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10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2506098C2

Изобретение относится к системам выработки и инфузионного введения радиофармацевтических препаратов. Защитный узел системы содержит первый и второй отсеки, причем каждая из первой и второй боковых стенок отсеков формирует барьер для радиоактивного излучения и содержит отверстие, продолжающееся сквозь боковую стенку и крышку, которая сопрягается с отверстием для попеременного заграждения соответствующего отсека и обеспечения доступа в соответствующий отсек через соответствующее отверстие. При этом первый отсек вмещает радиоизотопный генератор системы, а второй отсек вмещает участок инфузионной схемы системы, который находится в потоке позади генератора, и содержит трубопроводы элюата, пациента и трубопровод отходов. Третий отсек защитного узла выполнен с возможностью вмещения сосуда для отходов системы и огражден третьей боковой стенкой. Способ установки инфузионной системы заключается в том, что открывают первую дверцу защитного узла инфузионной системы для получения доступа в первый отсек ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2517680C2
Принадлежит: КЭАФЬЮЖН 303, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике, а именно к способу раздачи лекарств в стационаре. Технический результат - раздача дополнительных лекарств через стационарное устройство раздачи, расположенное в непосредственной близи или внутри палаты индивидуального пациента. Способ раздачи различных видов лекарств нескольким пациентам, способ состоит из: получения запроса от индивидуального пациента о выдаче лекарства; определения того, является ли запрашиваемое лекарство дополнительным лекарством; подтверждения через защищенное закрепленное устройство, расположенное в палате индивидуального пациента, совместимости запрошенного лекарства с лекарствами, принимаемыми индивидуальным пациентом в настоящее время; выборочной раздачи запрошенного лекарства только в том случае, если запрошенное лекарство является дополнительным лекарством, совместимым с лекарствами, принимаемыми индивидуальным пациентом в настоящее время, через защищенное закрепленное устройство; перемещения мобильного устройства ...

22-12-2023 дата публикации

Тележка медицинская

Номер: RU222394U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинскому оборудованию и направлена на расширение функциональной возможности тележки, предназначенной для размещения и транспортировки изделий медицинского назначения в лечебных учреждениях. Тележка медицинская содержит сборный трубчатый каркас с колесами, включающий две П-образные опоры с вертикальными стойками и горизонтальной перекладиной, соединенные двумя верхними и двумя нижними боковыми горизонтальными стяжками, при этом верхние концы вертикальных стоек одной - задней П-образной опоры расположены выше верхних концов вертикальных стоек другой - передней П-образной опоры и отогнуты наружу, а горизонтальная перекладина задней П-образной опоры образует ручку. Под верхним поддоном к вертикальным стойкам П-образных опор ярусно один под другим прикреплены коробчатые кожухи, боковые стенки каждого из которых снабжены направляющими полозьями, на которых загнутыми кромками боковых стенок установлены выдвижные ящики. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

22-12-2023 дата публикации

Тележка медицинская

Номер: RU222393U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинскому оборудованию и направлена на расширение функциональной возможности тележки, предназначенной для размещения и транспортировки изделий медицинского назначения в лечебных учреждениях. Тележка медицинская содержит сборный трубчатый каркас с колесами, который включает две П-образные опоры с вертикальными стойками и горизонтальной перекладиной между ними, соединенные двумя верхними и двумя нижними горизонтальными стяжками, и снабжен верхним и нижним поддонами с бортами, при этом верхние концы вертикальных стоек одной - задней П-образной опоры расположены выше верхних концов вертикальных стоек другой - передней П-образной опоры и отогнуты наружу, а горизонтальная перекладина задней П-образной опоры образует ручку. Кроме того, верхний поддон выполнен из пластика с бортами, снабженными снаружи по периметру отворотами, которые установлены на верхние горизонтальные стяжки и на горизонтальную перекладину передней П-образной опоры, а нижний поддон выполнен из ...

18-10-2017 дата публикации

Тележка с контейнерами для хранения и транспортировки эндоскопов

Номер: RU174519U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинскому оборудованию и направлена на повышение прочности и снижение веса конструкции тележки, предназначенной для размещения и транспортировки контейнеров с эндоскопами, при обеспечении удобства эксплуатации и повышении стерильности. Тележка с контейнерами для хранения и транспортировки эндоскопов содержит каркас, который выполнен сборным из круглых труб и включает две боковые П-образные рамы с вертикальными стойками и верхней горизонтальной перекладиной, к вертикальным стойкам с их внутренней стороны на разных уровнях по высоте прикреплены посредством резьбовых соединений с использованием фигурных проставок - ложементов стыковочными отгибами, загнутыми вниз по радиусу, несколько пар оппозитно расположенных горизонтальных стяжек из круглых труб с образованием направляющих полозьев для контейнеров, причем верхняя пара горизонтальных стяжек - направляющих полозьев прикреплена к вертикальным стойкам боковых П-образных рам ниже уровня верхних горизонтальных ...

10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010107606A

... 1. Система распределения лекарств, содержащая: ! пункт раздачи лекарств, содержащий по меньшей мере один защищаемый отсек, выполненный с возможностью хранения лекарства; ! контроллер, реагирующий на информацию статуса госпитализации пациента и выполненный с возможностью: ! назначать пациенту по меньшей мере один такой защищаемый отсек, чтобы лекарства для этого пациента можно было помещать в этот по меньшей мере один защищаемый отсек; ! выборочно разрешать доступ к лекарствам для пациента в по меньшей мере одном защищаемом отсеке, когда информация статуса госпитализации пациента указывает, что этот пациент в настоящее время госпитализирован; и ! прекращать доступ для извлечения лекарств для пациента в по меньшей мере одном защищаемом отсеке, когда информация статуса пациента указывает, что этот пациент в настоящее время не госпитализирован. ! 2. Система по п.1, в которой контроллер далее выполнен с возможностью принимать и интерпретировать уведомление госпитализации-выбытия-перевода (ГВП ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010154074A

... 1. Система (10), которая генерирует и инфузионно вводит радиофармацевтические препараты, при этом система содержит: корпусную конструкцию, содержащую кожух (13), ограничивающий внутреннее пространство корпусной конструкции; источник (15, 33) элюанта; экранирующий узел (200), расположенный внутри внутреннего пространства корпусной конструкции, причем экранирующий узел содержит боковую стенку (201, 203, 205), которая ограничивает множество отсеков и обеспечивает барьер для радиоактивного излучения из отсеков, экранирующий узел дополнительно содержит соответствующее множество дверец (221, 223, 225, 227), причем каждая дверца, когда открыта, обеспечивает доступ в соответствующий отсек через отверстие в боковой стенке и, когда закрыта, обеспечивает дополнительный барьер для радиоактивного излучения из соответствующего отсека; радиоизотопный генератор (21), содержащийся внутри первого отсека из множества отсеков экранирующего узла; трубопровод (301, 302, 304) для элюанта, присоединенный к источнику ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014105196A

... 1. Система для генерирования и инфузионного введения радиофармацевтических препаратов, содержащая: резервуар для элюанта, насос, соединенный с резервуаром, инфузионную схему трубопроводов, радиоизотопный генератор, детектор активности, сосуд для отходов, компьютер и интерфейс компьютера; при этом инфузионная схема трубопроводов содержит трубопровод для элюанта, присоединенный к насосу и к радиоизотопному генератору, и трубопровод для элюата, присоединенный к радиоизотопному генератору, детектору активности и к сосуду для отходов; и компьютер связан с интерфейсом компьютера, насосом и детектором активности и предварительно запрограммирован для:приведения в действие насоса для прокачки объема элюанта из резервуара по трубопроводу для элюанта и через радиоизотопный генератор, чтобы создать пробу или дозу элюата в трубопроводе для элюата посредством элюирования внутри радиоизотопного генератора, причем каждая проба предназначена для измерения с целью контроля качества, и каждая доза предназначена ...

23-01-2012 дата публикации

Stillhilfe Rollwagen zum schmerzfreien Auflegen von Säuglingen beim Stillen oder Füttern mit der Flasche

Номер: DE202011107978U1

Stillhilfe Rollwagen zum bequemen, schmerzfreien und gewichtfreien Auflegen von Säuglingen beim Stillen oder füttern mit der Flasche. dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass mindestens eine ergonomisch geformte Auflageplatte(n) 1 aus Kunststoff, Holz oder Metall an mindestens einer Säule 2 aus Kunststoff, Holz oder Metall mittels Verbindern aus Kunststoff, Holz oder Metall höhenverstellbar und neigbar/drehbar/schwenkbar montiert ist/sind.

18-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069519613D1

08-04-2004 дата публикации

Self-contained unit for baby care comprises a bathtub and a changing surface which are produced as a single top component releasably mountable on a mobile bottom component

Номер: DE0020317823U1

The self-contained unit for baby care comprises a bathtub (3) and a changing surface (4) which are produced as a single top component (1) releasably mountable on a mobile bottom component (2).

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010015391A1

Transportable Aufbewahrungseinheit für Sanitätsartikel für einen Transport zwischen einer Apotheke und der Wohnung eines Patienten, wobei die Einheit Folgendes umfasst: eine Vielzahl von verschließbaren Fächern für die Aufnahme von Sanitätsartikeln, ein elektronisches Datenverarbeitungssystem zur Aufzeichnung von Informationen hinsichtlich der Verwendung der Sanitätsartikel, ein elektronisches Kommunikationssystem zur Übertragung der Informationen hinsichtlich der Verwendung der Sanitätsartikel an einen entfernt liegenden Ort, und eine Arbeitsoberfläche zur Verwendung durch eine Pflegeperson, wobei ein verschließbares Fach durch eine autorisierte Pflegeperson entriegelt werden kann.

26-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029814132U1

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Treatment trolley for hospital use - has cupboard body mounted on four castors inserted into lower end of four hollow section profiles fixed along edges of cupboard body

Номер: DE0029624475U1

The treatment trolley has a cupboard body (1) consisting of open or closed front and rear sides and two side walls (3,3a). The cupboard body has a cover and is mounted on castors. On the external part of the side walls along each of the four vertical edges (5) of the body is a hollow section profile. The hollow area (10) of the profile extends along the whole length of the edge of the body. In the open end of each hollow area is a pin (11) connected to the castor block (7).

08-02-1951 дата публикации

Fahrbarer Medikamenten- und Instrumentenschrank

Номер: DE0000802265C

28-06-2017 дата публикации

Navigation carts for a medical procedure

Номер: GB0201707724D0

19-06-2013 дата публикации

A modular trolley system

Номер: GB0002497582A

The invention provides a trolley 1a comprising an elongate body having a base 2, a mouth 4 and at least two side members 5a, 5b extending therebetween. The mouth is arranged and configured to carry a receptacle (6, figure 4). First and second connection means 9, 10 are also provided on the same side of the trolley to facilitate connection of the trolley to a second trolley 1b. The first and second connection means may be vertically and horizontally spaced; at least one of the connection means may be provided at the front of the trolley towards the base whilst the other is provided at the back of the trolley towards the mouth. At least one of the connections means may be a bore having an internal thread. The invention provides trolley which can be easily and temporarily attached to other trolleys such that a user can build multi-bag trolley in a modular fashion using individual trolleys. The trolley, or combination of trolleys, is particularly intended for carrying linen, laundry, domestic ...

25-08-2010 дата публикации

Shelving system

Номер: GB0201011482D0

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486558T

15-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000143251T

25-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000003786U1

Bei einem Transportwagen, vorzugsweise als Pflegewagen für Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime und dgl. Einrichtungen mit einem aus offenen oder geschlossenen Vorder- und Rückseiten sowie zwei Seitenwänden (1) bestehenden, in Schrankfächer, Einschubfächer und/oder Schubladen unterteilbaren und über Rollen (3) verfahrbaren Schrankkorpus (2), auf dessen Oberseite eine Ablage und/oder Schreibfläche (4) angeordnet ist, wird vorgeschlagen, daß jede Seitenwand (1) aus einer Außenwand (9) und einer die Innenseite des Schrankkorpus (2) bildenden, an der Außenwand (9) festlegbaren Trägerwand (10) besteht, wobei beide vertikalen Längskanten jeder Außenwand (9) ausgehend von einem Mittelteil (9a) der Außenwand (9) einen Aufnahmeraum (9b) und Hinterschneidungen (9c) bildend zur Innenseite des Schrankkorpus (2) hin mehrfach abgewinkelt sind und jede Trägerwand (10) ausschließlich durch Einstecken in den durch die Abwinklungen der Außenwand (9) gebildeten Aufnahmeraum (9b) formschlüssig mit der jeweiligen Außenwand ...

25-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007343U1

Gerätewagen für medizinische Geräte mit Laufrollen (15), wobei ein Medienversorgungsmodul zum Betrieb der medizinischen Geräte während eines Transportes lösbar aufnehmbar ist, wobei das Medienversorgungsmodul (6) vorzugsweise wenigstens eine Stromquelle, eine Sauerstoffquelle und gegebenenfalls eine Druckluftquelle umfasst.

25-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000003900U1

Bei einem Transportwagen, vorzugsweise als Pflegewagen für Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime oder dgl. Einrichtungen mit einem fahrbaren, in Schrankfächer, Einschubfächer und/oder Schubladen unterteilten und nach oben hin durch eine Abschlußplatte abgedeckten Gestell (2), wobei auf der Abschlußplatte (1) ein ein Arbeits- und Schreibpult sowie eine ebene Ablage aufweisender Formteil (4) angeordnet ist, wird vorgeschlagen, daß das Arbeits- und Schreibpult sowie die ebene Ablage als im Tiefziehverfahren hergestelltes, im wesentlichen rechteckiges Formteil (4) ausgebildet sind, und daß entlang einer vorderen Längsseite des Formteils (4) eine von einer Grundfläche (5) des Formteils (4) nach oben gerichteter flacher Rand (6) und entlang der gegenüberliegenden hinteren Längskante des Formteils (4) ein von der Grundfläche (5) des Formteils (4) nach oben gerichteter Rand (7) ausgebildet sind, wobei der hintere Rand (7) höher ausgebildet ist als der vordere Rand (6).

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000184462T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334035T

15-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000189948T

15-01-2009 дата публикации

Point-of-care medication dispensing

Номер: AU2008275054A1

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Item dispensing apparatus

Номер: AU2013323114A1

Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to a dispenser configured for storing one or more items and dispensing the stored items to authorized users. According to various embodiments, the dispenser generally includes a housing defining an interior portion dimensioned to receive a plurality of items and an access assembly configured to prevent unauthorized user access to the interior portion of the dispenser while providing selective access to certain items in response to input received from an authorized user. According to various embodiments, the access assembly comprises a pair of flexible barriers coupled to a sliding door assembly, which includes one or more lockable access doors. Together, the door assembly and flexible barriers prevent access to the interior of the dispenser when in a locked configuration and permit access to certain items when in an unlocked configuration.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Medical cart

Номер: AU2010279002A2

Among other things, a movable medical device cart has a work surface on a pedestal and legs under the pedestal, an electronic device accessible at the work surface in connection with performing a medical procedure, and a computer mounted near a bottom of the pedestal to sink heat away from the computer.

23-10-2003 дата публикации

Automated medication-dispensing cart

Номер: AU0000766931B2

19-03-1998 дата публикации

Microsurgical system having isolated handpiece detection

Номер: AU0004093997A

29-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002735067A1

A usage status notification method and corresponding medication storage device (e.g., mobile medication dispensing cart, medication cabinet, nurse server, etc.) are provided. To generate the usage status notification, the status of one or more components of the medication storage device may be monitored. An in-use notification signal may be generated if it is determined that the medication storage device is in use at a certain point in time (e.g., when a user is logged into the medication storage device). An available notification signal may be generated if it is determined that the medication storage device is available for use at a certain point in time (e.g., when a user is logged out of the medication storage device). Other types of usage status signals may also be provided.

07-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739854A1

La présente invention concerne un chariot de soins médicalisé comprenant un châssis (40) muni de roulettes (2 à 5), ainsi qu'au moins un tiroir (6 à 13) et un équipement informatique alimenté par batteries rechargeables, caractérisé en ce que la totalité des moyens électriques incorporés au chariot fonctionnent directement à une tension continue unique, et étant dépourvus de ventilateur de refroidissement.

02-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002333120A1

A system and apparatus are described in which modular receptacles are filled and transported to automated dispensing machines for later retrieval and distribution. A system of the present invention includes the loading, refilling, and replacement of the modular receptacles at various stages in the process of the invention. The present invention results in a more efficient and easier to manage system for distribution of such items as medical supplies and drugs.

26-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002525863A1

A medication cart a includes a housing mounted on four posts at corners of the housing with a generally horizontal counter top at the top of the housing and a plurality of drawers in the housing underneath the counter top having locations therein for containing medications and for containing data charts relating to medications to be dispensed to a number of patients. The housing is mounted on a base with a plurality of ground wheels for movement by an operator over the ground to different locations to service a series of patients with the medications. A lifting mechanism for lifting the housing relative to the base is defined by four threaded rods each extending generally upwardly between the base and the. housing with a lower end of each rod attached to the base and an upper end extending into a respective post. A nut on each rod is connected to the housing such that rotation of the rods causes axial movement of the nut along the rod and lifting of the housing relative to the base. The ...

05-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002883820A1

A pivotable spring-loadable product, and a latch and ejector assembly, which may include the product, to selectively unlatch and eject an object.

25-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002684413A1

A method for stocking items into drawers of a dispensing unit. The method comprises providing a liner and a plurality of adjustable dividers. The dividers are arranged within the liner to form a preselected arrangement of bins. Different types of items are placed into the bins and an identification device is attached to the liner which includes information identifying the arrangement of the dividers and the types of items held in the bins. The liner is placed into the drawer, wherein the dispensing unit includes a reader which reads the information from the identification device.

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002788574C

The present invention relates to a trolley (10) for a medical waste container (12) for use in a medical treatment facility such as an operating theatre or other hospital or medical environment. The invention also relates to a cart (100) for transporting a collection of the medical waste containers (12) throughout the medical treatment facility.

06-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002863181C

Embodiments of the invention provide, among other things, computing carts with a storage compartment having a sliding work surface that selectively provides access to at least a portion of a storage space within the storage compartment. In some cases the storage space is defined at least in part by a storage chassis and a sliding work surface positioned over the storage chassis, with the sliding work surface at least in part defining a top extent of the storage space. In some cases a latch mechanism releasably maintains a sliding work surface in a closed position and allows movement to an open position when released. Some embodiments include a lock mechanism to secure a sliding work surface in a closed position to prevent access to a storage space. Strengthening mechanisms may also be provided to strengthen the storage compartment in the open and/or closed positions.

11-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002132975A1

... 2132975 9321806 PCTABS00027 A hospital bed (100) supported on a wheeled base (104), and a ventilator (26) supported on a wheeled cart (18) and docked to the base, the combination capable of being rolled as a single unit. The ventilator cart (18) includes a wheeled base (20), and supports (24), for supporting the ventilator, with raising and lowering the ventilator. The bed base (104) is wheeled and has a generally Y-shaped base frame (110). The outspread arms (112) of the Y-shaped frame (110) receives the ventilator cart (18). The ventilator when docked to the bed base falls within the footprint (126) of the bed (100). A latch (118, 120) secures the ventilator to the bed base. A disabling switch (120) disables the high/low function of the bed preventing the bed from being lowered downwardly onto the ventilator. A power supply (122) mounted to the bed base provides for uninterrupted operation the ventilator.

21-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002157706C

A cart for transporting materials along a floor having a base positioned parallel to the floor. Positioned above the base is a rectangular cover having afirst side edge, a second side edge and a back edge defining three sides of a rectangle. A first side support, a second side support and a back support each extend from the base to the cover. Four vertical supports extend from the base to contact the cover at four points substantially aligned with a first diagonal of the rectangle.

02-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002062045A1

A medication cart has a base formed of a pair of molded plates interconnected by rails. The plates have molded grooves and holes for receiving structural elements of the cart. Molded hollow plastic end panels have horizontal ribs that support drawers. The end panels are seated in grooves in the base plates. A top cap covers the top of the cart. Lock bars are provided to retain the drawers in the cart.

11-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264040C

This invention is a system for controlling a plurality of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments a re for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgical procedures. The system includes a data communications bus (101), and a user interface connected to the data communications bus. The user interface provides information to the user and receives information from the user whic h is representative of operating parameters of the microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgical modules (13) connected to and controlling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules are also connected to the data communicatio ns bus.

30-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264103C

This invention is a system for controlling a plurality of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments a re for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgical procedures. The system includes a data communications bus and a user interfa ce (3) connected to the data communications bus. The user interface (3) provide s information to the user and receives information from the user which is representative of microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgic al modules (13) connected to, and controlling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules (13) are also connected to the data communications bus. The data communications bus provides communication of data representative of operatin g parameters between the user interface (3) and the surgical modules (13). ...

05-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264041A1

This invention is a system for controlling a plurality of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments are for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgical procedures. The system includes a data communication bus and a user interface (3) connected to the data communication bus. The user interface (3) provides information to the user and receives information from the user which is representative of microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgical modules (13) connected to and controlling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules (13) are also connected to the data communication bus. The data communication bus provides communication of data representative of operating parameters between the user interface and the surgical modules.

02-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002263975C

This invention is a system for controlling a plural- ity of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments are for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgi- cal procedures. The system includes a data communica- tions bus and a user interface (3) connected to the data communications bus. The user interface (3) provides information to the user and receives information from the user which is representative of operating parame- ters of the microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgical modules (13) connected to and con- trolling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules (13) are also connected to the data commu- nications bus. The data communications bus provides communication of data representative of the operating parameters between the user interface and the surgical modules.

15-06-2011 дата публикации

Delivery system for medicines.

Номер: CH0000702337A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zur Abgabe von Medikamenten. Das System umfasst eine Vielzahl von Abgabebehältern (3), wobei ein Abgabebehälter (3) eingerichtet ist zur Aufnahme von Medikamenten für einen Patienten, und eine Vielzahl Tabletts (1.1, 2.1), wobei ein Tablett (1.1, 2.1) mehrere Abstellbereiche zur Aufnahme von je einem Abgabebehälter (3) aufweist. Das System umfasst ferner Transportboxen (1), in welchen Tabletts (1.1, 2.1) zur Aufnahme von Abgabebehältern (3) angeordnet sind, wobei Transportboxen (1) von einer Richtstation (4.1) zu einem Stationszimmer (6) transportierbar sind, sowie Medikamentenwagen (2), in welchen Tabletts (1.1, 2.1) zur Aufnahme von Abgabebehältern (3) angeordnet sind, wobei Medikamentenwagen (2) vom Stationszimmer (6) zu einem Krankenzimmer (7) verfahrbar sind.

12-10-2018 дата публикации

Double-layer temperature-control type blood transfer vehicle

Номер: CN0108635145A

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Immune injection mechanism convenient to adjust for medical oncology

Номер: CN0108744154A

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Medical first-aid cart device

Номер: CN0108478373A

07-12-2018 дата публикации

Novel nursing vehicle convenient for medical worker to use

Номер: CN0108938277A

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Intelligent distribution system for medical AGV trolley

Номер: CN0108578134A

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Clinical medicine delivery trolley for anesthesia

Номер: CN0108577970A

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Drug tray supply device

Номер: CN0102307799B

28-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002858211B1

17-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002847156B1

12-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002959661B1

23-01-2017 дата публикации

주입 시스템의 캐비넷 구조물 배열

Номер: KR0101696175B1

... 시스템이 탑재되는 플랫폼(flatform)과, 상기 시스템의 적어도 일부(portion)를 포함하는 내부 공간(interior space)을 둘러싸는(surrounding) 셀(shell)을 포함하는 주입시스템(infusion system)을 위한 캐비넷 구조물(cabinet structure)이 제공된다. 상기 셀은, 바람직하게는, 상기 시스템에 대하여 내부 공간으로 방사성 동위원소 발생기(radioisotope generator)의 하강(lowering) 및 상기 내부 공간으로부터 상기 발생기의 상승(lifting)을 가능하게 하는 크기로 형성되고 지향된(sized and oriented) 개구부(opening)를 포함한다. 상기 셀은 또한, 상기 주입시스템의 폐기물병(waste bottle)에의 접속(access)을 제공하기 위해, 상기한 개구부보다 높은 높이(elevation)에 위치되는 별도의 개구부를 더 포함할 수 있다.

31-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080114762A

... [PROBLEMS] A medicine cart exhibiting good workability at the time of filling medicine and returning medicine. [MEANS FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS] A medicine cart (1) comprising a cassette (10) opening upward and containing a plurality of medicines while arranging them in one row under an erecting state, a shelf plate (8) which can be drawn out from the body (3) of the medicine cart (1) and mounts a plurality of cassettes (10), and a pushing member (47) for pushing a medicine (15) at the tail forward in the cassettes (10), wherein the cart is further provided with a locking means (61) for locking the pushing member (47) to a predetermined position in the cassettes (10), and means (62, 63) for unlocking the pushing member (47) locked by the locking means (61) in accordance with the pushing motion and drawing motion of the shelf plate (8). © KIPO & WIPO 2009 ...

07-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009059013A2
Автор: HEFFRON, David

Systems and methods for dispensing medications to hospitalized individuals through a first apparatus containing optional medications that is configured to be replenished by optional medication from a central storage location. Some embodiments provide that the first apparatus is associated with an individual patient. The first apparatus is preferably secured at a location near the individual patient, such as, for example, within the individual patient's room. By creating multiple dispensing apparatuses, a caregiver who administers required medications no longer has to retrieve optional medications from a central storage location.

22-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011115263A1
Автор: NAKAI, Eiji

Disclosed is a medicine cart that utilizes the advantages of cabinets with shutters that offer superior safety and concealability for medicines, while also being capable of occupying a smaller amount of occupied floor space area and of taking less storage space by having carts mutually overlap in planar terms. A cabinet (12), whereupon a shutter (24) is disposed, is disposed upon a platform (11) whereto casters (15) are attached fore and aft at both ends on crossbeams (14) that are anchored upon the lower surface of both end portions of primary beams (13), and multi-step-type tray receptacle ledges (33) are disposed upon both lateral frames (17) of the cabinet (12) and between respective surfaces of partition frames (18) that are disposed between the lateral frames (17). With the lower end fore portions of the lateral frames (17) and the partition frames (18) being supported in a floating state in a position higher than the primary beams (13) of the platform (11), one set of two carts of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013102496A1

Rack for holding a plurality of medical devices A rack (1) for holding a plurality of medical devices (2), the rack (1) comprises: a plurality of connection means (111) for connecting the plurality of medial devices (2) to the rack (1); a power supply unit (102) for providing electric power to the plurality of medical devices (2); and a communication means (107) for providing a communication link for the medical devices. Herein, the rack (1) comprises a base part (10) and a holding part (11) which is detachable from the base part (10), wherein the base part (10) includes the power supply unit (102) and the communication means (107) of the rack (1) and the holding part (11) includes the plurality of connection means (111) for connecting the plurality of medical devices (2) to the rack (1). Thus, a rack is provided for holding a plurality of medical devices such as infusion pumps in a secure and reliable fashion, the rack allowing for a communication of the medical devices among each other ...

16-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002038067A1

The invention relates to an optimized method for hygienically storing and transporting OP materials, comprising the use of trolleys that can be nested into one another for the purpose of cleaning. Said trolleys are configured as lattice constructs that are charged with OP materials after having been thermally treated in accordance with the treatment order. The part serving as the container is then covered by means of a storage packaging and a transport packaging on top thereof in the form of covers. The closed trolley that allows for an exchange of air and vapor is finally sterilized by autoclaving and every trolley that has been subjected to said sterilization treatment is taken to its final destination.

30-12-1980 дата публикации

Supply container mounting

Номер: US0004241668A1
Автор: Carroll; Wilfred J.

A readily dismountable frame for mounting a container and cover under a supply shelf. The frame is suspended between spaced-apart rails depending from the shelf. One end of the frame is provided with fixed hooks to engage a first rail and the other with retractable spring-loaded catches which engage a second rail spaced from the first. Side beams on the frame have inwardly extending flanges for engaging under the flange of the tote box and cover permitting them to be slid into place separately or to be removed for filling or cleaning. Adjustable connectors between the beams permit width-wise adjustment for different sized containers. The device is specially applicable to suspending tote boxes and covers from wire supply carts.

24-02-1981 дата публикации

Transporter lifter

Номер: US0004252297A1
Автор: Swain; C. Daniel
Принадлежит: Comerco, Inc.

A moveable cart for transporting structures which are adapted for mounting upon a wall rail. The cart is constructed with a roller linkage assembly pivotally mounted to a wheeled frame and a deck mounted on the linkage assembly. The deck is engaged by the rollers of the linkage assembly so that the vertical position of the deck can be moved with regard to the wall rail, allowing a modular cell structure placed on the deck to be carried upward or downward. A rack driven gear locking assembly is rotatably mounted to the deck. The gear locking assembly is engaged by a rack assembly which is driven by the roller linkage assembly so that it rotates against the sides of the structure to hold the structure in a fixed position during the transportation and vertical positioning of the deck.

28-11-2002 дата публикации

Personal care module

Номер: US2002174483A1

A personal care module for use by a patient within a room of a healthcare facility comprises a first washing station, at least one of a toilet and a second washing station, and a housing coupled to the first washing station and the at least one of the toilet and the second washing station.

11-09-2007 дата публикации

Carrying device having tubular member for supply lines

Номер: US0007267305B2

A tripod head ( 5, 5 ') is provided for a support for a supply device for patients, with an elongated supply part ( 10, 10 ') with feeds ( 11, 12 ) of supply lines and a carrying device ( 13, 13', 14, 14', 16, 19 ) attached to the supply part for carrying appliances. The carrying device is adjustable in position on the supply part.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Integrated, Extendable Anesthesia System

Номер: US20170165440A1

The specification describes anesthesia systems with an integrated, extendable clinical center and clinician/anesthesia office that accommodates for physical separation of clinical and clerical functions. The disclosed anesthesia systems allow for a portion of the system to be brought closer to the patient such that clinical controls can be accessed while tending to the patient airway, without compromising office space available to the clinician or crowding the patient area. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. An anesthesia delivery system , comprising:a first section comprising support for at least one clinical control and at least one patient connection for providing therapy to a patient, wherein said at least one patient connection includes a breathing circuit connection, comprising at least one limb, wherein the at least one limb may be inspiratory, expiratory or a combination thereof;a second section, comprising a base portion for supporting and housing the first section and at least one pneumatic or electrical connection, wherein the first section is linearly, rotatably or linearly and rotatably extendable relative to the second section, and wherein the second section is pneumatically connected to the first section via a suction supply line or an anesthesia gas supply line; anda lighting system for indicating the status of at least one function of the system by direct illumination.21. The anesthesia delivery system of further comprising adjustable lighting claim 20 , wherein the lighting can be adjusted by color claim 20 , intensity or flash rate.22. The anesthesia delivery system of wherein the lighting system indicates an anomalous operational condition of the anesthesia system by direct illumination of the portion of the anesthesia ...

29-10-2008 дата публикации

Patient care equipment support transfer system

Номер: EP1985275A2

A patient support apparatus, such as a hospital bed, comprises a lower frame, an upper frame supported above the lower frame and configured to support a patient, and a support structure coupled to the lower frame. The support structure includes a lift having a movable portion that is movable generally vertically relative to the lower frame and relative to the upper frame. The movable portion of the lift is configured to carry a patient care equipment support.

06-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EP2054936A2

25-03-1987 дата публикации

Method and device for transport of sterilization units for operation linen

Номер: EP0000149234A3

... 1. Method for the transport of sterile linen articles to be employed in operating theatres, using so-called sterilization units which are designed as containers for the linen and which have been treated in a sterilizer located at a distance from the operation theatre, characterized in that the sterilization units are stacked in a carrying trolley, the carrying trolley is covered with a hood-like textile wrapping, the carrying trolley so prepared is placed on to a transport trolley, the transport trolley is equipped with a hood-like textile wrapping, and the trolleys thus nested in one another are treated in the sterilizer and subsequently moved to the operating theatre, and after the hood-like textile wrapping of the transport trolley has been removed the carrying trolley equipped with the hood-like textile wrapping, together with the sterilization units arranged on it, is transported into the operating theatre.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2512930C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Система содержит корпусную конструкцию, содержащую кожух, источник элюанта, экранирующий узел, расположенный внутри внутреннего пространства корпусной конструкции. Экранирующий узел содержит боковую стенку и дверцы для доступа в отсек, которые обеспечивают дополнительный барьер для радиоактивного излучения из отсека. Радиоизотопный генератор расположен внутри первого отсека из множества отсеков экранирующего узла. Трубопровод для элюата присоединен к генератору. Трубопровод для пациента присоединен к трубопроводу для элюата и выходит из внутреннего пространства через отверстие в кожухе. Трубопровод для элюата продолжается от генератора из первого отсека экранирующего узла и непосредственно во второй отсек экранирующего узла во втором местоположении. Второй отсек расположен непосредственно рядом с первым отсеком. Второе местоположение находится между боковой стенкой экранирующего узла и первой и второй дверцами. Трубопровод для пациента ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2512939C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике и может быть использована для генерирования и инфузионного введения радиофармацевтических препаратов. Система содержит резервуар для элюанта, соединенный с резервуаром насос, инфузионную схему трубопроводов, радиоизотопный генератор, детектор активности, сосуд для отходов, компьютер и интерфейс компьютера. Инфузионная схема содержит трубопровод для элюанта, присоединенный к насосу и к радиоизотопному генератору, и трубопровод для элюата, присоединенный к радиоизотопному генератору, детектору активности и к сосуду для отходов. Компьютер связан с интерфейсом компьютера, насосом и детектором активности и предварительно запрограммирован для приведения в действие насоса для прокачки объема элюанта из резервуара по трубопроводу для элюанта и через радиоизотопный генератор, чтобы создать пробу или дозу элюата, обеспечения показания, что каждое элюирование закончено, и обеспечения показания промежутка времени с момента, когда закончено каждое элюирование ...

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Тележка с контейнерами для хранения и транспортировки эндоскопов

Номер: RU171414U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинскому оборудованию и направлена на повышение прочности, и снижение веса конструкции, и обеспечение удобства в эксплуатации тележки, предназначенной для размещения и транспортировки эндоскопов, и повышение их стерильности.Тележка с контейнерами для хранения и транспортировки эндоскопов содержит каркас с поворотными колесами, который выполнен сборным трубчатым и включает две боковые П-образные рамы с верхней горизонтальной перекладиной и вертикальными стойками, к которым с их внутренней стороны стыковочными отгибами посредством резьбовых соединений с использованием фигурных проставок-ложементов прикреплены на разных уровнях по высоте несколько пар оппозитно расположенных горизонтальных стяжек с образованием направляющих для размещения контейнеров для хранения эндоскопов, при этом верхняя пара горизонтальных стяжек прикреплена к вертикальным стойкам боковых П-образных рам ниже уровня верхней горизонтальной перекладины - ручки, края боковых стенок коробчатого ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010154072A

... 1. Система, которая генерирует и инфузионно вводит радиофармацевтические препараты, содержащая резервуар для элюанта, насос, соединенный с резервуаром, инфузионную схему трубопроводов, радиоизотопный генератор, детектор активности, сосуд для отходов, компьютер и интерфейс компьютера; при этом инфузионная схема трубопроводов содержит трубопровод для элюанта, присоединенный к насосу и к генератору, и трубопровод для элюата, присоединенный к генератору, детектору активности и к сосуду для отходов; и компьютер связан с интерфейсом компьютера, насосом и детектором активности и предварительно запрограммирован, чтобы исполнять способ, причем способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! приводят в действие насос для прокачки объема элюанта из резервуара по трубопроводу для элюанта и через генератор, чтобы создать пробу или дозу элюата в трубопроводе для элюата посредством элюирования внутри генератора, причем каждая проба предназначена для измерения с целью контроля качества, и каждая доза предназначена ...

23-05-2002 дата публикации

Tripod head for medical surveillance and treatment systems with carrier profile and apparatus carriage

Номер: DE0010057556A1

The tripod head (5, 5') is for a tripod for a treatment system for patients and comprises a treatment section (10, 10') with supplies of treatment leads (100) and a carrier system (13, 13', 14, 14', 16: 19, 120) adapted to the treatment section for carrying of apparatus. The carrier system can be adjusted in its position about the treatment section. The carrier system may have at least one carrier element (13, 13', 14, 14': 19) that lies vertical to the treatment section and is also slidable about the treatment section. The treatment section may be built as a housing with longitudinally-running grooves, on both its upper and lower sides, in which the carrier element can slide. The treatment section may have an upper profile (21) that is connected to a lower profile (45) and which has, between it, a channel-shaped space for receiving treatment leads.

14-12-2000 дата публикации

Prophylaxe - Cart für Arztpraxen

Номер: DE0020011786U1

14-07-2014 дата публикации

Transportwagen für medizinische Geräte

Номер: DE202014101770U1

Transportwagen-Vorrichtung (100) zum Transport medizinischer Geräte, mit einem auf Rädern (110) gelagerten Basisgestell (120) mit einer Ablageverstrebung (130) zur Ablage medizinischer Geräte sowie mit zwei vertikalen Stützstreben (140), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an den Stützstreben (140) ein horizontal ausgerichteter, expandierbarer Lateralholm (150) angebracht ist, im Bereich dessen sich gegenüberstehender Stirnflächen jeweils ein starrer U-förmig gebogener Aufnahmeschenkel (160) mit einer Höhlung vorgegebener Breite zur Aufnahme einer vertikalen Strebe ausgebildet ist.

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Wagen und Träger

Номер: DE0060215407D1

03-02-2016 дата публикации

Modular trolley

Номер: GB0002497582B

19-02-2020 дата публикации

A medical dispensing cart

Номер: GB0002564672B
Автор: RYAN FLYNN, Ryan Flynn
Принадлежит: RDP GROUP UK LTD, RDP Group (UK) Limited

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000543758T

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Mobile trolley, preferably mobile visitenwagen

Номер: AT0000015326U1

Bei einem mobilen Rollwagen (1), vorzugsweise mobilen Visitenwagen, mit wenigstens einer Recheneinrichtung (6), wenigstens einem mit der Recheneinrichtung (6) verbundenen Monitor (7) und/oder wenigstens einer Eingabeeinrichtung (9, 10), einer Energie- bzw. Stromversorgung und vorzugsweise wenigstens einer aus einem Rollwagengehäuse ausziehbaren Schublade (16) oder ähnlichen Zusatzeinrichtung ist vorgesehen, dass die Stromversorgung von wenigstens einem wechselbaren Akkumulator (4) gebildet ist, wodurch ein mobiler Rollwagen bzw. Visitenwagen (1) zur Verfügung gestellt wird, welcher bei entsprechend einfachem und leichterem Aufbau im Wesentlichen ohne Unterbrechung des Betriebs der Recheneinrichtung (6) für einen Ladevorgang des Akkumulators (4) eingesetzt werden kann.

15-07-2017 дата публикации

Mobile trolley, preferably mobile visitenwagen

Номер: AT0000015326U8

Bei einem mobilen Rollwagen (1), vorzugsweise mobilen Visitenwagen, mit wenigstens einer Recheneinrichtung (6), wenigstens einem mit der Recheneinrichtung (6) verbundenen Monitor (7) und/oder wenigstens einer Eingabeeinrichtung (9, 10), einer Energie- bzw. Stromversorgung und vorzugsweise wenigstens einer aus einem Rollwagengehäuse ausziehbaren Schublade (16) oder ähnlichen Zusatzeinrichtung ist vorgesehen, dass die Stromversorgung von wenigstens einem wechselbaren Akkumulator (4) gebildet ist, wodurch ein mobiler Rollwagen bzw. Visitenwagen (1) zur Verfügung gestellt wird, welcher bei entsprechend einfachem und leichterem Aufbau im Wesentlichen ohne Unterbrechung des Betriebs der Recheneinrichtung (6) für einen Ladevorgang des Akkumulators (4) eingesetzt werden kann.

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328564T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000252879T

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Cabinet structure configurations for infusion systems

Номер: AU2009257435B2

A cabinet structure for an infusion system includes a platform, on which the system is mounted, and a shell surrounding an interior space, which contains at least a portion of the system. The shell preferably includes an opening that is sized and oriented to allow a lowering of a radioisotope generator, for the system, into the interior space, and a lifting of the generator out from the interior space. The shell may further include another opening, located at a higher elevation than the aforementioned opening, in order to provide access to a waste bottle of the infusion system.

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Portable Cart for Containing Medical Waste

Номер: AU2009260433B2

A solid medical waste collection system for collecting solid medical waste. The system comprise a mobile cart with a bag for storing the waste. A pre-detection apparatus detects metal-containing objects prior to placing them inside the bag to reduce costs to the facility in which the cart is employed. The system may also include a bag-tensioning mechanism for securing the bag to the cart.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Dispensing cabinet with articulating arm

Номер: AU2012250821B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Embodiments of the invention provide methods, systems, and apparatus related to a dispensing device having an adjustable user interface. According to one embodiment, a dispensing device may include a cabinet having one or more compartments for dispensing health care supplies to one or more patients. The dispensing device may also include a control system that provides various operational functions related to dispensing the health care supplies. A user interface may be communicatively coupled with the control system and may be configured to receive input from a user and provide output to the user. An articulating arm assembly may couple the user interface with the cabinet to provide the user interface with one or more translational degrees of freedom and one or more rotational degrees of freedom relative to the cabinet.

17-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002462567A1

A combination (10, 110, 210, 310) comprises a patient-support device (12) and one or more carts (14, 114, 214, 314) that dock to the patient-support device (12). Some of the disclosed carts (14, 114, 214, 314) that dock to the patient- support device (12) have pivotable storage bins (50, 150, 250, 350). Some of the disclosed carts (14, 114, 214, 314) have equipment-carrying surfaces (54, 154, 254, 354). Some of the disclosed carts (14, 114, 214, 314) have work surfaces or trays (52, 152, 352) that move between storage and use positions. One of the disclosed carts (314) has a storage module (330) that transfers from a frame (316) of the cart (314) to a base (18) of the patient-support device (12).

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Тележка с контейнерами для хранения и транспортировки эндоскопов

Номер: RU0000175882U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинскому оборудованию и направлена на повышение прочности и снижение веса конструкции тележки, предназначенной для размещения и транспортировки контейнеров с эндоскопами, при обеспечении удобства эксплуатации и повышении стерильности. Тележка с контейнерами для хранения и транспортировки эндоскопов содержит каркас, который выполнен сборным из труб и включает две боковые П-образные рамы с вертикальными стойками и верхней горизонтальной перекладиной, к вертикальным стойкам которых с их внутренней стороны на разных уровнях по высоте прикреплены посредством резьбовых соединений с использованием фигурных проставок-ложементов стыковочными отгибами, загнутыми вниз по радиусу, несколько пар оппозитно расположенных горизонтальных стяжек с образованием направляющих полозьев для контейнеров, причем верхняя пара горизонтальных стяжек-направляющих полозьев прикреплена к вертикальным стойкам боковых П-образных рам ниже уровня верхних горизонтальных перекладин-ручек. Кроме того, края боковых стенок корпуса и крышки контейнеров для хранения эндоскопов по периметру выполнены с загнутыми вниз кромками для установки и фиксации на горизонтальных стяжках-направляющих полозьев, при этом внутренняя длина края боковых стенок корпуса контейнеров между загнутыми кромками «Lк» в направлении установки между вертикальными стойками боковых П-образных рам меньше длины «L» горизонтальных стяжек - направляющих полозьев со стыковочными отгибами, но больше длины «Lпр» прямолинейной части горизонтальных стяжек-направляющих полозьев без стыковочных отгибов. Ц 1 175882 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК А6!С 12000 (2006.0Т) х хо < $ <“ ЗАЗ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК Аб1!С 12001 (201/05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017103245, 01.02.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Сизиков Владимир Петрович (КП) (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.02.2017 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Дата регистрации: Сизиков ...

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Medicine collecting system and cart

Номер: US20120271454A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A medicine collecting system ( 11 ) includes a cart ( 14 ) having a plurality of housing units ( 23 ) that each house a tray ( 12 ), and a dispenser ( 13 ) that dispenses a first medicine to the tray housed in each housing unit of the cart ( 14 ) according to prescription information that indicates the type of a medicine to be dispensed to each tray and the number of the medicines and is set for each tray. A memory unit ( 28 ) of the system ( 11 ) stores, for each tray, the prescription information with housing unit identification information that identifies the housing unit housing the tray to which the first medicine is dispensed by the dispenser ( 13 ), in association with one another. The system ( 11 ) includes a medicine rack processing unit ( 33 ) that identifies the prescription information containing information on a second medicine to be supplied to each tray after dispensing of the first medicine and determines the housing unit identification information corresponding to the identified prescription information, and an LED ( 26 ) that presents information that identifies the housing unit ( 23 ) indicated by the housing unit identification information.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Medical waste disposal apparatus

Номер: US20130113171A1
Автор: Bert Pennings, Chris Hart

The present invention relates to a trolley ( 10 ) for a medical waste container ( 12 ) for use in a medical treatment facility such as an operating theatre or other hospital or medical environment. The invention also relates to a cart ( 100 ) for transporting a collection of the medical waste containers ( 12 ) throughout the medical treatment facility.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Payload Aware Medical Cart, System and Method

Номер: US20130248598A1
Автор: Pourya Dehnadi
Принадлежит: Individual

A payload aware medical cart, system and method utilizes a computer system to take inventory of the medical products stored in the medical cart. Each medical product carries an ID tag that provides a unique identifier when queried by an ID sensor, and the medical cart detects the contents of each compartment by reading the ID tags of the products placed in that compartment thereby producing an inventory enumerating all products and the quantity of each product per compartment.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Mobile Dental Intelligence Center

Номер: US20170000677A1
Автор: Prince KevinTyrone

The Mobile Dental Intelligence Center (MobiDIC) will roll up alongside the patient's Bedside or Chairside where Oral Hygiene can be performed by the patient's Caregiver, with no need to have a sink or basin in the area. Using the MobiDIC the Caregiver will be able to brush the patient's teeth, rinse and suction the patient's mouth at the Bedside or Chairside; also the Caregiver will monitor the patients Vital Signs. The unit's unique cylindrical design makes it easy for the Caregiver to wipe clean and disinfect the unit. The air, water, suction and power supply hoses are internal to the unit reducing cord entanglement and trip hazards. The MobiDIC allows the Caregiver the ability to easily connect various medical monitoring devices including Intra and Extra Oral Cameras capturing images of the patient's mouth inside and the patient's general appearance. All MobiDIC innovations will facilitate assessing the patient's current general health. 1. The Mobile Dental Intelligence Center (MobiDIC) invention comprising of:a. a 360 degree rotating extendable wheel;b. broad wheel base enhancing unit stability;c. long-life rechargeable electrical power supply (such as a Rechargeable Battery);d. rechargeable power supply storage compartment;e. various unit compartments;f. retractable power cord;g. supply storage compartment at wheel base;h. unit height adjustment lever;i. clean water reservoir;j. self-cleaning dirty water reservoir;k. supply lines/hoses;l. suction pump;m. air compressor;n. water pump;o. unit control module (mother board);p. unit control module compartment;q. unit supply platform with USB ports and other connections for linkage of external delivery and health monitoring devices to the MobiDIC Unit;r. fold down handle with grip;s. dual solar panels on opposite sides of the unit;t. inter-unit supply line/hose chamber;u. Intra/Extra-Oral camera;v. electric toothbrush;w. attachable computer monitor;x. PC or tablet compatibility;y. Wi-Fi capability;z. blue-tooth ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008360A1

The present invention relates to systems and methods for remotely monitoring the health of a patient in a real-time, continuous manner, remotely deliver therapeutic medications to the patient, and facilitating communication between the patient and a remotely located patient care provider. 1. A mobile patient communication and medication delivery system to monitor health of a patient , deliver medication to the patient , and facilitate communication between the patient and a remotely located patient care provider , comprising:a mobile cart including at least one storage location for supporting patient monitoring devices, the patient monitoring devices including:a computing device supported by the mobile cart and including at least one processor, non-transitory processor-readable media, and one or more respective data communication subsystems that are each configured to communicate via at least one respective data communication protocol, wherein a first of the data communication subsystems provides for network data communications with at least one computing device that is located remotely from the mobile cart, and a second of the data communication subsystems provides for data communications for patient monitoring devices supported by the mobile cart;a mobile telecommunications modem and a router that is configured to establish a secure VPN channel automatically upon receiving power;at least one media input device including at least one of a camera and a microphone, the at least one media input device being operatively connected to the at least one processor via at least one of the data communication systems;a first media output device supported by the mobile cart and operatively connected to the at least one processor via at least one of the data communication systems, the first media output device including at least one display and at least one audio speaker, and configured to provide at least one of audio and visual content received via the first data communication ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008497A1

The exemplary embodiments herein provide a medical cart having a drawer with a post which extends upwardly from a bottom surface of the drawer. The cart further includes a removable medication delivery module having four sidewalls and a bottom wall as well as a plurality of individually-lockable bins placed above the bottom wall and within the four sidewalls. A lock may be positioned above the bottom wall and below the plurality of individually-lockable bins with an aperture on the lock which engages with the post and a hole in the bottom wall sized to accept the post. 1. A medical cart comprising:a drawer having a post which extends upwardly from a bottom surface of the drawer; and four sidewalls and a bottom wall;', 'a plurality of individually-lockable bins placed above the bottom wall and within the four sidewalls;', 'a lock positioned above the bottom wall and below the plurality of individually-lockable bins;', 'an aperture on the lock which engages with the post; and', 'a hole in the bottom wall sized to accept the post., 'a removable medication delivery module having'}2. The medical cart of further comprising:a printed circuit board (PCB) placed between the lock and the plurality of bins.3. The medical cart of further comprising:a battery placed between a bin and one of the four sidewalls and in electrical communication with the PCB.4. The medical cart of wherein:the four sidewalls of the removable medication delivery module are sized to fit within the drawer.5. The medical cart of wherein: a first shaft of diameter D1 extending from the bottom surface of the drawer;', 'a second shaft of diameter D2 extending upwardly from the first shaft; and', 'a tip which extends upwardly from the second shaft., 'the post comprises'}6. The medical cart of wherein:diameter D1>diameter D2.7. The medical cart of wherein:the tip has a conical shape.8. The medical cart of wherein:the lock engages with the second shaft of the post and is located below the tip when engaged.9. A ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008498A1

The exemplary embodiments herein provide a method for controlling access to medications. The method preferably includes the step of electronically unlocking a lid for a single bin out of a plurality of bins within a delivery module at a first location, to accept a medication into the unlocked bin, where the rest of the bins in the same delivery module remain locked. The method should then engage a mechanical lock on the lid once it has been closed, maintain the bin in a locked state during transport to a second location, and engage a mechanical lock on the delivery module once it has been lowered into a drawer at the second location. 1. A method for controlling access to medications comprising the steps of:electronically unlocking a lid for a single bin out of a plurality of bins within a delivery module at a first location, to accept a medication into the unlocked bin, where the rest of the bins in the same delivery module remain locked;engaging a mechanical lock on the lid once it has been closed;maintaining the bin in a locked state during transport to a second location; andengaging a mechanical lock on the delivery module once it has been lowered into a drawer at the second location.2. The method of wherein:the step of maintaining the bin in a locked state during transport to a second location is performed even if there is no electrical power within the delivery module.3. The method of further comprising the step of:transmitting power wirelessly from the cart to a battery in the delivery module4. The method of further comprising the steps of:accepting patient name data;electronically identifying the bin which contains medication for said patient; anddirecting light into the bin which contains said medication.5. The method of further comprising the steps of:electronically unlocking a lid for a waste bin for accepting medication waste;engaging a mechanical lock on the lid of the waste bin once it has been closed;electronically unlocking the delivery module ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022526A1

A mobile cart includes a cabinet, wheels, drawers and an illumining unit. The wheels are disposed on a bottom of the cabinet. The drawers are disposed in the cabinet and configured to be pulled out of the cabinet. The drawers includes compartment drawers. The illumining unit is disposed on a top of the cabinet and includes a compartment drawer illumining module, wherein the compartment drawer illumining module is configured to illumine any one of the compartment drawers being pulled out of the cabinet. 1. A medical cart , comprising:a cabinet;a plurality of wheels disposed on a bottom of the cabinet;a plurality of drawers disposed in the cabinet and configured to be pulled out of the cabinet, wherein the drawers comprise a keyboard tray and a plurality of compartment drawers, and the compartment drawers are located below the keyboard tray for accommodating a plurality of pill boxes;a keyboard tray illumining module disposed on the cabinet and configured to illumine the keyboard tray pulled out of the cabinet, wherein an effective illumining range of the keyboard tray illumining module is located in the surrounding of the keyboard tray being pulled out of the cabinet; anda sensing unit disposed on the cabinet for sensing whether the keyboard tray is pulled out of the cabinet or not, wherein the sensing result of the sensing unit is a basis for switching on the keyboard tray illumining module or not, and when the sensing unit senses the keyboard tray being pulled out of the cabinet, the keyboard tray illumining module is switched on to illumine the keyboard tray being pulled out of the cabinet.2. The medical cart as claimed in claim 1 , wherein once a pulled-out length of the keyboard tray from the cabinet reaches one third of a total length of the keyboard tray claim 1 , the keyboard tray illumining module is switched on claim 1 , and directions of the pulled-out length and the total length are parallel to a pull direction of the drawers.3. The medical cart as ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Medications or Anesthesia Cart or Cabinet with Facial Recognition and Thermal Imaging

Номер: US20200019681A1
Принадлежит: S & S X-Ray Products, Inc.

A cabinet or cart has at least one limited-access drawer or compartment and employs facial recognition (FR) to permit an authorized user to access the limited-access drawer or compartment. A visible light image of the user and a thermal image of the user are taken simultaneously or nearly simultaneously, with the thermal image serving to confirm the validity of the FR and authenticate the user's identity. 1. A medications or anesthesia cart or cabinet comprising:a cabinet;a computer control arrangement mounted on or in said cabinet and including a computer processor;at least one locking compartment in said cabinet including an electro-mechanical lock coupled to said computer processor;a first camera on said cabinet oriented to obtain an image of a user of said cart and adapted for providing a visible light image of said user to said computer processor;a second camera on said cart oriented to obtain a thermal image of said user of said cart and adapted for providing said thermal image to said computer processor;means on or in said cabinet to receive a user command to commence opening said at least one locking compartment;said computer processor being further operative to compare data in said visible image and data in said thermal image sufficient to ensure that both images represent the face of an authorized user, and permitting said electromagnetic lock to unlock said at least one locking compartment when the visible images and thermal images represent the face of a given authorized user, but operative to block the at least one locking compartment from opening when the visible and thermal images do not both represent the face of said authorized user.2. The medications or anesthesia cart according to claim 1 , whereinwherein said computer processor includes a memory containing image information corresponding to a plurality of authorized users, and is operative to unlock said at least one locking compartment when said visible and thermal images match the image ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Accessory Cart

Номер: US20180020826A1
Принадлежит: Humanscale Corp

In the specification and drawings an accessory cart is described and shown with a base, a housing element that is connected to the base and extends upward from the base, and a platform, which is connected to the housing element with the height of the platform being automatically adjustable.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021198A1

Apparatus for use in isolating a subject, the apparatus including a frame movable between collapsed and erected configurations, a body supported by the frame, wherein in the erected configuration, the body defines an internal volume for containing a subject to thereby substantially isolate the subject from a surrounding environment and a door actuator supported by the frame for moving a door between open and closed positions to thereby provide access to the internal volume. 170-. (canceled)71) A method of erecting apparatus for use in isolating a subject , the method including:a) providing the apparatus adjacent a bed;b) extending a collapsible frame in a first direction perpendicular to a length of the bed; and,c) extending the collapsible frame in a second direction parallel to the length of the bed so that a body supported by the frame defines an internal volume for containing a subject to thereby substantially isolate the subject from a surrounding environment.72) A method according to claim 71 , wherein the frame includes:a) a number of upright legs; and,b) a number of lateral connecting members interconnecting the legs and wherein the connecting members include scissor arms movable between retracted and extended positions, the scissor arms on adjacent sides of the frame being independent, and wherein the method includes extending the frame in the first direction and then subsequently extending the frame in the second direction.73) A method according to claim 72 , wherein the method includesa) extending the collapsible frame in the first direction so that legs are provided on either side of the bed; and,b) extending the collapsible frame in the second direction so that the frame is wheeled over the bed with the legs straddling the bed.74) A method according to claim 71 , wherein the method includes selectively locking wheels of the frame to hold the frame in position during frame extension.75) A method according to claim 71 , wherein the method includes ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

System And Method For Collecting Medical Waste That Monitors The Waste For Objects That May Have Been Inadvertently Discarded

Номер: US20220051544A1

A mobile cart that holds a bag for receiving solid waste generated during a medical or surgical procedure. The cart includes a sensor that monitors whether or not an object containing metal is placed in the bag. A processor monitors the signal output by the sensor. If the sensor signal indicates that an object with a minimal amount of metal is placed in the bag, the processor momentarily asserts an audible alarm and continuously asserts a light alarm. The light alarm remains asserted until turned off. If, while the light alarm is on, the sensor signal indicates a second object with the minimal amount of waste is placed in the container, the processor again momentarily asserts the audible alarm. This provides notice that it may be necessary to investigate the contents of the bag to determine if not one but two or more objects were inadvertently discarded. 1. A portable cart for containing medical waste , the cart including:a mobile base;a frame attached to the base that is located above the base, the frame having an outer surface and opening;a sensor mounted to the frame that detects if metal is passed through the frame opening and asserts a sensor signal when metal is passed through the frame opening; anda bag removably mounted to the frame;lights connected to the base or frame;an audible alarm connected to the base or frame; and actuate the audible alarm for a defined period of time; and', 'actuate the lights until a user-generated command is received and, upon receipt of the user-generated command, negate the actuation of the lights., 'a processor that receives the sensors signal and when the sensor signal indicates that metal is passed through the frame opening, said processor is configured to2. The portable cart of claim 1 , wherein:the sensor generates a sensor signal that varies as a function of the amount of metal passed through the frame opening; andsaid processor is further configured to: receive a user-entered threshold signal; and to actuate the audible ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037485A1

One aspect of the present disclosure can include a system for dispensing purified and sterilized fluid and/or solution. The delivery system can include a fluid reservoir, a sterilization and/or purification mechanism, a solution production mechanism, a dispensing mechanism, and a controller. The system can dispense the purified and sterilized fluid and/or solution on-demand. 2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a solution production mechanism in fluid communication with the sterilization and/or purification mechanism and the dispensing mechanism, the solution production mechanism being configured to optionally mix a solute with the sterilized and/or purified fluid to produce a solution:wherein the dispensing mechanism is configured to dispense the fluid and/or the solution;wherein the controller is associated with the sterilization and/or purification mechanism; andwherein immediately after a request is made, the system is configured to deliver the sterile and/or purified fluid and/or solution at a rate of at least 1 L/minute.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sterilization and/or purification mechanism includes at least one filter claim 1 , at least one electrical deionization module claim 1 , and at least one ultra-violet module.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the sterilization and/or purification mechanism further includes at least one mixed bed resin tank.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature regulating mechanism in fluid communication with the sterilization and/or purification mechanism.6. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a temperature regulating mechanism in fluid communication with the solution production mechanism.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the solution production mechanism includes a multiple-bore solute cartridge carrier claim 1 , at least one mix tank claim 1 , and at least one solution reservoir tank.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dispensing mechanism includes a tubeset connected to the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038271A1

A number of patient beds are disclosed. Some patient beds have siderails that are movable by a patient so that the patient can egress from the bed without interference from the siderails. Various caregiver control panels and patient control panels for controlling features and functions of a patient bed are also disclosed. For example, a cart with caregiver control inputs, including hand inputs on a graphical user interface (GUI) and foot inputs, is disclosed. Patient positioning and transfer devices are also disclosed. Various types of in-bed physical therapy devices are also disclosed. 120.-. (canceled)21. A patient bed comprisinga frame configured to support a patient, the frame having a head end and a foot end,a footboard extending upwardly relative to the frame adjacent the foot end of the frame, anda therapy apparatus coupled to the footboard and movable relative to the footboard between a storage position and a use position, the therapy apparatus remaining coupled to the footboard when in the storage position and when in use position, and the therapy apparatus being configured to be used by the patient for physical therapy when in the use position.22. The patient bed of claim 21 , wherein the therapy apparatus is configured to be engaged by feet of the patient when in the use position.23. The patient bed of claim 21 , wherein the therapy apparatus is configured to provide therapy to legs of the patient when in use.24. The patient bed of claim 21 , wherein the therapy apparatus comprises a pedal mechanism.25. The patient bed of claim 24 , wherein the pedal mechanism includes a pair of pedals.26. The patient bed of claim 25 , wherein the pedal mechanism includes a support arm assembly that supports the pair of pedals.27. The patient bed of claim 26 , wherein the pair of pedals includes a first pedal supported adjacent a first side of the support arm assembly and a second pedal supported adjacent a second side of the support arm assembly.28. The patient bed of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Portable Rehabilitation Apparatus

Номер: US20210053222A1
Принадлежит: Bionik, Inc.

Disclosed is a portable rehabilitation apparatus and method for use of the apparatus by a user or patient. The apparatus is adapted for transitioning between a collapsed state to facilitate the mobility of the rehabilitation robot (e.g., using wheels) and an open state for operation of the rehabilitation robot by the user. The apparatus includes the rehabilitation robot that is contained within a compartment defined by a housing which is made up of moveable portions. The apparatus also includes a mast assembly adapted to form a gap between the moveable housing portions in order to provide the user with access to the rehabilitation robot. The mast assembly is further adapted to collapse, thereby eliminating the gap and closing off the compartment when the rehabilitation robot is not in use. 1. A mobile rehabilitation apparatus for providing therapy to a user , the apparatus comprising:a base having one or more wheels;a mast assembly, projecting from the base, comprising a lower mast portion and an upper mast portion moveable relative to the lower mast portion, between a raised position and a collapsed position;a rehabilitation robot;a linkage associated with the upper mast portion and adapted for mounting the rehabilitation robot;a housing including a lower housing portion supported by the base and an upper housing portion supported by the upper mast portion, the lower housing portion having a compartment defined therein sized to accommodate the rehabilitation robot and the linkage when the robot is not in use; the upper housing portion being moveable relative to the lower housing portion between a stowage position wherein the upper housing portion rests proximate to the lower housing portion, and a deployment position wherein the upper housing portion is spaced apart from the lower housing portion; when the upper mast portion is in the raised position, the upper housing portion occupies the deployment position thereby forming a gap between the upper housing portion ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071827A1

Systems and methods for providing data continuity for a mobile medical cart are provided. A battery board comprising a voltage detection circuit (“VCD”), a microcontroller, and a switching device electrically interposed between an alternative power source, a removable battery, and system boards for controlling cart functions. The microcontroller commands the switching device to: begin sourcing power solely from the alternative power source upon detection of a voltage decrease, begin sourcing power solely from the removable battery upon detection of a voltage increase where a valid charge state exists, and continue sourcing power solely from the alternative power source upon detection of the voltage increase where no valid charge state exists. 1. A mobile medical cart providing data continuity , said mobile medical cart comprising:a wheeled base;a body extending from said wheeled base;a display mounted to an upper portion of said body;a number of system boards, each configured to control a function of said mobile medical cart;a work platform mounted to said body between said display and said wheeled base and comprising a controller in electrical communication with said number of system boards for receiving user input to control said functions of said mobile medical cart;a holder mounted to the body and configured to receive a removeable battery comprising a terminal;a connector located at the holder and positioned to receive the terminal when said removeable battery is positioned within the holder;an alternative power source; and{'claim-text': ['command said switching device to begin sourcing power solely from said alternative power source upon detection of a voltage decrease at said voltage detection circuit;', 'command said switching device to begin sourcing power solely from said removable battery upon detection of a voltage increase at said voltage detection circuit and a determination that a valid charge state exist; and', 'command said switching device to ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Instrument image reliability systems and methods

Номер: US20210059765A1
Автор: Menglong YE
Принадлежит: Auris Health Inc

Described herein are systems and methods related to image management. A system may include an instrument that includes an elongate body and an imaging device. The elongate body can be configured to be inserted into a luminal network. The imaging device may be positioned at a distal tip of the elongate body. The system may receive from the imaging device one or more images captured when the elongate body is within the luminal network. For each of the images, the system may determine one or more metrics that are indicative of a reliability of an image for localization of the distal tip of the elongate body within the luminal network. The system may determine a reliability threshold value for each of the one or more metrics. The system can utilize the one or more images based on whether the one or more metrics meet corresponding reliability threshold values.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062414A1

A mobile medication workstation comprises a platform module and a battery module. The battery module is disposed on the platform module. The platform module has an article placing platform and an accommodating portion. The platform has an article containing area. The accommodating portion is used to accommodate a storage box. The mobile medication workstation comprises a first wireless charging module and a second wireless charging module. The first wireless charging module is electrically connected to the battery module and is close to the placing goods area. The second wireless charging module is electrically connected to the battery module and is close to the storage box. When a handheld device is placed in the article containing area, the first wireless charging module supplies power to the handheld device, and when the storage box is placed in the accommodating portion, the second wireless charging module supplies power to the storage box. 1. A mobile medication workstation , comprising: a platform module and a battery module , wherein the battery module is disposed on the platform module , the platform module comprises an article placing platform and an accommodating portion , the platform has an article containing area , and the accommodating portion is used to accommodate a storage box , and the mobile medication workstation further comprising:a first wireless charging module electrically connected to the battery module and positioned close to the article containing area; anda second wireless charging module electrically connected to the battery module and positioned close to the storage box;wherein when a handheld device is placed in the article containing area, the first wireless charging module supplies power to the handheld device; andwhen the storage box is placed in the accommodating portion, the second wireless charging module supplies power to the storage box.2. The mobile medication workstation according to claim 1 , wherein the first wireless ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Item dispensing apparatus

Номер: US20180065652A1
Принадлежит: Innovative Product Achievements LLC

Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to a dispenser configured for securely storing a plurality of items within a cart and providing access to a subset of the plurality of items to authorized users. According to various embodiments, the dispenser generally includes a housing defining an interior portion dimensioned to receive a storage cart having an array of receptacles each configured to hold one or more items, a laterally sliding access door configured to provide restricted access to the cart stored within the dispenser, and an item access mechanism configured to provide selective access to a subset of the plurality of items stored within the cart. The dispenser additionally comprises a cart guide mechanism and a cart locking mechanism configured to guide the cart into the housing and to secure the cart in an appropriate location within the housing for use with the item access mechanism.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078174A1

An intelligent medical material supply robot based on Internet of Things and SLAM technology is disclosed, which realizes localization and mapping through a binocular camera and a lidar. A cloud data center schedules the medical material supply robot in real time according to material usage. The material supply robot receives corresponding scheduling information, and according to localization of the robot and map information, dynamically avoids obstacles by using a path planning algorithm to go to a designated floor for materials delivery. 1. An intelligent medical material supply robot based on Internet of Things and SLAM technology , comprising:an environment sensing module provided with a binocular camera and a lidar, wherein the binocular camera acquires image information by real-time shooting, and the lidar obtains map information by sensing spatial information;a data processing module for analyzing the image information captured by the binocular camera, making incremental calculation of position and pose of the robot based on inter-frame information in the image information, and completing judgment on a static obstacle and a dynamic obstacle by analyzing the map information sensed by the lidar;a motion module provided with a Mecanum wheel and a motor, wherein the Mecanum wheel is driven by the motor;a control module provided with a central processing unit for receiving and processing the data acquired by the environment sensing module and a main control board for controlling the motion module; anda cloud data center comprising a cloud server, configured for analyzing material usage at current and previous moments and transmitting the data to the control module.4. The intelligent medical material supply robot of claim 1 , wherein the motion module comprises four Mecanum wheels and four motors corresponding to the Mecanum wheels one by one claim 1 , and the Mecanum wheels are driven by the motors to move in any direction on a horizontal plane under the control ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160081869A1
Автор: Hart Chris, Pennings Bert

A trolley () for a medical waste container () is provided for use in a medical treatment facility such as an operating theatre or other hospital or medical environment. A cart () is provided for transporting a collection of medical waste containers () throughout a medical treatment facility. 1. A cart for collecting several filled , locked and sealed recyclable medical waste containers for transfer to a central despatch location within the medical treatment facility and for re-distributing returned sterilised empty recyclable medical waste containers to locations within the medical treatment facility , the cart including a rack having a plurality of generally horizontal rails wherein each rail includes retainers for retaining several of the medical waste containers on the rack , wherein the retainers are such that the several medical waste containers are maintained separated from each other.2. A cart as claimed in wherein the retainers are hooks.3. A cart as claimed in wherein the rack is removably attached to the cart for use independently of the cart.4. A cart according to claim 1 , the containers each having a receptacle for receiving medical waste and a lid for sealing the receptacle claim 1 , the lid being pivotable between an open position and a closed position claim 1 , the lid and receptacle being shaped so that an undersurface portion of the lid is accessible when the lid is in the closed position.5. A cart according to claim 4 , wherein the accessible undersurface portion of the lid is adapted to be engaged by an engaging portion of a trolley or the cart claim 4 , the accessible undersurface portion being located on a side of the container.6. A cart according to claim 4 , the cart comprising:a member for each container and having a lid engaging portion, the member being operable so that the lid engaging portion engages the undersurface portion of the lid of a respective container and pivots the lid from the closed position to the open position,wherein the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085267A1
Автор: Kostic Marko N.

A person support apparatus includes a support adapted to support thereon an occupant of the person support apparatus and a sensor configured to detect an ambient air characteristic. The sensor generates an output signal based on the detected characteristic and communicates the output signal to a controller. The controller is configured to receive the output signal from the sensor and determine a usability status of the person support apparatus. The usability status may include an indication that the person support apparatus is ready for use by an occupant, whether a potential hazard exists for an occupant of the person support apparatus, a cleaning status of the person support apparatus, or a location of the person support apparatus. 1. A person support apparatus comprising:a support adapted to support thereon an occupant of the person support apparatus;a sensor configured to detect an ambient air characteristic and generate an output signal based on the detected characteristic; anda controller configured to receive the output signal from the sensor and determine a usability status of the person support apparatus based on the output signal.2. The person support apparatus of wherein the usability status indicates whether the person support apparatus is ready for use by an occupant.3. The person support apparatus of wherein the usability status indicates a cleaning status of the person support apparatus.4. The person support apparatus of wherein the cleaning status indicates if the person support apparatus has been cleaned or not cleaned.5. The person support apparatus of wherein the cleaning status indicates if the person support apparatus has been sufficiently cleaned claim 3 , insufficiently cleaned claim 3 , or not cleaned.6. The person support apparatus of wherein the sensor is adapted to detect volatile organic compounds associated with a cleaning agent used to clean the person support apparatus.7. The person support apparatus of wherein the sensor is further ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220133571A1
Автор: ROSS Graham

A transport device configured to transport an IV product or medication from one location to another in automated fashion. The transport device may comprise a chassis with one or more ports for IV products. A drive mechanism is configured to move the transport device, and instructions for execution can be provided by a controller. Information may be provided to the controller about an IV product, such as its intended destination or use. The controller may also exchange information with a delivery location or device, such as an infusion pump, to verify that the IV product is delivered to the proper destination. The transport device may include a delivery mechanism for off-loading an IV product. The transport device may deliver IV products of various configurations, including configurations in which the product comprises a flexible bag and a container housing for supporting and protecting the fluid bag.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Medical Trolley Cart

Номер: US20160095779A1

A medical trolley cart having a main housing with an interior chamber. The main housing has front, back, first side, second side, top and bottom panels. A front door on the front of said main housing provides accessing an interior chamber, which may have a plurality of sliding shelves. A rear door on the rear of said main housing provides access to a rear portion of the interior chamber or to a second chamber within the cart. The rear door has a hinge around which the door is opened and a latch for holding the rear door in a closed position. The rear door opens to a maximum point at which the rear door forms an angle of 15-40 degrees with the main housing. 1. A medical trolley cart comprising:a main housing having an interior chamber, said housing having a front, back, first side, second side, top and bottom, said top of said housing being angled from front to back by 10-30 degrees;a front door on the front of said main housing for accessing said interior chamber; anda rear door on the rear of said main housing for accessing a rear portion of said interior chamber, said rear door having a hinge around which the door is opened, a latch for holding the rear door in a closed position, and a stop means for limiting said rear door to opening to a maximum point at which the rear door forms an angle of 15-40 degrees with the main housing.2. A medical trolley cart according to wherein said rear door opens to a maximum angle of 30 degrees.4. A medical trolley according to further comprising a cable winder connected to said bottom of said main housing.5. A medical trolley according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of locking wheels connecting to the bottom of said main housing.6. A medical trolley cart according to further comprising a vertical post connected to said main housing.7. A medical trolley cart according to claim 6 , further comprising:a slidable connecting hinge mounted on said vertical post; anda support arm connected to said slidable connecting hinge. ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Accessory Cart

Номер: US20190090631A1

In the specification and drawings an accessory cart is described and shown with a base, a housing element that is connected to the base and extends upward from the base, and a platform, which is connected to the housing element with the height of the platform being automatically adjustable. 2. The accessory cart of further comprises a series of access cards claim 1 , each access card readable by the input device claim 1 , where each access card has stored thereon one of said user identifiers.3. The accessory cart of wherein said access cards are wirelessly readable by said input device.4. The accessory cart of where said user identifier comprises a user height.5. The accessory cart of when said electronic access card is storable in a cellular phone.6. The accessory cart of wherein said user's height comprises a user's seated height.7. The accessory cart of wherein said accessory cart further comprises a computer input device platform slidably coupled to the work surface.8. The accessory cart of wherein said accessory cart further comprises a computer monitor adjustably coupled to the work surface.10. The accessory cart of wherein said accessory cart further comprises a database claim 9 , said database containing a list of user heights and the associated height of the housing element.11. The accessory cart of wherein said accessory cart further comprises a database claim 9 , said database containing a list of user identifiers and the associated user height.12. The accessory cart of wherein said input device comprises a computer keyboard claim 9 , positioned at a negative angle with respect to the work platform.13. The accessory cart of wherein said input device further comprises a computer control panel positioned on the worksurface.14. The accessory cart of wherein said computer control panel further comprises a touch screen.15. The accessory cart of wherein said computer database is in wireless communication with said processor.16. The accessory cart of wherein ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Cabinet structure configurations for infusion systems

Номер: US20140175959A1
Принадлежит: Bracco Diagnostics Inc

A cabinet structure for an infusion system includes a platform, on which the system is mounted, and a shell surrounding an interior space, which contains at least a portion of the system. The shell preferably includes an opening that is sized and oriented to allow a lowering of a radioisotope generator, for the system, into the interior space, and a lifting of the generator out from the interior space. The shell may further include another opening, located at a higher elevation than the aforementioned opening, in order to provide access to a waste bottle of the infusion system.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Outflow collection vessels, systems, and components thereof for hysteroscopic surgical procedures

Номер: US20210100709A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A collection system for collecting outflow from a hysteroscopic surgical procedure includes a plurality of collection vessels each including a flexible body defining an internal volume and transitionable between a collapsed configuration and an expanded configuration. The collection system further includes connection tubing coupling adjacent collection vessels with one another, outflow tubing coupled to at least one of the collection vessels, and a plurality of retention canisters. Each retention canister includes a rigid body. Each collection vessel is configured to engage a corresponding retention canister such that each rigid body at least partially receives one of the flexible bodies therein.

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Anesthesia Cart with Keyless Entry and Automatic Re-Locking

Номер: US20140184038A1
Автор: Shoenfeld Norman A.
Принадлежит: S&S X-ray Products, Inc.

A controlled access anesthesia cart has at least one drawer or compartment for storing general-use anesthesia items, and at least one drawer or compartment for storing controlled substances, e.g., narcotics. A key card reader on the cart is sensitive to an authorization code to unlock the compartments in the cart for access. The anesthesiologist needs to enter a pass code for access to the controlled substances compartment(s). The compartments then remain unlocked so long as the anesthesiologist remains present. A sonic sensor, e.g., an ultrasonic rangefinder device, communicates with the computer of the cart, and when the anesthesiologist is outside a given beam volume in front of the cart, the cart automatically re-locks the compartments either immediately or after a predetermined short delay period. 1. An anesthesia cart comprisinga cabinet having a base, a front, a rear, and a top;a computer control arrangement mounted on said cabinet and including a computer processor, a data entry device, and a key code reader mounted in the cabinet and being coupled to said computer processor;at least one general use drawer in said cabinet including an electro-mechanical lock coupled to said computer processor;at least one controlled-materials drawer in said cabinet having one or more lockable compartments and having an electro-mechanical lock mechanism for locking and unlocking the one or more lockable compartments; anda sonic presence sensor mounted on said cabinet and capable of detecting presence or absence of a user within a given beam volume and within a predetermined range of said sensor and providing an output signal to said computer processor;said key code reader cooperating with said computer control arrangement to communicate with the electro-mechanical lock mechanism of said general use drawer and to communicate with the electro-mechanical lock mechanism of said one or more lockable compartments, and respond to presence of an anesthesia authorization code to ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105120A1
Принадлежит: Neonatal Product Group, Inc.

A medical cart having a chassis with a plurality of wheels attached thereto; a plurality of drawers supported on the chassis; a temperature-regulated compartment in the chassis; a locking bar pivotally attached to the chassis; a headwall mount attached to the chassis; a display mounted on the chassis; and a positionable task light attached to the chassis. Each drawer includes a drawer lock shiftable between a locked position and an unlocked position. The locking bar is shiftable between a locked position and an unlocked position so that the locking bar serves as a secondary safety lock for all the drawers and the door of the temperature-regulated compartment. 1. A disposable container for collecting , weighing , and disposing medical waste from a medical procedure , the disposable container comprising:an open-topped enclosure with a rigid planar floor that may be placed on a weigh scale; anda flexible, open-topped bag supported within and attached to the enclosure for collecting medical waste to be weighed by the weigh scale.2. The disposable container as set forth in claim 1 , the enclosure further comprising a number of raised walls with lower edges attached to the floor and upper rims that define an open-top.3. The disposable container as set forth in claim 2 , the bag comprising a closed end attached to the floor of the enclosure and an upper end which may be raised above the enclosure and attached to an object on which the weigh scale is supported so the bag shields the object from the medical waste as it is placed in the bag.4. The disposable container as set forth in claim 3 , the bag further comprising a closure mechanism for closing the upper end so as to contain the medical waste in the bag for safe disposal.5. The disposable container as set forth in claim 3 , the bag further comprising an attachment mechanism for attaching the upper end to the object on which the weigh scale is supported.6. The disposable container as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Medical storage cabinet with rfid inventory

Номер: US20140197236A1
Автор: Norman A. Shoenfeld
Принадлежит: S&S X Ray Products Inc

A medication and/or medical supplies storage cabinet of all-steel construction has an RFID transducer or reader with an antenna array (i.e., an antenna or series of antennas) carried on a vertical elevator at the rear of the cabinet's metal shelves and drawers. The metal shelves, sides and back of the cabinet define successive compartments in which RFID-tagged item are stored. The vertical elevator may have a drive motor, e.g., gear-motor controlled by a computer associated with the cabinet. There may be a wall or window of a suitable radiolucent material at the rear of the cabinet to permit the RFID energy to radiate between the RFID antenna array and any RFID-tagged inventory items contained in the respective compartments or drawers.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108850A1
Принадлежит: Corindus, Inc.

A mobile support system for a medical device having an arm with a base includes a body comprising a housing having a top surface, a first end and a second end and a carriage positioned within the housing. The mobile support system further includes a mechanism coupled to the carriage and configured to cause movement of the carriage, a set of wheels coupled to the housing and a support arm coupled to the carriage and extending vertically upward from the top surface of the housing. The support arm is configured to support the arm of the medical device. The mobile support system also includes a mounting block coupled to the carriage proximate to the support arm, the mounting block configured to couple with the base of the arm of the medical device, a first rail detect guide located on the top surface at the second end of the housing and a second rail detect guide located on the top surface at the second end of the housing. The first rail detect guide and the second rail detect guide are configured to unlock the mechanism used to cause movement of the carriage when contact is made between the first rail detect guide and the second rail detect guide and a surface. 1. A mobile support system for a medical device having an arm with a base , the mobile support system comprising:a body comprising a housing having a top surface, a first end and a second end and a carriage positioned within the housing;a mechanism coupled to the carriage and configured to cause movement of the carriage;a set of wheels coupled to the housing;a support arm coupled to the carriage and extending vertically upward from the top surface of the housing, the support arm configured to support the arm of the medical device;a mounting block coupled to the carriage proximate to the support arm, the mounting block configured to couple with the base of the arm of the medical device;a first rail detect guide located on the top surface at the second end of the housing; anda second rail detect guide located on ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170116815A1
Автор: Wagner David J.

A pharmacy medication verification system is particularly useful for verifying medications to be dispensed to hospital patients while minimizing or eliminating verification by a pharmacist. Typically, a technician or robot picks the medications from storage bins in accordance with a medical prescription or stocking order and uses various sensors to ensure that the correct medication was picked and enters a medication container. The system typically provides correct and incorrect medication indicators as well as correct and incorrect entry indicators. Error reports may be generated when appropriate to communicate any relevant errors to the pharmacist, who can then verify that the correct medications are in the container. In one aspect, the containers are in the form of patient drawers which fit within a cart for delivery to hospital rooms. A containment device may be used to secure the drawer of other container during the verification process. 1. A method comprising:positioning a container at a filling position under a wall of a containment device defining the filling position and under an access opening extending from an inner surface of the wall to an outer surface of the wall by moving the container relative to the wall to insert the container into the filling position so that the access opening is above the container in the filling position, wherein the wall carries a cover which is movable relative to the wall between an open position in which medications may pass through the access opening into the container and a closed position in which medications may not pass through the access opening into the container;opening the access opening by moving the cover from the closed position to the open position while the container remains at the filling position;determining whether a first medication is a correct or incorrect medication by reading a first machine readable identifier connected to the first medication with a medication identification sensor mounted adjacent ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Modular monument for transporting an item in a vehicle

Номер: US20160122019A1

The embodiments relate to a modular monument for transporting an item in a vehicle. The modular monument comprises a first transport module with a tongue and a second transport module with a groove. The transport modules are arranged one on top of the other and aligned flush with each other on a lateral surface of the monument with the monument in an assembled state. The tongue and groove engage into each other in the assembled state of the monument in such a way that the transport modules can be shifted relative to each other in a longitudinal direction. The first transport module exhibits a locking element to prevent a relative motion of the two transport modules in the longitudinal direction in the assembled state. The embodiment further relates to an aircraft with a modular monument, as well as to a method for transporting an item in a vehicle.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115098A1

A system and method is described for printing a label with an RFID tag. The system includes an RFID reader that queries a first RFID tag coupled to a first medicinal container that includes a medication. In response, the system receives a first unique identifier and uses the first unique identifier to determine a status of the medication, associate the first medicinal container with a medical provider and print a second label that includes a second RFID tag for a second medicinal container. 13.-. (canceled)4. A system comprising:an RFID reader configured to query an RFID tag of a label coupled to a medicinal container and receive a unique identifier from the RFID tag, wherein the unique identifier uniquely identifies the medicinal container from other medicinal containers, wherein the label comprises a transparent portion including an adhesive, an RFID portion that includes the RFID tag, a first opaque portion comprising an adhesive and a second opaque portion comprising an adhesive, wherein a length of the transparent portion extends along a length of the RFID portion wherein the first opaque portion and the second opaque portion are detachably coupled to the RFID portion; and receive the unique identifier,', 'query a remotely located database for drug data of the drug using the unique identifier,', 'receive drug usage information based on user input,', determine a first expiration date based at least in part on the drug data, wherein the first expiration date corresponds to at least one of an expiration based on a sealed seal, an expiration based on refrigeration, or an expiration based on a vial expiration,', 'determine a second expiration date based at least in part on the drug usage information, wherein the second expiration date corresponds to at least one of an expiration based on based on a broken seal, an expiration based on non-refrigeration, or an expiration based on a syringe expiration, and', 'identify the drug expiration date as the earlier of the ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Hospital bed computer system

Номер: US20190122765A1
Принадлежит: Hill Rom Services Inc

A point-of-care computer system is provided, including a display positioned in a point-of-care location. The point-of-care computer includes hardware coupled to a frame of a hospital bed.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200121409A1
Принадлежит: Neonatal Product Group, Inc.

A medical cart having a chassis with a plurality of wheels attached thereto; a plurality of drawers supported on the chassis; a temperature-regulated compartment in the chassis; a locking bar pivotally attached to the chassis; a headwall mount attached to the chassis; a display mounted on the chassis; and a positionable task light attached to the chassis. Each drawer includes a drawer lock shiftable between a locked position and an unlocked position. The locking bar is shiftable between a locked position and an unlocked position so that the locking bar serves as a secondary safety lock for all the drawers and the door of the temperature-regulated compartment. 1. A medical cart comprising:a frame;a plurality of wheels attached to the frame;a plurality of drawers slidably engaged to the frame;a scale positioned in one of the plurality of drawers and having a display; and a medical procedure, the disposable container comprising:', 'an open-topped enclosure with a rigid planar floor positioned on the weigh scale; and', 'a flexible, open-topped bag supported within and attached to the enclosure for collecting medical waste to be weighed by the weigh scale, the bag including a transparent portion that is aligned with the display of the weigh scale so that the display may be read through the transparent portion when the bag is pulled down over the scale., 'disposable container for collecting, weighing, and disposing medical waste from'}2. The medical cart as set forth in claim 1 , the enclosure further comprising a number of raised walls with lower edges attached to the floor and upper rims that define an open-top.3. The medical cart as set forth in claim 2 , the bag comprising a closed end attached to the floor of the enclosure and an upper end which may be raised above the enclosure and attached to the frame so the bag shields the medical cart from the medical waste as the medical waste is placed in the bag.4. The medical cart as set forth in claim 3 , the bag further ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170134221A1
Автор: Sobie Robert Andrew

A method for integrating a medical device into a medical facility network by equipping the medical device with wireless communication device is disclosed. The medical device is provided into a medical treatment area within wireless range of the medical facility network. The medical facility network is configured to detect the medical device upon entry into the medical treatment area, and then recognize or authenticate the medical device. The medical facility network is configured to thereafter transmit an initialization signal to the medical device. A system for integrating medical devices, a medical device capable of integration, and a medical facility network are also disclosed. 1. A method of initializing a medical device within a medical treatment area , comprising:detecting the medical device upon introduction of the medical device into the medical treatment area within a wireless range of a medical facility network;authenticating the medical device based on device identity information specific to the medical device if the medical device is not recognized by the medical facility network;transmitting an initialization signal from the medical facility network to the medical device if the medical device is recognized or authenticated by the medical facility network; andinitializing the medical device in response to the medical device receiving the initialization signal, wherein initializing comprises one of powering the medical device into an active power state, starting up the software program, and unlocking the medical device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein after detection of the medical device claim 1 , the medical facility network transmits an identity information request signal to the medical device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein in response to the identity information request signal claim 2 , the medical device transmits an identity information signal to the medical facility network.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the medical facility network is ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Medical Cart

Номер: US20140218282A1
Автор: Chin-Jui Hung
Принадлежит: Modernsolid Industrial Col Ltd

A medical cart includes a cart body, a top platform, and an elevating device. The elevating device is mounted on the cart body for supporting the top platform above the cart body and is for moving the top platform upwardly and downwardly. The elevating device includes a sleeve, a screw rod, a motor and a motor driving module. The screw rod extends through the sleeve and engages threadedly a threaded inner surface of the sleeve. The motor is connected to the screw rod and is for driving the screw rod to rotate and move with respect to the sleeve, such that the top platform is driven by the screw rod to move upwardly and downwardly with respect to the cart body.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190132200A1
Автор: Sobie Robert Andrew

A method for integrating a medical device into a medical facility network by equipping the medical device with wireless communication device is disclosed. The medical device is provided into a medical treatment area within wireless range of the medical facility network. The medical facility network is configured to detect the medical device upon entry into the medical treatment area, and then recognize or authenticate the medical device. The medical facility network is configured to thereafter transmit an initialization signal to the medical device. A system for integrating medical devices, a medical device capable of integration, and a medical facility network are also disclosed. 1. A method of initializing a medical device within a medical treatment area , comprising:detecting the medical device upon introduction of the medical device into the medical treatment area within a wireless range of a medical facility network;authenticating the medical device based on device identity information specific to the medical device if the medical device is not recognized by the medical facility network because the medical device was previously retired and removed from the medical facility network;transmitting an initialization signal from the medical facility network to the medical device if the medical device is recognized or authenticated by the medical facility network; andinitializing the medical device within the medical treatment area in response to the medical device receiving the initialization signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein after detection of the medical device claim 1 , the medical facility network transmits an identity information request signal to the medical device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein in response to the identity information request signal claim 2 , the medical device transmits an identity information signal to the medical facility network.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the medical facility network is connected to the internet.5. The ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Electromechanical Latch and Ejector

Номер: US20150148946A1

An electromechanical latch and ejector to selectively unlatch and eject an object. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a drawer; and a latch including a latch arm to latch to the drawer in a latched position,', 'an ejector including an ejector arm to eject the drawer in an unlatched position, and', 'an electrical actuator coupled to the latch and the ejector and operable to rotate the latch and the ejector to unlatch and eject the drawer., 'an electromechanical latch and ejector to selectively unlatch and eject the drawer and including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a backplane having a backplane aperture therethrough,wherein the drawer is disposed on one side of the backplane and has a drawer aperture therethrough, the electromechanical latch and ejector is disposed on another side of the backplane to selectively couple the drawer to the backplane and selectively eject the drawer away from the backplane, the latch extends through the backplane aperture and into the drawer aperture when the latch latches the drawer to the backplane.3. The apparatus of wherein the electromechanical latch and ejector is coupled to a rear surface of the backplane.4. The apparatus of wherein the ejector and the latch are unitary.5. The electromechanical latch and ejector of claim 1 , wherein the latch member includes a latch arm that has a bayonet end and that resiliently deflects for latching engagement with another object.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ejector and the latch are separate components claim 1 , with the latch being coupled with respect to the ejector via a rotary lost motion connection.7. The electromechanical latch and ejector of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor operatively coupled to at least one of the actuator, the ejector member, or the latch member, wherein the sensor provides an indication of a rotational position of at least one of the actuator, the ejector member, or the latch member.8. The electromechanical latch and ejector of claim 7 ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171371A1

One aspect of the present disclosure can include a system for dispensing purified and sterilized fluid and/or solution. The delivery system can include a fluid reservoir, a sterilization and/or purification mechanism, a solution production mechanism, a dispensing mechanism, and a controller. The system can dispense the purified and sterilized fluid and/or solution on-demand. 1. A system for on-demand delivery of one or more of a sterile fluid and a solution , comprising:a fluid source;a sterilization and/or purification mechanism in fluid communication with the fluid source, the sterilization and/or purification mechanism being configured to receive fluid from the fluid source and sterilize the received fluid;a solution production mechanism separate from and in fluid communication with the sterilization and/or purification mechanism, the solution production mechanism being configured to receive the sterile fluid from the sterilization and/or purification mechanism, the solution production mechanism being configured to selectively mix a solute with the received sterile fluid to produce a solution; anda dispensing mechanism in fluid communication with the sterilization and/or purification mechanism and the solution production mechanism and configured to dispense one or more of the sterile fluid and the solution;wherein the system is configured to deliver one or more of the sterile fluid and the solution to a desired area outside of the system after a request is made.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller associated with one or more of the fluid source claim 1 , the sterilization and/or purification mechanism claim 1 , the solution production mechanism claim 1 , and the dispensing mechanism claim 1 , the controller being configured to modulate at least one operating characteristic of the system.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid reservoir between and in fluid communication with the fluid source and the sterilization and/or ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Transport Cart for Nuclear Medicine/Molecular Imaging Radioisotopes Having Enhanced Safety Features and a Process Implementing the Same

Номер: US20170143571A1

The disclosure relates to a medical imaging supply transport cart having enhanced safety features and a process implementing the same. The medical imaging supply transport cart includes a support surface configured to support medical imaging supplies, the support surface further configured to support a support mechanism, and the support mechanism further configured to support the medical imaging supplies. The support mechanism further configured to rigidly hold the medical imaging supplies with a first holding mechanism, the medical imaging supplies configured to store at least one dose of a nuclear medicine, a plurality of wheels arranged below the support surface, at least one door configured to enclose the medical imaging supplies, and a handle configured to be grasped by a user to guide the medical imaging supply transport cart. 1. A medical imaging supply transport cart comprising:a support surface configured to support medical imaging supplies;the support surface further configured to support a support mechanism;the support mechanism further configured to support the medical imaging supplies;the support mechanism further configured to rigidly hold the medical imaging supplies with a first holding mechanism;a plurality of wheels arranged below the support surface;at least one door configured to enclose the medical imaging supplies; anda handle configured to be grasped by a user to guide the medical imaging supply transport cart.2. The medical imaging supply transport cart according to wherein the support mechanism comprises a self-leveling mechanism.3. The medical imaging supply transport cart according to wherein the support mechanism comprises a shock absorbing mechanism.4. The medical imaging supply transport cart according to further comprising:a second holding mechanism configured to rigidly secure the medical imaging supply transport cart within a small delivery truck during transportation.5. The medical imaging supply transport cart according to wherein ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Convertible multifunction overbed table and chair

Номер: US20140239680A1
Автор: J. Gordon Short
Принадлежит: Brevis Corp

The present invention is a convertible multifunction overbed table and chair, or more specifically, the present invention is a medical furnishing that serves as an adjustable overbed table in a first configuration and a wheeled transport chair in a second configuration. The present invention may also serve as a medical staff work station, provide storage of patient records and medical charts, storage for the patient's personal effects, personal mirror, IV stand, catheter bag stand, secure storage for portable oxygen, and serve as a patient walker.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170161983A1

Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to a dispenser configured for storing one or more items and dispensing the stored items to authorized users. According to various embodiments, the dispenser generally includes a housing defining an interior portion dimensioned to receive a plurality of items and an access assembly configured to prevent unauthorized user access to the interior portion of the dispenser while providing selective access to certain items in response to input received from an authorized user. According to various embodiments, the access assembly comprises a pair of flexible barriers coupled to a sliding door assembly, which includes one or more lockable access doors. Together, the door assembly and flexible barriers prevent access to the interior of the dispenser when in a locked configuration and permit access to certain items when in an unlocked configuration. 1. A dispenser for storing a plurality of items and providing selective access to the stored items , the dispenser comprising: a plurality of item receptacles configured for storing one or more items, wherein the plurality of item receptacles are arranged in a grid defining item receptacle rows and item receptacle columns; and', 'a plurality of door locking features each corresponding to at least one item receptacle column; and, 'a housing defining at least one access opening and at least one interior portion defining a movable configuration in which the door assembly is free to move laterally across the access opening; and', 'an immobile configuration in which the door assembly is locked in alignment with at least one of the item receptacle columns to permit user access to at least one item receptacle within the aligned item receptacle columns., 'an access assembly comprising a door assembly laterally moveable across the access opening and configured for permitting selective access to items disposed in the plurality of item receptacles, the door assembly comprising a ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Mobile cart for dispensing medicine

Номер: US20140246964A1
Автор: James S. Boyd
Принадлежит: SCOTT-CLARK LP

A mobile cart for dispensing medications has an automated locking mechanism for selectively opening the drawers of such cart. The locking/unlocking both unlocks and moves a respective drawer on command from a signal panel that is connected to a computerized controller. The caregiver enters an authorizing codes and patient identifiers so that one drawer unlocks and opens slightly. As such, the unlocked drawer is identified by lock mechanism, which slightly opens the drawer, thereby identifying the unlocked drawer in comparison to other closed, locked drawers.

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Medical cart for use in patient care

Номер: US20220304759A1
Принадлежит: Dominion Investments LLC

A medical cart for use in patient care is provided, the medical cart comprising: a front; a back; sides; four legs which have a distal end, a proximal end and a bore at least partially therebetween terminating in an aperture at the proximal end; a spring plunger mounted on each leg for releasably retaining a pole in the bore; a bracket attached to each leg proximate to the distal end; a caster rotatably attached to each bracket; a lower shelf attached to the legs and extending between the legs; a ballast sleeve below the lower shelf for releasably retaining weight plates; and an upper shelf attached to the legs and extending between the legs, the upper shelf including a recess at the front extending towards the back.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210193284A1

The invention relates to a method wherein drug packages stored in drug storage devices, or drugs transferred from drug packages to various storage containers for storage, are arranged in transfer containers equipped with remotely readable tags, and in which method and system, location data on the transfer containers equipped with remotely readable tags are recorded, upon situations of changing the location, in one or more data processing devices controlling the storage and dispensing data on the drugs and/or medical supplies, by readers for the remotely readable tags, connected to the data processing device/devices. Consequently, e.g. data on the locations, and on the quantities in different locations, of the drugs described to patients, and/or the medical supplies used in treatments of the patients, are available to the storage device and to other devices connected to the system. The invention relates also to a system according to the method of the invention. 110201020. A method for monitoring and controlling the use of drugs and/or medical supplies in a pharmaceutical dispensing process , in which method drugs and/or medical supplies are transferred from a delivery package to at least one storage device ( , ) , from one storage device () to another storage device () , and/or further to be dispensed to patients and/or to be used in the treatment of patients , and in which method:{'b': 10', '20', '12', '16', '10', '20', '12', '10', '20', '10', '20, 'the drugs and/or medical supplies to be moved to the storage device (, ) are placed in transfer containers () equipped with a remotely readable tag () and to be stored in the storage device (, ), the transfer containers () being containers which are separate from the storage device (, ) and from the product package of the drugs and/or medical supplies, and are removable from the storage device (, );'}{'b': 16', '13', '24, 'the quantity and data of the drugs and/or medical supplies, and the ID code included in the ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for determining the usability of person support apparatuses

Номер: US20190159948A1
Автор: Marko N. Kostic
Принадлежит: Stryker Corp

A person support apparatus includes a support adapted to support thereon an occupant of the person support apparatus and a sensor configured to detect an ambient air characteristic. The sensor generates an output signal based on the detected characteristic and communicates the output signal to a controller. The controller is configured to receive the output signal from the sensor and determine a usability status of the person support apparatus. The usability status may include an indication that the person support apparatus is ready for use by an occupant, whether a potential hazard exists for an occupant of the person support apparatus, a cleaning status of the person support apparatus, or a location of the person support apparatus.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200155401A1
Автор: He Kongyuan, Wang Fanping

The present invention is directed to an intelligent code cart for assisting a response team in performing cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. The intelligent code cart can provide graphical and audio instructions to the team based on the ACLS guidelines and also warn the team in case of any errors or omissions are observed in following the ACLS protocol. The intelligent code cart comprises a cart, a control unit, a display, one or more cameras, a speaker and input devices. 1. A method of assisting a response team in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation , the response team comprising one or more attendants , the method comprising: a control unit comprising a processor and a memory,', 'a plurality of drawers, the plurality of drawers comprising medicines and, 'providing an intelligent code cart, the intelligent code cart comprising one or more cameras coupled to the control unit,', 'a display coupled to the control unit, and', 'one or more input devices coupled to the control unit;, 'medical equipment, the plurality of drawers coupled to the control unit,'}receiving, by the intelligent code cart, first details of a patient;identifying, by the intelligent code cart, a standard protocol for performing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation;receiving, by the intelligent code cart, from the one or more cameras, a sequence of images, the sequence of images is of the response team performing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation;analyzing, by the intelligent code cart, the sequence of images to recognize actions and gestures of the response team;providing step by step instructions, by the intelligent code cart, to the response team, the step by step instructions based on the standard protocol for performing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation;observing, by the intelligent code cart, any error in following the standard protocol by the response team; andissuing alerts, by the intelligent code cart, to the response team, based on the error.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Cart For Dispensing Health Products

Номер: US20160175176A1
Автор: Pamplona Rovira Jordi

A cart () for dispensing health products, such as drugs and medicines, designed for health centres and similar, comprising a main chassis provided with directional wheels () underneath, where a plurality of drawers that protrude from at least a number of the sides of the main chassis are provided for, with locking means in order to remain in a fixed position in the main chassis; a control unit linked to the drawers in order to open and/or close the same and a user interface, the plurality of drawers being supported on at least one removable support structure (). Each one of the drawers () has locking means linked to electrically operable fastening means found inside the main chassis, in communication with said control unit, the locking means of each one of the drawers including a number of position detection means. 1. A cart for dispensing health products , such as drugs , medicines and the like , designed to be used in a health centre , comprising a main chassis provided with directional wheels underneath , wherein a plurality of drawers that protrude from at least a number of the sides of the main chassis are provided for , with a lock to keep them in a fixed position in the main chassis , a programmable control unit linked to the drawers in order to open and/or close the same , and with a user interface , wherein the plurality of drawers is supported by at least one support structure , wherein at least said support structure is removable , comprising a number of sliding extraction members upon which the support structure rests , each one of the drawers having a number of locks associated to electrically operable fasteners found inside the main chassis , and in communication with the control unit , the lock of each one of the drawers including a number of position detection indicators , wherein said locks for each one of the drawers are arranged on the rear wall of the drawer.2. The cart for dispensing health products according to claim 1 , wherein the lock for ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180168904A1

Apparatus and process for delivering medications includes systems and methods for attaching a secure transport module that contains one or more doses of one or more medications to a docking location on a mobile system at a first location, moving the mobile system to a second location, and removing a dose of at least one of the one or more medications from the secure transport module. 1. A method of delivering medications , the method comprising:attaching a secure transport module that contains one or more doses of one or more medications to a docking location on a mobile system at a first location;moving the mobile system to a second location; andremoving a dose of at least one of the one or more medications from the secure transport module.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the docking location is configured to prevent access to the medications contained in the secure transport module while the secure transport module is attached to the docking location.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the secure transport module has an open configuration and a closed configuration and is configured to prevent access to the medications contained therein when in the closed configuration.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising using a control element to selectively allow and prevent claim 3 , in response to a command claim 3 , the secure transport module to actuate from the closed configuration to the open configuration.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein selectively allowing the secure transport module to actuate from the closed configuration to the open configuration includes actuating a retaining mechanism in response to the command.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising receiving the command from a programming device.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein attaching the secure transport module to the docking location includes engaging a recess of the secure transport module with a movable retaining mechanism of the docking location.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190167529A1

A dispensing cart includes a base supported by a plurality of wheels such that the base is suspended above a support surface, a mast operably coupled to the base, a work surface operably coupled to the mast such that the work surface is vertically adjustable, a drawer system comprising a plurality of drawers positioned in the cart lower than the work surface and higher than the base, and a first battery. The cart is configured such that the first battery is hot swappable with a second battery without loss of power as the first battery is removed to be replaced with the second battery. 1a base supported by a plurality of wheels such that the base is suspended above a support surface;a mast operably coupled to the base;a work surface operably coupled to the mast such that the work surface is vertically adjustable;a drawer system comprising a plurality of drawers positioned in the cart lower than the work surface and higher than the base; anda first battery,wherein the cart is configured such that the first battery is hot swappable with a second battery without loss of power as the first battery is removed to be replaced with the second battery.. A dispensing cart, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/461,615, filed May 1, 2012, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/278,263, filed Mar. 11, 2009, which is a 371 of PCT/US2007/03765, filed Feb. 12, 2007, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/772,416, filed Feb. 11, 2006. Each of the foregoing applications is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.The present invention relates to dispensing medication to patients in hospitals and nursing homes.In the health care industry, an important component of patient care is medication. Medications, in the form of pills, capsules and liquids, are given to patients to relieve pain, to prevent or eliminate infections, and to treat illnesses and disease. Oftentimes the ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Robot for medical assistance

Номер: US20160193733A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A robot for providing medical assistance, delivery medications and testing materials to a patient is disclosed. The robot includes a set of wheels and a mechanism for bringing the robot to a patient as well as a mechanism for avoiding objects and individuals. A computer and program provides initial guidance and instructions for medications and testing and medical history of a patient. The computer programs the robot to distribute medications, perform and record test results and in an emergency to telephone a healthcare provider. The robot also includes a transmitter and receiver for sending pictures, test results and medical history to a remote station. Further the robot includes a storage battery, a charger and means for connecting the charger to a source of electricity.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Medication tracking

Номер: US20170212993A1
Принадлежит: Kit Check Inc

A system and method is described for printing a label with an RFID tag. The system includes an RFID reader that queries a first RFID tag coupled to a first medicinal container that includes a medication. In response, the system receives a first unique identifier and uses the first unique identifier to determine a status of the medication, associate the first medicinal container with a medical provider and print a second label that includes a second RFID tag for a second medicinal container.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Shelving System

Номер: US20170215579A1

A shelving system () comprising a plurality of tubular posts () and a plurality of rail segments () securable parallel to the posts (). Each of the rail segments () comprises an elongate member having a U-shaped cross section such that the rail segment includes a central wall () and first and second side walls () such that the posts () are received between the first and second side walls () and wherein the rail segments () include apertures () along the lengths thereof to receive tracks () for supporting drawers (). 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. A shelving system comprising:a plurality of tubular posts;a plurality of rail segments securable parallel to the posts;wherein each of the rail segments comprises an elongate member having a U-shaped cross section such that the rail segment includes a central wall and first and second side walls such that the posts are received between the first and second side walls and wherein the rail segments include apertures along the lengths thereof to receive tracks for supporting drawers.26. The shelving system in accordance with claim 25 , a plurality of brace members are provided connecting adjacent posts and the rail segments are supported between adjacent brace members.27. The shelving system in accordance with claim 25 , wherein the first and second side walls include end portions thereon having arcuate surfaces to engage with outer surfaces of the post.28. The shelving system in accordance with claim 25 , wherein the apertures are provided in the first and second side walls of the rail segments.29. The shelving system in accordance with claim 26 , wherein the rail segments include engaging portions adjacent ends thereof provided to ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210241891A1

A system and method is described for printing a label with an RFID tag. The system includes an RFID reader that queries a first RFID tag coupled to a first medicinal container that includes a medication. In response, the system receives a first unique identifier and uses the first unique identifier to determine a status of the medication, associate the first medicinal container with a medical provider and print a second label that includes a second RFID tag for a second medicinal container. 1. A system comprising:an RFID reader coupled to a pharmaceutical item storage unit and configured to query a first RFID tag of a first label coupled to a first medicinal container including a drug and receive a first unique identifier from the first RFID tag, wherein the first unique identifier uniquely identifies the first medicinal container from all other medicinal containers; receive the first unique identifier,', 'query a remotely located database for drug data of the drug using the first unique identifier,', 'verify a recall status of the drug using the drug data,', 'verify a first expiration of the drug using the drug data,', 'generate a second expiration of the drug, and', 'associate the first medicinal container with a medical provider; and, 'a computing device coupled to the RFID reader and configured to print at least a portion of the drug data and the second expiration on a second label for a second medicinal container, the second label comprising a second RFID tag,', 'wherein the second label comprises a transparent portion comprising an adhesive, a first opaque portion that includes the second RFID tag and does not include an adhesive, a second opaque portion comprising an adhesive and a third opaque portion comprising an adhesive, wherein a length of the transparent portion extends along a length of the first opaque portion and the at least a portion of the drug data is printed onto the first opaque portion, and a name of the drug is printed on the second opaque ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150227127A1

Technology for dispensing medication from a wheeled medical cart is disclosed. A method comprises placing the medication in a medication storage compartment of a storage container of the wheeled medical cart. A method can further comprise entering medication data into a computing device operating on the wheeled medical cart. A method can further comprise electronically securing the medication stored in the medication storage compartment. A method further comprises repositioning the wheeled medical cart a patient location The method can further comprise electronically identifying at least one predetermined user of the wheeled medical cart at the patient location to enable the predetermined user to gain access to the medication in the medication storage compartment for a patient to enable the predetermined user to provide medication from the wheeled medical cart to the patient. 1. A method for dispensing medication from a wheeled medical cart , comprising:placing the medication in a medication storage compartment of a storage container of the wheeled medical cart;entering medication data into a computing device operating on the wheeled medical cart, wherein the medication data identifies each type or amount of medication stored in the wheeled medical cart;electronically securing the medication stored in the medication storage compartment of the storage container of the wheeled medical cart to restrict access to the medication to at least one predetermined user;repositioning the wheeled medical cart to a patient location; andelectronically identifying the at least one predetermined user of the wheeled medical cart at the patient location to enable the predetermined user to gain access to the medication in the medication storage compartment for a patient to enable the predetermined user to provide medication from the wheeled medical cart to the patient.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising electronically identifying the patient receiving the medication from the ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Machine learning based safety controller

Номер: US20200219611A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

A method may include identifying a shift associated with a clinician by applying a machine learning model trained to identify, based on a series of transaction records associated with the clinician, one or more shifts associated with the clinician. The clinician may be identified as likely to engage in a hazardous behavior based at least on the shift associated with the clinician. In response to determining that the clinician as likely to engage in the hazardous behavior, activating a protective workflow. The protective workflow may be configured to prevent the clinician from engaging in the hazardous behavior as well as to collect evidence associated with the hazardous behavior. Related methods and articles of manufacture are also disclosed.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222261A1

A medical cart is provided that allows confirmation that individual medicines have been managed at appropriate temperatures. The medical cart includes: shelves on which medicines can be placed; and a control part which communicates with an RF tag provided for each of the medicines and equipped with a temperature sensor, at appropriate time intervals via an antenna part provided in the vicinity of each of the shelves, and the control part has a memory part which stores ID information of the RF tag and temperature information sensed by a temperature sensor of the RF tag. 1. A medical cart including shelves , on each of which a medicine is placed , the medical cart comprising:an RF tag provided for the medicine and equipped with a temperature sensor; anda control part communicating with the RF tag via an antenna part provided in a vicinity of each of the shelves at appropriate time intervals, the control part having a memory part storing ID information of the RF tag and temperature information sensed by the temperature sensor of the RF tag.2. The medical cart according to claim 1 , wherein the control part includes a position sensor claim 1 , and the memory part is caused to store position information sensed by the position sensor together with the ID information and the temperature information.3. The medical cart according to wherein the control part includes a communication part capable of transmitting at least the ID information and the temperature information to a management terminal or cloud server provided outside.4. The medical cart according to claim 3 , wherein an upper limit temperature and a time limit are set for the control part claim 3 , the control part detects that a temperature indicated by the temperature information is the upper limit temperature or more claim 3 , and when a period of time during which the temperature indicated by the temperature information is the upper limit temperature or more has exceeded the time limit claim 3 , the control part ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180235843A1

Modular automated dispensing systems for dispensing secured medications in a medical environment are provided. The system includes a compact enclosure configured to be disposed in a medical treatment area without taking up valuable floor space. The system includes lockable drawers having one or more compartments for storing and dispensing medications or medical supplies. The system is unlocked by use of an access control interface internally or externally connected directly to the system, or networked to the system through a medical center network. 1. A modular automated dispensing system for dispensing secured medications in a medical environment , the modular automated dispensing system comprising:a compact enclosure configured to be disposed on a support surface in a medical treatment area, wherein the compact enclosure does not require floor space in the medical treatment area;a drawer lock assembly;one or more drawers for storing medications, each drawer configured to be secured in the compact enclosure when locked by the drawer lock assembly, and each drawer configured to be slideably openable from the compact enclosure when unlocked by the drawer lock assembly;a plurality of compartments disposed within a first drawer, the plurality of compartments comprising a first compartment that is readily accessible upon slideably opening the first drawer and a second compartment having a compartment lock; andan access control interface operatively coupled to the drawer lock assembly and the compartment lock, the access control interface configured to provide a first unlock signal to the drawer lock assembly and a second unlock signal to the compartment lock based on received authorization input.2. The modular automated dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of compartments is removable claim 1 , wherein the removable compartment is configured to be replaced with a similarly sized removable compartment pre-loaded with medications.3. The ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Relay tray

Номер: US20190231644A1
Автор: Herbert Lawson Fisher
Принадлежит: Omnicell Inc

A relay tray for securely transporting items includes a lockable transportable container for holding items to be transported, and an electronic controller including a processor. The relay tray receives electric power through a power interface, and includes a commination interface through which the controller can communicate electronically. The relay tray includes a mechanism operable under control of the controller to make items in the locked container accessible in response to communications received via the communication interface, the mechanism operable by the controller only when power is being received through the power interface. In some implementations, the power interface includes four electrical contacts on an outside surface of the container for receiving power and a rectifier that produces voltage of a polarity suitable for powering the controller. The power interface may function as the communication interface.

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180247484A1

Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to a dispenser configured for storing one or more items and dispensing the stored items to authorized users. According to various embodiments, the dispenser generally includes a housing defining an interior portion dimensioned to receive a plurality of items and an access assembly configured to prevent unauthorized user access to the interior portion of the dispenser while providing selective access to certain items in response to input received from an authorized user. According to various embodiments, the access assembly comprises a pair of flexible barriers coupled to a sliding door assembly, which includes one or more lockable access doors. Together, the door assembly and flexible barriers prevent access to the interior of the dispenser when in a locked configuration and permit access to certain items when in an unlocked configuration. 1. A dispenser for storing a plurality of items and providing selective access to the stored items , the dispenser comprising: a plurality of item receptacles configured for storing one or more items, wherein the plurality of item receptacles are arranged in a grid defining item receptacle rows and item receptacle columns; and', 'a plurality of door locking features each corresponding to at least one item receptacle column; and, 'a housing defining at least one access opening and at least one interior portion defining a movable configuration in which the door assembly is free to move laterally across the access opening; and', 'an immobile configuration in which the door assembly is locked in alignment with at least one of the item receptacle columns to permit user access to at least one item receptacle within the aligned item receptacle columns., 'an access assembly comprising a door assembly laterally moveable across the access opening and configured for permitting selective access to items disposed in the plurality of item receptacles, the door assembly comprising a ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Smart Mobile Cart for Nursing and Caring

Номер: US20200237471A1
Принадлежит: Smart Ageing Tech Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a smart mobile cart for nursing and caring that includes: a pole assembly standing upright from a mobile base and having two ends, one of which the two ends is connected with the mobile base; a flexible arm having two ends, one of which the two ends is connected with the pole assembly and another end is configured with a device connector, to render a mobile device attached to the smart mobile cart through the device connector; and an accessory connector connected with the pole assembly in a movable and detachable means and providing for a device convenient carrier to connect with the smart mobile cart through the accessory connector, whereby a vital sign sensing device is placed on the smart mobile cart through the device convenient carrier, wherein the pole assembly, the flexible arm, and the accessory connector are configured to have a ground height adjustable above from a ground level, so as to provide the mobile device and the vital sign sensing device at different ground clearances respectively for a user to operate.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Digital dosage of aqueous medicinal solutions

Номер: US20210290862A1
Принадлежит: Ronin Labs LLC

Techniques for dosage delivery based on digital dosage of an aqueous ingestible solution are disclosed. Oral spray delivery of an ingestible substance is provided to an individual, where the ingestible substance is in an aqueous solution. The ingestible substance can be cannabidiol; or can be a pharmaceutical, antibiotic, vitamin, supplement, medicinal, extract, or legal psychoactive substance; a legal tetrahydrocannabinol; an essential oil; a mineral; melatonin; or caffeine. A spray plunger depression by the individual is detected to facilitate delivery of the ingestible substance. A digital signal is activated based on the detecting the spray plunger depression. The digital signal is transmitted to a device that tracks spray delivery of the ingestible substance to the individual. The device includes a software application that tracks the spray delivery of the ingestible substance. The software application provides a reminder to the individual for a next spray delivery.

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210304122A1

An inventory tracking system includes storage modules that hold one or more items. Each item is positionable at locations within the storage modules independent of physical characteristics of the item. Inventory monitoring modules are included to monitor storage modules for adding an item, retrieving an item, consuming of the item, returning an unused item, discarding at least a portion of a consumed item, or combinations thereof. Each act is used to determine information about items utilized in the act, including the location within the storage modules of the items. Each storage module updates a central inventory database about a location of the storage module, a revised inventory of the items stored within the storage modules, or both. The location of the storage modules, the revised inventory of the items stored within the storage modules, or both, is used to order a replenishment of the items held within the storage modules. 159-. (canceled)60. An inventory control system , comprising:a housing defining an interior;a drawer that is positionable within the interior and that is moveable between a closed position and an open position, the drawer defining a storage region;one or more imaging devices positioned within the housing and configured to image at least a portion of the storage region of the drawer; the one or more imaging devices are directed toward the one or more mirrors; and', 'at least one of the one or more mirrors is movable to adjust an image field of at least one of the one or more imaging devices within the storage region; and, 'one or more mirrors that are positioned within the housing, wherein 'analyze one or more images taken from the one or more imaging devices to identify items present within the storage region; and', 'at least one processor that is configured todetermine an inventory of the items present within the storage region.61. The inventory control system of claim 60 , wherein:at least one of the imaging devices is translatable along ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Medical Technology Station and Method of Use

Номер: US20180256427A1

The invention includes a medical technology station and a method for using the medical technology cart. The station can be a portable cart that can be movable, such as rollable, and has a computer system. Attached to the cart is a housing that communicates with the computer system. Insertable in the housing is a cassette system that includes a series of drawers. The drawers are openable and preferably closeable on command from a user. The drawers have a readable unique drawer identifier that is readable by sensors in the cassette. The cassette also preferably includes proximity sensors, while the drawers contain a target for the proximity sensors. In use, an operator, with proper credentials, can, though the computer system, identify a drawer to be opened by the computer system. The cassette and drawers can be removed from the housing and transported to another location for filling of the drawers with medications or other supplies. 1. A station comprisinga movable carta computer system comprising an input device, a display device, and a processor; said computer system positioned on the cart.computer memory in communication with the processor;a housing mounted on the cart, andat least one portable cassette system removably coupled to the housing,wherein the processor is in electronic communication with the input device, the display device, and the cassette system; andwherein the cassette system further comprises a cassette frame, the cassette frame defining an interior divided into compartments, the cassette system further having;a) at least one or more drawers, each of the drawers occupying and being slidably positioned in at least one of the compartments, whereby the compartments occupied by a drawer define said drawer's position in said cassette frame and each drawer further comprising an electronically readable identifier tag containing a unique drawer identifier;b) one or more electronic identifier readers;whereby each compartment is associated with at least one ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248958A1
Автор: Belligundu Sunil

A drawer includes insulation defining a climate-controlled insulated interior of the drawer, and a refrigeration system. The interior of the drawer may be divided into compartments having lids, and actuators may be provided for unlocking the lids. The actuators may include solenoids, which may be disposed outside the climate-controlled interior of the drawer. The drawer may include an air inlet, an outlet, and a fan. The fan may draw air through an air flow path defined at least in part by the insulation. 1. A drawer , comprising:insulation defining a climate-controlled interior of the drawer;a refrigeration system having a compressor and a condenser disposed within the drawer but outside the climate-controlled interior of the drawer, and having an evaporator disposed within the climate-controlled interior of the drawer;one or more dividers defining one or more compartments within the climate-controlled interior of the drawer;one or more lids covering the one or more compartments;an electrical interface for receiving power and control signals; andone or more actuators coupled to the one or more lids for locking and unlocking the one or more compartments in response to control signals received via the electrical interface.2. The drawer of claim 1 , wherein the one or more actuators are disposed outside the climate-controlled interior of the drawer.3. The drawer of claim 1 , further comprising one or more lights corresponding to the one or more compartments claim 1 , the lights being responsive to control signals received via the electrical interface.4. The drawer of claim 1 , further comprising:an air inlet at a front of the drawer;an air flow channel disposed at least partially within an insulation panel beneath the climate-controlled interior of the drawer; anda fan that draws air into the air inlet, through the air flow channel, and through the condenser, and exhausts the air out of a back side of the drawer.5. The drawer of claim 4 , wherein the air inlet is ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Transport Cart for Nuclear Medicine/Molecular Imaging Radioisotopes Having Enhanced Safety Features and a Process Implementing the Same

Номер: US20190254902A1

The disclosure relates to a medical imaging supply transport cart having enhanced safety features and a process implementing the same. The medical imaging supply transport cart includes a support surface configured to support medical imaging supplies, the support surface further configured to support a support mechanism, and the support mechanism further configured to support the medical imaging supplies. The support mechanism further configured to rigidly hold the medical imaging supplies with a first holding mechanism, the medical imaging supplies configured to store at least one dose of a nuclear medicine, a plurality of wheels arranged below the support surface, at least one door configured to enclose the medical imaging supplies, and a handle configured to be grasped by a user to guide the medical imaging supply transport cart. 1. A medical imaging supply transport cart system comprising:a supply transport cart; anda medical imaging infusion system; a floor surface configured to support the medical imaging infusion system;', 'a bottom portion configured to support the floor surface;', 'a first securing mechanism configured to secure the medical imaging infusion system within the supply transport cart;', 'a first plurality of wheels arranged below the floor surface;', 'at least one door configured to enclose the medical imaging infusion system within the supply transport cart; and', 'a handle configured to be grasped by a user to guide the supply transport cart;, 'the supply transport cart comprising a second plurality of wheels configured to roll the medical imaging infusion system onto and off the floor surface of the supply transport cart;', 'at least one dose of a nuclear medicine; and', 'a nuclear medicine monitoring system, the nuclear medicine monitoring system configured to monitor at least one of the following: a number of doses of a nuclear medicine provided by the medical imaging infusion system and monitor an amount of each of the doses of the ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140365000A1
Автор: HEFFRON David

A medication dispenser is provided, comprising a securable container configured to store one or more doses of one or more medications and an access device configured to selectably permit access to the one or more doses of the one or more medications. The medication dispenser further comprises an electronic interface configured to acquire user input from a user and a processor. The processor is configured to perform the steps of comparing the user input to a database, selecting, responsive to the comparing, an appropriate dose from the one or more doses, and permitting access through the access device to the appropriate dose. A method for dispensing medication is also provided. The method comprises the steps of locating a medication dispenser at a point-of-care, acquiring user input from a user at the point-of-care, comparing the user input to a database, selecting, responsive to the comparing, an appropriate dose from the one or more doses, and permitting access through the access device to the appropriate dose. 1. A medication dispenser , comprising:a securable container configured to store one or more doses of a medication;an access device configured to selectably permit access to the one or more doses of the medication;an electronic interface configured to acquire user input from a user; and selecting, based on the user input, an appropriate dose from the one or more doses, and', 'permitting access through the access device to the appropriate dose when an authorized user has approved the appropriate dose., 'a processor configured to perform the steps of2. The medication dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the medication is a non-prescription medication.3. The medication dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the electronic interface comprises a touch screen.4. The medication dispenser of wherein the user is a patient.5. The medication dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the user input comprises information about a plurality of patient symptoms.6. The medication dispenser of claim ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180271729A1

A number of patient beds are disclosed. Some patient beds have siderails that are movable by a patient so that the patient can egress from the bed without interference from the siderails. Various caregiver control panels and patient control panels for controlling features and functions of a patient bed are also disclosed. For example, a cart with caregiver control inputs, including hand inputs on a graphical user interface (GUI) and foot inputs, is disclosed. Patient positioning and transfer devices are also disclosed. Various types of in-bed physical therapy devices are also disclosed. 120.-. (canceled)21. A patient bed comprisinga frame configured to support a patient, anda plurality of siderails extending upwardly relative to the frame, each siderail of the plurality of siderails having an egress blocking position in which the patient is blocked from egressing off of the frame, at least a first siderail of the plurality of siderails having a user input accessible to the patient to unlock the first siderail for generally horizontal movement by the patient from the egress blocking position to an out-of-the-way position to permit the patient to egress from the frame.22. The patient bed of claim 21 , wherein the first siderail translates relative to the frame in a longitudinal direction of the patient bed when moving between the egress blocking position and the out-of-the way position.23. The patient bed of claim 22 , wherein the first siderail comprises a foot rail of the bed claim 22 , the plurality of siderails further comprises a head rail claim 22 , and wherein at least a portion of the foot rail overlaps a portion of the headrail when the foot rail is in the egress blocking position.24. The patient bed of claim 22 , wherein the first siderail comprises a foot rail of the bed claim 22 , the plurality of siderails further comprises a head rail claim 22 , and wherein at least a portion of the foot rail overlaps a portion of the headrail when the foot rail is in ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Transport Cart for Nuclear Medicine/Molecular Imaging Radioisotopes Having Enhanced Safety Features and a Process Implementing the Same

Номер: US20200262496A1

The disclosure relates to a medical imaging supply transport cart having enhanced safety features and a process implementing the same. The medical imaging supply transport cart includes a support surface configured to support medical imaging supplies, the support surface further configured to support a support mechanism, and the support mechanism further configured to support the medical imaging supplies. The support mechanism further configured to rigidly hold the medical imaging supplies with a first holding mechanism, the medical imaging supplies configured to store at least one dose of a nuclear medicine, a plurality of wheels arranged below the support surface, at least one door configured to enclose the medical imaging supplies, and a handle configured to be grasped by a user to guide the medical imaging supply transport cart. 1. A medical imaging supply transport cart system comprising:a supply transport cart; anda medical imaging infusion system; a floor surface configured to support the medical imaging infusion system;', 'a bottom portion configured to support the floor surface;', 'a first securing mechanism configured to secure the medical imaging infusion system within the supply transport cart;', 'a first plurality of wheels arranged below the floor surface;', 'at least one door configured to enclose the medical imaging infusion system within the supply transport cart; and', 'a handle configured to be grasped by a user to guide the supply transport cart;, 'the supply transport cart comprising a second plurality of wheels configured to roll the medical imaging infusion system onto and off the floor surface of the supply transport cart;', 'at least one dose of a nuclear medicine; and', 'a nuclear medicine monitoring system,', 'wherein the at least one door is configured to move between an open position and a closed position; and', 'wherein when the at least one door is in the open position, the at least one door is configured as a ramp for the medical ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190276062A1
Автор: Jackson Jeffrey K.

An athletic trainer cart is disclosed. The cart may include a frame, wheels connected to a bottom of the frame, padding connected to a top of the frame, and a drawer assembly. The padding may enable a top surface of the cart to be used as an examination table. The drawer assembly may selectively translate in and out of an interior volume of the frame. The drawer assembly may include a drawer and a drawer cover. The drawer cover may have a flat surface that may be used as a work surface when the drawer assembly is deployed and the drawer cover is in a closed position. A user may pivot the drawer cover with respect to the drawer to access one or more contents of the drawer. 1. An athletic trainer cart comprising:a frame having a top and a bottom and defining an interior volume;a plurality of wheels connected to the frame proximate the bottom thereof;padding connected to the frame proximate the top thereof;a drawer assembly selectively translating with respect to the frame between a stowed position wherein the drawer assembly is within the interior volume of the frame and a deployed position wherein the drawer assembly is at least partially outside the interior volume of the frame; and a drawer having a drawer volume,', 'a cover having a flat surface,', 'the cover pivotably connected to the drawer, and', 'the cover selectively pivoting with respect to the drawer between a closed position wherein the cover cooperates with the drawer to enclose the drawer volume and an open position wherein the cover does not cooperate with the drawer to enclose the drawer volume., 'the drawer assembly comprising'}2. The athletic trainer cart of claim 1 , wherein:the padding has a top surface;the top surface of the padding is parallel to the top surface of the cover when the cover is in the closed position; andthe top surface of the padding is not parallel to the top surface of the cover when the cover is in the open position.3. The athletic trainer cart of claim 2 , wherein the drawer ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190291761A1

Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to a dispenser configured for securely storing a plurality of items within a cart and providing access to a subset of the plurality of items to authorized users. According to various embodiments, the dispenser generally includes a housing defining an interior portion dimensioned to receive a storage cart having an array of receptacles each configured to hold one or more items, a laterally sliding access door configured to provide restricted access to the cart stored within the dispenser, and an item access mechanism configured to provide selective access to a subset of the plurality of items stored within the cart. The dispenser additionally comprises a cart guide mechanism and a cart locking mechanism configured to guide the cart into the housing and to secure the cart in an appropriate location within the housing for use with the item access mechanism. 126-. (canceled)27. A system for dispensing items , the system comprising: 'a cart body configured for storing one or more items;', 'a cart comprising a housing defining an access opening and an interior portion dimensioned for receiving the cart;', 'an access door disposed adjacent the access opening, the access door configured for movement between (i) a closed position in which the access door prevents access to the cart when the cart is stored within the interior area of the housing and (ii) an open position in which the access door permits access to the cart when stored within the interior area of the housing; and, 'a dispenser comprising a cart locking configuration comprising a cart locking member disposed within a cart perimeter and a cart locking mechanism coupled to the housing and configured to engage the cart locking member when the cart is stored at the desired position within the dispenser;', 'a cart guide configuration comprising at least one guide block having a hole extending at least partially therethrough, wherein the guide block is disposed ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160313901A1
Автор: Arnold Stephen

An interactive medical system and methods, involving a processor operable by way of a set of executable instructions stored in a non-transitory memory device, the set of executable instructions enabling the processor to receive, analyze, and transmit data in relation to a database, a plurality of medical equipment, and a display device, whereby an integrated medical protocol can be provided to the display device based on the analyzed data. The system is readily transportable for use in critical medical situations. 1. An interactive medical system , comprising: a processor operable by way of a set of executable instructions stored in a non-transitory memory device , the set of executable instructions enabling the processor to perform at least one of receive , analyze , and transmit data in relation to at least one of:at least one database;a plurality of medical equipment; andat least one display device,whereby at least one integrated medical protocol is providable to the at least one display device based on the analyzed data.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of the plurality of medical equipment and the at least one display device.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising means for transporting at least one of the processor claim 2 , the plurality of medical equipment claim 2 , and the at least one display device.4. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the at least one database is accessible from at least one of: a local device, a remote device, at least one local memory device, at least one local server, at least one remote server, and at least one cloud server, and any linked device, andwherein the at least one database comprises a plurality of databases corresponding to a plurality of medical practice areas.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to transmit the at least one integrated medical treatment protocol to the at least one display device.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the processor is further ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150332577A1

A mobile cart that holds a bag for receiving solid waste generated during a medical or surgical procedure. The cart includes a sensor that monitors whether or not an object containing metal is placed in the bag. A processor monitors the signal output by the sensor. If the sensor signal indicates that an object with a minimal amount of metal is placed in the bag, the processor momentarily asserts an audible alarm and continuously asserts a light alarm. The light alarm remains asserted until turned off. If, while the light alarm is on, the sensor signal indicates a second object with the minimal amount of waste is placed in the container, the processor again momentarily asserts the audible alarm. This provides notice that it may be necessary to investigate the contents of the bag to determine if not one but two or more objects were inadvertently discarded.

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Medical Technology Station and Method of Use

Номер: US20200315891A1

The invention includes a medical technology station and a method for using the medical technology cart. The station can be a portable cart that can be movable, such as rollable, and has a computer system. Attached to the cart is a housing that communicates with the computer system. Insertable in the housing is a cassette system that includes a series of drawers. The drawers are openable and preferably closeable on command from a user. The drawers have a readable unique drawer identifier that is readable by sensors in the cassette. The cassette also preferably includes proximity sensors, while the drawers contain a target for the proximity sensors. In use, an operator, with proper credentials, can, though the computer system, identify a drawer to be opened by the computer system. The cassette and drawers can be removed from the housing and transported to another location for filling of the drawers with medications or other supplies. 1. A station comprisinga movable carta computer system comprising an input device, a display device, and a processor; said computer system positioned on the cart.computer memory in communication with the processor;a housing mounted on the cart, andat least one portable cassette system removably coupled to the housing,wherein the processor is in electronic communication with the input device, the display device, and the cassette system; andwherein the cassette system further comprises a cassette frame, the cassette frame defining an interior divided into compartments, the cassette system further having:a) at least one or more drawers, each of the drawers occupying and being slidably positioned in at least one of the compartments, whereby the compartments occupied by a drawer define said drawer's position in said cassette frame and each drawer further comprising an electronically readable identifier tag containing a unique drawer identifier;b) one or more electronic identifier readers;whereby each compartment is associated with at least one ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150342812A1
Автор: Forsyth Shad, Nedig Duane
Принадлежит: Associated Health Systems

A device for storing, transporting and dispensing medical items is provided, wherein the device comprises a multiplicity of compartments with an upper facing space and lower facing space. 1. A device for carrying medical items , wherein the device comprises: wherein said upper planar surface, lower planar surface, left lateral planar surface, right lateral planar surface and rear planar surface are contiguous;', an upper edge offset and lower edge offset from the upper planar surface and lower planar surface, thereby providing an upper facing surface space and a lower facing surface space,', 'a right lateral edge and a left lateral edge substantially contiguous with the facing edge of said left lateral planar surface and right lateral planar surfaces; and, 'wherein said facing planar surface comprises, 'wherein said upper edge offset and lower edge offset are offset from said upper planar surface and lower planar surfaces by a distance of at least 27 mm., 'each compartment being a hollow cuboid described by an upper and lower planar surface, a left lateral surface, a right lateral surface, a rear planar surface and a facing planar surface;'}, 'a multiplicity of hollow compartments'}2. The device of wherein said rear planar surface is removable claim 1 , providing access to the hollow interior described by the upper planar surface claim 1 , lower planar surface claim 1 , right lateral planar surface claim 1 , left lateral planar surface and facing planar surface.3. The device of wherein said upper edge of said facing planar surface contains a semi-circular depression of radius at least 15 mm.4. The device of wherein said lower edge of said facing planar surface contains a semi-circular depression of radius at least 15 mm.5. The device of wherein said lower edge and upper edge of said facing planar surface contain a semi-circular depression of at least 15 mm.6. A device for carrying medical items claim 1 , wherein the device comprises: wherein said upper planar ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180325762A1

A drawer system including a structure to receive a plurality of drawer modules individual ones of the drawer modules including a drawer processor, a drawer memory to store a drawer module address, and a latch mechanism to lock one or more drawers in a drawer module. The system including a controller circuit to control access to the drawer modules based on user input, the controller circuit including a controller circuit processor, a controller circuit memory, and a plurality of communication channels daisy-chained such that a first one of the plurality of communication channels is connected between the controller circuit and a drawer processor of a first one of the drawer modules, and a second one of the plurality of communication channels is connected between the drawer processor of the first one of the drawer modules and a drawer processor of a second one of the drawer modules. 1. A drawer system comprising: a drawer processor;', 'a drawer memory to store a drawer module address; and', 'a latch mechanism to lock one or more drawers in a drawer module;, 'a structure to receive a plurality of N drawer modules, where N is an integer, individual ones of the plurality of N drawer modules includingan input device to receive user input; a controller circuit processor. wherein the controller circuit processor is configured to generate a first address and assign the first address to a first one of the plurality of N drawer modules,', 'wherein the drawer processor of the first one of the plurality of N drawer modules is configured to generate a second address and assign the second address to a second one of the plurality of N drawer modules, wherein the drawer processor of the second one of the plurality of N drawer modules is configured to generate a third address;', 'a controller circuit memory; and, 'a controller circuit at the structure and in communication with the input device to control access to the plurality of N drawer modules based on the received user input, the ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190321248A1

Disclosed is a medical or organization cart with a cart body which is in particular essentially formed in the shape of a straight prism, and at least one corner post which may at least be indirectly fixed vertically to the cart body. At the corner post, at least one cross strap and/or one adapter, in particular made out of plastic, for attaching accessories at the medical or organization cart may be mounted. The adapter may be mounted both at the corner post and at the cross strap and/or the cross strap at the corner post, without using tools, in particular by clamping, and may be detached from the latter. The cross strap and/or the adapter may, when mounted at the corner post, be swiveled horizontally around the corner post. 1. A medical or organization cart with a cart body which is formed in particular essentially in the shape of a straight prism , wherein the cart body is provided with at least one corner post which is fixable to the cart body via at least one screw , clamping , and/or plug connection , whereinthe corner post is provided with at least one guide element which extends peripherally at the corner post,at least one strap element and/or one adapter may be mounted at the corner post or detached therefrom, for the purpose of attaching accessories at the medical or organization cart,wherein the strap element and/or the adapter is provided, for the connection with the corner post, with a connection element at its an end which is adjacent to the corner post, which may be clamped to the corner post,wherein the connection element is engaged with the guide element and may be swiveled around the corner post, andwherein the connection element at least partially encloses the corner post at an angle larger than 180°, in particular larger than 200°.2. The medical or organization cart according to claim 1 , wherein the corner post is provided with guide elements in discrete locations along its vertical extension to provide a tongue-and-groove combination and/or a ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Medical instrument cart

Номер: US20190328477A1

A cart for dispensing, storing, and tracking medical instruments is provided. The cart has a housing, a first motor, a second motor, one or more trays, and a processor. The trays hold one or more medical instruments, and have a door and door opening assembly. The processor is in communication with the motors for rotating the housing and opening the doors. The processor has a storage medium for storing the cart's instrument dispensing history. The processor also has a user interface for capturing user input.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Medications Dispensing Cart

Номер: US20170354562A1
Автор: Gipson Seneca

An medications dispensing cart for dispensing medications includes a cabinet that has a front, a back, a left side, a right side, a top and a bottom defining an internal space. A pair of left walls and a pair of right walls are positioned in the internal space. Drawers are positioned between and slidably coupled to each of the pairs of walls. Rollers are coupled to the bottom and a cooler is positioned in the top. A light, operationally coupled to a power module, is extendable from the interior space through a complimentary aperture in the top. Electronic locks, controlled by a keypad, are coupled to the drawers. A manual lock also is coupled to each of the drawers. A pill manipulator that is capable of cutting and crushing pills is positioned on the top. 1. An medications dispensing cart comprising:a cabinet, said cabinet having a front, a back, a left side, a right side, a top and a bottom defining an internal space;a pair of left walls and a pair of right walls positioned in said internal space;a plurality of drawers, respective said drawers being positioned between and slidably coupled to said pair of left walls, respective said drawers being positioned between and slidably coupled to said pair of right walls;a plurality of rollers, said rollers being coupled to said bottom;a cooler, said cooler being positioned in said top and extending into said internal space;a power module, said power module being coupled to said cabinet and positioned in said interior space;a light, said light being extendable from said interior space through a complimentary aperture in said top, said light being operationally coupled to said power module, such that said light is stowable in said interior space when not needed and extendable when illumination is required;a plurality of electronic locks, each said electronic lock being coupled to said cabinet and operationally coupled to a respective one of said plurality of drawers, such that each of said electronic locks is configured to ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Dialysis bed

Номер: US20160367423A1
Автор: Walker S. Guerrier
Принадлежит: Individual

A dialysis bed and additional accessories are provided. The dialysis bed includes a head board, a foot board and a base. The head board includes a head board slot running from a side edge towards a central portion of the head board. The foot board includes a foot board slot running from a side edge towards a central portion of the foot board. The foot board slot aligns with the head board slot. The base connects the head board and the foot board together and is disposed beneath the slots. The present invention further includes a sliding platform. The sliding platform includes a first end having a first handle and a second end having a second handle. The first handle slidably engages within the head board slot and the second handle slidably engages within the foot board slot.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160371943A1
Автор: YOUNG Peter Jeffrey

A device for the detection of an open and unattended closure of an enclosure to prevent theft comprises a detector adapted to detect if the closure is open and a detector adapted to detect if the closure is unattended, the detectors being operably connected to an effector adapted to alert a user to the open and unattended condition of the closure. 1. A device for the detection of an open and unattended closure of a medical storage enclosure to prevent theft , comprising: a detector adapted to detect if the closure is open and a detector adapted to detect if the closure is unattended , the detectors being operably connected to an effector adapted to alert a user to the open and unattended condition of the closure.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the detector adapted to detect if the closure is open is also adapted to turn the device on upon opening of the closure and off when the closure is returned to a shut position.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the detector adapted to detect if the closure is unattended is also adapted to turn the device off for a pre-determined period of time when actuated by the proximity of a user claim 2 , or to actuate the effector if the proximity of a user is not detected.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the effector adapted to alert a user to the open and unattended condition of the closure is also adapted to deactivate if the detector adapted to detect if the closure is open detects that the closure has been returned to a shut position claim 3 , or if the detector adapted to detect if the closure is unattended detects the proximity of a user.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the length of the pre-determined period of time is variable by a user.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detector adapted to detect if the closure is open is a light detector adapted to activate by the presence of light and deactivate in darkness.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detector adapted to detect if the closure is open ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170372587A1

A mobile cart that holds a bag for receiving solid waste generated during a medical or surgical procedure. The cart includes a sensor that monitors whether or not an object containing metal is placed in the bag. A processor monitors the signal output by the sensor. If the sensor signal indicates that an object with a minimal amount of metal is placed in the bag, the processor momentarily asserts an audible alarm and continuously asserts a light alarm. The light alarm remains asserted until turned off. If, while the light alarm is on, the sensor signal indicates a second object with the minimal amount of waste is placed in the container, the processor again momentarily asserts the audible alarm. This provides notice that it may be necessary to investigate the contents of the bag to determine if not one but two or more objects were inadvertently discarded. 1. A portable cart for containing medical waste , the cart including:a mobile base;a frame attached to the base that is located above the base, the frame having an outer surface and opening;a sensor mounted to the frame that detects if metal is passed through the frame opening and asserts a sensor signal when metal is passed through the frame opening; anda bag emovably mounted to the frame;lights connected to the base or frame;an audible alarm connected to the base or frame; and actuate the audible alarm for a defined period of time; and', 'actuate the lights until a user-generated command is received and, upon receipt of the user-generated command, negate the actuation of the lights., 'a processor that receives the sensors signal and when the sensor signal indicates that metal is passed through the frame opening, said processor is configured to2. The portable cart of claim 1 , wherein:the sensor generates a sensor signal that varies as a function of the amount of metal passed through the frame opening; andsaid processor is further configured to: receive a user-entered threshold signal; and to actuate the audible ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200357509A1

A system and method is described for printing a label with an RFID tag. The system includes an RFID reader that queries a first RFID tag coupled to a first medicinal container that includes a medication. In response, the system receives a first unique identifier and uses the first unique identifier to determine a status of the medication, associate the first medicinal container with a medical provider and print a second label that includes a second RFID tag for a second medicinal container. 120-. (canceled)21. A system comprising: receive, from the scanning device, a first unique identifier, wherein the first unique identifier corresponds to a first computer-readable code associated with a first medicinal container capable of storing a first parent medication,', 'receive, from the scanning device, a second unique identifier, wherein the second unique identifier corresponds to a second computer-readable code associated with a second medicinal container capable of storing a second parent medication,', 'query a remotely located database for first drug data of the first parent medication based at least in part on the first unique identifier and for second drug data of the second parent medication based at least in part on the second unique identifier,', 'determine a drug expiration date of a child medication based at least in part on the first drug data and the second drug data, wherein the child medication comprises at least a portion of the first parent medication and the second parent medication, and', 'update the remotely located database to associate the drug expiration date of the child medication with a third unique identifier, wherein the third unique identifier is associated with the child medication., 'one or more processors communicatively coupled to a scanning device and configured to22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to:receive, from the scanning device, the third unique identifier; andupdate the drug data ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Medical Workstation Mounting Apparatus

Номер: US20200383856A1
Автор: Kitt David A.

A medical workstation mounting apparatus comprises an elongate body with front and rear faces and configured for attachment to a shelf of a medical workstation. The apparatus has a length, a depth, and a thickness which is the distance between the front and rear faces. A plurality of accessory receivers extend from the body. Each receiver comprises a pair of arms with a channel between them configured to receive a hook of an accessory. The maximum thickness of the apparatus is less than its maximum depth to ensure a slim profile and compact shape. 1. Medical workstation mounting apparatus for mounting accessories to a medical workstation , the apparatus comprising an elongate body with front and rear faces and configured for attachment to a shelf of a medical workstation , the apparatus having a length , a depth and a thickness , wherein the thickness is the distance between the front and rear faces , a plurality of accessory receivers extending from the body , each receiver comprising a pair of arms defining between them a channel configured to receive a hook of an accessory , wherein the apparatus has a maximum thickness which is less than its maximum depth.2. Medical workstation mounting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each arm comprises a proximal portion extending forward of the body and a distal portion extending parallel to the body.3. Medical workstation mounting apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the distal portion of each arm extends towards the distal portion of the other arm of the pair.4. Medical workstation mounting apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a slot is defined between the distal ends of the arms claim 3 , in communication with the channel.5. Mounting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein all the edges and corners of the apparatus are radiussed or chamfered.6. Mounting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein two accessory receivers are provided claim 1 , located at opposite ends of the elongate body.7. Mounting ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

System and method for collecting medical waste that monitors the waste for objects that may have been inadvertently discarded

Номер: US20200388141A1
Принадлежит: Stryker Corp

A mobile cart that holds a bag for receiving solid waste generated during a medical or surgical procedure. The cart includes a sensor that monitors whether or not an object containing metal is placed in the bag. A processor monitors the signal output by the sensor. If the sensor signal indicates that an object with a minimal amount of metal is placed in the bag, the processor momentarily asserts an audible alarm and continuously asserts a light alarm. The light alarm remains asserted until turned off. If, while the light alarm is on, the sensor signal indicates a second object with the minimal amount of waste is placed in the container, the processor again momentarily asserts the audible alarm. This provides notice that it may be necessary to investigate the contents of the bag to determine if not one but two or more objects were inadvertently discarded.

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200405577A1

Modular automated dispensing systems for dispensing secured medications in a medical environment are provided. The system includes a compact enclosure configured to be disposed in a medical treatment area without taking up valuable floor space. The system includes lockable drawers having one or more compartments for storing and dispensing medications or medical supplies. The system is unlocked by use of an access control interface internally or externally connected directly to the system, or networked to the system through a medical center network. 1. A modular automated dispensing system for dispensing secured medications in a medical environment , the modular automated dispensing system comprising:a compact enclosure configured to be disposed on a support surface in a medical treatment area, the compact enclosure comprising a front surface and a top surface;a drawer lock assembly;a drawer for storing medications, the drawer configured to be secured in the compact enclosure when locked by the drawer lock assembly and slideably openable from the front surface of the compact enclosure when unlocked by the drawer lock assembly;a plurality of compartments disposed within the drawer; anda biometric device built into the top surface of the compact enclosure, the biometric device operatively coupled to a processor and to the drawer lock assembly, the biometric device configured to provide a first signal to the processor, the first signal comprising one of a registration signal, a login signal and an authentication signal, and to provide a second signal to the drawer lock assembly, the second signal comprising an unlock signal to unlock the drawer, the second signal based on received authorization input from the processor,wherein the drawer is fully openable to expose all of the plurality of compartments when unlocked by the second signal.2. The modular automated dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein one of the plurality of compartments is removable claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220351121A1

An inventory tracking system includes storage modules that hold one or more items. Each item is positionable at locations within the storage modules independent of physical characteristics of the item. Inventory monitoring modules are included to monitor storage modules for adding an item, retrieving an item, consuming of the item, returning an unused item, discarding at least a portion of a consumed item, or combinations thereof. Each act is used to determine information about items utilized in the act, including the location within the storage modules of the items. Each storage module updates a central inventory database about a location of the storage module, a revised inventory of the items stored within the storage modules, or both. The location of the storage modules, the revised inventory of the items stored within the storage modules, or both, is used to order a replenishment of the items held within the storage modules. 1. (canceled)2. A medication management workflow and control system , comprising:a support surface comprising two or more types of sensors that are configured to monitor use of an item, wherein the two or more types of sensors are selected from the group consisting of a load sensor, an imaging device, a radio frequency reader, and an optical reader; and receive information from the two or more types of sensors;', 'compare the information from the two or more types of sensors; and', 'determine an identity of the item based on the compared information from the two or more types of sensors., 'at least one processor that is configured to3. The medication management workflow and control system of claim 2 , wherein:the two or more types of sensors comprise at least one load sensor;the at least one processor is configured to extract one or both of size information and a pressure map of contact points of the item based on information from the at least one load sensor; andthe identity of the item is determined based at least in part on the one or ...

08-06-1999 дата публикации

Numeric keypad simulated on touchscreen

Номер: US5910139A
Принадлежит: Storz Instrument Co

A system for controlling a plurality of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments are for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgical procedures. The system includes a data communications bus and a user interface connected to the data communications bus. The user interface provides information to the user and receives information from the user which is representative of operating parameters of the microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgical modules connected to and controlling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules are also connected to the data communications bus. The data communications bus provides communication of data representative of the operating parameters between the user interface and the surgical modules. Other features are also disclosed including a main control, an endo-illuminator system, a phacoemulsification handpiece, surgical scissors, a vitrectomy cutter, a surgical foot control, a remote control, a cart.

26-06-2001 дата публикации

Ophthalmic microsurgical system employing surgical module employing flash EEPROM and reprogrammable modules

Номер: US6251113B1
Принадлежит: Bausch and Lomb Surgical Inc

A system for controlling a plurality of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments are for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgical procedures. The system includes a data communications bus and a user interface connected to the data communications bus. The user interface provides information to the user and receives information from the user which is representative of operating parameters of the microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgical modules connected to and controlling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules are also connected to the data communications bus. The data communications bus provides communication of data representative of the operating parameters between the user interface and the surgical modules. Other features are also disclosed including a main control, an endo-illuminator system, a phacoemulsification handpiece, surgical scissors, a vitrectomy cutter, a surgical foot control, a remote control, a cart.

12-09-2000 дата публикации

Surgical module with independent microprocessor-based communication

Номер: US6117126A
Принадлежит: Bausch and Lomb Surgical Inc

A system for controlling a plurality of ophthalmic microsurgical instruments connected thereto. The microsurgical instruments are for use by a user such as a surgeon in performing ophthalmic surgical procedures. The system includes a data communications bus and a user interface connected to the data communications bus. The user interface provides information to the user and receives information from the user which is representative of operating parameters of the microsurgical instruments. The system also includes surgical modules connected to and controlling the microsurgical instruments as a function of at least one of the operating parameters. The surgical modules are also connected to the data communications bus. The data communications bus provides communication of data representative of the operating parameters between the user interface and the surgical modules. Other features are also disclosed including a main control, an endo-illuminator system, a phacoemulsification handpiece, surgical scissors, a vitrectomy cutter, a surgical foot control, a remote control, a cart.

13-05-2014 дата публикации

Portable peritoneal dialysis carts and related systems

Номер: US8720913B2
Принадлежит: Fresenius Medical Care Holdings Inc

A lightweight, easy-to-assemble, and portable cart for the performance of peritoneal dialysis is disclosed. The cart includes a top shelf, bottom shelf, and at least four adjustable connecting members or legs. The top shelf has a top surface designed to receive a PD cycler, and at least one hook to hang bags of solution. Various components of the cart include a plastic and foaming agent additive.

05-06-2012 дата публикации

Modular patient support system

Номер: US8191909B2
Принадлежит: LIVENGOOD Engr Inc

A patient support platform or mobile support cart is provided. The mobile support cart includes a transmission system that allows the patient and/or medical staff member to choose a stop, walk or roll mode. In the stop mode, the castor wheels are prevented from rolling across the floor by a braking mechanism. In the walking mode, the transmission causes a tracking wheel to engage the floor for providing tracked or guided motion to the mobile support cart. In a roll mode, the tracking wheel is raised and is disengaged from the floor, and the castor wheels are free to rotate. The platform is capable of supporting devices that may be attached or associated with a patient throughout their stay at a healthcare facility. The braking mechanism can include a cable and an associated brake arm, with the cable positioned to allow braking without inhibiting the ability of the castor wheel to swivel with respect to a castor mounting plate.

13-07-2006 дата публикации

Modular patient support system

Номер: WO2006074473A2

A patient support platform (100') provides a solution for healthcare facilities The patient support platform preferably includes a transmission system that allows the patient and/or medical staff member to choose a stop, walk or roll mode ( 1600) The transmission system preferably includes a drag wheel (2036) for applying a braking force ir response to a voltage generated by a braking motor The plalforrn supports a plurality of devices that may be attached or associated with a patient throughout their stay at a healthcare facility

29-04-2014 дата публикации

Cabinet structure configurations for infusion systems

Номер: US8708352B2
Принадлежит: Bracco Diagnostics Inc

A cabinet structure for an infusion system includes a platform, on which the system is mounted, and a shell surrounding an interior space, which contains at least a portion of the system. The shell preferably includes an opening that is sized and oriented to allow a lowering of a radioisotope generator, for the system, into the interior space, and a lifting of the generator out from the interior space. The shell may further include another opening, located at a higher elevation than the aforementioned opening, in order to provide access to a waste bottle of the infusion system.

17-12-2009 дата публикации

Infusion systems including computer-facilitated maintenance and/or operation and methods of use

Номер: CA3081018A1
Принадлежит: Bracco Diagnostics Inc

Methods for setting up, maintaining and operating a radiopharmaceutical infusion system, that includes a radioisotope generator, are facilitated by a computer of the system. The computer includes pre-programmed instructions and a computer interface, for interaction with a user of the system, for example, in order to track contained volumes of eluant and/or eluate, and/or to track time from completion of an elution performed by the system, and/or to calculate one or more system and/or injection parameters for quality control, and/or to perform purges of the system, and/or to facilitate diagnostic imaging

04-12-2003 дата публикации

Storage device for health care facility

Номер: US20030222548A1
Принадлежит: Baxter International Inc

A device is provided for controlling access to medical items. At least one ratcheting drawer is provided having a plurality of bins adapted to hold the medical items and disposed to become exposed sequentially as the drawer is opened. A latching mechanism engages the ratcheting drawer to prevent the drawer from opening. A sensor detects the position of the drawer relative to the bins and, when access to the contents of a particular bin is authorized, the latching mechanism disengages until the specific bin is exposed, as determined by the sensor.
