Transfer paper and dry-strip transfers made with such paper
Реферат: 728,089. Transfers; compound sheet materials. BRITTAINS, Ltd. Sept. 8, 1953 [Nov. 20, 1952], No. 29400/52. Class 140. [Also in Group XVI] Transfer papers according to Specification 727,825, and particularly those containing a polyethylene or polychlorotrifluoroethylene as the translucent film material, are modified by omission of the tissue paper, the bond between the translucent film and the backing paper being such that the latter is dry-strippable without damage to either surface. The film is preferably controlled to a thickness of 1 mil. during application by extrusion-lamination to glassine or other smooth impervious backing paper, e.g. of 4 mils. thickness. The polyethylene may contain an anti-oxidant, or may be modified by waxes or polyisobutylene or both. A transfer film may be formed on the polyethylene surface by brushing on a solution of (a) low viscosity cellulose acetate plasticized with 50 per cent by weight of diethyl phthalate in an acetonemethyl glycol mixture; or (b) polyvinyl alcohol in a water-ethyl alcohol mixture, preceded or not by a nitro-cellulose lacquer plasticized with 57 per cent of trixylenyl phosphate; alternatively a lithographic print of linseed oil litho varnish and pigment may be applied. The free surface of the transfer film may be overprinted with a solvent- or heat-activatable adhesive, to obviate siezing of the receiving surface.
Transfer paper and dry-strip transfers made with such paper
Номер патента: US2811475A. Автор: Edge Norman. Владелец: BRITTAINS Ltd. Дата публикации: 1957-10-29.