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27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2437842C2

Изобретение относится к электрохимической активации жидкостей, а также натуральных и искусственно получаемых продуктов различной плотности и консистенции, содержащих воду в качестве обязательного ингредиента, и может быть использовано в пищевой, фармацевтической и парфюмерно-косметической промышленности, для производства средств гигиенического назначения. Активация осуществляется контактно путем введения электродов в непосредственный контакт с активируемым продуктом. Электролизер содержит как минимум одну емкость с расположенными в ней электродами - как минимум одним анодом и как минимум одним катодом, источник питания постоянного тока в виде регулируемого источника напряжения. В электролизере как минимум один анод или один катод, или как минимум один катод и один анод выполнены с поверхностью в виде текстуры из пространственных пирамид, каждая из которых - с острой вершиной и острыми ребрами. Устройства бытового назначения представляют собой емкости, заполняемые активируемыми продуктами, выполненные в виде электрочайника, кружки, кастрюли, кулера, ванны, в которых устанавливается электролизер и производится электрохимическая активация продуктов. Технический результат контактная электрохимическая активация натуральных и искусственно получаемых водосодержащих продуктов различной плотности и консистенции с использованием устройств бытового назначения. 8 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 2 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 437 842 (13) C2 (51) МПК C02F 1/461 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009123736/05, 22.06.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.06.2009 2 4 3 7 8 4 2 R U (54) БЕЗДИАФРАГМЕННЫЙ ЭЛЕКТРОЛИЗЕР ДЛЯ АКТИВАЦИИ ПРОДУКТОВ И СРЕД И УСТРОЙСТВО, ВКЛЮЧАЮЩЕЕ ЭЛЕКТРОЛИЗЕР (ВАРИАНТЫ) (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к электрохимической активации жидкостей, а также натуральных и искусственно получаемых продуктов различной плотности и консистенции, содержащих воду ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535077C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: set of invention relates to disinfection and can be used for disinfection of drinks and liquid food. Proposed device comprises long tubular channel with fluid inlet and outlet at opposite ends, long UV radiation source extending along said long tubular channel and mixer assembly arranged between adjacent lengthwise section of said channel. Said mixer assembly diverts all fluid fed to said first section of the channel via fluid mixer of said mixer assembly and feeds it back to said second section of the channel. Set of invention relates also to the system of fluid disinfection including multiple fluid processing devices in compliance with clause 1 connected in series or in parallel. EFFECT: disinfection of fluids that features high absorption of UV radiation at decreased temperature. 18 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A61L 2/10 (13) 2 535 077 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011148128/15, 28.04.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.04.2010 (72) Автор(ы): СНОУБОЛЛ Малькольм Роберт (GB) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СТЕРИФЛОУ ЛИМИТЕД (GB) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 28.04.2009 GB 0907338.8 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.06.2013 Бюл. № 16 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2014 Бюл. № 34 2 5 3 5 0 7 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5372781 A, 13.12.1994. WO 03/ 072508 A2, 04.09.2003. US 2009/081340 A1, 26.03.2009. RU 2323161 C1, 27.04.2008 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 28.11.2011 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 3 5 0 7 7 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: C 2 C 2 GB 2010/050697 (28.04.2010) WO 2010/125389 (04.11.2010) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) УФ-СТЕРИЛИЗАТОР ЖИДКОСТИ (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к области дезинфекции и может быть использована ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613225C2

FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to agriculture and can be used for treatment of crop harvest. Plant tissue is treated with a pulsed electric field. Treatment process includes extraction from plant tissues of plant matter, in particular juice. Plant includes stage (3) of compacting plant tissues and at least one treatment chamber (4), including generators of pulsed electric field in said chamber for treating plant tissues. EFFECT: use of group of inventions enhances quality of processing harvested plants. 12 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 613 225 C2 (51) МПК A23L 2/50 (2006.01) A23N 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2012151520, 29.04.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.04.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ВИДАЛЬ Оливье Пьер (FR), ВОРОБЬЕВ Эжен (FR) 15.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 03.05.2010 FR 1053413 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2008034228 A1, 27.03.2008. WO 2009129991 A1, 29.10.2009. RU 2370542 C2, 20.10.2009. RU 2232532 C2, 20.07.2004. (45) Опубликовано: 15.03.2017 Бюл. № 8 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 03.12.2012 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2011/056863 (29.04.2011) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 1 3 2 2 5 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2014 Бюл. № 17 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): МАГИН САС (FR), АЗЕМЕЙЕР С.А.С. (FR), ЮНИВЕРСИТЕ ДЕ ТЕКНОЛОЖИ ДЕ КОМПЬЕНЬ (FR) Дата регистрации: 2 6 1 3 2 2 5 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ И УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ РАСТИТЕЛЬНЫХ ТКАНЕЙ С ЦЕЛЬЮ ИЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ ИЗ НИХ РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО ВЕЩЕСТВА, В ЧАСТНОСТИ СОКА (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ обработки растительных тканей импульсным электрическим полем для извлечения из них растительного вещества, в частности сока, в котором - растительные ткани ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011148128A

... 1. Устройство для обработки текучей среды, содержащее удлиненный трубчатый канал, имеющий вход и выход для текучей среды на его противоположных концах, удлиненный источник УФ излучения, продолжающийся продольно указанному удлиненному трубчатому каналу, а также устройство для перемешивания, расположенное между смежными продольными участками канала, для отведения всей текучей среды, поступающей вдоль первого указанного участка канала, через средства перемешивания текучей среды в указанном устройстве для перемешивания и для возврата перемешанной текучей среды на второй указанный участок канала.2. Устройство по п.1, в котором указанные средства перемешивания образуют извилистый путь для потока текучей среды.3. Устройство по п.2, в котором указанный путь для потока содержит один или более поворотов, по меньшей мере, на 90°.4. Устройство по п.3, в котором указанный путь для потока поворачивает поток текучей среды на 180° между смежными продольными участками канала.5. Устройство по п.4, в котором ...

16-11-2011 дата публикации

A treatment device

Номер: GB0201117173D0

15-04-2020 дата публикации

Beet juice having increased intestinal absorption rate, preparation method therefor and use thereof

Номер: GB0002578035A
Автор: DAISIK HARM, Daisik Harm

The present invention relates to beet juice having an increased intestinal absorption rate, a preparation therefor and a use thereof and, more specifically, to: beet juice, which has an enhanced intestinal digestion and absorption rate through the conversion of high-molecular compounds into low-molecular compounds by means of low-temperature maturation of beets, has a grassy smell removed therefrom through the roasting of beets, and has a reduced grassy taste and bitterness by being mixed with carrot juice and apple juice; and an antioxidant or antihypertensive health food composition using the beet juice.

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465647T

28-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404539B

17-04-2014 дата публикации

UV liquid steriliser

Номер: AU2012306148A1

A fluid steriliser comprising a fluid duct having a UV transmissive wall providing a surface area for irradiation, wherein the cross section of the duct is between 1x10 ...

10-11-2011 дата публикации

Method for rendering the membranes of biological cells pervious by using a pulsed electric field

Номер: AU2010233798A1

The invention relates to a method for rendering the membranes of biological cells in a product pervious, said method being implemented in a treatment device including at least one treatment chamber emitting a pulsed electric field, said method including the following steps: a step of supplying the treatment device with a product including said biological cells at a predetermined supply rate; a step of inserting the product including said biological cells into said treatment chamber at an insertion rate matching the aforementioned supply rate to which the withdrawal rate mentioned in the withdrawing step below is added; a step of treating said product inserted into said chamber by a pulsed electric field; a step of withdrawing, at a predetermined withdrawal rate, the product at the outlet of said chamber so as to carry said product back upstream from said chamber.

15-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2908104C

The shelf life of a comestible liquid is prolonged by passing the liquid through an electrolytic cell. Electric current travels from one electrode to the other through the liquid. The electric current destroys bacteria present in the liquid. The current causes the osmotic balance of the bacteria cells to be disrupted causing the cell to either implode or explode.

13-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002855163A1

... ²² A system using electrochemically-activated water (ECAW) for manufacturing, ²processing, packaging, and dispensing beverages including: (a) using ECAW to ²neutralize incompatible residues when transitioning from the production of one ²²beverage to another; (b) using ECAW to rehabilitate and disinfect granular ²activated ²charcoal beds used in the feed water purification system; (c) producing a ²carbonated ²ECAW product and using the carbonated ECAW for system cleaning or ²disinfecting; ²(d) using ECAW solutions in the beverage facility clean-in-place system to ²achieve ²improved microbial control while greatly reducing water usage and reducing or ²eliminating the use of chemical detergents and disinfectants; (e) further ²reducing ²biofilm growth in the processing system, and purifying ingredient water ²without the ²use of chlorine, by adding an ECAW anolyte to the water ingredient feed ²stream; ²and/or (1) washing the beverage product bottles or other packages with one or ²more ²ECAW ...

23-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002190906A1

... 18 Nukem GmbH Industriestrasse 13 63755 Alzenau Summary Process and device for irradiating liquids with high-energy radiation The object of the invention is a process and a device for irradiating moving liq uids with high-energy radiation. The liquid is passed through at least one pipe made of a radiation-permeable material past a radiation source (98). The radiation dose is measured with at least one radiation dosimeter carried along by the liquid. The rate of flow is regulat ed in order to achieve a required dose of radiation. (Fig. 1) ...

31-08-1933 дата публикации

Procédé de conservation de denrées périssables.

Номер: CH0000163527A

28-02-1946 дата публикации

Procédé et appareil pour la stérilisation de liquides alimentaires et de boissons.

Номер: CH0000241205A

15-07-1975 дата публикации

Irradiation of colloidal food media e.g. milk - pressurised to increase Brownian movement for better utilisation of energy

Номер: CH0000563805A5

Electromagnetic irradiation process in which a colloidal medium, i.e. soln. or suspension, is forced by a pump through a pipe made of material which is permeable to rays from a source of radiation e.g. infra-red or ultra-violet, the discharge line for the irradiated medium being throttled by a restrictor to create a pump back-pressure in the pipe, which substantially increases the Brownian Movement of the colloid so that particles move more rapidly and frequently to the pipe wall where radiant energy is maximum. The radiation may have a wavelength in the range 1,800 to 45,000A degrees or higher frequency energy such as X-ray's or gamma rays can be used. The pressure to which the medium is subjected in the treatment pipe should be 1-100 kg/cm2 pref. 1-15 kg/cm2. Destruction of bacteria in colloidal media used as food prods. in partic. milk, fruit and vegetable juices, beer, wine, vinegar, mineral and table waters.

30-09-2020 дата публикации

The invention relates to a device for treating liquids by means of electro-magnetism and stirring.

Номер: CH0000716002A1

Dispositif de traitement de fluide comprenant un élément de brassage (1a,1b,1c,1d) et au moins un dispositif magnétique (2). L'élément de brassage comporte plusieurs cannelures (1d) à l'intérieur de sa partie centrale, les dispositifs magnétiques étant disposés autour de l'élément de brassage.

20-06-1956 дата публикации

Process for the treatment of liquids and device for the implementation of this process

Номер: FR0001119428A

04-07-1917 дата публикации

Process of conservation of fruit juices

Номер: FR0000483422A
Принадлежит: John H Ryan

31-07-2020 дата публикации

Beet juice with increased intestinal absorption, its manufacturing method and its use

Номер: KR0102134700B1

17-03-2017 дата публикации

유체 소독용 시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR1020170030592A

... 유체를 살균하는 시스템 및 방법. 상기 시스템은 UV 방출기에 대해 동심원으로 배치되고, 이를 통해서 UV 방출기를 냉각시키는 냉각 유체가 순환하는, 연장된 요소(2)에 의해 둘러싸인 UV 방출기(emitter)(1), UV 방출기에 대해 동심원으로 배치되고, 이를 통해서 살균될 유체가 순환하는, 연장된 요소(3)에 의해 둘러싸인 상기 연장된 요소(2), UV 방출기에 대해 동심원으로 배치되고, 이를 통해서 살균될 유체를 냉각 또는 가열하는 냉각 또는 가열 유체가 순환하는 연장된 요소(4)에 의해 둘러싸인 상기 연장된 요소(3)을 포함한다. 유체를 살균하는 방법에 있어서, 상기 살균될 유체는 -20 ℃ 내지 160 ℃ 범위의 온도에서 UV 방사선에 노출된다.

16-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO0003003859A1

A process for producing a liquid food characterized in that at least one member selected from among coffee, liquids containing milk components, (liquid) food materials containing a component having an antioxidative (radical-capturing) effect and mixtures thereof is electrolyzed and/or electrically treated. According to this process, deterioration in the qualities of coffee or milk components can be prevented over a long time without resort to any additives and the safety can be improved. Owing to these effects, this process is suitable particularly for producing canned products having coffee, milk coffee and milk tea to be distributed by vending machines or can warmers. Moreover, this process makes it possible to improve the antioxidative ability of foods so as to give food products whereby an increase in active oxygen or free radicals in vivo can be prevented, thereby largely contributing to health.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170156378A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

An apparatus () for purifying liquid comprises an irradiation chamber () upon which are disposed a plurality of UV-LEDs () which irradiate a flow () of liquid as it passes therethrough; a coolant conduit () is disposed about said irradiation chamber () and UV-LEDs (), which conducts a flow () of a coolant fluid through it thereby cooling the flow () of liquid and the plurality of UV-LEDs (). 1. An apparatus for purifying a liquid , comprising a substantially tubular irradiation chamber adapted to conduct a flow of liquid therethrough , and a plurality of UV-LEDs disposed upon the irradiation chamber and adapted to irradiate said-the flow of liquid , the apparatus comprises a coolant conduit disposed about the irradiation chamber and the UV-LEDs , the coolant conduit being adapted to circulate a flow of a coolant fluid about the irradiation chamber.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a first tube disposed coaxially about the irradiation chamber claim 1 , and a second tube disposed coaxially about the first tube claim 1 , the first and second tubes thereby defining between them a substantially annular space at least partially constituting the coolant conduit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coolant conduit is a tube at least partially configured as a helix having an axis substantially coincident with a longitudinal axis of the irradiation chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coolant fluid is water.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coolant fluid is a refrigerant gas.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the cooling conduit at least partially constitutes an evaporator of a refrigeration system.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the irradiation chamber and the coolant conduit define an interstitial space between them.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the interstitial space is at least partially filled with a heat-conducting material.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cooling conduit is in fluid communication with a cavity ...

08-09-1998 дата публикации

Magnetic fluid treatment device

Номер: US0005804068A

A fluid treatment device having a fluid containment housing with a first containment region and a second containment region. The first and second containment regions are connected in fluid flow communication with one another by a generally narrow, elongate transfer channel that permits fluid to flow therethrough from one containment region to another while the fluid defines a natural vortex. Moreover, a generally powerful, polarized magnet is disposed about the transfer channel in order to deliver a concentrated, polarized magnetic charge into the transfer channel, thereby acting on the fluid flowing in the natural vortex through the transfer channel and polarizing it until the fluid molecules thereof are gradually rearranged from a normal agglomerated state into a more linear, organized and substantially more permeable state that will increase a body's ability to absorb and assimilate the fluid and obtain benefits therefrom.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112966A

... 1. Стерилизатор жидкости, содержащий:канал подачи жидкости, имеющий пропускающую УФ-излучение стенку, обеспечивающую площадь поверхности для облучения, причем поперечное сечение канала составляет от 1×10мдо 5×10м, и толщина канала определяет глубину потока жидкости, прилегающего к пропускающей УФ-излучение стенке, не более 50 мм;источник УФ-излучения, предусмотренный для облучения жидкости, текущей в канале, через пропускающую УФ-излучение стенку так, что УФ-излучение, падающее на жидкость в канале, характеризуется плотностью энергии УФ-излучения;множество ступеней перемешивания, сконфигурированных для обеспечения турбулентного потока в жидкости и расположенных на расстоянии вдоль длины канала, причем сегменты канала между ступенями перемешивания расположены так, чтобы обеспечить поток, прилегающий к пропускающей УФ-излучение стенке;средства управления потоками, предусмотренные для регулирования линейной скорости потока жидкости вдоль канала с учетом длины канала и плотности энергии УФ-излучения ...

16-06-1994 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Behandlung durchgehend fluider, magnetfeldsensibler Systeme mit einem Magnetfeld

Номер: DE0009301798U1

19-08-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002105210A1

04-03-2020 дата публикации

Molecular modifier for combustible and non-combustible fluids, liquids and gases

Номер: GB0002576829A

The present invention relates to a magnetic and electromagnetic device that molecularly modifies non-combustible fluids, liquids and gases by means of magnetic turbulence. The device combines magnetic and electromagnetic fields for producing magnetic turbulence that modifies the atomic behaviour of diamagnetic materials to be processed by changing the covalence thereof, improving the assimilation of fluid in humans by increasing the surfactant quality of the fluids in physical states.

15-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000196060T

10-10-1957 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000192194A

10-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002494671A

08-11-2018 дата публикации

System and method for sterilizing a fluid

Номер: AU2015286615B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

System and method for sterilizing a fluid. The system comprises a UV emitter (1) surrounded by an elongated element (2) arranged concentrically with respect to the UV emitter through which a coolant fluid cooling the UV emitter circulates, the elongated element (2) being surrounded by an elongated element (3) arranged concentrically with respect to the UV emitter through which the fluid to be sterilized circulates, the elongated element being (3) surrounded by an elongated element (4) arranged concentrically with respect to the UV emitter through which a coolant or heating fluid cooling or heating the fluid to be sterilized circulates. In the method for sterilizing a fluid, the fluid to be sterilized is subjected to UV radiation at a temperature ranging between -20 º C and 160 º C.

17-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002965964A1

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of the plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent.

27-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002182736C

The present invention relates to a dry mixture which provides a color-stable liquid composition when combined with free chlorine- containing water, said dry mixture comprising: (a) from 0.005 % to 0.035 % b y weight chlorine reactive agent; (b) From 0.5 % to 5.0 % by weight electrolyte; (c) coloring agent, wherein the dry mixture comprises su fficient coloring agent to provide for a concentration o f coloring agent in the range of from 5 ppm to 200 ppm in a color-stable liquid composi tion prepared from said dry mixture; and (d) a balance o f carbohydrates. The present invention also relates to a method of preparing a color-stable liquid composition, said method comprising : (a) preparing a dry mixture as described above and (b) combining said dry mixtur e with free chlorine-containing water, thereby producing a color-stable liquid composition, wherein the weight ratio of water combined with dry mixture to dry mixture is in the range of from 10.5:1 to 22:1 (water:dry mixture), wherein the ...

16-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120005442A

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006043351A1

A radical-containing water production apparatus characterized by including a pretreatment unit for removing impurities and simultaneously conditioning the dielectric constant of water so as to fall within a given range; a first water tank connected by piping to the pretreatment unit and fitted with a water activation unit for energizing water molecules passing therethrough; radical addition means for adding a given amount of radicals to the activated water; and a second water tank for storing the obtained water containing radicals in a given concentration, which second water tank is provided as a body integrated with the first water tank or a body separate from the first water tank. This radical-containing water production apparatus produces water that can find effective application in the sterilization of water per se and food, the germination of seeds, etc.

22-09-2015 дата публикации

UV liquid steriliser

Номер: US0009139453B2

A fluid treatment apparatus for sterilizing drinks comprises an elongated tubular duct (110) and an elongated UV light source (111) extending longitudinally along the duct (110). The fluid flows longitudinally along the duct (110) in a thin annular low passage (114) which extends around the UV light source (111). A mixing device (112), disposed between adjacent longitudinal portions of the duct (110), diverts the fluid from a first portion of the passage (114) through fluid mixing means (113, 116) in the device (112) and returns the mixed fluid to a second portion of the passage (114). Micro-organisms in the fluid flow are killed as they come close to the light source (111). The mixing device (112) mixes the flow and returns it to the flow passage (114). A plurality of mixing devices along the duct (110) increases the likelihood that microorganisms receive a sufficient lethal dose of UV radiation.

06-12-2011 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for application of electrostatic charges to compounds held within containers

Номер: US0008071042B2

A method and apparatus for application of electrostatic charges to compounds to change the physical characteristics of the compounds. The compound is located within a container, that can be sealed or open, in proximity to an electrode so that there is capacitive coupling between the electrode and the compound. A high frequency, high voltage signal is applied to the electrode for a time sufficient to increase negative ions in the compound, thus changing its physical characteristics. The method can increase the pH and decreases oxidation-reduction potential. A grounded platform is provided for use with a non-conductive container, and the entire apparatus can be provided in a housing enclosure to permit safe application of electrical potential to the compound being treated.

20-06-2002 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for electrolysis of beverages

Номер: US2002074241A1

An apparatus for electrolysis of beverages. The apparatus comprises an electrolysis chamber for oxidizing and reducing beverages; a first pump coupled to the electrolysis chamber for pumping out the oxidized beverage; and a second pump coupled to the electrolysis chamber for pumping out the reduced beverage. The electrolysis chamber may further comprise one or more neutral, anion or cation membranes.

31-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE202019001890U1

Kapseldesinfektionsvorrichtung,aufweisend eine Förderlinie (1) und eine UV-Behandlungsbaueinheit (2),wobei die Förderlinie (1) Transportaufnahmen für Verschlusskapseln (4) und einen Behandlungsabschnitt (5) aufweist und wobei die Förderlinie (1) ausgebildet ist, Verschlusskapseln (4) durch den Behandlungsabschnitt (5) und zu einer Verschlussanlage zu transportieren,wobei die UV-Behandlungsbaueinheit (2) einen Grundkörper und eine LED-Stahlungsquelle (6) aufweist,wobei die LED-Strahlungsquelle (6) am Grundkörper (7) angeordnet und ausgebildet ist, eine UV-Strahlung zu emittieren,und wobei die LED-Strahlungsquelle (6) so angeordnet ist, dass eine Verschlusskapselinnenfläche (10) mit der UV-Strahlung beaufschlagt wird.

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of making non-alcoholic and alcoholic toddy drinks

Номер: GB0201405043D0

10-03-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for the improvement of the durability and quality of beverages and device for the execution of the procedure

Номер: AT0000296921B

15-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: ATA192194A

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512597T

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for rendering the membranes of biological cells pervious by using a pulsed electric field

Номер: AU2010233798B2

The invention relates to a method for rendering the membranes of biological cells in a product pervious, said method being implemented in a treatment device including at least one treatment chamber emitting a pulsed electric field, said method including the following steps: a step of supplying the treatment device with a product including said biological cells at a predetermined supply rate; a step of inserting the product including said biological cells into said treatment chamber at an insertion rate matching the aforementioned supply rate to which the withdrawal rate mentioned in the withdrawing step below is added; a step of treating said product inserted into said chamber by a pulsed electric field; a step of withdrawing, at a predetermined withdrawal rate, the product at the outlet of said chamber so as to carry said product back upstream from said chamber.

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Energy augment structures for use with energy emitters and collectors

Номер: AU2020233571A1

An emission enhancement structure having at least one energy augmentation structure; and an energy converter capable of receiving energy from an energy source, converting the energy and emitting therefrom a light of a different energy than the received energy. The energy converter is disposed in a vicinity of the at least one energy augmentation structure such that the emitted light is emitted with an intensity larger than if the converter were remote from the at least one energy augmentation structure. Also described are various uses for the energy emitters, energy augmentation structures and energy collectors in a wide array of fields, such as color enhancement, and color enhancement structures containing the same.

26-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1184412A

PROCESS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF COLOR AND FLAVOR IN LIQUID CONTAINING COMESTIBLES ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE The susceptibility to color and flavor loss of liquid containing comestibles due to oxidative deterioration during storage is reduced by placing the comestible in the cathode compartment of an electrochemical cell in which the compartments of the cell containing the anode and cathode are separated by a cation permeable membrane and the anode compartment contains a highly dissociatable, non-oxidizable inorganic acid electrolyte, and thereafter subjecting the comestible to a high density current for a short period of time sufficient to generate hydrogen at the cathode to remove oxygen from the comestible but insufficient to effect a substantial chemical change in the comestible. The deoxidized comestible is then stored in a hermetically sealed container in which air is substantially absent.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002903565A1

Methods of decreasing muscle function decline and improving muscle function in a subject are provided. The methods utilize an effective amount of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCg) to increase the level of muscle vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF), to decrease myostatin levels, or both, and thereby decrease muscle function decline or improve muscle function. The EGCg may be provided as part of a nutritional composition.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002848220A1

A fluid steriliser comprising a fluid duct having a UV transmissive wall providing a surface area for irradiation, wherein the cross section of the duct is between 1x10-4 m2 and 5x10-2 m2 and the thickness of the duct defines the depth of fluid flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall of no more than 50mm; a source of UV radiation arranged to irradiate fluid flowing in the duct through the UV transmissive wall such that the UV radiation incident on fluid in the duct has a UV power density; a plurality of mixing stages configured to provide turbulent flow in the fluid and spaced apart along the length of the duct wherein the segments of the duct between the mixing stages are arranged to provide flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall; a flow control means arranged to control the linear speed of fluid flow along the duct based on the length of the duct and the UV power density so that at least 300 Joules of UV energy per square metre of the surface area for irradiation is provided to the fluid ...

25-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002513087A


28-01-2020 дата публикации

Ingestion container sterilization device

Номер: KR1020200008369A
Автор: PARK, JI AM

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190290792A1
Принадлежит: Purdue Research Foundation

This present invention generally relates to a process for manipulating the chemistry of a product using high voltage atmospheric cold plasma (HVACP) in the presence of a working gas, and in particular to a process for inactivating pathogenic microorganisms in a liquid product by adding an acidic component to or adjusting an acidic component of a product in combination with HVACP treatment. A product of this process is also in the scope of this disclosure. 1. A process for manipulating a product using high voltage atmospheric cold plasma (HVACP) , comprising the steps of:a. adding an acidic component to or adjusting an acidic component of a product to a final concentration from about 10 ppm to about 50,000 ppm;b. setting up a defined compartment filled with a working gas and an electric system for generating atmospheric cold plasma (ACP);c. generating ACP by applying a high electric voltage through a controller; andd. Exposing said product to said ACP in said defined compartment.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said ACP is generated by applying an electric voltage from about 5 claim 1 ,000 volts to about 200 claim 1 ,000 volts claim 1 , preferably from about 30 claim 1 ,000 volts to about 120 claim 1 ,000 volts claim 1 , between two dielectric barriers for a period of time.3. (canceled)4. A working system according to the process of .5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said manipulating is to inactivate or kill pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms in said product for consumption by human or animal.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein said working gas is a single or a mixture of combined gases comprising air claim 1 , hydrogen claim 1 , nitrogen claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , and noble gases.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein said working gas is air8. The process of claim 6 , wherein said working gas is a modified air comprising about 65% oxygen claim 6 , about 30% carbon dioxide claim 6 , and about 5% nitrogen.9. The process of claim 1 ...

20-09-2016 дата публикации

Method for treating a substance with wave energy from an electrical arc and a second source

Номер: US0009446371B2

A substance is treated using a device having: (a) a volute or cyclone head, (b) a throat connected to the volute or cyclone head, (c) a parabolic reflector connected to the throat, (d) a first wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the volute or cyclone head that extends through the outlet into the opening of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode extending into the parabolic reflector and spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode, and (e) a second wave energy source disposed inside the throat, embedded within the throat or disposed around the throat. The substance is directed to the inlet of the volute or cyclone head and irradiated with one or more wave energies produced by the first and second wave energy sources as the substance passes through the device.

12-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069518739D1

30-03-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to methods of and means for effecting vibration and to apparatus in which vibration is effected

Номер: GB0000463793A

... 463,793. Sifting apparatus. NEWPORT, A. J., and BRADER, G. B. Aug. 26, 1935, No. 23899. [Class 117] [Also in Groups V, XVII, and XXIV] Apparatus for producing vibration in a table or support A is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1 and comprises a source of vibration such as a revolving eccentric mass E the bearings of which are fixed to a weight D which is carried by a spring C attached to the table A. The latter is supported on weak springs B. The spring C carries a stop member G which abuts against a second spring F when the amplitude of vibration of the spring C exceeds a certain amount. The arrangement is said to render the operation of the apparatus stable, and by adjusting the stop G to alter the gap between it and the spring F the amplitude of vibration of the table A can be varied. Figs. 2 and 4 show an apparatus constructed according to the arrangement shown in Fig. 1. The support for a mould or other object to be vibrated consists of two longitudinal members 4 carrying stays 7 which ...

13-03-2013 дата публикации

Ultra-violet liquid steriliser

Номер: GB0002494448A

A fluid steriliser comprising a fluid duct 1 having a UV transmissible wall 11 providing a surface area for irradiation wherein the cross section of the duct is between 1x10-4 m2 and 5x10-2 m2 and the thickness of the duct defines a gap 12 wherein the depth of the gap adjacent the UV transmissible wall is no more than 50mm, a UV radiation source 17 to irradiate fluid flowing in the duct through the UV transmissible wall such that the radiation incident on fluid has a UV power density, a plurality of mixing stages 18 spaced apart inside the duct and configured to provide turbulent flow wherein the segments of the duct between the mixing stages are arranged to provide flow adjacent the UV transmissible wall, and a flow control means arranged to control the linear speed of fluid flow along the duct based on the length of the duct and the UV power density so that at least 300 Joules of UV energy per square meter of the surface area for irradiation is provided to the fluid during the dwell time ...

15-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000150085T

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131865A1

An emission enhancement structure having at least one energy augmentation structure; and an energy converter capable of receiving energy from an energy source, converting the energy and emitting therefrom a light of a different energy than the received energy. The energy converter is disposed in a vicinity of the at least one energy augmentation structure such that the emitted light is emitted with an intensity larger than if the converter were remote from the at least one energy augmentation structure. Also described are various uses for the energy emitters, energy augmentation structures and energy collectors in a wide array of fields, such as color enhancement, and color enhancement structures containing the same.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002954565A1

System and method for sterilizing a fluid. The system comprises a UV emitter (1) surrounded by an elongated element (2) arranged concentrically with respect to the UV emitter through which a coolant fluid cooling the UV emitter circulates, the elongated element (2) being surrounded by an elongated element (3) arranged concentrically with respect to the UV emitter through which the fluid to be sterilized circulates, the elongated element being (3) surrounded by an elongated element (4) arranged concentrically with respect to the UV emitter through which a coolant or heating fluid cooling or heating the fluid to be sterilized circulates. In the method for sterilizing a fluid, the fluid to be sterilized is subjected to UV radiation at a temperature ranging between -20 º C and 160 º C.

11-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002714234C

A system using electrochemically-activated water (ECAW) for manufacturing, processing, packaging, and dispensing beverages including: (a) using ECAW to neutralize incompatible residues when transitioning from the production of one beverage to another; (b) using ECAW to rehabilitate and disinfect granular activated charcoal beds used in the feed water purification system; (c) producing a carbonated ECAW product and using the carbonated ECAW for system cleaning or disinfecting; (d) using ECAW solutions in the beverage facility clean-in-place system to achieve improved microbial control while greatly reducing water usage and reducing or eliminating the use of chemical detergents and disinfectants; (e) further reducing biofilm growth in the processing system, and purifying ingredient water without the use of chlorine, by adding an ECAW anolyte to the water ingredient feed stream; and/or (f) washing the beverage product bottles or other packages with one or more ECAW solutions prior to packaging ...

22-09-1978 дата публикации

Ionization treatment of biological liqs. esp. drinks - reduces sulphur dioxide requirement by using ionic turbulence to destroy bacteria

Номер: FR0002292438B1

08-01-1957 дата публикации

Apparatus of sterilization of air to ensure the conservation of the liquids

Номер: FR0001128622A

26-11-1958 дата публикации

Process of treatment of sea water and water thus obtained

Номер: FR0001167541A
Автор: Boris Rybak

15-10-1971 дата публикации

Improving storage stability and quality of drinks

Номер: FR0002077044A5

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013034890A2

A fluid steriliser comprising a fluid duct having a UV transmissive wall providing a surface area for irradiation, wherein the cross section of the duct is between 1x10-4 m2 and 5x10-2 m2 and the thickness of the duct defines the depth of fluid flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall of no more than 50mm; a source of UV radiation arranged to irradiate fluid flowing in the duct through the UV transmissive wall such that the UV radiation incident on fluid in the duct has a UV power density; a plurality of mixing stages configured to provide turbulent flow in the fluid and spaced apart along the length of the duct wherein the segments of the duct between the mixing stages are arranged to provide flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall; a flow control means arranged to control the linear speed of fluid flow along the duct based on the length of the duct and the UV power density so that at least 300 Joules of UV energy per square metre of the surface area for irradiation is provided to the fluid ...

13-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012167721A1

Disclosed is a processing machine apparatus that applies to the food industry. The present invention, more specifically, is a disinfection machine used for liquid beverages and liquids. In the present invention, one end of a voltage device is connected to a voltage connector liner and the other end of said device is connected to a receptacle. The outlet of the liner comprises a hollow capillary emitter. The inner diameter of the outlet end of said emitter is small. Liquid forms a Taylor cone at the outlet end under the force of the electric field, thereby forming a high electric field area on the surface of the Taylor cone. Bacteria passing through the high electric field area is fully polarized, thoroughly broken down or electroporated, and finally killed. The invention has a simple structure, is easy to operate, and has excellent and thorough bacteria-killing effects. The invention is particularly useful for processing substances that can not be subjected to high temperatures, high voltages ...

28-03-1911 дата публикации


Номер: US987845A

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059419A1

Methods and systems for making and bottling a juice containing beverage in sealed containers are disclosed. The systems and methods may be performed without using heat-based or pressure-based pasteurization, and yet are still safe to consume and have a commercially viable shelf-life. 1. A method of making and bottling a juice containing beverage in a sealed container without heat-based or pressure-based pasteurization , the method comprising:sterilizing at least one container;exposing a liquid to UV-C light such that at least a 5 log reduction in microbes is achieved, the liquid comprising at least 10% by volume of juice;depositing at least a portion of the liquid in the at least one container; andsealing the container;wherein the liquid is at a temperature of 50° F. or less during the entire method, and wherein the liquid in the sealed container has a shelf-life of at least 35 days when stored at or below 41° F.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid consists of 100% juice.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises no more than 30% by volume of apple cider.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises no more than 40% by volume of apple cider.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises at least 20% by volume of cucumber juice.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises no more than 20% by volume of juice from citrus fruits.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is at a temperature of about 45° F. or less during the entire method.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the liquid is at a temperature of about 41° F. or less during the entire method.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid in the sealed container has a shelf-life of at least 40 days when stored at or below 41° F.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the liquid in the sealed container has a shelf-life of at least 50 days when stored at or below 41° F.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the liquid in the sealed container has a shelf-life of at ...

08-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: US20110300029A1
Автор: Todd Foret, FORET TODD

An apparatus for treating a substance includes: (a) a volute or cyclone head, (b) a throat connected to the volute or cyclone head, (c) a parabolic reflector connected to the throat, (d) a first wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the volute or cyclone head that extends through the outlet into the first opening of the throat along the central axis of the throat, and a second electrode extending into the parabolic reflector proximate to the focus wherein the second electrode is spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode, and (e) a second wave energy source disposed inside the throat, embedded within the throat or disposed around the throat. The substance is supplied to the inlet of the volute or cyclone head and is irradiated with one or more wave energies produced by the first and second wave energy sources.

29-09-2022 дата публикации

In-Line Fluid and Filter Sterilization Apparatus

Номер: US20220304342A1

The present application for patent relates to the field of fluid sterilization and more specifically to devices for the sterilization of fluids that are held in reservoirs as well as sterilization of fluids while they are being delivered. The present application used UVC sterilization radiation to achieve sterilization. 2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the lid further comprises a shut-off switch configured to disable the UVC transmission from the at least one UVC emission source when the lid opens claim 1 , and an activation switch situated in the base that activates the UVC emission sources when the reservoir is positioned into or onto the base.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the UVC emission sources are programmed to activate intermittently claim 2 , at various intensities and for varying lengths of time.4. A fluid sterilizing device comprising a reservoir claim 2 , comprising a lid claim 2 , a bottom and sides for containing a fluid comprised of material which is opaque to UVC radiation claim 2 , wherein the lid is comprised of at least one UVC radiation source positioned in the lid such that claim 2 , in operation claim 2 , the UVC emission source emits UVC sterilizing radiation into the interior of the reservoir and wherein the interior of the reservoir my optionally be covered with expanded PTFE.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the at least one UVC emission source is a UVC cold cathode mercury vapor lamp claim 4 , a UVC LED or both when more than one UVC source is present and wherein the surface of the lid that is positioned inwardly to the interior of the reservoir has a UVC reflective surface.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the lid further comprises a shut-off switch configured to disable the UVC transmission from the at least one UVC emission source when the lid opens claim 4 , and an activation switch situated in the base that activates the UVC emission sources when the reservoir is positioned into or onto the base.7. The device of claim 4 , ...

22-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003230294A1

12-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3052422A1

22-11-1932 дата публикации

Process of conservation of the sweetened juices

Номер: FR0000736254A
Автор: Gaston Duret

21-07-1948 дата публикации

Treatment of all produced by multiple electric waves of short and very short lengths and very high frequencies

Номер: FR0000936475A

27-12-1929 дата публикации

Process of conservation of natural fruit juices

Номер: FR0000672418A

22-10-1965 дата публикации

Process of sterilization of liquid or semi-fluid products

Номер: FR0001415423A

08-10-1952 дата публикации

Treatment of all produced by multiple electric waves of short and very short lengths and very high frequencies

Номер: FR0000056874E
Автор: Emile-Marie Huc

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: TN2011000472A1

L' invention a trait à un procédé de perméabilisation membranaire de cellules biologiques contenues dans un produit, ledit procédé étant mis en oeuvre dans un dispositif de traitement comprenant au moins une chambre de traitement émettant un champ électrique puisé, ledit procédé comprenant les étapes suivantes : - une étape d'alimentation du dispositif de traitement en produit comprenant lesdites cellules biologiques à un débit d'alimentation prédéterminé; - une étape d' introduction du produit comprenant lesdites cellules biologiques dans ladite chambre de traitement à un débit d' introduction correspondant au débit d'alimentation susmentionné auquel s'ajoute le débit de soutirage mentionné à l'étape de soutirage ci-dessous; - une étape de traitement dudit produit introduit dans ladite chambre par un champ électrique puisé; - une étape de soutirage, à un débit de soutirage prédéterminé, du produit en sortie de ladite chambre de sorte à le réacheminer en amont de ladite chambre.

21-11-2000 дата публикации

Food Sanitizing apparatus

Номер: US0006150663A

A process is provided for sanitizing fresh foods and beverage products using multiple stages of exposure to different wavelengths of ultraviolet, near infrared and infrared light. A food or beverage product is exposed to ultraviolet light at germicidal wavelengths in order to inactivate undesirable microorganisms on the product. The exposure to ultraviolet light causes damage to the organoleptic qualities product which are subsequently restored by photoreactivation upon exposure of the product to a source of polychromatic near infrared light. In addition, prior to the inactivation of microorganisms, the food or beverage may be exposed to a source of infrared light in order to inactivate enzymes responsible for decomposition of the product. Apparatus suitable for practicing the process of the present invention is also provided, including specific platform arrangements for sanitizing solid, liquid and fluid food and beverage products.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170239637A1
Принадлежит: IMMUNOLIGHT, LLC.

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the energy modulation agent. 1. (canceled)2. A method for modifying a hydrophobic polymer surface , comprising:disposing in contact with the hydrophobic polymer surface a liquid composition comprising monomeric precursors to a hydrophilic polymer and one or more energy modulation agents, wherein the one or more energy modulation agents are resistant to chemical interaction with the liquid composition and hydrophobic polymer surface; andapplying energy from at least one of x-rays, gamma rays, or an electron beam into the liquid composition, wherein the applied energy interacts with the one or more energy modulation agents and internally generates light inside the liquid composition, thereby causing the monomeric precursors to polymerize and react with the hydrophobic polymer surface, thereby grafting the hydrophilic polymer onto the hydrophobic polymer surface.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophobic polymer surface is formed from a polymer selected from the group consisting of polylactic acids claim 2 , polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 2 , and blends thereof.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophilic polymer is a member selected from the group consisting of poly(acrylic acid)s claim 2 , polyacrylamides claim 2 , and poly(N claim 2 ,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate).5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the hydrophilic polymer is a member selected from the group consisting of poly(acrylic acid)s claim 3 , polyacrylamides claim 3 , and poly(N claim 3 ,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate).6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177012A1

A unit is disclosed for sterilizing and disinfecting an object, and particularly, a drink or beverage. The unit includes a housing with a set of retractable doors. The unit includes an interior chamber in which an object, including a drink or beverage, can be placed for sterilization and disinfection. The unit includes ultraviolet lights that can be activated when the drink or object is placed within the interior chamber. The ultraviolet lights are configured to emit ultraviolet wavelengths that sterilize and disinfect the surfaces of the drink or object. The unit includes sensors to detect motion in front of the unit and to open and close the set of retractable doors automatically. The unit further includes a drip tray and removable base that houses the electronics of the unit. 1. A drink sterilization unit , the drink sterilization unit comprising:a housing comprising one or more ultraviolet lights and an interior cavity;a drip tray disposed within the housing and beneath the interior cavity;one or more doors configured to open and close, wherein the one or more doors are configured to provide access or block access to the interior cavity; anda base,wherein the one or more ultraviolet lights are configured to emit ultraviolet wavelengths in order to disinfect and sterilize a drink or other object when located within the interior cavity.2. The drink sterilization unit of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , one or more selectors for powering on and off the one or more ultraviolet lights claim 1 , wherein the one or more ultraviolet lights are coupled to a power source.3. The drink sterilization unit of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ultraviolet lights comprise UV-LED lights.4. The drink sterilization unit of claim 1 , wherein the housing unit further comprises:an outer housing; 'a pair of side panels, wherein the one or more ultraviolet lights are fitted within an interior cavity of each side panel of the pair of side panels.', 'an inner housing, the inner ...

21-05-2024 дата публикации

Ultrasound-electrode-nano-porous membrane coupling hydrogen production and sterilization system

Номер: US0011985993B2

The present invention discloses an ultrasound-electrode-nano-porous membrane coupling hydrogen production and sterilization system, which comprises a vessel and a plurality of hydrogen production units arranged in the vessel. The hydrogen production unit comprises a cavity, and a broadband ultrasonic generator and a circular hydrogen production electrode located in the cavity. The circular hydrogen production electrode wraps around the broadband ultrasonic generator. A bottom membrane at the bottom of the cavity is hydrophobic at the inner side and hydrophilic at the outer side, and a side membrane of the cavity is hydrophilic at the inner side and hydrophobic at the outer side and is mounted vertically or obliquely upwards by an angle of 0-45 degrees. The system has the functions of continuously and efficiently facilitating self-circulation micro-flow of a liquid system, hydrogen dissolution (as nano-bubbles), conversion from the interface to the bulk phase and dispersion of bubbles, sterilization ...

19-05-1999 дата публикации

Water having a superior ability to disperse oil and fats

Номер: EP0000916621A2

Fine-clustered water made from pure water is obtained by fine clustering treatment of pure water and is able to disperse at least about 1.5 times as much glyceryl trioleate as purified water is. The water of the present invention can be used in pharmaceutical compositions, food compositions, cosmetic compositions, eye drop compositions, eye wash compositions, contact lens cleaner, agricultural chemical compositions, photo developing solution, and concrete compositions. Especially, when the fine-clustered water of the present invention is used in pharmaceutical compositions, not only are the drugs dissolved easily in the water, but they are also rapidly absorbed via and delivered to tissue (oral mucosa, skin, mesentery) as compared with the purified water.

23-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2786653C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к способам изготовления напитков с антиоксидантными свойствами. Предложен способ изготовления напитка, который предусматривает приготовление напитка и облучение его посредством устройства для облучения напитка, причем используют устройство для облучения напитка ультрафиолетовым светом в виде фотоминерализатора, имеющего диапазон максимальной интенсивности УФ-излучения 200-300 нм, при этом в питьевую воду добавляют ингредиент, выбранный из морса облепихового, морса брусничного, муравьиной кислоты, формиата натрия, винной кислоты, калия-натрия виннокислого, янтарной кислоты, лимонной кислоты, щавелевой кислоты, белого вина, и перемешивают с получением соответствующего напитка, который подвергают облучению указанным устройством, или используют устройство для облучения напитка видимым светом в виде прожектора светодиодного, имеющего белые светодиоды общей мощностью 20 Вт, при этом в питьевую воду добавляют ингредиент, выбранный из муравьиной ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012151520A

1. Способ обработки растительных тканей импульсным электрическим полем для извлечения из них растительного вещества, в частности сока, отличающийся тем, что:- растительные ткани уплотняют для уменьшения остаточного пространства между растениями, и- уплотненные растения подвергают воздействию импульсного электрического поля, по меньшей мере, в одной камере (4) обработки.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что после обработки растительных тканей импульсным электрическим полем из камеры (4) обработки отбирают первый сок.3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что после извлечения первого сока растительные ткани подвергают дополнительной обработке для извлечения сока, в частности, посредством диффузии или прессования.4. Способ по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что перед этапом уплотнения растительных тканей производят резку растений.5. Способ по п.4, отличающийся тем, что для резки используют корнерезку.6. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что содержит предварительный этап промывки растений, и тем, что в камеру обработки перед обработкой уплотненных тканей импульсным электрическим полем нагнетают сжатый воздух.7. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что этап обработки уплотненных растений осуществляют при помощи нескольких камер обработки, расположенных последовательно или параллельно.8. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что регулируют параметры импульсного электрического поля в зависимости от природы обрабатываемых растений.9. Установка для обработки растительных тканей импульсным электрическим полем с целью извлечения из них растительного вещества, в частности, сока, отличающаяся тем, что содержит ступень (3) уплотнения ра� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A23L 2/04 (13) 2012 151 520 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012151520/13, 29.04.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): МАГИН САС (FR), АЗЕМЕЙЕР С.А.С. (FR), ЮНИВЕРСИТЕ ДЕ ТЕКНОЛОЖИ ДЕ КОМПЬЕНЬ (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 03.05. ...

27-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009123736A

... 1. Способ электрохимической активации с помощью электролизера, отличающийся тем, что активацию осуществляют контактно путем введения электродов в непосредственный контакт с активируемым продуктом. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что контактно активируют питьевую воду, естественные и искусственно получаемые водосодержащие продукты различной консистенции в виде горячих или холодных напитков (чай, кофе, молоко), йогуртов, белковых напитков и смесей, фруктовых и овощных соков (натуральные, свежеотжатые, полученные из концентрата, с витаминными и иными добавками и др.), морсов, витаминизированных напитков, лимонадов, негазированных и газированных безалкогольных напитков, приготовленных на основе естественных и искусственных ингредиентов, напитков и смесей для детского питания, любых алкогольных напитков (водка, пиво, коньяк, коктейли, вина, виски и др.), фруктов и овощей, овощных и фруктовых пюреобразных и желеобразных смесей, супов, бульонов, а также косметических средств (кремы, отдушки ...

17-04-2013 дата публикации

Treatment device for liquid products

Номер: GB0002495481A

This invention relates to a treatment device 1 for treating liquid products, e.g. milk, soup and orange juice. The device includes an electrodeless plasma bulb, which is excitable by RF energy in either pulsed or continuous form, which irradiates the liquid product as it passes through a first chamber 100. The first chamber also includes means to encourage the flow of liquid product to be turbulent, thus ensuring the emitted light irradiates a greater proportion of the liquid product. The liquid product then passes to a second chamber 200 by an interconnecting chamber, for treatment by another plasma bulb. The interconnecting chamber also includes means to encourage the flow of liquid product to be turbulent. The means for encouraging turbulence may be a corrugated surface, or a plurality of baffles.

09-10-1968 дата публикации

A process for the treatment of liquids, more particularly preservation thereof

Номер: GB0001129746A

... 1,129,746. Preserving liquids. OSTERREICHISCHE STUDIENGESSELLSCHAFT FUR ATOMENERGIE G.m.b.H. 17 June, 1966 [22 June, 1965], No. 27263/66. Heading A2D. Beverages are preserved by irradiation with ionizing y-radiation and are also subjected to a physical, physico-chemical and/or chemical treatment, the dose of -radiation used being below one half of that which would be required to sterilize a beverage when using y-radiation alone. In the examples apple juice is subjected to a radiation dose of 0.3 Mrad from Co 60 subsequent to adding vitamin K 5 , or prior to or concurrently with heating to 50‹C. and maintaining that temperature for 10 minutes. Grape juice is similarly heat treated but is given a radiation dose of 0.5 Mrad. Other specified second treatments are ultrasonic treatment and the addition of chemical preservatives.

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of making non-alcoholic and alcoholic toddy drinks

Номер: GB0002508324A

Method steps to manufacture non-alcoholic and alcoholic toddy drinks by use of only irradiation (gamma irradiation) or only filtering. The present invention will enable the shelf life of the toddy drink to be extended for several months and possibly years without change in the nature and taste of the toddy drink. One embodiment of the present invention can be used to preserve the toddy drink before fermentation starts to produce a sweet organic soft (non- alcoholic) drink. Another embodiment can be used to control fermentation of the toddy drink to produce a sweet organic hard (alcoholic) drink. Irradiation or filtration keeps the food material almost intact and at the same time destroys the microbes and parasites. Irradiation can be done after packing or bottling in small measures or in bulk quantities. Filtration is performed in bulk quantities.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for treating a substance with wave energy from plasma and an electrical arc

Номер: US20120024718A1
Автор: Todd Foret
Принадлежит: Foret Plasma Labs LLC

An apparatus for synergistically combining a plasma with a comminution means such as a fluid kinetic energy mill (jet mill), preferably in a single reactor and/or in a single process step is provided by the present invention. Within the apparatus of the invention potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and subsequently into angular momentum by means of wave energy, for comminuting, reacting and separation of feed materials. Methods of use of the apparatus in the practice of various processes are also provided by the present invention.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287907A1

A method for processing non-pasteurized grape juices to prepare soft wines, characterized in that said method comprises a step of processing said grape juices by high frequency radio waves to microbically deactivate said grape juices in absence of any thermal effects. 1. A method for processing non-pasteurized grape juices to prepare soft wines , characterized in that said method comprises a step of processing said grape juices by high frequency radio waves to microbically deactivate said grape juices in absence of any thermal effects.2. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that said high frequency radio wave processing step allows to sterilize an aromatized soft cocktail of wine products requiring said wine products to be bottled in aseptic bottles and in an aseptic environment.3. A method according to claim 1 , for preparing a sparkling soft beverage based on non-pasteurized wine products claim 1 , characterized in that said method comprises a bottling step claim 1 , using E242 and dimethyldicarbonate (DMCD) claim 1 , in a sterile bottle and a sterile product in a non sterile environment.4. A method for preparing a sprinkling soft beverage by processing non-pasteurized wine products claim 1 , characterized in that said method comprises a stripping or deoxygenating step to reduce an oxygen amount in contact with the product claim 1 , being performed in a storing line claim 1 , said stripping being performed by a gaseous washing by food compatible nitrogen claim 1 , consisting of transferring a gas (oxygen) dissolved in a liquid (must) from a liquid phase (must) to a gaseous phase (air) claim 1 , thereby a must oxygen reduction is carried out before a sprinkling step claim 1 , for greatly reducing a dissolved oxygen amount claim 1 , and product oxygenation effects and increasing the life thereof claim 1 , said stripping deoxygenating step being carried out to reduce the amount of oxygen contacting the product and being performed either in line or in a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating a substance with wave energy from an electrical arc and a second source

Номер: US20170000145A1
Автор: Todd Foret
Принадлежит: Foret Plasma Labs LLC

A substance is treated using a device having: (a) a volute or cyclone head, (b) a throat connected to the volute or cyclone head, (c) a parabolic reflector connected to the throat, (d) a first wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the volute or cyclone head that extends through the outlet into the opening of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode extending into the parabolic reflector and spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode, and (e) a second wave energy source disposed inside the throat, embedded within the throat or disposed around the throat. The substance is directed to the inlet of the volute or cyclone head and irradiated with one or more wave energies produced by the first and second wave energy sources as the substance passes through the device.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009279A1

Methods and apparatus are provided for ultraviolet (UV) fluid purification, wherein the fluid is in a gaseous, liquid or solid form or combination thereof, comprising UV-C LED modules having improved light extraction efficiency. UV-C LED(s) are in optical communication with one or more UV-C transmissive window elements. 1. A UV-C purification device , comprising: [{'b': '18', 'a PCB (), having a bottom surface and a top surface,'}, 'one or more UV-C LED located on the PCB, and', 'one or more UV-C-transmissive window elements,, 'one or more UV-C LED modules for administering UV-C light to a fluid in a gaseous, liquid, or solid form or a combination thereof, each module comprisingwherein the one or more UV-C LED is in optical communication with the one or more UV-C-transmissive window elements, andwherein the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements further comprises a top surface, a side surface and a hollow central portion to encapsulate the PCB and wherein the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements is removable and replaceable.2. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements further comprises a partial bottom region opposite the top surface of the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements.3. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the partial bottom region of the one or more UV-C transmissive window elements may extend in a direction from the side surface of the UV-C transmissive window element claim 1 , towards a centerline of the top surface of the UV-C transmissive window element.4. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the device further comprises a PCB housing surrounding the PCB.5. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the PCB housing surrounds the outer edge of the PCB.6. A UV-C purification device according to wherein the PCB housing further comprises a region upon which the one or more UV-C transmissive window element seals.7. A UV-C purification device ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method of treating plant and method of making plant-based food or drink product

Номер: US20220039437A1
Принадлежит: Nichia Corp

The present disclosure relates to a method of increasing an amount of a stilbenoid, and/or one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of TCA cycle metabolites, polyamine alkaloids, 4-aminobutyric acid, abscisic acid and salts thereof in a plant, the method comprising steps of: irradiating the plant, part, crushed material or cultured plant cell with light, wherein a fluence at a wavelength range of 275-295 nm is 50,000-2,500,000 μmol/m 2 , while at the same time a fluence at a wavelength range of 200-270 nm is less than 20% of the fluence at the wavelength range of 275-295 nm; and storing the irradiated plant, part, crushed material or cultured plant cell in a dark place for 1 day or more.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Birch Sap Beverage

Номер: US20140154374A1

A birch sap beverage having an extended shelf life and process for the manufacture thereof in which a birch sap is adjusted to a standard pre-determined Brix value and then subjected to either (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed with aseptic packaging (b) packaging followed by UHT. Additional birch sap products having extended shelf life are also disclosed and claimed. 1. A birch beverage product having a product Brix value in the range of about 0.1 to about 15.0 comprising (a) removal from said first sap or addition to said first sap of at least water to obtain a Brix value adjusted sap or', '(b) blending of said first birch sap with at least one other birch sap having a Brix value differing from that of said first birch sap to obtain a Brix value adjusted sap,, 'a first birch sap comprising water, said first birch sap having a sap Brix value in the range of about 0.1 to about 2.5 or optionally adjusted to have a predefined Brix value, said pre-defined Brix value being in the range of from about 0.1 to about 15.0, by'} (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed by aseptic packaging; or', 'followed by UHT as a terminal sterilization,', '(b) aseptic packaging'}], 'said first birch sap and, if said at least one other birch sap is used, said at least one other birch sap, or said Brix value adjusted sap having been subjected to either of'}said birch beverage product at the time of bottling after said ultra-high temperature pasteurization having a micro-organism load of not more than 10 colony forming units/ml and after 9 months of storage at 4° C. a micro-organism load of not more than 10 colony forming units/ml;said birch beverage product being prepared by the process consisting essentially ofa) obtaining a birch sap;b) optionally filtering the sap in one or more filtration steps; (i) ultraviolet (UV) sterilization,', '(ii) low temperature pasteurization, and', '(iii) one or more of micro and nano filtration;, 'c) optionally exposing ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Birch Sap Beverage

Номер: US20150093479A1

A birch sap beverage having an extended shelf life and process for the manufacture thereof in which a birch sap is adjusted to a standard pre-determined Brix value and then subjected to either (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed with aseptic packaging (b) packaging followed by UHT. Additional birch sap products having extended shelf life are also disclosed and claimed. 1. (canceled)2. The method of wherein the Brix value of said first birch sap is adjusted to form said second birch sap claim 16 , and if the water is used to add (added water) to said first birch sap in order to adjust said Brix value of said first birch sap claim 16 , said added water is selected from (a) drinking water claim 16 , (b) distilled water; (c) de-ionized water; (d) sterile water; and (e) birch water derived from birch tree sap.3. The method of wherein the birch water of (e) is derived from (i) said first birch sap or', '(ii) a second birch sap or, '(a) a reverse osmosis process from'} (i) a concentrated birch sap or', '(ii) a birch syrup; or, '(b) a process of converting said second birch sap into'}(c) converting concentrated birch sap into birch syrup; or(d) converting any of said second birch sap, said concentrated birch sap, and said birch syrup into another birch product.4. (canceled)5. The method of having a micro-organism load at the time of being packaged by said aseptic packaging after said Ultra-High Temperature pasteurization of not more that 0 CFU/ml.6. (canceled)7. The method of having a micro-organism load after being packaged by said aseptic packaging and being subjected to said Ultra-High Temperature pasteurization and having been stored at 4° C. for a period of 24 months of not more than 10 CFU/ml.8. The method of having a micro-organism load after being packaged by said aseptic packaging and being subjected to said Ultra-High Temperature pasteurization and having been stored at ambient temperature of from about 20 to about 25° C. for a period of 9 ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090499A1

A system includes memory banks that store data and a data path coupled to the memory banks that transfers the data. The system also includes a latch that gates the data path based on a clock signal in the system. The system further includes interface circuitry coupled to the data path that sends an instruction to the memory banks to transmit the data on the data path in response to receiving a first rising edge of the clock signal. The interface circuitry also outputs gated data in response to receiving a second rising edge of the clock signal. The latch gates the data path to store the gated data in response to receiving a falling edge of the clock signal. 1. An apparatus comprising:one or more memory banks configured to store data;a data path coupled to the one or more memory banks and configured to transfer the data;a latch configured to gate the data path based on a clock signal in the system; and send an instruction to the one or more memory banks to transmit the data on the data path based on the clock signal; and', 'output gated data based on the clock signal, wherein the latch is configured to gate the data path to store the gated data based on the clock signal., 'interface circuitry coupled to the data path, wherein the interface circuitry is configured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interface circuitry is configured to send the instruction in response to receiving a first rising edge of the clock signal.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interface circuitry is configured to output the gated data in response to receiving a second rising edge of the clock signal.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the latch is configured to gate the data path to store the gated data in response to receiving a falling edge of the clock signal.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interface circuitry is configured to:send a second instruction to the one or more memory banks to transmit second data on the data path based on an inverted clock signal; ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Molecular modifier for combustible and non-combustible fluids, liquids and gases

Номер: US20200107563A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present magnetic and electromagnetic equipment achieves the molecular modification of liquid and gaseous fluids combustible or non-combustible by combining magnetic turbulence. The device combines magnetic and electromagnetic fields for producing magnetic turbulence that modifies the atomic behavior diamagnetic materials to be processed by the covalence thereof, improving the assimilation of fluids in humans by increasing the surfactant quality of the fluids in physical states.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Array Induced Electric Field Fluid Reaction System and Applications Thereof

Номер: US20190118153A1

The array induced electric field fluid reaction system comprises a reaction unit array with a plurality of reaction units interactively connected as a network configuration, a power supply and a sample container, wherein each reaction unit has a closed iron core, a primary coil and a secondary coil. The primary coil and secondary coil are, respectively, wound around two sides of the closed iron core, and the secondary coil comprises an insulation pipe for circulating the reaction medium. When the array induced electric field fluid reaction system operates, no charged needle-type electrodes or electrode plates are inserted into the reaction medium. Electrochemical reaction and metal contamination may be avoided. The reaction units can form an array network connection and series/parallel connection, and when the induced electric field in each reaction unit is acted on the reaction medium, specific reaction effects may be achieved. 1. An array induced electric field fluid reaction system comprising:a reaction unit array comprises an array of m×n reaction units connected in a network configuration, wherein the m and the n are positive integers larger than 1; a closed iron core with a first side and a second side,', 'a primary coil wound around the first side of the closed iron core, and', 'a secondary coil wound around the second side of the closed iron core, wherein the secondary coil comprises an insulation pipe for circulating feed liquid, and the insulation pipe has a sample feeding inlet and a sample discharge outlet;', 'a power supply connected to the primary coil in each reaction unit providing the excitation voltage for each primary coil; and', 'a feed liquid container in communication with the sample feeding inlet and the sample discharge outlet in the reaction unit array;, 'each reaction unit further comprises'}wherein, in the reaction unit array, the sample feeding inlet and the sample discharge outlet of the insulation pipe of at least one reaction unit are, ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170127704A1

A system for processing a liquid or semi-liquid food product is provided. The food product is a composition of a first sub-composition having a low concentration, such as water or a sugar solution, and a second sub-composition having a high concentration, such as a concentrate. The high concentration is greater than the low concentration. The system comprises an ultra violet (UV) light treatment apparatus for reducing an amount of microorganisms in the first sub-composition and a blending apparatus for aseptically combining the first sub-composition and the second sub-composition into the liquid or semi-liquid food product. 1. A system for processing a liquid or semi-liquid food product , said food product being a composition of a first sub-composition having a low concentration and a second sub-composition having a high concentration , wherein said high concentration is greater than said low concentration , said system comprising:an ultraviolet light treatment apparatus for reducing an amount of microorganisms in said first sub-composition, anda blending apparatus for aseptically combining said first sub-composition and said second sub-composition into said liquid or semi-liquid food product.2. The system according to claim 1 , said system further comprising:a heat treatment apparatus for reducing the amount of microorganisms in said first sub-composition.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein said heat treatment apparatus is configured to heat said first sub-composition to a temperature of 75 degrees C.4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein a first amount of energy needed for reducing the amount of microorganisms to a set level for a certain amount of said first sub-composition by using said ultraviolet light treatment apparatus and said heat treatment apparatus is lower than a second amount of energy needed for reducing the amount of microorganisms to said set level for said certain amount of said first sub-composition by using said heat treatment ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134595A1

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent. 1173-. (canceled)174. A system for curing of a radiation-curable medium , comprising:a mechanism configured to supply an uncured radiation-curable medium including an activatable agent and at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent into the uncured radiation-curable medium; andan initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy throughout a region including the uncured radiation-curable medium,wherein the initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly cure the medium by polymerization of polymers in the medium.175. The system of claim 174 , wherein the energy modulation agent is configured to emit light at an energy different from the initiation energy.176. The system of claim 175 , wherein the plasmonics agent 1) enhances or modifies said light from the energy modulation agent or 2) enhances or modifies the initiation energy.177. The system of claim 174 , wherein the initiation energy source comprises:an external energy source; oran energy source that is at least partially in a container holding the medium.178. The system of claim 174 , wherein the initiation energy source comprises at least one of an x-ray source claim 174 , a gamma ray source claim 174 , an electron beam source claim 174 , an UV radiation source claim 174 , a microwave source claim 174 , or a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134596A1

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places inavicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent. 1243.-. (canceled)244. A radiation-cured article , comprising:a radiation-cured medium; andat least one of an energy modulation agent and a plasmonics agent distributed throughout the medium;said energy modulation agent being a substance which converted an initiation energy to a light which cured the radiation-cured medium by polymerization of polymers in the radiation-cured medium.245. The article of claim 244 , wherein said at least one energy modulation agent comprises luminescent agents including at least one of a sulfide claim 244 , a telluride claim 244 , a selenide and an oxide semiconductor.246. The article of claim 245 , wherein the energy modulation agent comprises at least one of YO; ZnS; ZnSe; MgS; CaS; Mn claim 245 , Er ZnSe; Mn Er MgS; Mn claim 245 , Er CaS; Mn claim 245 , Er ZnS; Mn claim 245 ,Yb ZnSe; Mn claim 245 ,Yb MgS; Mn claim 245 , Yb CaS; Mn claim 245 ,Yb ZnS:Tb claim 245 , Er; ZnS:Tb; YO:Tb; YO:Tb claim 245 , Er; ZnS:Mn; ZnS:Mn claim 245 ,Er.247. The article of claim 245 , wherein said luminescent agents comprise nanotubes claim 245 , nanoparticles claim 245 , chemilumiscent particles claim 245 , and bioluminescent particles claim 245 , and mixtures thereof.248. The article of claim 245 , wherein said luminescent agents comprise semiconducting or metallic materials.249. The article of claim 245 , wherein said luminescent agents comprise ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Plasmonic assisted systems and methods for interior energy-activation from an exterior source

Номер: US20140222117A1
Принадлежит: Duke University, Immunolight LLC

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Birch Sap Beverage

Номер: US20190142033A1
Автор: Farrell Michael
Принадлежит: Gavilan Tech, LLC

A birch sap beverage having an extended shelf life and process for the manufacture thereof in which a birch sap is adjusted to a standard pre-determined Brix value and then subjected to either (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed with aseptic packaging or (b) packaging followed by UHT. Additional birch sap products having extended shelf life are also disclosed and claimed. 1. A birch beverage product comprising (a) removal therefrom or addition thereto of at least water to obtain a Brix value adjusted sap or', '(b) blending of said first birch sap with at least one other birch sap having a Brix value differing from that of said first birch sap to obtain a Brix value adjusted sap,, 'a first birch sap having a Brix value or being adjusted to have a Brix value of from about 0.1 to about 15.0, by'} (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed by aseptic packaging or', '(ii) UHT as a terminal sterilization.', '(b) (i) optional aseptic packaging and'}], 'said first birch sap and, if said at least one other birch sap is used, said at least one other birch sap, or said Brix value adjusted sap having been subjected to'}2. The birch beverage product of wherein the water used to add to said first birch sap in order to adjust said Brix value of said sap is selected from (a) drinking water claim 1 , (b) distilled water; (c) de-ionized water; (d) sterile water; (e) birch water derived from birch tree sap.3. The birch beverage product of wherein the birch water is derived from (i) said first birch sap or', '(ii) a second birch sap or, '(a) a reverse osmosis process from'} (i) a concentrated birch sap or', '(ii) a birch syrup; or, '(b) a process of converting said second birch sap into'}(c) converting concentrated birch sap into birch syrup; or(d) converting any of said second birch sap, said concentrated birch sap, and said birch syrup into another birch product.4. The birch beverage product of having a micro-organism load at the time of bottling ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Birch Sap Beverage

Номер: US20190150483A1
Автор: Farrell Michael L.
Принадлежит: Gavilan Tech, LLC

A birch sap beverage having an extended shelf life and process for the manufacture thereof in which a birch sap is adjusted to a standard pre-determined Brix value and then subjected to either (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed with aseptic packaging or (b) packaging followed by UHT. Additional birch sap products having extended shelf life are also disclosed and claimed. 1. A birch beverage product comprising (a) removal therefrom or addition thereto of at least water to obtain a Brix value adjusted sap or', '(b) blending of said first birch sap with at least one other birch sap having a Brix value differing from that of said first birch sap to obtain a Brix value adjusted sap,, 'a first birch sap having a Brix value or being adjusted to have a Brix value of from about 0.1 to about 15.0, by'} (a) ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization followed by aseptic packaging or', '(ii) UHT as a terminal sterilization.', '(b) (i) optional aseptic packaging and'}], 'said first birch sap and, if said at least one other birch sap is used, said at least one other birch sap, or said Brix value adjusted sap having been subjected to'}2. The birch beverage product of wherein the water used to add to said first birch sap in order to adjust said Brix value of said sap is selected from (a) drinking water claim 1 , (b) distilled water; (c) de-ionized water; (d) sterile water; (e) birch water derived from birch tree sap.3. The birch beverage product of wherein the birch water is derived from (i) said first birch sap or', '(ii) a second birch sap or, '(a) a reverse osmosis process from'} (i) a concentrated birch sap or', '(ii) a birch syrup; or, '(b) a process of converting said second birch sap into'}(c) converting concentrated birch sap into birch syrup; or(d) converting any of said second birch sap, said concentrated birch sap, and said birch syrup into another birch product.4. The birch beverage product of having a micro-organism load at the time of bottling ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Device for uv-led liquid monitoring and treatment

Номер: US20200146306A1
Принадлежит: Larq Inc

A liquid treatment device includes a base with a power source, a UV-LED module for providing UV-B or UV-C light to liquid, an LED for providing visible light, and a processor for selectively powering the UV-LED module and the LED, and having a UV transmissive material above the UV-LED module for allowing the UV-B or UV-C band light from the UV-LED module to be transmitted from the base housing, and a liquid storage housing removably coupled to the base housing with a storage portion configured to hold liquid and having a bottom portion comprising a UV transmissive material for allowing the UV-B or UV-C band light from the UV-LED module to be transmitted into the liquid, and an output coupled for restricting outflow of the liquid from the storage portion.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180160694A9
Автор: Foret Todd

A substance is treated using a device having: (a) a volute or cyclone head, (b) a throat connected to the volute or cyclone head, (c) a parabolic reflector connected to the throat, (d) a first wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the volute or cyclone head that extends through the outlet into the opening of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode extending into the parabolic reflector and spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode, and (e) a second wave energy source disposed inside the throat, embedded within the throat or disposed around the throat. The substance is directed to the inlet of the volute or cyclone head and irradiated with one or more wave energies produced by the first and second wave energy sources as the substance passes through the device.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166457A1

An apparatus for purifying liquid comprises a substantially tubular irradiation chamber () and a plurality of UV-LEDs () projecting ultraviolet radiation into it so as to irradiate the flow () of liquid being passed through it, where each of the UV-LEDs () is disposed upon the irradiation chamber () so that it is illuminated by at least one other of the plurality of UV-LEDs (). 1. An apparatus for purifying liquid , comprising a substantially tubular irradiation chamber adapted to conduct a flow of liquid therethrough , and a plurality of UV-LEDs disposed upon and configured to project ultraviolet radiation into the irradiation chamber and thereby irradiate the flow of liquid , characterized in that the plurality of UV-LEDs are configured such that each of the UV-LEDs is directly illuminated by the ultraviolet irradiation emitted by at least one other of the UV-LEDs.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of UV-LEDs are distributed along a length of the irradiation chamber with a substantially uniform linear spacing.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of UV-LEDs are distributed along the perimeter of the irradiation chamber with a substantially uniform angular spacing about a longitudinal axis of the irradiation chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the UV-LEDs is disposed upon the irradiation chamber directly opposite another of the UV-LEDs claim 1 , thereby defining a plurality of UV-LED pairs.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the UV-LED pairs are distributed along a length of the irradiation chamber with a substantially uniform linear spacing claim 4 , and along the perimeter of the irradiation chamber with a substantially uniform angular spacing about a longitudinal axis of the irradiation chamber.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the distance along a wall of the irradiation chamber between any two adjacent UV-LEDs is less than or equal to twice a width of the irradiation chamber multiplied by the tangent of ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166458A1

The invention relates to a liquid purification assembly using ultraviolet light irradiation against reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, comprising an irradiation chamber () having an internal volume and comprising an inlet () and an outlet (), the irradiation chamber () being provided with ultraviolet light emitting means () configured to irradiate liquid in the irradiation chamber () with ultraviolet light. The irradiation chamber () comprises a mechanism configured to cause a change in the internal volume of the irradiation chamber (), said change in internal volume drawing liquid into the irradiation chamber () when the volume of the irradiation chamber () increases, and forcing liquid out of the irradiation chamber () when the volume of the irradiation chamber () decreases. The invention also relates to a beverage dispenser and to a method for purifying a liquid. 1. A liquid purification assembly using ultraviolet light irradiation against reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms , comprising an irradiation chamber having an internal volume and comprising an inlet and an outlet , the irradiation chamber being provided with an ultraviolet light emitting means member configured to irradiate liquid in the irradiation chamber with ultraviolet light ,the irradiation chamber comprises a mechanism configured to cause a change in the internal volume of the irradiation chamber, the change in internal volume drawing liquid into the irradiation chamber when the volume of the irradiation chamber increases, and forcing liquid out of the irradiation chamber when the volume of the irradiation chamber decreases.2. A liquid purification assembly according to claim 1 , comprising a first one-way valve configured to allow liquid to flow through the inlet into the irradiation chamber claim 1 , and a second one-way valve configured to allow liquid to flow through the outlet out of the irradiation chamber.3. A liquid purification assembly according to claim 1 , comprising a ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

UV Liquid Steriliser

Номер: US20140255570A1

A fluid treatment apparatus for sterilizing drinks comprises an elongated tubular duct () and an elongated UV light source () extending longitudinally along the duct (). The fluid flows longitudinally along the duct () in a thin annular low passage () which extends around the UV light source (). A mixing device (), disposed between adjacent longitudinal portions of the duct (), diverts the fluid from a first portion of the passage () through fluid mixing means () in the device () and returns the mixed fluid to a second portion of the passage (). Micro-organisms in the fluid flow are killed as they come close to the light source (). The mixing device () mixes the flow and returns it to the flow passage (). A plurality of mixing devices along the duct () increases the likelihood that microorganisms receive a sufficient lethal dose of UV radiation.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173350A1

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent. 1. A method for producing a change in a medium , comprising:(1) placing inside the medium an activatable agent,(2) placing inside the medium a photon emitter which is capable of emitting therefrom at least one of ultraviolet and visible light into the medium to be treated;(2) emitting from said photon emitter said at least one of ultraviolet and visible light at one or more positions inside the medium to be to be treated; and(3) inducing from the light emitted into the medium a photoreactive change inside the medium.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said activatable agent is capable of producing a pharmacological claim 1 , cellular claim 1 , chemical claim 1 , electrical claim 1 , or mechanical effect in a medium.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said photon emitter comprises a down converter excited by x-ray or a high energy source.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said photon emitter comprises an up converter excited by an infrared source.5. Method of claim 1 , wherein said photon emitter comprises a plasmonics agent for enhancing an intensity of the light emitted into the medium.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said photon emitter comprises a light needle emitting said at least one of ultraviolet and visible light.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said photon emitter comprises a fiber optic emitting said at least one of ultraviolet and visible light.8. The ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190174801A1

A system and method for the electromagnetic energization of packed content, in which the system includes at least one container filled with at least one fluid, at least one energization element, at least one grounding element, at least one containment element, one or more alignment elements, one or more contact elements, at least one grounding connection element, at least one grounding element, and optionally at least one movement element. Additionally, a corresponding apparatus is provided. 2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the container is manufactured in insulating material or coated with insulating material.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid is conductive.4. The system according to . wherein the energization means claim 1 , is an electric power source equipped with at least one conductive electrode claim 1 , connected electrically and/or magnetically to the electric power source to be introduced into the container claim 1 , more specifically claim 1 , dipped in the fluid for electrification thereof.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one energization means further comprises one or more external coils claim 1 , wherein the external coils are arranged around the container for induction of electrical current by electromagnetism through the container wall claim 1 , between the electric coils and the electrode.6. The system according to . wherein the coils are configured with a polarity which is distinct from the polarity of the electrode claim 5 , with no need for grounding means.7. The system according to the invention claim 5 , wherein the grounding means is equipped with at least one insulating containment means claim 5 , one or more alignment means with one or more contact means being interconnected by a grounding connection means to a grounding element claim 5 , wherein the containment means is disposed between the container and the alignment means.8. A method for electromagnetic energization of packed ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200178573A1
Автор: Naito Keisuke

Provided are a sterilization method for liquids, whereby flavor deterioration can be suppressed while securing a sterilization effect, and a sterilization device. The sterilization method according to the present invention comprises irradiating a solution to be treated, which is a beverage other than water, substantially not with ultraviolet light with an emission wavelength of 260 nm or less but with ultraviolet light with an emission wavelength of 280-320 nm inclusive. 1. A sterilization method comprising irradiating a to-be-treated solution , which is a beverage other than water , with ultraviolet light having an emission wavelength of 280 nm or more and 320 nm or less without substantially irradiating the to-be-treated solution with ultraviolet light having an emission wavelength of 260 nm or less.2. A sterilization device comprising an ultraviolet light irradiation device which irradiates a to-be-treated solution , which is a beverage other than water , with ultraviolet light , having a main emission wavelength of 280 nm or more and 320 nm or less and substantially free of components having an emission wavelength of 260 nm or less , along a flow path through which the to-be-treated solution flows.35-. (canceled)6. The sterilization method according to wherein the to-betreated solution is a coffee beverage.7. The sterilization method according to wherein the to-betreated solution is a fruit juice beverage.8. The sterilization method according to wherein the to-betreated solution is an alcoholic beverage. The present invention relates to a sterilization method and sterilization device for beverages other than water.Conventionally, as a sterilization treatment using light, there is treatment which applies pulsed light from the ultraviolet to the visible range. In recent years, a sterilization treatment method using ultraviolet light is expected.In particular, for food sterilization, disinfection using ultraviolet light (UV disinfection) is considered as a method ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190598A1

A treatment device includes a base having a battery, a UV-LED for providing UV-C light during a UV sterilization process, LEDs for providing visible light during the UV sterilization process, and a controller for initiating the UV sterilization process, a translucent ring on the base for receiving the visible light from the LEDs and outputting it to the user, a first coupling structure on the base, a UV transmissive material above the UV-LED module, and a water storage removably coupled to the base having a sidewall structure for confining water, a second coupling structure below the sidewall structure for coupling with the first coupling structure to thereby create a water-tight seal between the water storage and the base, and a translucent material disposed upon the top opening of the water storage for receiving the visible light from the LEDs and outputting it to the user. 1. A water treatment device comprises: a power source;', 'a UV-LED module electrically coupled to the power source, wherein the UV-LED module is configured to provide UV-C band light;', 'a plurality of LEDs electrically coupled to the power source, wherein the plurality of LEDs are configured to provide visible light; and', 'a processor electrically coupled to the power source, the UV-LED module, and to the plurality of LEDs, wherein the processor is configured to specify parameters for power from the power source to the UV-LED module to the power source, wherein the processor is configured to specify parameters for power from the power source to the plurality of LEDs;, 'a base housing comprisinga visual indicator portion disposed on a first top portion the base housing and optically coupled to the plurality of LEDs, wherein the visual indicator portion is configured to receive the visible light from the plurality of LEDs and is configured to provide at least a portion of the visible light outwards in a radial direction;a first physical coupling structure disposed on a second top portion of the ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Preparing a Beverage from Liquid Supplied to a Package by a Machine

Номер: US20180192813A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

Apparatus () for preparing a beverage by delivering sanitized liquid within a package () containing nutritional ingredients comprising: 1. An apparatus for preparing a beverage by delivering sanitized liquid within a package containing nutritional ingredients , the apparatus comprising:a package comprising a product compartment containing nutritional ingredients and a spout arranged for the supply of liquid inside the compartment; and a control unit; and', 'a liquid supply and treatment unit comprising an optical irradiation chamber arranged for sanitizing liquid circulating therein and a connection assembly for fluidly connecting the liquid supply and treatment unit with the package;, 'a machine comprisingwherein the spout comprises a fluid connector, with a liquid inlet, insertable through the connection assembly of the liquid supply and treatment unit; andwherein the fluid connector is positioned after insertion through the connection assembly in a position of insertion in which the liquid inlet is exposed to the optical irradiation field produced by the optical irradiation chamber.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid inlet is arranged at the tip of the fluid injector.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the optical irradiation chamber comprises a tube for liquid to pass there-through and being irradiated from outside by an irradiating member.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the irradiating member is at least one UV lamp or LED.5. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the connection assembly comprises a bushing for the liquid connector to be inserted through claim 3 , and wherein the fluid connector and bushing are designed and dimensioned relative to one another such that at least the tip of the fluid connector is positioned after insertion in a position in which at least the tip of the fluid connector is exposed to an optical irradiation field produced by the optical irradiation chamber.6. The apparatus ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203986A1
Автор: Ervin Keith
Принадлежит: Titan Water Technologies, Inc.

Systems for water treatment include a preprocessing stage, an ultraviolet treatment stage, and a filtering stage. The preprocessing stage includes first and second chambers including first and second filter media. The first and second chambers include perforated plates. The first chamber and second chamber are vertically arranged in a filter tower. The ultraviolet treatment stage receives water in a plurality of reactor tanks. Each reactor tank of the plurality includes an inlet, an outlet, crystal sleeve disposed centrally to the interior of the reactor tank, and a UVC light source contained within the crystal sleeve. A controller operates the ultraviolet treatment stage to sequentially fill each reactor tank and sequentially drain each reactor tank and operates a respective UVC light source to emit UVC wavelength radiation within a respective reactor tank while water is in the respective reactor tank. 1. A water treatment system comprising: a first chamber being defined by at least one vertically oriented sidewall and a bottom defined by a perforated plate;', 'a first filter media contained within the first chamber by the at least one vertically oriented sidewall and the perforated plate of the first chamber;', 'a second chamber being defined by at least one vertically oriented sidewall and a bottom defined by a perforated plate;', 'a second filter media contained within the second chamber by the at least one vertically oriented sidewall and the perforated plate of the second chamber; and', 'a first funnel configured to receive water from the first chamber and direct the water to an outlet;', 'wherein the first chamber, second chamber, first funnel are vertically arranged in a filter tower wherein water travels through the filter tower by gravity feed sequentially through the second chamber, the first chamber, and the first funnel;, 'a preprocessing stage comprising a plurality of reactor tanks that each comprise a valve-controlled inlet and a valve-controlled ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140295038A1
Автор: Norris Jeffrey B.
Принадлежит: BNR Technology Development, LLC

The shelf life of a comestible liquid is prolonged by passing the liquid through an electrolytic cell. Electric current travels from one electrode to the other through the liquid. The electric current destroys bacteria present in the liquid. The current causes the osmotic balance of the bacteria cells to be disrupted causing the cell to either implode or explode. 1. A method of prolonging the shelf life of a comestible liquid comprising:providing an electrolytic cell having a pair of electrodes, an inlet for the liquid, an outlet for the liquid and a power source;introducing the liquid to be treated into cell via the inlet;energizing the pair of electrodes so as to cause current to pass from a first electrode to a second electrode; andremoving the liquid to be treated from the cell via the outlet.2. The method of wherein the electrolytic cell includes a plurality of pairs of electrodes.3. The method of wherein the comestible liquid is continuously introduced to and withdrawn from the electrolytic cell.4. The method of wherein the comestible liquid is held in the electrolytic cell for a given period of time and then removed.5. The method of wherein the liquid to be treated is orange juice claim 1 , grape and other fruit juices.6. The method of wherein the electrodes are a titanium plate with a ruthenium coating or other similar noble coatings.7. The method of wherein a direct current power source is utilized to energize the electrodes which provides a current density between 0.01 amps and 0.5 amps per square inch depending on the type of juice treated.8. The method of wherein the comestible liquid resides in the electrolytic cell for 5 to 60 seconds. This application claims the priority of U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 61/805,650 filed Mar. 27, 2013.1. Field of the InventionThis invention relates to a method of treating liquid comestibles, for example, fruit juices, in order to improve their shelf life.2. Description of Related ArtIt is well know that fruit ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190202715A1

A storage container includes an input portion for receiving and filtering a source liquid to form an output liquid, a storage portion for storing the filtered liquid, and a base portion disposed below the storage portion including a UV light source for providing transmitted UV light to the filtered liquid, a UV light detector disposed an optical path length away from the UV light source for detecting received UV light through the filtered liquid in response to the transmitted UV light, a processor for determining an absorption or a transmission percentage in response to the transmitted UV light and the received UV light, for determining a safe condition, in response to the absorption or the transmission percentage respectively not exceeding or exceeding predetermined criteria, and one or more indicators for indicating that the liquid is safe for consumption to a user, in response to the safe condition. 1determining first optical analysis data in response to input liquid provided to an input portion of the liquid treatment device;storing in a memory, the first optical analysis data;treating with a liquid treatment portion of the liquid treatment device, the input liquid to form treated liquid;determining second optical analysis data in response to the treated liquid;determining with a processor, whether the second optical analysis data exceeds or does not exceed predetermined standards data;determining with the processor, a safe signal, in response to the second optical analysis data exceeding the predetermined standards data; andoutputting a first visual indication to a user that the treated liquid is safe for consumption, in response to the safe signal.. A method for a liquid treatment device comprises: The present invention is a continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/186,342 filed on Jun. 17, 2016, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 10,227,241 on Mar. 12, 2019, and is a continuation in part of and claims priority to U.S. patent ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

A Photo Bioreactor for Cold Pasteurization Of Liquid Food Products and the Use of the Reactor

Номер: US20200214306A1
Автор: Rasmus MORTENSEN

A system capable of a germicidal treatment of highly opaque liquids, featuring a filter, which prevents wavelengths above the UV-C spectrum reaching the liquid being treated, one or more spiral-shaped tubes extending from an inlet end to an outlet end creating a fluidic pathway, and one or more light sources illuminating the one or more spiral-shaped tubes, wherein the one or more light sources emit light in a wavelength range between 180-300 nm.

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150245648A1

The invention provides a device for applying a pulsed high voltage electric field (PEF) treatment to a (laminar) fluid flow, said device comprising a chamber comprising an inlet with an inlet cross sectional area, an outlet, a treatment zone, and at least a first and a second electrode positioned for providing an axialelectric field in said treatment zone, wherein the cross sectional area of the treatment zone is at least as large as the cross sectional area of the inlet. 1. A method for treating a liquid food product , wherein said liquid food product is guided through a device for applying a pulsed high voltage electric field (PEF) treatment to a fluid flow , said device comprising a chamber comprising an inlet with an inlet cross sectional area , an outlet , a ring-shaped treatment zone arranged between the inlet and the outlet , a widening part between said inlet and said treatment zone , a flow body in said chamber providing in said chamber the ring-shaped treatment zone , and at least a first electrode and a second electrode positioned for providing an axial electric field in said treatment zone , wherein a cross sectional area of the treatment zone is at least as large as the cross sectional area of the inlet , the method further comprising providing the liquid food product in a laminar flow in the ring-shaped treatment zone , and applying a pulsed electric field between said first electrode and second electrode , wherein a potential difference is applied to said electrodes to result in an electrical field of 20-60 kV/cm in said treatment zone.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising providing said liquid food product with a temperature selected from the range of 35-55° C. to said treatment zone.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a pulse frequency of the electric field is set with respect to a flow speed of the fluid claim 1 , such that the fastest fluid fraction receives between 1 and 8 pulses.4. The method according to claim 1 , ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140328985A1

A fluid steriliser comprising a fluid duct having a UV transmissive wall providing a surface area for irradiation, wherein the cross section of the duct is between 1×10mand 5×10mand the thickness of the duct defines the depth of fluid flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall of no more than 50mm; a source of UV radiation arranged to irradiate fluid flowing in the duct through the UV transmissive wall such that the UV radiation incident on fluid in the duct has a UV power density; a plurality of mixing stages configured to provide turbulent flow in the fluid and spaced apart along the length of the duct wherein the segments of the duct between the mixing stages are arranged to provide flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall; a flow control means arranged to control the linear speed of fluid flow along the duct based on the length of the duct and the UV power density so that at least 300 Joules of UV energy per square metre of the surface area for irradiation is provided to the fluid during the dwell time of the fluid in the duct. 1. A fluid steriliser comprising:{'sup': −4', '2', '−2', '2, 'a fluid duct having a UV transmissive wall providing a surface area for irradiation, wherein the cross section of the duct is between 1×10mand 5×10mand the thickness of the duct defines the depth of fluid flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall of no more than 50 mm;'}a source of UV radiation arranged to irradiate fluid flowing in the duct through the UV transmissive wall such that the UV radiation incident on fluid in the duct has a UV power density;a plurality of mixing stages configured to provide turbulent flow in the fluid and spaced apart along the length of the duct wherein the segments of the duct between the mixing stages are arranged to provide flow adjacent the UV transmissive wall;a flow control means arranged to control the linear speed of fluid flow along the duct based on the length of the duct and the UV power density so that at least 300 Joules of UV energy per square ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170252439A1
Автор: FOO Onn Fah

The present invention provides a system for imparting electromagnetic energy into drinking water or aqueous potables and foods, comprising: a generator unit for generating a driving signal having a frequency to maintain a nature or an activity of microorganisms in living forms; a power supply unit for providing a voltage current to the generator unit to drive the generation of the driving signal; one or more inductor coils coupled to the generator unit to receive the driving signal, such that an electromagnetic field operating with the varying frequency is generated; and an electromagnetic wave-permeable container for containing the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods wherein the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods is subject to the generated electromagnetic field to allow permeation of the varying frequency electromagnetic wave through the container into the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods to acquire electromagnetic energy. The invention also provides a method for imparting electromagnetic energy into drinking water or aqueous potables and foods. 1. A system for imparting electromagnetic energy into drinking water or aqueous potables and foods , comprising:a generator unit for generating a driving signal, the generator unit configured to vary a frequency of the driving signal, wherein the frequency is selected so as to maintain a nature or an activity of microorganisms in living forms;a power supply unit coupled to the generator unit for providing a voltage current to the generator unit to drive the generation of the driving signal;one or more inductor coils coupled to the generator unit to receive the driving signal, such that an electromagnetic field operating with the varying frequency is generated; andan electromagnetic wave-permeable container for containing the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods and placed in an area where the electromagnetic wave-permeable container filled with the drinking water or ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170280737A1

A liquid treatment device includes a base with a power source, a UV-LED module for providing UV-B or UV-C light to liquid, an LED for providing visible light, and a processor for selectively powering the UV-LED module and the LED, and having a UV transmissive material above the UV-LED module for allowing the UV-B or UV-C band light from the UV-LED module to be transmitted from the base housing, and a liquid storage housing removably coupled to the base housing with a storage portion configured to hold liquid and having a bottom portion comprising a UV transmissive material for allowing the UV-B or UV-C band light from the UV-LED module to be transmitted into the liquid, and an output coupled for restricting outflow of the liquid from the storage portion. 1. A liquid treatment device comprises: a power source;', 'a UV-LED module electrically coupled to the power source, wherein the UV-LED module is configured to provide UV-B or UV-C band light to liquid;', 'an LEDs electrically coupled to the power source, wherein the LED is configured to provide visible light;', 'a processor electrically coupled to the power source, the UV-LED module, and to the plurality of LEDs, wherein the processor is configured to specify parameters for power from the power source to the UV-LED module to the power source, and wherein the processor is configured to specify parameters for power from the power source to the LED; and', 'wherein the base housing comprises a UV transmissive material disposed on a portion of the base housing adjacent to the UV-LED module, wherein the UV transmissive material is configured to allow the UV-B or UV-C band light from the UV-LED module to be transmitted outward from the base housing;, 'a housing comprising a liquid storage portion configured to hold liquid, the liquid storage portion having a portion comprising a UV transmissive material, wherein the UV transmissive material is configured to allow the UV-B or UV-C band light from the UV-LED module to be ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200297000A1
Автор: Damiano Dominick, Wang Lu

The present teachings provide an approach for energy efficient creation of dilute sterile fluids such as ready-to-drink beverages. To achieve such creation, a beverage processing apparatus may have a sterile liquid concentrate source connected to deliver sterile liquid concentrate and a sterile water source having an inlet connected to receive water and a cold water filter sterilizer connected to the inlet. The apparatus may also have a dilute fluid outlet and an aseptic mixing component. The aseptic mixing component may be interconnected between the sterile liquid concentrate source, the sterile water source and the dilute fluid outlet to: receive sterile liquid concentrate; receive sterile water; and to provide a dilute fluid. 1. Apparatus comprising:a sterile liquid concentrate source;a non-thermal sterilizer connected to a diluent source;a dilute fluid outlet; andan aseptic mixing component connected:to the sterile liquid concentrate source to receive sterile liquid concentrate therefrom;to the non-thermal sterilizer to receive sterile diluent therefrom; andto the dilute fluid outlet to provide a dilute fluid thereto.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sterile liquid concentrate is a food or beverage concentrate claim 1 , wherein the concentrate is food ingredient water-based concentrate comprising at least one dissolved ingredient claim 1 , where the at least one ingredient comprises one or more selected from the group consisting of: a colorant; a flavoring; a nutritional element; a protein; a carbohydrate; a lipid; an emulsifier; a stabilizer; and a buffer.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the non-thermal sterilizer comprises a filter sterilizer.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the non-thermal sterilizer comprises a single or multi-stage filtration sterilizer.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the non-thermal sterilizer further comprises an ultraviolet sterilizer or direct electrical discharge sterilizer.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304225A1
Автор: Bourke, JR. Frederic A.
Принадлежит: MMUNOLIGHT, LLC

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the energy modulation agent. 1. (canceled)2: A system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container , comprising:a mechanism configured to provide to the medium 1) an activatable agent and 2) at least one energy modulation agent, wherein said energy modulation agent is configured to emit light into the medium upon interaction with an initiation energy; andan initiation energy source configured to apply the initiation energy to the medium, wherein the initiation energy interacts with the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium.3: The system of claim 2 , wherein the energy modulation agent is configured to emit said light at an energy different from the initiation energy.4: The system of claim 2 , wherein:the initiation energy source comprises an external energy source; orthe initiation energy source comprises an energy source that is at least partially in the artificial container holding the medium or that is exposed through an opening in the artificial container; oran external energy source directed to a structural element in which a gap therein was prefilled with the uncured radiation-curable medium to thereby cure the uncured radiation curable medium in the gap; ora directed or focused beam of the initiation energy which cures the uncured radiation curable medium to produce a patterned element.5: The system of claim 2 , wherein the initiation energy source comprises at least one of at least one of an x-ray source claim 2 , a gamma ray source claim 2 , an electron beam ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Plasmonic assisted systems and methods for interior energy-activation from an exterior source

Номер: US20200306717A1
Принадлежит: Duke University, Immunolight LLC

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent.

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Method And System For Process Monitoring The Treatment Of Media, In Particular A HACCP-Compliant Method Or System For Preserving Foods

Номер: US20200359659A1

The present invention relates to a system () for process monitoring of the treatment of media (), in particular a HACCP-compliant system () for the preservation of foods. In order to ensure and standardize successful treatment, system () comprises an electroporator () for treating a medium () with a pulsed electric field, at least one measuring device () for determining a change of a condition parameter of the medium () caused by the treatment with the pulsed electric field, and an evaluation device () for comparing the determined change of the condition parameter to a predetermined change target value and for outputting a warning signal once the difference between the determined change and the predetermined change target value exceeds a limit value. 113123435. System () for process monitoring of the treatment of media () , in particular HACCP-compliant system () for the preservation of foods , comprising an electroporator () for treating a medium () with a pulsed electric field , at least one measuring device () for determining a change of a condition parameter of said medium () caused by the treatment with said pulsed electric field , and an evaluation device () for comparing the determined change of the condition parameter to a predetermined change target value and for outputting a warning signal once the difference between the determined change and the predetermined change target value exceeds a limit value.21673. System () according to claim 1 , further comprising a conveying line () and a drive () for transporting said medium ().3121014. System () according to claim 1 , where said the electroporator () comprises at least two electrodes () connected to a pulse generator ().411532. System () according to claim 1 , further comprising a control unit () for adjusting a conveying speed of said transported medium () and/or at least one operating parameter of said electroporator ().514232242. System () according to claim 1 , where said measuring device () comprises at ...

11-12-2003 дата публикации

Beverage flavor enhancing device and associated methods

Номер: US20030226447A1
Автор: Kenneth Flick
Принадлежит: Omega Patents LLC

A beverage flavor enhancing device for use with a beverage container includes a base and a plurality of tubular members extending upwardly from the base and arranged in spaced-apart relation to receive the beverage container therebetween when the beverage container is positioned on the base. At least one permanent magnet is carried by each of the tubular members to generate a magnetic field within the beverage container to thereby enhance the beverage flavor.

11-12-2003 дата публикации

Device for magnetically treating materials and associated methods

Номер: US20030228399A1
Автор: Kenneth Flick
Принадлежит: Omega Patents LLC

A device for magnetically treating materials includes a base, and at least one magnet carried by the base to generate a magnetic field within the material. In some embodiments, the material may be within a container, and the magnetic field may be generated within the container to magnetically treat the material. The material may be a beverage and the magnetic treatment may enhance the flavor of the beverage, or may be an emollient and the magnetic treatment may change a characteristic of the emollient. The device may include a base, a plurality of tubular members extending upwardly from the base and arranged in spaced-apart relation to receive the material, and at least one magnet within each of the tubular members to generate a magnetic field within the material.

01-11-2005 дата публикации

Device for magnetically treating materials and associated methods

Номер: US6959640B2
Автор: Kenneth E. Flick
Принадлежит: Omega Patents LLC

A device for magnetically treating materials includes a base, and at least one magnet carried by the base to generate a magnetic field within the material. In some embodiments, the material may be within a container, and the magnetic field may be generated within the container to magnetically treat the material. The material may be a beverage and the magnetic treatment may enhance the flavor of the beverage, or may be an emollient and the magnetic treatment may change a characteristic of the emollient. The device may include a base, a plurality of tubular members extending upwardly from the base and arranged in spaced-apart relation to receive the material, and at least one magnet within each of the tubular members to generate a magnetic field within the material.

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220346584A1
Автор: Pearson Michelle

Systems and methods for dispensing items utilizing a housing having a compartment configured to store a quantity of items, a dispensing device configured to dispense at least one of the items from the housing to an individual, an activation device configured to activate the dispensing device to dispense the at least one item from the housing in response to an interaction with the individual, an outlet in the housing through which the items may be individually dispensed from the housing by the dispensing device, and one or more light sources that emit UV-C radiation within the housing and irradiate exterior surfaces of the items or packaging of the items with the UV-C radiation. Methods utilizing the system may be used to dispense items, such as sacramental elements for Communion. 1. A system for dispensing items , the system comprising:a housing having a compartment therein configured to store a quantity of items;a dispensing device configured to dispense at least one of the items from the housing to an individual;an activation device configured to activate the dispensing device to dispense the at least one item from the housing in response to an interaction with the individual;an outlet in the housing through which the items may be individually dispensed from the housing by the dispensing device; andone or more light sources that emit UV-C radiation within the housing and irradiate exterior surfaces of the items or packaging of the items with the UV-C radiation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the items are sacramental elements for use during the Christian rite of Communion.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one item is dispensed from the dispensing device in response to an individual's direct claim 1 , physical interaction with the activation device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one item is dispensed from the dispensing device automatically in response to the activation device detecting the individual with an activation device.5. ...

03-12-2014 дата публикации

Method for sterilizing liquid food by virtue of micro plasma

Номер: CN104172429A
Автор: 杜长明
Принадлежит: National Sun Yat Sen University

本发明公开一种微等离子体液体食品杀菌的方法,具体步骤是将液体食品引入微等离子体装置;打开气源,调节气体流量,待气流稳定后开启直流高压电源,放电反应开始,在阳极和液体食品的液面之间形成微等离子体;利用微等离子体产生的OH、H 2 O 2 和HO 2 等强大的杀菌氧化剂,放电处理3~10min可有效将液体食品中有害微生物杀灭,实现食品杀菌消毒。根据实际要求,本发明可简单、低成本、高处理效率且便捷地杀灭液体食品中的有害微生物,实现液体食品的安全保障,具有潜在的发展前景。

18-08-2020 дата публикации

Red date health concentrated juice and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN107114643B
Автор: 张启明
Принадлежит: 甘肃西域食品有限责任公司


01-07-2014 дата публикации

System for treating a substance with wave energy from an electrical arc and a second source

Номер: US8764978B2
Автор: Todd Foret
Принадлежит: Foret Plasma Labs LLC

A system for treating a substance using a storage vessel and two or more devices disposed in a top of the storage vessel. Each device has: (a) a volute or cyclone head, (b) a throat connected to the volute or cyclone head, (c) a parabolic reflector connected to the throat, (d) a first wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the volute or cyclone head that extends through the outlet into the opening of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode extending into the parabolic reflector and spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode, and (e) a second wave energy source disposed inside the throat, embedded within the throat or disposed around the throat. The substance is supplied to the inlet of the volute or cyclone head and is irradiated with one or more wave energies produced by the first and second wave energy sources.

11-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: KR102360515B1
Автор: 박은현
Принадлежит: 주식회사 쉐어라이트

본 개시는 용기에 결합되는 살균 장치에 있어서, 용기와 결합되는 결합부를 포함하는 케이스; 케이스에 구비되며, 용기의 내부를 향해 빛을 발광하며, 자외선을 발광하는 제1 반도체 발광소자를 포함하는 발광부; 그리고, 케이스에 구비되며, 발광부와 전기적으로 연결되며, 발광부에 전기에너지를 공급하는 태양전지;를 포함하는 살균 장치에 관한 것이다.

13-10-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for preparing a beverage from a liquid supplied to a package by a machine

Номер: CN107920681B


25-07-2018 дата публикации

System and method for disinfecting the liquid or gaseous medium

Номер: RU2662296C1

FIELD: technology of water and air purification. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the disinfection and decontamination of liquid or gaseous media by means of bactericidal ultraviolet radiation and by means of a temperature in the range from low to moderate. System for disinfecting of liquid or gaseous medium is presented, which contains the UV emitter that is framed by the elongated element, which is located concentrically with respect to the UV-emitter, through which the coolant, cooling the UV-emitter, circulates, the mentioned above elongated element is framed by the additional elongated element, which is located concentrically in relation to the UV emitter, through which the liquid or gaseous medium to be disinfected circulates, and the additional elongated element is framed by the elongated element, which is located concentrically in relation to the UV emitter, through which a refrigerant or a coolant that cool or heat the liquid or gaseous medium to be decontaminated is circulating. Method for decontamination of a liquid and gaseous medium is also described. EFFECT: increased efficiency of treatment is achieved in case of uniform application of various controlled temperatures. 10 cl, 3 dwg, 3 tbl, 1 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 662 296 C1 (51) МПК A61L 2/04 (2006.01) A61L 2/10 (2006.01) C02F 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61L 2/04 (2006.01); A61L 2/10 (2006.01); C02F 1/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017103502, 10.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 25.07.2018 11.07.2014 EP 14382273.2 (45) Опубликовано: 25.07.2018 Бюл. № 21 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 13.02.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2014/0140893 A1, 22.05.2014. RU (86) Заявка PCT: C 1 2 6 6 2 2 9 6 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2016/005556 (14.01.2016) Адрес для переписки: 123100, Москва, ...

23-11-2016 дата публикации

Array induction field fluid reaction system and application thereof

Номер: CN106140046A


02-08-2019 дата публикации

A kind of preparation method of black fruit fructus lycii magma

Номер: CN110074296A
Автор: 刘增根, 宋洋, 邵贇, 陶得喜


10-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for purifying liquid

Номер: CN106659202A


29-03-2004 дата публикации

Oxygen-enriched water, treated within a magnetic field and heavy water

Номер: AU2002321678A1
Автор: Tibor Nagy
Принадлежит: Individual

25-03-1983 дата публикации

Sterilising fluids esp. edible liq. such as fruit juice, milk etc. - by passage between electrodes connected to low voltage pulsed supply

Номер: FR2513087A1
Автор: Jerome Boulart

After the prod. has been prepd. in its normal way for its intended use, but before it is packaged or stored, it is sterilised by electric current. An electric field is established between two closely-spaced electrodes. The prod. is then made to flow smoothly and continuously between the electrodes, transversely of the electric field. The electric current producing the field is of low voltage, e.g. about 4 to 50 volts, and is delivered in pulses of short duration sepd. by intervals between successive pulses. The prod. pref. flows at low pressure in a thin film between electrodes spaced by between 1 and 5mm, more partic. between 2 and 4mm. The electric supply is pref. between 6 and 24 volts at a frequency between 0,1 qnd 10.0 hertz esp. about 1.0 hertz. The duration of each electric pulse is pref. between 0.01 and 1.00 second while the interval duration is pref. between 0.1 and 1.0 second. Process is partic. applicable to edible liqs. such as fruit or vegetable juice, milk, beer, wine and mineral water. It can also be used to ensure sterility of water in closed circuit circulation of a swimming pool. The process costs less and is less harmful to the prod. than sterilisation by heat or chemical additives.

04-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR2959399A1
Принадлежит: HAZEMEYER Sas, Maguin SAS

Cette installation de traitement de tissus végétaux par champ électrique pulsé est destinée à l'extraction de substances végétales des tissus, notamment un jus. Elle comprend un étage de compactage (3) des tissus végétaux et au moins une chambre de traitement (4) comprenant des moyens de génération d'un champ électrique pulsé dans ladite chambre pour le traitement des tissus compactés. This pulsed electric field plant tissue treatment plant is intended for the extraction of plant substances from the tissues, in particular a juice. It comprises a compaction stage (3) of plant tissues and at least one treatment chamber (4) comprising means for generating a pulsed electric field in said chamber for the treatment of compacted tissue.

15-06-1983 дата публикации

Process for the preservation of colour and flavor in liquids containing comestibles

Номер: IL67924A0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Continental Packaging

14-04-2015 дата публикации

Plasmonic assisted systems and methods for interior energy-activation from an exterior source

Номер: US9004131B2
Принадлежит: Duke University, Immunolight LLC

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent.

16-03-2022 дата публикации

Sterilization method, sterilization device

Номер: KR102375198B1
Принадлежит: 우시오덴키 가부시키가이샤

액상물에 대한 살균 방법에 있어서, 살균 작용을 담보하면서도, 추가로 풍미의 열화를 억제한 살균 방법 및 장치를 제공한다. 본 발명의 살균 방법은, 물 이외의 음료물인 피처리 용액에 대하여, 발광 파장이 260nm 이하인 자외광을 실질적으로 조사하지 않고, 발광 파장이 280nm 이상 320nm 이하인 자외광을 조사하는 방법이다. Disclosed is a sterilization method and apparatus for sterilizing liquid substances while ensuring sterilization action and further suppressing deterioration of flavor. The sterilization method of the present invention is a method of irradiating ultraviolet light having an emission wavelength of 280 nm or more and 320 nm or less to a solution to be treated, which is a beverage other than water, without substantially irradiating ultraviolet light having an emission wavelength of 260 nm or less.

03-08-2006 дата публикации

Magnetic aerator

Номер: US20060172041A1
Автор: Patrick Farrell
Принадлежит: Inventive Technologies Inc

A magnetic aerator includes a liquid agitating blade insertable into a hand held beverage container along with a magnet disposed at the blade with the magnet introducing a magnetic field into the liquid. A finger manipulatable stem supports the blade and enables manual agitation of the liquid by the blade approximate a surface of the liquid.

09-11-2016 дата публикации

A kind of Caulis et Folium Lactucae Sativae liver heat removing function of gallbladder promoting is concentrated in vacuo blue berry fruit juice and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN106071460A
Автор: 吕九洲
Принадлежит: Bengbu Fulin Dairy Co ltd


31-05-2017 дата публикации

A kind of preparation method of Huanghua Pear concentrate

Номер: CN106721830A
Автор: 刘小峰, 蔡日芬
Принадлежит: Individual


06-07-1999 дата публикации

Drink compounded with bilberry and its production

Номер: JPH11178553A
Принадлежит: Individual

(57)【要約】 【課題】 本発明は、眼精疲労回復に効果のあるアント シアニン塩類を含有するビルベリーを飲料に配合して、 体内での吸収を図ることを目的とする。 【解決手段】 本発明のビルベリー配合飲料は、天然水 に、ビルベリー果実から抽出したアントシアニン塩類を 主成分とするビルベリーエキストラクトを配合したもの である。このビルベリー配合飲料には、さらに、砂糖、 香料、ビタミン・ミネラル類を配合することができる。 また、本発明のビルベリー配合飲料は、用いられる天然 水に、磁力活性化処理を施すものである。或いは、この 磁力活性化処理は、天然水にではなく、製品液に対して 施すことも、或いは用いられる天然水と製品液の双方に 対して施すこともできる。

03-11-2015 дата публикации

Plasmonic assisted systems and methods for interior energy-activation from an exterior source

Номер: US9174190B2
Принадлежит: Duke University, Immunolight LLC

A method and a system for producing a change in a medium disposed in an artificial container. The method places in a vicinity of the medium at least one of a plasmonics agent and an energy modulation agent. The method applies an initiation energy through the artificial container to the medium. The initiation energy interacts with the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent to directly or indirectly produce the change in the medium. The system includes an initiation energy source configured to apply an initiation energy to the medium to activate the plasmonics agent or the energy modulation agent.

29-03-2017 дата публикации

A kind of grape drink for improving the health care of sleep and manufacture method

Номер: CN106538908A
Автор: 覃丽梅
Принадлежит: Individual


30-03-2021 дата публикации

Absorbable apricot juice

Номер: CN112568345A


25-06-1976 дата публикации

Ionization treatment of biological liqs. esp. drinks - reduces sulphur dioxide requirement by using ionic turbulence to destroy bacteria

Номер: FR2292438A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: DELAGNES SA

A process and a processing plant for ionization treatment of biological liqs. are claimed in which direct current is passed through the liq., the path taken by the current and its direction of flow being changed periodically at a frequency which is comparatively low, e.g. intervals of 3 minutes, but sufficient to produce in the liq. a turbulence capable of damaging and destroying cells of microorganisms. In the processing plant, the current is supplied at a low voltage, e.g. 20 to 30 volts, to each pair in turn of three, spaced parallel electrodes immersed in the liq., automatic reversing switches being used to select electrode pairs in turn and to reverse polarity of each pair at successive selections so that turbulence is created in the liqs; the plant pref. comprises a transformer and a rectifier so that it can operate directly from alternating current at mains voltage. Used for treatment of e.g. wine, milk, fruit juices etc. to improve taste, quality, keeping properties etc. Process employs inexpensive equipment to destroy e.g. yeast, as well as other harmful elements, using a bare minimum of SO2 so that all risk of toxicity is avoided.

06-09-2017 дата публикации

System and method for imparting electromagnetic energy into water and use thereof

Номер: EP3214047A1
Автор: Onn Fah Foo
Принадлежит: Lifeng Technology Ltd

The present invention provides a system for imparting electromagnetic energy into drinking water or aqueous potables and foods, comprising: a generator unit for generating a driving signal having a frequency to maintain a nature or an activity of microorganisms in living forms; a power supply unit for providing a voltage current to the generator unit to drive the generation of the driving signal; one or more inductor coils coupled to the generator unit to receive the driving signal, such that an electromagnetic field operating with the varying frequency is generated; and an electromagnetic wave-permeable container for containing the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods wherein the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods is subject to the generated electromagnetic field to allow permeation of the varying frequency electromagnetic wave through the container into the drinking water or the aqueous potables and foods to acquire electromagnetic energy. The invention also provides a method for imparting electromagnetic energy into drinking water or aqueous potables and foods.

23-01-1995 дата публикации

Process to improve the quality of drinking water or liquid, brewed foods or to promote brewing

Номер: DK0469585T3
Принадлежит: Bodysonic KK

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Energy augmentation structures, energy emitters or energy collectors containing the same, and their use in adhesives.

Номер: WO2020180602A1
Принадлежит: Immunolight, LLC.

An emission enhancement structure having at least one energy augmentation structure; and an energy converter capable of receiving energy from an energy source, converting the energy and emitting therefrom a light of a different energy than the received energy. The energy converter is disposed in a vicinity of the at least one energy augmentation structure such that the emitted light is emitted with an intensity larger than if the converter were remote from the at least one energy augmentation structure. Also described are various uses for the energy emitters, energy augmentation structures and energy collectors in a wide array of fields, including various adhesives applications.

15-11-2022 дата публикации

Composition containing catechins

Номер: JP7171954B2
Принадлежит: Kao Corp

23-09-2014 дата публикации

Treatment device for cooling and magnetically treating liquid within a container and associated methods

Номер: CA2657856C
Автор: Kenneth E. Flick
Принадлежит: Omega Patents LLC

A treatment device for magnetically treating liquid in a liquid container includes a container holder to receive the liquid container. An active cooling unit is associated with the container holder to cool the liquid within the liquid container. At least one magnet associated with the container holder to generate a magnetic field within the liquid in the liquid container.

03-06-2013 дата публикации

Tree sap collecting device

Номер: KR101267977B1
Автор: 주재순, 한억희
Принадлежит: 주식회사 퓨리존

본 발명은 위생적으로 수액을 수집할 수 있도록 하는 수액 집수장치에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세히는 나무로부터 수액을 채취하여 수집탱크로 이송하는 과정을 비롯하여 그것을 저장하는 과정에서 수액을 위생적으로 수집할 수 있도록 하기 위하여, 내부에 수액 저장용 공간이 형성되고 상부 일측 및 하부 일측에 각각 수액 인입관(11) 및 수액 배출관(12)이 구비되며, 지면으로부터 일정거리 이격 설치되도록 지지대(13)에 의해 지지되는 저수조(10), 상기 인입관 또는 배출관의 관로에 설치되어 수액의 이물질을 필터링하는 여과부(20), 상기 저수조의 외부를 감싸서 태양광을 차단하기 위한 차광막(30)을 포함하여 이루어진 수액 집수장치가 제공된다. The present invention relates to a sap collecting device for sanitary collection of sap, and more specifically, to collect the sap from the tree to transfer to the collection tank, and to collect the sap in the process of storing it To this end, a fluid storage space is formed therein, and a fluid inlet pipe 11 and a fluid discharge pipe 12 are respectively provided at one upper side and one lower side thereof, and are supported by the support 13 to be installed at a predetermined distance from the ground. (10), the sap collector is installed in the inlet pipe or discharge pipe of the filtration unit 20 for filtering the foreign matter of the sap, the sap collecting device comprising a light shielding film 30 for blocking the sun by wrapping the outside of the reservoir Is provided.

31-08-2021 дата публикации

Garman and fresh plum composite beverage and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN113317420A
Автор: 王坤瑶, 王繁锦, 王鑫
Принадлежит: Jiashi Xiyu Fruit Industry Co ltd


26-06-2012 дата публикации

Beverage manufacture, processing, packaging and dispensing using electrochemically activated water

Номер: US8206647B2
Принадлежит: Radical Waters International Ltd

A system using electrochemically-activated water (ECAW) for manufacturing, processing, packaging, and dispensing beverages. The system uses ECAW solutions in the beverage facility clean-in-place system to achieve improved microbial control while greatly reducing water usage and reducing or eliminating the use of chemical detergents and disinfectants.

18-02-1958 дата публикации

Preservation of fruit juices

Номер: US2824014A
Автор: Sperti George

11-07-2016 дата публикации

Beverage manufacture, processing, packaging and dispensing using electrochemically activated water

Номер: PH12014500819A1
Принадлежит: Radical Waters Internat Ltd

A system using electrochemically-activated water (ECAW) for manufacturing, processing, packaging, and dispensing beverages including: (a) using ECAW to neutralize incompatible residues when transitioning from the production of one beverage to another; (b) using ECAW to rehabilitate and disinfect granular activated charcoal beds used in the feed water purification system; (c) producing a carbonated ECAW product and using the carbonated ECAW for system cleaning or disinfecting; (d) using ECAW solutions in the beverage facility clean-in-place system to achieve improved microbial control while greatly reducing water usage and reducing or eliminating the use of chemical detergents and disinfectants; (e) further reducing biofilm growth in the processing system, and purifying ingredient water without the use of chlorine, by adding an ECAW anolyte to the water ingredient feed stream; and/or (f) washing the beverage product bottles or other packages with one or more ECAW solutions prior to packaging.

27-03-2019 дата публикации

Photobioreactor for bactericidal treatment of fluids

Номер: DK179693B1
Автор: MORTENSEN Rasmus
Принадлежит: Lyras ApS

The invention relates to a system capable of a germicidal treatment of highly opaque liquids, featuring a filter, which prevents wavelengths above the UV-C spectrum reaching the liquid being treated, one or more spiral-shaped tubes extending from an inlet end to an outlet end creating a fluidic pathway, and one or more light sources illuminating the one or more spiral-shaped tubes, wherein the one or morelight sources emit light in a wavelength range between 180-300 nm.

11-07-2016 дата публикации

Beverage manufacture, processing, packaging and dispensing using electrochemically activated water

Номер: PH12014500819B1
Принадлежит: Radical Waters International Ltd

A system using electrochemically-activated water (ECAW) for manufacturing, processing, packaging, and dispensing beverages including: (a) using ECAW to neutralize incompatible residues when transitioning from the production of one beverage to another; (b) using ECAW to rehabilitate and disinfect granular activated charcoal beds used in the feed water purification system; (c) producing a carbonated ECAW product and using the carbonated ECAW for system cleaning or disinfecting; (d) using ECAW solutions in the beverage facility clean-in-place system to achieve improved microbial control while greatly reducing water usage and reducing or eliminating the use of chemical detergents and disinfectants; (e) further reducing biofilm growth in the processing system, and purifying ingredient water without the use of chlorine, by adding an ECAW anolyte to the water ingredient feed stream; and/or (f) washing the beverage product bottles or other packages with one or more ECAW solutions prior to packaging.
