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02-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683899C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу обработки информации. Устройство, осуществляющее способ обработки информации, включает в себя блок хранения, выполненный с возможностью хранения местоположения секции запрета автономного вождения на карте в связи с условием освобождения, установленным на основании состояния движения транспортного средства. Блок управления, выполненный с возможностью получения состояния движения транспортного средства, включающего в себя местоположение транспортного средства на карте от транспортного средства посредством связи. Причем блок управления выполнен с возможностью определения, освобождать ли секцию запрета автономного вождения на основании полученного состояния движения транспортного средства, местоположения секции запрета автономного вождения и условия освобождения секции запрета автономного вождения. Обеспечивается освобождение секции запрета автономного вождения, когда причины установления секций запрета автономного вождения устранены. 2 н.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750243C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе формирования траектории для беспилотного автомобиля (SDC). Способ формирования траектории для беспилотного автомобиля, причем SDC ассоциирован с электронным устройством. Способ выполняют посредством электронного устройства, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых определяют, посредством электронного устройства, присутствие по меньшей мере одного стороннего объекта вокруг SDC, определяют, посредством электронного устройства, текущее местоположение стороннего объекта, формируют, посредством электронного устройства, множество предсказанных траекторий для стороннего объекта на основе текущего местоположения стороннего объекта, причем по меньшей мере одна из множества траекторий включает в себя маневр, выполнимый, посредством стороннего объекта, в будущем местоположении стороннего объекта в качестве части выполнения по меньшей мере одной из множества траекторий, вычисляют по меньшей мере для одной из множества траекторий, включающей в себя маневр, ...

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015105685A3

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017146191A3

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017105152A3

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015122399A3

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017129568A3

07-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687103C1

Предложенная группа изобретений относится к средствам для оценки положения транспортных средств. Устройство оценки положения транспортного средства содержит: блок выявления положений целевого объекта; блок выявления величины перемещения; блок хранения положений целевого объекта; блок получения картографической информации; блок оценки положения транспортного средства, выполненный с возможностью, посредством сопоставления данных положений целевого объекта, хранимых в блоке хранения положений целевого объекта, с положениями целевого объекта в картографической информации, оценивать положение транспортного средства у транспортного средства; и блок выявления точки поворота, выполненный с возможностью выявлять точку поворота транспортного средства по величинам перемещений транспортного средства. При этом блок хранения положений целевого объекта удерживает в памяти по меньшей мере данные положений целевого объекта в диапазоне, идущем назад от текущего местоположения на предопределенное первое заданное ...

28-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733015C1

Изобретение относится к оперативному управлению автономным транспортным средством. Способ оперативного управления автономным транспортным средством при перемещении по сети движения транспортных средств содержит этап, на котором осуществляют перемещение посредством автономного транспортного средства по сети движения транспортных средств. Перемещение по сети движения транспортных средств включает в себя этапы, на которых осуществляют работу экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, причем экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария представляет собой экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, созданный для отдельного оперативного сценария транспортного средства, принимают возможное действие по управлению транспортным средством от экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария и осуществляют перемещение по участку сети движения транспортных средств на основе возможного действия ...

19-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672762C1
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области техники терминалов, а более конкретно к способу и устройству обработки бизнес-услуг на основе навигационной информации и электронному устройству. Способ обработки бизнес-услуг на основе навигационной информации включает в себя: получение навигационной информации; определение бизнес-услуги, связанной с навигационной информацией; и выполнение операции предварительной обработки, связанной с бизнес-услугой, перед прибытием в местоположение выполнения бизнес-услуги. При этом навигационная информация содержит: навигационный маршрут; и определение бизнес-услуги, связанной с навигационной информацией, выбор бизнес-услуги в соответствии с местоположением выполнения вдоль навигационного маршрута или в конечной точке навигационного маршрута, причем навигационная информация дополнительно содержит: предварительно оцененное время при прибытии в местоположение выполнения каждой бизнес-услуги; и определение бизнес-услуги, связанной с навигационной информацией, где выбирают ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102012200192A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Fahrzeugs, wobei basierend auf einer momentanen Fahrtroute des Fahrzeugs eine Datenbank (403) umfassend der momentanen Fahrtroute zugeordnete Referenzroutendaten abgefragt (101) wird, ob die momentane Fahrtroute eine Änderung bezüglich eines Merkmals der momentanen Fahrtroute aufweist, und wobei eine der Abfrage entsprechende Antwort der Datenbank (403) bereitgestellt (103) wird. Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine entsprechende Vorrichtung (301), ein System (401) sowie ein Computerprogramm.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Evaluation von Komponenten automatischer Fahrfunktionen und Fahrbahnerkennung auf unterschiedlichen Verarbeitungsstufen

Номер: DE102017009435A1

Bei einem Verfahren und einer Vorrichtung zur Evaluation von Detektionsergebnissen von Komponenten zur Fahrbahnerkennung, der von einer Fahrbahnschätzung geschätzten Fahrbahn, und/oder der geplanten Trajektorie der verwendenden Fahrerassistenzsysteme eines Egofahrzeugs, wobei die Detektionsergebnisse, die geschätzte Fahrbahn und die geplante Trajektorie als Hypothese bezeichneten werden,- wird zur Evaluation der Komponenten, der Fahrbahnschätzung oder der Fahrerassistenzsysteme eine Metrik verwendet, die auf der manuell gefahrenen Trajektorie des Egofahrzeugs basiert, wobei die Abweichung zwischen der manuell gefahrenen Trajektorie und der Hypothese für vorgegebene Referenzpunkte in einem vorgegebenen Abstand von einem Ausgangspunkt in einem fahrzeugeigenen x-y-Koordinatensystem bestimmt wird, und- wird anhand der Evaluation bestimmt, ob die Hypothese der Komponente zur Fahrbahnerkennung, der Fahrbahnschätzung und/oder des Fahrerassistenzsystems vorgegebene Kriterien erfüllt.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018103679A1

Ein Computer ist dazu programmiert, einen Befehl zum Aussenden einer Warnung zu empfangen; jeweils für eins von einer Vielzahl von Bodenfahrzeugen eine Vielzahl von Routen zu bestimmen; und jedes Bodenfahrzeug anzuweisen, seiner jeweiligen Route zu folgen, während eine Nachricht von den Außenlautsprechern abgespielt wird. Der Computer kann beispielsweise in ein Zivilschutzsystem integriert sein.

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020111938A1

Techniken zum Generieren einer Fahrtrajektorie für ein Fahrzeug, während das Fahrzeug durch ein Objekt (z. B. ein anderes Fahrzeug, ein Fahrrad oder einen Fußgänger) blockiert wird (z. B. haben die Sensoren des Fahrzeugs ein Objekt detektiert, durch das das Fahrzeug nicht mehr in der Lage ist, sich zu bewegen), und Ausführen der Fahrtrajektorie, sobald das Fahrzeug nicht mehr blockiert wird, sind bereitgestellt. Zudem sind Techniken zum Aktualisieren eines Teils einer Fahrtrajektorie eines Fahrzeugs basierend auf einer Bestimmung, dass ein Objekt ein Segment der aktuellen Fahrtrajektorie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt überqueren wird, ohne Neuberechnen der gesamten Trajektorie bereitgestellt.

11-04-1996 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Zielführungsunterstützung

Номер: DE0019535576A1

The invention concerns a navigation method and device for assisting a vehicle driver in order to reach a target position with a vehicle, the current local position being established, a route being determined and current travel tips for this route being fetched from a traffic computer disposed outside the vehicle and these tips then being displayed for the driver. In order to provide fully automatic navigational assistance, in particular for frequently repeated routine journeys, in which the driver's input is minimized, the target position is derived automatically according to probability aspects by means of stored travel information from the past.

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Bereitstellen eines Arbeitssignals

Номер: DE102014101192A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren (70) zur Bereitstellung eines Arbeitssignals für ein Kraftfahrzeug (1), mit folgenden Schritten: a) Erhalt eines Signals, dass ein berechtigter Benutzer (10) authentifiziert ist, b) Überwachung eines außerhalb des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) liegenden Betätigungsbereichs (22) durch ein optisches Sensorsystem (30), c) Erfassung eines Abstandes (a) eines Objektes (18) im Betätigungsbereich (22) zu einem optischen Sensor (50) durch das optischen Sensorsystem (30), d) Vergleich des Abstandes (a) mit einer Vorgabe durch das optische Sensorsystem (30), e) Bereitstellen eines Arbeitssignals bei Erfüllung der Vorgabe.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zum Bestimmen einer Trajektorie eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102018221864A1

Bei dem Verfahren zum Bestimmen einer Trajektorie eines Fahrzeugs (1) werden Kartendaten über einen Verkehrsweg (22) bereitgestellt, auf dem sich das Fahrzeug (1) bewegt, wobei die Kartendaten eine Vorzugslinie (24) zum Befahren des Verkehrswegs (22). Es wird ein Trajektorienabschnitt des Fahrzeugs (1) erfasst. Dabei wird anhand eines Vergleichs des erfassten Trajektorienabschnitts und der Vorzugslinie (24) ein Ortungsversatz (28) bestimmt und anhand des Ortungsversatzes (28) und des erfassten Trajektorienabschnitts wird ein korrigierter Trajektorienabschnitt bestimmt. Dabei wird der Ortungsversatz (28) so bestimmt, dass eine Abweichung zwischen der Vorzugslinie (24) und dem korrigierten Trajektorienabschnitt optimiert wird. Das Positionsbestimmungssystem zum Bestimmen einer Trajektorie eines Fahrzeugs (1) umfasst eine Kartendaten-Bereitstellungseinheit (8) zum Bereitstellen von Kartendaten über einen Verkehrsweg (22), auf dem sich das Fahrzeug (1) bewegt, wobei die Kartendaten eine Vorzugslinie ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Automatisierte Fahrsysteme und Steuerlogik für die Cloud-basierte Szenarienplanung autonomer Fahrzeuge

Номер: DE102019105874A1

Präsentiert werden Szenarienplanungs- und Routenerzeugungssysteme, Verfahren zum Betreiben/Konstruieren dieser Systeme und Fahrzeuge mit Szenarienplanauswahl und Echtzeit-Trajektorienplanungsfunktionen. Ein Verfahren zum Steuern des Betriebs eines Kraftfahrzeugs beinhaltet das Bestimmen von Fahrzeugzustandsdaten, wie beispielsweise einer aktuellen Position und Geschwindigkeit des Fahrzeugs, und von Wegplandaten, wie beispielsweise einem Ausgangspunkt und einem gewünschten Ziel des Fahrzeugs. Ein entfernter Rechenknoten außerhalb des Kraftfahrzeugs erzeugt eine Liste von Trajektorienplankandidaten basierend auf den Fahrzeugzustandsdaten, den Wegplandaten und den aktuellen Daten des Straßenszenarios. Der entfernte Rechenknoten berechnet dann für jeden Kandidaten in der Liste der Trajektorienplankandidaten entsprechende Fahrtkosten und sortiert die Liste von den niedrigsten zu den höchsten Fahrtkosten. Der Kandidat mit den niedrigsten Fahrtkosten wird an eine residierende Fahrzeugsteuerung ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Führen von Benutzern zu einem Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102019106892A1

Ein Kraftfahrzeug beinhaltet mindestens einen Sensor, der konfiguriert ist, um Merkmale in einem Bereich benachbart zur Außenseite des Fahrzeugs zu erfassen. Das Fahrzeug beinhaltet zusätzlich mindestens ein Telekommunikationsmodul, das konfiguriert ist, um Daten an eine entfernte Vorrichtung zu übertragen und Benutzerdaten von dieser zu empfangen. Das Fahrzeug beinhaltet ferner mindestens eine Steuerung. Die Steuerung ist konfiguriert, um Sensordaten von dem mindestens einen Sensor zu empfangen. Die Steuerung ist auch konfiguriert, um mindestens ein physikalisches Merkmal in dem Bereich benachbart zur Außenseite des Fahrzeugs basierend auf den Sensordaten zu identifizieren. Die Steuerung ist zusätzlich konfiguriert, um einen Benutzerstandort zu bestimmen. Die Steuerung ist ferner konfiguriert, um eine Route vom Benutzerstandort zu einem aktuellen Fahrzeugstandort zu bestimmen, wobei die Route das physikalische Merkmal nicht schneidet. Die Steuerung ist ferner konfiguriert, um die Route ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации

Method for assisting driver of vehicle during driving on arbitrary commuter route between preset starting and destination locations, involves determining and displaying actual fuel consumption of vehicle for driving distance

Номер: DE102009036673A1

The method involves determining an actual position of a vehicle, where the actual position lies in a preset proximity of a starting location. An actual commuter route and a remaining driving distance from the actual position of the vehicle to a destination location are determined. Another driving distance from the starting location to the actual position of the vehicle is determined. Actual fuel consumption of the vehicle for the latter driving distance is determined and displayed in relation to fuel consumption corresponding to the latter driving distance. An independent claim is also included for a navigation system for assisting a driver of a vehicle during driving on an arbitrary commuter route between preset starting and destination locations.

21-08-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle Control System

Номер: GB0201312040D0

22-07-2015 дата публикации

Fuel cell and battery powered vehicle parking

Номер: GB0201510107D0

04-10-2017 дата публикации

Automotive vehicle navigation using low power radios

Номер: GB0002548973A

A navigation system for a parking area 42, e.g. a parking lot, comprises a plurality of nodes 46 and a server 50 communicating with the nodes. Each node comprises a camera 52 capturing images of the parking area and a low power radio 54 transmitting a unique radio signal 58. The system receives a parking request from a user (e.g. a cellular device 32). The server analyzes the images to propose a parking space and navigates the vehicle 10 to a proposed parking space having an unoccupied availability status via waypoints 48. Each of the waypoints comprises strength and time of flight values of the radio signals. The system may also navigate a pedestrian from the parked vehicle to a pedestrian entrance 68, and navigate the pedestrian back to their vehicle upon their return.

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for vehicle wading safety

Номер: GB0002562908A

Techniques and examples pertaining to vehicle water wading safety are described. A Processor implementable to a vehicle approaching a water body receives topographic data related to the water body from one or more above-water or under-water sensors. The processor determines a top surface and a bottom profile of the water body, and calculates one or more critical trajectories of water-sensitive components of the vehicle if the vehicle is to wade through the water body by traversing the bottom profile. The processor may then determine the wading safety based on the critical trajectories and the top surface of the water body. The processor may further determine a wading route, and autonomously drive the vehicle to wade the water body via the optimal wading route.

27-05-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for processing image data utilizing deep neural network

Номер: GB0002578721A

Methods and systems for processing image data utilising Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are disclosed. The method comprises receiving image data collected by one or more sensors mounted in a mobility device, such as a robot, unmanned automobile or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The DNN extracts topological information from the image data and generates a tree-like graph based on said pictures (Fig. 2). The images may consist of optical, infrared, lidar, radar, depth or sonar data, and information from a structured light sensor. The geographical information may comprise feature maps generated by at least one layer of the DNN. The topological information may represent semantic categories of potential trajectories. The dendritic graph generation can include identifying the current position of the mobility device as a parent node, from which candidate child nodes are expanded, iterating the procedure (Fig.4). The DNN may be trained by using a loss function, comparing a predicted graph with ground ...

27-02-2019 дата публикации

External vehicle component control

Номер: GB0002565878A

A method that includes receiving a signal indicating an impact 310 on a body panel of a vehicle, identifying it is a user input 320 upon determination that it is below a collision force threshold, and actuating a vehicle component 340, 350 according to the user input. The input may be, for example, a knock from a user’s hand. The method may further include navigating the vehicle to a location based on the input, such as a parking space. Audio inputs or information from a second computer may also identify the location. Patterns of the impact or number of impacts may be used to identify navigational locations, or vehicle components. Preferably, after detection of an impact, a user device is determined as not being within a threshold distance of the vehicle, and then location is selected from a plurality of predetermined locations. Actuation may only occur if the impact is deemed to be above an incidental force threshold.

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle navigation

Номер: GB0201802531D0

05-02-2020 дата публикации

Path guidance system

Номер: GB0201919051D0

19-12-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for processing image data utlizing deep neural network

Номер: GB0201818001D0

07-04-2021 дата публикации

Surface guided vehicle behavior

Номер: GB202102528D0

04-05-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for planning and updating a vehicle's trajectory

Номер: GB0002600552A

A method comprising the steps of generating operational commands for a vehicle, the operational commands being associated with segments 1710, 1725, 1730 of a trajectory 1705 of a vehicle; detecting locations and velocities of detected objects; determining that an object and the vehicle are projected to be proximate to a particular segment of the vehicle trajectory at a particular time; identifying a portion of the operational commands associated with the particular segment and updating the identified portion of the operational commands; and executing the operational commands such that the vehicle follows the updated trajectory.

05-04-2023 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle operation using linear temporal logic

Номер: GB0002611438A

A method of using one or more processors of a vehicle to store (1904) a Kripke structure representing a motion segment for operating the vehicle, wherein the motion segment comprises a plurality of spatiotemporal locations. For each spatiotemporal location of the plurality of spatiotemporal locations, a linear temporal logic expression based on the Kripke structure is evaluated (1908), wherein the linear temporal logic expression defines an operating constraint for operating the vehicle in accordance with the motion segment; responsive to a value of the linear temporal logic expression changing at the spatiotemporal location, a location marker within the Kripke structure is inserted (1912) at the spatiotemporal location to divide the motion segment into two different motion segments; an operational metric is assigned (1916) to each motion segment of the two different motion segments based on the location marker; and a trajectory for operating the vehicle based on the operational metric ...

11-10-2023 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle stations

Номер: GB0002607192B
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC [US]

02-09-2021 дата публикации

Autonomous and user controlled vehicle summon to a target

Номер: AU2020221897A1

A processor coupled to memory is configured to receive an identification of a geographical location associated with a target specified by a user remote from a vehicle. A machine learning model is utilized to generate a representation of at least a portion of an environment surrounding the vehicle using sensor data from one or more sensors of the vehicle. At least a portion of a path to a target location corresponding to the received geographical location is calculated using the generated representation of the at least portion of the environment surrounding the vehicle. At least one command is provided to automatically navigate the vehicle based on the determined path and updated sensor data from at least a portion of the one or more sensors of the vehicle.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Drive system for unmanned vehicle and method of drive control of the same

Номер: AU2011277414A1

Disclosed is a drive system for an unmanned vehicle and method of drive control for the purpose of rendering unnecessary the left-right determination and an operation by a left-right instruction button when presenting drive commands to an unmanned vehicle loaded from both sides, and further for the purpose of rendering unnecessary the left-right determination and an operation by a left-right instruction button when setting the loading point by loading from both sides. When the unmanned vehicle loaded from both sides is presented with a drive command, the position and direction of the work machine at the time of being directed with a drive command and the direction of a boundary line or position is compared, and it is recognized whether the work machine of a loading machine is positioned at a left loading point or possibly at a right loading point. Further, when setting the position of the loading point of the unmanned vehicle loaded from both sides, the position and direction of the work ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Evacuation plan design

Номер: AU2014286922A1

This disclosure relates to planning movement of multiple groups over a transport network, for example, but not limited to, the evacuation of persons from geographical zones. A processor receives an initial set of paths for the multiple groups to move through the transport network to respective arrival locations and for each group an initial path to the respective arrival location and an initial departure schedule. The processor then determines based on the initial departure schedules and initial paths one or more critical groups that violate a movement performance threshold and further determines based on the transport network an updated set of paths by adding one or more paths for each critical group to the initial set of paths. Finally, the processor determines for each group an updated path to the arrival location and an updated departure schedule based on the updated set of paths.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014208234B2

A transportation system may store a standard time of arrival table including standard time of arrivals for fixed stops and waypoints or geo-sections. Delay of a vehicle reaching a fixed stop is determined and may be used to determine an estimated time of arrival to a destination on the route. Delay may be determined in response to traversing the waypoints or geo-sections on the route, and the estimated time of arrival may be updated according to the delay at each waypoint or geo-section. C)- C) > 04 U, Подробнее

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Obstacle avoidance system

Номер: AU2015326186A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

In avoiding an obstacle on a travel path, the obstacle is avoided safety and efficiently without interfering with travel of vehicles in an adjacent lane disposed to the side of the lane in which the subject vehicle is traveling. An obstacle avoidance system in which a traveling lane 210 of a subject vehicle and an adjacent lane 510 are disposed side by side, and in which an obstacle 401 to the front on the traveling lane 210 is avoided by passing on the side of the obstacle 401 closest to the adjacent lane, wherein the relative position of the obstacle 401 relative to the subject vehicle 12, and the size wo of the obstacle 401 in the width direction of the vehicle are detected on the basis of an output from an external environment sensor mounted in the subject vehicle 12. Further, a maximum movement amount Dt of the subject vehicle 12 in the width direction of the vehicle in order to avoid the obstacle 401 is calculated on the basis of the relative position of the obstacle 401, the size ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Determining network maps of transport networks

Номер: AU2014324087A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

This disclosure relates a processor determining a network map of a transport network by. The processor optimises for each of multiple sets of nodes a travel cost of trips with a start node and an end node in that set. This way, the processor selects from each of the multiple sets one node as a hub. The travel cost is based on whether the start node or end node is the hub. The processor then optimises for each node a direct travel time between that node and a hub to select an optimised hub for that node. Finally, the processor determines a network map comprising the selected hubs connected by a first transport mode and the remaining nodes connected to the selected hub by a second transport mode. Passengers need to change less often at the hub because the hub is placed at the most popular destination or origin.

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Mining machine management system and mining machine management method

Номер: AU2017200224B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A mining machine management system includes: a position information detection urilt which is mounted in a mini machine operating in a mine and detects position 5 information related to a position of the mining machine; a route information generation unit which generates route information based on a pluralitv of pi eces of the position information obtained by the positi on information detection unit when the m cinig machine in operation travels along a 10 route departing from a predetermined first pos itIon, passing a second position at which a load is loaded, and moving to a third position at whii the load is removed, the route information including a plurality of nodes present at every predetermined distance of the route and a 15 link connecting the nodes adacent to each other; and a route analysis unit which determines a section having a plurality of the links adjacent. to each other within the route information to be a specific section in which a slope difference between the links adjacent ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Data gathering, analysis, scoring, and recommendation system for commuting

Номер: AU2019230119A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A method and platform for improving one or more commutes comprises gathering data about one or more metrics of at least one user's commute; analyzing one or more alternate types of commutes available to the at least one user; creating, based on the data about one or more metrics and the analysis of the one or more alternate types of commutes available, a commuter score for the at least one user; and displaying one or more recommendations to the at least one user for improving the commuter score.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Displaying visible points of interest with a navigation system

Номер: AU2021202867A1

A computer-implemented method for providing route guidance, the method comprising: receiving routing data for directing a user from an origin location to a destination location, the routing data including a route; identifying a set of points of interest (POIs) that are visible along the route; and as the user moves along the route from the origin location to the destination location: receiving location data from a user device, the location data indicating the user's current location and orientation along the route; and transmitting routing instructions related to the visible POIs to the user device, the routing instructions including information about the route in relation to the POIs that are visible at the user's current location and orientation along the route.

16-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3091162C

CA 03091162 2020-08-13 (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property 1111111011111111111110111111110111111110111011101111111101111111111111111111111 10111111 Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2019/227206 Al 05 December 2019 (05.12.2019) WIPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: (74) Agent: BROUILLETTE LEGAL INC.; 1500-1050 GO6Q 10/08 (2012.01) GO6Q 50/30 (2012.01) Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal, Québec H2Z 0A5 (CA). GO6Q 50/28 (2012.01) (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (21) International Application Number: kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, PCT/CA2019/050723 AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, (22) International Filing Date: DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FL GB, GD, GE, GH, GM GT, HN, 28 May 2019 (28.05.2019) HR, HU, ED, EL, IN, ...

22-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002997171C

In this vehicle position estimation device, positions of a target present in a periphery of a vehicle are detected, amounts of movements of the vehicle are detected, and the positions of the target are stored as target position data, based on the detected amounts of movements. In addition, map information including the positions of the target is pre-stored in a map database (14), and, by matching the target position data and the map information, a vehicle position of the vehicle is estimated. Further, a turning point Pt1 of the vehicle is detected. Furthermore, target position data in a range from a present location Pn to a set distance D1 and in a range going back from the turning point Pt1 by a set distance D2 to a point [Pt1-D2] are retained.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003039913A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Aspects of the disclosure relate to generating a speed plan for an autonomous vehicle. As an example, a vehicle (100) is maneuvered in an autonomous driving mode along a route (660) using pre-stored map information. This information identifies a plurality of keep clear regions where the vehicle should not stop but can drive through in the autonomous driving mode. Each keep clear region of the plurality of keep clear regions is associated with a priority value. A subset of the plurality of keep clear regions is identified based on the route. A speed plan for stopping the vehicle is generated based on the priority values associated with the keep clear regions of the subset. The speed plan identifies a location for stopping the vehicle. The speed plan is used to stop the vehicle in the location.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003034427A1

A system including a processor and memory may provide for automatically activating or deactivating a feature of a fleet vehicle. For example, one or more fleet vehicles may include one or more of a global-positioning system, a speed governor, electronically-controlled brakes, an electronically-controlled accelerator, a speed limiter, or an on-board computer with a processor and memory. One or more features may be activated by a local or remote computing device or system. For example, a system may determine one or more recommended routes between two or more locations. The system may track a fleet vehicle's progress along a route, and activate a feature of the fleet vehicle based on the fleet vehicle following or not following the recommended route. For example, the system may cause activation of a speed limiter on the fleet vehicle, disable the fleet vehicle, and/or activate or deactivate autonomous features of the fleet vehicle.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071228A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Provided is a right-left turn determination method for a drive assist vehicle which makes it possible to appropriately determine whether making a right or left turn across an oncoming traffic lane is permitted. This method is configured so as to involve: determining whether or not a vehicle (S1) is stopped and planning to make a right or left turn, on the basis of acquired information from an external center (11) and an internal sensor (12) for acquiring vehicle (S1) periphery information and vehicle information; determining whether or not there is an oncoming vehicle along the planned travel route (Y) of the vehicle (S1), when determined that the vehicle (S1) is stopped in order to make a right or left turn; determining whether or not a far-side oncoming vehicle (T1) located on the far side of the planned travel route (Y) is stopped, when determined that an oncoming vehicle is not present along the planned travel route (Y); and permitting the right or left turn when determined that the ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003052951A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Autonomous vehicle operational management may include traversing, by an autonomous vehicle, a vehicle transportation network. Traversing the vehicle transportation network may include generating an autonomous vehicle operational control environment for operating scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instances. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance may be an instance of a respective scenario-specific operational control evaluation module. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module may model a respective distinct vehicle operational scenario. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance may generate a respective candidate vehicle control action responsive to the respective corresponding distinct vehicle operational scenario. Traversing the vehicle transportation network may include operating a scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance, receiving a first candidate vehicle control action ...

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002993575A1

A self-driving road vehicle stores an active driving map that includes a data store of route feature data together with a software or control system that periodically selects from the data store and provides to systems on the vehicle the route feature data that are relevant to the vehicle location and the route that the vehicle is following. The route feature data may include a sequential series of road cross-section data objects that represent a real-world roadway being traversed by the vehicle. Methods for operating the self-driving road vehicle include providing route feature data from an active driving map, which may include the sequential series of road cross-section data objects that represent the real-world roadway being traversed.

27-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002977189C

In one embodiment, a method includes receiving, from a user, a request for a route from a first geolocation to a second geolocation; and calculating the route from the first geolocation to the second geolocation. The route includes one or more segments and a set of navigation instructions of the segments. The method also includes accessing a data store for one or more pre-determined paths determined at least in part by previous location data of the user. Each pre-determined path comprising an abbreviated navigation instruction. The method also includes identifying one or more pre-determined paths that coincide with one or more of the segments; modifying the set of navigation instructions by replacing the navigation instructions of the coinciding segments with the abbreviated navigation instruction of each identified pre-determined path; and providing, to the user, the modified set of navigation instructions.

15-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002749016A1

A method and system for generating fixed transit routes is provided. A first set of street network segments within a first threshold distance from a starting point is identified for a pattern inputted by a user. A proxy first point along each of the street network segments in the first set is also identified. A second set of street network segments within a second threshold distance from an ending point is identified for the pattern inputted by the user. A proxy second point along each of the street network segments in the second set is also identified. A best path for the pattern is determined including any one of the proxy first points along the street network segments in the first set and any one of the proxy second points along the street network segments in the second set.

09-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002725193C

When a user enters, initializes, or otherwise starts using a navigation function, such as a navigation function on a mobile phone or a stand-alone device, a destination is automatically selected for route generation and production of a navigation output (e.g., an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at the destination). The destination is selected based on current proximity to a location that has a pre-defined destination associated with it. Such pre- defined destination usually is associated with the location by the user. A time of day criteria can also be imposed, such as requiring that the time of day either by in the morning or afternoon, a work day, or a holiday, or the opposite. In one example, locations proximate a work place can be associated with home as a pre-defined destination, and vice versa. A time of day criteria can be imposed, such that even if proximate work and it is in the morning, a route and ETA to home will not be generated.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002858428A1

The invention relates to a method for guiding a user of a radiolocation-based, in particular a satellite radiolocation-based, navigation device along a route in order to search for a parking space in the region of a destination. In the method, an endless route along a route map around the destination is calculated in the navigation device, and the user is guided along said route until the user has found a parking space. According to the invention, the endless route is calculated and compiled from route portions using the following criteria: i) the distance of the respective route portion from the destination and ii) the probability of finding a parking space on the respective route portion within a specified time span. Furthermore, the successively set route portions of the endless route are selected in a weighted manner when calculation and compiling the endless route using the relevance of each criteria i) and ii). The invention further relates to a method for ascertaining the probability ...

06-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002864032A1

This invention relates to a method of providing a simplified practice for dealing with aviation turbulence and other weather hazards that allows the end users to better communicate turbulence as a state of the atmosphere metric and the additional weather threats affecting the flight. The invention will provide an Atmospheric State Index (ASI) that will allow all the users to work with a standardized metric that describes the turbulence as the state of the atmosphere and a similar scale for other weather risks to the flight. This system will make the correlation between the forecast and aircraft reports for turbulence easier to interpret for the end users. This approach would concentrate on turbulence as one of the weather hazards with a more objective and easier to use metric. This invention would provide a transition for moving from a system based on turbulence PIREPS to a more objective data driven process in the future air traffic environment. This invention would provide an end solution ...

19-07-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic routing for autonomous driving vehicles

Номер: CN0110036425A

25-05-2018 дата публикации

For selecting travel mode, device and go out in the route management system

Номер: CN0108072380A

27-04-2016 дата публикации

For a vehicle information device and information system

Номер: CN0103620660B

28-08-2018 дата публикации

Assessing U-turn feasibility

Номер: CN0108463690A

26-08-2009 дата публикации

Vehicle control device, vehicle control method, program for causing computer to execute vehicle control method, and recording medium having program recorded thereon

Номер: CN0101516703A

A vehicle control method having an HV driving mode in which operation of an internal combustion engine is permitted and an EV driving mode in which a vehicle is driven by using a motor with the internal combustion engine stopped includes the steps of: setting a destination (S1); setting a driving route from a starting point to the destination (S4); dividing the driving route and associating any of the driving modes with each section of the divided driving route (S5); fixing the division of the driving route and the driving mode associated with each section based on an instruction from an operator (S7); and causing the vehicle to travel each section in the associated driving mode.

09-04-2019 дата публикации

For optimizing the power of the vehicle using the method of the

Номер: CN0104296762B

05-05-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing location information

Номер: CN0106416317B

12-10-2018 дата публикации

The vehicle position estimation apparatus, method for estimating the position of a vehicle

Номер: CN0107949768B

05-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002854455B1

07-02-2020 дата публикации

Method of guiding a vehicle in a parking environment

Номер: FR0003084629A1

20-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003086054A1

31-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002621150A1

12-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003032541A1

L'invention concerne un procédé (200) de réservation d'un trajet, dans le cadre d'une installation (100) de location automatisée de véhicules, en particulier de voitures électriques, comprenant une pluralité de sites (104), ledit procédé (100) comprenant une étape (202) de sélection d'une position d'arrivée (322) déclenchant automatiquement les étapes suivantes : - détermination (206) automatisée d'une position de départ ; - identification automatisée (208) d'un site de départ disponible le plus proche de la position de départ ; et - identification automatisée (210) d'un site d'arrivée le plus proche de la position d'arrivée ; ledit procédé (200) comprenant en outre une étape (212) de mémorisation d'au moins une donnée de réservation pour ledit site de départ (310) et d'au moins une donnée de réservation pour ledit site d'arrivée (324).

20-01-2017 дата публикации

웨어러블 기기를 이용한 길 안내 제공 방법 및 이를 수행하는 차량

Номер: KR0101698515B1
Автор: 김동욱
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

... 본 발명은 웨어러블 기기를 통해 차량을 이용한 주행과 도보를 연계하여 길안내를 수행할 수 있는 방법 및 이를 수행할 수 있는 차량에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 차량에서 웨어러블 기기를 이용한 네비게이션 제공 방법은, 상기 웨어러블 기기와 무선으로 연결되는 단계; 상기 연결된 웨어러블 기기로부터 운전자에 대한 모니터링 정보를 수신하는 단계; 및 목적지가 설정되면, 상기 설정된 목적지까지 상기 모니터링 정보를 고려하여 상기 웨어러블 기기를 통해 안내될 도보 구간 및 상기 차량의 헤드 유닛을 통해 안내될 차량 주행 구간을 결정하는 단계를 포함할 수 있다.

13-02-2019 дата публикации

더 안전한 내비게이션 기능-

Номер: KR1020190014830A
Автор: 이승주

... 본 발명은 비콘 기술을 이용한 내비게이션 기능에 관한 것으로 앞쪽에서 차가 밀리는지 아닌지에 대한 정보를 비콘에서 측정하여 가까이 있는 차의 내비게이션에게 보내 밀리는 구간에 도달하기 전에 미리 알려주어 고속운행 중 생길 수 있는 갑작스러운 정체로 인한 사고의 위험을 전보다 줄일 수 있게 하는 더 안전한 내비게이션 기능에 관한 것이다. 일반적으로 내비게이션에서는 막히는 구간을 빨간색으로 표시해주는 기능이 있기는 하지만 실시간으로 경고를 하지는 않으며 특히 고속도로에서와 같이 고속운행 중 주의를 기울이지 않는다면 갑작스러운 서행으로 인해 대형사고로 이어질 수 있다. 하지만 도로에 비콘 센서를 설치하면 전방의 도로 상황을 미리 알려주어 고속주행 중 갑작스러운 정체로 인한 사고의 위험을 줄여주는 효과가 있다.

04-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: KR20020083928A

PURPOSE: A route navigation system, a client terminal, a server, a route navigation method and a determining method of identical routes are provided to reduce the amount of transmitted information from the server to the client terminal by effectively using data of the client terminal. CONSTITUTION: A server(20) in an information base determines a route(server route) from a place of departure to a destination, transmitted from a client terminal(10) of a navigation unit via communication, using information in a server database. On the other hand, the client terminal(10) determines a route(client route) from the place of departure to the destination using information in a client terminal database. The client terminal(10) determines whether or not the server route and the client route are identical based on information(small size data) concerning guiding points of each route. Then, the client terminal(10) performs route navigation of a route in a section where the routes are identical using ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120103892A

PURPOSE: A workload calculating apparatus and a method thereof using GPS information are provided to increase the efficiency of collection and delivery work using GPS information. CONSTITUTION: A workload calculating apparatus(200) includes a path managing part(210), a delivery point calculating part(220), a GPS information statistic part(230), and an output part(240). The path managing part supplies comparing result information after generating comparing result information by comparing a real movement path and an optical work path from GPS information. Comparing result information is supplied. The delivery point calculating part calculates a delivery point based on the obtained GPS information. The calculated delivery point information is supplied. The GPS information statistic part supplies statistic information which analyzes obtained GPS information. The output part processes obtained information through a UI. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2013 [Reference numerals] (100) GPS information; (200) Workload ...

23-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190098914A

19-06-2017 дата публикации

인간과 유사한 GPS 길안내

Номер: KR1020170068618A

... 일실시예로, 방법은 사용자로부터, 제1 지리위치에서 제2 지리위치로의 루트에 대한 요청을 수신하는 단계; 및 제1 지리위치에서 제2 지리위치로의 루트를 계산하는 단계를 포함한다. 루트는 하나 이상의 세그먼트 및 세그먼트에 대한 내비게이션 명령들의 세트를 포함한다. 방법은 또한, 적어도 부분적으로 사용자의 이전 위치 데이터에 의해 결정된 하나 이상의 미리-결정된 경로를 위해 데이터 스토어에 액세스하는 단계들 포함한다. 각각의 미리-결정된 경로는 축약된 내비게이션 명령을 포함한다. 방법은 또한, 하나 이상의 세그먼트와 일치하는 하나 이상의 미리-결정된 경로를 식별하는 단계; 일치하는 세그먼트에 대한 내비게이션 명령을 각각의 식별된 미리-결정된 경로에 대한 축약된 내비게이션 명령으로 교체함으로써 내비게이션 명령들의 세트를 수정하는 단계; 및 내비게이션 명령들의 수정된 세트를 사용자에게 제공하는 단계를 포함한다.

01-10-2016 дата публикации

System and method for coordination of platoon formation

Номер: SE0001550387A1

A system and a method for coordination of platoon formation. The method comprises determining possible platooning companions to a vehicle (1) based on a result of an evaluation of transport assignment characteristics for at least one other vehicle (2), and determining route data for at least one route of the vehicle (1) for accomplishing an assignment of the vehicle (1), wherein the route data includes data of the road and time along the route. The method further comprises determining a plurality of transport plans for the vehicle (1) based on matching of route data for the at least one route of the vehicle (1) with route data of the possible platooning companions, wherein a transport plan includes route data and platooning instructions for the vehicle (1) along the at least one route. The method also comprises determining at least one platooning parameter for each transport plan that indicates a platooning performance of the transport plan, and determining a selected transport plan from ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014170475A1

A route planning system comprising a routing engine is described in which data access to map data for selecting from a plurality of routes comprises means for receiving traffic data for a plurality of routes between two nodes and using the traffic data with map data to select an initial best route between the two nodes.

12-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007077301A1

The route computing method and software using a two-step routing procedure. First the navigation software computes a temporary route using road segments having a predetermined road classification. This simplifies the routing as the amount of the roads is minimized. The result is rough and it must be further computed for achieving the best possible result. For computing the best possible result the navigation software determines a distance parameter. The parameter determines the distance that is used for further computing from the temporary route. Then the further computa-tion can be focused on a geographical area with a complete set of roads and streets.

04-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008147009A1
Автор: KANG, Jung Min

The present invention relates to a route data providing method and system which, when a request for an update of previously provided route data is generated from a lead vehicle, provides updated route data to the lead vehicle and trailing vehicle, and thereby may batch change route data of the lead vehicle and trailing vehicle.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160071418A1

Embodiments, systems, and techniques for vehicle operation assistance are provided herein. Vehicle operation assistance may be provided by monitoring characteristics of an occupant of a vehicle and determining an emergency status for the occupant based on characteristics of the occupant, transmitting a request for help based on the emergency status indicating the occupant of the vehicle is experiencing an emergency, receiving a “follow me” request from a potential leader vehicle, enabling follower mode such that vehicle is a follower vehicle and the potential leader vehicle is a leader vehicle, establishing a connection with the leader vehicle and receiving navigation instructions from the leader vehicle based on the vehicle being in follower mode, generating driving action commands based on navigation instructions, and executing respective driving action commands in an autonomous fashion based on the vehicle being in follower mode.

06-04-2021 дата публикации

Safe state to safe state navigation

Номер: US0010970790B2

Systems and methods are provided for navigating a host vehicle. In some embodiments, the system may include at least one processing device programmed to: receive at least one image representative of an environment of the host vehicle; determine a navigational action of the host vehicle; analyze the at least one image to identify a target vehicle in the environment of the host vehicle; determine a next-state distance between the host vehicle and the target vehicle that would result if the navigational action was taken; determine a maximum braking capability of the host vehicle, a maximum acceleration capability of the host vehicle, and a speed of the host vehicle; determine a stopping distance for the host vehicle; determine a speed of the target vehicle; and implement the navigational action if the determined stopping distance for the host vehicle is less than the next-state distance summed with a target vehicle travel distance.

10-11-2015 дата публикации

Hierarchical sensor network for a grouped set of packages being shipped using elements of a wireless node network

Номер: US0009182231B2

Methods and systems are described for creating a hierarchical sensor network for enhanced monitoring of a grouped set of packages being shipped, the hierarchical sensor network using a wireless node network having a mobile master node, an ID node and a server. The mobile master node can communicate directly with the server over a first communication path, and is placed within a package in the grouped packages. The ID node can communicate directly with the master node over a second communication path but cannot communicate directly with the server over the first communication path. The ID node is placed within another package in the grouped packages. The mobile master node and the ID node are enabled with power, and the hierarchical sensor network for the grouped packages is activated by causing the server to associate the mobile master node with the ID node.

03-07-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations

Номер: US0010012995B2

A method and apparatus for autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations are disclosed. Autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations may include an autonomous vehicle identifying map information representing a vehicle transportation network, the vehicle transportation network including a primary destination and a docking location, wherein identifying the map information includes identifying the map information such that the map information includes docking location information representing the docking location. The autonomous vehicle may identify the docking location as a target docking location for the primary destination based on the map information, generate, based on the map information, route information representing a route for the autonomous vehicle to traverse the vehicle transportation network from an origin in the vehicle transportation network to the target docking location, and traverse the vehicle transportation network ...

15-03-2022 дата публикации

Landmark-assisted navigation

Номер: US0011274935B2
Принадлежит: GOOGLE LLC

A computer-implemented method for providing landmark-assisted navigation guidance by selectively utilizing database information includes receiving navigation requests from one or more mobile computing devices, each of the requests being associated with a respective starting point, destination, and travel mode. For each navigation request, a corresponding route to be depicted in a corresponding digital map is determined. For each navigation request associated with a first travel mode, corresponding points of interest (POIs) are determined from among a plurality of POIs stored in a database. The corresponding POIs are determined based on at least a zoom level of the corresponding map and whether the corresponding POIs are associated with any landmark category. For each navigation request associated with a second travel mode, corresponding POIs are determined based on at least a zoom level of the corresponding map, but irrespective of whether the corresponding POIs are associated with any ...

07-10-1997 дата публикации

Dynamic, multiple-route navigation apparatus and method for guiding a moving object

Номер: US0005675492A

A navigation apparatus which includes an input section, a central processing section, a display section and a memory section is mounted on a moving object. When an initial or current position and destination of the moving object are provided to the central processing section, the apparatus produces two or more possible routes along which the moving object can move to reach the destination after starting from the current position by using map data stored in the memory section. The initial or current position, destination and possible routes are repeatedly calculated, updated and indicated on a screen of the display section. The two or more possible routes are repeatedly produced by a processor and calculation/retrieval circuitry. A connection route existing between the two or more possible routes may be retrieved and repeatedly indicated. Furthermore, a possible area containing the possible routes may be retrieved and repeatedly indicated.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011691A1

An information processing device includes an input device and an artificial intelligence processing unit including a processor. The input device is configured to input first information related to at least one of a state of a human-powered vehicle, a rider of the human-powered vehicle, and an environment of the human-powered vehicle. The artificial intelligence processing unit is configured to generate second information related to a recommended travel condition of the human-powered vehicle in accordance with the first information received from the input device.

11-09-2018 дата публикации

Hierarchical sensor network for a grouped set of packages being shipped using elements of a wireless node network

Номер: US0010074069B2
Автор: Ole-Petter Skaaksrud

Methods and systems are described for creating a hierarchical sensor network for enhanced monitoring of a grouped set of packages being shipped, the hierarchical sensor network using a wireless node network having a mobile master node, an ID node and a server. The mobile master node can communicate directly with the server over a first communication path, and is placed within a package in the grouped packages. The ID node can communicate directly with the master node over a second communication path but cannot communicate directly with the server over the first communication path. The ID node is placed within another package in the grouped packages. The mobile master node and the ID node are enabled with power, and the hierarchical sensor network for the grouped packages is activated by causing the server to associate the mobile master node with the ID node.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056900A1
Принадлежит: Xinova, LLC

Technologies are generally described that relate to managing and/or generating a travel route for an electronic device. Some example methods may include generating travel routes for the device with respect to a defined geographic area based on a total travel time for the device to traverse the defined geographic area, selecting a first travel route from the travel routes, and employing the first travel route for the device in response to a determination that the first travel route satisfies a defined security criterion related to an estimated time difference between a first time for the device to reach a location along the first travel route and a second time for the device to reach the location along a second travel route previously employed by the device.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117975A1
Автор: Sung Ho CHOI

A method of operating a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) includes executing tire pressure monitoring of at least one tire installed on a vehicle in a first mode, and transmitting frequency signal loss information to a center if a loss of a frequency signal in the first mode occurs in a designated time period.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166349A1

A parking support apparatus includes: a first parking space setting unit that sets a first parking space including information of a parking position and a parking angle of a vehicle at a parking completion position; a second parking space setting unit that calculates a second parking space, which is obtained by correcting the parking angle of the first parking space, based on information of measurement of the first parking space by using a vehicle surrounding sensor which measures a surrounding area of the vehicle; a parking space determination unit that calculates reliability of the second parking space and determines to use the first parking space or the second parking space based on the calculated reliability; and a parking route generation unit that generates a parking route to the first parking space or the second parking space determined by the parking space determination unit.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200262452A1

Provided are a vehicle, a vehicle monitoring server, a vehicle monitoring system, and a vehicle monitoring method, that can be suitably used in a configuration whereby the vehicle and the vehicle monitoring server communicate in relation to a travel caution region. A first control device in the vehicle sends an entry notification signal to the vehicle monitoring server prior to entry into a travel caution region, if the travel caution region is included in a target route or a target track. The first control device may also send a passage completed signal to the vehicle monitoring server after passing through the travel caution region. A second control device in the vehicle monitoring server performs an error output if, after receiving an entry notification signal from a specified vehicle, a passage completed signal has not been received by a second prescribed point in time.

18-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100070174A1
Принадлежит: General Motors Corporation

A navigation assistance system and method determines limited access highway entrance points as destinations in a geographic information system. In one aspect, the limited access highway entrance points are stored as destinations in a geographic database within the geographic information system such that a telematics service provider can provide directions to the limited access highway entrance points.

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Generation of route network data for movement

Номер: US0010605614B2

A method for generating route network data for movement includes calculating a movable area in a place for a target type of movement using a space model of the place and an object model for the target type. The method also includes building network structure for route network data of the place using the movable area for the target type, in which the network structure includes a plurality of nodes and a plurality of links representing routes within the place. The method further includes updating the network structure by shifting a node to orient a link connected to the node toward any one of predetermined directions under a condition relating to an initial position of the node.

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210302270A1

A vehicle is received in a stationary controlled area of a controlled testing environment. Simulation inputs corresponding to a simulated scene are generated and transmitted to the vehicle. The vehicle applies torque in response. A vehicle control mechanism of the controlled testing environment, such as a chassis dynamometer, a motorized treadmill, or a lift, keeps the vehicle within the stationary controlled area during the test despite the torque applied by the vehicle. A path of the vehicle within the simulated scene is determined based on the applied torque, based upon which the vehicle's navigation system is calibrated.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012207A1

Vehicle range projection estimation is implemented by a computer processor of a vehicle having logic executable thereon. The logic receives vehicle range projection data from a remote system over a network as a network service. The vehicle range projection data represents a bounded geographic area in which the vehicle is capable of traveling. The bounded geographic area is defined by global positioning system coordinates attributable to the vehicle in conjunction with an available amount of remaining energy of the vehicle. The logic also stores the vehicle range projection data in a storage device. Upon determining an interruption in a network service has occurred, the logic retrieves stored vehicle range projection data from the storage device, scales the stored vehicle range projection data to a level commensurate with an updated amount of remaining energy of the vehicle, and displays a visual representation of scaled vehicle range projection data in the vehicle.

30-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120221207A1
Принадлежит: CLARION CO., LTD.

Conventional navigation devices are equipped with technology that supports the driving of a driver by detecting the surroundings of a vehicle using a plurality of sensors such as cameras. However, because complex arithmetic processing is carried out using the detection results from the plurality of sensors, the processing load increases and other processes requiring a rapid response can be delayed. As a result, consideration has been given to decreasing the amount of arithmetic processing and reducing the processing load by uniformly decreasing the processing area for information detected by the sensors. However, if the processing area is uniformly decreased, information necessary for driving support may not be obtained. Provided is a sensor control technology that better obtains information necessary for driving support: a sensor controller, characterised by carrying out predetermined processing by changing the processing area of the information acquired by the sensors according to the ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200339159A1

An automatic driving track obtaining method and apparatus are provided. The method includes: obtaining a driving style coefficient of a driver of a vehicle A (S101); calculating a cost function of the driver of the vehicle A based on the driving style coefficient of the driver of the vehicle A (S102), where the cost function is used to represent costs paid when the vehicle A travels from an initial node to a current node in a driving track of the vehicle A; and obtaining the driving track of the vehicle A on a first three-dimensional spatial-temporal map through calculation according to the cost function (S103). The driving track obtained by using the method and the apparatus can match driving styles of all drivers. This improves driver satisfaction on the driving track, and lessens a running-in period in which the driver performs automatic driving.

27-06-2017 дата публикации

Image display system, image display method and program

Номер: US0009689688B2

A mobile terminal obtains image data related to a product posted on a flier by imaging and sends the image data related to the product to a shopping management server. Upon reception of the image data related to the product from the mobile terminal, the shopping management server determines the product by analyzing the image data related to the product, obtains at least one of inventory information and sales information of the product, and sends at least one of the inventory information and the sales information of the product to the mobile terminal. The mobile terminal combines computer-graphics image data indicating at least one of the inventory information and the sales information of the product sent from the shopping management server with an image of the flier in real space and presents the combined image, thereby solving the problem.

18-10-2022 дата публикации

Positioning method based on 5G and positioning system based on 5G

Номер: US0011474187B2

A positioning method comprises acquiring positioning information of a 5G base station from a satellite, obtaining calibration information based on the positioning information, and broadcasting outwards the calibration information; acquiring initial positioning information of a user terminal from the satellite; accessing a nearest 5G base station in real time, monitoring and acquiring calibration information broadcasted by the nearest 5G base station; and calibrating the initial positioning information acquired in the initial positioning step according to the calibration information acquired in the monitoring step to obtain positioning result information. As described above, the positioning of centimeter level precision can be realized by utilizing the 5G base station, and there is no need to additionally establish a CORS base station and a data center, thereby the cost of precise positioning can be reduced.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Notification systems and methods where a notified pcd causes implementation of a task(s) based upon failure to receive a notification

Номер: US20120030525A1
Автор: Scott A. Horstemeyer
Принадлежит: Eclipse IP LLC

Systems and methods are disclosed for automated notification systems. A representative system, among others, can be summarized as follows. A host computer system, or base station, is designed to monitor travel data corresponding to a mobile thing and to initiate a notification communication to a personal communications device (PCD) indicating travel status of the mobile thing (MT) to a remote computer system. The remote computer system, within or associated with the PCD, is designed to detect a failure to receive the notification communication and to cause one or more tasks to be performed based upon the notification communication failure.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Navigation system having maneuver attempt training mechanism and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20120191343A1
Автор: Ambreen Haleem
Принадлежит: Telenav Inc

A method of operation of a navigation system includes: generating a maneuver instruction for a driving maneuver, the maneuver instruction including an explanation of how to turn, merge, park or operate a driver's vehicle; monitoring a maneuver attempt for a compliance to the maneuver instruction; modifying the maneuver instruction based on the maneuver attempt; assigning a driver skill grade for the maneuver attempt based on the compliance to the maneuver instruction; and generating a training feedback to improve the driver skill grade of the maneuver attempt for displaying on a device.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Ar glasses with sensor and user action based control of external devices with feedback

Номер: US20120194553A1
Принадлежит: Osterhout Group Inc

This disclosure concerns an interactive head-mounted eyepiece with an integrated processor for handling content for display and an integrated image source for introducing the content to an optical assembly through which the user views a surrounding environment and the displayed content, wherein the eyepiece includes sensor and user action based control of external devices with feedback.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Navigating out of a parking lot

Номер: US20120323481A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

In a method for selecting a parking lot exit, a computer receives geographic coordinates of a first parking exit of a parking facility. The computer receives geographic coordinates of a second parking exit of the parking facility. The computer determines a first route from the first parking exit to a destination, using the geographic coordinates of the first parking exit. The computer determines a second route from the second parking exit to the destination, using the geographic coordinates of the second parking exit. The computer selects one of the first parking exit and the second parking exit based on the first route and the second route.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Route planning using location/time encoded data from location aware snowplows

Номер: US20130080052A1
Автор: Thomas M. Gooding
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques are described for using geographic location data of snowplows to update a snow depth associated with a section of a surface street. The route of the snowplow may be tracked continuously which allows the snow depth of the street to be reset in real-time. The updated snow depth may then be used to generate a cost of travelling on the street. The travelling cost may then be used to plan a route through the region. Alternatively, the cost may be graphically displayed on a map to permit a user to determine which surface streets to avoid. In another embodiment, the cost of travelling on a particular street may be changed by the attributes of the vehicle that will navigate the snow-covered roads, driver's experience, or the geographic terrain of a road. This new cost may then be used, for example, to plan a route or display roads to avoid.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Location of Available Passenger Seats in a Dynamic Transporting Pool

Номер: US20130124279A1

An embodiment of the invention provides a system including an interface for receiving a request from a rider, wherein the request includes a start location of the rider and an end location of the rider. A vehicle identification module connected to the interface identifies at least one vehicle located within a threshold distance from the start location. A communications module connected to the vehicle identification module sends the request to a driver of the vehicle. A validation module connected to the interface verifies that the rider and the driver and/or the vehicle were each located at the start location at the same time, and verifies that the rider and thdriver and/or the vehicle were each located at the end location at the same time. 1. A system comprising:an interface for receiving a request from a rider, the request including a start location of the rider and an end location of the rider;a vehicle identification module connected to said interface, said vehicle identification module identifies at least one vehicle located within a threshold distance from the start location;a communications module connected to said vehicle identification module, said communications module sends the request to a driver of the vehicle; and the rider and at least one of the driver and the vehicle were each located at the start location at the same time, and', 'the rider and at least one of the driver and the vehicle were each located at the end location at the same time., 'a validation module connected to said interface, said validation module verifies that2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said validation module confirms that:a GPS location of the rider matches at least one of a GPS location of the driver and a GPS location of the vehicle at a start time, anda GPS location of the rider matches at least one of a GPS location of the driver and a GPS location of the vehicle at an end time.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said validation module:determines a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Procedure for determining the probability of finding a parking place

Номер: US20130144826A1
Автор: Philipp Kandal
Принадлежит: SKOBBLER GMBH

A procedure for determining the probability of finding a parking place within a certain period of time on a pre-set stretch of road of an area with a multiplicity of stretches of road. With this procedure, motion profiles are detected and statistically evaluated of users of radiolocation-aided, especially satellite-aided, navigation aids in the area. For each user a “parking place found” event is determined; the stretch of road in which the “parking place found” event occurred is detected; and the travel time is detected which the user expended in each of the stretches of the road until the “parking place found” event occurred. From the data thus acquired for a multiplicity of users, a probability is determined of finding a parking place within the set time span on the stretch of the road.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197799A1

Disclosed herein is an apparatus and method for determining indoor collection points and collecting heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information. The apparatus includes a sensor module unit for sensing a motion and a location. An indoor map DB includes attribute information of an indoor space and an indoor map. A collection route generation unit generates a collection route on the indoor map depending on collection conditions. A collection point determination unit determines a collection point from which the heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information is to be collected on the collection route while moving, based on information of the sensor module unit and the indoor map DB. A heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information collection unit collects heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information from the collection point. An information combination unit generates results of collection by combining the collection point with the heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information at the collection point. 1. An apparatus for determining indoor collection points and collecting heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information , comprising:a sensor module unit for sensing a motion and a location;an indoor map database (DB) including attribute information of an indoor space and an indoor map;a collection route generation unit for generating a collection route on the indoor map depending on collection conditions;a collection point determination unit for determining a collection point from which the heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information is to be collected on the collection route while moving, based on information of the sensor module unit and the indoor map DB;a heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information collection unit for collecting heterogeneous infrastructure measurement information from the collection point; andan information combination unit for generating results of collection by combining the collection point ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Electric bus and electric bus battery exchange system

Номер: US20130197803A1

Provided is an electric bus and an electric bus battery exchange system. The electric bus according to the present invention includes: a battery exchange hole disposed on top of the electric bus for exchanging a discharged battery for a charged battery; a front camera unit taking front images in the process of entering the battery exchange station for battery exchange; a communication unit for receiving position information of the battery exchange unit from the battery exchange station; a route output unit outputting a predicted driving route for reaching a swapping point below the battery exchange unit based on the front images taken by the front camera unit and the position information of the battery exchange unit; and a display unit displaying the predicted driving route outputted by the route output unit, superimposed on the front images taken by the front camera unit.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211712A1
Автор: Takeda Koji
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

In giving a travel command to an unmanned vehicle in both-side loading, or in setting a position of a loading point in both-side loading, whether a working machine of a loading machine is positioned on left-loading point side or right-loading point side is discriminated in correlation between an orientation or a position of the working machine when the travel command is instructed and a direction or a position of the boundary line. In setting the position of the loading point in both-side loading, whether the working machine of the loading machine is positioned on left-loading point side or right-loading point side is discriminated in correlation between the orientation or the position of the working machine when position setting of loading point is instructed and the direction or the position of the boundary line. 1. An unmanned vehicle drive system for causing an unmanned vehicle to travel to a left loading point or a right loading point along a travel route in accordance with a travel command , the left loading point or the right loading point being set in correspondence with whether the direction of approach of the unmanned vehicle to a loading point where a working machine of a loading machine performs loading onto the unmanned vehicle is leftward or rightward with respect to the loading machine , comprising:boundary line generation means for, on the basis of information about the direction of approach to the left or right loading point of the unmanned vehicle, generating a boundary line for discriminating whether the working machine of the loading machine has been positioned on the side of the left loading point or positioned on the side of the right loading point;detection means for detecting the orientation or position of the working machine of the loading machine;discrimination means for, in correlation between the orientation or position of the working machine that has been detected by the detection means and the direction or position of the boundary line, ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218467A1

Provided is a driving assistance device that includes traveling route information acquiring means for acquiring a plurality of traveling route information items about different recognition ranges and course generating means for generating a course of a host vehicle using the plurality of traveling route information items according to a traveling environment. According to the invention, for example, a plurality of traveling route information items with different recognition ranges, such as a wide-area map , a middle-area map , and a local map , are used according to a traveling environment to generate a course. In this way, the host vehicle can travel safely. 112.-. (canceled)13. A driving assistance device comprising:traveling route information acquiring means for acquiring a plurality of traveling route information items with different scales; andcourse generating means for generating a course of a host vehicle using the plurality of traveling route information items according to a traveling environment,wherein the traveling route information acquiring means increases the frequency of update of the traveling route information as the scale of the plurality of traveling route information items is reduced.14. The driving assistance device according to claim 13 , further comprising:scheduled traveling route information acquiring means for acquiring scheduled traveling route information from the traveling route information with a specific scale among the plurality of traveling route information items; andtravelable region detecting means for detecting a travelable region in a traveling route,wherein the shape of a scheduled traveling route is estimated on the basis of the scheduled traveling route information and the travelable region.15. The driving assistance device according to claim 14 ,wherein the scheduled traveling route is divided to estimate the shape.16. The driving assistance device according to claim 14 , further comprising:shape model storage means for ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226452A1
Автор: Watts William Henry

This invention relates to a method of providing a simplified practice for dealing with aviation turbulence and other weather hazards that allows the end users to better communicate turbulence as a state of the atmosphere metric and the additional weather threats affecting the flight. The invention will provide an Atmospheric State Index (ASI) that will allow all the users to work with a standardized metric that describes the turbulence as the state of the atmosphere and a similar scale for other weather risks to the flight. This system will make the correlation between the forecast and aircraft reports for turbulence easier to interpret for the end users. This approach would concentrate on turbulence as one of the weather hazards with a more objective and easier to use metric. This invention would provide a transition for moving from a system based on turbulence PIREPS to a more objective data driven process in the future air traffic environment. This invention would provide an end solution for the future air traffic system commonly referred to as NextGen for both turbulence and other weather hazards. 1. A method for planning a path of air travel through a three dimensional travel region having at least two different types of travel hazards each having varying degrees of intensity , said method including the steps of:A) accumulating data relating to each of said two different types of travel hazards, said two hazards being “Hazard 1” and “Hazard 2”;B) converting each of said sets of data (“Hazard 1 Data” and Hazard 2 Data”) to fit to a common atmospheric state intensity scale, such that Hazard 1 Data can be used to report the intensity of Hazard 1 along said common atmospheric state intensity scale, and such that Hazard 2 Data can be used to report the intensity of Hazard 2 along said intensity scale; andC) using both sets of converted data to plan a path of air travel through said three dimensional travel region.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein Hazard ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Identifying future location and providing path crossing indications

Номер: US20130231858A1
Автор: Bourne Julian J.
Принадлежит: PROXPRO, INC.

A user of a mobile device may use the technique to obtain future location-based situation awareness, e.g., a future location route displayed on the user's mobile device. That future location route comprises the user's future locations through time and space, e.g., a set of planned meetings at successive locations in a geographic area. A service that provides the user's mobile device with the future location route may also alert the user of potential threats to the user's planned activities, such as a restaurant being over-booked. On a permission basis, the user's mobile device may also receive a future location route for at least one other person associated with the user in a social network. The other person's future location route may be overlaid on the user's route so that one or both individuals receive advance notifications of their potential to have their respective paths “crossing” during a future time period. 1. Apparatus , comprising:at least one processor; and first data from which a future location path for a user is adapted to be displayed; and', 'second data from which a future location path for at least one other person is adapted to be displayed overlaid on the future location path for the user, the at least one other person being associated with the user in a social network., 'computer memory holding computer program instructions executed by the processor to provide2. An article comprising a non-transitory machine-readable storage medium that stores a program , the program adapted to be executed by a machine to provide future location-based situation awareness to a user of a mobile device , the mobile device storing the user's calendar and contact information , the program comprising:program code to receive calendar data;program code to receive contemporaneous location data;program code to use the received data to calculate, as a series of points, the user's future locations through time and space;program code to use the series of points to determine ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for generating fixed transit routes

Номер: US20140074400A1
Принадлежит: Trapeze Software Inc

A method and system for generating fixed transit routes is provided. A first set of street network segments within a first threshold distance from a starting point is identified for a pattern inputted by a user. A proxy first point along each of the street network segments in the first set is also identified. A second set of street network segments within a second threshold distance from an ending point is identified for the pattern inputted by the user. A proxy second point along each of the street network segments in the second set is also identified. A best path for the pattern is determined including any one of the proxy first points along the street network segments in the first set and any one of the proxy second points along the street network segments in the second set.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Location Services in Mining Vehicle Operations

Номер: US20140088820A1

A system of computers, wireless networks, and vehicle-based location sensors allows real time display of equipment location, utilization, and expected arrival times for mobile vehicles. Display of location by load status and expected arrival time allows monitoring of not just vehicle location but the impact on queue times at loading and unloading endpoints allowing for equipment reallocation. Overhead map views of actual location including hazard locations and queries for vehicle and operator status are also supported. 1. A method of using vehicle location information in a mining environment , the method comprising:generating, at a processor of a computer, a timeline having an expanded portion adjoining and not overlapping a compressed portion, the compressed portion representing more time per unit length than the expanded portion, the timeline having a first end corresponding to a first location of a first work function and a second end corresponding to a second location of a second work function;displaying the timeline on a display of the computer via the processor responsive to executable instructions stored in a memory accessible by the computer;receiving a location, a direction, and speed information from a work vehicle at the computer;determining a destination of the work vehicle as one of the first location and the second location;calculating an estimated travel time for the work vehicle to reach the destination; anddisplaying an icon showing the location of the work vehicle at a point on the timeline corresponding to the estimated travel time remaining for the work vehicle to reach the destination.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising displaying a second icon showing a second work vehicle on the timeline showing the work vehicle claim 1 , wherein the work vehicle and the second work vehicle have a common destination.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the icon comprises displaying a color of the displayed icon corresponding to a condition ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088871A1
Автор: Gueziec Andre
Принадлежит: Triangle Software LLC

A system for predicting a travel time for a traffic route is disclosed. The traffic route comprises one or more road segments. A predicted travel time for each of those segments is calculated based, in part, on traffic speed data for each of the one or more road segments. A total travel time is then calculated for the route, the total travel time including a predicted travel time for each of the one or more road segments. 1. A method for predicting a travel time for a traffic route , comprising:associating real-time traffic speed data with historical speed data to generate combined traffic speed data for a plurality of road segments during a particular time interval, wherein the plurality of road segments comprise at least a beginning point and a destination;receiving from a user a preferred arrival time for the destination;determining a predicted travel time for the plurality of road segments based on a plurality of travel patterns and the traffic speed data, wherein the predicted travel time includes a total travel time for each of the plurality of road segments;generating a departure time based on the predicted travel time and the preferred arrival time;receiving information in real-time from at least one user traversing at least one of the plurality of road segments relating to changes in the plurality of travel patterns;automatically updating the predicted travel time in response to changes in the plurality of travel patterns and traffic speed data;generating an updated departure time based on the updated predicted travel time; andsending an alert to a user with a recommended departure time for an on-time arrival at the destination.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating a traffic model of the plurality of road segments claim 1 , wherein the traffic model is based on the traffic speed data.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the traffic model is color-coded based on a density of traffic on each of the plurality of road segments.4. The method of ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100782A1
Принадлежит: Modular Mining Systems, Inc.

A navigation device and a method for navigation are disclosed. A display is provided and a processor is connected to the display. The processor is configured to communicate with a database. The database stores information describing a plurality of objects in a mining environment. The processor is configured to identify a heavy equipment in the database, and identify a loading envelope for the heavy equipment. The loading envelope is at least partially determined by a location of the heavy equipment. The processor is configured to display the loading envelope on the display. 1. A navigation device , comprising:a display; anda processor connected to the display, the processor being configured to communicate with a database, the database storing information describing a plurality of objects in a mining environment, the processor being configured to:identify a heavy equipment in the database;identify a loading envelope for the heavy equipment, the loading envelope being at least partially determined by a location of the heavy equipment; anddisplay the loading envelope on the display.2. The navigation device of claim 1 , wherein the loading envelope is at least partially determined by a type of the heavy equipment.3. The navigation device of claim 1 , wherein the heavy equipment includes a power shovel and the loading envelope is at least partially determined by a tail swing of the power shovel and a boom swing radius of the power shovel.4. The navigation device of claim 1 , including a display and wherein the processor is configured to depict the loading envelope on the display.5. The navigation device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to identifying a loading path to the loading envelope.6. The navigation device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to:identify a second loading envelope for the heavy equipment; andreceive, from a central application, an assignment of one of the loading envelope and the second loading envelope.7. A method claim ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003559A1

In some embodiments, a computer-based, pickup and delivery system is configured to perform a pickup/delivery route optimization and dispatch optimized route information to client applications. The optimization may include optimizing the routes for servicing multiple delivery and/or pickup stops. The optimization may also include optimizing the route navigation along the routes from one location to another. The optimized navigation may include generating a destination mapping throughout, for example, an apartment complex or a business park, and determining conveniently located parking to be used to park delivery vehicles, conveniently located staircases, conveniently located elevators, access codes to the secured gates and lockboxes, and the like. 1. A system comprising:one or more processors;a memory storing instructions which, when executed by the one or more processors, causes performance of:receiving data identifying a plurality of destinations;determining, based on information relating to the plurality of destinations, that a first destination of the plurality of destinations and a second destination of the plurality of destinations should be grouped and, in response, generating data defining a multiple-stop destination comprising the first destination, the second destination, and a first semantic waypoint;causing display, on a graphical user interface of a client computing device, of a map comprising an identifier of a third destination of the plurality of destinations and an identifier of the multiple-stop destination;receiving, through the graphical user interface, a selection of the multiple-stop destination and, in response, causing display on the map of an identifier of the first destination, the second destination, and the first semantic waypoint.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein determining that the first destination and the second destination should be grouped comprises determining that the first destination is within a threshold distance of the second ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Control Unit and Method for Operating a Driving Function at a Signalling Installation

Номер: US20210001879A1

A control unit for a vehicle is configured to detect a signalling installation ahead, wherein the signalling installation has at least one signal transmitter. The control unit is configured to ascertain digital map information indicating and/or allowing an association between the at least one signal transmitter and at least one possible direction of travel of the vehicle at the signalling installation. The control unit is further configured to operate a driving function of the vehicle on the basis of the digital map information. 117.-. (canceled)18. An apparatus for a vehicle , comprising: detect an upcoming signaling installation; wherein the signaling installation comprises at least one signal transmitter;', 'determine digital map information which indicates and/or enables an assignment of the at least one signal transmitter to at least one possible direction of travel of the vehicle at the signaling installation; and', 'operate a driving function of the vehicle on the basis of the digital map information., 'a control unit configured to19. The apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the control unit is further configured to:determine a relevant signal transmitter of the signaling installation, which is relevant to a planned direction of travel of the vehicle, on the basis of the digital map information;determine a status of the relevant signal transmitter; andoperate the driving function of the vehicle on the basis of the status of the relevant signal transmitter.20. The apparatus according to claim 19 , whereinthe vehicle comprises one or more environmental sensors which are configured to capture sensor data relating to an environment of the vehicle; andthe control unit is further configured to determine the status of the relevant signal transmitter on the basis of the sensor data.21. The apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein at least one of:the digital map information is based on sensor data relating to the signaling installation which have been captured ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001884A1

Systems, apparatuses and methods may provide for technology that generates, via a first neural network such as a grid network, a first vector representing a prediction of future behavior of an autonomous vehicle based on a current vehicle position and a vehicle velocity. The technology may also generate, via a second neural network such as an obstacle network, a second vector representing a prediction of future behavior of an external obstacle based on a current obstacle position and an obstacle velocity, and determine, via a third neural network such as a place network, a future trajectory for the vehicle based on the first vector and the second vector, the future trajectory representing a sequence of planned future behaviors for the vehicle. The technology may also issue actuation commands to navigate the autonomous vehicle based on the future trajectory for the vehicle. 1. A vehicle computing system comprising:a sensor interface to obtain data for a vehicle and data for one or more external obstacles; and generate, via a first neural network, a first vector representing a prediction of future behavior of the vehicle based on a current vehicle position and a vehicle velocity;', 'generate, via a second neural network, a second vector representing a prediction of future behavior of an external obstacle based on a current obstacle position and an obstacle velocity; and', 'determine, via a third neural network, a future trajectory for the vehicle based on the first vector and the second vector, the future trajectory representing a sequence of planned future behaviors for the vehicle., 'a processor coupled to the sensor interface, the processor including one or more substrates and logic coupled to the one or more substrates, wherein the logic is implemented at least partly in one or more of configurable logic or fixed-functionality hardware logic, the logic coupled to the one or more substrates to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first neural network comprises a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001870A1

Example on-demand driver (ODD) systems and methods are described herein. An example method includes generating, with an ODD system, a softkey for a vehicle associated with an agreement between a driver-in-need (DIN) and an ODD, monitoring, with the ODD system, a location of an ODD device carried by the ODD, and transmitting, with the ODD system, the softkey to the ODD device when the ODD device is detected as being within a proximity of the vehicle. In the example method, the softkey is used to unlock the vehicle. 1. A method comprising:generating, with an on-demand driver (ODD) system, a softkey for a vehicle associated with an agreement between a driver-in-need (DIN) and an ODD;monitoring, with the ODD system, a location of an ODD device carried by the ODD; andtransmitting, with the ODD system, the softkey to the ODD device when the ODD device is detected as being within a proximity of the vehicle, the softkey used to unlock the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the softkey includes an expiration time.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , if the expiration time has been exceed before the softkey is transmitted claim 2 , the ODD system does not transmit the softkey to the ODD device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the softkey includes an instruction to disable a feature in the vehicle.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the softkey is a first softkey claim 1 , further including:generating, with the ODD system, a second softkey; andtransmitting, with the ODD system, the second softkey to a DIN device carried by the DIN, the first softkey and the second softkey required to unlock the vehicle.6. The method of further including:determining, with the ODD system, a navigation route for the vehicle;tracking, with the ODD system, a location of the vehicle; anddetermining, with the ODD system, whether the vehicle diverts from the navigation route based on the location of the vehicle.7. The method of further including transmitting claim 6 , with the ODD ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous Vehicle Routing and Navigation Using Passenger Docking Locations

Номер: US20170003687A1
Принадлежит: Nissan North America Inc

A method and apparatus for autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations are disclosed. Autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations may include an autonomous vehicle identifying map information representing a vehicle transportation network, the vehicle transportation network including a primary destination and a docking location, wherein identifying the map information includes identifying the map information such that the map information includes docking location information representing the docking location. The autonomous vehicle may identify the docking location as a target docking location for the primary destination based on the map information, generate, based on the map information, route information representing a route for the autonomous vehicle to traverse the vehicle transportation network from an origin in the vehicle transportation network to the target docking location, and traverse the vehicle transportation network from the origin to the target docking location in accordance with the route information.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Incident response analytic maps

Номер: US20180003513A1
Принадлежит: WHP Workflow Solutions Inc

Analytic maps may be used to develop and refine law enforcement strategies. Initially, the data assets and associated telemetry information of media recording devices may be stored in a primary database. The data assets include an audio recording, a video recording, or a multimedia recording. The associated telemetry information includes geolocations of the media recording devices at multiple times. References to the data assets and duplicate of the associated telemetry information are stored in a secondary database, in which the secondary database may provide faster data read speed than the primary database. Pre-calculations are performed based at least on the telemetry information as stored in the secondary database according to one or more mapping parameters to generate multiple sets of pre-calculated data. A set of pre-calculated data is then sent for presentation on an analytic map of a dashboard displayed on a remote computing device.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003514A1

A method and apparatus for recommending a route. The route recommending method includes obtaining user's current body information; obtaining geographic information from a current position to a destination; and determining a recommended route to the destination on the basis of the body information and the geographic information. 1. A route recommending apparatus comprising:a geographic information obtaining unit for obtaining geographic information related to a plurality of routes used to reach a destination;a body information obtaining unit for obtaining physical information of a user;a route determining unit for generating a new route for the user based on the geographic information, the physical information, and user profile information which comprises at least one of past body information of the user, workout history of the user, a medical record of the user, and a preferred route record of the user; anda user interface for displaying the new route,wherein the route recommending apparatus includes electrical circuitry for communicating with the geographic information obtaining unit, the body information obtaining unit, the route determining unit, and the user interface.2. The route recommending apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a guiding unit for guiding the user,wherein the a route determining unit is further configured to generate a plurality of candidate routes including the new route based on the physical information, the user profile information, and the geographic information,wherein the user interface is further configured to display the plurality of candidate routes, to receive a user input for selecting a route among the plurality of candidate routes, andwherein the guiding unit guides the user along the selected route.3. The route recommending apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a guiding unit for guiding the user along the generated new route,wherein the route determining unit is further configured to provide a notice of the generated new ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Self-localization estimation device

Номер: US20200003567A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A self-localization estimation unit of a self-localization estimation device determines, based on mutual relationships between the in-lane position and the absolute position including the error, whether there is lane-relevant candidate information, the lane-relevant candidate information representing that one or more in-vehicle positions are each estimated to be in which of lanes identified by the lane information; and estimates, based on a result of the determination of whether there is lane-relevant candidate information, a localization of the own vehicle corresponding to the map information.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Position estimation apparatus

Номер: US20220009552A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Clarion Electronics Co Ltd

A position estimation apparatus includes: an image information calculation unit that extracts each of image feature points from a plurality of images which are sequentially captured and associates the image feature points with each other between the plurality of images; a travel amount calculation unit that estimates the position of the mobile object; a three-dimensional image feature point calculation unit that estimates a three-dimensional position of the image feature point in a real space on the basis of a result of associating the image feature points with each other and the position of the mobile object; a position correction unit that corrects the three-dimensional position and the position of the mobile object so as to reduce a position error between a position of the three-dimensional position, when the three-dimensional position is reprojected onto any one of the plurality of images, in the relevant image and the image feature point; a route regeneration judgment unit that judges whether or not to regenerate the route on the basis of a result of comparison between the corrected position of the mobile object and the route.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003407A1

An information processing apparatus includes a processor configured to receive, from a terminal, information about a departure place or a current position and information about a destination; based on field strength map information indicating a distribution of field strength in a first communication system, acquire a route from the departure place or the current position to the destination, of which communication quality in the first communication system satisfies a predetermined criterion; and send information about the acquired route to the terminal.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003408A1
Автор: Nakamura Toru

A controller in a vehicle includes an obtaining unit that obtains facility information on a charging facility that can charge a power storage mounted on the vehicle, the facility information including position information and utility information in association with each other, the position information indicating a position of the charging facility, the utility information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility. The controller further includes at least one of a first notification unit and a second notification unit. The first notification unit causes a notification apparatus to give first information that indicates an electric utility, by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit. The second notification unit causes the notification apparatus to give second information that indicates a position of a charging facility, by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit. 1. A vehicle comprising:a power storage that stores electric power for traveling; anda controller that controls a notification apparatus that gives a notification to a user,the controller including an obtaining unit that obtains facility information on a charging facility that charges the power storage,the facility information including position information and utility information in association with each other, the position information indicating a position of the charging facility, the utility information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility, the first notification unit causing the notification apparatus to give first information by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit, the first information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility located at a prescribed position,', 'the second notification unit causing the notification apparatus to give second information by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit, the second information indicating a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Transport Navigation System and Transport Navigation Method

Номер: US20210003409A1

When input information including starting point information and destination information are input, this transport navigation system searches for a route for traveling from the starting point to the destination by a train of a transportation means on the basis of the input information, and outputs travel route information about the travel route obtained. The transport navigation system includes: a storage unit which stores the input information, an actual timetable including actual operation of the train, and a software program; and a CPU which executes the software program with reference to the input information and the actual timetable. The CPU calculates, on the basis of the actual timetable and the input information, the travel route from the starting point to the destination and a statistical amount about a travel time according to the travel route, and generate travel route information on the basis of the travel route and the statistical amount. 112.-. (canceled)13. A transport navigation system , which , upon input information including information on a starting point and information on destination being input , searches , on the basis of the input information , for a travel route to travel from the starting point to the destination by a transportation means including a train , and which outputs travel route information relating to the travel route that has been obtained , the transport navigation system comprising:the input information;an actual timetable, according to which the transportation means has actually operated; anda statistical information computing unit, whereinthe statistical information computing unit is configured, by using the actual timetable and the input information, to calculate a travel route from the starting point to the destination and a statistical amount about a travel time according to the travel route, and generate the travel route information using the travel route and the statistical amount.14. The transport navigation system ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Affecting Functions of a Vehicle Based on Function-Related Information about its Environment

Номер: US20180004210A1
Принадлежит: Nutonomy Inc

Among other things, information is received about a function-related feature of an environment of a vehicle that has been identified in connection with a location of the vehicle. Execution of a function of the vehicle is affected to alter performance characteristics of the function based on the identified function-related feature.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004211A1

A system for determining and executing an autonomous-vehicle vehicle travel route, including a hardware-based processing unit and a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium. The storage medium includes an input-interface module that, when executed by the hardware-based processing unit, obtains factor data indicating factors relevant to determining a vehicle travel route. The storage medium also includes a route-generation module comprising a route-complexity sub-module. The route-complexity sub-module determines, based on the factor data, route-complexity indexes corresponding to respective optional routes. The route-generation module determines the vehicle travel route based on the route-complexity indexes. The storage in various embodiments includes other sub-modules associated with other elements, such as autonomous-driving safety, comfort, stress, pollution, scenery, or infrastructure-accessibility, for determining and executing an autonomous-driving travel route. In some embodiments, the storage includes an autonomous-driving perceptions module and an autonomous-driving control module for modifying vehicle functions in executing the autonomous-driving travel route. 1. A system comprising:a hardware-based processing unit; and an input-interface module that, when executed by the hardware-based processing unit, obtains factor data indicating one or more factors relevant to determining a vehicle travel route; and', the route-complexity sub-module, when executed by the hardware-based processing unit, determines, based on the factor data, one or more route-complexity indexes corresponding to one or more respective optional routes; and', 'the route-generation module, when executed by the hardware-based processing unit, determines the vehicle travel route based on at least the route-complexity indexes., 'a route-generation module comprising a route-complexity sub-module, wherein], 'a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium comprising2. The system of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Goal-Directed Occupancy Prediction for Autonomous Driving

Номер: US20210004012A1

An autonomous vehicle can obtain state data associated with an object in an environment, obtain map data including information associated with spatial relationships between at least a subset of lanes of a road network, and determine a set of candidate paths that the object may follow in the environment based at least in part on the spatial relationships between at least two lanes of the road network. Each candidate path can include a respective set of spatial cells. The autonomous vehicle can determine, for each candidate path, a predicted occupancy for each spatial cell of the respective set of spatial cells of such candidate path during at least a portion of a prediction time horizon. The autonomous vehicle can generate prediction data associated with the object based at least in part on the predicted occupancy for each spatial cell of the respective set of spatial cells for at least one candidate path. 1. A computer-implemented method of object prediction for autonomous driving , the method comprising:obtaining, by a computing system comprising one or more computing devices and based at least in part on sensor data associated with a set of sensors of an autonomous vehicle, state data associated with an object in an environment external to the autonomous vehicle;obtaining, by the computing system, map data including information associated with spatial relationships between at least a subset of lanes of a road network associated with the environment;determining, by the computing system, a set of candidate paths that the object may follow in the environment based at least in part on the spatial relationships between at least two lanes of the road network, wherein each candidate path includes a respective set of spatial cells;determining, by the computing system for each candidate path of the set of candidate paths, a predicted occupancy for each spatial cell of the respective set of spatial cells of such candidate path during at least a portion of a prediction time ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004023A1
Автор: WAKAYAMA Hisaya
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A self-propelled device includes a host device movement vector acquisition unit that is configured to acquire a host device movement vector including a movement speed of the self-propelled device and a distance information acquisition unit that is configured to acquire nearby device distance information including a distance and a direction to the self-propelled device for each of nearby devices located near the self-propelled device. The self-propelled device further includes a nearby device movement vector acquisition unit that is configured to acquire a nearby device movement vector including a movement speed and a movement direction of each of the nearby devices for each of the nearby devices and a determination unit that is configured to determine whether a group movement is possible or not for each of the nearby devices based on the nearby device distance information, the host device movement vector and the nearby device movement vector. 1. A self-propelled device comprising:a memory configured to store instructions; anda processor configured to execute the instructions to:acquire a host device movement vector including a movement speed of the self-propelled device;acquire nearby device distance information including a distance and a direction to the self-propelled device for each of nearby devices located near the self-propelled device;acquire a nearby device movement vector including a movement speed and a movement direction of each of the nearby devices for each of the nearby devices; anddetermine whether a group movement is possible or not for each of the nearby devices based on the nearby device distance information, the host device movement vector and the nearby device movement vector.2. The self-propelled device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to execute the instructions claim 1 , when the processor determines that a group movement of a nearby device group constituted by one or more of the nearby devices is possible ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic Routing For Autonomous Vehicles

Номер: US20190004527A1
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

A route for a trip to a destination is generated using map information. A set of no-go roadway segments, where the vehicle is not able to drive in an autonomous mode, relevant to the route from the plurality of no-go roadway segments is identified from the map information. A local region around a current location of the vehicle is determined. A local map region including roadway segments of the map information that correspond to locations within the local region is determined. The set of the plurality of no-go roadway segments is filtered from the roadway segments of the local map region. A cost value is assigned to each roadway segment of the filtered roadway segments of the local map region. Any assigned cost values are used to determining a plan for maneuvering the vehicle for a predetermined period into the future. The vehicle is maneuvered according to the plan.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Intelligent Stereo Garage System Based On Internet+ And Vehicle Parking And Pickup Methods

Номер: US20210004729A1

An intelligent stereo garage system based on Internet+ and a vehicle parking and pick-up method. The system includes a mobile APP (), a cloud server (), a computer system (), a programmable logic controller (PLC) system (), a stereo garage (), and an all-in-one touch machine (), where the all-in-one touch machine () is deployed next to the stereo garage (), and the computer system () is deployed outside or inside the stereo garage (). A fully-automatic parking method uses different parking and pick-up modes, which technically ensures that users can get their vehicles in time without hindering other users, and allows users to truly experience the system intelligence. This deeply embodies the smart city's idea of interconnecting everything with a mobile phone. The method largely solves problems such as parking difficulty, illegal parking, unauthorized charges, traffic jams, traffic noise, traffic accidents, and vehicle pollution. 1. An intelligent stereo garage system based on Internet+ , comprising: a mobile APP , a cloud server , a computer system , a programmable logic controller (PLC) system , a stereo garage , and an all-in-one touch machine , wherein the all-in-one touch machine is deployed next to the stereo garage , and the computer system is deployed outside or inside the stereo garage;the mobile APP is used to search for a stereo garage with free parking spaces, send a command to the cloud server, and receive parking information sent by the cloud server, comprising owner and vehicle information, a request for querying remaining parking spaces, and reserved parking time;the cloud server is configured to receive the information sent by the mobile APP and send the reserved parking time information to the computer system; host a database, receive the parking information sent by the computer system, automatically generate a pick-up account, a password, and a quick response (QR) code, and send them to the mobile APP for a user to pick up the vehicle; receive a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017115A1

A system provides to a vehicle approaching an intersection information about objects of interest that are in a vicinity of the intersection. The system includes a remote server system that receives, from each node of a network of nodes at various intersections, augmented perception data (APD) representing a set of objects of interest that are proximate the intersection the node is located. The APD is extracted from images captured by a node vision system. The remote server system receives a query from the vehicle for APD associated with an imminent path of a planned route of the vehicle. The remote server system searches for resultant APD associated with the path and communicates the resultant APD to the vehicle. The objects of interest associated with an imminent intersection and objects of interest captured by the vehicle are fused together to control navigation of the vehicle through the imminent intersection. 1. A system for providing to a vehicle approaching an intersection information about objects of interest that are in a vicinity of the intersection , the system comprising: receive, from each node of a network of nodes that are located at various intersections of a traffic control system, augmented perception data that is representative of a set of objects of interest that are proximate the intersection at which the node is located, wherein the augmented perception data is extracted from images captured by a node vision system of the node,', 'receive, via a wireless communication network, a query from the vehicle for the augmented perception data associated with an imminent path of a planned route associated with the vehicle, the imminent path including an imminent intersection,', 'search the received augmented perception data for resultant augmented perception data associated with the imminent path, and', 'communicate, via the wireless communication network, the resultant augmented perception data associated with the imminent path to the vehicle so that ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024485A1
Принадлежит: SafeAI, Inc.

The present disclosure relates generally to identification of drivable surfaces in connection with autonomously performing various tasks at industrial work sites and, more particularly, to techniques for distinguishing drivable surfaces from non-drivable surfaces based on sensor data. A framework for the identification of drivable surfaces is provided for an autonomous machine to facilitate it to autonomously detect the presence of a drivable surface and to estimate, based on sensor data, attributes of the drivable surface such as road condition, road curvature, degree of inclination or declination, and the like. In certain embodiments, at least one camera image is processed to extract a set features from which surfaces and objects in a physical environment are identified, and to generate additional images for further processing. The additional images are combined with a 3D representation, derived from LIDAR or radar data, to generate an output representation indicating a drivable surface. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a controller system of an autonomous vehicle, sensor data from a plurality of sensors, the sensor data comprising at least one camera image of a physical environment and a first three-dimensional (3D) representation of the physical environment;extracting, by the controller system, a set of features from the at least one camera image, the extracting comprising inputting the at least one camera image to a neural network trained to infer values of the set of features from image data;estimating, by the controller system and using the values of the set of features, depths of different locations in the physical environment;generating, by the controller system, a depth image based on the estimated depths;identifying, by the controller system and using the values of the set of features, boundaries of surfaces in the physical environment;generating, by the controller system, a segmented image, the segmented image being divided into different regions, ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Centralized Shared Autonomous Vehicle Operational Management

Номер: US20210009154A1

Centralized shared scenario-specific operational control management includes receiving, at a centralized shared scenario-specific operational control management device, shared scenario-specific operational control management input data, from an autonomous vehicle, validating the shared scenario-specific operational control management input data, identifying a current distinct vehicle operational scenario based on the shared scenario-specific operational control management input data, generating shared scenario-specific operational control management output data based on the current distinct vehicle operational scenario, and transmitting the shared scenario-specific operational control management output data. 1. A method for use in centralized shared scenario-specific operational control management , the method comprising: receiving shared scenario-specific operational control management input data, from an autonomous vehicle;', 'validating the shared scenario-specific operational control management input data;', 'identifying a current distinct vehicle operational scenario based on the shared scenario-specific operational control management input data;', 'generating shared scenario-specific operational control management output data based on the current distinct vehicle operational scenario; and', 'transmitting the shared scenario-specific operational control management output data., 'performing centralized shared scenario-specific operational control management by a centralized shared scenario-specific operational control management device, wherein centralized shared scenario-specific operational control management includes2. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the current distinct vehicle operational scenario includes:in response to a determination that the shared scenario-specific operational control management input data omits a route and includes an origin identifier and a destination identifier, wherein the origin identifier indicates an origin location ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009155A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

An unmanned vehicle control system includes: a travel condition data acquisition unit that acquires travel condition data specifying a travel condition of an unmanned vehicle, the travel condition data including a target travel speed and a target azimuth of the unmanned vehicle at each of a plurality of travel points; a travel condition change unit that outputs a change command to change the travel condition specified by the travel condition data based on a difference in the target azimuth among the plurality of travel points; and a travel control unit that outputs a control command to control traveling of the unmanned vehicle based on the change command. 1. An unmanned vehicle control system comprising:a travel condition data acquisition unit that acquires travel condition data specifying a travel condition of an unmanned vehicle, the travel condition data including a target travel speed and a target azimuth of the unmanned vehicle at each of a plurality of travel points;a travel condition change unit that outputs a change command to change the travel condition specified by the travel condition data based on a difference in the target azimuth among the plurality of travel points; anda travel control unit that outputs a control command to control traveling of the unmanned vehicle based on the change command.2. The unmanned vehicle control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe travel condition change unit outputs the change command when the difference in the target azimuth is equal to or larger than a threshold, andthe travel control unit outputs the control command such that the unmanned vehicle travels based on the travel condition data when the difference in the target azimuth is smaller than the threshold.3. The unmanned vehicle control system according to claim 2 , further comprisinga threshold change unit that changes the threshold based on the target travel speed, whereinthe travel condition change unit outputs the change command based on the threshold ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Method, Machine Readable Medium, Device, and Vehicle For Determining a Route Connecting a Plurality of Destinations in a Road Network, Method, Machine Readable Medium, and Device For Training a Machine Learning Module

Номер: US20220026222A1
Автор: Jilei Tian, YANG Cao
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

Embodiments provide a method, a machine readable medium, a device and a vehicle for determining a route connecting a plurality of destinations in a road network, and a method, a machine readable medium and a device for training a machine learning module for determining a route connecting a plurality of destinations in a road network. The method for determining a route connecting a plurality of destinations in a road network comprises receiving input information, which comprises information on distances between the plurality of destinations in the road network. The method further comprises inputting the input information on the distances into a trained machine learning module and providing output information on the route connecting the plurality of destinations based on an output of the trained machine learning module.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Crowd sourcing data for autonomous vehicle navigation

Номер: US20170010106A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A method of processing vehicle navigation information for use in autonomous vehicle navigation is provided. The method includes receiving, by a server, navigation information from a plurality of vehicles. The navigation information from the plurality of vehicles is associated with a common road segment. The method also includes storing, by the server, the navigation information associated with the common road segment. The method also includes generating, by the server, at least a portion of an autonomous vehicle road navigation model for the common road segment based on the navigation information from the plurality of vehicles. The method further includes distributing, by the server, the autonomous vehicle road navigation model to one or more autonomous vehicles for use in autonomously navigating the one or more autonomous vehicles along the common road segment.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for identifying landmarks

Номер: US20170010120A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A system for identifying a landmark for use in autonomous vehicle navigation is provided. The system includes at least one processor programmed to receive at least one identifier associated with the landmark; associate the landmark with a corresponding road segment; update an autonomous vehicle road navigation model relative to the corresponding road segment to include the at least one identifier associated with the landmark; and distribute the updated autonomous vehicle road navigation model to a plurality of autonomous vehicles. The at least one identifier is determined based on acquisition, from a camera associated with a host vehicle, of at least one image representative of an environment of the host vehicle; analysis of the at least one image to identify the landmark in the environment of the host vehicle; and analysis of the at least one image to determine the at least one identifier associated with the landmark.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009778A1

Methods, devices and apparatuses pertaining to U-turn assistance. The method may include obtaining, by a computing device, geographic obtaining of a location designated for an operation of a U-turn. The computing device may further obtain vehicle information of a vehicle performing the U-turn, and collect user information of an operator of the vehicle. Based on the geographic information, the vehicle information and the user information, the computing device may determine a level of difficulty of the U-turn and assist the operator with the operation of the U-turn based on the level of difficulty. 1. A method comprising:obtaining geographic information of a location designated for an operation of a U-turn;obtaining vehicle information of a vehicle performing the U-turn;collecting user information of an operator of the vehicle;determining a level of difficulty of the U-turn based on the geographic information, the vehicle information and the user information; andassisting the operator with the operation of the U-turn based on the level of difficulty.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtaining of the geographic information of the location comprises obtaining the geographic information of the location using a free space sensing technique and a motion planning technique.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtaining of the geographic information of the location comprising:generating a feasible path of the U-turn at the location based on the vehicle information and the geographic information;identifying one or more obstructions in the feasible path; andcollecting information of an oncoming traffic at the location to identify one or more potential collisions associated with the feasible path.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the identifying of the one or more obstructions in the feasible path comprises identifying the one or more obstructions in the feasible path using one or more sensors attached to the vehicle claim 3 , pre-stored geographic information ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle tail alignment navigation

Номер: US20170010614A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A system for navigating an autonomous vehicle along a road segment is disclosed. The system may have at least one processor. The processor may be programmed to receive from an image capture device, images representative of an environment of the autonomous vehicle. The processor may also be programmed to determine a travelled trajectory along the road segment based on analysis of the images. Further, the processor may be programmed to determine a current location of the autonomous vehicle along a predetermined road model trajectory based on analysis of one or more of the plurality of images. The processor may also be programmed to determine a heading direction based on the determined traveled trajectory. In addition, the processor may be programmed to determine a steering direction, relative to the heading direction, by comparing the traveled trajectory to the predetermined road model trajectory at the current location of the autonomous vehicle.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Sparse map for autonomous vehicle navigation

Номер: US20170010616A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

A non-transitory computer-readable medium is provided. The computer-readable medium includes a sparse map for autonomous vehicle navigation along a road segment. The sparse map includes a polynomial representation of a target trajectory for the autonomous vehicle along the road segment, and a plurality of predetermined landmarks associated with the road segment. The plurality of predetermined landmarks are spaced apart by at least 50 meters, and the sparse map has a data density of no more than 1 megabyte per kilometer.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Self-aware system for adaptive navigation

Номер: US20170010618A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

Systems and methods are provided for self-aware adaptive navigation. In one implementation, a navigation system for a vehicle may include at least one processor. The at least one processor may be programmed to determine a navigational maneuver for the vehicle based, at least in part, on a comparison of a motion of the vehicle with respect to a predetermined model representative of a road segment. The at least one processor may be further programmed to receive, from a camera, at least one image representative of an environment of the vehicle. The at least one processor may be further programmed to determine, based on analysis of the at least one image, an existence in the environment of the vehicle of an navigational adjustment condition, cause the vehicle to adjust the navigational maneuver based on the existence of the navigational adjustment condition, and store information relating to the navigational adjustment condition.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012212A1

Provided is an electric bus and an electric bus battery exchange system. The electric bus according to the present invention includes: a battery exchange hole disposed on top of the electric bus for exchanging a discharged battery for a charged battery; a front camera unit taking front images in the process of entering the battery exchange station for battery exchange; a communication unit for receiving position information of the battery exchange unit from the battery exchange station; a route output unit outputting a predicted driving route for reaching a swapping point below the battery exchange unit based on the front images taken by the front camera unit and the position information of the battery exchange unit; and a display unit displaying the predicted driving route outputted by the route output unit, superimposed on the front images taken by the front camera unit. 1. An electric bus battery exchange system comprising:a battery exchange station exchanging a discharged battery for a charged battery and comprising a battery exchange unit and a position-information providing unit, wherein the battery exchange unit is projected out to be connected with a battery exchange hole positioned on top of the electric bus, and wherein the position-information providing unit provides position information of the battery exchange unit to the electric bus; andan electric bus taking front images in the process of entering the battery exchange station for battery exchange, and outputting a predicted driving route for reaching a swapping point below the battery exchange unit based on the front images and the position information of the battery exchange unit.2. The electric bus battery exchange system of claim 1 ,wherein the battery exchange station comprises the plurality of battery exchange units, and further comprises an exchange-position allocation unit selecting among the plurality of battery exchange units and allocating selected battery exchange unit to the electric bus ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010816A1

A method and platform for improving one or more commutes comprises gathering data about at least one user's commute, wherein the data pertains to the at least one user utilizing one or more resources; analyzing one or more alternate types of commutes available to the at least one user; determining an inventory level of the one or more resources, generating, based on the data, the analysis of the one or more alternate types of commutes available, and the inventory level of the one or more resources, one or more recommendations about the at least one user. 1. A method for improving one or more commutes , the method comprising: 'wherein the data pertains to the at least one user utilizing one or more resources:', "gathering data about at least one user's commute,"}analyzing one or more alternate types of commutes available to the at least one user;determining an inventory level of the one or more resources; andgenerating, based on the data, the analysis of the one or more alternate types of commutes available, and the inventory level of the one or more resources, one or more recommendations about the at least one user.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data further pertains to one or more preferences of the at least one user.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:creating a commuter score based on the data and the analysis of the one or more alternate types of commutes available, wherein the commuter score comprises a numerical value.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more recommendations comprise one or more recommendations related to working from home.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one resource comprises one or more of:a parking space;physical office space; anda desk.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more recommendations comprises a plurality of subscription plans that allocate the one or more resources to the at least one user.7. A platform for improving one or more commutes claim 1 , the platform comprising:a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for Obtaining an Orientation of at Least One Section of a Felled Tree and Forestry System for Obtaining an Orientation of at Least One Section of a Felled Tree

Номер: US20190011270A1

A method obtains an orientation of at least one section of a felled tree. The method includes the steps of: treating the at least one section of the felled tree; identifying an alignment and/or a position during the treatment; obtaining orientation information related to the orientation of the at least one section of the felled tree based on the identified alignment and/or the identified position; and outputting the obtained orientation information. 1. A method for obtaining an orientation of at least one section of a felled tree , the method comprising the steps of:a) treating the at least one section of the felled tree;b) identifying an alignment and/or a position during the treatment;c) obtaining orientation information related to the orientation of the at least one section of the felled tree based on the identified alignment and/or the identified position; andd) outputting the obtained orientation information.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin step a), the at least one section of the felled tree is treated using a forestry treatment apparatus, andin step b), the alignment and/or the position of the forestry treatment apparatus is identified.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising the step of:identifying an operation of the forestry treatment apparatus, whereinin step b), the alignment and/or the position is identified as a function of the identified operation.4. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin step b), a plurality of positions are identified, andin step c), the orientation information related to the orientation of the at least one section of the felled tree is obtained based on the plurality of identified positions.5. The method according to claim 4 , whereinin step c), the orientation information is obtained using a regression analysis of the identified positions.6. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe orientation information is a cardinal direction of the at least one section of the felled tree, orthe orientation ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010821A1

A method, computer system, and a computer program product for providing a personalized anxiety-reducing navigation system for a user utilizing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is provided. The present invention may include detecting a current location of the user. The present invention may then include, in response to detecting the current location of the user is beyond a comfort boundary threshold, determining a stress state of the user. The present invention may also activate an AR system. The present invention may further, in response to determining the determined stress state of the user is high, activate a VR system. 1. A method for providing a personalized anxiety-reducing navigation system for a user utilizing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) , the method comprising:detecting a current location of the user;in response to detecting the current location of the user is beyond a comfort boundary threshold, determining a stress state of the user;activating an AR system; andin response to determining that the stress state of the user is high, obtaining a three-dimensional historical representation of the detected current location of the user and superimposing the obtained three-dimensional historical representation of the detected current location onto a visual field associated with the user by utilizing VR.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting the current location of the user claim 1 , further comprises:obtaining a piece of feedback data from at least one biometric device and at least one Internet of Things (IoT) sensor.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining the comfort boundary threshold based on a history of interactions and a plurality of workflow experiments between the user and a caregiver associated with user.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein activating the AR system claim 1 , further comprises:alerting a caregiver associated with the user;superimposing a plurality of historical images on a visual ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for Assisting During Felling of a Tree, and System for Assisting During Felling of a Tree

Номер: US20190011271A1

A method assists during felling of a tree. The method includes the steps of: providing a property of the tree and/or a property of an environment of the tree; obtaining felling information related to an ideal felling direction of the tree based on the provided property; and outputting the obtained felling information. 1. A method for assisting during felling of a tree , the method comprising the steps of:a) providing a property of the tree and/or a property of an environment of the tree;b) obtaining felling information related to an ideal felling direction of the tree based on the provided property; andc) outputting the obtained felling information.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe step a) includes: receiving the property.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising the step of:obtaining a position and/or a marking of the tree, whereinthe step a) includes: receiving the property based on the obtained position and/or the obtained marking.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the step a) includes: identifying the property using optical identification, inertial measurement, a spirit level, a compass, local position determination, and/or satellite position determination.5. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe property of the tree is one or more of a geometry of the tree, a surface characteristic of the tree or a tree species of the tree, and/orthe property of the environment of the tree includes at least one position of at least one adjacent tree, at least one position of at least one hazardous point, at least one position of at least one logging trail, a shape and/or a slope of the environment, a wind direction, and/or a wind speed.6. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe step b) includes: obtaining a free felling area for the tree, a logging direction to a logging trail and/or a felling retreat for a forestry worker based on the provided property, andthe felling information related to the ideal felling direction ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011272A1

A method, computer system, and computer readable product for trajectory data compression are disclosed. In embodiments, the method comprises generating spatial data for one or more moving objects; projecting the data onto a network comprised of a plurality of trajectories, the network constraining movement of the one or more moving objects; and storing the projected data in a data store. In embodiments of the invention, the method further comprises translating updates and queries to the spatial data, using specified data of the network, into links to the data store, and using the links to update and query the data store. In embodiments of the invention, the specified data of the network are stored in a network store. In embodiments of the invention, each of the trajectories includes one or more sub-trajectories, and the projecting the spatial data onto a network includes projecting the spatial data onto the sub-trajectories. 1. A computer-implemented method of trajectory data compression comprising:generating, in a computer processor system, spatial data for one or more moving objects;projecting, by the computer processor system, the spatial data onto a network comprised of a plurality of defined trajectories, the network constraining movement of the one or more moving objects to the defined trajectories; 'for each of the one or more moving objects, storing in a spatial data table, an identification of the each moving object, and a link to one of the trajectories on which said each moving object moves;', 'storing, by the computer processor system, the projected spatial data in a spatial data store, including,'} 'for each of the one or more moving objects, storing a time series data set in a time series table, the time series data set including an identification of the each moving object, a time value identifying a time, and position data identifying a position of the each moving object at said time; and', 'storing, by the computer processor system, time series data ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Generating Parking Routes

Номер: US20210010824A1

A method of determining a parking route for a vehicle travelling on a road network within a geographic area is disclosed. A sub-network is determined comprising a subset of segments of an electronic map that are representative of roads within a predetermined walking time or distance of a destination location. Data indicative of a walking time or distance from the segment to the destination location is associated, at least with the segments of the sub-network representing roads having at least one associated parking space. A search algorithm having an associated cost function is used to explore the segments of the sub-network from an origin location to identify a plurality of candidate parking routes, wherein the cost for a given parking route is based on the probability of the vehicle successfully finding a parking space on the parking route and the expected cumulative travel and walking time or distance to the destination location should a parking space be found along the parking route.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Venue Routing Based on Map Feature Relationships

Номер: US20200011677A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

In some implementations, a computing device can generate navigation instructions based on map data that defines the relationships between map features within a venue. For example, a relationship can define constraints that may affect the route generated between map features. The constraints can include directional constraints, time-based constraints, and/or security-based constraints on the user's ability to move between the related map features for which a relationship is defined. A relationship can define one or more intermediary map features through which a user will have to navigate in order to move between map features. The intermediary map feature(s) may have characteristics or constraints that may determine whether a user can be routed through the associated map features. The route generated by the computing device can be based on the relationship definitions generated for map features between a starting location and an ending location associated with the venue. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a computing device, venue map data that defines relationships between origin map features and destination map features associated with a venue, the relationships including one or more constraints on travel between the origin map features and the destination map features;receiving, by the computing device, a routing request for navigating within the venue, the routing request including a starting location and an ending location;generating, by the computing device, a route through the venue from the starting location to the ending location based on relationships defined by the venue map data, including at least one relationship constraint; andcausing, by the computing device, the route to be presented on a display of a user device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the venue map data defines a particular relationship between a particular origin map feature and a particular destination map feature claim 1 , and further comprising:determining that the particular ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Driverless Vehicle Movement Processing and Cloud Systems

Номер: US20180012497A1
Принадлежит: Emerging Automotive LLC

A system for navigating a vehicle automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator is provided. The system of the vehicle includes a global positioning system (GPS) for identifying a vehicle location and a communications system for communicating with a server of a cloud system. The server is configured to identify that the vehicle location is near or at a parking location. The communications system is configured to receive mapping data for the parking location from the server, and the mapping data is at least in part used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical object when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location. The mapping data is processed by electronics of the vehicle so that when the vehicle is automatically moved collision with the at least one physical object is avoided and the electronics of the vehicle is configured to process a combination of sensor data obtained by sensors of the vehicle. The processing of the sensor data uses image data obtained from one or more cameras and light data obtained from one or more optical sensors.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014220A1

According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, an information searching system may automatically analyze the location of food trucks located near a user based on location information, allowing the user to easily select a food truck. 1. A food truck and user searching system using location information , comprising:a location tracking unit tracking a current location of a user and a current location of a food truck using a communication terminal;a location displaying unit displaying the current location of the user and the current location of the food truck based on location information obtained through the location tracking unit;a messaging unit computing a distance between the user and the food truck, and when the distance is within a predetermined distance, sending a notification message;a travel route and travel means providing unit providing a travel route and a travel means based on the location information between the user and the food truck; anda schedule storage unit storing a schedule of the food truck, wherein a location of a food truck located within a distance preset by the user based on the current location of the user is displayed, and a notification message is sent, and wherein when there is a food truck predicted to come within the distance preset by the user based on the current location of the user based on the schedule stored in the schedule storage unit, a notification message is sent.2. The food truck and user searching system of claim 1 , wherein the location displaying unit searches and displays the current location of the user to an owner of the food truck based on the current location of the food truck.3. The food truck and user searching system of claim 1 , further comprising a food truck preference storage unit storing an evaluation point of the food truck claim 1 , wherein information on an evaluation point of the food truck evaluated by the user is stored in the food truck preference storage unit.4. The food truck and user ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032954A1
Автор: Guan Yuxin, Xu Jingwei

A method includes determining identification information of a vehicle entering a space within a structure or building. The method also includes determining an expected route of the vehicle within the space. The method also includes determining venue map data corresponding to the expected route, the venue map data indicating one or more safety devices disposed at one or more locations along or near the expected route. The method also includes repeatedly tracking a current location of the vehicle as the vehicle moves within the space. The method also includes in response to determining that the vehicle is in proximity to a first safety device of the one or more safety devices, instructing the first safety device to emit an alert. 1. A method comprising:determining identification information of a vehicle entering a space within a structure or a building;determining an expected route of the vehicle within the space;determining venue map data corresponding to the expected route, the venue map data indicating one or more safety devices disposed at one or more locations along or near the expected route;repeatedly tracking a current location of the vehicle as the vehicle moves within the space; andin response to determining that the vehicle is in proximity to a first safety device of the one or more safety devices, instructing the first safety device to emit an alert.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is an autonomous vehicle claim 1 , the method further comprising:transmitting the venue map data to the autonomous vehicle, the venue map data configured to assist an autonomous driving operation of the autonomous vehicle.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the autonomous driving operation of the autonomous vehicle is enabled or disabled based on a determination that the autonomous vehicle is about to collide with an object or a person.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the venue map data comprises:identifying the venue map data based on location ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032957A1

Systems and methods of model or prediction algorithm selection are provided. An autonomous control system may include a perception component that, based on environmental inputs regarding an object(s), a vehicle's operating characteristics, etc., outputs a current state of the vehicle's surrounding environment. This in turn, is used as input to a prediction component comprising a plurality of prediction algorithms. The prediction component outputs a set of predictions regarding the trajectory of the object(s). Accordingly, for each object, a set of trajectories at specific timesteps may be generated by the different prediction algorithms which are input to a planner component. These trajectories may then be analyzed, compared, or otherwise processed to determine which trajectory regarding the object is most accurate. The prediction algorithm or model that produced the most accurate predicted trajectory may then be used for subsequent predictions/timesteps. 1. A vehicle comprising:an autonomous control system adapted to provide one or more commands to autonomously control one or more systems of the vehicle; apply a plurality of prediction algorithms to a state of an object generating a plurality of predictions regarding object trajectory;', 'determine which of the plurality of prediction algorithms generates a most accurate prediction of the plurality of predictions regarding trajectory of the object; and, 'an obstacle recognition unit adapted toa navigation plan generation unit adapted to generate a navigation plan based on the most accurate prediction of the plurality of predictions regarding the trajectory of the object and according to which, the vehicle is autonomously controlled.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein to determine which of the plurality of prediction algorithms generates a most accurate prediction claim 1 , the obstacle recognition unit predicts a position of the object at a first timestep using each of the plurality of prediction algorithms.3. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034664A1

A device may receive application data associated with transaction applications of client devices and transaction card data associated with transaction cards. The device may receive geographical data identifying a geographical area associated with users of the client devices and the transaction cards. The device may determine, based on the application data, the transaction card data, and the geographical data, location data identifying geographical locations of the users in the geographical area. The device may determine, based on the location data, quantity data identifying quantities of the users located on multiple paths of the geographical area. The device may process the geographical data, the location data, and the quantity data, with a machine learning model, to identify a path with less than a threshold quantity of users in the geographical area. The device may perform one or more actions based on the path. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by a device, application data associated with transaction applications of client devices and transaction card data associated with transaction cards;receiving, by the device, geographical data identifying a geographical area associated with users of the client devices and the transaction cards;determining, by the device and based on the application data, the transaction card data, and the geographical data, location data identifying geographical locations of the users in the geographical area;determining, by the device and based on the location data, quantity data identifying quantities of the users located on multiple paths of the geographical area;processing, by the device, the geographical data, the location data, and the quantity data, with a machine learning model to identify a path with less than a threshold quantity of users in the geographical area; andperforming, by the device, one or more actions based on the path.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the one or more actions comprises one or more of: ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034667A1
Автор: Cajias Raul, ROLF Daniel

Provided herein is a method of estimating a travel time along a route. Methods may include: obtaining a route between an origin and a destination, where the route includes a plurality of road links; identifying a subset of road links of the plurality of road links; providing an identification of each road link of the subset of road links to a service provider; receiving an indication of a pace of travel along each of the subset of road links; computing an estimated travel time along the route based on the pace of travel along each of the subset of road links; and providing an estimated time-of-arrival at the destination based on an identified departure time and the estimated travel time along the route. Methods may include computing an estimated travel time error along the route, and providing the estimated travel time error as a potential error of the estimated time-of-arrival. 1. An apparatus comprising at least one processor and at least one memory including computer program code , the at least one memory and computer program code configured to , with the processor , cause the apparatus to at least:obtain a route between an origin and a destination, wherein the route comprises a plurality of sequential road links;identify a subset of road links of the plurality of sequential road links;provide an identification of each road link of the subset of road links to a service provider;receive an indication of a pace of travel along each of the subset of road links;compute an estimated travel time along the route based on the pace of travel along each of the subset of road links; andprovide an estimated time-of-arrival at the destination based on an identified departure time and the estimated travel time along the route.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is further caused to:compute an estimated travel time error along the route; andprovide the estimated travel time error as a potential error of the estimated time-of-arrival.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034673A1

A system and method to provide a trailer-considerate route recommendation involve obtaining logged information from vehicles, the logged information from each of the vehicles corresponding with a location of the vehicle, a time, a type of the vehicle, and a type of trailer pulled by the vehicle. A method includes obtaining potential routes under consideration for an on-going navigation by a trailering vehicle towing a towed trailer and obtaining road characteristics for the potential routes. A risk score is computed for each of the potential routes, the risk score being a weighted sum of risk factors. Each of the risk factors results from quantifying the logged information or the road characteristics. The trailer-considerate route recommendation is provided based on the risk score associated with each of the potential routes to affect the on-going navigation by the trailering vehicle. 1. A method of providing a trailer-considerate route recommendation , the method comprising:obtaining, by a processing system, logged information from vehicles, the logged information from each of the vehicles corresponding with a location of the vehicle, a time, a type of the vehicle, and a type of trailer pulled by the vehicle;obtaining, by the processing system, potential routes under consideration for an on-going navigation by a trailering vehicle towing a towed trailer;obtaining, by the processing system, road characteristics for the potential routes;computing, by the processing system, a risk score for each of the potential routes, the risk score being a weighted sum of risk factors, wherein each of the risk factors results from quantifying the logged information or the road characteristics; andproviding, from the processing system, the trailer-considerate route recommendation based on the risk score associated with each of the potential routes to affect the on-going navigation by the trailering vehicle.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising empirically ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015024A1

Described herein are systems and methods for agricultural data analysis. In one embodiment, a computer system for monitoring field operations includes a database for storing agricultural data including yield and field data and at least one processing unit that is coupled to the database. The at least one processing unit is configured to execute instructions to monitor field operations, to store agricultural data, to automatically determine whether at least one correlation between different variables or parameters of the agricultural data exceeds a threshold, and to perform analysis of the agricultural data to identify a category of man-made issues or other issues that have potentially caused the correlation when at least one correlation occurs between different variables or parameters of the agricultural data. 1. A computer-implemented method of monitoring operations of agricultural regions , comprising:receiving, by a processor, a real-time identification of one or more agricultural regions from a first device traveling in the one or more agricultural regions;sending, by the processor, a command to vary a value of a specific agricultural variable in each of the one or more agricultural regions in a trial;receiving, after the sending, current yield data of a crop yield for each of the one or more agricultural regions;determining a correlation between the specific agricultural variable and the crop yield over the one or more agricultural regions based on the command and the current yield data;receiving cost data related to the specific agricultural variable;generating a recommendation for improving the crop yield in the one or more agricultural regions based on the correlation and the cost data;sending the recommendation to a second device for implementing the recommendation in the one or more agricultural regions or a user device coupled to the second device.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , the specific agricultural variable being a farming practice ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017072A1

Example on-demand driver (ODD) systems and methods are described herein. An example method includes generating, with an ODD system, a softkey for a vehicle associated with an agreement between a driver-in-need (DIN) and an ODD, monitoring, with the ODD system, a location of an ODD device carried by the ODD, and transmitting, with the ODD system, the softkey to the ODD device when the ODD device is detected as being within a proximity of the vehicle. In the example method, the softkey is used to unlock the vehicle. 1. A system comprising: generate a first softkey and a second softkey for a vehicle associated with an agreement between a driver-in-need (DIN) and an on-demand driver (ODD), the first softkey and the second softkey required to unlock the vehicle;', 'transmit the first softkey to an ODD device carried by the ODD; and', 'transmit the second softkey to a DIN device carried by the DIN., 'a softkey manager to2. The system of claim 1 , further including a location monitor to:track a location of the ODD device; andtransmit the first softkey to the ODD device when the ODD device is detected as being within a proximity of the vehicle.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the location monitor is to track the location of the ODD device based on Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates from the ODD device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first softkey and the second softkey are required to start the vehicle.5. The system of claim 1 , further including a database to store credentials associated with the vehicle claim 1 , and wherein the softkey manager is to generate the first softkey based on the credentials.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the softkey manager is to:interrogate the vehicle to identify credentials associated with the vehicle; andgenerate the first softkey based on the credentials.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the softkey manager is to:obtain credentials associated with the vehicle from a private network operated by a manufacturer of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle controller device and vehicle control system

Номер: US20210016796A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle controller device including: a communication section configured to perform communication between an operation device external to a vehicle and another vehicle; a memory; and a processor that is coupled to the memory, the processor being configured to: acquire peripheral information regarding a periphery of the vehicle from a peripheral information detection section, generate a travel plan for the vehicle based on the peripheral information of the vehicle, acquire operation information to operate the vehicle from the operation device, control autonomous driving in which the vehicle travels based on the generated travel plan and also control remote driving in which the vehicle travels based on the acquired operation information, acquire peripheral information from the other vehicle in a case in which the processor is unable to acquire peripheral information, and hand over operation authority to the operation device when peripheral information is being acquired by the processor.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle controller device and vehicle control system

Номер: US20210016800A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle controller device includes a first processor. The first processor is configured to acquire biometric information of an occupant, in cases in which the compromised state is determined to have arisen, to communicate check-up information to check the well-being of the occupant using a report device provided inside the vehicle, to receive a response from the occupant whose well-being is being checked, to notify switchover information to an operation device in order to switch the vehicle from manual driving to remote driving in which the vehicle travels based on operation information in cases in which the response has not been received, and to perform the remote driving in cases in which the switchover information has been received by the operation device and operation-ready information indicating that the remote driving is possible has subsequently been received from the operation device.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016801A1

vehicle controller device including: a communication section that is configured to communicate with an operation device external to a vehicle and with another vehicle; a processor being configured to: acquire peripheral information regarding a periphery of the vehicle; generate a travel plan for the vehicle based on the peripheral information of the vehicle; hand over operation authority to the operation device in a case in which a priority vehicle capable of taking priority over the vehicle when traveling on a road approaches the vehicle; acquire remote operation information to operate the vehicle, from the operation device to which operation authority has been handed over; control autonomous driving in which the vehicle travels based on the generated travel plan and also control remote driving in which the vehicle travels based on the acquired remote operation information; and output other-vehicle operation information to operate the other vehicle during remote driving. 1. A vehicle controller device comprising:a communication section that is configured to communicate with an operation device external to a vehicle and with another vehicle;a memory; and acquire peripheral information regarding a periphery of the vehicle from a peripheral information detection section;', 'generate a travel plan for the vehicle based on the peripheral information of the vehicle;', 'hand over operation authority to the operation device in a case in which a priority vehicle capable of taking priority over the vehicle when traveling on a road approaches the vehicle;', 'acquire remote operation information for a remote operator to operate the vehicle, from the operation device to which operation authority has been handed over;', 'control autonomous driving in which the vehicle travels based on the generated travel plan and also control remote driving in which the vehicle travels based on the acquired remote operation information; and', 'output other-vehicle operation information for the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017839A1

The present disclosure is directed toward systems and methods for an augmented reality transportation system. For example, the systems and methods described herein present an augmented reality environment for a driver or a passenger including augmented reality elements to mark specific locations within a display of real-world surroundings. Additionally, the systems and methods described herein analyze historical information to determine placements for augmented reality elements. The systems and methods also enable a user to share an augmented reality or virtual reality environment with another user. 1. A method comprising:analyzing, by a transportation system comprising at least one processor, historical information for an area associated with a passenger waiting for pickup, the historical information comprising information for a plurality of past rides having pickup locations within the area associated with the passenger waiting for pickup;identifying, based on the analyzed historical information, an ideal pickup location within the area associated with the passenger;generating, for the identified ideal pickup location, an augmented reality element corresponding to a real-world environment surrounding the passenger and indicating the ideal pickup location; andproviding, to the passenger by way of an augmented reality device, the generated augmented reality element.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a driver assigned to the passenger;generating an augmented reality element corresponding to a real-world environment surrounding the driver and indicating the ideal pickup location; andproviding, to the driver by way of an augmented reality device associated with the driver, the generated augmented reality element corresponding to the real-world environment surrounding the driver.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the historical information further comprises one or more of historical traffic information or previous pickup location requests from ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Displaying Visible Points of Interest with a Navigation System

Номер: US20190017842A1

A system determines a set of POIs that are visible from a location. The system stores a visibility map for each POI. A visibility map includes data about locations or regions from which the associated POI is visible. The data may include information about how visible the POI is from different locations. The system divides a region into road bins (e.g., geofences a route passes through). Each road bin is associated with a set of POIs that are visible from locations within the road bin. When the system receives a request from a user device for information about visible POIs, the system determines a road bin that corresponds to the location of the user device, identifies POIs associated with the road bin, and transmits information about the set of POIs to the user device. 1. A computer implemented method for providing vehicle route guidance , the method comprising:receiving routing data for directing a user from an origin location to a destination location, the routing data including a route;determining a set of road bins through which the route passes;identifying, based on the determined set of road bins, a set of POIs that are visible along the route; and ["receiving location data from a user device, the location data indicating the user's current location; and", 'transmitting routing instructions related to the visible POIs to the user device, the routing instructions including information about the route in relation to the POIs that are visible along the route., 'as the user moves along the route2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein each POI is associated with a visibility map that identifies an extent to which each POI is visible from geographic locations within a region.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein a visibility map associated with a POI comprises a map of a geographic region divided into cells claim 2 , each cell having a visibility score that represents an extent to which the POI is visible from locations within the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018100A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

In an occupant assisting apparatus, a destination arrival determination unit determines whether a vehicle has arrived at a destination of an occupant, a situation determination unit determines whether a surrounding situation is safe for the occupant to exit the vehicle based on a sensing result obtained from a surrounding situation detection sensor for detecting the surrounding situation of the vehicle when the destination arrival determination unit determines that the vehicle has arrived at the destination, and a door lock controller unlocks a door at a doorway of the vehicle when the surrounding situation is determined to be safe for the occupant to exit the vehicle. 1. An occupant assisting apparatus for assisting an occupant of a vehicle , the apparatus comprising: a processor configured with a program to perform operations comprising:operation as a destination arrival determination unit configured to determine whether the vehicle has arrived at a destination of the occupant;operation as a situation determination unit configured to determine whether a surrounding situation is safe for the occupant to exit the vehicle based on a sensing result obtained from a surrounding situation detection sensor for detecting the surrounding situation of the vehicle when the destination arrival determination unit determines that the vehicle has arrived at the destination; andoperation as a door lock controller configured to lock a door at a doorway of the vehicle during travel to the destination of the occupant and to unlock a door at the doorway of the vehicle when the situation determination unit determines that the surrounding situation is safe for the occupant to exit the vehicle.2. The occupant assisting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured with the program perform operations such that operation as the situation determination unit is further configured to determine whether a moving object around the doorway is approaching the door based on ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018880A1

A haul-route management system is provided. The system includes a first sensor module configured to generate a signal indicative of a current position of a machine at the worksite. The system also includes a route control module configured to receive the signal indicative of the current position of the machine. The route control module receives a signal indicative of a predetermined path associated with the machine. The route control module segments a current path of the machine based on predetermined boundaries. Further, the route control module compares the segmented current path with corresponding data points on the predetermined path. The route control module determines if a deviation from the predetermined path is present in at least one portion of the current path based on the comparison. The route control module provides a notification of the deviation if the deviation lies outside of a predetermined range. 1. A haul-route management system for a machine operating at a worksite , the system comprising:a first sensor module configured to generate a signal indicative of a current position of the machine at the worksite; and receive the signal indicative of the current position of the machine;', 'receive a signal indicative of a predetermined path associated with the machine on at least one of a per cycle and a material basis;', 'segment a current path of the machine based, at least in part, on predetermined boundaries;', 'compare the segmented current path with corresponding data points on the predetermined path;', 'determine if a deviation from the predetermined path is present in at least one portion of the current path based on the comparison; and', 'provide a notification of the deviation if the deviation lies outside of a predetermined range., 'a route control module communicably coupled to the first sensor module, the route control module configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor module is at least one of a global positioning system ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020021A1
Автор: NISHIMURA Kazuya

An information processing system including an information processing device that is used by a first user and a server configured that can communicate with the information processing device is provided. The server is configured to store a first list of commodities which are sold by the first user who uses a vehicle, a second list of commodities which a second user wants to purchase, and position information of a receiving place of the commodities. The information processing device is configured to notify the first user of transaction information when a predetermined condition based on position information or travel route information of the vehicle which is moving and the position information of the receiving place is satisfied. The transaction information is information including identification information of commodities which are common to the first list and the second list and the position information of the receiving place. 1. An information processing system , comprising:an information processing device configured to be used by a first user; anda server configured to communicate with the information processing device,wherein the server is configured to store a first list of commodities which are sold by the first user who uses a vehicle, a second list of commodities which a second user wants to purchase, and position information of a receiving place of the commodities, andwherein the information processing device is configured to notify the first user of transaction information when a predetermined condition based on position information or travel route information of the vehicle which is moving and the position information of the receiving place is satisfied, the transaction information being information including identification information of commodities which are common to the first list and the second list and the position information of the receiving place.2. The information processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the information processing device ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems for Providing Electric Vehicles Data to Enable Access to Charge Stations

Номер: US20160025506A1

A cloud system for interfacing with an electric vehicle, wherein the electric vehicle has a battery that is rechargeable. The electric vehicle further has an on-board computer and a wireless communication system that is interfaced with the on-board computer. The on-board computer is configured to monitor a charge level of the battery and display the level on a display screen of the electric vehicle. The electric vehicle has global positioning system (GPS) logic for identifying geo-location of the electric vehicle. The cloud system is configured to manage a user account for the electric vehicle and store data associated with the user account. The data includes information regarding charge parameters received from the user. The cloud system is thus configured to interface with on-board computer of the electric vehicle via the wireless communication system. The cloud system is configured access information regarding charging stations that are available and send to the electric vehicle one or more options of charge stations in response to processing received geo-location of the electric vehicle and received data regarding the charge level of the battery of the electric vehicle and the charge parameters of the user. The charge stations presented as options are located along a driving path that is reachable before the charge level of the electric vehicle reaches an empty state. 1. A cloud system for interfacing with an electric vehicle , comprising:the electric vehicle having a battery that is rechargeable;the electric vehicle having an on-board computer;the electric vehicle having a wireless communication system that is interfaced with the on-board computer;the on-board computer is configured to monitor a charge level of the battery;the electric vehicle having a display screen, the display screen is configured with an option to display the charge level of the battery;the electric vehicle having global positioning system (GPS) logic for identifying geo-location of the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Information Device and Information System for a Vehicle

Номер: US20140107924A1
Автор: TAVA Marcello

A vehicle information system includes a determination unit configured to determine, as a function of a determined route, at least one stop of a public transport vehicle within a predefined maximal distance to the route, and to generate a signal for visually indicating at least a partial number of the determined stops on a display unit. A selection unit is configured to signal, as a function of, in each case, one predefined detected angle-of-rotation change of a rotationally movable input element, the determined stops corresponding to a predefined sequence, each individually as having been selected, and, as a function of a predefined user input, to generate a signal for visually indicating on the display unit of a respective travel route of at least one transport vehicle line which has a stopping point at the selected stop. 1. An information device for a vehicle , comprising:a route determination unit operatively configured to determine, as a function of a provided starting point and a destination point, a route from the starting point to the destination point, and to generate a signal for visually indicating at least a portion of the determined route on a display unit;a determination unit operatively configured to determine, as a function of the determined route, at least one stop of a public transport vehicle within a predefined maximal distance to the determined route, and to generate a signal for visually indicating at least a partial number of determined stops of the public transport vehicle on the display unit;a selection unit operatively configured to signal, as a function of, in each case, one predefined detected angle-of-rotation change of a rotationally movable input element of a rotating actuator, the determined stops corresponding to a predefined sequence, each individually as having been selected, and, as a function of a predefined user input, to generate a signal for visually indicating on the display unit of a respective travel route of at least one ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023371A1

An electronic device includes: a facility genre setting part that displays first route information from a departure position to a destination, and sends a genre of facilities at which a user wants to stop to a navigation server; a facility setting part that scrollably displays facility information of all facilities belonging to the genre that are located in the vicinity on the first route and an expected arrival time received from the navigation server, for every time span of the expected arrival time, and sends a facility selected by the user from among the plurality of facilities to the navigation server; and a route guidance part that displays second route information received from the navigation server in which the facility selected by the user is registered as a relay point. 1. A server that performs navigation from a departure position to a destination ,the server comprising:a storage unit that stores facility information;a facility search unit that searches, from among facilities located within a predetermined distance from a point on a first route from a departure position to a destination, for a facility belonging to a genre received from an electronic device communicably connected with the server, using the facility information saved in the storage unit, calculates an expected arrival time for all facilities found, and sends the facility information of the facility and the expected arrival time to the electronic device, wherein, in a case in which time required from a departure position to a destination is long, the facility search unit sets a plurality of time spans so as to lengthen each time span and enable the electronic device to display facility information of the facilities based on the expected arrival time, for each of the plurality of time spans; anda second route calculation unit that calculates second route information from the departure position to the destination that registers a facility selected by a user and received from the electronic ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025727A1

A method is provided for optimizing power consumption of a vehicle which may include sending data from a vehicle Electronic Control Unit and vehicle Global Positioning System receiver to a network cloud and/or server upon starting the vehicle, calculating a most probable final destination and most probable optimized route of the vehicle in the network cloud and/or server based on the sent vehicle data, and calculating a most probable driving mode map in the network cloud and/or server. The method may further include calculating an optimized power utilization of propulsion sources for the vehicle in the network cloud and/or server, returning the optimized power utilization of propulsion sources to the vehicle from the network cloud and/or server, and using the optimized power utilization of propulsion sources to control drive train modes and/or peripheral equipment of the vehicle during driving in order to optimize the power consumption of the vehicle. 1. A method for optimizing the power consumption of a vehicle , the vehicle comprising at least an electronic control unit (ECU) , a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and communication means for remotely accessing a network cloud and/or server , the method comprising:sending vehicle data from the GPS receiver and the ECU to the network cloud and/or server upon starting the vehicle;calculating a most probable final destination and a most probable optimized route of the vehicle in the network cloud and/or server based on the sent vehicle data;calculating a most probable driving mode map in the network cloud and/or server based on the most probable final destination, the most probable optimized route and the sent vehicle data;calculating an optimized power utilization of propulsion sources for the vehicle in the network cloud and/or server based on said most probable driving mode map, most probable final destination and most probable optimized route;returning the optimized power utilization of propulsion sources to ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023962A1
Автор: SHI XIN, XING David

The present invention relates to ranging system and ranging method, the ranging system includes: a ranging apparatus and a terminal device (), wherein the ranging apparatus includes: a measuring wheel (), a rotating shaft disposed on the measuring wheel (), and an electronic counter () connected to the rotating shaft and used to obtain distance information of the measuring wheel; wherein the ranging apparatus or the terminal device () further includes an angle sensor; communication module being arranged on the terminal device () and the ranging apparatus, respectively; the terminal device () including data processing module configured to generate a traveling trajectory diagram of the measuring wheel, in real time, based on the distance information from the electronic counter () and the angle information from the angle sensor. Thereby, a traveling trajectory diagram can also be generated in real time on the basis that a ranging function is achieved, such that working efficiency is effectively improved. A function of marking lines according to a predesigned diagram in a construction site can also be achieved by cooperating with a marker (), and the present invention has a simple structure and is lightweight and flexible. 2. The ranging system according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 ,the terminal device further comprises a storage configured to store a predesigned traveling trajectory diagram;the data processing module is further configured to monitor, on the basis of the predesigned traveling trajectory diagram, the current traveling trajectory of the measuring wheel determined based on the distance information and the angle information, and output deviation data when the current traveling trajectory of the measuring wheel deviates from the predesigned traveling trajectory diagram;the terminal device further comprises a prompt module configured to perform direction and/or distance prompt based on the deviation data to indicate the user to correct the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Controlling error corrected planning methods for operating autonomous vehicles

Номер: US20180024553A1
Принадлежит: Baidu USA LLC

In one embodiment, motion planning and control data is received, indicating that an autonomous vehicle is to move from a first point to a second point of a path. The motion planning and control data describes a plurality of routes from the first point to the second point within the path. For each of the routes, a simulation of the route is performed in view of physical characteristics of the autonomous vehicle to generate a simulated route. A controlling error is calculated, the controlling error representing a discrepancy between the route and the simulated route. One of the routes is selected based on controlling errors between the routes and associated simulated routes. The autonomous vehicle is operated to move from the first point to the second point according to the selected route.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042808A1
Автор: HELLGREN Jonas, Laine Leo

The present disclosure generally relates to a computer implemented method for operating a vehicle (), specifically in relation to efficient transporting of a predefined cargo. The present disclosure also relates to a corresponding arrangement and computer program product. 1. A computer implemented method for operating a vehicle , comprising:receiving an indication of a route for transporting a predefined cargo, the indication of the route comprising a start and a destination, the route comprising a plurality of segments,receiving an indication of a required time of arrival at the destination,determining a speed profile for travelling the route,determining a relaxation coefficient for the speed profile, and the relaxation coefficient is dependent on a combination of a delay risk for the route and a penalty for arrival at the destination after the required time of arrival,', 'the speed profile is adapted for the plurality of segments of the route to be travelled,', 'the relaxation coefficient is applied for controlling how strict the speed profile is to be followed, and', 'the delay risk for the route is determined by applying a machine learning scheme to simulated or historical data for the route., 'controlling the vehicle based on a combination of the speed profile and the relaxation coefficient, wherein2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the required time of arrival at the destination includes a time of arrival range.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the route comprises a predetermined time range for arriving at the start of the route.46-. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the speed profile is determined based on at least one of a desired maximum speed for the vehicle or a maximum legal speed for the vehicle at a section of the route.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is performed by an electronic control unit on-board the vehicle.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is performed by a cloud server claim 1 , the cloud server being ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for selecting route, terminal, system for selecting route, and program

Номер: US20220042809A1
Автор: Yuki Matsushita
Принадлежит: Faurecia Clarion Electronics Co Ltd

The on-board apparatus 50 calculates an automated driving route of the vehicle 55 from the parking space of the vehicle 55 to the destination and an estimated time required to reach the destination in the case in which the vehicle 55 drives by automated driving by following the automated driving route. The server apparatus 30 calculates a walking travel route in the case of traveling by walk from the position of the terminal apparatus 10 to the parking space of the vehicle 55 and an estimated time required to reach the parking space of the vehicle 55 in the case of walking by following the walking travel route. The terminal apparatus 10 displays at the display unit 140 the automated driving route, the estimated time required for the automated driving route, the walking travel route, and the estimated time required for the walking travel route; and when a selection of the automated driving route is accepted, the terminal apparatus 10 starts the drive of the autonomous vehicle.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043098A1

A positioning method comprises acquiring positioning information of a 5G base station from a satellite, obtaining calibration information based on the positioning information, and broadcasting outwards the calibration information; acquiring initial positioning information of a user terminal from the satellite; accessing a nearest 5G base station in real time, monitoring and acquiring calibration information broadcasted by the nearest 5G base station; and calibrating the initial positioning information acquired in the initial positioning step according to the calibration information acquired in the monitoring step to obtain positioning result information. As described above, the positioning of centimeter level precision can be realized by utilizing the 5G base station, and there is no need to additionally establish a CORS base station and a data center, thereby the cost of precise positioning can be reduced. 1. A positioning method based on 5G , the method being implemented by a 5G base station , a satellite and a user terminal , and comprising:a broadcasting step of acquiring positioning information of the 5G base station from the satellite by the 5G base station, obtaining calibration information based on the positioning information, and broadcasting outwards the calibration information by the 5G base station;an initial positioning step of acquiring initial positioning information of the user terminal from the satellite by the user terminal;a monitoring step of accessing a nearest 5G base station in real time, monitoring and acquiring calibration information broadcasted by the nearest 5G base station by the user terminal; anda calibration step of calibrating the initial positioning information acquired in the initial positioning step according to the calibration information acquired in the monitoring step by the user terminal to obtain positioning result information.2. The positioning method based on 5G of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the calibration information ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Path providing device and path providing method thereof

Номер: US20210024084A1
Автор: Jaeho Choi, Jihyun Kim

A path providing device for a repeater includes: a telecommunication control unit configured to perform communication with at least one of a server or a vehicle, a processor. The processor is configured to control the telecommunication control unit to receive map information including a plurality of layers of data from a server, receive dynamic information including sensing information from a vehicle located in an allocated area, and generate EHP information comprising at least one of an optimal path providing a direction with respect to one or more lanes or autonomous driving visibility information in which sensing information is merged with the optimal path to be transmitted to a target vehicle, using the map information and dynamic information.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024102A1
Автор: KIM Young-Real

A method for providing a racing game using an autonomous driving unit includes: outputting route information of a specific autonomous driving unit participating in the racing game; receiving mission performance information for a user mission which a participant or a team is to perform; adjusting the route information by referring to the mission performance information; applying the adjusted route information to driving of the autonomous driving unit; and determining a result of the driving of the participant or the team. 1. A method for providing a racing game using an autonomous driving unit , comprising:outputting route information of a specific autonomous driving unit participating in the racing game;receiving mission performance information for a user mission which a participant or a team is to perform;adjusting the route information by referring to the mission performance information;applying the adjusted route information to driving of the autonomous driving unit; anddetermining a result of the driving of the participant or the team.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user mission is a voting mission and the mission performance information is a result of voting of a plurality of participants claim 1 , andwherein the adjusting of the route information includes adjusting the route information by using collective intelligence of the plurality of participants.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:acquiring, by a driving terminal, a video information and transmitting the video information to a game server, a user terminal or a broadcast relay device.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:receiving and outputting, by the broadcast relay device, the video information.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:receiving and outputting, by a user terminal, the video information.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:outputting, by a driving terminal or a user terminal, driving state information.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024103A1

An information processing apparatus includes a controller. The controller accumulates a scheduled vacant time period of a medical service, the scheduled period being received from an information management apparatus, in association with a medical facility corresponding to the information management apparatus. When a medical service request is received from a terminal apparatus, the controller searches for a particular medical facility as an available medical facility, being capable of providing a medical service corresponding to a medical service item in the scheduled vacant time period and that can be reached from the location of the terminal apparatus included in the medical service request in the scheduled vacant time period. The controller sends a notification of the available medical facility to the terminal apparatus sending the medical service request. The controller sends a consultation request to receive the medical service to the information management apparatus corresponding to the available medical facility. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising: accumulate a scheduled vacant time period of a medical service, the scheduled vacant time period being received from an information management apparatus, in association with a medical facility corresponding to the information management apparatus,', 'when a medical service request including a desired medical service item and a location of a terminal apparatus is received from the terminal apparatus, search a memory for a particular medical facility as an available medical facility, the particular medical facility being capable of providing a medical service corresponding to the medical service item in the scheduled vacant time period and that can be reached from the location of the terminal apparatus included in the medical service request in the scheduled vacant time period,', 'send a notification of the available medical facility to the terminal apparatus sending the medical service request, and', ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Route Reservation Method

Номер: US20180025294A1
Автор: Guillaume Hugla
Принадлежит: Bluecarsharing SAS

The invention relates to a method ( 200 ) for reserving a journey, within the framework of an installation ( 100 ) for the automated rental of vehicles, in particular electric vehicles, comprising a plurality of sites ( 104 ), said method ( 100 ) comprising a step ( 202 ) of selecting an arrival position ( 322 ) automatically initiating the following steps: automated determination ( 206 ) of a departure position; automated identification ( 208 ) of a departure site that is the closest to the departure position; and automated identification ( 210 ) of an arrival site that is the closest to the arrival position; and said method ( 200 ) also comprising a step ( 212 ) of storing at least one reservation data for said departure site ( 310 ) and at least one reservation data for said arrival site ( 324 ).

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Charging Facility Notification Method and Information Presentation Device

Номер: US20190025068A1

A method for guiding a user of an electric vehicle to a charging facility includes: searching for charging facilities existing within a predetermined distance from the current position of the electric vehicle; when a high-output charging facility and a low-output charging facility in a predetermined positional relationship with the high-output charging facility are searched, calculating the estimated value of a remaining charged capacity of a battery of the electric vehicle; calculating the estimated value of a charging time if charging the battery of the electric vehicle from the estimated value of the remaining charged capacity of the battery to a predetermined charged capacity at each of the searched charging facilities; and when the difference between the estimated value of the charging times at the high-output charging facility and the low-output charging facility is a predetermined value or less, presenting the low-output charging facility to the user of the electric vehicle. 1. A method of guidance to a charging facility for guiding a user of an electric vehicle to the charging facility , comprising:searching for charging facilities existing within a range of a predetermined distance from a current position of the electric vehicle;when a first charging facility and another charging facility having lower output power than that of the first charging facility are searched, calculating an estimated value of a remaining charged capacity of the electric vehicle if traveling to each of the searched charging facilities, the other charging facility being in a predetermined positional relationship with the first charging facility;calculating an estimated value of a charging time if charging the electric vehicle from the estimated value of the remaining charged capacity to a predetermined charged capacity at each of the searched charging facilities; andwhen a difference between the estimated value of the charging time at the first charging facility and the estimated ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for delivering goods in autonomous driving system

Номер: US20200026291A1
Автор: Cheolseung KIM

In a method for delivering goods by a server in an autonomous driving system, a vehicle can deliver goods through steps of: receiving information on a target vehicle from the target vehicle; transmitting a travel request message to the target vehicle on the basis of the information on the target vehicle; receiving, from a delivery vehicle, a goods delivery request message for delivering goods to the target vehicle; determining a merging point indicating a point at which the goods will be delivered and a merging time indicating a time at which the delivery vehicle will meet the target vehicle at the merging point; and transmitting information on the goods, the merging point and the merging time to the target vehicle and the delivery vehicle.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026345A1

A vehicle including: a communication section configured to receive operation information to operate a travel device from an external operation device; a memory; and a processor coupled to the memory, the processor being configured to: acquire peripheral information peripheral to a vehicle body from a peripheral information detection section, generate a travel plan based on the peripheral information, and control the travel device so as to perform autonomous driving in which travel is based on the generated travel plan, and perform remote driving in which travel is based on the operation information received by the communication section; and the vehicle further comprising a presentation device configured to present, at a vehicle exterior, identifying information received by the communication section, the identifying information relating to a user making use of transportation by the autonomous driving or the remote driving. 1. A vehicle comprising:a communication section configured to receive operation information to operate a travel device from an external operation device;a memory; and acquire peripheral information peripheral to a vehicle body from a peripheral information detection section,', 'generate a travel plan based on the peripheral information, and', 'control the travel device so as to perform autonomous driving in which travel is based on the generated travel plan, and perform remote driving in which travel is based on the operation information received by the communication section; and, 'a processor coupled to the memory, the processor being configured tothe vehicle further comprising a presentation device configured to present, at a vehicle exterior, identifying information received by the communication section, the identifying information relating to a user making use of transportation by the autonomous driving or the remote driving.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the presentation device starts to present at the vehicle exterior when the vehicle ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026373A1

One or more vehicles in a platoon may be operated autonomously using a surface-penetrating radar (SPR) system implemented in the lead vehicle. SPR signals obtained by the system may be converted to one or more images (or scans) that provide information about the ground surface and/or other surfaces around the vehicle within a detection range of the SPR system. Based on the obtained SPR signals, the lead vehicle may create a real-time map including the SPR information and/or localize the real-time SPR information to an existing map. This real-time SPR map information may then be transmitted from the lead vehicle to succeeding vehicles in the platoon in a pass-it-down fashion for localizing the succeeding vehicles behind the lead vehicle. 1. A system for navigating a plurality of vehicles as the vehicles travel in a platoon or a convoy along a path , the system comprising:a surface-penetrating radar (SPR) system configured for attachment to a lead vehicle of the traveling vehicles for acquiring real-time SPR information associated therewith; and generate a navigation map including the acquired real-time SPR information associated with the lead vehicle;', 'cause the generated map to be transmitted from the lead vehicle to other vehicles of the traveling vehicles; and', 'operate the lead vehicle and other vehicles based at least in part on the generated map., 'at least one controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the SPR system is further configured for attachment to at least one of the other vehicles following the lead vehicle claim 1 , the at least one controller being configured to cause the generated map to be transmitted between the vehicles via the SPR systems.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the SPR system is further configured for attachment to at least one of the other vehicles following the lead vehicle for acquiring real-time SPR information associated therewith claim 2 , the at least one controller being configured to generate a secondary ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027213A1

An information processing apparatus includes a controller. The controller performs control to store service specifications received from a first terminal apparatus in association with a child-care facility corresponding to the first terminal apparatus. The controller performs control to store a child-care request received from a second terminal apparatus. The controller generates a pick-up route. The pick-up route is for navigating a vehicle to travel via a pick-up location of the child-care request within a pick-up time slot and reach a facility location at or after the child-care start time of the child-care facility. The controller sends, to a third terminal apparatus installed in a vehicle, the pick-up route. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising: perform control to store service specifications containing a facility location and a child-care start time, the service specifications being received from a first terminal apparatus, in association with a child care facility corresponding to the first terminal apparatus,', 'perform control to store a child-care request containing a pick-up location of a child and a pick-up time slot of the child, the child-care request being received from a second terminal apparatus,', 'generate a pick-up route for navigating a vehicle to travel via the pick-up location within the pick-up time slot and reach the facility location at or after the child-care start time of the child-care facility, and', 'perform control to send, to a third terminal apparatus installed in the vehicle, the outbound route., 'a controller configured to'}2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller performs control to send, to the second terminal apparatus and the third terminal apparatus, authentication information generated for the pick-up location on the pick-up route.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe service specifications contain a child-care end time,the child- ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048471A1

A computer includes a processor and a memory, the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to collect biometric data of a vehicle user, identify a set of user-specific data from one or more stored sets of user-specific data based on the biometric data, and receive a request for a stored location. When the biometric data of the vehicle user match the stored biometric data, the instructions include instructions to display the requested location. When the biometric data of the vehicle user do not match the stored biometric data, the instructions include instructions to identify an offset location based on the requested location and a population density of the requested location and display the offset location. 1. A system , comprising a computer including a processor and a memory , the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to:identify a set of user-specific data from one or more stored sets of user-specific data based on identifying a user;receive a request for a stored location; andbased on identifying the user, identify an offset location based on the requested location and a population density of the requested location, and display the offset location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions to identify the offset location include instructions to identify an intersection of two or more roads within a distance threshold of the requested location as the offset location.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the instructions further include instructions to identify a plurality of intersections within the distance threshold of the requested location claim 2 , to identify a traffic capacity of each of the plurality of intersections claim 2 , and to identify a one of the plurality of intersections having a highest traffic capacity as the offset location claim 2 , wherein the traffic capacity includes at least one of a number of roadway lane at the intersection claim 2 , a posted speed limit at the intersection claim 2 , or an ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048524A1

A map information system includes a map database including map information; and a driving assist level determination device. The map information is associated with an evaluation value indicating a certainty of the map information for each location in an absolute coordinate system. Information indicating that the intervention operation is performed is included in driving environment information indicating a driving environment of a vehicle. The driving assist level determination device is configured to acquire, based on the driving environment information, intervention operation information indicating an intervention operation location where the intervention operation is performed, acquire, based on the map information, the evaluation value for each point or section in a target range, and determine, based on the evaluation value and the intervention operation location, an allowable level for each point or section within the target range. 1. A management device comprising circuitry programmed to:acquire, based on driving environment information indicating a driving environment of a vehicle, with an intention of a driver to intervene in a driver assistance control when a phenomenon undesirable for the driver assistance control is present, intervention operation information indicating an intervention operation location that is a location where an intervention operation is performed, the intervention operation being an operation performed by the driver of the vehicle to intervene in driving assist control during execution of the driving assist control, the driving environment information including information indicating that the intervention operation has been performed,acquire, based on a map information, an evaluation value for each point or section within a target range, the map information being used for driving assist control for assisting driving of the vehicle and being associated with the evaluation value indicating a certainty of the map information for each ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Generating Goal States for Prioritizing Path Planning

Номер: US20220048535A1
Принадлежит: Woven Planet North America, Inc.

In one embodiment, a method includes receiving environment data associated with an environment detected by a vehicle, generating goal states of the environment for the vehicle by using observed driving data associated with the environment, wherein each goal state corresponds to a region that the vehicle is capable of navigating through in the environment, generating candidate trajectories for the vehicle based on at least the goal states of the environment, wherein each candidate trajectory is associated with at least one goal state, assigning candidate values to the candidate trajectories based on the observed driving data, and selecting a candidate trajectory associated with at least one goal state from the candidate trajectories for the vehicle to navigate through the environment based on the candidate values. 1. A method comprising , by a computing system of a vehicle:receiving environment data associated with an environment detected by the vehicle;generating one or more goal states of the environment for the vehicle by using observed driving data associated with the environment, wherein each goal state of the one or more goal states corresponds to a region that the vehicle is capable of navigating through in the environment;generating a plurality of candidate trajectories for the vehicle based on at least the one or more goal states of the environment, wherein each candidate trajectory of the plurality of candidate trajectories is associated with at least one goal state of the one or more goal states;based on the observed driving data, assigning candidate values to the plurality candidate trajectories; andbased on the candidate values, selecting a candidate trajectory associated with at least one goal state from the plurality of candidate trajectories for the vehicle to navigate through the environment.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining one or more global driving constraints based on the environment data; anddetermining one or more ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Adaptive road model manager

Номер: US20170031359A1
Принадлежит: Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd

Systems and methods are provided for interacting with a plurality of autonomous vehicles. In one implementation, a system may include at least one processor. The at least one processor may be programmed to receive from each of the plurality of autonomous vehicles navigational situation information associated with an occurrence of an adjustment to a determined navigational maneuver, analyze the navigational situation information, determine, based on the analysis of the navigational situation information, whether the adjustment to the determined navigational maneuver was due to a transient condition, and update the predetermined model representative of the at least one road segment if the adjustment to the determined navigational maneuver was not due to a transient condition.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031375A1

Methods, apparatuses, and mobile terminals for positioning and searching for a vehicle are disclosed. The method of positioning a location of a vehicle in a predetermined place may include: collecting surrounding environmental information of the vehicle; and determining the location of the vehicle in the predetermined place by comparing the surrounding environmental information with a previously acquired map of the predetermined place. Thereby, the position of the vehicle on the map can be determined in absence of GPS positioning, enabling pinpoint positioning and navigation of the vehicle. 1. A method of positioning a location of a vehicle in a predetermined place , comprising:collecting surrounding environmental information of the vehicle via configuring a collecting device by at least one way of laser, camera, infrared detection, acoustic detection; wherein the surrounding environmental information comprises at least one of those information about roads, walls, columns, barrier gates, fences, graphics of signages, fire-fighting equipment and lighting equipment; anddetermining the location of the vehicle in the predetermined place by comparing the surrounding environmental information with a previously acquired map of the predetermined place by a processor, and wherein the processor is coupled to the collecting device; wherein the previously acquired map of the predetermined place comprises at least one of those information about roads, walls, columns, barrier gates, fences, graphics of signages, fire-fighting equipment and lighting equipment;wherein, there is no available GPS signal at the predetermined place.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of collecting the surrounding environmental information of the vehicle comprises:emitting, by the vehicle, laser light in a predetermined direction; andreceiving, by the vehicle, a reflected light signal by an obstacle reflecting the laser light.3. (canceled)4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032679A1

A parking assistance device includes: a route determination unit that determines a route from an initial position of a vehicle to a target parking position when assisting the vehicle to be parked in a parking area, and includes, a first generation unit generating a first circumference tangent to a line passing though the initial position and extending along a forward direction of the vehicle, and a second generation unit generating a second circumference having a tangent line passing through a rear position of the vehicle at a rear direction of the target parking position in the forward direction and extending along the forward direction, and having a radius of minimum turning of the vehicle, a part of the first circumference functions as a part of the route, and a part of a third circumference functions as the route subsequent to the first circumference. 1. A parking assistance device comprising:a route determination unit that determines a route from an initial position of a vehicle to a target parking position at a time of assisting the vehicle to be parked in a parking area, a first generation unit that generates a first circumference which is tangent to a straight line passing though the initial position and extending along a forward direction of the vehicle, and', 'a second generation unit that generates a second circumference having a tangent line which is a line passing through a rear position of the vehicle positioned at a rear direction of the target parking position in the forward direction of the vehicle and extending along the forward direction of the vehicle, and having a radius as a turning radius at the time of minimum turning of the vehicle,, 'wherein the route determination unit includes,'}wherein a part of the first circumference functions as a part of the route, andwherein a part of a third circumference resulting from moving the second circumference along the forward direction of the vehicle functions as the route subsequent to the first ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Parking assistance device

Номер: US20170032680A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A parking assistance device includes: an acquisition unit that acquires a first distance between a vehicle and a first obstacle measured by a distance measuring unit and a second distance between the vehicle and a second obstacle measured by the distance measuring unit; a calculation unit that calculates an inter-objects distance between the first and second obstacles; and a generation unit that generates a guidance route for the vehicle such that each of the first and second distances become equal to or longer than a second reference distance which is shorter than a first reference distance that is a reference for safe travelling of the vehicle, when the vehicle is caused to move between the first and second obstacles and within the inter-objects distance and in a case where a condition is satisfied.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031634A1

A multi-motor switching system and method for obtaining a global optimization of performance criteria that takes into account variables and conditions across an entire driving cycle. The controller of the system is adapted to conduct a global optimization in that it determines the most optimal distribution of motor loads over an entire trip or driving cycle, as opposed to sequentially determining the optimized solution for a given point of time and localized set of current condition. In one embodiment where the control system provides for global optimization, the controller receives trip information through a trip planning tool. The controller utilizes the trip information to generate a driving cycle and further incorporates this information into the optimization process performed by the controller to determine the optimal solution for the entire trip. 1. A multi-motor system capable of performing a global optimization in order to determine an optimal contribution of torque from motors in the system based on a given torque demand in order to achieve a desired performance objective over a driving cycle while remaining within one or more constraints , the system comprising:a plurality of motors mechanically coupled to a shaft;a database storing efficiency data associated with each of the plurality of motors,a controller for receiving driving cycle information, and for generating torque commands to the plurality of motors; calculating based on the driving cycle information the shaft speed and torque across all time periods;', 'calculating, based on the efficiency data, a cost function across all time periods related to the performance objective for each of the potential combinations of torque contributions by the plurality of motors;', 'identifying from the set of potential combinations of torque contributions one or more optimal combinations of torque contributions that are optimized for the desired performance objective based on its associated cost function and that ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Using public safety data to manage a criminal event response

Номер: US20180033109A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Disclosed aspects relate to criminal event response management using a set of public safety data. An origin location of a criminal event can be received. The criminal event may have individual(s). Based on the origin location and the set of public safety data with respect to the criminal event a set of candidate target locations for the individual(s) can be identified. Using the origin location and the set of candidate target locations, a set of candidate routes—from the origin location to the set of candidate target locations—may be computed. Based on a set of relationships of the set of candidate routes, determination(s) may be made with respect to a set of predicted locations for the individual(s) and a set of suggested public safety officer positions. Accordingly, the set of predicted locations for the individual(s) and the set of suggested public safety officer positions may be provided.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031797A1

A vehicle running control device that acquires a running path of a vehicle to a destination and path information relating to autonomous driving of the vehicle on the running path; that, on the basis of the path information relating to autonomous driving, predicts a remote driving segment of the running path in which running control of the vehicle in a remote driving mode is required; that, before the vehicle reaches the predicted remote driving segment, makes a request to a remote operation equipment for entry of operation information relating to remote driving; and that, when running is being controlled in an autonomous driving mode and the operation information relating to remote driving is entered through the remote operation equipment, switch to operate in the remote driving mode. 1. A vehicle running control device comprising:a memory; anda processor connected to the memory, the processor being configured to:be capable of controlling running of a vehicle in an autonomous driving mode and in a remote driving mode and control running of the vehicle toward a destination, the autonomous driving mode controlling running of the vehicle on the basis of operation information relating to autonomous driving of the vehicle that is obtained from a running environment surrounding the vehicle, and the remote driving mode being based on operation information relating to remote driving of the vehicle that is entered through remote operation equipment operated by remote operation staff;acquire a running path of the vehicle to the destination and path information relating to autonomous driving of the vehicle on the running path;on the basis of the path information relating to autonomous driving, predict a remote driving segment of the running path in which running control of the vehicle in the remote driving mode is required;before the vehicle reaches the predicted remote driving segment, make a request to the remote operation equipment for entry of the operation information ...
