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27-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2225060C2

Изобретение относится к термоуправляемому держателю проволоки. Держатель проволоки выполнен из материала с эффектом памяти из сплава TiNi в виде тонкого листа. Проволока зажата в имеющемся в держателе отверстии за счет его сжатия, при этом при повышении температуры держателя проволоки до определенной рабочей температуры сжатое отверстие автоматически раскрывается, освобождая проволоку. Процесс зажима проволоки происходит таким образом, что при низкой температуре сначала сжимают пустое отверстие, а затем в это сжатое отверстие вставляют конец проволоки. Техническим результатом является обеспечение надежного освобождения проволоки в точно заданный момент. 2 c. и 8 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2042987C1

Использование: в электротехнике, а именно в электрических аппаратах, предназначенных для защиты электрических цепей от перегрузок. Существо изобретения заключается в том, что в предохранителе, содержащем изоляционное основание, электрические выводы в виде плоских металлических пластин, неподвижный контакт, установленный на одном из выводов, чувствительный элемент в виде выпуклой щелкающей лопасти с П-образным выступом и U-образным язычком в центре лопасти, подвижный контакт, установленный на П-образном выступе, выпуклая щелкающая лопасть представляет собой фигуру, описанную вокруг равнобедренного треугольника, вписанного в окружность, причем стороны фигуры являются частями окружностей, описанных из вершин треугольника и пересекающихся между собой с образованием углов. П-образный выступ расположен внутри окружности, описанной вокруг треугольника. Предлагаемая форма чувствительного элемента позволяет упростить процесс его изготовления, так как позволяет вписать чувствительный элемент в окружность ...

27-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2145134C1

Изобретение относится к электрическим аппаратам, служащим для защиты электрических цепей от перегрузок, в частности к конструкции биметаллического предохранителя для защиты от перегрузки электроизделий промышленного назначения и бытовой техники. Предлагаемый предохранитель, содержащий изоляционное основание, электрические выводы в виде плоских металлических пластин, щелкающий биметаллический чувствительный элемент в виде пластины с прорезью и язычком U-образной формы внутри контура пластины, неподвижный контакт, установленный на одном из электрических выводов, и подвижный контакт, установленный на чувствительном элементе, снабжен подвижным резистивным элементом, выполненным в виде накладки на чувствительный элемент, повторяющей внешний и внутренний контуры чувствительного элемента и включенной электрически параллельно ему в месте установки подвижного контакта и в месте крепления чувствительного элемента к электрическому выводу. Накладка на чувствительный элемент имеет лепесток, скрепляющий ...

20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2044359C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и предназначено для поддержания стабильной температуры в бытовых электроприборах. Целью изобретения является улучшение эксплуатационных качеств терморегулятора. Терморегулятор состоит из контактной стойки, образованной из диэлектрических колец. Кольца прижаты друг к другу с помощью заклепки. Между кольцами расположены подвижный и неподвижный контакты, с которыми соприкасаются токоподводы. Токоподводы могут вращаться относительно контактной стойки. За счет возможности поворота выходных токоподводов обеспечивается возможность установки в электрические приборы различной конфигурации. 2 ил.

08-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2693931C1

Использование: в области электроэнергетики, в системах релейной защиты электроустановки. Технический результат - исключение случаев неправильной работы устройства путем своевременного выявления сверхнормативных отклонений его напряжений срабатывания и возврата, количества электричества импульса режекции и продолжительности задержки срабатывания. Способ контроля устройства релейной защиты электроустановки включает подачу тестового сигнала на вход устройства релейной защиты электроустановки и определение напряжений его срабатывания и возврата. Дополнительно определяют время задержки срабатывания и количество электричества импульса режекции, причем контроль проводят в три этапа, на каждом из них, в качестве тестового сигнала, на вход устройства релейной защиты электроустановки подают прямоугольный двухступенчатый импульс напряжения. На первом этапе контроля проверяют факт превышения напряжением срабатывания минимально допустимого значения и факт возможного отклонения продолжительности задержки ...

20-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92008121A

Устройство относится к области тепловой защиты технических средств, бытовых помещений от перегрева и возгораний. Предложено быстродействующее тепловое реле с термочувствительным элементом из сплава с эффектом памяти формы. Предложенное быстродействующее тепловое реле имеет малые массо-габаритные размеры, просто в изготовлении, экономично и способно обеспечивать работу с большой точностью и очень малой постоянной времени срабатывания.

25-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: SU511641A1

15-11-1985 дата публикации

Электротепловое реле

Номер: SU1191975A1

... 1. ЭЛЕКТРОТЕПЛОВОЕ РЕЛЕ, содержащее корпус с выполненным в нем гнездом, расположенный в корпусе по крайней мере один термочувствительный элемент с выводом, выполненный в виде биметаллической пластины и коксольно закрепленный на стержне, один конец которого установлен в гнезде корпуса, отличающеес я тем, что, с целью уменьшения трудоемкости изготовления, металлоемкости , потребляемой мощности и инерционности срабатывания, стержень установлен в гнезде корпуса с возможностью поворота в нем и закреплен в гнезде корпуса с помощью клеящего материала или на выводе термочувствительного элемента. (Л со со СП ...

01-01-1946 дата публикации

Тепловое реле времени

Номер: SU66847A1

15-06-1987 дата публикации

Щеткодержатель для электромагнитных муфт и тормозов

Номер: SU1318174A3

Изобретение относится к электротехнике . Целью изобретения является снижение материалоемкости и трудоем;кости изготовления щеткодержателей для электромагнитных муфт и тормозов. Щеткодержатель содержит втулку 1 с установленной в ней ш;еткой 2. Втулка 1 имеет отверстие 3, выполненное по оси с резьбой а также отверстие 4, расположенное перпендикулярно оси ; втулки, в котором помещен штырь 5, предохраняющими втулку 1 от поворота. В отверстие 3 с резьбой втулки 1 ввернут винт 6, в котором вьшолнено отверстие 7, наполненное припоем, в которое впаян электропровод 8, кото- рый соединяется с винтом 9 с отверстием 0, заполненным припоем. Пружина 11, назначением которой является обеспечивать постоянный прижим щетки 2 к контактной поверхности 12 муфты или тормоза, помещена между винтами 6 и 9. 1 ил. 75 1В 23 Ю СО со эо aiia CM ...

12-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003823186A1

16-12-1999 дата публикации

Durch Wärme betätigter Schalter

Номер: DE0029914843U1

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060332351D1

19-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003543093A1

26-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008325674D0

26-02-1969 дата публикации

Electrical switch

Номер: GB0001143903A

... 1,143,903. Thermal switches. DANFOSS A.S. 20 March, 1967 [9 April, 1966], No. 12962/67. Heading H1N. Energization of a heating coil 9 causes contacts 1, 2 to close and after a delay to re-open. Two mutually opposed bimetal strips 5 and 6 are cantilever mounted end to end with the strip 5 being approximately twice as long as strip 6 to render contacts 1, 2 independent of ambient temperature. A thermal insulation layer 7 surrounds strip 5 so that strip 6 is rapidly heated to close the contacts 1, 2, and strip 5 is more slowly heated to provide subsequent opening of the contacts. On de-energization of coil 9, the more rapid cooling of strip 6 ensures that the contacts 1. 2 are not reclosed as strip 5 restores. The switch may be used to start a single-phase motor 11 by connecting the coil 9 in series with the running winding 12, and the contacts 1, 2 in series with a starting winding 11 to provide a short energization thereof. A plungeroperated switch (14, Fig. 2, not shown) actuated by excessive ...

16-08-1989 дата публикации

Rail mounted contactor supporting thermal relay

Номер: GB0002213645A

A protected electric switching apparatus is provided and its fixing device, comprising a contactor with a latch for engaging a profiled rail and with which a removable thermal relay is associated by means of conducting pins. A channel is formed between two opposite walls so as to allow a screwdriver to have access to an eye of this latch.

30-11-1994 дата публикации

Thermally actuated switches

Номер: GB2278498A

An energy regulator for controlling the flow of electric current to a load includes a bimetallic actuator 10 against which is held an electric ceramic substrate heater 60. The heater is connected in series or parallel with the load so that when current is flowing to the load, the heater heats the bimetallic actuator 10. The bimetallic actuator is arranged to cycle the supply of current on and off in response to being heated. It is provided with a fulcrum 70 about which the heater is held so that it may pivot. One end of the heater is held in place by a tongue 72 and the other is pressed against the bimetallic actuator by a leaf spring 74. Electrical contact to the heater is made via the tongue and the leaf spring. ...

26-07-1967 дата публикации

Bimetal relay

Номер: GB0001076837A

... 1,076,837. Thermal switches. ELLENBERGER & POENSGEN G.m.b.H. July 6, 1964 [Out. 26, 1963], No. 27808/64. Heading H2B. A relay comprising a bimetallic blade 6 actuated by a heater coil 8 to snap a contact 12 into engagement with a contact 13, adjustable by set-screw 15, is provided with additional contacts 23, 24, 26 operated by means of a slide member 20. The additional contacts, which may be used for indicating the condition of main contacts 12, 13, are enclosed in a housing 2 which may be secured to or integral with the main housing 1. Two transparent covers or a common cover may be secured over both housings by means of a rivet 301. The bimetallic strip 6 may carry a contact co-operating with a further fixed contact for shorting out the heater 8 to prevent overheating (Figs. 4, 7 and 9, not shown). The main contacts may be rearranged to break instead of make (Figs. 3 and 4, not shown) or a change-over arrangement may be provided (Figs. 8, 9 and 10, not shown). In a modification ...

25-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390524B

15-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000175517T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331138T

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000102390T

22-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000461408B2

02-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006728174A

18-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002008939C

A one piece member rests against a cam surface at a first end and against an adjustable pivot at a second end, biased thereagainst by an integral cantilever spring of said member, the distal end of which is interlocked in a deflected position to a hook formed in a housing. One end of a bimetal strip is riveted to the second end of the one piece member, the position of the other end of the bimetal strip being determined by manual adjustment of the pivot and the cam.

24-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002063977A1

31-10-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000422992A

29-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000627876A5

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Shape memory actuator e.g. for vehicle central locking of doors and boot - has electrically-operated shape memory wires connected to points on opposite side of lever pivot point and surrounded by cooling liquid in container.

Номер: CH0000682857A5

Shape memory wires (1, 2) fixed to the top wall of a housing (3) receive actuating current via connections (4, 5). The lower ends of the wires (1, 2) are connected to respective sides of a lever (6). The longer arm of the lever is coupled to a link rod (8) which is connected to an actuating rod (9), which extends externally of the housing via bellows (10). The actuating rod is shifted to its upper position by current passing through one wire (2), which shortens when heated. The other wire is heated by current to lower the actuating rod. The housing is filled with liquid for quickly cooling the shape memory wires. USE/ADVANTAGE - E.g. for space craft. Fast switch cycle.

15-07-1991 дата публикации

Switch with shape memory element for remote operation - employs abrupt contraction of heated wire to exert pull on linearly movable button with return spring

Номер: CH0000677987A5
Принадлежит: FELLER AG

The switch housing (1) encloses a blade (2) with moving contacts (2a,2b) on a carrier (5). A latch (6) is operated by a pushbutton (7) working against a helical spring. For remote operation a wire (9) of shape memory alloy connecting two electrical terminals is wound around a number of posts (10) and linked to the pushbutton (7). When heated to about 85 deg.C by current from a remote control receiver, the wire (9) contracts and exerts tractive force on the pushbutton. ADVANTAGE - Simpler and more efficient device executes a longer linear movement at constant force with less energy consumption.

09-11-2018 дата публикации

Resetting means and electrothermal relay with spring

Номер: CN0208077892U

20-11-2020 дата публикации

Distribution box with automatic relay after overload or short circuit

Номер: CN0109449784B

09-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002868591B1

08-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002225828A1

27-07-1979 дата публикации

Motor protecting bimetal relay - has slotted arm for pivot pin on bimetal strip with spring acting vertically and horizontally on top

Номер: FR0002413774A1

02-08-2019 дата публикации

Connecting structure of an electrical device

Номер: FR0003077419A1

28-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002239753A1

20-02-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002010933A5

29-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002448216A1

13-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101917885B1

... 본 발명에 따른 전자접촉기는, 하부 본체와, 상기 하부 본체의 내부에 설치되며, 외부로부터 전달되는 전원에 의해 자화되어 흡인 동작을 하는 자력 발생부와, 상기 자력 발생부의 상부에 결합되며, 가동 접촉자가 승강 가능하게 설치되는 크로스바와, 상기 가동 접촉자와 보조 가동 접촉자가 내부에 위치되도록 상기 하부 본체의 양측 상단에 분할 결합되고, 서로 마주보는 단부가 양측 내부에 대응되게 결합되며, 일측에 고정 접촉자와 보조 고정 접촉자가 구비되는 한 쌍의 상부 본체 및, 상기 상부 본체들의 상단을 결합시키며, 상기 크로스바의 상단과 상기 가동 접촉자를 외부로 노출시키는 커버를 포함한다.

10-07-1992 дата публикации

Номер: KR19920005629B1

30-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: KR0000143979B1

24-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI0502407A

21-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002023565A2

A micrometer sized, single-stage, horizontal and vertical thermal actuator capable of repeatable and rapid movement of a micrometer-sized optical device off the surface of a substrate. The horizontal and vertical thermal actuator is constructed on a surface of a substrate. At least one hot arm has a first end anchored to the surface and a free end located above the surface. A cold arm has a first end anchored to the surface and a free end. The cold arm is located above and laterally offset from the hot arm relative to the surface. The cold arm is adapted to provide controlled bending near the first end thereof. A member mechanically and electrically couples the free ends of the hot and cold arms such that the actuator exhibits horizontal and vertical displacement when current is applied to at least the hot arm.

17-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998057343A1

A novel shape memory alloy electrical switch is disclosed, including both momentary and especially a latching relay. The switch/relay disclosed is particularly useful in low power control of appliances, including i.a. refrigerators. Used with a microprocessor, microcontroller, or like device to control the shape memory alloy switch/relay, an adaptive control routine may be included which facilitates an especially low-power dissipation, highly effective appliance control module, especially suitable for refrigerators. The disclosed refrigerator control module can be manufactured at low cost with high reliability.

14-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002013220A1

The switching device (10), especially a circuit breaker, has a component (2) which consists of a shape memory alloy and means for indirectly heating the component, in the form of at least one heating conductor element (3). This element is mounted on a flat side (f) of the component (2), where it takes up at least 40 % of the surface of this flat side (f) that is deformable during a switching process. These parts (2, 3) should be joined by means of a spot welding technique (4i) using electrodes consisting of a Cu alloy.

21-11-1939 дата публикации

Номер: US0002180701A1

03-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: US0003725835A1

15-11-1988 дата публикации

Thermally-sensible overcurrent protective relay including automatic resetting mechanism

Номер: US0004785274A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha

A thermally-sensible overcurrent protective relay comprising a toggle mechanism operable in connection with the bending operation of a bimetal bendable in response to current flowing through a main circuit a normally-open contact having a normally-open fixed contact element and a normally-open movable contact element both formed by a resilient conductive thin plate having a contact portion at one end thereof a normally-closed contact having a normally-closed fixed contact element and a normally-closed movable contact element both formed by a resilient conductive thin plate having a contact portion at one end thereof, and a mechanism adapted to be selected to an automatic resetting position and a manual resetting position in such a manner as to contact one surface of the contact portion of the normally-open fixed contact element at one end of a changeover lever pivotally rotatable to displace the normally-open fixed contact element toward the normally-open movable contact element and retain ...

20-06-1990 дата публикации

Delayed-action relay

Номер: EP0000373544A2

The monostable delayed-action relay carries a wire made of a shape memory alloy in the exciter component, the excitation current heating this wire by means of an exchangeable thick-film resistor. The contraction of the wire associated with the heating is used to actuate a spring-operated switch in the switching component, the restoring spring of said spring-operated switch generating at the same time the tensile stress required for the wire made of the shape memory alloy. ...

28-09-1994 дата публикации

Overload relay having adaptive differential mechanism

Номер: EP0000321086B1

14-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4195234A1

A case (12) has an engagement hole (21) formed in a side surface thereof in the width direction, a cover (13) has a projecting piece (22) formed thereon, the projecting piece (22) projecting toward the case (12) side, and a tip portion (23) of the projecting piece (22) is fitted into the engagement hole (21) from the inside. A reset bar (34) has a recessed portion (55) formed in a preset range extending in the depth direction and the circumferential direction within the outer peripheral surface of the reset bar (34) and, when positioned at either an initial position or an automatic reset position, prevents the tip portion (23) from being pushed inside by having the outer peripheral surface opposed to the back side of the projecting piece (22). In addition, when positioned at a manual reset position, the reset bar (34) allows the tip portion (23) to be pushed inside by having the recessed portion (55) opposed to the back side of the projecting piece (22).

05-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: JP2009048780A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a thermal relay capable of preventing its characteristics from varying even when a shifter is inclined in a case. SOLUTION: The shifter 1, bimetals 3, and a release lever 4 are housed in a case 2. Upon arranging contact positions between the respective bimetals 3 and the shifter 1 and a contact position between the release lever 4 and the shifter 1 at the same height, respective contact positions are arranged on concentric circles C1, C2, C3 and C4 centering on a point O1, and shapes of the respective contact positions of the shifter 1 are set up to be concentric. COPYRIGHT: (C)2009,JPO&INPIT ...

16-02-1982 дата публикации

Номер: JP0057029050U

11-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: JP2009129869A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To aim at reduction of the number of components and assembly man-hour as well as improvement of reliability, through structural improvement so as to enable to position an expansion link by pressing it to a cam part of an adjustment dial without using an independent component of a spring member. SOLUTION: For the thermal type overload relay mounting on an outer-shell case 1, an assembly body comprising a main bimetal 2 curved by conductive heating of a main circuit current, a shifter 3, a release lever 5 following the shifter 3, an output contact switching mechanism 6 linked with the release lever 5 through a reverse spring 7, and an expansion link 12 link-coupled with the release lever 5 with one end as a fulcrum and the other end pressed to a cam part 11b of the adjustment dial 11, the expansion link 12 is structured of a leaf spring material, and, after its main shaft part 12d formed at the lower end is locked and fixed to a main shaft holder 1b of the outer case ...

22-10-1983 дата публикации

Номер: JP0058046507Y2

13-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: JP0010275551A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a thermal overload relay, which is improved so that the manufacturing cost of structural parts is lowered and in which abutment position of a transmitting mechanism on a bimetal device is easily adjusted. SOLUTION: A thermal overload relay 1 is formed of a container having a container main body 21, in which a main terminal 33 and the other main terminal 33, a heater 4 and a relay terminal 72 for holding the main terminal 33 are held at positions upper than that of a conventional one, and supports 34 made of iron steel for bimetal device, which are respectively formed with a connection part 341 in each end thereof and formed with a screw hole and a circular through hole at a central part thereof. A heater 4 is formed into a U-shape, and full length thereof can be increased and height dimension of one main terminal can be shortened, and the heater 4 is connected to an end of a main bimetal device 99 in a connection part 341 near a bottom part thereof. The ...

23-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: JP0064019647A

PURPOSE:To make it possible to obtain a thermal type overload relay which is small in fluctuation of operation characteristic attendant upon the cable connection and easy to assemble and adjust by separating a reversing mechanism part from a contact device so as to exclude a current application part from the reversing mechanism part. CONSTITUTION:A contact device 30 and a reversing mechanism part 40 are separated and each engagement is made as only the movable contact support 21 of the contact device 30 and the free end 33a of a spring 33 for reversing the reversing mechanism part 40. Accordingly, it becomes the constitution where the reversing mechanism part 40 doesn't have either a contact for current application or a conductor part. That is, the contact device 30, which is installed collectively in one place at the upper part of an insulation case 20, is equipped with a movable contact supporter 21, which is guided freely in sliding in the axis direction inside a groove 20a of the insulation ...

06-05-1992 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004026171B2

30-04-1997 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002606348B2

15-07-1988 дата публикации

Термоэлемент электротеплового реле

Номер: SU1410131A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике , а именно к электротепловым реле низковольтного аппаратостроения. Целью изобретения является повышение быстродействия , снижение потребляемой мощности и уменьшение материалоемкости. Термоэлемент электротеплового реле содержит выводы 1,6, пластинчатый нагреватель (ПН) 2, жестко соединенный с выводом 1 и с помощью гибкого соединения 6 с выводом 6, и термобиметаллическую пластину 3, закрепленную на ПН в зоне его наибольшего нагрева . 2 ил.

25-03-1969 дата публикации


Номер: SU230316A1

01-01-1958 дата публикации

Тепловое биметаллическое реле

Номер: SU114808A2

07-10-1988 дата публикации

Электротепловое реле с ускорением срабатывания при обрыве фазы

Номер: SU1429197A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике . Целью изобретения является снижение энергозатрат, увеличение скорости срабатывания при обрыве фазы и повышение помехоустойчивости. Реле содержит замкнутый магнитопровод (МП) 1 с тремя фазными обмотками (ФО) 2, 3, 4, причем число витков ФО 3 вдвое меньше числа витков ФО 2, ФО 4, термоэлемент 5, выполненный в виде короткозамкнутого гибкого витка, размещенного внутри биметаллического разомкнутого витка, и установленный на МП 1 так, что охватывает его сечение . 6 ил.

23-03-1984 дата публикации

Электротепловое реле времени

Номер: SU1081699A1

ЭЛЕКТРОТЕПЛОВОЕ РЕЛЕ ВРЕМЕНИ, содержащее три камеры, заполненные газом, контакты и нагреватель, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности, одна из камер снабжена поршнем с приводом, две другие камеры выполнены в виде прямолинейных трубчатых пружин с эксцентричным каналом, расположены одна параллельно другой так, что каждая из них одними своими концами сообщается с полбстью камеры, в которой размещен поршень с приводом, контакты расположены на других концах указанных прямолинейных трубчатых пружин, нагреватель размещен на одной из этих пружин, а поршень расположен так, что в рабочем положении прилегает к открытым концам прямолинейных трубчатых пружин с эксцентричным каналом с обеспечением герметичного перекрытия .

30-07-1981 дата публикации

Тепловое реле

Номер: SU851533A1

30-04-1984 дата публикации

Электротепловое реле времени

Номер: SU1089665A1

ЭЛЕКТРОТЕПЛОВОЕ РЕЛЕ ВРЕМЕНИ содержащее рабочую термопластин с ко тактом и нагревателем и компенсирующу ( Риг.1 (Л эо :о СГ) а СП термопластину с контактом, установленные на основании одна параллельно другой , и элемент обратной связи, отличающееся тем, что, с целью обеспечения стабильности выдержки времени, элемент обратной связи выполнен в виде жесткой перемь1чки, шарнирно закрепленной на рабочей и компенсирующей термопластинах и соединяющей их по диагонали, причем нагреватель размещен на рабочей термопластине между ее свободным концом и точкой шарнирного закрепления жесткбй перемычки .

12-10-1973 дата публикации

Электротепловое реле времени

Номер: SU402088A1

15-07-1987 дата публикации

Выключатель защиты от перегрузки для герметизированных миниатюрных электродвигателей

Номер: SU1324597A3

Изобретение относится к.электротехнике , а именно к выключателям защиты от перегрузки герметизированных электродвигателей, в частности для используемых в автомашинах миниатюрных электродвиг-ателей. Целью изобретения является повышение надежности защиты электродвигателя от перегрузки и обеспечение нормальной работы электродвигателя в разрешенном температурном режиме. Выключатель защиты (ВЗ) содержит биметаллический контак§ СО С S 1 00 ю. j;; ел S СМ ...

27-08-1970 дата публикации

Thermische Anlassvorrichtung

Номер: DE0001463088B1
Принадлежит: DANFOSS AS

28-12-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003224012C2

17-11-2005 дата публикации

Actuator device, has restoring force provided by plastics part comprising material with glass transition range below temperature of transition of memory metal from low- to high- temperature shapes

Номер: DE202004020706U1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A plastics part (3) exerts a restoring force on an actuating element (2) made of memory metal when it moves from a high-temperature shape to a low-temperature shape, so that it is restored, or assisted in restoring, to its low-temperature shape. The plastics part comprises a rubber-elastic plastics material whose glass transition range lies below the temperature level of the transition from the low-temperature shape to the high-temperature shape.

28-01-1932 дата публикации

Improved thermal relay

Номер: GB0000365880A

... 365,880. Valve circuits. NAAMLOOZE VENNOOTSCHAP PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN, 13D, Emmasingel, Eindhoven, Holland. March 30, 1931, No. 9643. Convention date, April 12, 1930. [Class 40 (v).] A time-lag relay which may be used for closing at 6, 7 the direct current circuit of a thermionic rectifier a short time after the filament circuit has been closed and a source of power has been applied to terminals 3, 4, comprises an electromagnetic coil 17 which is arranged between the terminals 3, 4, and which operates to close the contacts 6, 7 only after a bimetallic strip 22 has bent, under the influence of a heating coil 21 in series with the coil 17, to short-circuit at 23 its heating coil 21 and thereby to allow sufficient current to pass. The operation of the electromagnetic switch not only connects the contacts 6, 7, but also causes in succession the closing of a maintaining circuit for the coil 17 at contacts 25, 19 and the opening at contacts 19, 20 of the circuit through the bimetallic ...

04-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001445006A

... 1445006 Thermal switches VDO ADOLF SCHINDLING AG 2 Oct 1973 [6 Oct 1972] 45998/73 Heading H1N A thermal switch comprises a main switch having a main bimetallic strip 2 carrying a movable contact co-operating with a fixed contact and an auxiliary switch having an auxiliary bimetallic strip 4carrying a movable contact 6 co-operating with a fixed contact, the contact of this auxiliary switch being open below a given ambient tem-perature and closed above the given ambient temperature, there being associated with at least the main bimetallic strip a heating coil 3 whose energization is controlled by the auxiliary switch. In a further embodiment, Fig. 3, not shown, the auxiliary bimetallic strip carries a heating coil and the main bimetallic strip carries two heating coils one of which is connected in parallel with the heating coil on the auxiliary bimetallic strip. The switch is used to control fuel injection at starting in motor vehicles.

20-05-1987 дата публикации

Actuator device

Номер: GB0002182747A

An actuator utilises two resilient members 3, 4 composed of a shape memory alloy to move an actuation arm 1 between two or three rest positions. A shape memory alloy is a material which can be deformed below a certain critical temperature, but above that temperature it reverts to its original as manufactured configuration. The two resilient members act in opposition to each other, and each is raised in turn above its critical temperature by an electric current to achieve operation of the actuator arm 1 which cooperates with a pair of latching magnets 6, 7. ...

04-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002182747B

14-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002181600B

15-12-2004 дата публикации

Protection mechanism for electrically driven sma wire

Номер: GB0000424985D0

02-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001399401A

... 1399401 Thermal relays; snap-acting switches CUTLER-HAMMER EUROPA Ltd 14 Sept 1972 [11 Jan 1972] 1123/72 Heading H1N [Also in Division H2] A switch has a movable contact 30 carried on a snap-acting arm 36, a lever 16 for actuating the arm, the lever being resiliently biased by a coil spring against a fulcrum formed by a wire, and an actuating arm 18 movable to rock the lever about the fulcrum to actuate the switch. The arm 16 is mounted on a bracket 17 and is biased by the coil spring against its fulcrum which is formed by the middle portion of a spring wire clip 42. In the three phase thermal relay shown, the arm 18 is pivoted to each of a pair of slidable plates 14, 15 having slots in which the ends 12 of bimetallic elements 10 engage. Relative motion between the plates 14, 15 due to unequal heating of the bimetallic elements on unbalanced loading or due to the plate 15 abutting an adjustable temperature compensating strip 24 under overload conditions, causes the arm 18 to pivot and snap ...

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002041520B
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH & CO KG

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: ATA316988A

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Мембранный термобиметаллический магнитоуправляемый контакт

Номер: RU0000166022U1

Мембранный термобиметаллический магнитоуправляемый контакт, содержащий диэлектрический баллон, в котором помещены два контактных узла, состоящие из трех ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, из которых крайние закреплены в противоположных внутренних торцах диэлектрического баллона, а средний термобиметаллический упругий чувствительный элемент с верхним инертным и нижним активным слоями расположен в зоне перекрытия ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, причем зазор между одним ферромагнитным упругим чувствительным элементом и инертным слоем больше, чем зазор между другим ферромагнитным упругим чувствительным элементом и активным слоем, при этом рабочие поверхности всех трех упругих чувствительных элементов имеют полностью регулярный микрорельеф, отличающийся тем, что средний термобиметаллический упругий чувствительный элемент выполнен в виде термобиметаллической мембраны с тем же расположением активного и инертного слоев. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 022 U1 (51) МПК H01H 1/66 (2006.01) H01H 37/52 (2006.01) G08B 17/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016115033/07, 18.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2016 Бюл. № 31 1 6 6 0 2 2 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Мембранный термобиметаллический магнитоуправляемый контакт, содержащий диэлектрический баллон, в котором помещены два контактных узла, состоящие из трех ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, из которых крайние закреплены в противоположных внутренних торцах диэлектрического баллона, а средний термобиметаллический упругий чувствительный элемент с верхним инертным и нижним активным слоями расположен в зоне перекрытия ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, причем зазор между одним ферромагнитным упругим чувствительным элементом и инертным слоем больше, чем зазор между другим ферромагнитным упругим ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106566A1
Принадлежит: STEGO-Holding GmbH

A bimetallic controller, having a switching device and at least one bimetal device which is or can be actively connected to the switching device such as to allow the switching device to be switched in a temperature-dependent fashion. The bimetal device includes at least one first bimetal element and at least one curved second bimetal element that are connected to each other in a zone of contact and are designed in said zone of contact such that the coefficient of thermal expansion of the first bimetal element increases from its bottom to the top and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the curved second bimetal element decreases from its bottom to the top, or vice versa. 1. A bimetal controller , comprising a switching device and at least one bimetal device , which is or can be actively connected to the switching device in such a way as to allow a temperature-dependent switching of the switching device ,characterized in that{'b': '8', 'the bimetal device has at least one first bimetal element and at least one arcuate, second bimetal element, which are connected to each other at a contact region and are formed at the contact region in such a way that the coefficient of thermal expansion of the first bimetal element decreases from the underside thereof to the upper side and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the arcuate, second bimetal element () increases from its underside to the upper side, or vice versa.'}2. The bimetal controller as claimed in claim 1 ,characterized in that{'sub': ΔT10', 'ΔT12', 'ΔT10', 'ΔT12, 'the bimetal elements are constructed from in each case at least two element layers with different coefficients of thermal expansion (α, α), the layer structure of the first bimetal element at the contact region progressing oppositely to the layer structure of the arcuate, second bimetal element with respect to the coefficients of thermal expansion (α, α).'}3. The bimetal controller as claimed in claim 1 ,characterized in thatthe bimetal device has ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207768A1

A thermomagnetic trip is disclosed for an electrical switching device, especially a circuit breaker. In at least one embodiment it includes at least one first and one second terminal, a first heating element, a conductor able to be influenced by temperature, a yoke and a clapper armature. A current path is formed through at least the first terminal, the conductor, the first heating element and the second terminal. The current path is disposed at least in sections on and/or in the yoke such that a magnetic field acting on the clapper armature is induced in the yoke by the current flowing through the current path and wherein a second heating element is disposed in the current path especially between the first terminal and the conductor. 1. A thermomagnetic trip for an electrical switching device , comprising:at least one first and one second terminal;a first heating element;a conductor, influenceable by temperature;a yoke and a clapper armature, wherein a current path is formable through at least the first terminal, the conductor, the first heating element and the second terminal and wherein the current path is disposable at least in sections at least one of on and in the yoke such that a magnetic field acting on the clapper armature is induceable in the yoke by the current flowing through the current path; anda second heating element, disposed in the current path between the first terminal and the conductor, influenceable by temperature.2. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein the conductor includes claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , a bimetal.3. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two heating elements is embodied claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , in a meander shape claim 1 , a zig-zag shape or a serpentine shape.4. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein the conductor is disposed at least in sections within the yoke.5. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein the second heating element is disposed at least in ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

RF Thermal Fuse

Номер: US20130278376A1
Принадлежит: Andrew LLC

Certain aspects are directed to a thermal fuse for preventing overheating of RF devices in a telecommunication system. The RF thermal fuse includes a body, a conductive bolt, and a driving mechanism. The body can be positioned on a transmission line between an RF signal source and an RF device. The conductive bolt is positioned in the body. The conductive bolt has a length sufficient to provide impedance at a point of protection on the transmission line in response to the conductive bolt contacting a live conductor of the transmission line. The impedance is sufficient to reflect a portion of the incident power of an RF signal from the RF source. The driving mechanism can cause the conductive bolt to contact the live conductor in response to a temperature at or near the point of protection exceeding a threshold temperature. 1. An RF thermal fuse comprising:a body adapted to be positioned on a transmission line between an RF signal source and an RF device;a conductive bolt positioned in the body, the conductive bolt having a length sufficient to provide an impedance at a point of protection on the transmission line in response to the conductive bolt contacting a live conductor of the transmission line, wherein the impedance is configured to reflect a portion of the incident power of an RF signal from the RF signal source; anda driving mechanism configured to cause the conductive bolt to contact the live conductor in response to a temperature at or near the point of protection exceeding a threshold temperature.2. The RF thermal fuse of claim 1 , wherein the driving mechanism is irreversible.3. The RF thermal fuse of claim 2 , wherein the driving mechanism comprises:a spring adapted to apply a force to the conductive bolt in a direction toward the live conductor; anda solder adapted to resist the force applied to the conductive bolt, wherein the solder comprises a soldering material having a melting temperature equal to the threshold temperature.4. The RF thermal fuse ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022044A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

A liquid food of beverage preparation machine that includes an electric supply circuit connectable to an electric power source; a heater powered by the electric supply circuit; and a thermal fuse device in thermal communication with the heater and associated with the electric supply circuit, the fuse device being arranged to interrupt the electric supply circuit from the power source when the heater exceeds a temperature limit. The thermal fuse device is reversible and includes a switch for automatically interrupting the electric supply circuit when the heater exceeds the temperature limit, the switch being operable by a user to close the electric supply circuit when the heater has a temperature that has returned below the temperature limit. 1. A liquid food of beverage preparation machine comprising:an electric supply circuit connectable to an electric power source;a heater powered by the electric supply circuit; anda thermal fuse device in thermal communication with the heater and associated with the electric supply circuit, the fuse device being arranged to interrupt the electric supply circuit from the power source when the heater exceeds a temperature limit,wherein the thermal fuse device is reversible and comprises a switch for automatically interrupting the electric supply circuit when the heater exceeds the temperature limit, the switch being operable by a user to close the electric supply circuit when the heater has a temperature that has returned below the temperature limit.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the fuse device comprises an actuator that is arranged to push out a pin claim 1 , rod or piston against the user switch when the temperature limit is exceeded by the heater so as to actuate the user switch and open the circuit.3. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the fuse device has an actuator that comprises a thermo-mechanical component that is in thermal communication with the heater and that mechanically actuates the user switch to open the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Circuit breaker heaters and translational magnetic systems

Номер: US20150035627A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A thermal-magnetic trip unit is provided for a circuit breaker. The thermal-magnetic trip unit includes a heater and a translational magnetic system coupled to the heater. The heater includes a first portion, a second portion, and a third disposed between the first portion and the second portion. The first portion has a first surface disposed in a first plane, and the second portion has a second surface disposed in a second plane that is substantially parallel to the first plane. The first surface is separated by a first predetermined distance from the second surface. The third portion has a third surface disposed in a third plane that is substantially perpendicular to the first plane. The third surface has a first predetermined length and is separated by a second predetermined distance from the second surface. Numerous other aspects are provided

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035521A1

A circuit breaker comprises: a fixed-contact piece with a fixed contact ; a movable-contact piece with a movable contact ; a thermal actuator element thermally transformable to move the movable-contact piece so that the movable contact and the fixed contact are opened; a PTC thermistor for conducting electricity between the movable-contact piece and the fixed-contact piece through the thermal actuator element when the movable contact and the fixed contact are opened; a main body of a package provided with a holding recess housing the above-mentioned components; and a cover hermetically covering the holding recess . The fixed-contact piece is embedded between an internal wall and an external wall of the main body . The PTC thermistor is housed in an opened hollow penetrating through the internal wall under such a state that the PTC thermistor conductively contacts with the fixed-contact piece . In a planar view of the circuit breaker, a through-hole penetrating through the external wall overlaps with the opened hollow , but does not overlap with the centroid O of the opened hollow 2. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the fixed-contact piece has a tip end portion embedded in the package's main body between the internal wall and the external wall claim 1 , andthe through-hole is disposed on the tip end portion side of the centroid of the opened hollow.3. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the package's main body is formed by a resin injected through a gate of a die claim 1 , andthe through-hole is disposed on the gate side of the centroid of the opened hollow.4. The circuit breaker according to claim 2 , wherein the package's main body is formed by a resin injected through a gate of a die claim 2 , andthe through-hole is disposed on the gate side of the centroid of the opened hollow.5. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the through-hole is provided at each of multiple positions.6. The circuit breaker according to claim 2 ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160042898A1

In one aspect, circuit breakers including ventilation of heat generated by a bi-metal element are disclosed. Circuit breakers include a circuit breaker housing with a heat channel adjacent to a bi-metal element, and a vent exit from the heat channel configured to remove heat generated by the bi-metal element during use. According to another aspect, an electronic circuit breaker including an electronic module with heat ventilation is disclosed. The electronic circuit breaker includes an electronic module including a housing portion forming an electronic circuit chamber that contains electronic circuit components, wherein the housing portion includes one or more vent exits from the electronic circuit chamber configured to remove heat generated by the electronic circuit components during use. Circuit breaker housings and methods of operating circuit breakers are provided, as are other aspects. 1. A circuit breaker , comprising:a bi-metal element; and a heat channel adjacent to the bi-metal element, and', 'a vent exit from the heat channel configured to remove heat generated by the bi-metal element., 'a circuit breaker housing including'}2. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the heat channel extends from a bottom of the circuit breaker housing to a top of the circuit breaker housing claim 1 , and the vent exit is located at a top of the circuit breaker housing.3. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the heat channel includes a vent entry at a bottom of the circuit breaker housing.4. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the heat channel is separated from the bi-metal element by a side cover.6. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , comprising:a first mechanical module;a second mechanical module; andan electronic module located between the first mechanical module and the second mechanical module, andwherein the heat channel is formed between the first mechanical module and an electronic module, anda second heat channel is formed between the second mechanical ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170062161A1
Автор: TAKEDA Hideaki

A movable flat surface portion, which rises in conjunction with the upward movement of a facing surface, first causes an edge of the movable flat surface portion to abut a flat surface portion, second brings an entirety of a surface of the movable flat surface portion into intimate contact with the fixed flat surface portion as a result of the movable flat surface portion acting against elastic resistance thereof in accordance with upward inertia, third forms, in accordance with a restoring force resulting from the elastic resistance thereof, a gap in the intimate contact with the fixed flat surface portion in a manner such that the forming of the gap starts with an end side continuous with the end of the facing surface, and fourth stabilizes a position shape such that the edge of the movable flat surface portion is a portion that ultimately comes into contact with the fixed flat surface portion. 1. A temperature switch comprising:a housing that includes an inner top surface having a fixed flat surface portion formed at one end of the inner top surface;a fixed contact located at an inner lower surface facing the fixed flat surface portion of the housing, and connected to an inner end of a first connection terminal extending out of the housing;a bimetallic element that warps in one direction at a temperature lower than a predetermined temperature and that inverts a direction of the warp at the predetermined temperature or higher; anda movable plate that includes a plate-like body consisting of a metal elastic plate with which the bimetallic element is combined, wherein one end of the plate-like body in a longitudinal direction is fixed to a support of the housing, an inner end of a second connection terminal extending out of the housing is connected to the one end, the movable plate holds a movable contact at a facing surface of another end of the longitudinal direction that faces the fixed contact, and the movable plate includes a movable flat surface portion ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077211A1
Автор: Baek Ki Ho
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

There is provided a circuit breaker including a heater configured to generate heat due to a conduction current induced to a moving contact of the circuit breaker; a bimetal configured to be deformed due to heat generated by the heater to separate a contact point of the moving contact; a magnet configured to generate a magnetic force to move an amateur bar when a current above a previously set reference current is induced; and a trip case configured to accommodate the bimetal and magnet, at least part of which is made of a synthetic resin material, a magnetic fixing portion integrally formed in the trip case, and made of a synthetic resin material; a magnet fixing means configured to fasten the magnet to the magnet fixing portion; and a bimetal fixing means configured to fix the bimetal to the heater. 1. A circuit breaker comprising a heater configured to generate heat due to a conduction current induced to a moving contact of the circuit breaker; a bimetal configured to be deformed due to heat generated by the heater to separate a contact point of the moving contact; a magnet configured to generate a magnetic force to move an amateur bar when a current above a previously set reference current is induced; and a trip case configured to accommodate the bimetal and magnet , at least part of which is made of a synthetic resin material , the circuit breaker comprising:a magnetic fixing portion integrally formed in the trip case, and made of a synthetic resin material;a magnet fixing means configured to fasten the magnet to the magnet fixing portion; anda bimetal fixing means configured to fix the bimetal to the heater, wherein a magnet-side separating portion exists between the magnet and the heater to be disposed such that the heater is not brought into contact with the magnet.2. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , further comprising:a heater fixing means configured to fix the heater to the trip case, wherein the heater fixing means is fastened to the magnetic fixing ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170076899A1
Автор: Müllner Peter

A system includes a first electrically conductive electrode and a second electrically conductive electrode. The system further includes a magnetic field source. The system also includes a magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloy positioned within a magnetic field of the magnetic field source with a portion of the MSM alloy being coupled with the first electrically conductive electrode. The magnetic field causes the MSM alloy to bend to contact the second electrically conductive electrode when the MSM alloy is in a first state. The magnetic field has no or negligible effect on the MSM alloy when the MSM alloy is in a second state. 1. A system comprising:a first electrically conductive electrode;a second electrically conductive electrode;a magnetic field source; anda magnetic shape memory alloy positioned within a magnetic field of the magnetic field source, a portion of the magnetic shape memory alloy coupled to the first electrically conductive electrode and the magnetic field causing the magnetic shape memory alloy to bend to contact the second electrically conductive electrode when the magnetic shape memory alloy is in a first state, and the magnetic field having no or negligible effect on the magnetic shape memory alloy when the magnetic shape memory alloy is in a second state.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first state is a martensite state and the second state is an austenite state.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a third electrically conductive electrode, wherein the magnetic shape memory alloy unbends to contact the third electrically conductive electrode when in the second state.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic shape memory alloy includes a nickel-manganese-gallium (Ni-Ma-Ga) alloy.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a cooling block coupled to the magnetic shape memory alloy.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the cooling block is actively cooled.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field source includes a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Protection Device

Номер: US20160086753A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Japan G.K.

The present invention provides a protection device comprising a bimetal component and a PTC component. This protection device comprises a resin base, a first terminal, a second terminal, a PTC component, a bimetal component, an arm, an upper plate and a resin cover wherein 1. A protection device comprising a resin base , a first terminal , a second terminal , a PTC component , a bimetal component , an arm , an upper plate and a resin cover , whereina portion of the first terminal configures a first electrode, and a portion of a second terminal configures the second electrode,the first electrode and the second electrode are exposed outward at the bottom surface of the resin base,in a normal state, the first terminal, the arm and the second terminal are electrically connected in series, andwhen the bimetal component is activated, the first terminal and the arm becomes electrically cut off while the first terminal, the PTC component, the bimetal component, the arm and the second terminal are electrically connected in series in the mentioned order.2. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the bimetal component has been subjected to heat-treatment.3. The protection device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the temperature of heat-treatment is higher than a temperature of soldering the protection device.4. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first terminal and/or the arm has a contact part claim 1 , and at least one of these contact parts is formed by swaging a contact material through the first terminal and/or the arm.5. The protection device according to claim 4 , characterized in that the contact material is a silver-nickel alloy.6. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least a part of the first terminal has a rib.7. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the resin base is formed from a thermal resistant resin.8. The protection device ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Mechanical Device for Electrical Switching

Номер: US20140167908A1

An integrated circuit comprising a mechanical device for electrical switching comprising a first assembly being thermally deformable and having a beam held at at least two different locations by at least two arms, the beam and the arms being metal and disposed within the same metallization level, and further comprising at least one electrically conducting body. The first assembly has a first configuration at a first temperature and a second configuration at a second temperature different from the first temperature. The beam is out of contact with the electrically conducting body in one configuration in contact with the body in the other configuration. The beam establishes or breaks an electrical link passing through the said at least one electrically conducting body and through the said beam in the different configurations. 1. A device , comprising:a beam disposed in an enclosure, the beam having at least a first conductive portion;at least two arms disposed in the enclosure and attached to surfaces of the enclosure, wherein the at least two arms are thermally deformable and contact the beam at different locations;wherein the enclosure is disposed within a metallization level between dielectric layers; andwherein the at least two arms are configured to, at a first temperature, cause the beam to connect an electrical circuit from the beam through the first conductive portion, and, at a second temperature, cause the beam to disconnect the electrical circuit.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a first contact disposed in enclosure claim 1 , wherein the at least two arms claim 1 , at the first temperature claim 1 , move a first end of the beam into electrical contact with the first contact and connect the electrical circuit through the first conductive portion and the first contact.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a second contact disposed in the enclosure claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the at least two arms claim 2 , at a first temperature claim 2 , ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210090832A1
Автор: HOFSAESS Marcel P.

A temperature-dependent switch having a housing that comprises a cover part and an electrically conductive lower part. The switch further comprises a first external contact surface arranged on the upper side of the cover part, and a second external contact surface provided externally on the housing. Still further, the switch comprises a temperature-dependent switching mechanism that is arranged in the housing and that, depending on its temperature, establishes or opens an electrically conductive connection between the first and the second external contact surfaces. A circumferential cutting burr acting as a sealing means is furthermore provided, that penetrates into the insulating foil or the cover part, wherein the cutting burr is arranged on a sealing ring that is connected to the lower part by means of a non-positive, positive and/or firmly bonded connection. 1. A temperature-dependent switch , comprising:a housing that comprises (i) a cover part having a lower side and an upper side, (ii) an electrically conductive lower part, and (iii) an insulating foil that is arranged between the lower side of the cover part and the lower part, wherein a first external contact surface is arranged on the upper side of the cover part, a second external contact surface is provided externally on the housing, and wherein the switch further comprises a circumferential cutting burr that penetrates into the insulating foil, the cutting burr being arranged on a sealing ring that is connected to the lower part by means of a non-positive, positive and/or firmly bonded connection; anda temperature-dependent switching mechanism that is arranged in the housing and that, depending on its temperature, establishes or opens an electrically conductive connection between the first external contact surface and the second external contact surface.2. The switch according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting burr is circumferentially closed in itself.3. The switch according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220139652A1

A manufacture method of a concave disc-shaped structure of bimetal strip, particularly to one that is a coaxial positioning method of the guide hole which having elastic disc-shape structure bimetal strips not affected by external stress, which having a bimetal structure which outer edge will not be damaged and does not affect by stress while inner edge pulling closed to the outer edge, it includes: a bimetal strip, a lug, and an assembling jig, having two displaceable positioning holes, and use the guiding surface to make the two positioning holes gradually turn inside to condense to the combining surface of the lugs, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning and combination.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220148831A1

An infinite switch includes a front cover, a back cover, and a base secured between the front cover and the back cover. A floating shaft extending through the front cover and the base. A cam fixed to the base and slidingly receiving an end of the floating shaft. The floating shaft is moveable in an axial direction extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the floating shaft and the cam is fixed to prevent movement in the axial direction. 1. An infinite switch , the infinite switch comprising:a front cover,a back cover,a base secured between the front cover and the back cover;a floating shaft extending through the front cover and the base;a cam fixed to the base and slidingly receiving an end of the floating shaft;wherein the floating shaft is moveable in an axial direction extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the floating shaft and the cam is fixed to prevent movement of the cam in the axial direction.2. The infinite switch of claim 1 , the floating shaft having a channel in a keyed end claim 1 , a spring extending from inside the channel to abut the cam.3. The infinite switch of claim 2 , wherein the keyed end has a square cross section and a cooperating cavity of the cam provides a square bearing surface that receives the keyed end such that rotation of the floating shaft rotates the cam.4. The infinite switch of claim 3 , the cam having a ramped cam surface claim 3 , wherein the rotation of the ramped cam surface moves a cam follower of a terminal within the infinite switch.5. The infinite switch of claim 1 , a washer having a cylindrical wall surrounding a through cavity of the washer claim 1 , the washer located between the front cover and the base.6. The infinite switch of claim 5 , wherein the cylindrical wall of the washer includes a notch.7. The infinite switch of claim 6 , wherein the floating shaft extends through the washer claim 6 , the floating shaft includes a ring having a detent claim 6 , the ring fixed to and surround the floating shaft ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190096618A1

A circuit breaker having a frame comprises a bimetal plate having a longitudinal length wherein the bimetal plate is cut along the longitudinal length into a narrow section and a wider section both being parallel to each other such that the bimetal plate is configured to control when and how a trip mechanism of a trip unit activates. The circuit breaker comprises a heating element coupled to the bimetal plate to heat the narrow section and the wider section when a current goes through the heating element. The narrow section and the wider section of the bimetal plate to deflect differently when a same amount of heat is applied in a same amount of time to control when and how the trip mechanism activates such that to allow to have two different current ratings in the frame in that the bimetal plate allows to increment a current protection level from a lower current rating to a higher current rating. 110.-. (canceled)11. A circuit breaker having a frame , the circuit breaker comprising:a trip unit including a trip mechanism having a trip bar with a tip;a bimetal plate having a longitudinal length, wherein the bimetal plate is cut along the longitudinal length into a narrow section and a wider section both being parallel to each other such that the bimetal plate is configured to control when and how the trip mechanism of the trip unit activates and wherein the bimetal plate comprises a union of two different metal layers with different thermal expansion coefficients;a heating element coupled to the bimetal plate to heat the narrow section and the wider section when a current goes through the heating element, wherein the narrow section and the wider section of the bimetal plate to deflect differently when a same amount of heat is applied in a same amount of time to control when and how the trip mechanism activates such that to allow to have two different current ratings in the frame in that the bimetal plate allows to increment a current protection level from a lower ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140185175A1
Принадлежит: RUDD LIGHTING, INC.

A thermal protection device includes a heating circuit that develops a first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature below a threshold and further develops a second heat magnitude greater than the first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature above the threshold. A thermal circuit breaker is disposed in heat communication with the heating circuit and has component having a holding temperature greater than the threshold and a trip temperature greater than the holding temperature. 1. A thermal protection device , comprising;a heating circuit that develops a first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature below a threshold and that develops a second heat magnitude greater than the first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature above the threshold; anda thermal circuit breaker in heat communication with the heating circuit and including a thermal component having a holding temperature greater than the threshold and a trip temperature greater than the holding temperature.2. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , wherein the heating circuit includes an input adapted to receive electrical power and the thermal circuit breaker is coupled to an output adapted to provide electrical power to a load.3. The thermal protection device of claim 2 , wherein the heating circuit and the thermal circuit breaker are disposed within a housing.4. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , in combination with a LED luminaire.5. The thermal protection device of claim 4 , in further combination with a source of electrical power coupled to an input.6. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , wherein the thermal circuit breaker includes a controllable switch coupled between the heating circuit and a thermal fuse.7. The thermal protection device of claim 6 , wherein the controllable switch is operated by a control circuit wherein the controllable switch is opened by the control circuit at a particular temperature greater than the threshold and below the trip temperature.8 ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Integrated Mechanical Device with Vertical Movement

Номер: US20150116072A1

A device includes a thermally deformable assembly accommodated in a cavity of the interconnection part of an integrated circuit. The assembly can bend when there is a variation in temperature, so that its free end zone is displaced vertically. The assembly can be formed in the back end of line of the integrated circuit. 1. An integrated circuit , comprising:a substrate;insulating region overlying the substrate;a plurality of metallization levels within the insulating region;a via level within the insulating region, the metallization levels and the via level within an interconnection region; a first element located within a first metallization level of the plurality of metallization levels;', 'a second element secured to the first element and located within the via level, which is adjacent to the first metallization level, the first element and the second element respectively having materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion; and', 'an electrically conductive body arranged at least partly in the cavity, the assembly having different configurations corresponding respectively to different distances along a direction between the free end zone and the electrically conductive body, the assembly being activatable in order to change from one configuration to another., 'a device having a thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly extending at least partly in a cavity of the interconnection region and having a free end zone that is mobile in the cavity in a direction substantially perpendicular to mid-planes of the metallization levels, the assembly comprising2. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the first element comprises aluminum and the second element comprises tungsten.3. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein one of the configurations corresponds to a zero distance such that the free end zone is in contact with the body so as to establish an electrical connection passing through the body and the assembly.4. ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190122845A1

A device includes a thermally deformable assembly accommodated in a cavity of the interconnection part of an integrated circuit. The assembly can bend when there is a variation in temperature, so that its free end zone is displaced vertically. The assembly can be formed in the back end of line of the integrated circuit. 1. An integrated circuit , comprising:a substrate;an interconnection region overlying the substrate, the interconnection region comprising a plurality of metallization levels and a via level; a first element located within a first metallization level of the plurality of metallization levels, the first element extending from the fixed end zone into the cavity;', 'a second element secured to an underside of the first element and located within the via level, which is adjacent to the first metallization level, the second element extending from the fixed end zone into the cavity, wherein a length of the first element is greater than a length of the second element; and', 'an electrically conductive body arranged at least partly in the cavity, the thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly having different configurations corresponding respectively to different distances along a direction between the free end zone and the electrically conductive body, the thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly being activatable in order to change from one configuration to another, wherein one of the configurations corresponds to a zero distance such that only the first element at the free end zone is in physical contact with the electrically conductive body so as to establish an electrical connection passing through the electrically conductive body and the thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly, wherein the first metallization level and the first via level have the same metal and wherein the second element comprises an insulating portion between two metal portions., 'a device comprising a thermally deformable electrically conductive ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200118777A1
Автор: TAKEDA Hideaki

A temperature switch includes a temperature detection unit configured to detect a temperature so as to move a movable contact to a position that is in contact with a fixed contact and to a position that is separated from the fixed contact, a first lead wire that is connected to the fixed contact and that includes a covering member, a second lead wire that is connected to the movable contact and that includes a covering member, and a first-insulation-case member and a second-insulation-case member each of which includes a first-lead-wire concave portion and a second-lead-wire concave portion, and which are fit into each other so as to form accommodation space S that accommodates the temperature detection unit, the movable contact, and the fixed contact, where first-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the first lead wire and the second-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the second lead wire. 1. A temperature switch comprising:a temperature detection unit configured to detect a temperature so as to move a movable contact to a position that is in contact with a fixed contact and to a position that is separated from the fixed contact;a first lead wire that is connected to the fixed contact and that includes a covering member;a second lead wire that is connected to the movable contact and that includes a covering member; anda first-insulation-case member and a second-insulation-case member each of which includes a first-lead-wire concave portion and a second-lead-wire concave portion, and which are fit into each other so as to form an accommodation space that accommodates the temperature detection unit, the movable contact, and the fixed contact, where the first-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the first lead wire and the second-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the second lead wire, whereinthe first-lead-wire concave portions and ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273491A1

A flow control device () having: an outer wall; a static part () enclosed by the outer wall and at least partially defining a fluid path (); a movable element which is movable relative to the static part () and arranged such that movement of the movable element relative to the static part () causes the fluidic resistance of the fluid path () to change; and an actuator arrangement (″) arranged such that when energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement it causes the movable element to move relative to the static part, wherein the actuator arrangement (″) and/or movable element are arranged such that the movable element does not move relative to the static part () when no energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement, and further wherein the actuator arrangement (″) and the movable element are positioned within the fluid path (). 1. A flow control device having:an outer wall;a static part enclosed by the outer wall and at least partially defining a fluid path;a movable element which is movable relative to the static part and arranged such that movement of the movable element relative to the static part causes the fluidic resistance of the fluid path to change; andan actuator arrangement arranged such that when energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement it causes the movable element to move relative to the static part,wherein the actuator arrangement and/or movable element are arranged such that the movable element does not move relative to the static part when no energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement, andfurther wherein the actuator arrangement and the movable element are positioned within the fluid path.2. A flow control device according to wherein the movable element does not move relative to the static part when no energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement due to friction between the movable element and the static part; and/orwherein the movable element does not move relative to the static part when no energy is supplied to the actuator ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140225708A1
Автор: Usoro Patrick B.

An overloading protection system adapted for use with a shape memory alloy actuator, includes at least one shape memory alloy switching element congruently activated with the actuator, and further includes a releasable connector configured to automatically disconnect the actuator from its activation source and/or release a latch, so as to effect a secondary work output path for the actuator, when an overloading condition occurs. 1. An overloading protection system adapted for use with a shape memory alloy actuator , wherein the actuator is communicatively coupled to an activation source , drivenly coupled to a load , produces a driving force when activated by the source , and presents stationary and working ends , the system comprising:a shape memory alloy element communicatively coupled to the source and cooperatively configured with the actuator, such that the actuator and element are generally contemporaneously and coextensively activated; anda releasable connector interconnecting the actuator and element;wherein the actuator, element, and connector are cooperatively configured to drive the load when the load is less than a threshold and the actuator and element are activated, and disconnect the actuator and element when the load is equal to or greater than the threshold and the actuator and element are activated.2. The system as defined in wherein the connector is further to de-couple the actuator and source claim 1 , when the load is equal to or greater than the threshold and the actuator and element are activated.3. The system as defined in wherein the actuator and element are connected in series and activated through Joule heating claim 1 , and the actuator claim 1 , element claim 1 , connector claim 1 , and source compose an electric circuit.4. The system as defined in wherein the actuator and element present equivalent combinations of constituencies and geometric configurations claim 1 , so as to present congruent transformation temperature ranges.5. The ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140232510A1

A thermo magnetic trip unit is disclosed for a circuit breaker, in particular for a molded case circuit breaker. In an embodiment, the thermo magnetic trip unit includes a braid plate, a load plate and a heater arranged between the braid plate and the load plate, whereby the braid plate, the load plate and the heater form a current path. In an embodiment, the thermo magnetic trip unit further includes a bimetal positioned on the heater, a rotatable trip bar and an energy storage spring, whereby the trip bar can release the energy storage spring after being touched by the bimetal with certain power. Further, the bimetal is an arched or curved snap action bimetal which snaps over to an opposite direction as soon as a certain temperature is reached. Further, a circuit breaker, in particular molded case circuit breaker, including such thermo magnetic trip unit, is disclosed. 1. Thermo magnetic trip unit for a circuit breaker , comprising:a braid plate;a load plate;a heater arranged between the braid plate and the load plate, the braid plate, the load plate and the heater forming a current path;a bimetal positioned on the heater, the bimetal being an arched or curved snap action bimetal configured to snap over to an opposite direction upon a temperature, the temperature being dependent upon a nominal current flowing to the current path, being reached;an energy storage spring; anda rotatable trip bar, configured to release the energy storage spring after being touched by the bimetal with certain power, wherein the snap action bimetal is formed such that, in a normal position, the snap action bimetal is bent away from the trip bar.2. The thermo magnetic trip unit of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal is formed such that the bimetal remains in the normal position upon the current claim 1 , flowing through the current path claim 1 , varying from 0% to 105% of the nominal current.3. The thermo magnetic trip unit of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal is formed such that the bimetal ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140232512A1
Принадлежит: LITTELFUSE, INC.

Exemplary embodiments of the present invention are directed to a circuit protection device. A circuit protection device may comprise a housing defining a cavity and a metal oxide varistor (MOV) disposed within the cavity. The circuit protection device may further comprise a first terminal electrically attached at a first end to the MOV by solder and extending outside of the housing at a second end. An arc shield is disposed within the housing between the first end of the first terminal and at least partially over the solder. The circuit protection device may further comprise a spring configured to bias the arc shield against a micro switch having an indicator portion disposed at least partially outside of the housing. When a voltage surge condition occurs, the MOV changes from a non-conductive state to a conductive state and current flows between the first terminal and a second terminal where the heat generated by the current flowing through the varistor melts the solder and the first end of the first terminal electrically separates from the varistor. 1. A circuit protection device comprising:a housing defining a cavity;a metal oxide varistor disposed within said cavity;a terminal electrically attached at a first end to said metal oxide varistor by solder and a second end extending outside of said housing;an arc shield disposed within said housing between said contact lead and at least partially over said solder;a spring configured to bias said arc shield against a micro switch having an indicator portion disposed at least partially outside of said housing.2. The circuit protection device of wherein said metal oxide varistor is a pair of metal oxide varistors in an electrically parallel configuration.3. The circuit protection device of wherein a first end of said contact lead is electrically connected to said solder.4. The circuit protection device of wherein upon the occurrence of a fault condition claim 3 , current through said metal oxide varistor heats said ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200144807A1

A redundant fault protection architecture for a DC electrical system with a hybrid relay sensing current on a DC rail as primary protection, and a pyrofuse, either self-triggering or externally triggered, as secondary protection. The pyrofuse is set to trigger after a delay to enable the hybrid relay to clear the fault (overcurrent). If the hybrid relay fails to clear the fault within a certain time duration, the pyrofuse subsequently is triggered and clears the fault. 1. A fault protection architecture in a DC electrical system , the architecture comprising:a fault protection circuit positioned in series between a DC source and a DC rail, a hybrid relay; and', 'a pyrofuse in series with the hybrid relay;', 'the hybrid relay having a predetermined triggering condition and a known clearing time; wherein the hybrid relay triggers when the predetermined triggering condition is met on the DC rail;', 'the pyrofuse having a second predetermined triggering condition, wherein the second triggering condition is set such that the pyrofuse trigger is on a delay at least equal to the clearing time of the hybrid relay., 'the fault protection circuit comprising2. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined triggering condition is defined at least as a function of a current threshold.3. The fault protection architecture of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined triggering condition is defined at least as a function of time.4. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , wherein the pyrofuse is self-triggering.5. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , wherein a current sensing device is operable connected to the DC source and the hybrid relay.6. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , further comprising a current sensing device claim 1 , a controller and at least one power supply claim 1 , the current sensing device operably connected to the DC rail and the controller claim 1 , the controller operably connected to the power supply and a ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150179376A1
Автор: OH Kyung Hwan
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

A trip device for a circuit breaker comprises a first terminal; a second terminal; and a bimetal in which a slot with one side opened is formed at one end of the bimetal, the one end is divided into a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion is connected to the first terminal, and the second end portion is connected to the second terminal, wherein the bimetal generates heat with a current which flows between the first end portion and the second end portion, and a heating amount of the bimetal is changed based on a length of the slot. Accordingly, a desired rated current can be set, the bimetal can be prevented from being damaged by a fault current, and the fault current can be effectively detected by obtaining a sufficient amount of heat and a bending amount of the bimetal. 1. A trip device for a circuit breaker , the trip device comprising:a first terminal connected to a power source or a load;a second terminal connected to the load or the power source;a bimetal in which a slot with one side opened is formed at one end of the bimetal, the one end is divided into a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion is connected to the first terminal, and the second end portion is connected to the second terminal,wherein the bimetal generates heat with a current which flows between the first end portion and the second end portion, and a heating amount of the bimetal is changed based on a length of the slot.2. The trip device of claim 1 , wherein the slot is formed as a long hole which extends in one direction.3. The trip device of claim 2 , wherein the length of the slot is formed as a length in which the bimetal generates heat by a predetermined amount of heat under a specific current value.4. The trip device of claim 3 , wherein as the length of the slot increases claim 3 , the heating amount of the bimetal increases under the specific current value.5. The trip device of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal is formed to be symmetric ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140300445A1
Автор: TAKEDA Hideaki

A thermal protector has superiority in current responsiveness or thermal responsiveness with a simple configuration that does not need a separate manufacturing step of incorporating a resistor. At a stage of press processing for cutting from an original material, a movable plate body part of a movable plate is partitioned into a narrow-width part and a wide-width part by a slim hole. The movable plate is assembled to a fixed conductor with columns of an insulator, a bimetal is assembled to the movable plate, the entire configuration is pressed down by a resinous block, and the entire fixing part is fixed by melting tips of the columns. The wide-width part serves as a normal movable plate, whereas the narrow-width part serves as a conductor in a normal state and as a resistor against an overcurrent. 1. A thermal protector for opening/closing an electric circuit with a bimetal having a warpage direction that is inverted at a predetermined temperature in response to a change of an ambient temperature , comprising:a fixed conductor having a fixed contact provided at one end, and a first terminal for an external connection;an insulator, provided between the fixed contact and the first terminal of the fixed conductor, having columns integrally formed by being resin-molded; a fixed part having holes into which the columns are inserted on the insulator,', 'a second terminal, formed at the fixed part, for an external connection,', 'a movable contact formed at a position facing the fixed contact at an end on a side opposite to the fixed part, and', 'an inversion operation part, formed by being cut at a position closer to one of sides from a central line along the central line that links the movable contact and the fixed part so that the entire bimetal excluding an arrangement portion of the movable contact is partitioned into a wide-width part and a narrow-width part, and formed by performing tapering processing to take an upwardly convex shape in the wide-width part, for ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150243463A1

A circuit interruption device includes a support, a set of separable contacts, a first member movable between an OFF position and an ON position, a second member, and a transport mechanism that includes a shape memory alloy element. When the first member is in the OFF position, the second member is in an extended position, the shape memory alloy element is in its first shape, and the first surface and the another first surface are engaged with one another and resist movement of the first member away from the OFF position. Responsive to an electrical pulse, the shape memory alloy element transforms into its second shape and moves the first member toward the ON position. When the second member is in the extended position, the another second surface engages with the second surface to resist movement of the first member away from the ON position. 1. A circuit interruption device comprising:a support;a set of separable contacts being movable between an OPEN condition and a CLOSED condition;a first member situated on the support and being movable between an OFF position that corresponds with the OPEN condition and an ON position that corresponds with the CLOSED condition, the movable member being biased toward the first position and having a first surface and a second surface;a second member situated on the support and being movable between an extended position and a retracted position, the second member being biased toward the extended position and having another first surface and another second surface;a transport mechanism comprising a shape memory alloy element that is transformable between a first shape and a different second shape responsive to an electrical pulse;in a first configuration of the circuit interruption device, the first member is in the OFF position, the second member is in the extended position, the shape memory alloy element is in its first shape, and the first surface and the another first surface are engaged with one another and are structured to ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190228939A1

The present invention provides a relay with a shape memory alloy (SMA) wire driven mechanism. Conventional mechanical relays rely on electromagnetic principle to operate. Hence, magnetic fields of electromagnetic relays often interfere with magnetic fields of other electrical components, thus resulting in the components physically interfering with each other. The present invention utilizes the shape memory characteristics of a SMA wire to achieve the purpose of changing the operation of the relay. Specifically, when a SMA wire is in heat, it restores to its original shape or original length. Comparing to conventional mechanical relays, the relay provided by the present invention does not magnetically interfere with other electrical components, thus is able to function effectively. In addition, because the relay of the present invention does not require iron cores or coils, available space therein is increased and may be used to accommodate control circuits with various functions. 1. A relay with shape memory alloy (SMA) wire driven mechanism , comprising:a main body having an accommodating space, wherein the accommodating space does not accommodate any coils therein and is at least formed by a securing member, a movable member and a base that encompass the accommodating space, wherein a top side of the movable member is movably disposed at the securing member, a bottom side of the movable member is suspended above the base, two conductive pieces are disposed at the movable member, an end of each of the two conductive pieces is connected with a power source, a pair of normally open securing terminals and a pair of normally closed securing terminals are disposed on the base, and another end of each of the two conductive pieces is respectively located between the pair of normally open securing terminals and the pair of normally closed securing terminals; and a circuit board mounted at the securing member; and', 'a SMA wire connected between the circuit board and the ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140333410A1

An overload release is disclosed, in particular for a circuit breaker, including a metal strip which is made of at least two different types of metal and around which a heat conductor is wound, wherein an electrical insulator is arranged between the metal strip and the heat conductor. In an embodiment, the heat conductor is welded onto the metal strip by way of arc welding. 1. An overload release , comprising;a metal strip, including at least two different types of metal;a heating conductor, wound around the metal strip and welded onto the metal strip by arc welding; andan electrical insulator, arranged between the metal strip and the heating conductor.2. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the electrical insulator is formed as a glass-fiber fabric.3. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the metal strip is formed as a trimetal strip.4. The overload release of claim 3 , wherein the trimetal strip includes copper or a copper alloy as the third metal layer.5. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the arc welding is formed as TIG welding.6. A method for producing an overload release including a metal strip claim 1 , the metal strip including at least two different types of metal and a heating conductor being wound around the metal strip claim 1 , and an electrical insulator arranged between the metal strip and the heating conductor claim 1 , the method comprising:welding the heating conductor onto the metal strip by tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG welding).7. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the overload release is a circuit breaker.8. The overload release of claim 2 , wherein the metal strip is formed as a trimetal strip.9. The overload release of claim 8 , wherein the trimetal strip includes copper or a copper alloy as the third metal layer.10. The method for producing an overload release of claim 6 , wherein the overload release is a circuit breaker. This application is the national phase under 35 U.S.C. § 371 of PCT International Application ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140334055A1
Автор: Namikawa Masashi

A breaker is provided with: a movable piece () that has an elastically deformable elastic portion () and a movable contact on the tip of the elastic portion () and that presses the movable contact into contact with a fixed contact; a thermal actuator element () that is formed into a shape with a convex surface and is deformed by a change in temperature, thereby actuating the movable piece () so that the movable contact separates from the fixed contact; and a resin case () which houses the movable piece () and the thermal actuator element (). The bottom surface of the base end () of the movable piece () is positioned lower than the top () of the upper surface of the thermal actuator element () by a distance (D). Thereby, a stable temperature adjustability and a resistance value are ensured in a breaker used as a protection device for a secondary battery with miniturization brought into realty. 1. In a breaker comprisinga fixed piece having a fixed contact,a movable piece having an elastically deformable elastic portion and a movable contact in a tip section of the elastic portion, for pressing the movable contact to the fixed contact so as to contact therewith,a thermal actuator element for actuating the movable piece so that the movable contact is separated from the fixed contact by its deformation accompanying a temperature change, anda casing for housing the fixed piece, the movable piece and the thermal actuator element, the breaker is characterized in that a bottom surface of a base end portion of the movable piece is positioned lower than a top of an upper surface of the thermal actuator element while the fixed contact is in contact with the movable contact.2. The breaker in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the movable piece has a stepped bent part for arranging the elastic portion in the vicinity of the top of the upper surface of the thermal actuator element and the base end portion in a staggered manner.3. The breaker in accordance with claim ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180262000A1

A cable including a power conductor configured to transmit electrical power between a first device and a second device, a first data conductor configured to transmit data between the first device and the second device, and a first bimetallic switch coupled to the first data conductor and configured to mitigate current flowing through the first data conductor if a temperature of the first bimetallic switch exceeds a predefined first trip temperature, wherein the opening of the first data line indicates a fault condition to a device to which the cable is connected, whereby electrical power flowing through the power conductor is resultantly mitigated. 1. A cable comprising:a power conductor configured to transmit electrical power between a first device and a second device;a first data conductor configured to transmit data between the first device and the second device; anda first bimetallic switch coupled to the first data conductor and configured to mitigate current flowing through the first data conductor if a temperature of the first bimetallic switch exceeds a predefined first trip temperature, wherein opening of the first data conductor indicates a fault condition to a device to which the cable is connected, whereby electrical power flowing through the power conductor is resultantly mitigated.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first bimetallic switch is configured to be connected electrically in series with the first device and the second device when the cable is connected to the first device and the second device.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first data conductor is a configuration channel (CC) conductor configured to allow the first device and the second device to determine whether a connection has been established via the cable.4. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first data conductor is rated to handle a maximum of 330 microamps.5. The cable of further comprising:a second data conductor configured to transmit data between the first device and the ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Insulated Thermal Cut-Off Device

Номер: US20150279596A1

A thermal cut-off device includes a plastic base, two electrodes, a temperature sensing element, and a plastic cover that fits over the base. The temperature sensing element is curved downward, and may be a bimetal or a trimetal. When the device is subject to an over-temperature condition, the orientation of the curve flips such that the temperature sensing element is then curved upward. When the temperature sensing element is curved upward, it lifts an arm of one of the electrodes, which severs the electrical connection between the electrodes. In this manner the device shuts off during an over-temperature condition in order to protect the circuit in which the device is installed. To prevent corrosion of the temperature sensing element, a first moisture insulation layer is applied to the outer surface of the thermal cut-off device. The moisture insulation layer may be an epoxy adhesive or a UV/visible light-cured adhesive or light/heat cured adhesive. In some embodiments, a second moisture insulation layer is formed on the surface of the temperature sensing element. 1. A thermal cut-off device comprising:a base;a first electrode positioned above the base and comprising a terminal portion;a temperature sensing element positioned above a portion of the first electrode;a second electrode positioned above the temperature sensing element and comprising a terminal portion;a cover that fits over the base to form a structure that encloses the thermal sensing element and portions of the first and second electrodes, wherein the terminal portions of the first and second electrodes protrude from the structure formed by the cover and base; anda first moisture insulation layer formed on at least a portion of an outer surface of the structure formed by the cover and base.2. The thermal cut-off device of claim 1 , wherein the first moisture insulation layer comprises an epoxy adhesive.3. The thermal cut-off device of claim 1 , wherein the first moisture insulation layer comprises ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160307718A1

An electrically controlled switching device includes a support, a first contact coupled to the support, a second contact coupled to the support, an SMA element operably connected with the second contact, a sensor positioned on or adjacent to the SMA element, and a controller in communication with the sensor. The SMA element is configured to transform between a first shape and a different second shape responsive to an electrical pulse heating the SMA element to a transformation temperature. The sensor is configured to detect a detected temperature of the SMA element. The controller is configured to control the electrical pulse heating the SMA element. The controller receives signals from the sensor indicative of the detected temperature of the SMA element. 1. An electrically controlled switching device comprising:a support;a first contact coupled to the support;a second contact coupled to the support;a shape memory alloy (SMA) element operably connected with the second contact and configured to transform between a first shape and a different second shape responsive to an electrical pulse heating the SMA element to a transformation temperature;a sensor positioned on or adjacent to the SMA element and configured to detect a detected temperature of the SMA element; anda controller in communication with the sensor and configured to control the electrical pulse heating the SMA element, wherein the controller receives signals from the sensor indicative of the detected temperature of the SMA element.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the electrical pulse based on the signals received from the sensor.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to control the electrical pulse while allowing for the delivery of the electrical pulse to the SMA element such that the detected temperature is less than the transformation temperature.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to control the electrical ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150318130A1
Автор: SCHMITZ Sander

A trigger device for a power switch includes a bi-metal which is arranged near to a current path of a power switch in order to control triggering, as well as a bi-metal mounting device into which the bimetal is inserted and which is designed to enclose the bi-metal, in an arrangement substantially parallel to a current path of a power switch, such that heat radiated from the current path heats the bi-metal more or less across its whole length. 1. A trigger device for a power switch , the device comprising:a bimetal, arranged near to a current path of a power switch, in a configuration so as to control triggering of the power switch; anda bimetal mounting device into which the bimetal is inserted,wherein the bimetal mounting device is configured to enclose the bimetal in an arrangement substantially parallel to a current path of the power switch such that heat radiated by the current path can heat the bimetal almost across a whole length of the bimetal, and such that the bimetal is shielded from one or more ambient influences,wherein the bimetal mounting device is configured to fully encloses the current path and the bimetal,wherein the current path and bimetal can be accommodated in a common housing formed by the bimetal mounting device, andwherein the bimetal mounting device includes a base on which the bimetal is attached at a foot thereof.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the base is bounded by a first and second side wall claim 1 ,wherein the first and second side walls extend substantially parallel to the bimetal, andwherein the first and second side walls are configured such that the bimetal is shielded from the one or more ambient influences.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the bimetal is fixed to the base such that an active side of the bimetal is facing the current path.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the side walls at least partly extend beyond the bimetal.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal mounting device is configured as a pocket.6. ( ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150340182A1
Автор: YONEDA Yoshihiro

A bypass avoiding only abnormal cells or abnormal electronic components in an electronic appliance having a plurality of battery cells or electronic components is formed to decrease resistance while keeping functionality. 1. A short-circuit element comprising:an insulating substrate;a first and a second heat-generating resistors formed on the insulating substrate;a first and a second electrodes arranged adjacently to each other on the insulating substrate;a third electrode arranged adjacently to the first electrode on the insulating substrate and electrically connected to the first heat-generating resistor;a fourth electrode arranged adjacently to the second electrode on the insulating substrate and electrically connected to the second heat-generating resistor;a first meltable conductor arranged between the first and third electrodes to constitute a current path capable of being blown by a heat generated by the first heat-generating resistor, anda second meltable conductor arranged between the second and fourth electrodes to constitute a current path capable of being blown by a heat generated by the second heat-generating resistor,wherein the first and second meltable conductors are melted by the heat from the first and second heat-generating resistors and gather on the first and second electrodes to short-circuit the first and second electrodes.2. The short-circuit element according to claim 1 , wherein one of the first and second meltable conductors is blown prior to the other.3. The short-circuit element according to claim 2 , wherein one of the first and second meltable conductors is narrower than the other such that the narrower one is blown prior to the other.4. The short-circuit element according to further comprising an insulating layer laminated on the insulating substrate claim 1 ,wherein the first to fourth electrodes are arranged on the insulating layer, andwherein the first and second heat-generating resistors are disposed within the insulating layer or ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150364282A1

A thermal switch includes a thermally responsive plate assembly including a metal support deforming from an initial shape before a header plate assembly is secured to a housing assembly, with a result that a position of a movable contact in the housing assembly is adjusted so as to be within a predetermined height range relative to an open end of a housing. A contact pressure of switching contacts after the assembling is produced by the height adjustment, and subsequently, a neighborhood of a part of the housing to which part the thermally responsive plate assembly is secured is deformed, so that an operating temperature is calibratable. 1. A thermal switch comprising:a housing assembly including a metal housing having an open bottom and a thermally responsive plate assembly housed in the metal housing and including a thermally responsive plate, a movable contact secured to one of two ends of the thermally responsive plate, and a metal support secured to the other end of the thermally responsive plate, the thermally responsive plate including a part located near a middle thereof and formed into a dish shape by drawing, the metal support having an end secured in the housing; anda header plate assembly including a header plate secured to an open end of the housing, so that a pressure-proof closed container is formed by the header plate and the housing, the header plate having at least one through hole through which at least one conductive terminal pin is inserted and fixed in the hole by an electrically insulating filler, the header plate assembly further including a fixed contact secured to the conductive terminal pin,wherein the header plate assembly is hermetically secured to the housing assembly, so that switching contacts are formed by the movable contact and the fixed contact, and thereafter, a neighborhood of a part of the housing to which part the thermally responsive plate assembly is secured is deformed, whereby an operating temperature is calibratable, ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150364286A1

Provided is a complex protection device which can protect a circuit and circuit elements installed at the circuit against overcurrent and overvoltage. Heat is generated from thin film type printed resistors installed at opposite sides of a fusible element or directly beneath the fusible element and, as such, it is possible to improve thermal characteristics of the product, to design an ultraminiature product, and to simplify manufacture processes. 1. A complex protection device comprising:a substrate provided, at an upper surface thereof, with a pair of fuse terminals, first and second resistor terminals, and first and second connecting terminals to connect the first and second resistor terminals;an insulating layer formed on the first and second connecting terminals;a fusible element formed on the insulating layer, to be connected to the fuse terminals;first and second printed resistors respectively connected to the first and second resistor terminals; anda switching device for performing a control operation to cause current to flow to the first and second resistors when overvoltage is applied,wherein the first and second printed resistors are disposed at opposite sides of the fusible element while being spaced apart from the fusible element.2. The complex protection device according to claim 1 , further comprising:third resistor terminals provided at a lower surface of the substrate; anda third printed resistor connected to the third resistor terminals and disposed directly under the fusible element under a condition that the substrate is interposed between the third printed resistor and the fusible element.3. The complex protection device according to claim 2 , wherein:one of the first and second connecting terminals is provided with a contact portion to contact the fusible element;one side of the contact portion is disposed directly under a central region of the fusible element; andcurrent emerging from the fusible element flows to the first and second printed ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170372858A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The present disclosure relates to a thermal trip compensation structure including a tripping bar having an ejector pin, a bimetal strip, a compensating component, a support for the compensating component, and an adjustment component. One end of the bimetal strip is connected with the support. The support receives and supports the compensating component. The adjustment component is capable of adjusting a position of the compensating component relative to the support. The compensating component has an inclined slant surface which is set in such a way that a gap between the inclined slant surface and the ejector pin of the tripping bar when the bimetal strip is deflected after the occurrence of short circuit is less than the gap between the inclined slant surface and the ejector pin of the tripping bar when the bimetal strip is not deflected before the occurrence of the short circuit. 1. A thermal trip compensation structure comprising a tripping bar having an ejector pin , a bimetal strip , a compensating component , a support for the compensating component , and an adjustment component , whereinone end of the bimetal strip is connected with the support for the compensating component;the support for the compensating component receives and supports the compensating component;the adjustment component is capable of adjusting a position of the compensating component relative to the support for the compensating component;the compensating component has an inclined slant surface, the inclined slant surface is set in such a way that a gap between the inclined slant surface and the ejector pin of the tripping bar upon the bimetal strip being deflected after occurrence of short circuit is less than the gap between the inclined slant surface and the ejector pin of the tripping bar upon the bimetal strip being not deflected before the occurrence of the short circuit.2. The thermal trip compensation structure according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the inclined slant surface ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200381201A1

The present invention relates to a switch and has particular application in temperature regulation devices used in domestic and commercial electrical appliances such as stoves, ovens or the like. It includes an arrangement of a pair of arms that co-operate with a biasing means in combination with magnetic components provided on each of the arms. This arrangement does away with the need for the switch to use relatively expensive bi-metallic components and which may be prone to arcing and potential damage to or fusing of the contacts of the switch. 147-. (canceled)48. A switch device that includes:a first magnetic member;a second magnetic member;a third magnetic member; anda heating device in thermal communication with one of the first and second magnetic members;wherein, in use, the heating device is configured to heat the first or second magnetic member to reduce the attraction force between said first and second magnetic members, andfurther wherein the third magnetic member is structured and/or arranged to at least partially offset any variations in attraction force between the first and second magnetic members due to ambient temperature changes in the switch.49. The switch device as claimed in claim 48 , wherein the switch device further includes a first arm.50. The switch device as claimed in claim 49 , wherein the first magnetic member is provided to the first arm.51. The switch device as claimed in claim 49 , wherein the first arm comprises an electrical contact.52. The switch device as claimed in claim 48 , further comprising a second arm.53. The switch device as claimed in claim 52 , wherein the second magnetic member is provided to the second arm.54. The switch device as claimed in claim 52 , wherein the second arm comprises an electrical contact.55. The switch device as claimed in claim 54 , wherein the switch device further includes a first arm claim 54 , wherein the first arm comprises an electrical contact claim 54 , wherein the electrical contact of the ...

22-10-2009 дата публикации

Temperature-dependent switch i.e. self-holding switch, has holder fastened to metallic carrier of control units, and resistor part pressed against fixed contact connected with one of connection electrodes, where holder is clipped on carrier

Номер: DE102008031389B3

The switch has connection electrodes (5, 6) fastened to an insulator body (8). A resistor part (9) is electrically connected with the connection electrodes parallel to control units. The resistor part is held as a clamp by a holder (10). The holder is fastened to a metallic carrier (1) of the control units, and the resistor part is pressed against a fixed contact (4) connected with one of the connection electrodes, where the holder is clipped on the carrier. The holder has a spring element, which presses the resistor part against the fixed contact. The holder is made of sheet metal.

05-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CN101936275A


22-01-2010 дата публикации

Heating device for a machine for the preparation of liquid food or drink, comprising a thermal unit with a metallic mass, through which the liquid circulates, and accumulates heat and supplies it to the liquid, and has one or more insured electrical components rigidly to the thermal unit; and machine.

Номер: CL2008002963A1
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

Aparato calentador en línea para máquina de preparación de alimento líquido, comprende un termoblock con una masa metálica con entrada y salida y una cámara para calentar el líquido mediante la masa, y componentes electrónicos como sensores y fusibles incorporados al termoblock en una placa; máquina y placa. In-line heating apparatus for a liquid food preparation machine, comprises a thermoblock with a metallic mass with inlet and outlet and a chamber for heating the liquid by means of the mass, and electronic components such as sensors and fuses incorporated into the thermoblock on a plate; machine and plate.

16-03-1989 дата публикации

Remote control device of breaker for wiring

Номер: JPS6471030A
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Circuit breaker

Номер: KR101301335B1

[과제] 열동전자식(熱動電磁式)의 과전류 트리핑 장치이면서, 자동조립에 적절한 높은 차단용량의 회로차단기를 얻는다. [해결수단] 개폐기구부(51)와, 과전류 트리핑 장치(52)와, 개폐기구부(51)와 연동하여 회동하는 크로스바(12)에 마련된 가동접촉자(13)와, 베이스(3)에 수납되어 아크를 재단하는 소호장치(53)를 포함하는 차단부와, 미들 베이스(2), 베이스(3) 및 미들 베이스(2)에 수납된 각 부품을 덮는 커버(1)를 구비하고, 미들 베이스(2)에는 미들 베이스(2)를 베이스(3)에 삽입하는 방향에 대해 직교하는 면에 차단부와 마주보도록 제1 구멍(2d)이 마련되며, 제1 구멍(2d)은 과전류 트리핑 장치(52)의 요크(7)에 의해 접착되어 있는 회로차단기에 있어서, 커버(1)는 개폐기구부(51)가 놓여 있지 않은 극의 과전류 트리핑 장치를 걸리게 하는 돌설부를 가지고, 개폐기구부(51)와 과전류 트리핑 장치(52)와의 사이에 절연부재(54)를 배치했다. [PROBLEMS] To provide a thermoelectric electromagnetic overcurrent tripping device, a circuit breaker having a high breaking capacity suitable for automatic assembly. SOLUTION MEASURES The movable contactor 13 provided in the opening-closing mechanism part 51, the overcurrent tripping device 52, and the crossbar 12 which rotates in cooperation with the opening-closing mechanism part 51, and the base 3 are housed in an arc And a blocking part including an extinguishing device 53 for cutting the lower part, and a cover 1 covering each part accommodated in the middle base 2, the base 3, and the middle base 2, and the middle base 2. ) Is provided with a first hole (2d) to face the blocking portion on a surface perpendicular to the direction in which the middle base (2) is inserted into the base (3), the first hole (2d) is the overcurrent tripping device 52 In the circuit breaker bonded by the yoke (7), the cover (1) has a protruding portion for locking the overcurrent tripping device of the pole in which the open / close mechanism (51) is not placed, and the open / close mechanism (51) and the overcurrent tripping. The insulating member 54 was disposed between the apparatus 52.

10-11-1989 дата публикации

Thermal type over-load relay

Номер: KR890004528B1

The adjusting device is for a relay including a pair of contacts, a release lever (34) whose triggering closes the contacts of the relay and thermal device (2) for triggering the release lever on overload. The device comprises a dial portion (11) which has an eccentric stem portion whose rotation provides one degree of control of the triggering point of the release lever. The two eccentric stem portions about one another to supplement one another. The adjusting device includes an adjusting link apertured to support the adjusting pin which is rotatable at one end and which includes the eccentric intermediate stem portion.

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605690C2

FIELD: lighting. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to lighting engineering and can be used in luminaires that enable use of more sparsely distributed light sources. Luminaire comprises planar top and bottom light guide layers (10, 11) that are optically coupled together by at least one optical coupler (12a, 12b), which allows passage of light from top light guide layer (10) to bottom light guide layer (11). At least one optical coupler is an edge coupler for coupling adjacent edges of top and bottom light guide layers. Luminaire has scattering element (14), to create light radiation from emitting surface of bottom light guide layer (11). Upper light guide layer (10) comprises first (16a) and second (16b) light sources in cavity (17), which turned from each other and are arranged to emit light to corresponding one of lateral sides of cavity in opposite directions, parallel to longitudinal axis, so that light passes along longitudinal axis of top light guide layer (10). EFFECT: high uniformity of illumination brightness and good colour mixing. 12 cl, 20 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 605 690 C2 (51) МПК G02B 6/00 (2006.01) F21V 8/00 (2006.01) F21S 8/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013158864/07, 28.05.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.05.2012 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.07.2015 Бюл. № 20 R U 09.06.2011 EP 11169225.7 (72) Автор(ы): ДЕ ЗВАРТ Сибе Тьерк (NL), ВАН ГЕЛУВЕ Йохен Ренат (NL), МИХИЛС Вильхельмус Петрус Адрианус Йоханнус (NL), ВАН БАРДВЕЙК Менно (NL), ПЕЙЛМАН Фетзе (NL), ДЕ ХАС Корнелис Герардус Мария (NL) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФИЛИПС ЛАЙТИНГ ХОЛДИНГ Б.В. (NL) (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2016 Бюл. № 36 2 6 0 5 6 9 0 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2006026564 A1, 23.11.2006. US 2009257108 A1, 15.10.2009. US 2005007753 A1, 13.01.2005. US 2010061080 A1, 11.03.2010. RU ...

03-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE2460698A1
Автор: Ernest Maria Jost
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Shape memory alloy MEMS component deposited by chemical vapor deposition

Номер: US20040252005A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

An method and apparatus for dampening microelectromechanical system (MEMS) devices is disclosed. A typical method or apparatus embodiment of the invention includes a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) device including an actuator and a movable element and having a frequency response. A shape memory alloy (SMA) material is applied to the movable element of the MEMS device to provide passive damping to the frequency response of the MEMS device. The applied SMA material typically provides no actuation of the MEMS device. A chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process can be used to apply the SMA material.

15-02-2003 дата публикации

Fixation structure of heat working type overload relays

Номер: KR200304676Y1
Автор: 박철수
Принадлежит: 동아전기공업 주식회사

본 고안은 열동형 과부하 계전기의 고정구조에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a fixed structure of the thermal overload relay. 본 고안은 과부하로 인해 발생되는 열을 이용하여 전자 개폐기의 접점을 개폐시켜 부하장치를 보호하도록 형성된 열동형 과부하 계전기에 있어서, 터미널 베이스의 상부로 분리방지용 돌기를 갖는 가이드와 스토퍼를 형성한 결착요홈부를 형성하고, 단자핀이 연결된 바이메탈에 절연부재를 개재하여 감겨진 히팅선의 양측단이 바이메탈과 터미널에 접속되며, 바이메탈의 상부에 가동 플레이트가 형성된 변위발생부를 터미널 베이스의 내부에 삽입하고, 트립기구부가 내장된 트립몸체의 하부로 결착돌기부를 갖는 트립부를 형성하여 상기 결착돌기가 결착요홈부에 삽입되어 고정되도록 하고, 터미널이 외부로 노출되도록 노출공을 형성하며, 상하 양단으로 걸림돌기를 일체로 갖는 커버를 형성하여 상기 결착돌기부의 선단이 스토퍼에 맞닿아 더 이상 삽입되지 않도록 하고, 분리방지용 돌기에 맞닿아 있는 결착돌기부에 의해 상호 분리되는 것이 방지되도록 구성되어져 별도의 조립구 내지 고정구를 사용하지 않고 결합 고정 되도록 함으로써, 조립 작업의 편리성을 높이고, 아울러 점검 및 교체를 간단 용이하게 할 수 있도록 한 것이다. The present invention is a thermal overload relay formed to protect the load device by opening and closing the contact of the electronic switch using the heat generated by the overload, the binding groove formed with a guide and a stopper having a projection for preventing separation to the top of the terminal base The both ends of the heating wire wound by a bimetal connected to the terminal pin via an insulating member are connected to the bimetal and the terminal, and a displacement generating part having a movable plate formed on the upper part of the bimetal is inserted into the terminal base. The bottom portion of the trip body having a built-in tripping part having a binding protrusion is formed so that the binding protrusion is inserted into the fixing recess and fixed, and an exposure hole is formed so that the terminal is exposed to the outside, and having locking protrusions integrally at both upper and lower ends. A cover is formed so that the tip of the binding protrusion is in contact with the stopper. It is designed to prevent the insertion and to be separated from each other by the binding projections which are in contact with the separation preventing projection, and to be fixed and fixed without using a separate assembly or fixture, thereby increasing the convenience of assembling work, and ...

07-12-1988 дата публикации

Thermal relay with remote reset

Номер: SU1443047A1

Изобретение относитс  к электротехнике . Целью изобретени   вл етс  расширение функциональных возможностей и области применени , улучшение качества защиты и снижение трудоемкости настройки. Тепловое реле содержит термоэлементы 1, исполнительные контакты 3 и электромагнит с подвижным  корем 9, перемещение которого используетс  дл  дистанционного возврата реле в исходное состо ние после срабатывани , и пружину 12. Якорь 9 и пружина 12 установлены так, что усилие деформации пружины 12 приложено к  корю 9 в направлении, противоположном т говому усилию электромагнита . 1 ил. S (Л /J -(M/WVVHf 4 4 00 О 4 The invention relates to electrical engineering. The aim of the invention is to expand the functionality and scope, improve the quality of protection and reduce the complexity of customization. The thermal relay contains thermoelements 1, actuating contacts 3 and an electromagnet with movable bar 9, the movement of which is used to remotely return the relay to its initial state after operation, and spring 12. Anchor 9 and spring 12 are installed so that the deformation force of spring 12 is applied to the core 9 in the direction opposite to the traction force of the electromagnet. 1 il. S (L / J - (M / WVVHf 4 4 00 O 4

07-09-1988 дата публикации

Thermal overcurrent relay

Номер: SU1422261A1

Изобретение относитс  к электротехнике и может быть использовано дл  тепловой защиты асинхронных двигателей. Целью изобретени   вл етс  повышение надежности защиты и расширение области применени  путем обеспечени  возможности дистанционного задани  уставки срабатывани . Реле содержит основные термоэлементы 1 с нагревател ми 2, планки 3, подпружиненные рычаги 4, 5, температурный компенсатор 7, регул тор 8 ручного задани  уставки срабатывани , регул тор дистанционного задани  уставки срабатывани , выполненный в виде термоэлемента 8 с нагревателем 9, на котором установлен микровы- кпючатель 10 со штоком 11. 2 ил. с & (Л The invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used for thermal protection of asynchronous motors. The aim of the invention is to increase the reliability of protection and to expand the scope by allowing the remote setting of the response setpoint. The relay contains basic thermoelements 1 with heaters 2, strips 3, spring-loaded levers 4, 5, temperature compensator 7, controller 8 for manually setting the response setpoint, controller for remote setting of the response setpoint, made as a thermoelement 8 with heater 9 on which Mikrovy- kpyuchatel 10 with rod 11. 2 Il. c & (L

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Ventilation Apparatus of Automobile Indoor Air

Номер: KR100534343B1
Автор: 이경우
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 차량의 실내공기 환기장치에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는 차량의 실내외가 서로 통하도록 통기구가 형성되어 있는 차체에 바이메탈 원리에 의하여 개폐되는 온도감응형 개폐수단을 설치하여 차량 실내의 기온이 높으면 통기구가 자동으로 개방되도록 하여 외기와 열교환되도록 함으로써 차량 실내의 온도를 항상 일정하게 유지함과 동시에 외부의 신선한 공기로 환기되도록 한 차량의 실내공기 환기장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to an indoor air ventilator of a vehicle, and more particularly, by installing a temperature-sensitive opening and closing means for opening and closing by a bimetal principle on a vehicle body in which vents are formed so that the interior and exterior of a vehicle communicate with each other. When it is high, the ventilator is automatically opened to heat exchange with the outside air to maintain a constant temperature inside the vehicle and at the same time to ventilate the outside air of the vehicle to the ventilation of fresh air. 본 발명은, 차량의 실외와 실내가 서로 통하도록 통기구가 형성된 자동차에 있어서, 상기 통기구가 형성된 차체에는 차량 실내의 공기온도가 소정이상으로 높아지면 상기 통기구가 자동으로 개방되어 환기가 이루어지도록 하고 실내의 공기온도가 소정이하로 떨어지면 상기 통기구가 자동으로 폐쇄되도록 하는 온도감응형 개폐수단이 설치된 것을 특징으로 하는 차량의 실내공기 환기장치이다. The present invention provides a vehicle in which a vent is formed so that the outside and the interior of a vehicle communicate with each other, and the vent is automatically opened when the air temperature of the vehicle interior is higher than a predetermined temperature in the vehicle body in which the vent is formed. The indoor air ventilator of the vehicle, characterized in that the temperature-sensitive opening and closing means is installed so that the vent is automatically closed when the air temperature drops below a predetermined temperature.

16-10-2000 дата публикации

Thermal Overload Relay

Номер: KR100268014B1
Автор: 조현수
Принадлежит: 엘지산전주식회사, 이종수

본 발명은 과부하로 인한 전동기의 소손 방지를 목적으로 사용되는 열동형 과부하 계전기에 관한 것으로, 히터부의 바이메탈에 의해 구동하는 개폐 기구부를 케이스의 상부에 설치하여 계전기의 가로 방향 크기를 축소시키고 이에 따라 배전반에 설치시 전기기기의 컴팩트한 구성이 가능해 지도록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to a thermal overload relay used for the purpose of preventing burnout of an electric motor due to overload. When installed in the installation, it is possible to make a compact configuration of the electrical equipment. 본 발명은 가열체(22)와 주바이메탈(23) 및 시프터(24)가 내장된 케이스(21)와, 상기 케이스의 상부에 설치된 보조 케이스(25)와, 상기 보조 케이스내에 설치되고 시프터와 연동하는 온도 보상 바이메탈(28)이 고정되어 시프터의 이동에 따라 회전운동을 하는 석방 레버(27)와, 상기 석방 레버의 회전 운동에 따라 반전하는 반전기구(32)와, 상기 반전 기구의 반전에 의해 접속 분리되는 통상 폐쇄 점검 및 통상 개방 점검과, 상기 반저기구의 일측 상부에 설치되어 반전된 반전기구가 원위치 되도록 눌러주는 리셋버튼(43)을 구비한 열동형 과부하 계전기이다. The present invention provides a case 21 in which a heating body 22, a main bimetal 23, and a shifter 24 are incorporated, an auxiliary case 25 installed on an upper portion of the case, and installed in the auxiliary case and interlocked with a shifter. The temperature compensation bimetal 28 is fixed, and the release lever 27 which rotates in accordance with the shifting of the shifter, the inversion mechanism 32 which inverts according to the rotational movement of the release lever, and the inversion of the inversion mechanism It is a thermal overload relay having a normally closed check and a normally open check that are disconnected from each other, and a reset button 43 which is installed on one side of the half bottom mechanism and presses the inverted reverse mechanism to its original position.

15-02-2000 дата публикации

A device for filtering a higher harmonics of a magnetic ballasts

Номер: KR200167901Y1
Автор: 김기영
Принадлежит: 현진조명주식회사

본 고안은 안정기용 코일에 의한 리액턴스 성분 및 용량성 캐패시턴스 성분의 영향으로 인하여 발생되는 입력전류의 왜곡(distortion)현상을 감소시킬 수 있는 자기식 안정기의 고조파 제거회로에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a harmonic rejection circuit of a magnetic ballast that can reduce the distortion of the input current caused by the influence of the reactance component and the capacitive capacitance component of the ballast coil. 본 고안에 따른 자기식 안정기의 고조파 제거회로는 입력전류의 고조파성분을 제거하도록 입력전류의 역위상 추출용 캐패시터를 상기 안정기에 병렬로 접속하고 있으므로, 상기 역위상 추출용 캐패시터에 의해 입력전류에 발생되는 삼각파 또는 톱니파를 제거하여 입력전류의 정현파가 생성되어서 형광등용 제1ㆍ제2 필라멘트 및 글로우 스타터 또는 전자식 형광등 스타터에 정현파 전류가 인가되어 배기팬, 가정용 전화회선, 무선전화기, 리모콘 회로 또는 전자스위치 회로, 의료장비 등의 오동작을 방지할 수 있다. The harmonic rejection circuit of the magnetic ballast according to the present invention is connected to the ballast in parallel with the reverse phase extraction capacitor of the input current so as to remove the harmonic component of the input current, so that the reverse phase extraction capacitor generates the input current. A sinusoidal wave of the input current is generated by removing a triangular wave or a sawtooth wave, and a sinusoidal current is applied to the first and second filaments and a glow starter or an electronic fluorescent starter for a fluorescent lamp, and an exhaust fan, a household telephone line, a wireless telephone, a remote control circuit or an electronic switch Malfunction of circuits, medical equipment, etc. can be prevented.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for determining causes of instability of operating thermal relays

Номер: RU2678693C1

FIELD: electrical engineering.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used, in particular, to determine the causes of instability of the operation of thermal relays. Method of determining the causes of the instability of the thermal relays includes the selection of five thermal relays of the same type with the same nominal data, the transmission of a certain amount of overload current, the imposition of temperature sensors on each bimetallic plate, which are connected to the temperature recorder, and connected to a personal computer, then connecting the bimetallic plates of the thermal relays in series and connected to the current source, passing a current equal to 1.5 nominal current of the relay, measuring the temperature of each bimetallic plate at the maximum heated point until reaching the response temperature, determining the temperature deviation of the bimetallic plates from its average value.EFFECT: possibility of increasing the stability of the thermal relay operation during the flow of overload currents.1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 678 693 C1 (51) МПК H01H 61/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01H 61/02 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018109874, 20.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.01.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.03.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 31.01.2019 Бюл. № 4 2613130 C1, 15.03.2017. RU 174066 U1, 28.09.2017. RU 72079 U1, 27.03.2008. RU 2469343 C1, 10.12.2012. US 4689752 A1, 25.08.1987. (54) Способ определения причин нестабильности срабатывания тепловых реле (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к электротехнике и далее соединяют биметаллические пластинки может быть использовано, в частности, для тепловых реле последовательно и подключают определения причин нестабильности к источнику тока, пропускают по ним ток, равный срабатывания тепловых реле. Способ 1,5 номинального тока реле, измеряют ...

07-07-2005 дата публикации

Ventilation apparatus of automobile indoor air

Номер: KR20050070851A
Автор: 이경우
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 차량의 실내공기 환기장치에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는 차량의 실내외가 서로 통하도록 통기구가 형성되어 있는 차체에 바이메탈 원리에 의하여 개폐되는 온도감응형 개폐수단을 설치하여 차량 실내의 기온이 높으면 통기구가 자동으로 개방되도록 하여 외기와 열교환되도록 함으로써 차량 실내의 온도를 항상 일정하게 유지함과 동시에 외부의 신선한 공기로 환기되도록 한 차량의 실내공기 환기장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은, 차량의 실외와 실내가 서로 통하도록 통기구가 형성된 자동차에 있어서, 상기 통기구가 형성된 차체에는 차량 실내의 공기온도가 소정이상으로 높아지면 상기 통기구가 자동으로 개방되어 환기가 이루어지도록 하고 실내의 공기온도가 소정이하로 떨어지면 상기 통기구가 자동으로 폐쇄되도록 하는 온도감응형 개폐수단이 설치된 것을 특징으로 하는 차량의 실내공기 환기장치이다.

15-08-1989 дата публикации

Temperature-compensated thermal relay with remote correction of activation current

Номер: SU1501190A1

Изобретение относитс  к электротехнике. Целью изобретени   вл етс  снижение потреблени  энергии от источника корректирующего электрического сигнала в зоне наибольшей чувствительности реле к току защищаемой цепи, повышение надежности защиты и упрощение конструкции. Реле содержит основные термоэлементы (ОТЭ) 1 с нагревател ми 2, подвижные изол ционные планки 3, рычаг 4, двуплечий рычаг 5, шток 6 исполнительных контактов 7, дополнительный термочувствительный элемент (ДТЭ) 8 с дополнительным нагревателем 9, регулировочный винт 10, пружины 11 и 12. ОТЭ 1 и ДТЭ 8 установлены так, что их активные слои обращены в одну и ту же сторону. ДТЭ 8 выполн ет также функцию термокомпенсатора. 1 ил. The invention relates to electrical engineering. The aim of the invention is to reduce energy consumption from a source of a corrective electrical signal in the zone of the highest sensitivity of the relay to the current of the protected circuit, to increase the reliability of protection and to simplify the design. The relay contains the main thermoelements (HTE) 1 with heaters 2, movable insulating strips 3, lever 4, double-arm lever 5, rod 6 of executive contacts 7, additional temperature-sensitive element (DTE) 8 with additional heater 9, adjusting screw 10, springs 11 and 12. DTE 1 and DTE 8 are set so that their active layers are facing the same direction. DTE 8 also performs the function of a temperature compensator. 1 il.

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008149087A

1. Безопасное стартерное устройство (10) для газоразрядной лампы (1), содержащее последовательную компоновку из: ! пускового переключателя (5) с тлеющим разрядом; ! по меньшей мере одного резистивного элемента (9); ! термически управляемого переключающего элемента (8); ! в котором термически управляемый переключающий элемент (8) находится в зависимости по теплопередаче от резистивного элемента (9) так, что термически управляемый переключающий элемент (8) эффективно нагревается теплотой, вырабатываемой в резистивном элементе (9); и ! в котором термически управляемый переключающий элемент (8) выполнен с возможностью осуществления перехода из проводящего состояния в непроводящее состояние, когда его температура превышает предварительно заданную температуру отсечки; ! отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, термически управляемый переключающий элемент (8) расположен в газонепроницаемом корпусе (7а). ! 2. Безопасное стартерное устройство по п.1, в котором термически управляемый переключающий элемент (8) реализован как плавкий предохранитель. ! 3. Безопасное стартерное устройство по п.1, в котором резистивный элемент (9) также расположен в газонепроницаемом корпусе (7а). ! 4. Безопасное стартерное устройство по п.1, в котором комбинация термически управляемого переключающего элемента (8) и резистивного элемента (9) реализована как резистор (7) с плавким предохранителем. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2008 149 087 (13) A (51) МПК H05B 41/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008149087/28, 08.05.2007 (71) Заявитель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС Н.В. (NL) (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 15.05.2006 EP 06113908.5 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2010 Бюл. № 17 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 15.12.2008 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2007/132402 (22.11.2007) R U (54) БЕЗОПАСНОЕ СТАРТЕРНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО (57) Формула изобретения 1. Безопасное стартерное ...

30-05-2012 дата публикации

Photovoltaic system with protection for fire fighting

Номер: DE202011003245U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Conergy AG

Photovoltaikanlage, umfassend, – ein erstes Photovoltaikmodul (1), – ein zweites Photovoltaikmodul (2), – eine elektrische Verbindung (5) zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Photovoltaikmodul, und – eine elektrische Schaltvorrichtung (11) zur Trennung der elektrischen Verbindung, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die elektrische Schaltvorrichtung (11) eine Schmelzsicherung (42; 142) und eine Heizvorrichtung (46; 146) umfasst, welche ausgebildet und so zu der Schmelzsicherung angeordnet ist, dass bei Beheizung der Heizvorrichtung die Schmelzsicherung auslöst und die elektrische Verbindung (5) trennt. Photovoltaic system, comprising - a first photovoltaic module (1), - a second photovoltaic module (2), - an electrical connection (5) between the first and the second photovoltaic module, and - an electrical switching device (11) for separating the electrical connection, thereby characterized in that the electrical switching device (11) comprises a fuse (42; 142) and a heating device (46; 146) which is designed and arranged in relation to the fuse that when the heating device is heated, the fuse triggers and the electrical connection (5 ) separates.

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Photovoltaic assembly with safeguard for fighting fire

Номер: EP2492967A2
Автор: Lars Bartholomäus
Принадлежит: Conergy AG

The system has electrical switching devices (10, 11) for separating an electrical connection between photovoltaic modules. Each switching device includes a safety fuse (42) and a heating device (46) that is arranged at the fuse such that the fuse is disconnected and the electrical connection is separated during heating the heating device. The modules are connected with an inverter by conductors. The heating device is connected with the conductors over connections for applying heating current to the heating device.

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Relay with Pressing Member

Номер: KR101697579B1
Автор: 김갑동, 조태식
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 가압부재가 구비된 릴레이에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 고정접촉자와 가동접촉자 사이에 가압부재가 구비되어 과전류에 대한 저항력이 우수하며 장기간의 사용에도 탄성력이 유지되는 릴레이에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 릴레이는 고정접촉자(10); 상기 고정접촉자(10)와 접촉 및 분리되는 가동접촉자(20); 전원이 인가되면 자기력이 발생하는 전기자(31)와, 상기 전기자(31)에서 발생하는 자기력에 의해 선형 구동되는 가동자(32) 및 상기 가동자(32)에 결합되어 함께 움직이며 상기 가동접촉자(20)에 연결되는 구동축(35)을 포함하여 상기 가동접촉자(20)를 상기 고정접촉자(10)와 접촉 및 분리시키는 액추에이터(30); 및 상기 가동접촉자(20)와 상기 구동축(35) 사이에 구비되어 상기 가동접촉자(20)에 탄성력을 가하는 가압부재(50)를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a relay provided with a pressing member, and more particularly, to a relay having a pressing member provided between a stationary contactor and a movable contactor to provide an excellent resistance to an overcurrent and to maintain an elastic force even for a long period of use. A relay according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a stationary contactor 10; A movable contact (20) contacting and separating with the fixed contact (10); A mover 32 linearly driven by a magnetic force generated by the armature 31 and a movable member 32 coupled to the movable member 32 to move together with the movable contactor 32, An actuator (30) including a drive shaft (35) connected to the movable contact (20) to contact and separate the movable contact (20) with the fixed contact (10); And a pressing member 50 provided between the movable contact 20 and the driving shaft 35 to apply an elastic force to the movable contact 20.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Thermal Overload Relay for Test Lever

Номер: KR101266492B1
Принадлежит: 현대중공업 주식회사

본 발명은 열동형 과부하 계전기의 테스트 레버에 관한 것으로, 특히 메커니즘케이스의 내부에 상,하로 이동하면서 열동형 과부하 계전기의 성능 또는 전동기 정지를 테스트할 수 있는 테스트레버를 결합하고, 상기 테스트레버는 헤드부의 하단에 몸체부를 연장 형성하며, 상기 몸체부의 일측에 자체 탄성력에 의해 테스트레버를 초기 위치로 복원시키는 복귀바를 횡 방향으로 돌출 형성하고, 상기 복귀바의 일측 끝단을 메커니즘케이스의 내부 일측에 결합 된 고정판에 돌출 형성된 리브에 고정 결합하므로서, 상기 자체 탄성력을 가지고 있는 복귀바가 구비된 테스트레버를 이용하여 열동형 과부하 계전기의 성능 또는 전동기의 정지 기능을 테스트 하기 때문에 테스트레버의 구조가 단순하여 제작 시간 및 제조 단가를 낮출 수 있으며, 이에 따라 테스트레버의 조립 오차나 또는 테스트레버의 작동 중에 파손되는 것을 방지할 수 있도록 형성된 열동형 과부하 계전기의 테스트 레버에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a test lever of a thermal overload relay, and in particular, coupled to the test lever that can test the performance of the thermal overload relay or motor stop while moving up and down inside the mechanism case, the test lever is a head A body portion is formed at the lower end of the part, and a return bar for restoring the test lever to an initial position by its elastic force is formed at one side of the body part in a lateral direction, and one end of the return bar is coupled to one inner side of the mechanism case. The test lever has a simple structure because the test lever is fixed to the ribs protruding from the fixed plate and the performance of the thermal overload relay or the stopping function of the motor is tested using the test lever provided with the return bar having its own elastic force. Lower manufacturing costs, and therefore test The present invention relates to a test lever of a thermal overload relay formed to prevent an assembly error of a trevor or breakage during operation of a test lever. 테스트레버, 복귀 바, 리브, 고정판, 메커니즘케이스, 열동형 과부하 계전기, Test lever, return bar, rib, fixed plate, mechanism case, thermal overload relay,

20-08-2013 дата публикации

Safe starting device

Номер: RU2490833C2

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: starting device for a discharge lamp contains a series circuit consisting of a switching starter (5) with glow discharge; at least one resistance element (9); a thermally controlled switching element (8). The thermally controlled switching element (8) depends on heat transmission from the resistance element (9) so that the thermally controlled switching element (8) is heated up effectively by heat generated in the resistance element (9). The thermally controlled switching element (8) is suitable for transfer from conductive state into non-conductive state when its temperature exceeds the preset cutoff temperature. The thermally controlled switching element (8) is placed into a gas-proof body (7a). EFFECT: increasing operating safety of the device. 3 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 490 833 (13) C2 (51) МПК H05B 41/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2008149087/07, 08.05.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.05.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС Н.В. (NL) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 15.05.2006 EP 06113908.5 (72) Автор(ы): НГУЙЕН Тханх Т. (NL) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2010 Бюл. № 17 2 4 9 0 8 3 3 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2013 Бюл. № 23 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ВЕ 502171 А, 04.07.1952. RU 7765 U1, 16.09.1998. US 6194846 A, 17.06.1999. FR 62423 A, 14.06.1955. FR 950825 A, 07.10.1949. FR 2100135 A, 17.03.1972. 2 4 9 0 8 3 3 R U (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2007/051714 (08.05.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 15.12.2008 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2007/132402 (22.11.2007) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Ю.Д.Кузнецову, рег.№ 595 (54) БЕЗОПАСНОЕ СТАРТЕРНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области ...

05-11-2013 дата публикации

Heating device with an integrated thermoblock for a beverage preparation machine

Номер: US8573116B2
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

An in-line heating device for a liquid food or beverage preparation machine in which liquid is circulated through the heating device and then guided into a brewing chamber. This heating device includes a thermoblock with a metal mass that incorporates an inlet, an outlet and a heating chamber extending therebetween to form a passage for guiding the liquid circulating through the mass, with the mass arranged to accumulate heat and to supply heat to the liquid; and one or more electric components that are rigidly secured onto or into the thermoblock and that are connected to a printed circuit board or a flex-print arranged to control the thermoblock. The electric components are rigidly connected to the printed circuit board or flex-print, in particular via rigid connector pins or blades or rigid plug and socket members.

13-09-2016 дата публикации

Heating device with an integrated thermoblock for a beverage preparation machine

Номер: US9439533B2
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

A liquid food of beverage preparation machine that includes an electric supply circuit connectable to an electric power source; a heater powered by the electric supply circuit; and a thermal fuse device in thermal communication with the heater and associated with the electric supply circuit, the fuse device being arranged to interrupt the electric supply circuit from the power source when the heater exceeds a temperature limit. The thermal fuse device is reversible and includes a switch for automatically interrupting the electric supply circuit when the heater exceeds the temperature limit, the switch being operable by a user to close the electric supply circuit when the heater has a temperature that has returned below the temperature limit.

17-09-2019 дата публикации

Heating device with an integrated thermoblock for a beverage preparation machine

Номер: US10413116B2

A combination of a flow meter and printed circuit board or flex-print for a liquid food or a beverage preparation machine, which board or flex-print is rigidly connected to the flow meter. This combination is used in a liquid food or beverage preparation machine that includes an in-line heating device in which machine liquid is circulated through the heating device and then guided into a brewing chamber that includes a capsule or pod housing for brewing a food or beverage ingredient supplied into the brewing chamber.

17-09-2019 дата публикации

Heating device with an integrated thermoblock for a beverage preparation machine

Номер: US10413115B2

A liquid food or beverage preparation machine that includes a fluid arrangement and a printed circuit board for controlling one or more functions of the fluid arrangement, with the printed circuit board being enclosed within a substantially impervious housing to protect the printed circuit board from fluid or vapor emissions from the fluid arrangement.

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Thermal overload relay

Номер: JP4706772B2

11-11-2022 дата публикации

Themal circuit breaker for instantaneous interruption and distribution board including it

Номер: KR102465612B1
Автор: 김종회
Принадлежит: 태성전기산업주식회사

본 발명은 비정상적인 사고로 인한 과전류가 흐르면 영상변류기가 검출할 수 있는 누설전류를 의도적으로 발생시켜 신속하게 차단할 수 있는 순시 차단용 열동형 누전 차단기 및 그를 포함하는 분전반을 제공한다. 본 발명에 따른 순시 차단용 열동형 누전 차단기는, 순시 차단용 열동형 누전 차단기의 일단부에 각각 고정 배치되는 제1 및 제2 입력단자; 상기 순시 차단용 열동형 누전 차단기의 타단부에 각각 고정 배치되는 제1 및 제2 출력단자; 상기 제1 및 제2 입력단자의 타측 상면에 각각 배치되는 제1 및 제2 접점; 상시 상기 제1 및 제2 접점과 전기적으로 연결되고, 비상시 과전류로 인해 열이 축적되면 상기 제1 및 제2 접점과 전기적으로 절연되는 가동부를 포함하는 제1 및 제2 한시전류 트립용 바이메탈; 상기 제1 및 제2 한시전류 트립용 바이메탈의 고정부와 상기 제1 및 제2 출력단자를 전기적으로 연결하도록 구성되는 제1 및 제2 피복 도선; 상기 제1 및 제2 피복 도선이 내부 관통공을 통과하도록 링형 구조를 가지는 영상 변류기; 및 상시의 정격전류 범위 내에서는 전류 경로가 형성되지 않으나, 비정상적인 사고시에는 상기 영상 변류기를 통과하지 않는 전류 경로를 형성하도록 구성된 비대칭전류경로형성부를 포함한다.

13-06-1975 дата публикации

Patent FR2188389B1

Номер: FR2188389B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Cibie Projecteurs

07-01-1953 дата публикации

Corona thermal starter for electric discharge lamps and associated circuits

Номер: FR1018394A

29-11-1963 дата публикации

Improvements to thermostats

Номер: FR1344743A
Принадлежит: GV Controls Inc

19-03-1959 дата публикации

Electrothermal relay

Номер: FR1175065A
Принадлежит: GV Controls Inc

14-06-1955 дата публикации

Corona thermal starter for electric discharge lamps and associated circuits

Номер: FR62399E

29-12-1978 дата публикации

Patent FR2393399A1

Номер: FR2393399A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Lagher Gunnar

a. Dispositif sensible à la température du type à deux matériaux. b. L'un des deux matériaux est constitué par une bande métallique 3 percée de trous 5, tandis que l'autre matériau est une couche de polymère 6 moulée par injection à l'intérieur de la bande métallique formant une pièce tubulaire et adhérant à celle-ci en pénétrant dans les trous 5. c. Ce dispositif augmente la sensibilité des thermostats aux faibles variations de température. at. Two material type temperature sensitive device. b. One of the two materials consists of a metal strip 3 pierced with holes 5, while the other material is a polymer layer 6 injection molded inside the metal strip forming a tubular part and adhering to it. ci by entering holes 5. c. This device increases the sensitivity of thermostats to small variations in temperature.

07-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR2868591A1
Автор: Philippe Robert
Принадлежит: Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique CEA

Le microcommutateur comporte une membrane déformable (12) comprenant deux branches de flexion (13), sensiblement parallèles, fixées à un substrat par au moins une extrémité et comportant des moyens d'actionnement thermique (4). Une branche de contact (14), sensiblement parallèle aux branches de flexion (13), est disposée entre les branches de flexion (13) et fixée à celles-ci au niveau de leurs zones de forte déformation. La branche de contact (14) se déplace sensiblement parallèlement au substrat lors de l'actionnement du microcommutateur et comporte des électrodes (15) de maintien électrostatique et un plot conducteur (6). The microswitch comprises a deformable membrane (12) comprising two bending branches (13), substantially parallel, fixed to a substrate by at least one end and comprising thermal actuation means (4). A contact branch (14), substantially parallel to the bending branches (13), is arranged between the bending branches (13) and fixed to them at their high deformation zones. The contact branch (14) moves substantially parallel to the substrate when the microswitch is actuated and comprises electrostatic holding electrodes (15) and a conductive pad (6).

14-11-1980 дата публикации

Patent FR2393399B3

Номер: FR2393399B3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Lagher Gunnar

09-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR2675004A3

L'invention concerne un starter pour des lampes à décharge à basse pression alimentées par un courant alternatif. Ce starter contient un dispositif d'amorçage à effluves (6), un interrupteur bimétallique (7) pouvant être ramené à l'état initial et une résistance à conducteur chaud (8), qui sont branchés en série, et en parallèle avec le conducteur chaud (8) est branchée une résistance (9) formée d'un fil métallique, qui shunte le conducteur chaud (8) et qui possède une forte valeur ohmique au démarrage et réalise un chauffage rapide des filaments des électrodes (2,3) de la lampe (1), la valeur résistive de la résistance (9) étant nettement inférieure à celle du conducteur chaud (8) entre -20degré C et +80degré C. Application notamment aux tubes fluorescents. The invention relates to a starter for low pressure discharge lamps supplied with an alternating current. This choke contains a corona starter device (6), a resettable bimetal switch (7) and a hot conductor resistor (8), which are connected in series, and in parallel with the conductor. hot (8) is connected a resistor (9) formed of a metal wire, which shunts the hot conductor (8) and which has a high ohmic value at start-up and achieves rapid heating of the filaments of the electrodes (2,3) of the lamp (1), the resistive value of the resistor (9) being markedly lower than that of the hot conductor (8) between -20 ° C and + 80 ° C. Application in particular to fluorescent tubes.

29-04-2010 дата публикации

Thermal overload relay

Номер: KR100955400B1
Автор: 이경구
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 열동형 과부하 계전기에 있어서 단자 및 바이메탈의 조립시 신뢰성과 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있는 열동형 과부하 계전기를 제공하려는 것으로서, 열동형 과부하 계전기에 있어서, 외함을 제공하는 몰드 케이스(MOLD CASE)와, 조립할 때 판 상의 면이 조립방향을 향하게 상기 몰드 케이스 내에 수납되고, 일체로 형성되며 전기적 도체로 만들어진 단자 및 상기 단자에 전기적 및 기계적으로 접속되는 바이메탈(BIMETAL)을 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention is to provide a thermal overload relay that can improve the reliability and productivity when assembling the terminal and bimetal in the thermal overload relay, and in the thermal overload relay, a mold case for providing an enclosure and When assembled, the surface on the plate is housed in the mold case facing the assembly direction, characterized in that it comprises a terminal made of an electrical conductor and a bimetal (BIMETAL) electrically and mechanically connected to the terminal . 열동형 과부하 계전기, 단자, 바이메탈, 몰드 케이스 Thermal Overload Relays, Terminals, Bimetal, Molded Cases

10-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR2661264B1
Принадлежит: Telemecanique Electrique SA

06-02-1981 дата публикации

Temp. sensitive time switch - has bimetal strip encapsulated in plastics box on one side of which thick film heating resistance is secured

Номер: FR2462013A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Limitor AG

The temp. time switch comprises a thick film resistor (12) secured to an indeformable transparent plastics box (8) containing a conductor (3) on one inner surface supporting a fixed contact (4) engaging a movable contact (2) supported on a leaf spring (1). The interior of the box is closed by two plastics cross pieces (6,7) and resin (9) through which conductors (10) pass for the contacts (2,4). The leaf has two hooks (11) at set positions along its length into which the two ends of a bimetal strip (5) are sprung. The switch conveniently has a length 15-20mm, with 5-8mm and thickness 3mm. The switch is of small dimensions and operates with only a small amount of heat generated, the box having a low thermal capacity.

17-03-1972 дата публикации

Patent FR2100135A5

Номер: FR2100135A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

12-02-1965 дата публикации

Temperature regulator

Номер: FR1388601A
Автор: Paul Walter

28-08-2009 дата публикации

Temperature threshold overshoot detecting device for e.g. aircraft's turbojet engine, has helical spring to contact with or separated from bottom based on temperature greater or lesser than transition temperature of shape memory material

Номер: FR2927994A1
Автор: Claude Marcel Mons
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

The device has an electroconductive element i.e. helical spring (32) subjected to a temperature to be controlled, where the element is made of shape memory material. The spring contacts with or separated from an electroconductive bottom (20) of a tube (12) serving as an electric current passage terminal, according to a temperature greater or lesser than a transition temperature of the material. The bottom is connected to an electric wire (18) of a current source and the element is connected to a connecting rod (26) of the source. The element forms a micro-switch (10) of signaling circuit.

09-08-1968 дата публикации

Thermal switch

Номер: FR1535952A

21-08-1964 дата публикации

Differential relay

Номер: FR1370075A
Автор: Henry Baulier
Принадлежит: Compagnie Generale dElectricite SA

14-12-1964 дата публикации

Temperature sensitive controller

Номер: FR1381413A
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

07-10-1924 дата публикации

Improvements to thermal protection devices

Номер: FR578991A
Принадлежит: Compagnie Francaise Thomson Houston SA

03-08-1954 дата публикации

Thermal glow switch

Номер: FR1070610A
Принадлежит: Compagnie des Lampes

04-10-1996 дата публикации

Locking switch on a rail.

Номер: FR2721748B1
Автор: Alain Portier
Принадлежит: ABB Control SA

12-08-1977 дата публикации

Overcurrent protection with thermomechanical transducer - provides form changes of transducer under increased current conditions

Номер: FR2338565A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Delta Materials Research Ltd

The overcurrent protection is intended for circuits which under overcurrent conditions could damage associated apparatus. The protection has a switching element (10) of material which converts the supplied thermal energy into a mechanical one, under simultaneous change of shape of the switching element, such change taking place on the current in the circuit exceeding a preset value. Under such conditions the element temperature is increased and its change of shape interrupts the current flow through the circuit. Preferably the switching element is also under current flowing in the circuit. A heating may be associated with the switching element and incorporated in the circuit. On exceeding a preset maximum current value in the circuit, the temperature increases, the shape of the switching element changes, and interrupts the current supply.

13-05-1966 дата публикации

Bimetal switching device

Номер: FR1438915A
Принадлежит: Landis and Gyr AG

13-10-1953 дата публикации

Thermal relay

Номер: FR1040243A
Принадлежит: Appareillage VFB

12-03-1965 дата публикации

Thermostatic control device

Номер: FR1392060A
Принадлежит: Robertshaw Controls Co

09-06-1959 дата публикации

Advanced device to protect electrical circuits

Номер: FR1180763A
Принадлежит: Dewhurst and Partner PLC

05-01-1960 дата публикации

Improvements to electrical circuit breakers

Номер: FR71587E
Принадлежит: Compagnie Francaise Thomson Houston SA
