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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 5052. Отображено 200.
10-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2290989C2

Установка для удаления серы из углеводородсодержащего потока текучей среды, содержащая реактор с псевдоожиженным слоем, который включает ряд разнесенных по вертикали усиливающих контакт элементов, расположенных горизонтально в реакционной зоне, где обессеривание усиливается улучшением контакта между углеводородсодержащим потоком текучей среды и поглощающими серу твердыми частицами. Согласно изобретению на упомянутой установке осуществляют способ обессеривания, включающий четыре стадии: контактирование углеводородсодержащего потока текучей среды с твердыми тонкодисперсными частицами сорбента; контактирование, по меньшей мере, части углеводородсодержащего потока и частиц сорбента с рядом дефлекторов; контактирование наполненных серой частиц сорбента с кислородсодержащим регенерирующим потоком; контактирование регенерированных частиц сорбента с водородсодержащим восстанавливающим потоком; дополнительно включена стадия контактирования указанных восстановленных частиц сорбента с углеводородсодержащим ...

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741554C2

Группа изобретений относится к реакторным установкам для химической обработки, в частности к системе реактора с псевдоожиженным катализатором и системному компоненту системы реактора. Системный компонент содержит секцию отделения катализатора, содержащую стенки отделительной секции, образующие внутреннюю область секции отделения катализатора, выпускное отверстие для газа, отверстие стояка, отделительное устройство и выпускное отверстие для катализатора, стояк, проходящий через отверстие стояка секции отделения катализатора и содержащий основной внутренний сегмент стенки стояка, основной наружный сегмент стенки стояка и переходный сегмент стенки стояка, причем основной внутренний сегмент стенки стояка расположен по меньшей мере частично во внутренней области секции отделения катализатора и соединен по меньшей мере с переходным сегментом стенки стояка, а наружный сегмент стенки стояка расположен по меньшей мере частично за пределами секции отделения катализатора, и бак реактора, содержащий ...

08-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702580C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для направления и поддержки райзера, используемому в псевдоожиженном реакционном процессе. Устройство содержит резервуар, райзер, расположенный в резервуаре, и множество наклонных направляющих опор, каждая из которых содержит трубчатую секцию, имеющую первый конец и второй конец, первый шарнир, первый конец которого соединен с первым концом трубчатой секции, второй шарнир, первый конец которого соединен со вторым концом трубчатой секции, при этом второй конец первого шарнира соединен с внутренней поверхностью резервуара, а второй конец второго шарнира соединен с направляющим устройством райзера, которое включает непрерывную по окружности конструкцию вокруг внешней стороны райзера. Изобретение обеспечивает прямое или косвенное боковое направление райзера в резервуаре, а также горизонтальное или вертикальное направление райзера во время значительного термического расширения, во время псевдоожиженного реакционного процесса. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2375338C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к способу получения легких олефинов, представляющих собой этилен, пропилен или их смеси из кислородсодержащих соединений в реакторе, которые содержат по меньшей мере, один атом кислорода и от 1 до 10 атомов углерода, характеризующемуся тем, что включает следующие стадии: а) подачу сырьевого потока кислородсодержащих соединений через распределитель потока в реактор с флюидизированной зоной превращения кислородсодержащих соединений с катализатором, содержащим молекулярное сито ELAPO, контактирование кислородсодержащих соединений с катализатором с целью получения смеси, содержащей легкие олефины, диолефины, непрореагировавшие кислородсодержащие соединения и другие побочные продукты; b) отделение непрореагировавших кислородсодержащих соединений и диолефинов от легких олефинов и побочных продуктов и с) возврат непрореагировавших кислородсодержащих соединений и диолефинов на вход в реактор, отдельно от сырьевого потока кислородсодержащих соединений. Также изобретение ...

27-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2385312C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу превращения кислородсодержащих соединений, имеющих по меньшей мере от 1 до 10 атомов углерода в олефины, характеризующемуся тем, что включает следующие стадии: а) контактирование в реакторе кислородсодержащих соединений с флюидизированным катализатором, содержащим ELAPO, с превращением указанных соединений в углеводороды, причем в реакторе имеются, по меньшей мере две зоны: первая зона, в которой газ движется с большей скоростью, чем во второй зоне, в которой газ движется с меньшей скоростью, и b) введение продувочного газа, содержащего некоторое количество инертного газа, во вторую зону отдельно от сырьевого потока. Также изобретение относится к устройству для осуществления настоящего способа. Применение настоящего изобретения позволяет предотвратить накопление нежелательных побочных продуктов в застойных зонах внутри реактора и уменьшает количество кокса, осажденного на катализаторе в застойных зонах или на поверхности внутри этих зон. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы ...

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2448766C2

Изобретения относятся к способу получения терефталевой кислоты и реакторной системе для ее получения. Окисление первой части многофазной реакционной среды проводят в первой зоне реакции, определенной внутри внешней реакционной емкости. Окисление пара-толуиловой кислоты, присутствующей во второй части реакционной среды, проводят во второй зоне реакции, определенной внутри внутренней реакционной емкости. Осуществляют отбор части фазы суспензии реакционной среды из второй зоны реакции с отправлением на последующие стадии для дополнительной переработки. Барботажная реакторная колонна включает внешнюю реакционную емкость и внутреннюю реакционную емкость, по меньшей мере, частично расположенную во внешней реакционной емкости. Внутренняя реакционная емкость имеет одно или несколько отверстий непосредственного соединения, которые обеспечивают сообщение через текучую среду между первой и второй зонами реакции. Внутренняя реакционная емкость имеет одно или несколько выпускных отверстий, которые позволяют ...

29-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018141870A3

27-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2214992C1

Использование: получение углеводородов. Сущность: проводят дегидрирование этилбензола в системе, содержащей реактор с псевдоожиженным слоем и регенератор, с использованием катализатора на основе оксида железа, нанесенного на модифицированный кремнием оксид алюминия и содержащего промоторы, представляющие собой дополнительные оксиды металлов. Технический результат: упрощение технологии. 17 з.п.ф-лы, 3 табл., 1 ил.

07-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773697C1

Изобретение относится к области нефтехимии и органического синтеза, в частности к реакторной системе для осуществления химических процессов в кипящем слое катализатора. Изобретение касается реакторной системы для осуществления химических процессов в кипящем слое катализатора, включающей реактор и регенератор с установленными в них секционирующими решетками, ниже которых установлены трубчатые распределители паров сырья или воздуха, содержащие входные патрубки, соединенные с коллекторами, и отходящие от коллекторов попарно расположенные соосные лучи, имеющие одно или несколько отверстий для затекания газа из коллектора и сопла для вытекания газа. В распределителе каждый коллектор разделен при соединении с патрубком на две части, установленные по высоте патрубка на расстоянии друг от друга, равном 1÷6 диаметрам коллектора. Технический результат - повышение эффективности контакта газов с движущимся противотоком катализатором, уменьшение застойных зон и обеспечение повышения показателей химических ...

18-03-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2815512C1

Изобретение касается устройства регенерации для активации катализатора с целью получения низкоуглеродистых олефинов из кислородсодержащего соединения, содержащее первый регенератор и второй регенератор. Первый регенератор содержит вторую зону активации, первую зону активации и зону разделения газа и твердого вещества снизу вверх. Вторая зона активации в осевом направлении сообщается с зоной разделения газа и твердого вещества. Первая зона активации расположена на периферии соединения между второй зоной активации и зоной разделения газа и твердого вещества, и первая зона активации сообщается со второй зоной активации. Первая зона активации представляет собой кольцевую полость, n перегородок радиально установлены в первой зоне активации, и n перегородок делят первую зону активации на n подзон первой зоны активации. В каждой из n-1 перегородок образовано отверстие для циркуляции катализатора таким образом, что обеспечена возможность протекания катализатора, поступающего в первую зону активации ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745438C1

Изобретение относится к реакторам с кипящим слоем и их использованию для получения пара-ксилола и совместного получения низших олефинов из бензола и метанола и/или диметилового эфира. Описан реактор, содержащий первый и второй распределитель, через которые в реактор поступают материальные потоки A и В, причем первый распределитель расположен в нижней части кипящего слоя, а второй расположен в по меньшей мере одной зоне газового потока после первого распределителя; причем второй распределитель содержит впускную трубу, микропористую трубу и впускную кольцевую трубу; впускная труба соединена с газовым каналом микропористой трубы, причем газ подают через впускную трубу снаружи от кипящего слоя в микропористую трубу в кипящем слое; впускная кольцевая труба соединена с газовым каналом впускной трубы, причем впускная кольцевая труба расположена в плоскости, перпендикулярной направлению потока газа из первого распределителя; микропористая труба расположена на кольцевой впускной трубе и перпендикулярно ...

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Система и способ для производства порошка высокочистого пентоксида ванадия

Номер: RU2670866C9

Изобретение может быть использовано в химической промышленности. Пентоксид ванадия промышленного сорта сначала превращают в окситрихлорид ванадия низкотемпературным хлорированием в псевдоожиженном слое. Хлорирующий газ предварительно нагревают посредством теплообмена между псевдоожижающим газом и дымовым газом хлорирования. Окситрихлорид ванадия очищают ректификацией и подвергают газофазному гидролизу в псевдоожиженном слое и прокаливанию в псевдоожиженном слое. Получают порошок высокочистого пентоксида ванадия и раствор хлористоводородной кислоты в качестве побочного продукта. Изобретение позволяет повысить селективность низкотемпературного хлорирования, снизить потребление энергии и операционные расходы в промышленном производстве высокочистого пентоксида ванадия, исключить загрязнение окружающей среды выбросами, содержащими аммиак и азот. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл., 1 пр.

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013148091A

... 1. Воздушный классификатор частиц, включающий:герметично закрытый сверху основной блок классификатора, выпускное отверстие, выпускной трубопровод и, по меньшей мере, одно направляющее входное отверстие;внутреннее пространство основного блока классификатора, включающее, сверху вниз, зону в виде прямой трубы и коническую зону, при этом коническое основание конической зоны соединено с зоной в виде прямой трубы;выпускное отверстие, расположенное в нижней части конической зоны;направляющее входное отверстие, расположенное в верхней части зоны в виде прямой трубы в тангенциальном направлении зоны в виде прямой трубы и соединенное с внутренним пространством основного блока классификатора;выпускной трубопровод, герметично встроенный в верхнюю часть основного блока классификатора и продолжающийся вниз до нижней части зоны в виде прямой трубы, при этом указанный выпускной трубопровод имеет герметично закрытый нижний конец;где нижняя часть выпускного трубопровода выполнена, по меньшей мере, с одним ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727699C1

Предложено устройство для получения пропилена и C4 углеводородов из кислородсодержащих соединений, выбранных из метанола и диметилового эфира, содержащее быстрый реактор с псевдоожиженным слоем, содержащий оболочку реактора, n реакторных распределителей сырья, реакторный сепаратор 1 газообразной и твердой фаз, реакторный сепаратор 2 газообразной и твердой фаз, реакторный теплообменник, выпускное отверстие для газообразного продукта и реакторную отгоночную колонну, при этом нижняя часть быстрого реактора с псевдоожиженным слоем представляет собой зону плотной фазы, верхняя часть быстрого реактора с псевдоожиженным слоем представляет собой зону разбавленной фазы, n реакторных распределителей сырья расположены в зоне плотной фазы, реакторный теплообменник расположен внутри или за пределами оболочки реактора, реакторный сепаратор 1 газообразной и твердой фаз и реакторный сепаратор 2 газообразной и твердой фаз размещены за пределами оболочки реактора, впускное отверстие реакторного сепаратора ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008123862A

... 1. Способ получения винилхлорида, включающий: ! подачу газообразного хлора и этана к области реакции хлорирования этана, расположенной в нижней части реактора пиролиза, в которой присутствуют твердые частицы; ! проведение реакции хлорирования этана при контакте газообразного хлора и этана с твердыми частицами таким образом, что продукт реакции хлорирования этана и твердые частицы поднимаются в верхнюю часть реактора пиролиза одновременно, при этом образовавшийся кокс оседает на твердых частицах; ! проведение реакции пиролиза в области реакции пиролиза, расположенной в верхней части реактора пиролиза, при контакте продукта реакции хлорирования этана с твердыми частицами таким образом, что продукт реакции хлорирования этана и твердые частицы поднимаются одновременно, при этом образовавшийся кокс оседает на твердых частицах; ! разделение твердых частиц, полученных при реакции пиролиза, и продукта реакции пиролиза в сепараторе; ! перемещение отделенных твердых частиц к реактору регенерации ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010140954A

... 1. Способ крекирования углеводородного сырья в реакторном агрегате, содержащем: ! реакторный аппарат; ! вход для твердого катализатора, через который вводят катализатор, и выход для твердого катализатора, через который катализатор выводят из реакторного аппарата; ! множество подающих сопел, с помощью которых сырье вводят у днища аппарата; ! выход для продукта, предназначенный для вывода продуктовой смеси газа и твердого катализатора в верхней части реакторного аппарата; и ! по меньшей мере одну перегородочную плиту, которая разделяет внутреннюю полость реакторного аппарата на два или более отделения, и при этом перегородочная плита пересекает вход для твердого катализатора. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором отделения создают с помощью перегородочных плит, расположенных по существу перпендикулярно к днищу реакторного аппарата. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором реакторный агрегат дополнительно содержит трубопровод для транспортирования смеси продуктов из выхода для продукта к сепаратору газ/твердые ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011116238A

... 1. Усовершенствованный способ сжигания в химическом контуре, по меньшей мере, одной жидкой углеводородной загрузки, в котором: ! - жидкую загрузку распыляют при помощи распыляющего газа для ее введения в зону (2) перемещения металлических оксидов, на входе зоны (3) сжигания, через средства (6) распыления, позволяющие получать капли, мелко диспергированные в распыляющем газе; ! - производят испарение жидкой загрузки в капли, находящиеся в контакте, по меньшей мере, с частью металлических оксидов в зоне (2) перемещения, при этом рабочие условия в зоне (2) перемещения определяют таким образом, чтобы поверхностная скорость газа после испарения жидкости превышала скорость перемещения частиц металлических металлов; ! - все эфлюенты, получаемые в зоне (2) перемещения, направляют в зону (3) сжигания, обеспечивающую восстановление металлических оксидов, при этом упомянутая зона (3) сжигания, содержит, по меньшей мере, один кипящий слой в плотной фазе. ! 2. Усовершенствованный способ сжигания в химическом ...

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014115717A

... 1. Способ сжигания углеводородной загрузки из твердых частиц в химическом контуре, в котором циркулирует материал-носитель кислорода в виде частиц, при этом упомянутый способ включает, по меньшей мере:- приведение в контакт частиц твердой загрузки и частиц материала-носителя кислорода в первой реакционной зоне R1, работающей в плотном кипящем слое;- сжигание газообразных отходов, выходящих из первой реакционной зоны R1, в присутствии частиц материала-носителя кислорода во второй реакционной зоне R2;- разделение несгоревших частиц твердой загрузки, летучих зол и частиц материала-носителя кислорода внутри смеси, выходящей из зоны R2, в зоне быстрого разделения S3 для перемещения вместе с дымами горения (13) основной части несгоревших частиц твердой загрузки и летучих зол и направления основной части частиц материала-носителя кислорода в зону окисления R0;- очистка от пыли дымов (13), выходящих из зоны быстрого разделения S3, в зоне очистки дымов от пыли S4 для удаления потока очищенных от ...

10-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008125843A

... 1. Установка для получения расплавленного чугуна, содержащая: ! по меньшей мере один реактор восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем, в котором восстанавливают мелкодисперсную железную руду и превращают эту мелкодисперсную железную руду в восстановленное железо; ! бункер для загрузки мелкодисперсной железной руды, из которого подают мелкодисперсную железную руду в реактор восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем; ! линию для загрузки мелкодисперсной железной руды, которая непосредственно соединяет бункер для загрузки мелкодисперсной железной руды с каждым из реакторов восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем, и через которую непосредственно загружают мелкодисперсную железную руду в каждый из реакторов восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем; ! плавильную печь-газификатор, в которую загружают кусковые углеродсодержащие материалы и восстановленное железо и подают кислород, при этом в плавильной печи-газификаторе получают расплавленный чугун; и ! линию подачи восстановительного газа, по которой ...

10-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008125840A

... 1. Установка для получения расплавленного чугуна, включающая: ! по меньшей мере один реактор восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем, в котором восстанавливают железную руду и придают ей пластичность, и превращают эту железную руду в восстановленные материалы; ! плавильную печь-газификатор, в которую загружают восстановленную руду и вводят кислород, и в плавильной печи-газификаторе изготавливают расплавленный чугун и ! линию подачи восстановительного газа, по которой подают восстановительный газ, выходящий из плавильной печи-газификатора, в реактор восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем, ! где реактор восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем включает циклон, который установлен в этом реакторе восстановления с псевдоожиженным слоем для того, чтобы собирать мелкодисперсную железную руду, и ! где к циклону присоединен газовый инжектор, с помощью которого предотвращают слипание мелкодисперсной руды путем введения углеродсодержащего газа. ! 2. Установка по п.1, в которой газовый инжектор присоединен ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011103177A

... 1. Способ извлечения катализатора в процессе конверсии оксигенатов в олефины, при этом способ включает: удаление нижнего потока башни гашения реакции, содержащего катализатор, из башни гашения реакции; разделение нижнего потока башни гашения реакции для получения по существу осветленной жидкости и потока, содержащего катализатор; перепускание потока, содержащего катализатор, в сушильную камеру; и высушивание потока, содержащего катализатор, в сушильной камере для получения по существу высушенного катализатора. ! 2. Способ по п.1, который дополнительно включает хранение потока, содержащего катализатор, в резервуаре для хранения извлеченного катализатора перед перепусканием потока, содержащего катализатор, в сушильную камеру. ! 3. Способ по п.1, который дополнительно включает перепускание высушенного катализатора в регенератор катализатора и регенерацию высушенного катализатора. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором стадию разделения проводят, по меньшей мере, в одном гидроциклоне. ! 5. Способ по ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012146437A

... 1. Реактор с кипящим слоем для термической предварительной обработки содержащего воду твердого сырья, отличающийся тем,что он оборудован устройствами для размещения секционированного стационарного кипящего слоя по меньшей мере из двух концентрически расположенных зон обработки, причем- каждая из зон обработки имеет по меньшей мере одно отдельное впускное газовое отверстие для псевдоожижающего газа, и- отдельные зоны обработки соединяются только путем переточных устройств, и- каждая зона обработки отделена от соседней зоны обработки переточной перегородкой,- расположенная с внешней стороны зона обработки оборудована впускным устройством для подачи сырья, и- расположенная с внутренней стороны зона обработки оборудована выгрузным устройством для сырья, прошедшего предварительную обработку.2. Реактор с кипящим слоем по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он оборудован переточной перегородкой, имеющей пониженный участок и отклоненной на 180° по отношению к впускному устройству.3. Реактор с кипящим слоем ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014138242A

... 1. Расходная резервуарная система для хранения суспензии, содержащая:резервуар для хранения, имеющий первый конец, второй конец и, по меньшей мере, одну стенку, окружающую внутренний объем между первым и вторым концами;впуск для суспензии в сообщении по текучей среде с внутренним объемом;выпуск в сообщении по текучей среде с внутренним объемом;впуск для рециркуляции в сообщении по текучей среде с внутренним объемом у первого конца резервуара для хранения;насос, имеющий всасывающую линию в сообщении по текучей среде с выпуском;клапан рециркуляции в сообщении по текучей среде с выпускной линией насоса и впуском для рециркуляции; ивыпускной клапан в сообщении по текучей среде с выпускной линией насоса.2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дефлектор, расположенный в данном внутреннем объеме, и выполненный с возможностью перенаправления потока между впуском для суспензии и впуском для рециркуляции.3. Система по п. 1, в которой указанный первый конец наклонен в направлении впуска для рециркуляции ...

23-04-1981 дата публикации

Fluidised bed combustion unit for boiler - uses combustion air to convey fluidised fuel through vertical tubes to combustion chamber above

Номер: DE0002940358A1

The fluidised bed combustion system for powdered solid fuel has a combustion chamber (6) above a grid (4) with a set of horizontal tubes (5) through it. Air supplied through a horizontal chamber (11) at the bottom, under a perforated base (2) conveys the fluidised fuel (3) through the tubes to the combustion chamber above. The air is used for fluidising as well as combustion. Preceding the exhaust gas chimney (9) is an exhaust flap (8) above a dust separator outlet (7) down which the particles are returned to the fluidised fuel bed. The system gives good control of the fuel and air ratio, and reduction of dust emission and good reduction of impurities such as sulphur in the slag.

21-05-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002638499C2
Принадлежит: MOBIL OIL CORP., NEW YORK, N.Y., US

12-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000266837A5

27-10-2011 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur thermischen Vorbehandlung von festen Einsatzstoffen in einer konzentrisch gestuften Wirbelschicht

Номер: DE102010018219A1

Wirbelschichtreaktor zur thermischen Vorbehandlung von festen, wasserhaltigen Einsatzstoffen mit Vorrichtungen zur Aufnahme einer gestuften, stationären Wirbelschicht mit mindestens zwei konzentrisch angeordneten Behandlungszonen, wobei jede der Behandlungszonen mindestens einen separaten Gaseinlass für Fluidisiergas aufweist, und die einzelnen Behandlungszonen nur durch Überläufe miteinander verbunden sind, die äußerste Behandlungszone eine Zuführeinrichtung für Einsatzstoff aufweist, jede Behandlungszone gegen die jeweils andere benachbarte Behandlungszone durch ein Überlaufwehr abgetrennt ist, und die innerste Behandlungszone einen Abzug für Reaktionsprodukte aufweist. Hierbei ist vorgesehen, dass der feste Einsatzstoff in die äußerste Behandlungszone der Wirbelschicht eingebracht wird, wobei die Wirbelschicht mit Fluidisiergas aufgelockert und fluidisiert wird, in einer ersten Stufe der Wirbelschicht eine erste Temperatur und eine erste Verweilzeit eingestellt werden, in einer zweiten ...

31-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002417133A1

29-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002237031B2

14-05-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren zur katalytischen Umwandlung von Kohlenwasserstoffen

Номер: DE0001645771A1

10-10-1968 дата публикации

Verfahren zur katalytischen Spaltung von Kohlenwasserstoffen

Номер: DE0001418047A1

08-07-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Reinigung von Brennstoffen

Номер: DE0002059423A1

08-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001408888A

... 1408888 Sulphur-free fuel gas EXXON RESEARCH & ENG CO 8 Nov 1972 [12 Nov 1971] 52656/71 Heading C5E Sulphur-free combustible fuel gas is produced at a predetermined superatmospheric pressure from a sulphur-containing fuel, e.g. powdered coal, coal slurry, or fuel oil, by feeding the fuel into a bed of particles comprising alkaline earth metal oxide contained within a reactor, the particles being fluidized by an upwardly flowing stream of an oxygen-containing gas under a pressure substantially equal to the predetermined superatmospheric pressure, the rate of supply of the oxygen-containing gas and the partial pressure or concentration of oxygen therein being so adjusted in relation to the fuel feed rate that the oxygen supplied is insufficient for complete combustion of the fuel, whereby the fuel is partially combusted at 800‹ to 1000‹ C. to form substantially sulphur-free combustible gas and sulphur of the sulphur-containing fuel is fixed in particles of the bed as alkaline earth metal ...

19-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008428349D0

02-04-1969 дата публикации

Method and system for cracking hydrocarbons

Номер: GB0001147257A

... 1,147,257. Catalytic cracking. MOBIL OIL CORP. 20 Sept., 1967, No. 42864/67. Heading C5E. A catalytic hydrocarbon conversion process comprises passing hydrocarbon vapour through an arranged series of dilute phase riser reactors through which series catalyst passes generally countercurrent to the flow of hydrocarbon vapours but concurrently with hydrocarbon vapour through any one reactor, the temperature at which vapour contacts catalyst in the individual reactors being progressively decreased in the direction of vapour flow through the series of reactors. The reactors may be followed by series of catalyst strippers and regenerators. The feed may be preheated by inert solid or partially pre-cracked by another catalyst in a preliminary stage which may also be provided with strippers and regenerators.

23-03-1955 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for contacting vaporized hydrocarbons with fluidised finely divided solid catalyst

Номер: GB0000726841A

In processes for the catalytic conversion of hydrocarbon vapours in presence of a fluidized solid catalyst, reduction in the size of the apparatus and improved conversion ratios are obtained by arranging the conventional cyclone catalyst separators inside the reaction or regeneration zones and discharging them by gravity by pipes dipping into a fluidized catalyst bed, the level of which is lower than that of the catalyst bed in the reactor or regenerator. The reactor 2 is divided by a sector plate 3 into reaction and stripping zones. Catalyst dust entrained in the gaseous reaction products is removed therefrom in a conventional two-stage cyclone separator 4, 5 and the separated catalyst is discharged by gravity through a pipe 8 into the catalyst bed in the stripping zone, the level of which is maintained lower than that in the reactor. The regenerator 1 is similarly constructed. The construction enables the height of the sector 3 to be increased, thus enabling the height ...

04-12-1985 дата публикации

Fluidised combustion of fuel

Номер: GB0002159432A

In a two-stage combustion method first and second circulating fluidizing bed systems are utilized. The first bed system is operated under reducing (sub-stoichiometric) conditions so as to minimize NOx formation. Solids in the flue gases are separated and returned to the first bed system, while the flue gases are subjected to afterburning in the second bed system. Oxygen containing gas is supplied to the second bed system to effect afterburning, and additionally sulfur absorbing and/or NOx formation decreasing agents are supplied to the second system. When burning coal, the first system is operated at a temperature of about 700 DEG -1000 DEG C., while the second system is operated at about 600 DEG -950 DEG C. The flue gases may be cooled, just prior to effecting separation of the solids, in one or both of the bed systems.

09-08-2000 дата публикации

Apparatus and process

Номер: GB0000014584D0

08-09-1982 дата публикации

Hybrid fliudized bed combuster

Номер: GB0002093725A

A first atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed furnace is combined with a second turbulent, circulating fluidized bed furnace to produce heat efficiently from crushed solid fuel. The bed of the second furnace receives the smaller sizes of crushed solid fuel, unreacted limestone from the first bed, and elutriated solids extracted from the flu gases of the first bed. The two-stage combustion of crushed solid fuel provides a system with an efficiency greater than available with use of a single furnace of a fluidized bed.

19-04-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a fluidizing process and apparatus for treating comminuted solid materials

Номер: GB0000600796A

... In a fluidizing process of treating comminuted solid materials cyclically with different gases in different treatment zones, e.g. the catalytic conversion of hydrocarbons and regeneration of the catalyst, unequal fluid-static heads in contiguous zones 5 and 6 cause circulation of the solid which passes upwardly through zone 6, overflows into zone 5 and returns to zone 6 through the space 10. A difference in fluid-static head of at least 1 lb. per square inch, and preferably at least 3 lbs. per square inch is desirable and is maintained by using different aeration velocities, for example, 0.3 feet per second in the denser zone and 1.5 feet per second in the less dense zone. Vaporized hydrocarbons admitted through pipe 3 are cracked in the zone 6 and pass out of the apparatus at 14. The catalyst is regenerated in zone 5, formed by the annular baffle 4, by burning off carbonaceous deposits with oxygen from pipe 7, and its rate of passage out of this zone may be adjusted ...

31-07-1947 дата публикации

An improved process for the separation of powdered material from gases

Номер: GB0000590904A

In a process for regenerating powdered solid catalysts used in a hydrocarbon cracking process, the catalyst particles are burnt with an oxidizing gas and the regenerated particles are removed from the gases by passing them through a cyclone separator, a Cottrell precipitator and an oil-scrubbing zone, the vaporized oil in the regeneration gases then being condensed and recovered by passing them through a waterscrubbing zone (see Group XII).

11-05-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a method of controlling the water content of a regenerated finely-divided catalyst

Номер: GB0000729806A

In the regeneration of a catalyst in the form of a dense fluidized bed 12 with an oxidizing gas to burn off carbonaceous deposits, the water content of the regenerated catalyst is controlled by passing a major proportion of the catalyst from the fluidized bed through a first stripping zone 24 in countercurrent with a dry inert gas introduced at 26, passing a minor proportioh via openings 32 through a second stripping zone 30, within and in heat exchange relationship with the fluidized bed, and contacting the minor proportion of catalyst at elevated temperature in countercurrent flow with dry inert gas introduced at 34, stripping in zone 30 being for a substantially longer time than in zone 24 in order to remove substantially all the moisture from the catalyst; streams of catalyst from the two stripping zones are combined in line 28 to produce a regenerated catalyst having a desired water content. Regeneration of a hydroforming catalyst is described, catalyst being introduced ...

14-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008321939D0

20-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001536158A

... 1536158 Fluidized cracking with catalyst regeneration EXXON RESEARCH & ENG CO 15 Dec 1975 [6 Jan 1975] 51196/75 Heading C5E In a fluidized catalytic cracking process, wherein a hydrocarbon feedstock is contacted with a cracking catalyst to produce cracked hydrocarbon vapours and coke-contaminated catalyst which is regenerated in a regeneration zone by an oxygen-containing regeneration gas which fluidizes the coke-contaminated catalyst, the following steps are effected in sequence at a substantially constant regeneration gas rate: (1) increasing the temperature of the fluidized regeneration bed to increase the rate of conversion of coke until a lower equilibrium level of coke on regenerated catalyst is established; (2) reducing the amount of coke supplied to the regeneration zone while maintaining the temperature of the fluidized regeneration bed substantially the same as in step (1) until a still lower equilibrium level of coke on regenerated catalyst is established and any carbon monoxide ...

25-07-1962 дата публикации

Improvements relating to processes and apparatus in which gases and fluidised solidsare brought into contact with one another

Номер: GB0000902139A

... In a process in which solid particles are circulated in a circuit comprising two vessels in each of which they are fluidized by and react with under pressure a gas which should not mix with the gas in the other vessel, the solid particles in flowing from one p vessel to the other pass through seals formed by solid particles fluidized by a gas inert to the solid particles circulating in a closed circuit. The process may be one in which sulphur compounds are removed from a fuel gas by contact with iron oxide and in which sulphided iron oxide is regenerated by oxidation with air. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 1 fuel gas to be purified enters a vessel 1 at 8 and passes upwardly through superposed beds of iron oxide and purified gas is withdrawn at 9. The oxide in the two upper beds is fresh oxide fed from a hopper 29 through a screw conveyer 30 and the oxide in the two lower beds is continuously circulated to and from a regeneration zone 10 wherein the sulphided oxide ...

31-08-2012 дата публикации

Process and plant for cooling sulfuric acid

Номер: AP0201206435A0

31-08-2012 дата публикации

Process and plant for cooling sulfuric acid

Номер: AP2012006435A0

10-11-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for producing nitrate granules.

Номер: OA0000013022A

25-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398619B

25-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400563B

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: ATA902286A

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000498455T

15-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA457073A

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518588T

15-03-2020 дата публикации

Wirbelschichtreaktor mit Pufferspeichern

Номер: AT0000521611A4

Wirbelschichtanlage (1) und Verfahren aufweisend: - einen Wirbelschichtkanal (5), - einen ersten Speicherbehälter (2) für eine Feststoffschüttung (4), - einen zweiten Speicherbehälter (3) für die Feststoffschüttung (4), wobei der zweite Speicherbehälter (3) über den Wirbelschichtkanal (5) mit dem ersten Speicherbehälter (2) verbunden ist, - eine Fluidisierungseinrichtung, insbesondere ein vom ersten Speicherbehälter (2) über den Wirbelschichtkanal (5) bis zu dem zweiten Speicherbehälter (3) erstreckter Düsenboden (6), zum Einleiten eines Fluidisierungsgases in den Wirbelschichtkanal (5), in den ersten Speicherbehälter (2) und in den zweiten Speicherbehälter (3), - ein erstes Ventil (10) zum Einstellen eines ersten Druckes (p1) des Fluidisierungsgases in dem ersten Speicherbehälter (2), - ein zweites Ventil (11) zum Einstellen eines zweiten Druckes (p2) des Fluidisierungsgases in dem zweiten Speicherbehälter (3), so dass durch Einstellen einer Druckdifferenz zwischen dem ersten Druck (p1 ...

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000526348T

15-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457073A

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000375202T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509586B8

The invention relates to a fluidized bed reactor system consisting of at least two fluidized bed reactors, comprising a first and a second reactor (1, 2), which are each designed as a circulating fluidized bed, a particle line (7) comprising a particle separator (3) for transporting fluidized bed particles from the first into the second reactor, and a particle line (17) leading out in the lower half of the second reactor (2) for transporting fluidized bed particles back into the first reactor (1), characterized in that, at least in the second reactor (2), reaction zones (9, 10, 22) that are separated from one another by one or more flow regulators (18, 21) are provided, and the particle line (7) opens into the second reactor (2) above at least one flow regulator (18).

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000513490A4

The invention relates to a fluidised bed reactor system comprising one or more fluidised bed reactors (1, 2, 20) for carrying out chemical or physical reactions, at least one reactor thereof being in the form of a rapidly fluidised reactor to be operated as a circulating fluidised bed and comprising, at the upper end, a fluid outlet (5, 6), a particle separator (3, 4), and a particle line (7, 8) connected thereto for the purpose of feeding back separated fluidised bed particles into the same or a further reactor. In at least one rapidly fluidised reactor, one or more flow control devices (18, 21) are provided so as to produce reaction zones (9, 10, 22) that are separate from one another, said invention being characterised in that in order to control the flow conditions into said reaction zones (9, 10, 22), one or more of these flow control devices (18, 21) is/are specifically adjustable from outside of the system.

15-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000142163T

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000008901T

15-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000044157T

15-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000081902T

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000962275A

15-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000163219T

10-04-1970 дата публикации

Procedure for splitting from hydrocarbons to gaseous Olefinen

Номер: AT0000280226B

15-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000255155T

15-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000203926T

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155710T

15-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000148545T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250454T

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000256714T

03-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033988013B

03-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030414157B

15-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033953239B

08-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031849646B

16-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039932964B

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Processes and systems for producing syngas from methane

Номер: US20120104322A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Embodiments of a process for producing syngas comprising hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a gas stream comprising methane are provided. The process comprises the step of contacting the gas stream with a two-component catalyst system comprising an apatite component and a perovskite component at reaction conditions effective to convert the methane to the syngas.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Dual riser catalytic cracking process for making middle distillate and lower olefins

Номер: US20130001131A1
Автор: Ye-Mon Chen
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A dual riser catalytic cracking process for preferentially making middle distillate and lower olefins. The system and process provide for the processing of multiple hydrocarbon feedstocks so as to selectively produce middle distillate boiling range product and lower olefins. The system and process uses two riser reactors, a single vessel for separating the cracked product and cracking catalyst received from both riser reactors, and a regenerator for regenerating coked or spent cracking catalyst.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330240A1
Принадлежит: RENTECH, INC.

A system for production of high-quality syngas comprising a first dual fluidized bed loop having a fluid bed conditioner operable to produce high quality syngas comprising a first percentage of components other than carbon monoxide and hydrogen from a gas feed, wherein the conditioner comprises an outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream comprising a catalytic heat transfer material and having a first temperature, and an inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream comprising catalytic heat transfer material and having a second temperature greater than the first temperature; a fluid bed combustor operable to combust fuel and oxidant, wherein the fluid bed combustor comprises an inlet connected with the outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner, and an outlet connected with the inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner; and a catalytic heat transfer material. 1. A system for production of high-quality synthesis gas , the system comprising: a fluid bed conditioner operable to produce a high quality synthesis gas comprising a first percentage of components other than carbon monoxide and hydrogen from a gas feed, wherein the fluid bed conditioner comprises an outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream comprising a catalytic heat transfer material and having a first temperature, and an inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream comprising catalytic heat transfer material and having a second temperature that is greater than the first temperature;', 'a fluid bed combustor operable to combust fuel and oxidant introduced thereto, wherein the fluid bed combustor comprises an inlet fluidly connected with the outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner, and an outlet fluidly connected with the inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream of the fluid bed conditioner; and', 'a catalytic heat transfer material., 'a first dual fluidized bed loop comprising2. The system ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034134A1
Принадлежит: The Ohio State University

A system and process for carrying out one or more chemical reactions are provided and include one or more chemical reactors having particulate solids forming a bed therein, and a gas stripping zone forming a non-mechanical seal between said reactors which includes a conduit connecting the reactors. The conduit includes an inlet for a stripping gas which is adapted to prevent process gas from passing between reactors while permitting particulate solids to pass between reactors. 1. A system for carrying out one or more chemical reactions comprising:a first chemical reactor having an inlet and an outlet for particulate solids, said particulate solids forming a bed in said first reactor, said outlet including a transition zone which narrows the internal diameter of said first reactor, said first reactor including an inlet for a solid or gaseous reactant and an outlet for a process gas;a second chemical reactor having an inlet and an outlet for particulate solids, said particulate solids forming a bed in said second reactor, said second reactor including an inlet for a solid or gaseous reactant and an outlet for a process gas; anda first gas stripping zone forming a non-mechanical seal between said first and second reactors comprising a conduit connecting said first reactor with said second reactor, said conduit including a first end communicating with the solids outlet of said first chemical reactor and a second end communicating with the solids inlet of said second reactor, said first end of said conduit including an inlet for a stripping gas located between said first and second ends, said gas stripping zone adapted to prevent process gas from said first reactor from entering said second reactor while permitting said particulate solids to pass from said first reactor into said second reactor;a third chemical reactor communicating with said second chemical reactor, said third reactor having an inlet and an outlet for particulate solids, said particulate solids forming ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Flexible reactor assembly for polymerization of olefins

Номер: US20140080991A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The invention relates to a reactor assembly for the production of polymers including a fluidized bed reactor ( 1 ) comprising a bottom zone ( 5 ), a middle zone ( 6 ) and an upper zone ( 7 ), an inlet ( 8 ) for the fluidization gas located in the bottom zone ( 5 ), an outlet ( 9 ) for the fluidization gas located in the upper zone ( 7 ); the outlet ( 9 ) for the fluidization gas being coupled with the fluidized bed reactor ( 1 ) via inlet ( 8 ); the equivalent cross-sectional diameter of the bottom zone ( 5 ) being monotonically increasing with respect to the flow direction of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor; the middle zone ( 6 ) having an essentially constant equivalent cross-sectional diameter with respect to the flow direction of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor; the equivalent cross-sectional diameter of the upper zone ( 7 ) being monotonically decreasing with respect to the flow direction of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor; wherein that the ratio of the height of the fluidized bed reactor to the equivalent cross-sectional diameter of the middle zone of the fluidized bed reactor is from 2 to 10; and wherein there is an unobstructed passageway in the direction of flow of the fluidization gas through the fluidized bed reactor from the bottom zone ( 5 ) to the upper zone ( 7 ).

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Generating cellulosic-renewable identification numbers in a refinery

Номер: US20150000186A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

The present application generally relates to methods of generating cellulosic-renewable identification numbers by thermally processing a cellulosic biomass to form a renewable fuel oil, and then co-processing the renewable fuel oil with a petroleum fraction in a refinery to form a cellulosic-renewable identification number-compliant fuel.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001164A1
Автор: Liu Zhongmin, Ye Mao, Zhang Tao

A reaction device for preparing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether, and more specifically relates to a reaction device for preparing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether, which mainly comprises a dense phase fluidized bed reactor (), a cyclone separator (), a stripper (), a lift pipe (), a dense phase fluidized bed regenerator (), a cyclone separator (), a stripper (), and a lift pipe (), wherein the dense phase fluidized bed reactor () is separated into n (n≧2) secondary reaction zones by a material flow controller (), and the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator () is separated into m (m≧2) secondary regeneration zones by the material flow controller (). 1. A reaction device for preparing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether comprising a dense phase fluidized bed reactor , a cyclone separator , a stripper , a lift pipe , a dense phase fluidized bed regenerator , a cyclone separator , a stripper , and a lift pipe; wherein a feeding line for reactor is connected to the bottom of the dense phase fluidized bed reactor; a part of the stripper is in the dense phase fluidized bed reactor , and the remaining part thereof is below the dense phase fluidized bed reactor; the bottom of the lift pipe is connected to the bottom of the stripper , and the top of the lift pipe is connected to the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator; a feeding line for regenerator is connected to the bottom of the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator; a part of the stripper is in the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator , and the remaining part thereof is below the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator; the bottom of the lift pipe is connected to the bottom of the stripper , and the top of the lift pipe is connected to the dense phase fluidized bed reactor , wherein a material flow controller is provided in the dense phase fluidized bed reactor and/or the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator , and the dense phase fluidized bed reactor is separated into ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001257A1

Systems, apparatuses, and processes for controlling free ammonia in wet flue gas desulfurization processes in which an ammonia-containing scrubbing solution is used to produce ammonium sulfate. Such an apparatus includes an absorber having a contactor region through which a flue gas comprising sulfur dioxide is able to flow and a reaction tank containing a scrubbing solution containing ammonium sulfate. The tank has a sidewall and bottom wall that define the perimeter and bottom of the tank. Lance-agitator units are distributed around the perimeter of the tank, each having a lance that injects a mixture of oxygen and a dilute ammonia-containing fluid toward the bottom of the tank and an agitator that agitates the mixture and propels the mixture toward the bottom of the tank. The apparatus includes a source of the mixture of oxygen and dilute ammonia-containing fluid, and recirculates the scrubbing solution from the tank to the contactor region. 1. An apparatus for removing sulfur dioxide from a flue gas , the apparatus comprising:an absorber having a contactor region through which a flue gas comprising sulfur dioxide is able to flow and a reaction tank containing a scrubbing solution comprising ammonium sulfate, the tank having a side wall that defines a perimeter of the tank and a bottom wall that defines a bottom of the tank;a plurality of lance-agitator units distributed around the perimeter of the tank, each of the lance-agitator units comprising a lance that injects a mixture of oxygen and a dilute ammonia-containing fluid toward the bottom of the tank and an agitator that agitates the mixture and propels the mixture toward the bottom of the tank;a source of the mixture of oxygen and dilute ammonia-containing fluid; andmeans for recirculating the scrubbing solution from the tank to the contactor region.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the source of the oxygen in the mixture is air.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the dilute ammonia ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus

Номер: US20150004067A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

The present application generally relates to a fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus having one or more ports for injecting a renewable fuel oil for co-processing the renewable fuel oil and a petroleum fraction.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Sustainable Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling and Methods for Their Manufacture

Номер: US20190003704A1
Принадлежит: Institutt for Energiteknikk IFE

An oxygen carrier (OC) for use in Chemical Looping technology with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) for the combustion of carbonaceous fuels, in which commercial grade metal oxides selected from the group consisting of Cu, Mn, and Co oxides and mixtures thereof constitute a primary oxygen carrier component. The oxygen carrier contains, at least, a secondary oxygen carrier component which is comprised by low-value industrial materials which already contain metal oxides selected from the group consisting of Cu, Mn, Co, Fe, Ni oxides or mixtures thereof. The secondary oxygen carrier component has a minimum oxygen carrying capacity of 1 g of O2 per 100 g material in chemical looping reactions. Methods for the manufacture of the OC are also disclosed.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009150A1

A fluid catalytic cracking apparatus and process is disclosed, providing for efficient conversion of heavy hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins, aromatics, and gasoline. A countercurrent flow reactor operating in bubbling or turbulent fluidization regimes is integrated with a fluid catalytic cracking riser reactor. A heavy hydrocarbon feed is catalytically cracked to naphtha and light olefins in the riser reactor, a co-current flow reactor. To enhance the yields and selectivity to light olefins, cracked hydrocarbon products from the riser reactor, such as Cand naphtha range hydrocarbons, may be recycled and processed in the countercurrent flow reactor. The integration of the countercurrent flow reactor with a conventional FCC riser reactor and catalyst regeneration system may overcome heat balance issues commonly associated with two-stage cracking processes, may substantially increase the overall conversion and light olefins yield, and/or may increases the capability to process heavier feedstocks. 117-. (canceled)18. An apparatus for the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons , comprising:a catalyst regeneration vessel for regenerating a spent catalyst comprising a first cracking catalyst having a first average particle size and density and a second cracking catalyst having a second average particle size and density to form a regenerated catalyst comprising the first cracking catalyst and the second cracking catalyst, wherein the average particle size of the first cracking catalyst is less than the average particle size of the second cracking catalyst;a riser reactor for contacting in co-current flow a first hydrocarbon feed with a first portion of the regenerated catalyst to produce a first effluent comprising a first cracked hydrocarbon product and a spent mixed catalyst fraction;a flow conduit for feeding a second portion of the regenerated catalyst to a second cracking reactor; separate the first cracking catalyst from the second cracking catalyst based on at least ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009673A1

The present invention provides a system and method for purifying and preparing vanadium pentoxide powder. Industrial grade vanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride by low temperature fluidizing chlorination, wherein chlorinating gas is preheated via heat exchange between fluidizing gas and chlorination flue gas, and an appropriate amount of air is added to enable a part of carbon powder to combust so as to achieve a balanced heat supply during the chlorination, thereby increasing the efficiency of chlorination and ensuring good selectivity in low temperature chlorination. The vanadium oxytrichloride is purified by rectification, and then subjected to fluidized gas phase ammonification, thereby obtaining ammonium metavanadate, and further obtaining a high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder product through fluidized calcination. The system and method have advantages of favorable adaptability to a raw material, no discharge of contaminated wastewater, low energy consumption and chlorine consumption in production, stable product quality and so on. 1. A system for purifying and preparing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder , comprising a feeding device , a low temperature chlorination fluidized bed , a rectification and purification device , a gas phase ammonification fluidized bed , an ammonium metavanadate feeding device , a calcination fluidized bed , a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the feeding device comprises an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide hopper, an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide screw feeder, a carbon powder hopper and a carbon powder screw feeder;the low temperature chlorination fluidized bed comprises a chlorination bed feeder, a chlorination fluidized bed body, a chlorination bed cyclone separator, a flue gas heat exchanger, a flue gas condenser, a chlorination bed acid-seal tank and a chlorination bed spiral slag-discharging device;the rectification and purification device comprises a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009674A1

The present invention provides a system and method for producing high-purity vanadium tetraoxide powder. Industrial grade vanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride by low temperature fluidizing chlorination, wherein chlorinating gas is preheated via heat exchange between fluidizing gas and chlorination flue gas, and an appropriate amount of air is added to enable a part of carbon powder to combust so as to achieve a balanced heat supply during the chlorination, thereby increasing the efficiency of chlorination and ensuring good selectivity in low temperature chlorination. The vanadium oxytrichloride is purified by rectification, and then subjected to fluidized gas phase hydrolyzation, thereby producing a high-purity vanadium pentoxide product and a by-product solution of hydrochloric acid, and further obtaining a high-purity vanadium tetraoxide powder product through fluidized hydrogen reduction. The system and method have advantages of favorable adaptability to raw material, no discharge of contaminated wastewater, low energy consumption, etc. 1. A system for producing high-purity vanadium tetraoxide powder ,comprising a feeding device, a low temperature chlorination fluidized bed, a rectification and purification device, a gas phase hydrolyzation fluidized bed, a high-purity vanadium pentoxide feeding device, a reduction fluidized bed, a tail gas washing absorber, an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the feeding device comprises an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide hopper, an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide screw feeder, a carbon powder hopper and a carbon powder screw feeder;the low temperature chlorination fluidized bed comprises a chlorination bed feeder, a chlorination fluidized bed body, a chlorination bed cyclone separator, a flue gas heat exchanger, a flue gas condenser, a chlorination bed acid-seal tank and a chlorination bed spiral slag-discharging device;the rectification and purification device comprises a distilling still, ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Powder

Номер: US20180009675A1

The present invention provides a system and method for producing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder. Industrial grade vanadium pentoxide is converted to vanadium oxytrichloride by low temperature fluidizing chlorination, wherein chlorinating gas is preheated via heat exchange between fluidizing gas and chlorination flue gas, and an appropriate amount of air is added to enable a part of carbon powder to combust so as to achieve a balanced heat supply during the chlorination, thereby increasing the efficiency of chlorination and ensuring good selectivity in low temperature chlorination. The vanadium oxytrichloride is purified by rectification, and then subjected to fluidized gas phase hydrolyzation and fluidized calcination, thereby producing a high-purity vanadium pentoxide product and a by-product of hydrochloric acid solution. The system and method have advantages of favorable adaptability to raw material, no discharge of contaminated wastewater, low energy consumption in production, low operation cost, stable product quality, etc. 1. A system for producing high-purity vanadium pentoxide powder , comprising a feeding device , a low temperature chlorination fluidized bed , a rectification and purification device , a gas phase hydrolyzation fluidized bed , a calcination fluidized bed , a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the feeding device comprises an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide hopper, an industrial grade vanadium pentoxide screw feeder, a carbon powder hopper and a carbon powder screw feeder;the low temperature chlorination fluidized bed comprises a chlorination bed feeder, a chlorination fluidized bed body, a chlorination bed cyclone separator, a flue gas heat exchanger, a flue gas condenser, a chlorination bed acid-seal tank and a chlorination bed spiral slag-discharging device;the rectification and purification device comprises a distilling still, a rectifying column, a distillate condenser, a reflux liquid ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009523A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include, in some embodiments, feeding a hydrocarbon, a first catalyst and a second catalyst to a reactor, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and is less dense than the second catalyst. A first portion of the second catalyst may be recovered as a bottoms product from the reactor, and a cracked hydrocarbon effluent, a second portion of the second catalyst, and the first catalyst may be recovered as an overhead product from the reactor. The second portion of the second catalyst may be separated from the overhead product, providing a first stream comprising the first catalyst and the hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second catalyst, allowing return of the separated second catalyst in the second stream to the reactor. 1. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons , comprising:feeding a mixture of first particles and second particles from a regenerator to a transport vessel or riser reactor, wherein the first particles have a smaller average particle size and/or are less dense than the second particles, and wherein the first particles and second particles may independently be catalytic or non-catalytic particles;feeding a reactive and/or non-reactive carrier fluid to the transport vessel or riser reactor;recovering an overhead product from the transport vessel/riser reactor comprising the carrier fluid and/or a reaction product of the carrier fluid, the second particles, and the first particles; a housing;', 'a solids separation device disposed within the housing for separating the second particles from the overhead product to provide a first stream, comprising the first particles and the carrier fluid and/or a reaction product of the carrier fluid, and a second stream, comprising the separated second particles;', 'one or more cyclones disposed within the housing for ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010098A1
Автор: HONG Jin Ki

A process and an apparatus for producing olefins from light alkanes. A light alkane feed is contacted with catalyst particles in each of reactors, wherein each of the reactors is a fluidized bed reactor. At least a portion of the alkane feed is converted to olefins using the catalyst particles, wherein the olefins form a part of a reactor effluent stream. The reactor effluent streams from each of the reactors are merged to form a merged effluent stream. The merged effluent stream is separated into an olefin stream and the other streams. The other streams may comprise a recycle stream and light gases. 1. A method for producing olefins comprising:contacting a light alkane feed with dehydrogenation catalyst particles in each of reactors, wherein each of the reactors is a fluidized bed reactor partially embedded in a furnace;converting at least a portion of the alkane feed to olefins using the catalyst particles, wherein the olefins form a part of a reactor effluent stream;merging the reactor effluent streams from each of the reactors to form a first merged effluent stream; andseparating an olefin stream comprising the olefins from the first merged effluent stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light alkane feed comprises propane claim 1 , butane claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the olefin stream comprises propylene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , 2-butene claim 1 , isobutene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the separating step separates the first merged effluent stream into the olefin steam claim 1 , a recycle stream claim 1 , and light gases claim 1 , wherein the recycle stream comprises propane claim 1 , butane claim 1 , or a combination thereof claim 1 , and the light gases comprises methane and hydrogen.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst particles are fluidized inside each of the reactors.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033326A1

A dehydrogenation process and apparatus contact a paraffinic stream with dehydrogenation catalyst to product olefinic product gases. The olefinic product gases are separated from spent dehydrogenation catalyst and contained in a confined space that has a smaller volume than the reactor particularly at the same elevation. The containment of the olefinic product gases facilitates quenching the olefinic product gases to terminate reaction and improve selectivity to propylene. 1. A process for contacting a paraffin stream with dehydrogenation catalyst comprising:distributing a paraffin stream to a reactor;contacting said reactant stream with a dehydrogenation catalyst stream to produce olefinic product gases and spent dehydrogenation catalyst;separating a spent dehydrogenation catalyst stream from an olefinic product gas stream in a primary separator;containing said olefinic product gas in a contained space having a volume smaller than the volume of the reactor at the same elevation;quenching said olefinic product gases in said contained space; anddischarging said olefinic product gases from said reactor.2. The process of wherein said contained space has a wall that is spaced apart from a shell of the reactor.3. The process of further comprising a plurality of cyclone separators in said separation chamber and ducting said olefinic product gases from said contained space into said cyclone separators.4. The process of further comprising separating a spent dehydrogenation catalyst from said olefinic product gases in said cyclone separators and dispensing said dehydrogenation catalyst by dip legs of said cyclone separators through a baffle into a dense dehydrogenation catalyst bed.5. The process of wherein said spent dehydrogenation catalyst stream separated from said olefinic product gases in said primary separator falls into said dense dehydrogenation catalyst bed.6. The process of wherein said spent dehydrogenation catalyst stream separated from said olefinic product ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016137A1
Автор: Fan Liang-Shih, Wang Dawei

A system for converting carbonaceous fuels is provided. The system includes a gaseous fuel conversion reactor, a solid fuel conversion reactor, and a fuel pretreatment fluidized bed reactor disposed between the gaseous fuel conversion reactor and the solid fuel conversion reactor. The fuel pretreatment fluidized bed reactor devolatilizes a solid fuel using heat to produce an off-gas and a devolatilized solid fuel. The gaseous fuel conversion reactor converts the off-gas from the fuel pretreatment fluidized bed reactor to a product gas stream comprising carbon dioxide and water. The solid fuel conversion reactor receives a mixture of oxygen carrier solids and devolatilized solid fuel from the pretreatment reactor discharge and reduces the devolatilized solid fuel with the oxygen carrier solids to convert the devolatilized solid fuel to an intermediate gas.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016260A1
Автор: ARU Guido William

The invention is directed to a CO to COcombustion promoter comprising microsphere sized porous silica and/or alumina comprising particles further comprising on or more Group VIII noble metals wherein the noble metal is distributed in the particle as an eggshell such that a higher content of noble metal is present in the outer region of the particle as compared to the content of noble metal in the center of the particle. 1. A CO to COcombustion promoter comprising microsphere sized porous particles comprising at least one of silica and alumina and further comprising one or more Group VIII noble metals wherein the noble metal is distributed in the particle as an eggshell such that a higher content of noble metal is present in the outer region of the particle as compared to the content of noble metal in the centre of the particle.2. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized particles have an average (D50) size of between 60 and 90 microns as measured by laser diffraction.3. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein microsphere sized particle is a gamma and/or theta alumina particle.4. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized particle is a spray dried silica particle.5. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized particle is an equilibrium or spent catalyst as obtained from a fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) process.6. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the attrition index as measured according to ASTM D-5757 of the CO to COcombustion promoter for a sieve fraction of combustion promoter particles of between 40 and 105 microns is between 5 and 25.7. The combustion promoter according to claim 6 , wherein the attrition index of the CO to COcombustion promoter for a sieve fraction of combustion promoter particles of between 40 and 105 microns is between 10 and 20.8. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the Group VIII ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017427A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

According to one or more embodiments of the present disclosure, chemical streams may be processed by a method which may comprise operating a first chemical process, stopping the first chemical process and removing the first catalyst from the reactor, and operating a second chemical process. The reaction of the first chemical process may be a dehydrogenation reaction, a cracking reaction, a dehydration reaction, or a methanol-to-olefin reaction. The reaction of the second chemical process may be a dehydrogenation reaction, a cracking reaction, a dehydration reaction, or a methanol-to-olefin reaction. The first reaction and the second reaction may be different types of reactions. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first product stream and the second product stream comprise one or more of ethylene claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , or butene.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydrogenation reaction claim 1 , and the first catalyst or the second catalyst comprises gallium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , or both.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydrogenation reaction; andthe first feed stream or the second feed stream comprises one or more of ethane, propane, n-butane, and i-butane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction or the second reaction is a cracking reaction claim 1 , and the first catalyst or the second catalyst comprises one or more zeolites.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first reaction or the second reaction is a cracking reaction; andthe first feed stream or the second feed stream comprises one or more of naphtha, n-butane, or i-butane.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydration reaction claim 1 , and the first catalyst or second catalyst comprises one or more acid catalysts.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first reaction or the second reaction is a dehydration reaction;the first feed ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Chemical Synthesis And Synthesis Reactors

Номер: US20180028996A1

The present disclosure relates to chemical synthesis. The teachings thereof may be embodied in methods for chemical synthesis and/or reactors for synthesis. The teaching may increase the conversion of equilibrium-limited reactions in a single pass through a synthesis reactor. For example, a method may include: introducing a synthesis reactant into a reaction chamber with a prevailing pressure p; forming a synthesis product; discharging the product and any unreacted reactant; separating the product from the unreacted reactant; and introducing the unreacted reactant into a second reaction chamber with a prevailing pressure p lower than the pressure p 1. A method of conducting a chemical synthesis , the method comprising:{'b': '1', 'introducing a synthesis reactant into a reaction chamber with a prevailing pressure p;'}forming a synthesis product in the reaction chamber consuming at least part of the synthesis reactant;discharging the synthesis product and any unreacted synthesis reactant from the reaction chamber;separating the synthesis product from the unreacted synthesis reactant; and{'b': 2', '1, 'introducing the unreacted synthesis reactant into a second reaction chamber with a prevailing pressure p lower than the pressure p.'}2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first and second reaction chambers are connected by a heat pipe; anda heat of reaction resulting from formation of the synthesis product is exchanged between the reaction chambers.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heat pipe passes out of at least one of the first or second reaction chambers claim 1 , and heat energy is removed therefrom.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reaction chambers are charged with carrier liquid into which the synthesis reactant is introduced; andthe synthesis reactant is converted at least in part to the synthesis product with in the carrier liquid.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising supplying a particulate ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055005A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include, in some embodiments, feeding a hydrocarbon, a first catalyst and a second catalyst to a reactor, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and is less dense than the second catalyst. A first portion of the second catalyst may be recovered as a bottoms product from the reactor, and a cracked hydrocarbon effluent, a second portion of the second catalyst, and the first catalyst may be recovered as an overhead product from the reactor. The second portion of the second catalyst may be separated from the overhead product, providing a first stream comprising the first catalyst and the hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second catalyst, allowing return of the separated second catalyst in the second stream to the reactor. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. An integrated disengagement vessel comprising:a housing;a solids separation device disposed within the housing for separating a hydrocarbon stream comprising a hydrocarbon fraction, a second particles, and a first particles into a first stream, comprising the first particles and the hydrocarbon fraction, and a second stream, comprising the separated second particles;one or more cyclones disposed within the housing for separating the first stream to recover a solids fraction, comprising the first particles, and a vapor fraction, comprising the hydrocarbon fraction;an internal vessel disposed within the housing for receiving the second stream comprising the separated second particles;an annular region between the housing and the internal vessel for receiving the solids fraction comprising the first particles;a vapor outlet for recovering the vapor fraction.7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising a flow line for feeding the solids fraction from the annular region to a regenerator.8. The ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

High severity fluidized catalytic cracking systems and processes for producing olefins from petroleum feeds

Номер: US20210047573A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Systems and processes are disclosed for producing petrochemical products, such as ethylene, propene and other olefins from crude oil in high severity fluid catalytic cracking (HSFCC) units. Processes include separating a crude oil into a light fraction and a heavy fraction, cracking the light fraction and heavy fraction in separation cracking reaction zones, and regenerating the cracking catalysts in a two-zone regenerator having a first regeneration zone for the first catalyst (heavy fraction) and a second regeneration zone for the second catalyst (light fraction) separate from the first regeneration zone. Flue gas from the first catalyst regeneration zone is passed to the second regeneration zone to provide additional heat to raise the temperature of the second catalyst of the light fraction side. The disclosed systems and processes enable different catalysts and operating conditions to be utilized for the light fraction and the heavy fraction of a crude oil feed.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044173A1

A system and method for producing a 3.5-valence high-purity vanadium electrolyte, comprising hydrolyzing high-purity vanadium oxytrichloride into vanadium pentoxide in a fluidized bed, and reducing vanadium pentoxide into a low-valence vanadium oxide having an average vanadium valence of 3.5 adding water and a sulfuric acid solution under a microwave field applied externally for dissolution at a low temperature, to obtain a 3.5-valence high-purity vanadium electrolyte. The preparation of vanadium pentoxide by means of gas-phase hydrolysis in the fluidized bed is of short process and high efficiency. By providing an internal member within the reduction fluidized bed, the precise regulation of the valence state of the reduction product is achieved, and the special chemical effect of the microwave field is used to promote dissolution of the vanadium oxide and activate the vanadium ions, thereby greatly improving the activity of the electrolyte. 1. A system for producing a 3.5-valence high-purity vanadium electrolyte , comprising a vanadium oxytrichloride storage tank , a gas phase hydrolysis fluidized bed , a vanadium pentoxide feeding device , a preheat dedusting device , a reduction fluidized bed , a primary cooling device , a secondary cooling device , a low-valence vanadium oxide feeding device , a dissolution and activation device a tail gas washing absorber , an induced draft fan and a chimney;wherein the gas phase hydrolysis fluidized bed comprises a vanadium oxytrichloride vaporizer, a clean water vaporize, a chloride spray gun a gas phase hydrolysis fluidized bed body, a hydrolysis fluidized bed discharger, and a hydrochloric acid tail gas absorber;the vanadium pentoxide feeding device comprises a vanadium pentoxide hopper and a vanadium pentoxide screw feeder;the preheat dedusting device comprises a venturi preheater, a first cyclone separator, a cyclone preheater, and a bag-type dust collector;the reduction fluidized bed comprises a feeder, a bed body, a ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048166A1

A fast fluidized bed reactor, device and method for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene, resolving or improving the competition problem between an MTO reaction and an alkylation reaction during the process of producing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene, and achieving a synergistic effect between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction. By controlling the mass transfer and reaction, competition between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction is coordinated and optimized to facilitate a synergistic effect of the two reactions, so that the conversion rate of benzene, the yield of para-xylene, and the selectivity of light olefins are increased. 124-. (canceled)25. A fast fluidized bed reactor for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors , the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in the fast fluidized bed reactor.26. The fast fluidized bed reactor of claim 25 , wherein the number of the second reactor feed distributors is in a range from 2 to 10.27. The fast fluidized bed reactor of claim 25 , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor gas-solid separator and a second reactor gas-solid separator claim 25 , the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed in a dilute phase zone or outside a reactor shell claim 25 , and the second reactor gas-solid separator is placed in the dilute phase zone or outside the reactor shell;the first reactor gas-solid separator is provided with a regenerated catalyst inlet, a catalyst outlet of the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed at the bottom of a reaction zone, and a gas outlet of the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Solids circulation system and method for capture and conversion of reactive solids with fluidized bed temperature control

Номер: US20170051217A1
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A solids circulation system receives a gas stream containing char or other reacting solids from a first reactor. The solids circulation system includes a cyclone configured to receive the gas stream from the first reactor, a dipleg from the cyclone to a second reactor, and a riser from the second reactor which merges with the gas stream received by the cyclone. The second reactor has a dense fluid bed and converts the received materials to gaseous products. A conveying fluid transports a portion of the bed media from the second reactor through the riser to mix with the gas stream prior to cyclone entry. The bed media helps manipulate the solids that is received by the cyclone to facilitate flow of solids down the dipleg into the second reactor. The second reactor provides additional residence time, mixing and gas-solid contact for efficient conversion of char or reacting solids.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055014A1

A fast fluidized-bed reactor, device and method for preparing propylene and C4 hydrocarbons from oxygen-containing compounds. The device includes the fast fluidized-bed reactor and a fluidized-bed regenerator for regenerating a catalyst. The method includes: a) feeding a raw material containing the oxygen-containing compounds from reactor feed distributors to a dense phase zone of the fast fluidized-bed reactor, and contacting the raw material with a catalyst, to generate a stream containing target product and a spent catalyst containing carbon; b) sending the stream into a product separation system, obtaining propylene, C4 hydrocarbons, light fractions and the like after separation, returning 70 wt. % or more of the light fractions to the dense phase zone of the fast fluidized-bed reactor from the reactor feed distributor. 115-. (canceled)16. A fast fluidized-bed reactor for preparing propylene and C4 hydrocarbons from oxygen-containing compounds , comprising:a reactor shell, one or more reactor feed distributors, a first reactor gas-solid separator, a second reactor gas-solid separator, a reactor heat extractor, a product gas outlet and a reactor stripper, wherein the lower part of the fast fluidized-bed reactor is a dense phase zone, the upper part of the fast fluidized-bed reactor is a dilute phase zone, one and more reactor feed distributors are disposed in the dense phase zone, the reactor heat extractor is disposed inside or outside the reactor shell, the first reactor gas-solid separator and the second reactor gas-solid separator are placed outside the reactor shell, the first reactor gas-solid separator is equipped with a regenerated catalyst inlet, the catalyst outlet of the first reactor gas-solid separator is located at the bottom of the dense phase zone, the gas outlet of the first reactor gas-solid separator is located in the dilute phase zone, the inlet of the second reactor gas-solid separator is located in the dilute phase zone, the catalyst outlet ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055015A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A method for processing a chemical stream includes contacting a feed stream with a catalyst in a reactor portion of a reactor system causing a reaction which forms a product stream. The method includes separating the product stream from the catalyst, passing the catalyst to a catalyst processing portion of the reactor system, processing the catalyst in the catalyst processing portion, and passing a portion of the catalyst from the catalyst processing portion of the reactor system into a catalyst withdrawal system that includes a catalyst withdrawal vessel and a transfer line coupling the catalyst withdrawal vessel to the catalyst processing portion. Each of the catalyst withdrawal vessel and the transfer line include an outer metallic shell and an inner refractory lining. The method further includes cooling the catalyst in the catalyst withdrawal vessel from greater than or equal to 680° C. to less than or equal to 350° C. 1. A method for processing a chemical stream , the method comprising:contacting a feed stream with a catalyst in a reactor portion of a reactor system, wherein the reactor system comprises the reactor portion and a catalyst processing portion and the contacting of the feed stream with the catalyst causes a reaction which forms a product stream;passing the catalyst to the catalyst processing portion of the reactor system;processing the catalyst in the catalyst processing portion of the reactor system;passing at least a portion of the catalyst from the catalyst processing portion of the reactor system into a catalyst withdrawal system comprising a catalyst withdrawal vessel and a transfer line coupling the catalyst withdrawal vessel to the catalyst processing portion, each of the catalyst withdrawal vessel and the transfer line comprising an outer metallic shell and an inner refractory lining; andcooling the catalyst in the catalyst withdrawal vessel from greater than or equal to 680° C. to less than or equal to 350° C.2. The method of claim 1 , ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064090A1

Embodiments of a series-coupled fluidized bed reactor unit are provided. In one embodiment, the reactor unit includes primary and secondary reactors. The primary reactor includes a reaction vessel, a gas distributor fluidly coupled to the reaction vessel, and a cyclonic plenum assembly. The cyclonic plenum assembly includes a plenum assembly housing, which is fluidly coupled to the gas distributor and which has an annular sidewall; and a gas/solids inlet pipe, which fluidly couples a partially-reacted gas outlet of the secondary reactor to the plenum assembly housing. The gas/solids inlet pipe is tangentially positioned with respect to the annular sidewall of the plenum assembly housing to induce vortex flow within the plenum assembly housing of the partially-reacted gas received from the secondary fluidized bed reactor through the gas/solids inlet pipe to promote the cyclonic separation of entrained solids from the partially-reacted gas prior to entry into the gas distributor. 1. A series-coupled fluidized bed reactor unit , comprising:a secondary fluidized bed reactor having a partially-reacted gas outlet; a reaction vessel;', 'a gas distributor fluidly coupled to the reaction vessel; and', a plenum assembly housing fluidly coupled to the gas distributor and having an annular sidewall; and', 'a gas/solids inlet pipe fluidly coupling the partially-reacted gas outlet to the plenum assembly housing, the gas/solids inlet pipe tangentially positioned with respect to the annular sidewall of the plenum assembly housing to induce vortex flow within the plenum assembly housing of the partially-reacted gas received from the secondary fluidized bed reactor through the gas/solids inlet pipe to promote the cyclonic separation of entrained solids from the partially-reacted gas prior to entry into the gas distributor., 'a cyclonic plenum assembly, comprising], 'a primary fluidized bed reactor, comprising2. A series-coupled fluidized bed reactor unit according to wherein the gas/ ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

External steam reduction method in a fluidized catalytic cracker

Номер: US20150065759A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

The present disclosure generally relates to methods to reduce the external steam supplied to a fluidized catalytic cracker by injecting a stream comprising a water-containing renewable fuel oil into a riser of a fluidized catalytic cracker.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Fluidized catalytic cracker riser quench system

Номер: US20150065760A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

The present application generally relates to a riser quench system comprising a quench line and one or more quench injecting ports for injecting a renewable fuel oil into the riser of a fluidized catalytic cracker co-processing a renewable fuel oil and a petroleum fraction as reactants.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Systems for selective naphtha reforming

Номер: US20190062650A1
Принадлежит: Phillips 66 Co

Systems for reforming a hydrocarbon feedstock, where the system is operable to selectively reform different sub-components of the hydrocarbon feedstock using at least two structurally-distinct reforming catalysts. Advantages may include a decreased rate of reforming catalyst deactivation and an increased yield of a liquid hydrocarbon reformate product that is characterized by at least one of an increased octane rating and a decreased vapor pressure compared to the liquid hydrocarbon reformate product of conventional one-step reforming systems.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068454A1

Disclosed herein is a method and apparatus for dehydrogenation of a paraffin comprising: providing a dehydrogenation reactor comprising an integrated fluidized bed reactor and a regenerator reactor, wherein the integrated fluidized bed reactor has a first longitudinal axis and comprises an inner surface defining an interior space, wherein the regenerator reactor has a second longitudinal axis and is positioned at least partially within the interior space; activating a deactivated catalyst present in the regenerator reactor by performing a exothermic catalyst regeneration reaction to produce an activated catalyst and heat; transferring the heat to the integrated fluidized bed reactor; and dehydrogenating a paraffm present in the integrated fluidized bed reactor by performing an endothermic reaction with a catalyst, the paraffm, and at least a portion of the transferred heat to forma dehydrogenation product. 1. A method for dehydrogenation of a paraffin comprising:providing a dehydrogenation reactor comprising an integrated fluidized bed reactor and in-situ regenerator, wherein the integrated fluidized bed reactor has a first longitudinal axis and comprises an inner surface defining an interior space, wherein the in-situ regenerator has a second longitudinal axis and is positioned at least partially within the interior space;activating the deactivated catalyst by regeneration with any oxygen containing gas/fluid performing an exothermic reaction and transferring the heat to the integrated fluidized bed reactor for reaction; and dehydrogenation of paraffin present in the integrated fluidized bed reactor by performing an endothermic reaction, and at least a portion of the transferred heat to form a dehydrogenation products.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transferring a deactivated catalyst from the integrated fluidized bed reactor to the in-situ regenerator.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transferring the activated catalyst from ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

A Process for Producing Hydrogen and Graphitic Carbon from Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20180065850A1

In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon from a hydrocarbon gas comprising: contacting at a temperature between 600° C. and 1000° C. the catalyst with the hydrocarbon gas to catalytically convert at least a portion of the hydrocarbon gas to hydrogen and graphitic carbon, wherein the catalyst is a low grade iron oxide. 1. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon from a hydrocarbon gas comprising:contacting at a temperature between 600° C. and 1000° C. the catalyst with the hydrocarbon gas to catalytically convert at least a portion of the hydrocarbon gas to hydrogen and graphitic carbon, wherein the catalyst is a low grade iron oxide.2. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.3. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure is 0 bar to 100 bar.4. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature is between 700° C. and 950° C.5. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature is between 800° C. and 900° C.6. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature is between 650° C. and 750° C.7. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon gas is methane.8. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon gas is natural gas.9. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the contacting the catalyst with the hydrocarbon gas is performed in a plurality of pressurized reactors arranged in series.10. A process for producing hydrogen and graphitic carbon according to claim 1 , wherein the arrangement of the reactors in series allows gas to ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066195A1
Автор: Karime Mustapha N.

The presently disclosed subject matter relates to systems and methods for catalyst regeneration. In particular, the presently disclosed subject matter provides for an integrated fluidized bed reactor and catalyst regeneration system to minimize hydrocarbon accumulation. In one embodiment, the presently disclosed subject matter provides for a fluidized bed reactor unit including a catalyst riser having a partially perforated surface in close proximity to a reactor stripper. 1. A catalyst reaction and regenerator system , comprising:a fluidized bed reactor comprising: 'a reactor stripper in close proximity to the partially perforated surface of the catalyst riser; and', 'a catalyst riser having a partially perforated surface; and'}a catalyst regenerator having at least two transfer lines to the fluidized bed reactor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein one of the transfer lines connects the catalyst riser to the catalyst regenerator.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein one of the two transfer lines connects the reactor stripper and the catalyst regenerator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the perforated surface of the catalyst riser does not allow more than about 5% to about 10% of a catalyst to flow inside the catalyst riser from the reactor stripper.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the partially perforated surface of the catalyst riser minimizes coke formation.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises a second reactor.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the second reactor is connected to the fluidized bed reactor by a transfer line.8. A method of regenerating catalyst claim 6 , comprising: generating a chemical product in the presence of a catalyst in the catalyst riser;', 'separating the chemical product from the catalyst in the catalyst riser;', 'feeding the catalyst from the catalyst riser to the reactor stripper;', 'transferring the catalyst from the reactor stripper to a catalyst regenerator through a transfer line; and, 'feeding a ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification

Номер: US20170066652A1

A system, for production of high-quality syngas, comprising a first dual fluidized bed loop having a fluid bed conditioner operable to produce high quality syngas comprising a first percentage of components other than CO and Hfrom a gas feed, wherein the conditioner comprises an outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream comprising a catalytic heat transfer material and having a first temperature, and an inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream comprising catalytic heat transfer material and having a second temperature greater than the first temperature; a fluid bed combustor operable to combust fuel and oxidant, wherein the fluid bed combustor comprises an inlet connected with the outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner, and an outlet connected with the inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner; and a catalytic heat transfer material. 1. A method for continuous dry reforming , the method comprising:introducing a feed comprising carbon dioxide and at least one selected from methane and propane into a fluid bed conditioner operated at a conditioning temperature, wherein the fluid bed conditioner is one fluid bed of a dual fluidized bed loop and is configured to convert at least a portion of said feed into synthesis gas components;extracting a first catalytic heat transfer stream comprising a catalytic heat transfer material and having a first temperature from the fluid bed conditioner and introducing at least a portion of the first catalytic heat transfer stream and a flue gas into a fluid bed combustor, wherein the fluid bed combustor is configured to regenerate the catalyst via combustion;extracting a second catalytic heat transfer stream comprising catalytic heat transfer material and having a second temperature from the fluid bed combustor and introducing at least a portion of the second catalytic heat transfer stream into the fluid bed conditioner; andextracting synthesis gas from the fluid ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079968A1

Systems for separating a contaminant trapping additive from a cracking catalyst may include a contaminant removal vessel having one or more fluid connections for receiving contaminated cracking catalyst, contaminated contaminant trapping additive, fresh contaminant trapping additive, and a fluidizing gas. In the contaminant removal vessel, the spent catalyst may be contacted with contaminant trapping additive, which may have an average particle size and/or density greater than the cracking catalyst. A separator may be provided for separating an overhead stream from the contaminant removal vessel into a first stream comprising cracking catalyst and lifting gas and a second stream comprising contaminant trapping additive. A recycle line may be used for transferring contaminant trapping additive recovered in the second separator to the contaminant removal vessel, allowing contaminant trapping additive to accumulate in the contaminant removal vessel. A bottoms product line may provide for recovering contaminant trapping additive from the contaminant removal vessel. 1. A system for cracking hydrocarbons , comprising:a first reactor for contacting a cracking catalyst with a hydrocarbon feedstock to convert at least a portion of the hydrocarbon feedstock to lighter hydrocarbons;a separator for separating the lighter hydrocarbons from spent cracking catalyst;a feed line for feeding separated spent cracking catalyst from the separator to a catalyst regenerator;a catalyst transfer line for transferring a portion of the spent cracking catalyst from the catalyst regenerator to a contaminant removal vessel;the contaminant removal vessel, for contacting the spent catalyst with a contaminant trapping additive having an average particle size and/or density greater than those of the cracking catalyst;a second separator for separating an overhead stream from the contaminant removal vessel into a first stream comprising cracking catalyst and lifting gas and a second stream comprising ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079973A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include, in some embodiments, feeding a hydrocarbon, a first catalyst and a second catalyst to a reactor, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and is less dense than the second catalyst. A first portion of the second catalyst may be recovered as a bottoms product from the reactor, and a cracked hydrocarbon effluent, a second portion of the second catalyst, and the first catalyst may be recovered as an overhead product from the reactor. The second portion of the second catalyst may be separated from the overhead product, providing a first stream comprising the first catalyst and the hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second catalyst, allowing return of the separated second catalyst in the second stream to the reactor. 1. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons , comprising:feeding a first particle and a second particle to a reactor, wherein the first particle has a smaller average particle size and/or is less dense than the second particle, and wherein the first particle and second particle may independently be catalytic or non-catalytic particles;feeding a hydrocarbon feedstock to the reactor;recovering an overhead product from the reactor comprising a converted hydrocarbon effluent, the second particle, and the first particle;separating the second particle from the overhead product to provide a first stream comprising the first particle and the converted hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second particle;returning the separated second particle in the second stream to the reactor.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising recovering a bottoms product from the reactor comprising the second particle.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:feeding a second hydrocarbon feedstock and a mixture of first particle and second particle ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for regenerating catalyst

Номер: US20170080413A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A baffle is installed on the wall of a regenerator vessel to push catalyst away from the wall to ensure adequate exposure to regeneration gas and complete combustion of coke from the catalyst. We have found that in deep beds, catalyst can flow down the walls and escape sufficient exposure to regeneration gas and undergo too little regeneration.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080006A1

The present invention provides a process for a production of light olefins and aromatics from cracked light naphtha by selective cracking. The present invention thus provides a process for up grading cracked olefinic naphtha to high value petrochemical feed stocks. This process is based on catalytic cracking in which the catalyst activity is optimized by depositing coke for production of light olefins and aromatics. The proposed process has high flexibility and can be operated either in maximizing olefins as reflected from the PIE ratio or in maximizing aromatics (BTX) at different modes of operation depending upon the product requirement. 1. A process for selective production of light olefins and aromatics , the process comprising:a) feeding a mixed olefinic cracked naphtha feedstock into a reactor; (i) wherein under olefinic mode of operation, the mixed olefinic cracked naphtha is catalytically cracked by contacting with a zeolite catalyst for a residence time ranging between 35-65 minutes and at a pressure ranging between 1-2 bar to obtain a cracked product comprising light olefins in the range of 30-50 wt % and obtaining the light olefins as a gaseous product with a propylene to ethylene ratio (PIE) in the range of 1-5;', '(ii) wherein under aromatic mode of operation, the mixed olefinic cracked naphtha is catalytically cracked by contacting with a zeolite catalyst for a residence time ranging between 20-35 minutes and at a pressure ranging between 5-7 bar to obtain a cracked product comprising aromatics in the range of 10-25 wt % and obtaining the aromatics as a liquid product; and, 'b) catalytic cracking of the mixed olefinic cracked naphtha in the reactor under olefinic mode or aromatic mode of operation,'}c) recovering spent catalyst from the reactor and feeding the spent catalyst to a regenerator to obtain a regenerated catalyst and recycling the regenerated catalyst to the reactor.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mixed olefinic cracked ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Fcc co-processing of biomass oil

Номер: US20220145188A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Systems and methods are provided for co-processing of biomass oil in a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) system that include recovering an additional source of H 2 or synthesis gas from the overhead product gas stream. The additional H 2 can be used to partially hydrogenate biomass oil prior to co-processing the biomass oil in the fluid catalytic cracking system. Additionally or alternately, the additional synthesis gas can represent an additional yield of products from the process, such as an additional yield that can be used for synthesis of further liquid products.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101397A1
Автор: Bories Marc, Leroy Patrick

Process for the fluidized-bed catalytic cracking of a weakly coking feedstock having a Conradson carbon residue equal to or less than 0.1% by weight and a hydrogen content equal to or greater than 12.7% by weight, comprising at least a step of cracking the feedstock, a step of separating/stripping the effluents from the coked catalyst particles and a step of regenerating said particles, the process being characterized in that at least one coking, carbonaceous and/or hydrocarbonaceous effluent having a content of aromatic compounds of greater than 50% by weight, comprising more than 20% by weight of polyaromatic compounds, is recycled to homogeneously distributed and weakly coked catalyst, before regeneration, in order to adjust the delta coke of the process. 112.-. (canceled)13. Plant for implementing a process for fluidized bed catalytic cracking , comprising at least a main reactor and optionally at least a secondary reactor , at least a disengager and a stripper , and a single-stage or multistage regenerator , characterized in that the stripper contains , level with a dense catalyst bed , at least one zone equipped with at least one structured packing element positioned upstream of a device for dispersing a coking fraction with respect to circulation of a stream of catalyst particles , wherein said structured packing element(s) are formed by interlacing plates , strips or fins constituting a screen , said screen occupying less than 10% of the area of flow cross section in a vessel in which it is placed , but covering , in projection on said section , the entire area thereof.14. Plant according to claim 13 , characterized in that the stripper contains at least two zones equipped with at least one structured packing element that are associated with two fluid-dispersing devices claim 13 , one for dispersing coking fractions claim 13 , the other for dispersing stripping fluid claim 13 , these devices being located downstream of said structured packing elements ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

A process for reacting oxygen carrying regenerated catalyst prior to use in a fluidized bed reactor

Номер: US20190099745A1
Автор: Liwei Li, Matthew T. Pretz
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A process to react an oxygen containing regenerated catalyst stream prior to use in a fluidized bed reactor comprising providing a regenerated catalyst stream which comprises at least 0.001 wt % oxygen; reacting the regenerated catalyst stream with a fuel source thereby forming oxides and reducing the amount of oxygen in the regenerated catalyst stream to produce a usable regenerated catalyst stream; and injecting the usable regenerated catalyst stream into a hydrocarbon fluidized bed reactor is provided.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121842A1

A turbulent fluidized bed reactor, device and method for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene, resolving or improving the competition problem between an MTO reaction and an alkylation reaction during the process of producing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene, and achieving a synergistic effect between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction. By controlling the mass transfer and reaction, competition between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction is coordinated and optimized to facilitate a synergistic effect of the two reactions, so that the conversion rate of benzene, the yield of para-xylene, and the selectivity of light olefins are increased. The turbulent fluidized bed reactor includes a first reactor feed distributor and a number of second reactor feed distributors; the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributions are sequentially arranged. 126-. (canceled)27. A turbulent fluidized bed reactor for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and benzene , the turbulent fluidized bed reactor comprising a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors , the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in the turbulent fluidized bed reactor; andthe number of the second reactor feed distributors is in a range from 2 to 10.28. The turbulent fluidized bed reactor of claim 27 , the turbulent fluidized bed reactor further comprises a first reactor gas-solid separator and a second reactor gas-solid separator claim 27 , the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed in a dilute phase zone or outside a reactor shell claim 27 , and the second reactor gas-solid separator is placed in the dilute phase zone or outside the reactor ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Methods for alkane dehydrogenation

Номер: US20160122263A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Basic Industries Corp

Disclosed herein are methods for dehydrogenation of alkanes to olefins by co-injecting the alkane feed with hydrogen. The present methods provide the improved feed conversion, desired product selectivity, total olefins in product stream, and lower catalyst deactivation rate.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117556A1
Автор: FOSHEE Robert Todd

A solids distributor () comprising: a solids standpipe (); a gas line (); a solids transfer line () in fluid communication with the solids standpipe () and the gas line (); and a distributor () in fluid communication with the solids transfer line (). A solids distributor system comprising the a vessel and the solids distributor () and a method of distributing fluidized solids. 1. A solids distributor comprising:a solids standpipe;a gas line;a solids transfer line in fluid communication with the solids standpipe and the gas line; anda distributor in fluid communication with the solids transfer line.2. The solids distributor of claim 1 , wherein the solids distributor comprises a spent catalyst distributor.3. The solids distributor of claim 1 , wherein the distributor comprises a center conduit and one or more arms.4. The solids distributor of claim 3 , wherein the distributor comprises four arms.5. The solids distributor of claim 3 , wherein the arms comprise open ends.6. The solids distributor of claim 3 , wherein the arms each comprise a slot.7. The solids distributor of claim 5 , wherein the slot has a tapered geometry.8. A solids distributor system comprising:a vessel and a solids standpipe;', 'a gas line;', 'a solids transfer line in fluid communication with the solids standpipe and the gas line; and', 'a distributor in fluid communication with the solids transfer line., 'a solids distributor disposed within the vessel, wherein the solids distributor comprises9. The solids distributor system of claim 8 , wherein the solids distributor comprises a spent catalyst distributor.10. The solids distributor system of claim 8 , wherein the distributor comprises a center conduit and one or more arms.11. The solids distributor system of claim 10 , wherein the distributor comprises four arms.12. The solids distributor system of claim 10 , wherein the arms comprise open ends.13. The solids distributor system of claim 10 , wherein the arms each comprise a slot.14. The solids ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117581A1

A process for regenerating catalyst particles is disclosed. The process includes the steps: (a) withdrawing a regeneration zone effluent comprising halogen from a regeneration zone, wherein the regeneration zone contains catalyst particles comprising halogen; (b) contacting a first portion of the regeneration zone effluent with adsorbent in a first adsorption zone, removing halogen from the first portion of the regeneration zone effluent, and withdrawing from the first adsorption zone a first adsorption zone effluent; (c) contacting the first adsorption zone effluent with a water removing material to create a first water-depleted stream; and (d) passing the first water-depleted stream to the regeneration zone. Other embodiments include different orders of the steps. 1. A process for regenerating catalyst particles , the process comprising:withdrawing a regeneration zone effluent comprising halogen from a regeneration zone, wherein the regeneration zone comprises catalyst particles comprising halogen;contacting a first portion of the regeneration zone effluent with a water removing material to create a first water-depleted stream;contacting the first water-depleted stream with adsorbent in an adsorption zone, removing halogen from the first water-depleted stream, and withdrawing from the adsorption zone an adsorption zone effluent; andpassing at least a portion of the adsorption zone effluent to the regeneration zone.2. A process for adsorbing hydrogen chloride (HCl) from a regeneration vent gas , the process comprising:cooling the regeneration vent gas from a regeneration zone;passing the cooled regeneration vent gas to an adsorption zone that is spaced apart from the regeneration zone;adsorbing HCl from the regeneration vent gas onto a spent catalyst in the adsorption zone to enrich the spent catalyst with HCl to provide HCl-rich catalyst and deplete HCl from the regeneration vent gas to provide HCl-lean regeneration vent gas;purging the HCl-lean regeneration vent ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Process for producing catalytic cracking gasoline with a high octane number

Номер: US20190119586A1

The present disclosure relates to a process for producing catalytic cracking gasoline comprising the following steps: i) subjecting a heavy feedstock oil to a catalytic cracking reaction in the presence of a first catalytic cracking catalyst to obtain a first reaction product; ii) subjecting a hydrogenated cycle oil to a catalytic cracking reaction in the presence of a second catalytic cracking catalyst to obtain a second reaction product; iii) separating a mixture of the first reaction product and the second reaction product to obtain a catalytic cracking gasoline and a catalytic cracking light cycle oil; iv) subjecting the catalytic cracking light cycle oil or a fraction thereof to hydrogenation to obtain a hydrogenated product; and v) recycling the hydrogenated product to the step ii) as the hydrogenated cycle oil. The present disclosure also relates to a catalytic cracking system for carrying out the process. The process and system according to the present application are capable of providing optimized reaction conditions for the hydrogenated cycle oil and the heavy feedstock oil, thereby providing a high yield of high-octane gasoline.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162377A1
Автор: ARU Guido William

The invention is directed to a CO to COcombustion promoter comprising microsphere sized porous silica and/or alumina comprising particles further comprising on or more Group VIII noble metals wherein the noble metal is distributed in the particle as an eggshell such that a higher content of noble metal is present in the outer region of the particle as compared to the content of noble metal in the center of the particle. 1. A CO to COcombustion promoter comprising microsphere sized porous particles , each microsphere sized porous particle independently comprising:silica, alumina, or mixtures thereof; andone or more Group VIII noble metals distributed in the particle as an eggshell such that a higher content of the one or more Group VIII noble metals is present in the outer region of the microsphere sized porous particle as compared to the content of the one or more Group VIII noble metals in the centre of the microsphere sized porous particle.2. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of microsphere sized porous particles comprising silica.3. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of microsphere sized porous particles comprising alumina.4. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , comprising a first plurality of microsphere sized porous particles comprising silica and a second plurality of microsphere sized porous particles comprising alumina.5. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of microsphere sized porous particles comprising silica and alumina.6. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized porous particles have an average (D50) size of between 60 and 90 microns as measured by laser diffraction.7. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized porous particles are gamma or theta alumina particles.8. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized porous particles are spray ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Fluidized bed installation

Номер: US20190134584A1

The invention relates to a fluidized bed installation ( 1 ), comprising at least two chambers ( 2, 3, 4 ), wherein each chamber ( 2, 3, 4 ) has a main body ( 5 ) and a gas inlet ( 6 ) and a gas outlet ( 7 ), wherein each main body ( 5 ) has an inlet ( 8 ) and an outlet ( 9 ) for a solid ( 19 ), wherein the inlet ( 8 ) of a first chamber ( 2 ) is connected to a feed ( 10 ) of the fluidized bed installation ( 1 ), the outlet ( 9 ) of the first chamber ( 2 ) is connected to the inlet ( 8 ) of a second chamber ( 4 ), and the outlet ( 9 ) of the second chamber ( 4 ) is connected to a discharge ( 11 ) of the fluidized bed installation ( 1 ), and wherein a valve ( 12 ) is arranged between two connected chambers ( 2, 3, 4 ) and/or at the feed ( 10 ) and/or at the discharge ( 11 ) such that either continuous operation or semi-continuous operation of the fluidized bed installation ( 1 ) is enabled.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

New cyclic metal deactivation unit design for fcc catalyst deactivation

Номер: US20190134589A1
Принадлежит: BASF Corp

A cyclic metals deactivation system unit for the production of equilibrium catalyst materials including a cracker vessel configured for cracking and stripping a catalyst material; and a regenerator vessel in fluid communication with the cracker vessel, the regenerator vessel configured for regeneration and steam deactivation of the catalyst material.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144768A1

Systems and methods are provided for producing high quality synthesis gas from a fluidized coking system that includes an integrated gasifier. Additionally or alternately, systems and methods are provided for integrating a fluidized coking process, a coke gasification process, and processes for production of compounds from the synthesis gas generated during the coke gasification. The integrated process can also allow for reduced or minimized production of inorganic nitrogen compounds by using oxygen from an air separation unit as the oxygen source for gasification. Although the amount of nitrogen introduced as a diluent into the gasification will be reduced, minimized, or eliminated, the integrated process can also allow for gasification of coke while reducing, minimizing, or eliminating production of slag or other glass-like substances in the gasifier. Examples of compounds that can be produced from the synthesis gas include, but are not limited to, methanol, ammonia, and urea. 1. A method for producing synthesis gas or products derived from synthesis gas , comprising:exposing a feedstock comprising a T10 distillation point of 343° C. or more to a fluidized bed comprising solid particles in a reactor under thermal cracking conditions to form a 343° C.− liquid product, the thermal cracking conditions comprising 10 wt % or more conversion of the feedstock relative to 343° C., the thermal cracking conditions being effective for depositing coke on the solid particles;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'introducing an oxygen stream comprising O, a diluent stream comprising CO, HS, other inorganic gases, or a combination thereof, and steam into a gasifier, the oxygen stream comprising 55 vol % or more of Oprior to combining the oxygen stream with at least one of the diluent stream and the steam;'}passing at least a portion of the solid particles comprising deposited coke from the reactor to the gasifier;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'exposing the at least a portion of the solid ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140355A1

A turbulent fluidized bed reactor, device and method for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene, resolving or improving the competition problem between an MTO reaction and an alkylation reaction during the process of producing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene, and achieving a synergistic effect between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction. By controlling the mass transfer and reaction, competition between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction is coordinated and optimized to facilitate a synergistic effect of the two reactions, so that the conversion rate of toluene, the yield of para-xylene, and the selectivity of light olefins are increased. The turbulent fluidized bed reactor includes a first reactor feed distributor and a number of second reactor feed distributors and are arranged sequentially along the gas flow direction. 126-. (canceled)27. A turbulent fluidized bed reactor for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene , the turbulent fluidized bed reactor comprising: a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors , the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in the turbulent fluidized bed reactor;the feed to the first reactor feed distributor comprises toluene and a portion of methanol and/or dimethyl ether;the feed to the second reactor feed distributor comprises methanol and/or dimethyl ether; andthe number of the second reactor feed distributors is in a range from 2 to 10.28. The turbulent fluidized bed reactor of claim 27 , the turbulent fluidized bed reactor further comprising a first reactor gas-solid separator and a second reactor gas-solid separator claim 27 , the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed in a dilute phase ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Device for producing nanocarbon

Номер: US20150158001A1
Автор: Akio Tada, Satoru Nakamura

Using a device for producing nanocarbon, a fluidized bed is formed by supplying a low hydrocarbon and oxygen to a fluid catalyst, and nanocarbon and hydrogen are produced by a decomposition reaction of the low hydrocarbon accompanied by a self-combustion of the low hydrocarbon and the oxygen. The device includes: a fluidized bed reactor for containing the fluid catalyst and for causing the self-combustion thereof while being supplied with the low hydrocarbon and the oxygen; a gas supplying unit connected to the fluidized bed reactor for supplying the low hydrocarbon and the oxygen to the fluidized bed reactor; an exhaust gas path connected to the fluidized bed reactor for exhausting an exhaust gas in the fluidized bed reactor to outside; and a supplying unit connected to the fluidized bed reactor for supplying the fluid catalyst to the fluidized bed reactor.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Biomass Upgrading System

Номер: US20210180787A1
Принадлежит: Bioshare AB

Aspects provide for volatilizing a biomass-based fuel stream, removing undesirable components from the resulting volatiles stream, and combusting the resulting stream (e.g., in a kiln). Removal of particles, ash, and/or H2O from the volatiles stream improves its economic value and enhances the substitution of legacy (e.g., fossil) fuels with biomass-based fuels. Aspects may be particularly advantageous for upgrading otherwise low-quality biomass to a fuel specification sufficient for industrial implementation. A volatilization reactor may include a fluidized bed reactor, which may comprise multiple stages and/or a splashgenerator. A splashgenerator may impart directed momentum to a portion of the bed to increase bed transport via directed flow.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147575A1

The present invention describes a device for distributing a light phase in a heavy phase inside a reaction chamber () containing said heavy phase in the fluidized state, comprising a pipe () for conveying the light phase, said pipe () being cylindrical, and being open in its upper part via first and second rectangular openings () pierced in the lateral wall of said pipe (), the second openings () being extended by branches () perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the reaction chamber (), and the pipe () being surmounted at its upper part by a convex head (). 151515781865191069) Device for distributing a light phase in a heavy phase inside a reaction chamber () containing said heavy phase in the fluidized state , the device comprising a pipe () for conveying the light phase entering the reaction chamber () in its lower part , said pipe () being cylindrical and substantially centred along the axis of symmetry of the chamber () , and being open in its upper part via first and second rectangular openings ( , ) pierced in the lateral wall of said pipe () , the second openings () being extended by branches () perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the reaction chamber () , and the pipe () being surmounted at its upper part by a convex head () which has notches () uniformly distributed all along its lower edge , and allows the passage of the branches () which protrude beyond the circumference of said head ().2781) Device for distributing a light phase according to claim 1 , in which the first openings () have a width B and a height J claim 1 , and the second openings () have a width A and a height K claim 1 , which are determined in such a way that the velocity of the light phase as it passes through the first and second openings is comprised between 0.3V and 20V claim 1 , and preferably comprised between 0.5V and 10V claim 1 , V denoting the velocity of said light phase in the pipe ().365568) Device for distributing a light phase according to claim 1 , in which the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Fluid Catalytic Cracking of Petroleum Oil with Reduced Emissions

Номер: US20210189259A1

A method for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) of petroleum oil feedstock includes reacting the petroleum oil feedstock with a catalyst mixture in a reaction zone of an FCC unit to obtain a product stream including desulfurized hydrocarbon product, unreacted petroleum oil feedstock, and spent catalyst. During the reacting a process control system develops a process model based on data collected during the reacting, the process model characterizing a relationship among the feed rate of the base cracking catalyst, the feed rate of the FCC additive, the operating conditions, the composition of the product stream, and emissions from the reaction; and one or more of (i) a target feed rate of the base cracking catalyst, (ii) a target feed rate of the FCC additive, and (iii) one or more target operating conditions of the reaction in the reaction zone to reduce the emissions from the FCC unit and to increase a yield of the desulfurized hydrocarbon product in the product stream are determined. 1. A system for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) of petroleum oil feedstock , the system comprising: a base cracking catalyst comprising a stable Y-type zeolite and a rare earth metal oxide, and', 'an FCC additive comprising a shape selective zeolite;, 'a reaction zone for reacting the petroleum oil feedstock with a catalyst mixture in a reaction zone of an FCC unit to obtain a product stream comprising desulfurized hydrocarbon product, unreacted petroleum oil feedstock, and spent catalyst, the catalyst mixture comprisingprocess sensors for collecting, during a reaction in the reaction zone, data indicative of one or more of (i) a feed rate of one or more of the base cracking catalyst into the reaction zone, the FCC additive into the reaction zone, or the petroleum oil feedstock, (ii) operating conditions of the reaction in the reaction zone, or (iii) a composition of the product stream;an emissions sensor for collecting data indicative of emissions from the FCC reaction; and develop, ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163148A1
Принадлежит: Thermochem Recovery International, Inc.

A solids circulation system receives a gas stream containing char or other reacting solids from a first reactor. The solids circulation system includes a cyclone configured to receive the gas stream from the first reactor, a dipleg from the cyclone to a second reactor, and a riser from the second reactor which merges with the gas stream received by the cyclone. The second reactor has a dense fluid bed and converts the received materials to gaseous products. A conveying fluid transports a portion of the bed media from the second reactor through the riser to mix with the gas stream prior to cyclone entry. The bed media helps manipulate the solids that is received by the cyclone to facilitate flow of solids down the dipleg into the second reactor. The second reactor provides additional residence time, mixing and gas-solid contact for efficient conversion of char or reacting solids. 1100. A reactor () for producing carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide , and hydrogen from a solid carbon-containing substance , comprising:(a) a fluidized bed comprising bed material in the form of hollow engineered particles selected from the group consisting of alumina, zirconia, sand, olivine sand, limestone, dolomite and metal catalyst;{'b': '160', '(b) a freeboard () located above a bed level of the fluidized bed;'}{'b': 700', '160', '100', '700, '(c) a cyclone () positioned within the freeboard () of the reactor (), the cyclone () configured to capture and recycle entrained bed material and char particles to the fluidized bed;'}{'b': 160', '160, 'sub': 2', '2, '(d) a plurality of fluid addition stages located in the freeboard (), the plurality of fluid addition stages configured to introduce a mixture of oxygen and superheated steam to the freeboard () to promote conversion of char into CO, CO, and H;'}{'b': 140', '130, '(e) a distributor () configured to accept and distribute a fluidization media () comprising oxygen and superheated steam into the bed material of the fluidized bed;'}{'b': ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Slide Valve Intended for Flow Control in a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit

Номер: US20170165623A1

The invention relates to a slide valve () comprising: 110.-. (canceled)11. A slide valve comprising:a body having a through-duct for the passage of a fluid, the flow rate of which is to be controlled,at least one gate slidably mounted inside the body, crosswise to the duct, and partially or completely closing off the duct, the gate being movable between a position in which the duct is partially or completely closed off and a position in which the duct is open,in which the following are defined as portions subject to erosion:portions of the body that delimit the duct, at least one portion of the at least one gate located across the duct when{'sub': 4', '3', '4', '2', '3, 'the at least one gate partially or completely closes off the duct, characterized in that at least the portions subject to erosion are made of metal covered with a layer of ceramic material or are entirely made of ceramic material and the ceramic material comprises a ceramic matrix selected from the group consisting of silicon carbide SiC, boron carbide BC, silicon nitride SiN, aluminium nitride AlN, boron nitride BN, alumina AlO, and mixtures thereof, wherein carbon fibres or ceramic fibres are incorporated in the ceramic matrix.'}12. The slide valve according to claim 11 , characterized in that the ceramic fibres comprise crystalline alumina fibres claim 11 , mullite fibres claim 11 , crystalline or amorphous silicon carbide fibres claim 11 , zirconia fibres claim 11 , silica-alumina fibres claim 11 , or mixtures thereof.13. The slide valve according to claim 11 , characterized in that claim 11 , when the portions of the slide valve subject to erosion are made entirely of ceramic material claim 11 , the ceramic material is a sintered ceramic material.14. The slide valve according to claim 11 , characterized in that claim 11 , when the portions of the slide valve subject to erosion are made entirely of ceramic material claim 11 , the ceramic material is a Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC).15. The slide ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156032A1

A reactor system comprising a first reactor assembly, a first pressure transition assembly, a second reactor assembly and a second pressure transition assembly. 1. A reactor system , comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '1, 'a first reactor assembly, which comprises one or more first reactor assembly reactors, each configured to operate at a pressure P, wherein the first reactor assembly is configured to receive first solid particles at the pressure P, convert the first solid particles at the pressure P to second solid particles at the pressure P, and discharge the second solid particles at the pressure P;'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'a first pressure transition assembly in fluid communication with the first reactor assembly and a second reactor assembly, wherein the first pressure transition assembly is configured to receive the second solid particles at the pressure P, transition the pressure surrounding the second solid particles from the pressure P to a pressure P that is different from the pressure P, and discharge the second solid particles at the pressure P;'}{'b': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'the second reactor assembly, which comprises one or more second reactor assembly reactors, each configured to operate at the pressure P, wherein the second reactor assembly is configured to receive the second solid particles at the pressure P, convert the second solid particles at the pressure P to third solid particles at the pressure P, and discharge the third solid particles at the pressure P;'}{'b': 2', '2', '3', '2', '3, 'a second pressure transition assembly in fluid communication with the second reactor assembly and the first reactor assembly, the second pressure transition assembly configured to receive third solid particles at the pressure P, transition the pressure surrounding the third solid particles from the pressure P to a pressure P that is different from the pressure P, and discharge the third solid particles at the pressure P from the second pressure ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174546A1

The present invention relates to a fluidized bed reactor capable of varying flow velocity, in which the flow velocity in the fluidized bed reactor varies to maintain the smooth transportation of solid particles while increasing the concentration of a gaseous reactant in relation to the solid particles. The fluidized bed reactor comprises: a lower high-speed unit into which solid particles and fluid particles are introduced; a middle low-speed unit continuously connected to an upper portion of the lower high-speed unit so that the flow velocity therein becomes lower than that in the lower high-speed unit; and an upper high-speed unit continuously connected to an upper portion of the middle low-speed unit so that the flow velocity therein becomes higher than that in the middle low-speed unit. 1. A fluidized bed reactor in which solid absorbents and reaction gases inflow to cause chemical reaction between the solid absorbents and reaction gas in a fluidized state , comprising:a lower high-speed unit into which the solid particles and the liquid particles inflow;a middle low-speed unit which is connected to an upper end portion of the lower high-speed unit, and is configured to decrease a flow velocity therein to be lower than the lower high-speed unit; andan upper high-speed unit which elongates from an upper end of the middle low-speed unit, and is configured to increase the flow velocity therein to be greater than the middle low-speed unit.2. The fluidized bed reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the lower high-speed unit has a smaller cross-sectional area than the middle low-speed unit claim 1 , and the upper high-speed unit has a smaller cross-sectional area than the middle low-speed unit.3. The fluidized bed reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the upper high-speed unit has a cross-sectional area gradually decreased toward an upper end thereof.4. The fluidized bed reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction gases are additionally supplied to the middle ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169602A1

A method is provided for upgrading a hydrocarbon feed. The method may include contacting a hydrocarbon feed with a catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor; directing a portion of the catalyst from the fluidized bed reactor to a regeneration zone, such that the portion of the catalyst flows in a first direction through the regeneration zone; directing combustion air into the regeneration zone in a counter-flow direction to the first direction, wherein the combustion air is provided at a rate of about 100.05% or less of the stoichiometric air requirement for combusting coke present on the portion of catalyst; regenerating the portion of the catalyst in the regeneration zone to produce regenerated catalyst; and directing a portion of the hydrocarbon feed to combine with the regenerated catalyst downstream of the regeneration zone and lift the regenerated catalyst back to the fluidized bed reactor. 1. A method of upgrading a hydrocarbon feed comprising:contacting a hydrocarbon feed with a catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor;directing a portion of the catalyst from the fluidized bed reactor to a regeneration zone, such that the portion of the catalyst flows in a first direction through the regeneration zone;directing combustion air into the regeneration zone in a counter-flow direction to the first direction, wherein the combustion air is provided at a rate of about 100.05% or less of the stoichiometric air requirement for combusting coke present on the portion of catalyst;regenerating the portion of the catalyst in the regeneration zone to produce regenerated catalyst; anddirecting a portion of the hydrocarbon feed to combine with the regenerated catalyst downstream of the regeneration zone and lift the regenerated catalyst back to the fluidized bed reactor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rate of combustion air is less than 100% of the stoichiometric air requirement.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the regenerated catalyst is fed to a lift leg where it combines ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169644A1

Systems and methods are provided for catalyst regeneration using a stoichiometric amount or less air for coke combustion. 1. A method of upgrading a fuel gas comprising:contacting a fuel gas with a catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor to upgrade the fuel gas to gasoline boiling range hydrocarbons;gravity-feeding a portion of the catalyst from the fluidized bed reactor to a regeneration zone by opening a first pair of block valves on a reactor drain line;closing the first pair of block valves on the reactor drain line and opening a first bleed valve positioned between the first pair of block valves on the reactor drain line;purging the regeneration zone to remove hydrocarbons that are entrained on the portion of the catalyst;exposing the portion of the catalyst to oxygen to regenerate the portion of the catalyst while the portion of the catalyst is in the regeneration zone;purging the regeneration zone to remove oxygen that is entrained in the portion of the catalyst that has been regenerated;pressurizing the regeneration zone with the fuel gas; andfeeding the portion of the catalyst that has been regenerated to the fluidized bed reactor by opening a second pair of block valves in a drain line from the regeneration zone.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of exposing the portion of the catalyst to oxygen comprises directing combustion air into the regeneration zone at a rate of about 100.05% or less of the stoichiometric air requirement for combusting coke present on the portion of catalyst.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises ZSM-5.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising closing the second pair of block valves on the drain line of the regeneration zone and opening a second bleed valve positioned between the second pair of block valves on the drain line of the regeneration zone.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the catalyst that has been regenerated is transported through the drain line from the regeneration zone by ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174513A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

A process for thermally cracking a fuel, said process comprising the steps of—on a solid carrier in a first reaction cracking fuel thereby producing Hydrogen and Carbon species—in a second reaction combusting said Carbon on the solid carrier wherein the first and second reaction is carried out in at least one fluidized bed. 1. A process for thermally cracking a fuel , said process comprising the steps ofon a solid carrier in a first reaction cracking fuel thereby producing Hydrogen and Carbon speciesin a second reaction combusting said Carbon on the solid carrierwherein the first and second reaction is carried out in at least one fluidized bed.2. A process according to wherein the first and second reaction is carried out in a first and second fluidized bed.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel is CHOsuch as methane.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon species comprises free carbon claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , amorphous carbon claim 1 , nanotubes and/or coke.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second fluidized bed are worked sequentially.6. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid carrier is cycled between the first and second fluidized bed claim 1 , preferably the first reaction is carried out in the first fluidized bed and the second reaction is carried out in the second fluidized bed.7. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid carrier is a heat carrier and/or a nucleation precursor.8. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the solid carrier comprises sand claim 1 , natural ore claim 1 , MAlO claim 1 , MSiO claim 1 , dolomite claim 1 , CaO claim 1 , Coal and/or Carbon particles.9. A process according to claim 1 , wherein cooled solid carrier is transferred from the first fluidized bed to the second fluidized bed and/or where hot solid carrier is transferred from the second fluidized bed to the first fluidized bed.10. A process according to claim 1 , wherein a fuel is provided to the first ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

System for Tail Gas Treatment of Sulfur Recovery Units

Номер: US20190169039A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process for recovering sulfur from a tail gas stream comprising the steps of providing a tail gas stream to a chemical looping combustion (CLC) unit, the tail gas stream comprising a sulfide component, providing an oxygen carrier to the CLC unit, the oxygen carrier comprising a calcium carbonate, providing an air stream to the CLC unit, the air stream comprising oxygen, and reacting the sulfide component in the CLC unit with the calcium compound and the air to produce a product effluent, the product effluent comprising calcium sulfate. 1. A system for recovering sulfur from a tail gas stream , the system comprising:an air reactor, where the air reactor operates at an air reaction temperature and an air reaction pressure, where the air reactor comprises a fluidized bed reactor, where the fluidized bed comprises calcium carbonate;an air reactor separator fluidly connected to the air reactor and a calciner separator, where the air reactor separator comprises a solid-gas separation unit;the calciner unit fluidly connected to the air reactor separator and a calciner separator, where the calciner unit operates at a calciner reaction temperature and a calciner reaction pressure;the calciner separator fluidly connected to the calciner unit and a fuel reactor, where the calciner separator comprises a solid-gas separation unit;the fuel reactor fluidly connected to the calciner separator, where the fuel reactor operates at a fuel reaction temperature and fuel reaction pressure, where the fuel reactor comprises a fluidized bed reactor, where the fluidized bed comprises calcium carbonate; anda fuel reactor separator fluidly connected to the fuel reactor and the air reactor, where the fuel reactor separator comprises a solid-gas separation unit.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fuel reaction pressure is atmospheric pressure claim 1 , and further wherein the fuel reaction temperature is between 800 deg C. and 850 deg C.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the air reaction ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Solids Circulation System and Method For Capture and Conversion of Reactive Solids

Номер: US20150184091A1
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A solids circulation system receives a gas stream containing char or other reacting solids from a first reactor. The solids circulation system includes a cyclone configured to receive the gas stream from the first reactor, a dipleg from the cyclone to a second reactor, and a riser from the second reactor which merges with the gas stream received by the cyclone. The second reactor has a dense fluid bed and converts the received materials to gaseous products. A conveying fluid transports a portion of the bed media from the second reactor through the riser to mix with the gas stream prior to cyclone entry. The bed media helps manipulate the solids that is received by the cyclone to facilitate flow of solids down the dipleg into the second reactor. The second reactor provides additional residence time, mixing and gas-solid contact for efficient conversion of char or reacting solids.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178179A1

A counter-current catalyst regenerator with at least two stages of counter-current contact along with a regenerator riser is proposed. Each stage may comprise a permeable barrier that allows upward passage of oxygen-containing gas and downward passage of coked catalyst into each stage, but inhibits upward movement of catalyst to mitigate back mixing and approximate true counter-current contact and efficient combustion of coke from catalyst. The regenerator riser may provide a passage to transport the catalyst and may serve as a secondary stage for coke combustion to provide the regenerated catalyst. 1. A process for combusting coke from coked catalyst in a regenerator vessel , the process comprising:(a) providing a coked catalyst to an inlet in a bottom of a regenerator riser;(b) propelling the coked catalyst upwardly from the bottom of the regenerator riser to a top of the regenerator riser via a secondary stream of gas;(c) discharging catalyst from an outlet in the top of the regenerator riser;(d) passing the catalyst downwardly through a one or more stages, each of the one or more stages comprising a permeable barrier;(e) passing a primary stream of oxygen-containing gas upwardly through the one or more stages in counter-current contact with the catalyst to combust coke from the coked catalyst to provide a regenerated catalyst and a flue gas; and(f) passing the regenerated catalyst from a regenerated catalyst outlet to a riser reactor through a regenerated catalyst standpipe.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of propelling the coked catalyst upwardly from the bottom of the regenerator riser provides a partially regenerated catalyst via combustion of the coked catalyst.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the step of passing the primary stream of oxygen-containing gas in counter-current contact with the coked catalyst provides a completely regenerated catalyst via combustion of coke from the partially regenerated catalyst.4. The process of further ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213408A1
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown & Root LLC

A system for processing a hydrocarbon feed has a final stage reactor and internal separator with cyclone that forms a substantially gas stream and a substantially non-gas stream. The substantially gas stream is sent directly from the final stage reactor and separator to further downstream processing. 1. A system for processing a hydrocarbon feed , comprising:a plurality of serially aligned reactors, the plurality of reactors including a final stage reactor, the final stage reactor including:a vessel,an inlet formed in the vessel for receiving the hydrocarbon feed,a reactor section formed in the vessel, the reactor section receiving the hydrocarbon feed via the inlet; and a nozzle separating the reactor section from the separator section, the nozzle having an opening directing the hydrocarbon feed, hydrogen, and reaction products from the reactor section to the separator section,', 'a first outlet formed in the vessel from which the substantially non-gas stream exits the vessel;', 'at least one cyclone separator positioned inside the separator section and configured to produce the substantially gas stream; and', 'a second outlet from which the substantially gas stream exits the vessel., 'a separator section formed in the vessel, the separator section configured to form a substantially gas stream and a substantially non-gas stream, the separator section including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of serially aligned reactors further includes a first stage reactor claim 1 , wherein the first stage reactor is the first reactor through which the hydrocarbon feed is reacted and the final stage reactor is the last reactor through which the hydrocarbon feed is reacted claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed is reacted with at least a first additive in the first stage reactor and reacted with at least a second additive in the final stage reactor.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first additive is selected from one of: activated carbon claim 2 , iron claim 2 ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213409A1

Zero emission nested-loop (ZEN) reforming provides a scalable, eco-friendly process to produce high quality hydrogen at a relatively low operating cost. In one embodiment, a ZEN system comprises a reactor, a regenerator, and a photocatalytic reformer. During operation, the reactor receives a gas mixture and outputs hydrogen and catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide. The gas mixture is methane, steam, or hydrogen. Next, the regenerator receives the catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide and outputs carbon dioxide and desorbed catalyst. Next, the photocatalytic reformer receives carbon dioxide output by the regenerator and outputs methane and oxygen. The reactor receives at least some of the methane output by the photocatalytic reformer. By recycling methane in this way, the need for additional methane to fuel the system is reduced. The ZEN reforming system provides a novel technique to convert greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide into oxygen and reusable methane gas. 1. A system comprising:a reactor comprising an inlet and an outlet;a regenerator having an inlet, a first outlet and a second outlet; anda photocatalytic reformer having at least one inlet and at least one outlet.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the reactor is configured to receive a gas mixture via the inlet claim 1 , and wherein the reactor is configured to output hydrogen and catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide via the outlet.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the gas mixture is selected from a group consisting of:methane, steam, and hydrogen.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the regenerator is configured to receive the catalyst adsorbed with carbon dioxide via the inlet claim 1 , wherein the regenerator is configured to output carbon dioxide via the first outlet and wherein the regenerator is configured to output desorbed catalyst via the second outlet.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photocatalytic reformer is configured to receive carbon dioxide output by the regenerator via the at ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200179891A1

Disclosed are a fast fluidized bed reactor, device and method for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene, with the reactor, device and method being capable of solving or improving the problem of competition between an alkylation reaction and an MTO reaction during the process of producing the para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from toluene and methanol, thus achieving a synergistic effect between the MTO reaction and the alkylation reaction. By controlling the mass transfer and reaction, the competition between the alkylation reaction and the MTO reaction is coordinated and optimized to achieve a synergistic effect, thereby increasing the conversion rate of toluene, the yield of para-xylene and the selectivity of the light olefins. The fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors, the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in a reaction zone of the fast fluidized bed reactor. 1. A fast fluidized bed reactor for preparing para-xylene and co-producing light olefins from methanol and/or dimethyl ether and toluene , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor feed distributor and a plurality of second reactor feed distributors , the first reactor feed distributor and the plurality of second reactor feed distributors are sequentially arranged along the gas flow direction in the fast fluidized bed reactor.2. The fast fluidized bed reactor of claim 1 , wherein the fast fluidized bed reactor comprises a first reactor gas-solid separator and a second reactor gas-solid separator claim 1 , the first reactor gas-solid separator is placed in a dilute phase zone or outside a reactor shell claim 1 , and the second reactor gas-solid separator is placed in the dilute phase zone or outside the reactor shell;the first ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for fluidizing a catalyst bed

Номер: US20190193041A1
Автор: Dharmesh C. Panchal
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process and apparatus is disclosed for gradually starting fluidization in a bed of particulate from the top down so as to avoid thrusting the entire mass of particulates upwardly in the bed at the same time which may damage internals in the bed. The particulate bed may comprise a catalyst cooler for an FCC unit containing internals such as cooling, fluidization and support equipment.

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200188869A1

Disclosed are a fluidized bed gas distributor and a fluidized bed reactor, the fluidized bed reactor comprising a first distributor () and a second distributor (), wherein the first distributor () is located at the bottom of a fluidized bed, and second distributor () is located downstream of a gas from the first distributor (). Also disclosed is a method for producing a para-xylene and co-producing light olefins, the method comprising the following steps: material stream A enters a reaction zone () of a fluidized bed reactor from a first gas distributor (); material stream B enters the reaction zone () of the fluidized bed reactor from a second gas distributor (); and the reactants are brought into contact with a catalyst in the reaction zone () to generate a gas phase stream comprising para-xylene and light olefins. 1. A fluidized bed gas distributor , comprising a first distributor and a second distributor , wherein the first distributor is located at the bottom of the fluidized bed , and the second distributor is located in at least one region of the gas flow downstream from the first distributor.2. The fluidized bed gas distributor of claim 1 , wherein the second distributor comprises an intake pipe claim 1 , a microporous pipe and an intake ring pipe;the intake pipe is connected with the microporous pipe, the gas is introduced by the intake pipe from the outside of the fluidized bed into the microporous pipe in the fluidized bed;the intake ring pipe is connected with the intake pipe, the intake ring pipe is disposed on a plane perpendicular to the flow direction of the gas from the first distributor;the microporous pipe is disposed on the intake ring pipe and perpendicular to a plane of the intake ring pipe.3. The fluidized bed gas distributor of claim 1 , wherein material stream A enters the fluidized bed through the first distributor claim 1 , material stream B enters the fluidized bed through the second distributor and contacts with at least a portion of the ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Process and system for producing commercial quality carbon dioxide from recausticizing process calcium carbonates

Номер: US20160207778A1
Автор: Robert A. Rossi
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention features methods and systems for recovering carbon dioxide, for producing commercial quality carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) of 90% to +99% purity using, wet calcium carbonate lime mud produced in a recausticizing process that also produces caustic soda, for instance, Kraft paper pulp mill lime mud (a.k.a., “lime mud”) as a feedstock to a multi-stage lime mud calcination process. This process may be fueled with low, or negative cost “carbon-neutral” fuels such as waste water treatment plant (WWTP) sludge, biomass, precipitated lignins, coal, or other low cost solid fuels. High reactivity, high-quality calcined lime mud (a.k.a. re-burned lime, or calcine), required in the Kraft paper pulp mill's recausticizing process is also produced, and superheated high pressure steam and hot boiler feed-water is generated and exported to the mill's steam distribution and generation system as well as hot process water for use in the mill's manufacturing operation. The system for calcining calcium carbonate lime mud produced from a recausticizing manufacturing operation and converting it to calcined lime mud and CO 2 comprises a calciner and a combustor linked by a moving media heat transfer (MMHT) system or apparatus. The MMHT system or apparatus thermally links separate fluid bed combustion (exothermic) and calcination (endothermic) stages with a solid particulate media. The system further comprises a flash dryer or spray dryer that utilizes exhausted enthalpy from the calcination stage.

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Chemical-looping combustion method with ashes and fines removal in the reduction zone and plant using same

Номер: US20140295359A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an improved method for chemical-looping combustion of a solid hydrocarbon-containing feed using a particular configuration of the reduction zone with: a first reaction zone R1 operating under dense fluidized bed conditions; a second reaction zone R2; a fast separation zone S3 for separation of the unburnt solid feed particles, of fly ashes and of the oxygen-carrying material particles within a mixture coming from zone R2; fumes dedusting S4; a particle stream division zone D7, part of the particles being directly recycled to first reaction zone R1, the other part being sent to an elutriation separation zone S5 in order to collect the ashes through a line 18 and to recycle the dense particles through a line 20 to first reaction zone R1. The invention also relates to a chemical-looping combustion plant allowing said method to be implemented.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Dual riser fluid bed process and reactor

Номер: US20160214911A1
Автор: Curtis Eng
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown and Root LLC

Processes and systems for cracking feeds to produce olefins are provided. The process for cracking feeds can include converting a first feed containing at least about 50 wt % methanol in a first riser under a first set of process conditions to produce a first effluent enriched in ethylene, propylene, or a mixture thereof, wherein the first effluent contains at least about 25 wt % dry basis propylene and converting a second feed containing C 4 -C 10 light hydrocarbons in a second riser under a second set of process conditions to produce a second effluent enriched in ethylene, propylene, or a mixture thereof. The process can also include combining the first effluent with the second effluent to produce a mixed effluent, separating the mixed effluent to produce a coked-catalyst and a gaseous product, regenerating the coked-catalyst, and recycling the regenerated catalyst to the first and second risers.

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207598A1

The invention relates to a process and the respective installation for thermal treatment of granular solids, in particular for producing aluminum oxide from aluminum hydroxide, wherein the solids are heated in at least one preheating stage and then reacted in a reactor at 700 to 1400° C. In at least one preheating stage, the average temperature gradient of the solids amounts to <15K/s and the dwell time of the solids amounts to ≥15 s. 1. A process for thermal treatment of granular solids , in particular for production of aluminum oxide from aluminum hydroxide , in which the solids are heated in at least one preheating stage and then are reacted in a reactor at 700 to 1400° C. , characterized in that , the average temperature gradient of the solids amounts to <15 K/s and the dwell time of the solids amounts to ≥15 s in at least one preheating stage.2. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that the solids are heated to 140 to 180° C. in a first preheating stage and/or heated to 200 to 400° C. in a preheating stage downstream from the first preheating stage and/or in the downstream preheating stage claim 1 , the average temperature gradient of the solids amounts to <15 K/s and the dwell time of the solids amounts to >15 s.3. The process according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the average temperature gradient of the solids in the first 10% of the dwell time is above the average temperature gradient over the entire dwell time.4. The process according to claim 3 , characterized in that claim 3 , the average temperature gradient of the solids in the first 10% of the dwell time is more than twice as great as the average temperature gradient over the total dwell time.5. The process according to any one of the preceding claims claim 3 , characterized in that the solids are heated in countercurrent with the heating medium in at least two preheating stages connected after one another.6. The process according to any one of the preceding claims claim 3 , ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207601A1

The invention concerns a CLC process, and its installation, producing high purity dinitrogen, comprising: 1. A process for the combustion of a hydrocarbon feed by chemical looping combustion , in which a redox active mass in the form of particles circulates between at least one reduction zone and two oxidation zones operating in fluidized bed mode , in which:(a) combustion of the hydrocarbon feed is carried out by reduction of the redox active mass brought into contact with the feed in at least one reduction zone;(b) in a first oxidation zone, a first step for oxidation of the reduced redox active mass obtained at the end of step (a) is carried out by being brought into contact with a first fraction of a stream of air depleted in oxygen, in order to produce a stream of dinitrogen comprising a quantity of 100 ppmv or less of dioxygen and a stream of partially re-oxidized redox active mass;(c) in a second oxidation zone, a second step for oxidation of the stream of partially re-oxidized redox active mass obtained at the end of step (b) is carried out, by being brought into contact with air in order to produce a stream of air depleted in oxygen and a stream of re-oxidized redox active mass for use in step (a);(d) the stream of air depleted in oxygen obtained at the end of step (c) is divided in order to form the first fraction of a stream of air depleted in oxygen used in step (b) and a second fraction which is complementary to the stream of air depleted in oxygen extracted from the chemical loop.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the first fraction of the stream of air depleted in oxygen in step (d) is adjusted to the quantity of reduced redox active mass obtained from step (a) and sent to the first oxidation zone in a manner such as to obtain a stream of dinitrogen comprising a given fraction of dioxygen.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the stream of dinitrogen contains a quantity of 10 ppmv or less of dioxygen.4. The process as claimed in ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200197891A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A method for processing a chemical stream includes contacting a feed stream with a catalyst in an upstream reactor section of a reactor having the upstream reactor section and a downstream reactor section, passing an intermediate product stream to the downstream reactor section, and introducing a riser quench fluid into the downstream reactor section, upstream reactor section, or transition section and into contact with the intermediate product stream and the catalyst to slow or stop the reaction. The method includes separating at least a portion of the catalyst from the product stream, passing the product stream to a product processing section, cooling the product stream, and separating a portion of the riser quench fluid from the product stream. The riser quench fluid separated from the product stream may be recycled back to the downstream reactor section, upstream reactor section, or transition section as the riser quench fluid. 1. A method for processing a chemical stream , the method comprising:contacting a feed stream with a catalyst in an upstream reactor section of a reactor system, wherein the reactor system comprises the upstream reactor section and a downstream reactor section, and the contacting of the feed stream with the catalyst causes a reaction which forms an intermediate product stream;passing at least a portion of the intermediate product stream and the catalyst from the upstream reactor section to the downstream reactor section;introducing a riser quench fluid into the downstream reactor section, the upstream reactor section, or a transition section between the downstream reactor section and the upstream reactor section and into contact with the at least a portion of the intermediate product stream and the catalyst in the downstream reactor section, the upstream reactor section, or the transition section to slow or stop the reaction of the intermediate product stream with the catalyst to form a product stream, the riser quench fluid having a ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Production of Aromatics from Methanol Using Selective Hydrogen Combustion

Номер: US20180208523A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

A catalyst system and processes for combined aromatization and selective hydrogen combustion of oxygenated hydrocarbons are disclosed. The catalyst system contains at least one aromatization component and at least one selective hydrogen combustion component. The process is such that the yield of hydrogen is less than the yield of hydrogen when contacting the hydrocarbons with the aromatization component alone. 1. A catalyst system comprising: (1) at least one aromatization component for converting oxygenated hydrocarbons to aromatic compounds and (2) at least one selective hydrogen combustion component for reacting hydrogen with oxygen , said selective hydrogen combustion component consisting essentially of (a) a metal combination selected from the group consisting of:i) at least one metal from group 3 and at least one metal from groups 4-15 of the Periodic Table of the Elements;ii) at least one metal from groups 5-15 of the Periodic Table of the Elements, and at least one metal from at least one of groups 1, 2, and 4 of the Periodic Table of the Elements;iii) at least one metal from groups 1-2, at least one metal from group 3, and at least one metal from groups 4-15 of the Periodic Table of the Elements; andiv) two or more metals from groups 4-15 of the Periodic Table of the Elementsand (b) at least one of oxygen and sulfur, wherein the at least one of oxygen and sulfur is chemically bound both within and between the metals.2. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein the selective hydrogen combustion component is a combination of metal combination (a)(i) and (b) at least one of oxygen and sulfur.3. The catalyst system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one selective hydrogen combustion component comprises one or more of YInZnMnO claim 2 , LaMnNiAlO claim 2 , LaMnAlO claim 2 , ScCuMnO claim 2 , ScZnMnO claim 2 , LaZrO claim 2 , MnScO claim 2 , and PrInZnO claim 2 , where a claim 2 , b claim 2 , c claim 2 , and d are each between 0 and 1 claim 2 , the sum of a through ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238489A1
Автор: Harandi Mohsen N.

Systems and methods are provided for refining crude oils and/or other broad boiling range feedstocks to form fuels. A flash separation can be used to separate the feed into a lower boiling fraction and a higher boiling fraction. After the flash separation, the higher boiling portion is passed into a pyrolysis reactor for conversion of higher boiling compounds and formation of light olefins. The lower boiling fraction can be combined with the resulting pyrolysis effluent as a quench stream. The combined, partially pyrolyzed stream can then be passed into an olefin oligomerization process to convert the olefins formed during pyrolysis into naphtha and/or diesel boiling range compounds. After the olefin oligomerization process, one or more separations can be performed to generate various fractions, including but not limited to a naphtha fraction, a distillate fuel fraction, a fuel oil fraction, a light hydrocarbon recycle stream, and a CO-containing stream. Optionally, the naphtha fraction, the distillate fraction, and/or the fuel oil fraction can be hydrotreated. 1. A method for converting a feed into fuels fractions , comprising:performing a flash separation on a feedstock comprising hydrocarbons to form a lower boiling fraction and a higher boiling fraction, the lower boiling fraction comprising 10 wt % or more of the feedstock and a 343° C.− portion, the higher boiling fraction comprising 10 wt % or more of the feedstock and a 538° C.+ portion;{'sub': 2', '3, 'exposing the higher boiling fraction to fluidized bed pyrolysis conditions in a pyrolysis reactor to form a pyrolysis effluent comprising 20 wt % or more of C-Colefins;'}combining at least a portion of the pyrolysis effluent with the lower boiling fraction to form a combined effluent, a temperature of the combined effluent being lower than the pyrolysis effluent by 100° C. or more;exposing at least a portion of the combined effluent to a catalyst in an oligomerization zone under fluidized bed olefin ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245130A1

Various aspects provide for a fluidized bed reactor comprising a container having a bed of bed solids and a splashgenerator configured to impart a directed momentum to a portion of the bed solids. A bedwall may separate the bed solids into first and second reaction zones, and the directed momentum may be used to transfer bed solids from one zone to the other. A return passage may provide for return of the transferred bed solids, providing for circulation between the zones. A compact circulating bubbling fluidized bed may be integrated with a reactor having first and second stages, each with its own fluidization gas and ambient. A multistage reactor may comprise a gaswall separating at least the gas phases above two different portions of the bed. A gaslock beneath the gaswall may provide reduced gas transport while allowing bed transport, reducing contamination. 1400400410410420500700. A fluidized bed reactor ( , ′ , , ′ , , , ) configured to react a fuel in a fluidized bed of bed solids , the reactor comprising:{'b': '303', 'claim-text': [{'b': '312', 'claim-text': [{'b': 314', '312, 'a LowOx gas inlet () disposed at a first portion of a bottom of the container and configured to fluidize the bed solids in the LowOx reaction zone () to create a first bubbling fluidized bed; and'}, {'b': 311', '314, 'a LowOx gas supply () configured to supply an inert and/or less-oxidizing gas to the LowOx gas inlet () to volatilize the fuel to yield a volatiles stream and char; and'}], 'a LowOx reaction zone () comprising, {'b': '332', 'claim-text': [{'b': 334', '332, 'an oxidant inlet () disposed at a second portion of the bottom of the container configured to fluidize the bed solids in the HiOx reaction zone () to create a second bubbling fluidized bed;'}, {'b': 331', '334', '311, 'a HiOx gas supply () configured to supply the oxidant inlet () with a gas that is more oxidizing than that supplied by the LowOx gas supply (), the HiOx gas supply and oxidant inlet configured to combust ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246379A1

Apparatus and processes herein provide for converting hydrocarbon feeds to light olefins and other hydrocarbons. The processes and apparatus include, in some embodiments, feeding a hydrocarbon, a first catalyst and a second catalyst to a reactor, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and is less dense than the second catalyst. A first portion of the second catalyst may be recovered as a bottoms product from the reactor, and a cracked hydrocarbon effluent, a second portion of the second catalyst, and the first catalyst may be recovered as an overhead product from the reactor. The second portion of the second catalyst may be separated from the overhead product, providing a first stream comprising the first catalyst and the hydrocarbon effluent and a second stream comprising the separated second catalyst, allowing return of the separated second catalyst in the second stream to the reactor. 143.-. (canceled)44. (canceled)45. (canceled)46. (canceled)47. (canceled)48. (canceled)49. (canceled)50. (canceled)51. (canceled)52. (canceled)53. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons , comprising:regenerating a catalyst mixture comprising a first catalyst and a second particle in a regenerator, wherein the first catalyst has a smaller average particle size and/or is less dense than the second particle, and wherein the second particle may be catalytic or non-catalytic;feeding the catalyst mixture and hydrocarbons to a riser reactor to convert at least a portion of the hydrocarbons and recover a first effluent comprising the catalyst mixture and converted hydrocarbons;feeding the catalyst mixture to a second reactor;feeding a hydrocarbon feedstock to the second reactor and fluidizing the catalyst mixture;recovering an overhead product from the second reactor comprising the second particle, the first catalyst, and a reacted hydrocarbon product;separating the second particle from the overhead product to provide a first stream comprising the first ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246381A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

A feedstock is processed in an FCC unit to produce at least light olefins, FCC naphtha, light cycle oil and heavy cycle oil. Light cycle oil, and in certain embodiments hydrotreated light cycle oil, is subjected to deep hydrogenation to produce a deeply hydrogenated middle distillate fraction. All or a portion of the deeply hydrogenated middle distillate fraction is used as feed to the stream cracking zone to produce light olefins. 1. A process for petrochemical production comprising:providing a feedstock selected from the group consisting of naphtha, diesel or heavy oils;subjecting the feedstock to fluid catalytic cracking to produce at least light cycle oil;subjecting all or a portion of the light cycle oil to hydrogenation to hydrogenate aromatics contained in the light cycle oil and produce hydrogenated middle distillates, wherein hydrogenation occurs in the presence of an effective quantity of a hydrogenation catalyst containing one or more active metal components selected from Pt, Pd, Re and a combination comprising at least two of Pt, Pd or Re, and the hydrogenation catalyst including a catalyst support comprising non-acidic amorphous alumina and about 0.1-15 wt % of a modified USY zeolite having one or more of Ti, Zr and/or Hf substituting aluminum atoms constituting the zeolite framework thereof; andsubjecting all or a portion of the hydrogenated middle distillates to thermal cracking in a steam cracking complex to obtain light olefins.2. The process as in claim 1 , whereinthe feedstock is a heavy oil selected from the group consisting of atmospheric gas oil, heavy atmospheric gas oil, vacuum gas oil, atmospheric residue, deasphalted oil, demetallized oil, coker gas oil, gas oil obtained from a visbreaking process, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing heavy oils.38-. (canceled)9. The process as in claim 1 , further comprisinghydrotreating all or a portion of the light cycle oil to produce hydrotreated light cycle oil, and subjecting all ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140314630A1

A system for production of high-quality syngas comprising a first dual fluidized bed loop having a fluid bed conditioner operable to produce high quality syngas comprising a first percentage of components other than carbon monoxide and hydrogen from a gas feed, wherein the conditioner comprises an outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream comprising a catalytic heat transfer material and having a first temperature, and an inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream comprising catalytic heat transfer material and having a second temperature greater than the first temperature; a fluid bed combustor operable to combust fuel and oxidant, wherein the fluid bed combustor comprises an inlet connected with the outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner, and an outlet connected with the inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream of the conditioner; and a catalytic heat transfer material. 1. A system for production of high quality synthesis gas , the system comprising: a fluid bed conditioner operable to produce a high quality synthesis gas comprising a first percentage of components other than carbon monoxide and hydrogen from a gas feed comprising a low quality synthesis gas comprising a second percentage of components other than carbon monoxide and hydrogen, wherein the second percentage is greater than the first percentage, wherein the fluid bed conditioner comprises an outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream comprising a catalytic heat transfer material and having a first temperature, and an inlet for a second catalytic heat transfer stream comprising catalytic heat transfer material and having a second temperature that is greater than the first temperature;', 'a fluid bed combustor operable to combust fuel and oxidant introduced thereto, wherein the fluid bed combustor comprises an inlet fluidly connected with the outlet for a first catalytic heat transfer stream of the fluid bed conditioner, and an outlet fluidly ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222814A1

Disclosed is a method for starting up fluidized reaction apparatus that is used for producing lower olefins from methanol or/and dimethyl ether. Said method includes after heating the catalyst bed of circulating fluidized catalytic reaction apparatus to above 200° C. or 300° C. by using a starting-up auxiliary heat source, feeding methanol or dimethyl ether raw materials to a reactor, whereby heat released by the reaction makes the temperature of the reaction system apparatus increase quickly to a designed temperature, consequently making the system reach normal operation state rapidly. Said method is suitable for starting up an exothermic fluidized catalytic reaction apparatus and can simplify the apparatus and operation, accordingly lowering the cost. 1. A method for starting up a fluidized catalytic reaction apparatus for producing lower olefins ,wherein said fluidized catalytic reaction apparatus is a circulating fluidized catalytic reaction apparatus comprising a reactor and a regenerator;wherein the reactor is a dense phase fluidized bed reactor in which is provided with a reactor heat extractor and cyclones, and the regenerator is a dense phase fluidized bed regenerator in which is provided with a regenerator heat extractor and cyclones;{'sup': '3', 'wherein the dense phase fluidized bed reactor is operated under a gauge reaction pressure of 0.05 to 0.3 MPa, a reaction temperature of 420 to 550° C., a dense phase apparent linear speed of 0.3 to 1.5 m/s and a bed layer density of 150 to 600 Kg/m;'}{'sup': '3', 'the dense phase fluidized bed regenerator is operated under a gauge reaction pressure of 0.05 to 0.3 MPa, a reaction temperature of 600 to 750° C., a dense phase apparent linear speed of 0.3 to 1.5 m/s and abed layer density of 150 to 600 Kg/m;'}in the reactor heat extractor, cooling water is used as cooling medium, wherein the cooling water is evaporated into steam by absorbing reaction heat, and the reactor heat extractor is a coil heat extractor, U ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223193A1

Methods and apparatus for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) of a hydrocarbon feedstock includes a first reactor (), a second reactor (), and a regenerator assembly () shared and connected with the two reactors. The regenerator assembly () includes a regenerator vessel which has a partition () dividing the regenerator vessel into a first subunit () and a second subunit (); a plurality of regenerator inlets for receiving a first spent catalyst and second spent catalyst by the first subunit () and the second subunit (); a plurality of regenerator inlet for receiving a first spent catalyst and a second spent catalyst by the first subunit () and the second subunit () respectively; an air controller () to allow for has flow to an air distributor () for supply of the gas to the first subunit () and the second subunit () to combust coke deposited on the first and the second spent catalyst, separately, to a desired degree to generate a fully and a partially regenerated catalyst. 1. A method for regenerating a spent catalyst for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) of a hydrocarbon feedstock , the process comprising:{'b': 18', '19', '3, 'receiving a first spent catalyst and a second spent catalyst by a first subunit () and a second subunit () of a regenerator assembly () respectively, for regenerating the first spent catalyst and the second spent catalyst;'}{'b': 18', '19, 'burning coke deposited on the first spent catalyst and the second spent catalyst in the first subunit () and the second subunit (), to respectively generate a fully regenerated catalyst and a partially regenerated catalyst; and'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'directing the fully regenerated catalyst and the partially regenerated catalyst to a first reactor () and a second reactor () respectively, wherein the first reactor () and the second reactor () are maintained under first set of operating condition and second set of operating conditions respectively, for catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon feed.'}2. The method as ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217283A1
Принадлежит: Crystaphase International, Inc.

A method for removing contaminants from an process stream that includes the use of reticulated material to filter the process stream. The reticulated material also facilitate process stream flow distribution in process units. The reticulated material can be packed with a void space between a substantial number of the reticulated material that can be varied to enhance filtration and flow distribution. The method of filtering also provides a method of removing contaminants leaving process equipment. The methods can be used on a variety of process streams and process equipment. The reticulated material can include ceramics, metallic materials, and chemical vapor deposition elements. The reticulated material can be of various shapes and sizes, and can also be catalytically active. 1. A method of removing contaminants from a contaminated process stream comprising:a) providing a plurality of randomly packed reticulated elements within a process unit, wherein the reticulated elements are sized such that there is a significant and varied void space therebetween, and wherein the entire depth of the randomly packed reticulated elements is capable of filtering contaminants from the process stream; and(b) contacting the contaminated process stream with the reticulated elements to filter contaminants from the contaminated process stream on a surface of the reticulated elements while allowing the process stream to pass through the significant and varied void space between the reticulated elements to produce a substantially decontaminated process stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reticulated elements comprise a plurality of disk-shaped elements.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the disk-shaped elements have a diameter of about 11/2 inches.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reticulated elements comprise a plurality of monoliths.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the monoliths have a width and a length of about 11/2 inches.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218161A1

Oxidative dehydrogenation is an alternative to the energy extensive steam cracking process presently used for the production of olefins from paraffins. Various embodiments of an oxidative dehydrogenation chemical complex designed to allow removal of sulfur containing contaminants that collect in the gas mixer unit and in the feed lines leading to the ODH reactor are disclosed herein. 1. A chemical complex for the oxidative dehydrogenation of lower alkanes , the chemical complex comprising in cooperative arrangement:i) at least two mixers for premixing an oxygen containing gas and a lower alkane containing gas to produce a mixed feedstock stream and additionally comprising a cleaning loop; andii) at least one oxidative dehydrogenation reactor;wherein the at least two mixers are connected in parallel to the at least one oxidative dehydrogenation reactor so that either a first gas mixing unit or a second gas mixing unit is connected to the at least one oxidative dehydrogenation reactor during normal operations; andwherein an oxidative dehydrogenation catalyst contained within the at least one oxidative dehydrogenation reactor reacts with the mixed feed stock stream to produce a product stream comprising the corresponding alkene.2. The chemical complex of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning loop comprises a pump claim 1 , a filter claim 1 , and a small heating vessel.3. The chemical complex of claim 1 , further comprising a knock-out vessel claim 1 , after the mixed feedstock stream outlet and in close proximity to the at least one oxidative dehydrogenation reactor claim 1 , wherein the knock-out vessel is configured to receive a condensed cleaning solvent.4. The chemical complex of claim 1 , further comprising a feedline connecting each of the at least two mixers to the at least one oxidative dehydrogenation reactor claim 1 , wherein the feedlines are fitted with sprayers to introduce a cleaning solvent to internal walls of the feedline.5. The chemical complex of claim 1 , ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200215524A1
Принадлежит: Crystaphase International, Inc.

A method for removing contaminants from a process stream that includes the use of reticulated material to filter the process stream. The reticulated material also facilitate process stream flow distribution in process units. The reticulated material can be packed with a void space between a substantial number of the reticulated material that can be varied to enhance filtration and flow distribution. The method of filtering also provides a method of removing contaminants leaving process equipment. The methods can be used on a variety of process streams and process equipment. The reticulated material can include ceramics, metallic materials, and chemical vapor deposition elements. The reticulated material can be of various shapes and sizes, and can also be catalytically active. 1. A method of removing contaminants from a contaminated process stream comprising:a) providing a plurality of randomly packed reticulated elements within a process unit, wherein the reticulated elements are sized such that there is a significant and varied void space therebetween, and wherein the entire depth of the randomly packed reticulated elements is capable of filtering contaminants from the process stream; and(b) contacting the contaminated process stream with the reticulated elements to filter contaminants from the contaminated process stream on a surface of the reticulated elements while allowing the process stream to pass through the significant and varied void space between the reticulated elements to produce a substantially decontaminated process stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reticulated elements comprise a plurality of disk-shaped elements.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reticulated elements comprise a plurality of monoliths.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the depth of the randomly packed reticulated elements within the process unit is at least six inches.56. The method of claim claim 1 , wherein the depth of the randomly packed reticulated elements ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200216588A1

A process for the polymerization of olefins in gas phase carried out in a reactor having two interconnected polymerization zones, a first zone (riser) and a second zone (downcomer), wherein growing polymer particles: 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of liquid is present in the whole riser.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein no liquid is present above 75% of the height of the riser.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein no liquid is present above 50% of the height of the riser.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure of operation of the reactor is between 5 and 40 bar g.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of operation of the reactor is between 40 and 120° C.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the two interconnected polymerization zones are operated such that the fluid mixture coming from the riser is totally or partially prevented from entering the downcomer by introducing into the upper part of the downcomer a liquid and/or stream claim 1 , denominated “barrier stream” claim 1 , having a composition different from the fluid mixture present in the riser.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein one or more feeding lines for the barrier stream are placed in the downcomer close to the upper limit of the volume occupied by the polymer particles flowing downward in a densified form.9. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the barrier stream comprises propane.10. The process according to claim 9 , wherein the barrier steam comprises:i. from 10 to 100% by mol of propylene, based upon the total moles in the barrier stream;ii. from 0 to 80% by mol of ethylene, based upon the total moles in the barrier stream;iii. from 0 to 30% by mol of propane, based upon the total moles in the barrier stream; andiv. from 0 to 5% by mol of hydrogen, based upon the total moles in the barrier stream.11. The process according to claim 10 , wherein the composition of the barrier stream derives ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190225563A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

An integrated process for producing C3-C4 olefins or di-olefins including: contacting a hydrocarbon feed and a catalyst feed in a fluidized dehydrogenation reactor under conditions such that a product mixture is formed and the catalyst is at least partially deactivated; transferring the product mixture and the catalyst from the reactor to a cyclonic separation system under conditions such that the product mixture is converted to form a new product mixture and is separated from the catalyst; transferring at least a portion of the catalyst to a regenerator vessel and heating it in order to combust the coke deposited thereon; subjecting the catalyst to a conditioning step to form an oxygen-containing, at least partially reactivated catalyst; and transferring the partially reactivated catalyst back to the fluidized dehydrogenation reactor. 1. An integrated process for producing C3-C4 olefins or C3-C4 di-olefins comprising the steps of:{'b': '1', 'claim-text': (i) a C3-C4 hydrocarbon feed and', '(ii) a catalyst feed comprising a catalyst;', 'under conditions such that a step (1)(a) product mixture, comprising a C3-C4 target olefin or di-olefin, hydrogen and unreacted C3-C4 hydrocarbon feed, is formed;, '() (a) contacting, in a fluidized dehydrogenation reactor,'} 'the catalyst has coke deposited thereon and is at least partially deactivated such that it forms an at least partially deactivated catalyst; and', 'and'}(b) transferring the step (1)(a) product mixture and the at least partially deactivated catalyst from the fluidized dehydrogenation reactor to a cyclonic separation system, andunder conditions such that the step (1)(a) product mixture is converted to form a step (1)(b) product mixture; andthereafter substantially separating the step (1)(b) product mixture and the at least partially deactivated catalyst from each other;(c) transferring at least a portion of the at least partially deactivated catalyst to a regenerator vessel and heating the at least partially ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190225894A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Systems and processes are disclosed for producing petrochemical products, such as ethylene, propene and other olefins from crude oil in high severity fluid catalytic cracking (HSFCC) units. Processes include separating a crude oil into a light fraction and a heavy fraction, cracking the light fraction and heavy fraction in separation cracking reaction zones, and regenerating the cracking catalysts in a two-zone regenerator having a first regeneration zone for the first catalyst (heavy fraction) and a second regeneration zone for the second catalyst (light fraction) separate from the first regeneration zone. Flue gas from the first catalyst regeneration zone is passed to the second regeneration zone to provide additional heat to raise the temperature of the second catalyst of the light fraction side. The disclosed systems and processes enable different catalysts and operating conditions to be utilized for the light fraction and the heavy fraction of a crude oil feed. 1. A process for producing petrochemical products from a hydrocarbon material , the process comprising:separating the hydrocarbon material into a lesser boiling point fraction and a greater boiling point fraction;cracking at least a portion of the greater boiling point fraction in the presence of a first catalyst at a reaction temperature of from 500° C. to 700° C. to produce a first cracking reaction product and a spent first catalyst;cracking at least a portion of the lesser boiling point fraction in the presence of a second catalyst at a reaction temperature of from 500° C. to 700° C. to produce a second cracking reaction product and a spent second catalyst;separating at least a portion of the first cracking reaction product from the spent first catalyst;separating at least a portion of the second cracking reaction product from the spent second catalyst;regenerating at least a portion of the spent first catalyst to produce a regenerated first catalyst;maintaining the spent second catalyst separate ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Thermolytic fragmentation of sugars using resistance heating

Номер: US20210260549A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe AS

A process for large scale and energy efficient production of oxygenates from sugar is disclosed in which a sugar feedstock is introduced into a thermolytic fragmentation reactor comprising a fluidized stream of heat carrying particles which are separated from the reaction product and directed to a reheater comprising a resistance heating system.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210260551A1

A device for cooling a fine-grained solid includes a fluidized bed cooler/heater in which the solid is fluidized with a fluidizing gas and thereby releases energy in the form of heat within the cooler/heater at least two cyclones which are connected in parallel. The cyclones are arranged such that after the fluidization of the solid the fluidizing gas passes through the cyclones so contained particles are removed. 110.-. (canceled)11. A device for cooling a fine-grained solid , comprising a fluidized bed cooler/heater in which the solid is fluidized with a fluidizing gas and thereby releases energy in the form of heat , wherein at least two cyclones connected in parallel are provided within the cooler/heater , whereby the cyclones are arranged such that after the fluidization of the solid the fluidizing gas passes through the cyclones so contained particles are removed wherein all cyclones connected in parallel have a common outlet leg for withdrawing the particles from the fluidized bed cooler/heater.12. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the fluidized bed cooler/heater is divided into at least two different segments which are in fluidic contact with one another.13. The device according to claim 11 , wherein at least one cyclone has a tangential inlet.14. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the common outlet leg features additional nozzles for fluidizing the separated particles.15. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the outlet leg opens into a collecting container.16. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the outlet leg opens into a fluidized bed.17. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the outlet leg opens into the fluidized bed of the fluidized bed cooler/heater established therein during operation.18. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the out-let leg opens into a seal pot.19. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the outlet leg has a flap. The invention belongs to a device and its relating method for cooling or ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210260555A1
Автор: Pretz Matthew T.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A process for commencing a continuous reaction in a reactor system includes introducing a catalyst to a catalyst processing portion of the reactor system, the catalyst initially having a first temperature of 500 C or less, and contacting the catalyst at the first temperature with a commencement fuel gas stream, which includes at least 80 mol % commencement fuel gas, in the catalyst processing portion. Contacting of the catalyst with the commencement fuel gas stream causes combustion of the commencement fuel gas. The process includes maintaining the contacting of the catalyst with the commencement fuel gas stream until the temperature of the catalyst increases from the first temperature to a second temperature at which combustion of a regenerator fuel source maintains an operating temperature range in the catalyst processing portion. 1. A process for commencing a continuous reaction in a reactor system , the process comprising:introducing a catalyst to a catalyst processing portion of the reactor system, wherein the catalyst initially has a first temperature of 500° C. or less;contacting the catalyst at the first temperature with a commencement fuel gas stream comprising at least 80 mol % of a commencement fuel gas in the catalyst processing portion, wherein the contacting of the catalyst with the commencement fuel gas stream causes combustion of the commencement fuel gas;maintaining the contacting of the catalyst with the commencement fuel gas stream until the temperature of the catalyst increases from the first temperature to a second temperature at which combustion of a regenerator fuel source maintains an operating temperature range in the catalyst processing portion.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the second temperature is at least 650° C. claim 1 , at least 700° C. claim 1 , or at least 750° C.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is less than or equal to 400° C. claim 1 , less than or equal to 300° C. claim 1 , or less than or equal to ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200231521A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

According to one or more embodiments disclosed herein, a reactant gas may be converted by a method comprising introducing the reactant gas to a fluidized bed reactor. The main reactor vessel of the fluidized bed reactor may be tapered such that the upstream portion of the main reactor vessel comprises a lesser cross-sectional area than the downstream portion of the main reactor vessel. 1. A method for converting a reactant gas , the method comprising:introducing the reactant gas to a fluidized bed reactor such that the reactant gas is contacted by a catalyst, wherein the fluidized bed reactor comprises a main reactor vessel comprising an upstream portion and a downstream portion, and a transition section connected to the downstream portion of the main reactor vessel, and wherein the reactant gas enters the fluidized bed reactor at or near the upstream portion of the main reactor vessel;catalytically reacting the reactant gas to form a reaction product in the fluidized bed reactor, wherein the reaction results in additional gas molecules relative to the reactant gas; andpassing the reaction product and any unreacted reactant gas through the transition section;wherein the main reactor vessel is tapered such that the upstream portion of the main reactor vessel comprises a lesser cross-sectional area than the downstream portion of the main reactor vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the superficial velocity of the gases in the fluidized bed reactor at the downstream portion of the main reactor vessel less than or equal to 140% of the superficial velocity of the gases in the fluidized bed reactor at the upstream portion of the main reactor vessel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the suspension density in the fluidized bed reactor at the downstream portion of the main reactor vessel is greater than or equal to 25% of the suspension density of the gases in the fluidized bed reactor at the upstream portion of the main reactor vessel.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200231880A1

Systems and methods are provided for conversion of methanol to gasoline in an integrated system that can also upgrade light paraffins generated by the methanol conversion process to aromatics. In some aspects, the integrated configuration can include integration of the stage for upgrading of light paraffins to aromatics into the product separation sequence for processing of the methanol conversion effluent. In other aspects, the integrated configuration can further include sharing a common catalyst between the methanol conversion stage and the stage for upgrading light paraffins to aromatics. 1. A method for conversion of an oxygenate feed , comprising:{'sup': −1', '−1, 'sub': 3', '4', '5+, 'exposing a feed comprising one or more oxygenates to a first conversion catalyst at an average reaction temperature of 230° C. to 425° C., a total pressure of 10 psig (˜70 kPag) to 400 psig (˜2800 kPag), and a WHSV of 0.1 hrto 10.0 hr, to form a conversion effluent, separating a light paraffin stream comprising C-Cparaffins and a stream comprising C hydrocarbons from the conversion effluent; and'}{'sub': 3', '4, 'exposing at least a portion of the light paraffin stream and an oxygenate co-feed to a second conversion catalyst at an average reaction temperature of 450° C. or more to form an upgraded effluent comprising aromatics, a weight ratio of the oxygenate co-feed to C-Cparaffins in the at least a portion of the light paraffin stream being 1.0 to 1.5.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed comprises methanol claim 1 , dimethyl ether claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxygenate co-feed comprises methanol claim 1 , or wherein the oxygenate co-feed comprises an additional portion of the feed claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light paraffin stream comprises 1.0 wt % to 50 wt % of C-Cparaffins claim 1 , or wherein the at least a portion of the light paraffin stream comprises 1.0 wt % to 50 wt % or ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180243715A1

A process and apparatus for combusting coke from catalyst two stages is disclosed. Catalyst and flue gas from a lower chamber ascends to an upper chamber to be roughly separated by swirl ducts extending from a combustion conduit. The swirl ducts may discharge into a container in the upper chamber. 1. A catalyst regenerator vessel for combusting coke from catalyst comprising:a lower chamber having a catalyst inlet for feeding spent catalyst to said lower chamber and a gas distributor for distributing combustion gas to said lower chamber;a conduit from said lower chamber extending from said lower chamber to an upper chamber;a swirl duct having a curved wall and an open end for discharging catalyst and flue gas from said conduit into said upper chamber;a cyclone in communication with said swirl duct;a flue gas outlet for discharging flue gas from said upper chamber; anda regenerated catalyst outlet from said upper chamber and said vessel.2. The regenerator vessel of further comprising a container surrounding said conduit interposed between the conduit and said regenerated catalyst outlet.3. The regenerator vessel of wherein said container has a wall that extends to said lower chamber.4. The regenerator vessel of wherein said container has a first lateral side comprising opposed edges that define a first window; said first window located on the container opposed away from said regenerated catalyst outlet.5. The regenerator vessel of wherein said container comprises a plurality of first windows positioned on the container nonlinearly with the regenerated catalyst outlet outside of said container.6. The regenerator vessel of further comprising a plurality of second windows positioned on the container linear with the regenerated catalyst outlet outside of said container.7. The regenerator vessel of wherein said container has a cap above said swirl duct and said cap has a cap opening therein to allow flue gas to exit from said container.8. The regenerator vessel of further ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180258349A1

A carbonaceous feed pyrolysis apparatus is provided including two or more hot particle fluidised beds, one of which contains a combustion zone, and one or more positive displacement apparatus for the transfer of hot particles beds. Also provided is a bio-oil production process including two or more fluidised beds, a first combustion zone carried out in one or more combustion fluidised beds in which a particulate material is fluidised and heated, and a second pyrolysis zone carried out in one or more pyrolysis fluidised beds in which hot particles heated in the combustion zone are used for pyrolysis of bio-mass, the combustion zone being operated at or about atmospheric pressure at a temperature of from 400° C. to 1100° C., and the pyrolysis zone being operated at a pressure of from atmospheric to 100 Barg at a temperature of from 400° C. to 900° C. 120-. (canceled)30. An endothermic reaction process , comprising: two or more fluidized bed zones comprising a first fluidized bed zone and a second fluidized bed zone;', 'a second fluidized bed zone gas feed comprising a closed gas loop configured such that, in use, a portion of a gas produced in the second fluidized bed zone is recycled in the closed gas loop to the first fluidized bed zone, such that the recycled gas is used as a gaseous fuel for the first fluidized bed zone, either fully or in part;', 'an apertured divider having one or more apertures therethrough connecting at least two of the fluidized bed zones;', 'a mass transfer device for transferring particulate matter from at least one fluidized bed zone to an other fluidized bed zone;', 'a gas loop purge configured such that, in use, a part of the recycled gas stream from the second fluidized bed zone is purged from the closed gas loop; and', 'a flow rate regulator configured to, in use, regulate a flow rate to a predeterminable rate;, 'providing an endothermic reaction apparatus, comprisingcombusting a carbonaceous material in a presence of oxygen in a hot ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190255498A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

According to one or more embodiments, a fluid catalytic reactor may include a riser, a lower reactor portion, a transition portion, and a flow director. The riser may include a cross-sectional area, and the lower reactor portion may include a cross-sectional area. The transition portion may attach the riser to the lower reactor portion. The cross-sectional area of the riser may be less than the cross-sectional area of the lower reactor portion such that the transition portion is tapered inward from the lower reactor portion to the riser. The flow director may be positioned at least within an interior region of the transition portion. The flow director may include a body which affects the velocity profile of fluids moving from the lower reactor portion to the riser. 1. A fluid catalytic reactor comprising:a riser comprising cross-sectional area;a lower reactor portion comprising a cross-sectional area;a transition portion attaching the riser to the lower reactor portion, wherein the cross-sectional area of the riser is less than the cross-sectional area of the lower reactor portion such that the transition portion is tapered inward from the lower reactor portion to the riser; anda flow director positioned at least within an interior region of the transition portion, wherein the flow director affects the velocity profile of fluids moving from the lower reactor portion to the riser.2. The fluid catalytic reactor of claim 1 , wherein the flow director fills at least 10% of a volume of the transition portion.3. The fluid catalytic reactor of claim 1 , wherein the flow director fills at least 20% of a volume of the transition portion.4. The fluid catalytic reactor of claim 1 , wherein the flow director fills from 20% to 45% of a volume of the transition portion.5. The fluid catalytic reactor of claim 1 , wherein the flow director comprises a conical structure.6. The fluid catalytic reactor of claim 1 , wherein the flow director comprises a frustum structure.7. The fluid ...
