reduce the interval and make the operation smoother. 1. A one-way clutch , characterized in that said one-way clutch comprises:a first surface;a second surface;said first surface and said second surface being cylindrically curved surfaces, said second surface being located inside said first surface;one or more wedge member(s), arranged between said first surface and said second surface; anda distance between said first surface and said second surface varying along the radial direction of the first surface, so that said wedge member(s) can prevent the rotation of said first surface relative to said second surface in a predetermined direction.2. A one-way clutch according to claim 1 , characterized in that said first surface and said second surface are arranged coaxially.3. A one-way clutch according to claim 2 , characterized in that at least one of said first surface and said second surface has radius varying along ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139520A1

A control assembly, a tool and a method. The assembly may include a handle assembly including a first handle portion and a second handle portion, the handle assembly being removably connectable to a tool housing; and pump controls operable to control a pump to drive a tool drive mechanism and thereby an output member. Operation of the pump may require an operator's first hand on a first handle portion and the operator's second hand on a second handle portion. The pump may be operable under the control of the pump controls to drive the drive mechanism when the handle assembly is connected to the housing and when the handle assembly is disconnected from the housing. 1. A control assembly for a fluid-operated tool , the tool including a housing , and a drive mechanism supported by the housing , the drive mechanism being selectively-driven by a fluid pump and operable to drive an output member , the assembly comprising:a handle assembly including a first handle portion and a second handle portion, the handle assembly being removably connectable to the housing; and ["a first pump control operable by a digit of an operator's first hand on the first handle portion, the first pump control being in communication with the pump when the handle assembly is connected to the housing and when the handle assembly is disconnected from the housing, and", "a second pump control operable by a digit of the operator's second hand on the second handle portion, the second pump control being in communication with the pump when the handle assembly is connected to the housing and when the handle assembly is disconnected from the housing;"], 'pump controls operable to control the pump to drive the drive mechanism and thereby the output member, the pump controls including'}wherein operation of the pump requires the operator's first hand on the first handle portion and the operator's second hand on the second handle portion; andwherein the pump is operable under the control of the pump controls ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161204A1
Автор: Geissele William H.

A barrel installation assembly is used for easily installing a barrel onto a receiver of a firearm with proper torque and alignment. The barrel installation assembly includes a barrel nut, barrel nut spacers, and a barrel installation tool. The barrel nut is configured to fasten the barrel to the receiver. The barrel nut spacers are configured to be interposed between the barrel nut and the receiver when the barrel is fastened thereto. The barrel installation tool includes a head portion configured to removably engage with the barrel nut, and a handle portion extending from the head portion. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of installing a barrel to a receiver of a firearm , the method comprising:inserting the barrel into the receiver;fastening the barrel to the receiver with a barrel nut;engaging a barrel installation tool with the barrel nut so that the barrel installation tool is in a first tool position; andtightening the barrel nut using the barrel installation tool until the barrel installation tool is in a second tool position in which an indicator of the barrel installation tool is aligned to a reference point of the receiver to provide a first amount of torque between the barrel nut and the receiver and to align the barrel nut to the receiver.17. The method of claim 16 , further comprising identifying that the barrel nut is in a first barrel nut position before tightening the barrel nut using the barrel installation tool until the barrel installation tool is in the second tool position.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein claim 17 , when the barrel nut is in the first barrel nut position claim 17 , a pre-tensioned position indicator of the barrel installation tool is aligned to the reference point of the receiver as the barrel installation tool is in the first tool position.19. The method of claim 16 , further comprising:identifying a first set of barrel nut spacers using the barrel installation tool, the first set of barrel nut spacers being selected so that ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Multiple Entry Angle Adaptor with Locator for Fastener Installation Tool

Номер: US20200147765A1

An adaptor for a fastener driver assembly employs a bi-positionable angle guide assembly mounted to a head having an entry reference surface defining an opening for a fastener. The adaptor provides a proper location and entry angle for the fastener for implementing various structural connections. A pivotal angle guide has a pair of reference engagement edges functionally configured to engage either an upper horizontal member or a lower horizontal member. A locator having a location reference is mounted to the guide assembly. In one mode, the reference edges, together with the location reference, define a proper entry location and normal angle for connecting a horizontal member, which may be either an upper plate or a lower plate, to a rim board or other structural member. The selected adaptor position is achieved by securing the adaptor in one of two stable angular positions relative to the drive axis of the fastener driver assembly. In a second mode, the implemented entry angle is oblique to the horizontal member. The adaptor also includes at least one flush indicator to indicate that the proper flush position of a reference surface is achieved. The locator is removably mounted to the pivotal angle guide and mounts a variably positionable position detector with a measurement scale. 1. An adaptor for a fastener driver assembly comprising:a head defining a fastener opening and communicating with a fastener receiver assembly;a connector configured to mount said head to the driver assembly so that a fastener received in said receiver assembly is drivable through said opening;a guide module pivotally mounted to said head comprising a pair of laterally spaced panels and defining a reference engagement structure;so that when said guide module is at a first pivot position and said reference engagement structure engages a member, a fastener is drivable by said fastener drive assembly through said fastener opening at an oblique entry angle into said member and when said ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210187723A1

A power wrench includes a cylindrical housing, an electric motor, an output shaft connected to the motor and a power switching device activated by a trigger located on the housing. The trigger is supported on an annular sleeve element coaxially disposed and rotatable relative to the housing for enabling adjustment of the angular position of the trigger relative to the housing. Irrespective of its angular position the trigger is arranged to axially displace a non-rotatable activation ring to of activate the power switching device. The housing includes an adjustable angle head supporting the output shaft and arranged to be set in alternative angular positions relative to the housing. 1. A power wrench comprising:a cylindrical housing;an electric motor;an output shaft connected to the motor; anda power switching device activated by a trigger located on the housing,wherein the trigger is supported on an annular sleeve element, and the sleeve element is supported in a coaxial disposition and rotatable relative to the housing to enable adjustment of an angular position of the trigger relative to the housing.2. The power wrench according to claim 1 , wherein the trigger is arranged to activate the power switching device via an axially displaceable activation ring.335. The power wrench according to claim 2 , wherein the power switching device includes a Hall element arranged to be activated by a magnet () supported by the activation ring.4. The power wrench according to claim 2 , wherein the trigger is arranged to accomplish displacement of the activation ring via a fork.5. The power wrench according to claim 1 , wherein an angle head is attached to the housing and supports the output shaft in a laterally extending position claim 1 , andwherein the angle head is connected to the housing via a swivel coupling to enable rotation of the angle head and adjustment of an angular position of the output shaft relative to the housing.6. The power wrench according to claim 5 , ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167206A1

A screw locking control system includes a host, a control unit controlled by the host, an electric screw driver and a holder. The control unit includes a processor, a voltage detecting module, a power outlet for providing electricity to the electric screw driver, and a lighting signal control module electrically connected to a plurality of indicator lamps of the holder. As a result, the control unit can turn on the indicator lamps sequentially via the light signal control module, guiding operators to carry out each screw locking operation and detecting a voltage variance of the electric screw driver to determine whether each screw locking operation is qualified. Thus, the quality of the manufacturing process is consistently maintained. 1. A screw locking control system comprising:a host;a control unit having a processor, a voltage detecting module, a power outlet electrically connected to the voltage detecting module, and a lighting signal control module, the processor being controlled by the host and electrically connected to the host, the voltage detecting module, and the lighting signal control module;an electric screw driver electrically connected to the power outlet; anda holder having a plurality of indicator lamps electrically connected to the lighting signal control module, the indicator lamps being controlled and turned on sequentially by the lighting signal control module.2. The screw locking control system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a voltage variance of the electric screw driver are detected by the voltage detecting module via the power outlet when the electric screw driver is turned on and turned off.3. An operating method using the screw locking control system as claimed in claim 1 , comprising the steps of:a) the host transmitting a setting data of each screw locking operation to the control unit;b) the control unit sequentially turning on the indicator lamps according to the setting data via the lighting signal control module and the electric ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140245869A1
Автор: RICE David

A driving apparatus is used for simultaneously tensioning the jackbolts of a multi-jackbolt tensioner and includes a central drive gear mounted for rotation along a central drive gear axis. An annular array of spindles surrounds the central drive gear, each spindle independently mounted for rotation, with one spindle associated with one of the jackbolts. A socket on one spindle end is configured to receive one of the jackbolts. A spindle gear surrounds each spindle and is configured to rotate the spindle. The spindle gear is meshed with the central drive gear to be rotated by the central drive gear, wherein at least one spindle gear is offset along the central drive gear axis from at least another spindle gear. A slip clutch is positioned radially between each spindle gear and the associated spindle, wherein rotation of the jackbolts is up to a torque setting of the slip clutch during tensioning. 1. A method of simultaneously tensioning multiple jackbolts of a multi-jackbolt tensioner comprising the steps of:A. Providing a multiple jackbolt driving apparatus including a central drive gear mounted for rotation along a central drive gear axis, an annular array of spindles surrounding the central drive gear, each spindle independently mounted for rotation, with one spindle associated with one of the jackbolts, a socket on one end of each spindle configured to receive one of the series of jackbolts; and a spindle gear surrounding each spindle configured to rotate the spindle, the spindle gear meshed with the central drive gear to be rotated by the central drive gear, wherein at least one spindle gear is offset along the central drive gear axis from at least another spindle gear;B. Coupling the central drive gear to a source of rotating power for rotating the central drive gear;C. Coupling the multiple jackbolt driving apparatus with the multi-jackbolt tensioner, wherein each jackbolt of the multi jackbolt tensioner is engaged in one socket of the multiple jackbolt ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170162284A1
Автор: Waisanen Stephen K.
Принадлежит: MHE Technologies, Inc.

A transfer system for spent fuel canisters includes a carrier, a shielded bell trolley movable along the carrier and carrying a shielded bell, and a canister trolley movable along the carrier and carrying a lifting mechanism for raising and lowering the spent fuel canister into and out of the shielded bell. The canister trolley can move along the carrier independent of the shielded bell trolley and the shielded bell trolley can move along the carrier independent of the canister trolley. The shielded bell trolley and the canister trolley can be selectively interlocked for selected transfer operations. 1. A method for moving a spent fuel canister comprising the steps of , in combination:moving a shielded bell trolley along a carrier while carrying a shielded bell to position the shielded bell over the spent fuel canister;moving a canister trolley along the carrier while carrying a lifting mechanism for raising and lowering the spent fuel canister into the shielded bell to position the lifting mechanism over the spent fuel canister;wherein the canister trolley is configured to move along the carrier relative to the shielded bell trolley;lifting the spent fuel canister with the lifting mechanism carried by the canister trolley into the shielded bell carried by the shielded bell trolley; andmoving the shielded bell trolley and the canister trolley together along the carrier at the same time while the lifting mechanism of the canister trolley supports the spent fuel canister within the shielded bell carried by the shielded bell trolley.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of moving the carrier along a pair of stationary spaced-apart rails.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the carrier includes a first pair of spaced-apart rails for supporting the canister trolley and a second pair of spaced-apart rails for supporting the shielded bell trolley.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first pair of spaced-apart rails is parallel to the second pair of spaced- ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161965A1

The present disclosure discloses a drive tool. The drive tool comprising a handle, a bit movably coupled to the handle through a mechanism. The drive tool further comprises a plurality imaging units provisioned on the handle to face a fastener and a fastening surface. The drive tool also comprises a control unit operatively coupled to the mechanism and the plurality of imaging units. The control unit is configured to receive data from each of the plurality of imaging units and operate the mechanism selectively to move the bit for adjusting axis of the fastener perpendicular to the fastening surface. The adjustment is done based on the data received from at least one of the plurality of imaging units. The automatic alignment of axis of the fastener with respect to the fastening surface improves the accuracy of operation and reduces the efforts of the operator. 1100. A drive tool , comprising:{'b': '101', 'a handle ;'}{'b': 102', '101', '103, 'a bit movably coupled to the handle through a mechanism ;'}{'b': 104', '101', '104', '109', '105, 'a plurality of imaging units provisioned on the handle , wherein the plurality of imaging units face a fastener and a fastening surface ; and'}{'b': 106', '103', '104', '106, 'claim-text': [{'b': '104', 'receive, data from each of the plurality of imaging units ; and'}, {'b': 103', '102', '109', '105', '104, 'operate, the mechanism selectively to move the bit for adjusting axis A-A of the fastener perpendicular to the fastening surface , based on the data received from at least one of the plurality of imaging units .'}], 'a control unit operatively coupled to the mechanism and the plurality of imaging units , the control unit is configured to2100112102112102109. The drive tool as claimed in comprises a contact sensor provisioned on the bit claim 1 , the contact sensor is configured to detect contact of the bit with the fastener .3100107100105. The drive tool as claimed in further comprising at least one extendable and retractable ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164494A1

A retention socket is configured to hold a non-ferrous metallic fastener and includes a socket body defining a cavity shaped to receive a head of the non-ferrous metallic fastener. The retention socket further includes a mechanical retaining feature coupled to the socket body to removably couple the non-ferrous metallic fastener to the socket body without the aid of magnetic forces. 1. A retention socket for holding a non-ferrous metallic fastener , comprising:a socket body defining a cavity shaped to receive a head of the non-ferrous metallic fastener; anda mechanical retaining feature coupled to the socket body to removably couple the non-ferrous metallic fastener to the socket body.2. The retention socket of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical retaining feature is a snap ring protruding from the socket body toward the cavity to retain the non-ferrous metallic fastener without the aid of magnetic forces.3. The retention socket of claim 1 , wherein the retention socket is a hexalobular socket.4. The retention socket of claim 1 , wherein the retention socket is a hex socket.5. The retention socket of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical retaining feature includes:a sleeve disposed over the socket body; anda snap ring coupled to the sleeve to hold a flange of the non-ferrous metallic fastener.6. The retention socket of claim 5 , wherein the sleeve defines a first sleeve end and a second sleeve end opposite the first sleeve end claim 5 , and the snap ring is closer to the second sleeve end than to the first sleeve end to hold the flange of the non-ferrous metallic fastener.7. The retention socket of claim 6 , wherein the flange defines a first flange surface and a second flange surface opposite the first flange surface claim 6 , the first flange surface faces the socket body when the socket body is removably coupled to the non-ferrous metallic fastener claim 6 , the second flange surface faces away from the socket body when the socket body is removably coupled to the non- ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Power Tool to Spring Torsioner Converter

Номер: US20150190907A1

A device that converts an existing power tool to apply a rotational force to a spring of a rollup or overhead door counterbalancing mechanism. The device has a rotatable driven gear mounted in a casting that carries a power transmitting structure. The casting and the driven gear have slots with an open end for accommodating the shaft of the counterbalancing mechanism. A removable novel coupling structure inserts into the driven gear and connects the driven gear to the winding cone of a spring so that rotation of the driven gear will apply rotational force to the spring. The casting with the driven gear is connected to the body of an existing power tool in place of the original tool head. A motor in the existing power tool body is connected to the power transmitting structure in the casting to rotate the driven gear. 1. A device for applying rotational force to an object comprising:{'b': '300', 'a cast casing () which partially encloses a driven member and has an opening for accommodating a shaft;'}a rotatable driven member housed in the casing, said driven member having a slot with an open end for accommodating a shaft and a semi-octagonal hole in the center to accommodate a coupling structure;a power transmission housed in the casing for rotating the driven member, said power transmission connected to a motor whereby on operation of the motor the power transmission rotates the driven member; and,{'b': '13', 'a means connecting the driven member to the object whereby the object is rotated with the driven member, said means connecting the driven member to the object comprising a novel cast semi-octagonal structure having a slot () with an open end to accommodate a shaft, the semi-octagonal shape of the structure wherein the slot in the structure coincides with the slot in the driven member, and,'}{'b': '400', 'a coupler () mounted on the driven member that is engageable with the object whereby rotation of the structure by the driven member will rotate the object.'}2. ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160203882A1
Автор: Harkness Alexander W.

A lifting fixture for removing the upper internals from a reactor to provide access to the core for refueling that does not require flooding of a refueling canal. The invention provides a means of shielding and ventilation that is integral to a lifting rig used to remove the upper internals. The lifting rig provides a means for personnel to decouple the drive rods from the rod cluster control assemblies so the drive rods can be lifted from the core with the upper internals while shielding maintenance personnel without flooding the area above the reactor. 1. A method of removing an upper internals package from a nuclear reactor having a reactor vessel with an upper flange surrounding an opening in the reactor vessel that is sealed by a mating flange on a closure head , the reactor vessel enclosing the upper internals package that seats above a plurality of fuel assemblies within a core of the reactor , the upper internals package including a plurality of rod travel housings in which control rod assembly drive rods are housed and through which the drive rods travel along a vertical path , the method comprising the steps of:removing the closure head from the reactor vessel;lowering a shield plate over the opening in the reactor vessel, the shield plate being sized to cover the opening when supported on the reactor vessel upper flange and being formed from a material that lessens the radiation exposure of workers working above the shield plate covering the reactor vessel opening, the shield plate including an integral lifting rig extending above an upper surface thereof;attaching the shield plate to the upper internals package; andraising the shield plate to withdraw the upper internals package out of the reactor.2. The method of wherein the shield plate includes openings to access the control rod assembly drive rods claim 1 , the access openings including a drive rod latching tool that is reciprocally moveable along a substantially vertical travel path through the ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150209945A1

A drywall screwdriver includes a housing, a screw-in depth limitation element, a gear unit, an output spindle, a drive unit, and a coupling unit. The coupling unit is configured to couple and/or decouple a torque transmission of the gear unit to the output spindle. A gear element of the gear unit is permanently connected to at least one coupling element of the coupling unit. 1. A drywall screwdriver , comprising:a housing;a screw-in depth limiting element:a gear unit;an output spindle;a drive unit; anda clutch unit configured to one or more of couple and decouple a torque transmission of the gear unit to the output spindle,wherein a gear element of the gear unit is fixedly connected to at least one coupling element of the clutch unit.2. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gear element of the gear unit is configured at least partially in one piece with the at least one coupling element of the clutch unit.3. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gear unit comprises at least one planetary gearing.4. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the planetary gearing is of single-step configuration.5. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the coupling element comprises at least one driving element configured at least partially in one piece with a planet carrier element of the planetary gearing.6. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the planet carrier element is held directly in the housing by at least one bearing unit.7. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an axis of the output spindle corresponds to an axis of the drive unit.8. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an axis of the gear unit corresponds to an axis of the drive unit.9. The drywall screwdriver as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising at least one support element that differs from a housing element and is configured to at least partially embrace a ring gear of the planetary ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190198184A1

A fuel assembly inspection system that utilizes a pressure transducer mounted to a utility's spent fuel handling tool to detect a relative change in depth of a fuel assembly during fuel inspections. The system then wirelessly transmits the signal to a fuel inspection recording system, which converts the signal to a relative height along the fuel assembly being viewed by a camera, and displays the relative height along with the applicable fuel assembly feature being viewed by the camera (e.g., nozzle, grid, span) via a text overlay on the video image of the inspection. 1. A method of remotely inspecting a nuclear fuel assembly stored in a cell within a rack in a lower portion of a spent fuel pool , the method comprising the steps of:supporting a camera within the spent fuel pool above the rack focused above the cell in which the nuclear fuel assembly is stored, the camera having an output which is transmitted to a processing apparatus outside of the spent fuel pool;fastening a pressure transducer to a long handled fuel assembly handling tool at a fixed distance above a connector on the fuel assembly handling tool that attaches to the fuel assembly and below a point on the fuel assembly handling tool that will remain submerged within the spent fuel pool when the fuel assembly handling tool raises the fuel assembly substantially completely out of the rack, the pressure transducer having an output representative of the depth within the spent fuel pool at the pressure transducer elevation, which pressure transducer output is transmitted to the processing apparatus;lowering the connector to the fuel assembly;attaching the connector to the fuel assembly;raising the fuel assembly out of the cell with the fuel assembly handling tool as the camera records a portion of the fuel assembly in view of the camera and transmits an image of the portion of the fuel assembly in view as at least part of the camera output to the processing apparatus;correlating, in the processing ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Installation Tool/Fastener System for Roof Truss Framing and Construction

Номер: US20170209990A1

An installation tool/fastening system employs an installation tool which is adapted for fastening a top plate to a roof support member or other structural connections and is particularly adapted for use in driving a wide variety of fasteners. One installation tool embodiment is adapted for driving a fastener having a head with a maximum diameter greater than the major diameter of the fastener threads. The installation tool is also adaptable to drive fasteners having a wide variety of drive-type head configurations including an external drive head and various recessed or socket configurations provided in the fastener head. 1. An installation tool and fastener for fastening a first member to a second member comprising:a fastener having a driver head with a drive-type and a maximum head diameter and a shank extending from said head and having a thread with a major diameter greater than said maximum head diameter;a transfer assembly comprising an elongated tube assembly having a proximal end portion and a distal end, said proximal end portion adapted to receive a torque driver, and a torque transfer unit disposed in said tube assembly that transfers torque produced by said torque driver to a fastener coupler adjacent said distal end; anda guide assembly mounted at said distal end and having a guide and a fastener channel defining an axis at an acute angle to said guide and having a uniform channel diameter which is slightly greater than said major diameter and configured to receive said fastener so that when said guide is positioned relative said first member, said fastener is received in said channel and a received torque driver is energized, said fastener coupler rotatably engages said driver head and the received torque driver drives said fastener through said first member into said second member.2. The installation tool and fastener of wherein the drive-type is selected from the group consisting of Torx™ claim 1 , TorxTTap™ claim 1 , TorxPhase™ claim 1 , AutoSert™ ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Fastener Installation Tool for Roof Truss Framing and Construction System

Номер: US20140304973A1

An installation tool for fastening a top plate to a roof support member and other structural connections is adapted to drive screws at a pre-established angle. The tool preferably includes a rotary driver assembly and a telescopic tube assembly. A guide assembly is mounted adjacent the outer end of the telescopic tube assembly. Locating structures function to properly precisely set the drive angle of the screw. A stabilizer prevents the screw from moving during the installation. The guide assembly is also configured to provide a marking for inspection purposes. 1. An installation tool for fastening a first member to a second member comprising:a driver assembly comprising an elongated tube assembly having a proximal end and a distal end, a driver which generates torque mounted adjacent said proximal end and a torque transfer unit disposed in said tube for transferring torque produced by said driver to a fastener coupler adjacent said distal end; anda guide assembly mounted adjacent said distal end and having a locating end and a non-coplanar locating surface and a fastener channel defining an axis disposed at an angle θ to said locating surface and configured to receive a fastener so that when said locating surface is positioned against said first member, said locating end is positioned adjacent said second member, said fastener is received in said channel, and said driver is energized, said fastener coupler engages said fastener and is torqued to drive said fastener through said first member at said angle θ into said second member.2. The installation tool of wherein angle θ is approximately 22½°.3. The installation tool of wherein said tube assembly is a telescopic tube assembly.4. The installation tool of further comprising a stabilizing piercing edge projecting from said locating end.5. The installation tool of wherein the stabilizing edge is the vertex of a square stabilizer plate.6. The installation tool of wherein said telescopic tube assembly comprises a ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Fastener Installation Tool for Roof Truss Framing and Construction System

Номер: US20160221164A1

An installation tool for fastening a top plate to a roof support member and other structural connections is adapted to drive threaded fasteners at a pre-established angle. The tool preferably includes a rotary driver assembly and a telescopic tube assembly. A guide head assembly is mounted adjacent the outer end of the telescopic tube assembly. Locating structures function to properly precisely set the drive angle of the fastener. Spaced stabbers prevent the fastener from moving during the installation. A releasable lock mechanism locks the guide head assembly to the end of the telescopic tube assembly. The guide head assembly has a floating guide to align the fastener head with a drive bit, and a wear sleeve for centering and aligning the fastener screws. A spacer collar is dimensioned to set a pre-established penetration depth for the fastener. An automatic release trigger locks the telescopic tube assembly and imposes a pre-established stabbing force threshold prior to driving the fastener and allowing the tubes to telescope. 1. An installation tool for fastening a first member to a second member comprising:a driver assembly comprising an elongated telescopic tube assembly having a proximal end and a distal end, a driver which generates torque mounted adjacent said proximal end and a torque transfer unit disposed in said tube assembly for transferring torque produced by said driver to a fastener coupler adjacent said distal end; anda guide head assembly mounted adjacent said distal end and having a locating end and a non-coplanar locating surface and a fastener channel defining an axis disposed at an angle θ to said locating surface and configured to receive a fastener so that when said locating surface is positioned against said first member, said locating end is positioned adjacent said second member, said fastener is received in said channel, and said driver is powered, said fastener coupler engages said fastener and is torqued to drive said fastener through ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170216999A1
Автор: CHENG Ming-Ta

A power tool has a handle, a tool body, a rotator, a first working unit, and a second working unit. The handle has a handle body, a mounting ring rotatably mounted around the handle body, and a switch mounted on the mounting ring and inserted into the handle body. The tool body is mounted on the handle. The rotator is mounted in the tool body, and has a first driving end and a second driving end. The first working unit is mounted in the tool body, and is mounted around and engaged with the rotator. The second working unit is mounted in the tool body, and is mounted around and engaged with the rotator. 1. A power tool comprising: a handle body;', 'a mounting ring rotatably mounted around the handle body; and', 'a switch mounted on the mounting ring and inserted into the handle body;, 'a handle comprising'}a tool body mounted on the handle, and comprising an accommodating space formed in the tool body; a first driving end formed on an end of the rotator; and', 'a second driving end opposite the first driving end;, 'a rotator mounted in the accommodating space, and comprising'}a first working unit mounted in the accommodating space, mounted around and engaged with the first driving end, and comprising a first working connector protruding out from the tool body; anda second working unit mounted in the accommodating space, mounted around and engaged with the second driving end, and comprising a second working connector protruding out from the tool body.2. The power tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first working unit comprises at least one speed reduction mechanism connected between the first driving end of the rotator and the first working connector.3. The power tool as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first working connector is detachably connected with the at least one speed reduction mechanism.4. The power tool as claimed in claim 3 , wherein two speed reduction mechanisms are implemented in amount.5. The power tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180215019A1
Автор: Hooks Jason

According to one or more embodiments, a hand-held, portable opener for a hopper trailer and method of opening is described. The hopper trailer opener comprises a base tool assembly coupled with an extension shaft assembly and can be adapted for use with a variety of different trailer opening mechanisms. 2. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the base tool assembly further comprises a trigger lever configured to adjust at least one of motor speed or motor direction.3. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the base tool assembly further comprises a torque reaction bracket fixedly attached to the base tool assembly.4. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the motor is a pneumatic motor claim 1 , an electric motor claim 1 , a battery-powered motor claim 1 , or a hydraulic motor.5. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the base tool further comprises an end having a fitting connectable to a source of power.6. The hopper trailer opener of claim 5 , wherein the source of power is a pressurized source of air supplied by attachment to the fitting.7. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the motor is configured to provide 40 to 250 ft-lbs of torque to the opening mechanism of the hopper trailer.8. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the motor has a maximum speed of 20 to 140 rpm.9. The hopper trailer of claim 1 , wherein the rotatable drive further comprises at least one attachment stabilizer centrally positioned at a base of the spindle.10. The hopper trailer opener of claim 9 , wherein the spindle has a base and the attachment stabilizer is centrally positioned at the base of the spindle.11. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the drive head is an angled drive head.12. The hopper trailer opener of claim 10 , wherein the angled drive head has an angle of about 90 degrees.13. The hopper trailer opener of claim 1 , wherein the spindle comprises a square drive and a threaded stud configured to mate with an end ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150231768A1

A uniquely designed torque wrench having a torque body, the torque body attached to a frictional squeezing clamp, and a lug socket which is rotationally connected to the frictional squeezing clamp. The frictional squeezing clamp entering a contracted stated during extension of a rod of a hydraulic cylinder, and entering an expanded state during the retraction of the rod of a hydraulic cylinder, the lug socket turning the wing nut of a hammer union. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” no human force is applied to any lug of the wing nut.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein during steps “c” and “d” no human force is applied to any lug of the wing nut.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” no hammering is performed on any lug of the wing nut.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein during steps “c” and “d” no hammering is performed on any lug the wing nut.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein during steps “c” and “d” the frictional squeezing clamp remains detachably connected to one of the joints of pipe and the lug socket remains detachably connected to one of the lugs of the wing nut.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” the frictional squeezing clamp remains rotationally static relative to one of the joints of pipe.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” the frictional squeezing clamp rotates relative to one of the joints of pipe.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “e” is performed until the torque of the tightened hammer union reaches a predefined tightening torque.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “e” is performed until the torque of the tightened hammer union falls within a predefined tightening torque range.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein during step “c” the amount of squeezing on the frictional squeezing claim both increases and decreases during turning of the wing nut for tightening the hammer union.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein during the initial portion of a turn of the wing nut the ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140314195A1

A lifting shackle of a head assembly for a nuclear reactor according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises: a first member and a second member which extend in parallel to each other in a predetermined thickness and length and respectively have an upper portion and a lower portion; a first connection member which connects the upper portion of the first member and the upper portion of the second member to each other and is coupled to a hook; coupling sections which are respectively provided at the lower portions of the first member and the second members and has a hollow portion so as to be coupled to the head assembly for a nuclear reactor via pins; and stress reducing sections which are formed at the upper portions of the first member and the second member such that the stress reducing sections extend from the first connection member to the first member and the side end of the second member at a predetermined curvature and protrudes upwards so as to reduce bending stress that is applied to the first connection member. 1. A lifting shackle for a head assembly for a nuclear reactor , which is connected to a hook to the head assembly , comprising:a first member and a second member that extend with a constant thickness and a constant length that extend in parallel to each other with a constant thickness and a constant length, each including an upper portion and a lower portion;a first connection member that couples an upper portion of the first member and an upper portion of the second member, and that is connected to the hook;connection units, each having a through hole in the center, into which a rod is inserted to couple the connection unit and the head assembly for the nuclear reactor, that are provided to lower portions of the first member and the second member, respectively; andstress reduction portions that are formed in the upper portions of the first member and the second member in such a manner as to extend at a constant curvature from the first ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223483A1
Принадлежит: MOW Equipment Solutions, Inc.

Systems, methods, and non-transitory, machine-readable media for railway fastener removal are disclosed. A railway fastener extractor may be aligned with a railway fastener installed in a railway tie. The railway fastener extractor may be coupled with a frame assembly and a cylinder and slide assembly of a railway workhead so that the railway fastener extractor is suspended from the cylinder and slide assembly. The railway fastener extractor may be operated to extend opposing claws of the railway fastener extractor toward a railway fastener, and may be operated to selectively apply force to a linkage system to grip the railway fastener, the force being directed along a longitudinal axis. The force may be bifurcated and corresponding forces may be applied to move linkages and move the opposing claws to grip the railway fastener, and the railway fastener extractor may be operated to extract the railway fastener. 1. A railway fastener removal system , comprising:a railway fastener extractor couplable with a frame assembly and a cylinder and slide assembly of a railway workhead so that the railway fastener extractor is suspended from the cylinder and slide assembly; a first actuator;', 'a second actuator coaxially coupled to the first actuator so that the first actuator and the second actuator share a longitudinal axis;', 'a pair of opposing claws, each opposing claw of the pair of opposing claws comprising a gripping surface; and', 'a linkage system coupling the pair of opposing claws with the second actuator, the linkage system comprising linkages arranged about the longitudinal axis;', 'the first actuator operable to extend the pair of opposing claws toward a railway fastener when the railway fastener is in an installed position with respect to a railway tie plate and a railway tie alongside a rail so that the railway fastener extends through the railway tie plate and into the railway tie;', 'the second actuator operable to selectively apply a force to the linkage ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Installation Tool and Fastener for Roof Truss Framing and Construction System

Номер: US20180223893A1

An installation tool and fastener is particularly adapted for fastening a top plate to a roof support member and other structural connections. The installation tool comprises a telescopic tool assembly which transfers torque from a power driver tool to a fastener drive coupler. The installation tool has a receiver guide which is configured to concentrically guide a fastener into driver engagement with a fastener coupler. The coupler may have a driver tip with radial projections, a Philips driver tip or a square driver tip. In one embodiment, the installation tool fastener has a head with a maximum head diameter equal to the major thread diameter and a recess for coupling with the drive coupler. 1. An installation tool and fastener for fastening a first member to a second member comprising:a fastener having a head with a recess and a maximum diameter and a shank extending from said head and having an uninterrupted thread with a major diameter substantially equal to said maximum head diameter;a transfer assembly comprising an elongated telescopic tube assembly having a proximal end portion and a distal end, said proximal end portion adapted to receive a power tool, and a torque transfer unit disposed in said tube assembly for transferring torque produced by a received power tool to a fastener coupler adjacent said distal end; anda guide assembly mounted at said distal end and having a guide and a fastener channel defining an axis and having a uniform channel diameter which is slightly greater than said major diameter and configured to receive said fastener so that when said guide is positioned relative said first member, said fastener is received in said channel and a received tool is energized, said fastener coupler extends into said head recess to rotatably engage said fastener and a received tool drives said fastener through said first member into said second member.2. The installation tool and fastener of further comprising a receiver guide adjacent to said ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252673A1
Автор: BRAHMBHATT Sudhir R.

A tool, for opening a variety of valves associated with gas cylinders, includes an elongated body. One end of the body defines a hook. The body has a generally square cut-out extending through the thickness of the body. The body also includes two or three threaded holes which enable a set of threaded pins to be screwed into the holes. The body also includes an opening defining regions of distinct widths. The tool can be used to remove or insert a cap or cover on a gas cylinder, to operate a valve of a welding gas cylinder, to open or close a nut or fitting associated with a gas cylinder, and to open or close a valve wheel associated with a gas cylinder. The tool thus simplifies the management of gas cylinders, by reducing or eliminating the need for auxiliary tools such as wrenches and hammers. 1. A tool for use with a gas cylinder , comprising:a) an elongated body defining first and second ends,b) a hook formed at the first end of the body,c) the body including a generally square cut-out which extends entirely through a thickness of the body,d) a plurality of threaded holes, disposed in a vicinity of the second end of the body, ande) an opening, disposed in a vicinity of the second end of the body, the opening defining a region having at least two distinct widths.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the body of the tool has a transverse dimension which increases towards the second end of the body.3. The tool of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of threaded pins claim 1 , sized to be insertable claim 1 , by screwing claim 1 , into the threaded holes.4. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a unitary piece.5. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the hook is integrally formed with the body.6. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the hook is integral with the body claim 1 , wherein the hook has an upper surface which is co-planar with an upper surface of the body claim 1 , and wherein the hook has a lower surface which is co-planar with a lower surface of the body.7. A ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Tool for Removing Collars

Номер: US20160236334A1

A method comprises the steps of providing a tool over a collar secured to a stud on a gas turbine engine system. The collet is driven to rotate and remove the collar from the stud. A tool for removing collars from studs has a driver with a housing receiving a piston. A spring drives the piston, and the housing also has a hydraulic fluid supply opening for selectively receiving a hydraulic fluid to move the piston in opposition to a force from the spring. Collet fingers are movable between a released position and a secured position when a supply of hydraulic fluid is supplied into the housing. 1. A method comprising the steps of:providing a tool having a collet over a collar secured to a stud on a gas turbine engine system; anddriving said collet to rotate and remove said collar from said stud.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said collet includes a plurality of collet fingers and said collet fingers being driven between a released and a secured position claim 1 , with said collet fingers being in said released position when initially placed over said collar claim 1 , and then driven to said locked position prior to said collet fingers being driven to rotate and remove said collar.3. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein said collet fingers move with a piston within a housing and hydraulic fluid drives said piston to move said collet fingers to the relaxed position at which they define the released position claim 2 , and a spring operating in opposition to said hydraulic fluid to drive said piston and said collet fingers to said secured position.4. The method as set forth in claim 3 , wherein a single trigger is actuated to supply said hydraulic fluid to drive said piston claim 3 , then to release the hydraulic fluid to allow said spring to move said piston and then to actuate a motor to drive said collet fingers.5. The method as set forth in claim 4 , wherein said gas turbine engine system is a portion of an exhaust nozzle.6. The method as set ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180229350A1

An attachment includes a planetary reducer, a reaction force receiving member, and a universal joint. The planetary reducer has a first output shaft and a second output shaft connectable to a socket. The reaction force receiving member is connected to the first output shaft and has an arm part for contact with an external contact object. The universal joint has an input-side end part connectable to a final output shaft of a fastening tool and an output-side end part connected to the planetary reducer. The reaction force receiving member is configured to rotate integrally with the first output shaft in a direction opposite to the second output shaft by a reaction force caused by rotation of the socket. The universal joint is configured to transmit the torque inputted from the final output shaft via the input-side end part, to the planetary reducer via the output-side end part. 1. An attachment configured to be removably attached to a fastening tool , the fastening tool having a final output shaft configured to be rotationally driven by power of a motor , the attachment comprising:a planetary reducer having a first output shaft and a second output shaft, the first and second output shafts being coaxially arranged and rotatable in opposite directions to each other;a reaction force receiving member connected to the first output shaft so as to rotate integrally with the first output shaft, the reaction force receiving member having an arm part for contact with an external contact object; anda universal joint configured to transmit a torque, the universal joint having an input-side end part to which the torque is inputted and an output-side end part from which the torque is outputted, the input-side end part being configured to be connectable to the final output shaft of the fastening tool, and the output-side end part being connected to the planetary reducer, wherein:the second output shaft is configured to be connectable to a socket such that the socket rotates ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170232588A1

A light bulb changing tool comprising a holding structure configured to engage a light bulb, the holding structure configured along an axis, the motorized holding structure configured to actuate in a first direction and a second direction. The light bulb changing tool further includes a force generator configured to selectively force the light bulb against the holding structure and a control unit configured to remotely communicate with the holding structure and the force generator, wherein the electronic control unit sends control signals to drive the holding structure to selectively move in the first direction and the second direction and/or to activate the force generator, The tool further comprises an arm member for positioning the holding structure in a desired configuration to engage the light bulb, wherein the arm member is coupled to the holding structure. The holding structure further comprises a rotator mechanism configured to rotate the holding structure in the first direction about the axis. 139-. (canceled)40. A light bulb changing tool , comprising:a. a light bulb holder that is adjustable between a closed position and an open position in response to control signals received from a control unit; andb. a pole configured to hold the light bulb holder.41. The light bulb changing tool of claim 40 , wherein the light bulb holder is adjustable to more than one open position.42. The light bulb changing tool of claim 40 , wherein a mechanism for adjusting the light bulb holder between the closed position and the open position moves along a longitudinal axis of the pole.43. The light bulb changing tool of claim 40 , wherein a mechanism for adjusting the light bulb holder between the closed position and the open position comprises a force generator that selectively forces a light bulb against the light bulb holder.44. The light bulb changing tool of claim 40 , wherein the light bulb holder comprises a holding cup.45. The light bulb changing tool of claim 40 , ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230858A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

A method for unscrewing a link nut of an HP rotor of a twin-spool turbine, including a front fan, an intermediate casing, a HP module with a HP rotor, and a LP turbine module, the intermediate casing including a support bearing for the HP rotor, the rotor being retained in the bearing by the link nut, the method including: placing an unscrewing tool in front of the link nut after having removed the fan and released access to the nut from the front; with rotation of the HP rotor locked and the frontal unscrewing tool including a socket spanner including teeth having a shape that complements that of teeth of the link nut, attaching a mounting for the socket spanner to the intermediate casing, the socket spanner being rotatably mounted on the mounting, and applying an unscrewing torque to the socket spanner. An unscrewing tool implements the method. 1. An unscrewing tooling configured to unscrew a connecting nut of a rotor of a gas turbine engine module , comprising:a support for a tubular wrench comprising a cylindrical barrel and four branches extending in a star shape from the barrel, the tubular wrench comprising teeth mounted removably in the barrel of the support, the tubular wrench being locked axially with respect to the support; andan anti-rotation tool configured to block the rotor against any rotational movement about its axis.2. The tooling as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation tool comprises a tubular element comprising wedges claim 1 , the tubular element configured to be introduced inside the HP rotor to immobilize the rotor against rotation. This application is a division of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/397,361 filed Oct. 27, 2014, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference. U.S. application Ser. No. 14/397,361 is a 371 of International application Ser. No. PCT/FR13/050978 filed May 2, 2013, and claims the benefit of priority from prior French Application No. 12 54028 filed May 2, 2012.The present invention relates to ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Dual fastener manipulation device

Номер: US20180236640A1
Автор: Xiaoming Tan
Принадлежит: Individual

A dual fastener manipulation device may be used to manipulate two fasteners, having the same rotational axis, which may be separated by various distances and various sized objects. The dual fastener manipulation device may include a first wrench having a first fastener engaging head, a first handle, and a pivot stud. A second wrench element may have a second fastener engaging head and a second handle. A pivot linkage may be pivotally coupled to the pivot stud, and a floating stud may be coupled to both the second wrench and to the pivot linkage. The first and second fastener engaging heads may be engaged to two fasteners having the same rotational axis, while the pivot linkage and floating stud may maintain the rotational axis of the fastener engaging heads, while also allowing the fastener engaging heads to be moved closer to or farther from each other.

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140334587A1

Fuel elements are moved between an upper pool and a lower pool of a nuclear plant by a conveyor tube having an upper end at the upper pool and a lower end at the lower pool and extending at an acute angle to the vertical between the ends. A plurality of transport baskets can move through the conveyor tube, each holding at least one of the fuel. An upper transfer device at the upper end in the upper pool loads the fuel elements into or unloads them from the transport baskets. A lower transfer device in the lower pool loads fuel elements into or unloads them from the transport baskets. Each transfer device can hold two of the transport baskets that are displaceable for positioning above or below the conveyor tube and movable during displacement through the tube between a vertical transfer position and an angled transport position. 1. A system for transferring fuel elements between an upper pool and a lower pool of a nuclear plant , the system comprising:a conveyor tube having an upper end at the upper pool and a lower end at the lower pool and extending at an acute angle to the vertical between the ends;a plurality of transport baskets movable through the conveyor tube and into each of which at least one of the fuel elements can be placed for transport through the conveyor tube;an upper transfer device at the upper end in the upper pool for loading the fuel elements into or unloading them from the transport baskets; anda lower transfer device in the lower pool for loading fuel elements into or unloading them from the transport baskets, each of the devices being adapted to hold two of the transport baskets, the baskets being displaceable for positioning above or below the conveyor tube and being movable during displacement through the tube between a vertical transfer position and an angled transport position.2. The system defined in claim 1 , wherein the upper and the lower transfer device each have two pivot frames into each of which a respective transport basket can ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140334588A1

A system for transferring fuel elements between an upper pool and a lower pool of a nuclear plant has a conveyor tube having an upper end at the upper pool and a lower end at the lower pool. A transport basket movable internally along the tube and into which at least one of the fuel elements can be placed can travel through the conveyor tube. A blocking element at one end of the tube that can fully close the conveyor tube at the respective end. A cable hoist has a traction cable guided through the conveyor tube for raising and lowering the transport basket through the conveyor tube. An intermediate partially closing blocking element offset from the fully closing blocking element in the tube is formed with a cable passage through which the traction cable can pass in the closed position. 1. A transfer system for transfer of fuel elements between an upper pool and a lower pool of a nuclear plant , the liquid level of the upper pool lying above the liquid level of the lower pool , the system comprising:a conveyor tube having an upper end at the upper pool and a lower end at the lower pool and extending between the upper and lower ends at an acute angle to the vertical;a transport basket movable internally along the tube and into which at least one of the fuel elements can be placed for transfer through the conveyor tube;a fully closing blocking element at one end of the tube that can fully close the conveyor tube at the respective end;a cable hoist having a traction cable guided through the conveyor tube for raising and lowering the transport basket through the conveyor tube; andan intermediate partially closing blocking element offset from the fully closing blocking element in the tube, movable between an open position allowing the basket to pass and a closed position blocking such passage, and formed with a cable passage through which the traction cable can pass in the closed position.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the fully closing blocking element is ...
