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03-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722691C2

Изобретение относится к способам, системе и невременным носителям для идентификации геометрических клонов в системе моделирования для моделирования компонента продукта. Технический результат заключается в автоматизации определения подобных элементов и ассоциации их для последующей аналогичной обработки. Способ содержит: выбор шаблона геометрической формы и генерацию и сохранение карты шаблона; генерация карты шаблона содержит исследование ребер и вершин шаблона или ребер и граней шаблона последовательно от начальной точки шаблона, для обнаружения других ребер и вершин шаблона или других ребер и граней шаблона, до возврата к начальной точке шаблона или достижения ветви в шаблоне, идентификацию геометрической формы-кандидата; исследование идентифицированной геометрической формы-кандидата; генерацию карты исследуемой геометрической формы-кандидата; сравнение карты исследуемой геометрической формы-кандидата с картой шаблона и маркировку геометрической формы-кандидата как клона, если она совпадает ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559741C2
Принадлежит: Нокиа Корпорейшн (FI)

Изобретение относится к аннотированию информации о точках интереса. Техническим результатом является обеспечение аннотирования информации о точках интереса на основе разделения структур. Способ аннотирования информации о точке интереса на основе разделения структур, включающий определение с помощью процессора одного или более визуального представления по меньшей мере одной структуры, обнаружение одного или более визуального признака на упомянутом одном или более визуальном представлении по меньшей мере одной структуры, определение одного или более разделений упомянутой по меньшей мере одной структуры по меньшей мере частично на основе одного или более визуальных признаков, обнаруженных на одном или более визуальных представлений, определение одной или более точек интереса, связанных по меньшей мере с одной структурой, и принятие решения по отображению упомянутых одной или более точек интереса, по меньшей мере, частично на основе упомянутых одного или более разделений. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы ...

16-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677386C1

Изобретение относится к области цифровых вычислительных систем для обработки входной информации о характеристиках боевых средств противоборствующих сторон. Техническим результатом является обеспечение двухэтапного моделирования одновременного боя с разнородными группировками противника с учетом возможности поражения соседних боевых средств. В способе исходные данные значений показателей своих боевых средств и средств каждой из группировок противника дополняют информацией о возможности поражения боевыми средствами противостоящих сторон соседних боевых средств, вычисляют относительные вклады потоков интенсивностей огня каждой группировки противника и осуществляют первый этап моделирования одновременного боя с группировками противника с распределением потока своего воздействия пропорционально относительным вкладам потоков интенсивностей огня каждой группировки противника до наступления времени, при котором значения коэффициентов боевого превосходства по каждой группировке противника становятся ...

19-03-2021 дата публикации

Способ определения площади анатомических областей и отделов со сложным рельефом

Номер: RU2745078C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к способу определения площади анатомических областей и отделов со сложным рельефом. Вначале определяют у пациента «зону интереса», имеющую сложный рельеф, на которой планируют произвести подсчет площади поверхности. Далее производят фотосъемку «зоны интереса» оптическим цифровым фотоаппаратом для получения достаточного количества цифровых фотоснимков с максимального количества доступных ракурсов, предварительно разместив рядом с «зоной интереса» шаблон в виде плоского равностороннего треугольника с заранее заданными размерами, необходимыми для масштабирования полученных цифровых фотоснимков. Фотосъемку осуществляют, поместив «зону интереса» в основание полусферы, образованной меридианами, расположенными через каждые 30 градусов относительно друг друга, снимая «зону интереса» вдоль меридиана через каждые 30 градусов. В процессе фотосъемки у фотоаппарата должны быть неизменны значения выдержки, ISO, диафрагмы и фокусного расстояния. Затем ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Siliciumgesteuerter Gleichrichter mit anpassbarer Auslösespannung mit Verspannungsunterstützung

Номер: DE112012001822B4

Verfahren zum Modulieren eines Auslösestroms bei der Herstellung eines siliciumgesteuerten Gleichrichters, im Folgenden englisch abgekürzt als SCR bezeichnet, wobei das Verfahren aufweist:Ausüben einer ersten mechanischen Verspannung von einer ersten Verspannungsschicht auf einen ersten Bereich des SCR in einem Ausmaß, das zum Anpassen des Werts des elektrischen Widerstands des ersten Bereichs ausreicht, wobei der elektrische Widerstand des ersten Bereichs in Serie mit einer Diodenkette verbunden ist zum Bereitstellen eines Spannungsauslösenetzes, welches durch eine Auslösespannung und einen Auslösestrom für den SCR gekennzeichnet ist, und dadurch zum Modulieren des Auslösestroms des SCR,wobei die erste Verspannungsschicht aus einem dielektrischen Material besteht und der Verspannungszustand der verspannten dielektrischen Schicht durch Ändern der Abscheidebedingungen derselben gesteuert wird.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Vorhersage und/oder Reduzierung der Verformung einer mehrteiligen Baugruppe

Номер: DE102019113805B4

Vorrichtung zur Vorhersage und/oder Reduzierung einer Verformung einer Baugruppe (110), die bei Herstellung zumindest einer Schweißnaht (203) zur Verbindung eines ersten Bauteils (201) und eines zweiten Bauteils (202) der Baugruppe (110) bewirkt wird; wobei die Vorrichtung eingerichtet ist,- ein Finite Elemente, kurz FE, Modell (310) der Baugruppe (110) zu ermitteln und/oder bereitzustellen; wobei das FE-Modell (310) eine Menge von FEs (311) für die Schweißnaht (203) und eine Menge von FEs (311) für das erste und zweite Bauteil (201, 202) umfasst;- ein oder mehrere Referenzeigenschaften des ersten Bauteils (201) und/oder des zweiten Bauteils (202) zu ermitteln; wobei die ein oder mehreren Referenzeigenschaften umfassen,- ein Material des ersten Bauteils (201) und/oder des zweiten Bauteils (202); und/oder- eine Materialstärke des ersten Bauteils (201) und/oder des zweiten Bauteils (202);- ein Ausmaß einer zu veranlassenden räumlichen Kontraktion der Menge von FEs (311) für die Schweißnaht ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019133902A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Anwendung im ADAS Bereich, umfassend die Schritte:a) Erfassen von ersten Bewegungsdaten (5) von realen ersten Fußgängern (1);b) Verarbeiten der ersten Bewegungsdaten (5) so, dass kategorisierte erste Bewegungsdaten (6) erzeugt werden;c1) Simulieren (11) von Fußgängern (2) anhand der kategorisierten ersten Bewegungsdaten (6) durch ein zweites neuronales Netzwerk (8).

04-06-2020 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Vorhersagen einer analytischen Anomalie bei der rechnerischen Fluiddynamikanalyse

Номер: DE102019126292A1

Es werden ein System und ein Verfahren zum Vorhersagen einer analytischen Anomalie geschaffen. Das Verfahren zum Vorhersagen einer analytischen Anomalie kann das Erzeugen eines Signalerzeugungsmodells und eines Analysemodells für ein Entwurfsobjekt basierend auf ersten Analysedaten, das Anwenden eines durch das Signalerzeugungsmodell erzeugten Signals auf das Analysemodell basierend auf zweiten Analysedaten, um einen oder mehrere geschätzte Werte zu berechnen, das Vergleichen der geschätzten Werte und der zweiten Analysedaten, um mehrere Frühwarninformationen zu erzeugen, und darauf basierend, ob die mehreren Frühwarninformationen eine vorgegebene Bedingung erfüllen, das Bestimmen, ob eine Frühwarnung auszugeben ist, enthalten.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Modellieren eines Leistungshalbleitermodules

Номер: DE102019203631A1

Verfahren (10) zum Modellieren eines Leistungshalbleitermodules, gekennzeichnet durch folgende Merkmale:- anhand einer Systemantwort (11) des Leistungshalbleitermodules auf eine vorgegebene Änderung der Wärmeeinspeisung wird eine Zeitreihe von Temperaturdaten (25) gewonnen,- die Zeitreihe wird in einen Eingangsvektor für ein künstliches neuronales Netz (31) überführt und- mittels des Netzes (31) werden Parameter eines thermischen Modells des Leistungshalbleitermodules ermittelt.

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Trainieren eines Energiemanagementsystems in einer Energiebordnetzsimulation

Номер: DE102019130393A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Trainieren eines Energiemanagementsystems (500) in einer Energiebordnetzsimulation. Es wird ausgeführt: Simulieren eines Fahrzyklus mit definierter Rekuperation; Aufzeichnen von Zustandsgrößen (710) des Energiebordnetzes (700); Berechnen einer Rekuperationsleistung aus einem Rekuperationsstrom und einer Batteriespannung; Erzeugen von Eingangsvektoren eines neuronalen Netzes (510); Erzeugen einer Belohnungsfunktion (610); und Trainieren des neuronalen Netzes (510).

05-01-2022 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Designen eines Musters für einen tragbaren Gegenstand

Номер: DE102016209671B4

Vorrichtung (100) zum Designen eines Musters für einen tragbaren Gegenstand umfassend: a. Positionserkennungsmittel (110A, 110B, 110C), welches dazu geeignet ist eine Position von zumindest einem Bereich auf einem Körper eines Benutzers (120) zu erkennen; und b. Datenverarbeitungsmittel (130), welches dazu geeignet ist zumindest eine Überschneidung von zumindest einem virtuellen Objekt (141) und dem Bereich des Körpers des Benutzers (120), und Musterdaten stellvertretend für ein Muster für den tragbaren Gegenstand basierend auf der Überschneidung zu berechnen; wobei die zumindest eine Überschneidung definiert wird durch eine Bewegung des Körpers des Benutzers relativ zu dem zumindest einen virtuellen Objekt.

08-09-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for integrated and comprehensive hydraulic, thermal and mechanical tubular design analysis for complex well trajectories

Номер: GB0002592799A

Systems, methods, and computer-readable media for an integrated and comprehensive hydraulic, environmental, and mechanical tubular design analysis workflow and simulator for complex well trajectories. An example method can include obtaining data defining a configuration of a wellbore having a complex well trajectory, one or more operations to be performed at the wellbore, and one or more loads associated with the wellbore; calculating environmental conditions associated with a set of wellbore components along the complex well trajectory based on the data defining the configuration of the wellbore, the one or more operations, and the one or more loads; calculating stress conditions associated with the set of wellbore components based on the environmental conditions and the data defining the configuration of the wellbore, the one or more operations, and the one or more loads; and presenting the environmental conditions and the stress conditions via a graphical user interface.

13-01-2021 дата публикации

Simulation system

Номер: GB0002585518A

A simulation system that includes a control unit. The control unit references a detection result from a detection unit for detecting a portable unit prepared for a simulation of a building, and controls a display device so as to display an image related to the building.

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000529810T

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for generating permeability scaling functions to estimate permeability

Номер: AU2018410470A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Systems and methods for generating permeability scaling function for different features of interest are disclosed. Exemplary implementations may: obtain subsurface data sets; generate permeability scaling functions for individual features of interest; store the permeability scaling functions; and generate upscaled subsurface distributions using the permeability scaling functions.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Computer aided systems and methods for creating custom products

Номер: AU2019384803A1

A computer-aided design system enables physical articles to be customized via printing or embroidering and enables digital content to be customized and electronically shared. A user interface may be generated that includes an image of a model of an article of manufacture and user customizable design areas. Customization permissions associated with a selected design area are accessed. User provided content to be used in customizing a design area may be analyzed in real time or in batch mode using a trained engine to determine if it complies with one or more rules. If the user provided content satisfies a corresponding rule, manufacturing instructions and a design file may be transmitted to a printing system.

02-12-2021 дата публикации

System and method for role-based collaborative design of custom products based on manufacturing constraints

Номер: AU2020270084A1

In some embodiments, a system and a computer-implemented method for role-based collaborative design based on manufacturing constraints are disclosed. A method comprises: receiving, at a computer collaboration system, an electronic digital editing invitation from a first user interface that executes on a first user device associated with a first user, the editing invitation comprising inviting a second user to collaborate on a digital electronic interactive design as an editor, the interactive design comprising a graphical visual representation of a physical product that is capable of custom manufacture with variable product attributes; transmitting to a second user device of the second user, the product description data for rendering the interactive design in a second user interface executing on the second user device; receiving a first modification to the interactive design from the second user interface; automatically generating a first updated product description data based on the first ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Collision check data processing method and apparatus, electronic device, and storage medium

Номер: AU2018314520A1

The disclosure provides a collision check data processing method and apparatus, an electronic device, and a storage medium. The method comprises: obtaining generated collision check data, and obtaining, according to the collision check data, an ID number of a colliding part; obtaining, from a preset database, an ID number corresponding to a selected specified part; and determining, according to the ID number corresponding to the specified part and the ID number of the colliding part, a target part under collision. The disclosure determines, among large amounts of collision check data and according to an ID number corresponding to a specified part and an ID number of a colliding part, a target part under collision. That is, the disclosure checks, according to a user requirement, a single item among collision check data, thereby improving work efficiency.

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002776698C

The invention discloses a computer-implemented process for selecting a manipulator of an object among a plurality of objects displayed in a graphical user interface, each object comprising at least one manipulator. The process comprises the steps of - providing (S 100) a set of manipulators, wherein each manipulator comprises at least one picking area and at least two picking areas of different manipulators of the set overlap; - receiving (S 150), upon a user interaction with the graphical user interface, an event applied on the said at least two overlapping picking areas; - triggering a set of filters (S 170) for selecting one manipulator of the set to be activated.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3118571A1

A computer-aided design system enables physical articles to be customized via printing or embroidering and enables digital content to be customized and electronically shared. A user interface may be generated that includes an image of a model of an article of manufacture and user customizable design areas. Customization permissions associated with a selected design area are accessed. User provided content to be used in customizing a design area may be analyzed in real time or in batch mode using a trained engine to determine if it complies with one or more rules. If the user provided content satisfies a corresponding rule, manufacturing instructions and a design file may be transmitted to a printing system.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131425A1

Selecting a fracing-plan-to-apply to optimize a complexity index includes identifying a set of controllable input variables that defines a fracing plan. Initial values for the set of controllable input variables are defined. The initial values of the set of controllable input variables are processed to produce an initial stimulated geometry. A complexity estimator is applied to the initial stimulated geometry to produce an initial complexity index, which is evaluated to identify at least one variation from the initial values, which is processed to produce a variation stimulated geometry for each of the at least one variation from the initial values. The complexity estimator is applied to the at least one variation stimulated geometry to produce a variation complexity index for each of the at least one variation from the initial values. The fracing-plan-to-apply is selected from among the initial values and the at least one variation from the initial values.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3136181A1

Computer-implemented systems and methods of designing multi-unit buildings and portions of buildings are provided which include a set of one or more input requirements, a relationships module, an options placement system, a layout predictor system, and a design plan generator. The input requirements include one or more pre-defined footprints and may include local regulatory requirements such as building code, zoning, accessibility, among others. The relationships module defines a hierarchy of relationships between the one or more pre-defined footprints, and the relationships include one or more of adjacency, dependency, and connectivity. The options placement system analyzes the one or more input requirements and the hierarchy of relationships and provides one or more optional feasible designs for a building or portion of a building that can be built on the one or more pre-defined footprints.

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002813924C

The invention relates to a method for producing a product, in which the following steps are performed for each working point (11, 30) for which it is to be determined whether the point is inside or outside an object typically corresponding to the product to be produced or to a part (layer, slice) of the product to be produced, namely: determining at least one line (12) from between a line passing through the working point (11; 30) with which is associated a counter dedicated solely to the working point and a line passing through an image (31) of the working point with which image is associated a counter dedicated solely to this image of the working point; on each of the elementary surfaces, (i) searching for an intersection between the elementary surface (15) and one of the lines from the line (12) passing through the working point (11; 30) and the line passing through the image of the working point (31) and (ii) modifying the counter if the intersection exists, steps (i) and (ii) being ...

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2893586C

There is provided a 3D virtual environment interaction system comprising: a processing unit for generating a 3D virtual environment comprising a planar reference frame for allowing a user to perform a user interaction with the 3D virtual environment; a display unit for displaying the generated 3D virtual environment; a portable input device for allowing the user to control the position and orientation of the planar reference frame within the generated 3D virtual environment, the portable input device comprising a planar input surface; a position and orientation sensor for monitoring the position and orientation of the planar input surface in a real-world space, the position and orientation sensor allowing the processing unit to modify at least one of the position and the orientation of the planar reference frame in response to a change in a corresponding one of the position and orientation of the planar input surface.

08-12-2020 дата публикации

Extending driving device for ceramic tile distribution calculating device

Номер: CN0110700519B

04-12-2020 дата публикации

Vacation time

Номер: CN0106455745B

23-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102181988B1

20-03-2020 дата публикации

Auto-generation system of 4D Building Information Modeling animation

Номер: KR0102091721B1

21-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for exhibition booth design and apparatus using the method

Номер: KR0102103112B1

01-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102102422B1

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102144572B1

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Optimization design method applying fail-safe concept

Номер: KR0102194022B1

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Ethernet cable

Номер: KR0102181049B1

27-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102097183B1

23-06-2020 дата публикации

Method for developing an assembly having at least one mechatronic component and corresponding device

Номер: KR0102125636B1

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Retaining well construction using reverse analysis

Номер: KR1020200107355A

02-12-2020 дата публикации

Method of collision assessments and probability calculations of space objects

Номер: KR1020200134799A

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Semiconductor device

Номер: KR1020200143631A

23-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200131056A

22-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200071973A

12-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200015823A

13-05-2020 дата публикации

Threshing Drum for Combine and Settinf Method for Teeth Arrange of It

Номер: KR1020200051285A

13-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200116711A

08-05-2020 дата публикации

the manufacturing method of the fiber panel using fiber plastic

Номер: KR1020200049160A

08-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200049373A

14-10-2020 дата публикации

library recommendation method for computer aided design

Номер: KR1020200117536A

08-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200037116A

29-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200076463A

01-12-2020 дата публикации

System of automatically monitoring the PVD coating quality by image data and method of the same

Номер: TW0202044109A

The present invention related to a system of automatically monitoring the PVD coating quality by image data and method of the same. The system comprised an operating unit, at least an imaging device and a controlling device. The operating unit has a reactor which is used to carry out PVD to coat workpieces. The imaging device will image the workpieces during the process. The controlling device electrically connects to each imaging device. The controlling device is used to recognize the image data and compare it with a database to judge the coating quality is proper or not.

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: TWI706366B

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021151513A1

A method (500) for 3D modeling of one or more regions of interest. The method includes obtaining (s502) information indicating that a person's gaze is fixed. Advantageously, the method further includes, in response to obtaining the information indicating that the person's gaze is fixed, initiating (s504) an active scan of a region of interest (ROI), wherein the ROI is a region in which the person's gaze is directed.

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020231656A3

An example system for designing a patient matched implant for an orthopedic joint repair surgical procedure includes a memory configured to store a model of a bone of a patient; and processing circuitry. The processing circuitry may be configured to: obtain the model of the bone of the patient; obtain a template model of an implant; determine a shape of a surface of the implant; determine a volume between the shape of the surface of the implant and a surface of the bone defined by the model of the bone; generate, based on the determined volume and the template model, a patient matched implant model; and output a file representing the patient matched implant model.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022053524A1

A method for selecting and sorting at least one luminaire design, said method comprising the following steps performed by a computer means: obtaining a first and a second luminaire installation characteristic associated to a first and a second lighting site, respectively, wherein each of the first and the second lighting site corresponds to a location for installing at least one luminaire neighboring a pathway; selecting, based on the first luminaire installation characteristic, on the second luminaire installation characteristic, on a database with a plurality of luminaire designs, a list comprising for each lighting site at least one suitable luminaire design with at least one suitable configuration parameter of said plurality of luminaire designs, wherein a luminaire design may be the same or different for the first and the second lighting site; sorting the list based on at least one preferential parameter.

28-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022086372A1

Изобретение относится к способу неразрушающего контроля параметров стальных канатов, а также прогнозирования остаточного ресурса каната. Способ прогнозирования остаточного ресурса стального каната заключается в том, что для непрерывного мониторинга и диагностирования технического состояния каната осуществляют непрерывное и одновременное снятие показаний датчиков Холла, индуктивных катушек, вихретокового датчика, датчика температуры, датчика натяжения каната и одометра, полученные данные передают в блок управления и индикации (далее — БУИ) для совместной обработки. На основе снятых данных определяют наработку и коэффициент запаса прочности каната, БУИ сравнивает полученные значения с допустимыми и формирует решение о техническом состоянии каната и прогнозирует его остаточный ресурс.

08-06-2021 дата публикации

Out-of-context feedback hierarchical large block synthesis (HLBS) optimization

Номер: US0011030367B2

A system to develop an integrated circuit includes a latch identifier module to identify a first child latch placed at a first location in a first child macro of a parent macro and a second child latch placed at a second location in a second child macro of the parent macro. The second child latch is located away from the first child latch. The system further includes a latch location optimization module and a latch placement module. The latch location optimization module determines a target timing parameter threshold and determines a first actual timing parameter. The latch placement module changes the first location of the first child latch and/or the second location of the second child latch to generate an optimized parent macro based on the changed locations. The latch location optimization module re-executes the latch optimization process to determine a second actual timing parameter based on the changed locations.

08-06-2021 дата публикации

Time-saving and error-minimizing multiscopic hydraulic system design canvas

Номер: US0011030354B2

An automated design system for facilitating intelligent design of electromechanically controlled hydraulic systems. The automated design system utilizes one or more servers and one or more processors for accessing design information related to the hydraulic systems. The design system also includes a display device which provides an interface, an input device and a software program which allow a user to select various design characteristics related to a product design. The automated design system also provides text-based and graphical outputs pertaining to a product design.

23-06-2020 дата публикации

System and method for image segmentation, bone model generation and modification, and surgical planning

Номер: US0010687856B2

A computer-implemented method of preoperatively planning a surgical procedure on a knee of a patient including determining femoral condyle vectors and tibial plateau vectors based on image data of the knee, the femoral condyle vectors and the tibial plateau vectors corresponding to motion vectors of the femoral condyles and the tibial plateau as they move relative to each other. The method may also include modifying a bone model representative of at least one of the femur and the tibia into a modified bone model based on the femoral condyle vectors and the tibial plateau vectors. And the method may further include determining coordinate locations for a resection of the modified bone model.

22-09-2020 дата публикации

Network on-chip topology generation

Номер: US0010783286B1
Принадлежит: Arm Limited

The present disclosure provides a computer-based method and system for synthesizing a NoC. Physical data, device data, bridge data and traffic data are determined based on an input specification for the NoC. A virtual channel (VC) is assigned to each traffic flow. A head of line (HoL) conflict graph (HCG) is constructed based on the traffic data and the VC assignments. A color is assigned to each HCG node to minimize HoL conflicts. A traffic graph (TG) is constructed for each color based on the physical data, the bridge data, the traffic data and the HCG, and a candidate topology is generated for each color based on the respective TG. The candidate topology for each color is merged to create a merged candidate topology, and the routers within the merged candidate topology are merged to generate a final topology for the NoC.

22-09-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid performance of electronic design automation (EDA) procedures with delayed acquisition of remote resources

Номер: US0010783291B2

A computing system may include an electronic design automation (EDA) data constructor engine and an EDA executor engine. The EDA data constructor engine may be configured to perform, using the local resources of the computing system, a data preparation phase of an EDA procedure for a circuit design. The EDA executor engine may be configured to acquire remote resources for an execution phase of the EDA procedure, wherein the remote resources include remote compute resources and remote data resources remote to the computing system; broadcast constructor data constructed from the data preparation phase of the EDA procedure to the acquired remote data resources; and manage performance of the execution phase of the EDA procedure by the acquired remote compute resources and remote data resources.

06-10-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for space design

Номер: US0010796032B2

The present invention provides a method for space design, comprising: acquiring first information of a scene to be spatially designed; acquiring second information of a target object that can be placed into the scene from a third party through a communication interface; performing a visual presentation of the first information and the second information; and calculating construction information based on a layout of the target object on the visual presentation performed by the user who performs the space design. Further, the present invention also provides a system for space design, comprising: a first information acquisition module configured to acquire first information of a scene to be spatially designed; a second information acquisition module configured to acquire second information of a target object that can be placed into the scene from a third party through a communication interface; a visual presentation module configured to perform a visual presentation of the first information ...

10-11-2020 дата публикации

Local clock buffer controller placement and connectivity

Номер: US0010831967B1

Methods, systems and computer program products for providing improved placement and connectivity of local clock buffer controllers are provided. Aspects include determining positions of a plurality of centroid locations within a circuit design based on positions of a plurality of latches within the circuit design. Aspects also include modifying the circuit design to place a local clock buffer controller at each of the plurality of centroid locations within the circuit design. Aspects also include connecting each of a plurality of local clock buffers within the circuit design to a nearest local clock buffer controller.

08-09-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for consumer home projects ordering and fabrication

Номер: US0010768609B2
Автор: George Platt

An integrated system for fabricating components for a selected wood-based project, said integrated system includes a tandem machine, a first machine for executing machining requirements for sheet material stock, said first machine being configured to selectively implement two-dimensional machining operations on a piece of sheet material stock, including operations for implementing curvilinear shapes.

12-01-2021 дата публикации

Generating data for a three-dimensional (3D) printable object, including a truss structure

Номер: US0010891786B2

A computer program product for generating data for a three-dimensional (3D) printable object includes a computer readable storage medium. The computer readable storage medium includes computer usable program code embodied therewith. The computer usable program code, when executed by a processing device converts mesh data into a volumetric voxel data set. The voxel data set is organized as an N-ary tree defining at least a portion of the 3D printable object. The computer usable program code converts the N-ary tree of the voxel data set into print instructions defining a truss structure, and prints the 3D object including the truss structure.

19-01-2021 дата публикации

Repository of integration description of hardware intellectual property for NoC construction and SoC integration

Номер: US0010896476B2
Принадлежит: NetSpeed Systems, Inc., NETSPEED SYSTEMS INC

Methods and example implementations described herein are generally directed to repository of integration description of hardware intellectual property (IP) for NoC construction and SoC integration. An aspect of the present disclosure relates to a method for managing a repository of hardware intellectual property (IP) for Network-on-Chip (NoC)/System-on-Chip (SoC) construction. The method includes the steps of storing one or more integration descriptions of the hardware IP in the repository, selecting at least one integration description as a parsed selection from said one or more integration descriptions of the hardware IP for incorporation in the NoC/SoC, and generating the NoC/SoC at least from the parsed selection.

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Library of predefined shapes for additive manufacturing processes

Номер: US0010962958B2

A method includes accessing a first model defining a shape of a part. The shape of the part is segregated into a plurality of predefined shapes selected from a library of predefined shapes. The predefined models for each of plurality of predefined shapes are assembled into a second model defining the shape of the part. The part is additively manufactured according to the second model.

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Dental CAD automation using deep learning

Номер: US0011007040B2

Computer-implemented methods for generating a 3D dental prosthesis model are disclosed herein. The methods comprise training a deep neural network to generate a first 3D dental prosthesis model using a training data set; receiving a patient scan data representing at least a portion of a patient's dentition; and generating, using the trained deep neural network, the first 3D dental prosthesis model based on the received patient scan data.

06-04-2021 дата публикации

Maintaining a class hierarchy of an object-oriented data model using shared columns and/or overflow tables

Номер: US0010970316B1

Techniques are provided for maintaining a class hierarchy of an object-oriented data model in tables of a relational database that minimize performance impact (e.g., in terms of both processing resources and storage footprint). In one embodiment, an object-relational mapping system accesses a class hierarchy of an object-oriented data model. A plurality of tables of a relational database are generated, including a primary table, a joined table and an overflow table. The object-relational mapping system maps classes of the class hierarchy to the primary table, joined table and overflow table, wherein the mapping maps properties of classes to columns of the primary table and joined table until a column threshold is reached and then maps excess properties to columns of the overflow table, and the mapping shares at least one column of the primary table, joined table or overflow table among classes such that multiple different properties are mapped to the shared column. The properties of the ...

19-05-2020 дата публикации

Semiconductor device having a multilayer wiring structure

Номер: US0010658293B2

A semiconductor device having a plurality of first wirings (X-direction) which include a first power supply line and a second power supply line, a plurality of third wirings (X-direction) which include a third (fourth) power supply line that is located above the first (second) power supply line and is electrically connected to the first (second) power supply line. The semiconductor device also has a plurality of second wirings (Y-direction) that include a first (second) connection wiring located above the first (second) power supply line and below the third (fourth) power supply line that is electrically connected to the first (second) power supply line and to the third (fourth) power supply line.

01-08-2023 дата публикации

Leakage analysis on semiconductor device

Номер: US0011714949B2

A method includes: identifying attributes that are associated with cell edges of abutted cells in a layout of a semiconductor device, wherein the attributes include at least one of terminal types of the cell edges; determining at least one minimal boundary leakage of the abutted cells based on the attributes, for adjustment of the layout of the semiconductor device. A system is also disclosed herein.

15-11-2022 дата публикации

Multiple axis robotic additive manufacturing system and methods

Номер: US0011498281B2
Автор: Clint Newell
Принадлежит: Stratasys, Inc.

A multiple axis robotic additive manufacturing system includes a robotic arm movable in six degrees of freedom. The system includes a build platform movable in at least two degrees of freedom and independent of the movement of the robotic arm to position the part being built to counteract effects of gravity based upon part geometry. The system includes an extruder mounted at an end of the robotic arm. The extruder is configured to extrude at least part material with a plurality of flow rates, wherein movement of the robotic arm and the build platform are synchronized with the flow rate of the extruded material to build the 3D part.

19-01-2023 дата публикации

Adaptive Manufacturing System

Номер: US20230012519A1

A system and method for processing a flexible part comprising holding the flexible part securely in an unconstrained position using a holder; and controlling a positioner to process the flexible part based on a comparison of a shape and/or position of the flexible part in the unconstrained position with design specifications of the part not in the unconstrained position.

02-11-2023 дата публикации

Virtual Store with VR Previews of Garments

Номер: US20230349093A1

A system allows a user to create new designs for apparel and preview these designs before manufacture. Software and lasers are used in finishing apparel to produce a desired wear pattern or other design. The system provides feedback to the user on how their designs may appear in a virtual store or storefront, such as through virtual reality or augment reality techniques.

20-02-2024 дата публикации

Model object management and storage system

Номер: US0011907175B2
Принадлежит: Palantir Technologies Inc.

A model management system provides a centralized repository for storing and accessing models. The model management system receives an input to store a model object in a first model state generated based on a first set of known variables. The model management system generates a first file including a first set of functions defining the first model state and associates the first file with a model key identifying the model object. The model management system receives an input to store the model object in a second model state having been generated based on the first model state and a second set of known variables. The model management system generates a second file including a second set of functions defining the second model state and associates the second file with the model key. The model management system identifies available versions of the model object based on the model key.

23-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3837629A1
Автор: MUKHERJEE, Nilanjan

18-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3864556A1

02-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3827369A1

09-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EP3308357B1
Автор: THOLATH, Jackson
Принадлежит: Amada Holdings Company Ltd.

16-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3953849A2

20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2373390C2

Изобретение относится к системам анализа данных, полученных при разведке нефтяных месторождений. Техническим результатом изобретения является определение взаимосвязи любых аномальных данных, относящихся к компоновке низа бурильной колонны (КНБК) с другими данными, относящимися к геометрии ствола скважины и к измерениям в формации и отображаемыми рядом с трехмерным изображением траектории ствола скважины, и коррекция любых аномалий в данных, относящихся к КНБК. Для этого способ включает отображение траектории ствола скважины в окне на экране устройства отображения и отображение КНБК в окне на экране устройства отображения таким образом, что траектория ствола скважины и КНБК располагаются параллельно. При этом глубина измерения КНБК соответствует глубине измерения траектории ствола скважины. Система для отображения КНБК включает процессор и запоминающее устройство, хранящее программу, которая имеет в своем составе инструкции для параллельного отображения в окне на экране устройства отображения ...

13-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751439C1

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники для обучения пользователей учебным дисциплинам. Технический результат состоит в повышении эффективности симулирования виртуальных лабораторий по электродинамике. Система симуляции в виртуальных лабораториях по электродинамике включает: модуль создания и добавления объектов виртуального пространства, модуль задания параметров виртуальных объектов, модуль задания параметров взаимодействия объектов виртуального пространства, модуль управления объектами виртуального пространства и взаимодействия между объектами виртуального пространства, модуль симуляции взаимодействия объектов виртуального пространства, модуль предъявления объектов виртуальной среды, модуль хранения данных, модуль расчета логической модели, модуль окружающей среды, модуль инициализации, модуль раскладывания матрицы, модуль формирования и построения узлов схемы. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

19-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682374C1

Изобретение относится к области цифровых вычислительных систем для обработки входной информации о характеристиках боевых средств противоборствующих сторон. Техническим результатом является обеспечение двухэтапного моделирования одновременного боя с группировками противника с учетом разнородности характеристик боевых средств группировок. В способе исходные данные значений показателей своих боевых средств и средств каждой из группировок противника дополняют информацией о потоках интенсивностей огневого поражения группировок противника, каждый из которых равен произведению числа боевых средств в группировке на интенсивность огневого поражения, вычисляют относительные вклады потоков интенсивностей огня каждой группировки противника и осуществляют первый этап моделирования одновременного боя с группировками противника с распределением потока своего воздействия пропорционально относительным вкладам потоков интенсивностей огня каждой группировки противника до наступления времени, при котором значения ...

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005109314A

... 1. Способ для отображения компоновки низа бурильной колонны совместно с траекторией ствола скважины, включающий в себя этапы, на которых отображают траекторию ствола скважины в окне на экране устройства отображения и отображают компоновку низа бурильной колонны в окне на экране устройства отображения таким образом, что траектория ствола скважины и компоновка низа бурильной колонны располагаются параллельно, и глубина измерения компоновки низа бурильной колонны соответствует глубине измерения траектории ствола скважины. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором визуализация компоновки низа бурильной колонны осуществляется в форме поверхности, расположенной внутри траектории ствола скважины, и траектория ствола скважины отображается в полупрозрачном цвете. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором компоновка низа бурильной колонны отображается вне траектории ствола скважины, и в котором компоновка низа бурильной колонны отображается в полупрозрачном цвете. 4. Способ по п.3, в котором компоновка низа бурильной колонны ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации

Schnelles Visualisierungssystem für Objekte und Grafiken

Номер: DE202013012856U1
Принадлежит: Schüpbach

Vorrichtung zur Darstellung von Grafiken oder Objekten von Komponenten und/oder Baugruppen bestehend aus mindestens einem Mikroprozessor-System oder mindestens einer Central Processing Unit CPU und/oder elektronischen Komponenten und mindestens einer Datenübertragungseinheit, mindestens einem Visualisierungsgerät und/oder mindestens einem Man Machine Interface, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Vorrichtung Grafiken oder Objekte von Komponenten oder Baugruppen auf dem genannten Visualisierungssystem darstellt, welche aus einem internen oder externen Speicher des Geräts oder über mindestens ein Kommunikationsnetz übertragen bzw. geladen werden und deren zu übertragende Datenmenge verkleinert wird, indem gezielt die Baugruppe, bzw. Komponente oder die Teil-Baugruppe bzw. Teil-Komponente der darzustellenden Objekte oder Grafiken aus einem internen oder externen Speicher des Geräts oder über das/die besagte Kommunikationsnetz(e) übertragen bzw. geladen wird, welche ausgewählt wurde und auf dem ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Computer-implementiertes Verfahren und Computerprogrammprodukt zum Test von realen oder virtuellen Steuergeräten

Номер: DE102019120519A1

Computerimplementiertes Verfahren zum Test von virtuellen oder realen Steuergeräten, wobei durch ein Umgebungsmodell einer virtuellen Umgebungsszene fortlaufend mit einer Simulationsfrequenz Umgebungsdatensätze berechnet werden. Dabei ist jedem Umgebungsdatensatz ein Zeitpunkt t in der Gesamtsimulationszeit zugeordnet wird. Es werden zwei Sensorsimulationsmodelle ausgeführt, welche mit verschiedenen Abtastfrequenzen fortlaufend, basierend auf den Umgebungsdatensätzen, Sensordaten zur Weiterverarbeitung durch ein Steuergerät generieren. Dabei startet ein erster Berechnungsschritt am Zeitpunkt t1, in welchem das erste Sensorsimulationsmodell basierend auf den Umgebungsdaten Sensordaten berechnet, und ein zweiter Berechnungsschritt am Zeitpunkt t2, in welchem das zweite Sensorsimulationsmodell basierend auf den Umgebungsdatensätzen Sensordaten berechnet. Erfindungsgemäß ist eine Koordinatorkomponente vorgesehen, an welche wenigstens ein Teil der Umgebungsdatensätze übermittelt werden, und ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Referenzbildes bei der Charakterisierung einer Maske für die Mikrolithographie

Номер: DE102016013260B4
Принадлежит: ZEISS CARL SMT GMBH, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH

Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Referenzbildes bei der Charakterisierung einer Maske für die Mikrolithographie, wobei die Maske (201) eine Mehrzahl von Strukturen aufweist und wobei das Referenzbild durch Simulation der durch ein gegebenes optisches System (210) erfolgenden Abbildung dieser Maske (201) sowohl unter Nutzung einer rigorosen Simulation als auch unter Nutzung einer Kirchhoff-Simulation erzeugt wird, wobei das Verfahren folgende Schritte aufweist:a) Zuordnen (110) jeder Struktur dieser Mehrzahl von Strukturen entweder zu einer ersten Kategorie oder einer zweiten Kategorie;b) Berechnen einer Mehrzahl von ersten Teilspektren (120) für Strukturen der ersten Kategorie unter Durchführung rigoroser Simulationen;c) Berechnen eines zweiten Teilspektrums (130) für Strukturen der zweiten Kategorie unter Durchführung einer Kirchhoff-Simulation;d) Erzeugen eines Hybrid-Spektrums (140) auf Basis der ersten Teilspektren und des zweiten Teilspektrums; unde) Erzeugen des Referenzbildes unter ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Neuronalnetz-Kraftfeld-Berechnungsalgorithmen für Molekulardynamik-Computersimulationen

Номер: DE102019217222A1

Ein Berechnungsverfahren zum Simulieren der Bewegung von Elementen innerhalb eines Mehrelementesystems unter Verwendung eines Neuronalnetz-Kraftfeldes (NNFF). Das Verfahren umfasst das Empfangen einer Kombination aus einer Anzahl von rotationsinvarianten Merkmalen und einer Anzahl von rotationskovarianten Merkmalen einer lokalen Umgebung des Mehrelementesystems; und das Vorhersagen eines Kraftvektors für jedes Element innerhalb des Mehrelementesystems basierend auf der Kombination aus der Anzahl von rotationsinvarianten Merkmalen, der Anzahl von rotationskovarianten Merkmalen und des NNFF, um eine simulierte Bewegung der Elemente innerhalb des Mehrelementesystems zu erhalten.

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Extended isenthalpic and/or isothermal flash calculation for hydrocarbon componets that are soluble in oil, gas and water

Номер: GB0201716046D0

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3139177A1

Disclosed is a flow simulation and transient well analysis method based on a generalized pipe flow seepage coupling. The method comprises the following steps: S1: defining generalized fluidity to characterize, by means of generalized fluidity models with the same form, flow laws of a fluid in different subsets of a research area; S2: on the basis of the generalized fluidity, establishing a multi-component and multi-phase-flow flow simulation equation, solving the multi-component and multi-phase-flow flow simulation equation, and obtaining the pressure, temperature and saturation of a multi-component and multi-phase-flow fluid in the research area and the molar percentage of each component in each phase; and S3: forming corresponding application software by means of an established multi-component and multi-phase-flow flow simulation and analysis equation. The present invention plays an important role in solving the problems of flow simulation and analysis, inter-well interference analysis ...

10-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003051683A1
Принадлежит: HINTON, JAMES W.

Systems and methods for creating electronic indoor maps from computer-assisted-design (CAD) files are disclosed. The methods involve receiving a set of CAD files relating to a facility, classifying each CAD file of the set as a site plan or a floor plan, defining one or more layers of at least one electronic map for the facility based on the set, generating an electronic map for each CAD file of the set. The electronic map includes one or more layers and each layer include at least one object. The method also involves aligning objects in the electronic map for the facility, based on the layer of the object; assigning text data in each CAD file of the set to an object in the electronic map file of that CAD file; and storing the at least one electronic map for the facility on at least one storage component.

31-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003092181A1

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for the design of a technology for the abrasive waterjet cutting of materials

Номер: US20120022839A1
Принадлежит: Institute of Geonics CAS

Method for abrasive waterjet cutting of materials determines a constant of cuttability using an abrasive waterjet Kawj, according to version A, where three deformation parameters are measured on a test cut/sample, version B, where two deformation parameters are measured, version C where one parameter is measured, or a version D where the design is carried out by calculating Kawj according to Young's modulus or according to an ultrasonic wave speed of the cut material. This constant is subsequently input to an algorithm. The result of a calculation using the algorithm acquires sufficient numerical and graphical data to an optimum setting of parameters and are generally valid for all engineering materials, and further of data on cut quality, limit depth of cuts and economical parameters, and also on mechanical properties of the cut material with regard to classification of the material into cuttability class.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Virtual designer

Номер: US20120029886A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

The present invention includes a method of electronically designing an article, including accessing an electronic article design system, selecting an article type to design, and iteratively configuring a group of characteristics by selecting one or more options for each characteristic and/or iteratively modeling the article performance based on a selection of one or more performance parameters for each performance model. In the iterative configuration and modeling step, the electronic article design system automatically presents the characteristics and the performance models based on the article type selected, dynamically updates the article for each step of the iterative configuration and/or modeled performance, and automatically resolves conflicts between iteratively configured characteristics, between iteratively modeled performances, and across iteratively configured characteristics and modeled performances.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Determining Simulation Fidelity in a Self-Optimized Simulation of a Complex System

Номер: US20120041749A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Mechanisms are provided for controlling a fidelity of a simulation of a computer system. A model of the system is received that has a plurality of components. A representation of the plurality of individual components of the system is generated. A component is assigned to be a fidelity center having a highest possible associated fidelity value. Fidelity values are assigned to each other component in the plurality of individual components based on an affinity of the other component to the fidelity center. The system is simulated based on assigned fidelity values to the components in the plurality of individual components.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Integrated History-Free and History-Based Modeling

Номер: US20120078580A1

A system, method, and computer readable medium. A method includes receiving a model tree that defines a three-dimensional (3D) model. The model tree includes a history-free parent node that defines a complex 3D model and a plurality of history-based child nodes that define additional features that modify the complex 3D model. The method includes computing the 3D model, where the computed 3D model combines the parent node and the child nodes. The method includes displaying the computed 3D model as the complex 3D model modified by the additional features defined by the child nodes.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and tools for proofing a computer-aided design object

Номер: US20120078591A1

A casting tolerance proofing tool adapted to be implemented with a computer system. The computer system has a processor and a memory storing a CAD object of an apparatus to be manufactured with a casting process. The proofing tool includes a criteria selector operable to prompt for and receive a type of casting process for the apparatus to be manufactured with, and an extractor operable to determine a nominal dimension and a related tolerance from the CAD object. The proofing tool further includes a comparator operable to compare the tolerance with a first threshold and a second threshold.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and tools for proofing a computer-aided design object

Номер: US20120078592A1

A plastic tolerance proofing tool adapted to be implemented with a computer system. The computer system includes a processor and a memory storing a CAD object of an apparatus to be manufactured with a material. The tool includes a criteria selector operable to prompt for and receive a type of plastic material for the apparatus to be manufactured in and an extractor operable to determine a nominal dimension and a related tolerance from the CAD object. The tool further includes a comparator operable to compare the tolerance with a first threshold and a second threshold, and a tagging module operable to tag the CAD object based on the comparisons.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for managing synchronization of a plurality of information items of a computer-aided design data model

Номер: US20120109590A1
Принадлежит: Parametric Technology Corp

The present disclosure features systems and methods for maintaining consistency of a CAD model across a plurality of homogenous or heterogeneous applications across one or more computing devices and used by one or more users. The systems include a common data model, comprising chapters of different information items to describe various aspects of the CAD model, and lightweight change instructions representative of modifications made by a user to a chapter of the CAD model. By utilizing a common data model and difference-based change instructions, a plurality of users may concurrently collaborate on the design of a CAD model, or a single user may utilize a plurality of applications of a CAD suite efficiently and with an enhanced user experience.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Duty cycle independent real time dynamic programming implementation for hybrid systems controls optimization

Номер: US20120130695A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

Predicted environment conditions are received for time steps within a prediction horizon N. Information is accessed regarding expected system responses generated by a system model, each expected system response related to a different combination of control parameters and starting environment conditions applied to the model. An optimal response is designated for each combination of starting environment conditions for each time step from time step N- 1 to the current time step based in part on the expected system response and the predicted environment conditions, each optimal response in a time step based at least in part on an optimal response determined for a later time step. For the current time step, for starting environment conditions substantially similar to the current environment conditions, the combination of control parameters that results in the system response designated as the optimal response is determined from the expected system responses and is applied to the system.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for computer-aided design of three-dimensional objects to be fabricated

Номер: US20120169727A1
Принадлежит: Archi con des Inventions UK Ltd

A computer-aided design apparatus generates a tree structure of coordinate systems defining the topology of a three-dimensional object to be fabricated. Coordinate systems are positioned and orientated in accordance with mathematical functions. The mathematical function positioning child coordinate systems has the identity of the parent coordinate systems as a variable, and the positions of the child coordinate systems vary relative to their parent coordinate systems according to the identity of the parent coordinate systems. Data defining the coordinate systems and connections is stored in a graph. Bases having a defined relationship are identified and three-dimensional content objects are added. Content objects are added using the same mathematical function, generating three-dimensional content objects in each of a plurality of coordinate systems. The function for generating the content objects has the identity of the coordinate systems as a variable, generating the content object in each coordinate system with a different shape.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

System and method for forming 3d model of ejector pin of mold

Номер: US20120173205A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A system for forming a 3D model of ejector pins for a mold includes a 2D model drawing unit, an ejector pin parameter obtaining unit, and a 3D model drawing unit. The 2D model drawing unit opens a mold 2D model which includes a plurality of ejector pins. The ejector pin parameter obtaining unit obtains parameters of the plurality of ejector pins in the mold 2D model. The 3D model drawing unit automatically forms corresponding ejector pin 3D model according to the parameters obtained by the ejector pin parameter obtaining unit.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for compensating for variations in structures of an integrated circuit

Номер: US20120174046A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method of for compensating for variations in structures of an integrated circuit. The method includes (a) selecting a mask design shape and selecting a region of the mask design shape; (b) applying a model-based optical proximity correction to all of the mask design shape; and after (b), (c) applying a rules-based optical proximity correction to the selected region of the mask design shape.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Multi-modal manipulation of a geometric model

Номер: US20120179430A1
Принадлежит: Autodesk Inc

A method, apparatus, article of manufacture, and computer readable storage medium provide the ability to create a geometric model in a computer-aided design (CAD) application. Direct graphical manipulation via user interaction is used to create the geometric model in the CAD application. The direct graphical manipulation is captured, without additional user input, as one or more lines of script code as if the user is writing the script code. The captured script code is integrated into an environment hosted by the CAD application. The script code is then displayed where it can be modified. The modification of the script code acts to modify the geometric model.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and method therefor

Номер: US20120197601A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Two dimensional developed view data of a three dimensional structure is obtained. Layer structure information of a sheet-shaped component which has a laminated structure, and bend information of a indicated by the obtained data are input. For coordinates of the obtained data, a principal axis direction in which the shape of an inner structure of the component does not change is set. The layer structure information and information representing the principal axis direction are added to each surface indicated by the obtained data. The three dimensional shape of the three dimensional structure is generated using the obtained data and the bend information. Using the layer structure information and the information representing the principal axis direction added to each surface, a three dimensional model in which the shape of the laminated structure of the component is added to each surface indicated by the three dimensional shape is generated.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Wind turbine blade, wind turbine generator with the same, and design method of wind turbine blade

Номер: US20120217754A1
Автор: Koji Fukami
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

Provided is a wind turbine blade realizing enhancement of performance by a winglet provided at a blade tip. The wind turbine blade includes the winglet formed by bending a tip side thereof toward a pressure side of the blade relative to an adjacent portion adjacent on a blade root side, and a CANT angle defined by a blade axial line of the winglet relative to a radial extrapolation line of a blade axial line of the adjacent portion is set to be 15° or more and 55° or less. The winglet includes a tip end located on a tip side thereof, having a substantially linear blade axial line, and a bent portion located on a base end side of the winglet and bent relative to the adjacent portion. This bent portion is bent gradually so as to satisfy the predetermined CANT angle.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Prediction of maintenance operations on an aircraft engine

Номер: US20120221193A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

The invention relates to a method and a system for predicting maintenance operations on a current aircraft engine, comprising: processing means to compare a set of failure models (M 1, . . . , Mn) adapted to said current engine to select a relevant failure model (Mi) with a failure age (T 0 ) defining the age of said engine at the time of the failure; processing means to associate decision rules (R) about the workscope on said current engine with said relevant failure model (Mi), as a function of a set of parameters (P 1, P 2, Pi) related to said current engine; and processing means to determine the required maintenance workscope (Wf) to be applied to said current engine, as a function of said decision rules.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Dual-pattern coloring technique for mask design

Номер: US20120266110A1
Автор: Jeffrey MARKHAM, Min Cao
Принадлежит: Cadence Design Systems Inc

A hierarchical schematic design editor displays mask layers for each shape as mask specific colors and alerts a user to mask layer conflicts during the design and editing process. According to an embodiment, mask colors may be assigned at the time the shapes or geometries and cells are placed in a circuit design layout, or when a mask layer condition indicating that two or more shapes should be set to different mask layers is detected. In an embodiment, if the distance between two shapes is less than a predetermined threshold, those shapes may cause a mask layer condition. Shapes may be grouped to facilitate mask layer condition detection and mask layer assignment.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for stochastic models of mask process variability

Номер: US20120278768A1
Принадлежит: Micron Technology Inc

Systems and methods are disclosed for a stochastic model of mask process variability of a photolithography process, such as for semiconductor manufacturing. In one embodiment, a stochastic error model may be based on a probability distribution of mask process error. The stochastic error model may generate a plurality of mask layouts having stochastic errors, such as random and non-uniform variations of contacts. In other embodiments, the stochastic model may be applied to critical dimension uniformity (CDU) optimization or design rule (DR) sophistication.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

User customizable queries to populate model diagrams

Номер: US20120282586A1
Автор: Kevin James Cornell
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, computer program product, and system for visually modeling architectures or system designs are described. A method may comprise providing an architectural model having a plurality of elements of one or more types. The method may further comprise providing a platform for a user to develop a non-software code query relating to the elements of the model. The method may also comprise executing the developed query to extract one or more of the plurality of elements from the model. The method may additionally comprise populating a diagram with the extracted one or more of the plurality of elements.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Scheduling for Parallel Processing of Regionally-Constrained Placement Problem

Номер: US20120284733A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Scheduling of parallel processing for regionally-constrained object placement selects between different balancing schemes. For a small number of movebounds, computations are assigned by balancing the placeable objects. For a small number of objects per movebound, computations are assigned by balancing the movebounds. If there are large numbers of movebounds and objects per movebound, both objects and movebounds are balanced amongst the processors. For object balancing, movebounds are assigned to a processor until an amortized number of objects for the processor exceeds a first limit above an ideal number, or the next movebound would raise the amortized number of objects above a second, greater limit. For object and movebound balancing, movebounds are sorted into descending order, then assigned in the descending order to host processors in successive rounds while reversing the processor order after each round. The invention provides a schedule in polynomial-time while retaining high quality of results.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Virtual prototyping and testing for medical device development

Номер: US20120316854A1
Принадлежит: TriVascular Inc

A system and method of developing better-designed medical devices, particularly cardiovascular stents and endovascular grafts. The system comprises a geometry generator, a mesh generator, a stress/strain/deformation analyzer, and a visualization tool. Using analysis, preferably non-linear analysis, the stress/strain/deformation analyzer determines the predicted stresses, strains, and deformations on the candidate medical device. Such stresses, strains, and deformations may optionally be simulated visually using a visualization tool.

13-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120317497A1

A method for collaborative editing an electronic model of a CAx object may include providing access to an electronic model that is spatially decomposed into a plurality of editing regions, enabling a user to make changes to an editable feature corresponding to a particular editing region and blocking the user from making changes to an editable feature corresponding to an editing region assigned to another user. A corresponding apparatus may comprise one or more software modules and associated hardware that are configured to execute the described method.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Matching systems with power and thermal domains

Номер: US20130007682A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system, and computer program product for matching systems with power and thermal domains are provided in the illustrative embodiments. A subset of the set of systems is sorted according to size to form a sorted list of systems. The smallest remaining system in the sorted list of systems is selected. The smallest remaining system is allocated to a domain responsive to a determination that the domain can service the smallest remaining system. A system from a second subset is allocated to a plurality of domains such that the plurality of domains includes a smallest number of domains from the set of domains.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for computer aided inventing

Номер: US20130013268A1
Принадлежит: IPIFINI Inc

Methods and systems are provided for a systematic approach to computer aided inventing. In a modeling environment, a model representing an item, composition or process can be defined and configured using the lexicon and specification of an innovation database. In the model, objects can be indentified, defined, and configured to provide the model with constituent products, components, features and materials. An innovation engine automatically applies one or more morphs from the innovation database to the objects or the model to generate morphed versions of the model that may provide innovations of, or invention to, the item, composition or process represented by the model.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Mobile Design Automation

Номер: US20130061142A1
Принадлежит: SolarCity Corp

Embodiments of the present invention include systems and methods for performing design automation on a mobile computer system. In one example embodiment the present invention includes a computer-implemented method comprising storing design automation data on a mobile device, displaying a plurality of design automation process steps to a user, the plurality of design automation process steps guiding the user through a design automation process for a project, receiving design automation input data from the user in the mobile device for a plurality of the design automation process steps, executing one or more data processing algorithms specific to at least one of the design automation process steps, and generating output data for the design project.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Installation optimisation

Номер: US20130076767A1

A computer-implemented method for determining a configuration of a plurality of components in a systems installation which satisfies one or more constraints.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Geometric modeling of composite parts

Номер: US20130103359A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A composite part including a ply stack-up and resin is modeled. The modeling includes performing a convolution on a representation of the stack-up to approximate smoothed ramps between different plies of the stack-up.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Estimating apparatus, estimating method, and computer product

Номер: US20130116819A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An estimating apparatus includes a processor configured to update a state of a first particle group indicating a state of a mobile body, from a current state to a next state through a simulation that is based on a state equation of the mobile body in a space using a particle filter; measure at each update, a distance between the mobile body and an object in the space; generate at each update, a second particle group indicating a state of a specific area in the space; calculate a level of likelihood for each particle of the first particle group and for each particle of the second particle group, based on the measured distance, the updated first particle group, and the generated second particle group; and identify a position of the mobile body in the space, based on the level of likelihood calculated for each particle.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

System for assessing a fit of a femoral implant

Номер: US20130144352A1
Принадлежит: Stryker Leibinger GmbH and Co KG

A system for virtually planning a size and position of a prosthetic implant for a bone on a patient includes a database containing pre-defined form factor information for a plurality of different implants and a circuit for obtaining surface shape information of the bone. The system further includes a circuit for defining baseline location parameters for an implant location in relation to a virtual representation of the bone based on the surface shape information and a circuit for assessing a fit calculation of each implant in relation to the virtual representation of the bone based on the form factor in formation and a plurality of fit factors at each of a plurality of incremental positions in relation to the bone. Still further, the system includes a circuit for selecting a best fit implant size and position from all of the fit calculations.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Chrono-stratigraphic and tectono-stratigraphic interpretation on seismic volumes

Номер: US20130144571A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method for performing chrono-stratigraphic interpretation of a subterranean formation. The method includes obtaining a seismic volume containing stratigraphic features of the subterranean formation deformed by structural events, performing structural restoration of the seismic volume to generate a restored seismic volume by removing deformation due to the structural events, performing a chrono-stratigraphic interpretation based on the restored seismic volume to generate chrono-stratigraphic objects each associated with a respective relative geologic age, and displaying the chrono-stratigraphic objects in a chrono-stratigraphic space according to the respective relative geologic age of each of the stratigraphic objects.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Pattern determining method, pattern determining apparatus and storage medium

Номер: US20130149636A1
Автор: Koji Mikami, Yuichi Gyoda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A method of determining a pattern of a mask for an exposure apparatus includes a first calculation step of calculating a value of a first evaluation function used to evaluate a cost of drawing a provisional pattern on a mask blank to manufacture the mask, a second calculation step of calculating a value of a second evaluation function used to evaluate an image formed on an image plane when a mask having the provisional pattern is arranged on an object plane, and a changing step of, when calculation results of the first and second calculation steps do not meet a termination condition, changing at least one of the provisional pattern, an illumination condition in the exposure apparatus, and a drawing condition of the pattern for the mask blank.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Design assisting apparatus, method for assisting design, and recording medium for design assisting program

Номер: US20130151205A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A design assisting apparatus includes a processor and a memory coupled to the processor. The processor executes a process that includes storing a number of restrictions that restrict degrees of freedom in a translational direction and a rotational direction of each of three dimensional directions at an assembled place in an assembled state of a component that is part of a product to be designed, and deciding, by using the number of the restrictions stored in the storing, whether or not to apply a geometrical tolerance to the dimension at the assembled place of the component.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Solving networks of geometric constraints

Номер: US20130151206A1
Принадлежит: Autodesk Inc

Systems, program products and program products for accepting a request to move a first geometric entity that is constrained to other geometric entities in a drawing that may contain both one-way and two-way geometric constraints. A set of affected geometric entities that need to be repositioned or otherwise changed as the result of moving the first geometric entity is identified. The affected geometric entities and the geometric constraints are classified into groups which are solved using a variational geometric constraint solver. If the geometric constraints cannot be satisfied, the movement of the first geometric entity is restricted. Otherwise the affected geometric entities are updated.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for optimizing the configuration of a solar power system

Номер: US20130158954A1
Автор: Billy HINNERS, Gary Wayne
Принадлежит: Billy HINNERS, Gary Wayne

An optimization engine determines the optimal configuration for a solar power system by simulating the performance of different solar module arrays projected onto a target surface. The optimization engine selects the optimally-performing solar module array and then simulates the performance of additional solar module subarrays projected onto various regions of the target surface not already covered by the optimally-performing solar module array. The optimal configuration includes the optimally-performing solar module array and one or more optimally-performing solar module subarrays.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Sub-Resolution Assist Feature Repair

Номер: US20130191792A1
Принадлежит: Mentor Graphics Corp

After layout design data has been modified using a resolution enhancement process, a repair flow is initiated. This repair flow includes checking a layout design altered by a resolution enhancement process for errors. A repair process is performed to correct detected sub-resolution assist feature errors. The repair process may employ a rule-based sub-resolution assist feature technique, a model-based sub-resolution assist feature technique, an inverse lithography-based sub-resolution assist feature technique, or any combination thereof.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for interactive jewelry design

Номер: US20130204736A1
Автор: Moshe Klein

Methods and systems for designing a customized jewelry item on-line. Some embodiments include generating an interactive design tool. The interactive design tool comprises an electronic template of the customized setting and the customized setting comprises a plurality of sections. User-input data is received, in which the user-input data comprises selection of a section of the customized setting; and a selection of at least one customizable feature of the selected section. A graphical representation of the customized setting is generated, in which the customized setting comprises the at least one customizable feature. The graphical representation of the customized setting is displayed on a display.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Performing a Geometric Transformation on Objects in an Object-Oriented Environment using a Multiple-Transaction Technique

Номер: US20130212505A1
Автор: Steven D. Herold
Принадлежит: Intergraph Corp

A large number of objects, such as objects representing beams and columns in an object-oriented enterprise engineering system, may be geometrically transformed in a model database by dividing the objects according to criteria into a number of ordered partitions and transforming the objects in each partition as an atomic operation. Objects that are to be transformed are organized into the ordered partitions, and the partitions are transformed in sequential order, such that all predecessors of a given object are transformed before, or in the same operation as, the given object. If a large transformation operation abnormally terminates before all the small transformation operations have been completed, the model database is, nevertheless, left in a consistent state. The transformation operation may be resumed from the point of interruption. Furthermore, the number of objects that may be transformed is not constrained by the amount of memory available in the system.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Aggregation of Load Profiles for Consumption Management Systems

Номер: US20130232151A1
Автор: Victor Shao

Methods and systems using aggregated electrical system load profiles in determining additional load profiles, and determining consumption management system characteristics, features, and operating requirements at a site are disclosed, along with methods of generating and maintaining databases of load profile information and consumption management system requirements. By using some embodiments of the methods and systems described herein, it is faster and easier to design and implement effective consumption management systems, to determine problematic electrical systems at a site, and to diminish anomalous consumption patterns in an aggregate unprofiled electrical system load profile.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Determination of optimization potentials of a direct current motor

Номер: US20130238307A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method and computer program product are disclosed for determining at least one optimization potential of a direct current motor. In order to determine optimization potentials in a simple manner based on a rewinding of a direct current motor, an improvement in the energy efficiency of the motor due to a rewinding of the armature is assumed as a basis for the at least one optimization potential, and a thermal model of the rotor is created at least from design data of the motor, wherein at least one temperature curve is modeled by at least one load profile, and wherein the at least one optimization potential is determined from said temperature profile and from motor data from before and after the rewinding.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Device for Capturing Information for Virtual Deployment and Method Associated with it

Номер: US20130246009A1
Принадлежит: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

The invention relates to a device for capturing information for virtual deployment and method associated with it, comprising a main body which allows collecting information by information collection means to perform computer-aided simulation, where said main body comprises a first part which allows coupling to the element to be captured, and where said main body further comprises a second part which allows the device to be the target of the information collection means which, in conjunction with other information collection means positioned on the element to be captured, allow obtaining optimal reference coordinates for a computer-aided system.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Input parsing and array manipulation in reservoir simulation

Номер: US20130246028A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A reservoir simulator forms by parallel processing in a multimode computer system estimates of behavior of a subsurface reservoir organized into a matrix grid of three-dimensional cells. The simulator is provided with a module which acts on input data regarding actual reservoir performance and parameters of interest. A grammar is provided which has a sequence of tokens and actions to be taken by the computer system on the input data. Based on the grammar, the input data are arranged into data structures for processing. The module translates the data structures into a set of arithmetic and logical actions to be applied to the original input data provided to the simulator.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Physical-virtual hybrid representation

Номер: US20130257899A1

A virtual environment, including at least one virtual element representing a component of an item is generated. The virtual environment is mapped to a physical environment that includes a physical mockup of at least a subset of the item. The virtual environment is provided to a display. The at least one virtual element is displayed in relation to the physical element according to the mapping.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Method, a system and a computer program for monitoring the progress of the design of a product

Номер: US20130268245A1
Принадлежит: Dassault Systemes SE

A computer-implemented method for monitoring the progress of the implementation of a product design, the said product design being organized in at least a first and a second stage, the first stage being associated to a first tree, the second stage being associated to a second tree, each tree comprising one or several components organised hierarchically, one or several components belonging to one of these two trees being able to implement a component belonging to the other tree, two components belonging respectively to the two different trees which could be connected by an implementation link showing that the component of the first tree is implemented by or implements the component of the second tree. A status representing the progress of the implementation is determined for each component of the first tree by first analysing the components belonging to the lowest hierarchy level, the analysis being then conducted recursively on other components up to the highest hierarchy level, a component being analysed by checking if an implementation link has been set up with a component belonging to the second tree and by checking the progress status of the children of the analysed component.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Structure for removable processor socket

Номер: US20130280944A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A socket has top side pins that may form electrical connections to a central processing unit chip, and a bottom side ball grid array of discrete, electrically-conductive metal surfaces. Differently-keyed setoff apertures are formed through the socket that when disposed about corresponding standoffs projecting upward from a planar circuit board align the socket ball grid array surfaces with grid array pad connections on the circuit board. Retaining screws passing through the socket setoff apertures, when tightened into the planar board standoffs, bring a heat-sink downward with compressive force against the socket top side. The socket responsively brings the ball grid array into compressive electrical contact connections with the grid array pad connections on the circuit board, and also compresses a against the planar board. The resilient ring may thereby form a seal about the compressively-connected ball grid array and circuit board pads.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Modeling and Designing of Well Drilling System That Accounts For Vibrations

Номер: US20130282342A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus associated with the production of hydrocarbons is disclosed. The method, which relates to modeling of drilling equipment, includes constructing one or more design configurations for at least a portion of a bottom hole assembly (BHA) and calculating results from each of the one or more design configurations. The calculated results of the modeling may include one or more performance indices that characterize the BHA vibration performance of the design configurations for operating parameters and boundary conditions that are substantially the same or may be different. These results are then simultaneously displayed for a user to facilitate design selection. The selected BHA design configuration may then be utilized in a well construction operation and thus associated with the production of hydrocarbons.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for critical dimension uniformity using charged particle beam lithography

Номер: US20130283216A1
Принадлежит: D2S Inc

A method for mask data preparation or mask process correction is disclosed in which a set of charged particle beam shots is determined which is capable of forming a pattern on a surface, wherein critical dimension uniformity (CDU) of the pattern is optimized. In some embodiments the CDU is optimized by varying at least two factors. In other embodiments, model-based techniques are used. In yet other embodiments, the surface is a reticle to be used in an optical lithographic process to form a pattern on a wafer, and CDU on the wafer is optimized.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Pattern review tool, recipe making tool, and method of making recipe

Номер: US20130283227A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi High Technologies Corp

A recipe necessary for a review tool or the like to image an image is efficiently made in order to identify a cause of a failed position on the basis of a result of a failure analysis system. A pattern review tool or a recipe making tool connected to the pattern review tool includes a recipe making unit which sets imaging conditions of an image so that the image is imaged along wiring including a failed position on the basis of wiring information including the failed position input from a failure analysis system connected to the pattern review tool through a network.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Lithographic targets for uniformity control

Номер: US20130295698A1
Принадлежит: Carl Zeiss SMS Ltd

A photo mask having a first set of patterns and a second set of patterns is provided in which the first set of patterns correspond to a circuit pattern to be fabricated on a wafer, and the second set of patterns have dimensions such that the second set of patterns do not contribute to the circuit pattern that is produced using a lithography process based on the first set of patterns under a first exposure condition. The critical dimension distribution of the photo mask is determined based on the second set of patterns that do not contribute to the circuit pattern produced using the lithography process based on the first set of patterns under the first exposure condition.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Pressure Vessel Pipe Connection Selector

Номер: US20130297262A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pressure vessel pipe connection selector is disclosed. A pressure vessel may require various connections or nozzles for connecting to a pipe. A selector device includes all necessary data for a user to input design requirements for a pressure vessel pipe connection, and for a specific subset of relevant outputs to be displayed. The relevant outputs can be compared to a list of pressure vessel connection abbreviations or identifiers that can then be used to choose a specific pressure vessel connection that is appropriate for the user's design requirements.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Configuration device for configuring a model of a technical system

Номер: US20130304448A1

A configuration tool includes a tangible, non-transitory computer-readable medium having computer-executable instructions for configuring a model of a technical system and displaying the model on a display connected to a computer. The model includes at least two model components. Each model component has at least one port. Each model component is displayable in an expanded component representation on the display. The at least one port of each model component is connectable to at least one port of another model component by port association lines. Each model component is displayable in an expanded line representation on the display along with the at least one port and the port association lines of each model component. At least for one selected model component the port association lines connected to ports of the selected model component can be selected to be displayed in a reduced line representation.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Drilling optimization

Номер: US20130311147A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

In accordance with aspects of the present invention, a method well design is presented. The method of well design can include identifying a plurality of task workflows related to a well design; identifying links between individual tasks in the plurality of task workflows; and performing tasks in the plurality of task workflows in order to optimize the well design according to optimization criteria.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Computing device and method of establishing coordinate systems on surfaces of objects

Номер: US20130314414A1

In a method and a computing device for establishing a coordinate system on a surface of an object, a three dimensional computer aided design (CAD) model of the surface of the object is converted to a two dimensional UV plane. A triangular mesh model of the CAD model is generated. Points are selected from the triangular mesh model, and real points that corresponding to the points are sampled on the surface of the object. A conversion matrix is computed by aligning the real points and the points selected from the triangular mesh model; and the coordinate system is established according to the conversion matrix.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Mask data generation method

Номер: US20130321789A1
Автор: Tadashi Arai
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A mask data generation method includes obtaining data of a pattern including a plurality of pattern elements, dividing a region of the pattern into a plurality of sections so that each pattern element is arranged in each section by using the obtained data of the pattern and generating map data including information indicative of presence or absence of the pattern element in each section, setting one piece of mask individual information out of a plurality pieces of mask individual information for each section including the pattern element by using a constraint condition, which inhibits setting of same mask individual information in a constraint region including one section and surrounding sections thereof, and the map data, and generating the data of the plurality of masks corresponding to the plurality pieces of mask individual information by using the set mask individual information.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Image processing device and computer program for performing image processing

Номер: US20130326439A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi High Technologies Corp

It is an object of the present invention to provide an image processing device for allowing an actual-image-closer pattern to be formed based on the design data, or its simulation image. In order to accomplish the above-described object, the proposal is made concerning an image processing device which includes an image processing unit which sets the operation condition of a charged-particle beam device on the basis of the design data on a semiconductor element. Here, the image processing device accesses a library for storing device-condition information on the charged-particle beam device, pattern types, and a plurality of combinations of pattern information on each pattern-region basis. Moreover, the image processing device forms a composite image of each pattern region, using the pattern information on each pattern-region basis, and based on the device-condition information and the selection of a pattern type from the pattern types.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device For Reconstructing Scan Chains Based On Bidirectional Preference Selection in Physical Design

Номер: US20130326462A1
Автор: Bang Liu, Bohai Liu
Принадлежит: Synopsys Shanghai Co Ltd

Provided are methods and devices of organizing scan chains in an integrated circuit. One method comprises generating first preference information representing prioritized listing of a plurality of scanning elements for each of a plurality of scan chains based on a first criterion, generating second preference information representing prioritized listing of the plurality of scan chains for each of the plurality of scanning elements based on a second criterion and at a computing device, assigning each of the plurality of the scanning elements to one of the plurality of the scan chains based on the first preference information and the second preference information.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Non-variational changes in a variational system

Номер: US20140012547A1

Methods for product data management and corresponding systems and computer-readable mediums. A method includes receiving a three-dimensional CAD model in the data processing system, the CAD model including a plurality of features. The method includes receiving a selection of a non-variational function to be applied to the CAD model, including a selection of at least one feature to which the function is to be applied. The method includes creating a copy of the selected feature as a second body to produce a modified feature and adding the modified feature to a solver configuration of the CAD model. The method includes solving the CAD model according to the solver configuration to produce a modified CAD model, and storing the modified CAD model.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Scheduling for Parallel Processing of Regionally-Constrained Placement Problem

Номер: US20140033154A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Scheduling of parallel processing for regionally-constrained object placement selects between different balancing schemes. For a small number of movebounds, computations are assigned by balancing the placeable objects. For a small number of objects per movebound, computations are assigned by balancing the movebounds. If there are large numbers of movebounds and objects per movebound, both objects and movebounds are balanced amongst the processors. For object balancing, movebounds are assigned to a processor until an amortized number of objects for the processor exceeds a first limit above an ideal number, or the next movebound would raise the amortized number of objects above a second, greater limit. For object and movebound balancing, movebounds are sorted into descending order, then assigned in the descending order to host processors in successive rounds while reversing the processor order after each round. The invention provides a schedule in polynomial-time while retaining high quality of results.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Healing abutment and method for producing a design of a healing abutment

Номер: US20140039848A1
Автор: Sascha Schneider

A gingiva former and final abutment, which has a connecting geometry for attachment to an implant and comprises a tailor-made edge, a tapering lower part that is located beneath and has a tailor-made shape, and a tapering upper part having a lateral surface, wherein the lateral surface has an angle of inclination (α) of between 0.5° and 30° with respect to a longitudinal axis (A) of the connecting geometry.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Modeling system and modeling method based on logical relation

Номер: US20140039865A1

A modeling system and modeling method based on a logical relation, including an operation task integrating module, a task interpreter, a graph layout correcting module, a graph wiring correcting module and a database model increment correcting module, wherein the database model increment correcting module includes a graph increment calculating unit and a model increment calculating unit. The system, through description of the logical relation and based on support of the automatic wiring technology, realizes the graph-model integrated generation of a new grid model of the power system which is based on the description of the logical relation; the grid model is completely defined and modified on “one net”, which is different from the original way that the power system model is established on countless net graphs, thereby helping the grid operation manager to accurately and rapidly establish and modify the grid model of the full system.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Concise modeling and architecture optimization

Номер: US20140095118A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for concise modeling comprising: receiving a first model mapping a plurality of prototype connections between a plurality of prototype objects; receiving at least one dataset having a plurality of optional objects each said object matching one of said plurality of prototype objects; and automatically constructing a second model having at least one of said plurality of optional objects mapped according to said first model.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Pdc drill bit with cutter design optimized with dynamic centerline analysis and having dynamic centerline trajectory

Номер: US20140095134A1
Принадлежит: Smith International Inc

A method for designing a fixed cutter drill bit includes simulating the fixed cutter drill bit drilling in an earth formation, determining a dynamic centerline trajectory of the drill bit, and adjusting at least one design parameter based upon the graphical display of at least the dynamic centerline trajectory. To improve performance, the method can include graphically displaying the dynamic centerline trajectory and/or repeating the simulating, determining, displaying and adjusting to change a simulated performance of the fixed cutter drill bit. A drill bit design may be selected and a drill bit may be made according to the design resulting from the method of designing.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005274A1

A surface generation device includes: a profile curve setting unit configured to set a profile curve fitted to a part of shape data, a profile curve movement unit configured to move the profile curve so as to satisfy a predetermined condition, and a surface generation unit configured to generate a surface defined by a locus obtained by moving the profile curve satisfying the predetermined conditions. The predetermined conditions include a condition in which a locus of one point (for example, midpoint) on the profile curve becomes a line of curvature of the surface to be generated. Using such a condition, it is possible to efficiently obtain the high quality surface by setting the line of curvature indicating a flow of the surface as a guide line of a sweep method without repeating trial and error many times. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for generating a virtual model of a surface of a physical model , comprising:inputting shape data of the physical model;setting an initial profile curve fitted to the surface of the shape data;applying a sweep process that intermittently adjusts the initial profile curve along the surface such that a point on the profile curve as it moves through the intermittent adjustments tracks a line of curvature of the surface; andgenerating surface data for virtual model of the surface from the initial profile curve and at least some intermittent adjustments of the initial profile curve.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the sweep process includes rotation of the profile curve.15. The method of claim 13 , wherein the sweep process includes translation of the profile curve.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein the generating includes generating from endpoints of at least some intermediate iterative adjustments of the profile curve.17. The method of claim 13 , wherein the surface has a line of curvature claim 13 , such that the intermittent adjustments of the profile curve collectively more closely match the line of curvature than the initial ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for designing an assembled product and product assembly system

Номер: US20160004792A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method for designing a product processing apparatus. The method includes: providing a design of a product processing apparatus; providing a representation of the product processing apparatus; providing a representation of a product; providing a representation of a product package; simulating the interactions of any combination of the product, apparatus, and package as a set of transformations utilizing the product, apparatus, and/or package representations; creating a surrogate model for at least one transformation of the set utilizing the simulation results; evaluating the performance of the apparatus utilizing the set of surrogate models of the transformations; and altering the design of the apparatus according to the evaluation.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, control method of information processing, and non-transitory computer-readable storage medium for storing program

Номер: US20200004715A1
Автор: Hidetoshi Matsumura
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An information processing apparatus includes: a programmable circuit including a plurality of reconfigurable regions in which logic is reconfigurable; and a processor coupled to the programmable circuit, the processor being configured to (a): execute an extraction process that includes extracting, from the plurality of reconfigurable regions, one or more installable regions in which any of a plurality of first circuits is installable, (b): execute a first determination process that includes determining whether each of a plurality of second circuits is installable in a first reconfigurable region, (c): execute a second determination process that includes determining a first installation circuit and a first installation region based on the determination executed by the first determination process, and (d): execute an installation process that includes installing the first installation circuit determined by the second determination process in the first installation region determined by the second determination process.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004505A1
Принадлежит: Align Technology, Inc.

A digital data set representing a pre-scanned tooth geometry, including generic crown data, is merged with data representing a scanned patient tooth crown image, which lacks sufficient data to completely represent a complete tooth crown. 1. A system for modeling a complete patient tooth to facilitate orthodontic treatment of a patient , the system comprising:a scanner operable to capture a scanned image of at least a portion of a surface of a first crown component of a first patient tooth, and to generate scanned image data representing only a partial portion of the surface of the first crown component;memory configured to store a library of digital tooth templates; and receiving the scanned image data from the scanner;', 'creating a digital data set representing the scanned image data;', 'creating a first digital landmark pattern for the digital data set representing the scanned image data;', 'creating, in the stored library of digital tooth templates, an image of a tooth that is a contralateral tooth to the first patient tooth;', 'using the digital data set representing the scanned image data, select, from the library of digital tooth templates, a digital tooth template that includes a digital crown portion corresponding to the scanned image data;', 'creating a second digital landmark pattern for the digital crown portion of the selected digital tooth template, the second digital landmark pattern being derived from an image of a second tooth, wherein the image of the second tooth comprises a digitally-mirrored model of the contralateral tooth to the first patient tooth;', 'using the first and second digital landmark patterns to calculate an initial morphing function;', 'using the initial morphing function to determine a morphed central axis;', 'repositioning a central axis of the digital crown portion of the selected digital tooth template so as to be tangential to the morphed central axis;', 'scaling the repositioned central axis of the digital crown portion of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Techniques for dynamically designing products via user feedback

Номер: US20200004892A1
Автор: Erik Brisson
Принадлежит: Individual

Techniques for dynamically designing products, which may include consumer products, based on feedback provided by a user are provided. According to some aspects, a system may present a dynamically designed instance of a product to a user and obtain feedback from the user indicating a degree to which the user likes the product design. Based on this feedback, the system may present another dynamically designed instance of the product and again obtain feedback from the user. In this manner, the system may gather information on the preferences of the user and iteratively design an instance of the product that is aligned with those preferences. In some cases, the user may effectively be selecting product options that would be difficult or impossible to present to the user because they may be non-representational in quality.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Search and poll method for solving multi-fidelity optimization problems

Номер: US20170011143A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A computer-implemented search and poll method can iteratively solve a multi-fidelity optimization problem including an objective function and any constraints. A search step of the method includes constructing and optimizing surrogates of the objective function and any constraints to identify a new set of trial points, and running lower fidelity simulations in ascending order to reduce a number of trial points in the new set. The search step further includes evaluating the reduced number of trial points with the objective function and any constraints using a high fidelity simulation.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for designing a material

Номер: US20160012158A1
Автор: Nathan Hart, Raymond Smith

A method of designing a material comprising the steps of defining one or more ocean locations and measuring or calculating reflectance spectra at said locations along one or more predefined viewing angles. From each reflectance spectra, a wavelength range located in or around a maximum region of said reflectance spectra is selected and a material is created by applying colours from each of the wavelength ranges to portions of the material surface.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011465A1

Various embodiments of the present technology provide an integrated platform that provides acceleration tools that can be used across multiple lifecycle phases of an industrial automation system to assist users in various lifecycle phases of an industrial automation system. In accordance with various embodiments, the integrated platform can take historical designs and provide various acceleration actions (e.g., initial designs, answering specific questions, expert analysis, etc.) for a current system. Various embodiments can use a common, cross-platform data file that links activity and efficiently provides needed information to a user. Some embodiments provide and manage reviews of layouts or designs by experts (e.g., individuals and expert systems) to aid in identifying needed changes to the design or system. 1. A non-transitory , computer-readable medium , having stored thereon instructions that , upon execution by one or more processors , cause the one or more processors to:receive a request from a user of an integrated platform for an expert analysis;in response to receiving the request, analyze the request from the user;generate one or more response options based on analyzing the request; andgenerate an automated response to the request based on the one or more response options.2. The non-transitory claim 1 , computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the request is received via a virtual assistant providing voice interactions.3. The non-transitory claim 1 , computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the instructions comprise further instructions that claim 1 , upon execution by the one or more processors claim 1 , cause the one or more processors to:determine that the one or more response options are not satisfactory;in response to determining the one or more response options are not satisfactory, identify an expert; andinitiate a communication channel between the expert and the user as the automated response.4. The non-transitory claim 3 , computer- ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012038A1
Автор: Su Tining, Yun Yang

A method for optimizing a cracking efficiency with which a pyrolysis tube of a deposition apparatus cracks a precursor material into reactive species is disclosed, including measuring an input pressure at an entrance to the pyrolysis tube, outside of the pyrolysis tube; measuring an output pressure at an exit from the pyrolysis tube, outside of the pyrolysis tube; measuring a pyrolysis temperature within the pyrolysis tube; calculating a cracking efficiency based on the input pressure, the output pressure and the pyrolysis temperature; and determining an adjustment to be made to at least one of the input pressure, the output pressure and the pyrolysis temperature to increase the cracking efficiency. 1. A method for optimizing a cracking efficiency with which a pyrolysis tube of a deposition apparatus cracks a precursor material into reactive species , comprising:measuring an input pressure at an entrance to the pyrolysis tube, outside of the pyrolysis tube;measuring an output pressure at an exit from the pyrolysis tube, outside of the pyrolysis tube;measuring a pyrolysis temperature within the pyrolysis tube;calculating a cracking efficiency based on the input pressure, the output pressure and the pyrolysis temperature; anddetermining an adjustment to be made to at least one of the input pressure, the output pressure and the pyrolysis temperature to increase the cracking efficiency.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:adjusting at least one of the input pressure, the output pressure, the pyrolysis temperature in accordance with the adjustment to be made to increase the cracking efficiency.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:measuring a vaporization temperature at the entrance to the pyrolysis tube, outside of the pyrolysis tube;wherein calculating a cracking efficiency comprises calculating the cracking efficiency based on the input pressure, the output pressure, the vaporization temperature and the pyrolysis temperature.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035415A1

A thermal management device with electromagnetic (EM) shielding includes a fin pack with a plurality of channels. The fin pack has an upper and lower surface. The fin pack has a pack length, pack height, and pack width. The fin pack has fins are oriented connecting the upper surface to the lower surface. The plurality of channels extends from a first end toward a second end. A first channel of the plurality of channels is adjacent the upper surface, and a second channel of the plurality of channels is adjacent the lower surface. 1. A computing device , comprising:a housing;a heat source located inside an electromagnetic shield, wherein the electromagnetic shield has an aperture;one or more electromagnetic radiation emitting electronic components within the housing but outside the electromagnetic shield;a fin pack located in the electromagnetic shield aperture and thermally connected to the heat source.2. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the fin pack provides fluid communication through the electromagnetic shield.3. The computing device of claim 2 , wherein the fluid communication is through the fin pack.4. The computing device of claim 2 , wherein the fluid communication is from a shielded side to an unshielded side of the electromagnetic shield.5. The computing device of claim 1 , further comprising a heat transfer element located between the heat source and the fin pack.6. The computing device of claim 1 , the electromagnetic shield defining a shielded side and an unshielded side with the aperture therethrough from the shielded side to the unshielded side.7. The computing device of claim 1 , the fin pack attenuating electromagnetic radiation in an attenuation range by at least 30 decibels.8. The computing device of claim 7 , the attenuation range being between 2.2 Gigahertz (GHz) and 2.6 GHz.9. The computing device of claim 7 , the attenuation range being between 1.8 GHz and 2.0 GHz.10. The computing device of claim 7 , the attenuation range being between ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Multiobjective optimization through user interactive navigation in a design space

Номер: US20150019173A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A computerized method of providing a multiobjective optimal design through user interactive navigation, comprising: 1) Designating a user reference design which defines multiple objectives in a design space. 2) Exploring the design space to identify a multiobjective optimal design, evolved from the reference design, through multiple navigation iterations. During each iteration the user is interacted to reach an intermediate candidate design which is closer to a Pareto frontier. Each iteration comprising: (a) Identifying and presenting the user, optimal designs which are closer to the Pareto frontier and are within a pre-defined evolution distance from an intermediate design of previous iteration, improving one or more of the objectives. (b) Selecting a preferred design from those candidate designs, according to user instructions, the preferred design is used as the starting point for the next iteration. (c) Outputting the preferred design selected at the final iteration and considered as the multiobjective optimal design.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Computer aided design system for pulsed extraction column operation process

Номер: US20160019322A1
Принадлежит: China Institute of Atomic of Energy

A computer aided design system for pulsed extraction column operation process is provided, including a data input module, a data detection module, a computing module, a computing result detection module, and an error data management module. The data input module is connected with the data detection module, the data detection module is connected with the computing module, the computing module is connected with the computing result detection module, and the error data management module is connected with the data detection module and the computing result detection module. The system of the present invention is capable of computing and displaying the concentration changes of the corresponding components during operation process in real time, and reporting abnormal conditions which may arise during operation process. After the system is running, the results themselves are stored in the storage unit, which is convenient for user's analyzing and processing operating results under different conditions.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Depth peeling based nuclear radiation shield calculation grid generation method and system

Номер: US20180018407A1

A depth peeling based nuclear radiation shield computational mesh generation method and a depth peeling based nuclear radiation shield computational mesh generation system are provided. The method includes: generating an outline pixel matrix of geometries with the depth peeling technique, performing conversion in an image space to obtain outline meshes of the geometries; then obtaining internal meshes of the geometries based on the outline meshes by a scanning line method, so as to fast generate the nuclear radiation shield computational meshes.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Robot for Loading and Securing Articles Thereto

Номер: US20210019452A1
Автор: Theobald Daniel

A mobile robot is provided having a support surface for supporting a plurality of articles and securing material secured to and positioned for operable communication with the robot for securing the plurality of articles on the support surface. A robotic arm member also is provided that is secured to the robot and configured to autonomously gather the articles from a location remote from the mobile robot, place the articles in desired positions on the support surface and autonomously secure, via the securing material, the plurality of articles on the support surface to substantially restrict movement of the articles on the support surface and without requiring any outside intervention or human input to secure the articles. 1. A mobile robot comprising:a support surface for supporting a plurality of articles;one or more controllers;a robotic arm member; and 'while the mobile robot is moving only in a horizontal direction and parallel to a floor on which the mobile robot is moving on the at least four wheels, autonomously secure a set of desired articles on the support surface to at least partially restrict movement of the set of desired articles on the support surface.', 'at least four wheels supporting the support surface and the robotic arm member, wherein the robotic arm member and the one or more controllers are configured to2. The mobile robot as defined in claim 1 , wherein a securing material is used to autonomously secure the set of desired articles claim 1 , and the securing material comprises at least one of a packaging material or strapping material.3. The mobile robot as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:One or more end effectors, wherein the one or more end effectors comprise at least one of a gripping device, a suction device, an electromagnet, or a clasp.4. The mobile robot as defined in claim 1 , wherein the support surface is a pallet device that is removably secured to the mobile robot.5. The mobile robot as defined in claim 1 , wherein at ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Cloud platform for managing design data

Номер: US20140108353A1
Принадлежит: Autodesk Inc

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a computer storage medium, for receiving a first source file, the first source file including one or more first computer-aided design models; converting the first source file into a first plurality of files; generating a first snapshot, the first snapshot including the first source file, the first plurality of files, and a first version; receiving a second source file, the second source file having the first format that is readable by the first application, the second source file including one or more second models, the second source file being an updated version of the first source file; converting the second source file into a second plurality of files; generating a second snapshot; and associating the second snapshot with the first snapshot, where the second snapshot being a more recent version than the first snapshot.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for equalizing the distortion caused by losses in couplings in a microwave filter and a filter produced with said method

Номер: US20150025862A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

A method for equalizing the distortion caused by losses in couplings in a microwave filter comprising the steps of: designing an initial transfer function of a filter; calculating the poles p i of said designed transfer function; modifying the values of said poles p i with a predetermined amount a i , so as to produce an asymmetric displacement of the poles along the real axis of the complex plane, said predetermined amount a i being calculated as a function of a quality factor Q k of couplings between resonators that said microwave filter is made of; and calculating a modified transfer function from said initial transfer function and said modified poles p i -a i .

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Model generating method and apparatus

Номер: US20180024511A1
Автор: Ming Yu, Qi Wang, Yong Yuan
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An embodiment of the present invention relates to a model generating method and apparatus, for realizing automatic creation of a system model. A model generating method of an embodiment includes: collecting configuration information of a system; extracting semantic description information from the configuration information; generating a model of the system according to the semantic description information, the model of the system including a relationship between model nodes and the model nodes corresponding to a device in the system or data produced by a device in the system. By extracting semantic description information from configuration information to generate a system model, a method for realizing automatic creation of a system model is provided, giving higher precision than manual creation of a system model.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

System and Workstation for the Design, Fabrication and Assembly of Bio-Material Constructs

Номер: US20220043422A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Solutions Life Sciences, LLC

A bioassembly system having a tissue/object modeling software component fully and seamlessly integrated with a robotic bioassembly workstation component for the computer-assisted design, fabrication and assembly of biological and non-biological constructs. The robotic bioassembly workstation includes a six-axis robot providing the capability for oblique-angle printing, printing by non-sequential planar layering, and printing on print substrates having variable surface topographies, enabling fabrication of more complex bio-constructs including tissues, organs and vascular trees. 123-. (canceled)24. A robotic biomaterial dispensing apparatus comprising:a robotic arm and a robotic arm end effector, the end effector configured to grip and secure a syringe barrel, wherein the robotic arm provides movement of a syringe along at least six axes;a material storage and dispensing system comprising a material storage unit comprising at least one syringe barrel holder, each barrel holder comprising multiple syringes, and the material storage unit further comprising at least one needle detection sensor for detecting needle size and tip deflection; andan adjustable print stage, wherein the robotic arm is configured to print biomaterial from the syringe from a plurality of directions onto a surface of the adjustable print stage based on an adjustable movement of the robotic arm and wherein the apparatus is contained within a housing.25. A method of fabricating a 3-D biological construct comprising utilizing the robotic biomaterial dispensing apparatus according to to direct-write dispense one or more biomaterials onto a print substrate by non-sequential planar layering.26. A method of fabricating a 3-D biological construct comprising utilizing the robotic biomaterial dispensing apparatus according to to direct-write dispense one or more biomaterials onto a 3-D print substrate claim 24 , wherein the robotic arm end effector positions the dispensing syringe at an angle normal to two ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Patient Selectable Joint Arthroplasty Devices and Surgical Tools

Номер: US20220047278A1

Disclosed herein are methods, compositions and tools for repairing articular surfaces repair materials and for repairing an articular surface. The articular surface repairs are customizable or highly selectable by patient and geared toward providing optimal fit and function. The surgical tools are designed to be customizable or highly selectable by patient to increase the speed, accuracy and simplicity of performing total or partial arthroplasty. 1. A method for making a patient specific surgical tool based at least in part on a joint space width in a joint of a patient , the method comprising:obtaining image data associated with at least a portion of the joint of the patient;determining the joint space width based at least in part on the image data;generating a patient-specific surgical tool based in part on the determined joint space width;wherein the surgical tool includes at least one surface portion having a shape that substantially conforms to a corresponding surface portion of the joint of the patient, and includes a surgical instrument guide having a predetermined position relative to the surface portion such that the surgical instrument guide defines a predetermined cutting or drilling path relative to the joint when the surface portion is aligned with and placed against the corresponding surface portion of the joint, so as to provide a desired postoperative correction.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the joint is a knee joint of the patient.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the knee joint includes a tibiofemoral joint.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the knee joint includes a patellofemoral joint.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the joint is a shoulder joint of the patient.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the joint is a hip joint of the patient.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image data is derived from an imaging selected from the group consisting of one of a CT scan claim 1 , a MRI scan claim 1 , an optical scan claim 1 , an ultrasound ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Evaluation model generation device, evaluation model generation method, and evaluation model generation program

Номер: US20140114639A1
Автор: Kazuo Yanoo
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

An evaluation model generation device is provided to generate an evaluation model which evaluates the function or non-function of an IT system based on a system model including a process model which describes processing between processes on the IT system, a server model which describes a physical system configuration of the IT system, and allocations which represent correspondence relations between the elements in the process model and those in the server model. The evaluation model generation device includes: path enumeration means 110 which extracts a process path between processes in the process model, and a server path corresponding to the process path and located on the server model; allocation estimation means 120 which estimates the allocation based on the process path and the server path; and model conversion means 130 which converts the system model into the evaluation model using the process paths, the server paths, and the estimated allocations.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Generating Models of a Dataset for a Data Visualization

Номер: US20150032429A1
Принадлежит: Tableau Software LLC

A method of generating a statistical model for a dataset operates at a computer system having one or more processors and memory. The memory stores one or more programs configured for execution by the one or more processors. The process receives a visual specification. The visual specification defines a graphical representation of a portion of the dataset. The visual specification includes a first field and a second field of the dataset. The method determines a set of data properties for each of the first and second fields. The process then generates a statistical model of a mathematical relationship between the first and second fields based on the data properties of the first and second fields and data values associated with the first and second fields in the dataset. The process displays the graphical representation and the statistical model superimposed on the graphical representation.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050427A1

Systems and methods for dynamically optimizing models used for sensor data analytics. An action is taken based on an analytics determination by systematically varying parameters of the analytical model using actions taken based on the analytics to determine the relative frequencies of hits, misses, false alarms, and correct rejections for particular model parameters. The model parameters for local analytics are selected based upon on signal detection theory analysis and the value or cost of each hit, miss, false alarm, or correct rejection. 1. A method for evaluating a gas leak site , comprising:selecting parameters for a model for converting methane sensor outputs to an assessment of site condition based on a database of model parameters and accuracy of determinations of changes in site condition;deploying a plurality of remote methane sensing units to a site;receiving sensor outputs from the plurality of remote methane sensing units;determining a change in site condition based on the sensor outputs and the model revisiting the site based on the change in site condition; andupdating the database of model parameters and accuracy of determinations of changes in site condition based on the revisiting of the site.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting parameters for a model comprises weighted randomization based on the overlap in confidence intervals for the accuracy of determinations of changes in site condition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting parameters for a model is performed according to yoked control experimental design.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein revisiting the site further comprises measuring the methane levels at the site.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the accuracy of a determination of change in site condition is classified as a hit claim 1 , miss claim 1 , false alarm or correct rejection.6. A system for evaluating a gas leak site claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of remote methane sensing units, each comprising a methane sensor ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Thermal model creation device, method, and program

Номер: US20190034560A1
Автор: Takuma Kogo
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

There is provided a thermal model creation device capable of creating a highly accurate thermal model. A constraint-condition setting means 72 sets constraint conditions of parameters in the thermal model. A parameter determination means 73 determines all unknown values of parameters in the thermal model under the constraint conditions.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Automated system to determine variable frequency drive skip frequency bands for vibration control

Номер: US20150039139A1
Автор: Gregory L. Meeuwsen
Принадлежит: Trane International Inc

A vibration control system for a variable speed cooling system includes a programmable controller in communication with a variable frequency drive (VFD). The programmable controller is programmed to command the VFD to operate at frequencies only outside of one or more frequency lockout bands automatically calculated by the programmable controller based on a comparison of newly acquired variable speed cooling system vibration data with previously stored variable speed cooling system vibration specification data.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Configuration tool for configuring a model of a technical system

Номер: US20150039283A1

A configuration tool includes a tangible, non-transitory computer-readable medium having computer-executable instructions for configuring a model of a technical system and displaying the model on a display connected to a computer. The model includes at least two model components. Each model component has at least one port. Each model component is displayable in an expanded component representation on the display. The at least one port of each model component is connectable to at least one port of another model component by port association lines. Each model component is displayable in an expanded line representation on the display along with the at least one port and the port association lines of each model component. At least for one selected model component the port association lines connected to ports of the selected model component can be selected to be displayed in a reduced line representation.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods of improving buildability in additive manufacturing

Номер: US20200034496A1
Автор: Manuel MICHIELS
Принадлежит: Materialise NV

Systems and methods for designing lattice structures in a way that ensures their buildability when manufactured in an additive manufacturing environment are disclosed.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Automated top down process to minimize test configurations for multi-feature products

Номер: US20140122936A1
Автор: Satwant Kaur
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods of conducting interoperability assessments provide for generating a feature interoperability matrix based on feature data and interoperability data, wherein the feature data defines a plurality of features of a product and the interoperability data indicates levels of interoperability of the plurality of features. A validation set can be generated based on the feature interoperability matrix, wherein the validation set includes a plurality of feature combinations. A subfeature interoperability matrix can be used to convert the validation set into a test plan for the product, wherein the test plan minimizes test configurations for the product.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Design assistance device and design assistance method

Номер: US20160048539A1
Принадлежит: Imis Inc Co, Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A design assistance method includes determining structure items related to a design object, determining performance items related to the structure items, creating a performance-structure map in which correlations between the determined structure items and the determined performance items are shown in a matrix, and creating a flow map by rearranging each of an order of the structure items and an order of the performance items in the performance-structure map based on the correlations between the structure items and the performance items.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and a method for assembling a 3d model

Номер: US20140129185A1
Принадлежит: SEMS GAMES CO Ltd

There are disclosed an apparatus of assembling a 3D model including a key input unit configured to generate a variety of key inputs for 3D model assembling or key data based on touch input on a screen; a control unit configured to drive an application to implement 3D model assembling based on the key input from the key input unit; a 3D model unit configured to provide a menu screen for 3D model assembling, when driven by the control unit, to display a screen of parts for a 3D model selected as an assembling object based on the touch or key input on the menu screen and to assemble parts selected from the part screen gradually to finish the 3D model; and a display unit configured to display gradual screens based on the 3D model assembling performed by the 3D model unit.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210056083A1

A model management system provides a centralized repository for storing and accessing models. The model management system receives an input to store a model object in a first model state generated based on a first set of known variables. The model management system generates a first file including a first set of functions defining the first model state and associates the first file with a model key identifying the model object. The model management system receives an input to store the model object in a second model state having been generated based on the first model state and a second set of known variables. The model management system generates a second file including a second set of functions defining the second model state and associates the second file with the model key. The model management system identifies available versions of the model object based on the model key. 1. A model management system comprising:one or more computer processors; andone or more computer-readable mediums storing instructions that, when executed by the one or more computer processors, cause the model management system to perform operations comprising:receiving an input to access a model object, the input received via a model management interface provided by a client device;identifying, based on a model key associated with the model object, a set of available versions of the model object, the set of available versions of the model object including a first model state and a second model state associated with the model key, the first model state having been generated based on a first set of known variables, and the second model state having been generated based on the model object in the first model state and a second set of known variables, the second set of known variables being different than the first set of known variables; andupdating the model management interface provided by the client device based on the set of available versions of the model object, the updating causing ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Number-of-bending calculation system, number-of-bending calculation method, and non-transitory computer readable medium

Номер: US20170053041A1
Автор: Masanori YOSHIZUKA
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A number-of-bending calculation system includes a memory in which information regarding a three-dimensional shape of an item is stored, a determining unit that determines, on a basis of a fact that a direction in which each surface that forms the three-dimensional shape of the item is bent with respect to an adjacent surface is a mountain-fold direction or a valley-fold direction, the number of times a mountain fold is made and the number of times a valley fold is made between a surface that functions as a reference surface and each of the surfaces, and a calculating unit that calculates, on a basis of number of bending for each of the surfaces that has been determined by the determining unit, a minimum number of bending for bending a flat plate into the shape of the item.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid Monte Carlo and Deterministic Particle Transport Method Based on Transition Area

Номер: US20180060463A1

A hybrid Mote Carlo and deterministic particle transport method based on the transition area is provided. Firstly, the geometric complexity is analyzed based on the CAD model. Based on the geometric complexity and the physical characteristics, an area having complex geometry is divided as a Monte Carlo particle transport calculation area, an area having simple geometry is divided as a deterministic particle transport calculation area, and a transition area with a determined thickness is created between the two areas. In the particle transport calculation, the Monte Carlo particle transport calculation is performed in the Monte Carlo particle transport area and the transition area, and the deterministic calculation is performed in the deterministic area and the transition area. Basically consistent results of the transition area under the two calculations can be achieved through multiple iterations, thereby realizing seamless coupling of the two calculations.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for determining sizes and shapes of geodesic modules

Номер: US20170061068A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system and method determine a size and a shape for identical geodesic modules that are used to form a structure. The system and method may include analyzing input data regarding a size and a shape of the structure to be formed, and determining the size and the shape for each of the identical geodesic modules based on the size and the shape of the structure to be formed. The structure may include a framework including the identical geodesic modules. Each of the geodesic modules has a size and a shape that are the same as all of the other of the geodesic modules. A forming system and method position a framework and a covering skin of the structure in relation to a mandrel, and drill and rivet the framework to the covering skin with a plurality of operating heads.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for minimum cost cycle removal from a directed graph

Номер: US20150067644A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

Implementations of the present disclosure involve a system and/or method for minimum cost cycle removal from a directed graph. The system determines if a provided graph contains any cycles by assigning each vertex an integer value and comparing the integer values of vertices connected by an edge. When the value of a starting vertex is greater than an ending vertex, a cycle is present. The system then determines which edges may be removed in order to minimize the cost of breaking the cycle. The system generates a linear cost function that is equal to the sum of a cost to remove an edge multiplied by a corresponding binary variable. Constraints are generated to ensure that the result does not have any cycles. The system then solves for the minimum of the linear cost function by utilizing the constraints. The value of the binary variables may then be used to determine which edges to remove.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Setting method and information processing apparatus

Номер: US20140142899A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A disclosed setting method includes: in response to an instruction to replace a first component with a second component, determining whether or not data that correlates a surface of the first component with a surface of a third component has been set; upon determining that the data that correlates the surface of the first component with the surface of the third component has been set, extracting a surface of the second component, which corresponds to the surface of the first component; and correlating the extracted surface of the second component with the surface of the third component instead of the surface of the first component in the data.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Data driven shrinkage compensation

Номер: US20200065430A1
Автор: Masaharu Sakamoto
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for using data driven shrinkage compensation to fabricate an object using an additive manufacturing process includes predicting one or more dimensional changes in one or more directional strands disposed between facets of one or more respective predetermined facet pairs as a result of the fabrication of an object using an additive manufacturing process based on a shape shrinkage model. The object is modeled from a file and includes one or more dimensions calculated from the one or more directional strands. The method further includes correcting coordinate data of at least one facet of the one or more predetermined facet pairs to compensate for the one or more predicted dimensional changes in the one or more directional strands.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Determining process variation using device threshold sensitivites

Номер: US20150073738A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Embodiments of the present invention relate to determining process variations using device threshold sensitivities. A computing device determines first and second threshold voltages for first and second transistors, respectively, wherein the first and second transistors are included in an integrated circuit and are n-channel and p-channel field effect transistors, respectively. The computing device also determines process parameters that are associated with the integrated circuit using a combination of determined first and second threshold voltages, wherein the process parameter reflects random sensitivities, timing delay differences, timing delay and slew rate changes, and/or variations between low, high, and regular threshold voltages which are associated with the first and second transistors.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Physical connection of network components in a graphical computer environment with one-way signal propagation

Номер: US20160078648A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

A system and method for physical connection of components in a graphical modeling environment. For each component, a physical component subsystem is built by providing at least one functional block representative of a mathematical model of the component, associating one or more first unidirectional internal input ports and/or one or more first unidirectional internal output ports with the at least one functional block, and associating one or more second unidirectional internal input ports and/or one or more second unidirectional internal output ports with the at least one functional block, the physical component subsystem configured to receive first information from an upstream block through each first internal input port, output second information to a downstream block through each first internal output port, receive third information from the downstream block through each second internal input port, and output fourth information to the upstream block through each second internal output port.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220095499A1

A support pin arrangement determination assisting apparatus including a display unit which displays an image including a board image, the board image indicating a shape and an arrangement of a component on the board, a position input unit through which an arrangement position of the support pin is input, a display processing unit which causes the display unit to display a figure to be superimposed on the board image, the figure corresponding to the support pin of which the arrangement position is input, a storage unit which stores three-dimensional shape data of an electronic component and three-dimensional shape data of the support pin, an interference judging unit which judges whether or not one or some of the support pins of which arrangement positions input interfere an already mounted component, and an alarm unit which announces occurrence of interference if the interference judging unit judges the occurrence of interference. 1. A support pin arrangement determination assisting apparatus which assists determination of an arrangement of a support pin that supports a lower surface opposing a component mounting surface of a board in a board holding unit of an electronic component mounting machine , the support pin arrangement determination assisting apparatus comprising:a display unit which displays an image including a board image, the board image indicating a shape and an arrangement of a component on the board;a position input unit through which an arrangement position of the support pin is input; anda display processing unit which causes the display unit to display a figure to be superimposed on the board image, the figure corresponding to the support pin of which the arrangement position is input,wherein the figure comprises a first figure and a second figure surrounding the first figure.2. The support pin arrangement determination assisting apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the position input unit comprises a pointing device, through which the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Cad system with auxiliary input system

Номер: US20150088465A1

Methods for CAD editing and corresponding systems and computer-readable mediums. A method for CAD editing includes receiving executing a CAD modeling session by a CAD data processing system. The method includes communicating between the CAD data processing system and an auxiliary device and sending a geometry package from the CAD data processing system to the auxiliary device. The method includes receiving user input by the auxiliary device and transmitting user input data, corresponding to the user input, from the auxiliary device to the CAD data processing system. The method includes updating the CAD modeling session, by the CAD data processing system, according to the user input data. The user input can be, for example, touch-screen input or stylus input on the display of the auxiliary device.
