New pedals for vélocipèdes

10-12-1927 дата публикации
Автор: Jean-Armand Sequeira
Номер заявки: 630877D
Дата заявки: 05-02-1927



Ministry of commerce and industry.

Direction of the industrial property,


1*3 > < 3



Gr. X.-Cl. [...] 630,877 B.

New crank for a velocipede.


Jean-Armand [...] m. residing in France (Bocche-Rhône).


Demanded 5 February 1927.h 45 to 10m, to Marseilles.


-Issued 3 September 1927.


The purpose of this "novel pedal assembly" is


to recover the most possible muscle strength


the bicyclist in the sense, that the pedals do


not the point of contact at the center of the wheel


gear (said developing) but on two


opposite points and distant from the centre of said


wheel (see 11 g. 3).


The advantages of the new system per-


provide use the muscle force without


[...] energy loss since the given load


on the pedals to a single point


(hub). On the other hand, the driven gear wheel


itself by-a drive wheel (fig. 2) the


rotary motion is greatly facilitated by


a ball bearing (fig. 1).


Ordinary The toothed wheel of the bicycle,


which itself does not undergo a change,


fits by two rods attached to each


their ends by two nuts, to the wheel


said drive (fig. 3).


The drive wheel has a diameter of o "l 3,0.


Completely recessed to in need for


lightness, its weight is not greater than the


hub removed; it further has a


groove in which the flange bearing


balls, all rotating in a circle which is


integral part of the frame by half (part


fixed lower), the other half (upper)


Published the 10December 1927.


being independent to allow the passage and placing of the drive wheel and the bearing ' balls. The half (independent of the frame) is fixed at the bottom by k tabs (two on each side) clamped by small nuts 8 (fig. 3).


The slight modification which undergoes only the frame of the bicycle does not harm point to the aesthetics of the velocipede (fig. k) or to its strength. Practices The results of the "novel pedal assembly" are two orders. A factor since The speed with the same expenditure of the pedal forces an largest gear whereas the large multiplications adapted to the bicycles in current use are only enabled that to a certain category of Professional.


Fatigue Decreased advantage, emphasized particularly since many people reluctant to the use of the bicycle by the very fact of a large load. The above advantages listed of the "novel pedal assembly" are other pedal vehicles such as tri-carriers, andc.


Jean-Armand [...], Torte equipped, 10. Marseille.


t " rice [...] of the; 5 francs,


For the sale of [...], be directed to [...], 1ε [...], 47, for the Convention. Paris! 15').