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27-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413112C2

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению и предназначено для использования в предохранительных устройствах для защиты систем высокого давления. Устройство для сброса давления содержит разрывной диск реверсивного действия, имеющий образуемую лазером электрополированную линию ослабляющей канавки. Имеются конструктивные варианты такого устройства и способ изготовления относительно тонкого металлического устройства для сброса давления. Этот способ содержит способ формирования электрополированной линии ослабляющей канавки в разрывном диске реверсивного действия, который гарантирует полное открывание диска при реверсировании. Заготовку разрывного диска подвергают предварительному выпучиванию, окончательному выпучиванию и затем обеспечивают слоем резистного материала. Для удаления, по меньшей мере, части слоя резистного материала, соответствующей желаемой линии ослабляющей канавки в вогнутой наружной поверхности выпученного разрывного диска, используют лазер. После этого диск подвергают операции ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594919C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к присадочным материалам для электродуговой и лазерной сварки, и может быть использовано для соединения деталей из аустенитной и ферритной сталей. Сварочный присадочный материал для соединения деталей из аустенитной высокомарганцовистой стали с содержанием марганца по меньшей мере 7-30 вес. % и ферритной стали с помощью электродуговой или лазерной сварки содержит, вес. %: С 0,04-1,0, Mn 7-30, Si ≤6, Al ≤4, Мо ≤2, Ti ≤0,5, Zr 0,01-0,1, В 0,001-0,01, Р ≤0,005, S ≤0,002, N ≤0,008, Fe и неизбежные примеси - остальное. Сварное соединение имеет мелкозернистую структуру фаз, не содержащих хром и никель. Сварное соединение имеет те же высокие механические свойства, что и основной материал. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2433896C2

Изобретение относится к способу лазерной нагартовки и изделию для лазерной нагартовки. На заготовку изделия наносят первый слой. Первый слой не содержит пустот или пузырьков, больших чем 1 Омикрон в диаметре. Первый слой напыляют или получают путем окунания. Наносят второй слой на первый слой. Затем направляют импульс лазерного света на второй слой. Упомянутый импульс имеет достаточную плотность энергии для абляции участка второго слоя, посредством чего выталкивается плазма. Плазма производит ударную волну, которая распространяется на первый слой и на заготовку, посредством чего осуществляется нагартовка заготовки. Любые пузырьки, образующиеся под верхними слоями, изолируются от подлежащей нагартовке поверхности. Процесс значительно снижает эффект появления выемок на нагартованных поверхностях. 2 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2590759C2

Изобретение относится к способу гибридной лазерно-дуговой сварки, осуществляемому с помощью электрической дуги и лазерного луча, сочетающихся друг с другом в единой сварочной ванне, в которую расплавленный металл подается посредством плавления расходуемой проволоки. Сварочную ванну получают на по меньшей мере одной стальной детали, содержащей поверхностное покрытие на основе алюминия. Процесс ведут с защитным газом. Защитный газ образован по меньшей мере одним основным компонентом, выбранным среди аргона и гелия, и по меньшей мере одним дополнительным компонентом, выбранным среди азота и кислорода. Защитный газ содержит от 1% до 20% по объему упомянутого одного дополнительного компонента. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 1 пр.

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569436C2

Изобретение относится к сварной стальной детали и способу ее изготовления. Заготовка детали получена сваркой встык, по меньшей мере, одного первого и одного второго листа. Лист состоит, по меньшей мере, частично из стальной подложки и предварительного покрытия, в состав которого входит слой интерметаллического сплава в контакте со стальной подложкой, покрытый сверху слоем металлического сплава алюминия или сплава на основе алюминия. Слой (19, 20) металлического сплава удаляют с кромок (36) в непосредственной близости к зоне (35) сварки металла. Слой (17, 18) интерметаллического сплава сохраняют на месте. Сверху, по меньшей мере, части зоны (35) сварки металла соотношение между содержанием углерода в зоне сварки металла и содержанием углерода в подложке (25, 26) первого (11) или второго листа (12), который имеет наиболее высокое содержание углерода Cmax, находится между 1,27 и 1,59. Сварную заготовку (37) нагревают, чтобы получить металл зоны (35) сварки с полностью аустенитной структурой ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700723C2

Группа изобретений относится к технологии ввода света, выходящего из нескольких волоконных лазерных устройств, в один оптический компонент и управления излучением, выходящим из таких лазерных устройств. Волоконная лазерная система со множеством пучков выходного излучения для создания нескольких пучков выходного излучения волоконного лазера. Система содержит множество модулей волоконной лазерной системы, множество выходных волокон и объемный оптический элемент. Модули волоконной лазерной системы создают множество отдельных пучков выходного излучения волоконного лазера. Соответствующие пучки выходного излучения различаются одной или несколькими характеристиками пучка. Каждое из выходных волокон выполнено с возможностью доставки одного из указанных отдельных пучков выходного излучения волоконного лазера. К объемному оптическому элементу присоединены каждое из указанных выходных волокон. Оптический элемент выполнен с возможностью приема отдельных пучков выходного излучения волоконного лазера ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708727C2

Изобретение относится к лазерной системе с многолучевым выходным излучением (варианты) и способу сварки заготовок. Система представляет мультиволоконную лазерную систему, подающую выходное излучение по меньшей мере по трем волокнам, расположенным по окружности или же выходное излучение по меньшей мере четырех отдельных лазеров из одного рабочего кабеля. Изобретение позволяет управлять по меньшей мере тремя лазерными модулями и подавать, соответственно, их выходное излучение в заранее заданной последовательности внутри одного рабочего кабеля, обеспечивая таким образом множество стадий обработки заготовки, которая ранее требовала отдельной оптической системы для каждого луча. Выходное излучение по меньшей мере трех лазеров оптимизировано для применения в создании точечных сварных соединений, шовных сварных соединений или виртуальных осцилляционных сварных соединений при использовании для шовной сварки. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685928C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при точечной сварке покрытых металлом стальных листов. Проводят тестовую точечную сварку для выявления растрескивания свариваемой части. Удаляют металлическое покрытие на поверхностях стальных листов, где подтверждено возникновение растрескивания. При выявлении внешнего растрескивания край участка удаления покрытия соответствует внешней периферии зоны теплового воздействия (ЗТВ) сварного шва, но не превышает 1,5 диаметра эквивалентного круга места формирования внешнего края ЗТВ. При внутреннем растрескивании внешний край соответствует периферии самой широкой ЗТВ сварного шва и не превышает 5 диаметров эквивалентного круга места формирования внешнего края ЗТВ. Дополнительно ограничивают внутренний край круглой кольцевой области, центр которой совпадает с центром ядра сварной точки и имеет диаметр 0,8 от диаметра ядра сварной точки или менее. Способ обеспечивает предотвращение образования трещин из-за жидкометаллической хрупкости при точечной сварке. 3 ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2553142C2

Изобретение относится к способу и установке для сварки лазерным лучом по меньшей мере двух компонентов (102, 104) из суперсплавов. В способе обеспечивают по существу одновременное создание основного сварного шва (110) с использованием первого присадочного металла, расположенного между указанными компонентами (102, 104), и поверхностного сварного шва (112) с использованием второго присадочного металла, выполняемого поверх основного шва. Между указанными компонентами, которые могут быть выполнены с необязательным желобком (105) вдоль поверхности (114) соединения (102, 104), вставляют прокладку (506). Поверх заданной поверхности (114) или внутрь необязательного желобка (105) подают присадочную проволоку (504). Два лазера (700, 702) или лазер (600) и присоединенный расщепитель (604) луча обеспечивают создание первого и второго лазерных лучей (508, 510), направленных на фокусные точки (512, 514), расположенные на заданном расстоянии (509) друг от друга (например, 0,05-1,5 см). Первый лазерный ...

06-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017104281A3

05-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017135023A3

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101036A

... 1. Способ сварки участка нахлесточного соединения, в котором множество элементов из стальных листов соединено на участке нахлесточного соединения, и по меньшей мере один из множества элементов из стальных листов содержит мартенсит, причем способ включает в себя:- образование точечно-сварного участка, имеющего ядро на участке нахлесточного соединения; и- излучение лазерного пучка для образования расплавленного и затвердевшего участка, пересекающего конец ядра и расположенного между ядром и положением, внешне отстоящим от конца ядра не менее, чем на 3 мм, причем расплавленный и затвердевший участок образован в элементе из стальных листов, содержащем мартенсит, таким образом, чтобы он имел глубину не менее 50% от толщины элемента из стальных листов, содержащего мартенсит, в положении, внешне отстоящим от конца ядра на 1 мм.2. Способ сварки участка нахлесточного соединения, в котором множество элементов из стальных листов, включающих в себя оцинкованный стальной лист, имеющий образованное на ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014128657A

... 1. Сварочный присадочный материал для создания смешанных соединений между деталями из аустенитной и ферритной стали с помощью электродуговой и лазерной сварки, причем высокомарганцовистая сталь содержит марганца, по меньшей мере, 7-30 вес.%, отличающийся тем, что сварочный присадочный материал состоит из следующих легирующих элементов, вес.%:2. Сварочный присадочный материал по п. 1 со следующим легирующим составом, вес.%:3. Сварочный присадочный материал по п. 2 со следующим легирующим составом, вес.%:4. Применение сварочного присадочного материала по одному из пп. 1-3 для выполнения сварных соединений на материалах с покрытием и без покрытия.5. Применение сварочного присадочного материала по п. 4 для материалов с металлическим покрытием.6. Применение сварочного присадочного материала по п. 5 для материалов с металлическим покрытием на основе цинка, и/или алюминия, и/или кремния, и/или марганца.7. Применение стального сплава для присадочной проволоки, состоящей из легирующих элементов, ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594766C9

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к получению листовой сварной заготовке для горячей штамповки. Заготовка включает в себя сварную часть, сформированную путем сварки встык первого покрытого металлическим алюминием стального листа и второго покрытого металлическим алюминием стального листа. Сварная часть получена на режимах, обеспечивающих среднюю концентрацию алюминия в сварочном металле в сварной части от 0,3 мас.% до 1,5 мас.%, а температура точки Acсварочного металла составляет 1250°C или ниже. Обеспечивается требуемая прочность соединения после горячей штамповки. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 4 табл., 2 пр.

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011139389A

... 1. Способ структурирования, как минимум, одной области поверхности твердого тела (9), имеющего покрытие из твердого материала, посредством лазера, имеющего длительности импульса в наносекундном интервале (1), в соответствии со способом проекции шаблона, где гомогенное пятно (FS) системы придания формы оптическому лучу, шаблон (18) и затем диафрагма (6) используются перед оптическими системами создания изображения.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что, как минимум, один шаблон и одна диафрагма установлены в обменное устройство, тем самым, любой требуемый шаблон или любая требуемая диафрагма могут помещаться в траекторию лазерного луча независимо друг от друга.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что структурирование производится путем наложения множества микроструктур, при этом каждая из накладывающихся структур образует угол (α) с получившейся в результате наложения структурой.4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шаблоны и диафрагмы установлены с возможностью вращения в обменном устройстве ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152322A

... 1. Способ очистки и зачистки лопатки (1) газотурбинного двигателя, содержащей тело (13) из сверхсплава, покрытое покрытием (10), способ, согласно которому покрытие (10) лопатки (1), по меньшей мере, частично обрабатывают посредством импульсного лазера (3), при этом определяют параметры, по меньшей мере, скорости (V) подачи импульсного лазера (3) и частоты (F) импульсов импульсного лазера (3) так, чтобы обработанная поверхность лопатки (1) имела шероховатость от 4 мкм до 10 мкм.2. Способ по п.1, при котором, когда покрытие содержит по меньшей мере один внешний керамический слой (11), определяют параметры импульсного лазера (3) так, чтобы обрабатывать только внешний керамический слой (11).3. Способ по п.1, при котором, когда покрытие содержит по меньшей мере один внешний керамический слой (11) и один металлический слой (12), расположенный между телом (13) из сверхсплава и керамическим слоем (11), определяют параметры импульсного лазера так, чтобы обрабатывать только внешний керамический слой ...

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014147317A

... 1. Плакирующий материал для плакированного нержавеющей сталью стального листа, содержащий 0,03 мас.% или менее углерода, 1,5 мас.% или менее кремния, 2,0 мас.% или менее марганца, 0,04 мас.% или менее фосфора, 0,03 мас.% или менее серы, от 22,0 мас.% до 25,0 мас.% никеля, от 21,0 мас.% до 25,0 мас.% хрома, от 2,0 мас.% до 5,0 мас.% молибдена, от 0,15 мас.% до 0,25 мас.% азота и остальное железо и случайные примеси, у которого критическая температура питтинговой коррозии (CPT) после нормализации, определенная в соответствии с ASTM G48-03 Method Е, составляет 45°C или выше, и потери от коррозии в зоне сварки, определенные посредством коррозионного испытания в соответствии со стандартом NORSOK М-601, составляют 1,0 г/мили менее.2. Плакирующий материал для стального листа, плакированного нержавеющей сталью, по п. 1, который дополнительно содержит от 0,0010 до 0,0055 мас.% бора.3. Плакирующий материал для стального листа, плакированного нержавеющей сталью, по п. 1, в котором осадки, извлеченные ...

19-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002247034B2
Принадлежит: NCR CORP., DAYTON, OHIO (V.ST.A.)

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Sanitäreinrichtungsrohling sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Sanitäreinrichtung

Номер: DE102018118041A1

Sanitärwanne mit einem Wannenkörper (1) aus Stahl und einer auf dem Wannenkörper (1) angeordneten Beschichtung aus Email, wobei erfindungswesentlich die Beschichtung mit einem Laserstrahl erzeugte makroskopische Strukturen aufweist.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016006423T5

Ein Verfahren zum Laserschweißen eines Werkstückstapels (10), der mindestens zwei sich überlappende Metallwerkstücke (12, 14) enthält, umfasst das Voranbewegen eines Laserstrahls (24) relativ zu einer Ebene einer Oberseite (20) des Werkstückstapels (10) von einem Startpunkt (84) zu einem Endpunkt (68) entlang eines Strahlverfahrmusters (78) mit einer hohen Laserstrahlverfahrgeschwindigkeit von mehr als 8 Meter pro Minute. Die zwei oder mehreren sich überlappenden Metallwerkstücke (12, 14) können Stahlwerkstücke oder Aluminiumwerkstücke sein, und mindestens eines der Metallwerkstücke (12, 14) enthält eine Oberflächenbeschichtung (40). Das Vorschieben des Laserstrahls (24) entlang des Strahlverfahrmusters (78) bildet eine Schweißverbindung (76) aus, die wiedererstarrtes Verbundwerkstückmaterial enthält, das von jedem der Metallwerkstücke (12, 14) stammt, in das ein Schmelzbad (80) eingedrungen ist, die die Metallwerkstücke (12, 14) miteinander verschweißt. Die relativ hohe Laserstrahlverfahrgeschwindigkeit ...

13-11-1997 дата публикации

Structuring of surfaces of components by removal of material with laser pulses

Номер: DE0019717912A1

The method has a component (2) coated with a material, radiated with a laser pulse or a sequence of laser pulses for the ionisation of the coating material locally in the region of the desired structure. Each individual laser pulse (1) has an intensity which lies above the critical threshold intensity for the multi-photon ionisation of the coated material. Each laser pulse has wavelength and pulse duration, such that the expansion of the ionised material, by the laser pulse within the pulse duration, is smaller than the wavelength of the laser pulse, exciting the multi-photon ionisation.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verschweißen von Bauteilen

Номер: DE102016212057A1

Verfahren zum Verschweißen von Bauteilen (1, 2) mit folgenden Schritten: • Bereitstellen eines ersten Bauteils (1) und eines zweiten Bauteils (2), • Aneinandersetzen der beiden Bauteile (1, 2), • Verschweißen der beiden Bauteile (1, 2) mittels eines Laserstrahls, (5) wobei durch wiederholtes Ein- und Ausschalten des Laserstrahls (5) eine Vielzahl von Schweißimpulsen erzeugt werden, die jeweils durch schweißfreie Pausenintervalle, in denen der Laserstrahl (5) ausgeschaltet ist, unterbrochen werden, wobei • durch jeden Schweißimpuls ein lokales Schweißareal (11–22) erzeugt wird, in dem Material der beiden Bauteile (1, 2) lokal begrenzt aufgeschmolzen und verschmolzen wird, wobei • sich einzelne der durch die Schweißimpulse erzeugten Schweißareale (11–22) überlappen.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Laserreinigung beschichteter Materallien vor dem Schweissen

Номер: DE112012004184T5

Ein System (200, 300, 500) und ein Verfahren werden bereitgestellt, bei dem ein beschichtetes Werkstück (W) mit hoher Geschwindigkeit mit minimaler Porosität und Spritzerbildung verschweißt werden. Die Beschichtung (C) auf dem Werkstück wird entfernt oder durch eine Hochenergie-Wärmequelle (109) abgetragen, bevor sie in einem Schweißvorgang geschweißt wird, so dass eine hohe Schweißgeschwindigkeit erzielt wird. Die Hochenergie-Wärmequelle (109) ist stromaufwärts des Schweißvorgangs angeordnet, um zumindest einen Teil der Oberflächenbeschichtungen an einem Werkstück (W) zu verdampfen oder zu entfernen.

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur Verwendung von sich bewegendem aufzehrbarem Draht mit Schweisspfütze

Номер: DE112013003467T5

Es werden ein System (100) und ein Verfahren zum Steuern von Fülldraht (140) bereitgestellt. Das System (100) enthält eine hoch-intensive Energiequelle (130), die dafür konfiguriert ist, mindestens ein Werkstück (115) zu erwärmen, um eine Schmelzpfütze (145) auf einer Oberfläche des mindestens einen Werkstücks (115) zu erzeugen. Eine Fülldrahtzuführvorrichtung (150) ist dafür konfiguriert, einen Fülldraht (140) in die Schmelzpfütze (145) zuzuführen, und eine Vorschubrichtungssteuereinheit ist dafür konfiguriert, die hoch-intensive Energiequelle (130) und den Fülldraht (140) in einer Vorschubrichtung voranzuschieben, um den Fülldraht (140) auf dem mindestens einen Werkstück (115) abzuscheiden. Das System (100) enthält außerdem einen Fülldraht (140)-Steuereinheit (195), die dafür konfiguriert ist, den Fülldraht (140) während des Zuführens und Voranschiebens des Fülldrahtes (140) in mindestens einer ersten Richtung zu bewegen. Mindestens die erste Richtung wird so gesteuert, um eine gewünschte ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Metallverbindungsstruktur und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Metallverbindungsstruktur

Номер: DE112018007755T5

Eine Metallverbindungsstruktur (100) weist auf: ein Eisenlegierungsteil (1); ein Aluminiumlegierungsteil (2); und eine Verbindungszwischenschicht (3), die zwischen dem Eisenlegierungsteil (1) und dem Aluminiumlegierungsteil (2) angeordnet ist. Die Verbindungszwischenschicht (3) umfasst: eine Eisen-Silicium-Teilschicht (4) in Mischkristallphase in Kontakt mit dem Eisenlegierungsteil (1); eine Aluminium-Silicium-Teilschicht (5) in eutektischer Phase in Kontakt mit dem Aluminiumlegierungsteil (2); und eine Silicium-Teilschicht (6), die zwischen der Eisen-Silicium-Teilschicht (4) in Mischkristallphase und der Aluminium-Silicium-Teilschicht (5) in eutektischer Phase angeordnet ist.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Schneidwerkzeugs

Номер: DE112019000088T5

Eine Steuerung 13 führt einen ersten Prozess des Abtastens eines zylindrischen Bestrahlungsbereichs aus, umfassend einen fokussierten Punkt des Laserlichts 2, das von einem Laserlicht-Emitter 10 emittiert wurde, um eine Freiflächenseite eines Werkstücks 20 zu bearbeiten, um ein Schneidwerkzeug herzustellen, das eine Vielzahl von in einer Reihe angeordneten Schneidkanten aufweist. In dem ersten Prozess tastet die Steuerung 13 den zylindrischen Bestrahlungsbereich entlang eines Abtastpfads, der Periodizität aufweist und eine Bearbeitungstiefe ändert, um die Vielzahl von Schneidkanten zu bilden, ab. Die Steuerung 13 führt ferner einen zweiten Prozess des Abtastens des zylindrischen Bestrahlungsbereichs aus, umfassend den fokussierten Punkt des Laserlichts, das in einer Richtung unterschiedlich von einer Bestrahlungsrichtung des Laserlichts in dem ersten Prozess emittiert wird, um eine Spanflächenseite des Werkstücks 20 zu bearbeiten.

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Anlage zur Strukturierung von Solarmodulen

Номер: DE102006033296A1

Bei einer Anlage (1) zur Strukturierung von Solarmodulen (2), umfassend ein Transportsystem (3) zum Transport eines Solarmoduls (2) in einer Transportebene in eine erste Achsrichtung (8) und einer ersten Querachse (10, 20) mit enem Strukturierungswerkzeug (11, 22), ist das Transportsystem (3) als Luftkissensystem ausgebildet.

01-08-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung einer Laserschweißverbindung

Номер: DE0010036901C2
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

15-04-2010 дата публикации

Pillar welding device for attaching weld parts such as weld nuts and/or weld bolts on a flat component, comprises a stand carrying a first electrode, and a movable frame carrying a second electrode

Номер: DE102008051289A1

The pillar welding device comprises a stand (5) carrying a first electrode, and a movable frame (8) carrying a second electrode (7), where weld parts such as weld nuts and/or weld bolts are clamped in the area of the second electrode and the movable frame is guidable against a spring force by a drive (11) in an operating position in which the actual welding process is carried out. The stand comprises a magnetically working clamping device (13) for fixing a flat component in a determined position to the weld parts. The clamping device comprises a magnet housing made of non-magnetic material. The pillar welding device comprises a stand (5) carrying a first electrode, and a movable frame (8) carrying a second electrode (7), where weld parts such as weld nuts and/or weld bolts are clamped in the area of the second electrode and the movable frame is guidable against a spring force by a drive (11) in an operating position in which the actual welding process is carried out. The stand comprises ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Bauteilabschnitte an galvanisierten Kunststoffbauteilen

Номер: DE102017113270A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Bauteilabschnitte (1) an galvanisierten Kunststoffbauteilen (2), welche zum dauerhaften Zusammenfügen mittels Ultraschallschweißprozess (3) an einem weiteren Bauteil (4) mit entsprechenden, aufnehmenden Durchbrüchen und Öffnungen (10) Verwendung finden, wobei die freien Enden der Bauteilabschnitte (1) derart geometrisch ausgestaltet sind, dass eine Metallabscheidung (6) bei der galvanischen Beschichtung im Bereich der Konturen (7) vermieden oder vermindert ist.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Strangförmiges Element sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung eines strangförmigen Elements

Номер: DE102017201634B3
Принадлежит: LEONI KABEL GMBH, LEONI Kabel GmbH

Das strangförmige Element, welches als eine elektrische Leitung ausgebildet ist, weist einen Kern sowie einen diesen umgebenden Mantel auf, welcher von einer leitfähigen Struktur umgeben ist. Die leitfähige Struktur ist mit Hilfe eines Laser-Direkt-Strukturierungs-Verfahren auf den Mantel aufgebracht und bildet eine Schirmlage. Durch diese Maßnahme lassen sich Leitungen mit sehr geringen Durchmessern prozesssicher und effektiv mit einer leitfähigen Struktur, insbesondere Schirmung versehen.

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ausbilden einer Fügeverbindung zwischen zwei Bauteilen

Номер: DE102015204107A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ausbilden einer Fügeverbindung (10, 20) zwischen zwei Bauteilen (100, 200), wobei die Fügestelle insbesondere im Außenbereich einer Kraftfahrzeugkarosserie angeordnet ist, bei dem ein erstes Bauteil (100) mit einem zweiten Bauteil (200) im Überlappstoß gefügt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Fügen ein Löten nach dem Kaltmetalltransfer-Verfahren ist.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Fügeverbindung und Fügeverbindung

Номер: DE102016009708A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Fügeverbindung (10, 24), bei welchem zumindest zwei aus Aluminiumlegierungen bestehende Bauteile (12, 14, 26, 28, 30) mittels eines Laserstrahls (16) unter Ausbildung einer Schweißnaht (18) miteinander verschweißt werden und einer während der Herstellung der Schweißnaht (18) entstehenden Schmelze Legierungselemente zugeführt werden, welche einer Bildung von Heißrissen im Bereich der Schweißnaht (18) entgegenwirken, wobei die Legierungselemente der Schmelze zugeführt werden, indem zumindest bei einem der beiden Bauteile (12, 14, 26, 28, 30) wenigstens ein die Legierungselemente umfassender Bauteilbereich bereitgestellt und dieser Bauteilbereich zumindest teilweise beim Herstellen der Schweißnaht (18) als Teil der Schmelze aufgeschmolzen wird. Die Erfindung betrifft des Weiteren eine Fügeverbindung (10, 24), welche wenigstens zwei aus Aluminiumlegierungen bestehende Bauteile (12, 14, 26, 28, 30) umfasst und durch Laserschweißen hergestellt ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Unterdrücken einer laserinduzierten Dampffahne für Laserkantenschweißen von zinkbeschichteten Stählen

Номер: DE102015100565A1

System und Verfahren zum Stabilisieren des Schmelzbades bei einem Laserschweißvorgang durch Unterdrücken einer laserinduzierten Dampffahne, die beim Laserschweißen von zinkbeschichteten Stählen auftritt. Die Dampffahne ist ein Ergebnis der Verdampfung von Zink, und der Zinkdampf in der Dampffahne stört das Schmelzbad und verursacht Luftlöcher, Spritzer und Porosität. Die Stabilisierung wird erreicht, indem dem Schweißbereich durch eine Düse ein Gas, wie beispielsweise Luft, zugeführt wird, wobei das Gas eine Geschwindigkeit und einen Durchsatz aufweist, die ausreichen, um den Zinkdampf vom Schmelzbad wegzublasen. Es wurden nachweislich Ergebnisse mit drastisch verbesserter Schweißqualität erzielt. Es werden Konfigurationsparameter offenbart, die zu optimalen Ergebnissen einschließlich Gasdurchsatz und -geschwindigkeit sowie Düsenposition und -ausrichtung in Bezug auf die Laserauftreffstelle auf dem Stahl führen.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Untersuchung einer maximalen Überbrückbarkeit eines Spaltes zwischen wenigstens zwei zu verschweißenden Bauteilen

Номер: DE102019005843A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Untersuchung einer maximalen Überbrückbarkeit eines Spaltes zwischen mindestens zwei zu verschweißenden Bauteilen. Bei einem Verfahren, bei welchem der Einfluss verschiedener Spaltgrößen auf eine Schweißnaht untersucht werden kann, werden für einen Schweißversuch an mindestens einem der Bauteile (1), vorzugsweise mechanisch geprägte, Noppen (5) präpariert, deren Noppentiefe einer einzustellenden Höhe bzw. Breite des Spaltes (9, 13) entspricht.

21-01-2010 дата публикации

Welding process to produce chassis component of motor vehicle, comprises providing first and second metal sheets to be welded together, fixing edge region of first metal sheet to second metal sheet, and scanning position of the edge region

Номер: DE102008033113A1

The welding process comprises providing first (1) and second metal sheets (2) to be welded together, of which the first- and/or the second metal sheet is a zinc-coated steel sheet, fixing an edge region (3) of the first metal sheet to the second metal sheet, scanning a position of the edge region of the first metal sheet in relation to the second metal sheet by using an optoelectronic scanning device, and providing a laser welding device having a laser beam generating device and laser beam deflection device, which is controlled and/or regulated by electronics and is based on movable mirrors. The welding process comprises providing first (1) and second metal sheets (2) to be welded together, of which the first- and/or the second metal sheet is a zinc-coated steel sheet, fixing an edge region (3) of the first metal sheet to the second metal sheet, scanning a position of the edge region of the first metal sheet in relation to the second metal sheet by using an optoelectronic scanning device ...

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Laser welding method for coated panels used in automotive industry with selection of weld length and/or disturbance of weld by transversal movement of laser beam for preventing eruptive vaporization of coating material

Номер: DE0010355049B3

The laser welding method uses a de-focused laser beam for welding together at least 2 coated panels which are held at a minimum spacing from one another, the length of the welding seam being selected to allow the vaporized coating material to exit through the weld and/or the weld continuously disturbed by a superimposed transversal movement of the laser beam.

10-04-2003 дата публикации

Coating material gas removal method for laser welding process uses stimulated resonance oscillation of one of welded metal panels

Номер: DE0010158388C1

The gas removal method uses a stimulation element (8) adjacent the free ends of the coated metal panels (1,2) to be welded, in contact with one of the coated metal panels, for stimulation of a resonance oscillation with a frequency of between 50 and 150 Hz and an amplitude of between 0.05 and 0.2 mm.

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Method for metal contacting a solar cell by laser cladding process, comprises applying a seed layer of metal on a surface of substrate through powder stream, melting the particles by laser beam and soldering with surface of the solar cell

Номер: DE102008060211A1

The method comprises applying a seed layer of metal on a surface of a substrate through powder stream, melting the particles by laser beam (LS) and soldering with a surface of the solar cell, where a laser cladding process is carried out on the seed layer. The metal contact is implemented as solder pad or as welded zones with a solderable or weldable material. An independent claim is included for a laser cladding plant for producing metal contacts in a solar cell.

02-04-2014 дата публикации

A boroscope and a method of laser processing a component using the borescope

Номер: GB0002506516A

A boroscope 60 has a working head. An optical fibre 74 extends through the borescope 60 to the working head 68. Another optical fibre 76 extends through the boroscope (60) to the end 72 of the working head 68. A laser optical fibre 78 extends through the borescope 60. A lens 80 may be is arranged in the working head 68 and a mirror 82 is gimballed 84 to the end 72 of the working head 68. The laser optical fibre 78 directs laser light optionally onto the lens 80 and then onto the mirror 82. LEDs 86, 88 are arranged on the working head 68. An actuator 90,92 adjusts the position of the mirror 82.

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Bi-metallic mechanically lined pipe

Номер: GB0201413445D0

19-03-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to methods of drilling a hole in a workpiece with the aid of a high-energy beam of rays

Номер: GB0001145611A

... 1,145,611. Removing metal by high energy beams. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd. 5 April, 1967 [8 April, 1966], No. 15662/67. Headings B3A and B3V. In a method of piercing a hole 11 in a workpiece 9 by a high energy beam 21, the surface of the workpiece in the vicinity of the hole is provided with a covering layer 15 which is later removed. This layer prevents damage to the hole near the surface. The layer 15 may be of refractory metal such as tungsten and has a spacer 17 formed around the hole to be pierced. Alternatively a separate spacer ring may be used. An electron beam 13 first pierces a hole in the layer 15 and then the centre part of the beam pierces the hole 11 in the workpiece. The beam may be pulsed. After piercing, the layer is removed and the metal workpiece (51), Fig. 5 (not shown), may be then electroplated with copper (55). In another embodiment, Fig. 1, a workpiece (1) of nickel is provided before piercing with a thin layer of copper (5). Subsequently the ...

17-12-2003 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for laser beam welding of overlapping sheets

Номер: GB0002389552A

While steel sheets, overlapping each other, (W1, W2) are positioned and held by a holding mechanism (12), a first laser beam (L1) is applied to a heating region (P1) of the steel sheet (W1) to space the steel sheet (W1) from the other steel sheet (W2) by a predetermined distance. A second laser beam (L2) is applied to a welding region (P2) to weld the steel sheets (W1, W2) and is moved the welding direction in synchronism with the first base beam (L1). An amount of heat applied by the first laser beam (L1), a moving speed of the first laser beam (L1), and a focused spot diameter of the first laser beam (L1) are set to keep the sheet (W1) irradiated with the first laser beam (L1) in an unmelted state and plastically deform the sheet (W1).

18-11-2015 дата публикации

Fabrication of pipe strings using friction stir welding

Номер: GB0002526121A

A method of friction stir welding (FSW) at an interface between adjoining components such as pipe lengths of a pipeline is disclosed. The components may comprise layers 102, 104 of different metals on each side. FSW is performed from one side of the adjoining components by effecting relative movement of a first FSW tool 64 along the interface, and from an opposite side of the adjoining components by effecting relative movement of a second FSW tool 90 along the interface. In a preferred embodiment, FSW is performed simultaneously from both sides of the adjoining components, with the FSW tools applying loads in mutual opposition about the adjoining components (as shown). Preferably, the two sides for welding are the inside and outside surfaces of a pipe section. In an alternative arrangement, welding the inside and outside surfaces of the pipe section take place sequentially (in any order), with an internal FSW tool (64, fig 5) being used alongside an external backup member (70, fig 5), and ...

19-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002071703B
Принадлежит: RAU GMBH G, RAU GMBH & CO G

17-06-2015 дата публикации

Tubular assembly

Номер: GB0002521190A

The present invention relates to a tubular assembly (10) for conveying corrosive fluid comprising a first iron-based tubular (12) having a cladded inner surface (14); and a second iron-based tubular (16) having a cladded inner surface (18). The first tubular (12) is connected to the second tubular (16) using a non-iron based bonding material (20). The tubular assembly (10) comprises a first cladding (22) comprising a corrosion resistant material along the inner surface (14) of the first iron-based tubular (12) and a second cladding (24) comprising a corrosion resistant material along the inner surface (14) of the first iron-based tubular (12); the second cladding (24) being adjacent the first cladding (22) and proximate an end (38) of the first iron-based tubular (12) connected to the second iron-based tubular (16) by the non-iron based bonding material (20).

24-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002490143A

Apparatus for manufacturing a component by added layer deposition and a method of manufacturing a component. The method comprises the steps of directing a beam of energy e.g. a laser beam to heat a working region of a substrate and adjusting the cross sectional shape of the beam to thereby generate a variety of predetermined cross sectional shapes of working region while the beam is being directed onto the substrate. Thus the distribution of energy delivered to the substrate is controlled during the manufacturing process. The cross sectional shape and area of the beam is repeatedly monitored and compared to a library of predetermined cross sectional shape(s) and area(s) and the beam cross sectional shape adjusted accordingly.

06-10-2010 дата публикации

Method of welding single crystal turbine blade tips with an oxidation-resistant filler material

Номер: GB0201013946D0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609543A0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009543A0

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412157T

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361808T

27-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000401900B

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: ATA15142002A

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000493215T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000550127T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413667B

A filling wire having SAF DUAL ZN is used as filler rod (12). The metal sheets (3) are placed one above the other and pressed by a tightener (6). A metal inert/active gas welding process is formed by metal transfer process with the welding rod, which is used in inert gas welding process. The laser process is stopped, in which the focus (47) of the laser (13) lies at the surface (41) of metal sheet. The laser is adjusted for longitudinal movement (0-6 mm) controlled by laser hybrid torch, towards the gas unit (5) and to the starting position, which evaporated/melted the surface of the sheet. The gas welding is started after completion of the starting phase and takes place in ignition of the arc, which is activated and deactivated at the same time after the laser process. An independent claim is also included for a laser hybrid torch.

26-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411654B

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000092800T

15-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016149U1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Vorbereitung von Blechen, die für die Herstellung einer geschweißten Stahlplatine bestimmt sind, umfassend die aufeinanderfolgenden Schritte, denen zufolge: -mindestens ein erstes (11) und ein zweites (12) vorbeschichtetes Stahlblech bereitgestellt werden, bestehend aus einem Stahlsubstrat (25, 26) und einer Vorbeschichtung (15, 16), bestehend aus einer intermetallischen Legierungsschicht (17, 18) in Kontakt mit dem Stahlsubstrat mit einer Metallschicht aus Aluminium oder Aluminiumlegierung oder auf der Basis von Aluminium (19, 20) darüber, wobei das mindestens eine erste Blech (11) eine Hauptfläche (111), eine gegenüberliegende Hauptfläche (112) und mindestens eine sekundäre Fläche (71) umfasst, wobei das mindestens eine zweite Blech (12) eine Hauptfläche (121), eine gegenüberliegende Hauptfläche (122) und mindestens eine sekundäre Fläche (72) umfasst, dann -das mindestens eine erste (11) und zweite (12) Blech unter Beibehaltung eines Spiels (31 ...

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000335568T

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA74295A

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Method for welding coated steel plate

Номер: AU2011256544B2

Provided is a method for welding coated steel plates in which a metal portion of a metal plate having one surface coated with an insulating film is punched from the other surface having no insulating film with a punch having a flat end and a die paired therewith, whereby the lower end of the metal portion on the inner surface of the punched hole is exposed at the surface coated with the insulating film. The exposed portion is then brought into contact with another metal plate, allowing an electric current to pass therethrough for jointing by resistance welding.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Arc welding method for Zn plated steel sheet and arc welded joint

Номер: AU2015351713A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Provided are: an arc welding method that suppresses occurrences of blow holes in initial parts and final parts in a Zn plated steel sheet and reduces the occupancy ratio for blow holes in the welded part as a whole; and a welded joint. An arc welding method for a Zn plated steel sheet sets the gap between plates to 0.2 - 1.5 mm and includes a first step for moving a welding means from a welding initiation point at a first welding speed and performing welding by applying a first welding heat input, a second step following the first step for moving the welding means at a second welding speed and performing welding by applying a second welding heat input, and a third step following the second step for stopping the movement of the welding means and performing welding for 0.1 - 2 seconds at that stopped position. The first step includes welding performed on a welding unit under conditions wherein the first welding speed is less than the second welding speed and the first welding input heat exceeds ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Container coating compositions

Номер: AU2016228802A1

A coating composition comprising a polyester, a mixture of novolak and resole resins and a vinyl chloride polymer, and the use of these compositions to coat metal containers is disclosed.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Multibeam fiber laser system

Номер: AU2015301630B2

The present invention provides a fiber laser system that delivers from a single processing cable a multibeam output. The present invention allows for controlling multiple fiber laser modules and delivering their respective outputs in a pre-determined sequence but in a single processing cable, thereby providing multiple processing steps on a work piece that heretofore required separate optics for each beam. Custom fiber laser systems that combine processing steps tailored for a specific industrial application such as pre-heating, cutting, cleaning, welding, brazing, ablating, annealing, cooling, polishing and the like can be readily provided because of the present invention.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Fabrication of pipe strings using friction stir welding

Номер: AU2015260937B2
Принадлежит: Allens Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A method of fabrication by friction stir welding (FSW) at an interface between adjoining components such as pipe lengths of a pipeline. The components may comprise layers of different metals on each side. FSW is performed from one side of the adjoining components by effecting relative movement of a first FSW tool along the interface. FSW is performed from an opposite side of the adjoining components by effecting relative movement of a second FSW tool along the interface. Advantageously, FSW is performed simultaneously from both sides of the adjoining components, with the FSW tools applying loads in mutual opposition about the adjoining components.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Laser cutting and machining method for plated steel plate, laser cut-and-machined product, thermal cutting and machining method, thermal cut-and-machined product, surface-treated steel plate, laser cutting method, and laser machining head

Номер: AU2017266268A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A laser cutting and machining method for plated steel plates, whereby, when irradiating a laser beam LB on to the upper surface of a plated steel plate W and laser cutting and machining same: a plating layer-containing metal that has been melted and/or evaporated by the irradiation of the laser beam LB is caused to flow on to a cut surface of the plated steel plate W as a result of assist gas that is jetted towards a laser machining unit; and the plating layer-containing metal is coated on the cut surface.

31-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002677729C

The invention relates to a soldering tip (1) for a soldering device, which comprises a heat generating or heat conducting base body (4), and which on the outside thereof has a contact surface (11) that can be wetted by solder (12) at least in sections, wherein the material of the contact surface (11) has a grid structure. The soldering tip (1) according to the invention further encompasses the incorporation of charged elementary particles of at least one foreign material into the grid structure of the contact surface (11).

28-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001002584A

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003074362A1

The invention relates to a method for laser beam welding of one or more steel sheets made of press-hardenable manganese-boron steel, wherein at least one of the steel sheets (1, 2, 2') has a coating (4) of aluminum. The laser beam welding is done by feeding additional wire (11) into the melt bath (9) generated exclusively by means of a laser beam (6), wherein the additional wire (11) contains at least one austenite-stabilizing alloy element. The aim of the invention is to achieve, at relatively low energy consumption and high productivity, that the weld seam after hot forming (press hardening) has a strength that is comparable to the base material. This aim is achieved, according to the invention, in that the laser beam (6) is put in oscillation in such a way that the laser beam oscillates transversely to the welding direction, wherein the oscillation frequency of the laser beam (6) is at least 200 Hz, preferably at least 500 Hz. The method according to the invention offers, in particular ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003076932A1
Принадлежит: MLT AIKINS LLP

A tailor-welded blank is made of two steels, one steel of Alloy A and one steel of Alloy B. Alloy A comprises 0.10 - 0.50 wt % C, 0.1 - 0.5 wt % Si, 2.0 - 8.0 wt % Mn, 0.0 - 6.0 wt% Cr, 0.0 - 2.0 wt% Mo, 0.0 - 0.15 wt% Ti, and 0.0 - 0.005 wt% B and wherein Alloy B comprises 0.06 - 0.12 wt% C, 0.1 - 0.25 wt% Si, 1.65 - 2.42 wt% Mn, 0.0 - 0.70 wt% Cr, 0.08 - 0.40 wt% Mo, 0.0 - 0.05 wt% V, and 0.01 - 0.05 wt% Ti.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3123831A1

Method for producing a welded steel blank (1) comprising: - providing two precoated sheets (2), each comprising a steel substrate (3) having a precoating (5) on each of its two main faces (4), each sheet (2) comprising, on each main face (4), at a weld edge (14), a removal zone (18) in which the precoating (5) is removed over a removal fraction; - butt welding the sheets (2) using a filler wire (20) so as to create a weld joint (22) having an aluminum content AIWJ comprised between 0.1 wt.% and 1.2 wt.%. The composition of the wire (20) and the proportion of wire (20) added is such that the weld joint (22) has: (a) a quenching factor FTWJ such that FT WJ -0.96 FT BM > 0, (b) a nickel content NiWj = 14-3.4XAIWJ and a chromium content CrWj = 5-2XAIWJ, where AIWJ is the aluminum content of the weld joint (22).

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107713A1

The present invention relates to a method for the manufacture of an assembly of at least two metallic substrates spot welded together through at least one spot welded joint, such method comprising two steps, the assembly obtainable according to this method and the use of this assembly for the manufacture of automotive vehicle.

24-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003026330C
Принадлежит: CORELASE OY

The invention concerns an apparatus and a method for laser processing. There is provided at least one first laser beam from at least one first optical feed fiber connected to at least one first laser device (6) and at least one second laser beam from at least one second optical feed fiber (9) connected to at least one second laser device (7). Said first and second laser beams are combined in a multi-core optical fiber (12; 50). Said first core (51) of said multi-core optical fiber has a circular cross-section, and said second core (53) has an annular shape concentric to said first core. A composite laser beam comprising first and second output beams is directed from said multi-core optical fiber (12; 50) to a workpiece with overlapping elements (4a, 4b) to be welded.

29-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002651627A1

A cell (2) of a fuel cell includes a membrane electrode assembly (3), and metal first (7A) and second (7C) separators which sandwich the membrane ele ctrode assembly to form gas flow paths (8A, 8C) disposed on each side of the membrane electrode assembly. A back surface (26) of the first separator and a back surface (26) of the second separator, the first separator and the se cond separator being included in adjacent cells, are in contact with each ot her, thereby forming a temperature-control medium flow path (9) between the first separator and the second separator. In the first separator and the sec ond separator, corrosion-resistant coating layers (27) are provided only on reaction-side surfaces (25) of the first separator and the second separator, the reaction-side surfaces facing the membrane electrode assembly, and port ions where the back surface of the first separator is in contact with the ba ck surface of the second separator are joined by welded portions (10). ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002961442A1

Method for joining a first and a second steel blanks, at least one of the blanks comprising aluminium. The method comprises providing a support being made of a magnetic material for each blank, the supports being arranged distanced apart by a central space; providing a coil winding around one support, arranging the first blank on one support and the second blank on the other support, such that a butt end of the first blank that is facing the second blank is brought into contact with a butt end of the second blank that is facing the first blank defining a contacting area that closes a path for magnetic flux. The method further comprises applying a laser beam onto the contacting area, while applying an alternating current to the coil winding, wherein an alternating magnetic field is created across the contacting area in a direction substantially in-line with the blanks.

05-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002946844C

L'invention porte sur un procédé de préparation de tôles destinées à la fabrication d'un flan soudé d'acier, comprenant les étapes successives selon lesquelles : on approvisionne au moins une première (11) et une seconde (12) tôles d'acier pré-revêtues, constituées d'un substrat en acier (25,26), et d'un pré-revêtement (15,16) constitué d'une couche d'alliage intermétallique (17,18) en contact avec ledit substrat en acier, surmontée d'une couche métallique d'aluminium ou d'alliage d'aluminium ou à base d'aluminium (19,20), la tôle (11) comprenant une face principale (111), une face principale opposée (112), et au moins une face secondaire (71), la tôle (12) comprenant une face principale (121), une face principale opposée (122), et au moins une face secondaire (72), puis on accoste la première (11) et seconde (12) tôle, en laissant un jeu (31) compris entre 0,02 et 2 mm entre les faces secondaires (71) et (72) placées en regard, l'accostage de la première (11) et seconde tôle (12) définissant ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002968932A1

Provided are: an arc welding method that suppresses occurrences of blow holes in initial parts and final parts in a Zn plated steel sheet and reduces the occupancy ratio for blow holes in the welded part as a whole; and a welded joint. An arc welding method for a Zn plated steel sheet sets the gap between plates to 0.2 - 1.5 mm and includes a first step for moving a welding means from a welding initiation point at a first welding speed and performing welding by applying a first welding heat input, a second step following the first step for moving the welding means at a second welding speed and performing welding by applying a second welding heat input, and a third step following the second step for stopping the movement of the welding means and performing welding for 0.1 - 2 seconds at that stopped position. The first step includes welding performed on a welding unit under conditions wherein the first welding speed is less than the second welding speed and the first welding input heat exceeds ...

01-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002747266A1

L'invention concerne un avaloir d'aspiration de particules fines comprenant : une embouchure (3b) destinée à être disposée à proximité d'une paroi (2); une base (3a) comportant un hublot (3) apte à laisser passer un faisceau laser (6); une partie intermédiaire (5a) entre l'embouchure (3b) et la base (3a); une sortie d'aspiration (5) disposée sur la partie intermédiaire (5a) de l'avaloir (1) destinée à aspirer les particules fines; l'avaloir est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend au moins une entrée (110) d'air disposée au niveau de la base (3a), apte à créer, en fonctionnement, un courant d'air au niveau de la base (3a) de l'avaloir (1) empêchant le dépôt de particules fines sur le hublot (3).

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002747870C

L'invention concerne un avaloir d'aspiration de particules fines, comprenant : une embouchure (30) d'entrée d'air comportant une crête (3b) destinée à être disposée à proximité d'une paroi (2) pouvant émettre des particules fines, la crête (3b) définissant une partie interne (31) de l'avaloir et une partie externe (32); et une sortie d'aspiration (5) destinée à aspirer les particules fines. L'avaloir est caractérisé en ce que l'embouchure (3b) comporte en outre une lèvre (40) externe s'étendant vers la sortie d'aspiration (5) et comportant un bord (41) d'attaque situé du même côté que la sortie (5) par rapport à la crête (3b), de sorte que, lorsque l'avaloir est en fonctionnement, l'air (8) aspiré ne subit aucun décollement au niveau de la lèvre (40) et qu'une zone de décollement de l'air ne se situe qu'en partie interne (31) de l'avaloir.

23-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002728966C

An apparatus applies a wear coating on the interior surface of conduits, particularly conduit elbows, in which the weld head applying a weld bead forming the wear coating is supported by a wheel engaging the bottom surface of the conduit and interconnected with a push/pull cart mounted on a linear support frame exteriorly of the conduit by a plurality of linkage elements. Each of the head element and the linkage elements include a centralizing joint having a pair of transversely opposing rollers that engage the lateral sides of the conduit to maintain a consistent positioning of the welding arm at the distal end of the apparatus. The welding arm includes a three-axis adjustment for the welding torch tip for accurate location thereof within the conduit. Positional adjustment of the welding torch tip is provided by independent electric motors associated with each pivot axis in the welding arm.

02-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834204C
Принадлежит: SNECMA

Un procédé de nettoyage d'une aube (1) de turbomoteur comportant un corps en superalliage recouvert d'un revêtement, procédé dans lequel on usine au moins partiellement le revêtement de l'aube (1) au moyen d'un laser impulsionnel (3), au moins la vitesse d'avance du laser impulsionnel (3) et la fréquence d'impulsion du laser impulsionnel (3) étant paramétrés pour que la surface usinée de l'aube (1) présente une rugosité comprise entre 4 µm et 10 µm.

19-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002797289C

L' invention porte sur un procédé de soudage a l'arc électrique sans présence de faisceau laser, d'une ou plusieurs pièces métalliques, notamment en acier, comprenant un revêtement surfacique a base d' aluminium, notamment un revêtement compose d' aluminium et de silicium, mettant un oeuvre un gaz de protection, caractérisé en ce que le gaz de protection est constitue d'un mélange d' argon et d' hélium, et par ailleurs d' azote, en particulier moins de 30% en volume d' azote typiquement de 2 a 10% en volume d' azote.

02-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881179C

Coated pane with a communication window, comprising at least: a. a base pane, b. a metal-containing coating, c. a first grid area and a second grid area within the metal-containing coating, d. wherein the first grid area and the second grid area have de-coated regions in the form of grid lines arranged in a netlike manner, e. the grid lines in the first grid area transition on at feast one long side into an open comb structure with teeth and the grid lines in the second grid area transition on at least one long side into a closed comb structure, wherein f. the first grid area is connected via at least one tooth of the open comb structure to the closed comb structure of the second grid area.

13-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000557066A

29-10-2010 дата публикации

Procedure for the production from container trims from Metallblech as well as device to the execution of the procedure.

Номер: CH0000700870A2

Bei der Herstellung von Behälterzargen mit Widerstandsnahtschweissmaschinen wird mindestens eine Störgrösse erfasst, insbesondere Fehler des Blechzuschnitts. Aufgrund dieser Störgrössenerfassung wird mindestens eine Stellgrösse automatisch verändert, um den Einfluss der Störgrösse auf die Schweissnahtqualität zu kompensieren oder zu vermindern.

15-12-2011 дата публикации

Procedure for producing formed vents in turbine components.

Номер: CH0000702610A8

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Erzeugen geformter Löcher (12), wie z.B. zur Verwendung bei Turbinenlaufschaufeln (10), bereitgestellt. Das Verfahren betrifft die Erzeugung geformter Abschnitte (38) von Luftlöchern (12) unter Anwendung eines Kurzimpuls-Lasers, die Erzeugung (50) eines jedem geformten Abschnitt (38) entsprechenden kalibrierten Loches (40) und die getrennte Endbearbeitung (54) des geformten Abschnittes (38) unter Anwendung eines Kurzimpuls-Lasers. In weiteren Ausführungsformen kann die Reihenfolge dieser Operationen variiert werden, um so die geformten Abschnitte (38) zu erzeugen und die geformten Abschnitte (38) unter Anwendung des Kurzimpuls-Lasers vor der Erzeugung der kalibrierten Löcher (40) endzubearbeiten.

29-07-2011 дата публикации

Procedure for producing formed vents in turbine components.

Номер: CH0000702610A2

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Erzeugen geformter Löcher (12), wie z.B. zur Verwendung bei Turbinenlaufschaufeln (10), bereitgestellt. Das Verfahren betrifft die Erzeugung geformter Abschnitte (38) von Luftlöchern (12) unter Anwendung eines Kurzimpuls-Lasers, die Erzeugung (50) eines jedem geformten Abschnitt (38) entsprechenden kalibrierten Loches (40) und die getrennte Endbearbeitung (54) des geformten Abschnittes (38) unter Anwendung eines Kurzimpuls-Lasers. In weiteren Ausführungsformen kann die Reihenfolge dieser Operationen variiert werden, um so die geformten Abschnitte (38) zu erzeugen und die geformten Abschnitte (38) unter Anwendung des Kurzimpuls-Lasers vor der Erzeugung der kalibrierten Löcher (40) endzubearbeiten.

15-07-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing molded air holes in a turbine component.

Номер: CH0000702610B1

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Erzeugen geformter Löcher (12), wie z.B. zur Verwendung bei Turbinenlaufschaufeln (10), bereitgestellt. Das Verfahren betrifft die Erzeugung geformter Abschnitte (38) von Luftlöchern (12) unter Anwendung eines Kurzimpuls-Lasers, die Erzeugung (50) eines jedem geformten Abschnitt (38) entsprechenden kalibrierten Loches (40) und die getrennte Endbearbeitung (54) des geformten Abschnittes (38) unter Anwendung eines Kurzimpuls-Lasers. In weiteren Ausführungsformen kann die Reihenfolge dieser Operationen variiert werden, um so die geformten Abschnitte (38) zu erzeugen und die geformten Abschnitte (38) unter Anwendung des Kurzimpuls-Lasers vor der Erzeugung der kalibrierten Löcher (40) endzubearbeiten.

15-06-2004 дата публикации

Tin can body, is formed by shaping sheet metal, laminating it on both sides, and butt welding the sheet metal edges together

Номер: CH0000694013A5
Принадлежит: FRETZ WILLI

A process for producing a tin can body, comprises laminating the sheet metal on both sides, and then shaping the sheet metal into a cylinder and butt welding the edges together using a laser (1). The metal is laminated (3,4) with a polymer, especially a polyolefin or polyester. Before welding, the metal is pre-heated to a temperature below the can material melting point. After welding the weld is heated to stress relieve it. The arrangement used to carry out the process has a unit for bringing the edges together, a laser, and pre- and post welding heat sources.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Scanned laser light source

Номер: US20120205347A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

The thermal processing device includes a stage, a continuous wave electromagnetic radiation source, a series of lenses, a translation mechanism, a detection module, a three-dimensional auto-focus, and a computer system. The stage is configured to receive a substrate thereon. The continuous wave electromagnetic radiation source is disposed adjacent the stage, and is configured to emit continuous wave electromagnetic radiation along a path towards the substrate. The series of lenses is disposed between the continuous wave electromagnetic radiation source and the stage, and are configured to condense the continuous wave electromagnetic radiation into a line of continuous wave electromagnetic radiation on a surface of the substrate. The translation mechanism is configured to translate the stage and the line of continuous wave electromagnetic radiation relative to one another. The detection module is positioned within the path, and is configured to detect continuous wave electromagnetic radiation.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Plating of ceramic matrix composite parts as joining method in gas turbine hardware

Номер: US20120210718A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Method of joining a ceramic matrix composite article to a metallic component by providing the ceramic matrix composite article with a metallic region which bonds to the metallic component.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Laser-based lap welding of sheet metal components using laser induced protuberances to control gap

Номер: US20130087540A1
Автор: Boris Shulkin, Hongping Gu
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc

A method for laser welding first and second components is provided including moving a laser beam across a portion of a surface of the first component at a speed sufficient to generate protuberances on the surface of the first component by means of a humping effect, juxtaposing said first and second components such that opposed surfaces of the first and second components are separated by said protuberances on the surface of the first component, and laser welding said first and second components by scanning the laser beam in a region in which said surfaces are separated by said protuberances. The height of the protuberances can be controlled by controlling a scanning speed of the laser beam.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method For Arc-Welding Aluminum-Coated Metal Parts Using Oxidizing Gas

Номер: US20130112663A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an electric arc welding method for welding at least one metal part including an aluminum based surface coating, using a shielding gas. According to the invention, the metal of the aforementioned metal part is melted by the electric arc alone without the use of any laser beam. The invention is characterized in that the shielding gas comprises a mixture of argon and/or helium, nitrogen, and an oxidizing compound selected from oxygen and carbon dioxide.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for closed-loop controlling a laser processing operation and laser material processing head using the same

Номер: US20130178952A1
Принадлежит: Precitec Itm Gmbh, Precitec KG

The present invention relates to a method for closed-loop controlling a processing operation of a workpiece, comprising the steps of: (a) recording a pixel image at an initial time point of an interaction zone by means of a camera, wherein the workpiece is processed using an actuator having an initial actuator value; (b) converting the pixel image into a pixel vector; (c) representing the pixel vector by a sum of predetermined pixel mappings each multiplied by a corresponding feature value; (d) classifying the set of feature values on the basis of learned feature values into at least two classes of a group of classes comprising a first class of a too high actuator value, a second class of a sufficient actuator value and a third class of a too low actuator value at the initial time point; (e) performing a control step for adapting the actuator value by minimizing the error e t between a quality indicator y e and a desired value; and (f) repeating the steps (a) to (e) for further time points to perform a closed-loop controlled processing operation.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Metal bonding method and metal bonded structure

Номер: US20130216302A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

The gap between first and second bonding portions is filled with a disperse solution obtained by dispersing copper micro-particles into a solution for copper oxide elution, so as to elute copper oxide configured as the outermost layer of the first bonding portion and copper oxide configured as the outermost layer of the second bonding portion, and copper oxide formed on the surface of each copper micro-particle. Pressure is applied to the first and second bonding portions using a press machine so as to raise the pressure of the disperse solution. At the same time, heat is applied under a relatively low temperature condition of 200° C. to 300° C., so as to remove the components contained in the disperse solution except for copper, thereby depositing copper. Thus, a first base portion and a second base portion are bonded via a copper bonded portion containing copper derived from the copper micro-particles.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Pre-rounding element on a rounding apparatus

Номер: US20130233039A1
Принадлежит: SOUDRONIC AG

A pre-rounding element ( 14 ) is used in a rounding apparatus ( 4 ) for rounding can body blanks from sheet metal blanks. The lower element part ( 22 ) of the pre-rounding element ( 14 ) is displaceable by an actuation element ( 23 ). This allows the adjustment of the pre-rounding element even during operation of the rounding apparatus. Preferably a measurement of sheet metal blank properties takes place. The measurement may include a thickness measurement and/or a strength measurement of blanks. The pre-rounding element is controlled in dependency of the measurement result. This allows a constant rounding result even with varying sheet metal properties.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods of joining metallic protective layers

Номер: US20130264013A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In various embodiments, protective layers are bonded to a steel layer and connected by a layer of unmelted metal powder produced by cold spray.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

High-Frequency Welding of Sandwich Metal Sheets

Номер: US20130273387A1

The invention relates to a method for welding a first composite sheet metal part comprising at least two metal sheets and a sheet arranged between both metal sheets that consists of a material with a different chemical composition than the two metal sheets, to a second sheet metal part consisting of a solid metallic material or a further composite material with at least two metal sheets and a sheet arranged between the metal sheets that consists of a material with a different chemical composition than the two metal sheets. The object of providing a method for welding composite sheet metal parts is achieved by welding the sheet metal parts using a high-frequency welding method.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for marking an article

Номер: US20140015170A1
Принадлежит: Electro Scientific Industries Inc

Numerous embodiments of methods and apparatus for marking articles are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method of marking an article includes providing an article having a preliminary visual appearance; modifying a region of the article; and directing a plurality of optical pulses into the modified region of the article. The plurality of optical pulses can be configured to produce a visible mark on the article. Generally, the mark can be characterized as having a modified visual appearance different from the preliminary visual appearance.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for producing electrode windings

Номер: US20140053383A1

A method produces electrode windings, in which method a strip- or ribbon-like anode and a strip- or ribbon-like cathode are provided and flat collector lugs are formed on at least one longitudinal side of the anode and of the cathode at varying distances and/or contours are cut into the longitudinal sides of the electrodes. The anode and the cathode are wound up together with a strip- or ribbon-like separator to form a winding with the sequence anode/separator/cathode. The method is distinguished, in particular, in that the process of forming collector lugs and/or of cutting contours and the process of winding up overlap with respect to time.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of welding by means of a laser

Номер: US20140091064A1
Принадлежит: Nexans SA

Method of welding edges which are placed against each other of at least one workpiece of metal by means of a laser is indicated, in which the areas of the workplace located at the edges are subjected to a pretreatment for increasing the absorption capacity of the light of the laser. For this purpose, initially color is sprayed or splashed onto the areas of the workpiece located at the edges, while avoiding any mechanical contact of the workpiece, by means of a device ( 7 ) which emits the color, and the edges of the workpiece are subsequently welded together by means of a laser ( 11 ).

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Laser wire processing device

Номер: US20180001418A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A wire guide and a laser wire-processing device that includes a wire guide are provided. The laser wire-processing device includes a housing and an aperture in a side of the housing, wherein the aperture defines a longitudinal axis that is substantially perpendicular to the aperture. The laser wire-processing device also includes a backstop arranged in the housing and aligned with the longitudinal axis, the backstop defining a wire-contact surface in a facing relationship with the aperture. The laser wire-processing device also includes a wire guide arranged in the housing to manipulate a wire inserted through the aperture into a desired position relative to the longitudinal axis between the aperture and the backstop. The laser wire-processing device also includes a laser operable to direct a laser beam toward an insulation layer of the wire. The wire guide could be a tube arranged in the device or a backstop guide.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for resistance spot welding overlapping steel workpieces

Номер: US20190001428A1

A method of resistance spot welding a workpiece stack-up comprising overlapping first and second steel workpieces is disclosed, wherein at least one of the steel workpieces comprises an advanced high-strength steel substrate. The workpiece stack-up is positioned between a pair of opposed first and second welding electrodes. A cover is disposed between at least one of the first steel workpiece and the first welding electrode or the second steel workpiece and the second welding electrode at an intended weld site. The workpiece stack-up is clamped between the first and second welding electrodes at the weld site such that at least one of the weld faces of the first and second welding electrodes presses against the cover. The first and second steel workpieces are welded together by passing an electrical current between the first and second welding electrodes at the weld site.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001594A1

A method and apparatus comprising a laser unit and a controller. The laser unit is configured to generate a number of laser beams. The controller is configured to operate the laser unit to generate the number of laser beams resulting in a desired level of heating of a composite patch that cures the composite patch on a composite structure. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for curing a composite patch on a composite structure , the method comprising:attaching a rework system to a location on the composite structure comprising the composite patch;receiving, in a controller configured to operate a laser unit, rework information for generating commands for selecting and transmitting, from the laser unit, a wavelength and intensity required to pass through a vacuum bag with a vacuum applied to the vacuum bag and cause a desired level of heating of the composite patch, within the vacuum bag, for each step needed to cure the composite patch on the composite structure, while avoiding overheating a fiber in the composite patch; andoperating the rework system, controlling the laser unit, a number of laser beams resulting in the desired level of heating of the composite patch that cures the composite patch on the composite structure.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the operating step comprises:identifying parameters for operating the rework system to generate the number of laser beams resulting in the desired level of heating of the composite patch that cures the composite patch on the composite structure; andoperating the rework system using the parameters identified to generate the number of laser beams resulting in the desired level of heating of the composite patch that cures the composite patch on the composite structure.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the operating step further comprises:monitoring heating of the composite patch during operation of the rework system using the parameters identified to generate the number of laser beams resulting in the desired level ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009138A1

A golf club head includes a heel portion, a toe portion, a hosel, and a striking face. The striking face includes a plurality of scorelines each having an average depth no less than about 0.10 mm, a plurality of micro-grooves each having an average depth no greater than about 0.010 mm, and a plurality of textured surface treatment regions superimposed on the micro-grooves so as to at least partially intersect the micro-grooves. 1. A method comprising:(a) mechanically milling a striking face of a golf club head having a central region and a toe region thereby forming a plurality of generally parallel arcuate grooves located in the central region and the toe region;(b) forming a plurality of scorelines in the striking face, the scorelines extending horizontally and comprising an average scoreline width, a scoreline heel-ward extent that is coincident with a central region heel-ward extent, and a scoreline toe-ward extent that is coincident with a central region toe-ward extent; and(c) forming by material removal a plurality of horizontally-oriented lines in the central region interspersed between, and spaced from, the plurality of scorelines, the plurality of horizontally-oriented lines having an average line width less than the average scoreline width.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , subsequent to step (a) and prior to step (c) claim 1 , applying a media blast to a portion of the striking face.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step (c) comprises forming the horizontally-oriented lines as to be substantially confined to the central region.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step (c) further comprises forming the plurality of horizontally-oriented lines by mechanical milling.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step (c) comprises forming the horizontally-oriented lines at a concentration of no less than 2 lines between each adjacently-located pair of scorelines of the plurality of scorelines.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Grain-oriented electrical steel plate and production method therefor

Номер: US20180010206A1
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

Provided is an oriented electrical steel sheet including a groove existing on the surface of the electrical steel sheet and a forsterite layer formed on a part or all of the surface of the electrical steel sheet, in which forsterite which is extended from the forsterite layer and penetrates to a base steel sheet in an anchor form is present on the surface of the side of the groove.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing press formed product

Номер: US20190010570A1
Принадлежит: Toa Industries Co Ltd

The invention provides manufacturing a partially reinforced press formed product with high corrosion resistance and weldability. First and second steel plates having aluminum-based plating films are heated to an austenite range temperature by first and second furnaces, respectively, to transform the bodies of the first and second steel plates into austenite and form Fe—Al alloy layers on the surfaces of the first and second steel plates. Hot press forming is then performed to the first and second steel plates formed with the Fe—Al alloy layers, the first and second steel plates being superposed. The first and second steel plates, which are hot press formed, are then welded.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing boron coated straws for neutron detection through spiral winding and welding

Номер: US20180021827A1
Автор: Jeffrey L. Lacy
Принадлежит: Proportional Technologies Inc

A method and apparatus are disclosed with a continuous straw forming process for spiral winding boron-coated foil into a rounded tube or cylinder with an overlap and tight contact between the spiral edges, and a welding process utilizing a high precision fiber laser to weld the spiral seem forming a straw tube.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048141A1

A method of preparing aluminum metal pieces for welding, along with welded sheet metal assemblies formed from the prepared aluminum metal pieces. In one embodiment, a scanning beam of a laser is directed at an edge portion of the sheet metal piece such that a portion of the scanning beam is configured to impact an oxide layer at the edge portion. The laser is pulsed in a series of ablating pulses at the edge portion, with the ablating pulses creating an ablation plume that includes ablated material from the oxide layer of the primary surface and the peripheral surface of the edge portion. The ablation plume is analyzed, and ablation and analyzing continues until a threshold of at least one constituent in the ablation plume or the analysis plume is met or exceeded. One or more operating parameters of the laser are adjusted based on the analysis of the ablation plume or analysis plume. In some embodiments, two aluminum metal pieces are simultaneously prepared. 1. A method of preparing an aluminum metal piece for welding , the aluminum metal piece having an oxide layer , the method comprising the steps of:directing a beam of a laser at an edge portion of the aluminum metal piece such that a portion of the beam is configured to impact the oxide layer at the edge portion, wherein the edge portion includes at least a part of a primary surface of the aluminum metal piece, at least a part of a secondary surface of the aluminum metal piece, and at least a part of a peripheral surface of the aluminum metal piece, the peripheral surface being situated between the primary surface and the secondary surface;pulsing the laser in a series of cleaning pulses at the edge portion, wherein the cleaning pulses create a cleaning plume that includes ablated material from the oxide layer located at the primary surface and ablated material from the oxide layer located at the peripheral surface;analyzing the cleaning plume for the series of cleaning pulses or analyzing an analysis plume ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049745A1

Provided are a method for manufacturing a wet friction plate, whereby efficiency of the work of forming a fine groove on a friction material can be improved, the wet friction plate, and a wet multiple-plate clutch device having the wet friction plate. In the method for manufacturing a wet friction plate , a core metal and a friction material are prepared in a first step. Thereafter, a resin layer is formed on the core metal in a second step. The resin layer is formed on each of entire two plate surfaces of the core metal . Subsequently, the friction material is attached onto the resin layer of the core metal in a third step. Subsequently, a fine groove is formed in the friction material in a fourth step. Specifically, irradiation of a laser beam L is started on an exposed portion of the core metal . A laser head is displaced in an annular shape while continuously emitting the laser beam L. Thus, annular fine grooves and are formed in the exposed portion of the core metal and the friction material 1. A method for manufacturing a wet friction plate in which a friction material is provided in a circumferential direction on a surface of a core metal formed in a flat plate annular shape , the method comprising:a friction material fixing step of attaching a plurality of the friction materials to the surface of the core metal; anda fine groove forming step of forming a recessed fine groove on a surface of the friction material by irradiating the core metal with laser beam while being displaced with respect to the core metal, whereinin the fine groove forming step, the fine groove is formed on the surface of the friction material by continuously emitting the laser beam without interruption between an exposed portion of a plate surface of the core metal and the friction material.2. The method for manufacturing the wet friction plate according to claim 1 , whereinin the friction material fixing step, the friction materials are arranged on the surface of the core metal with a ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Solder joint structure and solder joining method

Номер: US20140126956A1
Автор: Tomoyoshi YOKOGAWA
Принадлежит: Nidec Corp

A solder joint structure includes a metal pin in the shape of a prism or a circular or substantially circular cylinder; an aluminum wire including a wound portion wound around the metal pin; and a solder layer arranged to join the metal pin and at least one portion of the wound portion to each other. The at least one portion of the wound portion includes a deformed surface resulting from a partial disappearance or elimination of the aluminum wire in a cross-section perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to a direction in which the aluminum wire extends, and the solder layer is directly and closely adhered to the deformed surface.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Methods for the production of clad steel products

Номер: US20170050414A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Billets and methods for manufacturing them are disclosed. The billets include a cladding member including an alloy selected from the group including stainless steel, nickel-chrome, nickel-copper, and copper-nickel alloys, and a steel body that is positioned so that it has an interface with the cladding member, the steel body having a formation in which the scavenging metal is located and elements being provided for separating the scavenging metal from the cladding member at the interface.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060712A1

A multi-material component joined by a high entropy alloy is provided, as well as methods of making a multi-material component by joining materials with high entropy alloys to reduce or eliminate liquid metal embrittlement (LME) cracks. 1. A multi-material component comprising:a first member;a second member proximal the first member; anda third member, wherein at least a first portion of the third member is provided on a first surface of the first member that is opposite the second member,wherein at least one of the first member and the second member comprises iron and/or steel having a coating,wherein the coating comprises Zn,wherein the first portion of the third member comprises a first high entropy alloy comprising at least four principal major elements, andwherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Co.2. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Cu.3. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Fe.4. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Mn.5. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Ni.6. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Zn.7. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein the first high entropy alloy comprises at least one principal minor element claim 1 , wherein the at least one principal minor element comprises Zn.8. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein two of the at least four principal major elements are Cu and Zn.9. The multi-material component of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least four principal major elements is Cu claim 1 , and wherein the first high entropy alloy further comprises at least one principal minor element claim 1 , the at least one principal minor element comprising Zn.10. The multi- ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Mechanical dimpling for vapor expression in welding

Номер: US20170066076A1

A method for welding together two workpieces. The method includes stamping, using a stamping system, a first workpiece comprising a material that creates vapor when melted, such as zinc. The first workpiece is stamped at a first preselected region to form a plurality of depressions in the first preselected region. The method further includes positioning the first preselected region adjacent a second preselected region of a second workpiece. After stamping and positioning as such, the method includes applying energy to at least one of the first preselected region and the second preselected region to melt material of the first and second workpieces to form a joint connecting together the first and second workpieces. Based on the configuration and arrangement created, any vapor formed by molten material vents from the joint being formed, between the depressions formed, and away from the first and second workpieces.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078106A1

A system includes a laser welder and a filler wire feed. The laser welder is configured to weld a workpiece to at least one additional workpiece to form a welded assembly. Each of the workpieces is formed from a steel material and comprises an aluminum based coating thereon. The filler wire feed is configured to feed a filler wire to an interface between the workpieces when the workpieces are being welded to each other to form the welded assembly. The filler wire comprises a composition that includes nickel and chromium. The filler wire is configured to bind with aluminum in the aluminum based coating so as to minimize formation of brittle intermetallics due to mixing of the aluminum in the aluminum based coating with the iron/steel material in the weld joint. 1. A system comprising:a laser welder configured to weld a workpiece to at least one additional workpiece to form a welded assembly, each of the workpiece and the at least one additional workpiece is formed from a steel material and comprises an aluminum based coating thereon,wherein the workpiece and the at least one additional workpiece are positioned together to form an interface therebetween and a weld joint is formed by the laser welder between the workpiece and the at least one additional workpiece along the interface; anda filler wire feed configured to feed a filler wire to the interface when the workpiece and the at least one additional workpiece are being welded to each other to form the welded assembly,wherein the filler wire comprises a composition that includes nickel and chromium, andwherein the filler wire is configured to bind with aluminum in the aluminum based coating so as to minimize formation of brittle intermetallics due to mixing of the aluminum in the aluminum based coating with the iron/steel material in the weld joint.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the laser welder is configured to irradiate a laser beam to weld the workpiece to at least one additional workpiece to form the welded ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076967A1

A method for controlling a start of a metalworking operation. The method includes detecting an initial contact between a wire being fed from a welding apparatus and a workpiece and, in response to the detection, halting feeding of the wire from the welding apparatus. The method further includes activating a high energy heat source configured to heat a tip of the wire and resuming the feeding of the wire from the welding apparatus when the tip of the wire is heated by the high energy heat source to a plastic state. The feeding of the wire is resumed by measuring a force feedback from the wire contacting the workpiece. An apparatus for implementing the method is also disclosed. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for controlling a start of a metalworking operation comprising:detecting an initial contact between a workpiece and a wire fed from a wire feeding apparatus, wherein the detection comprises measuring a force on the wire; andin response to the detection, halting feeding of the wire from the welding apparatus.29. The method of claim 28 , further comprising:activating a high energy heat source while the wire is in contact with the workpiece, the high energy heat source configured to heat a tip of the wire to a softened state; andresuming the feeding of the wire from the wire feeding apparatus after activation of the high energy heat source.30. The method of claim 29 , further comprising detecting the softened state by measuring the force on the wire claim 29 , wherein the softened state is detected when the force is measured to be below a force threshold corresponding to the initial contact.31. The method of claim 29 , further comprising preheating the wire with a preheating heat source after the initial contact and prior to activating the high energy heat source.32. The method of claim 29 , wherein the high energy heat source is a laser or plasma.33. The method of claim 29 , further comprising maintaining a constant wire feed speed after resuming the feeding of the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Golf club head with textured striking face

Номер: US20170080302A1
Принадлежит: Dunlop Sports Co Ltd

A golf club head includes a heel portion, a toe portion, a hosel, and a striking face. The striking face includes a plurality of scorelines each having an average depth no less than about 0.10 mm, a plurality of micro-grooves each having an average depth no greater than about 0.010 mm, and a plurality of textured surface treatment regions superimposed on the micro-grooves so as to at least partially intersect the micro-grooves.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Method of applying a thermal barrier coating to a metallic article and a thermal barrier coated metallic article

Номер: US20160083833A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A thermal barrier coated metallic article includes a platinum-group metal enriched outer layer on the article. The surface of the outer layer has a microstructure including a plurality of projections extending away from the metallic article. A thin adherent layer of oxide is formed on the outer layer of the metallic article. A ceramic coating is provided on the oxide layer on the surface on and around the projections. The ceramic coating includes a plurality of columnar ceramic grains which extend through the full thickness of the ceramic coating. The grains are arranged in clusters separated by gaps. The grains deposited around the projections are generally blocked. The projections reduce the stress in the ceramic coating near the interface with the adherent layer of oxide and also reduce the stress in the adherent layer of oxide and hence increase the working life of the thermal barrier coating system.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Super charger components

Номер: US20170089441A1
Автор: Andrew Jason Zimmer
Принадлежит: ZPE Licensing Inc

A pulley assembly having a body, a shaft mount and a plurality of bolts is disclosed. The body is aligned to the shaft mount by providing a tight tolerance between a shoulder portion of the bolt and a neck portion of a counter sunk hole formed in the body. Additionally, an outer surface of the body may have a pattern of friction lines or patches formed by fusing particulate matter to the outer surface with heat generated by a laser beam.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Aluminum coated blank and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20220134404A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Steel Co

According to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure, disclosed is an aluminum coated blank that includes a first coated steel sheet; a second coated steel sheet connected to the first coated steel sheet; and a joint portion that connects the first coated steel sheet to the second coated steel plate at a boundary between the first coated steel sheet and the second coated steel sheet.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086407A1
Автор: Nicolson Peter

There is provided a tool blade, comprising a backing strip particles of abrasive material and a binder layer of binding material which binds the abrasive particles along an edge of the backing strip, wherein the edge of the backing strip is pre-formed with teeth, on which the abrasive particles are bound by the binding material. A profiled cutting portion extends beyond the pre-formed teeth. The pre-formed teeth are shaped as generally triangular waves or are flattened at least partially along an upper edge on which the cutting portion is at least partially disposed. A method of making such a blade is also provided. 1. A method of making a tool blade , comprising:providing a backing strip;providing particles of abrasive material;providing binding material which forms a binder layer that binds the abrasive particles along an edge of the backing strip;wherein the edge of the backing strip is pre-formed with teeth, prior to the introduction of abrasive particles and binding material;and wherein the binding material is heated by a beam of radiation to form the binder layer.2. The method of making a tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the teeth are pre-formed to be undersize relating to a desired size claim 1 , the abrasive particles and binding material coating the teeth to increase the size of the coated tooth to the desired size.3. The method of making a tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the teeth are pre-formed to be undersize relative to a desired size claim 1 , the abrasive particles and binding material coating the teeth to produce coated teeth with an increased size beyond the desired size claim 1 , the coated teeth being processed to achieve the desired size.4. The method of making a tool blade according to claim 2 , wherein the coated teeth are ground for sharpness.5. The method of making a tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the binding material is heated by laser radiation.6. The method of making a tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Method of preparing a zinc coated sheet metal piece for welding

Номер: US20200086425A1
Принадлежит: Shiloh Industries Inc

A method of preparing zinc coated sheet metal pieces for welding, along with welded sheet metal assemblies formed from the prepared zinc coated sheet metal pieces. In one embodiment, a scanning beam of a laser is directed at an edge portion of the sheet metal piece such that a portion of the scanning beam is configured to impact the zinc coating layer at the edge portion. The laser is pulsed in a series of ablating pulses at the edge portion, with the ablating pulses creating an ablation plume that includes ablated material from the zinc coating layer of the primary surface and the peripheral surface of the edge portion. The ablation plume is analyzed, and ablation and analyzing continues until a threshold of at least one constituent in the ablation plume or the analysis plume is met or exceeded. One or more operating parameters of the laser are adjusted based on the analysis of the ablation plume or analysis plume. In some embodiments, two sheet metal pieces are simultaneously prepared.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094119A1
Принадлежит: IPG Laser GmbH

A joining device and method for laser-based joining of two components includes a first laser radiation source, a first radiation guide connected to the first radiation source to couple first laser radiation into the first radiation guide, a second laser radiation source, at least one second radiation guide connected to the second radiation source to couple second laser radiation into the second radiation guide, and a focusing device coupled to the laser radiations and focusing them at a distance from each other into a joining zone of the components. To reduce installation effort, the focusing device focuses the first and second laser radiations through a common beam path and a coupling device is connected on its input side to the first and second radiation guides and on its output side to the focusing device. The coupling device couples the first and second laser radiations into the common beam path. 1. A method for joining two components by laser radiation , the two components disposed with respect to one another to define a joining zone for joining the two components together , the method comprising:delivering a laser spot of a first laser radiation into the joining zone of the two components so that a material bonding of the two components is achieved in an area of the laser spot of the first laser radiation by heat input;delivering at least one laser spot of a second laser radiation into the joining zone of the two components upstream of the laser spot of the first laser radiation in a joining direction to effect a joining pretreatment on at least one of the two components in the joining zone in an area of the at least one laser spot; andprior to delivering the laser spot of the first laser radiation and the at least one laser spot of the second laser radiation, guiding the first laser radiation and the second laser radiation through a coupling device having a multi-core fiber for guiding the first laser radiation and the second laser radiation.2. The method of ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for Detecting Defects During a Laser-Machining Process and Laser-Machining Device

Номер: US20140175071A1
Принадлежит: Trumpf Laser und Systemtechnik GmbH

Detection of defects during a machining process includes: moving a laser beam along a predefined path over multiple workpieces to be machined so as to generate a weld seam or a cutting gap in the workpieces; detecting, in a two-dimensional spatially resolved detector field of a detector, radiation emitted and/or reflected by the multiple workpieces; selecting at least one detection field section in the detection field of the detector based on laser beam control data defining movement of the laser beam along the predefined path or based on a previously determined actual-position data of the laser beam along the predefined path, wherein each detection field section comprises a region encompassing less than the entire detection field; evaluating the radiation detected in in the selected detection field section; and determining whether a defect exists at the weld seam or the cutting gap based on the evaluated radiation.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for integrated welding of metal materials

Номер: US20190105732A1
Принадлежит: Faraday and Future Inc

A method for welding multiple workpieces together includes applying a force to the multiple workpieces, generating ultrasonic vibration, transferring the ultrasonic vibration to the multiple workpieces to breakdown an oxide layer, generating an electric current, transmitting the electric current to heat up the workpieces, and synchronizing the ultrasonic and resistance heating operations. A welding system includes an ultrasonic vibration unit that generates an ultrasonic vibration and transfers the ultrasonic vibration to multiple workpieces to breakdown an oxide layer, a resistance heating unit that generates an electric current and transmits the electric current to heat up the workpieces, a workpiece mount that includes electrodes configured to receive the generated current and/or clamp the multiple workpieces during a welding process, and a controller configured to synchronize an operation of the ultrasonic vibration unit and an operation of a resistance heating unit.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177363A1
Автор: LEMOINE Adrien

An improved glazing unit including a glass panel which is low in reflectance for RF radiation, a coating system which is high in reflectance for RF radiation disposed on the glass panel and creating onto the glazing unit a dual band bandpass filter. The glazing unit further includes at least one frequencies selective decoated portion of the coating system extending along a plane, P; having a width, DW, and a length, DL. The at least one frequencies selective decoated portion features a first decoated element with a plurality of unit cells, and a plurality of second decoated elements where a second decoated element is placed in a unit cell of the first decoated element, but no second decoated element is in contact with the first decoated element and at least one unit cell of the first decoated element has no second decoated element. 1. A glazing unit comprising:a glass panel which is low in reflectance for RF radiation;a coating system which is high in reflectance for RF radiation disposed on the said glass panel;at least one frequencies selective decoated portion of the coating system extending along a plane, P, defined by a longitudinal axis, X, and a vertical axis, Z; having a width, OW, measured along the longitudinal axis, X, and a length, DL, measured along the vertical axis, Z, comprising:{'b': '1', 'claim-text': a plurality of second decoated elements,', 'wherein at least one second decoated element is placed in a unit cell of the first decoated element,', 'wherein no second decoated element is in contact with the first decoated element, and', 'wherein zone A and zone C each have more second decoated elements than zone B., 'a first decoated element comprising a plurality of unit cells forming a regular grid of n rows by m columns unit cells, Um,n, wherein m and n are positive integers higher than 5 (n>5 and m>5) foiling three zones, zone A from U,n to Ux,n, zone B from Ux+1,n to Uy,n and zone C from Uy+1,n to Um,n, wherein x and y are positive integers ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Laser Ablation and Processing Methods and Systems

Номер: US20180119238A1
Принадлежит: GC Laser Systems Inc

Systems and methods for ablating or processing a surface using a laser beam are provided. A method includes directing a laser beam at a surface to form a contact area. The method also includes moving the contact area to form a contact curve. The method includes tuning a wavelength and a power of the laser beam to process a material and/or ablate a coating. The wavelength and the power may be further tuned to not damage the surface beneath the coating. Moving the contact area may include forming a second contact curve by superimposing, at a same time, the second contact curve on the contact curve. A system includes a laser and a directing arrangement configured to direct a laser beam from the laser at a surface to form a contact area. A non-transitory processor-readable medium having instructions stored thereon is provided.

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Ribbon bonding tools, and methods of designing ribbon bonding tools

Номер: US20170120372A1
Принадлежит: Orthodyne Electronics Corp

A ribbon bonding tool is provided. The ribbon bonding tool includes a body portion including a tip portion, the tip portion defining a working surface. The ribbon bonding tool includes a group of four protrusions extending from the working surface, wherein the working surface defines four quadrants in a horizontal plane by extending an imaginary line at a midpoint along each of a length and a width of the working surface. Each of the four protrusions is arranged in one of four quadrants.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Laser processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20190118299A1
Автор: Jarno Kangastupa
Принадлежит: CORELASE OY

The invention concerns an apparatus and a method for laser processing. There is provided at least one first laser beam from at least one first optical feed fiber connected to at least one first laser device and at least one second laser beam from at least one second optical feed fiber connected to at least one second laser device. Said first and second laser beams are combined in a multi-core optical fiber. Said first core of said multi-core optical fiber has a circular cross-section, and said second core has an annular shape concentric to said first core. A composite laser beam comprising first and second output beams is directed from said multi-core optical fiber to a workpiece with overlapping elements to be welded.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Plasma Cutting Sheet Metal in an Automated Coil-Line Machine

Номер: US20140209574A1
Автор: Matthew Walsh
Принадлежит: Plasma Automation Inc

A fully automated plasma sheet metal cutter that can be integrated into a HVAC coil-line and which increases the precision of cutting, decreases the time it takes to cut a particular component sheet metal part, and offers flexibility in cutting different sized and shaped holes or openings. Further, since the system is fully automated, it eliminates the error or cost attributed to a portion of the cutting process that heretofore has been associated with a manual laborer.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Method of joining stacks of thin metal foil layers

Номер: US20150136840A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Disclosed are methods of welding a stack of metal foil layers together using a penetration weld. The methods include stacking of the metal foil layers, pressing or compressing the metal foil layers between end plates and welding the end plates and compressed metal foil layer stack together.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126387A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for the adaptive manufacturing of metallic components from a substrate () and a supporting element () which is to be applied to the substrate () and is to be connected in an integrally bonded manner to the substrate (), with a supply device () which is configured to guide the supporting element () onto a surface to be coated of the substrate (), and at least one laser light source () with which at least the surface of the supporting element () can be preheated directly before or at an impingement point or an impingement region between the supporting element () and the substrate () to a temperature suitable for the integrally bonded joining by means of an emitted laser beam (). In addition, a rolling device () is provided which is equipped with at least one roll and is configured to press the heated supporting element () onto the substrate () and, in the process, to connect them in an integrally bonded manner to the substrate (). The supporting element () is applied to the substrate () track by track or layer by layer by means of a transverse movement of the substrate () relative to the supply device () or a movement of the supply device (), such that individual tracks of the supporting element material are arranged next to one another, or layers of the supporting element material are arranged one above another, on the surface of the substrate (). 13133. Apparatus for manufacturing metallic components from a substrate () and a supporting element () which is to be applied to the substrate () and is to be connected to the substrate () in an integrally bonded manner ,{'b': 7', '1', '3, 'with a supply device () which is configured to guide the supporting element () onto a surface to be coated of the substrate (),'}{'b': 4', '1', '1', '3', '6, 'at least one laser light source () which is configured to heat at least the surface of the supporting element () directly before and/or at an impingement point or an ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126403A1
Автор: Rettich Thorsten

A method for setting up a rotary processing machine (), in which at least one base jaw () of a workpiece receptacle is set up to receive a workpiece type that is to be processed and in which the base jaw () is coated on a workpiece contact surface (). 11. A method for setting up a rotary processing machine () , the method comprising:{'b': 4', '2', '4', '11, 'setting up a base jaw () of a workpiece receptacle () to receive a workpiece type that is to be processed by coating the base jaw () on a workpiece contact surface ().'}24. The method as claimed in claim 1 , the coating is executed on the base jaw () in an installed position on the rotary processing machine.3413115. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising after the coating claim 1 , machining the base jaw () using a tool () arranged in a working position of the rotary processing machine () on the coated workpiece contact surface ().41015. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coating is accomplished by friction of a consumable material () on the workpiece contact surface ().5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein at least one of steel claim 4 , non-ferrous metal claim 4 , or plastic is used as the consumable material.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coating is accomplished by at least one of laser sintering or by electric arcs.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising applying an adhesive-friction enhancing coating via the coating.81. A rotary processing machine () comprising:{'b': 2', '4', '6', '4', '15, 'a workpiece receptacle (), which has at least one base jaw (); and a coating device () by which the base jaw () is adapted to be coated on a workpiece contact surface ().'}911312154. The rotary processing machine () as claimed in claim 8 , further comprising a tool () clamped in a tool receptacle () claim 8 , by which the workpiece contact surface () of the base jaw () is machined.10681010. The rotary processing machine as claimed in claim 8 , ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Welding method and welding apparatus

Номер: US20210162539A1
Принадлежит: Furukawa Electric Co Ltd

A welding method includes: layering two or more plate materials each including a plating plate material having a preform on a surface of which a plating layer is formed to form a workpiece; disposing the workpiece in a region to be irradiated with a processing laser beam; generating the processing laser beam having a power distribution shape in which two or more power regions are disposed along a predetermined direction in a plane perpendicular to a light traveling direction; irradiating a surface of the workpiece with the processing laser beam; and moving the processing laser beam and the workpiece relatively while performing the irradiation, and melting an irradiated area of the workpiece to perform welding while sweeping the processing laser beam in the predetermined direction on the workpiece during a swing of the processing laser beam.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281253A1

An opto-thermomechanical (OTM) nanoprinting method allows for additively printing nanostructures with sub-100 nanometer accuracy and for correcting printing errors for nanorepairing under ambient conditions. Different from other existing nanoprinting methods, this method works when a nanoparticle on the surface of a soft substrate is illuminated by a continuous-wave (CW) laser beam in a gaseous environment. The laser heats the nanoparticle and induces a rapid thermal expansion of the soft substrate. This thermal expansion can either release a nanoparticle from the soft surface for nanorepairing or transfer it additively to another surface in the presence of optical forces for nanoprinting with sub-100 nm accuracy. This additive OTM nanoprinting technique paves the way for rapid and affordable additive manufacturing or 3D printing at the nanoscale under ambient conditions. 1. A process for nanoprinting , the process comprising:attaching a metallic nanoparticle on a flexible donor substrate;positioning a receiver substrate proximate to the donor substratefocusing a continuous-wave laser on the metallic nanoparticle to heat the donor substrate and supply energy to the metallic nanoparticle; cause rapid thermal expansion of the donor substrate; and', 'supply optical axial force and optical gradient force to the metallic nanoparticle, wherein the thermal expansion, optical axial force, and optical gradient force release the metallic nanoparticle from the donor substrate;, 'supplying enough energy tofocusing the laser above the metallic nanoparticle; andreceiving the metallic nanoparticle on the receiver substrate.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein attaching a metallic nanoparticle on a flexible donor substrate comprises attaching an gold nanoparticle on a flexible donor substrate.3. An opto-thermomechanical (OTM) nanoprinting method claim 1 , the method comprising:illuminating a nanoparticle on a surface of a soft substrate by a continuous-wave (CW) laser beam until the ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Laser welding overlapping metal workpieces

Номер: US20180141158A1

A method of laser welding a workpiece stack-up ( 10 ) that includes at least two overlapping steel workpieces ( 12, 14 ) comprises directing a laser beam ( 40 ) at a top surface ( 26 ) of the workpiece stack-up to form a keyhole ( 56 ) surrounded by a molten steel weld pool ( 58 ). The laser beam is conveyed along a predefined weld pattern that includes one or more nonlinear inner weld paths ( 66 ) and an enclosed outer peripheral weld path ( 68 ) surrounding the one or more nonlinear inner weld paths. During conveyance of the laser beam along the one or more nonlinear inner weld paths, the keyhole fully penetrates through the workpiece stack-up from the top surface of the stack-up to the bottom surface ( 28 ) of the stack-up. The method produces weld joints between the steel workpieces that do not have an intentionally imposed gap formed between their faying surfaces.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Flux assisted laser removal of thermal barrier coating

Номер: US20150151339A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

A method of removing a ceramic thermal barrier coating system ( 18 ). Laser energy ( 20 ) is applied to the thermal barrier coating system in the presence of a flux material ( 22 ) in order to form a melt ( 26 ). Upon removal of the energy, the melt solidifies to from a layer of slag ( 28 ) which is more loosely adhered to the underlying metallic substrate ( 12 ) than the original thermal barrier coating system. The slag is then broken and released from the substrate with a mechanical process such as grit blasting ( 30 ). Sufficient energy may be applied to melt an entire depth of the coating system along with a thin layer ( 34 ) of the substrate, thereby forming a refreshed surface ( 36 ) on the substrate upon resolidification.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Device for laser processing of a surface of a workpiece or for post-treatment of a coating on the outside or the inside of a workpiece

Номер: US20160151862A1
Принадлежит: Limo Patentverwaltung GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a device for the processing of a surface of a workpiece or for the post-treatment of a coating on the outside or the inside of a workpiece, in particular a metal workpiece, preferably a tube, comprising a processing head ( 2 ) that can be moved through the workpiece or outside of the workpiece, an optical fiber ( 5 ), an arrangement for feeding laser light ( 10 ) to the processing head ( 2 ) or means for producing laser light in the processing head ( 2 ), and optical arrangement ( 7 ) arranged in the processing head, which can apply the laser light ( 10 ) to the inside or the outside of the workpiece.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Abrasive coating including metal matrix and ceramic particles

Номер: US20210178475A1
Автор: Quinlan Yee Shuck
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Corp

A system may include a powder source; a powder delivery device; an energy delivery device; and a computing device. The computing device may be configured to: control the powder source to deliver metal powder to the powder delivery device; control the powder delivery device to deliver the metal powder to a surface of an abrasive coating; and control the energy delivery device to deliver energy to at least one of the abrasive coating or the metal powder to cause the metal powder to be joined to the abrasive coating.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Transient liquid phase bonding of surface coatings and metal-covered materials

Номер: US20210178511A1
Автор: Grant O. Cook, Iii
Принадлежит: Raytheon Technologies Corp

A method for bonding components is disclosed. The method may comprise positioning an interlayer between a metallic component and a metal-plated non-metallic component at a bond region, heating the bond region to a bonding temperature to produce a liquid at the bond region, and maintaining the bond region at the bonding temperature until the liquid has solidified to firm a bond between the metallic component and the metal-plated non-metallic component at the bond region. A method for providing a part having a customized coating is also disclosed. The method may comprise applying a metallic coating on a surface of a metallic substrate, and bonding the metallic coating to the metallic substrate by a transient liquid phase bonding process to provide the part having the customized coating.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151995A1

A wire guide and a laser wire-processing device that includes a wire guide are provided. The laser wire-processing device includes a housing and an aperture in a side of the housing, wherein the aperture defines a longitudinal axis that is substantially perpendicular to the aperture. The laser wire-processing device also includes a backstop arranged in the housing and aligned with the longitudinal axis, the backstop defining a wire-contact surface in a facing relationship with the aperture. The laser wire-processing device also includes a wire guide arranged in the housing to manipulate a wire inserted through the aperture into a desired position relative to the longitudinal axis between the aperture and the backstop. The laser wire-processing device also includes a laser operable to direct a laser beam toward an insulation layer of the wire. The wire guide could be a tube arranged in the device or a backstop guide. 1200. A laser wire-processing device () , comprising:{'b': '202', 'a housing ();'}{'b': 204', '222, 'an aperture () in the housing, wherein a longitudinal axis () extends through the aperture;'}{'b': '240', 'a wire guide () arranged in the housing to manipulate a wire inserted through the aperture into a cutting position along the longitudinal axis; and'}{'b': 250', '122', '120, 'a laser () operable to cut an insulation layer () of the wire () while in the cutting position.'}2200240230222223120503200. The laser wire-processing device () of claim 1 , wherein the wire guide () comprises a tube () disposed in the aperture and extending along the longitudinal axis () toward a backstop such that a longitudinal symmetry axis () of the tube is substantially coaxial with the longitudinal axis claim 1 , and wherein the wire guide receives the wire () through a passageway () therethrough claim 1 , wherein the laser wire-processing device () further comprises:{'b': 206', '208, 'a backstop () arranged in the housing and aligned with the longitudinal axis, the ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Tailor welded blank, manufacturing method thereof, and hot stamped component using tailor welded blank

Номер: US20150165726A1

Disclosed are a tailor welded blank and a manufacturing method thereof. The tailor welded blank is manufactured by connecting blank elements of different materials or thicknesses, thereby eliminating quality problems in a welded zone. A hot stamped component is manufactured by hot stamping the tailor welded blank formed by laser-welding blank elements made of coated steel plates having different strengths or thicknesses using a filler wire, wherein a laser-welded zone has a martensite structure.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Iron-based alloy coating and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20170159156A1

A method of manufacturing an iron-based alloy coating is provided, which includes (a) providing an iron-based alloy powder having a chemical formula of Fe a Cr b Mo c Si d B e Y f , wherein 48≦a≦50; 21≦b≦23; 18≦c≦20; 2≦d≦3; 2≦e≦4; and 0<f≦2. The method also includes step (b) thermal spraying the iron-based alloy powder to form an amorphous iron-based alloy coating, and step (c) laser re-melting the amorphous iron-based alloy coating, wherein the iron-based alloy coating is densified and remains amorphous.

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Friction-stir welded structure

Номер: US20150175207A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Disclosed is a friction-stir welded structure in which corrosion resistance of a peeling region is ensured when a film coating is peeled away from a steel sheet. In a sub-frame, an aluminum alloy member is laid over a steel member that has been electropainted, and the overlaid part where the member is laid over is friction-stir welded at inner and outer welds. The aluminum alloy member has an aluminum layered part which together with the steel member constitutes the overlaid part due to being laid over the steel member, and aluminum extending parts provided to the aluminum layered part . The aluminum extending parts have aluminum extending parts that are orthogonal to the extending direction of the inner and outer welds and that protrude outward from the steel member.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Sacrificial layer for post-laser debris removal systems and methods

Номер: US20170170003A1
Автор: Habib Hichri

A method of removing post-laser debris from a wafer includes, for an embodiment, forming a sacrificial layer over a layer to be patterned, patterning the sacrificial layer and the layer to be patterned using laser ablation, and removing the sacrificial layer and debris deposited on the sacrificial layer with water. The sacrificial layer includes a water soluble binder and a water soluble ultraviolet (UV) absorbent. Systems for removing the post-laser debris are also described.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197316A1

Disclosed herein are methods of bonding a multi-layer film to a substrate and resulting structures thereof. A method of laser bonding a multi-layer film to a substrate can include forming a film over a first surface of a first substrate that is transmissive to light at a first wavelength. The film may include a reflective layer that is reflective to light at the first wavelength and a refractive layer that is refractive to light at the first wavelength. The method may include irradiating a region of the film using laser radiation passing through the first substrate. A wavelength profile of the laser radiation can have a peak at about the first wavelength. The first wavelength can be between about 300 nm and about 5000 nm. 1. A method of laser bonding a multi-layer film to a substrate , the method comprising: a reflective layer that is reflective to light at the first wavelength; and', 'a refractive layer that is refractive to light at the first wavelength; and, 'forming a film over a first surface of a first substrate that is transmissive to light at a first wavelength, wherein the film comprisesirradiating a region of the film using laser radiation passing through the first substrate, wherein a wavelength profile of the laser radiation has a peak at about the first wavelength, and the refractive layer, in combination with the reflective layer, reduces reflection of the laser radiation at the first wavelength relative to the reflective layer alone;wherein the first wavelength is between about 300 nm and about 5000 nm.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the film has a thickness of less than 10 microns.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reflective layer has a thickness of less than 1 micron.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reflective layer comprises a material selected from the group consisting essentially of SnO claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , ITO claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Pb claim 1 , Fe ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

System and method for bonding structures

Номер: US20180169961A1

A system and method for bonding structures includes a method of bonding a first panel to a second panel. An adhesive material is applied to at least one of the first panel and the second panel and is disposed between the first panel and the second panel. A welding device having at least a first electrode and a second electrode is configured to receive and position the first panel and second panel between the first and second electrodes. The welding device generates an electric current with the first and second electrodes to apply to the first panel and the second panel. The electric current generates thermal energy having a first temperature that cures the adhesive material positioned between the first and second electrodes to bond the first panel with the second panel.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164455A1

A welding system includes a welding power source configured to provide pulsed electropositive direct current (DCEP), a gas supply system configured to provide a shielding gas flow that is at least 90% argon (Ar), a welding wire feeder configured to provide tubular welding wire. The DCEP, the tubular welding wire, and the shielding gas flow are combined to form a weld deposit on a zinc-coated workpiece, wherein less than approximately 10 wt % of the tubular welding wire is converted to spatter while forming the weld deposit on the zinc-coated workpiece. 125-. (canceled)26. A method of forming a weld deposit on a zinc-coated workpiece , comprising:feeding a tubular welding wire toward a surface of a galvanized workpiece;{'sub': '2', 'directing a flow of shielding gas toward the surface of the galvanized workpiece near the tubular welding wire, wherein the flow of shielding gas consists essentially of argon (Ar) or a mixture of Ar and carbon dioxide (CO) that is at least 90% Ar; and'}forming the weld deposit on the zinc-coated workpiece using the tubular welding wire while providing the flow of shielding gas near the weld deposit, an organic stabilizer component comprising one or more organic molecules or organic polymers bound to one or more Group I or Group II metals;', 'a carbon component comprising graphite, graphene, carbon black, lamp black, carbon nanotubes, diamond, or a combination thereof, and', 'an agglomerate comprising Group I or Group II metal oxides, titanium oxide, and manganese oxides; and', 'wherein less than approximately 10 wt % of the tubular welding wire is converted to spatter while forming the weld deposit on the zinc-coated workpiece., 'wherein the tubular welding wire comprises a granular core disposed inside of a metallic sheath, wherein the granular core comprises27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the tubular welding wire is electrified with direct current electrode positive (DCEP).28. The method of claim 26 , wherein the tubular welding ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176268A1

A method for roughening a surface of a metal molded body which can be used as an intermediate for manufacturing a composite molded body of a metal molded body with a resin, a rubber, a metal, or the like is provided. The method for roughening a metal molded body surface includes a step of irradiating the surface of the metal molded body with laser light at an irradiation rate of 2000 mm/sec or more with an energy density of 1 MW/cmor more using a laser apparatus, and the laser light irradiation step is a step of irradiating laser light so that laser light-irradiated portions and non-laser light-irradiated portions are generated alternately when the laser light is irradiated to be in a straight line, a curved line, or a combination of a straight line and a curved line on the surface of the metal molded body to be roughened. 1. A method for roughening a metal molded body surface comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a laser light irradiation step of irradiating a surface of the metal molded body with laser light at an irradiation rate of 2000 mm/sec or more with an energy density of 1 MW/cmor more using a laser apparatus, wherein'}the laser light irradiation step is a step of irradiating laser light so that laser light-irradiated portions and non-laser light-irradiated portions are generated alternately when the laser light is irradiated to be in a straight line, a curved line, or a combination of a straight line and a curved line on the surface of the metal molded body to be roughened.2. The method for roughening a metal molded body surface according to claim 1 , wherein the laser light irradiation step is a step of using a fiber laser apparatus in which a modulation device of a direct modulation system to directly convert a laser drive current is connected to a laser power source claim 1 , and adjusting a duty ratio determined from an ON time and an OFF time of an output of the laser light by the following expression claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'Duty ratio (%)=ON time/(ON time+OFF ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Laser cutting and machining method for plated steel plate, laser cut-and-machined product, thermal cutting and machining method, thermal cut-and-machined product, surface-treated steel plate, laser cutting method, and laser machining head

Номер: US20190176270A1
Принадлежит: Amada Holdings Co Ltd, Nisshin Steel Co Ltd

A laser cutting and machining method for plated steel plated, when irradiating a laser beam LB on to the upper surface of a plated steel plate W and laser cutting and machining same: a plating layer-containing metal that has been melted and/or evaporated by the irradiation of the laser beam LB is caused to flow on to a cut surface of the plated steel plate W as a result of assist gas that is jetted towards a laser machining units; and the plating layer-containing metal is coated on the cut surface.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Corrosion and Wear Resistant Overlay, Method for Forming Corrosion and Wear Resistant Overlay, and Corrosion and Wear Resistant Valve

Номер: US20190193195A1

The present invention is intended is to improve the corrosion resistance of an overlay used in a nuclear power plant, and to reduce dissolution of cobalt from an overlay. The corrosion and wear resistant overlay is formed along a surface of a base by laser lamination modeling, and is configured from a plurality of metal layers of a Co-base alloy. The thickness of carbide eutectics that precipitate in the metal layers is the largest in the metal layer closest to the base, and is gradually smaller in the metal layers farther away from the base. The intensity of the laser beam applied to form layers by laser lamination modeling is adjusted so that the carbide eutectics that precipitate in at least the outermost metal layer have a controlled size of 10 μm or less. 1. A corrosion and wear resistant overlay , comprising:a plurality of Co-base alloy layers formed along a surface of a base;wherein a carbide eutectic that precipitates at a boundary between crystals of a dendrite structure of the Co-base alloy in the plurality of layers has an average thickness that is thicker in layers closer to the base, or thinner in layers farther away from the base.2. The corrosion and wear resistant overlay according to claim 1 , wherein the carbide eutectic that precipitates in at least the outermost layer of the plurality of layers has a maximum thickness of about 10 μm or less.3. The corrosion and wear resistant overlay according to claim 2 , wherein the crystals of the dendrite structure claim 2 , and the carbide eutectic in the outermost layer have a Cr concentration of about 17% or more.4. The corrosion and wear resistant overlay according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of layers is each formed by heating claim 1 , melting claim 1 , and depositing a Co-base alloy powder discharged through a nozzle.5. The corrosion and wear resistant overlay according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of layers is each formed by heating and melting a Co-base alloy powder deposited beforehand.6 ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200198065A1
Автор: HONG Seokpyo

Disclosed herein are a copper-alloy stainless pipe, an air conditioner including the same and a method of manufacturing the same. A copper-alloy stainless pipe includes a recrystallization layer forming an interface between a pipe base material and a copper plating layer, thereby increasing bonding force between the pipe base material and the copper plating layer. Accordingly, it is possible to prevent the copper plating layer from being peeled off and to increase corrosion resistance of the pipe. The recrystallization layer may be composed of intermetallic compound. 1. A copper-alloy stainless pipe comprising:a pipe base material composed of stainless steel;a copper plating layer disposed on an outer surface of the pipe base material; anda recrystallization layer composed of an intermetallic compound, the recrystallization layer forming an interface between the pipe base material and the copper plating layer.2. The copper-alloy stainless pipe of claim 1 , wherein the intermetallic compound comprises copper (Cu) claim 1 , chromium (Cr) claim 1 , iron (Fe) claim 1 , and nickel (Ni).3. The copper-alloy stainless pipe of claim 2 , wherein a weight percent of chromium (Cr) claim 2 , iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) in the recrystallization layer decreases in a direction from the pipe base material toward the copper plating layer.4. The copper-alloy stainless pipe of claim 3 , wherein the weight percent of chromium (Cr) claim 3 , iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) in the recrystallization layer linearly decreases in the direction from the pipe base material toward the copper plating layer.5. The copper-alloy stainless pipe of claim 2 , wherein a weight percent of copper (Cu) in the recrystallization layer increases in a direction from the pipe base material toward the copper plating layer.6. The copper-alloy stainless pipe of claim 5 , wherein the weight percent of copper (Cu) in the recrystallization layer linearly increases in the direction from the pipe base material toward the ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing a thermal barrier coating on a component

Номер: US20170216969A1
Автор: Jan Münzer, Jens Dietrich
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for producing a thermal barrier coating on a component, more particularly on a turbine component and preferably on a turbine blade, wherein the component is provided with the thermal barrier coating and structures are then created in the outer surface of the thermal barrier coating using a laser ablation process so as to segment the surface of the thermal barrier coating, the structures being created in the surface of the thermal barrier coating by an ultrashort pulse laser, more particularly a femtosecond laser is provided.

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Sanitary ware and method of making same

Номер: US20190208965A1
Принадлежит: Franz Kaldewei GmbH and Co KG

A method of making a sanitary basin. The method has the steps of providing a steel basin body, coating a face of the body with a layer of enamel, and burning macroscopic structures into the enamel coating with a laser beam. The structures are interconnected, for example forming a channel network.

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Methods of joining metallic protective layers

Номер: US20140311669A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In various embodiments, protective layers are bonded to a steel layer, overlapped, and at least partially covered by a layer of unmelted metal powder produced by cold spray.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Method for Delivering Safety and disposal Instructions to Personnel Who are Removing Coatings with Laser Processing

Номер: US20200215588A1
Принадлежит: Surclean, Inc.

A laser coating removal system includes a detector and a controller. The detector detects wavelengths associated with radiative emission of elements in laser-induced plasma generated by the laser coating removal. The controller generates concentration data based on the wavelengths, the concentration data indicating concentration of the elements in the laser-induced plasma, and notifies a user of the laser coating removal system in response to concentration of one of the elements in the laser-induced plasma being greater than or equal to a predetermined threshold. 1. A method for laser coating removal comprising:detecting wavelengths associated with radiative emission of elements in laser-induced plasma generated by a laser coating removal system;generating concentration data based on the wavelengths, the concentration data indicating concentration of the elements in the laser-induced plasma; andnotifying a user of the laser coating removal system in response to concentration of one of the elements in the laser-induced plasma being greater than or equal to a predetermined threshold.2. The method of further comprising setting the predetermined threshold based on toxicity of the one of the elements in the laser-induced plasma.3. The method of wherein:the notification includes one or more of health hazards posed by the one of the elements in the laser-induced plasma, safety instructions regarding the one of the elements in the laser-induced plasma, and instructions to dispose waste ash generated by the laser coating removal system;the notification includes one or more of audio, visual, or both types of notifications; andthe notification is based on one or more of safety and disposal guidelines stored in the laser coating removal system.4. The method of further comprising:stopping the laser coating removal system in response to the concentration of the one of the elements in the laser-induced plasma being greater than or equal to the predetermined threshold; ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Device and method for partial decoating and/or machining of material from a workpiece

Номер: US20150239053A1

The present invention relates to a device for partial decoating and/or machining removal of a steel sheet coated with a metal coating and/or provided with a parasitic layer, wherein the device has a machining tool in the form of a scraping roller and wherein the scraping roller comprises a cutting edge for scraping the metal coating and/or parasitic layer off the steel-sheet surface, and wherein furthermore the scraping roller is rotatable about a rotation axis perpendicular to a main plane of extent of the steel sheet, the scraping roller has a circumferential face which is concentric with the rotation axis and in which at least one circumferential groove is formed, the groove has two lateral groove boundary faces that originate from the groove bottom face, wherein at least one of the two groove boundary faces has the cutting edge and the device is configured such that during decoating and/or machining removal, the at least one cutting edge scrapes over the steel-sheet edge in a manner parallel to the main plane of extent of the steel sheet.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Soldering a conductor to an aluminum metallization

Номер: US20200219841A1

A method of making a semiconductor including soldering a conductor to an aluminum metallization is disclosed. In one example, the method includes substituting an aluminum oxide layer on the aluminum metallization by a substitute metal oxide layer or a substitute metal alloy oxide layer. Then, substitute metal oxides in the substitute metal oxide layer or the substitute metal alloy oxide layer are at least partly reduced. The conductor is soldered to the aluminum metallization using a solder material.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Steel Part

Номер: US20170232560A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal France SA

A formed steel part is provided. The formed steel part includes a first steel plate having a first base, a first intermetallic alloy layer on the first base and a first metal alloy layer on the first intermetallic alloy layer, the first steel part having a first area without the first metal alloy layer and having at least part of the first intermetallic alloy layer; and a second steel plate having a second base, a second intermetallic alloy layer on the second base and a second metal alloy layer on the second intermetallic alloy layer, the second steel part having a second area without the second metal alloy layer and having at least part of the second intermetallic alloy layer in the second area. The first and second steel plates are joined together. The formed steel part may also include a butt-weld joining the first and second steel plates.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224781A1
Автор: Tao Wu, Yang David

A method of laser welding a workpiece stack-up (′) that includes at least two overlapping metal workpieces () comprises advancing a beam spot () of a laser beam () relative to a top surface () of the workpiece stack-up (′) and along a beam travel pattern () to form a laser weld joint () that fusion welds the metal workpieces () together. While the beam spot () is being advanced between a first point () and a second point () of one or more weld paths () of the beam travel pattern (), the position of a focal point () of the laser beam () is oscillated relative to the top surface () of the workpiece N stack-up (′) along a dimension () oriented transverse to the top surface (). 1. A method of laser welding a workpiece stack-up that includes at least two overlapping metal workpieces , the method comprising:providing a workpiece stack-up that includes overlapping metal workpieces, the workpiece stack-up comprising at least a first metal workpiece and a second metal workpiece, the first metal workpiece providing a top surface of the workpiece stack-up and the second metal workpiece providing a bottom surface of the workpiece stack-up, wherein a faying interface is established between each pair of adjacent overlapping metal workpieces within the workpiece stack-up, and wherein all of the overlapping metal workpieces of the workpiece stack-up are steel workpieces, aluminum workpieces, or magnesium workpieces;directing a laser beam at the top surface of the workpiece stack-up, the laser beam impinging the top surface and creating a molten metal weld pool that penetrates into the workpiece stack-up from the top surface towards the bottom surface and that intersects each faying interface established within the workpiece stack-up, the laser beam having a beam spot oriented along the top surface of the workpiece stack-up; andforming a laser weld joint that fusion welds the overlapping metal workpieces together by advancing the beam spot relative to a plane of the top surface of ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Steel sheet, tailored blank, hot stamped product, steel pipe, hollow hot stamped product, and method of manufacturing steel sheet

Номер: US20210262075A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel Corp

This steel sheet has a base steel sheet, a coated portion, and an exposed portion, the shape of the end edge side of the steel sheet and the end portion on the outer side of the base steel sheet is a protruded curve represented by a curvature radius R1 and R1 is 5 μm or more.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Structure and method of making same involving welding otherwise non-weldable materials

Номер: US20180243860A1
Автор: Heath Edward Misak
Принадлежит: Spirit AeroSystems Inc

A structure and a method of creating the structure in which relatively thin pieces of non-weldable aluminum alloy or other non-weldable material are welded together. First layers of a weldable material, such as a weldable aluminum alloy or other weldable material, having a total thickness of between 0.01 and 0.30 inches, are built up on a surface of the first piece using an ultrasonic or other solid state joining technique, and second layers of the weldable material having a similar total thickness are built up on a surface of the second piece using the same technique. The first piece is then welded to the second piece at the first and second layers of weldable material using a fusion welding technique. The resulting structure may be part of an aircraft, landcraft, watercraft, or spacecraft type of vehicle or may be used in other high-performance applications.

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Method of resistance spot welding

Номер: US20190240768A1
Автор: Seiji Furusako
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A resistance spot welding method able to form a welded joint having delayed fracture resistance, comprising, in order, a step of applying a pressing force P1 (kN) to the plurality of steel sheets by welding electrodes while supplying a supplied current I1 (kA), a step of, while applying the pressing force P1, supplying a current Ic (kA) during a cooling time tc (s), a step of repeating two times or more a pressure force raising and lowering cycle of supplying a supplied current I2 (kA) to the welding electrodes while applying a pressing force P2 (kN) to the plurality of steel sheets by the welding electrodes during a pressing time tf (s), then immediately applying a pressing force P3 (kN) during a pressing time ti (s), a step of applying the pressing force P2 during the pressing time tf, and a step of releasing the pressing force and ending the supply of current, satisfying 0≤Ic<I1, 0.3≤I2/I1<1.0, P2/P1≥1.2, P3<P2, and ti≤0.2.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for removing a plastic coating from a block of food

Номер: US20170251625A1
Автор: Dirk Seebaum
Принадлежит: BMA Automation GmbH

A method for removing a plastics coating from a block of food, in particular a whole cheese, operates with the following steps: the block of food, in particular the whole cheese with its plastics coating is fed to the method. A laser beam is then directed onto the plastics coating of the block of food. Herein the output of the laser which emits the laser beam is adjusted so that a removal of the plastics coating takes place by separation of a region of the plastics coating and/or by erosion or vaporisation of the plastics coating. A device for removing a plastics coating from a block of food, in particular a whole cheese, comprises a transport apparatus for the block of food and a laser apparatus for applying a laser beam to the block of food.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Method for Welding a Zinc-Coated Motor Vehicle Component

Номер: US20210308790A1
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

The invention relates to a method for welding a zinc-coated motor vehicle component (1), in which a welding surface (3) of the zinc-coated motor vehicle component (1) is pretreated and a connecting element is subsequently welded on at the welding surface (3), wherein for the pretreatment the zinc layer (2) is deposited to a prescribed maximum layer thickness (6) in the region of the welding surface (3) by means of a laser device (5).

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Resistance spot welding method and welded member production method

Номер: US20180257165A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A resistance spot welding method inhibits, in accordance with the electrode angle, the occurrence of cracking in the weld regardless of the steel grade. The resistance spot welding method satisfies relationships: 2· A ·( t·T/F ) 1/2 ≤H when 0≤ A <1 (3· A −1)·( t·T/F ) 1/2 ≤H when 1≤ A <10 ( A +19)·( t·T/F ) 1/2 ≤H when 10≤ A <20 where H (ms) is an electrode force retaining time after completion of current passage, A (degrees) is an electrode angle of the electrodes, t (mm) is a sheet thickness of a steel sheet having a largest sheet thickness among the steel sheets, T (MPa) is a tensile strength of a steel sheet having a highest tensile strength among the two or more steel sheets, and F (N) is the electrode force.

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Welded member for plated steel plate excellent in weld zone porosity resistance and fatigue properties and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20210341004A1
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

Disclosed is a welded member for plated steel plate having excellent weld zone porosity resistance and fatigue properties and a method of manufacturing the same. The welded member for plated steel plate having excellent weld zone porosity resistance and fatigue properties according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises a weld metal portion formed by arc welding and overlapping a first member and a laminated second member so as to partially overlap the first member, wherein the toe angle (θ) of the weld metal portion is 45° or less, and the first member and the second member are plated steel plates.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Laser drilling through multi-layer components

Номер: US20160279737A1
Автор: Ludwik STRACH
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

There is described herein a method and system for drilling holes in components having multiple layers of materials using a laser emitting device, by controlling the laser pulses in such a way that cracks at the interfaces between the various materials are minimized or eliminated.

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210354241A1

The present application provides a welding assembly and a battery module. The welding assembly includes: a first weldment; and a second weldment, welded and fixed with the first weldment to form a welding seam; where, at least one side of the welding seam is provided with an exhaust channel; and the exhaust channel is located between the first weldment and the second weldment. In the present application, an exhaust gas generated during welding can be discharged from the exhaust channel to prevent it from entering the welding seam to reduce the strength of the welding seam. 1. A welding assembly , wherein comprising:a first weldment; anda second weldment, is configured to weld and fix to the first weldment, and forming a welding seam;wherein, at least one side of the welding seam is provided with an exhaust channel; andthe exhaust channel is located between the first weldment and the second weldment.2. The welding assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the first weldment and/or the second weldment comprises a base layer and a coating layer;the coating layer is arranged on a surface of the base layer; anda boiling point of the coating layer is lower than a melting point of the base layer.3. The welding assembly according to claim 2 , wherein:a material of the base layer comprises one or more of iron and steel; anda material of the coating layer comprises one or more of zinc and magnesium.4. The welding assembly according to claim 2 , wherein:the first weldment and/or the second weldment is a galvanized plate.5. The welding assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:a maximum spacing between the first weldment and the second weldment at a position of the exhaust channel is 0.05 mm-0.5 mm.6. The welding assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:a maximum spacing between the first weldment and the second weldment at the position of the exhaust channel is 0.1 mm-0.3 mm.7. The welding assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:one of the first weldment and the second weldment is ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275619A1
Автор: Cheney Justin Lee

Embodiments of an alloy that can be resistant to cracking. In some embodiments, the alloy can be advantageous for use as a hardfacing alloys, in both a diluted and undiluted state. Certain microstructural, thermodynamic, and performance criteria can be met by embodiments of the alloys that may make them advantageous for hardfacing. 126-. (canceled)27. A welding feedstock material comprising Fe and , in wt. %:B: 0.7 to 0.9;Mo: 0.91 to 2.0;Nb: 3 to 3.7;Cr: 14 to 14.5;Ti: 0.35 to 0.6;V: 0.38 to 0.56;C: 0.8 to 1.0;Mn: 0.83 to 1.31; andSi: 0.35 to 0.59.28. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is a wire.29. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is a powder.30. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is configured to form a matrix and is characterized by having claim 27 , under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions claim 27 , a maximum grain boundary formation temperature gap of about 80K.31. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is configured to form a matrix and is characterized by having claim 27 , under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions claim 27 , a maximum grain boundary formation temperature gap of about 50K.32. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is configured to form a matrix and is characterized by having claim 27 , under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions claim 27 , a maximum grain boundary formation temperature gap of about 0K.33. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is configured to form a matrix and is characterized by having claim 27 , under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions claim 27 , a maximum eutectic carbide/boride phase fraction of 15 mole %.34. The feedstock of claim 27 , wherein the welding feedstock material is configured to form a matrix and is characterized by having claim 27 , under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions claim 27 , a minimum carbon level in the liquid of ...

23-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210394294A1
Автор: BAE Gyu-Yeol, KIM Ho-Soo

A method for welding a zinc coated steel sheet is provided. The method for welding a zinc coated steel sheet of the present invention is a method for welding a zinc coated steel sheet by using a welding material, wherein when welding, the welding current is 150-300 A, a shielding gas is a mixed gas of Ar+10-30% CO2, and the welding polarity is alternately altered so that the welding polarity fraction defined by relational equation 1 satisfies the range of 0.25-0.35. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the welding wire is an E70C-GS Φ1.0 metal cored wire.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a gap of a welded joint formed by the method is 0 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the welding current is 200 to 270 A.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zinc coated steel sheet is HGI 780HB steel. The present invention relates to a method for lap-joint welding a hot-dip galvanizing steel sheet having a tensile strength of 780 MPa or more and a thickness of 6 mm or less, applied to vehicle chassis components and the like, and relates to a method for lap-joint welding a hot-dip galvanizing steel sheet, controlling polarity of arc current to an appropriate fraction during welding, to effectively reduce porosity defects of a welded component up to 100 cm/min without introducing existing requirements such as providing a gap of an overlapped joint, changing an arc position, or the like, to improve strength of welded metal.In the automotive sector, research into technology to reduce the weight of vehicle bodies and components is emerging as a major issue, due to fuel economy regulation policies in accordance with environmental protection to, e.g., global warming or the like. Chassis components, which may be important for vehicle driving performance, are also required to apply a high-strength steel material for weight reduction in accordance with such trend. In order to achieve weight reduction of components, it may be essential to increase strength of a material, and it may be an ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Insulation film peeling method

Номер: US20190280574A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

An insulation film peeling method which radiates laser light onto a front end portion of an insulation film-coated conducting wire including a conducting wire and an insulation film in a longitudinal direction, and which peels a part of the insulation film up to a peeling boundary of a predetermined regulated peeling length, includes performing a rectilinear scan of a first region, in which a radiation position of the laser light moves from one side toward the other side and then moves from the other side toward the one side upon reaching the other side, and performing a unidirectional scan of a second region, in which the radiation of the laser light is performed from one side toward the other side and then the radiation position returns to the one side in a state in which the radiation of the laser light stops upon reaching the other side.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283166A1

A method and apparatus for applying a cladding layer to a surface of a component uses a cladding tool having a maximum reach less than the size of the surface. Geometry of the surface is segmented into a plurality of tessellated segments, each of which has a peripheral extent determined by a maximum reach of the cladding tool. A nominal tool subpath for each tessellated segment is generated, and then combined to generate a nominal tool path for depositing the cladding layer on the surface. The surface is clad using the nominal toolpath, including a process of adjusting the nominal tool path to an adjusted tool path that accounts for dimensions of the bead to be deposited by the tool to match an edge of the bead to be deposited with an edge of a previously deposited bead. 1. A method of applying a cladding layer to a surface of a component using a cladding tool having a maximum reach less than the size of the surface , the method comprising:providing a 3-dimensional model of the component, the model including geometry of the surface to be clad;generating a point distribution from the geometry of the surface, the point distribution including a plurality of points having a separation determined by a maximum reach of the cladding tool;generating a plurality of tessellated segments from the point distribution, each tessellated segment having a peripheral extent determined by a maximum reach of the cladding tool;generating a nominal tool subpath for each one of the plurality of tessellated segments;generating a nominal tool path for depositing the cladding layer on the surface of the component by combining the nominal tool subpaths;positioning the cladding tool adjacent the surface of the component, the tool being configured to deposit the cladding layer as a bead applied to the surface of the component;depositing the cladding layer on the surface of the component by instructing cladding the tool to move along the nominal tool path;measuring dimensions of a bead of ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Steel part

Номер: US20190285102A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal France SA

A formed steel part is provided. The formed steel part includes a first steel plate having a first base, a first intermetallic alloy layer on the first base and a first metal alloy layer on the first intermetallic alloy layer, the first steel part having a first area without the first metal alloy layer and having at least part of the first intermetallic alloy layer; and a second steel plate having a second base, a second intermetallic alloy layer on the second base and a second metal alloy layer on the second intermetallic alloy layer, the second steel part having a second area without the second metal alloy layer and having at least part of the second intermetallic alloy layer in the second area. The first and second steel plates are joined together. The formed steel part may also include a butt-weld joining the first and second steel plates.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Energy storage device with encapsulation anchoring

Номер: US20170301895A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Approaches herein provide improved encapsulation of an energy storage device. In one approach, a thin film storage device stack is formed atop a first side of a substrate, and an encapsulant is formed over the thin film storage device stack. A recess formed in the substrate adjacent the thin film storage device stack provides an anchoring point for the encapsulant. In some approaches, the recess is provided partially through a depth of the substrate, and has a geometry to promote physical coupling between the encapsulant and the substrate.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Thin film battery device and method of formation

Номер: US20170301955A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

A thin film battery may include: a contact layer, the contact layer disposed in a first plane and comprising a cathode current collector and an anode current collector pad; a device stack disposed on the cathode current collector, the device stack comprising a cathode and solid state electrolyte; an anode current collector disposed on the device stack; a thin film encapsulant, the thin film encapsulant disposed over the device stack, wherein the solid state electrolyte encapsulates the cathode.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Method and system of using a consumable and a heat source with a weld puddle

Номер: US20170304923A1
Автор: Elliott ASH
Принадлежит: Lincoln Global Inc

A system for and a method of controlling a filler wire and/or an heat source is provided. The system includes a high intensity energy source configured to heat at least one workpiece to create a molten puddle on a surface of the at least one workpiece. A filler wire feeder is configured to feed a filler wire into said molten puddle, and a travel direction controller is configured to advance the high intensity energy source and the filler wire in a travel direction to deposit the filler wire on the at least one workpiece. The system also includes a controller configured to move the filler wire and/or the energy source in at least a first direction during the feeding and advancing of the filler wire. At least the first direction is controlled to obtain a desired shape, profile, height, size, or admixture of a bead formed by the molten puddle.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Method for producing device support base and laser cleaning apparatus

Номер: US20200298343A1
Принадлежит: Sakai Display Products Corp

A method for producing a device support base in an embodiment according to the present disclosure includes step A of providing a support base having a first surface and a second surface parallel to the first surface; step B of forming a laser beam in a first direction parallel to the first surface of the support base; and step C of translating or rotating the laser beam in a second direction parallel to the first surface of the support base and crossing the first direction to remove at least a part of protruding portions or contamination elements on the first surface of the support base.

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Thermal barrier coating for engine combustion component

Номер: US20180313294A1
Автор: Joachim Wagenblast
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A piston for an internal combustion engine includes a piston body having a top surface and having formed therein a combustion bowl surface, a base material of the piston body having a first thermal conductivity, a first layer of metal bonded to the top surface of the piston body, the first layer of metal having a second thermal conductivity that is lower than the first thermal conductivity, and a second layer of metal bonded to the first layer, the second layer of metal having a third thermal conductivity that is higher than the second thermal conductivity.

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Method of Processing a Silicon Carbide Containing Crystalline Substrate, Silicon Carbide Chip, and Processing Chamber

Номер: US20190308274A1

A method of processing silicon carbide containing crystalline substrate is provided. The method includes pyrolyzing a surface of the silicon carbide containing crystalline substrate to produce a silicon and carbon containing debris layer over the silicon carbide containing crystalline substrate, and removing the silicon and carbon containing debris layer, wherein the pyrolyzing and the removing is repeated at least once.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200306891A1
Автор: Rufin Antonio Carlos

Systems and methods are provided for braiding Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) tape. One method includes drawing multiple lanes of MMC tape, comprising a matrix of metal reinforced by fibers, from bobbins arranged around a mandrel. The method also includes braiding the multiple lanes to form a preform at the mandrel for an MMC part and consolidating the preform via application of heat and pressure. 1. A method for braiding Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) tape , the method comprising:drawing multiple lanes of MMC tape, comprising a matrix of metal reinforced by fibers, from bobbins arranged around a mandrel;braiding the multiple lanes to form a preform at the mandrel for an MMC part; andconsolidating the preform via application of heat and pressure.2. The method of further comprising:spot-welding locations on the preform prior to consolidating the preform, in order to enhance integrity and handling of the preform.3. The method of wherein:the braiding comprises biaxial braiding.4. The method of wherein:the braiding comprises triaxial braiding.5. The method of wherein:the fibers in each lane of MMC tape comprise continuous fibers made from a material selected from the group consisting of: carbon, graphite, silicon carbide, silicon nitride, boron, aluminum oxide, and ceramic oxides.6. The method of further comprising:orienting the lanes in different directions to increase a strength of the MMC part with respect to forces applied from the different directions.7. The method of wherein:the bobbins are arranged circumferentially around the mandrel.8. A portion of an aircraft assembled according to the method of .9. A non-transitory computer readable medium embodying programmed instructions which claim 1 , when executed by a processor claim 1 , are operable for performing a method for braiding Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) tape claim 1 , the method comprising:drawing multiple lanes of MMC tape, comprising a matrix of metal reinforced by fibers, from bobbins arranged around a mandrel ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200306901A1

There is provided a tool blade comprising a backing strip, binding material forming a binder layer, with discrete regions of binder layer formed as teeth along an edge of the backing strip, and abrasive particles bound to the backing strip by the binder layer, wherein each tooth is formed with a ductile region bonded to the backing strip, a crown and an intermediate region of thermal material disposed between the ductile region and the crown so as to absorb thermal expansion and contraction. The binding material powder is heated by laser beam to form a binder layer which binds the abrasive particles to the backing strip. The laser beam is used to form discrete regions of binder layer as teeth. The binding material is typically braze material. 2. The tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the binding material includes a ductile braze material.3. The tool blade according to claim 2 , wherein the ductile braze material is in combination with a binder material.4. The tool blade according to claim 2 , wherein the ductile braze material is in the region of the binding layer which is bonded to the backing strip to provide a stress resistant bond with the backing strip.5. The tool blade according to claim 2 , wherein the ductile braze material includes abrasive particles.6. The tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate region includes abrasive particles.7. The tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the binding material includes a hard braze material.8. The tool blade according to claim 7 , wherein the hard braze material is a nickel braze material.9. The tool blade according to claim 7 , wherein the hard braze material is in the region of the binding layer which is exposed during use of the blade claim 7 , and which includes abrasive particles.10. The tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive particles are a super abrasive material.11. The tool blade according to claim 1 , wherein a mixture of abrasive particles of different materials is ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

System and method for fixtureless component location in assembling components

Номер: US20150336271A1

A system for assembling a first component and a second component comprises a support operatively supporting the first component without any fixtures, a vision system configured to view the supported first component and the second component and determine the locations thereof, a robotic system configured to move and position the second component relative to the first component, and a controller operatively connected to the vision system and to the robotic system and operable to control the robotic system to position the second component relative to the first component based on the locations determined by the vision system. Various methods of assembling the first component and the second component are provided to create a process joint prior to creation of a structural joint in a subsequent assembly operation.

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Double-sided machining laser machine tool

Номер: US20170326687A1
Автор: Chun-Hao Li
Принадлежит: Individual

A double-sided machining laser machine tool is provided for machining a workpiece having opposite first and second machining surfaces. The machine tool includes a laser machining apparatus and a mechanical arm. The laser machining apparatus includes a laser source, a light guiding-and-focusing lens assembly, a three-axis moving stage, an optical inspection device, and a control device. The control device drives the three-axis moving stage moving the workpiece to a machining horizontal coordinate and a machining altitude according to a current horizontal coordinate and a current altitude of the work piece. The control device drives the laser source and the light guiding-and-focusing lens assembly focusing the laser light to the first machining surface. The mechanical arm is controlled by the control device. When the machining of the first machining surface is finished, the mechanical arm flips over the workpiece to allow the laser machining apparatus to machine the second machining surface.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200316714A1
Автор: Tao Wu, Yang David

A method of laser spot welding a workpiece stack-up () includes initially forming at least one hole () in the workpiece stack-up and, thereafter, forming a laser spot weld joint (). The formation of the laser spot weld joint involves directing a welding laser beam () at the top surface () of the workpiece stack-up to create a molten steel weld pool () that penetrates into the stack-up, and then advancing the welding laser beam relative to a plane of the top surface of the workpiece stack-up along a beam travel pattern () that lies within an annular weld area (). The beam travel pattern of the welding laser beam surrounds a center area () on the plane of the top surface that spans the at least one hole formed in the workpiece stack-up. The workpiece stack-up includes at least two overlapping steel workpieces, at least one of which includes a surface coating of a zinc-based material. This method can minimize porosity within the weld joint. 1. A method of laser spot welding a workpiece stack-up that includes at least two overlapping steel workpieces , the method comprising:providing a workpiece stack-up that includes overlapping steel workpieces, the workpiece stack-up comprising at least a first steel workpiece and a second steel workpiece, the first steel workpiece providing a top surface of the workpiece stack-up and the second steel workpiece providing a bottom surface of the workpiece stack-up, wherein a faying interface is established between each pair of adjacent overlapping steel workpieces within the workpiece stack-up, and wherein at least one of the steel workpieces in the workpiece stack-up includes a surface coating of a zinc-based material;forming at least one hole in the workpiece stack-up that extends at least part of the way through the workpiece stack-up and traverses each faying interface established within the workpiece stack-up, the at least one hole being open at the top surface of the workpiece stack-up, the bottom surface of the workpiece stack- ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324376A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A method for manufacturing an optical device according to an embodiment comprises: loading hydrogen into a glass member containing Ge; irradiating a laser beam from a femtosecond laser into the glass member having the hydrogen loaded therein, the laser beam having an amount of energy causing a light-induced change in refractive index of the glass member and having a repetition frequency of 10 kHz or higher; and moving a light convergence point position of the laser beam relative to the glass member. A repetition of the irradiating and the moving forms a continuous refractive index changed region in the glass member. 1. A method for manufacturing an optical device , comprising:loading hydrogen into a glass member containing Ge;irradiating a laser beam from a femtosecond laser to converge into the glass member having the hydrogen loaded therein, the laser beam having an amount of energy causing a light-induced change in refractive index of the glass member and having a repetition frequency of 10 kHz or higher; andmoving a light convergence point position of the laser beam relative to the glass member, whereina repetition of the irradiating and the moving forms a continuous refractive index changed region in the glass member.2. The method for manufacturing an optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe glass member contains B.3. The method for manufacturing an optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe laser beam has a wavelength of from 400 nm to 540 nm.4. The method for manufacturing an optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe laser beam has a wavelength of 800 nm or lower.5. The method for manufacturing an optical device according to claim 1 , whereinin the loading, the glass member is put into a hydrogen atmosphere of 10 atm or higher.6. An optical device manufactured by the method for manufacturing an optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe glass member is a silica-based glass, a phosphate-based glass, a halide glass, or a sulfide glass ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Crack resistant hardfacing alloys

Номер: US20150354036A1
Автор: Justin Lee Cheney
Принадлежит: Scoperta Inc

Embodiments of an alloy that can be resistant to cracking. In some embodiments, the alloy can be advantageous for use as a hardfacing alloys, in both a diluted and undiluted state. Certain microstructural, thermodynamic, and performance criteria can be met by embodiments of the alloys that may make them advantageous for hardfacing.

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Display device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20200333845A1
Автор: Geunwoo YUG, Muhyun Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A display device includes a display panel for displaying an image, and including a folding area configured to be folded about a folding axis, and a non-folding area adjacent to the folding area, and also includes a window on the display panel, including a flexible material, and configured to be folded along the display panel, wherein a side surface of the window has a first surface roughness in the non-folding area, and has a second surface roughness in the folding area that is less than the first surface roughness.

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Laser cutting and machining method for plated steel plate, laser cut-and-machined product, thermal cutting and machining method, thermal cut-and-machined product, surface-treated steel plate, laser cutting method, and laser machining head

Номер: US20200346306A1
Принадлежит: Amada Co Ltd, Nisshin Steel Co Ltd

A laser cut-and-machined product made from a plated steel plate. A cut face of the plated steel plate is coated with plating-layer-containing metal of a top surface of the plated steel plate that is melted and/or evaporated at the time of laser cutting and machining.
