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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 21312. Отображено 200.
10-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2223591C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в преобразовательной технике в устройствах электропитания. Технический эффект заключается в обеспечении как режима пуска, так и рабочего режима с помощью одних и тех же резисторов. При этом достигается технический результат - большая стабильность частоты генерации прямоугольных импульсов, поскольку в процессах отпирания и запирания транзисторов участвует и напряжение источника питания. Устройство содержит источник постоянного напряжения (1), два транзистора (2 и 3), например, типа р-n-р, трансформатор (4), первичная обмотка которого АХ каждым из зажимов соединена с коллектором (для р-n-р) транзисторов или эмиттером (для транзисторов типа (n-р-n), а средней точкой О - к минусу источника, обмотку обратной связи а1х1 и вторичную обмотку аx, к которой подключена нагрузка (5). Последовательно с обмоткой обратной связи a1x1 включен конденсатор (6), и эта цепочка включена между базами транзисторов (2 и 3). Между базой транзистора ...

20-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2208895C2

Изобретение относится к области электронной техники и может быть использовано в транзисторных преобразователях постоянного напряжения. Технический результат изобретения - устранение одновременного протекания токов в транзисторных ключах при их переключении и значительное уменьшение электропотребления в цепи базы выключенного транзисторного ключа при работе преобразователя напряжения. Транзисторный преобразователь постоянного напряжения, содержащий два транзисторных ключа с защитными диодами, подключенными между эмиттерами и базами транзисторных ключей, трансформатор с насыщающимся магнитопроводом, имеющий первичные силовые обмотки со средней точкой, включенные в коллекторную цепь транзисторных ключей, вторичные силовые обмотки и обмотки положительной обратной связи, контакты первичного напряжения, включенные между коллекторной цепью и эмиттерами транзисторных ключей, резисторы смещения, подключенные одними контактами к контакту первичного напряжения коллекторной цепи транзисторных ключей ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531375C2

Изобретение относится к силовой преобразовательной технике и является DC/DC-преобразователем с трансформаторной связью между источником питания и нагрузкой. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности и надежности заявленного устройства. Для этого заявленное устройство содержит импульсный трансформатор для передачи энергии в цепь нагрузки, коммутатор тока первичной обмотки трансформатора, выпрямитель тока вторичной обмотки трансформатора и конденсатор выходного фильтра, включенный параллельно нагрузке постоянного тока, кроме того, каждый вентильный элемент выпрямителя включен между соединенным с ним выводом вторичной обмотки и одним из выводов конденсатора выходного фильтра, введена для каждого вентильного элемента дополнительно цепь в виде трехполюсника, его первый вывод подключен к точке соединения вывода вторичной обмотки и вентильного элемента, а второй и третий выводы трехполюсника подключены к выводам конденсатора выходного фильтра, в трехполюснике между вторым и третьим ...

10-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2206173C2
Автор: Ягуаров Р.Г.

Изобретение относится к электронной технике и может быть использовано в преобразовательных устройствах, преобразующих постоянное напряжение в переменное, применяемых во многих отраслях промышленности, сельском хозяйстве, медицине, быту. Техническим результатом является устранение возникновения сквозных токов, обеспечение симметричной работы трансформатора, повышение нагрузочной способности в широком диапазоне сопротивлений нагрузки на высоких частотах порядка 1 000 кГц. В двухтактный инвертор с двумя управляемыми ключами, разделительным конденсатором и системой управления введены дроссели и диоды, анодами соединенные с входным выводом. Каждое плечо инвертора образовано соответствующими управляемым ключом, дросселем и диодом. В результате в инверторе поддерживается баланс мощности в режиме холостого хода. 2 ил.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2393619C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано для получения регулируемого переменного напряжения, например, в системах управляемого электропривода переменного тока, при питании устройства от одного источника постоянного напряжения или при питании всех фаз инвертора от одного общего источника постоянного напряжения и несвязанных электрически фазах машины переменного тока. Техническим результатом является упрощение. Многоуровневый автономный инвертор напряжения содержит два модуля, каждый из которых состоит из n последовательно соединенных одноименными выводами ключей. Каждый ключ образован встречно-параллельным соединением вентиля с полным управлением и диода. Начальный и конечный выводы ключей первого модуля являются разноименными по отношению, соответственно, к начальному и конечному выводам ключей второго модуля, а точка соединения начальных выводов и точка соединения конечных выводов двух модулей служат для подсоединения нагрузки. Число последовательно соединенных ...

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU46892U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехнике и может быть использована в качестве источника питания для установок индукционного нагрева. Предлагаемой полезной моделью решается задача повышения надежности работы преобразователя переменного тока для питания индуктора за счет защиты конденсаторов полумостового резонансного инвертора от перенапряжений при несимметричном режиме работы транзисторов. Поставленная задача достигается тем, что в преобразователь переменного тока для питания индуктора содержащий полумостовой резонансный инвертор с блоком управления и входным емкостным фильтром, выполненный на двух последовательно соединенных транзисторах, шунтированных обратными диодами, на двух последовательно соединенных конденсаторах, в диагональ переменного тока которого включен индуктор, мостовой однофазный выпрямитель на диодах, вход которого подключен к выходу генератора переменного напряжения, а выход - к входному емкостному фильтру, первый и второй выходы блока управления соединены с базами ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU103257U1

Инвертор напряжения, содержащий три n-p-n транзистора и шесть диодов, в котором эмиттеры первого, второго и третьего n-p-n транзисторов, а также аноды первого, второго и третьего диодов подключены к отрицательному полюсу источника питания, катоды четвертого, пятого и шестого диодов подключены к положительному полюсу источника питания, нагрузку в виде электродвигателя переменного тока, коллектор первого n-p-n транзистора подключен к катоду первого диода и к первой обмотке статора электродвигателя, коллектор второго n-p-n транзистора подключен к катоду второго диода и ко второй обмотке статора электродвигателя, коллектор третьего n-p-n транзистора подключен к катоду третьего диода и к третьей обмотке статора электродвигателя, отличающийся тем, что в него введены три p-n-p транзистора, эмиттеры которых подключены к положительному полюсу источника питания, коллектор первого p-n-p транзистора подключен к аноду четвертого диода и к коллектору первого n-p-n транзистора, коллектор второго p-n-p ...

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU98651U1

Ключевой усилитель мощности для мостовых полупроводниковых преобразователей на составных транзисторах, составленных из силового и вспомогательного биполярных транзисторов, управляемых от обмоток трансформатора, первичная обмотка которого включена по мостовой схеме между предварительным и выходным каскадами усиления, причем между коллекторами силового и вспомогательного транзисторов включен источник смещения, а между базой вспомогательного транзистора и коллектором силового транзистора включены два последовательно соединенных диода, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый трансформатор снабжен двумя дополнительными обмотками, каждая из которых присоединена между коллекторами силового и вспомогательного транзисторов.

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU99668U1

Высоковольтный преобразователь частоты, содержащий охладитель с каналом для охлаждающей жидкости и с держателем двух разъемов для контура охлаждения, на котором с одной стороны установлены шесть драйверов управления, а с другой - шесть транзисторных IGBT модулей, соединенных по схеме трехфазного мостового инвертора напряжения или по схеме четырехквадрантного преобразователя, при этом каждая пара последовательно-соединенных транзисторных IGBT модулей соединены посредством выходных или входных шин в фазные модули, конденсатор, установленный на основание охладителя, ламинированную медную шину, состоящую из шины «+» и шины «-», покрытых диэлектриком, и соединяющую транзисторные IGBT модули с конденсатором, отличающийся тем, что между эмиттерными цепями фазных модулей и шиной «-» включены датчики тока, выполненные по схеме петли Роговского, выходы которых подключены к соответствующим драйверам управления.

12-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU222619U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и силовой электроники и может быть использована при построении систем преобразования электрической энергии. Технический результат: уменьшение потерь на транзисторах за счет регулирования частоты квазирезонанса путем настройки емкости снабберных конденсаторов. Резонансный инвертор содержит четыре силовых транзистора (VT2…VT5), работающие в ключевом режиме, восемь снабберных конденсаторов (С2…С9), установленных параллельно каналу каждого транзистора (VT2…VT5), один резонансный конденсатор (C10), одну катушку индуктивности (L1), один резонансный трансформатор (T1). Уменьшение потерь на транзисторах в резонансном инверторе происходит за счет регулирования частоты квазирезонанса путем настройки емкости снабберных конденсаторов. 4 ил.

30-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2024177C1

Использование: источник питания для электротехнологических установок. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит полумостовой резонансный инвертор с блоком управления и входным емкостным фильтром, выполненный на транзисторах с встречными диодами и конденсаторах, в диагонали переменного тока которого включен индуктор, датчик тока, датчик напряжения. Блок управления содержит нуль-органа, два триггера, две ключевые схемы, два выходных каскада, элемент задержки. Повышение надежности обусловлено снижением коммутационных потерь в транзисторах и диодах инвертора за счет режима коммутации при нулевом токе и напряжении. 1 ил.

10-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95100899A1

Изобретение относится к полупроводниковой преобразовательной технике и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания, в частности в электроприводе для регулирования частоты вращения асинхронных двигателей, где требуется сочетать простоту схемного решения источника питания и гибкость адаптивных систем регулирования для отработки сложных изменений нагрузки по требуемому алгоритму.

10-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93029273A

Способ относится к электротехнике и может быть использован в источниках электропитания. Упрощение конструкции двухтактного преобразователя достигается за счет симметрирования магнитного режима трансформатора путем обеспечения на рабочем интервале изменения индукции в сердечнике трансформатора от значения, равного остаточной индукции по предельной петле гистерезиса одной полярности, до значения, превышающего величину остаточной индукции по предельной петле гистерезиса другой полярности. В течение нерабочего интервала сердечник размагничивается от достигнутого значения индукции до величины индукции, равной остаточной индукции по предельной петле гистерезиса текущей полярности, это состояние является начальным для изменения индукции в следующем рабочем интервале и т.д.

20-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94017295A

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в устройствах автоматики, радиотехники и электромеханики, требующих преобразования энергии постоянного напряжения в энергию переменного напряжения. Инвертор содержит два переключающихся транзистора 1 и 2, базы которых подключены к общим выводам RC-цепочек 3 и 4, резисторные выводы которых объединены и одновременно соединены с общей шиной и с объединенными эмиттерами силовых транзисторов 5 и 6, базы которых через соответствующие резисторы 7 и 8 одновременно подключены к коллекторам соответствующих переключающихся транзисторов 1 и 2 и к емкостным выводам RC-цепочек соответственно 4 и 3, а коллекторы - к соответствующим выводам первичной обмотки трансформатора 9, средняя точка которой одновременно соединена с шиной электропитания и с объединенными эмиттерами переключающихся транзисторов 1 и 2. Одновременно в него входят два ключа 11 и 12 и два ограничительных резистора 13 и 14. Первые выводы ключей 11 и 12 подключены к базам ...

23-10-1991 дата публикации

Полумостовой преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1686672A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано во вторичных источниках электропитания, Цель изобретения - упрощение устройства. Преобразователь содержит полумостовой транзисторный инвертор, управляемый так- товым генератором 5. Питание тактового генератора осуществляется or входных выводов 19, 18 через оези- стиено-стабилитронные цепи 10, 14 и 11, 15. Введены диоды 12 и 13 и конденсаторы 16, 17. Диоды предотвращают разряд конденсаторов so входной источник питания и сбесгечи- вают тем самым питание тактового генератораприкоммутации транзисторов 1 и 2 инвертора. 1 ил.

28-02-1991 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения в однополярное импульсное напряжение

Номер: SU1631686A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и м.б. использовано при проектировании вторичных источников питания. Цель изобретения - повышение качества выходного напряжения путем уменьшения его значения до нуля во время паузы. При одном такте работы транзистор 2 открыт, а транзистор 1 закрыт и на его коллекторе присутствует импульс напряжения с амплитудой, близкой к Е. Этот положительный импульс поступает на базу транзистора 8, открывая его. В результате конденсатор 10 будет заряжаться до напряжения близкого к Еп. При другом такте работы транзистор 2 закрывается , а транзистор 1 открывается и напряжение на его коллекторе падает практически до нуля. В результате транзистор 8 окажется в закрытом состоянии. Напряжение Е (через резистор 9) будет складываться с напряжением заряженного конденсатора 10 и через резистор 12 это суммарное напряжение окажется приложенным к выходной клемме устройства , Устройство позволяет получить однополярное импульсное напряжение с амплитудой, превышающей напряжение его ...

07-07-1992 дата публикации

Двухтактный инвертор

Номер: SU1746502A1

Использование: преобразование напряжения в переменное. Сущность изобретения: коммутационные конд-ры 14. 15, перезаряжаясь в последовательном соединении через диод 16 (17) и база-эмиттерный переход одного из дополнительных транзисторов 21 (20), обеспечивают задержку нарастания напряжения на закрывающемся силовом транзисторе 3 (4). При этом открытый дополнительный транзистор 21 (20) шунтирует база-эмиттерный переход силового транзистора 4 (3) другого плеча. Вследствие этого уменьшаются динамические потери мощности при выключении силового транзистора 3 (4) и исключается перекрытие процессов при их переключении. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил Г // сл ...

23-07-1992 дата публикации

Система управления двигателем с блоком защиты от перегрузок

Номер: SU1749976A1

Использование: управление и защита различных электроприводов в объектах народного хозяйства Сущность: устройство обеспечивает полную защиту не только двигателя и электронной части, но и управляемого объекта от поломок в случае аварийной ситуации Такая защита достигается тем, что в оконечные каскады силовых ключей 7, 14, 21 и 23 введены транзисторы 27 и 29, которые при превышении заранее заданного тока через двигатель (в случае аварии) полностью выключают оконечные каскады силовых ключей 7, 14, 21 и 23, т.е обесточивают двигатель и останавливают перемещение управляемого объекта 2 ил.

28-02-1991 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1631685A1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники , а именно к вторичным источникам электропитания. Цель изобретения - расширение области применения и повышение КПД путем обеспечения режима симметрирования и исключения выброса по напряжению при холостом ходе на выходе. Введение дополнительных симметрирующих обмоток 10 и 11, третьего и четвертого конденсаторов 5 и 6 и развязывающих диодов 13 и 14 в пояумостовой преобразователь обеспечивает симметричный цикл работы силового трансформатора. 1 ил.

15-05-1985 дата публикации

Магнитно-транзисторный управляемый преобразователь

Номер: SU1156226A1

МАГНИТНО-ТРАНЗИС ОРНЬЙ УПРАВЛЯЕМЫЙ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬ,содержащий выходной трансформатор,концы первичной обмотки которого через транзисторы соединены с одним входным выводом преобразователя , а вывод от средней точки этой обмотки соединен с другим входным выводом преобразователя, и два переключающих трансформатора, выходные обмотки которых подключены к входам транзисторов, рабочие обмотки, с последовательно включенными диодами связаны с обмоткой обратной связи выходного трансформатора, а обмотки управления соединены последовательно между собой и подключены к выводам для подсоединения источника управляемого напряжения, отличающийс я тем, что, с целью улучшения линейности выходной характеристики при высокой чувствительности и уменьшения инерционности, указанная обмотка обратной связи выполнена в виде двух встречно включенных секций, общая точка которых соединена с концами рабочих обмоток переключающих трансформаторов, а начала этих обмоток через введенный конденсатор соединены между собой и через ...

23-07-1991 дата публикации

Полумостовой инвертор

Номер: SU1665485A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и автоматики. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД путем активного запирания транзисторов при отсутствии сигнала, поступающего с блока управления. Транзисторы 2 и 3 имеют разный тип проводимости и соединены по схеме полумоста с объединенными эмиттерами. При отсутствии сигнала, поступающего с блока управления 8 оба транзистора активно заперты падением напряжения на элементах ограничения обратного напряжения 6 и 7 под действием тока, проходящего через резисторы 9 и 10. 2 ил.

23-09-1985 дата публикации

Способ управления переключающим транзистором

Номер: SU1181100A2

СПОСОБ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ПЕРЕКЛЮЧАЮЩИМ ТРАНЗИСТОРОМ по авт. св. № 955414, отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения потерь мощности при включении транзистора, формируют второй Д9полнительньгй сигнал с полярностью, противоположной первому, и подают его на Переход база-коллектор в начале действия основного отпирающего сигнала, а снимают до момента появления первого дополнительного сигнала. (Л с -ss ...

15-06-1981 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU838977A1

07-09-1988 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения в переменное

Номер: SU1422338A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике , а именно к преобразовательной технике. Цель изобретения - повьппение надежности и КПД путем ис ключения сквозных токов при использовании в устройстве транзисторов одного типа проводимости. Преобразователь содержит усилитель мощности (УМ) 1, блок управления 2.УМ 1 выполнен на силовых транзисторах 4 и 5, блокируюпр х транзисторах 6 и 7 и контролирующих транзисторах 10, 11. Введение переключающих транзисторов 22 и 23, развязывающих диодов 16 и 17, стабилитронов 14 и 15, конденсаторов 18 и 19 обеспечивает запирание силового транзистора 4 шунтированием транзисторов 27, не изменяя состояния транзисторов 10, 23 и 7, а следовательно , не произойдет отпирания силового транзистора 5. 1 ил. 5 (Л ...

28-02-1988 дата публикации

Мостовой транзисторный преобразователь напряжения

Номер: SU1377989A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике , а именно к источникам вторичного электропитания.Преобразователь содержит транзисторы 1-4, нелинейный дроссель 5, выходной трансформатор 7, рекуперирующие диоды 11 и 12. Блок управления вьтолнен на трансформаторах 9 и 10, причем трансформатор 10 управляет транзисторами 3 и 4 с изменяющейся скважностью . Выполнение дросселя 5 нелинейным обеспечивает в данной структуре необходимую величину задержки переднего фронта импуль.са блока и уменьшение потерь в транзисторах. 1 ил.

23-05-1988 дата публикации

Ключевой транзисторный преобразователь напряжения

Номер: SU1398058A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах электропитания, электропривода и автоматики. Цель изобрете-. ния - повышение КПД. Преобразователь содержит силовой транзистор 1, база которого подключена через отпирающий транзисторный усилитель 3 к положительному вьшоду источника питания 2, а через запиракщий транзисторный усилитель 9 - к отрицательному выводу источника 2. Введение второго отпирающего 17 и второго запирающего 13 транзисторных усилителей позволяет снизить динамические потери, т.к. для отпирания и запирания силового тран- - зистора 1 используется полное напряжение источника. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. . 9 К нигр(13К5 СО ;О 00 О сл 00 ...

15-02-1992 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1713059A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания. Преобразова-/Sтель содержит выходной трансформатор 1, силовые транзисторы 4, 5, базовый 8 и управляющий 12 трансформаторы, коммутирующие транзисторы 16, 17 и пороговый ограничитель тока 15. При работе преобразователя длительность открытого состояния каждого силового транзистора 4, 5 определяется временем насыщения магнитопрово- да управляющего трансформатора 12, при этом ток насыщения ограничен пороговым ограничителем тока 15, а изменение полярности управляющего напряжения на выходной обмотке 11 управляющего трансформатора 12 происходит только после полного запирания ранее открытого силового транзистора 4 ...

15-08-1991 дата публикации

Преобразователь напряжения

Номер: SU1670760A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и автоматики. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности путем ограничения скорости нарастания напряжения на ключе в процессе пуска преобразователя. Конденсатор 1 при выключении силового транзистора 6 перезаряжается через второй диод 2 под действием индуктивности цепи нагрузки 7. При включении силового транзистора 6 происходит обратный перезаряд конденсатора 1 в исходное состояние через дроссель 3 и первый диод 4. Для первоначального заряда конденсатора 1 при пуске преобразователя первый диод 4 шунтирован резистором 5, сопротивление которого выбирается так, чтобы процесс заряда происходил за время, меньшее времени нарастания входного напряжения или времени от момента включения преобразователя в сеть до момента появления первого управляющего импульса. 1 ил.

07-01-1982 дата публикации

Двухтактный инвертор

Номер: SU896726A1

15-07-1991 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1663724A1

Изобретение относится к преобразовательной технике и может быть использовано во вторичных источниках питания радиоэлектронной аппаратуре. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД. Преобразователь выполнен по двухтактной схеме инвертора на силовых транзисторах. Отпирающий сигнал не поступает на вход очередного силового транзистора до тех пор, пока не придет информация о закрытии запираемого силового транзистора. На базу запирающегося силового транзистора подается отрицательное смещение, что позволяет более эффективнее организовать защиту от сквозных токов. 1 ил.

23-07-1991 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1665484A1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания. Цель изобретения - повышение кпд. Преобразователь содержит последовательные цепи 1, 2 из двух конденсаторов 3, 4 и двух ключевых элементов 5, 6, точки соединения которых связаны через первичные обмотки 8, 9 выходного 7 и вспомогательного 10 трансформаторов. При переключении ключевых элементов 5, 6 формирование траектории их переключения на этапах включения и выключения осуществляется с помощью демпфирующих конденсаторов 11, 12 и диодов 13, 14, 15, 16. Подготовка демпфирующих цепей для очередного этапа работы осуществляется с помощью вторичных обмоток 17, 18 вспомогательного трансформатора 10. Напряжения с обмоток 17, 18 перезаряжают конденсаторы 11, 12 до необходимого напряжения, не увеличивая рабочий ток ключевых элементов 5, 6. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

23-04-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для управления двухтактным транзисторным инвертором

Номер: SU1644335A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике , в частности к преобразовательной технике . Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы инвертора за счет обеспечения контроля порядка подключения транзисторов инвертора. Одновременно обеспечивается улучшение массогабарит- ных и энергетических показателей инвертора . Устройство для управления двухтактным транзисторным инвертором содержит тактовый генератор 1, триггер-распределитель 2 и два элемента И-НЕ 4.5. В отличие от известного, оно снабжено IK-триггером контроля 3 и элементом НЕ 7. Выход первого элемента И-НЕ 4 подключен к установочному входу 3 триггера контроля 3, выход рого подключен к установочному входу S триггера-распределителя 2. 2 ил. -5 & ...

23-05-1988 дата публикации

Мостовой транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1398056A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в устройствах преобразования энергии. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД в широком диапазоне изменения питающих напряжений. Введение стабилизаторов, выполненных на транзисторах 7-10, и дополнительных транзисторов 5, 6 обеспечивает то, что падение напряжения на переходах база-эмиттер дополнительных транзисторов 5, 6 прикладывается в запирающем направлении по отношению к базозмиттерным переходам транзисторов, соединенных с управляющими входами соответствующих стабилизаторов тОка, которые обеспечивают ток отпирания силовых транзисторов.1, 3. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

26-03-1966 дата публикации


Номер: SU180642A1

05-04-1976 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU509962A1

30-07-1991 дата публикации

Устройство управления транзисторным ключом

Номер: SU1369648A1

03-06-1970 дата публикации

Двухпозиционное переключающее устройство

Номер: SU272434A1

28-09-1970 дата публикации

Стабилизированный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU282510A1
Автор: Сорокин Ю.Ф.

11-06-1971 дата публикации

Двухтактный инвертор

Номер: SU306537A1

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Преобразователь напряжения

Номер: RU2004059C1

Использование: для преобразования напряжений , например, для питания интегральных схем. Сущность изобретения: преобразователь напряжения содержит два МДП-транзистора 1,2с индуцированным п-каналом. подложки которых подключены к общей шине, и трансформатор 3 с выводом нулевой точки первичной обмотки. Повышение надежности достигается за счет введения диода 4. анод которого подключен к истокам обоих МДП- транзисторов 1.2, а его катод - к общей шине. 1 ил.

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1769329C

30-11-1987 дата публикации

Преобразователь частоты

Номер: SU1356165A1

Изобретение относится к преобразовательной технике и м.б. использовано при разработке источников вторичного электропитания преиму1 1;ест- венно централизованного типа. Целью изобретения является упрощение при высоком уровне выходного напряжения Устройство содержит последовательно соединенные .-генератор биений 3 и демодулятор 4, а также блок-управлеtaoA 00 СП ...

30-11-1987 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1356142A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике . Цель изобретения - повышение КПД путем улучшения формы выходного импульса. Параллельное подключение к силовому транзистору еще трех транзисторов - составного, стартового и шунтирующего - позволяет уменьшить задний фронт выходного импульса при запирании силового транзистора. При отпирании силового транзистора длительность передающего фронта задается параметрами стартового транзистора . 2 ил. 00 ел 05 J to ...

07-05-1987 дата публикации

Двухтактный преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1309220A1

Изобретение относится к области элек- троте.чники и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания для преобразования постоянного напряжения в переменное. Цель - повышение КПД путем уменьшения динамических потерь при выключении . Устройство выполнено по двухтактной схеме инвертора на силовых транзисторах 1 и 2, параллельно коллектор-базовому переходу каждого из которых включен вспомогательный транзистор 22 ...

23-09-1987 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1339840A1

Изобретение касается преобразовательной техники и может быть использовано в системах электропитания и электропривода повышенной МОШ.НОСТИ при работе на изменяющуюся в широких пределах нагрузку , в частности в электродвигателя.х, имею- ших резко изменяющийся по величине потребляемый ток. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД. Устр-во содержит инверторную ячейку на силовых транзисторах 1 и 2 с токовой обратной связью. Управляющая обмотка 7 соединена своими концами с управляющими транзисторами, зашунтированны- ми обратными диодами, подключенными к блоку управления 10, средняя точка управляющей обмотки 7 через диод 13 соединена с цепью для подключения дополнительного источника питания 15 и выводо.м конденсатора 12. Это позволяет улучшить фронт переключения силовых транзисторов инвертора с трансформатором тока, а также отключать открытые управляющие транзисторы от дополнительного источника питания в режиме перегрузки . 1 ил. S (Л Ч со со со 00 Nj ...

23-06-1987 дата публикации

Синхронизирующий преобразователь

Номер: SU1319211A1

Изобретение относится к преобразовательной технике и может быть использовано во вторичных источниках питания радиоэлектронной аппаратуры. Цель - повышение КПД за счет увеличения скорости переключения силовых транзисторов и повышение стабильности выходного напряжения при изменении тока нагрузки. Устройство содержит автогенераторную ячейку на силовых транзисторах, входы которых зашунтированы синхронизирующими транзисторами 4 и 5. Введение вспомогательных транзисторов 12 и 13 с RC-цепочками 18, 19 и 20, 21 форсирует увеличение тока в базовой цепи открывающегося силового транзистора , что ведет к увеличению скорости его переключения. При выключении силовых транзисторов введенные цепи участвуют в процессе их активного запирания. 1 ил. rm i (Л ...

15-05-1985 дата публикации

Транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1156225A1

ТРАНЗИСТОРНЫЙ ИНВЕРТОР, содержащий силовые транзисторы, управляемые от блока управления,одни из силовых электродов которых присоединены к концам обмотки выходного т Е ансформатора и к одним 4А из выводов диодов выпрямителя,другие вьшоды которых объединены и подсое- динены к LC -фильтру, один из вы- водов дросселя которого подсоединен к одному из силовых электродов управляемого ключа, причем средняя точка упомянутой обмотки выходного трансформатора подключена к первому входному вьшоду и к одной из обкладок конденсатора LC -фильтра, о т лйчающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения массогабаритных показателей , повышения КЦЦ и надежности , вторая обкладка конденсатора подсоединена к общей точке диодов упомянутого выпрямителя и к другому силовому электроду ключа, вход ко (Л Topoio подклю.чен к входу для под соединения блока управления, причем один из выводов дросселя соединен с другим входным выводом через введенный диод. rvVv. л ...

30-05-1985 дата публикации

Инвертор напряжения

Номер: SU1159136A1

ИНВЕРТОР НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ, содержащий силовые транзисторы, тиристоры, резисторы и схему формирования включающих импульсов, связанную с указанными транзисторами и тиристорами через соответствующие узлы задержки, отличающийся тем, что, с целью упрощения, каждый силовой транзистор щунтирован в проводящем направлении цепочкой из последоваг тельно соединенных тиристора и конденсатора, а каждьШ тиристор шунтирован цепочкой из последовательно соединенных резистора и диода, включенного в обратном по отношенмо к тиристору направлении.

15-08-1989 дата публикации

Полумостовой транзисторный преобразователь с самовозбуждением

Номер: SU1501238A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания систем радиотехники, автоматики и вычислительной техники. Цель - повышение КПД и надежности путем обеспечения переключения силовых транзисторов при нулевом значении тока. Преобразователь состоит из силовых транзисторов 1, 2, конденсаторов 7,8, переключающего 10 и выходного 3 трансформаторов, первая обмотка 4 которого связана с силовыми транзисторами 1,2 и конденсаторами 7,8 через индуктивность 9 LC-контура. RC - цепь из резистора 15 и конденсатора 16 формирует передний запирающий импульс для транзисторов 1,2 в момент спада коллекторного тока до нулевого значения. 2 ил.

15-08-1989 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения в переменное напряжение квазисинусоидальной формы

Номер: SU1501237A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и электропривода. Цель - расширение функциональных возможностей. Преобразователь содержит два трехфазных инвертора 1 и 2, выходные напряжения которых имеют частоты F1и F2. Выходы трехфазных инверторов 1 и 2 в виде вторичных обмоток выходных трансформаторов включены попарно-последовательно. Посредством комплектов трехфазных демодуляторов 4-9, управляемых от распределителя импульсов 3 с частотой F3=1/2(F1+F2), и фильтр-трансформаторов 10-12 на выходе преобразователя формируется квазисинусоидальное трехфазное напряжение с частотой Fвых=1/2(F1-F2). Комплекты демодуляторов 4-9 выполнены в виде трехцепевых переключателей переменного тока. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

30-11-1989 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный генератор с синусоидальным выходным напряжением

Номер: SU1525849A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и автоматики. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности путем исключения сквозных токов и обеспечения уверенного запуска. Устройство содержит выходной трансформатор 3, индуктивность первичной обмотки которого совместно с конденсатором 4 образует резонансный LC-контур. Благодаря этому контуру на выходе инвертора формируется синусоидальное переменное напряжение. Для самовозбуждения инвертора используется обмотка 7 положительной обратной связи выходного трансформатора 3. Связь этой обмотки с базами силовых транзисторов 1 и 2 осуществлена через управляющие 8,9 и усилительные 13, 14 транзисторы разного типа проводимости и базовые резисторы 17,18. Для исключения сквозных токов при переключении силовых транзисторов 1,2 введен симметричный триггер на транзисторах 15,16, которые шунтируют входные цепи силовых транзисторов 1 и 2. 1 ил.

30-09-1989 дата публикации

Способ управления переключающим силовым транзистором

Номер: SU1511826A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания, электропривода и автоматики для преобразования постоянного напряжения. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей. Подачу отпирающих и запирающих импульсов на управляющий вход силового транзистора 1 производят периодически с частотой, определяемой постоянной времени перезаряда входной емкости силового транзистора. Управление силовым транзистором 1 осуществляют посредством отпирающего транзистора 2 и запирающего транзистора 3, которые коммутируются короткими импульсами. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

15-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: SU1705992A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и автоматики. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД, В полумостовом инверторе первый транзистор 1 выбран биполярным, а второй транзистор 5 полевым. Благодаря диодам 9 и 10, включенным в направлении проведения тока, запирающего транзисторы 1 и 5, происходит быстрое выключение транзисторов, чему также способствует действие обмотки положительной обратной связи выходного трансформатора 2. Включение транзистора 5 задерживается вследствие перезаряда его входной емкости через резистор 8. Благодаря этому исключается сквозной ток при переключении транзисторов 1 и 5 и уменьшаются рассеиваемые в них динамические потери мощности. 1 ил.

30-01-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для управления двухтактным преобразователем постоянного напряжения в переменное

Номер: SU1791940A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и предназначено для использования в статических преобразователях на транзисторах и интегральных микросхемах. Целью изобретения является повышение надежности . Устройство содержит генератор прямо- угольНого напряжения, усилитель мощности, входы которого подключены к выходам логических элементов. В устройство введены две интегрирующие RC-цепи, /первая из которых включека между выхд- ДомГпервбгО| элемёНтй 2 ИЛИ-НЕ и вторым входом вторЪго элемента 2 ИЛИ-НЕ, а втораяс:- между вь ходЬ1М втбрдго элемента 2 ИЛИ-НЁ и вторым входом первого элемента 2 ИЛИ-НЕ. Во время существования ло: гичёскрй единицы на выходе одного из логических элементов зарядится конденса- тор (рЧё;нйой к нему RC-цепи, который разряжается следующем полупёрИоде гб- нератора пряШугоЛьного Йаггряжёнйй; На время своего разряда до уровня логического нуля по входу второго логического элемента этот конденсатор задержит формирование управляющего импуЛ бса дл следующего пОлуперйода усилителя мощности ...

15-06-1988 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1403306A1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и м.б. использовано в устройствах питания приводов. Цель - расширение частотного диапазона. Устр-во выполнено по мостовой схеме на транзисторах 1-4. Выходная диагональ мостовой схемы подсоединена через выходной трансформатор 5 к выходным выводам. Дополнительный источник питания 11 соединен с нулевой шиной и через резисторы 12 и 13 с обмотками цепей обратной связи, соединенными через диоды 14 и 15 с базами транзисторов 1 и 2. Частота преобразователя увеличивается пропорционально величине напряжения источника питания. Напряжение питания м.б. практически равно допустимому напряжению на переходах транзисторов 1-4. 1 ил.

30-03-1988 дата публикации

Полумостовой преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1385212A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано при разработке вторичных источников питания. Цель изобретения - повьше- ние КПД, Устройство выполнено по полумостовой схеме на коммутирующих транзисторах 1, 2, управляемых с помощью управляющих транзисторов 5,6, базо-эмитте рные переходы которых за- шунтированы базо-коллекторными переходами блокирующих транзисторов 12, 13. Частота переключений задается тактовым генератором. Блокирующие транзисторы 12, 13 защищают коммутирующие транзисторы 1, 2 от сквозных токов за счет автоматической задержки включения очередного коммутирующего транзистора Л или 2 до момента запирания последнего. 1 ил. Q S (Л со 00 ел N5 Ю ...

23-01-1988 дата публикации

Преобразователь напряжения В.Ю.солонина

Номер: SU1368950A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано во вторичных источниках питания. Цель изобретения - упрощение преобразователя . Для этого он содержит транзисторные ключи (ТК) 1 и 2, последовательный колебательный контур 5, выполненный на конденсаторе 7 и катушке 6 индуктивности с обмотками 13 и 14, управляющими ТК 1 и ТК 2. Введение делителя, выполненного на резисторах 15 и 16, обеспечивает более простое управление ТК 1 и Т2 в результате исключения импульсного генератора . 2 ил.

15-10-1983 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1048553A2

30-03-1992 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1723647A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности путем упрощения схемы и уменьшения выбросов напряжения на транзисторах. Преобразователь содержит транзисторы 1, 2, трансформатор 3, выпрямительные диоды 4, 5, конденсатор 6, дополнительный транзистор 7, дроссель 8 и диод 9. При работе преобразователя выбросы напряжения на транзисторах 1,2 ограничиваются напряжением на конденсаторе 6, Избыток энергии из конденсатора 6 выводится через дополнительный транзистор 7, управляющийся от напряжения управления одним из транзисторов 1, 2. 1 ил.

07-04-1989 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1471273A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и электропривода для преобразования постоянного напряжения в переменное. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей путем обеспечения регулирования выходного напряжения. Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор содержит выходной трансформатор 1, первичные обмотки которого 5.1 и 5.2 соединены с силовыми транзисторами 3,4. Обмотки положительной обратной связи 8,9 выходного трансформатора 1 подключены к базо-эмиттерному переходу соответственно силового транзистора 3,4 через базовый резистор 6,7 и синхронизирующие обмотки 10,11 трансформатора 12 задающего генератора 13. Запирающие обмотки 21-24 через блокирующие диоды 14-17 подключены к базо-эмиттерным и базо-коллекторным переходам силовых транзисторов 3,4 и расположены на трансформаторе 20 модулятора ширины импульсов с выходным усилителем 19. Благодаря фазовому сдвигу напряжений на обмотках трансформаторов 12 и 20 в определенной части ...

07-04-1984 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1084933A1

ДВУХТАКТНЫЙ ТРАНЗИСТОРНЫЙ ИНВЕРТОР, содержащий в каждом плече по меньшей мере N параллельно соединенных транзисторов, подключенных соответствующими силовыми электродами к входным выводам и выводам первичной обмотки выходного трансформатора , а управляющими переходами через соответствующие базовые резисторы - к обмоткам обратной связи выходного трансформатора, соединеннымсогласно-последовательно с обмотками синхронизации трансформатора задающего генератора, отличающийс я тем, что, с целью повышения его надежности путем исключения сквозных токов, в каждое из плеч инi вертора введена дополнительная обмотка задающего генератора, один из (Л концов которой присоединен к выводу обмотки синхронизации трансформатора задающего генератора, соединенной с ней согласно, а. другой - через введенные соответствующие диоды - к базе каждого из N транзисторов. 00 4: СО СО СО ...

23-07-1984 дата публикации

Самовозбуждающийся двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1104627A1

САМОВОЗБУЖЦАЩИЙСЯ ДВУХТАКТНЫЙ ТРАНЗИСТОРНЫЙ ИНВЕРТОР, содержащий два транзистора, выходной трансформатор , первичная обмотка которого разделена на две половины, причем начало первой половины соединено с эмиттером первого транзистора, а конец второй половины - с эмиттером второго транзистора, и насьщающийся автотрансформатор с двумя обмотками. первая из которых через первый диод включена между базой первого транзистора и концом первой половины первичной обмотки выходного трансформатора, а вторая через второй диод включена между базой второго транзистора и началом второй половины первичной обмотки выходного трансформатора, причем отводы первой и второй обмоток автотрансформатора через базовые резисторы соединены с эмиттерами соответственно первого и второго транзисторов , отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности пу-тем снижения напряжения на закрытых транзисторах, транзисторы включены согласно-последовательно между вход (О ными выводами инвертора, а введенный в схему конденсатор ...

07-10-1990 дата публикации

Однотактный инвертор

Номер: SU1598088A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания, автоматики и электропривода. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности путем ограничения коммутационных перенапряжений на силовом транзисторе. Однотактный инвертор содержит входной дроссель 1, подключенный через силовой транзистор 2 к входным выводам. Параллельно силовому транзистору 2 через разделительный конденсатор 5 включен выхоной трансформатор 3. Первый вывод первичной обмотки 4 выходного трансформатора 3 через фиксирующий диод 8 соединен с одним входным выводом, а второй вывод - с вторым входным выводом инвертора, благодаря этому энергия индуктивности рассеяния первичной обмотки 4 рекуперируется в источник питания, а напряжение на силовом транзисторе ограничено до уровня напряжения источника питания. 1 ил.

07-01-1990 дата публикации

Преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1534706A1

Изобретение относится к преобразовательной технике и может быть использовано во вторичных источниках питания. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности путем уменьшения напряжения на транзисторах при переключении. Устройство содержит два плеча 1 и 2 из последовательно соединенных транзисторов 6 - 11. Между силовыми электродами транзисторов 6, 9 и 8, 11 включены первая и вторая обмотка выходного трансформатора 12. Между первым входным выводом и средними плечами цепей из последовательно соединенных диодов 16, 19 и 17, 20 включен конденсатор 18, что приводит к тому, что напряжение на транзисторах 6, 9, 8, 11 не превышает половины напряжения питания. 2 ил.

23-02-1990 дата публикации

Полумостовой преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1545310A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания. Цель - повышение стабильности частоты преобразования при изменении входного напряжения. Полумостовой преобразователь постоянного напряжения содержит конденсаторный делитель 1, 2, трансформатор 3, транзисторы 4, 5, базовые обмотки со средним выводом 6, 7, 22, 23 и частотозадающие дроссели 14, 15 с обмотками 16, 17, 18, 19. При работе устройства время перемагничивания частотозадающих дросселей 14, 15 определяется напряжением на базовых обмотках 22, 23, трансформатора 3, а также напряжениями самоиндукции обмоток 18, 19 частотозадающих дросселей 14, 15 при выключенном состоянии транзисторов 5, 4. Так как вторичные обмотки 18 , 19 частотозадающих дросселей 14, 15 включены противоположно протекающему по ним силовому току транзисторов 4, 5, то при изменении входного напряжения время перемагничивания одного из частотозадающих дросселей 14 (15) уменьшается, а другого 15 (14) увеличивается, что ...

23-10-1990 дата публикации

Двухтактный инвертор

Номер: SU1601719A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в системах вторичного электропитания и автоматики. Цель изобретения - упрощение устройства. Силовые транзисторы 1 и 2 управляются посредством трансформатора тока 8 (9), управляющая обмотка которого 14(15) замкнута через управляющий транзистор 6(7) на конденсатор 21. Общий для двух плеч инвертора резистор 22 обеспечивает разряд конденсатора 21. Диоды 23-25 ограничивают значения напряжения, приложенного к управляющим транзисторам 6 и 7 при их запирании, путем возврата энергии, запасенной в индуктивности рассеяния управляющих обмоток 14 и 15 в источник питания 19. 2 ил. 2 з.п.ф.

30-07-1990 дата публикации

Двухтактный преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1582305A1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в источниках вторичного электропитания. Цель - повышение КПД. Двухтактный преобразователь постоянного напряжения содержит первый 1 и второй 2 силовые транзисторы, которые управляются через повторителя напряжения на управляющих транзисторах 9, 10 и управляемые генераторы тока 5, 6 от блока управления 19. Управляемые генераторы тока 5, 6 отпираются в противофазе, и через ризисторы 13 -16 напряжение управления поступает на затворы силовых транзисторов 1, 2. В качестве ограничителей втекающего тока при управлении силовыми транзисторами 1, 2 используются управляющие транзисторы, включенные по схеме генератора тока. Возвратные диоды 7, 8 необходимы для замыкания обратного тока при индуктивном характере нагрузки в момент запирания обоих силовых транзисторов 1, 2. 1 д.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

15-07-1986 дата публикации

Самовозбуждающийся транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1244773A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано во вторичных источниках питания. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД и улучшение формы выходного напряжения. В случае открытого транзистора (Т) 1 и закрытого Т 2, может быть, что несимметрия схемы приведет к тому, что напряжение на обмотке 6 в предыдущий полупериод больше, чем в настоящий . При этом возрастет раз- ность напряжений на конденсаторе (К) 18 и резисторе В и станет больше своего номинального уро.вня. При этом напряжение между базой и эмиттером Т 14 достигнет значения его отпирания раньше. Это приведет к уменьшению длительности импульса. Таким образом в обоих плечах устройства происходит сравнение амплитуд положительного и отрицательного импульсов и выравнивание за счет регулирования их длительностей. Введение вре- 1 язадающих К 10 и К 11, резисторов (Р) 12., 13, Т 14 и Т 15, диодов о (Л J. to liti li 00 ...

30-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU725170A1

30-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU760358A1
Автор: Глебов Б.А.

15-12-1980 дата публикации

Транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU788302A1

25-02-1977 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU547950A1

07-03-1984 дата публикации

Двухтактный инвертор

Номер: SU1078563A1

... 1. ДВУХТАКТНЫЙ ИНВЕРТОР, содержащий входной и выходной трансформаторы , два управляемых ключа, два токоограничительных резистора, соединенных первыми выводами с выходными обмотками входного трансформатора, и две дифференцирующие RC-цепочки, отличающийся тем, что, с целью его упрощения, ключи выполнены на биполярных тетродах, электроды удержания которых подк,пючены к вторым выводам резисторов, а электроды запуска через дифференцирующие RC-цепочки подключены к обмоткам выходного трансформатора и через дбполнительно введенные дифференцирующие-интегрирующие RC-цепочки - к соответствующим выходным обмоткам входного трансформатора. 2. Инвертор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения его надежности, введены диоды, подключенные анодами к электродам запуска, а катодами - к вы8 $ ходным обмоткам входного трансформатора. (Л оо ел 05 со ...

30-03-1980 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU725171A1

22-07-1964 дата публикации

Полупроводниковый преобразователь

Номер: SU163262A1

15-01-1989 дата публикации

Полумостовой транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU1451824A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и м.б. использовано при проектировании вторичных источников питания. Цель - повышение КПД и надежности путем уменьшения потерь и пиковой мощности при переключении силовых транзисторов. Устр-во выполнено по полумостовой схеме на силовых транзисторах 5, 6 и емкостном делителе напряжения на конденсаторах 7, 8. В выходную цепь включен трансформатор 16 тока. Синусоидальные напряжения с выхода задающего генератора 1 через обмотки 3,4 управляющего трансформатора 2 подаются на входы силовых транзисторов 5, 6. Приотттирание одного из силовьос транзисторов 5 или 6 вызывает протекание тока в обмотке трансформатора тока 16 и нагрузке 24. Импульс со вторичной обмотки 17 трансформатора тока поступает на базу этого же силового транзистора 5 или 6, ускоряя его отпирание.2 ил. & ...

07-08-1981 дата публикации

Двухтактный транзисторный инвертор

Номер: SU853758A1

23-08-1993 дата публикации

Двухтактный преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: SU1836797A3

Использование: в системах вторичного электропитания. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит два основных (1.2) и два дополнительных транзистора (3.4), трансформатор тока (5). силовые обмотки (6,7) которого включены последовательно с соответствующими основными транзисторами (1,2), а базовые обмотки (8,9) подключены к базовым цепям соответствующих дополнительных транзисторов (3,4). Они обеспечивают положительную обратную связь между базовыми токами дополнительных (3,4) и коллекторными токами соответствующих основных транзисторов (1,2). Управление частотой переключения транзисторами осуществляется через сигнальный трансформатор (13), управляющие напряжения с обмоток которого подаются на ...

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069521998T2

13-05-1993 дата публикации

Über einen Transformator mit Wechselstrom heizbare Röhre

Номер: DE0004136879A1

In order to limit the heating-current for, in particular, a travelling-wave tube (WR) during the cathode-heating time, the invention proposes that alternating current supplied to the heating filament (Rf) through a transformer (Tr) be reduced from a high initial value to a lower nominal value. Since most of the heating voltage decays during the cathode-heating time as stray inductance (Ls) in the transformer (Tr), no other current-limitation device is necessary.

01-10-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002554825C3

08-10-1981 дата публикации

DC=AC converter with oscillator operating at mains frequency - supplies control voltage to power amplifier via integrated circuit module

Номер: DE0003012053A1

The voltage converter, transforms a battery voltage into a mains alternating voltage. It incorporates an oscillator, which operates at mains frequency, a power amplifier and a transformer. The output of the transformer supplies a meander- shaped output voltage. A circuit supplying the control voltage to the power amplifier (4,5) contains an integrating network (13,14). It produces a rise time of the pulse of the order of 1ms. The integrator is formed by a RC network. The control to the power amplifier is broken during the rise period.

03-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003224103A1

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020132919A1

Die Aufgabe der vorliegenden Offenbarung besteht darin, das Leitungsrauschen in einer Halbleitervorrichtung zu unterdrücken. Eine Halbleitervorrichtung (101) umfasst eine Inverter-Sektion (11), die ein Vollbrücken-Inverter ist, und eine Rückfluss-Sektion (12), die zwischen Ausgangsanschlüssen (U und V) der Inverter-Sektion (11) kurzschließt, worin Impedanzen (51 und 52) zwischen je einer der Freilaufdioden (31 und 32) des oberen Arms und den Ausgangsanschlüssen (U und V) vorgesehen sind und Impedanzen (53 und 54) zwischen den Freilaufdioden (33 und 34) des unteren Arms und dem Eingangsanschluss (N) in der Inverter-Sektion (11) vorgesehen sind und die Impedanzen (51 bis 54) größer sind als eine parasitäre Impedanz einer Verdrahtung unter der Annahme, dass die IGBTs (21 bis 24) und die Ausgangsanschlüsse (U und V) oder die IGBTs und der Eingangsanschluss (N) nur mittels der Verdrahtung verbunden sind.

29-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002726809A1

19-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003240726A1

23-11-1995 дата публикации

Inverter control circuit used in HF heating device

Номер: DE0019517874A1

An inverter control circuit for HF heating has a detector 300 for the current entering the inverter 200 from a mains-fed rectifier 100 with a microcomputer 400 receiving the detector's output signal. The microcomputer then gives out first and second ON signals as well as a timing signal to control the inverter's switching. There is a detector 500 for the inverter input voltage and which gives a resonance detection signal depending on a given time lag setting signal. The latter is given by a driver control circuit 600, which also gives first and second control signals in response to the resonance signal and the three microcomputer output signals. The inverter driver 700 gives the driver signals to the inverter in response to the driver control signals.

31-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003502492A1

10-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003534570A1

03-11-1977 дата публикации

Inductively loaded switching transistors excess voltage protection - uses resistance forming part of capacitor discharge current circuit to reduce losses without lowering protection effectiveness

Номер: DE0001956145B2
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

The circuit configuration is designed for the protection of inductively loaded switching transistors against excess voltages in electronic pushpull static frequency-changers. The circuit comprises a series-connected capacitor and diode, connected to a discharge current circuit, for the capacitor, that contains a resistance. The series circuit is in parallel with the collector-emitter circuit of the switching transistor. To prevent losses arising from the circuit arrangement which is required to protect the transistors against over-voltages, and without reducing the protection efficiency the resistance is exclusively a component part of a discharge current circuit in parallel with the capacitor. The discharge current consists of a series circuit with the supply voltage source of the push-pull freq. changer or of the supply voltage source and the primary of the freq. changer's power transformer.

20-12-2016 дата публикации

Преобразователь электрической энергии

Номер: RU0000166998U1

Преобразователь электрической энергии, содержащий источник постоянного тока, к одному и другому полюсам которого подключены входы датчика напряжения, выход которого подключен к первому входу блока управления, первый датчик тока, одна клемма которого подключена к одному полюсу источника постоянного тока, а другая - к одной клемме одного конденсатора, выход первого датчика тока подключен ко второму входу блока управления, два последовательно включенных по силовой цепи транзистора, параллельно которым подключены диоды, управляющие входы транзисторов подключены соответственно к первому и второму выходам блока управления, точка соединения транзисторов через последовательно соединенные второй датчик тока, дроссель и один замыкающий контакт реле подключена к одной шине переменного тока, управляющий вход реле подключен к третьему выходу блока управления, датчик напряжения однофазной сети, входы которого подключены к шинам переменного тока, транзисторный ключ, отличающийся тем, что в него введены другой конденсатор, фазовый детектор, первый и второй модули квадратурных сигналов, один вход первого модуля квадратурных сигналов соединен с выходом датчика напряжения однофазной сети, выход первого модуля квадратурных сигналов соединен с входом фазового детектора, выход которого соединен с вторым входом первого модуля квадратурных сигналов и одним входом второго модуля квадратурных сигналов, другой вход которого соединен с выходом второго датчика тока, выход второго модуля квадратурных сигналов подключен к третьему входу блока управления, концы силовой цепи транзисторов подключены соответственно к другой клемме РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H02M 7/537 (13) 166 998 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016129030/07, 15.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.07.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Вольский Сергей Иосифович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.12. ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Power conditioning unit

Номер: US20120033463A1
Автор: Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez
Принадлежит: Enecsys Ltd

The present invention relates to a power conditioning unit for delivering power from a dc power source to an ac output, particularly ac voltages greater than 50 volts, either for connecting directly to a grid utility supply, or for powering mains devices independent from the mains utility supply. We describe a power conditioning unit for delivering power from a dc power source to an ac mains output, the power conditioning unit comprising an input for receiving power from said dc power source, an output for delivering ac power, an energy storage capacitor, a dc-to-dc converter having an input connection coupled to said input and an output connection coupled to the energy storage capacitor, and a dc-to-ac converter having an input connection coupled to said energy storage capacitor and an output connection coupled to said output, wherein said energy storage capacitor has a capacitance of less than twenty microfarads.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method of controlling power conversion device

Номер: US20120033470A1
Принадлежит: Meidensha Corp

A correction-term adder 1 compares a maximum value max(V*) with an absolute value of a minimum value min(V*). The correction-term adder 1 selects a signal 1−max(V*) when the maximum value max(V*) is larger than the absolute value of the minimum value min(V*), on the other hand, selects a signal −1−min(V*) when the absolute value of the minimum value min(V*) is larger than the maximum value max(V*). Thereby, a signal of correction amount α is calculated. Moreover, the correction-term adder 1 produces a triangular-wave-shaped signal k(max(V*)+min(V*)) by multiplying a gain k by an addition signal max(V*)+min(V*) of the maximum value max(V*) and the minimum value min(V*). This triangular-wave-shaped signal k(max(V*)+min(V*)) is synchronized with the correction amount α. The correction-term adder 1 produces a correction amount β by selecting smaller one in absolute value between the triangular-wave-shaped signal k(max(V*)+min(V*)) and the correction amount α, and adds the correction amount β to the voltage command values V* U , V* V , V* W .

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Highly efficient half-bridge dc-ac converter

Номер: US20120033474A1
Принадлежит: Vincotech Holdings SARL

The invention relates to a DC to AC converter circuit. In particular, the invention relates to a half-bridge inverter for converting a DC to an AC voltage. The half-bridge inverter for converting a DC input voltage to provide an AC output voltage at an output terminal, comprising a first switching circuit connected to at least one input terminal and to the output terminal and configured to provide a high or a low voltage level at the output terminal; a second switching circuit connected to the output terminal and configured to provide a connection to an intermediate voltage level, the intermediate voltage level being between the high and the low voltage level; and wherein the second switching circuit is further connected to the at least one input terminal allowing the second switching circuit to provide the high or the low voltage level at the output terminal.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Engine power supply circuit, and flight control member provided with such a circuit

Номер: US20120038302A1
Принадлежит: Sagem Defense Securite SA

A power supply circuit for an electric motor, the circuit comprising a plurality of inverter bridge arms, each having means for connection to a respective winding of the motor, each inverter bridge arm comprising in series a first insulated gate bipolar transistor and a junction field effect transistor that are connected to a controller, the circuit including a second insulated gate bipolar transistor connected in series with each field effect transistor and connected to the controller, and a damping resistor connected in parallel with the second bipolar transistor. An aircraft flight control member including a movable airfoil associated with at least one drive motor connected to such a power supply circuit.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Power converter

Номер: US20120044640A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A power converter is installed in a casing attached beneath the floor of an electric vehicle. The power converter includes a capacitor unit and a power semiconductor module housed in a hermetically sealed part of the casing closed by a cover for closing an access port, and a cooler installed in an exposed part, the cooler cooling heat generated from the power semiconductor module. The power converter includes a bus bar that electrically connects the power semiconductor module and the capacitor unit, and a conductive bar that electrically connects the capacitor unit and the bus bar. The conductive bar is drawn from the upper surface of the capacitor unit, and is bent into a crank.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Multilevel inverter

Номер: US20120057380A1
Автор: Kazuya Abe
Принадлежит: Individual

A multilevel inverter includes an inverter arm. The inverter arm is provided between a highest electric potential point and a lowest electric potential point, and includes (i) a second switching element group to which switching elements that are connected in series belong, the switching elements being connected to respective diodes which are connected in an opposite polarity and in parallel and (ii) a diode for each power supply connection point. One of connection points at which the switching elements belonging to the second switching element group are connected to each other and a U phase output terminal are connected, the one connection point being located such that at least one of the switching elements provided between the one connection point and the highest electric potential point is equal in number to the other switching elements which belong to the second switching element group and are provided between the one connection point and the lowest electric potential point.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Standalone and Grid-Tie Power inverter

Номер: US20120057383A1

A standalone and grid-tie power inverter includes a DC-to-AC converter, an output circuit electrically connected to the DC-to-AC converter, and a control unit electrically connected to the DC-to-AC converter and the output circuit. The DC-to-AC converter converts a DC power source into an AC power output. The output circuit includes a grid-tie switch for connecting the AC power output to a grid or isolating the AC power output from the grid. The control unit instructs the DC-to-AC converter to provide the AC power output based on a command signal and a feedback signal from the DC-to-AC converter. The control unit controls the grid-tie switch to switch the standalone and grid-tie power inverter between a standalone mode and a grid-tie mode.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Inverter device, motor driving device, refrigerating air conditioner, and power generation system

Номер: US20120086374A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An inverter device, a motor driving device, a refrigerating air conditioner, and a power generation system, which can reduce the recovery loss thereof, are obtained. A plurality of arms that can conduct and block current are provided. At least one of the plurality of arms includes: a plurality of switching elements each having a parasitic diode and being connected in series with each other; and a reverse current diode connected in parallel with the plurality of switching elements.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Circuit for converting dc into ac pulsed voltage

Номер: US20120106214A1
Автор: Ang DING, Bin Wu, Chenyang Liu

The present invention proposes a circuit for converting DC into AC pulsed voltage. The circuit comprises two controllable semiconductor switches. By controlling the opening and closing of the semiconductor switches, the circuit can operate in different modes, i.e. high input voltage mode and low input voltage mode. The circuit for converting DC into AC pulsed voltage, proposed in the present invention, is suitable for a wide input voltage range. When the circuit is used as the driver circuit of a DBD lamp, the DBD lamp can still operate normally by switching to low-voltage DC supply in case of an AC supply failure, and the DBD lamp has a higher luminous efficiency.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Resonant power supply for use with high inductive loads and method of providing same

Номер: US20120111850A1
Автор: Ted Casper
Принадлежит: Individual

A resonant power supply ( 900 ) for use with high inductive loads includes an input rectifier ( 903 ) and a switching inverter formed using a plurality of parallel connected half bridge networks for switching the voltage provided from the input rectifier ( 903 ). A transformer ( 927 ) is used whose primary is connected to the switching inverter and whose secondary is connected to load such as a crucible ( 931 ). A capacitor ( 929 ) is used in series with the primary of the transformer ( 927 ) for resonating the inductance in the secondary circuit at the frequency of the switching inverter to provide maximum power transfer to the crucible ( 931 ).

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Control of Delivery of Current Through One or More Discharge Lamps

Номер: US20120123713A1
Принадлежит: Marvell Semiconductor Inc

Method to identify a current drawn by a fluorescent lamp in a circuit. Methods include receiving a voltage supplied to a fluorescent lamp drawing a current in response to the voltage, digitally sampling the voltage at a sampling frequency and associating a first time stamp with a voltage value representing one of a maximum or minimum value in observed voltage, receiving the current after receiving the voltage, digitally sampling the current at the sampling frequency and associating multiple second time stamps with a corresponding multiple current values, identifying a second time stamp, a difference between the first time stamp and the second time stamp being within a threshold, and identifying a current value associated with the second time stamp as the current drawn by the fluorescent lamp.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Power converting apparatus, grid interconnetion apparatus and grid interconnection system

Номер: US20120134191A1
Автор: Fumiiki Yoneda
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

A power converting apparatus comprises a DC-DC converter circuit that steps up or steps down an input voltage from a DC power supply, a DC-AC converter circuit that converts an intermediate voltage outputted by the DC-DC converter circuit to an alternate current, and a control circuit that controls the DC-DC converter circuit and the DC-AC converter circuit. The control circuit is provided with a circuit control unit that controls the DC-DC converter circuit so that the modulation factor, which is the amplitude ratio between a signal wave for manipulating the DC-AC converter circuit and the carrier wave therefor, will become a target modulation factor.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Electronic Ballast with High Power Factor

Номер: US20120146526A1
Автор: John Lam, Praveen Jain
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention provides an integrated power supply for a controller of an electronic ballast for a fluorescent lamp. The integrated power supply couples output power from the electronic ballast and uses the coupled power to provide power to the controller. In one embodiment, the electronic ballast may include a rectifier for converting an alternating current input voltage into a direct current output voltage, and a circuit including a combined power factor correction (PFC) stage and an inverter, wherein the PFC stage and the inverter share a switch. Also provided is a controller for an electronic ballast. The controller may include a voltage mode or current mode duty ratio controller that controls a duty ratio of a switch of the ballast. The controller and the ballast allow dimming of the fluorescent lamp while maintaining a high power factor.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Electrostatic atomization device

Номер: US20120153055A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An electrostatic atomization device provided with a transformer including primary and secondary coils. A switching element is connected in series to the primary coil. A switching element drive circuit provides the switching element with a pulse signal to perform a switching operation and generate high voltage from the secondary coil. A discharge unit including a discharge electrode performs electrostatic atomization on liquid supplied to the discharge electrode to generate charged fine liquid droplets when high voltage generated by the secondary coil is applied to the discharge electrode. The switching element drive circuit generates a pulse signal having an oscillation frequency set so that the transformer has drooping characteristics that prevent air discharge from occurring between the discharge electrode and ground even when load on the discharge unit varies and prevents the generation of ozone having a predetermined concentration or greater when the liquid undergoes electrostatic atomization.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor Element Control Device and In-Vehicle Electrical System

Номер: US20120153719A1

A semiconductor element control device that controls a semiconductor element that performs switching operation for converting DC power into AC power, or AC power into DC power, includes: a drive unit that outputs a drive signal for controlling the switching operation of the semiconductor element to a terminal of the semiconductor element; a short-circuit detection unit that detects short-circuit of the semiconductor element on the basis of the voltage at the terminal, and outputs a short-circuit detection signal; and a drive interruption unit that interrupts current flowing in the semiconductor element on the basis of the short-circuit detection signal output from the short-circuit detection unit.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Inverter and power converter having inverter mounted therein

Номер: US20120153727A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

Disclosed is an inverter having improved power conversion efficiency. The inverter ( 200 ) converts direct current power supplied from a plurality of direct current power supplies (V 1 , V 2 ) having different voltages into alternating current power. The inverter ( 200 ) is provided with a control unit ( 20 ). The control unit ( 20 ) generates modified sine waves using a power supply voltage (E 1 ) of the power supplied from the first direct current power supply (V 1 ), a power supply voltage (E 2 ) of the power supplied from the second direct current power supply (V 2 ), and a potential difference (E 1 −E 2 ) between the two power supply voltages. The control unit ( 20 ) generates the modified sine waves by controlling H bridge circuits provided for the direct current power supplies (V 1 , V 2 ), respectively.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Fast switching for power inverter

Номер: US20120194119A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Motor Inc

An apparatus includes an inverter including a high-side switch coupled to a low-side switch, the inverter generating a time-varying drive current from a plurality of drive control signals, a positive rail voltage, and a negative rail voltage wherein controlling the switches to generate the time-varying drive current produces a potential transitory overshoot condition for one of the switches of the inverter; a drive control, coupled to the inverter, to generate the drive control signals and to set a level of each of the rail voltages responsive to a plurality of controller signals; and a controller monitoring one or more parameters indicative of the potential transitory voltage overshoot condition, the controller dynamically adjusting, responsive to the monitored parameters, the controller signals to reduce a risk of occurrence of the potential transitory voltage overshoot condition.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Fast switching for power inverter

Номер: US20120195079A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Motor Inc

An apparatus includes an inverter including a high-side switch coupled to a low-side switch, the inverter generating a time-varying drive current from a plurality of drive control signals, a positive rail voltage, and a negative rail voltage wherein controlling the switches to generate the time-varying drive current produces a potential transitory overshoot condition for one of the switches of the inverter; a drive control, coupled to the inverter, to generate the drive control signals and to set a level of each of the rail voltages responsive to a plurality of controller signals; and a controller monitoring one or more parameters indicative of the potential transitory voltage overshoot condition, the controller dynamically adjusting, responsive to the monitored parameters, the controller signals to reduce a risk of occurrence of the potential transitory voltage overshoot condition.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Voltage spikes control for power converters

Номер: US20120212861A1
Принадлежит: Fabio Alessio Marino, Paolo Menegoli

A novel inductive overvoltage suppression circuit for power converters is presented. High amplitude voltage spikes are generally occurring in high frequency power converters in presence of small parasitic inductances coupled to the power distribution rails, in correspondence of the switching transitions, particularly when high load currents are required. The presented invention proposes active clamps to limit the amplitude of the overvoltage. Furthermore the excess energy in the parasitic inductances is utilized to provide energy and/or a signal to determine when to turn on the next phase power device with the fastest transition possible without incurring in cross-conduction currents in the power stage of the converter, thus improving its overall performance, and circuit reliability in addition to achieving high conversion efficiency.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Low Power Switch Mode Power Supply

Номер: US20120212978A1
Принадлежит: ZZZERO APS

A device and a method for operating a low power switch mode power supply, where OC input power is converted to AC power by an oscillator, which AC power is transformed to an AC voltage and AC current, which output power is converted into DC power, where the DC voltage is used as a feedback signal for controlling the oscillator. It is the object of the invention to reduce a standby power consumption of power consuming devices. The oscillator comprises a first and a second current loop, which first current loop generates an activation current for the second current loop, where the primary coil of a transformer is part of the second current loop, and where the second loop comprises a current/voltage measuring system and generates increasing current in the second current loop and closes the current flow in the second current loop.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Power supply and power control circuitry

Номер: US20120212987A1
Принадлежит: EEStor Inc

A power supply can include a storage component or a storage unit including a capacitive element. In an embodiment, the power supply can include an electrical energy storage unit, a transformer, switching elements, and a pulse width modulation unit. In a particular embodiment, the power supply can be configured to provide an output voltage different from the voltage supplied by the electrical energy power storage unit. In another embodiment, the power supply can include storage components having electrodes connect to different printed circuit boards. In still another embodiment, the power supply can include an output anode, an output cathode, and an input electrode connected to the storage component. In a further embodiment, the power supply circuitry can include a transformer, switching elements, a pulse width modulation unit, and an output control units coupled to an output electrode, the pulse width modulation unit, or any combination thereof.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Power converter device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120218800A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A leg includes: two semiconductor device groups connected in series and a division current is generated in a current which flows in the semiconductor device group between elements in the semiconductor device groups, a current sensor which detects a current which flows in the semiconductor device group, a voltage command generation unit which calculates a voltage command value to be outputted, a voltage drop calculating unit which calculates a voltage drop of the semiconductor device group by using a current value which is detected by the current sensor and voltage drop characteristics including a division characteristic of the semiconductor device group, and a switching control unit which corrects a voltage command value which is generated by the voltage command generation unit by using the voltage drop which is calculated so as to control ON/OFF of the switching element.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling three-phase current converter

Номер: US20120224403A1

A method is for controlling a three-phase current converter. First, subtract a second reference current signal representing the predicted current of the three-phase terminals in the present switching cycle from a first reference current signal representing the predicted current of the three-phase terminals in the next switching cycle to obtain a predicted variation. Then, subtract a feedback current signal representing the feedback current of the three-phase terminals in the previous switching cycle from the second reference current signal delayed by one switching cycle to obtain a current error. Multiply the current error by an error coefficient then add the predicted variation to obtain a current variation. Finally, obtain duty ratios of a plurality of switches, according to the current variation and inductance of the first to the third inductor. The three-phase current converter converts electric power between a DC terminal and the three-phase terminals, according to the duty ratio.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Self-excited switching power supply circuit

Номер: US20120230063A1
Принадлежит: SMK Corp

There is provided a self-excited switching power supply circuit. A cycle control capacitor is charged with a flyback voltage generated in a feedback winding of a transformer during OFF operation period in which an exciting current does not flow in a primary winding of the transformer. An OFF control capacitor the charging speed of which changes ON operation period is charged with the charging voltage of the cycle control capacitor during the ON operation period in which an exciting current flows in the primary winding. The charging voltage of the cycle control capacitor is changed with a periodic cycle Tc sufficiently longer than an oscillation cycle To to make the oscillation cycle To of continuous oscillating operation variable based on the periodic cycle Tc. As a result, the frequency of a harmonic is distributed.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Power supply unit and a method for operating the same

Номер: US20120262437A1

A power supply unit includes a boost converter having an input node and output node. The output node is coupled to a high-side of an H-bridge that is for supplying power to a capacitive load that is coupled to a first node and to a second node of the H-bridge. A first diode is coupled in forward direction between the first node of the H-bridge and the input node of the boost converter. A second diode is coupled in forward direction between the second node of the H-bridge and the input node of the boost converter.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Induction motor driver

Номер: US20120268056A1
Автор: Yang Liu
Принадлежит: Princeton Power Systems Inc

A switched resonant power converter applies AC to an induction motor. The power converter controls the magnitude and phase of the motor current, and tuning the stator flux accordingly in order to control the motor speed. A preprocessor operates on a speed command signal by getting the user speed command input to produce amplitude and phase-related signals for application to inputs of the power converter control.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

High-frequency (hf) voltage supply system and method for supplying a multipole mass spectrometer with the hf ac voltage used to generate a multipole field

Номер: US20120286585A1

A radio-frequency (RF) voltage supply system for supplying a multipole mass spectrometer, in particular a quadrupole mass spectrometer, with the alternating RF voltage used to generate a multipole field, in a secondary circuit excited by means of a primary circuit. The RF voltage supply system has an RF voltage measuring device, by means of which the alternating RF voltage in the secondary circuit is sampled, and a digital measurement value that is dependent on the alternating RF voltage is determined. The RF voltage supply system also has a computing device, by means of which a digital alternating voltage amplitude setting value is determined, taking the measurement value into account. There is also an RF voltage generator, by means of which the alternating RF voltage can be made available with an alternating RF voltage amplitude that is set depending on the alternating voltage amplitude setting value.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Wavelet modulated inverter

Номер: US20120300513A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention relates to a method for generating switching signals for inverters using wavelet basis functions as a means to determine switching times, pulse duration, shifting and scale; and to a three phase, six pulse wavelet modulated inverter employing the method as a switching technique.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Control of a modular converter having distributed energy stores with the aid of an observer for the currents and an estimating unit for the intermediate circuit energy

Номер: US20120314466A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Methods and configurations controlling a converter having controllable power semiconductors, compare actual and target state values to obtain control difference values for a control unit producing setting voltage values. Control electronics provide control signals according to setting voltage values and transmit them to power semiconductors. The control unit generates voltage values so control difference values become small. Current and converter energy controls and energy balancing are performed jointly, actual state values are calculated by an observing unit based on setting voltage values considering measured current values and actual state intermediate-circuit energy values are calculated by an estimating unit considering measured intermediate-circuit energy values of positive and negative voltage sources. The observing and estimating units model the converter so actual state current and intermediate-circuit steady-state energy values correspond to error-free current and intermediate-circuit energy values. A periodic time-variant gain controller receives error-free values.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Operating a Solar Direct Pump

Номер: US20120326649A1
Принадлежит: Solar Semiconductor Inc

Systems and methods for operating a solar direct pump are provided. A system for controlling an alternating current (AC) pump includes a photovoltaic module, a temperature sensor that measures a temperature of the photovoltaic module, a calculator that calculates a maximum power point (MPP) voltage of the photovoltaic module based on the temperature of the photovoltaic module, and a frequency controller that adjusts a reference frequency of power supplied to the pump based on the MPP voltage.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Control device for a resonant converter

Номер: US20120327692A1
Автор: Claudio Cantoro

A control device for a resonant converter is described. The converter comprises a switching circuit adapted to drive a resonant circuit that includes at least one capacitor. The converter is adapted to convert an input signal into an output signal and the switching circuit includes at least a half bridge of first and second switches, the central point of said half bridge being connected to the resonant circuit. The control device comprises a controller adapted to generate at least a control signal of the switching circuit by comparing a signal representative of the energy of the resonant circuit with at least another signal.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid control techniques for series resonant converter

Номер: US20130010503A1
Автор: Hangseok CHOI
Принадлежит: Individual

A DC to DC converter system, includes inverter circuitry having a first and a second switch, the inverter circuitry further configured to generate a first and a second gate control signal, the signals configured to open and close the first and second switch, respectively, and generate an AC signal from a DC input signal. The system further includes transformer circuitry configured to transform the AC signal into a sinusoidal AC signal, second stage circuitry configured to rectify the sinusoidal AC signal to a DC output signal, and hybrid control circuitry configured to modulate the first and second gate control signals, wherein the modulation comprises pulse frequency modulation (PFM) and pulse width modulation (PWM).

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Electric power conversion device and surge voltage suppressing method

Номер: US20130016542A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

To provide an electric power conversion device that converts direct current power supplied from a direct-current power supply into alternating current power, the electric power conversion device includes six switching elements constituted by a voltage-driven transistor that uses a wide bandgap semiconductor and a diode, and a drive circuit that controls a voltage for driving the transistor at a time of turning off the switching elements based on a predetermined voltage profile specifying that the transistor is operated in a non-linear region.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Automatic blade leveler right tilt-left tilt-null control and method

Номер: US20130032367A1
Автор: Herbert S. Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment a dozer blade controller, which may comprise two-way, four-way, or six-way dozer blade position control such as, for example, a two-way control only for blade tilt. In one embodiment, a pulse width control is provided for use in a blade tilt electronic controller, which controls blade tilt independently of movement of the body of the bull dozer. And in another embodiment, a pulse width controller is operable to multiply and/or divide the width of a variable pulse by a preset multiplier factor or divider factor, e.g. by 100 or dividing by 100.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Cell interface

Номер: US20130033311A1
Автор: Chao-Cheng Lu
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention related in cell interface is a circuit of diode D1 to D4, comprises: a first terminal connected to positive voltage terminal of first cell E1; a second terminal connected to positive voltage terminal of second cell E2; and a third terminal connected to external positive terminal VP, the external negative voltage terminal VN connected to negative voltage terminal of first cell E1 and second cell E2, can be not occur loop current in parallel circuit.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Power converting apparatus

Номер: US20130033911A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A power converting apparatus, includes: switching elements (S 1 to S 6 ) that are connected in parallel to a common bus bar and drive currents of different phases; and a motor controller ( 14 ) that controls the respective switching elements (S 1 to S 6 ). The motor controller ( 14 ) controls the respective switching elements (S 1 to S 6 ) in such a manner that a direction of a current fluctuation by an on/off operation of one switching element is opposite to a direction of a current fluctuation by an on/off operation of at least one of other switching elements.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Electric motor controller and electric motor control system

Номер: US20130063058A1
Автор: Mitsuhiro Shouji
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A controller 40 performs a control operation in a cycle based on a carrier frequency fc of a carrier, specifically, at timings corresponding to the peaks and troughs of the carrier signal. Moreover, in the case where the carrier frequency fc is switched, a disturbance estimation part forming the controller 40 updates control constants that are used for disturbance estimation and are dependent on the control operation cycle, in a control operation performed one cycle after a control operation immediately after the switching of the carrier frequency fc.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082534A1

A submodule for a high-voltage converter with reduced risk of cross-ignition includes first and second series-connected energy storage devices, first and second semiconductor series circuits connected in parallel with the energy storage devices, respectively, and having first and second, and respectively third and fourth, switched power semiconductor switching units. A first terminal connects to a first potential point between the first and second switching units, a second terminal connects to a second potential point between the third and fourth switching units. A connecting switching unit is connected between the first and second semiconductor series circuits. A first connecting branch with a first diode connects the first potential point and the potential point between the energy storage devices. A second connecting branch with a second diode connects the second potential point and the potential point between the energy storage devices. The connecting branch diodes are oriented in mutually opposite directions. 18-. (canceled)9. A submodule for a high-voltage converter , the submodule comprising:a first energy storage device;a first semiconductor series circuit connected in parallel with said first energy storage device, said first semiconductor series circuit having first and second power semiconductor switching units that can be turned on and off;a first connecting terminal connected to a potential point between said first and second power semiconductor switching units;a second energy storage device connected in series with said first energy storage device;a second semiconductor series circuit connected in parallel with said second energy storage device, said second semiconductor series circuit having third and fourth power semiconductor switching units that can be turned on and off;a second connecting terminal connected to a potential point between said third and fourth power semiconductor units;a connection switching unit connected between said first ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088901A1
Принадлежит: CE+T

Multilevel DC to AC power converter has three DC inputs (IN, IN, IN) for receiving, respectively, three DC voltages (V,V,V), wherein V>V>V, one AC output (OUT) for delivering an AC voltage (Va), a set of at least six switching means (T,T,T,T,T,T) arranged in a symmetric pyramidal fashion, and switch control means for controlling an ON/OFF state of each of the six switching means. The switch control means is configured such that the top two switching means (T,T) are switched ON and OFF in a complementary fashion and, exclusively, at a fundamental frequency (Fa) of the AC voltage to be delivered at the AC output (OUT), whereas at least some of the other four switching means (T,T,T,T) are switched ON and OFF at higher frequencies. The top two switching means (T,T) are hence subject to lower switching losses, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the converter. 2. The inverter module according to claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third and fourth switching means are semiconductor devices having first specifications and in that the fifth and sixth switching means are semiconductor devices having second specifications claim 1 , wherein the second specifications are different specifications than the first specifications.3. The inverter module according to claim 2 , wherein each of the fifth and sixth switching means presents an intrinsic conduction loss that is lower than an intrinsic conduction loss of each of the first claim 2 , second claim 2 , third and fourth switching means.4. The inverter module according to claim 3 , wherein the fifth and sixth switching means are thyristor-type semiconductors claim 3 , and in that the first claim 3 , second claim 3 , third and fourth switching means are transistor-type semiconductors.5. An inverter comprising at least two inverter modules according to .6. A three-phase inverter comprising three legs claim 1 , each leg comprising at least one inverter module according to . The invention relates to ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Precision Switching For Carrier Based PWM

Номер: US20130088906A1

A voltage source converter station including a multilevel voltage source converter, for conversion of electrical power between AC and DC, and a control system. The voltage source converter includes a plurality of switching cells including switchable semiconductors, and the control system includes at least one main control unit for providing a voltage reference signal and a plurality of cell control units. Each cell control unit uses carrier based pulse width modulation for controlling the switching of a respective cell, where the main control unit is communicatively connected to the cell control units and provides the reference voltage signal to each cell control unit and each cell control unit creates a switching signal to each respective switching cell using the reference voltage signal and a carrier signal to effectuate the conversion. 1. A voltage source converter station including a multilevel voltage source converter , for conversion of electrical power between AC and DC , and a control system , the voltage source converter comprises a plurality of switching cells including switchable semiconductors , and the control system comprises at least one main control unit for providing a voltage reference signal to a plurality of included cell control units , each cell control unit using carrier based pulse width modulation for controlling the switching of a respective cell , wherein the main control unit is communicatively connected to the cell control units and provides the reference voltage signal to each cell control unit and each cell control unit creates a switching signal to each respective switching cell using the reference voltage signal and a carrier signal to effectuate the conversion characterized in thateach of the cell control units process signals at a higher frequency than the main control unit, wherein each cell control unit includes a reference signal reconstruction unit, for adapting the voltage reference signal to the higher frequency of the cell ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Photovoltaic Power Converters

Номер: US20130094261A1
Автор: Kern Gregory Allen
Принадлежит: GreenRay, Inc.

Photovoltaic power converter systems and methods are described. In one example, a method for use in operating a solar power converter includes sampling a DC link voltage of a DC link during a first cycle of an alternating output voltage of a second stage at one instance when the alternating output voltage is crossing zero volts in a first direction. A voltage difference a voltage difference between the DC link voltage sampled during the first cycle and a DC link voltage sampled during a previous cycle when the alternating output voltage was crossing zero volts in the first direction is determined. A DC link power is estimated based at least in part on the determined voltage difference. The AC power output by the second stage in a second cycle is controlled based at least in part on the estimated DC link power. 1. A method for use in operating a solar power converter including a first stage for coupling to a photovoltaic module and outputting a direct current (DC) power , a second stage for coupling to an output of the first stage and outputting an alternating current (AC) power , and a DC link coupled between the first and second stage , said method comprising:sampling a DC link voltage of the DC link during a first cycle of an alternating output voltage of the second stage at one instance when the alternating output voltage is crossing zero volts in a first direction;determining a voltage difference between the DC link voltage sampled during the first cycle and a DC link voltage sampled during a previous cycle when the alternating output voltage was crossing zero volts in the first direction;estimating a DC link power based at least in part on the determined voltage difference; andcontrolling the AC power output by the second stage in a second cycle after the first cycle based at least in part on the estimated DC link power.2. A method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising determining a DC link voltage target as a function of the estimated DC link power ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094266A1
Автор: Balpe Cédric
Принадлежит: HISPANO-SUIZA

A voltage inverter capable of operating in the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit fault. The voltage inverter includes: a load having three phases, each phase having a first terminal and a second terminal; first and second cells each including three branches connected together in parallel, each branch including two switches connected in series and a mid-point positioned between the two switches, each first terminal of each of the phases being connected to one of the mid-points of the first cell and each second terminal of each of the phases being connected to one of the mid-points of the second cell; and a DC voltage source, the first and second cells each being connected to the DC voltage source via two electrical isolators. 2. The voltage inverter according to claim 1 , wherein each switch consists of a static switch mechanism and a diode in antiparallel.3. The voltage inverter according to claim 1 , comprising a malfunction control and monitoring device configured to:control the switches and the electrical isolators,detect a malfunction in one of the switches, anddetect a malfunction in the connection between one of the terminals of one of the phases and one of the mid-points.4. The voltage inverter according to claim 1 , wherein each mid-point is connected to a neutral point via a switching element claim 1 , the switching element being capable of being placed in a blocking state or a passing state.5. A method for controlling a voltage inverter according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when no fault is detected claim 1 , the method comprises:placing the electrical isolator connected to the first cell into a blocking state,controlling the switches of the first cell such that the first cell forms a neutral point to which the n phases of the load are connected,placing the electrical isolators connected to the second cell into a passing state;controlling the switches of the second cell such that the two switches in the same branch of the second cell are in ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

System and method for power supply control

Номер: US20130099590A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A resonant power supply is provided. The resonant power supply comprises a series resonant converter configured to convert an input DC voltage to an output DC voltage to generate an output DC voltage. The series resonant converter includes a switching stage, a resonant inductor, a resonant capacitor, and an isolation transformer. The resonant power supply further comprises a converter controller configured to obtain an actual trajectory radius signal based on a resonant inductor current, a resonant capacitor voltage, and a voltage in association with the isolation transformer. The converter controller is further configured to generate a trajectory radius command signal based on a DC voltage command signal and a DC voltage feedback signal, and to generate control signals to be applied to the switching stage based on the actual trajectory radius signal and the trajectory radius command signal.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for operating a fluorescent lamp

Номер: US20130099695A1
Автор: Martin Feldtkeller

A method for operating a fluorescent lamp which is connected to a series resonant circuit with a resonant circuit inductance and a resonant circuit capacitance. The method includes applying an excitation AC voltage at an excitation frequency to the series resonant circuit using a half bridge circuit, which has an output to which the series resonant circuit is coupled, and which has a first and a second switch which are alternately switched on and off on the basis of a frequency signal. A current flowing through the resonant circuit is monitored for the presence of a critical operating state. The switched-on times of the first and second switches are shortened in comparison to switched-on times which are predetermined by the frequency signal, upon detection of a critical operating state.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100721A1
Автор: Ide Osamu

Provided is an efficient inverter driving method. A pulse with very short pulse width is supplied as a primary driving pulse of a transformer, and the secondary output voltage of the transformer caused by a transient phenomenon can be enlarged several times while keeping the power source voltage for input current constant by shortening the time interval of the primary driving pulse. 1. An inverter driving system for driving an inverter using an oscillation circuit with a transformer , whereina circuit is formed such that when an on/off pulsed current is supplied on the primary side of a transformer, a voltage waveform with two sequentially-arranged positive-negative inverted peaks appears on the secondary side of the transformer, andthe on/off pulsed current is intermittently supplied on the primary side of said transformer while the on-time of the supplied current is adjusted within a period of time from the pre-inverted peak to the post-inverted peak, whereby a voltage having a waveform with two sequentially-arranged positive-negative inverted and amplified peaks is outputted from the secondary side of the transformer and the outputted voltage is utilized.2. An inverter driving system for driving an inverter using an oscillation circuit with a transformer , whereina circuit is formed such that when an on/off pulsed current is supplied on the primary side of a transformer, a voltage waveform with two sequentially-arranged peaks and a single positive-negative inverted peak subsequent to the two peaks appears on the secondary side of the transformer, andthe on/off pulsed current is intermittently supplied on the primary side of said transformer while the on-time of the supplied current is adjusted within a period of time from the pre-inverted peak to the post-inverted peak, whereby a voltage having a waveform with two sequentially-arranged and amplified peaks and a single positive-negative inverted and amplified peak subsequent to the two peaks is outputted from the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106256A1

A power conversion system as an aspect of the present invention includes: a power converter using a plurality of legs to convert inputted electric power and output powers in a plurality of phases, each leg including upper and lower arms; and a controller controlling the upper and lower arms of each leg to control pulse current flowing through the leg. The controller calculates a duty ratio instruction of each leg in one control period for each phase and, concerning first and second legs among the plurality of legs provided for a certain one of the phases, changes the phase of the calculated duty ratio instruction so that a time period when positive pulse current flows through the first leg and a time period when negative pulse flows through the second leg overlap each other in the one control period. 112-. (canceled)13. A power conversion system converting inputted electric power into outputs in a plurality of phases , the system comprising:a power converter including a plurality of legs corresponding to each of the phases, each leg having upper and lower arms; anda controller individually controlling the upper and lower arms of each leg to control pulse current flowing through the leg, wherein a calculation unit calculating a duty ratio instruction for each leg in the one control period for each phase; and', 'a phase adjustment unit changing a phase of the duty ratio instruction calculated by the calculation unit, and, 'the controller includesthe phase adjustment unit changes the phases of the duty ratio instructions to allow the time period when positive pulse current flows through a first leg and the time period when negative pulse current flows through a second leg to overlap each other in the one control period, and the first leg and the second leg are provided for a certain one of the phases.14. The power conversion system according to claim 13 , wherein the calculation unit sets the duty ratio instructions of the first and second legs equal to each other.15. ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Motor driving apparatus

Номер: US20130106324A1
Автор: Joo Yul Ko
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a motor driving apparatus in which when a voltage level of external power is lower than a reference voltage level, a voltage level boosted by a separately provided direct current (DC) to DC converter is selected and supplied to field effect transistors (FETs), such that driving of a motor does not stop even in the case in which the voltage level of the external power is lowered. The motor driving apparatus includes: a power selecting unit selecting one of a preset first power, and a second power having a voltage level different from that of the first power, according to a detected motor driving voltage signal; and a driving unit driving the motor by receiving the power selected by the power selecting unit; and a driving controlling unit providing driving signals for driving the driving unit.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107596A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A power conditioner that suppresses distortion in a waveform of a sinusoidal generated voltage includes a first and second group including two switches each connected in inverse parallel and in series. The power conditioner alternately turns on and off both switches in the first group at a prescribed chopping frequency and alternately turns on and off both switches in the second group at a PWM frequency higher than the chopping frequency. If control is performed with a dead-time provided in the on/off timing for both switches in each group, the power conditioner adjusts and controls the on/off duty for the second group switches to correspond to the effective on drive in one switch by each diode during the dead-time for each switch in the first group. 1. A power conditioner comprising:a first switch circuit including a pair of switches connected in series with each other, a diode being connected in inverse parallel with each of the switches, the switches configured to be alternately turned on and off at a predetermined chopping frequency;a second switch circuit including a pair of switches connected in series with each other, a diode being connected in inverse parallel with each of the switches of the second switch circuit, the switches of the second switch circuit configured to be alternately turned on and off at a PWM frequency higher than the chopping frequency;and a controller processor configured to perform on/off control of each of the switches of the first and second switch circuits while a dead-time is provided,wherein the controller processor is configured to adjust and control on/off duty of the switches in the second switch circuit according to an effective on drive in one of the switches using each diode during the dead-times of the switches of the first switch circuit.2. A power conditioner comprising:a first switch circuit and a second switch circuit connected in parallel with each other, each of the first and second switch circuits including two ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107600A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Disclosed is a semiconductor device which includes: a semiconductor element including a first metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor and a second metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor which is connected in parallel with the first metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor; and a control section which controls the operation of the semiconductor element. The control section controls the semiconductor element so that in a forward direction mode, current flows in a forward direction through the first and second metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistors but that in a reverse direction mode, current flows in the reverse direction through the first metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor but does not flow through the second metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a semiconductor element including a first metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor and a second metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor which is connected in parallel with the first metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor; anda control section which controls the operation of the semiconductor element, andwherein each of the first and second metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistors includes:a source electrode;a drain electrode;a gate electrode; anda silicon carbide semiconductor layer which functions as a channel, andwherein the direction of current flowing from the drain electrode through the silicon carbide semiconductor layer toward the source electrode is defined to be a forward direction and the direction of current flowing from the source electrode through the silicon carbide semiconductor layer toward the drain electrode is defined to be a reverse direction, andwherein the control section is configured to control the semiconductor element so that in a forward direction mode, current flows in the forward direction through the first and ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108938A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A power converter of the present invention is configured to convert DC power generated by a power generator () into AC power. The power converter includes: a boost converter circuit () configured to boost an output voltage of the power generator (); an inverter circuit () configured to convert an output voltage of the boost converter circuit () into AC power and to interconnect the AC power with a power system (); a buck converter circuit () configured to perform power conversion of output power of the boost converter circuit () and to supply resultant power to an internal load (); and a controller (). The controller () is configured to control the output voltage of the boost converter circuit () to be lower than or equal to a second voltage value which is less than the maximum value of AC voltage of the power system (), in a case of supplying output power of the power generator () to the internal load () via the boost converter circuit () and the buck converter circuit (). 1. A power converter configured to convert DC power generated by a power generator into AC power , the power converter comprising:a boost converter circuit configured to boost an output voltage of the power generator;an inverter circuit configured to convert an output voltage of the boost converter circuit into AC power and to interconnect the AC power with a power system;a buck converter circuit configured to perform power conversion of output power of the boost converter circuit and to supply resultant power to an internal load; anda controller, wherein control the output voltage of the boost converter circuit to be higher than or equal to a first voltage value which is greater than the maximum value of AC voltage of the power system, in a case of interconnecting output power of the power generator with the power system via the boost converter circuit and the inverter circuit; and', 'control the output voltage of the boost converter circuit to be lower than or equal to a second voltage value ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130114318A1
Автор: Carlucci Giacomo

A converter configured to transform DC into AC. Includes a first and second transistor with connected bases and emitters, and a coil or inductor having a first end that is connected to the bases, a second end that is free, and a common central zero, which is connected to the emitters and divides the inductor into two equal portions, a first portion from the end to a central zero and a second portion from the latter to the end. The circuit is supplied by a direct current applied to the collectors and envisages at least one output between said second end and the collector of one of the two transistors configured to supply a respective load and behaves substantially as a capacitor or electroluminescent cable/panel. Transistors work alternatively by following the cycles of charging and discharging of the load and obtain a supply current having a substantially perfect sinusoidal waveform. 2112. The converter according to claim 1 , wherein the two portions of the inductor (L) are insulated from one another at the central zero (C) itself or else are constituted by two distinct inductors (V claim 1 , V) with the central zero (C) in common.3111. The converter according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the first transistor (T) is active claim 1 , it is traversed by a current that traverses the inductor (L) claim 1 , in the second portion from the central zero (C) to the end (B) claim 1 , until the load (C) is reached claim 1 , which charges until it reaches the maximum of the voltage envisaged.411111. The converter according to wherein claim 3 , when the load (C) has reached the maximum voltage envisaged claim 3 , said current ceases to traverse the transistor (T) and the inductor (L) claim 3 , thus obtaining that the first transistor (T) goes into inhibition and across the inductor (L) there is generated a current opposite to the initial one.5112. The converter according to wherein claim 4 , when the load (C) starts to discharge claim 4 , a further opposite current is ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119762A1

Disclosed are a full bridge inverter and method for controlling same. The full bridge converter according to the present invention comprises: a plurality of first switches connected at one end thereof to a positive terminal for a direct current (DC) input voltage; a plurality of second switches connected at one end thereof to a negative terminal for a DC input voltage; and a plurality of loads connected at connection terminals formed by one-on-one connections of the opposite ends of each first switch to the opposite ends of each second switch. Thus, in cases requiring the selective application of voltages converted from DC to AC to the plurality of loads, the number of semiconductor devices can be minimized to reduce costs, and a reduction in load current can be prevented. 1. The full bridge inverter is comprised of:a plurality of first switches connected at one end thereof to a positive terminal for a direct current (DC) input voltage;a plurality of second switches connected at one end thereof to a negative terminal for said DC input voltage; and,a plurality of loads connected at connection terminals formed by one-on-one connections of the opposite ends of each said first switch to the opposite ends of each said second switch.2. According to claim 1 ,regarding the full bridge inverter,each said first switch and said second switch,is comprised of a parallel-connected structure wherein each is formed with a transistor, diode and capacitor.3. According to claim 1 ,the full bridge inverter is further comprised ofan ON/OFF regulating controller with regard to each said first switch and each said second switch.4. According to claim 3 ,with regard to full bridge invertersaid controller,has the characteristics wherein the said second switch connected directly to said turned-on first switch thereof, maintains the TURN OFF STATE, in the case wherein at least one first switch, among a plurality of said first switches maintains the TURN ON state.5. According to claim 3 ,with ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121052A1
Автор: YAMAURA Satoshi
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

In an electric power converter, a stacked-layer unit has a plurality of semiconductor modules arrayed as layers along a stacking direction, each semiconductor module containing a semiconductor element and a pair of power terminals protruding outward in a protrusion direction at right angles to the stacking direction, each pair consisting of an AC terminal and a positive-polarity or negative-polarity power terminal. The semiconductor modules are arranged with the positive-polarity and negative-polarity power terminals in a single column at one side of the stacked-layer unit, and respectively connected to a positive-polarity busbar and negative-polarity busbar which are located at that side and which are separated by a fixed spacing in the protrusion direction, while the AC terminals of each layer-adjacent pair of semiconductor modules are connected in common to a corresponding one of a plurality of AC busbars. 1. An electric power converter comprisinga stacked-layer unit comprising a plurality of semiconductor modules arrayed in layers along a stacking direction, and a plurality of coolant passages formed adjacent to said semiconductor modules and configured for passing a flow of a coolant to cool said semiconductor modules, each of said semiconductor modules comprising an internal semiconductor element and a pair of power terminals, each of said power terminals protruding externally along a protrusion direction at right angles to said stacking direction,a positive-polarity busbar and a negative-polarity busbar for carrying a DC current, respectively connected to predetermined ones of said power terminals, and a plurality of AC busbars for carrying AC currents, respectively connected to predetermined ones of said power terminals, anda terminal strip disposed adjacent to a first side of said stacked-layer unit, with respect to a width direction which is at right angles to said stacking direction and to said protrusion direction, said terminal strip comprising a ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Power control driving device and method thereof

Номер: US20130135912A1

Disclosed is a power control driving device which includes a sine wave signal generating unit; a control signal converting unit configured to convert a sine wave from the sine wave signal generating unit into a multi-bit control signal; and a three-phase inverter circuit configured to output a voltage varied by the multi-bit control signal from the control signal converting unit. The control signal converting unit includes a multi-bit sigma-delta modulator configured to convert an analog sine wave into a digital signal. The three-phase inverter circuit includes a plurality of switch units, on-off states of the plurality of switch units being controlled according to the multi-bit control signal from the control signal converting unit.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135913A1
Автор: Nowak Stefan

An inverter is proposed for providing an inverter output signal scalable in frequency. The inverter has a controller for controlling frequency of the inverter output signal according to a predefinable value. In order to generate a signal having a frequency value prescribed for the inverter output signal, the controller initiates a time delay of signals and superimposes the signals onto the signal having the frequency value prescribed for the inverter output signal. A low-complexity inverter concept for high voltages or high power is thus provided 110.-. (canceled)11. An inverter for providing an inverter output signal that is scalable in power and frequency , comprising:a controller for controlling the frequency of the inverter output signal according to a definable value,wherein the controller is adapted to cause signals of the inverter to have a time delay and to superimpose the signals being time delayed on the inverter output signal having a frequency specified for the inverter output signal.12. The inverter as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the controller is adapted to cause the superimposed signals having the frequency that can be specified.13. The inverter as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the inverter comprises a plurality of inverter units and links signals of the inverter units for generating the inverter output signal.14. The inverter as claimed in claim 13 , wherein each of the inverter units comprises a transformer.15. The inverter as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the controller is adapted to cause the signals of the inverter units to have the time delay and to superimpose the signals of the inverter units being time delayed on the inverter output signal having the frequency specified for the inverter output signal.16. The inverter as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the inverter comprises a transformer for superimposing the signals of the inverter units.17. The inverter as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the inverter is constructed in keeping with a cascading ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141175A1
Автор: Li Hao, Trotta Saverio, Yin Yi
Принадлежит: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

A push-push oscillator circuit with a first oscillation branch with a first active device and a first tank adapted to provide a signal having a fundamental frequency f, a second oscillation branch with a second active device and a second tank symmetrical to the first oscillation branch and adapted to provide a signal having the fundamental frequency f. Output branches are coupled to the first oscillation branch and the second oscillation branch to provide signals having the second harmonic frequency 2fof the fundamental signal based on the signals having the fundamental frequency fand/or to provide signals having the fundamental frequency f; The push-push oscillator circuit further comprises at least one terminal branch with a terminal adapted to provide a component of a differential signal having the second harmonic frequency 2for the fundamental frequency f. The at least one terminal branch comprises a RF stub. 1. A push-push oscillator circuit , comprising:{'sub': '0', 'a first oscillation branch with a first active device and a first tank adapted to provide a signal having a fundamental frequency f;'}{'sub': '0', 'a second oscillation branch with a second active device and a second tank symmetrical to the first oscillation branch and adapted to provide a signal having the fundamental frequency f;'}{'sub': 0', '0', '0, 'wherein output branches are coupled to the first oscillation branch and the second oscillation branch to provide signals having the second harmonic frequency 2fof the fundamental signal based on signals having the fundamental frequency fand/or to provide signals having the fundamental frequency f;'} [{'sub': 0', '0, 'at least one terminal branch with a terminal adapted to provide a component of a differential signal having the second harmonic frequency 2for the fundamental frequency f;'}, {'sub': 0', '0, 'wherein the at least one terminal branch comprises a RF stub comprising a quarter-wavelength transmission line and a corresponding capacitor for ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141952A1
Автор: Kaneko Takayuki
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

Inverters connected in parallel each include a power converter that carries out a direct current to alternating current conversion and supplies voltage to a motor, and a control unit, where one of the inverters is a master inverter and the control unit computes a voltage command value for the power converter in the one inverter, while the other inverter is a slave inverter and the power converter in the slave inverter is driven by the voltage command value, a transmission means transmits the voltage command value, and the control unit of the master inverter includes a delay device that delays the voltage command value by a transmission time needed when transmitting a computed voltage command value to the slave inverter, and provides the voltage command value delayed by the delay device to the power converter of the master inverter. 1. A parallel inverter device , comprising a plurality of inverters connected in parallel that supply alternating current voltage to a single load and a transmission means , wherein a power converter that converts direct current to alternating current and supplies alternating current voltage to the single load, and', 'a power converter control unit;, 'each of the plurality of inverters includes'}one of the inverters is a master inverter, the control unit thereof computing a voltage command value for the power converter in the master inverter, and an other of the inverters is a slave inverter, the power converter of the slave inverter being driven in accordance with said voltage command value;the transmission means transmits the voltage command value computed by the control unit of the master inverter to the slave inverter; andthe control unit of the master inverter includes a delay device that delays the voltage command value by a transmission time needed for transmitting a computed voltage command value to the slave inverter, and provides the voltage command value delayed by the delay device to the power converter of the master inverter. ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141958A1

The object of the invention is to provide an energy management system for variable resource energy generating systems, which incorporates means for the storing of energy and the management thereof. The system permits the needs which arise in the power grid to be met, and participates in the regulation of the power grid and contributing to the stability and quality thereof. 1157. Energy management system () for connecting DC voltage sources () to the grid () which includes:{'b': 6', '5, 'a DC/AC converter () connected to the terminals of the DC source ();'}at least one control unit;characterised in that it further comprises:{'b': 3', '3', '4', '5, 'a first branch formed by an additional switching element (, ′) in-series with an energy storage means () connected between the terminals of the DC voltage source ();'}{'b': 2', '5', '4, 'a DC/DC converter () connected to the terminals of the DC voltage source () and to the storage means ().'}215. System () according to claim 1 , wherein the DC/DC converter () is formed by:{'b': '5', 'a branch formed by two switching elements connected in-series to the terminals of the DC voltage source (); and'}{'b': '4', 'an inductance connected to the midpoint of said switching elements and to the positive terminal of the storage means ().'}315. System () according to claim 2 , wherein each switching element of the DC/DC converter () comprises a transistor with a diode in anti-parallel position.413333. System () according to any of the previous claims wherein the additional switching element ( claim 2 , ′) is selected from between a diode (′) and a transistor with a diode in anti-parallel position ().512. System () according to any of the previous claims wherein the DC/DC converter () is of the buck-boost type.614. System () according to any of the previous claims wherein the storage means () is selected from between super-capacitors and batteries.71. System () according to claim 1 , wherein the DC voltage source is supplied from a ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Electronic ballast

Номер: US20130147378A1
Автор: Ching-Ho Chou, Tsung-Yu OU
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

An electronic ballast for a light emitting load is provided, and includes a transformer module, a resonance module, a high-frequency push-pull inverter and a driving controller module. The high-frequency push-pull inverter includes a first switch component and a second switch component. The driving controller module is used for generating and providing an asymmetric driving waveform to the first switch component and the second switch component. The asymmetric driving waveform includes a first discharging waveform portion for discharging and turning off the first switch component, and also a second discharging waveform portion for discharging and turning off the second switch component. The first and second discharging waveform portions are different in current amplitudes and time spans.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

High-precision oscillator systems with feed forward compensation for ccfl driver systems and methods thereof

Номер: US20130147527A1
Принадлежит: On Bright Electronics Shanghai Co Ltd

System and method for generating one or more ramp signals. The method includes an oscillator configured to generate at least a clock signal, and a ramp signal generator configured to receive at least the clock signal and generate a first ramp signal. Additionally, the ramp signal generator is coupled to a first resistor including a first terminal and a second terminal. The first resistor is configured to receive an input voltage at the first terminal and is coupled to the ramp signal generator at the second terminal. Moreover, the first resistor is associated with a first resistance value. Also, the clock signal is associated with at least a predetermined frequency. The predetermined frequency does not change if the input voltage changes from a first magnitude to a second magnitude. The first magnitude is different from the second magnitude.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148395A1
Принадлежит: ALSTOM Technology Ltd

A converter has converting groups with a first stage connected to input lines thereof and a second stage connected to output lines. The first and second stages have positive and negative branches that are connected together. 1. A converter comprising A input lines connected to B output lines , the converter further comprising A/B converting groups , each converting group being connected to B input lines and comprising:a first converting stage comprising switches connected to each of the input lines of the converting group,a second converting stage comprising switches connected to each of the B output lines, wherein the switches of the first converting stage are connected to the switches of the second converting stage, the first stages include:positive branches connected to each input line of the converting group, the positive branches having switches that are arranged to conduct under a positive polarity, andnegative branches connected to each input line of the converting group, the negative branches having switches that are arranged to conduct under a negative polarity, the second stages include:positive branches connected to each output line, the positive branches having switches that are arranged to conduct under a positive polarity, andnegative branches connected to each output line, the negative branches having switches that are arranged to conduct under a negative polarity, for each converting group:each positive branch of the first stage is connected to all the positive branches of the second stage, andeach negative branch of the first stage is connected to all the negative branches of the second stage.2. The converter according to claim 1 , wherein for each converting group the positive branches of the first stages are separate from the negative branches of the first stage.3. The converter according to claim 1 , wherein for each converting group the positive branches of the second stages are separate from the negative branches of the second stage.4. The ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Circuit Topology for a Phase Connection of an Inverter

Номер: US20130154716A1

A circuit for a phase connection of an inverter includes upper and lower bridge halves and respectively associated upper and lower bridge segments. Each bridge half has an outer switch and an inner switch connected in series. Each bridge segment has a diode and the inner switch of the associated bridge half connected in series. An output of the circuit is respectively connected to upper and lower potentials through the outer switches and is further connected to a center potential applied between the upper and lower potentials through each of the upper and lower bridge segments. Each bridge half further has a parallel power switch. The parallel switch of each bridge half is connected in parallel to the series-connected outer and inner switches of the bridge half. The output of the circuit is further respectively connected to the upper and lower potentials through the parallel switches.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155740A1
Автор: TAKUBO Hiromu
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

Aspects of the invention can provide a control method of a power converter that is capable of preventing increase of electromagnetic noise that are caused by simultaneous change of the states of power semiconductor switching elements of the power converter. State changes of ON/OFF pulses that are input to power semiconductor switching elements are detected, and, when the timings of the state changes of any two of the ON/OFF pulses match each other, the state change of either one of the ON/OFF pulses, of which state changes match each other, is delayed. 1. A control method of a power converter having a plurality of power semiconductor switching elements , the control method comprising the steps of:detecting state changes of ON/OFF pulses that are input to the power semiconductor switching elements respectively; andwhen timings of the state changes of any of the ON/OFF pulses match each other, delaying the state change of any one of the ON/OFF pulses of which state changes match each other.2. The control method of a power converter according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of power semiconductor switching elements are bridge-connected to configure a power conversion circuit, andwhen voltage command values of two different phases, out of voltage command values of a plurality of phases that control an output voltage of the power conversion circuit, match each other, and when levels of the matching voltage command values match a level of a carrier wave, it is determined that the timings of the state changes of the ON/OFF pulses match each other, and the state change of either one of the ON/OFF pulses, of which state changes match each other, is delayed.3. The control method of a power converter according to claim 1 , wherein the ON/OFF pulse that is output with delay is an OFF pulse.4. The control method of a power converter according to claim 2 , wherein the ON/OFF pulse that is output with delay is an OFF pulse.5. The control method of a power converter according to ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155741A1
Автор: TAKANO Yoh

A comparator compares a voltage of a node into which electric current flows from a system of a first voltage and a reference voltage for maintaining the node at a second voltage. A step-up-type DC-DC converter receives the voltage of the node which is input to the comparator, increases the voltage to a voltage higher than the first voltage, and applies the voltage to the system of the first voltage. According to the comparison of the comparator, when the voltage of the node is higher than the reference voltage, the step-up-type DC-DC converter activates a step-up function, and when the voltage of the node is equal to or less than the reference voltage, the step-up-type DC-DC converter deactivates the step-up function. 1. A power supply device comprising:a comparator for comparing a voltage of a node to which an electric current from a system of a first voltage flows and a reference voltage for maintaining the node at a second voltage; anda step-up-type DC-DC converter for receiving a voltage of the node which is input into the comparator, and increasing the voltage to a voltage higher than the first voltage to apply the voltage to the system of the first voltage, whereinthe step-up-type DC-DC converter activates a step-up function when, as a result of comparison made by the comparator, the voltage of the node is higher than the reference voltage, and the step-up-type DC-DC converter deactivates the step-up function when the voltage of the node is equal to or less than the reference voltage.2. The power supply device according to further comprising:a pulse signal generating device for generating a pulse signal; anda logic gate for receiving the pulse signal generated by the pulse signal generating device and a comparison result signal which is output from the comparator, whereinthe step-up-type DC-DC converter includes:a series-circuit including an inductor and a diode provided between an input terminal into which the voltage of the node is input and an output ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155745A1

Among first IGBTs and first MOSFETs, a transistor arranged near a first gate control circuit gives, through a gate thereof, a gate control signal supplied from the first gate control circuit to a gate of a transistor arranged at a position farther from the first gate control circuit. Among second IGBTs and second MOSFETs, a transistor arranged near a second gate control circuit gives, through a gate thereof, a gate control signal supplied from the second gate control circuit to a gate of a transistor arranged at a position farther from the second gate control circuit. 1. A power semiconductor device comprising , in a modularized manner:an inverter including first and second switching parts that operate in a complementary manner, said first and second switching parts being interposed in series with each other between a first power supply line that supplies a first voltage and a second power supply line that supplies a second voltage; andfirst and second control circuits for controlling switching operations of said first and second switching parts, respectively,whereinsaid first switching part includes a first IGBT and a first MOSFET, one main electrode of each of said first IGBT and said first MOSFET being connected to said first power supply line and the other main electrode of each of said first IGBT and said first MOSFET being connected to an output node of said inverter,said second switching part includes a second IGBT and a second MOSFET, one main electrode of each of said second IGBT and said second MOSFET being connected to said second power supply line and the other main electrode of each of said second IGBT and said second MOSFET being connected to said output node of said inverter, said first control circuit is arranged at a position opposed to said first switching part, and one of said first IGBT and said first MOSFET is arranged near said first control circuit while the other of said first IGBT and said first MOSFET is arranged at a position farther from ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155746A1

Techniques include systems and methods of synchronizing multiple parallel inverters in a power converter system. In one embodiment, control circuitry is connected to a power layer interface circuitry at each of the parallel inverters, via an optical fiber interface. The system is synchronized by transmitting a synchronizing pulse to each of the inverters. Depending on the operational mode of the system, different data exchanges may occur in response to the pulse. In an off mode, power up and power down data may be exchanged between the control circuitry and the inverters. In an initiating mode, identification data may be transmitted from the inverters to the control circuitry. In an active mode, control data may be sent from the control circuitry to the inverters. In some embodiments, the inverters also transmit feedback data and/or acknowledgement signals to the control circuitry. Power layer circuitry of the inverter adjusts a local clock based upon sampled data from the control circuitry to maintain synchronicity of the inverters between synchronization pulses. 1. A system for controlling operation of power inverter switches , comprising:control circuitry configured to generate gate timing-related signals for timing of state changes of the switches;a plurality of inverters coupled to the control circuitry in parallel, the output of the inverters being coupled to provide a common 3-phase output, each inverter comprising power layer circuitry and a plurality of solid state switches coupled to the power layer circuitry; anda plurality of data conductors, one data conductor coupled between the control circuitry the power layer circuitry of each inverter for conveying the gate timing-related signals from the control circuitry to the respective power layer circuitry;wherein power layer circuitry of each inverter is configured to receive the gate timing-related signals and to recompute the timing for the state changes based upon the received gate timing-related signals ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163301A1

A power conversion apparatus includes a comparison circuit which compares a determination element related to a loss in the power converter with a switching reference value and outputs a determination instruction when a difference has occurred between them, a determination circuit which outputs a two-level operation switching instruction when the determination element is greater than or equal to the switching reference value, and a switching circuit which, when having received a two-level operation switching instruction, turns off the alternating-current switch and turns on the valve devices in the arm sequentially, thereby bringing the power converter into a two-level operation state. 1. A power conversion apparatus comprising:first and second direct-current power supplies connected in series; anda power converter that converts direct-current power from each of the power supplies into alternating-current power and supplies the alternating-current power to an alternating-current power system,the power converter being so configured that at least two valve devices constituted of semiconductor elements are connected in series to constitute one arm, at least three units of this arm are connected in parallel, an alternating-current switch constituted of a series connection of at least two valve devices each constituted of a semiconductor element and a diode connected in inverse parallel with the semiconductor element is connected between a connection point of the valve devices and a connection point of the direct-current power supplies in each arm, and each of the alternating-current switches is turned on or off, thereby enabling the power converter to perform three-level operation or two-level operation,the power conversion apparatus further comprising:a comparison circuit which compares a determination element related to a loss in the power converter with a switching reference value and outputs a determination instruction when a difference has occurred between the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Power supply apparatus for a capacitive load

Номер: US20130169397A1
Автор: Mikael Hansson

The invention provides a power supply apparatus for supplying electric power to a capacitive load. The apparatus has a transformer, a positive half-period driver and a negative half-period driver supplying positive and negative half-periods of voltage to the first coil. The second coil forms an electric resonance circuit and supplies electric voltage to the load. Zero crossings of the voltage supplied to the first coil are determined from a third coil on the transformer, and alternation between positive and negative half-periods of voltage supplied to the first coil is done at the zero crossings of the voltage supplied to the first coil.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170256A1
Автор: CHOI Seungcheol, Yoo Anno
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

A control apparatus for regenerative medium voltage inverter is disclosed. The control apparatus controls a switching of a PWM converter unit by generating a voltage compensating a power difference between an input and an output of the PWM converter unit. 1. A control apparatus for regenerative medium voltage inverter , the apparatus comprising:a converter unit configured to include a plurality of power devices, and convert a three-phase power to a DC voltage;a gate signal generating unit configured to output a PWM signal which is a switching signal of the plurality of power devices;a current controller configured to generate a voltage command from a current command and a measured current and apply the voltage command to the gate signal generating unit; anda generating unit configured to generate a voltage compensating a power difference between an input and an output of the converter unit, and provide the voltage to the current controller.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a voltage controller configured to generate the current command of a synchronous reference frame using the voltage command and a measured voltage.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a phase detecting unit configured to provide phase angle information of an input power; anda first coordinate converting unit configured to convert the input power from a stationary reference frame to the synchronous reference frame and provide the converted input power to the current controller.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the generating unit comprises:a magnitude determining unit configured to determine a magnitude of a compensating voltage using a power difference between the input and the output of the converter unit;first and second phase determining units configured to determine a phase of the compensating voltage; anda second coordinate converting unit configured to convert the magnitude and phase-determined compensating voltage from the stationary reference frame to the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170267A1

Switches of a matrix converter are protected from potentially damaging charge-pump voltage build-up during a transition (dead) time by pulsing On (temporarily closing) any “at risk” switch during the transition (dead) time. The temporary closing of the “at risk” switch discharges any voltage build-up across a parallel coupled capacitor, which protects the at risk switch from damage or failure. 1. In a matrix converter having a plurality of switches and operating in a free-wheeling mode and a power delivery mode , a method for protecting the switches during a transition period between the free-wheeling mode and the power delivery mode comprising , temporarily closing a particular switch of the plurality of switches that is normally open during the transition period thereby protecting the particular switch during the transition period.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein temporarily closing the particular switch comprises closing the particular switch during a portion of the transition period.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein temporarily closing the particular switch comprises closing the particular switch during approximately all of the transition period.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein temporarily closing the particular switch comprises applying one or more control pulses to the particular switch causing the particular switch to temporarily close during application of the one or more control pulses.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein temporarily closing the particular switch comprises temporarily closing the particular switch for a time period sufficient to discharge a capacitor in parallel with the particular switch.6. In a matrix converter having a plurality of switches and operating in a free-wheeling mode and a power delivery mode claim 1 , a method for protecting the switches during a transition period between the free-wheeling mode and the power delivery mode comprising:determining a particular switch of the plurality of switches being at risk of a charge pump ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170268A1
Автор: Mino Kazuaki, YAMADA Ryuji
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A motor drive system wherein an LC circuit exists between an inverter and a motor is such that switching of semiconductor switching elements Su to Sw and Sx to Sz configuring the inverter is controlled by an on-signal formed of a first on-signal, a second on-signal, and an off-state period of a time the same as the first on-signal provided between the first on-signal and second on-signal, and by an off-signal formed of a first off-signal, a second off-signal, and an on-state period of a time the same as the first off-signal provided between the first off-signal and second off-signal, and surge voltage applied to an input terminal of the motor is suppressed by the time of the first on-signal and the time of the second off-signal being set to one-sixth of a resonance cycle specific to the LC circuit. 1. A power converter for converting the power received from a power source , and supplying the converted power to a load , comprising:a semiconductor switching element; anda control circuit that controls the turning on and off of the semiconductor switching element;the control circuit providing a control signal for turning the semiconductor switching element into an on-state,whereinthe control signal is configured of a first on-signal and a second on-signal,an off-state period is provided between the first on-signal and second on-signal of the control signal, the off-state period being a time practically equivalent to a period of the first on-signal, andthe period of the first on-signal and the off-state period are set to a time practically one-sixth of a resonance cycle of impedance existing between the semiconductor switching element and the load.2. A power converter for converting the power received from a power source , and supplying the converted power to a load , comprising:a semiconductor switching element;a control circuit that controls the turning on and off of the semiconductor switching element; andan LC circuit formed of an inductor and a capacitor, the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176757A1

A reactive energy compensator that can be electrically connected to an AC electrical network, including at least one input direct voltage bus, at least one voltage inverter including switches and first and second capacitors having first and second voltages at their terminals, control means for the switches, including computation means capable of generating a target control current, means for combining the target control current and the output current from the inverter, means for transmitting a control signal capable of driving the switches, and correction means for the control signals of the switches, the correction means being capable of adding a balancing current to the target control current, the balancing current being able to correct the target control current so as to reduce the difference between the values of the first and second voltages, the target control current being increased for an even harmonic of the network frequency. 2. The reactive energy compensator according to claim 1 , wherein the correction means can determine a value of the balancing current claim 1 , the balancing current being a periodic frequency signal equal to a non-zero even multiple of the network frequency.3. The reactive energy compensator according to claim 2 , wherein the balancing current is a sinusoidal frequency signal equal to a non-zero even multiple of the network frequency.4. The reactive energy compensator according to claim 2 , wherein the amplitude of the balancing current is proportional to the difference between the current value of the first voltage and the current value of the second voltage.5. The reactive energy compensator according to claim 1 , wherein each electronic switch is a two-way switch claim 1 , and comprises a transistor and a diode connected in anti-parallel.6. The reactive energy compensator according to claim 5 , wherein the transistor is an insulated gate bipolar transistor.7. The reactive energy compensator according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Power convertion circuit using high-speed characterisics of switching devices

Номер: US20130176760A1
Автор: Shun-Ichi Nakamura
Принадлежит: Individual

A power conversion circuit converting DC electric power into AC electric power and sending the AC power to an inductive load, includes a first switching device connected to the DC power supply; a second switching device connected to the DC power supply; a first inductor provided between the first switching device and the inductive load; a second inductor provided between the second switching device and the inductive load; and a clamping diode connected between a first connection point between the first switching device and the first inductor, and a second connection point between the second switching device and the second inductor. When the first and second switching devices are turned off, a current flows through the second diode, clamping diode, first inductor and inductive load to completely flow out a current in the first inductor, and then a current flows through the second diode, second inductor and inductive load.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Power Conversion Device

Номер: US20130176761A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

A power conversion device comprises a power semiconductor device, first and second conductor plates joined to the power semiconductor device, first and second insulating member, a case made of metal which stores the components, and a channel-forming structure made of metal. Part of the case is fixed to the metallic channel-forming structure via a third insulating member. Leakage current caused by the switching operation of the power semiconductor device is transmitted to the channel-forming structure via a series circuit including parasitic capacitance of the first insulating member and/or parasitic capacitance of the second insulating member and parasitic capacitance of the third insulating member. 1. A power conversion device comprising:a power semiconductor device which converts DC current to AC current by switching operation;a first conductor plate joined to one principal surface of the power semiconductor device via a joining material;a second conductor plate joined to the other principal surface of the power semiconductor device via a joining material;a first insulating member facing a surface of the first conductor plate, other surface of the first conductor plate being provided with the power semiconductor device;a second insulating member facing a surface of the second conductor plate, other surface of the second conductor plate being provided with the power semiconductor device;a case made of metal which stores the power semiconductor device, the first and second conductor plates, and the first and second insulating members; anda channel-forming structure made of metal which forms a channel through which a cooling medium flows, wherein:the case is held in the channel of the channel-forming structure by fixing part of the case to the channel-forming structure via a third insulating member, andleakage current caused by the switching operation of the power semiconductor device is transmitted to the channel-forming structure via a series circuit including ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Three Level Inverter Modulation

Номер: US20130176762A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An apparatus, system, and method for providing three level inverter modulation. In one embodiment, control signals can be provided to control a three level inverter in a power converter based on at least one feedback signal.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Power Module Package Having a Multi-Phase Inverter and Power Factor Correction

Номер: US20130182470A1

According to an exemplary implementation, a power module package includes a multi-phase inverter. The power module package also includes a multi-phase inverter driver configured to drive the multi-phase inverter. The power module package further includes a power factor correction (PFC) circuit where the PFC circuit is configured to regulate a bus voltage of the multi-phase inverter and a PFC driver configured to drive the PFC circuit. The multi-phase inverter, the multi-phase inverter driver, the PFC circuit, and the PFC driver are situated on a package substrate of the power module package. The multi-phase inverter driver and the PFC driver can be in a common driver integrated circuit (IC). 1. A power module package comprising:a multi-phase inverter;a multi-phase inverter driver configured to drive said multi-phase inverter;a power factor correction (PFC) circuit, said PFC circuit configured to regulate a bus voltage of said multi-phase inverter;a PFC driver configured to drive said PFC circuit;said multi-phase inverter, said multi-phase inverter driver, said PFC circuit, and said PFC driver situated on a package substrate of said power module package.2. The power module package of claim 1 , wherein said multi-phase inverter driver and said PFC driver are in a common driver integrated circuit (IC).3. The power module package of claim 1 , comprising a PFC overcurrent protection circuit configured to provide over current protection to said PFC circuit.4. The power module package of claim 1 , comprising an inverter overcurrent protection circuit configured to provide over current protection to said multi-phase inverter.5. The power module package of claim 1 , wherein said multi-phase inverter is a three-phase inverter.6. The power module package of claim 1 , comprising a common fault terminal of said power module package configured to indicate an overcurrent condition of said PFC circuit and configured to indicate an overcurrent condition of said multi-phase inverter. ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182480A1
Автор: HOSOTANI Tatsuya

In an AC power supply apparatus, first and second switching circuits connected in series to an input terminal to which a DC input power supply is connected include first and second rectification elements, respectively. A capacitor, an inductor, and a capacitive load are equivalently connected in series to the second switching circuit. The capacitor is charged after the first switching circuit is turned on before the second rectification element is turned off and the charged capacitor is caused to discharge after the second switching circuit is turned on before the second rectification element is turned off. The above operations are periodically repeated. The voltage of the capacitive load is reversed with current flowing during the charge and the discharge of the capacitor to adjust the on and off periods of the first and second switching circuits in order to supply desired AC voltage to the capacitive load. 1. An AC power supply apparatus that supplies AC voltage to a capacitive load , the AC power supply apparatus comprising:an input terminal to which a DC power supply is connected;a first switching circuit in which a first switch element is connected in parallel to a first rectification element;a second switching circuit which is connected in series to the first switching circuit and in which a second switch element is connected in parallel to the a second rectification element;a transformer configured to include a primary winding and a secondary winding;a resonant inductor and a resonant capacitor configured to be connected in series to the primary winding; anda control unit configured to repeat first control in which, after the first switch element is turned on during a first period, the first switch element is turned off during a second period and second control in which, after the second switch element is turned on during a third period, the second switch element is turned off during a fourth period,wherein the resonant inductor, the resonant capacitor, and ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188406A1

A reactive energy compensator is provided. The compensator is connected to an alternating electrical network including M phase(s), M being an integer greater than or equal to 1. The compensator includes M connection terminals, N banks of capacitor(s) capable of providing reactive energy, N being an integer greater than or equal to 2, N two-way voltage inverters, connected to each other in parallel and each connected to a unique capacitor bank, each inverter being able to convert a direct current into an alternating current including M phase(s) in one direction and the alternating current into direct current in the other direction, each inverter including first and second input terminals and M output terminal(s), the input terminals being connected to the corresponding capacitor bank, each output terminal corresponding to a phase of the alternating current and being connected to a corresponding connection terminal, and a device for balancing the voltage of the N capacitor banks. 2101834284454. The compensator () according to claim 1 , wherein the balancing device () includes second electrical connecting means () for connecting the second input terminals () through passive electrical components ( claim 1 , ).310323436445254. The compensator () according to or claim 1 , wherein the connecting means ( claim 1 , ) are made up of passive electrical components ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ).4103234. The compensator () according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the connecting means ( claim 1 , ) have an impedance greater than or equal to 10 ohms claim 1 , preferably greater than or equal to 15 ohms.510323636384038264042. The compensator () according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the first connecting means () include N first resistances () claim 1 , each first resistance () having two ends ( claim 1 , ) and being connected by one end () to a first corresponding input terminal () and by the other end () to a first shared point (). ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193775A1

A power converting apparatus and a photovoltaic module are discussed. The power converting apparatus includes a converter including a tapped inductor and a first switch, the converter converting a level of an input direct current (DC) voltage and outputting the level-converted DC voltage, and an inverter including a plurality of switches, the inverter converting the level-converted DC voltage into an alternating current (AC) voltage. The inverter operates separately in a first switching mode where the inverter performs a switching operation at a first frequency for a first period of the converted AC voltage and a second switching mode where the inverter performs a switching operation at a second frequency for a second period of the converted AC voltage, the second frequency being lower than the first frequency. 1. A power converting apparatus comprising:a converter including a tapped inductor and a first switch, the converter configured to convert a level of an input direct current (DC) voltage and output the level-converted DC voltage; andan inverter including a plurality of switches, the inverter configured to convert the level-converted DC voltage into an alternating current (AC) voltage,wherein the inverter operates separately in a first switching mode where the inverter performs a switching operation at a first frequency for a first period of the converted AC voltage and a second switching mode where the inverter performs a switching operation at a second frequency for a second period of the converted AC voltage, the second frequency being lower than the first frequency.2. The power converting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the converter converts the level of the input DC voltage to output a level-converted pseudo DC voltage as the level converted DC voltage.3. The power converting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a filter configured to low pass filter the AC voltage output from the inverter.4. The power converting apparatus ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Power converting appartatus

Номер: US20130194852A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

In a power converting apparatus having a plurality of phases on an AC side and configured to perform conversion between DC power and AC power, a current detector detects currents flowing through a DC source line through which a plurality of phase currents commonly flow. A control unit sets a current detection period and a succeeding current control period in each successive control cycle. Using first gate signals based on reference gate signals for PWM control, the control unit calculates values of the individual phase currents from the first gate signals and the detected currents during the current detection period. Then, during the current control period, the control unit performs PWM control using phase voltage commands generated by correcting phase voltage target values so as to cancel out voltage errors that occur during the current detection period.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200711A1
Автор: Davies Kevin Stephen

A power conversion system () for converting power from a plurality of solar panels. The system () comprises a plurality of panel modules () each having an input () and an output () and being connected in series. Each panel module () is connected to at least one solar panel () that supplies power to the panel module (). Voltage control circuitry is provided within each of the panel modules () to vary the voltage supplied between the input () and the output () between a maximum module voltage and a minimum module voltage. A control unit () in communication with the voltage control circuitry of each of the panel modules varies the voltage supplied across the input () and output () of each of the panel modules () such that the total voltage across the series connected panel modules () forms an AC signal or a rectified version of an AC signal. 1. A power conversion system for converting power from a plurality of solar panels , the system comprising:a plurality of panel modules each having an input and an output and being connected in series such that the output of any panel module is connected to the input of a subsequent panel module, each panel module being connected to at least one solar panel that supplies power to the panel module;voltage control circuitry provided within each of the panel modules in connection with the solar panel to vary the voltage supplied between the input and the output by the solar panel between a maximum module voltage and a minimum module voltage;a control unit in communication with the voltage control circuitry of each of the panel modules;wherein the control unit varies the voltage supplied across the input and output of each of the panel modules such that the total voltage across the series connected panel modules forms an AC signal or a rectified version of an AC signal.2. A power conversion system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the control unit is in communication with a mains supply to receive information regarding the phase of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200715A1

A converter assembly includes a DC-DC converter, an inverter, a DC link, an input capacitor, an inductor and a neutral conductor. The DC-DC converter includes at least one DC-DC converter unit. The input capacitor includes an input capacitor unit for each of the at least one DC-DC converter unit, where each of the input capacitor units has a midpoint. The neutral conductor is connected to a neutral point on an output side of the inverter. The inductor includes an inverter side inductor between each output terminal of the inverter means and the neutral point on output side of the inverter. The neutral conductor is connected to the midpoint of each of the input capacitor units. 1. A converter assembly comprising:DC-DC converter means including at least one DC-DC converter unit having input terminals and an output;inverter means having at least one input terminal and at least one output terminal;a DC link electrically connecting the output of the at least one DC-DC converter unit to the at least one input terminal of the inverter means;input capacitor means including an input capacitor unit for a corresponding one of each of the at least one DC-DC converter unit, each input capacitor unit being connected between the input terminals of a corresponding one of the at least one DC-DC converter unit;a neutral conductor connected to a neutral point on an output side of the inverter means; andinductor means including an inverter side inductor between each output terminal of the inverter means and the neutral point on the output side of the inverter means,wherein the neutral conductor is connected to a corresponding midpoint of each of the input capacitor units.2. A converter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein each inverter side inductor is connected in series with a load of the inverter means.3. A converter assembly according to claim 1 , comprising:a neutral point filter capacitor between each output terminal of the inverter means and the neutral point on the output ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200831A1

A power supply device includes: an inverter that converts a DC power supplied from a battery pack into an AC power and outputs the AC power; and an adapter shapes a waveform of the AC power outputted from the inverter. 1. A power supply device comprising:an inverter that converts a DC power supplied from a battery pack into an AC power and outputs the AC power; andan adapter that shapes a waveform of the AC power outputted from the inverter.2. The power supply device according to claim 1 , further comprising a controller that controls the inverter to change a waveform of the AC power to be outputted in accordance with a connection status of an adapter to the inverter.3. The power supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller controls the inverter to output a square-wave AC power having a commercial frequency when the adapter is not connected to the inverter claim 2 , andwherein the controller controls the inverter to output a PWM sine-wave AC power when the adapter is connected to the inverter.4. The power supply device according to claim 3 , wherein the inverter comprises:a first switching element that is turned on/off to convert the DC power supplied from the battery pack into an AC power;a rectifying/smoothing circuit that converts the AC power converted by the first switching element into a DC power; andan inverter circuit including a plurality of second switching elements that is turned on/off to convert the DC power converted by the rectifying/smoothing circuit into an AC power, wherein the controller controls the ON/OFF of the plurality of second switching elements based on the connection status.5. The power supply device according to claim 3 , wherein the adapter includes a low-pass filter that shapes the PWM sine-wave AC power into a sine-wave AC power.6. The power supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the adapter includes an identifying member that outputs an identifying signal to the controller when the adapter is connected to the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201740A1

Disclosed are a maximum power point tracker, a power conversion controller, a power conversion device having an insulating structure, and a method for tracking maximum power point. The power conversion device includes: a DC/AC converter including a primary DC chopper unit having a primary switch, a transformer, and an AC/AC conversion unit including a secondary switch; a current detector detecting current from an input stage of the DC/AC converter and providing a detected current value; a voltage detector detecting a system voltage from an output stage of the DC/AC converter; and a power conversion controller generating a primary PWM signal to be provided to the primary DC chopper unit and secondary first and second PWM signals, having the mutually opposing phases, to be provided to the AC/AC conversion unit by using the detected current value and the system voltage. 19-. (canceled)10. A power conversion device comprising:a DC/AC converter including a primary DC chopper unit having a primary switch, a transformer, and an AC/AC conversion unit including a secondary switch;a current detector detecting current from an input stage of the DC/AC converter and providing a detected current value;a voltage detector detecting a system voltage from an output stage of the DC/AC converter; anda power conversion controller generating a primary pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to be provided to the primary DC chopper unit and secondary first and second PWM signals, having the mutually opposing phases, to be provided to the AC/AC conversion unit by using the detected current value and the system voltage.11. The device of claim 10 , wherein the DC/AC converter comprises:the primary DC chopper unit having the primary switch;the transformer having a primary coil connected between the primary switch and the input stage and a secondary coil; andthe AC/AC conversion unit including a secondary first switch connected to one end of the secondary coil and a secondary second switch ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201741A1

A power module for converting direct current to alternating current comprising a semiconductor switching circuit device, a substrate onto which the switching circuit device is physically and electrically coupled without wirebonds, a plurality of leadframe terminals physically and electrically coupled to the substrate, and a cover including an opening exposing a bottom side of the substrate and including a wall portion oriented generally orthogonally relative to the substrate with at least some of the leadframe terminals projecting outwardly from the wall portion. The leadframe terminals projecting outwardly from the wall portion may include an affixed portion coupled to the substrate and an extending segment lying in a plane above the affixed portion with the extending segment projecting outwardly from the wall portion and the cover encapsulating the affixed portion whereby the extending segment is spaced from a plane defined by the bottom side of the substrate. 1. A power module for converting direct current to alternating current , said power module comprising:a semiconductor switching circuit device;a substrate onto which said switching circuit device is physically and electrically coupled without wirebonds;a plurality of leadframe terminals physically and electrically coupled to said substrate; anda cover at least partially disposed about said power module, said cover including an opening exposing a bottom side of said substrate and including a wall portion oriented generally orthogonally relative to said substrate with at least some of said leadframe terminals projecting outwardly from said wall portion;said leadframe terminals projecting outwardly from said wall portion including an affixed portion coupled to said substrate and an extending segment lying in a plane above said affixed portion, said extending segment projecting outwardly from said wall portion with said cover encapsulating said affixed portion whereby said extending segment is spaced from a ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207583A1

A voltage output circuit includes: an oscillator circuit configured to output an oscillation signal while changing an oscillation frequency thereof; and a voltage generating circuit configured to convert a first voltage into a second voltage higher than the first voltage, and output the second voltage, based on the oscillation signal. 1. A voltage output circuit comprising:an oscillator circuit configured to output an oscillation signal while changing an oscillation frequency thereof; anda voltage generating circuit configured to convert a first voltage into a second voltage higher than the first voltage, and output the second voltage, based on the oscillation signal.2. The voltage output circuit of claim 1 , whereinthe oscillator circuit is further configured to output the oscillation signal having the oscillation frequency determined according to a level of an applied voltage.3. The voltage output circuit of claim 2 , whereinthe oscillator circuit is further configured to increase the oscillation frequency of the oscillation signal with increase in level of the applied voltage, and decrease the oscillation frequency of the oscillation signal with decrease in level of the applied voltage.4. The voltage output circuit of claim 3 , whereinthe oscillator circuit includes an odd number of a plurality of inverter circuits ring-connected, and whereinthe plurality of inverter circuits each have a response time decreased with increase in level of the applied voltage, which response time is a time period from when an input voltage is inverted until when an output voltage is inverted, and has the response time increased with decrease in level of the applied voltage.5. The voltage output circuit of claim 4 , whereinthe plurality of inverter circuits each include first and second NMOSFETs and first and second PMOSFETs, whereinthe first NMOSFET and the first PMOSFET are inverter-connected to each other, whereinthe second NMOSFET is connected in series between a power supply and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208518A1
Автор: Kinoshita Masahiro

An electric power converter includes a DC stabilization circuit () configured to stabilize a DC voltage from DC power supply (), and an inverter () configured to convert the DC voltage stabilized by the DC stabilization circuit () to an AC voltage. The DC stabilization circuit () includes an aluminum electrolytic capacitor () configured to smooth the DC voltage, a saturable reactor () configured to prevent the DC stabilization circuit () from oscillating, and a film capacitor () configured to supply a ripple current to the inverter (). 1. An electric power converter configured to convert DC power to AC power , comprising:a DC stabilization circuit configured to stabilize a DC voltage from DC power supply; andan inverter configured to convert the DC voltage stabilized by said DC stabilization circuit to an AC voltage, an input terminal configured to receive the DC voltage from said DC power supply;', 'a DC output terminal connected to said inverter;', 'a power storage device connected to said input terminal and configured to smooth the DC voltage of said input terminal;', 'a reactor having one terminal connected to said input terminal and the other terminal connected to said DC output terminal and being configured to prevent said DC stabilization circuit from oscillating; and', 'a film capacitor connected to said DC output terminal and configured to supply a ripple current to said inverter., 'said DC stabilization circuit including2. The electric power converter according to claim 1 , wherein said power storage device is an electrolytic capacitor.3. The electric power converter according to claim 1 , wherein said power storage device is an electric double layer capacitor.4. The electric power converter according to claim 1 , wherein said power storage device is a battery.5. The electric power converter according to claim 1 , wherein said reactor is a saturable reactor.6. The electric power converter according to claim 1 , wherein said DC stabilization circuit further ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Switching Element, Power Converter, Direct Current Transmission System, Current Control Device, Method of Controlling Power Converter, and Method of Controlling Current in Voltage Source Converter

Номер: US20130208519A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A switching element of a power converter generates a low voltage, using a current flowing in the power converter, and supplies a power to drive itself. A switching element of a power converter for conversion from direct current into alternate current or from alternate current into direct current includes: a terminal and a terminal which are used in building the switching element itself in the power converter; a capacitor, a high-side controllable switch and a low-side controllable switch enabling outputting the voltage of the capacitor, the voltage being output between the terminal and the terminal, and a self-supply power source for supplying a power to drive the bi-directional chopper switching element itself, using a current flowing in the capacitor. 1. A switching element , comprising:a first terminal and a second terminal which are used in configuring a serial switching element group by being built in a power converter for electrically converting a grid current, the grid current being an alternate current, into a direct current or electrically converting a direct current into an alternate current;an energy accumulation unit;a plurality of controllable switches that enable outputting accumulated energy source accumulated by the energy accumulation unit, the accumulated energy source being output between the first terminal and the second terminal; andan internal power source for supplying power to the switching element itself, using a current flowing in a portion of the power converter.2. The switching element according to claim 1 , wherein the internal power source supplies the power to the switching element itself using the accumulated energy source.3. The switching element according to claim 1 ,wherein the energy accumulation unit is a capacitor,wherein the plurality of controllable switches enables outputting a voltage of the capacitor between the first terminal and the second terminal, andwherein the internal power source supplies the power to the switching ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229843A1

A current-source power converting apparatus according to an embodiment includes an inverter and a drive controller. The inverter includes, in every output phase, a plurality of switching elements that are serially connected between the positive pole and the negative pole of a direct current source. The drive controller controls the inverter in accordance with a current command in an output mode of controlling the switching elements of different output phases for supplying current between the output phases and a short circuit mode of controlling the switching elements of the same output phase. An output phase in which the drive controller executes the short circuit mode is an output phase whose phase voltage or phase current has the minimum absolute value. 1. A current-source power converting apparatus comprising:an inverter including, in every output phase, a plurality of switching elements that are serially connected between a positive pole and a negative pole of a direct current source; anda drive controller that controls the inverter in accordance with a current command in an output mode of controlling the switching elements of different output phases for supplying current between the output phases and a short circuit mode of controlling the switching elements of the same output phase,wherein an output phase in which the drive controller executes the short circuit mode is, among the output phases, an output phase whose phase voltage or phase current has a minimum absolute value.2. The current-source power converting apparatus according to claim 1 , a voltage detector that detects voltages of the individual output phases, and', 'a determiner that determines, on the basis of the voltages detected by the voltage detector, an output phase with a minimum absolute value of a phase voltage, and, 'wherein the drive controller includes'}wherein the output phase in which the drive controller executes the short circuit mode is the output phase determined by the determiner ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235630A1

A power supply includes a power source having at least one power source output, and a plurality of drivers connected to the at least one power source output. At least one of the plurality of drivers includes a bridge network having a first switch, a second switch and a bridge network output. The first switch is connected between the at least one power source output and the bridge network output. The second switch is connected between the bridge network output and a ground. The bridge network further includes at least one control input connected to the second switch. The bridge network is adapted to change a state of the first switch based on a state of the second switch. 1. A power supply , comprising:a bridge network comprising an upper switch, a lower switch and a control input, the upper switch and the lower switch being connected in series between a power input and a ground, the control input being connected to the lower switch, the upper switch being controlled by an output of the lower switch; anda controller operable to control the lower switch.2. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller is operable to generate a pulse width modulated output.3. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a microprocessor.4. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a microcontroller.5. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises an application specific integrated circuit.6. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a field programmable gate array.7. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a digital signal processor.8. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a state machine.9. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises an analog circuit.10. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises an oscillator.11. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a ramp circuit.12. The power supply of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235636A1

A power module according to the present invention includes a semiconductor device; a base part formed from an electrically conductive material on which the semiconductor device is mounted; a signal lead part formed from the same material as the base part, the signal lead part being electrically connected to the semiconductor device; and a thin plate lead part formed from the same material as the base part such that it is formed seamlessly from the base part and it is thinner than the base part, the thin plate lead part extending on the same side as the signal lead part with respect to the base part, wherein the thin plate lead part is electrically connected to a predetermined terminal of the semiconductor device via the base part such that it forms a potential detecting terminal for detecting a potential of the predetermined terminal of the semiconductor device. 1. A power module comprising:a semiconductor device;a base part formed from an electrically conductive material on which the semiconductor device is mounted;a signal lead part formed from the same material as the base part, the signal lead part being electrically connected to the semiconductor device;a thin plate lead part formed from the same material as the base part such that it is formed seamlessly from the base part and it is thinner than the base part, the thin plate lead part extending on the same side as the signal lead part with respect to the base part; anda power lead part formed from the same material as the base part such that it is formed seamlessly from the base part and it is thinner than the base part, the power lead part connecting a predetermined terminal of the semiconductor device to a positive electrode side of a power supply, whereinthe thin plate lead part is electrically connected to a predetermined terminal of the semiconductor device via the base part such that it forms a potential detecting terminal for detecting a potential of the predetermined terminal of the semiconductor ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Power Conditioning Unit

Номер: US20130235637A1
Автор: Rodriguez Cuauhtemoc
Принадлежит: Enecsys Limited

A power conditioning unit for delivering power from a power source to a mains utility supply, the power conditioning unit comprising a plurality of input terminals for connecting to the power source, a plurality of output terminals for connecting to the mains utility supply, a voltage increasing converter connected to the input terminals, a voltage reducing converter connected to the voltage increasing converter and a dc-to-ac converter connected to the voltage reducing converter and to the output terminals. 18-. (canceled)9. A power conditioning unit for delivering power from a dc power source to a mains utility supply the power conditioning unit comprising:input connection means for connecting to the dc power source;output connection means for connecting to the mains utility supply;voltage increasing means for increasing the voltage supplied to the input connection means;voltage reducing means for reducing the voltage supplied by the voltage increasing means;dc to ac conversion means for converting a direct current supplied by the voltage reducing means to an alternating current suitable for supplying to the mains utility supply;voltage sensing means for sensing a voltage on the output connection means;reference current generation means for generating a reference current responsive to said sensing;current sensing means for sensing a supply current in the dc to ac conversion means; andcontrol means for controlling the voltage reducing means responsive to a difference between the reference current and the supply current.1013-. (canceled) This application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/718,879, filed May 21, 2009, now published as U.S. Publication 2011/0205766. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/718,879 is a national stage application of PCT Application PCT/GB2005/050197, filed Nov. 4, 2005, now published as WO 2006/048688. PCT Application PCT/GB2005/050197 claims the benefit of United Kingdom Patent Application GB 0424556.9, ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242630A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A switching power supply device includes: a chopper circuit that adjusts a DC voltage input through a reactor to a desired DC voltage by performing an on/off operation of a switching element; an inverter circuit that converts an output of the chopper circuit into a desired AC voltage; a first capacitor that is provided on a side of the inverter circuit relative to the switching element; a second capacitor that is provided on a side of the inverter circuit relative to the switching element; and a resistor that is in a resonant loop formed by three constituent elements that are the first capacitor, the second capacitor, and a wiring inductance between the chopper circuit and the inverter circuit, where the resistor is connected in series to the second capacitor and inserted between the DC bus-bars. 19-. (canceled)10. A switching power supply device comprising:a chopper circuit that adjusts a DC voltage input through a reactor to a desired DC voltage by performing an on/off operation of a switching element;an inverter circuit that converts an output of the chopper circuit into a desired AC voltage;a first capacitor that is provided on a side of the inverter circuit relative to the switching element and that is inserted between DC bus-bars that connect the chopper circuit and the inverter circuit;a second capacitor that is provided on a side of the inverter circuit relative to the switching element and that is connected in parallel to the first capacitor and has a smaller capacitance value than the first capacitor; anda resistor that is in a resonant loop formed by three constituent elements that are the first capacitor, the second capacitor, and a wiring inductance between the chopper circuit and the inverter circuit, where the resistor is connected in series to the second capacitor and inserted between the DC bus-bars.11. The switching power supply device according to claim 10 , wherein the second capacitor is a smoothing capacitor that smoothes an output of the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for Connecting a Photovoltaic Installation to a Power Supply

Номер: US20130250641A1
Автор: Falk Andreas
Принадлежит: SMA Solar Technology AG

The disclosure relates to a method for connecting a photovoltaic installation to a power supply grid, the photovoltaic installation comprising a photovoltaic generator, a direct voltage intermediate circuit with at least one capacitor, and an inverter. The method including connecting the direct voltage intermediate circuit to the photovoltaic generator and the capacitor is pre-charged to a first voltage. The direct voltage intermediate circuit is then separated from the photovoltaic generator and the capacitor is discharged to or below a second voltage that corresponds to a maximum operating voltage of the inverter. The inverter is then connected to the power supply grid, an inverter bridge of the inverter is clocked, and the direct voltage intermediate circuit is connected to the photovoltaic generator. 1. A method for connecting a photovoltaic installation to a power supply grid , the photovoltaic installation comprising a photovoltaic generator , a direct voltage intermediate circuit with at least one capacitor , and an inverter , comprising:connecting the direct voltage intermediate circuit to the photovoltaic generator and the at least one capacitor is pre-charged to a first voltage that is greater than a second voltage that corresponds to a maximum operating voltage of the inverter;disconnecting the direct voltage intermediate circuit from the photovoltaic generator after the connecting, wherein the at least one capacitor is discharged to or below the second voltage;connecting the inverter to the power supply grid after disconnecting the direct voltage intermediate circuit from the photovoltaic generator;clocking an inverter bridge of the inverter after connecting the inverter to the power supply grid; andconnecting the direct voltage intermediate circuit to the photovoltaic generator after clocking the inverter bridge.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first voltage is greater than a rectifier voltage of the power supply grid.3. The method ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258726A1

An arrangement transmits power between a DC power line and an AC power line carrying a voltage having a number of phases. The arrangement includes a number of transformers, one for each phase and a number of power transfer modules, one for each phase, connected in series between the DC power line and ground, where each module includes a first branch including series connected converter cells and a second branch including series connected switching elements. The primary winding of a transformer is connected to a corresponding AC phase conductor of the AC power line and the secondary winding is connected between a midpoint of the first branch and a midpoint of the second branch of a corresponding power transfer module. 19.-. (canceled)10. Arrangement for transmitting power between a direct current power line and an alternating current power line carrying a voltage having a number of phases , said arrangement comprising:a number of transformers, one for each phase,a number of power transfer modules, one for each phase, connected in series between the direct current power line and ground or a negative direct current bus, where each module comprisesa first branch including cascaded converter cells, the cells comprising an energy storage element connected in parallel with a first group of switching units, wherein all the cells providing a voltage contribution of the module is provided in this first branch, anda second branch comprising series connected switching elements,wherein the branches are connected in parallel between a first and a second connection point of a module, the primary winding of a transformer is connected to a corresponding alternating current phase conductor of the alternating current power line and the secondary winding is connected between a midpoint of the first branch and a midpoint of the second branch of a corresponding power transfer module.11. Arrangement according to claim 10 , wherein each module further comprises a capacitor in parallel with ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258734A1

An apparatus for controlling a voltage converting apparatus controls a voltage converting apparatus capable of performing one-arm drive using either a first arm or a second arm by alternatively switching on a first switching element and a second switching element each of which is connected to a reactor in series. The apparatus for controlling the voltage converting apparatus is provided with: a current detecting device for detecting a reactor current; an average value estimating device for estimating an average value of the reactor current in units of periods of a gate signal for changing on and off of each of the first switching element and the second switching element, by using the detected reactor current; and a controlling device for controlling operation of the voltage converting apparatus on the basis of the estimated average value of the reactor current. 1. An apparatus for controlling a voltage converting apparatus capable of performing one-arm drive using either a first arm including a first switching element or a second arm including a second switching element by alternatively switching on the first switching element and the second switching element each of which is connected to a reactor in series , said apparatus comprising:a current detecting device for detecting a reactor current which is an electric current flowing through the reactor;an average value estimating device for estimating an average value of the reactor current in units of periods of a gate signal for changing on and off of each of the first switching element and the second switching element, by using the detected reactor current; anda controlling device for controlling operation of the voltage converting apparatus on the basis of the estimated average value of the reactor current.2. The apparatus for controlling the voltage converting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said average value estimating device has:a first current amount calculating device for calculating a first current ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258735A1

A method is described for the pulse-width-modulated control of switching elements of a pulse-controlled inverter, the impulses of successive signal periods of the control signal, in a first control mode, respectively having a uniform start or end time within the signal period, or being situated uniformly centered in the middle of the signal period, and the impulses of successive signal periods of the control signal, in a second control mode, being situated alternately at the beginning of the signal period and at the end of the signal period. 14.-. (canceled)5. A method for a pulse-width-modulated control of switching elements of a pulse-controlled inverter , comprising: respectively have one of a uniform start time and an end time within each signal period, and', 'are uniformly centered in a middle of at least one signal period; and, 'in a first control mode, providing impulses for successive signal periods of a control signal, wherein the impulses one ofin a second control mode, alternately situating the impulses of the successive signal periods of the control signal at a beginning of the signal period and at an end of the signal period.6. The method as recited in claim 5 , wherein a duty factor of the impulses of the successive signal periods of the control signal is variable.7. The method as recited in claim 5 , further comprising:switching between the first control mode and the second control mode while the pulse-controlled inverter is in operation.8. A control unit for a pulse-width-modulated control of switching elements of a pulse-controlled inverter claim 5 , comprising: respectively have one of a uniform start time and an end time within each signal period, and', 'are uniformly centered in a middle of at least one signal period; and, 'an arrangement for, in a first control mode, providing impulses for successive signal periods of a control signal, wherein the impulses one ofan arrangement for, in a second control mode, alternately situating the impulses of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258736A1

A power module includes a power module body portion. The power module body portion includes a P-side conductive plate, a first N-side conductive plate, and a second N-side conductive plate that are disposed with a distance thereamong in the power module body portion, P-side semiconductor elements that are disposed on a front surface of the P-side conductive plate, N-side semiconductor elements that are disposed on a front surface of the first N-side conductive plate and that are electrically connected to the P-side semiconductor elements, and a capacitor that is disposed between the P-side semiconductor elements and the N-side semiconductor elements so as to be connected to the P-side conductive plate and the second N-side conductive plate in the power module body portion and that suppresses a surge voltage. 1. A power converter comprising:a power converter body portion, a first conductive plate and a second conductive plate that are disposed with a distance therebetween in the power converter body portion,', 'a first power-conversion semiconductor element that is disposed on a front surface of the first conductive plate,', 'a second power-conversion semiconductor element that is disposed on a front surface of the second conductive plate and that is electrically connected to the first power-conversion semiconductor element, and', 'a capacitor that is disposed between the first power-conversion semiconductor element and the second power-conversion semiconductor element so as to be connected to the first conductive plate and the second conductive plate in the power converter body portion and that suppresses a surge voltage., 'the power converter body portion including'}2. The power converter according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitor is disposed between the first power-conversion semiconductor element and the second power-conversion semiconductor element so as to be directly connected to the first conductive plate and the second conductive plate.3. The power ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258737A1

An inverter for the selective feeding of effective power and reactive power into a power grid has two serially connected intermediate circuit capacitors, the joint connection of which defines a median voltage level between a positive voltage level and a negative voltage level. It also has first, second, third, and fourth semiconductor switches having free-wheeling diodes respectively connected in parallel, which are arranged serially in this sequence between the positive and the negative voltage levels, the joint connection of the second and third semiconductor switches being connected to the power grid via a choke. The inverter also has serially connected first and second diodes, the joint connection of which is at the median voltage level, and whose second connection is connected to the joint connection of the first and second semiconductor switches and of the third and fourth semiconductor switches. Joint connections of two of the first to fourth semiconductor switches are connected to additional chokes, which by additional semiconductor switches form switchable paths for accepting free-wheeling currents. In this manner, it is possible to avoid putting stress on diodes as a result of the reverse recovery effect. 1. A rectifier for selectively feeding effective and reactive power into a power grid , comprising:two series-connected intermediate circuit capacitors, a joint connection of which defines a median voltage level between a positive voltage level and a negative voltage level;first, second, third, and fourth semiconductor switches including parallel-connected free-wheeling diodes, located serially in sequence between the positive voltage level and the negative voltage level, a joint connection of the second semiconductor switch and the third semiconductor switch connectable via a choke to the power grid;series-connected first and second diodes, a joint connection of which is at the median voltage level, a second connection of the series-connected first and ...
