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27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2395726C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а точнее к центробежным вентиляторам, в частности к конструкциям их направляющих аппаратов, и может быть использовано для регулирования и управления мощностью всасывания и нагнетания воздуха в пневмопроводы и пневмосистемы различных машин для расширения диапазона плавного регулирования мощности регулятора, особенно на минимальных мощностях, с одновременным упрощением конструкции регулятора и повышения надежности эксплуатации путем изменения условий засасывания воздуха во входной патрубок за счет изменения конструкции входного патрубка и регулятора мощности воздушного потока, в частности за счет размещения последнего за пределами корпуса вентилятора. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в известном центробежном вентиляторе с регулятором мощности воздушного потока, содержащем корпус с входным и выходным патрубками преимущественно круглой формы, в котором установлено на оси рабочее колесо с лопатками, связанное с валом электропривода ...

20-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96117154A

... 1. Регулируемый диффузор центробежного компрессора, содержащий расположенные в корпусе компрессора между диафрагмой и стенкой диффузора лопатки, установленные с возможностью поворота и снабженный цапфами, размещенными в стенке диффузора, и поворотный диск, кинематически связанный при помощи рычагов с цифрами лопаток и при помощи проводного рычага с приводом, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности работы, приводной рычаг установлен между торцовой стенкой корпуса и стенкой диффузора на неподвижной оси, концы которой размещены в торцовой стенке корпуса и в стенке диффузора, приводной вал привода установлен параллельно цапфам лопаток в отверстии, выполненном в обечайке корпуса компрессора, и снабжен размещенными на торцах кривошипом, в полости расположения кривошипа в обечайке корпуса выполнен радиальный паз, и один из концов приводного рычага размещен в нем и взаимодействует с кривошипом, а другой конец - с поворотным диском, который установлен наружным диаметром на роликах, размещенных ...

30-05-1982 дата публикации

Входной патрубок турбокомпрессора

Номер: SU931983A1

23-04-1985 дата публикации

Корпус центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1151718A1

... 1. КОРПУС ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО ВЕНТИЛЯТОРА, содержащий спиральную улитку, выходной патрубок и сопряженный с ними язык, снабженный первой обечайкой , образующей с языком в зоне сопряжения его с улиткой перепускной канал, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения КПД вентилятора на нерасчетных режимах работы , язык снабжен второй обечайкой, примыкающей к первой и образующей в зоне сопряжения языка с патрубком дополнительный канал, сообщенный с перепускным каналом . 2.Корпус по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что обечайки имеют поворотные участки, примыкающие в закрытом положении к языку. 3.Корпус по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повыщения надежности рабоi ты вентилятора, выходной патрубок снабжен перегородкой, сопряженной со второй СЛ обечайкой. ел | 00 ...

07-10-1971 дата публикации

Диаметральный вентилятор

Номер: SU316871A1

07-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1800132C

07-09-1983 дата публикации

Корпус центробежного насоса

Номер: SU1040230A1

КОРПУС ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО НАСОСА, содержащий спиральную камеру и сопряженный с ней диффузор, в месте сопряжения которых вьшолнены отверстия , отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения КПД насоса на нерасчетных режимах, отверстия выполнены по периметру сопряжения и в них установлены поворотные элементы с каналами, а к последним подключен источник высокого давления. (Л с ...

23-07-1989 дата публикации

Способ определения местоположения оси поворота лопатки лопаточного аппарата турбомашины

Номер: SU1495523A1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению и позволяет уменьшить энергозатраты на поворот лопатки диффузора центробежного компрессора во всем диапазоне углов установки лопатки. Расчетным или экспериментальным путем определяют точку приложения аэродинамических сил, действующих на лопатку 3 при минимальном угле установки лопатки 3, и ось 2 поворота лопатки 3 размещают в этой точке. 1 ил.

07-10-1989 дата публикации

Входной регулируемый аппарат центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1513228A1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению и позволяет расширить диапазон регулирования и повысить КПД компрессора. Входной регулируемый аппарат содержит коаксиально размещенные одна относительно другой многогранные наружную и внутреннюю обечайки и размещенные между ними лопатки по числу граней обечаек. Каждая лопатка выполнена плоской и имеет неподвижную переднюю часть и поворотный закрылок 5 в форме трапеции. Основания А и В трапеции равны ширине граней 6 и 7 наружной и внутренней обечаек. Ось 0-0 симметрии трапеции совпадает с осью поворота закрылка 5. Это позволяет осуществлять поворот закрылка в диапазоне от 0 до 90° и сохранять при любом положении закрылка 5 постоянный радиальный зазор между закрылком 5 и обечайками. 2 ил.

30-09-1984 дата публикации

Входное устройство центробежного насоса

Номер: SU1116226A1

ВХОДНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО НАСОСА, содержащее подводящую магистраль и упругий эластичный патрубок, соединенный с поршнем гидроцилиндра , отличающееся тем, что, с целью повьппения кавитационных качеств насоса, надпоршневое пространство гидроцилиндра сообщено с подводящей магистралью, а на внутренней поверхности патрубка выполнены надрезы треугольной формы. « Од ю О 9) ...

07-04-1984 дата публикации

Входной направляющий аппарат турбомашины

Номер: SU1084470A1

ВХОДНОЙ НАПРАВЛЯЮЩИЙ АППАРАТ ТУРБОМАШИНЫ, , содержащий закрепленную на корпусе обечайку, установленн концентрично ей с возможностью осевого перемещения гильзу и радиальные лопатки, отличающийс я тем, что, с целью повьшения надёжности в работе, обечайка снабжена продольными окнами, гильза отверстиями; корпус - фигурными пазами , а каждая лопатка - цапфой, расположенной в окне и отверстии и имеющей эксцентричный палец, размещённый в пазу корпуса.

07-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: SU1144624A3

... 1 ., ТУРБОНАСОС, содержащий корпус с входным патрубком и выходной улиткой, размещенные в корпусе ротор с лопатками, входной и выходной направляющие аппараты с лопатками , расположенными соответственно между входным патрубком и ротором и между последним и улиткой, установленные на стержнях, параллельных оси вращения ротора, с возможностью согласованного поворота, приводное устройство, имеющее зубчатое колесо, взаимодействующее с лопатками выходного направляющего аппарата, и установленный во входном патрубке обтекатель , отличающийся тем, что, с целью автоматического регулирования поворота лопаток, приводное устройство снабжено дополнительным зубчатым колесом и валом, имеющим шестерни, находящиеся в зацеплении с основным и дополнительным зубчатыми колесами, а последние посредством кривошипно-шатунных механизмов связаны соответственно с лопатками выходного и входного направляющ1тх аппаратов. 2. Турбонасос по п. 1, о т л ичающийся тем, что углы установки лопаток входного и выходного направляющих ...

30-03-1993 дата публикации

Лопаточный диффузор центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1806294A3

Использование: в компрессорострое- нии. Сущность изобретения: лопаточный диффузор содержит установленные между стенками самоустанавливающиеся лопатки, размещенные на осях, расположенных в полостях лопатки. Лопатки подпружинены плоскими пружинами, одни из которых закреплены на осях, а другие - на лопатке. 3 ил.

17-04-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002333525B2

18-10-1990 дата публикации

Radial-flow compressor with inlet flow control - has inlet passage housing with three differently shaped passages between suction line and impeller

Номер: DE0004003940C1

The compressor adjustable inlet flow control is fitted in front of a radial-flow impeller. An intake passage housing (14) between a suction line (19) and impeller entry (20) has three differently shaped intake passages (16-18) controllably acted on by a rotary slider (15). The first passage (16) extends between the intake line (19) and impeller entry in the impeller plane, the second and third passages (17,18) form spirals which taper in the flow sense and whose spiral turns are of opposed directions. ADVANTAGE - Axially compact, and improved effectiveness at different operational conditions.

24-03-1943 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000733286C

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Abgasturboaufgeladene Brennkraftmaschine umfassend einen Radialverdichter mit im Diffusor angeordneter Leiteinrichtung und Verfahren zum Betreiben einer derartigen Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102015203172A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine aufgeladene Brennkraftmaschine mit einem Ansaugsystem (1) zum Zuführen von Ladeluft, einem Abgasabführsystem zum Abführen von Abgas und mindestens einem Abgasturbolader, der eine im Abgasabführsystem angeordnete Turbine und einen im Ansaugsystem (1) angeordneten Radialverdichter (2a) umfasst, wobei – der Verdichter (2) mit mindestens einem in einem Verdichtergehäuse (2b) auf einer drehbaren Welle (2d) gelagerten Laufrad (2c) ausgestattet ist, – in dem Verdichtergehäuse (2b) stromabwärts des mindestens einen Laufrades (2c) ein Diffusor (7) ausgebildet ist, – in dem Diffusor (7) Leitschaufeln (5b) einer Leiteinrichtung (5) angeordnet sind, und – die Leiteinrichtung (5) einen ringförmigen Träger (5a) umfasst, der die Leitschaufeln (5b) der Leiteinrichtung (5) aufnimmt. Es soll eine Brennkraftmaschine der genannten Art bereitgestellt werden, deren Abgasturbolaufladung verbessert ist. Erreicht wird dies durch eine Brennkraftmaschine, die dadurch gekennzeichnet ist ...

21-12-2006 дата публикации

Rotierender Stromdiffusor für Kreiselverdichter

Номер: DE0060307571T2

24-12-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003732038C2

25-02-2010 дата публикации

Air supply device for fuel cell for passenger car, has compressor including radial diffuser whose effective flow cross section is changeable by air guiding element of compressor

Номер: DE102008051980A1

The device (L) has a compressor (1) with a radial diffuser (2), whose effective flow cross section is changeable by an air guiding element of the compressor. An axial annular space (4) of the compressor is formed as a bladed axial diffuser with the flow cross section that is cumulative in a direction of flow. The axial annular space of the compressor is led into a coil that is arranged between the axial annular space and rotational axle (1.2) of a compressed wheel (1.1) of the compressor. A turbine (10) is provided for driving the compressor. An independent claim is also included for a method for operating an air supply device.

02-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002237653B2

22-04-1976 дата публикации

Blade rotating mechanism - for blades mounted in a stator rim in a turbine

Номер: DE0002448572A1

The guide blades which are mounted in stator rims before and/or behind a turbine impeller can be rotated about a longitudinal axis. The mechanism for rotating the blades is mounted in part of the turbine housing. This part consists of an inner- and an outer part which each have an 'L' shaped section and form a hollow annular casing when bolted together. Pivots for the rotating blades are supported in plain bearings in the inner housing at regular angular intervals. A ring of rectangular section is mounted in an annular groove in the inner housing, levers which are mounted on the pivot shafts of the blades are connected by hinges to this ring. The ring can be rotated by means of a wormwheel which engages with a screw rod attached to the ring.

04-04-1996 дата публикации

Downstream guide equipment for radial steam turbomachinery

Номер: DE0004435280A1

The equipment has a region in the drive compartment of a radial compressor, which is not sealed. The panel forms the first section of the guide downstream from the compressor, and casing-rings (11) are fitted in order to create ring-like channels, which divert the flow direction by more than 90 deg. towards a downstream condenser. Further sheet metal guides (12) are connected to the rings, and this connection may be by friction, with the assistance of fixed stator blades. Adjustable stator blades may be arranged in the channels, and may be attached to the panel and to the casing-rings.

27-05-1933 дата публикации

Mehrstufiger Kreiselverdichter

Номер: DE0000576643C

16-01-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001628239C3
Принадлежит: DEMAG AG, 4100 DUISBURG

04-02-1971 дата публикации

Radiallüfter oder -pumpe mit zwei oder mehreren Schaufelkränzen

Номер: DE0001628369B1

19-05-2004 дата публикации

Drallerzeugungseinrichtung für einen Verdichter

Номер: DE0010250302A1

Drallerzeugungseinrichtung zur drallbeaufschlagten Anströmung eines Verdichterlaufrades eines Abgasturboladers, umfassend einen in die Ladeluftsaugleitung einschiebbaren, dem Verdichterlaufrad vorgeordneten Drallerzeuger.

07-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001420127A

... 1420127 Mixing flowing liquids ADOLPH SAURER AG 3 Sept 1973 [5 Sept 1972] 41264/ 73 Heading B1C [Also in Division F1] A device for mixing and impelling heatexchange fluids comprises an impeller interposed between first and second chambers and having a suction side communicating with the first chamber and a pressure side communicating with the second chamber; an outlet communicating with the second chamber and a user; a pair of inlets for cooler or hotter heatexchange fluid, one communicating with the first chamber and the other with a third chamber; a pair of axially aligned apertures interconnecting the first and third chambers; and tubular baffle means shiftable axially in the apertures for increasing the effective cross section of one aperture while simultaneously decreasing that of the other, and vice versa. Cooled water is returned via an inlet 11 to a chamber 10 of a central heating pump, while hot water from the boiler is supplied via an inlet (21) to a chamber 16, both chambers ...

04-02-2004 дата публикации

Compressor inlet with swirl vanes, inner sleeve and shut-off valve

Номер: GB0002391265A

An inlet for a compressor, such as a centrifugal compressor, comprises a housing 1, defining an air inlet passage 2, and a sleeve 3. The sleeve 3 divides the inlet passage 2 into a radially outer portion 4 and a radially inner portion 5. A number of inlet guide vanes 8 are positioned in the outer portion 4 to impart pre swirl in air flowing through the passage 2. A fluid cut-off valve 9 is positioned in the inner portion 5 such that, at low mass flow rates, all the flow can be diverted through the outer portion 4. The cut-off valve 9 may be pivotally mounted in the sleeve 3, and the guide vanes 8 may be mounted to an outer surface of the sleeve 3. The arrangement is said to increase compressor efficiency at low mass flow rates.

25-10-2006 дата публикации

Providing swirl to the compressor of a turbocharger

Номер: GB2425332A

A turbocharger for an internal combustion engine comprises a turbine 1 driven by exhaust gas from the engine, a compressor 3 for supplying compressed air to the engine, the compressor 3 including an impeller 17 driven by the turbine 1, an arrangement 5 upstream of the impeller 17 suitable for directing air such that it is swirling in a rotational sense on reaching the impeller 17, and control means 43 arranged to control said arrangement 5 such that as the speed of the impeller 17 approaches a predetermined maximum speed limit the arrangement 5 directs air such that it is swirling in the opposite rotational sense to that in which the impeller 17 is being driven by the turbine 1. The arrangement 5 for directing the air may comprise a series of variable position guide vanes 23.

22-12-1982 дата публикации

Apparatus for attenuating vortex whistle noise

Номер: GB0002100361A

A load compressor 18 of a gas turbine engine auxiliary power unit has a radial intake opening 70, adjustable air inlet guide vanes 84 spaced around the opening and walls 64, 66 defining an annular radial-to- axial flow passage 68 through which the gas swirls with a vortex movement imparted thereto by the inclination of respective pivoted guide vane parts 88. Vortex whistle noise is reduced by two radially inwardly projecting baffle members 110a (and 110b, Fig. 4 not shown) mounted on diametrically opposite guide vanes 84a (and 84b) which members extend into the gas flow path to create small regions of random turbulence which act to attenuate the whistle noise. ...

02-10-1963 дата публикации

Pipe line blower

Номер: GB0000938620A

... 938,620. Centrifugal blowers. INGERSOLL-RAND CO. June 9, 1961 [June 27, 1960 No. 20994/61. Class 110 (1). A centrifugal blower for use as a pressure booster in a pipe line 22 for natural gas or the like comprises a casing 10 containing an inner cylindrical wall 38 surrounding the housing 42 of the driving motor. The gas discharged by the blower impeller 34 passes through the annular space between the wall 38 and the housing 42. An inlet nozzle 56 attached to the wall 38 and sealed to the inlet 12 by packing 58 contains vanes 60 which can be turned by means of a ring gear 62 and pinions 64 to throttle the flow. When the blower is stopped, the vanes 60 are turned to close the inlet passage. Check valves 70 then automatically open to allow the gas to flow through the annular space between the casing 10 and the wall 38, thereby bypassing the blower. An oil pump 48 supplies oil to the shaft bearings from an oil reservoir 50 disposed at the bottom of the annular space.

02-06-1983 дата публикации

Vehicle ventilating system

Номер: GB0002109534A

A casing for an equipment part, both casing and part being accommodated in a space located between the engine compartment or boot and the splash wall of a motor vehicle, the portion of the casing surrounding the equipment part from below, or its connection to the remaining casing being designed to be movable, in such a way that, when the casing is installed or removed for maintenance, for example, the lower portion yields temporarily changing its shape and then assumes its initial shape again.

14-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002166800A

The compressor, for use in a supercharger, comprises a gas inlet nozzle (3) leading to a centrifugal impeller (41) for accelerating gas to be compressed by the compressor, the inlet nozzle containing an axially moveable shroud (1) defining an annular clearance about an upstream portion of the impeller and being moveable to vary the annular clearance and to open and close a subsidiary gas flow path (6) defined as grooves or flutes between axial ribs supporting the shroud (1) within the nozzle (3), the movement of the shroud enabling control of maximum supercharger boost pressures. The shroud is moved by an operating lever 9 controlled in dependence on the supercharger boost pressure or on various operating parameters of an internal combustion engine supplied by the supercharger. The impeller is rotated by an epicyclic drive. ...

09-02-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fans, blowers and the like

Номер: GB0000228974A

... 228,974. Hedgcock, F. J. W. Nov. 8, 1923. Regulating.-The rotor 7 of a centrifugal fan for use as a powerabsorbing brake in testing air-craft engines is a running fit in the casing, openings 8 in the periphery of which are regulated by plate-like shutters 9 so pivoted to the casing that when fully closed they have a running clearance from the rotor throughout their length and when open they provide unobstructed discharged passage. A lug 17 on one side of each shutter has a pin-and-slot connection with a bell-crank lever 14, 12, the arm 14 of which carries a deflector plate 20. The levers 12 are interconnected by links 19 for simultaneous actuation. The rotor is constructed to extend radially between the pivot-lugs 11 on the shutters. In a modification, the shutters are arranged in pairs as shown in Fig. 4 each set being interconnected so that the rotor can run in either direction. The shutters may be pivoted back to back to give a greater outlet area. Increased power absorption may be obtained ...

21-12-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to centrifugal blowers, compressors and the like

Номер: GB0000302953A

... 302,953. Muir, N. S. Sept. 21, 1927. Drawings to Specification. Regulating; impeller blades, fixing. - The impeller blades of a centrifugal blower and hinged at or near their roots and are free to move into positions of equilibrium. Stops may be provided to limit the movement. The blades mav be mounted between impeller side plates, may be of aerofoil section and may be alternately short and long. The diffuser blades may also be pivotally mounted and be of aerofoil section.

07-05-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to centrifugal fans

Номер: GB0000347893A

... 347,893. Centrifugal fans. STURTEVANT CO., B. F., 6, Damon Street, Hyde Park, Boston, U.S.A.-(Assignees of Hagen, H. F. ; Whiting Avenue, Dedham, Massachusetts, U.S.A.) May 8, 1930, No. 14144. Convention date, Feb. 3. [Class 110 (i).] Regulating ; casing8.-A fan has an inlet scroll with a discharge eye leading to the rotor and provided with means for varying the spin velocity of the fluid entering the scroll. A double-entry fan is shown with inlet scrolls 6, 8 on opposite sides of the rotor 4 and the outlet 10. Each scroll has, at its lower end, an entrance chamber 14 with walls 16, 18 shaped as shown in Fig. 3, to form a constricted throat 20. A gate or deflector in the entrance chamber is formed by a curved plate 24 and side plates 28 secured to a shaft 29 which can be rocked by the link 32. A counter-weight 30 is also attached to the shaft 29. A lip 26 at the end of the curved plate 24 conforms to the wall of the throat 20 when the gate is fully open. In this position of the gate, the ...

03-11-1948 дата публикации

Improvements relating to diffusers, especially of centrifugal compressors, and control thereof

Номер: GB0000611726A

... 611,726. Fluid-pressure servomotor-control systems. POWER JETS (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT), Ltd., and OGSTON; W. M. Sept. 14, 1945, No. 23830. [Class 135] [Also in Group XXVI] In a gas turbine plant with a centrifugal compressor having a plurality of tangential diffuser ducts, the entry area of each duct is adjustable in accordance with the mass flow. The variation may be effected by means of a flexible steel strip 2, Fig. 2, forming part of the diffuser wall which is distorted by a synthetic rubber pressure cell 3. Or, the tip 1A may be pivoted to the main wall and all the tips controlled by a rotary multiple cam. The control may include a diaphragm 5, Fig. 4, subjected on opposite sides to the pressures at the entry to the diffuser channel and at a selected point up-stream from that entry. A piston 8 follows the movement of the diaphragm and controls the supply of pressure fluid to all the cells 3. The movement is controlled by a lever 14, loaded by springs 13 and having a pivot 15, the ...

22-03-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to centrifugal fans

Номер: GB0000482032A

... 482,032. Centrifugal fans. STURTEVANT CO., B. F. July 28, 1937, No. 20923. Convention date, July 31, 1936. [Class 110 (i)] In a centrifugal fan of the vane-control type, as described in Specification 358,154, with simultaneously adjustable vanes in a converging inlet, each vane support 18, Fig. 3, has a crank 46 with a member 48 received in grooves 44 in a rotary actuator 42, the parts 18, 48 having axes intersecting in the axis of the actuator 42. The member 48 may be cylindrical as shown or conical, Fig. 8, and in this case the member 42 is spherical having its centre lying with the apex of the cone at the intersection of the axes. The actuator 42 consists of a ring with bevel teeth in mesh with a bevel wheel 58 on the control shaft 60. Each support 18 consists of a sleeve surrounding a fixed rod 20 and provided at each end with bushings 40. To prevent entry of dust and dirt to the operating mechanism, the hub 22 is curved at 50 and receives a cover 54, the hub and cover having semicircular ...

03-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001454270A

... 1454270 Centrifugal pumps ITT INDUSTRIES Inc 8 April 1975 [9 April 1974] 14320/75 Heading F1C In a motor-driven centrifugal pump of the kind in which the impeller 3 is disposed to one side of the pumping chamber 4 so that the pumping effect is obtained by the generation of a swirl in the chamber in front of the impeller, at least part of the pump casing 8 is resilient so that when a predetermined volumetric flow is reached, deformation of the part occurs to tend to prevent further increase of the flow. The casing 8 comprises a rigid outer part 7 of sheet metal and an inner part 9 of resilient material, such as rubber. When a predetermined volumetric flow is reached, the front portion of the casing inner part 9 deforms around the inlet opening and becomes folded inwardly against the impeller hub 6 to throttle the flow and prevent further increase.

10-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323367B

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500423B1

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000446452T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422030T

15-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA575977A

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508076A1

15-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000750478A

15-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345376A

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000133473T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000090423T

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000077678T

27-10-1969 дата публикации

Liquid promotion aggregate

Номер: AT0000275331B

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327438T

28-06-2007 дата публикации

Variable pump

Номер: AU2006328013A1

13-08-2015 дата публикации

A fan assembly

Номер: AU2014211001A1

A fan assembly includes a nozzle having a first casing section, a second casing section, an air inlet, an air outlet, and an interior passage for conveying air from the air inlet to the air outlet. The nozzle defines a bore through which air from outside the fan assembly is drawn by air emitted from the nozzle. The nozzle is detachably mounted on a body including a motor and impeller unit for generating an air flow through the interior passage, and a humidifier for humidifying the air flow before it enters the interior passage. The first casing section defines, at least in part, the interior passage, and is detachable from the second casing section to allow the interior passage to be accessed by a user for cleaning.

13-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000550254B2

09-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004890190A

07-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000931424A1
Автор: OTTO W

11-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000904807A

12-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1133322A

A high pressure centrifugal pump has an impeller assembly including two mating impeller sections which are each constituted by a shroud with fixed geometry blades. The impeller sections are fixedly mounted upon a rotatable shaft and are of a construction which permits the pressure between the impeller section to engender flexure of the sections away from each other so as to vary the breadth of the impeller assembly. A servo control device is adapted to control the pressure behind the shrouds such that the pump delivers a constant flow at varying back pressures.

24-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1024823A

25-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1030012A

18-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA962894A

06-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001333384C

In a radial fan suitable in particular for traction vehicles, 10 - 15% of the conveyed air quantity is diverted radially from the cooling-air path by guide devices (10) which at the same time serve as a separator; the main proportion passes to the coolers after a 90.degree. deflection. In this way, dirt particles such as dust, snow, spray water, etc, are effectively kept away from the coolers.

17-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003076345A1
Принадлежит: MOFFAT & CO.

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003016829A1

A centrifugal compressor (100) comprises a rotor (103, 104, 105) with a plurality of impellers (104, 105) and a stator (101, 102, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110) with at least a first diaphragm (106), a second diaphragm (107, 108), a diffuser defined between a shroud side of a downstream portion (106) of the first diaphragm and a hub side of a upstream portion (107) of the second diaphragm, and a plurality of diffuser blades (110) inside the diffuser; each diffuser blade (110) has a tip portion, a base portion and an airfoil portion; the diffuser blades (110) are located between the downstream portion (106) of the first diaphragm and the upstream portion (107) of the second diaphragm; the base portion (HOB) of the diffuser blades (110) is integrated in or mounted directly or indirectly to the upstream portion (107) of the second diaphragm, and the tip portion (HOT) of the diffuser blades (110) abuts against the downstream portion (106) of the first diaphragm; alternatively, the base portion (130B ...

18-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002516715C

An impeller pump with thermostatically adjustable swirl-vanes, in use as an automotive engine-driven coolant pump. Flow variation is controlled by varying the orientation of the swirl-vanes. A change in orientation is effected by a thermal driver, e.g a wax-type thermostat, which senses coolant temperature. The swirl-vanes boost the flowrate when the coolant is hot, and decrease it when the coolant cools. The swirl-vanes are mounted for pivoting, and are located just upstream from the pump impeller. The traditional engine- thermostat function is provided inside the pumping-chamber, in that the swirl- vanes can be operated to close off a port to the engine radiator. The thermal driver opens the radiator-port as the coolant goes from Cold to Warm; as the coolant goes from Warm to Hot, the thermal driver operates the swirl-vanes from flow-reduce to flow-boost.

09-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002184882A1

An impeller-driven turbomachinery for use in centrifugal and mixed flow pump overcomes operational difficulties, such as flow separation and generation of surge at low flow rates, often encountered in similar machines of the conventional design. The turbomachinery is provided with variable-angle inlet guide vane and variable-angle diffuser vanes, and the diffuser section is constructed according to a fluid dynamic principle, and the vanes having a wing shape are distributed tangentially so that the diffuser section acts as a centrifugal diffuser. A convenient operational parameter, chosen from such variables as input current to drive motor, rotational speed or torque of the drive motor, inlet/exit pressures, and fluid velocity, is monitored during the operation by means of sensors strategically attached to parts of the operating system. Real time changes in the operating parameter is measured and the setting angle of the inlet guide vane is adjusted in accordance with a predetermined relation ...

16-04-1928 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000125547A
Принадлежит: SIMMEN OSCAR

30-11-1939 дата публикации

Einrichtung an Kreiselmaschinen.

Номер: CH0000207772A
Принадлежит: VOITH GMBH J M, VOITH,J. M.

30-04-1948 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000254459A

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Variable geometry turbine

Номер: US20120082539A1
Автор: Khimani Mohiki
Принадлежит: Cummins Turbo Technologies Ltd

A variable geometry turbine for a turbocharger has a plurality of vanes disposed in an inlet passageway of a turbine housing outboard of the turbine wheel. The vanes are movable so as to adjust the effective cross-section area of the inlet between a first position in which the area of the inlet is a minimum and a second position in which the area of the inlet is a maximum. The movement of one end of the vanes is supported by a plurality of first guide tracks, such as slots, defined in a guide member. A vane actuator such as, for example a unison ring, effects movement of the vanes. The vane actuator has a plurality of actuation tracks (e.g. slots) for engagement with the vanes and is rotatably disposed in the housing. When it rotates the vane actuator induces sliding translation of the vanes relative to the first guide tracks in a first direction and sliding translation of the vanes relative to the actuation tracks in a second direction so as to adjust the cross-section area of the inlet. The swirl angle changes between the first and second positions.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Mechanism for modulating diffuser vane of diffuser

Номер: US20120134784A1

A mechanism modulates a fluid flow in a diffuser flow path of a compressor diffuser, including: a shroud disposed on the diffuser flow path and having a cam and a driving wheel fixed base; a diffuser vane having a diffuser guide vane disposed in the diffuser flow path and a diffuser vane shaft fixedly disposed on the diffuser vane that penetrates from the diffuser flow path through the shroud; a driving ring sleeved on the cam and having a moving bar; a sliding block having one end connected with one end the diffuser vane shaft that penetrates through the shroud, and the other end sleeved on a sliding groove formed on the moving bar; a driving wheel disposed in the driving wheel fixed base and having a driving shaft connected to an actuator outside of the compressor; and a driving cable connected to the driving wheel and the driving ring.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor having an asymmetric self-recirculating casing treatment

Номер: US20120308372A1

A centrifugal compressor includes an asymmetric self-recirculating casing treatment that includes, on an inner face of a casing 10, a suction ring groove 1, a ring guide channel 2 and a back-flow ring groove 3 to form a self-recirculating channel. An axial-direction position S r from an upstream end face of the suction ring groove to an impeller full blade leading edge 4 or a width b r of the suction ring groove 1 is represented as A(α·D−β·D) 2 +A 0 and is distributed in a parabolic shape in a circumferential direction. An initial phase angle θ 0 is in a range of 0≦θ 0 ≦2π. A circumferential angle α of the casing has a definition range of θ 0 ≦α≦θ 0+ 2λ. In the expression, A denotes a parameter of the parabola in the axial-direction position S r or the width b r , and A 0 denotes an extreme of the axial-direction position S r or the width b r when corresponding circumferential angle β and the α are equal at an extreme point of distribution of the parabola.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Variable-speed oil-free refrigerant centrifugal compressor with variable geometry diffuser

Номер: US20130064682A1
Автор: Joost Brasz, Lin Sun
Принадлежит: Danfoss Turbocor Compressors BV

A refrigerant compressor includes a housing providing a refrigerant outlet having a throat. An electric motor is provided in the housing to directly drive an impeller via a shaft about an axis in response to a variable speed command. The impeller includes an outlet end aligned with variable geometry diffuser. A magnetic bearing assembly rotationally supports the shaft relative to the housing in response to a magnetic bearing command. A member is arranged to adjust the throat area, and which can move in a direction generally parallel to the axis in response to an actuator receiving a compressor regulation command. A controller is configured to respectively provide the variable speed command, the magnetic bearing command and the compressor regulation command to the electric motor to vary throat area, the magnetic bearing assembly and the actuator to obtain a desired compressor operation without the need of variable inlet geometry.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Blade cascade and turbomachine

Номер: US20130202444A1
Автор: Roland Wunderer

A blade cascade for a turbomachine having a plurality of blades arranged next to one another in the peripheral direction, at least two blades having a variation for generating an asymmetric outflow in the rear area, as well as a turbomachine having an asymmetric blade cascade, which is connected upstream from another blade cascade, are disclosed.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor

Номер: US20140003930A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A compressor has a hub-side wall of a hub-side wall plate, a shroud-side wall that faces the hub-side wall and forms a diffuser path between the shroud-side wall and the hub-side wall, vanes that protrude from the hub-side wall plate into the diffuser path, and an actuator capable of changing the distance between the vanes and the shroud-side wall in accordance with a flow rate of air in the diffuser path. Adjacent ones of the adjacent vanes do not overlap with each other when viewed from a center axis of the compressor. When the actuator maximizes the distance between the vanes and the shroud-side wall, the distance between the vanes and the shroud-side wall is smaller than the distance between the hub-side wall and areas of the shroud-side wall that face the vanes.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017069A1
Автор: PETERS Laurent James

A fan assembly includes a base and a body mounted on the base for movement relative thereto between an untilted position and a tilted position. The fan assembly also includes an air outlet and an interior passage for conveying air to the air outlet, and which extends about an opening through which air from outside the fan assembly is drawn by air emitted from the air outlet. A brake and a stationary rail are disposed on the upper surface of the base, and a rail is connected to the lower surface of the body and located between the brake and the stationary rail. The brake is urged by a spring or other resilient member towards the stationary rail to urge the rail of the body against the stationary rail to maintain the body in a tilted position by means of friction between the rails. 1. A fan assembly comprising a base; a body mounted on the base for movement relative thereto between an untilted position and a tilted position , the body comprising at least one air inlet , an impeller and a motor for driving the impeller to draw an air flow through said at least one air inlet; at least one air outlet; an interior passage for conveying air to said at least one air outlet , the interior passage extending about an opening through which air from outside the fan assembly is drawn by air emitted from said at least one air outlet; a brake connected to the base for movement relative thereto; a stop member connected to the base; a section of the body being disposed between the brake and the stop member; and a resilient member for urging the brake towards the stop member to urge the section of the body against the stop member to maintain the body in a tilted position relative to the base by friction between the section of the body and the stop member.2. The fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein the brake is mounted on the upper surface of the base.3. The fan assembly of claim 2 , wherein the base comprises a plurality of guide rails connected to the upper surface of the base claim 2 , ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

System and method to improve performance of a compressor device comprising variable diffuser vanes

Номер: US20140064920A1
Принадлежит: Dresser LLC

Embodiments of a system and method can modify the position of diffuser vanes to improve performance of a compressor device, e.g., a centrifugal compressor. These embodiments form a feedback loop to manage the position of the diffuser vanes relative to one or more operating parameters on the compressor device. In one embodiment, the system and method measure input power with the diffuser vanes at a first position and a second position. Changes in the input power will identify other positions for the diffuser vanes that optimize performance of the compressor device, e.g., to reduce power consumption and to achieve and maintain peak compressor efficiency within the entire operating envelope of the compressor device.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Blower Motor Assembly Having Air Directing Surface

Номер: US20180010610A1

A blower assembly includes a centrifugal fan and a motor assembly. The centrifugal fan has a plurality of axially extending impeller blades, a first axial end, and an air inlet. The air inlet is at the first axial end of the centrifugal fan. The motor assembly comprises a stator, a rotor, and an air directing surface. The air directing surface is shaped and configured to direct air drawn into the air inlet radially outwardly toward the impeller blades. The air directing surface extends generally along the rotor axis from its first end to its second end. At least a surface region of the air directing surface generally circumscribes the rotor axis and diverges radially outwardly as such surface region of the air directing surface extends away from the first end toward the second end. 1. A blower assembly comprising:{'sub': 'f', 'a centrifugal fan rotatable about a fan axis, the centrifugal fan having a plurality of axially extending impeller blades, a first axial end, a second axial end, a first air inlet, a second air inlet, and a drive plate between the first and second axial ends of the centrifugal fan, the second axial end being opposite the first axial end, the first air inlet being at the first axial end of the centrifugal fan, the second air inlet being at the second axial end of the centrifugal fan, the drive plate being between the first and second axial ends of the centrifugal fan, the impeller blades having inner surfaces that combine to define a fan inner diameter d;'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '2', 'f, 'a motor assembly comprising a stator, a rotor, at least one electronic component adapted and configured to control the motor assembly, and an air directing surface, the rotor being configured to rotate relative to the stator about a rotor axis, the rotor of the motor assembly being operatively coupled to drive plate of the centrifugal fan in a manner such that the centrifugal fan rotates with the rotor about the rotor axis, said at least one electronic ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010611A1
Автор: Bae In Hwan, EOM Joo Sang

A compressor control system includes: a compressor; an inlet guide vane (IGV) arranged at an inlet of the compressor, and configured to adjust opening of the inlet based on a supplementary surge control signal or a performance control signal; an anti-surge valve (ASV) connected to an outlet of the compressor, and configured to prevent a surge based on a surge control signal; and a controller configured to generate the surge control signal for controlling the ASV when an operating point enters a surge control range, generate the supplementary surge control signal for controlling the IGV in an anti-surge mode when the operating point enters a supplementary surge control range set between the surge control range and a surge range, and generate the performance control signal for controlling the IGV in a performance mode until the operating point enters the surge control range. 1. A compressor control system comprising:a compressor configured to compress a fluid;an inlet guide vane (IGV) arranged at an inlet of the compressor, and configured to adjust opening of the inlet by control of a supplementary surge control signal or a performance control signal;an anti-surge valve (ASV) connected to an outlet of the compressor, and configured to prevent a surge in the compressor by control of a surge control signal; anda controller configured to generate the surge control signal for controlling the ASV in response to an operating point of the compressor entering a surge control range, generate the supplementary surge control signal for controlling the IGV in an anti-surge mode in response to the operating point of the compressor entering a supplementary surge control range set between the surge control range and a surge range where the compressor generates a surge, and generate the performance control signal for controlling the IGV in a performance mode until the operating point of the compressor enters the surge control range.2. The compressor control system of claim 1 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010958A1

A centrifugal compressor is equipped with a housing including a suction passage which accommodates an impeller. The suction passage is provided with a first opening portion formed at a position facing the impeller, a second opening portion formed on an upstream side of the first opening portion, a circulation flow path which allows the first opening portion and the second opening portion to communicate with each other and extends in an annular shape around a rotational axis of the impeller, and a plurality of guide vanes disposed in the circulation flow path. The circulation flow path includes a first region in which a plurality of guide vanes is disposed at intervals in a circumferential direction, and a second region in which no guide vane is disposed. The second region extends over a wider range in the circumferential direction than the interval between the guide vanes in the first region. 18-. (canceled)9. A centrifugal compressor comprising a housing including an suction passage which accommodates an impeller ,wherein the suction passage is provided with a first opening portion formed at a position facing the impeller, a second opening portion formed on an upstream side of the first opening portion, a circulation flow path which allows the first opening portion and the second opening portion to communicate with each other and extends in an annular shape around a rotational axis of the impeller, and a plurality of guide vanes disposed in the circulation flow path,the circulation flow path includes a first region in which a plurality of guide vanes is disposed at intervals in a circumferential direction, and a second region in which no guide vane is disposed, and the second region extends over a wider range in the circumferential direction than the interval between the guide vanes in the first region.10. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 9 , wherein the housing comprises an annular scroll flow path formed on an outer circumference of the impeller ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011230A1

A method of operating an internal combustion engine, wherein the internal combustion engine has at least one combustion engine, a fresh gas line, and a compressor integrated in the gas line, which is associated with a trim controller, via which an edge-side portion of the inlet cross section of a compressor impeller of the compressor is coverable to a variable extent. In this case, in a release position of the trim controller, the edge-side portion of the inlet cross section is covered relatively little, and in a covering position of the trim controller, is mostly covered. It is provided that in a transition from a traction mode of the combustion engine, in which the trim controller is in the release position, the trim controller is adjusted to an overrun mode of the combustion engine into the covering position. As a result, a so-called discharge hissing can be prevented or minimized. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:providing a combustion engine and a fresh gas line, wherein a compressor is integrated in the fresh gas line and wherein the compressor is associated with a trim controller via which an edge-side portion of the inlet cross section of a compressor impeller of the compressor is adapted to be covered to a variable extent, wherein in a release position of the trim controller, the edge-side portion of the inlet cross section is covered relatively little and in a covering position of the trim controller, the edge-side portion is mostly covered;adjusting the trim controller to an overrun mode of the combustion engine into the covering position, in a transition from a traction mode of the combustion engine, in which the trim controller is in the release position.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the covering position claim 1 , the trim controller covers the edge-side portion of the inlet cross section as much as possible.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the trim controller is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011231A1

A method of operating a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine, wherein the internal combustion engine has at least one combustion engine which is connected by a rotary drive via a transmission and optionally a clutch with powered wheels of the motor vehicle, and further comprises a fresh gas line, and wherein in the fresh gas line, a compressor is integrated, which is associated with a trim controller, by means of which an edge-side portion of the inlet cross section of a compressor impeller of the compressor is coverable to a variable extent. In this case, in a release position of the trim controller, the edge-side portion of the inlet cross section is covered relatively little, preferably the least possible, and in a covering position of the trim controller, is mostly covered, preferably as much as possible. 1. A method for operating a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:providing a combustion engine that is connectable by a rotary drive to wheels of the motor vehicle via a transmission, and a fresh gas line, wherein a compressor is integrated in the fresh gas line and wherein the compressor is associated with a trim controller via which an edge-side portion of the inlet cross section of a compressor impeller of the compressor is adapted to be covered to a variable extent, wherein in a release position of the trim controller, the edge-side portion of the inlet cross section is covered relatively little and in a covering position of the trim controller the edge-side portion is mostly covered; andadjusting the trim controller to the covering position for the transition from a first operating state of the internal combustion engine, in which the transmission is in a first gear ratio switch position and the trim controller is in the release position to a second operating state of the internal combustion engine in which the transmission is in a second gear ratio shift position.2. The method according to claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013973A1

A fan plenum for a refrigerated merchandiser, in which the refrigerated merchandiser includes a case defining a product display area and a lower flue, a first air passageway, and a second air passageway, and in which the first air passageway and second air passageway are in fluid communication with the lower flue and with the product display area, includes a top wall including a fan aperture for receiving a fan having a plurality of fan blades. The fan plenum further includes a side wall and a plenum base. An airflow divider partitions the fan plenum into a first duct and a second duct. The first duct is fluidly couplable with the first air passageway and the second duct is fluidly couplable with the second air passageway. 1. A fan plenum for a refrigerated merchandiser , the refrigerated merchandiser including a case defining a product display area and including a lower flue , a first air passageway , and a second air passageway , the first air passageway and second air passageway in fluid communication with the lower flue and with the product display area , the fan plenum comprising:an airflow divider to direct a first portion of an airflow to the first air passageway and to direct a second portion of the airflow to the second air passageway, wherein the proportion of air between the first portion and the second portion is a function of a position and geometry of the airflow divider,wherein the fan plenum includes a top wall, a side wall, and a plenum base, and wherein the airflow divider partitions the fan plenum into a first duct and a second duct, the first duct in communication with the first air passageway and the second duct in communication with the second air passageway,wherein the airflow divider includes a first wall member and a second wall member, wherein the first wall member and the second wall member operably separate the first duct from the second duct, andwherein the first wall member and the second wall member are orthogonal to the top wall, and ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016343A1
Автор: Lummer Dirk, Naunheim Dirk

A variable turbine and/or compressor geometry for an exhaust gas turbocharger may include an adjusting ring for simultaneously adjusting a plurality of guide vanes. The adjusting ring may be operatively connected to an articulated lever via a first contact surface and to an associated adjusting lever of the plurality of guide vanes via a second contact surface. The adjusting ring may include, at least in a region of the first contact surface, an additional component which is pressed into the adjusting ring and which increases the first contact surface operatively connected with the articulated lever. 1. A variable turbine and/or compressor geometry for an exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising:an adjusting ring for simultaneously adjusting a plurality of guide vanes, wherein the adjusting ring is in operative connection with an articulated lever via a first contact surface and with an associated adjusting lever of the plurality of guide vanes via a second contact surface,wherein the adjusting ring includes, at least in a region of the first contact surface, an additional component which is pressed into the adjusting ring and which increases the first contact surface in operative connection with the articulated lever.2. The variable turbine and/or compressor geometry according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting ring further includes claim 1 , in a region of the second contact surface claim 1 , another additional component which is pressed into the adjusting ring and which increases the second contact surface in operative connection with the associated adjusting lever.3. The variable turbine and/or compressor geometry according to claim 1 , wherein the additional component is configured as a metal-powder injection-moulded part.4. The variable turbine and/or compressor geometry according to claim 1 , wherein the additional component includes at least one bulge that facilitates a play-free press fit with the adjusting ring.5. The variable turbine and/or compressor ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018325A1
Автор: Snell Paul W.

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed toward a compressor includes an impeller configured to compress a working fluid, a diffuser positioned downstream of the impeller with respect to a flow path of the working fluid, where the diffuser is configured to direct the working fluid through a radial passage, and where the diffuser comprises a vaned diffuser portion disposed within the radial passage, and a collector positioned downstream of the diffuser with respect to the flow path of the working fluid, where a chamber of the collector is axially offset from the radial passage of the diffuser. 1. A compressor , comprising:an impeller configured to compress a working fluid;a diffuser positioned downstream of the impeller with respect to a flow path of the working fluid, wherein the diffuser is configured to direct the working fluid through a radial passage, and wherein the diffuser comprises a vaned diffuser portion disposed within the radial passage; anda collector positioned downstream of the diffuser with respect to the flow path of the working fluid, wherein a chamber of the collector is axially offset from the radial passage of the diffuser.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser comprises a variable geometry diffuser ring portion disposed within the radial passage.3. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein the variable geometry diffuser ring portion comprises a ring configured to extend axially into the radial passage to adjust a flow of the working fluid through the radial passage.4. The compressor of claim 3 , wherein the vaned diffuser portion is positioned downstream of the variable geometry diffuser ring portion with respect to the flow path of the working fluid claim 3 , and wherein a position of the ring of the variable geometry diffuser ring portion is configured to adjust a flow angle of the working fluid directed toward the vaned diffuser portion.5. The compressor of claim 1 , comprising an interface positioned between an outlet of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Variable geometry diffuser ring

Номер: US20200018326A1
Автор: Paul W. Snell
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A compressor includes an impeller, a diffuser passage having a diffuser vane therein, and a variable geometry diffuser ring positioned between the impeller and the diffuser vane with respect to a flow of a refrigerant through the compressor. The compressor also includes an actuator configured to move the variable geometry diffuser ring in a direction transverse to the flow of the refrigerant, and between a plurality of ring positions including a fully retracted ring position in which the variable geometry diffuser ring does not block the flow of the refrigerant, and at least one protruded ring position in which the variable geometry diffuser ring adjusts an angle of the flow of the refrigerant upstream of the diffuser vane.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105736A1
Автор: KIRIAKI Takuro

A centrifugal compressor includes an expanded section which forms a cylindrical space between a suction opening and an impeller. An inlet tapered section is formed on an inlet side of the expanded section, and an outlet tapered section is formed on an outlet side of the expanded section. The expanded section has an inner diameter which is larger than an inner diameter of the suction opening and at least twice as large as an inlet diameter of the impeller. 1. A centrifugal compressor configured to compress a gas with centrifugal force , comprising:a housing; a disc rotatable about an axis of the impeller, and', 'a plurality of blades provided on an outer peripheral surface of the disc at intervals in a circumferential direction of the disc;, 'an impeller rotatably provided in the housing, the impeller including,'}a suction opening formed on an inlet side of the impeller and configured to suck the gas; andan expanded section formed between the suction opening and the impeller, and defining a cylindrical space, whereinthe expanded section has an inner diameter which is larger than an inner diameter of the suction opening and at least twice as large as an inlet diameter of the impeller.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a distance from a front edge of each blade to the expanded section in the axial direction to an axial length of the blade is in a range of 1.0 to 6.0.3. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of an axial length of the expanded section to an axial length of each blade is in a range of 0.5 to 5.0.4. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 2 , wherein a ratio of an axial length of the expanded section to an axial length of each blade is in a range of 0.5 to 5.0.5. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , whereinan inlet tapered section whose inner diameter becomes gradually smaller toward its upstream end is formed on an inlet side of the expanded section, andan outlet tapered ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023011A1
Принадлежит: Nuovo Pignone Srl

The present disclosure relates to a turbomachine assembly, which includes a shaft, a radial gas expander supported on the shaft between a first bearing and a second bearing, and a compressor supported on the shaft in overhung position adjacent to one or the other of the first and second bearings. The compressor includes a plurality of movable inlet nozzles and the radial gas expander includes a plurality of movable guide vanes. 1. A turbomachine assembly comprising:a shaft,a radial gas expander supported on the shaft between at least one first bearing and at least one second bearing, anda compressor supported on the shaft in an overhung position adjacent to at least one of said first or second bearings,said wherein the radial gas expander comprises a plurality of movable guide vanes.2. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said compressor includes a plurality of movable inlet nozzles.3. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the radial gas expander comprises at least two radial stages.4. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of the radial stages comprises a movable set of inlet guide vanes.5. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 4 , wherein each radial stage comprises a respective movable set of inlet guide vanes claim 4 , each set being actuated independently from the other set.6. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein at least a seal is provided on said shaft between the compressor and the radial gas expander.7. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein a first process gas is compressed in said compressor and a second operative gas is expanded in said radial gas expander.8. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said radial gas expander is part of an organic Rankine cycle.9. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said shaft operates at a variable speed.10. The turbomachine assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023582A1

A blower is provided that may include an upper fan that generates a first air current suctioned through a first suction inlet and then discharged; a second fan provided adjacent to the first fan, wherein the second fan generates a second air current suctioned through a second suction inlet and then discharged. The first air current and the second air current may be in a same direction or different directions. 1. A blower comprising:a first fan that generates a first air current suctioned in through a first suction inlet and then discharged;a second fan provided adjacent to the first fan, wherein the second fan generates a second air current suctioned in through a second suction inlet and then discharged;a first discharge outlet rotatably provided at an outlet of the first fan, wherein the first discharge outlet discharges the first air current in a radial direction;a second discharge outlet rotatably provided at an outlet of the second fan, wherein the second discharge outlet discharges the second air current in a radial direction; anda controller that controls rotation of at least one of the first discharge outlet or the second discharge outlet, to control a first discharge direction of the first air current and a second discharge direction of the second air current.2. The blower of claim 1 , wherein the first fan is driven such that the first air current flows downwardly from the first suction inlet and is discharged in a lateral direction claim 1 , and wherein the second fan is driven such that the second air current flows upwardly from the second suction inlet and is discharged in a lateral direction.3. The blower of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls rotation of the first discharge outlet in a circumferential direction claim 1 , to control the first discharge direction of the first air current claim 1 , andwherein the controller controls rotation of the second discharge outlet in the circumferential direction, to control the second discharge direction of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023590A1
Автор: Song Binglu

A cooling fan extending vertically to define a longitudinal axis, the cooling fan configured to blow air and mist therefrom. The cooling fan includes a base and multiple stacked duct housings with a fan housing therebetween, each of the duct housing being rotatably coupled to each other. The base includes a water tank associated with an atomizer, an axial flow fan, and a misting tube, the misting tube extending upward from the atomizer along the axis through an air duct defined by the duct housings. Each of the duct housings include an air outlet and a misting outlet to independently disperse air and mist therefrom to be mixed upon exiting the cooling fan. With this arrangement, each one of the duct housings is rotatable about the longitudinal axis relative to an adjacent one of the multiple duct housings to provide directional misted air flow from multiple selected positions. 1. A cooling fan extending vertically to define a longitudinal axis , the cooling fan configured to blow air and mist therefrom , the cooling fan comprising:a base including a tank sized and configured to hold water, the tank including a misting tube, an atomizer, and an axial flow fan associated therewith;a fan housing rotatably coupled to the base, the fan housing defining an air inlet therein and including a fan coupled to the fan housing, the fan housing defining a base duct adjacent to the fan configured to facilitate upward air flow;a first duct housing coupled to the fan housing so as to facilitate the air flow from the base duct, the first duct housing positioned above the fan housing and including a first air outlet and a first misting outlet, the first air outlet communicating with the air flow flowing from the base duct, the first misting outlet communicating with the misting tube;a second duct housing rotatably coupled to the first duct housing so as to facilitate the air flow from the first duct housing, the second duct housing positioned above the first duct housing and including ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024528A1
Принадлежит: Nuovo Pignone Tecnologie Srl

A method for operating start-up of a compressor train is disclosed. The train includes a driver machine and at least a centrifugal compressor drivingly coupled to the driver machine. The centrifugal compressor in turn includes a plurality of compressor stages and at least a first set of variable inlet guide vanes at an inlet of one of the compressor stages. The method includes at least partly closing the first set of variable inlet guide vanes; when the first set of variable inlet guide vanes is at least partly closed, starting rotation of the centrifugal compressor and accelerating the centrifugal compressor up to a minimum operating speed; opening the at least one set of variable inlet guide vanes to increase the gas flow through the centrifugal compressor once the minimum operating speed has been achieved. 1. A method for operating start-up of a compressor train comprising a driver machine and at least a centrifugal compressor drivingly coupled to the driver machine , the centrifugal compressor comprising a plurality of compressor stages and at least a first set of variable inlet guide vanes at an inlet of one of said compressor stages; the method comprising:at least partly closing the first set of variable inlet guide vanes;starting rotation of the centrifugal compressor and accelerating the centrifugal compressor up to a minimum operating speed, while the first set of variable inlet guide vanes is at least partly closed;opening the first set of variable inlet guide vanes to increase the gas flow through the centrifugal compressor once the minimum operating speed has been achieved.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of variable inlet guide vanes is arranged at the inlet of a most upstream compressor stage of the centrifugal compressor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driver machine comprises a single-shaft gas turbine engine and a starter; and wherein during starting rotation of the centrifugal compressor and accelerating the centrifugal ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032676A1

A centrifugal fan assembly including fan wheel, a primary inlet bell, a secondary inlet bell, and a flow grid. The primary inlet bell and secondary inlet bell direct air into an inlet of the fan wheel of the centrifugal fan. Also disclosed is a sound reduction assembly for reducing the sound produced by a centrifugal fan or centrifugal compressor. A method of directing air flowing into a centrifugal fan or a centrifugal compressor is also disclosed. 1. A centrifugal fan assembly , comprising:a fan wheel including an axial inlet, the fan wheel radially discharging air;a primary inlet bell that directs the air into the axial inlet of the fan wheel;a secondary inlet bell that directs the air towards the primary inlet bell;a flow grid that guides the air flowing into the secondary inlet bell.2. The centrifugal fan assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a cabinet including an air inlet and an air outlet, whereinthe fan wheel, the primary inlet bell, and the secondary inlet bell are located within the cabinet, andthe secondary inlet bell is affixed to the cabinet.3. The centrifugal fan assembly of claim 2 , wherein the flow grid is affixed to one of the secondary inlet bell and the cabinet.4. The centrifugal fan assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a frame for supporting the fan wheel and the primary inlet bell, the fan wheel being rotatably affixed to the frame, and the primary inlet bell being affixed to the frame.5. The centrifugal fan assembly of claim 4 , further comprising:one or more vibration isolators that support the frame, the one or more vibration isolators being affixed to a cabinet of the centrifugal fan assembly, and the one or more vibration isolators supporting the frame such that the frame is configured to be moveable relative to a cabinet.6. The centrifugal fan assembly of claim 5 , wherein each of the one or more vibration isolators includes a spring that is located between the frame and the cabinet claim 5 , the spring biasing the frame away ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056915A1

Centrifugal compressors can incorporate a side stream flow of intermediate pressure vapor between stages of that compressor. The side stream flow can be controlled by a side stream injection port controlled by a throttle ring disposed between stages of the compressor. The throttle ring can allow or obstruct flow through the side stream injection port. The throttle ring can extend and retract in a direction substantially perpendicular to the direction of flow from the first stage impeller to the second stage impeller. A method of operating a centrifugal compressor can include actuating a throttle ring by rotating a drive ring to adjust a flow of interstage fluid into the second stage impeller. 1. A centrifugal compressor for compressing a fluid , comprising:a first stage impeller;a second stage impeller;a plurality of guide vanes forming channels located between the first stage impeller and the second stage impeller, the channels configured to direct an interstage flow of the fluid from the first stage impeller to the second stage impeller;a side stream injection port located between the first stage impeller and the second stage impeller, the side stream injection port configured to receive a side stream of the fluid; anda throttle ring configured to move through the side stream injection port between an extended position and a retracted position,a drive ring; and in the extended position, the throttle ring obstructs flow of the side stream of the fluid through the side stream injection port and partially obstructs the interstage flow of the fluid through the channels, and', 'in the retracted position, the throttle ring allows the side stream of the fluid to flow through the side stream injection port., 'linkage assemblies connecting the drive ring to the throttle ring such that rotation of drive ring moves the throttling ring in the axial direction between the retracted position and the extended position, wherein'}2. The centrifugal compressor of claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040875A1

An inlet guide vane assembly having a plurality of pivoting vanes interconnected with a mechanism useful to move the vanes between positions. The vanes can be connected via a series of links and reciprocating hinges which together transmit motion from a drive vane to a number of driven vanes without the need for a sync ring. Motion received by a drive vane is transmitted via a first link to a reciprocating hinge, where the reciprocating hinge is capable of both pivoting and moving in a reciprocating manner along a path. The reciprocating hinge can also be coupled with a second link which transmits motion imparted from the drive vane via the first link to a driven vane. The driven vane is connected via another second link to another reciprocating hinge, which in turns transmits further motion via another first link to another driven vane. 1. An apparatus comprising:an inlet guide vane device having a plurality of vanes, one the plurality of vanes being a drive vane and the other of the plurality of vanes being driven vanes, each of the drive vane and a driven vanes project radially into a flow stream, the drive vane and the driven vanes structured as variable vanes that pivot about their respective rotational axes to change a cross sectional area of the inlet guide vane through which the flow stream traverses, the drive vane coupled to at least one of the driven vanes through a reciprocating hinge, the reciprocating hinge connected to the drive vane through a first link and connected to the at least one of the driven vanes through a second link such that rotation of the drive vane about its axis causes motion of the reciprocating hinge through action of the first link, and the motion of the reciprocating hinge causes actuation of the at least one of the driven vanes through action of the second link, wherein the drive vane is capable of causing sympathetic motion of the driven vane without a circumferentially extending synchronization ring.2. The apparatus of claim 1 ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048038A1
Принадлежит: Vitesco Technologies GmbH

A radial compressor having a specially designed iris diaphragm mechanism is described. This mechanism includes only a single (main) blade that is driven directly by an actuating element, while the other blades are driven by the respective preceding blade via the movement of the main blade. This results in a particularly simple embodiment of the iris diaphragm mechanism. A blade for an iris diaphragm mechanism of this type and a charging device having a radial compressor of this type are furthermore described. 1. A radial compressor for a charging device of an internal combustion engine , comprising:a compressor arranged in a compressor housing,a fresh air feed duct for guiding a fresh air mass flow to the compressor wheel, andan iris diaphragm mechanism, which is arranged upstream of the compressor wheel in the fresh air feed duct and has a multiplicity of blades for opening and closing an iris orifice in order to variably set a flow cross section for the fresh air mass flow,wherein the multiplicity of the blades has a main blade which is actuated for adjustment by an actuating element, and blades guided for adjustment by the main blade, andwherein all the blades are rotatably mounted on the compressor housing or on some other fixed component and all the blades have a guide slot in which a guide element of the respectively adjacent blade engages for adjustment of the following blade.2. The radial compressor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the main blade has a main aperture claim 1 , with which an actuating pin that acts linearly or in a rotary manner interacts as the actuating element.3. The radial compressor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the guide element is a journal that engages in the guide slot of the following blade and is movable therein.4. The radial compressor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein all the blades have a bearing journal rotatably mounted on the compressor housing or on some other fixed component.5. The radial compressor as claimed in claim 1 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047392A1
Принадлежит: Nuovo Pignone Sr1

A method for regulating a turbocompressor to prevent surge, is described. The method comprises the following steps: providing at least one surge limit line of turbocompressor; continuously determining an actual value of a corrected speed of the turbocompressor; continuously determining at least a maximum admissible pressure ratio on the surge limit line, corresponding to the actual value of the corrected speed; continuously determining an actual pressure ratio; acting upon an antisurge arrangement, if the actual pressure ratio is equal to or higher than the maximum admissible pressure ratio. 1. A method for regulating a turbocompressor to prevent surge , comprising the following steps:providing at least one surge limit line and/or at least one choke line of said turbocompressor;determining continuously an operating point of the compressor measuring a processing gas temperature at a compressor inlet, the rotary speed of the compressor, a delivery pressure value and a suction pressure value;continuously determining an actual value of a corrected speed of the turbocompressor, the corrected speed being proportional to a ratio of the rotary speed to a square root of the processing gas temperature;continuously determining at least a maximum admissible pressure ratio on said surge limit line and/or at least a minimum admissible pressure ratio on said choke line, corresponding to the actual value of the corrected speed;continuously determining an actual pressure ratio, equal to a ratio between the delivery pressure value and the suction pressure value; andacting upon an antisurge arrangement to recirculate a fraction of a the compressed gas in the compressor through a suction line, if the actual pressure ratio is equal to or higher than the maximum admissible pressure ratio or equal to or lower than the minimum admissible pressure ratio.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of calculating a surge parameter defined as a ratio ofthe maximum admissible ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050136A1

An object is to provide an air intake duct structure for a centrifugal fluid machine, capable of swirling the fluid introduced into the impeller in the reverse direction to increase the pressure ratio when the flow rate is high and swirling the fluid in the forward direction to avoid a surging when the flow rate is low, as well as securing a wide operating range, without using mechanical means. The centrifugal fluid machine includes an impeller mounted to a rotation shaft and a housing for housing the impeller The air intake duct structure is for directing a fluid “f” to a rotational center of the impeller housed in the housing via an intake duct portion of the housing protruding in an axial direction of the rotation shaft, the fluid “f” flowing in a substantially orthogonal direction to a rotational axis line The air intake duct structure comprises an inflow part extending in the substantially orthogonal direction to the rotation axis line and a transition part connecting the inflow part and the intake duct portion of the housing There is a virtual plane orthogonal to the rotational axis line and passing through a flow path cross-section of the inflow part where an intersection of the virtual plane and the rotational axis line is positioned within the transition part 15-. (canceled)6. An air intake duct structure for a centrifugal fluid machine including an impeller mounted to a rotation shaft and a housing for housing the impeller , the air intake duct structure being configured to direct a fluid to a rotational center of the impeller housed in the housing via an intake duct portion of the housing protruding in an axial direction of the rotation shaft , the fluid flowing in a substantially orthogonal direction to the axial direction of the rotation shaft , the air intake duct structure comprising:an inflow part extending in the substantially orthogonal direction to the axial direction of the rotation shaft; anda transition part connecting the inflow part and the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065263A1
Автор: KOSAKA Syo, ODA Syuzou

A centrifugal blower has a scroll casing, and a separation cylinder. The scroll casing has a nose portion having a minimum scroll diameter and a scroll end portion having a maximum scroll diameter. A suction port of the scroll casing is divided into a first half region and a second half region by a reference line passing through a rotation axis and the nose portion. An air introduction portion of the separation cylinder is arranged to have an area overlapping the first half region in the axial direction, which is larger than an area overlapping the second half region. An outer peripheral wall of the scroll casing is set such that a divergence angle from the nose portion to an intermediate portion is larger than a divergence angle from the intermediate portion to the scroll end portion.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048876A1

A centrifugal compressor for a turbocharger includes an inlet-adjustment mechanism in an air inlet for the compressor, operable to move between a closed position, an open position, and a super-open position. The compressor also includes a ported shroud system. The inlet-adjustment mechanism includes a plurality of blades disposed about the air inlet and movable radially inwardly and outwardly for defining the various positions. In the closed position, the effective diameter of air inlet is reduced and the blades block flow through the ported shroud system. In the open position, the blades still block the ported shroud but the effective inlet diameter is increased relative to the closed position. In the super-open position, the blades unblock the ported shroud so that an additional amount of flow can pass through the ported shroud, thereby shifting the compressor's choke flow line to higher flow rates. 1. A turbocharger , comprising:a turbine housing and a turbine wheel mounted in the turbine housing and connected to a rotatable shaft for rotation therewith, the turbine housing receiving exhaust gas and supplying the exhaust gas to the turbine wheel;a centrifugal compressor assembly comprising a compressor housing and a compressor wheel mounted in the compressor housing and connected to the rotatable shaft for rotation therewith, the compressor wheel having blades and defining an inducer portion, the compressor housing having an air inlet wall defining an air inlet for leading air generally axially into the compressor wheel, the compressor housing further defining a shroud surface that is adjacent to and follows a radially outer contour of the compressor wheel;a compressor inlet-adjustment mechanism disposed in the air inlet of the compressor housing and movable between a closed position and a super-open position, the inlet-adjustment mechanism comprising a plurality of blades that are distributed about a circumference of the air inlet and that collectively form a ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor

Номер: US20150056062A1
Автор: Hideaki Tamaki
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

The centrifugal compressor ( 1 ) includes: an impeller ( 3 ); and a casing ( 2 ) accommodating the impeller ( 3 ). The casing ( 2 ) includes: an inlet ( 6 ); an impeller-accommodating portion ( 14 ) in which the impeller ( 3 ) is disposed; an annular chamber ( 11 ) formed around the inlet ( 6 ); a downstream groove ( 13 ) communicating a downstream end portion of the annular chamber ( 11 ) with the impeller-accommodating portion ( 14 ); and an upstream groove ( 12 ) communicating an upstream end portion of the annular chamber ( 11 ) with the inlet ( 6 ). In addition, the downstream groove ( 13 ) is provided in a predetermined range in a circumferential direction of the impeller ( 3 ) so as to communicate with a high-pressure part to occur in part of the impeller-accommodating portion ( 14 ), and the upstream groove ( 12 ) is provided over the entire circumference of the inlet ( 6 ).

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056069A1

A rotary machine includes a guide section formed in an annular flow path in communication with a suction volute at an inner circumferential side of the suction volute, at which a plurality of vanes are installed in a circumferential direction, and configured to guide a fluid introduced from the suction volute, and an impeller connected to the guide section in the axial direction and into which the fluid guided by the guide section is introduced, wherein the suction volute has an annular opening section in communication with the guide section at the inner circumferential side, and an inner wall surface extending from the opening section toward the axial direction impeller in the axial direction to increase a width dimension in the axial direction and connected to a partition section at an opposite side of the suction nozzle. 1. A rotary machine comprising:a nozzle configured to introduce a fluid from an outer circumferential side to an inner circumferential side in a radial direction;a volute having a substantially annular space in communication with the nozzle at the outer circumferential side and a partition section configured to separate the space in a circumferential direction at an opposite side from a connection section connected to the nozzle with a central axis sandwiched therebetween;a guide section having a flow path in communication with the volute at the inner circumferential side of the volute, at which a plurality of vanes are installed in the circumferential direction, and configured to guide the fluid introduced from the volute; andan impeller connected to the guide section in the axial direction and into which the fluid guided by the guide section is introduced,wherein the volute comprises:an annular opening section in communication with the guide section at the inner circumferential side of the volute; andan inner wall surface extending from the opening section toward the impeller in the axial direction to increase a width dimension in the axial ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071106A1

An elongate air delivery assembly having a housing extending between two end caps. The housing includes a plurality of exit vents from which airflow is provided in a consistent sheet at a uniform velocity, and the housing is rotatable about a central longitudinal axis to change a direction of the airflow. A method of improving plant cultivation includes positioning one or more elongate air delivery systems adjacent rows of plants such that the sheet of air generated by the elongate air delivery system is directed horizontally across the plants underneath their plant canopy. 1. An elongate airflow assembly comprising:a first end and a second end positioned opposite the first end;a housing extending between the first and second ends and defining a central longitudinal axis, the housing including a plurality of intake slots and a plurality of exit vents; anda plurality of fans positioned within the housing and including a plurality of blades that are rotatable about a fan axis in a first rotational direction,wherein, when the plurality of blades are rotated in the first rotational direction, air flows through the plurality of intake slots in a first airflow direction generally tangential to the central longitudinal axis and flows through the plurality of exit vents in a second airflow direction generally tangential to the longitudinal axis.2. The elongate airflow assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing is rotatable about the central longitudinal axis that extends through a center of the housing and between the first and second ends.3. The elongate airflow assembly of claim 2 , wherein the housing is rotatable about the central longitudinal axis in the first rotational direction and a second rotational direction that is opposite the first rotational direction.4. The elongate airflow assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first end comprises a first end cap including a first perimeter portion claim 2 , and wherein a position of the first perimeter portion is independent of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063989A1

A compressor of a turbocharger including a compressor housing and a compressor impeller. The compressor housing includes: a compressor flow passage, a compressor air inlet, and a compressor air outlet. The compressor impeller includes an impeller feeding flow passage. The compressor impeller is disposed inside the compressor housing. The compressor flow passage is disposed inside the compressor housing. The compressor flow passage is connected to the compressor air inlet and the compressor air outlet. The impeller air feeding flow passage is connected to the compressor air inlet and the compressor flow passage. 1. A compressor of a turbocharger , comprising:a) a compressor housing, the compressor housing comprising: a compressor flow passage, a compressor air inlet, and a compressor air outlet;b) a compressor impeller, the compressor impeller comprising an impeller feeding flow passage; the compressor impeller is disposed inside the compressor housing;', 'the compressor flow passage is disposed inside the compressor housing;', 'the compressor flow passage is connected to the compressor air inlet and the compressor air outlet; and', 'the impeller air feeding flow passage is connected to the compressor air inlet and the compressor flow passage., 'wherein'}2. The compressor of claim 1 , whereinthe compressor flow passage comprises a compressor inner flow passage and a compressor outer flow passage which are arranged side by side on the compressor housing; and{'b': 1', '2, 'a ratio of a width W of an air inlet of the compressor inner flow passage to a width W of an air inlet of the compressor outer flow passage is between 0.1 and 10.'}3. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein a compressor diffuser is disposed at the air inlet of the compressor inner flow passage.4. The compressor of claim 3 , whereinthe compressor air outlet comprises: an air outlet of the compressor inner flow passage connected to the compressor inner flow passage and an air outlet of the compressor outer ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056617A1

A centrifugal compressor includes: a rotor that includes a shaft rotatably disposed inside a casing and impellers fixed to an outer periphery of the shaft; a diaphragm that surrounds the impellers from an outer peripheral side; a suction-side casing head disposed separately from the diaphragm on a side on which fluid is sucked; a temperature controlling mechanism that is provided inside the suction-side casing head and is configured to control ambient temperature through flow of a heating medium; a heat insulating body disposed between the suction-side casing head and the diaphragm; and a locking structure that locks the heat insulating body and the suction-side casing head with each other to be relatively displaceable in a radial direction. 1. A centrifugal compressor , comprising:a rotor that includes a shaft rotatably disposed inside a casing and impellers fixed to an outer periphery of the shaft;a diaphragm that surrounds the impellers from an outer peripheral side;a suction-side casing head disposed separately from the diaphragm on a side on which fluid is sucked;a temperature controlling mechanism that is provided inside the suction-side casing head and is configured to control ambient temperature through flow of a heating medium;a heat insulating body disposed between the suction-side casing head and the diaphragm; anda locking structure that locks the heat insulating body and the suction-side casing head with each other to be relatively displaceable in a radial direction.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the locking structure includes a locking protrusion provided on one of the suction-side casing head and the heat insulating body claim 1 , anda locking groove that is provided on another of the suction-side casing head and the heat insulating body and into which the locking protrusion is inserted.3. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 2 , wherein the locking protrusion is provided integrally with or separated from one of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Blade Adjustment Mechanism and Air Circulator

Номер: US20210062825A1
Автор: Yang Zhong, ZHONG Qizhen

A blade adjustment mechanism and an air circulator. The air circulator includes a housing defining an air outlet, and the air outlet includes an air inlet side and an air outlet side. The blade adjustment mechanism includes: a fixing bracket, fixedly connected with the housing; at least two wind guide assemblies, spaced apart from each other and partially extending into the air outlet, rotationally connected with the fixing bracket; at least two first connecting rods, rotationally connected with the at least two wind guide assemblies located, extension lines of the at least two first connecting rods along length directions of the at least two first connecting rods being configured to intersect; and a second connecting rod, fixedly connected with an end of each of the at least two first connecting rod. 1. A blade adjustment mechanism , applied to an air circulator comprising a housing defining an air outlet , the air outlet comprising an air inlet side and an air outlet side , wherein the blade adjustment mechanism comprises:a fixing bracket, fixedly connected with the housing;at least two wind guide assemblies, spaced apart from each other and partially extending into the air outlet, one of the at least two wind guide assemblies comprising two opposite side edges, a side edge of the one of the at least two wind guide assemblies located at the air outlet side being rotationally connected with the fixing bracket;at least two first connecting rods, an end of one of the at least two first connecting rods being rotationally connected with a side edge of the one of the at least two wind guide assemblies located at the air inlet side, extension lines of the at least two first connecting rods along length directions of the at least two first connecting rods being configured to intersect; anda second connecting rod, fixedly connected with an end of each of the at least two first connecting rods facing away from the at least two wind guide assemblies;wherein the second ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076439A1

At least one of a variable turbine geometry and a variable compressor geometry for an exhaust gas turbocharger may include a housing including a first housing wall and a blade bearing ring having at least one guide blade rotatably mounted thereon. A control lever may be included for adjusting the at least one guide blade between a closing position and an opening position. An actuating shaft may be connected to the control lever in a rotationally fixed manner along a rotation axis. The actuating shaft may be rotatably mounted on the housing via a passage opening disposed in the first housing wall. The actuating shaft may directly support itself on the first housing wall in the passage opening. 1. At least one of a variable turbine geometry and a variable compressor geometry for an exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising:a housing including a first housing wall,a blade bearing ring including at least one guide blades rotatably mounted thereon,a control lever for adjusting the at least one guide blade between a closing position and an opening position, andan actuating shaft connected to the control lever in a rotationally fixed manner along a rotation axis, the actuating shaft rotatably mounted on the housing via a passage opening disposed in the first housing wall,wherein the actuating shaft directly supports itself on the first housing wall in the passage opening.2. The at least one of the variable turbine geometry and the variable compressor geometry according to claim 1 , further comprising a protective coating disposed on a wall section of the first housing wall delimiting the passage opening.3. The at least one of the variable turbine geometry and the variable compressor geometry according to claim 2 , wherein the protective coating contains at least one of carbon and nitrogen.4. The at least one of the variable turbine geometry and the variable compressor geometry according to claim 1 , wherein:the housing further includes a second housing wall disposed opposite ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072029A1
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

Provided is a compressor arrangement in an air line supplying charged air to a combustion engine. The compressor arrangement comprises a compressor unit comprising a housing including an air intake passage, a compressor wheel arranged in said air intake passage, and an additional air passage allowing recirculation of air from the air intake passage in a position radially outwardly of a part of the compressor wheel. The additional air passage is configured to allow recirculation of air to an air conduit delivering an air flow to the air intake passage of the compressor unit. 1. A compressor arrangement in an air line supplying charged air to a combustion engine , wherein the compressor arrangement comprises:a compressor unit comprising a housing including an air intake passage;a compressor wheel arranged in said air intake passage; andan additional air passage allowing recirculation of air from the air intake passage in a position radially outwardly of a part of the compressor wheel to an air conduit delivering an air flow to the air intake passage of the compressor unit in a position located at a flow distance from the compressor wheel corresponding to at least 1 to 5 times the inlet diameter of the compressor wheel, wherein the additional air passage comprises a return conduit having an extension between a downstream end connected to an opening in the housing and an upstream end connected to an opening in the air conduit and that the air conduit has a curved portion close to the intake passage of the compressor unit, wherein the return conduit is configured to return air to an upstream position of said curved portion of the air conduit.2. A compressor arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the additional air passage is configured to return air to the air conduit in a position located at a flow distance from the compressor wheel within the range of 2 to 5 times the inlet diameter of the compressor wheel.3. A compressor arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Centrifugal blower assembly and method for assembling the same

Номер: US20190072109A1
Принадлежит: Regal Beloit America Inc

A centrifugal blower assembly comprises a scroll wall and a pair of opposing sidewalls. The scroll wall is positioned between the pair of opposing sidewalls such that the scroll wall and opposing sidewalls together define a blower chamber and a blower outlet. The blower outlet defines a blower outlet area. An adjustable outlet plate is pivotably coupled to the pair of opposing sidewalls such that the adjustable outlet plate is moveable between a first position to define a first blower outlet area and a second position to define a second blower outlet area.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078586A1
Автор: Hu Leon, Zeng Tao

Methods and systems are provided for a variable inlet device of a compressor. In one example, a compressor may include an impeller rotatable about a central axis and an inlet conduit including a variable inlet device (VID) positioned upstream of the impeller and adjustable between and open position and a closed position that restricts and generates pre-swirl flow to the impeller. The VID may include a plurality of adjacently arranged blades forming a ring around the central axis with inner surfaces of the blades forming a flow passage through the VID, each of the blades being pivotable, about an axis arranged tangent to the ring, between the open and closed position. 1. A compressor , comprising:an impeller rotatable about a central axis; andan inlet conduit including a variable inlet device (VID) positioned therein, upstream of the impeller, and including a plurality of adjacently arranged blades forming a ring around the central axis with inner surfaces of the blades forming a flow passage through the VID, each of the blades being pivotable, about an axis arranged tangent to the ring, between an open and closed position.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein each blade of the plurality of blades includes an inlet end and an outlet end claim 1 , the inlet end arranged upstream of the outlet end claim 1 , and wherein the flow passage is formed within the inner surfaces of the blades claim 1 , between the inlet end and outlet end of each blade.3. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein each blade includes side surfaces extending between the inlet end and outlet end and wherein claim 2 , for each blade claim 2 , a first side surface of the side surfaces contacts a side surface of a first adjacent blade and a second side surface of the side surfaces contacts a side surface of a second adjacent blade.4. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein an inlet end of the VID is formed by the inlet end of each blade and an outlet end of the VID is formed by the outlet end of each blade ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078587A1
Автор: Hu Leon, Zeng Tao

Methods and systems are provided for a variable inlet device of a compressor. In one example, a compressor may include a casing forming a recirculation passage surrounding an intake passage, an active casing treatment surrounding a wall separating the intake passage and the recirculation passage and adapted to selectively control a flow of gas through a plurality of ports disposed in the wall, and an impeller. Additionally, a variable inlet device may be position in the intake passage, upstream of the impeller, the variable inlet device including a plurality of adjacently arranged blades forming a ring, each of the blades being pivotable, about an axis arranged tangent to the ring, between the open and closed position. 1. A compressor , comprising:a casing forming a recirculation passage surrounding an intake passage;an active casing treatment surrounding a wall separating the intake passage and the recirculation passage and adapted to selectively control a flow of gas through a plurality of ports disposed in the wall;an impeller; andan adjustable device positioned in the intake passage, upstream of the impeller, and including a plurality of pivotable and adjacently arranged blades forming a ring.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ports include a bleed port claim 1 , an injection port claim 1 , and a recirculation port claim 1 , where both the bleed port and injection port are arranged downstream of a leading edge of a blade of the impeller and the injection port is arranged downstream from the bleed port claim 1 , and where the recirculation port is arranged upstream of the adjustable device.3. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the impeller is rotatable about a central axis of the compressor and wherein inner surfaces of the blades of the adjustable device form a flow passage through the adjustable device that is aligned along the central axis claim 1 , each of the blades being pivotable claim 1 , about an axis arranged tangent to the ring ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080470A1

Provided are an inlet guide vane and a centrifugal compressor such that air can be caused to efficiently flow in with use of a simple shape. The inlet guide vane is disposed upstream of an impeller in a flow path of a centrifugal compressor. The inlet guide vane has: a plate-shaped plate section that is disposed in the flow path; and a rotation part that causes the plate section to rotate along an axis of rotation aligned with the radial direction of a rotary shaft of the centrifugal compressor. In a cross-section orthogonal to the axis of rotation of the rotation part, the plate section has, at the leading edge thereof on the upstream side of the flow path, a bent part that is tilted with respect to the other portions. 1. An inlet guide vane which is disposed on an upstream side of an impeller in a flow path of a centrifugal compressor , the vane comprising:a plate-shaped plate portion which is disposed in the flow path; anda rotation portion which rotates the plate portion with an axis in a radial direction of a rotary shaft of the centrifugal compressor as a rotation axis,wherein the plate portion includes a bent portion inclined with respect to other portions at a leading edge on an upstream side of the flow path in a cross-section orthogonal to the rotation axis of the rotation portion.2. The inlet guide vane according to claim 1 ,wherein a center line of the bent portion is a curved line in the cross-section orthogonal to the rotation axis of the rotation portion.3. The inlet guide vane according to claim 1 ,wherein a center line of the bent portion is a straight line in the cross-section orthogonal to the rotation axis of the rotation portion.4. The inlet guide vane according to claim 1 ,wherein a boundary position between the bent portion and other portions with respect to the entire length L in a longitudinal direction of the plate portion in the cross-section orthogonal to the rotation axis of the rotation portion is constant.5. The inlet guide vane ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084264A1

A vane for a variable diffuser includes a body with an inlet end and an outlet end, a leading surface extending from the inlet end to the outlet end, a trailing surface opposite the leading surface and extending from the inlet end to the outlet end, a first surface extending from the inlet end to the outlet end, and a second surface opposite the first surface and extending from the inlet end to the outlet end. The vane further includes a first cavity on the first surface of the vane adjacent the inlet end, a second cavity on the first surface of the vane adjacent the outlet end, a third cavity on the second surface of the vane adjacent the inlet end, and a fourth cavity on the second surface of the vane adjacent the outlet end. 1. A vane for a variable diffuser , the vane comprising:a body with an inlet end and an outlet end, a leading surface extending from the inlet end to the outlet end, a trailing surface opposite the leading surface and extending from the inlet end to the outlet end, a first surface extending from the inlet end to the outlet end, and a second surface opposite the first surface and extending from the inlet end to the outlet end;a first cavity on the first surface of the vane adjacent the inlet end;a second cavity on the first surface of the vane adjacent the outlet end;a third cavity on the second surface of the vane adjacent the inlet end; anda fourth cavity on the second surface of the vane adjacent the outlet end.2. The vane of claim 1 , and further comprising:a first notch in the first surface extending from the leading surface to the first cavity;a second notch in the first surface extending from the leading surface to the second cavity;a third notch in the second surface extending from the trailing surface to the third cavity; anda fourth notch in the second surface extending from the trailing surface to the fourth cavity.3. The vane of claim 2 , wherein:a ratio of a distance from the first surface to the second surface of the vane and a ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor

Номер: US20220099107A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

A centrifugal compressor includes: a housing including an intake flow path; a compressor impeller disposed in the intake flow path; a circulation flow path provided radially outside the intake flow path and connected to the intake flow path at a downstream position that radially faces the compressor impeller and at an upstream position that is upstream of the downstream position with respect to the compressor impeller; and a movable member disposed at the upstream position and including a body portion having a protruding portion, the movable member being movable between a protruding position where the circulation flow path is closed by the body portion and the protruding portion is located in the intake flow path, and a retracted position where the protruding portion is retracted from the intake flow path and the circulation flow path is connected to the intake flow path.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor and turbocharger

Номер: US20210088054A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

A centrifugal compressor includes: a compressor housing in which an intake passage is formed; a compressor impeller provided in the intake passage; an actuator that causes a rod to linearly move in a direction intersecting with a rotation axis direction of the compressor impeller; a connection member connected to the rod; a throttle member including a protruding portion; a connection shaft extending in the rotation axis direction and connecting the connection member and the throttle member; and a rotation shaft extending in a direction parallel to the connection shaft and serving as a rotation center of the throttle member.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089357A1

A turbocharger includes a compressor section (). The compressor section () includes a compressor wheel (), and a housing () that surrounds the compressor wheel (). The housing () defines an air inlet () that is aligned with the rotational axis (R), an air outlet () in fluid communication with the air inlet (), a volute () that provides a portion of a fluid path between the air inlet () and the air outlet (). A variable diameter diffuser () extends radially between the compressor wheel () and the volute (), and is defined between an adjustable diffuser wall assembly () and a facing surface () of the compressor housing (). 13. A compressor () comprising{'b': '5', 'a compressor wheel (); and'}{'b': 12', '5, 'claim-text': [{'b': 16', '5, 'an air inlet () that is aligned with a rotational axis (R) of the compressor wheel (),'}, {'b': 18', '16, 'an air outlet () in fluid communication with the air inlet (), and'}, {'b': 14', '16', '18, 'a volute () that provides a portion of a fluid path between the air inlet () and the air outlet (),'}], 'a housing () that surrounds the compressor wheel () and defines'}{'b': 7', '5', '14', '30', '17', '12, 'wherein a variable diameter diffuser () extends radially between the compressor wheel () and the volute (), and is defined between an adjustable diffuser wall assembly () and a facing surface (a) of the housing ().'}233077. The compressor () of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser wall assembly () is configured to be adjustable between a first position in which the diffuser () has a first diameter claim 1 , and a second position in which the diffuser () has a second diameter claim 1 , and the second diameter is different than the first diameter.333040530403040. The compressor () of wherein the diffuser wall assembly () includes plates () arranged about a circumference of the compressor wheel () claim 2 , wherein when diffuser wall assembly () is in the first position claim 2 , the plates () are located at a first radial distance from the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Internal and External Dual-Purpose Air Pump, Inflatable Product and Lifting Handle Device

Номер: US20220136524A1

Provided are an internal and external dual-purpose air pump, an inflatable product and a lifting handle device; the internal and external dual-purpose air pump includes a machine core, including a housing having an accommodating chamber and an inflating device arranged in the accommodating chamber; the housing is provided with an air outlet and an air suction inlet respectively in the bottom and top ends, and the air outlet and the air suction inlet can both communicate with the accommodating chamber; and the housing is slidably connected with a buckling member, which can move relative to the housing, thereby the machine core is buckled into or detached from a product to be inflated through the buckling member; the inflating device works to send air flow out through the air outlet and/or suction air flow through the air suction inlet. The inflatable product includes the internal and external dual-purpose air pump.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136527A1

The invention relates to a motorized fan unit for a motor vehicle, comprising a motor (), a fan () for moving an air flow (F) that is configured to be controlled by the motor (), and a control module () for controlling said motor (), the control module () comprising an electronic card, the motorized fan unit delimiting a main air-flow circulation duct () and a cooling duct () configured to cool said electronic card of the control module, the duct () comprising an inlet () provided with a deflector () for diverting a portion of the air flow into the duct (), the deflector () being mounted movably according to an air flow rate in the main duct for the purpose of increasing an air flow rate in the cooling duct () with the speed of the air flow in the main duct ().

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095689A1
Автор: Lee Jang Sin

A turbo charger is provided. The turbo charger includes a compressor housing having a compressor wheel rotatably installed therein and a sliding block configured to guide an airflow inflowing toward the compressor wheel and to slide along a rotational axis of the compressor wheel to form a slit between the compressor housing and the sliding block. An elastic bias is provided to elastically bias the sliding block in a direction in which the sliding block maximally reduces the size of the slit and a pressurizing device is provided to bias the sliding block in a direction in which the slit is maximally enlarged by air pressure provided by the compressor wheel. 1. A turbo charger , comprising:a compressor housing having a compressor wheel rotatably provided therein;a sliding block configured to guide an airflow flow in toward the compressor wheel and to slide along a rotational axis of the compressor wheel to form a slit between the compressor housing and the sliding block;an elastic bias disposed to elastically bias the sliding block in a direction in which the sliding block maximally reduces a size of the slit; anda pressurizing device provided to bias the sliding block in a direction in which the slit is maximally enlarged by air pressure provided by the compressor wheel.2. The turbo charger of claim 1 , wherein the elastic bias includes:a spring chamber disposed in the compressor housing and having a cross-section that is open toward the sliding block;a spring inserted in the spring chamber; anda block protrusion that protrudes from an outer circumference surface of the sliding block to move along with the sliding block while being biased by the spring in the spring chamber.3. The turbo charger of claim 1 , wherein the pressurizing device includes:a pressure chamber disposed in the compressor housing and having a cross-section that is open toward an end part of the sliding block to apply the air pressure to an end part of the compressor wheel of the sliding block; ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095695A1
Автор: ZHANG Huanming

Disclosed is a blade adjustment mechanism and an air circulator. The air circulator includes a housing defining an air outlet. The blade adjustment mechanism includes: a fixing bracket fixedly connected with the housing and defining a sliding space; at least two adjustment members, a part of each of the at least two adjustment members is accommodated in the sliding space and slidably connected with the fixing bracket, each of the at least two adjustment members defining a first adjustment slot at an end adjacent to the air outlet; at least two first wind deflectors, a part of one of the at least two first wind deflectors being configured to extend into the air outlet and being rotationally connected with the fixing bracket, a part of one of the at least two first wind deflectors facing away from the air outlet being movably accommodated in the first adjustment slot. 1. A blade adjustment mechanism , applied to an air circulator comprising a housing defining an air outlet , wherein the blade adjustment mechanism comprises:a fixing bracket, fixedly connected with the housing and defining a sliding space;at least two adjustment members, a part of each of the at least two adjustment members being accommodated in the sliding space and being slidably connected with the fixing bracket, each of the at least two adjustment members defining a first adjustment slot at an end adjacent to the air outlet; andat least two first wind deflectors, a part of one of the at least two first wind deflectors being configured to extend into the air outlet and being rotationally connected with the fixing bracket, a part of one of the at least two first wind deflectors facing away from the air outlet being movably accommodated in the first adjustment slot;wherein the at least two adjustment members are configured to be driven to move away from or move closer to each other, and the first adjustment slot is configured to drive one of the at least two first wind deflectors to rotate to make the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145896A1

A neck fan includes an arc-shaped shell configured to hang around user's neck and at least four fan assemblies arranged in the shell. The shell includes a first part and a second part. Each of the first part and the second part defines an accommodating space, air inlets and air outlets communicated with the accommodating space, at least one partition is arranged in the accommodating space and configured to divide the accommodating space into at least two accommodating parts arranged along an extension direction of the shell. Each of the fan assemblies is arranged in one of the at least two accommodating parts and is configured to direct air into the one of the at least two accommodating parts through corresponding air inlets and to direct air out of the one of the at least two accommodating parts through corresponding air outlets. 1. A neck fan , comprising: wherein the arc-shaped shell comprises a first portion configured to be worn around a side of the neck and a second portion configured to be worn around another side of the neck;', 'each of the first portion and the second portion comprises a wall defining a receiving space, and the wall comprises a first side wall close to the neck and a second side wall connected to and opposite to the first side wall; and', 'each of the first side wall and the second side wall defines a plurality of air inlets, at least one of the first side wall and the second side wall defines a plurality of air outlets, and the plurality of air inlets and the plurality of air outlets are communicating with the receiving space;, 'an arc-shaped shell, configured to be worn around a neck of a user,'}at least two fan assemblies, received in the receiving space of the first portion and the receiving space of the second portion, wherein each of the at least two fan assemblies is configured to guide air from the plurality of air inlets of the first side wall and the second side wall of a respective portion to the plurality of air outlets of the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor and turbocharger

Номер: US20220145903A1

A centrifugal compressor includes: an impeller; an inlet pipe portion forming an intake passage to introduce air to the impeller; and a throttle mechanism capable of reducing a flow passage area of the intake passage upstream of the impeller. The throttle mechanism includes an annular portion configured to move between a first position and a second position upstream of the first position in an axial direction of the impeller, and a strut supporting the annular portion. The strut extends toward at least one of an outer side in a radial direction of the impeller or a downstream side in the axial direction of the impeller with an increase in distance from the annular portion.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100517A1

A centrifugal blower includes a motor including a stator and a motor cover, a centrifugal impeller rotating together with a rotating portion of the motor, and a blower casing. The stator includes a stator core including a toric core back. The motor cover includes an upper surface, and a cylindrical outer peripheral surface extending downwards. The blower casing disposed above the impeller includes an upper side casing top plate portion in which an intake port is disposed at the middle, and a cylindrical wall portion extending downwards from the upper side casing top plate portion. An inner peripheral surface of the wall portion and the outer peripheral surface of the motor cover forms a flow path continuous in the axial direction. A discharge port is formed in a lower end portion of the flow path. The core back includes an exposed portion exposed to the flow path. 1. A centrifugal blower comprising:a stationary portion that includes a stator and a motor cover that holds the stator;a motor that includes a rotating portion that rotates about a vertically extending central axis;a centrifugal impeller that is disposed above the motor and that rotates together with the rotating portion; anda blower casing that houses therein the motor and the impeller,wherein the stator includes a stator core that includes a toric core back and a plurality of teeth that extend inwards in a radial direction,wherein a coil is formed of a conductive wire wound around the teeth,wherein the motor cover includes an upper surface above the stator, the upper surface widening perpendicularly with respect to the central axis, and a cylindrical outer peripheral surface that extends downwards from an outer edge of the upper surface,wherein the blower casing includes an intake port, an upper side casing top plate portion disposed above the impeller, the intake port being disposed at a middle of the upper side casing top plate portion, and a cylindrical wall portion that extend downwards from the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150108364A1

A charged particle emission and air-blowing device includes a communication port biased toward an end portion in a predetermined direction with respect to an air outlet, and a width expander configured to widen a flow path between an air directing plate of the end portion and a second blowing duct wider than a periphery. Emitted light from a light guide plate is reflected by the air directing plate in the delivery direction of an air flow. An air flow passes from a downward direction to an upward direction along a circuit board in an auxiliary suction path, and an opening portion faces the upper portion of the circuit board. 114-. (canceled)15. A charged particle emission device , comprising:a housing including a suction port and an air outlet;a blower fan in the housing;a first blowing duct on an exhaust side of the blower fan;a second blowing duct in which an air outlet is opened at one end and configured to communicate with the first blowing duct via a communication port;a charged particle generating element configured to release charged particles in the first blowing duct;a wind direction plate configured to radially guide an air flow and located opposite to the air outlet; anda width expander configured such that the communication port is biased with respect to the one end in a predetermined direction with respect to the air outlet, and configured such that the width expander widens a flow path between the second blowing duct and the air directing plate on the one end wider than a periphery.16. The charged particle emission device according to claim 15 , wherein the width expander includes a concave portion provided in an inner wall of the second blowing duct.17. The charged particle emission device according to claim 16 , wherein the flow path widens as the second blowing duct progresses toward the air outlet claim 16 , and a cross-sectional shape of an inner surface of the concave portion perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the air outlet defines ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Suction damping case

Номер: US20210102556A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

Disclosed is a suction damping case. A refrigerant introduced into the suction damping case flows for a predetermined period of time at reduced pressure and speed, and then is discharged to the outside of the body, so that a damping function can be made. When the suction damping case is coupled to a rear housing, a hook and an embossing prevents the suction damping case from being separated.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101052A1

At least one of a variable turbine geometry and a variable compressor geometry for an exhaust gas turbocharger may include a housing including a first housing wall and a blade bearing ring having at least one guide blade rotatably mounted thereon. A control lever may be included for adjusting the at least one guide blade between a closing position and an opening position. An actuating shaft may be connected to the control lever in a rotationally fixed manner along a rotation axis. The actuating shaft may be rotatably mounted on the housing via a passage opening disposed in the first housing wall. The actuating shaft may directly support itself on the first housing wall in the passage opening. 1. At least one of a variable turbine geometry and a variable compressor geometry for an exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising:a housing including a first housing wall,a blade bearing ring including at least one guide blade rotatably mounted thereon,a control lever for adjusting the at least one guide blade between a closing position and an opening position,an actuating shaft connected to the control lever in a rotationally fixed manner along a rotation axis, the actuating shaft rotatably mounted on the housing via a passage opening disposed in the first housing wall, andwherein the actuating shaft directly supports itself on the first housing wall in the passage opening.2. The at least one of the variable turbine geometry and the variable compressor geometry according to claim 1 , further comprising a protective coating disposed on a wall section of the first housing wall delimiting the passage opening.3. The at least one of the variable turbine geometry and the variable compressor geometry according to claim 2 , wherein the protective coating contains at least one of carbon and nitrogen.4. The at least one of the variable turbine geometry and the variable compressor geometry according to claim 1 , wherein:the housing further includes a second housing wall disposed opposite ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101133A1

A centrifugal compressor that includes a rotor including a shaft rotatably supported in a casing and an impeller secured to an outer periphery of the shaft; a diaphragm surrounding the impeller from an outer peripheral side; a suction side casing head disposed so as to be spaced apart from the diaphragm on a side where a fluid is suctioned; a temperature adjusting mechanism that is provided in the suction side casing head and configured to adjust a temperature of environment by flow of a heat medium; a heat shield that is provided between the suction side casing head and the diaphragm and defines, together with the impeller, a suction flow path through which the fluid is introduced to the impeller; and a plurality of straightening vanes that are provided in the suction flow path and configured to straighten the fluid flowing through the suction flow path. 1. A centrifugal compressor comprising:a rotor including a shaft rotatably supported in a casing and an impeller secured to an outer periphery of the shaft;a diaphragm surrounding the impeller from an outer peripheral side;a suction side casing head disposed so as to be spaced apart from the diaphragm on a side where a fluid is suctioned;a temperature adjusting mechanism that is provided in the suction side casing head and configured to adjust a temperature of environment by flow of a heat medium;a heat shield that is provided between the suction side casing head and the diaphragm and defines, together with the impeller, a suction flow path through which the fluid is introduced to the impeller; anda plurality of straightening vanes that are provided in the suction flow path and configured to straighten the fluid flowing through the suction flow path,wherein even if the straightening vanes are displaced in a direction away from the heat shield, an interference state between the straightening vanes and the heat shield is maintained.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115966A1
Автор: Wulf Joachim

The present invention relates to a guide vane ring () for a turbomachine, having a plurality of rotatable guide vanes (), and having an inner ring (), wherein the inner ring () has a seal () for sealing a radial gap between the inner ring () and an opposite-lying rotor segment (), and wherein the inner ring () comprises at least two inner ring segments (). The inner ring () is produced from a material or has a material that has a heat expansion coefficient α of less than 6*10per Kelvin in a temperature range between at least 20 degrees Celsius and 90 degrees Celsius. In addition, the present invention relates to a turbomachine having at least one guide vane ring () according to the invention. 1135517575115. A guide vane ring () for a turbomachine , having a plurality of rotatable guide vanes () , and having an inner ring () , wherein the inner ring () has a seal () for sealing a radial gap between the inner ring () and an opposite-lying rotor segment () , and wherein the inner ring () comprises at least two inner ring segments () , wherein the inner ring () is produced from a material or has a material that has a heat expansion coefficient α of less than 6*10per Kelvin in a temperature range between at least 20 degrees Celsius and 90 degrees Celsius.215. The guide vane ring () according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the inner ring () has a heat conductivity λ of greater than 10 watts per meter and per Kelvin at a temperature between 20 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius.315115. The guide vane ring () according to claim 1 , wherein the inner ring () comprises at least two divided inner ring segments () on the periphery of the inner ring ().415. The guide vane ring () according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the inner ring () is a nickel-alloyed steel.515. The guide vane ring () according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the inner ring () comprises a nickel fraction of at least 25 weight percent.615. The guide vane ring () according to claim 1 , ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178377A1

A centrifugal compressor comprises: an impeller; an inlet pipe portion forming an intake passage to introduce air to the impeller; and a throttle mechanism capable of reducing a flow passage area of the intake passage upstream of the impeller. When PA is a throttle position where the throttle mechanism minimizes the flow passage area of the intake passage, PB is a tip position of a leading edge of a blade of the impeller, L is a distance between the throttle position PA and the tip position PB of the leading edge in an axial direction of the impeller, and D is a diameter of the impeller at the tip position PB of the leading edge, the distance L and the diameter D satisfy L/D≤0.2. 19-. (canceled)10. A centrifugal compressor , comprising:an impeller;an inlet pipe portion forming an intake passage to introduce air to the impeller; anda throttle mechanism capable of reducing a flow passage area of the intake{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein, when D is a diameter of the impeller at a tip position of a leading edge of a blade of the impeller, A is an area of a circle having the diameter D, PA is a throttle position where the throttle mechanism minimizes the flow passage area of the intake passage, and A is a minimum flow passage area of the intake passage at the throttle position PA,'}{'b': 1', '2', '2', '1, 'the area A and the area A satisfy 0.55 Подробнее

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109718A1

Provided is a centrifugal compressor, including: an impeller including blades; a main flow passage including a narrowing portion, which is formed on a front side of the impeller and has a diameter smaller than a diameter of each of the blades; an auxiliary flow passage, which has one end communicating to the main flow passage on the impeller side with respect to the narrowing portion and another end communicating to the main flow passage on a side away from the impeller with respect to the narrowing portion; and a movable portion which is movable between a first position and a second position, the second position being different from the first position in position in a rotation axis direction and a rotation direction of the impeller and in opening degree of the auxiliary flow passage. 1. A centrifugal compressor , comprising:an impeller including blades;a main flow passage including a narrowing portion, which is formed on a front side of the impeller and has a diameter smaller than a diameter of each of the blades;an auxiliary flow passage, which has one end communicating to the main flow passage on the impeller side with respect to the narrowing portion and another end communicating to the main flow passage on a side away from the impeller with respect to the narrowing portion; anda movable portion which is movable between a first position and a second position, the second position being different from the first position in position in a rotation axis direction and a rotation direction of the impeller and in opening degree of the auxiliary flow passage.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the movable portion is provided in the auxiliary flow passage.3. A centrifugal compressor claim 1 , comprising:an impeller including blades;a main flow passage including a narrowing portion, which is formed on a front side of the impeller and has a diameter smaller than a diameter of each of the blades;an auxiliary flow passage, which has one end ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Centrifugal compressor

Номер: US20200109719A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

A centrifugal compressor includes: an impeller; a main flow passage which receives the impeller and extends in a rotation axis direction of the impeller; an auxiliary flow passage which includes an upstream communication portion communicating to the main flow passage and a downstream communication portion communicating to the main flow passage at closer to the impeller than the upstream communication portion, and extends in a rotation direction of the impeller; a plurality of opening/closing portions which each have an opening portion and are arranged in the auxiliary flow passage; and a drive unit configured to move at least one of the plurality of opening/closing portions in the rotation direction.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125274A1

An inlet guide van device having a central axis comprises a first base, a guide sleeve, a blade, a second base, a transmission disk, and an actuator. The first base has at least one first support groove and at least one guide groove. The first support groove extends along a radial direction of the central axis, and the at least one guide groove is located in the first support groove. The guide sleeve is disposed on the first support groove in a manner that the guide sleeve is capable of moving along the radial direction. The guide sleeve has a sliding sleeve, an upper guide post and a lower guide post, the sliding sleeve has a through hole extending along the radial direction. The upper guide post and the lower guide post pass through the sliding groove, and the lower guide post is movably disposed on the guide groove. 1. An inlet guide van device having a central axis and comprising:a first base having at least one first support groove and at least one guide groove, the at least one first support groove extending along a radial direction of the central axis, and the at least one guide groove being located in the first support groove;a guide sleeve disposed on the first support groove in a manner that the guide sleeve is capable of moving along the radial direction, wherein the guide sleeve has a sliding sleeve, an upper guide post and a lower guide post, the sliding sleeve has a through hole extending along the radial direction, the upper guide post and the lower guide post pass through the sliding groove, and the lower guide post is movably disposed on the guide groove;a blade, wherein one end of the blade is connected to a shaft, the outer surface of the shaft has two spiral grooves, the blade is rotatably disposed through the through hole of the guide sleeve, the two spiral grooves match the upper guide post and the lower guide post respectively, and the blade extends from the shaft to the central axis;a second base disposed on the first base and having an ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Variable turbine geometry turbocharger vane pack retainer

Номер: US20160123334A1
Автор: Elias MORGAN, Matthew King
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

A variable turbine geometry turbine turbocharger ( 1 ) includes a vane pack ( 50 ) disposed in the exhaust gas path upstream of the turbine wheel ( 12 ). The vane pack ( 50 ) includes vanes ( 30 ) that are rotatably supported between a pair of vane rings ( 34 ) and configured to adjustably control the flow of exhaust gas to the turbine wheel ( 12 ). In addition, a retainer ( 60, 160 ) secures the vane pack ( 50 ) to the bearing housing ( 16 ) in such a way that the vane pack ( 50 ) is mechanically decoupled from the turbine housing ( 4 ).

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123347A1

An actuation linkage assembly may include a first lever arm connected to one end of a shaft, a second lever arm connected at one end to another end of the shaft, a transition linkage connected to the other end of the second lever arm, and a bracket connected to the transition linkage. The transition linkage is configured to connect the bracket on a driver ring and to the shaft to transfer rotational motion about the axis of the shaft, from a linear motion received by an actuator, to a linear motion through the bracket causing rotational motion of the driver ring. The actuation linkage assembly is configured with high mechanical advantage. The actuation linkage assembly can be part of a movable inter-stage vane guide assembly in a compressor such as for example a centrifugal compressor, which may be part of a chiller such as in a HVAC system. 1. An actuation linkage assembly , comprising:a shaft including a first end and a second end opposite the first end;a first lever arm including a first end and a second end, the first end of the first lever arm is connected to the first end of the shaft, the second end of the first lever arm is configured to receive a linear actuating motion so as to rotate the first lever arm, thereby rotating the shaft;a second lever arm including a first end and a second end, the first end of the second lever arm is connected to the second end of the shaft, the first end of the second lever arm is configured to receive a rotating motion of the shaft so as to rotate the second lever arm;a transition linkage including a first end and a second end, the first end of transition linkage is connected to the second end of the second lever arm, the first end of the transition linkage is configured to receive the rotating motion of the second lever arm, the second end is configured to transmit a linear motion through the transition linkage; anda bracket connected to the second end of the transition linkage, and configured to receive the linear motion ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210144883A1
Принадлежит: DELL PRODUCTS L.P.

A vane assembly may be configured to mechanically couple to a first air mover and a second air mover, and the vane assembly may include a first set of one or more vanes configured to be proximate to the first air mover when the vane assembly is mechanically coupled to the first air mover and the second air mover and a second set of one or more vanes configured to be proximate to the second air mover when the vane assembly is mechanically coupled to the first air mover and the second air mover. The first set of one or more vanes and the second set of one or more vanes may be configured to be arranged relative to the first air mover and the second air mover such that when the first air mover and the second air mover are operational, the first set of one or more vanes and the second set of one or more vanes each assume a respective first position allowing air to flow from the first air mover and the second air mover and when the first air mover is failed and the second air mover is operational the first set of one or more vanes assumes a second position to prevent recirculation of air through the first air mover and at least one of the second set of one or more vanes assumes a third position to redirect air flow of the second air mover to compensate for failure of the first air mover. 1. A system comprising:a first air mover;a second air mover; and a first set of one or more vanes proximate to the first air mover; and', 'a second set of one or more vanes proximate to the second air mover;', when the first air mover and the second air mover are operational, the first set of one or more vanes and the second set of one or more vanes each assume a respective first position allowing air to flow from the first air mover and the second air mover; and', the first set of one or more vanes assumes a second position to prevent recirculation of air through the first air mover; and', 'at least one of the second set of one or more vanes assumes a third position to redirect air flow ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116165A1
Автор: LOERCHER Frieder

A fan (radial or axial fan), with an impeller and with a preguide device in the flow path in front of the impeller, preferably in front of the inlet region of an inlet nozzle, has the preguide device as a preguide grid with webs and/or guide vanes which are arranged and shaped such that flow influencing in the circumferential direction occurs for a substantially swirl-free inflow. 1. A fan (radial or axial fan) , with an impeller and with a pre-guide device in the flow path in front of the impeller , preferably in front of the inlet region of an inlet nozzle , wherein the pre-guide device is designed as a pre-guide grid with webs which are arranged and shaped such that flow influencing in the circumferential direction occurs for a substantially swirl-free inflow.2. The fan according to claim 1 , characterized in that the webs are arranged and shaped such that a pre-swirl is generated against the direction of rotation of the impeller by means of a flow deflection of a substantially swirl-free inflow.3. The fan according to claim 1 , characterized in that some of the webs extend substantially radially claim 1 , but deviate from an exactly radial orientation and/or are inclined claim 1 , curved claim 1 , rotated or twisted in themselves.4. The fan according to claim 1 , characterized in that radial webs of a pre-guide grid are curved guide vanes claim 1 , wherein the radial webs are interconnected by transverse webs to a grid.5. The fan according to claim 1 , wherein the fan is designed as an axial or radial van claim 1 , characterized in that the pre-guide grid is of a hood-like design.6. The fan according to claim 1 , wherein the fan is designed as an axial or radial van claim 1 , characterized in that the pre-guide grid is formed like an annular ring.7. The fan according to claim 6 , characterized in that an integral or separate flow hood is provided claim 6 , which adjoins the pre-guide grid or is attached to the pre-guide grid claim 6 , and in that the flow is ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131155A1

A centrifugal compressor includes a driving shaft () which is rotationally driven, a driving gear () which is connected to the driving shaft (), a driven gear () to which rotation of the driving gear () is transmitted, a driven shaft () which extends toward both end sides in a center axis direction of the driven gear (), a first compression portion () which is provided on a first end portion side in the center axis direction of the driven shaft (), a second compression portion () which is provided on a second end portion side in the center axis direction of the driven shaft (), and a pressure adjustment portion () which uniformly adjusts a pressure of a space of a discharge side of a fluid in the first compression portion () and a pressure of a space of a discharge side of a fluid in the second compression portion (). 1. A centrifugal compressor , comprising:a driving shaft which is rotationally driven;a driving gear which is connected to the driving shaft;a driven gear to which rotation of the driving gear is transmitted;a driven shaft which extends toward both end sides in a center axis direction of the driven gear;a first compression portion which is provided on a first end portion side in the center axis direction of the driven shaft, and compresses a fluid by rotation of the driven shaft;a second compression portion which is provided on a second end portion side in the center axis direction of the driven shaft, and compresses a fluid by rotation of the driven shaft; anda pressure adjustment portion which uniformly adjusts a pressure of a space of a discharge side of the fluid in the first compression portion and a pressure of a space of a discharge side of the fluid in the second compression portion.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a heat exchanger which performs heat-exchange between the fluid discharged from the first compression portion and the fluid discharged from the second compression portion;a first connection line ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Stand-On Blower

Номер: US20200120881A1

A stand-on blower is provided that allows for fully powered nozzle angle adjustment. The blower may deliver an airflow for pneumatic cleanup tasks in different directions, including horizontal or left-right and vertical or up-down direction variability of the airflow. Position or angle of the blower's nozzle may be automatically reversed or driven to a rotational or angle limit upon demand. 1. A stand-on blower , comprising:a chassis that includes a frame;an engine mounted to the frame;a pair of drive wheels supported by the frame and selectively receiving power from the engine for moving the stand-on blower;a riding platform mounted to the frame and upon which an operator stands during use of the stand-on blower; an impeller that selectively receives power from the engine to create an airflow for moving leaves or other debris from a lawn or other surface;', 'an impeller housing that surrounds the impeller to direct a volume of air that is accelerated by the impeller in a downstream direction through the blower system as an accelerated airflow;', 'an outlet nozzle that is movably mounted relative to the impeller housing and includes a nozzle outlet opening that faces different directions corresponding to movement of the outlet nozzle to direct the accelerated airflow in different directions out of the blower system; and', a full rotation mode that drives the outlet nozzle to a predetermined rotational limit in response to a full rotation command; and', 'a partial rotation mode that drives the outlet nozzle to a position that is spaced from the rotational limit in response to a partial rotation command., 'a nozzle positioning system that is configured to move the outlet nozzle and reposition the nozzle outlet opening to vary a flow direction of the accelerated airflow with the nozzle position system having multiple operational modes, including], 'a blower system, including2. The stand-on blower of claim 1 , wherein the full rotation command corresponds to a single ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130723A1
Автор: KOSAKA Syo, ODA Shuzo

A centrifugal blower includes a rotation shaft, an impeller, a casing, and a deflection portion. The impeller rotates about the rotation shaft to draw an air therein in an axial direction of the rotation shaft and discharge the air outward in a radial direction of the rotation shaft. The impeller includes a plurality of blades and a side panel having an annular shape and connecting the plurality of blades in the axial direction. The casing accommodates the impeller and includes an air intake portion adjacent to the side panel. The air intake portion has a bell mouth shape to have a rim portion that defines an opening through which the drawn air is guided to an inside of the impeller. The deflection portion deflects an airflow along the rim portion of the air intake portion toward the side panel. 1. A centrifugal blower comprising:a rotation shaft;an impeller having a circular cylindrical shape and rotating about an axis line of the rotation shaft to draw an air therein in an axial direction of the rotation shaft and discharge the air outward in a radial direction of the rotation shaft, the impeller including a plurality of blades arranged radially about the rotation shaft, and a side panel having an annular shape and connecting end parts of the plurality of blades in the axial direction of the rotation shaft;a casing accommodating the impeller and including an air intake portion positioned adjacent to the side panel, the air intake portion having a bell mouth shape to have a rim portion that defines an opening through which the drawn air is guided to an inside of the impeller; anda deflection portion deflecting an airflow along the rim portion of the air intake portion toward the side panel.2. The centrifugal blower according to claim 1 , whereinthe deflection portion includes a vertical vortex generating portion generating a vertical vortex that has a center axis of rotation, the center axis extending in a direction along a main current of the air, andthe vertical ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128281A1

The present invention relates to a blower fan, comprising two side walls, an air duct, a handle, a motor, a wind wheel and a motor control assembly; the two side walls are arranged in parallel with each other; the air duct is arranged between the two side walls in a rotatable way; the handle is mounted on the air duct; the motor and the wind wheel are both mounted in the air duct; the motor control assembly is arranged on a side wall close to the motor and is electrically connected with the motor, installation position of the motor control assembly with respect to the side wall being at an inner side of the side wall. According to the present invention, the air blowing angle is adjustable due to the rotation of the air duct, achieving a better drying effect. Additionally, the structure of the present invention is compact, attractive in appearance and durable. 1. A blower fan , characterized by comprising: two side walls which are arranged in parallel with each other; an air duct which is arranged between the two side walls in a rotatable way; a handle mounted on the air duct; a motor mounted in the air duct; a wind wheel mounted in the air duct; and a motor control assembly which is arranged on a side wall close to the motor and is electrically connected with the motor , installation position of the motor control assembly with respect to the side wall being at an inner side of the side wall.2. The blower fan according to claim 1 , characterized in that the side wall on which the motor control assembly is arranged is provided with a hollow portion claim 1 , through which the motor control assembly passes and then protrudes from an outer side of the side wall.3. The blower fan according to claim 1 , characterized in that the two side walls are each composed of a support frame and a fixing frame claim 1 , wherein the fixing frame is located above the support frame.4. The blower fan according to claim 1 , characterized in that the air duct is of a hollow volute shape ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164490A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

A centrifugal compressor assembly is provided. The centrifugal compressor assembly includes a scroll assembly having a suction plate defining an inlet fluid passage, a suction plate housing, a diffuser plate, and a collector. The suction plate is detachably coupled to the suction plate housing, the suction plate housing is detachably coupled to the collector, and the diffuser plate is detachably coupled to the collector. The centrifugal compressor assembly further includes an impeller rotatably mounted in the scroll assembly for compressing fluid introduced through the inlet fluid passage, and a variable geometry diffuser system. 1. A centrifugal compressor assembly , comprising: a suction plate defining an inlet fluid passage;', 'a suction plate housing;', 'a diffuser plate; and', 'a collector;, 'a scroll assembly comprisingan impeller rotatably mounted in the scroll assembly to compress fluid introduced through the inlet fluid passage;a variable geometry diffuser system; andthe suction plate detachably coupled to the suction plate housing, the suction plate housing detachably coupled to the collector, and the diffuser plate detachably coupled to the collector.2. The centrifugal compressor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the suction plate comprises:a suction base plate comprising an outer suction flange,a first suction annular portion extending in a first axial direction from the suction base plate; anda second suction annular portion extending in a second axial direction from the suction base plate.3. The centrifugal compressor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the suction plate housing comprises:a housing base plate comprising an outer housing flange; anda first housing annular portion extending in the first axial direction from the housing base plate.4. The centrifugal compressor assembly of claim 3 , wherein the outer suction flange of the suction plate is coupled to the first housing annular portion of the suction plate housing using a first plurality of fasteners.5 ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164493A1

A centrifugal compressor and a method of operating a centrifugal compressor. The centrifugal compressor includes: an impeller configured to suction a gas to be compressed; a diffuser disposed downstream of the impeller to pressurize the gas, the diffuser comprising a movable ring, a main passage in which the gas flows past the ring, and an openable branch passage; and a circulation loop comprising an inlet and an outlet, the outlet being in communication with an inlet of the impeller; the branch passage is disposed to be in communication with the main passage and the circulation loop when the ring moves into the main passage so that a portion of the gas in the main passage passes through the circulation loop and returns to the impeller so as to be suctioned, and to be closed when the ring is withdrawn from the main passage. 1. A centrifugal compressor , comprising:{'b': '12', 'an impeller () configured to suction a gas to be compressed;'}{'b': 13', '12', '13', '22', '24', '22', '26, 'a diffuser () disposed downstream of the impeller () to pressurize the gas, the diffuser () comprising a movable ring (), a main passage () in which the gas flows past the ring (), and an openable branch passage (); and'}{'b': 42', '43', '44', '44', '12, 'a circulation loop () comprising an inlet () and an outlet (), the outlet () being in communication with an inlet of the impeller ();'}{'b': 26', '24', '42', '22', '24', '24', '42', '12', '22', '24, 'wherein the branch passage () is disposed to be in communication with the main passage () and the circulation loop () when the ring () moves into the main passage () so that a portion of the gas in the main passage () passes through the circulation loop () and returns to the impeller () so as to be suctioned, and to be closed when the ring () is withdrawn from the main passage ().'}2241618165222522622525222. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the main passage () is defined by partitions ( claim 1 , ) that are ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140219779A1
Автор: MATSUI Hiroki

An inlet portion () of a compressor housing () forms part of an intake passage, and a drawing passage (), which extends through the inlet portion (), draws blow-by gas from outside the inlet portion () to inside the inlet portion (). A throttling portion () is formed inside the inlet portion () and arranged at a joined portion of the intake passage and the drawing passage () so that a cross-sectional passage area at the joined portion is smaller than a cross-sectional passage area of a portion located at an intake air upstream side of the joined portion and a cross-sectional passage area of a portion located at an intake air downstream side of the joined portion. 1. A supercharger comprising:an impeller;a compressor housing including an inlet portion configured to form part of an intake passage of an internal combustion engine, wherein the inlet portion draws intake air toward the impeller;a drawing passage that extends through the inlet portion and draws blow-by gas from outside the inlet portion to inside the inlet portion; anda throttling portion arranged at a joined portion of the intake passage, which is formed inside the inlet portion, and the drawing passage, wherein the throttling portion has a cross-sectional passage area at the joined portion that is smaller than a cross-sectional passage area of a portion located at an intake air upstream side of the joined portion and a cross-sectional passage area of a portion located at an intake air downstream side of the joined portion.2. The supercharger according to claim 1 , further comprising a branching member arranged inside the inlet portion claim 1 , wherein the branching member branches the intake passage into a first passage claim 1 , which does not include the joined portion claim 1 , and a second passage claim 1 , which includes the joined portion claim 1 , at the intake air upstream side of the joined portion claim 1 , and the first passage and the second passage are joined at the intake air downstream ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135653A1
Автор: GEBERT Daniel, HAAF Oliver

A spiral housing of a radial fan has a flow cross-sectional area which, starting from a housing tongue, increases in the circumferential direction, around a fan impeller which can be arranged on an axial central axis. The cross-sectional area is determined via a contour of at least one axial side part of the spiral housing. The one axial side part has an axial suction opening with an opening edge section surrounding the suction opening, which is directly adjoined, viewed in the radial direction, by a transition section extending in the circumferential direction. The transition section, in a starting section which extends from the housing tongue in the circumferential direction over a predetermined angle, is spaced apart in the axial direction relative to the opening edge section and has a course which increases the flow cross section in the circumferential direction until axial surfaces of the opening edge section and of the transition section extend in the same plane. 115.-. (canceled)16. A spiral housing of a radial fan , the spiral housing comprising:a flow cross-sectional area which, starting from a housing tongue, increases in a circumferential direction; wherein the side part has an axial suction opening with an opening edge section surrounding said axial suction opening which is directly adjoined, viewed in a radial direction, by a transition section extending in the circumferential direction;', 'the transition section, in a starting section extends from the housing tongue in the circumferential direction over a predetermined angle, is spaced apart in an axial direction relative to the opening edge section and has a course which increases the flow cross-sectional area in the circumferential direction, until axial surfaces of the opening edge section and of the transition section extend in the same plane, wherein a pressure space section forming at least in certain sections a pressure space of the spiral housing adjoins the transition section in the radial ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138366A1

An internal hot gas bypass device coupled with inlet guide vane for centrifugal compressor includes an inlet guide vane assembly, a driving motor assembly and a gas bypass valve assembly. The inlet guide vane assembly further includes a master vane, a plurality of slave vanes, a vane-front fixing ring, a vane-rear fixing ring, a vane-driving ring, a connecting pipe and a vane-opening indicating disk. The driving motor assembly further includes a motor, a driving unit and a motor fixing base. The gas bypass valve assembly further includes a valve, an external fixing-and-guiding ring, an internal fixing-and-guiding ring, a driven element, a spring, a sealing ring, a valve stud and a valve base. The driving motor assembly is connected with the driving unit and the master vane of the inlet guide vane assembly via a connecting rod, and is further connected with the slave vanes of the gas bypass valve assembly. 1. An internal hot gas bypass device coupled with an inlet guide vane for a centrifugal compressor , comprising:an inlet guide vane assembly, including a master vane, a plurality of slave vanes, a vane-front fixing ring, a vane-rear fixing ring, a vane-driving ring, a connecting pipe and a vane-opening indicating disk;a driving motor assembly, including a motor, a driving unit and a motor fixing base; anda gas bypass valve assembly, including a valve, an external fixing-and-guiding ring, an internal fixing-and-guiding ring, a driven element, a spring, a sealing ring, a valve stud and a valve base;wherein the driving motor assembly connects the driving unit and the master vane of the inlet guide vane assembly via a connecting rod, and the driving motor assembly connects the driven element of the gas bypass valve assembly.2. The internal hot gas bypass device coupled with an inlet guide vane for a centrifugal compressor of claim 1 , wherein the driving unit is at least consisted of a driving link and a gear claim 1 , and the driven element of the gas bypass valve ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282735A1
Автор: Syo KOSAKA
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A blower includes an introduction duct provided in an air introduction box. A filter is provided downstream of the introduction duct and upstream of an impeller. A separation cylinder is formed in a cylindrical shape and is provided in the impeller. An inner wall of an air inlet portion of the separation cylinder is provided not overlap with an inner wall of an air outlet portion of the introduction duct over the entire circumference.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146099A1

A centrifugal compressor for a turbocharger includes an inlet-adjustment mechanism in an air inlet for the compressor, operable to move between an open position and a closed position in the air inlet. The inlet-adjustment mechanism includes a variable-geometry conical mechanism comprising a plurality of vanes that in the closed position collectively form a frusto-conical inlet member having a trailing edge inner diameter that is smaller than an inner diameter of the shroud surface of the compressor housing at the inducer portion of the compressor wheel such that an effective diameter of the air inlet at the inducer portion is determined by the trailing edge inner diameter of the variable-geometry conical mechanism. The vanes in the open position are pivoted radially outwardly so as to increase the trailing edge inner diameter of the inlet member and thereby increase the effective diameter of the air inlet at the inducer portion. 1. A turbocharger , comprising:a turbine housing and a turbine wheel mounted in the turbine housing and connected to a rotatable shaft for rotation therewith, the turbine housing receiving exhaust gas and supplying the exhaust gas to the turbine wheel;a centrifugal compressor assembly comprising a compressor housing and a compressor wheel mounted in the compressor housing and connected to the rotatable shaft for rotation therewith, the compressor wheel having blades and defining an inducer portion, the compressor housing defining an air inlet for leading air generally axially into the compressor wheel, the compressor housing further defining a volute for receiving compressed air discharged generally radially outwardly from the compressor wheel, the air inlet having an inner surface that extends for an axial length along a downstream direction, followed by a compressor inlet-adjustment mechanism disposed in the air inlet, followed by a shroud surface that is adjacent to outer tips of the blades of the compressor wheel;the compressor inlet- ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290678A1

A motor-driven compressor includes a rotary shaft, an electric motor, a compression unit, an inverter, a housing, and an inverter case. The housing includes a housing end wall and a housing circumferential wall, which extends from a housing end wall in an axial direction of the rotary shaft. The inverter case includes a case end wall, which extends in the axial direction from the case end wall. The seal circumferential wall includes a proximal end connected to the case end wall and an end face located at a distal end. The housing circumferential wall includes an opposed surface that is opposed to the end face. An annular seal member is provided between the seal circumferential wall and the housing circumferential wall. The seal member extends in a radial direction of the rotary shaft between the end face and the opposed surface. 1. A motor-driven compressor , comprising:a rotary shaft;an electric motor that is configured to rotate the rotary shaft;a compression unit that is driven by rotation of the rotary shaft, the compression unit being configured to compress a fluid;an inverter that is configured to drive the electric motor; anda housing that accommodates the electric motor and includes a housing end wall and a housing circumferential wall, the housing circumferential wall extending from the housing end wall in an axial direction of the rotary shaft; andan inverter case that accommodates the inverter and is fixed to the housing, wherein a case end wall that is opposed to the housing end wall in the axial direction; and', 'a seal circumferential wall that extends from the case end wall in the axial direction and surrounds a section of an outer circumferential surface of the housing circumferential wall,, 'the inverter case includesthe seal circumferential wall includes a proximal end connected to the case end wall and an end face located at a distal end that is on a side opposite to the proximal end,the housing circumferential wall includes an opposed surface ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Internal air pressure imbalance (IAPI) engine

Номер: US20170152063A1

Disclosed is a thrust-producing device that can generate force in any medium (in air, in space, underwater). The device, in and of itself, does not have an external intake, or exhaust. Thrust is produced when electro-mechanical and/or thermal energy is applied to a closed, pressurized container of gas so as to produce an imbalance in the internal pressure within the container. A measure of corrosion prevention can be achieved by using N, an inert gas, or some other gas that will not chemically react with the other constituents in the container. Although this invention was principally intended as an advancement in the field of space propulsion systems, it has wide applicability across all modes of transportation; and has applications in stability and control, as well as propulsion. 16-. (canceled)7. A device capable of producing useful force , comprising: a closed container of gas; and a mechanism that acts upon the gas in such a way as to create an imbalance in the pressure distribution within the container yielding a net resultant force in a desired direction.8. The device recited in wherein the mechanism(s) for acting upon the gas within the container comprises a blower/compressor claim 7 , moving false container internal surface(s) claim 7 , or other means of agitation; or any combination thereof.9. The device recited in further wherein variable speed motors drive the blower(s)/compressor(s) and/or moving internal surfaces as a means to control engine output.10. The device for producing useful force recited in wherein variable geometry blower/compressor inlets and/or outlets provide a means of controlling the magnitude of the net usable force produced.11. The device for producing useful force recited in wherein multiple mechanisms oriented in different directions may be employed such that usable forces can be selectively produced in different directions.12. The device for producing useful force recited in wherein the orientation of the internal mechanism can be ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152860A1

A number of variations may include a method of optimizing inlet guide vane performance comprising: modifying an inlet guide vane to include at least one of a twist, a curve, a surface texture, a sealing feature, a tip leakage reduction feature, an airfoil having at least one component, or at least one channel. 1. A method of optimizing inlet guide vane performance comprising: modifying an inlet guide vane to include at least one of a twist , a curve , a surface texture , a sealing feature , a tip leakage reduction feature , an airfoil having at least one component , or at least one channel.2. The method of wherein the twist or the curve of the inlet guide vane tailors a pre-swirl level over a flow channel radius.3. The method of wherein the surface texture of the inlet guide vane reduces pressure losses.4. The method of wherein the sealing feature or the blocking feature on the inlet guide vane reduces secondary flow.5. The method of wherein the airfoil or the at least one channel improves flow through a flow channel.6. A product comprising: an inlet guide vane having at least one of a twisted blade claim 1 , a curved blade claim 1 , a surface texture claim 1 , a sealing feature claim 1 , a blocking feature claim 1 , an airfoil having at least one component claim 1 , or at least one channel.7. The product of wherein the twisted blade is twisted around at least one of an axis of rotation of the inlet guide vane or the leading edge of the inlet guide vane.8. The product of wherein the curved blade is at least one of curved around a center line of the inlet guide vane or skewed around at least one of a leading edge or a trailing edge of the inlet guide vane.9. The product of wherein the surface texture comprises an owl construction including a plurality of indentations which extend horizontally along a portion of a first and a second side of the blade from at least one of a trailing edge or a leading edge of the blade and increases in length as the blade width ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Biased Passages For Turbomachinery

Номер: US20170152861A1
Автор: Japikse David

Turbomachines having one or more flow guiding features designed to increase the performance of the turbomachine (). In some examples, flow guiding features are designed and configured to bias a circumferential pressure distribution at a diffuser inlet () toward circumferential uniformity, otherwise account for such low-frequency spatial pressure variations, increase the controllability of spatial flow field variations, or modifying flow field variations, etc. In some examples, a diffuser () having a row () of vanes () that include a plurality of first vanes () and at least one second vane (A, B, A, B, ) having a different characteristic than the first vanes () are disclosed. In some examples, diffusers () having an aperiodic section () including one or more biased passages (A, A, B, A, A, ) for biasing a flow field are disclosed. And in some examples, turbomachines having flowwise elongate recesses () in one or both of a hub () and shroud () surface are disclosed. 145-. (canceled)46. A diffuser for a turbomachine , comprising:a plurality of diffuser passages located around a circumference of the diffuser for receiving a flow field having a circumferential pressure distribution;wherein the diffuser passages include at least one periodic section and at least one aperiodic section, the at least one aperiodic section including at least one biased passage that is located, configured, and dimensioned to bias the circumferential pressure distribution toward circumferential uniformity.47. A diffuser according to claim 46 , wherein the plurality of diffuser passages have a first spatial frequency claim 46 , the circumferential pressure distribution including a time averaged low frequency component that has a lower spatial frequency than the first spatial frequency claim 46 , the at least one biased passage configured to bias the low frequency component toward a circumferentially uniform pressure distribution.48. A diffuser according to claim 46 , wherein the at least one ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152862A1

A method for controlling an inlet-adjustment mechanism in an air inlet for a compressor so as to switch the mechanism in a binary fashion between two positions P and P for adjusting a flow area of the inlet. The method includes identifying a threshold line on a compressor map of pressure ratio versus corrected flow rate for the compressor. The threshold line is a line on which the pressure ratio and flow rate of the compressor are the same for the P and P positions of the inlet-adjustment mechanism at equal speeds. When the operating point of the compressor on the compressor map crosses the threshold line, the inlet-adjustment mechanism is switched from one of its binary positions to the other. 112. A method for controlling a compressor inlet-adjustment mechanism disposed in an air inlet of a centrifugal compressor , the inlet-adjustment mechanism being switchable between two binary positions P and P for altering a flow area of the inlet , the method comprising:{'sub': 'c', 'identifying a threshold line on a compressor map of pressure ratio PR versus corrected flow rate Wfor the compressor, the threshold line being a line on which the pressure ratio and the corrected flow rate of the compressor are the same for the two binary positions of the inlet-adjustment mechanism at equal rotational speeds;'}{'sub': 'c', 'continually detecting PR and Wof the compressor during operation as an operating point of the compressor moves around on the compressor map; and'}placing the inlet-adjustment mechanism in one of the binary positions or the other based on a comparison of a location of the operating point relative to the threshold line on the compressor map.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '2, 'sub': c', 'P1', 'P2', 'c, 'providing a first compressor map describing performance of the compressor with the inlet-adjustment mechanism in the P position, the first compressor map being in the form of compressor pressure ratio PR versus corrected flow rate ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Flow-Conducting Grille For Arranging On A Fan

Номер: US20180156240A1

The disclosure relates to a flow-conducting grille for arranging on the suction side of a fan, with a grille web structure which comprises radial webs spaced apart in the circumferential direction and coaxial circumferential webs spaced apart in the radial direction, wherein the radial webs of at least one quadrant of the flow-conducting grille are curved in each case over their radial extension, viewed in the circumferential direction, towards a predetermined radial plane extending from a central axis of the flow conducting grille. 115-. (canceled)16. A flow-conducting grille for arranging on the suction side of a fan , a grille web structure comprises:radial webs, spaced apart in the circumferential direction, and coaxial circumferential webs, spaced apart in the radial direction, the radial webs of at least one quadrant of the flow-conducting grille are curved in each case over their radial extension, viewed in the circumferential direction, towards a predetermined radial plane extending from a central axis of the flow conducting grille;the predetermined radial plane is a zero degree radial plane (NR) delimiting a first quadrant (1Q);the radial webs each have radial ends and determine an angle (α) formed by a line (G), extending in each case from a central axis of the flow-conducting grille to the respective radial end of the respective radial web and by an imaginary curvature-free prolongation (V) of the respective radial web projecting beyond the respective radial end, the angle (α) varies with different radial webs; and [{'br': None, 'i': 'r', 'α(ρ)=1*ρ for 0°≤ρ≤45°,'}, {'br': None, 'i': r', 'r, 'α(ρ)=90×1−1ρ for 45°<ρ≤90°,'}, {'br': None, 'i': r', 'r, 'α(ρ)=−90*1+1ρ for 90°<ρ≤135°,'}, {'br': None, 'i': r', 'r, 'α(ρ)=180*1−1ρ for 135°<ρ≤180°,'}], 'starting from the zero degree radial plane (NR) in the circumferential direction, an angle ρ is determined, the radial webs, in each case respective, are spaced apart in the circumferential direction by a ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Draft Inducer Blower

Номер: US20190154044A1
Автор: Post Steven W.

A draft inducer blower assembly includes a blower having a fan, a dilution air intake passage, an exhaust gas intake passage, and a discharge passage. The blower is configured to operatively connect to a heater system in a manner to facilitate flow of combustion air into a combustion chamber and to draw dilution air into the blower and to mix the dilution air with the exhaust gases and to facilitate flow of the mixed air and exhaust gases through the vent. The dilution air intake passage is positionable in at least a low flow configuration and a high flow configuration. The dilution air intake passage is more restrictive of intake of dilution air in the low flow configuration than in the high flow configuration. 1. A draft inducer blower assembly for use with a gas-fueled heater system having a combustion chamber and a vent , the blower assembly comprising:a blower, the blower having a fan, a dilution air intake passage, an exhaust gas intake passage, and a discharge passage, the dilution air intake passage being configured to be in fluid communication with dilution air, the exhaust gas intake passage being adapted to receive exhaust gasses from the combustion chamber, the discharge passage being configured to be in fluid communication with the vent;the blower being configured to operatively connect to the heater system in a manner such that the blower is configured to facilitate flow of combustion air into the combustion chamber and to draw dilution air into the blower and to mix the dilution air with the exhaust gasses and to facilitate flow of the mixed air and exhaust gases through the vent; andthe dilution air intake passage being positionable in at least a low flow configuration and a high flow configuration, the dilution air intake passage being more restrictive of intake of dilution air in the low flow configuration than in the high flow configuration.2. A blower in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the dilution air intake passage has a first effective cross ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Compressor inlet arrangement

Номер: US20210190091A1
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

This disclosure relates to an arrangement 10 for variably adjusting the cross-section of a compressor inlet. Furthermore, the disclosure relates to a charging device having such an arrangement 10. The arrangement 10 comprises a compressor housing 100 with a main body 140 and an inlet cover 120. The inlet cover 120 defines a compressor inlet 110. The arrangement 10 further comprises an adjustment mechanism 200 which is arranged in the compressor housing 100. The adjustment mechanism 200 comprises an actuation ring 210 and a plurality of orifice elements 220. Each orifice element 220 is coupled to the actuation ring 210 via a respective coupling element 230 and is rotatably supported in the compressor housing 100 via a respective shaft 240. Furthermore, the arrangement 10 comprises at least one wear reducing feature providing a wear reduced operation of the adjustment mechanism 200.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Variable vane apparatus

Номер: US20180163735A1
Автор: Jong Goo Kim
Принадлежит: Hanwha Techwin Co Ltd

There is provided a variable vane apparatus including: a housing portion; a plurality of vane gear portions configured to rotate and provided on the housing portion to be spaced apart from one another; a plurality of variable vane portions connected to the plurality of vane gear portions; a drive gear portion configured to transfer power to the plurality of vane gear portions; and a connection gear portion arranged between the plurality of vane gear portions and configured to transfer power amongst the plurality of vane gear portions.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163736A1

A method of operating a compression system includes determining, by a controller, at least one of an operational point distance to surge and a surge margin based upon at least one of an electrical power consumed by a compressor and an electrical current consumed by the compressor, and at least one thermodynamic state measurement associated with the compressor. 1. A method for operating a compression system , said method comprising: at least one of an electrical power consumed by a compressor and an electrical current consumed by the compressor, and', 'at least one thermodynamic state measurement associated with the compressor., 'determining, by a controller, at least one of an operational point distance to surge and a surge margin based upon2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermodynamic state measurement includes at least one of an inlet pressure at a compressor inlet and an inlet temperature at the compressor inlet.3. The method of further comprising calculating claim 1 , by the controller claim 1 , a corrected power based upon the electrical power consumed by the compressor claim 1 , an inlet temperature of the compressor claim 1 , and an inlet pressure of the compressor.4. The method of further comprising calculating claim 1 , by the controller claim 1 , a power at a surge limit line and a power at a choke limit line based upon the at least one thermodynamic state measurement.5. The method of further comprising multiplying claim 4 , by the controller claim 4 , the power at the surge limit line by at least one of a variable guided vane modification factor and an inlet guided vane modification factor to generate a modified power at the surge limit line.6. The method of further comprising:calculating, by the controller, a corrected power based upon the electrical power consumed by the compressor, an inlet temperature of the compressor, and an inlet pressure of the compressor; andcalculating, by the controller, the operational point distance to ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163749A1

An adjusting mechanism, adaptive to a main body of a centrifugal compressor, comprises a diffuser channel width adjusting assembly and a gas bypass assembly. The diffuser channel width adjusting assembly comprises a width adjusting annular plate and a first valve stem. The width adjusting annular plate is movably disposed in a diffuser channel of the main body. The first valve stem is connected to the width adjusting annular plate, and configured for driving the width adjusting annular plate to move to adjust the width of the diffuser channel. The gas bypass assembly comprises a gas bypass valve and a second valve stem. The gas bypass valve is movably disposed in a gas bypass passage of the main body. The second valve stem is connected to the gas bypass valve, and configured for driving the gas bypass valve to move to adjust the opening of the gas bypass port. 1. An adjusting mechanism adaptive to a main body of a centrifugal compressor , the adjusting mechanism comprising: a width adjusting annular plate configured for being movably disposed in a diffuser channel of the main body; and', 'a first valve stem connected to the width adjusting annular plate, the first valve stem configured for driving the width adjusting annular plate to move so as to adjust the width of the diffuser channel; and, 'a diffuser channel width adjusting assembly, comprising a gas bypass valve configured for being movably disposed in a gas bypass passage of the main body; and', 'a second valve stem connected to the gas bypass valve, the second valve stem configured for driving the gas bypass valve to move so as to adjust the opening of a gas bypass port., 'a gas bypass assembly, comprising2. The adjusting mechanism according to claim 1 , further comprising a drive shaft claim 1 , the diffuser channel width adjusting assembly further comprising a first box cam claim 1 , the first box cam disposed on the drive shaft and having a first cam groove claim 1 , a distance between a part of the first ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Inlet-adjustment mechanism for turbocharger compressor, having sealing means preventing recirculation and/or oil migration into the mechanism

Номер: US20190162200A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A turbocharger compressor includes an inlet-adjustment mechanism operable to move between an open position and a closed position. The mechanism includes a plurality of movable blades disposed about the compressor air inlet and located between an upstream wall surface and a downstream wall surface of an annular space within the air inlet wall. The blades move radially inward from the annular space into the air inlet when the blades are in the closed position so as to form an orifice of reduced diameter relative to a nominal diameter of the inlet. Recirculation of air upstream through the mechanism is prevented by a downstream blade seal. When EGR is employed, an upstream blade seal is included, preventing oil-laden air from migrating into the mechanism. The blade seals can be of various types, including O-ring seals or labyrinth seals.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307510A1

A centrifugal compressor includes: a housing including an intake flow path; a compressor impeller arranged in the intake flow path; a movable portion arranged upstream of the compressor impeller in a flow of an intake air; and a groove formed in an area other than a surface located on a downstream side in the flow of the intake air in the movable portion. 1. A centrifugal compressor comprising:a housing including an intake flow path;a compressor impeller arranged in the intake flow path;a movable portion arranged upstream of the compressor impeller in a flow of an intake air; anda groove formed in an area other than a surface located on a downstream side in the flow of the intake air in the movable portion.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the groove is formed on a surface located on an upstream side in the flow of the intake air in the movable portion.3. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the groove is formed on a radial outer surface in the movable portion.4. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the groove extends in a circumferential direction of the compressor impeller.5. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 2 , wherein the groove extends in a circumferential direction of the compressor impeller.6. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 3 , wherein the groove extends in a circumferential direction of the compressor impeller. This application is a continuation application of International Application No. PCT/JP2020/048517, filed on Dec. 24, 2020, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2020-031838 filed on Feb. 27, 2020, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates to a centrifugal compressor.A centrifugal compressor comprises a compressor housing in which an intake flow path is formed. A compressor impeller is arranged in the intake flow path. When a flow rate of air flowing into the compressor impeller ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176600A1
Автор: JENKS Gordon

A retractable vane diffuser system () for a compressor stage () of a turbocharger with selectively retractable vanes (). The retractable vane diffuser system () includes a retractable vane () or a set of vanes () that can extend into a flow path () of a diffuser () to help control airflow and change the operating characteristics of the compressor stage (), such as improving surge margin or improving peak stage efficiency. The vanes () can retract preferably with a vane ring () into a cavity () of a wall ( or ) of the diffuser () when operation as a vaneless diffuser is desired to maximize flow, such as to slow onset of diffuser stall or surge. The retractable vane diffuser system () combines superior pressure ratio, efficiency, and lower mass air flow operating characteristics of a diffuser having vanes with higher mass airflow capacity of a vaneless diffuser. 11436. A turbocharger having a compressor impeller () and a turbine wheel connected by a rotating shaft , the improvement comprising a retractable vane diffuser system () including:{'b': 18', '30', '32', '34', '14, 'a diffuser () defined by a hub wall () and a shroud wall () forming a flow path () for air as it leaves the compressor impeller (); and'}{'b': 38', '30', '32, 'a vane () retractable into the hub wall () or the shroud wall ().'}2. The turbocharger of wherein operational stability at low mass airflows is improved by controlling airflow.338. The turbocharger of wherein the vane () is one of a plurality of vanes.44044403032. The turbocharger of further comprising a set of vanes () on a vane ring () claim 1 , the set of vanes () retractable into each of the hub wall () and the shroud wall ().538. The turbocharger of wherein the vane () is separate from adjacent vanes.638. The turbocharger of wherein the vane () can be retracted while adjacent vanes are extended.744423218443832. The turbocharger of further comprising a vane ring () in a cavity () of the shroud wall () of the diffuser () claim 1 , the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178255A1

A vapor cycle compressor includes a controller section, a drive section in communication with the controller section, and a compression section operatively engaged with the drive section. The compression section includes: an inlet guide vane assembly, wherein the inlet guide vane assembly includes inlet vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation; a first stage diffuser assembly downstream of the inlet guide vane assembly, wherein the first stage diffuser assembly includes first diffuser vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation; a return channel assembly downstream of the first stage diffuser assembly, wherein the return channel assembly includes return channel vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation; and a second stage diffuser assembly downstream of the return channel assembly, wherein the second stage diffuser assembly includes second diffuser vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation. 1. A vapor cycle compressor , comprising:a controller section;a drive section in communication with the controller section; and an inlet guide vane assembly;', 'wherein the inlet guide vane assembly includes inlet vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation;', 'a first stage diffuser assembly downstream of the inlet guide vane assembly;', 'wherein the first stage diffuser assembly includes first diffuser vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation;', 'a return channel assembly downstream of the first stage diffuser assembly;', 'wherein the return channel assembly includes return channel vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation', 'a second stage diffuser assembly downstream of the return channel assembly;', 'wherein the second stage diffuser assembly includes second diffuser vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation., 'a compression section operatively engaged with the drive section, wherein the compression section ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178259A1

A vapor cycle compressor includes a controller section, a drive section in communication with the controller section, and a compression section operatively engaged with the drive section. The compression section includes a first compression stage and a return channel assembly downstream of the first compression stage. The return channel vane assembly includes return channel vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation. The compression section also includes a second compression stage downstream of the return channel vane assembly, wherein inlet guide vanes are absent between the return channel vane assembly and the second compression stage. 1. A vapor cycle compressor , comprising:a controller section;a drive section in communication with the controller section; and a first compression stage;', 'a return channel assembly downstream of the first stage compression section;', 'wherein the return channel vane assembly includes return channel vanes that are configured to adjust their angle of orientation; and', 'a second compression stage downstream of the return channel vane assembly;', 'wherein inlet guide vanes are absent between the return channel vane assembly and the second compression stage., 'a compression section operatively engaged with the drive section, wherein the compression section includes2. The compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a stepper motor assembly operatively engaged with the return channel assembly.3. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the first compression stage includes a first stage impeller assembly and a first stage diffuser assembly.4. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the second compression stage includes a second stage impeller assembly and a second stage diffuser assembly.5. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the first compression stage includes variable vanes.6. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the second compression stage includes variable vanes.7. The compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a stepper ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Flow Machine And Method For The Production Thereof

Номер: US20190178262A1
Принадлежит: MAN Energy Solutions SE

The invention relates to a flow machine (10), in particular a radial compressor, comprising a rotor (11) with a rotor blade (12); a stator (13) with, preferably, a guide vane (17), the stator defining at least in sections, the at least one flow channel (14) leading to the rotor blades (12) of the rotor (11) and a flow channel (15) leading away from the rotor blades (12) of the rotor (11); the stator (13) comprising, in the region of at least one flow channel (14, 15) at least one foam-like porous sound damping element (23).

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173445A1

A blower includes a centrifugal fan and a partition wall disposed in a suction space in the centrifugal fan. The partition wall has a base portion extending along a fan central axis to partition the suction space into a first space for a first fluid and a second space for a second fluid. The partition wall has an enlarged portion connected to an end of the base portion on another side of the fan central axis. The enlarged portion covers a part of a fan boss. A clearance passage is defined between the enlarged portion and the fan boss and has a first space side opening and a second space side opening. The enlarged portion is biased in the suction space to the second space such that a pressure at the second space side opening is less than a pressure at the first space side opening. 1. A blower configured to blow a first fluid and a second fluid , the blower comprising:a centrifugal fan configured to rotate about a fan central axis so as to draw the first fluid and the second fluid from one side of the fan central axis and blow the first fluid and the second fluid outward in a direction away from the fan central axis; anda partition wall that is disposed in a suction space defined on an air suction side of the centrifugal fan, the partition wall being spaced from the centrifugal fan, wherein a plurality of blades arranged around the suction space and spaced from each other, the plurality of blades being configured to draw an air from the one side of the fan central axis by rotating about the fan central axis, and', 'a fan boss that connects an end of each blade of the plurality of blades on another side of the fan central axis with each other,, 'the centrifugal fan includes'} a base portion that extends along the fan central axis in the suction space so as to partition the suction space at least into a first space through which the first fluid flows and a second space through which the second fluid flows, and', 'an enlarged portion connected to an end of the base ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198176A1

A blower fan includes a lower plate portion made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more, and a side wall portion made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more. An upper plate portion arranged to cover an upper side of the impeller includes an air inlet. The upper plate portion, the side wall portion, and the lower plate portion are arranged to together define an air outlet on the lateral side of the impeller. The blower fan further includes a heat source contact portion with which a heat source is to be in contact, the heat source contact portion being arranged in a surface of the blower fan which faces away from the impeller. The heat source contact portion and the side wall portion are arranged to at least partially overlap with each other in a plan view. 1. A blower fan comprising:an impeller including a plurality of blades arranged to rotate about a central axis extending in a vertical direction and arranged in a circumferential direction, and a blade support portion arranged to support the blades;a motor portion arranged to rotate the impeller; anda housing arranged to contain the impeller; wherein a lower plate portion arranged to cover a lower side of the impeller, arranged to support the motor portion, and made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more; and', 'a side wall portion arranged to cover a lateral side of the impeller, connected with the lower plate portion, and made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more;, 'the housing includesa channel joining a space above the impeller and a space between the impeller and the lower plate portion to each other in an axial direction is defined between adjacent ones of the blades of the impeller;an upper plate portion arranged to cover an upper side of the impeller includes an air inlet;the upper plate portion, the side wall portion, and the lower plate portion are arranged to together define an air outlet on ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187695A1
Автор: Cool Peter Jan

The present invention relates to a centrifugal fan comprising a fan housing with a radial outlet opening arranged in a radial peripheral wall thereof, a rotor arranged rotatably in the fan housing and provided close to an axial rotation axis thereof with a rotor inflow opening, wherein the fan housing is provided close to the rotation axis of the rotor with an axial inlet opening, and a tube part which extends in the fan housing from the radial outlet opening arranged in the radial peripheral wall and inward along the radial peripheral wall. The invention further relates to a heating device comprising a burner with a fuel mixture infeed opening, a centrifugal fan according to the invention, and wherein a fluid connection is provided between the fuel mixture infeed opening of the burner and the outlet opening of the centrifugal fan. 1. A centrifugal fan , comprising:a fan housing with a radial outlet opening arranged in a radial peripheral wall thereof; anda rotor arranged rotatably in the fan housing;wherein the fan housing is provided with an inlet opening, andwherein a sound-reducing tube part extends in the fan housing from the radial outlet opening of the fan housing arranged in the radial peripheral wall and extending inward along the radial peripheral wall, radially relative to the rotor along and adjacently of the rotor, whereby the outlet opening is displaced inward from the peripheral wall of the fan housing into the fan housing.2. The centrifugal fan as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fan housing comprises a pan-like part claim 1 , in which the rotor is arranged claim 1 , and a cover mounted releasably on the pan-like part.3. The centrifugal fan as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the tube part extends in the fan housing from the radial outlet opening arranged in the radial peripheral wall and inward along the radial peripheral wall at a distance relative to the cover.4. The centrifugal fan as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the tube part defines claim 3 , of ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Automatic Inflation Device

Номер: US20170191483A1
Автор: Liu Zhiming

An automatic inflation device includes a valve body, a miniature motor and a centrifugal impeller. The valve body is provided with an air inlet and an inflation inlet, a check valve that is unidirectionally opened outwards the valve body is provided at the inflation inlet, a wind chamber and a wind guide path connected with the wind chamber are configured in the valve body, the miniature motor and the centrifugal impeller are installed in the wind chamber, the centrifugal impeller is actuated by the miniature motor, the wind chamber is communicated with the inflation inlet via the wind guide path, and the air inlet is communicated with a wind inlet of the wind chamber. The structure of the device is compact and reduced, which is applicable to directly install into inflation products. The device can inflate automatically and efficiently, and the structure is simplified and easy to actualize. 1. An automatic inflation device , comprising a valve body , a miniature motor and a centrifugal impeller , wherein the valve body is provided with an air inlet and an inflation inlet , a check valve that is unidirectionally opened outwards the valve body is provided at the inflation inlet , a wind chamber and a wind guide path connected with the wind chamber are configured in the valve body , the miniature motor and the centrifugal impeller are installed in the wind chamber , the centrifugal impeller is actuated by the miniature motor , the wind chamber is communicated with the inflation inlet via the wind guide path , and the air inlet is communicated with a wind inlet of the wind chamber.2. The automatic inflation device according to claim 1 , wherein the wind guide path has a first end that is connected with the wind chamber and a second end that is communicated with the inflation inlet claim 1 , and the wind guide path is tapered from the first end to the second end.3. The automatic inflation device according to claim 1 , wherein two connection portions are respectively ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198704A1

A multi-stage compressor system is a system of a multi-stage compressor in which compressors are connected in series in a plurality of stages includes a control unit. The control unit determines whether a malfunction is present in the system by comparing a suction flow rate of a first-stage compressor measured by a first sensor with a downstream flow rate from an outlet of the multi-stage compressor measured by a second sensor. 1. A system of a multi-stage compressor in which compressors are connected in series in a plurality of stages , the multi-stage compressor system comprising:a control unit configured to determine whether a malfunction is present in the system by comparing a suction flow rate of a first-stage compressor measured by a first sensor with a downstream flow rate from an outlet of the multi-stage compressor measured by a second sensor.2. The multi-stage compressor system according to claim 1 ,wherein the multi-stage compressor includes a pair of first-stage compressors and subsequent-stage compressors, wherein the subsequent-stage compressors serially connected to the first-stage compressors compress fluids compressed by the pair of first-stage compressors.3. The multi-stage compressor system according to claim 1 , wherein a measurement value of each of the first sensor and the second sensor is corrected according to at least one of a temperature of a fluid claim 1 , a pressure of the fluid claim 1 , and a molecular weight of the fluid in which the first sensor and the second sensor measure.4. The multi-stage compressor system according to claim 1 ,wherein a third sensor configured to measure an amount of drainage downstream generated from a compressed fluid from an outlet of the first-stage compressor is provided, andwherein measurement values of the first sensor and the second sensor are corrected according to the amount of drainage measured by the third sensor.5. The multi-stage compressor system according to claim 3 ,wherein a pressure of a ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198705A1

A multi-stage compression system in which gases compressed by a pair of first-stage compressors are compressed by subsequent compressors connected to the first-stage compressors in series includes a valve control unit configured to output open/close signals for opening/closing valves for adjusting flow rates of gases flowing into the first-stage compressors provided at inlet sides of the first-stage compressors. The valve control unit outputs an open/close signal having a difference less than or equal to a predetermined value with respect to a degree of opening of the valve before malfunction determination as the open/close signal until a malfunction is eliminated after the determination of the malfunction in which one of the valves does not have a degree of opening according to the open/close signal. 1. A multi-stage compression system in which gases compressed by a pair of first-stage compressors are compressed by subsequent compressors connected to the first-stage compressors in series , the multi-stage compression system comprising:a valve control unit configured to output open/close signals for opening/closing valves for adjusting flow rates of gases flowing into the first-stage compressors provided at inlet sides of the first-stage compressors,wherein the valve control unit limits a change rate of a degree of opening of a valve indicated by the open/close signal within a predetermined range until the degree of opening of the valve reaches the degree of opening indicated by the open/close signal and outputs the open/close signal indicating the degree of opening of a valve having a difference less than or equal to a predetermined value with respect to a degree of opening of a valve before malfunction determination to both of the valves until a malfunction is eliminated after the determination of the malfunction in which one of the valves does not have a degree of opening according to the open/close signal.24-. (canceled)5. The multi-stage compression system ...
