Improvements in and connected with protective relays for train lighting and like installations
Опубликовано: 10-08-1942
Принадлежит: J Stone and Co Ltd, Stone J and Co Ltd
Реферат: 547,008. Charging batteries; electromagnetic switches. STONE & CO., Ltd., J., and NIXON, L. R. Feb. 7, 1941, No. 1674. [Class 38 (iv)] [Also in Group XXXVII] In a train lighting or like system using a self regulating variable speed generator and a battery an overcharge relay reduces the dynamooutput at a given voltage and an over-voltage relay further reduces or stops the output. Preferably the two are side-by-side in a common casing and the latter, when operating, operates the former mechanically and is itself held or latched in the operated condition, both being thereby held in operation until manually reset, as by a mechanically acting push-button projecting from the case. The arrangement may operate a visual indicator 18. Each relay comprises a contact arm 2a carried by a member 3a carrying an armature co-operating with a permanent magnet 8 to hold the contacts closed notwithstanding vibration. The pivot 4 carries also a clapper armature 5a co-operating with the core C<SP>1</SP> of an electromagnet to actuate the member 3a through a spring 10 and overcome the permanent magnet to open the contacts. The clapper of the overvoltage relay is attached to a member 14 pivoted on the same axis and having a projection 15 overlapping the contact carrying elements of the overcharge relay to cause the desired operation thereof. When operated the overvoltage relay may be held by permanent magnetism of its core C<SP>1</SP> or by a mechanical latch. Two push buttons engage parts of the member 14 in opposite sides of the axis whereby it may be operated and reset manually. One push-button may be arranged to release the latch when resetting. The Specification describes relay arrangements (1) to open respectively two field circuits of three-brush dynamos of two kinds and (2) respectively to insert resistance in and to open the field circuit of a Rosenburg generator. The overcharge relay may have its calibration altered when the load circuit is switched on by the removal of a resistance in series with its winding or by connecting up an additional solenoid winding.
Improvements in or relating to Electric Lighting and like Systems Supplied from Variable Speed Dynamos.
Номер патента: GB191028695A. Автор: . Владелец: LEEDS FORGE CO Ltd. Дата публикации: 1911-06-01.