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27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2234894C2

Изобретение относится к области медицинской техники, а именно к средствам для лечения глаукомы. Расширительное устройство, используемое в глазу для снижения избыточного внутриглазного давления путем улучшения дренирования жидкости через шлеммов канал и в самом канале, содержит основную часть из биологически совместимого материала. Указанная основная часть изогнута с образованием частично открытого желобообразного прохода, проходящего вдоль части длины указанной основной части и выполненного с возможностью расположения своей открытой стороны к коллекторным канальцам глаза. Внешний диаметр основной части составляет от 0,1 до 0,5 мм, а ее длина составляет от 1 до 40 мм. Для лечения глаукомы размещают по меньшей мере одно указанное расширительное устройство в шлеммовом канале. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить нормальный физиологический путь для дренирования водянистой влаги в шлеммов канал и через него. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2545436C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к катетерам для инъекций, и в частности, к катетерам для инъекций, используемым для подачи терапевтического средства в субстрат. Катетер для инъекций, используемый для подачи терапевтического средства в субстрат, содержит по меньшей мере одну полость, имеющую открытый дистальный конец, и изогнутый подающий элемент, выполненный с возможностью удлинения внутри субстрата. Указанная по меньшей мере одна полость выполнена с возможностью ее использования в качестве направляющего средства для изогнутого подающего элемента при размещении вне субстрата. Подающий элемент содержит полую трубку с дистальным отверстием и имеет по меньшей мере два отверстия, расположенные на его дистальном кончике. Дистальный кончик содержит дистальную область и проксимальную область. Удельная поверхность отверстий в дистальной области дистального кончика изогнутого подающего элемента больше, чем удельная поверхность указанных отверстий в проксимальной области дистального ...

15-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766520C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству реканализации тотальных окклюзий кровеносных сосудов и/или повторного входа из одного просвета в другой просвет, включая без ограничения повторный вход в истинный просвет кровеносного сосуда из внепросветного или субинтимального пространства сосуда. Катетерное устройство для прохождения через окклюзии в кровеносных сосудах или повторного входа в истинный просвет кровеносного сосуда содержит стержень катетера, рукоятку и иглу. Стержень катетера содержит дистальный конец катетера. Рукоятка соединена с проксимальным участком стержня катетера. Игла проходит через просвет в стержне катетера и дистальный конец катетера. Игла содержит первый прямой участок, соединенный с рукояткой, изогнутый участок, который отходит в дистальном направлении от первого прямого участка, второй прямой участок, который отходит в дистальном направлении от изогнутого участка, и острый конец на наиболее дистальном конце иглы. Изобретение имеет множество ...

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015106418A

... 1. Катетер для обмена текучей средой, имеющий проксимальный конец и дистальный конец и содержащий:основной канал, имеющий проксимальный конец и закрытый дистальный конец, в котором стенка основного канала образует дистальную часть стенки на дистальном конце основного канала, снабженную по меньшей мере одним отверстием, ипо меньшей мере один дополнительный канал, имеющий проксимальный конец и дистальный конец, находящийся внутри основного канала на расстоянии от дистального конца основного канала, при этом:дистальная часть стенки способна к расширению по меньшей мере в зону, окружающую по меньшей мере одно отверстие канала, для осуществления разблокирующей функции с целью разблокирования катетера,любой канал может быть адаптирован для инфузии и/или аспирации текучей среды,катетер выполнен с возможностью его разблокирования изменением ширины по меньшей мере одного отверстия канала путем изменения давления при инфузии и/или аспирации текучей среды посредством катетера, причем указанное давление ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733971C1

Изобретение относится к области медицинской техники, а именно к катетерному насосу, используемому в качестве системы временной циркуляторной поддержки в артериальном сосудистом русле, например в аорте пациентов, в частности, когда природное сердце неспособно обеспечивать организм достаточно оксигенированной кровью. Катетерный насос, имеющий катетер, имеющий головку насоса, предусмотренную на дистальном конце катетера для введения в артериальную сосудистую систему, содержит внешний катетер и внутренний катетер, расположенный во внешнем катетере, который имеет вал ротора, расположенный с возможностью поворота во внутреннем катетере для приведения в действие расширяемого переносящего элемента, предусмотренного на головке насоса, имеющей исполнительную часть, предусмотренную на проксимальном конце катетера, посредством которой вал ротора можно приводить в действие, и имеет клетку, окружающую переносящий элемент. Клетка имеет дистальную и проксимальную муфты и филаменты, проходящие между муфтами ...

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662854C1
Принадлежит: МЕДИНОЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к энергоэффективному устройству и способу его использования для проникновения через полную окклюзию кровеносного сосуда во время чрескожного коронарного вмешательства или для улучшения доставляющей способности катетера во время чрескожной транслюминальной ангиопластики через частичную окклюзию кровеносного сосуда. Устройство для проникновения через окклюзию кровеносного сосуда содержит катетер, пружинный элемент, сверлильный компонент и элемент натяжения. Катетер имеет ближний конец и дальний конец. Пружинный элемент имеет ближний конец и дальний конец. Ближний конец пружинного элемента прикреплен к дальнему концу катетера. Пружинный элемент представляет собой пружину сжатия. Сверлильный компонент прилегает к дальнему концу пружинного элемента и функционально прикреплен к нему. Сверлильный компонент содержит пружину, имеющую по меньшей мере два плотно сжатых соседних витка, проходящих к самому дальнему концу устройства. Элемент ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010153573A

... 1. Узел катетера для бронхоальвеолярного лаважа, содержащий: ! элемент внутреннего катетера, имеющий полость внутреннего катетера, и элемент наружного катетера, имеющий полость наружного катетера; ! причем элемент внутреннего катетера расположен продольно и соосно по меньшей мере по продольной части полости наружного катетера; ! при этом дистальная концевая часть наружного катетера содержит не травмирующую разрушаемую изоляцию, которая содержит по меньшей мере одну прорезь, которая проходит по меньшей мере частично через внутреннюю часть стенки дистального конца наружного катетера; ! и дистальная концевая часть внутреннего катетера содержит расклинивающуюся конструкцию, которая выполнена с возможностью по меньшей мере частичного герметичного контакта с внутренним периметром прохода в нижнем отделе легкого пациента. ! 2. Узел катетера по п.1, в котором расклинивающаяся конструкция содержит по меньшей мере одну гибкую интактную дискообразную структуру, расположенную по существу поперек продольной ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011141789A

... 1. Катетер (1) для инъекций, используемый для подачи терапевтического средства в субстрат (12), содержащий по меньшей мере одну полость (14) и изогнутый подающий элемент (2), представляющий собой полую трубку,причем указанная по меньшей мере одна полость выполнена с возможностью ее использования в качестве направляющего средства для изогнутого подающего элемента (2) вне субстрата (12),подающий элемент (2) содержит отверстия (6), расположенные на его дистальном кончике (4), адистальный кончик (4) содержит дистальную область (10) и проксимальную область (8),отличающийся тем, чтоудельная поверхность отверстий (6) в дистальной области (10) дистального кончика (4) изогнутого подающего элемента (2) больше, чем удельная поверхность указанных отверстий в проксимальной области (8) дистального кончика (4) изогнутого подающего элемента (2).2. Катетер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что удельная поверхность в дистальной области (10) и в проксимальной области (8) дистального кончика составляет от 0,01 до ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013118107A

... 1. Катетерный аппарат, содержащий:- удлиненный ствол, имеющий проксимальную часть и дистальную часть, где дистальная часть ствола сконструирована для внутрисосудистой доставки в почечную артерию человека-пациента;- лечебную секцию на дистальной части удлиненного ствола, и контрольный элемент, расположенный на ней с возможностью скольжения; и- множество элементов, доставляющих энергию, закрепленных на лечебной секции,- где либо лечебная секция, либо контрольный элемент содержит предварительно заданную спиральную форму, а оставшийся элемент из лечебной секции и контрольного элемента имеет по существу прямую форму, и- где лечебная секция выполнена с возможностью трансформации между:- по существу прямой конфигурацией доставки; и- лечебной конфигурацией, имеющей предварительно заданную спиральную форму для расположения элементов, доставляющих энергию, в устойчивом контакте со стенкой почечной артерии.2. Катетерный аппарат по п.1, в котором:- лечебная секция содержит спиральный элемент с предварительно ...

10-10-2003 дата публикации

Катетер дл равномерной подачи лекарственного средства

Номер: RU2002103736A

... 1. Катетер для равномерной подачи жидкости по всей анатомической области, содержащий удлиненную трубку, имеющую закрытый дальний конец и множество выпускных отверстий, образованных в боковых стенках указанной трубки, причем указанные выпускные отверстия предусмотрены вдоль длины указанной трубки, ограничивающей инфузионную секцию указанного катетера, при этом указанная трубка имеет такие размеры, чтобы вводиться в анатомическую область; и удлиненный элемент, позиционируемый в указанной трубке, причем указанный элемент имеет такой размер, чтобы между указанной трубкой и указанным элементом образовывался кольцевой зазор, при этом указанный элемент образован из пористого материала; причем указанный катетер имеет такую конфигурацию, чтобы жидкость, вводимая в ближний конец указанной трубки, проходила через указанные выпускные отверстия по существу с одной скоростью по всей указанной инфузионной секции. 2. Катетер по п.1, в котором указанный элемент расположен соосно с указанной трубкой. 3.

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013123775A

... 1. Катетерный аппарат для лечения человека-пациента посредством денервации почки, включающий:- терапевтический блок, имеющий центральную ось, и дистальную часть и проксимальную часть, аксиально разделенные вдоль центральной оси, где терапевтический блок включает:- множество элементов, доставляющих энергию, включающих по меньшей мере первый элемент, доставляющий энергию, и второй элемент, доставляющий энергию; и- формируемый участок, сконструированный с возможностью трансформации между состоянием доставки и развернутым состоянием, где множество элементов, доставляющих энергию, находятся на формируемом участке;- контрольный элемент, функционально связанный по меньшей мере с частью терапевтического блока, и расположенный вдоль центральной оси, так чтобы первый и второй элементы, доставляющие энергию, были аксиально и радиально отделены друг от друга вокруг контрольного элемента, и где:проксимальное перемещение контрольного элемента относительно дистальной части терапевтического блока переводит ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019001843T5

Es wird hier eine expandierbare Hülle offenbart, die eine erste Polymerschicht und eine radial auswärts von der ersten Polymerschicht positionierte Geflechtschicht aufweist. Die Geflechtschicht enthält eine Mehrzahl von miteinander verflochtenen Filamenten. Die expandierbaren Hüllen enthalten ferner eine radial auswärts von der Geflechtschicht positionierte federelastische Schicht. Die elastische Schicht ist dafür ausgelegt, eine Radialkraft auf die Geflechtschicht und die erste Polymerschicht aufzuwenden. Die expandierbare Hülle enthält ferner eine zweite Polymerschicht, die radial auswärts von der elastischen Schicht positioniert ist und derart mit der ersten Polymerschicht verklebt ist, dass die Geflechtschicht und die elastische Schicht zwischen der ersten und der zweiten Polymerschicht eingeschlossen sind. Es werden außerdem Verfahren zur Herstellung und zur Verwendung der hier offenbarten Vorrichtungen offenbart, ebenso wie Crimpvorrichtungen, die bei der Herstellung der hier offenbarten ...

27-08-2009 дата публикации

Infusionskatheter für Medikamentenlösung

Номер: DE602005015378D1

20-05-2009 дата публикации

Endoscopic surgical instrument

Номер: GB0000906184D0

11-08-2010 дата публикации

A catheter device and a method of deploying a catheter device

Номер: GB0201010707D0

26-01-2011 дата публикации

Lock mechanism for a catheter

Номер: GB0002472058A

The invention comprises a catheter having an inner 20 and outer 10 sleeves which are displaceable relative to each other and a lock mechanism 50 having a releaser 70 in the form frangible tab which when unlocking the sleeves breaks along lines of weakness 66, 68. The lock may comprise first and second lock components 54, 56 positioned on the sleeves which engage to hold the relative positions of the sleeves. The lock may comprise an adapter mounted on the outer sleeve (figs 7-11).

10-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002594711A

A catheter comprising a tip member 10 at its distal end 120, an elongated tube 20, and a retention mechanism 30 comprising a plurality of wings 31, the wings being provided with shape memory alloy wires 40 configured to cause the wings to transition from a deactivated shape (41, Fig 4a), for passing through a bodily channel during insertion and/or removal of the catheter from a bodily cavity, to an activated shape 42, for retention of the catheter inside the bodily cavity. Each wing has a distal extremity 33 connected to the tip member at least during insertion of the catheter, and a proximal extremity 32 connected to the elongated tube at least when the wings are in the activated shape. In one arrangement, after the wings are transitioned to the activated shape, the tip is detached from the wings and removed (Fig 6-7). The tube may me moveable from a first position in which it covers and constrains the wings to a second position in which it exposes the wings and abuts the proximal extremities ...

29-04-2009 дата публикации

Endoscopic surgical instrument

Номер: GB0000904602D0

24-08-2016 дата публикации

Medical apparatus

Номер: GB0201611994D0

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361027T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520336T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415996T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506098T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293945T

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Delivery devices for leadless cardiac devices

Номер: AU2018211925B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Delivery devices, systems, and methods for delivering implantable leadless pacing devices are disclosed. An example delivery device may include an intermediate tubular member and an inner tubular member slidably disposed within a lumen of the intermediate tubular member. A distal holding section may extend distally of a distal end of the intermediate tubular member and define a cavity therein for receiving an implantable leadless pacing device. The device may be configured to enable fluid flushing of the delivery device prior to use, to remove any air from within the device as well as providing the option of fluid flow during use of the delivery device.

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Soft push tabs for catheter adapter

Номер: AU2019268130A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An IV catheter system may have a catheter component and a needle component. The catheter component may have a catheter hub, a cannula extending distally from the catheter hub, and a push feature extending outward from the catheter hub. The push feature may have an outer surface that receives contact from a digit to move the IV catheter system from an insertion configuration, in which the needle is within the cannula, to a fluid delivery configuration, in which the needle is outside the catheter hub. The needle component may have a needle hub and a needle extending distally from the needle hub along an axis. The push feature may be formed of a flexible material that causes the push feature, in response to pressure exerted on the outer surface by a dressing securing the catheter component to a patient, to deflect the outer surface toward the cannula axis. 150 192 134 102 162 16190 120 e 168 138 146 ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Low-drag septum for a catheter system

Номер: AU2019326298A1

A peripheral intravenous catheter assembly may include a low-drag septum. The septum may include a body having a distal end and a proximal end, which may be sealed. The septum may include a slot disposed within an outer surface of the body and oriented along a longitudinal axis of the body. The slot may include a distal end spaced apart from the distal end of the body, and a proximal end spaced apart from the proximal end of the body. An introducer needle may extend through the slot.

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Endoscopic patch applicator

Номер: AU2020266817A1

A medical dispensing device including a catheter, an applicator tip at a distal end of the catheter, the catheter and the applicator tip defining a lumen having a longitudinal axis and a distal opening, a plunger in the lumen and movable along the longitudinal axis, and a plurality of elements in the lumen proximal to the distal opening and distal to the plunger, the plurality of elements stacked along the longitudinal axis for dispersement one element at a time through the distal opening to via a force applied by the plunger.

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020204021B9

Ureteral catheters and assemblies are provided including: a drainage lumen including a proximal portion configured to be positioned in at least a portion of a patient's urethra and a distal portion configured to be positioned in a patient's ureter and/or kidney, the distal portion including a coiled retention portion including at least a first coil having a first diameter and a second coil having a second diameter, the first diameter being less than the second diameter; or wherein the retention portion extends radially outwardly from a portion of the distal end of the drainage lumen portion, the retention portion including a proximal end having a first diameter, a distal end having a second diameter, and a wall and/or surface extending therebetween, the retention portion having a second diameter is greater than the first diameter when deployed; or wherein the retention portion includes a plurality of drainage tubes. 13 132 21 130 121212 1181F 118 1210 124 140t ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Devices, systems, and methods for accessing the epicardial surface of the heart

Номер: AU2008246083B2

Devices, systems, and methods for accessing the internal and external tissues of the heart are disclosed. At least some of the embodiments disclosed herein provide access to the external surface of the heart through the pericardial space for localized delivery of leads to the heart tissue. In addition, various disclosed embodiments provide devices, systems, and methods for closing a hole in cardiac tissue.

01-09-2005 дата публикации

Embolectomy capture sheath

Номер: AU2005215774A1

11-12-2008 дата публикации

Stimulating catheter

Номер: AU2008261095A1

07-06-2007 дата публикации

Guidewire-centering catheter tip

Номер: AU2003297148B2

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Indwelling urinary catheter with self-retaining mechanism

Номер: AU2009348455B2

A urinary- catheter with an improved retaining and activating feature is provided which is a safe device with reduced irritation and discomfort to a patient. The retaining mechanism positioned at the proximal end of the catheter assumes a "close" state for introduction and removal of the catheter into and from the urethral tract, and is transitioned into the "open" state when the catheter is in the bladder by mechanically manipulating the retaining mechanism through the activation mechanism. An actuating linkage wire connected between the retaining mechanism and activation mechanism controllably reciprocates in the channel of the catheter to transition the catheter between the "open" and "closed" states.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Intravascular tissue disruption

Номер: AU2011232335A1

Disrupting tissue and devices and systems for disrupting tissue. The disclosure describes ways to deliver moieties to a target tissue, where the target tissue in general is not at the point of introduction, in such a way that minimal damage is produced in the tissue at the point of introduction. In some embodiments this is accomplished by jetting fluid at high velocity into the target tissue. The disclosure further describes novel agents deliverable in such systems for use in remodeling tissues. Some of these agents comprise a liquid while others do not. Additionally, although not specifically described in detail much of the disclosure may additionally be used in the delivery of therapeutic drugs.

10-11-2003 дата публикации

Vascular protection devices and methods of use

Номер: AU2003225179A8

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2015381356B2
Автор: ZHOU XING, Zhou, Xing
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

An anti-reversing device (3) of a trocar (100), and trocar (100); the anti-reversing device (3) comprises a lock catch (31) capable of preventing a reversing movement of an end sealing member (1), and a slack switch (32) capable of releasing a prevention of the reversing movement of the end sealing member (1) by the lock catch (31); and the slack switch (32) is pressed down, such that a restriction by the lock catch (31) on the reversing movement of the end sealing member (1) can be released. When the end sealing member (1) is detachably installed at a near end of a sleeve (2) via a rotation method, the lock catch (31) prevents the reversing movement which causes the end sealing member (1) to fall off, thus preventing air leakage or preventing the end sealing member (1) from falling off from the near end of the sleeve (2); and when the slack switch (32) is pressed down, the restriction by the lock catch (31) on the reversing movement of the end sealing member (1) can be released, and the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Rapid aspiration thrombectomy system and method

Номер: AU2016215229B2

An intravascular access system for facilitation of intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature through an access sheath. The system includes an aspiration or support catheter (1320) having a flexible, distal luminal portion (1322) having an inner diameter defining a lumen (1323) extending between a proximal opening at a proximal end of the luminal portion and a distal opening at a distal end of the luminal portion. The catheter has a rigid spine (1330) coupled to at least the proximal end of the luminal portion and extending proximally therefrom. The system includes a dilator (1340) having a flexible, distal dilator portion (1360) sized to be received within the lumen (1323) of the luminal portion (1322). Associated systems, devices, and methods of use are also described.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

System for low-profile occlusion balloon catheter

Номер: AU2016232781B2
Принадлежит: Chrysiliou IP

An occlusion catheter system (500) includes a proximal hub (590) having an inflation connection port and an inflation pathway. An inflation catheter member (510) is connected to the proximal hub and has an inflation lumen (610). A stiffener member (530) defines a longitudinal axis. The proximal end of the stiffener member is connected to the proximal hub. The stiffener member extends through a portion of the inflation lumen. An occlusion balloon (540) has a proximal balloon end and a distal balloon end. A distal catheter member (520) is positioned substantially on the longitudinal axis and is connected to the distal end of the stiffener member. An atraumatic tip (550) is positioned on a distal end of the distal catheter member. The atraumatic tip has a substantially circular profile in a relaxed configuration. A pressure sensor (533) is connected to the occlusion catheter system distally relative to the occlusion balloon.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Soft push tabs for catheter adapter

Номер: AU2016344420A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An IV catheter system (100) having a catheter component (102) and a needle component (104). The catheter component has a catheter hub (120), a cannula (126) extending distally from the catheter hub, and a push feature (190) extending outward from the catheter hub. The push feature has an outer surface (420) that receives contact from a digit to move the IV catheter system from an insertion configuration, in which the needle is within the cannula, to a fluid delivery configuration, in which the needle is outside the catheter hub. The needle component has a needle hub (150) and a needle (154) extending distally from the needle hub. The push feature is formed of a flexible material that causes the push feature, in response to pressure exerted on the outer surface by a dressing securing the catheter component to a patient, to deflect the outer surface toward the cannula axis.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Ureteral and bladder catheters and methods for inducing negative pressure to increase renal perfusion

Номер: AU2016296866A1
Принадлежит: Houlihan² Pty Ltd

Ureteral catheters and assemblies provided including: a drainage lumen including a proximal portion configured to be positioned in at least a portion of a patient's urethra and a distal portion configured to be positioned in a patient's ureter and/or kidney, the distal portion including a coiled retention portion including at least a first coil having a first diameter and a second coil having a second diameter, the first diameter being less than the second diameter; or wherein the retention portion extends radially outwardly from a portion of the distal end of the drainage lumen portion, the retention portion including a proximal end having a first diameter, a distal end having a second diameter, and a wall and/or surface extending there between, the retention portion having a second diameter is greater than the first diameter when deployed; or wherein the retention portion includes a plurality of drainage tubes.

28-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001039676A

14-08-2001 дата публикации

Angioplasty device and method of making same

Номер: AU0002794101A

10-11-2000 дата публикации

Inflatable device and method for treating glaucoma

Номер: AU0004975900A

09-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002570261A1

01-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002444878C
Принадлежит: COAXIA, INC.

Methods are provided for partial aortic obstruction for cerebral perfusion augmentation in patients suffering from global or focal cerebral ischemia. Alternatively, the methods can be used to partially obstruct aortic blood flow to condition the spinal cord to secrete neuroprotective agents prior to abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Partial obstruction of a vessel can be accomplished by a device comprising an elongate catheter (102) and a distally mounted expandable member (104).The expandable member (104) may comprise one or two balloons. Other medical devices, such as an angioplasty, stent, or atherectomy catheter, can be inserted distal the expandable member to provide therapeutic intervention.

18-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002452414C

A catheter is disclosed providing a balloon catheter having a distal tip that is flexible while additionally incorporating high column strength. The present invention additionally provides a distal tip region that accommodates for various sized guidewires. In preferred embodiments, the distal tip region is initially configured for accommodating the passage of 0.12-inch guidewires only. Through specific manufacturing processes, however, the distal tip is modified so that it also may be expanded to accommodate the passage of 0.14- inch guidewires. In additional preferred embodiments, an elastomeric sleeve is disposed over the modified distal tip to allow the tip to return to the initial 0.12-inch accommodating profile when the larger 0.14-inch guidewire is withdrawn from the catheter ...

30-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002368335C

Catheter devices and methods for treating glaucoma and other eye diseases by expandable dilatation of Schlemm's canal and/or direct injection of medications into Schlemm's canal.

11-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002689387A1

An apparatus for delivery of a substance to an anatomical region in a body can include a catheter comprising a catheter body, and one or more electrically conductive elements supported by the catheter body and in electrical communication with one or more sources of electrical stimulus. The catheter body can comprise a lumen therein, a substantially closed distal end, and an infusion section configured to permit fluid to pass through the catheter body and that can have a length that is less than or equal to the length of the catheter body. In some embodiments, the apparatus can comprise a coiled member positioned within the lumen of the catheter body. The coiled member can comprise adjacent coils and can permit the uniform flow of the substance through one or more holes formed in the catheter body.

29-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766490A1

A urinary- catheter with an improved retaining and activating feature is provided which is a safe device with reduced irritation and discomfort to a patient. The retaining mechanism positioned at the proximal end of the catheter assumes a "close" state for introduction and removal of the catheter into and from the urethral tract, and is transitioned into the "open" state when the catheter is in the bladder by mechanically manipulating the retaining mechanism through the activation mechanism. An actuating linkage wire connected between the retaining mechanism and activation mechanism controllably reciprocates in the channel of the catheter to transition the catheter between the "open" and "closed" states.

07-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002711745C

A catheter apparatus having proximal end and distal end for insertion into patient's body, catheter apparatus comprising: catheter having proximal end and distal end; first and second lumens for accommodating first and second guidewires respectively, each lumen comprising distal opening, distal openings of first and second lumens moveable relative to each other; and an actuator for controllably changing separation between distal openings of first and second lumens; wherein plurality of first lumen and/or plurality of second lumen are provided, to provide plurality of selectable lumens for accommodating first and/or second guidewires; wherein catheter apparatus further comprises first lumen and plurality of second lumens, and distal openings of plurality of second lumens are arranged around distal opening of first lumen, and actuator for controllably changing separation between distal openings of lumens is arranged to move distal openings of second lumens in radial directions from distal ...

08-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002364014A1

Methods are provided for partial aortic occlusion for cerebral perfusion augmentation in patients suffering from global or focal cerebral ischemia. Alternatively, the methods can be used to partially occlude aortic blood flow to condition the spinal cord to secrete neuro-protective agents prior to abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Partial occlusion of a vessel can be accomplished by a device comprising an elongate catheter (102), a distally mounted expandable occludent (104), a variable flow mechanism, and a manometer (112). The occludent (104) may comprise two conical shells (118, 136) or an inflatable ring-shaped balloon (130) disposed about a cylindrical sleeve. Other medical devices, such as an atherectomy catheter, can be inserted distal the occludent to provide therapeutic intervention.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003093924A1

The present disclosure provides an apparatus (200) for delivering an anesthetic agent (222) to a target tissue in a nasal cavity (100) of a patient. The apparatus (200) includes an elongated shaft (212) with a proximal end (214) and a distal end (216). The apparatus (200) also includes an absorbent plug (220) coupled to the distal end (216) of the elongated shaft (212). The absorbent plug (220) is configured to occupy a first volume in a compressed state and a second volume in an uncompressed state. The absorbent plug (220) is configured to store an anesthetic agent (222) and deliver the anesthetic agent (222) to the target tissue in the nasal cavity (100) by contacting the target tissue. The apparatus (200) also includes a sheath (224) at least partially covering the absorbent plug (220). The sheath (224) retains the absorbent plug (220) in the compressed state when positioned at least partially over the absorbent plug (220), and removal of the sheath (224) allows for the absorbent plug ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003023251A1

Vascular access devices and methods of their use are provided. In one embodiment, a vascular access device includes a catheter (112) and at least one deployable wire (134). The catheter includes a primary lumen extending from a proximal end to a distal end of the catheter. The at least one deployable wire is secured to the catheter and configured to move relative to the catheter between a delivery configuration and a deployed configuration.

18-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003080513A1

An assembly at a proximal end of an intravascular delivery system can allow the proximal end of a pull wire to move independently of a delivery tube. The assembly can generally include the pull wire, the delivery tube, a feature to prevent the proximal end of the pull wire from becoming inaccessible due to distal movement of the pull wire, and a feature to protect the proximal end of the pull wire from inadvertent, premature manipulation. When the intravascular delivery system is navigating tortuous vasculature, the proximal end of the pull wire can move distally in relation to the proximal end of delivery tube, relieving stress on the distal end of the pull wire. The proximal end of the pull wire can be protected from inadvertent manipulation during delivery and made available for manipulation once the distal end of the delivery system is in place.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3138522A1

A medical dispensing device including a catheter, an applicator tip at a distal end of the catheter, the catheter and the applicator tip defining a lumen having a longitudinal axis and a distal opening, a plunger in the lumen and movable along the longitudinal axis, and a plurality of elements in the lumen proximal to the distal opening and distal to the plunger, the plurality of elements stacked along the longitudinal axis for dispersement one element at a time through the distal opening to via a force applied by the plunger.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003086511A1

A thrombectomy catheter with a catheter or delivery sheath having a dual lumen extending therethrough, the catheter having a proximal segment and a distal segment and a linear section coupled therebetween, the distal segment configured as a loop, a port or aperture formed therein said dual lumen of said catheter, the port positioned proximate the distal segment, and a guidewire configured to longitudinally traverse therethrough one of the dual lumen of the catheter, said guidewire having a first end affixed to a mesh strainer, the mesh strainer configured to longitudinally traverse therethrough the other of the dual lumen of the catheter and exit therethrough said port and follow said loop to form retractable mesh strainer.

02-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002368335A1

Catheter devices and methods for treating glaucoma and other eye diseases by expandable dilatation of Schlemm's canal and/or direct injection of medications into Schlemm's canal.

27-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002460427A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de mise en place de petites sphères d'un biomatériau dans une partie déterminée d'un os. Il comprend : un corps creux cylindrique (10) de diamètre interne D1 ayant une première extrémité (24) de remplissage et une deuxième extrémité (16) munie de moyens de clipsage (22) ; une tige guide (50) formant obturateur comprenant une partie courante cylindrique de diamètre externe D2 et présentant une portion cylindrique élargie (56) apte à coopérer avec les moyens de clipsage du corps; et un piston (30) constitué par une pièce cylindrique (32) présentant un diamètre externe D3 et un alésage axial (34) de diamètre D4, le diamètre D3 étant légèrement inférieur au diamètre interne D1 du corps et le diamètre interne D4 étant légèrement supérieur au diamètre D2 de la tige (50) de telle manière que, après déclipsage, ladite tige puisse coulisser à l'intérieur dudit piston et que le piston puisse coulisser dans ledit corps.

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002983072A1

An intravascular access system for facilitation of intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature through an access sheath. The system includes an aspiration or support catheter (1320) having a flexible, distal luminal portion (1322) having an inner diameter defining a lumen (1323) extending between a proximal opening at a proximal end of the luminal portion and a distal opening at a distal end of the luminal portion. The catheter has a rigid spine (1330) coupled to at least the proximal end of the luminal portion and extending proximally therefrom. The system includes a dilator (1340) having a flexible, distal dilator portion (1360) sized to be received within the lumen (1323) of the luminal portion (1322). Associated systems, devices, and methods of use are also described.

24-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002697387C

A transseptal cannula (22) having a flexible cannula body (42), a left atrial anchor (38) coupled to the distal end of the flexible cannula body (42), and a right atrial anchor (88) operable to be attached to the left atrial anchor (38) in vivo. The left and right atrial anchors (38, 88) are implanted and deployed separately. Delivery of the transseptal cannula (22) to a heart tissue can include a low profile coaxial balloon catheter (28) comprising a tube body (60) including an inner member (64) and an outer member (66) surrounding the inner member (64) and thereby creating an inflation channel (68) between the inner and outer members (64, 66), a hub (56) coupled to the proximal portion of the tube body (60) and including a fluid space (79) in fluid communication with the inflation channel (68); and a balloon (62) coupled to the distal portion of the tube body (60), wherein the balloon (62) is in fluid communication with the inflation channel (68). The hub (56) of the coaxial balloon catheter ...

03-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002840200A1

This disclosure is directed to systems and methods for re-entering the true lumen of a vessel. The re-entry catheters (10) employ deflectable struts (20) to stabilize and support the distal tip (16) in a subintimal location while a passageway back into the true lumen is formed. Re-entry to the true lumen can be effected with a cutting element or with a conventional guidewire.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002846238A1

Methods, systems, and devices for providing treatment to a target site are described. The system may include a guide assembly, an expandable support device coupled with the distal end of the guide assembly, and an operative member disposed on the expandable support device. The expandable support device may be configured to transition between a collapsed and expanded configuration. The expandable support device may be supported by one or more flexible supports aligned in parallel with an axis about which the expandable support device collapses and/or multiple splines arranged in a pattern configured to promote transitioning of the expandable support device between an expanded and collapsed configuration. The guide assembly may be configured to provide torque to the expandable support device. The operative member can include multiple electrodes arranged in parallel to the axis about which the expandable support device collapses.

30-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002753564A1

An introducer sheath includes a tubular body portion having a proximal region and a distal region, and defines an internal lumen configured and dimensioned to slidably receive a catheter. A penetrating portion at a distal end of the tubular body has a first tapered configuration to enlarge an opening in a body tissue during distal advancement of the introducer sheath through the body tissue and a second expanded configuration to enable the passage of a distal end portion of a catheter through the penetrating portion.

23-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002806544C

A dual-balloon delivery catheter system includes a carrier segment that is a lead/carrier balloon or mandrel at a distal portion of a catheter. The carrier segment is sequentially arrayed with a more proximally positioned delivery segment, wherein the delivery segment is a delivery balloon or mandrel. The first carrier segment expands the stent-valve a sufficient amount to receive the delivery segment after the carrier segment is moved away from the sent-valve. The delivery segment is then positioned at the target site and the stent-valve is then deployed.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002885594A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

The invention relates to a vacuum treatment array having at least one open-pored contact element, by way of which a negative pressure and/or suction can be generated in a body cavity, wherein the open-pored contact element is configured, at least in sections, in the manner of a tube, having an outer and/or inner boundary surface rotating around a tube axis, at least in part.

29-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789300A1

A catheter includes an elongated tubular body including a first wall and second wall defining first and second lumens, respectively. Each wall extends to a distal end and defines a distal opening. The first and second walls may each include one or more side openings disposed proximal of the distal end. The first and second lumens are separated by a septum. The septum includes a septum extension extending distally from the septum. The septum extension is adapted to articulate relative to the septum in response to fluid flow into and out of the distal openings of the first and second lumens. The septum extension is dimensioned to partially obstruct fluid flow into the catheter through one of the distal openings upon the articulation of the septum extension.

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000074552C2

24-08-2018 дата публикации

Detachable micro-catheter with double-coating at the head end

Номер: CN0108434580A

24-08-2011 дата публикации

Endoscopic surgical instrument

Номер: CN0102164546A

A series of integrally formed segments (24) are allowed to move relative to each other by flexure of hinges (26) that are also integrally formed with the sections.

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Controlling Catheter Flow

Номер: CN104043187A

A catheter assembly includes an elongate member and a balloon. The elongate member defines at least one lumen and an outer surface. The outer surface defines at least one opening in fluid communication with the at least one lumen. The balloon is disposed within the at least one lumen. The balloon is inflatable such that a portion of the balloon expands from the at least lumen through the at least one opening. The expansion of the balloon increases the flow restriction through the at least one opening compared to the flow restriction through the at least one opening when the balloon is in a deflated condition. Methods for using a catheter assembly to remove occlusive material from a catheter are also described.

22-02-2017 дата публикации

Interventional sinus endoscope

Номер: CN0106455904A

19-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002829690B1

30-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101912745B1

The present invention relates to a multi-catheter capable of integrating each catheter into one device. To achieve the purpose, according to the present invention, the multi-catheter includes: a housing including a hollow part penetrated in a longitudinal direction, a first installation part, a second installation part, and a third installation part; a guide combined with the first installation part to make a part of the front end exposed to the front end of the housing; an internal body including first and second inlets, and installed in the second installation part to make the first and second inlets exposed outside the housing; a connector installed in the third installation part to be exposed outside the housing; a tube combined to connect the insertion hole with the inlet; a guide withdrawal unit moving the guide forward and backward; and a tube bending unit bending the exposed part of the tube in one direction. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160137184A

According to the present invention, provided is a catheter comprising: a body lengthily extended along a central axial line, and made of a flexible material; a drug feeding channel horizontally extended with the central axial line as a path formed in the body; a channel opening and closing means formed in the front end part of the body; and a steering structure formed in the body. The steering structure is has multiple side surface spatial parts linearly disposed along an extension direction of the drug feeding channel and communicating with the drug feeding channel. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

15-09-2017 дата публикации

색전술 마이크로카테터

Номер: KR1020170104549A

... 타겟 신체 부분 쪽으로 작은 혈관에서 물질(예로서, 색전술 재료 및/또는 조영 증강 재료를 포함한 주입 작용제)을 전달하기 위한 마이크로카테터. 외부 직경을 가진 관형 벽에 의해 둘러싸여지며 양쪽 단부들에서 개방된 단일 내강을 포함한다; 관형 벽 근위 부분은 압력 소스 및 주입 작용제를 포함한 저장소에 연결 가능하며, 관형 벽 원위 부분은 팁으로 끝난다; 관형 벽 원위 부분은 저장소로부터 팁으로 주입 현탁액의 지속적 전달 동안, 주입 작용제의 인입하는 역행 흐름의 통과를 차단하도록 구성된 주입 작용제 흐름 중단 섹션을 포함한다. (예를 들면, 암에 걸린) 타겟 신체 부분에 공급하는 작은 혈관에서 국소적 색전술을 수행하기 위한 및 이러한 타겟 신체 부분 쪽으로 작은 혈관에서 주입 작용제를 전달하기 위한 마이크로카테터를 사용하는 방법들이 개시된다. 비-타겟 주입 작용제를 필터링하기 위한 디바이스들 및 방법들이 또한 개시된다.

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170046058A

Provided is a catheter. A blood vessel obturator removing effect is improved, and a retro guide wire is not damaged. Also, expansion and shrinkage of a mesh-member having a protection film can be actively performed. The catheter (11) has a protection film (70A) for covering the internal circumference of the rear end side of a tube-shaped mesh member (30) in which a first element wire (31) and a second element wire (32) are expanded and shrunken in a radial direction where a first wire is interwoven with a second wire. The protection film (70A) is bound only with any one of the first element wire (32) and the second element wire (32). Accordingly, the catheter has improved efficiency for removing a blockage in a blood vessel, and can prevent breakage of a retrograde guide wire. Additionally, the mesh member (30) having the protection film (70A) can smoothly expand and contract. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013056006A2

A remotely operable medical system uses a sensor to measure a pose of a catheter and a control system coupled to a mechanical system. The control system has multiple operating modes including a holding mode in which the control system uses sensor feedback and operates the mechanical system to maintain a working configuration. A vision probe can be used to steer and pose the catheter, and then be removed and replaced with the medical probe when a medical task such as a lung biopsy is performed. Functionality for the system can be divided between the catheter and the vision probe. The sensor may include an electromagnetic sensor to measure a first section and a fiber shape sensor to measure a second smaller section.

17-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011143246A1

Devices, systems, and methods for lead delivery. In at least one exemplary embodiment of a catheter for delivering a lead within a mammalian body of the present disclosure, the catheter comprises an elongated tube comprising a wall extending from a proximal end to a distal end, a lead delivery channel within the elongated tube, the lead delivery channel defining an outlet for delivering a lead, a balloon chamber positioned at or near the distal end of the elongated tube, and at least one balloon positioned within the balloon chamber, the at least one balloon capable of inflation to reversibly anchor the elongated tube within a mammalian body when at least a portion of the elongated tube is positioned therein.

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014197614A2
Автор: TAL, Michael, Gabriel

A dual tip dialysis catheter has a proximal portion with connected lumens and a distal portion with diverging lumens. The lumens may separate at a split junction and diverge in a scissors like manner to reduce or eliminate a crack or gap adjacent to the split junction, thereby reducing clotting. A dual tip dialysis catheter may have forward openings configured to direct flow in opposite directions.

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009050478A1
Автор: JAIN, Ajay Kumar

A catheter apparatus is provided with lumens for accommodating guidewires. The apparatus comprises an actuator controllable to move the distal ends of the lumens relative to each other. Accordingly, the separation of the guidewires can be controlled, enabling probing by the guidewires of different area of an occlusion in a blood vessel, such as a chronic total occlusion.

14-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011084342A1
Автор: BOWE, Jason, S.

A medical device delivery system is described, the medical device delivery system comprising: a medical device carrier portion comprising a proximal end; a release mechanism cooperating with said medical device carrier portion and operable to release a medical device from said medical device carrier portion; and a proximal tip portion. The proximal tip portion comprises a largest outside diameter, a proximal end, a distal end, and a plurality of longitudinal lengths as measured from said proximal end to said distal end of said proximal tip portion, and is disposed proximal to said medical device carrier portion. The proximal tip portion further comprises and is operable between at least an extended longitudinal length and a retracted longitudinal length of said plurality of longitudinal lengths. Said extended longitudinal length is greater than said retracted longitudinal length.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013055604A1
Автор: MUNSINGER, Joel R.

In some embodiments, a recapturing sheath (10) comprises an elongate shaft (12) having a proximal end and a distal end (15). The shaft defines a lumen (18) therein. The distal end comprises a flare (14) and a slit (24). A first portion (26) of said flare overlaps a second portion (28) of said flare.

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002049695A2

Devices and methods for performing improved percutaneous myocardial revascularization (PMR) procedures. One device includes a preassembled PMR drug delivery catheter and a drug neutraliting vial. The vial assembly allows prepping the PMR catheter by flushing drug through distal needle, and into a vial cavity where the drug is neutralized by a neitralizing agent. One set of devices includes needles having protrusions secured to the distal regions of drug delivery tubes. One needle has outward protruding barbs engaging the inner tube wall while another needle has outward threads which can screw into the tube wall. Radiopaque marker bands are also included in the present invention which are asymmetrically distributed on the catheter shaft, allowing a treating physician to determine under fluoroscopy whether the catheter distal region is pointed away or toward the treating physician, as well as determining whether the catheter distal region is rotated toward or away from the treating physician ...

26-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012100184A9

Systems, methods, and devices allow intravascular or percutaneous mapping, orientation or ablation, or combinations thereof in bodily cavities or lumens.. A device includes a plurality of elongate members which are moveable between an unexpanded configuration, a bent or coiled stack configuration and an expanded or fanned configuration. The elongate members form a stack arrangement in the unexpanded configuration to fit through a catheter sheath, The elongate members follow respective arcuate or curvilinear paths as advanced from the sheath into the bent or coiled stack configuration, adopting volute, scroll or rho shapes, and may be nested. The elongated members are fanned or radially spaced circumferentially with respect to one another into the expanded or fanned configuration. Transducers carried by elongate members may sense various physiological characteristics of or proximate tissue, for instance temperature, and/or may apply energy to or proximate tissue, for example to perform ablation ...

31-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007062091A3

A cuffed-catheter removal device includes a handle and a shaft extending from the handle. The shaft extends from the handle to a distal end of the cuffed-catheter removal device. At the distal end of the cuffed-catheter removal device the shaft includes a C-shaped shaft member with a concave recess shaped and dimensioned for attachment and tracking along an exposed catheter shaft.

30-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: WO1991007200A1

The catheter of the present invention is adapted to be introduced into an internal organ in a body either percutaneously or through a body orifice for drainage of the organ where it can contact bodily fluids. The catheter includes a flexible tubular member (3) that has an inner lumen (4) and a rigid solid tip (1) disposed at the end of the inner lumen (4). The tip (1) is formed of a material that is slippery when wet, soluble in the bodily fluids and capable of absorbing radiographic fluids that are injected into inner lumen (4) for identification of the location by X-rays. A narrow passageway (1b) is disposed in the tip (1) and extends from the inner lumen (4) to the distal end (1c) of the tip (1). The passageway (1b) is adapted to receive a guide wire for insertion of the catheter into an internal organ.

30-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999048550A1
Автор: DESAI, Jawahar, M.

An improved endocardial catheter includes a plurality of longitudinally extending openings (36) adjacent intermediate portions at its distal end (16). The catheter is acutable from a retracted or collapsed mode, wherein the sealed openings (36) are arranged around the tubular catheter surface to an expanded mode. The plurality of longitudinal openings (36) in the catheter wall enable radial expansion of the tubular surface at the distal end, so that intermediate portions of the tubular catheter surface are moved to an operative position radially outward from their position in the retracted mode. In the expanded position, the intermediate portions form wings (34) around the distal end, revealing a cavity within the tubular catheter for the release of contrast material or other fluid into endocardial sites through the longitudinal openings (36).

12-08-2004 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for entering cavities of the body

Номер: US20040158206A1
Принадлежит: A-Med Systems, Inc.

Systems and methods for providing cardiac support provide a cannula body having an inlet and an outlet. The cannula includes a preformed bend sized and configured to extend within the heart chamber between the inlet and the outlet. The cannula is inserted through a first valve into a heart chamber and through a second valve out of the heart chamber. Blood is drawn into the cannula through the inlet and discharged from the cannula through the outlet, thereby bypassing the heart chamber.

05-10-2021 дата публикации

Thrombectomy catheter and methods of use

Номер: US0011134967B2

A thrombectomy catheter with a catheter or delivery sheath having a dual lumen extending therethrough, the catheter having a proximal segment and a distal segment and a linear section coupled therebetween, the distal segment configured as a loop, a port or aperture formed therein said dual lumen of said catheter, the port positioned proximate the distal segment, and a guidewire configured to longitudinally traverse therethrough one of the dual lumen of the catheter, said guidewire having a first end affixed to a mesh strainer, the mesh strainer configured to longitudinally traverse therethrough the other of the dual lumen of the catheter and exit therethrough said port and follow said loop to form retractable mesh strainer.

07-06-2011 дата публикации

Articulating laparoscopic device and method for delivery of medical fluid

Номер: US0007955315B2
Принадлежит: Ethicon, Inc., ETHICON INC, ETHICON, INC.

A laparoscopic medical fluid delivery device includes a catheter having an articulating tip formed with shape memory properties and thus having a pre-shaped curvature. A tubular member is reciprocatingly slidable axially on the catheter to selectively cover and uncover portions of the articulating tip to thereby selectively vary the degree of curvature of the articulating tip. An actuator operatively linked to the tubular member selectively moves the tubular member reciprocatingly on the catheter. The pre-shaped articulating tip of the catheter is constrained by the tubular member from articulating to the pre-shaped curvature when the tubular member covers the articulating tip, and bends to a selected degree of curvature when the articulating tip is at least partially uncovered by the tubular member.

29-11-2011 дата публикации

Blood flow restoration and thrombus management methods

Номер: US0008066757B2

Systems, methods, and devices for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke that provide immediate blood flow restoration to a vessel occluded by a clot and, after reestablishing blood flow, address the clot itself. Immediate blood flow restoration advantageously can facilitate natural lysis of the clot and also can reduce or obviate the concern for distal embolization due to fragmentation of the clot. Several embodiments of the invention provide for progressive, or modular, treatment based upon the nature of the clot. For example, the progressive treatment can comprise a three-step progressive treatment process that includes immediate restoration of blood flow, in-situ clot management, and/or clot removal depending on the particular circumstances of the treatment. The in-situ clot management can include, for example, lysis and maceration. The progressive, or modular, treatment can be provided by a system or kit of one or more treatment devices.

10-10-2017 дата публикации

Splitable tip catheter with bioresorbable adhesive

Номер: US0009782535B2

Splitable-tip catheters are disclosed with bioresorbable adhesive to provide spatial separation of distal tip elements during use. The invention can be particularly useful in hemodialysis applications where it is desirable to separate blood extraction and return lumens. The adhesive facilitates insertion of the distal end of the catheter as an assembly, e.g., into a blood vessel using a single guidewire, while the bioresorbable nature of the adhesive allows the tip elements to separate in vivo.

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009306545A1

A catheter assembly configured for use in a non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage procedure. The catheter assembly may include an inner catheter member having an inner catheter lumen and an outer catheter member having an outer catheter lumen, where the inner catheter member is disposed longitudinally and coaxially through at least a lengthwise portion of the outer catheter lumen, a distal end portion of the outer catheter includes an atraumatically-shaped disruptable seal-which seal includes at least a pair of overlapping slits that extend at least partially through an internal distal end wall portion of the outer catheter-and where a distal end portion of the inner catheter includes a wedging structure configured to at least partially sealingly contact an inner circumference of a passage in a lower portion of a patient lung.

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009306631A1

The illustrative embodiments described herein are directed to a system, method, and apparatus for applying a reduced pressure to a subcutaneous tissue site. The apparatus includes a manifold that is adapted to be inserted for placement at the subcutaneous tissue site. The manifold may include at least one purging lumen operable to deliver a fluid to a distal portion of the manifold. The manifold may also include at least one slit at the distal portion of the manifold. The manifold may include at least one reduced-pressure lumen operable to deliver reduced pressure to the subcutaneous tissue site via the at least one slit. In one example, the manifold also includes an interlumen channel fluidly interconnecting the at least one purging lumen, the at least one reduced-pressure lumen, and the at least one slit at the distal portion of the manifold.

17-02-2015 дата публикации

Catheter apparatuses having multi-electrode arrays for renal neuromodulation and associated systems and methods

Номер: US8956352B2

Catheter apparatuses, systems, and methods for achieving renal neuromodulation by intravascular access are disclosed herein. One aspect of the present technology, for example, is directed to a treatment device having a multi-electrode array configured to be delivered to a renal blood vessel. The array is selectively transformable between a delivery or low-profile state (e.g., a generally straight shape) and a deployed state (e.g., a radially expanded, generally helical shape). The multi-electrode array is sized and shaped so that the electrodes or energy delivery elements contact an interior wall of the renal blood vessel when the array is in the deployed (e.g., helical) state. The electrodes or energy delivery elements are configured for direct and/or indirect application of thermal and/or electrical energy to heat or otherwise electrically modulate neural fibers that contribute to renal function or of vascular structures that feed or perfuse the neural fibers.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133625A1

Mechanical thrombectomy apparatuses, and particularly knitted rolling tube mechanical thrombectomy apparatuses configured to have improved tracking for delivery through tortious vessels are described herein. Also described herein are methods of removing clots using a mechanical thrombectomy apparatuses in which the clot is larger than the tractor portion of the mechanical thrombectomy apparatus.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202381A1
Автор: Richard A. Schatz

A catheter system includes a positioning catheter for receiving an injection needle into its lumen. Structurally, the injection needle incorporates a plurality of loops that are mounted directly onto its shaft. As the injection needle is moved in a distal direction to exit from the lumen of the catheter, the loops are individually biased to transition from a folded configuration, and into a deployed configuration. In their deployed configurations, the loops create a barrier that is oriented perpendicular to the needle. Thus, the barrier acts to limit the depth of insertion of the needle into target tissue of a patient, to a predetermined depth, and to prevent perforation of the target tissue by the catheter tip.

09-06-2005 дата публикации

Partial aortic occlusion devices and methods for cerebral perfusion augmentation

Номер: US2005124849A1

Methods are provided for partial aortic obstruction for cerebral perfusion augmentation in patients suffering from global or focal cerebral ischemia. Alternatively, the methods can be used to partially obstruct aortic blood flow to condition the spinal cord to secrete neuroprotective agents prior to abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Partial obstruction of a vessel can be accomplished by a device comprising an elongate catheter and a distally mounted expandable member. The expandable member may comprise one or two balloons. Other medical devices, such as an angioplasty, stent, or atherectomy catheter, can be inserted distal the expandable member to provide therapeutic intervention.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Loop-tip catheter

Номер: US20120053503A1
Принадлежит: CR Bard Inc

A hemodialysis catheter, including an elongate body with an outer wall enclosing an arterial lumen and a venous lumen, and a method of making same. The catheter includes a first continuous loop and a second continuous loop formed from a distal extension of the outer wall, the first continuous loop beginning at a first side of the distal end of the body to define a first enclosed opening, and the second continuous loop beginning at a second side of the distal end of the body to define a second enclosed opening.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Intravascular Ultrasound Pigtail Catheter

Номер: US20120095340A1
Автор: Brian E. Smith
Принадлежит: Volcano Corp

An IVUS pigtail catheter is provided. The IVUS pigtail catheter includes an array of transducers for performing intravascular ultrasound imaging and a pigtail end portion for performing angiographic imaging. The IVUS pigtail catheter facilitates both IVUS imaging and angiographic imaging without the need to exchange catheters. This allows surgical procedures performed using the IVUS pigtail catheter to be faster, more accurate, and less complicated. Methods of utilizing the IVUS pigtail catheter are also provided.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Hinged catheter

Номер: US20120101441A1
Принадлежит: Cook Inc

The disclosure provides a catheter for positioning in a contralateral femoral approach in highly angulated iliac bifurcations. The catheter comprises an elongate shaft, an adjustable element, and a wire entrance port on the elongate shaft. The elongate shaft has a proximal portion, an intermediate portion, a curved portion, and a distal portion. The curved portion connects the intermediate portion and the distal portion. The adjustable element is configured to encompass the distal portion and the intermediate portion together in a closed position. The adjustable element can be removed away from the distal portion permitting the distal portion in an open position. The wire entrance port is disposed in the intermediate portion near the curved portion. The distal portion is biased to be spaced away from the intermediate portion in the open position. The adjustable element is connected to an operating wire configured to advance and retreat through the wire entrance port.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Catheter For Reduced Reflux in Targeted Tissue Delivery of a Therapeutic Agent

Номер: US20120157921A1
Принадлежит: Codman and Shurtleff Inc

A therapeutic agent delivery system that includes a catheter having a proximal end and an opposite distal end. The catheter has a body with a lumen defined therein. The body of the catheter includes a non-bulbous region having a substantially uniform outer diameter and a bulbous region made from an elastically deformable material. While in a first state the bulbous region has a maximum outer diameter greater than the substantially uniform outer diameter of the non-bulbous region; and while in a second state the maximum outer diameter of the bulbous region is reduced relative to that while in the first state.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Introducer sheath for catheters

Номер: US20120323180A1

An introducer sheath includes a tubular body portion having a proximal region and a distal region, and defines an internal lumen configured and dimensioned to slidably receive a catheter. A penetrating portion at a distal end of the tubular body has a first tapered configuration to enlarge an opening in a body tissue during distal advancement of the introducer sheath through the body tissue and a second expanded configuration to enable the passage of a distal end portion of a catheter through the penetrating portion.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Vascular delivery methods

Номер: US20130090626A1
Автор: Robert Feldtman
Принадлежит: Individual

A vascular method is disclosed comprising introducing a first flexible wire into a blood vessel, wherein the blood vessel has a first vessel end and a second vessel end and wherein the first flexible wire has a first end and a second end, sliding an angiotip along the first flexible wire in a direction away from the first end of the wire and toward the second end of the wire, frictionally engaging the first flexible wire with the angiotip, and pulling the first flexible wire through the blood vessel in the direction of the second vessel end, wherein the pulling of the first flexible wire pulls the angiotip through the blood vessel in the direction of the second vessel end.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Embolic protection device and method of use

Номер: US20130144329A1
Автор: Fred T. Parker
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A method of embolic protection during a medical procedure in a patient's body vessel includes inserting a medical device having an outer tubular member and an inner tubular member into the body vessel. A flexible filter portion has one end attached to the distal end of the inner tubular member and the other end attached to the distal end of the outer tubular member. The filter portion is deployed within the body vessel so that the filter portion extends distally from the outer tubular member and expands radially outward to engage the filter body with an enclosing body vessel wall. A medical instrument is inserted through the inner tubular member to perform the medical procedure. The filter portion allows the passage of blood cells to surrounding vessels and prevents emboli from entering surrounding vessels. After removing medical instrument, the medical device is also removed from the body vessel.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Catheter with atraumatic tip

Номер: US20130172786A1

A medical device is provided comprising a shaft comprising a first segment and a second segment. The first segment is configured to buckle upon application of a first critical force. The second segment includes an outer surface and an inner surface and is configured to buckle upon application of a second critical force. The second critical force is lower than the first critical force. The medical device further comprises a coil disposed radially inwardly of the inner surface of the second segment.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Enhanced medical device for use in bodily cavities, for example an atrium

Номер: US20130178851A1
Принадлежит: Kardium Inc

Systems, methods, and devices allow intravascular or percutaneous mapping, orientation and/or ablation, in bodily cavities or lumens. A device includes elongate members, moveable between an unexpanded configuration and an expanded or fanned configuration. The elongate members form a stack in the unexpanded configuration to fit through a catheter sheath. The elongate members follow respective arcuate or curvilinear paths as advanced from the sheath into the bent or coiled stack configuration, adopting volute, scroll or rho shapes, and may be nested. The elongated members are fanned or radially spaced circumferentially with respect to one another into the expanded or fanned configuration. Transducer elements carried by elongate members sense various physiological characteristics of or proximate tissue, and/or may apply energy to or proximate tissue. The elongate members are rotatable in groups or as a group in the expanded configuration. The device is retractable.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Catheter device

Номер: US20130237744A1

The catheter device comprises a drive shaft connected to a motor, and a rotor mounted on the drive shaft at the distal end section. The rotor has a frame structure which is formed by a screw-like boundary frame and rotor struts extending radially inwards from the boundary frame. The rotor struts are fastened to the drive shaft by their ends opposite the boundary frame. Between the boundary frame and the drive shaft extends an elastic covering. The frame structure is made of an elastic material such that, after forced compression, the rotor unfolds automatically.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Catheter device

Номер: US20130289527A1
Автор: Adrian C. Ravenscroft

A catheter assembly comprising an elongated tubular structure having a distal end and a proximal end; a septum disposed within the interior of the tubular structure so as to define a first lumen and a second lumen, and a valve element disposed at the distal end of the tubular structure and configured to move longitudinally relative to the tubular structure between (i) a closed position in which the distal end of the tubular structure is closed off by the valve element, and (ii) an open position in which the distal end of the tubular structure is not closed off by the valve element; wherein the tubular structure, septum and valve element are configured so as to provide fluid communication between the first and second lumen when the valve element is disposed in its closed position.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Enhanced medical device for use in bodily cavities, for example an atrium

Номер: US20130304065A1
Принадлежит: Kardium Inc

Systems, methods, and devices allow intravascular or percutaneous mapping, orientation or ablation, or combinations thereof in bodily cavities or lumens. A device includes a plurality of elongate members which are moveable between an unexpanded configuration, a bent or coiled stack configuration and an expanded or fanned configuration. The elongate members form a stack arrangement in the unexpanded configuration to fit through a catheter sheath. The elongate members follow respective arcuate or curvilinear paths as advanced from the sheath into the bent or coiled stack configuration, adopting volute, scroll or rho shapes, and may be nested. The elongated members are fanned or radially spaced circumferentially with respect to one another into the expanded or fanned configuration. Transducers carried by elongate members may sense various physiological characteristics of or proximate tissue, for instance temperature, and/or may apply energy to or proximate tissue, for example to perform ablation. The device is retractable.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Solid-Body Catheter Including Lateral Distal Openings

Номер: US20140025042A1
Автор: Gregersen Colin S.
Принадлежит: C. R. BARD, INC.

A split-tip catheter for placement within the vasculature of a patient and for use in hemodialysis or other suitable procedures is disclosed. In one embodiment, the split-tip catheter includes a catheter body that defines a first lumen and a second lumen. The catheter body further comprises a split distal region, including a venous segment and an arterial segment. The venous segment includes a recess extending proximally of a nose portion; and a lateral opening in fluid communication with the first lumen. The arterial segment also includes a lateral opening, is separate from the venous segment, and is removably seatable in the recess provided by the venous segment. In one embodiment, the distal region is un-split, but includes symmetrically opposed lateral openings, as well as distal openings, in communication with the first and second lumens for providing a functional stagger for blood flow in both forward and reverse catheter flow directions. 1 an atraumatic nose portion defining a first distal opening in fluid communication with the first lumen and a second distal opening in fluid communication with the second lumen;', 'a first lateral opening defined by the catheter body and in fluid communication with the first lumen, and', 'a second lateral opening defined by the catheter body and in fluid communication with the second lumen,', 'wherein at least one of the first and second lateral openings is defined by an angle cross-cut through an outer perimeter of the catheter body., 'a catheter body defining at least a first lumen and a second lumen, the catheter body including a distal region, the distal region including. A catheter for vascular insertion, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/657,604, filed Oct. 22, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,540,661, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/414,467, filed Mar. 30, 2009, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,292,841, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Guide extension catheter

Номер: US20140052097A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

Medical devices and methods for making and using medical devices are disclosed. An example medical device may include a guide extension catheter. The guide extension catheter may include an elongate tubular member having a proximal region, a distal region, and a slot formed in the tubular member between the proximal region and the distal region. The proximal region of the tubular member may be configured to shift between a first configuration and a collapsed configuration. The guide extension catheter may also include an elongate shaft for shifting the proximal region between the first configuration and the collapsed configuration.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Catheter System for a Needle Injector with an Automatic Needle/Barrier Extension

Номер: US20140081207A1
Автор: Schatz Richard A.

A catheter system includes a positioning catheter for receiving an injection needle into its lumen. The injection needle incorporates a web member mounted directly onto its shaft. As the injection needle is moved in a distal direction to exit from the lumen of the catheter, the web member is biased to transition from a folded configuration, and into a flared configuration. Specifically, this transition occurs when the injection needle is deployed more than a predetermined distance “d” beyond the distal end of the catheter. In its flared configuration, the web member is disk-shaped and is oriented perpendicular to the needle. Thus, it acts as a barrier to limit the depth of insertion of the needle into target tissue of a patient, to a depth less than “d”, and to prevent perforation of the target tissue by the catheter tip. 1. A catheter system for performing an injection of fluid medicament into a tissue of a patient which comprises:a catheter having a proximal end and a distal end, and defining an axis;an injection needle positioned on the catheter, wherein the injection needle has a proximal end and a distal end; anda web member mounted on the injection needle for movement into a flared configuration, wherein the web member comprises a plurality of elongated wire loops, wherein each loop is substantially oval-shaped to create a disk-shaped barrier centered at a location on the injection needle and substantially perpendicular to the injection needle, wherein the location of the barrier is at a selected distance “d” proximal the distal end of the injection needle and the flared configuration is established when the distal end of the injection needle is more than the selected distance “d”, in a distal direction, from the distal end of the catheter, and further wherein the web member, in its flared configuration, prevents an insertion of the injection needle any deeper than the selected distance “d” into the tissue of the patient.2. A catheter system as recited in ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000513A1
Принадлежит: Bridgepoint Medical, Inc.

Devices and methods for the treatment of chronic total occlusions are provided. One disclosed embodiment comprises a method of facilitating treatment via a vascular wall defining a vascular lumen containing an occlusion therein. The method includes inserting an intramural crossing device into the vascular lumen, positioning at least the distal tip of the crossing device in the vascular wall, advancing an orienting device over the crossing device such that an orienting element of the orienting device resides in the vascular wall, inserting a reentry device, and re-entering the true vascular lumen. 1. A method of bypassing an occlusion in a blood vessel through a subintimal pathway , comprising:advancing a subintimal crossing device through a subintimal space between tissue layers of a vascular wall of the blood vessel adjacent to the occlusion;thereafter, advancing an orienting device into the subintimal space;expanding an orienting element of the orienting device in the subintimal space to orient a side port of the orienting device toward a lumen of the blood vessel distal of the occlusion; andadvancing a re-entry device out of the side port and into the true lumen of the blood vessel distal of the occlusion.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , withdrawing the subintimal crossing device from the subintimal space prior to advancing the orienting device into the subintimal space.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the orienting element expands in a planar orienting element.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the planar orienting element is a preformed planar sinusoid.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the planar orienting element is two wings that extend in opposite directions.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the side port of the orienting device is oriented at a right angle to a plane of the planar orienting element.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subintimal crossing device includes a bulbous distal tip.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001062A1

An introducer sheath () comprises a tubular body () with a distal portion () and a proximal portion (), the proximal portion () being configured to be inserted into the patient's body. Introducer sheath can be separated along its length in a longitudinal direction. The introducer sheath () further comprises at least a first handle () which is pivotable about a fulcrum (). The first handle () has a first end portion () and a free second end portion () so as to form a lever, such that pivoting the handle () about the fulcrum () causes a contacting portion () of the handle to act on a respective counter portion () that is operatively connected to the distal portion () of the tubular body (). This creates a breaking force that causes the distal portion () of the tubular body () to break. 1. An introducer sheath for providing access in a patient's body , comprising:a tubular body with a distal portion and a proximal portion, the proximal portion being configured to be inserted into the patient's body to allow a medical device to be inserted through the introducer sheath into the patient's body, the introducer sheath being structured to facilitate separation along its length in a longitudinal direction; andat least a first handle which is pivotable about a fulcrum, the first handle having a first end portion and a free second end portion so as to form a lever, such that pivoting the handle about the fulcrum causes a contacting portion of the handle to act on a respective counter portion that is operatively connected to the distal portion of the tubular body, thereby creating a breaking force that causes the distal portion of the tubular body to break.2. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the fulcrum is disposed eccentrically in the first end portion of the first handle and the contacting portion is disposed at an edge of the first end portion claim 1 , wherein a distance between the contacting portion and the fulcrum is less than a distance between the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022898A1

A device and method for intravascular treatment of an embolism, and particularly a pulmonary embolism, is disclosed herein. One aspect of the present technology, for example, is directed toward a clot treatment device that includes a support member having a plurality of first clot engagement members and second clot engagement members positioned about the circumference of a distal portion of the support member. In an undeployed state, individual first clot engagement members can be linear and have a first length, and individual second clot engagement members can be linear and have a second length that is less than the first length. The clot engagement members can be configured to penetrate clot material along an arcuate path and hold clot material to the clot treatment device. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of treating clot material in a blood vessel , the method comprising:advancing a clot treatment device in a low-profile state through a lumen of a guide catheter, wherein the clot treatment device includes a mesh structure and a plurality of treatment portions;at least partially expanding the clot treatment device within the blood vessel from the low-profile state to a deployed state, wherein individual ones of the treatment portions include a proximally-facing curved portion and a distally-facing curved portion in the deployed state;expanding a funnel member within the blood vessel proximal of the clot material;engaging the clot treatment device with the clot material;retracting the clot treatment device and a portion of the clot material into a distal portion of the guide catheter; andinhibiting, with the funnel member, the clot material from moving proximally through the blood vessel past the distal portion of the guide catheter during retraction of the clot treatment device and the portion of the clot material into the distal portion of the guide catheter.22. The method of wherein the method further comprises aspirating the guide catheter.23. The method of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008802A1

A medical catheter that includes an elongate main tube, the tube having an outer wall that surrounds an internal passage, branch tubes having an outer wall connected to the outer wall of the main tube which extend outward from the main tube in different respective directions and have one or more apertures passing through their outer wall to their internal passage to permit fluid to pass through the branch tubes and into the main tube in use. The branch tubes are arranged to be able to move towards each other to permit location of the catheter within the bore of a needle or needle-like apparatus and which return to their original outwards state when removed. 1. A medical catheter , comprising:an elongate main tube, the tube having an outer wall which surrounds an internal passage;first and second branch tubes, each having an outer wall connected to the outer wall of the main tube, which outer wall surrounds an internal passage which is in communication with that of the main tube, wherein the branch tubes extend outwards from the main tube in different respective directions and have one or more apertures passing through their outer wall to their internal passage to permit fluid to pass through the branch tubes and into the main tube in use, and wherein the branch tubes are arranged so as to be resiliently movable, generally towards each other, to permit location of the catheter within the bore of a needle or needle-like apparatus and which return to their original outwards state when removed.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein at least part of the main tube extends along a central axis and in which the branch tubes extend outwardly from said central axis on opposite sides to provide an overall Y-shape or similar.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the branch tubes extend from one end of the main tube.4. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein each branch tube comprises a plurality of apertures passing through the side wall.5. The catheter of claim 4 , wherein the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008338A1
Принадлежит: AtriCure, Inc.

Medical devices and instruments, particularly pericardial access systems and devices and related methods are disclosed. Some example pericardial access devices may include a distally located, expandable skirt configured to engage the pericardium. When extended, the skirt may be wider than the tubular body of the device. Some example pericardial access devices may include an at least partially transparent, repositionable tip. 1. A surgical device for accessing a pericardial space of a patient , comprising:an elongated, generally tubular body including a proximal end and a distal end, the tubular body including at least one longitudinal channel extending from the proximal end to the distal end, the at least one longitudinal channel being capable of selectively accepting an obturator and a needle guide system therein;a handle disposed at the proximal end of the tubular body; anda selectively deployable suction skirt movable between a retracted configuration in which the skirt is radially contracted and an extended configuration in which the skirt is radially expanded and includes a distal edge defining a distal opening;wherein, in the extended configuration, the distal edge of the skirt is configured to sealingly engage a surface of a tissue layer, the distal opening of the skirt is diametrically wider than the distal end of the tubular body, and the skirt is configured to accept a portion of the tissue layer proximally therein when suction is applied to the skirt via the tubular body.2. The device of claim 1 ,wherein, in the retracted configuration, the skirt is at least partially within the tubular body; andwherein, in the extended configuration, the skirt extends distally beyond the distal end of the tubular body.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the extended configuration claim 1 , the skirt is generally frustoconical.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the skirt includes at least one positioner operatively coupled an actuator disposed on the handle ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008340A1

A catheter delivery system () includes: (i) an introducer sheath (); (ii) a catheter () disposed at least partially within the introducer sheath and movable axial along the introducer sheath; (iii) an invaginating tube () sealably secured at or near a first axial end () of the invaginating tube to the introducer sheath at or near a first axial end ( ) of the introducer sheath; (iv) a runner () slidably connected to the catheter; (v) the invaginating tube being sealably secured at or near a second axial end () of the invaginating tube to the runner, such that the runner with inavaginating tube secured thereto is sealably connected to the catheter and movable axially along at least a portion of the catheter; and (vi) means for pressurising the annular space defined between the introducer sheath, the catheter and the invaginating tube. 1. A delivery system including:an introducer sheath;a catheter disposed at least partially within the introducer sheath and movable axial along the introducer sheath;an invaginating tube sealably secured at or near a first axial end of the invaginating tube to the introducer sheath at or near a first axial end of the introducer sheath;a runner slidably connected to the catheter;the invaginating tube being sealably secured at or near a second axial end of the invaginating tube to the runner, such that the runner with inavaginating tube secured thereto is sealably connected to the catheter and movable axially along at least a portion of the catheter; andmeans for pressurising the annular space defined between the introducer sheath, the catheter and the invaginating tube.2. A delivery system according to claim 1 , wherein the runner is made of a material that is different to the material from which the invaginating tube is made.3. A delivery system according to claim 2 , further including an inflatable balloon on the catheter.4. A delivery system according to claim 3 , further including a limiter on the catheter claim 3 , and wherein:the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023589A1

An endoluminal access device including an outer sheath defining a lumen and a guide assembly. The guide assembly includes an expandable portion configured to be transitioned between a collapsed configuration having a first diameter and an expanded configuration having a second diameter that is greater than the first diameter. The expandable portion includes a first arm defining a first lumen and an aperture in communication with the first lumen. The expandable portion is configured to expand outwardly from a central longitudinal axis when the expandable portion transitions to the expanded configuration and to deflect inwardly toward the central longitudinal axis when the expandable portion is transitioned to the collapsed configuration. The endoluminal access device further includes an endoluminal tool deliverable from the first lumen of the first arm and outwardly from the aperture of the first arm. 1. An endoluminal access device comprising:an outer sheath defining a lumen; 'a first arm defining a first lumen and an aperture in communication with the first lumen, the expandable portion being configured to expand outwardly from a central longitudinal axis when the expandable portion transitions to the expanded configuration and to deflect inwardly toward the central longitudinal axis when the expandable portion is transitioned from the expanded configuration to the collapsed configuration; and', 'an expandable portion configured to be transitioned between a collapsed configuration having a first diameter and an expanded configuration having a second diameter that is greater than the first diameter, the expandable portion including, 'a guide assembly including,'}an endoluminal tool deliverable from the first lumen of the first arm and outwardly from the aperture of the first arm.2. The endoluminal access device of claim 1 , wherein the endoluminal tool is slidably received within the first lumen.3. The endoluminal access device of claim 1 , wherein the endoluminal ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008920A1
Принадлежит: Park Surgical Innovations, LLC

A device and method for delivering a synthetic mesh or graft for anatomical repair at a defect site. A plurality of flexible arms is connected to the synthetic mesh or graft. Grasping jaws are individually controlled at or near a proximal end of the device for connection of the graft and release of the graft at the surgical site. The flexible arms, with graft attached are positioned through a surgical incision to the defect site. An actuator positions the flexible arms to assume a radial array at the surgical site, unfolding and spreading the graft for attachment. The length of each flexible arm is individually adjustable to adapt to the size and shape of the graft selected for installation at the defect site to repair the defect. 2. A device for delivery of a graft for attachment to tissue as described in claim 1 , wherein each of the flexible arms of the plurality of flexible arms is slidable relative to the first actuator and a length of each of the flexible arms extends from the housing and the length of each of the flexible arms of the plurality of flexible arms that extends from the housing is individually adjustable.3. A device for delivery of a graft for attachment to tissue as described in claim 1 , further comprising a brake claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of flexible arms frictionally engages the brake.4. A device for delivery of a graft for attachment to tissue as described in claim 1 , further comprising a brake claim 1 , wherein the brake comprises a plurality of channels formed therein claim 1 , and each of the plurality of flexible arms frictionally engages a channel of the plurality of channels of the brake.5. A device for delivery of a graft for attachment to tissue as described in claim 1 , wherein a portion of each of the flexible arms is slidable into a chamber of the housing claim 1 , and wherein the first actuator is contained in the housing.6. A device for delivery of a graft for attachment to tissue as described in claim 1 , wherein ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Devices and methods for selectively deploying catheter instruments

Номер: US20220032007A1
Принадлежит: Thermedical Inc

Catheters with deployable instruments (e.g., needles) can damage tissue if the instrument unintentionally deploys during use. Described herein are devices and methods for controlling the position of a deployable catheter instrument. In one embodiment, a catheter can include an instrument slidably disposed within an inner lumen of the catheter and coupled to at least one protrusion, as well as a retraction stop coupled to the catheter. The catheter can further include a biasing element coupled to the instrument that can urge the instrument proximally such that the at least one protrusion abuts against the retraction stop, as well as an advancing mechanism to selectively engage the instrument and urge it distally. In some embodiments, the biasing element can be omitted and a deployment stop can be included distal to the retraction stop. These configurations can prevent unintentional instrument deployment and provide greater positioning precision during instrument deployment.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Universal Catheter Tip and Methods for Use

Номер: US20170014252A1
Автор: Patrick W. KELLY

The present disclosure provides a catheter tip comprising a flexible housing comprising a cavity extending between an expandable opening arranged at a first end of the catheter tip and a second end of the catheter tip, wherein the expandable opening is configured to increase in diameter from a first position to a second position in response to application of an external force to the second end of the flexible housing.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014569A1

An injection catheter system is disclosed. The system includes a catheter defining a first pressure transfer lumen adapted to retain a pressure transfer material, an actuator at a proximal end of the catheter adapted to deliver a pressure from a proximal end to a distal end of the first pressure transfer lumen via the pressure transfer material, a distal section defining at least a first internal chamber adapted to retain a therapeutic gel component, at least a first plunger retained in the first internal chamber, and an injection port for delivering a therapeutic gel component into a treatment location from the first internal chamber when the actuator is used to deliver a pressure via the pressure transfer material to move the first plunger to deliver a therapeutic gel component through the injection port. 1. An injection catheter system comprising:(a) a catheter defining at least a first pressure transfer lumen adapted to retain a pressure transfer fluid;(b) an actuator at a proximal end of the catheter adapted to deliver a pressure transfer fluid into a proximal end of the first pressure transfer lumen;(c) a distal section at a distal end of the catheter defining at least a first internal chamber adapted to retain a therapeutic gel component;(d) at least a first plunger retained in the first internal chamber, a proximal end of the plunger being in fluid communication with the first pressure transfer lumen and adapted to move within the first internal chamber; and(e) an injection port for injecting a therapeutic gel component into a treatment location from the first internal chamber when the actuator is used to deliver a pressure transfer fluid into the first pressure transfer lumen to move the first plunger to deliver a therapeutic gel component through the injection port.2. The injection catheter system of claim 1 , wherein the distal section further defines a second internal chamber adapted to retain a second therapeutic gel component.3. The injection catheter ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015007A1

A catheter has a mapping assembly having a plurality of splines mounted at its distal portion. The splines each have a proximal end disposed at the distal portion of the catheter body and a distal end and configured as a Fibonacci spiral arm that diverges outwardly from the proximal end. The splines have a support arm with shape memory, a non-conductive covering in surrounding relation to the support arm, at least one location sensor mounted at or near the distal end, a plurality of electrodes mounted in surrounding relation to the non-conductive covering, and a plurality of electrode lead wires extending within the non-conductive covering. Each electrode lead wire is attached to a corresponding one of the electrodes.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Catheter with adjustable diameter

Номер: US20180015252A1
Автор: Alois Pfenniger
Принадлежит: BIOTRONIK AG

An adjustable diameter catheter includes a wall extending in an axial direction surrounding a lumen of the catheter, the wall having at least one outer spring and at least one inner spring arranged coaxially to the outer spring. The at least one outer spring surrounds the at least one inner spring. The at least one inner and outer springs each have a distal end which are connected to one another. The at least one inner and outer springs each have a plurality of windings. A winding direction of the at least one outer spring is opposite to a winding direction of the at least one inner spring.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015255A1

An infusion catheter is disclosed. An example infusion catheter includes an elongate tubular member having a proximal portion and a distal portion, wherein the distal portion includes an infusion region extending along a portion thereof. Further, the infusion region of the elongate tubular member includes a plurality of apertures, and the apertures reduce the surface area of the infusion region by 0.25%-10%. 1. An infusion catheter , comprising:an elongate tubular member having a proximal portion and a distal portion, wherein the distal portion includes an infusion region extending along a portion thereof;wherein the infusion region of the elongate tubular member includes a plurality of apertures;wherein the apertures reduce the surface area of the infusion region by 0.25%-10%.2. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , wherein the distal portion of the tubular member further includes an inner surface claim 1 , an outer surface claim 1 , and a wall extending therebetween claim 1 , and wherein each of the plurality of apertures extends through the wall.3. The infusion catheter of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of apertures are spaced equidistant around the outer surface of the tubular member.4. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of apertures are configured to permit fluid under pressure up to 18 claim 1 ,000 psi to flow therethrough.5. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , wherein the elongate tubular member is a metal claim 1 , a glass claim 1 , or both metal and glass.6. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , further comprising a tip member claim 1 , and wherein the tip member is positioned distal of the infusion region.7. The infusion catheter of claim 6 , wherein the tip member includes a coil.8. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , wherein the proximal portion of the elongate tubular member is configured to releasably attach to a fluid infusion system.9. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , further comprising an accessory device slidably and rotationally ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015630A1

An occlusion catheter system includes a proximal hub having an inflation connection port and an inflation pathway. An inflation catheter member is connected to the proximal hub and has an inflation lumen. A stiffener member defines a longitudinal axis. The proximal end of the stiffener member is connected to the proximal hub. The stiffener member extends through a portion of the inflation lumen. An occlusion balloon has a proximal balloon end and a distal balloon end. A distal catheter member is positioned substantially on the longitudinal axis and is connected to the distal end of the stiffener member. An atraumatic tip is positioned on a distal end of the distal catheter member. The atraumatic tip has a substantially circular profile in a relaxed configuration. A pressure sensor is connected to the occlusion catheter system distally relative to the occlusion balloon and is connected to a processor by electrical wiring. 1. An occlusion catheter system for occlusion or partial occlusion of a large vessel , the occlusion catheter system comprising:a proximal hub having an inflation connection port and an inflation pathway defined in the connection port;an inflation catheter member connected to the proximal hub and including a first port, the inflation catheter member having an inflation lumen in communication with the inflation pathway, the inflation catheter member defining a longitudinal axis;an occlusion balloon having a proximal balloon end, a distal balloon end and defining a space therein between the proximal and distal balloon ends, the proximal balloon end connected proximate to a distal end of the inflation catheter, the space of the occlusion balloon in communication with the inflation lumen through the first port, the occlusion balloon having a first pressure that is below a failure pressure of the occlusion balloon;a distal catheter member positioned substantially on the longitudinal axis, the distal catheter member connected to the occlusion balloon ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Assemblies, systems, and methods for infusing therapeutic agents into the body

Номер: US20190015631A1
Принадлежит: Venous Therapy Inc

An infusion catheter assembly has the ability to infinitely titrate the length of a porous fluid distribution section in situ. The infusion catheter assembly thereby provides a length of infusion that can be infinitely varied over a prescribed range, to control the effective infusion length and the rate of infusion. Using the infusion catheter assembly, a physician has the capability to treat only the length of the vessel desired, thereby preventing excessive drug/patient exposures. The porous fluid distribution section can include an array of spaced apart apertures that vary in size and/or density along the length of the porous fluid distribution section, such that the flow rate remains essentially constant for a given inlet pressure independent of the effective infusion length.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015852A1

Medical devices, assemblies and methods for guarding sharp tips of medical needles are disclosed herein. Some embodiments include an expandable device configured to be at least partially disposed within the needle lumen. The device may include an expandable distal portion that is designed to shift between a first configuration in which the expandable distal portion has an outer diameter that is the same as or less than the inner diameter of the needle lumen and a second configuration in which the expandable distal portion has an outer diameter that is greater than the inner diameter of the needle lumen. An elongated inner member may be used to shift the expandable distal portion from the first configuration to the second configuration. 1. A medical needle assembly comprising:a needle having a needle body including a sharp distal tip and having a needle lumen defining an inner diameter;an elongated tubular member configured to be at least partially disposed within the needle lumen and including an expandable distal portion having an inner lumen defining an inner surface, wherein the expandable distal portion is designed to shift between a first configuration in which the expandable distal portion has an outer diameter that is the same as or less than the inner diameter of the needle lumen and a second configuration in which the expandable distal portion has an outer diameter that is greater than the inner diameter of the needle lumen; andan elongated inner member configured to shift the expandable distal portion from the first configuration to the second configuration.2. The medical needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein expandable distal portion is disposed distal of and adjacent to the sharp distal tip when in the second configuration such that the expandable distal portion guards the sharp distal tip of the needle.3. The medical needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the elongated inner member defines an outer surface claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Self-Centric Symmetric Catheter

Номер: US20200016367A1
Автор: Basiony Mohamed A

A hemodialysis self-centric symmetric catheter comprises an elongated portion, a proximal end and a distal end defining a longitudinal axis. Distal end may have two distal segments that may split (separated) from each other with respect to a longitudinal axis at a proximal end of said two distal segments and re-bonded with a distal portion at a distal end of said two distal segments. Each distal segment has a curved portion. Proximal end of said two distal segments may be coupled with a distal end of elongated portion. First distal segment and second distal segment are exactly symmetric (similar) to each other. Each distal segment may have a lumen, a distal tip and a distal angled opening. 1. A hemodialysis self-centric symmetric catheter comprising:an elongated portion, a proximal end and a distal end defining a longitudinal axis;a distal end comprising two splitted distal segments that are splitted with respect to a longitudinal axis at a proximal end of said two distal segments and re-bond again at a distal end of said two distal segments with a distal potion. Each of said distal segment has a curved portion. Said first distal segment and said second distal segment are exactly symmetric (similar) to each other. Each of said distal segments has a distal lumen, a distal tip and a distal angled opening.2. The hemodialysis self-centric symmetric catheter of claim 1 , wherein said catheter has a symmetric configuration with respect to said catheter lumens and said two distal segments.3. The hemodialysis self-centric symmetric catheter of claim 1 , wherein said two distal segments are splitted with respect to a longitudinal axis at a dividing point of a proximal end of said two distal segments4. The hemodialysis self-centric symmetric catheter of claim 1 , wherein each of said distal segment has a curved portion with respect to said a longitudinal axis.5. The hemodialysis self-centric symmetric catheter of claim 1 , wherein said two distal tips of said two distal ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018762A1
Принадлежит: Medical Device Works NV

The present application provides a device for the simultaneous or the separate perfusion and occlusion of a vessel comprising a body having a distal end, a proximal end, a single lumen () extending between the proximal end and the distal end, and at least one opening () which is in fluid communication with the lumen for delivering a therapeutic treatment to a vessel; and at least one expandable balloon () coupled with the body of the device, said balloon is provided with an interior which is in fluid communication with the lumen of the device through at least one opening (), said opening is provided with at least one valve () which is movable from a closed position, in which fluid communication of the lumen with the interior of the balloon is prevented, to an open position in which the lumen is in fluid communication with the interior of the balloon. 1. A device for the simultaneous or the separate perfusion and occlusion of a vessel comprising:a body having a distal end (X), a proximal end (Y), a single lumen extending between the proximal end (Y) and the distal end (X), and at least one opening which is in fluid communication with the lumen for delivering a therapeutic treatment to a vessel; andat least one expandable balloon coupled with the body of the device, wherein said balloon is provided with an interior which is in fluid communication with the lumen of the device through at least one opening, wherein said opening is provided with at least one valve which is movable from a closed position, in which fluid communication of the lumen with the interior of the balloon is prevented, to an open position in which the lumen is in fluid communication with the interior of the balloon.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is movable from a closed position to an open position in which said valve is completely contained outside the lumen of the device and inside the interior of the balloon.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is movable ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021547A1
Автор: Novak Curt A.

A system and method for the use of magneto-rheological fluids (MRF) and magnetically controlled elastomers (MCE) for use in fluid control and distribution apparatus which are responsive to control by a magnetic field are disclosed. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for improving fluid communication between a handpiece tip and an aspiration pump , comprising:aspirating a fluid from a surgical site with the handpiece tip through aspiration tubing with the aspiration pump;activating a magnetic field source communicatively coupled to a magnetically controlled elastomers (MCE) seeded portion of the aspiration tubing,wherein the aspiration tubing exhibits increased rigidity in response to the activated magnetic field source.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the aspiration pump is a vacuum based pump.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the MCE seeded portion is located near the aspiration pump.13. A catheter claim 10 , comprising:a hollow tube, wherein the hollow tube comprises a magnetically controlled elastomers (MCE) seeded portion, wherein the catheter is configured to exhibit increased rigidity in response to exposure to a magnetic field.14. A catheter system claim 10 , comprising:a hollow tube having a lumen and distal end, wherein the hollow tube is configured an dimensioned to receive a guidewire within the lumen;a balloon having a proximal end and distal end, wherein the proximal end of the balloon is configured and dimensioned to couple with distal end of the hollow tube; anda tip have a proximal end, wherein the proximal end of the tip is configured and dimensioned to couple with the distal end of the balloon, wherein the tip comprises a magnetically controlled elastomers (MCE) seeded portion, and wherein the tip is configured to exhibit increased rigidity in response to exposure to a magnetic field.15. A method for modifying the flexibility of a catheter claim 10 , comprising: 'exposing the magnetically controlled MCE seeded portion to a magnetic field source.', ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Infusion Catheter and Method of Use

Номер: US20190021751A1

An infusion catheter has an elongate flexible shaft including a wall and a lumen extending between a proximal end and a distal end. The catheter also has a sealing member within the shaft lumen including a wall and a lumen. The catheter also has a slidable, retractable elongate central axis member extending through the shaft and sealing member lumens connected to an end cap. The catheter also has a plurality of eluting arms extending radially around the central axis member, including lumens fluidly connected to the shaft lumen and the distal end cap. A method for treating a thrombus is also disclosed. 1. An infusion catheter comprising:an elongate flexible shaft comprising a wall and a lumen extending a length between a proximal end and a distal end;a sealing member within the shaft lumen comprising a wall and a lumen extending a length between a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end of the sealing member being attached to the distal end of the shaft;a slidable, retractable elongate central axis member extending through the shaft and sealing member lumens; andan eluting member having a lumen fluidly connected to the distal end of the shaft lumen.2. The infusion catheter of further comprising:a plurality of eluting members, each eluting member having a lumen fluidly connected to the distal end of the shaft lumen.3. The infusion catheter of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of eluting members extend radially around the central axis member.4. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , wherein the eluting member and the elongate central axis member connect to a distal end cap.5. The infusion catheter of claim 1 , further comprising a frame having at least one tine within the lumen of the eluting member.6. The infusion catheter of claim 5 , wherein the frame is constructed from a shape memory material.7. The infusion catheter of claim 6 , wherein the shape memory material is nitinol.8. The infusion catheter of claim 6 , wherein the shape memory material forms a pear shape. ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Optimized Catheter Sheath for Rx Catheter

Номер: US20220040454A1
Принадлежит: Canon USA Inc

A catheter configured for placement within a bodily lumen, comprises: a catheter sheath defining a first lumen for medical tools; and an exchange segment defining a second lumen for a guidewire. A proximal end of the exchange segment is joined with a distal end of the catheter sheath in a lengthwise direction forming an angle therebetween, such that the second lumen is laterally offset by a distance and angled with respect to the first lumen. When the catheter is placed within a patient's anatomy, the catheter sheath and/or the exchange segment straightens out so that the axis of the second lumen and the axis of the first lumen become substantially parallel to each other. The offset distance between the axes of sheath and exchange segment depends mainly on the diameter of the guidewire to be used, on the diameter of the sheath, and the angle of the junction.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022789A1

The disclosure relates to a chemical ablation apparatus for treating arrhythmia, comprising: a clamp body, a clamp head consisting of a pair of clamp jaws, a needle head assembly, a needle head extension and retraction control assembly, pipeline components, and an electrocardiographic mapping component. The chemical ablation apparatus can control needle heads to extend out of or retract into the clamp head by means of the needle head extension and retraction control assembly. A chemical ablation reagent may be injected to a cardiac muscle tissue to conveniently achieve complete ablation of the cardiac muscle tissue by applying a chemical ablation method. The ablation effect can be verified by the electrocardiographic mapping system, to thereby increase the success rate and lower the difficulty level of arrhythmia ablation operations, while also reducing the manufacturing cost of the ablation apparatus and corollary equipment thereof, and decreasing the expenses for atrial fibrillation surgical operations. 1. A chemical ablation apparatus , comprising:a clipping component comprising a clamp body and a clamp head, the clamp head comprising a pair of clamp jaws installed on the clamp body and configured to clamp or release a target ablation tissue by a relative motion of the clamp jaws; the needle head assembly comprises an ablation reagent injection head and a plurality of needle heads installed on the ablation reagent injection head;', 'the needle heads are configured to be used to inject ablation reagents into the target ablation tissue;', 'the needle head extension and retraction control assembly is configured to control the needle heads to extend out of or retract into the clamp jaws; and', 'a plurality of injection needle holes provided on a side of each of the pair of clamp jaws opposite another of the pair of clamp jaws for the needle heads to extend out of or retract into the clamp jaws; and, 'a needle head component installed inside the clamp jaws, the needle ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Catheter system

Номер: US20140114307A1
Принадлежит: Kardium Inc

A manipulable portion of a catheter system advances out of a lumen of a catheter sheath at a distal end of a shaft, which is also within the lumen of the catheter sheath. The catheter system causes different advancement and retraction trajectories of a manipulable portion out of and into the lumen based at least upon different relative movements between the catheter sheath and the shaft. A projection and a corresponding receiver may be used to control relative positioning of the catheter sheath and the shaft, as well as to control positioning of the manipulable portion. The catheter system may control metering rates of a control element coupled to the manipulable portion during advancement and retraction of the manipulable portion. A control element of the catheter system has varying amounts of length outside a distal end of the catheter sheath during advancement and retraction of the manipulable portion.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150032087A1

A device for treating the lumen of a living body includes a shaft insertable into a blood vessel, and a balloon provided on the shaft and shiftable between a deflated state and an expanded state. In the expanded state, the balloon has a recessed portion configured to form a coating chamber which is substantially blocked between an inner surface of the blood vessels and the device for treating the lumen of a living body, a discharge port provided on the recessed portion to discharge a coating substance toward the coating chamber; and a suction port provided on the recessed portion to apply a negative pressure to the coating chamber. 1. A device for treating a lumen of a living body , comprising:a shaft configured to be inserted into the lumen of the living body;an expansion and deflation body provided on the shaft and changeable between a deflated state and an expanded state; at least one recessed portion configured to form a coating chamber which is substantially blocked between an inner surface of the lumen of the living body and the expansion and deflation body;', 'a discharge port which is provided on the recessed portion and which discharges a coating substance toward the coating chamber; and', 'a suction port which is provided on the recessed portion and which aspirates fluid from the coating chamber., 'wherein, in the expanded state, the expansion and deflation body includes2. The device for treating a lumen of a living body according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the expanded state claim 1 , the expansion and deflation body is tubular-shaped and possesses two end portions at opposite axial ends of the body claim 1 , one of the end portions of the body in the expanded state including an outwardly protruding first protruding portion claim 1 , the other end portion of the body in the expanded state including an outwardly protruding second protruding portion claim 1 , the body in the expanded state also including an intermediate portion possessing an outer ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Devices and Methods for Vascular Recanalization

Номер: US20190030305A1
Автор: Aboytes Maria

In some embodiments, a medical device for recanalizing a vessel having a blockage and restoring blood flow through an obstructed blood vessel includes an expandable member coupled to a core wire and a hypotube that are movable relative to each other to manipulate the expandable member between various configurations. The expandable member having a capture structure in an expanded configuration. The expandable member can include multiple interstices formed by woven mesh filaments or braided strands through which the material blocking the vessel can pass. The capture structure can include a shape on its external surface that facilitates dislodgement and capture of the material within capture spaces created by the expandable member. Some embodiments include a capture sack or cap for capturing material and preventing material from migrating downstream of the blockage. Superoxygenated blood can be infused distal to the blockage to minimize loss of function during an ischemic event. 1. A method of treating ischemic stroke comprising:delivering a recanalization device to a neurovascular embolism that at least partially restricts blood flow through a blood vessel, the recanalization device including a tubular member, an elongate member movably disposed within the tubular member, and an expandable member constrained at a distal end to the elongate member and at a proximal end to the tubular member;actuating the recanalization device so that the expandable member expands radially outward in a controlled manner from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration to engage at least a portion of the neurovascular embolism and so as to provide controlled blood flow reperfusion through the embolism and treatment of ischemic stroke, wherein the expandable member defines a plurality of openings in a wall of the expandable member and an interior region in fluid communication with the plurality of openings so that at least a portion of the neurovascular embolism enters through ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030077A1

Injectable embolization particulates (e.g., particles, microstructures, beads) employed in embolization procedures, for facilitating blood vessel occlusion. Exemplary embolization particulates for occluding a blood vessel include a plurality of embolization beads, each bead having a plurality of outwardly protruding portions, wherein, upon a first one and a second one of the beads accumulating against a boundary of the blood vessel, protruding portions of the first bead are configured to intermesh with protruding portions of the second bead, so as to occlude the blood vessel. Also disclosed are compositions of embolization particulates including a plurality of shaped embolization beads, and methods for embolizing or occluding a blood vessel using embolization particulates or compositions thereof. Embolization particulates have particular shapes for facilitating blood vessel occlusion while preventing or diminishing back flow (reflux) of embolic material, and may be coated or impregnated with therapeutic agents or radioactive isotopes, for increasing desirable therapeutic effects. 1. A composition comprising a plurality of beads , each of said plurality of beads having a permanent shape , furnishing the beads with a capability to resist aggregation during flow and to promote aggregation upon cessation of flow.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of beads are configured to resist and/or dissipate forces generated by claim 1 , or originating from claim 1 , fluid flow during an embolization procedure.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of beads are embolization beads.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of beads have a tetrahedron or tetrahedron-like shape.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of beads have a tetrapod-like shape.6. The composition of claim 1 , each of said plurality of beads having a density within the range of between about 0.8 and about 1.6 g/cm.7. The ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Multilumen Curved Split-tip Catheter

Номер: US20200030574A1
Автор: Basiony Mohamed A

A multilumen curved split-tip catheter comprises a proximal end, a distal end and an elongated portion arranged between a proximal end and a distal end, defining a longitudinal axis. Elongated portion includes triple lumens for a blood flow therethrough, two arterial lumens and one venous lumen. The triple lumens are fixed to make a venous lumen is located between two arterial lumens along the length of the catheter to two dividing points. Also, the triple lumens are not at the same level with respect to each other inside a blood vessel after insertion. Each lumen extends between a distal end and a proximal end and includes a port at a distal end thereof in a communication with the lumen. Distal end has three curved distal segments that are splitted (separated) from each other with respect to a longitudinal axis. 1. A multilumen curved split-tip catheter comprising:a proximal end, a distal end and an elongated portion arranged between a proximal end and a distal end, defining a lonitudinal aixs;an elonagted portion includes triple lumens for a blood flow therethrough, two arterial lumens and one venous lumen. Said triple lumens are fixed to make a venous lumen is located between two arterial lumens along the length of the catheter to two dividing points. Each of said lumen extends between said distal end and said a proxmal end and includes a port at a distal end thereof in a communication with said lumen;a distal end comprising three curved splitted distal segments that are splitted with respect to a longitudinal axis at said two dividing points at a proximal end of said three distal segments which in turn is coupled with a distal end of said elongated portion, anda proximal end comprising a hub portion with suture wings assembly, which in turn is connected to two extension tubings.2. A multilumen curved split-tip catheter of claim 1 , wherein said elonaged portion has triple lumens.3. A multilumen curved split-tip catheter of claim 2 , wherein said triple lumens ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030579A1
Автор: Taber Mark

A catheter apparatus may have a flexible shaft, guidewire lumens passing through the shaft, and a positioning device for positioning the guidewires relative to an external lumen. The positioning device may be an expansible scaffold covered with a retractable sheath. The positioning device may also be one or more balloons that are inflated through an inflation port in the shaft. The catheter apparatus may be operated by inserting a guide catheter into a vasculature with a chronic total occlusion, inserting the catheter apparatus into the guide catheter, and advancing the guidewires through the guidewire lumens and into contact with a chronic total occlusion. The positioning device may be activated before and/or between attempts to pass the guidewires through the chronic total occlusion to interrogate various parts of the chronic total occlusion. 1. A catheter apparatus comprising:a flexible shaft,guidewire lumens passing longitudinally through the shaft, anda positioning means for positioning distal ends of the guidewire lumens relative to an inner wall of an external lumen.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a retractable sheath surrounding the guidewire lumens.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positioning means is an expansible scaffold.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the guidewire lumens are coupled to the expansible scaffold.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positioning means is one or more sponges.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the guidewire lumens are embedded in the one or more sponges.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positioning means is a shape-memory means integrated with the guidewire lumens.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positioning means is a deflectable tip.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positioning means is one or more balloons.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the one or more balloons are inflated through an inflation port running longitudinally in the shaft.11. The ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035486A1

Systems, methods, and devices allow intravascular or percutaneous mapping, orientation and/or ablation, in bodily cavities or lumens. A device includes elongate members, moveable between an unexpanded configuration and an expanded or fanned configuration. The elongate members form a stack in the unexpanded configuration to fit through a catheter sheath. The elongate members follow respective arcuate or curvilinear paths as advanced from the sheath into the bent or coiled stack configuration, adopting volute, scroll or rho shapes, and may be nested. The elongated members are fanned or radially spaced circumferentially with respect to one another into the expanded or fanned configuration. Transducer elements carried by elongate members sense various physiological characteristics of or proximate tissue, and/or may apply energy to or proximate tissue. The elongate members are rotatable in groups or as a group in the expanded configuration. The device is retractable. 1. A medical system comprising:a structure comprising a plurality of elongate members, each elongate member of the plurality of elongate members comprising a proximal end, a distal end and a respective intermediate portion positioned between the proximal and the distal ends, the structure selectively moveable between an unexpanded configuration in which the structure is suitably sized to be percutaneously delivered to a bodily cavity and an expanded configuration in which the structure has a size too large to be percutaneously delivered to the bodily cavity, each of the respective intermediate portions of the plurality of elongate members radially arranged with respect to one another about a first axis when the structure is in the expanded configuration, and each of the respective intermediate portions of the plurality of elongate members radially spaced from the first axis when the structure is in the expanded configuration;a flexible shaft member, a portion of the flexible shaft member sized to be ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038717A1

A compact catheter assembly () and methods of making such a catheter assembly are disclosed. The catheter assembly includes a receiver () and a catheter sub-assembly (). The catheter sub-assembly includes a gripping member () and a catheter tube () carried by the gripping member. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a) a catheter sub-assembly comprising a gripping member and a catheter tube carried by said gripping member, said catheter tube defining a flow path, said gripping member having a distal end and an aperture in said distal end; andb) a receiver for receiving at least a portion of said catheter tube, said receiver comprising an elongated body comprising an outer surface and an inner surface defining an interior chamber.2. The catheter assembly of wherein said receiver comprises an open distal end.3. The catheter assembly of any one of and wherein each of said receiver and said catheter sub-assembly include engagement surfaces for engagement of said gripping member and said catheter sub-assembly.4. The catheter sub-assembly of wherein said receiver comprises a distally extending neck comprising said receiver engagement surface.54. The catheter assembly of any one of - wherein each of said receiver and catheter sub-assembly engagement surfaces comprises threaded surfaces.65. The catheter assembly of any one of the preceding - wherein said gripping member and said receiver are made of molded polymeric material.76. The catheter assembly of any one of - wherein said gripping member provides a closure for said receiving member.87. The catheter assembly of any one of - wherein each of said gripping member and said receiver comprises contacting end surfaces.9. The catheter assembly of wherein said contacting end surfaces include complementary profiles.10. The catheter assembly of wherein said contacting end surface of one of said receiver and said gripping member has a generally concave profile and said end surface of said other of said receiver and said catheter sub ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Universal Catheter Tip and Methods for Use

Номер: US20180036156A1
Автор: Patrick W. KELLY

The present disclosure provides a catheter tip comprising a cavity extending between an expandable opening arranged at a first end of the catheter tip and a second end of the catheter tip, wherein the expandable opening is configured to increase in diameter from a first position to a second position in response to application of an external force to the second end of the catheter tip.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054181A1

An esophageal liquid-supply catheter is capable of reducing the temperature transmission to the esophagus due to heating, cooling or the like by ablation, by efficiently delivering a liquid to the esophagus is disclosed. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter contains a tubular member, a plurality of arms with the proximal ends fixed to the distal end of the tubular member, and a distal end tip fixed to the distal end of the arms, wherein the plurality of arms can be deformed and expanded outward in the radial direction of the tubular member. A shaft may be inserted through the tubular member and fixed on the distal end to the distal end tip, and the arms can be expanded outward in the radial direction when the shaft is slid toward the proximal end side relative to the tubular member. 111-. (canceled)13. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter according to claim 12 , further comprising a shaft inserted through said tubular member and fixed on the distal end to said distal end tip claim 12 , wherein said arms are expanded outward in the radial direction when said shaft is slid toward the proximal end relative to said tubular member.13. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter according to claim 13 , wherein a space exists between an inner wall of said tubular member and an outer wall of said shaft claim 13 , and a liquid is flowed in said space.15. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter according to claim 12 , further comprising a liquid-supply tube on an outer wall of said tubular member.16. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter according to claim 13 , wherein said shaft is a catheter claim 13 , and a liquid to be delivered is flowed through said shaft.17. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter according to claim 12 , wherein said arms or said shaft has a temperature sensor.18. The esophageal liquid-supply catheter according to claim 12 , wherein said tubular member has two or more slits claim 12 , and said arms are constituted of said tubular member present between said ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Percutaneous Urinary Catheter

Номер: US20220054798A1

A percutaneous urinary catheter configured to be deployed in a urinary tract, including: (a) a proximal portion; and (b) a distal portion including a retention portion configured to be deployed in a kidney and/or a renal pelvis, the retention portion including one or more drainage holes leading to one or more lumen(s) within the proximal portion, wherein the retention portion, when deployed, defines a three-dimensional shape sized and positioned to maintain patency of fluid flow between the kidney and/or renal pelvis and a proximal end of the catheter by inhibiting mucosal tissue from appreciably occluding the one or more drainage holes when negative pressure is applied through the catheter. 2. The percutaneous urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein the retention portion is configured to retain at least the distal portion of the catheter within the kidney and/or renal pelvis.3. The percutaneous urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein a maximum outer diameter of the retention portion is greater than a diameter of a drainage lumen of the catheter.4. The percutaneous urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein an area of a two-dimensional slice of the three-dimensional shape in a plane transverse to a central axis of the retention portion is greater than another slice of the three-dimensional shape in a plane transverse to a central axis of the retention portion towards a distal end of the retention portion.5. The percutaneous urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein a maximum cross-sectional area of a two-dimensional slice of the three-dimensional shape in a plane transverse to a central axis of the retention portion is less than or equal to about 500 mm.6. The percutaneous urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein the retention portion comprises a distal end sized to be positioned in the renal pelvis.7. The percutaneous urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein the retention portion comprises at least a first coil having a first diameter and at least a second coil having a second ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038868A1

A catheter, comprising: a flexible tubular member having at least one lumen therethrough and a proximal end and a distal end; a plurality of conductive cables extending through at least one of the at least one lumen; and at least one electrically operated component, attached at the distal end and powered by at least one electrical current driven on at least one of the plurality of conductive cables. Some of the plurality of conductive cables are attached to the distal end such that the flexible tubular member is deformed by exerting at the proximal end a tensile force on one of the some of the plurality of conductive cables and a compressive force on another of the some of the plurality of conductive cables, while the at least one electrical current is driven on the some of the plurality of conductive cables. 1. A catheter , comprising:a flexible tubular member having at least one lumen therethrough and a proximal end and a distal end;a plurality of conductive cables extending through at least one of said at least one lumen; andat least one electrically operated component, attached at said distal end and powered by at least one electrical current driven on at least one of said plurality of conductive cables;wherein some of said plurality of conductive cables are attached to said distal end such that said flexible tubular member is deformed by exerting at said proximal end a tensile force on one of said some of said plurality of conductive cables and a compressive force on another of said some of said plurality of conductive cables, while said at least one electrical current is driven on said some of said plurality of conductive cables.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein said at least one of said plurality of conductive cables is coated in an insulating material such that said electrically operated component is powered by said at least one electrical current while a fluid is transferred through said at least one lumen.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein said at ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037958A1
Автор: Freitag Lutz
Принадлежит: PulmonX Corporation

Devices systems and methods are disclosed for removing secretions from the lumen of a functional assessment catheter for the lungs. The system comprises a flushing unit configured to deliver a clearing fluid to the lumen of the pulmonary catheter to remove debris, secretions, or moisture from the lumen or sensors. 1. A method for assessment of a lung compartment comprising the steps of:providing a pulmonary diagnostic system comprising an endobronchial pulmonary diagnostic device connected to a pulmonary catheter, said catheter having a proximal end and a distal end, and at least one measuring component connected with the device;introducing the distal end of the catheter to a compartment of a lung;generating measurement data characterizing the compartment of the lung with the pulmonary diagnostic system; anddelivering a clearing fluid from a flushing unit to flush the pulmonary catheter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the clearing fluid is delivered at a constant rate to flush the pulmonary catheter over a period of time. The present application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/195,532 (Attorney Docket No. 20920-769.201), filed Mar. 3, 2014, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/774,322 (Attorney Docket No. 20920-769.101), filed Mar. 7, 2013, the full disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/195,532 is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/023,722, filed Feb. 9, 2011, which is a continuation of International Patent Application No. PCT/US2009/056392 (Attorney Docket No. 017534-005010PC), filed Sep. 9, 2009, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/095,582 (Attorney Docket No. 017534-005000US), filed Sep. 9, 2008, the full disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.This invention relates generally to catheters and more specifically to catheter apparatus and approaches for minimizing entry of secretions or debris ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043133A1
Автор: Wong James

Disclosed herein are expandable introducer sheaths and methods of making and using the same. The sheaths minimize trauma to a patient's vasculature by allowing for temporary expansion of a portion of the sheath state after passage of the device. The sheath includes a rolled inner member having a detachable flap structure at its distal tip that facilitates expansion of the sheath lumen to increase diameters. Also, the flap structure reduces the number of layers at the tip, lowering push forces. An elastomeric free end of the tip helps reduce push and retrieval forces for balloons and implants. The expandable sheath includes an elastic outer layer that compresses the inner member and flap back into the rolled, compressed condition after the passage of the device. 1. An expandable sheath , comprising:an elongated inner member defining a central lumen, a first longitudinal free edge, and a second longitudinal free edge along both a first circumferential portion and a second circumferential portion, the first circumferential portion including a proximal free end, the second circumferential portion distal to the first circumferential portion,wherein the elongated inner member is configured to overlap at the first and second longitudinal free edges in a rolled configuration, wherein the second circumferential portion is positioned at least partially between the overlapping first and second free longitudinal edges; andan outer elastomeric member extending around the elongated inner member and configured to bias the elongated inner member;wherein the elongated inner member further includes a distal tip, the distal tip including a flap extending from the first free longitudinal edge and at least to the second free longitudinal edge of the second circumferential portion of the elongated inner member.2. The expandable sheath of claim 1 , wherein the flap is configured to slide circumferentially over an outer surface of the second circumferential portion when the elongated inner ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043134A1

Embodiments of the invention are directed towards a rapid exchange catheter configured for insertion into a subintimal space and crossing an occlusion in a subintimal space. The catheter includes a proximal end, a distal end, a first lumen configured to receive a first wire, the first lumen extending longitudinally through a least a lateral port of the catheter, and a second lumen having at least a portion distal of the lateral port and extending through at least the distal end of the catheter. The catheter also includes an exchange port, arranged on an exterior portion of the catheter configured to receive a second wire and second rapid exchange port in communication with the second lumen. Moreover, other embodiments of the invention are directed towards methods for using the rapid exchange catheter to cross an obstruction in a vessel, e.g., a total or partial occlusion, in a subintimal space. 136-. (canceled)37. A rapid exchange catheter system , comprising:a shaft having an inner lumen and an exchange port fluidly coupled with the inner lumen, the exchange port arranged on a distal portion of the rapid exchange catheter system, and the inner lumen and the exchange port configured to receive a first wire; anda rigid shroud coupled to the shaft on the distal portion of the rapid exchange catheter system, the rigid shroud comprising a second lumen and a lateral port fluidly coupled with the second lumen, the second lumen and the lateral port configured to receive a second wire;wherein, as viewed from an end view of the rapid exchange catheter system, the exchange port is exterior of the rigid shroud.38. The rapid exchange catheter system of claim 37 , further comprising a cannula disposed within the lumen claim 37 , the cannula configured to extend from the lateral port and receive the second wire.39. The rapid exchange catheter system of claim 37 , wherein the exchange port is disposed proximally relative to the rigid shroud.40. The rapid exchange catheter system ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Introducer Sheath

Номер: US20180043138A1
Автор: Chu Michael S. H.

A medical device may include an introducer sheath, having a distal and a proximal end and a lumen extending from the distal end to the proximal end. The introducer sheath may also include a tab formed at the distal end and extending distal to the lumen, and a frangible portion extending between the distal end and the proximal end. 1. An introducer sheath , comprising:a distal and a proximal end;a lumen extending from the distal end to the proximal end;a tab formed at the distal end and extending distal to the lumen; anda frangible portion extending between the distal end and the proximal end.2. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the lumen extends to a proximal end face of the proximal end.3. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the frangible portion includes a slit claim 1 , a perforation claim 1 , a reduced thickness claim 1 , or a gap in the introducer sheath.4. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the frangible portion extends in a straight line between the distal end and the proximal end.5. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the frangible portion is located circumferentially opposite the tab.6. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , further including at least one opening.7. The introducer sheath according to claim 6 , wherein one of the at least one openings is in the proximal end.8. The introducer sheath according to claim 7 , wherein the frangible portion extends through the at least one opening that is in the proximal end.9. The introducer sheath according to claim 8 , wherein the frangible portion extends to a proximal end face of the proximal end.10. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the tab is an integral portion of the introducer sheath.11. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein the tab is formed of a separate member from a body of the introducer sheath.12. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 , wherein a valve is coupled to the proximal end.13 ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061852A1
Принадлежит: Revamp Medical Ltd.

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed to blood-flow regulation systems and associated methods, and, in some embodiments, includes an adjustable blood flow regulation device that includes an inner tube, an expandable member coupled to the inner tube, a proximal control handle that includes a controller operatively coupled to the member and configured to control expansion of the member, and a downstream tip member coupled to a distal portion of the inner tube which is distal to the member. The tip member is coupled to a first fluid pressure sensor. A second fluid pressure sensor is coupled to a portion of the inner tube proximal to the member.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061867A1

In some examples, a catheter includes an elongated body including a proximal portion and a distal portion. The elongated body includes an inner liner, an outer jacket, a structural support member positioned between at least a portion of the inner liner and at least a portion of the outer jacket, and an expandable member coupled to the structural support member at the distal portion of the elongated body. The expandable member may be configured to expand radially outward, e.g., to engage a clot within vasculature of a patient. 1. A catheter comprising: an inner liner;', 'an outer jacket mechanically coupled to the inner liner;', 'a structural support member positioned between at least a portion of the inner liner and at least a portion of the outer jacket; and', 'an expandable member mechanically coupled to the structural support member at the distal portion of the elongated body, wherein the expandable member is configured to expand radially outward from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration, and wherein the outer jacket extends over at least a portion of the expandable member that expands radially outward when the expandable member is in the expanded configuration and when the expandable member is in the collapsed configuration., 'an elongated body including a proximal portion and a distal portion, the elongated body comprising2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the expandable member is mechanically coupled to the structural support member at a plurality of circumferential positions of the structural support member.3. The catheter of claim 2 , wherein the expandable member comprises a plurality of struts defining a plurality of cells claim 2 , and wherein proximal peaks of at least one strut of the plurality of struts are coupled to the structural support member.4. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the expandable member is configured to engage a clot.5. The catheter of claim 4 , wherein an inner surface of the expandable member comprises a surface ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Injection cannula, ecmo system

Номер: US20220062523A1
Автор: Pierre MORDANT

The invention relates to a cannula ( 1 ) for injecting a fluid (F 1 ) into a body cavity ( 5 ), comprising: a main lumen (LP) for the fluid to flow in a first direction; an accessory reperfusion lumen (LA) comprising an outlet ( 20′ ) for discharging the fluid in a second direction; and a device for positioning the cannula in the cavity, the device comprising a stop ( 41 ) which can move along an auxiliary lumen (LX) and be deployed in the cavity in order to lock the cannula in position in the cavity, the outlet ( 30′ ) of the auxiliary lumen being arranged at a distance (d) from the outlet ( 20′ ) of the accessory reperfusion lumen such that when the cannula is locked in position in the cavity, the outlet ( 20′ ) of the accessory reperfusion lumen (LA) is oriented in the cavity such that the collected fluid is discharged in the second direction.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062597A1

The disclosure includes a balloon guiding sheath including an elongated sheath having a proximal end, a distal end, an inner tube and an outer tube both extending between the proximal end and the distal end, an access port located adjacent the proximal end, a distal port located adjacent the distal end, and a working lumen extending through the elongated sheath between the access port and the distal port. The balloon guiding sheath may include an inflatable balloon located on an outer surface of the elongated sheath adjacent the distal end, and at least one vent hole located between an outer surface of the elongated sheath and an inner surface of the inflatable balloon. The at least one vent hole may be configured to allow media to flow from the inflatable balloon to an external portion outside the balloon guiding sheath.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Leadless cardiac pacemaker and retrieval device

Номер: US20150051610A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A retrieval device and an associated implantable cardiac pacing device. The retrieval device includes a grasping mechanism configured to capture a docking member of the implantable cardiac pacing device to draw the implantable cardiac pacing device into the lumen of a retrieval catheter. The grasping mechanism is expandable from a first position to a second position and is biased toward the first position in an equilibrium condition. The grasping mechanism is configured to surround and pass over a head portion of the docking member in the second position, and be contracted toward the first position to capture the docking member with the grasping mechanism.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051613A1

Delivery devices, systems, and methods for delivering an implantable leadless pacing device having an outer peripheral surface are disclosed. An example delivery device may include a proximal section including a distal end, and a distal holding section extending distally of a distal end of the proximal section. The distal holding section defines a cavity therein for receiving the implantable leadless pacing device, and may be configured to apply a holding force to the implantable leadless pacing device. In some cases, the distal holding section may be configured to apply a compressive force to the outer peripheral surface of the leadless pacing device when the leadless pacing device is disposed in the cavity. 1. A delivery device for delivering an implantable leadless pacing device having an outer peripheral surface , the delivery device comprising:a proximal section including a distal end, anda distal holding section extending distally of a distal end of the proximal section, the distal holding section defining a cavity therein for receiving the implantable leadless pacing device, the distal holding section being configured to apply a compressive force to the outer peripheral surface of the leadless pacing device when the leadless pacing device is disposed in the cavity.2. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the distal holding section includes an annular wall having an inner surface defining the cavity claim 1 , and wherein the inner surface presses circumferentially against the outer peripheral surface of the leadless pacing device when the leadless pacing device is disposed in the cavity.3. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the distal holding section comprises a heat shrink material that applies the compressive force to the outer peripheral surface of the leadless pacing device.4. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the distal holding section comprises a resilient material that applies the compressive force to the outer peripheral surface of the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Catheter Systems With a Blocking Mechanism and Methods for Bypassing an Occlusion in a Blood Vessel

Номер: US20150051633A1
Автор: Achille Sina
Принадлежит: Invatec SpA

A catheter for use with a subintimal reentry guidewire includes a proximal portion having a proximal guidewire lumen and a proximal inflation lumen, a distal portion having a distal guidewire lumen and a distal inflation lumen, and an intermediate portion disposed between the proximal portion and the distal portion and having an intermediate inflation lumen in fluid communication with the proximal and distal inflation lumens. The intermediate portion is devoid of a guidewire lumen. A blocking mechanism disposed in the distal portion of the catheter is transformable from a non-blocking configuration in which a guidewire is free to translate through the distal guidewire lumen and a blocking configuration in which a guidewire disposed in the distal guidewire lumen is prevented from translating through the distal guidewire lumen.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Solid-Body Catheter Including Lateral Distal Openings

Номер: US20160051745A1
Автор: Gregersen Colin S.

A catheter for vascular insertion, including a catheter body defining a first lumen and a second lumen, and including a distal region. The distal region includes an atraumatic nose portion defining a first distal opening in fluid communication with the first lumen, and a second distal opening in fluid communication with the second lumen. The distal region also includes a first lateral opening defined by the catheter body and in fluid communication with the first lumen, and a second lateral opening defined by the catheter body and in fluid communication with the second lumen. One or both of the first and second lateral openings may be defined by an angle cross-cut through an outer perimeter of the catheter body. 1. A catheter for vascular insertion , comprising:a catheter body including an outer wall enclosing a first lumen and a second lumen, the first lumen separated from the second lumen by a septum;an atraumatic nose portion at a distal end of the catheter body, the nose portion defining a first distal opening in fluid communication with the first lumen and a second distal opening in fluid communication with the second lumen; a first cut at an angle relative to a longitudinal axis of the catheter body in the range from about 20 degrees to about 90 degrees; and', 'a second cut at an angle relative to a plane through the septum of about 45 degrees or less;, 'a first lateral opening in fluid communication with the first lumen at the distal end of the catheter body proximal to the nose portion, the first lateral opening defined by a skive cut through the outer wall of the catheter body, the skive cut defined bya second lateral opening in fluid communication with the second lumen at the distal end of the catheter body proximal to the nose portion.2. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the first cut is about 30 degrees claim 1 , and wherein the second cut is about 25 degrees.3. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the first cut is about 35 degrees claim ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052854A1

A steering device and navigation system for interventional procedures. Included are devices, systems, and methods that incorporate a steering device which consists of an expandable structure that can be controlled to spread out within the vessel lumen, or cardiac chamber, and may apply circumferential force to the tissue. This structure, once spread out, can anchor relative to the anatomy and provides support for an internal catheter through a set of strings connected to the internal catheter. The internal catheter is configured to allow an interventional device, such as a guidewire or catheter, to pass through it. Using the strings that are connected to actuation mechanisms within the device's handle, the internal catheter can be manipulated to allow controlling the position of a device that runs within it or is connected to it and can be used for the purpose of navigation of devices and obtaining measurements from known positions. 1. A steering device for positioning an interventional device within a vessel lumen or cardiac chamber of a patient , comprising:a set of expandable structures that can be controlled to spread out within the vessel lumen or cardiac chamber and apply circumferential forces to surrounding tissue;a set of strings that use the set of expandable structures as anchor points;an eyelet, having a ring-shaped perimeter and a central opening, surrounded by the set of expandable structures and supported by distal ends of the set of strings which are secured around the ring-shaped perimeter of the eyelet, the eyelet configured to permit the interventional device to pass through the central opening;wherein by using the set of strings, the eyelet can be manipulated with two degrees of freedom and permit control of the position of the interventional device in a geometrically-defined area relative to the vessel lumen or cardiac chamber at a location of the set of expandable structures.2. The steering device of claim 1 , wherein the interventional device ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046939A1

An intravascular access system for facilitation of intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature through an access sheath. The system includes an aspiration or support catheter having a flexible, distal luminal portion having an inner diameter defining a lumen extending between a proximal opening at a proximal end of the luminal portion and a distal opening at a distal end of the luminal portion. The catheter has a rigid spine coupled to at least the proximal end of the luminal portion and extending proximally therefrom. The system includes a dilator having a flexible, distal dilator portion sized to be received within the lumen of the luminal portion. Associated systems, devices, and methods of use are also described. 1. An intravascular access catheter for advancing a medical device for intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature , comprising:a flexible elongate body having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending therebetween, the flexible elongate body comprising of a plurality of regions, wherein at least two of the plurality of regions of the flexible elongate body are comprised of unreinforced polymer;a first marker disposed at the distal end of the flexible elongate body; anda proximal extension extending proximally from the proximal end of the flexible elongate body, the proximal extension having a lumen communicating with the lumen of the flexible elongate body, wherein the proximal extension is formed of two or more different materials.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the unreinforced polymer is Pebax.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of regions of the flexible elongate body comprises three regions.4. The catheter of claim 3 , wherein the three regions comprise claim 3 , a proximal region claim 3 , an intermediate region claim 3 , and a tip region.5. The catheter of claim 4 , wherein a portion of the tip region of the flexible elongate body is shapeable by a user.6. The catheter of claim 4 , ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046940A1

An intravascular access system for facilitation of intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature through an access sheath. The system includes an aspiration or support catheter having a flexible, distal luminal portion having an inner diameter defining a lumen extending between a proximal opening at a proximal end of the luminal portion and a distal opening at a distal end of the luminal portion. The catheter has a rigid spine coupled to at least the proximal end of the luminal portion and extending proximally therefrom. The system includes a dilator having a flexible, distal dilator portion sized to be received within the lumen of the luminal portion. Associated systems, devices, and methods of use are also described. 1. An intravascular access catheter for advancing a medical device for intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature , comprising:a flexible elongate body having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending therebetween, wherein the flexible elongate body comprises a plurality of regions, wherein one of the plurality of regions is a tapered region;a first marker disposed at a distal end of the tapered region;a second marker disposed at a proximal end of the tapered region, wherein the tapered region comprises an unreinforced polymer; anda proximal extension extending proximally from the proximal end of the flexible elongate body, the proximal extension having a lumen communicating with the lumen of the flexible elongate body.2. The access catheter of claim 1 , wherein the proximal extension is formed of two or more different materials.3. The access catheter of claim 2 , wherein one of the two or more different materials of the proximal extension is metal.4. The access catheter of claim 3 , wherein a second material of the two or more different materials of the proximal extension is polymer.5. The access catheter of claim 2 , wherein the two or more materials are arranged coaxially.6. The access catheter of claim 5 , ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046965A1
Принадлежит: TAU PNU MEDICAL CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a method for positioning a tip of a pacemaker lead that has passed through coronary sinus into an interventricular septum. More particularly, it relates to a method for positioning a tip of a pacemaker lead that has passed through a coronary sinus into an interventricular septum in order to more effectively transmit an electrical stimulus in a treatment using a pacemaker for patients with arrhythmia. 170-. (canceled)71. A method of positioning a distal portion of a pacemaker lead , the method comprising:a step of positioning an intervention wire through a proximal septal vein a step of inserting a safe zone catheter inserted in an inferior vena cava into the right ventricle through a right atrium and a safe zone of a tricuspid valve;a step of inserting a guide wire through the safe zone catheter;a step of pulling out the safe zone catheter toward the inferior vena cava with the guide wire maintained in the right ventricle of the heart;a step of capturing the intervention wire with a capture catheter inserted along the guide wire;a step of pulling out the intervention wire captured by the capture catheter toward the inferior vena cava by pulling out the capture catheter toward the inferior vena cava with the guide wire maintained in the right ventricle of the heart; anda step of holding both ends of the intervention wire and positioning the distal portion of the lead into the interventricular septum by inserting the pacemaker lead along the intervention wire.72. The method of claim 71 , wherein the step of positioning an intervention wire includes a step of finding a proximal septal vein positioned in the interventricular septum by inflating a balloon at a front end of a balloon-tipped guiding catheter to block and contrast the coronary sinus by injecting air into the balloon from the outside.73. The method of claim 71 , wherein the step of positioning an intervention wire includes a step of boring that uses an interventricular septum ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046966A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.

Delivery devices, systems, and methods for delivering implantable leadless pacing devices are disclosed. An example delivery device may include an intermediate tubular member and an inner tubular member slidably disposed within a lumen of the intermediate tubular member. A distal holding section may extend distally of a distal end of the intermediate tubular member and define a cavity therein for receiving an implantable leadless pacing device. The device may further include a handle assembly including at least an intermediate hub portion affixed adjacent to the proximal end of the intermediate tubular member and a proximal hub portion affixed adjacent to the proximal end of the inner tubular member. A longitudinally extending groove having a proximal end and a distal end may be disposed in the intermediate hub portion. A first locking mechanism may be configured to releasably couple the intermediate hub portion and the proximal hub portion. 1. A delivery system for delivering an implantable leadless pacing device , the delivery system comprising:an outer tubular member including a lumen extending from a proximal end to a distal end thereof;an intermediate tubular member including a lumen extending from a proximal end to a distal end thereof, the intermediate tubular member slidably disposed within the lumen of the outer tubular member;an inner tubular member including a lumen extending from a proximal end to a distal end thereof, the inner tubular member slidably disposed within the lumen of the intermediate tubular member;a distal holding section extending distally of a distal end of the intermediate tubular member, the distal holding section defining a cavity therein for receiving an implantable leadless pacing device; and a distal hub portion affixed adjacent to the proximal end of the outer tubular member;', 'a proximal hub portion affixed adjacent to the proximal end of the inner tubular member,', 'an intermediate hub portion affixed adjacent to the proximal ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072276A1

A catheter assembly may include a catheter member having a proximal portion and an outer surface; an introducer having a lumen configured to receive the proximal portion of the catheter member; and a sleeve having a compressed portion housed in the lumen of the introducer, the sleeve being configured to evert over the outer surface as the catheter member is inserted through the lumen of the introducer. The proximal portion of the catheter member may be configured to push a distal portion of the sleeve proximally, and the compressed portion of the sleeve may form a soft proximal tip of the catheter assembly as the catheter member exits a proximal opening of the introducer. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a catheter member having a proximal portion and an outer surface;an introducer having a lumen configured to receive the proximal portion of the catheter member; anda sleeve having a compressed portion housed in the lumen of the introducer, the sleeve being configured to evert over the outer surface as the catheter member is inserted through the lumen of the introducer.2. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the proximal portion of the catheter member is configured to push a distal portion of the sleeve proximally claim 1 , and the compressed portion of the sleeve forms a soft proximal tip of the catheter assembly as the catheter member exits a proximal opening of the introducer.3. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is not secured to the catheter member.4. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the introducer includes a cap member having an enlarged proximal surface.5. The catheter assembly of claim 4 , wherein the cap member has a retaining member that covers the sleeve when contained in the introducer and deflects as the catheter member is advanced proximally from the introducer.6. The catheter assembly of claim 5 , wherein the retaining member comprises a plurality of flaps.7. The catheter assembly of claim 5 , wherein the retaining ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Removable catheter cap and applications thereof

Номер: US20190054272A1
Автор: Michael Gabriel Tal

Removable catheter cap, and applications thereof, for delivering medical tubes in bodily passages. Removable catheter cap covers flexible medical tube (e.g., catheter) distal tip during delivery in a body lumen. Catheter cap includes: cap body removably connectable to, for capping, catheter distal tip, and transformable into a predefined constituent part freely passable through catheter lumen; and cap releasing member extending through catheter proximal end when catheter cap is connected to the catheter, and manipulatable for transforming cap body into constituent part or/and for withdrawing constituent part from catheter distal tip through catheter lumen. Exemplary applications are: provision of a catheter assembly including a catheter and the removable catheter cap connected thereto; a medical kit including one or more catheters and one or more correspondingly configured removable catheter caps; and a method for delivering a catheter in a blood vessel of a subject, for example, via an over-the-wire technique.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Delivery system deflection mechanism

Номер: US20170056168A1
Автор: Steven N. Willard
Принадлежит: St Jude Medical Cardiology Division Inc

A delivery device for a prosthetic heart valve includes a proximal sheath and a distal sheath. The proximal sheath has a distal end disposed at an oblique angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the proximal sheath, and the distal sheath has a proximal end disposed at an oblique angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the distal sheath. The distal end of the proximal sheath and the proximal end of the distal sheath mate so that rotation of the distal sheath relative to the proximal sheath causes the distal sheath to deflect from coaxial alignment with the proximal sheath. Deflection of the distal sheath relative to the proximal sheath enables the prosthetic valve to be axially aligned with the native valve annulus for deployment.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Fenestration Over the Needle Catheter

Номер: US20210060305A1
Принадлежит: Avent Inc

A fenestration over-the-needle catheter assembly which includes a catheter with a catheter body. The catheter body has a projection which extends in an axial direction from the distal end of the catheter. The projection may have a point of connection to the catheter body such that the projection can be transitioned into a closed position, covering an opening in the distal end of the catheter. The projection may be configured to interact with a needle which has been inserted into the lumen and extends through the opening in the distal end, such that the projection is in an open position when the needle is extended through the opening in the distal end and is in a closed position when the needle is withdrawn into the lumen or removed from the catheter.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054857A1
Автор: Scheckel Mario

The invention relates to a catheter device, having a catheter (), an actuation device () at a first end of the catheter and also a mechanical transmission element () for transmitting a movement along the catheter to the actuation device, the actuation device having a coupling element () which is connected to the transmission element () and can be actuated by the latter relative to the longitudinal direction of the catheter in a first degree of freedom, and also a conversion element () which can be actuated by the coupling element and which converts the actuation movement at least partially into a movement in a second degree of freedom. As a result, a combined movement at the distal end of the catheter can be produced particularly simply for compression and release of a functional element. 118-. (canceled)19. A catheter device , comprising:a catheter having a proximal end and a distal end; a rotor, and', 'a housing enclosing the rotor, the housing coupled to the distal end of the catheter;, 'a blood pump, comprisinga flexible drive shaft having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the catheter surrounds the flexible drive shaft;one or more cables coupled to the catheter such that an axial movement of the one or more cables in relation to the catheter is converted at least partially into a rotational movement of one of the catheter or the one or more cables.20. The catheter device of claim 19 , wherein the one or more cables are partially recessed into a wall of the catheter.21. The catheter device of claim 19 , wherein the one or more cables are fully recessed into a wall of the catheter.22. The catheter of claim 20 , wherein the one or more cables are moveable in a longitudinal direction within the wall of the catheter.23. The catheter device of claim 19 , wherein the one or more cables are comprised of a biocompatible material.24. The catheter device of claim 23 , wherein the biocompatible material is one of a steel claim 23 , platinum claim 23 , silver wire ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

System And Method For Treatment Via Bodily Drainage Or Injection

Номер: US20200054867A1
Принадлежит: NXT Biomedical

Devices and methods of treating fluid retention caused by congestive heart failure or other conditions resulting in edema, lymphoedema, or significant fluid retention (e.g., deep vein thrombosis, cellulitis, venous stasis insufficiency, or damage to the lymphatic network) are described. Specifically, a treatment device is used to create a passage or cannula between the lymphatic system (or other area of the body) and an external drainage device. This device can be only temporarily located in the patient or can be implanted within the patient for longer periods of time. The physician can safely and reliably remove excess fluid from the body via the device and optionally inject other treatment agents. 1. A method of removing excess fluid from a lymphatic system of a patient , comprising:advancing a catheter into or near the lymphatic system of a patient; and,draining fluid from the lymphatic system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein advancing a catheter into the lymphatic system further comprises advancing the catheter through a left subclavian vein claim 1 , femoral vein claim 1 , internal jugular claim 1 , right subclavian vein claim 1 , basilic vein claim 1 , or brachial vein claim 1 , and into the thoracic duct.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein advancing a catheter into the lymphatic system further comprises radially expanding an expandable portion located on a distal end of the catheter; the expandable portion expanding to a diameter larger than the catheter.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the expandable portion further comprises a plurality of braided wires that self-expand to a conical shape and a fluid-impenetrable layer disposed over the plurality of braided wires.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the expandable portion further comprises a laser-cut tube claim 3 , braided wires claim 3 , or a polymer sleeve.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein advancing a catheter near the lymphatic system further comprises advancing the catheter through a left subclavian ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Medical devices with distal control

Номер: US20190059867A1
Автор: Brian Giles
Принадлежит: Brian Giles

A device comprises a tubular member with a longitudinal axis having a proximal end and a distal end, at least one partial cut located at, along or near the distal end of the tubular member, the at least one partial cut comprising an orientation that is angled relative to both the longitudinal axis and an axis transverse to the longitudinal axis, a pusher member positioned within an interior of the tubular member and configured to selectively advance the distal end of the tubular member longitudinally, wherein the distal end of the tubular member is configured to at least partially rotate when the pusher member is advanced relative to the tubular member so at to facilitate placement of the distal end in a particular branch of a subject's intraluminal network, wherein the distal end of the tubular member is configured to longitudinally elongate along or near an area of the at least one partial cut.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Devices and methods for fluid distribution from a catheter

Номер: US20220079649A1
Автор: Thomas I. Mulcahey
Принадлежит: United States Endoscopy Group Inc

The present disclosure relates generally to the field of medical devices. In particular, the present disclosure relates to devices and methods to convey fluid delivered from a delivery catheter. Exemplary catheters are disclosed which include fluid distribution devices for delivery of fluid and delivery of pass-through medical instruments, such as cryodecompression tubes, within body lumens.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079666A1

Catheter apparatuses, systems, and methods for achieving renal neuromodulation by intravascular access are disclosed herein. One aspect of the present technology, for example, is directed to a treatment device having a multi-electrode array configured to be delivered to a renal blood vessel. The array is selectively transformable between a delivery or low-profile state (e.g., a generally straight shape) and a deployed state (e.g., a radially expanded, generally helical shape). The multi-electrode array is sized and shaped so that the electrodes or energy delivery elements contact an interior wall of the renal blood vessel when the array is in the deployed (e.g., helical) state. The electrodes or energy delivery elements are configured for direct and/or indirect application of thermal and/or electrical energy to heat or otherwise electrically modulate neural fibers that contribute to renal function or of vascular structures that feed or perfuse the neural fibers. 133-. (canceled)34: A system comprising:an output device; and determine a first probability of successful treatment based on a value associated with a first variable relating to a renal neuromodulation procedure;', 'in response to the first probability of successful treatment being unfavorable, determine a second probability of successful treatment based on a value associated with a second variable relating to the renal neuromodulation procedure, wherein the second variable is different from the first variable;', 'in response to the second probability of successful treatment being favorable, outputting an indication of acceptable treatment via the output device., 'processing circuitry configured to35: The system of claim 34 , wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to:in response to the second probability of successful treatment being unfavorable, analyze the first variable and the second variable in combination to determine a third probability of successful treatment; andoutput an indication ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060538A1

Devices to improve lung function in a patient having restricted ventilation. The device may include an entry or access port for an implantable airway bypass device that relieves trapped air. The device of the present invention comprises an expandable structure () to be implanted in lung tissue and defining an air capture chamber, a first conduit () having a first end from which extends the expandable structure, and a second end to be coupled to a first end of a second conduit (), the second end of the second conduit being joined to an external anchor () to rest against an outer skin surface of the chest of the patient. 1. An airway bypass device configured to form an air bypass passage to a diseased lung comprising:an expandable a permeable structure configured to be embedded in lung tissue and defining within the permeable structure an air capture chamber, wherein the permeable structure includes at least one opening through which passes air from the lung tissue into the air capture chamber;a first conduit having a first end which is open to the permeable structure and an opposite end configured to couple to a second conduit, wherein the first conduit has a generally uniform outer dimension in cross section along the length of the first conduit; andthe second conduit including a first end configured to couple with the first conduit and a second end joined to an external anchor, wherein the external anchor is configured to rest against an outer skin surface over a chest wall.2. The airway bypass device of wherein the outer dimension of the first conduit is smaller than a dimension in cross section of a passage extending through the second conduit claim 1 , such that the second conduit slides into the first conduit.3. The airway bypass device of wherein the outer dimension of the second conduit is smaller than a dimension in cross section of a passage extending through the first conduit claim 1 , such that the first conduit slides into the second conduit.4. The ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060606A1

Cleaning systems and devices are provided for cleaning body-inserted tubes (e.g., endotracheal tubes, chest cleaning tubes). In one embodiment, a closed suction system includes a suction catheter having at least one deployable (e.g., inflatable) cleaning member at a distal portion of the suction catheter and at least one suction opening distal to the cleaning member. The closed suction system module may include a control unit at its proximal end adapted to facilitate operation in one of the following three operational states: i) a first operational state in which only the cleaning member is functional, ii) a second operational state in which only suction is functional, or iii) a third operational state in which neither suction nor the cleaning member is functional. 120.-. (canceled)21. A cleaning system adapted to clean a body-inserted tube , the system comprising:a suction catheter comprising:an inflatable cleaning member located at or near a distal end of the suction catheter,wherein, upon expansion of the cleaning member, at least a portion of the cleaning member is adapted to contact an interior surface of the body-inserted tube such that when the suction catheter is withdrawn from the body-inserted tube, biofilm or other debris on the interior surface of the body-inserted tube is removed by the cleaning member;a proximal controller located at a proximal end of the suction catheter; anda distal suction port disposed distal of the cleaning member along a length of the suction catheter, the distal suction port being in fluid communication with a lumen extending from the proximal controller to the distal suction port,wherein the distal suction port is configured to facilitate suctioning distal to the cleaning member,wherein the proximal controller comprises a first activation member adapted to control inflation of the cleaning member and a second activation member adapted to allow a suction force to be applied to the suction catheter by a suction source, i) a first ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060609A1
Автор: Loske Gunnar

The invention relates to a vacuum treatment array having at least one open-pored contact element, by way of which a negative pressure and/or suction can be generated in a body cavity, wherein the open-pored contact element is configured, at least in sections, in the manner of a tube, having an outer and/or inner boundary surface rotating around a tube axis, at least in part. 1. A negative pressure treatment arrangement comprising:a self-expanding mesh stent;a unilaterally open-celled film having an open-cell surface and an open-cell free surface, wherein the self-expanding mesh stent is jacketed by the unilaterally open-celled film such that the open-cell surface is on the outside of the jacketed stent; anda fluid-communicating element connected to the open-cell surface of the unilaterally open-celled film, wherein when the fluid-communicating element is connected to a vacuum-generating system, a negative pressure of up to 200 mm Hg is capable of being applied to the open-cell surface of the film.2. The negative pressure treatment arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the cells of the open-cell surface of the unilaterally open-celled film are selected from the group consisting of mesh claim 1 , nub claim 1 , finger claim 1 , or channel-shaped structures.3. The negative pressure treatment arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the cells of the open-cell surface of the unilaterally open-celled film are between 200 μm and 1000 μm.4. The negative pressure treatment arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the stent is a self-expanding Y-shaped mesh stent.5. The negative pressure treatment arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the fluid-communicating element comprises a plurality of negative pressure-stable tubes.6. A negative pressure treatment arrangement comprising:a tubus;a unilaterally open-celled film having an open-cell surface and an open-cell free surface, wherein the tubus is at least partially jacketed by the unilaterally open-celled film such that the open-cell surface is on the ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Catheter and Support Cannula Assembly

Номер: US20140142542A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies, LLC

A system may include a catheter and a support cannula within the catheter. The catheter may include a tapered tip and a body extending proximally therefrom. The catheter tip may have a smaller inner diameter than the catheter body. The support cannula may include a tip disposed within the catheter tip such that the support cannula tip does not extend distally beyond the catheter distal end and a support segment extending proximally from the support cannula tip and disposed within the catheter body such that the catheter body remains in a non-stretched configuration. An outer diameter of the cannula tip may correspond to the inner diameter of the catheter tip. An outer diameter of the support segment may correspond to the inner diameter of the catheter body. The support segment may extend proximally to at least a proximal end of a perforated segment of the catheter body. 1. A system comprising:a catheter comprising an elongate tubular member comprising a proximal end, a distal end, a lumen extending longitudinally within the catheter, a tapered tip positioned at the distal end of the catheter, and a body extending proximally from the tip, the tip of the catheter comprising an inner diameter that is smaller than an inner diameter of the body of the catheter; andan elongate tubular support cannula slidably received within the lumen of the catheter and comprising a proximal end, a distal end, a lumen extending longitudinally within the support cannula, a tip positioned at the distal end of the support cannula and disposed within the tip of the catheter such that the tip of the support cannula does not extend distally beyond the distal end of the catheter, and a support segment extending proximally from the tip of the support cannula and disposed within the body of the catheter such that the body of the catheter remains in a non-stretched configuration, the tip of the support cannula comprising an outer diameter corresponding to the inner diameter of the tip of the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

A Catheter Having an Expansile Sheath

Номер: US20160067444A1

A catheter includes a shaft extending from a proximal end to a distal end and a sheath which extends along the length of the catheter shaft. The sheath includes a compliant material and is expansile for fluid delivery from a distal end of the sheath to the proximal end of the catheter. The sheath is connected to a Luer on the proximal end of the catheter. Upon injection of fluid/particles through the Luer, the sheath expands to provide a temporary lumen which facilitates flow of fluid/particles from the proximal end of the catheter to an opening or opening adjacent to the distal end of the sheath and at or near the distal end of the catheter shaft for delivery of the fluid/particles into the vessel. Upon cessation of injection pressure, the sheath automatically contracts to provide a lower profile to easily accommodate repositioning/removal of the catheter. 134-. (canceled)35. A catheter comprising a shaft extending from a proximal end to a distal end and a sheath which extends substantially along the full length of the catheter shaft , the sheath having a proximal end and a distal end and being expansile for fluid delivery from the proximal end of the sheath to the distal end of the sheath , the sheath having a contracted configuration in which the sheath lies substantially against the outer wall of the catheter shaft and an expanded delivery configuration in which at least a portion of the sheath extends radially outwardly of the catheter shaft , wherein the sheath comprises a compliant material to urge the sheath to return automatically from the expanded configuration to the contracted configuration.36. A catheter as claimed in wherein the sheath comprises a plurality of layers.37. A catheter as claimed in wherein the sheath comprises an outer layer of compliant material and an inner layer of a reinforcing material.38. A catheter as claimed in wherein the reinforcing material is at least partially porous.39. A catheter as claimed in comprising an inner sealing ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067446A1
Автор: Eby Thomas B., Klenk Alan

In at least one embodiment, a system and method for implanting an implantable medical device (IMD) within a patient may include an IMD including a housing and an attachment member, and a delivery catheter including a tethering snare that is configured to be selectively extended out of the delivery catheter and retracted into the delivery catheter. In at least one embodiment, a system and method for implanting an implantable medical device (IMD) within a patient may include an IMD including a housing and an attachment member, wherein the attachment member includes a central passage connected to a connection chamber, and a delivery catheter including first and second tethers that may be moved outwardly from and retracted into the delivery catheter. 1. A system for implanting an implantable medical device (IMD) within a patient , the system comprising:an IMD including a housing and an attachment member; anda delivery catheter including a tethering snare that is configured to be selectively extended out of the delivery catheter and retracted into the delivery catheter, wherein the tethering snare is configured to fit over at least a portion of the attachment member in a fully extended position, and wherein the tethering snare is configured to securely tether to the attachment member in a retracted position.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tethering snare forms a loop that extends out of the delivery catheter claim 1 , wherein the loop is configured to fit over the at least a portion of the attachment member in the fully extended position claim 1 , and wherein the loop is configured to constrict around the at least a portion of the attachment member in the retracted position.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein a size of the loop increases when the tethering snare is extended out of the delivery catheter claim 2 , and wherein the size of the loop decreases when the tethering snare is retracted into the delivery catheter.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Low-drag septum for a catheter system

Номер: US20200061343A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A peripheral intravenous catheter assembly may include a low-drag septum. The septum may include a body having a distal end and a proximal end, which may be sealed. The septum may include a slot disposed within an outer surface of the body and oriented along a longitudinal axis of the body. The slot may include a distal end spaced apart from the distal end of the body, and a proximal end spaced apart from the proximal end of the body. An introducer needle may extend through the slot.

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Atherectomy catheters and occlusion crossing devices

Номер: US20170065295A1
Принадлежит: Avinger Inc

Atherectomy catheter devices having a C-shaped balloon opposite a cutting window out of which a rotating cutter may extend and a proximal annular balloon. The C-shaped first balloon may be used to drive the cutter against a vessel and to deploy the cutter by assisting in deflecting a nosecone (distal tip) to expose the distal-facing cutting edge of the cutter. The proximal annular balloon may be used to occlude blood flow. The device may pulled, pushed or rotated in a vessel with the balloons inflated or deflated.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068854A1

Described herein are methods using mechanical inverting tube apparatuses to remove clot (e.g., thrombectomy), the apparatuses including an inversion support catheter having an expandable funnel-shaped distal end, and a flexible tube that can be continuously rolled over the funnel-shaped distal end and invert into the inner lumen of the inversion support catheter. 1. A method of removing a clot from a blood vessel , the method comprising:advancing an inverting tube apparatus through the blood vessel until a distal end portion of the inverting tube apparatus is located proximate to the clot, wherein the inverting tube apparatus comprises an inversion support catheter having an elongate and flexible catheter body, an internal catheter lumen, and an expandable funnel disposed at a distal end of the catheter body, wherein a distal end of the funnel defines an opening in communication with an interior of the funnel and the catheter lumen, respectively, the inverting tube apparatus further comprising a flexible tube inverted over the distal end of the expandable funnel and having a first region at least partially disposed within the interior of the funnel, and a second region at least partially extending over an exterior surface of the funnel;expanding the funnel from a collapsed delivery configuration into an expanded configuration within the blood vessel proximate to the clot; andpulling the first region of the flexible tube proximally to thereby roll the second region of the flexible tube over the distal end of the funnel so that the flexible tube captures the clot and pulls the clot proximally into the respective funnel interior and catheter lumen.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein capturing the clot and pulling the clot proximally into the respective funnel interior and catheter lumen comprises compressing the clot and releases fluid from the clot laterally out of fluid egress openings in a proximal portion of the funnel.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068952A1
Автор: Krivoruchko Michael

A balloon catheter includes a balloon coupled to a shaft. The shaft includes a proximal perfusion portion disposed proximal of the balloon and a distal perfusion portion disposed distal of the balloon. The proximal and distal perfusion portions each are formed by a respective plurality of wire members woven together to form a respective proximal and distal braided shafts. The plurality of wire members are woven together such that a plurality of perfusion openings are formed between the wire members. The plurality of perfusion openings extend from an outer surface of the respective proximal or distal braided shaft to a lumen of the respective proximal or distal braided shaft. A perfusion lumen extends between the proximal perfusion portion and the distal perfusion portion. 118-. (canceled)19. A method comprising:transluminally advancing a balloon catheter through a patient's vascular to a treatment site, the balloon catheter including a balloon coupled to an outer shaft; andexpanding the balloon of the balloon catheter at the treatment site, wherein with the balloon expanded, blood flow from an upstream side of the balloon flows into upstream perfusion openings in the outer shaft on the upstream side of the balloon, through a perfusion lumen within the outer shaft, and out of downstream perfusion openings on a downstream side of the balloon, wherein the blood flow out of the downstream perfusion openings is through openings between downstream wire members woven together to form a downstream braided shaft.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the blood flow into the upstream perfusion openings is through openings between upstream wire members woven together to form an upstream braided shaft.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the downstream perfusion openings are each between 0.1 mm and 5 mm in width to enable blood flow therethrough.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the upstream perfusion openings are each between 0.1 mm and 5 mm in width to enable blood flow ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Navigable catheter distal tip configuration

Номер: US20170065793A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

In some examples, a catheter includes an elongated body extending between a proximal end and a distal end, and defining an inner lumen, an outer body wall having a wall cross-sectional diameter, and a distal aperture at the distal end. A distal portion of the elongated body including a taper section that tapers from the outer body wall of the distal portion to the distal aperture, with the distal portion defining a plurality of slits open to the distal aperture. The distal aperture has an aperture diameter greater than zero and less than the wall cross-sectional diameter. The distal portion defining the plurality of slits is configured to substantially center the distal end around a guide member when the guide member is introduced in the inner lumen and extends through the distal aperture.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069468A1
Автор: KEATING Karl, KELLY Ronald
Принадлежит: Neuravi Limited

A catheter system that is actuatable to a deployed state and includes a catheter body and a dilator positioned at least partially within the lumen of the catheter. A distal end of the dilator can be releasably connected to a distal tip of the catheter body. The dilator can be retractable to expand and invert the distal tip and form a funnel shape in the deployed state. 1. A catheter system actuatable to a deployed state , comprising:a catheter body comprising a lumen; anda dilator positioned at least partially within the lumen, a distal end of the dilator releasably connected to a distal tip of the catheter body, the dilator being retractable to expand and invert the distal tip and form a funnel shape in the deployed state.2. The system of claim 1 , the distal tip comprising:a proximal segment; anda distal segment extended from the proximal segment and being substantially flexible, a proximal end of the distal segment extended from the proximal segment and comprising a pull ring adjacent and/or connected to a distal end of the distal segment.3. The system of claim 2 , a midpoint of the distal segment in a collapsed state transitions to being a distalmost atraumatic end of the funnel shape in the deployed state distal of the catheter body.4. The system of claim 2 , the distal segment in a collapsed state being substantially tubular and in the deployed state comprising the funnel shape claim 2 , an air cushion formed by the funnel shape between the distal end and the pull ring.5. The system of claim 2 , the distal segment divided into a proximal braid portion and a distal spiral portion.6. The system of claim 2 , the dilator comprisinga proximal segment;a distal segment distal of the proximal segment comprising a diameter greater than the proximal segment, the distal segment comprising a contact element extended radially outward from the distal segment and configured to contact and translate proximally the pull ring until being aligned at or adjacent the proximal end ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071483A1
Автор: Hesselbjerg Lars

The invention relates to a catheter () for administering anaesthetics to a peripheral nerve site in a patient. The catheter () comprises a hollow, flexible catheter tube () having a first inner lumen () extending along a longitudinal axis of the catheter tube () from a proximal end () to a distal end () where a balloon () is arranged. The balloon () is adapted to be inflated from a collapsed state to an inflated state by a fluid fed through the catheter tube () into an inner cavity () of the balloon (). The inflated balloon () is used to ensure that the distal end of the catheter () stays at the desired position at the peripheral nerve site. The catheter () may comprise a second lumen (), so that the balloon () is inflated via one lumen and the anaesthetics is administered via the other lumen. The invention further relates to a needle-catheter kit and for a method of administering anaesthetics by use of such a catheter. 2. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the first inner lumen is the only lumen extending along the longitudinal axis of the catheter tube.3. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the catheter tube further comprises perforations in a wall along a section near the distal end and surrounded by the balloon so that the anaesthetics can flow from the catheter tube and into the balloon through the perforations.4. The catheter according to claim 3 , wherein the catheter tube further comprises at least one end hole at the distal end claim 3 , the end hole being significantly smaller than the perforations in the wall and not surrounded by the balloon so that injection of the anaesthetics results in inflation of the balloon until a certain pressure therein is reached where after subsequently administered anaesthetics leaves the inner lumen through the end hole.5. The catheter according to claim 1 , wherein the balloon is made from a material having permeability properties enabling that liquid anaesthetics can permeate the balloon when the pressure ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071517A1

An introducer sheath assembly including an introducer sheath and a protective sheath. The introducer sheath includes a hub having a proximal end and a distal end, and a tubular sheath projecting from the distal end of the hub. The protective sheath has a proximal end and a distal end. The distal end of the protective sheath is attached to the hub adjacent to the proximal end of the hub. The protective sheath is configurable between an undeployed state wherein the proximal end of the protective sheath is adjacent to the hub, and a deployed state wherein the proximal end of the protective sheath is away from the hub. 1. A protective sheath configured to enclose a proximal end of an implantable medical electrical lead , the proximal end of the lead including a terminal pin and a portion of a lead projecting from a distal end of the terminal pin , the protective sheath comprising: a proximal section adjacent to the proximal end of the tubular body and configured to enclose within the lumen a proximal end of the terminal pin; and', an undeployed state wherein the distal section encloses within the lumen at least a portion of the terminal pin distal from the proximal end of the terminal pin; and', 'a deployed state wherein the distal section encloses within the lumen the portion of the terminal pin distal from the proximal end of the terminal pin and the portion of the lead projecting from the distal end of the terminal pin., 'a distal section extending from the proximal section to the distal end of the tubular body, the distal section configurable between], 'a tubular body forming a lumen extending from a proximal end to a distal end of the tubular body, the lumen having a diameter of about 0.2 mm to about 8.3 mm, the lumen open at the distal end of the tubular body, the tubular body including2. The protective sheath of claim 1 , wherein the lumen is closed at the proximal end of the tubular body.3. The protective sheath of claim 1 , wherein the lumen is open at the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071740A1
Принадлежит: BIOVENTRIX, INC.

A heart implant alignment and delivery device includes an elongate body having an opening that is disposed near a distal end of the elongate body. The opening is configured so that a heart implant is positionable within the opening with the heart implant exposed to a surrounding environment and so that the heart implant is substantially aligned with the distal end of the elongate body. The device also includes an implant reposition member, such as a cable, that is releasably coupleable with the heart implant and that is operationally coupled with the elongate body so that a first operation of the implant reposition member causes the heart implant to be retractably deployed from the opening of the elongate body. The first operation of the implant reposition member may be effected via a handle mechanism that is attached to a proximal end of the elongate body. 1. A catheter for delivering and aligning a heart implant about a wall of a heart , the catheter comprising:an elongate catheter body having a lumen disposed there through;a handle mechanism disposed at a proximal end of the elongate catheter body;a cavity within a distal end of the elongate catheter body that is configured to deliver a heart implant, the cavity being configured to receive the heart implant such that at least a portion of the heart implant is exposed to an interior region of the heart; anda cable positioned within the lumen of the elongate catheter body, the cable being releasably coupled with the heart implant positioned within the cavity and being operationally coupled with the handle mechanism so that a first operation of the handle mechanism causes the cable to flex outward from the cavity and thereby cause at least part of the heart implant to move outward from the cavity.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein a second operation of the handle mechanism causes the cable to retract within the lumen of the elongate catheter body thereby enabling the heart implant to be repositioned within the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070388A1
Автор: Hadfield Matthew J.
Принадлежит: INVENTASE LLC

A urinary catheter passes from outside the body, through a urethra and into a bladder. The catheter includes an elongated tube having a distal end, proximal end, an intermediate length therebetween, and at least two lumens extending therein. The first lumen receives an inflation fluid at the distal end to inflate a balloon located at the proximal end of the catheter located within the bladder. The second lumen is discontinuous along at least a portion of the intermediate length and causes urine entering the second lumen from the bladder to contact a portion of the urethra before the urine is collected at the distal end of the catheter. 1. A urinary catheter configured to pass from outside the body , through a urethra and into a bladder , the catheter comprising an elongated tube having a distal end , proximal end , an intermediate length therebetween , and at least two lumens extending therein , wherein a first lumen is configured to receive an inflation fluid at the distal end to inflate a balloon located at the proximal end of the catheter located within the bladder , and wherein a second lumen is discontinuous along at least a portion of the intermediate length and is configured to cause urine entering the second lumen from the bladder to contact a portion of the urethra before the urine is collected at the distal end of the catheter.2. The urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous portion is at least one inch (2.54 cm) in length.3. The urinary catheter of claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous portion is defined by opposing first and second tubing sidewalls claim 1 , wherein the tube proximate each tubing sidewall is adapted to form a seal against an inner wall of the urethra.4. The urinary catheter of claim 3 , wherein an inner surface of the second lumen proximate at least one of the first and second tubing sidewalls includes one or more corrugations. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/554,048 filed Sep ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069852A1
Автор: Pastron Nicholas J.

A tracheal and pharyngeal suction device includes a handle including an interior cavity within the handle body, a connector positioned within the interior cavity and moveable along at least a portion of a length of the interior cavity, a proximal suction catheter having a coupling portion and a treatment portion, wherein the coupling portion is coupled to a proximal side of the connector; and a distal suction catheter coupled to a distal side of the connector. 1. A tracheal and pharyngeal suction device comprising:a handle comprising an interior cavity within the handle and an actuator comprising a proximal side and a distal side positioned at least partially along an outer surface of the handle;a connector positioned within the interior cavity and moveable along at least a portion of a length of the interior cavity between a retracted position and an extended position;a proximal suction catheter having a coupling portion and a treatment portion, wherein the coupling portion is coupled to a proximal side of the connector; anda distal suction catheter coupled to a distal side of the connector;wherein the treatment portion of the proximal suction catheter extends beyond a proximal end of the handle when the connector is in the extended position;wherein the proximal suction catheter and the distal suction catheter are separate components;wherein the actuator is coupled with the connector and is configured to cause the connector to translate between the retracted position and the extended position; andwherein a duct extends through the proximal side of the actuator between a hollow interior of the connector and the atmosphere surrounding the handle.2. The tracheal and pharyngeal suction device of claim 1 , wherein the treatment portion of the proximal suction catheter is configured to be positioned within at least one of a tracheal region and a pharyngeal region of a patient's throat when the handle is positioned within a patient's mouth and the connector is in the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069912A1
Автор: Tateshima Satoshi

As a clot retrieval device, a dual-layer expandable aspiration catheter having a catheter with a distal slit and a flexible sheath surrounding the slit. The dual-layer expandable aspiration catheter maintains column strength (along the axis of the catheter) while the distal slit provide radial flexibility only to circumferential direction. This structure prevents the distal expandable segment from crumpling, thereby the stent retriever can be pulled into the expandable catheter smoothly. 1. A clot retrieval device , comprising:a catheter having a distal end configured for receiving a stent retriever having a diameter larger than a diameter of the catheter;a flexible sheath disposed in or around the catheter;the catheter comprising a longitudinal slit extending from the distal end and proximally along a portion of the catheter;said longitudinal slit providing radial flexibility while maintaining axial stiffness of the catheter; andsaid catheter and flexible sheath configured to radially expand to accept the stent retriever.2. The clot retrieval device of claim 1 , wherein the catheter comprises a single longitudinal slit.3. The clot retrieval device of claim 1 , wherein the catheter comprises a plurality of equally-spaced longitudinal slits extending from the distal end.4. The clot retrieval device of claim 1 , wherein the catheter comprises a radially rigid section proximal to the longitudinal slit.5. The clot retrieval device of :wherein the sheath is configured to surround the catheter and comprises a compliant material having an inner diameter that matches an outer diameter of the catheter in an unexpanded state; andwherein the compliant material of the sheath is configured to passively expand as a result of forces applied from the catheter as the catheter expands at the distal slit.6. The clot retrieval device of :wherein diameter of the sheath promotes radial retraction of the catheter upon passing of the stent retriever.7. The clot removal device of :wherein ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069913A1

A fluid directing device may include a catheter and a skirt. The catheter may define a lumen and may have a distal end and a proximal end. The skirt may be attached to a distal region of the catheter and may encircle the catheter. The skirt may have a proximal end attached to the catheter, and a free distal end, the skirt having a sidewall extending between the proximal and distal ends thereof, the skirt configured to move between a collapsed state and an expanded state in which the sidewall extends radially away from the catheter, the sidewall defining an interior chamber in the expanded state, wherein the skirt is configured to prevent contrast media that exits the catheter lumen from passing through the sidewall. 1. A fluid directing device , comprising:a catheter defining a lumen and having a distal end and a proximal end; anda skirt attached to and encircling a distal region of the catheter, the skirt having a proximal end attached to the catheter, and a free distal end, the skirt having a sidewall extending between the proximal and distal ends thereof, the skirt configured to move between a collapsed state and an expanded state in which the sidewall extends radially away from the catheter, the sidewall defining an interior chamber in the expanded state, wherein the skirt is configured to prevent contrast media that exits the catheter lumen from passing through the sidewall.2. The fluid directing device of claim 1 , further comprising an attachment member disposed on the distal end of the skirt.3. The fluid directing device of claim 2 , wherein the attachment member includes a plurality of hooks configured to engage an ostium of a vessel.4. The fluid directing device of claim 2 , wherein the skirt includes an inner side wall and an outer sidewall with a space therebetween claim 2 , wherein the attachment member includes a vacuum lumen within the catheter in fluid communication with the space between the inner and outer sidewalls.5. The fluid directing device of ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069921A1
Автор: MANGIARDI Eric K.

A device for occlusion removal from a bodily lumen is described. The device includes a multi-lumen catheter, a manifold that attaches to the catheter, and an aspiration device that inserts through a lumen of the catheter. A method of removing an occlusion from a bodily lumen is also described, as is a kit containing the device. 1. A device for occlusion removal comprising a catheter having a proximal end and a distal end , and an aspiration device;the catheter comprising:a main lumen having a proximal opening at the proximal end of the catheter and a distal opening at the distal end of the catheter, the main lumen comprising an inner diameter sufficient to accommodate the passage of the aspiration device, andthe aspiration device comprising:a longitudinal lumen, a connection at the proximal end for a suction device, and at least one opening at or near the distal end.2. The device for occlusion removal of claim 1 , further comprising a manifold at its proximal end claim 1 , wherein the manifold comprises a main port that is contiguous with the main lumen of the catheter and accommodates the insertion of the aspiration device through the manifold and into the main lumen of the catheter.3. The device for occlusion removal of claim 2 , wherein the main port further attaches to a handle.4. The device for occlusion removal of claim 1 , further comprising a balloon mounted at or near the distal end of the catheter claim 1 ,the balloon comprising:a flexible impermeable membrane encircling the catheter, the membrane being bounded by a proximal collar attached to the catheter and a distal collar attached to the catheter; andthe catheter further comprising:an inflation lumen having a proximal opening at the proximal end of the catheter and a distal opening near the distal end of the catheter, wherein the distal opening is between the proximal and distal collars of the balloon.5. The device for occlusion removal of claim 4 , further comprising a manifold at its proximal end ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077117A1
Автор: Hill Alexander
Принадлежит: Medtronic, Inc.

A transcatheter delivery device including a catheter and at least one stabilizer useful for trasnsseptal procedures. The stabilizer includes a shaft connected to an anchor. The anchor has a delivery position in which the anchor is collapsed against the shaft and a deployed position in which the anchor expands to engage a pulmonary vein or atrial appendage to support the catheter within the septal wall as the catheter moves within a left atrium. Various disclosed delivery devices are also configured to ablate tissue proximate the anchor and/or can be disconnected from the delivery device after the procedure to occlude an atrial appendage. Methods of using the disclosed delivery devices and treating a heart are also disclosed. 1. A method of stabilizing a catheter during transseptal access of a left atrium of a heart of a patient; the method comprising the steps of:providing a first delivery device including:a catheter and a first stabilizer positioned within the catheter; the stabilizer including a first anchor secured to a first shaft, the first anchor having a delivery position and a deployed position; wherein a diameter of the first stabilizer is greater in the deployed position than in the delivery position;with the first stabilizer in the delivery position, directing the delivery device through a vascular system of the patient to position the delivery device within a septal wall; anddeploying the first stabilizer so that the first anchor engages one of a first pulmonary vein and a left atrial appendage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein catheter includes a second lumen in which a second stabilizer is positioned and the method further includes the step of deploying a second anchor of the second stabilizer to engage one of a second pulmonary vein and the left atrial appendage.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further includes the step of detaching the first anchor from the first shaft.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first stabilizer is ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Devices and methods for removal of acute blockages from blood vessels

Номер: US20210077134A1
Принадлежит: Neuravi Ltd

An aspiration catheter including an elongate body and an expansile distal tip continuous with the elongate body. An expanding assembly is alignable internal to the expansile distal tip and connected proximally to a control wire. The expanding assembly includes a proximal position within the expansile distal tip proximal of a distal most end of the expansile distal tip. In a distal position where the expanding assembly is distally moved, by the control wire, until being aligned with and contacting the distal most end of the expansile distal tip causing the expansile distal tip to form a funnel mouth to receive clot.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Implantable system for increasing intrathecal drug dispersion

Номер: US20210077714A1
Автор: Jeffrey Bodner
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

A medical device configured to improve medicament dispersion within a cerebrospinal fluid of a patient. The medical device including an implantable catheter having a distal end configured to be positioned within a flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, a proximal end, a body defining a lumen extending lengthwise along the implantable catheter configured to enable a flow of medicament from the proximal end to an infusion port located in proximity to the distal end, and a piezoelectric element positioned in proximity to the infusion port configured to selectively oscillate during medicament administration to improve dispersion of the medicament within the cerebrospinal fluid.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077774A1

A dual lumen coaxial cannula assembly includes a first infusion tube having a first elongate body defining a first lumen therethrough, the first infusion tube having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending circumferentially therebetween. A second drainage tube is co-axially aligned with the first infusion tube and has a second elongate body with a second lumen defined by a space between the first infusion tube and the second drainage tube. The second drainage tube has a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending circumferentially therebetween. A connector is attached to the proximal end of the first infusion tube and the proximal end on the second drainage tube. The cannula assembly further includes a distal tip connected to the distal end of the first elongate body and made of a material having a lower hardness than a hardness of the first elongate body. 1. A dual lumen coaxial cannula assembly comprising:a first infusion tube having a first elongate body defining a first lumen therethrough, the first infusion tube having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending circumferentially therebetween;a second drainage tube co-axially aligned with the first infusion tube and having a second elongate body with a second lumen defined by a space between the first infusion tube and the second drainage tube, the second drainage tube having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending circumferentially therebetween;a connector attached to the proximal end of the first infusion tube and the proximal end on the second drainage tube; anda distal tip defining a distal lumen therethrough, the distal tip having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending circumferentially therebetween, the distal tip connected to the distal end of the first elongate body, wherein the distal tip is comprised of a material having a lower hardness than a hardness of the first elongate body.2. The dual lumen coaxial cannula assembly of claim 1 , ...
