Procedure for the improvement of the durability and quality of beverages and device for the execution of the procedure
The invention concerns a procedure for the reduction of the content of oxygen, in alkoholischenundniehtalkoholischenGetränken, like beer, Most, wine. Lemonades u.dgl, available, and for reduction more unwanted lnhaltsstoffe and caused thereby the improvement of the durability and the quality of these beverages are.
It is well-known that the durability is affected by filled up beverages by the content of existing oxygen in the negative sense. One knows today that a high content of oxygen in these beverages affects itself in three regard disadvantageously:
A) The oxygen existing in these beverages promotes the development of microorganisms, so that they, particularly with increased sow eating off content, are subject very rapidly to the miktobiellen decay.
B) By into drunk the existing oxygen mentioned Oxydatioasv are eiixgeleitet Œ courses, which have an unfavorable effect regarding the taste.
C) Finally it is well-known that it comes by reaction of oxygen with ingredients, in particular protein and gerbstoffartigen connections, for the training of turbidity.
To the admission of the oxygen it comes with the production of the beverages mentioned in particular in the course of the filling. In the case of the vergorenen beverages such as wine and beer by the fermentation and the life activity of the yeast and possibly other Mlhroorganismen the content of existing oxygen is lowered to a large extent. During the following filtration and in particular during the Abffillungder filtered beverages on barrels and bottles however more or less come the beverages inBerührung with air and take up on this occasion oxygen. A last cause of the oxygen admission finally still exists by the Leesräume in the filled up bundles.
In the case of the beer preparing the situation is about as follows:
S auerstoffgehalt the finished beer is because of the end of the storage time between 0,2 and 0,5 mg 02 /1.
During the filtration it can increase to an order of magnitude of 0, 5 to 1 mg CO2 /I, mainly under air flows in the lines and air, which are brought in together with filter aids during the Ansehwemmfiltration. In the collecting containers after the filter that rises oxygen content of the beer perhaps still considerably, v Œ everything if the beer flows in very turbulent into tanks, which are at increased air pressure. Perhaps one can determine values up to 3 to 5 mg Oz/1 beer. The beer angereicheste in such a way with air receives then still further oxygen during the Flaschenabfüllung, if the beer with turhulenter current flows into bottles, which likewise are at increased air pressure. Finally it is technically extraordinarily difficult to avoid that not also still another certain amount of air is in the empty space of the FlaseheMialses contained, rates the bottle is locked. In companies! the situation is similar to l of the production and AbfiUlung of the other beverages mentioned.
Since one recognized, how ungitnsttg a increased, in particular however superelevated sow eating off content in the beverages affects itself, it was not missing at attempts to limit the Sauerstoffanfnahme as far as possible. Hiefür the met measures can be divided into mechanical process steps for the avoidance of the oxygen admission to the beverages as well as around chemical procedures, in order to bind and make denin for the beverages existing oxygen thus innocuous by chemical reaction with certain Rednktionsmitteln.
The mechanical measures consist to a large extent of it that one uses inert gases for the Umdrücken of the beverages from a container to the other one as well as for linking the tanks, Abfüllmasehinen as well as the empty bottles up before the filling, like e.g. carbonic acid or nitrogen. One has already F - rack machines as well as deteinrichtungen designed, it more or less to a large extent erlau! 0 ben to promote and/or fill up the beverages protected against an oxygen admission.
All these mechanical measures are however only b.eschränkt effective and permit it only to limit the Sauerstoffaufaahme of the filled up beverages to a certain measure a complete keeping of the oxygen away make possible it not. Besides are these meehanisehen measures mostly much umständ! I, the flow chart restraining as well as technically very complex.
The other way consists of it binding the oxygen, which is present in a beverage, by reducing means for and to eliminate in such a way. For this purpose mainly the ascorbic acid, its Isome¢en " as well as S alze by both are used. Further Reduktone became, those with the reaction of sugar with A for this purpose! kall develop and besides e.g. in the beer in appropriate measure available are suggested. To larger extent also still the sulfuric acid and dhvoa the derived connections as well as occasionally also different Sanerstoffsäuren of the sulfur and their salts are used.
Against the use of reducing agents very frequently lebensrrättelrechtliche or also food-hygenic criteria, because the added reducing agents represent foreign matter, speak dtezumTeil, as are valid e.g. in case of the sulfur connections, beyond that also still as physiologically precarious.
To mention then also still the costs, which result from the use of the Antioxydantien, are above all, if they are used as highly purified preparations.
A further disadvantage results from that by the chemicals mentioned the geschmacklichen characteristics of the beverages concerned can be impaired. This is completely particularly valid for the sulfur connections.
Furthermore it istbekannt that the connection of the oxygen existing in the Geträuken does not take place under any circumstances via a spontaneous reaction. Rather this reaction runs off as a function of a large number, partially even still not at all well-known factors more or less slowly, so that the initially described negative effects of the oxygen are switched off only to the more or less large part. In case of the use of Ascerbinsäure or the Znckerreduktone, it is beyond that also still well-known that their reaction products with oxygen can work as oxidising agents, so that the cherräschenReaktionen existing oxygen, which one wanted to prevent by the employment of the Reduktone, finally takes place nevertheless.
It was already suggested removing the oxygen from beverages thereby that it is brought with the help of the enzyme Glukoseoxydase with glucose to the reaction. This procedure has however seineGrerLzen, einma! thus that many beverages no glucose to contain and also to contain is not and on the other hand by the costs of the production the enzyme.
Schäeßlich is already well-known in the Bierbrauerei to add for the improvement of the Sehaumhaltigkeit to the beer nickel and cobalt in form of their water-soluble salts. These salts work however as Reaktionsteiinehmer and enifalten no catalytic effect.
The invention has sees placed to the task to create a simple procedure with which the NachteH is avoided, which by mentioned the oxygen existing in the beverages to develop.
In accordance with the invention a procedure for the improvement of the durability and the quality of beverages becomes, how beer, Most, wine, lemonades and such suggested, which consist of that the beverages with precious metals, nods! , Cobalt, of it in fine distribution in contact it is brought to whose oxides, or mixtures on which if necessary the metals are removed from the beverages and re-use-regenerated if necessary before. As precious metals come in particular platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium or their alloys with one another into consideration. These materials work those as catalysts during the conversion of the oxygen with ingredients of the beverages, existing in the beverages, as acceptor working. With the treatment according to invention that is not however only lowered oxygen content of the beverages, but it becomes also by hydrogenation of some ingredients, as the Diaeetyls, which improves quality of the beverage. The catalysts can be used in the form of finely distributed suspensions or by colloidal solutions or however as precipitation on substrates, like z. 13. Coal, Kieselgur, barium sulfate, asbestos fibers, pearlites and such you can be switched on for the beverage as filter bed into the beverage stream or however one proportion it too and separate it at expiration of the reaction by filtration or Separation from it again.
When acceptors are applicable to the reaction with the existing oxygen ingredients of the beverages, like e.g. Reduktone, which from biological processes or however through reaction of sugars with amino acids, e.g. with the Mälzung of grain or preparing of beer spice, result.
In a preferential execution form of the invention, like the already initially mentioned Reduktone, the ascorbic acid, their isomers and the salts of it, the sulfuric acid and the connections derived from it as well as the salts of it and other oxy acids of the sulfur and their salts as acceptors for the existing oxygen antioxydativ working material can be attached to the beverage concerned.
The advantage of this function is then in that the oxygen existing in the beverage can be brought immediately and absolutely controllably to a large extent or completely to the reaction with the indicated ingredients of the beverages and/or the added Antioxydantien. In this way at least the influence is eliminated, which the existing oxygen has on the development of microorganisms and thus the biological decay of the beverages. Folgereaktionen, which leave themselves devoted from it that the oxidized Antioxydantien possibly works as oxidising agents in relation to other components of the beverages, in the case of this function to postpone temporally, so that thus also an improvement of the geschmackLichen Haltbarkait as well as a stabilization effect exist regarding the emergence of turbidity.
As particularly effective proved to use as acceptor for the existing oxygen of the beverages hydrogen gas. For this purpose becomes the oxygen containing beverage, e.g.
by per& it material, hydrogen gas in finest distribution caused. In presence of the catalysts mentioned this hydrogen gas reacts with the existing oxygen under formation of water.
These reaction footstep against expectation also at temperatures around the freezing point rapidly and quantitatively. The advantage of this function is in that no foreign matter is added to the beverage and/or that after the reaction of the hydrogen gas with the existing oxygen none physiologtsch unknown or precarious Realdionsprodulde in the beverage to be. Beyond that is that-proceed-technically simple to accomplish and required only minimum costs of the hydrogen gas. Possibly the hydrogen gas caused in the surplus from the beverage escapes because of the small solubility of hydrogen in aqueous media again almost quantitatively.
If for the execution of the invention hydrogen is used as acceptor for the oxygen of the beverage, then one can work also in such a way that the catalysts will only load a suspension of these catalysts the beverage loaded with hydrogen with hydrogen gas and one then add and after completion of the reaction by Filtratlon or Separation separates again.
It was implemented further above that the catalyst is again separated after the reaction by filtration or Separation from that beverage. It can be used then again for the execution of the invention.
At the time of execution it can seem to the invention that see gradually turbidity materials on the surface of the catalyst to deposit or to the marker substance are adsorbed. Decrease/go back thus kanndi effectiveness of the catalyst gradually. In this case it is possible, the catalyst after separating from the beverages with diluted solutions from acetic acid or formic acid or however of alkali, in particular ammonia solutions, to regenerate. Soft chemicals to be in detail used, depends on the kind of the materials, which led to the contamination of the catalyst surface.
A special form of the execution of the invention consists of that one the catalyst metal or - metal oxide in purify-distributed form on a roughened substrate strikes down, which is then switched on as Filterbettin the river of the flowing beverage. If as oxygen acceptor hydrogen gas is used, then the supply of this hydrogen gas is appropriately put directly into the Getränkesttom before the filter bed.
In case of the application of the invention with char-acid beverages like e.g. beer or left - monaden, can prove it as favourable, if not pure hydrogen gas, but a mixture is added to the beverage before the catalyst bed by hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide. In this way elne completely particularly fine distribution of the hydrogen gas in the beverage is reached.
A further advantage consists with this function of that a possible gas surplus, which escapes after the catalytic reaction from the Getxänk again exists aus'einem mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which are not inflammable and thus thus also not the danger of detonating gas explosions contained.
The quantity of hydrogen gas, which must be caused to the beverage, depends naturally primarily on the content of the beverage at oxygen. Are from influence however further also still the reaction temperature, the degree of the fine dispersion of the injected gas as well as the tightness of the catalyst bed. For these reasons the regulation of the Wasserstoff-Zuführung comes appropriately via that the content is measured at oxygen v and after the reaction. Hiefür are applicable well-known chemical analysis methods or in addition, electricalmetric oxygen measurements.
A special execution form of the invention consists of that one produces for the reaction of the oxygen existing in the beverage needed hydrogen gas directly in the beverage by E1ektrolyse, before the beverage with the catalyst comes into contact. One can build lüezu e.g. into the Geträn - kestrom an electrolysis cell, whereby the hydrogen-supplying cathode is in the beverage stream and the pertinent anode by a diaphragm or a porous material hievon separately outside of the beverage stream.
With this kind of the execution of the invention naturally must be ensured that the oxygen developing at the anode and/or the beverage present around the anode enriched with oxygen again into the Hauptflfissigkeitsstrom to arrive itself.
If one implements the invention in the way that for the reaction of the Sauorstoffes existing in the beverage hydrogen gas is used, it is favourable if the assigned catalysts in the metallically reduced form are used. There are such catalysts in the trade. Perhaps it can be however more appropriate to feed the catalyst bed with the oxide form according to invention suggested of the catalysts. In this case the catalyst oxide must be überfilhrt into the reduced metallic form before the treatment of the beverages. It takes place this by means of that one flushes the catalyst bed with water and introduces hydrogen gas into the flow direction also. This reduction of the catalyst metal is accomplished favourably also if - described further above as - the surface of the catalyst or the substrate by treatment with suitable chemicals cleaned by adsorbent turbidity materials is.
One can - as implemented already above - oxygen content beverage into arbitrary way to lower, depending upon which selected Arbeitsbedingnngen e.g. the response time, which catalyst quantity, which Reaklionstemperatur, which quantity of oxygen acceptor etc. if one can do works with hydrogen gas as Sauorstoff acceptor in presence of catalysts, except the reaction desired of the hydrogen with the oxygen by the catalysts, also still Hydriesungsreaktionen at ingredients of the beverages to run off. It can be desired this desired or also not. /i11 one that the catalytic reaction to the connection of the oxygen remains limited, then one works appropriately in such a way that one the remainder content of existing oxygen, which remains after the reaction in the beverage not until completely to the value zero lowers.
In addition, it can be of advantage, even if ingredients of the beverages of a catalytic hydrogenation are subjected. In the case of the beer the content of Diacetyl e.g. lets itself decrease in this way. Further in addition, other reducible ingredients can Reduktone be e.g. brought in presence of the catalysts by hydrogen gas into the reduced form. This is valid also for In48 of stop materials of the beverages, which already suffered a oxydative change by oxygen admission. To Mitbän to leave see by the invention also the first stages your oxidation at the beverages cancelling again. In these cases one works with a surplus of hydrogen gas. One can determine the effect by suitable chemical reactions, e.g. titration with iodine and such or measurement of the redox potential.
So reduced ingredients of the beverages can, if it itself around reversible reduz [hereditary acre - oxidizable connections acts, when natural Antioxydantien of the beverage works and serves for the EHminierung of the oxygen, which arrives after the catalyst treatment possibly, e.g. with the filling, still into the beverage.
Particularly if one liked to hydrogenate certain ingredients of the beverages beyond the elimination of the oxygen existing in the beverage also still at the time of the execution of the invention catalytically, it can be of advantage to e.g. work in consideration of possible Geschmacksveräuderungen not with one of the catalysts mentioned alone, but with a mixture, the different precious metals. The individual precious metals which portion of the mixture are to have, depends on the treated beverage. The correct selection can be met easily by attempts.
The Durchfübxung of the invention is demonstrated in the following before a11em by the example of the beer.
This example can be transferred into same way also to other Get¢änke.
B B e i s pi e 1 1: In a comparison attempt distilled water is begast by 21°C with air. Its oxygen content increases thereby to 8,3 ms O [1. with this air-satisfied water several 200 ml-Probefla are crammed filled. The bottles receive the additives indicated down. After hour standing at room temperature the sow eating off content is esnüttelt with the help of a electricalmetric method in the individual bottles, whereby likewise in the table the 7.usammengestellten of values results.
1. An additive catalyst on coal (10°Io Pd) sow eating off content after 2 h 8.2,7.8,0.2,6.4,0.3 the waistcoat D Œ table it do not show 2nd 0.3% Ascorblnsäure 3rd 0.3 0 ascorbic acid, 30 mg palladium - catalyst anf activated charcoal (l {Y/o Pd) 4th 0.3% sodium Pyrosulfit (NazSzO) 0, ö ß sodium Pyrosulfit, 30 mg palladium - that the ascorbic acid also sodium pyrosulfit and, which had been added to the water satisfied with air its content of existing oxygen during the time of 2 h only inconsiderably decreased. In presence of palladium catalyst the entire existing oxygen was however almost brought to the reaction.
B e i s pi e I 2: In a brewery at the Flaschenffiller I l-bottles are filled with filtered beer, which had not received additives, randvo11.
The electricalmetric determination of the content of existing oxygen results in that these 1.8 mg OJl amounts to, the bottles the Cherräkalien arranged in the table is then added. The sample bottles first with 0°C for 6 h are. Afterwards they are kept standing for 48 h in melting ice, during this time sedimentieren the added catalysts, and the supernatant beer is completely clarified. This supernatant beer is filled over sodanu by carbonic acid gas into 0,3 1-Pfobeflaschen, which had been before-filled for the avoidance of an oxygen admission with carbonic acid gas. In one of these sample bottles thereafter the content of existing oxygen is determined. The two other sample bottles will one forced subjected, with dern to they-first 3 days with 50°C to be held and then 24 h in sehmelzendem ice. The cooling turbidity arising with it is measured with the help of a measuring instrument and is likewise contained in the table.
Table II:
No additives mg palladium catalyst on coal (10% Pd) 3rd 50 mg ascorbic acid 4th 50 mg ascorbic acid, 50 mg palladium - catalyst on coal (10°Io Pd) 50 mg Aseorbinsäure, 50 mg proteolytic beer stabilization - enzyme 6th 50 mg ascorbic acid, 50 mg proteolytic Biersfabilisierungs enzyme, 50 mg palladium - catalyst on coal (I0 o Pd) existing oxygen mg/1 1.6,0.8,1.2,0.3,1.0,0.3 after cooling turbidity forced EBC - - 5.4,3.2,5.0,0.8,2.5,0.4 the managing table heiten shows that by the presence of the palladium catalyst the existing oxygen is lowered into beer by reaction with Reduktonen of the beer on approximately half, if palladium catalyst is present. With presence of ascorbic acid the Sauecstoff solved in beer is used still considerably more to a large extent. The last column of the table shows that by this Elimiräerung of the oxygen existing in beer the colloidal stability of the beer is substantially improved.
Beispie! 3: Filtered beer, which had not received additives, becomes with the help of laboratory filtration equipment (91 described brewery,, P. 2 7, again the washing ashore filtration in my yardstick subjected in the monthly review ffir ". With a filter surface of 10 cm2 a basic washing ashore is used by I g Kieselgur. In case of the attempts with Katalysater into this Grundanschwemrnung additionally 0.3 g palladium catalyst is brought in on coal (10 o Pd). For the current dosage I g/1 Kieselgur is used. In several attempts 2 1 of the same beer is filtered in each case.
The filtered beer is caught in containers, which were filled with carbonic acid gas. From this GefgBen the beer is filled up in 0,3 1-Probeflaschen, again under exclusion of an oxygen admission, which neck of the sample bottles ausgespüIt before locking with carbonic acid gas, so that thus also from this side no oxygen admission can take place. One of the sample bottles is locked in the Ge90 gensatz in addition with each attempt also still with 5 ml air content in the bottle neck.
In one this Pr0befla is determined first the content of existing oxygen. Three further sample bottles as well as the one bottle with 5 ml air in the FIasehenhals then one forced subjected, with which the samples 3 days with 50°C and afterwards for 24 h in melting ice hold will. The cooling turbidity arising with it is measured. Subsequently, all samples are also still cost.
The attempt sow order in detail and the results received thereby are in the table arranged.
i. No additives Ib no additives, catalyst attempt 2nd 50 mg Ascorbinsäure/1 2b 50 mg Ascorbinsäure/1, catalyst =Versuch 3rd 20 mg proteolytic beer stabilization enzyme, mg Ascorbinsaure 3b 20 mg proteolytic beer stabilization enzyme, mg ascorbic acid, catalyst attempt table Iii:
air-free filling existing oxygen after the filtration (mg/l) 1.6,0.7,1.4,0.2,1.4,0.8 after cooling turbidity forced (EBC) 4.4,3.7,2.4,1.2,1.8 {), 6 sample bottle with 5 ml air • in the bottle neck Kältetrübtmg after Forclertest (EBC) 9.8,6.8,3.8,2,4,2.2,1.4, I J b ₜ .o gust from the understanding table is to be seen that a time of contact of only few seconds, which the beer had when flowing through the filter bed with the palladium catalyst is already sufficient, in order to lower the oxygen content, with presence of Aseorbinsäure almost on zero. It affects looks this the colloidal Stabilitgt very favourably, as is to be likewise inferred from the table.
From the last column of the table it is to be finally seen that an additional aerial photo from the bottle neck of the filled up bottles affects itself negatively regarding stability that however due to the small content of the beer at existing oxygen nevertheless still another clearly improved stability results opposite the beer without catalyst treatment.
With the sample it proved that all samples without catalyst treatment shower to the intensive! 0 e ne clearly wahmehmbare degradation of the smell and also the taste forced had suffered. The samples brought with palladium Katalysatorin contact however had a fresh taste and smell.
13 ice p i e 1 4: In a comparison attempt becomes desti! liertes water of 0°C ventilates, so that there - by its oxygen content aufl3 mg/l rises. In 1 1 water 1.0 g ascorbic acid are then solved. This diluted Ascorbinsgure solution is filtered by a Laboratoriurns Filtrationsanlage, in whose filter bed, apart from 1 g Kieselgur are contained of 0.3 g different catalysts. With these catalysts it acts around palladium, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, nickel on silicagel with an internal surface of 120 rn2/g. the precious metals was more elgelträger depressed in a concentration of 10 thread /o on the Kie.
On the filter discharge the content was based at existing oxygen. It amounted to.
Table IV:
Content of existing oxygen after the filtration (mg/l) 1st only Kieselgur 2nd Kieselgur, palladium catalyst 3rd Kieselgur, platinum catalyst 4th Kieselgur, ruthenium catalyst 8th Kieselgur, rhodium catalyst 6th Kieselgur, nickel catalyst 11.2 1.8,2.2,2.8,2.4,2.9 example 5: Similarly as with example 4 a filtration attempt is accomplished. For this purpose apple juice of the trade was completely clarified first by clarifying layers; it was then shifted with 1 g/1 ascorbic acid as well as I g/1 glucose. The other experimental assembly was the same as with example &.
Sterile sample bottles were crammed filled and locked by the apple juice running out next to the filter with Kronkorken. In one of these sample bottles the content of existing oxygen was determined. Two further rehearsing EFLA shyness were kept at room temperature 2 weeks and by it judged, the result of this attempt show the following table visually:
Table V:
I. Kteselgur content of existing oxygen visual after evaluation the Filtrafion (mg/l) after 2 weeks 6.5 2nd Kieselgur, palladium Katalysat r 3rd Kieselgur, platinum catalyst 4th Kieselgur, ruthenium catalyst Kieselgur, Rhod [in order catalyst 6th Kieselgur, Niekel Katalysater 0.7,0.6,0.8,0.6,0.5 opalisierend, fermentation beginning O.B, o.B, o.B.
The managing results show again, how by the procedure according to invention that is lowered oxygen content of the apple juice. Of importance are beyond that also still the findings that by the sinking of the SauerstoffgehaItes also the biological HaItbarkeit of the apple juice was improved.
Example 6: In this example is shown, how by catalytic reaction save hydrogen the Sauerstoffelirränierung in the continuous enterprise one makes, e.g. if filtered beverage to the filling machine flows.
Fig. 1: The beverage flows through a container --A--, in the catalyst metal --L--, on carriers - material depressed, contained is. At the ground of this container is a porous layer --B-- inserted, on that the catalyst bed--L-- and by the hydrogen gases or a mixture of Wasserstoffund carbon dioxide is appropriate for the beverage in fine distribution is course-followed. On the discharge side of the container --A-- is likewise a porous layer --C-- inserted, those prevent so11 that catalyst particles are drug along by the flow direction.
The beverage comes by the Zuführungsleitung by over a further porous layer --B-- to the reaction container --A--. There finds the reaction in the beverage existing of the oxygen with by the Zuführungsleitung --D-- the beverage likewise caused Wassezstoffgas or carbon dioxide Wasserstoffgasgenäsch instead of. The treated beverage flows over line --F-- off.
Inwelchem extent that is lowered oxygen content of the beverage by the treatment in the device shown, depends naturally first on the content at existing oxygen, which the beverage bring along to the reaction container.
As a check and above all also to the Eirtregulierung of beverage velocity of flow, hydrogen additive etc. recommends it sees to determine the oxygen content of the beverage before and after the Reaktionsgefäß. There are hiefe different methods. The elektromeirische oxygen measurement seems particularly favourable to be. In the designs are --G and H--, thus v Œ and after Reaktionsgefäß, such elektrometrisehe Meßzellen sl¢izziert.
As catalyst metal are applicable for the Durchfilhrung of the invention, like implemented already above, precious metals, preferably Palladlum, platinum, Rutheräum, rhodium as well as nickel or cobalt and the oxides of these metals.
One can, in accordance with the invention, which Sanerstoffgehalt of the beverage lower in the arbitrary measure. It can be appropriate, daß one the oxygen content in the beverage stream leaving the Reaktionsgefäß not to whole on zero lowers, in order to guarantee, daß not hydrogenation reactions with lugs, also unerwfinschte, to occur, which are contained in the beverages.
In certain cases it can however even of Vortei! its, if certain ingredients are reduced by the caused hydrogen gas in presence of the catalyst. These reduced materials can work then as Antioxydantien and bind the oxygen, which possibly arrives with the cooling still also into the beverage.
Example 7: Indiesem example is likewise described a device for the execution erfindungsgemä of the EN of procedure. Contrary to example 6, where as acceptor for the existing oxygen of the beverage hydrogen gas or a mixture is added of hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide, one produces the hydrogen needed for the oxygen connection with these Vetfahrensdutchführung by EIektrolyse in the beverage.
Fig. 2: A Reaktionsgefäß --A-- is filled with catalyst on substrate. The beverage flows from the Zuführungsleitung --E-- over a porous layer --B-- in with catalyst material --L-- filled Reaktionsgefäfl and verläßt this by a porous Sehieht--C--, which serves again for it, eventue! l drug along catalyst particles restrainable. In the Geträakestrom an electrode is J before the entering the Reaktionsgefäß--inserted and by a diaphragm --N-- - separately from the actual beverage stream - a second electrode --M--. While the beverage flows through the Reaktlonsgefäß, M becomes to the electrodes ml and-- a direct current put on, whereby the polarity is to be selected in such a way, daß the electrode J as cathode works. In the beverage stream before the Reaktionsgefäß and thereafter again two Meßinstrumente are also inserted, which serve for the determination of the oxygen content before and after the Reaktionsgefäß (--H and G--). The treated beverage flows by the line --F-- off.
In order the oxygen content in the beverage in the desired measure by Reaktien with elektroly - i0 No. 296921 table produced hydrogen to lower, one can regulate the Gemchwinäigkeät of the flow direction apart from other measures e.g. or however by variation of tension and amperage at the electrodes --I and M-- by change of the distance between both electrodes vary the quantity of eleklrolytisch produced hydrogen gas.
There to the Eleklrode--M-- Oxygen is not produced, muß one daf to ensure, daß this gas and also the liquid satisfied with this gas with the main beverage stream again mix themselves can. One e.g. reaches this by it, da8 one --K-- S auerstoffgas and also a little of the beverage enriched with oxygen drop by drop flow off läßt.
PATENT TO the PRÜCHE " i. procedures for the improvement of the durability and quality of beverages, like wine, beer, Most, I0 lemonades and such thereby characterized, daß the beverages along precious metals, nickel, cobalt, are brought to whose oxides, or Gemiseheu of it in fine distribution in contact, on which if necessary the metals from the beverages far away and if necessary before the re-use regenerate Bierden.
2. Procedure according to requirement l, thereby characterized, daß as Edelmetalie platinum, palladium. Rhodium, ruthenium or their alloys to be used with one another.
3. Procedure according to requirement i or 2, by it to be marked, daß the metals or oxides as suspensions, colloidal solutions, precipitation on carrier materials or as filter bed, if necessary together with other filtering mediums, be used.
4. Procedure after one of the requirements l to 3, by it to be marked, da8denGetränken oxygen acceptors added.
Procedure according to requirement 4, by it to be marked, daß as oxygen acceptors water-soluble, reducing materials be used, which are compatible with the beverages.
6. Procedures according to requirement 5, by it marked, daß as oxygen acceptors Reduklene, Aseerbinsäure, their isomers and the salts of it, sulfuric acid and those of it abge28 led connections as well as the salts of it, and other of oxy acid the sulfur and their salts to be used.
?. Procedure according to requirement 4, thereby is marked, used daß as oxygen acceptor hydrogen.
8. Procedure after requirement q, thereby, used daß the hydrogen in the mixture is marked by carbon dioxide.
9. Proceed in accordance with requirement? or 8, by it one marks, one produces daß the hydrogen in the beverage electrolytically.
i0. Procedure according to requirement q, thereby, used daß in the precious metal solved hydrogen is marked.
ii. Procedure after einemderAnsprüchelbis3, by it to be marked, daßinaklivierte catalysts by treatment by diluted Essigoder formic acid or diluted AIkalilösungen, in particular ammonia, be regenerated.
12. Procedure after einemderAnsprüchelbis3, by it to be marked, daßvorder beverage treatment the oxidized catalysts by hydrogen be activated.
13. Procedure after one of the requirements q to 9, by it characterized, daßdieDosierung the hydrogen by measurements of the oxygen content in the beverages before and after the catalyst treatment regularly wi D.
14. Procedure after one of the requirements q to 9, thereby is marked, regulated daß the dosage of the Wassersloffes due to of measurements of the redox potential.
15. Procedure after one is marked the Ansprüehe 7 to 9, thereby, measured in such a way daß the hydrogen quantity, daß that oxygen content in the beverages on 0, fi to 0, I mg/1 abge - is seukt.
16. Proceed after one of the requirements? to 9, thereby, used daß a larger quantity hydrogen is marked than for the sinking of the oxygen content in the beverages on zero is necessary.
17. Device for the execution of the procedure after one of the requirements 1 to I6, gekenn - a Reaktionsgefäß draws (A), in on the Zuflußseite a carrier diaphragm (B) by. on that the catalyst bed (L) lies and the reaction gas flowing in purifies distributed, and on the out Oxygen, which causes degradation of drinks, such as wine, beer, cider, fruit juice etc. is effectively removed by contacting the drink with a finely divided noble metal, Ni, Co or their oxides or mixtures, as catalysts. Reducing agents may be added, or hydrogen can be introduced. Reaction of oxygen with undesired oxidisable impurities can also be catalysed by this method. table produced hydrogen to lower, one can regulate the Gemchwinäigkeät of the flow direction apart from other measures e.g. or however by variation of tension and amperage at the electrodes --I and M-- by change of the distance between both electrodes vary the quantity of eleklrolytisch produced hydrogen gas.
There to the Eleklrode--M-- Oxygen is produced, must ensure one daf that this gas and also the liquid satisfied with this gas cannot mix themselves with the main beverage stream again. One e.g. reaches this by it, da8 one --K-- S auerstoffgas and also a little of the beverage enriched with oxygen drop by drop to flow off lets.
PATENT TO the PRÜCHE " i. procedures for the improvement of the durability and quality of beverages, like wine, beer, Most, I0 lemonades and such thereby characterized that the beverages along precious metals, nickel, cobalt, are brought to whose oxides, or Gemiseheu of it in fine distribution in contact, on which if necessary the metals from the beverages far away and if necessary before the re-use regenerate Bierden. 2. Procedure according to requirement l, thereby characterized that as Edelmetalie platinum, palladium. Rhodium, ruthenium or their alloys to be used with one another. 3. Procedure according to requirement i or 2, by characterized that the metals or oxides are used as suspensions, colloidal solutions, precipitation on carrier materials or as filter bed, if necessary together with other filtering mediums. 4. Procedure after one of the requirements l to 3, by it to be marked, da8denGetränken oxygen acceptors added.
Procedure according to requirement 4, by characterized that as oxygen acceptors water-soluble, reducing materials are used, which are compatible with the beverages. 6. Procedure according to requirement 5, by characterized that as oxygen acceptors Reduklene, Aseerbinsäure, their isomers and, led the salts of it sulfuric acid and those of it abge28 connections as well as the salts of it, and other of oxy acid the sulfur and their salts are used.
?. Procedure according to requirement 4, by characterized that as oxygen acceptor hydrogen is used. 8. Procedure after requirement q, thereby characterized that the hydrogen in the mixture with carbon dioxide is used. 9. Proceed in accordance with requirement? or 8, by characterized that the hydrogen in the beverage is electrolytically produced.
i0. Procedure according to requirement q, thereby characterized that in the precious metal solved hydrogen is used.
ii. Procedure after einemderAnsprüchelbis3, by it to be marked, daßinaklivierte catalysts by treatment by diluted Essigoder formic acid or diluted AIkalilösungen, in particular ammonia, be regenerated. 12. Procedure after einemderAnsprüchelbis3, by it to be marked, that-foremost beverage treatment the oxidized catalysts by hydrogen be activated. 13. Procedure after one of the requirements q to 9, by it characterized, that those dosage of the hydrogen by measurements of the oxygen content in the beverages before and after the catalyst treatment regularly wi D. 14. Procedure after one of the requirements q to 9, by characterized that the dosage of the Wassersloffes is regulated due to of measurements of the redox potential. 15. Procedure after one the Ansprüehe 7 to 9, by characterized that the hydrogen quantity will measure in such a way that is seukt oxygen content in the beverages on 0, fi to 0, I mg/1 abge -. 16. Proceed after one of the requirements? to 9, by the fact characterized that a larger quantity hydrogen is used than for the sinking of the oxygen content in the beverages on zero is necessary. 17. Device for the execution of the procedure after one of the requirements 1 to I6, gekenn - (A) draws, into on the supply side a carrier diaphragm (B) by a reaction container. on that the catalyst bed (L) lies and the reaction gas flowing in purifies distributed, and on the out