12-10-2000 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Individual
Номер заявки: 2368800
Дата заявки: 29-03-2000


1*1 Canadian Intellectual Property Office An Agency of Industry Canada Office de la Propri,t, Intellectuelle du Canada Un organisme d'Industrie Canada <11> CA 2 368 80013) A1(40) 12.10.2000 (43) 12.10.2000(12) (21) 2 368 800 (22) 29.03.2000 (51) Int. CI.7:G02F 1/01 (85) 26.09.2001(86) PCT/DK00/00150(87)WO00/60404 (72)(30) (71)PA 1999 00452 DK 31.03.1999SCKERL, MADS W. (DK).IONAS A/S, Blokken 84 DK-3460, BIRKEROD, XX (DE).(74)BERESKIN & PARR (54) PROCEDE DE COMMANDE DE LA POLARISATION D'UN SIGNAL OPTIQUE ET D'UN ELEMENT OPTIQUE POUR UNE COMMANDE DE POLARISATION DE LUMIERE DANS DES GUIDES D'ONDES PLANS (54) METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE POLARISATION OF AN OPTICAL SIGNAL AND AN OPTICAL COMPONENT FOR POLARISATION CONTROL OF LIGHT IN PLANAR WAVEGUIDES (57) By a method for controlling the state of polarisation (SOP) of an optical signal transmitted through an optical waveguide, the waveguide is buried in a planar structure and a plurality of stress-applying films, having variable stress, are placed on the top of the structure. Preferably the stress-applying films comprise materials that have thermal expansion coefficients different from that of the planar structure or comprise materials with piezo­electric properties. In this way it is possible to produce a cascaded series of optical elements with variable linear birefringence in a planar optical waveguide. Moreover according to the invention it is possible, by the method according to the invention, to manufacture optical components having an active polarisation controller.


1*1 Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada Un organisme d'Industrie Canada Canadian Intellectual Property Office An agency of Industry Canada CA 2368800 A1 2000/10/12 (2D 2 368 800 (12) DEMANDE DE BREVET CANADIEN CANADIAN PATENT APPLICATION (13) A1 (86)Date de dépôt PCT/PCT Filing Date: 2000/03/29 (87)Date publication PCT/PCT Publication Date: 2000/10/12 (85)Entrée phase nationale/National Entry: 2001/09/26 (86)N" demande PCT/PCT Application No.: DK 2000/000150 (87)N° publication PCT/PCT Publication No.: 2000/060404 (30) Priorité/Priority: 1999/03/31 (PA 1999 00452) DK (5i)Cl.lnt.7/lnt.CI.7G02F1/01 (71)Demandeur/Applicant: IONASA/S, DE (72)Inventeur/lnventor: SCKERL1MADSW.,DK (74) Agent: BERESKIN S PARR (54) Titre : PROCEDE DE COMMANDE DE LA POLARISATION D'UN SIGNAL OPTIQUE ET D'UN ELEMENT OPTIQUE POUR UNE COMMANDE DE POLARISATION DE LUMIERE DANS DES GUIDES D'ONDES PLANS (54) Title: METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE POLARISATION OF AN OPTICAL SIGNAL AND AN OPTICAL COMPONENT FOR POLARISATION CONTROL OF LIGHT IN PLANAR WAVEGUIDES ^ !> ar .-fëri (57) Abrégé/Abstract: By a method for controlling the state of polarisation (SOP) of an optical signal transmitted through an optical waveguide, the waveguide is buried in a planar structure and a plurality of stress-applying films, having variable stress, are placed on the top of the structure. Preferably the stress-applying films comprise materials that have thermal expansion coefficients different from that of the planar structure or comprise materials with piezo-electric properties. In this way it is possible to produce a cascaded series of optical elements with variable linear birefringence in a planar optical waveguide. Moreover according to the invention it is possible, by the method according to the invention, to manufacture optical components having an active polarisation controller.


Canada mmmmm[a][/a]Ottawa-Hull Kl A 0C9 •[/a]o PI C OPIC-CIPO 191 CA 02368800 2001-09-26 (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 12 October 2000 (12.10.2000) (10) International Publication Number WO 00/60404 A3 PCT (51) International Patent Classification7:G02F 1/01 (21)International Application Number: PCT/DKOO/00150 (22)International Filing Date: 29 March 2000 (29.03.2000) (25)Filing Language:English (26)Publication Language:English (81) Designated States (national): AE, AL, AM, AT, AT (util­ity model), AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, CZ (utility model), DE, DE (utility model), DK, DK (utility model), DM, EE, EE (utility model), ES, FI, H (utility model), GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, FT, RO. RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SK (utility model), SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. (84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES.FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, ML, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Published: — With international search report. (88) Date of publication of the international search report: 12 April 2001 For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid­ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin­ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. (30) Priority Data: PA 1999 00452 31 March 1999 (31.03.1999) DK (71)Applicant (for all designated States except US): IONAS A/S [DK/DK]; Blokken 84, DK-3060 Birker0d (DK). (72)Inventor; and (75) Inventor/Applicant (for US'only): SCKERL, Mads, W. [DK/DK]; Nebbegârdsbakken 11, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV (DK). (74) Agent: NKT RESEARCH A/S; Priorparken 878, DK-2605 Brondby (DK).


(54) Title: METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE POLARISATION OF AN OPTICAL SIGNAL AND AN OPTICAL COMPO­NENT FOR POLARISATION CONTROL OF LIGHT IN PLANAR WAVEGUIDES ooo (57) Abstract: By a method for controlling the state of polarisation (SOP) of an optical signal transmitted through an optical wave­guide, the waveguide is buried in a planar structure and a plurality of stress-applying films, having variable stress, are placed on the top of the structure. Preferably the stress-applying films comprise materials that have thermal expansion coefficients different from that of the planar structure or comprise materials with piezo-electric properties. In this way it is possible to produce a cascaded series of optical elements with variable linear birefringence in a planar optical waveguide. Moreover according to the invention it is possible, by the method according to the invention, to manufacture optical components having an active polarisation controller.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT7DK00/00150 Method for controlling the polarisation of an optical signal and an optical component for polarisation con­trol of light in planar waveguides.


The present invention relates to a method for control­ling the polarisation of an optical signal transmitted through an optical waveguide. 10 Further the invention relates to an optical component comprising a polarisation controller. It is well known in the field of optics that the State Of Polarisation (SOP) of a light signal generally is altered by the transmission through optical elements. This is particularly true in the fields of fibre op­tics and integrated optics, where the birefringence, that governs the changes of the SOP, may be large and may in addition be +greatly affected by the ambient conditions such as temperature and mechanical stress. Hence, such transmission systems often suffer from un-desired alterations of the signal SOP. Since the efficiency of optical components typically 25 depends on the SOP of a light signal, being able to control the polarisation or, as another approach, to diminish the SOP dependence of optical components is crucial. The latter approach, however, has proven dif­ficult for a large number of applications, in particu-30 lar for coherent transmission systems. Polarisation controllers are, therefore, necessary either as an ac­tive component in transmission systems or as a useful CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/001S0 component for testing and minimising SOP dependence of optical elements. Various methods for polarisation control have been used in the art. Generally these methods are based on the synergetic effect of cascaded linearly biréfrin­gent elements. It is well know to those skilled in the art, that each such element is specified by the set of principal axes X and Y, and by the birefringence B = |nx-nY|. Here, nX(ï) is the effective refractive inde x for a propagating mode, linearly polarized along the X(Y) direction.


With a cascaded series (a,b,..) of such components, it is possible to alter the transformation of an input-SOP by controlling the angles between the sets of principal axes ( (Xa,Ya) , (Xb,Yb) , . . ) and/or by controlling the bire­fringence (Ba,Bb, ..) in each element.


The Poincaré sphere is well known to those skilled in the art as a useful tool for visualising transforma­tions of an optical SOP, such as those caused by a linearly biréfringent element. A SOP is specified by a specific point on the surface of the unit sphere. Points on the equator represents states of linear po­larisation, the poles right-hand and left-hand circu­lar polarisation, and other points on the sphere rep­resent elliptical polarisation. Moreover, each point on the Poincaré sphere has a unique set of coordinates defined by the sphere's three-dimensional axes (SI, S2, S3). The vector defined by these three coordinate! is usually called the normalised Stokes vector. On the Poincaré Sphere, two orthogonal states are located 35 with 180 degrees between their Stokes vectors.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT7DKOO/00150 When a signal is propagating through a series of line­arly biréfringent elements, the SOP follows a path on the Poincaré sphere. Each element rotates the SOP along a circle, with the axis of rotation determined by the directions of the principal axes of the ele­ment. By changing the birefringence of the element, all points on the circle may be reached. The radius of the circle vanishes if the input signal is polarised parallel to one of the principal axes, but equals unity for circular states and for linear states angled degrees with respect to the principal axes. Every point on the Poincaré sphere may be reached by 15 two methods of controlling the properties of each of the biréfringent elements. The first method is based on adjusting the birefrin­gence in each element and keeping the angles between the principal axes of each of the elements fixed.


The second is based on rotating the principal axes of each element and keeping the birefringences constant. Although usually only one method is chosen a combina­tion between the two may also be used.


Several examples of optical polarisation controllers exist. The differences between these are generally found in the way of obtaining an element with variable birefringence or in the way of obtaining the desired transformation, i.e. by the chosen combination of con­trolling the birefringence and/or the directions of the principal axes.


Variable birefringence may be obtained by the well known photo-elastic and electro-optic effects. The photo-elastic effect originates in the change in re- CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 fractive index of a material in the presence of strain caused by a stress field. The electro-optic effect originates in the change in refractive index of a ma­terial in the presence of an electric field. It is 5 worth noting that the electro-optic effect is practi­cally non-existing in glass. A well-known example of a polarisation controller is a cascade of fibre loops. Each biréfringent element is based on a length of fibre, looped to obtain stress-induced birefringence. By manually varying the angles between the sets of principal axes any transformation of a SOP may be obtained. Another example is based on a controlled squeezing of a fibre in order to obtain a certain amount of stress-induced birefringence. Here, the angles between the biréfringent elements generally remain fixed during operation. The disadvantages of such fibre-based methods are that they only allow for a slow and cumbersome polarisation control, that they are generally bulky of size, and that they cannot be directly integrated with planar optical components.


Another example is a polarisation controller based on a planar optical waveguide in an electro-optical mate-25 rial. By inducing electrical fields in this material waveguide birefringence can be varied in a way to ob­tain any desired polarisation transformation. By this method the operation may be performed much faster than possible by the larger fibre-based systems. However, one disadvantage is that electro-optical materials compared to glass have large refractive indices caus­ing large insertion losses and reflections, when inte­grated with the coimnonly used silica glass based com-35 ponents such as standard fiber.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 Although there have been demonstrations of polarisa­tion control in fibres and in planar waveguides of an electro-optic material, a glass-based planar waveguide polarisation control would open up a wide range of possibilities for the fields of integrated optics in glass. This is particularly true ifSUch a device could be easilyand effectively integrated with other components on the same chip.


US patent 4 958 918 discloses a method for obtaining a desired optical polarisation transformation in lithium niobate. A waveguide was defined in lithium niobate, and buried under a buffer layer supporting a number of electrodes arranged parallel to and symmetrically over the waveguide. By this method, waveguide birefringence can be induced and controlled by the electric fields created by the 20 electrodes. The advantage of this method is that the desired re­tardation may be obtained faster than possible by means of manually fibre-optic polarisation control­lers. Moreover, a given transformation may be obtained in various ways since both the principal axes and the retardation of each retarding element may be adjusted The disadvantage, however, is that the method is based on the electro-optic effect, which is practically non-existing in materials having a refractive index com­ patible with the commonly used glass materials.


M. Okuno et al. «Birefringence control of silica waveguides on Silicon and its application to a polari-„Satl0n-beam splitter/switch",JournalofLightwave Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4, April 1994, p. 625 - 533 CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 discloses birefringence control in a silica waveguide. Their method is based on laser trimming of a stress-applying amorphous silicon film in order to diminished inherent waveguide birefringence. By an amorphous silicon film 7 ^m thick, 50Mm to 100 m wide and a few cm long a stress-induced birefrin­gence of the order of lO"4 was obtained. It must be noted that laser trimming is an irreversi­ble process, and that nothing was disclosed about ac­tive control of birefringence.


US patent 4 923 290 discloses a method for producing a polarisation scrambler by inducing stress birefrin­gence in a fibre using electro-magnetically generated force or piezo-ceramical pressure generators. By this method polarisation states are scrambled in a way that light intensities emerging in each state are substantially equal averaged in time. Nothing was disclosed about direct polarisation con- trol or about polarisation control in planar waveguides. US patent 5 347 377 discloses a planar waveguide liq­uid crystal variable retarder. 25 The authors describe a method based on materials hav­ing molecular dipoles. By an electric field induced by a number of electrodes, the birefringence of the liq­uid crystal material was controlled. The liquid crys­tal material was carefully embedded in a glass struc­ ture on a planar substrate. Nothing was disclosed about variable birefringence in glass.


US patent 5 502 781 discloses a method for obtaining integrated glass-based optical components insensitive to the polarisation of a signal by utilising magne- CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 tostrictively, electrostrictively or photostrictively induced stress. However, nothing was disclosed about polarisation control employing variable linear biré­fringent waveguide segments with mutually rotated 5 principal axes. Moreover, nothing was disclosed about utilising the stress induced by a difference in ther­mal expansion coefficients between the used materials.


European patent 0 297 851 discloses a method for com­pensating for inherent waveguide birefringence by an irreversible laser trimming of a stress-applying film located at the surface of the waveguide structure. By this method the authors claims that a polarisation-insensitive Mach-Zehnder interferometer can be ob­tained. Nothing was disclosed about a variable waveguide birefringence or about placing the stress-applying film asymetrically above the waveguide core to obtain biréfringent waveguide segments with mutu­ally rotated principal axes. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a method for creating a controllable transfor­mation of an optical state of Polarisation (SOP) in a glass-based planar optical waveguide. In particular it is an object to create a voltage-controlled polarisation controller, which can trans­form any input-SOP to any desired output-SOP of a sig­nal transmitted through such a waveguide. Moreover, it is an object that the method allows for a direct integration of the polarisation controller with other glass-based planar optical components.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 This object is achieved according to claim 1 by the following steps: - bury the optical waveguide in a planar structure - placing a plurality of stress-applying films on the 5 structure in an asymmetrical manner with respect to the waveguide core, said stress being variable. Thus a method for producing a cascaded series of opti­cal elements with variable linear birefringence in 10 planar optical waveguides is achieved. It is preferable that said asymmetrical manner in which said stress applying films are placed on top of the structure with respect to the position of the 15 waveguide core comprises placing the films such that a well defined angle between the principal axes of each variable biréfringent waveguide segment is obtained.


It is further preferable that said stress-applying films comprise materials which have a thermal expan­sion coefficient substantially different from that of the underlying waveguide materials or piezo-electric materials. By employing materialsfor the stress applying film which have substantially different thermal expansion coefficients from the underlying material, the waveguide birefringence may be controlled by adjusting the temperatures locally on the structure. In the choice of material for the stress applying film having a thermal expansion coefficient substantially different from that of the underlying material, this film material may preferably consist at least partly CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 of a conducting material in order to act as a heating element.


If employing piezo-electric material, the waveguide 5 birefringence may be controlled by applying a voltage to the film. Due to the photo-elastic properties of the core mate­rial in the waveguide, waveguide birefringence is thus 10 obtained from the amount of strain induced by the stress fields. In other words the stress-applying films add substan­tially to the waveguide birefringence, said birefrin-15 gence may be controlled by the films. A section of waveguide with stress applying film con­stitutes a waveguide element with variable birefrin­gence.


Expedient embodiments of the method are defined in claims 2-7.


As mentioned, the invention also relates to an optical 25 component. This optical component is defined in claim 8. Ekspedient embodiments for the optical component are defined in claims 9 - 13.


The optical component according to the invention com­prises series of waveguide elements with variable bi­refringence as described above. The optical component thus provides an active polarisation controller.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 It is further noted that a silica-glass based polari­sation controller may be directly integrated with op­tical components with other functionalities on the same planar substrate. 5 In fact the stress-applying film segments may be placed on any substantially flat glass surface to pro­vide a transformation of a SOP of a signal transmitted in any waveguide structure buried under the surface. It is preferred that the stress-applying film is placed close to the waveguide core but not so close that it interferes substantially with the guided opti­cal mode. For a typical single-mode silica waveguide having a refractive index step of approximately 10~2 a distance of more than 10 \m between the waveguide core and the film is preferred.


It is preferred that the stress-applying films are po­sitioned asyimnetrically with respect to the waveguide core in order to obtain an angle between the surface normal and the principal axes of the obtained variable waveguide birefringence. By placing the stress-applying films in said asymmetrical manner a preferred angle of 45 degrees between the principal axes of the stress fields of each of the linearly biréfringent waveguide segments can be obtained. In other words, a preferred angle between the principal axis of the stress field and the surface normal is 22.5 degrees.


It is preferred that the inherent waveguide birefrin­gence is negligible in comparison with the variable stress-induced birefringence used for the polarisation control.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 In a preferred embodiment, the stress-inducing films are arranged in groups such that each group consists of at least one connected film area, and that each group together with the adjacent waveguide segment 5 comprise one element with variable birefringence Also, it is preferred that the length, width, and thickness of each film are chosen so that the amount of controllable stress applied to the waveguide core 10 is sufficient to rotate a state of polarisation a least 180 degrees on the Poincaré sphere in each of the said element. In another preferred embodiment the said stress-15 applying films are positioned along the waveguide core such that the principal axes of the obtained variable waveguide birefringence may be rotated by adjusting the temperature of the structure and/or the voltage applied to said films.


Generally it is preferred that the stress-applying film is located at the surface of the structure in or­der to ease the process of connecting a source of electric current to the films. Moreover, in a pre­ferred embodiment at least one but preferably four waveguide segments with variable birefringence are constructed as described above.


The invention will now be explained more fully below 30 with reference to embodiments shown in the drawing, in which Figure 1 shows a cross section of the stress-applying film located at the surface of the waveguide struc- ture, and a schematic drawing of the stress fields re- CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DKOO/00150 suiting from a dimensional change of the stress-applying film relative to that of the underlying glass structure. Figure 2 shows a schematic view of a cross-section of a silicon wafer containing a glass structure with a buried waveguide and a stress-applying film.


Figure 3 shows a perspective view of a preferred em- bodiment of a planar component according to the inven­tion. Figure 4 shows a trace of the output polarisation state on the Poincaré sphere. Figure 5 shows two traces similar to that shown in figure 4.


The stress-applying film segments 31 as shown in fig.


I,2 and 3 were placed asymmetrically above the waveguide core 13 to achieve the desired angle of 22.5 degrees between the principal axis of the stress field 104 and the surface normal of the waveguide structure II.In general, the regions 104 are subject to com-pressive stress, and the regions 105 tensile stress. The optical waveguide structure 11 as shown in fig. 2 was prepared by a combination of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) and Reactive Ion 30 Etching (RIE) . First, a ~ 12 mlayer 12 of silica glass was deposited by PECVD on a silicon substrate 21 and annealed. Second, a core layer of ~ 5 mgermanium-doped silica was deposited by PECVD and annealed. Lithography and CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DKOO/00150 subsequent reactive ion etching was performed on the core layer to define the waveguide cores 13. Finally a ~ 12 mcladding layer 14 doped with phos­phor and boron was deposited to cover the waveguide 5 core 13. This layer was subsequently annealed. Note that the glass layers and waveguide structures described above may be produced by other means. For example, the waveguide cores 13 could be prepared by 10 direct UV-writing in a UV-sensitive core glass sand­wiched between glass cladding layers, or by ion-exchange in a suitable glass substrate.


The stress-applying film segments 31 as shown in fig. 1, 2 and 3 were prepared by electron-beam evaporating a metallic source and re-depositing through a masking layer onto the surface of the component 11. For the examples shown in the following section, a 3000 Â thick gold layer on top of a 300 Â thick chro­mium adhesion layer was deposited on the glass surface 11.


However, by evaporating layers of different composi­tions, the film properties may be tailored to meet specific requirements, such as the amount of stress 25 induced, the adhesion between the glass and film mate­rial, and the electric resistance. Alternatively, the stress-applying films 31 may be prepared by depositing a piezo-ceramic material onto 30 areas of the glass surface 11. In fig. 4 the trace of the output polarisation state on the Poincaré sphere caused by increasing the elec­tric current through the stress-applying film segment 35 from 0 to 174 mA in steps of 10 mA from 0 to 170 mA. 0 CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DKOO/00150 mA correspondonds to the right-hand end of the circle segment, and 174 mA to the lefthand end. Polarisation states were measured by HP 8509 Lightwave Polarisation Analyzer. Note that the fibers used in the measurement 5 setup contribute with polarisation transformation, which however remain constant during the measurements. In fig. 5 two traces similar to that shown in fig 4 in which one trace (circles) was obtained by varying the electric current through the first of the two film segments, whereas the second trace (squares) was ob­tained by varying the electric current through the second film segment, m both cases the current was in­creased from 0 to 174 mA in steps of 10 mA from 0 to 170 mA. The invention is further illustrated by the following examples of preparation of a planar optical waveguide with an added stress-applying film structure and of 20 the application of this system for controlling an op­tical polarisation state.


Example 1 For the purpose of demonstrating the effect a simple component was produced. As shown in fig. 2 and fig. 3 a buried waveguide structure 11 was prepared by depo­sition and etching as described above. An area of said chromium/gold film 31, 3300 Â thick, 10 mwide and 4 cm long was deposited on the surface of the glass cladding layer 14 parallel to the waveguide core 13 as shown in fig. 3. This chromium/gold film 31 comprised both the stress-applying film and the heating element. In total, this structure comprises a single element 35 with variable linear birefringence.


CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/00150 By varying the input-SOP 41 of a transmitted signal, it was found that for two certain orthogonal input-SOP's 41 no transformation of polarisation occurred when changing the current applied to the film. We ex­plain this observation by having found the two input-SOP's 41,which are parallel to the principal axes. However, for any other input-SOP'a 41 a transformation could be obtained. In fact, by varying the current ap­plied to the film, the output-SOP 42 could be varied to points on a circle segment 51 on the Poincaré sphere as shown in fig. 4.


Since the employed stress fields originates in the 15 difference in thermal expansion coefficients between the glass structure 11 and the chromium film 31, the dependence of the optical retardation must be expected to be linear in the power dissipated in the chromium film 31, i.e. proportional to the current squared. In­ deed such dependence was observed. Example 2 A structure similar to that described in example 1 was constructed but with two stress-applying chromxum/gold film segments 31 on the surface 11. These film seg­ments 31, 3300 Â thick, 10 ^ wide, and 2 cm long, were arranged parallel to and at opposite sides of the underlying waveguide core 13 as sketched in fig. 3. This structure comprised two elements with variable birefringence, which may be controlled by applying a voltage to each of the films 31.


Since the stress-applying films 31 are located at op­posite sides (see fig. 3) of the buried waveguide core CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404PCT/DK00/001S0 13, we expect the two sets of principal axes to be mu­tually rotated. Therefore, we expect the output-SOP 42 to be variable along two circles, with different rota­tion axes, on the Poincaré sphere. As shown in fig. 5 5 variation of the voltage applied to the two film seg­ments 31 indeed gives rise to two such circles 51 with slightly different rotation axes. It is therefore con­cluded that the two sets of principal axes are indeed mutually rotated. However, in this example the rota-10 tion angle is significantly different from the pre­ferred 45 degrees, which may be explained by a contri­bution from a large inherent waveguide birefringence.


05-05-2001DK000015C CA 02368800 2001-09-26 PCT/DK00/00150 CLAIMS 1. Method for controlling the polarisation of an optical signal transmitted through an 5 optical waveguide core, wherein the optical waveguide core is buried in a planar structure, characterised in that a plurality of stress-applying films are placed on the surface of the structuré in an asymmetrical manner with respect to the waveguide core. 2. Method according to claim ^characterised in that said asymmetrical manner comprises placing said stress-applying films such that a well defined angle is created between the principal axes of each variable biréfringent waveguide segment. 3.Method according to claim ^characterisedin that said stress-15 applying films comprise materials having a thermal expansion coefficient different from that of the underlying structure. 4.Method according to claim ^characterisedin that said stress-applying films comprise a piezo-electric material. 5.Method according to claims 1 or 3, characterisedin that the stress-applying film comprises a gold layer having an electrical resistivity deposited on top of a chromium adhesion layer. 6. Method according to claims 1 or 3, characterised in that the stress-applying film comprises a metal layer having an electrical resistivity on top of a layer of amorphous silicon. 7.Method according to claim 1-6, characterisedin arranging the films in groups each of which constitute a separate element for controlling waveguide birefringence. 8.An optical component comprising a polarisation controller having an optical waveguide core buried in a planar structure, characterisedin that a plurality of stress-applying films are placed on the surface of the structure in an asymmetrical manner with respect to the waveguide core. 03-05-2001AMENDED SHEET 05-05-2001DK000015( CA 02368800 2001-09-26 9.An optical component according to claim 8, characterisedin a substrate on which a glass buffer layer is deposited, said glass layer on its top has a glass topcladding with a buried waveguide core produced by a deposit-etch process, said glass topcladding on its top has a number of stress-applying films. 10.An optical component according to claim 8, characterisedin a substrate into which buried waveguide cores are produced by ion exchange, said substrate on its top has a number of stress-applying films. 11.An optical component according to claim Scharacterisedinasubstrate on which a layered glass structure is deposited, into which buried waveguide cores are produced by direct UV-writing, said layered glass structure on its top has a number of stress-applying films. 12.An optical component according to claim Bcharacterisedinasubstrate on which a polymer waveguide structure is produced, said polymer waveguide structure on its top has a number of stress-applying films. 13. An optical component according to claim 8 comprising a waveguide structure with a neglible inherent waveguide birefringence.


03-05-2001 AMENDED SHEET CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404 PCT7DK00/00150 1/4U) CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404 PCT7DK00/O0150 2/4fM D5 CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404 PCT/DKOO/00150 3/4CO CA 02368800 2001-09-26 WO 00/60404 PCT/DK00/001S0 4/4 -0.4 0.0 SI .0.4 0.0 0.4 S2 -0.4 0.0 SI .0.4 0.0 0.4 S2 0.8 0.4 0.0 S3 •0.4 Fig. 4 S2 0.8 0.4 0.0 -0.4-0.8 SI Fig. 5


By a method for controlling the state of polarisation (SOP) of an optical signal transmitted through an optical waveguide, the waveguide is buried in a planar structure and a plurality of stress-applying films, having variable stress, are placed on the top of the structure. Preferably the stress-applying films comprise materials that have thermal expansion coefficients different from that of the planar structure or comprise materials with piezo-electric properties. In this way it is possible to produce a cascaded series of optical elements with variable linear birefringence in a planar optical waveguide. Moreover according to the invention it is possible, by the method according to the invention, to manufacture optical components having an active polarisation controller.


1. Method for controlling the polarisation of an optical signal transmitted through an optical waveguide core, wherein the optical waveguide core is buried in a planar structure, characterised in that a plurality of stress-applying films are placed on the surface of the structure in an asymmetrical manner with respect to the waveguide core.

2. Method according to claim characterised in that said asymmetrical manner comprises placing said stress-applying films such that a well defined angle is created between the principal axes of each variable biréfringent waveguide segment.

3. Method according to claim characterised in that said stress- applying films comprise materials having a thermal expansion coefficient different from that of the underlying structure.

4. Method according to claim 1,characterised in that said stress- applying films comprise a piezo-electric material.

5. Method according to claims 1 or 3, characterised in that the stress-applying film comprises a gold layer having an electrical resistivity deposited on top of a chromium adhesion layer.

6. Method according to claims 1 or 3, characterised in that the stress-applying film comprises a metal layer having an electrical resistivity on top of a layer of amorphous silicon.

7. Method according to claim 1-6, characterised in arranging the films in groups each of which constitute a separate element for controlling waveguide birefringence.

8. An optical component comprising a polarisation controller having an optical waveguide core buried in a planar structure, characterised in that a plurality of stress-applying films are placed on the surface of the structure in an asymmetrical manner with respect to the waveguide core. 03-05-2001 AMENDED SHEET 05-05-2001 DK000015(

9. An optical component according to claim 8, characterised in a substrate on which a glass buffer layer is deposited, said glass layer on its top has a glass topcladding with a buried waveguide core produced by a deposit-etch process, said glass topcladding on its top has a number of stress-applying films.

10. An optical component according to claim 8, characterised in a substrate into which buried waveguide cores are produced by ion exchange, said substrate on its top has a number of stress-applying films.

11. An optical component according to claim Scharacterisedina substrate on which a layered glass structure is deposited, into which buried waveguide cores are produced by direct UV-writing, said layered glass structure on its top has a number of stress-applying films.

12. An optical component according to claim Scharacterisedina substrate on which a polymer waveguide structure is produced, said polymer waveguide structure on its top has a number of stress-applying films.

13. An optical component according to claim 8 comprising a waveguide structure with a neglible inherent waveguide birefringence. 03-05-2001 AMENDED SHEET WO 00/60404 PCT7DK00/00150 O) WO 00/60404 PCT/DK00/00150 CM WO 00/60404 PCT/DK00/00150 CO WO 00/60404 PCT7DK00/00150 0.8 0.4 0.0 S3 0.4 -0.4 0.0 SI 0.4 « -0.4 0.0 0.4 S2