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20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2314836C2

Предложена эндотрахеальная трубка, которая содержит силиконовый трубчатый элемент, имеющий проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и просвет, проходящий сквозь трубчатый элемент для подачи воздуха от проксимального к дистальному концу. На трубчатом элементе образованы первая зона и вторая зона. По меньшей мере часть первой зоны имеет первый наружный диаметр. Вторая зона имеет второй наружный диаметр. Первый наружный диаметр меньше второго наружного диаметра. Первая и вторая зоны примыкают друг к другу и выполнены с возможностью введения в трахею пациента. Силиконовая манжета прикреплена к трубчатому элементу и проходит по меньшей мере на части первой зоны. Силиконовая манжета установлена таким образом, что при ее накачивании в трахее давление внутри манжеты достигает значения, соответствующего пологому участку характеристики, раньше, чем образуется кольцевой контакт манжеты с внутренней стенкой трахеи. В результате обеспечена возможность точного определения давления, оказываемого манжетой ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2560506C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к анестезиологии и реаниматологии, пульмонологии, терапии, и может быть использована при необходимости проведения вентиляции пациента в ходе лечения или обследования. Для этого предложен катетер для вентиляции пациента с содействием выдоху, который содержит удлиненный элемент с проходящим внутри него вентиляционным каналом для подачи дыхательного газа в дыхательные пути пациента и удаления из них дыхательного газа. Подача и удаление дыхательного газа осуществляется попеременно с прохождением его по вентиляционному каналу в обоих направлениях и с обеспечением возможности нормовентиляции пациента через катетер. При этом катетер выполнен гибким, а поперечное сечение вентиляционного канала остается в основном неизменным в случае избыточного давления или разрежения. Вентиляционный канал имеет открытый конец и присоединительный конец для соединения с системой подачи и имеет внутренний диаметр не более 4,5 мм, предпочтительно не более 3 мм, и длину ...

21-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016114403A3

01-06-2022 дата публикации

Ларингеальный масочный воздуховод

Номер: RU211364U1

Ларингеальный масочный воздуховод содержит защитный кожух (1) и удлинительный элемент (2). Удлинительный элемент (2) имеет форму, соответствующую естественной кривизне ротовой полости и горловых дыхательных путей, и имеет форму дуги, а также имеет проксимальный конец для прохода в гортань ротовой полости и дистальный конец, располагаемый снаружи ротовой полости. Удлинительный элемент (2) имеет воздуховодную трубку (3), проходящую от дистального конца к проксимальному концу, тем самым образуя, соответственно, дистальный канал (31) и проксимальный канал (32). Нижняя часть (11) защитного кожуха (1), имеющая вогнутое пространство, сообщается с проксимальным каналом (32) воздуховодной трубки (3). Ларингеальный масочный воздуховод дополнительно содержит видеотрубку (6), которая проходит от дистального конца к проксимальному концу в удлинительном элементе (2), тем самым образуя на дистальном конце отверстие (62) дистального конца видеотрубки и глухое торцевое прозрачное окно (61) на проксимальном ...

20-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2141351C1

Изобретение предназначено для доставки лекарственного средства в легкие и может быть использовано для контролируемого и эффективного введения препарата пациенту посредством дыхательной системы пациента. Дистальный конец распыляющего катетера размещают в дыхательной системе, а проксимальный конец располагают вне ее. Распыляющий катетер используют в сочетании с интубационной трубкой с возможностью удаления из нее. Катетер подает лекарственный препарат в жидкой форме к дистальному концу, у которого лекарственное средство распыляется при помощи сжатого газа или другого механизма распыления. Распыленное лекарственное средство поступает в легкие пациента с дыханием пациента, что может быть облегчено с помощью вентилятора. Генерируя аэрозоль жидкого лекарственного средства внутри дыхательной системы пациента, катетер обеспечивает увеличение эффективности и степени контроля за дозировкой доставляемого лекарственного препарата. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении контроля за дозированной ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011141706A

... 1. Катетер для вентиляции пациента с содействием выдоху, содержащий удлиненный элемент с проходящим внутри него вентиляционным каналом для попеременно выполняемых подачи кислорода или кислородсодержащего газа в дыхательные пути пациента и удаления из них выдыхаемого газа, причем вентиляционный канал имеет открытый конец и присоединительный конец для соединения с системой подачи и имеет внутренний диаметр не более 4,5 мм, предпочтительно не более 3 мм и длину по меньшей мере 200 мм.2. Катетер по п.1, в котором удлиненный элемент имеет максимальный наружный диаметр приблизительно 6 мм, предпочтительно приблизительно от 1,5 до 4,5 мм.3. Катетер по п.1 или 2, в котором система подачи представляет собой узел реверсирования газового потока.4. Катетер по п.1, содержащий средство измерения давления, предпочтительно датчик давления, расположенное вне вентиляционного канала для измерения давления вблизи открытого конца вентиляционного канала.5. Катетер по п.4, в котором удлиненный элемент содержит ...

29-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050200533D1

31-08-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE8908178U1

23-09-1999 дата публикации

Cuffed medico-surgical tube assembly

Номер: DE0019909446A1

The assembly has a molded plastic tube (1) with a molded shallow channel (10) on the outside surface extending longitudinally from the machine end (5). A cuff member (20) is attached with the tube, the cuff member having an extended rear sleeve (23) that extends over the channel to the machine end of the tube. An inflation line (30) is joined in the channel beneath the rear sleeve so that an inflatable portion (22) of the cuff member towards the patient end (2) of the assembly can be inflated.

09-09-1998 дата публикации

Micro ventilation anaesthetic circuit

Номер: GB0002318518B

14-08-2002 дата публикации

Tracheal tubes

Номер: GB0002371992A

A tracheostomy tube has a sealing cuff 2 inflated by an inflation tube 20 extending in a channel 21 along one side of the tracheostomy tube. A suction tube 26 extends in a channel 27 along the opposite side of the tracheostomy tube. The suction tube 26 extends to the upper end of the sealing cuff 2 and opens into a recess 29 on the outside of the tracheostomy tube though a side opening 32 oriented at right angles to the radius of the tracheostomy tube. The recess 29 extends around about 90{ of the tube towards its outer curve so that secretions that collect in this region can be removed.

09-03-2005 дата публикации

Laryngeal mask

Номер: GB0002405589A

A laryngeal mask 10 comprises an inflatable positioning shield 22 secured to the distal end 24 of respiratory tube 26. Inflatable positioning shield 22 is formed to fit within a patient's oropharynx and has a peripheral portion 40, a shield recess formed after inflation of the peripheral portion 40, and a rear portion 45 formed between posterior base 42 and the peripheral portion after inflation of the peripheral portion 40. Posterior base 42 has a recessed from portion 43 to facilitate insertion and removal of the shield 22 into the patient's airway.

22-11-1995 дата публикации

Intubating guide stylet and laryngoscope

Номер: GB0002289420A

A multifunctional intubating stylet 60 and laryngoscope comprises a laryngoscope body with a viewing means, adapted to receive a video connector, an illumination means 50 and a hollow tubular intubating stylet 60 affixed to and extending generally parallel to the laryngoscope body. A flexible guide member 66 passing through the stylet 60 may comprise optical apparatus, such as a bronchoscope, or catheter which be used for delivering liquid spray anaesthetic or for aspiration. For intubation, a guide member is passed through the stylet into the larynx. An endotracheal tube 68 is mounted on the exterior of the stylet 60 is then advanced along the guide member 60 through into the trachea to a desired position. In a preferred embodiment said stylet may be fitted with a control tab which engages with a longitudinal slot in stylet. ...

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Suction apparatus and connectors

Номер: GB0000623535D0

30-08-2006 дата публикации

Tracheal tubes

Номер: GB0000614362D0

23-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000613742D0

28-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000384738B

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468875T

15-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000290773A

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000051385A

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000110973T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328631T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000303840T

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA51385A

15-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155044T

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000240762T

15-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000192048T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000252927T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000274957T

11-05-1995 дата публикации

Medico-surgical tube including improved means for administering liquid or gas treatment

Номер: AU0000659278B2

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Rapid cooling of body and/or brain by irrigating aerodigestive tract with cooling liquid

Номер: AU2009206271B2

Methods and devices are disclosed for providing therapeutic hypothermia using high flow irrigation of the aerodigestive tract with cooled liquids. The disclosed method provides much more rapid therapeutic cooling to lower temperatures than could previously be achieved, thereby improving clinical outcomes. Novel cooling liquids and cooling devices are disclosed for carrying out the method. An external turbulent flow of cooling liquid may also be applied to the exterior of the head to further promote heat exchange. Multiple embodiments of devices are disclosed for performing rapid induction and maintenance of therapeutic hypothermia either in a hospital setting or in the field so that hypothermic treatment can be quickly instituted before significant tissue damage occurs. Methods are also disclosed for targeting brain cooling by irrigating the upper airway/aerodigestive tract, and more generalized cooling by irrigating the esophagus and/or stomach.

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Oral care system method and kit

Номер: AU2013233929B2
Принадлежит: Belyea IP

A system for oral care of patients ventilated with an ETT tube (120) comprising: a deformable fluid blocking element (200) reversibly mountable around an ETT (for example, side-mountable thereon), the fluid blocking element having: a midsection channel (205) sized to fit snugly and reversibly around the ventilation tube (120) when the fluid blocking element is mounted thereto; and an outer surface configured, when the fluid blocking element is mounted, to fit snugly and reversibly into the back of the mouth of an adult human patient so as to span both lateral left-to- right tonsils and tongue-soft palate dimensions thereof, wherein the fluid blocking element (200) is reversibly inflatable to simultaneously press against the soft pallet and the tongue and/or the fluid blocking element (200) is collapsible and outwardly biased so that when placed in the back of the human mouth, the fluid blocking element expands so as to simultaneously press against the soft pallet and the tongue. Methods ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Endotracheal tube insertion device

Номер: AU2017205628A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

An endotracheal tube insertion device includes an insertion member, a flexible optical assembly member movably mounted to the insertion member, an endotracheal tube, and an endotracheal tube attachment member attached to the insertion member and configured to receive and retain the endotracheal tube.

24-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002410043C
Принадлежит: COOKGAS, LLC

A laryngeal mask of the type used to facilitate lung ventilation and the insertion of endo- tracheal tubes or related medical instruments through a patient's laryngeal opening as used during general anesthesia, intensive care, or critical patient care. The mask includes an inflatable positioning shield formed to fit within a patient's oropharynx and seal around the circumference of the laryngeal opening, the shield having an inflatable annular toroid peripheral portion; a contoured rear portion, and a recessed front. The mask also includes a flexible respiratory tube having an proximal end lumen, a gently curved tubular body of sufficient size to permit passage of endo- tracheal tubes, and related medical instruments, and a distal end passing through and secured to the proximal edge of the annular toroid peripheral portion. The distal end of the tube terminates at a distal lumen within the recessed front of the inflatable positioning shield such that tubes and instruments passing through ...

14-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002340245C

A laryngeal-mask airway device (20) including provision for drainage of the oesophagus (57) comprises an inflatable main-cuff (40) and a backplate (27) having a laryngeal-side (81) and a pharyngeal-side (60). The backplate also has an external tube-joint (92) adjacent to the proximal region (42) of the main-cuff. The backplate is hermetically bonded to the periphery of the main-cuff establishing separation between a laryngeal-chamber region (110) and a pharyngeal region (112). A distally open evacuation tube (115) includes a distal portion (130) which longitudinally traverses the interior of the distal region (45) of the main-cuff in sealed relation therewith for op-erative engagement and communication with the inlet of the oe-sophagus. The evacuation tube traverses the laryngeal-chamber region generally adjacent to the laryngeal-side of the backplate and passages through the tube-joint to the pharyngeal region. An airway tube (22) also extends into the tube-joint for commu-nication with ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131526A1

Laryngeal mask (1) comprising a dome (5) and a plurality of tubes for the airways connected to said mask, wherein the axes of the tubes are parallel, have an axial eccentricity, and at least one of them has a section with an irregular, asymmetric and non-circular geometric shape. Laryngeal mask (1) comprising a dome (5) and a connecting channel configured to produce the artificial ventilation of a patient, wherein the laryngeal mask (1) further comprises an inlet (9) of a gastric aspiration tube, said inlet (9) being located at a distal end of said dome (5), on the side wall of this dome (5), wherein said inlet (9) is configured to absorb any gastric secretions from the patient's oesophagus (3), wherein the laryngeal mask (1) comprises at least a non-return valve (4) located at the distal end of the dome (5), wherein the valve (4) comprises at least two flexible membranes configured to allow fluid to flow in a single direction from the outside to the inside of the dome (5), wherein the ...

03-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002001779A1

22-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1181311A

ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE WITH MOVABLE ENDOBRONCHIAL BLOCKER FOR ONE-LUNG ANESTHESIA An endotracheal tube with movable endobronchial blocker for one-lung anesthesia comprising an endotracheal tube with a cuff having a small channel formed within the wall of the endotracheal tube along almost the entire length thereof and a catheter with a cuff for endobronchial blockade named endobronchial blocker which is housed in the small channel and can be let out when in use.

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002468954A1

This document discusses, among other things, systems, devices, and methods for using surface energy to assist in fluid transport or separation. One example includes removing mucus from a subject's lungs during mechanical ventilation of the subject using a tracheal tube (100). At least one wicking fluid pickup port (136A, 136B) is located more distal than a sealing device (110) between the tracheal tube and the trachea. Surface energy assists in introducing mucus into the port. A peristalsis or other pump (132) is used to remove from the subject a substantially contiguous column of the wicked-in liquid. Ventilation of the subject is not impaired by the mucus removal. Safety venting reduces or avoids damage to tissue occluding the port. Other structures may assist in directing the mucus toward the port. Various illustrative examples include single lumen tracheal tubes, double lumen tracheal tubes, two-piece tracheal tubes (having outer and inner cannulas) and bronchial blockers. This document ...

14-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002610933A1

A right-sided double lumen tube (R-DLT) that is easy to position in a safe and effective manner so as to promote routine use thereof by all anesthesiologists. The R-DLT designed to facilitate the alignment of the lateral orifice thereof with the right upper lobe bronchus. The lateral orifice having an angular width of at least 80 degrees of 360 degrees of the circumference of a tube of the R-DLT.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092033A1
Принадлежит: MLT AIKINS LLP

An oral airway includes a tubular body having a first end and a second end, and defining a first portion of an air flow channel, a first leg extending outwardly from the first end of the tubular body and including an elongated opening, and a second leg extending outwardly from the first end of the tubular body and including an elongated opening. The elongated openings of the first leg and the second leg define a second channel portion of the air flow channel. The first leg and the second leg are spaced apart by a space that defines an open area, such that when the oral airway is fully inserted into a patient's mouth and pharynx, the space is positioned at the level of the uvula so that the patient's tongue may contact the uvula and the soft palate, thereby improving the effectiveness of swallowing.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003073511A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The present invention provides medical devices comprising a camera combined with a second device selected from an endotracheal tube, oral airway, supraglottic airway, tracheostomy tube, suction catheter, tubeless intubating device, tool tube and/or stylet. The present invention also provides methods for rapid and accurate placement of a medical device in a patient with a guidance of a bougie and continuous real-time monitoring, including a remote monitoring, of the patient after the placement.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917703A1

A medical device is provided for insertion into a cavity of a patient to visual the internal membranes of the patient. The medical device can be an endotracheal tube, a suction tube, a bronchoscope, a tube changer, an esophageal tube, an intubating tube, an esophageal tube in combination with a separate intubating tube, a device for manipulating the position of the epiglottis of the patient, a stylet, or a tube insertable into the vagina of the patient. The medical device has a camera lumen having a sealed window at one end thereof attached thereto, and a separate camera which is insertable into the camera lumen and is removable from the camera lumen. The camera is used to monitor the internal membranes of the patient during the medical procedure.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002984445A1

A therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly is provided for insertion into a patient's trachea to ventilate, to maintain patency of the patient's airway, and to deliver therapeutic electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to the patient. The therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly has an endotracheal tube and an EMR delivery system. The EMR delivery system has an EMR source for emitting non-ultraviolet, therapeutic EMR having intensity sufficient to activate desired therapeutic properties within the patient and an EMR conduction line conducive to the propagation of EMR from the EMR source along the endotracheal tube. The EMR conduction line is removably insertable into the endotracheal tube. The therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly may be custom made or may be constructed by retrofitting a removably insertable EMR delivery system to an existing endotracheal tube.

20-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002848973C

An airway device for use with deep sedation has a pair of conduits, one to supply oxygenated gas and the other to extract exhaled gas. The conduits are encompassed in a permeable sleeve with a stylet to facilitate positioning of the device in the airway.

04-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002810784C

An aerosol delivery system is disclosed that is a single-use (disposable) continuous nebulizer system designed for use with mechanically ventilated patients to aerosolize medications for inhalation with a general purpose nebulizer, or for connection with devices usable in endoscopic procedures. The system separates the liquid reservoir from the nebulization process taking place either at the adapter hub, where it fits into an endotracheal tube (ETT), or a gas humidifier, where the aerosol may treat a gas used in an endoscopic procedure, with a multi-lumen tube configured to nebulize liquid and air at its distal end. The refillable liquid reservoir is mounted away from the immediate treatment zone, avoiding orientation issues associated with other types of nebulizers having a self-contained reservoir. The system can produce aerosols having a wide range of droplet sizes, depending upon central lumen diameter, with values of MMAD that range from 4 to 30 pm.

04-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002841704C
Принадлежит: E T VIEW LTD, E.T. VIEW LTD.

An endobronchial tube comprising at least two lumens of different lengths for selectively associating with a patient about at least two locations relative to the Tracheal Carina. said tube comprising: a first lumen having an open distal end that associates proximally to the Carina within the Trachea, with a first inflatable cuff; a second lumen having an open distal end that extends distally, past the Carina and associates within one of the Left Bronchial branch and Right Bronchial branch with a second inflatable cuff; a dedicated image sensor lumen spanning the length of said first lumen, the dedicated image sensor lumen comprising an image sensor and illumination source disposed adjacent to the distal end of said first lumen, and configured to provide an image of the Tracheal bifurcation of the Tracheal Carina, the openings of the Left Bronchial branch, and the opening Right Bronchial branch; and at least one dedicated cleaning lumen disposed parallel with said dedicated image sensor ...

10-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002855366C

The body has a fluid inlet port for receiving pressurized fluid and a fluid outlet port connected to the retention balloon. A first passage connects the fluid inlet port and the fluid outlet port, A second passage in the body is connected to the balloon fluid return path and is at the pressure of the retention balloon. A. valve prevents fluid flow through the first passage when actuated. The valve includes a pressure-responsive member movable to a position to obstruct fluid flow in response to fluid pressure in the second passage exceeding the predetermined level. Flexible means such as a membrane defines a normally open portion of the first fluid passage, which is closed by the moveable means bearing on the membrane when pressure exceeding the predetermined level actuates the valve.

12-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002056013C

It is known to provide a cuffed tracheal tube with a suction lumen that opens outside the tube through an aperture above the cuff, so that secretions that collect in the trachea above the cuff can be removed via the suction lumen. In the present invention the collar at the proximal end of the cuff is everted within the inflatable portion of the cuff so that the collar does not project beyond the inflatable portion. In this way, the suction aperture can be located immediately adajcent the inflatable portion of the cuff so that the greatest amount of secretions can be removed.

03-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002130880C

Tube d'assistance respiratoire (2), dont l'extrémité distale (3) est destinée à être introduite dans la trachée (4) d'un patient et est munie d'un ballonnet gonflable (5) pour assurer l'étanchéité entre ledit tube d'assistance respiratoire et ladite trachée, et dont l'extrémité proximale est destinée à être reliée à des moyens (7,8) pour amener du gaz respiratoire dans les poumons du patient, par l'intermédiaire dudit tube. - Selon l'invention, ledit tube d'assistance respiratoire comporte au moins un conduit (10) traversant la paroi dudit tube (2) et établissant une communication (10) entre l'intérieur (9) dudit tube et l'intérieur (6) dudit ballonnet (5), ainsi qu'un conduit longitudinal (17) débouchant dans la cavité (6) et reliant celle-ci à l'extérieur du patient.

18-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002152002A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A method and apparatus for delivering a medicine to a patient via the patient's respiratory system with control and efficiency. A nebulization catheter is positioned in the patient's respiratory system so that a distal end of the nebulization catheter is in the respiratory system and a proximal end is outside the body. In a first aspect, the nebulization catheter may be used in conjunction with an endotracheal tube and preferably is removable from the endotracheal tube. The nebulization catheter conveys medicine in liquid form to the distal end at which location the medicine is nebulized by a pressurized gas or other nebulizing mechanism. The nebulized medicine is conveyed to the patient's lungs by the patient's respiration which may be assisted by a ventilator. By producing the aerosol of the liquid medicine at a location inside the patient's respiratory system, the nebulizing catheter provides for increased efficiency and control of the dosage of medicine being delivered. In further aspects ...

12-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002166064A1

An endotracheal tube (20) having a lumen (30) within the tube wall that is used to deliver liquid for atomization to a Murphy Eye (40). The liquid exiting the lumen (32) is entrained in air flowing through the tube and impinges on the inner wall of the Murphy Eye and splits into two streams (72A, 72B).

26-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002090765A1

A medical-surgical tube having a major lumen defined by an inner periphery of a wall of the tube, an injection lumen within the wall of the tube, and at least one one-way valve in the wall. The valve allows fluid to flow from the injection lumen through an outer or inner periphery of the wall of the tube and prevents return of the fluid back into the injection lumen. The tube can include a plurality of spaced-apart valves. The valve can be a piercing in the wall of the tube which is defined by opposed surfaces resiliently biased against each other and extending from the injection lumen to the outer or inner periphery of the wall of the tube. Methods of manufacturing a medical-surgical tube having a major lumen defined by an inner periphery of a wall of the tube, an injection lumen within the wall of the tube, and at least one one-way valve in the wall. One method includes projecting a piercer such as a needle into the injection lumen, bending the tube in a slightly bent configuration and ...

09-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002231331C

A laryngeal mask of the type used to facilitate lung ventilation and the insertion of endo- tracheal tubes or related medical instruments through a patient's laryngeal opening as used during general anesthesia, intensive care, or critical patient care. The mask includes an inflatable positioning shield formed to fit within a patient's oropharynx and seal arou nd the circumference of the laryngeal opening, the shield having an inflatable annular toroid peripheral portion, a contoured rear portion, and a recessed front. The mask also includes a flexible respiratory tube having an proximal end lumen, a gently curved tubular body of sufficient size to permi t passage of endo- tracheal tubes, and related medical instruments, and a distal end passing through and secured to the proximal edge of the annular toroid peripheral portion. The distal end of th e tube terminates at a distal lumen within the recessed front of the inflatable positioning shield such that tubes and instruments passing through ...

22-02-1996 дата публикации

Suction Stylet for Use with an Endotracheal Tube

Номер: CA0002196657A1

15-09-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000566145A5

31-05-2010 дата публикации

Larynxmaske with Oesophagealdurchgang.

Номер: CH0000699986A1

Eine Larynxmaske (1) weist eine Deckplatte (12) mit daran anschliessendem umlaufendem Cuff (13) auf und ist am distalen Ende mit einem Tubuseinführungsstutzen (11) versehen, während die Spitze (4) am proximalen Ende besonderes gestaltet ist. Die Deckplatte endet im Bereich der Spitze (4) beim Cuff oder bereits vorher, und der Oesophagealdurchgang (18) wird über einen verengten Bereich (13´) des Cuffs (13) hinweg als offener Kanal (20) geführt. Dieser Kanal (20) weist bevorzugterweise eine Verbreiterung (22) auf und wird beidseitig begrenzt durch Versteifungsmittel (21), die bevorzugterweise als Versteifungswände oder zusätzlich als Versteifungsrippen gebildet sind. Diese Ausgestaltung der Durchführung des Oesophagealdurchganges führt zu einer erheblichen Versteifung der proximalen Spitze der Larynxmaske und wirkt damit einer möglichen Knickung der Spitze (4) entgegen.

31-05-2010 дата публикации

Larynxmaske with a connecting piece.

Номер: CH0000699987A1

Eine Larynxmaske (1) weist am distalen Ende einen Tubusverbindungsstutzen (2) auf, an dem die Deckplatte (3) einstückig anschliesst und der von einem aufblasbaren Cuff (5) peripher umgeben ist. Der Tubusverbindungsstutzen (2) besitzt einen Steckbereich (16), an dem eine Einführungsstrecke anschliesst. Im Bereich der Einführungsstrecke sind zwei getrennte Lumen vorhanden, nämlich der Oesophageallumen (10) und ein Respirationslumen (11). Diese beiden Lumen (10, 11) sind durch eine Trenn- beziehungsweise Stützwand (9) voneinander getrennt. Diese Trenn- beziehungsweise Stützwand (9) verläuft von der Einführungsstrecke bis zur Spitze der Larynxmaske (1). Während das Oesophageallumen (10) am proximalen Ende in den Oesophagealausgang mündet, öffnet sich der Respirationslumen (11) in ventraler Richtung, während in proximaler Richtung das Lumen nahe der Spitze geschlossen ist. Eine derartige Larynxmaske (1) lässt sich einstückig spritzgusstechnisch herstellen und ist im Zusammenbau ausserordentlich ...

13-12-2013 дата публикации

Larynxmaske with a supraglottischen Tubus.

Номер: CH0000706616A2

Larynxmasken mit supraglottischem Tubus (2) liessen sich bisher nicht in einem Stück fertigen. Weist der supraglottische Tubus (2) drei Lumen (4, 5, 6) auf, von denen der mittlere (6) keinen Durchgang zum Respirationsraum aufweist, so schafft die Erfindung eine Lösung. Hierbei soll der mittlere Führungslumen einen Längsschlitz (8) aufweisen, der sich vom distalen Ende (9) zum Larynxmaskenkopf (3) hin erstreckt, so kann zwischen den zwei die Lumen bildenden Kernen oder Schieber ein Verbindungssteg angebracht werden, der die gewünschte Stabilität erzeugt, um den Pressdruck-Werkzeugstand ohne Verformung zu halten.

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201491812A1

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201600579A1

22-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and devices for treating sleep apnea

Номер: CN101888868B

10-11-1995 дата публикации

Tube for respiratory assistance.

Номер: FR0002709251B1
Принадлежит: BOUSSIGNAC

19-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003176A1

Canule nasopharyngée (1) comprenant un corps (2) formé d'une portion tubulaire (4) incurvée pour être insérée dans une narine d'un patient et d'une collerette (3) apte à reposer sur la base de la narine du patient, la canule (1) comprenant un conduit principal (5) formant un passage de fluide entre la collerette (3) et la portion tubulaire (4) du corps (2), et deux conduits auxiliaires (6, 7) formés dans le corps (2) et s'étendant de la collerette (3) jusque dans le conduit principal (5). Chaque conduit auxiliaire (6, 7) débouche dans la collerette (3) sur un orifice d'entrée/sortie (64, 74) orienté selon une direction radiale par rapport à l'axe (II-II') du conduit principal (5) de manière à être orienté latéralement de part d'autre de la narine du patient lorsque la canule (1) est installée sur le patient.

13-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003176B1
Принадлежит: DELTAMEDICS

20-12-2017 дата публикации

카테터로 폐에 약제 투여를 용이하게 하기 위한 장치

Номер: KR1020170140249A

... 자발적으로 호흡하는 환자에게 액체 약제를 전달하기 위한 카테터를 위치시키는데 용이한 장치(100)는: - 환자의 상기도의 내부 모양을 따라 형성된 세장형 주 몸체(101)(상기 세장형 주 몸체(101)는 카테터를 수용하도록 형성된 안내 수단(107)이 구비됨); - 상기 환자의 인두후(retro-pharynx)의 내부 벽과 결합하도록 형성된 말단의 실질적인 고리 모양의 요소(103)(상기 실질적인 고리 모양의 터미널 요소(103)는 적어도 하나의 스포크(105)에 의해 상기 세장형 주 몸체(101)로 연결되고, 상기 실질적인 고리 모양의 요소(103) 및 상기 적어도 하나의 스포크(105)는 상기 약제가 상기 카테터를 통하여 전달될 수 있도록 하는 챔버를 생성함)를 포함하는 것이다.

03-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005009522A1

A probe for medical use comprising a tube (1) and a cuff (3) located around the tube (1) in a region of its external wall, the cuff (3) being inflatable through a conduit (5) arranged at the wall of the tube (1), linking the interior of the tube (1) to the interior of the cuff (3), the inflation and deflation of the cuff (3) being determined by the rhythms of the inspiration and expiration of air, respectively.

20-08-1991 дата публикации

Continuous positive airway pressure device for thoracic surgery utilizing one-lung anesthesia

Номер: US5040532A

A device for the application of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) delivering 100% oxygen during thoracic surgery utilizing one-lung anesthesia. The device comprises a hollow, cylindrical member serving as a conduit for oxygen. One end of the device is connected to a source of oxygen delivered at a constant flow rate. The opposite end attaches to one lumen of a double-lumen endotracheal tube. A removable cap is attached to the device. If the cap is removed, a breathing bag can be attached for allowing the periodic expansion of the lung connected to the apparatus. A venting device is provided to allow the egress of oxygen under pressure. By changing a venting orifice, varying degrees of pressure of oxygen will be delivered to the one lumen of the double-lumen tube.

26-08-2003 дата публикации

Endotracheal tube

Номер: US0006609521B1

An endotracheal tube has a proximal end and a distal end and includes a tracheal portion having an opening at the proximal end and a bronchial portion attached at an angle to the tracheal portion. The bronchial portion has an opening at the distal end of the endotracheal tube. A balloon is positioned within the endotracheal tube that blocks the flow of a gas through the bronchial portion of the endotracheal tube when inflated. The endotracheal tube has an opening between the proximal end and the balloon. The opening is positioned to allow ventilation of the lung opposite the lung into which the bronchial portion is adapted to extend into. The endotracheal tube may include a carinal seating mechanism which may be located near the junction between the tracheal portion and the bronchial portion of the endotracheal tube. The endotracheal tube further may also include an inflatable bronchial extension tube.

10-12-1996 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for reducing tracheal infection using subglottic irrigation, drainage and servoregulation of endotracheal tube cuff pressure

Номер: US5582167A

An integrated system providing a mechanical and chemical barrier against the spread of infected secretions into the distal trachea is disclosed. An endotracheal tube used for patient airway management and provides a means to conveniently irrigate and drain the subglottic region below the vocal cords and above an inflated cuff. The subglottic region accumulates liquid secretions that may channel past an inflated endotracheal tube cuff, providing the necessary bacterial inoculum leading to bronchitis and nosocomial pneumonia. An irrigation channel delivers liquids such as saline or antibiotic and antifungal medications for mucosal hydration, and bactericidal action against infected subglottic secretions. An outer sleeve surrounding the endotracheal tube forms a suction lumen for removing the secretions. The tapered and compliant nature of this sleeve at body temperature allows a large suction channel without the need to greatly enlarge the outside diameter of the endotracheal tube at the ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160158111A1

A system comprising a nasogastric tube comprising a nasogastric location element, a feeding mechanism, a suction mechanism configured to sealingly draw an inner wall of an esophagus against said nasogastric tube, and a gastric decompression mechanism.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Laryngeal Mask

Номер: US20190083730A1

A laryngeal mask is provided which has a mask body having a capsule body and a support body, wherein a groove is provided on the top of the support body, and the capsule body is correspondingly disposed on the groove; and a tube body having an airway tube body, wherein one end of the tube body is bonded to the support body, and the bonding portion is provided with an opening communicating with one end of the airway tube body.

01-09-2015 дата публикации

Subglottic suctioning system

Номер: US0009119926B2

A subglottic suctioning system with a tracheal tube having a ventilation lumen, a cuff inflation lumen, and a suction lumen are disclosed which may help reduce the incidence of ventilator associated (or acquired) pneumonia. The suction lumen communicates with the space in the trachea above the cuff where secretions accumulate. The suction lumen has a valve on the proximal end for connection to a source of vacuum. The valve is adapted to interrupt the supply of vacuum to the suction lumen to allow for the introduction of a rinsing fluid in its place and to automatically re-establish the connection to the source of vacuum upon completion of rinsing. The rinsing fluid aids in maintaining an open suction lumen and may include medicaments and mucolytic agents to enhance or promote healing or to alter the properties of the mucus to make removal easier. The user may easily and repeatedly alternate suction and rinsing fluid through the suction lumen, i.e., the user may pulse the line to loosen, ...

01-06-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for endotracheal delivery of frozen particles

Номер: US0011020269B2

A treatment system delivers a breathing gas and frozen ice or other particles (FSP) to a bronchus of a lung of a patient in order to induce hypothermia. The breathing gas and the FSP are usually delivered through separate lumens. Clogging of an FSP lumen can be inhibited by heating and/or cooling of the lumen. The temperature of exhaled gases or a body temperature may be measured, and a controller can adjust the duration or rate at which the ice particles are delivered in order to control the patient's core temperature based on the measured temperature.

27-03-2008 дата публикации

Carbon dioxide-sensing airway products and technique for using the same

Номер: US2008072905A1

An airway device is provided that may track the flow of respiratory gases through the device with sensing elements at a plurality of locations along the gas flow path of the device. Such a device may be useful for assessing a variety of clinical states, for adjusting patient ventilator settings, or for determining whether or not an airway device has been properly inserted into a patient airway.

21-04-2005 дата публикации

Airway device

Номер: US2005081861A1

An airway device for human or animal use comprising an airway tube having a distal end and a proximal end, the distal end of which is surrounded by a laryngeal cuff, adapted to fit anatomically over the laryngeal structure of a patient, wherein the device optionally further comprises a buccal cavity stabiliser located on or around the airway tube between the laryngeal cuff and the proximal end of the tube, said buccal cavity stabiliser being adapted to nest with the anterior aspect of the patient's tongue, the size, shape and configuration of the buccal stabiliser being adapted to prevent rotational or side-to-side movement of the airway device in use.

19-11-1987 дата публикации

Multi-purpose tracheal tube

Номер: EP0000074809B1
Автор: McGrail, Thomas W.

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2341300C2

Воздуховодное устройство в виде ларингеальной маски, содержащее воздуховодную трубку, которая образует между своими проксимальным концом и дистальным концом внутренний канал, в который может быть введена эндотрахеальная трубка, и корпус, содержащий надувную манжету и образующий отверстие, сообщающееся с внутренним каналом. Корпус устройства можно ввести через рот пациента в заданное конечное положение, а манжета выполнена таким образом, что, будучи надутой при заданном конечном положении корпуса маски, она окружает голосовую щель пациента. Чтобы обеспечить оператору возможность дистанционного просмотра, устройство по изобретению дополнительно содержит наблюдательный волоконно-оптический блок, имеющий проксимальный конец и дистальный конец, расположенный около дистального конца воздуховодной трубки. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2537944C2

Описана аспирационная система, расположенная ниже складок голосовой щели, с трахеальной трубкой (10), имеющей вентиляционный просвет, просвет (14) для надувания манжеты и аспирационный просвет (16), которая может способствовать снижению частоты случаев вентилятор-ассоциированной (или вызванной) пневмонии. Аспирационный просвет сообщается с промежутком в трахее выше манжеты (22), где накапливаются выделения. Аспирационный просвет имеет клапан (36) на проксимальном конце для присоединения к источнику вакуума. Клапан выполнен с возможностью прерывания подачи вакуума на аспирационный просвет, чтобы обеспечить введение промывочной текучей среды вместо вакуума и автоматически повторно устанавливать присоединение к источнику вакуума при завершении промывания. Промывочная текучая среда помогает сохранять открытый аспирационный просвет и может включать лекарственные вещества и муколитические средства для улучшения или содействия заживлению или для изменения свойств слизистой оболочки, чтобы облегчить ...

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016135063A3

20-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006110571A

... 1. Воздуховодное устройство в виде ларингеапьной маски, содержащее воздуховодную трубку, образующую между своими проксимальным концом и дистальным концом внутренний канал, выполненный с возможностью ввода в него эндотрахеальной трубки, корпус маски, присоединенный к дистальному концу воздуховодной трубки, при этом корпус маски содержит надувную манжету, формирует отверстие, сообщающееся с внутренним каналом, и выполнен с возможностью введения через рот пациента в заданное конечное положение внутри пациента, а манжета способна, будучи надутой при заданном конечном положении корпуса маски, охватывать голосовую щель пациента, и наблюдательный волоконно-оптический блок, обеспечивающий возможность дистанционного просмотра пользователем и имеющий проксимальный конец и дистальный конец, расположенный рядом с дистальным концом воздуховодной трубки. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что корпус маски содержит пластинку, приподнимающую надгортанник и образующую диафрагму волоконно-оптического ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012107127A

... 1. Аспирационная система, расположенная ниже складок голосовой щели, содержащая трахеальную трубку, имеющую:гибкую канюлю, имеющую некоторую длину, дистальный конец и проксимальный конец, причем канюля содержит множество отдельных просветов, включая дыхательный просвет, аспирационный просвет и просвет для надувания;надувную манжету, окружающую канюлю выше дистального конца и выполненную с возможностью уплотнять трахею пациента, и дополнительно имеющую просвет для надувания, находящийся в жидкостном сообщении с надувной манжетой; ипорт, продолжающий через боковую стенку канюли проксимально относительно надувной манжеты, причем порт находится в жидкостном сообщении с аспирационным просветом; иклапан на проксимальном конце аспирационного просвета, причем клапан находится в жидкостном сообщении с аспирационным просветом и с источником разрежения и содержит источник промывочной текучей среды, причем текучая среда может быть применена для аспирационного просвета по усмотрению лица, осуществляющего ...

31-10-2001 дата публикации

Hyperpharynx tube has shaft on which are two inflatable cuffs, with partition dividing the lumen into suction and breathing ducts

Номер: DE0010019956A1

The hyperpharynx tube (5) has a dimensionally stable tube-shaft (6) on which are positioned an inflatable first cuff (7) for sealing the naso- and oro-pharynx and for fixing the hyperpharynx tube in the pharynx, and an inflatable second cuff (8) for sealing the oesophagus. The lumen of the tube-shaft is divided by a partition (9) into a suction duct (11) and a breathing duct (10). The tube-shaft is long enough for ending in the hyperpharynx when inserted.

31-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069328477D1

06-10-2004 дата публикации

Laryngeal mask

Номер: GB0000419476D0

10-06-1992 дата публикации

Medico-surgical tube with folded-back cuff

Номер: GB0002250440A

A cuffed tracheal tube 1 has a suction lumen 14 extending along the tube and opening through a suction aperture 19 immediately adjacent the upper, proximal end of the cuff 12. The inflatable cuff 12 is attached to the external surface of the tube by collars 23 and 24. The proximal collar 24 is everted within the inflatable portion 25 of the cuff 12 so that it does not extend beyond the inflatable portion and so that the maximum amount of secretions can be removed through the suction aperture 19.

30-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008431690D0

07-08-2013 дата публикации

A multilumen catheter for multimodal single or double lung ventilation

Номер: GB0201311145D0

18-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002168256A

A twin lumen bronchial tube assembly with a bronchial tube (1) and a tracheal tube (10) has an inflatable cuff (2) that encircles the patient end (12) of the bronchial tube in the region of the right upper lobe (32). the bronchial cuff (2), when inflated, is of generally pear shape and circular section, having a channel-shape recess (24) extending from the patient end of the cuff rearwardly by about two thirds of its length. The recess (24) is formed by adhering a longitudinal strip of the cuff (2) to the outer surface of the tube. The bronchial cuff (2) seals the bronchus (31) above the upper lobe (32) and a tracheal cuff (40), encircling both tubes (1 and 10), seals the trachea (30) so that gas supplied to the tubes is supplied to respective bronchi (31 and 34). The recess (24) in the bronchial cuff (2) ensures that gas is supplied to the right upper lobe (32). ...

13-05-1998 дата публикации

Cuffed medico-surgical tubes

Номер: GB0009805786D0

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Respiratory device comprising a double lumen endotracheal tube

Номер: US20120017915A1
Автор: Hajo Reissmann
Принадлежит: Individual

Device for ventilation with a double lumen endotracheal tube featuring a connecting piece at the end distal to the patient into which the two lumina of the endotracheal tube are extended, separated within the connecting piece by an axial partition wall, a connector with two nozzles leading to a joint connecting section and separated from each other by another partition wall, the connector being attachable to the connecting piece in a way that brings the partition wall and the other partition wall into a sealing contact, a ventilator and at least one tube connected to a nozzle of the connector at one end and to the ventilator at the other.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Parameter-sensing endotracheal tube

Номер: US20120089023A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensor-equipped endotracheal tube has a flexible body surrounding an airway lumen and includes sensors for monitoring physiological parameters such as CO 2 /O 2 concentration in respiratory gases, and patient body temperature. These sensors provide electrical output for parameter display on suitable ventilators and monitors. In another specific embodiment, the endotracheal tube includes a sensor for measuring pressure exerted between an inflation cuff and a patient's tracheal tissues for preventing injury from over/under cuff inflation. Other specific embodiments of the sensor equipped endotracheal tube include combining sensors with a heating member for warming inhaled respiratory gases, and with ultrasound reflecting elements that make the tube visible within the body using ultrasound.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Nasal airway management device

Номер: US20120118286A1
Автор: Viachaslau M. Barodka

An airway management device including a hollow flexible tube. The tube defines a lumen extending between a proximal end and a distal end. The proximal end is configured to be coupled to a ventilator and/or anesthesia circuit. An opening is provided at or near the distal end to allow passage of air and/or anesthesia therethrough. The tube is configured to be expanded radially after insertion through a patient's nasopharyngeal passageway when the distal end of the tube is positioned proximate the patient's hypopharynx. The device may include an inflatable outer sleeve surrounding and extending along the length of the tube. When the outer sleeve is in a deflated state, the distal end of the tube may be inserted through a patient's nasopharyngeal passageway. When the distal end of the tube is positioned proximate the patient's hypopharynx, the outer sleeve may be inflated and expanded. The device may include an inflatable cuff attached at or near the distal end of the tube and including an opening fluidly coupled with the opening and lumen of the tube to allow passage of air and/or anesthesia therethrough. When in a deflated state, the inflatable cuff may be inserted through the patient's nasopharyngeal passageway. When in an inflated state, the inflatable cuff may expand to form a seal around the patient's supraglottic laryngeal inlet. An intermediate inflatable cuff having a larger diameter than other portions of the outer sleeve when inflated may be positioned along the length of the tube between the proximal and distal ends. The respective inflatable elements of the device may be concurrently or separately inflatable.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Dual-lumen tracheal tube with assembly portion

Номер: US20120298111A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure describes systems and methods having a dual-lumen tube with an assembly end. The assembly end may be molded and coupled to an extruded portion of the tube to form a complete dual-lumen tube. The assembly end may form the distal portion of the dual-lumen tube, which may simplify the manufacturing process by eliminating cutting and shaping steps involved in forming the distal ends of the ventilation lumens. The assembly end may be molded or otherwise formed so that the distal portion is not cut to length. In addition, the assembly end may include addition functionality, such as a camera apparatus or one or more sensors.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Tracheal tube with visualization device and integrated flushing system

Номер: US20130053636A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure describes systems and methods that utilize a multi-lumen tube with an integral visualization apparatus, such as a camera. The multi-lumen tracheal tube system may include a camera apparatus that is positioned to facilitate left or right bronchial intubation. In addition, the camera apparatus may be a unitary assembly that functions to hold and position the camera relative to the tube and provides an acceptable profile for comfortable intubation. The camera apparatus may include additional components, such as integral light sources and flushing or cleaning devices to remove any buildup from the camera or optical components.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Endotracheal tube with dual port subglottic secretion suctioning

Номер: US20130112207A1
Автор: Gary James Roth
Принадлежит: Teleflex Medical Inc

The present invention provides in some embodiments, an endotracheal tube with subglottic secretion suction and a detachable suction line. The endotracheal tube is an elongate tube having an outer wall defining an elongate central lumen and an elongate suction lumen. The outer wall also defines an opening to the suction lumen near a distal end of the endotracheal tube An inflatable cuff is attached near a distal end of the elongate tube. The shoulder of the inflatable cuff is inverted in order to increase the diameter of the cuff from its distal end to its proximal end. A diffuser cap is positioned over the opening to the suction lumen and defines a fluid flow path for secretions into the suction lumen through the opening to the suction lumen.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Rapid Cooling of Body and/or Brain by Irrigating with a Cooling Liquid

Номер: US20130116761A1
Автор: Thomas Kreck
Принадлежит: NeuroSave Inc

Methods and devices are disclosed for providing therapeutic hypothermia using irrigation of the aerodigestive tract with cooled liquids. The disclosed method provides much more rapid therapeutic cooling to lower temperatures than could previously be achieved, thereby improving clinical outcomes. Novel cooling liquids and cooling devices are disclosed for carrying out the method. An external turbulent flow of cooling liquid may also be applied to the exterior of the head to further promote heat exchange. Multiple embodiments of devices are disclosed for performing rapid induction and maintenance of therapeutic hypothermia either in a hospital setting or in the field so that hypothermic treatment can be quickly instituted before significant tissue damage occurs. Methods are also disclosed for targeting brain cooling by irrigating the upper airway/aerodigestive tract, and more generalized cooling by irrigating the esophagus and/or stomach.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Medical device and technique for using the same

Номер: US20130126087A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An inflatable balloon cuff may be adapted to seal a patient's trachea when associated with an endotracheal tube. These cuffs may include indicia that facilitate attachment of the cuff relative to the tube to reduce manufacturing variability for such characteristics as rotational and length alignment. Such indicia may include protrusions that are formed in the wall of the cuff collars or may include visual indicators, e.g., colorimetric or shape-wise indicators. Cuffs with improved attachment relative to the tube may have increased sealing performance.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for improved assisted ventilation

Номер: US20130146051A1
Автор: Clay NOLAN
Принадлежит: Colabs Inc

Devices and methods for allowing for improved assisted ventilation of a patient. The methods and devices provide a number of benefits over conventional approaches for assisted ventilation. For example, the methods and devices described herein permit blind insertion of a device that can allow ventilation regardless of whether the device is positioned within a trachea or an esophagus.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Shaped evacuation port for a multi-lumen tracheal tube

Номер: US20130146063A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure describes systems and methods that utilize a tracheal tube with a shaped evacuation port. An evacuation port coupled to a suction lumen may be shaped to reduce air channel formation within the suction lumen, which in turn may improve the suctioning force and efficiency. The shaped evacuation ports may be generally oval or may be shaped to minimize a height dimension while maintaining a suitable cross-sectional area. In particular embodiments, the shaped evacuation ports may have cross-sectional areas that correspond to a cross-sectional area of the suction lumen.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Single Lung/Lobe Ventilation Endotracheal Tube

Номер: US20130186407A1
Автор: Gregory Benson Hammer
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

Techniques for single lung ventilation (SLV) include a hollow main tube with outer diameter sized to fit inside a bronchus of a patient. The length of the main tube is sufficient for a distal end of the main tube to reach a first side bronchus from a proximal end configured to be located in a vicinity of a mouth of the patient. The hollow main tube has a ventilating orifice separated from the distal end at a location that corresponds to a different second side bronchus. A hollow tubular sleeve is moveably disposed inside and longitudinally aligned with the main tube. The sleeve is configured to be positioned in at least two positions: a first position that does not block the ventilating orifice; and, a second position that does block the ventilating orifice.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for improving outcome of cerebral ischemia

Номер: US20130273179A1
Принадлежит: ASTUCE Inc

A method for improving outcome following cerebral ischemia is provided. The method includes delivering nitric oxide into the nasal cavity for absorption into the brain through the nasal vasculature and preventing the inhalation of nitric oxide into the lungs to prevent pulmonary vasodilatation.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for improving outcome of cerebral ischemia

Номер: US20130273180A1
Принадлежит: ASTUCE Inc

A method for improving outcome following cerebral ischemia is provided. The method includes delivering nitric oxide into the nasal cavity for absorption into the brain through the nasal vasculature and maintaining the nitric oxide in the nasal cavity.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for improving outcome of cerebral ischemia

Номер: US20130274651A1
Принадлежит: ASTUCE Inc

A system for improving outcome following cerebral ischemia is provided. The system includes a source of nitric oxide and an elongate tubular member for insertion into a nose including at least one orifice thereon. The tubular member is coupled to the source of nitric oxide and the elongate tubular member configured for delivering the nitric oxide into a nasal cavity through the at least one orifice for absorption into a cerebral vasculature through a nasal vasculature. A means for controlling flow of the gas, a concentration of the nitric oxide in the gas, or both, is also provided.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Airway device, airway assist device and the method of using same

Номер: US20130324798A1
Принадлежит: Arcangelo Michele Iusco, Robert Molnar

An airway device is provided for opening a patient's airway. The airway device provides dual tubes which allow the patient to breathe on his/her own, to be ventilated, or to be intubated. The airway device includes a camera which provides constant visualization of the patient's tissues during insertion of the airway device and during the entire medical procedure. A transmission lumen monitors heart and breath sounds. Information from the camera and the transmission lumen is relayed to a microprocessor to allow for monitoring which may be remote. An airway assist device may be used with the airway device for properly positioning the patient's tongue is also disclosed. The airway assist device is inserted into the patient's vallecula to manipulate the patient's tongue.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Devices for cooling the nasal cavity

Номер: US20130331915A1
Принадлежит: BeneChill Inc

A method for cerebral cooling is described using a cooling assembly, which includes first and second elongate tubular members adapted for insertion into a nasal cavity of a patient through the patient's nostrils. The elongate tubular members each have a proximal end, a distal end, a lumen extending therebetween, and a plurality of ports in fluid communication with the lumen. The cooling assembly also includes a manifold and a reservoir, which contains a pressurized fluid that includes a propellant having a boiling point less than 22° C. The elongate tubular members are inserted into the nasal cavity through the patient's nostrils and pressurized fluid is delivered onto a surface of the nasal cavity by infusing the pressurized fluid from the reservoir through the manifold, into the lumens and through the plurality of ports of the first and second elongate tubular members.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Visualization systems and methods

Номер: US20140033455A1
Принадлежит: ENDOCLEAR LLC

Systems, devices, and methods are disclosed for the cleaning of an endotracheal tube while a patient is being supported by a ventilator connected to the endotracheal tube for the purpose of increasing the available space for airflow or to prevent the build up of materials that may constrict airflow or be a potential nidus for infection. In one embodiment, a mechanically-actuated endotracheal tube cleaning device is configured to removably receive a visualization member to provide cleaning of the endotracheal tube under direct visualization.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for preventing over inflation of the retention balloon in medical catheters and airway devices

Номер: US20140052063A1
Принадлежит: Convatec Technologies Inc

The body has a fluid inlet port for receiving pressurized fluid and a fluid outlet port connected to the retention balloon. A first passage connects the fluid inlet port and the fluid outlet port. A second passage in the body is connected to the balloon fluid return path and is at the pressure of the retention balloon. A valve prevents fluid flow through the first passage when actuated. The valve includes a pressure-responsive member movable to a position to obstruct fluid flow in response to fluid pressure in the second passage exceeding the predetermined level. Flexible means such as a membrane defines a normally open portion of the first fluid passage, which is closed by the moveable means bearing on the membrane when pressure exceeding the predetermined level actuates the valve.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Medical Tubes for Selective Mechanical Ventilation of the Lungs

Номер: US20140076326A1
Автор: Guillermo L. Pol
Принадлежит: Individual

A single lumen endobronchial tube for selective mechanical ventilation of the lungs can include a medical tube having a single lumen with an opening at each of opposed distal and proximal ends of the tube, the opening at the proximal end of the tube being adapted for connection to an external mechanical ventilation device, and the opening at the distal end of the tube being adapted for delivery of a medical gas; a wall extending throughout the tube's entire length having an internal wall surface, an external wall surface and a thickness therebetween, a portion of the wall having an aperture and a shaft adapted to house a mechanism for sealing the aperture; a distal bronchial cuff positioned along the external wall surface and adapted to expand radially outward; and at least a first proximal tracheal cuff positioned along the external wall surface and adapted to expand radially outward.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Cuff pressure measurement device for a tracheal tube

Номер: US20160022939A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

According to various embodiments, methods and systems for determining pressure in an inflatable cuff of a tracheal tube may employ pressure transducers associated with a cuff inflation line or a pilot balloon assembly. The pressure transducers may be implemented to provide continuous or intermittent cuff pressure. Also provided are tracheal tubes with adapters or other devices that incorporate pressure transducers. The tracheal tubes may facilitate wireless cuff pressure monitoring.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Tracheal tube

Номер: US20160030693A1
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

Provided is a tracheal tube that can be easily inserted into the inside of a subject and enables real-time observation of a state after tracheal intubation. The tracheal tube ( 1 ) includes a hollow tube body ( 2 ), a lumen ( 2 a), and a scope unit ( 3 ), wherein the tube body ( 2 ) is inserted into the subject, the lumen ( 2 a) is mounted to the tube body ( 2 ), and the scope unit ( 3 ) includes a cable portion ( 4 ) inserted in the lumen ( 2 a) and an imaging optical system mounted to the distal end of the cable portion ( 4 ), the imaging optical system including an imaging device configured to image the inside of the subject.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030697A1
Автор: Bigeleisen Paul

Disclosed are an apparatus, system, and method for endotracheal tube placement that allow for ventilation of the patient throughout the process of placing an endotracheal tube. The apparatus includes a T-shaped adaptor having a first lumen for coaxial connection to an artificial airway and a second lumen that intersects the first lumen for connection to a ventilator. A cap is provided over the distal end of the first lumen, the cap having an opening that may be closed with a flexible plug, blocking air from exiting through the first lumen when the second lumen is attached to a ventilator. The opening is sized to receive a fiber optic bronchoscope and to flexibly seal against the exterior of the fiber optic bronchoscope as it passes through the cap. A line of weakening extends from the opening to the perimeter of the cap, such that after the fiber optic bronchoscope has been advanced to the patient's trachea, the endotracheal tube may be advanced toward the cap, the cap may be split along the line of weakening to allow its removal from both the T-shaped adaptor and the fiber optic bronchoscope, and the endotracheal tube may be advanced over the fiber optic bronchoscope through the first lumen and the supraglottic airway without removal of the T-shaped adaptor, and thus while maintaining ventilation that is supplied through the second lumen of such T-shaped adaptor. 1. An apparatus configured for interfacing mechanical ventilation with an artificial airway device , comprising:a T-connector having a distal end, a proximal end, a first lumen extending from said distal end to said proximal end, and a second lumen extending outward from said first lumen; anda cap removably positioned on said distal end of said T-connector, said cap having an annular top face defining an opening extending through said top face, and a line of weakening along said top face extending from said opening to an outer perimeter of said cap.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030557A1
Автор: Pol Guillermo L.

An endobronchial tube is provided that includes a medical tube comprising an endotracheal portion and a bronchial portion having a common single lumen extending between a proximal end and a distal end of the tube, a first endotracheal inflatable cuff for sealing against a trachea of a patient, a second endotracheal inflatable cuff positioned distal to the first endotracheal inflatable cuff for sealing against the trachea of the patient; a bronchial inflatable cuff positioned near a distal end of the medical tube after the first endotracheal inflatable cuff and the second endotracheal inflatable cuff, for sealing the left main stem bronchi of the patient, an intraluminal balloon blocker positioned along an inner surface of the bronchial portion for sealing the common single lumen at the distal end of the bronchial portion, and an aperture positioned between the endotracheal portion and the bronchial portion. 1. An endobronchial tube comprising:a medical tube comprising an endotracheal portion and a bronchial portion having a common single lumen extending between a proximal end and a distal end of the tube, wherein the proximal end of the endotracheal portion includes a first opening adapted for connection to an external mechanical ventilation device and the distal end of the bronchial portion includes a second opening adapted for delivery of a medical gas;a first endotracheal inflatable cuff positioned around an external surface of the endotracheal portion and adapted to expand radially outward for sealing against a trachea of a patient; 'wherein the first endotracheal inflatable cuff and the second endotracheal inflatable cuff are tapered;', 'a second endotracheal inflatable cuff positioned around an external surface of the endotracheal portion and located at a position distal to the first endotracheal inflatable cuff, the second endotracheal inflatable cuff adapted to expand radially outward for sealing against the trachea of the patient,'}a bronchial inflatable ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030985A1

This invention is a device to be used with a system for supplying anaesthetic or respiratory gases into the airway of a human or an animal. This device is a supraglottic airway device, which includes a shaft with three tubes one for ventilation purpose and rest two for dynamic cuff inflation and other for suctioning purpose. The dynamic cuff is inflated by the gases supplied directly from the anaesthesia or ventilator circuit through a specialised adaptor via dynalumen. The “cuff inflation lumen” (“DynaLumen”) will also be having a locking mechanism to enable its use like a conventional LMA; i.e., the cuff can be left continuously inflated both during positive pressure ventilation as well as less during expiratory phase and during spontaneous respiration. 1) An airway device for insertion into the oral cavity comprising of a shaft , a proximal end , a distal end and a specialised connector{'b': 1', '2', '3, 'a) The body or “shaft” comprises of three cylindrical tube members (Tube , Tube , and Tube ) arranged with their long axes adjacent to each other.'}{'b': 1', '2, 'b) The proximal end of the shaft is connected to the mechanical ventilator/manual resuscitator through a specialised connector (“adapter”) through the proximal ends of the cylindrical tube members Tube and Tube .'}{'b': '2', 'c) The distal end of the shaft comprises of an almond shaped/elliptical ‘bowl’ mainly formed by the distal end of the Tube , which is surrounded by inflatable cuffs on its sides and at the rear.'}2121) The Tube as set forth in (a) , extends from the proximal end of the shaft , along the Tube (as set forth in (a)) till the distal end , where it terminates inside one or more inflatable cuffs as set forth in claim (c).321) The Tube as set forth in claim (a) extends from the proximal end of the shaft till the distal end , where it terminates forming an almond shaped/elliptical “bowl” which rests over the glottis when positioned in the patient's pharynx , enabling air exchange.43122) ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035912A1

Various embodiments of an intubation system include a tracheal tube and an illumination assembly that is removably couplable to a tubular body of the tracheal tube. The tracheal tube may be a double lumen tracheal tube having a first cuff that is adapted to be inflated to seal against the walls of a patient's trachea and a second cuff that is adapted to be inflated to seal against the walls of the patient's bronchial stem. The illumination assembly may have one or more illumination devices that are adapted to produce light within the patient's trachea, the patient's bronchial stem, or both when the illumination assembly is coupled to the tubular body. 1. An illumination system , comprising:an endoscope having a tubular body comprising a proximal end, a distal end, and a wall extending between the proximal end and the distal end, wherein the tubular body is configured to be inserted into a bronchial ventilation lumen; ["an illumination assembly, wherein the illumination assembly comprises one or more illumination devices configured to illuminate a patient's airway and a flexible circuit board; and", "an imaging device positioned distal to the illumination assembly, wherein the imaging device is configured to generate an image of the patient's airway."], 'a housing coupled to the wall of the tubular body, the housing comprising2. The illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more illumination devices are disposed on the flexible circuit board.3. The illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible circuit board is positioned about a circumference of the tubular body.4. The illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible circuit board is positioned lengthwise along a length of the tubular body.5. The illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the illumination assembly comprises one or more heat dissipating and/or spreading pads configured to transfer heat from the one or more illuminating devices.6. The illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040913A1

A tracheal tube assembly includes a connector body, a cannula extending from the connector body, and an insert that provides rigidity to the connector body and retains the cannula in the connector body. The cannula has an upper end that fits between conforming tapered sections of the connector body inner surface and the insert. The insert may include features to mitigate stress on and around any secondary lumens in the cannula wall. Because the wall is thinner at the site of a secondary lumen, the connector body insert may include a recess into which the cannula wall may expand. The recess may be aligned with the secondary lumen. 1. A connector , comprising:an annular body having proximal and distal ends, wherein the annular body comprises a first diameter; a proximal flange having a second diameter equal to the first diameter, wherein the proximal flange abuts a top surface of the proximal end of the annular body;', 'a tubular lower extremity comprising a tapered region and a first recess disposed on a widest diameter of the taper, wherein the first recess is disposed about only a portion of a circumference of an insert side wall of the tubular lower extremity at a step that is proximal to an insert distal end, and wherein the step is formed at a junction of the tapered region with a non-tapered region., 'an insert disposed within the annular body, wherein the insert and the annular body define a passageway, and wherein the insert comprises2. The connector of claim 1 , comprising an anti-rotation feature that interfaces with the insert to prevent rotation of the insert within the annular body.3. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the anti-rotation feature comprises a plurality of openings disposed on the top surface of the annular body.4. The connector of claim 3 , wherein a bottom surface of the proximal flange comprises a plurality of protrusions configured to engage with the plurality of recesses to prevent rotation.5. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Electrically-Responsive Hydrogels

Номер: US20220054801A1

Implants comprising electrically-responsive hydrogel are described. Systems to provide electricity to induce response in hydrogel-containing implants are described. Methods for utilizing said system and methods for utilizing said hydrogel-containing implants are described. 1. A method of electrically inducing a change in state of a hydrogel of an implant comprising:advancing the implant outside of a delivery device; and,applying electrical current from a power source connected to the implant, through a patient's body, and through the hydrogel of the implant so as to control contraction and/or expansion of the hydrogel of the implant.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying the electrical current through the hydrogel shrinks or mitigates expansion of the hydrogel.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying the electrical current through the hydrogel expands the hydrogel or augments expansion of the hydrogel.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the applying the electrical current includes selectively modulating the pulse width of the electrical current.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising disconnecting the implant from the power source.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the applying electrical current through the hydrogel is performed after disconnecting the implant from the delivery device.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the implant is a helical coil having a hydrogel coating.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the implant is a helical coil containing the hydrogel.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the medical implant is a slotted tube containing the hydrogel.10. The method according to claim 1 , applying the electrical current further comprises applying electrical current through a patch contacting the patient's body.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a carrier in which the hydrogel is held under tension.12. The method according to claim 1 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045698A1

Systems and devices for monitoring, detecting, and removing fluid build-up found at various regions along a tracheal tube of an intubated patient. The fluid management system includes pressure and flow sensors for detecting whether there is fluid at the various regions along the tracheal tube, and a means for drawing out the fluid into collection jars. The system also includes lavage features that is able to rinse different the various regions along a tracheal tube. Also disclosed are respiration insertion devices that either couple to existing tracheal tubes or incorporate tracheal tubing, where the respiration insertion body has channels and ports that contact various regions along the tracheal tube. The combination of the fluid management system and the respiration insertion devices effectively monitor and remove fluid at various locations along a tracheal tube of an intubated patient. 1. A system for automatically removing fluid from multiple regions of a respiratory tract and lavaging an oral cavity portion of the respiratory tract , the system comprising:a controller comprising controller circuitry and one or more valves configured to couple to a source of air pressure;a plurality of fluid lines, wherein the fluid lines couple with the one or more valves of the controller, and wherein the controller circuitry is configured to control the one or more valves to apply positive or negative pressure through each fluid line of the plurality of fluid lines;a plurality of flow sensors and pressure sensors, wherein the fluid line are each coupled to a flow sensor and a pressure sensor that are configured to report fluid flow and pressure within the fluid line to the controller;a source of lavage liquid, wherein the controller is configured to apply positive pressure to deliver lavage liquid; andone or more collection containers coupled to the fluid lines and configured to collect fluid from the fluid lines;wherein the controller circuitry is configured to periodically, ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Dual Lumen Endobronchial Tube Device

Номер: US20170043111A1

The present invention provides improved dual lumen endobronchial tube devices. The dual lumen endobronchial tube devices feature a universal design for left or right mainstem bronchus insertion. The dual lumen endobronchial tube devices also feature enhanced balloon cuff designs to minimize dislodgement while maintaining proper airway sealing. The present invention also includes water activated lubricious coating inside the shaft to reduce friction during insertion of a bronchoscope into the airway. The present invention also provides improved double clamps that prevent the accidental clamping of both tubes of a Y-adapter. 1. A universal dual lumen endobronchial device , comprising:a straight shaft having a proximal end and a distal end;a curved bronchial tube extending from the distal end of the straight shaft;a tracheal lumen within the shaft extending from the proximal end of the shaft to a tracheal lumen opening at the distal end of the shaft;a bronchial lumen within the shaft extending from the proximal end of the shaft to a bronchial lumen opening at a distal end of the bronchial tube;a tracheal balloon cuff proximally adjacent to the tracheal lumen opening; anda bronchial balloon cuff proximally adjacent to the bronchial lumen opening;wherein the straight shaft and the curved bronchial tube are constructed from a polymer having a Shore A hardness between 60 and 95.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the straight shaft comprises a Y-connector fluidly connected to the tracheal lumen and the bronchial lumen.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the straight shaft further comprises one or more inflation lumens fluidly connected to the tracheal balloon cuff claim 1 , the bronchial balloon cuff claim 1 , or both.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the tracheal lumen and the bronchial lumen are separated by a flexible semilunar membrane claim 1 , such that the cross-sectional area of the tracheal lumen and the bronchial lumen are substantially equal.5 ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046453A1

Systems, devices, and methods are disclosed for the cleaning of an endotracheal tube while a patient is being supported by a ventilator connected to the endotracheal tube for the purpose of increasing the available space for airflow or to prevent the build up of materials that may constrict airflow or be a potential nidus for infection. In one embodiment, a method for cleaning endotracheal tubes comprises inserting a cleaning device within an endotracheal tube while a cleaning member is in a compressed position, radially expanding the cleaning member to an expanded position within the endotracheal tube, and withdrawing the cleaning device from the endotracheal tube with the cleaning member in the expanded position. 1. (canceled)2. A cleaning device for removing biofilm from a body-inserted medical tube comprising:an elongate body comprising a distal end and a proximal end; wherein the cleaning member is selectively movable between a radially-collapsed configuration and a radially-expanded configuration,', {'b': '1', 'i': 's', 'wherein at least a portion of the cleaning member configured to circumferentially contact an interior surface of the medical tube when in the radially-expanded configuration,'}, 'wherein the cleaning member, when m the radially-expanded configuration, is configured to remove biofilm from the medical tube as the elongate body is withdrawn from the medical tube; and, 'a cleaning member positioned along the elongate body,'}a suction channel extending along an interior of the elongate body, the suction channel comprising at least one port.3. The cleaning device of claim 2 , wherein the cleaning member comprises an inflatable balloon.4. The cleaning device of claim 2 , further comprising a light and a camera.5. The cleaning device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one port is located at a location along a length of the elongate body.6. The cleaning device of claim 2 , further comprising a visualization channel extending along a portion of the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Endotracheal Intubation and Supraglottic Airway Device

Номер: US20190054266A1

An intubation and supraglottic airway medical device. The device includes an air tube for ventilation, and a tube for guiding a fiber-optic-probe-scope to the distal end of the device. The distal end of the device is configured with a balloon around the tube system and between a bottom plate and the tube system such that when inflated the distal end of the air-tube is moved and thereby positioning the air-tube distal opening in front of a laryngeal inlet. Additionally, the balloon forms a seal with the surrounding tissue. The device includes a drainage loop and an esophageal blocker preventing aspiration. The air tube distal end can include a lifting plate configured to lift an epiglottis when the balloon is inflated. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. An airway device to be inserted in a pharynx comprising:a tube system having a tube system distal segment, a tube system middle segment, and a tube system proximal segment, wherein the tube system comprises, an air tube having an air tube distal end opening, and an air tube proximal end opening, and an air tube alignment plate;a bottom plate, a restraint plate, and a drainage loop, a first drainage tube and a second drainage tube, wherein the drainage loop comprises a right convex segment and a left convex segment, wherein the right convex segment and left convex segment are extensions of the first drainage tube and the second drainage tube respectively, wherein the first drainage tube and the second drainage tube are attached to a length of right and left sides of the tube system; andan inflatable balloon coupled to a length of the tube system distal segment, and wherein when the device is inserted in an engagement position or near the engagement position and the inflatable balloon is inflated the inflated balloon is configured to move the tube system distal segment away from the bottom plate, wherein the inflatable balloon is configured to move the air tube distal end opening in front of a larynx having a laryngeal inlet ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Airway device

Номер: US20210060275A1
Принадлежит: Kb Pro LLC

An airway adjunct or airway assembly that comprises a gas administration tube and a gas sampling tube can be utilized to improve health care to a patient. The gas administration tube may be connected, for example, to an oxygen source. The gas sampling tube may be connected, for example, to capnography equipment. Internal terminal ends of the gas administration tube and gas sampling tube can be longitudinally offset from one another within the airway assembly, which may reduce diffusion of the exhaled gas to be sampled, thereby increasing monitoring accuracy. Some embodiments of the present disclosure comprise an airway adjunct adaptable to attach into or onto various types of airway devices.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Airway management device and method of manufacture

Номер: US20200054848A1
Автор: Ronald Craig Wight
Принадлежит: Individual

An airway management device comprising a body having a proximal end for receiving an oxygen supply tube and an distal end for insertion into a trachea of a patient; said body including a linear portion adjacent to the proximal end and a curved portion adjacent to the distal end; said body including an external shell and having a first bore through said shell for receiving the oxygen supply tube; wherein flexural strength for said airway management device is provided by said shell.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Endotracheal tube drainage system and methods

Номер: US20190060594A1

An endotracheal tube (ETT) system and methods are provided. In at least one example, an ETT system may comprise, a tube, inflatable cuff coupled to the tube, and a restrictor. In at least one example the restrictor may comprise one more cavities. In a further example, a restrictor drainage assembly may be coupled to the restrictor, the restrictor drainage assembly configured to drain secretions that may be collected at a collection point formed by the restrictor when the ETT system is positioned in an airway of a patient and in an inflated state.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Medical Tube Apparatus

Номер: US20190060595A1

An endotracheal tube apparatus to treat a patient comprising an endotracheal tube and a hub connection fitting; the endotracheal tube insertable into a trachea of the patient; the hub connection fitting connectable to the endotracheal tube; a ventilation passageway extending through the hub connection fitting and a ventilation lumen of the endotracheal tube; a plurality of ports joined with the hub connection fitting, the plurality of ports comprising at least a first port and a second port; a first passageway extending within the hub connection fitting, the first passageway in fluid communication with the first port; a second passageway extending within the hub connection fitting, the second passageway in fluid communication with the second port; a third passageway extending within the hub connection fitting and a secondary lumen of the endotracheal tube. 1. An endotracheal tube apparatus to treat a patient comprising:an endotracheal tube and a hub connection fitting;the endotracheal tube insertable into a trachea of the patient;the hub connection fitting connectable to the endotracheal tube;a ventilation passageway extending through the hub connection fitting and a ventilation lumen of the endotracheal tube;a plurality of ports joined with the hub connection fitting, the plurality of ports comprising at least a first port and a second port;a first passageway extending within the hub connection fitting, the first passageway in fluid communication with the first port;a second passageway extending within the hub connection fitting, the second passageway in fluid communication with the second port;a third passageway extending within the hub connection fitting and a secondary lumen of the endotracheal tube.2. The endotracheal tube apparatus of further comprising:a lighting apparatus comprising a light source configured to emit light from a distal end of the endotracheal tube,3. The endotracheal tube apparatus of wherein:the lighting apparatus comprises a power source ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Device and method for the dynamically sealing occlusion or space-filling tamponade of a hollow organ

Номер: US20220080141A1
Автор: Fred Göbel

The invention refers to a device and a method for the dynamically sealing intubation of a hollow organ, comprising or using a tube in the form of a shaft that can be inserted into the hollow organ, with a primary lumen to provide access through or to the hollow organ in question, and comprising an intracorporeal sealing balloon, which surrounds a distal region of the shaft of said tube in the manner of a cuff for the purpose of sealing it against the hollow organ, wherein one or more secondary lumens for filling said intracorporeal sealing balloon are integrated into the wall of at least a proximal region of said shaft, wherein, within each cross-sectional plane that is intersected perpendicularly by the local longitudinal direction of the device, the following applies for the overall interior cross-section Q1 of the primary lumen and the sum Q2 of the interior cross-sections of all secondary lumens:Q2/(Q1+Q2)≥0.06,wherein at an extracorporeal filling tube, which communicates with all secondary lumens, a control device is provided in order to keep the pressure within the intracorporeal sealing balloon nearly constant in such a way thata) when the volume of the hollow organ increases, a corresponding amount of the filling medium is forced to flow into the intracorporeal sealing tube in order to increase the volume of the intracorporeal sealing tube accordingly, andb) when the volume of the hollow organ decreases, a corresponding amount of the filling medium is allowed to flow out of the intracorporeal sealing tube in order to decrease the volume of the intracorporeal sealing tube accordingly.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064896A1
Автор: KLEENE Bruce M.

A flexible tube holding device includes a handle having a groove along a length of a back side thereof, the groove being sized to at least partially accept a desired flexible tube, such as an endotracheal tube, such that the handle is fully back side open. The device is generally J-shaped from the side, and further includes a blade connected to the handle, the blade having a proximal blade section connected to the handle and having an opening along a back side thereof, and a tube retention section connected to the proximal blade section at an end thereof opposite the handle and along the opening. The tube retention section is sized to accept at least most of a cross-section of a tip portion of the flexible tube when present and shaped to retain the tip portion. The tube retention section is the only portion of the flexible tube holding device that physically retains the flexible tube when present and prevents the flexible tube from moving radially out of the flexible tube holding device while allowing movement through the tube retention section. 1. A flexible tube holding device , comprising:a handle, wherein the handle comprises a groove along a length of a back side thereof, the groove sized to at least partially accept a desired flexible tube, such that the handle is fully back side open; and a proximal blade section coupled longitudinally to the handle and having a blade opening along a back side thereof, the blade opening being collinear with the groove of the handle, such that the proximal blade section is fully back side open; and', 'a tube retention section coupled to the proximal blade section at an end thereof opposite the handle and along the opening, wherein the tube retention section is sized to accept at least most of a cross-section of a tip portion of the flexible tube when present and shaped to retain the tip portion, and wherein the tube retention section is the only portion of the flexible tube holding device that physically retains the flexible ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170065782A1
Принадлежит: MEDCOM FLOW S.A.

A device () for the ventilation of a human being or animal which comprises a dome () having a cavity (), which dome () is attached to a laryngeal ring () for sealing the human being or animal's internal airways, at least one oxygen tube () that connects to the cavity () of the dome (), for allowing oxygen or gases to enter or leave the human being or animal's internal airways and at least one laryngeal aspiration tube (), different from the oxygen tube (), that also connects to the cavity () of the dome (), for allowing air and/or secretions to leave the human being or animal's internal airways. 1. A device for the ventilation of a human being or animal which comprises:a dome having a cavity, wherein the dome is attached to a laryngeal ring configured to seal the human being or animal's internal airways;at least one oxygen tube configured to connect to the cavity of the dome and allow oxygen or gases to enter or leave the human being or animal's internal airways; andat least one laryngeal aspiration tube, different from the oxygen tube, that is configured to connect to the cavity of the dome and allow air and/or secretions to leave the human being or animal's internal airways.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the laryngeal aspiration tube is between 20 and 70% of a diameter of the oxygen tube.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the laryngeal aspiration tube is between 40 and 65% of a diameter of the oxygen tube.4. A device according to claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the laryngeal aspiration tube is about 60% of a diameter of the oxygen tube.5. A device according to claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the laryngeal aspiration tube is the same as a diameter of the oxygen tube.6. A device according to claim 1 , further comprising a gastric aspiration tube configured to connect with a laryngeal tube orifice located at the]] a distal portion of the laryngeal ring and extract excess air and/or secretions accumulated in the human ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088333A1

A catheter having a distal end for insertion into a patient and including: a catheter tube enclosing at least a first catheter lumen and a vision lumen separated from the first catheter lumen, the first catheter lumen having a first distal opening at the distal end of the catheter; a window closing off a distal end of the vision lumen and having a planar interior window surface facing the vision lumen and a planar exterior window surface; and a vision device positioned in the vision lumen and having a vision module, such as a camera with an image sensor or an optical fibre, having an optical axis extending through the window; wherein the interior window surface and/or the exterior window surface is/are non-orthogonal with respect to the optical axis of the vision module, and the window surfaces are non-parallel. 1. A catheter comprising:a distal end;a catheter tube having a first catheter lumen and a vision lumen separated from the first catheter lumen, the first catheter lumen having a first distal opening at the distal end of the catheter, and the vision lumen having a distal end;a window closing off the distal end of the vision lumen and having an interior window surface facing the vision lumen and an exterior window surface; anda vision device positioned in the vision lumen and comprising a vision module having an optical axis extending through the window,wherein the interior window surface and/or the exterior window surface is/are non-orthogonal with respect to the optical axis of the vision module, andwherein the interior window surface and the exterior window surface are non-parallel.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the vision module comprises a lens stack and an image sensor.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the interior window surface and/or the exterior window surface are sized and structured to generate an effective view direction of the vision module angled with respect to the optical axis by an angle in the range 1° to 15°.4. The catheter of ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Double lumen tube capable of fixing trachea carina

Номер: US20190070377A1
Автор: Hyo-jin BYON, Young-jun Oh
Принадлежит: INSUNG MEDICAL CO Ltd

The present invention relates to a double lumen endotracheal tube capable of being fixed to the trachea carina, the tube including: a first tube extended in one direction; a second tube extended while being adjacent to the first tube and having an extended portion bent toward one side thereof and extended longer than the first tube; a first balloon extended while passing through the first tube so as to expand or contract a first cuff connected to the end thereof; a second balloon extended while passing through the second tube so as to expand or contract a second cuff connected to the end thereof; and a third balloon extended while passing through between the first tube and the second tube so as to expand or contract a third cuff connected to the end thereof.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for a lung isolation tube assembly

Номер: US20200069898A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A lung isolation tube assembly comprising a control valve that is adapted to be moved between a left lumen position, a right lumen position, and a both lumens position, a connector that is in fluid communication with the control valve, and a tube that is in fluid communication with the connector. The tube comprises a left lumen that is in fluid communication with the connector and a right lumen that is in fluid communication with the connector. The assembly also comprises a first cuff that is disposed around a portion of the right lumen and the left lumen and a second cuff that is disposed around the left lumen. The assembly is adapted to convey airflow or oxygen to a human lung via at least one of the left lumen and the right lumen. A method for isolating a human lung.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082212A1
Автор: Chen Bo, Li Youzhi

Various embodiments of a tracheal tube capable of suctioning accumulated mucus secretions from the airway of intubated patients are provided. Disclosed embodiments include a variety of endotracheal tubes with integral suction lumens terminating in ports optimally located at the distal end of the endotracheal tubes between a Murphy's Eye and a cuff. During intubation, the foregoing features, among others, of the tracheal tube may have the effect of preventing bacterial colonization of the respiratory airway and the subsequent development of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) in the lungs. 1. A tracheal tube , comprising:a tubular body comprising an open distal end for ventilating a patient and a Murphy's eye adjacent to the open distal end on an exterior side wall of the tubular body;a cuff disposed around the tubular body and configured to be inflated to seal the cuff against a wall of a patient's trachea;a first suction port disposed on the exterior side wall of the tubular body at a fixed location below the cuff and above the open distal end, wherein the first suction port is radially displaced from the Murphy's eye by a first angle, and wherein the first suction port is the distal most suction port of a first suction lumen; anda second suction port disposed on the exterior side wall of the tubular body proximal of the first suction port.2. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the first angle claim 1 , the second angle claim 1 , or both is approximately 90 degrees.3. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , comprising a pressure monitoring lumen extending along the tubular body adjacent to the first suction lumen and the second suction lumen claim 1 , wherein the pressure monitoring lumen terminates in a port disposed on the side of the tubular body that is opposite the open distal end claim 1 , and wherein the port is below the cuff.4. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the second suction port is the distal most suction port of a second suction lumen that is ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085901A1

An endobronchial tube including: a first lumen having an open distal end with a first inflatable cuff; a second lumen having an open distal end with a second inflatable cuff; a dedicated image sensor lumen spanning the length of said first lumen and including an image sensor and illumination source disposed adjacent to the distal end of said first lumen, and configured to provide an image of the Tracheal bifurcation of the Tracheal Carina, the openings of the Left Bronchial branch, and the opening Right Bronchial branch; and at least one dedicated cleaning lumen disposed parallel with said dedicated image sensor lumen along the length of said endobronchial tube and configured to form a cleaning nozzle at the distal end directed toward said image sensor lumen at its distal end. 1. An endobronchial tube comprising at least two lumens of different lengths for selectively associating with a patient about at least two locations relative to the Tracheal Carina , said tube comprising:a. a first lumen having an open distal end adapted to associate proximally to the Carina within the Trachea, with a first inflatable cuff;b. a second lumen having an open distal end adapted to extend distally, past the Carina and associate within one of the Left Bronchial branch and Right Bronchial branch with a second inflatable cuff;c. a dedicated image sensor lumen spanning the length of said first lumen, located within a wall of said tube between said first lumen and said second lumen, the dedicated image sensor lumen comprising an image sensor and illumination source disposed adjacent the distal end of said first lumen, and configured to provide an image of the Tracheal bifurcation of the Tracheal Carina, the openings of the Left Bronchial branch, and the opening Right Bronchial branch; andd. at least one dedicated cleaning lumen disposed parallel with said dedicated image sensor lumen along the length of said endobronchial tube, disposed within said wall of said tube between said first ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190083729A1

A tracheal tube assembly includes an outer cannula configured to be positioned in a patient airway and an inner cannula configured to be disposed inside the outer cannula. The tracheal tube assembly further includes a flange member secured about the outer cannula, and an outer cannula connector coupled to a proximal end of the outer cannula. The inner cannula includes a compressible proximal end region that is compressed while secured inside the outer cannula connector. 1. A tracheal tube , comprising:a connector comprising an inner wall; a first ear; and', 'a second ear separated from the first ear by opposing notches formed in a wall of the compressible proximal region, and wherein the first ear and the second ear are configured to be biased toward one another when the cannula the compressible proximal region is coupled to the connector; and, 'a cannula configured to be inserted at least partially in the connector, wherein the cannula comprises a compressible proximal region comprisinga rotational lock comprising a first recess or protrusion disposed on the inner wall of the connector, and a complimentary second protrusion or recess disposed on an outer surface of the first ear, the second ear, or both, wherein the rotational lock is configured to block rotation of the cannula when the first recess or protrusion engages with the complimentary second protrusion or recess.2. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the complimentary second protrusion or recess is positioned approximately 90 degrees from each notch of the opposing notches.3. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the cannula comprises a lip forming a proximal terminus of the cannula and configured to be outside of and proximal to the connector when the cannula is inserted in the connector.4. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein an outer diameter of the compressible proximal region varies between a proximal end and a distal end of the compressible proximal region.5. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Medical Apparatus With Hypopharyngeal Suctioning Capability

Номер: US20190083732A1
Автор: Nalini Vadivelu
Принадлежит: Nalini Vadivelu

A laryngeal mask apparatus includes a mask portion, a breathing tube and a suction tube. The suction tube is adapted for connection to a suction-producing device. The suction tube further includes suction ports that suck fluids and secretions from the patient's hypopharyngeal region when suction is created within the interior of the suction tube. The breathing tube is adapted for connection to a ventilating system. Air flows through the breathing tube and into the mask portion. A capillary tube is positioned within the interior of the suction tube. When the mask portion is positioned within a patient's throat and suction is created within interior of the suction tube, the suction ports suck the fluids and secretions in the patient's hypopharyngeal region. At the same time, the suction tube and capillary tube cooperate to provide a stream of air that decreases the direct suction forces on the mucosa of the patient's throat that are caused by the suction ports. The laryngeal mask apparatus includes a scope tube having an interior and an inner tube disposed within the interior of the scope tube. The inner tube is sized for receiving a gastric tube.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093885A1

A therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly is provided for insertion into a patient's trachea to ventilate, to maintain patency of the patient's airway, and to deliver therapeutic electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to the patient. The therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly has an endotracheal tube and an EMR delivery system. The EMR delivery system has an EMR source for emitting non-ultraviolet, therapeutic EMR having intensity sufficient to activate desired therapeutic properties within the patient and an EMR conduction line conducive to the propagation of EMR from the EMR source along the endotracheal tube. The EMR conduction line is removably insertable into the endotracheal tube. The therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly may be custom made or may be constructed by retrofitting a removably insertable EMR delivery system to an existing endotracheal tube. 1. A therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly for insertion into a patient's trachea to ventilate , to maintain patency of the patient's airway , and to deliver therapeutic electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to the patient , the therapeutic endotracheal tube assembly comprising:an endotracheal tube having a lumen defined by a tube wall, a ventilator collar, an upper tube portion having a proximate end coupled to a ventilator collar, and a lower tube portion having a forward end for insertion into the patient's trachea, the endotracheal tube further comprises an inflatable cuff surrounding the tube wall proximate the forward end; and an EMR source for emitting non-ultraviolet, therapeutic EMR having intensity sufficient to activate desired therapeutic properties within the patient;', 'an EMR conduction line conducive to the propagation of EMR from the EMR source along the endotracheal tube, the EMR conduction line having a coupling end and a distal end and being insertable into the endotracheal tube to deliver non-ultraviolet, therapeutic EMR within the patient at sufficient intensity to activate desired therapeutic ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093059A1
Принадлежит: Deltamedics

An oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal cannula () comprising a body () having a curved tubular portion () to be inserted into the mouth or a nostril of a patient and a flange () suitable for resting on the lips or on the base of the nostril of the patient, the cannula comprising a main conduit () and at least first and second auxiliary conduits () formed in the body and extending through the flange to the main conduit, said cannula comprising, on a middle part () of the tubular portion, a series of peripheral openings () for opening the second auxiliary conduit on the outside of the tubular portion, thus making it possible to inject oxygen into the buccal or nasal cavity in order for it to be heated and humidified by the mucosal structures. 1. An oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal cannula comprising a body having a curved tubular portion to be inserted into the mouth or a nostril of a patient and a flange suitable for resting on the lips or on the base of the nostril of the patient , the cannula comprising a main conduit forming a fluidic passage between the flange and the tubular portion of the body , and at least a first and a second auxiliary conduit formed in the body and extending from the flange to the main conduit , the second auxiliary conduit extending at least partly in the tubular portion before emerging into the main conduit , characterized in that it comprises , on a median part of the tubular portion , a series of peripheral orifices made in the tubular portion at a portion opposite the second auxiliary conduit in order for the second auxiliary conduit to emerge on the outside of the tubular portion via the peripheral orifices2. The cannula s claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first auxiliary conduit extends solely in the flange and emerges at an entry orifice opposite the main conduit claim 1 , and the flange comprises an abutment projecting into the main conduit situated at the edge of the entry orifice of the first auxiliary conduit to deflect a fraction of ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Oral Cannula

Номер: US20150099993A1
Автор: Weaver Glen, Weaver Wendy

An oral cannula for delivering oxygen and sampling end-tidal carbon dioxide includes an oxygen supply lumen having plural outlets and an end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) lumen having an inlet. The ETCO2 lumen and oxygen supply lumen form a unitary oral cannula such that the oxygen supply lumen outlet is spaced apart from the ETCO2 lumen inlet. The oral cannula is adapted for bending or has a bend such that the oral cannula is insertable and retainable in a patient's mouth. 1. An oral cannula for delivering oxygen and sampling end-tidal carbon dioxide , the oral cannula comprising:an oxygen supply lumen having plural outlets near a distal end of the oxygen supply lumen; andan end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) lumen having an inlet near a distal end of the ETCO2 lumen, the ETCO2 lumen and oxygen supply lumen form a unitary oral cannula such that the oxygen supply lumen outlet is spaced apart from the ETCO2 lumen inlet,wherein the oral cannula is adapted for bending or has a bend such that the oral cannula is insertable and retainable in a patient's mouth.2. The oral cannula of wherein the ETCO2 inlet is distal to a distal-most one of the plural outlets.3. The oral cannula of further comprising a cap that forms at least a distal portion of the ETCO2 lumen.4. The oral cannula of wherein the oral cannula includes a cap that forms at least a portion of the oxygen supply lumen.5. The oral cannula of wherein the cap includes at least one sampling aperture near a distal end of the cap that opens into only the ETCO2 lumen claim 3 , and includes oxygen supply apertures on a sidewall of the cap that open only into the oxygen supply lumen.6. The oral cannula of further comprising a support wire that is capable of being bent to form the bend.7. The oral cannula of wherein the oxygen supply lumen and ETCO2 lumen are side by side.8. The oral cannula of wherein the cap is a bulb that is coupled to a distal end of the oxygen supply lumen claim 2 , the cap having at least one aperture ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095628A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies, LLC

A device for delivering a substance to an airway of a patient may include a laryngeal mask airway device, at least one substance delivery reservoir coupled with the laryngeal mask airway device for delivering the substance to the airway of the patient, and at least one conduit coupled with the laryngeal mask airway. The at least one conduit may have a proximal end configured to couple with a source of the substance residing outside the patient and a distal end in fluid communication with the at least one substance delivery reservoir. 1. A device for delivering a substance to an airway of a patient , the device comprising:a laryngeal mask airway device;at least one substance delivery reservoir coupled with the laryngeal mask airway device for delivering the substance to the airway of the patient; andat least one conduit coupled with the laryngeal mask airway, wherein the at least one conduit has a proximal end configured to couple with a source of the substance residing outside the patient and a distal end in fluid communication with the at least one substance delivery reservoir.2. A device as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one substance delivery reservoir comprises at least two reservoirs disposed around a cuff of the laryngeal mask airway claim 1 , and wherein the at least two reservoirs include multiple micropores through which the substance flows out of the laryngeal mask airway to contact the airway of the patient.3. A device as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one substance delivery reservoir comprises at least two applicators disposed around a cuff of the laryngeal mask airway claim 1 , and wherein the at least two applicators are configured to be located in contact with or near the airway of the patient when the laryngeal mask airway is disposed in the airway of the patient.4. A device as in claim 1 , wherein a wall of the laryngeal mask airway is semi-porous claim 1 , to allow the substance to pass from the at least one substance delivery reservoir ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101253A1

Embodiments include a tracheal tube having a proximal end and a distal end. In certain embodiments, a plurality of spaced-apart cuffs disposed around the tracheal tube. The plurality of spaced-apart cuffs being configured to seal the tracheal airway of a patient and to capture tracheal secretions or debris. Also, at least two pilot balloons are connected to the plurality of cuffs, the at least two pilot balloons being configured to inflate and deflate the plurality of cuffs. Further, at least two injection lumens connected to at least two injection distal ports configured to administer fluids to the bronchi of the patient and at least one evacuation lumen connected to a plurality of evacuation ports, the at least one evacuation lumen being connected to a vacuum source. The plurality of evacuation ports are disposed proximal the plurality of evacuation ports to remove the captured fluids or debris. 1. An endotracheal tube , comprising:a tracheal tube having a proximal end and a distal end;a plurality of spaced-apart cuffs disposed around the tracheal tube, the plurality of spaced-apart cuffs being configured to seal a tracheal airway of a patient and to capture tracheal secretions or debris;at least two pilot balloons connected to the plurality of spaced-apart cuffs, the at least two pilot balloons being configured to inflate and deflate the plurality of spaced-apart cuffs;at least two injection lumens connected to at least two injection distal ports and being configured to administer fluids to the bronchi of the patient; andat least one evacuation lumen connected to a plurality of evacuation ports, the at least one evacuation lumen being connected to a vacuum source,wherein the plurality of evacuation ports is disposed proximal the plurality of spaced-apart cuffs to remove the captured fluids or debris.2. The endotracheal tube according to claim 1 , wherein the tracheal tube includes an internal lining disposed on an inner wall of the tracheal tube and being ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168529A1

Various embodiments of a double cuff single lumen endotracheal tube device for lung isolation and protection and its method of use are described herein. A device for intubation providing for single lung isolation and a transition to ventilation of both lungs is described. In one example, the device can be used extend into a main bronchus of patient. A distal cuff and secondary cuff can be inflated for ventilation of one lung. An auxiliary conduit provides passive oxygenation to the non-ventilated or alternately evacuation of mucus or fluids above the distal cuff. The device can be repositioned for long term intubation and ventilation of both lungs. 1. An intubation device , comprising:a flexible tubular body having a wall extending a length from a proximal end to a distal end, the flexible tubular body forming a main lumen with an inner diameter, a distal portion having a bevel tip forming an opening to the main lumen, the bevel tip formed at the distal end with a tapered angle relative to a longitudinal axis of the flexible tubular body and a distal aperture formed in the wall opposite the opening;a distal cuff comprising a tubular inflatable material, the distal cuff attached at the distal portion of the flexible tubular body above the bevel tip and the distal aperture;a secondary cuff comprising a tubular inflatable material, the secondary cuff attached at a predetermined distance from the bevel tip of the flexible tubular body;an auxiliary conduit comprising an auxiliary channel extending from a proximal portion of the flexible tubular body to an auxiliary aperture positioned between the distal cuff and secondary cuff and an auxiliary tube sealingly connected to the auxiliary channel in the wall at the proximal portion of the flexible tubular body; anda main proximal connector connected to the proximal end of the flexible tubular body, the main proximal connector configured to detachably connect to a mechanical ventilation device.2. The intubation device ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104427A1

One aspect of the present disclosure relates to a reversible airway device. The reversible airway device () can include: a supra-glottic airway support () comprising a multi-lumen tubular guide () and an optional sealing member (); an endotracheal tube (); and at least one seal (). The multi-lumen tubular guide has a distal end portion (), a proximal end portion (), a first passageway () extending between the distal and proximal end portions, and a second passageway () that is non-concentric with the first passageway and also extends between the distal and proximal end portions. The at least one seal is disposed within the first passageway, the second passageway, or both, so as to occlude the flow of a gas through the first passageway and/or the second passageway. The endotracheal tube can be inserted into the first or second passageway and can traverse the seal. 1. A reversible airway device comprising:a multi-lumen tubular guide having a distal end portion, a proximal end portion, a first passageway extending between the distal and proximal end portions, and a second passageway that is non-concentric with the first passageway and also extends between the distal and proximal end portions; andat least one seal disposed within the first passageway, the second passageway, or both, so as to occlude the flow of a gas through the first passageway and/or the second passageway.2. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the distal end portion includes a sealing member coupled thereto.3. The airway device of claim 2 , wherein the sealing member is an inflatable cuff.4. The airway device of claim 3 , wherein the inflatable cuff is a laryngeal mask.5. The airway device of claim 1 , further including a second sealing member that is axially spaced apart from claim 1 , and located proximal to claim 1 , the sealing member.6. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein a seal is disposed within the first passageway at a distal end of the first passageway.7. The airway device of claim 1 , ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Device for facilitating the administration of a medicament to the lung by a catheter

Номер: US20180104429A1
Принадлежит: Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA

A device ( 100 ) for facilitating the positioning of a catheter for the delivery of liquid medicament to spontaneously breathing patient, including: —an elongated main body ( 101 ) shaped to follow the internal shape of the patient's upper airways, the elongated main body ( 101 ) being provided with guiding means ( 107 ) adapted to house a catheter; —a substantially ring-shaped terminal element ( 103 ) adapted to engage the internal wall of the patient's retro-pharynx, the substantially ring-shaped terminal element ( 103 ) being connected to the elongated main body ( 101 ) by means of at least one spoke ( 105 ), the substantially ring-shaped element ( 103 ) and the at least one spoke ( 105 ) creating a chamber where the medicament can be delivered through the catheter.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105453A1

A medical suctioning system includes a device for insertion into an intubated patient's bronchi, the device including a controller end having actuating components that include a control mechanism coupled to a plurality of cables at the controller end, the controller end having a suction control button engaged with a plunger to allow for activation and deactivation of suction through the controller end; a control lever in communication with an articulating lever housed within the controller end, the articulating lever to engage with one or more cables disposed through the controller end and to engage with an articulating tip portion at a distal end opposite the controller end; and a catheter extending away from the controller end to the distal end. 1. A medical suctioning device configured for insertion into an intubated patient's bronchi , the device comprising: a suction control button engaged with a plunger to allow for activation and deactivation of suction through the controller end;', 'a control lever in communication with an articulating lever housed within the controller end, the articulating lever configured to engage with one or more cables disposed through the controller end and configured to engage with an articulating tip portion at a distal end opposite the controller end; and, 'a controller end having actuating components that include a control mechanism coupled to a plurality of cables at the controller end, the controller end havinga catheter extending away from the controller end to a distal end.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a locking switch configured to engage with the suction control button to prevent engagement of the suction control button.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more articulating lever internal arms with one or more grooves for receiving the wire, wherein the one or more articulating lever arms are in communication with the control lever such that the control lever manipulates the arms.4. The device ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Acoustic Ventilation and Respiratory Booster Machine

Номер: US20140190481A1
Автор: JAM Mohammad R.

An acoustic ventilator using feedback control is designed to generate and exert a desired mixture of pressure oscillations into a supply of gas entering a subject's airways to maintain optimal ventilation and perfusion in the lungs. According to the subject's biological specifications and real-time medical condition, computers and human interface control the vibrations in intensity and frequency along with the pressure and composition of blended gases in order to enhance oxygenation and COclearance. Acoustic ventilation will cause the ventilating gases to diffuse through the subject's lungs without the aid of a separate ventilator, and with or without spontaneous breathing. 1. A sonic flue and an acoustic ventilation system comprising:an acoustic signal generator;an acoustic signal transmitter operably connected to the acoustic signal generator;the acoustic signal transmitter having a first acoustic transducer;the first acoustic transducer configured to emit a sound waves configured to improve gas exchange in a patient's pulmonary system;the first acoustic transducer residing within an acoustic housing comprising at least of one acoustic/sonic flue having an inlet and an outlet;the first acoustic transducer positioned proximate to the inlet which is proportionately larger than the outlet;said acoustic flue being in form of a linear, winding, or spiral-shaped gradually narrowing duct with any geometric cross sectional shape, configured to effectively focus and transmit the sound waves toward the outlet;a ventilator operably connected to a respiratory gas conduit;the gas conduit configured to be operably connected to a patient's airways;the gas conduit configured to deliver the sound waves into the patient's airways, and{'sub': '2', 'said ventilator being capable of pushing breathable gases into said airways 0-180 times per minute with pressure undulations of 0-100 cm HO.'}2. The acoustic ventilation system of claim 1 , wherein the sonic flue has a first cross- ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Low-Profile Bifurcated Bilateral Endotracheal-Endobronchial Tube and Methods of Using

Номер: US20160114116A1
Автор: Evans Adele K.

Low-profile bifurcated bilateral endotracheal-endobronchial tube devices and methods for using the devices are provided for airway management in patients with special anatomical or medical issues or for certain complex procedures. Specific endobronchial ventilation, as opposed to endotracheal ventilation, can better facilitate a tracheal repair by protecting the trachea and simultaneously providing an airtight conduit to the bronchi, for example. 1. A device for managing a patient airway , comprising:a single-lumen tracheal tube that bifurcates to two single-lumen bronchial tubes, anda substantially smooth exterior surface.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a substantially smooth interior surface.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is selected or customized for the anatomy of a particular patient.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an opening to accommodate the level of a right superior lobar bronchus as it branches from the right main bronchus.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the opening is on the bifurcated part of the device.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an external cuff.7. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an internal valve.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the internal valve comprises an internal cuff.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the internal diameter of the tracheal tube part of the device is between 2.0-8.5 mm.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is substantially transparent.11. The device of claim 9 , wherein the size and/or ratio between tracheal and bronchial diameters are designed to fit within neonatal claim 9 , early childhood claim 9 , pediatric claim 9 , adolescent claim 9 , adult claim 9 , or large or enlarged adult size trachea and bronchi.12. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is substantially airtight at the junction where the tracheal tube bifurcates to two bronchial tubes.13. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bronchial tubes are asymmetrical.14. A method for ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113011A1
Автор: Efrati Shai
Принадлежит: Hospitech Respiration Ltd.

An endotracheal tube comprises a main lumen for delivering a breathing gas into a lung of a patient, and a cuff, mounted at a distal end of the endotracheal tube, to be located in the subglottal region of the patient. The endotracheal tube also comprises a cuff inflation lumen for inflating the cuff, and at least three additional lumens, other than the main lumen and the cuff inflation lumen, configured for delivering liquid to the subglottal region, for suctioning liquid from the subglottal region, and for venting the subglottal region. 1. An endotracheal tube , comprising:a main lumen for delivering a breathing gas into a lung of a patient;a cuff, mounted at a distal end of the endotracheal tube, to be located in the subglottal region of the patient;a cuff inflation lumen for inflating said cuff; andat least three additional lumens, other than said main lumen and said cuff inflation lumen, configured for delivering liquid to the subglottal region, for suctioning liquid from said subglottal region, and for venting the subglottal region.2. The endotracheal tube according to claim 1 , wherein said at least three additional lumens are arranged in a wall of said main lumen claim 1 , such that one additional lumen is located at one side of said main lumen claim 1 , and two additional lumens are located generally opposite to said one side of said main lumen.3. The endotracheal tube according to claim 2 , wherein said one additional lumen is configured for said venting claim 2 , and said two additional lumens are configured for said delivery of said liquid and said suctioning of said liquid.4. The endotracheal tube according to claim 1 , wherein a proximal end of one of said at least three additional lumens is constructed for selective connection to a suction source or to a liquid source.5. The endotracheal tube according to claim 1 , wherein a proximal end of one of said at least three additional lumens is constructed for selective connection to the atmosphere or to an ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137731A1
Принадлежит: Qool Therapeutics, Inc.

A treatment system delivers a breathing gas and frozen ice or other particles (FSP) to a bronchus of a lung of a patient in order to induce hypothermia. The breathing gas and the FSP are usually delivered through separate lumens. Clogging of an FSP lumen can be inhibited by heating and/or cooling of the lumen. The temperature of exhaled gases or a body temperature may be measured, and a controller can adjust the duration or rate at which the ice particles are delivered in order to control the patient's core temperature based on the measured temperature. 1. A system for lowering a core body temperature of a patient to be used in combination with an external ventilator configured to deliver a breathing gas to a bronchus of a lung of the patient , said system comprising:a tubular device configured for advancement through the patient's trachea to the bronchus, said tubular device having a breathing lumen and a frozen particle (FSP) lumen isolated from the breathing lumen;an external FSP source configured to deliver FSP to the FSP lumen of the tubular device; anda controller configured to adjust the amount or rate of delivery of FSP from the external FSP source through the at least one FSP lumen, whereby a target core temperature of the patient can be achieved and maintained by adjusting the amount or rate of delivery of the FSP; andmeans for inhibiting clogging of the FSP lumen resulting from melting and refreezing of the FSP in the lumen.2. A system as in claim 1 , wherein the means for inhibiting clogging of the FSP lumen comprises a heater configured to heat the FSP lumen to inhibit clogging of the FSP lumen resulting from melting and refreezing of the FSP in the lumen.3. A system as in claim 2 , wherein the heater comprises electrical tracing positioned over at least a portion of the FSP lumen.4. A system as in claim 1 , wherein the means for inhibiting clogging of the FSP lumen comprises a cooler configured to cool the FSP lumen to inhibit clogging of the FSP lumen ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122251A1

A kink resistant endotracheal tube intubation device and a method for using the device are provided. The kink resistant endotracheal tube intubation device has a first tube portion in operable connection with a second tube portion. The first and second tube portions of the endotracheal tube intubation may be integrated into one piece or formed of two or more portions that are in operable attachment. The first tube portion is preferably substantially rigid and it has a lumen for dispensing gas or fluids, for example to anesthetize a patient. 2. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter of the second tube portion is between about 0.5 mm and about 10 mm larger than the outer diameter of the first tube portion.3. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter of the second tube portion is between about 0.5 mm and about 3 mm larger than the outer diameter of the first tube portion.4. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter of the second tube portion is about 1 mm larger than the outer diameter of the first tube portion.5. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the second tube portion has a spiral design that provides flexibility for the second tube portion.6. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 6 , wherein the second tube portion is a flexible extension of the first tube portion.7. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the internal guide comprises a non-toxic metal.8. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the internal guide is disposed on an inner surface of the second tube portion.9. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the internal guide is integral with an inner surface of the second tube portion.10. An endotracheal tube intubation device of for use in an endotracheal intubation procedure.11. An endotracheal tube intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the second ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Fluid input module for multi-lumen catheters

Номер: US20160121066A1
Принадлежит: Airway Medix Sp zoo

A cleaning catheter ( 200 ) includes fluid-delivery and suction lumens ( 520, 530 ). A flow regulator ( 700 ) defines suction and fluid ports ( 830, 827 ). A mechanical user control element ( 320 ) is configured to mechanically and non-electrically set activation states of the flow regulator ( 700 ), and transition between first and third configurations via a second configuration. When the control element ( 320 ) is in the first configuration, the flow regulator ( 700 ) blocks fluid communication (a) between the suction port ( 830 ) and the suction lumen ( 530 ) and (b) between the fluid port ( 827 ) and the fluid-delivery lumen ( 520 ). When the control element ( 320 ) is in the second configuration, the flow regulator effects fluid communication between the suction port ( 830 ) and the suction lumen ( 530 ), and blocks fluid communication between the fluid port ( 827 ) and the fluid-delivery lumen ( 520 ). When the control element ( 320 ) is in the third configuration, the flow regulator ( 700 ) effects fluid communication (a) between the suction port ( 830 ) and the suction lumen ( 530 ) and (b) between the fluid port ( 827 ) and the fluid-delivery lumen ( 520 ).

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128692A1
Принадлежит: CS Medical, Inc.

A system selectively delivers either breath-synchronized, flow-targeted ventilation (BSFTV) or closed-system positive pressure ventilation (CSPPV) to augment respiration of a patient with a standard tracheal tube. A removable adaptor has a cap that can be removably attached to the proximal connector of the tracheal tube in BSFTV mode, and an inner cannula that extends within the tracheal tube to effectively divide it into two lumens. The adaptor includes a ventilator connector for removably engaging a ventilator hose to deliver air/oxygen through the adaptor and one lumen of the tracheal tube with a flow rate varying over each respiratory cycle in a predetermined waveform synchronized with the patient's respiratory cycle to augment the patient's spontaneous respiration. The adaptor also includes a port allowing the spontaneously-breathing patient to freely inhale and exhale in open exchange with the atmosphere through the other lumen. 2. The method of wherein the sensor is attached to the inner cannula.3. The method of wherein the adaptor further comprises a gas sampling tube extending along the inner cannula leading to the sensor.4. The method of wherein the sensor comprises a flow sensor monitoring the patient's spontaneous respiration through the first lumen in the tracheal tube.5. The method of wherein the sensor comprises a thermistor monitoring the patient's spontaneous respiration through the first lumen in the tracheal tube.6. The method of wherein the sensor comprises a pressure transducer monitoring the patient's spontaneous respiration through the first lumen in the tracheal tube.7. The method of wherein the sensor comprises a carbon dioxide sensor monitoring the patient's spontaneous respiration through the first lumen in the tracheal tube. The present application is a continuation of the Applicant's U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/268,234, entitled “System For Providing Flow-Targeted Ventilation Synchronized To A Patient's Breathing Cycle,” filed on ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200121874A1
Автор: NOLAN Clay
Принадлежит: CoLabs Medical, Inc.

Devices and methods for allowing for improved assisted ventilation of a patient. The methods and devices provide a number of benefits over conventional approaches for assisted ventilation. For example, the methods and devices described herein permit blind insertion of a device that can allow ventilation regardless of whether the device is positioned within a trachea or an esophagus. 1inserting a ventilation device within a natural respiratory opening of the individual by advancing a working end of the ventilation device within a body passageway of the individual, where the working end includes a distal opening fluidly coupled to a first lumen and a medial opening fluidly coupled to a second lumen;drawing suction through the distal opening and maintaining the suction for a period of time; selecting the first lumen as the ventilation lumen if the tissue of the body passageway does not seal the first opening; or', 'selecting the second lumen as the ventilation lumen if the tissue of the body passageway seals the first opening; and, 'determining a ventilation lumen from the first lumen or second lumen by'}ventilating the patient through the ventilation lumen.. A method for ventilating an individual, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/981,465 filed Dec. 28, 2015, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/296,298 filed Jun. 4, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,220,858, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/659,699 filed Oct. 24, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,776,796, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/569,169 filed Dec. 9, 2011, the content of each of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.Intubation is the placement of a tube of an intubation device into an airway lumen of the body of a patient to provide assisted ventilation of the lungs to maintain a supply of oxygen to the blood in those cases where the patient is unable to ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144134A1
Автор: DUBACH Werner F.

Thus far, it has not been possible to produce laryngeal masks having a supraglottic tube as a one-piece unit. If the supraglottic tube () is provided with three lumens (), the center one () of which has no passage to the respiration room (), the invention provides a solution. The invention proposes that the center guide lumen is provided with a longitudinal slit () extending from the distal end () to the laryngeal mask head (). Thus, a connecting web can be attached between the two cores or sliders forming the lumens, generating the desired stability in order to maintain the pressing power tool state without deformation. 1. A laryngeal mask comprising a supraglottic tube for insertion of a laryngeal mask head over a larynx , wherein the supraglottic tube comprises: (a) a respiration lumen , which serves to supply respiration air and for instrumentation , (b) an esophageal lumen , which serves to provide esophageal access , and (c) a guide lumen that runs medially in between the respiration lumen and the esophageal lumen and is closed at a proximal end , whereinthe supraglottic tube and the laryngeal mask head are manufactured by injection molding in one piece, and wherein a connecting slot, which connects the guide lumen and at least one of the respiration lumen and the esophageal lumen, runs over at least a portion of the length of the supraglottic tube from a distal end and runs between the at least one of the respiration lumen and the esophageal lumen and the guide lumen.2. The laryngeal mask according to claim 1 , whereinthe connecting slot connects the respiration lumen with the guide lumen.3. The laryngeal mask according to claim 1 , whereinthe connecting slot connects the esophageal lumen to the guide lumen.4. The laryngeal mask according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the connecting slot extends at least over one-fourth of the total length of the supraglottic tube from the proximal end to the distal end.5. The laryngeal mask according to claim 1 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220280737A1
Автор: Kim Chong S.

An airway device facilitates the insertion of an ETT into a patient, the delivery of oxygenated air into a patient, an exchange of the pre-inserted ETT in an intubated patient, and an evaluation of the larynx and trachea in an intubated patient, The device comprises an overtube having a mask section attached to a distal portion of the overtube. An inflatable bladder affixed to the mask section includes a shape and surface configured to seamlessly contact the circumference of the elliptical construction of the laryngeal opening. Once the inflatable bladder is positioned adjacent the laryngeal opening enhanced sealing properties are created so that the axis of the airflow entering the device matches the axis of the trachea, allowing for the improved delivery of oxygenated air into the patient's lungs. The specific utilization of the bladder allows for the device to be constructed smaller than a typical airway device, which may more easily facilitate the insertion process. Additionally, the device may provide a seamless transition into endotracheal intubation when necessary. 1. An airway device , comprising:an overtube having a proximal end and a distal end; a spine section comprising an esophageal obturator protruding from a distal end of the spine section; and', an inlet portion disposed adjacent the overtube;', 'an inflatable bladder anchored to the spine section a distance from the inlet portion;', 'a sheath spanning along the spine from the inlet portion to the inflatable bladder; and', 'a tunnel section disposed within the sheath and extending from the inlet portion to the inflatable bladder; and, 'an expandable body disposed on a proximal portion of the spine section, the expandable body including], 'a mask section attached to the distal end of the overtube, the mask section includingwherein the mask section is configured for radially retracting soft tissue away from the laryngeal opening to create an unobstructed path into the trachea of the patient and sealing ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129716A1
Автор: Horzewski Michael J.
Принадлежит: Qool Therapeutics, Inc.

Apparatus for transporting particles through a patient's trachea into the respiratory system include a delivery tube having at least a ventilation lumen and a particle delivery lumen. The delivery tube has a centering device near its distal tip, such as a balloon eccentrically mounted on the tube to position an outlet of the particle delivery lumen near a centerline of the trachea above the carina branching into the right and left bronchus. A proximal end of the delivery tube connects to a source of particles, and a controller may be provided to adjust a rate and/or an amount of the particles delivered to the patient. In a specific example, frozen particles are delivered to control core body temperature. In other instances, the particle may be a medicament or other substance for effecting other therapies or diagnostic procedures. 1. A particle delivery tube comprising:a tracheal tube having a distal region, a proximal region, a ventilation lumen, and a solid particle (SP) lumen;a proximal hub connected to the proximal region of the tracheal tube; anda centering cuff having a centerline, said centering cuff positioned over an exterior of the distal region of the tracheal tube;wherein the SP lumen extends along one side of the tracheal tube and wherein the centering cuff is eccentrically positioned about the exterior of the distal region of the tracheal tube so that a centerline of the SP lumen is aligned with the centerline of the centering cuff at a distal face of the tracheal tube.2. The particle delivery tube of claim 1 , wherein the centerlines of the SP lumen and the centerline of the centering cuff are aligned over at least 1 cm of the distal region of the tracheal tube.3. The particle delivery tube of claim 2 , wherein the centerlines of the SP lumen and the centerline of the centering cuff are aligned over at least 2 cm of the distal region of the tracheal tube.4. The particle delivery tube of claim 1 , wherein the centerlines of the SP lumen and the ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170143919A1
Автор: Fujii Anri

Provided is a cuff having a trunk portion capable of deflation and inflation. The trunk portion in a state of the inflation is rotationally symmetric with respect to a prescribed axis and has a tapered part whose diameter gradually increases centering at the prescribed axis as it goes from one end side towards the other end side of the prescribed axis. An angle made by the prescribed axis and the tapered part is greater than or equal to 10° and less than or equal to 12°. A wrinkle area ratio as a ratio between a wrinkle area of a part of the trunk portion where wrinkles form and a contact area of a part of the trunk portion contacting an inner wall of a trachea in a state in which the trunk portion is inflated in the trachea is less than or equal to 4.4%. 1. A cuff having a trunk portion capable of deflation and inflation , whereinthe trunk portion in a state of the inflation is rotationally symmetric with respect to a prescribed axis and has a tapered part whose diameter gradually increases centering at the prescribed axis as it goes from one end side towards the other end side of the prescribed axis, an angle made by the prescribed axis and the tapered part is greater than or equal to 10° and less than or equal to 12°, anda wrinkle area ratio as a ratio between a wrinkle area of a part of the trunk portion where wrinkles form and a contact area of a part of the trunk portion contacting an inner wall of a trachea in a state in which the trunk portion is inflated in the trachea is less than or equal to 4.4%.2. The cuff according to claim 1 , wherein a film thickness of the trunk portion is greater than or equal to 0.06 mm and less than 0.15 mm.3. The cuff according to claim 1 , wherein the trunk portion is formed with a material having a Young's modulus greater than or equal to 0.32 MPa and less than or equal to 0.39 MPa.4. A tracheal tube comprising{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a tube main body equipped with the cuff according to , wherein'}the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Airway Cuff Pressure Monitoring Device and Method

Номер: US20200139062A1

The present invention includes cuff pressure monitoring device including a pressure sensor for monitoring pressure inside an airway device cuff; a T-junction coupled to the pressure sensor and capable of being placed in fluid communication with the airway device cuff and in fluid communication with an air source, wherein the T-junction is disposable; one or more electronics units coupled to the pressure sensor with a cable, wherein the cable is disposable; and a human interface coupled to the one or more electronics units, comprising one or more controls, one or more displays, or one or more sound-producing devices. 1. A cuff pressure monitoring device comprising:a pressure sensor for monitoring pressure inside an airway device cuff;a T-junction coupled to the pressure sensor and capable of being placed in fluid communication with the airway device cuff and in fluid communication with an air source, wherein the T-junction is disposable;one or more electronics units coupled to the pressure sensor with a cable, wherein the cable is disposable; anda human interface coupled to the one or more electronics units, comprising one or more controls, one or more displays, or one or more sound-producing devices.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a power source or a connection to a power source.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the power source comprises a rechargeable battery.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an amplifier coupled to the pressure sensor and the one or more electronics units to amplify a signal from the pressure sensor.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a controllable pressure release valve in fluid communication with the cuff and capable of being operated automatically or manually.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the controllable pressure release valve is operated by the one or more electronics units or is programmable and not operated by the one or more electronics units.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151405A1
Автор: Fujii Anri

Disclosed herein is a tracheal tube including a tube main body and a cuff that is mounted to the tube main body and has a barrel portion capable of being deflated and inflated. A covering region that covers a tracheal inner wall of a trachea in a state in which the barrel portion is inflated in the trachea has a contact part that gets contact with the tracheal inner wall and a wrinkle part that does not get contact with the tracheal inner wall, and the wrinkle part includes a first wrinkle and a second wrinkle that extends in a direction intersecting a predetermined part of the first wrinkle and has a termination part that does not intersect the predetermined part and terminates at such a position as to sandwich the contact part with the predetermined part. 1. A tracheal tube comprising:a tube main body; anda cuff that is mounted to the tube main body and has a barrel portion capable of being deflated and inflated, whereina covering region that covers a tracheal inner wall of a trachea in a state in which the barrel portion is inflated in the trachea has a contact part that gets contact with the tracheal inner wall and a wrinkle part that does not get contact with the tracheal inner wall, and the wrinkle part includes a first wrinkle and a second wrinkle that extends in a direction intersecting a predetermined part of the first wrinkle and has a termination part that does not intersect the predetermined part and terminates at such a position as to sandwich the contact part with the predetermined part.2. The tracheal tube according to claim 1 , wherein the termination part extends toward a circumferential direction of the tube main body relative to an extension direction at the predetermined part of the first wrinkle.3. The tracheal tube according to claim 2 , wherein at least one end of the first wrinkle reaches a distal rim or a proximal rim of the covering region.4. The tracheal tube according to claim 1 , wherein the termination part extends toward a center axis ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160157708A1
Принадлежит: ETVIEW LTD.

An endobronchial tube comprising at least two lumens of different lengths for selectively associating with a patient about at least two locations relative to the Tracheal Carina. said tube comprising: a first lumen having an open distal end that associates proximally to the Carina within the Trachea, with a first inflatable cuff; a second lumen having an open distal end that extends distally, past the Carina and associates within one of the Left Bronchial branch and Right Bronchial branch with a second inflatable cuff; a dedicated image sensor lumen spanning the length of said first lumen, the dedicated image sensor lumen comprising an image sensor and illumination source disposed adjacent to the distal end of said first lumen, and configured to provide an image of the Tracheal bifurcation of the Tracheal Carina, the openings of the Left Bronchial branch, and the opening Right Bronchial branch; and at least one dedicated cleaning lumen disposed parallel with said dedicated image sensor lumen along the length of said endobronchial tube and wherein said cleaning lumen is configured to forms a cleaning nozzle at the distal end, wherein said cleaning nozzle is directed toward said image sensor lumen at its distal end. 1. An endobronchial tube having proximal and distal ends comprising:a) a midline partition dividing said endobronchial tube into a tracheal ventilation tube and a bronchial ventilation tube, each having proximal and distal ends; wherein said tracheal ventilation tube and said bronchial ventilation tube are configured to have different lengths, wherein said bronchial ventilation tube extends beyond said tracheal ventilation tube such that said bronchial ventilation tube distal end is located distally to said tracheal ventilation tube distal end;b) a wall of said endobronchial tube; said wall comprising a plurality of channels formed within said wall, each channel having a proximal end adjacent to said endobronchial tube proximal end, said plurality of ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

System for providing flow-targeted ventilation synchronized to a patient's breathing cycle

Номер: US20140238398A1
Принадлежит: CS Medical Inc

A system selectively delivers either breath-synchronized, flow-targeted ventilation (BSFTV) or closed-system positive pressure ventilation (CSPPV) to augment respiration of a patient with a standard tracheal tube. A removable adaptor has a cap that can be removably attached to the proximal connector of the tracheal tube in BSFTV mode, and an inner cannula that extends within the tracheal tube to effectively divide it into two lumens. The adaptor includes a ventilator connector for removably engaging a ventilator hose to deliver air/oxygen through the adaptor and one lumen of the tracheal tube with a flow rate varying over each respiratory cycle in a predetermined waveform synchronized with the patient's respiratory cycle to augment the patient's spontaneous respiration. The adaptor also includes a port allowing the spontaneously-breathing patient to freely inhale and exhale in open exchange with the atmosphere through the other lumen.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153739A1
Принадлежит: Qool Therapeutics, Inc.

A treatment system delivers a breathing gas and frozen ice or other particles (FSP) to a bronchus of a lung of a patient in order to induce hypothermia. The breathing gas and the FSP are usually delivered through separate lumens. Clogging of an FSP lumen can be inhibited by heating and/or cooling of the lumen. The temperature of exhaled gases or a body temperature may be measured, and a controller can adjust the duration or rate at which the ice particles are delivered in order to control the patient's core temperature based on the measured temperature. 1. A method for lowering a core body temperature of a patient , said method comprising:delivering a breathing gas to a bronchus of a lung of the patient through a breathing lumen; anddelivering frozen particles (FSP) from an FSP source to the lung bronchus through a FSP lumen separate from the breathing lumen;wherein the FSP exit the FSP lumen into the bronchus and are dispersed in the breathing gas within the bronchus and wherein the dispersed FSP melt in the lung bronchus and lung to lower the core body temperature of the patient.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the breathing gas is delivered during at least a portion of some of the patient's inhalation cycles but not during the patient's exhalation cycles.3. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the FSP source is external to the patient and delivering frozen particles (FSP) to the lung bronchus comprises delivering pre-formed FSP from the FSP source.4. A method as in claim 3 , further comprising inhibiting clogging of the FSP lumen during delivery of the FSP.5. A method as in claim 4 , wherein inhibiting clogging of the FSP lumen during delivery of the FSP comprises heating the FSP lumen.6. A method as in claim 4 , wherein inhibiting clogging of the FSP lumen during delivery of the FSP comprises cooling the FSP lumen.7. A method as in claim 4 , wherein inhibiting clogging comprises inhibiting a flow of exhalation gases into the FSP lumen.8. A method as in claim 7 , ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150164310A1
Автор: Holt Eric Franklin

Infrared illuminated airway management devices having an infrared lighting element that can be observed with night vision and/or thermal vision devices and airway management kits including such devices. Endotracheal intubation systems containing a tube introducer having an infrared lighting element. Methods of preparing an open airway by activating an infrared lighting element and inserting at least the distal end of an airway management device into the lumen of an airway, where at least the distal end of the device is illuminated by infrared radiation, as anatomical structures and/or the distal end of the AMD are observed with an infrared detection device. Cricothytoray devices having a retractable cutting edge and an optional infrared lighting element. 1. An infrared illuminated airway management device comprising:an airway management device (AMD), andan infrared (IR) lighting element.2. The infrared illuminated airway management device of claim 1 , wherein the infrared (IR) lighting element has a thermal signature.3. The infrared illuminated airway management device of claim 1 , wherein the AMD is an intubating stylet claim 1 , a bougie claim 1 , an endotracheal tube claim 1 , a double lumen airway claim 1 , an oropharyngeal airway claim 1 , a nasopharyngeal airway claim 1 , a laryngeal mask airway claim 1 , a suction device claim 1 , a retrograde intubation guide claim 1 , or a Magill forceps.4. The infrared illuminated airway management device of claim 1 , wherein the IR lighting element comprises (a) an infrared light emitting diode (IR LED) claim 1 , (b) a near-infrared light emitting diode claim 1 , (c) an infrared transmission filtered visible light source claim 1 , (d) a infrared laser diode claim 1 , (e) a fiberoptic source claim 1 , or (f) an infrared chemiluminescent lighting element.5. The infrared illuminated airway management device of claim 1 , wherein the IR lighting element is removably attached to the AMD.6. The infrared illuminated airway ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165441A1

A tracheal tube apparatus includes a cannula having first and second ends. An inflatable cuff is formed on the cannula between the first and second ends. A conduit extends from the cuff for introducing an inflating fluid into the cuff when it is desired to inflate the cuff and removing inflating fluid from the cuff when it is desired to deflate the cuff. A gauge for indicating the inflation pressure of the cuff is coupled in the conduit. 1. An endotracheal tube apparatus including an outer cannula having first and second ends , a fenestration along the length of the outer cannula between the first and second ends , an inflatable cuff formed on the outer cannula between the fenestration and the second end , a first conduit extending from the cuff for introducing an inflating fluid into the cuff when it is desired to inflate the cuff and removing inflating fluid from the cuff when it is desired to deflate the cuff and an inner cannula sized selectively to be inserted into , and removed from , the outer cannula , the inner cannula including a second conduit to evacuate a region of a trachea of a wearer adjacent the cuff , the second conduit including an opening which lies adjacent the closest point in the fenestration to the cuff when the inner cannula is selectively inserted into a use orientation in the outer cannula.2. The apparatus according to further including a gauge for indicating the inflation pressure of the cuff claim 1 , the gauge coupled in the first conduit.3. The apparatus according to further including a one-way valve at an end of the first conduit remote from the cuff claim 2 , the one-way valve preventing escape of inflating fluid from the cuff.4. The apparatus according to further including a one-way valve at an end of the first conduit remote from the cuff claim 1 , the one-way valve preventing escape of inflating fluid from the cuff.5. The apparatus according to wherein the cuff comprises a sleeve including a first end claim 1 , a second end claim ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Bi-functional intubating and ventilating supraglottic airway

Номер: US20200155781A1
Автор: Glenn P. Gardner
Принадлежит: Individual

A bi-functional intubating and ventilating supraglottic airway includes a supraglottic bowl defining a distal end, a neck extending outward of the supraglottic bowl and defining a proximal end, and a longitudinally extending intubation conduit formed therethrough. The supraglottic bowl includes a cuff and defines a bowl surface, wherein the intubation conduit extends from the proximal end of the neck to an opening in the bowl surface, and wherein the intubation conduit is configured to have an endotracheal tube inserted therethrough. At least one fluid flow channel is formed longitudinally through a wall of the supraglottic airway, collaterally to the intubation conduit, from the proximal end to the bowl surface within the supraglottic bowl.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200155807A1

A catheter includes: a tubular member having a first end, a second end, a body extending between the first end and the second end, and a first lumen in the body; a first flexible line having at least a segment located in the first lumen of the body; and a first anchor at an end of the first flexible line, the first anchor having a cross sectional dimension that is larger than a cross sectional dimension of the first lumen; wherein the first anchor is configured to apply a compression force against an exterior surface at the first end of the tubular member in response to tension applied through the first flexible line. 1. A catheter comprising:a tubular member having a first end, a second end, a body extending between the first end and the second end, and a first lumen in the body;a first flexible line having at least a segment located in the first lumen of the body; anda first anchor at an end of the first flexible line, the first anchor having a cross sectional dimension that is larger than a cross sectional dimension of the first lumen;wherein the first anchor is configured to apply a compression force against an exterior surface at the first end of the tubular member in response to tension applied through the first flexible line.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a first operational mode claim 1 , the first anchor is configured to engage against the first end of the tubular member to allow a bending of the tubular member to occur based on the tension applied through the first flexible line; andwherein, in a second operational mode, the first anchor is moveable away from the first end of the tubular member in response to a pushing force applied through the first flexible line.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the tubular member comprises a second lumen in the body.4. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the first anchor comprises a spherical configuration or an ellipsoidal configuration.5. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the first anchor and the ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174352A1

The present disclosure describes systems and methods that utilize a multi-lumen tube with an integral visualization apparatus, such as a camera. The multi-lumen tracheal tube system may include a camera apparatus that is positioned to facilitate left or right bronchial intubation. In addition, the camera apparatus may be a unitary assembly that functions to hold and position the camera relative to the tube and provides an acceptable profile for comfortable intubation. The camera apparatus may include additional components, such as integral light sources and flushing or cleaning devices to remove any buildup from the camera or optical components. 1. A tracheal tube , comprising:a first ventilation lumen having a first distal end and a first proximal end;a second ventilation lumen adjacent to the first lumen, the second ventilation lumen having a second distal end and a second proximal end, and wherein the second ventilation lumen is longer than the first ventilation lumen; and a housing comprising a distal surface and a proximal surface; and', 'a camera associated with the housing, wherein the camera is oriented away from the proximal surface of the visualization device., 'a visualization device associated with the tracheal tube proximate to the first distal end of the first ventilation lumen, the visualization device comprising2. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the visualization device comprises a partial annulus that partially surrounds the first ventilation lumen or the second ventilation lumen.3. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the camera is disposed within a recess in the distal surface of the housing.4. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the housing conforms to the tracheal tube claim 1 , and wherein at least a portion of the housing is embedded within an outer wall of the first ventilation lumen.5. The tracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the visualization device comprises at least one light emitting diode disposed on or in the distal surface ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Secretion clearing ventilation catheter and airway management system

Номер: US20140251339A1
Автор: John Allen Pacey
Принадлежит: Individual

A pulmonary secretion clearing ventilation catheter and related airway management system is disclosed. The ventilation catheter has a double lumen portion which each lumen of the double lumen portion operably secured to an airway management system so that inspiratory fluid (air/oxygen mixtures, with or without added water vapor) is delivered to the distal end of the ventilation catheter through one of the two lumens and expired inspiratory fluid, pulmonary secretions, and pulmonary fluids are removed from the patent through the other lumen. The expiratory fluid pathway preferably includes a secretion collection system for removing the pulmonary secretions and the like from the pathway, thereby improving operation and safety of the system. An improved inflatable cuff is also disclosed that permits a slight air leakage in the pneumatic seal between the patient's lungs and the environment, thereby facilitating removal of pulmonary secretions from the patient's lungs.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169363A1

A tracheal tube apparatus includes a cannula having first and second ends. An inflatable cuff is formed on the cannula between the first and second ends. A conduit extends from the cuff for introducing an inflating fluid into the cuff when it is desired to inflate the cuff and removing inflating fluid from the cuff when it is desired to deflate the cuff. A gauge for indicating the inflation pressure of the cuff is coupled in the conduit. 1. (canceled)2. An endotracheal tube apparatus comprising:an outer cannula configured for insertion through a mouth of a wearer, down a pharynx of the wearer, through a glottis of the wearer, and into a trachea of the wearer, the outer cannula including a fenestration along a length of the outer cannula,an inflatable cuff formed on the outer cannula adjacent to the fenestration and the second end,a first conduit extending from the cuff for introducing an inflating fluid into the cuff when it is desired to inflate the cuff and removing inflating fluid from the cuff when it is desired to deflate the cuff, anda plurality of inner cannulas sized to be selectively and separately inserted into, and removed from, the outer cannula,wherein the plurality of inner cannulas include a first inner cannula including a first and second lumen, the second lumen configured to evacuate a region of the trachea of the wearer adjacent the cuff, the second lumen including an opening which lies adjacent the closest point in the fenestration to the cuff when the first inner cannula is selectively inserted into a use orientation in the outer cannula.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a gauge for indicating an inflation pressure of the cuff claim 2 , the gauge coupled in the first conduit.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a one-way valve at an end of the first conduit remote from the cuff claim 3 , the one-way valve preventing escape of inflating fluid from the cuff.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a one-way valve ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261407A1
Принадлежит: Patient Centered Medical Incorporated

The aspiration catheters, systems and methods include a catheter having an elongated body with a cross-section having a flat side and a curve near the distal end. The first side of the cross-section can contact a first side of a delivery lumen in a first orientation, and a second side of the cross-section contacts the first side of the delivery lumen in a second orientation rotated 180° from the first orientation. The curve can be directed 90° relative to a normal of the flat side. The systems and methods can utilize two catheters, and a key joint formed with the two catheters which can rotationally fix the catheters with respect to each other, and the first and second catheters each include at least one pre-formed curve near the distal end. The two catheters can be moved proximally and distally for positioning in the right and left bronchi. 1. A catheter for insertion into a body lumen of a patient , comprising:a distal end configured for insertion into the body lumen of the patient;a proximal end;an elongated body extending between the proximal and distal ends and having a cross-section that includes, over at least a portion of the elongated body, a first side that is flat and a second side on an opposite side of the cross-section from the first side; andat least one lumen extending through the elongated body from the proximal end to the distal end,wherein the elongated body includes at least one pre-formed curve near the distal end,wherein, when the distal end is adapted for insertion into the body lumen of the patient, the first side of the cross-section contacts a first inner side of a delivery lumen of the catheter when the catheter is in a first orientation, and the second side of the cross-section contacts the first inner side of the delivery lumen of the catheter when the catheter is in a second orientation, the second orientation being a 180° rotation of the catheter about a longitudinal axis of the elongated body relative to the first orientation, ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190167932A1
Автор: Einav Elad, ZACHAR Oron

A system for oral care of patients ventilated with an ETT tube comprising: a deformable fluid blocking element reversibly mountable around an ETT (for example, side-mountable thereon), the fluid blocking element having: a midsection channel sized to fit snugly and reversibly around the ventilation tube when the fluid blocking element is mounted thereto; and an outer surface configured, when the fluid blocking element is mounted, to fit snugly and reversibly into the back of the mouth of an adult human patient so as to span both lateral left-to-right tonsils and tongue-soft palate dimensions thereof, wherein the fluid blocking element is reversibly inflatable to simultaneously press against the soft pallet and the tongue and/or the fluid blocking element is collapsible and outwardly biased so that when placed in the back of the human mouth, the fluid blocking element expands so as to simultaneously press against the soft pallet and the tongue. Methods and kits are also disclosed herein. 1. A reversibly/side mountable system for oral care of patients ventilated with an endotracheal tube (ETT) , the system comprising: (i) a midsection channel sized to fit snugly and reversibly around the ETT when the fluid blocking element is mounted thereto; and', '(ii) an outer surface configured, when the fluid blocking element is mounted, to fit snugly and reversibly into the back of the mouth of an adult human patient so as to span both lateral left-to-right tonsils and tongue-soft palate dimensions thereof,', 'wherein the fluid blocking element is configured so that when mounted to the ETT, (A) the fluid blocking element is reversibly inflatable to simultaneously press against the soft palate and the tongue and/or (B) the fluid blocking element is collapsible and outwardly biased so that when placed in the back of the human mouth, the fluid blocking element expands so as to simultaneously press against the soft palate and the tongue., 'a deformable fluid blocking element ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150182716A1
Принадлежит: the University of Maryland, Baltimore

Techniques for emergency apneic oxygenation include a cannula having a longitudinal inner passage with an inner diameter. A distal portion has a first outer diameter greater than the inner diameter, and is made of shape memory material shaped to bend in a first direction along the inner passage. A cannula base has a second outer diameter greater than the first outer diameter. A distance from a distal end of the cannula to a proximal end of the distal portion of the cannula is less than a distance from a surface of a throat of a subject to a distal surface of an airway of the subject. The inner passage is configured to pass a catheter connected at a proximal end to an oxygen source. In various embodiments, the cannula is used with a trocar and, optionally, a system base, or supplied in a kit with a catheter. 1. A cannula for emergency apneic oxygenation comprising:a longitudinal inner passage having an inner diameter;a distal portion having a first outer diameter greater than the inner diameter, wherein the cannula is shaped in the distal portion to bend in a first direction along the inner passage, and wherein the distal portion is made of shape memory material; anda cannula base having a second outer diameter greater than the first outer diameter, a distance from a distal end of the cannula to a proximal end of the distal portion of the cannula is less than a distance from a surface of a throat of a target subject to a distal surface of an airway of the target subject, and', 'the inner passage is configured to pass a catheter connected at a proximal end to an oxygen source., 'wherein'}2. A cannula as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first outer diameter is less than 10 millimeters.3. A cannula as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first outer diameter is in a range from about 3 millimeters to about 4 millimeters and the inner diameter is in a range from about 2 millimeters to about 3 millimeters.4. A cannula as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a straight ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Electrically-Responsive Hydrogels

Номер: US20190175876A1

Implants comprising electrically-responsive hydrogel are described. Systems to provide electricity to induce response in hydrogel-containing implants are described. Methods for utilizing said system and methods for utilizing said hydrogel-containing implants are described. 1. A system for electrically inducing a change in state of a hydrogel of a medical implant comprising:the medical implant comprising the hydrogel; anda voltage source linked to the medical implant comprising the hydrogel;wherein the electrical current is configured to travel in a first direction between the voltage source and the hydrogel of the medical implant to control contraction and/or expansion of the hydrogel of the medical implant.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a patch attachable to a patient's skin.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the patch is connected to a positive terminal of the voltage source and the hydrogel of the medical implant is connected to a negative terminal of the voltage source.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an H-bridge.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the H-bridge has a first configuration wherein the hydrogel of the medical implant is connected to a positive terminal of the voltage source and a second configuration wherein the hydrogel of the medical implant is connected to a negative terminal of the voltage source.6. The system of claim 4 , further comprising:a switch integrated between the voltage source and the H-Bridge; anda pulse width modulator;the switch being selectively operable to connect the pulse width modulator to the voltage source.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the H-Bridge has a first configuration wherein the hydrogel of the medical implant is connected to a positive terminal of the voltage source and a second configuration wherein the hydrogel of the medical implant is connected to a negative terminal of the voltage source.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the medical implant is one of a group consisting of: an ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160192829A1
Автор: POH Teck, POULSEN Sylwia

An endoscopy device () for facilitating use of an endoscope, comprising at least one airway tube () and a mask () having a distal end (), a proximal end () and a peripheral formation ξβ) capable of conforming to, and fitting within, the actual and potential space behind the larynx of the patient to form a seal around the circumference of the laryngeal inlet, the peripheral formation () establishing separation between a laryngeal; chamber side () and a pharyngeal side (), the device further comprising a conduit () adapted for passage of an endoscope into the oesophagus of a patient when mask () is in place, conduit () including a distal end for cooperation with the oesophageal sphincter, the conduit having a laryngeal side (), a pharyngeal side (), a right side () and a left side (), and an outlet wherein at the outlet the width between the left side and the right side is smaller than the width of the conduit. 1. An endoscopy device for facilitating the use of an endoscope , comprising at least one airway tube and a mask carried at one end of the at least one airway tube , the mask having a distal end and a proximal end and a peripheral formation capable of conforming to , and of fitting within , the actual and potential space behind the larynx of the patient so as to form a seal around the circumference of the laryngeal inlet , the peripheral formation surrounding a hollow interior space or lumen of the mask and the at least one airway tube opening into the lumen of the mask , the peripheral formation establishing separation between a laryngeal chamber side and a pharyngeal side , the device further comprising a conduit adapted for passage of an endoscope into the oesophagus of a patient when the mask is in place , the conduit including a distal end for cooperation with the oesophageal sphincter of the patient , the conduit having a laryngeal side , a pharyngeal side , and with respect thereto , a right side and a left side , and an outlet wherein at the outlet the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Medical Devices and Methods for Providing Access to a Bodily Passage During Dilation

Номер: US20140277066A1

Medical devices and methods of treatment are described herein. More particularly, medical devices and methods for providing access to a bodily passage during dilation are described herein. An exemplary medical device comprises an elongate member and a balloon. The elongate member is moveable between a first, non-expanded configuration and a second, expanded configuration. 1. A medical device comprising:an elongate member having an elongate member proximal end, an elongate member distal end, an elongate member axial length extending from the elongate member proximal end to the elongate member distal end, a device lumen extending through the elongate member, an inflation lumen, and an elongate member body having a first wall thickness and a second wall thickness, a first portion of the elongate member axial length extending from the elongate member distal end toward the elongate member proximal end and a second portion of the elongate member axial length extending from the elongate member proximal end to the first portion of the elongate member axial length, the first wall thickness disposed on the first portion of the elongate member axial length and the second wall thickness disposed on the second portion of the elongate member axial length, the first wall thickness being less than the second wall thickness, the first portion of the elongate member axial length adapted to move between a first, non-expanded configuration and a second, expanded configuration, the elongate member distal end having a first outside diameter when in the first, non-expanded configuration and a second outside diameter when in the second, expanded configuration, the second outside diameter being greater than the first outside diameter; anda balloon disposed on at least a portion of the first portion of the elongate member axial length, the balloon having a balloon chamber in communication with the inflation lumen and adapted to move between a first, deflated configuration and a second, ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202396A1

This document provides endotracheal tube designs with features that can improve the efficacy, patient safety, and efficiency of endobronchial access. For example, this document provides endotracheal tube designs with features for atraumatic passage of the tube's distal tip through the vocal folds. In addition, this document provides endotracheal tubes that have variations in strength and flexibility properties along the length of the tube in an advantageous pattern to enhance the efficacy of the endotracheal tube. 1. An endotracheal tube comprising:an elongate tubular body that defines an inner working channel, the elongate tubular body comprising a tubular wall and having two auxiliary lumens that are defined within the tubular wall, wherein an outer shape of a transverse cross-section of at least a first portion of the elongate tubular body is an oblong shape;a reinforcing member that is embedded within the tubular wall;a connector that extends from a proximal end of the elongate tubular body, wherein the connector is configured for attachment to a respiratory machine; anda distal tip that extends from a distal end of the elongate tubular body, wherein the distal tip has a beveled leading edge with a distal-most portion.2. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the two auxiliary lumens are disposed at about 180 degrees apart from each other within the tubular wall such that the two auxiliary lumens are disposed within the tubular wall in coincidence with the oblong cross-sectional shape of the first portion of the elongate tubular body.3. The endotracheal tube of claim 2 , wherein an outer shape of a transverse cross-section of a second portion of the elongate tubular body is circular.4. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein an outer size of the elongate tubular body is tapered along a longitudinal length of the elongate tubular body.5. The endotracheal tube of claim 4 , wherein an outer size of a distal portion of the elongate tubular body is smaller ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Body-inserted tube cleaning

Номер: US20140283875A1
Принадлежит: ENDOCLEAR LLC

Systems, devices, and methods are disclosed for the cleaning of an endotracheal tube while a patient is being supported by a ventilator connected to the endotracheal tube for the purpose of increasing the available space for airflow or to prevent the build up of materials that may constrict airflow or be a potential nidus for infection. In one embodiment, a method for cleaning endotracheal tubes comprises inserting a cleaning device within an endotracheal tube while a cleaning member is in a compressed position, radially expanding the cleaning member to an expanded position within the endotracheal tube, and withdrawing the cleaning device from the endotracheal tube with the cleaning member in the expanded position.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197048A1

A computer-controlled vacuum suctioning device for subglottic aspiration, in which the timing of the pump operation is regulated so as to be synchronized with the operation of a mechanical respirator. 1. A vacuum suctioning device for subglottic aspiration , comprising a vacuum pump , wherein the timing of the pump is regulated by a controller comprising a computer.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a high-pressure pump in communication with a liquid reservoir claim 1 , said high-pressure pump being capable of generating a mist from a liquid contained in said reservoir.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein said device is connected to a mechanical ventilator claim 2 , and wherein the controller is programmed to operate the high-pressure pump only when the ventilator is applying negative pressure to a patient's lungs.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the controller is programmed to initiate suction with the vacuum pump prior to mist injection with the high-pressure pump. This application is a divisional of U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 14/146,577 filed on Jan. 2, 2014, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/748,487 filed on Jan. 3, 2013, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.The current invention relates to the field of medical equipment, more specifically to a tracheal or endotracheal breathing device which has an integrated system for removing secretions from a body site proximate to the endotracheal device.Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is the second most common Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) in the United States. Based on national health care statistics, it has been projected that between 9% and 25% of patients in intensive care units (ICU) will acquire pneumonia via mechanical ventilators while hospitalized and of these cases over 25% will die. The incremental cost of treating patients who become infected by assisted respiratory systems is significant and is estimated to be between $ ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Dual Lumen Endobronchial Tube Device

Номер: US20200188621A1

The present invention provides improved dual lumen endobronchial tube devices. The dual lumen endobronchial tube devices feature a universal design for left or right mainstem bronchus insertion. The dual lumen endobronchial tube devices also feature enhanced balloon cuff designs to minimize dislodgement while maintaining proper airway sealing. The present invention also includes water activated lubricious coating inside the shaft to reduce friction during insertion of a bronchoscope into the airway. The present invention also provides improved double clamps that prevent the accidental clamping of both tubes of a Y-adapter. 119-. (canceled)20. A double clamp device , comprising:a planar frame having first and second adjacent slots forming first, second and third tube engagement positions;wherein the first slot is sized to restrict flow through a tube in the first tube engagement position, and the second slot is sized to permit flow through a tube in the first tube engagement position;wherein the first slot is sized to permit flow through a tube in the second tube engagement position, and the second slot is sized to permit flow through a tube in the second tube engagement position; andwherein the first slot is sized to permit flow through a tube in the third tube engagement position, and the second slot is sized to restrict flow through a tube in the third tube engagement position.21. The device of claim 20 , further comprising one or more grips.22. The device of claim 20 , wherein the second slot has a shape that is substantial equal to a shape of the first slot that is rotated by 180° within the planar frame.23. The device of claim 20 , further comprising a Y-adapter tube claim 20 , wherein the Y-adapter tube comprises a primary tube section split at a Y-end into a first tube branch and a second tube branch claim 20 , such that the first tube branch is positioned within the first slot and the second tube branch is positioned within the second slot. This application ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160213870A1

Endotracheal devices, systems, and methods of using the same for transpulmonary thermal transfer to, e.g., induce transpulmonary hypothermia and/or warming are described herein. 1. An endotracheal device configured for insertion through a tracheal passage to the bronchial bifurcation , the endotracheal device comprising a tube extending between a proximal end and a distal end , wherein the distal end of the endotracheal device is configured for placement proximate the bronchial bifurcation , the endotracheal device further comprising:a first lumen extending through the endotracheal device, the first lumen extending from a first internal port to a first external port, wherein the first external port is proximate the proximal end of the endotracheal device and configured for attachment to a gas transfer apparatus, wherein the first external port is positioned outside of the tracheal passage when the first internal port is positioned proximate the bronchial bifurcation;a second lumen extending through the endotracheal device, the second lumen extending from a second internal port to a second external port, wherein the second external port is proximate the proximal end of the endotracheal device and configured for attachment to a gas transfer apparatus, wherein the second external port is positioned outside of the tracheal passage when the second internal port is positioned proximate the bronchial bifurcation; andinsulation located in an interior of the tube of the endotracheal device, the insulation being located between the first lumen and the second lumen to limit thermal energy transfer between fluids located in the first and second lumens;wherein the first lumen is separate and independent of the second lumen such that gas passing through the first lumen cannot enter the second lumen between the first external port and the first internal port.2. An endotracheal device according to claim 1 , wherein the first lumen comprises an external surface located inside of the ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Connector of double-lumen tube for differential lung ventilation

Номер: US20150217070A1
Автор: Junho Song, Taejin Kang
Принадлежит: INSUNG MEDICAL CO Ltd

A connector of a double-lumen tube for Differential Lung Ventilation is provided. The connector includes a tube connection unit disposed at one side of the double-lumen tube, and branched in one direction to connect to the ventilator, with the pair of lumen tubes of the double-lumen tube inserted into the tube connection unit, a connection valve unit disposed in the one direction in which the tube connection unit is branched, for controlling a flow amount of gas or fluid provided to the respective branched lumen tubes and externally indicating an operation state of a valve that controls the flow amount of the gas or the fluid, and a ventilator connection unit disposed at one side of the connection valve unit, in connection to the ventilator, for providing pressure of the ventilator separately to the pair of lumen tubes through the connection valve unit.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200197643A1
Автор: Dhara Sasanka Sekhar

This disclosure provides an endotracheal tube with a tip suitable for traversing the laryngeal inlet and with a guiding channel having a proximal opening adjacent a proximal end portion and a distal opening adjacent to a tip, wherein the guiding channel is adjacent a sidewall of the main lumen of the tube, which allows more accurate wire-guided intubation of a patient, a method and a kit relating to the same. 1. An endotracheal tube for use in a wire-guided intubation procedure , the endotracheal tube comprising:a main lumen having a sidewall, the main lumen composed of a flexible material and having a flexural rigidity complementary to the flexural rigidity of an anterograde or retrograde guide wire so as to follow the guide wire and therefore follow the shape of an airway path along which the guide wire extends in use into the patient's trachea, the main lumen having the flexible material of most of its length reinforced so as to prevent kinking thereof during intubation, use, and extubation;a proximal end portion of the main lumen being suitable for attachment to a breathing circuit, which proximal end portion, in use, is configured to protrude from the patient's mouth or nose;a distal end portion of the main lumen for insertion in use into the patient's nose and/or mouth for entrance into the patient's airway in a direction leading to the patient's trachea, wherein the flexible material of which an extreme end part of the distal end portion is composed is non-reinforced and is soft so as to be more readily deformable relative to the reinforced material, the extreme end part of the distal end portion having a beveled end with a tip that is shaped and is deformable for traversing the patient's laryngeal inlet during the wire-guided intubation procedure; anda tubular guide channel at the sidewall of the main lumen and extending from a proximal opening of the tubular guide channel at the proximal end portion to a distal opening of the tubular guide channel in the ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160220774A1
Автор: Dhara Sasanka Sekhar

This disclosure provides an endotracheal tube with a tip suitable for traversing the laryngeal inlet and with a guiding channel having a proximal opening adjacent a proximal end portion and a distal opening adjacent to a tip, wherein the guiding channel is adjacent a sidewall of the main lumen of the tube, which allows more accurate wire-guided intubation of a patient, a method and a kit relating to the same. 1. An endotracheal tube for use in a wire-guided intubation procedure , the endotracheal tube comprising:a main lumen and a sidewall;a proximal end portion suitable for attachment to a breathing circuit, which end portion in use protrudes from the mouth or nose of a patient;a distal end portion suitable for insertion into the nose and/or mouth of the patient, the distal end portion having a tip suitable for traversing the laryngeal inlet of the patient; anda guide housing means running between the portions having a proximal opening adjacent to the proximal end portion and a distal opening adjacent to the tip, wherein the guide housing means is adjacent to the sidewall of the main lumen and is suitable for slidingly receiving an anterograde or a retrograde guide during an intubation procedure to allow the tube to follow the guide into the patient.2. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the guide housing means runs along a long axis of the tube from the proximal end portion to the tip.3. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the guide housing means comprises a tubular channel or passage.4. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the guide housing means comprises a tubular channel or passage and is integral with the sidewall of the tube.5. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the distal end is slanted or beveled to create the tip.6. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the distal opening is at an end of the tip.7. The endotracheal tube of claim 1 , wherein the guide housing means comprises a tubular channel or passage and is integral with ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Oral Cannula

Номер: US20160220777A1

An oral cannula for placement within the oral cavity of a patient for delivery of a treatment gas and for collecting end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) includes a treatment gas delivery lumen including at least one aperture near a distal end of the treatment gas delivery lumen; an exhaled gas sampling lumen. The cannula also includes a cap having (i) a gas diverter adapted for diverting at least a portion of the treatment gas and (ii) an exhaled gas inlet including flutes and apertures there between that are in communication with the exhaled gas sampling lumen. The oral cannula is adapted for custom bending or has a bend such that the oral cannula is insertable and retainable in a patient's mouth and functional for supplying a treatment gas and sampling gas exhaled by the patient. 1. An oral cannula for placement within the oral cavity of a patient for delivery of a treatment gas and for collecting end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) , the oral cannula comprising:a treatment gas delivery lumen including at least one aperture near a distal end of the treatment gas delivery lumen;an exhaled gas sampling lumen; anda cap including (i) a gas diverter adapted for diverting at least a portion of the treatment gas and (ii) an exhaled gas inlet including flutes and apertures there between that are in communication with the exhaled gas sampling lumen;wherein the oral cannula is adapted for custom bending or has a bend such that the oral cannula is insertable and retainable in a patient's mouth and functional for supplying a treatment gas and sampling gas exhaled by the patient.2. The oral cannula of further comprising a hydrophobic filter in the exhaled gas sampling lumen.3. The oral cannula of further comprising a filter housing located in the cap and housing the moisture filter claim 2 , the filter housing being rigid and thereby providing radial rigidity to the cap.4. The oral cannula of wherein the gas diverter is a skirt at a periphery of the proximal end of the cap claim 3 , ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305430A1

A probe for medical use comprising a tube () and a cuff () located around the tube () in a region of its external wall, the cuff () being inflatable through a conduit () arranged at the wall of the tube (), linking the interior of the tube () to the interior of the cuff (), the inflation and deflation of the cuff () being determined by the rhythms of the inspiration and expiration of air, respectively. 1. An atraumatic cuff for use with a medical probe comprising:a cuff conduit having an end adapted to link to a conduit of a tube having at least one opening for receiving air insufflation, the cuff conduit having an opening;a cuff arranged around the cuff conduit in a region of its external wall and in communication with the opening; said cuff being inflatable through the opening;wherein the cuff conduit is adapted to be laterally coupled to an opening in a first tube of a medical probe through an inward hole in the proximal area of a tube of a medical probe in the region of the tube close to an opening for receiving air insufflation, and the cuff is adapted to inflate and deflate together with a second cuff on the medical probe.2. The atraumatic cuff of claim 1 , wherein the cuff is elastic and is distensible at low pressure.3. The atraumatic cuff of claim 2 , wherein the atraumatic cuff is capable of monitoring the function of the second cuff claim 2 , wherein the atraumatic cuff is only inflated when the second cuff is intact.4. The atraumatic cuff of claim 3 , wherein the atraumatic cuff is adapted to absorb excess airway pressure in the second cuff.5. The atraumatic cuff of claim 1 , wherein the cuff conduit includes a concertina portion extending from the cuff and toward the end adapted to link to the conduit of the tube of the medical probe.6. A probe with an atraumatic cuff for medical use comprising:a first tube having at least one opening for receiving air insufflation;a first cuff for the first tube arranged around the first tube in a region of its ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170216544A1
Автор: Baska Kanag

A device for maintaining an airway in a patient includes a mask having a portion that forms a seal with the larynx when the mask is positioned in the laryngo pharynx to thereby prevent ingress of extraneous fluids into the larynx, includes an airway tube connected to or formed with the mask for passing gas to the larynx when the mask is properly inserted into the laryngo pharynx. The mask includes a proximal portion adapted to collapse or compress so that a proximal ventral part of the mask can move relatively towards a dorsal part of the mask during insertion of the mask. This facilitates insertion of the mask into the patient. 17-. (canceled)8. A device for maintaining an airway in a patient as claimed in wherein the mask includes a proximal portion that is adapted to collapse or compress and a distal portion that is adapted to collapse or compress.9. A device for maintaining an airway in a patient as claimed in wherein the proximal portion comprises a region having a lesser wall thickness than a wall thickness of adjacent regions and the distal portion comprises a region having a lesser wall thickness than a wall thickness of adjacent regions.10. A device for maintaining an airway in a patient as claimed in wherein the proximal region may comprise a region of a wall of a chamber and the distal region comprises a region of a wall of the chamber.11. A device for maintaining an airway in a patient as claimed in wherein the proximal portion has a different wall thickness to the distal wall portion.12. A device for maintaining an airway in a patient as claimed in wherein the proximal portion that is adapted to collapse or compress comprises a proximal region of the mask that is located near a mid-line of the mask claim 8 , or extends to both sides of a midline of the mask.13. A device for maintaining an airway in a patient as claimed in wherein the distal portion that is adapted to collapse or compress comprises a distal region of the mask that is located near a mid- ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Reversible airway device and related method for ventilating a subject

Номер: US20170216545A1
Автор: Andrew Zura, Rafi Avitsian

One aspect of the present disclosure relates to a reversible airway device for ventilating a subject. The airway device can comprise a laryngeal tube, an endotracheal tube, and a sealing mechanism. The laryngeal tube can include a tubular guide having a distal end portion, a proximal end portion, and a first passageway extending between the distal and proximal end portions. The laryngeal tube can further include axially spaced apart distal and proximal cuffs coupled thereto. The endotracheal tube can be slidably disposed within the first passageway. The endotracheal tube can have a second passageway that is disposed within the first passageway. The sealing mechanism can be disposed within the first passageway and configured to occlude the flow of gas through the first passageway.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200206444A1
Автор: DUBACH Werner F.

A larynx mask is provided that comprises a dorsal cover plate with an inflatable cuff integrally formed thereon and a tube connecting connector having an insertion section for connecting to an insertion tube. Two separate lumens are provided in the region of the insertion section, these being the esophageal lumen and a respiration lumen. These two lumens are separated from each other by a separating and supporting, wall. The separating and supporting wall extends from the insertion section to the tip of the larynx mask. While the esophageal lumen opens into an esophageal outlet at the proximal end of the mask, the respiration lumen opens in the ventral direction and is closed in the proximal direction close to the tip of the mask. Such a larynx mask is produced in one piece by way of injection of molding and is reinforced by the separating or supporting wall to prevent kinking. 1. A larynx mask formed as a single piece comprising:(i) a dorsal cover plate with a circumferential inflatable cuff formed thereon;(ii) a tube connecting connector having an insertion section for connecting to at least one insertion tube;(iii) a respiration lumen and an oesophageal lumen;(iv) a separating and supporting wall formed at least approximately centrally on the cover plate, wherein the separating and supporting wall extends longitudinally in a ventral direction from the cover plate;(v) a circumferential adhesive or welding wall positioned on the cover plate, the adhesive or welding wall extending longitudinally in a ventral direction from the cover plate towards a lower edge of the cuff, and being thickened relative to a wall of the cuff; and(vi) a circumferential adhesive or welding edge formed on the lower edge of the cuff and extending in a dorsal direction towards the circumferential adhesive or welding wall; wherein(vii) in the area of the insertion section of the tube connecting connector, the separating and supporting wall forms a bi-luminal tube separating the respiration ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140309545A1
Автор: Simon Gary

An airway device for use with deep sedation has a pair of conduits, one to supply oxygenated gas and the other to extract exhaled gas. The conduits are encompassed in a permeable sleeve with a stylet to facilitate positioning of the device in the airway. 1. An airway device , the device comprising:a first conduit for transmitting a supply of oxygenated gas to a subject's airway:a second conduit for receiving exhaled gas from the subject's airway;a stylet coupled to the first and second conduits for positioning the device in a desired position relative to the subject's airway; anda sleeve sized for receiving terminal portions of the first and second conduits and sized to space the first and second conduits from the subject's airway, the sleeve being permeable to the supplied and exhaled gases.2. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is sized to space the first and second conduits from a sidewall of the subject's oropharynx claim 1 , thereby inhibiting subcutaneous injection of the oxygenated gas.3. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the device is configured to be inserted into the subject orally or nasopharyngeally and positionable at the back of the subject's mouth adjacent to the subject' oropharynx.4. The airway device of claim 1 , further comprising a carbon dioxide monitor coupled to the second conduit to monitor carbon dioxide in the exhaled gas.5. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second conduits are flexible lumens having an internal diameter of about 2 mm.6. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is sufficiently resilient to maintain the spacing between the conduits and the subject's airway.7. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve has an internal diameter to receive snugly the first and second conduits.8. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the sleeved is secured to the conduits to prevent separation during use.9. The airway device of claim 1 , wherein the stylet is malleable and has sufficient ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160228662A1

A method of sealing a trachea is provided that includes inserting a tracheal tube having an inflatable cuff made of a compliant material into a trachea. The method includes inflating the inflatable cuff with a fluid to a first pressure that exceeds a second pressure necessary to create a seal between the inflatable cuff and the tracheal wall. The method includes deflating the inflatable cuff by releasing a first pressure to allow the fluid to flow out of the inflatable cuff without applying vacuum pressure to the fluid while evaluating a rate of change of pressure of the fluid in the inflatable cuff. The method includes identifying a variance in the rate of change of pressure corresponding to a third pressure at which the inflatable cuff separates from the tracheal wall, determining the second pressure by analyzing the third pressure, and reinflating the inflatable cuff to the second pressure. 1. A method of sealing a trachea , comprising:inserting a tracheal tube comprising an inflatable cuff into a trachea comprising a tracheal wall, the inflatable cuff comprising a compliant material;inflating the inflatable cuff with a fluid to a first pressure that exceeds a second pressure necessary to create a seal between the inflatable cuff and the tracheal wall;deflating the inflatable cuff by releasing the first pressure to allow the fluid to flow out of the inflatable cuff without applying vacuum pressure to the fluid;evaluating a rate of change of pressure of the fluid in the inflatable cuff while the inflatable cuff is deflating;identifying a variance in the rate of change of pressure corresponding to a third pressure at which the inflatable cuff at least partially separates from the tracheal wall;determining the second pressure by analyzing the third pressure; andreinflating the inflatable cuff to the second pressure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the second pressure is 0 to 50 centimeters of water more than the third pressure.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein: ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217033A1
Автор: Suijs Emiel

An improved endotracheal tube or patient ventilation tube which prevents the leakage of proximal secretions to the distal airways of the patient. 1. A ventilation device for mechanical ventilation capable of being partly positioned inside the trachea of a patient , comprising:a single ventilation tube, with a single ventilation lumen, said ventilation tube having a proximal end and a distal end;two cuffs comprising a primary cuff and a secondary cuff in distal position with respect to said primary cuff, wherein said primary and secondary cuffs are provided with one or more cuff inflation lumens entering said ventilation tube wall at a cuff inflation lumen insert point and having at least one internal port in said primary and/or secondary cuff, and capable of inflating and/or deflating said primary and/or secondary cuffs; andan inter-cuff region separating said primary cuff and said secondary cuff, wherein said ventilation device further comprises a pressurization lumen for pneumatically pressurizing said inter-cuff region, wherein said pressurization lumen has an external port near the proximal end of said one ventilation tube, entering said ventilation tube wall at a pressurization lumen insert point and having at least one internal port positioned between said primary and secondary cuff, wherein said at least one internal port is a gas discharge port discharging gas into an inter-cuff chamber formed by the trachea wall, the inter-cuff region, and the primary and secondary cuffs, and wherein said ventilation device further comprises a monitoring lumen for monitoring the pressure in said inter-cuff chamber, wherein said monitoring lumen has an external port near the proximal end of said one ventilation tube and at least one internal opening positioned between said primary and secondary cuff.2. The ventilation device according to claim 1 , wherein said primary and secondary cuff are each provided with a dedicated cuff inflation lumen.3. The ventilation device ...
