The present invention refers to selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device is an off-board to reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOx) an operation difference SCR device connected to of mechanical in construction machine or vehicle, in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) engine control module if the voltages exceed necessity of control motor rpm found forced by limiting the output, leading to a direction key operation forcibly induction for the introduction of a an aqueous urea solution reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) standby can be at least one of silica and alumina, in the case of electronic engine, introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in a case of a lack of vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity for construction machine or vehicle recognized the less an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle the control module engine output in a low part and, in the case of electronic engine further another engine output limitation method in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity using mobile terminal and toilet bowl equipped 88800 00520888 mounted difference running in control module ECU to engine forced by guiding the Protocol Torque a, mechanical engine and electronic engine of both driver when an impure intended, a device having a stripping or optionally when cooled and registers the delivery signals from control module (or relay switch) interworking relay in a signal that when delivered to an engine in which a motor or engine control or the sub-breaker to close or interrupt the CNS controlled such that the ECU outputs a relay driving signal or unavailability, in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution and urea aqueous solution or if not be component necessity nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed control module by the signal from the alarm buzzer alarm in by as it rang, driver element of an aqueous solution of replenishing vaporized, puncturing or SCR device provided to be capable of checking the normal operation of allowing the user, in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution and urea aqueous solution or if not be component nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity by the signal from the alarm control module by are switched on lamp, driver element of an aqueous solution of replenishing vaporized, puncturing or SCR device provided to be capable of checking the normal operation of a operation yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover copyright 2000. Diesel as an automotive vehicle of the existing method, in the case of construction machines and agricultural, among enhanced regulated by regulations of exhaust gas, the exhaust gas exiting the to reduce the oxidation catalyst for diesel engine (DOC: Diesel oxidation catalyst), smoke filter (DPF: Diesel particulate filter) device mounting carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), smoke (PM: Particulate matte) which and, the after-for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) that can serve process selective catalytic reduction (SCR: Selective catalystic reduction) device. is equipped with. However, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device mount a, approximately a degree thousand won (Urea) an aqueous urea solution per liter aqueous solution the elements the maximum size and then to a information of the detected pitch tank pushing an automatic. State of the SP heads and, an aqueous urea solution (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank does not introduced when of oxygen amount lack or introducing an aqueous urea solution in a not when to obtain the implantation of other ingredients, prevented, and a normal operation is SCR device and nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction of a gate electrode is formed by an expected effect.. Furthermore, a major portion of the world of interest to a country the propulsion has improving the contamination the ambient environment is adversely affect. Therefore, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device is mounted in the case of construction machine or motor vehicle, introducing an aqueous urea solution in a a driver in a case of a lack of a structure by preventing the generation of or does not introducing an aqueous urea solution in a other than the SCR device or if to obtain the implantation of components, a prevented, and a normal operation is adversely atmospheric contaminants automotive forced thus there for construction machine or program needs to be current, in addition is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution quality gear and the compressed, nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity for construction machine or vehicle recognized the less an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle the engine output lower the cost of need, operation vehicle must prevents adapted yarn twisting operation since a signal which indicates a connection is monitoring limiting and head cover is device. The present invention refers to said thus to the discharge of the torch electrode and if a bit in the complimentary floor-landing for, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device is an off-board to reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOx) an operation difference SCR device connected to of mechanical in construction machine or vehicle, in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) engine control module if the voltages exceed necessity of control motor rpm found forced by limiting the output, leading to a direction key operation forcibly an aqueous urea solution induction for the introduction of a nitrogen oxide (NOx) standby reduce emissions of an operation can be at least one of silica and alumina yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover provided heat exchanger.. In the case of electronic engine it is another object of the present invention, introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in a case of a lack of vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity for construction machine or vehicle recognized the less an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle the control module engine output in a yarn twisting an operation allows control of the low head cover limiting and monitoring device is provided to. Another object of the present invention a mechanical engine and electronic engine of both driver when an impure intended, a device having a stripping or optionally when cooled and registers the delivery signals from control module (or relay switch) interworking relay in a signal that when delivered to an engine in which a motor or engine control or the sub-breaker to close or interrupt the CNS, the ECU outputs a relay driving or unavailability an operation to monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device is provided to. It is another object of the present invention in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution and urea aqueous solution or if not be component necessity nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed control module by the signal from the alarm buzzer alarm in by as it rang, driver element of an aqueous solution of replenishing vaporized, puncturing or SCR device provided to be capable of checking the normal operation of a operation yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover is provided to. It is another object of the present invention in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution and urea aqueous solution or if not be component nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity by the signal from the alarm control module by are switched on lamp, driver element of an aqueous solution of replenishing vaporized, puncturing or SCR device provided to be capable of checking the normal operation of a operation yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover is provided to. The callee opens the folder of his said according to one suitable embodiment of the present invention preferred yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover rails SCR device and urea aqueous solution (urea) an operation vehicle control unit dosing an aqueous urea solution tank and is connected with (urea dosing control unit) [...], operation during traveling driving engine in a motor vehicle, provided when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution injected into the expansion element tank (urea) computes the latency ratio injection of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution of aqueous solutions of the elements control the jetting amount of the washer liquid tank an aqueous urea solution line and controls the for clearing nozzles of, exhaust temperature and, is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution quality and, nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor functions to control at the adjacent element aqueous solution dosing control unit to the an aqueous urea solution is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in the tank, and a function table by receiving the associated signal, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit to the an aqueous urea solution associated signal quality and an aqueous urea solution in the tank, and a function table by receiving the, post-processing to the exhaust pipe mounted a function table by receiving the NOx signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution is provided a function, the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution member are switched on function and, engine rpm of control motor found before a signal limited to forced output with function[...] function and, engine control motor a signal that when delivered linking the engine through the relay-breaker to close or interrupt the transfers or having a function, of the tank an aqueous urea solution which is impinged sensor and [...] according to signal when the less than 20% an aqueous urea solution and turning warning, an aqueous urea solution lamp when the less than 10% of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, an aqueous urea solution less than 5% when the warning lamp and buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm is maintained a an aqueous urea solution (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank to the amount control and, of the tank an aqueous urea solution concentration sensor upon receiving the signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, per minute idle rpm actuation and engine buzzer Conference 120 a is maintained the quality (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank an aqueous urea solution for control and the control module; said control module by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of alarm as it rang having a function of buzzer and an; said control module by the signal from the alarm an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of the amount of a lamp and the fire switched on; said control module by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of engine output having not forced to engine control motor and; said engine control motor a signal that when delivered or with-breaker to close or interrupt the relay includes a peristaltic (or relay switch); characterized in that comprises the. Furthermore, the callee opens the folder of his said according to one suitable embodiment of the present invention preferred yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover rails SCR device and urea aqueous solution (urea) an operation vehicle control unit dosing an aqueous urea solution tank and is connected with (urea dosing control unit) [...], operation during traveling driving engine in a motor vehicle, provided when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution injected into the expansion element tank (urea) computes the latency ratio injection of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution of aqueous solutions of the elements control the jetting amount of the washer liquid tank an aqueous urea solution line and controls the for clearing nozzles of, exhaust temperature and, is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution quality and, nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor functions to control at the adjacent element aqueous solution dosing control unit to the an aqueous urea solution is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in the tank, and a function table by receiving the associated signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution is provided a function, the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution member are switched on function and, the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution less an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle surface recognized the linking signal transfers or the engine through the relay-breaker to close or interrupt the function with respect to a plane, of the tank an aqueous urea solution which is impinged sensor and [...] according to signal when the less than 20% an aqueous urea solution and turning warning, an aqueous urea solution lamp when the less than 10% of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, an aqueous urea solution less than 5% when the warning lamp and buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm is maintained a an aqueous urea solution (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank to the amount control and, of the tank an aqueous urea solution concentration sensor upon receiving the signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, per minute is maintained idle rpm actuation and engine buzzer Conference 120 a an aqueous urea solution (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank the quality control over a control module and; for said signal by the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of alarm as it rang having a function of buzzer and an; said control module by the signal from the alarm an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of the amount of a lamp and the fire switched on; the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution said surface an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle less the recognized signal to the engine having function of delivering or-breaker to close or interrupt the relay includes a peristaltic (or relay switch) and a; engine output wood pulp, reed pulp, corn or reduce an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle; characterized in that comprises the. In said present invention, electronic engine in the case of another engine output limitation method in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity CAN running in control module using mobile terminal and toilet bowl equipped mounted difference Protocol engine forced by guiding the ECU to control the Torque it includes is characterized in that. Deleted Deleted Deleted In said present invention, NOx a measurer of change to control post treatment to the exhaust pipe mounted NOx sensor and which is impinged signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, 120 Conference buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm per minute is maintained is characterized in that includes. As described above, monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting operation the metal core bores device has a installed. First, the present invention refers to selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device is an off-board to reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOx) an operation difference SCR device connected to of mechanical in construction machine or vehicle, in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) engine control module if the voltages exceed necessity of control motor rpm found forced by limiting the output, leading to a direction key operation forcibly induction for the introduction of a an aqueous urea solution reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) standby minimizes soiling of the penetration hole while moving up and down. Second, in the case of electronic engine the present invention refers to, in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity for construction machine or vehicle stepping less an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle grinding stone and porous mixed grinding stone is made that the engine output in a module can be controlled to be lower. In the case of electronic engine further another engine output limitation method in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity using mobile terminal and toilet bowl equipped CAN mounted difference running in control module ECU to engine forced by guiding the Protocol can be controlling Torque. Third, the present invention refers to mechanical engine and electronic engine of both driver when an impure intended, a device having a stripping or optionally when cooled and registers the delivery signals from control module (or relay switch) interworking relay in a signal that when delivered to an engine in which a motor or engine control or the sub-breaker to close or interrupt the CNS, the ECU outputs a relay driving or unavailability can be control. Time, the present invention refers to an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of the amount of aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) or if not be component necessity if the voltages exceed control module by the signal from the alarm buzzer alarm in by as it rang, driver element of an aqueous solution of replenishing vaporized, puncturing or SCR device provided to be capable of checking the normal operation of.. Active energy of the reactive, the present invention refers to the amount of an aqueous urea solution, in a case of a lack or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity by the signal from the alarm control module by are switched on lamp, driver element of an aqueous solution of replenishing vaporized, puncturing or SCR device provided to be capable of checking the normal operation of.. A are also of mechanical according to one embodiment of the invention Figure 1 shows a driving configuration of monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device indicative of the surface. A are also in the case of electronic engine according to one embodiment of the invention Figure 2 shows a driving configuration of monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device indicative of the surface. Figure 3 shows a also in the case of electronic engine in one arrangement of the present invention other driving device monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting indicative of the configuration of surface. Drawing with an hereinafter with a preferred embodiment of the present invention efficiency enhanced and the longitude and thereby, the cold air flows, the present invention describes in associated with publicly known techniques or the a description is the present subject matter of invention for preventing needless blur when a mobile station is determined to the wall of the rectangular dispensed the description respectively, function in the present invention refers to a terms are terms is defined in consideration of the user that is, operating practices or's intended since, can be varied according to, yarn twisting operation the metal core bores definition thereof head cover limiting and monitoring device throughout the specification the present to explain an based on recorded contents of. to be lowered. Hereinafter, reference to drawing with an according to one suitable embodiment of the present invention preferred yarn twisting rails monitoring limiting and head cover. rapidly and to reduce a memory a device. A are also of mechanical according to one embodiment of the invention Figure 1 shows a driving device monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting indicating a configuration of drawing and, in the case of electronic engine according to one embodiment of the invention the present Figure 2 driving monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device is indicating a configuration of drawing, in the case of electronic engine in one arrangement other Figure 3 of the present invention driving monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device is indicative of the configuration of surface. Yarn twisting operation the metal core bores engine device monitoring limiting and head cover (1), an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2), an aqueous urea solution tank (3), SCR device (4), control module (10), engine control motor (20), an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle (21), buzzer (30), interworking relay (or relay switch) (40), lamp (50) 8880000 618888 or the like Also as shown in the 1, the metal core bores mechanical of driving an operation vehicle monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device SCR device (4) and a an aqueous urea solution (urea) tank (3) and an aqueous urea solution (urea dosing control unit) (2) control unit dosing [...] are connected to, engine in a motor vehicle, provided operation (1) driving during traveling when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) elements in aqueous solution tank (3) is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a function table by receiving the associated signal, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) elements in aqueous solution tank (3) associated signal quality and an aqueous urea solution in a function table by receiving the, post-processing to the exhaust pipe mounted 8 880000622888 a function table by receiving the signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (30) is provided a function, member the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (50) are switched on function and, engine control motor (20) of which output rpm forced limited to carrying signals relating a function, engine control motor (20) linking signal delivered to a relay (or relay switch) (40) the engine through the a (1) transfers or-breaker to close or interrupt the with the control module (10) and; said control module (10) by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of alarm as it rang having a function of buzzer (20) and a; said control module (10) by the signal from the alarm in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution [...]function the fire a lamp (50) and a; said control module (10) by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of engine output engine having not forced to control motor (20) and a; said engine control motor (20) or signal to be delivered to with-breaker to close or interrupt the relay includes a peristaltic (or relay switch) (40); comprises an ultra-. As shown in the 2 also, in the case of electronic engine the metal core bores driving an operation vehicle monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device SCR device (4) and a an aqueous urea solution (urea) tank (3) and an aqueous urea solution (urea dosing control unit) (2) control unit dosing [...] are connected to, engine in a motor vehicle, provided operation (1) driving during traveling when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) elements in aqueous solution tank (3) is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a function table by receiving the associated signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (30) is provided a function, member the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (50) are switched on function and, in a case of a lack of surface an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle in which the amount of an an aqueous urea solution (21) less the recognized signal linking relay (or relay switch) (40) the engine through the a (1) transfers or-breaker to close or interrupt the with the control module (10) and; said control module (10) by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of alarm as it rang having a function of buzzer (30) and a; said control module (10) by the signal from the alarm in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution the fire switched on a lamp (50) and a; the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution said surface an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle (21) recognized the less a received (1) transfers or with-breaker to close or interrupt the relay includes a peristaltic (or relay switch) (40) 88 80000177888 and a; engine output wood pulp, reed pulp, corn or reduce an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle (21); comprises an ultra-. Also as shown in the 3, further electronic engine in the case of another engine output limitation method in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity CAN running in control module using mobile terminal and toilet bowl equipped mounted difference Protocol to engine forced by guiding the ECU for controlling Torque is provided with a that is placed between upper and lower. Said yarn twisting operation the metal core bores constituting a device monitoring limiting and head cover each technical means functions of. off at the first and the second. Yarn twisting driving of mechanical also Figure 1 shows a head cover limiting and monitoring device and, also in the case of electronic engine the 3 and a 2 driving since the yarn twisting device monitoring limiting and head cover, said mechanical engine case of electronic engine in the event of a having a function similar to that of sound generating bodies the directions of which the technical means described one, which is different from the srid value for a detachable technical means. described. SCR device (4) vehicle operation (urea) an aqueous urea solution and a tank (3) and an aqueous urea solution (urea dosing control unit) (2) control unit dosing [...] are connected to, Mechanical of, said control module (10) an operation engine in a motor vehicle, provided (1) driving during traveling when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) elements in aqueous solution tank (3) is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a function table by receiving the associated signal, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) elements in aqueous solution tank (3) associated signal quality and an aqueous urea solution in a function table by receiving the, post-processing to the exhaust pipe mounted a function table by receiving the NOx signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (30) is provided a function, member the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (50) are switched on function and, engine control motor (20) of which output rpm forced limited to carrying signals relating with function[...] function and, engine control motor (20) linking signal delivered to a relay (or relay switch) (40) the engine through the a (1) transfers or-breaker to close or interrupt the function it is. Furthermore, in the case of electronic engine, said control module (10) an operation engine in a motor vehicle, provided (1) driving during traveling when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) elements in aqueous solution tank (3) is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a function table by receiving the associated signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (30) is provided a function, member the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution (50) are switched on function and, an aqueous urea solution the automatic transmission is short of surface an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle (21) less the recognized signal linking relay (or relay switch) (40) the engine through the a (1) transfers or-breaker to close or interrupt the function it is. Said buzzer (20) the control module (10) by the signal from the alarm in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution alarms is inputted it is function. Said lamp (50) the control module (10) by the signal from the alarm in a case of a lack of the amount of an aqueous urea solution the fire switched on it is function. Furthermore, mechanical of, said engine control motor (20) the control module (10) by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of engine output forced to it is not. Said interworking relay (or relay switch) (40) the engine control motor (20) to be delivered to or signal-breaker to close or interrupt the function it is. Furthermore, in the case of electronic engine, said interworking relay (or relay switch) (40) the an aqueous urea solution the automatic transmission is short of surface an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle (21) recognized the less a received (1) transfers or-breaker to close or interrupt the function it is. Furthermore, electronic engine in the case of another engine output limitation method in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity CAN running in control module using mobile terminal and toilet bowl equipped mounted difference Protocol to engine forced by guiding the ECU may control the Torque the recording operation.. Said an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle (21) or wood pulp, reed pulp, corn output an engine the recording operation. the stator elastically. Provided as a word line, mechanical engine case of electronic engine in the event of a, said an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit (2) the an aqueous urea solution tank (3) injection of an aqueous urea solution injected into the expansion element computes the ratio (urea), an aqueous urea solution of aqueous solutions of the elements control the jetting amount of the washer liquid tank an aqueous urea solution line and controls the for clearing nozzles of, exhaust temperature and, is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution quality and, nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor functions to control it is. Furthermore, said an aqueous urea solution tank (3) a component to the aqueous solution (Urea) of the signal substrate and the amount, and a control which an aqueous urea solution tank (3) of the [...] sensor and which is impinged less than 20% according to signal an aqueous urea solution and turning warning when the, an aqueous urea solution lamp when the less than 10% of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, an aqueous urea solution less than 5% when the warning lamp and buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm. is maintained. Furthermore, said an aqueous urea solution tank (3) to (Urea) an aqueous urea solution, and a control which the quality for an aqueous urea solution tank (3) of the concentration sensor upon receiving the signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, per minute idle rpm actuation and engine buzzer Conference 120. is maintained. Furthermore, said NOx a measurer of change to control post treatment to the exhaust pipe mounted NOx sensor and which is impinged signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, per minute idle rpm actuation and engine buzzer Conference 120. is maintained. Said selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device (4) in construction machine or equipped vehicle, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device of a fitting pin a, first, urea (an aqueous urea solution) when injection to the exhaust pipe a, urea is decomposed into ammonia at a high temperature. After ammonia nitrogen oxide are reacted (NOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) level reduced.. Wherein, exhaust gas under malfunction of the nozzle 150 °C the urea, urea is injected -5 ° C hereinafter in. does not. The above-mentioned SCR device (4) embedded with at to a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC: Diesel oxidation catalyst) through the 150 to 300 °C of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons that dramatically reduces the using catalytic reactions, particulate matter (PM: Particulate matter) comprises a primary the fire, ratio of NO2 in exhaust gas oxidation catalyst filter construction work and team thereof in the following. Furthermore, it does not is shown the drawing, SCR device (4) mounted together (DPF: Diesel particulate filter) device one of platinum and the particulate matter (PM) is a bottom surface of the smoke accumulate on the particulate matter (PM) is designed into a proper size, using additives the exhaust gas or the catalyst 500 to 600 °C high temperature activated re-combustion to produce particulate material (PM) by a rope. on the recording medium, and apparatus. Provided as a word line, a gasoline device monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting operation, diesel engine can be applied to a motor vehicle provided with a connected. wide range of application. Aspect the present invention refers to said embodiment is not limited, beyond technical idea of the present invention within such a range that causes no various modified and change the decoration plate further comprises an embodiment typically encountered in the art having knowledge of addition, grow can store references to any number of 2000. 1:2 engine: an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit 3:an aqueous urea solution tank 4: device reducing smoke 10: control module 20: engine control motor 21:30 an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle: buzzer 40: interworking relay 50 (or relay switch): lamp The present invention relates to a coercion output limiting and monitoring apparatus for a vehicle in use, more specifically, which can minimize air pollution by reducing emission of a nitrogen oxide (NO_X), control engine output to be low in a control module, additionally and forcibly control engine torque, and check whether a shortage of a urea aqueous solution is supplemented and replaced, or an SCR device is normally operated by a driver. The coercion output limiting and monitoring apparatus for a vehicle in use comprises: a control module; a buzzer; a lamp; an engine control motor; and an interlocking relay. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 Operation in monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device, operation vehicle (urea) SCR device and urea aqueous solution (urea dosing control unit) control unit dosing an aqueous urea solution tank and is connected with [...], operation during traveling driving engine in a motor vehicle, provided when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution injected into the expansion element tank (urea) computes the latency ratio injection of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution of aqueous solutions of the elements control the jetting amount of the washer liquid tank an aqueous urea solution line and controls the for clearing nozzles of, exhaust temperature and, is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution quality and, nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor functions to control at the adjacent element aqueous solution dosing control unit to the an aqueous urea solution is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in the tank, and a function table by receiving the associated signal, an aqueous urea solution dosing control unit to the an aqueous urea solution associated signal quality and an aqueous urea solution in the tank, and a function table by receiving the, post-processing to the exhaust pipe mounted a function table by receiving the NOx signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution is provided a function, the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution member are switched on function and, engine control motor rpm found limited to forced output of carrying signals relating a function, engine control motor a base station assigns HS-scchs [...] a base station assigns HS-scchs linking a signal that when delivered or engine with respect to a plane-breaker to close or interrupt the function, of the tank an aqueous urea solution which is impinged sensor and [...] according to signal when the less than 20% an aqueous urea solution and turning warning, an aqueous urea solution lamp when the less than 10% of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, an aqueous urea solution less than 5% when the warning lamp and buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm is maintained a an aqueous urea solution (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank to the amount control and, of the tank an aqueous urea solution concentration sensor upon receiving the signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, per minute idle rpm actuation and engine buzzer Conference 120 a is maintained the quality (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank an aqueous urea solution for control and the control module; said control module by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of alarm as it rang having a function of buzzer and an; said control module by the signal from the alarm an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of the amount of a lamp and the fire switched on; said control module by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of engine output having not forced to engine control motor and; said engine control motor a signal that when delivered or with-breaker to close or interrupt the relay includes a peristaltic (or relay switch); yarn twisting operation characterized by comprises the device monitoring limiting and head cover. Operation in monitoring limiting and head cover yarn twisting device, operation vehicle (urea) SCR device and urea aqueous solution (urea dosing control unit) control unit dosing an aqueous urea solution tank and is connected with [...], operation during traveling driving engine in a motor vehicle, provided when compared the exhaust gas at an is generated, an aqueous urea solution injected into the expansion element tank (urea) computes the latency ratio injection of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution of aqueous solutions of the elements control the jetting amount of the washer liquid tank an aqueous urea solution line and controls the for clearing nozzles of, exhaust temperature and, is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution, an aqueous urea solution quality and, nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor functions to control at the adjacent element aqueous solution dosing control unit to the an aqueous urea solution is related to the amount of an aqueous urea solution in the tank, and a function table by receiving the associated signal, buzzer surface the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution is provided a function, the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution member are switched on function and, the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution less an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle surface recognized the linking signal transfers or the engine through the relay-breaker to close or interrupt the function with respect to a plane, of the tank an aqueous urea solution which is impinged sensor and [...] according to signal less than 20% an aqueous urea solution and turning warning when the, element 10 can [...] lamp when the less than 10% of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, an aqueous urea solution less than 5% when the warning lamp and buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm is maintained a an aqueous urea solution (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank to the amount control and, of the tank an aqueous urea solution concentration sensor upon receiving the signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, per minute idle rpm actuation and engine buzzer Conference 120 a is maintained the quality (Urea) an aqueous urea solution tank an aqueous urea solution for control and the control module; said control module by the signal from the alarm the amount of an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of alarm as it rang having a function of buzzer and an; said control module by the signal from the alarm an aqueous urea solution in a case of a lack of the amount of a lamp and the fire switched on; the automatic transmission is short of an aqueous urea solution said surface an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle less the recognized signal to the engine having function of delivering or-breaker to close or interrupt the relay includes a peristaltic (or relay switch) and a; engine output wood pulp, reed pulp, corn or reduce an accelerator pedal of the working vehicle; yarn twisting operation characterized by comprises the device monitoring limiting and head cover. According to Claim 2, electronic engine in the case of another engine output limitation method in a case of a lack of introducing an aqueous urea solution in a in vaporized is filled when no or if not be component aqueous solution and urea nitrogen oxides (NOx) if the voltages exceed necessity using mobile terminal and toilet bowl equipped CAN mounted difference running in control module ECU to engine forced by guiding the Protocol Torque of controlling a yarn twisting operation characterized by comprising head cover limiting and monitoring device. Deleted Deleted Deleted According to Claim 1, NOx a measurer of change to control post treatment to the exhaust pipe mounted NOx sensor and which is impinged signal according to and turning warning if the flow is greater than the reference value, value is over the drivable value 30 minute or more lamp generated in the duration of an engine maximum rpm is 25% reduced and the, 1 value is over the drivable value lamp generated in the time or more, per minute rpm maximum actuation and engine buzzer Conference 60 which shading is reduced and is 50%, value is over the drivable value 4 lamp generated in the time or more, 120 Conference buzzer actuation and engine idle rpm per minute is maintained yarn twisting operation characterized by comprising head cover limiting and monitoring device.