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27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422124C2

FIELD: personal use articles. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to burial accessories and can be used for manufacture of coffins. The coffin blank contains the blank body, the basic support element and a flap. The blank body contains multiple wall panels. The basic support element is designed as integrated with one side of some of the panels. The flap is designed as integrated with the other side of some of the panels. The flap is shorter than the panel it is joined to. The basic support element is designed so that to enable bend at a right angle relative to its panel. The support element forms a projection supporting the base. The coffin side wall unit contains an insert. The insert is clamped between the side panels and their joined flaps. The insert contains a load-bearing support element. The coffin lid unit contains a lid insert. The lid insert is clamped between the blank body central panel and the flaps joined thereto. The lid insert contains multiple notches for rigid elements installation. EFFECT: assembly simplicity and the produced coffin strength. 38 cl, 7 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 422 124 (13) C2 (51) МПК A61G 17/013 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2007125412/21, 12.12.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.12.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭПОУДЖИ ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ ПТИ ЛТД (AU) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 10.12.2004 AU 2004907071 (72) Автор(ы): КЕММЕРЕР Экхард (AU) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.01.2009 Бюл. № 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 4 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2011 Бюл. № 18 2 4 2 2 1 2 4 R U (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 10.07.2007 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5111559 A, 12.05.1992. DE 10034047 A1, 24.01.2002. DE 4335526 A1, 17.03.1994. US 5035032 A, 30.07.1991. US 5740592 A, 21.04.1998. WO 98/01097 A1, 15.01.1998. SU 1761141 A1, 15.09.1992 ...

24-12-2019 дата публикации

Легкий формованный продукт большого размера и способ его изготовления

Номер: RU2710175C2
Принадлежит: ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE)

FIELD: physics. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to light molded products of large size and to a method of making such molded products. Lightweight three-dimensional curved product of large size comprises outer shell from molded suspended cellulose mass, flexible reinforcing divider corresponding in shape to inner side of outer shell and attached to it, and inner shell from molded cellulose mass or flexible paper material, attached to separating coating. Method of molded three-dimensional curved product includes squeezing suspension from cellulose mass on water basis between first male mold halved, coated with elastomer material, and a second female mold half, drying the product at high temperature under pressure to form a molded shell from the suspended cellulose mass, obtaining a flexible base separating structure, bonding the strengthening separating structure to the inner side of the molded shell from the suspended cellulose mass, obtaining an inner shell from the molded cellulose mass or other flexible paper material and gluing it to the separating structure of the base. EFFECT: invention enables to obtain three-dimensional (3D) product of large dimensions molded from cellulose mass, which is light, very strong, with smooth and smooth outer surface, and also easy and inexpensive in production. 26 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 710 175 C2 (51) МПК B32B 1/02 (2006.01) B32B 3/12 (2006.01) B32B 3/28 (2006.01) B32B 29/00 (2006.01) D21J 3/00 (2006.01) A61G 17/007 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B32B 1/02 (2019.08); B32B 3/12 (2019.08); B32B 3/28 (2019.08); B32B 29/00 (2019.08); D21J 3/00 (2019.08); A61G 17/007 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017143897, 23.06.2016 23.06.2016 Дата регистрации: 24.12.2019 23.06.2015 SE 1550866-6 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 23.07.2019 Бюл. № 21 (45) Опубликовано: 24.12.2019 Бюл. № 36 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 2448592 ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017144293A3

Номер: RU2017144293A3

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 144 293 A (51) МПК A61G 17/007 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017144293, 23.06.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 23.06.2015 SE 1550867-4 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.01.2018 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.07.2019 Бюл. № 21 (72) Автор(ы): СУНДБЛАД Пер (SE), ХАНССОН Торбьорн (SE), ОЛЛЕВИК Томми (SE), ХЕЛЛБЕРГ Мортен (SE) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2016/209158 (29.12.2016) R U (54) Легкий гроб большого размера и способ его изготовления (57) Формула изобретения 1. Легкий гроб большого размера, содержащий криволинейную наружную оболочку (17) из формованной целлюлозной массы, гибкий материал основы, используемый в качестве упрочняющего гибкого разделителя (18), соответствующего по форме внутренней поверхности указанной оболочки и прикрепленного к ней, и внутреннюю оболочку (19) из формованной целлюлозной массы или гибкого бумажного материала, прикрепленного к указанному разделительному материалу основы. 2. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель представляет собой бумажный лист с сотовым заполнителем из гексагональных ячеек. 3. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель представляет собой конструкцию с гофрированным заполнителем. 4. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель выполнен из разделительной конструкции из формованной целлюлозной массы. 5. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель (18) выполнен из гофрированного картона Rе-board®. 6. Гроб по п. 5, отличающийся тем, что разделитель Rе-board® имеет только один внутренний покрывающий лист (19). 7. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель имеет полые ячейки, разделенные стенками, по существу перпендикулярными указанной оболочке. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 4 4 2 9 3 ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Легкий гроб большого размера и способ его изготовления

Номер: RU2017144293A
Принадлежит: Органоклик Аб

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 144 293 A (51) МПК A61G 17/007 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017144293, 23.06.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 23.06.2015 SE 1550867-4 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.01.2018 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.07.2019 Бюл. № 21 (72) Автор(ы): СУНДБЛАД Пер (SE), ХАНССОН Торбьорн (SE), ОЛЛЕВИК Томми (SE), ХЕЛЛБЕРГ Мортен (SE) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2016/209158 (29.12.2016) R U (54) Легкий гроб большого размера и способ его изготовления (57) Формула изобретения 1. Легкий гроб большого размера, содержащий криволинейную наружную оболочку (17) из формованной целлюлозной массы, гибкий материал основы, используемый в качестве упрочняющего гибкого разделителя (18), соответствующего по форме внутренней поверхности указанной оболочки и прикрепленного к ней, и внутреннюю оболочку (19) из формованной целлюлозной массы или гибкого бумажного материала, прикрепленного к указанному разделительному материалу основы. 2. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель представляет собой бумажный лист с сотовым заполнителем из гексагональных ячеек. 3. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель представляет собой конструкцию с гофрированным заполнителем. 4. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель выполнен из разделительной конструкции из формованной целлюлозной массы. 5. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель (18) выполнен из гофрированного картона Rе-board®. 6. Гроб по п. 5, отличающийся тем, что разделитель Rе-board® имеет только один внутренний покрывающий лист (19). 7. Гроб по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упрочняющий гибкий разделитель имеет полые ячейки, разделенные стенками, по существу перпендикулярными указанной оболочке. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 4 4 2 9 3 ...

08-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060107854T2

25-06-2009 дата публикации

Tiersarg, inbesondere aus leicht verrottbarer Kartonage

Номер: DE102007041532B4

Tiersarg (1), insbesondere aus leicht verrottbarer Kartonage, mit einem schalenförmigen Unterteil (10) und einem schalenförmigen Deckelteil (20), wobei das Unterteil (10) und das Deckelteil (20) jeweils aus einem separat faltbaren Zuschnitt hergestellt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zwischen Deckelteil (10) und Unterteil (20) ein aus einem separaten Zuschnitt gefaltetes Rahmenteil (30) angeordnet ist, welches das Deckel- (20) und das Unterteil (10) haltert.

14-10-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002013739A1

25-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001399114A

... 1399114 Coffins BAYER AG 5 June 1972 [5 June 1971] 26051/72 Heading A5X [Also in Division C3] A rottable coffin is made of a moulding composition comprising at least one foamed cellulose ester of density 0.9-0.25 g/c.c. containing up to 40% by wt of at least one plasticiser and optionally up to 10 % of at least one pigment and/or dye. The cellulose ester may be cellulose acetate. The plasticiser may be an organic ester of phthalic or phosphoric acid. The coffin may be made continuously, e.g. by extrusion, or in batches, e.g. by baking, injection moulding or rotational sintering.

11-01-1995 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to coffins

Номер: GB0009423535D0

17-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201814316D0

05-08-2020 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to cardboard coffins

Номер: GB0202009409D0

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391481T

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA819777A

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502664A4

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502664B1

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000819777A

27-12-1974 дата публикации

Molding materials

Номер: AT0000319611B

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173390T

15-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA52677A

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2009278933B2

A coffin comprising a body and a lid, wherein the casket comprises: a support member comprising bottom and side portions composed of paperboard, corrugated board or other suitable foldable material; a base wrapper comprising bottom and upright portions adapted to receive the support member, an upper edge of the upright portion comprising a pocket; an inner liner depending from the pocket within the support to form a lining for the side portion of the support member; the lid comprising an upper support member comprising a top portion and side portions composed of paperboard, corrugated board or other suitable foldable material, forming a lid comprising a cover and side portions dimensioned to receive the side portions of the casket to close the coffin; wherein the wrapper is composed of biodegradable textile material.

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Large lightweight coffin and method for its manufacture

Номер: AU2016281466B2
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

A large lightweight molded coffin comprises a large pulp molded outer shell (17) lined with a reinforcing spacer material(18)such as single faced ReBoardTM, a honeycomb structure or a molded spacer material conforming to and adhering to said shell and an inner shell(19)made of molded pulp or a paper based material. A method for manufacturing such a lightweight coffin involves pressing slurried pulp between a first male mold half (5) covered with elastomeric material (6) and a second female mold half (3), to form the molded pulp shell (17),and gluing the reinforcing spacer (18) material to the interior of said outer molded pulp shell (17)and the inner shell.

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002590206A1

13-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058750A1

A casket and method for manufacture of a casket is described, and more particularly, for a casket having walls constructed of fiberboard such as medium density fiberboard (MDF). The walls have outside cladding of MDF that is molded or extruded to provide surface contours such as raised and/or recessed features without having to attach such features as separate trim pieces to the walls. The resulting casket provides aesthetic characteristics and strength for use in funeral ceremonies.

30-04-1936 дата публикации

Einlage für Särge.

Номер: CH0000183710A

15-05-1966 дата публикации

Sarg aus Kunststoff

Номер: CH0000413231A

15-09-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000420484A

28-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000634745A5

15-02-1999 дата публикации

Folding casket.

Номер: CH0000689295A5
Принадлежит: GERALD PIDOUX

28-02-2023 дата публикации

Sarg mit Sargkörper und Einlegewanne aus Wellpappe.

Номер: CH0000718910A2

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Sarg mit Sargkörper und Einlegewanne, wobei der Sargkörper und die Einlegewanne aus Zuschnitten von Wellpappe hergestellt sind, wobei an den vier Kanten eines Bodenteils (11) des Sargkörpers bzw. der Einlegewanne zwei Längsseitenteile (12, 14) und zwei Stirnseitenteile (13, 15) anschließen, wobei ferner in den Längsseitenteilen (12, 14) jeweils mehrere Öffnungen (12a, 12b, 12c;) angeordnet sind, welche im aufgebauten Zustand miteinander fluchten, und in denen im aufgebauten Zustand Verbindungselemente, insbesondere Kunststoffschrauben, eingesetzt sind. Damit diese Sargkörper samt Einlegewanne gut gestapelt werden können, können erfindungsgemäß die Neigungen der Längsseitenteile (12, 14;) und der Stirnseitenteile (13, 15;) verändert werden. Erfindungsgemäß schließen an die Stirnseitenteile (13, 15) des Sargkörpers seitlich Laschen (32, 33, 34, 35) an, die im aufgebauten Zustand zwischen den Längsseitenteilen (12, 14; ) des Sargkörpers und der Einlegewanne liegen ...

31-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201100667A1

25-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000065168U
Принадлежит: Гогсадзе Зураб, GE

Гроб имеет корпус со стенками и дном, а также откидную крышку. Корпус гроба вместе с перфорированным дном отлит из пластмассы таким образом, что у стенок под дном находятся две ступеньки. Крышка с корпусом соединена шипом, и между ними вложен резиновый вкладыш.

11-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CN0101801325A

A coffin comprising a body and a lid, wherein the casket comprises: a support member comprising bottom and side portions composed of paperboard, corrugated board or other suitable foldable material; a base wrapper comprising bottom and upright portions adapted to receive the support member, an upper edge of the upright portion comprising a pocket; an inner liner depending from the pocket within the support to form a lining for the side portion of the support member; the lid comprising an upper support member comprising a top portion and side portions composed of paperboard, corrugated board or other suitable foldable material, forming a lid comprising a cover and side portions dimensioned to receive the side portions of the casket to close the coffin; wherein the wrapper is composed of biodegradable textile material.

23-07-2003 дата публикации

Easy-to-store coffin

Номер: CN0001115137C

08-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002886541A1

Cercueil 1 pliable découpé dans une plaque 1 d'un matériau rigide, du type carton ou bois, caractérisé en ce que le fond 2, le couvercle 5 et au moins deux des quatre côtés 3 ou 4 dudit cercueil sont réalisés d'un seul tenant.

07-03-2017 дата публикации

disposição construtiva introduzida em urna funerária biodegradável

Номер: BRMU8901194Y1

23-02-2010 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for ecological burial

Номер: US0007665195B1

The urn of the invention comprises a series of pod-like containers designed to function as cinerary urns (i.e. receptacles for human ashes) comprising a bottom shell and a top cover made of biodegradable materials. The bottom shell having a hollow protrusion for a direct contact with the earth, while the top cover has several holes promoting the germination of the living monument. The urn is meant to be used with new or pre-existing plants producing a living monument in memory of the deceased person whose ashes it contains.

08-05-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0021894457B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

16-02-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0022875742B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Легкий гроб большого размера и способ его изготовления

Номер: RU2697237C2
Принадлежит: ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE)

FIELD: funeral accessories.SUBSTANCE: light molded coffin of large size contains large outer shell (17) of molded cellulose mass, coated with strengthening separating material (18), such as single-layer Re-Board panel™, a honeycomb structure or a molded separating material corresponding in shape to said shell and attached to it, and inner shell (19) made of a molded cellulose mass or paper material. Method of making such a light coffin comprises compressing a suspension of cellulose mass between a first male mold semi-mold (5) coated with elastomeric material (6) and a second female half-mold (3) to form molded shell (17) of cellulose pulp, and bonding reinforcing separating material (18) to inner surface of outer molded shell (17) of cellulose pulp and to inner shell.EFFECT: disclosed is a light coffin of large size and method of its production.15 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 697 237 C2 (51) МПК A61G 17/007 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61G 17/007 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017144293, 23.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.08.2019 R U 23.06.2016 (72) Автор(ы): СУНДБЛАД Пер (SE), ХАНССОН Торбьорн (SE), ОЛЛЕВИК Томми (SE), ХЕЛЛБЕРГ Мортен (SE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE) 23.06.2015 SE 1550867-4 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.07.2019 Бюл. № 21 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JPH 09117480 A, 06.05.1997. GB 189410669 A, 07.07.1894. EP 2563311 A1, 06.03.2013. (45) Опубликовано: 13.08.2019 Бюл. № 23 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.01.2018 2 6 9 7 2 3 7 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: SE 2016/050628 (23.06.2016) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 6 9 7 2 3 7 WO 2016/209158 (29.12.2016) Адрес для переписки: 191036, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 24, "НЕВИНПАТ" (54) Легкий гроб большого размера и способ его изготовления (57) Реферат ...

20-04-1995 дата публикации

Sarg als Stecksystem

Номер: DE0029500375U1

30-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002573210A

A kit for the construction of a casket 1 comprising: a plurality of inter-engaging base sub-frames (14, 15, fig. 3), a plurality of inter-engaging upper sub-frames (21, 22, fig. 5), a plurality of struts (10, figure 2) for engagement with the base sub-frames and upper sub-frames, a plurality of inter-engaging lid frames 5, a plurality of panels 6, 7 for mounting into the container and lid framework, and at least two bridge components (11, figure 2) for connecting at least one of at least one junction between the plurality of base sub frames and at least one junction between the plurality of upper sub frames; wherein at least two dimensions of the casket kit are less than the equivalent dimensions of the constructed casket. Preferably, each component part of the kit has a length less than the total length of the constructed casket. The base frames are preferably equal in length, and the upper sub frames are preferably equal in length. The lid frames may be unequal in length. The sub-frames ...

17-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002567548A

A coffin 10 comprising a body 12 manufactured from a sheet material and an outer sleeve 11 formed of a woven material, where the sheet material does not comprise a frame or substructure. Preferably the sleeve does not comprise a base/bottom surface, but instead is woven into the sheets of the coffin body. The sleeve might be woven cloth, or might be formed of other natural warp and weft such as bamboo, wicker, willow etc. Preferably the sheet material is a corrugated fibreboard and it may be arranged in multiple layers 12, 13 with the flutes of the corrugation offset to improve strength. The body might be formed of a blank (fig. 5) consisting of a central portion 31 and a series of flaps 33. Handles 15 may be provided, secured by passing them through 20both the body and the sleeve.

04-11-1998 дата публикации

Eternity caskets

Номер: GB0009819825D0

25-10-1967 дата публикации

Container - in particular coffin - from pasteboard

Номер: AT0000257832B

20-07-1967 дата публикации

Номер: AU0005423265A

14-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002417756A1

A funerary container made of paper material comprises a predetermined number of laminar elements (2) flexibly connected to each other and defining in mutual cooperation a housing box (3) destined to contain a body and having at least a bottom wall, a plurality of lateral wall and at least a closure portion; the container further comprises a predetermined number of assembly devices (4), whereof each is operatively active on at least two laminar elements (2) to maintain them in a mutually approach position in operative conditions. At least one of the assembly devices (4) comprises at least a main fastening element (5) irremovably connected to a first laminar element (2a) and destined to receive in coupling fashion at least a second laminar element (2b). The assembly device (4) further comprises a complementary fastening element (6) operatively active on the second laminar element (2b) in operative conditions and destined to engage at least partially with the main fastening element (5).

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998001097A1

The coffin is made of cardboard pilable sheets in order to facilitate the storage thereof, after it has been perforated, scored and grooved, said sheets defining, after folding, the body and cover of the coffin, as well as the respective head part and foot part of the body and of the lid. The body is based on three sheets, two internal filling sheets (1) and a covering sheet (2), the lid being comprised of two sheets, an internal sheet (3) and an external sheet (6); there are also sheets (4) for the head of the body and for the lid and other sheets (5) for the foot part of the body and the lid.

01-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: WO1981002669A1

A blank for erection into a coffin for the disposal of a human corpse is cut from a sheet of cardboard. It comprises a base (B) with ends pieces (C, D) and sides (E, F), the end pieces having lateral extensions (CC, DD), all integral yet separated by crease lines. The sides (E, F) have ends (e, f) cut into the adjacent extensions (CC, DD) at angles such as each to give an upright corner in the erected coffin. The extensions (CC, DD) are connected to the insides of the adjacent sides (E, F). A separate coffin lid fits down inside the coffin lid and rests on strengthening strips (A) adhering to the inside of the coffin.

14-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130036583A1

A coffin in an environmentally friendly material with a special shape and fittings at the places where the coffin is to be lifted, which is new in that the coffin itself has vertical recesses directed inwards, which cover both the coffin box and the lid, and wherein at each side of the coffin box bottom, a transverse lever or pipe has been placed, and wherein said pipe or lever is through-going to each and across each recess.

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Performing Rule-Based Actions for Domain Names Accessed by Particular Parties

Номер: US20180337944A1

Domain names are determined for each computational event in a set, each event detailing requests or posts of webpages. A number of events or accesses associated with each domain name within a time period is determined. A registrar is further queried to determine when the domain name was registered. An object is generated that includes a representation of the access count and an age since registration for each domain names. A client can interact with the object to explore representations of domain names associated with high access counts and recent registrations. Upon determining that a given domain name is suspicious, a rule can be generated to block access to the domain name. 1. A method , comprising:extracting a set of accessed domain names from a set of events stored in a field-searchable data store;identifying a respective access party for at least some of the accessed domain names in the set of accessed domain names, wherein the respective access party is the party that accessed the accessed domain name;identifying a subset of accessed domain names in the set of accessed domain names accessed by one or more particular respective access parties and meet a first criterion;determining, for each accessed domain name in the subset of accessed domain names, an associated access count corresponding to how many times the set of events indicates that the accessed domain name was accessed;performing an action for each accessed domain name in the subset of accessed domain names that has an associated access count that meets a second criterion according to one or more rules associated with the accessed domain name;wherein the method is performed by one or more computing devices.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more rules include blocking access to the accessed domain name.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more rules include preventing a device from accessing the accessed domain name.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160367424A1

A cardboard casket includes a top piece and a bottom piece. The top piece is formed by making a single press die cut in a reinforced core cardboard panel, including cutting the reinforced core cardboard panel to form the top piece and forming seams in the top piece. The bottom piece is formed by making another single press die cut in another reinforced core cardboard panel, including cutting the other reinforced core cardboard panel to form the bottom piece and forming seams in the bottom piece. Cutting the top and bottom pieces includes cutting through a first layer, a reinforced core, and a second layer of the reinforced core cardboard panels. Forming seams in the top and bottom pieces includes deforming the first layer in the seams, deforming a majority of the reinforced core in the seams, and leaving the second layer in the seam uncut. 1. A method of forming pieces of a cardboard casket , the method comprising:forming a top piece of a cardboard casket, wherein forming the top piece comprises making a first single press die cut in a first reinforced core cardboard panel, wherein making the first single cut die press includes cutting the first reinforced core cardboard panel to form the top piece and forming seams in the top piece;forming a bottom piece of the cardboard casket, wherein forming the bottom piece comprises making a second single press die cut in a second reinforced core cardboard panel, wherein making the second single cut die press includes cutting the second reinforced core cardboard panel to form the bottom piece and forming seams in the bottom piece; andprinting, on an outer surface of the second layer of the top piece, one or more of text, graphics, or a background image;wherein each of the first and second reinforced core cardboard panels comprises a first layer, a second layer, and a reinforced core located between the first and second layers;wherein cutting each of the top and bottom pieces includes cutting through the first layer, the ...

16-06-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0027150230B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

19-05-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0028934508B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

19-07-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0021651713B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

20-04-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0029970699B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

24-07-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017143897A3

Номер: RU2017143897A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 143 897 A (51) МПК B32B 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017143897, 23.06.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): ОРГАНОКЛИК АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 23.06.2015 SE 1550866-6 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.01.2018 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 23.07.2019 Бюл. № 21 (72) Автор(ы): СУНДБЛАД Пер (SE), ХАНССОН Торбьорн (SE), ОЛЛЕВИК Томми (SE), ХЕЛЛБЕРГ Мортен (SE) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2016/209155 (29.12.2016) R U (54) Легкий формованный продукт большого размера и способ его изготовления (57) Формула изобретения 1. Легкий трехмерный криволинейный продукт большого размера, содержащий наружную оболочку (17) из формованной целлюлозной массы, гибкий упрочняющий разделитель (18), соответствующий по форме внутренней стороне указанной оболочки и прикрепленный к ней, и внутреннюю оболочку из формованной целлюлозной массы или гибкого бумажного материала, прикрепленную к указанному разделительному покрытию. 2. Продукт по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанный разделитель представляет собой лист с сотовым заполнителем из гексагональных ячеек. 3. Продукт по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанный упрочняющий разделитель (18) и указанная внутренняя оболочка выполнены из панели Re-Board® с одним покрывающим бумажным листом. 4. Продукт по п. 3, отличающийся тем, что указанный разделитель Re-Board® имеет только один внутренний покрывающий лист (19). 5. Продукт по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанное упрочняющее разделительное покрытие содержит полые ячейки, разделенные стенками, по существу перпендикулярными указанной оболочке. 6. Продукт по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанный упрочняющий разделитель содержит сотовую конструкцию из бумаги. 7. Продукт по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанный упрочняющий разделитель Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 4 3 8 9 7 A Адрес для переписки: 191036, Санкт-Петербург, ...

25-11-1993 дата публикации

Transporttrage für Verletzte und Leichen

Номер: DE0009311459U1

22-09-2004 дата публикации

Packaging element and container with same

Номер: GB0000418832D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: COMPAKTA IOM Ltd

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284664T

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000119020T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011567U1

TIFF 00000004.TIF 276 214 ...

15-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA17879A

17-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002484911A1

A particle board or corrugated casket is covered with cloth and trimmed with veneer. Specifically, the base portion of the lower shell of the casket and the rim portion of the cap of the casket are covered with veneer preferably having an ornamental molding. The remaining portions of lower shell and cap are covered with a decorative fabric, leather or cloth. In another embodiment, a domed casket is covered with a non-wood veneer.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003061629A1

A funerary method includes disposing a deceased on an insert, the insert constructed primarily of paper material, and having side and end walls. At least one side wall and the end walls all have approximately the same height. The insert is provided on a tray having two end panels and a plurality of wood or metal side panels affixed to a bottom panel. The method also includes employing at least a first fabric segment to cover at least a portion of a top edge of at least one sidewall of the insert and at least a portion of the deceased human body, such that the deceased human body is sufficiently visible for identification. The method also includes later removing the insert and the deceased human body from the tray. A second insert having a second deceased human body is then disposed thereon on the tray.

16-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002754534A1

Coffin (2), which in its shape, function and its choice of material has a kind environment, but still is stabile, and with a lit (1), which in its design has means (7) for by an earth filling (6) to be able to be discharge (5) in to the coffin (2) and down against the body (4) there has to be buried, as the lid (1) in its edges (3) has a folding arrangement (7).

03-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002797593A1

A coffin in an environmentally friendly material with a special shape and fittings at the places where the coffin is to be lifted, which is new in that the coffin itself has vertical recesses directed inwards, which cover both the coffin box and the lid, and wherein at each side of the coffin box bottom, a transverse lever or pipe has been placed, and wherein said pipe or lever is through-going to each and across each recess.

24-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002200156A1

A casket shell includes an elongated inner box of unitary construction having a generally horizontal bottom panel. Head end, foot end, first side, and second side panels are integrally appended to the bottom panel and extend upwardly therefrom. The casket shell also includes an elongated outer box of unitary construction having a generally horizontal bottom panel. First and second side panels are appended to first and second side edges of the bottom panel, respectively, and extend upwardly therefrom. A head end panel is integrally appended to head end edges of each of the first and second side panels and extends therebetween and a foot end panel is integrally appended to foot end edges of each of the first and second side panels and extends therebetween. The bottom panel, first and second side panels, and head and foot end panels of the outer box define an interior region of the outer box. The inner box is congruently disposed in the interior region of the outer box and a core is sandwiched ...

26-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002858212B1

30-09-2011 дата публикации

Funeral article i.e. paperboard coffin, for cremation, has base whose three large edges are articulated by self-locking hinges so as to allow passage of paperboard coffin and assure aesthetic appearance of paperboard coffin

Номер: FR0002957784A1
Принадлежит: STEIS

The funeral article has a base (1) whose bottom is provided with a series of rollers (5), where the base includes three fixed edges (4) and three large edges (3). The three large edges are articulated by self-locking hinges (8) so as to allow passage of a paperboard coffin and assure aesthetic appearance of the paperboard coffin. A lid (2) includes a double inner wall (13) assembled with the fixed and large edges of the base. The lid includes two guiding journals (9) and transport handles (12).

04-02-2005 дата публикации

Casket, especially for cremation, has body and lid made from honeycomb paper panels with plastic film covering one surface

Номер: FR0002858212A1
Принадлежит: Jonathan Jauneau

The casket has its body and lid is made from panels (1), each made up of a sheet of cellular paper (3) covered on both sides with at least one layer of plain paper (2) and having a plastic film layer covering at least one surface. The cellular paper has a honeycomb structure that is perfectly vertical, with the paper layers glued perfectly flat on each side of it, using a water-based adhesive. The casket has its body and lid is made from panels (1), each made up of a sheet of cellular paper (3) covered on both sides with at least one layer of plain paper (2) and having a plastic film layer covering at least one surface. The cellular paper has a honeycomb structure that is perfectly vertical, with the paper layers glued perfectly flat on each side of it, using a water-based adhesive. The panels can have a number of honeycomb paper layers; they can be folded e.g. after scoring, fixed with clips, screws, nails or similar fastenings, or glued together and can have their outer surfaces painted to give the appearance of wood or covered with a decorative paper.

22-01-2002 дата публикации

Arrangement with container for burial and=or cremation purposes

Номер: SE0000516493C2

The arrangement includes a receiving container part which is formed by a cylindrical part (3) open at its opposing ends (7,8), which are closable by end closure lids (6). The lids are maintained in the closing position by fixture devices (9,10). A bier separate from the lids is movably receivable within the cylindrical part.

03-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011134479A1

A coffin in an environmentally friendly material with a special shape and fittings at the places where the coffin is to be lifted, which is new in that the coffin itself has vertical recesses directed inwards, which cover both the coffin box and the lid, and wherein at each side of the coffin box bottom, a transverse lever or pipe has been placed, and wherein said pipe or lever is through-going to each and across each recess.

16-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006016072A2
Автор: JAUNEAU, Jonathan

The invention relates to a coffin, comprising a casket and a lid. Panels are assembled to form said casket and lid and are made up of at least one sheet of material, comprising at least one honeycomb layer (3) of paper, coated on each side thereof by at least one sheet of paper (2) and on one side thereof by at least one polyethylene film (4). The coffin is characterised in that the paper honeycomb (3) is a honeycomb structure which is absolutely vertical and perfectly drawn, the paper sheets (2) being glued perfectly flat to both sides of the honeycomb structure, by means of a water-based adhesive such that the water-based adhesive crosses the paper material of the sheets (2) of paper and permits the sticking of the polyethylene film (4) on at least one face of the sheet (1), preferably on both faces. The invention further relates to the use of said coffin for cremation or burial.

31-01-2012 дата публикации

Lightweight casket having foldable features

Номер: US0008104151B2

A casket assembly includes a casket body, lid, and insert. The body may be arranged in at least two configurations, one of which is a low profile arrangement that allows for a reduced shipping volume. The insert is made from a leak resistant material, and fits inside the casket body. The profile of the shipping configuration is not altered when the insert is in place. The lid fits both configurations of the casket body. Handholds on the casket are spaced off-center to better distribute the weight of the contents.

10-12-2019 дата публикации

Lightweight casket assembly with side panel rails

Номер: US0010500117B2
Принадлежит: Vandor Corporation, VANDOR CORP

A casket assembly includes a base, a tray, and a lid. The base includes a bottom panel, first and second side panels, and first and second end panels configured as an open-top casket container formed of corrugated paper. The base includes rails coupled to and providing reinforcement to the side panels. Each of the rails has a bottom surface, a top surface, and an outer surface. The outer surface of each rail is adjoined to the corresponding side panel. The tray includes a bottom, two sides, and two ends. The tray sides are disposed between the bottom panel of the base and the bottom surface of one of the rails. The removable lid covers an interior of the base, and is disposed on the top surfaces of the rails.

06-06-2002 дата публикации

Lightweight casket

Номер: US2002066167A1

A lightweight structurally sound casket formed preferably of a sandwich construction using a core of an open cell or honeycomb patterned material and fluid resistant surface elements. The casket is comprised of a body containment portion and a lid portion, each of which has the sandwich construction as the main structural element. The open cell material is structurally enhanced by being sandwiched between first and second stabilizing surface elements in both the body containment portion and the lid portion. In addition to the stabilizing surface elements, an aesthetically pleasing material is adhered to the outer portions of the body containment section and lid so that the casket has an attractive appearance. The body containment portion is constructed from rectangular pieces of the open cell material and stabilizing surface elements by folding the same into a box-like configuration. The lid portion is formed from placing the open cell material and the stabilizing surface elements into ...

01-11-2010 дата публикации

Меthоd аnd аppаrаtus fоr есоlоgiсаl buriаl

Номер: US0023873947B1

Тhе urn оf thе invеntiоn соmprisеs а sеriеs оf pоd-likе соntаinеrs dеsignеd tо funсtiоn аs сinеrаrу urns (i.е. rесеptасlеs fоr humаn аshеs) соmprising а bоttоm shеll аnd а tоp соvеr mаdе оf biоdеgrаdаblе mаtеriаls. Тhе bоttоm shеll hаving а hоllоw prоtrusiоn fоr а dirесt соntасt with thе еаrth, whilе thе tоp соvеr hаs sеvеrаl hоlеs prоmоting thе gеrminаtiоn оf thе living mоnumеnt. Тhе urn is mеаnt tо bе usеd with nеw оr prе-ехisting plаnts prоduсing а living mоnumеnt in mеmоrу оf thе dесеаsеd pеrsоn whоsе аshеs it соntаins.

26-04-2022 дата публикации

Casket assembly method

Номер: US0011311443B2
Принадлежит: Vandor Group, Inc., Vandor Corporation

A method of assembling a casket assembly includes folding a left end of one side panel toward a main body portion to form part of a head end of the casket assembly. The method also includes folding a right end of the side panel toward the main body portion to form part of a foot end of the casket assembly. Another side panel is folded the same way, and also forms part of both the head end and the foot end. The method includes arranging the first side panel and the second side panel within a base of the casket assembly, and removably coupling a lid of the casket assembly to the side panels.

08-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000680308A1
Автор: Gillard, Alexandre

The coffin is made by folding, along preformed lines, a single piece part (10) cut from a plate of corrugated cardboard of which at least one of the faces is covered with a cellulose coating which is tinted and decorated so as to give said face a wooden aspect. First, the bottom of the coffin is formed by applying to each other two portions (1', 2') of different pannels (1, 2) of the part (10) and by fixing said portions (1', 2') to each other by means of fixing tabs (3'', 4'') inserted in the slots (26a, 26b). The lid is then formed by folding back one portion (1'') of a side pannel (1) to the tails (3''', 4''') extending from the extremity pannels (3, 4) and by fixing said part (1'') to the tails by means of fixing pieces inserted into pairs of corresponding openings (14a, 34a) and (15a, 45a) and, finally, by folding back a part (2'') of the other side pannel (2) onto the part (1'') and by fixing said two parts (1'', 2'') to each other by means of fixing pieces inserted into pairs of ...

04-09-1974 дата публикации

Номер: JP0049102897U

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Tiersarg aus leicht verrottbarem Material

Номер: DE0029615152U1

29-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002295377A

In a coffin comprising an open receptacle assembly for receiving a corpse and a cover assembly for closing the receptacle assembly at least one of the receptacle assembly and the cover assembly is constructed from corrugated cardboard panels 4 - 6 fixed to a skeletal frame structure 8a, 8b, preferably of wood. ...

16-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002358857B

13-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001535188A

... 1535188 Coffins REED INTERNATIONAL Ltd 3 Sept 1976 [10 June 1975] 24868/75 Heading A5X A coffin formed of substantially rigid but foldable lightweight board such as double or triple thickness corrugated cardboard, fibreboard or hardboard is made from a base blank 3 having a base panel 12 forming the base of the coffin and a pair of end wall panels 13 hingedly secured to the base panel 12 along score lines 14, and a pair of side wall blanks 4, 5 each having a side wall panel 6 forming a side wall of the coffin and flaps 9, 10, 11 hingedly joined to each side panel 6, for securing the side blanks 4, 5 to the base blank 3. A base filler blank 2 is provided for extending across the base of the coffin between the crease lines 7 in the shoulder region. An inner base blank may form the floor of the completed coffin.

19-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001461681A

... 1461681 Cardboard blanks for coffins ANDERS SAHLIN AB 27 March 1974 13589/74 Heading B8P [Also in Division A5] A coffin or lower or upper box-like part of a coffin is formed from a blank comprising a plurality of rigid sheets, e.g. of cardboard having a corrugated or honeycomb layer between two rigid layers, 1-10 adhered to an outer sheet of thin flexible material in the correct relative positions to form the required structure when erected with the flexible material forming hinges between the panels, the blank further including thin layers applied to the inner surfaces of the rigid sheets and overlapping at least some of the sheets so that the overlapping portions can be folded and attached to the inner surfaces of adjoining sheets when the blank is erected. Stiffening ribs may be included in the blank to lie along the edges of the sheets forming the top and bottom panels of the coffin. Handles may be provided on the coffin (Fig. 3, not shown).

11-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365447B

10-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352269B

15-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000182463T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000264092T

15-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000052677A

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508919A4

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508919B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Sarg mit Sargkörper (1) und Deckel, wobei Der Sargkörper und der Deckel aus Zuschnitten (1) von Wellpappe durch Falten hergestellt sind, wobei an den Längs- und Querrändern des Sargkörpers (1) im Wesentlichen parallel zum Boden verlaufende Auflagen (14,21) vorgesehen sind, und wobei die Auflagen (21) der Querränder des Sargkörpers (1) in einer gegenüber den Auflagen (14') der Längsränder des Sargkörpers (1) geringeren Höhenlage verlaufen, wobei der Höhenunterschied im Wesentlichen der Materialstärke der Wellpappe entspricht, wobei sich die Auflagen (14') der Längsränder gegen die Längsmittenebene des Sargkörpers (1) zu trapezartig verjüngen, sodass deren Schmalseiten mit den Längs- und Querrändern des Sargkörpers (1) spitze Winkel einschließen, und wobei die Auflagen (14') der Längsränder die Auflagen (21) der Querränder zumindest abschnittsweise überlappen und wobei der Deckel an den Enden von Kopf- und Fußwänden angeordnete Auflagen aufweist, welche an den ...

15-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520655A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Sarg mit Sargkörper (1), Einlegewanne (2) und Deckel (3), welche aus Zuschnitten von Wellpappe durch Falten hergestellt sind, wobei an den Oberkanten der Längsseitenflächen (4) des Sargkörpers (1) über Biegekanten verbundene Faltabschnitte (5) ausgebildet sind, welche im aufgebauten Zustand nach Innen gefaltet sind, und wobei in den Längsseitenflächen (4) sowie den Faltabschnitten (5) jeweils mehrere Öffnungen (6,7) angeordnet sind, welche im aufgebauten Zustand miteinander fluchten und der Aufnahme von Verbindungselementen dienen. Die Oberkanten (8) der Längsseitenflächen (9) der Einlegewanne (2) sind im zusammengebauten Zustand zwischen den jeweiligen Längsseitenflächen (4) des Sargkörpers (1) und den mit diesen verbundenen Faltabschnitten (5) angeordnet, wobei die Längsseitenflächen (9) der Einlegewanne (2) Öffnungen (10) aufweisen, welche mit den entsprechenden Öffnungen (6,7) in den Längsseitenflächen (4) des Sargkörpers (1) und in den verbundenen Faltabschnitten ...

12-05-2011 дата публикации

Coffin transport method and apparatus

Номер: AU2009230780A1

28-06-1971 дата публикации

Номер: AU0000414680B2

28-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3091603A1

A folded blank includes a bottom panel, side panels, and end panels. The bottom panel has opposite side edges and opposite end edges defining a length and width sized to support a deceased human body in the supine position. The side panels are connected to the opposite side edges of the bottom panel, and extend outward from and substantially parallel to the bottom panel. The end panels are foldably connected to the opposite end edges of the bottom panel, and are folded to extend inward from the corresponding opposite end edges. The folded blank also includes at least one gusset foldably connected to a side panel along a first fold line and connected to an end panel along a second fold line. The gusset has a diagonal fold, and a first surface disposed adjacent and coupled to the side panel in an additional location away from the first fold line.

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120167359A1
Принадлежит: Tent Tech Pte Ltd

A coffin comprising a first side wall, a second side wall, a first end wall, a second end wall, a composite base and reinforcing layers along the sides, ends and the corners, wherein the composite base and the reinforcing layers are adapted to provide structural enhancement to the coffin.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074298A1
Автор: Tony Mong
Принадлежит: Individual

A coffin includes a coffin main body; the coffin main body includes an upper frame, a lower frame, a wall and a first cover. The first cover includes a first outward cover and a first cover frame, which is located on the upper frame and connected to the coffin main body. The wall includes two long walls, two short walls, and a bottom wall. The two long walls and two short walls are connected and surround the upper frame and lower frame, and the bottom wall is located on the lower frame, allowing the bottom wall, two long walls and two short walls to form a container. The first outward cover, two long walls, and bottom wall are made of cardboard which is honeycomb cardboard; the first cover frame, the upper frame, and the lower frame are made of wood.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026378A1

A cardboard cremation container has a cardboard base having a pair of opposed side walls, a pair of opposed end walls, and a bottom wall, and a cardboard lid on the base, the lid having a pair of opposed side walls, an end wall, a header wall, and a top wall. Each of the side walls of the base has a notch formed in an upper edge thereof. The side walls and the end wall of the lid extend outwardly beyond the side walls and one end wall of the base, and lower edges of the side walls and the end wall of the lid are positioned below upper edges of the side walls and the one end wall of the base. The header wall of the lid fits in the notches in the side walls of the base. The lid includes a riser at each corner of the lid formed by each lid side wall and a respective end of the lid end wall. The risers are supported on respective corners of the base formed by each base side wall and a respective end of the one base end wall. 1. A cardboard cremation container comprising:a cardboard base having a pair of opposed side walls, a pair of opposed end walls, and a bottom wall, anda cardboard lid on said base, said lid having a pair of opposed side walls, an end wall, a header wall, and a top wall,each of said side walls of said base having a notch formed in an upper edge thereof,said side walls and said end wall of said lid extending outwardly beyond said side walls and one of said end walls of said base, lower edges of said side walls and said end wall of said lid positioned below upper edges of said side walls and said one end wall of said base,said header wall of said lid fitting in said notches in said side walls of said base,said lid including a riser at each corner of said lid formed by each said lid side wall and a respective end of said lid end wall,said risers supported on respective corners of said base formed by each said base side wall and a respective end of said one base end wall.2. The container of wherein said notches have a depth dimension claim 1 , and lower ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040023A1

A funerary method includes disposing a deceased adult human body in supine position on an insert constructed of paper material having side walls and end walls. The method further includes providing the insert on a tray having two end panels and a plurality of side panels affixed to a bottom panel, and inserting a first edge of a first fabric segment between a side panel of the tray and a side wall of the insert. The first fabric segment is used to cover at least a portion of a top edge of at least the first side wall of the insert and at least a portion of the deceased human body, such that the deceased human body is sufficiently visible for identification. Thereafter, the insert and the deceased human body are removed from the tray. 1. A funerary method , comprising:a) disposing a deceased adult human body in supine position on an insert, the insert constructed of paper material having side walls and end walls, at least one side wall and the end walls all having a first height;b) providing the insert on a tray having two end panels and a plurality of side panels affixed to a bottom panel;c) inserting a first edge of a first fabric segment between a first side panel of the tray and a first side wall of the insert;d) employing at least the first fabric segment to cover at least a portion of a top edge of at least the first side wall of the insert and at least a portion of the deceased human body, such that the deceased human body is sufficiently visible for identification; ande) subsequent to step d), removing the insert and the deceased human body from the tray.2. The funerary method of claim 1 , wherein step b) further comprises providing the insert on the tray such that a vertical distance between a bottom surface of the insert and a top edge of at least one side panel of the tray is at least the first height.3. The funerary method of claim 2 , wherein the first height is less than ten inches.4. The funerary method of claim 3 , wherein step b) further comprises:b1 ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038495A1
Автор: Brewer Mark William
Принадлежит: BIOLIFE, LLC

The biodegradable urn planting system, also called a LIVING URN, is an apparatus capable of rapid degradation in soil that the user can fill with cremated remains, a pH neutralizing and sodium diluting material, soil, planting mix, wood chips, and a living plant (seedling or bare root stock). When one loses a loved one, it is often difficult to discern what to do with the remains (be they human or animal). Many towns and cities do not allow for burial, and storage of cremated remains can be problematic. The present invention seeks to provide a meaningful and tangible way for one to remember the loved one when the cremated remains are buried with a seedling that may be drop shipped and is appropriate for the environment of use. Thus, the seedling grows into a tree, providing comfort and a reminder of the deceased. 1. A biodegradable urn planting system comprising:a biodegradable container having an opening at the top wherein the biodegradable container receives therein cremated remains at a bottom of the container and a living plant with roots positioned directly above the cremated remains, the living plant consisting of a single tree or bare root stock that is positioned such that a portion of the living plant sticks out of the container opening when there is no lid.2. The biodegradable urn planting system of claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable container is made of at least one of recycled paper and recycled cardboard and disintegrates when exposed to moisture claim 1 , allowing root penetration and water absorption and desorption.3. The biodegradable urn planting system of claim 1 , wherein an outer container of sufficient size to contain the biodegradable container encases the biodegradable container for aesthetic and storing purposes and is comprised of bamboo.4. The biodegradable urn planting system of which further comprises a lid.5. A biodegradable urn planting system comprising:a biodegradable container having an opening at the top wherein the biodegradable ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Collapsible Casket with Reduced Shipping and/or Storage Footprint

Номер: US20210059885A1

A folded blank includes a bottom panel, side panels, and end panels. The bottom panel has opposite side edges and opposite end edges defining a length and width sized to support a deceased human body in the supine position. The side panels are connected to the opposite side edges of the bottom panel, and extend outward from and substantially parallel to the bottom panel. The end panels are foldably connected to the opposite end edges of the bottom panel, and are folded to extend inward from the corresponding opposite end edges. The folded blank also includes at least one gusset foldably connected to a side panel along a first fold line and connected to an end panel along a second fold line. The gusset has a diagonal fold, and has a first surface disposed adjacent to and coupled to the side panel in an additional location away from the first fold line. 1. A folded blank , comprising:a bottom panel having opposite side edges and opposite end edges defining a length and width sized to support a deceased human body in the supine position;first and second side panels connected to the opposite side edges of the bottom panel, the first and second side panels extending outward from and substantially parallel to the bottom panel;first and second end panels foldably connected to the opposite end edges of the bottom panel, the first and second end panels folded to extend inward from the corresponding opposite end edges;at least a first gusset foldably connected to the first side panel along a first fold line and connected to the first end panel along a second fold line, the first gusset having a diagonal fold, the first gusset having a first surface disposed adjacent to and coupled to the first side panel in an additional location away from the first fold line.2. The folded blank of claim 1 , further comprising a second gusset foldably connected to and between the second side panel and the first end panel claim 1 , the second gusset having a first surface disposed adjacent the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Casket With Moveable Bottom Panels

Номер: US20150067997A1

A casket comprises four sides, a cover, a plurality of fixed bottom beams extending across the bottom width of the casket, and at least one moveable bottom panel located inside the casket and on top of the fixed bottom beams. At least one rope is affixed to each moveable bottom panel and, the rope extends through the casket to the outside. The inventive casket places the body of the deceased person in closer contact with the earth to promote natural disintegration of the body and in accordance with burial customs of religious faiths requiring such intimate contact of the body with the earth. 1. A casket comprising four sides; a cover; a plurality of fixed bottom beams extending across the width of the casket; at least one moveable bottom panel located inside the casket and on top of the fixed beams; and at least one rope affixed to each moveable bottom panel and extending outside the casket.2. The casket according to claim 1 , wherein the casket is biodegradable.3. The casket according to claim 1 , wherein the casket comprises two moveable bottom panels and two ropes are affixed to each bottom panel.4. The casket according to claim 3 , wherein opposing corners of the two moveable bottom panels are mitered for a person's head.5. The casket according to claim 1 , wherein the casket comprises at least three bottom beams claim 1 , and at least one bottom beam is located in each of a head region claim 1 , foot region claim 1 , and midpoint region of the casket.6. The casket according to claim 1 , wherein the casket is devoid of nonbiodegradable structural components.7. The casket according to claim 1 , further comprising a nonstructural sheet along the bottom of the casket which is configured for removal before burial.8. The casket according to claim 1 , wherein the casket is formed from wood claim 1 , wood pulp claim 1 , paper claim 1 , or particleboard.9. The casket according to claim 1 , wherein the cover is smaller than the dimensions of the casket and the cover does ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064596A1
Автор: Krinsky Lynn

A cardboard casket includes a top piece and a bottom piece. The top piece is formed by making a single press die cut in a reinforced core cardboard panel, including cutting the reinforced core cardboard panel to form the top piece and forming seams in the top piece. The bottom piece is formed by making another single press die cut in another reinforced core cardboard panel, including cutting the other reinforced core cardboard panel to form the bottom piece and forming seams in the bottom piece. Cutting the top and bottom pieces includes cutting through a first layer, a reinforced core, and a second layer of the reinforced core cardboard panels. Forming seams in the top and bottom pieces includes deforming the first layer in the seams, deforming a majority of the reinforced core in the seams, and leaving the second layer in the seam uncut. 1. A method of forming a cardboard casket , the method comprising: providing a first reinforced core cardboard panel having a first layer, a second layer, and a reinforced core located between the first and second layers;', 'using a first single die cut press to cut through the first layer, the reinforced core, and the second layer of the first reinforced core cardboard panel;', 'using the first single die cut press to form seams in the first reinforced core cardboard panel by deforming the first layer in the seams, deforming a majority of the reinforced core in the seams, and leaving the second layer in the seam uncut; and, 'forming a top piece, comprising providing a second reinforced core cardboard panel having a first layer, a second layer, and a reinforced core located between the first and second layers;', 'using a second single die cut press to cut through the first layer, the reinforced core, and the second layer of the second reinforced core cardboard panel; and', 'using the second single die cut press to form seams in the second reinforced core cardboard panel by deforming the first layer in the seams, deforming a ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Funerary Display Arrangement with Removable Cloth Assembly

Номер: US20210121352A1

A cloth assembly for a casket includes a first fabric segment, a second fabric segment, and a substrate. The first fabric segment has a first length and a first width, and the second fabric segment having a second length and a second width. The substrate has a third length and a third width. The first lengthwise edge of the first fabric segment is secured to the substrate along the third length of the substrate, such that the second lengthwise edge of the first fabric segment can be disposed beyond at least one lengthwise edge of the substrate. The first lengthwise edge of the second fabric segment is secured to the substrate along the third length of the substrate, such that the second lengthwise edge of the second fabric segment can be disposed beyond the at least one lengthwise edge of the substrate. 2. The cloth assembly of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a lengthwise folded cardboard substrate having a first portion folded over a second portion claim 1 , and wherein at least a first part of the first lengthwise edge of the first fabric segment and at least a first part of the first lengthwise edge of the second fabric segment are disposed between the first portion and the second portion of the substrate.3. The cloth assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a second substrate having a first portion lengthwise folded over a second portion claim 2 , and wherein a second part of the first lengthwise edge of the first fabric segment is disposed between the first portion of the second substrated and the second portion of the second substrate.4. The cloth assembly of claim 3 , wherein the substrate is sized and configured to fit adjacent to inside surface of a casket container claim 3 , the casket container sized and configured to fit a deceased adult human body in the supine position.5. The cloth assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first width is sufficient to drape the first fabric segment over a top edge of the casket container and at least partially down ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110942A1
Автор: Ozbun Leland D.

A novel technique for the fabrication of a casket dome lid from, for example, Smooth-One-Side (“S1S”) hardboard is disclosed. The invention is also directed to the fabrication of a casket lid which has a domed configuration both in the lateral and longitudinal directions of the lid. The method comprises the steps of providing a lid blank having a first end, second end, and a central region; providing a pair of diagonal voids oriented at corners of the first end of said blank and extending inward toward the central region; placing the lid blank in a vacuum fixture; and flexing the lid blank into a domed configuration via the vacuum fixture, such that the blank is domed in both a longitudinal and a transverse direction. 115.-. (canceled)16. A one-piece unity lid for a casket comprising:a domed lid blank comprising a plurality of trim edges around a periphery of the blank and having a first end, a second end, and a central region, the blank being domed in both a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction;a plurality of frame members attached to the domed lid blank trim edges; anda support laminate comprising a plurality of tabs, the support laminate being fixed to the blank, wherein the tabs are secured to the frame members.17. The one-piece unity lid for a casket according to claim 16 , further comprising a header bridge attached to the central region of the domed lid blank.18. The one-piece unity lid for a casket according to claim 17 , further comprising a support bridge attached to the lid blank between the first end of the lid blank and the header bridge.19. The one-piece unity lid according to claim 16 , wherein the domed lid blank comprises a first domed lid blank half comprising a header bridge attached to the second end of the first domed lid blank half claim 16 , and further comprising:a second domed lid blank half comprising a second plurality trim edges around a periphery of the second lid blank half and having a first end, a second end, and a ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Lightweight Casket Assembly with Side Panel Rails

Номер: US20200113765A1

A casket assembly includes a base, and first and second fabric sheets. The base includes a bottom panel, first and second side panels, and first and second end panels. The base has a length and a width sized and adapted to receive a deceased. The first fabric sheet is operably coupled to the base such that the first fabric sheet extends along and adjacent to an inside surface of the first side panel and an edge of the first fabric sheet is movable. The first fabric sheet is sized and coupled to substantially cover a width of the bottom panel. The second fabric sheet is operably coupled to the base such that the second fabric sheet extends along and adjacent to an inside surface of the second side panel and an edge of the second fabric sheet is movable. The second fabric sheet is sized to substantially cover the width of the bottom panel. 1. A tray assembly , comprising:a tray including a tray bottom, and first and second tray sides attached to the tray bottom, and first and second tray ends attached to the tray bottom, the tray having a length and a width sized and adapted to receive a human deceased in the supine position,a first fabric sheet having a first long edge and an opposite second long edge, the first fabric sheet operably coupled to the tray proximate the first long edge of the first fabric sheet such that the first long edge of the first fabric sheet extends along and adjacent to the first tray side and the second long edge of the first fabric sheet is movable, the first fabric sheet sized to substantially cover the tray bottom; anda second fabric sheet having a first long edge and an opposite second long edge, the second fabric sheet operably coupled to the tray proximate the first long edge of the second fabric sheet such that the first long edge of the second fabric sheet extends along and adjacent to the second tray side and the second long edge of the second fabric sheet is movable, the second fabric sheet sized to substantially cover the tray ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Lightweight Casket Having Foldable Features

Номер: US20160128888A1

A method for use with a casket arrangement having a first configuration and a second configuration includes moving the casket arrangement while in the second configuration, changing the casket arrangement from the second configuration to the first configuration, and moving remains of a deceased disposed within the casket arrangement while in the first configuration. The casket arrangement includes a bottom panel and intrinsically formed side panels and end panels. The side panels and end panels include upper portions that extend upward and connect in the first configuration, and which extend in a direction other than upward in the second configuration. 1. A method for use with a casket arrangement having a first configuration and a second configuration , the casket arrangement including a bottom panel formed of a pliable material , side panels formed intrinsically with the bottom panel of the pliable material , and end panels formed intrinsically with the bottom panel and the side panels , each side panel including a lower section and an upper section foldably attached thereto , the lower section extending vertically upward from the bottom panel , the upper section in the first configuration extending upward from the lower section and in the second configuration extending in a direction other than vertically upward from the lower section , and each end panel including a lower end panel , and an upper end panel , the lower end panel extending vertically upward from the bottom panel and fixed in position , the upper end panel in the first configuration extending upward from the lower end panel and operably coupled to the upper section of at least one side panel , and the upper end panel in the second configuration extending in a direction other than vertically upward from the lower end panel , the method comprising:a) moving the casket arrangement while the casket arrangement is in the second configuration;b) changing the casket arrangement from the second ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Lightweight casket having foldable features

Номер: US20140230203A1
Принадлежит: Vandor Corp

A casket assembly includes a bottom panel, side panels, flaps and end panels. The bottom panel is formed of a pliable material. The side panels are formed intrinsically with the bottom panel. Each side panel includes a lower section and an upper section foldably attached thereto. The lower section extends vertically upward from the bottom panel. In a first configuration, the upper section extends upward from the lower section. In a second configuration, the upper section extends in a direction other than vertically upward from the lower section. The end panels are formed intrinsically with the bottom panel. The flaps extend laterally from each end of the upper section. The flaps in the first configuration extend upward from a first vertical level defined by the top portion of the lower section, and in the second configuration extend downward from the first vertical level

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200146919A1

A funerary method includes disposing a deceased on an insert, the insert constructed primarily of paper material, and having side and end walls. At least one side wall and the end walls all have approximately the same height. The insert is provided on a tray having two end panels and a plurality of wood or metal side panels affixed to a bottom panel. The method also includes employing at least a first fabric segment to cover at least a portion of a top edge of at least one sidewall of the insert and at least a portion of the deceased human body, such that the deceased human body is sufficiently visible for identification. The method also includes later removing the insert and the deceased human body from the tray. A second insert having a second deceased human body is then disposed thereon on the tray. 1. A funerary method , comprising:a) disposing a deceased adult human body in supine position on an insert, the insert constructed of paper material having side walls and end walls, at least one side wall and the end walls all having a first height;b) providing the insert on a tray having two end panels and a plurality of side panels affixed to a bottom panel, wherein the end panels and side panels are constructed primarily of wood or metal,c) employing at least a first fabric segment to cover at least a portion of a top edge of at least one side wall of the insert and at least a portion of the deceased human body, such that the deceased human body is sufficiently visible for identification;d) subsequent to step c), removing the insert and the deceased human body from the tray; ande) disposing on the tray a second insert having a second deceased human body thereon.2. The funerary method of claim 1 , wherein step b) further comprises providing the insert on the tray such that a vertical distance between a bottom surface of the insert and a top edge of at least one side panel of the tray is at least the first height.3. The funerary method of claim 2 , wherein the first ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200146920A1

A funerary insert kit is designed for used with a reusable shell. The insert kit includes a corrugated paper container and at least one fabric segment. The corrugated paper container includes a bottom wall, first and second side walls extending upward from the bottom wall, and first and second end walls extending upward from the bottom wall. The first and second sidewalls, the first and second end walls and bottom wall form an open top container having a width and length configured to reasonably fit an adult human body in supine position. The open top container is configured to fit within the reusable shell. The first fabric segment is affixed to a first rigid substrate. The first rigid substrate configured to fit adjacent an interior surface of at least a first side panel of the reusable shell. 1. A funerary insert kit for use with a reusable shell , comprising:a corrugated paper container having a bottom wall, first and second side walls extending upward from the bottom wall, and first and second end walls extending upward from the bottom wall, the first and second sidewalls, the first and second end walls and bottom wall forming an open top container having a width and length configured to reasonably fit an adult human body in supine position, the open top container configured to fit within the reusable shell;at least a first fabric segment affixed to a first rigid substrate, the first rigid substrate configured to fit adjacent an interior surface of at least a first side panel of the reusable shell.2. The funerary insert kit of claim 1 , wherein:the first fabric segment has a first length and a first width;the rigid substrate has a substrate length and a substrate width; andat least a part of a first lengthwise edge of the first fabric segment is secured to the first rigid substrate along the substrate length, such that a second lengthwise edge of the first fabric segment can be disposed beyond at least one lengthwise edge of the first rigid substrate.3. The ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Lightweight casket having foldable sides

Номер: US20150164729A1
Принадлежит: Vandor Corp

A casket assembly includes a bottom panel, side panels, flaps and end panels. The bottom panel is formed of a pliable material. The side panels and end panels are coupled to the bottom panel. Each side panel includes a lower section and an upper section foldably attached thereto. The lower section extends vertically upward from the bottom panel. In a first configuration, the upper section extends upward from the lower section. In a second configuration, the upper section extends downward from a top of the lower section. In a third configuration, the upper section extends in a non-vertical direction from the top of the lower section. The flaps extend laterally from each end of the upper section. The flaps in the first configuration extend upward from a first vertical level defined by the top portion of the lower section, and in the second configuration extend downward from the first vertical level

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Large lightweight molded material and method for its manufacture

Номер: US20180171561A1

A large lightweight 3-D shaped molded pulp material, for example a container, comprising a large pulp molded outer shell lined with a reinforcing core spacer material, conforming to and adhering to said shell, and an inner shell made of molded pulp or a flexible paper based material. A method for manufacturing such a lightweight material involves pressing slurried pulp between a first male mold half covered with elastomeric material and a second female mold half, to form the molded pulp outer shell, and gluing the reinforcing core spacer material to the interior of said molded pulp shell and gluing the inner shell to said spacer material.

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Large lightweight coffin and method for its manufacture

Номер: US20180177661A1

A large lightweight molded coffin comprises a large pulp molded outer shell lined with a reinforcing spacer material such as single faced Re-board®, a honeycomb structure or a molded spacer material conforming to and adhering to said shell and an inner shell made of molded pulp or a paper based material. A method for manufacturing such a lightweight coffin involves pressing slurried pulp between a first male mold half covered with elastomeric material and a second female mold half, to form the molded pulp shell, and gluing the reinforcing spacer material to the interior of said outer molded pulp shell and the inner shell.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Performing rule-based actions for newly observed domain names

Номер: US20200177624A1
Автор: Munawar Monzy Merza
Принадлежит: Splunk Inc

Domain names are determined for each computational event in a set, each event detailing requests or posts of webpages. A number of events or accesses associated with each domain name within a time period is determined. A registrar is further queried to determine when the domain name was registered. An object is generated that includes a representation of the access count and an age since registration for each domain names. A client can interact with the object to explore representations of domain names associated with high access counts and recent registrations. Upon determining that a given domain name is suspicious, a rule can be generated to block access to the domain name.

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160199244A1

A casket includes a container configured to receive a deceased, the container including a bottom and sides defining at least a part of a casket interior. The casket further includes a lid disposed on the container to cover the casket interior. The lid is formed from a corrugated paperboard blank folded into a lid structure. The lid structure includes a top panel, at least two side panels and at least one end panel, and a plurality of supports extending to a height of the side panels. Each of the corner supports includes at least a first panel extending diagonally from a first location proximate one of the side panels to a second location proximate the at least one end panel. The first panel has a first length corresponding to the height of the side panels. 1. A casket , comprising:a container configured to receive a deceased, the container including a bottom and sides defining at least a part of a casket interior;a lid disposed on the container to cover the casket interior, the lid formed from a corrugated paperboard blank folded into a lid structure, the lid structure including a top panel, at least two side panels and at least one end panel, and a plurality of corner supports extending to a height of the side panels and engaging the bottom of the container, each of the corner supports including at least a first panel extending diagonally from a first location proximate one of the side panels to a second location proximate the at least one end panel, the first panel having a first length corresponding to the height of the side panels.2. The casket of claim 1 , wherein the container is constructed at least in part from corrugated paperboard.3. The casket of claim 1 , wherein a first support of the plurality of corner supports further includes a second panel extending from the first panel to a third location proximate an intersection of a first side panel of the at least two side panels and a first end panel of the at least one end panel.4. The casket of claim 3 , ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140283347A1
Автор: CENTENARI Peter

A corrugated fiberboard box assembly including a first portion including a bottom section having a pair of opposite long edges and a pair of opposite short edges with all edges being bounded by a plurality of creases, a pair of opposing side panels running along and connected to the pair of opposite long edges by two of the plurality of creases, and a pair of opposing end panels running along and connected to the pair of opposite short edges by another two of the plurality creases. The first portion being foldable to form a rectangular box with the bottom section on the bottom and the side panels and end panels both extending substantially perpendicularly upwardly away from the bottom to form side walls of the box. The box further includes a separate inner liner configured to fit within an inside of the side walls and a top configured to fit over the tops of the side walls. 1. A corrugated fiberboard box assembly comprising:a cremation box including a bottom section having a pair of opposite long edges and a pair of opposite short edges with all edges, a pair of opposing side panels running along and connected to the pair of opposite long edges, a pair of opposing end panels running along and connected to the pair of opposite short edges, the pair of opposing side panels including a left side panel and a right side panel, the left side panel including a top left hand hole formed therein adjacent a top end of the left side panel and a bottom left hand hole formed therein adjacent a bottom end of the left side panel with a bottom left side panel flap portion remaining connected to the bottom left side panel, the right side panel including a top right hand hole formed therein adjacent a top end of the right side panel and a bottom right hand hole formed therein adjacent a bottom end of the right side panel with a bottom right side panel flap portion remaining connected to the bottom right side panel, the pair of opposing end panels including a top end panel and a ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Casket Assembly

Номер: US20170209326A1

A casket assembly includes a base and a first side panel and a second side panel configured to be partially received within the base. The casket assembly also includes a first rail fixedly coupled to an inside of the first side panel and a second rail fixedly coupled to an inside of the second side panel. The casket assembly further includes a lid configured to be supported by the first rail and the second rail. The first side panel forms at least a first portion of a head end of the casket assembly and a first side of the casket assembly. The second side panel forms at least a first portion of the foot end of the casket assembly, and a second side of the casket assembly. 1. A casket assembly , comprising:a base;a first side panel and a second side panel coupled to the base; a first rail fixedly coupled to an inside of the first side panel;a second rail fixedly coupled to an inside of the second side panel; and a lid configured to be supported by the first rail and the second rail,wherein the first side panel forms at least a first portion of a head end of the casket assembly and a first side of the casket assembly, andwherein the second side panel forms at least a first portion of the foot end of the casket assembly and a second side of the casket assembly.2. The casket assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first side panel further forms a second portion of the foot end of the casket assembly and the second side panel further forms a second portion of the head end of the casket assembly.3. The casket assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the lid includes a head portion and a foot portion, each of the head portion and the foot portion supported by both the first rail and the second rail.4. The casket assembly of claim 3 , wherein:the first rail includes a first latch element fixedly coupled to the first rail at a position nearer to the head end of the casket assembly than to the foot end of the casket assembly,the second rail includes a second latch element fixedly coupled to ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200206057A1
Автор: WAINMAN WIlliam

The present invention relates to coffins. We describe frameless coffin comprising a coffin body fabricated from a sheet material and a coffin outer sleeve formed from a woven material. The coffin body comprises a base and a continuous wall extending generally perpendicularly from the base. The coffin outer sleeve is baseless. The sheet material is suitably a sheet material formed of a fluted corrugated sheet and one or two flat linerboards. In particular, the sheet material is suitably a fibreboard, paperboard, containerboard or cardboard sheet material, preferably a corrugated fibreboard, paperboard, boxboard or cardboard. Preferably the coffin body comprises at least two layers of the sheet material. 1. A frameless coffin comprising a coffin body fabricated from a sheet material and a baseless coffin outer sleeve formed from a woven material; wherein the coffin body comprises a base and a wall wherein the wall is a continuous wall and extends generally perpendicularly from the base; wherein the coffin body comprises at least two layers of the sheet material; and further comprising a plurality of handles arranged linearly around at least sides of the coffin , wherein the handles are assembled to pass through the coffin outer sleeve and the coffin body.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. A coffin as claimed in further comprising a coffin lid comprising a woven natural fibrous material.6. (canceled)7. A coffin as claimed in wherein each sheet material is a sheet material formed of a fluted corrugated sheet and one or two flat linerboards.8. A coffin as claimed in wherein each sheet material is a fibreboard claim 1 , paperboard claim 1 , containerboard or cardboard sheet material claim 1 , preferably a corrugated fibreboard claim 1 , paperboard claim 1 , boxboard or cardboard.9. (canceled)10. A coffin as claimed in wherein the at least two layers of the coffin body are formed of a corrugated material in which the flutes of the corrugations of each layer are ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160256343A1
Автор: Ozbun Leland D.

A novel technique for the fabrication of a casket dome lid from, for example, Smooth-One-Side (“S1S”) hardboard is disclosed. The invention is also directed to the fabrication of a casket lid which has a domed configuration both in the lateral and longitudinal directions of the lid. The method comprises the steps of providing a lid blank having a first end, second end, and a central region; providing a pair of diagonal voids oriented at corners of the first end of said blank and extending inward toward the central region; placing the lid blank in a vacuum fixture; and flexing the lid blank into a domed configuration via the vacuum fixture, such that the blank is domed in both a longitudinal and a transverse direction. 115-. (canceled)16. A casket lid comprising:a domed lid blank comprising a plurality of trim edges around a periphery of the domed lid blank and having a first end, a second end, and a central region, the domed lid blank being domed in both a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction;a plurality of frame members attached to the trim edges of the domed lid blank; anda support laminate comprising a plurality of tabs, the support laminate being fixed to the domed lid blank, wherein the tabs are secured to the frame members.17. The casket lid according to claim 16 , further comprising a header bridge attached to the central region of the domed lid blank.18. The casket lid according to claim 17 , further comprising a support bridge attached to the domed lid blank between the first end of the domed lid blank and the header bridge.19. The casket lid comprising:a domed lid blank comprising a first domed lid blank half and a second domed lid blank half, the domed lid blank being domed in both a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction; a first plurality of trim edges around a periphery of the first domed lid blank half and having a first end, a second end, and a central region;', 'a first plurality of frame members attached to the first trim ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Casket and Method of Construction

Номер: US20200237598A1
Автор: Chan Hung Sirius
Принадлежит: Sich Casket Company Limited

A casket and method for manufacture of a casket is described, and more particularly, for a casket having walls constructed of fiberboard such as medium density fiberboard (MDF). The walls have outside cladding of MDF that is molded or extruded to provide surface contours such as raised and/or recessed features without having to attach such features as separate trim pieces to the walls. The resulting casket provides aesthetic characteristics and strength for use in funeral ceremonies. 1. A method of manufacturing caskets , comprising the steps of:providing a casket shell including opposite side walls and opposite end walls, a bottom wall and a lid;forming at least one of the side walls and end walls with a contoured surface by molding a medium density fiber board between co-acting mold walls; andassembling the side walls, the end walls, the bottom wall and the lid into an openable box.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of forming at least one of the side walls and end walls is further defined in that all four of the side walls and end walls have contoured surfaces.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the contoured surface comprises raised or recessed portions claim 1 , raised or recessed from the dominant surface of the at least one of the side walls and end walls.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the raised or recessed portions form a rectangular trim.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein all four of the side walls and end walls have contoured surfaces forming raised or recessed rectangular trims.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the lid comprises a contoured surface by molding a medium density fiber board between co-acting mold walls.7. A casket claim 1 , comprising:a casket shell including opposite side walls and opposite end walls, a bottom wall and a lid;at least one of the side walls and end walls having a molded contoured surface; andthe side walls, the end walls, the bottom wall and the lid assembled ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Paper Coffin

Номер: US20140352120A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A paper coffin is an architecture made of corrugated cardboards, including a main body, a lid and two flat-panels. The structure of main body and lid are both identical, formed by folding a large cardboard and placing with two each long and short paperboards. Without the use of a nail or screw, a paper coffin can be erected. Moreover, laying two flat-panels of different direction honeycomb arrangement inside the main body increases the capability of the main body to carry. Because when shipped from the factory, the paper coffin is in a flattened condition and vacuum packaging, it can save a lots stocking space. The users do not need to use any glue or tape to assemble, so the assembly is not only simple, fast, and also has a cost-saving and environmental protection concept.

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210360022A1
Автор: Merza Munawar Monzy
Принадлежит: Splunk Inc.

Domain names are determined for each computational event in a set, each event detailing requests or posts of webpages. A number of events or accesses associated with each domain name within a time period is determined. A registrar is further queried to determine when the domain name was registered. An object is generated that includes a representation of the access count and an age since registration for each domain names. A client can interact with the object to explore representations of domain names associated with high access counts and recent registrations. Upon determining that a given domain name is suspicious, a rule can be generated to block access to the domain name. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:extracting a set of accessed domain names from network traffic data; a time at which the accessed domain name was observed in the network traffic data, and', 'a time at which the accessed domain name was registered at a registrar;, 'adding the set of accessed domain names to a data structure that associates each accessed domain name with data points includingusing a clustering algorithm to identify an accessed domain name associated with an outlier cluster, wherein the clustering algorithm clusters the set of accessed domain names based on the data points associated with each domain name; andperforming an action relative to the accessed domain name associated with the outlier cluster.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the action includes blocking access to the accessed domain name associated with the outlier cluster.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the action includes preventing a device from accessing the accessed domain name associated with the outlier cluster.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the action includes causing an alert to be generated that identifies the accessed domain name associated with the outlier cluster.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving input specifying a rule, wherein the rule identifies the accessed ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Lightweight casket assembly with side panel rails

Номер: US20170281448A1

A casket assembly includes a base, a tray, and a lid. The base includes a bottom panel, first and second side panels, and first and second end panels configured as an open-top casket container formed of corrugated paper. The base includes rails coupled to and providing reinforcement to the side panels. Each of the rails has a bottom surface, a top surface, and an outer surface. The outer surface of each rail is adjoined to the corresponding side panel. The tray includes a bottom, two sides, and two ends. The tray sides are disposed between the bottom panel of the base and the bottom surface of one of the rails. The removable lid covers an interior of the base, and is disposed on the top surfaces of the rails. 1. A casket assembly , comprising:a base including a bottom panel, a first side panel, a second side panel, a first end panel and a second end panel, configured as an open-top casket container formed of corrugated paper, the base including elongate first and second rails, each of the first and second rails coupled to and providing reinforcement to a corresponding one of the first and second side panels, each of the rails having a bottom surface, a top surface, an inner surface, and an outer surface, the outer surface adjoined to the corresponding side panel;a tray include a tray bottom, and first and second tray sides attached to the tray bottom, the first tray side disposed between the bottom panel of the base and the bottom surface of the first rail, and the second tray side disposed between the bottom panel of the base and the bottom surface of the second rail;a removable lid covering an interior of the base, the lid disposed on the top surfaces of the first and second rails.2. The casket assembly of claim 1 , wherein the removable lid is formed from a single corrugated paper blank.3. The casket assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rails are formed of wood material.4. The casket assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tray includes a folded corrugated paper structure ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Biodegradable Urn Planting System

Номер: US20160296403A1
Автор: Brewer Mark

The biodegradable urn planting system, also called a LIVING URN, is an apparatus capable of rapid degradation in soil that the user can fill with cremated remains, a pH neutralizing and sodium diluting material, soil, planting mix, wood chips, and a living plant (seedling or bare root stock). When one loses a loved one, it is often difficult to discern what to do with the remains (be they human or animal). Many towns and cities do not allow for burial, and storage of cremated remains can be problematic. The present invention seeks to provide a meaningful and tangible way for one to remember the loved one when the cremated remains are buried with a seedling that may be drop shipped and is appropriate for the environment of use. Thus, the seedling grows into a tree, providing comfort and a reminder of the deceased. 1. A biodegradable urn planting system comprising:a biodegradable container having a lid wherein the biodegradable container is adapted to receive cremated remains and a living plant, said living plant being customized to the geographical region to where the biodegradable container may be placed as defined by the zip code of a user.2. The biodegradable urn planting system of claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable container is made of recycled newspaper and recycled cardboard and begins to disintegrate when exposed to moisture claim 1 , allowing root penetration and water absorption and desorption.3. The biodegradable urn planting system of claim 1 , wherein the living plant is a tree seedling or bare root stock.4. The biodegradable urn planting system of claim 1 , wherein an outer container of sufficient size to contain the biodegradable container encases the biodegradable container for aesthetic and storing purposes and is made of bamboo.5. The biodegradable urn planting system of claim 1 , wherein a pH neutralizing agent is contained within the biodegradable container on receipt claim 1 , the pH neutralizing agent being placed in the biodegradable urn after ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Biodegradable coffin assembly

Номер: US20190298598A1
Автор: Mea SOURIS
Принадлежит: Individual

A coffin for use in the containment and storage of a human or animal corpse. The coffin comprises; a tubular housing comprising a wall defining an internal space; the wall formed from a cellulose fibre material and capable of retaining the corpse in the internal space. The coffin further comprises a part which receives and retains a body when in use. The invention is essentially a cylindrical, tubular form, to form a receptacle to serve as a cremation/burial vessel, free of corners, angles and sharp edges and manufactured from a biodegradable material. The invention contemplates use of screws—preferably stainless steel to secure those elements such as the end walls which require releasable fixation. One suitable non-toxic biodegradable material is recycled cellulose fibre such as cardboard or used paper products. Other materials used in construction of the invention include, plantation timber framing, plywood end closures, screw fixation, water based adhesive as required, nontoxic water based paint, and quantities of water based craft adhesive.

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170319417A1
Автор: Ozbun Leland D.

A novel technique for the fabrication of a casket dome lid from, for example, Smooth-One-Side (“S1S”) hardboard is disclosed. The invention is also directed to the fabrication of a casket lid which has a domed configuration both in the lateral and longitudinal directions of the lid. The method comprises the steps of providing a lid blank having a first end, second end, and a central region; providing a pair of diagonal voids oriented at corners of the first end of said blank and extending inward toward the central region; placing the lid blank in a vacuum fixture; and flexing the lid blank into a domed configuration via the vacuum fixture, such that the blank is domed in both a longitudinal and a transverse direction. 1. A method of manufacturing a one-piece unity lid for caskets comprising the steps of:providing a lid blank having a first end, second end and a central region;providing a pair of diagonal voids oriented at corners of the first end of said blank and extending inward toward the central region, each void having routed edges at a periphery of the voids;placing the lid blank into a vacuum fixture; andflexing the lid blank into a domed configuration via the vacuum fixture, such that routed edges of the voids meet providing the blank in a domed configuration in both a longitudinal and a transverse direction.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of attaching a header bridge to the central region of the lid blank.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the step of attaching a support bridge to the lid blank between the first end of the lid blank and the header bridge.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of providing a lid blank comprises providing a first lid blank half and further comprising:removing the first lid blank half from the vacuum fixture;providing a second lid blank half having a first end, second end, and a central region;providing a pair of diagonal voids oriented at corners of the first end of said second lid blank ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190307630A1
Автор: Brewer Mark William
Принадлежит: BIOLIFE, LLC

The biodegradable urn planting system, also called a LIVING URN, is an apparatus capable of rapid degradation in soil that the user can fill with cremated remains, a pH neutralizing and sodium diluting material, soil, planting mix, wood chips, and a living plant (seedling or bare root stock). When one loses a loved one, it is often difficult to discern what to do with the remains (be they human or animal). Many towns and cities do not allow for burial, and storage of cremated remains can be problematic. The present invention seeks to provide a meaningful and tangible way for one to remember the loved one when the cremated remains are buried with a seedling that may be drop shipped and is appropriate for the environment of use. Thus, the seedling grows into a tree, providing comfort and a reminder of the deceased. 1a biodegradable container having an opening at the top wherein the biodegradable container can receive cremated remains at a bottom of the container and designed to receive a living plant with roots positioned directly above the cremated remains.. A biodegradable urn planting system comprising: This application is a Continuation of U.S. Non-Provisional application Ser. No. 16/155,470 filed on Oct. 9, 2018 which is a Continuation of U.S. Non-Provisional application Ser. No. 15/094,340 filed on Apr. 8, 2016, now issued U.S. Pat. No. 10,123,926, which claims all benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/144,441 filed Apr. 8, 2015, and which are incorporated herein in their entirety by reference.The present invention relates generally to a biodegradable urn planting system that incorporates cremated remains, pH neutralizing and sodium diluting material, soil, planting mix, and a living plant (seedling or bare root stock).The biodegradable urn planting system, also called a LIVING URN (The Living Urn System, or TLU), is an system comprising a bamboo container capable of rapid degradation in soil that the user can fill with cremated remains, a pH ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160354270A1

A casket and lid combination includes a casket body and a lid. The casket body has an interior defined by a bottom, pair of opposing side walls and a pair of opposing end walls arranged perpendicular to said side walls, the side walls and end wall extending upwardly from the bottom. The lid covers the interior when installed, and includes a top, a first side extending downwardly from the top, and second side extending downwardly from the top opposite the first side, at least one end extending downwardly from the top perpendicular to the first side and the second side, a first hinge for attaching the first side to the top, and a second hinge for attaching the second side to the top. When the end is not attached to the lid, the first side and second side may be folded inwardly toward a centerline of the top such that the top may be place directly on the casket body with the folded in sides located within the interior of the casket body. 1. A casket comprising:a body having a length and a width, the body further having a bottom, a first side wall extending upwardly from the bottom along the length, an opposing second side wall extending upwardly from the bottom, a first end wall extending upwardly from the bottom along the width and an opposing second end wall extending upwardly from the bottom along the width, the bottom, side walls and end walls defining an interior of the body;a lid arranged and constructed to cover the interior of the body, the lid comprising a top board, a first side board rotatably coupled to the top board, a second side board arranged opposite the first inclined side board and rotatably coupled to the top board, a third side board rigidly coupled at an angle to the first inclined side board, a fourth side board rigidly coupled to the second inclined side board at an angle, at least one end member removably fastened to the lid;wherein when the at least one end member is removed from the lid, the first, second, third and fourth side boards are ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Performing Rule-Based Actions Based on Accessed Domain Name Registrations

Номер: US20170359371A1
Автор: Munawar Monzy Merza
Принадлежит: Splunk Inc

Domain names are determined for each computational event in a set, each event detailing requests or posts of webpages. A number of events or accesses associated with each domain name within a time period is determined. A registrar is further queried to determine when the domain name was registered. An object is generated that includes a representation of the access count and an age since registration for each domain names. A client can interact with the object to explore representations of domain names associated with high access counts and recent registrations. Upon determining that a given domain name is suspicious, a rule can be generated to block access to the domain name.

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Corrugated cardboard coffin

Номер: US20200383859A1
Автор: Yahiro Hirayama
Принадлежит: Nihon Coffin Co Ltd

The present disclosure is a corrugated cardboard coffin including: a pair of sidewalls extending in a longitudinal direction of the coffin; a bottom board connecting the pair of sidewalls; and a first board disposed in each gable of the coffin. The first board extends in an extending direction of the gable, and includes a second board and a third board extending in the extending direction of the sidewalls. The first board, the second board, and the third board can be housed between the bottom board and the sidewalls.

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Casket Assembly

Номер: US20190380902A1

An apparatus for supporting a deceased includes a casket and a panel. The casket fits the dimensions of a human deceased, and includes bottom and side panels. The panel is disposed in the casket, and includes a head portion, a bottom portion, and a plurality of hinges. The head portion contacts a head end of the casket. The bottom portion is coupled to the casket bottom. The hinges are disposed between the head portion and the bottom portion of the panel. The panel is movable between first and second configurations using the hinges. In the first configuration the panel is configured to support at least a portion of the human deceased at a first distance from the casket bottom, and in the second configuration at least the portion of the human deceased is spaced closer to the casket bottom. The first distance is greater than the second distance. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the plurality of hinges includes a first hinge,when the panel is in the first configuration, the first hinge is folded at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, andwhen the panel is in the second configuration, the first hinge is folded at an angle of approximately 180 degrees.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the plurality of hinges includes a second hinge,when the panel is in the first configuration, the second hinge is folded at an angle that is greater than approximately 90 degrees and less than approximately 180 degrees, andwhen the panel is in the second configuration, the second hinge is folded at an angle of approximately 90 degrees.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the plurality of hinges includes a third hinge,when the panel is in the first configuration, the third hinge is folded at an angle that is greater than approximately 180 degrees and less than approximately 270 degrees, andwhen the panel is in the second configuration, the third hinge is folded at an angle of approximately 180 degrees.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein:the plurality of hinges includes a fourth ...

04-02-2010 дата публикации

A paper charnel pot which is coated with the loess and hempcloth layer and the making method thereof

Номер: KR100940348B1
Автор: 한재익
Принадлежит: 한재익

본 발명은 화장된 유골을 보관하는 종이재질의 납골함에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 외부몸체와 외부뚜껑으로 이루어진 외부용기와, 상기 외부용기의 내측에 수용되며 내부에 유골이 보관되는 내부몸체와 내부뚜껑으로 이루어진 내부용기로 구성되어 있는 납골함에 있어서, 상기 내부몸체와 외부몸체의 사이에는 천일염 3 ~ 7중량%와 황토가루 55 ~ 65중량%와 숯가루 30 ~ 40중량%가 혼합된 내부충진재가 충진되어 있어 악취제거 및 멸균, 제습작용되도록 되어 있으며 상기 외부용기와 내부용기는 각각 내측 가운데부분에 가볍고 단단한 재질의 하드보드지가 골조를 이루도록 되어 있고 상기 하드보드지의 외측면 전체에는 한지층이 부착되어 있으며 상기 내부용기와 외부용기의 내,외측면에 해당되는 한지층의 외측면에는 각각 항온항습 및 항균을 위한 황토옻액층과 강도보강을 위한 삼베가 순차적으로 여러번 중복되게 도포된 황토삼베층이 적층형성되어 있되, 상기 황토옻액층은 황토가루 45 ~ 55중량%와 옻액 45 ~ 55중량%를 혼합한 황토옻액으로 되어 있으며 상기 한지층의 외측면에 황토옻액층을 일정두께로 도포하고 그 외측면에 삼베를 부착한 다음 삼베의 외측면에 다시 황토옻액층을 일정두께로 도포하는 방식으로 반복 도포하여 황토삼베층을 형성하도록 되어 있는 것을 특징으로 하는 황토삼베층이 표면코팅된 종이재 납골함 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to an ossuary of a paper material for storing a cremated ashes, and more particularly, an outer container consisting of an outer body and an outer lid, and an inner body accommodated inside the outer container and the ashes are stored therein. In the ossuary box made of an inner container made of a lid, between the inner body and the outer body, there is an inner filler which is mixed with 3 to 7% by weight of natural salt, 55 to 65% by weight of ocher powder and 30 to 40% by weight of charcoal powder. It is filled with odor removal, sterilization, and dehumidification. The outer container and the inner container each have a light and hard material made of a hard board frame in the middle of the inner side, and a paper layer is attached to the entire outer surface of the hard board paper. The outer surface of the Hanji layer corresponding to the inner and outer surfaces of the inner and outer containers, respectively, for constant temperature and humidity and antibacterial The ocher lacquer layer and the ocher burlap layer in which the burlap for strength reinforcement are repeatedly applied are repeatedly formed. The ocher lacquer layer is made of ocher lacquer mixture of 45 to 55 wt% of ocher powder and 45 to 55 wt% of lacquer. The ocher lacquer layer is coated ...

08-05-2007 дата публикации

Field emission device having a vacuum bridge focusing structure

Номер: KR100715332B1
Принадлежит: 모토로라 인코포레이티드

전계 방출 장치(100, 150)는 전자 이미터(116)를 갖는 음극판(102, 180)과, 상기 전자 이미터(116)에 의해 방출된 전자(119)에 의해 활성화되는 형광체(107, 207, 307, 407)을 갖는 양극판(104, 170)과, 그리고 상기 전자 이미터(116)에 의해 방출된 상기 전자(119)의 초점을 맞추기 위한 진공 브리지 포커싱 구조(118, 158, 218, 318)를 포함한다. 상기 진공 브리지 포커싱 구조(118, 158, 218, 318)는 상기 음극판(102, 180)에 부착된 랜딩(121, 122, 221, 322)을 갖고, 상기 음극판(102, 180)에서 일정한 간격만큼 떨어진 자체 지지 구조를 제공하기 위해서 상기 랜딩(121, 122, 221, 322, 421) 위를 지나서 연장하는 브리지(120, 220, 320)를 더 가진다. The field emission devices 100 and 150 are provided with cathode plates 102 and 180 having an electron emitter 116 and phosphors 107, 207, which are activated by electrons 119 emitted by the electron emitter 116. Positive electrode plates 104, 170 having 307, 407, and vacuum bridge focusing structures 118, 158, 218, 318 for focusing the electrons 119 emitted by the electron emitter 116. Include. The vacuum bridge focusing structures 118, 158, 218, 318 have landings 121, 122, 221, 322 attached to the negative electrode plates 102, 180, and are spaced apart from the negative electrode plates 102, 180 by a predetermined distance. It further has bridges 120, 220, 320 extending over the landings 121, 122, 221, 322, 421 to provide a self supporting structure.

17-10-2006 дата публикации

Korean paper ossuary

Номер: KR100634959B1
Автор: 박철호
Принадлежит: (주)장례종합정보, 박철호

본 발명은 한지납골함에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 한지의 재료인 닥나무를 이용하여 골판지를 형성하고 내외부에 옻칠을 하여 유골이 변하지 않고 깨끗하게 보관될 수 있도록 한 한지납골함에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a hanji jingol, and more particularly to a corrugated cardboard by using a paper mulberry, which is the material of the hanji and lacquer on the inside and outside to allow the remains to remain clean without changing the ashes. 본 발명은 일반적으로 몸체와 뚜껑으로 형성된 항아리 형상의 납골함에 있어서, 항아리 형태의 골판지로 형성되고, 개봉된 상단의 가장자리에 밀봉턱이 형성되며, 내외부에 한지를 다수겹으로 풀과 함께 접착한 후 옻칠을 하여 형성된 몸체와; 상기 몸체의 밀봉턱에 고정될 수 있도록 골판지로 하단가장자리에 밀봉턱이 형성되고, 내외부에 한지를 다수겹으로 풀과 함께 접착한 후 옻칠을 하여 형성된 뚜껑으로 구성된 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention is generally formed in a jar-shaped ossuary formed of a body and a lid, formed of a jar-shaped corrugated cardboard, and a sealing jaw is formed at the edge of the opened top, and after the Hanji is adhered to the inside and outside with a plurality of layers of glue A body formed by lacquer; The sealing jaw is formed at the bottom edge of the corrugated cardboard to be fixed to the sealing jaw of the body, it is characterized in that consisting of a lid formed by applying lacquer after attaching a plurality of layers of hanji on the inside and outside. 상기한 것과 같이 본 발명의 한지납골함에 의하면 항온, 항습, 항균작용으로 인하여 분골이 썩거나 벌레가 생기지 않고, 분골과 함께 응고되지 않을뿐만아니라 자연친화적인 재료로 형성되므로 폐기가 용이한 효과가 있다. As described above, according to the present invention, it is easy to dispose of the bones due to constant temperature, humidity, and antibacterial activity. . 납골함, 추모함, 닥나무, 한지, 옻 Ossuary, mourning, paper, Japanese paper, lacquer

19-08-2013 дата публикации

A blank and an assembly for a coffin

Номер: KR101297612B1

본 발명은, 한 쌍의 대향 면을 각각 가진 복수개의 벽 패널을 포함하는 블랭크 본체, 상기 벽 패널 중 하나 이상의 벽 패널의 일면과 일체로 형성된 베이스 지지 부재, 및 상기 벽 패널 중 하나 이상의 벽 패널의 반대쪽 면과 일체로 형성된 플랩 부재를 포함하는 관용 블랭크를 제공한다. 일 실시예에서, 삽입체는 상기 블랭크 본체의 상기 측벽 패널중 하나 이상의 측벽 패널과, 상기 블랭크로부터 형성되는 관의 측벽에 강도를 부여하기 위해 상기 측벽 패널 상에 접히는 대응하는 플랩 부재 사이에 고정된다. 측벽 패널, 플랩 패널, 측부 지지부재, 블랭크, 블랭크 본체, 베이스 지지 부재, 플랩 부재, 접는선, 삽입체, 견고한 블록, 리세스. The present invention provides a blank body including a plurality of wall panels each having a pair of opposing faces, a base support member integrally formed with one surface of at least one of the wall panels, and at least one wall panel of the wall panels. A conventional blank is provided that includes a flap member integrally formed with an opposite face. In one embodiment, an insert is secured between one or more sidewall panels of the sidewall panels of the blank body and corresponding flap members that fold on the sidewall panels to provide strength to the sidewalls of the tubes formed from the blanks. . Side wall panels, flap panels, side support members, blanks, blank bodies, base support members, flap members, creases, inserts, rigid blocks, recesses.

03-01-2005 дата публикации

Korean paper ossuary

Номер: KR200371426Y1
Автор: 박철호
Принадлежит: (주)장례종합정보, 박철호

본 고안은 한지납골함에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 한지의 재료인 닥나무를 이용하여 골판지를 형성하고 내외부에 옻칠을 하여 유골이 변하지 않고 깨끗하게 보관될 수 있도록 한 한지납골함에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a hanji jingol box, and more particularly to a corrugated cardboard by using a paper mulberry, which is the material of the hanji and lacquer inside and outside to allow the remains to remain clean without changing the ashes. 본 고안은 일반적으로 몸체와 뚜껑으로 형성된 항아리 형상의 납골함에 있어서, 항아리 형태의 골판지로 형성되고, 개봉된 상단의 가장자리에 밀봉턱이 형성되며, 내외부에 한지를 다수겹으로 풀과 함께 접착한 후 옻칠을 하여 형성된 몸체와; 상기 몸체의 밀봉턱에 고정될 수 있도록 골판지로 하단가장자리에 밀봉턱이 형성되고, 내외부에 한지를 다수겹으로 풀과 함께 접착한 후 옻칠을 하여 형성된 뚜껑으로 구성된 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention is generally formed in a jar-shaped ossuary formed of a body and a lid, formed of a jar-shaped corrugated cardboard, a sealing jaw is formed at the edge of the opened top, and after the Hanji is glued together with a plurality of layers inside and outside A body formed by lacquer; The sealing jaw is formed at the bottom edge of the corrugated cardboard to be fixed to the sealing jaw of the body, it is characterized in that consisting of a lid formed by applying lacquer after attaching a plurality of layers of hanji on the inside and outside. 상기한 것과 같이 본 고안의 한지납골함에 의하면 항온, 항습, 항균작용으로 인하여 분골이 썩거나 벌레가 생기지 않고, 분골과 함께 응고되지 않을뿐만아니라 자연친화적인 재료로 형성되므로 폐기가 용이한 효과가 있다. As described above, according to the present invention, it is easy to dispose of powder due to constant temperature, humidity, and antibacterial activity. .

03-05-2016 дата публикации

Environmentally-friendly coffin

Номер: CA2754534C
Автор: Bendt Skov

Coffin (2), which in its shape, function and its choice of material has a kind environment, but still is stabile, and with a lit (1), which in its design has means (7) for by an earth filling (6) to be able to be discharge (5) in to the coffin (2) and down against the body (4) there has to be buried, as the lid (1) in its edges (3) has a folding arrangement (7).

11-05-2001 дата публикации

Folded cardboard coffin has inner case and envelope both formed of corrugated cardboard

Номер: FR2800604A1
Принадлежит: CEKODO

The folded cardboard coffin has a casket insert covered by an envelope both formed of corrugated cardboard. The insert (3) and the envelope (2) have assembly formations (220,260,37,38) which co-operate to hold the coffin assembled. The formations are formed on the inside of the coffin. The insert can have a floor (30) and two longitudinal sides (31) all covered by the envelope.

17-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR2414910A1
Автор: [UNK]

a. Cercueil comprenant essentiellement des parois latérales opposées par paire ainsi qu'un fond et un couvercle. b. Cercueil caractérisé en ce que les parois latérales au moins sont réalisées en carton ondulé épais muni de parties de fond rabattues vers l'intérieur et maintenues entre une plaque de fond extérieure et une plaque de fond intérieure, dont les bords s'appliquent contre les faces intérieures des parois latérales, des dispositifs de fixation faciles à poser étant prévus pour des pieds d'appui fixés sur la face inférieure de la plaque de fond extérieure, ces dispositifs traversant au moins la plaque extérieure et les parties de bord de fond. c. L'invention s'applique notamment au transport des corps de victimes d'accidents ou de catastrophes. at. Coffin essentially comprising side walls opposed in pairs as well as a bottom and a cover. b. Coffin characterized in that at least the side walls are made of thick corrugated cardboard provided with bottom parts folded inwards and held between an outer bottom plate and an inner bottom plate, the edges of which are pressed against the faces inside the side walls, easy-to-install fixing devices being provided for support legs fixed to the underside of the outer bottom plate, these devices passing through at least the outer plate and the bottom edge portions. vs. The invention applies in particular to the transport of the bodies of victims of accidents or catastrophes.

27-02-1980 дата публикации

A coffin

Номер: ZA79114B
Автор: S Lidholm
Принадлежит: S Lidholm

19-06-2009 дата публикации

Corrugated cardboard coffin manufacturing method, involves fixing internal rigid bottom plate cut out to lower interior dimensions of case, fixing handle plates to case, and fixing sealed sheet or insert covering internal wall of case

Номер: FR2924925A1
Принадлежит: Smurfit Kappa France SAS

L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'un cercueil en carton et le cercueil en carton obtenu. Le cercueil comprend un couvercle (3) et une caisse (5), la caisse (5) comportant au moins une plaque de ceinture rigide, une plaque de fond pourvue d'une partie de fond, de rabats longitudinaux opposés et de rabats latéraux, des plaques latérales aptes à recouvrir par pliage de ses rabats les côtés latéraux intérieur et extérieur de la ceinture et à être fixées au moins sur le fond de ladite plaque de fond, une plaque de fond interne découpée aux dimensions intérieures inférieures de la caisse (5), des plaques de poignées de manutention du cercueil, et une feuille ou insert étanche apte à recouvrir la paroi interne de la caisse (5) formée.

21-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR2819740B1
Автор: Kuo Chen Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

28-08-2009 дата публикации

A blank and an assembly for a coffin

Номер: NZ555925A
Автор: Eckhard Kemmerer
Принадлежит: Apogee Internat Pty Ltd

A blank (10) for a coffin comprising a blank body (12) defining a plurality of wall panels (14, 16, 18, 20) each having a dedicated pair of opposed sides; a base supporting member (28) formed integrally with one side of at least one of the panels; and a flap member (30) formed integrally with the opposite side of at least certain of the panels, where the base supporting member is foldable, substantially at right angles to its panel, to form a ledge on which the base is receivable. In one embodiment an insert (58) is held captive between at least one of side wall panels of the blank body and their associated flap portions folded onto the side wall panels to impart rigidity to a side wall of a coffin formed from the blank. (61) Addition to 555925

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Large lightweight coffin and method for its manufacture

Номер: CA2990059A1

A large lightweight molded coffin comprises a large pulp molded outer shell (17) lined with a reinforcing spacer material(18)such as single faced ReBoardTM, a honeycomb structure or a molded spacer material conforming to and adhering to said shell and an inner shell(19)made of molded pulp or a paper based material. A method for manufacturing such a lightweight coffin involves pressing slurried pulp between a first male mold half (5) covered with elastomeric material (6) and a second female mold half (3), to form the molded pulp shell (17),and gluing the reinforcing spacer (18) material to the interior of said outer molded pulp shell (17)and the inner shell.

23-08-2006 дата публикации

Casket boxes and method of making same

Номер: CA2530347A1

A casket box having a periphery of lateral panels connected to one bottom panel at a lower edge thereof, wherein : at least one of the lateral panels has a ledge towards a top thereof, the ledge being formed by a folded portion of the lateral panel being folded along at least one successive V-groove defined in the lateral panel. A method of making a ledged lateral panel for a casket, the method comprising : providing a panel having a first side, a second side, and four edges; machining at least one V-groove parallel to a first edge of the panel; folding the panel along the at least one V-groove, into a ledge; and beveling a second and third opposed edges of the panel including the ledge.

14-11-2007 дата публикации

A blank and an assembly for a coffin

Номер: CN101072548A
Принадлежит: Apogee International Pty Ltd


28-02-2006 дата публикации

Collapsible cardboard cremation casket

Номер: US7003855B2
Автор: Chen Lew

A collapsible cremation casket is formed of cardboard and has the appearance of a typical wood or plastic casket. The casket is assembled by folding along pre-scored lines to form a two-piece domed lid having a plurality of slots on the bottom and a set of slots in the back edge. The slots engage a plurality of tabs extending upward from the top of the back wall of the tray. Tabs within the slots on the back wall of the lid and the slope of the back wall of the tray provide support for the lid to stand in an upright position. When the tray is covered with the lid, the tabs engage the slots in the bottom wall of the lid, thereby securely holding the lid in place. During a ceremony, one lid section may be closed position and the second lid section is upright, thereby giving the appearance of a standard two-part casket lid.

25-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU736859A3

A coffin comprising substantially pairs of mutually opposing side walls, a bottom and a lid. At least the side walls are made of a strong corrugated paper material having inwardly turned bottom flaps. The bottom flaps are fixed between an outer bottom plate and an inner bottom plate whose edges abut the inner surfaces of the side walls. Attachment means are provided for mounting foot supports on the under surface of the bottom plate, said attachment means extending through at least the outer bottom plate and the bottom flaps.

29-03-2005 дата публикации

A skeletal remains pot

Номер: KR200380182Y1
Автор: 홍재성
Принадлежит: 홍재성

본 고안은 단지 내부 바닥 중앙에 원통형의 굴곡부(14)가 형성되어 있고, 상기 굴곡부(14) 내부에는 굴곡부(14)의 내부벽에 밀착되도록 원통형 받침대(50)가 장착되어 있으며, 상기 받침대(50) 내부 공간에는 숯(58)이 장착되어 있고, 상기 받침대(60) 상단에 숯(58)을 덮을 수 있도록 다수의 구멍(56)이 형성된 원형 형태의 공판지(52)가 부착되어 있으며, 상기 공판지(52)의 상부면에 원형 형태의 한지덮개(54)가 부착되어 있고, 상기 굴곡부(14)의 상부에는 측면에 다수의 구멍(46)이 형성된 원기둥 형태의 탄성체 지관(40)이 장착되어 있으며, 상기 지관(40)의 내부면에는 한지덮개(44)가 부착되어 있고, 상기 지관(40)의 외부 공간에는 숯(48)이 장착되어 있으며, 내부뚜껑(20)의 하부 공간에는 숯(28)이 장착되어 있고, 상기 내부뚜껑(20)의 하부 공간 하단에 숯(28)을 덮을 수 있도록 다수의 구멍(26)이 형성된 원형 형태의 공판지(22)가 부착되어 있으며, 상기 공판지(22)의 상부면에 원형 형태의 한지덮개(24)가 부착되어 있고, 내부뚜껑(20)의 하단에는 걸림턱(27)이 형성되어 있는 것을 특징으로 하는 단지형 유골함에 관한 것이다. According to the present invention, a cylindrical bent portion 14 is formed only at the center of the inner bottom, and a cylindrical pedestal 50 is mounted inside the bent portion 14 to be in close contact with the inner wall of the bent portion 14, and the pedestal 50 is provided. Charcoal 58 is installed in the inner space, and a circular cardboard 52 having a plurality of holes 56 is attached to the top of the pedestal 60 to cover the charcoal 58. A circular Hanji cover 54 is attached to the upper surface of the paper 52, and a cylindrical elastomeric paper tube 40 having a plurality of holes 46 formed on the side of the curved portion 14 is mounted. The inner surface of the branch pipe 40 is attached to the hanji cover 44, the outer space of the branch pipe 40 is equipped with a charcoal 48, the lower space of the inner lid 20 charcoal ( 28 is mounted, can cover the charcoal 28 at the bottom of the lower space of the inner lid 20 A circular cardboard plate 22 having a plurality of holes 26 is attached thereto, and a circular hanji cover 24 is attached to an upper surface of the cardboard plate 22, and an inner lid 20 is provided. The lower end of the engaging jaw 27 relates to a jar-shaped ash which is characterized in that it is formed.

10-02-1997 дата публикации

Fibreboard casket base and lid and method of manufacture same

Номер: CA2155723A1

The invention relates to a casket base and lid employing corrugated fibreboard as the base material. More specifically, the invention relates to an improved form of base and lid particularly adapted for use in the fabrication of coffins or caskets formed of corrugated fibreboard. The caskets made in accordance with the present invention have an inherent strength and do not require additional framing elements or metal braces.

16-09-2010 дата публикации

Coffin, which has kindly environment means

Номер: WO2010102622A1
Автор: Bent Skov

Coffin (2), which in its shape, function and its choice of material has a kind environment, but still is stabile, and with a lit (1), which in its design has means (7) for by an earth filling (6) to be able to be discharge (5) in to the coffin (2) and down against the body (4) there has to be buried, as the lid (1) in its edges (3) has a folding arrangement (7).

31-03-1921 дата публикации

Tubular coffin made of paper pulp

Номер: DE335319C
Принадлежит: Individual

11-08-2000 дата публикации

Structure for a casket shell

Номер: CA2261457A1
Автор: Herman Belanger
Принадлежит: Cercueils Alliance Caskets Inc

A casket shell made of a corrugated paperboard. The shell is made of a triple-ply inner layer and a single-ply outer layer laminated over the inner layer. The corrugation in the side members of both layers are aligned vertically for maximum vertical tensile strength. The corrugation in the vertical corners in the inner layer are oriented horizontally for maximum stiffness and shape retention properties. The casket shell has a uniform thickness throughout the sides, ends and bottom thereof, and square corners to simulate the appearance of a wood structure. Each end has a vertical median slot therein for inserting the edges of a decorative covering fabric material. Both sides are prestressed to maintain a straight alignment.

14-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1099087A
Автор: Sven-Olof Lidholm

A B S T R A C T A coffin comprising substantially pairs of mutually opposing side walls, a bottom and a lid. At least the side walls are made of a strong corrugated paper material having inwardly turned bottom flaps. The bottom flaps are fixed between an outer bottom plate and an inner bottom plate whose edges abut the inner surfaces of the side walls. Attachment means are provided for mounting foot supports on the under surface of the bottom plate, said attachment means extending through at least the outer bottom plate and the bottom flaps.

30-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU517468B2
Автор: Sven-Olof Lidholm
Принадлежит: Lidholm, S-O.

03-09-2019 дата публикации

Casket assembly

Номер: US10398616B2
Принадлежит: Vandor Corp

A casket assembly includes a base and a first side panel and a second side panel configured to be partially received within the base. The casket assembly also includes a first rail fixedly coupled to an inside of the first side panel and a second rail fixedly coupled to an inside of the second side panel. The casket assembly further includes a lid configured to be supported by the first rail and the second rail. The first side panel forms at least a first portion of a head end of the casket assembly and a first side of the casket assembly. The second side panel forms at least a first portion of the foot end of the casket assembly, and a second side of the casket assembly.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Lightweight casket having foldable features

Номер: US10098801B2
Принадлежит: Vandor Corp

A method for use with a casket arrangement having a first configuration and a second configuration includes moving the casket arrangement while in the second configuration, changing the casket arrangement from the second configuration to the first configuration, and moving remains of a deceased disposed within the casket arrangement while in the first configuration. The casket arrangement includes a bottom panel and intrinsically formed side panels and end panels. The side panels and end panels include upper portions that extend upward and connect in the first configuration, and which extend in a direction other than upward in the second configuration.

01-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: US4209880A
Автор: Sven-Olof Lidholm

A coffin comprising substantially pairs of mutually opposing side walls, a bottom and a lid. At least the side walls are made of a strong corrugated paper material having inwardly turned bottom flaps. The bottom flaps are fixed between an outer bottom plate and an inner bottom plate whose edges abut the inner surfaces of the side walls. Attachment means are provided for mounting foot supports on the under surface of the bottom plate, said attachment means extending through at least the outer bottom plate and the bottom flaps.

20-01-2009 дата публикации

Coffin blank

Номер: RU2007125412A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2007 125 412 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ A61G 17/013 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007125412/12, 12.12.2005 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÝÏÎÓÄÆÈ ÈÍÒÅÐÍÝØÍË (AU) (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 10.12.2004 AU 2004907071 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÊÅÌÌÅÐÅÐ Ýêõàðä (AU) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.01.2009 Áþë. ¹ 2 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2006/060879 (15.06.2006) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 119034, Ìîñêâà, Ïðå÷èñòåíñêèé ïåð., 14, ñòð. 1, 4-é ýòàæ, "Ãîóëèíãç Èíòåðíýøíë Èíê.", ïàò.ïîâ. Þ.Â.Äåìåíòüåâîé, ðåã.¹ 560 R U (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà, êîòîðà ñîäåðæèò êîðïóñ çàãîòîâêè, èìåþùèé ìíîæåñòâî ñòåíîâûõ ïàíåëåé, êàæäà èç êîòîðûõ èìååò ïàðó ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûõ ñòîðîí; áàçîâûé îïîðíûé ýëåìåíò, âûïîëíåííûé â âèäå åäèíîãî öåëîãî ñ îäíîé ñòîðîíîé ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå íåêîòîðûõ ïàíåëåé; ñòâîðêó, âûïîëíåííóþ â âèäå åäèíîãî öåëîãî ñ ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîé ñòîðîíîé ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå íåêîòîðûõ ïàíåëåé, ïðè÷åì áàçîâûé îïîðíûé ýëåìåíò âûïîëíåí ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ ñãèáà ïîä ïð ìûì óãëîì ê åãî ïàíåëè, ÷òîáû îáðàçîâàòü âûñòóï, íà êîòîðûé ëîæèòñ îñíîâàíèå. 2. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà ïî ï.1, â êîòîðîé êàæäà ïàíåëü èìååò áàçîâûé îïîðíûé ýëåìåíò è ñòâîðêó, îáúåäèíåííóþ ñ íèì. 3. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà ïî ï.2, â êîòîðîé êàæäà ïàíåëü è îáúåäèíåííà ñ íåé ñòâîðêà ðàçãðàíè÷åíû ïåðâîé ëèíèåé ñëàáèíû. 4. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà ïî ï.3, â êîòîðîé êàæäà ïàíåëü è îáúåäèíåííûé ñ íåé áàçîâûé îïîðíûé ýëåìåíò ðàçãðàíè÷åíû âòîðîé ëèíèåé ñëàáèíû. 5. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà ïî ï.3 èëè 4, â êîòîðîé ëèíèè ñëàáèíû ïðåäñòàâë þò ñîáîé ëèíèè ñãèáà, êàíàâêè èëè ëèíèè íàäðåçà. 6. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà ïî ï.1, â êîòîðîé ìíîæåñòâî ñòåíîâûõ ïàíåëåé ñîäåðæàâ ïåðâóþ òîðöåâóþ ñòåíîâóþ ïàíåëü, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, îäíó ïåðâóþ áîêîâóþ ñòåíîâóþ ïàíåëü è îäíó âòîðóþ áîêîâóþ ñòåíîâóþ ïàíåëü, è âòîðóþ òîðöåâóþ ñòåíîâóþ ïàíåëü. 7. Çàãîòîâêà äë ãðîáà ïî ï.6, â êîòîðîé ïåðâà òîðöåâà ñòåíîâà ïàíåëü è ïåðâà Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU A 2 0 0 7 1 2 5 4 1 2 A (54) ÇÀÃÎÒÎÂÊÀ ...

30-06-1998 дата публикации

Casket shell structures

Номер: US5771549A
Автор: Patrick Michael Saaf
Принадлежит: Batesville Casket Co Inc

A casket shell comprises an elongated inner box and an elongated outer box. The inner box is congruently disposed in the interior region of the outer box and a core is sandwiched between the inner and outer boxes. The core includes a top surface attached to the inner box and a bottom surface attached to the outer box. The core can be made form a closed-celled material or a honeycomb material having a plurality of interconnected cylinders. Both inner and outer boxes are foldable to a generally planar configuration to minimize the volume during shipment. A casket shell in accordance with the present invention can also include a plurality of panels, each panel includes a core having a top surface and a bottom surface, first and second stabilizing surface element attached to the bottom and top surfaces, respectively. The panels connected together by a plurality of connectors to define the casket shell.

01-03-1995 дата публикации

Procedure for manufacture of a coffin from formed pulp material

Номер: EP0466653B1
Автор: Alois Koch
Принадлежит: Alois Koch

24-07-2009 дата публикации

Environmentally friendly coffin

Номер: DK200900049U4
Автор: Skov Bent

04-09-2007 дата публикации

Lightweight viewing casket

Номер: US7263751B2
Принадлежит: Vandor Corp

A casket assembly includes a container and a two-piece lid. The two-piece lid includes a superior lid that covers the anterior end of the casket and an inferior lid that covers the opposite end. The container includes a bottom panel, an inferior end panel, a superior end panel, and two elongated side panels. Each elongated side portion has a recessed portion on the superior end of the casket for providing an improved viewing of the deceased. In one embodiment, the casket panels each include a plurality of mortise holes and/or tenons. The tenons on individual panels are designed to fit into the mortise holes on other panels. Pins are placed through pinholes on the tenons to retain the tenons in the mortise holes. A shelf and bracket assembly may be provided for use in displaying mementos of the deceased and/or for supporting the inferior casket lid.

25-03-1982 дата публикации

Patent JPS57500496A

Номер: JPS57500496A

18-01-1997 дата публикации

Ecological casket

Номер: CA2154009A1
Автор: Yves Beauregard
Принадлежит: Eco-Rest Inc., Yves Beauregard

An ecological coffin is provided of a folded corrugated recycled paperboard coffin, having two major parts. An inner body made of 100% recycled corrugated paperboard, laminated with a thin acid resistant polypropylene film and an outer body made of two identical pieces. The outer main body portion of the coffin is constructed of recycled corrugated paperboard and is made of two identical pieces that are jointed together by applying water soluble glue and small metallic stitches along a joint lip on each of the two pieces.

13-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: IT1110953B

19-04-2001 дата публикации

Shipping package for casket folders

Номер: CA2287007A1

There is provided a shipping package for casket folders, comprising a pair of casket-base folders each having stocky and stiff edges bordering the inside side of each folder. The casket-base folders are positioned against each other with their inside sides facing each other. The inside sides and the stocky edges of both casket-base folders define a hollow space, in which there are enclosed a pair of casket-cover folders and a pair of pressed casket-interior liner cloths. The casket-interior liner cloths are attached to liner-cloth stretchers which are affixed to one of the casket-base folders. A pair of oblong boxes enclose the ends of the casket-base folders and extend over a portion of the juxtaposed stocky edges. The shipping package is advantageous for affording a firm handling thereof and for its ability to retain the casket-interior liner cloths in a pleated, wrinkle-free condition until the package is opened again at destination.

17-03-1994 дата публикации

Light coffin

Номер: DE9318835U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Indlekofer Manfred

20-04-1995 дата публикации

Casket and method of making same

Номер: WO1995010256A1
Принадлежит: Elder Davis, Inc.

A folded-up corrugated fiberboard casket (10) having top (28) and bottom (34) framing members on its exterior is provided with a decorative covering (14) in the form of a laminate comprising a layer of a pliable, foldable and creasible cellulosic material (18), forexample E-flute corrugated fiberboard, bonded to a thinner decorative exterior layer of a material (16) which is also pliable, foldable and creasible, for example wood-grain paper. The laminate covering obliterates minor irregularities on the exterior surfaces of the inner casket box (10), and also provides sharp profile angles for the casket. The laminate covering is preferably formed by providing a flat blank which is scored and cut out at appropriate places and is self-supporting to facilitate application of the covering to the casket box (10). The blank is then folded, and the framing strips (28, 34) glued to the laminate. The assembly is then placed against and glued to the exterior of the casket box (10). The laminate preferably is folded back on itself to provide a strong double-thickness of material between the framing strips (28, 34).

01-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: TW201313215A
Автор: Tony Mong
Принадлежит: Tony Mong


26-04-2002 дата публикации

Cardboard casket

Номер: FR2800604B1
Принадлежит: CEKODO

18-11-1998 дата публикации

Foldable coffin

Номер: EP0680308B1
Автор: Alexandre Haas
Принадлежит: Individual

19-09-1980 дата публикации

Patent FR2414910B1

Номер: FR2414910B1
Автор: [UNK]

20-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DK21179A
Автор: S O Lidholm
Принадлежит: S O Lidholm

03-10-1967 дата публикации

Casket trim with spaced side member stiffeners

Номер: US3344494A
Автор: Ralph T Mcclive

10-06-2003 дата публикации

Lightweight burial casket

Номер: US6574841B1
Принадлежит: Batesville Services Inc

A lid for a casket includes a cover including longitudinally spaced-apart first and second end edges, transversely spaced-apart first and second side edges, and a dome extending between the first and second side edges and between the first and second end edges, and an end cap including an end panel and a rim appended to the end panel. The end cap is coupled to the cover adjacent to the first end edge. The rim extends from the end panel to cover a portion of the cover adjacent to the first end edge.

04-12-2001 дата публикации

Foldable coffin

Номер: CA2150134C

Le cercueil est réalisé par pliage, le long de lignes préformées, d'une pièce (10) d'un seul tenant, découpée dans une plaque de carton ondulé dont au moins l'une des faces est recouverte d'un revêtement en matière cellulosique teinté et décoré de façon à lui donner l'aspect du bois. On forme d'abord le fond du cercueil en appliquant l'une sur l'autre deux parties (1', 2') de panneaux différents (1, 2) de la pièce (10) et en solidarisant ces parties (1', 2') entre elles au moyen de languettes de fixation (3", 4") introduites dans des fentes (26a, 26b). On forme ensuite le couvercle en repliant une partie (1") d'un panneau latéral (1) sur des appendices (3''', 4''') prolongeant des panneaux d'extrémité (3, 4) puis en solidarisant cette partie avec ces appendices au moyen de pièces de fixation introduites dans des couples d'ouvertures correspondantes (14a, 34a) et (15a, 45a) et, finalement, en rabattant une partie (2") de l'autre panneau latéral (2) sur la partie (1") et en solidarisant ces deux parties (1", 2") l'une de l'autre au moyen de pièces de fixation traversant des couples d'ouvertures correspondantes (23, 13), (24b, 14b) et (25b, 15b). Ce cercueil peut être utilisé aussi bien pour l'enterrement que pour l'incinération, sans effet nuisible sur l'environnement.

23-03-2000 дата публикации

Casket lid and method of making same

Номер: WO2000015171A1

A method of making a one-piece, unitary lid for a casket comprises providing tooling configured to produce a casket lid having a crown, a pie, a rim and a header, providing settable material, preferably a mixture of wood chips and binder, from which to mold the lid, molding the settable material with the tooling and permitting the settable material to set. The tooling transmits a wood grain pattern into the settable material. The wood grain pattern of the lid is continuous when viewed rotated 180° about an axis perpendicular to the plane defined by the lid, located medially of the transverse extent of the lid and coinciding with the header end edge of the lid. Thus two such caps placed end-to-end have a continuous wood grain pattern extending from the head end of the casket to the foot end of the casket. Resin impregnated tissue paper is applied to the settable material prior to molding. The resin impregnated tissue paper conforms to the wood grain and conceals the wood chips.

21-12-2016 дата публикации

Blank and assembly for coffin

Номер: CN103142378B
Принадлежит: Apogee International Pty Ltd


29-04-1997 дата публикации

Foldable coffin

Номер: US5623752A
Принадлежит: Gerald Pidoux

The coffin is made by folding, along preformed lines, a single piece part (10) cut from a plate of corrugated cardboard of which at least one of the faces is covered with a cellulose coating which is tinted and decorated so as to give said face a wooden aspect. First the bottom of the coffin is formed by applying to each other two portions (1', 2') of different panels (1, 2) of the part (10) and by fixing said portions (1', 2') to each other by means of fixing tabs (3", 4") inserted into the slots (26a, 26b). The lid is then formed by folding back one portion (1") of a side panel (1) to the tails (3''', 4''') extending from the extremity panels (3, 4) and by fixing said part (1") to the tails by means of fixing pieces inserted into pairs of corresponding openings (14a, 34a) and (15a, 45a) and, finally, by folding back a part (2") of the other side panel (2) onto the part (1") and by fixing said two parts (1", 2") to each other by means of fixing pieces inserted into pairs of corresponding openings (23, 13), (24b, 14b) and (25b, 15b). The disclosed coffin may be used both for burial and incineration purposes, without harmful effect to the environment.
