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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 12035. Отображено 200.
10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326137C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления содержащих альгинат пористых формованных изделий, к изделиям, полученным этим способом, и применению этих изделий. Задачей изобретения является создание относительно крупноформатных формованных изделий с высокой однородностью на основе соединений альгинатов с поливалентными ионами металла, которые обладают высокой прочностью на разрыв во влажном состоянии, способны резаться на тонкие слои обычными режущими устройствами, имеют привлекательный внешний вид, так как обладают высокой степенью белизны, могут применяться в косметических или медицинских целях в качестве косметических прокладок для кожи или медицинских повязок для ран. Кроме того, необходимо обеспечить возможность получения толстых однородных пористых слоев альгината, необходимых для изготовления простым способом, прессованием и/или высечкой, соответствующих (применяемых также перорально) косметических или медицинских аппликационных форм: формованных изделий-имплантатов, таблеток насыщения ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586828C2

Абсорбирующее тело для одноразовых абсорбирующих изделий, например, для абсорбирования менструаций или крови, включающее пористый абсорбирующий гелеобразующий материал. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586931C2

Изобретение относится к новому производному гиалуроновой кислоты общей формулы (I), способу его получения, к гидрогелю на его основе, к способу получения гидрогеля и к применению гидрогеля для получения препаратов для косметических средств, медицины или регенеративной медицины. Причем Ar представляет собой фенил и Rпредставляет собой этилен, или Ar представляет собой индол и Rпредставляет собой этилен, или Ar представляет собой индол и Rпредставляет собой карбоксиэтилен. Rпредставляет собой алкил с 3-7 атомами углерода, а n находится в диапазоне от 1 до 7500. Изобретение позволяет получить материал, достаточно крепкий и одновременно упругий, не проявляющий существенных изменений биологических и физических свойств и образующий прочный гидрогель. 5 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл., 18 пр.

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2248219C2

Изобретение относится к абсорбирующей структуре в абсорбирующем изделии, таком как пеленка, подгузник, предохранительное средство при недержании, гигиеническая прокладка, указанная абсорбирующая структура содержит пеноструктуру с открытыми ячейками, стенки пор указанной пеноструктуры содержат удерживающий жидкость материал, имеющий способность вмещать более чем 7% синтетической мочи, как определено согласно методу CRC. Абсорбирующая пористая структура отличается тем, что поры пеноструктуры содержат гидрофильные волокна, причем по меньшей мере основная часть гидрофильных волокон прочно закреплена в стенках пор пеноструктуры, и тем, что количество волокна составляет по меньшей мере 10% по массе от общей массы пены с открытыми ячейками в сухом состоянии. Изобретение также относится к абсорбирующему изделию, содержащему такую абсорбирующую структуру. Абсорбирующая структура имеет хорошую способность удерживания жидкости и хорошее распределение жидкости. 2 c. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2562569C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Описана гемостатическая пористая композитная губка, содержащая матрицу из биоматериала и один гидрофильный полимерный компонент, содержащий реакционно-способные группы, при этом матрица и полимерный компонент соединяются друг с другом так, что реакционная способность полимерного компонента сохраняется, при этом «соединенный» означает, что указанный полимерный компонент наносится на поверхность указанной матрицы из биоматериала, или указанная матрица пропитывается указанным полимерным материалом, или и то и другое. Губка демонстрирует низкое набухание после применения на ране. 7 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 27 пр., 1 табл.

31-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621114C2

Изобретение относится к волокнам из природных полимеров и касается полисахаридного волокна для биомедицинских применений, таких как лечение ран. Волокно представляет собой вытянутое волокно, содержащее альгинат и полимеры оболочек семян подорожника в качестве единственных структурных компонентов волокна. Может быть включена противомикробная соль серебра. Волокно можно получать экструзией водной смеси солюбилизированных щелочью оболочек семян подорожника и альгината натрия в ванну с раствором хлорида кальция. Изобретение обеспечивает создание биологически производимых материалов, обладающих уникальным сочетанием функциональных свойств и благоприятных для окружающей среды отличительных особенностей. 5 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 5 пр.

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725890C2
Принадлежит: МАГЛЕ АБ (SE)

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины и фармацевтической промышленности, в частности к биоразлагаемой микросфере для обеспечения гемостаза и адгезии тромбоцитов с диаметром 10-2000 мкм, содержащей поперечно сшитый гидролизованный крахмал, связанный с по меньшей мере одним типом лиганда посредством сложноэфирной связи, образованной гидроксильной группой глюкозного фрагмента крахмала и карбоксильной группой лиганда, при этом в среднем 0,05-1,5 лиганда связано с каждым глюкозным фрагментом крахмала, где лиганд является эндогенной положительно заряженной молекулой с молекулярной массой менее 1000 Да, содержащей по меньшей мере одну функциональную аминогруппу, и выбран из аминокислот и азотсодержащих органических кислот. Также предложены применение указанной микросферы в гемостазе и способ осуществления гемостаза путем введения эффективного количества предложенных микросфер млекопитающему, имеющему кровоточащую рану. Группа изобретений обеспечивает первичный и продолжительный гемостаз ...

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503465C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Описан супервпитывающий полимерный композит, содержащий супервпитывающие полимеры и целлюлозные нанофибриллы, имеющие диаметр, равный или менее 100 нм. Композит может быть в форме частиц или пены. Также описаны способы получения композита и впитывающих изделий, содержащих супервпитывающий полимерный композит. Целлюлозные нанофибриллы увеличивают прочность геля супервпитывающего полимера. 5 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 6 пр.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747702C2

Изобретение относится к получению щелочного хитина и его прозводных, хитозана и его производных. Способ получения щелочного хитозана, хитина или их производных с низким содержанием эндотоксина предусматривает приведение в контакт хитозана, хитина, производного хитозана или производного хитина со щелочным раствором, имеющим концентрацию от 0,01М до 0,2M, для получения смеси. Смесь оставляют на период времени менее 12 часов и высушивают. Также предложены продукты, полученные этим способом, способ получения нейтрального хитозана, соли хитозана или производного хитозана с низким содержанием эндотоксина, продукты, полученные этим способом, применение вышеуказанной соли хитозана для остановки кровотечения. Изобретение позволяет получить хитозан с низким содержанием эндотоксина, имеющим соответствующую молекулярную массу с высокими гемостатическими свойствами. 11 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл., 4 пр.

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535497C2

Впитывающее изделие, включающее сигнальный композиционный материал, содержащий несущий слой подложки, первый стимулирующий слой, второй стимулирующий слой, первый термопластичный адгезивный слой и второй термопластичный адгезивный слой. Несущий слой подложки расположен как нижний слой сигнального композиционного материала. Первый стимулирующий слой содержит первый стимулирующий материал и расположен выше и как прилегающий к несущему слою подложки. Второй стимулирующий слой содержит второй стимулирующий материал и расположен выше как прилегающий к первому стимулирующему слою, чтобы обеспечить обращенную к телу поверхность этого сигнального композиционного материала. Первый термопластичный адгезивный слой является проницаемым для жидкости или водорастворимым и расположен между и как прилегающий к несущему слою подложки и первому стимулирующему слою. Второй термопластичный адгезивный слой является проницаемым для жидкости или водорастворимым и расположен между первым стимулирующим слоем и ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508127C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, конкретно к стерильному покрытию для ран с подложкой и не поглощающим эластомерным контактирующим с раной слоем, причем эластомерная матрица содержит синтетический трехблочный эластомер, предпочтительно сополимер из полистирольного блока и полиолефинового блока (SEPS, SEBS, SEEPS и т.д.), или их смесь, причем общее содержание полимера составляет меньше 3,2 масс.%, в частности 3,0 масс.% или меньше, предпочтительно 2,6 масс.% или меньше, и пластифицирована неполярным маслом и/или вазелином. Покрытие для ран обеспечивает лучшую совместимость таней. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 3 пр.

30-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2634428C2

Изобретение относится к химии высокомолекулярных соединений, в частности к способу получения сетчатых гидрофильных полимеров, которые могут найти применение в сельском хозяйстве для улучшения структуры почв и запасания почвенной влаги в засушливых регионах. Способ получения гидрофильного сшитого полимера заключается в том, что к раствору полисахарида в водном растворе уксусной кислоты, содержащем 0,1-2,5 масс. % хлорида железа(II), или хлорида кобальта(II), или хлорида никеля(II), при температуре 20-40°С прибавляют 0,01-0,30 мас. % пероксида водорода. Затем реакционную смесь выдерживают при интенсивном перемешивании в течение 15-40 минут. После этого в реакционную массу вводят раствор акриламида в (мет)акриловой кислоте или N,N-ди(метил)этилоксиэтилметакрилате в соотношении 0,1:0,9÷0,9:0,1 мольных долей, и 0,1-10,0 мас. % N,N-метилен-бис-акриламида или диэтиленгликольдиметакрилата, пропиленгликольдиметакрилата. Реакционную массу выдерживают при перемешивании в течение 3-х часов при температуре ...

15-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2641031C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Описаны повязки на основе полисульфатированных олигосахаридов, демонстрирующим пролонгированное выделение указанных активных веществ, а также способ их получения, причем способ включает этап обработки этиленоксидом. Изобретение относится к применению этих повязок для ухода за ранами и для лечения и/или предупреждения образования рубцов и растяжек кожи. Способом достигается более высокое выделение активных веществ. 5 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 2 пр.

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662553C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Описаны абсорбирующие мочу изделия, содержащие модифицированное сульфатное целлюлозное волокно с уникальными свойствами. Сульфатное волокно изготавливают способом, включающим по меньшей мере один катализируемый железом процесс обработки пероксидом в кислой среде, который можно вводить по меньшей мере в одну стадию многостадийного процесса отбеливания. Данные изделия могут представлять собой подгузники, изделия для страдающих недержанием и другие абсорбирующие мочу устройства. Модифицированное сульфатное целлюлозное волокно проявляет улучшенное ограничение запаха, улучшенную пригодность к сжатию и/или улучшенную белизну. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 47 табл., 12 пр., 2 ил.

27-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2129629C1

Целлюлозный продукт и абсорбционная прокладка из этого продукта относятся к разделенному на волокна целлюлозному продукту, в частности измельченной целлюлозе, имеющей волокнистую структуру, характеризующуюся хорошей прессуемостью при воздействии тепла и давления. Волокнистая структура получена путем сшивки в сухом состоянии целлюлозных волокон, пропитанных эффективным количеством сшивающего агента и по меньшей мере одним би-, три- или полифункциональным спиртом и разделенных на волокна перед проведением реакции сшивки. Абсорбирующие прокладки состоят по меньшей мере частично из целлюлозного продукта, полученного в соответствии со способом его получения. Способ получения целлюлозного продукта, в частности измельченной целлюлозы, включает разделение целлюлозных волокон и их сшивку. Целлюлозные волокна пропитывают эффективным количеством химических реагентов, включающих сшивающий агент и по меньшей мере один би- три- или полифункциональный спирт. Пропитанное вещество сушат. Разделяют на волокна ...

10-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019129530A3

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015143740A3

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018110567A3

17-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018108842A3

27-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017140986A3

19-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017129870A3

05-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016134236A3

25-08-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения термопластичных биосовместимых и биодеградируемых композиций на основе хитозана и полиэфиров

Номер: RU2802337C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу получения термопластичных биосовместимых и биодеградируемых композиций на основе хитозана и полиэфиров. Способ включает растворение хитозана и полиэфиров в растворителе, причем в 0,5 или 1, или 2, или 3, или 6 мас.% растворе салициловой кислоты в диметилсульфоксиде растворяют хитозан в количестве 1-10 мас.%, потом к раствору добавляют полилактид или поликапролактон или смесь полилактида с поликапролактоном в соотношении 1:1 в количестве 1-10 мас.%, и, после полного растворения полимеров в диметилсульфоксиде, смесь сушат от растворителя. Технический результат - упрощение способа получения термопластичных биосовместимых и биодеградируемых композиций на основе хитозана и полиэфиров, повышение прочностных свойств композиций, таких как разрушающее напряжение и деформация. 6 ил., 1 табл., 9 пр.

10-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2119758C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения целлюлозосодержащего зернового экстракта. Способ включает помол зернового материала, суспендирование помолотого зернового материала в водной жидкости, обработку полученной суспензии щелочью и отделением твердых веществ. Полученные твердые вещества обрабатывают пероксидом водорода при значении рН, равном 12-13, значение рН обработанных твердых веществ понижают до уровня 5-7 и твердые вещества промывают. Способ обеспечивает эффективное получение как растворимой, так и не растворимой фракции гемицеллюлозы. 12 з.п.ф-лы.

05-04-2023 дата публикации

Способ лечения ран кожи и мягких тканей с помощью раневого покрытия на основе бактериальной целлюлозы

Номер: RU2793743C1

Изобретение относится к хирургии и может использоваться с целью лечения длительно незаживающих ран кожи и мягких тканей. Способ лечения ран кожи и мягких тканей с помощью раневого покрытия на основе бактериальной целлюлозы включает биосинтез с помощью уксуснокислых бактерий и дрожжей, изготавливают стерильные прозрачные эластичные пластины бактериальной целлюлозы толщиной 2-3 мм и влажностью 99%; затем во время перевязки для оттока экссудата предварительно перфорируют в 4-5 разных местах, формируя отверстия до 5 мм; на обработанную рану кожи или мягких тканей укладывают полученное раневое покрытие, края которого фиксируют к коже и закрывают сухой повязкой; через 3-5 суток при высыхании и изменении цвета пластины на желто-коричневый вследствие абсорбции экссудата ее убирают и накладывают новую. Изобретение обеспечивает высокую эффективность и повышение скорости закрытия плохо заживающих ран за счет стимуляции регенерации раны в закрытой влажной среде, снижение экссудации раны и вторичной ...

03-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2693630C1

Изобретение относится к абсорбирующей структуре для гигиенической прокладки, содержащей один пласт, который содержит неоднородную массу, содержащую обволакиваемые элементы и дискретные фрагменты HIPE пеноматериала с открытыми ячейками на основе эмульсии с высоким содержанием дисперсной фазы, при этом обволакиваемые элементы выбраны из группы, состоящей из крепированной целлюлозной ваты, распушенных целлюлозных волокон, волокон древесной целлюлозы, также известных как воздушный фетр, текстильных волокон, синтетических волокон, вискозных волокон, абсорбирующих волокон, полученных аэродинамическим способом, термопластичных твердых частиц или волокон, трехкомпонентных волокон, двухкомпонентных волокон, пучков ворса и их комбинаций, при этом абсорбирующая структура характеризуется параметром капиллярности, который определен интегралом капиллярного давления по объему накопленной текучей среды, идущей от пустого капилляра до полностью насыщенного, и при этом указанный параметр капиллярности превышает ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700693C1

Группа изобретений относится к химии высокомолекулярных соединений, касается вариантов способа получения хитозановой губки, которая может быть использована в медицине в качестве раневых покрытий, гемостатических материалов, матриц для тканевой инженерии. Способ получения хитозановой губки включает растворение хитозана в водном растворе уксусной кислоты, соляной кислоты или молочной кислоты. После полного растворения хитозана при перемешивании добавляют вспениватель. В качестве вспенивателя используют гидрокарбонат натрия, гидрокарбонат калия или гидрокарбонат аммония. Затем осуществляют отмывку полученной губки от остатков кислоты и вспенивателя, сушку полученной губки. Компоненты используют в заявленных соотношениях. Группа изобретений обеспечивает упрощение синтеза и расширение области применения получаемой губки за счет возможности регулирования скорости процесса ее получения и пористости. 3 н.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 10 пр.

22-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695223C1

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, биотехнологии, косметологии и фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к получению лечебно-профилактического гидрогелевого материала на основе соли хитозансодержащего вещества с собственной биологической активностью, обладающего антибактериальным, противовоспалительным и ранозаживляющим действием, который может быть использован для ухода и лечения различных видов ран, язв, пролежней и ожогов, возрастных и мимических морщин, питания и увлажнения эпидермиса, для доставки лекарств и других биологически активных соединений (местно, трансдермально, через слизистую оболочку), а также в области биотехнологии для получения матриц для выращивания клеточных культур. Технической проблемой заявляемой группы изобретений является создание эффективного, качественного гидрогелевого материала на основе соли хитозансодержащего вещества, выполненного с возможностью применения в виде монолитной, эластичной и высококонгруэнтной (к поверхности со сложным рельефом ...

08-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702339C1
Автор: ВАН И-Лан (US)
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины и фармацевтической промышленности. Предложен способ получения множества гемостатических агрегатов, согласно которому мелют исходный целлюлозный материал, представляющий собой окисленную целлюлозную ткань, окисленный целлюлозный нетканый материал, измельченный окисленный целлюлозный материал или их комбинации, с образованием промежуточных тонких волокон, которые далее увлажняют до содержания воды 11,0-20,0 мас.% и уплотняют на валках с образованием гемостатических агрегатов, которые затем просеивают для отбора целевой фракции и обезвоживают, причем целевая фракция включает агрегаты размером 75-300 мкм или агрегаты со следующим профилем распределения размеров: d15 более или равен 80 мкм, d50 от 140 до 250 мкм, d90 менее или равен 370 мкм. Также предложены: гемостатический агрегат, полученный указанным способом; варианты гемостатических агрегатов в виде частиц и способы лечения раны путем нанесения полученных гемостатических агрегатов на рану ...

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Абсорбирующие изделия, имеющие нетканые подложки с композициями реакционноспособной краски

Номер: RU2682350C1

Абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее нетканую подложку, которая имеет внутреннюю сторону с печатью краской и обращенную к одежде сторону без печати, причем печать композицией реакционноспособной краски на внутренней стороне нетканой подложки с печатью краской образует область с печатью краской, при этом композиция реакционноспособной краски содержит связующее вещество. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101029A

... 1. Гемостатическое устройство, содержащее:субстрат;гемостатический глинистый материал, размещенный, по меньшей мере, на одной стороне субстрата; ипоперечно-сшитое связующее, конфигурированное для закрепления гемостатического материала на субстрате;в котором гемостатическое устройство подвергается процессу сушки;в котором связующее обладает эффектом удержания, в основном полностью, гемостатического материала на субстрате при контакте с кровью; а такжев котором устройство конфигурировано таким образом, что при обработке кровотечения применение устройства способно обеспечить абсорбцию крови в субстрат, а также обеспечить вхождение по меньшей мере части глинистого материала в контакт с кровью для ускорения свертываемости.2. Устройство по пункту 1, причем субстрат содержит, по меньшей мере, одно из нижеперечисленного: марлевый материал, тканый материал, губку, губчатую матрицу или вспененный полимер.3. Устройство по пункту 1, причем связующее представляет собой поперечно-сшитый альгинат кальция ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003112204A

... 1. Рыхлая целлюлоза повышенной белизны, содержащая волокна целлюлозы и убеливающее вещество, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающим веществом является по меньшей мере один из белого пигмента, красителя или флуоресцентного отбеливателя. 2. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающее вещество содержит флуоресцентный отбеливатель. 3. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающее вещество содержит флуоресцентный отбеливатель и белый пигмент. 4. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающее вещество содержит флуоресцентный отбеливатель и краситель. 5. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающее вещество содержит флуоресцентный отбеливатель, белый пигмент и краситель. 6. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающее вещество содержит белый пигмент. 7. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что убеливающее вещество содержит краситель. 8. Целлюлоза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отбеливателем является по меньшей мере одно из соединений дисульфонированного стильбена, тетрасульфонированного ...

11-11-2020 дата публикации

Способ получения биокомпозита на основе аэрогеля бактериальной целлюлозы, обладающего кровоостанавливающими свойствами

Номер: RU2736061C1

Изобретение относится к области биотехнологии и медицины, а именно к способу получения биокомпозита на основе аэрогеля бактериальной целлюлозы, обладающего кровоостанавливающими свойствами. Способ заключается в получении гель-пленки бактериальной целлюлозы путем культивирования штамма бактерий Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans ВКПМ В-11267 в статических условиях на среде с мелассой, отделении полученной гель-пленки бактериальной целлюлозы от культуральной среды и ее очищении, механическом измельчении очищенной гель-пленки бактериальной целлюлозы в течение 10 мин, получении гидрогеля а) бактериальная целлюлоза-хитозан в соотношениях 80:20 путем смешения 2%-го раствора хитозана в 1%-й уксусной кислоте, гидрогеля бактериальной целлюлозы, 25%-го глутарового альдегида, с добавлением фузидина натрия в комбинации с одним или более дополнительными компонентами, или б) бактериальная целлюлоза:хитозан:желатин:трансглютаминаза в соотношении 5:5:15:5 соответственно, с добавлением фузидина натрия в ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672016C1

Назначение настоящего раскрытия изобретения состоит в том, чтобы предложить впитывающее тело, которое при неоднократном впитывании жидкости обладает очень хорошими способностями к диспергированию жидкости в направлении поверхности и обеспечивает возможность перемещения жидкости в направлении толщины. Это впитывающее тело имеет следующую конфигурацию. Впитывающее тело (7) для впитывающего изделия (1) содержит: впитывающую сердцевину (11), содержащую полимерное впитывающее средство (19), и элементы (13, 14) для обертывания сердцевины. Элементы (13, 14) для обертывания сердцевины содержат: (i) слой (25, 26), содержащий первые гидрофильные волокна, который прилегает к впитывающей сердцевине (11) и содержит первые гидрофильные волокна (23, 24), имеющие среднюю длину волокна, составляющую 25 мм - 75 мм; (ii) слой (29, 30), содержащий целлюлозные волокна, который прилегает к слою (25, 26), содержащему первые гидрофильные волокна, и содержит целлюлозные волокна (27, 28), и (iii) слой (33, 34), ...

21-02-2024 дата публикации

Способ получения биокомпозиционных материалов с регенеративными и антисептическими свойствами на основе гидрогелей бактериальной целлюлозы

Номер: RU2814059C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения биокомпозита на основе гидрогелей бактериальной целлюлозы и может быть использовано для создания раневого покрытия. Способ получения биокомпозиционных материалов с регенеративными и антисептическими свойствами на основе гидрогелей бактериальной целлюлозы включает синтез гель-пленки бактериальной целлюлозы культурой-продуцентом Komagataeibacter sucrofermentans B-11267 в статических условиях на среде, содержащей отход свеклосахарного производства – мелассу, последующее очищение, механическое измельчение очищенной гель-пленки бактериальной целлюлозы и смешивание с водой в соотношении 1:3 для получения гидрогеля бактериальной целлюлозы. К полученному гидрогелю бактериальной целлюлозы добавляют 2% раствор альгината натрия в соотношении 1:4, затем добавляют фузидин натрия в количестве 7,5 мг на мл гидрогеля. Наносят 200 мкл полученного гидрогеля на медицинский фиксирующий лейкопластырь с полимерной основой диаметром 30 мм посредством распределения гидрогеля ...

06-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2646728C1
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Гемостатическая прокладка, содержащая биологически абсорбируемый каркасный материал; порошок лиофилизированного тромбина, порошок лиофилизированного фибриногена и порошок плавкого связующего вещества, причем все порошки размещены на биологически абсорбируемом каркасном материале. Плавкое связующее вещество, такое как PEG, связывает порошок лиофилизированного тромбина и порошок лиофилизированного фибриногена с биологически абсорбируемым каркасным материалом для улучшения характеристик осыпаемости, смачиваемости и эффективности при применении, таком как гемостатическое лечение или уплотнение тканей в месте расположения раны. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 3 табл.

11-09-2018 дата публикации

Биосовместимая ранозаживляющая композиция

Номер: RU2666599C1

Изобретение относится к медицине. Описана композиция, которая содержит хитозан и/или солевую форму хитозана или его производных - блок- и привитые сополимеры, такие как хитозан - поливинилпирролидон, и органо-неорганический сополимер полилактида с полититаноксидом при следующем соотношении компонентов, масс. %: хитозан и/или солевая форма хитозана или его производных - блок- и привитые сополимеры - 50-90, органо-неорганический сополимер полилактида с полититаноксидом - 10-50. Композиция может дополнительно содержать наночастицы золота, аминокислоты. Композиция ускоряет заживление ран различной этиологии без воспалительных осложнений в отсутствие специально вводимых бактерицидных препаратов. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 9 пр.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126920A

... 1. Полимерный гидрогель, включающий карбоксиметилцеллюлозу и лимонную кислоту, причем указанная лимонная кислота участвует в образовании поперечных связей в карбоксиметилцеллюлозе, при этом указанный полимерный гидрогель имеет коэффициент набухания по меньшей мере 50.2. Полимерный гидрогель по п.1, дополнительно включающий неионный полимер.3. Полимерный гидрогель по п.2, в котором неионный полимер представляет собой гидроксиэтилцеллюлозу.4. Полимерный гидрогель по п.3, в котором массовое отношение карбоксиметилцеллюлозы к гидроксиэтилцеллюлозе превышает 1:1.5. Полимерный гидрогель по п.4, в котором массовое отношение карбоксиметилцеллюлозы к гидроксиэтилцеллюлозе составляет от 2:1 до 5:1.6. Полимерный гидрогель по п.1, который состоит из возможно гидратированной карбоксиметилцеллюлозы, сшитой лимонной кислотой.7. Полимерный гидрогель по п.1, имеющий коэффициент набухания по меньшей мере 70, 80, 90 или 100.8. Полимерный гидрогель по п.1, имеющий коэффициент набухания от 50 до 350.9. Полимерный ...

30-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016115771A

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012140168A

... 1. Абсорбирующий материал, содержащий:волокнистый материал, содержащий множество отдельных волокон, образующих волокнистую матрицу;множество абсорбирующих волокон;причем множество абсорбирующих волокон внедрено в волокнистую матрицу иглопробивным способом.2. Абсорбирующий материал по п. 1, в котором каждое из множества отдельных волокон имеет диаметр волокна в диапазоне от 11 мкм до 100 мкм.3. Абсорбирующий материал по п. 2, в котором каждое из множества абсорбирующих волокон имеет диаметр волокна в диапазоне от 10 мкм до 40 мкм.4. Абсорбирующий материал по п. 3, в котором каждое из множества отдельных волокон имеет диаметр волокна, по меньшей мере на 1 мкм превышающий диаметр волокна каждого из абсорбирующих волокон.5. Абсорбирующий материал по п. 1, в котором волокнистый материал имеет толщину до внедрения множества абсорбирующих волокон в волокнистый материал, при этом абсорбирующий материал имеет толщину после внедрения абсорбирующих волокон в волокнистый материал.6. Абсорбирующий материал ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017143139A

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011148015A

... 1. Абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее материал, управляющий запахом, при этом указанный материал, управляющий запахом, содержит, по меньшей мере, один комплекс включения циклодекстрина с органическим соединением, диспергированным в матриксе, содержащем полисилоксановое масло.2. Абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что циклодекстрин выбран из α или β циклодекстрина.3. Абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что органическое соединение имеет индекс Ковача 500-2000, при этом указанный индекс Ковача измеряют на хроматографической колонке DB 5, 30 м, 0,25 мм, 1,00 мкм, которая функционирует при 50-300°C, 4°C/мин., 12,0 фунт/кв. дюйм, постоянный поток.4. Абсорбирующее изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что содержит проницаемое для жидкостей верхнее полотно, нижнее полотно, и абсорбирующий элемент, расположенный между верхним полотном и нижним полотном, при этом каждое из верхнего полотна, нижнего полотна и абсорбирующего элемента имеет сторону, обращенную к телу, и сторону, обращенную ...

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126038A

... 1. Поглощающее изделие, которое включает:проницаемый для жидкости верхний лист;в основном непроницаемый для жидкости подкладочный лист; ипоглощающий внутренний слой, расположенный между подкладочным листом и верхним листом;где подкладочный лист включает биоразлагаемую и пригодную для смывания в туалет пленку, включающую диспергируемый в воде внутренний слой и непроницаемый для воды покровный слой, прилегающий к диспергируемому в воде внутреннему слою, причем внутренний слой составляет от приблизительно 50% масс. до приблизительно 99% масс. пленки; при этом диспергируемый в воде слой включает водорастворимый полимер, а покровный слой образован из биоразлагаемых полимеров, в которых от приблизительно 10% масс. до приблизительно 60% масс. биоразлагаемых полимеров представляют собой полимеры на основе крахмала, а от приблизительно 40% масс. до приблизительно 90% масс. биоразлагаемых полимеров представляют собой синтетические биоразлагаемые сложные полиэфиры.2. Поглощающее изделие по п. 1, в ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122578A

... 1. Противоинфекционное средство, содержащее медные соли ионообменных материалов.2. Противоинфекционное средство по п.1, в котором растворимыми в воде ионообменными материалами являются производные целлюлозы, выбранные из группы, состоящей из карбоксиметилцеллюлозы (КМЦ), этилцеллюлозы (ЭЦ), метилцеллюлозы (МЦ), гидроксипропилцеллюлозы (ГПЦ), гидроксипропилметилцеллюлозы (ГПМЦ), гидроксиэтилметилцеллюлозы (ГЭМЦ), ацетата целлюлозы и триацетатцеллюлозы.3. Противоинфекционное средство по п.1, в котором медные соли включают ионы меди (I) и/или меди (II).4. Изделие для лечения раны, содержащее противоинфекционное средство, которое содержит медные соли растворимых в воде ионообменных материалов.5. Изделие для лечения раны по п.4, в котором при контакте изделия для лечения раны с источником жидкости и ионов, ионы меди, связанные с растворимыми в воде ионообменными материалами, обмениваются на ионы из источника жидкости и ионов.6. Изделие для лечения раны по п.5, в котором в источнике жидкости ...

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013148573A

... 1. Перевязочный материал, включающий:а - абсорбирующую нетканую давящую повязку, сформированную из смеси сверхвпитывающего двухкомпонентного волокна и термически скрепленного неабсорбирующего волокна, причем все волокна скреплены термически,иb - контактный слой, который частично покрывает сторону давящей повязки, предназначенную для контакта с раной, причем указанный слой содержит отверстия, которые обеспечивают прохождение экссудатов из раны, имеет плотность 110-500 г/м, и сформирован из композиции, включающей эластомерную матрицу и гидроколлоиды, причем доля гидроколлоидов составляет 2-20% масс. относительно массы указанной композиции.2. Перевязочный материал по п.1, характеризующийся тем, что термически скрепленное неабсорбирующее волокно является двухкомпонентным волокном.3. Перевязочный материал по п.2, характеризующийся тем, что термически скрепленное неабсорбирующее волокно является двухкомпонентным волокном типа сердечник/оболочка, причем указанный сердечник выполнен из полиэтилентерефталата ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014122324A

... 1. Абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее в качестве абсорбирующего материала волокна нерастворимого в воде алкилсульфоната полисахарида, который замещен одним типом алкилсульфоната и волокна набухают при абсорбции жидкости.2. Изделие по п. 1, где полисахарид представляет собой целлюлозу.3. Изделие по п. 1, где алкильный фрагмент алкилсульфоната представляет собой низший алкил.4. Изделие по п. 3, где алкилсульфонатный фрагмент представляет собой этилсульфонат, 1-метилэтилсульфонат или 2-метилэтилсульфонат.5. Изделие по п. 4, где алкилсульфонатный фрагмент представляет собой этилсульфонат.6. Изделие по п. 1, где абсорбирующий материал дополнительно включает армирующее волокно, смешанное или связанное с упомянутым нерастворимым в воде алкилсульфонатом полисахарида.7. Изделие по п. 6, где армирующее волокно включает термопластичное двухкомпонентное волокно, которое термически связано с упомянутым алкилсульфонатом полисахарида.8. Изделие по п. 7, где термопластичное двухкомпонентное волокно включает ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015104803A

... 1. Повязка, содержащая по меньшей мере одну микроадгезивную граничную поверхность, причем указанная микроадгезивная граничная поверхность содержит по меньшей мере одно соединение, выбранное из полисульфатированных олигосахаридов, содержащих 1-4 моносахаридных звена, их солей и их комплексов, причем указанная повязка была обработана этиленоксидом.2. Повязка по п. 1, причем полисульфатированное олигосахаридное соединение выбрано из- калиевой соли октасульфата сахарозы,- соли серебра и октасульфата сахарозы,- комплекса гидроксиалюминия и октасульфата сахарозы.3. Повязка по п. 1 или 2, которая содержит от 0,5 до 2 мг/см, предпочтительно от 0,7 до 1,9 мг/см, благоприятно от 0,9 до 1,7 мг/смсоединения, выбранного из полисульфатированных олигосахаридов с 1-4 моносахаридными звеньями, их солей и их комплексов.4. Повязка по п. 1, в которой микроадгезивная граничная структура является эластомерной адгезивной композицией.5. Повязка по п. 1, причем микроадгезивная граничная поверхность содержит:- от ...

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007114366A

... 1. Перевязочный материал для ухода за раной, который содержит первое растворимое в воде нетканое защитное покрытие, которое содержит первое множество волокон, причем указанное первое множество волокон образовано из первого растворимого в воде сахарида.2. Перевязочный материал для ухода за раной по п.1, в котором указанный первый сахарид выбран из группы, в которую входят моносахарид, дисахарид и полиол, содержащий (N) углеродов и (N) гидроксильных групп, причем (N) больше или равно 4 и меньше или равно 12.3. Перевязочный материал для ухода за раной по п.1, который дополнительно содержит первый медикамент, выбранный из группы, в которую входят противогрибковый медикамент, антибактериальный медикамент, противовирусный медикамент, антипротозоальный медикамент, коагулянт и обезболивающее средство.4. Перевязочный материал для ухода за раной по п.3, в котором первый медикамент равномерно диспергирован в объеме первого нетканого защитного покрытия.5. Перевязочный материал для ухода за раной по ...

14-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002321086A1

16-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002734783A1

10-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002554640A1

12-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069206407T3

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016102481A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Vliesstoff mit wenigstens zwei Lagen, wobei die einzelnen Lagen aus Lyocell-Flocken gepresst sind, wobei zwischen den Lagen eine isolierende Schicht angeordnet ist.

05-09-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003615800C2
Принадлежит: MARX, RUDOLF, 6670 ST INGBERT, DE

06-02-2003 дата публикации

Permeable film of cellulose, useful e.g. as wound dressing or skin replacement, includes chitosan or hyaluronic acid, allows gas exchange and prevents fluid loss

Номер: DE0010135676A1

Permeable film (A), mainly made of cellulose, includes at least one of chitosan, hyaluronic acid and their physiologically acceptable derivatives. An Independent claim is also included for a method for preparing (A).

12-06-1997 дата публикации

Biodegradable fibrous material with very high swelling capacity and stability in swollen state

Номер: DE0019546094A1

Biodegradable fibrous materials, which give fibre-reinforced gels on absorption of liquids, are coated with biodegradable polyelectrolyte solutions.

04-10-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001492365B2

06-12-1979 дата публикации

Crosslinked, swellable, carboxyalkyl-cellulose mfr. - from fibres of natural cellulose or cellulose hydrate

Номер: DE0002823710A1

The process involves simultaneous etherification and cross-linking in aq. alkaline medium, of cellulose fibres, thin textile prods. contg. such fibres or other thin prods. based on cellulose hydrate or natural cellulose. Appts. used consists of (a) a device for the prepn. and storing of the aq. alkaline reaction mixt.; (b) a device in which the cellulose fibres come into contact with a large amt. of the aq. alkaline reaction mixt.; (c) a device to reduce the amt. of reaction mixt. in contact with the fibres at most to the amt. necessary for reaction; and (d) a device for heat treatment of the fibres contg. the remaining reaction mixt. The treated fibres are used partic. for mfr. of non-woven materials. The alkalinisation, etherification and cross-linking in a single stage allows the treatment time to be reduced.

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Eine Methode zur Herstellung bioabbaubarer Materialien als Nasenhöhlenfüllung

Номер: DE102014009012A1

Eine Methode zur Herstellung von bioabbaubaren Materialien als Nasenhöhlenfüllung weist die folgenden Schritte auf: a. Gleichmäßiges Mischen von Chitosan und Substrat (Stärke oder Cellulose) in einem vorbestimmten Temperaturbereich, um eine erste Lösung zu erzeugen; b. Hinzufügen von Vernetzer in die erste Lösung für Vernetzungsreaktion; c. Gießen der ersten Lösung in die Form; d. Entfernen vom Wasser durch Gefriertrocknung, wodurch die bioabbaubaren Materialien zum Füllen der Nasenhöhlen gewonnen werden. Die bioabbaubaren Materialien werden in die Nasenhöhle des Patienten gefüllt, um Blutung zu stoppen, wobei aufgrund der biologischen Abbaubarkeit eine zweite Verletzung beim Entfernen der Materialen vermieden wird.

09-03-1972 дата публикации

Verbandsmaterial fuer Wunden

Номер: DE0001767536A1

03-10-2012 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: GB0002489541A

A wound dressing comprising acylated chitosan fibre has a wet strength of 0.3 N/cm or above. The acylated chitosan fibre may have a degree of substitution of 0.10-0.50. The acylated chitosan fibre may preferably have a degree of substitution of 0.20-0.40. The dressing may have an absorbency of 5-25g/g of a solution containing 8.298g/l of sodium chloride and 0.368 g/I of calcium chloride dehydrate as measured by BS EN 13726-1 2002 Part 1 Aspects of Absorbency. The base material of the dressing may be chitosan fibre that has been chemically modified through an acylation process using anhydride and ethanol as the solvent. A method of manufacturing the wound dressing involves reacting chitosan fibre with anhydride and making acylated chitosan felt through a nonwoven process, and through cutting, packing and sterilizing processes.

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Dissolution and processing of cellulose

Номер: GB0000623473D0

02-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009400163D0

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Resilient tampon and method for making

Номер: GB0201316296D0

17-04-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent materials

Номер: GB0201303971D0

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Process and dressing

Номер: GB0201107929D0

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Wound dressings and yarn useful therein

Номер: GB0201219681D0

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Neurosurgical Sponge apparatus with dissolvable layer

Номер: GB0201406535D0

10-07-2013 дата публикации

Process for producing low endotoxin chitosan

Номер: GB0201309606D0

05-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001434643A

... 1434643 Compressed regenerated cellulose sponges AVICON Inc 8 Oct 1973 [19 Oct 1972] 46954/73 Heading C3C [Also in Division B2] A compressed regenerated cellulose sponge is impregnated with and contains uniformly distributed throughout the sponge 0À15-5% by wt. of a water-soluble or -dispersible, high molecular weight, hydrophilic, film-forming polymer and has a bulk density of at least 112 kg./cu.m. The sponge is made by impregnating a regenerated cellulose sponge with an aqueous solution of dispersion of 0À005-0À250% by wt. of the polymer, drying the sponge to a moisture content of no more than 0À5% by wt. conditioning the dried sponge to a moisture content of at least 6% by wt. and then compressing the sponge. In the examples a regenerated cellulose sponge, e.g. made from a mixture of viscose, reinforcing fibres and a pore former, was washed with water, passed between rubber rollers to remove excess of water and then immersed in aqueous solution or dispersions of microcrystalline collagen ...

21-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001471013A

... 1471013 Dextran based wound dressing and porous dextran compositions UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC 9 Sept 1974 [13 Sept 1973] 39308/74 Headings C3U and C3C [Also in Division A5] A wound dressing comprises a plasma and a water soluble dextran, the dressing having the ability to form an artificial eschar with the moist elements at the situs of the wound. The dressing is preferably porous, the dextran having a molecular weight of 40-100,000 and in a preferred embodiment the dressing is in the form of an aerated foam produced in Examples 1, 2 and 4 by whisking or in Example 5 by discharging from a pressurized aerosol using a propellant.

26-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009109367D0

20-09-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to surgical dressings

Номер: GB0000629419A

A hemostatic surgical dressing comprises a fibrous carrier and water-insoluble alginic material, to which may be added an antibacterial substance. In one preferred form alginic acid is dissolved in ammonium hydroxide solution and to this is added a mixture of tyrothicin and propylene glycol in water. Cotton gauze is immersed in the resultant solution and dried, leaving the alginic acid and tyrothricin evenly distributed over the surface. The gauze may be backed by a pad of untreated gauze and an adhesive tape. The alginic acid may be partially converted into a metallic alginate, as in the parent Specification, in order to render it more stable during sterilization. Various examples of suitable solvents are given. Specification 627,797 is referred to.

01-06-1994 дата публикации

Absorbent material

Номер: GB0002272916A

A method for manufacturing an absorbent structure in an absorbent article, such as a sanitary napkin, tampon, panty protector, incontinence guard, diaper, bed protector, wound or sore dressing, saliva absorbent and like articles uses a dry-formed web of material comprising cellulose fibres, eg. roll pulp, directly in the product without first defibrating the material and then forming a mat The material possesses good wicking properties and swelling properties, high surface dryness, in addition to cellulose fibres, the absorbent structure may also include superabsorbent material and/or binding fibres or a binding agent, reinforcing fibres or a reinforcing layer. The pulp mat is very thin, therewith obviating the need to compress the mat further in the product. In the case of certain product applications, the material is softened mechanically prior to its use as an absorbent material. The article may have plural layers (14 - 16), one or several of which may be the material of the invention ...

24-10-2001 дата публикации

High bulk high strength fiber material with permanent fiber morphology

Номер: GB0002361482A

Wood fiber morphology can be permanently altered by introducing a substantial kink, twist, curl, crimp or other curvilinear deformation into a wood fiber. Wood fibers are first Fiberized using mechanical treatment processes and then are subjected to super atmospheric temperature/pressure steam explosion processing. The fiber morphology becomes a permanent characteristic of the fiber which is not relaxed in time, by contact with other treatments or through use.

04-06-2003 дата публикации

High bulk high strength fiber material with permanent fiber morphology

Номер: GB0002361482B

13-06-2007 дата публикации

Wound dressings comprising oxidized cellulose and human recombinant collagen

Номер: GB0002433029A

A wound dressing composition comprising a human recombinant collagen and an oxidized cellulose. For example, the composition may be in the form of a sponge formed by freeze drying an aqueous dispersion of human recombinant collagen and oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC). The composition is especially suitable for the treatment of chronic wounds.

21-03-2007 дата публикации

Personal care products and methods for inhibiting the adherence of flora to skin

Номер: GB0002430157A

The present invention relates to methods and personal care products, such as wipes and absorbent articles, capable of providing a skin health benefit when used in the intended fashion. More specifically, the products described herein comprise at least one fructose polymer capable of inhibiting the adherence of flora to surfaces, such as skin, mucosa, or inanimate surfaces.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Polymers and Hydrogels

Номер: US20120107369A1
Принадлежит: nanoDERM LLC

Methods and compositions related polymers and hydrogels. In some cases to biodegradable hydrogels for use in medical applications are disclosed. The polymers and hydrogels may be produced from cross-linked dextran and poly(epoxides). The poly(epoxides) may be poloxamers.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Clay-based hemostatic agents and devices for the delivery thereof

Номер: US20120130296A1
Принадлежит: Z Medica LLC

A hemostatic device for promoting the dotting of blood includes a gauze substrate, a clay material disposed on the gauze substrate, and also a polyol such as glycerol or the like disposed on the gauze substrate to bind the clay material. When the device is used to treat a bleeding wound, at least a portion of the clay material comes into contact with blood emanating from the wound to cause the clotting. A bandage that can be applied to a bleeding wound to promote the clotting of blood includes a flexible substrate and a gauze substrate mounted thereon. The gauze substrate includes a clay material and a polyol. A hemostatic sponge also includes a gauze substrate and a dispersion of hemostatic material and a polyol on a first surface of the substrate.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Solid dressing for treating wounded tissue

Номер: US20120150087A1
Принадлежит: Dawson Beall, MACPHEE Martin

Disclosed are solid dressings for treated wounded tissue in mammalian patients, such as a human, comprising a haemostatic layer consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and thrombin, wherein the thrombin is present in an amount between 0.250 Units/mg of fibrinogen component and 0.062 Units/mg of fibrinogen component. Also disclosed are methods for treating wounded tissue.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent article having releasable odor control

Номер: US20120157805A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article comprises a topsheet, a backsheet, an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and backsheet, and a cyclodextrin complex comprising cyclodextrin and at least three components complexed with the cyclodextrin. The absorbent article has a Total Headspace Area at Time 0 Minutes of no greater than about 0.50×10 8 , a Total Headspace Area at Time 30 Minutes of at least about 1.00×10 8 , and a Total Headspace Area at Time 240 Minutes of at least about 2.70×10 8 , as measured by the Headspace Test Method.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Novel injectable chitosan mixtures forming hydrogels

Номер: US20120189704A1
Принадлежит: Chi2Gel Ltd

A chitosan composition which forms a hydrogel at near physiological pH and 37° C., comprising at least one type of chitosan having a degree of acetylation in the range of from about 30% to about 60%, and at least one type of chitosan having a degree of deacetylation of at least about 70% is disclosed. Further disclosed is a chitosan composition which forms a hydrogel at near physiological pH and 37° C., comprising at least one type of chitosan having a degree of deacetylation of at least about 70% and a molecular weight of from 10-4000 kDa, and at least one type of a chitosan having a molecular weight of from 200-20000 Da. Further disclosed are methods of preparation and uses of the chitosan compositions.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Water stable compositions and articles comprising starch and methods of making the same

Номер: US20120279421A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Thermoplastic polymer compositions comprising starch and articles made therefrom are water stable or may be rendered so. One method of making water stable thermoplastic compositions comprises the steps of mixing destructured starch with polyhydric alcohol and acid, and forming an ester condensation reaction product from at least a portion of the polyhydric alcohol and acid. In some embodiments, a pre-polymer formed from the ester condensation reaction may be provided as a pre-polymer that is mixed with the starch.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Wound Dressings Containing Complexes of Transition Metals and Alginate for Elastase-Sequestering

Номер: US20120282321A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Transition metal (e.g., silver and copper) derivatized phosphorylated polysaccharides (cellulose, starch, gauze) provide antimicrobial and elastase sequestration properties to wound dressings, and the wound dressing have enhanced water sorption and elastase sequestration when used with alginates. Wound dressings with alginates (e.g., silver alginate, crosslinked alginates, etc.) provide enhanced wound fluid absorption as well as elastase sequestration.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: US20120294927A1
Автор: Marius-Thomas Gorka
Принадлежит: Lohmann and Rauscher GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a sterile wound dressing having a backing and a nonabsorbent elastomer wound contact layer, wherein the elastomer matrix is formed by a synthetic three-block elastomer, preferably a copolymer of polystyrene block and polyolefin block (SEPS, SEBS, SEEPS, etc.) or mixtures thereof, wherein the total polymer content is less than 3.2 wt %, in particular 3.0 wt % or less, preferably 2.6 wt % or less, and is plasticized by an apolar oil and/or petroleum jelly.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent article comprising a composite material

Номер: US20120302440A1

An absorbent article including a freeze dried composite material. The freeze dried composite material includes cellulosic pulp (e.g. CTMP) and an absorbent material. The absorbent material includes microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) with a specified content of carboxylate groups.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Hemostatic sponge

Номер: US20130028975A1

The present invention provides a hemostatic porous composite sponge comprising i) a matrix of a biomaterial and ii) one hydrophilic polymeric component comprising reactive groups wherein i) and ii) are associated with each other so that the reactivity of the polymeric component is retained, wherein associated means that—said polymeric component is coated onto a surface of said matrix of a biomaterial, or—said matrix is impregnated with said polymeric material, or—both.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Immunostimulatory compositions and methods of use thereof

Номер: US20130045224A1
Принадлежит: Comvita New Zealand Ltd

Immunostimulatory compositions and methods of use are described to either enhance or diminish the immune stimulation effects of a honey or honey isolate by recognition of the presence of type II arabinogalactan compounds and utilising this knowledge to tailor the concentration of such compounds thereby adjusting the immune stimulation effects.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Hemostatic sponge

Номер: US20130079695A1
Принадлежит: Z Medica LLC

A hemostatic device for promoting the clotting of blood includes a gauze substrate, a clay material disposed on the gauze substrate, and also a polyol such as glycerol or the like disposed on the gauze substrate to bind the clay material. When the device is used to treat a bleeding wound, at least a portion of the clay material comes into contact with blood emanating from the wound to cause the clotting. A bandage that can be applied to a bleeding wound to promote the clotting of blood includes a flexible substrate and a gauze substrate mounted thereon. The gauze substrate includes a clay material and a polyol. A hemostatic sponge also includes a gauze substrate and a dispersion of hemostatic material and a polyol on a first surface of the substrate.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method of forming hemostatic products

Номер: US20130096479A1
Принадлежит: St Teresa Medical Inc

A hemostatic product having a plurality of hemostatic layers. Each of the hemostatic layers includes a dextran support and at least one hemostatic agent, which is selected from the group consisting of thrombin and fibrinogen. The hemostatic layers are arranged in a stacked configuration.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Crosslinked cellulosic polymers

Номер: US20130142763A1

Crosslinked cellulosic polymers, crosslinked cellulosic polymer hydro-gels, and methods for their synthesis and use are described. The crosslinked cellulosic polymers include one or more cellulosic polymers and a one or more crosslinkers that crosslinks the one or more cellulosic polymers together. The crosslinking can be facilitated with a crosslinking agent capable of linking with a monomer the cellulosic polymer and crosslinking the cellulosic polymer intermoleculerly and/or intramolecularly. Crosslinked cellulosic polymers are well adapted for use in cell and tissue growth in vivo and in vitro. The crosslinked cellulose polymers may also be used as wound care devices.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Multilayer polymeric drug delivery system

Номер: US20130164347A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a customizable, solvent-free sustained release medical device for wound closure, wound healing, and the sustained release of an active. The device of the invention is composed of at least a polymeric carrier layer and optionally an oxidized regenerated cellulose layer(s). Polymeric barrier layers can be added to modify the release profile (burst, time of release, etc.) of the selected bioactive agent(s).

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Process for Preparing Curcumin Encapsulated Chitosan Alginate Sponge Useful for Wound Healing

Номер: US20130171215A1

A process for preparing curcumin encapsulated chitosan alginate sponge comprising the steps of: incorporating curcumin in a fluid phase of oleic acid; subjecting the mixture to a step of emulsification with chitosan solution by homogenization; emulsifying the resultant solution with alginate solution by homogenization; lyophilizing the final emulsion by freeze drying to produce curcumin loaded AC sponge. 1. A process for preparing curcumin encapsulated chitosan alginate sponge comprising the steps of:a) incorporating curcumin in a fluid phase of oleic acid to form a curcumin-oleic acid mixture;b) subjecting the curcumin-oleic acid mixture to a step of emulsification with chitosan solution by homogenization;c) emulsifying the solution formed in step b) with alginate solution by homogenization; andd) lyophilizing the emulsion of step c) by freeze drying to produce curcumin loaded AC sponge.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the said alginate solution is prepared by dissolving sodium alginate powder in deionized water at room temperature.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the said chitosan solution is prepared by dissolving chitosan powder in 20 ml of deionized water containing acetic acid at room temperature.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the curcumin-oleic acid mixture is emulsified with chitosan for 2 minute.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the solution formed in step b) is homogenized with alginate solution for 3 minutes.6. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of lyophilization is performed for 3 days at 80° C. and less than 10 μιτι mercury pressure.7. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alginate to chitosan ratio is selected from a group consisting of 1:1 claim 1 , 1:2 and 1:3.8. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ratio of alginate to chitosan is 1:2.9. A sponge composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a hydrophobic agent curcumin bind to a hydrophobic core of oleic ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217649A1
Автор: WOODS David Malcolm
Принадлежит: ConvaTec Technologies Inc.

A wound dressing having anti-microbial activity comprises a first fibre capable of bonding with silver (1) cations. The wound dressing comprises a blend of the first fibre to which silver (1) cations are bonded and a second fibre which is substantially free from silver. The wound dressing comprises from 0.01 to 5.0 percent by weight of silver (1) cations, based on the weight of fibre. 1. A wound dressing having anti-microbial activity , comprising a first fibre which is substantially insoluble in water having silver (I) cations bonded thereto and discoloring on exposure to light , wherein the wound dressing consists of a uniform blend of the first fibre and a second fibre of lyocell which is substantially free from silver , said wound dressing comprising from 0.01 to 5.0 percent by weight of silver (I) cations based on the total weight of first and second fibres , whereby the discoloration of the blend on exposure to light is lessened compared with the discoloration on exposure to light of a batch of the first fibre having the same average amount of silver cations present as is present in the blend.2. A wound dressing according to claim 1 , which comprises from 0.01 to 4.0 percent by weight of silver (I) cations based on the total weight of first and second fibres.3. A wound dressing according to claim 3 , which comprises from 0.25 to 3.0 percent by weight of silver (I) cations based on the total weight of first and second fibres.4. A wound dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the first fibre is selected from a group consisting of a carboxymethylcellulose fibre claim 1 , an alginate fibre claim 1 , a chitosan fibre claim 1 , a chitosan derivative fibre and an acrylic fibre.5. A wound dressing according to claim 4 , wherein the first fibre is a carboxymethylcellulose fibre and the wound dressing contains from 1.0 to 2.0 percent by weight of silver (I) cations claim 4 , based on the weight of the fibre.6. A wound dressing according to claim 4 , wherein the first ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for the production of oxidized cellulose fibers, oxidized cellulose fiber sheet materials or oxidized cellulose nonwovens, and use thereof

Номер: US20130244523A1

A method for the production of at least one of oxidized cellulose fibers, oxidized cellulose fiber sheet materials and oxidized cellulose nonwovens includes introducing at least one of cellulose fibers, cellulose fiber sheet materials and cellulose nonwovens into a reactor. A temperature of the reactor is set in a range from 25° C. to 80° C. Gaseous nitrogen dioxide is introduced into the reactor so as to oxidize the at least one of cellulose fibers, cellulose fiber sheet materials and cellulose nonwovens. A temperature of the reactor is set in a range from 20° C. to less than 160° C. The at least one of oxidized cellulose fibers, oxidized cellulose fiber sheet materials and oxidized cellulose nonwovens are neutralized with at least one base.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for modifying non-woven chitosan fabric

Номер: US20130273235A1

A method for modifying a non-woven fabric of chitosan fiber. The method includes: adding succinic anhydride to an industrial alcohol, ethanol, or acetone; controlling the mass ratio of succinic anhydride to the non-woven fabric at between 0.8 and 3.5; and stirring the resulting mixture until the succinic anhydride has dissolved to yield a succinic anhydride mixed solution; placing the succinic anhydride mixed solution in a constant temperature shaking bath; heating the succinic anhydride mixed solution; adding an HCl solution to the succinic anhydride mixed solution, and stirring evenly to yield a HCl mixed solution; immersing the non-woven fabric in the HCl mixed solution; dehydrating; immersing the non-woven fabric in ethanol or acetone; immersing the non-woven fabric in anhydrous ethanol or pure acetone; dehydrating; and air drying the non-woven fabric.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

High strength chitin composite material and method of making

Номер: US20130287836A1
Принадлежит: Harvard College

The present invention is directed to a composite laminar material with high mechanical strength and methods of fabricating the material. The invention also provides a method of attaching a medical implant device to tissue.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Comprising A Synthetic Polymer Derived From A Renewable Resource And Methods Of Producing Said Article

Номер: US20130313149A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article is disclosed having a topsheet, a backsheet joined with the topsheet, an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet, and a synthetic superabsorbent polymer derived from a first renewable resource via at least one intermediate compound, wherein said superabsorbent polymer exhibits a defined Saline Flow Conductivity value and Absorption Against Pressure value. Alternately, an absorbent article is disclosed having a synthetic polyolefin derived from a first renewable resource via at least one intermediate compound. The synthetic polyolefin exhibits defined performance characteristics making the polyolefin particularly useful in certain components of the absorbent article. Methods for making the aforementioned absorbent articles are also disclosed.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Resilient Tampon and Method for Making

Номер: US20130324960A1

A method of making a resilient tampon includes the steps of providing binder fibers having an average fiber length of at least 35 mm; combining the binder fibers to form a loose fleece; activating the binder fibers; and compressing a portion of the loose fleece into a pledget after activating the binder fibers. 1. A resilient tampon comprising:a. 70 wt % to 95 wt % absorbent fibers; andb. 5 wt % to 30 wt % binder fibers, wherein the binder fibers have an average fiber length of greater than 35 mm.2. The resilient tampon of wherein the absorbent fibers are viscose rayon.3. The resilient tampon of wherein the absorbent fibers comprise 80 wt % to 90 wt %.4. The resilient tampon of wherein the absorbent fibers are trilobal viscose rayon.5. The resilient tampon of wherein the absorbent fibers comprise 80 wt % to 90 wt %.6. The resilient tampon of wherein the binder fibers are bicomponent fibers.7. The resilient tampon of wherein the bicomponent fibers comprise 10 wt % to 20 wt %.8. The resilient tampon of wherein the bicomponent fibers have a core made of polypropylene and a sheath made of modified polyethylene wherein the sheath surrounds the core.9. The resilient tampon of wherein the absorbent fibers and the binder fibers are substantially aligned.10. A resilient tampon comprising claim 1 ,a. 70 wt % to 95 wt % absorbent fibers; andb. 5 wt % to 30 wt % bicomponent binder fibers, wherein the binder fibers have an average fiber length greater than 35 mm.11. The resilient tampon of wherein the absorbent fibers are viscose rayon and comprise 85 wt % to 90 wt %.12. The resilient tampon of wherein the bicomponent binder fibers comprise 10 wt % to 15 wt % and have a core made of polypropylene and a sheath made of modified polyethylene wherein the sheath surrounds the core.13. The resilient tampon of whereina. the absorbent fibers are trilobal viscose rayon and comprise 80 wt % to 90 wt %;b. the bicomponent fibers comprise 10 wt % to 20 wt % and have a core made of ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Nanocellulose foam containing active ingredients

Номер: US20130330417A1
Автор: Hong Dong, James F. Snyder
Принадлежит: US Department of Army

Nanocellulose foams containing at least one active ingredient and methods of preparing such nanocellulose foams containing one or more active ingredients are provided herein. In some embodiments, a method for preparing nanocellulose foam containing active ingredients may include forming a liquid mixture of nanocellulose, wherein the nanocellulose is at least one of dispersed, suspended or gelled in the liquid mixture; drying the liquid mixture of nanocellulose to form a nanocellulose foam; and mixing at least one active ingredient into at least one of the liquid mixture of nanocellulose or the nanocellulose foam. In some embodiments, a nanocellulose structure may include a nanocellulose foam comprising at least one of a carboxylate group, a hydroxyl group, or a sulfate group bonded to an active ingredient. In some embodiments, the nanocellulose structures are enhanced or crosslinked with metal cations.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344131A1
Автор: Dubey Dina, Lo Denny

Hemostatic devices for promoting blood clotting can include a substrate (e.g., gauze, textile, sponge, sponge matrix, one or more fibers, etc.), a hemostatic material disposed thereon such as kaolin clay, and a binder material such as crosslinked calcium alginate with a high guluronate monomer molar percentage disposed on the substrate to substantially retain the hemostatic material material. When the device is used to treat a bleeding wound, at least a portion of the clay material comes into contact with blood to accelerate clotting. Moreover, when exposed to blood, the binder has low solubility and retains a majority of the clay material on the gauze. A bandage that can be applied to a bleeding wound to promote blood clotting includes a flexible substrate and a gauze substrate mounted thereon. 1. A hemostatic device comprising:a substrate;a hemostatic clay material disposed on at least one side of the substrate; anda binder configured to bind the hemostatic material to the substrate;wherein the hemostatic device is subjected to a drying process;wherein the binder has an effect of substantially retaining the hemostatic material on the substrate when exposed to blood; andwherein the device is configured such that when treating bleeding, application of the device is capable of causing blood to be absorbed into the substrate and causing at least a portion of the clay material to come into contact with blood to assist in accelerating clotting.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises at least one of the following: a gauze material claim 1 , a woven material claim 1 , a sponge claim 1 , a sponge matrix claim 1 , or a foamed polymer.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a pharmaceutically-active composition selected from the group consisting of antibiotics claim 1 , antifungal agents claim 1 , antimicrobial agents claim 1 , anti-inflammatory agents claim 1 , analgesics claim 1 , antihistamines claim 1 , compounds containing silver or copper ions ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005616A1

Single layer and multi-layer anti-microbial wound care fabrics, gloves, sleeves, anklets, socks, finger cots, masks, and similar wound care articles are disclosed. 1. A wound care article , comprising:a knitted first layer comprising a first yarn, the yarn comprising an elastic yarn; anda knitted second layer comprising a second yarn, the second yarn being a hydrophilic yarn including an antimicrobial agent, wherein the second yarn promotes the wicking of moisture to the first layer and the transport of an antimicrobial agent to a wound.2. The wound care article of claim 1 , wherein the first yarn comprises cotton claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , nylons claim 1 , SPANDEX® claim 1 , LYCRA® claim 1 , or any combination or blend thereof.3. The wound care article of claim 1 , wherein the first yarn comprises a hydrophilic yarn.4. The wound care article of claim 3 , wherein the second layer comprises a nylon yarn.5. The wound care article of claim 4 , wherein the nylon yarn comprises nylon 6 claim 4 , nylon 6 claim 4 ,6 or a Nilit® AQUARIUS yarn.6. The wound care article of claim 1 , wherein the first layer comprises an outer layer and the second layer comprises a skin-contacting inner layer.7. The wound care article of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial agent is at least one of gold claim 1 , copper claim 1 , iodine claim 1 , silver claim 1 , or zinc or their alloys claim 1 , a noble metal-ion claim 1 , TRIOSYN® claim 1 , triclosan claim 1 , 2-propanol claim 1 , n-halamines claim 1 , polymeric biguanides claim 1 , quaternary ammonium compounds claim 1 , chlorhexidine gluconate claim 1 , silver-zinc and silver-copper zeolites claim 1 , or compounds and combinations thereof.8. The wound care article of claim 1 , wherein the article is one of an anklet claim 1 , a sock claim 1 , a glove claim 1 , a mask claim 1 , a fingercot claim 1 , a sleeve claim 1 , a compression sleeve claim 1 , an elbow support claim 1 , or a knee support.9. The wound care article of claim 1 , further ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: US20140031778A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

There is provided an absorbent article with excellent absorption performance. The absorbent article 1 of the invention comprises two or more absorbers 4, 5 that absorb body fluids of a user and are stacked in the thickness direction, a liquid-permeable sheet 2 covering one side of the two or more absorbers, through which body fluid of a user permeates, and a liquid-impermeable sheet 3 covering the other side of the two or more absorbers, through which body fluid of the user does not permeate, wherein the absorber 5 on the liquid-impermeable sheet 3 side of the two or more absorbers 4, 5 contains non-wood pulp and SAP, and the settling velocity of the non-wood pulp in water is between 2 seconds and 5 seconds.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Hemostatic compositions and therapeutic regimens

Номер: US20140051849A1
Принадлежит: Marine Polymer Technologies Inc

The present invention relates generally to the field of hemostasis, including methods, compositions, and devices that can be employed to treat wounds. More specifically the present invention relates to hemostatic compositions that reduce the need for, and cost of, nursing care of patients with chronic wounds by reducing the frequency of wound dressing changes.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Surgical Barriers Having Adhesion Inhibiting Properties

Номер: US20140093549A1
Принадлежит: ETHICON, INC.

An adhesion inhibiting surgical barrier. The surgical barrier includes a wound-facing polymeric coating comprising an enteric polymer; and at least one flexible substrate, the at least one flexible substrate having at least one exterior surface, wherein the polymeric coating is applied to the at least one flexible substrate to substantially cover the at least one exterior surface thereof. A method of inhibiting the formation of adhesions in a patient who has undergone a surgical procedure and a method of repairing a gastric or duodenal perforation are also described herein. 124-. (canceled)25. A method of inhibiting the formation of adhesions in a patient having undergone a surgical procedure , the method comprising the step of applying a surgical barrier to an area rendered susceptible to forming adhesions , the surgical barrier comprising: i) a wound-facing polymeric coating comprising an enteric polymer; and ii) at least one flexible substrate , the at least one flexible substrate having at least one exterior surface , wherein the polymeric coating is applied to the at least one flexible substrate to substantially cover the at least one exterior surface thereof.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the enteric polymer is selected from the group consisting of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate; hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate; enteric acetate derivatives; dimethylcellulose acetate; enteric acrylate derivatives; and derivatives claim 25 , salts claim 25 , copolymers claim 25 , and combinations thereof.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the enteric acetate derivative is selected from the group consisting of polyvinylacetate phthalate claim 26 , cellulose acetate butyrate claim 26 , cellulose acetate trimellitate claim 26 , cellulose acetate propionate claim 26 , cellulose acetate phthalate claim 26 , and derivatives claim 26 , salts claim 26 , copolymers claim 26 , and combinations thereof.28. The method of claim 25 , wherein the enteric ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Derivates Based on Hyaluronic Acid, Capable of Forming Hydrogels, Method of Preparation Thereof, Hydrogels Based on Said Derivatives, Method of Preparation Thereof and Use

Номер: US20150000561A1
Принадлежит: Contipro Biotech sro

The invention relates to a new hyaluronan derivative according to the general formula (I), the method of preparation thereof, a hydrogel based on the new derivative, method of preparation of the hydrogel and the use of the hydrogel in tissue engineering, cosmetics, medicine or regenerative medicine, especially in the form of scaffolds for the treatment of articular cartilage or bone tissue defects.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Compositions and methods to promote wound healing

Номер: US20200000711A1
Автор: Fu-shin X. YU

The present disclosure describes compositions and methods to promote wound healing. The compositions and methods include an interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), such as anakinra. The IL-1Ra can be administered topically to a chronic wound including a diabetic ulcer.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000727A1

A process for forming microspheres is disclosed. The process includes contacting a solvent with a modified cellulose to form a solution; contacting the modified cellulose solution with at least one bioactive agent to form a discontinuous phase liquid; contacting the discontinuous phase liquid with a continuous phase liquid to form an emulsion; and contacting the emulsion with a third phase liquid to extract the solvent from the emulsion, thereby forming a plurality of modified cellulose microspheres. 120-. (canceled)21. A composition comprising:a first microsphere including a biodegradable polymer; andat least one second microsphere encapsulated in the first microsphere, wherein the at least one second microsphere includes an oxidized cellulose and at least one bioactive agent.22. The composition according to claim 21 , further comprising:at least one third microsphere encapsulated in the second microsphere, the at least one third microsphere including the biodegradable polymer.23. The composition according to claim 22 , wherein the biodegradable polymer is an aliphatic polyester.24. The composition according to claim 23 , wherein the aliphatic polyester is selected from the group consisting of polylactide claim 23 , polylactide-co-glycolide claim 23 , polylactide-polycaprolactone claim 23 , and combinations thereof.25. The composition according to claim 21 , further comprising at least one additional bioactive agent.26. The composition according to claim 25 , wherein the at least one additional bioactive agent is selected from the group consisting of a hydrophilic bioactive agent claim 25 , a protein therapeutic claim 25 , a biologic claim 25 , and combinations thereof.27. A composition comprising:a plurality of first microspheres formed from a biodegradable polymer; anda plurality of second microspheres encapsulated in at least a portion of the plurality of first microspheres, wherein the plurality of second microspheres are formed from an oxidized cellulose and ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Compositions and Methods for Wound Treatment

Номер: US20210000959A1
Автор: Holsworth Daniel D.

Methods of treating a wound of a subject using a composition which includes graphene oxide (GO) and hyaluronic acid (HA) that are covalently linked, XAV939, and water. The composition can also include a surfactant, such as PEG. The composition can be topically administered to a subject to treat a wound of the subject. 1. A method of treating a cutaneous wound in a subject , comprising contacting the wound with an effective amount of a composition , the composition comprising:a matrix component comprising a graphene oxide (GO) and hyaluronic acid (HA) conjugate (GO-HA), wherein the GO and HA are covalently linked via a linker;XAV939; andwater, wherein XAV939 constitutes from about 0.001 wt % to about 5 wt % of the total composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises polyethylene glycol (PEG).3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the PEG has a molecular weight of from about 200 to about 400 Daltons.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the PEG is in an amount of from about 0.1 wt % to about 20 wt % of the total composition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises a thickener.6. The method of claim 5 , where the thickener comprises hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC).7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the linker comprises 2-25 carbons.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the linker is straight-chained or branch-chained.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the linker comprises one or more —CHCHO— units.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the linker comprises —R—R—R— claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare each independently selected from the group consisting of —CO— claim 1 , —COO— claim 1 , —NH— claim 1 , —NH—NH— claim 1 , —NH—NH—CO— claim 1 , —CS— claim 1 , —S— claim 1 , and —O— claim 1 , and wherein Ris an unsubstituted or substituted linear alkylene group having 2-20 backbone carbons.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein Rand Rare each —NH—NH—CO—.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of XAV939 to GO-HA in the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000924A1

The invention provides improved methods for generating biodegradable chitosan compositions, and therapeutic methods of using such compositions to deliver therapeutic agents. 1. A method for producing a biodegradable chitosan composition , the method comprising(a) dissolving chitosan in a 3:1 ratio of lactic and acetic acid solution; and(b) forming the chitosan into a desired shape and lyophilizing the chitosan to form a dehydrated acidic chitosan composition;(c) neutralizing the dehydrated, acidic chitosan composition by hydrating it in an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution(d) washing the chitosan composition in water to remove residual acidic and basic products;(e) soaking the chitosan composition in an acetate buffer solution for about thirty minutes;(f) freezing and lyophilizing the chitosan composition.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the buffer has a pH between 5 and 6.47-. (canceled)8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sponge is contacted with the acid solution for a time selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 , 3 claim 1 , 5 claim 1 , 10 claim 1 , 15 claim 1 , 30 claim 1 , 45 claim 1 , 60 minutes claim 1 , 1 claim 1 , 3 claim 1 , 5 claim 1 , 10 claim 1 , and 12 hours.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acid solution has a concentration between about 0.05 and 2.0 molar.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein a 0.25 M acetate buffer is used.11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sponge degrades by at least about 20% claim 1 , 30% claim 1 , 40% claim 1 , 50% claim 1 , 60% or more in vivo in about 10-days.13. The method of claim 1 , further comprising (g) incorporating an effective amount of at least one agent into the chitosan composition at a point of care.14. (canceled)15. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chitosan composition is a wound management device.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein the agent is an antimicrobial.1718-. (canceled)19. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least about 30 claim 1 , 40 claim 1 , 50 or ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000981A1

A system for managing female incontinence includes a body of biocompatible material configured to fit between the labia minora and the vestibule floor, the body having a surface configured to occlude the urethral meatus, an adhesive carried on at least a first portion of the surface and configured to provide a sealing engagement between the body and the urethral meatus, and a substance carried by at least one of the body and the adhesive and configured for controlling the odor of the general vaginal-urethral area of a female. 1a body of biocompatible material configured to fit between the labia minora and the vestibule floor, the body having a surface configured to occlude the urethral meatus;an adhesive carried on at least a first portion of the surface and configured to provide a sealing engagement between the body and the urethral meatus; anda substance carried by at least one of the body and the adhesive and configured for controlling the odor of the general vaginal-urethral area of a female.. A system for managing female incontinence comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/206,157, filed on Jul. 8, 2016, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/870,104, filed on Sep. 30, 2015, which claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Provisional App. No. 62/059,833, filed on Oct. 3, 2014, all of which are incorporated by reference in their entirety herein for all purposes. Priority is claimed pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §120 and 35 U.S.C. §119.The field of the invention generally relates to devices for treating urinary incontinence.Urinary incontinence is a troublesome problem for many individuals. Urinary stress incontinence is a particular form of urinary incontinence wherein a physical occurrence may cause unwanted leakage of urine. For example, a sudden spike in abdominal pressure from sneezing, coughing or exercise may exceed the resistive pressure of the urethra for a brief moment, causing an involuntary ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000955A1

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for forming a multi-function core for a dressing are described. The multi-function core includes a contact layer configured to be positioned adjacent to a tissue site, a wicking layer adjacent to the contact layer, an ion exchange layer adjacent to the wicking layer, an absorbing layer adjacent to the ion exchange layer, a blocking layer adjacent to the absorbing layer, and an odor-absorbing layer adjacent to the blocking layer. The contact layer, the wicking layer, the ion exchange layer, the absorbing layer, the blocking layer, and the odor-absorbing layer are coextensive and formed from a plurality of fibers disposed in a fibrous web. Methods of manufacturing the multi-function core are also described. 170-. (canceled)71. A method for providing negative-pressure therapy to a tissue site , the method comprising: placing a sealing member over the tissue interface and sealing the sealing member to tissue surrounding the tissue site to form a sealed space;', 'fluidly coupling a negative-pressure source to the sealed space;', a contact layer configured to be positioned adjacent to the tissue interface;', 'a fluid dispersion layer coupled to the contact layer;', 'an ion exchange layer coupled to the fluid dispersion layer;', 'a liquid retention layer coupled to the ion exchange layer;', 'a liquid blocking layer coupled to the liquid retention layer;', 'an odor removal layer coupled to the liquid blocking layer; and, 'positioning a fluid management apparatus between the tissue interface and the sealing member, the fluid management apparatus comprising, 'operating the negative-pressure source to draw fluid from the sealed space through the fluid management apparatus and generate a negative pressure in the sealed space., 'positioning a tissue interface adjacent to the tissue site;'}72. The method of claim 71 , wherein the fluid dispersion layer claim 71 , the ion exchange layer claim 71 , the liquid retention layer claim 71 , the liquid ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Solid dressing for treating wounded tissue and processes for mixing fibrinogen and thrombin while preserving fibrin-forming ability, compositions produced by these processes, and the use thereof

Номер: US20200000957A1
Принадлежит: Resource Transition Consultants LLC

Fibrin Sealant products are used for topical hemostasis and tissue adherence. They are composed of two main reagents, fibrinogen and thrombin. When mixed in solution fibrinogen is converted to fibrin upon the addition of activated thrombin. Therefore typically these two components are stored separately in a lyophilized or liquid state, and mixed, upon or immediately before, application to a patient. While effective, these products require significant preparation that must take place immediately before application, thus delaying treatment and limiting the use of these haemostatic products to the treatment of mild forms of low pressure and low volume bleeding. Attempts to eliminate this delay and expand the usefulness and effectiveness of these products have resulted in products produced by processes that require the separation of these components and their deposition in distinct layers within the product. The processes described herein permit the mixing of fibrinogen and thrombin during product manufacture, without excessive fibrin formation. The resulting ‘pre-mixed’ fibrin sealant material can then be stored in either a frozen or dried state, or suspended in a non-aqueous environment. Activation of the material to form therapeutic fibrin sealant is accomplished by permitting the product to thaw (if frozen) or by the addition of water or other aqueous fluid, including blood, or other bodily fluids, if dried or suspended in a non-aqueous environment. The resulting material can be used to make a product in which a pre-mixed form of activatable fibrin sealant is a desired component.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000922A1
Принадлежит: STB, Ltd.

Disclosed are solid and frozen haemostatic materials and dressing's consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator. Also disclosed are methods of treating internal wounded tissue in a mammal by applying one or more of these haemostatic materials and dressings. 1. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue at least one haemostatic material consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator for a time sufficient to join or approximate said wounded tissue and/or to reduce the flow of fluid from said wounded tissue , wherein said haemostatic material has a plurality of particles , wherein said particles each have the same composition , and wherein the moisture content of said hemostatic material is from 6% to 44%.2. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue at least one haemostatic material consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator for a time sufficient to join or approximate said wounded tissue and/or to reduce the flow of fluid from said wounded tissue , wherein said haemostatic material has a plurality of particles , wherein said particles each have the same composition , and wherein the moisture content of said hemostatic material is from 1% to 6%.3. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to svounded internal tissue at least one haemostatic material consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator for a time sufficient to join or approximate said wounded tissue and/or to reduce the flow of fluid from said wounded tissue , wherein said haemostatic material is cast or formed as a single piece.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said haemostatic material includes at least one support layer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said support layer comprises a backing material.6. The method of claim 4 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002098A1

Modified biopolymers, such as, charge-modified biopolymers, cross-linked biopolymers, and cross-linked, charge-modified biopolymers are provided along with methods of producing and using the same. 1. A method for producing a cross-linked , charge-modified biopolymer comprising:combining a biopolymer and at least one charge-modifying agent to form a homogenous reaction blend;reacting the biopolymer and the at least one charge-modifying agent in the homogenous reaction blend; andcross-linking the biopolymer in the homogeneous reaction blend to form a cross-linked, charge-modified biopolymer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combining step further comprises combining a plasticizer and optionally a catalyst with the biopolymer and the at least one charge-modifying agent to form the homogenous reaction blend.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linking step further comprises reacting the charge-modified biopolymer with at least one cross-linking agent claim 1 , optionally in the presence of an initiator.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting and cross-linking steps occur simultaneously.5. The method of any one of claim 1 , further comprising foaming the cross-linked claim 1 , charge-modified biopolymer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked claim 1 , charge-modified biopolymer comprises a plurality of void spaces formed therein having an average diameter of about 0.1 to about 500 microns.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biopolymer comprises at least two different biopolymers claim 1 , optionally wherein one of the at least two different biopolymers is a charge-modified biopolymer.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked claim 1 , charge-modified biopolymer has a net positive charge or a net negative charge.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked claim 1 , charge-modified biopolymer is a polyampholyte.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combining step comprises melting blending the biopolymer and the at ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods for Purifying Polysaccharides and Pharmaceutical Compositions and Medical Devices Containing the Same

Номер: US20170002099A1

Methods for removing endotoxin from naturally occurring materials, such as polysaccharides (e.g., agarose and/or carrageenan) are described herein. Polysaccharides that are substantially free of endotoxins and uses thereof are also described. The polysaccharide materials can be isolated from microorganisms, multicellular organisms, such as, algae, plants, seaweed, etc. The method involves the use of acidic and basic solutions to hydrolyze the lipid-polysaccharide bond in endotoxins. Cleaving the fatty acid from the polysaccharide reduces the water-solubility of the fatty acid and enables its removal with an organic solvent such as ethanol. The polysaccharide component can also undergo acidic or basic hydrolysis due to the weak glycosidic bond between the sugar rings. 1. A method for isolating and purifying a naturally occurring agarose or derivative thereof produced from a biological source , the method comprising:(i) dispersing the agarose in one or more aliphatic alcohols to disrupt the bacterial wall to solubilize the lipid portion of endotoxins;(ii) removing the aliphatic alcohol to remove the lipid portion of the endotoxins and obtain the agarose or derivative thereof in solid form;(iii) dispersing the solid agarose or derivative thereof in a basic solution to hydrolyze lipid-inner core bonds of the endotoxins and solubilize the polysaccharide component of the endotoxins;(iv) washing the solution from step (iii) with an aliphatic alcohol to remove free lipids;(v) removing the basic solution in step (iii) to obtain the agarose or derivative thereof in solid form;(vi) dispersing the solid agarose or derivative thereof in an acidic solution to hydrolyze lipid-inner core bonds of the endotoxins not cleaved in step (iii);(vii) removing the acidic solution in step (vi) to obtain the agarose or derivative thereof in solid form;(viii) dispersing the solid agarose or derivative thereof from step (vii) in a second basic solution to further cleave lipid-inner core bonds ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002859A1
Автор: Im Jung Nam

The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of a carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric and the use of the carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric manufactured thereby. 1. A manufacturing method of a carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric , comprising the steps of:treating cellulose fibers chemically in a solvent to prepare carboxymethyl cellulose fibers;disentangling and mixing the carboxymethyl cellulose fibers in a paper-making solution comprising an alcohol solvent; andeliminating the solvent.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the step of performing a pressing process using calendaring after eliminating the solvent.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cellulose fibers are selected from the group consisting of viscos rayon fiber claim 1 , cotton fiber claim 1 , and Lyocell fiber.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose fibers have a length of 0.1 to 10 mm.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alcohol solvent is selected from the group consisting of ethanol claim 1 , methanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. A medical nonwoven fabric for a water-absorption material using the carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric manufactured by the method of claim 1 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric is gelated upon contact with body fluid.7. The medical nonwoven fabric as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the water-absorption material is selected from the group consisting of an anti-adhesion barrier claim 6 , a wound dressing claim 6 , and a hemostatic dressing.8. The medical nonwoven fabric as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric is dyed with a biocompatible dye or pigment.9. The medical nonwoven fabric as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric is further coated with an antibacterial material.10. A mask pack using the carboxymethyl cellulose nonwoven fabric prepared by the method of ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016332A1

A wound therapy device is disclosed. The wound therapy device may include a housing for covering at least a portion of a wound and for sealing to a body surface of a patient. The housing may also include a liquid collector for retaining liquid therein and a vacuum connection for coupling to a vacuum source. The vacuum connection may be in gaseous communication with the liquid collector. The vacuum connection may be separated from the liquid collector by a liquid barrier. 158.-. (canceled)59. A reduced-pressure system for treating a tissue site , comprising:a first dressing component comprising a super-absorbent material;a second dressing component comprising a silicone material;a wound cover for providing a fluid seal over the first and second dressing components;a reduced-pressure interface coupled to the wound cover; anda reduced-pressure delivery conduit for fluidly coupling to the reduced-pressure interface.60. The reduced-pressure system of claim 59 , further comprising a reduced-pressure source.61. The reduced-pressure system of claim 59 , wherein the second dressing component comprises a plurality of structural supports.62. The reduced-pressure system of claim 61 , wherein the first dressing component is disposed between the plurality of structural supports.63. The reduced-pressure system of claim 59 , further comprising a treatment aperture disposed in a wound interface layer.64. The reduced-pressure system of claim 59 , wherein the first dressing component and the second dressing component are configured to be positioned over the tissue site and over skin surrounding the tissue site.65. A wound therapy device claim 59 , comprising: a first dressing component comprising an absorbent material;', 'a second dressing component comprising a structural support;', 'a wound cover for providing a fluid seal over the first and second dressing components;', 'a wound interface layer disposed beneath the absorbent layer, the wound interface layer comprising a porous ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Layered Fibrous Structures and Methods for Making Same

Номер: US20170007079A1

Layered fibrous structures and more particularly to layered fibrous structures containing a plurality of hydroxyl polymer filaments present in at least one exterior layer of the layered fibrous structure at a level greater than the level of hydroxyl polymer filaments present in known layered fibrous structures and methods for making such layered fibrous structures are provided. 1. A layered fibrous structure comprising a first outer layer comprising a plurality of hydroxyl polymer filaments present in the first outer layer at a basis weight of at least 10 gsm.2. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the hydroxyl polymer filaments are present in the first outer layer at a basis weight of at least 12 gsm.3. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the hydroxyl polymer filaments are present in the first outer layer at a basis weight of at least 10 to about 30 gsm.4. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the layered fibrous structure further comprises a second layer comprising a plurality of fibers.5. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the second layer fibers comprise pulp fibers.6. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the fibers are present in the second layer at a basis weight of at least 6 gsm.7. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the fibers are present in the second layer at a basis weight of at least 6 gsm to about 50 gsm.8. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the second layer is a coform layer comprising commingled fibers and filaments.9. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the coform layer exhibits a basis weight of at least 6 gsm.10. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the coform layer exhibits a basis weight of at least 6 gsm to about 50 gsm.11. The layered fibrous structure according to wherein the hydroxyl polymer filaments comprise a hydroxyl polymer selected from the group consisting of: starch claim 1 , starch derivatives claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008474A1

A bandage to control bleeding from an open wound has a hemostatic gauze. An absorbent pad is removably attached to the hemostatic gauze. 1. A bandage to control bleeding from an open wound comprising:a hemostatic gauze; andan absorbent pad removably attached to the hemostatic gauze.2. The bandage of claim 1 , comprising a water soluble adhesive applied to one of the hemostatic gauze or the absorbent pad to removably attach the hemostatic gauze to the absorbent pad.3. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the hemostatic gauze is heat pressed to the absorbent pad to removably attach the hemostatic gauze to the absorbent pad.4. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein fibers of the hemostatic gauze are intertwined with fibers of the absorbent pad to removably attach the hemostatic gauze to the absorbent pad.5. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the hemostatic gauze is a non-woven chitosan fabric.6. The bandage of claim 1 , comprising a strip of material claim 1 , wherein an interior side of the strip of material has an adhesive material formed thereon claim 1 , the hemostatic gauze attached to the interior side of the strip of material.7. The bandage of claim 1 , comprising a porous-polymer coating applied on the absorbent pad.8. The bandage of claim 1 , comprising an antiseptic solution applied on the absorbent pad.9. The bandage of claim 5 , wherein the non-woven chitosan fabric is a non-woven claim 5 , non-water soluable chitosan fabric which allows blood plasma to pass through and be absorbed by the absorbent pad claim 5 , while the non-woven claim 5 , non-water soluable chitosan fabric reacts with red blood cells to form a clot.10. A bandage to control bleeding from an open wound comprising:a non-woven chitosan fabric;an absorbent pad removably attached to the non-woven chitosan fabric; anda strip of material, wherein an interior side of the strip of material has an adhesive material formed thereon, the non-woven chitosan fabric attached to the interior side of the strip of ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023116A1

The present invention relates to an absorbent core for sanitary products with an absorption matrix which comprises a high proportion of super-absorbing particles, and an absorbent core cover for enveloping the absorption matrix, wherein the absorbent core cover comprises at least one upper side sheet and one bottom side sheet, and the absorbent core cover comprises at least one connection region spaced apart from the edge of the absorbent core in which the upper side sheet and the bottom side sheet are connected to each other. Here, at least the upper side sheet of the absorbent core cover is embodied as a fleece composite with a fixing layer with a low permeability to retain the particles in the absorption matrix, and a transfer layer for acquiring fluid. Moreover, the invention relates to a sanitary product having such an absorbent core, the use of a fleece composite as an absorbent core cover, and a method for manufacturing a fleece composite for the upper side sheet of the absorbent core cover. 1. An absorbent core for sanitary products , comprising an absorption matrix having a high proportion of super-absorbing particles and an absorbent core cover for enveloping the absorption matrix ,wherein the absorbent core cover comprises at least one upper side sheet and at least one bottom side sheet, and the absorbent core cover comprises at least one connection region spaced apart from the edge of the absorbent core in which the upper side sheet and the bottom side sheet are connected to each other, andwherein at least the upper side sheet of the absorbent core cover is embodied as a fleece composite with a fixing layer with a low permeability to retain the particles in the absorption matrix, and a transfer layer for acquiring fluid.2. The absorbent core for sanitary products of claim 1 , wherein the fixing layer is embodied as a spunbond fleece claim 1 , a meltblown fleece claim 1 , or an SMS fleece with an SMS layer structure claim 1 , and/or the transfer layer is ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008742A1

The present invention relates to a composition that can be used as or as part of a wound dressing and to wound dressings comprising the same. More specifically, the present invention relates to a composition that disrupts and kills bacteria within a biofilm and also prevents biofilm formation. The solid composition comprises a first component selected from the group consisting of chitosan, chitin, derivatives of chitosan, derivatives of chitin, and combinations thereof; and at least one triprotic acid. 127-. (canceled)28. A solid composition comprising a first component selected from the group consisting of chitosan , chitin , derivatives of chitosan , derivatives of chitin , and any combination thereof; and at least one triprotic acid.29. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the first component is at least partially coated with the triprotic acid.30. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the triprotic acid is present in an amount of at least 10% of the first component.31. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the composition is insoluble in physiological fluid.32. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the first component is non-antimicrobial.33. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the ratio of the first component to the at least one triprotic acid is at least 2:1.34. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the first component is chitosan.35. A composition as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the chitosan has a degree of de-acetylation of at least 70%.36. A composition as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the first component has a viscosity greater than 150 cps in 1% acetic acid solution.37. A composition as claimed claim 28 , wherein the triprotic acid is citric acid.38. A composition as claimed claim 28 , wherein the first component is in the form of fibres claim 28 , granules claim 28 , flakes claim 28 , powder claim 28 , or any combination thereof39. A composition as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the triprotic acid ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008255A1

A wound therapy device is disclosed. The wound therapy device may include a housing for covering at least a portion of a wound and for sealing to a body surface of a patient. The housing may also include a liquid collector for retaining liquid therein and a vacuum connection for coupling to a vacuum source. The vacuum connection may be in gaseous communication with the liquid collector. The vacuum connection may be separated from the liquid collector by a liquid barrier. 158-. (canceled)59. A method of treating a wound , comprising:positioning a wound therapy device over a wound area and an area of intact skin adjacent to the wound area at least partially enclosing the wound area, the wound therapy device comprising:a moisture vapor permeable cover layer,an absorbent layer positioned beneath the cover layer, anda wound contact layer beneath the absorbent layer, the wound contact layer adhered to the moisture vapor permeable cover layer; andapplying negative pressure to the wound therapy device such that negative pressure is transmitted through the absorbent layer and the wound contact layer to the wound area and to the intact skin adjacent to the wound area at least partially enclosing the wound area.60. The method of treating a wound of claim 59 , wherein the wound therapy device comprises silicone.61. The method of treating a wound of claim 60 , wherein the wound contact layer comprises silicone.62. The method of treating a wound of claim 59 , wherein the moisture vapor permeable cover layer is adhered to the wound contact layer.63. The method of treating a wound of claim 59 , wherein the absorbent layer comprises a superabsorbent.64. The method of treating a wound of claim 59 , wherein negative pressure is provided by a negative pressure source.65. The method of treating a wound of claim 64 , wherein the negative pressure source is external to the moisture vapor permeable cover layer.66. The method of treating a wound of claim 64 , wherein the negative pressure ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Sealant Dressing with Removable Intermediate Separating Layer

Номер: US20220023488A1

The present invention is directed to medical devices having a first porous substrate layer with at least a surface coating thereon of a first co-reactive component and a second substrate layer with at least a surface coating layer of a second co-reactive component that reacts with the first co-reactive component, and a removable barrier layer positioned between the first substrate layer and second substrate layer and in contact with said first substrate layer and said second substrate layer. 1. A medical device comprising:a. a first porous substrate layer have at least one major facing surface with at least a surface coating thereon of a first co-reactive component;b. a second substrate layer having at least one major facing surface with at least a surface coating layer of a second co-reactive component that reacts with the first co-reactive component; andc. a removable barrier layer positioned between the first substrate layer and second substrate layer and in contact with at least one major facing surface or a surface coating, each, independently of one another, from said first substrate layer and said second substrate layer.2. A medical device according to wherein the first substrate layer is a porous claim 1 , non-woven mesh constructed from one or more synthetic polymers or copolymer claim 1 , cellulosic materials claim 1 , and blends thereof.3. A medical device according to wherein the second substrate layer is a porous claim 2 , non-woven mesh constructed from one or more synthetic polymers or copolymer claim 2 , cellulosic materials claim 2 , and blends thereof.4. A medical device according to claim 1 , wherein the second substrate layer is non-porous film.5. A medical device according to claim 3 , wherein a non-porous film is applied onto a top facing surface of the second substrate layer.6. A medical device according to wherein at least one major surface of the first substrate layer is coated with a nucleophilic group-containing compound as the first co- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009038A1

The present invention provides threads of hyaluronic acid, and/or derivatives thereof, methods of making thereof and uses thereof, for example, in aesthetic applications (e.g., dermal fillers), surgery (sutures), drug delivery, etc. 1. An implantable device comprising:a thread comprising uncrosslinked hyaluronic acid or salts, hydrates or solvates thereof and crosslinked hyaluronic acid or salts, hydrates or solvates thereof.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked hyaluronic acid is crosslinked with a crosslinker selected from the group consisting of butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE) claim 1 , divinyl sulfone (DVS) and 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC).3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked hyaluronic acid is crosslinked with butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE).4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the thread further comprises a therapeutic agent.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the therapeutic agent is selected from the group consisting of lidocaine claim 4 , xylocaine claim 4 , novocaine claim 4 , benzocaine claim 4 , prilocaine claim 4 , ropivacaine claim 4 , propofol claim 4 , and combinations thereof.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the therapeutic agent is lidocaine.7. The device of claim 4 , wherein the therapeutic agent is selected from the group consisting of epinephrine claim 4 , adrenaline claim 4 , ephedrine claim 4 , aminophylline claim 4 , theophylline claim 4 , and combinations thereof.8. The device of claim 4 , wherein the therapeutic agent is botulism toxin.9. The device of claim 4 , wherein the therapeutic agent is laminin-511 claim 4 , glucosamine claim 4 , an antioxidant claim 4 , insulin claim 4 , a growth factor claim 4 , an antibiotic agent claim 4 , an anti-scarring agent claim 4 , a peptide claim 4 , an analgesic claim 4 , or an antiseptic.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein crosslinked hyaluronic acid has a degree of crosslinking with the crosslinker of between about 0.01% and about ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014780A1

Provided herein are fatty-ammonium salt/starch inclusion complexes comprising one or more of a variety of fatty amines. Such complexes can be combined with film-forming agents, such as poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVOH) and plasticizing agents. The inclusion complexes of the present invention can be utilized as antimicrobial agents, preventing microbial growth on organic and inorganic surfaces. In specific embodiments, inclusion complexes of the present invention are applied to vegetable or fruit surfaces in order to impede microbial growth. Inclusion complexes of the present invention can be applied to wood in order to impede microbial growth and insect consumption and to wound dressings. 1. A method of decreasing microbial growth on a surface , comprising applying an effective amount of a fatty-ammonium salt polysaccharide inclusion complex to the surface and allowing a microbe to contact said inclusion complex under conditions supporting growth of the microbe , thereby decreasing growth of the microbe.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polysaccharide portion is amylose derived from high amylose corn starch.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fatty amine portion of the inclusion complex is derived from one or more fatty ammonium salts claim 1 , wherein each fatty ammonium salt comprises eight to twenty-two carbons in at least one chain attached to a nitrogen.4. The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more fatty ammonium salts comprise twelve to eighteen carbons.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fatty amine portion of the inclusion complex comprises an amine with two carbon chains attached to a nitrogen and wherein the two chains attached to the nitrogen comprise eight carbons or less and wherein the total number of carbons in the amine is at least twelve.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amine from which the ammonium salt is derived is a primary claim 1 , secondary or tertiary amine.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the amine is a secondary or ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Hemostatic Pad Assembly Kit and Method

Номер: US20150017225A1

The present invention relates generally to agents and devices for promoting hemostasis and tissue sealing and, more particularly, to hemostatic pads comprising bioabsorbable scaffolds that can deliver lyophilized hemostasis promoting proteins, such as fibrinogen and thrombin, to a wound site or injured organ or tissue. 1. A hemostatic wound treatment device comprising:a bioabsorbable scaffold having a wound facing surface and an opposing surface;said scaffold wetted with a biocompatible liquid that is not blood or plasma; anda hemostatic powder that adheres by moisture to at least the wound facing surface of said bioabsorbable scaffold.2. The hemostatic wound treatment device of wherein the hemostatic powder comprises a mixture of dry fibrinogen and dry thrombin.3. The hemostatic wound treatment device of wherein the hemostatic powder comprises dry fibrinogen.4. The hemostatic wound treatment device of wherein the hemostatic powder comprises dry thrombin.5. The hemostatic wound treatment device according to wherein the biocompatible liquid is selected from the group consisting of an aqueous solution claim 1 , normal saline claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , and ethanol-water mixture.6. The hemostatic wound treatment device according to wherein the biocompatible liquid comprises a hemostatic agent.7. The hemostatic wound treatment device according to wherein the biocompatible liquid comprises thrombin claim 6 , fibrinogen claim 6 , hemostasis promoting agents claim 6 , growth factors claim 6 , calcium salts claim 6 , absorbable disaggregation aids claim 6 , bulking agents claim 6 , gelatin claim 6 , collagen claim 6 , and combinations thereof.8. The hemostatic wound treatment device according to wherein the biocompatible liquid comprises proteins claim 7 , prothrombin claim 7 , fibrin claim 7 , fibronectin claim 7 , heparinase claim 7 , Factor X/Xa claim 7 , Factor VII/VIIa claim 7 , Factor IX/IXa claim 7 , Factor XI/XIa claim 7 , Factor XII/XIIa claim 7 , tissue factor ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015468A1

The present invention involves the isolation of plant based CNCs from the leaves of . For the formation of NCs, a novel greener approach using LE as reducing agent for in situ impregnation of AgNPs as fillers into CNCs as matrix is reported. The silver nitrate solution in three different concentrations of 1 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM was used to form NCs where AgNPs have been incorporated into CNCs matrix. The CNCs and NCs were characterized using SEM, TEM, XRD, Zeta potential, FT-IR, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. NCs developed in the form of film and ointment showed strong antimicrobial activity against both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. NCs wound dressing is capable of regulating wound exudates and providing moisture to wound responsible for faster healing of acute wounds. The observations from histopathological and biochemical assays confirmed that NCs enhance healing because of lesser inflammation, rapid angiogenesis, early collagen formation and enhanced rate of reepithelization. 1Syzygium cumini. A nanobiocomposite formulation (NCs) in ointment form comprising silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) wherein the ratio of AgNPs and CNCs is in the range of 0.067%-0.4% w/w AgNPs: 7-8% w/w CNCs , and wherein the cellulose is derived from leaves.2. A process for the preparation of the nanobiocomposite formulation in ointment form as claimed in claim 1 , the method comprising:{'i': 'Syzygium cumini', 'a) treating washed and dried leaves with bleaching agent at pH in the range of 3.0-4.0 for a time period ranging between 2-3 h at a temperature ranging between 70-100° C. to obtain a bleached fibrous material;'}b) filtering and washing the bleached fibrous material as obtained from (a) followed by treating with acidified bleaching agent solution at a temperature ranging between 22-30° C. for a time period ranging 16-18 h to obtain acidified fibrous material;c) washing the acidified fibrous material as obtained from (b) followed by keeping it into 2 ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015543A1
Автор: Natbony Suzanne Raina

The present invention relates to novel and secure tampons that overcome the problems associated with conventional non-secure tampons, and methods of using the novel and secure tampons. 1. A secure tampon , comprising:an absorbent object which is securely attached to at least one or more connector elements, and further wherein the one or more connector elements are safely and securely attached to at least one or more adhesive elements.2. The secure tampon of claim 1 , wherein the at least one or more connector elements comprise any type of safe and non-toxic string claim 1 , thread claim 1 , filament claim 1 , fiber claim 1 , microfiber claim 1 , yarn or other type of safe and non-toxic connective element.3. The secure tampon of claim 1 , wherein the at least one or more adhesive elements securely and reversibly attach to at least one area of the tampon wearer's body.4. The secure tampon of claim 1 , wherein the at least one or more adhesive elements comprise any type of safe and non-toxic tape claim 1 , adhesive material claim 1 , waterproof tape claim 1 , medical adhesive tape claim 1 , pressure sensitive adhesive tape claim 1 , surgical tape claim 1 , paper tape claim 1 , or any combination thereof.5. The secure tampon of claim 1 , wherein the at least one or more adhesive elements comprise cloth claim 1 , waterproof material claim 1 , paper claim 1 , pressure-sensitive tape claim 1 , micropore adhesive material claim 1 , or any combination thereof.6. The secure tampon of claim 1 , wherein the one or more adhesive elements securely and reversibly attach to any area of skin surrounding the vagina claim 1 , any part of the leg or legs claim 1 , inner thigh claim 1 , or any area of the skin covering the pubic bone.7. The secure tampon of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent object is made of a material selected from the group consisting of cotton claim 1 , rayon claim 1 , and a blend of cotton and rayon.8. A self-assembled secure tampon comprising an absorbent object ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Antibacterial Cellulose Hydrogels and Preparation Method therefor

Номер: US20210015966A1

The disclosure provides a preparation method for a novel biocompatible antibacterial bacterial cellulose Fmoc-F hydrogel, belonging to the technical field of biomedical gels. The preparation method is characterized by comprising the following steps of (1) preparing a bacterial cellulose (BC) homogenate, (2) mixing the bacterial cellulose with an Fmoc-F solution, and preparing the bacterial cellulose/Fmoc-F antibacterial hydrogel by means of in-situ chemical crosslinking. The preparation method has the advantages of rapid gelling reaction, simple reaction system, high gel plasticity and the like. Because of the bacterial cellulose, the antibacterial hydrogel prepared in the disclosure has high mechanical strength. Meanwhile, compared with traditional micro-molecular antibacterial materials, the bacterial cellulose/Fmoc-F antibacterial hydrogels prepared in the disclosure have broad-spectrum antibacterial effects and good biocompatibility. 1. A preparation method for an antibacterial BC-Fmoc-F hydrogel , comprising the following steps:(1) preparing a bacterial cellulose homogenate: crushing bacterial cellulose membranes with tissue homogenizer by means of mechanical homogenization so as to obtain the bacterial cellulose homogenate, centrifuging the obtained homogenate at 10000 rpm/min for 10 min to remove excessive water and the bacterial cellulose homogenate with a concentration of 10 mg/ml (dry weight) is obtained;(2) preparing a bacterial cellulose/Fmoc-L-phenylalanine hydrogel: at room temperature, weighing 120 mg of Fmoc-F precisely by analytic balance into 50 ml centrifuge tube, adding 4 ml of PB solution into each centrifuge tube for dissolution, adding 4 ml, 8 ml, 12 ml and 16 ml of the BC homogenate into the centrifuge tubes respectively, and then making up to 20 ml with the PB solution; shaking spirally for 1 min, then heating the mixture at 80° C. for 30 min in a water bath kettle, and then placing the mixture at room temperature for 6 h to obtain the BC- ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017671A1
Автор: Cunha Gisela, Saxell Heidi
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

A method is provided for preparing a fibrous material (preferably a mat or filaments) of crosslinked microfibrillated cellulose. Phosphorylated microfibrillated cellulose is spun into a fibrous material; and then said fibrous material is post-treated (e.g. by heat-treatment) to provide crosslinking between the phosphorylated microfibrillated cellulose. Fibrous materials such as filaments or mats, and hygiene products comprising such materials are also described. 1. A method for preparing a fibrous material of crosslinked microfibrillated cellulose , said method comprising the steps of:i. spinning a cellulose composition comprising phosphorylated microfibrillated cellulose (P-MFC) into a fibrous material; andii. heat-treatment of said fibrous material to provide crosslinking of the phosphorylated microfibrillated cellulose.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said fibrous material is filaments.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said fibrous material is a mat.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said cellulose composition further comprises unmodified microfibrillated cellulose.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said cellulose composition further comprises chemically-modified microfibrillated cellulose.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said cellulose composition comprises more than 25% by weight P-MFC.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said heat treatment takes place at a temperature of between 60 and 200° C.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said heat treatment takes place for a time of between 10 and 180 minutes.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking takes place in the absence of any additional crosslinking agents.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spinning is selected from the group consisting of wet-spinning claim 1 , electrospinning and dry-spinning.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said phosphorylated microfibrillated cellulose (P-MFC) is obtained ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020750A1

The present invention relates to patch comprising a fibrous element comprising a filament-forming material and a microorganism, further comprising a liquid pervious first layer comprising a body facing surface and a garment facing surface opposite to the body facing surface, 1. A patch comprising a fibrous element comprising a filament-forming material and a microorganism , further comprisinga liquid pervious first layer comprising a body facing surface and a garment facing surface opposite to the body facing surface,an adhesive disposed at least partially on the garment facing surface of the first layer, anda removable release liner at least partially covering the adhesive.2. The patch according to wherein the microorganism exhibits less than a 3 log viability loss after the patch is exposed to 25° C. and 65% relative humidity conditions for 4 weeks as measured according to the Viability Test Method.3. The patch according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer comprises the fibrous element.4. The patch according to further comprising a liquid pervious second layer disposed onto the body facing surface of the first layer wherein the second layer comprises a body facing surface.5. The patch according to claim 4 , wherein the second layer comprises the fibrous element.6. The patch according to the claim 4 , wherein the patch further comprises a liquid pervious third layer disposed onto the body facing surface of the second layer.7. The patch according to the claim 6 , wherein the second layer comprises the fibrous element.8. The patch according to the claim 6 , wherein the third layer comprises the fibrous element.9. The patch according to claim 4 , wherein the fibrous element is disposed between the first layer and the second layer in a form of fibers.10. The patch according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is liquid pervious.11. The patch according to claim 1 , wherein the microorganism is a labile microorganism.12. The patch according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021050A1

The present invention provides methods for preparing an absorbent antimicrobial wound dressing which comprise steps of (a) preparing an antimicrobial coating composition by mixing an antimicrobial agent and one or more polymers in a solvent system that comprises a non-aqueous solvent, (b) contacting the antimicrobial coating composition of step (a) with a wound dressing substrate which comprises absorbent fibers or absorbent particles, and (c) drying the product of step (b). The present invention also provides absorbent antimicrobial wound dressings including those prepared by these methods as well as antimicrobial coating compositions and methods of producing antimicrobial coating compositions. 1. A method of preparing an absorbent antimicrobial wound dressing comprising:(a) preparing an antimicrobial coating composition by mixing an antimicrobial agent and one or more polymers in a solvent system that comprises a non-aqueous solvent;(b) contacting the antimicrobial coating composition of step (a) with a wound dressing substrate which comprises absorbent fibers or absorbent particles; and(c) drying the product of step (b).2. The method of wherein the one or more polymers are selected from the group consisting of cellulosic polymers claim 1 , neutral poly(meth)acrylate esters claim 1 , polyvinylpyrrolidone claim 1 , polyvinylpolypyrrolidone claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent fibers comprise polyvinyl alcohol.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the polyvinyl alcohol is cross-linked.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent fibers comprise a cellulosic polymer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the absorbent fibers comprise carboxymethyl cellulose.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more polymers in the antimicrobial coating composition have an average molecular weight between 50-1500 kDa.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more polymers in the antimicrobial coating composition are cellulosic ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024285A1

Disclosed is a resilient foam and methods of making the foam. The resilient foam includes a derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide and has an open-cell structure. When the resilient foam is contacted with water, the foam forms a thixotropic hydrogel. 1. A resilient foam comprising:(a) a derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide; and(b) an open-cell structure,wherein the resilient foam, when contacted with water, is capable of forming a thixotropic hydrogel.2. The resilient foam of claim 1 , wherein the derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide has a degree of substitution of less than 0.6 derivatives per monomer unit.3. The resilient foam of claim 1 , wherein the derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide is dissolvable.4. The resilient foam of claim 1 , wherein the derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide is carboxymethyl cellulose claim 1 , cellulose ethyl sulfonate claim 1 , carboxymethyl amylose claim 1 , chondroitin-6-sulfate claim 1 , chondroitin-4-sulfate claim 1 , dermatan sulfate claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , heparin claim 1 , or heparin sulfate claim 1 , or any combination thereof.5. The resilient foam of claim 4 , wherein the derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide is cellulose ethyl sulfonate.6. The resilient foam of claim 4 , wherein the derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide is carboxymethyl cellulose.7. The resilient foam of claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose has a non-uniform distribution of carboxymethyl groups.8. The resilient foam of claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose has a consistent weight per unit length of polymer.9. The resilient foam of claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose compound has a molecular weight of 50 to 400 kilodaltons.10. The resilient foam of claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethyl cellulose is derived from cotton or cotton linters.11. The resilient foam of claim 1 , further comprising water claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio of the water to the derivatized polyanionic polysaccharide ranges from about 0.04 to about 0.6 ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021917A1

An absorbent article having a liquid permeable topsheet, a liquid impermeable sheet, an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet, and a secondary topsheet disposed between the topsheet and the absorbent core is described. The secondary topsheet has a first layer and a second layer. The first layer is located between the topsheet and the second layer, and a mean pore size of the first layer is larger than a mean pore size of the topsheet. 1. An absorbent article comprising a liquid permeable topsheet , a liquid impermeable sheet , an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet , and a secondary topsheet disposed between the topsheet and the absorbent core ,wherein the secondary topsheet comprises a first layer and a second layer, the first layer being located between the topsheet and the second layer,wherein a mean pore size of the first layer is larger than a mean pore size of the topsheet.2. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the mean pore size of the first layer is substantially equal to or larger than a mean pore size of the second layer.3. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the topsheet comprises nonwoven.4. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the topsheet comprises cotton fibers.5. The absorbent article according to claim 4 , wherein the topsheet comprises at least 5% of cotton fibers by weight of the topsheet.6. The absorbent article according to claim 4 , wherein the topsheet comprises 100% cotton fibers by weight of the topsheet.7. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary topsheet is an integrated web.8. The absorbent article according to claim 7 , wherein at least part of fibers of the second layer extended into the first layer.9. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer comprises a first thermoplastic fiber.10. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer comprises at least about 10% ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022009A1

A method for obtaining a biopolymer hemostatic powder including adding in an reactor () a mixture of an organic acid (b), a combination of alcohols (b) (d) and a bioadhesive to obtain a binder solution and a step of incorporating on a base of the lower part of a fluid bed reactor () a polysaccharide (a) driven by an air stream injected at controlled temperature and speed; on which fluid and micro particles of the polysaccharide (a) are sprayed from the top of said fluid bed reactor () the binding solution and where the polysaccharide (a) is chitosan, the organic acid (b) is acetic acid, the alcohol combination (c) is alcohol and polyalcohol and the bioadhesive is polyvinyl alcohol. The product contains between 55 and 85% w/w of a polysaccharide; between 10 to 40% w/w of an organic acid; up to 17% w/w of a combination of alcohols and up to 3% w/w of a bioadhesive; whose alcohol combination is composed of 95% of an alcohol and 5% of a polyalcohol and the binder fluid is sprayed onto the polymer in an amount of between 50 and 150% p/p. 1. A method for obtaining a biopolymer hemostatic powder , the biopolymer hemostatic powder includes a polysaccharide , an acid , at least one alcohol , and a bioadhesive , the method comprising the steps of:stirring in an admixture reactor, an organic acid, a mixture of alcohols, and a bioadhesive to obtain a binder solution;injecting from a base of a lower part of a fluid bed reactor, an air stream having a polysaccharide at controlled temperature and speed; andspraying from a top part of the fluid bed reactor, the binding solution to form particles;wherein the polysaccharide is chitosan, the organic acid is acetic acid, the alcohol combination includes an alcohol and a polyalcohol, and the bioadhesive is polyvinyl alcohol.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder solution is sprayed on the polysaccharide in an amount of between 50 and 150% w/w.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic acid lowers the pH in ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022220A1

Compositions and methods for repairing or regenerating damaged tissue are disclosed. In particular, the invention relates to methods of anchoring biomolecules and/or cells to tissues in order to immobilize and concentrate therapeutic factors that promote tissue regeneration at or under the surface of damaged tissue. 1. A method of treating damaged tissue in a subject , the method comprising:a) contacting the damaged tissue with effective amounts of a photosensitizer and one or more therapeutic factors capable of promoting tissue regeneration or repair; andb) exposing the tissue to light to induce a photocrosslinking reaction, wherein the one or more therapeutic factors are crosslinked directly to the damaged tissue and to one another.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more therapeutic factors are biomolecules claim 1 , cells claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more biomolecules are selected from the group consisting of a growth factor claim 2 , a neurotrophic factor claim 2 , and an extracellular matrix protein.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the growth factor is selected from the group consisting of epidermal growth factor and nerve growth factor.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the extracellular matrix protein is fibronectin claim 2 , collagen claim 2 , laminin claim 2 , fibrin claim 2 , or derivatives of hyaluronic acid.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more therapeutic factors is selected from the group consisting of antibiotic agents claim 1 , antifibrotic agents claim 1 , anti-inflammatory agents claim 1 , chemotherapeutic (anti-oncologic) agents claim 1 , anti-angiogenic agents claim 1 , or anti-thrombotic agents claim 1 , and pro-thrombotic agents.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said contacting comprises applying the photosensitizer and the one or more therapeutic factors to the damaged tissue at a surface or a sub-surface.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Microspheres of Hydrolysed Starch with Endogenous, Charged Ligands

Номер: US20180022833A1

The resent invention relates to biodegradable microspheres having a diameter of 1-2000 μm comprising cross-linked hydrolysed starch onto which at least one type of ligand has been coupled via a carboxylic ester bond. The ligand shall be an endogenous, charged molecule with a molecular mass of less than 1000 Da comprising at least one additional carboxylic acid function in addition to the one utilised for coupling the ligand to the micro-sphere and/or at least one amine function. On average 0.05-1.5 ligands are coupled to each glucose moiety in the hydrolysed starch. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for carrying out hemostasis comprising the step of administering an effective amount of a biodegradable microsphere having a diameter of 10 to 2000 μm comprising cross-linked hydrolysed starch onto which at least one type of ligand , selected from the group consisting of amino acids and nitrogen containing organic acids , has been coupled via a carboxylic ester bond formed between the carboxylic acid group of the ligand and a hydroxyl group of a glucose residue in the cross-linked hydrolysed starch , wherein said ligand is an endogenous , charged molecule with a molecular mass of less than 1000 Da comprising at least one additional amine function , said ligand being positively charged or zwitter ionic , and wherein on average 0.05 to 1.5 ligands have been coupled to each glucose moiety in the hydrolysed starch , to a mammal suffering from a bleeding wound , thereby carrying out hemostasis.22. A microsphere according to claim 21 , wherein said ligand is positively charged.23. A microsphere according to claim 22 , wherein the ligand has a physiologically active counter ion.24. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the microsphere has a mean diameter of 10 to 200 μm.25. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the ligand has a physiologically active counter ion claim 24 , the counter ion being ellagic acid.26. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the ligand is an ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022843A1

The present invention is directed to a flowable hemostatic paste comprising a crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose and at least one non-toxic dispersant. More specifically the present invention relates to a hemostatic paste containing citric acid cross-linked CMC, which is suspended or dispersed as a powder in a mixture of a first non-toxic glycerol-containing hygroscopic dispersant and a second non-toxic alcohol functionalized dispersant comprising propylene glycol or 1,3-butanediol. 2. The hemostatic paste of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked polysaccharide comprises a carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) that is cross-linked by reaction via a polyfunctional carboxylic acid claim 1 , wherein said acid is selected from the group consisting of malic claim 1 , tartaric claim 1 , citric claim 1 , malonic claim 1 , succinic claim 1 , glutaric claim 1 , or adipic acid or mixtures thereof.3. The hemostatic paste of claim 2 , wherein said acid is citric acid.4. The hemostatic paste of claim 3 , wherein said paste comprises:a. 35% to 65% by weight of citric acid cross-linked CMC, which is suspended or dispersed in powder form in a viscous liquid mixture of a glycerol-containing hygroscopic dispersant and an alcohol-functionalized dispersant of propylene glycol, 1,3-Butanediol or mixtures thereof.5. The hemostatic paste of claim 4 , wherein said cross-linked CMC is a suspended powder having average particle size less than 100 microns.6. The hemostatic paste of claim 5 , wherein said paste comprises less than 1% of water.7. The hemostatic paste of claim 5 , wherein said paste further comprises an alkaline agent.8. The hemostatic paste of claim 7 , wherein said neutralizing alkaline agent comprises sodium hydroxide claim 7 , present at about 0.1-3%.9. The hemostatic paste of claim 5 , wherein glycerol-containing dispersant is present in said paste at 10% to 30% by weight claim 5 , and said second non-toxic dispersant is present in said paste at 10% to 30% by weight.10. The hemostatic ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023103A1

A wound therapy device is disclosed. The wound therapy device may include a housing for covering at least a portion of a wound and for sealing to a body surface of a patient. The housing may also include a liquid collector for retaining liquid therein and a vacuum connection for coupling to a vacuum source. The vacuum connection may be in gaseous communication with the liquid collector. The vacuum connection may be separated from the liquid collector by a liquid barrier. 158-. (canceled)59. A wound therapy device , comprising:a moisture vapor permeable cover layer configured to cover a wound area and an area of body surface adjacent the wound area at least partially enclosing the wound area;a vacuum source configured to be in fluid communication with the cover layer;an absorbent layer positioned beneath the cover layer, the absorbent layer configured to retain wound exudate while simultaneously communicating negative pressure generated by the vacuum source to the wound area;a disperser layer positioned beneath or above the absorbent layer, the disperser layer configured to overlie the wound area and the area of body surface adjacent the wound area at least partially enclosing the wound area; anda wound contact layer beneath the disperser layer and the absorbent layer, the wound contact layer configured to overlie the wound area and the area of body surface adjacent the wound area at least partially enclosing the wound area.60. The wound therapy device of claim 59 , wherein the moisture vapor permeable cover layer is adhered to the wound contact layer.61. The wound therapy device of claim 59 , wherein the disperser layer comprises a three-dimensional knit spacer fabric.62. The wound therapy device of claim 59 , wherein the disperser layer comprises a hydrophobic material.63. The wound therapy device of claim 59 , wherein the disperser layer comprises an inner spacer yarn oriented perpendicular to a face fiber.64. The wound therapy device of claim 59 , wherein the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023813A1

A process is described for the purification of HA, and pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutritional compositions containing HA thus purified. 1StreptococcusBacillus,S. equi, B. subtilisB. megaterium,S. equi,. A process for the extraction and purification of HA from fermentation broth , preferably from fermentation broth of micro-organisms of the genus or in particular or more preferably characterized in that it comprises an extraction step comprising or consisting in the following steps:a. dilution of the filtered fermentation broth with purified water, from 1.1 to 3 volumes, preferably equal to 1.5 with respect to the initial volume;b. forced recirculation of the broth coming from step a. formed by the joining of retentate and permeate, inside Tangential Flow Filter (TFF) cassettes containing ultrafiltration membranes made of arylsulfonic polymeric material, preferably polyethersulfone, with a porosity ranging from 5,000 to 300,000 Daltons, preferably from 50,000 to 200,000 and even more preferably equal to 100,000 Daltons, wherein the forced recirculation is repeated for a time ranging from 1 to 6 hours, preferably equal to 3 hours, said recirculation being conducted in a closed system.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the forced recirculation step b. is followed by the following steps:c. diafiltration I of the retentate contained in the TFF cassettes of step b. with a diafiltration solution selected from purified water and a saline solution, preferably purified water;d. concentration of the volume deriving from step c. up to a volume equal to that of the starting broth;e. diafiltration II of the volume deriving from step d. with a diafiltration solution selected from purified water and a saline solution, preferably purified water, repeating said diafiltration from 5 to 15 times, preferably 6-12 times;f. final concentration of the volume deriving from step e. until a final volume equal to a third of that of the starting broth is obtained;g. recovery of the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Methods of treating degenerative bone conditions

Номер: US20170027591A1
Принадлежит: Agnovos Healthcare Llc

A combination suction and irrigation device for a medical procedure. The device includes an elongated body having a proximal end and a distal end and defines an open channel that extends from the proximal end to the distal end. The open channel is open at both the proximal end and the distal end. A suction port is in communication with the open channel and is connectable to a source of suction. An irrigation port is in communication with the open channel and is connectable to a source of irrigation fluid. A valve selectively opens and closes the open channel to flow relative to the suction port and to the open proximal end, and to flow relative to the irrigation port.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027779A1

Absorbent product having a liquid permeable surface and a liquid impermeable opposite surface, the absorbent product including an odor control material, the odor control material including a carrier material and a plurality of odor control particles adhered to the carrier material. The carrier material has a first surface located towards the liquid permeable surface of the absorbent product and a second opposite surface located towards the liquid impermeable surface of the absorbent product. The plurality of odor control particles are bonded to the second surface of the carrier material with a water soluble binder substance wherein the binder substance at least partly dissolves when in contact with an aqueous solution. 2. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble binder substance has a molecular weight of 40 kDa or lower.3. Absorbent product according to claim 2 , wherein the water-soluble binder substance comprises a hydrophilic polymer.4. Absorbent product according to claim 2 , wherein the water-soluble binder substance comprises a hydrophilic low molecular weight compounds.5. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the carrier material is treated with surfactant(s).6. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble binder substance comprises an additive selected from the group of plasticizer claim 1 , stabilizer claim 1 , agent improving dispersibility claim 1 , pH regulating agent claim 1 , antimicrobial substance claim 1 , surfactant(s) claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.7. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio binder substance to odor control particles is from 1:10 to 10:1.8. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is a nonwoven material.9. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is a foam material.10. Absorbent product according to claim 1 , wherein the odor control material covers 5-100% of the total ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030663A1

A wound dressing composition comprising a non-viable cell lysate or releasate derived from a hepatocyte cell or an inflammatory cell such as a macrophage. Also provided are wound dressings comprising such compositions, methods of making such compositions, and the use of such compositions for the treatment of wounds. 1. A wound dressing composition comprising a non-viable cell lysate or releasate derived from an inflammatory cell.2. A wound dressing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the cell lysate or releasate is dispersed in or on a pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle.3. A wound dressing composition according to claim 2 , wherein said pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle is in the form of a solid sheet claim 2 , a semi-solid ointment claim 2 , an apertured solid sheet claim 2 , a web claim 2 , a woven fabric claim 2 , a knitted fabric claim 2 , a nonwoven fabric claim 2 , a hydrophilic foam claim 2 , a freeze-dried sponge or a solvent-dried sponge.4. A wound dressing composition according to claim 3 , wherein said pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle comprises a bioabsorbable freeze-dried sponge.5. A wound dressing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the cell releasate or lysate is dispersed in or on a solid vehicle that comprises claim 1 , or consists essentially of claim 1 , a solid bioabsorbable material selected from the group consisting of collagen claim 1 , chitosan claim 1 , oxidized cellulose claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.6. A wound dressing composition according to which is substantially dry.7. A wound dressing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises from about 0.01 to about 10% by weight on a dry weight basis of one or more wound healing therapeutic substances.8. A wound dressing composition according to which is substantially sterile.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. A process for the production of a wound dressing comprising the steps of lysing hepatocyte or ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Composition and Method for Treating Connective Tissue Damage

Номер: US20150030665A1

The present invention provides a composition, and a method of use thereof, for treating connective tissue damage in man and in animals, which comprises a therapeutically effective amount of chondroitin sulfate, N-acetyl D-glucosamine, and hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid). Particularly, the present invention provides a composition, and a method of use thereof, for treating connective tissue damage including, but not limited to, arthritic disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osterochondrosis dessicans, cartilage damage, joint injury, joint inflammation, joint synovitis, degenerative joint disease (DJD), post surgical DJD, traumatic injury, fracture, tendon damage, ligament damage, skeletal damage, musculoskeletal damage, fiber damage, adipose tissue damage, small intestine tissue damage, blood cell damage, and plasma damage. Compositions for delivery of the present invention include those for parenteral, oral, and transmucosal delivery and for direct surgical placement onto the affected tissues. 1. A method for treating connective tissue damage in a mammal comprising parenterally administering to a mammal in need thereof , a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising therapeutic amounts of chondroitin sulfate , N-acetyl D-glucosamine , and hyaluronan , wherein said connective tissue is small intestine , blood , or plasma.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutically effective amount of chondroitin sulfate comprises from between about 0.5 grams to about 1.5 grams of a suitable chondroitin sulfate per unit dose of the composition.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the suitable chondroitin sulfate is chondroitin 4-sulfate claim 2 , chondroitin 6-sulfate claim 2 , or a mixture thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutically effective amount of N-acetyl D-glucosamine is from about 0.5 grams to about 1.5 grams of N-acetyl D-glucosamine per unit dose of the composition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutically ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030623A1
Автор: Drake James F.

An absorbent layer for moderating blood flow from a wound has a non-woven fabric layer of water-insoluble chitosan fibers having a coating of water-absorbent starch on at least one face of the fabric layer. The coating of water-absorbent starch penetrates into the fabric layer from a first surface over the chitosan fibers to a depth of at least 25% of the fabric layer of chitosan fibers. The chitosan fibers have average diameters of from 5 to 30 micrometers. The average weight of starch/chitosan may decrease from the first surface from which the starch has penetrated into the fabric to the depth of at least 50% of the fabric layer. The starch may be modified to include hydrophilic groups into or onto molecular chains of the starch. 1. An absorbent layer comprising a non-woven fabric layer of water-insoluble chitosan fibers having a coating of water-absorbent starch on at least one face of the fabric layer.2. The layer of wherein the coating of water-absorbent starch penetrates into the fabric layer from a first surface over the chitosan fibers to a depth of at least 25% of the fabric layer of chitosan fibers.3. The layer of wherein the chitosan fibers have average diameters of from 5 to 30 micrometers.4. The layer of wherein the chitosan fibers have average diameters of from 8 to 25 micrometers.5. The layer of wherein the chitosan fibers have average diameters of from 10 to 20 micrometers.6. The layer of wherein the chitosan fibers have average diameters of from 8 to 25 micrometers.7. The layer of wherein the coating of water-absorbent starch penetrates from a first surface into the fabric layer over the chitosan fibers to a depth of at least 50% of the fabric layer of chitosan fibers towards a second surface of the layer.8. The layer of wherein the coating of water-absorbent starch penetrates from a first surface into the fabric layer over the chitosan fibers to a depth of at least 50% of the fabric layer of chitosan fibers towards a second surface of the layer.9. ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028712A1
Автор: KANOVSKY Mechael

Provided are materials including cell proliferation properties. The materials may include a polymer having incorporated therein a synergistic combination of at least two metal oxide powders, including a mixed oxidation state oxide of a first metal and a single oxidation state oxide of a second metal. The mixed oxidation state oxide may constitute from about 25% wt. to about 75% wt. of the total weight of the synergistic combination of the at least two metal oxide powders. The powders may be incorporated substantially uniformly within the polymer. The ions of the metal powders may be in ionic contact upon exposure of the material to moisture. Further provided are methods for the preparation of the materials and uses thereof, including in skin regeneration processes and cosmetic applications. 137.-. (canceled)38. A material having cell proliferation properties , said material comprising a polymer having incorporated therein a synergistic combination of at least two metal oxide powders , comprising a mixed oxidation state oxide of a first metal and a single oxidation state oxide of a second metal , wherein the mixed oxidation state oxide constitutes from about 25% wt. to about 75% wt. of the total weight of the synergistic combination of the at least two metal oxide powders , the powders are being incorporated substantially uniformly within said polymer , and the ions of the metal oxides are in ionic contact upon exposure of said material to moisture.39. The material according to claim 38 , wherein the mixed oxidation state oxide is selected from the group consisting of tetrasilver tetroxide (AgO) claim 38 , AgO claim 38 , AgO claim 38 , tetracopper tetroxide (CuO) claim 38 , Cu (I claim 38 ,III) oxide claim 38 , Cu (II claim 38 ,III) oxide and combinations thereof claim 38 , and the single oxidation state oxide is selected from the group consisting of copper oxide claim 38 , silver oxide claim 38 , zinc oxide and combinations thereof.40. The material according to ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028729A1

A wound therapy device is disclosed. The wound therapy device may include a housing for covering at least a portion of a wound and for sealing to a body surface of a patient. The housing may also include a liquid collector for retaining liquid therein and a vacuum connection for coupling to a vacuum source. The vacuum connection may be in gaseous communication with the liquid collector. The vacuum connection may be separated from the liquid collector by a liquid barrier. 1. A wound therapy device , comprising:a housing configured to cover at least a portion of a wound;a vacuum source in fluid communication with the housing;a liquid collector positioned inside of the housing and in operable communication with the wound, wherein said liquid collector is configured to retain wound exudate while simultaneously communicating negative pressure generated by the vacuum source to the wound.2. The wound therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the liquid collector comprises a porous material defining a plurality of passages to allow fluid communication between the vacuum source and the wound through the liquid collector.3. The wound therapy device of claim 2 , wherein the liquid collector is sufficiently rigid to allow fluid communication between the vacuum source and the wound through the liquid collector when the device is subject to a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure.4. The wound therapy device of claim 2 , wherein the housing is sufficiently rigid to allow fluid communication between the vacuum source and the wound through the liquid collector when the device is subject to a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure.5. The wound therapy device of claim 2 , wherein the housing in combination with the liquid collector is sufficiently rigid to allow fluid communication between the vacuum source and the wound through the liquid collector when the device is subject to a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure.6. The wound therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the liquid ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047428A1

Tampons and production methods are provided that provide tampons made of at least 80% cellulose-based fibers, such as cotton or viscose, without plastic top sheets. The tampons consist of cylindrically-compressed rolled strips of entangled non-woven fabric and may be made of 100% natural cellulose-based fibers, the fabric having a tensile strength that is larger than 10N/50 mm. The fabric may be folded longitudinally in various folding configurations and rolled transversely before compression to tampon dimensions. 1. A tampon consisting of a cylindrically-compressed rolled strip of entangled non-woven fabric and an attached removal string , wherein the fabric is made of at least 80% cellulose-based fibers , and has a tensile strength that is larger than 10N/50 mm.2. The tampon of claim 1 , wherein the rolled strip comprises a longitudinally folded strip that is rolled transversely.3. The tampon of claim 2 , wherein the strip is folded longitudinally applying at least one of a C-fold claim 2 , a V-fold and a Z-fold.4. The tampon of claim 3 , wherein the strip is folded longitudinally applying at least two folds claim 3 , the folds selected claim 3 , independently of each other claim 3 , from a C-fold claim 3 , a V-fold and a Z-fold.5. The tampon of claim 4 , wherein the strip is folded longitudinally applying a double C-fold.6. The tampon of claim 2 , wherein the longitudinal fold is asymmetric.7. The tampon of claim 1 , wherein the strip is folded longitudinally to reduce a width of a starting strip of entangled nonwoven fabric by a factor of 2 claim 1 , 3 claim 1 , or 4.8. The tampon of claim 1 , wherein the rolled strip is free of exposed free fabric edges in the tampon.9. The tampon of claim 1 , having exposed fabric edges at a middle section or end thereof.10. The tampon of claim 1 , wherein the non-woven fabric is hydro-entangled spunlace non-woven fabric or needle-punched non-woven fabric.11. The tampon of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric consists of ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Wound dressing compositions and uses thereof

Номер: US20220047771A1
Принадлежит: Systagenix Wound Management Ltd

The present disclosure relates generally to wound dressing compositions that detect nitric oxide production in a wound upon application. The wound dressing composition comprises a first layer comprising an absorbent layer, a second layer comprising a reaction pad, a third layer comprising a transparent backing film, and optionally a fourth layer comprising a wicking layer. In the wound dressing composition, the second layer comprises a reaction pad of a dried reaction mixture to detect the presence of nitric oxide in a wound. The wound dressing composition can be a visual indicator of the presence of nitric oxide in a wound; a visual indicator of the wounds healing status.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030479A1
Автор: Song Xuedong

A substrate includes a double-network polymer system including a cross-linked, covalently-bonded polymer and a reversible, partially ionicly-bonded polymer, wherein the substrate has a moisture level less than or equal to 15 percent of the total weight of the substrate, and wherein the substrate includes a latent retractive force. A method for manufacturing a substrate includes producing a double-network hydrogel including a cross-linked, covalently-bonded polymer and a reversible, ionicly-bonded polymer; elongating by force the double-network hydrogel in at least one direction; dehydrating while still elongated the double-network hydrogel to form a substantially-dehydrated double-network polymer system; and releasing the force to produce the substrate. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for manufacturing a substrate , the method comprising:producing a double-network hydrogel including a cross-linked, covalently-bonded polymer and a reversible, ionicly-bonded polymer;elongating by force the double-network hydrogel in at least one direction;dehydrating while still elongated the double-network hydrogel to form a substantially-dehydrated double-network polymer system; andreleasing the force to produce the substrate, wherein elongating and dehydrating captures a latent retractive force in the substrate.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein dehydrating dries the double-network polymer system to less than or equal to 15% moisture of the total weight of the double-network polymer system.12. (canceled)13. The method of claim 10 , wherein the substrate is configured to release the retractive force when exposed to liquid.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the release of the retractive force results in the substrate shrinking in at least one dimension.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the release of the retractive force results in the substrate expanding in at least one dimension that is different from the shrinking dimension.16. The method of claim 10 , wherein the cross-linked ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030917A1

The present disclosure relates to adhesion barriers used in the biomedical field. Disclosed in particular is a nanofibrous mat suitable for use as an adhesion barrier in the biomedical field and obtained by the electrospinning method from a mixture of hyaluronic acid (HA) and sodium alginate (NaAlg) polymer solutions. 1. A nanofibrous mat obtained from a hyaluronic acid and sodium alginate polymer mixture , suitable for use as an adhesion barrier in the biomedical field.2. A production method of the nanofibrous mat according to claim 1 , the method comprising the following process steps:preparation of the hyaluronic acid solution in a solvent;preparation of the aqueous sodium alginate solution;mixing of the two prepared solutions;application of an electrospinning method to the mixed solution; andcross-linking of the obtained nanofibrous mat.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the solvent is NaOH/Dimethyl sulfoxide or NaOH/Dimethyl formamide.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the ratio of the mixture of said NaOH with Dimethyl sulfoxide or NaOH to Dimethyl formamide is 4/1 by volume.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the concentration of hyaluronic acid solution prepared in the solvent is 8-15% by weight/volume %.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the concentration of sodium alginate solution prepared in distilled water is 1-4% by weight/weight %.7. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the hyaluronic acid solution and the sodium alginate solution are mixed at a ratio of 1/1-10/1 by volume.8. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the said cross-linking treatment comprises following process steps:dissolving of 1-ethyl-3-(3-imethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride in a solvent;dissolving of N-hydroxysuccinimide or divinyl sulfone in a solvent;mixing of the two solutions prepared;submerging of the nanofibrous mat, into the resulting mixture solution and waiting at room temperature for 24 hours;agitation of the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038626A1

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for modulating proteases including matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), elastase, and bacterial protease in a negative pressure therapy system are described. A mesh having a sacrificial substrate is included. The sacrificial substrate includes a plurality of collagen fibers reinforced with a supporting material and intersecting with each other to form a network of collagen fibers having a plurality openings. The openings of the plurality of openings have an average area between about 0.5 mmand about 20 mmto permit the flow of negative pressure through the mesh. The sacrificial substrate can also include oxidized regenerated cellulose. 1. A mesh for modulating proteases in a negative pressure therapy system , comprising:a sacrificial substrate including a plurality of collagen fibers reinforced with a supporting material and intersecting with each other to form a network of collagen fibers having a plurality openings; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the openings of the plurality of openings have an average area between about 0.2 mmand about 20 mmto permit the flow of negative pressure through the mesh.'}2. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the openings are generally circular in shape and have an average diameter between about 0.5 mm and about 5.0 mm.3. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the openings are generally circular in shape and have an average diameter between about 1 mm and about 2.5 mm.4. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the collagen fibers have a diameter of less than about 1 millimeter.5. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the collagen fibers have a diameter of between about 1 micron and 50 microns.6. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the network has a thickness between about 5 microns and about 2 millimeters.7. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the network has a thickness of about 25 microns.8. The mesh of claim 1 , wherein the collagen fibers have a collagen content between about 10% and about 50% of the total material of the collagen fiber.9. The mesh ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038627A1

A method of causing delayed hemostasis. A hemostatic product is formed by applying a hemostatic agent to a dextran support. The hemostatic agent is provided with at least one of a reduced concentration and a reduce availability. The hemostatic product is applied to a wound from which blood is being discharged. At least one foreign object or pathogen is proximate the wound. Hemostasis is progressively caused so that blood continues to be discharged from the wound to cause the at least one foreign object or pathogen to move away from the wound. 1. A method of causing delayed hemostasis comprising:forming a hemostatic product comprising applying a hemostatic agent to a dextran support, wherein the hemostatic agent is provided at least one of a reduced concentration and a reduce availability;applying the hemostatic product to a wound from which blood is being discharged, wherein at least one foreign object or pathogen is proximate the wound; andprogressively causing hemostasis so that blood continues to be discharged from the wound to cause the at least one foreign object or pathogen to move away from the wound.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein moving the at least one foreign object or pathogen away from the wound reduces negative effects caused by the presence of the at least one foreign object or pathogen in the wound.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the progressively causing hemostasis is caused by reducing a concentration of the hemostatic agent that is used to promptly cause hemostasis upon application of the hemostatic product to the wound.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the progressively causing hemostasis is caused by compressing the hemostatic product.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dextran support comprises electrospun dextran and wherein the hemostatic agent comprises at least one of thrombin and fibrinogen.6. A method of performing a surgical procedure comprising:forming a hemostatic product that comprises a dextran support and a hemostatic ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038645A1

The present application describes a polymeric mesh for the repair and regeneration of tissues from an organism that comprises pores wherein at least 70% of the pores of the said mesh have a size smaller than the one required to confine the cells of the said tissues, and wherein at least 70% of the pores of the said mesh has a size superior than the one needed for the passage of interstitial fluids of the said tissues; the degradation time of the said polymeric mesh within the organism is at least 8 weeks; the said polymeric mesh has an apparent tensile strength superior than 1 MPa; the said polymeric mesh has an apparent elastic modulus superior than 0.1 MPa. The mesh described in this application allows that the “new tissue” formed presents very similar properties to the ones of the damaged tissue. 125-. (canceled)26. A polymeric mesh for the repair and regeneration of tissues of an organism , the mesh comprising pores , wherein at least 70% of the pores of the mesh have a size smaller than required to confine the cells of the tissues , and wherein at least 70% of the pores of the mesh have a size larger than needed for the passage of interstitial fluids of the tissues ,wherein a degradation time of the mesh within the organism is at least 8 weeks and wherein the polymeric mesh comprises:an apparent tensile strength between 2.15-4.38 MPa,an apparent elastic modulus between 8.58-27.87 MPa, andan interconnected porosity ranging between 83-91% in which 80-90% of the pores have a size ranging between 1.2-13.37 μm.27. A polymeric mesh according to claim 26 , wherein the degradation time of the polymeric mesh is between about 8 and about 15 weeks.28. A polymeric mesh according to claim 26 , wherein the mesh comprises at least one synthetic polymer selected from polycaprolactone claim 26 , polyglycolic acid claim 26 , polylactic acid claim 26 , chitosan claim 26 , alginate or dextran claim 26 , or combinations thereof.29. A polymeric mesh according to claim 28 , further ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054527A1

Provided are implants and a glycolytic dependent compound for use in enhancing toxicity of the glycolytic dependent compound towards a cell, tissue and/or organ e.g., a diseased cell, tissue and/or organ, wherein the implant and the glycolytic dependent compound are contacted with the cell, tissue and/or organ in a non-blended form. 1. A method of treating a diseased tissue in a subject in need using a glycolytic dependent compound , the method comprising the steps of:a) targeting the glycolytic dependent compound to the diseased tissue, by placing an implant in proximity to, adjacent to, or in direct connection with the tissue, andb) administering the glycolytic dependent compound to the subject,wherein the implant and the glycolytic dependent compound are administered in a non-blended form.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant and glycolytic dependent compound are administered by different administration routes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a polymer selected from polydioxanon claim 1 , polyglycerol claim 1 , polyglycolic acid claim 1 , polycaprolactone claim 1 , polylactic acid claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoate claim 1 , poliglecaprone polyglactin claim 1 , polyglyconate claim 1 , polyglocolide-trimethylene carbonate claim 1 , polyhydroxybutyrate claim 1 , poly(vinylpyrrolidone) claim 1 , poly(vinyl alcohol) claim 1 , absorbable polyurethanes claim 1 , poly-p-dioxanone claim 1 , oxidized cellulose claim 1 , regenerated cellulose claim 1 , oxidized regenerated cellulose claim 1 , and any combination and co-polymer thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant is shaped in the form selected from a strip claim 1 , a rolled sheet claim 1 , a sponge claim 1 , a plug claim 1 , putty claim 1 , a tube claim 1 , a mesh claim 1 , a matrix claim 1 , a film claim 1 , a scaffold claim 1 , a suture claim 1 , and a fiber.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a coating on at least one surface thereof.6. The method of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Multifunctional-reinforced dressing

Номер: US20190038569A1
Автор: Alvarado Carlos A.

This invention relates to a surgical or medical dressing which comprises a supporting and reinforcing layer of elastomeric material (as polyethylene homopolymer) embedded in the composition of honey/additives, to supplement the mechanical strength, which would be fabricated as a single integral piece, intended to provide multi-functional properties in the wound environment, particularly for promote or expedite the regeneration or repair deep tissue injuries or chronic wounds such as ulcers. 1. A multifunctional -reinforced dressing suitable for promote or expedite the regeneration or repair of skin tissues COMPRISING: a reinforcing layer of flexible , inert , and removable reticulated elastomeric material (as polyethylene homopolymer) , connected entirely to the honey/additives composition , essential to achieve the desired mechanical and physical properties for its intended function.2Trigonella foenumgraecum. The multifunctional -reinforced dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the honey/additives composition COMPRISING highly purified substances claim 1 , which include in every single dressing the products and following amounts: Honey bees: 30.66 g claim 1 , aqueous extract seed from -7.34 g claim 1 , Policresulen 120 claim 1 ,478 mg and gelling agent Agar-Agar 0.522 g.3. The multifunctional-reinforced dressing according to claim 2 , COMPRISING a reinforcing layer of flexible claim 2 , inert claim 2 , and removable reticulated elastomeric material (as polyethylene homopolymer) embedded in the honey/additives composition during gel formation claim 2 , exerting a change in the appearance and physical characteristics of the dressing.4. A method for use in Human & Veterinary Medicine claim 2 , to promote or expedite the regeneration or repair of the deficient stromal connective tissue claim 2 , as well as stimulating re-epithelialization claim 2 , in a variety of injuries or disorders involving the skin tissues claim 2 , due to trauma claim 2 , diseases claim 2 , or ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Releasing Donor Compound For Dermal Wound Regeneration

Номер: US20190038643A1
Автор: WANG Qian

A dressing for wound healing is provided, wherein the dressing includes a hydrogen sulfide (HS) donor compound. The dressing facilitates the delivery of HS to a wound site in a controlled manner, which results in an improved wound healing process by stimulating angiogenesis and anti-inflammatory action. In some embodiments, the wound dressing can include an electrospun nanofiber dressing, a sponge dressing, or a hydrogel dressing. 1. A wound dressing comprising:a biodegradable scaffold material; anda hydrogen sulfide donor, wherein the hydrogen sulfide donor is present in the wound dressing in an amount ranging from about 0.1 millimolar to about 150 millimolar.3. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing releases hydrogen sulfide when introduced into an environment having a pH ranging from 5.0 to 7.0.4. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing releases hydrogen sulfide for a time period of up to 75 hours.5. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing releases hydrogen sulfide at a concentration ranging from 5 micromolar (μM) to 50 μM.6. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable scaffold material comprises a biodegradable polymer claim 1 , sodium alginate claim 1 , hyaluronic acid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. The wound dressing of claim 6 , wherein the biodegradable polymer comprises polycaprolactone claim 6 , polylactic acid claim 6 , polyglycolic acid claim 6 , or a combination thereof.8. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable scaffold material comprises a nanofibrous scaffold claim 1 , a sponge claim 1 , or a hydrogel.9. The wound dressing of claim 8 , wherein the nanofibrous scaffold is an electrospun nanofibrous scaffold.10. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable scaffold material is crosslinked.11. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein wound dressing increases the production of CD31 and Ki67 from a wound.12. A method of treating a wound claim 1 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038544A1

The invention relates to a surgical or wound dressing comprising a sheet of gellan gum and an antifibrotic agent. Methods of producing dressings comprising gellan gums and biologically active agents area also produced. 136.-. (canceled)37. A process for making a surgical or wound dressing , the process comprising:(a) heating about 0.05% to about 5% w/w gellan gum in a first aqueous liquid, and optionally about 5% w/w or less of a polymer, to form a liquid gellan gum;(b) cooling the liquid gellan gum;(c) adding one or more bioactive agents to the cooled liquid gellan gum;(d) casting the cooled liquid gellan gum to form a sheet having a thickness of about 0.5 mm to about 5 mm; and(e) optionally drying the sheet.38. The process of further comprising mixing the gellan gum and aqueous liquid at about 80° C. or greater to form the liquid gellan gum.39. The process of wherein the liquid gum is cooled to about 37° C. to about 45° C.40. The process of wherein at least one of the one or more bioactive agents is an antifibrotic agent.41. The process of wherein the antifibrotic agent is added to the cooled liquid gellan gum at about 37° C. to about 45° C.42. The process of comprising drying the sheet.43. The process of further comprising rehydrating the dried sheet with a second aqueous liquid claim 37 , where the second aqueous liquid optionally comprises one or more bioactive agents.44. The process of further comprising compressing the rehydrated sheet to remove at least a portion of the second aqueous liquid from the sheet; and adding a third aqueous liquid comprising one or more bioactive agents claim 43 , whereby the one or more bioactive agents are included in sheet.45. The process of wherein at least one of the one or more bioactive agents is selected from the group consisting of antifibrotic agents claim 44 , pro-VEGF agents claim 44 , anti-VEGF agents claim 44 , antibacterial agents claim 44 , and proteoglycans.46. The process of further comprising adding a cross ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044926A1

The invention concerns a hygiene product comprising at least one layer of a nonwoven wherein the nonwoven layer comprises man-made cellulosic fibers wherein the layer or the layers has or have a rewet value of equal to or less than 30% and a liquid strike through time of equal to or less than 6 seconds for the use in disposable hygiene products, such as diapers, feminine pads and incontinence products or in wet wipes like toilet wipes, facial wipes, cosmetic wipes, baby wipes and sanitary wipes for cleaning and disinfection. 1. A hygiene product comprising at least one layer of a nonwoven wherein the nonwoven layer comprises man-made cellulosic fibers , and wherein the layer or the layers has or have a rewet value of equal to or less than 30% and a liquid strike through time of equal to or less than 6 seconds.2. The hygiene product according to claim 1 , wherein the product comprises one layer of a nonwoven fabric claim 1 , which nonwoven fabric comprises a blend of man-made cellulosic fibers and hydrophobic man-made cellulosic fibers and which nonwoven fabric is treated with a wetting agent.3. AThe hygiene product according to or claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric comprises a blend of 75 to 90% by mass of hydrophobic man-made cellulosic fibers and 25 to 10% by mass of man-made cellulosic fibers claim 1 , provided that the total amount of the nonwoven fabric is 100% by mass.4. The hygiene product according to comprising two layers of nonwoven fabrics claim 1 , wherein the first layer comprises synthetic fibers or hydrophobic man-made cellulosic fibers and the second layer comprises man-made cellulosic fibers.5. The hygiene product according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one layer is an airlaid claim 1 , drylaid or wetlaid nonwoven.6. The hygiene product according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven is selected from the group consisting of a needle-punched claim 1 , hydro entangled claim 1 , thermal bonded or chemical bonded nonwoven or nonwoven web directly ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Filaments Comprising Microfibrillar Cellulose, Fibrous Nonwoven Webs and Process for Making the Same

Номер: US20140121622A1

Disclosed herein is a cellulosic textile filament made from microfibrillar cellulose fibers and a thickening agent as well as the precursor dope for forming such filaments, nonwoven webs made from such cellulosic textile filaments and the process for forming such filaments and nonwoven webs including such filaments. One of the advantages of these filaments is the eco-sensitive way in which they are made as they utilize a water-based dope that does not require any chemical solvents unlike other processes such as those used to make Lyocell fibers. In addition, the process does not involve any washing or extraction steps and it employs a cellulosic fiber source that is broadly based and renewable. 1. A cellulosic filament precursor dope comprising , based upon the total weight of said precursor dope , from about 7 to about 20 weight percent of microfibrillar cellulose fibers , about 0.2 to about 3 weight percent of a thickening agent and about 75 to about 95 weight percent of a water-based solvent , said microfibrillar cellulose fibers being dispersed in said solvent and said thickening agent being dissolved in said solvent , said precursor dope having a dynamic viscosity ranging from about 400 to about 3000 Pascal seconds at a shear rate of 100 reciprocal seconds.2. A cellulosic filament comprising , based upon the total dry weight of said filament , from about 80 to about 99.5 weight percent of microfibrillar cellulose fibers and about 20 to about 0.5 weight percent of a thickening agent.3. The cellulosic filament of wherein said thickening agent has a viscosity average molecular weight of between about 200 claim 2 ,000 and about 2 claim 2 ,000 claim 2 ,000.4. The cellulosic filament of wherein said filament has a diameter of between about 5 and about 50 microns.5. The cellulosic filament of wherein said thickening agent is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene oxide claim 2 , poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) claim 2 , nanocrystalline cellulose claim 2 , ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051566A1

The purpose of the present disclosure is to provide an absorbent article that can be made smaller because the crown section continues to fit the wearer's excretory opening, which has a complex shape, both when dry before absorbing menstrual blood and when wet after absorbing menstrual blood, and with which leakage does not occur easily. This absorbent article is as follows: The absorbent article (), which comprises a liquid-permeable top sheet (), a liquid-impermeable back sheet, and a specified absorbent () between the liquid permeable top sheet () and the liquid-impermeable back sheet, is characterized in that: the absorbent article () has a crown section (), which protrudes in the thickness direction of the absorbent article () in the region that is in contact with the excretory opening and comprises a specified cushion section; and in the central section, the crown section () has a compression workload (WC) of 10-50 (N·m/m) and a compression resilience (RC) of 35-100%. 1. An absorbent article comprising a liquid-permeable top sheet , a liquid-impermeable back sheet and an absorbent body between the liquid-permeable top sheet and liquid-impermeable back sheet ,wherein the absorbent article has in the excretory opening contact region a domed section that protrudes in the thickness direction of the absorbent article,the domed section comprises part of the top sheet and a cushion section disposed between the top sheet and the absorbent body, and has a center section and an outer peripheral section surrounding the center section,the cushion section has a maximum thickness of 3 to 30 mm,{'sup': '2', 'the domed section has a work of compression WC of 10-50 (N·m/m) and a compressional resilience RC of 35-100% at the center section, and'}the absorbent body has a length of 80 to 230 mm in the lengthwise direction of the absorbent article and a length of 30 to 90 mm in the widthwise direction of the absorbent article.2. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Preserving and Delivering a Therapeutic Gas to a Wound

Номер: US20190046681A1

A system that includes a biocompatible polymeric matrix and a separately-stored fluid for improving delivery of a therapeutic gas to an area beneath a surface of intact skin or a wound site is provided. The system can preserve the therapeutic gas in the matrix such that its concentration remains generally constant until the system is ready for use, at which time the separately-stored fluid can be added or exposed to the matrix to activate the matrix and thus increase the permeability of the biocompatible polymeric matrix to the therapeutic gas, thus facilitating delivery of the therapeutic gas for the purpose of the treatment of wounds and intact skin is provided. A method of using the, as well as a deactivated matrix and its method of use for delivery of a therapeutic gas, are also provided. 1. A therapeutic gas preservation and delivery system comprising: (1) a biocompatible polymeric matrix including a polymer and closed cells , wherein a generally constant concentration of a therapeutic gas is stored within biocompatible polymeric matrix , further wherein the biocompatible polymeric matrix includes a surface configured to directly contact a surface of intact skin or a wound site; and (2) a separately-stored fluid , wherein maintaining separation between the biocompatible polymeric matrix and the separately-stored fluid preserves the concentration of the therapeutic gas stored in the biocompatible polymeric matrix , further wherein adding or exposing the separately-stored fluid to the biocompatible polymeric matrix facilitates delivery of the therapeutic gas to an area beneath the surface of intact skin or the wound site , wherein the therapeutic gas is dissolved in the separately-stored fluid that has been added or exposed to the biocompatible polymeric matrix.2. The therapeutic gas preservation and delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the biocompatible polymeric matrix is exposed to the separately-stored fluid for a time period ranging from about 5 seconds to ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052766A1

The present invention relates to a biocompatible, foldable, thin profile, low mass and high surface area, chitosan dressing, optionally modified with catechol, and suitable for treating bleeding in a physiological environment, e.g. gastrointestinal tract. The characteristics and structures of the chitosan dressing are provided. Methods of making and using the chitosan dressing are also provided. 1. A chitosan dressing comprising a catechol modified chitosan , wherein the dressing is hemostatic and has a thickness that is 500 microns or less.2. The chitosan dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a dry dressing thickness that is one of: (i) about 200 microns or less; (ii) about 100 microns or less; or (iii) about 50 microns or less.3. The chitosan dressing according to or claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a density that is in the range of about 0.03 g/cmto about 0.7 g/cm.4. The chitosan dressing according to or claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a density that is in the range of: (i) about 0.3 g/cmto about 0.4 g/cm; (ii) about 0.4 g/cmto about 0.5 g/cm.5. The chitosan dressing according to or claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a density that is in the range of about 0.35 g/cmto about 0.55 g/cm.6. The chitosan dressing according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein the dressing is compressed.7. The chitosan dressing according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein the dressing is square claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , circular claim 1 , or circular petal shaped and measures for each of the length and width for a square or rectangular shape may range from about 10 mm to about 50 mm and from about 10 mm to about 50 mm in diameter for a circular or circular petal shape.8. The chitosan dressing according to claim 7 , wherein the dressing measures as one of: (i) 10 mm by 10 mm; (ii) 20 mm by 20 mm; or (iii) 25 mm by 25 mm.9. The chitosan dressing according to any one of - claim 7 , wherein the chitosan dressing claim 7 , when dry claim 7 , has a moisture content ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052767A1

A wound dressing, including fibers containing silver ions. The fibers are manufactured by dissolving silver nitrate into a polymer solution in the substantial absence of light, and then extruding the obtained solution into fibers by wet spinning process. The silver content of the wound dressing is between 0.01-10% by weight, and preferably 0.1-7% by weight. 1. A wound dressing , comprising fibers , the fibers comprising silver ions; wherein the content of the silver ions in the fiber is between 0.01-10% by weight.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the fiber further comprises chitosan fibers or alginate fibers.3. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the alginate fibers are high guluronic alginate fiber claim 2 , high mannuronic alginate fiber claim 2 , or a mixture thereof.4. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the alginate fibers are:calcium alginate fibers orcalcium and sodium alginate fiber.5. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the chitosan fiber has a degree of deacetylation of at least 80%.6. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the chitosan fibers are carboxymethylated or acylated chitosan fibers.7. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the fibers have a linear density of 1-5 dtex and a fiber length of 5-125 mm.8. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the silver dressing is a needle punched nonwoven fabric having dressing wet strengths in machine direction (MD) and in cross machine direction (CD) of 0.3 N/cm or above and 0.4 N/cm or above claim 1 , respectively.9. A method of manufacturing the wound dressing of claim 1 , the method comprising:a) dissolving silver nitrate in water in the substantial absence of light thereby yielding a silver nitrate solution;b) adding a polymer to the silver nitrate solution in the substantial absence of light thereby yielding a polymer solution comprising silver ions, wherein a ratio of the weight of silver ions to the dry weight of the polymer is 0.01-10%, and the polymer is chitosan or alginate;c) ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046755A1

The invention relates to a method for the preparation of a polymer hydrogel, comprising cross-linking a precursor comprising a hydrophilic polymer optionally in combination with a second hydrophilic polymer, using a polycarboxylic acid as the cross-linking agent. The invention further concerns the polymer hydrogel obtainable by the method of the invention and the use thereof in a number of different applications. 1. A method for preparing a polymer hydrogel , comprising the steps of:{'sub': 4', '12, '(a) providing an aqueous solution comprising a hydrophilic polymer and a polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof, wherein said polycarboxylic acid is a C-C-dicarboxylic acid, a tricarboxylic acid or a tetracarboxylic acid; and'}(b) maintaining the solution of step (a) under conditions suitable for cross-linking of the hydrophilic polymer by the polycarboxylic acid; thereby forming a polymer hydrogel.251-. (canceled) This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/150,430, filed on Jan. 8, 2014, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/703,286 (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,658,147), filed Feb. 10, 2010, which is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/EP2008/006582, which designated the United States and was filed on Aug. 8, 2008, published in English, which is a continuation-in-part of International n Application No. PCT/IT2007/000584, which designated the United States and was filed on Aug. 10, 2007, published in English. The entire teachings of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to polymer hydrogels and methods of preparation thereof.Polymer hydrogels are cross-linked hydrophilic polymers which are capable of absorbing high amounts of water. In particular, cross-linked polymer hydrogels capable of absorbing an amount of water in excess of 10 times their dry weight are defined as “superabsorbent”. Some of these materials are even capable of absorbing over 1 litre of water ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046870A1

In various aspects, the invention provides materials comprising a hydrophobically-modified biopolymer, such as hm-chitosan, as well as methods of making the materials, including textile materials. The hm-biopolymer can be a polysaccharide and may have antimicrobial properties including against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, providing opportunities to combat microbial persistence in clothing and at wound sites. 1. A textile material comprising a hydrophobically-modified biopolymer.2. The textile material of claim 1 , wherein hydrophobically-modified biopolymer has antimicrobial properties.3Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanni, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureusEnterococcus faecalis.. The textile material of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophobically-modified biopolymer has antimicrobial properties against one or more of: and4. The textile material of claim 3 , wherein the hydrophobically-modified biopolymer has antimicrobial properties against MRSA.5. The textile material of any one of to claim 3 , wherein the hydrophobically-modified biopolymer has antimicrobial properties greater than native chitosan.6. The textile material of claim 5 , wherein the hydrophobically-modified biopolymer is hydrophobically-modified chitosan.7. The textile material of claim 6 , wherein the hydrophobic moieties are selected for the antimicrobial activity claim 6 , durability claim 6 , flexibility claim 6 , and/or water repellant nature of the modified biopolymer8. The textile material of claim 6 , wherein the chitosan is modified with hydrophobic groups having from 4 to 100 carbon atoms.9. The textile material of claim 6 , wherein the chitosan is modified with hydrophobic moieties that are linear or branched alkanes.10. The textile material of claim 6 , wherein the chitosan is modified with carbocyclic or heterocyclic hydrophobic moieties.11. The method of any one of to claim 6 , wherein the hydrophobic moieties are covalently attached to as many as 50% of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072192A1
Автор: Feng Vicky, LIN Guiting

The invention provides novel hemostasis, tissue barriers, wound healing and cosmetology materials based on biocompatible carboxymethylcellulose, and methods for their preparation and use thereof. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for treating a skin burn comprising applying to a patient at a burn site a medical device comprising{'claim-text': ['a degree of fabric substitution from about 0.45 to about 0.8, an average degree of polymerization from about 150 to about 350,', 'a pH from about 6 to about 8, a chloride content equal to less than about 10.0%, and', 'a sodium content in the range from about 6.5% to about 9.5%, in each case by weight of the total weight of the biocompatible carboxymethylcellulose, and'], '#text': 'a matrix material of biocompatible carboxymethylcellulose having a plurality of open and interconnected cells, wherein the biocompatible carboxymethylcellulose is characterized by'}bioactive agents that stimulate healing of skin burn and prevent or reduce infection,wherein the medical device promotes cell proliferation and differentiation thereby healing the skin burn.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the medical device further comprises one or more anti-fibrinolysis agents and one or more coagulation factors.30. The method of claim 28 , wherein the matrix material is in a form selected from powders claim 28 , fibers claim 28 , webs claim 28 , nonwoven cloths claim 28 , sponges claim 28 , films claim 28 , capsules claim 28 , pellets claim 28 , columns claim 28 , plugs and colloids. This application claims the benefit of priority from U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/238,676, filed on Oct. 7, 2015, the entire content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The invention generally relates to hemostats and wound care. More particularly, the invention relates to novel hemostasis, tissue barriers, wound healing and cosmetology materials based on biocompatible carboxymethylcellulose, and methods for their preparation and use ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058629A1

Disposable absorbent article comprising an interior design signal indicating absorbency and an absorbent core including first and second absorbent layers, the first absorbent layer including a first substrate and the second absorbent layer including a second substrate, the first and second absorbent layers further including absorbent particulate polymer material deposited on the first and second substrates and thermoplastic material covering the absorbent particulate polymer material on the respective first and second substrates, the first and second absorbent layers combined together such that at least a portion of the thermoplastic material of the first absorbent layer contacts at least a portion of the thermoplastic material of the second absorbent layer, the absorbent particulate polymer material is disposed between the first and second substrates in an absorbent particulate polymer material area, and the absorbent particulate polymer material is substantially continuously distributed across the absorbent particulate polymer material area. 1. A disposable absorbent article comprising:a. a topsheet and a backsheet;b. an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and backsheet; wherein the absorbent core comprises a first absorbent layer, the first absorbent layer comprising a first substrate, the first absorbent layer further comprising absorbent particulate polymer material; andc. an interior design signal comprising a network pattern indicating interconnected channels; wherein the interior design signal is located on a layer beneath a topsheet of the absorbent article or wherein the interior design signal is located on the topsheet of absorbent article.2. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the interior design comprises a color.3. The disposable absorbent article of claim 2 , wherein the color of the interior design has a negative b value on the CIELAB color scale.5. The disposable absorbent article of further comprising a re-closable ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058903A1

The invention provides a solution to the drawbacks associated with conventional alginate dressings. This invention features improved alginate dressings or bandages as well as a fabrication process that results in an alginate sheet that is preloaded with drug, can be stored in a freeze-dried state, and is compliant and ready to use at the time of administration. 1. A composition comprising a cryo-organized , crosslinked alginate structure comprising a therapeutic agent , wherein said structure comprises a Young's modulus of 50 to 500 kiloPascals at room temperature.2. A composition comprising a cryo-organized , crosslinked alginate structure comprising a therapeutic agent , wherein said composition further comprises a gauze fabric , and wherein said structure comprises a Young's modulus of 100 to 10 ,000 kiloPascals at room temperature.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said cryo-organized structure comprises a network of interconnected crosslinked pores.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said therapeutic agent comprises substance P.5. A method of promoting wound healing or tissue repair claim 1 , comprising contacting a bodily tissue of a subject with the composition of .6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said therapeutic agent comprises substance P.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the size of a wound of the subject is reduced compared to the size of the wound of the subject prior to the contacting step.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the size of the wound is reduced by at least 1.5-fold.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein a complete closure of a wound in the subject occurs following said contacting step.10. (canceled)11. The method of claim 7 , wherein the wound is a diabetic wound.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the diabetic wound comprises an ischemic wound claim 11 , optionally wherein the ischemic wound comprises a neuroischemic wound.13. A method of making a compliant bandage composition claim 11 , comprising providing an alginate solution ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058904A1

A microfibrillar high molecular weight chitosan-based textile can be used as a hemostat. The chitosan has been treated in a nitrogen field by applying energy to ionize nitrogen in and around the chitosan textile. A single or multiple such treatments may be employed. For example, the chitosan textile may be irradiated under nitrogen using γ-irradiation, treated under a nitrogen plasma, or both. 1. A method of making a hemostatic textile material , comprising processing crab shells to obtain a high molecular weight chitosan having a molecular weight in a range about 600-800 kDa and a degree of deacetylation of about 75-88% , processing the high molecular weight chitosan into a textile comprising a network of chitosan fibers , and irradiating the high molecular weight chitosan textile under nitrogen using γ-irradiation.2. The method of additionally comprising treating the chitosan textile under a nitrogen plasma.3. The method of additionally comprising soaking the chitosan fibers in an alcohol prior to treating with γ-irradiation or plasma.4. The method of additionally comprising packaging the fibrous high molecular weight chitosan textile in a nitrogen field and sealing the package so that the chitosan textile is sealed within a nitrogen environment prior to γ-irradiation claim 1 , and wherein the chitosan textile remains sealed within the package during irradiation.5. The method of additionally comprising treating the chitosan textile under a nitrogen plasma claim 4 , wherein the chitosan textile remains sealed within the package during nitrogen plasma treatment.6. The method of comprising packaging the chitosan textile in a dry condition.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the packaging comprises metalized packaging.8. The method of additionally comprising forming the hemostatic chitosan textile into a woven or nonwoven fabric prior to packaging the chitosan.9. The method of additionally comprising treating the chitosan fibers with an acetic acid solution.10. The ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Delivery systems for control of bleeding in transurethral prostatectomy

Номер: US20210059867A1

The present disclosure relates to a gastrointestinal delivery device of a chitosan dressing, where the delivery device is capable of stop bleeding, in particular in connection with TURP procedures. The delivery device may be used in all gastrointestinal bleeding applications and can be used with a biocompatible, foldable, thin profile, chitosan dressing. Various aspects of the device and its uses are provided herein.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059868A1

The present invention relates to a biocompatible, foldable, thin profile, low mass and high surface area, chitosan dressing, optionally modified with catechol, and suitable for treating bleeding in a physiological environment, e.g. bladder, and in particular in connection with the TURP procedure. The characteristics and structures of the chitosan dressing are provided. Methods of making and using the chitosan dressing are also provided. 1. A chitosan dressing comprising a catechol modified chitosan , wherein the dressing is hemostatic and has a thickness that is 500 microns or less.2. The chitosan dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a dry dressing thickness that is one of: (i) about 200 microns or less; (ii) about 150 microns or less; or (iii) about 100 microns or less.3. The chitosan dressing according to or claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a density that is in the range of about 0.03 g/cmto about 0.7 g/cm.4. The chitosan dressing according to or claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a density that is in the range of: (i) about 0.3 g/cmto about 0.4 g/cm; (ii) about 0.4 g/cmto about 0.5 g/cm.5. The chitosan dressing according to or claim 1 , wherein the dressing has a density that is in the range of about 0.35 g/cmto about 0.55 g/cm.6. The chitosan dressing according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein the dressing is compressed.7. The chitosan dressing according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein the dressing is square claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , circular claim 1 , or circular petal shaped and measures for each of the length and width for a square or rectangular shape may range from about 30 mm to about 70 mm and from about 30 mm to about 70 mm in diameter for a circular or circular petal shape.8. The chitosan dressing according to claim 7 , wherein the dressing measures as one of: (i) 70 mm by 70 mm; (ii) 50 mm by 50 mm; or (iii) 30 mm by 30 mm.9. The chitosan dressing according to any one of - claim 7 , wherein the chitosan dressing claim 7 , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060203A1

The present invention relates to a biocompatible, foldable, thin profile, low mass and high surface area, chitosan dressing, optionally modified with catechol, and suitable for treating bleeding in a physiological environment, e.g., gastrointestinal tract, bladder (in particular in connection with the TURP procedure). The characteristics and structures of the chitosan dressing are provided. Methods of making and using the chitosan dressing are also provided. 1. A chitosan material comprising a catechol modified chitosan , wherein the material is a dry solid form that is resistant to dissolution.2. The chitosan material according to claim 1 , wherein the material has a thickness that is 500 microns or less.3. The chitosan material according to or claim 1 , wherein the material has a density that is in the range of about 0.03 g/cmto about 0.7 g/cm.4. The chitosan material according to or claim 1 , wherein the material has a density that is in the range of: (i) about 0.3 g/cmto about 0.4 g/cm; (ii) about 0.4 g/cmto about 0.5 g/cm.5. The chitosan material according to or claim 1 , wherein the material has a density that is in the range of about 0.35 g/cmto about 0.55 g/cm.6. The chitosan material according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein the material is compressed.7. The chitosan material according to any one of - claim 1 ,wherein the material is square shaped, rectangular shaped, circular shaped, or circular petal shaped,wherein measures for each of the length and width for a square or rectangular shape may range from: 1) about 10 to about 50 mm; or 2) from 30 mm to about 70 mm; andwherein diameter measures for each of the circular or circular petal shape range from about: a) 10 mm to about 50 mm; or 30 mm to about 70 mm.8. The chitosan material according to claim 7 , wherein the material measures as one of: (i) 70 mm by 70 mm; (ii) 50 mm by 50 mm; (iii) 30 mm by 30 mm; (iv) 25 mm by 25 mm; (v) 20 mm by 20 mm; (vi) 10 mm by 10 mm.9. The chitosan material according to ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056545A1

A method of manufacturing an absorbent sanitary paper product is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: forming a nonwoven structure by spinning filaments; applying a plurality of fibers to the nonwoven structure to form a first network of fibers having a first and a second side and wherein the fibers and the filaments comprising the first network of fibers have a longitudinal axis generally disposed within the plane comprising the machine- and cross-machine-directions; applying a first bonding layer in a first pattern to one of the first and second sides of the first network of fibers; and, applying a first second network of fibers to the first bonding layer, the first second network of fibers comprising a combination of a first plurality of fibers and a second plurality of fibers, the first and second pluralities of fibers being different. 1. A method of manufacturing an absorbent sanitary paper product having a machine direction , a cross-machine direction orthogonal and co-planar thereto , and a Z-direction orthogonal to both the machine- and cross-machine directions , said method comprising the steps of:forming a nonwoven structure by spinning filaments;applying a plurality of fibers to said nonwoven structure to form a first network of fibers having a first and a second side and wherein said fibers and said filaments comprising said first network of fibers have a longitudinal axis generally disposed within the plane comprising said machine- and cross-machine-directions;applying a first bonding layer in a first pattern to one of said first and second sides of said first network of fibers; and,applying a first second network of fibers to said first bonding layer, said first second network of fibers comprising a combination of a first plurality of fibers and a second plurality of fibers, said first and second pluralities of fibers being different.2. The method of further comprising the steps of applying a second bonding layer to one of said first and ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141058A1

The present invention relates to a compound selected among the synthetic polysulphated oligosaccharides having 1 to 4 ose units and the salts and complexes thereof to be used for the treatment of wounds resulting in pathological scars selected among hypertrophic, retractile or atrophic scars. Said use is preferred in particular in patients that have a predisposition to developing hypertrophic, retractile or atrophic scars. According to a second aspect, the invention also relates to said compound for the use thereof in order to inhibit the differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts during the cicatrisation of wounds resulting in pathological scars selected among hypertrophic, retractile or atrophic scars. 1. A method for treating wounds resulting in pathological scars comprising applying to said wounds a compound chosen from synthetic polysulfated oligosaccharides having 1 to 4 monosaccharide units , the salts thereof.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pathological scars are chosen from hypertrophic or retractile scars.3. A method inhibiting the differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts during the healing of wounds resulting in pathological scars chosen from hypertrophic or retractile scars comprising applying to said wounds a compound chosen from synthetic polysulfated oligosaccharides having 1 to 4 monosaccharide units claim 1 , the salts thereof claim 1 , or the complexes thereof.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound is chosen from synthetic polysulfated oligosaccharides having 1 or 2 monosaccharide units preferably chosen from pentoses and hexoses claim 1 , and also the salts and complexes of these compounds.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound is chosen from:the potassium salt of sucrose octasulfate;the silver salt of sucrose octasulfate; andthe hydroxyaluminum complex of sucrose octasulfate.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound is combined with one or more other ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060510A1
Автор: Ericson Daniel Grant
Принадлежит: Xcede Technologies, Inc.

Tissue patches and associated systems and methods are described. Certain embodiments are related to inventive systems and methods in which tissue patches can be made quickly and robustly without the use of complicated fabrication or sterilization equipment. For example, in some embodiments, tissue patches are made by applying a compressive force to a liquid medium comprising fibrinogen (and/or fibrin) between two surfaces (e.g., within a syringe or other chamber). A filter can be placed within or near the volume in which the compressive force is applied to the liquid medium such that unwanted material (e.g., water, blood cells, and the like) is passed through the filter while desirable components (e.g., fibrin, fibrinogen, and/or other desirable components) are retained by the filter to form the patch. In this way, the concentration of fibrin (and/or fibrinogen) within the liquid medium can be increased, potentially dramatically, as the compressive force is applied to the liquid-containing composition. In addition, in some embodiments, at least a portion of the fibrinogen and/or fibrin can chemically react (e.g., the fibrinogen can polymerize to form fibrin and/or the fibrin can cross-link) during application of the compressive force. Reaction and concentration can lead to the formation of a highly-concentrated, mechanically robust patch that can be handled relatively easily and provide good structural reinforcement at a wet site, such as a bleeding wound. 1. (canceled)2. A patch , comprising:a primer region comprising a water-activated polymeric adhesive; anda solid matrix positioned over at least a portion of the primer region, the water-activated polymeric adhesive comprises one or more polymers of acrylic acid cross-linked with a polyalkenyl ether and/or a divinyl alcohol; and', 'the patch is configured for application to a tissue surface., 'wherein3. The patch of claim 2 , wherein the solid matrix comprises fibrin.4. The patch of claim 2 , wherein the solid ...
