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25-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608822C2

Изобретение относится к органам управления и исполнительным механизмам для активных заслонок решетки радиатора. Система активных заслонок решетки радиатора содержит контроллер, датчик, который выдает сигнал замерзания в контроллер, когда температура находится около или ниже замерзания, и электродвигатель, который открывает и закрывает множество заслонок. Электродвигатель принимает низкий токовый сигнал из контроллера для приведения в действие системы при первом уровне крутящего момента и принимает высокий токовый сигнал для приведения в действие системы при втором уровне крутящего момента, когда контроллер принимает сигнал замерзания. Сигнал атмосферных осадков из системы стеклоочистителей транспортного средства выдается в контроллер для выдачи указания, что есть атмосферные осадки, присутствующие в окружающей среде транспортного средства. Контроллер может выдавать высокий токовый сигнал на электродвигатель, только когда сигнал замерзания и сигнал атмосферных осадков выдаются в контроллер ...

14-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628022C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для регулирования охлаждающего воздушного потока в автомобиле. Устройство (10) содержит шторку (12), которая может двигаться вдоль отверстия для впуска воздуха автомобиля, горизонтально направленную изоляционную раму (18) для направления шторки (12) вдоль отверстия для впуска воздуха, опорную раму, размещенную в изоляционной раме (18), для опоры шторки (12) против охлаждающего воздушного потока. Достигается улучшение закрепления шторки в направляющей. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

17-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017108629A3

27-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2014146736A3

09-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015106310A3

07-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016122568A3

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU150673U1

... 1. Система активных заслонок решетки для использования в движущемся транспортном средстве, которая содержит по крайней мере одну пластину, исполнительный механизм для удержания по крайней мере одной пластины в заданном положении, контроллер, выполненный с возможностью регулировать количество электроэнергии, подаваемой на исполнительный механизм, в зависимости от условий работы транспортного средства.2. Система по п.1, в которой исполнительный механизм представляет собой электродвигатель.3. Система по п.1 или 2, в которой по крайней мере одна пластина выполнена с возможностью перемещения в угловом направлении между открытым положением, закрытым положением и по крайней мере одним заданным промежуточным положением.4. Система по п.3, в которой пластина может быть установлена в открытое положение, закрытое положение и по крайней мере одно заданное промежуточное положение.5. Система по п.4, в которой по крайней мере одна пластина в открытом положении находится в первой угловой позиции, в закрытом ...

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2444446C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а именно к устройству для направления охлаждающего воздуха к передаче автомобиля с помощью направляющего воздух элемента. Направляющий воздух элемент содержит, по меньшей мере, два направляющих воздух канала, которые проходят в продольном направлении автомобиля и имеют выпускающие воздух отверстия. Отверстия обращены к днищу кузова автомобиля и на передней стенке канала имеют язычок спойлера. Язычок спойлера расположен поперек автомобиля, обращен вниз и выполнен с возможностью отклонения и примыкает к эластичным ребрам. Эластичные ребра проходят вдоль боковых стенок канала и выступают вниз. Достигается более эффективное охлаждение агрегатов транспортного средства. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014115417A

... 1. Облицовка (10) для автомобиля, в частности грузового автомобиля, с помощью которой подкапотное пространство с двигателем (32) и коробкой (34) передач облицовано в направлении вниз по меньшей мере на участках и которая содержит по меньшей мере элемент (12) облицовки, который может регулируемым образом быть перемещен из позиции (A) перекрытия по меньшей мере в одну следующую позицию (B, C), отличающаяся тем, что в указанной по меньшей мере одной следующей позиции (C, B) элемента (12) облицовки является свободным отверстие (16) в свету относительно вертикальной оси (ось z) автомобиля, а элемент (12) облицовки расположен в направлении вертикальной оси (ось z) автомобиля ниже двигателя (32) и коробки (34) передач.2. Облицовка для кабины (38) водителя грузового автомобиля, с помощью которой подкапотное пространство автомобиля в области задней стенки (40) кабины (38) водителя облицовано по меньшей мере на участках в направлении вниз и которая содержит по меньшей мере один элемент (42) облицовки ...

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Air inlet device for use in cooling device of motor vehicle, comprises modification unit for modification of its free opening by longitudinal positioning element arranged in free opening

Номер: DE102009058760A1

The air inlet device (10) comprises a modification unit for modification of its free opening (14) by a longitudinal positioning element (30) arranged in the free opening, and has a hose element (32,32a,32b,32c). An internal area (36a,36b,36c) of the hose element is connected with a fluid reservoir. The hose element covers a stabilization body (34,34a,34b) in a freely pivoting manner. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a method for operating an air inlet device in a free opening of a motor vehicle; and (2) a cooling device comprises a cooling unit.

30-01-2003 дата публикации

Kühleranordnung und luftgekühlter Kühler

Номер: DE0019724728C2

Die Erfindung betrifft einen luftgekühlten Kühler und eine Kühleranordnung (1), bestehend aus mehreren luftgekühlten Kühlern, beispielsweise Wasserkühler (2), Ladeluftkühler (3) und Ölkühler (4), die kastenförmig angeordnet sind und einen Ventilator (5) einschließen. Die Aufgabe der Erfindung besteht darin, die Kühleranordnung und den luftgekühlten Kühler so weiterzubilden, daß mit konstruktiv einfachen Mitteln eine schnelle Anpassung an wechselnde Lastfälle möglich ist. Erfindungsgemäß ist bei der Kühleranordnung vorgesehen, daß mindestens einer der Kühler ein Kühlnetz (6), bestehend aus Flachrohren (7) und dazwischen angeordneten Luftlamellen (8), aufweist und der vom Ventilator (5) erzeugte Volumenstrom der Kühlluft, die durch die Kühleranordnung (1) strömt, an mindestens einem der Kühler mittels einer Schiebejalousie (9) regulierbar ist, die als ein einziges flaches, mit parallelen Schlitzen (10) versehens Bauteil ausgebildet ist, dessen Schlitze (10) und dazwischen angeordnete Stege ...

24-06-1929 дата публикации

Jalousieartige Abdeckvorrichtung fuer den Kuehler von Kraftfahrzeugen

Номер: DE0000478427C
Принадлежит: FRANZ ALES

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015001297B4

Fahrzeug, miteiner Frontkühlerblende (62),einer Maschine (26), die eine Energiequelle für ein Bewegen des Fahrzeugs ist,einem Maschinenabteil (110), in dem die Maschine (26) beherbergt ist,einem Energiespeichergerät (10), das eine Energiequelle für einen Motor (MG2) ist, der das Fahrzeug bewegt, wobei das Energiespeichergerät (10) dazu eingerichtet ist, um mit elektrischer Energie von einer externen Energieversorgung geladen zu werden, wobei die externe Energieversorgung außerhalb des Fahrzeugs vorgesehen ist,einem Temperatursensor (21), der dazu eingerichtet ist, um eine Temperatur eines Kühlmittels der Maschine (26) zu erfassen,einem Verschluss (61), der in einem Übertragungspfad von durch die Frontkühlerblende (62) des Fahrzeugs in das Maschinenabteil (110) gesaugter Luft angeordnet ist, wobei der Verschluss (61) dazu eingerichtet ist, um zwischen einem geschlossenen Zustand und einem geöffneten Zustand geschaltet zu werden, wobei der geschlossene Zustand ein Zustand ist, in dem der ...

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Luftzufuhreinrichtung zum Regulieren einer Kühlluftmenge und damit ausgestattetes Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102020106511A1

Vorgeschlagen wird eine Luftzufuhreinrichtung (100) zum Regulieren einer über einen Lufteinlass (5) eines Kraftfahrzeugs zuführbaren Kühlluftmenge, mit einem Verschlusselement (110), das zwischen einer Verschlussstellung, in der der Lufteinlass (5) durch das Verschlusselement (110) zumindest im Wesentlichen verschlossen ist, und einer Öffnungsstellung bewegbar ist, in der der Lufteinlass (5) von der Kühlluft in einer Strömungsrichtung durchströmbar ist. Zudem weist die Luftzufuhreinrichtung (100) einen Träger (7), der in Bezug auf den Lufteinlass (5) ortsfest ist, und einen Anschlag (130) auf, der eine Bewegung des Verschlusselements (110) entgegen einer Strömungsrichtung der Kühlluft begrenzt. Dabei liegt das Verschlusselement (110) mit wenigstens einer Seite an dem Träger (7) angelenkt ist und sich in der Verschlussstellung über einen Querschnitt des Lufteinlasses erstreckt und mit einer freien Seite an dem Anschlag (130) an und zum Überführen des Verschlusselements (110) ist dieses von ...

19-07-2007 дата публикации

Air flow controlling device for cooling internal combustion engine, has cover unit partially and selectively openable for providing air outlet, where cover unit comprises movable flaps that are arranged in perpendicular manner

Номер: DE102006001797A1

The device has a fan unit that is arranged over a part of a heat exchange surface of a heat exchanger. A cover unit (5) is arranged over another part of the heat exchange surface. The cover unit is partially and selectively openable for providing an air outlet. The cover unit comprises a set of movable flaps (6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) that are arranged in a perpendicular manner. An exhaust arrangement is arranged in the fan unit.

29-08-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE8510723U1
Принадлежит: WEBER, ARNO, 2300 KIEL, DE

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Luftleiteinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102010002373B4

Luftleiteinrichtung (10) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, umfassend: – wenigstens eine Luftklappe (16) mit einer Luftklappen-Lageranordnung (20), welche eine Klappenachse (18) definiert, wobei die Luftklappe (16) wenigstens zwei sich von der Klappenachse (18) aus in verschiedene Richtungen erstreckende Klappen-Flügel (16f1, 16f2) aufweist, – eine Trägerstruktur (12) mit einer der Luftklappe (16) zugeordneten Trägerstruktur-Lageranordnung (22), wobei die Luftklappen-Lageranordnung (20) eine Luftklappen-Lagereinrichtung (24) umfasst und die Trägerstruktur-Lageranordnung eine Trägerstruktur-Lagereinrichtung (28) umfasst, welche mit der Luftklappen-Lagereinrichtung (24) in einem Normalbetrieb der Luftleiteinrichtung (10) derart in Lagereingriff steht, dass die Luftklappe (16) um die Klappenachse (18) schwenkbar an der Trägerstruktur (12) gelagert ist, sowie – eine Antriebsvorrichtung (60), die zum Antreiben einer Schwenkbewegung der Luftklappe (16) um die Klappenachse (18) kraftübertragend mit der Luftklappe ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Entlüftungsanordnung für Aggregate in einem Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102014106066A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Entlüftungsanordnung für Aggregate in einem Kraftfahrzeug (2) mit einem Unterbodenflächenelement (4), das mindestens eine Entlüftungsöffnung (10) aufweist, die durch mindestens ein erstes, um eine in Fahrtrichtung gesehen horizontal verlaufende Drehachse (18) im Fahrzeugaußenbereich verschwenkbares Klappenorgan (12) verschließbar ist, wobei mindestens ein weiteres zweites Klappenorgan (14, 16) der Entlüftungsöffnung (8, 8) zugeordnet ist, das um eine in Fahrtrichtung gesehen horizontal verlaufende Drehachse (20, 22) im Fahrzeuginnenbereich verschwenkbar ausgeführt ist.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Kühlvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug, insbesondere einen Kraftwagen

Номер: DE102017007768A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kühlvorrichtung (10') für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit wenigstens einem von einem Kühlmittel durchströmbaren Kühlkreislauf (12), in welchem wenigstens ein in einem Motorraum (14) des Kraftfahrzeugs angeordneten Kühler (16) zum Kühlen des Kühlmittels und eine von dem Kühlmittel durchströmbare Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) angeordnet sind, welche mittels des Kühlmittels zu kühlen ist, mit einer in dem Motorraum (14) angeordneten und von Abgas der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) durchströmbaren Abgasführungseinrichtung (20), und mit einer Luftführungseinrichtung (40) zum Führen eines aus Fahrtwind resultierenden Luftstroms durch den Motorraum (14), wobei die Luftführungseinrichtung (40) zwischen einem ersten Betriebszustand, in welchem die Abgasführungseinrichtung (20) bezogen auf eine durch den ersten Betriebszustand bewirkte erste Strömungsrichtung des Luftstroms stromab des Kühlers (16) angeordnet ist, und einem zweiten Betriebszustand umschaltbar ist, in welchem die ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Kühlen eines Mildhybrid-Startergenerators (MHSG) eines Mildhybridelektrofahrzeugs

Номер: DE102017129305A1

Eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Kühlen eines Mildhybrid-Startergenerators (MHSG) (30) eines Mildhybridelektrofahrzeugs können aufweisen: einen Stromdetektor (91), welcher einen Strom, der dem MHSG (30) zugeführt wird, erfasst, eine Zeitmesseinrichtung (92), welcher eine verstrichene Zeit nach einer bestimmten Zeit erfasst, und eine Steuereinrichtung (100), welche dazu eingerichtet ist, zu ermitteln, ob gemäß Signalen des Stromdetektors (91) und der Zeitmesseinrichtung (92) eine Hohe-Temperatur-Bedingung erfüllt ist, und einen Betrieb einer Luftklappe (70) steuert.

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Abdeckvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102018000955A1
Автор: MIES ROBERT, Mies, Robert

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Abdeckvorrichtung (10) für ein Fahrzeug, mit mindestens einem beweglichen Abdeckelement (14) und mindestens einem Aktuator (16), welcher das mindestens eine bewegliche Abdeckelement (14) temperaturabhängig zwischen einer Offenstellung und einer Geschlossenstellung bewegt. Erfindungsgemäß erkennt mindestens ein Sensorpaar (18A, 18B) die Offenstellung oder die Geschlossenstellung des mindestens einen beweglichen Abdeckelements (14), wobei das mindestens eine bewegliche Abdeckelement (14) in Fahrtrichtung hinter und über dem Motor angeordnet ist und einen zwischen einem Wasserkasten (7) und einer Motorabdeckung (7) angeordneten Durchlassbereich (9) zum Motorraum (1) in der Geschlossenstellung abdichtet oder in der Offenstellung freigibt.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Steuersysteme und -verfahren für aerodynamische Verschlussklappen

Номер: DE102011011651B4

Verschlussklappensteuersystem für ein Fahrzeug, das umfasst: ein Verschlussklappenschließmodul (404), das selektiv eine Verschlussklappe (204) auf der Basis einer Bremspedalposition und/oder eines Ladungszustandes einer Energiespeichervorrichtung (134) und/oder einer Drosselklappenposition schließt, um den Luftwiderstand an dem Fahrzeug zu verringern, wobei die Verschlussklappe (204) die Luftströmung in einen Maschinenraum (129) des Fahrzeugs blockiert, wenn sie geschlossen ist; ein Steuermodul (408) für regeneratives Bremsen, das einen Motorgenerator (132) zum regenerativen Bremsen so steuert, wenn die Verschlussklappe (204) geschlossen ist, dass die Verringerung des Luftwiderstandes infolge des Schließens der Verschlussklappe (204) kompensiert wird; und ein Verschlussklappenöffnungsmodul (406), das, wenn die Verschlussklappe (204) von dem Verschlussklappenschließmodul (404) geschlossen wurde, die Verschlussklappe (204) selektiv auf der Basis einer Verlangsamung des Fahrzeugs zur Erhöhung ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Motor car device, has control and/or regulating unit comprising adjustable strategy, which is provided to adjusting elements as function of actual value for aerodynamics management and function of actual value for thermal management

Номер: DE102011113911A1

The device has a control and/or regulating unit (10) comprising a velocity sensor (11) that provides actual value i.e. motor car velocity, for aerodynamic management, and a temperature sensor (12) that provides an actual value i.e. operating temperature, for a combustion engine, for thermal management. The control and/or regulating unit comprises an adjustable strategy, which is provided to aerodynamic adjustment elements (13, 14) as function of the actual value for aerodynamics management and function of the actual value for thermal management. An independent claim is also included for a method for adjusting an aerodynamic adjustment element.

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Rahmen für ein Verschlusssystem

Номер: DE102014106605A1

Der erfindungsgemäße Rahmen dient zur Anordnung im Frontbereich eines Kraftfahrzeuges. Der Rahmen nimmt mindestens einen Halter, ein Luftführungselement und mindestens eine Lamelle auf. Der Rahmen ist aus thermoplastischem Kunststoff hergestellt, wobei der thermoplastische Kunststoff mit Fasern versetzt ist und die Fasern derart gewählt sind, dass der Rahmen ein Elastizitätsmodul von mindestens 42.000 MPa besitzt.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Batterie betreibbares Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019122619A1

Batterie betreibbares Kraftfahrzeug, wobei die Batterie und/oder Leistungselektronik in einem Batterierraum anordenbar und durch ein Fluid kühlbar ist, wobei das Fluid durch einen Wärmetauscher förderbar und kühlbar ist, wobei der Wärmetauscher der von einem Ventilator mit einer Kühlluft beaufschlagbar ist und wobei in einer Fahrtrichtung des Kraftfahrzeuges der Wärmetauscher vor der Batterie angeordnet ist, wobei in Strömungsrichtung der Kühlluft hinter dem Wärmetauscher ein Kühlluftleitelement angeordnet ist, welches die erwärmte Kühlluft in einen von dem Ventilator entfernten Bereich leitet.Aufgrund der erfindungsgemäßen Ausgestaltung wird von dem Ventilator keine erwärmte Kühlluft angesaugt und somit der Wirkungsgrad der Kühlung verbessert.

31-07-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002041163C3
Принадлежит: DEERE & CO., MOLINE, ILL. (V.ST.A.)

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Airflow varying device for front-side heat exchanger module of air-conditioning and heating system utilized in passenger car, has electrically adjustable lateral cool air Venetian blinds opened when fans of module are activated

Номер: DE102011013856A1

The device has electrically adjustable lateral cool air Venetian blinds (32) controlling side channels (28, 30) that are opened into an air supply duct (12). The Venetian blinds are opened when another electrically adjustable cool air Venetian blind (14) is closed and electrically operated fans (22, 24) of a heat exchanger module (17) are activated, where the module is directly arranged in an engine compartment (16). The module is connected with a condenser or a gas cooler (18) of an air conditioning apparatus through the latter Venetian blind. An independent claim is also included for a method for operating an airflow varying device.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Öffnen und Schließen einer Luftleitvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102009038428B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Vorrichtung zum Öffnen und Schließen einer Luftleitvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug, aufweisend eine Klappe (1), die in einer Geschlossenstellung bündig mit einer umliegenden Außenverkleidung (2) der Karosserie des Kraftfahrzeugs abschließt und in einer Offenstellung einseitig zur Mitte des Kraftfahrzeugs hin um eine Drehachse (A) verschwenkt ist, wobei die Drehachse (A) an einem in Fahrtrichtung (F) des Kraftfahrzeugs vorne liegenden Abschnitt (1a) der Klappe (1) ausgebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Klappe (1) seitlich an dem Kraftfahrzeug angeordnet und durch Mittel zum Bewegen (3, 4, 5) zwischen der Geschlossenstellung und der Offenstellung verschwenkbar ist, wobei die Drehachse (A) bei einem Verschwenken der Klappe (1) parallel verschiebbar ist, so dass eine translatorische Verschiebung der Klappe (1) erfolgt.

13-11-2003 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur temperaturabhängigen Auslösung einer Notfunktion

Номер: DE0010218700A1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung zur temperaturabhängigen Auslösung einer Notfunktion angegeben, die zum Zwecke der Integration in eine elektromotorische Stelleinheit mit vorzugsweise kleiner Stelleistung ein vorgespanntes Betätigungselement (22), das unter der Wirkung der Vorspannung einen die Notfunktion herbeiführenden Stellweg zurücklegt, und ein Schmelzglied (23) aufweist, das unterhalb einer Schmelztemperatur den Vorspannungszustand des Betätigungselements (22) aufrechterhält und mit Aufschmelzen bei Erreichen der Schmelztemperatur seine Wirkung verliert (Fig. 2).

23-10-2013 дата публикации

Grille for vehicle

Номер: GB0201315949D0

21-03-2018 дата публикации

A grille shutter assembly

Номер: GB0201801706D0

01-11-2000 дата публикации

Blower and fan,blower and fan system,and method for supplying wind using the blower and fan system

Номер: GB0000022982D0

28-03-2012 дата публикации

Adaptor for housing vehicle radiator blind

Номер: GB0002483977A

A housing is provided for a radiator blind 10 of a motor vehicle that includes a base section 1 for accommodating the radiator blind 10, and an adaptor section 2 that is secured to a prescribed port of the vehicle. The invention allows fitment of a standard item to a variety of vehicles. The adaptor 2 can provide mounting for cables and a sensor and is typically injection moulded in plastic.

03-06-2015 дата публикации

Devices for controlling the downforce generated by a vehicle

Номер: GB0002520888A

A vehicle comprising a flap that is attached to the vehicle in such a way as to permit movement of the flap from a first position to a second position, wherein the flap is configured to alter the downforce generated by the vehicle when the vehicle is in motion by affecting the airflow underneath the vehicle, the effect of the flap on the airflow being dependent upon the second position of the flap.

24-02-2016 дата публикации

Closable air guiding device on a vehicle

Номер: GB0002522523B

11-03-2020 дата публикации

Active grille shutter vane for a vehicle

Номер: GB0002576948A

A vehicle active grille shutter vane 22 for an active grille shutter assembly 20. The vane comprises: a leading edge and a trailing edge whereby, in use, the vane is configured such that airflow passes around the vane from the leading edge 27 to the trailing edge 28 when the active grille shutter assembly is in an open configuration; and a primary surface 26 extending between the leading edge and the trailing edge. The leading edge, primary surface and trailing edge provide a continuous cambered attachment surface for the airflow passing over the primary surface to encourage attachment of the airflow to the vane. Further features may include a vortex geometry fin 43, or stiffening rib 40, as vortex generating features, and the leading edge 27 is filleted.

20-01-2021 дата публикации

Active vane control system and method

Номер: GB0002585694A

A method of controlling active vanes 2-1,2-2 selectively movable in a first position and a second position on a host vehicle VH1 having an energy recovery system 10 involves (in respect of one or more current operating parameters of the vehicle) determining the difference between an energy expended value (EEV1, EEV2) and an energy recovery value (ERV1, ERV2) of the active vanes in each of the first position and second position. The vanes are then moved to the position with the greatest magnitude difference. The energy expended and recovered values can account for a leading vehicle (VT1, fig 3) or trailing vehicle (VT2, fig 3) disturbing airflow.

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Control device of thermoregulator curtain for radiators, in particular of engines of motor vehicles and curtain by making application.

Номер: OA0000001993A

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519619T

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000037385A

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422438T

07-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005483573A

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002943374A1

A hollow vane structure for an active grille system 100 having a first piece 12 of the vane body 10 that includes a front side 14 and a back side 16. The first piece 12 has a concave cross-section extending from the front side 14 toward the back side 16. This concave section creates a hollowed inward section 18 on the back side 16 of the first piece 12. The first piece 12 also includes an edge surface 20 formed on the first piece which defines a perimeter of the hollowed inward section 18. A second piece 22 of the vane body is connected to the back side 16 of the first piece 12 and extends across the hollowed inward section 18 and is connected to the first piece 12 to at least the edge surface 20 on the back side 16 of the first piece 12.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002886079A1

A fail safe module for an active grille having two or more vanes movable between an open position and a closed position. In the event of failure of an electrically driven actuator, a fail safe module connected between a driven vane of the two or more vanes and the electrically driven actuator moves the vanes to a fail-safe position. The fail safe module has a locked and unlocked position when the fail safe module is in the locked position the fail safe module, the electrically driven actuator and the two or more vanes move together in response to the power provided by the electrically driven actuator. When the fail safe module is in the unlocked position, the fail safe module disengages the two or more vanes from the electrically driven actuator and moves the two or more vanes to the fail-safe position.

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974627A1

... ²The present invention is directed to a vehicle compartment louver ²carrier with integrated ducting. The carrier includes at least one aperture, ²and ²at least one louver rotatably mounted in the aperture. Also attached to the ²carrier is an actuator, and the actuator is connected to the louver. The ²actuator is operable for moving the louver between an open position and a ²closed position such that when the louver is in the open position, air flow ²passes through the aperture.² ...

04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974627C

The present invention is directed to a vehicle compartment louver carrier with integrated ducting. The carrier includes at least one aperture, and at least one louver rotatably mounted in the aperture. Also attached to the carrier is an actuator, and the actuator is connected to the louver. The actuator is operable for moving the louver between an open position and a closed position such that when the louver is in the open position, air flow passes through the aperture.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881093A1

An active grille shutter arrangement having an assembled modular frame. The assembled modular frame includes an upper frame portion and a lower frame portion each having a first end and a second end. A first end cap is connectable to both the first end of the upper frame portion and the first end of the lower frame portion. The connection between the first end of the upper frame portion and the first end of the lower frame portion includes an upper bar end joint formed on the front end of the upper frame portion and a lower bar end joint formed on the first end of the lower frame portion. The upper bar end joint slides into an upper bar end cap joint formed on the first end cap and the lower bar end joint slides into a lower end cap joint formed on the first end cap.

15-09-1951 дата публикации

Zugvorrichtung an Rolljalousien.

Номер: CH0000277871A

15-05-1959 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Regulierung des Kühlluftstromes bei Autokühlern

Номер: CH0000338362A

15-03-1959 дата публикации

Vollautomatisch betätigte Kühlerjalousie an Automobilen

Номер: CH0000337026A
Принадлежит: AEBI MAX, AEBI,MAX

15-07-1953 дата публикации

Rollvorhang-Einrichtung an Kraftwagenkühlern.

Номер: CH0000291973A

15-02-1955 дата публикации

Kühler-Rouleau an Motorfahrzeugen.

Номер: CH0000305296A

30-06-1934 дата публикации

Kälte-Schutzvorrichtung für Autokühler.

Номер: CH0000170271A

31-10-1973 дата публикации

Kühlerabdeckvorrichtung für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: CH0000543669A

13-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000665392A5

15-10-2013 дата публикации

Shutter for the radiator of a motor vehicle.

Номер: CH0000706366A2

Die Jalousie für den Kühler eines Kraftfahrzeuges hat in einem kreisrunden Kanal (2) eines Kühlerrahmens (3) um ihre Längsachse schwenkbar gelagerte, radial angeordnete Lamellen (4), die zur Ausführung einer Schwenkbewegung zwischen einer offenen und geschlossenen Position der Jalousie im Bereich ihres radial äusseren Endes mit einem den Kanal (2) umschliessenden Stellring (5) gekoppelt sind. Ein Stellantrieb (6) für den Stellring (5) hat einen selbsthemmenden Getriebemotor, dessen Abtriebswelle, mit einer Stellkurbel (M) gekuppelt ist. Das der Abtriebswelle abgekehrtes Ende der Stellkurbel ist über ein Gelenk mit einer mehrfach längeren Stellstange (13) kniehebelartig verbunden, deren der Stellkurbel abgekehrte Ende mit dem Stellring (5) gekoppelt ist. Ein solches den Kurbeltrieb schützendes Gehäuse (18) erstreckt sich entlang des Umfanges des Stellringes (5) und ist gemeinsam mit einem Stellantriebsgehäuse (9) am Kühlerrahmen (3) befestigt.

30-11-2012 дата публикации

Sun-blind for motor vehicle, has adjusting ring whose engagement unit consists of teeth, which stays in meshing engagement with engagement area of control head, where adjusting ring stays in engagement with housing ring in sealing manner

Номер: CH0000704953B1

The sun-blind has a ring shaped housing ring, which is specified for connection with an engine cooler. Lamellae (2) are rotatably supported in an inner supporting ring (4). An adjusting ring (13) is displaceable in a circumferential direction. An engagement unit of the adjusting ring consists of teeth, which are arranged one behind the other in the circumferential direction. The teeth stays in meshing engagement with a toothed circular arc shaped engagement area of a control head (10). The adjusting ring stays in engagement with the housing ring mutually in a sealing manner.

29-01-2010 дата публикации

Jalousie for controlling air flow through radiator of vehicle, has lamellas pivotably mounted independent of continuous mechanical coupling in air flow, so that lamellas are pivotable into closing position by foreign weight

Номер: CH0000699248A2

The jalousie has lamellas (2) pivotably mounted in an outer housing ring (47). The lamellas comprise counter engaging units (10) that are provided at a circulating adjusting ring (45) adjustable in a circumferential direction. The lamellas are pivotable by continuous mechanical coupling with a control drive between a maximally opened position and a completely closed position. The lamellas are pivotably mounted independent of the coupling in an air flow, so that the lamellas are pivotable into a closing position by a foreign weight.

13-04-2012 дата публикации

Shutter for motor vehicles.

Номер: CH0000699248B1

Die Jalousie für die Steuerung des Luftstromes durch den Motorkühler eines Fahrzeuges hat schwenkbare Lamellen (2), die einerseits in einem äusseren, für die Verbindung mit dem Motorkühler des Fahrzeuges bestimmten Gehäusering (47) und andererseits in einem inneren Stützring gelagert sind. Das Schwenken einer grösseren Anzahl der Lamellen (2) erfolgt mit Hilfe eines Stellringes (45), dessen Eingriffsmittel (46) mit an den Enden der Lamellen (2) vorgesehenen Gegeneingriffsmitteln (10) in kontinuierlichem Eingriff zusammenwirken. Eine geringere Anzahl von Lamellen ist im Fahrtwind des Fahrzeuges selbsttätig schwenkbar, so dass die anderen Lamellen (2) öfters vorteilhaft in geschlossener Position verbleiben können. Zum Schutz des Stellringes (45) mit seinen Eingriffsmitteln (46) und der Gegeneingriffsmittel (10) der Lamellen (2) gegen Verunreinigungen und damit bleibende Leichtgängigkeit sind diese gemeinsam in einem entlang des Stellringes (45) umlaufenden Hohlraum allseitig eingeschlossen ...

15-03-2016 дата публикации

Blind for use in front of a cooler.

Номер: CH0000706456B1

Die für die frontseitige Anordnung an einem Kraftfahrzeug vorgesehene Kühlerjalousie hat zwei Gruppen von Lamellen (24, 57), die auf einander gegenüberliegenden Seiten einer Antriebseinheit jeweils parallel zueinander in einem Jalousierahmen (9) schwenkbar gelagert sind. Zum gemeinsamen Schwenken der Lamellen (27) steht ein in Abstand von ihrer Lagerachse (109) in Richtung quer zur Lamellenlängsrichtung an ihnen vorgesehener Mitnehmerzapfen (99104) in Eingriff mit einem gemeinsamen Kopplungselement (98). Für eine einfache Herstellung des Eingriffs der Lagerzapfen der Lamellen im Jalousierahmen (9) und ihrer Mitnehmerzapfen (99104) im Kopplungselement sind diese in quer zur Lagerachse offene Lagerausnehmung eingerastet.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Radiator shutter.

Номер: CH0000706456A2

Die für die frontseitige Anordnung an einem Kraftfahrzeug vorgesehene Kühlerjalousie hat zwei Gruppen von Lamellen (24, 57), die auf einander gegenüberliegenden Seiten einer Antriebseinheit jeweils parallel zueinander in einem Jalousierahmen (9) schwenkbar gelagert sind. Zum gemeinsamen Schwenken der Lamellen (27) steht ein in Abstand von ihrer Lagerachse (109) in Richtung quer zur Lamellenlängsrichtung an ihnen vorgesehener Mitnehmerzapfen (99104) in Eingriff mit einem gemeinsamen Kopplungselement. Für eine einfache Herstellung des Eingriffs der Lagerzapfen der Lamellen im Jalousierahmen (9) und ihrer Mitnehmerzapfen (99104) im Kopplungselement sind diese in quer zur Lagerachse offene Lagerausnehmung eingerastet.

15-01-2016 дата публикации

Device for controlling the air flow through the radiator of a road vehicle.

Номер: CH0000709858A2

Die Vorrichtung dient der Steuerung des Luftstromes durch den Kühler (18) eines Strassenfahrzeuges. Sie hat eine Kühlerzarge (2) für die zentrale Befestigung eines Gebläses (3), deren Radialstreben (19) für eine flache Bauweise der Vorrichtung in Richtung zum Kühler (18) schräg nach innen gerichtet sind. Ausserdem ist eine Kühlerjalousie (4) als selbständige Baueinheit in axialer Richtung zwischen dem Kühler (18) und diesen Radialstreben (19) der Kühlerzarge (2) angeordnet.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Inflatable constructive element pneumatically for motor vehicles.

Номер: CH0000703690B1
Принадлежит: PROTOSCAR SA

Linvenzione concerne degli elementi costruttivi gonfiabili pneumaticamente e montati stazionariamente su un autoveicolo (1), unautomobile per il trasporto di persone preferibilmente. Linvenzione prevede preferibilmente che lelemento gonfiabile (1, 2) sia montato in un punto esterno della carrozzeria del veicolo (1) e che lo stesso, dopo il gonfiaggio, eserciti una funzione di protezione del veicolo (1) e/o di protezione contro il pericolo di infortunio da parte di terzi (pedoni in particolare) e/o di modifica della aerodinamicità del veicolo (1) e/o di variazione del volume utile del veicolo (1) (vano porta-bagagli) e/o di altre funzioni tese ad incrementare la sicurezza e laffidabilità del veicolo (1). Lelemento costruttivo gonfiabile pneumaticamente può poi, a seconda del suo impiego, venir gonfiato manualmente, mediante una pompa manuale, oppure automaticamente mediante un compressore daria azionato da uno o più sensori che determinano le condizioni di intervento dellelemento gonfiabile ...

15-09-2017 дата публикации

For the control of the airflow through the engine radiator of an automotive vehicle blind.

Номер: CH0000712186B1

Die Jalousie für die Steuerung des Luftstroms durch den Motorkühler eines Fahrzeuges hat ringförmig nebeneinander angeordnete, sich in Schliessposition teilweise überdeckende Lamellen. Diese sind einerseits in einem äusseren, für die Befestigung am Kühler bestimmten Gehäusering (3) und anderseits in einem inneren Stützring (4) schwenkbar gelagert. Ein mit dem Gehäusering gleich umlaufender Stellring (8) weist Eingriffsmittel (5) für den Schwenkantrieb der Lamellen auf. Der Lagerbereich der Lamellen ist jeweils durch eine mit einer Dichtlippe (13) an dem Gehäusering (3) bzw. dem Stützring (4) anliegende, kappenförmige Dichtmanschette (14) gegen eindringende Verunreinigungen und zur besseren Schalldämmung abgedichtet.

31-01-2018 дата публикации

Radiator shutter.

Номер: CH0000712724A2

Die Jalousie für die Anordnung vor dem Kühler eines Kraftfahrzeuges hat zueinander parallele, lineare Lamellen (2–5), die in einem gemeinsamen Jalousierahmen mittels endseitig an ihnen vorgesehenen Lagerzapfen (11–15) schwenkbar gelagert sind und die in einem einen Schwenkhebel (29) bildenden Abstand von ihren Lagerzapfen (11–15) einen Kurbelzapfen (30) aufweisen, der in eine gemeinsame, mit einem Stellantrieb (32) verbundene Stellschiene (31) eingreift. Der Jalousierahmen besteht aus einem Vorderrahmen (22) und einem Hinterrahmen (23), in denen für die gemeinsame Aufnahme der Lagerzapfen (11–15) jeweils Lagerschalen (16–19) bildende Ausnehmungen vorgesehen sind. Diese Rahmenteile (22, 23) begrenzen ausserdem gemeinsam eine den Stellantrieb (32) und die Stellschiene (31) einschliessende Kammer (36, 37). Die Teile der Jalousie sind in Spritzgiesstechnik einfach herstellbar und mit geringem apparativem Aufwand zusammenfügbar.

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle cooling system , vehicle and electric vehicle

Номер: CN0206493812U

26-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109677257A

12-01-2011 дата публикации

Front section for a motor vehicle body

Номер: CN0101941402A

A front section of a motor vehicle body comprises a bumper (3) and a bumper bracket (9) which are designed to retreat during a collision while absorbing energy and momentum, an air passage (6) and a sealing element (15) situated behind the bumper for modulating the throughput of the fresh air passage and capable of being dragged along by the retreating bumper (3) or bumper bracket (9), and a gap (22)arranged upstream from the sealing element (15) and allowing the bumper (3) and bumper bracket (9) to retreat without simultaneously taking the sealing element (15) with it.

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Cooling air supply device for a motor vehicle

Номер: CN0110901375A

24-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002541200A


30-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003087487B1

29-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002976227B1

08-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002914233B1

02-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003070323B1

09-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002864512B1

07-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002478806B1

05-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002804638B1

23-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002559432B1

04-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003066958B1

17-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002629765B1

08-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002503252A


15-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002064394B1

01-03-1991 дата публикации

Partie avant pour véhicule automobile, notamment pour automobile de tourisme.

Номер: FR0002651187A

L'invention se rapporte aux automobiles. Cette région avant comprend deux ensembles de projecteurs (3) et d'ouvertures d'entrée d'air (2) pour le compartiment du moteur. Un store (4) composé de lamelles (5), en tôle ou en matière plastique transparente éventuellement revêtues sur une face par vaporisation, peut venir recouvrir le projecteur, totalement ou partiellement, et éventuellement les ouvertures d'entrée d'air (2). Ce store s'enroule ou s'escamote d'une autre façon sous le capot (1) du moteur ou derrière le pare-chocs (7), ou encore il peut être réalisé en deux parties dont l'une descend et l'autre remonte pour masquer les projecteurs et les ouvertures d'entrée d'air. Principale application: voitures de tourisme.

10-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003042154B1

07-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003037869B1

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002997346B1

25-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003025143B1

01-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002651187A1

30-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002975658A1

L'invention concerne un ensemble (1) d'une armature (2), destinée à se trouver en face avant d'un véhicule automobile, et d'un support (3), dans lequel ledit ensemble (1) comprend des moyens de positionnement du support (3) sur l'armature (2) et dans lequel ledit support (3) comprend des moyens de solidarisation destinés à supporter un actionneur (4) apte à entraîner un ou plusieurs organes devant être montés sur ladite armature (2).

15-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003026993A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de contrôle d'air (10) pour le contrôle d'un flux d'air dans un véhicule, présentant un corps de base (20) avec au moins une portion de montage (22) pour la fixation à une carrosserie du véhicule et une ouverture d'air (24), au moins une lamelle (30) étant supportée de manière déplaçable sur le corps de base (20) entre une position de fermeture et d'ouverture, un dispositif d'entraînement (40) étant aussi fixé au corps de base (20) afin de générer une force de déplacement pour l'au moins une lamelle (30) et une cinématique à levier (50) étant prévue, laquelle établit une liaison fonctionnelle entre le dispositif d'entraînement (40) et l'au moins une lamelle (30), la cinématique à levier (50) présentant au moins un levier d'entraînement (52) et est fixé dans une position d'extrémité d'une ouverture en trou de serrure du corps de base (20).

10-06-2014 дата публикации

Система заслонок решетки транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000141523U1

1. Система заслонок радиаторной решетки транспортного средства, которая содержит:первую группу лопаток, расположенную в первой секции проема радиаторной решетки и выполненную с возможностью шарнирного поворота лопаток в ведущее положение, выбранное из закрытого положения и набора открытых положений;вторую группу лопаток, расположенную во второй секции проема радиаторной решетки и выполненную с возможностью шарнирного поворота лопаток в ведомое положение, соответствующее ведущему положению, включая закрытое положение и набор открытых положений;двигатель исполнительного механизма, подключенный к первой группе лопаток для ее управляемого перемещения в выбранное ведущее положение;соединительный элемент, соединяющий первую и вторую группы лопаток для перемещения второй группы лопаток в ведомое положение, соответствующее ведущему положению первой группы лопаток, выбранному двигателем исполнительного механизма, причем соединительный элемент содержит компенсационную пружину, выполненную с возможностью сопротивления сжатию, возникающему, когда первая и вторая группы лопаток переведены в закрытое положение, а также соединительный элемент содержит ограничительную скобу для установления предела расширения компенсационной пружины.2. Система по п.1, в которой компенсационная пружина имеет исходное положение, которому соответствует предел расширения, установленный ограничительной скобой.3. Система по п.1, в которой соединительный элемент выполнен таким образом, что при перемещении первой и второй групп лопаток в закрытое положение, вторая группа лопаток может достигать закрытого положения до закрыва� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 141 523 U1 (51) МПК B60K 11/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013155530/11, 13.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.12.2013 (72) Автор(ы): КЛОП Аарон Питер (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд Глобал Технолоджис, ЛЛК (US ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Shutter unit for vehicle

Номер: US20120022742A1
Автор: Hirotomi Nemoto
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A shutter unit for a vehicle, capable of properly determining failure of a shutter without using a sensor which directly detects a position of the shutter. The shutter unit includes a return spring for returning the shutter to a predetermined initial position by urging the shutter, and a rotating machine configured to be capable of converting input motive power to electrical power and input electrical power to motive power by electromagnetic induction action. The rotating machine drives the shutter by the motive power obtained by conversion. The shutter unit executes return control that stops supply of electric power to the rotating machine to return the shutter to the initial position by urging of the shutter by the return spring, and determines failure of the shutter based on a rotating machine induced voltage of the rotating machine, detected during execution of the return control.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Roller shutter device for regulating the air flow entering into the engine compartment of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120091757A1
Принадлежит: Centro Ricerche Fiat SCpA

A roller shutter device is mounted in front of a radiator of a motor vehicle for regulating air flow entering into the engine compartment and traversing the radiator. The shutter is wound on a transverse roller which is received in an additional space defined in front of the radiator by a reinforcement crosspiece of the body having a substantially C-shaped outwardly projecting cross-section, which divides the front opening of the body into at least one lower opening and into at least one upper opening. The roller shutter is provided in one of said upper and lower openings; while an auxiliary shutter device which can be of the tilting louver type or even of the roller shutter type is associated to the other opening.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Control of an airstream flow rate through a covered compartment by an adjustable shutter

Номер: US20120292122A1
Автор: David J. Verbrugge

A system for controlling a flow rate of an airstream through a compartment includes a panel configured to cover the compartment. The system also includes a first opening defined by the compartment and configured to permit the airstream to enter the covered compartment from the ambient when the compartment is covered by the panel. The system also includes a second opening defined by the panel and configured to permit at least a portion of the airstream to exit the covered compartment to the ambient. The system additionally includes a selectable position shutter assembly configured to control the size of the second opening and adjust a flow rate of the airstream through the covered compartment. A vehicle employing the shutter assembly to vary a flow rate of at least a portion of an airstream through the vehicle's under-hood area is also disclosed.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Active aero shutters

Номер: US20120305818A1

A shutter set includes a first vane and a first vane stop. The first vane is moveable between a first position and a second position. The first vane stop is selectively moveable between a locking position and a free position, relative to the first vane. The first vane stop is configured to apply a bias force or is configured to bias the first vane by a predetermined clearance distance when the first vane stop is in the locking position, and is configured to allow movement of the first vane between the first position and the second position when the first vane stop is in the free position.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Opening/closing control device for a grille shutter

Номер: US20130046445A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An opening/closing control device for a grille shutter is capable of appropriately opening and closing the grille shutter according to a vehicle outside environment and an operating state of an aircon while ensuring the operation of the aircon, and is capable of sufficiently improving vehicle operating efficiency. An aircon operating time ratio as a ratio of operation time of an aircon to overall time is calculated. When the calculated aircon operating time ratio is larger than the sum of a threshold value calculated according to an ambient air temperature and a hysteresis constant, the grille shutter is opened to promote cooling of refrigerant in the aircon and reduce motive power consumed by the aircon. Therefore, it is possible to appropriately open and close the grille shutter depending on the ambient air temperature and the operating ration of the aircon.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Grille Shutter Seal

Номер: US20130068403A1
Принадлежит: SRG Global Inc.

An assembly may include a frame member, a shutter, and a seal member. The frame member may include an opening extending therethrough. The shutter may be mounted for movement relative to the frame member between a first position allowing airflow through the opening and a second position restricting airflow through the opening. The seal member may be disposed between the frame member and the shutter. The seal member may contact the frame member and the shutter when the shutter is in the second position to restrict airflow between the frame member and the shutter. 1. An assembly comprising:a frame member including an opening extending therethrough;a shutter mounted for movement relative to the frame member between a first position allowing airflow through the opening and a second position restricting airflow through the opening; anda seal member disposed between the frame member and the shutter and contacting the frame member and the shutter when the shutter is in the second position to restrict airflow between the frame member and the shutter.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shutter includes a longitudinal edge having another seal member that contacts an adjacent shutter in the second position.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the seal member extends around an entire periphery of the opening.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame member is mounted to a vehicle claim 1 , and wherein wind resistance biases the seal member against the shutter when the vehicle is moving in a forward direction and the shutter is in the second position.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame member is a grille-surround.6. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the seal member is fixedly attached to the frame member.7. The assembly of claim 6 , wherein the shutter is rotatable about a rotation axis extending between upper and lower portions of the frame member claim 6 , and wherein the seal member is attached to at least one of the upper and lower portions and contacts a ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130073150A1
Автор: Kerns James Michael

An adjustable grill shutter system is provided. In one embodiment, adjustment of the grill shutter system can be provided by a method of adjusting a grill shutter system for a vehicle, the method comprising adjusting opening of one or more grill shutters located at a front end opening of the vehicle in response to a non-driven vehicle condition. 1. A method of adjusting a grill shutter system for a vehicle , the method comprising:adjusting opening of one or more grill shutters located at a front end opening of the vehicle in response to a non-driven vehicle condition.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving intake air through the one or more grill shutters claim 1 , and wherein adjusting opening of the one or more grill shutters includes adjusting an amount of intake air directed to an engine compartment.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-driven vehicle condition includes a braking condition.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-driven vehicle condition includes a tip-out condition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting opening of the one or more grill shutters includes opening the one or more grill shutters claim 1 , wherein the one or more grill shutters are opened even though engine temperature is below a threshold temperature at which the one or more grill shutters would otherwise be closed.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting opening of the one or more grill shutters includes closing the one or more grill shutters.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting opening of the one or more grill shutters includes increasing opening of the one or more grill shutters.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising detecting a subsequent acceleration and adjusting opening of the one or more grill shutters based on engine temperature.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein adjusting opening of the one or more grill shutters includes decreasing opening of the one or more grill shutters.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Grille shutter device

Номер: US20130075172A1
Автор: Kenji Hori
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A grille shutter device adapted to be arranged at a front portion of a vehicle body, the grille shutter device including a main air inlet taking air to flow the air to a specific heat exchanger arranged in the vehicle body, a shutter mechanism arranged at the main air inlet, the shutter mechanism opening and closing to control a flow rate of the air flowing from the main air inlet to the specific heat exchanger, and a bypass air inlet allowing the air to bypass the shutter mechanism to guide the air to the specific heat exchanger.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Variable actuation rate shutter louvers

Номер: US20130092462A1
Автор: Balakrishna Chinta

A shutter system for controlling a flow of fluid through an entryway includes a plurality of louvers, wherein each louver includes a pivot axis and an actuating portion. The shutter system also includes a mechanism configured to select a position for the system between and inclusive of fully opened and fully closed by rotating each of the plurality of louvers about the respective pivot axis. The mechanism is configured to engage each actuating portion and rotate each louver at a variable rate. A vehicle employing the shutter system is also disclosed.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Radiator Grille for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20130119709A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A radiator grille for a motor vehicle includes a basic support with a region for a marquee badge having an external contour that is, at least in regions, curved or oblique. A number of fins are held on the basic support, the number of fins are movable out of a closed position closing respective passage openings in the radiator grille into an open position uncovering the passage openings. In this case, at least one of the fins is displaceable in the direction of its longitudinal extent by bringing it from the closed position into the open position. 110-. (canceled)11. A radiator grille for a motor vehicle , comprising:a basic support having a region with an external contour, which curved or oblique regions; anda plurality of fins held on the basic support, wherein the plurality of fins are configured to be movable out of a closed position closing respective passage openings in the radiator grille into an open position uncovering the passage openings,wherein at least one of the plurality of fins is configured to be displaceable in a direction of a longitudinal extent of the at least one of the plurality of fins when the longitudinally displaceable fin is moved from the closed position into the open position.12. The radiator grille as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the plurality of fins includes two fins.13. The radiator grille as claimed in claim 12 , wherein by the movement of a first of the two fins about an axis of rotation the second of the two fins is movable by positive control about the same axis of rotation.14. The radiator grille as claimed in claim 12 , wherein by bringing a first of the two fins from the closed position into the open position claim 12 , the second of the two fins is displaceable further in the direction of the longitudinal extent than the first fin.15. The radiator grille as claimed in claim 12 , wherein in the open position the two fins are in contact with each other claim 12 , overlapping each other at least in regions.16. The radiator ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126253A1

A grille shutter apparatus includes a shutter mechanism arranged in an grille opening portion positioned at a front portion of a vehicle body of a vehicle to control a flow rate of air flowing from the grille opening portion to an internal portion of the vehicle body, and a frame supporting the shutter mechanism in the grille opening portion, the frame including a fixing portion at one end to be fixed in the grille opening portion, the frame including a protruding portion making contact with a front grille and generating a rotational moment at the frame in a case where the front grille arranged at an opening end of the grille opening portion moves rearward due to an occurrence of a collision of the vehicle, the rotational moment acting about the fixing portion. 1. A grille shutter apparatus , comprising:a shutter mechanism arranged in an grille opening portion positioned at a front portion of a vehicle body of a vehicle to control a flow rate of air flowing from the grille opening portion to an internal portion of the vehicle body; anda frame supporting the shutter mechanism in the grille opening portion, the frame including a fixing portion at one end to be fixed in the grille opening portion, the frame including a protruding portion making contact with a front grille and generating a rotational moment at the frame in a case where the front grille arranged at an opening end of the grille opening portion moves rearward due to an occurrence of a collision of the vehicle, the rotational moment acting about the fixing portion.2. The grille shutter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the frame includes the protruding portion including a plurality of protruding portions arranged at intervals in a direction along a central axis of the rotational moment.3. The grille shutter apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the frame includes the plurality of protruding portions arranged at both ends in the direction along the central axis of the rotational moment.4. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Grille shutter opening/closing control device

Номер: US20130247862A1
Автор: Morio Sakai
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A shutter opening/closing control device is proposed which can reduce an operation noise of the shutter without increasing the manufacturing cost. The shutter opening/closing control device includes a grille shutter for opening and closing a grille opening which introduces the outside air into the engine compartment, a shutter opening and closing operating portion having a drive source for operating the shutter to be open or to be closed, a closing operation judging portion for judging whether or not the grille shutter is operated in a closing direction based on the vehicle information and a drive source torque controlling portion for controlling the drive source of the shutter opening/closing operating portion to operate the grille shutter first by a high torque and thereafter by a low torque which is lower than the high torque when the grille shutter is judged to be operated in the closing direction by the closing operation judging portion.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Motor vehicle with a device for supplying cooling air

Номер: US20130248265A1
Автор: Thomas Wolf
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A motor vehicle has at least one adjustable air-guiding device on the underbody. The air-guiding device has a cross-sectionally U-shaped duct and is adjustable between a closed position and an open position. The motor vehicle also has a radiator device with a radiator and a radiator shutter with adjustable flaps for controlling the air flow through the radiator. A control device actuates the air-guiding device depending on the position of the radiator shutter so that, irrespective of the position of the flaps of the radiator shutter, an at least approximately identical pitching moment is obtained at the motor vehicle and at the same time the aerodynamic drag is reduced.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Cooler blind

Номер: US20130252538A1
Принадлежит: Roechling Automotive SE and Co KG

A device for altering a flow cross-section of an air passage opening ( 16 ) in a motor vehicle, for altering an air mass flow rate to a motor vehicle unit, such as a cooler, the device comprising a device frame ( 12 ) having the air passage opening ( 16 ), further comprising at least two substantially rigid shutter components ( 22 ), which are adjustable with respect to the device frame ( 12 ) between at least two different relative positions in which they cover the air passage opening ( 16 ) to different extents, and comprising a drive for providing a driving force for the relative movement of the shutter components ( 22 ) with respect to the device frame ( 12 ), is characterised in that at least two shutter components ( 22 ), which are directly adjacent in the direction of relative movement, are interconnected so as to be pivotable with respect to one another about a shutter pivot axle ( 24 ).

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268164A1
Автор: SUGIYAMA Yohei

A grille shutter device includes a shutter mechanism provided within a grille opening portion formed at a front portion of a vehicle body and configured to control a flow rate of air into the vehicle body, a drive device driven by a motor to open and close the shutter mechanism, and a control device supplying a driving power to the motor. The control device includes a drive circuit provided at a portion of a power supply passage between an in-vehicle power source and the motor, a control circuit controlling a duty ratio of the drive circuit, and a power supply voltage detection portion detecting a power supply voltage of the in-vehicle power source. The control circuit includes a correction portion correcting the duty ratio based on the power supply voltage to restrain a change of a speed of the motor caused by a fluctuation of the power supply voltage. 1. A grille shutter device comprising:a shutter mechanism provided within a grille opening portion that is formed at a front portion of a vehicle body and configured to control a flow rate of air into the vehicle body;a drive device driven by a motor to open and close the shutter mechanism; anda control device supplying a driving power to the motor to control an operation of the drive device;the control device including a drive circuit provided at a portion of a power supply passage between an in-vehicle power source and the motor, a control circuit controlling a duty ratio of the drive circuit, and a power supply voltage detection portion detecting a power supply voltage of the in-vehicle power source, the control circuit including a correction portion correcting the duty ratio based on the power supply voltage to restrain a change of a speed of the motor caused by a fluctuation of the power supply voltage.2. The grille shutter device according to claim 1 , wherein the correction portion corrects the duty ratio to a smaller value than a value obtained before a correction in a case where the power supply voltage is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270019A1
Автор: KUESPERTH Joseph

The louver for a motor vehicle radiator has radially arranged fins () mounted in a circular channel () of a radiator frame () so they can be swiveled around their longitudinal axis, which are linked in the area of their radial outer ends with a set ring () surrounding the channel () for the execution of a swiveling motion between an open and closed position of the louver. A servo drive () for the set ring () has a self-locking gear motor, the output shaft () of which is coupled with a control crank (). The end of the control crank (sic: ()] turned away from the output shaft () is connected by way of a link () in a toggle-like manner with a positioning rod () that is longer by a multiple of its length, of which the end turned away from the control crank () is coupled with the set ring (). Such a housing () that protects the crank drive () extends along the circumference of the set ring () and is fastened on the radiator frame () together with a servo drive housing (). 142355136361011101213115. Louver for a motor vehicle radiator with radially arranged fins () , mounted in a circular channel () of a radiator frame () so they can be swiveled around their longitudinal axis , which are linked in the area of their radial outer ends with a set ring () surrounding the channel for the execution of a swiveling motion between an open and closed position of the louver , wherein the set ring () is articulated at one point on its circumference with a positioning rod () of a servo drive () that is fastened on a radiator frame () , characterized in that the servo drive () has a self-locking gear motor , whose output shaft () is coupled with a control crank () , of which the end that is turned away from the output shaft () is connected by way of a link () to a positioning rod () , of which the end that is turned away from the control crank () is coupled with the set ring ().21311. Louver according to claim 1 , characterized in that the positioning rod () is longer than the control ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130275009A1
Автор: Sakai Morio

A shutter opening/closing control device is proposed which can reduce an operation noise of the shutter without increasing the manufacturing cost. The shutter opening/closing control device includes a grille shutter for opening and closing a grille opening which introduces the outside air into the engine compartment, a shutter opening and closing operating portion having a drive source for operating the shutter to be open or to be closed, a closing operation judging portion for judging whether or not the grille shutter is operated in a closing direction based on the vehicle information and a drive source torque controlling portion for controlling the drive source of the shutter opening and closing operating portion to operate the shutter by a low torque when the grille shutter is operated in a closing direction under the engine being stopped. The low torque is lower than a high torque by which the drive source operates the grille shutter in an opening direction. 1. A grille shutter opening and closing control device for a vehicle with an engine or a hybrid vehicle with an engine and a hybrid motor , comprising:a grille shutter for opening and closing a grille opening through which the air is introduced into an engine compartment of the vehicle;a shutter opening/closing operating portion with a drive source for operating the grille shutter to open and close;a closing operation judging portion for judging whether the grille shutter is to be closed or not, based on an inputted vehicle information; anda drive source torque controlling portion for controlling the drive source of the shutter opening/closing operating portion to operate the grille shutter by a low torque when the grille shutter is judged to be operated in a closing direction under the engine being stopped, wherein the low torque is lower than a high torque by which the grille shutter is operated when the grille shutter is judged to be operated in an opening direction by the closing operation judging ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System and method for performing diagnostics of an active grille shutter system

Номер: US20130338870A1

A system and method for diagnosing a mechanical failure in an active grille shutter (AGS) system of a vehicle. The method includes receiving at least one mechanical fault condition signal, each of the at least one mechanical fault condition signals being indicative of whether a particular mechanical fault condition was detected in the AGS system. The method also includes receiving a temperature signal indicating a temperature at a location proximate to a grille shutter of the AGS and determining whether to perform an extended diagnostic based on the at least one mechanical fault condition signal and the temperature signal.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Open/close actuating mechanism control device and open/close actuating mechanism control method for vehicle

Номер: US20140005897A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

An open/close actuating mechanism control device for a vehicle includes: an actuating mechanism ( 24, 30 ) that is exposed to outside air and that opens or closes on the basis of whether a predetermined condition is satisfied; an open/close failure determining unit ( 32 ) that determines whether an open/close failure of the actuating mechanism ( 24, 30 ), in which the actuating mechanism ( 24, 30 ) fails to open or close, has occurred; an outside air temperature detecting unit ( 36, 32 ) that detects an outside air temperature; and a determination timing changing unit ( 32 ) that changes timing, at which the open/close failure determining unit ( 32 ) determines that the open/close failure of the actuating mechanism ( 24, 30 ) has occurred, on the basis of the outside air temperature detected by the outside air temperature detecting unit ( 36, 32 ).

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Initialization sequence for a vehicle grille shutter

Номер: US20140039765A1

A method of initializing operation of a shutter arranged relative to a grille opening in a vehicle having a power-plant includes detecting a start-up of the power-plant. The method also includes sensing a temperature of ambient air. The method also includes commanding the shutter to achieve a fully-opened position when the temperature of ambient air is above a predetermined value such that a flow of ambient air to the power-plant through the grille opening is substantially unrestricted. The method additionally includes commanding the shutter to achieve a fully-closed position when a temperature of the power-plant is maintained below a threshold value such that the flow of ambient air through the grille opening to the power-plant is substantially blocked. A vehicle using a controller configured to perform the above method is also provided.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073233A1
Автор: Schmitt Andreas
Принадлежит: Roechling Automotive AG & CO. KG

Vent flap arrangement for a motor vehicle including a support structure with an air passage opening, at least one vent flap provided on the support structure such that it can pivot about a flap axis. The flap axis is arranged relative to the vent flap such that the product of the area of a first vent flap surface located between the first flap longitudinal edge and the flap axis on the upstream side of the vent flap and the distance of a centre of gravity of the first flap surface is approximately 1.4 to 4.2 times as great as the product of the area of a second flap surface located between the second flap longitudinal edge and the flap axis on the upstream side of the vent flap and the distance of a centre of gravity of the second vent flap surface. 210230141232121182014. Vent flap arrangement () according to claim 1 , characterised in that a dimension (L) of the second flap surface () perpendicular to the flap axis () is approximately 0.33 to 0.45 times as great as a dimension (Lges=L+L) of the total flap surface () on the upstream side () of the vent flap between the first flap longitudinal edge () and the second flap longitudinal edge () perpendicularly to the flap axis ().31018201218201222242622241820a,aa,a. Vent flap arrangement () according to claim 1 , characterised in that in the closed position claim 1 , at least one peripheral portion () of the vent flap () which includes a flap longitudinal edge ( claim 1 , ) of the vent flap () overlaps a peripheral portion () of the faceplate arrangement () claim 1 , which peripheral portion includes the faceplate longitudinal edge ( claim 1 , ) associated with the flap longitudinal edge ( claim 1 , ).410182018201218201222242622241820a,aa,a. Vent flap arrangement () according to claim 1 , characterised in that for both flap longitudinal edges ( claim 1 , ) in the closed position claim 1 , at least one peripheral portion () of the vent flap () which includes the respective flap longitudinal edge ( claim 1 , ) of the vent ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076646A1
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc.

An active grille system which is mounted to a fascia, grille, or carrier, or is part of the carrier of an automobile. Two sets of louvers are rotatably mounted to a frame, and a camming mechanism provides selective actuation of both sets of louvers, and an actuator controls the camming mechanism such that the actuator moves the camming mechanism between a first position, a second position, and a third position. When the camming mechanism is in the first position, both the first set and second set of louvers are in a closed position, when the camming mechanism is in the second position, the first set of louvers are in an open position and the second set of louvers are in a closed position, and when the camming mechanism is in the third position both the first set and second set of louvers are in an open position. 1. An active grille system , comprising:a frame;a first set of at least on louver rotatably mounted to said frame;a second set of at least one louver rotatably mounted to said frame;a camming mechanism for providing selective actuation of said first set of said at least one louver and said second set of said at least one louver, wherein said camming mechanism is rotatable between a first position, a second position, and a third position;wherein said first position, said second position and said third position rotate said first set of said at least one louver and said second set of said at least one louver to an opened position, closed position and intermediate position, each corresponding to said first position, said second position and said third position.2. The active grille system of claim 1 , said camming mechanism further comprising:a first camming plate rotatably mounted to a shaft;a second camming plate rotatably mounted to said shaft such that said first camming plate and said second camming plate rotate substantially in unison;a first link pivotally connected to at least one of said first set of at least one louver, and operable with said first ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084624A1

An adjustable air diffuser is disposed in an airflow channel into which a travelling wind is directed through an opening provided in a bumper face. The diffuser opens and closes the channel by movable louver blades driven by an actuator. An upper part of the diffuser is disposed to face a rear wall of the bumper face and is attached to a bumper beam extending along a vehicle width direction. A lower part of the diffuser is attached to a vehicle body structural member. The attachment structure includes a column that is disposed behind the adjustable air diffuser. A lower end of the column is attached to a lower end of the adjustable air diffuser. Weak portions are provided on the column such that the column breaks when the column interferes with another member behind the column. 1. An attachment structure for an adjustable air diffuser disposed in an airflow channel into which a travelling wind is directed through an opening provided in a bumper face , the adjustable air diffuser being configured to substantially open and close the airflow channel by a movable louver blade to be driven by an actuator , wherein:an upper part of the adjustable air diffuser is disposed to face a rear wall of the bumper face and is attached to a bumper beam extending substantially along a vehicle width direction;a lower part of the adjustable air diffuser is attached to a vehicle body structural member;the attachment structure includes a column disposed behind the adjustable air diffuser, a lower end of the column being attached to a lower end of the adjustable air diffuser; andat least one weak portion is provided on the column such that the column breaks when the column interferes with another member behind the column.2. The attachment structure for the adjustable air diffuser according to claim 1 , wherein two weak portions are provided in the column at the vicinity of an intermediate position and a lower end position in a height direction of the column.3. An attachment structure for ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090610A1

Provided is a grill shutter configured to selectively open and close an external air intake opening formed in a front part of a vehicle body. The grill shutter includes: a frame surrounding the external air intake opening; a plurality of blades rotatably supported by the frame and driven to rotate between a closed position for closing the external air intake opening and an open position for revealing the external air intake opening; a drive unit for rotationally driving the blades; and a power transmission mechanism transmitting a drive force of the drive unit to the blades, the power transmission mechanism configured to cause the blades to start an opening movement one after another with a predetermined time lag between successive opening movements. 1. A grill shutter configured to selectively open and close an external air intake opening formed in a front part of a vehicle body , comprising:a frame surrounding the external air intake opening;a plurality of blades rotatably supported by the frame and driven to rotate between a closed position for closing the external air intake opening and an open position for revealing the external air intake opening;a drive unit for rotationally driving the blades; anda power transmission mechanism transmitting a drive force of the drive unit to the blades, the power transmission mechanism configured to cause the blades to start an opening movement one after another with a predetermined time lag between successive opening movements.2. The grill shutter according to claim 1 ,wherein the power transmission mechanism includes a connection bar connecting the blades,wherein each blade and the connection bar are connected to each other by engagement of a hole formed in one of each blade and the connection bar and a projection formed in the other of each blade and the connection bar, andwherein the holes include elongated holes having varying longitudinal dimensions according to positions of corresponding blades such that movement of ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090911A1
Автор: OOTA Kazuhiro

An adjustable air diffuser is disposed in an airflow channel into which travelling wind is directed through an opening provided in a bumper face. The diffuser substantially opens and closes the airflow channel by using a movable louver blade driven by an actuator. An upper part of the diffuser is disposed to face a rear wall of the bumper face and is attached to a bumper beam extending substantially along a vehicle width direction. A lower part of the diffuser is either one of attached to a vehicle body structural member and a load transmission member projecting forward from the vehicle body structural member. The upper part of the diffuser and the bumper beam are connected with each other with an upper bracket having a weak portion that is configured to be broken in response to pivotal movement of the diffuser relative to the bumper beam. 1. An attachment structure for an adjustable air diffuser that is disposed in an airflow channel into which travelling wind is directed through an opening provided in a bumper face and that substantially opens and doses the airflow channel by using a movable louver blade driven by an actuator , wherein:an upper part of the adjustable air diffuser is disposed to face a rear wall of the bumper face and is attached to a bumper beam extending substantially along a vehicle width direction;a lower part of the adjustable air diffuser is attached to either one of a vehicle body structural member and a load transmission member projecting forward from the vehicle body structural member; andthe upper part of the adjustable air diffuser and the bumper beam are connected with each other through an upper bracket having a weak portion that is configured to be broken in response to pivotal movement of the adjustable air diffuser relative to the bumper beam.2. The attachment structure for the adjustable air diffuser according to claim 1 , whereinthe lower part of the adjustable air diffuser and the either one of the vehicle body structural member ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094104A1
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc.

A fail safe module for an active grille having two or more vanes movable between an open position and a closed position. In the event of failure of an electrically driven actuator, a fail safe module connected between a driven vane of the two or more vanes and the electrically driven actuator moves the vanes to a fail-safe position. The fail safe module has a locked and unlocked position when the fail safe module is in the locked position the fail safe module, the electrically driven actuator and the two or more vanes move together in response to the power provided by the electrically driven actuator. When the fail safe module is in the unlocked position, the fail safe module disengages the two or more vanes from the electrically driven actuator and moves the two or more vanes to the fail-safe position. 1. A fail safe module arrangement for an active grille system comprising:an active grille having at least one driven vane movable between an open position;an electrically driven actuator connectable to said at least one driven vane and configured to provide power that drives said at least one driven vane between said closed position and said open position; anda fail safe module connected between said at least one driven vane and said electrically driven actuator wherein said fail safe module selectively provides a fail-safe position to said at least one driven vane and said fail safe module has a lock position where said fail safe module, said electrically driven actuator and said at least one driven vane move together in response to said power provided by said electrically driven actuator and an unlocked position where said fail safe module disengages said at least one driven vane from said electrically driven actuator and moves said at least one driven vane to said fail-safe position.2. The fail safe module of wherein said fail safe module further comprises:an input disc connected to said electrically driven actuator;an output disc connected to said at least one ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001715A1

The invention relates to a device () for regulating an air stream for an air inlet of a motor vehicle, comprising a duct () defining a flow channel () in which an air stream flows, in which a cooling unit () is arranged comprising at least one heat exchanger () and a motor-fan unit (). According to the invention, the duct () comprises at least one sound absorption means () arranged so that it at least partially limits the propagation of noise annoyance to the outside of the duct (). The invention also relates to a motor vehicle comprising such a regulation device (). 1. A device for regulating an air stream for an air inlet of a motor vehicle , comprising:a duct defining a flow channel in which flows an air stream, in which a cooling unit is arranged comprising at least one heat exchanger and a motor-fan unit,wherein the duct comprises at least one sound absorption means arranged so as to at least partially limit the propagation of noise annoyance to the outside of the duct.2. The regulation device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the sound absorption means are arranged downstream of the cooling unit relative to the flow of the air stream.3. The regulation device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the sound absorption means comprise a coating made from a woven or non-woven material consisting of different fibers or a foam.4. The regulation device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the duct comprises one or more cavities acting as a Helmholtz resonator.5. The regulation device as claimed in claim 1 , in which obstacles to the flow of the air stream are arranged within the duct.6. The regulation device as claimed in claim 5 , in which the obstacles comprise walls with micro-perforations and/or walls made from a soundproofing material such as polyester and/or beams extending over the width of the duct.7. The regulation device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the duct is made from a sound absorbing material such as polyester claim 1 , rock wool or any other polymer having ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001514A1
Автор: WATARI Tomoyuki

A fixing structure includes: a first member having a locked portion; a second member which is formed of a material having lower stiffness than that of the first member and includes a locking claw to be locked onto the locked portion; and a reinforcing member which is configured to limit bending of the locking claw. 1. A fixing structure comprising:a first member having a locked portion;a second member which is formed of a material having lower stiffness than that of the first member, the second member comprising a locking claw to be locked onto the locked portion; anda reinforcing member which is configured to limit bending of the locking claw.2. The fixing structure according to claim 1 ,wherein the locking claw comprises a flexible plate portion of which a root is connected to a base portion of the second member, and a protruding portion which protrudes from a surface of an end portion of the flexible plate portion and abuts against the locked portion, andthe reinforcing member comprises at least one rib which is fixed to the flexible plate portion and has an elongated shape formed along a direction from the root of the flexible plate portion toward a tip end.3. The fixing structure according to claim 2 ,wherein the rib is formed on the surface of the flexible plate portion on which the protruding portion is provided.4. The fixing structure according to claim 3 ,wherein the reinforcing member comprises a plurality of the ribs, anda region between adjacent ribs among the plurality of the ribs is a region where the locked portion is disposed.5. The fixing structure according to claim 2 ,wherein the locking claw comprises a stepped portion constituted by the protruding portion and the flexible plate portion.6. The fixing structure according to claim 3 ,wherein the locking claw comprises a stepped portion constituted by the protruding portion and the flexible plate portion.7. The fixing structure according to claim 4 ,wherein the locking claw comprises a stepped ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001735A1
Автор: Chuang Chi-Sheng

Various techniques described herein relate to battery packs of electric vehicles, batteries, and battery charging systems. Batteries may comprise a plurality of battery modules, wherein each battery module may be provided with one or more battery cells, and the plurality of battery modules may be connected in series when providing electric power output. Battery charging systems described herein may comprise a charging circuit that connects a plurality of battery modules in series, and may be used for charging the plurality of battery modules in the battery in series. Additional charging circuits may be connected respectively to the plurality of battery modules, and the additional charging circuits may be used for charging at least one battery module in the plurality of battery modules. 1. A battery pack for an electric vehicle , comprising:a battery comprising a plurality of battery modules connected in series, the battery modules including a first battery module and a second battery module; a first charging circuit configured to charge the plurality of battery modules in series to a first preset voltage;', 'a plurality of second charging circuits each corresponding one or more of the plurality of battery modules, each of the second charging circuits being configured to charge a corresponding battery module to a second preset voltage individually, the plurality of second charging circuits including a second charging circuit connected to the first battery module and the second battery module; and, 'a battery charging system, comprising charging the plurality of the battery modules to the first preset voltage through the first charging circuit;', 'detecting whether the plurality of battery modules have been charged to the first preset voltage through the first charging circuit; and', 'when it is detected that the plurality of battery modules have been charged to the first preset voltage through the first charging circuit, switching off the first charging circuit and, ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Front Module for a Passenger Vehicle

Номер: US20180001761A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A front module for a passenger vehicle is disclosed. The front module includes an adapter element via which a panel part of the front module is supported on a front module structure arranged behind it. An adjustable covering device of a cooling opening of a cooling device of the passenger vehicle is integrated into the adapter element. 110.-. (canceled)11. A front module for a passenger vehicle , comprising:a panel part;an adapter element, wherein the adapter element supports the panel part on a front module structure that is disposed behind the front module;a support element, wherein the adapter element is supported on the support element and wherein the support element is supported on an upper side of a bending cross-member of a bumper arrangement; andan adjustable covering device of a cooling opening of a cooling device of the passenger vehicle, wherein the adjustable covering device is integrated into the adapter element.12. The front module according to claim 11 , wherein a rectangular cooling opening is bordered by the adapter element and the support element and wherein the cooling opening is covered in a front of the cooling opening by a radiator grille.13. The front module according to claim 11 , wherein the adjustable covering device is disposed at an angle to a vertical direction of the passenger vehicle.14. The front module according to claim 13 , wherein the adjustable covering device runs downward and forward from a top of the adjustable covering device.15. The front module according to claim 11 , wherein the adjustable covering device has a plurality of covering elements that are disposed parallel to one another.16. The front module according to claim 15 , wherein the plurality of covering elements are slats and wherein each of the slats have an upper mount and a lower mount.17. The front module according to claim 16 , wherein the respective upper mounts are integrated into the adapter element.18. The front module according to claim 16 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001808A1

A vehicle includes a vehicle body having a first end configured to face oncoming airflow when the vehicle is in motion relative to a road surface and an opposing second end and an under-hood compartment provided in the first end of the vehicle body. An underbody extends between the first and second ends of the vehicle body and defines a space between the vehicle body and the road surface. At least one aerodynamic member is disposed adjacent a forward portion of the underbody and proximate to the under-hood compartment. The at least one aerodynamic member includes a housing and an airflow management device provided in an opening in the housing. The airflow management device is selectively positioned to direct the airflow from the front end of the vehicle into the under-hood compartment to improve vehicle performance. 1. A vehicle comprising:a vehicle body having a first end configured to face oncoming airflow when the vehicle is in motion relative to a road surface and an opposing second end;an under-hood compartment provided in the first end of the vehicle body;an internal combustion engine received in the under-hood compartment;a heat exchanger in fluid communication with the engine, wherein the engine is cooled by a liquid circulated through the heat exchanger;an underbody extending between the first and second ends of the vehicle body, the underbody including a forward portion adjacent the first end of the vehicle body, a rearward portion adjacent the second end of the vehicle body and a central portion extending therebetween;at least one aerodynamic member disposed adjacent the forward portion of the underbody and proximate to the under-hood compartment, the at least one aerodynamic member including a housing and an opening extending at least partially through the housing;an airflow management device provided in the opening and selectively positioned to direct the airflow from the front end of the vehicle into the under-hood compartment to improve vehicle ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001809A1

A grille shutter unit which is provided with plural shutters extending in a vehicle width direction is attached to a frame-shaped shroud, a center stay is provided to extend in a vertical direction and connect a central portion, in a width direction, of a shroud upper and a central portion, in the width direction, of a shroud lower, the grille shutter unit is attached to a back-face side of the shroud, and an actuator (driving actuator) for opening/closing the shutters is arranged at a back-face side of the center stay. 1. A grille shutter attaching structure of an automotive vehicle , comprising:a frame-shaped shroud;a grille shutter unit provided with plural shutters extending in a vehicle width direction; anda center stay provided to extend in a vertical direction and connect a central portion, in a width direction, of a shroud upper of the shroud and a central portion, in the width direction, of a shroud lower of the shroud,wherein said grille shutter unit is attached to a back-face side of said shroud, and a driving actuator for opening/closing said shutters is arranged at a back-face side of said center stay of said grille shutter unit.2. The grille shutter attaching structure of the automotive vehicle of claim 1 , wherein said center stay is configured such that a lower part thereof is wider than an upper part thereof claim 1 , and said driving actuator is arranged at a back-face side of the lower part of the center stay.3. The grille shutter attaching structure of the automotive vehicle of claim 2 , wherein a center frame which is provided at said grille shutter unit is attached to the back-face side of said center stay along the center stay claim 2 , an actuator arrangement part claim 2 , in the vertical direction claim 2 , of said center frame where said driving actuator is arranged is configured to be wider than the other part of the center frame claim 2 , and an actuator housing portion where the driving actuator is housed is formed at said actuator ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001810A1

A grille shutter unit which is provided with shutters and a frame which pivotally supports shutter shafts provided at the shutters is attached to a frame-shaped shroud which supports heat exchangers. The grille shutter unit is configured to be attached to the shroud from a back-face side of the shroud at a position located in front of the heat exchangers. 1. A grille shutter attaching structure of an automotive vehicle , comprising:a frame-shaped shroud supporting a heat exchanger; anda grille shutter unit provided with shutters and a frame pivotally supporting shutter shafts provided at the shutters,wherein said grille shutter unit is attached to the shroud from a back-face side of the shroud at a position located in front of the heat exchanger.2. The grille shutter attaching structure of the automotive vehicle of claim 1 , wherein said grille shutter unit comprises plural split units provided with the shutters which are configured such that the grille shutter unit is split both laterally and vertically claim 1 , said frame of the grille shutter unit comprises outer frames which are positioned on an outward side claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , of said shutters and configured to pivotally support the shutter shafts provided at the outward side claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , of said shutters and a center frame which is positioned at a center claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , of the grille shutter unit and configured to pivotally support the shutter shafts provided at an inward side claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , of said shutters claim 1 , said outer frames are provided for each of said split units on the outward side claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , of the shutters claim 1 , and said center frame is provided for said split units in common at the center claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , of the grille shutter unit.3. The grille shutter attaching structure of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Cooling system

Номер: US20200003108A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A cooling system may include a skeleton frame having a central opening to receive and frame at least one cooling core. The skeleton frame has an interior to contain at least one conduit through which at least one fluid to be cooled may flow to the at least one cooling core. The cooling system may further include a skin wrapping over and about the skeleton frame to seal the interior of the skeleton frame.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009313A1

The present invention provides a shutter device for a vehicle in which a manufacturing cost is reduced. 1. A shutter device for a vehicle , which adjusts an amount of air flowing from an outside of a vehicle surface to an inside thereof , comprising:a frame member having an opening provided therein and mounted on the vehicle;a fin extending in a first direction; anda rotary shaft unit configured to pivotally support the fin on the frame member to be pivotable in the opening of the frame member,wherein the fin is provided integrally with or independently from the rotary shaft unit, andwherein the fin has a uniform sectional shape in the first direction.2. The shutter device for the vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the frame member has:an upper base that extends in a left-and-right direction;a lower base that is provided below the upper base and extends in the left-and-right direction; andwherein at least two pillars that extend in an up-and-down direction and are connected to the upper base and the lower base;wherein the rotary shaft unit is formed independently from the fin; andwherein the fin is pivotably supported on the pillars via the rotary shaft unit.3. The shutter device for the vehicle according to claim 2 ,wherein the fin has a engaging part having a uniform sectional shape in the first direction, and the rotary shaft unit is engaged with the engaging part.4. The shutter device for the vehicle according to claim 3 ,wherein the engaging part is a groove that is provided in the fin and extend in the first direction of the fin.5. The shutter device for the vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein a plurality of rotary shaft units are provided at different positions in the first direction; andwherein an interval between a pivot axis of at least one of the rotary shaft unit and the fin is different from that between a pivot axis of the other rotary shaft unit and the fin.6. A method of manufacturing a shutter device for a vehicle claim 1 , the shutter device ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009492A1

Provided is a shutter device for a vehicle, in which a manufacturing cost is reduced. 1. A method of manufacturing a shutter device for a vehicle , which adjusts an amount of air flowing from an outside of a vehicle surface to an inside thereof and includes:a frame member having an opening provided therein and mounted on the vehicle;a fin extending in a first direction; and the frame member includes', 'an upper base that extends in the first direction,', 'a lower base that is provided below the upper base and extends in the first direction, and', 'at least one pillar that extends in a direction intersecting the first direction and is connected to the upper base and the lower base, and, 'a rotary shaft unit configured to pivotally support the fin on the frame member to be pivotable in the opening of the frame member, wherein'}the method comprising:preparing the upper base, the lower base, and the pillar independently from one another; andmounting an upper portion of the pillar on the upper base, mounting a lower portion of the pillar on the lower base to assemble the frame member.2. The method of manufacturing the shutter device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising:forming an upper long member having a uniform sectional shape in a longitudinal direction;forming a lower long member having a uniform sectional shape in the longitudinal direction;cutting the upper long member at a necessary length and obtaining the upper base having a uniform sectional shape in the longitudinal direction; andcutting the lower long member at a necessary length and obtaining the lower base having a uniform sectional shape in the longitudinal direction.3. The method of manufacturing the shutter device for the vehicle according to claim 2 , comprising:forming an engaging part having a uniform sectional shape in a longitudinal direction, in the forming the upper long member or the lower long member having the uniform sectional shape in the longitudinal direction; ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Motor vehicle coolant heat exchanger having a windable covering system having a modifiable winding speed, and pulling means adapten thereto

Номер: US20190009667A1
Принадлежит: Roechling Automotive AG and Co KG

A motor vehicle coolant heat exchanger having a modifiable covering system includes a support, a winding shaft mounted rotatably around a winding axis, a rotational drive, a roller-blind web, at least one pulling means winding body connected to the winding shaft to rotate together, and a pulling means. The roller-blind web is windable onto and unwindable from the winding shaft along a winding trajectory, which comprises a pulling crosspiece at its longitudinal end region located remotely from the winding shaft. The pulling means is unwindable from and windable onto the pulling means winding body parallel to the winding trajectory, which is connected at its longitudinal end remote from the pulling means winding body to the pulling crosspiece. The pulling means is guided around a deflection roller in such a way that its longitudinal end connected to the pulling crosspiece moves away from the winding shaft while it is being wound on.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle information panel interface

Номер: US20180011629A1
Автор: Jia-Wei Ding

Provided are systems and methods for facilitating a user to configure and retrieve personalized settings for an information panel in a driving apparatus. The information panel system may be configured to store a plurality information panel configurations. Different information panel configurations may correspond to different users of the driving apparatus. Users may be identified when inside the driving apparatus by capturing their biometric information. Following identification, an information panel configuration corresponding to the identified user may be retrieved and configured on a display device. The displayed information panel configuration may include an arrangement of display items. The display items may have been previously selected by the identified user, and the selection may have included choosing an information panel template with one or more partitioned areas and selecting one or more display items to place in different partitioned areas.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Adjustment Device, Method of Adjustment, Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20160016461A1

Adjustment device for adjusting shutoff elements of an air inlet of a motor vehicle, wherein the shutoff elements are adjustable between an open position in which the air inlet is substantially open and a closed position in which the air inlet is substantially closed, includes a drive unit for adjusting the shutoff elements between at least the open position and the closed position, and a fail-safe mechanism which is arranged for adjusting the air inlet to a predefined position in case of a calamity situation. The adjustment device includes a blocking mechanism for blocking the operation of the fail-safe mechanism in predetermined situations, wherein in such predetermined situations the shutoff elements are adjustable to a predefined position without activation of the fail-safe mechanism.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015819A1

A shutter assembly includes a shutter frame and at least one louver moveably mounted to the shutter frame. The shutter assembly also includes a mechanism configured to shift the at least one louver relative to the shutter frame to select a position for the shutter assembly between and inclusive of fully-opened and fully-closed. The shutter assembly additionally includes a heating element configured to generate thermal energy sufficient to melt ice formation on the shutter assembly and facilitate shifting of the at least one louver relative to the shutter frame. Furthermore, the shutter assembly includes a controller configured to regulate the mechanism and activate the heating element. A method of controlling operation of a shutter assembly and a vehicle having such a shutter assembly are also disclosed. 1. A shutter assembly comprising:a shutter frame;at least one louver mounted moveably to the shutter frame;a mechanism configured to shift the at least one louver relative to the shutter frame to select a position for the shutter assembly between and inclusive of fully-opened and fully-closed;a heating element configured to generate thermal energy sufficient to melt ice formation on the shutter assembly and facilitate shifting of the at least one louver relative to the shutter frame; anda controller configured to regulate the mechanism and activate the heating element.2. The shutter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor in communication with the controller and configured to sense an ambient temperature.3. The shutter assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a barometric pressure sensor configured to sense an ambient pressure and a moisture sensor configured to sense a level of ambient humidity claim 2 , each of the barometric pressure sensor and the moisture sensor in communication with the controller claim 2 , wherein the controller is additionally configured to:detect, via the temperature sensor, the ambient temperature;detect, via the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Grille shutter apparatus

Номер: US20140102817A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A grille shutter apparatus includes a shutter mechanism including plural of movable fins and at least one connection mechanism independently arranged to connect every two of the movable fins adjacent to one another. Accordingly, the shutter mechanism makes the movable fins operate in conjunction with one another. The grille shutter apparatus further includes a control portion controlling a flow rate of air flowing from a grille opening portion formed at a front portion of a vehicle body into the vehicle body on the basis of opening and closing operations of the shutter mechanism, and a detection device detecting an operational state of the shutter mechanism on the basis of an operation of the movable fins which correspond to a most downstream portion of a serially-arranged driving force transmission path formed at the shutter mechanism.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018221A1

A cooling system for a motor vehicle, has a first cooling circuit arrangement with a first coolant cooler and a second coolant circuit arrangement with a second coolant cooler. A cooling air supply to the first coolant cooler can be varied by means of a first cover device, and a cooling air supply to the second coolant cooler can be varied by means of a second cover device. The first cover device and the second cover device can be moved by means of an interposed gear of a shared drive, whereby the gear is configured such that, when the drive is being operated for opening purposes, the second cover device is moved earlier and/or faster than the first cover device out of a closed position in the direction of an open position. This makes it possible to supply cooling air to meet an already existent cooling demand of the second coolant cooler, whereas such a cooling demand does not yet exist for the first coolant cooler, so that the latter can still remain covered—in terms of a flow of cooling air—by means of the associated (first) cover device. This can have a positive effect on the flow resistance for the cooling air and thus on the aerodynamics of the motor vehicle. 1. A cooling system for a motor vehicle , comprising:a first cooling circuit arrangement with a first coolant cooler, anda second coolant circuit arrangement with a second coolant cooler,a first cover device by means of which a cooling air supply to the first coolant cooler can be varied, anda second cover device by means of which a cooling air supply to the second coolant cooler can be varied,wherein the first cover device and the second cover device can be moved by means of an interposed gear of a shared drive, whereby the gear is configured in such a way that, when the drive is being operated for opening purposes, the second cover device is moved earlier and/or faster than the first cover device out of a closed position in the direction of an open position.2. The cooling system according to claim 1 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Flush Mount Active Grille Shutter and Actuator

Номер: US20170021720A1

A grille shutter includes a housing, a blocking plate and an actuator. The housing comprises a grille defining a plurality of airflow openings and defining at least one guide slot. The blocking plate includes a plurality of spaced gates movable between a blocking position covering the airflow openings and an open position uncovering the airflow openings. The actuator includes a motor driving a gear set along a guide slot to move the blocking plate between the blocking and open positions. 1. A grille shutter comprising:a housing including a grille defining a plurality of airflow openings and defining at least one guide slot, wherein the housing further comprises an upper flange and a lower flange on each side of the housing, and wherein the at least one guide slot further comprises a plurality of guide slots wherein one guide slot is provided in each of the upper flanges and lower flanges;a blocking plate having a plurality of spaced gates movable between a blocking position covering the airflow openings and an open position uncovering the airflow openings; andan actuator including a motor driving a gear set along the guide slot to move the blocking plate between the blocking and open positions, a driveshaft connected to the actuator on a first side of the housing and extending in a transverse direction to a second side of the housing, wherein the actuator drives the driveshaft along a first guide slot defined by a first flange on a first side of the housing, and wherein the driveshaft follows a second guide slot defined by a second flange on a second side of the housing.2. (canceled)3. The grille shutter of wherein the guide slots extend rearward and vertically away from the grille to facilitate moving the blocking plate between the blocking position in which the blocking plate is flush with the grille and the open position in which the gates of the blocking plate is shifted in a rearward direction and are vertically offset from the airflow openings.4. (canceled)5. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

System for controlling opening/closing of shutter for vehicle

Номер: US20180022210A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Provided is a system for controlling opening/closing of a shutter for a vehicle, which allows the shutter to be appropriately opened and closed on the whole travel path of the vehicle. A control device for the shutter includes: an opening/closing control unit that brings the shutter into an open state when a temperature in an engine room exceeds a predetermined threshold, and brings the shutter into a closed state when the temperature is the threshold or less; and a traveling state predicting unit that predicts a traveling state of the vehicle after a lapse of a predetermined time based on map information and path information. The opening/closing control unit has a threshold changing section that changes the threshold based on the traveling state of the vehicle after the lapse of the predetermined time predicted by the traveling state predicting unit.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041034A1

The invention relates to a heat exchange module, comprising at least a first heat exchanger (), and a ventilation device () intended to generate a flow of air, this ventilation device comprising at least one cross-flow fan () for setting in motion an air flow (F) and a guide means () comprising at least one air guiding element () configured to guide the air set in motion by the cross-flow fan (), the first heat exchanger () and the ventilation device () being positioned relative to one another in such a way that an air flow (F) set in motion by the ventilation device () is fed into the heat exchanger () and, when the fan is in operation, this air is drawn in by the fan and this drawn-in air passes first of all through the heat exchanger before entering the cross-flow fan. 1. A heat exchange module , comprising:at least a first heat exchanger; anda ventilation device configured to generate a flow of air, the ventilation device comprising at least one cross-flow fan for setting in motion an air flow and a guide means comprising at least one air guiding element configured to guide the air set in motion by the cross-flow fan,the first heat exchanger and the ventilation device being positioned relative to one another so that an air flow set in motion by the ventilation device is fed into the first heat exchanger and, when the cross-flow fan is in operation, the air is drawn in by the fan and passes first of all through the first heat exchanger before entering the cross-flow fan.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , the ventilation device comprising a plurality of air guiding elements.3. The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the air guiding elements are configured to delimit at least one air passage downstream of the first heat exchanger and are mounted with the ability to move between a position in which said at least one air passage is open and a position in which said at least one air passage is at least partially closed off.4. The device as claimed in claim 3 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041049A1
Автор: Harter Sebastian

A cooling air flap device is for a motor vehicle. The cooling air flap device has a cooling air opening through which cooling air can flow. The cooling air flap device has: a cooling air flap, which is arranged in or on the cooling air opening so as to be adjustable in order to change an opening cross section of the cooling air opening through which the cooling air can flow; and a sensor configured to sense surroundings in a region of the cooling air flap device. The sensor is secured to the cooling air flap so that the sensor is adjustable together with the cooling air flap. 1. A cooling air flap device for a motor vehicle , the cooling air flap device having a cooling air opening through which cooling air can flow , the cooling air flap device comprising:a cooling air flap, which is arranged in or on the cooling air opening so as to be adjustable in order to change an opening cross section of the cooling air opening through which the cooling air can flow;a sensor configured to sense surroundings in a region of the cooling air flap device, the sensor being secured to the cooling air flap so that the sensor is adjustable together with the cooling air flap.2. The cooling air flap device as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:an actuator configured to adjust the cooling air flap, the actuator being mechanically coupled to the cooling air flap;a controller configured to actuate the actuator, the controller being electrically coupled to the actuator and having an electrical interface configured to receive cooling air requirement signals, which are correlated with a cooling air requirement of the motor vehicle, and surroundings sensing requirement signals, which are correlated with a surroundings sensing requirement of the motor vehicle, that based on determining that there is no surroundings detection requirement, the controller actuates the actuator as a function of the cooling air requirement in order to adjust the respective cooling air flap in order to change the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023119A1

An exemplary flow control assembly includes, among other things, a grille member and a flow control device having a plurality of bowed shutters adjacent the grille member. The bowed shutters are configured to move back and forth between a flow permitting position and a flow restricting position. An exemplary flow control method includes, among other things, moving a plurality of bowed shutters back and forth between a flow permitting position and a flow restricting position. The flow permitting position permitting more flow through apertures in a grille member than the flow restricting position. 1. A flow control assembly , comprising:a grille member; anda flow control device having a plurality of bowed shutters adjacent the grille member, the plurality of bowed shutters configured to move back and forth between a flow permitting position and a flow restricting position, each of the plurality of bowed shutters extends along an arc from a first shutter end portion that is pivotably connected to the grille member to a second shutter end portion that is pivotably connected to the grille member, wherein a curvature of each of the bowed shutters mimics a corresponding curvature of the grille member such that the plurality of bowed shutters can nest within the corresponding curvature of the grille member.2. The flow control assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of bowed shutters has a longitudinal section that is curved.3. (canceled)4. A flow control assembly claim 1 , comprising:a grille member;a flow control device having a plurality of bowed shutters adjacent the grille member, the plurality of bowed shutters configured to move back and forth between a flow permitting position and a flow restricting position, the plurality of bowed shutters in the flow restricting position nested with the grille member; anda plurality of hinge members that connect the plurality of bowed shutters to the grille member.5. The flow control assembly of claim 4 , wherein each ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023120A1
Принадлежит: Valeo North America, Inc.

A front-end module for a motor vehicle, including a frame, a vane configured to be assembled to the frame, and a shaft bracket comprising two parts on either side of the frame, wherein the two parts of the shaft bracket are removably fixed to the frame, wherein the shaft bracket is separate from and integrated with the frame, and wherein the vane is positioned against the frame without deformation, and subsequently, the shaft bracket engages with the frame and encloses the vane into position. 1. A front-end module for a motor vehicle , comprising:a frame and a bolster integrated with each other;one or more vanes configured to be assembled to the frame; anda shaft bracket comprising two parts on either side of the frame, wherein the two parts of the shaft bracket are removably fixed to the frame, wherein the shaft bracket is separate from and integrated with the frame,wherein the one or more vanes is positioned against the frame without deformation, and subsequently, the shaft bracket engages with the frame and encloses the one or more vanes into position.2. The front-end module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shaft bracket is a snap shaft bracket in which the two parts of the shaft bracket are snap-fitted to the frame.3. The front-end module as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:at least one pivot that protrudes from the one or more vanes, wherein the at least one pivot is configured to engage with and fit into a corresponding hole in one of the two parts of the shaft bracket.4. The front-end module as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the at least one pivot is affixed to the one or more vanes.5. The front-end module as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:at least one pivot that protrudes from at least one of the two parts of the shaft bracket, wherein the at least one pivot is configured to engage with and fit into a corresponding hole in the one or more vanes.6. The front-end module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frame claim 1 , the one or more vanes ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023121A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Klimasysteme GmbH

There is described a closure unit () for an air inlet of a motor vehicle which comprises three closure flaps () which can be pivoted about a rotation axis (). In a closed position, the closure flaps () close the air inlet and a closure flap which is referred to as a second closure flap () abuts a closed position stop (). In an open position, the closure flaps () release the air inlet and a closure flap which is referred to as the third closure flap () abuts an open position stop (). Furthermore, a method for detecting defective closure flaps () of such a closure unit () is explained. Furthermore, a motor vehicle having one or more air inlets is presented, wherein at least one of the air inlets is provided with such a closure unit (). 1. A closure unit for an air inlet of a motor vehicle , comprising:a first closure flap which can be pivoted about a first rotation axis;a second closure flap which can be pivoted about a second rotation axis;a third closure flap which can be pivoted about a third rotation axis;a first coupling member via which the first closure flap and the second closure flap are kinematically coupled;a second coupling member via which the first closure flap and the third closure flap are kinematically coupled; anda drive unit which is drivingly coupled to the first closure flap and which is constructed to move the closure flaps from a closed position into an open position and vice versa,wherein the closure flaps in the closed position substantially close the air inlet in terms of flow and in the open position substantially release the air inlet in terms of flow, andwherein, in the closed position, the second closure flap abuts a closed position stop and, in the open position, the third closure flap abuts an open position stop.2. The closure unit according to claim 1 , characterised in that it does not comprise any additional closed position stop and/or any additional open position stop.3. The closure unit according to claim 1 , characterised in that ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Air inflow control system for an active grille shutter

Номер: US20190023122A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes Thermiques SAS

The invention relates to an air inflow control system for an active grille shutter, comprising: a frame ( 101 ) comprising at least one recess ( 104, 107 ); a louvre ( 102, 106 ) having a louvre rotary shaft, said louvre rotary shaft being designed to be installed in the recess ( 104, 107 ), whereby the louvre can be rotated about the rotary shaft and placed in an open position and a closed position; and a mechanical part ( 201 ) adapted to maintain the rotary shaft in the recess ( 104, 107 ) when the mechanical part ( 201 ) is secured to the frame ( 101 ). The mechanical part ( 201 ) comprises a stop element ( 202, 203 ), said louvre ( 102, 106 ) being positioned against the stop element when the louvre ( 102, 106 ) is in the open position.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023728A1
Автор: Dill Peter

An air flap apparatus for a motor vehicle, encompassing a frame having a flowthrough opening, at least one air flap mounted movably relative to the frame that projects into the flowthrough opening; the at least one air flap being displaceable between closed and open positions in order to modify a gas quantity flowing per unit time, with a predefined flow impingement, through the flowthrough opening; the at least one air flap decreasing a flowthrough-capable cross section of the flowthrough opening greater in the closed position than in the open position; the air flap apparatus further encompassing a motion drive system that is coupled to the at least one air flap to drive the at least one air flap between the closed and open positions, at least one air flap, constituting a light-emitting air flap, having at least one light exit surface to radiate light to an external environment of the light-emitting air flap, the light-emitting air flap having at least one light-guiding light guidance component to guide light from a light entrance portion through to a light exit portion arranged at a distance therefrom, the light guidance component being embodied integrally with a structural component of the light-emitting air flap. 116-. (canceled)17. An air flap apparatus for a motor vehicle , encompassing a frame having a flowthrough opening , on which frame at least one air flap is mounted movably relative to the frame so as to project into or pass through the flowthrough opening; the at least one air flap being displaceable between a closed position and an open position in order to modify a gas quantity flowing per unit time , with a predefined flow impingement , through the flowthrough opening; the at least one air flap decreasing a flowthrough-capable cross section of the flowthrough opening more greatly in the closed position than in the open position; the air flap apparatus further encompassing a motion drive system that is motion- and force-transferringly coupled to the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023937A1

The invention relates to an air flow control device () for a front face module of a motor vehicle, the control device () comprising: •—a plurality of flaps (), each rotatable about an axis of rotation (). According to the invention, the axes of rotation () of the flaps () are aligned in at least two different planes of alignment. 1. An air flow control device for a front face module of a motor vehicle , said control device comprising:a plurality of flaps, each being rotatable about an axis of rotation,wherein the axes of rotation of the flaps are contained in at least two distinct planes.2. The control device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flaps are inscribed in a curved surface.3. The control device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising: a common drive plate for simultaneously rotating each flap about their respective axis of rotation claim 1 , each flap being connected to the common drive plate.4. The control device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the common drive plate comprises secondary openings claim 3 , each of which is configured to receive a pin for connecting a flap.5. The control device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the secondary openings are oblong shaped.6. The control device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the main extension directions of the secondary openings are not parallel to each other.7. The control device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the secondary openings have claim 4 , in their main extension direction claim 4 , different dimensions.8. The control device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the common drive plate comprises a main opening configured to receive a finger of an actuator for controlling the movements of the common drive plate.9. The control device as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the main opening is oblong shaped.10. The control device as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a frame having a curved profile.11. An air flow control device for a front face module of a motor vehicle claim 1 , said control device comprising:a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190026961A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Method and apparatus are disclosed for a drone-based diagnostic system for active grille shutters of a vehicle. An example vehicle diagnostic system includes a drone and a diagnostic server. The drone sends a first command to open a vehicle's active grille shutters, captures a first image of a front of the vehicle, sends a second command to close the vehicle's the active grille shutters, and capture sa second image of the front of the vehicle. The diagnostic server determines whether the active grille shutters are malfunctioning based on the first and second images received from the drone. 1. A vehicle diagnostic system comprising: ["send a first command to open a vehicle's active grille shutters;", 'capture a first image of a front of the vehicle;', 'send a second command to close the active grille shutters;', 'capture a second image of the front of the vehicle; and, 'a drone toa diagnostic server to determine whether the active grille shutters are malfunctioning based on the first and second images received from the drone.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the drone includes a wireless transceiver to communicate with the vehicle.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the wireless transceiver implements a dedication short range communication protocol.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the drone includes a first camera to capture the first and second images in an visible spectrum claim 1 , and a second camera to capture the first and second images in an infrared spectrum.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the drone is to:capture the first and second images with the first camera when an area is around the vehicle is illuminated; andcapture the first and second images with the second camera when the area is around the vehicle is dark.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the drone is an unmanned ground vehicle.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein determine whether the active grille shutters are ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031018A1

An automotive grille has a plurality of openings that permit ambient air to flow into an engine compartment located on a front side of a vehicle. The automotive grille includes a plurality of decorative slats arranged to form the plurality of openings and a support part that supports the plurality of decorative slats. The plurality of openings is configured to guide the ambient air in a first flow direction. The first flow direction is a direction in which the ambient air flows into the engine compartment. The plurality of decorative slats is configured to guide the ambient air in a second flow direction that crosses the first flow direction. 1. A grille having a plurality of openings that permit ambient air to flow into an engine compartment located on a front side of a vehicle , the grille comprising:a plurality of decorative slats arranged to form the plurality of openings; anda support part configured to support the plurality of decorative slats,wherein the plurality of openings are configured to guide the ambient air in a first flow direction,wherein the first flow direction is a direction in which the ambient air flows into the engine compartment, andwherein the plurality of decorative slats are configured to guide the ambient air in a second flow direction that crosses the first flow direction.2. The grille of claim 1 , wherein each decorative slat has a top wall claim 1 , a bottom wall claim 1 , and a rear wall claim 1 ,wherein a cavity is formed in each decorative slat, andwherein the cavity is defined by the top wall, the bottom wall, and the rear wall.3. The grille of claim 2 , wherein the second flow direction is a direction in which the ambient air passes through the cavity and flows into the opening adjacent to the cavity.4. The grille of claim 3 , wherein each decorative slat has one or more first apertures and one or more second apertures that communicate with the cavity claim 3 , andwherein the first apertures and the second apertures are configured ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031019A1
Автор: Temple Scott
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

Air ducts for airflow management of the engine compartment, and associated methods are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, an air duct for venting an engine compartment of a tractor includes an inlet that faces the engine compartment, an outlet at an outer surface of a tractor fender, a body of the duct configured generally inside the fender, and one or more shutters that restrict flow of air at the inlet. In some embodiments, the outlet faces a low pressure zone that is downstream of the fender, and a pressure in the low pressure zone depends on a speed of the tractor. 1. An air duct for venting an engine compartment of a vehicle , comprising:an inlet that faces the engine compartment;an outlet positioned at an outer surface of a vehicle fender; anda body of the duct configured to pass through the fender,wherein the outlet is oriented toward an rear end tire of the vehicle, wherein the outlet faces a low pressure zone that is downstream of the fender, and wherein a pressure in the low pressure zone depends on a speed of the vehicle.2. The air duct of claim 1 , further comprising one or more shutters positioned within the air duct so as to restrict a flow of air.3. The air duct of claim 2 , wherein the shutters allow or restrict the flow of air at least in part based on a pressure in the low pressure zone.4. The air duct of claim 2 , wherein the shutters allow or restrict the flow of air at least in part based on a cross-wind at the vehicle.5. The air duct of claim 1 , wherein the body of the duct is shaped as a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) profile.6. The air duct of claim 1 , wherein the body of the duct is configured to seal an interior of the fender from a flow of air through the duct.7. The air duct of claim 2 , further comprising an actuator configured to actuate the shutters in order to selectively adjust the airflow that exits the outlet.8. The air duct of claim 7 , wherein the actuator is selected from a group consisting of an ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031253A1
Принадлежит: McLaren Automotive Limited

An automobile comprising a cooling duct that extends to underneath the automobile to channel cooling air to a component of the automobile when the automobile is in motion is provided. A restriction located within the cooling duct that is moveable from a first position, in which airflow to the component is substantially unimpeded, to a second position in which the airflow to the component is substantially impeded, when the automobile is in motion is further provided. The automobile generates more downforce when the restriction is in the second position versus the first position. A control unit configured to select the position of the restriction to control the downforce generated by the automobile if the temperature of the component is below a predetermined level, and to select the first position for the restriction if the temperature of the component is above the predetermined level, is also provided. 1. An automobile comprising a duct arranged to channel air from a region which is at relatively high pressure when the automobile is in motion to a region underneath the automobile which is at relatively low pressure when the automobile is in motion , the duct comprising a resilient elastic restriction arranged to substantially close off the duct , the duct being configured such that motion of the automobile generates a pressure difference across the elastic restriction , the elastic restriction being configured to open when the pressure difference approximately exceeds a predetermined value so as to allow air to flow from the relatively high pressure region to underneath the automobile and reduce the downforce generated by the automobile.2. An automobile as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the region underneath the automobile is in front of a front wheel of the automobile.3. An automobile as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resilient elastic restriction is arranged to be substantially flush with a surface of the cooling duct when it substantially closes off the third duct ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Device for sealing an air inlet of a motor vehicle front face

Номер: US20200031218A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes Thermiques SAS

The present invention relates to an actuator ( 9 )-lever ( 11 ) assembly for a sealing device ( 1 ) for a motor vehicle front face air inlet, said assembly comprising: an actuator ( 9 ) comprising two rotary output members ( 90 ) having a hollow ( 91 ) and each being arranged on a face of said actuator ( 9 ) and on the same pivot axis (C), and in each rotary output member ( 90 ), a lever ( 11 ) having a stub ( 110 ) inserted in the hollow ( 91 ) and linked to said rotary output member ( 90 ) such as to be driven in rotation by the rotation of said rotary output members ( 90 ), the hollows ( 91 ) of the rotary output members ( 90 ) being linked to one another by a communication orifice ( 92 ) and the levers ( 11 ) being attached to one another through said communication orifice ( 91 ).

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Active air flap apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20140117709A1
Автор: Gil Sang Yoo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An active air flap for a vehicle can absorb shock energy by means of a wing of a housing which pivots in a collision with a pedestrian and can minimize the pedestrian injury as possible.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031617A1

A grille shutter is fixed to a radiator grille at end portions of the grille shutter in the vehicle right-left direction. A restriction mechanism includes a restriction member provided to the radiator grille and a restriction member abutting portion provided to an intermediate portion of the grille shutter in the vehicle right-left direction. The restriction mechanism restricts the intermediate portion of the grille shutter from moving toward the vehicle rear side relative to the radiator grille. The restriction member is configured to be movable toward the vehicle rear side relative to the restriction member abutting portion. 1. A grille shutter attaching structure comprising:a radiator grille;a grille shutter; anda restriction mechanism, wherein:the grille shutter is disposed behind the radiator grille in a vehicle front-rear direction and fixedly attached to the radiator grille at end portions of the grille shutter in a vehicle right-left direction;the restriction mechanism includes a restriction member provided to the radiator grille and a restriction member abutting portion provided to an intermediate portion of the grille shutter in the vehicle right-left direction and configured to be abuttable against the restriction member from a vehicle front side, the restriction mechanism configured to restrict the intermediate portion of the grille shutter in the vehicle right-left direction from moving toward a vehicle rear side relative to the radiator grille; andthe restriction member is configured to be movable toward the vehicle rear side relative to the restriction member abutting portion.2. The grille shutter attaching structure according to claim 1 , wherein the restriction mechanism is configured such that at a normal time when a collision load is not applied to the radiator grille from the vehicle front side claim 1 , the restriction member abutting portion comes in contact with the restriction member to restrict the intermediate portion of the grille shutter ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Air Intake Screen Cleaning Device

Номер: US20160040634A1

A system is provided for removing debris collected and retained on a radiator air intake screen of a turf-care vehicle hood by an airflow flowing through the air intake screen into a radiator of the turf-care vehicle. In various embodiments, the system comprises an airflow interruption device mountable to the radiator of the turf-care vehicle under the hood of the vehicle. The airflow interruption device is structured and operable to be selectively translatable between an Open position and Closed position to thereby selectively interrupt the airflow flowing through the air intake screen and into the radiator. The system additionally includes a control system comprising an actuator and an actuator controller that are structured and operable to selectively translate the airflow interruption device between the Open and Closed positions. 1. A system for removing debris collected on a radiator air intake screen of a turf-care vehicle hood , said system comprising:an airflow interruption device mountable to a radiator of a turf-care vehicle under a hood of the vehicle, the airflow interruption device structured and operable to be selectively translatable between an Open position and a Closed position to selectively interrupt an airflow flowing through an air intake screen of the hood into the radiator; anda control system comprising an actuator and an actuator controller, the control system structured and operable to selectively translate the airflow interruption device between the Open and Closed positions.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the airflow interruption device comprises a polarizing panel device comprising:a first vented panel having a plurality of first vent apertures formed therein and a plurality of first baffles formed between the first vent apertures, anda second vented panel having a plurality of second vent apertures formed therein and a plurality of second baffles formed between the second vent apertures, the second vent apertures and baffles ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041229A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A front end arrangement and airflow control method for a vehicle includes a radiator disposed in an engine compartment of the vehicle and a damper disposed below the radiator for selectively controlling recirculation through the radiator. The damper is movable between an open position wherein airflow from behind the radiator recirculates by passing forwardly under the radiator and again through the radiator, and a closed position wherein the airflow from behind the radiator is substantially prevented from passing forwardly under the radiator and recirculating through the radiator. 1. An active radiator control method for improved fuel economy , comprising:directing airflow entering an engine compartment of a vehicle through a radiator disposed in the engine compartment; closing a damper disposed below the radiator to prevent recirculation of the airflow that is rearward of the radiator, and', 'opening the damper to allow the portion of the airflow to pass below the radiator and travel forwardly for passing back through the front side of the radiator and thereby recirculateing through the radiator., 'selectively controlling recirculation of a portion of the airflow that is rearward of the radiator from passing below the radiator and back through the front side of the radiator, said selectively controlling recirculation including2. The active radiator control method of wherein opening said damper occurs when an engine disposed in the engine compartment is cool and the portion of the airflow recirculating through the radiator rapidly increases temperatures of fluids associated with the engine to improve fuel economy.3. The active radiator control method of wherein closing the damper occurs when the engine is above a predetermined temperature.4. The active radiator control method of wherein directing airflow entering the engine compartment through the radiator includes:directing a first airflow portion entering through a grille of the vehicle through an upper portion of ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20180038396A1
Автор: Thomas Wagner
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

The speed of a motor vehicle causes the production of an air flow which can produce disturbing noises at edges of motor vehicle components. To provide a motor vehicle in which disturbing noises due to the air flow when travelling are avoided, at least one spoiler element is provided, or in that a plurality of spoiler elements are provided. The respectively present number of spoiler elements is formed upstream and/or downstream of at least one existing edge of the particular component acted upon by the air flow. The number of spoiler elements is arranged and/or shaped in such a manner that the air flow striking against the respective spoiler elements is dispersed non-uniformly.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Cooling system

Номер: US20220055451A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A cooling system includes multiple heat exchangers, a shutter, and a controller. The controller determines whether an amount of air flowing to the other heat exchanger needs to be increased and controls an opening degree of the shutter in a closing direction to reduce an amount of air flowing to a specified heat exchanger and increase an amount of air flowing to another heat exchanger upon determining that the amount of air flowing to the other heat exchanger needs to be increased.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039452A1

The present invention relates to a sealing device () for the front-end air intake of a motor vehicle, including: a supporting frame () comprising two longitudinal crossmembers (), parallel to one another, and two side posts (), perpendicular to said longitudinal crossmembers () and connecting said longitudinal crossmembers (); at least one flap (), pivotably mounted about an axis (A) for pivoting between a sealing position and an open position, said at least one flap () being installed within the supporting frame (); at least one electric control element () that controls the positioning of the flap(s) () and is capable of being connected to the electric system of the motor vehicle by at least one electricity supply cable (), the supporting frame () comprising at least one device () for snap-fit attachment of the electricity supply cable(s) (), said snap-fit device () being integral with said supporting frame (). 1. A sealing device for the front-end air inlet of a motor vehicle , comprising:a supporting frame comprising two longitudinal crossmembers parallel to one another and two side posts perpendicular to said longitudinal crossmembers and connecting said longitudinal crossmembers;at least one flap mounted pivotably about a pivot axis between a sealing position and an open position, said at least one flap being installed within the supporting frame;at least one electric control element that controls the positioning of the flap or flaps and is connected to the electric system of the motor vehicle by at least one power supply cable,wherein the supporting frame comprises at least one attachment device for attachment of the power supply cable or cables, said attachment device being integral with said supporting frame.2. The sealing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of said side posts comprises at least one snap-fit attachment device.3. The sealing device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the attachment device are arranged on the rear face of the at ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039345A1

An active grille system for a vehicle includes a plurality of active shutter vanes each respectively rotatably coupled to a frame portion. Each vane includes a hollow body portion having an inner and outer wall portion extending between a first and second end. The vane also includes a first solid end cap secured to the first end and a second solid end cap secured to the second end of the hollow body portion. The active shutter vane has decreased weight, increased torsional strength and increased bending rigidity as compared with active shutter vanes of the same shape and size and having a one-piece solid construction formed by injection molding process. Moreover, the use of extrusion or pultrusion to form the hollow body portion reduces warpage associated with one-piece solid construction active shutter vanes formed by injection molding process. 1. An active grille system for use in a cooling system for a vehicle having a radiator , said active grille system comprising:a frame portion; anda plurality of active shutter vanes, each one of said plurality of active shutter vanes rotatably coupled to said frame portion and comprising:a hollow body portion comprising a first plastic material, said hollow body portion having an inner wall portion and an outer wall portion extending between a first end and a second end, said inner wall portion defining at least one cavity extending from said first end to said second end, said inner wall portion and said outer wall portion defining a first edge at said first end and a second edge at said second end;a first solid end cap secured to said first end of said hollow body portion; anda second solid end cap secured to a second end of said hollow body portion, each of said first and second solid end caps comprising a second plastic material the same or different from said first plastic material.2. The active grille system of further comprising an actuator assembly coupled to said plurality of active shutter vanes claim 1 , said ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Grille shutter control device

Номер: US20200039346A1
Автор: Bunpei Morita
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

A grille shutter control device is employed for a grille shutter that includes a frame, which is provided in a front grille of a vehicle and has an outside air inlet, and an opening-closing unit for opening and closing the outside air inlet. The grille shutter control device controls an opening-closing operation of the opening-closing unit such that the outside air inlet is opened or closed in accordance with a condition of the vehicle. The grille shutter controller includes an actuator and a controlling section. The actuator performs an anti-sticking operation for preventing the opening-closing unit from being stuck. The controlling section controls the actuator such that the anti-sticking operation is periodically performed by the actuator.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle thermal system for reduced fuel consumption

Номер: US20190041968A1
Принадлежит: FCA US LLC

A method of minimizing overall power consumption of a vehicle cooling system includes performing a hardware selection phase, performing an actuator position selection phase, and configuring operation of selected hardware components of the vehicle cooling system at a selected actuator position combination when the vehicle is operating in a predefined driving condition.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043659A1

The invention relates to an air guide for a motor vehicle comprising at least one downstream main duct () intended to be positioned in front of a heat exchange device () of the motor vehicle () and at least one air inlet upstream duct () intended to be connected to an air inlet (), the at least one air inlet upstream duct () being connected to the downstream main duct () to guide the air from the air inlet () toward the heat exchange device (), characterized in that the air guide is made as a single piece. 1. An air guide for a motor vehicle , comprising:at least one downstream main duct intended to be positioned in front of a heat exchange device of the motor vehicle; andat least one air inlet upstream duct configured to be connected to an air inlet, the at least one air inlet upstream duct being connected to the downstream main duct in order to guide the air from the air inlet towards the heat exchange device, wherein the air guide is made as a single piece.2. The air guide as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one air inlet upstream duct is made of a flexible material.3. The air guide as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the downstream main duct is made of a more rigid material than the at least one air inlet upstream duct.4. The air guide as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the air guide obtained by bi-injection.5. The air guide as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one air inlet upstream duct exhibits a generally flared form towards the front.6. The air guide as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one air inlet upstream duct extends in a direction that is substantially perpendicular to a plane defined by a rear opening in the downstream main duct intended to be connected to the heat exchange device.7. The air guide as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising two superimposed air inlet upstream ducts intended to be connected to a respective air inlet of the motor vehicle claim 1 , and claim 1 , to the downstream main duct claim 1 , in order to guide ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Active grille shutter system with integrated radar

Номер: US20180043940A1
Принадлежит: SRG Global LLC

An active grille shutter (AGS) system for a vehicle can include a housing defining first, second, and third openings, the third opening being located between the first and second openings and being configured to receive an object detection device that is configured to detect objects in front of the vehicle, a first set of louvers arranged in the first opening, a second set of louvers arranged in the second opening, and a linkage connecting the first and second sets of louvers, wherein a set of actuators are configured to selectively open/close the first and second sets of louvers by driving the linkage or at least one of the first and second sets of louvers. The AGS system can be configured to be fully-integrated, semi-integrated, or standalone with respect to a grille assembly of the vehicle.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Multi-unit cooling system with dynamic baffle

Номер: US20150047811A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A cooling system for a work vehicle includes first heat exchanger, a fan spaced apart from the first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger extending between the fan and the first heat exchanger, and a third heat exchanger spaced apart from the second heat exchanger and extending between the fan and the first heat exchanger, A baffle plate is pivotally to a first position reducing air flow through the first heat exchanger and to a second position reducing air flow through the second heat exchanger. The baffle plate is pivoted by a linear actuator.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050875A1
Автор: KNAUER Bernd

A controllable air inlet for controlling airflow to a cooling device of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle. The air inlet includes a frame, a lateral member and a closure element moveably supported by the frame and the lateral member. 1. A controllable air inlet for a motor vehicle and configured to control airflow to a cooling device of an internal combustion engine , the controllable air inlet comprising:a frame having first and second opposing sidewalls;a lateral portion provided at the first sidewall of the frame;at least one first bearing receiving member arranged on the second sidewall and at least one second bearing receiving member arranged on the lateral portion; andat least one closure element received by the at least one first bearing receiving member and the at least one second bearing receiving member for pivotal movement about the longitudinal axis of the at least one closure element.2. The controllable air inlet of claim 1 , wherein the at least one closure element has at ends thereof a pin configured to engage in the at least one first bearing receiving member and the at least one second bearing receiving member and which permits pivotal movement of the at least one closure element about the longitudinal axis.3. The controllable air inlet of claim 1 , further comprising at least one catch mechanism arranged on the frame and configured to connect the lateral portion to the first sidewall of the frame.4. The controllable air inlet of claim 3 , wherein the lateral portion has a region having a C-shaped cross-section and which surrounds an outer edge of the first sidewall of the frame.5. The controllable air inlet of claim 4 , wherein the at least one catch mechanism is arranged within the region of the lateral portion.6. An air inlet configured to control airflow to a cooling device of an internal combustion engine claim 4 , the air inlet comprising:a frame having first and second opposing sidewalls and a plurality of first bearing ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050509A1

A shutter unit comprises plural flaps, a shutter frame member, and a second support portion to support an air guide member. The air guide member comprises a lower face portion positioned between an upper grille opening portion and the flaps, a first fixation portion fixed to a first support portion of a shroud member, and a second fixation portion fixed to a second support portion of the shutter unit. The lower face portion is configured such that the lower face portion in a state in which the second fixation portion is fixed to the second support portion is spaced apart upward from the shutter frame member. 1. A front air-rectifying structure of an automotive vehicle , comprising:a grille opening portion formed at a bumper face which is provided at a vehicle front portion of the automotive vehicle;a shutter unit attached to a vehicle-body member which is positioned in back of the bumper face; andan air guide member provided to guide air flowing in through the grille opening portion toward to the shutter unit,wherein said shutter unit comprises openable flaps, a shutter frame portion having a roughly rectangular shape in a front view and provided to enclose the flaps, and a first support portion to support said air guide member which is formed in the vicinity of a corner portion of the shutter frame portion,said air guide member comprises an air guide portion positioned between said grille opening portion and said flaps of the shutter unit, a first fixation portion fixed to said first support portion of the shutter unit, and a second fixation portion fixed to a second support portion which is provided at said vehicle-body member, andsaid air guide member is configured such that the air guide portion thereof in a state in which the first fixation portion of the air guide member is fixed to the first support portion of the shutter unit is spaced apart, upward or downward, from said shutter frame portion of the shutter unit.2. The front air-rectifying structure of the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050510A1
Автор: Manhire Jeffrey B.
Принадлежит: Magna Exteriors Inc.

An active grille shutter system having a frame with a first side facing a vehicle exterior and a second side opposite the first side that generally faces a vehicle engine compartment. The frame also includes at least two opposing cross-sectional curvilinear sides that form part of a curvilinear opening to allow air to selectively pass through the frame from the first side to the second side. Multiple rotatable vanes are placed within the curvilinear opening in order to selectively block airflow through the frame member. During operation of the active grille shutter system the vanes do not extend beyond the perimeter of the curvilinear opening of the frame when in the open and closed position. 1. An active grille shutter system comprising:a frame with a first side and a second side, the frame has a first side facing a vehicle exterior and a second side opposite the first side, at least two opposing cross-sectional curvilinear sides that form at least part of a curvilinear opening to allow air to selectively pass through the frame from the first side to the second side;two or more vanes each having a pivot pin and a guide pin formed on at least one end of each of the two or more vanes, wherein the two or more vanes extend across at least a portion of the curvilinear opening, the two or more vanes being moveable between an open position allowing air to flow past the two or more vanes and a closed position where the two or more vanes substantially close the curvilinear opening and prevent air from flowing there through, wherein the two or more vanes close in a curvilinear position that aligns the two or more vanes with the at least two opposing cross-sectional curvilinear sides of the frame, andat least one vane mounting plate forming part of the frame and having a rotational aperture connected to the pivot pin and an curved slot connected to the guide pin to the respective pivot pin and guide pin on each one of the two or more rotational vanes; anda linkage bar ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Method for setting a deployed position of a rear spoiler of a vehicle

Номер: US20180050741A1
Автор: Thomas Wolf
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A method for setting a deployed position of a rear spoiler of a vehicle includes detecting a covering position between a closed position and an open position of a radiator covering; comparing the detected covering position with a checklist which correlates detected covering positions with possible deployed positions of the rear spoiler; and setting the deployed position of the rear spoiler, wherein the deployed position correlates as a result of the comparison with the detected covering position.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049056A1

A method of controlling a cooling system includes, by an integrated controller: controller area network (CAN) checking whether CAN communication is abnormal after a vehicle is turned on and control of a cooling fan and an active air flap is initiated; single-communication checking whether communication with a cooling fan controller and an active air flap (AAF) controller is abnormal; performing a first fail-safe operation of communicating with the cooling fan controller and the AAF controller; and controlling the cooling fan and the active air flap based on signals of a first temperature sensor of the cooling fan controller and a second temperature sensor of the AAF controller. 1. A method of controlling a cooling system , the method comprising:controller area network (CAN) checking, by an integrated controller, whether CAN communication is abnormal after a vehicle is turned on and control of a cooling fan and an active air flap is initiated;single-communication checking, by the integrated controller, whether communication with a cooling fan controller and an active air flap (AAF) controller is abnormal;performing, by the integrated controller, a first fail-safe operation of communicating with the cooling fan controller and the AAF controller; andcontrolling, by the integrated controller, the cooling fan and the active air flap based on signals of a first temperature sensor of the cooling fan controller and a second temperature sensor of the AAF controller.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing a second fail-safe operation, wherein, in the second fail-safe operation, based on a signal of the first temperature sensor, the cooling fan controller: (1) turns off the cooling fan at a temperature less than a predetermined lower limit temperature, (2) controls the cooling fan with maximum output at a temperature equal to or greater than a predetermined upper limit temperature, or (3) maintains control output of the cooling fan as output set prior to ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072736A1

A concrete mixer vehicle includes a chassis, a cab coupled to the chassis, a drum assembly coupled to the chassis, and a module coupled to the chassis and positioned rearward of the drum assembly. The module includes a prime mover, a cooling system, and a hood. The hood has a first end positioned proximate the drum assembly, an opposing second end positioned proximate a rear end of the chassis, and a top surface. The hood defines an internal cavity within which the prime mover and the cooling system are disposed. The first end defines an inlet airflow cavity. The inlet airflow cavity has a bottom surface and an air inlet positioned between the top surface and the bottom surface. The air inlet connects the inlet airflow cavity to the internal cavity. 1. A concrete mixer vehicle comprising:a chassis;a cab coupled to the chassis;a front bumper coupled to a front end of the chassis; a mixing drum defining an aperture and an internal volume;', 'a charge hopper positioned proximate the aperture and above the cab;', 'a chute positioned proximate the aperture, beneath the charge hopper; and', 'a drum driver; and, 'a drum assembly coupled to the chassis, the drum assembly including an engine;', 'a cooling system; and', a housing within which the engine and the cooling system are disposed, the housing have a first end proximate the drum assembly and an opposing second end defining an opening; and', 'a door pivotally coupled to the opposing second end of the housing and positioned to selectively enclose the opening., 'a hood including], 'an engine module coupled to the chassis and positioned rearward of the drum assembly, the engine module including2. The concrete mixer vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the hood has a top surface claim 1 , and wherein the first end of the housing defines an inlet airflow cavity leading to an internal cavity of the hood claim 1 , the inlet airflow cavity having a bottom surface and an air inlet positioned between the top surface and the bottom ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059688A1
Автор: KIM In Cheol

Disclosed is an air flap device for a vehicle which includes left and right flap units which are formed of a combination of a plurality of opposite flaps rotatably installed at left and right sides, wherein the left and right flap units are obliquely installed facing each other in such a way that the opposite side ends thereof protrude forward; a link which interconnects the other side ends of the plurality of flaps of the outer sides of the left and right flap units; and a driving force transfer unit which is installed between the left and right flap units and interconnects a predetermined pair of opposite left and right flaps of the left and right flap units. 1. An air flap device for a vehicle , comprising:left and right flap units which are formed of a combination of a plurality of opposite flaps rotatably installed at left and right sides, wherein the left and right flap units are obliquely installed facing each other in such a way that the opposite side ends thereof protrude forward;a link which interconnects the other side ends of the plurality of flaps of the outer sides of the left and right flap units; anda driving force transfer unit which is installed between the left and right flap units and interconnects a predetermined pair of opposite left and right flaps of the left and right flap units.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein one flap among the plurality of flaps passes through the link and is connected to an actuator.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein each flap forming the left and right flap units comprises a rotary shaft claim 1 , so that the flaps rotate by the rotation of the rotary shaft.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the left and right flap units are installed corresponding to left and right air passages partitioned at the left and right sides inside of the housing so as to open or close the left and right air passages.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein each flap forming the left and right flap units comprises a rotary shaft claim 1 , and ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054820A1

Disclosed herein is an actuator for an active air flap apparatus which may manually open air flaps during an actuator failure and may prevent the opened air flaps from closing using e.g., vehicle induced wind. The apparatus includes a worm gear that is driven by the power of a motor and a spur gear that is configured to transmit rotary force of the worm gear towards the air flaps. 14.-. (canceled)5. An actuator for an active air flap apparatus , the actuator comprising:a worm gear driven by the power of a motor;a spur gear configured to transmit rotary force of the worm gear towards air flaps,wherein the worm gear has a plurality of teeth each having opposite faces symmetrically inclined at an inclined angle relative to an axially longitudinal direction of the worm gear,wherein the spur gear has a plurality of teeth engaged with the teeth of the worm gear and each having opposite faces symmetrically inclined at substantially the same inclined angle as that of the worm gear, relative to a tangential direction of the spur gear, anda stopper disposed in an actuator housing and configured to restrict the worm gear from moving in one direction.6. The actuator according to claim 5 , wherein when the air flaps are actuated close in a manual operation claim 5 , the stopper is configured to be brought into contact with the worm gear to prevent the worm gear from moving in one direction. This application claims under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a) the benefit of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2012-0150329 filed on Dec. 21, 2012 the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates, in general, to an actuator for an active air flap apparatus and, more particularly, to an actuator for an active air flap apparatus which can manually open air flaps during, and can prevent the opened air flaps from being closed again by e.g. vehicle induced wind.Generally, as shown in , an air flap apparatus for a vehicle includes a duct housing fixed to a front end ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061087A1

A control unit is presented for controlling a driving unit arranged for adjustment of one or more first air guiding flaps of a motorised vehicle between a first outer position and a second outer position. The control unit comprises a communication module for communicating with a vehicle control network for receiving first adjustment instructions for adjusting the first flap, a power supply module comprising an input power terminal for receiving power from a vehicle power network and a first output power terminal for supplying a first current to the driving unit. The control unit further comprises a current sensor module for sensing variations in the first supply current and a control module arranged to control the first supply current in accordance with the adjustment instructions and the sensed variations. By separating the control module from the driving unit, functionality of the control module may be shared over multiple driving units. 1. A control unit for controlling a first driving unit arranged for adjustment of one or more first air guiding flaps of a motorised vehicle between a first outer position and a second outer position , the control unit comprising:a communication module for communicating with a vehicle control network for receiving first adjustment instructions for adjusting the first flap;a power supply module comprising an input power terminal for receiving power from a vehicle power network and a first output power terminal for supplying a first current to the first driving unit;a current sensor module for sensing variations in the first supply current; anda control module arranged to control the first supply current in accordance with the adjustment instructions and the sensed variations.2. The control unit according to claim 1 , wherein the control module is arranged to determine an amount of change in a position of the first driving unit by counting a number of sensed variations in the supply current.3. The control unit according to claim 1 , ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055388A1

The invention relates to an air flow regulating device () for an air inlet of a motor vehicle front-end module comprising a supporting frame () in which is installed a plurality of shutter flaps () pivoting between a closed position and an open position. According to the invention, the regulating device () comprises a recess () for receiving an electronic detection component (). 1. An air flow regulating device for an air inlet of a motor vehicle front-end module , the air flow regulating device comprising:a supporting frame in which is installed a plurality of shutter flaps pivoting between a closed position and an open position; anda recess for receiving an electronic detection component.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the supporting frame comprises said recess for receiving the electronic detection component.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the recess is defined by a housing comprising a hollow space in which the electronic detection component is contained.4. The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the housing comprises a cover so as to define with the housing a closed space inside which the electronic detection component is contained claim 3 , said housing comprising an opening through which the connector of the electronic detection component is capable of passing.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the supporting frame is capable of being fastened to a radiator grille.6. The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a second recess for a viewing camera.7. The device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises fastening means for retaining the electronic detection component.8. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a link is arranged on either side of the electronic detection component.9. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electronic detection component is arranged between two shutter flaps.10. A motor vehicle comprising:a radiator grille;an air inlet; and a supporting frame in which is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061515A1
Автор: JEONG Ji-Min

An active air flap assembly with improved sealing performance includes a plurality of flaps operated by an actuator for selectively opening and selectively closing a radiator grill installed at the front of a vehicle, a fixed shroud surrounding the outside of the plurality of flaps such that air passing through the radiator grill flows towards the plurality of flaps, the plurality of flaps being fixed to the fixed shroud, and a movable shroud slidably installed on the fixed shroud, the movable shroud being connected to the flaps through an interlocking device and further being slidable toward the front of the vehicle from the fixed shroud by the interlocking device when the flaps are operated. 1. An active air flap assembly with improved sealing performance , comprising:a plurality of flaps operated by an actuator for selectively opening and selectively closing a radiator grill installed at the front of a vehicle;a fixed shroud surrounding the outside of the plurality of flaps such that air passing through the radiator grill flows towards the plurality of flaps, the plurality of flaps being fixed to the fixed shroud; anda movable shroud slidably installed on the fixed shroud, the movable shroud being connected to the flaps through an interlocking device and further being slidable toward the front of the vehicle from the fixed shroud by the interlocking device when the flaps are operated.2. The active air flap assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fixed shroud and the movable shroud are formed in a box shape of which front and rear ends are opened claim 1 , andthe movable shroud and the fixed shroud are disposed in a telescopic manner, such that the movable shroud is slid with respect to the fixed shroud.3. The active air flap assembly of claim 2 , further comprising stoppers disposed at the circumference of the front end of the fixed shroud and the circumference of the rear end of the movable shroud claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , the stoppers restricting a separation ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080823A1
Автор: KIM Jang Ho
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

The present disclosure relates to a technology for reducing air resistance when a vehicle travels or cooling the inside of an engine room by being coupled to an air inlet of a grill. An active air flap apparatus for a vehicle includes a frame coupled to a rear surface of a grill, a lower flap member and an upper flap member each having rotatably fixed to the frame to open or close an air inlet disposed in the grill, and a link member connecting the lower flap member to an actuator to open or close the air inlet, in which upper ends of the lower flap member and the upper flap member are inclined in a rearward direction of the vehicle. 1. An active air flap apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:a frame coupled to a rear surface of a grill;a lower flap member and an upper flap member each having rotatably fixed to the frame to open or close an air inlet disposed in the grill; anda link member connecting the lower flap member to an actuator to open or close the air inlet,wherein upper ends of the lower flap member and the upper flap member are inclined in a rearward direction of the vehicle.2. The active air flap apparatus for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the frame includes:two vertical frames disposed to be spaced from each other by a distance; andtwo horizontal frames disposed on each of an upper end and a lower end of each of the two vertical frames to connect the two vertical frames to each other.3. The active air flap apparatus for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the lower flap member opens or closes a lower region of the air inlet claim 1 , andthe upper flap member is disposed on an upper portion of the lower flap member to open or close an upper region of the air inlet.4. The active air flap apparatus for a vehicle of claim 3 , wherein a width of the lower flap member is greater than a width of the upper flap member claim 3 , andthe link member is disposed between the lower flap member and the upper flap member.5. The active air flap apparatus for a vehicle of ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068059A1
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc.

An active grille system which is mounted to a fascia, grille, or carrier, or is part of the carrier of an automobile. Two sets of louvers are rotatably mounted to a frame, and a camming mechanism provides selective actuation of both sets of louvers, and an actuator controls the camming mechanism such that the actuator moves the camming mechanism between a first position, a second position, and a third position. When the camming mechanism is in the first position, both the first set and second set of louvers are in a closed position, when the camming mechanism is in the second position, the first set of louvers are in an open position and the second set of louvers are in a closed position, and when the camming mechanism is in the third position both the first set and second set of louvers are in an open position. 119-. (canceled)20. An active grille system , comprising:a frame;a first set of at least one louver rotatably mounted to said frame;a second set of at least one louver rotatably mounted to said frame;a camming mechanism including a first camming plate rotatably mounted to a shaft and second camming plate rotatably mounted to the shaft for providing selective actuation of said first set of at least one louver and said second set of at least one louver, wherein said camming mechanism is rotatable between a first position, a second position, and a third position;wherein said first position, said second position and said third position rotate said first set of at least one louver and said second set of at least one louver to an opened position, closed position and intermediate position, each corresponding to said first position, said second position and said third position;a first link pivotally connected to said first set of at least one louver,a second link pivotally connected to said second set of at least one louver;a first slot formed on the first camming plate and a second slot formed on the second camming plate, where the first slot is shaped different ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062108A1

A control unit is presented for controlling a driving unit arranged for adjustment of one or more first air guiding flaps of a motorised vehicle between a first outer position and a second outer position. The control unit comprises a communication module for communicating with a vehicle control network for receiving first adjustment instructions for adjusting the first flap, a power supply module comprising an input power terminal for receiving power from a vehicle power network and a first output power terminal for supplying a first current to the driving unit. The control unit further comprises a current sensor module for sensing variations in the first supply current and a control module arranged to control the first supply current in accordance with the adjustment instructions and the sensed variations. By separating the control module from the driving unit, functionality of the control module may be shared over multiple driving units. 1. A control unit for controlling a first driving unit arranged for adjustment of one or more first air guiding flaps of a motorised vehicle between a first outer position and a second outer position , the control unit comprising:a communication module for communicating with a vehicle control network for receiving first adjustment instructions for adjusting a first flap of the one or more first air guiding flaps;a power supply module comprising an input power terminal for receiving power from a vehicle power network. and a first output power terminal for supplying a first current to the first driving unit;a current sensor module for sensing variations in a first supply current; anda control module arranged to control the first supply current in accordance with the first adjustment instructions and sensed variations in the first supply current.2. The control unit according to claim 1 , wherein the control module is arranged to determine an amount of change in a position of the first driving unit by counting a number of sensed ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062109A1
Принадлежит: Magna Exteriors Inc.

An active grille shutter arrangement having a modular frame. The active grille shutter arrangement includes a primary frame piece defining a width and height of an aperture of the modular frame, wherein in the primary frame piece has a motor housing, and upper frame portion having a first end and a second end, a lower frame portion having a first end and a second end and the motor housing extends between the upper frame portion and the lower frame portion. There is a plurality of secondary frame pieces that are adjustably connected to the primary frame pieces, thereby allowing the width of the modular frame to be adjusted. 1a primary frame piece defining a width and height of an aperture of the modular frame;at least one adjustable end cap connectable to the primary frame piece, wherein the primary frame piece and the at least one adjustable end cap form the modular frame having at least one aperture capable of allowing air to pass through the modular frame;a sliding joint between the at least one adjustable end cap and the primary frame that allows a portion of the at least one adjustable end cap or a portion of the primary frame to slide into the at least one adjustable end cap, wherein the sliding joint provides a plurality of lock positions for providing a plurality of widths of the active grille shutter arrangement; anda plurality of vanes rotatably positioned between the at least one primary frame piece and the at least at least one adjustable end cap.. An active grille shutter arrangement having an modular frame comprising: The present invention relates to a multi piece modular frame for use in an active grille shutter system for a vehicle.Various attempts have been made to optimize the cooling of various automobile parts. Some of the various devices developed have been designed to control the air flow throughout the engine compartment of the automobile such that the desired amount of heat is transferred away from the engine, transmission, and other ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Air Inlet for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20170066319A1
Автор: KNAUER Bernd

Air inlet for a motor vehicle. The air inlet is to control the air to be supplied to a cooling device of an internal combustion engine, and includes a frame, at least one closing element, and at least one latching assembly to connect the at least one closing element to the frame so as to be pivotable about an axis of rotation of the closing element. 1. An air inlet to control the air to be supplied to a cooling device of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle , the air inlet comprising:a frame;at least one closing element arranged within the frame so as to be pivotable about an axis of rotation; andat least one latching assembly to connect the at least one closing element to the frame, the at least one latching assembly including a cylindrical extension of the closing element, the extension having a reduced-diameter peripheral groove in an end region thereof, and a receptacle in the frame.2. The air inlet of claim 1 , wherein the extension is formed on a first free end of the closing element in a direction of the frame.3. The air inlet of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle comprises a through-bore to mount the extension of the closing element.4. The air inlet of claim 3 , wherein further comprising a latching lug provided adjacent the through-bore claim 3 , and which is configured to be latched into the peripheral groove of the extension of the closing element.5. The air inlet of claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises at least one frame part and at least one side part connected to the frame part.6. The air inlet of claim 5 , wherein the closing element comprises a second free end formed along the axis of rotation as a substantially cylindrical journal.7. The air inlet of claim 6 , wherein the closing element is to engage claim 6 , via the second free end claim 6 , in the side part connected to the frame part.8. The air inlet of claim 6 , wherein the first free end and the second free end of the closing element form the axis of rotation.9. The air inlet of ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067388A1

A vehicle has a front grille, engine, engine compartment, power storage device, temperature sensor, shutter, heater and controller. The device can be electrically charged from an external power supply. The temperature sensor detects engine coolant temperature. The shutter is disposed in a transfer pathway of air drawn into the engine compartment via the front grille, and is switched between closed and open states. The heater is able to generate heat when receiving the electric power, raising the coolant temperature. The controller starts the engine when the coolant temperature is lower than a startup threshold value, drives the heater when the coolant temperature is lower than a first threshold value equal to or higher than the startup threshold value, until the coolant temperature becomes equal to or higher than the first threshold value, and drives the shutter to place the shutter in the closed state while the heater is driven. 1. A vehicle comprising:a front grille;an engine that is a power source for moving the vehicle;an engine compartment in which the engine is housed;a power storage device that is a power source for a motor that moves the vehicle, the power storage device being adapted to be charged with electric power from an external power supply, the external power supply being provided outside the vehicle;a temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of a coolant of the engine;a shutter that is disposed in a transfer pathway of air drawn into the engine compartment via the front grille, the shutter being configured to be switched between a closed state and an open state, the closed state being a state in which the transfer pathway is closed, the open state being a state in which the transfer pathway is open;a heater configured to generate heat by receiving electric power from the external power supply so as to raise the temperature of the coolant; and drive the heater until the temperature of the coolant becomes equal to or higher than a first ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071460A1

The invention relates to a control device (), in particular for a motor vehicle, for controlling at least one flap configured to be moved between an open position and a closed position by an actuator, said device () comprising at least one member () made of shape memory material configured to be supplied with electric power so as to deform between a first state and a second state in order to disconnect said at least one flap from the actuator if the actuator fails. 1. A control device for a motor vehicle , for controlling at least one flap configured to be moved between an open position and a closed position by an actuator , said control device comprising:at least one member made of shape memory material configured to be supplied with electric power so as to deform between a first state and a second state in order to disconnect said at least one flap from the actuator if the actuator fails; anda track holder having at least two conductive tracks for supplying said at least one member made of shape memory material with electric power,wherein said at least one member made of shape memory material has at least two contactor elements configured to each be arranged in electrical contact with an associated conductive track at least when said at least one member made of shape memory material is in the first state.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said at least two conductive tracks of said holder are separated by a nonconductive track, andsaid contactor elements are configured such that, at the end of travel of said at least one member made of shape memory material that deforms between the first state and the second state when it is supplied with electric power, at least one of said contactor elements is moved so as to come into mechanical contact with the nonconductive track.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one member made of shape memory material is mounted so as to be rotatable about a driving axis with respect to the track holder. ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089017A1
Автор: KIM Jang Ho
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

A vehicle active air flap system includes a flap configured to open or close an outdoor air inlet disposed in a grill of a vehicle, at least one sensor configured to detect various types of state information of the vehicle, and a controller configured to selectively adopt various sensing data values detected by the at least one sensor according to whether the vehicle starts and then compare at least one sensing data value of the adopted sensing data values with a preset vehicle driving condition data value to open or close the flap according to a compared result value. 1. A vehicle active air flap system that is an external active air flap system , comprising:a flap configured to open or close an outdoor air inlet disposed in a grill of a vehicle;at least one sensor configured to detect various types of state information of the vehicle; anda controller configured to selectively adopt various sensing data values detected by the at least one sensor according to whether the vehicle starts and then compare at least one sensing data value of the adopted sensing data values with a preset vehicle driving condition data value to open or close the flap according to a compared result value.2. The vehicle active air flap system of claim 1 , wherein the controller includes a display module that is electrically connected to the at least one sensor and configured to display an alarm message related to a vehicle state.3. The vehicle active air flap system of claim 1 , wherein the controller includes a display module that is configured to display an automatic car wash mode and a manual car wash mode claim 1 , in which the flap is selectively openable or closable according to a preset driving condition claim 1 , on a screen.4. The vehicle active air flap system of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in the automatic car wash mode claim 3 , the flap is switched to a closed state when a vehicle start state is ON or OFF claim 3 , andin the manual car wash mode, the flap is switched to the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072783A1
Автор: JEONG Ji Min

An external active air flap apparatus of a vehicle is provided The external active air flap apparatus removes the gap between the air flaps disposed vertically after sealing an air passage of a radiator grill by the air flaps and minimizes the gap between the air flaps and the radiator grill, thereby improving aerodynamic performance of the vehicle. The external active air flap apparatus includes an air flap positioned at a rear of a radiator grill that rotates to open and close an air passage of the radiator grill. Further, a flap fixing mechanism is mounted on the radiator grill and the air flap contracts the air flap with the radiator grill by applying a wind pressure to the air flap operated to seal the air passage. 1. An external active air flap apparatus , comprising:an air flap positioned at a rear of a radiator grill and configured to rotate to open and close an air passage of the radiator grill; anda flap fixing mechanism mounted on the radiator grill and the air flap and contacting the air flap with the radiator grill by a wind pressure applied to the air flap in order to increase a seal between the air flap and the radiator grill,wherein the flap fixing mechanism includes:a grill protrusion component that protrudes upward from a rear end of the radiator grill toward an interior space of the radiator grill; anda flap protrusion component and a protrusion head component mounted on one surface of the air flap to protrude forward when the air flap is operated to seal the air passage, whereinthe protrusion head component is inserted into the interior space of the radiator grill and is locked to the grill protrusion component to be fixed.2. The external active air flap apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first actuator coupled to a rotating shaft of the air flap to supply power to rotate the air flap;a flap transition mechanism coupled to the first actuator that vertically translocates the air flap, including the first actuator; anda second actuator ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072784A1

An active air flap is provided. The active air flap includes a plurality of flaps and an elastic member bonding the plurality of flaps to form a preset angle with respect to each other. The elastic member is insert-molded between the respective flaps and a roller is coupled to the top of the active air flap with a connection member and the active air flap is wound there around by a restoring force of the elastic member. Additionally, a support bracket that rotatably supports the roller through pins protrudes from a plurality of ends of the roller, and has an aperture formed therein and the active air flap is configured to open or close the aperture. 1. An active air flap comprising:a plurality of flaps; andan elastic member that bonds the plurality of flaps to form a preset angle with respect to each other.2. The active air flap of claim 1 , wherein the elastic member is insert-molded between the respective flaps.3. An active air flap assembly claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of flaps; andan elastic member that bonds the plurality of flaps to form a preset angle with respect to each other, wherein the elastic member is insert-molded between the respective flaps.a roller coupled to the top of the active air flap with a connection member and having the active air flap wound there around by a restoring force of the elastic member; anda support bracket that rotatably supports the roller through pins that protrude from a plurality of ends of the roller, and having a aperture formed therein and the active air flap is configured to open or close the aperture.4. The active air flap assembly of claim 3 , further comprising an actuator disposed on the support bracket and configured to rotate the roller such that the active air flap opens or closes the aperture.5. The active air flap assembly of claim 4 , further comprising an electromagnet disposed on the support bracket and coupling the active air flap that is configured to close the aperture by the operation of the actuator ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077298A1
Автор: Dill Peter

An air flap apparatus for a motor vehicle encompasses a frame having a flowthrough opening, on which frame at least one air flap is mounted movably relative to the frame, protrudingly into the flowthrough opening or penetratingly therethrough, the at least one air flap being displaceable between a closed position and an open position in order to modify a gas quantity flowing per unit time through the flowthrough opening in the context of a predefined impinging flow, the at least one air flap decreasing a flowthrough-capable cross section of the flowthrough opening more greatly in the closed position than in the open position, the air flap apparatus further encompassing a movement drive system that is coupled in movement- and force-transferring fashion to the at least one air flap in order to drive the at least one air flap to move between the closed position and the open position, at least one air flap constituting a light-emitting air flap including a flap light guide having a light emergence surface through which light transferred in the flap light guide can emerge to the external environment of the light-emitting air flap. 115-. (canceled)16. An air flap apparatus for a motor vehicle comprising a frame having a flowthrough opening , the air flap apparatus further comprising at least one air flap mounted movably relative to the frame , protrudingly into the flowthrough opening or penetratingly therethrough , the at least one air flap being displaceable between a closed position and an open position in order to modify a gas quantity flowing per unit time through the flowthrough opening in the context of a predefined impinging flow , the at least one air flap decreasing a flowthrough-capable cross section of the flowthrough opening more greatly in the closed position than in the open position , the air flap apparatus further including a movement drive system that is coupled in movement- and force-transferring fashion to the at least one air flap in order to drive ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079277A1

Vehicle operating systems for operating a vehicle having a driving seat for a vehicle driver and at least one passenger seat for passengers are described. The vehicle operating system may include one or more camera devices for shooting images of hand actions of the driver or images of hand actions of a passenger, and a storage device for storing operating signals corresponding to hand actions. A processing device may be configured to select the driver or the passengers as a gesture command operator, and to control the camera device to shoot hand action images of the selected gesture command operator. The command system may also be configured to convert the shot hand action images into corresponding operating signals according to hand action indicia stored in the storage device. The operating signals may be sent to execution devices, that execute the corresponding operations. 1. A vehicle operating system for operating a vehicle including a driving seat for a vehicle driver and at least one passenger seat for passengers , the vehicle operating system comprising:camera devices for capturing at least one of images of gestures of the driver and images of gestures of a passenger; control the camera devices to capture gesture action images of multiple of users in the vehicle simultaneously or substantially simultaneously, the multiple users including a first user and second user, wherein a first action image of the first user and a second action image of the second user are captured simultaneously or substantially simultaneously,', 'convert the captured gesture action images into corresponding operating signals such that the first action image is converted into a first operation signal and the second action image is converted into a second operation signal;', 'determine the first operational signal is from a gesture by the first user and determine the second operational signal is from a gesture by the second user, the first and second operational signals both for ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079295A1

A method for controlling an active air flap (AAF) based on an aerodynamic force gain may include an AAF optimization cooling-related mode in which the AAF is configured to be controlled to operate in an AAF open state or an AAF close state to match a detected ambient temperature and a detected vehicle speed when an operation of a heating device is detected by a controller during vehicle traveling. 1. A method for controlling an active air flap (AAF) based on an aerodynamic force gain , comprising an AAF optimization cooling-related mode in which the AAF is configured to be controlled to operate in an AAF open state or an AAF close state to match a detected ambient temperature and a detected vehicle speed when an operation of a heating device is detected by a controller during vehicle traveling.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the AAF optimization cooling-related mode is applied at a temperature below a freezing point of the ambient temperature and at the detected vehicle speed that is equal to or lower than 100 kph.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the AAF optimization cooling-related mode includes:detecting the ambient temperature and a vehicle speed to form the detected vehicle speed;detecting an operation state of the AAF before detecting an operation of the heating device;determining whether the ambient temperature coincides with an ambient-temperature operation control condition of the AAF when detecting the operation of the heating device;determining whether the vehicle speed coincides with a vehicle-speed operation control condition of the AAF when the ambient temperature coincides with the ambient-temperature operation control condition;controlling the AAF to operate in the AAF open state through matching of the ambient temperature to the vehicle speed when the vehicle speed coincides with the vehicle-speed operation control condition; andcontrolling an ambient-temperature operation of the AAF to be switched over from the AAF open ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079405A1

A system for improving performance or efficiency of operation of a vehicle. The system includes a sensor configured to detect current vehicle speed data and current vehicle slope data. The system includes a pedal control unit configured to detect current pedal position data. The system includes an electronic control unit (ECU) configured to determine expected driving power demand based on current vehicle speed data and vehicle slope data. The ECU is configured to determine detected driving power demand based on current pedal position data. The ECU is configured to detect a drafting condition when the expected driving power demand exceeds the detected driving power demand. The ECU is configured to adjust, when the drafting condition is detected, at least one of a chassis control setting, an engine control setting, a transmission control setting, or a hybrid control setting to improve performance or efficiency of operation of the vehicle. 1. A system for improving performance or efficiency of operation of a vehicle , the system comprising:a sensor configured to detect current vehicle speed data and current vehicle slope data;a pedal control unit configured to detect current pedal position data; and determine an expected driving power demand based on the current vehicle speed data and the vehicle slope data,', 'determine a detected driving power demand based on the current pedal position data,', 'detect a drafting condition when the expected driving power demand exceeds the detected driving power demand, and', 'adjust, when the drafting condition is detected, at least one of a chassis control setting, an engine control setting, a transmission control setting, or a hybrid control setting to improve performance or efficiency of operation of the vehicle., 'an electronic control unit (ECU) configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the drafting condition is detected when the expected driving power demand exceeds the detected driving power demand by a demand difference ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080367A1
Автор: Mallett Trent

An engine shield that includes: a first side wall; a second side wall; a series of blinds extending between the first side wall and second side wall; a control thermostat on one side wall; and a means move the series of blinds between an open position and a closed position. The engine shield may also include a cover for the first side wall and a cover for the second side wall. Preferably, the engine shield also includes mounting clips, where the mounting clips enable the placement of the engine shield on the inside of a vehicle grill. 1. An engine shield comprising:a. a first side wall;b. a second side wall;c. a series of blinds extending between the first side wall and second side wall;d. a control thermostat on one side wall; ande. a means move the series of blinds between an open position and a closed position.2. The engine shield according to claim 1 , further including a cover for the first side wall and a cover for the second side wall.3. The engine shield according to claim 1 , further including mounting clips claim 1 , where the mounting clips enable the placement of the engine shield on the inside of a vehicle grill. The present invention relates to an engine shield used to insulate an engine during frigid weather.Engines must be kept at certain temperatures for optimal operation. During warmer seasons such as spring, summer and fall an engine is not at risk for significant issues with respect to freezing. However it is imperative to keep the engine cool during these seasons. During the winter season the engine stands the risk of freezing and becoming inoperable due to inclement weather. This issue is particularly important with respect to truck engines. Truck engines normally operate on diesel fuel, which has a tendency to gel at lower temperatures. In order to prevent such freeze overs truck operators normally must use products that are seasonal that require frequent removal and installation based upon the weather conditions. As a result, it would be ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080794A1

A vehicular shutter device includes: a frame portion; a fin main body that is pivotably supported inside the frame portion to be pivotable around a pivot shaft portion; and a driving mechanism that pivots the fin main body between a fully open state and a fully closed state. The pivot shaft portion is provided to one of the frame portion and the fin main body, a shaft receiving portion is provided to an other of the frame portion and the fin main body to pivotably support the pivot shaft portion, one of the pivot shaft portion and the shaft receiving portion is provided at a position offset from the fin main body having a plate shape, and the pivot shaft portion and the shaft receiving portion are located at both ends and an intermediate part, in the horizontal direction of the fin main body. 1. A vehicular shutter device configured to adjust the amount of air to be flowed into an inside from an outside surface a vehicle , comprising:a frame portion that is attached to the vehicle;a fin main body that is pivotably supported inside the frame portion to be pivotable around a pivot shaft portion extending in a horizontal direction; anda driving mechanism that pivots the fin main body between a fully open state and a fully closed state,wherein the pivot shaft portion is provided to one of the frame portion and the fin main body,wherein a shaft receiving portion is provided to an other of the frame portion and the fin main body to pivotably support the pivot shaft portion,wherein one of the pivot shaft portion and the shaft receiving portion is provided at a position offset from the fin main body having a plate shape, andwherein the pivot shaft portion and the shaft receiving portion are located at both ends and an intermediate part, in the horizontal direction of the fin main body.2. The vehicular shutter device according to claim 1 ,wherein the shaft receiving portion includes:an accommodating space that pivotably accommodates the pivot shaft portion; andan insertion ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for improving aerodynamic characteristics of vehicle

Номер: US20170080986A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An apparatus for improving aerodynamic characteristics of a vehicle is provided. In particular, the apparatus includes grill shutter and a bumper lip that are operated simultaneously using one actuator and power transfer mechanism based on a vehicle speed.

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Radiator assembly for vehicle

Номер: US20220097514A1
Автор: Jan Sander
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

A radiator assembly in which numerous fins of a cooling element extending between two coolant channels of the cooling element are divided into at least two different cooling zone, a ventilator of the radiator assembly at least partially covers a first cooling zone of the at least two different cooling zones with respect to a direction extending from the ventilator module toward the cooling element, and a gap width of a gap between two adjacent fins in the first cooling zone is greater than that in a second cooling zone of the at least two different cooling zones.
