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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 3443. Отображено 200.
10-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2173406C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для смешивания, нагнетания и сжатия газов, может использоваться в качестве переносного источника сжатого воздуха для работы самолетного бортового инструмента, в цехах, гаражах, мастерских. В корпусе компрессора установлен конический многозаходный шнек, на входном конце которого расположена крыльчатка для формирования направления газового потока на переднюю кромку винтов шнека. Между шнеком и корпусом установлена эластичная вставка с четырьмя выступами, обеспечивающая минимальный зазор между корпусом и шнеком. Корпус компрессора при помощи резьбового соединения помещен в ресивер. Повышается производительность, снижается шум при работе, уменьшаются габариты. 5 ил.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2391559C1

Изобретение относится к насосостроению. Шнековый насос содержит основной шнек 2 с втулкой 3, установленный в корпусе 5 на пустотелом валу 1, внутри которого проходит дополнительный вал 6. На валу 6 установлена гидротурбина и на конце со стороны входа в основной шнек 2 - дополнительный шнек 8. К корпусу 5 подсоединены входной и выходной корпуса 15, 17. Гидротурбина совмещена с дополнительным шнеком 8, для чего внутри шнека 8 выполнена внутренняя полость 9, сообщающаяся каналом 13 и отверстиями 11, 14 с полостью 18 выходного корпуса 17. На внешней или передней поверхностях 23, 24 шнека 8 выполнены отверстия 10, сообщающиеся с внутренней полостью 9 для создания крутящего момента на дополнительном шнеке 8, совмещенном с гидротурбиной. Между валом 1 и дополнительным валом 6 может быть установлен, по меньшей мере, один промежуточный подшипник 7. Один или все промежуточные подшипники 7 могут быть выполнены магнитными. Изобретение направлено на улучшение кавитационных свойств насоса. 2 з.п. ф-лы ...

10-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU37159U1

... 1. Насос погружной одновинтовой, содержащий предохранительный клапан, выполненный с возможностью соединения напорной камеры насоса с затрубным пространством при превышении заданной величины разности давлений в напорной камере и затрубном пространстве, при этом затвор предохранительного клапана выполнен с возможностью линейного перемещения относительно седла клапана под действием давления в напорной камере и затрубном пространстве, отличающийся тем, что затвор по форме представляет собой шар и установлен с возможностью вращения относительно собственной оси, предохранительный клапан содержит средства для прижатия затвора к седлу клапана с заданным усилием, включающие в себя, по крайней мере, две последовательно установленные тарельчатые пружины.2. Насос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что насос содержит полую цилиндрическую головку, выполненную с возможностью соединения с нижней трубой колонны насосно-компрессорных труб, при этом головка соединена с обоймой насоса и образует напорную камеру насоса ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU83107U1

... 1. Конвейер, содержащий грузонесущий орган, установленный с возможностью вращения, отличающийся тем, что грузонесущий орган выполнен в виде, по меньшей мере, одной трубы, изогнутой по спирали. ! 2. Конвейер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной. ! 3. Конвейер по п.2, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной, цилиндрической формы. ! 4. Конвейер по п.2, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной, конической формы. ! 5. Конвейер по п.2, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной, криволинейной формы. ! 6. Конвейер по п.2, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной, прямоугольной формы. ! 7. Конвейер по п.2, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной, многоугольной формы. ! 8. Конвейер по п.2, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена винтообразной, комбинированной формы. ! 9. Конвейер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что спираль выполнена улиткообразной или плоской. ! 10. Конвейер по п.9, отличающийся тем, что спираль ...

20-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU86986U1

Насос для перекачивания сточных вод, содержащий привод, вертикальный вал, установленный в подшипниках, выполненных из диэлектрического материала, с закрепленным на нем центробежным колесом и шнеком, установленным в цилиндрическом корпусе, в обечайке которого выполнены всасывающие окна и выходной патрубок, и имеющим заземление, и муфту, соединяющую вал с приводом, выполненную из диэлектрического материала, отличающийся тем, что осесимметрично с валом между центробежным колесом и шнеком установлено кольцо из электропроводного материала с зазором 1÷2 мм по отношению к валу, жестко закрепленное на шине, соединенной с положительным полюсом источника постоянного тока.

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU69938U1

Насос автономный для извлечения жидкости из емкости содержит привод вращения, выполненный в виде электродвигателя, вал ротора с осевой крыльчаткой установленной с его нижнего конца. Отличается от известных тем, что привод расположен на крышке, укупоривающей емкость, в нижней части которой закреплена втулка с размещенным в ней валом ротора. Нижний конец втулки жестко соединен с кожухом, в котором расположена осевая крыльчатка, выполненная в виде ступицы с винтовыми лопастями. При этом в нижней своей части кожух имеет отверстие, а в верхней части закреплена гибкая трубка для извлечения жидкости, свободный конец которой выведен через крышку. Втулка с прикрепленным к ней кожухом выполнена длиной, обеспечивающей размещение кожуха у дна емкости. Питание электродвигателя может осуществляется через аккумуляторную батарею. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 илл.

27-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU160002U1

Погружной лабиринтный насос, содержащий корпус с внутренней винтовой нарезкой, напорный коллектор, фонарь, вал, подшипниковую опору вала, размещенную со стороны его приводного конца, винт, образующий с корпусом лабиринтные рабочие органы насоса, и крепежный элемент винта, отличающийся тем, что корпус, напорный коллектор и фонарь выполнены в виде единой трубчатой детали, при этом насос снабжен дополнительной подшипниковой опорой вала, размещенной между винтом и его крепежным элементом.

11-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU170010U1

Полезная модель относится к области насосостроения и может быть использована в оседиагональных насосах с повышенными производительностью, напором и ресурсом работы, работающих в нефтехимической, атомной отраслях промышленности, в системах водоснабжения сельского хозяйства, а также при перекачке различного рода жидкостей, в том числе неоднородных по плотности и вязкости. Техническим результатом полезной модели является увеличение надежности и ресурса работы насоса путем обеспечения разгрузки ротора оседиагонального насоса от осевой силы без дополнительного увеличения габаритов, без снижения его экономичности и без ухудшения его динамических характеристик. Оседиагональный шнековый насос содержит корпус с осевым подводом и спиральным отводом, вал с консольно закрепленным рабочим колесом, выполненным в виде шнека с винтовыми лопастями и конусообразной втулкой, примыкающим на большом диаметре к корпусу через щелевое уплотнение винтового типа и образующим с корпусом подшипниковых опор разгрузочную ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU63002U1

Полезная модель относится к гидромашиностроению, а именно, к насосам с повышенными требованиями к шуму и вибрациям. Задача настоящей полезной модели - уменьшение шума и вибрации насоса. Поставленная задача решается тем, что насос снабжен дополнительной крышкой, фиксирующей положение закладных деталей, а положение одной из опор скольжения зафиксировано основной крышкой.

20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2177087C1

Изобретение относится к технике зачистки и транспортирования различных вязкопластичных и песчано-иловых масс и может быть использовано для зачистки и откачки студнеобразных масс в пищевой, химической, нефтехимической промышленности, в сельском хозяйстве и муниципальной службе. Насос содержит многозаходный шнек, установленный в корпусе с выходным патрубком. Однозаходная часть шнека охвачена лопастным питателем с частью подвижного корпуса. Последний имеет с шнеком разные скорости и направления вращения. Шнек и корпус имеют коаксиальные валы. Выходной патрубок снабжен трубкой для ввода струи жидкости в сторону движения массы. Гребни лопастей шнека на части последнего шага изогнуты вдоль оси вала или в сторону его вращения на величину, близкую к внутреннему диаметру выходного патрубка. Угол наклона патрубка к оси шнека не превышает угла подъема лопастей шнека. Лопастной питатель снабжен неподвижным решетчатым защитным кожухом. Такая конструкция шнекового насоса позволяет получить высокопроизводительную ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2499161C1

Изобретение относится к области насосостроения. Насос содержит корпус с подводом и отводом и ротор. Ротор включает вал, вращающийся в радиальном и радиально-упорном шарикоподшипниках, и консольно закрепленное на валу шнековое колесо с винтовыми лопастями и полой конусообразной втулкой. Втулка примыкает па большом диаметре к отводу через радиальный и торцовый зазоры щелевого ступенчатого уплотнения и образует с внешней, по отношению к проточной части, стороны разгрузочную камеру с перепускными каналами. Каналы сообщают камеру с полостью входа шнекового колеса. Радиально-упорный шарикоподшипник по наружному кольцу установлен в корпусе с торцовым зазором, не меньшем торцового зазора щелевого ступенчатого уплотнения. На лопастях в начале конического участка наружного контура шнекового колеса неподвижно закреплен бандаж, примыкающий на малом диаметре к подводу через торцовый зазор щелевого уплотнения, равный по величине торцовому зазору щелевого ступенчатого уплотнения. Изобретение направлено ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2488717C1

Изобретение относится к энергетическому гидромашиностроению. Агрегат содержит в едином жестком наружном корпусе насосы первого и второго подъема конденсата. Наружный корпус и все заключенные в нем узлы выполнены центрально-симметричными относительно фиксированной вертикальной оси. Наружный корпус эллиптическиподобной формы выполнен с герметичной крышкой. Камера всасывания с дном на уровне дна конденсатора имеет в боковых стенках окна поступления конденсата. В камере подпорного давления размещены в четном количестве идентичные вертикальные низкооборотные и низконапорные осевые полирядные насосы первого подъема с односторонним поступлением конденсата и идентичные горизонтальные высокооборотные и высоконапорные осевые полирядные насосы второго подъема с двухсторонним поступлением конденсата и выходом в патрубки нагнетания симметричных камер напорного давления. Во всех насосах рабочие колеса и направляющие аппараты выполнены мультипланными с числом решеток лопастей рабочих соответственно от ...

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005916C1

Сущность изобретения: на внутренней конической поверхности корпуса выполнен винтовой канал. В корпусе установлен ротор с наружной конической поверхностью, на которой выполнены рабочие органы. Наружный и внутренний диаметры соответственно ротора и корпуса выполнены возрастающими от входа насоса к выходу. Рабочие органы ротора выполнены в виде глухих отверстий полукруглой формы. Винтовой клапан образован винтовыми лопастями с закругленным или заостренным профилем. Входная кромка лопасти, образующей канал, заострена. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2315895C1

Изобретение относится к шнековым насосам для зачистки и перекачки вязких, пластичных и вязкопластичных масс, выполненным в виде ручного инструмента с автономным приводом или установленного на колесной тележке. Корпус насоса по всей длине снабжен сменными трубчатыми цилиндрическими вставками (В) и В, имеющей на боковой поверхности отверстие (О), совмещенное с О выходного патрубка, и параллельные между собой и осью сквозные пазы с прямоугольным или фасонным профилем в поперечном сечении. Торец В со стороны О под выходной патрубок снабжен кольцевым бортиком, а на равном удалении от края второго торца В выполнены резьбовые О, либо такой же В, но без пазов. Входная часть шнека снабжена легкосъемным лопастным питателем, прикрепленным со стороны входного торца вала шнека через диск питателя, так что входная часть шнека охвачена двумя или более профильными лопастями (Л). Л одним торцом прикреплены к периферии диска питателя, а их вторые торцы жестко скреплены с центрирующим кольцом, внутренний ...

20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000101705A

Пружинно-шнековый насос, содержащий корпус с улиточным отводом и подводом, закрепленное на валу рабочее колесо в виде шнека и узел уплотнения, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно снабжен вторым рабочим органом в виде пружинного винта, заключенного в гибкую подводящую трубу, один конец которого закреплен с помощью разъемного соединения с валом насоса, а на втором конце выполнены заборные окна.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010145211A

... 1. Нагреватель, состоящий из корпуса, расположенного в нем ротора с винтовыми нагнетающими канавками и обратными канавками, направление которых противоположно нагнетающим, и выполненные на роторе, причем корпус на внутренней поверхности снабжен трехфазной обмоткой и имеет провода для подвода электрического тока к трехфазной обмотке, отличающийся тем, что ротор неподвижно соединен уплотнением с корпусом и изготовлен из немагнитного материала: меди, бронзы, латуни, алюминия или силумина, имеет центральное отверстие для вентиляции воздуха, а полость между внутренней поверхностью корпуса и наружной поверхностью ротора заполнена трансформаторным маслом, в которое введены наночастицы карбонильного железа размером от 10 до 15 нм в количестве 3÷16 об.% от объема трансформаторного масла и покрытых поверхностно активным веществом и олеиновой кислотой. ! 2. Нагреватель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что наночастицы карбонального железа имеют размер от 10 до 15 нм, а их количество составляет от 3 до 16 ...

10-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001119143A

... 1. Лабиринтный насос, содержащий концентричные цилиндрические рабочие органы в виде вращающегося винта и неподвижной втулки с многозаходными винтовыми нарезками противоположного направления с одинаковыми углами нарезок заходов винта и втулки, отличающийся тем, что углы нарезок заходов втулки меньше угла нарезок заходов винта и в сумме составляют 90o с углом заходов нарезок винта. 2. Лабиринтный насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что профиль нарезок заходов винта имеет форму трапеции, а профиль нарезок заходов втулки имеет форму равнобедренного треугольника с размерами нарезок, в 2 раза меньшими по высоте и ширине нарезок винта. 3. Лабиринтный насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что насос снабжен встроенной во внутреннюю полость винта втулкой, выполненной с каналами в виде многозаходной архимедовой спирали с шириной каналов в 2 раза меньше их высоты.

10-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001131346A

... 1. Устройство для перекачки однофазных или многофазных жидкостей без изменения их свойств, состоящее из трубчатого полого корпуса (1), направляющего жидкость преимущественно вдоль оси, в котором имеется нагнетательный элемент (5), приводимый во вращательное движение статором (31) мотора, размещенным с наружной стороны полого корпуса (1), при этом нагнетательный элемент (5) ориентирован вдоль оси, в котором жидкость может перетекать через роторный зазор (8) между нагнетательным элементом (5) и полым корпусом (1), и в котором по одному направляющему блоку (7, 7’, 75) установлено спереди и позади нагнетательного элемента (5) соответственно, отличающееся тем, что нагнетательный элемент (5) подвешен бесконтактным способом между направляющими блоками (7, 7’, 75), каждый из которых разделен зазором (9) вкладыша, посредством элементов (41, 42) магнитной подвески, размещенных в направляющих блоках (7, 7’, 75) и в нагнетательном элементе (5), которые функционально работают вместе, а их лицевые магнитовзаимодействующие ...

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: SU1083694A1

20-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: SU1371130A1

Изобретение м.б. использовано для получения импульсного режима нагнетания сред. Цель изобретения расширение функциональных возможностей нагнетателя. Для этого на валу 7 устанавливается управляющий диск 10 с двумя группами выступов (В) 11 и 12. При этом регулятор расхода связан с В 11, а регуляторы рабочего объема пазов с В 12. Каждый регулятор рабочего объема паза установлен параллельно оси нагнетателя и выполнен в виде поршня 13 со штоком 14, подпружиненным относительно корпуса пружиной 15. Подбором количества, угла, определяющего ширину В, и взаимного расположения В 11 и 12, а также изменением жесткости пружин 15 и 16 обеспечивается требуемая зависимость между изменениями давления и расхода среды на выходе нагнетателя. Управляющие диски м.б. сменными, что упрощает ремонт. 6 ил.

20-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: SU1139198A1

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010115715A

Теплотрубный винтовой нагнетатель, включающий испарительную, рабочую и конденсационную камеры, снабженные фитилем, частично покрытым обечайкой, внутренняя поверхность торцевых стенок испарительной и рабочей камер покрыта решеткой, выполненной из пористого материала, рабочую камеру с винтовой канавкой на наружной поверхности, внутри которой устроены коаксиально друг за другом силовые турбины, жестко закрепленные периферийными кромками лопастей к внутренней поверхности ее стенки, обойму, закрывающую винтовую канавку, отличающийся тем, что испарительная, рабочая и конденсационная камеры расположены в одном цилиндрическом корпусе, внутренние поверхности верхней и нижней торцевых стенок которого соединены фитилем, проходящим по центральной оси корпуса, покрытым обечайкой с образованием зазоров у верхней и нижней торцевых стенок, в испарительной и конденсационной камерах наружная поверхность боковых стенок снабжена направляющими пластинами и покрыта с образованием кольцевого зазора горячей и ...

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Самовсасывающий лабиринтно-винтовой насос

Номер: SU1740784A1

Использование: в системах, работающих в невесомости, в которых всасывающий трубопровод при остановке насоса заполняется газом. Цель изобретения: повышение надежности в условиях невесомости путем удержания жидкости в полости винта. Для этого у насоса с полым винтом (1) установлен коллектор в виде конических втулок (9), имеющих смачиваемые перфорированные поверхности. Перфорация втулок (9) обеспечивает удержание жидкости в условиях невесомости при останове насоса. 1 ил.

15-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: SU1178946A1

НАСОС-СМЕСИТЕЛЬ содержащий корпус, выполненный в виде коаксиально расположенных трубчатых элементов большего и меньшего диаметров, имеющих с противоположных сторон каждого загрузочные и разгрузочные отверстия, при этом разгрузочное отверстие трубчатого элемента меньшего диаметра расположено между загрузочным и разгрузочным отверстиями трубчатого элемента больщего диаметра и шнеки большего и меньшего диаметров, установленные по всей длине трубчатых элементов соответственно большего и меньшего диаметров и снабженные приводом, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эксплуатационной надежности путем использования для шнеков единого привода, насос снабжен валом и полой ступицей, соединенными со стороны привода посредством щлицевого зацепления , шнек меньшего диаметра закреплен на одном конце вала, а часть шнека большего диаметра - на ступице, при этом г другой конец вала пропущен через ступицу и соединен с приводом.

22-12-1969 дата публикации

Винтовой компрессор

Номер: SU260070A1
Автор: Рево В.Д.

22-12-1969 дата публикации

Одновинтовой насос

Номер: SU260418A1

07-01-1972 дата публикации

Осевое колесо

Номер: SU325411A1

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1809866C

12-12-1969 дата публикации

Винтовая машина

Номер: SU259313A1

21-07-1965 дата публикации


Номер: SU173532A1
Автор: Баранов Ю.Б.

30-09-1992 дата публикации

Высоконапорный насосный агрегат

Номер: SU1765527A1

Сущность изобретения: в корпусе 1 выполнен обводной канал 17. Центробежная ступень снабжена лопаточным диффузором 13, установленным на выходе из рабочего колеса 12. Вход лабиринтной двухпоточной ступени расположены со стороны торцевых поверхностей ротора 4. Ступень снабжена направляющим аппаратом 7. Один вход лабиринтной ступени подключен непосредственно к выходу колеса 12, второй каналом 17 - к диффузору 13. Аппарат 7 установлен в канале 17 перед вторым входом лабиринтной ступени, выход к-рой выполнен диффу- зорным. 1 ил.

07-08-1992 дата публикации

Шнековый нагнетатель

Номер: SU1753050A1

Использование: перекачивание жидких и вязкопластмчных сред. Тяга выполнена в виде ленты (Л) 7, очистители - в виде сквозных поперечных пазов, соответствующих форме сечения витков шнека 4. Выполнение тяги в виде Л 7 позволяет снизить утечки перекачиваемой среды, повысить производительность и надежность. Корпус 1 снабжен обводным каналом 3, в котором размещена свободная ветвь Л 7.4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил л ...

30-05-1983 дата публикации

Многоступенчатый осевой горизонтальный насос

Номер: SU1020645A1

МНОГОСТУПЕНЧАТЫЙ ОСЕВОЙ ГОРИЗОНТАЛЬНЫЙ НАСОС, содержащий корпус, установленные в нем н&подвижный статор с направляющими аппаратами , подводящим и отводящим пат рубками и охватьшающий статсф ротор с рабочими колесами, расположенными между направляющими аппаратами статора, отличающийся тем, что с целью повыщения надежности работы цутем уменьщения прогиба статора, последНИИ в .зоне отводящего патрубка снабжен опорой, подвижной относительно корпуса в осевом направлении.

30-03-1988 дата публикации

Двухступенчатый лабиринтный насос

Номер: SU1384829A1

Изобретение позволяет уменьшить осевые габариты насоса и снизить нагрузки от осевых сил о В корпусе 1 на опорах 4 и 5 с возможностью осевого перемещения установлен ротор 6 с лабиринтными винтовыми ступенями 7 и 8,, В роторе выполнены приводные межступенчатые каналы 9, имеющие осевые и радиальные участки 10 и 11„ Опоры 4 и 5 вьтолнены в виде сочлененных друг с другом осевых и радиальных гидродинамических подшипников 12и 13, полости 14 и 15 которых сообщены с полостями 2 и 3 всасывания и нагнетания. Диаметры подшипников 13меньше диаметров соответствующих ступеней 7,8. Использование в качестве регулирующего элемента осевых подшипников позволяет сократить осевые габариты за счет уменьшения необходимого перемещения ротора, I з,п„ ф-лы, 1 ил о с S (Л ...

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Лабиринтный насос

Номер: SU1740785A1

Использование: для перекачивания вязких жидкостей. Сущность изобретения: между корпусом (К) (1) и ротором (Р) (2) размещено регулировочное устройство осевого перемещения вставка (В) (10). В (10) выполнена из сплава, обладающего эффектом памяти формы. При изменении температуры перекачиваемой среды, а следовательно, и ее вязкости меняется длина В (10). Р (3) перемещается в осевом направлении. При этом изменяется величина зазора между К ...

15-09-1989 дата публикации

Вертикальный центробежный насос

Номер: SU1508010A1

Изобретение относится к гидромашиностроению и позволяет повысить КПД и расширить технологические возможности насоса. Насос содержит корпус 1 с отводом 2, установленное в корпусе 1 рабочее колесо 3 с закрепленным на нем всасывающим патрубком 4, обечайку 5 и расположенную в ней крыльчатку 6, при этом крыльчатка установлена на нижней части патрубка 4 и размещена вне корпуса 1. Насос снабжен гибким экраном 7, выполненным в виде конфузора, и кольцом 8 с опорными элементами 9, выполненными в виде поплавков с регулировочными хвостовиками, закрепленными на кольце 8, при этом кромка выходного сечения экрана 7 закреплена на обечайке 5, а входного сечения - на кольце 8. Корпус 1 снабжен дополнительным кольцевым кожухом 11, выгнутым в сторону насоса и размещенным над обечайкой 5, причем диаметр входного сечения экрана 7 меньше диаметра открытого сечения кожуха 11, а входная кромка 12 последнего отогнута к экрану 7. При вращении рабочего колеса 3 с крыльчаткой 6 вокруг экрана 7 возникает кольцевой вихрь ...

30-08-1989 дата публикации

Лабиринтный насос

Номер: SU1504366A1

Изобретение позволяет расширить диапазон регулирования лабиринтного насоса путем изменения гидравлических характеристик проточной части. Втулка 3 размещена снаружи корпуса 1 с входным патрубком 2 и установлена с возможностью осевого перемещения. В корпусе 1 выполнены отверстия 6. Выходной патрубок 5 закреплен на втулке 3. Диаметр отверстий 6 и глубина канавок винта 4 выполнены возрастающими по направлению к патрубку 2, что приводит к уменьшению расхода и изменению характеристик. 1 ил.

17-04-1973 дата публикации

Лабиринтный насос

Номер: SU377549A1

23-05-1973 дата публикации

Шнековый насос

Номер: SU383884A1

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Гидравлический подкормщик к поливным и дождевальным машинам

Номер: SU1535426A1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности и надежности работы гидроподкормщика за счет обеспечения устойчивой гидродинамической связи движущегося потока воды с подвижными элементами насоса-дозатора. Гидравлический подкормщик содержит безнапорную емкость, установленную на напорном трубопроводе, и расположенный в нем насос - дозатор 4. Насос- дозатор 4 обеспечивает подкачку жидких удобрений или химикатов благодаря возвратно-поступательным перемещениям поршней 14 и 15, получаемым от ходовой гайки 13, установленной на приводном валу 8. Приводной вал 8 с закрепленной на его конце крыльчаткой 11 получает вращательное движение от скоростного потока поливной воды. 2 ил.

15-03-1974 дата публикации

Шнековый насос

Номер: SU419637A1

25-10-1979 дата публикации

Лабиринтный насос

Номер: SU693051A1

15-02-1993 дата публикации

Лабиринтный насос

Номер: SU1795148A1

Использование: перекачивание особо вязких сред. Сущность изобретения: у насоса с ротором 5 нагнетающие канавки 7 вы- полнены плавно увеличивающимися к выходу. Это позволяет ускорить выход насоса на номинальный режим работы. 1 ил.

19-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069527795D1

05-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060011908D1

19-10-2000 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur axialen Förderung von fluiden Medien

Номер: DE0020007581U1

07-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001420079A

... 1420079 Web feeding MONARCH MARKING SYSTEMS Inc 18 Dec 1972 [6 Jan 1972 (4)] 58239/72 Heading B8R Apparatus for and a method of feeding a web from a supply roll around a continuously rotating drive member and again over the roll to a intermittent web feeder, wherein web tension at the drive member determines the driving force imparted by the drive member to the web. As shown, a web from roll 36 is passed around continuously rotating feed member 98, then fed over roll 36 again and led to intermittent feed roll 42. Member 98 comprises a hub having resilient (e.g. rubber), radial blades 162 which flex as they engage the web, web tension determining the drive force imparted by blades to the web. The blades 162 are driven with a peripheral speed greater than that of the roll 42. As shown in Fig. 1, the web may slacken so as to be out of contact with the member 98. The member 98 prevents inertia of the roll 36 from feeding lengths of web when not required. A circumferentially ridged aligning ...

14-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001310213A

... 1310213 Screw pumps ROLLS ROYCE (1971) Ltd 16 June 1971 28188/ 71 Heading F1C An inlet duct 20 disposed upstream of the pump impeller 14 has a cross-sectional area at a point 26 immediately upstream of the impeller which is less than that of the housing 12 at the upstream face of the impeller. The ratio between these cross-sectional areas may lie between 0À75 and 0À92. This reduces the reverse flow occurring at the wall of the duct 22 adjacent the upstream face of the impeller. The diameter of the inlet duct 20 may as shown be constant or may progressively reduce from an initial diameter equal to that of the duct 22 at the upstream face of the impeller.

16-08-1995 дата публикации

Pointing and grouting tool

Номер: GB0009512341D0

06-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001372739A

... 1372739 Centripetal and screw pumps PAILLARD S A 30 Dec 1971 [6 Jan 1971 30 April 1971] 60807/71 Heading F1C [Also in Division B6] A continuously operating pump operable in two states to generate a meniscus or not in an ink droplet recording system (see Division B6) may comprise an Archimedean screw, Fig.1, or a spirally grooved disc, Fig.4. In the Archimedean screw pump, Fig.1, a screw 6 may generate a pressure gradient between an inlet port 18 and outlet 23 to form a meniscus at a nozzle (not shown) when a valve plate 25 closes a by-pass 24, 15, 19. The plate 25 is biased open by a spring 46 and may be closed by a solenoid 50 operated by the recording system control circuitry. A spring 28, opposing spring 46, is adjustable in compression force by a milled nut 37 threaded on a rod 35. The screw 6 is rotated by means (not shown) meshing with a pinion 13. In the alternative pump, Fig.4, a disc 114 is provided on one face with spiral channels 116 and is rotated either in contact with a glass ...

15-01-1997 дата публикации

Pointing and grouting tool

Номер: GB0002302369A

A hand held electrically driven pointing and grouting tool the main component of which is the screw type shaft 1 located at the bottom of the container 3 this screw type shaft 1 when rotated propels the material from the container 3 along the feed tube 4 and on through the nozzle 5; the shaft 1 is driven via cogs or belt 7 by a variable speed electric motor 6.

24-12-1997 дата публикации

Pump with co-axial magnetic coupling

Номер: GB0002314381A

Disclosed is a pump (1) that employs a magnetic coupling to connect the motor (2) to the impeller (20). A simplified structure within the pump (1) casing is employed to enable the easy removal of the pump's impeller (20) and bushings and/or bearings (24). In one embodiment of the invention, the exterior surface of the impeller (20), including its attached magnets (16), is encased in a plastic bushing (56, 58, 60) material. Surrounding the impeller (20) is a tubular bushing (58) that may at times come into contact with the bushing material of the impeller (20).

12-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001270106A

... 1,270,106. Screw conveyers. J. W. TOMLINSON. 16 May, 1969 [16 May, 1968], No. 23280/68. Heading B8A. [Also in Division F1] A screw pump for fluent material such as sludge, is provided with a screw 12 which extends below the inlet opening 14 of tubular casing 10, and has spinner blades 18 which mix the sludge and force it towards the screw 12. A pipe 32 delivers water to the region of the blades 18. to render the sludge more fluent. The lower end of the shaft 16 is supported in a bearing 20 which is lubricated via a pipe 22. The bearing is carried by a frame which is fabricated from box-section bars 24, 26, 28. Additionally, the frame protects the blades and carries a semicircular support rod 30 which maintains the blades clear of the bottom of the sludge tank. The top portion of the pump may be constructed as disclosed in Specification 1,270,105. The pump may be used with the manure tanker described in either of Specifications 1,084,249 and 1,170,797.

14-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002237312B

22-12-1999 дата публикации

Mechanism for providing motive force and for pumping applications

Номер: GB2338516A

Provided in accordance with the principles of the present invention, in one preferred embodiment, is a pumping system (90). The system includes a housing (108) rotatably supporting a tube (112), with a plurality of magnets (116) located around the tube. The magnets create magnetic forces that cause the tube to rotate. The system further includes a pump (94) connected to the tube. When the tube rotates, the pump receives rotational mechanical energy, which operates the pump. Additionally, the tube and pump are connected in fluid communication such that fluid flows through the pump and the tube, when the system operates to pump a fluid. Preferably, the outlet end (98) of the pump connects to the tube in the system so that fluid first flows through the pump, and then through the tube.

20-01-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to rotary pumps

Номер: GB0000264348A

... 264,348. Mumford, Ltd., A. G. and Tait, E. B, Feb. 20, 1926. Worm pumps; balancing moving parts. - A pump. with a rotor 1 having a worm has its rotor end thrust balanced by means of a disc 3 formed or fixed on a rotor extension; the exposed area of the disc face adjacent the discharge end of the rotor is not less than the area of the exposed parts of the worm. The disc works in a recess 4 in the pump cover 5 and carries a series of vanes 9 which prevent fluid from passing through the clearance space to the back of the disc. A supply of fluid may be taken from the pump discharge 11 to the recess 4 by the pipe 10; this may be used to cool the rear bearing 12. The Provision Specification states that a pipe may connect the highest point in the inlet branch to any convenient part of the suction end of the pump chamber.

21-05-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Screw Conveyors

Номер: GB0001152870A

... 1,152,870. Screw conveyer. ALGEMENE KUNSTZIJDE UNIE N.V. 3 Aug., 1966 [4 Aug., 1965], No. 34838/66. Heading B8A. [Also in Division F1] A screw pump for conveying a highly viscous foaming liquid such as molten polyethylene terephthalate from a vacuum reactor 1 to an outlet 4 comprises a casing having an upper conical part 2 and a lower cylindrical part 3. The impeller has an initial section a extending into the reactor 1, a second section b fitting within the conical part 2 and third and fourth sections c, d fitting within the cylindrical part 3. In terms of the constant outer diameter D over sections c, d, the outer diameter of the screw 6 may increase from about 0À4D to between 2D and 3D over section a and decrease to D over section b. The diameter of the root 5 may increase over section c from the constant value 0À2D obtaining over sections a, b to the constant value 0À9D obtaining over section d. The length of section a may be between 0À5D and D, and the length of each of sections b, ...

07-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008927450D0

29-07-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to rotary pumps

Номер: GB0000255714A

... 255,714. Mumford, Ltd., A. G., and Tait, E. B. Dec. 15, 1925. Worm pumps; starting, facilitating.-A pump has a conical rotor 2 with a worm upon it arranged inside a conical casing 1, the gap between the casing and the rotor being constant throughout its length on uniformly convergent from the inlet end 14 to the discharge end 11 as shown. The side of the casing or of the rotor may be curved and a uniform or variable cross-section of the pump passage may be obtained by varying the depth of the worm which may be a single or multiple thread. The inlet branch 10 terminates at a point above the casing 1 so that water is trapped in the casing when the pump is stopped and so assists the re-starting of the pump. A connection 13 between the inlet 10 and the suction end 14 of the pump prevents the water from syphoning out of the inlet 10. To seal the fine clearance between the tip of the worm and the casing 1 during starting, a pipe 15 connects any convenient point 16 in the discharge outlet to the ...

25-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001213500A

... 1,213,500. Screw pumps. ALGEMENE KUNSTZUDE UNIE N.V. April 5, 1968 [April 7, 1967], No.16490/68. Heading F1C. [Also in Division B8] Apparatus for transporting under pressure a highly-viscous liquid 2, Fig.1, from a vacuum chamber 1 comprises a screw 4 rotatable with a small clearance in a housing 3, the screw being made up of a first section c of multiple flight type and second and third sections b, a of single flight type; the channel depth of the first two sections being at least three and not more than four times as great as that of the third section. The section c is shown as having two flights. A finepitch screw thread 17 of opposite pitch to the pump flights forms a shaft seal adjacent the outlet 5. The liquid flows from the vacuum chamber 1 over an overflow 23 and enters a tapering clearance between the screw and the housing 3 as shown in Fig.6 so that it is forced between the flights of the screw. Gas in the liquid escapes through a vent 24. The pressure adjacent a conical unflighted ...

08-12-1999 дата публикации

Mechanism for providing motive force and for pumping applications

Номер: GB0009923707D0

31-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001335845A

... 1335845 Marine propulsion W MACKENZIE 19 May 1971 [17 June 1970] 29289/70 Heading B7V An axial screw type marine impeller combining axial flow with centrifugal throw comprises a rotor A which impels liquid towards a ducted cowling D. The rotor is provided with a plurality of blades A1 and the cowling with a plurality of ducts D1 sunk into its inner surface, the blades and ducts being helically arranged in the manner of multistart screw threads which have a progressively increasing lead towards the end of the helix adjacent the cowling outlet E1. The blades and ducts are respectively of opposite handed helical configuration. The assembly may be mounted on a retractable and rotatable vertical shaft G.

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000091533T

15-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000061852T

15-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000185934T

25-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336875B

15-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: ATA11693A

25-05-1971 дата публикации

Trough for a diagonally lying auger

Номер: AT0000290302B

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249584T

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000260414T

05-03-2009 дата публикации

Article comprising an impeller

Номер: AU2008292775A1

11-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008757175A

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Diffuser for cable suspended dewatering pumping system

Номер: AU2013283443B2

A pump (65) includes one or more stages, each stage including a tubular housing (150) and a mandrel (155) disposed in the housing. The mandrel includes a rotor (160) rotatable relative to the housing and having: an impeller (160i), a shaft (160s), and one or more helicoidal blades (160a-c) on an outer surface of the impeller. The mandrel further includes a diffuser (165) connected to the housing, having the rotor shaft extending therethrough and having a plurality of vanes (165v) on an outer surface thereof. Each vane has an arcuate portion and a longitudinal portion. The diffuser further has a channel (165c) formed between an adjacent pair of vanes. The pump further includes a fluid passage formed between the housing and the mandrel.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Assembly of air and pneumatic devices

Номер: AU2012243486B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The subject of the present invention is an assembly of air and pneumatic devices, especially a high power unit, intended for power generation. The invention consists in that the assembly is preferably made up of three columns (3) consisting of segments (2) arranged coaxially, connected with rigid connecting bars (4). The stators (5) of the segments (2) have four struts (7) connected to plates (8) and (9), with at least one strut (7) having attached to it a conduit (31) for feeding compressed air, said conduit being equipped with nozzles (32). Shafts (23) of rotors (6) of one column (3a) are coupled with a compressor unit (33) which is connected to a compressed air tank (34). The compressed air tank (34) is connected via a solenoid valve (36), a compressed air unit (37) and its branchings to conduits (31) of the stators (5) of the other columns (3b) and (3c). The solenoid valve (36) is connected via a control system (38) to a speed meter of the rotor (6).

23-10-1996 дата публикации

Linear motor compressor and its application in cooling syste m

Номер: AU0005155396A

14-06-2001 дата публикации

A pump impeller

Номер: AU0000734561B2

03-11-1994 дата публикации

Pump having spiral blades

Номер: AU0000654269B2

15-01-1996 дата публикации

Seal/bearing assembly

Номер: AU0002709395A

02-09-1997 дата публикации

Material outfeeding device for vehicles

Номер: AU0001816197A

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004218385A

15-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004485585A

06-03-2000 дата публикации

Fluid pump

Номер: AU0005136999A

25-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000964933A1

01-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001140391A1

29-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002602952C

... ²² A pump system comprises a pump assembly and a control assembly. ²The pump assembly comprises a casing, a helical vane for moving ²fluid, and a permanent magnet. The casing has a fluid inlet and ²a fluid outlet. The helical vane is housed inside the casing. ²The permanent magnet is securely attached to the bottom portion ²of the helical vane. The control assembly comprises a casing, a ²control circuitry, and a plurality of electromagnets. The ²electromagnets are securely attached to the top portion of the ²casing. The helical vane is capable of minimising turbulent flow ²and of maximising laminar flow inside the pump assembly. The ²control circuitry is capable of generating magnetic field by ²energising the electromagnets. Sequentially changing magnetic ²field of the electromagnets causes the helical vane to rotate. ²This invention relates to pump systems with an Archimedes spiral ²screw, and the principal use of the invention is for circulating ²fluid.² ...

05-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1234719A

Apparatus for pumping/pressurizing fluid materials such as viscous liquid polymers in which a shaft is provided with one or more blades which extend into and rotate in one or more annular channels. Inlet grooves conduct the liquid material through grooves in the shaft into the channel behind each blade. The walls of the channel apply a drag force to the material and the advancing blade pressurizes the material which is forced through axial grooves in the shaft to another pumping channel, or to an outlet. Close running fits or dynamic seals between the shaft and its bearings provide seals at opposite sides of each channel.

09-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1085126A

A MULTI-SHAFT SCREW EXTRUDER The screw extruder is provided with screw shafts arranged so as to intermesh in pairs and rotate in pairs in the same sense, each screw shaft of a pair containing at least one double or triple threaded pressure build-up section corresponding to that of the other screw shaft. At least part of the pressure build-up sections have at least a ratio of screw pitch t to housing inner diameter d within the range: 0.7.f(h/d, .delta./d, q/nd3) Подробнее

22-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA940551A

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Blades with decreasing exit flow angle

Номер: US20130022473A1
Автор: Ken Tran
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne Inc

An axial rotor includes a plurality of blades extending from a hub that is rotatable about an axis of rotation. Each of the plurality of blades includes a blade body that extends over a span from a base to a tip. The plurality of blades defines an exit flow angle relative to a plane that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The exit flow angle decreases along the span from the base to the tip.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108412A1

A uniaxial eccentric screw pump enabling a stator to be easily separated into an outer cylinder and a lining member, and being capable of solving problems such as a positional shift and deformation of the lining member, and an occurrence of uneven wear and an unstable discharge amount associated with the positional shift and deformation. The stator includes a liner portion having a cylindrical shape and being integrally formed so as to have an inner peripheral surface of an internal thread type and an outer cylinder portion. The liner portion includes, at both end portions thereof, flange portions protruding radially outward, and an outer cylinder mounting portion is provided between the flange portions. The outer cylinder portion is mounted in a non-bonded state on the outer cylinder mounting portion, and both end portions of the outer cylinder portion abut on the flange portions, respectively. 1. An uniaxial eccentric screw pump , comprising:a rotor of an external thread type; and a liner portion having a cylindrical shape and being integrally formed so as to have an inner peripheral surface of an internal thread type; and', 'an outer cylinder portion mounted in a pressed state on an outer periphery of the liner portion,', 'the liner portion comprising, at both end portions thereof, collar portions protruding radially outward, the outer cylinder portion being arranged between the collar portions, and end portions of the outer cylinder portion abutting on the collar portions, respectively., 'a stator enabling the rotor to be inserted therethrough, the stator comprising2. An uniaxial eccentric screw pump , comprising:a rotor of an external thread type; and a liner portion having a cylindrical shape and being integrally formed so as to have an inner peripheral surface of an internal thread type; and', 'an outer cylinder portion mounted in a non-bonded state on the liner portion to cover an outer periphery of the liner portion,', 'the liner portion comprising, at both ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018355A1

A first opening, which passes through the blade surface part from a negative pressure side toward a positive pressure side, is provided between the first blade element and the second blade element on the blade surface part. A space between an outer edge of the first blade element extended from the side surface toward an outer edge side of the blade, and an outer edge of the second blade element extended from the side surface toward the outer edge side of the blade on the positive pressure surface side, is opened from the side surface in a radial direction of the blade surface part, so that an air current coming from the negative pressure side toward the positive pressure side through the first opening, flows from the first opening toward the outer edge side of the blade along the positive pressure surface. 1. A propeller fan comprising:a hub including a side surface around a center axis; anda plurality of blades disposed on the side surface of the hub, whereinthe blades each include a blade surface part, which is extended from a based end connected to the side surface of the hub to an outer edge, and the blade surface part includes an inner peripheral part, which is positioned on the base end side, and an outer peripheral part, which is positioned on the outer edge side,an inner peripheral blade, which is extending from the side surface of the hub toward the outer edge side, is formed on a positive pressure surface of the blade surface part at the inner peripheral part of each of the blades,the inner peripheral blade projects from the positive pressure surface of the blade surface part toward a positive pressure side, and includes a plurality of blade elements, which are arranged side by side in a rotation direction of the blade,the blade elements include a first blade element, which are arranged on a front edge side in the rotation direction of the blade, and a second blade element, which are arranged to be adjacent to the first blade element on a rear edge side in ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014562A1
Автор: Liebing Reiner

A fluid pump device changeable in diameter is provided. The device has a pump housing which is changeable in diameter and with a rotor which is changeable in diameter. The device has at least one delivery element for fluid, as well as a drive shaft on which the rotor is rotatably mounted. A bearing arrangement is arranged on the drive shaft or its extension, at the distal end of the drive shaft behind the rotor seen from the proximal end of the drive shaft. The bearing arrangement has struts, which elastically brace between a hub of the bearing arrangement and the pump housing. 113-. (canceled)14. An expandable intracardiac blood pump system comprising:an expandable tubular pump housing having an open distal inflow end and being configured to be compressed into a compressed state and self-expanded into an expanded state, and sized for percutaneous insertion through a vascular system of a patient when in the compressed state;a catheter having a proximal portion and a distal portion coupled to the expandable tubular pump housing;a radially compressible rotor disposed within the expandable tubular pump housing, wherein the radially compressible rotor includes a proximal rotor portion, a distal rotor portion, and a central bore extending from the proximal rotor portion through the distal rotor portion, and the radially compressible rotor is configured to be compressed into the compressed state and self-expands into the expanded state;a drive shaft having a proximal drive shaft portion and a distal drive shaft portion, wherein the proximal drive shaft portion is coupled to a motor, and wherein the distal drive shaft portion is coupled to the radially compressible rotor, the drive shaft extending through the central bore past the radially compressible rotor and configured to rotate the radially compressible rotor relative to the catheter;a distal bearing assembly located on the distal drive shaft portion at a position distal to the radially compressible rotor, the distal ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Labyrinth Chamber with Helical Blade for a Submersible Well Pump and Method of Use

Номер: US20150023805A1

An electrical submersible pump assembly has a pump, a motor and a seal section with a labyrinth chamber. A guide tube surrounds a drive shaft in the seal section and contains lubricant in fluid communication with lubricant in the motor. The guide tube has a guide tube port adjacent the downstream end of the labyrinth chamber. A. labyrinth tube has an open inlet end in the downstream end of the labyrinth chamber and an open outlet end near the upstream end of the labyrinth chamber. The labyrinth communicates well fluid on the exterior of the seal section into the labyrinth chamber in contact with the lubricant in the labyrinth chamber. A non rotating helical blade in the labyrinth chamber encircles the guide tube, defining a helical flow path between the outlet end of the labyrinth tube and the guide tube port of the guide tube. 1. An electrical submersible pump assembly , comprising:a pump;a motor cooperatively engaged with the pump for driving the pump;a seal section having an axis and a labyrinth chamber between upstream and downstream ends of the seal section;a guide tube extending along the axis between the upstream and downstream ends that contains lubricant in fluid communication with lubricant in the motor, the guide tube having an inlet port adjacent the downstream end to communicate the lubricant within the guide tube into the labyrinth chamber;a labyrinth tube within the labyrinth chamber and having an open inlet end in the downstream end and an open outlet end within the labyrinth chamber adjacent the upstream end, the labyrinth tube adapted to communicate well fluid on the exterior of the seal section into the labyrinth chamber into contact with the lubricant in the labyrinth chamber to equalize a pressure of the lubricant with a pressure of the well fluid; anda non rotating helical blade in the labyrinth chamber encircling the guide tube, defining a helical flow path between the outlet port of the labyrinth tube and the inlet port of the guide tube.2. ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042518A1

A bladed disc for masking a moving disc of a jet engine, including blades, each blade including a pressure-side wall and a suction-side wall that meet at a leading-edge and at a trailing edge, and wherein each blade has a pressure-side wall and a suction-side wall each including a concave zone and a convex zone that are at a distance from the leading-edge and from the trailing edge and are spaced apart from one another, these concave zones and these convex zones each extending over the majority of the height of the blade, the concave zone of the pressure-side wall is opposite the convex zone of the suction-side wall, the concave zone of the suction-side wall is opposite the convex zone of the pressure-side wall. 1. A bladed wheel for masking a moving wheel of a turbojet engine , comprising vanes , each vane including a lower surface wall and an upper surface wall joined at a leading edge and at a trailing edge and extending along a span axis from a root to a tip , and wherein:the lower surface wall includes an upstream portion extending from the leading edge to a convex zone of said lower surface wall, a central portion extending from the convex zone to a concave zone of said lower surface wall, and a downstream portion extending from the concave zone to the trailing edge;the upper surface wall includes an upstream portion extending from the leading edge to a concave zone of said upper surface wall, a central portion extending from the concave zone to a convex zone of said upper surface wall, and a downstream portion extending from the convex zone to the trailing edge;said concave zones and said convex zones each extend over most of the height of the vane along its span axis;the concave zone of the lower surface wall faces the convex zone of the upper surface wall, and the concave zone of the upper surface wall faces the convex zone of the lower surface wall.2. The bladed wheel according to claim 1 , wherein each vane is a variable setting vane.3. The bladed wheel ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023286A1

Apparatus and methods are described including a blood pump catheter that includes an axial shaft, and an impeller disposed on the axial shaft. A motor drives the impeller to pump blood, by rotating the impeller. A drive cable extends from the motor to the axial shaft, the drive cable being configured to impart rotational motion from the motor to the impeller by rotating. A distal tip portion is disposed at a distal end of the blood pump catheter. The drive cable, the axial shaft, and the distal tip portion define a continuous lumen therethrough from outside the subject's body to the distal end of the blood pump catheter. The continuous lumen facilitates insertion of the blood pump catheter into the subject's body over a guidewire, and, subsequently, provides a channel through which the purging fluid flows. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus for use with a guidewire and purging fluid , the apparatus comprising: an axial shaft;', 'an impeller disposed on the axial shaft;', "a motor configured to be disposed outside a body of a subject, and configured to drive the impeller to pump blood within the subject's body, by rotating the impeller;", "a drive cable configured to extend from outside the subject's body to the axial shaft, the drive cable being configured to impart rotational motion from the motor to the impeller by rotating; and", 'a distal tip portion disposed at a distal end of the blood pump catheter,', ["to facilitate insertion of the blood pump catheter into the subject's body over the guidewire, and", 'subsequently to provide a channel through which the purging fluid flows., "wherein the drive cable, the axial shaft and the distal tip portion define a continuous lumen therethrough from outside the subject's body to the distal end of the blood pump catheter, the continuous lumen being configured:"}], 'a blood pump catheter comprising2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blood pump catheter comprises a left ventricular assist ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023287A1

Apparatus and methods are described including a blood pump that includes an impeller, and a motor configured to drive the impeller to pump blood by rotating the impeller. The impeller is configured to undergo axial motion, in response to changes in a pressure against which the impeller is pumping. A sensor detects the axial motion of the impeller, and generates a sensor signal in response thereto. A computer processor receives the sensor signal and generates an output in response thereto. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus comprising: an impeller;', 'a motor configured to drive the impeller to pump blood by rotating the impeller, the impeller being configured to undergo axial motion, in response to changes in pressure against which the impeller is pumping;', 'a sensor configured to detect the axial motion of the impeller, and to generate a sensor signal in response thereto; and', 'a computer processor configured to receive the sensor signal and to generate an output in response thereto., 'a blood pump comprising2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller is configured to undergo axial back-and-forth motion in response to cyclical changes in pressure against which the impeller is pumping.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the computer processor is configured to generate an output indicating a cardiac cycle of the subject claim 1 , in response to receiving the sensor signal.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the computer processor is configured to change a rate of rotation of the impeller claim 1 , at least partially based upon the sensor signal.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blood pump catheter comprises a left ventricular assist device claim 1 , and wherein the impeller is configured to pump blood from a left ventricle of the subject to an aorta of the subject.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the impeller is configured to undergo axial back-and-forth motion in response ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Pump assembly, in particular for supplying a slide ring seal assembly

Номер: US20210025396A1
Принадлежит: EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a pump assembly, especially of a mechanical seal assembly, for supplying a fluid, especially to a mechanical seal (2a, 2b), comprising exactly one drive (11) comprising a drive shaft (24), a first axial pump (21), which conveys the fluid in the axial direction (X-X) of the drive shaft, a second axial pump (22), which conveys the fluid in the axial direction of the drive shaft, and a radial pump (23), which conveys the fluid in the radial direction (R) of the drive shaft, wherein the first axial pump (21) and the second axial pump (22) are arranged in front of the radial pump (23) in the flow-through direction (B) of the fluid across the pump assembly, and wherein the drive (11) simultaneously drives the first axial pump (21), the second axial pump (22) and the radial pump (23).

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Integrated Modular, Multi-Stage Motor-Pump/Compressor Device

Номер: US20190032667A1
Принадлежит: FMC Technologies Inc

A novel integrated modular, multi-stage motor-pump/compressor device (10) is disclosed herein. In one example, the device (10) includes an outer housing (12) an electric motor stator (25) positioned within the outer housing (12) and a rotatable integrated motor/pump rotor (18) positioned within the electric motor stator (25). The rotatable integrated motor/pump rotor (18) comprises at least one electromagnet driver device (42, 33, 37) that is adapted to be electromagnetically coupled with the electric motor stator (25) and at least one impeller (28), where an inner surface (34A) of the rotatable integrated motor/pump rotor (18) and the impeller (28) define a primary process fluid flow path (36) within the rotatable integrated motor/pump rotor (18).

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037854A1

A magnetic drive, seal-less combination axial air and water pump includes a housing having an inlet and an outlet at least one impeller mounted for rotation within the housing, and a magnetic drive surrounding the first rotor and the second rotor, the magnetic drive being configured to transmit torque to the first rotor and a second rotor at a location radially spaced from a central axis of the first rotor and the second rotor. 1. A magnetic drive , seal-less pump , comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet;at least one impeller mounted for rotation within the housing; anda magnetic drive surrounding the first rotor and the second rotor, the magnetic drive being configured to transmit torque to the first rotor and a second rotor at a location radially spaced from a central axis of the first rotor and the second rotor.2. The pump of claim 1 , wherein:the magnetic drive includes an inner magnetic array and a outer magnetic array.3. The pump of claim 2 , wherein:the inner magnetic array is generally cylindrical and is positioned interior to a wall of the housing; andthe outer magnetic array is generally cylindrical and is positioned exterior to the wall of the housing.4. The pump of claim 1 , wherein:the location radially spaced from the central axis is an outer portion of the impeller.5. The pump of claim 1 , wherein:the pump is a linear pump.6. The pump of claim 1 , wherein:the pump is devoid of fluid seals.7. The pump of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one impeller includes a first impeller and a second impeller;wherein the first impeller is a water impeller configured to pump water and having a generally hollow shaft from which a plurality of blades extend; andwherein the second impeller is an air impeller configured to pump air and having a generally hollow shaft from which a plurality of blades extend.8. The pump of claim 7 , wherein:the air impeller has a greater number of blades than the water impeller.9. The pump of claim 8 , wherein:the air impeller ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037860A1
Автор: Toellner Thomas

To design the rotor () as compressible in the radial direction in a fluid pump, in particular for microinvasive medical use, said rotor is configured as stretchable in its longitudinal direction () by push elements and pull elements acting axially on it. 116-. (canceled)17. An intravascular fluid pump comprising:a drivable rotor which is rotatable about a longitudinal axis, wherein the rotor at least partly comprises an elastically compressible and expandable material;at least one impeller blade disposed on the rotor, anda hose configured to compress the rotor when the rotor is pulled into the hose;wherein the rotor is held in tension by a first element coupled to a distal end of the rotor and a second element coupled to a proximal end of the rotor.18. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the rotor is elastically stretchable in the direction of the longitudinal axis between the first element and the second element.19. The fluid pump of claim 18 , wherein the first element and the second element are configured to elastically stretch the rotor by applying force in mutually opposite directions at different ends of the rotor.20. The fluid pump of claim 19 , wherein the rotor has an axially throughgoing hub claim 19 , and wherein at least one impeller blade is coupled to the hub over at least a part of a length of the hub.21. The fluid pump of claim 20 , wherein the rotor changes a dimension in dependence on the length of the rotor.22. The fluid pump of claim 21 , wherein a diameter change of the rotor is caused by a length change of the rotor.23. The fluid pump of claim 22 , wherein at least one impeller blade of the rotor is stretched in the longitudinal direction of the rotor by the longitudinal stretching of the rotor.24. The fluid pump of claim 23 , wherein the at least one impeller blade of the rotor is compressed onto the hub by the longitudinal stretching of the rotor.25. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the pump further comprises a pump housing surrounding ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Soap Spinner

Номер: US20190038504A1
Автор: Shrak Oren

Embodiments described herein include an apparatus for use in a bathtub containing water. The apparatus includes an outer shell, a soap holder, configured to hold a liquid soap, at least one set of blades, and a motor disposed within the outer shell and coupled to the set of blades. The motor is configured to form soap bubbles by spinning the set of blades such that the blades lift the water from the bathtub, and pass the lifted water, together with liquid soap from the soap holder, through air. Other embodiments are also described. 1. Apparatus for use in a bathtub containing water , the apparatus comprising:an outer shell;a soap holder, configured to hold a liquid soap;at least one set of blades; and lift the water from the bathtub, and', 'pass the lifted water, together with liquid soap from the soap holder, through air., 'a motor disposed within the outer shell and coupled to the set of blades, the motor being configured to form soap bubbles by spinning the set of blades such that the blades2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a suction holder coupled to the outer shell claim 1 , the suction holder being configured to couple the outer shell to a wall of the bathtub.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a mesh configured to couple to the outer shell over the set of blades.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the blades is shaped to define one or more apertures passing from one face of the blade to an opposite face of the blade.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the outer shell is partly submerged in the water with a longitudinal axis of the outer shell being parallel to a surface of the water claim 1 , the set of blades is partly submerged in the water.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein an axis of rotation of the set of blades is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the outer shell.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the soap holder comprises a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044027A1

A pump for pumping a multiphase fluid includes a housing and a rotor with an outer surface. A plurality of inducer vanes are attached to the rotor hub, each having a leading edge and a trailing edge where the leading edge of one inducer vane overlaps the trailing edge of an adjacent inducer vane by a first overlap angle. A plurality of impeller vanes are also attached to the hub. The impeller vanes each have a leading edge and a trailing edge where the leading edge of one impeller vane overlaps the trailing edge of an adjacent impeller vane by a second overlap angle larger than the first overlap angle. The pump includes a rotor flow channel extending between the hub outer surface and the housing inner surface. The rotor flow channel has an inlet area and an outlet area, whereby the outlet area is smaller than the inlet area.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040907A1

A screw system including a plurality of segmented blades. Each blade segment of the plurality of blade segments including a mounting portion and a vane portion. The mounting portion, having a helical length, for removably attaching the blade segment. The vane portion extending from the mounting portion along the helical length thereof. The vane portion having a front surface that is not parallel to a back surface from the mounting portion to a tip of the blade segment, along the helical length. 1. A blade for a screw turbine or screw pump system , the blade comprising: a mounting portion, having a helical length, for removably attaching the blade segment to an outside surface of a shaft around which the blade is attachable, and', 'a vane portion extending from the mounting portion along the helical length thereof, the vane portion having a front surface and a back surface,, 'a blade segment formed of a composite material, the blade segment includingwherein the front surface is not parallel to the back surface such that a cross section of the blade segment varies from the mounting portion to a tip of the blade segment, along the helical length.2. The blade of claim 1 , wherein the blade segment is a first blade segment claim 1 , andwherein the blade further comprises a second blade segment substantially identical to the first blade segment and aligned with the first blade segment such that at least a portion of the first blade segment overlaps at least a portion of the second blade segment along the helical length when the first and second blade segments are removably attached to the outside surface of the shaft.3. The blade of claim 2 , further comprising a flexible material arranged between the first blade segment and the second blade segment claim 2 , the flexible material to control fluid leakage between the first blade segment and the second blade segment claim 2 , or the flexible material is attached to the tip of the blade segment to control leakage around the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048222A9

A hydrodynamic heater includes an inlet port for receiving a stream of fluid from an external source and an outlet port for discharging a stream of heated fluid from the hydrodynamic heater. A hydrodynamic chamber operates to selectively heat fluid present within an interior region of the hydrodynamic chamber. The hydrodynamic chamber includes an inlet port and an outlet port located along an interior wall of the hydrodynamic chamber. The hydrodynamic chamber inlet port is fluidly connected to the inlet port of the hydrodynamic heater. The hydrodynamic heater includes a fluid metering device having an inlet fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic heater inlet port and an outlet fluidly connected to the inlet port of the hydrodynamic chamber. 1. A hydrodynamic heater comprising:a hydrodynamic heater inlet port for receiving a stream of fluid from an external source;a hydrodynamic heater outlet port operable for discharging a stream of heated fluid from the hydrodynamic heater;a hydrodynamic chamber operable to selectively heat a fluid present within an interior region of the hydrodynamic chamber when operating the hydrodynamic heater, the hydrodynamic chamber including a hydrodynamic chamber inlet port and a hydrodynamic chamber outlet port located along an interior wall of the hydrodynamic chamber, the hydrodynamic chamber inlet port fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic heater inlet port; andan inlet fluid metering device having an inlet fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic heater inlet port and an outlet fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic chamber inlet port.2. The hydrodynamic heater of further comprising:a stator; anda rotor coaxially aligned with and located adjacent the stator, the rotor operably rotatable about an axis of rotation relative to the stator, wherein the rotor and stator at least partially define the interior region of the hydrodynamic chamber.3. The hydrodynamic heater of claim 2 , wherein the hydrodynamic chamber outlet port is located a radial ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050124A1

The present invention relates to a device for pumping a fluid at low flows, comprising a body () including a channel () having a circular cross section for transportation of a fluid, and a cylindrical cavity () arranged in connection with the channel and with its longitudinal axis being non coplanar with the longitudinal axis of the channel, and a pump including a rotatable cylinder () extending into the cavity, coaxial with the cavity, with the periphery of the cylinder protruding into the channel, thereby driving the fluid in the channel by shear forces. The channel and the cylinder are both arranged at a distance from the bottom of the cavity, so as to form a cylindrical space () between the cylinder and the bottom of the cavity for receiving some of the driven fluid, wherein the cylinder and the cavity are arranged so that a vortex () is generated in the fluid in the space by the rotation of the cylinder, and an opening () is formed between the space and the channel, which allows the vortex generated in the space to continue into the channel. The device provides a steady and smooth flow in the channel. 1. A device for pumping a fluid at low flows , comprising:a body including a channel having a circular cross section for transportation of a fluid and a cylindrical cavity arranged adjacent to the channel, anda pump including a rotatable cylinder extending into the cavity and arranged so that a part of the cylinder is located in the channel whereinthe channel and the cylinder are arranged at a distance from a bottom of the cavity, to form a cylindrical space between the cylinder and the bottom of the cavity for receiving a fluid,the cylinder and the cavity are arranged so that a vortex is generated in the fluid in said space by the rotation of the cylinder, andthe cylinder extends partially into the channel so that an opening is formed between said space and the channel, which allows the vortex generated in the space to continue into the channel.2. The device ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053768A1

The invention relates to a fluid pump comprising at least one impeller blade (″) which is rotatable about an axis of rotation () and conveys a fluid in operation and comprising a support device () which supports the at least one impeller blade (″) in at least one support region, wherein the support device is changeable between a first state in which the rotor is radially compressed and a second state in which the rotor is radially expanded; and wherein at least one impeller blade extends at least partly radially inwardly with respect to the axis of rotation () from the support region/support regions in the radially expanded state of the rotor. 1. A fluid pump having a rotor , the rotor comprising:at least one impeller blade which is rotatable about an axis of rotation and conveys a fluid in operation; anda support device which supports the at least one impeller blade in at least one support region, wherein the support device is changeable between a first state in which the rotor is radially compressed and a second state in which the rotor is radially expanded; and wherein at least one impeller blade extends at least partly radially inwardly with respect to the axis of rotation from the support region/support regions in the radially expanded state of the rotor.2. A fluid pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the predominant part of the region of the impeller blade/impeller blades conveying the fluid extends radially within the support region/support regions.3. A fluid pump in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the support region is arranged radially outwardly at the periphery of the region of the impeller blades conveying the fluid.4. A fluid pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the impeller blade/impeller blades is/are connected to the support device and said support device rotates with the impeller blade/impeller blades.5. A fluid pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the at least one impeller blade is conducted and journalled movably with respect to ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054991A1
Принадлежит: AB VOLVO PENTA

A propeller drive assembly includes a driveshaft for transferring a torque between an engine and a propeller of a water surface vessel, and a housing enclosing the driveshaft. The assembly includes, separately from the driveshaft, a first element and a second element, the first element extending through a first bore of the second element, wherein one of the first and second elements is fixed to the driveshaft and the other of the first and second elements is arranged to be stationary in relation to the housing, and the one of the first and second elements which is fixed to the driveshaft presents in the first bore a first elongated cavity forming a first helix along the first bore, so as to form with the other of the first and second elements a screw pump. 116-. (canceled)17. A propeller drive assembly , the assembly comprisinga driveshaft for transferring a torque between an engine and a propeller of a water surface vessel, anda housing enclosing the driveshaft,wherein the assembly comprises, separately from the driveshaft, a first element and a second element, the first element extending through a first bore of the second element,wherein one of the first and second elements is fixed to the driveshaft and the other of the first and second elements is arranged to be stationary in relation to the housing,the one of the first and second elements which is fixed to the driveshaft presents in the first bore a first elongated cavity forming a first helix along the first bore, so as to form with the other of the first and second elements a screw pump,the driveshaft presents a second bore extending inside and concentrically with the driveshaft, andthe second element is fixed to the driveshaft.18. An assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the driveshaft is non-horizontal.19. An assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the first bore is concentric with the driveshaft.20. An assembly according to claim 17 , wherein an external surface of the second element abuts an inner ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Self-Priming Pump

Номер: US20180058466A1

A self-priming pump is described that has a housing, an inlet, and an outlet. A first impeller has a first pump section that is arranged in a first chamber, and a second impeller has a second pump section that is arranged in a second chamber. A shaft section is provided between the pump sections, and has a shaft end and penetrates an opening in a housing wall. To improve the net positive section head of the pump, the shaft section between a constriction and the shaft end is formed to taper from the shaft end toward the constriction, and the first impeller and shaft section between the constriction and first pump section has a smooth contour.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069394A1

Apparatus and methods are described including a left ventricular assist device. The left ventricular assist device includes an impeller configured to be placed inside a subject's left ventricle, and to pump blood from the subject's left ventricle to the subject's aorta, by rotating. A frame is disposed around the impeller. A tube traverses the subject's aortic valve, such that a proximal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's aorta and a distal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's left ventricle. The distal portion of the tube defines one or more blood inlet openings that are configured to allow blood to flow from the subject's left ventricle into the tube. A mesh is configured to prevent inner structures of the left ventricle from passing into the one or more blood inlet openings. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus comprising: ["an impeller configured to be placed inside a left ventricle of a subject, and to pump blood from the subject's left ventricle to an aorta of the subject, by rotating;", 'a frame disposed around the impeller;', "a tube configured to traverse an aortic valve of the subject, such that a proximal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's aorta and a distal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's left ventricle, the distal portion of the tube defining one or more blood inlet openings that are configured to allow blood to flow from the subject's left ventricle into the tube; and", 'a mesh configured to prevent inner structures of the left ventricle from passing into the one or more blood inlet openings., 'a left ventricular assist device comprising2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the inner structures of the left ventricle include inner structures of the left ventricle selected from the group consisting of: an interventricular septum claim 1 , chordae tendineae claim 1 , papillary muscles claim 1 , and an apex of the left ventricle.3. The apparatus according ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069395A1

Apparatus and methods are described including a left ventricular assist device. The left ventricular assist device includes an impeller configured to be placed inside a subject's left ventricle, and to pump blood from the subject's left ventricle to the subject's aorta, by rotating. A frame is disposed around the impeller. A tube traverses the subject's aortic valve, such that a proximal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's aorta and a distal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's left ventricle. The distal portion of the tube defines one or more blood inlet openings that are configured to allow blood to flow from the subject's left ventricle into the tube. A braided element is configured to prevent inner structures of the left ventricle from passing into the one or more blood inlet openings. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus comprising: ["an impeller configured to be placed inside a left ventricle of a subject, and to pump blood from the subject's left ventricle to an aorta of the subject, by rotating;", 'a frame disposed around the impeller;', "a tube configured to traverse an aortic valve of the subject, such that a proximal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's aorta and a distal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's left ventricle, the distal portion of the tube defining one or more blood inlet openings that are configured to allow blood to flow from the subject's left ventricle into the tube; and", 'a braided element configured to prevent inner structures of the left ventricle from passing into the one or more blood inlet openings., 'a left ventricular assist device comprising2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the braided element comprises a shape-memory material.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the braided element is not covered.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a distal tip of the braided element is configured to invert.5. The apparatus ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070345A1

An impeller includes a hub and a blade supported by the hub. The impeller has a stored configuration in which the blade is compressed so that its distal end moves towards the hub, and a deployed configuration in which the blade extends away from the hub. The impeller may be part of a pump for pumping fluids, such as blood, and may include a cannula having a proximal portion with a fixed diameter, and a distal portion with an expandable diameter. The impeller may reside in the expandable portion of the cannula. The cannula may have a compressed diameter which allows it to be inserted percutaneously into a patient. Once at a desired location, the expandable portion of the cannula may be expanded and the impeller expanded to the deployed configuration. A flexible drive shaft may extend through the cannula for rotationally driving the impeller within the patient. 1. (canceled)2. A catheter pump comprising: a non-expandable portion;', 'an expandable portion extending between a proximal end and a distal end;', 'a nose grommet;', 'a plurality of inlet struts extending between the nose grommet and the expandable portion distal end; and', 'a plurality of discharge struts extending between the non-expandable portion and the expandable portion proximal end; and, 'a cannula comprisingan impeller disposed in the cannula, the impeller sized and shaped to be inserted into a heart of a patient.3. The catheter pump of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of inlet struts are configured to prevent obstructions from entering the cannula.4. The catheter pump of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of discharge struts are configured to act as stationary stator blades and remove swirl velocity from a discharge flow of the impeller.5. The catheter pump of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of discharge struts are flat linear elements.6. The catheter pump of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of discharge struts have an airfoil cross-section.7. The catheter pump of claim 2 , wherein the expandable portion ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077676A1

Apparatus and methods are described including a left ventricular assist device that includes an impeller configured to be placed inside a left ventricle of a subject and to pump blood from the left ventricle to an aorta of the subject, by rotating. A frame is disposed around the impeller. A tube is configured to traverse an aortic valve of the subject, such that a proximal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's aorta and a distal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's left ventricle. The distal portion of the tube extends to a distal end of the frame and defines one or more lateral blood inlet openings that are configured to allow blood to flow from the subject's left ventricle into the tube. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus comprising: an impeller configured to be placed inside a left ventricle of a subject and to pump blood from the left ventricle to an aorta of the subject, by rotating;', 'a frame disposed around the impeller; and', "a tube configured to traverse an aortic valve of the subject, such that a proximal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's aorta and a distal portion of the tube is disposed within the subject's left ventricle,", "the distal portion of the tube extending to a distal end of the frame and defining one or more lateral blood inlet openings that are configured to allow blood to flow from the subject's left ventricle into the tube."], 'a left ventricular assist device comprising2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the frame is shaped such that claim 1 , in a non-radially constrained configuration of the frame claim 1 , the frame defines a proximal conical portion claim 1 , a central cylindrical portion claim 1 , and a distal conical portion claim 1 , wherein the distal portion of the tube extends distally over the distal conical portion of the frame claim 1 , and wherein at least some of the one or more blood inlet openings are at least partially disposed over the ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140161600A1

There is provided a stator that can ensure safe rotation even if a width of a gap between a screw rotor and a stator is particularly smaller than that of a conventional one and can greatly increase a pumping performance of a pump. A stator of the present invention is formed of a metal and a PFA film is provided on an inner wall surface of a top end surface of a screw rotor. After coating the inner wall surface with PFA, followed by melting and remelting processes, the PFA film is formed to have a high smoothness. The stator is placed with a gap between the inner wall surface and the top end surface. If the PFA film of the present invention is provided in a predetermined manner, the width of the gap can be made significantly smaller than that of a conventional one. 2. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein the PFA film is a film formed through a remelting process.3. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein the PFA film is provided on an AlOfilm formed by non-porous anodic oxidization.4. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein the PFA film is provided on a Ni or NiFfilm.6. A manufacturing method of a gas exhaust pump claim 5 , comprising the processes defined in the manufacturing method according to .7. An assembling method of a gas exhaust pump claim 1 , comprising using the stator according to as an assembly part.8. A gas exhaust pump comprising the stator according to . The present invention relates to a stator for a gas exhaust pump used in an apparatus for manufacturing semiconductor devices and electronic devices which use semiconductor-related technology, such as liquid crystal display devices, solar cells, organic EL devices, and LEDs (hereinafter referred to as “semiconductor application electronic devices”), or in an apparatus for manufacturing electronic components for the electronic devices, a method for manufacturing the stator of a gas exhaust pump, a gas exhaust pump having the stator, and a manufacturing method and an assembling method of the gas ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082110A1
Автор: Lammers Bryan G.

A system for fracturing a formation in a bore at a worksite is disclosed. The system includes a turbine. The system also includes a pump coupled to the turbine. The pump includes a housing member that is adapted to receive a fracturing fluid. The pump also includes an auger rotatably disposed within the housing member. The auger pressurizes the fracturing fluid at a desired pressure based on a speed of the turbine to supply a pressurized fracturing fluid to the bore. The auger includes a shaft coupled to the turbine and rotatable about a rotational axis. The auger also includes a helical blade disposed around the shaft. 1. A system for fracturing a formation in a bore at a worksite comprising:a turbine; and a housing member configured to receive a fracturing fluid; and', a shaft coupled to the turbine and rotatable about a rotational axis, and', 'a helical blade disposed around the shaft., 'an auger rotatably disposed within the housing member, the auger being configured to pressurize the fracturing fluid at a desired pressure based on a speed of the turbine to supply a pressurized fracturing fluid to the bore, the auger comprising], 'a pump coupled to the turbine, the pump comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the turbine comprises a rotor shaft coupled to the shaft of the auger claim 1 , and wherein the rotor shaft and the shaft of the auger are coaxial.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the rotor shaft is coupled to the shaft of the auger by a spline joint.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the housing member comprises a hollow portion defining an inner diameter claim 1 , and wherein the helical blade defines an outer diameter less than the inner diameter of the hollow portion of the housing member.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the inner diameter of the housing member and the outer diameter of the auger define a radial clearance therebetween.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pump comprises an inlet pipe coupled to an inlet port of the housing ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087288A1
Принадлежит: Procyrion, Inc.

A non-occluding intravascular pump comprises a shroud providing an inlet for incoming blood flow and an outlet for outgoing blood flow, wherein the shroud is a cylindrical housing; an impeller positioned within shroud, wherein a central axis of the shroud and impeller are shared; a motor coupled to the impeller, wherein the motor rotates the impeller to causes blood to be drawn through the inlet and output to the outlet, and the motor is centrally disposed and shares the central axis with the shroud and the impeller; and a plurality of pillars coupling the motor to the shroud, wherein the pillars secure the shroud in close proximity to the impeller. Various design features of the pump may be optimized to reduce hemolysis, such as, but not limited to, inlet length, impeller design, pillar angle, and outlet design. 1. A non-occluding intravascular pump comprising:a shroud providing an inlet for incoming blood flow and an outlet for outgoing blood flow, wherein the shroud is a cylindrical housing;an impeller positioned within the shroud, wherein a central axis of the shroud and impeller are shared, the impeller provides at least two blades extending from a hub of the impeller, the blades provide a leading edge that is an edge of the blade closest to the inlet, a leading edge angle between the central axis and the leading edge when measured from a downstream side forms an angle ≧60° and <90°;a motor coupled to the impeller, wherein the motor rotates the impeller to causes blood to be drawn through the inlet and output to the outlet, and the motor is centrally disposed and shares the central axis with the shroud and the impeller; anda plurality of pillars coupling the motor to the shroud, wherein the pillars secure the shroud in close proximity to the impeller.2. The pump of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the inlet is larger than a diameter of the outlet.3. The pump of claim 1 , wherein an impeller flare angle is an angle between an outer cylindrical surface of a base ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085853A1

A fan is provided. The fan includes a frame, a rotor and a stator. The rotor is received in the frame and includes a magnetic part, a metal housing, a hub and a plurality of blades. The metal housing is telescoped on the magnetic part. The hub is telescoped on the metal housing. The blades are formed on the hub. The stator is received in the frame. The stator includes a plurality of silicon-steel sheets which form a silicon-steel sheet outside diameter, the silicon-steel sheet outside diameter is greater than 42 mm and wherein the rated speed of the fan is greater than 8000 RPM. 1. A fan , comprising:a frame; a magnetic part;', 'a metal housing, telescoped on the magnetic part;', 'a hub, telescoped on the metal housing; and', 'a plurality of blades, formed on the hub; and, 'a rotor, received in the frame, comprisinga stator, received in the frame, comprising a plurality of silicon-steel sheets, wherein the silicon-steel sheets form a silicon-steel sheet outside diameter, the silicon-steel sheet outside diameter is greater than 42 mm and the fan has a rated speed that is greater than 8000 RPM.2. The fan as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frame comprises a first edge and a second edge claim 1 , the first edge is perpendicular to the second edge claim 1 , the first edge and the second edge are located on a plane claim 1 , the fan has an axial direction that is perpendicular to the plane claim 1 , the first edge has a first width claim 1 , the second edge has a second width claim 1 , the first width is between 131 mm and 139 mm claim 1 , and the second width is between 131 mm and 139 mm.3. The fan as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frame has a frame height in an axial direction of the fan claim 1 , the silicon-steel sheet has a silicon-steel sheet height in the axial direction of the fan claim 1 , and a ratio of the silicon-steel sheet height to the frame height is between 0.26 and 0.4.4. The fan as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the frame forms a flow path claim 3 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136518A1

A propeller for attachment to a rotatable output shaft of a submersible motor includes a hub having a first end, and an opposite second end, an outer curved surface, at least two blades extending radially outward from the outer curved surface and a central axial bore for receipt of the output shaft therethrough. The hub includes an arrangement of discharge channels extending between the first and second ends to allow waterflow and debris (e.g., grass, weeds and other stringy items) to pass through the hub and exit the second end without becoming entangled around the base of the motor output shaft.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088207A1

The invention relates to a rotor () for a fluid pump (), in particular for use in the medical sphere, the rotor being compressible for bringing to the place of use and thereafter being expandable. The compressibility is assisted by the provision of cavities (), in particular also production of the rotor at least partially from a foam. 121512026272829. Compressible rotor ( , ) for a fluid pump () having at least one blade ( , ) and having at least one deformable cavity ( , , ) which is filled or can be filled with a fluid.2272829. Rotor according to claim 1 , characterised in that the cavity cavities ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is/are closed.3. Rotor according to claim 2 , characterised in that the cavity/cavities is are delimited at least partially by a partially permeable membrane.42828. Rotor according to claim 3 , characterised in that the at least one cavity () is filled with a liquid which claim 3 , in cooperation with the membrane and a liquid in which the pump can be inserted claim 3 , in particular blood claim 3 , effects an osmotic diffusion into the cavity () with a corresponding increase in pressure.527282932. Rotor according to claim 1 , characterised in that at least a part of the cavities ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is surrounded by a solid material () of the rotor and connected via openings to the exterior and/or to each other.621532. Rotor according to or one of the following claim 1 , characterised in that the rotor ( claim 1 , ) consists at least partially of a porous material () claim 1 , in particular foam.72733. Rotor according to or one of the following claim 1 , characterised by at least one cavity () which has a greater extension in a first direction () than in the directions essentially perpendicular thereto.827. Rotor according to claim 7 , characterised in that the cavity/cavities () is/are configured claim 7 , in cross-section claim 7 , to be round or polygonal claim 7 , in particular octagonal claim 7 , hexagonal claim 7 , triangular or square. ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095675A1

A portable screw compressor that includes a spiral valve configured to be driven by an actuator motor; and an electronic controller coupled to an engine of the portable screw compressor and to the actuator motor. The electronic controller can be configured to, for a compressor pressure of the portable screw compressor exceeding an upper bound of a nominal pressure range, drive the actuator motor to configure the spiral valve to open one or more ports; and for the compressor pressure of the portable screw compressor being lower than a lower bound of the nominal pressure range, drive the actuator motor to configure the spiral valve to close the one or more ports. 1. A portable screw compressor , comprising:a spiral valve configured to be driven by an actuator motor; andan electronic controller coupled to an engine of the portable screw compressor and to the actuator motor, the electronic controller configured to:for a compressor pressure of the portable screw compressor exceeding an upper bound of a nominal pressure range, drive the actuator motor to configure the spiral valve to open one or more ports; andfor the compressor pressure of the portable screw compressor being lower than a lower bound of the nominal pressure range, drive the actuator motor to configure the spiral valve to close the one or more ports.2. The portable screw compressor of claim 1 , wherein the electronic controller is configured to: reduce engine speed of the engine until a first speed is reached;', 'and then drive the actuator motor to configure the spiral valve to open the one or more ports., 'for receipt of a trigger to shutdown the portable screw compressor3. The portable screw compressor of claim 2 , wherein the electronic controller is configured to claim 2 , for receipt of the trigger to shutdown the portable screw compressor claim 2 , reduce the engine speed from the first speed to a second speed while driving the actuator motor to configure the spiral valve to open the one or more ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096452A1
Принадлежит: Dalian University of Technology

The present invention discloses a fully visual flow loop system for studying hydrate blockage. The fully visual flow loop system includes a first pipeline, a second pipeline, a third pipeline and a fourth pipeline connected successively in an end-to-end way; a single screw pump is connected between the first pipeline and the fourth pipeline from the four pipelines; the first pipeline, the second pipeline, the third pipeline and the fourth pipeline are all transparent to light; a plurality of CCD cameras are arranged between the first pipeline, the second pipeline, the third pipeline and the fourth pipeline; and, the fully visual flow loop system is arranged in a stepping low-temperature thermostatic chamber; a solution injection system can inject a solution into the fully visual flow loop system; a separation and collection system can separate and recover the solution; and a data acquisition system can integrate sensor information in all the other systems and give real-time feedback to ensure reasonable and coordinated operation of all systems. The fully visual flow loop system for studying hydrate blockage in the present invention can realize full visualization and real-time monitoring of the flow loop system. 1. A fully visual flow loop system for studying hydrate blockage , comprising a fully visual pipeline system , a solution injection system , a separation and collection system and a data acquisition system; whereinthe fully visual pipeline system comprises a single screw pump and a first pipeline, a second pipeline, a third pipeline and a fourth pipeline connected successively in an end-to-end way, wherein the single screw pump is connected between the first pipeline and the fourth pipeline from the four pipelines, the first pipeline, the second pipeline, the third pipeline and the fourth pipeline are transparent to light, a plurality of CCD cameras are arranged among the first pipeline, the second pipeline, the third pipeline and the fourth pipeline, the ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099532A1
Автор: Er Sami

To provide a simple embodiment of a rotor () for a fluid pump which is nevertheless very flexible in handling and compressible, in accordance with the invention a conveying blade is provided having at least two struts () and a membrane spanned between them in the expanded state, wherein the struts each have at least one joint, in particular more than one joint, which enables an angling in a first direction in a first movement plane and bounds an overelongation beyond an elongation angle of in particular 180° in the opposite second direction. In particular when a plurality of joints () are provided at the struts, they, and with them the conveying blades, are particularly flexible for simple compressibility. 12121212121313131314141411819414227272728282815151616171715161721212222234241. A conveying blade for a radially compressible and expandable rotor () of a fluid pump having at least two struts ( , ′ , ″ , ′″ , , ′ , ′ , ″ , , - , ″ , ′⋅′ , , , , , , ′ , ″ , , ′ , *′) and a membrane held thereby in the expanded state , wherein the struts each have at least one joint , in particular more than one joint ( , ′ , , ′ , , * , ′″ , ′″ , ″ , , ′ , , ′ , ) , which enables a further going angling in a first direction in a first movement plane than in the opposite second direction within the first movement plane and in the second direction bounds an overelongation of the strut beyond an elongation angle , which preferably amounts from 160° to 200° most preferably from 175° to 185° , characterized in that at least one joint is spaced apart from a hub of the rotor; and in that a first section () of the strut is pivotably journalled at a second section () of the strut.215-. (canceled) The invention is in the field of mechanical engineering, in particular microengineering, and relates to conveying blades for rotors of fluid pumps which are particularly suitable for use in areas which are difficult to access.Such pumps can be configured so small as micropumps in medical ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106270A1

The present disclosure describes a diffuser () for a fluid compression device, comprising at least one vane () mounted on a hub. In embodiments of the disclosure, at least one opening () is provided in the diffuser vanes (), in the radial direction. 1. A diffuser for a fluid compression device , comprising at least one vane mounted on a hub , characterized in that said vane comprises at least one opening , said at least one opening starting at a distance ranging between 10% and 60% of the axial length of said vane.2. A diffuser as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one opening comprises a slot.3. A diffuser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said slot has an axial length ranging between 10% and 40% of the axial length of said vane.4. A diffuser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said slot is provided over at least half the height of said vane claim 2 , starting from the outer edge of said vane toward the center of said compression device.5. A diffuser as claimed in claim 4 , wherein said slot is provided over the total height of said vane.6. A diffuser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said slot is substantially perpendicular to the axis of said fluid compression device.7. A diffuser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said slot is inclined toward downstream according to the direction of flow of the fluid on said diffuser.8. A diffuser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said slot is substantially perpendicular to the surface of said vane.9. A diffuser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said vane comprises a single slot.10. A diffuser as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one opening starts at a distance ranging between 45% and 55% of the axial length of said vane.11. A diffuser as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a plurality of openings containing holes that are aligned substantially.12. A diffuser as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the alignment of holes is substantially perpendicular to the axis of said fluid compression device.13. A diffuser as claimed in claim 11 , ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140444A1

A screw system including a plurality of segmented blades. Each blade segment of the plurality of blade segments including a mounting portion and a vane portion. The mounting portion, having a helical length, for removably attaching the blade segment. The vane portion extending from the mounting portion along the helical length thereof. The vane portion having a front surface that is not parallel to a back surface from the mounting portion to a tip of the blade segment, along the helical length. 1. (canceled)2. A method of making a screw system , the method comprising: the mounting portion has a helical length and a first helicoid shape, and', 'the vane portion extends from the mounting portion along the helical length thereof and has a second helicoid shape different than the first helicoid shape, the vane portion having a front surface and a back surface, whereby the front surface is not parallel to the back surface such that a cross section of the blade segment varies from the mounting portion to a tip of the blade segment, along the helical length,', 'attaching a second side of the mold to the first side of the mold, closing the mold, and', 'introducing a resin into the mold,, 'forming, in a first side of a mold, the mounting portion and vane portion of a fiber material such that, 'forming a blade segment that is removably attachable to an outside surface of a shaft, the blade segment including a mounting portion and a vane portion, and the forming of the blade segment includingwherein the fiber material and the resin material used for forming the vane portion and the mounting portion, respectively, are selected based at least in part, on physical and/or structural characteristics specific to a location where the screw system is to be implemented.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second side of the mold is a vacuum bag or other non-rigid surface.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the forming of the blade segment further includes:applying a gelcoat to the ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123351A1

A boosting system which boosts a target gas to a pressure which is equal to or greater than a target pressure higher than a critical pressure includes a compression portion which compresses the target gas to an intermediate pressure which is equal to or greater than the critical pressure and is less than the target pressure to generate an intermediate supercritical fluid, a cooling portion which cools the intermediate supercritical fluid generated by the compression portion to a temperature near to a critical temperature to generate an intermediate supercritical pressure liquid, a pump portion which boosts the intermediate supercritical pressure liquid generated by the cooling portion to a pressure which is equal to or greater than the target pressure, and a cooling temperature adjusting portion which adjusts a temperature of the intermediate supercritical pressure liquid generated by the cooling portion in an upstream side of a pump. 1. A boosting system which boosts a target gas to a pressure which is equal to or greater than a target pressure higher than a critical pressure , comprising:a compression portion which compresses the target gas to an intermediate pressure which is equal to or greater than the critical pressure and is less than the target pressure to generate an intermediate supercritical fluid;a cooling portion which cools the intermediate supercritical fluid generated by the compression portion to a temperature near to a critical temperature to generate an intermediate supercritical pressure liquid;a pump portion which boosts the intermediate supercritical pressure liquid generated by the cooling portion to a pressure which is equal to or greater than the target pressure; anda cooling temperature adjusting portion which adjusts a temperature of the intermediate supercritical pressure liquid generated by the cooling portion using a cooling medium in an upstream side of the pump portion.2. The boosting system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129683A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is fanned by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically. 115-. (canceled)16. An implantable catheter-based blood pump system for providing cardiac support to a patient , the system comprising:a blood pump adapted to be positioned within the patient's vasculature, the blood pump comprising a rotor within a pump housing and inlet openings configured to receive blood when pumped into the pump housing;a cannula having proximal and distal ends and a flexible tubular hose extending between the proximal and distal ends, the cannula being sealingly positioned with respect to the pump housing so the cannula can convey blood across the heart valve,wherein the tubular hose is adapted to fit within the heart valve as a non-return valve, and configured so that the tubular hose opens and closes within the heart valve in response to a pressure difference between inside the tubular hose and outside the tubular hose.17. The system of claim 16 , wherein the cannula is configured such that the tubular hose opens in response to a positive pressure difference between the tubular hose and the aorta claim 16 , and closes in response to a nil or negative pressure difference between the tubular hose and aorta.18. The system of claim 16 , wherein the blood pump is configured such that the tubular hose is open within the heart valve in response to positive flow generation by the blood pump but closed within the heart valve in response to reduction in flow by the blood pump.19. The system of ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129684A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is formed by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of providing left side support for a patient's heart with a percutaneous intravascular pump system , the pump system comprising a pump head and a hose , the pump head comprising a rotor inside a pump housing , the method comprising:inserting the percutaneous intravascular pump system within the patient's vasculature;positioning the hose across the patient's aortic valve such that a distal end of the hose is positioned within the left ventricle and a proximal end of the hose is positioned in the aorta;operating the pump during first and second time periods so that during the first time period the pump generates blood flow from the left ventricle with a positive pressure that opens the hose, andduring the second time period the pump output is stopped or reduced so the aortic valve closes and prevents backflow from the aorta into the left ventricle.1716. The method of , wherein operating the pump during the first time period further comprises running the pump to achieve a positive pressure that partially deploys the hose to a diameter less than a maximum diameter of the hose.1817. The method of , wherein operating the pump during the first time period further comprises running the pump to achieve a positive pressure that deploys the hose to a fixed maximum diameter.1916. The method of , wherein operating the pump further comprises stopping the rotor when the aortic valve closes , ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172450A1

An impeller includes a hub, and a plurality of blades supported by the hub, the blades being arranged in at least .two blade rows. The impeller has a deployed configuration in which the blades extend away from the hub, and a stored configuration in which at least one of the blades is radially compressed, for example by folding the blade towards the hub. The impeller may also have an operational configuration in which at least some of the blades are deformed from the deployed configuration upon rotation of the impeller when in the deployed configuration. The outer edge of one or more blades may have a winglet, and the base of the blades may have an associated indentation to facilitate folding of the blades. 1. An impeller pump comprising:a hub;a blade supported by the hub, the blade having a proximal end attached to the hub and a distal end;the blade having a deployed configuration, a stored configuration and an operational configuration, the blade in the deployed configuration extending away from the hub, the blade in the stored configuration being compressed so as to move the distal end of the blade towards the hub, and the blade in the operational configuration being deformed from the deployed configuration upon rotation of the impeller when in the deployed configuration; anda winglet provided on the distal end of the blade, wherein the winglet comprises a length that varies along a length of the blade.2. The impeller pump of claim 1 , wherein the winglet comprises a first end claim 1 , a second end claim 1 , and an intermediate portion positioned therebetween claim 1 , wherein a length of the intermediate portion is larger than a length of either the first end or the second end.3. The impeller pump of claim 1 , wherein the blade has a pressure face and a suction face claim 1 , the winglet extending from the pressure face of the blade.4. The impeller pump of claim 1 , wherein the blade has a pressure face and a suction face claim 1 , the winglet extending from the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172451A1

An impeller includes a hub, and a plurality of blades supported by the hub, the blades being arranged in at least .two blade rows. The impeller has a deployed configuration in which the blades extend away from the hub, and a stored configuration in which at least one of the blades is radially compressed, for example by folding the blade towards the hub. The impeller may also have an operational configuration in which at least some of the blades are deformed from the deployed configuration upon rotation of the impeller when in the deployed configuration. The outer edge of one or more blades may have a winglet, and the base of the blades may have an associated indentation to facilitate folding of the blades. 1. A catheter heart pump comprising:an elongate catheter body having a proximal end, and a distal end configured to be advanced to a heart of a patient;an expandable sleeve coupled to the distal end, the expandable sleeve having a stored configuration in which the expandable sleeve is advanced to the heart, and an expanded configuration, and further comprising a distal inlet port and a proximal outlet port;an expandable impeller configured to be disposed within the expandable sleeve between the distal inlet port and the proximal outlet port when in the expanded configuration, and configured to turn on a shaft to generate a fluid flow from the distal inlet port to the proximal outlet port; anda storage sleeve configured to house both the expandable sleeve and the expandable impeller therein.2. The catheter heart pump of claim 1 , wherein the impeller and the expandable sleeve are configured to expand when urged out of the storage sleeve.3. The catheter heart pump of claim 1 , wherein the storage sleeve is configured to compress the expandable sleeve into the stored configuration for insertion into the patient and advancement to the heart.4. The catheter heart pump of claim 2 , wherein the expandable sleeve is configured for insertion into the storage sleeve.5. The ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142695A1
Автор: TOMARU Hiroshi

An inducer includes a hub and a blade which radially protrudes from the hub and is helically provided. The inducer has a thick portion in which a first distance and a second distance coincides with each other in a region outside a position at which a height ratio of the blade is 0.5 while the first distance is shorter than the second distance in a region inside the position at which the height ratio of the blade is 0.5, in which the height ratio is a ratio of a distance from a connection portion between the hub and a root portion of the blade with respect to a height of the blade which is a distance from the connection portion between the hub and the root portion of the blade to a tip portion of the blade in the radial direction of the blade. 1. An inducer comprising:a hub;a blade which radially protrudes from the hub and is helically provided;a wedge surface which is provided on a negative-pressure surface side of the blade so as to be inclined toward a leading edge; anda thick portion in which the first distance and the second distance coincide with each other in a region outside a position at which a height ratio of the blade is 0.5 while a first distance is shorter than a second distance in a region inside the position at which the height ratio of the blade is 0.5,wherein the height ratio of the blade is a ratio of a distance from a connection portion between the hub and a root portion of the blade with respect to a height of the blade which is a distance from the connection portion between the hub and the root portion of the blade to a tip portion of the blade in the radial direction of the blade.2. The inducer according to claim 1 ,wherein the thick portion is integrally formed with the blade.3. The inducer according to claim 1 ,wherein the thick portion is formed of an addition separated from the blade.4. The inducer according to claim 1 ,wherein a parallel surface which extends from the leading edge to be parallel to a camber line and an inclination surface ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152878A1

An impeller includes a hub, and a plurality of blades supported by the hub, the blades being arranged in at least two blade rows. The impeller has a deployed configuration in which the blades extend away from the hub, and a stored configuration in which at least one of the blades is radially compressed, for example by folding the blade towards the hub. The impeller may also have an operational configuration in which at least some of the blades are deformed from the deployed configuration upon rotation of the impeller when in the deployed configuration. The outer edge of one or more blades may have a winglet, and the base of the blades may have an associated indentation to facilitate folding of the blades. 1. An apparatus for inducing motion of a fluid relative to the apparatus , the apparatus comprising: a hub extending in a length direction; and', 'a plurality of blades supported by the hub, each blade having a proximal end attached to the hub and a distal end;', 'the blades being arranged in at least two blade rows arranged in series in the length direction of the hub;, 'an impeller, includingthe impeller having a deployed configuration and a stored configuration, each blade in the deployed configuration of the impeller extending away from the hub, and at least one of the blades in the stored configuration of the impeller being compressed so as to move the distal end of the at least one blade towards the hub.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each blade row includes at least two blades.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the distal end of at least one of the plurality of blades includes a winglet.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the distal end of each blade in at least one blade row includes a winglet.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the distal end of each of the plurality of blades includes a winglet.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades are formed integrally with the ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149164A1
Автор: Siess Thorsten

Disclosed is a rotor for a compressible fluid pump, in particular a blood pump that can be introduced into a patient's body through a blood vessel; said rotor comprises one or more impeller elements, is compressible and expansible between an expanded state and a compressed state, is made at least in part of a fiber-reinforced plastic material, is provided for rotating about an axis of rotation, and is characterized in that in the expanded state of the rotor, a first percentage, i.e. more than 30%, in particular more than 50%, of the fibers runs substantially straight between the first end thereof lying closest to the axis of rotation and a second end lying further away from the axis of rotation. According to the invention, the rotor retains its shape very well even when subjected to repeated mechanical stress. 1. A rotor for a compressible fluid pump which can be introduced through a blood vessel into a patient's body , the rotor comprising:one or more impeller elements,wherein the rotor is configured to be radially compressed and expanded between a compressed state and an expanded state, the rotor further comprising, at least in part, a plastic material reinforced by strand-like reinforcement elements;wherein the rotor is intended to rotate about an axis of rotation, andwherein the plastic material has a Shore hardness of <100 D.2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein a first proportion of more than 30% of the reinforcement elements in the expanded state of the rotor runs in a substantially stretched manner from a first portion disposed closest to the axis of rotation to a second portion disposed further away from the axis of rotation.3. A rotor for a compressible fluid pump which can be introduced through a blood vessel into a patient's body claim 1 , the rotor comprising:one or more impeller elementswherein the rotor is configured to be radially compressed and expanded between a compressed state and an expanded state;comprising, at least in part, a plastic material ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149165A1

The invention relates to a rotor for a compressible fluid pump, in particular a blood pump that can be introduced through a blood vessel into a patient's body, wherein said rotor comprises one or more conveying elements (), is compressible and expandable between a first compressed state and a second radially expanded state, is made at least partially from a plastic reinforced with reinforcing elements, in particular fibers () and is provided for rotation about an axis of rotation (). According to the invention, the rotor is tensioned in the first, compressed state and free from external stresses in the second, expanded state. A third state exists, which the rotor () occupies in the operating state under load. The reinforcing elements, in particular fibers, extend in the rotor in the third state at least in sections in a stretched manner. 1. A rotor for a compressible fluid pump , which can be introduced through a blood vessel into a patient's body , the rotor comprising:one or more impeller elements;wherein the rotor is configured to be radially compressed and expanded between a compressed state and an expanded state, the rotor further comprising, at least in part, a plastic material reinforced by strand-like reinforcement elements,wherein the rotor is intended to rotate about an axis of rotation, andwherein the rotor is tensioned in the compressed state and is free from external stresses in the expanded state, and wherein an operating state exists, which the rotor assumes while operating under load, wherein the reinforcement elements in the rotor in the operating state run in a stretched manner, at least sectionally.2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement elements in the operating state of the rotor run in a stretched manner at least in part in regions of the rotor in which this experiences an elongation stress and run substantially in the direction of the elongation stress.3. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein more than half of the reinforcement elements ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Fluid Pump Assembly

Номер: US20220299037A1

A fluid transfer pump assembly that includes a motor enclosure assembly that forms a motor cavity sized to receive a motor. The motor enclosure includes a flame path that extends from an interior joint to an exterior joint. The interior joint faces the motor cavity and the exterior joint faces exterior of the motor enclosure assembly. A heat sink is located in the motor cavity of the motor enclosure assembly. A portion of the heat sink abuts the interior joint. 1. A fluid transfer pump assembly comprising:a motor enclosure assembly that forms a motor cavity;wherein the motor cavity includes a motor having a rotor and a stator; anda motor controller that supplies power to the motor;wherein the stator includes a plurality of pole pairs of wire windings that can create a moving electromagnetic force to rotate the rotor; andwherein the motor controller, upon receiving signals of a condition of the fluid transfer pump assembly, directs current to at least one pole pair of wire windings on the stator at a voltage that does not cause the motor to rotate, and instead causes the at least one pole pair of wire windings to vibrate to generate a feedback signal.2. The fluid transfer pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the feedback signal is a status feedback signal.3. The fluid transfer pump assembly of claim 2 , wherein the status feedback signal is at least one tone to convey at least one operating condition of fluid transfer pump assembly.4. The fluid transfer pump assembly of claim 2 , wherein the status feedback signal is a plurality of status feedback signals claim 2 , wherein at least one operating condition of the fluid transfer pump assembly is a plurality of operating conditions of the fluid transfer pump assembly claim 2 , wherein each one of the plurality of status feedback signals is indicative of each one of the plurality of operating conditions of the fluid transfer pump assembly such that the each one of the plurality of status feedback signals for the each one ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for Optimizing Blade Axis Position of Water Pump under All Operating Conditions

Номер: US20190154040A1

A method for optimizing the blade axis position of a water pump under all operating conditions which includes determination of multiple calculation conditions within the range of all the operating conditions of the water pump, three-dimensional modeling and mesh generation of the calculation area of the flow field of the water pump at multiple blade angles, numerical simulation of the flow field and calculation and determination of blade hydraulic torques under multiple conditions, determination of the range of the position of the blade resultant hydraulic pressure action line and an optimal blade axis position under all the operating conditions, determination of the small region of the optimal blade axis position under all the operating conditions, determination of the optimal blade axis position, and comparison of the blade hydraulic torques before and after optimization of the blade axis position. 312. The method for optimizing the blade axis position of the water pump under all operating conditions according to claim 1 , characterized in that according to the determination of the small region of the optimal blade axis position of the water pump under all the operating conditions as described in step E claim 1 , a range width between the two blade resultant hydraulic pressure action lines farthest from each other approximately on a calculation cylindrical surface is s claim 1 , the range width s is divided into k equal parts claim 1 , starting from the action line claim 1 , closer to the current blade axis claim 1 , in the two blade resultant hydraulic pressure action lines farthest from each other claim 1 , blade axes claim 1 , claim 1 , . . . claim 1 , k−1 claim 1 , k are set at the equal parts to the other end of the range with the width s claim 1 , and distances between the k blade axes and the starting resultant action line are set as s/k claim 1 , 2 s/k claim 1 , . . . (k−1)s/k claim 1 , s respectively; a coordinate system is established claim 1 , an ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154053A1

An impeller includes a hub, and a plurality of blades supported by the hub, the blades being arranged in at least two blade rows. The impeller has a deployed configuration in which the blades extend away from the hub, and a stored configuration in which at least one of the blades is radially compressed, for example by folding the blade towards the hub. The impeller may also have an operational configuration in which at least some of the blades are deformed from the deployed configuration upon rotation of the impeller when in the deployed configuration. The outer edge of one or more blades may have a winglet, and the base of the blades may have an associated indentation to facilitate folding of the blades. 117-. (canceled)18. A catheter heart pump comprising:an elongate catheter body having a proximal end, and a distal end configured to be advanced to a heart of a patient;an expandable sleeve coupled to the distal end, the expandable sleeve having a stored configuration in which the expandable sleeve is advanced to the heart, and an expanded configuration, and further comprising a distal inlet port and a proximal outlet port; andan expandable impeller configured to be disposed within the expandable sleeve between the distal inlet port and the proximal outlet port when in the expanded configuration, and configured to turn on a shaft to generate a fluid flow from the distal inlet port to the proximal outlet port.19. The catheter heart pump of claim 18 , wherein the stored configuration of the expandable sleeve has a diameter of no more than 4 millimeters claim 18 , and the expanded configuration has a diameter of at least 6 millimeters.20. The catheter heart pump of claim 18 , wherein the expandable impeller comprises a hub and a plurality of continuous helical blades extending therefrom.21. The catheter heart pump of further comprising a storage sleeve into which the expandable sleeve is configured to be inserted claim 18 , the storage sleeve configured to compress ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Gas turbine engines and compression systems therefor

Номер: US20190162188A1
Автор: Rayne Sung
Принадлежит: Individual

A gas turbine engine, with a conical screw integrated compression system, that utilizes at least one conical screw as an intermediary fluid transport device to facilitate the multi-staging of non-axial compressors, such as centrifugal and diagonal compressors, as well as or alternatively to combine non-axial compressors to axial compressors and to the fan. The conical screw in the compression system applies axial flow translation and funnels, as necessary, the exit flow of the impeller, fan or compressor into the next impeller or compressor.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158135A1

A multiphase pump for conveying a multiphase process fluid from a low pressure side to a high pressure side includes an outer housing, a casing, the casing having a pump inlet and a pump outlet for the process fluid, and a pump rotor capable of rotating about an axial direction arranged within the casing, and configured to convey the process fluid from the pump inlet to the pump outlet. The casing includes a plurality of stage segments, and the plurality of stage segments include an individual stage-segment, a low pressure segment arranged at the pump inlet and a high pressure segment arranged at the pump outlet, the individual stage-segment arranged between the high pressure segment and the low pressure segment, and the plurality of stage segments being held together by a sealing support structure, the casing being arranged within the outer housing. 1. A multiphase pump for conveying a multiphase process fluid from a low pressure side to a high pressure side , comprising:an outer housing;a casing, the casing having a pump inlet and a pump outlet for the process fluid; anda pump rotor capable of rotating about an axial direction arranged within the casing, and configured to convey the process fluid from the pump inlet to the pump outlet,the casing comprising a plurality of stage segments, and the plurality of stage segments comprising an individual stage-segment, a low pressure segment arranged at the pump inlet and a high pressure segment arranged at the pump outlet, the individual stage-segment arranged between the high pressure segment and the low pressure segment, and the plurality of stage segments being held together by a sealing support structure, the casing being arranged within the outer housing.2. The multiphase pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the individual stage-segment is a first individual stage-segment of a plurality of individual stage-segments claim 1 , and the plurality of individual stage-segments includes a second individual stage- ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170153A1
Автор: Scheckel Mario

The invention relates to a fluid pump () having a housing () delimiting a fluid chamber () and having a conveying element () for the fluid disposed in the fluid chamber, the housing (), with respect to the shape and/or size thereof, being able to be changed between at least a first, expanded state and a second, compressed state. The object, to stabilise adequately a corresponding housing, is achieved according to the invention by the housing having at least one stabilisation chamber () which can be supplied with a fluid pressure and is different from the fluid chamber, the first state of the housing being assigned to a first fluid pressure in the stabilisation chamber and the second state of the housing being assigned to a second fluid pressure. 121-. (canceled)22. A fluid pump comprising:a catheter;a rotor;an expandable housing defining an inner chamber configured to receive the rotor, the housing configured to transition between a compressed state and an expanded state within a blood vessel, the housing having an outflow opening connected to the catheter and an inflow opening positioned distal of the outflow opening, wherein an outer diameter of the housing is smaller than an inner diameter of the blood vessel when the housing is in the expanded state, wherein the housing comprises an inner wall and an outer wall,wherein the rotor is disposed within the inner chamber and configured to be radially compressed by the inner wall when the housing is in the compressed state; anda one-way inflow valve positioned distal to the rotor.23. The fluid pump according to claim 22 , wherein the fluid pump further comprises an one-way outflow valve positioned proximal of the inflow valve.24. The fluid pump according to claim 23 , configured such that claim 23 , during operation of the pump claim 23 , fluid is suctioned in through the inflow opening and out through the outflow opening.25. The fluid pump according to claim 23 , wherein the outflow valve comprises outflow valve flaps ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Progressing cavity pump system with fluid coupling

Номер: US20150184498A1
Автор: Derek L. TWIDALE
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

A progressing cavity pump operated by a motor is provided. In one embodiment, a system includes a motor, a progressing cavity pump having a rotor and a stator, and a fluid coupling that connects the motor to the progressing cavity pump. The fluid coupling includes an input turbine and an output turbine disposed within a housing. The motor is connected to the input turbine of the fluid coupling and the rotor of the progressing cavity pump is connected to the output turbine of the fluid coupling to enable the progressing cavity pump to be operated by the motor via the fluid coupling to pump fluid through the progressing cavity pump. Additional systems, devices, and methods are also disclosed.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203720A1
Принадлежит: Berlin Heart GmbH

Methods and apparatuses for determining operational parameters of a blood pump comprising a rotor which transports the blood are provided. The change in the behaviour of at least one first and one second operational parameter, independently from each other, of the pump, is determined. A determination of the flow through the pump and/or the difference in pressure across the pump and/or the viscosity of the blood takes into account the determined change in behaviour of the at least two operational parameters. A modelling for a dynamic model of the known quantities may be carried out and an estimation method using a Kalman filter may be used. 1. A method for determining , operational parameters of a blood pump comprising a rotor which transports blood , the method comprising:determining a change in behaviour of at least two operational parameters including a first operation parameter and a second operation parameter, independently from each other, of the blood pump; anddetermining a flow through the blood pump, a difference in pressure across the blood pump, and/or a viscosity of the blood based on the determined change in behaviour of the at least two operational parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least a rotational speed of the blood pump is measured as the first operational parameter and a change in rate of the rotational speed over time is determined as the change in behaviour of the second operational parameter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the blood pump with the rotor which transports the blood claim 1 , a quantity that represents a force acting on the rotor in an axial direction of the blood pump is measured as the second operational parameter claim 1 , and a change in behaviour of this quantity over time is determined.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the change in behaviour of the second operational parameter comprises determining a first time derivative of the second operational parameter.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203732A1

A pump comprising a housing defining an internal volume; an impeller disposed in the internal volume of the housing, wherein the impeller comprises a magnetic element and at least a portion of the surface of the impeller conforms to a generally logarithmic spiral; and a drive element adapted to magnetically couple with the magnetic element of the impeller. 1. A pump comprising:a housing defining an internal volume;an impeller disposed in the internal volume of the housing, wherein the impeller comprises a magnetic element and at least a portion of the surface of the impeller conforms to a generally logarithmic spiral; anda drive element adapted to magnetically couple with the magnetic element of the impeller.2. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the housing defines a curved interior volume.3. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is adapted to couple with a first tubular and a second tubular claim 1 , and wherein the first and second tubulars are associated with a fluid system.4. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller is adapted to form a fluid bearing within the housing.5. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller comprises a hub and a blade extending from the hub.6. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller is essentially free of leading edges.7. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller is adapted to impart a generally uniform distribution of pressure on the fluid on all surfaces of the impeller.8. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller is adapted to rotate in response to movement by a drive element.9. The pump according to claim 8 , wherein the drive element comprises a magnetic drive element claim 8 , wherein the magnetic drive element is adapted to drive a magnetic element disposed at least partially within the impeller claim 8 , attached to the impeller claim 8 , or combination thereof.10. The pump according to claim 9 , wherein the magnetic element comprises a plurality of ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190209753A1

Apparatus and methods are described including placing an impeller of a ventricular assist device inside a left ventricle of a subject, with a frame disposed around the impeller. The impeller is driven to pump blood from the left ventricle to an aorta of the subject, by rotating the impeller. The impeller is placed inside the left ventricle such that the impeller is allowed to undergo axial motion with respect to the frame, in response to cyclical changes in a pressure difference between the left ventricle and the aorta. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus , comprising: an impeller configured to be placed inside a left ventricle of a subject;', 'a frame configured to be disposed around the impeller; and', 'a motor configured to drive the impeller to pump blood from the left ventricle to an aorta of the subject, by rotating the impeller,', 'the impeller being configured to undergo axial back-and-forth motion with respect to the frame, in response to cyclical changes in a pressure difference between the left ventricle and the aorta., 'a ventricular assist device comprising2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the impeller comprises proximal and distal bushings;the frame comprises proximal and distal bearings; and being coupled to at least one of the proximal and distal bushings of the impeller, such that the at least one bushing is held in an axially-fixed position with respect to the axial shaft, and', 'not being held in an axially-fixed position with respect to the proximal and distal bearings., 'the ventricular assist device further comprises an axial shaft configured to pass through the proximal and distal bearings defined by the frame and the proximal and distal bushings of the impeller, the axial shaft3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ventricular assist device does not include any thrust bearing configured to be disposed within a body of the subject.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ventricular ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211836A1

The invention relates to a fluid pump comprising at least one impeller blade () which is rotatable about an axis of rotation () and conveys a fluid in operation and comprising a support device () which supports the at least one impeller blade () in at least one support region, wherein the support device is change-able between a first state in which the rotor is radially compressed and a second state in which the rotor is radially expanded; and wherein at least one impeller blade extends at least partly radially inwardly with respect to the axis of rotation () from the support region/support regions in the radially expanded state of the rotor. 115-. (canceled)16. A fluid pump comprising:a pump housing, a rotor positioned within the pump housing, the rotor having an axis of rotation;an impeller blade that extends radially, has a compressed state and expanded state, has an outer radial edge that extends axially along the length of the blade, and has a longitudinal length that extends within the pump housing;wherein the impeller blade is rotatable about the axis of rotation within the pump housing when in operation, and the rotor is configured to convey a fluid during operation; anda support device coupled to the outer radial edge of the impeller blade, wherein the support device is coupled to the outer radial edge over a coupling length less than a total length of the outer radial edge.17. The fluid pump of claim 16 , wherein the support device at least partly surrounds the at least one impeller blade.18. The fluid pump of claim 16 , wherein the rotor further comprises a hub claim 16 , and wherein the impeller blade extends radially from the hub.19. The fluid pump of claim 16 , wherein the coupling length comprises a plurality of coupling lengths along the outer radial edge claim 16 , wherein a sum of the plurality of coupling lengths is less than the total length of the outer radial edge.20. The fluid pump of claim 16 , wherein the support device comprises a shape ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190216994A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is formed by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically. 115-. (canceled)16. A catheter device , comprising ,a motor,a drive shaft having a proximal end region and distal end region, and being connected to the motor at the proximal end,an elastic rotor fastened to the drive shaft in the distal end region, the rotor configured to self expand after an imposed compression, and the rotor being configured to convey blood in a conveying direction through the pump,a pump housing having a distal tapered portion with openings configured to receive blood conveyed into the pump housing, a tapered proximal portion configured to receive blood conveyed out of the pump housing, and a tubular pump portion disposed between the distal tapered portion and proximal tapered portion, the tubular pump portion surrounding the rotor, the pump housing being formed from a grid structure having grid struts and grid openings formed between the grid struts,wherein the grid openings in the tubular pump portion consist of first polygons, each first polygon having a first perimeter length, and the grid openings in the distal tapered portion are second polygons, each second polygon having a perimeter length that is larger than the first perimeter length, andwherein the grid structure in the tubular pump portion forms a circular cross section.17. The catheter device according to claim 16 , wherein the grid structure of the pump housing is compressible together with the rotor in such a manner that ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254626A1

The present disclosure relates to a compressor and a chiller including the same. The compressor according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes: a rotating shaft extending in a longitudinal direction of the shaft; a blade disposed on an outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft and having a first inclined surface and a second inclined surface; a first bearing module disposed on one side of the rotating shaft, having a third inclined surface spaced apart in parallel from one side of the blade, and disposed to surround the outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft; and a second bearing module disposed on the other side of the rotating shaft, having a fourth inclined surface spaced apart in parallel from the other side of the blade, and disposed to surround the outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft, wherein the third inclined surface is disposed opposite the first inclined surface, and the fourth inclined surface is disposed opposite the second inclined surface. Accordingly, production costs of the bearings may be reduced, and the bearings may be controlled in a simplified manner. 1. A compressor comprising:a rotating shaft extending in a longitudinal direction of the shaft;a blade disposed on an outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft and having a first inclined surface and a second inclined surface;a first bearing module disposed on one side of the rotating shaft, having a third inclined surface spaced apart in parallel from one side of the blade, and disposed to surround the outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft; anda second bearing module disposed on the other side of the rotating shaft, having a fourth inclined surface spaced apart in parallel from the other side of the blade, and disposed to surround the outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft,wherein the third inclined surface is disposed opposite the first inclined surface, and the fourth inclined surface is disposed opposite ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Fluid Pump Assembly

Номер: US20200217323A1
Принадлежит: Tuthill Corporation

A fluid transfer pump assembly that includes a motor enclosure assembly that forms a motor cavity sized to receive a motor. The motor enclosure includes a flame path that extends from an interior joint to an exterior joint. The interior joint faces the motor cavity and the exterior joint faces exterior of the motor enclosure assembly. A heat sink is located in the motor cavity of the motor enclosure assembly. A portion of the heat sink abuts the interior joint. 1. A fluid transfer pump assembly comprising:a motor enclosure assembly that forms a motor cavity;wherein the motor enclosure includes a flame path composed of a pathway formed by two facing surfaces of the motor enclosure;wherein the pathway formed by the two facing surfaces of the motor enclosure extend from an interior joint to an exterior joint;wherein the interior joint faces the motor cavity and the exterior joint faces exterior of the motor enclosure assembly;wherein the motor cavity includes a motor controller that supplies power to a motor having a rotor and a stator;wherein the stator includes a plurality of pole pairs of wire windings that can create a moving electromagnetic force to rotate the rotor;wherein the motor controller, upon receiving signals of a condition of the fluid transfer pump assembly, directs current to at least one pole pair of wire windings on the stator at a voltage that does not cause the motor to rotate, and instead causes the at least one pole pair of wire windings to vibrate to generate a feedback signal.2. The fluid transfer pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the feedback signal is a status feedback signal.3. The fluid transfer pump assembly of claim 2 , wherein the status feedback signal is at least one tone to convey at least one operating condition of fluid transfer pump assembly.4. The fluid transfer pump assembly of claim 2 , wherein the status feedback signal is a plurality of status feedback signals claim 2 , wherein the at least one operating condition of the ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217325A1

A turbine for pumping a fluid includes a body designed to move rotationally, a hollow central part which extends through the body from one side to the other and is intended to allow the fluid to pass through the turbine, and at least one blade that is positioned on the inner wall of the body, in the hollow central part, and is designed to circulate the fluid. 122.-. (canceled)23. A turbine for a fluid pump , comprising:a body designed to perform rotational movements;a hollow central part passing right through the body and intended for the passage of fluid through the turbine;at least one vane arranged on the inner wall of the body, in the hollow central part, and designed to cause the fluid to flow; anda rod arranged along the central axis of the turbine so as to reduce the backflows of fluid, said rod being fixed to one of said at least one vane, to the body of the turbine and by one end to an inlet chamber.24. The turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that the vane is of a helical type.25. The turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that it comprises several vanes distributed over the inner wall of said body.26. The turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that the vane is constituted by several turns with an increasing winding pitch that tends towards infinity27. The turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that the hollow central part of the turbine has a cylindrical shape.28. Turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that the hollow central part has a flared shape claim 23 , the more open end being arranged downstream in the direction of flow of the fluid.29. The turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that the hollow central part of the turbine has an oblong shape claim 23 , the more open end being arranged downstream in the direction of flow of the fluid.30. The turbine according to claim 23 , characterized in that said body has an outer shape of the right cylinder type with a circular cross section.31. The ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240832A1

The invention relates to a blade () of an axial flow impeller (). Dimensioning rules for the blade () are presented: A=0.2R; B=0.2W; C=0.2R; D=0.2W; E=0.5R; F=(0.1 . . . 0.2)R; G=0.2W; H=0.25R; I=0.1R; J=0.4R; K=0.1W. The first angle α=6°±1°, the second angle α=8°±1° and the third angle α=19° to 25°. R is the lengthwise dimension from the axis of rotation (x) of the impeller to the tip () of the blade (). Width Wis the widthwise dimension of the blade perpendicularly to the lengthwise direction. The invention also relates to an axial flow impeller () having said blades (). 1. A blade of an axial flow impeller , said blade being connectable to a central hub of the impeller , the blade being formed from substantially plate-type material and havinga leading edge,a trailing edge,a tip,a root attachable to the central hub of the impeller,{'sub': '1', 'a first fold extending along the blade in a straight first direction and dividing the blade into a first profile portion located adjacent to the leading edge and a second profile portion, the first and the second profile portions meeting at the first fold such that the first profile portion is angled at a first angle (α) downwardly from the second profile portion,'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'a second fold extending along the blade in a straight second direction which is different from said first direction and located apart from the first fold and dividing the blade further into a third profile portion located adjacent to the trailing edge, said second and third profile portions meeting at said second fold such that the third profile portion is angled at a second angle (α) downwardly from the second profile portion, the second profile portion being angled at a third angle (α) in relation to horizontal plane,'}and, in plan view, the blade has the general form of an enveloping rectangle (R×Wb) with tapering cut-outs at at least root-side corners of the rectangle,{'sub': 'b', 'claim-text': [{'sub': 'b', 'a first cut-out which is adjacent ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180228952A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is formed by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically. 115-. (canceled)16. An intravascular blood pump device for percutaneous insertion into a patient's vasculature to provide cardiac support , the intravascular blood pump device comprising:a drive shaft having a proximal end and a distal end;a rotor, connected to the distal end of the drive shaft;a pump head comprising a distal inlet, a proximal outlet, and an expandable and collapsible pump housing having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the rotor is located in the expandable and compressible pump housing between the proximal end and the distal end of the pump housing, and, upon actuation, the pump head is configured to pump blood through the intravascular blood pump device;a body cap at a distal end of the intravascular blood pump device, the body cap having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end of the body cap being coupled to a distal end of the pump head by a body element, and wherein the body cap comprises an atraumatic ball; andthe body element is an elongate tubular flexible projection, having proximal and distal ends, that projects distally away from the distal end of the pump housing and forms a flexible connection between the distal end of the pump housing and the body cap, wherein the proximal end of the atraumatic ball is positioned distally relative to the distal end of the body element.17. The intravascular blood pump device of claim 16 , wherein the body element is co-axial ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224392A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is formed by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically. 115-. (canceled)16. A catheter device configured to drain or fill hollow organs or spaces within a patient , the device comprising:a pump housing having an inlet aperture and an outlet aperture,a rotor disposed within the pump housing;a drive mechanism connected at a distal end to the rotor, wherein the drive mechanism is configured to rotate the rotor relative to the pump housing; anda rigid outflow cannula extending proximally from the pump housing;wherein the pump housing is configured to receive blood through the inlet aperture and expel the blood out through the outlet aperture and into the rigid outflow cannula.17. The catheter device according to claim 16 , wherein the rotor is configured to be positioned in a left ventricle of the patient claim 16 , and expel blood distally away from the heart through the rigid outflow cannula.18. The catheter device according to claim 16 , wherein the catheter device is configured to pump in forward and reverse directions claim 16 , and the rigid outflow cannula is configured to function reversibly as an inflow cannula and an outflow cannula according to the pumping direction of the catheter device.19. The catheter device according to claim 16 , wherein the drive mechanism comprises a drive shaft claim 16 , wherein a proximal end of the drive shaft is connected to a motor.20. The catheter device according to claim 16 , wherein the rigid outflow cannula is configured ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224393A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is formed by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically. 115-. (canceled)16. A intravascular pump device , comprising:a catheter having a proximal end and a distal end;a pump head disposed distal of the distal end of the catheter, the pump head having a longitudinal axis extending from a proximal end of the pump head to a distal end of the pump head, the pump head configured to take a compressed state and an expanded state, the pump head having a first radius from the longitudinal axis to an inner wall of the pump head in the expanded state and a second radius from the longitudinal axis to an inner wall of the pump head in the compressed state, wherein the pump head is configured to automatically elastically expand into the expanded state upon release from the catheter;a rotor disposed in the pump head and sharing the longitudinal axis of the pump head, the rotor comprising a frame structure forming at least one impeller blade and comprising a boundary frame forming a radial edge of the at least one impeller blade, the at least one impeller blade being elastically compressible and configured to automatically elastically expand to an operational state, wherein in the operational state the at least one impeller blade extends a first distance radially outward from the longitudinal axis of the pump head to the boundary frame forming the radial edge of the at least one impeller blade, wherein the at least one impeller blade is configured to convey a fluid;wherein in ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226490A1
Автор: JR. Carmine, Rende

A system having a variable diameter impeller device that is operable for reducing an energy consumption of a rotating fluid or gas pump by increasing said impeller diameter as a speed of said rotating fluid or gas pump increases and decreasing the impeller diameter as the speed decreases. An extendable vane mechanism is configured to move along an elongated curved or sloping slot, said movement along the elongated curved or sloping slot is operable for increasing and decreasing a diameter of the impeller device. A spring mechanism having a first end and a second end extends and retracts to dynamically increase or decrease a diameter of the impeller device. 1. A system comprising:an impeller device, in which said impeller device comprises a variable diameter impeller of a centrifugal pump, wherein said variable diameter impeller is configured to increase or decrease a flow of fluid from said centrifugal pump;a housing structure, wherein said housing structure is configured to enclose said centrifugal pump impeller device, and wherein said housing structure is further configured to surround said impeller device and contain said fluid;an extendable vane mechanism, in which said extendable vane mechanism comprises at least five or more extendable vanes, wherein said extendable vane mechanism is configured to extend outward to increase said fluid flow or retract inwards to reduce said fluid flow;a fixed vane mechanism, in which said fixed vane mechanism comprises at least five or more fixed vanes, wherein said extendable vane mechanism is configured to follow a contour of said fixed vane mechanism, and wherein said fixed vane mechanism is further configured to become an extension of said extendable vane mechanism;a first engagement means, in which said first engagement means comprises at least one of, a long threaded hollow or solid screw and a long threaded hollow or solid bolt, wherein said first engagement means is configured to connect said extendable vane mechanism ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224666A1

An axial flow pump for pumping a liquid has a motor. The motor of the pump is arranged such that the liquid to be pumped flows around the motor. No elaborate rotary leadthroughs of the pump shaft through the pipe system are needed. Furthermore, the bearings of the motor are lubricated by the liquid to be pumped, thereby avoiding risky oil lubrication. As a result, the axial flow pump is suitable for use in drinking water pipelines. 111-. (canceled)12. An axial flow pump for pumping a liquid , the axial flow pump comprising:a rotatably mounted runner having a hub and a multiplicity of runner blades connected to said hub;a motor encased in a motor housing, said motor having a rotor;a tubular pump housing formed with a runner chamber, a first opening for receiving the liquid to be pumped, and a second opening for discharging the liquid to be pumped, wherein said runner chamber is wrapped around said runner, said first opening is arranged near said runner, and said second opening is arranged near said motor;said motor being connected to said runner for driving said runner, said motor together with said runner forming a unit, and said motor including a combined track-and-guide bearing arranged between said runner and said rotor, and a guide bearing arranged at an end of said motor housing opposite said runner;said motor being disposed within an area of the pump through which the liquid flows during pump operation;a plurality of cross members configured to maintain said unit formed of said motor and said runner centered in said pump housing, said cross members being configured to reduce a swirl of the liquid passing said runner during pump operation; andwherein said motor housing is filled and flowed around with the liquid during pump operation so that the liquid may lubricate said track-and-guide bearings and said guide bearing.13. The axial flow pump according to claim 12 , wherein said runner blades are rigidly connected with said hub.14. The axial flow pump according ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Moving Fluid Using a Strake

Номер: US20150247484A1
Автор: Chris Rorres
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides improved methods, apparatus, and manufacture for an Archimedes Screw using a strake design as a blade to increase the volume of water raised or lowered by about 10%. The invention, in part, alters the shape of the blades within the screw from a helicoid shape to a strake shape. A helicoid blade in an Archimedes Screw has been used since antiquity and has not changed since then, limiting the efficiency and manufacturing process. The strake shape allows a greater quantity of water to be contained within the screw and is a developable surface that enables easier fabrication than the helicoid shape.

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180243489A1
Автор: HADDADI Mohammad

A pump for immersion in a fluid includes—an inductor having guide vanes to induce linear fluid flow; —a rotor with a central, flared body, this rotor being downstream of the inductor relative to the direction of fluid circulation; —a helical blade provided around the central body; this helical blade having a flared external profile and having turns with an increasing winding pitch, and the internal casing volume being complementary to the flared helical blade, —a casing around the rotor; —a diffuser having blades making the flow of fluid linear and disposed downstream of the rotor to evacuate the fluid from the rotor; and—a diffuser insert having blades and an outlet orifice with a diameter less than the inlet diameter of the diffuser insert, the blades directing the fluid from the diffuser towards the orifice to increase the orifice outlet pressure. 121-. (canceled)22. A pump intended to be submerged in a fluid comprising:an inducer equipped with guide blades to make the flow of fluid linear;a rotor comprising a central body having a flared shape, this rotor being intended to create kinetic energy and being arranged downstream of the inducer with respect to the direction of flow of the fluid;a shaft for driving and supporting the rotor, this shaft being fixed on the upstream end of the rotor and passing through an inlet chamber in its axial area;at least one helical blade produced around said central body; this helical blade having a flared external profile and comprising turns with an increasing winding pitch that tends towards infinity, the internal volume of the casing being complementary to the flared shape of said at least one helical blade;a casing around the rotor;a diffuser equipped with blades in order to make the flow of fluid linear and to increase the pressure of the fluid; this diffuser being arranged downstream of the rotor so as to evacuate the fluid outwards from the rotor converting the kinetic energy created by the rotor into potential energy; ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140341745A1

A rotor blade of an axial compressor includes: a blade root; and a blade leaf. The blade leaf has: a flow inlet edge, a flow outlet edge, a pressure side extending between the flow inlet edge and the flow outlet edge and a suction side extending between the flow inlet edge and the flow outlet edge, which together define a blade profile of the blade leaf in Cartesian coordinate values x, y and z such that first and second profile coordinates, or the coordinates x and y when joining via continuous arcs, each describe a smooth profile section on a radial section height along a third profile coordinate, or the coordinate value z, and the joining of the radial profile sections with a smoothing function describe the blade profile of the blade leaf. 110. A rotor blade () of an axial compressor , comprising:{'b': '11', 'a blade root (), via which the rotor blade is fastenable to a rotor basic body of a rotor of the axial compressor; and'}{'b': 12', '12, 'claim-text': [{'b': '14', 'a flow inlet edge (),'}, {'b': '15', 'a flow outlet edge (),'}, {'b': 16', '14', '15, 'a pressure side () extending between the flow inlet edge () and the flow outlet edge (), and'}, {'b': 17', '14', '15, 'a suction side () extending between the flow inlet edge () and the flow outlet edge (),'}], 'a blade leaf (), configured to provide flow deflection, the blade leaf () having{'b': 14', '15', '16', '17', '12', '12, 'wherein the flow inlet edge (), the flow outlet edge (), the pressure side () and the suction side () together define a blade profile of the blade leaf () in Cartesian coordinate values x, y and z such that first and second profile coordinates, or the coordinates x and y when joining via continuous arcs, each describe a smooth profile section on a radial section height along a third profile coordinate, or the coordinate value z, and the joining of the radial profile sections with a smoothing function describe the blade profile of the blade leaf (), and'}{'b': 18', '14', '15', '16', '17 ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160271309A1

One embodiment of the invention provides a variable pitch impeller for a blood pump. The variable pitch impeller includes: a flexible polymer defining a plurality of blades extending from a first end to a second end, the blades having a resting non-zero pitch; an external shaft coupled to a first end of the flexible polymer; and an internal shaft received within the external shaft and coupled to the second end of the flexible polymer. The internal shaft and the external shaft are rotatable with respect to each other to achieve a blade pitch between about 0.0001° and about 2,880°. 1. A variable pitch impeller for a blood pump , the variable pitch impeller comprising:a flexible polymer defining a plurality of blades extending from a first end to a second end, the blades having a resting non-zero pitch;an external shaft coupled to a first end of the flexible polymer; andan internal shaft received within the external shaft and coupled to the second end of the flexible polymer;wherein the internal shaft and the external shaft are rotatable with respect to each other to achieve a blade pitch between about 0.0001° and about 2,880°.2. The variable pitch impeller of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades consists of between 2 and 10 blades.3. The variable pitch impeller of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades are arranged at substantially uniform angles about the impeller.4. The variable pitch impeller of claim 3 , further comprising:one or more fixed blades.5. The variable pitch impeller of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fixed blades are located at a substantially opposite end of the impeller from the plurality of blades.6. The variable pitch impeller of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades have a height between about 0.1 mm and about 15 mm.7. The variable pitch impeller of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades have uniform heights.8. The variable pitch impeller of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of blades have variable heights.9. The variable pitch ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Axial flow blood pump

Номер: US20160279311A1

An axial flow blood pump having a rotor rotatably mounted in a housing. The rotor includes at least two rotor blades having different configurations. 1. An axial flow blood pump , comprising:a hollow housing defining a housing inlet, a housing outlet and a housing axial axis extending therebetween;a rotor mounted in the housing so as to be rotatable about the housing axial axis, the rotor including at least two rotor blades, a first rotor blade from the at least two rotor blades having a first configuration and a second rotor blade from the at least two rotor blades having a second configuration; andan actuator operatively coupled to the housing and to the rotor to selectively rotate the rotor in the housing about the housing axial axis;wherein the first and second configurations differ from each other.2. The axial flow blood pump as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first and second rotor blades are coiled around the housing axial axis claim 1 , the first rotor blade defining first blade inlet and outlet ends respectively receiving and releasing blood when the rotor is operated in a patient and the second rotor blade defining second blade inlet and outlet ends respectively receiving and releasing blood when the rotor is operated in a patient.3. The axial flow blood pump as defined in claim 2 , wherein the first and second rotor blades each extend along a respective ruled surface.4. The axial flow blood pump as defined in claim 2 , wherein the first and second configurations differ in pitch relative to the housing axial axis.5. The axial flow blood pump as defined in claim 4 , wherein the pitch of the first blade is constant at all axial positions along the first blade.6. The axial flow blood pump as defined in claim 2 , wherein the rotor is a hollow rotor including a rotor body at the periphery thereof delimiting a rotor passageway extending axially therealong claim 2 , the rotor body defining a body internal surface delimiting the rotor passageway claim 2 , the ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Conical Impeller and Applications Thereof

Номер: US20150292523A1
Автор: Bachellier Carl Roy

An conical impeller with a hub that has a conical surface extending into the interior of the impeller. The hub has spiral, slanting arms which are attached or integrally formed with a plurality of curved blades. The blades can be connected at the bottom by a ring. The intersection of the conical surface of the hub with the blade forms an upward path for fluids and their entrained particles or gases which have been brought into the interior of the impeller to effectively completely be ejected. The discharge edges of the blades and/or the conical surface of the hub may have openings for discharging gas into the fluid. The impeller imparts low shear to the fluid and its components, and the shear is independent or only depends slightly on the size of the impeller. The impeller minimizes or eliminates particle agglomeration and fouling of the impeller. The efficiency of and flow pattern produced by the impeller means that containers don't require the use of baffles. The high efficiency and low shear of the impeller is useful for applications such as mixing of biological fluids, decontamination of produced water, chemical mechanical polishing, and flotation cells. 1. An impeller comprising:a hub comprising a lower conical surface and a plurality of spiral arms, each arm comprising an outwardly slanted outer slanted side; anda plurality of blades circumferentially mounted to said hub, an inner surface of a proximal edge of each blade attached to said outer slanted side such that a distal edge of each blade is flared out to define a circumference larger than that of said hub, thereby imparting a generally conical shape to the impeller.2. The impeller of wherein said hub and said blades are integrally formed.3. The impeller of wherein each said arm comprises a downwardly and outwardly slanting upper surface and said proximal edge of each blade is not parallel to said distal end.4. The impeller of further comprising a ring connecting the distal edges of the blades.5. The ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Device for Salvaging RO Water Filter Waste Water

Номер: US20180280880A1
Автор: Tsia Yong LIM
Принадлежит: Individual

A Device which can salvage the waste water from Reverse Osmosis Water Filter up to 100%, in others words, “Zero Waste”, without using electricity and electrical pump, and regardless of whether hot water pipeline and hot water tank are available. It channels the waste water into the cold water pipeline. This Device can be utilized in new Reverse Osmosis Water Filters and existing Reverse Osmosis Water Filter units. This Device consists of two components, a water tank and a special gadget. The special gadget is installed inside the water tank and is not exposed to external view. The water tank can be of various sizes to suit usage requirement. The Device is connected to the outlet of the said waste water outlet, the pipeline Inflow and the outflow to the faucet. The water tank is for receiving and storing the waste water and the special gadget is for salvaging and channelling the waste water to the faucet outlet, when the faucet is turned on, thereby salvaging the waste water.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190277302A1
Автор: Klepsvik Knut Harald

A technique facilitates operation of a pump such as a multiphase pump. The pump may be provided with an impeller having a plurality of impeller blades. The impeller blades have blade tips which extend over an axial length. A ring is positioned along the blade tips to stiffen the impeller and to thus provide stability. However, the axial length of the ring is limited relative to the axial length of the impeller to enable flow, e.g. leakage, across the blade tips in a manner which causes active phase mixing during pumping of a fluid, e.g. a multiphase fluid. 1. A system for moving fluid , comprising: an impeller hub rotationally fixed to the shaft; and', 'a plurality of impeller blades extending radially outward from the impeller hub, each impeller blade having an impeller base proximate the impeller hub and in impeller tip, the impeller tips having an axial length; and', 'a wear ring disposed along the tips of the impeller blades and having a wear ring axial length shorter than the axial length of the impeller tips., 'a pump having a pump housing, a shaft rotatably mounted in the pump housing, and a plurality of impellers mounted to the shaft, each impeller comprising2. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wear ring axial length is less than 95% of the axial length of the impeller tips.3. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wear ring axial length is 10% to 95% of the axial length of the impeller tips.4. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pump comprises a plurality of diffusers alternating with the plurality of impellers.5. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wear ring is formed from a different material than the plurality of impeller blades.6. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wear ring extends radially outwardly of the impeller tips.7. The system as recited in claim 6 , wherein the wear ring is received in a slot formed in a surrounding wall.8. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wear ring is ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170290965A1

An impeller includes a hub and a blade supported by the hub. The impeller has a stored configuration in which the blade is compressed so that its distal end moves towards the hub, and a deployed configuration in which the blade extends away from the hub. The impeller may be part of a pump for pumping fluids, such as blood, and may include a cannula having a proximal portion with a fixed diameter, and a distal portion with an expandable diameter. The impeller may reside in the expandable portion of the cannula. The cannula may have a compressed diameter which allows it to be inserted percutaneously into a patient. Once at a desired location, the expandable portion of the cannula may be expanded and the impeller expanded to the deployed configuration. A flexible drive shaft may extend through the cannula for rotationally driving the impeller within the patient. 1. (canceled)2. A catheter pump comprising:a cannula having an inlet and an outlet;an impeller disposed in the cannula, the impeller comprising a hub and a plurality of blades positioned along the hub that define a first diameter of the impeller in a stored configuration and further define a second diameter of the impeller in a deployed configuration, wherein the first diameter is at most half the second diameter; anda stator disposed downstream of the impeller in the cannula between the impeller and the outlet, the stator comprising a blade configured to reduce swirl velocity from discharge flow from the impeller. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/618,071, filed Sep. 14, 2012, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/945,594, filed on Nov. 12, 2010 which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/728,051, filed on Mar. 23, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,841,976, which claims the benefit of the filing dates of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/785,299, filed on Mar. 23, 2006 and 60/785,531, filed on Mar. 23, 2006, the disclosures of which are hereby ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Pipeline system for fluids

Номер: US20150301534A1
Автор: David John Aughton
Принадлежит: Rubicon Research Pty Ltd

The invention provides method and system of controlling flow rate in a pipeline network for fluids. The system includes a demand management system to monitor fluid flow rate in the pipeline network ( 10 ) and a pump ( 34 ) to increase the fluid flow rate when the demand management system determines an increase in fluid flow rate is required.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Magnetic position coupling and valve mechanism

Номер: US20150303784A1
Принадлежит: Nucleus Scientific Inc

An apparatus including an array of coils wherein each coil of the array of coils is wound around a core region for containing a fluid; an external magnet assembly mounted outside of the array of coils and movable over the array of coils; and an internal magnet assembly mounted inside the core region around which the coils of the array of coils are wound, wherein the internal magnet assembly is aligned with and magnetically coupled to the external magnet assembly so that the external and internal magnet assemblies move together along the array of coils in response drive signals applied to the coils within the array of coils.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190285085A1

An impeller mountable within a centrifugal compressor includes a hub having a front side and a back side, the hub being rotatable about an axis of rotation and a plurality of vanes extending outwardly from the front side of the hub such that a plurality of passages is defined between adjacent vanes. The plurality of vanes is oriented such that a flow output from the plurality of passages adjacent the back side of the impeller is arranged at an angle to the axis of rotation of less than 20 degrees. 1. An impeller mountable within a centrifugal compressor , comprising:a hub having a front side and a back side, the hub being rotatable about an axis of rotation;a plurality of vanes extending outwardly from the front side of the hub such that a plurality of passages are defined between adjacent vanes, the plurality of vanes oriented such that a flow output from the plurality of passages adjacent the back side of the impeller is arranged at an angle to the axis of rotation, the angle being less than 20 degrees.2. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the angle of the flow output from the plurality of passages is less than 10 degrees.3. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the flow output from the plurality of passages is arranged generally parallel to the axis of rotation.4. A centrifugal compressor comprising:a casing;an impeller arranged within the casing, the impeller being rotatable about an axis;a diffuser section arranged within the casing, the diffuser section being positioned axially downstream from an outlet of the impeller.5. The centrifugal compressor of claim 4 , wherein the diffuser section further comprises:a diffuser structure; andan axial flow passage defined between an exterior surface of the diffuser structure and an interior surface of the casing.6. The centrifugal compressor of claim 5 , wherein the diffuser structure is generally cylindrical in shape.7. The centrifugal compressor of claim 5 , wherein the diffuser structure is fixed relative to the axis.8. ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170306983A1

A hydrofoil impeller wherein the tip edge is straight and has a right angle with a radius extending from the central axis to the tip edge. In the central hub and in each of the blades the number of holes in each group of first and second holes is at least five. The pattern in which the holes are arranged in each of the respective groups of holes is elliptical having a center and a major axis which is substantially parallel to the radius and placed at a distance therefrom. The leading edge is, in the direction to rotation, behind an imaginary radial line intersecting the central axis of the shaft and the center of the ellipse, said leading edge being at an angle of 58°±2° in relation to the radial line. The area of the blade is divided into four planar portions by three straight bends. 1. A hydrofoil impeller for producing fluid flow in an axial direction relative to a shaft rotating around its central axis in an agitated tank , said impeller comprising:a central hub which is connected to the shaft, the central hub being in the form of a flat plate with a uniform thickness and being perpendicular to the central axis, the central hub having three equally spaced groups of first bolt holes which are arranged to form a pattern,three equally-spaced blades extending radially outwardly from the central hub, each blade having a root portion, said blade being in a form of a flat plate with a uniform thickness, said root portion having a group of second bolt holes arranged in a corresponding pattern in relation to the pattern of the first bolt holes so that the group of second bolt holes can be aligned with the group of first bolt holes and bolts can be placed through the first and second bolt holes to form bolted joints, and each blade comprising a straight leading edge, a trailing edge and a tip edge, wherein:the tip edge is straight and has a right angle with a radius extending from the central axis to the tip edge,the number of holes in each group of first and second holes ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304212A1
Принадлежит: LETTS CREATE, LLC

Apparatus that mixes non-homogenous fluid. A threaded shaft within a housing circulates fluid within a container to effect mixing. In one embodiment, when placed in a container of fluid, the housing the fluid is recirculated through opposing ends of the housing. In an embodiment of a related method for mixing, a pump housing containing a screw journaled for rotation receives fluid within a container and conveys the fluid therethrough to circulate a fluid portion in the container along an exterior surface of the housing for mixing with another fluid portion to improve fluid homogeneity. After mixing, the portion of the fluid which first circulates through the housing may recirculate through the housing with said another portion of the fluid. The fluid may be continuously mixed and recirculated through the housing. 1. An apparatus for mixing a non-homogeneous fluid comprising liquid in a container , comprising:a tubular pump housing having an exterior surface and first and second opposing end portions each suitable for passage of the fluid therethrough, the first end portion including at least a first opening for receiving the fluid into the pump housing and the second end portion including at least a second opening for emitting the fluid within the same container; anda threaded shaft positioned within the pump housing to act as a screw conveyor, the pump housing and the shaft forming an assembly which circulates the fluid within the container, wherein: when the assembly is immersed in a non-homogeneous portion of the fluid and the shaft undergoes rotation with respect to the pump housing, a portion of the non-homogeneous fluid enters the housing through the first opening, exits the pump housing through the second opening and travels along the pump housing exterior surface to effect circulation and mixing of fluid circulating through the assembly thereby improving homogeneity of the fluid.2. The apparatus of further including a drive mechanism comprising an air-driven ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160327046A1

A self-priming, centrifugal pump comprising a first housing part having a front wall with an inlet, a second housing part having an outlet, an impeller rotatably arranged in the second housing part and a pump screw rotatably arranged in the first housing part, connected to the impeller and comprising a center body around which a helical blade is arranged for feeding the impeller with any gas that is present in the liquid, wherein the center body is arranged at a distance from a side of the front wall that faces the center body, such that a channel with a width of at least 12 mm is formed between the center body and the side of the front wall that faces the center body. 1. A self-priming , centrifugal pump comprisinga first housing part having a front wall with an inlet for receiving liquid,a second housing part having an outlet for expelling the liquid, the first housing part being connected to the second housing part for enabling the liquid to flow from the first housing part and into the second housing part,an impeller rotatably arranged in the second housing part about a central axis for pumping the liquid from the inlet to the outlet when the impeller is rotated,a pump screw rotatably arranged in the first housing part about the central axis, connected to the impeller and comprising a center body around which a helical blade is arranged for feeding the impeller with any gas that is present in the liquid, whereinthe helical blade comprises an end blade that extends in a direction towards the front wall that faces the helical blade,the helical blade having a first lead angle and the end blade having a second lead angle, the second lead angle being greater than the first lead angle and smaller than 90°.2. A centrifugal pump according to claim 1 , wherein the center body is arranged at a distance from a side of the front wall that faces the center body such that a channel with a width of at least 12 mm is formed between the center body and the side of the front wall ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313354A1

An electric motor vehicle-axial-flow liquid pump which is designed as an internal rotor pump. The electric motor vehicle-axial-flow liquid pump includes a pump housing with an axial inlet opening for admitting a liquid and an axial outlet opening for discharging the liquid, and an electric motor arranged in the pump housing. The electric motor includes a motor stator with at least one external stator coil, a can formed radially inside the at least one external stator coil, and a rotor body which is permanently magnetized and which is provided as an axial-flow impeller rotatably arranged inside the can. The rotor body has an axis of rotation and at least one blade which pumps the liquid from the inlet opening to the outlet opening along the axis of rotation. 17-. (canceled)8: An electric motor vehicle-axial-flow liquid pump designed as an internal rotor pump , the electric motor vehicle-axial-flow liquid pump comprising:a pump housing comprising an axial inlet opening for admitting a liquid and an axial outlet opening for discharging the liquid; and a motor stator comprising at least one external stator coil,', 'a can formed radially inside the at least one external stator coil, and', 'a rotor body which is configured to be permanently magnetized and which is provided as an axial-flow impeller rotatably arranged inside the can, the rotor body comprising an axis of rotation and at least one blade which is configured to pump the liquid from the inlet opening to the outlet opening along the axis of rotation., 'an electric motor arranged in the pump housing, the electric motor comprising,'}9: The electric motor vehicle axial-flow liquid pump as recited in claim 8 , wherein the motor stator comprises a plurality of external stator coils.10: The electric motor vehicle axial-flow liquid pump as recited in claim 8 , wherein the rotor body is formed integrally.11: The electric motor vehicle axial-flow liquid pump as recited in claim 8 , wherein claim 8 ,the can is formed as a ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190309759A1

A tip portion of a compressor blade faces a casing with a clearance therebetween. The tip portion has an upstream-side region including a blade leading edge, and a downstream-side region including a blade trailing edge. The upstream-side region has a small clearance formation portion including a part in which the clearance is a minimum in the tip portion. The downstream-side region forms a large clearance formation portion having a clearance larger than a clearance of the small clearance formation portion throughout the entire region of the downstream-side region. 1. A compressor , comprising:a rotor that is configured to rotate about an axis; anda casing that covers an outer circumferential side of the rotor,wherein the rotor has a rotary shaft portion rotating about the axis, and a plurality of blades provided in the rotary shaft portion at intervals in a circumferential direction with respect to the axis, a leading edge forming an edge in an axial direction in which the axis extends,', 'a trailing edge forming an edge on a side opposite to the leading edge,', 'a positive pressure surface and a negative pressure surface connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge to each other, being directed in a direction including a component of the circumferential direction, and having a back-to-back relationship therebetween, and', 'a tip portion connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge to each other and facing the casing with a clearance therebetween,, 'wherein each of the plurality of blades has'}wherein the tip portion has an upstream-side region including the leading edge, and a downstream-side region including the trailing edge,wherein the upstream-side region has a small clearance formation portion including a part in which the clearance is a minimum in the tip portion,wherein the downstream-side region extends from an edge of the small clearance formation portion on the trailing edge side to the trailing edge, andwherein the downstream-side region forms ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180316243A1
Принадлежит: Berlin Heart GmbH

A motor for a pump is provided with a radially outer stator and a radially inner rotor. The radially outer stator having a laminated core. The rotor is mounted in two magnetic axial bearings distanced from one another in an axial direction of the rotor. A position of the stator relative to a reference surface, against which a component rests, is established exclusively by a single positioning element arranged between the laminated core of the stator and the reference surface. A stationary part of a first magnetic axial bearing of the two magnetic axial bearings is integrated in the component. 1. A motor for a pump having comprising:a radially outer stator and a radially inner rotor, the radially outer stator having a laminated core, wherein the rotor is mounted in two magnetic axial bearings distanced from one another in an axial direction of the rotor, wherein a position of the stator relative to a reference surface, against which a component rests, is established exclusively by a single positioning element arranged between the laminated core of the stator and the reference surface, wherein a stationary part of a first magnetic axial bearing of the two magnetic axial bearings is integrated in the component.2. The motor according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning element is configured to guide a magnetic reflux from the stator laminated core to the stationary part of a first magnetic axial bearing of the two magnetic axial bearings.3. The motor according to claim 2 , wherein the positioning element configured to guide the magnetic reflux of the first magnetic axial bearing rests against the laminated core of the stator and against the reference surface without gaps.4. The motor according to claim 1 , wherein the first magnetic axial bearing includes a first stationary magnetically active element configured to interact magnetically with a first magnetically active element of the rotor claim 1 ,wherein a magnetic circuit is configured to be closed by the first ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160333882A1

A self-priming, centrifugal pump comprising a first housing part having a front wall with an inlet, a second housing part having an outlet, an impeller rotatably arranged in the second housing part and a pump screw rotatably arranged in the first housing part, connected to the impeller and comprising a center body around which a helical blade is arranged for feeding the impeller with any gas that is present in the liquid, wherein the center body is arranged at a distance from a side of the front wall that faces the center body, such that a channel with a width of at least 12 mm is formed between the center body and the side of the front wall that faces the center body. 1. A self-priming , centrifugal pump comprisinga first housing part having a front wall with an inlet for receiving liquid,a second housing part having an outlet for expelling the liquid, the first housing part being connected to the second housing part for enabling the liquid to flow from the first housing part and into the second housing part,an impeller rotatably arranged in the second housing part about a central axis for pumping the liquid from the inlet to the outlet when the impeller is rotated,a pump screw rotatably arranged in the first housing part about the central axis, connected to the impeller and comprising a center body around which a helical blade is arranged for feeding the impeller with any gas that is present in the liquid, whereinthe center body is arranged at a distance from a side of the front wall that faces the center body, such that a channel with a width of at least 12 mm is formed between the center body and the side of the front wall that faces the center body.2. A centrifugal pump according to claim 1 , wherein the channel has a width of at least 16 mm.3. A centrifugal pump according to claim 1 , wherein the channel has a width of at least 20 mm.4. A centrifugal pump according to claim 1 , wherein the channel extends from the side of the front wall that faces the center ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150337854A1

A propeller blade includes a body configured to extend radially from the hub of a propeller. The body can include a front surface, a back surface, a leading edge, and a trailing edge. The top of the body can form a tippet that generally transitions the front and back surfaces from extending in a generally radial direction to a generally axial direction. The tippet can reduce radial flow and force losses, redirect the radial flow in an axial direction, reduce the exit flow area of the propeller, and increase the inlet flow area of the propeller. The front surface of the blade can have a planar configuration that prevents or reduces the creation of low or negative pressure across the front surface of the blade and associated cavitation. 1. A propeller blade configured to be attached to a hub of a propeller , the propeller blade comprising:a body having a base and an upper end, the body comprising a front surface and an opposing back surface each extending laterally between a leading end of the body and a trailing end of the body and longitudinally between the base and the upper end; and draws fluid radially inward toward the hub from a radial inlet flow that enters the channel along the lateral length of the top end of the tippet as well as along the leading end of the tippet, and', 'redirects the fluid from the radially inward direction to an axial direction that is generally parallel to the rotational axis so as to expel the fluid as an outlet flow that adds to a force moving the propeller forward, such that the leading end of the body and the top end of the tippet respectively form first and second leading edges of the propeller blade along which fluid is concurrently drawn into the propeller., 'a tippet extending longitudinally from the upper end of the body to a top end, the tippet extending laterally between a leading end and a trailing end, the tippet curving from the body in a direction generally away from the front surface and toward the back surface so that ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200313514A1
Автор: ALECU DANIEL, Tomescu Dana

A machine includes a liquid system and a shaft. The shaft is rotatable about a rotation axis and includes a first part and a second part engaged coaxially with the first part. The first part is rotatable relative to the second part about the rotation axis to define a liquid pump between the first part and the second part. The pump is hydraulically connected to the liquid system. A method of cooling the machine is also provided. 1. An electric generator machine comprising a liquid coolant system and a shaft , the shaft being rotatable about a rotation axis , the shaft including a first part and a second part engaged coaxially with the first part , the first part being rotatable relative to the second part about the rotation axis with a helical feature disposed between the first part and the second part to define a helical pump between the first part and the second part , the pump being hydraulically connected to the liquid coolant system.2. The machine of claim 1 , whereinthe first part defines an axial channel therein, the axial channel including an opening in an end of the first part, andthe second part is received in the axial channel via the opening.3. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the helical feature includes a helical groove.4. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the helical feature includes a helical fin.5. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the second part defines a liquid channel therethrough claim 2 , the liquid channel hydraulically connecting the liquid system to the axial channel.6. The machine of claim 5 , wherein the liquid system is a lubrication system of the machine claim 5 , and the second part defines a priming lubricant channel therethrough that hydraulically connects the lubrication system to an outer surface of the second part at a location facing an inner surface of the first part.7. The machine of claim 6 , the second part defines an air vent channel therethrough claim 6 , the air vent channel being at one end open to the axial channel and at ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316591A1
Автор: Toellner Thomas

The invention relates to a compressible and expandable blade () for the rotor of a fluid pump () having at least two lamellae () which are disposed adjacently, are pivo table respectively relative to an axis of rotation (Ia) of the rotor and moveable relative to each other, and abut against each other in the expanded state of the blade such that they form together a continuous blade surface. 126-. (canceled)27. A rotor for a percutaneous blood pump , the rotor comprising:a rotor hub having a first end and a second end;a rotor shaft extending into the first end of the rotor hub, the rotor shaft configured to rotate the rotor hub about an axis; anda compressible and expandable continuous helical blade mounted to the rotor hub, the continuous helical blade having a pitch that increases along the continuous helical blade in a direction from the second end of the rotor hub to the first end of the rotor hub.28. The rotor of claim 27 , wherein the rotor shaft is configured to rotate the rotor hub in either a first or a second direction about the axis.29. The rotor of claim 28 , wherein during rotation of the rotor hub in the first direction claim 28 , the continuous helical blade expands under fluid counterpressure.30. The rotor of claim 29 , wherein during rotation of the rotor hub in the first direction claim 29 , the expanded continuous helical blade conveys fluid in a conveying direction from the second end of the rotor hub to the first end of the rotor hub.31. The rotor of claim 30 , wherein the conveying direction extends from a distal end of the continuous helical blade to a proximal end of the continuous helical blade.32. The rotor of claim 29 , wherein during rotation of the rotor hub in the second direction claim 29 , the continuous helical blade compresses onto the rotor hub.33. The rotor of claim 29 , wherein the continuous helical blade extends radially from a blade root coupled to the rotor hub to a radial blade tip.34. The rotor of claim 33 , wherein the ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Cavitation Device

Номер: US20160339400A1
Автор: Fair Jeff, Smith Kevin W.
Принадлежит: Highland Fluid Technology, Ltd.

An improved cavitation mixing and heating device employs an inlet directed toward the vertex of a conical or similar flow-directing element. The flow patterns of the fluid material to be mixed and heated are designed to preheat, spread, and create turbulent flow mixing of the fluid before it enters the cavitation zone, using heat generated in the cavitation zone that is conducted through the body of the cavitation rotor. The functions of the axially oriented inlet and flow directing element are assisted by a cantilever construction to alleviate stress on the bearings. 120-. (canceled)21. A cavitation device comprising (a) a housing defining an internal cylindrical surface , said housing also having an inlet side and an outlet side (b) a cavitation rotor having a cylindrical cavitation surface , said cavitation rotor residing within said housing to form a cavitation zone with said internal cylindrical surface , (c) a shaft for turning said rotor , said shaft passing through a bearing in said outlet side , (d) a flow director on said cavitation rotor , said flow director having a central vertex and a generally circular base , and (e) a fluid inlet located on said inlet side , said fluid inlet axially aligned with said central vertex and said shaft.22. The cavitation device of wherein said flow director is substantially conical.23. The cavitation device of wherein said flow director is screw shaped.24. The cavitation device of wherein said flow director has a curved profile selected from parabolic claim 21 , hyperbolic claim 21 , elliptical and campanulate.25. The cavitation device of wherein said cavitation rotor is made of titanium.26. The cavitation device of including a fluid outlet on said outlet side.27. The cavitation device of wherein said fluid outlet is located closer to said shaft than said internal cylindrical surface of said housing.28. The cavitation device of wherein said cavitation zone is 0.1 inch to three inches in height.29. The cavitation device of ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160341281A1

According to some embodiments, a subsea fluid processing system is described that includes a subsea electric motor that rotates a motor shaft about a central axis. A subsea fluid processing machine driven by a second shaft being rotated about the central axis. A subsea gear train system includes a plurality of gears positioned in one or more at least partially or fully oil-filled volumes. The plurality of gears are configured and arranged to transmit power from the first shaft to the second shaft wherein one revolution of the first shaft causes greater than one revolution of the second shaft. In some examples the gear form an epicyclic gear train arrangement. 1. A subsea gear train system comprising a plurality of gears arranged and configured to transmit power from a first shaft driven by a subsea electric motor to a second shaft that drives a subsea fluid processing machine , wherein one revolution of said first shaft causes greater than one revolution of said second shaft.2. A system according to wherein said plurality of gears are positioned in one or more volumes each of which is at least partially filled with an oil.3. A system according to wherein said one or more volumes are completely filled with the oil.4. A system according to wherein said plurality of gears forms an epicyclical gear train comprising:a sun gear having a plurality of teeth about an outer periphery and positioned in axial alignment with a central axis of said electric motor and of said subsea fluid processing machine;a plurality of planetary gears supported by a carrier, each having teeth about an outer periphery and positioned such that said teeth of each planetary teeth mesh with the teeth of said sun gear; anda non-rotating annular gear having a plurality of teeth about an inner periphery and positioned such that the teeth of the annular gear mesh with the teeth of each planetary gear.5. A system according to wherein said plurality of planetary gears includes at least three planetary ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Fluid Pump Assembly

Номер: US20190323512A1
Принадлежит: Tuthill Corporation

A fluid transfer pump assembly that includes a motor enclosure assembly that forms a motor cavity sized to receive a motor. The motor enclosure includes a flame path that extends from an interior joint to an exterior joint. The interior joint faces the motor cavity and the exterior joint faces exterior of the motor enclosure assembly. A heat sink is located in the motor cavity of the motor enclosure assembly. A portion of the heat sink abuts the interior joint. 1. A fluid transfer pump assembly comprising:a motor enclosure assembly formed by a motor enclosure and an end bell;wherein the motor enclosure and the end bell join together to form a motor cavity sized to receive a motor;wherein the motor enclosure includes a collar that extends from the motor enclosure at a collar base, encircles a portion of the motor cavity, and terminates at a collar end distal from the collar base;wherein the collar includes a collar surface;wherein the end bell includes a flange that extends from the end bell at a flange base, encircles a portion of the motor cavity, and terminates at a flange end distal from the flange base;wherein the flange includes a flange surface;wherein when the motor enclosure and the end bell are joined together to form the motor cavity, the collar surface faces the flange surface to form a flame path between the collar and flange surfaces;wherein when the motor enclosure and the end bell are joined together to form the motor cavity the collar base is located adjacent the flange end to form an interior-only joint that faces the motor cavity but not located exterior of the motor enclosure assembly;wherein when the motor enclosure and the end bell are joined together to form the motor cavity the flange base is located adjacent the collar end to form an exterior-only joint that is located exterior of the motor cavity and does not face the motor cavity;wherein the flame path extends from the interior-only joint to the exterior-only joint;a heat sink composed of a ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160348688A1

The invention relates to a rotor () for a fluid pump (), in particular for use in the medical sphere, the rotor being compressible for bringing to the place of use and thereafter being expandable. The compressibility is assisted by the provision of cavities (), in particular also production of the rotor at least partially from a foam. 116-. (canceled)17. A fluid pump comprising:a compressible rotor havingat least one blade, andat least one anisotropic cavity having a greater extension in a first direction than in directions essentially perpendicular to the first direction.18. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one anisotropic cavity is oriented with a longitudinal axis perpendicular to an outer surface of the at least one blade.19. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one anisotropic cavity is provided in the at least one blade.20. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one anisotropic cavity is configured claim 17 , in cross-section claim 17 , to be round or polygonal claim 17 , in particular octagonal claim 17 , hexagonal claim 17 , triangular or square.21. The fluid pump of claim 20 , wherein the at least one anisotropic cavity has a strand shape.22. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one anisotropic cavity is orientated with the direction of its greatest stability in the direction of the pressure forces which arise within the rotor during operation.23. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one anisotropic cavity's greatest stability is its longitudinal axis.24. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one blade is configured to be self-supporting and hub-free.25. The fluid pump of claim 17 , wherein the at least one blade is provided in a hub body.26. The fluid pump of claim 17 , further comprising a compressible housing surrounding the rotor.27. The fluid pump of claim 26 , wherein the housing consists at least partially of a material comprising cavities.28. The fluid pump of claim 27 , ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180335037A1

A pump rotor including a hub defining a major longitudinal axis. A magnet is disposed within the hub along the major longitudinal axis. A plurality of rotor blades project outwardly from the hub away from the longitudinal axis and are spaced apart from one another in a circumferential direction around the longitudinal axis. Each of the plurality of rotor blades define a hydrodynamic bearing at an outer extremity thereof remote from the hub. The plurality of rotor blades define a plurality of flow channels. Each of the plurality of rotor blades is configured to drive a fluid through the flow channels upon rotation of the rotor around the axis. 1. A pump rotor , comprising:a hub defining a major longitudinal axis;a magnet disposed within the hub along the major longitudinal axis; anda plurality of rotor blades projecting outwardly from the hub away from the longitudinal axis and being spaced apart from one another in a circumferential direction around the longitudinal axis, each of the plurality of rotor blades defining a hydrodynamic bearing at an outer extremity thereof remote from the hub, the plurality of rotor blades defining a plurality of flow channels, each of the plurality of rotor blades being configured to drive a fluid through the flow channels upon rotation of the rotor around the axis.2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of rotor blades are non-ferromagnetic.3. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of rotor blades define a collective area at an outer periphery of the rotor remote from the hub claim 1 , and wherein the flow channels define a collective area at the outer periphery claim 1 , and wherein the collective area defined by the plurality of rotor blades at the outer periphery is greater than the collective area defined by the flow channels at the outer periphery.4. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the magnet is a unitary solid and is coaxial with the hub claim 1 , the magnet being radially magnetized and defining a plurality of ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160354525A1

An impeller includes a hub and a blade supported by the hub. The impeller has a stored configuration in which the blade is compressed so that its distal end moves towards the hub, and a deployed configuration in which the blade extends away from the hub. The impeller may be part of a pump for pumping fluids, such as blood, and may include a cannula having a proximal portion with a fixed diameter, and a distal portion with an expandable diameter. The impeller may reside in the expandable portion of the cannula. The cannula may have a compressed diameter which allows it to be inserted percutaneously into a patient. Once at a desired location, the expandable portion of the cannula may be expanded and the impeller expanded to the deployed configuration. A flexible drive shaft may extend through the cannula for rotationally driving the impeller within the patient. 1. (canceled)2. A catheter pump comprising:a cannula having an inlet and an outlet;an impeller disposed in the cannula, the impeller sized and shaped to be inserted into a heart of a patient; anda stator disposed downstream of the impeller in the cannula between the impeller and the outlet, the stator configured to reduce swirl velocity from discharge flow from the impeller.3. The catheter pump of claim 2 , wherein the stator comprises an expandable and collapsible structure.4. The catheter pump of claim 3 , wherein the cannula is expandable and collapsible.5. The catheter pump of claim 4 , wherein the impeller is expandable and collapsible.6. The catheter pump of claim 4 , further comprising a retainer sheath claim 4 , the retainer sheath configured to hold the stator and the cannula in a collapsed configuration when the stator and cannula are disposed in the retainer sheath and in an expanded configuration when urged out of the retainer sheath.7. The catheter pump of claim 4 , wherein the cannula comprises a mesh.8. The catheter pump of claim 7 , further comprising an elastic coating disposed about the mesh.9 ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340498A1
Автор: Ifrim Costin

A top side-less pump system for managing multiphase fluid includes a pump subsystem having a suction and a discharge. A first gas liquid extraction unit has a multiphase fluid inlet and a liquid outlet. The liquid outlet is coupled to the suction for providing a liquid rich fluid to the bearing lubrications. An ejector is coupled to a gas outlet of the main gas liquid extraction unit to receive a gas rich fluid. A second gas liquid extraction unit is coupled to an outlet of the ejector. A water based lubrication liquid unit is coupled to the inlets of the pump and, after being energized at higher to pressure, injected into the bearings through built in lubrication and cooling passages. 1. A fluid system for managing a multiphase fluid , comprising:a fluid subsystem having a suction, a discharge and a motor;a liquid separator at the discharge of the fluid subsystem;a first gas/liquid extraction unit having a multiphase fluid inlet and a liquid outlet, the liquid outlet coupled to the suction for providing a first liquid rich fluid to the suction;an ejector coupled to a gas outlet of the first gas/liquid extraction unit to receive a secondary gas rich fluid and coupled to a liquid outlet of the liquid separator to receive a second liquid rich fluid from the liquid separator; anda second gas/liquid extraction unit having an inlet coupled to an outlet of the ejector, the second gas/liquid extraction unit having a liquid rich fluid outlet coupled to an internal bearing lubrication inlet of the fluid subsystem.2. The fluid system of claim 1 , where the fluid subsystem comprises a subsea pump subsystem configured to operate submersed in a body of water.3. The fluid system of claim 1 , where the fluid subsystem comprises a top side-less inside out pump.4. The fluid system of claim 1 , where the ejector is powered to pump fluid to its outlet by fluid from the discharge of the fluid subsystem.5. The fluid system of claim 1 , where the fluid subsystem is configured to operate ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160369805A1
Принадлежит: Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

One aspect of the invention relates to a pump device comprising an impeller; a pump housing surrounding an interior region and having an inlet and an outlet. The impeller is provided in the interior region of the pump housing. The wall of the pump housing has at least one first subregion and at least two further subregions in at least one plane perpendicular to the longitudinal extension of the pump housing. The at least one first subregion comprises at least 60% by weight, based on the total mass of the at least one first subregion, of at least one nonmagnetic material. The further subregions comprise at least 41% by weight, based on the total mass of the further subregions, of at least one ferromagnetic material, wherein each further subregion is adjacent to at least one first subregion in the plane. 117-. (canceled)18. A pump device comprising:a pump housing comprising a wall surrounding an interior region and having an inlet and an outlet;an impeller provided in the interior region of the pump housing;wherein the wall of the pump housing has at least one first subregion and at least two further subregions in at least one plane perpendicular to the longitudinal extension of the pump housing;wherein the at least one first subregion comprises at least 60% by weight, based on the total mass of the at least one first subregion, of at least one nonmagnetic material;wherein the further subregions comprise at least 41% by weight, based on the total mass of the further subregions, of at least one ferromagnetic material;wherein each further subregion is adjacent to at least one first subregion in the plane; andwherein the at least one first subregion and the further subregions are connected to one another in a material-fitting manner.19. The pump device of claim 18 , wherein at least part of each further subregion is in each case surrounded by at least one electric coil.20. The pump device of claim 18 , wherein the nonmagnetic material of the at least one first subregion ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200348044A1

A hydrodynamic heater includes an inlet port for receiving a stream of fluid from an external source and an outlet port for discharging a stream of heated fluid from the hydrodynamic heater. A hydrodynamic chamber operates to selectively heat fluid present within an interior region of the hydrodynamic chamber. The hydrodynamic chamber includes an inlet port and an outlet port located along an interior wall of the hydrodynamic chamber. The hydrodynamic chamber inlet port is fluidly connected to the inlet port of the hydrodynamic heater. The hydrodynamic heater includes a fluid metering device having an inlet fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic heater inlet port and an outlet fluidly connected to the inlet port of the hydrodynamic chamber. 1. A hydrodynamic heater comprising:a hydrodynamic heater inlet port for receiving a stream of fluid from an external source;a hydrodynamic heater outlet port operable for discharging a stream of heated fluid from the hydrodynamic heater;a hydrodynamic chamber operable to selectively heat a fluid present within an interior region of the hydrodynamic chamber when operating the hydrodynamic heater, the hydrodynamic chamber including a hydrodynamic chamber inlet port and a hydrodynamic chamber outlet port located along an interior wall of the hydrodynamic chamber, the hydrodynamic chamber inlet port fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic heater inlet port; andan inlet fluid metering device having an inlet fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic heater inlet port and an outlet fluidly connected to the hydrodynamic chamber inlet port.2. The hydrodynamic heater of further comprising:a stator; anda rotor coaxially aligned with and located adjacent the stator, the rotor operably rotatable about an axis of rotation relative to the stator, wherein the rotor and stator at least partially define the interior region of the hydrodynamic chamber.3. The hydrodynamic heater of claim 2 , wherein the hydrodynamic chamber outlet port is located a radial ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180356128A1

A screw compressor is disclosed. The screw compressor includes a suction inlet that receives a working fluid to be compressed; a compression mechanism fluidly connected to the suction inlet that compresses the working fluid; a discharge outlet fluidly connected to the compression mechanism that outputs the working fluid following compression by the compression mechanism; wherein the compression mechanism fluidly communicates with one or more outlets disposed at an intermediate location between the suction inlet and the discharge outlet, the one or more outlets being selectively fluidly connectable to the discharge outlet such that the working fluid can be provided from the one or more outlets to the discharge outlet. 1. A screw compressor , comprising:a suction inlet that receives a working fluid to be compressed;a compression mechanism fluidly connected to the suction inlet that compresses the working fluid;a discharge outlet fluidly connected to the compression mechanism that outputs the working fluid following compression by the compression mechanism;wherein the compression mechanism fluidly communicates with one or more outlets disposed at an intermediate location between the suction inlet and the discharge outlet, the one or more outlets being selectively fluidly connectable to the discharge outlet such that the working fluid can be provided from the one or more outlets to the discharge outlet.2. The screw compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more outlets are selectively fluidly connectable via a slide piston assembly.3. The screw compressor according to claim 2 , wherein the slide piston assembly is actuatable based on a discharge pressure of the screw compressor.4. The screw compressor according to claim 3 , wherein when the discharge pressure is relatively highest claim 3 , the one or more outlets are fluidly blocked from the discharge outlet.5. The screw compressor according to claim 3 , wherein when the discharge pressure is relatively less ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200362871A1

A vertical rotating system that includes a first vertical shaft that rotates. The first vertical shaft is oriented such that the gravitational force is substantially parallel to the first vertical shaft. A radial bearing extends about a first portion of the first vertical shaft. A first impeller sectioned couples to the first vertical shaft and rotates in a first direction to pump a first fluid. A first stator surrounds the first vertical shaft. The first stator defines a first groove that extends about a second portion of the first vertical shaft. The first groove receives a second fluid. A pressure of the second fluid drives the first vertical shaft away from the first groove. 1. A vertical rotating system , comprising:a first vertical shaft configured to rotate, wherein the first vertical shaft is oriented such that the gravitational force is substantially parallel to the first vertical shaft;a radial bearing configured to extend about a first portion of the first vertical shaft.a first impeller section coupled to the first vertical shaft and configured to rotate in a first direction to pump a first fluid; anda first stator surrounding the first vertical shaft, the first stator defining a first groove that extends about a second portion of the first vertical shaft, the first groove is configured to receive a second fluid, and wherein a pressure of the second fluid drives the first vertical shaft away from the first groove.2. The vertical rotating system of claim 1 , wherein the first groove extends between 1-270 degrees about the first vertical shaft.3. The vertical rotating system of claim 1 , comprising a second groove axially offset from the first groove along a central axis of the first vertical shaft claim 1 , wherein the second groove is configured to receive the second fluid from the first groove.4. The vertical rotating system of claim 3 , wherein the second groove extends circumferentially about an entire circumference of the first vertical shaft.5. The ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190383298A1
Автор: Toellner Thomas

To design the rotor () as compressible in the radial direction in a fluid pump, in particular for microinvasive medical use, said rotor is configured as stretchable in its longitudinal direction () by push elements and pull elements acting axially on it. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for inserting an elastically compressible and expandable intravascular fluid pump into a patient , the method comprising:compressing a rotor within a pump housing of the expandable intravascular fluid pump for insertion into a blood vessel of the patient;inserting the pump housing into the blood vessel of the patient, wherein the rotor is held in tension by a first element coupled to a distal end of the rotor and a second element coupled to a proximal end of the rotor within a hollow tube during insertion into the patient;positioning the pump housing in a position in the vasculature of the patient;expanding the rotor at the position in the vasculature of the patient; andactuating the intravascular fluid pump comprising the expanded rotor.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein compressing the rotor within the pump housing for insertion into the blood vessel of the patient further comprises elastically stretching the rotor in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the hollow tube such that a diameter of the rotor changes.19. The method of claim 18 , further comprising applying a force in mutually opposite directions at different ends of the rotor to elastically stretch the rotor such that a diameter of the rotor changes.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the diameter of the rotor decreases.21. The method of claim 17 , wherein compressing the rotor within a pump housing for insertion into the blood vessel of the patient further comprises elastically stretching the pump housing in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the hollow tube such that a diameter of the rotor changes.22. The method of claim 17 , comprising changing a diameter of the rotor by changing a length of the rotor.23. ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200407940A1

There is disclosed an excavation apparatus (5), such as an underwater excavation apparatus, having means for producing, in use, at least one vortex, spiral or turbulent flow in a laminar flow of fluid, e.g. water. The excavation apparatus (5) comprises a rotor (10) having a rotor rotation axis (A), wherein, in use, flow of fluid passed or across the rotor (10) is at a first angle (a) from the axis of rotation (A). The excavation apparatus (5) comprises the rotor (10) and means or an arrangement for dampening reactive torque on the apparatus (5) caused by rotation of the rotor (10), in use. The turbulent flow is provided within, such as within a (transverse) cross-section, of the laminar flow. 1. An underwater excavation apparatus comprising:a housing comprising an inlet and an outlet;at least one rotor comprising an impeller provided within the housing;at least one stator provided within the housing; andan arrangement for producing at least one vortex in a flow of fluid, whereinthe or each at least one vortex producing arrangement comprises a planar member provided adjacent the outlet of the housing, an edge of the planar member being attached to the housing or to a body within the housing.2. An underwater excavation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one vortex producing arrangement comprises a plurality of vortex producing arrangements which together comprise a closed shape.3. An underwater excavation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the vortex producing arrangement causes a spiralling movement of fluid flowing out of the excavation apparatus.4. An underwater excavation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the excavation apparatus comprises a single rotor.5. An underwater excavation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the excavation apparatus comprises a single stator.6. An underwater excavation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whereinin a first mode of operation, comprising an excavation mode, the outlet faces an area to ...
