OF “, j i-.a a• '''! NVENCION ON SOLICITAN'rE R. GUACO & CO.< br/>
D E£, TANi 02140, _J One olase particular of advisable plastics stops: “:: ”. ; :. “h: ”. --- : oierre of eoipionte is the eonutituida one by olefíníoos polymers: ““- """" “-: ..... %e opl& sticos d8 to point do i si6n ospooialmente Nlipropileno, and, II, “..... ': nicos epOiÆmeros olef faoilmente are molded by Injection to f01 to of Closings and it before does not have the disadvantages mentioned of wraths re-, or i. < br/>
“+: 3. v.? -/: i .en absoluto. In this way, an ideal objective consists of making flow! I civilizador- . ; ;. +: … + \, ./. +. .:. or pl stl.sol of viníliea resin to the interior of a closing done of:. < br/>
t%'F'., +. “-.: “+: 1 ": ,”. , ++. “+: V.+”.:: , ““”. < br/>
i: +: :? ++ > + (. - ++ -: ,/: . -::. < br/>
4 + I: ]]? 2): [: : ; 1 - I;: [ • I.+I I I 0 I and until it forms a meeting of s6l.ida watertightness, like er., ..... the pro ucnvenoional Oe 8b applied to covers or capsules met& lieas, Without cebar+ gO the .temperatura of maximum fusion of the polymer covers oleflniUn fourth attempt, described in Brit& Patent; níca Not 1.196.543: i. of. plastisol. In this method, individual d is introduced. ma-, terlalinductivo as aluminum in plaetisol and him APT count, “, ...... n! endo plasti ol ac passes traverse of a magnetic field of trepida al- • II: i! i: II i: /k ta n nci to fuse it. This process properly has do that • ” Still another attempt, negligence in the Prodigy 2itánice Not “-. I1'32 7.563 of R.G1'acs & Co., consists of using even micro energy of/waves to warm up plastisolo This attempt was not successful due 8.< br/>
or! the EU lead to sobrecalentam 3nto of the inner part of the j nlta and to its later deg adacienp with the purpose of to fuse oomp], etasecte the u profiles of Junte. This of adación leads liberaeien to it of c! or • rufo d hidregenó and other by-products malelicntes, that is clearly < : i: , to tar in contact with mss of a product food. In addition it is • necessary particularly that the supea'fieie of the Meeting that es% in contact with mentioned i but were based in order evi completely-- • they extzacoien it to /ta of the plastificante, e%o., him the hafiz meeting dioh masa.< br/>
it has found one now soluoien to the problem that allows to l fo coi6n of Inter Meetings allies to paa-tir of plastisol of resinaPVC conventional in olefinic polymer closings of high point of fusi6n. The present invention provides a method pa to together fo r urm of es%anquldad in a container closing made of pol mere oleflnico of ta fusion that is substantially transparent to ra- “-” - ““” dlaeien by! nicr; cnd s that includes/understands in° to rodueir in the closing plaste tisol d x'esina vin líoa that can toher a uprior fusion temperature to” him. temperature do fusion of the closing and oonfo naA, loa configuraoi6n of a Meeting, to warm up the plastic conformed in the closing by energiu of mioroonda and to warm up so that adquieJ to, at the time of the microwave heating, one %e: apera%ura of! 5 to 35°C oor underneath do its efeetu, fusion point ndose the heating until pl s%isol and founds totally, ¥ to cool e! plastisol pama to form together I. L favourite temperature range psx.the oie ro. < br/>
it is of 10or l OO underneath the point of fusi6n of the closing. Elerre to the being sustanoialmen%e is transparent to the energy of microwaves, under does not warm up by i allergy of microwaves in no g1'ado imper%ento. He is essential that while e! plastisol this being oalentado by energy of io oond s the closing stays to a next temperature, proterribly so problem as reasonably it is possible, to his point do fusi6n by aplleaoión of some other type do heating, 'denominated aqu like “oalen%amionto norm”. In práotio serious dii: < br/>
I lie implioarA normally, (i) To preheat the closing oontenlendo plastisol Po average not male until a temperature is reached praxis to the point of fh si6n of the closing, normally of the order of 15 to 5oc below this pün%o of fhí i6n, with preference 10 to 9°C below the same, and prol £eribl even being to take plastisol to Im gelificado state or parcitaste fused; and (2) Eleva the temperature of plastísol by heating with miox-oonda i An to go it completamente.< br/>
The object of the process of I invention is reducing to the 9 m nimo dida of heat of plastisol during the oalentamiento by my co0 DAS. Therefore to be normally desirable to assure that temperé _ atura to omf rich next to the surface of plastisol, during the microwave heating, as close is as ea possible of the point of U.S.! 6n exiles, for example, lO-S°C below 10tunto of fueiSn. Position the EU the stage of microwave heating eféetua normally in an air oven, the previous necessity ig nor rubber plant normally the oalentamiente of the air of the furnace and/or provides “to I air made insolent to the same. < br/>
The closing oontenie Ado l meeting of plastisol fused can cool of any advisable way, for example, letting itself simply cool in ire, to a temperature denudada for manipu aci6n additional of oier the esenola of invenni6n is without producing damages in cierre° is that surprising h encon is accepted that cu l is possible to fuse the plantista completely can be or plastisol of conventional polyvinyl chloride by means of one oembinaoi6n of nor heating microwaves and normal heating, is delirious normally by means of conduooi6n or í'adiaei6n of long wavelength the more. In this way, the uperfioie is even based of. < br/>
fo to suitable. This is sorbiéndote because the conditions of - I0 - oalgntamionto thermal normal are not sufficient fish themselves pa to 10erm! you asi6n (temperature do fusi6n completes) of pla8Isoí.< reaches the f; br/>
The invention is of particular application to oierl'es done of pollpropil not which has tul normally fusion point of 165oG apl'oximadameñte. ; rao%erlsticas is the s preferred do i i venolón will describe to continuaoi6n Ircinolpalmente well 0oli particular referenoie poliprop! joint I must be understood that I invenci6n can pl osrse to other nicos polymers olef qu. the homopollmeros and copollmeres of hydrocarbons are transparent to radlaoiOn of mloroondas mainly. Naturally ouaato m s under is the fusion point of polymer olof nico m s dáfioll to be do to carry out the invention 10od to being necessary to use plastisol that do assumes a balance in terms its composition between which they before provide the mentioned disadvantages and conventional plastisol PVC with its relatively high fusion point. Even oontempl like I or under evidently extreme that invosoi6n to be plicable to HD polythene closings which has not 0 l -0 mind a point of fusi6n %en under the Congo 13p C. For this aim utillzal' will be necessary plas%isol do under point of íh sí6n, IMR example approximately 14000, that preferably to oxporlmentarthe 8nt8rlormente desoritas disadvantages) if embargo since the previous process could not sa absolutely producer, invenoí6n represents despite a valuable advance éen±co and técnica.< br/>
I temperature to cusl stays the closing to him during or i: h. t • the microwave heating is from a temperature superiol' usua! of 5cO Jor underneath the point do fusion of the closing until a t mperatura inferior preferred of approximately 40oC below the point of fuei6n of plastisel. For the 10olipropileno closings, in the preferred range of temFsraturas to which it is warmed up the closing is of 14516000, m s preferably do 150-160°C. For plastisoles conveneionales it is probable that not ses of utility a temperature of the closing superior to 35eC poxdebajo of the point of fuc1 ion of the closing, that is to say normally inferior to 130°C freckle polypropylene. Pa” to plastisol of minor pLmtc of fusion is possible unites temperature of the closing baj Whichever minor is more fusion temperature of polymer of the closing, 1 oohveniente s to be to maintain the temperature of oier - and within the g ma of 5-150C, with preference 5-I0°C below the point of fusi6n. For a closing made of HD polythene aa of temperature preferred of 12k is contemplated therefore to a g) - 125°C approximates damente properly the normal heating efeotua warming up eire surrounded around eierre for example, m one antec& mara to i secoi6n of oalentamiento by mícroondP.s of the furnace. Naturally he is advisable to above transfer the closing from a preheating point waters of a sickle, not of microwaves with one p6 rdida of as small heat as reasonably it is possible. The closings will normally oolooarán in i furnace of microwaves in their inverted position (the other way around in mpa” aeión with his posioi6n when it makes sure on the neck of the container). < br/>
Several sequences of precalentamlento are possible, as < is described next.; br/>
Plastíeol used in the invention will be normally a p] and s tisol of a vinyl chloride polymer, for example chloride DM same polyvinyl or c0 p01 mer0 of chloride of vinyl with vinyl acetate. The vinyl chloride polymer (ho opol mere or I conglomerate) can be in the form of “quality of grazes”. The terrino “quality of grazes” is used in the technique to represent preparaos a fine size of part ulas of the resin Po pol erizaci6ll in emulsion. In this ca or, the proportion of units do vinyl acetate in the copollluero is with preferenela superior to 5% in weight, not having in cue ta the rebie ace of stability of viscosity previously menclon8doe. Alternatively, part of the chloride chicken farmer d vlni-: , (homopol m ro or I conglomerate) podria er tremesina and carg,”. It is I finish to you used in the technique for a head of cattle: na developed relatively recently, prepared by olimer! zac£6n in suspens 6n. The polymer in suspension is of particles m and coarse and it does not absorb plastlficante during the heating of plastisol. This resin of confronts can tolerate a major contained in unidade vinyl acetate in and biopolymer, for example, up to 14% in p flO Can sea of vocalic mere utility another one copel, for example a copoAímero of 95% in weight of the chloride of vinyl and 5% in - 13 ', i, elolohexilmaleilmida weight of. Preferably, plastisol ze chooses so that its temperature of i siSn no, ea superior to 15oc Po enolma of the temperature of fusi6n of t.ap ° Naturally this tesbaratura d9 i si6n can be igua! or inferior to the temperature of fusi6n of the cover in a factor of until lO°C, based on the balance wished between i attainment of fusiSn completes and evltao more faciimente! 6n of the worse one of the disadvantages; of plastisoles of low point of fusión.< br/>
The present proportion of plastlficmute in plastíaol of resin of vinyl can be any proporoi6n conventional normally of 60 to 8 parts in weight of plastificante by lO0 parts in ao of resin vindicates. A Rea'titular advantage of plastificantes is invenoi6n is that they can be used fCalato ftalato conventionalism for example of xilotila or of dlisoocti! or that is faoilmente in comerolo. Example d others tifícnates usable under ftalato of butiibeneilo, citrate of acetiltributilo, phosphate of etildlfeni! or and lily, broad of diiscbutilo. One combinaei6n p tícularmente il of plastífinan is for utilízaz'se with naa repeina of copullme or chloride of v> .nilo/aceta%o of vinyl, is a mixture of ftalato of d sodecilo and ftalato of diisoootilo in a relation in EP under of 7-8 i armoximadamen%e° plastlsoles can contain another NSI re (1íoentes oonveno! onmles for example, a thermal pigment, car.g stabilizing (pa to facilitate i stabilization of the resin, vinilica against ledesoom -:. /, 4 -; …. , “r i! iL i: < br/>
2] 32G •/. r. /sioi6n) p sliding agent (that is to say, additive plate to reduce smooth I .p do eepa aoi6n) or g ties obsesionante. In relaci6n with e! container culturedly mentioned, will have to be explained that the closings;: - .....:. - roso ov non to vooo Ltfioiles do to deser osoa of the neck of closing II:: ; ii: ; [:: : * due to the air tightness of the closing formed by the meeting yt therefore II < “*: - - - “-” ““,” Or “; ;: /.:.:. . and advisable NOL To go a reducing agent d l pa t soz of eparaci6n -: :. , -.: :: ;.” - net process stops facilitax ", Of course, know many such:: i:! *.: - 'i “F! content in c rA of plaetlsol can be of until -: r. *” 200 parts in l that by I00 parts in weighs of resin vinílioa, in fua-; /(:: ''…. oi6n of the specific and xaracterística densidad of absorption do oil of the load. For example, ma can be used very p.woDoroi6n/; : : elevated of barlt#, s in case. they have a loss absorci6n of oil and its elevated neid d espeo ftca EC I translate in ad oi6n of nroporoi6n d, the euphoria of it 50 loads will not exceed r is in w) or taking as it bases indicated above. < br/>
/: /:. . - An advisable and usual procedure that is followed pre- --: : - * - feriblemente of the present in enoión, it consists of injecting -: :: ; “: : : : rEsol in state liquid or semilEquido in the closing and to distribute it ul-: “, teriormente in the wished confSguraoión. Po example, can distri-: …. : , bulrse great oierz, and alrededcr of the longitudinal axis of my or. L forces oent íf gestabí.eoida by the procedure of rotaoi6n produ. - EC a meeting of eonfiga ación” mecada ", whose thickness is progressively m or in the outer direction r8dia] .mente. Alternatively, i; . L oonfig aoi6n wished can take place med±anto moulding of plastisol ----” “- d n% or of the closing, k a modality particularly preferred of the invention rolacio uad with one %apa do bottle, the cover molds 10ara that has or to portion of inner skirt in its center and plastlsol i Lyeota in the annular OSpaOiO between fidas inner outside d i oi %z're. Nevertheless, any can be used forms, gives ry -: ”--“: ”…. Together and any, oonstrucci6n of cover. The invention is apl cable to an ample variety of closings for x'eoípisntes, but the greater field of poolblemen%e into s is the one of bottle covers, naturally, the Invenol6n is of potential Interest particularly for roseadas covers “ • t where the spirals have been you deformed in. moulding DM the cover, and pair covers do I fit under pressure. Anyone of these types can incooperara dlsposltlvo antl-I spill. These covers will normally have diametrc inner of 25-32, mm approximately. Invenoi6n is also particularly applicable to closings p ra bottles and Jars of mouth oh for example, with a kilometer do 50 mm and superior, normalment 50-i00 mm with preference 68-100 I mine _T sequence of operations, before the stage of oalentamiento by icroondas can vary According to proc d mlen'hg, ole re under preheats first nente and next idastisol is introduced, preferably to a temperature of 20-50Oc, in I closes warms up. Plastlsol is distributed I intone in wanted configuration r, for example, by rotaoi6n of the cover as previously it has been described, and ta to hot containing plastisol goes luego.< br/>
they are bitten m to of heat so small possible Co that is to the furnace of my. - i) -: -. and: - i; ; , -….< br/>
•. : , i. ….< br/>
JJ oroondaa the preheating stage is placed preferably in: i “: '“hornr of watches convencional.< br/>
_ _: 5eg another possible sequence of operaoion s plastisol under introduces p im on the closing, do new preferably to a temperature of 20-5b C and under conforms to I oonfiguraci6n you wish fo m adores of l you join for example by means of rotation as before DES ci is had or, and oontinnaei6n oierre eenteniendo plastisol and somee the stage of precaleut I lie. This stage of pr heating i I was not translated an fuai6n comp! ets, but normally puts to pl stisol ah annoyance gelifio do.< br/>
The l stisol could iny ota s to a greater temperature and., • particularly and they contemplate the temperature of until 70°0.< br/>
Precalet preferred tamiento of oie r I can be realised before, later and even during introducoi6n of plastisol in oierre. Nationally ee would carry out a temperature of air of 30°0, “underneath, preferably of 20¢'C approximately underneath, of. > temperature of-fusi6n: of the material of the oual est you constitute I covers” until him. temporatura áa lifted to ou l the t pa can aobravivir “ain to or some. I and you way, for polypropylene ramulla adeouad:: ,” in the major, the one of oasoa a temperature of 135 to 160°C, with a EP i rlodo-of heating of I to 10 minutes. < br/>
l microwave heating and efeo%ua normally in a furnace of zioroondaa. The frequency of miewoonda used is not. “orltio deade the technical point of view but comes diotada i normally you by nameñtales norms gube. The utiiizables frequencies in 61 reign -- t. k - 17” 281326¸ “. , I. “,”, j -…. . : , “U':.b¢. ”. --“sustanolales of heat of apa preheated. , In this way in ca- or of a cover of polypropylene, Co. 'is in fear you with preferable idor like 'an room temperature or of ire of a meno I enel ho: no 0 mine? oondas. It unites T3: apors.tur inferior 130°C oonduoe to unites loss of grandor heat d m síado and to fusí6n iucoml.iet is tado from! to incomplete fusion it is that they would not obtain ca to aoter st! - cas physical-required of the meeting and the plasti.t'ioante ex- podria and. , r otadode i j or the Po certain contained. particularly oon-.I enidoe of drink bottles. ”. … < br/>
Properly, l s covers under llmsuta to one ointa twau -: < br/>
carrier that oorre t a-- s of a furnace of preoalents ionto, on eli' “what is heating with air, and to oontlnuaoi6n is introduced in a " furnace of microwaves. The excessive flight of microwaves of the thousands furnace of oroondas to the interior of the air oven, can would control by means of” disgosk shot of surco.< br/>
Followed a variant, & is not necessary in ebsoluto to feed covers hox'no; and preoalentamiento, but the totality of the L same furnace, for example by means of oalentadoresotrioo on the uperfioie of the furnace of r ioroondas.< br/>
As a example when the method of invenoién takes to oabo using polypropylene covers with a temperature of fusién d.e 169°fJ has obtained reindeer results inserting first. - times of ealentamlen%o minutes AP can oceilar from 1 ozimadamen-.< br/>
to: to 900 V%ios (complete power) up to 10 minute to one po%enoA. < br/>
• . “…. < /: ”. very bajadel order go I00 watts, under has found oI oouveniente” “< - to one 8} 0 watts aeon a warm up time nomp endior en%x.e 1 5 '. minutes, Other alternatives that and have inten+.ado on successfully () approximately to warm up during i average minute and to “lO0 watts and i, (b) to warm up approximately during 20 minutes to 500 watts, sóguido” Po “minute to 900 watts. According to these Together means they have obtained “Pl! oada using a freouencia of 2,400 14egahertz. Although ejmplo 7 is repeated exoepto that the plastlfloante with” -, “C6m! you give (m& stable s) that aquella8 of the example 7.< br/>
-. “, or. , b i ';. ” Epite example 1 unless r< e±na of load • and a Imero flake of 5% in EP or of ciclohexilmaleilmida and 95% in: , i vinyl chloride: < br/>
i “-: i; i " i " i: “” - “--, I” ““. Thorax the conditions previously for exemplifying i “< j: ”. ? z ". : -. “ • - Z; : uedon-modif to car emotionally and adding towards 2 part in weight i; of white mineral oil to twice improve the stability of mu or .i 2 ": ”: III: to you give approximately and up to 2 part in CEECs of a reducer of la': ; ; Viaeoeidad. Or reducer of favourite viscosity is aducto of. /< “;: ”:: : ; alcohol-Milan-lico xido. .d ethylene, Another modification connects in. < br/>
: :: “:. ; ; inciuí 15 parts and weight of a rubber of copollmero of acrilonitri. ; . - .lo b ad not (30: 0% in EP u), This material one improve the absorption• '“…. : ” - _! ;. -. , • , -; -. -, “- of: .l=: ene g$ and íoroondas or compoeici.6n. Preferably, i: …. or - q • . < br/>
eei, i c! h and ta mbin a conventional amount of a reducing agent “: . ;:: i - '”. i - del; opaz orso “of eparaci6n.< br/>
“}: ”: - - ““…. ”” - Present - ealizaci6n exemplified ace is .ilustra- -. r! . “; /;: “… Or ones, or precedingly improves for the example of rerlizaci6n detall -;: i, ..... dO, my l. ESC p r for that reason to Lee I reach of the protection sphere; ; ” '“clear do present i of invention, which is so in fundamen-”, defined by them vindications that siguen.< br/>
. “:). : ”:: : i '2 “- -:. /::. -…. Ol f nirco of high fusion point, that is substantially trnnepa-, rents wing radiaci6n by microwaves, where it is introduced in; - .i. ”. < br/>
: . -; - _ _ °Á., ': < br/>
: i i 'k to cler and plaatisol of chloride resin of v±nile; ac conforms this plasti ol in the mentioned closing to the one configuration jun-.< br/>
ta EC warms up plastlsel aa conformed on e! do closes with a gives of e-e gia microwaves until plastisol com, totally; trasto what cools off plastleol to form the aCterizado J ta G because the closing so that it acquires, in at the time of the microwave heating is also warmed up, mna temperature of 5 to 350C below its point of fuei6n.< br/>
- Procedure improved according to reivindicací6n i, ac erlzadq because the closing to a temperature is warmed up, in mo to of the aalantamiento by microwaves, of 5 to lS°C by deb£ Or of point gives fusion of! cierre.< br/>
3. - Improved Procedure aegfin vindication t. , .y 6 2, ma ctterizad_o because the olefinic polymer of high point of - fu iSn ea polipropil no.< br/>
4 improved Procedure seg reivindicací6n 3t Method of forming a sealing gasket made from vinyl chloride resin plastisol in container closures made of a high-melting olefin polymer, especially polypropylene. The invention employs a combination of microwave heating and controlled heating by conventional means. The controlled conventional heating raises the temperature of the closure to from 5 DEG to 35 DEG C., preferably 5 DEG to 15 DEG C., below its melting point; at this temperature microwave heating is then introduced to flux the plastisol. -:. /::. -…. Ol f nirco of high fusion point, that is substantially trnnepa-, rents wing radiaci6n by microwaves, where it is introduced in; - .i. “. < br/>
: . -; - _ _ °Á., ': < br/>
: i i 'k to cler and plaatisol of chloride resin of v±nile; ac conforms this plasti ol in the mentioned closing to the one configuration jun-.< br/>
ta EC warms up plastlsel aa conformed on e! do closes with a gives of e-e gia microwaves until plastisol com, totally; trasto what cools off plastleol to form the aCterizado J ta G because the closing so that it acquires, in at the time of the microwave heating is also warmed up, mna temperature of 5 to 350C below its point of fuei6n.< br/>
- Procedure improved according to reivindicací6n i, ac erlzadq because the closing to a temperature is warmed up, in mo to of the aalantamiento by microwaves, of 5 to lS°C by deb£ Or of point gives fusion of! it closes. 3. - Improved Procedure aegfin vindication t. , .y 6 2, ma ctterizad_o because the olefinic polymer of high point of - fu iSn ea polipropil no.< br/>
4 improved Procedure seg reivindicací6n 3t - 23 “is eratura of lamtisol rise by means of the heating or my; '” • : : 7.= Originating improved eeg n reivindicaci6n 6, ca- r= hoisted because the closing containing plastisol s preheats, _. “. • . < br/>
“- 2:) : i: : i qui#Ve a temperature of 5 to 15°C, preferably 5 to lO°C, by”; . “/”: “---of a3o of " or parn, fusion point to put plastlsol in state “:: ”: ” finado or partially fundido.< br/>
..... “B - Procedure improved according to reivindicaci6n 6, c £: < br/>
m, - z acterlz d or because, the closing is preheated and plastic or INI: : i, tro ace to a .temperatura of 20 to 5O°G in the closing caliente.< br/>
i "" i; , "". /“9í improved Percebimiento segfin anyone of reírin-”. 24 - - 't, •, • … < br/>
“i t ACT Nli (i. 281 326 I SAW S C Li SCLI (, [TUt) x””: "": “/- +), f: ,”. L+ P+ = t, i: “-… …. ”. , BEF. {¢& “6IPP, t (” IDAD; rJ t S [] LI (I.ILD OEPOSIT tS to, 'J [NRr. ;.: ..... GIlí: 7. , =éP] c 11 6-1% TURNS t3REIA To - • i. “, 1) 7””. ........ < br/>
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