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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 10908. Отображено 200.
11-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650206C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано со скобочным хирургическим сшивающим инструментом. Корпус кассеты имеет опорную часть с множеством гнезд с отверстиями для скоб. По меньшей мере часть каждой скобы съемно хранится внутри гнезда для скобы. Каждая скоба выполнена с возможностью перемещения между неактивированным положением и активированным положением и деформации между неактивированной конфигурацией и активированной конфигурацией. Сжимаемый компенсатор толщины ткани включает средство визуализации, выполнен для захвата внутри скоб и по меньшей мере частично покрывает отверстия гнезд для скоб. Компенсатор толщины ткани имеет возможность принимать разные значения высоты в сжатом состоянии внутри разных скоб. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 258 ил.

13-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720742C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины, в частности к сердечно-сосудистой хирургии, и может быть использовано как альтернативный малотравматичный способ лечения варикозной болезни нижних конечностей (ВБНК). Способ цианоакрилатной облитерации вен, состоящий из того, что под местной анестезией под ультразвуковым контролем (УЗК) иглой 18G производят пункцию целевой подкожной вены (ЦПВ) в месте дистальной точки рефлюкса, далее по игле в вену заводят проводник до соустья с глубокой веной и далее по проводнику заводят интродьюсер 7F. Позиционирование интродьюсера в вене проводят так, чтобы дистальный конец находился на 2 см от соустья с глубокой веной. К одному из концов двухходового краника интродьюсера присоединяют полую трубку, которая идет к хирургическому отсасывателю и соединяется с резервуаром для сбора, краник находится в положении «закрыто» в том месте, где присоединена трубка. В дальнейшем производят включение отсасывателя, который создает отрицательное давление в системе, при этом ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610199C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Устройство содержит хирургический инструмент и укрепляющий элемент, выполненный с возможностью удерживать текучий адгезив. В укрепляющем элементе содержится двухкомпонентный текучий адгезив. Адгезив образуют два текучих материала при комбинировании. Укрепляющий элемент выполнен с возможностью сжатия хирургическим инструментом, посредством чего создается давление на часть укрепляющего элемента. Укрепляющий элемент может быть рассечен, а область под давлением может быть выполнена с возможностью выталкивать текучий адгезив в участок ткани. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629056C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Компенсатор толщины ткани содержит поверхность, которая контактирует с тканью, и сеть каналов. Каналы обозначены в контактирующей с тканью поверхности. Каналы выполнены с возможностью размещения в них по меньшей мере одного лекарственного средства. Каналы могут обозначать захватывающие поверхности, выполненные с возможностью захвата ткани. Контактирующая с тканью поверхность может содержать продолжающиеся от нее гребни. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 258 ил.

15-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638686C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим рассекающим и сшивающим инструментам и используемым в них компенсаторам толщины ткани, содержащим элементы врастания в ткань. Компенсатор, прикрепляемый к упорному элементу сшивающего аппарата, причем упорный элемент содержит формирующую поверхность, и при этом компенсатор содержит крепежный слой, выполненный с возможностью крепления к упорному элементу, и каркас, прикрепленный к крепежному слою. При этом каркас содержит множество каркасных слоев из биосовместимого материала и множество полостей, причем слои и полости образуют матрицу, способствующую врастанию тканей и клеток. Множество каркасных слоев содержит первый слой и второй слой, причем первый лекарственный препарат поглощается в первом слое, а второй лекарственный препарат поглощается во втором слое, при этом первый лекарственный препарат отличается от второго лекарственного препарата. Сшивающий узел для использования с крепежным инструментом содержит ...

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638273C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим рассекающим и сшивающим аппаратам и используемым в них компенсаторам толщины ткани, состоящим из множества материалов. Предложен компенсатор, прикрепляемый к упорному элементу сшивающего аппарата, в котором упорный элемент содержит формирующую поверхность, при этом компенсатор содержит первый слой, второй слой и соединительную часть. Первый слой содержит первые волокна и вторые волокна, причем первые волокна состоят из первого материала, а вторые волокна состоят из второго материала. Первый материал отличается от второго материала, и при этом первые волокна и вторые волокна находятся в первом слое в первом соотношении. Второй слой содержит первые волокна и вторые волокна, причем первые волокна и вторые волокна находятся во втором слое во втором соотношении, и при этом первое соотношение отличается от второго соотношения. Вторые волокна вплетены в первые волокна в первом слое, и первые волокна вплетены во вторые волокна ...

24-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642325C2

Группа изобретений включает кассету со скобками и концевой рабочий орган хирургического сшивающего инструмента, относится к области медицинской техники и предназначена для использования в области хирургии. Кассета со скобками включает корпус, содержащий пластину, множество первых и вторых полостей для скобок, множество приводных устройств, искривленный продольный проход и сжимаемый компенсатор толщины тканей. Множество первых полостей для скобок расположены вдоль первой кривой, причем указанная первая кривая определяется первым радиусом кривизны, и при этом каждая указанная первая полость для скобок содержит отверстие в указанной пластине. Множество вторых полостей для скобок расположены вдоль второй кривой, причем указанная вторая кривая определяется вторым радиусом кривизны, при этом указанный первый радиус кривизны отличается от второго радиуса кривизны, при этом каждая указанная вторая полость для скобок включает отверстие в указанной пластине. Множество приводных устройств для скобок ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535778C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано для доставки и распределения текучих сред, например хирургических адгезивов с высокой вязкостью. Устройство содержит приводную часть, корпус картриджа и кончик. Приводная часть содержит привод и подвижный шток толкателя. Корпус картриджа выполнен с возможностью вмещать картридж с хирургическим адгезивом с высокой вязкостью. Кончик разъемно соединен с корпусом картриджа и содержит два или более канала и два или более трубчатых элемента. По меньшей мере, часть каждого из двух или более трубчатых элементов расположена внутри каналов. Трубчатые элементы выполнены так, чтобы позволить перемещать хирургический адгезив с высокой вязкостью из картриджа на поверхность анатомической ткани, когда пользователь приводит в действие указанный привод. В результате устройство позволяет доставлять текучий адгезив с высокой вязкостью во время хирургической процедуры к месту его использования на плоскую поверхность ткани. 3 н. и 42 з.п.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745794C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Протез тазобедренного сустава для закрепления в бедренной кости пациента содержит соединительную часть, выполненную с возможностью соединения с контактной частью протеза, по меньшей мере две расширяющиеся части, имеющие контактную поверхность для контакта с костью и стабилизирующий элемент, имеющий охватывающую часть, выполненную с возможностью ее расположения в контакте с наружной поверхностью бедренной кости, и простирающийся вдоль нее. Расширяющиеся части выполнены с возможностью вставки в бедренную кость пациента и возможностью расширения в этой бедренной кости таким образом, что указанная контактная поверхность для контакта с костью расположена в контакте с внутренней частью бедренной кости для прикрепления указанного медицинского устройства к бедренной кортикальной кости. Изобретение обеспечивает достижение прочного закрепления без прохождения или проникновения сквозь кость или без использования костного цемента. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

20-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2214197C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, области трансплантации хондроцитов, пересадки кости, хряща, восстановления суставов и профилактики артритов. Сущность лечения: размещают гемостатический барьер на подлежащей лечению поверхности, помещают хондроциты в матриксе на гемостатический барьер, покрывают подлежащую лечению поверхность накладкой. Хондроциты размещают под накладку. Накладка содержит полупроницаемый коллагеновый матрикс с пористой поверхностью, свободный от интактных клеток. Барьер способен к рассасыванию, полупроницаемый материал, ингибирующий или предотвращающий сосудистую инфильтрацию, содержит коллаген. Сущность трансплантации хондроцитов: профилируют участок пересадки с образованием нелинейных и/или волнообразных стенок, барьер размещают проксимальнее участка пересадки, помещают хондроциты в подходящем матриксе на гемостатический барьер, покрывают их накладкой, частично прикрепленной перед помещением хондоцитов, способный к рассасыванию полупроницаемый материал, ингибирующий или ...

13-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2612824C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Хирургический инструмент включает в себя часть рукоятки, стержень, вмещающий пусковой стержень, концевой эффектор, содержащий упор, нижнюю браншу и сшивающий и рассекающий узел. Рассекающий узел реагирует на продольное закрывающее движение, которое формируется частью рукоятки и стержнем. Нижняя бранша выполнена с возможностью принимать кассету при нахождении в открытом положении. Кассета включает в себя корпус, множество скоб, размещенных в корпусе, и панель, размещенную поверх множества скоб. Панель образует отверстия, причем каждое отверстие по существу размещено поверх каждой скобы. Кассета дополнительно принимает матрицу, включая взвешенные в матрице гранулы клея. Скобы проталкиваются через матрицу для закрепления матрицы на ткани. Гранулы клея активируются, когда матрица закреплена на ткани таким образом, что активированный адгезив дополнительно закрепляет линию скоб в ткани. Технический результат состоит в предотвращении прилипания клея, высвобождаемого ...

27-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2397714C2

Группа изобретений относится к конструкциям для нанесения защитного материала на рабочую поверхность и может быть использована для нанесения защитного материала, например, на биологическую ткань. Предлагается узел аппликатора защитного материала для применения с устройством, которое содержит удлиненный корпус, образующий внутренний канал и содержащий поршень, расположенный с возможностью перемещения в канале, и толкатель, функционально связанный с поршнем. Узел содержит распылительную насадку, выполненную с возможностью сообщения с каналом корпуса и образующую дальний выпуск. Первый газовый проход согласованно связан с дальним выпуском и выполнен с возможностью направления газа для произведения распыления защитного материала. Исполнительный элемент выполнен с возможностью согласованной связи с толкателем для вытеснения защитного материала через дальний выпуск и выполнен с возможностью обеспечения одновременной активации подачи газа в первый газовый канал для произведения распыления защитного ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2470611C2

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к медицине, в частности к трансплантологии. Окклюдер состоит из поддерживающей структуры, соединенный с закупоривающей оболочкой, которая содержит конструкт клеточного матрикса, включающий клетки фибробластов и в норме выделяемые клетками фибробластов компоненты эндогенно-продуцированного внеклеточного матрикса. Посредством окклюдера осуществляют способ чрезкожного транслюминального закрытия отверстия в сердце путем установки в зоне дефекта. Кроме того, посредством окклюдера выполняется способ активации васкуляризации ткани млекопитающего. Заявленная группа изобретений позволяет закрыть дефекты органов, восстановить поврежденные ткани, активизировать васкуляризацию в месте дефекта. 5 н. и 16 з.п.ф-лы, 21 пр., 19 ил.

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2308967C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к пульмонологии, и может быть использовано при заболеваниях легких, требующих уменьшения объема поврежденной ткани легкого или герметизации его в случае спонтанного пневмоторакса. Для этого через бронхоскоп, подведенный к участку-мишени, по катетеру вводят определенный материал. Количество и природа материала должны быть достаточными для стимуляции адгезии между одной спавшейся частью участка-мишени легкого и другой и фиброза участка-мишени легкого или вокруг участка-мишени легкого, в котором произошел коллапс. Данный материал на основе фармацевтических композиций содержит в своем составе полипептидный фактор роста, компонент внеклеточного матрикса, вазоактивное вещество, про-апоптотический агент. При этом композиции дополнительно включают фибриноген или мономер фибрина, или активатор фибриногена. Изобретение позволяет достичь направленной стимуляции адгезии участка-мишени, фиброза самого участка-мишени или вокруг участка, в котором возник коллапс ...

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017142338A3

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015148775A3

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016122453A3

16-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700362C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству закрепления шовного фиксатора. Хирургический шовный фиксатор выполнен с возможностью закрепления в отверстии, выполненном в твердой ткани, с помощью материала с термопластичными свойствами и энергии, передаваемой на шовный фиксатор для местного разжижения по меньшей мере части материала с термопластичными свойствами. Шовный фиксатор имеет ножку фиксатора и термопластичную гильзу. В ножке фиксатора имеется система каналов и пазов или система каналов с входным участком на проксимальной поверхности ножки фиксатора. Система выполнена с возможностью пропускания через нее шовного материала в виде петли. Термопластичная гильза размещена или выполнена с возможностью размещения коаксиально с входным участком. Термопластичная гильза содержит материал, имеющий термопластичные свойства, и размещена или выполнена с возможностью размещения на проксимальной поверхности ножки фиксатора. Шовный фиксатор дополнительно содержит стопорный ...

02-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742129C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к медицинскому узлу шприца для герметика. Аспект настоящего изобретения может предоставлять узел шприца для герметика, содержащий: первый шприц, включающий в себя множество камер и выпускающий первый раствор, который представляет собой смесь буферного раствора и порошка соединения; шприц с реакционным раствором, включающий в себя по меньшей мере одну камеру и выпускающий реакционный раствор, способный вступать в реакцию с первым раствором; основание, в котором устойчиво установлены первый шприц и шприц с реакционным раствором; и соединитель для соединения первого шприца и шприца с реакционным раствором для смешивания и выпуска первого раствора и реакционного раствора, причем первый раствор и реакционный раствор реагируют друг с другом, что изменяет их свойства таким образом, что модуль накопления при сдвиге превышает модуль потерь при сдвиге, и первый шприц включает в себя: три уплотнительных элемента, предусмотренных внутри ...

25-03-2019 дата публикации

Способ остеосинтеза при отрыве нижнего полюса надколенника

Номер: RU2682990C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к травматологии, и предназначено для использования при отрыве нижнего полюса надколенника. На первом этапе производят продольный разрез кожи от основания надколенника до бугристости большеберцовой кости. Осуществляют просверливание 2-3 отверстий в косом направлении через дистальный фрагмент и параллельно им 2-3 отверстий через поверхностный кортикалм в основном фрагменте надколенника. Затем проводят через эти отверстия две нейлоновые нити зигзагообразно по типу «шнуровки обуви». После этого вторым этапом проводят нейлоновую нить через туннель, просверленный дополнительно в надколеннике в поперечном направлении; низводят концы нейлоновой нити по боковым поверхностям надколенника; проводят вторую нить через основание собственной связки надколенника и ее прошивают обвивным швом по обоим боковым краям до зоны проксимального отдела связки. Затягивают концы нитей и прочно их завязывают с двух сторон у основания собственной связки надколенника, низводя ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015113361A

... 1. Устройство для смешивания и капельного дозирования двух реакционноспособных биологических компонентов, таких как герметики ткани и/или кровоостанавливающие средства, содержащее:a) носитель шприца с крепежными элементами для по крайней мере двух шприцев и прикрепленной рукоятки;b) по меньшей мере пару шприцев, каждый из которых имеет выход и содержит реакционноспособный биологический компонент;c) первый поршень и второй поршень в первом и втором шприцах соответственно;d) носитель, содержащий два отдельных канала для жидкости, связанных с выходами первого и второго шприцев; ие) концевой элемент, расположенный на выходе носителя, имеющего открытый проксимальный конец и закрытый дистальный конец с гибкой диафрагмой, причем упомянутая гибкая диафрагма в сочетании с дистальной поверхностью носителя определяет первый объем, второй объем и дозирующий канал, при этом первый объем, по существу, равен нулю, а указанный второй объем является достаточным, чтобы позволить двум реакционно-биологическии ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014143259A

... 1. Хирургический сшивающий инструмент, содержащий:картридж со скобками, содержащий корпус картриджа, содержащий множество полостей для скобок и множество скобок, расположенных внутри полостей для скобок;упорный элемент, выполненный для взаимодействия с корпусом картриджа, содержащую по меньшей мере одну формирующую скобку поверхность;первый компенсатор толщины ткани, прикрепленный к корпусу картриджа с возможностью снятия, причем первый компенсатор толщины ткани содержит первую толщину; ивторой компенсатор толщины ткани, прикрепленный к упорному элементу с возможностью снятия, причем второй компенсатор толщины ткани содержит вторую толщину, при этом первый и второй компенсаторы толщины ткани выполнены с возможностью быть захваченными внутри скобок и принимать разные высоты в сжатом состоянии, внутри разных скобок, причем сумма первой толщины и второй толщины равна по меньшей мере минимальной толщине, обеспечивающей должную компенсацию толщины ткани внутри скобок.2. Хирургический сшивающий ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120395A

... 1. Эндоскопический аппарат для непрерывного наложения шва, содержащий сшивающий корпус, форма и размер которого обеспечивают возможность его прикрепления к дистальному концу выпускаемого промышленностью эндоскопа таким образом, чтобы он мог действовать; при этом сшивающий корпус состоит из шовного кожуха, в котором установлены игла и приводной узел для перемещения иглы по непрерывной круговой траектории, при этом обеспечивая возможность наложения шовной нити, прикрепленной к дистальному концу иглы; причем приводной узел включает в себя коромысло, которое перемещается вдоль шовного кожуха под управлением приводного троса и штифта; при этом действие приводного троса и штифта обусловливает избирательное зацепление и расцепление коромыслом иглы, в результате чего игла перемещается по круговой траектории непрерывно. 2. Эндоскопический аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что вакуумный кожух окружает сшивающий корпус, при этом форма и размер вакуумного кожуха обеспечивают возможность его подключения ...

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734868C1
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН ЭлЭлСи (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим сшивающим и режущим инструментам и предназначенным для применения с ними кассетам со скобами. Узел кассеты со скобами для применения с хирургическим сшивающим инструментом выполнен с возможностью приема пускового движения таким образом, что при приеме пускового движения пусковой узел выполнен с возможностью перемещения через узел кассеты со скобами от проксимального конца к дистальному концу во время процесса пуска, и при этом узел кассеты со скобами содержит корпус кассеты, скобы и имплантируемый вспомогательный элемент. Корпус кассеты содержит поверхность платформы. Скобы хранятся с возможностью извлечения внутри корпуса кассеты. Имплантируемый вспомогательный элемент содержит корпусный участок и отдельные крепежные участки. Отдельные крепежные участки выполнены с возможностью удержания имплантируемого вспомогательного элемента относительно корпуса кассеты. Крепежные участки расположены на поверхности платформы ...

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013145967A

... 1. Форсунка для подачи биологического материала, прежде всего клеток, снабженная:- смесительной камерой (11), которая ограничена проксимальной торцевой поверхностью (21) и расположенной на расстоянии от проксимальной торцевой поверхности (21) дистальной торцевой поверхностью (22),- по меньшей мере одним отверстием (23) форсунки, которое выполнено в дистальной торцевой поверхности (22), и- по меньшей мере двумя подводящими каналами (30, 40, 50), которые оканчиваются в смесительной камере (11),отличающаяся тем, чтопервый подводящий канал (30) расположен в проксимальной торцевой поверхности (21) и коаксиально к отверстию (23) форсунки оканчивается в смесительной камере (11), а второй подводящий канал (40) снабжен входным отверстием (42), которое на дистальной торцевой поверхности (22) сбоку, прежде всего тангенциально, оканчивается в смесительной камере (11).2. Форсунка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что смесительная камера (11) имеет длину L, которая составляет максимально 500 мкм, прежде всего ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013120014A

... 1. Хирургический инструмент, включающий:узел рукоятки;удлиненный узел штока, смонтированный на указанном узле рукоятки и выступающий из нее, причем указанный удлиненный узел штока включает:удлиненный центральный элемент, который имеет дистальный конец, предназначенный для съемного присоединения концевого эффектора, а такжепусковую трубку, способную аксиально перемещаться вдоль указанного удлиненного центрального элемента, и взаимодействовать с пусковой системой, которая поддерживается указанным узлом рукоятки, чтобы заставлять указанную пусковую трубку избирательно двигаться на указанном центральном элементе таким образом, что указанная пусковая трубка может выборочно перемещаться в аксиальном направлении из неактивного положения, в котором дистальный конец центрального элемента съемным образом соединяется с частью концевого эффектора, в положение зацепления, в котором дистальная часть указанной пусковой трубки удерживает указанную часть указанного концевого эффектора в зацеплении с указанным ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122652A

... 1. Педикулярное крепежное устройство для имплантации в позвонок человека или животного по существу с дорсальной стороны через одну из ножек позвонка, так что дистальный участок крепежного устройства входит в тело позвонка, причем педикулярное крепежное устройство содержит корпус, имеющий проксимальный головной участок для крепления ортопедического устройства для стабилизации позвоночного столба и дистальный стержневой участок, выполненный с возможностью крепления в позвонке, причем в корпусе указанного устройства имеется продольный канал, проходящий дистально от проксимального конца и по меньшей мере одно отверстие, отходящее от продольного канала в направлении наружу, причем педикулярное крепежное устройство содержит разжижаемый элемент, вставляемый или вставленный в продольный канал, и, по меньшей мере частично разжижаемый под воздействием энергии, воздействующий с проксимальной стороны, так что разжижаемый материал вытекает из продольного канала через по меньшей мере одно указанное отверстие ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011149474A

... 1. Аппарат для нанесения клеящего герметика, содержащий:первую камеру, включающую первое вещество;вторую камеру, включающую второе вещество, причем вторая камера находится в выборочном соединении по текучей среде с первой камерой;третью камеру, включающую третье вещество;первый исполнительный механизм, выполненный с возможностью приведения в действие соединения по текучей среде первой и второй камер для смешивания первого и второго веществ и образования первой смеси; ивторой исполнительный механизм, выполненный с возможностью выталкивания первой смеси и третьего вещества из аппарата для нанесения клеящего герметика.2. Аппарат для нанесения клеящего герметика по п.1, содержащий камеру смешивания, выполненную с возможностью вмещения и смешивания первой смеси и третьего вещества в смесь клеящего герметика до выталкивания из аппарата для нанесения клеящего герметика.3. Аппарат для нанесения клеящего герметика по п.1, содержащий распыляющую насадку, выполненную с возможностью распыления первой ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011133010A

... 1. Герметически закупоренное микродозирующее одноразовое медицинское устройство, выполненное с металлической, или стеклянной, или керамической, или полимерной ультра тонкой пленками или мембранами, с независимыми прокалывающими механизмами для изолирования и стабилизации требуемых жидкостей, пока устройство не готово для использования, содержащее (а) канюлю, (b) втулку, (с) оболочку и (d) головку, отличающееся тем, что:- канюля содержит гибкую, сгибаемую, фиксируемую капиллярную трубку, выполненную с возможностью сгибания под любым углом до сорока пяти градусов, измеренных по вертикали, функциональная возможность для гибкого изгиба;- втулка содержит трубку втулки с винтовым верхним концом с винтовой резьбой на наружной стороне, которая сопрягается с винтовым концом канюли, что обеспечивает систему с регулирующим поток проходом, источник ультрафиолетового света, предпочтительно ультрафиолетовый светодиод, встроенный на краю окружности втулки, под ультрафиолетовым светодиодом расположен батарейный ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152958A

... 1. Хирургический сшивающий инструмент, содержащийкассету со скобками, содержащую:корпус кассеты, содержащий множество гнезд для скобок; имножество скобок, расположенных внутри указанных гнезд для скобок;узел упора, содержащий:раму упора;упор, содержащий позиционирующую поверхность и по меньшей мере одну поверхность для формирования скобок, причем указанный упор удерживается с возможностью перемещения по указанной раме упора; ирегулирующий элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения и установки между указанной рамой упора и указанным упором, причем указанный регулирующий элемент содержит первую ступень, имеющую первую высоту, и вторую ступень, имеющую вторую высоту, причем указанная вторая высота отличается от указанной первой высоты, и причем указанный регулирующий элемент выполнен с возможностью перемещения между первым положением и вторым положением избирательно для расположения одной из указанной первой ступени и указанной второй ступени между указанной рамой упора и указанной позиционирующей ...

27-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014143245A

... 1. Картридж со скобками, содержащий:корпус картриджа, содержащий полости для скобок;скобки, размещенные с возможностью извлечения в полостях для скобок, при этом скобки могут выталкиваться из полостей для скобок; икомпенсатор, содержащий емкость, причем емкость образует герметичную внутреннюю полость, причем герметичная внутренняя полость содержит внутреннюю атмосферу, при этом внутренняя атмосфера имеет давление ниже атмосферного давления, если емкость находится в неповрежденном состоянии, причем скобки выполнены с возможностью разрыва емкости, когда скобки выталкиваются из полостей для скобок.2. Картридж со скобками по п. 1, причем компенсатор выполнен с возможностью расширяться между смятым состоянием и расширенным состоянием, когда емкость разрывается скобками.3. Картридж со скобками по п. 2, в котором емкость ограничена стенкой емкости, причем стенка емкости изогнута, например является круглой, когда компенсатор находится в расширенном состоянии, и при этом стенка емкости сплющена, ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014143257A

... 1. Способ производства компенсатора толщины ткани, включающий:получение раствора, содержащего гидрофильный материал;растворение лекарственного средства в указанном растворе;смешивание раствора с гидрофобным материалом;заливание раствора в форму для литья илиофилизацию раствора.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором лиофилизация включает помещение формы для литья в вакуумную камеру, снижение атмосферного давления внутри вакуумной камеры и снижение температуры внутри вакуумной камеры.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, в котором в результате лиофилизации получают лист материала, и причем способ дополнительно включает разрезание листа материала.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором лекарственное средство растворяют в микрочастицах в растворе.5. Способ по п. 4, в котором микрочастицы суспендируют в гидрофобном материале после смешивания раствора и гидрофобного материала.6. Компенсатор толщины ткани для применения в сшивающем инструменте, содержащий:сжимаемый слой, выполненный с возможностью по меньшей мере частичного захватывания ...

31-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060317040T2

16-08-2000 дата публикации

Aneurysm repair device

Номер: GB0000015546D0

16-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201519451D0

18-07-2007 дата публикации

A fistula cutting device

Номер: GB0002434101A

A surgical device comprising an elongate shaft 12 and a head 14 with a cutting edge 18 for use in treating anal fistulas. The head 14 may be a tubular head and it may be closed at the end furthest from the shaft. The cutting edge 18 on the head may be serrated and there may be an attachment point for a seton. The shaft 12 may be adapted to be attached to a high-speed rotary device 20, 22 and also the shaft may be hollow to allow fluid to be emitted into the fistula. The device facilitates the removal of tissue from the walls of the fistula allowing the introduction of collagen that aids the healing of the fistula.

17-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002544266A

An implant 1 comprising a surface 32 engageable with a portion of at least one body part, preferably a bone 2, and attachable thereto be means of an adhesive that is preferably cured by means on an external energy source such as EM radiation, ultrasound energy or thermal energy; most preferably UV light. The implant 1 may also be provided with a conduit 4 through which the energy source may be introduced. A flange 30 extending around the periphery of the implant 1 and protruding towards the body is also taught. The flange 30 provides a stand-off between the surface 32 and the body when the implant 1 is in use, thereby controlling the thickness of adhesive in use. Also disclosed is a method of surgery comprising forming an implant 1, applying a layer of adhesive to a surface 32 of the implant 1 and engaging the surface 32 with a body part. It is also disclosed that the implant 1 may be shaped in accordance with data derived from the body part in 3D, preferably obtained using computer tomography ...

02-07-2008 дата публикации

Liquid applicator

Номер: GB0000809722D0

03-12-2008 дата публикации

Medical devices and methods useful for applying bolster material

Номер: GB0000819656D0

24-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009506796D0

31-01-2007 дата публикации

Therapeutic foam.

Номер: OA0000013287A

25-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396326B

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416677T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000418916T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374051T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000432653T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442914T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000461716T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000458556T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499887T

27-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400304B

15-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA140485A

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538729T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519432T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520356T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000550092T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546098T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380042T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376391T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000409446T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420595T

15-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000068956T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000310556T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328851T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000247429T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000274330T

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241317T

21-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034504173T

06-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035684515T

13-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035535845T

10-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033538670T

07-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039748686T

26-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033997033T

22-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032692552T

16-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039557592T

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Self-contained hand-held direct drive device for dispensing a two-part adhesive aerosol

Номер: US20120000993A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A self-contained, hand-held spray dispensing device includes an internal source of pressurized fluid that exerts a motive force on a pair of liquid ejecting elements to cause each to eject a liquid into a discharge line. The liquids remain separated until each exits its discharge port. A pressurized fluid is directed over the outlet ends of the discharge line beginning before a flow interrupter in the discharge line is opened to permit flow therethrough and ceasing after liquid flow is terminated. The pressurized fluid flow over the outlet of the discharge line aerosolizes liquids emanating from the outlet ends. Each liquid ejecting element takes the form of a piston disposed within a cylinder. The pistons responds to pressurized fluid imposed directly thereon from the source to generate the motive force on the ejecting element.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Silicone Spray Tip

Номер: US20120043399A1
Принадлежит: Confluent Surgical Inc

An applicator assembly for mixing at least a first and second component is provided. The applicator assembly includes a manifold configured for operable engagement with at least a first and second source of component, the manifold including at least a first and second component channel therethrough, an elongated shaft extending distally from the manifold, the elongated shaft including at least a first and second component lumen extending the length thereof, the at least first and second component channels in fluid communication with the at least first and second component channels, a tip assembly defining a first chamber, an intermediate chamber and a final chamber.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Devices and methods for treating defects in the tissue of a living being

Номер: US20120046758A1

An implant for deployment in select locations or select tissue for regeneration of tissue is disclosed. The implant includes collagen and or other bio-resorbable materials, where the implant may also be used for therapy delivery.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Biological tissue connection and repair devices and methods of using same

Номер: US20120059399A1
Автор: Ahmet Hoke, Hai-quan Mao

The instant invention provides compositions and methods for promoting the repair and/or growth of biological tissue, e.g., tubular biological tissue such as nerves. Specifically, the instant invention provides tissue connection devices and tissue repair devices and methods for using these devices.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Seal-less device for dispensing microliter quantities of a material into a site

Номер: US20120065666A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A seal-less, hand-held dispensing device includes a support platform having a pair of finger gripping surfaces; first and second hollow members on the platform; and a compatibly sized plunger disposed in each hollow member. Each hollow member has a largest inside dimension in the range from about 0.2 mm to about 0.3 mm and each plunger has a largest outside dimension that is sized for compatible receipt within a hollow member. The largest outside dimension of each compatibly sized plunger is from about eighty percent (80%) to about ninety-five percent (95%) of the largest inside dimension of a hollow member. An actuator having a thumb actuating surface thereon is operatively engagable with each plunger. When fully extended a predetermined maximum finger span is defined between the actuating surface and the gripping surfaces, the maximum finger span being not greater than about 150 mm.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Applicators for patches and adhesives

Номер: US20120078293A1

Apparatus is provided for use with a tubular structure ( 2 ) in a body of a patient. The apparatus includes an adhesive including first and second components, a container ( 27 ), one or more patches ( 3 ), and an applicator ( 1 ). The container ( 27 ) contains the first component of the adhesive and not the second component of the adhesive. The one or more patches ( 3 ) include the second component of the adhesive and not the first component of the adhesive. The applicator ( 1 ) is configured to removably hold the one or more patches ( 3 ), and to place the one or more patches ( 3 ) at least partially around the tubular structure ( 2 ). Other embodiments are also described.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Fastener system comprising a retention matrix

Номер: US20120080333A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical fastener system can comprise a plurality of fasteners which can be connected to one another by a retention matrix which is assembled to the fasteners in order to capture tissue therebetween. In various embodiments, each fastener can comprise a base and the distance in which the retention matrix is seated relative to the fastener bases can be selectively determined by a surgeon in order to apply a desired pressure to the tissue. In certain embodiments, each fastener can further comprise a fastener leg and the retention matrix can comprise a first layer configured to engage the fastener legs. The retention matrix can further comprise a second layer mounted to the first layer which can comprise one or more encapsulations containing a medicine therein. The encapsulations can be aligned with retention apertures in the retention matrix such that they can be punctured by the fastener legs.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Compressible fastener cartridge

Номер: US20120080335A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a compressible, collapsible, and/or crushable cartridge body and fasteners embedded within the cartridge body which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein the first jaw can be positioned opposite a second jaw, or anvil. The anvil can be engaged with the fastener cartridge to compress, collapse, and/or crush the cartridge body and deform, or otherwise deploy, the fasteners contained therein. As the fasteners are deformed or deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the cartridge body therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened. In various embodiments, the cartridge body can comprise a plurality of layers wherein at least one of the layers can be detached from the other layers and removed from the surgical site.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising portions having different properties

Номер: US20120080337A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Compressible staple cartridge assembly

Номер: US20120080338A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Implantable fastener cartridge having a non-uniform arrangement

Номер: US20120080481A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a compressible, collapsible, and/or crushable cartridge body and fasteners embedded within the cartridge body which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein the first jaw can be positioned opposite a second jaw, or anvil. The anvil can be engaged with the fastener cartridge to compress, collapse, and/or crush the cartridge body and deform, or otherwise deploy, the fasteners contained therein. As the fasteners are deformed or deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the cartridge body therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened. In various embodiments, the cartridge body can comprise a thickness which is not uniform thereacross. In at least one embodiment, the fasteners can comprise different unformed heights and/or different formed heights.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical stapler with floating anvil

Номер: US20120080493A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical instrument can include an anvil and, in addition, a staple cartridge support configured to support a staple cartridge. In various embodiments, the jaw can be moved toward the staple cartridge to deform staples contained within the staple cartridge. The anvil can be configured to be translated and/or rotated as the anvil is moved toward the staple cartridge. In certain embodiments, the anvil can be configured to float and adjust such that the anvil is moved downwardly in a level manner.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for delivery of biological sealant

Номер: US20120083828A1
Принадлежит: Spinal Restoration Inc

A device for delivery of biologic materials, comprising: a cartridge having at least two cylinder bores for fluids to be delivered, wherein each cylinder includes an exit port for a fluid, a plunger within each cylinder for pushing the fluids out of the cylinder, a housing adapted to receive the cartridge, wherein the housing or cartridge includes an adaptor to receive and lock a manifold that operably connects to the exit ports of the cartridge, at least two toothed rams, wherein each toothed ram is at least partially within a cylinder bore, a trigger connected to the housing, wherein the trigger includes a toothed drive rack, a toothed wheel assembly that cooperates with the toothed drive rack and with the toothed rams, as well as methods of making the device, methods of using the device to treat discs, kits including the device.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Staple cartridge comprising a releasable portion

Номер: US20120083833A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Applicator Tip

Номер: US20120109053A1

An applicator tip for use with a fluid applicator includes a base configured for releasable engagement with a fluid applicator at a proximal end of the base. The base includes a chamber defined therein configured for retaining a mixing component therein. One or more penetrable members are disposed within the base to at least partially encloses the chamber to retain the mixing component therein. A shaft extends distally from the base and defines a longitudinal axis. The shaft has a lumen extending therethrough configured for passage of a fluid therethrough. Upon penetration of the penetrable member, fluid from the fluid applicator flows into the chamber such that the fluid and the mixing component form a mixture to be applied.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Liquid applicator and method of use

Номер: US20120138070A1
Принадлежит: Medlogic Global Ltd

An applicator for dispensing uniform thickness layers of liquid to surfaces and especially surgical sealants to surgical sites to create, in situ, a surgical incise drape is disclosed. The applicator employs a supported thin layer of foam which achieves layer thickness which are substantially independent of the pressure applied to the applicator during use. Methods of using the applicator are also disclosed.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive Suture Structure and Methods of Using the Same

Номер: US20120150221A1
Автор: Frank J. Viola

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, a surgical suture needle assembly is provided including an elongate tube defining a lumen through at least a portion of a length thereof; and a wound treatment material contained within the lumen of the suture structure. The present disclosure further provides for methods of using the surgical suture needle assembly in anastomotic procedures and the like.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for preparing autologous fibrin glue

Номер: US20120156278A1
Принадлежит: Cascade Medical Enterprises LLC

A method of regenerating tissue in a living organism. The method includes the act of contacting an affected area of the living organism with a solid-fibrin web, the solid-fibrin web comprising platelets that release growth factors about one minute after contact to regenerate the tissue in the living organism.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for reducing tissue trauma during ipp procedure

Номер: US20120157763A1
Автор: Ryan Darnell
Принадлежит: AMS Research LLC

A traction ring for use in a penile implant procedure can include a plurality of elastic sutures. Each elastic suture can have an elastic body with an attachment loop at one end and an adhesive pad at the opposed end. The attachment loop allows for positioning of the elastic suture at any of a plurality of available attachment grooves located about a perimeter of the traction ring. The adhesive pad is generally attached to penis proximate the penis tip. Adhesive pad can be bonded to the penis with a suitable skin adhesive. The skin adhesive can be contained within a reservoir on the adhesive pad. Alternatively, the adhesive pad can be separated from the elastic body. A removal solvent can be applied to dissolve or otherwise break down the skin adhesive following completion of an implant procedure.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Marking template for installing a custom replacement device for resurfacing a femur and associated installation method

Номер: US20120165821A1
Принадлежит: Kinamed Inc

A replacement device for resurfacing a joint surface of a femur and a method of making and installing such a device is provided. The custom replacement device is designed to substantially fit the trochlear groove surface, of an individual femur, thereby creating a “customized” replacement device for that individual femur and maintaining the original kinematics of the joint. The top surface is designed so as to maintain centrally directed tracking of the patella perpendicular to the plane established by the distal end of the femoral condyles and aligned with the center of the femoral head.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Medical device, apparatus, and surgical method

Номер: US20120226318A1
Автор: Andreas Wenger, Jorg Mayer

A pedicle anchor device is provided and is equipped for being used like a pedicle screw, i.e. for being implanted in the vertebra from dorsal direction (but generally at an angle to the sagittal plane, slightly inward towards the sagittal plane) through the pedicle so that a distal portion of the device protrudes into the vertebral body. The pedicle anchor device includes a pedicle anchor device body with a head portion, a shaft portion and a longitudinal bore that extends from a proximal end of the pedicle anchor device body and has a hole or a plurality of holes from the longitudinal bore outward, for example radially outward.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising structure to produce a resilient load

Номер: US20120241501A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge assembly for an end effector of a surgical instrument can comprise a cartridge body, a deformable tube, and a fastener moveable between an initial position and a fired position. The deformable tube can be longitudinally positioned along a length of the cartridge body. When the fastener is moved to the fired position, the fastener can compress a portion of the deformable tube. The deformable tube can comprise a resilient material such that deformation of the deformable tube generates a restoring force. The deformable tube can comprise a lattice of strands woven together to form a tube wall. Further, the deformable tube can be bioabsorbable and can hold a therapeutic agent. The fastener cartridge assembly can comprise multiple, substantially parallel deformable tubes positioned side-by-side and/or within each other.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Dispenser device

Номер: US20120273526A1
Автор: Tsai-Ming Lin
Принадлежит: Dermato Plastica Beauty Dpb Co Ltd

A dispenser device comprising a pistol housing, a needle direction control mechanism, a boost mechanism, a quantification control mechanism, and a combination of a housing, a needle direction control mechanism, a boost mechanism, and a syringe positioning mechanism or a holding ring embodies the present invention with features and advantages shown as follows, (1) Uniform injection of agents synchronously mixed by not less than two contents; (2) Mixed agents not exposed in air; (3) Uniform injection, high air tightness, injection direction controlled by easy turning, smooth and convenient operation, high powerful operation via shifts of a push rod driven by a pressed trigger, promoted yield rate, assembly easily constructed, reduced manufacture cost, and convenient maintenance.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Surgical stapling instrument having a medical substance dispenser

Номер: US20120273551A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

In various embodiments, an assembly of a surgical instrument is disclosed. The assembly includes a housing, a cutting member relatively movable with respect to the housing, and an agent cartridge connected to the housing. The agent cartridge houses a medical agent. The assembly is configured to deliver the medical agent proximate a cutting surface of the cutting member.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for engaging heart tissue

Номер: US20120277725A1
Принадлежит: CVDevices LLC

A system for engaging heart tissue includes an engagement catheter defining a first lumen therethrough and having a suction port at or near a distal end and a vacuum port at or near a proximal end, a delivery catheter defining a delivery catheter lumen therethrough and configured for slidable insertion into the first lumen of the engagement catheter, and an implantable device capable of insertion into the delivery catheter lumen such that at least part of the implantable device extends from a delivery catheter distal end upon implantation into a patient, where the suction port is operable to removably attach to a targeted tissue on an interior wall of a heart of the patient after the engagement catheter has been advanced through a blood vessel and into the heart, thereby forming a reversible seal with the targeted tissue when a vacuum source is operatively coupled to the vacuum port.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Annular Support Structures

Номер: US20120305629A1

Reinforcing lumen rings are configured and adapted for use in conjunction with a circular endoscopic stapling instrument having a staple cartridge assembly and an anvil assembly. The reinforcing lumen rings maintain anastomotic lumen, e.g. as formed by the circular endoscopic stapling apparatus, in an open condition. The reinforcing lumen rings can include an annular ring having an outer terminal edge and an inner terminal edge, the outer terminal edge having a diameter which is substantially equal to an outer diameter of the staple cartridge assembly and the inner terminal edge having a diameter which is substantially equal to an inner diameter of the staple cartridge assembly.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling Apparatus Having a Wound Closure Material Applicator Assembly

Номер: US20130008937A1
Автор: Frank J. Viola

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple anvil and a staple cartridge having a working surface, one or more rows of individual staple slots formed in the working surface, a knife track formed along a length of the working surface, and a plurality of surgical staples individually disposed within the individual staple slots. The apparatus further includes an actuation sled having a knife and being configured and adapted to movably position the knife axially within the knife track. The apparatus also includes a wound closure material applicator assembly having a needle secured to the knife to dispense a quantity of wound closure material along a length of the knife track as the actuation sled and knife are moved therealong.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Surgical instrument with fluid fillable buttress

Номер: US20130062391A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

An apparatus comprises a surgical instrument and a buttress configured to hold a fluid adhesive. In some versions, the buttress contains a two-part fluid adhesive where two fluid materials form a fluid adhesive when combined. In some versions, the buttress is configured to be compressed by the surgical instrument thereby pressurizing a portion of the buttress. Thereafter, the buttress may be severed and the pressurized region may be operable to urge the fluid adhesive to a tissue site.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Guidewire with adjustable stiffness

Номер: US20130131644A1
Принадлежит: Cardioguidance Biomedical LLC

A medical guidewire system including an inner member having an outer diameter and an outer member having an inner diameter, the inner diameter being larger than the outer diameter. The inner and outer members are relatively slidable to adjust a stiffness of the guidewire system. The lumen of the outer member forms a gap for fluid flow therethrough. A connector to the inner member and a fluid infusion channel communicating with the gap for injection of fluid through the gap to exit a distal portion of the outer member.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Minimally invasive surgical applicator

Номер: US20130131683A1

The present invention provides a minimally invasive surgical applicator device. The device is useful in the application of bone wax during surgical procedures to halt or reduce bone bleeding. The device may be sterilized for re-use or may be made disposable.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Applicators, dispensers and methods for dispensing and applying adhesive material

Номер: US20130131720A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Inc

An applicator/dispenser assembly for dispensing and/or applying an adhesive material comprises: a first body portion and a second body portion, at least one of the first and second body portions being movable relative to the other of the first and second body portions; a cavity in at least one of the first and second body portions; and a piercing or breaking member arranged on one of the first and second body portions. Movement of one of the first and second body portions relative to the other of the first and second body portions moves the piercing or breaking member into the cavity. When a container of adhesive material is at least partially disposed within the cavity, movement of one of the first and second body portions relative to the other moves the piercing or breaking member to rupture the container for dispensing and/or applying the adhesive material.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144249A1

Devices, systems and methods are disclosed for delivering adhesive material to a patient site. A delivery device includes a housing and a nozzle. Adhesive material exits the end of the nozzle such as to adhesively attach tissue to tissue or a material or device to tissue. 1. An adhesive material injection system for delivering adhesive to a patient site comprising:adhesive material; and a housing; and', 'a nozzle, said nozzle comprising a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the adhesive material is configured to exit said nozzle distal end and wherein the housing comprises a reservoir for containing at least a first portion of the adhesive material., 'a delivery device comprising247-. (canceled)48. The system of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir is removably attached to the housing.49107-. (canceled)108. The system of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material is configured to be formed into one or more geometric shapes after exiting the nozzle.109. The system of claim 108 , wherein the adhesive material is formed into the geometric shape in-situ.110. The system of claim 108 , wherein the geometric shape is selected from the group consisting of: a tube; a plate such as a flat plate; a pin such as a round pin; a filamentous structure such as a thread-like structure; a ribbon-like structure; a corrugated structure; a perforated structure; and combinations thereof.111113-. (canceled)114. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second adhesive material claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive material and the second adhesive material have a different characteristic selected from the group consisting of: melt temperature; bioabsorption rate; viscosity; hardening times; and combinations thereof.115134-. (canceled)135. An adhesive material injection system for delivering adhesive to a patient site comprising:adhesive material; and a housing;', 'a nozzle, said nozzle comprising a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the adhesive material is configured to exit said nozzle ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Immobilizing objects in the body

Номер: US20130150789A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

Stabilizing an object in the body of a patient involves the injection of a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) material or other flowable material into the body of the patient so that the material contacts the object. The LCST material or other flowable material then forms a gel in the body such that the object is contained at least partially within the gel and thereby stabilized by the gel such that the object can then be easily fragmented within the body and/or retrieved from the body.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178896A1
Автор: STENTON Richard J.

The present invention provides a liquid applicator comprising: a hollow body portion incorporating a reservoir portion for containing a liquid to be applied by the applicator; an outlet portion having first and second ends, the first end being connected to an outlet mouth of the reservoir; an applicator tip assembly provided on the second end of the outlet portion for discharge of liquid from the reservoir portion via said outlet portion; a plug located in the mouth of the reservoir portion; and actuator means for applying an actuating force to the mouth wall to effect movement of the plug towards the outlet portion and for squeezing the walls of the reservoir portion to effect discharge of liquid from the reservoir portion via the outlet portion and the applicator device. The liquid to be dispensed is retained in a reservoir that is sealed by a plug until usage. 1. A liquid applicator comprising:(a) a hollow body portion incorporating (i) a reservoir portion for containing a liquid to be applied by the applicator, and (ii) an outlet portion having first and second ends, the first end being connected to an outlet mouth of the reservoir,(b) an applicator tip assembly provided on the second end of the outlet portion for discharge of liquid from the reservoir portion via said outlet portion,(c) a plug located in the mouth of the reservoir portion, said plug and mouth being configured so that the plug is moveable towards the applicator tip assembly from a first position at which it seals the reservoir portion to a second position at which fluid may follow out of the reservoir portion, and(d) actuator means for applying an actuating force to the mouth wall to effect movement of the plug towards the outlet portion, and for squeezing the walls of the reservoir portion to effect discharge of liquid from the reservoir portion via the outlet portion and the applicator device.2. An applicator as claimed in wherein the inner surface of the outlet portion is formed with at least ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Electrophysiological endocardiology tool

Номер: US20130178908A1
Автор: Christoph Hans Huber
Принадлежит: ENDOHEART AG

Apparatus and methods for pacing the heart. The apparatus may include, and the methods may involve, an elongated member having: a delivery lumen that is configured to traverse the heart wall, the lumen having a proximal opening for receiving the instrument and a distal opening for deploying the instrument; and an electrically conductive member that is configured to deliver to the heart wall a current that modifies a contraction frequency. The apparatus may include an access opening closure device that has: a distal end that is configured to be disposed interior the heart and contact endocardial tissue adjacent the access opening; and a proximal end that is configured to be disposed exterior the heart and contact heart tissue adjacent the access opening; and an electrode that is configured to discharge electrical energy into the heart wall to change the frequency. The apparatus may include an injectable needle pacing electrode.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190808A1
Принадлежит: St. Jude Medical Puerto Rico LLC

A bioadhesive delivery catheter includes a manifold, a dual lumen tube, and a mixing member. The manifold includes a delivery device passage and an injection port. The tube is insertable into the delivery device passage and includes first and second lumens positioned side-by-side. The first lumen extends proximal of the second lumen within the delivery device passage, and the second lumen is in flow communication with the injection port. The mixing member is positioned between a proximal inlet of the injection port and the second lumen and is configured to help mix a bioadhesive material that is delivered through the injection port into the second lumen. 1. A bioadhesive delivery catheter , comprising: a delivery device passage;', 'an injection port;, 'a manifold comprising 'first and second lumens positioned side-by-side, the first lumen extending proximal of the second lumen within the delivery device passage, and the second lumen arranged in flow communication with the injection port;', 'a tube insertable into the delivery device passage and comprisinga mixing member positioned between a proximal inlet of the injection port and the second lumen.2. The bioadhesive delivery catheter of claim 1 , wherein a proximal end of the tube includes a taper.3. The bioadhesive delivery catheter of claim 1 , wherein the tube has a reduced profile at a proximal end at a location proximal of the second lumen.4. The bioadhesive delivery catheter of claim 1 , wherein the mixing member comprises a mixing chamber defined within the delivery device passage adjacent to the tube.5. The bioadhesive delivery catheter of claim 1 , wherein the mixing member comprises a mixing insert positioned within the injection port.6. The bioadhesive delivery catheter of claim 1 , wherein the mixing member comprises at least first and second mixing inserts positioned in a passage defined in the manifold between the injection port and the delivery device passage.7. The bioadhesive delivery catheter of ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Actuator for releasing a tissue thickness compensator from a fastener cartridge

Номер: US20130214030A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge assembly for use with a surgical end effector. The fastener cartridge assembly can comprise a cartridge body having fastener cavities, fasteners removably positioned in the fastener cavities, a layer of material releasably secured relative to the cartridge body, a connector configured to secure the layer of material to the cartridge body at a location distal to at least one fastener cavity, and an actuator. The layer of material can be a tissue thickness compensator. When actuated, the actuator can overcome the connector, and can overcome the connector prior to the removal of the fasteners from the fastener cavities. The actuator can be actuated at a location proximal to at least one fastener cavity, and can extend distally past at least one fastener cavity toward the connector.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Surgical instrument and method for performing a resection

Номер: US20130228609A1
Автор: Stanislaw Kostrzewski
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An end effector for use with a surgical instrument comprising an anvil shaft, a first anvil assembly disposed at a distal portion of the anvil shaft and a second anvil assembly mountable on the anvil shaft proximally of the first anvil assembly. Also, a method for performing a surgical procedure is provided including the steps of providing a surgical instrument including a first cartridge assembly and a first anvil assembly having an anvil shaft, approximating the first anvil assembly and first cartridge assembly and ejecting staples from the first cartridge assembly. The method further includes removing the first cartridge assembly from the tubular organ, and inserting a second anvil assembly into the tubular organ to engage the anvil shaft of the first anvil assembly and ejecting staples from a second cartridge assembly towards the second anvil assembly.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238019A1
Автор: Michlitsch Kenneth J.

A method is provided for preventing leakage of blood from a vessel. The method includes inserting a portion of an apparatus into a puncture tract extending through tissue to a puncture in the vessel; the apparatus including a thrombogenic matrix disposed in a distal portion of the apparatus. The method also includes deploying the thrombogenic matrix from the distal portion of the apparatus and into the puncture tract, the thrombogenic matrix being exposed to blood and compressively engaging the tissue surrounding the vessel to prevent leakage of blood. 1. A method of preventing leakage of blood from a vessel , the method comprising:inserting a portion of an apparatus into a puncture tract extending through tissue to a puncture in the vessel, the apparatus including a thrombogenic matrix disposed in a distal portion of the apparatus; anddeploying the thrombogenic matrix from the distal portion of the apparatus and into the puncture tract, the thrombogenic matrix being exposed to blood and compressively engaging the tissue surrounding the vessel along its length to prevent leakage of blood.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thrombogenic matrix exposed to the blood forms a plug claim 1 , the plug having a length and a form factor that causes the plug to compressively engage tissue surrounding the vessel.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising isolating a volume of the blood from the vessel within the apparatus and subsequently introducing the volume of the blood to the thrombogenic matrix.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising isolating a volume of blood within the puncture tract and introducing the volume of the blood to the thrombogenic matrix.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thrombogenic matrix is chosen from the group consisting of gauze claim 1 , biocompatible foam claim 1 , and spun fiber.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising confirming positioning of the apparatus relative to the vessel.7. A method of preventing leakage of blood ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245679A1
Автор: Bettuchi Michael J.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An apparatus for applying sealant to a target tissue of a surgical site is provided. The apparatus includes a handle, conduit and an end effector. The handle has means configured and adapted for operating the end effector and dispensing biological sealant to the surgical site via the end effector. The conduit stores and/or carries sealant towards the end effector. The end effector is configured to clamp around a body organ or tissue and apply and confine biological sealant in a substantially uniform manner thereto. 124-. (canceled)25. An apparatus for applying sealant to a target tissue site , the apparatus comprising:a handle member including an operating mechanism and a first reservoir having a first sealant therein;a shaft extending distally from the handle member and defining a longitudinal axis; andan end effector positioned at a distal end of the shaft, the end effector including a first jaw and a second jaw, the end effector having an open position, where a distal end of the first jaw is spaced apart from a distal end of the second jaw, and a closed position, where the distal end of the first jaw is engaged with the distal end of the second jaw;wherein the operating mechanism of the handle member has a neutral position and an actuated position, when the operating mechanism moves from the neutral position to the actuated position, the first sealant is pushed from the first reservoir through the shaft and dispensed from a channel extending around at least one of the first jaw and the second jaw.26. The apparatus of claim 25 , wherein the operating mechanism is one of a group consisting of a trigger claim 25 , a slider claim 25 , a button claim 25 , and a switch.27. The apparatus of claim 25 , wherein the shaft includes a first conduit in fluid communication with the first reservoir and the channel.28. The apparatus of claim 25 , wherein the handle member includes a second reservoir having a second sealant therein claim 25 , the shaft including a second conduit ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Gentle Touch Surgical Stapler

Номер: US20130248580A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

Embodiments include a surgical device and a method. An embodiment of the surgical instrument includes at least one grasping jaw, the at least one grasping jaw being adapted to deliver surgical staples by a force generated from a force generator mechanism that is contained within the at least one grasping jaw or is in a proximity to the at least one grasping jaw. Another embodiment includes at least one grasping jaw, at least one actuation mechanism adapted to deliver surgical fasteners, the actuation mechanism being located in a proximity to or contained within the at least one grasping jaw, the surgical fasteners containing at least one shape-transforming material, at least one sensor, at least one chemical tissue sealant and at least one cutter. A method includes: grasping a body organ/tissue with at least one grasping jaw, adjusting a configuration of the grasping in response to a signal or a datum or an image, and releasing a surgical staple/fastener in response to the signal, datum or image.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Apex closure device

Номер: US20130253577A1
Автор: Zachary J. Tegels
Принадлежит: St Jude Medical LLC

Wound closure devices, systems, and methods may be used to close an opening, such as a puncture wound or incision, formed in tissue, such as heart tissue. A wound closure device may be configured and adapted to be placed within the puncture wound or incision to close and/or seal the puncture wound or incision. A bioadhesive may be used to strengthen the closure and/or seal of the puncture wound after placement of the wound closure device relative to the puncture wound.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253580A1

An adhesive applicator for biological tissue () includes a nozzle body (), a gas inlet (), medical fluid inlets (), medical fluid outlets (), medical fluid tubes (), a gas outlet (), communication paths (), and a check valve (). The gas outlet () is located close to the medical fluid outlets (), and configured to eject gas loaded through the gas inlet () in the nozzle body () to thereby atomize medical fluids and mix them together. The communication paths () communicate between inside of the nozzle body () and inside of the medical fluid tube (). The check valve () is located between the communication paths () and the medical fluid inlet (). The check valve () only allows one-way flow of the medical fluid from the medical fluid inlet () into the medical fluid tube (). 1. An adhesive applicator for biological tissue , comprising:a nozzle body having a space therein;a gas inlet through which gas is introduced into the space;a first medical fluid inlet and a second medical fluid inlet provided to the nozzle body;a first medical fluid outlet and a second medical fluid outlet provided at a distal end portion of the nozzle body;a first medical fluid tube communicating between the first medical fluid inlet and the first medical fluid outlet, and a second medical fluid tube communicating between the second medical fluid inlet and the second medical fluid outlet, the first and the second medical fluid tubes being arranged inside the nozzle body;a gas outlet located close to the first and the second medical fluid outlets and configured to eject the gas loaded in the nozzle body to thereby atomize the medical fluids respectively dispensed through the first and the second medical fluid outlets and mix the medical fluids together;a communication path formed in the second medical fluid tube for communication between inside of the nozzle body and inside of the second medical fluid tube; anda check valve provided upstream from the communication path and configured to only allow one ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising a plurality of medicaments

Номер: US20130256367A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

In various embodiments, a compensator can comprise a compensator body comprising a plurality of first packets and a plurality of second packets wherein, in at least one embodiment, each second packet is positioned intermediate two or more first packets. The compensator can further comprise a first medicament positioned within each first packet and a second medicament positioned within each second packet, wherein the first medicament is different than the second medicament.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281918A1
Автор: Koichi Hayakawa
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

An applicator insertable into a living body includes a nozzle having an elongated nozzle main body and a nozzle head on a front end side of the nozzle main body and through which liquid together with gas is expelled, with the nozzle main body including a flexible curved section. The applicator also includes an outer tube in which is positioned a portion of the nozzle main body so as to be movable along a longitudinal direction. The angle or degree of curvature of the curved section is changed by inserting the curved section into the outer tube to thereby adjust the direction of the nozzle head relative to the axis of the nozzle main body. In addition, a longitudinally extending gap exists between the outer tube and the nozzle. The gap functions as a discharge path for discharging the gas within the body cavity.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130282055A1
Автор: Bettuchi Michael J.

An apparatus for applying sealant to a target tissue of a surgical site is provided. The apparatus includes a handle, conduit and an end effector. The handle has means configured and adapted for operating the end effector and dispensing biological sealant to the surgical site via the end effector. The conduit stores and/or carries sealant towards the end effector. The end effector is configured to clamp around a body organ or tissue and apply and confine biological sealant in a substantially uniform manner thereto. 127-. (canceled)28. A method of performing an anastomosis of two hollow organs , comprising:providing an applicator including an end effector having two jaw members defining an open circle in a closed position and having tissue-contacting surfaces and dispensing apertures directed radially inwardly, and at least one conduit configured for conveying a material to the apertures;positioning the jaw members around a junction between the two hollow organs;approximating the jaws of the end effector to substantially surround the junction; andapplying the material to the junction between the two luminal organs via the end effector.29. The method according to claim 28 , wherein the material is selected from the group consisting of a sealant and an adhesive.30. The method according to claim 29 , wherein the material comprising a first material and a second material claim 29 , the first material and second material forming a two part adhesive.31. The method according to claim 28 , further comprising the step of stapling the organs.32. The method according to claim 28 , further comprising disposing the material in reservoir claim 28 , the reservoir being in communication with the apertures.33. The method according to claim 28 , wherein approximating includes moving the handle member from a neutral position to an actuated position34. The method according to claim 33 , wherein when the handle member moves from the neutral position to the actuated position claim 33 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331658A1
Автор: Kenji Yokoyama, Miho Kai
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A sprayer includes: a sprayer body; a nozzle extending from the sprayer body; and an irradiation unit disposed on a leading end of the nozzle and emitting light that is oriented and diffuses in a leading end direction of the nozzle. The nozzle includes: an elongated nozzle body extending from the sprayer body and having a curved portion on a leading end side; and a nozzle head disposed on a leading end of the nozzle body. The irradiation unit is arranged inside a curve shape of the curved portion.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338707A1

A device for sealing a puncture in a patient includes a sealing component including an elongate control member configured to pass through a puncture in skin of a patient. The sealing component also includes an expandable member disposed near a distal end of the control member, and a tip releasably attached to the elongate control member distal to the expandable member. The device also includes a sealing material delivery component including a delivery tube through which the control member of the sealing component is configured to extend. The delivery tube is configured to deliver sealing material through an opening in a distal end of the delivery tube. 1. A method of sealing a puncture in a wall of a body cavity of a patient , the method including:inserting a sealing component and a sealing material delivery component through a puncture in a wall of a body cavity of a patient, the sealing material delivery component including a delivery tube, the sealing component being slidably disposed in the delivery tube and including an elongate control member;inserting an expandable member connected to the elongate control member through the puncture into the body cavity;expanding the expandable member when the expandable member is distal to a distal end of the delivery tube and inserted in the body cavity;moving the expandable member near a distal surface of the wall of the body cavity;delivering sealing material through the distal end of the delivery tube and into the puncture;inserting a tip disposed on the elongate control member and distal to the expandable member into the sealing material;detaching the tip from the elongate control member when the tip is in the sealing material.2. The method of claim 1 , further including withdrawing the elongate control member from the patient claim 1 , wherein the tip is inserted into the sealing material when the elongate control member is at least partially withdrawn from the patient.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongate ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for fixating a suture anchor in hard tissue

Номер: US20140005721A1

A tool for fixating a suture anchor in a hard tissue opening with the aid of a material having thermoplastic properties and energy transmitted to the suture anchor for in situ liquefaction of at least part of the material having thermoplastic properties, includes a distal face, an axial channel and a substantially tube-shaped interface piece fitting into the axial channel of the tool, wherein the axial channel and a proximal end of the interface piece are equipped with catch elements cooperating for catching the interface piece in the axial channel when the interface piece is moved in a proximal direction in the axial channel.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012212A1
Автор: Hayakawa Koichi

A sprayer which inhibits or prevents clogging from occurring in a nozzle when a liquid is ejected from the nozzle at least one liquid flow path through which a liquid passes, a gas flow path connectable to a source of gas and along which a gas passes for ejecting the liquid, a first liquid supply connected to the at least one liquid flow path, and a gas permeable film including a plurality of through holes disposed along at least a portion of a wall defining the at least one liquid flow path, the gas permeable film being impermeable to the liquid and permeable to the gas such that the gas introduced into the gas flow path flows through the gas permeable film and into the at least one liquid flow path, thereby atomizing the liquid. 1. A method of applying a liquid to a living body part with a sprayer comprising:conveying the liquid along a liquid flow path of the sprayer;conveying a gas along a gas flow path of the sprayer;passing the gas through a gas permeable film possessing a plurality of through pores so that the gas in the gas flow path flows through the through pores and atomizes the liquid; andapplying the atomized liquid onto the living body part with the sprayer.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising preventing the liquid from flowing through the pores of the gas permeable film.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises an adhesive material and said applying step comprises applying the adhesive material onto the living body part with the sprayer.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises an anti-adhesive material and said applying step comprises applying the anti-adhesive material onto the living body part with the sprayer.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid is a first liquid conveyed along a first liquid flow path and the gas permeable film is a first gas permeable film claim 1 , and further comprising:conveying a second liquid along a second liquid flow path that is ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for gastric bypass surgery

Номер: US20140012248A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A medical treatment device includes an elongate member having an internal volume, a proximal end, and a distal end, the internal volume extending from the proximal end to the distal end. The medical treatment device further includes a first coupler and a second coupler, the first coupler and the second coupler coupled to the internal volume of the elongate member; a first joining member and a second joining member, the first joining member coupled to the first coupler and the second joining member coupled to the second coupler. The first joining member is configured to attach to a first biological matter location, and the second joining member is configured to attach to a second biological matter location, the second location being distal to the first location. The second coupler is configured for manipulation to align relative the first coupler such that the second biological matter location relocates adjacent the first biological matter location. The first joining member and the second joining member are configured to join the first biological matter location to the second biological matter location.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Containing, Transporting, and Providing a Material

Номер: US20140012315A1
Автор: Chavarria Jason
Принадлежит: Biomet Biologics, LLC

A system for expressing two materials onto a selected site is disclosed. The system can include a syringe that is operable to maintain two separated materials substantially separate until a selected time. The system can further include a tip portion operable to direct the two materials, either mixed or unmixed, to a selected site. The materials can include tissue sealants, growth factors, or other appropriate materials to be directed to a selected site. 1. A method of expressing a material to a selected site from an expressing assembly including a first chamber and a second chamber , comprising:filling the first chamber of the expressing assembly with a first material;filling the second chamber of the expressing assembly with a second material;providing a first passage in the expressing assembly extending from the first chamber;providing a second passage in the expressing assembly extending from the second chamber;connecting a tip portion with the expressing assembly and forming an extension of the first passage between a female connection portion of the expressing assembly or the tip portion and a male connection portion of the other of the expressing assembly or the tip portion;providing a directing surface in the tip portion; anddirecting the first material and the second material with the directing surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein connecting a tip portion includes:providing a tip portion having a first tip passage and a second tip passage;passing the first material through the first tip passage into the first chamber to fill the first chamber; andpassing the second material through the second tip passage into the second chamber to fill the second chamber;wherein the first material and the second material remain separated as each of the first material and the second material fill the respective first chamber and second chamber.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing a first expression port;providing a second expression port;wherein ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018849A1

A method for bonding a polymeric medical device to tissue is provided which includes providing a polymeric medical device having a plurality of reactive members of a specific binding pair attached on a surface of the medical device, and providing tissue with a plurality of complementary reactive members of the specific binding pair, wherein upon contact of the reactive members on the surface of the medical device with the complimentary reactive members on the tissue, covalent bonds are formed between the reactive members and the complementary reactive members, thus adhering the device to the tissue. A kit is provided including a polymeric medical device such as a patch or mesh having a plurality of reactive members of a specific binding pair attached to a surface of the device and an applicator containing a solution or suspension of complementary reactive members of the specific binding pair, the complementary reactive members having a functionality that will adhere them to biological tissue upon contact, said applicator adapted to deliver the solution or suspension to biological tissue. 119-. (canceled)20. A kit comprising a polymeric medical device having a plurality of reactive members of a specific binding pair attached to a surface of the device and an container containing a mixture which can be a solution or suspension of complementary reactive members of the specific binding pair , the complementary reactive members having a functionality adapted to adhere them to biological tissue upon contact , and an applicator adapted to deliver the solution or suspension to biological tissue.21. A kit according to further comprising a container for containing a solution of a metal.22. A kit according to further comprising a generator for generating microwaves or ultraviolet radiation. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/154,367 filed Feb. 21, 2009.1. Technical FieldThe present disclosure relates to adhesive modalities for ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Urinary incontinence treatment and devices

Номер: US20140051917A1
Автор: James Browning
Принадлежит: Coloplast AS

A surgical implant for treating urinary incontinence by providing support to a urethra of a patient includes a suburethral support and first and second soft tissue anchors. The suburethral support is formed of a mesh and includes a folded portion formed by a fold in the mesh material, the fold extending substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the suburethral support. The first and second soft tissue anchors are coupled to ends of the suburethral support.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052173A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Vascular, Inc.

The perivascular leak repair system, and method of using the same, of the present invention provides a sealant reservoir with a repair catheter operably attached; a flow control device disposed between the sealant reservoir and the repair catheter and the flow control device responsive to a flow control signal a heart phase detector generating a diastole phase signal an injection switch generating a injection signal and a flow controller responsive to the diastole phase signal and the injection signal and generating the flow control signal A method of sealing a perivascular leak comprises identifying the perivascular leak inserting a repair catheter to the perivascular leak injecting sealant at the perivascular leak and removing the repair catheter . The sealant can be injected when the heart is in diastole to sweep the sealant into the perivascular leak. 1. A perivascular leak repair system comprising:a repair catheter configured to receive a syringe;a flow control valve disposed between a proximal end of the repair catheter and a distal tip of the repair catheter;a heart phase detector configured to generate a diastole phase signal; anda flow controller configured to respond to the diastole phase signal and generate a flow control signal,wherein the flow control valve is configured to respond to the flow control signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heart phase detector is configured to monitor heartbeat using input from a device selected from the group consisting of a pressure sensor disposed on the repair catheter claim 1 , a Doppler echo probe disposed on the repair catheter claim 1 , and an electrocardiogram.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the repair catheter is steerable.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the repair catheter further comprises a filter.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the repair catheter further comprises a pressure sensor.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the pressure sensor is disposed proximate the distal tip of the repair ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066981A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

The present invention relates to a polyurea system encompassing as component A) isocyanate-functional prepolymers obtainable by reaction of aliphatic isocyanates A1) with polyols A2), which can in particular have a number average molecular weight of ≧400 g/mol and an average OH functionality of 2 to 6, as component B) amino-functional compounds of general formula (I) in which X is an organic residue comprising a tertiary amino function, having no Zerewitinoff active hydrogen, Ris a CH—COORresidue, in which Ris an organic residue having no Zerewitinoff active hydrogen, a linear or branched C1 to C4 alkyl residue, a cyclopentyl or cyclohexyl residue or H, Ris an organic residue having no Zerewitinoff active hydrogen, n is an integer ≧2 or ≦3, in particular for closing, binding, bonding or covering cell tissue, and to a metering system for the polyurea system according to the invention. 114-. (canceled)17. The polyurea system according to claim 16 , wherein R claim 16 , R claim 16 , Rare claim 16 , each independently of one another or simultaneously claim 16 , a linear or branched claim 16 , saturated organic residue that is optionally also substituted in the chain with heteroatoms claim 16 , in particular a linear or branched claim 16 , saturated claim 16 , aliphatic C1 to C10 claim 16 , preferably C2 to C8 and particularly preferably C2 to C6 hydrocarbon residue.18. The polyurea system according to claim 17 , wherein R claim 17 , R claim 17 , Rare claim 17 , each independently of one another or simultaneously claim 17 , a methyl claim 17 , ethyl claim 17 , propyl or butyl residue claim 17 , wherein at least one of R claim 17 , R claim 17 , Ris a methylene claim 17 , ethylene claim 17 , propylene or butylene residue.19. The polyurea system according to wherein R claim 15 , Rand optionally Rare claim 15 , each independently of one another or simultaneously claim 15 , a linear or branched C1 to C10 claim 15 , preferably C1 to C8 claim 15 , particularly preferably C2 to ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling Instruments Including A Cartridge Having Multiple Staple Sizes

Номер: US20140069983A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple cartridge and an anvil member. The staple cartridge includes a plurality of surgical fasteners disposed in rows of retention slots. The staple cartridge may have an annular or linear configuration of retention slots. The tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge may be tapered or stepped. The anvil member has a tissue contacting surface that includes a number of pockets arranged for substantially aligning with the retention slots. In addition, the tissue contacting surface of the anvil member may complement the tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Airless, Non-Clogging Tip Assembly and Device

Номер: US20140074154A1

The invention described herein is a device for dripping a tissue sealant and/or adhesive that comprises a) first and second barrels or syringes that contain first and second biocomponents that are disposed between proximal and distal ends; b) a plunger in each barrel and c) a drip tip comprising i) a support having distal and proximal ends and at least two fluid passageways from the distal to the proximal end that are in fluid communication with one of the barrels of the dispensing device on the proximal end; and ii) an endcap that fits over the support having at least two flexible hinges. The present invention is also directed to an assembly for mixing and drip dispensing two reactive biologic components as tissue sealant and/or hemostatic agent and to methods for delivering biologic components to achieve hemostasis and/or tissue sealant by drip dispensing from the device described above. 1. A device for mixing and drip dispensing two reactive biologic components as tissue sealant and/or hemostatic agent comprising:a) a syringe support having holding elements for at least two syringes and an associated handle;b) at least a pair of syringes each having an outlet and containing a reactive biologic component;c) a first piston and second piston within the first and second syringes, respectively;d) a support having two separate fluid channels in communication with the syringe outlets for the first and second syringes; ande) an endcap positioned at the outlet of the support having an open proximal end and a closed distal end with a flexible diaphragm, said flexible diaphragm in combination with a distal face of the support, defining a first volume and a second volume and a dispensing passageway, wherein said first volume is substantially zero and said second volume is sufficient to allow the two reactive biologic components to mix just prior to and/or during dispensing and further wherein said dispensing passageway is closed when the first volume is substantially zero, ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000418A1

Disclosed is a hemostatic agent applicator capable of effectively placing a fluid hemostatic agent on an incision surface. The present invention is a hemostatic agent applicator for use in disposing a fluid hemostatic agent, including a tool body in which a hollow part surrounded by a wall part is formed and which includes an open end part on a downstream side of the wall part, and an inlet provided to a portion of the wall part of the tool body to communicate with the hollow part. This hemostatic agent applicator is useful in medical settings relating to surgical procedures, particularly for surface bleeding of a liver and internal organ surgery such as a spleen and fibroid enucleation. An applicator further reduced in size can be applied not only in abdominal surgery, but in endoscopic surgery as well. 1. A hemostatic agent applicator for use in disposing a fluid hemostatic agent , comprising:a tool body in which a hollow part surrounded by a wall part is formed and which includes an open end part on a downstream side of the wall part; andan inlet provided to a portion of the wall part of the tool body to communicate with the hollow part.2. The hemostatic agent applicator according to claim 1 , wherein an inside of the wall part has a tapered shape arranged to be open toward a side of the open end part of the tool body.3. The hemostatic agent applicator according to claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the open end part is provided with a skirt along a circumference direction of the tool body.4. The hemostatic agent applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the inlet is provided on an upstream side of the tool body.5. The hemostatic agent applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the inlet is provided with a T shape stopcock.6. The hemostatic agent applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the wall part is provided with an outlet which communicates with the hollow part.7. The hemostatic agent applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the open end part is capable of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000487A1

Several embodiments are set forth of devices, systems and methods for modifying an atrial appendage such as a left atrial appendage (LAA). In one embodiment, a medical device includes a frame member and a tissue growth member. The frame member includes a unitary, seamless central portion having a plurality of struts defining a multi-cellular structure and an anchoring system, the plurality of struts extending between and configured to self-expand and directly bias the anchor system to anchor the frame member at least partially within the LAA. With this arrangement, the tissue growth member is attached to the frame member to occlude the LAA. 1. A medical device configured to be positioned within a left atrial appendage of a heart , the medical device comprising:a tissue in-growth portion with a central hub coupled to the tissue in-growth portion, the tissue in-growth portion sized and configured to be positioned against tissue adjacent an opening of the left atrial appendage; anda multi-arm anchor portion including a base arm portion and arms, the base arm portion being coupled to the central hub and extending distally from the central hub to a distal most end thereof such that the arms of the multi-arm anchor portion extend radially outward at the distal most end in a curved manner so that the arms extend proximally toward the cover portion.2. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the tissue in-growth portion comprises a tissue-ingrowth material configured to promote tissue growth therein.3. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the arms are configured to self-expand from a constricted position to an expanded position.4. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the arms of the multi-arm anchor portion are each configured to independently expand and bias against tissue within the left atrial appendage.5. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the arms extend proximally from the distal most end of the multi-arm anchor portion in a separate and independent manner.6 ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000490A1

Devices and methods for occluding the left atrial appendage (LAA) to prevent blood from clotting within the LAA and subsequently embolizing, particularly in patients with atrial fibrillation. A foam implant encapsulated with a tough thromboresistent membrane is placed via transvascular means into the LAA and anchored with adhesives and/or mechanical anchors. Tissue over- and in-growth are optimized to anchor the implant in place and provide a permanent occlusion. 1. (canceled)2. A left atrial appendage occlusion device , comprising:an expandable body having a proximal, occlusive end for facing a left atrium following implantation of the device in a left atrial appendage, a distal end for facing into the left atrial appendage following implantation of the device in the left atrial appendage, and an open cell foam sidewall;a self-expandable stent carried within the expandable body such that the foam sidewall provides a cushion between the stent and the left atrial appendage following implantation, the stent comprising a plurality of struts defining a plurality of apexes; anda thromboresistent covering on at least a portion of the expandable body.3. The left atrial appendage occlusion device of claim 2 , wherein the thromboresistent covering comprises a mesh.4. The left atrial appendage occlusion device of claim 2 , wherein the thromboresistent covering comprises ePTFE.5. The left atrial appendage occlusion device of claim 2 , wherein the thromboresistent covering is on at least a portion of the proximal end of the expandable body.6. The left atrial appendage occlusion device of claim 5 , wherein the thromboresistent covering on at least a portion of the proximal end of the expandable body comprises a mesh.7. The left atrial appendage occlusion device of claim 2 , wherein the stent comprises a plurality of distal apexes.8. The left atrial appendage occlusion device of claim 2 , wherein the stent comprises a plurality of proximal apexes.9. The left atrial appendage ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000550A1
Автор: Nagle Deborah

Methods for treating diseases of the rectum or colon are provided. The methods can comprise accessing the rectal mucosa through a trans-anal approach; performing a mucosectomy to remove mucosal tissue from at least a portion of the rectal or colonic wall; and securing a flexible scaffold material to a region of the rectal or colonic wall from which mucosa has been removed, wherein the scaffold material is selected to facilitate cellular ingrowth and formation of new mucosal tissue. 177-. (canceled)78. A method for treating the rectum or colon , comprising:accessing rectal or colonic mucosa through a trans-anal approach;performing a mucosectomy to remove mucosal tissue from at least a portion of a rectal or colonic wall; andsecuring a flexible scaffold material to a region of the rectal colonic wall from which mucosa has been removed, wherein the scaffold material is selected to facilitate cellular ingrowth and formation of new mucosal tissue.79. The method of claim 78 , wherein the mucosectomy is performed over substantially the entire surface of the rectal mucosa.80. The method of claim 78 , wherein the mucosectomy is performed over substantially the entire surface of the rectal mucosa and at least a portion of the sigmoid colon.81. The method of claim 78 , wherein the scaffold comprises an extracellular tissue matrix.82. The method of claim 81 , wherein the extracellular tissue matrix has been processed to remove substantially all cells from the tissue matrix.83. The method of claim 81 , wherein the extracellular tissue matrix comprise a small intestine submucosal tissue matrix.84. The method of claim 81 , wherein the extracellular tissue matrix is derived from a tissue selected from at least one of tendon claim 81 , urinary bladder claim 81 , skeletal muscle claim 81 , esophagus claim 81 , large intestine claim 81 , small intestine claim 81 , gastric tissue claim 81 , pericardial tissue claim 81 , dermis claim 81 , ligament claim 81 , muscle claim 81 , adipose ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Dynamic Microvalve Protection Device

Номер: US20210000582A1
Принадлежит: Surefire Medical, Inc.

An endovascular system includes inner and outer catheters, a handle system operably coupled one end of the catheters, and a microvalve coupled to the other end of the catheters. The microvalve is constrained in a radially-collapsed closed configuration for advancement within a vessel to a treatment site. The handle system is operable to displace the inner and outer catheters portions relative to each other to move the microvalve between closed and open configurations. An indicator is provided to visually indicate the extent by which the microvalve is opened within the vessel. 1. An endovascular system for use in a vessel having a vessel wall during an intravascular procedure , comprising:a) an inner catheter having a proximal end and a distal end;b) an outer catheter having a proximal end and a distal end;c) a handle system operably coupled to the proximal ends of the inner and outer catheters, the handle system including a first handle portion and second handle portion movable relative to the first handle portion, the first handle portion coupled to the inner catheter and a second handle portion coupled to the outer catheter; and 'wherein the handle system is operable to linearly displace the inner and outer catheters relative to each other to move the microvalve between undeployed state and deployed states; and', 'd) a microvalve coupled to the distal ends of the inner and outer catheters, the microvalve held in a radially-collapsed undeployed state for advancement within the vessel, and expandable from the undeployed state into a radially-expanded deployed state;'}e) a visual indicator indicating an extent to which the microvalve is opened.2. The endovascular system of claim 1 , wherein:the first and second handle portions are linearly displaceable relative to each other.3. The endovascular system of claim 1 , wherein:the indicator includes calibrated hash marks.4. The endovascular system of claim 1 , wherein:the microvalve includes an elastic filamentary ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Dual Syringe with Funnel Feeding Kit

Номер: US20210001046A9

The present invention is directed to multi-liquid loading and delivery kits comprising a first storage vessel for a first active component, a second storage vessel for a second active component, at least two transfer syringes, at least two vial adaptors, at least two cannulas with a through lumen and a multi-liquid delivery device. The delivery device has dual hollow cartridges, each with at least one throughbore at one end and plunger access at the opposing end, a kick stand, a removable dual feed funnel, a spray or drip manifold and at least one spray or drip tip assembly. 1. A multi-liquid loading and delivery kit comprising:a) A first storage vessel for a first active component;b) A second storage vessel for a second active component;c) At least two transfer syringes;d) At least two vial adaptors;e) At least two cannulas with a through lumen; and a. dual hollow cartridges, each with at least one throughbore at one end and plunger access at the opposing end;', 'b. a kick stand;', 'c. a removable dual feed funnel;', 'd. a spray manifold; and', 'e. at least one spray or drip tip assembly., 'f) a multi-liquid delivery device comprising'}2. The kit according to claim 1 , wherein each cannula is flexible and is provided with blunt non-traumatic end tip.3. The kit according to claim 1 , wherein the spray tip assembly comprises a spray cartridge with a dual path opening claim 1 , an interior mixing region claim 1 , an atomizing insert and flexible spray outlet cover.4. The kit according to claim 1 , wherein the drip tip assembly comprises a drip cartridge with a dual path opening in fluid communication via channels with a flexible drip outlet.5. The kit according to claim 1 , wherein the spray tip assembly is directly attached to the manifold.6. The kit according to or claim 1 , wherein the spray tip assembly is connected via a multi-lumen claim 1 , flexible tube to the spray manifold.7. The kit according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second active components are ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005698A1
Автор: Kenji Yokoyama
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

An applicator is insertable into a living body to apply mixed solution to a region in the living body. The applicator includes a nozzle including an elongated nozzle main body to which gas and a plurality of kinds of liquids are supplied and a nozzle head at a distal end of the nozzle main body to jet mixed solution of the gas and the plurality of kinds of liquids supplied to the nozzle main body. The nozzle main body is positioned in a sheath for relative axial movement. A gap exists between the nozzle main body and the sheath to exhaust gas in the living body to the outside of the body when the pressure in the living body rises. The sheath has a plurality of side holes, each of which communicates with the gap.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005742A1
Принадлежит: Vascular Insights LLC

An intraluminal member can be used to deliver an adhesive to a vein while causing the vein to spasm, thereby controlling adhesive migration and improving procedure efficacy. 1. A method of permanently occluding a vein through the combined spasm of the vein and injection of an adhesive , comprising the following steps:advancing an elongated intraluminal member from an access site and into the vein, wherein the intraluminal member comprises a perturbing portion configured to perturb an inner vessel wall of the vein under user control when performing a defined movement;perturbing the inner vessel wall by performing the defined movement of the perturbing portion of the intraluminal member, thereby inducing a region of the vein to spasm and reduce its diameter; andinjecting sufficient adhesive at or near the reduced-diameter region of the vein to occlude the vein permanently.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is injected in such as manner as to occlude the vein at a location that is either (a) distal to or (b) proximal to the region of spasm.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the perturbing portion is a tip of a wire and the defined movement includes rotating the tip so that the tip contacts the inner vessel wall.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the defined movement further comprises moving the tip of the wire longitudinally along the vein.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the tip of the wire is simultaneously rotated and moved longitudinally.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the wire tip has a blade configuration that generates backflow of blood in the vessel when the wire is rotated.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising injecting sclerosant at or near the reduced-diameter region of the vein.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the sclerosant and the adhesive are injected simultaneously.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 1 , further comprising observing the treatment site and waiting to inject the adhesive until a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015764A1

Surgical methods involving cutting and sealing tissue include affixing a first adjunct material to tissue at a treatment site, such as by stapling the adjunct to tissue. A second adjunct material is applied to at least a portion of the first adjunct material such that the second adjunct material interacts with the first adjunct material to form a seal in an area of the tissue covered by at least one of the first and the second adjunct material. The resulting tissue sealing structure, which includes a combination of the two adjuncts, is believed to be superior to the sealing properties of either adjunct alone. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method for forming an adjunct , comprising:weaving first fibers together to form a first layer; andinterlocking or knotting second fibers with the first woven fibers to form a second layer that is connected to the first layer,wherein the adjunct is configured to be elastically deformable, to be releasably retained on a stapling body, and to allow a plurality of staples disposed within the stapling body to pass therethrough such that the adjunct can be attached to tissue by the plurality of staples.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein at least one of the first layer and the second layer are configured to releasably couple to the stapling body.22. The method of claim 20 , wherein the first fibers are made of a first bioabsorbable polymer and the second fibers are made of a second bioabsorbable polymer that is different than the first bioabsorbable polymer.23. The method of claim 20 , further comprising interlocking or knotting third fibers with the second fibers to form a third layer claim 20 , wherein the second layer is positioned between the first and third layers.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the second fibers extend from the first layer to the second layer claim 23 , wherein at least a portion of the second fibers within the second layer are oriented in a different direction compared to an orientation of at least one of the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007742A1
Принадлежит: STB, Ltd.

Disclosed are solid and frozen haemostatic materials and dressings consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator. Also disclosed are methods of treating internal wounded tissue in a mammal by applying one or more of these haemostatic materials and dressings, particularly for the treatment of injured tissue via endoscopic or minimally-invasive surgical techniques. 1. A composition for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue at least one haemostatic putty that is formed by combining a hemostatic material in an aqueous solution and drying under certain conditions to form a putty material that is capable of forming fibrin when in contact with an aqueous solution.2. The composition in claim 1 , wherein said composition is substantially non-adherent to latex gloves.3. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue the haemostatic putty of .4. A composition for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising at least one haemostatic material made by compressing powdered hemostatic components together with excipients to form shaped haemostatic materials.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein said powdered hemostatic components are made from a single aqueous solution.6. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue the haemostatic composition of .7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen component.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen activator.10. The composition of claim 4 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator.11. The composition of claim 4 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007724A1

The present disclosure relates to devices and methods for delivery of a ferrofluid to a targeted treatment site, such as delivery of a ferroadhesive to a pathological fistula to occlude the fistula. A device includes a catheter having a lumen and a distal opening. A hollow solenoid is coupled to a distal section of the catheter, and a hollow core of the solenoid allows passage of a ferrofluid through the catheter and through the hollow core so that it may exit past the distal end of the hollow solenoid. The solenoid may be selectively actuated to maintain or control the position of the delivered ferrofluid. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of delivering a ferrofluid to a targeted treatment site , the method comprising:positioning a distal end of a catheter near the targeted treatment site, the catheter being connected to and extending at least partially through a magnetic field generator;delivering an amount of a ferrofluid through the catheter and the magnetic field generator to the targeted treatment site; andapplying a magnetic field to the ferrofluid using the magnetic field generator.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein delivering the amount of ferrofluid includes controlling a location of the ferrofluid using the magnetic field.23. The method of claim 21 , further comprising maintaining a position of the ferrofluid a the targeted treatment site until an adhesive has solidified.24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising applying a separation force to separate an external portion of the ferrofluid from a remaining portion still within the catheter.25. The method of claim 24 , further comprising controlling a position of the separated external portion of the ferrofluid.26. The method of claim 21 , further comprising aligning the magnetic field with a delivery path of the ferrofluid.27. A delivery device configured for delivering a ferrofluid claim 21 , the device comprising:a catheter having a lumen extending to a distal opening at a distal end of the catheter, ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008788A1

Disclosed embodiments relate to a membrane closure device () for closing a perforation in a membrane (), comprising: a patch guiding mechanism () for guiding at least one expandable patch () to a perforation site () of a membrane (); and a fastener delivery mechanism () for delivering a fastener () to the perforation site () and for fastening the at least one expandable patch by the fastener () to the membrane () to seal the perforation in the membrane () by the at least one expandable patch (). 110010100. A membrane closure device () for closing a perforation in a membrane () having a proximal side and a distal side , the membrane closure device () comprising:{'b': 120', '122', '150', '140, 'a patch () that is selectively expandable from a narrow to an expanded configuration and having in the expanded configuration a concave surface () defining a retention cavity () for receiving glue ();'}{'b': 110', '120', '10, 'a patch delivery mechanism () for guiding the patch () through a perforation of the membrane () from a proximal to a distal side thereof;'}{'b': 130', '330', '140', '140', '10', '120', '140', '10, 'a fastener delivery mechanism (, ) operable to contain glue () and further operable to deliver the glue () contained therein from the proximal side to the distal side of the membrane () for fastening the patch () in the expanded configuration, by the glue (), to the distal side of the membrane () to seal the perforation.'}2100150140130330. The membrane closure device () of claim 1 , wherein the retention cavity () defines a volume that is larger than a volume of glue () that can be contained claim 1 , at any given time claim 1 , by the fastener delivery mechanism ( claim 1 , ).31001201201610. The membrane closure device () according to claim 1 , comprising at least one tube having a distal and a proximal end for delivering the patch () in a folded configuration via the at least one tube from the distal to the proximal end for attaching the patch () in an ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014879A1
Автор: Whiteley Mark Steven

The invention relates to a medical device for treating a vein, including component parts thereof, wherein said device comprises a vein stretching member; a vein stretching member for use with said device; a kit of parts comprising said device and one or more vein stretching member and a method for treating a vein comprising use of said device. 131-. (canceled)32. A medical device for treating a vein comprising:an elongate member adapted to be inserted into a vein and having, at a first end, a manipulating region and, at a second end, a delivery member for delivering treatment agent to a vein wall; wherein said second end further comprises at least one vein stretching member having one or more projections extending along the longitudinal axis of said elongate member and also extending away from said delivery member and further wherein each one or all of the projections has/have maximum extension along an axis or axes whereby the vein is stretched away from said delivery member along said axis.33. The device according to claim 32 , wherein said vein stretching member comprises at least two pairs of wire-like members wherein each pair is spaced claim 32 , with respect to the other pair claim 32 , along the longitudinal axis of said elongate member and each wire-like member comprises a vein wall contact tip whereby the vein wall is stretched.34. The device according to claim 32 , wherein said device comprises a plurality of vein stretching members spaced longitudinally along the length of said delivery member and/or the longitudinal axis thereof.35. The device according to claim 32 , wherein said vein stretching member(s) is/are provided as a frame arranged about or ahead of the delivery member claim 32 , and wherein said vein stretching member(s) is/are provided as one of a square claim 32 , a circular claim 32 , or an elliptical frame.36. The device according to claim 32 , wherein said vein stretching member(s) is/are adapted to be expanded such that when located at ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015373A1

High viscosity medical adhesive formulations are provided with an applicator device that allows the medical adhesives to be easily sterilized, accurately dispensed and optimally cured for medical applications. The preferred medical adhesive formulations include 2-octyl cyanoacrylate and n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate monomers in formulation with various additives. The medical adhesive can be formulated to be bio-absorbable and/or bio-degradable. Suitable thickeners, stabilizers, plasticizing agents, preservatives, reinforcing agents, colorants and anti-bacterial compounds may advantageously be included in the formulation. The formulation is preferably placed within a sealed aluminum or plastic tube. An applicator tip with plastic brush bristles is used for application and curing of the formulation. On one end, the applicator tip preferably has a cutting or piercing mechanism which is capable of breaking the seal on the tube. On the other end, the applicator tip brush bristles are coated and/or impregnated with a dry, solvent-free cyanoacrylate polymerization initiator and/or accelerator. 1. A medical adhesive dispenser comprising:a container storing a medical adhesive formulation;an applicator having brush bristles coated and/or impregnated with a dry, solvent-free initiator and/or accelerator capable of curing said medical adhesive formulation;wherein said container and applicator, when connected, are configured to allow said medical adhesive formulation to pass from said container, through said applicator and onto said applicator brush bristles.2. The medical adhesive dispenser of wherein said medical adhesive formulation includes a cyanoacrylate monomer.3. The medical adhesive dispenser of wherein said cyanoacrylate monomer includes 2-octyl cyanoacrylate monomer and/or n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate monomer.4. The medical adhesive dispenser of wherein said medical adhesive formulation includes a thickener.5. The medical adhesive dispenser of wherein said thickener is polyvinyl ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015435A1

The invention relates to novel internal fixation devices, such as bone plates, generally and novel craniomaxillofacial bone plates more specifically and systems for bonding the same. More specifically, the invention relates to bone plates made of a polymer blend of (poly)lactic acid and Ecoflex as well as a novel hot-melt adhesive polymer blend of the same material .

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Dynamic Microvalve Protection Device

Номер: US20160015508A1
Принадлежит: Surefire Medical Inc

An apparatus includes a delivery catheter having a deployable dynamic valve that dynamically opens and closes in response to relative fluid pressure thereabout, particularly while in an anatomical lumen. The valve is maintained in a collapsed configuration during introduction to a treatment site. The valve is adapted to automatically move from the collapsed configuration to a deployed configuration at the treatment site.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015473A1

The invention concerns an application tip for a device for applying and spreading a liquid, gel or paste product on a given surface configured to allow a volume of product to be transformed and spread over a surface according to a predetermined calibration (C) comprising, internally, a flow control means,—internally, at least one buffer volume, means for controlled dispersion of the product, and a device for applying and spreading a liquid, gel or paste product on a given surface comprising means for storing the product and an application tip according to the invention 1. An application tip for a device for applying and spreading a liquid , gel or paste type product on a given surface characterized in that it is configured for allowing a volume of product to be transformed and spread on a surface according to a predetermined calibration comprisinginternally, a means for regulating the flow rate,internally, at least one buffer volume, andmeans for controlled dispersion of the product.2. The tip according to characterized in that the means for controlled dispersion of the product consist of at least one transverse groove on a surface at the end of the application tip.3. The tip according to claim 1 , characterized in that the tip comprises means for standardizing the dispersion of the product.4. The tip according to claim 3 , characterized in that the means for standardizing the dispersion of the product consist of dispersion grooves arranged in the form of a cross.5. The tip according to claim 1 , characterized in that the buffer volume is disposed upstream of the means for regulating the flow rate.6. The tip according to claim 1 , characterized in that the buffer volume is disposed downstream of the means for regulating the flow rate.7. The tip according to claim 1 , characterized in that the tip comprises a cylindrical shaped connection part and a cylindrical shaped application and spreading part of greater diameter than that of the connection part.821. The tip ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of forming and using a hemostatic hydrocolloid

Номер: US20210015964A1

A method and system for forming a hemostatic hydrocolloid for dispensing into a wound site includes a polymer of oxidized derivatized esterified cellulose in solid form comprising a chain of monomers, wherein, for a first plurality of the monomers in the chain: R is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , R1 is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , and R2 is —CH 2 OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 ; and wherein, for a second plurality of monomers in the chain: R is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , R1 is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , and R2 is —(COO)CH 2 CH 3 and a liquid mixed with the polymer to form a hemostatic gel for dispensing into a wound site.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Enhanced ultrasound visualization of intravascular devices

Номер: US20150018867A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Methods and devices for providing improved ultrasound visibility of medical devices intended for intravascular use are described. The inclusion of gas/solid boundary regions within a medical devices improves the resolution of the device under ultrasound visualization. Gas/solid boundary regions may be provided through the use of embedded gas-filled microlumens, microwells, or enclosed pockets within the medical device.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018873A1
Автор: NAKANO Taiga

To provide a balloon catheter that enables a minimally invasive and effective pulmonary emphysema treatment. The balloon catheter includes: a first balloon that has at least a part of an external surface thereof come into contact with a biological tissue when expanded in living body; a second balloon expandable and contractible separately from the first balloon; a main body portion having a first lumen through which a fluid for expanding the first balloon can circulate and a second lumen through which a fluid for expanding the second balloon can circulate; and supply portions that supply the first balloon with an adhesive material for adhering the external surface of the first balloon to the biological tissue. 1. A balloon catheter comprising:a balloon, at least a part of an external surface of the balloon being brought into contact with a biological tissue when the balloon is expanded in living body;a main body portion having a lumen through which a fluid for expanding the balloon can circulate; anda supply portion for supplying the external surface of the balloon with an adhesive material, the adhesive material adhering the external surface of the balloon to the biological tissue.2. The balloon catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the balloon is provided so as to be expandable by injection of the adhesive material supplied through the lumen.3. The balloon catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the supply portion has a through hole penetrating from an inside of the balloon adhered to the biological tissue to the external surface of the balloon.4. The balloon catheter according to claim 2 , wherein the supply portion has a discharge portion provided in the main body portion claim 2 , the discharge portion discharging the adhesive material to the external surface of the balloon adhered to the biological tissue.5. The balloon catheter according to claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the external surface of the balloon is formed so as to have higher compliance ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022253A1

A system for treating a tissue defect includes a delivery catheter extending longitudinally from a proximal end to a distal end and including a channel extending therethrough and a tissue closure device movably received with the channel of the delivery catheter to be delivered to target tissue to be treated in combination with a lumen extending within the channel to pass a sealant to target tissue. 115-. (canceled)16. A system for treating a tissue defect , comprising:a delivery catheter extending longitudinally from a proximal end to a distal end and including a channel extending therethrough;a tissue closure device movably received with the channel of the delivery catheter to be delivered to target tissue to be treated; anda lumen extending through the delivery catheter to pass a sealant to target tissue.17. The system of claim 16 , wherein the tissue closure device is a coil extending along a helical path about a longitudinal axis thereof.18. The system of claim 17 , wherein the helical path defines the lumen through which the sealant is applied.19. The system of claim 16 , further comprising an inner sleeve extending within the channel longitudinally from a proximal end to a distal end claim 16 , the lumen extending longitudinally through the inner sleeve.20. The system of claim 19 , wherein the tissue closure device is a clip movably received within the channel.21. The system of claim 20 , wherein the clip includes a plurality of arms movable between an open configuration claim 20 , in which distal ends of the arms are separated from one another to receive tissue therebetween claim 20 , and a closed configuration claim 20 , in which distal ends of the arms are drawn toward one another to grip tissue received therebetween.22. The system of claim 19 , wherein the inner sleeve is longitudinally movable within the channel.23. The system of claim 16 , wherein the delivery catheter includes an injection port at the proximal end thereof for connecting to a unit ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Medical implant

Номер: US20160022332A1
Принадлежит: Medacta International SA

Medical implant which at least partially comprises a biocompatible, electrically conductive polymer with electrical resistivity p, having the property of being able to be heated and softened by a flow of current through the polymer.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039797A1
Принадлежит: Cilag GmbH International

Surgical methods involving cutting and sealing tissue include affixing a first adjunct material to tissue at a treatment site, such as by stapling the adjunct to tissue. A second adjunct material is applied to at least a portion of the first adjunct material such that the second adjunct material interacts with the first adjunct material to form a seal in an area of the tissue covered by at least one of the first and the second adjunct material. The resulting tissue sealing structure, which includes a combination of the two adjuncts, is believed to be superior to the sealing properties of either adjunct alone. 119.-. (canceled)20. A staple cartridge for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staples partially disposed therein, the plurality of staples being configured to be deployed into tissue; and a first woven layer extending from a top surface to a bottom surface, and', 'a second woven layer positioned atop at least a portion of the top surface of the first woven layer., 'an adjunct assembly configured to be releasably retained on the cartridge body and being compressible with regional variations in compressibility, the adjunct comprising,'}21. The staple cartridge of claim 20 , wherein claim 20 , prior to deployment claim 20 , one or more staples of the plurality of staples are configured to partially extend outward from the cartridge body and into at least a portion of the adjunct assembly.22. The staple cartridge of claim 20 , wherein the first woven layer is formed of first fibers and the second woven layer is formed of second fibers.23. The staple cartridge of claim 22 , wherein at least one of the first fibers is coated with at least one of a drug claim 22 , an antibacterial agent claim 22 , or an antimicrobial agent.24. The staple cartridge of claim 22 , wherein at least one of the second fibers is coated with at least one of a drug claim 22 , an antibacterial agent claim 22 , or an antimicrobial agent.25. The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021731A1
Автор: Meagher Edward

A surgical fastener for use with an anastomosis of two tissues includes a base leg and an upright leg. The base leg is selectively deformable and includes a traumatic tip for piecing tissue. The surgical fastener also includes at least one capillary disposed on the base leg which has a reservoir defined therein for retaining a liquid, e.g., bioadhesive, bonding agent, medicament, etc. Each of the capillaries is ruptureable upon deformation of the surgical fastener to dispense the liquid to the anastomosis site. 120-. (canceled)21. A surgical instrument comprising:an actuator assembly; a first leg;', 'a second leg; and', 'a pivot point connecting the first and second legs,', 'at least one capillary disposed on one of the first or second legs, the at least one capillary rupturable upon deformation of the one of the first or second legs to dispense a liquid disposed within the capillary., 'a loading unit coupled to the actuator assembly, the loading unit including a plurality of surgical fasteners, the actuator assembly configured to actuate the loading unit to fire the plurality of surgical fasteners from the loading unit, each surgical fastener of the plurality of surgical fasteners including22. The surgical instrument according to claim 21 , wherein the at least one capillary is disposed in a reservoir defined in one of the first or second legs.23. The surgical instrument according to claim 22 , wherein the liquid disposed within the at least one capillary includes at least one of a bonding agent claim 22 , medicinal agent claim 22 , or therapeutic agent.24. The surgical instrument according to claim 21 , wherein the liquid is selected from the group consisting of an anti-coagulant claim 21 , a bio-adhesive claim 21 , a coagulant claim 21 , an antibiotic claim 21 , a sterilizing solution claim 21 , an anti-inflammatory medication claim 21 , an inflammatory medications claim 21 , an immuno-stimulating agent claim 21 , an antiviral agent claim 21 , and an anti- ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for performing a vascular anastomosis

Номер: US20150025554A1

A method for performing a coronary artery bypass graft procedure on a patient to connect a bypass vessel to a target vessel includes the steps of creating an opening in the patient that communicates with the thoracic cavity of the patient; providing a bypass vessel having a lumen and at least one free end; passing the free end of the bypass vessel from the thoracic cavity through the opening to a position outside the body of the patient; attaching a connector to the free end of bypass vessel while the free end of the bypass vessel is outside the body of the patient; passing the free end of the bypass vessel from the position outside the body of the patient through the opening and into the thoracic cavity; and connecting the free end of the bypass vessel to a target vessel with the connector.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022691A1

A device for applying a bubble of a substance to a tissue surface, the device comprising a cannula, a distal tip at the distal end portion of the cannula, the distal tip having a bubble support surface and an exit port extending through the bubble support surface, an expansion fluid passageway extending through the cannula to the exit port, a source of an expansion fluid and an actuator therefor. In some arrangements, the distal tip can be configured to support a layer of the substance thereon over the distal port and the device can be configured such that the advancement of the expansion fluid from the fluid source through the exit port causes at least one bubble of the substance to form on the distal tip, wherein the at least a portion of the bubble can be transferred to the tissue surface to treat a defect on the tissue surface. 1. A device for applying a bubble of a substance to a tissue surface , the device comprising:a cannula comprising a proximal end portion, a distal end portion, and an intermediate portion extending therebetween;a distal tip at the distal end portion of the cannula, the distal tip having a bubble support surface and an exit port extending through the bubble support surface;an expansion fluid passageway extending through at least the intermediate portion and the distal portion of the cannula, the expansion fluid passageway being in fluid communication with the exit port;a source of an expansion fluid; andan actuator coupled with the source of the expansion fluid and configured to selectively advance the expansion fluid through the expansion fluid passageway and the exit port upon actuation of the actuator; in an operable state, the distal tip is configured to support a layer of the substance on the bubble support surface so that the layer of the substance completely covers the distal port;', 'when the device is in the operable state, the device is configured such that the advancement of the expansion fluid from the fluid source through the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023259A1
Автор: NOSHADI Iman

The present invention relates to the discovery of methods of treating a wound in a subject in need thereof. In certain embodiments, the method comprises contacting the wound with a composition comprising gelatin methacrylate and choline acrylate, and then polymerizing the composition to form a polymerized composition having a plurality of choline acrylate functionalized gelatin methacrylate units. 1. A method of treating a wound in a subject in need thereof , the method comprising:(a) contacting the wound with a composition comprising:a polymer selected from the group consisting of gelatin methacrylate (GelMa) and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA);choline acrylate; andat least one photoinitiator; and(b) exposing the composition to at least one wavelength of light capable of activating the at least one photoinitiator, thereby polymerizing the composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 1:4 to about 4:1 choline acrylate to polymer.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one photoinitiator is selected from the group consisting of eosin Y claim 1 , 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone claim 1 , 2-methyl-4′-(methylthio)-2-morpholinopropiophenone claim 1 , lithium phenyl-2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate (LAP) claim 1 , and 2-hydroxy-4′-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-2-methylpropiophenone (Irgacure).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises at least one additional compound selected from the group consisting of triethanolamine (TEOA) and N-vinylcaprolactam (VC).6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 10% to about 20% (w/v) choline acrylate.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 10% to about 30% (w/v) polymer.9. The method of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises at least one of:about 0.1 mM eosin Y;0.5% (w/v) LAP;about 1.5% (w/v) TEOA; orabout 1% (w/v) VC.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. The method of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Surgical stapling instruments including a cartridge having multiple staples sizes

Номер: US20170027564A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple cartridge and an anvil member. The staple cartridge includes a plurality of surgical fasteners disposed in rows of retention slots. The staple cartridge may have an annular or linear configuration of retention slots. The tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge may be tapered or stepped. The anvil member has a tissue contacting surface that includes a number of pockets arranged for substantially aligning with the retention slots. In addition, the tissue contacting surface of the anvil member may complement the tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030027A1

Aspects of the invention relate to an applicator which can house multiple components of a formulation in separate receptacles. In certain embodiments, an applicator of the invention can be used for, but is not limited to, applying hydrogel formulations to dura mater, abdominal tissue in hernia repair, tissues near the spine, lung tissue, intestinal tissue, or any of the internal tissues. 125-. (canceled)26. An applicator , comprising:a first syringe barrel comprising a first sidewall; a first piston; a first proximal end; and a first distal end; wherein the first piston seals the first proximal end of the first syringe barrel and is slideable within the first syringe barrel; and the first distal end is configured to attach to a first adapter;a second syringe barrel comprising a second sidewall; a second piston; a second proximal end; and a second distal end; wherein the second piston seals the second proximal end of the second syringe barrel and is slideable within the second syringe barrel; and the second distal end is configured to attach to a second adapter;a first adapter comprising a first removable vial housing portion comprising a first piercing structure; a first syringe housing portion attached to the first distal end of the first syringe barrel; a first fitting configured to attach to a tip; a first valve; a first fluid pathway connecting the first syringe barrel to the first valve; a second fluid pathway connecting the first vial housing portion to the first valve; and a third fluid pathway connecting the first fitting to the first valve;a second adapter comprising a second removable vial housing portion comprising a second piercing structure; a second syringe housing portion attached to the second distal end of the second syringe barrel; a second fitting configured to attach to a tip; a second valve; a fourth fluid pathway connecting the second syringe barrel to the second valve; a fifth fluid pathway connecting the second vial housing portion to the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114276A1

A system for mixing or reconstituting agents including engageable syringe barrels, one of which having a male engagement region and the other a female engagement region. Each of the male and female engagement regions is provided with a screen. The screens are closely spaced from one another when the first and second syringe barrels are engaged with one another. The screens may take the form of a mesh, a plurality of protuberances, or cantilevered wedges having tapering thicknesses. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for reconstituting a powdered agent comprising:providing a first syringe barrel including a main chamber defined by a cylindrical barrel wall, an open proximal end, and a male engagement region at a distal end, the male engagement region including a screen;providing a second syringe barrel including a main chamber defined by a cylindrical barrel wall, an open proximal end, and a female engagement region at a distal end, the female engagement region including a screen;depositing the powdered agent into the main chamber of one of the first syringe barrel or the second syringe barrel;inserting a plunger in the open proximal end of the first syringe barrel;inserting a plunger in the open proximal end of the second syringe barrel;drawing a diluent into the main chamber of one of the first syringe barrel or the second syringe barrel;engaging the male engagement region of the first syringe barrel with the female engagement region of the second syringe barrel; andtilting the engaged first and second syringe barrels back and forth.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein in providing the first syringe barrel claim 17 , the first syringe barrel includes a neck portion and the male engagement region includes a cylindrical inner wall and a cylindrical outer wall claim 17 , each of the cylindrical inner and outer walls axially extending in a distal direction from the neck portion and defining a threaded channel therebetween and the first screen extends radially inwardly from ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Embolic protection via biologic effect

Номер: US20220047280A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

The present disclosure discussed a device, method and/or system for temporarily closing and/or constricting one or more blood vessels upstream and/or downstream of the vascular intervention site to allow for aspiration of vascular debris resulting from a peripheral vascular surgical procedure so as to effectively remove such debris.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029660A1
Автор: Fortier Jason, Hull Les

A spray assembly for dispensing a mixture is provided. The spray assembly includes a connector configured for operable engagement with a first and second source of component and a source of pressurized fluid, and a tip operably connected to the connector. The tip includes an opening and defines a mixing chamber between the connector and the opening of the tip, and an insert member configured to be received in the mixing chamber. The insert member includes a plurality of radially extending slots on at least one end of the insert. The plurality of radially extending slots is configured to mix the first and second components prior to the mixture exiting the opening in the tip. 17-. (canceled)8. A spray applicator comprising:a body defining a first lumen configured for fluid communication with a first source of component, a second lumen configured for fluid communication with a second source of component, and a third lumen configured for fluid communication with a source of pressurized air;a tip assembly operably connected to the body, the tip assembly defining an opening and a mixing chamber between a distal end of the body and the opening of the tip assembly; andan insert member received in the mixing chamber, a distal end of the insert member defining a recess and at least one radially extending slot, the recess and the at least one radially extending slot configured to mix first and second components prior to a combination of the first and second components exiting the opening in the tip assembly.9. The spray assembly of claim 8 , further including first and second sources of component.10. The spray assembly of claim 9 , wherein the first source of component includes a first component and the second source of component includes a second component.11. The spray assembly of claim 8 , wherein the distal end of the insert member defines a pair of slots.12. The spray assembly of claim 8 , wherein a proximal end of the insert member defines at least one slot.13. The spray ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029788A1
Автор: Fischer John Patrick

Techniques for mesh augmentation and prevention of incisional hernia, including systems and methods for affixing mesh to a fascial incision. A mesh strip can be integrated with one or more uni-directional fasteners. Each fastener can include an anchoring mechanism adapted for affixation to anterior abdominal wall fascia and a mating interface. An applicator can include tension arms adapted to interface with the mating interfaces of the fasteners to maintain a vertical tension of the mesh strip and a handle coupled with the tension arms adapted to spread the tension arms and thereby control a horizontal tension of the mesh strip. The mesh strip can be configured to be aligned over a fascial incision using the applicator and affixed under tension to anterior abdominal wall fascia by tissue penetration of the anchoring mechanisms of the one or more fasteners. 1. A method for positioning and onlay affixation of pretensioned reinforcing material to abdominal wall fascia to reinforce and augment a fascial incision closure , comprising:aligning a reinforcing material over the fascial incision using an applicator;tensioning the reinforcing material by using the applicator to increase a distance between opposing sides of the reinforcing material from a first distance to a second distance, wherein the tensioned reinforcing material is in a planar condition when the opposing sides are at the second distance; andmechanically anchoring the tensioned reinforcing material to an anterior abdominal wall fascia.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing material is mechanically anchored over a primary repair of the fascial incision such that the reinforcing material decreases a tension across the primary repair.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein mechanically anchoring the tensioned reinforcing material unloads the primary repair.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the primary repair comprises sutures.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing material is affixed to the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Surgical stapler with floating anvil

Номер: US20210030416A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A surgical instrument can include an anvil and, in addition, a staple cartridge support configured to support a staple cartridge. In various embodiments, the jaw can be moved toward the staple cartridge to deform staples contained within the staple cartridge. The anvil can be configured to be translated and/or rotated as the anvil is moved toward the staple cartridge. In certain embodiments, the anvil can be configured to float and adjust such that the anvil is moved downwardly in a level manner.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Surgical apparatus and structure for applying sprayable wound treatment material

Номер: US20170035429A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling apparatus is provided including a cartridge assembly defining a tissue contacting surface; an anvil assembly defining a tissue contacting surface; and a surgical buttress releasably secured to at least one of the tissue contacting surface of the cartridge assembly and the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly by at least one anchor. A loading unit is provided including a surgical buttress releasably secured to an anvil assembly and/or a staple cartridge secured thereto by at least one anchor, and a drive assembly including a knife blade, wherein movement of the drive assembly from a proximal position to a distal position results in the knife blade cutting the at least one anchor and freeing each surgical buttress from the anvil assembly and/or cartridge assembly.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038988A1

A device for gathering tissue of a heart valve leaflet may include an outer tube extending in an elongation direction, a capture tool moveable in the outer tube between a contained position and a use position, and a tissue securing component disposed at a distal end of the outer tube and adapted to be applied to tissue captured by the capture tool to hold the captured tissue in a gathered configuration. The capture tool may include a first element and a second element that are moveable relative to one another in the elongation direction. The first and second elements may be operable to capture tissue of the heart valve leaflet therebetween and to draw the captured tissue into the outer tube in the gathered configuration. 1. A device for gathering tissue of a heart valve leaflet , the device comprising:an outer tube extending in an elongation direction;a capture tool moveable in the outer tube between a contained position and a use position, the capture tool including a first element and a second element that are moveable relative to one another in the elongation direction, the first and second elements being operable to capture tissue of the heart valve leaflet therebetween and to draw the captured tissue into the outer tube in a gathered configuration; anda tissue securing component disposed at a distal end of the outer tube and adapted to be applied to the captured tissue to hold the captured tissue in the gathered configuration.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first element includes a containment tube having a proximal portion and a distal portion claim 1 , the containment tube being moveable between a containment tube retracted position in which the distal portion of the containment tube lies within the outer tube claim 1 , and a containment tube deployed position in which the proximal portion of the containment tube extends substantially in a linear direction and the distal portion of the containment tube lies outside of the outer tube and ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035989A1

An augmentation method is provided, wherein a thermoplastic augmentation element is subject to mechanical energy impact and mechanical pressure by a tool so that augmentation material of the augmentation element is liquefied and pressed into hard tissue to augment the hard tissue, wherein in at least one axial depth, the augmentation element is segmented as a function of the circumferential angle so that at this axial depth the circumferential wall of the initial opening in first regions is in contact with the augmentation element and in second regions is not in contact with the augmentation element. 112-. (canceled)13. An assembly for augmenting hard tissue and/or hard tissue replacement material , the assembly comprising:a thermoplastic augmentation element having an augmentation element contact face;a tool with a contact face, the tool being configured to be pressed against the augmentation element contact face; andan auxiliary element having a guiding shaft, the augmentation element at least partially encompassing the guiding shaft; to be placed in an initial opening in in the hard tissue and/or hard tissue replacement material, with the tool in contact with a face of the augmentation element,', 'and the tool is configured to be pressed against the augmentation element contact face while energy is coupled into the tool and while a periphery of a liquefaction interface of the tool and the augmentation element is within the opening, whereby material of the augmentation element at the liquefaction interface(s) is liquefied to yield liquefied material and to cause portions of the liquefied material to penetrate into structures of the hard tissue and/or hard tissue replacement material and to become, after hardening, augmentation material,, 'wherein the augmentation element at least partially encompassing the guiding shaft is configuredthe assembly further comprising an outer protection element configured to least partially encompass the tool and to thereby locally ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038271A1

A delivery system for flowable substances includes a squeezable container having a sealed proximal end, a sealed distal end having a dispensing neck, and an outer wall that surrounds a storage reservoir. The delivery system has a container support frame assembled with the squeezable container having a proximal edge secured to the sealed proximal end of the squeezable container, a distal edge secured to the dispensing neck of the squeezable container, and first and second lateral edges extending between the proximal and distal edges and overlying opposing sides of the squeezable container. The proximal and distal edges and the first and second lateral edges define a central opening of the container support frame that provides access to the outer wall of the squeezable container. The container support frame has an elongated handle that extends proximally from the proximal edge of the container support frame. 1. A delivery system for flowable substances comprising:a squeezable container including a sealed proximal end, a distal end having a dispensing neck, and an outer wall extending between said sealed proximal end and said distal end that surrounds a storage reservoir of said squeezable container;a container support frame assembled with said squeezable container, said container support frame having a proximal edge that is secured to said sealed proximal end of said squeezable container, a distal edge that is secured to said dispensing neck of said squeezable container, and first and second lateral edges extending between said proximal and distal edges and overlying opposing sides of said squeezable container, wherein said proximal and distal edges and said first and second lateral edges define a central opening of said container support frame that provides access to said outer wall of said squeezable container;said container support frame further comprising an elongated handle that extends proximally from said proximal edge of said container support frame, wherein ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038280A1

Surgical methods involving cutting and sealing tissue include affixing a first adjunct material to tissue at a treatment site, such as by stapling the adjunct to tissue. A second adjunct material is applied to at least a portion of the first adjunct material such that the second adjunct material interacts with the first adjunct material to form a seal in an area of the tissue covered by at least one of the first and the second adjunct material. The resulting tissue sealing structure, which includes a combination of the two adjuncts, is believed to be superior to the sealing properties of either adjunct alone. 1. A staple cartridge for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staples disposed therein, the plurality of staples being configured to be deployed into tissue; andan adjunct configured to be releasably retained on the cartridge body, the adjunct material having first and second support layers and a core layer disposed therebetween, each layer being formed of woven fibers, wherein the adjunct is configured to compress from an initial height to a compressed height when a compressive force is applied thereto, and to expand from the compressed height to an uncompressed height when the compressive force is removed, and wherein the uncompressed height is greater than the initial height.2. The staple cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the woven fibers of the first support layer are interlocked such that there is substantially no relative motion between the woven fibers of the first support layer when the compressive force is applied and removed from the adjunct.3. The staple cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the woven fibers of the core layer are loosely woven relative to the woven fibers of the first and second support layers such that there is relative motion among the woven fibers of the core layer when the compressive force is applied and removed from the adjunct.4. The staple cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the core layer has a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Skin Closure Devices With Interrupted Closure

Номер: US20200038006A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Inc

A device for application onto incisions or wounds with a liquid rapidly polymerizable adhesive for forming skin closure systems, comprising a flat porous mesh elongated along a longitudinal axis and having an upper side and an opposing lower or wound facing side and a central portion in immediate vicinity of the axis; further having a plurality of pores and windows in said mesh, said windows substantially larger than said pores and arranged along said longitudinal axis in said central portion; a crosslinking or polymerization accelerator or initiator disposed in or on said mesh; and a pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on at least a portion of the lower surface of said mesh.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038545A1

The present invention relates to an aqueous composition comprising an aqueous solution, α-TCP, a silicate compound and a phosphorylated amino acid. The composition has improved mechanical strength and is easily applied and may be used as a tissue adhesive, implant or a filler. 1. An aqueous composition comprising an aqueous solution , a silicate compound , α-TCP and a phosphorylated amino acid;wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 15-90 wt % of the solid content, the combined amount of silicate compound and α-TCP is 10-85 wt % of the solid content, and wherein the weight ratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:0.001-100.2. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 15-50 wt % of the solid content.3. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 20-40 wt % of the solid content.4. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 22-35 wt % of the solid content.5. The aqueous composition according to wherein theweight ratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:0.05-0.4 such as 1:0.1-0.3.6. The aqueous composition according wherein the weight ratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:5-15 claim 1 , such as 1:9-12.7. The aqueous composition according to whereinthe silicate compound is selected from calcium silicate, sodium silicate and, strontium silicate; zirconium silicate; or a mixture of di- and tricalcium silicate, preferably calcium silicate or a mixture of di- and tricalcium silicate.8. The aqueous composition according to wherein the phosphorylated amino acid is phosphoserine.9. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of aqueous solution is 5-20 wt % of the total weight of the composition.10. The aqueous composition according to wherein the composition comprises 20-70 wt % of phosphorylated amino acid and wherein the weightratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:0.05-0.4 or 1:5-15 and wherein ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Pressurized Container Containing Haemostatic Paste

Номер: US20150045830A1

The present invention relates to a container adapted to dispense its content under pressure. The container of the present invention consists of two separate compartments separated from one another by a slidable piston. The container of the present invention contains a haemostatic paste. 1. A device for dispensing a haemostatic paste under pressure , comprising:a. a container having an interior including a product compartment and a propellant compartment separated from one another, said container having a first end with a haemostatic paste outlet extending from the product compartment, said outlet being openable and closable;b. a valve in communication with the first end of the product compartment;c. a haemostatic paste contained in the product compartment;d. a propellant provided in the propellant compartment;e. a slidable piston separating the product compartment from the propellant compartment.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said piston comprises a primary piston having a primary wall-engaging skirt claim 1 , a secondary piston having a secondary wall-engaging skirt and between said primary and secondary pistons an interposed deformable sealant material3. The device of claim 2 , whereby under pressure said deformable material is compressed between the pistons and urged against the container wall to form a seal.4. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the primary piston is in frictional engagement with the wall and the secondary piston is in loose fit thus to encourage compression of the interposed deformable sealant material.5. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the deformable sealant material is a gel.6. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the deformable sealant is an aqueous gel.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the propellant is selected from the group consisting of: nitrogen claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , compressed air claim 1 , butane claim 1 , propane claim 1 , chlorofluorocarbon claim 1 , fluorocarbon and dimethyl ether.8. The ...
