Improvements in Lighting Arrangements for Gas Lamps.
Опубликовано: 03-09-1898
Автор(ы): Raymond Louis Marie Pas Billen
Принадлежит: Individual
Реферат: 22,239. Billen, R. L. M. P. March 25, [date claimed under Sec. 103 of Patents &c. Act, A.D. 1883]. Lighting and extinguishing g a s.-Fig. 1 shows a device particularly applicable to incandescent s t r e e t lamps, and Fig. 4 a section of the cock used in connection therewith. The plug B of this cock is formed with ports F and G, which supply gas to the bye-pass pipe C and burner pipe A<1> respectively. In the position shown, gas is being supplied to the pipe C only. Further rotation supplies gas to the pipes A' and C, and by again turning the plug in the same direction the full pressure of gas passes to the pipe A<1>, while the supply to the pipe C is cut off. The pipe C is curved as shown in Fig. 1, and has a number of perforations c, so that, when the attendant applies the end of the lighting-rod to operate the lever b, this end follows the curved part of the pipe and ignites the gas escaping therefrom. The light passes from perforation to perforation until it reaches the top of the pipe C, when it ignites the gas at the main burner. When the pressure imparted to the burner is to be controlled, the thickness of the plug between the ports F and G is increased.
Improvements in or relating to binding arrangements for sheets and leaflets
Номер патента: GB443067A. Автор: . Владелец: GELIJN MOLIER. Дата публикации: 1936-02-20.