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23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670581C2

Изобретение относится к двигателям внутреннего сгорания. Устройство для запуска двигателя транспортного средства содержит стартер-генератор с ременным приводом, стартерный мотор и электронный контроллер, использующий стартерный мотор для проворачивания двигателя, если температура двигателя ниже заданного предела температуры. В противном случае используется стартер-генератор с ременным приводом для проворачивания двигателя при условии, что стартер-генератор с ременным приводом способен выполнить проворачивание двигателя со скоростью, превышающей заданную скорость вращения или способен создать ускорение двигателя, превышающее заданное ускорение. Совершенствуется запуск двигателя. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734787C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Варианты способа управления транспортным средством содержат этапы, на которых: управляют вспомогательным устройством для накопления энергии в устройстве накопления энергии в зависимости от работы двигателя в нормальном режиме; управляют вспомогательным устройством, приводимым в действие устройством накопления энергии, для подачи крутящего момента на коленчатый вал в зависимости от работы в режиме VDE. Транспортное средство содержит двигатель, вспомогательное устройство и контроллер. Двигатель работает в режиме переменного рабочего объема. Вспомогательное устройство соединено с коленчатым валом двигателя. Контроллер выполнен с возможностью работы вспомогательного устройства для подачи крутящего момента на коленчатый вал, когда двигатель работает в режиме VDE в зависимости от потребности в крутящем моменте и числе оборотов двигателя. Достигается улучшение надежности работы двигателя транспортного средства с переменным рабочим ...

11-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676923C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Способ управления гибридной силовой установкой транспортного средства, имеющего двигатель и избирательно подключаемые при помощи преобразователя постоянного тока в постоянный высоковольтную и низковольтную системы электроснабжения, содержит этапы, на которых определяют, целесообразно ли выполнить автоматическую остановку двигателя для уменьшения расхода топлива. Если осуществлять остановку двигателя целесообразно, то останавливают двигатель и используют низковольтную аккумуляторную батарею, формирующую часть низковольтной системы электроснабжения, для подачи питания на одну или несколько низковольтных нагрузок во время автоматической остановки двигателя вне зависимости от состояния заряда высоковольтной аккумуляторной батареи, формирующей часть высоковольтной системы электроснабжения. Уменьшается расход топлива. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Двигатель внутреннего сгорания с наддувом

Номер: RU2767415C2
Принадлежит: МАН Трак энд Бас АГ (DE)

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания (100) включает в себя клапанный механизм (102) газораспределения, электрический газотурбинный наддув (106) и блок (114) управления. Клапанный механизм (102) газораспределения предназначен для закрытия впускных клапанов (104) двигателя (100) внутреннего сгорания на время, предусмотренное циклами Миллера или Аткинсона. Электрический газотурбинный наддув (106) снабжен электрической машиной (112), которая избирательно работает как двигатель или как генератор. Блок (114) управления предназначен для использования электрической машины (112) электрического газотурбинного наддува (106) как двигатель в первом диапазоне нагрузки на двигатель (100) внутреннего сгорания. Блок (114) управления предназначен для использования электрической машины (112) электрического газотурбинного наддува (106) как генератор во втором диапазоне нагрузки, соответствующем более высоким нагрузкам на двигатель (100) внутреннего ...

15-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015104745A3

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU140786U1

... 1. Трансмиссия (1) транспортного средства, содержащая двигатель (2) внутреннего сгорания, содержащий коленчатый вал (6), коробку (3) передач, которая установлена после указанного двигателя (2) внутреннего сгорания, для передачи движения по меньшей мере на одну ось (5) транспортного средства, а также содержащая стартер-генератор (23), который соединен с двигателем (2) внутреннего сгорания, отличающаяся тем, что стартер-генератор (23) присоединен к коленчатому валу (6) посредством двух отдельных трансмиссий (13, 22; 24, 25), при этом одна (24, 25) из трансмиссий (13, 22; 24, 25) содержит переключаемую муфту (29), а другая (13, 22) из трансмиссий (13, 22; 24, 25) содержит переключаемую муфту (32) или обгонную муфту (11), которая находится в активном состоянии, когда стартер-генератор (23) находится в режиме стартера.2. Трансмиссия по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что стартер-генератор (23) соединен с коленчатым валом (6) посредством двух различных гибких приводных механизмов, в частности ременных ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689075C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для управления тяговой системой транспортных средств с электротягой. Устройство управления для вращающейся электрической машины транспортного средства содержит процессор фильтрации, контроллер, модуль вычисления параметров, модуль переменного задания. Процессор фильтрации фильтрует целевой крутящий момент электрической машины с тем, чтобы подавлять вибрационный частотный компонент кинематической цепи с использованием фильтра, имеющего передаточную частотную характеристику. Контроллер выполняет управление электрической машины согласно фильтрованному целевому крутящему моменту. Модуль вычисления параметров вычисляет, согласно состоянию движения транспортного средства, параметр, ассоциированный с запрашиваемым значением для скорости отклика по выходному крутящему моменту вращающейся электрической машины относительно целевого крутящего момента. Модуль переменного задания переменно задает передаточную частотную характеристику фильтра таким образом, чтобы уменьшать ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2477230C2

Группа изобретений относится к транспортному средству с гибридным электрическим приводом и способу его эксплуатации. Транспортное средство содержит шасси с колесами, силовую передачу, переключатель зажигания, аккумуляторную батарею, контроллер. Силовая передача содержит двигатель внутреннего сгорания и электрический двигатель/генератор. Способ заключается в том, что посредством контроллера избирательно используют двигатель/генератор в качестве двигателя и в качестве генератора. При переключении переключателя зажигания из выключенного положения во включенное положение выполняется алгоритм выбора стратегии управления аккумуляторной батареей. Алгоритм выбора стратегии управления выполняется в соответствии с калибруемым параметром. Калибруемый параметр устанавливается для транспортного средства на конкретное значение из множества значений. Первое из значений калибруемого параметра служит для выбора стратегии управления, которая действовала при последнем переключении переключателя зажигания ...

04-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747342C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. В способе управления температурой катализатора транспортного средства выполняют управление повышением температуры каталитического нейтрализатора, которое включает прекращение подачи топлива в по меньшей мере один из цилиндров и подачу топлива в другие цилиндры, отличные от указанного по меньшей мере одного цилиндра. Управляют устройством генерирования движущей мощности так, чтобы компенсировать нехватку приводной мощности, получающуюся в результате выполнения управления повышением температуры каталитического нейтрализатора. Улучшается прогрев каталитического нейтрализатора. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011122578A

... 1. Многоступенчатая коробка передач (1) с цилиндрическими зубчатыми колесами и планетарной ступенью (3), содержащая пару (4) цилиндрических зубчатых колес на каждую передачу, картер (5) сцепления с устройством (6) сцепления для присоединения входа (7) коробки передач к выходному валу двигателя, по меньшей мере, один первичный (8) и один вторичный (9) валы для размещения пар (4) цилиндрических зубчатых колес передач и выход (10) с ведомым зубчатым колесом (11) на вторичном валу (9), причем между картером (5) сцепления и входом (7) коробки передач расположена планетарная ступень (3), водило (12) сателлитов которой имеет цилиндрический зубчатый венец (13), находящийся в зацеплении, по меньшей мере, с одним первым цилиндрическим зубчатым колесом (23) вала (15) ротора электродинамического устройства (16).2. Коробка передач по п.1, причем электродинамическое устройство (16) содержит блок управления (17), обеспечивающий моторный или генераторный режим.3. Коробка передач по п.1, причем тормозной ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012102374A

... 1. Устройство управления зарядом/разрядом аккумуляторной батареи, характеризующееся тем, что выполнено с возможностью возбуждения электродвигателя с помощью аккумуляторной батареи и содержит:секцию обнаружения температуры аккумуляторной батареи;секцию вычисления распределения температурной предыстории для вычисления распределения температурной предыстории аккумуляторной батареи с начала обнаружения температуры секцией обнаружения температуры;секцию вычисления рабочей нагрузки в течение срока службы для вычисления рабочей нагрузки в течение срока службы аккумуляторной батареи на основании распределения температурной предыстории аккумуляторной батареи, вычисленного с помощью секции вычисления распределения температурной предыстории;секцию обнаружения расстояния пробега автомобиля;секцию вычисления допустимого значения скорости нарастания рабочей нагрузки для вычисления допустимого значения скорости нарастания рабочей нагрузки на основании рабочей нагрузки в течение срока службы аккумуляторной ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014108201A

... 1. Система гибридного привода для комбайна, содержащая:двигатель, приводящий в действие выходное устройство;блок управления двигателем;блок аккумуляторных батарей;электродвигатель/генератор, присоединенный к выходному устройству, электродвигатель/генератор является используемым в качестве электродвигателя для приведения в действие выходного устройства или в качестве генератора, приводимого в действие выходным устройством;блок управления электродвигателем/генератором, который является сигнально соединенным электродвигателем/генератором, чтобы управлять работой электродвигателя/генератора;блок управления гибридной системой; ипри этом блок управления гибридной системой определяет состояние заряда блока аккумуляторных батарей у блока аккумуляторных батарей, и блок управления гибридной системой также принимает текущую оценку нагрузки двигателя и частоту вращения двигателя из блока управления двигателем и в зависимости от этих переменных отправляет команду крутящего момента в блок управления ...

03-02-1977 дата публикации

Engine-driven equipment wiring system - has thermionic converter and battery making full use of exhaust heat

Номер: DE0002531244A1

The engine-driven equipment wiring system is particularly for motor vehicles, having a power generator in the form of a thermionic converter subjected to the hot exhaust gases, a storage battery and the necessary switchgear, etc. The current generated is consumed by an electric motor feeding power mechanically into the transmission. The converter and the battery storage capacity are such as to make full use of the thermal energy contained in the exhaust gases. The rotor of the motor can be solidly secured to a rotary portion of the transmission, while the stator enclosing it cannot turn, or move radially in relation to it.

17-06-2013 дата публикации

Umbausatz zum Umbau von verbrennunsmotorisch angetriebenen Kraftfahrzeuge (Kfz) auf elektromotorisch angetriebene Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE202012002541U1

Umbausatz dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Elektromotor und einer dafür ausgelegten Kraftübertragungsvorrichtung an dem serienmäßigen Motorblock des Kraftfahrzeuges anbringbar ist und mittels der Kraftübertragungsvorrichtung die im Motorblock befindliche Kurbelwelle dreht.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Übertragen eines Drehmoments

Номер: DE102012203611A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Einrichtung zum Übertragen eines Drehmomentes mit einem Torsionsdämpfer, der eingangsseitig mit einem Ausgang eines Verbrennungsmotors und ausgangsseitig mit einem Eingang eines Abtriebes verbindbar ist, mit einem Elektromotor mit einem Rotor und mit einem Stator, wobei der Rotor mit dem Torsionsdämpfer gekoppelt ist, wobei ein Fliehkraftpendel vorgesehen ist, das mit dem Rotor gekoppelt ist, wobei der Torsionsdämpfer, der Rotor und das Fliehkraftpendel um eine Drehachse drehbar gelagert sind, wobei das Dämpfungselement des Torsionsdämpfers radial näher an der Drehachse angeordnet ist als die Pendelmasse des Fliehkraftpendels.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeugs mit Verbrennungsmotor und Starter-Generator

Номер: DE102012109852A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebsstrang (1) eines Kraftfahrzeuges, mit einem eine Kurbelwelle (6) aufweisenden Verbrennungsmotor (2) mit nachgeschaltetem Getriebe (3) zum Antrieb wenigstens einer Achse (5) des Kraftfahrzeugs, sowie mit einem dem Verbrennungsmotor (2) zugeordneten Starter-Generator (23). Bei einem solchen Antriebsstrang ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass der Starter-Generator (23) mittels zweier separater Antriebsstränge (13, 22; 24, 25) an die Kurbelwelle (6) angebunden ist, wobei einer (24, 25) der Antriebsstränge (13, 22; 24; 25) eine schaltbare Kupplung (29) aufweist und der andere (13, 22) der Antriebsstränge (13, 22; 24, 25) eine schaltbare Kupplung (32) oder einen beim Starterbetrieb des Starter-Generators (23) wirksamen Freilauf (11) aufweist. Ein derartiger Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeugs gewährleistet eine optimale Startfähigkeit des kalten Verbrennungsmotors und erlaubt zudem ein elektrisches Boosten des Verbrennungsmotors.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Drehmoments in einem Hybridantriebsstrangsystem

Номер: DE102012208977A1

Ein Antriebsstrangsystem umfasst einen Verbrennungsmotor und eine elektrische Maschine, die mittels einer Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtung mit einem Getriebe gekoppelt sind. Ein Verfahren zum Betreiben des Antriebsstrangsystems, um ein Drehmoment auf einen Endantrieb zu übertragen, umfasst, dass eine Betriebsdrehmoment-Sicherheitsgrenze festgelegt wird, die eine Standard-Drehmomentsicherheitsgrenze ist. Die Betriebsdrehmoment-Sicherheitsgrenze wird auf eine Überschreitungsgrenze gesetzt, wenn eine Motordrehzahl kleiner als eine Schwellenwertdrehzahl ist. Eine Drehmoment-Sicherheitsstörung wird nur dann detektiert, wenn eine kombinierte Drehmomentausgabe von dem Verbrennungsmotor und der elektrischen Maschine an die Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtung von einer Drehmomentanforderung eines Bedieners um einen Betrag abweicht, der größer als die Betriebsdrehmoment-Sicherheitsgrenze ist.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Hybridantriebsstrang mit übersetztem Startermotor und riemengetriebenem Starter-Generator sowie Verfahren zum erneuten Starten einer Kraftmaschine

Номер: DE102012215385A1

Ein Hybridantriebsstrang weist eine Kraftmaschine, einen Startermotor und einen Getriebezug, der den Startermotor mit der Kraftmaschine verbindet, sowie einen Motor/Generator auf. Ein Riemenantrieb verbindet den Motor/Generator mit der Kraftmaschine. Der Antriebsstrang weist eine erste Energiespeichereinrichtung mit einem ersten Betriebsspannungsbereich und eine zweite Energiespeichereinrichtung mit einem zweiten Betriebsspannungsbereich auf, der mit dem ersten Betriebsspannungsbereich zumindest teilweise übereinstimmt. Ein Controller verstellt eine Umschalteinrichtung in einen Ein-Zustand, sodass die erste Energiespeichereinrichtung mit der zweiten Energiespeichereinrichtung verbunden ist, oder in einen Aus-Zustand, in dem die erste Energiespeichereinrichtung von der zweiten Energiespeichereinrichtung getrennt ist. Der Controller bewirkt, dass sich die Umschalteinrichtung in dem Aus-Zustand befindet und der Startermotor und der Motor/Generator mit Energie von der ersten Energiespeichereinrichtung ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Antriebssteuervorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102020207217A1

Eine Antriebssteuervorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug kann die Ansprechempfindlichkeit eines Starts der Übertragung einer Antriebskraft eines Verbrennungsmotors bei einem Neustart des Verbrennungsmotors verbessern. Die Vorrichtung umfasst einen Verbrennungsmotor (2) als eine Antriebsquelle, die Kraft auf ein Antriebsrad (5) überträgt, ein Getriebe (3), das eine Geschwindigkeit einer Drehung des Verbrennungsmotors (2) ändert und die Drehung auf das Antriebsrad (5) überträgt, eine Kupplung (26), die eine Kraftübertragung zwischen dem Verbrennungsmotor (2) und dem Antriebsrad (5) trennt oder ermöglicht, und eine HCU (10), welche die Kupplung (26) in einen gelösten Zustand während der Unterbrechung des Verbrennungsmotors (2) bringt, und, zu einem Zeitpunkt des Neustarts des Verbrennungsmotors (2) bei Erfüllung einer Neustart-Bedingung, ein Schalten einer Gangposition in dem Getriebe (3) von einer neutralen Position zu einer vorbestimmten Fahrposition durchführt, bevor der Verbrennungsmotor (2) in ...

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Doppelkupplung mit Drehschwingungsdämpfer

Номер: DE112010001919A5

15-11-2001 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle control device switches motor generator to generation mode when automatically stopping engine by establishing automatic stop conditions

Номер: DE0010116311A1

A controller switches motor generator to generation mode, when engine of the hybrid vehicle is automatically stopped by establishing automatic stop conditions.

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Regenerative braking controlling method for belt-driven hybrid vehicle, involves calculating target regenerative braking torque, and performing regenerative braking control on the basis of target regenerative braking torque

Номер: DE102005047722A1

The method involves calculating a charging current and a theoretical regenerative braking torque based on a detected state of charge of a battery (12) and charging current, respectively. A target regenerative braking torque is calculated by compensating the theoretical torque depending on a change of a belt temperature. Regenerative braking control is performed based on the target regenerative braking torque. An independent claim is also included for a system for controlling regenerative braking.

11-10-2007 дата публикации

Definierter Verbrennungsmotorbetrieb bei Fahrzeugen mit Hybridantrieb

Номер: DE102006016810A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zur Einstellung von Betriebszuständen einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18), insbesondere einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) eines Hybridantriebes. Der Hybridantrieb umfasst neben der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) mindestens einen E-Antrieb (20), einen Hybridkoordinator (10) und ein der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) zugeordnetes Steuergerät (12, 30), in dem Funktionen (38, 40, 42) implementiert sind. Die Funktionen (38, 40, 42) fordern ihre Lauffähigkeit begünstigende Betriebszustände (58) für die Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) beim Hybridkoordinator (10) an, der eine dementsprechende Änderung der Leistungsverteilung zwischen der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (18) und dem mindestens einen E-Antrieb (20) vornimmt.

18-11-2010 дата публикации

Steuerung eines Generator-Starters für ein Hybridelektrofahrzeug mit einer unterbrochenen Hochspannungsbatterie

Номер: DE102010010124A1

Ein Hybridantriebsstrangsystem umfasst eine Elektromotor/Generator-Einheit mit einer mehrphasigen asynchronen AC-Maschine, die mit einem mehrphasigen Brückengleichrichter/Wechselrichter elektrisch verbunden ist. Ein Hochspannungskondensator ist zwischen positiven und negativen Seiten eines DC-Hochspannungs-Leistungsbusses elektrisch verbunden. DC-Hochspannungsbus-Vorladungsschaltungen sind zwischen Gatetreiber-Vorspannungsleistungsversorgungen und dem mehrphasigen Brückengleichrichter/Wechselrichter elektrisch verbunden. Eine Niederspannungsbatterie lädt den DC-Hochspannungs-Koppelkondensator über die Gatetreiber-Vorspannungsleistungsversorgungen und die DC-Hochspannungsbus-Vorladungsschaltungen auf elektrische Weise auf, wenn das Hochspannungs-Energiespeichersystem von dem DC-Hochspannungs-Leistungsbus getrennt ist.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Elektrisches Anfahren eines Hybridfahrzeugs mit einem riemengetriebenen Starter/Generator und einem Doppelkupplungsgetriebe

Номер: DE102011103188B4

Verfahren (100) zum Bereitstellen eines rein elektrischen (EV) Anfahrmodus in einem Fahrzeug (10), das ein Gaspedal (15), eine Maschine (12) mit einer Kurbelwelle (20), eine Motor/Generator-Einheit (MGU) (16), ein Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (DCT) (24) mit einer Kupplung (26B) für ungeradzahlige Gänge und einer Kupplung (26A) für geradzahlige Gänge aufweist, wobei das Fahrzeug (10) ausgebildet ist, um die Kurbelwelle (20) unter Verwendung von Motordrehmoment von der MGU (16) selektiv zu rotieren, wobei das Verfahren (100) umfasst, dass:Motordrehmoment von der MGU (16) verwendet wird, während die Maschine (12) ausgeschaltet ist, um eine Drehzahl (N) der Kurbelwelle (20) auf über eine kalibrierte Anfahrdrehzahl zu erhöhen, wenn eine minimale Schwellenkraft (F) auf das Gaspedal (15) aufgebracht wird (104);ein Betrieb einer bestimmten Kupplung (26B) der Kupplung (26B) für ungeradzahlige Gänge und der Kupplung (26A) für geradzahlige Gänge gesteuert wird, bis das Eingangsdrehmoment (T) in das DCT ...

12-12-2002 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Steuern eines Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE0010222425A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Antriebssystem zur Verwendung in einem Hybridfahrzeug, das einen Verbrennungsmotor, einen elektrischen Motor/Generator, der im Betrieb mit dem Verbrennungsmotor und einem elektrischen Speichermedium gekoppelt ist, und einen Antriebssystem-Controller zum Betätigen des Antriebssystems umfasst. Der Antriebssystem-Controller verändert die Betriebszustände des elektrischen Motor/Generator-Systems in Abhängigkeit von den Betriebszuständen des Fahrzeugs. Der Antriebssystem-Controller verändert die Betriebszustände des elektrischen Motors/Generators während einer Anlasssequenz des Verbrennungsmotors.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug mit thermisch beanspruchter elektrischer Maschine

Номер: DE102014017441B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Kraftfahrzeug (1), aufweisend: – einen Verbrennungsmotor (4) zum Antreiben des Kraftfahrzeugs (1), – eine elektrische Maschine (6), welche eine thermische Kapazität aufweist, durch welche in einem Volllastbetrieb der elektrischen Maschine (6), in welchem eine in der elektrischen Maschine (6) bereitgestellte Kühlleistung kleiner ist als eine in der elektrischen Maschine (6) erzeugte thermische Verlustleistung, eine Temperaturreserve bereitgestellt ist und hierdurch die elektrische Maschine (6) im Volllastbetrieb erst dann eine Übertemperatur aufweist, wenn die Temperaturreserve aufgebraucht ist, – eine Steuereinrichtung (12), die dazu ausgelegt ist, die elektrische Maschine (6) in einer Bremsphase des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) als Generator im Volllastbetrieb zu betreiben, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass – eine Überwachungseinrichtung (15) dazu ausgelegt ist, während der Bremsphase einen Restanteil der Temperaturreserve zu ermitteln, wobei die Überwachungseinrichtung (15) dazu ausgelegt ist, eine ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Hybridantriebsstrang mit mechatronischer Aktorbaugruppe und Verfahren zum Steuern derselben

Номер: DE102015121500A1

Ein Antriebsstrang umfasst eine Kraftmaschine mit einer Kurbelwelle, die auf einer ersten Achse rotiert, eine Motor/Generator-Einheit (MGU), ein Riemenantriebssystem, ein Getriebe, eine Aktorbaugruppe und einen Controller. Eine MGU-Rotorwelle rotiert um eine zweite Achse. Die Riemenantriebsbaugruppe weist eine erste Scheibe auf, die mit der Kurbelwelle verbunden ist, eine zweite Scheibe, die selektiv mit der Rotorwelle verbunden ist, und ein endloses drehbares Antriebsbauteil, das die Scheiben verbindet. Das Getriebe ist mit dem Schwungrad über eine Eingangskupplung verbunden. Die Aktorbaugruppe weist eine dritte Achse parallel zu der ersten und zweiten Achse, einen Linearaktor/Linearaktoren, Ritzelräder, die entlang der dritten Achse verlagerbar sind, um selektiv mit dem ersten und zweiten Zahnradbauteil in Eingriff zu gelangen, und Überholkupplungen, um die Ritzelräder von dem ersten und zweiten Zahnradbauteil passiv außer Eingriff zu bringen, auf. Der Controller überträgt Steuersignale ...

30-05-2018 дата публикации

Steuerungsgerät für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102017128263A1

Ein Steuerungsgerät weist einen ersten Beschaffungsabschnitt, der ein erstes Signal beschafft; einen zweiten Beschaffungsabschnitt, der ein zweites Signal beschafft; einen Weckbestimmungsabschnitt, der auf der Grundlage des ersten Signals bestimmt, ob eine Startanweisung bereitgestellt worden ist, der ein Leistungszufuhrzulassungssignal ausgibt, wenn bestimmt wird, dass die Startanweisung bereitgestellt wird, und der die Ausgabe des Zulassungssignals stoppt, wenn bestimmt wird, dass die Startanweisung nicht bereitgestellt wird; einen Antriebssteuerungsabschnitt, der durch Leistungszufuhr betrieben wird; und einen Leistungszufuhrabschnitt auf, der die Leistungszufuhr zu dem Antriebssteuerungsabschnitt startet, wenn das Zulassungssignal eingegeben wird, und diese stoppt, wenn die Eingabe des Zulassungssignals gestoppt wird. Nach Starten der Leistungszufuhr bestimmt der Antriebssteuerungsabschnitt auf der Grundlage des zweiten Signals, ob eine Startbedingung erfüllt ist. Wenn bestimmt wird ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Hybridantriebsmodul für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102017218744A1

Hybridantriebsmodul (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, wobei das Hybridantriebsmodul (1) ein Gehäuse (GG), einen Drehmomentwandler (TC), sowie eine elektrische Maschine mit einem Rotor (R) und einem Stator (S) aufweist, wobei der Rotor (R) auf einem Rotorträger (RT) angeordnet ist, welcher mit einer Nabe (N) fest verbunden ist, wobei die Nabe (N) über zumindest ein erstes Lager (L1) drehbar gelagert und in radialer und axialer Richtung an einem Lagerschild (LS) abgestützt ist, wobei die Nabe (N) über eine Nietverbindung (RI) oder eine Schraubverbindung mit einem Wandlergehäuse (TCH) des Drehmomentwandlers (TC) drehfest verbunden ist, sowie Antriebsstrang für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einem solchen Hybridantriebsmodul (1).

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer elektrischen Maschine sowie Kraftfahrzeug mit Verbrennungskraftmaschine und elektrischer Maschine

Номер: DE102011010090B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer elektrischen Maschine (14), die über ein einen Freilauf (32) umfassendes Getriebe (18, 16) mit einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) gekoppelt ist, wobei es der Freilauf (32) ermöglicht, dass die elektrische Maschine (14) die Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) überholt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Überholen der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) aus deren laufendem Betrieb heraus durch die elektrische Maschine (14) in Abhängigkeit von einem Füllzustand eines Kraftstofftanks (42) zum Bereitstellen von Kraftstoff für die Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) bewirkt wird.

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Regelung eines Fahrzeuggetriebes

Номер: DE0060023997T2

16-05-2007 дата публикации

System zur Steuerung eines Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE0060034168D1

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Hybridfahrzeugs, das einen Verbrennungsmotor mit variabler Auslassventilbetätigung umfasst

Номер: DE102019113745A1

Es ist ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Hybridfahrzeugs vorgesehen. Eine Brennkraftmaschine des Hybridfahrzeugs umfasst einen Verbrennungsmotor, der einen Brennraum ausbildet, und einen eine Abgasnachbehandlungseinrichtung integrierenden Abgasstrang, wobei ein Ausbringen von Abgas aus dem Brennraum mittels eines Auslassventils steuerbar ist. Das Auslassventil ist mittels einer Ventilbetätigungsvorrichtung betätigbar, die derart ausgebildet ist, dass mittels dieser im Betrieb des Verbrennungsmotors die Ventilöffnung des Auslassventils während des Ausstoßtakts veränderbar ist. Mit einer Inbetriebnahme des Kraftfahrzeugs wird ein Startbetrieb des Kraftfahrzeugs ausgelöst, bei dem vorzugsweise auch unmittelbar der Verbrennungsmotor der Brennkraftmaschine in Betrieb genommen wird. Der Verbrennungsmotor wird dabei in einem Heizbetrieb betrieben, bei dem zur Erzielung einer relativ hohen Temperatur des aus dem Brennraum ausgebrachten Abgases die während eines Ausstoßtakts des Verbrennungsmotors ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Getriebeeinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019201637A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Getriebeeinrichtung (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (2), die eine mit einer Antriebseinrichtung (6) des Kraftfahrzeugs (2) wirkverbindbare Eingangswelle (3) sowie eine erste Ausgangswelle (4) und eine zweite Ausgangswelle (5) aufweist und über ein als Planetengetriebe ausgestaltetes Drehmomentverlagerungsgetriebe (13) verfügt, über das die Eingangswelle (3) mit der ersten Ausgangswelle (4) und der zweiten Ausgangswelle (5) gekoppelt ist. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass ein Planetenträger (14) des Planetengetriebes mit der Eingangswelle (3) und der ersten Ausgangswelle (4) drehfest gekoppelt und ein Hohlrad (17) des Planetengetriebes mit der zweiten Ausgangswelle (5) drehfest und/oder über ein Verstärkungsplanetengetriebe (27) gekoppelt ist, wobei ein Sonnenrad (18) des Planetengetriebes über eine Schaltkupplungsanordnung (19) antriebstechnisch an eine elektrische Maschine (20) angeschlossen ist.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren für eine kombinierte elektrische und mechanische Nutzung der Energie einer Expansionsmaschine

Номер: DE102015009636A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung V, vorzugsweise für ein Kraftfahrzeug, insbesondere ein Nutzfahrzeug. Die Vorrichtung V umfasst einen Verbrennungsmotor 1, eine Expansionsmaschine 3 und einen Generator 4 und zeichnet sich insbesondere dadurch aus, dass die Expansionsmaschine 3 und der Generator 4 sowohl untereinander als auch jeweils mit dem Verbrennungsmotor 1 über eine Transmission 2 wirkverbindbar sind, um eine wahlweise elektrische Nutzung und mechanische Nutzung der Energie der Expansionsmaschine 3 zu ermöglichen. Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein entsprechendes Betriebsverfahren.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Hybridantriebseinrichtung sowie entsprechende Hybridantriebseinrichtung

Номер: DE102014015469A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Hybridantriebseinrichtung (2), die eine Brennkraftmaschine (3) sowie eine mit der Brennkraftmaschine (3) wirkverbindbare oder wirkverbundene, als Motor und als Generator betreibbare elektrische Maschine (4) aufweist, wobei in einer Normalbetriebsart eine Temperatur der elektrischen Maschine (4) mittels eines Temperatursensors (14) ermittelt und ein Betrieb der elektrischen Maschine (4) nur dann zugelassen wird, wenn die Temperatur kleiner als eine vorgegebene Maximaltemperatur ist. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass bei einem Defekt des Temperatursensors (14) eine Notfallbetriebsart durchgeführt wird, in welcher ein Betrieb der elektrischen Maschine (4) nur mit begrenzter Leistung, begrenztem Drehmoment und/oder über eine begrenzte Zeitspanne zugelassen wird. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine Hybridantriebseinrichtung (2).

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Steuereinheit und Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Hybridantriebs mit einem Schleppmoment-reduzierten Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE102019107775A1

Es wird eine Steuereinheit für einen Hybridantrieb beschrieben, der einen Verbrennungsmotor und eine elektrische Maschine umfasst. Die Steuereinheit ist eingerichtet, zu veranlassen, dass ein oder mehrere Schleppmoment-reduzierende Maßnahmen des Verbrennungsmotors in Vorbereitung auf eine Befeuerung des Verbrennungsmotors beendet werden. Außerdem ist die Steuereinheit eingerichtet, die elektrische Maschine zu veranlassen, eine durch das Beenden der ein oder mehreren Schleppmoment-reduzierenden Maßnahmen bewirkte Erhöhung des Schleppmoments des Verbrennungsmotors zumindest teilweise zu kompensieren.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Trennkupplung in einem Antriebsstrang mit zwei Antriebseinheiten

Номер: DE102019124776A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Trennkupplung (6) eines Antriebsstrangs (1) mit einem mittels eines Betätigungssystems (5) entlang eines axialen Betätigungswegs zwischen einem Eingangsteil (10) und einem Ausgangsteil (13) ausbildenden Reibeingriff, wobei das Eingangsteil (10) der Trennkupplung (6) mit einer ersten Welle (9) einer ersten Antriebseinheit (2) und das Ausgangsteil (13) dieser mit einer zweiten Welle (12) einer zweiten Antriebseinheit (3) drehschlüssig verbunden ist und in dem Antriebsstrang (1) zumindest eine, den Betätigungsweg unter Momenteinfluss zumindest einer der Antriebseinheiten (2, 3) axial begrenzt ändernde schrägverzahnte Zahnradverbindung (14) vorgesehen ist. Um die Trennkupplung (6) zuverlässig betreiben zu können, wird eine momentenbedingte Wegänderung des Betätigungswegs korrigiert.

25-11-2010 дата публикации

Systeme und Verfahren für einen Autostart von Hybridfahrzeugen

Номер: DE102009037191A1

Ein Steuerungssystem für einen Motor enthält ein Motor-Steuerungsmodul (ECM), das in einem ersten Modus und einem zweiten Modus arbeitet. Das ECM erzeugt ein Leerlaufdrehzahlsignal und ein Getriebelastsignal, das auf einer Leerlaufdrehzahl des Motors basiert. Das Hybrid-Steuerungsmodul (HCM) erhöht ein Drehmoment eines Elektromotors, um eine aktuelle Drehzahl des Motors zu erhöhen, basierend auf dem Leerlaufdrehzahlsignal und dem Getriebelastsignal. Das HCM steuert die aktuelle Drehzahl, wenn es im ersten Modus ist. Das ECM steuert die aktuelle Drehzahl, wenn es im zweiten Modus ist. Das HCM transferiert eine Steuerung der aktuellen Drehzahl auf das ECM, wenn die aktuelle Drehzahl mit der Leerlaufdrehzahl übereinstimmt und/oder eine Verbrennungsdrehmomentabgabe des Motors gleich einem angeforderten Kurbelwellen-Ausgangsdrehmoment ist.

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Steuervorrichtung für Hybridfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0010361031A1

Eine Steuervorrichtung für Hybridfahrzeuge, st vorgesehen, in der ein besonderer Motor in dem Fall, in dem ein Fahrzeug ein Hybridfahrzeug ist, verwendet wird, um sogar dem Fall ruhig begegnen zu können, in dem eine Anforderung zur Verringerung eines Eingangsdrehmoments zu einem Automatikgetriebe nacheinander zweimal gemacht wird. DOLLAR A Die Steuervorrichtung hat eine Drehmomentverringerungssteuerungsvorrichtung zum Ausführen einer Drehmomentverringerungssteuerung, durch die ein Eingangsdrehmoment eines Automatikgetriebes verringert wird, mittels einem negativen Drehmomentausgangs mindestens einmal von einem Motor in dem Fall, in dem die Drehmomentverringerungssteuerung nacheinander zweimal oder öfters ausgeführt wird. Daher ist es möglich, einen Stoß, der zur Zeit einer Drehzahländerung verursacht wird, ebenso wie sogenannte Getriebegeräusche zu beseitigen, womit ein stark verbessertes Fahrgefühl möglich ist.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Über Nebentrieb verbundener Hybridantrieb

Номер: DE102011013746A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Hybridantrieb 1 für ein Fahrzeug, insbesondere ein Nutzfahrzeug. Der Hybridantrieb 1 umfasst eine Primäreinrichtung 10, die zur primären Energieversorgung vorgesehen ist und die einen Haupttrieb 11 und zumindest einen Nebentrieb 12 aufweist. Der Hybridantrieb 1 umfasst ferner eine Sekundäreinrichtung 20, die zur sekundären Energieversorgung und zur Umwandlung von Energie vorgesehen ist. Die Sekundäreinrichtung 20 ist mit dem zumindest einen Nebentrieb 12 verbindbar, um der Sekundäreinrichtung 20 umzuwandelnde Energie über den zumindest einen Nebentrieb 12 bereitzustellen und/oder um dem Antriebsstrang des Fahrzeugs umgewandelte Energie aus der Sekundäreinrichtung 20 über den zumindest einen Nebentrieb 12 bereitzustellen.

08-04-2010 дата публикации

Torque transmission unit for motor vehicle, has shift clutch provided with clutch inlet part, where rotatable connection of clutch inlet part and secondary part of torsion damper is implemented as connection assembly

Номер: DE102008042636A1

The transmission unit (10) has an electrical machine (14) arranged coaxially to a torsion damper (12) and provided with a stator (50) and a rotor (44). A shift clutch (16) e.g. wet running clutch, includes a clutch inlet part (62) rotatably connected with a secondary part (26) of the torsion damper and a clutch outlet part (80) that is connected indirectly with an outlet shaft (84). The rotatable connection of the clutch inlet part and the secondary part of the torsion damper is implemented as a connection assembly (64). An independent claim is also included for a method for assembling a torque transmission unit at a vehicle with an internal combustion engine.

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009039273B4

Eine Fahrzeuggetriebe-Steuervorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug, in dem eine Maschine (1) und ein Getriebe (2) miteinander verbunden sind durch die Vermittlung einer ersten Kupplung (3), und das Getriebe (2) enthält eine Getriebeeingangsachse (201), einen Verhältnisänderungsgang und eine zweite Kupplung (4), die die Getriebeeingangsachse (201) mit dem Verhältnisänderungsgang verbindet, mit einer Sekundärbatterie (6), angebracht in dem Fahrzeug; einem Motorgenerator (5), der gekoppelt ist mit der Maschine (1) mittels eines Riemens (51), der versorgt wird mit elektrischer Leistung durch die Sekundärbatterie (6), so dass er als Motor zum Antreiben der Maschine (1) betrieben wird, und der angetrieben wird durch die Maschine (1), so dass er als ein Generator zum Laden der Sekundärbatterie (6) betrieben wird; einer Motorgeneratorantriebs-Steuereinheit (21), die den Motorgenerator (5) steuert; einem ersten Kupplungsaktor (9), der die erste Kupplung (3) verbindet oder freigibt; einem zweiten Kupplungsaktor ...

14-12-2011 дата публикации

Multispeed spur gear transmission with a planetary gear stage

Номер: GB0002481102A

A multispeed spur gear transmission 1 comprises a spur gear pair 4 for each gear ratio, a clutch bell 5 with clutch device 6 for coupling a transmission input 7 to a motor output shaft, at least one transmission drive shaft B and a transmission output shaft 9 for receiving the spur gear pairings 4 and a transmission output 10 with an output gear 11 on the transmission output shaft 9. Between the clutch bell 5 and the transmission input 7 is a planetary gear stage 3 having a planetary gear cage 12 comprising a spur gear rim 13 which meshes with at least one first spur gear 23 of a rotor shaft 15 of an electrodynamic device, e.g. an electric motor/generator 16. Torque assist or bridging or boosting may be provided by braking/releasing internal gear 20. In another embodiment a synchronizing device may be provided on the rotor shaft 15 so that one or another of two gears may be engaged and the electric motor/generator 16 acts as a starter motor.

16-09-2015 дата публикации

Belt slip monitor

Номер: GB0002524023A

A belt slip monitor 100 for a belt 102, preferably a drive belt, coupled to a motor-generator, preferably an integrated starter generator, comprises: a first movable portion 106; a second movable portion 108 movably coupled to the first movable portion 106 and the belt 102 such that operational states of the first and second movable portions 106, 108 are dependent upon the tension in the belt 102; first and second sensors (118a, 118b & 120a, 120b, figs 2 to 4b) configured to determine the operational state of the first and second movable portions 106, 108; wherein the belt slip monitor 100 is configured to determine whether the belt 102 is slipping based on the operational state of the first and second movable portions 106, 108. The sensors may be angular position sensors 118a, 120a and/or strain gauges 118b, 120b. The first and second movable portions 106, 108 may be rotatably and/or slidably coupled. The torque of the motor generator may be adjusted so that the belt does not slip.

23-07-2008 дата публикации

A hybrid electric vehicle powertrain

Номер: GB0000810971D0

02-09-2015 дата публикации

A method of removing sulfur from a lean NOx trap

Номер: GB0201512890D0

03-12-2003 дата публикации

An apparatus and method of controlling vehicle creep Control Under Braking

Номер: GB0002389199A

A method for controlling vehicle creep control. Measurements are received from a brake pedal sensor (106a), where the measurements are indicative of a brake pedal travel. A target creep speed value is derived based on the measurements of creep speed and the brake pedal travel. A request for wheel torque is derived based on the target creep speed. There is a determination of the difference between a measurement of vehicle creep speed and the target creep speed value. The request for wheel torque is adjusted, if the target creep speed is not equivalent to the vehicle creep speed.

12-07-1989 дата публикации

Friction clutch unit

Номер: GB0002211899A

A friction clutch unit comprises a separator clutch 1 and a starting and change-speed clutch 2. Such systems are used to start the internal combustion engine through a starter generator and the separator clutch and to disconnect it in all operating conditions where no drive is required. The starting and change-speed clutch 2 is a diaphragm spring clutch of pulled-type, and following upon the normal release distance, after travelling of a predetermined additional distance X the separator clutch 1 is actuated. Thus the actuation of both clutches can take place with one single release system.

20-08-2003 дата публикации

A vehicle motor alignment

Номер: GB0002347401B

05-11-2003 дата публикации

Integrated starter alternator prevents engine stall

Номер: GB0002388261A

A system for preventing stall of a vehicle engine 10 comprises an integrated starter alternator 24 operably connected with the engine. The integrated starter alternator is capable of selectively operating as a starter motor for transmitting torque to the engine and as an alternator for producing electric energy. The system also includes at least one electric energy storage device 26,30 in electrical communication with the integrated starter alternator. The system further includes at least one controller 48 in electrical communication with the integrated starter alternator. The system includes at least one sensor 62 operably connected with the engine sending a signal indicative of engine performance to the controller. The controller compares the signal to a predetermined condition indicative of engine stall and controls the electric energy storage device and the integrated starter alternator to transmit a torque to the engine sufficient to prevent engine stall.

15-06-2005 дата публикации

Method for controlling a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0000509466D0

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle powertrain having an annular electric motor disposed around a driveshaft and a clutch operating mechanism radially inset from the motor

Номер: GB0002509084A

A hybrid vehicle powertrain (1) including a transmission (7) and an internal combustion engine (3). A drive shaft (15) is provided for transferring torque from the internal combustion engine (3) to the transmission (7). An electric traction motor (5) is also drivingly coupled to the transmission (7).The electric traction motor (5) has an annular transverse cross-section and is disposed around the drive shaft (15). A clutch (21) is provided for selectively coupling the drive shaft (15) to said internal combustion engine (3). The clutch (21) has a clutch operating mechanism (37) radially inset from the electric traction motor (5). The clutch (21) can be a pull-type clutch (31). The invention also relates to a casing (10) for a hybrid vehicle powertrain (1).

12-04-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle power system

Номер: GB0002543043A

The invention provides a power system and a method wherein an alternator is coupled during sailing such that a vehicle is coasting with the engine off. The alternator is enabled to be driven as a generator even when disconnected from the engine. The invention is particularly to improve performance in a passenger car comprising: an internal combustion engine 30 comprising an output shaft 31; a drive train for driving at least one wheel 27 of the comprising a first drive train shaft 23; 24; an alternator 30; and a coupling arrangement. A first coupling 41,42 is provided for coupling the alternator 30 with the output shaft 11. A drive train coupling 51, 52 is provided for coupling the alternator 30 with the first drive train shaft 23; 24. The coupling arrangement is automatically operates the alternator 30 by the first drive train shaft 23,24 coupled thereto while the internal combustion engine 30 is off. Alternator load or speed may be controlled during gear shifting.

04-03-2020 дата публикации

A controller for controlling an engine of a vehicle

Номер: GB0202000919D0

26-02-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle engine idling control

Номер: GB0202000307D0

03-06-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling an electric machine

Номер: GB0202005804D0

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Hybrid drive kit

Номер: GB0000901802D0

02-03-2016 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to mild hybrid vehicles

Номер: GB0201600758D0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

A dual-strutured electric drive and power system for hybrid vehicles

Номер: AP2015008215A0

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009092A0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

A dual-strutured electric drive and power system for hybrid vehicles

Номер: AP0201508215A0

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609092A0

25-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398188B

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362582T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463379T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457424T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538965T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000544647T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507693A1

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000221472T

15-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000203583T

26-04-2000 дата публикации

Motor vehicle

Номер: AU0001261900A

29-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002324191A1

The control apparatus of the present invention is provided in a hybrid vehicle with a combustion engine for outputting a driving force, an electric motor for generating a force for assisting the output from the engine, depending on the driving conditions, a power storage unit for storing electric energy generated by the motor acting as a generator using the output from the engine and electric energy regenerated by the motor when the vehicle decelerates. The control apparatus comprises: an output assistance determining device for determining whether to assist the output from the engine by the motor; a generation controller for setting the amount of generation by the motor and performing the generation by the motor when the output assistance determining device determines that the motor is not to assist the output from the engine; and a generation limiter for limiting the amount of generation set by the generation controller.

27-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002460478A1

A trouble detector of a vehicle having a deceleration idling-cylinder engine capable of idling a part of the cylinders by allowing the hydraulic pressure of hydraulic oil to close both an intake valve and an exhaust valve and releasing the closed state of both the intake valve and the exhaust valve by allowing the hydraulic pressure of the hydraulic oil to relatively act on the cylinder idling releasing side route, characterized by comprising a hydraulic pressure condition determination means for determining whether or not an output value from a POIL sensor for detecting a hydraulic pressure in a cylinder idling releasing side route can meet the requirements of the thresholds of the hydraulic pressure of the hydraulic oil in each operating state of the vehicle (Steps S204, S212) and an abnormality determination means for determining to be abnormal when the hydraulic pressure of the hydraulic oil is determined not to meet the requirements of the thresholds of the hydraulic pressure of the ...

05-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002495153A1

An air conditioning device for a vehicle having a regenerative section. The air conditioning device comprises a first compressor (6) connected to an output shaft (la) of an engine (1) via an electromagnetic clutch (5), a motor- generator (2) for electrially recovering kinetic energy of the vehicle (100) during decelelation, a battery (9) for stoning energy regenerated by the motor- generator (2), and a second compressor driven by an electric motor (13). When the vehicle (100) is in a deceleration state, the first compressor (6) is disconnected from the engine (1) by disengaging the electromagnetic clutch (5), and air conditioning performed by the motor-driven second compressor (13).

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid electric working vehicle and control method thereof

Номер: US20120022734A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to a hybrid working vehicle which determines the change of load by using a displacement of a flyweight or flyball in a governor, and controls a motor-generator according to the change of load, and a control method thereof. The hybrid working vehicle detects the change of load based on the displacement of the flyweight or flyball measured by a displacement measuring device, operates a motor-generator as a motor to supplement the power in a case where the load increases, and operates the motor-generator as an electric generator to collect energy in a case where the load decreases. In this way, revolution per minute (RPM) of a diesel engine may be detected rapidly and accurately based on the displacement of the flyweight or flyball without installing any complicated apparatus such as a torque measuring device which measures torque of a load, and accordingly controls the motor-generator so as to enhance the energy efficiency of the hybrid working vehicle and to improve the comfortable feeling of a driver.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling a hybrid drive train of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120116624A1
Автор: Ulrich Reith

A method of controlling a hybrid drive train of a vehicle that comprises an internal combustion engine with a drive shaft, an automatic stepped transmission with an input shaft that can be connected, via a clutch, to the engine drive shaft, an electric machine, which can be operated as a motor and a generator, a rotor connected with the engine drive shaft, and a power take-off connected with the engine drive shaft, the power-take-off drives an attached assembly. In order to compensate or at least diminish the inertia-dependent effects of the assembly permanently driven by the power take-off, during a controlled change of the rotational speed of the combustion engine, the inertia-dependent torque of the power take-off and the attached assembly, that is counteracting the rotational speed change, is largely compensated by the torque, counter to this, that is output or absorbed by the electric machine.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and hybrid power system

Номер: US20120135836A1

An operation method of a hybrid vehicle having an automatic manual transmission system adapted to use at least two energy sources is provided with the following steps. Engaging an engine with a starter generator motor such that the engine and the starter generator motor rotate synchronously. Performing a speed changing by using a control unit assembly through controlling rotation speed of the traction motor and a rotation speed of the starter generator motor to a desired rotation speed for the speed changing according to a running state of the vehicle, such that the engine and the traction motor nearly rotate synchronously with the automatic manual transmission system to perform a gear ratio shifting process thereby to perform the speed changing. Controlling an automatic-switching clutch to engage or disengage the engine and the traction motor to achieve a plurality of driving mode for the vehicle.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Electric operating system for operating at least one electric equipment for a work machine and work machine comprising an electric operating system

Номер: US20120292918A1

An electric operating system for operating at least one electric equipment article for a work machine is provided. This electric operating system includes a flywheel generator for generating electric power needed for the operation of the at least one electric equipment article. Further, the system includes a power electronic device connected to the output of the flywheel generator for adapting a voltage level provided by the flywheel generator to a voltage level required for the operation of the at least one electric equipment article. Finally, the system includes a connector device adapted for to be connectable to the power electronic device and the at least one electric equipment article when the at least one electric equipment article is attached to, or arranged at, the work machine for providing the at least one electric equipment article with electric power at the adapted voltage level.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid Wheel Loader

Номер: US20130071214A1

A hybrid wheel loader includes: an engine that includes an output shaft; a motor/generator that includes a rotating shaft directly attached to the output shaft of the engine; a transmission that includes an input shaft attached to the rotating shaft of the motor/generator, and an output shaft; a propeller shaft disposed on an output side of the transmission and driven via the output shaft of the transmission; an electricity storage device; and a control device that stores electricity into the electricity storage device by collecting electrical energy at the motor/generator.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle With Electric Transaxle

Номер: US20130075183A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A vehicle comprises a transaxle, a battery and a load carrying bed. The transaxle includes a casing incorporating a drive train and supporting an axle and includes an electric motor mounted on the casing to drive the axle via the drive train. The battery is provided for supplying electric power to the electric motor. The transaxle and the battery are disposed below the load carrying bed so as to overlap the load carrying bed when viewed in plan.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Front Wheel Traction Assist for General Purpose and Task Oriented Vehicles

Номер: US20130092467A1
Автор: Jager Bill

A vehicle with electric wheel hub motors for one or more wheels for operation to provide drive at low vehicle speeds and to supplement one or more primary drive motors which drive other wheels of the vehicle through all desired vehicle speeds including the low vehicle speeds and vehicle speeds higher than the low speeds. 1. A vehicle having at least two ground engaging wheels comprising one forward wheel and one rear wheel ,an independent electric motor for each respective front wheel to independently drive each respective front wheel,a respective overrunning clutch disposed between each electric motor and each respective front wheel,each overrunning clutch engaging the wheel with the motor when the wheel rotates slower than the motor,each overrunning clutch disengaging the wheel from the motor when the wheel rotates faster than the motor,an electrical battery serving as a power source for the electric motors,a controller for controlling the supply of power to each electric motor,a drive system to drive the rear wheels throughout a range of speeds of the vehicle from a zero vehicle speed to a maximum vehicle speed,each electric motor having a maximum design speed of rotation,at the design speed of each electric motor, the electric motor rotating the front wheel at a speed which corresponding to a low vehicle speed which is less than the maximum vehicle speed.2. A vehicle as claimed in wherein the maximum vehicle speed is pre-selected and the low vehicle speed is in the range of 30% of the maximum vehicle speed.3. A vehicle as claimed in wherein when the vehicle speed exceeds the low vehicle speed claim 1 , the controller reduces power to the electric motors.4. A vehicle as claimed in wherein an internal combustion engine drives the rear wheels.5. A vehicle having at least two ground engaging wheels comprising one forward wheel and one rear wheel claim 1 ,an independent electric motor for each respective rear wheel to independently drive each respective rear wheel,a ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20130096752A1
Принадлежит: PAICE LLC

A hybrid vehicle comprises an internal combustion engine, a traction motor, a starter motor, and a battery bank, all controlled by a microprocessor in accordance with the vehicle's instantaneous torque demands so that the engine is run only under conditions of high efficiency, typically only when the load is at least equal to 30% of the engine's maximum torque output. In some embodiments, a turbocharger may be provided, activated only when the load exceeds the engine's maximum torque output for an extended period; a two-speed transmission may further be provided, to further broaden the vehicle's load range. A hybrid brake system provides regenerative braking, with mechanical braking available in the event the battery bank is fully charged, in emergencies, or at rest; a control mechanism is provided to control the brake system to provide linear brake feel under varying circumstances.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle with cylinder deactivation

Номер: US20130096758A1
Принадлежит: Tula Technology Inc

A variety of methods and arrangements for operating an internal combustion engine and one or more motor/generators in a hybrid vehicle are described. Generally, the engine is operated in a variable displacement or skip fire mode. Depending on the state of charge of an energy storage device and/or other factors, the engine is operated to generate more or less than a desired level of torque. The one or more motor/generators are used to add or subtract torque so that the motor/generator(s) and the engine collectively deliver the desired level of torque. In some embodiments, the engine may be run with a substantially open throttle to reduce pumping losses and improve fuel efficiency.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096759A1

Methods and arrangements for controlling hybrid powertrains are described. In one aspect, an engine is alternatingly operated at different effective displacements. One displacement delivers less than a requested powertrain output and the other delivers more. A motor/generator system is used to add and subtract torque to/from the powertrain to cause the net delivery of the requested powertrain output. In some embodiments, energy added and subtracted from the powertrain is primarily drawn from and stored in a capacitor (e.g., a supercapacitor or an ultracapacitor) when alternating between effective displacements. In another aspect a hybrid powertrain arrangement includes an engine a motor/generator and an energy storage system that includes both a battery and a capacitor. The capacitor stores and delivers electrical energy to the motor/generator unit during operation of the engine in a variable displacement or skip fire mode. 1. A method of controlling a hybrid powertrain to deliver a desired powertrain output , the method comprising alternatingly:operating an internal combustion engine in one or more first effective displacement modes that deliver less torque to the powertrain than the desired powertrain output and controlling at least one motor to add torque to the powertrain to cause the delivery of the desired powertrain output, wherein electrical energy used to drive the at least one motor during addition of torque to the powertrain is drawn from an electrical energy storage device; andoperating the engine in one or more second effective displacement modes that deliver more than the desired powertrain output and controlling at least one generator to subtract torque from the powertrain to cause the delivery of the desired powertrain output, wherein electrical energy generated by the at least one generator during subtraction of torque from the powertrain is stored in the electrical energy storage device; andwherein the motor and generator take the form of at least ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Electromotive drives

Номер: US20130106258A1
Автор: Donald C Miller
Принадлежит: Fallbrook Intellectual Property Co LLC

A transmission having a plurality of tilting balls and opposing input and output discs provides an infinite number of speed combinations over its transmission ratio range. The transmission provides multiple powerpaths and can be combined with electrical components to provide motor/generator functionality, which reduces the overall size and complexity of the motor and transmission compared to when they are constructed separately. In one embodiment, rotatable components of a continuously variable transmission are coupled separately to an electrical rotor and to an electrical stator so that the rotor and stator rotate simultaneously in opposite directions relative to one another. In other embodiments, an electrical rotor is configured to transfer torque to or from a disc that is in contact with a plurality of speed adjusters, while an electrical stator is configured to transfer torque to a shaft that is operationally coupled to the speed adjusters via an idler.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184916A1
Автор: Goodwin Johnathan

An apparatus and method for increasing the fuel efficiency of an internal combustion engine including an electric motor and storage batteries to create a hybrid assist vehicle. The electric motor aids in the rotation of the components of the internal combustion engine including the engine crankshaft or drivetrain, and a control system aids in operation of the electric motor thereby reducing the consumption of fuel by the internal combustion engine. The apparatus and method may be used to provide electrical energy to a device separate from the components of the control system. 1. A method of increasing the fuel efficiency a vehicle having an internal combustion engine the method comprising:(a) receiving an indication to increase the fuel efficiency of the internal combustion engine from a controller;(b) supplying current from a current source to an electrical motor in response to the indication; and(c) rotating a crankshaft of the internal combustion engine with the output of the electrical motor.2. A hybrid vehicle comprising:(a) an automobile having an internal combustion engine having at least one piston associated with a combustion chamber;(b) a crankshaft rotatively and operatively mounted to the piston wherein the reciprocating movement of the piston results in the rotation of the crankshaft;(c) a drive train including a drive wheel operatively connected to the crankshaft for turning the drive wheel of the hybrid vehicle;(d) a throttle sensor;(e) an electric assist motor operatively connected to the crankshaft;(f) at least one storage battery for providing electrical current to the electric assist motor;(g) a controller having a processor and an internal memory and operatively connected to the storage battery;(h) a display for displaying information from the controller to a driver and querying driver;(i) an input device for responding to the query of the controller and for inputting driver selected modes of operation; and(j) an algorithm operable on the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Modular system

Номер: US20130239750A1
Автор: Werner Schiek
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

The present invention relates to a modular system of a drivetrain of a motor vehicle, having an internal combustion engine ( 3 ) which has a dual-mass flywheel ( 5 ) with a hub ( 4 ), having a transmission ( 8 ) and having a hybrid module ( 10 ) which has an electric motor ( 9 ), wherein the transmission ( 8 ) has a transmission input shaft ( 6 ) and the hybrid module ( 10 ) has a hybrid module input shaft ( 7 ), wherein the transmission ( 8 ) or the hybrid module ( 10 ) can be connected alternatively with its respective input shaft ( 6, 7 ) to the hub ( 4 ) of the dual-mass flywheel ( 5 ). Particularly flexible production is made possible in this way.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Power transmitting apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20130267380A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A planetary gear device is provided between a driving wheel and an energy accumulating device. A sun gear of the planetary gear device is connected to an input shaft of the energy accumulating device. A carrier of the planetary gear device is connected to the driving wheel. A torque adjusting device is connected to a ring gear of the planetary gear device. When a regeneration control is not carried out, the torque adjusting device is controlled by a control unit, so that a braking torque generated at the torque adjusting device and applied to the ring gear is controlled in order to make a difference of a rotational speed at a smaller value between the input shaft and the sun gear.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313035A1
Автор: Jenkins, JR. PHILIP JOSEPH

A dual-powered utility vehicle that includes a gasoline engine configured to rotate a first axle that rotates at least a first wheel; an electrical motor configured to rotate a second axle that rotates at least a second wheel; and at least one battery. The at least second wheel also rotates the second axle. The at least one battery is connected to the electrical motor. The vehicle is configured such that when being moved under power from the gasoline engine, the at least second wheel of the electrical drive train is rotated by virtue of its ground contact when the gasoline engine rotates the at least first wheel. Energy created by the at least second wheel rotating is transferred to the at least one battery to recharge the battery and make available for use by the electrical motor to rotate the at least one second wheel when activated to do so. 1. A dual-powered utility vehicle comprising:a gasoline engine configured to rotate a first axle that rotates at least a first wheel;an electrical motor configured to rotate a second axle that rotates at least a second wheel;wherein the at least second wheel also rotates the second axle;at least one battery connected to the electrical motor;wherein the vehicle is configured such that when being moved under power from the gasoline engine, the at least second wheel of the electrical drive train is rotated by virtue of its ground contact when the gasoline engine rotates the at least first wheel; andwherein energy created by the at least second wheel rotating is transferred to the at least one battery to recharge the battery and make available for use by the electrical motor to rotate the at least one second wheel when activated to do so.2. The dual-powered utility vehicle of claim 1 , further an electrical motor controller configured to control the electric motor.3. The dual-powered utility vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a controller in communication with the motor that includes a regeneration mode that causes any ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

vehicle having a recuperation system

Номер: US20130316873A1

A vehicle having an internal combustion engine, a transmission having multiple gears and a transmission input shaft, and a recuperation system for recovering electrical energy, the recuperation system being configured for changing a speed value of the internal combustion engine during a gear change from an actual gear into a setpoint gear to a speed value of the transmission input shaft in the setpoint gear.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318971A1
Автор: Sora Toshio

A controller carries out horsepower control to determine a flow rate of a hydraulic pump based on first characteristics and second characteristics, which each define a maximum input setting of the hydraulic pump by a discharge pressure of the hydraulic pump and a flow rate of the hydraulic pump, and based on the discharge pressure. When the discharge pressure is less than a set pressure and when a state where the discharge pressure is equal to or greater than the set pressure has not continued for a set time period, then the controller determines the flow rate based on the first characteristics, and when the state where the discharge pressure is equal to or greater than the set pressure has continued for the set time period, then the controller determines the flow rate based on the second characteristics. 1. A power source apparatus for a hydraulic actuator , comprising:a hydraulic pump which drives the hydraulic actuator;a generator-motor capable of operating as an electric generator and an electric motor;an engine to which the hydraulic pump and the generator-motor are connected;an electric storage device which is charged by operation of the generator-motor as an electric generator, and which is capable of supplying charged electric power to the generator-motor in order to cause the generator-motor to operate as an electric motor so as to assist driving of the hydraulic pump;a pump pressure detector which detects a discharge pressure of the hydraulic pump as a load pressure of the hydraulic pump; anda controller which implements horsepower control for determining a flow rate for the hydraulic pump on the basis of first characteristics and second characteristics that each define a maximum input setting for the hydraulic pump by the discharge pressure of the hydraulic pump and the flow rate of the hydraulic pump, and the discharge pressure detected by the pump pressure detector,wherein the first characteristics are set in such a manner that maximum input of the pump ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Torque control device of driving source

Номер: US20130345020A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In a driving device of a vehicle provided with driving sources, an input shaft rotatable due to driving force of the driving sources, a continuously variable transmission mechanism that shifts the rotation of the input shaft to be transmitted to an output shaft, and a start clutch for switching presence/absence of driving force transmission from the output shaft to a downstream side; when a ratio of the continuously variable transmission is on a lower ratio side than a predetermined threshold value, the output torque control means for controlling the output torque of the driving sources perform control to restrict the upper limit of output torque of the driving sources to a value smaller than the upper limit when a ratio is on the higher ratio side than the threshold value.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Dual-structured electric drive and power system for hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20140024490A1
Принадлежит: Amitabh Saran, John F. Bangura, Lasse MOKLEGAARD

Disclosed in the present invention is a dual-structured power output apparatus of an electric drive and power system that provides a means for outputting both mechanical power and electrical power. It comprises dual motor/generators having two stator assemblies, two rotor assemblies and a power transmission unit all integrated into a single housing for easy mounting. The power transmission unit is disposed adjacent to the two motor/generators and coupled on both ends to rotating shafts mechanically linked to the rotor assemblies such that they are rotatable relative to each other. It function is to change the rotational speed and torque of at least one of the rotors in order to reduce weight and physical size of the apparatus, and thus significantly improving the power density and capability. The structure of the apparatus is well-suited to improve the performance and fuel efficiency of the prior art hybrid powertrain.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Induction motor-permanent magnet generator tandem configuration starter-generator for hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20140045648A1
Принадлежит: Amitabh Saran, John F. Bangura, Lasse MOKLEGAARD

Disclosed in the present invention is a tandem starter-generator construction that includes an induction motor-generator, a permanent magnet motor-generator and power transmission unit disposed adjacent to the motor-generators. The induction motor-generator is utilized predominantly as a motor to provide mechanical power at relatively high efficiency as a motor, and as a generator to provide electrical power during regenerative braking. The permanent magnet motor-generator is used predominantly as a generator for very high efficiency power conversion and to capture additional electrical power during regenerative braking to compensates for the regenerative energy captured at lower efficiency by the induction motor-generator. Accordingly, the tandem motor-generator construction disclosed herein overcomes the drawbacks of low efficiency of an induction motor-generator operating in regenerative mode and a permanent magnet motor-generator magnetic drag losses during periods of non-utilization at high speeds in order to improve fuel efficiency of a parallel hybrid vehicle.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid powertrain with geared starter motor and belt alternator starter and method of restarting an engine

Номер: US20140052321A1

A hybrid powertrain has an engine, a starter motor, and a gear train that connects the starter motor with the engine, and a motor/generator. A belt drive train connects the motor/generator with the engine. The powertrain has a first energy storage device with a first operating range of voltage and a second energy storage device with a second operating range of voltage at least partially in common with the first operating range of voltage. A controller places a switching device in an on-state so that the first energy storage device is connected with the second energy storage device or in an off-state in which the first energy storage device is disconnected from the second energy storage device. The controller causes the switching device to be in the off-state and the starter motor and the motor/generator to be powered with energy from the first energy storage device to restart the engine.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid work machine and method of controlling same

Номер: US20140074337A1

A hybrid work machine includes an engine, a motor generator connected to the engine, an electric energy storage unit configured to store electric power generated by the motor generator, and a control part configured to control driving of the motor generator. The control part is configured to control the driving of the motor generator so that an assist output of the motor generator increases, based on an external condition of the engine.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001649A1
Автор: BENJEY Robert Philip

An example engine assembly includes: an electric motor including an electric motor drive shaft; a first clutch positioned to apply torque through a first gear set to an internal combustion engine of the engine assembly; and a second clutch positioned to apply torque through a second gear set to a supercharger of the engine assembly. 1. An engine assembly , comprising:an electric motor including an electric motor drive shaft;a first clutch positioned to apply torque through a first gear set to an internal combustion engine of the engine assembly; anda second clutch positioned to apply torque through a second gear set to a supercharger of the engine assembly.2. The engine assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first clutch is configured to engage at a first set of speeds claim 1 , and the second clutch is configured to engage at a second set of speeds.3. The engine assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a dead zone between the first set of speeds and the second set of speeds.4. The engine assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first clutch is further engaged when a direction of rotation of the electric motor drive shaft changes.5. The engine assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first gear set is optimized to transfer torque.6. The engine assembly of claim 5 , wherein the second gear set is optimized to transfer speed.7. The engine assembly of claim 6 , wherein the first gear set provides a 5:1 drive ratio.8. The engine assembly of claim 7 , wherein the second gear set provides a 2:1 drive ratio.9. The engine assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first gear set provides a higher drive ratio claim 1 , and the second gear set provides a lower drive ratio.10. A dual ratio drive assembly claim 1 , comprising:a first clutch positioned to apply torque through a first gear set from an electric motor to an internal combustion engine; anda second clutch positioned to apply torque through a second gear set from the electric motor to a supercharger.11. The dual ratio drive assembly of claim 10 ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Transmission control device and transmission control method

Номер: US20160001769A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A transmission control device ( 4 ) includes: a gear ratio calculating unit ( 4 a ) for calculating a target gear ratio of a transmission ( 2 ) based on a gear ratio control mode, to thereby control the transmission; an electric motor drive torque calculating unit ( 4 b ) for calculating a drive torque of an electric motor ( 9 ) based on the gear ratio control mode when drive of the electric motor ( 9 ) is permitted; and an engine torque calculating unit ( 4 c ) for calculating an output torque of an engine ( 1 ) based on the gear ratio control mode so as to achieve a best fuel efficiency operation state. The gear ratio calculating unit ( 4 a ) switches processing of calculating a gear ratio based on whether or not the drive of the electric motor ( 9 ) is permitted.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method For Operating A Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20200001696A1

A hybrid vehicle is operated with a combustion engine, an electric machine and a gear unit. The vehicle has a first electrical system and a second electrical system as a vehicle electrical system. The first electrical system, which is operated at a higher voltage level than the second electrical system, operates the electric machine, an electrical energy storage device, an energy converter that transmits electrical power at least from the first electrical system into the second electrical system. An alternator is not used in the second electrical system. The first electrical system is a part of a transmission system that together with the components that are coupled to the transmission system is controlled by a transmission control unit. During power generation by the electric machine the energy supply of the second electrical system has a higher priority than a motor-mode support of the drive by the electric machine. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of operating a hybrid vehicle , the method comprising:operating the vehicle with a combustion engine, an electric machine and a gear unit, the gear unit being connected to the combustion engine by way of an input shaft;the vehicle having a first electrical system, a second electrical system being an onboard vehicle electrical system that has a lower voltage level than the first electrical system;operating the first electrical system at a higher voltage level than the second electrical system;operating with the first electrical system the electric machine, an electrical energy storage device, and an energy converter;transmitting electrical power at least from the first electrical system into the second electrical system, and operating the second electrical system without using an alternator;configuring the first electrical system as part of a transmission system, and controlling the transmission system, together components that are coupled to the transmission system, with a transmission control unit;generating power with the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001806A1

In an industrial hybrid engine, an endless rotary band wound around a drive pulley of a crankshaft and a motor pulley of an electric motor for power is provided. The electric motor is attached to an engine body by using a support bracket. A tension mechanism is supported by the support bracket, the tension mechanism tensioning the endless rotary band in a direction in which the endless rotary band is stretched. A second support bracket that supports the electric motor separately from the support bracket is provided. 1. An industrial hybrid engine , whereinan endless rotary band wound around a drive pulley of a crankshaft and a motor pulley of an electric motor for power is provided,the electric motor is attached to an engine body by using a support bracket, anda tension mechanism is supported by the support bracket, the tension mechanism tensioning the endless rotary band in a direction in which the endless rotary band is stretched.2. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is disposed on one side of the support bracket in a direction protruding from the engine body claim 1 , and the tension mechanism is disposed on the other side.3. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 1 , wherein the support bracket is attached to the exhaust manifold disposed side of the engine body.4. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 2 , wherein the support bracket is attached to the exhaust manifold disposed side of the engine body.5. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 1 , wherein the support bracket is attached to a transmission case mounted on one end of a cylinder block.6. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 2 , wherein the support bracket is attached to a transmission case mounted on one end of a cylinder block.7. The industrial hybrid engine according to claim 3 , wherein the support bracket is attached to a transmission case mounted on one end of a cylinder block.8. The industrial hybrid engine ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003440A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Hisaaki
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A vehicle control apparatus comprises an engine, a starter, an accessory battery, and a high-voltage battery. The vehicle control apparatus is equipped with a DC-DC converter that is connected between the accessory battery and the high-voltage battery, a capacitor that is connected to a circuit on a side of the high-voltage battery, a high-voltage battery determination portion, and a startup control portion. The startup control portion executes power boost-startup control, whereby an output voltage of the accessory battery is boosted by the DC-DC converter, the capacitor is charged with necessary electrical energy for starting the engine by using an output voltage of the DC-DC converter, and the starter is driven to start the engine by using the electrical energy charged in the capacitor. 1. A vehicle control apparatus comprising:an engine that serves as a power source of a vehicle;a starter that cranks the engine;an accessory battery that supplies power to an accessory of the vehicle;a high-voltage battery that supplies power to the starter and has an output voltage higher than an output voltage of the accessory battery;a DC-DC converter that is connected between the accessory battery and the high-voltage battery;a boost converter that is connected to be configured to boost an output voltage of the DC-DC converter;a capacitor that is connected to a circuit on a side of the high-voltage battery;a high-voltage battery determination portion that determines whether the high-voltage battery has an abnormality of a failure or an insufficient state of charge; anda startup control portion that starts the engine when a start request for the engine is made,wherein:the startup control portion drives the starter with the output voltage of the high-voltage battery when the high-voltage battery determination portion determines that the high-voltage battery has no abnormality; andthe startup control portion executes power boost-startup control when the high-voltage battery ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008054A1

A hybrid-driven hydraulic work machine maintains the torque of the engine at a prescribed value when the load on a hydraulic pump is higher than the rated power of the engine and the electric assist motor assists the torque of the engine. Control of the engine revolution speed is based on the target revolution speed of the engine; engine load calculation; and at least one of: electric motor power running calculation which calculates a differential revolution speed between the target engine revolution speed and the revolution speed of the engine and performs power running control on the electric assist motor depending on the differential revolution speed when the engine load is a prescribed value or higher; and a hydraulic pump absorption torque calculation which performs reduction control on absorption torque of the hydraulic pump depending on the differential revolution speed when the engine load is a prescribed value or higher. 1767107633644afab. A hybrid-driven hydraulic work machine comprising an engine () , a hydraulic pump () of the variable displacement type which is driven and rotated by the engine () , an electric assist motor () which is linked to the engine () and the hydraulic pump () , a plurality of actuators (-) which are driven by hydraulic fluid delivered from the hydraulic pump () , and a plurality of operation devices ( , ) having operation members and outputting operation signals corresponding to operations on the operation members to cause the actuators to operate , wherein the hybrid-driven hydraulic work machine comprises:{'b': 23', '7, 'revolution speed detection means () which detects revolution speed of the engine ();'}{'b': 11', '7, 'i': 'e', 'a storage device () which has stored a preset engine setup revolution speed of the engine ();'}{'b': 11', '7', '11, 'i': a', 'e, 'target engine revolution speed calculation means () which sets a target revolution speed of the engine () at the engine setup revolution speed stored in the storage device ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Generator motor unit, power output engine, and vehicle

Номер: US20160009185A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A generator motor unit includes a generator motor including a rotor equipped with magnets, and magnetic bodies that protrude from a wall surface, a first stator that makes magnetic flux act on the magnets, thereby generating torque in the rotor, and a second stator that makes magnetic flux act on the magnetic bodies, thereby generating torque in the rotor; and a controller that controls energization of coils of the first stator and the second stator.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009309A1

A parallel hybrid drive train, in particular for a working machine, includes an internal combustion engine (), an electrical machine () and hydraulic aggregates () for driving working devices (-) and for moving the working machine. In order to increase the efficiency, the rotational speed of the internal combustion engine is lowered, that is to say the load point is moved. Increased power requirements are detected via a driver input and provide a desired rotational speed. The electrical machine assists the acceleration of the internal combustion engine to said desired rotational speed. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for the dynamic rotational speed reduction of an internal combustion engine in a mobile working machine , aided by an electric machine , the method comprising:ascertaining a nominal rotational speed of the internal combustion engine;using, aided by the electric machine, a dynamic rotational speed reduction of the internal combustion engine, the electric machine assisting acceleration phases of the internal combustion engine from lower rotational speeds to higher rotational speeds.12. The method as recited in wherein the ascertaining of the nominal rotational speed takes place by evaluating human machine interfaces.13. A hybrid drive train for a mobile working comprising:an internal combustion engine;an electric machine;a hydraulic working machine; anda control unit configured for ascertaining a nominal rotational speed of the internal combustion engine, the hybrid drive train being configured to, aided by the electric machine, use a dynamic rotational speed reduction of the internal combustion engine, the electric machine configured for assisting acceleration phases of the internal combustion engine from lower rotational speeds to higher rotational speeds.14. The hybrid drive train as recited in wherein the hydraulic working machine includes an axial piston pump configured for requesting power from the internal combustion engine or the electric machine.15. ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008979A1

A power shift transmission includes an input shaft and a gear housing including a gear assembly disposed therein. The gear assembly is driven by the input shaft. The transmission also includes an output shaft rotated by the gear assembly. The transmission also includes an auxiliary shaft extending through a portion of the gear housing. The auxiliary shaft is rotated by an internal combustion engine. The transmission also includes a clutch assembly movable from a disengaged position to an engaged position. The clutch assembly includes a first clutch portion coupled to the input shaft and a second clutch portion coupled to the auxiliary shaft. The second clutch portion transmits rotational force to the first clutch portion only with the clutch assembly in the engaged position. The transmission also includes an electric motor including an electric motor shaft in geared relationship with the first clutch portion. 1. A power shift transmission comprising:an input shaft;a gear housing including a gear assembly disposed therein, the gear assembly configured to be driven by the input shaft;an output shaft configured to be rotated by the gear assembly;an auxiliary shaft extending through a portion of the gear housing, the auxiliary shaft configured to be rotated by an internal combustion engine; a first clutch portion coupled to the input shaft; and', 'a second clutch portion coupled to the auxiliary shaft, the second clutch portion configured to transmit rotational force to the first clutch portion only with the clutch assembly in the engaged position; and, 'a clutch assembly movable from a disengaged position to an engaged position, the clutch assembly including'}an electric motor including an electric motor shaft in geared relationship with the first clutch portion.2. The power shift transmission of claim 1 , whereinthe input shaft and the auxiliary shaft are concentric; andat least a portion of the auxiliary shaft is surrounded by the input shaft.3. The power shift ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Hybrid-Type Working Machine

Номер: US20170016206A1

An assist generator motor is driven by an engine to generate power or assists in a drive of the engine by supply of power from an electricity storage device. A revolving electric motor is driven by power supplied from the electricity storage device or supplies regeneration power generated by a regeneration operation to the electricity storage device. The assist generator motor is controlled by a first inverter. The revolving electric motor is controlled by a second inverter. The first inverter and the second inverter are mounted on a support bracket elastically supported on a revolving frame in a position different from a position where the electricity storage device is mounted. 18.-. (canceled)10. The hybrid-type working machine according to claim 9 , said support bracket comprises:', 'a lower side mounting member that is positioned in a lower side in an upper-lower direction and on which one inverter of said first inverter and said second inverter is mounted; and', 'an upper side mounting member that is positioned in an upper side from said lower side mounting member and on which the other inverter is mounted., 'wherein'}11. The hybrid-type working machine according to claim 9 , whereinsaid support bracket is mounted on said vehicle body through a plurality of vibration isolating members.12. The hybrid-type working machine according to claim 9 , 'said first inverter and said second inverter are composed of common components and are formed in the same configuration.', 'wherein'}13. The hybrid-type working machine according to claim 9 , 'one inverter of said first inverter and said second inverter is mounted on an upper surface side, and the other inverter is mounted on a lower surface side in a state of being reversed to said one inverter in the upper-lower direction on a mounting member configuring said support bracket.', 'wherein'}14. The hybrid-type working machine according to claim 9 , said vehicle body comprises a lower traveling structure and an upper ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle driving assembly with transversely placed single power source

Номер: US20190016215A1

The present disclosure discloses a vehicle driving assembly with transversely placed single power source comprising a power source and an automatic transmission. A first intermediate shaft is provided parallel to the input shaft of the automatic transmission. A second intermediate shaft and a third intermediate shaft are individually provided in the directions coaxial with the input shaft and the first intermediate shaft. A first clutch is provided between the first intermediate shaft and the third intermediate shaft. A second clutch is provided between the input shaft and the second intermediate shaft. A first gear on the input shaft and a second gear on the first intermediate shaft are engaged to transmit power. A third gear on the second intermediate shaft and a fourth gear on the third intermediate shaft are engaged to transmit power. A fifth gear on the third intermediate shaft and a sixth gear on the differential are engaged to transmit power. The present disclosure can realize transmission of two speed ratios, make transmission modes flexible, shorten the longitudinal dimension of the driving assembly, and is suitable for vehicles with a compact structure. Since the number of gears being used is small, the transmission structure is simplified.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid driving apparatus

Номер: US20210016765A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A hybrid driving apparatus is provided which enables a driver to sufficiently enjoy a driving feeling of a vehicle driven by an internal combustion engine. A hybrid driving apparatus includes an internal combustion engine that drive main driving wheels, a motive power transmission mechanism transmitting a driving force to the main driving wheels, a main driving electric motor driving the main driving wheels, an accumulator, sub-driving electric motors transmitting motive power to sub-driving wheels of the vehicle, and a control apparatus executing an electric motor traveling mode and an internal combustion engine traveling mode. The control apparatus causes the internal combustion engine to generate the driving force, the internal combustion engine is a flywheel-less engine, and the control apparatus causes the main driving electric motor to generate a torque for maintaining idling of the internal combustion engine in the internal combustion engine traveling mode.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Drive train of a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine and a starter generator

Номер: US20140102253A1
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A drive train ( 1 ) of a motor vehicle has an internal combustion engine ( 2 ) with a crankshaft ( 6 ). A transmission ( 3 ) is connected downstream of the internal combustion engine ( 2 ) to drive at least one axle ( 5 ) of the motor vehicle. A starter generator ( 23 ) is assigned to the internal combustion engine ( 2 ). The starter generator ( 23 ) is attached to the crankshaft ( 6 ) by two separate drive trains ( 13, 22; 24, 25 ). One ( 24, 25 ) of the drive trains ( 13, 22; 24; 25 ) has a shiftable clutch ( 29 ) and the other ( 13, 22 ) of the drive trains ( 13, 22; 24, 25 ) has a shiftable clutch ( 32 ) or a freewheel ( 11 ) that is active during a starter mode of the starter generator ( 23 ). The drive train ensures an optimum start capability of the cold internal combustion engine and additionally permits electric boosting of the internal combustion engine.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023555A1

A vehicle includes an engine, transmission, auxiliary and high-voltage electrical loads, a drivetrain, and an electrical system. The electrical system, characterized by an absence of a DC-DC converter, includes a full-bridge active rectifier/inverter, a semi-active auxiliary rectifier, an MGU connected to the engine via the drivetrain, and a controller. The controller executes a first operating mode in which the bridge rectifier is disabled and the MGU operates as a motor to restart or assist the engine, and a second operating mode in which the MGU is a generator, with the rectifier/inverter powering the HV-ESS and HV electrical load. The auxiliary rectifier provides an auxiliary DC output voltage to the LV-ESS and auxiliary electrical load. Switches may be positioned between a DC bus connection point and the HV-ESS and LV-ESS, with a switch closed and another opened in the first operating mode, and vice versa in the second operating mode. 1. A vehicle comprising:an internal combustion engine having a crankshaft;a transmission having an input shaft that is connected to the crankshaft;an auxiliary electrical load;a high-voltage (HV) electrical load;a drivetrain; and a high-voltage energy storage system (HV-ESS) that is electrically connected to the HV electrical load;', 'a low-voltage energy storage system (LV-ESS) that is electrically connected to the auxiliary electrical load;', 'a polyphase full-bridge active rectifier/inverter having a plurality of semiconductor switches;', 'a polyphase semi-active auxiliary rectifier;', 'a polyphase motor generator unit (MGU) having phase windings that are electrically connected to the HV-ESS via the active rectifier/inverter and to the LV-ESS via the semi-active auxiliary rectifier, wherein the MGU is operatively connected to the crankshaft via the drivetrain; and', 'a controller configured to selectively execute a first operating mode in which the semi-active bridge rectifier is temporarily disabled and the MGU is operated as ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022202A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A hybrid vehicle driving system includes: a generator; a motor; a case which accommodates the generator and the motor; and a power control unit for controlling the generator and the motor, the generator and the motor being disposed side by side on a same axis within the case. The power control unit is mounted on the case by connecting a unit-side generator connector and a unit-side motor connector which are provided on a bottom surface of the power control unit with a case-side generator connector and a case-side motor connector which are disposed on the case, directly and respectively. The case is fixed to a vehicle framework member via a mount member, and a fixing point where the case and the mount member are fixed together is disposed near the case-side generator connector and the case-side motor connector. 1. A hybrid vehicle driving system comprising;a generator which can generate electric power using power of an engine;a motor which is driven by electric power to drive wheels;a case which accommodates the generator and the motor; anda power control unit for controlling the generator and the motor,the generator and the motor being disposed side by side on a same axis within the case,wherein the power control unit is mounted on the case by connecting a unit-side generator connector and a unit-side motor connector which are provided on a bottom surface of the power control unit with a case-side generator connector and a case-side motor connector which are disposed on the case, directly and respectively,wherein the case is fixed to a vehicle framework member via a mount member, andwherein a fixing point where the case and the mount member are fixed together is disposed near the case-side generator connector and the case-side motor connector.2. The hybrid vehicle driving system according to claim 1 ,wherein a distance from the fixing point to the case-side generator connector and the case-side motor connector is shorter than a distance from the fixing point to a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for removing sulfur from a lean nox trap

Номер: US20170022863A1

A method of removing sulfur from a lean NOx trap of a mild hybrid vehicle while the vehicle is stationary is disclosed, the method comprising connecting an electrical system of the vehicle to a large capacity external battery, operating an integrated starter generator driven by an engine of the vehicle as a generator to load the engine thereby allowing the engine to be operated at a higher torque level and rich of stoichiometric and storing the electrical energy produced by the integrated starter generator in the large capacity battery during the time period required for the removal of sulfur from the lean NOx trap.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Combined Electrical And Mechanical Utilization Of The Energy Of An Expansion Machine

Номер: US20170022933A1

An apparatus V and a method, preferably for a motor vehicle, in particular a commercial vehicle. The apparatus V includes an internal combustion engine, an expansion machine and a generator. The expansion machine and the generator can be operatively connected both to one another and in each case to the internal combustion engine via a transmission, in order to make selective electrical utilization and mechanical utilization of the energy of the expansion machine possible. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an internal combustion engine;an expansion machine;a generator,a transmission configured to operatively connect the expansion machine and the generator to one another and to the internal combustion engine via a transmission to make selective electrical utilization and mechanical utilization of energy of the expansion machine.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion machine is part of a waste heat utilization system that converts waste heat of the internal combustion engine into utilizable energy by a steam circuit.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion machine is part of a waste heat utilization system that converts waste heat of an engine backpressure brake system into utilizable energy by a steam circuit.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion machine and the generator are configured to be operatively connected both to one another and in each case to a one of:a crankshaft of the internal combustion engine anda power take-off of the internal combustion engine via the transmission.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the generator is configured as one of:a) a motor/generator to operate selectively as a generator or as a motor, andb) a pure generator.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the generator is connected to a system claim 1 , and the system has at least one of the following:an energy store that can be charged by the generator for storing electrical energy,at least one ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Work Machine

Номер: US20190024342A1

To achieve saving of fuel consumption and noise reduction by adopting a hybrid type and miniaturizing an engine and to ensure safe and reliable battery charging in a case in which a charge amount of a battery is quite insufficient, a hydraulic work machine includes: a gate lock sensor (); a forced charging switch (); a work machine monitor () that notifies an operator that a charging rate of a battery () falls to be lower than a critical charging rate; and a machine controller (). The machine controller () actuates a generator motor () as a generator to forcedly charge the battery () when a gate lock lever () is operated to a lock position (D), an engine control dial () designates a low idle engine speed, and the forced charging switch () is operated. 1. A hybrid work machine comprising:an engine;a hydraulic pump driven by the engine;a plurality of hydraulic actuators driven by a hydraulic fluid delivered from the hydraulic pump;a plurality of operation devices provided within an operation room and issuing commands regarding operations of the plurality of hydraulic actuators;an engine speed designation device that designates a target engine speed of the engine;a governor device that controls a fuel injection amount of the engine in such a manner that an engine speed of the engine is changed in response to the target engine speed of the engine and an output power torque of the engine increases as a load torque of the engine increases;a generator motor coupled to the engine;an electric storage device that supplies and receives electric power to and from the generator motor; anda first controller section configured to actuate the generator motor as an electric motor by supplying the electric power from the electric storage device to the generator motor to perform output power assist, and to actuate the generator motor as a generator by driving the generator motor to rotate by the engine to charge the electric storage device, whereinthe hydraulic work machine further ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032563A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

A control unit has a connection determining unit and a motor switch control unit. The connection determining unit determines whether assistance from a third motor is required or not. The third motor is set to a connected state when the connection determining unit determines that assistance from the third motor is required. The motor switch control unit controls the motor switching mechanism so that the third motor is set to a disconnected state when the connection determining unit determines that assistance from the third motor is not required. 1. A work vehicle comprising:an engine;a hydraulic pump driven by the engine;a work implement driven by hydraulic fluid discharged from the hydraulic pump;a travel device driven by the engine;a power transmission device that transmits driving power from the engine to the travel device; anda control unit for controlling the power transmission device; an input shaft;', 'an output shaft;', 'a gear mechanism that has a planetary gear mechanism and that transmits rotation of the input shaft to the output shaft; and', 'a first motor connected to first rotating elements of the planetary gear mechanism;', 'a second motor connected to second rotating elements of the planetary gear mechanism;', 'a third motor for assisting the first motor and the second motor; and', 'a motor switching mechanism configured to selectively switch between a connected state in which the third motor is connected to the first motor or the second motor and a disconnected state in which the third motor is disconnected from both the first motor and the second motor; and', 'the power transmission device is being configured to change the rotation speed ratio of the output shaft with respect to the input shaft by changing the rotation speeds of the first motor, the second motor, and the third motor, and, 'the power transmission device including'} a connection determining unit that determines whether assistance from the third motor is required or not; and', 'a motor ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031016A1

A method for compensation of a support torque at a combustion engine and transmission which provide an overlay of combustion engine and electric machine. The combustion engine, the electric machine, and a transmission gearset are connected with each other via a planetary gearset, which is positioned in front of a downstream transmission gearset. The invention concerns a transmission gearset of a three-shaft transmission, each with a transmission input shaft for the electric machine, and for the combustion engine, and an output shaft. For the connection or disconnection of the transmission input shaft of the electric machine while driving, the electric machine is used for the synchronization of the input shaft of the electric machine, and the created support torque at the combustion engine is determined, based on this support torque, to match a combustion engine torque and thus to compensate the support torque. 18-. (canceled)9122221453. A method for compensation of a support torque on a combustion engine and transmission () which provide an overlay of combustion engine and electric machine () , wherein the combustion engine , the electric machine () , and a transmission gearset are connected with each other via a planetary gearset (PG) , which is positioned upstream of the transmission gearset , whereby the method concerns a transmission gearset (PG) of a three-shaft transmission () , each with a transmission input shaft for the electric machine () , and for the combustion engine () , and an output shaft () , the method comprising:{'b': 4', '2', '4, 'when connecting or disconnecting the transmission input shaft of the electric machine () during a drive, using the electric machine () for synchronization of the input shaft of the electric machine (), and'}determining the created support torque at the combustion engine to match, based on the support torque, a combustion engine torque (T_Eng) and thus to compensate the support torque.10. The method for the compensation ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031022A1

A vehicle, such as a hybrid vehicle, according to one aspect of the present invention is configured such that: a propeller shaft rotated by an engine is arranged so as to extend in a vehicle body front-rear direction; a drive gear provided at a rear end portion of the propeller shaft and a driven gear configured to rotate together with a differential case of a differential device mesh with each other; a motor or a generator is connected to the differential case so as to transmit power to the differential case; the motor or the generator is arranged at one of vehicle width direction right and left sides of an axis of the propeller shaft; and the differential case is arranged at the other of the vehicle width direction right and left sides of the axis of the propeller shaft. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine;a propeller shaft rotated by the engine and arranged so as to extend in a vehicle body front-rear direction;a drive gear provided at a rear end portion of the propeller shaft; a driven gear meshing with the drive gear,', 'a differential case configured to rotate together with the driven gear, and', 'a pair of left and right side gears accommodated in an accommodating portion of the differential case;, 'a differential device including'}a left axle connecting the left side gear and a left driving wheel through a universal joint;a right axle connecting the right side gear and a right driving wheel through a universal joint; anda motor connected to the differential case so as to transmit power to the differential case, wherein:the motor is arranged at one of right and left sides with respect to an axis of the propeller shaft in a vehicle body width direction; andthe differential case is arranged at the other of the right and left sides with respect to the axis of the propeller shaft in the vehicle body width direction.2. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein:the motor is arranged at the right side with respect to the axis of the propeller shaft in ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031179A1

A vehicle control apparatus to be mounted on a vehicle including an engine includes an electric motor, an electricity storage device, and a motor controller. The electric motor is coupled to the engine and generates motor power. The electricity storage device is coupled to the electric motor through a power supply cable. The motor controller causes execution of an assistance mode. The assistance mode includes controlling the electric motor to a powering state to transmit the motor power to the engine in operation. The motor controller permits the execution of the assistance mode on the condition that a rotation speed of the electric motor is lower than a threshold. The motor controller prohibits the execution of the assistance mode on the condition that the rotation speed of the electric motor is higher than the threshold. 1. A vehicle control apparatus to be mounted on a vehicle including an engine , the vehicle control apparatus comprising:an electric motor configured to be coupled to the engine and generates motor power;an electricity storage device configured to be coupled to the electric motor through a power supply cable; anda motor controller configured to cause execution of an assistance mode, the assistance mode including controlling the electric motor to a powering state to transmit the motor power to the engine in operation,the motor controller being configured to permit the execution of the assistance mode on a condition that a rotation speed of the electric motor is lower than a threshold, andthe motor controller being configured to prohibit the execution of the assistance mode on a condition that the rotation speed of the electric motor is higher than the threshold.2. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a condenser configured to be coupled in parallel to the electric motor.3. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the motor controller prohibits the execution of the assistance mode on a basis of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Coupling Assembly

Номер: US20190032724A1
Автор: MATSCHAS Steffen

A coupling arrangement for the powertrain of a vehicle with a clutch housing () which is rotatable around a central axis is provided with a clutch mechanism () with input-side clutch units () in operative connection with an input-side clutch unit carrier () which is fixed with respect to rotation relative to the clutch housing and with output-side clutch units () which are in operative connection with an output-side clutch unit carrier () which is fixed with respect to rotation relative to a torsional vibration damper (), and with a pressing device () through which an operative connection between the input-side clutch units and the output-side clutch units can be produced or cancelled, and with a torsional vibration damper () connecting the clutch mechanism to an output. The torsional vibration damper is arranged adjacent to an input side () of the clutch housing facing a drive (), and the clutch mechanism is arranged adjacent to an output side () of the clutch housing facing a driven end (). The pressing device () is provided axially between the torsional vibration damper () and the clutch mechanism (). 119-. (canceled)20. A coupling arrangement for the powertrain of a vehicle comprising:a clutch housing having an input side and an output side and which is rotatable around a central axis;a clutch mechanism comprising an input-side clutch units in operative connection with input-side clutch unit carrier which is fixed with respect to rotation relative to the clutch housing and output-side clutch units in operative connection with an output-side clutch unit carrier which is fixed with respect to rotation relative to a torsional vibration damper;a pressing device for producing or cancelling an operative connection between the input-side clutch units and the output-side clutch units;a torsional vibration damper connecting the clutch mechanism to an output; the torsional vibration damper arranged adjacent the input side of the clutch housing facing a drive, and the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034343A1

An electric machine unit () having an electric machine (), having power electronics () mounted thereon, and having a protective cap () for the power electronics (), wherein the protective cap () has a top side and has a side wall () with a free edge (), wherein the side wall () of the protective cap () is, at the free edge (), arranged at least in sections in a groove (). 11102013020130131132131130132121. An electric machine unit () having an electric machine () , having power electronics () mounted thereon , and having a protective cap () for the power electronics () , wherein the protective cap () has a top side and has a side wall () with a free edge () , wherein the side wall () of the protective cap () is , at the free edge () , arranged at least in sections in a groove ().21130140. The electric machine unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the protective cap () is fastened by means of bolts () extending through the top side of said protective cap.31121. The electric machine unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the groove () is formed at least in sections as a U-shaped depression.411201020120121. The electric machine unit () according to claim 1 , having a connection plate () which is arranged between the electric machine () and the power electronics () claim 1 , wherein the connection plate () has the groove ().51121122122130lr. The electric machine unit () according to claim 1 , wherein the groove () has alignment means ( claim 1 , ) which align the protective cap () relative to the electric machine with respect to a rotation about an axis perpendicular to the top side of the protective cap.61122122lr. The electric machine unit () according to claim 5 , wherein the alignment means ( claim 5 , ) comprise at least one groove delimitation.71122122123123lrlr. The electric machine unit () according to claim 5 , wherein the alignment means ( claim 5 , ) have at least one insertion bevel ( claim 5 , ).81131131123123lrlr. The electric machine unit () according to ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Car in P0- or Pl-Configuration

Номер: US20190039448A1

A method for controlling a car with a parallel hybrid system comprising at least a combustion engine and an electrical machine in P- or P-configuration, with a clutch for connecting the combustion engine's output shaft with at least one drive shaft. Steps include determining a power demand P, and decoupling the combustion engine from the drive shaft if the power demand Pis below a first threshold P. Coupling the combustion engine with the drive shaft when the power demand Pis above the first threshold P provides additional fuel savings when the method further comprises shutting off the combustion engine and providing power to the drive shaft by providing electrical power to the electrical machine to drive the car, when the power demand Pis between the first threshold P and a second threshold P. The second threshold P is greater than the first threshold P, i.e. if P Подробнее

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039596A1
Автор: Hawley Thomas S.

Systems and methods provide control the amount of battery SOC of a hybrid vehicle prior to reaching a downgrade section of roadway in order to offset the amount of energy that the hybrid vehicle will recuperate when traveling the downgrade. Navigation systems and methods are used to identify upcoming road conditions, such as downgrades. In this way, the battery SOC of the hybrid vehicle can maintain the capacity to allow a motor of the hybrid vehicle to assist in decelerating the hybrid vehicle during the downgrade if need be. Additionally, a situation where the battery is fully charged before reaching the end of the downgrade is avoided, which if not, could result in overcharging the battery, or having to switch to an engine-only mode of travel, where a driver must supplement engine braking with friction braking. 1. A method comprising:determining a vehicle is approaching a downgrade;determining relevant mass of the vehicle and road load associated with the vehicle;calculating potential kinetic energy available from the downgrade based upon the relevant mass and road load associated with the vehicle, and one or more characteristics of the downgrade; anddepleting a battery of the vehicle such that upon completing travel of the downgrade, a desired battery state of charge is achieved through at operation a motor of the vehicle in a regenerative braking travel mode relative to the potential kinetic energy available from the downgrade.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle comprises a hybrid electric vehicle comprising at least one internal combustion engine and at least one electric motor providing drive power to the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining that the vehicle is approaching the downgrade comprises obtaining navigational information indicative of road conditions of a route along which the vehicle is traveling.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the navigation information comprises at least the one or more characteristics of the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Electricity Storage Device Controller, Electric System and Construction Machine

Номер: US20200039339A1

A relay () connects and disconnects an electrical circuit to which an inverter () and an electricity storage device () are connected. A BCU () controls the electricity storage device (). An HC () controls an electric motor (), the inverter () and the BCU (). The HC () and the BCU () respectively have FET switches () for controlling supply and stop of the excitation current in the relay (). When the electricity storage device () is determined to be in an abnormal state, the BCU () transmits an abnormal signal to the HC (), and when a predetermined time has elapsed, turns off (opens) the first FET switch () of the BCU (). The HC () executes stop processing based upon the abnormal signal received from the BCU () and then turns off (opens) the second FET switch () of the HC (). 1. A construction machine comprising:an electric motor;a hydraulic pump driven by the electric motor;a hydraulic device driven by pressurized oil delivered from the hydraulic pump;an electricity storage device that supplies power to the electric motor;an inverter provided between the electricity storage device and the electric motor to convert the power;a main controller that controls the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic device;an electricity storage device controller that controls the electricity storage device;an equipment controller that controls the electric motor, the inverter and the electricity storage device controller; anda relay connecting or disconnecting an electrical circuit to which the inverter and the electricity storage device are connected, characterized in that:the equipment controller and the electricity storage device controller each include an excitation current control section that controls supply and stop of an excitation current in the relay.2. The construction machine according to claim 1 , whereinwhen a state of the electricity storage device is determined to be an abnormal state requiring the stop of the excitation current in the relay, the electricity storage device ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040808A1

A variable speed hybrid electric supercharger assembly is controlled to regulate an adaptive state of charge of an energy storage device and/or to boost an engine based on a performance mode selected by a driver. In one example, a reference state of charge is determined based upon driving characteristics of a vehicle and compared to an actual state of charge of the energy storage device. If the difference indicates a deficit, an operation mode is selected to regenerate the energy storage device. In another example, a planetary gearing arrangement between an engine and an electric motor is configured to increase or decrease power transferred to the supercharger by the engine based upon the performance mode selected by the driver. 1. A supercharger assembly for an engine , the supercharger assembly comprising:a supercharger configured to provide boost to the engine;an electric motor coupled to the supercharger; and increase power transferred to the supercharger by the engine using the electric motor to increase the boost to the engine; and', 'decrease power transferred to the supercharger by the engine to decrease the speed of the supercharger to decrease the boost to the engine,, 'a planetary gearing arrangement coupled between the engine and the electric motor, the planetary gearing arrangement being configured towherein the boost provided by the supercharger to the engine is controlled based upon a performance mode selected by a driver.2. The supercharger assembly of claim 1 , wherein the performance mode includes one of an economy performance mode and an enhanced performance mode.3. The supercharger assembly of claim 2 , wherein the boost is increased in the enhanced performance mode.4. The supercharger assembly of claim 3 , wherein the electric motor drives the supercharger to increase the boost.5. The supercharger assembly of claim 2 , wherein the boost is decreased in the economy performance mode.6. The supercharger assembly of claim 5 , wherein the planetary ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Construction Machine

Номер: US20200040552A1

A main controller performs automatic stop control to stop an engine in a case where a preset automatic stop condition is satisfied, and includes a power source control processing section controlling power supplied from a capacitor to an electric or electronic facility The power source control processing section estimates a charge amount by which the capacitor is charged by the alternator while an engine is in operation, estimates an electric discharge amount corresponding to power supplied from the capacitor to the electric or electronic facility while the engine is stopped under the automatic stop control, and stops supply of power from the capacitor to the electric or electronic facility when the electric discharge amount is determined to be larger than the charge amount while the engine is stopped under the automatic stop control. This allows reliable suppression of degradation of the capacitor while the engine is under the automatic stop control. 1. A construction machine comprising:an engine;a generator driven by the engine;a capacitor storing power generated by the generator;an electric or electronic facility driven or controlled by power supplied from the capacitor; anda controller performing automatic stop control to stop the engine in a case where a preset automatic stop condition is satisfied, whereinthe controller controlling power supplied from the capacitor to the electric or electronic facility, estimating a charge amount by which the capacitor is charged by the generator while the engine is in operation, estimating an electric discharge amount corresponding to power supplied from the capacitor to the electric or electronic facility while the engine is stopped under the automatic stop control, and stopping supply of power from the capacitor to the electric or electronic facility in a case where the engine is stopped under the automatic stop control and the electric discharge amount is determined to be larger than the charge amount.2. The construction ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046278A1

Disclosed is a hybrid work vehicle capable of smooth work travel using a work device with a low output internal combustion engine, while avoiding battery exhaustion. The vehicle includes an internal combustion engine that supplies drive power to a travel device and a work device via power transmission means, a motor generator that is driven by a battery, a load information generation part that generates load information representing a sudden increase in rotational load, an assist characteristic determination part that determines motor assist characteristics defining an assist amount and an assist time period of assist control based on load information, and a motor control unit that controls the motor generator based on the motor assist characteristics. 1. A vehicle comprising: a transmission provided to the power transmission means;', 'a shift control unit that adjusts a shift ratio of the transmission;', 'a motor generator connected to the power transmission means;', 'a motor control unit that performs motor assist control for assisting the internal combustion engine by outputting power from the motor generator to the power transmission means;', 'a battery that receives charging power using the motor generator, and provides drive power to the motor generator;', 'a load information generation part that generates load information representing an increase in rotational load received by the internal combustion engine; and', 'an assist control determination part that executes the motor assist control, in order to eliminate the increase in rotational load, in priority to mechanical assist control for assisting the internal combustion engine by reducing the shift ratio of the transmission through the shift control unit., 'an internal combustion engine that supplies drive power to a travel device and a work device via power transmission means;'}2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising:a motor assist characteristic calculation part that calculates a motor ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063594A1

A vehicle () has mounted therein an engine (), a first rotating electric machine (), and a second rotating electric machine (). The power of the engine () and the power of the first rotating electric machine () are separately transmitted from different power transmission paths () to drive wheels (). The power of the engine () is also transmitted to the second rotating electric machine () and utilized to generate electrical power. The vehicle () is provided with a connecting/disconnecting mechanism () on the power transmission path () that transmits the power of the first rotating electric machine () to the drive wheels (). A controller () of the vehicle () calculates a requested driving power of the vehicle (), and when the connecting/disconnecting mechanism () is shifted from a disengaged state to an engaged state to deal with an increase in the requested driving power while the engine () is running, makes the second rotating electric machine () power run and transmits power of the second rotating electric machine () to the drive wheels ().

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052510A1

A method of controlling a vehicle with a hybrid powertrain with an engine and a motor/generator includes monitoring net axle torque on the drive axle, monitoring vehicle deceleration rate, monitoring vehicle speed, and controlling the motor/generator to stop rotation of the engine crankshaft when the vehicle speed is non-zero and below a predetermined vehicle speed auto-stop enable threshold if torque percentage braking torque is greater than a predetermined percentage braking torque and the vehicle deceleration rate is greater than a predetermined threshold vehicle deceleration rate. A hybrid vehicle has a controller with a processor that executes a stored algorithm to carry out the method. 1. A method of controlling a vehicle with a hybrid powertrain having an engine with a rotatable crankshaft , a drive axle operatively connected to and driven by the crankshaft , and an electric motor/generator operatively connected to the crankshaft , the method comprising:monitoring, via an electronic controller, engine torque in a first direction of rotation and braking torque in an opposite second direction of rotation;monitoring, via the electronic controller, vehicle deceleration rate;monitoring, via the electronic controller, vehicle speed;controlling, via the electronic controller, the motor/generator to stop rotation of the crankshaft when the vehicle speed is non-zero if a percentage braking torque is greater than a predetermined percentage braking torque and the vehicle deceleration rate is greater than a predetermined threshold vehicle deceleration rate; andwherein the percentage braking torque is based on the monitored braking torque and the engine torque.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said controlling claim 1 , via the electronic controller claim 1 , the motor/generator to stop rotation of the crankshaft occurs only if the vehicle speed is less than a predetermined auto-stop vehicle speed threshold; and wherein the predetermined auto-stop vehicle speed threshold ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047600A1

A power transmission apparatus for a vehicle having an engine and a motor/generator includes first to third input shafts each selectively connected with a motor shaft. A power mediating shaft is coaxially disposed with the first input shaft, and first and second intermediate shafts each are disposed in parallel with the first input shaft. The second intermediate shaft is selectively connected with a transmission housing, and an idle shaft is disposed in parallel with the first input shaft. A first shifting section includes six gear sets disposed on the above shafts and outputs a plurality of intermediate shift-stages shifted from torques received through the first and third input shafts. A second shifting section forms an output torque by combination of torques from the first shifting section and the second input shaft, and an output shaft outputs a torque received from the first and second shifting sections. 1. A power transmission apparatus for a vehicle having an engine with an engine output shaft and a motor/generator with a motor shaft , the power transmission apparatus comprising:a first input shaft selectively connected with the motor shaft;a second input shaft, the second input shaft being hollow and disposed coaxially with and exterior to the first input shaft without rotational interference, and selectively connected with the motor shaft;a third input shaft, the third input shaft being hollow and disposed coaxially with and exterior to the second input shaft without rotational interference, and selectively connected with the motor shaft;a power mediating shaft, the power meditating shaft being hollow and disposed coaxially with and exterior to the first input shaft without rotational interference;a first intermediate shaft disposed in parallel with the first input shaft;a second intermediate shaft disposed in parallel with the first input shaft, and selectively connected with a transmission housing;an idle shaft disposed in parallel with the first input ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074477A1

A vehicle includes an engine, an electric machine, a torque converter, a weldment, an engine disconnect clutch, and a torque converter lockup clutch. The engine has a crankshaft. The electric machine has a rotor. The torque converter has an impeller and a turbine. The weldment is configured to rotate about an axis and to transfer power from the crankshaft and the rotor to the impeller. The weldment has a first hub, a second hub, a torque converter cover, an impeller housing, and a third hub. The engine disconnect clutch is configured to rotatably connect and disconnect the crankshaft to and from the weldment. The torque converter lockup clutch is configured to rotatably connect and disconnect the turbine to and from the weldment. 1. A vehicle comprising:an engine having a crankshaft;an electric machine having a rotor;a torque converter having an impeller and a turbine, the impeller and turbine each having blades;{'claim-text': ['a first hub,', 'a second hub secured to the first hub and disposed radially outward from the first hub relative to the axis, the second hub having first and second protrusions extending axially outward in opposing directions relative to the axis, the first and second protrusions defining first and second sets of splines, respectively, and the second protrusion defining a key,', 'a torque converter cover secured to the second hub and disposed radially outward from the second hub relative to the axis,', 'an impeller housing secured to the torque converter cover, disposed radially inward of the torque converter cover relative to the axis, and disposed on an opposing side of the turbine blades relative the second hub and torque converter cover, wherein the impeller blades are secured to an internal surface of the impeller housing, and', 'a third hub secured to the impeller housing, extending axially away from the torque converter cover relative to the axis, and disposed on an opposing side of the turbine blades relative the second hub;'], '#text ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056984A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

To reduce an error of a phase difference between an angle of a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine and an angle of a rotor of a motor generator, provided are a control device for a hybrid vehicle and a control method for a hybrid vehicle, for detecting the angle of the crankshaft, detecting the angle of the rotor of the motor generator, determining whether or not a condition for ensuring that the error of the phase difference between the angle of the crankshaft and the angle of the rotor of the motor generator is becomes small is satisfied, and calculating the phase difference when the error of the phase difference is determined to be small. 1. A control device for a hybrid vehicle , in which a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine is connected to a motor generator , the control device comprising:a crank angle sensor configured to detect an angle of the crankshaft;a rotor angle sensor configured to detect an angle of a rotor of the motor generator; anda calculation unit configured to determine whether or not a condition for ensuring that an error of a phase difference between the angle of the crankshaft and the angle of the rotor of the motor generator becomes small is satisfied, and to calculate the phase difference when the error of the phase difference is determined to be small.2. The control device for a hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the calculation unit is configured to set the condition claim 1 , for ensuring that the error of the phase difference is made small claim 1 , so as to determine whether or not a number of revolutions of the crankshaft of the internal combustion engine is equal to or larger than a set value and equal to or smaller than another set value.3. The control device for a hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the calculation unit is configured to set the condition claim 1 , for ensuring that the error of the phase difference is made small claim 1 , so as to determine that a number of revolutions of the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Electric energy generation using variable speed hybrid electric supercharger assembly

Номер: US20150066272A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

An example method for selecting between modes of regeneration of an energy storage device of a vehicle includes: determining operating conditions of the vehicle; and when regeneration is appropriate based upon the operating conditions, regenerating the energy storage device, including selecting between a nonperformance-impacting regeneration mode and a performance-impacting regeneration mode.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061510A1

A power system includes an engine, a driveshaft, and an energy storage system having a flywheel. The energy storage system further includes a transmission structured to transfer energy between the flywheel and the driveshaft. The transmission includes a differential geartrain and a variator coupled to the differential geartrain and having a variator input shaft and a variator output shaft rotatable at a range of speed ratios. The variator may be coupled to a sun gear in the differential geartrain and controls a pattern of energy transfer between the flywheel and the driveshaft. 1. A power system for a machine comprising:a driveshaft structured for coupling between an engine and a rotatable load;an energy storage system including a flywheel, and a transmission structured to transfer energy between the flywheel and the driveshaft;the transmission including a differential geartrain having a rotatable input element rotatable at a fixed speed ratio with the driveshaft, and a rotatable output element rotatable at a fixed speed ratio with the flywheel;the differential geartrain further including a rotatable speed control element coupled between the rotatable input element and the rotatable output element; andthe transmission further including a variator having a variator input shaft, and a variator output shaft coupled to the rotatable speed control element.2. The power system of wherein the variator output shaft is rotatable at a range of speeds to vary a speed difference between the rotatable input element and the rotatable output element.3. The power system of wherein the rotatable input element includes a ring gear claim 1 , the rotatable output element includes a carrier claim 1 , and the rotatable speed control element includes a single rotatable speed control element having a sun gear and a plurality of planet gears coupled with the sun gear.4. The power system of wherein the variator includes a hydraulic variator.5. The power system of wherein the variator further ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062238A1
Автор: Hawley Thomas S.

Systems and methods for improving gradeability of a hybrid electric vehicle are described. More particularly, an electric motor of the hybrid electric vehicle may be used to augment engine torque generated by an internal combustion engine of the hybrid electric vehicle with motor torque generated by the electric motor during periods when a desired acceleration of the hybrid electric vehicle demands a target driveforce that exceeds a maximum driveforce generated by the internal combustion engine at a particular gear ratio of the transmission of the hybrid electric vehicle. Augmenting the engine torque with the motor torque during such periods of acceleration may delay a downshift of the transmission to a lower gear ratio thereby improving a driver experience. 1. A method comprising:receiving a request for acceleration of a vehicle;determining whether the request for acceleration requires a target torque generated from an engine of the vehicle to exceed a maximum engine torque of the engine; determining whether a motor of the vehicle is available to augment the torque generated by the engine with a torque generated by the motor,', 'when the motor of the vehicle is available to augment the torque generated by the engine, augmenting the torque generated by the engine of the vehicle with the torque generated by the motor of the vehicle to meet the target torque, and', 'when the motor of the vehicle is unavailable to augment the torque generated by the engine, downshifting a transmission of the vehicle to meet the target torque., 'when the target torque exceeds the maximum engine torque2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether a motor of the vehicle is available to augment the torque generated by the engine with a torque generated by the motor comprises determining whether a state of charge of a battery providing current to the motor of the vehicle exceeds a minimum state of charge for the battery.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining a state of ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling engine stop of hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US20170067432A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

An apparatus and a method for controlling an engine stop of a hybrid electric vehicle are provided to charge the vehicle by advancing control completion time for the engine stop and using inertial energy of the engine. The method includes determining a sensing speed for executing the engine stop when required and determining a value of control timeout based on the sensing speed. A torque is applied to an HSG based on the sensing speed and the value of control timeout is compared with a counter value when the sensing speed is equal to or greater than a predetermined speed. The counter value is increased when the counter value is equal to or less than the value of control timeout. The sensing speed is redetermined, the torque application to the HSG is stopped and the counter value is reset when the counter value is greater than the control timeout value.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070642A1
Автор: Jang Hwa Yong

A control method for a mild type hybrid electric vehicle is provided. The method determining whether a coasting condition is satisfied and initiating coasting when the coasting condition is satisfied. A reacceleration intention is then detected and a torque of a mild hybrid starter & generator (MHSG) is increased in response thereto. A revolutions per minute (RPM) of the MHSG is compared with a RPM of an engine an engagement of the MHSG with the engine is attempted when the RPM of the MHSG corresponds to the RPM of the engine. The RPM of the MHSG is then synchronized with the RPM of the engine. When the MHSG is successfully engaged with the engine, the torque of the MHSG is increased to inject a fuel to the engine. 1. A control method for a mild type hybrid electric vehicle , comprising:determining, by a controller, whether a coasting condition is satisfied;initiating, by the controller, coasting when the coasting condition is satisfied;detecting, by the controller, a reacceleration intention;increasing, by the controller, a torque of a mild hybrid starter & generator (MHSG) when the reacceleration intention is detected;comparing, by the controller, a revolutions per minute (RPM) of the MHSG with an RPM of an engine;attempting, by the controller, an engagement of the MHSG with the engine when the RPM of the MHSG corresponds to the RPM of the engine;determining, by the controller, whether the MHSG is successfully engaged with the engine; andincreasing, by the controller, the torque of the MHSG to inject a fuel to the engine when the MHSG is successfully engaged with the engine.2. The control method for a mild type hybrid electric vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the attempting the engagement of the MHSG with the engine includes synchronizing, by the controller, the RPM of the MHSG with the RPM of the engine; andthe synchronizing of the RPM of the MHSG with the RPM of the engine includes adjusting, by the controller, the torque of the MHSG for a predetermined period of ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle and method pre-fluxing an engine starter motor in a vehicle

Номер: US20200072176A1

A vehicle includes an engine, an electric machine, and a controller. The electric machine is configured to start the engine. The controller is programmed to pre-flux the electric machine with current that has a magnitude that changes as temperature of the engine changes within a predefined range.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

System For Controlling Power Supplied To A Starter Motor

Номер: US20200072178A1

Vehicle power control is described. A vehicle power control system includes a battery having a first voltage, a starter motor having a second voltage, a power converter, and a system controller. The second voltage is higher than the first voltage. The starter motor is coupled to a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine. The power converter is in electrical communication with the battery and the starter motor and is configured to convert the first voltage to the second voltage. The system controller is configured to supply energy from the battery to the starter motor to start the internal combustion engine. 1. A vehicle power control system , comprising:a battery having a first voltage;a starter motor having a second voltage, wherein the starter motor is coupled to a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine;a power converter in electrical communication with the battery and the starter motor, wherein the power converter is configured to convert the first voltage to the second voltage; anda system controller configured to supply energy from the battery to the starter motor to start the internal combustion engine,wherein the second voltage is higher than the first voltage.2. The vehicle power control system of claim 1 , wherein the system controller is configured to supply energy only from the battery to the starter motor to start the internal combustion engine claim 1 , and wherein the power converter maintains at least a 4:1 ratio between the first voltage and the second voltage.3. The vehicle power control system of claim 1 , further comprising:a first circuit in electrical communication with the battery, wherein the first circuit operates at the first voltage; anda second circuit in electrical communication with the starter motor, wherein the second circuit operates at the second voltage,wherein the power converter is a bidirectional power converter in electrical communication with the first circuit and the second circuit, andwherein the bidirectional power ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150081147A1
Автор: Kawaguchi Tadashi
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

A hybrid excavator includes an engine, a generator motor, a capacitor, a swing motor, a transformer, a transformer temperature sensor, a capacitor temperature sensor, and a hybrid controller. An overheat suppression control unit of the hybrid controller changes the amount of power regenerated by the swing motor supplied to the capacitor and the amount of power regenerated by the swing motor supplied to the generator motor based on a temperature of the transformer detected by the transformer temperature sensor and a temperature of the capacitor detected by the capacitor temperature sensor. 1. A hybrid working machine comprising:an internal combustion engine;a generator motor which is connected to an output shaft of the internal combustion engine;a battery which stores power generated by the generator motor and supplies the power to the generator motor;an electric motor which is driven by at least one of the power generated by the generator motor and the power stored in the battery;a transformer which is installed between the battery and the generator motor and between the battery and the electric motor;a transformer temperature detecting sensor which detects a temperature of the transformer;a battery temperature detecting sensor which detects a temperature of the battery; andan overheat suppression control device which changes the amount of the power regenerated by the electric motor supplied to the battery and the amount of the power regenerated by the electric motor supplied to the generator motor based on the temperature of the transformer detected by the transformer temperature detecting sensor and the temperature of the battery detected by the battery temperature detecting sensor.2. The hybrid working machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the overheat suppression control device changes the amount of the power regenerated by the electric motor supplied to the battery and the amount of the power regenerated by the electric motor supplied to the generator motor ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077268A1

In a drive unit for four-wheel drive vehicle that allows a motor for driving front wheels to be easily installed, a torque of an engine is transmitted to a rear wheel axle via a transmission and a rear propeller shaft, and a torque of a front drive motor is transmitted to a front wheel axle via a front propeller shaft. A front drive unit is disposed between the transmission and the rear wheel axle. A case of the front drive unit houses: a main shaft that transmits to the rear propeller shaft an output torque of the transmission; the front drive motor; and a sub-shaft that is disposed in a position shifted in a vehicle width direction with respect to the main shaft and transmits to the front propeller shaft an output torque of the front drive motor. 1. A drive unit for a four-wheel drive vehicle , the four-wheel drive vehicle comprising a pair of front wheels and a pair of rear wheels , the drive unit comprising:an engine that is disposed between the front wheels;a transmission that is disposed to the rear of the engine;a rear propeller shaft that transmits a torque to the rear wheels;a front propeller shaft that is disposed in a position shifted in one direction in a width direction of a vehicle body with respect to the rear propeller shaft, and transmits a torque to the front wheels; anda front drive unit that is disposed to the rear of the transmission and more to the front than an axle of the rear wheels is,wherein the front drive unit comprises: a main shaft that transmits to the rear propeller shaft an output torque of the transmission; a first motor that is disposed in a position shifted in the one direction with respect to the main shaft; a sub-shaft that transmits to the front propeller shaft a torque of a rotor shaft of the first motor; and a case that houses the main shaft, the first motor, and the sub-shaft.2. The drive unit for four-wheel drive vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe case has an extended section extending in the one direction from a ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078526A1
Автор: Le-Hung Frédéric

A method for controlling the electrical power supply of injectors for a hybrid automotive vehicle, including an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. A first electrical network, having a first DC voltage, supplies power to a motor control of the engine. A second electrical network having a second DC voltage, higher than the first DC voltage, supplies power to the electric motor. The method includes connecting the second DC voltage to the injectors; reading the value of the second DC voltage; adapting control parameters of the injectors based on the value of engine speed, engine temperature and injection pressure upstream of the injectors; and controlling the injectors using the second DC voltage. Wherein there is no change in the control parameters when the value is higher than a threshold value; and changing at least one of the control parameters when the value is lower than the threshold value. 1. A method for controlling the electrical power supply of solenoid fuel injectors for a hybrid automotive vehicle , including both an internal combustion propulsion engine and an electric motor , said hybrid automotive vehicle being provided with a first electrical network powered at a first DC voltage that is intended to supply power to a motor control of the internal combustion propulsion engine and a second electrical network powered at a second DC voltage , said second DC voltage being higher than the first DC voltage and intended to supply power to the electric motor , said method comprising:i. connecting the second DC voltage to the electrical power supply of the solenoid fuel injectors;ii. reading the value of the second DC voltage;iii. adapting the control parameters of the solenoid fuel injectors on the basis of the value read in step ii, of an engine speed of the internal combustion propulsion engine, of a temperature of the internal combustion propulsion engine and of an injection pressure upstream of the solenoid fuel injectors; iv.a. there is no ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid electric vehicle battery charge reduction for improved cooling performance

Номер: US20200079203A1

Systems and methods are provided for vehicle battery charge reduction. A hybrid electric vehicle is disclosed. The vehicle comprises an internal combustion engine; an electric motor; a battery electrically coupled to the electric motor; a battery charger electrically coupled to the battery and mechanically coupled to the internal combustion engine; one or more sensors, wherein each sensor provides a respective sensor signal, wherein each sensor signal represents a respective current operating condition of the hybrid electric vehicle; and a computing component configured to: perform a first comparison of a state-of-charge of the battery to a charge threshold, perform a second comparison of one or more of the current vehicle operating conditions to respective nominal vehicle operating conditions, wherein none of the vehicle operating conditions describe a condition of the battery, and reduce charging of the battery based on the first comparison and the second comparison.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086329A1
Автор: Murakami Koji

A control apparatus includes a diesel engine having a throttle valve and a fuel injection valve, an electric driving machine that assists in drive of the engine, and a controller configured to stop the engine automatically when a first condition for automatically stopping the engine is established during an operation of the engine. At this time, the controller is configured to operate the throttle valve to a closing side in response to establishment of a second condition that is established prior to establishment of the first condition, and stop supply of fuel by the fuel injection valve in response to subsequent establishment of the first condition. 1. A control apparatus for a diesel engine that comprises a diesel engine having a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage , and a fuel injection valve that supplies fuel into a cylinder , an electric driving machine that assists in drive of the engine , and a controller configured to stop the engine automatically when a first condition for automatically stopping the engine is established during an operation of the engine ,wherein the controller is configured to operate the throttle valve to a closing side in response to establishment of a second condition that is established prior to establishment of the first condition, and stop supply of fuel by the fuel injection valve in response to subsequent establishment of the first condition.2. The control apparatus for a diesel engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the second condition is a condition that is established when it is determined that the first condition is established after a predetermined time period.3. The control apparatus for a diesel engine according to claim 2 ,wherein the predetermined time period is a time period that is required until an intake pipe pressure becomes a predetermined negative pressure after the throttle valve is operated to the closing side.4. The control apparatus for a diesel engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller is ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Engine control device of hybrid work machine, hybrid work machine, and engine control method of hybrid work machine

Номер: US20170089039A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

In controlling an engine generating motive power of which an output shaft extracting the generated motive power is connected to a generator motor, an engine control device causes the generator motor to generate motive power when both of a first condition satisfied based on a comparison of an actual revolution speed of the engine with a revolution speed acquired from first and second relationships and a second condition satisfied based on a comparison of a torque of the engine at the actual revolution speed with a torque acquired using the first relationship at the actual revolution speed are satisfied. The first relationship is between the revolution speed of the engine and the torque generated by the engine at the revolution speed, and the second relationship is between the torque and the revolution speed of the engine and defines a magnitude of the motive power generated from the engine.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086749A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

In a constant-speed traveling mode or a follow-up traveling mode, reduction of fuel consumption and improvement of drivability are both achieved. 1. A vehicle control device for controlling a vehicle comprising a motor generator connected to an engine and a battery connected to the motor generator , the vehicle control device comprising:a motor generator control unit that performs control for rotationally driving the motor generator by supplying power from the battery to the motor generator, or for driving the motor generator to generate power in order to charge the battery, whereinin one cycle of a traveling mode until completion of deceleration traveling after acceleration traveling is started to achieve a target vehicle speed, the motor generator control unit drives the motor generator to allow a remaining charge amount of the battery to fall within a set range at completion of the deceleration traveling, and allow a traveling acceleration/deceleration in the one cycle to fall within a requested acceleration/deceleration that is predetermined.2. A vehicle control device for controlling a vehicle comprising a motor generator connected to an engine and a battery connected to the motor generator , the vehicle control device comprising:an engine control unit that controls the engine;a power transmission mechanism control unit that controls a power transmission mechanism that transmits power of the engine to a wheel; anda motor generator control unit that performs control for rotationally driving the motor generator by supplying power from the battery to the motor generator, or for driving the motor generator to generate power in order to charge the battery, whereinin one cycle of a traveling mode until completion of deceleration traveling after acceleration traveling is started to achieve a target vehicle speed,the engine control unit controls the engine to allow the engine to be driven within a set high-efficiency range during execution of the acceleration traveling ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Front End Motor-Generator System and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Operating Method

Номер: US20200086849A1

A system and method are provided for integrated electrification of vehicle accessories conventionally driven by an internal combustion engine in which an electric motor is coupled to a common accessory drive that drive a plurality of accessories, such as a power steering pump, an air conditioning compressor, an air compressor, a thermodynamic heater and/or a coolant pump. The integrated electrified accessory unit preferably has the electric motor, accessory drive and accessories arranged in a common housing which is configured to be mounted to a chassis frame rail of the vehicle, the common housing including wall penetrations which facilitate rapid connection of the accessories to external lines of the vehicle. 1. An integrated electrified accessory unit of a vehicle , comprising:an integrated electrified accessory unit housing;an accessory drive located within the housing;a plurality of vehicle accessories arranged in the housing to be driven by the accessory drive;an electric motor coupled to the accessory drive;an electronic control unit configured to control at least one of a speed and a torque output of the electric motor to the accessory drive to drive the plurality of vehicle accessories.2. The integrated electrified accessory unit of claim 1 , further comprising:an inverter arranged to supply electric power to the electric motor,wherein the electronic control unit is configured to control the inverter to vary a frequency of an AC voltage to control the at least one of the speed and the torque output of the electric motor.3. The integrated electrified accessory unit of claim 2 , whereinone or more of the plurality of accessories is equipped with a selectively-engageable individual accessory clutch configured to interrupt torque transfer from the accessory drive to the one or more of the plurality of accessories, andthe electronic control unit is configured to control engagement of the individual accessory clutches of the clutch-equipped one or more of the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Electromagnetic Rotor Drive Assembly

Номер: US20170093246A1
Принадлежит: RK Transportation Solutions LLC

An electromagnetic rotor drive assembly for use with an internal combustion engine, the electromagnetic rotor drive assembly including a conductive coil capable of generating a magnetic field upon energization; a rotor rotatably mounted proximate the conductive coil; and a magnet coupled to the rotor, the magnet responsive to the magnetic field to angularly displace the rotor; whereby the rotor fixedly couples to a crankshaft rotated by at least one piston reciprocally disposed within a cylinder; and whereby the conductive coil is energized at a predetermined time point associated with a position of the piston within the cylinder. 1. An electromagnetic rotor drive assembly for use with an internal combustion engine , said electromagnetic rotor drive assembly comprising:a conductive coil capable of generating a magnetic field upon energization;a flywheel of said internal combustion engine rotatably mounted proximate said conductive coil; anda magnet coupled to said flywheel, said magnet responsive to said magnetic field to angularly displace said flywheel;wherein said flywheel fixedly couples to a crankshaft rotated by at least one piston reciprocally disposed within a cylinder; andwherein said conductive coil is energized at a predetermined time point associated with a position of said piston within said cylinder.2. The electromagnetic rotor drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein said electromagnetic rotor drive assembly provides additional energy input into said internal combustion engine when said conductive coil is energized at said predetermined time point.3. The electromagnetic rotor drive assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of said conductive coils coupled to a stator in circumferentially spaced apart relation.4. The electromagnetic rotor drive assembly of claim 3 , wherein said plurality of conductive coils are embedded within said stator in circumferentially spaced apart relation proximate a stator outer edge.5. The electromagnetic rotor drive ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Control apparatus and onboard system

Номер: US20200091847A1
Автор: Kohei Saito, Tomohisa Ose
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A control apparatus is used in an onboard system provided to a vehicle. The onboard system includes an internal combustion engine and a power generator. The power generator generates power and supplies the generated power to an electrical load provided to the vehicle. An output torque of the internal combustion engine causes the vehicle to travel and causes the power generator to generate power. Based on a power supply request by the electrical load, the control apparatus controls the output torque of the internal combustion engine. In response to the output torque being increased based on the power supply request, the control apparatus causes the power generator to generate the power by the output torque, while restricting generated power during an initial period when the output torque is being increased.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180097430A1

The present disclosure relates to a transmission system having a transmission subsystem, a transmission housing for housing the transmission subsystem, and a rotor operably associated with the transmission subsystem. The rotor has a weight and dimension to act as a flywheel. At least one stator pole segment is housed within the transmission housing and has at least one stator winding thereon positioned in proximity to a surface of the rotor. An inverter communicates with the stator winding and electrically energizes the winding to cause rotation of the rotor. 1. A transmission system comprising:a transmission subsystem;a transmission housing for housing the transmission subsystem;a rotor operably associated with the transmission subsystem and supported for rotation within the transmission housing, and being of a weight and dimension to act as a flywheel;at least one stator pole segment having at least one stator winding thereon, and secured to the transmission housing in a manner so that a portion of said stator pole segment is in proximity to a surface of the rotor; andan inverter in electrical communication with the stator winding of the stator pole segment and configured to electrically energize the independent stator pole segments to cause rotation of the rotor.2. The transmission system of claim 2 , wherein the system includes at least three independent stator pole segments spaced equidistantly circumferentially from one another.3. The transmission system of claim 1 , further comprising a torque converter.4. The transmission system of claim 1 , wherein the stator pole segment protrudes partially outwardly from an exterior surface of the transmission housing.5. The transmission of claim 1 , further including an engine operably coupled to the transmission subsystem to form a hybrid powertrain.6. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein the rotor includes a ring gear.7. The transmission of claim 1 , further comprising a rotor position sensor disposed adjacent the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Electric Hybrid Retrofitting Of Non-Hybrid Combustion Engine Vehicles

Номер: US20200094807A1
Принадлежит: Elephant Racing LLC

An electric motor drive retrofit system (EMDRS) comprises a power system, an energy storage system (ESS), a cooling system, a vehicle control unit (VCU), and a user interface device (UID). A non-hybrid combustion engine drive vehicle with tight space constraints is retrofittable with the EMDRS to provide hybrid drive functionality. The EMDRS includes a motor generator unit (MGU) coupled to a motor control unit (MCU). MCU transfers charge between the MGU and ESS. During retrofit, the MGU is coupled between a transmission and an internal combustion engine (ICE) of the vehicle without extending a powertrain length by more than five inches. In a first operating mode (adding torque), MCU supplies the MGU from the ESS to supply torque to the powertrain downstream before a transmission input. In a second operating mode (regenerative braking), the MGU removes torque from the powertrain and drives MCU to charge the ESS.

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101468A1
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

A method for operating an internal combustion engine. The method includes providing a piston engine. The piston engine includes a crankshaft and a torque sensor system. The torque sensor system includes at least one first rotary angle sensor and at least one second rotary angle sensor. The method further includes measuring a first and a second rotary angle in a spacing region and determining an angular offset between the first and the second rotary angle. The angular offset results from the torsion of the loaded crankshaft wherein the spacing region is limited along the crankshaft to an actual partial region of the spacing between the bearing journals. The partial region includes an actual subgroup of at least one of the number of offsets and the number of shaft journals, so that the angular offset is assigned to the actual subgroup. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine , comprising:providing a piston engine including a number of cylinders, at least one piston in one cylinder of the number of cylinders, and a crankshaft mounted with bearing journals in main bearings, the crankshaft having a number of offsets and a number of shaft journals in alternating sequence between the bearing journals, the crankshaft converting a movement of the at least one piston through absorption of the load by at least one piston connecting rod which is arranged on an offset of the crankshaft, into a rotational movement, and due to the load absorption, the crankshaft experiences at least one of a torsion-causing deformation and tension, and the piston engine further including a torque sensor system assigned to the crankshaft, the torque sensor system including at least one first rotary angle sensor and at least one second rotary angle sensor, the at least one first rotary angle sensor and the at least one second rotary angle sensor being magnetosensitive sensors, the at least one first rotary angle sensor and the at least one second rotary angle sensor being part of a ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and method of calibrating traveling direction for the same

Номер: US20210101584A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A hybrid vehicle and a method of calibrating a traveling direction of the hybrid vehicle are disclosed. The method of calibrating a traveling direction of a hybrid vehicle including a transmission not having a reverse gear includes: when an abnormality of a motor speed sensor is detected, calculating a difference between at least one of a first moving distance calculated based on sensor information during a predetermined time or a second moving distance calculated based on output torque and a third moving distance calculated based on a vehicle speed by a controller for controlling output torque; when an absolute value of the calculated difference is greater than a preset error reference, reversing the traveling direction recognized by the controller; and controlling a powertrain in response to a transmission lever state.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100094A1
Автор: ALONSO Jose Luis

A multi-functional electromechanical device is provided. The device includes a first assembly that includes: 1) at least one motor/generator set configured to act as both: i) a motor to provide rotational assistance to an engine to which it is connected by converting electrical energy from an accumulator set to rotational energy, and ii) a generator configured to act to generate electrical energy to run parasitic devices of the engine to which it is connected, to store in an accumulator set, or to act in both of these capacities, using rotational energy provided by the engine or the transmission; and 2) a second assembly that includes: at least one energy distributor configured to: i) use rotational energy provided by at least one motor/generator set to assist an engine to which it is connected or a transmission to which it is connected to rotate, or ii) use rotational energy of an engine or a transmission to which it is connected to provide rotational energy to at least one motor/generator set to convert the rotational energy into electrical energy for use by parasitic devices or for storage in an accumulator set. 1. A multi-functional electromechanical device including: 'at least one motor/generator set configured to act as both: i) a motor to provide rotational assistance to an engine to which it is connected by converting electrical energy from an accumulator set to rotational energy, and ii) a generator configured to act to generate electrical energy to run parasitic devices of the engine to which it is connected, to store in an accumulator set, or to act in both of these capacities, using rotational energy provided by the engine or the transmission; and', 'a first assembly including 'at least one energy distributor configured to: i) use rotational energy provided by at least one motor/generator set to move and/or assist an engine to which it is connected or a transmission to which it is connected to rotate, or ii) use rotational energy of an engine or a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200099282A1

The present disclosure relates to a transmission system having a transmission subsystem, a transmission housing for housing the transmission subsystem, and a rotor operably associated with the transmission subsystem. The rotor has a weight and dimension to act as a flywheel. At least one stator pole segment is housed within the transmission housing and has at least one stator winding thereon positioned in proximity to a surface of the rotor. An inverter communicates with the stator winding and electrically energizes the winding to cause rotation of the rotor. 1. A method for forming a transmission , comprising:mounting a transmission subsystem within a transmission housing;coupling a rotor with the transmission subsystem and supporting the rotor for rotational movement within the transmission housing;configuring the rotor to have a weight and dimensions to act as a flywheel;supporting at least one stator pole segment having at least one stator winding thereon, at least partially within the transmission housing in a manner so that a portion of said stator pole segment is in proximity to a surface of the rotor; andusing an inverter in electrical communication with the stator winding of the stator polesegment, and configured to electrically energize the stator polesegment, to cause rotation of the rotor.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising using a rotor position sensor to detect an angular position of the rotor and to provide electrical rotor position signals to the inverter.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising using a torque converter coupled to transmission subsystem.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing at least one opening in the transmission housing and mounting the stator pole segment in the opening.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising supporting the stator pole segment fully within the transmission housing.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising coupling the transmission subsystem through a torque converter to ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105047A1

A hybrid vehicle is provided. The hybrid vehicle includes an acceleration pedal, an engine configured to generate an engine torque based on a position of the acceleration pedal, an electronic control unit communicatively coupled to the engine and configured to calculate a target torque based on the position of the acceleration pedal, and estimate a motor-generated (MG)-assist torque based on difference between the target torque and the engine torque, a motor generator communicatively coupled to the electronic control unit and configured to generate the estimated MG-assist torque, and a power distribution unit configured to deliver the generated MG-assist torque combined with the engine torque to one or more wheels. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an acceleration pedal;an engine configured to generate an engine torque based on a position of the acceleration pedal; calculate a target torque based on the position of the acceleration pedal; and', 'estimate a motor-generated (MG)-assist torque based on difference between the target torque and the engine torque;, 'an electronic control unit communicatively coupled to the engine and configured toa motor generator communicatively coupled to the electronic control unit and configured to generate the estimated MG-assist torque; anda power distribution unit configured to deliver the generated MG-assist torque combined with the engine torque to one or more wheels.2. The hybrid vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the estimated MG-assist torque is a positive value when the target torque is greater than the engine torque.3. The hybrid vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the estimated MG-assist torque is a negative value when the target torque is less than the engine torque.4. The hybrid vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the motor generator is configured to generate electrical energy corresponding to the negative value of the estimated MG-assist torque when the target torque is less than the engine torque.5. The hybrid vehicle of claim 1 , further ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Construction machine

Номер: US20140188321A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An object of the present invention is to provide a construction machine that can reduce particulate matter (PM) or nitrogen oxide (NOx) discharged from an internal combustion engine mounted on the construction machine. The construction machine 200 includes a diesel engine 101 controlled based on a torque command, an electric motor 102 mechanically connected to the diesel engine, an electric energy storage device 111 that supplies electric power to the electric motor, and a hydraulic pump 103 . The construction machine performs work by driving the hydraulic pump using the diesel engine and the electric motor. A speed control device 118 controls a speed of the electric motor 102 based on a speed command. A torque limiter 115 obtains the torque command having a rate of change with time limited based on a torque target.

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Method for controlling a motor-vehicle provided with a propulsion system of the "mild-hybrid" type

Номер: US20140190426A1
Принадлежит: Centro Ricerche Fiat SCpA

In a vehicle provided with a power propulsion system of the mild-hybrid type, a BAS unit —including an electric machine connected through a belt transmission to the shaft of an internal combustion engine—is exploited as the only propulsion engine of the vehicle in given operating conditions. The internal combustion engine is provided with a system for variable actuation of the intake valves which is controlled to reduce the pumping losses of the internal combustion engine in the phase in which such engine is in cut-off condition and it is driven by the aforementioned BAS unit. It is also provided for that the system for variable actuation of the intake valves be controlled to temporarily increase the pumping losses of the internal combustion engine in a phase in which it is required to accelerate the switching off of the engine.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114784A1

A method of providing assistance to an internal combustion engine for a vehicle using an electric motor coupled to the engine is provided. The method comprises predicting a driving range based on historical driving range data. The historical driving range data includes one or more distances that the vehicle was driven during one or more previous driving cycles. The method further comprises selectively operating the motor to provide assistance to the engine at predetermined operating conditions of the engine. The assistance provided to the engine at one or more of the predetermined operating conditions is determined based at least in part on the predicted driving range. 130-. (canceled)31. A method of providing assistance to an internal combustion engine for a vehicle using an electric motor coupled to the engine , the method comprising: identifying at least two historical driving ranges in the historical driving range data that fall within a predetermined distance range of one another;', 'identifying a trend relating to when the historical driving ranges occurred; and', 'predicting the driving range based on the at least two historical driving ranges that fall within the predetermined distance range of one another when a present day falls within the trend; and, 'predicting a driving range based on historical driving range data, wherein the historical driving range data includes one or more distances that the vehicle was driven during one or more previous driving cycles, and wherein predicting the driving range based on the historical driving range data comprisesselectively operating the motor to provide assistance to the engine at predetermined operating conditions of the engine, wherein the assistance provided to the engine at one or more of the predetermined operating conditions is determined based at least in part on the predicted driving range.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein the driving range is predicted based on an average of the historical driving range ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111470A1

A power train may include an engine having a crankshaft and an engine block, a motor housing connected to the engine block and of which a housing hole is formed, a rotor portion connected to the crankshaft through the housing hole and of which a magnet is connected to a first side thereof, a stator portion disposed between the rotor portion and the motor housing, connected to the motor housing and including a coil corresponding to the rotor portion, a transmission connected to the engine block and a clutch selectively transmitting rotation of the rotor portion to the transmission. 1. A power train apparatus comprising:an engine including a crankshaft and an engine block;a motor housing connected to the engine block and of which a housing opening is formed;a rotor portion connected to the crankshaft through the housing opening and of which a magnet is connected to a first side thereof;a stator portion disposed between the rotor portion and the motor housing, connected to the motor housing and including a coil corresponding to the rotor portion;a transmission connected to the engine block; anda clutch selectively transmitting rotation of the rotor portion to the transmission.2. The power train apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the stator portion comprises:a core plate of which the coil wraps along a radial direction thereof; anda stator plate on which a coil groove where the coil is inserted therein is formed.3. The power train apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the coil groove comprises:a wrapping portion in which the coil is inserted; andan inlet portion of which width is narrower than that of the wrapping portion.4. The power train apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the engine is a two-cylinder engine.5. The power train apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the clutch is a frictionclutch which selectively contacts with a second side of the rotor portion for transmitting rotation of the rotor portion to the transmission.6. The power train apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a receiving ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

System to control the torque of an internal combustion engine during a gear change

Номер: US20150120115A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electronic control unit executes throttle torque reduction control for decreasing an engine torque by reducing a throttle opening degree during an upshift of an automatic transmission with respect to the throttle opening degree before a start of the upshift. During the upshift of the automatic transmission, the electronic control unit actuates a waste gate valve in a closing direction with respect to a position of the waste gate valve before the start of the upshift in parallel with execution of the throttle torque reduction control. Thus, a decrease in supercharging pressure due to execution of the throttle torque reduction control is suppressed during the upshift, and the engine torque that has been temporarily decreased in an inertia phase of the upshift recovers immediately after the upshift, so it is possible to suppress deterioration of drivability.

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Construction Machine

Номер: US20190111773A1

It becomes possible to prevent deterioration of an electric storage device due to overdischarge of the electric storage device and engine stalling due to insufficient assist or disabled assist when a charge amount of the electric storage device falls, ensure that work is continuously conducted, suppress an operator from feeling discomfort in operation, and ensure favorable operability. A pump target output power computing section () computes present pump demanded power on the basis of work related information, limits the present pump demanded power in response to a degree of reduction of a state of charge of an electric storage device () when the state of charge is lower than a preset threshold, and computes the limited present pump demanded power as present pump target output power. A pump flow rate limiting command value computing section () computes a pump flow rate limiting command value on the basis of the present pump target output power in such a manner that output power of a hydraulic pump () does not exceed the pump target output power. 1. A hybrid construction machine , comprising:an engine;at least one generator motor;an electric storage device that is charged when the generator motor is caused to perform a power generation operation and that is discharged when the generator motor is caused to perform a powering operation;an electric storage control system that computes a state of charge of the electric storage device and monitors the electric storage device;a variable displacement hydraulic pump driven by torques of the engine and the generator motor;a plurality of hydraulic actuators driven by a hydraulic fluid delivered from the hydraulic pump;a plurality of operation devices that output operation signals in response to operation amounts for the plurality of hydraulic actuators and instruct the hydraulic actuators to operate;a controller that controls charge electric power and discharge electric power of the generator motor and a delivery flow rate and ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180115217A1

A power train may include an engine including a crankshaft and an engine block, a rotor portion connected to the crankshaft and of which a magnet is connected to a first side thereof, a stator portion disposed between the rotor portion and the engine block and a cylinder block water jacket formed on the engine and to which a motor cooling port for cooling a motor is formed. 1. A power train comprising:an engine including a crankshaft and an engine block;a rotor portion connected to the crankshaft and of which a magnet is connected to a first side of the rotor portion;a stator portion disposed between the rotor portion and the engine block; anda cylinder block water jacket formed on the engine and on which a motor cooling port for cooling a motor is formed.2. The power train of claim 1 , further comprising a motor housing connected to the engine block and on which a housing hole is formed claim 1 ,wherein an inlet and an outlet for coolant from the motor cooling port to be flown are formed to the motor housing for cooling the stator portion.3. The power train of claim 2 , wherein the stator portion comprises:a core plate of which a coil wraps along a radial direction of the core plate; anda stator plate on which a coil groove, into the coil is inserted therein, is formed.4. The power train of claim 2 , wherein a receiving portion for seating the stator portion is formed on the motor housing.5. The power train of claim 3 , wherein:the inlet supplies the coolant to the stator plate; andthe outlet exhausts the coolant from the stator plate.6. The power train of claim 3 , wherein:a cooling chamber is formed within the stator plate along a radial direction thereof; andthe cooling chamber communicates with the inlet and the outlet.7. The power train of claim 1 , further comprising:a transmission; anda clutch selectively transmitting rotation of the rotor portion to the transmission.8. The power train of claim 2 , wherein the rotor portion comprises:a protrude portion ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108817A1
Автор: KIM Youngmin

The present invention relates to an engine torque control method of a mild hybrid electric vehicle including an engine as a power source, the mild hybrid electric vehicle further includes a mild hybrid starter and generator (MHSG) which starts the engine or operates as a generator by an engine torque and a controller which controls the change of a fuel injection mode among a MPI engine mode using a low pressure injector which injects the fuel to an intake port of the engine, a GDI engine mode using a high pressure injector which injects a fuel to a combustion chamber of the engine, and a hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode using both the low pressure injector and the high pressure injector, and the engine torque control method includes: determining whether a fuel injection mode is a MPI engine mode, by the controller, measuring a maintaining period when the MPI engine mode is maintained by a timer when the fuel injection mode is the MPI engine mode, determining whether the fuel injection mode is changed from the MPI engine mode to the GDI engine mode or the hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode, by the controller; and, driving the MHSG by the controller to assist an engine torque when the fuel injection mode is changed from the MPI engine mode to the GDI engine mode or the hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode. 1. An engine torque control method of a mild hybrid electric vehicle including an engine as a power source ,the mild hybrid electric vehicle further including a mild hybrid starter and generator (MHSG) which starts the engine or operates as a generator by an engine torque and a controller which controls the change of a fuel injection mode among a MPI engine mode using a low pressure injector which injects the fuel to an intake port of the engine, a GDI engine mode using a high pressure injector which injects a fuel to a combustion chamber of the engine, and a hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode using both the low pressure injector and the high pressure injector,the engine torque ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for preventing shut down in limphome driving

Номер: US20160121881A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An apparatus and method for preventing a shut down in limphome driving are provided. The apparatus includes an engine clutch and a hybrid control unit (HCU) that is configured to operate a vehicle by dualizing a driving of the vehicle into a normal driving control and a limphome driving control. When the driving of the vehicle is in the limphome driving control, the HCU is configured to reduce a vehicle speed and perform a control right shift based on a status of the engine clutch. In addition, an engine control unit (ECU) is configured to compare a current engine revolution per minute (RPM) with a targeted engine RPM based on the control right shift to operate the engine to adjust the engine RPM to reach the targeted engine RPM.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

System and method of controlling vehicle in cold start

Номер: US20190118793A1
Автор: Hwa Yong Jang
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A method for controlling a hybrid vehicle for a cold start. The method includes determining whether a combustion engine of the vehicle is idling. The method further includes, when the engine is idling, increasing a load of a hybrid starter/generator (HSG) until a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst reaches a desirable temperature.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118799A1
Автор: KIM Hyun, KIM Youngmin

A method for controlling a mild hybrid vehicle is disclosed. The method includes: controlling a multi-point injection (MPI) fuel system for suppling fuel to an engine for a low revolutions-per-minute (RPM) operation; subsequently, causing a gasoline direct injection (GDI) fuel system for a high RPM operation; switching to the multi-point injection fuel system when it is determined that the gasoline direct injection fuel system fails. The method further comprises calculating a torque deficiency due to the switching from the GDI fuel system to the MPI fuel system and controlling a starter-generator to generate an assist torque to compensate the torque deficiency. 1. A method for controlling a mild hybrid vehicle , comprising:controlling, by a controller, a multi-point injection fuel system suppling fuel to an engine to be operated;controlling, by the controller, a fuel system that supplies fuel to the engine to be changed to a gasoline direct injection fuel system when a number of rotation of the engine is greater than or equal to a reference speed after the multi-point injection fuel system is operated;determining, by the controller, whether a failure of the gasoline direct injection fuel system occurs;changing, by the controller, the fuel system supplying fuel to the engine to the multi-point injection fuel system hen it is determined that the gasoline direct injection fuel system fails;calculating, the controller, a difference value between torque of the engine operated by the multi-point injection fuel system and torque of the engine operated by the gasoline direct injection fuel system; andcontrolling, by the controller, a starter-generator to assist torque of the engine by the difference value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, by the controller, whether failure maintenance time of the gasoline direct injection fuel system is greater than a reference time when it is determined that the gasoline direct injection fuel system fails before ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle structure

Номер: US20200114750A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A vehicle structure includes a fuel tank configured to store a fuel supplied to an internal-combustion engine of a vehicle and a battery configured to store an electric power supplied to an electric motor of the vehicle to drive the vehicle. A gravity center of the battery is lower than a gravity center of the fuel tank, and at least a part of the fuel tank overlaps with the battery in a top plan view of the vehicle.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127055A1

An electric motorcycle includes an electric motor disposed in a hub assembly of a wheel of the motorcycle; a plurality of internal cables connected to the electric motor, a first connector assembly disposed in the hub assembly and connecting the internal cables to a plurality of external cables, a second connector assembly disposed on the suspension and connecting the external cables to a plurality of upper cables, a plurality of rigid tubes inside which said upper tubes are disposed in such a way that the upper cables come out of the rigid tubes in correspondence of an upper part of the suspension, support and guide means connected to the suspension and suitable for supporting and guiding the rigid tubes, and an electric power system and a control unit disposed in the motorcycle and connected to the upper cables coming out of the rigid tubes. 1. Electric motorcycle comprising:an electric motor disposed in a hub assembly of a wheel of the motorcycle;a suspension supporting a shaft of the hub assembly, characterized in that said electric motorcycle further comprises:a plurality of internal cables connected to the electric motor;a first connector assembly disposed in the hub assembly and connecting the internal cables to a plurality of external cables;a second connector assembly disposed on the suspension and connecting the external cables to a plurality of upper cables;a plurality of rigid tubes inside which said upper tubes are disposed, in such a way that the upper cables come out of the rigid tubes in correspondence of an upper part of the suspension;support and guide means connected to the suspension and intended to support and guide said rigid tubes; andan electric power system and a control unit disposed in said motorcycle and connected to said upper cables coming out of the rigid tubes.2. The electric motorcycle of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of internal cables comprises unipolar power cables and a multipolar signal cable claim 1 , said plurality of ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129322A1

The present invention intends to provide a rotary tilling apparatus capable of separating a power transmission system starting from a flywheel to a passive movement device through an elastic coupler from another power transmission system starting from the flywheel to a rotor of a motor generator, and thereby reducing a load applied to the rotor and preventing the power transmission system of the passive movement device from providing an negative effect to an engine and the rotor. A parallel hybrid power transmission mechanism () includes an engine (), a crank shaft (A) disposed on the engine (), a motor generator (), a passive movement device () configured to receive a motive power of the motor generator (), an input shaft (A) disposed on the passive movement device (), a flywheel () coupled to the crank shaft (A), an elastic coupler () configured to couple the flywheel () to the input shaft (A), and a rotor () disposed on the motor generator () and coupled to the fly wheel (). 1. A parallel hybrid power transmission mechanism comprising:{'b': '2', 'an engine ();'}{'b': 2', '2, 'a crank shaft (A) disposed on the engine ();'}{'b': '3', 'a motor generator ();'}{'b': 4', '3, 'a passive movement device () configured to receive a motive power of the motor generator ();'}{'b': 4', '4, 'an input shaft (A) disposed on the passive movement device ();'}{'b': 5', '2, 'a flywheel () coupled to the crank shaft (A);'}{'b': 6', '5', '4, 'an elastic coupler () configured to couple the flywheel () to the input shaft (A); and'}{'b': 7', '3', '5, 'a rotor () disposed on the motor generator () and coupled to the fly wheel ().'}2. The parallel hybrid power transmission mechanism according to claim 1 , comprising{'b': 8', '6', '4, 'an intermediate shaft () coupling the elastic coupler () to the input shaft (A), wherein'}{'b': '7', 'claim-text': {'b': 7', '7', '8, 'i': a', 'a, 'a rotor boss () having a hollow shape, and the rotor boss () is arranged on an outside of a diameter of the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129338A1

A hydraulic pump powering system includes a mobile vehicle, a first electric current generator device, and one or more electric pump motors. The mobile vehicle has first and second prime movers. The first electric current generator device is disposed onboard the mobile vehicle and is configured to be mechanically coupled with the first prime mover to convert movement created by the first prime mover into first electric current. The one or more electric pump motors are configured to receive the first electric current to power a hydraulic pump. The second prime mover is configured to generate movement that is converted into a propulsive force that propels the mobile vehicle. The one or more electric pump motors are configured to receive the first electric current in order to power the hydraulic pump to pump a fluid into a pumping location located off-board the mobile vehicle. 1. A system comprising:an electric current generator device configured to be disposed onboard a self-propelling mobile vehicle having a prime mover and one or more electric traction motors, the electric current generator device configured to be mechanically coupled with the prime mover, the electric current generator device configured to convert movement of the prime mover into a first electric current;a control unit configured to be disposed onboard the self-propelling mobile vehicle and to convert the first electric current from the electric current generator device into a modified electric current;one or more electric pump motors configured to be disposed onboard the self-propelling mobile vehicle and configured to power a hydraulic pump disposed off-board the self-propelling mobile vehicle to pump a fluid into a pumping location located off-board the self-propelling mobile vehicle,wherein the control unit is configured to control when the modified electric current is supplied to the one or more electric traction motors to propel the self-propelling mobile vehicle and when the modified ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122749A1

A locomotive propulsion system includes an engine assisting apparatus and an engine control unit that monitors an output parameter of a locomotive engine. The control unit determines whether the engine output decreases sufficiently low to at least partially de-fuel the engine and to activate an assisting apparatus. This assisting apparatus rotates a shaft of the engine with or without the engine also rotating the shaft. Rotation of the shaft by the assisting apparatus can be used to power traction motors or other loads of the locomotive while reducing fuel consumption and/or emission generation by the engine. 1. A vehicle propulsion system comprising:an engine control unit configured to monitor a speed at which an engine of a vehicle rotates a shaft of the engine, the shaft of the engine operatively coupled with one or more power-generating devices that convert rotation of the shaft into electric current that powers one or more traction motors that propel the vehicle;an assisting motor configured to be operatively coupled with the shaft of the engine,wherein the engine control unit is configured to determine whether the speed at which the engine rotates the shaft decreases to or below a designated lower threshold that is greater than or equal to an idle speed of the engine;wherein the engine control unit is configured to direct a fuel system of the engine to stop supplying fuel to one or more cylinders of the engine responsive to the speed at which the engine rotates the shaft decreasing to or below the designated lower threshold; andwherein the engine control unit is configured to direct the assisting motor to begin rotating the shaft of the engine responsive to (a) the speed at which the engine rotates the shaft decreasing to or below the designated lower threshold and (b) the fuel system stopping supply of the fuel to the one or more cylinders of the engine.2. The vehicle propulsion system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more energy storage devices that ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Arrangement of a Rotor Position Sensor

Номер: US20200124157A1

An arrangement of at least one sensor track-scanning rotor position sensor (1, 1 A) of an electric machine (EM) in a hybrid transmission housing (2) that includes a torque converter (3) and a housing-affixed oil supply plate arrangement is provided. The rotor position sensor (1, 1 A) is attached on an oil-supply-plate side, and a sensor ring (8), as a sensor track, is attached on a converter side. A hybrid transmission housing (2) including the arrangement is also provided.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134300A1

The invention relates to a method for operating a vehicle/trailer unit, an appropriately designed vehicle/trailer unit, as well as a towing vehicle and an implement for such a vehicle/trailer unit, with the vehicle/trailer unit having a towing vehicle and an implement. The towing vehicle has a combustion engine and a first machine that can be operated as a prime mover, as well as a first axle that can be driven by means of the combustion engine, with it being possible for the combustion engine to be driven by means of the first machine. The implement has a second machine that can be operated as a work machine and a second axle that is mechanically coupled with the second machine. When the vehicle/trailer unit is in overrun mode and/or braking mode, the vehicle/trailer unit can be operated in a first operating mode in which the second machine is operated as a work machine and driven by means of the mechanical kinetic energy of the second axle, while the first machine is operated as a prime mover and drives the combustion engine, with it being possible for at least a portion of the energy generated by the second machine to be utilized to drive the first machine. 1. A method for operating a vehicle/trailer unit , wherein the vehicle/trailer unit comprises:a towing vehicle, andan implement that can be mechanically connected to the towing vehicle and coupled therewith, wherein the towing vehicle has a combustion engine and a first machine that can be operated as a prime mover, as well as a first axle that can be driven by means of the combustion engine, with the combustion engine being drivable by means of the first machine, andwherein the implement has a second machine that can be operated as a work machine and a second axle that is mechanically coupled with the second machine,wherein when the vehicle/trailer unit is in overrun mode and/or braking mode, the vehicle/trailer unit is operated at least intermittently in a first operating mode, in whichthe second machine is ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281433A1
Автор: OCHI Yuta

A control device for a vehicle including an internal combustion engine and an electric rotary machine connected to the internal combustion engine in a power-transmittable manner is able to perform torque-down through ignition delay control for delaying an ignition timing of the internal combustion engine and regeneration control for performing regeneration using the electric rotary machine when there is a torque-down request based on a vehicle state. The control device is configured to perform torque-down corresponding to a deficiency by delaying the ignition timing of the internal combustion engine when an actual torque of the electric rotary machine through the regeneration control is deficient for the torque-down request. 1. A control device for a vehicle including an internal combustion engine and an electric rotary machine connected to the internal combustion engine in a power-transmittable manner , the control device being able to perform torque-down through ignition delay control for delaying an ignition timing of the internal combustion engine and regeneration control for performing regeneration using the electric rotary machine when there is a torque-down request based on a vehicle state ,wherein the control device is configured to perform torque-down corresponding to a deficiency by delaying the ignition timing of the internal combustion engine when an actual torque of the electric rotary machine through the regeneration control is deficient for the torque-down request.2. The control device for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a guard value for slowly changing a regenerative torque output from the electric rotary machine through the regeneration control is set in the regenerative torque claim 1 , andwherein the guard value is a value varying according to a vehicle speed and is set such that a rate of change in regenerative torque per unit time increases as the vehicle speed increases.3. The control device for a vehicle according to claim 2 , ...
