"32erf içoia nt08 or R 0 a=ei03 IATIV conveying" the present invention refers are means trans RO % and %% of Ra and the vias guides and vehicle prOlOOZ ' youanything - Fer % Z-ANS!h.% and for people or poisas . Vias / - II may be % s % UK each raised or may si %uam n 1.' FSR ground or through tunnels. the stentamveíouloe , orient them and maintaining them upright.0 weight/ su_lo yis!headquarters be susp ene %% lay lOOI ' qued and wants features known as immerses % s (air) massive imleus , steel wheels oilíndmiees or T- ooniformes LeviStrauss % sec $ manje will " Œoaonlchões or air. The orientation of £ seriorovida RO left conheoidosioo 9_mlolow features and any means last menoionadoe , 0 municipal transportation passenger geralmen % and n % iliza busses, perore are mis resenting the eonges -% will all ' aria. The so-called "rapid % Tânsito " 0% 1 "catch % Rho" and•generally recognized be better in lorlnol . (_ loio but, its the lioação is 3.' Snohomish % DAA at chaste Start see %% the Nourredine. 0 cost in lieu Nourredine %% O and related sized and carrier, % smnho of tunnels and charge esespeomfzca •heavily ° of the route. The Schmitt of the veíeu_los % in been previously detected by the capacity and uerida %. The present invention aims at providing conveying means whereby the trains can be substantially the same length as the subst utility current, but comprise vemeulos smaller with better access rotating more often. This may be possible at/enables people to board and alight the R manner 10 forward and easy.Conventional carriers subway dispose the seats along each outer wall. The passes - geiros remain standing congested lines between the seats, and in the larger ea8 chromium porrasoasseme the situation to a "scr4mm from GE" American soccer # at each station during the hours. of pique° prootlram persons who have to disembark lu_ tional exits the vehicle, first through the uelee that do not wish desembaroar , followed by those already entering the veículo.Esta fight limits the RES uência -% of trains at slow them at stations. The retardation makes certain people more as weight than ever before for board, and so a vicious circle of decreasing returns is forced all. The end result is qae , despite its entire theoretical capacity, most existing subway systems spends relatively long periods is non-lavishly oŒonazos actions on SS %, and even more espeoianen % and in periods of aude - movement. oonore % izações according to the iuvenç , odem be supplier veleulos Highness ivamen %% and 3% of small say catch mode long powder II, catch the 5' of the home tTa with assen % XO only in each hex m.ldade % SR, % by the wide each side and place standing me I to % the next, mAmp truth, for the % of. The mows veíouiLo % powder ' anspor % initialization, for example, from twelve to fifteen pessageix ) sec T which the % eí six can I to!- seated. l and M passes& eiro if % to more than apz 'ou' MPIs O 3 msec. amenIg % 2 of strength and, prefeivslmen % and T the Asea eiros exit RO one per % the EN % NVDT by a different force in UC % independently side the ículo . The eom - eande1 % rns may, for example, forty vehicles that an ESN h. and roxlmadamen % s at the comln ' imsn % of the MS has a %% of the'm Londmesualmen % and %). 0s passengers may disembarks livremen % and T without solidirem sound people OD is or gates. Those that do can embarrass di of AMEn %% and, when there is space available, and not of the co % plunger inthe - in more than one catch % murdered eíeulo from entering. S % the time redus shipment and land on SS % to 9% to the deft and s % have yo oularem more frequencia° 0s said vehicles are equeridos the seal suficien %% and 81% emen the ERA accommodate loassaeiros PE and sufioienemen %%%% s and King the ERA nsn % tumors the Asea elros •brought, for the % s % as° the makes them nstavels ••the with respected to lilting % the side, eepeoífieamen % and due to Berem preferably lightweight for economic razõee •L. Odem rotate compositions comps while the % ivamen % and long.%% Or multicasts issues include food ration, distribution of ¢ r6a between %%% leveraged before vehicles GE rizes (read % O is, oada colorant having motor raçío %) and the option between Kon % automatic independently reads or OR OM oris %% to nevertheless those rovlemas are not corn insuloeravels and the present invention envisages to provide features to impart stability ransvereal vehicles very low, through the passages aperfeiçoamen % guiding and in vehicles, •provide transverse orientation suitable for s thereof operate in long with! ooisções , i.e. especialmen % is important for operation on elevated routes, where:% s is wind could cause the descarrilsmen %.3e according to the invention the presenter'S rv.nspor % means % and including a tie eompreendendo % children two parallel horizontally espaçs 1os each being a phalanx inc. ancialmen %% and horizontal on the checksum % inherent of a core cylinder inc.% anoialmente upright, at least one vehicle having devices HE incite lower blonde sustain it ME/ leira movable over the top of the phalanges % children and devices moreover con %%% wool at the diTeoionaleral with the trilhes , at the carrier is gone to qae displacement along the route, and security devices on the moun % adoeveloulo to lie under the flangee inc.% anoi.l. , ene % and horizontal trilhes of NIR-predicted - thereby deslooamen % vertical carrier relative to trilhes .The invention also provides means of transpose -% and including one way EIA comprising upper and lower spaced parallel trilhes and at least one veícu !the provided with features to sus %en %á it so as to pair % go from a side upon said trilhes such that the carrier extends 3men % and % wool tumors, so in 1. nço ( cant !see L.), of each said rilhorilhos % %, being mounted over an ARU esITa % of beams s % endendo parallel to the rail, said estru % u_ toes of viEa extending between, and probe mounted on, a plurality of vertical support posts spaced iongiudin Nourredine %% and web structures, at the upper web of % s Tutura conveys the posts a force exerted on the upper rail and detonate by the vehicle to the exterior beyond the coextrusion'S Luna's.The invention provides means of adicionamen % and %% and comprising aneporumavia Ula and at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier said traveling route gm IA cations, whereby a par_ portion can have at least of said lower tie supports both sides of the component carrier % and at least one part of said ESC % or tie supports said carrier, so in balance, only from a wool donate the following is a deeci it ição % of trouble of the Kon cretização - of the invention, referênola being made to the drawings at that. uematizados attached, in which:figure I is, of m vertical section through a tie and a carrier, Figure 2 is a plan view s uematizada a seam in a venue for the vehicle mostrads in FIG. II; the çig RT 3 and " a section through a veçeu_loiongitudinal , showing the web a track|€ Figure is a plan view of a vehicle, the arrangement we raudo % D'S support wheels and guides, doors and seats; 5 is a ffgara the will be along the line AA of fig. 2 with the carrier for an EE % raneferindoesclaerda |Figure 6 is a section along the b-b of fig. tical 2|Figure 7 is a section along the line AA of FIG. 2, with the carrier if the transfer to say RT•Omi sampled shows devices for the carrier operetta on one type of tie different when the vehicle travels suspended in balance the pair % go from theright of a tie entirely to its right; 8 is a IDS the figo_ta @ T-M in a vertical plane millstones % rando forces onto the vehicle atuan % s % crude in fig. 5|we Figure 9 is a vertical section showing a modified form of carrier suspended in balance the par_ % go left! the fixura 10 is a vertical section showing a vehicle suspended in balance the pair go right % Figure II is a plan view of the tie of a se9&if Mn of the diverging to FIG.|a seam. 12 is a plan view of a seam for diverging points on board two routes leading saturation in ANO % ilever ; the Fir. 13 is a plan view showing a vehicle similar to that in figso I to 8, but modified to points on board! the flg . 14 is a partial vertical section of a vehicle showing an alternative construction that functionally resembles that we % fairy in FIG. 13|to FIG.. 15 is a partial vertical section arfaves •onto the top of a vehicle surface and J.•guides are provided Q is according to one or characterizing feature of the present invention the! the Fir. 16 joins is plan view of a divergent jançã for the field of FIG. 15|to FIG.. 17 amu is vistn plan proxlmo •li1lha 110 to the wisdom. presume. 16, showing a vehicle about the tie; the Fir. 18 is a plan view near line III of FIG. 16, showing a vehicle about the route ¿ Ula; the Fir. 19 is a plan view near the line 112 of FIG. 16, showing a vehicle about the route IA cations; the Fir. 20 is a perspective lolanta near the Li - D.ha i13 the fiP . '. 16, burrs % IHR Œo a velcalo on the tie; the Fir. 21 is a iolanta Prox township mo at nip II ¢ of FIG. 16, showing a veícLIIo on the tie; the Fir. 22 mAmp is L will be upright through cantilev8r of a vehicle in accordance with another aspect of the invention, carrier oaJo " optionally may be rovido through switch with on board! the Fir. 23 is a side elevation view the carrier and route shown in Fi. 22; the flg . 24 is a upright will be through one station with two vehicles parked therein, being traveling of opposite directions; the fig. 25 is a view in side elevation shown in FIG station. 24 also showing routes gm,, were conducting the same; the Fir. 26 is a eeqãe upright through one way guide according to a further aspect of the invention the earaoterlsti •oThe; the Fir. 27 is a plan view of the tie mestrada in FIG. 26, the lower track and some domment and probe MT tidee ! the Fir. 28 is a side elevation view of the tie shown in Figs. 26 and 27; the Fir. 29 is a vertical section through a strang % ARU àe route modifioada pomp; the Fir. 30% and a segío see loyal through another embodiment of tie structure, wherein Q,, atro flat structures conjugated pinned constitute I M tube or the bethe reaç |to FIG.. 31 is a plan view of the estrmtura shown in FIG. 30, the railway sleepers and the lower probe trilhes IMO idoe ; the Fir. 32 is a side elevation view of the major part of estrutLtraleetrutura tie of FIG. 30; the Fir. 33 is a view of a section the emplan % eumva from L there is Pa to the s % of future tie of FIG.30, the IDS mostrmcdo !to eccentric oosição tri3!1os; the Fir. 34 is a section 0 1 state-crossbars of steel wheels w hnòmlc s may be LT % ilizadas in systems according to the invention, a fall of wheels may be actively flallgeadalaoul %. fig. 35 is the plan view of two lusaveíoulos engaged by panning a section line mlrva ; sec Figs. 36 and 37 are similar to the fig Spectrophotometry %. 17 21 showing alternative forms of guide wheels.Figs. 1 and 3 show a vehicle and route g to the carrier by the ALU is transcendent located and stabilized in accordance with the present invention. As best seen R. Fir. l., the vehicle 1 is supported by two pairs other Shorten roãs.s , each pair being massive mentaào about an axis. The wheels 2 and 3 mounted on an axis 12 and there is another pair like the opposite end of the vehicle about an axis 38 (see s to FIG.. 3). 4 and 5 provide strips surface rodagero surfaces on members rail longitudinal beam-double have 6 and 7. wheels 2 and 3 are support guarneoidas om tires (air) are provided and the safety rlisoos 8 sec 9. these are engageable one hundred oontratrilhes 10 and the LL prevent undesired descarliamento seams. The eontratrilhos may be linked om the IV gas (as shown) have dual or with the saperflcles J.•tread. The normal is provided by side direeionamentog.tias horizontal wheels 16, 17 mounted me pairs, each pair being substantially in the same plane verticJL axis of a pair of support wheels. Wheels - 16 and 17 were M-II diabetes fall are guarneoidas with prepus (air). The tires (air) on the support wheels and guides each rermits derives sufficient lateral to the vehicle to be governed pslas guide wheels sec - ".the neesssiõ7s of @ _iositivoBpmra go yl - HE support wheels, this being made possible as it short dlstaucip , ••between the shafts velel [it. Sec disks ssguraros wool and are 15 and above the guide wheels justados . 16 and 17 respectively. Guide wheels 16.17'S disess the safety 14, 15 are freely mounted on the vertical axes 20 and 21, whose axes may be mounted on the vehicle resemblance. The dissosssgaran of the wheels can be plagued AFL'S of&- maids p_oseFaraãmsnte combined with or be mounted.Part of each disk 14.15 lies on the safety upper horizontal phalanx of the web at d \ \ lotê associated is Rene the Deal lecture sec then the vertical carrier relationship ks rope double have, thereby _Drvsrdnàotomamento derailment or carrier.Rails 22 and 23 distribuiçãs force sdem be assemble of the below the guide wheels and co tactadoseolotorss 24 and 25 for. Similarly, rails 26 and 27 oodem signal! communicate the c min reeeprores mounted on the fleece % Uncle J. 28 sec 29. 8e desired, linear motors 30 sec 31 T-well may be situadss on the surfaces J.•support posts in double have, and is: the Z-SR 4MU % sec souls, to enter and-1 color it tact the co: the AB 32 and 33 and conductive toes obtains a strain of mere trativo .Shotgun shown in FIG. 3, a lower part 34 of the see Uncle sec extends below the surface w.s support and between the posts in dlç it-squares. 0 weight of the carrier on which the J. passengers are PE•is indicated 35 and 36 and the seats 37 and 38 are raised axes 12. A motor 39 heart oionaeixó 38 abeam of the toothed belt lime Fir. II also shows posts in section "L." protective 41, 42, which are I form in situ - of that they absorb the cupping of the wheels guided 16.17 more appealing than allowing the wheels to marry the surfaces of rope double have rural estruprlneipams . Surfaces " hor_irzontais posts 41, 42 are engageable by the disks to Aramçà 14.15, adjusted'S guide wheels. fig. 4 also shows the horizontal guide wheels 43 and 44 nm opposite end of the vehicle, and sliding doors 45.4 - 6.47 and 48.Will be seen that the tie and the user that form veíedeseritos offer admirable posieionamentotransversl , stability against balance, 1lma way Ula simple structure, econômiea and attractive, guard trilhes signal conductors and " estacoasscalho¿esinDedido pair of the passenger compartment of the vehicle, J. mechanical construction along with low chaste, and access and egress and execelen %. Features are required for espeeiais f. tnar the points in said jmŒções and features will pass the be described below.Referring s the DSS. I and 4, a wheel louoa " gm arnecida with massive I 49 is mounted in the center of the ceiling of the vehicle especially reinforced. The wheel 49 is freely pivotable about its axis, the axis of which is vertical geométri coextrusion.Turning to presume. 2, points % pitch of 6 children and 7 diverge as they if s - tend beyond apex of a seam. A vehicle pus discharge - welcome in splicing is held % O and is became guided by Kon - tact wheel ¢ 9 sound ALU uer of mudangasuperfloles of 50 amu 52 onto a limb pivot diverter 51 -%% avelmen 'S garbage dump on the route Gaya so itself uaree % core cylinder of the fetus carrier, as shown in Fi. iI. çaando diverter member 51 is tied by wheel 49 T-there is a slight entrance ramp (not fairy we %) and the vehicle is thus all forms of mind! inclined, for example, ps.Ta right. To facilitate this biases tion, the top of the web 7 41 in thinner than that of beam-7 42, this allows wheels 16 and 43 if levantarsmfraccionalmente . In the identical position madamente approved on the tie, the Kon - %-ta trilho8 i0 and II on " the inner edges of the rope double %ê sweat discontinued. The carrier is then re % I from one side by the reaction exerted by the deviation over the wheel 51 €9, this gm IA cations each vehicle beyond the unç O through still be supported. both la_ DOE at once.A superfŒcle J., fixed guide 53" that forms a continuation fixed diverter member 51 transient ion fa of the tie right, little is discontinued after the splice, at position 54. When moetrada position in FIG. 2, the diverter member 51 is susp ene %% lay at 55% upright pivot axis and by a stop 56 stirrer. The Al % tumors natively, the diverter member 51 can be pivoted to the position represented in discontinuous loe2j line 57 in FIG. 2, so that the vehicle then encamlnhados to the left in seam and stop limits - pain 62 supports the diverter member, or changing switch. The fig. 5 also shows the changing switch member 51 at the indicated position by lizlha unk 0% alkali repurpose of fig. 1 AU 57 2 . 3erá noted Q is O carrier is held by top leader upstanding wheel 49 contact at with the member changing switch 51, and that is mounted in balance the pair % go left.After the position indicated at 59 in FIG. 2, a track Ga in double have is once again P1 residues' evisto of both sides of each tie aloto D. junction. The dihydroxy toes rope double T-are indicated at 61 and additional respectively.Turning to Fir. 6, a vehicle such as shown in FIG 1 that dork is provided with support - inferior of both sides of R for four wheels. The rope double have rail 6 and 7 are supported on a frame in mullions espaçatrellça comprising - 67 of the ides energy by a member and transverse seam 68. The members 67, 68 form arcs sustent alkali - of the members of the longitudinal trilkm , that RP nque - mud distance between the arches, the fig. 7 shows the carrier suspended in balance break the direltao it will be appreciated that it is sustent pounds.the thereof by two support wheels as in flgu RT - 6, but so_ it between on one side, and it is held efeto contacting wheel 49 with the fu " dull changing switch 51.A carrier that is suspended in balarão from the left or dlrelta I to sound in IP sec. g and 7, paddle - RT 13 through the RH ssar will may continue to be mlportado that manner beyond the junction. The changing switch member 51 can then be replaced by a fixed rail or 5uia, designated 70 in flg . ?(represents the at same component as member switch dance of MU - 51). The sled?0 may be supported by structural members such as a transverse web?l and a post 69. The post 69 also can support the web rail, as 7 amu. 6.Turning to presume. 8, the weight 71 of a veleulo suspended in balance the pair % go left, actuates the - RT low crossbars inboard wa 6 Tavid and 72 and this is balanced by the force of CA is placentação 73 upwardly, with the moment arm 74. The forces are igaais , and give a binarzo resulting forces equal to either 72 73 7 ¢ rcando either to the distance. eTS anthem ' river is colored. ilibra - and by that the forces would. 0 top of the veícule is King ' component, thereby mnntendo it became the %, by is..cA 75 rcando (for example) over the wheel 49. This optimize and Q ilibr ium by forces on the lower guide wheels 16 43 (Ve to the Fir..4), bowing to the exteri - RO with Q-a force equal and opposite to arrow'S 75 (in tho - sêneia charge ertubadoras , % s as wind Œeavés and/or force the centrífU ). Gadahorizon_ such atu said force on a moment arm 77 producing a inário pouting in the opposite direction that will produce foot - ium weight and upstanding reaction. Once (the force) fits th omaticamen %% and applied load, these two binary automatically s make up. Wa wind and centrifugal loads are conducted by additions to or sub kibbles 75% fillers and 76, so that its algebraic sum is inal % eraŒa - i.e., a force of a Newton atardo Da and sqaerda deal right agraves of the ESOs the automa CI % amidships and causes half in that force to the load to be somanda 76 and one half and the bribed to be 75t bináíos translated the wind will be automaticsunan -% and offset the variations in the value of the R and L both loads and 75 76.0 member guide, I 70% in fiK . 7, requires a s % you % Phew upper backing and the % s can be GR m4% of case side followers are provided, as shown in Figs. 9 and i0. The fig. II represents a section/the way I " to displace•rite of carriers I below. Initially, vehicles are susten % Partner leaves the rail 6 and muni.dos rail guide superAoeretes at 70. bsequenemonte %, a guiding rail wool % additional eral 78, is the provis %. sec % and is onga % lay by one or -% independently follower 79 (see Fir..9) and top leader is unin % after a short inuada juxtaposed relationship. As mosirado in Fi. 9, the side member comprising a follower 79 80 dishware rolling wheel on a shaft carried by a arm 81..% 78% tones can guide air from an % respective child affixed to posts esvoaçadas as 82,u and also conduct the Tilho support 6, the follower - eral % wool may be daolicado in part condone % oi the vehicle raseita and %%% and ivamen Res. CE, and is only necessary on a side, if it is desired to mount a balance the carrier pair % go from a side•nevertheless, to the extent that convenience can be used in the carrier mount a balance, W to % if you live iSNS of one or the other side, then another follower side (optionally doubled), such blank 83 independently, can be the Fair Company. The fig. i0 millstones % Ta as the carrier poŒe be moun t-, ad.o in balance from the dlrelta , senõ.o guided and held at upstanding follower 83, 84 engaging with a track that is sasten % by the post lay 85 which supports the rail right line 7.The points on board can replace the change over the tie as above deeorito , L. RO exem - cutting, 79 and 83 side followers may be pivotavslmenmonismos % and in operation the R axes geome % belt 86 and 87•the longitudinal, and hinged for devices on board, under the control of computer, so EU one or other arm follower can take the position represented by discontinuous lines ineli nothing in Figures 9 and 10 and by the axis of the n 1 eseon optimize 86 - 88 and 86 - 89% naked, also by discontinuous lines 87 - 90 and 87 - 91.Said devices when the standard L ivotantes Fair Company, the 78 and 84 trilhes may continue through the seam, as shown in Fi. 12. the trilhes guides 78 and 84% wool oral files and are provided through the seam, and carriers reach the; junction, traveling part yn zeal to the meat's top design, oThe nferlortrilhes of support 6 and 7. way substantially prior to joinder, each vehicle o.uer selects the guide 78 whether the guide 84, and imedia % Ajmer autues 'S the seam each of these guides is comloelida slightly beyond the tie of the spo, such that a vehicle in contact with the guide 78 is nothing but out of the contact of the polo with the rail 7, and in reality is susl0enso Ba - haul from the esqtlerda 6 and 7 before the trilhesdi_vergirem junction. Similarly, carriers contacted the guide 84 are slightly for the unannounced % say, immediately before the seam to be alcau - CA, so that they become bear seed by IV ¿ track 7. m each case, carriers if gaem lines 6 - 7 respectively via the U- jtm - tion, and may continue suspended in bals it damaging from the left TOs from right, respectively. Facultati - vamente , lower mounting of both sides may if guir to junction, as represented in FIG. 12 by refreshing of 6 and 7 trilb_oe , and also guides 78 and 84. facultativamente, the pivotal axes of the sesuideres of both sides can be coincident and they can is so - sea a member swing.In FIG. 13, the carrier 93 travels from bottom to the top of the drawing. the upper guide wheel 125 is mounted on a crankshaft, with the pre - udendo an axis 98 is an unsubstituted ha97 fa, which is scroll - FSR for devices on board, at wheel guide àesloeável between positions 92 and 95 and 96 94° stops limit displacement of the crankshaft. The crankshaft is deslooado before carrier 93 lcançar a seam, and wheel guide below contacts time a cult members II Suloeriores 'S 99 i00 amu, which direct the vezc ium LoAs O L of the alororiaclo emergency - tion of the unbent position and holds it.I the system of FIG. 14, the upper guide wheels i01 and 102 are mounted on a bl.aço of balanoimiO3 , which is alkali plvota L on axis relative LU I0 2.50 is operated by on-board devices, so that the wheels io1•102!Of Sam be displaced positions 105 and ERA i06 MBO! oeetivamente . Members guides checksum!108 and 109 are. s % s aoionárias and correspond to members guides 99 and WR io0 IP .13. pounds, so that the wheel qllandO i01 contacts a guide 108 107 uiaRo Proceedings the vehicle is left in a diverging junction at rue s follows, and Q to the NA Ro at 102 contacts a guide 109, it is deal right guide. both cases the vexc Lo is held % became the loela wheel to the time card with its proper gnia .Figs. 15 21 show an alternative system by which the shifting and Ia to maple pray be pre-IL xada and verifioadaale811çar before a seam and EN - when the fabricator veloulo 'S suspended in balance the pair -% go from a side. the n time requiring stroke ficaçãoveri_ Pa to the seam, along with a stroke stop emergency safety that the safety or -% independently so requires, this feature does not require more than a continuum of orien % @ aseeEu 'S will wink ., om superstitions OOmlorimen % up to one of the if - veículo.A switch is will increase loelo providing 10 normal operation ( exoe % the at effectively transpose seams) wheeled Gaya superior fixed axis. The present upon completion is iDossibilitada by small wheels g that the comprouveram be commercially dzsponzvezs , p_a RT satisfy the requirements of load and speed.For example, a tracked vehicle passenger 16, independently of the jerk can be 15 "(38 in) or 16" ($0, ScJn ) diameter. 0 diameter of 16" (40.5 cu) would be aprel laugh the for the shaft as used xoãas Axis % n=o Kon.The diameter of 15" (38 in) would be suitable for wheel immature, flip.The presume. 15 shows a vertical section through the top part of a carrier 115, equipped one hundred four guide wheels of fixed axis 116 antidegradants. These wheels guided dishware roll axes on the part of the mounting 8obre mureriorveíeulo , with axes vertical geometries. In a vicinity of a seam, for example in! ooeição the line V in FIG. 16, is contemplated a guide surface 151 that is tied 117 and 118 invoke rotate, that both the carrier and the rim node maintains the became %. The superfmoie guide 131 and predicted in a side of a U-rail member that spans 121 to Fido reverse guide wheels, at qusluer inversion charge the R % eversal , as it could be oThe Shaddie wind, force the e21trzfug J. condiç s acci - dentaie , •and conducted by the opposite guide surface•• d_ito member 121•a rail like member 123, 116 and 119 for wheels, is shown upright in projection.Will be understood that in the ambo - 121 and 123 1 them eeri in provided for a change of the ANO % I to overcrowding liver from one side to the ean % I to!the patent or % the Ro, pcre ; m are not normally in the same position under any another Kon diçõeso members 121 and 123 supported on the web'S the transverse top 124.0 carrier may be provided with lower mounting from one or other Shorten and both laàoe , as was D - crito . 5 uperflcies 127 and 128 nearly center guides are envisioned for the swivel wheel 125, which is scroll - FSR Pa to an alternative position 129, as indicated in fig. 5 in discontinuous lines. The operation may be as eegue . 0 displacement of the carrier is from left to right of FIG. 16.The mAmp àe Pa by a seam, fie. 16, a vehicle in position ii0 is suspended in balance from the left lower supported only at that laào , the geolocation etTlco the support rail being left indicaào I carrier is 0.0 - uiado % and is maintained and the contacting ãa8 guide wheels deteriores i16 and 119 with the left upper guides euperfleles J.•13l co_ OM shows in FIG. 17. Les % the position the muni candle 126 is free to travel, and during perío to approach, as soon as possible after it leaves the last junction, is shifted to the position required to only RT paddle revenien % and. sec % and deslooamento is checked and a automatic stop's limited oeeesa case leave and be verified a belt operation.Upon reaching the position II0 , the surface Gaya central topsheet is predicted 127. It is bored by wheel 125, carrying the crankshaft % to give a eon the BA -% and 96% Sn-limiting and leaning very ligeiramen % and the carrier Pa to the right to that equal either shock does not present itself when the wheels support the left>gave me its rail. In this esfrio the carrier is inferormen % is supported by both sides, with the charge being % rausferida from left to right. hoarse post, the guide 131 is discontinued, and the isolate is such that any seleoionado by ro the present guide 125, the carrier may follow the same.The fig. 19 moetrass conditions position of FIG 112. 16. Will be obeervado EU inexis % and any Gaya 131. The orientation is f. uadaexclusivamen %% and 127% Alu aando over the wheel 125. If the candle sec - - ium has shifted to left, the wheel will have the AEO 125 palLhado the surface left 128 (fig. 16) aogtao the.I 20% we RT the carrier 10 Rho 4m 0 position 113 of the Fi. 16. The upper guide surface 133 is VK DAA!cells guide wheels 117 and 118 of fixed axis. The guide 127 is subsequently rela inuada % and the velc i0 remains in the orientation of the wheels 117 and i18, atus .udo out on the surface 133.The SUlOor % is and how one is L to Fir. 17, the carrier is suspended in balance from the left.In the Li rotates 18 support inferiolélo1 ' evis % the both sides, eno_u - - tn to transfer the charge if m % s will, processandOo shown in Figs. 19, 20 and 21 carrier is suspended in balance from the right.Joins ssquêncla corresponding is followed loelos vehicles being bisecting the left, and at seams oonvergen % s. Carriers!oThe Tooar in suspending the balance left loara % suspension in balance!the costly to say % and vice versa without further the EU % lower mounting a stroke sufficiently long to transferenola charge free of shocks.Or % the ' ossim , in converging jtmções , blades w, tying guides may attach over the wheel gm % DAA IA cations moun EHB only the crankshaft 125, to deslooá it, case 23 d oessarlo , •° from!casting ensure % EU posioionada is correctly.In the system of the Figgs. 22 and 23, the carrier 134 is carried by two support wheels 135 and 136, being a SAS entado Ba 1% 0% for Ex uçerior thereof is Man % gone by upstanding guide wheels 137 and those upper i38.a reaction wheels is balances by two guide wheels 139 and 140 lower. Eu - carry wheels run on surface members (not shows of the) on the track and structural member 141. % and is a web'S in double have, core cylinder upright, the upper lauge which smells wheels. 0 flanges tinkled - salt of a respective child of will in % against 7 1 €2 prevents the desoarrilsmen % the at contact at with a safety disk 143 which is ooaxial with the wheel and rotates with the guide wheels mssmao 139 and 140 rotate lower iotleae in % orrlo axes gsoetrlcos corre2ldo upright against the 1 of the web in double have. They are Fair Company of disks 145 145 and safety. These are engatavels with the lower face 146 upper WR reviewed the NIR that the support wheels lift the contratrilho 142.Guide wheels 137 and 138 rotate upper ASW ium on vertical axes rigidly bonded with reinforcements in the fetus veículo.Elas run on the core cylinder of the web in double have 147. these disks are provided with security and 149 150 that are engatave sec " with the lower flange of the web in double have 147, to prevent undesired descari en to the. Reverse charge on guide wheels sec! oerior and lower can be created RO is % s and/or blowing crossbars eondigões impingement in beatings. onto wheels were higher, said fillers are oondl1zidas by engagement of the sides of the wheels 137% ROS Production and i] 8 with a gripped member upper rail i ¢ 8. Soln ' and lower guide wheels, loads are conducted at evadedlscos of security on wheels with the counter stlporte % corn. fig. 22 shows the, in discontinuous lines, aJ-RO % of the 151 run onto the vehicle 134 and one per %%% and the exact smenlooalizs wool 152 in!0 smede facing the same. A station can be envisioned foreshadowing right of the headed and, in 15s. Thus, the aoessovéíe to 10 S the enlretrilhes makes the upper and lower.The fig. 2 ¢ shows a two- la %eral station. The veíc them 15 €155 and 156 run on the trilhes 'S 157. Guide wheels 158 and 159 lower slide on the outer surface of the rail members. The upper guide wheels 160 and 161 are horizontal, I to the MED - 0.1% above the portion can have the mind of each vehicle, and affixed thereto " so q and s edges ex %ern. s s - so substantially in the plane of the wall yn tumors upright % carrier. Streets inside edges ene -% RAM to sit sound track members 162 and 163 upright, which tend over the top of the vehicles and attaches them eka'S _neversais rt beams 164, 165. Ports 166.167 align with!oThe into container taclo SAD'S 168 169•%. station platform 170 and s lOcrtada 171 and 172 on posts.%. fig. 25 shows three series of ports in the wall color tons 173.174.175 çer % ina 1 station 176, ql1e is supported on posts 177 and 178. 0 gurmukhi - it top leader (corresponding to the member 147 of FIG. 22) and " indicated 179, and the lower guide and the support rail (corresponding to the member 141) of FIG. 22) is indicated lso by.These members are conti - nuementesmalelos through the entirety of Da to roxlma tion of the station, the station itself and if the subsequent tion sstrutuma of lymph. Volts 181 1,182 e 183 bind with the docking station. Each ccmpresnde mere Brothers rail 179 180 and upper and lower, with s vertical and ACA crowns WR %% alkali chin sideways. The Escape pounds are more closely spaced vertical toes in s % remldaŒe than in the center of each gap, for reasons of a_loarencla , and the v the susp are ene %% Partner - RT on posts.s as ie4, 177, and 178.In Figs. 22 and 23% feed motor 185 is MON % lay below the floorboards booth passes eiros , 185, and at a level lower than the contact track supo1,te the wheels of backup. The axis of the mackerel geometrlco motor is parallel to axes geon : and % rlOOS wheels support and aoiona V to of the Ro a8 wa seat by Œntermedlo of nm belt. This leaves the space of floor unhindered, and is conveniently located to ooletores energy, that may ¿ambím %. be situated below the floorboards horn indieado in 186, in FIG. 22.The station and sections of line in fig. 25 mostradelas may be on bilateral, as in ests will @ in FIG. 24, so Q is the traffic on the distal side if lOrooessadlreção in opposite that of side Fair Company - improperly. T3n passageway can be provided between 23 D'S lines as rspresen % lay at handrail 2185. l°odem be structures way gm IA cations special blank oThe segLxs •turning to íig . 26 watt trilhes in 186 187 Watt have supports the tight passage of vehicles - Res. pectivamente an e of another side of the structure, and s•° from vertical surfaces provide surfaces for the guide wheels gm were lower horizontal, generally collforme was described. The trilhes railway sleepers are supported by transverse as 188, which themselves may be oonvuientemente antidegradants of by members and structural Retainer Hori Iongitudinaiszontais , as appropriate between 202•where. crit,, lay, each can sit dormant nente redirect only a step - EHB the n column of St stent-folded vertical, as 189. the ocl Who tombóm 'S 'S the antidegradants D'S % by 190 and 191 children upper guides, EU may be Li bird with the dents by the railway sleepers versaie as 192.In the system of FIG. 27, 189 and 193 posts pass through the composite beam (to be described) lower and upper composite web U to localize scenewhere - see to railway sleepers as 192 and tracks guides - 190 and 191 ristes heals, posts are actually rigid_a mind bonded with said web the pleura reinforced by the upper horizontal lattice oompos %, comprising said dornen % s, said upper guide % children, the structural member icngitudinal major 195" that can be conveniently located at the center line, and members such as diagonal ocntravamento 195, 196 and 197 ssim horizontal loads imposed by vs. oulos suspended in balance on the T-die .1 Llosperiores 190 and 191 St. guides are supported by said composite web or e_rmada , and thus transmitted to the tops of posts 189 and 193.Horizontal loads imposed by wheels on faces uias lower vertical tris - ly 15ó and I 7 are supported by beams in Horizon % s % flat reinforced reliça S Icres comprising said lower structural member'S % children in Horizon 1 II major 202 and entosesntravsn %% and the Ro priados plump the diagonal members such as that shown in FIG entos correspondent. 27.Shit imposed vertical duels!bone of cultivating vehicles' and the 186 and 187% Tilhos 'S the conducted by a vlgsroforçxlaCOmlOosta centrally in lattice comprising the two aforementioned osta s structure members in Lon itudŒnais 19 €and 202, such as spaced vertical beams appropriate 1960, member and Kon % ravent mantle IDS - onals as 1970.Q is the drinker will be colmas have to s - the independently of the tend p8r estru % u.ra so as to numberI - the web-Zer top flat universally, and hence have rails and run a and L of the other thereof, being shift from centerline yurt Nourredine and as shown in FIG %. 26 and FIG. 28. The - rather, the weight of vehicles produces a reactive torque forces that is supported as a time we lower transverse fletor railway sleepers. These are supported in balance (i.e., found together Susoe % ívels "" transmitting di % the hymn it to you forces) with the IV - vertical gas space, such as 1960 and through the meamss with the flat horizontal upper composite viha % radius we generally shown in Figs. 26 and 27. This averaged ium forces thus produces a ps.r forces rnnsvsrs s %% the same and the the, s at said beams zontals Retainer Hori oompos % upper and lower portion can have a SS respectivamen_ , consolidates the B % ±rlOS mls of forms may be thr iti longitudinally by two beams of the hox '% s made up to izon upstanding posts and thus finally to ground.The fig. 29 shows an alternative of the invention upon completion by the web-c the AAL compoeta upright (R-gm acla in mind as we&IP. 28) is doubled.s % and if s % elevation in the reads, diverging teral if as_semelha Fir. 28 and D webs composed as represented in the upstanding'S 198 and 199 in FIG. 29. The mere Brothers corresponding to vertical member 1960 stiff - - necem beams supporting the B hairy-rod forces the••the zido by railway sleepers. 0 said binary can be rausmi %% gone either by both sides Dda displayed with vertical beams, and both support at auxiliama weight, Q-al % NRA bivalent, me solely one side is driving a vehicle the carriers, J. you side of the vertical web comloos -% the can withstand the load, atum_do upwardly, and the or -% RT vertical web may just % R-down upon the ERA TOs - the extremid " read of the railway sleepers (i.e., ends the the % the ends Q and support the load of the vehicle I carriers) in a manner that said air sapor % binarro •° from due to track be supported in balance beyond the web ateante for c m is desired maintenance and/deal purposes or L ERA quaisqaor oThe % ROS Production purposes such as a suit % the emergency exhaust for peach trees of any carrier or carriers J. embuçados , a catwalk for pedestrians may be provided between the posts 198 and 199 vertical. It can have balaustrss or handrails as 200 s an tray 201 can be installed between the two composite vertical routes.Of the Qom % upon completion of a OTLs WR! ore_ feels invention, shown in figo° 30 33, a structure may be icrevistatrilhes important V and eulosmencioado as above, whose gaps are reaction tubes formed of four rectangular estrL - bills flat hinged pins, whose tubes are attached TE action along the upper surfaces of - - - - - pI - - - - - - - - - - - -=min sec colmas .Referring to•Figgs. 30 3), and• necessarlo immature.explain that the term " artic CI of pinned" is derivago analytical considerations, % - toes at EU struct type considered can be requested a mAmp-like sweep voussoirs o_ue there would be s artioulcções pinned, the m.qis exactly, imitate of esfe TA and sleeve, were installed at the ends of each quite elite, the moun % or % and GE. Moreover, the major side members can be considered have put together ball and socket (for thin contemplated - folded, will strain) where qlz that is. with gnaw reunidae - bialy - and/or apparent eversaiŒia¿ ' on a s.This se.utido "rticl1lado RO pins" sigmifita members % s % Z-amu-such are subjected to forces in lorincipImente truss compression or in tension along their axes geometrŒcos . A "reaction tube" means a s % future comprising a tube, which are the basic s may be articulated structures RO composite pins, and EU envisaged for confidential me laugh OM torsion assembly.Posts 20 €bribing members 203 and tie %% the yn as 205. Each said VI to oompreenuatro bars % of ion-II structure id4n read lorlnoi - parents, such as 206,207, 208 and 209•these odsm OR and ium, appear on rafters, both in structural steel outubcsextremados light bonds. 3eus axes from GE••- meter.The• si %uam it if V % a1 you in corners of a dear retân ium, as millstones.% erate in FIG. 30. All four are the Li the intervals, in transverse planes spaced, for four cross members such as 210.211 " 212 and 213 and by a member ES•herein sideways (which also foreshadowing pouting under compression) as 214 Assas transverse frames are linked by diagonal of each side, such as 215, and RO diagonal c-MA and in low % SRA as 216. The tracks, as descrite at may be adjoined by railway sleepers whose upper and and lower railway sleepers are secured to affixation points such as 217 and 218.So as to ensure visually coherent ARA escoadura add a whole, and e3 me " the n % mb.e the aspcQtoouoo attractive members and T 13_ho the roof, Ps and be installed a fetus T-Q water as 219. sampled IDS - only, a Pa qsadiço and pedestrians can be installing into bottom entrapara , with balaus % - 200% Al as powerful and a catwalk such sums 212. Is worthy of the %% in the EXlS ência space sufficient under sideways member 214 to persons w me harcmsonvenientemcn % and along the catwalk.The presume. 33 shows how this structural DAA optimize! the % - weatherand Pa to curves, cutting structures w_a Gaya SR % ilineas 220,221 e 222 sltuam along dsslinhas chord, to end in half window frame eyelets such as 223 and 225 curved they're fixed to railway sleepers by eccentric s as 225, points previstosnasvansversais frames mounting posts % s as 226 227'S. eráobservads that the four bar jumps % Urals iongitadinais , constitutes with the armaçôes % rans - versais and diagonal as 216 wherein S!% mitten built on the sides of the Lanos 10% can have angled corners cu.lasiocalizsm it opens the major side members, form a ubo % reaction. The railway sleepers in balance supporting an binary (forces)% of children and s % and is applied to the part of the centTalŒito % ubo relationship or mer % EU, % aando loaded therein, in a side. at ccndazido reaction tube Pa to its ends and therein the transmitted Pa to 1 the posts, through points of anchorage as 1228, in columns as 203. eTS flywheel with slip would tend to deform the reaction tube in a transverse - if folded in parallelogram or losangularporamdistorçâo is prevented by said diagonal as the member 214.s relationship with the gm IA cations yl sec portion can have a wool in IP - toes 30 32, arrow noted that the web spiked in %% upper reliça f. ivemente transmits the load at 1ante to the outside from a carrier longitudimlmente Pa to the vizinhsnçaaoim . support posts.In relationship to Figs. 26 32, the terms horizontal and vertical web web repor %am to the yo - xosgeometrlcos O larger cross sections.the provision of erá since the horizontal beam in the s 1 0% of future tie reduces the tendency for the powder to be independently oeoidolater Nourredine %% and at the center of a gap/a vehicle as described herein can be Fair Company - the lower mounting with four wheels through the ter L nd.rlcs •/•and four guide wheels OIl Na multimedia Tleas •••we add % fate in FIG. 34. 0 rail steel supports a cylindrical wheel 228 229, which is located by and rotates with a long axis and axis of rotation is 0 geometry INDI dialog under where in 230 - 231. eTS axis may be carrier independently - of backup such as 229 from either side of the veíe ,, it, as in conventional locomotive écn % ± AC. Todavla , so as to dock fillers %% loodemransversais relatively raised and be associated with the operation in the ilever % U-II % HCl as the descri , instead of using conventional flauteadas wheels, side action is orien % supplied by guide wheels steel líuõ.ricas AB seloa SAD, % s as 232 1 - sweat that mounts over a long axis of the well supported oujo axis geolocation rzco catch 8, vertical and the Ro•Battlegroups II % action would in the 233 - 234 preferable that Su!this wheel oerfzoxeseSa parallel Su erfzcme 1 will have 1 track 228 on Q al the Ola. demlecessarmo "" which axes 230 - 231 and 233 - 234 itself MA in the same plan, poram s % O may be w f. - ível in a manner to have the wheels to strong in the ESOs -% of children in the curves. Wheels 229 and 2 2 ioo in if juxtaposing in region 2 5, where the reciprocal deeloeamento be small or zero. The advantages of the resents upon completion are the EU wheels and steel are much smaller and much less wear Q is the tires (of) and s! oecialmen % and may be preferable U % ilização wheels and steel for purposes of orientation. The resen % and upon completion is especially the pro!for maneuvers such as described oriada UR, whereby su!in ANO % oorteilever is used to f.%=air vehicle maneuvers eusten % Partner it part go it ferio , because the guide wheels eilíudri S B referzvezs •" to flanged wheels and this proce s only changing routes eliminates clearances reduzidae the - € Tavés of which flanges have to change keys in conventional ferrovzarlas . fig. 35 shows the the general case of a train of vehicles sustentadoe across the bottom Q is can be provided according to the present invention. Two 236 237 veíeu_ them and are individually supported on two pairs of wheels, 238 and 239 as tails that are mon_ rude in pairs on massive axes as 240, i.e., the roíam do not rotate about the axis, the axis rotates and is AXi Array Imentelooallzaào in brass. 8 feast plinth 2 €3.24 million or rope double have rotarem thereon are provided for these support wheels on and orien - feed. 0ada said carrier and skipjack tuna by four horizontal wheels, as 241, caiesgeometrloos axes and rotation may interoetar those of support wheels of m s! oroxlmas . Two adjacent of said vehicles are aeoplados with a eiygeome % rlcopivotsmen indicated independently of 242.Guide wheels such as 232 (Fir. 3ç) may optionally be providae with flanges, such as 245, EU pose engage with the lower face of the belero track, positively prevent derailment.It is noteworthy that maneuvers àesoritas - as the measurements by suspending in balance of vehicles w remain posszvels , because the wheels on the opposite side may departing from (w. ill. by a slight increase in gauge) qasn_ the backing has balance is elevated and orna % if in the form illustrated in FIG RequirementsYour. 35, damping can be provided in the pivotamenrelagão with % of the carriers adjacent to each other, around m and XO geome -% rich upright. 0 said dampening may be the licado to coupling and 242, or alternatively may be applied via dampers, such as 245 and 246, that sweat deslooados qualitative Bs een % same as active ingredient. Said love % seimento is to ensure stability against transverse osoilaçõss around axes vertical geometrzeos , especi Nourredine % and high speeds.Figs. 36 and 37 show the Mn modifieada version of the system described with reference Figs. 17 2l, na which is provided a pilot wheel coaxial with each wheel Gaya, whereby said vezeu_Io is stabilized before the agent with the guide wheel superfxoze fixed guide, and TE of the Gaia is also rotated antsriormen % and into engagement. fig. 36 shows the guide wheels of 250 253 fixed axis, provided with piloting respeotlvas wheels 246 249 coaxial therewith. 254 when the vehicle travels from left to right, it is estabili - zado , prior to wheel guide 231 s engage with fixed agate 256, and contacting the wheel pilot 247 with a surface 255 piloting, Q and is provided with inlet - mAmp.The contact of the wheel with the piloting auloerf c and•° from piloting Tams bám prints angular acceleration wheel guide 251, !0elo Q and its shock and contacting with the guide 256 is reduced•the fig. 37 shows a wheel 2ilo % 0,257 coax hundred wheel guide 259 mounted on the crankshaft ou0a and engageable with a pilot wheel and PE flole NDP -% 0,258, Q is provided with inlet , as we lay %.this s % abillza the carrier, assuring that the practicability and corr ically located wheel guide 259 with U erf wreference guide 260, while the % EU zodagaia 259 receives determi_ NaOCl 8 U angular acceleration prior to NA portion can have, by which the wear and the shock'S eduzidoe .noted that the wheels may pilot is above the level of the HE - guide wheels, and, being smaller, hr sufficient space appropriate entry on the surface ERA pomp of larger wheels.In attractive specification, the term "lower" means applied to the carrier support will of floor level below the cabin, or transpose shipand arching ccmpar %% load, and not below the extreme lower end indispensavelmente carrier.When not otherwise specified to be elucidated, the rezão "route gm IA cations" means the T-e/o ilhoe and structure foundations which support XO. The EZ of the "rail" % means the member onto which the independently or if the=equivalent rotate. the aoul %% between compounds IVa, O and be! orotegido by a member surface. 3m ESPE oífzoa load "means the load pozoamlrimemto amu Tar it (for example, from New % One or kilograms-force powder mis - Tr) ." L. oàasoônicas " abrenge all live qaeflaugeadas as both are conical. " 0opacidade " mean the ability transporter passsgeiros , e.g. in passegeiros per hour mAmp direction. " Saporte " means support the weight, atuamdovertioImenteo "orientation" means the horizontal forces to the carrier eonstrauger next the trilhes and permauecorcorrateme % and orientation transverse mind." Dormemtes " means crossbeams ligan tri - 1 hr 0 S with the % s major matutaàa tie." a planar frame " means me eetru % omja endpoint is a general aesemleha to a plane TOs % range - e.g the flam from GE other Shorten, nanny, beam-double have, I.Q.% tumors eona ' taudo mass of a strip metal, Q-tumors MA reinforced structure in lattice, eomposta , flat, or qaalguer form of this type. A "web" is a structural member for a pro0etado smpor % air binary (forces) detonate around AE geometrzco perpendicular to the length axis if.A "bay rail" is a metal mass which PELs stresses wavebands are distributed in profD_uliãaàe , as in 228 of FIG. 34."Beam at d 13 1 0 - have" sec pounds you stay any oThe oThe TOs s % R- tuma w OJ sectional profile % ransve 'S aBsemelha L to the uppercase type "II" L. leira RO example Understa en to the uas strips the flat land,, phalanges interchangeable pull-core cylinder upright, and inoltti s % rutumas and frame and hollow as well as massive beams, - II - EIVII ina DFs, sec I % means % ranspor and including one way valve cone IA cations gm % tape % children of two parallel spaced horlzontalmsn %, each " having a substantial flat solnflanEe the ABS, and the % inherent of a Toro % anoialmente upright core cylinder, at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier provided with disposiivos % lower support for susn %en %a them on upper flanges of the rails and dlspos !% Ivos alias to contact side with the directional % children, by which carrier is skipjack tuna to the desloeamen % along the path is d_isposi % ivcsmontadoe security on the carrier for recline underlie flangea inc. auelalmen % and % " - Retainer Hori zontaitrilhes DOE at 8 and! yrevenirnoese way the vertical deeloeamento carrier than the alkali ¢ ' eyelets.2.%% hair ranspor and claim II, and the AF Tacterlzadoe at %% ID of the IDS osltiros % age of cone-tie and guide wheels and the GI avelmen % monfadas onto the vehicle P and ca-hu-enga avels •%. sound the souls inc.% NA eialmen % and vertical side trilhes for providing guidance for the vehicle.3. the R % of ¿eiosranspor % and according to the relvindi_ The transport vehicle system has a guideway with two horizontally spaced parallel rails, each with an upper horizontal flange on top of a vertical web. The vehicle (134) has a bottom support for movably supporting it on the upper flanges of the rails and guide wheels for lateral guiding engagement with the rails. Rigid discs (144,149) coaxial with the guide wheels (137,139) underlie the horizontal flanges of the rails and prevent vertical displacement of the vehicle from the rails. The rigid discs can be of smaller dia. than the guide wheels. The bottom support for the vehicle can be pairs of support wheels, each pair being mounted on a solid shaft, the axis of which is fixed relative to the vehicle. - [...] ina DFs, sec I % means % [...] and including one way valve cone IA cations gm % tape % children of two parallel spaced [...] %, each " having a substantial flat [...] the ABS, and the % inherent of a Toro % [...] upright core cylinder, at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier provided with [...] % lower support for [...] them on upper flanges of the rails and [...]!% [...] alias to contact side with the directional % children, by which carrier is skipjack tuna to the [...] % along the path is [...] % [...] security on the carrier for recline underlie [...] inc. [...] % and % " - Retainer Hori [...] DOE at 8 and![...] way the vertical [...] carrier than the alkali [...] ' eyelets.
2.%% hair [...] and claim II, and the AF [...] at %% ID of the IDS [...] % age of cone-tie and guide wheels and the GI [...] % [...] onto the vehicle P and ca-hu-enga [...]•%. sound the souls inc.% NA [...] % and vertical side [...] for providing guidance for the vehicle.
3. the R % of [...] % and according to the [...] 2, [...] at of said security devices being mounted above the wheels [...], between the guide wheels and upper horizontal flanges of the rails.
4. conveying means according to [...] 3, [...] at of said IDS!security [...] you ascertain disks [...] coaxial laser-om wheels 5. conveying means according to [...] 0 4, [...] % [...] at DOE at disks - sec [...] rigid be smaller diameter wheels EU g=- T-microsphere PSA 6. means according %'S [...] ALU of the loudest voices w2 5, at the guide wheels [...] be tire. 7. means and shipping according to one of the colored regions L. [...] I to 6, wherein [...] % of OA rail be a beam-double have.
8. [...] filled according to any one of claims I to 7, faceand % [...] at of said IDS![...] % lower support to support the vehicle on the phalanges of the upper cone-[...] % tie of pairs of support wheels each pair being moun % sdo component about an axis [...], the axis of which is fixed [...] over vehicle. 9, [...] % and means of claim 8, wherein % steppin [...] of said support wheels be ungulate tires. i0. Conveying means according describes the Al - either one of claims 1 9, characterized because the carrier comprise a bottom downwardly extending between said [...] so as to lie below said heat level links [...] lower support itself.
iI diabetes. conveying means of claim [...], characterized because the bottom of the carrier contain a motor of the devices to transmit [...]•[...] action motor Pa to at least one air and support wheels for the vehicle.
12. conveying means comprising a venue [...] HID [...] % [...] tape of parallel spaced upper and lower and at least one of the setpoint [...] % sdo component [...] for [...] it movably pair % go side upon the [...] %% the [...] so if the EU [...] % and 1% and [...] ene, and forms in balance of the [...], each track being mounted on a strang % IVR web extending parallel to the rail, the [...] % web structures extending between, and being assembled cover a [...] ness of [...] S [...] upstanding spaced [...] U.D. [...] % and %. with respect to s % [...] of web, whereby the web structure upper portion can have Rand % m up to the posts and a force - on the upper [...] % and Atuan by the vehicle to the exterior beyond the posts.
13. [...] and shipping according to King - volts' com. [...] 12 comprising at least one station having an opening of access thereto [...] % [...] between levels of said upper and [...] and because the carrier include a booth having an access port and is placed powder Q is in alignment with the access opening of the station [...] is brought to park Annex IXa station.
II [...].%% [...] means and is according to claim 13 12 [...] amu, [...] wool want it Harbucks carrier [...] % and be susp - ene %% CDA exclusively at lower thresh yle carbamate derivatives. 15. Conveying means of any m9 the [...] 12 14, characterized because the horizontal orientation for the carrier to be [...] % and by a force [...] for EN -%% and the Ro applied therein by the upper rail, and a CA is applied to the vehicle for beast [...] below to the N FSR of its holder upright by lower track.
16. by shipping [...] with [...] of claims 12 wherein said Gaya route in the form and a [...] bThe sec - to-[...].
17. means [...] %% and in accordance sound Allo Q of King [...] 12 16, faceand % [...] them because the IA cations gm % I to the route if the!Dresden % air in the form of a beam-double reads. 18. conveying means according to any one of claims 12 17, wherein of said route [...] Ula be [...] with a catwalk yn suit, 19. Conveying means according to any one of claims 12 18, we said at [...] a tie. 20. Z- % filled, % s [...] accordance om-Q Alk tumors of [...] 12 19" characterized pole fact of said tie [...] one or more air % ES tie SR % [...] each of which are attached via curved railway sleepers that, C.J.., wool ' [...] viewed in plan, are [...] psycho longitudinal axis part to m [...] curvature of the [...].
21.%% hair [...] om and of any one of claims 12 20, the at AF - [...] % the weight the carrier DL %%% is only be ene lay by catch link in a wheel endogenous S-[...] L-between actuators [...] resting leaves the 1 a of the [...] track lower track T and carrier be guided [...] Nourredine % and by at meless a wheel resting on the side of the [...] track. 22. meios [...] transport with the [...] 21 T-characterized because the actuating wheel is the side of the bay only track be provided with wa a maple syrup and that the JAA under the lower face of the [...] % of [...] and, thereby![...] vertical displacement of the carrier relative to the [...] track. 25. Conveying [...] according to which - either of the [...] 12 22, and [...] %![...] whether the weight of the carrier be supported for L link least one wheel support bearing the top of the lower track and exist, [...] with wheel [...], a safety disk 1 frigid 0 [...] is engaging - FSR " by over-side [...], [...] % [...] EO and a fixed upright, 2 $. ] [...] of shipping of om - either of which [...] 12 23, [...] at d-DAC rail on an [...] at d - it it [...] 25. conveying means according to which - either pegylated single [...] I to 24 wherein at least a part of the web gm IA cations gauges have backup lower both sides to the vehicle and is it least joins or % RT part of the ene tie susp %%% air di - the carrier of one form in balance, seed the pair - laugh of one side. 26. Grandchildren transport comprising a tie and at least one said route [...] backup lower both oThe [...] the turning vehicle and GE prevented at least a part of said tie support the [...] carrier, of, : shape in b haul 9 seed from one side. 27. Conveying means of [...] with the [...] 25, or claim 26, wherein the diff % EE by combs of said tie be provided with features to support the lto [...] in balance to the exterior of the left side and right side, respectively. 28. Grandsonsof conveyance according to which % by one of the claims 25 27 wherein VM that majority of the tie [...] sup - carry lower both sides of the vehicle, and of the parts where the vehicle is [...] % [...] such [...] at seams in the way where the vehicle SR - either direct to the part of the travel a [...] tie. 29. Grandchildren from GE conveyance [...] the any one of 25 27 [...], immature [...] % of a May meat of the tie provide [...] - can have in balance in a side-opened independently to the vehicle % amu, and PS -% s where the vehicle is supported both sides Han oThe seams in tie where the vehicle requires to be directed [...] MCE a part seal - cloned through [...] 30. filled [...] %%% and according to either of the ALU - [...] 25 29, wherein of said route 6 - ia provide a seam diverging supporting devices to the side s of said [...] if [...] for c side s [...] of said seam and % [...] guide at a different level a track providing the feeding supporting devices, whose track guide extends [...] add to the side of said junction [...], and a movable rail member provided with features optionally ERA [...] with a follower mounted on the [...], wherein c at carrier may be caused to [...] % follow the left side of said [...].
31. l. [...] transport satisfy according one of claims 25 29, [...] said at tie provide a seam diverging supporting devices for c left side of said carrier extending deal the left side of said seam and rail guide in a different level of a [...] said supporting devices, whose [...] guide extends seed for c of the di left side seam and follower on board be [...] with devices for optionally if ca-hu-enga % harem with said guiding rail at Q and said [...] w it optionally![...] be washed then the left side of said juncture. 32. Conveying means according to any one of the 25 31 [...], [...] % [...] at at least a part of said route Gaya der-buy a paddle shafts % children guides the follower pair different levels on board be the steady [...] -% on the [...], which followers [...] ir°lhos portion can have a follow said guides when said vehicle travels on said part of the route.
) 3o conveying means according to one of claims 25 32% [...], [...] stick fact of the di %% newswhen [...] comprise parts, as follows:
a) an upstream part extending in the sense of a diverging junction, where the [...] susp is ene -%% lay at lower mounting from both sides or is in balance by [...]&[...] on board an e of another isolate and during a part of whose % [...] member follower on board seal % [...] operated and [...] FSR of the RP - [...] freely select or the wool the left or right side of said junction [...], substantially before said vehicle reaches said junction J.; - the LOB) a part comprising two [...] % [...] of two divergent [...] I•the&[...], and wherein said member follower on board and operated [...] %%% and the dihydroxy ca-hu-enga with C % guide rail previously [...], whereby the carrier di % is brought to start below that I to the seam of the di ium % oThe [...] % and with the guiding rail and the selected|) a part in which a 8egu it [...] member follower on board [...] E " caused to follow a % [...] Ula steady, [...] % [...] udo for that side DL % selected the seam, and at d!% sEB [...] on board selectively operated free to pre-[...] following the seam. 34. II [...] of [...] %% and according to any one of claims 30 3], the at AF [...] % of the lto follower steady bear of a wheel guide above situation of the cabin of the vehicle and level gira FSR about an axis [...] EO and see the R % %•lime.
35. outside and transporting any of homestead 31 33, wherein % of the i follower on board [...] % and operation state of a wheel guide gira @ ' FSR about an axis vertical and the co [...] mounted on a cranks that is!with the BA [...] % 3 min [...] impacts and the dihydroxy % wheel lies [...] % at the center point and the longitudinal axis of said vehicle when the cranks is against any one of said [...] stops.
$6. Conveying means according to claim 3 amu [...] 34 wherein be provided, coaxial and rotatable with a wheel guide, a wheel pilot surface that is engageable with a preceding pilot guide rail, at the EU the carrier is stabilized and/or the wheel guide portion can have rotated [...] to guide wheel contact with the guiding rail.
37. l. them substantially as previously transport described with reference to any of the attached drawings.