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21-08-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2825166C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Система контроля и ограничения скорости транспортного средства по параметрам курсовой и поперечной устойчивости при криволинейном движении включает систему, прерывающую подачу топлива, состоящую из электронного устройства определения критической скорости транспортного средства. Дополнительно система содержит установленный на кузове гироскопический датчик, определяющий угол поворота продольной оси транспортного средства относительно прямолинейного движения и угол поперечного наклона кузова относительно нормали, и электронное устройство сравнения теоретического расчетного значения углов поворота продольной оси автомобиля, соответствующего углу поворота управляемых колес при нейтральной поворачиваемости автомобиля, с действительным значением. Повышается безопасность. 2 ил.

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2388631C2

Изобретение относится к системам управления режимом поворота транспортного средства. Устройство содержит расчетное устройство управляющего момента рыскания, первый регулятор движения рыскания, второй регулятор движения рыскания, контроллер движения рыскания. Расчетное устройство управляющего момента рыскания рассчитывает управляющий момент рыскания. Первый регулятор движения рыскания регулирует движущую силу, прикладываемую к левому колесу и правому колесу в одном из передних колес и задних колес транспортного средства. Второй регулятор движения рыскания регулирует тормозную силу, прикладываемую к левому и правому колесу в одном из передних колес и задних колес транспортного средства. Контроллер движения рыскания выводит сигналы управления в первый и второй регулятор движения рыскания для генерирования управляющего момента рыскания. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности управления поворотом транспортного средства. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729330C1

Изобретение относится к способу помощи при парковке транспортного средства. Способ помощи при парковке для устройства помощи при парковке, которое осуществляет поиск пустого парковочного места, которое удовлетворяет заданному условию, вокруг подвижного объекта и отображает первое вспомогательное изображение в положении пустого парковочного места на окружающем изображении. Первое вспомогательное изображение является видом сверху области, включающей в себя подвижный объект, причем первое вспомогательное изображение указывает пустое парковочное место. Способ помощи при парковке включает в себя этапы, на которых определяют, поворачивает ли подвижный объект, и в случае, когда определено, что подвижный объект поворачивает, запрещают отображение первого вспомогательного изображения. Достигается повышение безопасности парковки транспортного средства. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008150075A

... 1. Приводное устройство транспортного средства, которое может создавать различные движущие силы, по меньшей мере, в паре, состоящей соответственно из левого и правого ведущих колес, характеризующееся тем, что ! левое и правое ведущие колеса приводятся в движение посредством движущих сил, которые определяются на основании суммарной движущей силы для ведущих колес, сил противодействия движущим силам на ведущих колесах и, по меньшей мере, двух из следующих целевых моментов: целевого момента, требуемого в направлении поворота транспортного средства в горизонтальной плоскости, целевого момента, требуемого в направлении поперечного наклона транспортного средства, и целевого момента, требуемого в направлении продольного наклона транспортного средства. !2. Приводное устройство транспортного средства по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что движущие силы для левого и правого ведущих колес определяются на основании, по меньшей мере, двух из следующих соотношений: соотношения между целевым моментом в направлении ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557132C1

Предложено устройство управления приведением в движение транспортного средства, которое выполняет управление траекторией, при котором управляемые колеса управляются таким образом, чтобы заставлять транспортное средство двигаться вдоль целевой траектории. Когда существует вероятность того, что направление движения транспортного средства может быть изменено за счет управления траекторией, по меньшей мере, одно из рабочей позиции средства ввода для руления, управляемого водителем, угла относительно вертикальной оси транспортного средства и поперечной позиции транспортного средства относительно полосы движения изменяется до того, как будет выполнено изменение направления движения, в силу этого выдавая пассажирам в транспортном средстве предварительное уведомление относительно вероятности изменения направления движения транспортного средства, вызываемого за счет управления траекторией. Достигается выдача предварительного уведомления относительно изменения направления движения транспортного средства ...

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94019975A

В автомобиле 2, оснащенном гибридным приводом в виде агрегата "ДВС-генератор" 16, активное усиление рулевого привода осуществляется за счет того, что независимые приводы 8, 10 внешнего и внутреннего колес регулируются в зависимости от угла поворота управляемых колес 4, 6 путем установки разности моментов так, что фактическая процентная разность в числе оборотов колес приближается к заданной процентной разнице в числе оборотов. Вследствие того, что при повороте мощность привода на внешнем колесе 4 больше, чем на внутреннем колесе 6, прикладываемое через рулевое управление 20, 22, 12 усилие, необходимое для поворота управляемых колес, значительно меньше, чем без разности моментов. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Stabilisierung eines Zweirads bei Kurvenfahrt

Номер: DE102012211963A1

Bei einem Verfahren zur Stabilisierung eines Zweirads bei Kurvenfahrt wird anhand von Messwerten einschließlich des aktuellen Lenkwinkels auf ein Driften des Hinterrads bzw. ein Untersteuern des Vorderrads geschlossen und das Zweirad durch Ändern den Momentes am Vorderrad und/oder Hinterrad stabilisiert.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020133709A1

Das Fahrzeugsteuerungsgerät weist einen Sensor zum Erfassen einer physikalischen Größe einer Abbiegebewegung, eine Beschleunigungs-/Verzögerungsvorrichtung, eine Steuerungseinheit sowie eine Vorrichtung auf, um eine Straßenforminformation zu erlangen, die eine Form einer Straße an einer Position darstellt, die von einem Fahrzeug um einen vorbestimmten Abstand entfernt ist. Die Einheit bestimmt, dass eine erste Steuerungsstartbedingung erfüllt wird, wenn eine Größe der physikalischen Größe einen ersten Wert übersteigt, während die gekrümmte Straße als nicht vorhanden bestimmt wurde, basierend auf der Straßenforminformation, um eine Beschleunigungs-/Verzögerungssteuerung durchzuführen, um das Fahrzeug dazu zu bringen, mit einer Zielgeschwindigkeit in Abhängigkeit einer Krümmung der Straße zu laufen. Die Einheit bestimmt, dass eine zweite Steuerungsstartbedingung erfüllt wird, wenn die Größe der physikalischen Größe einen zweiten Wert übersteigt, der kleiner ist als der erste Wert, während ...

19-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004004312A1

In einer Fahrzeugdynamik-Steuervorrichtung, welche eine Fahrzeugdynamiksteuerung und eine Spurabweichungs-Verhinderungssteuerung aktiviert, ist ein Prozessor einer Steuereinheit geeignet programmiert, um die Fahrstabilität, wobei dies die Fahrfähigkeit eines Fahrzeugs und die Stabilität eines Fahrzeugs umfaßt, auf Basis mindestens eines Lenkwinkels zu bestimmen und die Fahrzeugdynamiksteuerung durch Erzeugen eines Seitenabweichungs-Drehmoments auszuführen, welches einer gesteuerten Variablen der Fahrzeugdynamiksteuerung entspricht, wenn die Fahrstabilität beeinträchtigt ist, und die Spurabweichungs-Verhinderungssteuerung durch Erzeugen eines Seitenabweichungs-Drehmoments auszuführen, welches einer gesteuerten Variablen der Spurabweichungs-Verhinderungssteuerung entspricht, wenn die Möglichkeit einer Spurabweichung besteht. Der Prozessor ist ferner geeignet programmiert, um ein Kriterium, welches verwendet wird, um die Fahrstabilität zu bestimmen, auf Basis der gesteuerten Variablen der ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE112013004571T5

Es wird ein Fahrzeugsteuer- bzw. -regelsystem geschaffen, um eine Antriebskraft zu regeln, um ein Kurvenfahrtverhalten bzw. eine Kurvenleistung in einem Fahrzeug zu verbessern, das ein automatisches Getriebe aufweist, ohne einen Konflikt mit einer Schaltsteuerung des Getriebes zu bewirken. Das Fahrzeugsteuer- bzw. -regelsystem weist auf: eine Schalteinrichtung, die eine Schaltoperation des Getriebes auf Basis einer Durchführungsbedingung durchführt, die einen Durchführungsschwellenwert beinhaltet, der von einer Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit und davon abhängt, in welchem Umfang ein Fahrer einen Beschleuniger betätigt; eine Antriebskraftsteuer- bzw. -regeleinrichtung, die eine Steuerung bzw. Regelung zur Verbesserung des Kurvenfahrtverhaltens durchführt, um durch Regeln einer Antriebskraft während des Kurvenfahrens ein Fahrzeugverhalten zu stabilisieren; und eine Schaltbedingungskorrektureinrichtung (Schritte S3, S4 und S5), die während der Durchführung der Steuerung bzw. Regelung zur Verbesserung ...

05-02-2009 дата публикации

Motor vehicle e.g. passenger car, driving dynamics controlling device, has actuator that is controlled according to result of comparison between measured yaw rate and stationary desired yaw rate, from control module

Номер: DE102008032763A1

The device has an actuator that is controlled according to a result of comparison between a measured yaw rate and a stationary desired yaw rate, from a control module. The actuator is provided as a part of a controllable and/or regulatable subsystem for front wheel or rear wheel steering, a brake system, a dampening- and ride-control system, a torque vectoring- and all wheel-system, an engine- and gear-management system, a hybrid system, or another controllable and/or regulatable subsystem. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a method for controlling driving dynamics of a vehicle (2) a method for generating a characteristic map for desired yaw control of a vehicle.

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung, Verfahren zum Steuern des Fahrzeugverhaltens eines Fahrzeugs und Computerprogrammprodukt

Номер: DE102018001256A1

Es wird eine Fahrzeug-Regel- bzw. -Steuervorrichtung zur Verfügung gestellt, welche einen Motor, einen Motor-Regel- bzw. -Steuermechanismus, welcher konfiguriert ist, um ein Drehmoment zu regeln bzw. zu steuern, welches durch den Motor erzeugt wird, und einen Prozessor beinhaltet, welcher konfiguriert ist, um ein Fahrzeugverhalten-Regel- bzw. -Steuermodul, um eine Fahrzeugverhalten-Regelung bzw. -Steuerung durchzuführen, in welcher der Motor-Regel- bzw. -Steuermechanismus geregelt bzw. gesteuert wird, um das Drehmoment zu reduzieren, um das Fahrzeug zu verlangsamen, wenn eine Bedingung, dass das Fahrzeug fährt und ein auf einen Lenkwinkel bezogener Wert, welcher sich auf einen Lenkwinkel einer Lenkvorrichtung bezieht, ansteigt, erfüllt wird, und ein Verhinderungsmodul auszuführen, um zu verhindern, dass eine Verbrennungsfrequenz des Motors pro Zeiteinheit unter einen gegebenen Wert fällt, während das Fahrzeugverhalten-Regel- bzw. -Steuermodul die Fahrzeugverhalten-Regelung bzw. -Steuerung ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018101245A1

Ein Fahrzeugsteuersystem beinhaltet ein erstes Fehlermodul, das einen ersten Gierfehler basierend auf der Differenz zwischen einer Gierrate des Fahrzeugs und einer Soll-Gierrate bestimmt. Ein zweites Fehlermodul bestimmt einen zweiten Gierfehler basierend auf dem ersten Gierfehler und einem Soll-Gierfehler. Ein Soll-Gierfehler-Modul stellt den Soll-Gierfehler basierend auf dem Qualifikationsniveau eines Fahrzeugführers ein. Ein Einstellmodul erhöht und verringert selektiv eine Soll-Einstellung, wenn der zweite Gierfehler größer als ein erster vorgegebener Schwellenwert ist. Ein Stellglied-Steuermodul steuert in Reaktion auf das Erhöhen der Solleinstellung ein dynamisches Stellglied des Fahrzeugs an.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017119154A1
Автор: SATO YUTAKA, Sato, Yutaka

Eine Steuerungseinheit (200) für ein Fahrzeug (1000), das ein aktives Lenksystem aufweist, mit dem ein Lenkübersetzungsverhältnis zwischen einem Lenkwinkel eines Lenkrads (130) und einem Reifenlenkwinkel geändert werden kann, weist Folgendes auf: eine Lenkdrehbewegungs-Assistenzsteuerung (258a) und eine Links-/Rechts-Antriebskraftsteuerung (258b). Die Lenkdrehbewegungs-Assistenzsteuerung (258a) steuert das das Lenkübersetzungsverhältnis derart, dass eine von dem Fahrzeug (1000) erzeugte Gierrate zu einer Zielgierrate zum Unterstützen einer Drehbewegung des Fahrzeugs (1000) wird. Die Links-/Rechts-Antriebskraftsteuerung (258b) nimmt an linken und rechten elektrisch angetriebenen Rädern (100–106), die unabhängig von einem Lenksystem (140) jeweils ein zusätzliches Giermoment auf eine Fahrzeugkarosserie aufbringen und voneinander unabhängig angetrieben werden können, eine derartige Steuerung von Antriebskräften der elektrisch angetriebenen Räder (100–106) vor, dass die von dem Fahrzeug (1000 ...

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Antriebssystem für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE0019827117B4
Принадлежит: ZF SACHS AG

Antriebssystem für ein Fahrzeug, umfassend: - ein Antriebsaggregat (12), - eine dem Antriebsaggregat zugeordnete Leistungsstellanordnung (32) zum Einstellen der Leistungsabgabe des Antriebsaggregats (12), - ein Schaltgetriebe (20), - eine im Drehmomentübertragungsweg zwischen dem Antriebsaggregat (12) und dem Schaltgetriebe (20) angeordnete, automatisch betätigbare Reibungskupplung (16), - eine Betriebszustands-Bestimmungsanordnung (40, 26) zum Bestimmen wenigstens einer Größe, die einen mit der Querbeschleunigung (a) des Fahrzeugs (V) in Zusammenhang stehenden Betriebszustand charakterisiert, - eine Ansteueranordnung (26), welche die wenigstens eine Größe mit einer Referenzgröße (S1, S2) vergleicht und dann, wenn der Vergleich auf das Vorliegen eines kritischen Fahrzustands hinweist, auf die Leistungsstellanordnung (32) einwirkt, um die Leistungsabgabe des Antriebsaggregats (12) zu beeinflussen, - eine Betriebsparameter-Bestimmungsanordnung (42, 44, 26) zum Bestimmen wenigstens eines Betriebsparameters ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Aktives Lenkunterstützungssystem zum Steuern einer stabilen Querbeschleunigung

Номер: DE102019207015A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Steuern der Querbeschleunigung in einem Fahrzeug mit einem aktiven Lenkunterstützungssystem bereitgestellt, wobei eine Begrenzung der Querbeschleunigung durch das Lenkunterstützungssystem in Abhängigkeit von einer kategorisierten Fahrsituation und notwendigen Querbeschleunigung inaktiviert wird. Es wird weiterhin eine Anordnung sowie ein Fahrzeug zum Ausführen des Verfahrens bereitgestellt.

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Lenkunterstützungssystems

Номер: DE102018202847A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Lenkunterstützungssystems eines Kraftfahrzeugs, bei dem bei einer Lenkbewegung des Fahrers eine im Fahrbetrieb des Fahrzeugs stets bereitstehende Lenkunterstützung ermittelt und bereitgestellt wird, wobei die Lenkunterstützung durch einen elektrohydraulischen oder elektro-mechanischen Antrieb erfolgt, der in Abhängigkeit von der Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit eine unterstützende Kraft oder ein unterstützendes Moment am Lenksystem aufbringt, wobei die Bereitstellung der Lenkunterstützung in Abhängigkeit vom Ergebnis einer Bewertung erfolgt, ob zwischen der ermittelten Lenkunterstützung und der Lenkintention des Fahrers eine Diskrepanz besteht, wobei bei einer Lenkbewegung des Fahrers der aktuelle Wert wenigstens eines Lenkparameters ermittelt wird, und dass ein Überschreiten eines Grenzwerts durch den aktuellen Wert als Diskrepanz zwischen der Lenkunterstützung und der Lenkintention des Fahrers gewertet wird, und wobei bei der Lenkbewegung ...

26-07-2000 дата публикации

Vehicle steering by differentially driving steerable wheels

Номер: GB0002345895A

A vehicle having steerable wheels 24, 26 driven by individual motors 16, 18 has the motors controlled to create a torque imbalance in response to the steering angle to reduce the turning circle. The torque imbalance may be triggered by the approach of the steering to the full lock position. The vehicle may have a hybrid drive system with all wheels driven by electric motors.

01-05-2013 дата публикации

Improvements in vehicle steering

Номер: GB0201305267D0

22-06-2005 дата публикации

A vehicle control system

Номер: GB0000510022D0

26-09-2018 дата публикации

System and method utilizing detected load for vehicle handling

Номер: GB0002560846A

A driving stability control system obtains an overall load acting on a vehicle, vehicle information 32 including yaw, steering and speed, and through a behaviour controller 22 sends signals to actuators 42 for aerodynamic components 43 and a suspension system38 to reduce a tendency of oversteer or understeer. Preferably, load sensors utilise components of the vehicle suspension system, or the sensors are embedded in each tyre of the vehicle. If the controller predicts oversteer, the aerodynamic component actuators may increase aerodynamic load on the vehicle rear, or decrease load on the vehicle front, or the suspension actuators may increase roll stiffness at the vehicle front, or decrease roll stiffness at the rear. If the controller predicts understeer, the aerodynamic component actuators may increase aerodynamic load on the vehicle front, or decrease load on the vehicle rear, or the suspension actuators may increase roll stiffness at the vehicle rear, or decrease roll stiffness at the ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации

A method and systesm for a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0201705195D0

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000541759T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517787T

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002919965A1

Provided is a vehicle that can improve vehicle posture control or operation performance during accelerating turn. A vehicle (10) is provided with: a left drive wheel (36a) and a right drive wheel (36b) connected to a motor (16, 18); a required drive power amount input device (64) for inputting a required drive power amount; and a required turn amount input device (62) for inputting a required turn amount. The vehicle (10) further includes a turn control device (28) that adjusts a power difference (?T) between the left drive wheel (36a) and the right drive wheel (36b) on the basis of a time derivative value of the required drive power amount in addition to the required turn amount.

14-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002935038C

According to this vehicle and control method for the same, an electric motor control device sets a target left power (TM1) and a target right power (TM2), on the basis of the power (.beta.) suppliable by a power supply, power loss (L1, L2) dependent on the respective rotation state quantities (Nmot) of a left electric motor and a right electric motor, the target power difference (.DELTA.TT) between the left electric motor and the right electric motor, and the target sum of power (TRT_req) of the left electric motor and the right electric motor, and controls the left electric motor and the right electric motor using the target left power (TM1) and the target right power (TM2).

08-06-2018 дата публикации

Sideslip compensated control method for autonomous vehicles

Номер: CN0108137015A

30-08-2019 дата публикации

Yaw stability control method for reflecting nonlinear characteristic of automobile

Номер: CN0108099902B

11-01-2019 дата публикации

For the four-wheel independent driving of a motor vehicle turning control method and system

Номер: CN0106314426B

17-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002933941B1

12-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003017095B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

25-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003036354A1

Procédé de détermination d'une vitesse limite de roulage pour un conducteur au volant d'un véhicule, le procédé comprenant les étapes suivantes au cours desquelles: On estime le potentiel d'adhérence disponible à un instant donné entre un pneumatique du véhicule et la chaussée sur laquelle roule le pneumatique, en fonction de paramètres influents connus et/ou mesurés On détermine un besoin d'adhérence, en fonction de la situation de roulage du véhicule et des caractéristiques de conduite du conducteur du véhicule, On détermine, en fonction de ce besoin d'adhérence et du potentiel d'adhérence estimé, une vitesse limite de roulage permettant de ne pas dépasser le potentiel d'adhérence.

04-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003093305A1

05-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003064844A1

Il est prévu un système de commande pour une machine à induction capable de réguler, de manière appropriée, deux rotors uniformément en négociant un virage. A cet effet, il est divulgué un système de commande pour une machine à induction. Le système de commande comprend, en tant qu'organe de commande, une ECU (5). L'ECU (5) calcule des couples cibles pour les deux rotors (22, 23) respectifs, qui prennent en sandwich un stator (21) d'un moteur (2), sur la base d'une répartition de couple pour les deux rotors (22, 23), et un couple total que le moteur (2) doit développer ; et sélectionne, en tant qu'une fréquence de la vitesse synchrone du moteur (2), une fréquence de régulation commune aux deux rotors (22, 23) sur la base des couples cibles et des vitesses rotationnelles des deux rotors (22, 23) respectifs.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140034934A

25-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180041971A

According to the present invention, in a vehicle applied with integration chassis system active control, the active integration chassis control is realized for a mode thereof to be switched to a turning acceleration escape mode of dynamic performance in accordance with AWD four wheel control and front and rear wheel braking control of ESC instead of a turning stability mode for mainly stability in accordance with AWD rear wheel and rear wheel braking control of the ESC by turning off VDC and recognizing a sports mode by an active integration chassis controller (10). Therefore, a turning force and an acceleration force are maximized to enable a turning acceleration escape. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (AA) Start (B1,B2) End (S20) Is a vehicle turned? (S40) Calculate a target yaw rate ...

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011131321A1

The invention relates to a drive device for an all-wheel drive vehicle with a front-axle drive (5, 7) and a rear-axle drive (19; 33, 34), which drive device has an electronic control device which defines a drive moment (MSumme) for driving the vehicle on the basis of a driver request. The electronic control device is assigned a moment distribution unit (25), by way of which the drive moment (MSumme) can be distributed in a variable manner to the front-axle drive (5, 7) and the rear-axle drive (19; 33, 34) as a function of input parameters which are generated in a driver-assist regulator (31).

23-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: US20060261937A1

A control system (18) for an automotive vehicle (10) has a first roll condition detector (64A), a second roll condition detector (64B), a third roll condition detector (64C), and a controller (26) that uses the roll condition generated by the roll condition detectors (64A-C) to determine a wheel lift condition. Other roll condition detectors may also be used in the wheel lift determination. The wheel lift conditions may be active or passive or both.

22-03-2022 дата публикации

Torque vectoring with model-predictive torque requests

Номер: US0011279240B2
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

A vehicle electric torque vectoring system includes a traction motor, a vectoring motor, gears, and a controller. The gears transfer torque from the propulsion and vectoring motors to wheels. The controller, responsive to a step change in an unmodified torque request for the vectoring motor and a predicted torque response of the vectoring motor being greater than the unmodified torque request, commands the vectoring motor to generate torque with a modified torque request less than the unmodified torque request. The controller further, responsive to the predicted torque response becoming less than the unmodified torque request, commands the vectoring motor to generate torque with the unmodified torque request.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327108A1

A vehicle includes a trailer hitch, an axle having an electronic limited slip differential, and a controller. The electronic limited slip differential includes a variable torque capacity lockup clutch. The controller is programmed to, in response to detecting the presence of a trailer connected to the trailer hitch and an increase in vehicle speed, increase the lockup clutch torque by a first torque adjustment.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232799A1

Provided is a drive source control device (67) for controlling two drive sources (2L, 2R) of a vehicle. The vehicle including the two drive sources (2L, 2R), left and right drive wheels (61L, 61R), and a power transmission device (3) disposed among the two drive sources (2L, 2R) and the drive wheels (61L, 61R). The device (3) distributes powers from the two drive sources (2L, 2R) to the wheels (61L, 61R) to drive the wheels (61L, 61R). The drive source control device (67) includes: an angular acceleration calculation (71) to calculate angular accelerations of the drive wheels (61L, 61R) and/or angular accelerations of the drive sources (2L, 2R); and a torque correction (68) to, using the angular accelerations calculated by the angular acceleration calculation (71), correct command values for respective outputs of the drive sources (2L, 2R).

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Driver Assistance Device, Driver Assistance Method, and Driver Assistance System

Номер: US20200369267A1

A driver assistance device, a driver assistance method, and a driver assistance system according to the present invention make it possible to: determine a distribution of a risk of a vehicle departing from a drivable width of a road on which the vehicle travels based on driving environment factors including a road curvature and a friction coefficient of a road surface of a curve approaching the vehicle; calculate an operation variable of an actuator related to a steering operation of the vehicle based on the distribution of the risk; and output the operation variable to the actuator. This enables steering control based on potential risk evaluation made by taking into account a risk that the controllability of the vehicle may decrease when the vehicle travels on a curve.

06-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100114449A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co. Ltd

Apparatus for estimating a ground contact surface gripping characteristic of a vehicle wheel of a vehicle comprises an input section and an output section. The input section sets an input representing a ratio of a wheel force acting on the vehicle wheel in the ground contact surface, and a wheel slipping degree of the vehicle wheel. The output section determines, from the input, an output representing a grip characteristic parameter indicative of the gripping characteristic of the vehicle wheel.

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Control device for engine

Номер: US0010598110B2
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corporation, MAZDA MOTOR

A control device for controlling an engine based on an operating state of a vehicle is provided. The control device includes a processor configured to execute a basic target torque determining module for determining a basic target torque based on an operating state of the vehicle, a torque reduction amount determining module for determining a torque reduction amount based on a part of the operating state of the vehicle, a final target torque determining module for determining a final target torque based on the basic target torque and the torque reduction amount, an engine controlling module for controlling the engine to output the final target torque, and a torque change smoothing module for smoothing a chronological change of the final target torque corresponding to the torque reduction amount at a smaller smoothing degree than that of the chronological change of the final target torque corresponding to the basic target torque.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190329759A1
Автор: Yusuke TAKEYA
Принадлежит: ADVICS CO., LTD.

A travel control device includes a first arithmetic unit configured to calculate a target moment, that is, a turning moment necessary for causing a vehicle to turn and move along a target path from a current position to a target position; a second arithmetic unit configured to calculate a limit moment, that is, a maximum turning moment which can be generated by a steering mechanism of the vehicle by the time the vehicle reaches the target position from the current position, while taking into account at least response delays of the vehicle; and an output unit configured to output brake commands for causing brake devices, which are respectively disposed so as to correspond to multiple wheels of the vehicle, to independently generate a braking force when the target moment is greater than the limit moment such that an insufficient moment corresponding to the difference between the target moment and the limit moment is generated.

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210387613A1

The present invention relates to a method for having a vehicle (100) follow a desired curvature path (C1), said vehicle (100) comprising at least one differential (10, 20, 30) with a differential lock connected to at least one driven wheel axle (40, 50) of said vehicle (100), said method comprising at least the following steps: —providing (S1) information regarding state of said differential lock, said state being either that said differential lock is activated or unlocked, and when said differential lock is activated: —calculating (S2) a yaw moment, Mdiff, of said vehicle (100), caused by said differential lock; and —compensating (S3) for a deviation from said desired curvature path (C1) caused by said yaw moment, Mdiff, such that a resulting steering angle is equal to or less than a maximum allowed steering angle of said vehicle (100), whereby said compensation is a feed forward compensation. The invention also relates to a control unit, a vehicle, a computer program and a computer readable ...

09-03-2004 дата публикации

Vehicle-behavior control apparatus and method

Номер: US0006702717B2

A vehicle-behavior control apparatus for a vehicle with a center differential comprising of a control unit adopted to be connected to a braking system and vehicle status sensors. This control unit directs the braking system to distribute suitable braking force to each wheels in response to a spin or driftout moment determined by any outputs of the vehicle sensors and a state of the center differential determined by a differential state sensor.

06-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220314966A1

A method for estimating a longitudinal force difference ΔFx acting on steered axle wheels of a vehicle, the method comprising obtaining data from the vehicle related to an applied steering torque Msteerassociated with the steered axle wheels, obtaining a scrub radius value rsassociated with the steered axle wheels, and estimating the longitudinal force difference ΔFx, based on the obtained data and on the scrub radius rs, as proportional to the applied steering torque Msteerand as inversely proportional to the scrub radius rs.

18-04-2012 дата публикации

Technique for detecting shifted cargo

Номер: EP2065688B1
Автор: Engelhard, Lars
Принадлежит: Elektrobit Automotive GmbH

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2436692C2

Изобретение относится к системе управления транспортным средством, которая увеличивает стабильность транспортного средства. Система содержит устройство сцепления, контроллер сцепления. Контроллер сцепления выполнен с возможностью введения в зацепление центрального устройства сцепления в операционных режимах автомобиля и последующего управления устройством сцепления, согласно рабочему параметру автомобиля. Рабочий параметр автомобиля показывает операционное состояние низкого сцепления с дорогой. Контроллер сцепления обеспечивает введение в зацепление устройства сцепления, согласно сигналу заданного прикладываемого крутящего момента сцепления. Сигнал заданного прикладываемого крутящего момента сцепления базируется на измененном нормальном сигнале прикладываемого крутящего момента сцепления. Сигнал заданного прикладываемого крутящего момента сцепления равен нормальному сигналу прикладываемого крутящего момента сцепления, умноженному на модификатор. Технический результат заключается в повышении ...

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587317C1

Изобретение относится к управлению движением транспортного средства. Устройство управления движением транспортного средства содержит: модуль обнаружения поведения при повороте; модуль задания целевого поведения при повороте; модуль управления тормозной силой; рулевой механизм; поворотный механизм колеса; муфту, соединяющую рулевой механизм и поворотный механизм с возможностью отсоединения, и поворотный актуатор, прикладывающий вращающую силу к поворотному механизму. Также в устройстве содержится модуль управления рулением, задающий целевой угол поворота колеса в соответствии с действием руления водителем в состоянии, в котором муфта отсоединена, для приведения в действие поворотного актуатора в соответствии с целевым углом поворота и модуль обнаружения угла поворота колеса. Когда возникает смещение позиции так, что целевой угол поворота и угол поворота отличаются, модуль управления тормозной силой задает пороговое значение для активации управления тормозной силой больше порогового значения ...

04-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681177C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу управления движением самоходного бурового агрегата. Самоходный буровой агрегат содержит правое ходовое средство и левое ходовое средство и устройство взаимно независимого регулирования скорости и трансмиссию для приведения в движение указанных правого ходового средства и левого ходового средства. Трансмиссия обеспечивает, по меньшей мере, две передачи коробки передач. Способ управления включает этапы: запрашивание скорости хода для указанного правого ходового средства и для указанного левого ходового средства; определение разности между запрашиваемыми скоростями хода указанного правого ходового средства и указанного левого ходового средства; определение подходящей передачи на основе разности, определенной таким образом. При этом при определенной подходящей передаче, более низкой, чем текущая передача, осуществляют автоматическое переключение передачи с указанной текущей передачи на указанную определенную более низкую передачу. Обеспечивается упрощение ...

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659670C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству управления движением и способу для этого, которые управляют движением транспортного средства. Устройство (100) управления движением включает в себя модуль получения информации рассматриваемого объекта, модуль получения информации объектов, модуль планирования, модуль управления и модуль получения информации о допустимом состоянии. Модуль получения информации рассматриваемого объекта получает информацию о позиции рассматриваемого транспортного средства (V1). Модуль получения информации объектов получает информацию о позиции объезжаемого объекта, столкновение с которым рассматриваемое транспортное средство (V1) должно предотвращать. Модуль планирования планирует целевой путь для предотвращения столкновений с объезжаемым объектом в соответствии с позицией рассматриваемого транспортного средства (V1) и позицией объезжаемого объекта. Модуль управления выводит информацию команд для обеспечения движения рассматриваемого транспортного средства (V1) по ...

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361753C1

Изобретение относится к транспортной технике. Предложено устройство отображения характеристик при повороте, работающее для отображения состояния управления блоком управления характеристиками поворота. Последний управляет характеристиками поворота транспортного средства в направлении поворота с использованием относительной разности между первым вращающим моментом, воздействующим на одно из левого и правого колес транспортного средства, и вторым вращающим моментом, воздействующим на другое из левого и правого колес транспортного средства. Устройство отображения характеристик при повороте содержит секции отображения, предусмотренные для левого и правого колес. Эти секции отображения выполнены с возможностью увеличения или уменьшения в направлении поворота в соответствии с указанной относительной разностью относительно контрольной секции, используемой, когда первый вращающий момент равен второму вращающему моменту. Изобретение обеспечивает мгновенное распознавание состояния управления характеристиками ...

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017103917A3

30-07-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2021102118A3

28-05-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018102527A3

27-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019116204A3

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007142324A

... 1. Способ предотвращения заноса или опрокидывания в процессе движения дорожного транспортного средства, имеющего по меньшей мере четыре колеса, включающий: ! (a) повторяемое измерение параметров колебательного движения ступицы колеса на ступице каждого из по меньшей мере четырех колес; ! (b) обработку данных измерений параметров колебательного движения для определения текущего рабочего состояния транспортного средства; и ! (c) выполнение режима коррекции вождения в соответствии с упомянутым текущим рабочим состоянием транспортного средства, в котором упомянутое измерение и упомянутая обработка представляют собой измерение и обработку параметров колебательного движения для каждого колеса по меньшей мере вдоль по меньшей мере двух перпендикулярных осей. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что параметры колебательного движения измеряют вдоль трех перпендикулярных осей. ! 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что упомянутая обработка включает: ! (a) обработку результатов измерений параметров ...

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008110647A

... 1. Устройство для управления поворотом транспортного средства, содержащее: ! первый регулятор, приспособленный для регулирования движущей силы, прикладываемой к по меньшей мере одному из передних колес и задних колес транспортного средства; ! второй регулятор, приспособленный для регулирования тормозной силы, прикладываемой к по меньшей мере одному из передних колес и задних колес; и ! контроллер движения, приспособленный для обеспечения величины управляющего воздействия, которая распределяется на первый регулятор с первым коэффициентом, а на второй регулятор со вторым коэффициентом, при этом контроллер движения приспособлен для: ! управления первым регулятором, с тем чтобы увеличивать движущую силу, прикладываемую к по меньшей мере одному из передних колес и задних колес, расположенных на внутренней стороне поворота, и управления вторым регулятором, с тем чтобы увеличивать тормозную силу, прикладываемую к по меньшей мере одному из передних колес и задних колес, расположенных на внешней ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012150797A

... 1. Аппарат улучшения поведения транспортного средства при рулении для транспортного средства, при этом транспортное средство способно двигаться с помощью ходового колеса, приводимого в движение движущей силой от источника энергии, при этом аппарат улучшения поведения транспортного средства при рулении содержит:средство обнаружения операции руления, которое обнаруживает операцию руления относительно руления управляемым колесом транспортного средства; исредство уменьшения движущей силы, которое временно уменьшает движущую силу для ходового колеса через установленный период времени, после того как операция руления обнаружена средством обнаружения операции руления.2. Аппарат улучшения поведения транспортного средства при рулении по п.1, в котором средство обнаружения операции руления обнаруживает операцию руления на основе разницы в скорости вращения между множеством ходовых колес транспортного средства.3. Аппарат улучшения поведения транспортного средства при рулении по п.1 или 2, в котором ...

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009149450A

... 1. Устройство для автомобиля, содержащее входной вал для подачи крутящего момента, муфту сцепления для избирательной передачи крутящего момента, а также первое зубчатое колесо, выполненное с возможностью соединения с муфтой сцепления, второе зубчатое колесо, соединенное с первым зубчатым колесом, при этом второе зубчатое колесо прикреплено к устройству без возможности свободного вращения, и выходной вал для получения крутящего момента, причем упомянутое устройство предназначено для управления величиной крутящего момента, передаваемого на выходной вал. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, часть устройства расположена между ведущим валом и задним дифференциалом автомобиля. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором первое зубчатое колесо является компонентом первой планетарной зубчатой передачи, причем первая планетарная зубчатая передача содержит первое кольцевое зубчатое колесо, первое солнечное зубчатое колесо и первый комплект сателлитов и первое водило сателлитов. ! 4. Устройство ...

15-02-2007 дата публикации

Fahrzeugfahr-Steuer/Regelvorrichtung und -verfahren

Номер: DE102006036079A1

Eine Fahrzeugfahr-Steuer/Regelvorrichtung und ein Verfahren, wobei ein Lenkhilfskraft, die für die lenkbaren Laufräder des Fahrzeugs in einer Richtung vorgesehen ist, bei der ein Schiebewinkel verringert wird, wenn eine Fahrzeugschiebewinkel, der eine Differenz zwischen einer Vorwärtsrichtung des Fahrzeuges und einer Lenkrichtung eines Lenkrades des Fahrzeuges ist, und ein Fahrzeug-Übersteuerungszustand erfasst wird und anschließend jedes der Laufräder des Fahrzeuges gesteuert/geregelt wird, um den Schiebewinkel zu verringern, wenn die Lenkhilfskraft in einer Richtung vorgesehen ist, bei der der Fahrzeugschiebewinkel verringert wird, und wenn der Schiebewinkel gleich oder größer als ein vorbestimmter Wert ist.

14-02-2008 дата публикации

Lenksteuergerät für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102007000326A1

Eine Lenkvorrichtung ist zum Steuern eines auf ein Lenkrad eines Fahrzeugs aufgebrachten Lenkmoments vorgesehen. Eine Bremsvorrichtung ist zum Steuern einer auf jedes Rad aufgebrachten Längskraft vorgesehen und eine Steuervorrichtung ist zum Durchführen zumindest einer Antiblockiersteuerung oder einer Traktionssteuerung vorgesehen. Es wird überwacht, ob die Steuervorrichtung die Steuerung an einer Split-Fahrbahn durchführt. Das Lenkmoment wird auf Grundlage einer Differenz der auf die linken und rechten Räder aufgebrachten Längskraft und einer Kurvenfahrtzustandsgrößenabweichung zwischen einer Kurvenfahrtzustandsgröße und dessen Sollgröße gesteuert. Die Sollgröße des Kurvenfahrtzustands wird auf Grundlage des Kurvenfahrtzustands des Fahrzeugs berechnet, der dann erhalten wird, wenn die Antiblockiersteuerung oder die Traktionssteuerung an einer Split-Fahrbahn durchgeführt wird.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Electromechanical drive vehicle e.g. electric car has control device that causes wheel rotations at low vehicle speed and performs control criterion on front and rear axles to produce vehicle pivoting by imposing transverse wheel slip

Номер: DE102011087073A1

The vehicle has a front axle (FA) having a left front wheel (FWL) and a right front wheel (FWR), and a rear axle (RA) having a left rear wheel (RWL) and a right rear wheel (RWR). The electromechanical drive devices (D1-D4) drive the left and right front and rear wheels such that the active different wheel torques or wheel rotations at the axles are adjusted. A control device (2) controls the drive devices, causes wheel rotations at low vehicle speed and performs a control criterion on the axles to produce the pivoting of vehicle by imposing transverse wheel slip. An independent claim is included for method for tuning wheel rotation of electric car.

22-06-2011 дата публикации

System zur variablen Momentenverteilung

Номер: DE102009059903A1

Es ist ein System (1) zur variablen Momentenverteilung innerhalb mindestens einer Achse (3) eines Kraftfahrzeuges offenbart, das einen Hauptantrieb (10) und einen Torque Vectoring Motor (20) umfasst.

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs mit zuschaltbaren Allradantrieb

Номер: DE102019204174A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs (2) mit zuschaltbaren Allradantrieb, wobei der Allradantrieb zentraldifferentialfrei ausgebildet ist und die Hinterachse achsdifferentialfrei ausgebildet ist, wobei das Kraftfahrzeug (2) eine erste Teilkupplung (8a) zum Abkuppeln eines ersten Hinterrades (6a) vom Antriebsstrang des Kraftfahrzeugs (2) und eine zweite Teilkupplung (8b) zum Abkuppeln eines zweiten Hinterrades (6b) vom Antriebsstrang des Kraftfahrzeugs (2) aufweist, mit den Schritten:(S100) Bestimmen, welches der beiden Hinterräder (6a, 6b) bei einer Kurvenfahrt des Kraftfahrzeugs (2) als ein äußeres Hinterrad (6a, 6b) zu behandeln ist,(S200) Bestimmen, ob an dem äußeren Hinterrad (6a, 6b) ein positives oder negatives Drehmoment anliegt,(S300) Öffnen oder Offenhalten zumindest der Teilkupplung (8a, 8b), die dem äußeren Hinterrad (6a, 6b) des Kraftfahrzeugs (2) zugeordnet ist, wenn an dem äußeren Hinterrad (6a, 6b) ein negatives Drehmoment anliegt.

09-09-1999 дата публикации

Driving force controller for vehicle

Номер: DE0019905034A1

An automatic deceleration power generator is provided to generate slowing down power automatically, when an acceleration operation detector detects releasing condition of accelerator pedal by the operator. A curve detector is provided to detect the curve ahead of a vehicle based on map information on a vehicle. The current position of the vehicle is detected by the data stored beforehand. The accelerator operation detector is provided to detect the releasing condition of accelerator pedal. The automatic deceleration generated generates storing slowing down power to the extent that the distance from the vehicle position to curve becomes small.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014009115A1

Es werden eine Lenksteuervorrichtung (100) und ein Lenksteuerverfahren offenbart, die in der Lage sind, einen Wendezustand eines Fahrzeugs zu bestimmen und ein Lenksteuersignal so zu steuern, dass das Fahrzeug einen normalen Wendezustand aufrechterhält, wodurch die Sicherheit des Fahrzeugs verbessert wird.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for determining reference curve slope and steering angle correction value of motor vehicle, involves calculating actual reference curve slope and modified actual reference curve slope, and determining steering angle correction value

Номер: DE102012024980A1

The method (1) involves determining (S1) an actual lateral acceleration (a-y) of the motor vehicle depending on a current speed (v-x) of the motor vehicle from the sensor data provided by a non-optical sensor (18) and from an actual road curve (K) of the curved road section determined by an optical detection system (2). The actual reference curve slope (w-a-y) for the motor vehicle is calculated (S2) from the determined actual lateral acceleration. The modified actual reference curve slope (w-g-v-x,w-g-a-y) is calculated (S3). The modified actual reference curve slope (w-g-v-x,w-g-a-y) is calculated by weighing the reference curve slope with a speed-dependent reference curve slope weighing factor (G-v-x). The steering angle correction value (gamma) for the motor vehicle is determined (S4) depending on the modified actual reference curve slope and the actual road curve. An independent claim is included for a motor vehicle with a control device, an optical detection system and a non-optical ...

06-06-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Erkennen von Gegensteuern

Номер: DE602005000975D1

22-04-1993 дата публикации

Lenkungsunterstützung bei einem nicht-spurgebundenen Fahrzeug

Номер: DE0004134240A1

In a motor vehicle equipped with a hybrid drive formed by an internal combustion engine-generator unit (16), steering is actively assisted when taking curves by controlling the individual drive (8, 10) of the outer and inner wheel depending on the steering angle ( delta A) of the steered wheels (4, 6), so that a moment differential is set and the percent real differential speed of rotation of the wheels nears the percent set differential speed of rotation of the wheels. With this differential moment, and as the outer wheel (4) is more strongly driven in the curve than the inner wheel (6), the force that has to be supplied by the steering system (20, 22, 12) in order to adjust the steered wheels is substantially reduced.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Fahrdynamikregelung eines Kraftfahrzeugs mit geringer Spurweite

Номер: DE102016219600A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Fahrdynamikregelung eines Kraftfahrzeugs (6), insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs (6) mit einer Längslenker-Hinterachse, mit geringer Spurweite zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Verfahren umfasst die Schritte: – Erfassen einer einen Kurvenwunsch des Fahrers signalisierenden Größe (L), und – Abbremsen eines kurveninneren Rades (7) und/oder Beschleunigen eines kurvenäußeren Rades des Kraftfahrzeugs (6) in Abhängigkeit von der erfassten, einen Kurvenwunsch des Fahrers signalisierenden Größe (L) derart, eine Aufbaubewegung des Kraftfahrzeugs (6) herbeigeführt wird, durch die der Kraftfahrzeugschwerpunkt zum Kurveninneren hin und nach unten verlagert wird.

19-07-2006 дата публикации

Lateral and longitudinal velocity determination for an automotive vehicle

Номер: GB0000611188D0

20-09-2017 дата публикации

Controlling skidding vehicles

Номер: GB0201712665D0

27-07-2016 дата публикации

Method and control device for controlling a power steering device and an adaptive damping system of a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0201610238D0

01-06-2005 дата публикации

Curve warning system

Номер: GB0000508221D0

21-09-2005 дата публикации

Controlling brake-steer when a vehicle is moving in a reverse direction

Номер: GB0002412099A

A system and method of controlling an automotive vehicle includes generating a reverse direction signal corresponding to a reverse direction of the vehicle 10 and generating brake-steer in response to the reverse direction signal. Brake-steering may be further controlled as a function of steering wheel position, speed, yaw, and the like, and may include selectively driving an unbraked wheel.

15-04-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle state estimation apparatus and method

Номер: GB0201503552D0

28-06-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling a vehicle

Номер: GB0201707537D0

02-08-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle curvature determination

Номер: GB0002546869A

A current state of a vehicle e.g. internal or environmental condition, is identified. Vehicle path curvature limits or boundaries are determined, which indicates the maximum curvature capability 99, for a left or right turn. A curvature performance profile to follow is determined based at least in part the vehicle path curvature limits. A direction of the vehicle e.g. steering is controlled based at least in part the curvature performance profile. An internal vehicle state may be found from a steering wheel angle, vehicle speed, CAN bus status etc. Environmental conditions may include road grade, road bank, surface friction or temperature. The vehicle state may also include lateral acceleration, wheel angle, yaw rate or path radius. Curvature limits may also be found from steering or other vehicle dynamic models. The curvature limits may also be regenerated by interpolating at least one discrete value of the curvature limits.

30-03-2005 дата публикации

A method for brake-steering a vehicle

Номер: GB0000503471D0

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474750T

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003043481A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

A damping control system for a vehicle having a suspension located between a plurality of ground engaging members and a vehicle frame includes at least one adjustable shock absorber having an adjustable damping profile.

01-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002963009A1

... ²²In a broad respect, vehicles that are capable of making a low- to zero-radius ²turn using the independent rotation of ²drive wheels and by turning the non-driving steerable structure or structures ²(such as wheels) with a steering input device (in some ²embodiments, the driving wheels also may be capable of being turned). This may ²be accomplished using a steering system, a speed ²control system and an integration device (together, a control system) that are ²configured to work together to provide correct steering ²in forward and reverse, and, in some embodiments, to reduce the speed of the ²outboard drive wheel of the vehicle when it enters an ²extreme turn under constant speed input. Different systems configured for use ²in such vehicles are included.² ...

30-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3102194A1

Abstract Systems and methods are provided herein for operating a vehicle in a K-turn mode. The K-turn mode is engaged in response to determining that an amount that at least one of the front wheels of the vehicle is turned exceeds a turn threshold. While operating in the K-turn mode, forward torque is provided to the front wheels of the vehicle. Further, backward torque is provided to the rear wheels of the vehicle. Yet further, the rear wheels of the vehicle remain substantially in static contact with a ground while the front wheels slip in relation to the ground. Date Recue/Date Received 2020-12-09 ...

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Machine control system utilizing inertial yaw sensor

Номер: US20120209485A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

An electronic traction optimization system includes a control unit adapted to produce a corner speed estimate signal for each wheel of a machine, produce an ideal target speed signal for each wheel having a value at least partially responsive to the corner speed estimate signals, produces a practical target speed signal for each wheel, generates an actual target speed signal having a value responsive to a comparison of the ideal target speed signal and the practical target speed signal for each wheel. The control unit compares each actual target speed signal to an associated wheel speed signal to obtain a wheel speed error signal for each wheel and converts each wheel speed error signal to a clutch control signal, wherein each differential clutch actuator is responsive to an associated clutch control signal.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Motion Control Unit for Vehicle Based on Jerk Information

Номер: US20120323445A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

In a motion control system for a vehicle including control means for controlling a yaw moment of the vehicle; first detection means for detecting a longitudinal velocity (V) of the vehicle; second detection means for detecting a lateral jerk (Gy_dot) of the vehicle; and third detection means for detecting a yaw angular acceleration (r_dot) of the vehicle, the yaw moment of the vehicle is controlled by the control means so that a difference between the yaw angular acceleration (r_dot) detected by the third detection means and a value (Gy_dot/V) obtained by the lateral jerk (Gy_dot) of the vehicle detected by the second detection means by the longitudinal velocity (V) detected by the first detection means becomes small.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Device for improving vehicle behavior when steering

Номер: US20130041541A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A steered condition vehicle behavior improving apparatus is provided for a vehicle, wherein the vehicle is capable of running with a road wheel driven by a driving force from a power source. The steered condition vehicle behavior improving apparatus includes a steering operation detecting means and a driving force reducing means. The steering operation detecting means detects a steering operation of steering a steerable wheel of the vehicle. The driving force reducing means temporarily reduces the driving force to the road wheel a set time period after the steering operation is detected by the steering operation detecting means.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Left-right wheel drive force distribution control apparatus for a vehicle

Номер: US20130103227A1
Автор: Shinichi Suzuki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle left-right wheel drive force distribution control apparatus is provided for improving the handling of a vehicle when a steering wheel of the vehicle is being returned toward a center position. The vehicle left-right wheel drive force distribution control apparatus executes a distributed output of a wheel drive force to left and right drive wheels in accordance with a control. The apparatus has a left-right drive force transient control amount computing section that computes a left-right drive force difference transient control amount based on a driver transient turn response. This control amount computed is used in the aforementioned control and is made smaller as the steering wheel is being turned away from a center position than as the steering wheel is being returned toward the center position.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103278A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

Upon determining than an over-steered state exits, a feedback control coefficient for a rear wheel total drive force is set to 0 and a feedback control coefficient for a rear wheel drive force difference is also set to 0 to impose a two-wheel drive state. As a result, it is possible to avoid a turn cruising instability caused by cruising in four-wheel drive in an over-steered state. Upon determining that an under-steered state exists, the feedback control coefficients are set such that four-wheel drive is allowed but a drive force difference is not set between the left and right rear wheels. As a result, when the under-steered state exists, excellent traction can be enjoyed by operating in four-wheel drive and the phenomenon of riding up a canted road surface due to a drive force difference set between the left and right rear wheels can be avoided. 1. A four-wheel drive vehicle drive force distribution control apparatus comprising: an over-steering determining section that determines whether the vehicle is in an over-steered state in which an actual turning behavior is excessive with respect to a target turning behavior computed based on a vehicle operating state; and', 'an over-steering left-right wheel drive force difference control section that sets a drive force difference between the left and right subordinate drive wheels to 0 upon the over-steering determining section determining that the over-steered state exists., 'a controller programmed to execute a distributed output of a total drive force to main drive wheels and subordinate drive wheels of a vehicle with a portion of a main wheel drive force for the main drive wheels being redirected to the subordinate drive wheels between a left subordinate drive wheel and a right subordinate drive wheel in accordance with a drive force distribution control, the controller including'}2. A four-wheel drive vehicle drive force distribution control apparatus comprising: an under-steering determining section means that ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Propulsion device for an all-wheel-drive vehicle and method for distributing the drive torque to a front axle drive and a rear axle drive

Номер: US20130211640A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The invention relates to a propulsion device for an all-wheel-drive vehicle with a front-axle drive ( 5, 7 ) and a rear-axle drive ( 19; 33, 34 ), which propulsion device has an electronic control device which defines a drive torque (M Summe ) for driving the vehicle based on a driver request. The electronic control device is associated with a torque distribution unit ( 25 ), by way of which the drive torque (M Summe ) can be variably distributed to the front-axle drive ( 5, 7 ) and the rear-axle drive ( 19; 33, 34 ) as a function of input parameters generated by a driver-assistance controller ( 31 ).

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231799A1

A vehicle attitude control system includes a control unit that calculates a front wheel control amount and a rear wheel control amount on the basis of a front-side slip angle at a front axle of front wheels and a rear-side slip angle at a rear axle of rear wheels, and that controls the front wheels on the basis of the front wheel control amount and controls the rear wheels on the basis of the rear wheel control amount at the same time. 1. A vehicle attitude control system , comprising:a control unit that calculates a front wheel control amount and a rear wheel control amount on the basis of a front-side slip angle that is a side slip angle at an axle of front wheels and a rear-side slip angle that is a side slip angle at an axle of rear wheels, and that controls the front wheels on the basis of the front wheel control amount and controls the rear wheels on the basis of the rear wheel control amount at the same time.2. The vehicle attitude control system according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit calculates the front wheel control amount and the rear wheel control amount on the basis of the front-side slip angle claim 1 , the rear-side slip angle and a target yaw rotation center position of a vehicle.3. The vehicle attitude control system according to claim 2 , wherein the control unit calculates the front wheel control amount on the basis of a difference between a target front-side slip angle based on the target yaw rotation center position and the front-side slip angle.4. The vehicle attitude control system according to claim 3 , wherein the control unit calculates the target front-side slip angle on the basis of the target yaw rotation center position and a total slip angle that is a difference between the front-side slip angle and the rear-side slip angle.5. The vehicle attitude control system according to claim 4 , wherein the control unit calculates a front-side target ratio that is a ratio of a distance from the axle of the front wheels to the target yaw ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140019007A1

A driving force control system for a vehicle, which is configured to control a driving force of a vehicle by calculating an actual value of a stability factor of a running vehicle based on a detection value of a predetermined sensor, and adjusting the calculated actual value of the stability factor toward a target value of the stability factor determined depending on a travelling condition of the vehicle. The driving force control system is comprised of: a steering judging unit that judges a fact that a change rate of a steering angle of the vehicle is smaller than a predetermined reference value; a correction value calculating unit that corrects the actual value of the stability factor based on a comparison between an actual value and a target value of a physical amount with respect to a turning motion of the vehicle, in case the steering judging unit judges that the change rate of the steering angle is smaller than a reference value; and a driving force correcting unit that corrects the driving force based on the correction value. 1. A driving force control system for a vehicle , which is configured to control a driving force of a vehicle by calculating an actual value of a stability factor of a running vehicle based on a detection value of a predetermined sensor , and adjusting the calculated actual value of the stability factor toward a target value of the stability factor determined depending on a travelling condition of the vehicle , comprising:a steering judging means that judges a fact that a change rate of a steering angle of the vehicle is smaller than a predetermined reference value;a correction value calculating means that corrects the actual value of the stability factor based on a comparison between an actual value and a target value of a physical amount with respect to a turning motion of the vehicle, in case the steering judging means judges that the change rate of the steering angle is smaller than a reference value; anda driving force correcting ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001716A1

A control apparatus of a self-driving vehicle with a self-driving capability including a slip detector detecting a slip generated at four drive wheels, a direction detector detecting a direction of a vehicle body, and a microprocessor and a memory. The microprocessor is configured to perform: calculating target torques of the four drive wheels in accordance with an action plan; correcting the target torques so as to decrease the target torque of the first drive wheel when the slip of the first drive wheel is detected, and thereafter so as to increase the target torque of the second drive wheel and decrease the target torque of the fourth drive wheel when a deviation of the detected direction from a target traveling direction is greater than or equal to a predetermined deviation; and controlling a driving part in accordance with the corrected target torque. 1. A control apparatus of a self-driving vehicle with a self-driving capability , the self-driving vehicle including a driving part configured to individually drive four drive wheels in a front and rear direction and a left and right direction , the four drive wheels being a first drive wheel , a second drive wheel on a same side of the first drive wheel in the left and right direction and on an opposite side of the first drive wheel in the front and rear direction , a third drive wheel on an opposite side of the first drive wheel in the left and right direction and on a same direction of the first drive wheel in the front and rear direction , and a fourth drive wheel on the opposite side of the first drive wheel in the left and right direction and on the opposite side of the first drive wheel in the front and rear direction ,the apparatus comprising:a slip detector configured to detect a slip generated at each of the four drive wheels;a direction detector configured to detect a direction of a vehicle body of the self-driving vehicle; andan electronic control unit having a microprocessor and a memory, whereinthe ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle behavior control device

Номер: US20180001888A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A vehicle behavior control device for controlling a vehicle equipped with a steering apparatus comprises: a PCM operable to acquire a steering speed in the steering apparatus, and, when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold (T S1 ) which is greater than 0, to reduce a driving force for the vehicle according to the steering speed, wherein the steering apparatus comprises a steering shaft coupled to the steering wheel and rotatable together with the steering wheel, wherein the steering shaft has a torsion bar whose torsional rigidity about a rotational axis of the steering shaft is less than a remaining portion of the steering shaft. The steering speed acquisition section is configured to acquire the steering speed of the steering apparatus at a position on the side of the front road wheels with respect to the low rigidity portion.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001891A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

A device for stabilizing a vehicle after a collision against a lateral carriageway boundary, includes a lane recognition system, with which information relating to the course of the lane is determined or detected. A collision detection unit identifies a collision of the vehicle against the lateral lane carriageway boundary on the basis of signals from at least one sensor or on the basis of a driving state variable. The device also includes a steering actuator for steering a steering system and a brake actuator for controlling one or more wheel brakes. A target path determination unit determines a target path for the vehicle on the basis of the course of the lane determined or detected before or at the time of the collision. A controller guides the vehicle onto the target path and/or stabilizes the vehicle via a steering intervention and/or individual wheel brake interventions. 1. A device for stabilizing a motor vehicle , comprising:a driving lane recognition system configured to determine or detect the course of a driving lane utilizing information relating to the course of the driving lane;a collision detection unit configured to identify a collision of the vehicle utilizing signals from at least one sensor or on the basis of a driving state variable;an electrically controllable steering actuator configured to actuate a steering system;an electrically controllable brake actuator configured to actuate one or a number of wheel brakes;a target path determination unit configured to determine a target path for the vehicle on the basis of the course of the driving lane as determined before or at the time of the collision; anda controller configured to guide the vehicle onto the target path and/or stabilize the vehicle by a steering intervention including actuating the steering system and/or a braking intervention including actuating the brake actuator on individual wheels.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a curve in the course of the driving lane is ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001966A1

According to one embodiment, a vehicle can be implemented with a drive-by-wire controller which operates subsystems of the vehicle such as throttle, brakes, and steering based on electrical signals from transducers on the vehicle controls and without a direct physical link between the controls, such as the steering wheel, and the components of the corresponding vehicle subsystem. In such cases, the stability control feature of the vehicle can be adapted to detect conditions such as oversteering which can make the vehicle unstable and unsafe and can adjust the steering and other controls of the vehicle to correct the unstable or unsafe condition regardless of the physical input on the steering wheel and other controls. 1. A method for providing stability and rollover control in a vehicle , the method comprising:reading, by a drive-by-wire control system of the vehicle, an input signal of one or more transducers, each transducer coupled with and indicating a physical position of a vehicle control device, the one or more transducers comprising at least a steering wheel transducer and wherein the drive-by-wire control system operates one or more subsystems of the vehicle to control movement of the vehicle based on the input signals of the one or more transducers;reading, by a stability control system of the vehicle, an input signal from one or more sensors of the vehicle;calculating, by the stability control system, a rollover potential for the vehicle based on the input signals from the one or more sensors of the vehicle and input from the steering wheel transducer indicating the physical position of the steering wheel or a change in the physical position of the steering wheel;determining, by the stability control system, whether a rollover condition is present based on the calculated rollover potential; andin response to determining the rollover condition is present, overriding, by the stability control system, operation of the one or more subsystems of the vehicle by ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004016A1
Автор: Oh Tae Dong

A U-turn control system for an autonomous vehicle is provided. The U-turn control system includes a learning device that subdivides information regarding situations to be considered when the autonomous vehicle executes a U-turn for each of a plurality of groups and performs deep learning. A controller executes a U-turn of the autonomous vehicle based on the result learned by the learning device. 1. A U-turn controller for an autonomous vehicle , comprising:a learning device configured to subdivide information regarding situations to be considered when the autonomous vehicle executes a U-turn for each of a plurality of data groups and perform deep learning; anda controller configured to execute a U-turn of the autonomous vehicle based on a result learned by the learning device.2. The U-turn controller of claim 1 , further comprising:an input device configured to input data for each group about information regarding surroundings at a current time.3. The U-turn controller of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to determine whether it is possible for the autonomous vehicle to execute a U-turn by applying the data input via the input device to the result learned by the learning device.4. The U-turn controller of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine whether it is possible for the autonomous vehicle to makes a U-turn based on whether the autonomous vehicle obeys the traffic laws.5. The U-turn controller of claim 4 , wherein the controller is configured to determine that it is possible for the autonomous vehicle to execute the U-turn when a U-turn traffic light is turned on claim 4 , when a U-turn sign is located in front of the autonomous vehicle.6. The U-turn controller of claim 4 , wherein the controller is configured to determine that it is impossible for the autonomous vehicle to execute the U-turn claim 4 , when the autonomous vehicle is not located on a U-turn permitted area although a U-turn sign is located in front of the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006034A1

A vehicle control device includes: a weight calculating unit configured to estimate a weight of the vehicle; a traveling state calculating unit configured to estimate a turning characteristic of the vehicle; a guard setting unit configured to change and set at least one of an upper limit value and a lower limit value of the turning characteristic based on the weight of the vehicle estimated by the weight calculating unit; an upper and lower limit processing unit configured to perform a process of putting the turning characteristic into a range of the upper and lower limit values; and a behavior control unit configured to perform behavior control of the vehicle based on the turning characteristic after the process of putting the turning characteristic into the range of the upper and lower limit values. 15-. (canceled)6. A vehicle control device comprising:a weight estimating unit configured to estimate a weight of a vehicle;a traveling state estimating unit configured to estimate a turning characteristic of the vehicle;an upper and lower limit values setting unit configured to change and set at least one of an upper limit value and a lower limit value of the turning characteristic based on the weight of the vehicle estimated by the weight estimating unit;an upper and lower limit processing unit configured to perform a process of putting the turning characteristic estimated by the traveling state estimating unit into a range of the upper and lower limit values set by the upper and lower limit values setting unit; anda behavior control unit configured to perform behavior control of the vehicle based on the turning characteristic after the process of putting the turning characteristic into the range of the upper and lower limit values performed by the upper and lower limit processing unit.7. The vehicle control device according to claim 6 , whereinthe upper and lower limit values setting unit sets the upper and lower limit values as values determined in advance in a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Processor and processing method for rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, and straddle-type vehicle

Номер: US20220020274A1
Автор: Lars Pfau

The present invention obtains a processor and a processing method, a rider-assistance system, and a straddle-type vehicle capable of improving a rider's safety.A processor (20) includes: an acquisition section that acquires surrounding environment information about a straddle-type vehicle (100); a determination section that determines necessity of assistance operation executed by a rider-assistance system (1) to assist with the rider's operation; and a control section that makes an execution device (P) execute the assistance operation in the case where the determination section determines that the assistance operation is necessary. The determination section determines the necessity of the assistance operation by using: a collision index value that is an index value of a collision possibility of a following vehicle against the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100); and a stability index value that is an index value of a stability degree of a relative distance of the following vehicle to the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100).

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Control system and control method for driving device, and recording medium

Номер: US20170008422A1
Автор: Tomokazu HONDA
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In a control system and control method for a driving device, opposite distribution control is performed (e.g., steps 1, 4 to 7 ), whereby a left driving force and a right driving force are controlled such that a yaw moment in a direction opposite to a turning direction of the vehicle acts on the vehicle, whereby a left-right driving force difference is generated which is a difference between the left driving force and the right driving force. During performance of the opposite distribution control, when deceleration of the vehicle is obtained, limit control is performed (e.g., step 8 ), whereby the left driving force and the right driving force are controlled such that a change in the left-right driving force difference becomes smaller than a change in a left-right driving force sum, which is the sum of the left driving force and the right driving force.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024447A1

A turning control system for a vehicle having a driving motor to generate driving power may include: an error calculation unit that calculates an error between a lateral acceleration of the vehicle and a reference lateral acceleration; and a reduction torque calculation unit that calculates a torque reduction of the driving motor in order to reduce the error calculated by the error calculation unit. 1. A turning control system for a vehicle having a driving motor to generate driving power , the turning control system comprising:an error calculation unit configured to calculate an error between a lateral acceleration of the vehicle and a reference lateral acceleration; anda reduction torque calculation unit configured to calculate a torque reduction of the driving motor to reduce the error calculated by the error calculation unit.2. The turning control system of claim 1 , further comprising a turning determination unit configured to determine whether to perform a turning control for the vehicle claim 1 , based on a steering angle and a velocity of the vehicle.3. The turning control system of claim 2 , wherein when a steering angle of the vehicle falls within a preset reference steering angle range and the velocity of the vehicle is equal to or greater than a preset reference vehicle velocity claim 2 , the turning determination unit determines to perform the turning control.4. The turning control system of claim 2 , wherein when the vehicle is being braked claim 2 , an Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) or a Traction Control System (TCS) installed in the vehicle is enabled claim 2 , or gears of the vehicle are being shifted claim 2 , the turning determination unit determines not to perform the turning control.7. The turning control system of claim 1 , wherein the reduction torque calculation unit comprises a controller configured to calculate the torque reduction for reducing the error.8. The turning control system of claim 7 , wherein the reduction torque calculation unit ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009435A1

Disclosed herein is an apparatus for driving rear-wheels of an environment-friendly vehicle. The apparatus for driving rear-wheels may include: a rear-wheel driver including a first motor and a second motor configured to respectively drive first and second rear wheels; a rear-wheel reducer configured to decelerate drive forces of the first and second motors and transmit the respective decelerated drive forces to the first and second rear wheels; a brake configured to releasably fix the rear-wheel reducer to a vehicle body; and a controller configured to control the rear-wheel driver, the rear-wheel reducer, and the brake. The rear-wheel reducer may include: a first planetary gear set disposed between an output end of the first motor and the first rear wheel; a second planetary gear set disposed between an output end of the second motor and the second rear wheel; and a ring gear coupled to the first and second planetary gear sets. 1. An apparatus for driving rear-wheels of an environment-friendly vehicle , which is configured to independently drive each of a first rear wheel and a second rear wheel of a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a rear-wheel driver including a first motor configured to drive the first rear wheel, and a second motor configured to drive the second rear wheel;a rear-wheel reducer configured to decelerate drive force of the first motor and drive force of the second motor and transmit the respective decelerated drive forces to the first rear wheel and the second rear wheel;a brake configured to releasably fix the rear-wheel reducer to a vehicle body; anda controller configured to control the rear-wheel driver, the rear-wheel reducer, and the brake such that the first rear wheel and the second rear wheel are independently operated,wherein the rear-wheel reducer comprises:a first planetary gear set disposed between an output end of the first motor and the first rear wheel;a second planetary gear set disposed between an output end of the second ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle travel support apparatus

Номер: US20200010113A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Provided is a vehicle travel support apparatus including: a normal control module configured to execute travel support control; a correction control module configured to execute correction control in addition to the travel support control when a state of the vehicle is brought into an abnormal state during the execution of the travel support control; and a compensation control module configured to, when a finish condition is satisfied during the execution of the correction control, stop both the travel support control and the correction control and execute compensation control.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

A Vehicle Control System

Номер: US20170015311A1
Автор: Ying Long, Zin Alessandro

A vehicle control system includes: a non-inertial sensor arrangement configured to detect a parameter indicative of a radius of turn for the vehicle that is desired by a driver of the vehicle; a speed detection arrangement operable to detect the forward speed of the vehicle; a friction estimation arrangement, configured to provide an estimated value for the coefficient of friction between at least one tire of the vehicle and a surface over which the vehicle is driven; and a processor connected to receive signals from the non-inertial sensor arrangement, the speed detection arrangement and the friction estimation arrangement. 1. A vehicle control system comprising:a non-inertial sensor arrangement configured to detect a parameter indicative of a radius of turn for a vehicle that is desired by a driver of the vehicle;a speed detection arrangement operable to detect a forward speed of the vehicle;a friction estimation arrangement configured to provide an estimated value for a coefficient of friction between at least one tire of the vehicle and a surface over which the vehicle is driven; anda processor connected to receive signals from the non-inertial sensor arrangement, the speed detection arrangement and the friction estimation arrangement, wherein the processor is configured to:determine a desired radius of turn from the signals received from the non-inertial sensor arrangement, and generate a value for the desired radius of turn;calculate a maximum safe speed for the vehicle, based on the desired radius of turn and the estimated value for the coefficient of friction, the maximum safe speed representing a forward speed at which the vehicle can safely negotiate a turn having the desired turn radius of turn; andgenerate a speed reduction signal to instruct speed of the vehicle to be reduced if a detected forward speed of the vehicle exceeds the maximum safe speed.2. A vehicle control system according to claim 1 , wherein the speed reduction signal instructs the speed ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015323A1

Appropriate vehicle stability control is enabled in a vehicle configured to carry out regeneration enhancement control. A predictive deceleration support control unit is configured to set a position at which the vehicle is predicted to finish deceleration as a target deceleration end position, and guide a driver to release an accelerator pedal so that the deceleration of the vehicle is finished at the target deceleration end position, to thereby carry out regeneration enhancement control under a state in which the accelerator pedal is released so as to generate a larger deceleration than in a normal state. The predictive deceleration support control unit is configured to read a vehicle stability control flag from a brake ECU and stop the regeneration enhancement control when the vehicle stability control is being carried out. 1. A vehicle control device , which is to be applied to a vehicle , a regenerative braking device configured to generate electric power by a wheel rotated by an external force and to recover the generated electric power to an in-vehicle battery, to thereby apply a regenerative braking force to the wheel; and', 'a friction braking device configured to apply a friction braking force to the wheel through a brake hydraulic pressure,, 'the vehicle comprising position setting means configured to set, when the vehicle is predicted to decelerate based on position information of the vehicle, a position at which the deceleration is predicted to be finished as a target deceleration end position;', 'regeneration enhancement control means configured to carry out regeneration enhancement control, which is control of using the regenerative braking device to decelerate the vehicle so that electric energy recovered to the in-vehicle battery when an accelerator pedal is released increases during deceleration of the vehicle to which the target deceleration end position is set as compared to deceleration of the vehicle to which the target deceleration end position ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016582A1

The following description relates to a fault tolerant apparatus for an independent controlled steering in a four wheel system, particularly a fault tolerant apparatus for an independent controlled steering in a four wheel system which can stabilizes a vehicle body through actively adjusting a steering angle of a vehicle and a velocity of a vehicle according to a breakdown environment and a vehicle driving road environment. Further, a fault tolerant apparatus for an independent controlled steering in a four wheel system that may assist a safe driving environment by adjusting a turning function adoptively to a surrounding road environment. 1. A fault tolerant apparatus for an independent controlled steering in a four wheel steering system comprising:a steering system unit that is disposed at four wheels of a vehicle, controls steering angle of the wheels, and collects and transmits the state information of the wheels; anda control unit that controls the turning radius of the vehicle in accordance with the state information transmitted from the steering system unit.2. The fault tolerant apparatus for an independent controlled steering in a four wheel steering system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls the turning radius of the vehicle by controlling a steering angle of the others wheel with no fault generated and a speed of the vehicle when a fault information is included in the state information transmitted by the steering system unit.3. The fault tolerant apparatus for an independent controlled steering in a four wheel steering system of claim 2 , wherein the control unit includes claim 2 ,a turning radius determining unit that determines a proper turning radius of the vehicle, when a fault information is included in the state information that is transmitted by the steering system unit;a rotating center coordinate calculating unit that calculates rotating center coordinates such that the tangential lines of all of the wheels converge on one point and the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016667A1

A vehicle electric torque vectoring system includes a traction motor, a vectoring motor, gears, and a controller. The gears transfer torque from the propulsion and vectoring motors to wheels. The controller, responsive to a step change in an unmodified torque request for the vectoring motor and a predicted torque response of the vectoring motor being greater than the unmodified torque request, commands the vectoring motor to generate torque with a modified torque request less than the unmodified torque request. The controller further, responsive to the predicted torque response becoming less than the unmodified torque request, commands the vectoring motor to generate torque with the unmodified torque request. 1. A vehicle electric torque vectoring system comprising:a traction motor;a vectoring motor;gears configured to transfer torque from the propulsion and vectoring motors to wheels; and responsive to a step change in an unmodified torque request for the vectoring motor and a predicted torque response of the vectoring motor being greater than the unmodified torque request, command the vectoring motor to generate torque with a modified torque request less than the unmodified torque request, and', 'responsive to the predicted torque response becoming less than the unmodified torque request, command the vectoring motor to generate torque with the unmodified torque request., 'a controller programmed to,'}2. The vehicle electric torque vectoring system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further programmed to claim 1 , responsive to the step change in the unmodified torque request and the predicted torque response being less than the unmodified torque request claim 1 , command the vectoring motor to generate torque with the unmodified torque request.3. The vehicle electric torque vectoring system of claim 1 , wherein the modified torque request has a magnitude that changes over time.4. The vehicle electric torque vectoring system of claim 3 , wherein the magnitude ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Driving-torque distribution control apparatus of four-wheel drive vehicle

Номер: US20160023654A1
Автор: Shinichirou Yamashita
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A controller to control a driving-torque distribution to a front wheel and a rear wheel comprises an obtainment portion to obtain a vehicle's lateral acceleration, an engine's output torque, and a vehicle's turning radius during turning of a vehicle, a determination portion to determine a rear-wheel driving-torque distribution rate denoting a rate of the driving torque to be transmitted to the rear wheel relative to the driving torque corresponding to the engine's output torque based on the obtained vehicle's lateral acceleration, engine's output torque, and vehicle's turning radius, and a control-signal output portion to output a control signal to a driving-torque transmission device to adjust the driving torque transmitted to the rear wheel such that the driving torque to be distributed to the rear wheel is controlled according to the determined rear-wheel driving-torque distribution rate.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022382A1

A target steering angle calculator calculates, based on a target curvature, a target steering angle representing a steering angle of the vehicle at a target position. A current steering-angle obtainer obtains a current steering angle representing a steering angle of the vehicle at a current position. A steering controller controls the steering of the vehicle to cause the current steering angle to follow the target steering angle. A distance estimator estimates, based on at least one of the environmental information around the vehicle and control information about the vehicle, a visible distance representing a distance visibly recognizable by the driver of the vehicle to a front of the vehicle. The target curvature obtainer uses the visible distance as the target distance to obtain the target curvature at the predetermined target position that has the visible distance away from the current position along the road in the travelling direction. 1. An apparatus for controlling a steering of a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a position obtainer configured to obtain a current position of the vehicle;a road information obtainer configured to obtain road information about a road on which the vehicle is travelling, the road information including information indicative of a shape of the road extending in a travelling direction of the vehicle;a target curvature obtainer configured to obtain a target curvature at a predetermined target position on the road, the target curvature being estimated based on the current position of the vehicle and the road information, the target position having a predetermined target distance away from the current position along the road in the travelling direction;a target steering angle calculator configured to calculate, based on the target curvature, a target steering angle representing the steering angle of the vehicle at the target position;a current steering-angle obtainer configured to obtain a current steering angle representing the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle controller for avoiding collision and method thereof

Номер: US20220041068A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A vehicle controller for avoiding a collision of a vehicle and a method thereof are provided. The vehicle controller includes a drive motor that supplies electric power for a behavior of a vehicle, sensors that obtain information outside the vehicle and information inside the vehicle, and a controller that estimates, when detecting evasive steering of a driver in a collision situation based on the information outside the vehicle and the information inside the vehicle, a front wheel slip angle and a rear wheel slip angle, and controls the drive motor based on the front wheel slip angle and the rear wheel slip angle.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Leaning posture control device for leaning vehicle having left and right inclined wheels mounted thereon and leaning vehicle having left and right inclined wheels mounted thereon

Номер: US20190023264A1
Автор: Takaaki Mizutani
Принадлежит: Yamaha Motor Co Ltd

A leaning posture control device controls a leaning posture of a left-right-inclined-wheel-equipped leaning vehicle. The leaning posture control device controls a torque of at least one of a left inclined wheel or a right inclined wheel arranged in a left-right direction of the vehicle so as to suppress a change in a lean of the lean body frame in a left direction or right direction of the vehicle while the lean body frame is leaned, based on a physical quantity concerning side-slip, in the left direction of the vehicle or in the right direction of the vehicle, of the left inclined wheel, the right inclined wheel, and another inclined wheel disposed ahead of or behind the left inclined wheel and the right inclined wheel.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023942A1
Автор: FUKUSHIMA Kenji

A vehicle includes a differential gear that transmits rotation of a propeller shaft to an axle. A differential lock switches the differential gear between a locked state and an unlocked state. A clutch is provided in a power transmission path between a prime mover and wheels of the vehicle. A controller controls an engaging force of the clutch during a moving start of the vehicle in accordance with which of the locked state and the unlocked state is selected by the differential gear. 1. A vehicle comprising:a prime mover;a pair of right and left wheels;a transmission including at least a high gear and a low gear, and that transmits a driving force of the prime mover to the pair of right and left wheels;a clutch provided in a power transmission path between the prime mover and the pair of right and left wheels; anda controller configured or programmed to execute a moving start control to increase the driving force of the prime mover during a moving start of the vehicle to be greater than that in a normal mode in which the moving start control is not executed by controlling an engaging force of the clutch; whereinthe controller is configured or programmed to control the engaging force of the clutch during the moving start of the vehicle in accordance with which of the high gear and the low gear is selected in the transmission.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the low gear is selected claim 1 , the controller is configured or programmed to set the moving start control in a restricted state to prevent the moving start control or reduce the driving force of the prime mover during the moving start control.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when it is not decided which of the high gear and the lower gear is selected in the transmission claim 2 , the controller is configured or programmed to set the moving start control in the restricted state.4. The vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprising:an operator that is able to ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031752A1

Provided is an apparatus for controlling a vehicle, the apparatus including: a communicator configured to receive a setting value signal related to at least one of a first setting value, a second setting value, or a third setting value that are set in advance from a user terminal, and transmit a signal to the user terminal; and a controller configured to control at least one of a travelling device, a braking device, or a steering device based on the at least one of the first setting value, the second setting value, or the third setting value that are set in advance. 1. An apparatus for controlling a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a communicator configured to receive a setting value signal related to at least one of a first setting value, a second setting value, or a third setting value that are set in advance from a user terminal, and transmit a signal to the user terminal; anda controller configured to control at least one of a travelling device, a braking device, or a steering device based on the at least one of the first setting value, the second setting value, or the third setting value that are set in advance.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a determiner configured to determine user information claim 1 ,wherein the communicator receives the user information, and the controller controls the determiner to perform user authentication based on the user information.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls a sensitivity of the steering device.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller determines a speed of the vehicle claim 1 , and controls the at least one of the travelling device claim 1 , the braking device claim 1 , or the steering device to absorb a shock applied to the vehicle based on a result of the determination.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an input configured to receive a signal for changing the at least one of the first setting value claim 1 , the second setting value claim 1 , or the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039603A1
Автор: HASHIMOTO Yosuke
Принадлежит: ADVICS CO., LTD.

A vehicle driving assistance device has an estimation unit for separately estimating the temperatures of the braking portions in the left and right drive wheels, a first execution unit for executing vehicle stabilization control for separately controlling the braking forces exerted on the vehicle wheels, and a second execution unit for executing turning assist control for exerting braking force on the inside drive wheel of the left and right drive wheels when the vehicle is turning while vehicle stabilization control is not being executed. During turning assist control, the braking force exerted on the inside drive wheel when the difference in pad temperatures between the left and right drive wheels is equal to or greater than a reduction determination value is reduced to a greater extent than the braking force exerted on the inside drive wheel when the pad temperature difference is less than the reduction determination value. 1. A vehicle driving assistance device comprising:an estimation unit that separately estimates temperatures of braking portions in right and left drive wheels of a vehicle;a first execution unit that executes vehicle stabilization control to separately control a braking force to be exerted on each vehicle wheel of the vehicle;a second execution unit that executes turning assist control to increase drive torque distributed to an outside drive wheel by exerting the braking force on an inside drive wheel of the right and left drive wheels during turning of the vehicle in a period in which the vehicle stabilization control is not executed; anda reduction unit that reduces an amount of the braking force exerted on the inside drive wheel to be less than the amount of the braking force exerted thereon at the time when a value acquired by subtracting a temperature of the braking portion in the outside drive wheel from a temperature of the braking portion in the inside drive wheel estimated by the estimation unit is less than a reduction determination ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046922A1

A yaw motion control method for a four-wheel distributed vehicle includes: calculating the steering response of the vehicle in a steady state using a nonlinear vehicle model in reference with an understeering degree while constraining by the limit value of the road surface adhesion condition according to the sideslip angle response and the vertical load change in the steady state, calculating the lateral force response and the self-aligning moment response of the tires in the steady state by a magic tire formula, calculating the required additional yaw moment by using the yaw motion balance equation, reasonably distributing the generalized control force to the four drive motors through the optimization algorithm in combination with the current driving conditions; finally, off-line storing and retrieving the calculation results of the off-line distribution of different vehicle parameters required by different upper layers to distribute the torques to the four drive wheels. 1. A yaw motion control method for a four-wheel distributed vehicle , wherein the yaw motion control method adopts a hierarchical control architecture , an upper layer of the hierarchical control architecture is a motion tracking layer; the yaw motion control method specifically comprises the following steps:step (1): performing a white noise filtering processing on original data collected by a sensor through a vehicle control unit (VCU);step (2): based on a magic formula tire model, constructing a generalized Luenberger observer, and estimating a sideslip angle β of a center of mass combined with an integral algorithm;{'sub': y', 'z, 'step (3): calculating a lateral force Fand a self-aligning moment Mof the four-wheel distributed vehicle in a steady state by a magic formula according to an estimation result of the sideslip angle β of the center of mass;'}{'sub': z', 'y', 'x, 'step (4): calculating a vertical load Fof four drive wheels based on a lateral acceleration aand a longitudinal ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046935A1
Автор: Mizoguchi Masato

A vehicle driving assist apparatus includes an first calculator to calculate a degree of acceleration suppression, a controller to suppress target acceleration based on the degree of acceleration suppression, a map information storage to store road map information, an estimator to estimate a vehicle position and identify a traveling lane on the road map information, a detector to detect whether there is a crossing road ahead of the identified traveling lane, and a second calculator to calculate an azimuth angle difference between an azimuth of the crossing road where the own vehicle is about to turn and an azimuth in the traveling direction of the own vehicle. The acceleration suppression degree calculator makes a degree of acceleration suppression for suppressing the acceleration of the own vehicle higher then an azimuth angle difference becomes narrower based on the azimuth angle difference. 1. A vehicle driving assist apparatus comprising:an acceleration suppression degree calculator configured to calculate a degree of acceleration suppression for suppressing acceleration of an own vehicle;a traveling state controller configured to suppress target acceleration of the own vehicle on a basis of the degree of acceleration suppression calculated by the acceleration suppression degree calculator;a map information storage configured to store road map information;an own vehicle position estimator configured to estimate a position of the own vehicle that is a current position of the own vehicle, and identify a traveling lane on the road map information stored in the map information storage on a basis of the position of the own vehicle;a crossing road detector configured to detect whether there is a crossing road ahead of the traveling lane identified by the own vehicle position estimator, on a basis of the road map information stored in the map information storage; andan azimuth angle difference calculator configured to calculate, when the crossing road is detected by ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046286A1

A system and a method of controlling a vehicle using a turning degree are disclosed. The method includes detecting input variables including a driving input variable and a turning input variable and calculating a driving tendency index based on the driving input variable. A turning degree related to the number of consecutive turnings is calculated based on the turning input variable and then the vehicle is operated based on the driving tendency index and the turning degree. 1. A method of controlling a vehicle , comprising:detecting, by a controller, input variables including a driving input variable and a turning input variable;calculating, by the controller, a driving tendency index based on the driving input variable;calculating, by the controller, a turning degree related to the number of consecutive turnings based on the turning input variable; andoperating, by the controller, the vehicle based on the driving tendency index and the turning degree.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driving input variable includes a position of an accelerator pedal claim 1 , a change rate of the position of the accelerator pedal claim 1 , a vehicle speed claim 1 , and a gradient of a road.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the turning input variable includes a difference between a left wheel speed and a right wheel speed and a lateral acceleration.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the operating of the vehicle includes operating at least one selected from the group consisting of: an engine claim 1 , a transmission claim 1 , a suspension system claim 1 , and steering system.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the number of consecutive turnings is defined as the number of turning manipulations occurring consecutively during a predetermined time.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein occurrence of the turning manipulation is determined when a difference between a left wheel speed and a right wheel speed is greater than a predetermined value and an absolute value of a lateral ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046287A1

A motor vehicle control system operable in a steering assist mode in which the system is configured to: detect steering angle; and control a distribution of torque to one or more wheels of the vehicle in dependence on the detected steering angle thereby to induce a turning moment in the direction of turn indicated by the steering angle. 1. A control system for a vehicle , the control system operable in a steering assist mode in which the system is configured to:detect steering angle;detect or predict a side slip event of the vehicle; andif the detected or predicted side slip event exceeds a threshold value, control a distribution of torque to one or more wheels of the vehicle in dependence on the detected steering angle thereby to induce a turning moment in the direction of turn indicated by the steering angle, wherein the threshold value is dependent upon a terrain mode in which the vehicle is operating.2. A system according to operable in a first speed control mode in which the system automatically causes the vehicle to travel at a speed in dependence upon a value of a set-speed parameter corresponding to a speed the vehicle is to be intended to maintain claim 1 , and the system continues to operate in the first speed control mode during the distribution of torque by said system.3. (canceled)4. A system according to operable to select the steering assist mode automatically when the system assumes the first speed control mode.5. A system according to wherein the value of the set-speed parameter is set by a user.6. A system according to operable is a second alternative speed control mode in which the control a distribution of torque to one or more wheels of the vehicle in dependence on the detected steering angle thereby to induce a turning moment in the direction of turn indicated by the steering angle claim 2 , causes a cancellation of the second speed control mode.7. A system according to wherein the first speed control mode controls the speed within a first ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Controlling Skidding Vehicles

Номер: US20180043883A1
Автор: Nava Ivan

The present invention extends to methods, systems, and computer program products for controlling skidding vehicles. In general, a vehicle adjusts its configuration to mitigate the skidding. The vehicle can recognize dynamic skid situations and apply strategies to avoid an accident. In response to a signal that a vehicle is in a specified type of skid, the vehicle's configuration can be automatically changed to recover from the skid. Different configuration changes can be used to recover from different skid types, including: oversteer, understeer and counter steer. Changing vehicle configuration can include utilizing vehicle systems such as, for example, steering, braking, cruise control, lane keeping, etc. 1. A method for controlling a vehicle that is skidding , the method comprising:receiving a request for automated corrective measures to control the skidding;formulating a configuration change for changing the configuration of at least one vehicle component in response to the request; andapplying the configuration change at the vehicle to change the configuration of the at least one vehicle component to mitigate the skidding.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving a request for automated corrective measures to control the skidding comprises receiving a request from an occupant of the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving a request for automated corrective measures to control the skidding comprises receiving a request from a skid detection module at the vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein formulating a configuration change for changing the configuration of at least one vehicle component comprises formulating a configuration change to address one of: an oversteer skid claim 1 , an understeer skid claim 1 , or a counter steer skid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein formulating a configuration change for changing the configuration of at least one vehicle component comprises formulating a configuration change based on a perceived environment ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047348A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for keeping a vehicle on course by determining a lateral acceleration of the vehicle; establishing a desired lateral inclination of the vehicle depending on the lateral acceleration determined in step a); adjustment of at least one actuator of an active chassis device of the vehicle, so the vehicle takes on the desired lateral inclination determined in step b); and c) carrying out a compensatory engagement by adjustment of at least one actuator of an active chassis device of the vehicle, so the vehicle takes on the desired lateral inclination determined in step b), wherein, in step d), at least one additional compensatory engagement is carried out by an additional active chassis device for the at least partial compensation of a yaw movement of the vehicle caused by the adjustment of the at least one actuator of the active chassis device. 1. A method for keeping a vehicle on course comprising the following steps:a) determining a lateral acceleration of the vehicle:b) establishing a desired lateral inclination of the vehicle depending on the lateral acceleration determined in step a); 'wherein in that, d), at least one additional compensatory engagement is carried out by means of an additional active chassis device for at least partial compensation of a yaw movement of the vehicle caused by the adjustment of the at least one actuator of the active chassis device.', 'c) carrying out a compensatory engagement by adjustment of at least one actuator of an active chassis device of the vehicle, so that the vehicle takes on the desired lateral inclination determined in step b),'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in that the at least one additional compensatory engagement is carried out synchronously in time with carrying out step c).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in that the at least one additional compensatory engagement is carried out based on an adjustment between a yaw rate measured using at least one sensor and a yaw rate that is ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047550A1
Автор: MIKI Masayuki

A leaning vehicle includes a leaning body frame, a left inclining wheel, a right inclining wheel, an another inclining wheel, a linkage mechanism, a leaning posture control actuator, a left inclining wheel torque applying unit, a right inclining wheel torque applying unit, and an integrated control device. The integrated control device controls a left inclining wheel torque applied to a left inclining wheel and a right inclining wheel torque applied to a right inclining wheel based on a lean torque applied to the linkage mechanism by the leaning posture control actuator. Alternatively, the lean torque applied to the linkage mechanism by the leaning posture control actuator may be based on the left inclining wheel torque applied to the left inclining wheel by the left inclining wheel torque applying unit and the right inclining wheel torque applied to the right inclining wheel by the right inclining wheel torque applying unit. 1. A leaning vehicle provided with a leaning posture control actuator and left and right inclining wheels , the leaning vehicle comprising:a leaning body frame that leans leftward when the vehicle is turning leftward in a left-right direction of the vehicle, and leans rightward when the vehicle is turning rightward in the left-right direction of the vehicle;a left inclining wheel that is supported on the leaning body frame, leans leftward when the vehicle is turning leftward in the left-right direction of the vehicle, and leans rightward when the vehicle is turning rightward in the left-right direction of the vehicle;a right inclining wheel that is supported on the leaning body frame, is disposed at a side of the left inclining wheel in the left-right direction of the vehicle, leans leftward when the vehicle is turning leftward in the left-right direction of the vehicle, and leans rightward when the vehicle is turning rightward in the left-right direction of the vehicle;another inclining wheel that is supported on the leaning body frame, is ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053584A1

A vehicle has an accelerator pedal in communication with a prime mover, a transmission, and a controller. The controller is configured to, in response to receiving a first input indicative of a vehicle state and a second input indicative of a curve along a vehicle path within a predetermined time interval, downshift the transmission and modify a driver torque request map associated with the accelerator pedal to reduce a percentage of pedal travel associated with positive drive torque. A method of controlling a vehicle includes downshifting a transmission and modifying a driver torque request map associated with an accelerator pedal to reduce a percentage of pedal travel associated with positive drive torque when a vehicle state and a curve from an electronic horizon system predict a vehicle lateral acceleration in the curve being above a first threshold value. 1. A vehicle comprising:an accelerator pedal in communication with a prime mover;a transmission;an electronic horizon system; anda controller in communication with the prime mover and the accelerator pedal, the transmission, and the electronic horizon system, the controller configured to, in response to receiving a first input indicative of a vehicle state and a second input indicative of a curve along a vehicle path within a predetermined time interval from the electronic horizon system, downshift the transmission and modify a driver torque request map associated with the accelerator pedal to reduce a percentage of pedal travel associated with positive drive torque when the first and second inputs predict a vehicle lateral acceleration in the curve above a first threshold value.2. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further configured to claim 1 , in response to receiving the first input and the second input claim 1 , downshift the transmission without modifying the driver torque request map when the first and second inputs predict the vehicle lateral acceleration in the curve below the first threshold ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050688A1
Автор: FUKUSHIMA Kenji

A vehicle includes a differential gear that transmits rotation of a propeller shaft to an axle. A differential lock switches the differential gear between a locked state and an unlocked state. A clutch is provided in a power transmission path between a prime mover and wheels of the vehicle. A controller controls an engaging force of the clutch during a moving start of the vehicle in accordance with which of the locked state and the unlocked state is selected by the differential gear. 1. A vehicle comprising:a prime mover;a pair of right and left wheels;a propeller shaft that transmits a driving force of the prime mover;an axle coupled to the pair of right and left wheels;a differential gear that transmits rotation of the propeller shaft to the axle;a differential lock that switches the differential gear between a locked state and an unlocked state;a clutch provided in a power transmission path between the prime mover and the pair of right and left wheels; anda controller configured or programmed to control an engaging force of the clutch during a moving start of the vehicle in accordance with which of the locked state and the unlocked state is selected by the differential gear.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured or programmed to execute a moving start control to increase the driving force of the prime mover during the moving start of the vehicle to be greater than that in a normal mode in which the moving start control is not executed by controlling the engaging force of the clutch.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the differential gear is in the locked state claim 2 , the controller is configured or programmed to set the moving start control in a restricted state to prevent the moving start control or to reduce the driving force of the prime mover in the moving start control.4. The vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when it is not decided in which of the locked state and the unlocked ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Drive controlling apparatus for a vehicle

Номер: US20140129090A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A vehicle motion control system is capable of defining clear guidelines on more specific control timing associated with accelerating, steering, and braking operations, and conducting motion control based on the defined guidelines. An ideal motion control unit within a central controller uses longitudinal jerk information of a vehicle to control the steering of the vehicle. Information for determining the initiation timing of steering is presented from a human-vehicle interface (HVI) to a driver. In accordance with the information presented from the HVI, the driver controls the initiation timing of steering.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for the Traction Control of a Single-Track Motor Vehicle Taking the Slip Angle of the Rear Wheel Into Consideration

Номер: US20220073041A1

A method for determining a slip angle λof a rear wheel of a single-track motor vehicle for the purpose of traction control of the rear wheel of the single-track motor vehicle by means of a closed loop control Is provided. The slip angle λof the rear wheel is determined as a feedback value of the closed loop using at least one of three model-based steps. A slip angle λ, λor λis determined by one of the three steps representing the slip angle λor the slip angle λis determined from at least two of the slip angles λ, λand λ. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method for determining a slip angle λof a rear wheel of a single-track motor vehicle for the traction control of the rear wheel of the single-track motor vehicle by a control loop , comprising the acts of:{'sub': 'r', 'claim-text': [{'sub': 'r1', 'determining a first slip angle λusing a first state estimator, wherein input variables of the first state estimator are at least one steering angle δ on a front wheel of the single-track motor vehicle and an orientation of the single-track motor vehicle in space,'}, {'sub': 'r2', 'determining a second slip angle λusing a second state estimator, wherein input variables of the second state estimator are at least one steering angle δ on the front wheel of the single-track motor vehicle and a movement vector of the single-track motor vehicle in a mass center of gravity of the single-track motor vehicle, and'}, {'sub': r3', 'r3', 'f', 'r3, 'determining a third slip angle λ, wherein the third slip angle λis determined from a predetermined relationship for a single-track model between the steering angle δ, an Ackermann angle ΔA, a slip angle λof a front wheel, and the third slip angle λ'}], 'determining the slip angle λof the rear wheel as a feedback variable of the control loop by at least one of'} [{'sub': f', 'f, 'the slip angle λis determined from a predetermined ratio of the slip angle λto a vehicle status, and'}, {'sub': r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r', 'r', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3, 'the first slip ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Reducing Vehicle Turning Radius

Номер: US20220073054A1

A method of providing automated application of turn radius reduction in a driver assist mode may include receiving steering wheel angle and wheel speed information to determine a target wheel slip during a turn. The method may further include comparing the target wheel slip to a current wheel slip to determine a slip error, and applying braking torque to an inside wheel based on the slip error to reduce the turn radius. 1. A vehicle control system for reducing turn radius of a vehicle , the system comprising:a controller operably coupled to components and/or sensors of the vehicle to receive information including vehicle wheel speed and steering wheel angle, the controller being configured to determine a target wheel slip for a turn based on the information; anda torque control module configured to compare the target wheel slip to a current wheel slip and control application of braking torque to an inside wheel during the turn to reduce the turn radius based on a difference between the current wheel slip and the target wheel slip.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control vehicle operation in any of a plurality of operator selectable modes of operation claim 1 , andwherein the torque control module is configured to apply the braking torque during the turn responsive to operator selection of a corresponding one of the modes of operation and detection of a trigger event.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the trigger event comprises detecting the steering wheel angle being within a first range of steering wheel angles claim 2 , the first range of steering wheel angles extending from a starting angle to a maximum angle that corresponds to a limit of rotation of the steering wheel claim 2 , and detecting vehicle speed within a range of enabling speeds.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to evaluate effectiveness of applying of the braking torque on reducing the turn radius during the turn.5. The system of claim ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Service Brake Assist Steering

Номер: US20190054915A1

A brake assist system is disclosed for assisting the steering operations of a mobile vehicle. The brake assist system comprises a service brake assembly having a first brake device and a second brake device and an auxiliary control assembly coupled to the service brake assembly. An electronic control unit is communicatively coupled to the auxiliary control assembly and configured to receive an input signal indicative of a vehicle operating parameter comprising at least one of a steering angle generated by a vehicle guidance system or a vehicle speed error and generates a control signal to activate the main and secondary valve circuits by proportionally controlling an output of at least two control valves arranged in the main and secondary valve circuits to supply a pressurized flow of fluid is applied to at least one of the first or second brake devices to assist steering operations of the vehicle. 1. A brake assist system for assisting the steering operations of a mobile vehicle , the brake assist system comprising:a service brake assembly comprising a first brake device and a second brake device;an auxiliary control assembly coupled to the service brake assembly, the auxiliary control assembly comprising a main valve circuit and a secondary valve circuit fluidly coupled to an auxiliary supply source; andan electronic control unit communicatively coupled to the auxiliary control assembly, wherein the electronic control unit is configured to receive an input signal indicative of a vehicle operating parameter comprising at least one of a steering angle generated by a vehicle guidance system or a vehicle speed error, and generate a control signal to activate the main and secondary valve circuits, wherein activation of the main and secondary valve circuits comprises proportionally controlling an output of at least two control valves arranged in the main and secondary valve circuits to supply a pressurized flow of fluid to at least one of the first or second brake ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Device and Method

Номер: US20190054916A1

The present invention provides a vehicle control device and method capable of ensuring steering accuracy. In a vehicle provided with a left-right pair of steered wheels for which the braking/driving forces can each be controlled, and a steering force generation device that generates steering force for the steered wheels and controls the steering angle of the steered wheels, this vehicle control device and method control the steering force and the steering reaction force from the steering force generation device by controlling the braking/driving force of each of the steered wheels on the basis of the lateral force acting on the steered wheels. 1. A vehicle control device that controls a vehicle , the vehicle comprising: a left-right pair of steered wheels of which braking/driving forces can be controlled for each of left and right; and a steering force generation device that generates a steering force for the steered wheels and controls a steering angle of the steered wheels ,wherein the vehicle control device controls the steering force or steering reaction force of the steering force generation device by controlling the braking/driving forces for each of the steered wheels on the basis of a lateral force acting on the steered wheels.2. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein the lateral force is calculated on the basis of the steering angle of the steered wheels and a vehicle speed of the vehicle.3. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein the lateral force is calculated on the basis of a lateral acceleration of the vehicle.4. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle control device controls the braking/driving forces on the basis of the lateral force and a predetermined target value of the steering force or the steering reaction force of the steering force generation device.5. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle control device controls the braking/driving forces such ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056986A1

A system includes a computing device that includes a processor and a memory. The memory stores instructions executable by the processor. One instruction is to determine a transition in performance of a steering system actuator of a vehicle to a diminished operating mode. Another instruction is to determine a maneuverable envelope of vehicle velocity and path curvature adapted to the diminished operating mode. Another instruction is to select a vehicle velocity within the envelope for a path curvature. 1. A system , comprising a computing device that includes a processor and a memory , the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to:determine a transition in performance of a steering system actuator of a vehicle to a diminished operating mode;determine a maneuverable envelope of vehicle velocity and path curvature adapted to the diminished operating mode; andselect a vehicle velocity within the envelope for a path curvature.2. A system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the instructions further include:detect a lateral acceleration of a vehicle and determine the envelope as a function of the lateral acceleration.3. A system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the instructions further include:determine a plurality of envelopes for a plurality of rates of displacement of a steering rack.4. A system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the instructions further include:detect a lateral acceleration of the vehicle;detect a rack force;determine a functional relationship between the lateral acceleration and the rack force; anddetermine the envelope as a function of the functional relationship between the lateral acceleration and the rack force.5. A system as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the instructions further include:determine a functional relationship between a rotational displacement of a pinion gear drivingly engaged with a steering rack and a rack displacement;determine a maximum available actuator torque associated with a speed of rotation of the pinion gear; ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Apparatus and Vehicle Control Method

Номер: US20180056987A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a vehicle control apparatus and a vehicle control method capable of improving traceability when a speed reduction torque is applied. A vehicle control apparatus according to the present invention is configured to calculate the speed reduction torque to be generated on a vehicle based on an accelerator operation state and a front wheel slip angle. More specifically, when being brought into a turning state while a coasting torque is applied, the vehicle control apparatus makes a correction so as to reduce an absolute value of the coasting torque, thereby improving the traceability and the drivability.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling vehicle

Номер: US20170057494A1
Автор: Yutaka Sato
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

An apparatus for controlling a vehicle includes a vehicle additional yaw moment calculator that calculates, based on a yaw rate of a vehicle, a vehicle additional yaw moment to be applied to the vehicle independently of a steering system, a slipping condition determiner that makes a determination as to a slipping condition of the vehicle, and an adjustment gain calculator that calculates an adjustment gain to adjust the vehicle additional yaw moment so as to reduce the vehicle additional yaw moment additional yaw moment when the vehicle is determined to be in the slipping condition, and increases the adjustment gain in accordance with a degree of a slip of the vehicle when the vehicle is determined to recover from the slipping condition.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling motor of a vehicle and method thereof

Номер: US20220080838A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A vehicle motor control apparatus includes: a processor configured to determine whether a state of a vehicle is an over-steer state or an under-steer state, to determine a driving control mode or a braking control mode of a motor based on a determination result of the state of the vehicle, to calculate a target yaw moment of based on a tire force by using the over-steer state or the under-steer state, and to determine a motor control amount that follows the target yaw moment; and a storage configured to store data and algorithms driven by the processor.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080953A1

A device and a method for improving a turning motion of a vehicle may improve turning stability by cooperative control of an electric motor and the electronic controlled suspension (ECS) and improve behavior stability by optimizing a pitch/roll behavior by allowing realization of a target yaw moment required to improve turning characteristic of the vehicle to be reinforced by not only a yaw moment directly generated by a braking torque or a driving torque of the electric motor, but also a yaw moment indirectly generated by a load movement caused by controlling a damping force of the electronic controlled suspension (ECS). 1. A device for improving a turning motion of a vehicle , the device comprising:a turning characteristic determination module configured to determine whether a turning characteristic of the vehicle is an understeer (US) state or an oversteer (OS) state according to information for identifying a travel situation of the vehicle;a turning characteristic improvement module configured to determine a target yaw moment required to improve the turning characteristic of the vehicle and determine a motor control amount for realizing the determined target yaw moment to control whether to brake or drive an electric motor of the vehicle; anda cooperative control module configured to control a damping force of an electronic controlled suspension (ECS) to cause a load movement of the vehicle configured for contributing to the realization of the target yaw moment.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the turning characteristic determination module includes:a state information collecting device configured to obtain at least one of information allowing a turning motion situation of the vehicle to be identified, including a vehicle speed, a steering angle, a lateral jerk, a yaw rate, and a lateral slip angle of the vehicle, through reception directly from a plurality of sensors provided on the vehicle or through estimation based on the received information;a target yaw ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080954A1

An automotive electronic lateral dynamics control system of an autonomous motor vehicle, comprising a lateral driving path planner designed to plan a lateral driving path of the autonomous motor vehicle and defined by a reference curvature of the autonomous motor vehicle; an automotive electronic driving stability control system designed to control an automotive braking system to apply to the autonomous motor vehicle a yaw torque to hinder a driving instability condition of the autonomous motor vehicle; and an automotive electronic steering control system designed to control an automotive steering system to apply to the autonomous motor vehicle a steering angle or torque to cause the autonomous motor vehicle to follow the lateral driving path planned by the lateral driving path planner. The automotive electronic lateral dynamics control system is designed to cause an intervention of the automotive electronic steering control system to take account of an intervention of the automotive electronic driving stability control system. 1. An automotive electronic lateral dynamics control system of an autonomous motor vehicle , comprising:{'sub': ref', 'ref', 'l', {'sub2': 'ref'}], 'a lateral driving path planner designed to plan a lateral driving path of the autonomous motor vehicle and defined by a reference curvature (ρ), a reference heading (∈), and a reference lateral position (y) of the autonomous motor vehicle;'}{'sub': sw', {'sub2': 'ref'}], 'an automotive electronic driving stability control system designed to control an automotive braking system to apply to the autonomous motor vehicle a yaw torque (δ) to hinder a driving instability condition of the autonomous motor vehicle; and'}{'sub': sw', {'sub2': 'ref'}, 'sw', {'sub2': 'ref'}], 'an automotive electronic steering control system designed to control an automotive steering system to apply to the autonomous motor vehicle a steering angle or torque (δ, T) to cause the autonomous motor vehicle to follow the lateral ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062261A1
Автор: Kim Byoung-Joo, Na Eun-Woo

An active roll control apparatus is provided. The apparatus includes a first actuator that is disposed adjacent to front wheels or rear wheels and is configured to adjust roll stiffness. A controller operates the first actuator in a reverse phase control manner in a roll angle increasing direction when a vehicle is in a low-friction turning driving state. 1. An active roll control apparatus , comprising:a first actuator disposed adjacent to front wheels or rear wheels, and configured to adjust roll stiffness; anda controller configured to operate the first actuator in a reverse phase control manner in a roll angle increasing direction when a vehicle is in a low-friction turning driving state.2. The active roll control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a vehicle sensor configured to generate vehicle state information,wherein the controller is configured to determine whether the vehicle is in the low-friction turning driving state using the vehicle state information.3. The active roll control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator is disposed adjacent to the rear wheels.4. The active roll control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a second actuator disposed adjacent to the front wheels or the rear wheels, and configured to adjust roll stiffness,wherein the controller is configured to operate the second actuator in a roll angle reducing direction at a control rate greater than a control rate used when the vehicle is in a normal turning driving state.5. The active roll control apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the second actuator is disposed adjacent to the front wheels.6. The active roll control apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle state information includes a vehicle speed claim 2 , a steering angle claim 2 , and a lateral acceleration claim 2 , and wherein the determination of whether the vehicle is in the low-friction turning driving state is performed by comparing a preset reference value and an estimation error between an actual ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Motion control system of vehicle

Номер: US20140145498A1

Vehicular motion control system comprising controller that independently controls driving force and/or braking force of each of four wheels and a turning direction sensor that senses a turning direction, and with an acceleration/deceleration command generator that generates an acceleration/deceleration command based upon a sensed steering angle and sensed vehicle speed and a driving force/braking force distributor that determines the distribution of driving force or driving torque and/or braking force or braking torque of each wheel, and driving force/braking force distributor determines based upon the acceleration/deceleration command and the turning direction so that more driving force or more driving torque and/or more braking force or more braking torque are/is distributed to the inside front wheel in turning than the outside front wheel in turning and more driving force or more driving torque and/or more braking force or more braking torque are/is distributed to the outside rear wheel.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075324A1

An electronic control unit may include input channels configured to receive signals indicative of a power to a steering system and signals indicative of an operating mode of the vehicle, and output channels configured to provide a command to redistribute current from an electrical load to the steering system. The electronic control unit may further include control logic configured to, in response to the power falling below a threshold value and the operating mode being of a pre-defined type, generate the command to increase the power to the steering system to meet the threshold value. 1. An electrical power management system for a vehicle comprising:a steering system; and in response to power to the steering system falling below a threshold value and the vehicle being operated in a pre-defined accessory mode, redirect current from an electrical load to the steering system to increase the power to the steering system to meet the threshold value, and', 'in response to a command to exit the pre-defined accessory mode, continue the redirecting for a predetermined period of time less than one second., 'a controller configured to,'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein redirecting current from the electrical load to the steering system includes disabling the electrical load.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to receive input selecting the pre-defined mode.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrical load is a fog lamp claim 1 , an inverter claim 1 , or a relay.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to activate an indicator light in response to the redirecting.67-. (canceled)8. A vehicle comprising:a motor to drive a steering linkage; and in response to motor power falling below a threshold and the vehicle being operated in an accessory mode, redirect current from an electrical load to the motor to increase the motor power to meet the threshold, and', 'in response to a command to exit the accessory ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20220089165A1
Автор: Sungsoo Kim, Sungwook Lee
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A vehicle includes an inertial measurement unit (IMU); and a controller electrically connected to the IMU. The controller is configured to receive an output signal including at least one of an angular velocity and an acceleration from the IMU, to identify a driving state of the vehicle according to at least one of the output signal, a steering angle of the vehicle, a steering angular velocity of the vehicle, a number of gear stages of the vehicle, a wheel speed of the vehicle, and a braking pressure of the vehicle, to identify an offset and an offset reliability of the output signal according to the driving state of the vehicle, and to transmit a signal from which the offset is removed from the output signal according to the offset and the offset reliability.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072953A1
Автор: Nemoto Yusuke

A control apparatus of a vehicle for causing an own vehicle to travel following a preceding vehicle calculates a requested acceleration of the own vehicle on the basis of a feedback requested acceleration to maintain an inter-vehicle distance at a target distance and a feedforward requested acceleration to cause the own vehicle to travel following the preceding vehicle. The apparatus calculates the feedforward requested acceleration on the basis of information on an acceleration of the preceding vehicle sent from the preceding vehicle through a wireless communication. The apparatus sets the feedforward requested acceleration to zero when a vehicle travel stabilization control is executed in the preceding vehicle to control a friction braking force applied to at least one of vehicle wheels of the preceding vehicle to stabilize a travel of the preceding vehicle, and the feedforward requested acceleration is larger than zero. 1. A control apparatus of a vehicle , comprising:an inter-vehicle distance detection device that detects an inter-vehicle distance between an own vehicle and a communicating preceding vehicle;a wireless communication device that acquires communicating preceding vehicle information including at least one of requested acceleration information on a requested acceleration of the communicating preceding vehicle and actual acceleration information on an actual acceleration of the communicating preceding vehicle from the communicating preceding vehicle through a wireless communication; andan acceleration control device that controls an acceleration of the own vehicle such that the acceleration of the own vehicle corresponds to a requested acceleration of the own vehicle, first calculation means for calculating a feedback requested acceleration which is an acceleration requested by the own vehicle to maintain the inter-vehicle distance at a target inter-vehicle distance;', 'second calculation means for calculating a feedforward requested acceleration ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073006A1
Автор: Satomura Shota

A vehicle behavior detection device mounted on an own vehicle detects own vehicle's behavior, in particular driver's right or left turn behavior at an intersection on a roadway. The vehicle behavior detection device is a microcomputer system having a CPU capable of providing an intended direction acquiring section, a turn direction acquiring section, a coincidence judgment section and an information output section. The intended direction acquiring section obtains an intended direction toward which the own vehicle is turning. The turn direction acquiring section acquires a direction to which the own vehicle turns. The coincidence judgment section detects whether or not the intended direction coincides with the turn direction of the own vehicle. The information output section provides warning regarding wide right or left turn of the own vehicle when the judgment result indicates that the intended direction does not coincide with the turn direction of the own vehicle. 1. A vehicle behavior detection device to be mounted on an own vehicle , comprising a computer system including a central processing unit , the computer system being configured to provide:an intended direction acquiring section obtaining an intended direction to which the own vehicle turns;a turn direction acquiring section acquiring a turn direction to which the own vehicle turns;a coincidence judgment section judging whether or not the intended direction coincides with the turn direction of the own vehicle; andan information output section outputting wide turn information showing that the own vehicle is now turning wide when the judgment result indicates that the intended direction does not coincide with the turn direction of the own vehicle.2. The vehicle behavior detection device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a vehicle speed acquiring section acquiring a vehicle speed of the own vehicle;an appropriate vehicle speed detection section detecting whether or not the vehicle speed of the own ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070811A1

There is provided a vehicle behavior control device capable of improving responsivity of a vehicle behavior and a linear feeling with respect to a steering wheel operation without causing a driver to experience a strong feeling of intervention of the control and, at the same time, capable of controlling behavior of a vehicle in such a manner as to also improve stability of the vehicle attitude and riding comfort. In a vehicle behavior control device applied to a vehicle having steerable front road wheels the vehicle behavior control device includes a PCM which acquires a steering speed of the vehicle, and increases a pitch angle in such a direction that a front portion of the vehicle dips when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold Twhich is greater than zero. 1. A vehicle behavior control device applied to a vehicle having a steerable front road wheel , the vehicle behavior control device comprising:a steering speed acquiring part configured to acquire a steering speed of the vehicle; anda pitch angle increasing part configured to increase a pitch angle in such a direction that a front portion of the vehicle dips, when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold which is greater than zero.2. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 , wherein the pitch angle increasing part is configured to start to reduce a driving force of the vehicle when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than the threshold claim 1 , so as to increase the pitch angle in such a direction that the front portion of the vehicle dips.3. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than the threshold claim 1 , the pitch angle increasing part is configured to increase the pitch angle in such a direction that the front portion of the vehicle dips claim 1 , in synchronization with an increase in a roll angle of the vehicle.4. The vehicle ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070812A1

There is provided a vehicle behavior control device capable of improving responsivity of a vehicle behavior and a linear feeling with respect to a steering wheel operation without causing a driver to experience a strong feeling of intervention of the control and, at the same time, capable of controlling behavior of a vehicle in such a manner as to also improve stability of the vehicle attitude and riding comfort. In a vehicle behavior control device applied to a vehicle having steerable front road wheels the vehicle behavior control device includes a PCM which acquires a steering speed of the vehicle, and increases a vertical load on the front road wheels when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold Twhich is greater than zero. 1. A vehicle behavior control device applied to a vehicle having a steerable front road wheel , the vehicle behavior control device comprising:a steering speed acquiring part configured to acquire a steering speed of the vehicle; anda vertical load increasing part configured to increase a vertical load on a front road wheel when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold which is greater than zero.2. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 , wherein the vertical load increasing part is configured to start to reduce a driving force of the vehicle when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than the threshold claim 1 , so as to increase the vertical load on the front road wheel.3. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the steering speed becomes equal to or greater than the threshold claim 1 , the vertical load increasing part is configure to increase the vertical load on the front road wheel claim 1 , in synchronization with a lateral load shift of the front road wheel.4. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the vehicle comprises a driving device configured to drive a drive road wheel,wherein ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070813A1

A vehicle control device includes an engine (), an engine control mechanism that controls an engine torque, and a PCM () that performs vehicle posture control for generating vehicle deceleration by controlling the engine control mechanism to reduce the engine torque upon satisfaction of a condition that a vehicle is travelling and a steering angle-related value related to a steering angle of a steering device increases. When a driver performs an accelerator operation for reducing an accelerator opening during execution of vehicle posture control, the PCM () suppresses reduction of a generated torque of the engine due to the accelerator operation. 1. A vehicle control device comprising:an engine;an engine control mechanism that controls a generated torque of the engine; andcircuitry configured to perform vehicle posture control for generating vehicle deceleration by controlling the engine control mechanism to reduce the generated torque of the engine upon satisfaction of a condition that a vehicle is travelling and a steering angle-related value related to a steering angle of a steering device increases, whereinwhen an accelerator operation for reducing an accelerator opening during execution of the vehicle posture control is performed, the circuitry is configured to suppress reduction of the generated torque of the engine due to the accelerator operation.2. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe circuitry is configured to perform control to continue suppressing the reduction of the generated torque due to the accelerator operation until the vehicle posture control ends.3. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': ';', 'the circuitry is configured to suppress the reduction of the generated torque due to the accelerator operation by at least one of prohibiting the reduction of the generated torque due to the accelerator operation, delaying a start of the reduction of the generated torque due to the accelerator ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077391A1

A vehicle control device comprises: a downshift control part () configured, upon issuance of a downshift request for downshifting an automatic transmission (), to execute a downshift control of downshifting the automatic transmission () and driving an engine torque regulating mechanism to increase an output torque of an engine (); a vehicle attitude control part () configured, upon satisfaction of a condition that the vehicle is traveling and a steering angle-related value pertaining to a steering angle of a steering device increases, to execute a vehicle attitude control of reducing the output torque of the engine () to generate deceleration of the vehicle so as to control vehicle attitude; and a downshift suppression part () configured, when the vehicle attitude control is executed, to suppress the execution of the downshift control. 1. A vehicle control device , comprising:an engine;an engine torque regulating mechanism configured to regulate an output torque of the engine;an automatic transmission provided on a driving force transmitting path between the engine and road wheels;a downshift control part configured to execute a downshift control in which the automatic transmission is downshifted and the engine torque regulating mechanism is driven to increase the output torque of the engine, when a downshift request for downshifting the automatic transmission is issued; anda vehicle attitude control part configured to execute a vehicle attitude control in which the engine torque regulating mechanism is driven to reduce the output torque of the engine to thereby generate deceleration of the vehicle, when such a condition that the vehicle is traveling and that a steering angle-related value pertaining to a steering angle of a steering device increases is satisfied,wherein the vehicle control device further comprises a downshift suppression part configured to suppress executing the downshift control by the downshift control part when the vehicle attitude control is ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079406A1

The vehicle behavior control device comprises: a steer-by-wire type steering apparatus () having a steering wheel-side mechanism and a road wheel-side mechanism which are mechanically separated from each other; and a controller () performs a driving force reduction control when a steering speed in the steering apparatus () becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold. The steering apparatus () comprises a first steering angle sensor () provided in the steering wheel-side mechanism and a second steering angle sensor () provided in the road wheel-side mechanism. The controller () performs the driving force reduction control using the first steering angle sensor () when a yaw rate or a steering speed is equal to or greater than a given value, and performs the driving force reduction control using the second steering angle sensor () when the yaw rate or the steering speed is less than the given value. 1. A vehicle behavior control device configured to control a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels , comprising:a steering apparatus configured to transmit rotation of a steering wheel toward the front road wheels, the steering apparatus having: a steering wheel-side mechanism which is coupled to the steering wheel and configured to transmit rotation of the steering wheel; and a road wheel-side mechanism which is coupled to the steering wheel-side mechanism via a low rigidity portion having a relatively low torsional rigidity or is mechanically separated from the steering wheel-side mechanism, and configured to turn the front road wheels according to the rotation of the steering wheel; anda driving force reduction part configured to, when a steering speed in the steering apparatus becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold greater than 0, perform a driving force reduction control in order to reduce a vehicle driving force according to the steering speed,wherein the steering apparatus comprises: a first steering angle sensor provided in the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle behavior control device

Номер: US20180079407A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

The vehicle behavior control device comprises: a steer-by-wire type steering apparatus ( 6 ) having a steering wheel-side mechanism and a road wheel-side mechanism which are mechanically separated from each other; and a controller ( 8 ) performs a driving force reduction control of reducing a driving force for a vehicle ( 1 ) when a steering speed in the steering apparatus ( 6 ) becomes equal to or greater than a given threshold. The steering apparatus ( 6 ) comprises a first steering angle sensor ( 14 ) provided in the steering wheel-side mechanism and a second steering angle sensor ( 19 ) provided in the road wheel-side mechanism. The controller ( 8 ) performs the driving force reduction control based on the steering speed in accordance with a sum of an output of the first steering angle sensor ( 14 ) and an output of the second steering angle sensor ( 19 ).

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097683A1

An apparatus for improving turning performance of a vehicle includes: a turning characteristic detection module configured to detect a turning situation based on vehicle information obtained from at least one sensor and to calculate a required driving force to be implemented in the vehicle for a turning motion; a driving force estimation module configured to estimate a limited driving force applicable to a drive wheel; and a turning characteristic control module configured to control and apply a braking force corresponding to a difference between the required driving force and the limited driving force to a motor to inhibit a wheel slip, when the required driving force is greater than the limited driving force. 1. An apparatus for improving turning performance of a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a turning characteristic detection module configured to detect a turning situation based on vehicle information obtained from at least one sensor and to calculate a required driving force to be implemented in the vehicle for a turning motion;a driving force estimation module configured to estimate a limited driving force applicable to a drive wheel configured to perform the turning motion; anda turning characteristic control module configured to control and apply a braking force corresponding to a difference between the required driving force and the limited driving force to an electric motor to inhibit a wheel slip, when the required driving force is greater than the limited driving force.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the turning characteristic detection module includes:a turn situation detecting device configured to determine whether the vehicle is in a turning motion state using a first vehicle information including at least one of a steering torque, a steering angle, a yaw rate, or a lateral acceleration obtained from the at least one sensor provided in the vehicle; anda required driving force calculating device configured to identify the required driving ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Traveling control apparatus

Номер: US20220097684A1
Автор: Yuki Kadoya
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

A traveling control apparatus for a vehicle includes a steering angle detector, a vehicle speed detector, and a cruise control unit. The cruise control unit includes a steering angle speed detector, a steering angle correction value setting unit, and a target acceleration rate setting unit. The steering angle correction value setting unit sets a steering angle correction value, on the basis of a speed of the vehicle detected by the vehicle speed detector and a steering angle speed calculated by the steering angle speed detector. The target acceleration rate setting unit sets a target acceleration rate of a cruise control, on the basis of a steering angle and the speed of the vehicle. The steering angle is based on an addition of the steering angle correction value set by the steering angle correction value setting unit to the steering angle absolute value detected by the steering angle detector.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097764A1

In one aspect, the present disclosure is directed to an articulated vehicle. The vehicle may include a device processor and a non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions stored thereon and executable by the device processor for controlling articulation of the vehicle by performing the following steps: utilizing the front drive system to apply drive power to the pair of front wheels; actuating brakes associated with the second front wheel to counteract the application of drive power to the second front wheel; utilizing the rear drive system to apply drive power to the pair of rear wheels; and actuating brakes associated with the first rear wheel to counteract the application of drive power to the first rear wheel. 1. An articulated vehicle , comprising:a front chassis segment including a pair of front wheels including a first front wheel on a first side of the vehicle and a second front wheel on a second, opposite side of the vehicle;a rear chassis segment including a pair of rear wheels, including a first rear wheel on the first side of the vehicle and a second rear wheel on the second side of the vehicle;an articulating joint between the front chassis segment and the rear chassis segment;at least one actuation device configured to control the articulation of the articulating joint;a front drive system configured to drive the first front wheel and the second front wheel;a rear drive system configured to drive the first rear wheel and the second rear wheel;a braking system including brakes that are individually actuatable for each wheel of the vehicle; anda controller including a device processor and a non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions stored thereon and executable by the device processor for controlling articulation of the vehicle by performing the following steps:utilizing the front drive system to apply drive power to the pair of front wheels;actuating brakes associated with the second front wheel to counteract the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200082185A1

A periphery monitoring device includes: a bird's-eye view image generation unit that generates a bird's-eye view image from a captured image obtained by imaging a periphery of a vehicle; an indicator control unit that superimposes at least one indicator of a target region indicator indicating a target region to which the vehicle is able to move, a 3D object indicator indicating a 3D object present around the vehicle, and an approaching object indicator indicating an approaching object approaching the vehicle, on the bird's-eye view image in a highlighting mode; and a display adjustment unit that displays an image region based on the captured image in the bird's-eye view image on which the indicator is superimposed with at least one of a luminance value and a saturation being reduced when the vehicle is guided to the target region. 1. A periphery monitoring device comprising:a bird's-eye view image generation unit that generates a bird's-eye view image from a captured image obtained by imaging a periphery of a vehicle;an indicator control unit that superimposes at least one indicator of a target region indicator indicating a target region to which the vehicle is able to move, a 3D object indicator indicating a 3D object present around the vehicle, and an approaching object indicator indicating an approaching object approaching the vehicle, on the bird's-eye view image in a highlighting mode; anda display adjustment unit that displays an image region based on the captured image in the bird's-eye view image on which the indicator is superimposed with at least one of a luminance value and a saturation being reduced when the vehicle is guided to the target region.2. The periphery monitoring device according to claim 1 , whereinthe bird's-eye view image generation unit changes an area of a display region of the bird's-eye view image between a first bird's-eye view display region of a predetermined range centered on the vehicle and a second bird's-eye view display region ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Performing Driving Assistance

Номер: US20150094927A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

The present invention relates to methods and apparatuses for performing driving assistance for a controlled vehicle, involving determining a first longitudinal acceleration target value on the basis of a lateral acceleration of the controlled vehicle, determining a second longitudinal acceleration target value on the basis of a target speed of the controlled vehicle, determining a third longitudinal acceleration target value based on a minimum value of the first longitudinal acceleration target value and the second longitudinal acceleration target value, and controlling a longitudinal acceleration of the controlled vehicle on the basis of the determined third longitudinal acceleration target value.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135165A1

A drive assistance device for a saddle riding-type vehicle includes an outside detecting part that detects a situation around the vehicle, a brake device that brakes a host vehicle, a driving device that drives the host vehicle, and a controller that controls operation of the brake device and the driving device, and the controller performs following-travel-control that causes the host vehicle to travel with a first vehicular gap while following a preceding vehicle by actuating at least one of the brake device and the driving device, adjusts actuation of at least one of the brake device and the driving device when the outside detecting part detects a corner in a direction in which the host vehicle advances while the following-travel-control is performed, and performs control of setting a vehicular gap with respect to the preceding vehicle as a second vehicular gap that is greater than the first vehicular gap.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094560A1

Systems and methods for a steering a vehicle. In one example, a system includes a first wheel, a second wheel, and a skid/differential steering system including an electronic processor. The electronic processor is configured to receive, from an electronic power steering system, a steering failure signal and a target steering angle, determine, based on the target steering angle, a target yaw rate, and drive the first wheel of the vehicle forward and decelerate the second wheel of the vehicle based on the target yaw rate, turning the vehicle. 1. A system for steering a vehicle , the system comprisinga first wheel;a second wheel; anda skid/differential steering system including an electronic processor configured to:receive, from an electronic power steering system, a steering failure signal and a target steering angle;determine, based on the target steering angle, a target yaw rate; anddrive the first wheel of the vehicle forward and decelerate the second wheel of the vehicle based on the target yaw rate, turning the vehicle.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic processor is configured to decelerate the second wheel by controlling an application of a braking force to the second wheel or driving the second wheel backward.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle includes an electrically-controlled differential claim 1 , and wherein the first wheel and the second wheel are rotated via the electrically-controlled differential.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first wheel is driven by a first motor and the second wheel is driven by a second motor.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first wheel and the second wheel are located at the rear of the vehicle.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is configured to perform regenerative braking and wherein decelerating the second wheel includes applying a reverse voltage to decelerate the second wheel.7. A method of steering a vehicle claim 1 , the method comprising receiving claim 1 , from an ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144058A1
Автор: BEN-ARI Jacob

A scalable tractive power system for vehicles (car, truck, bus, semi-trailer), integrated with all-wheel steering system which leverage synergies between plurality of differently designed electric traction-motors and all-wheel electric steering-motors is configured with plurality of sensors to virtually eliminate wheel-dragging and EPS, as part of virtually 100% dynamic efficiency. A fully automated electronic clutch-system attached to selected electric traction motors is configured to carry out above 90% traction efficiency by coupling to wheels selected electric traction-motors in their high efficiency range of operation, and de-coupling and replacing electric traction-motors with another electric traction-motors while the vehicle is changing speed or when the vehicle requires higher or lower tractive-power, from forward-motion start to top-rated speed of the vehicle. A holistic controller is configured with multi-objective optimization design (MOOD) procedures computing complex variable values and parameters, finding the required trade-off among design objectives, and improving the pertinence of solutions, while complying with NHTSA's ‘fail operational systems’ for steer-by-wire. 1. An electric scalable tractive power system for a vehicle , comprising:a plurality of electric traction-motors, configured in groups of electric traction-motors,', 'coupled to wheels of the vehicle, and', 'designed with different power ratings and different high-efficiency ranges of operation;, 'wherein the plurality of electric traction-motors isfurther wherein each group of the groups is designed to overlap each other's high efficiency range of operation while the vehicle is changing speeds in order to create a continuous high efficiency range of tractive-power from a forward-motion start of the vehicle to a top-rated speed of the vehicle, an electronic controlled clutch configured to couple and de-couple each of the plurality of the electric traction-motors, within the each group of ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144249A1

A method generates a setpoint for controlling a steering system and a differential braking system of a motor vehicle. The method includes: acquiring a value relating to a total yawing moment to be applied to the motor vehicle such that it follows a required path, and the speed of the motor vehicle, calculating, as a function of the speed, at least one threshold relating to the maximum proportion of the total yawing moment that the steering system or that the differential braking system can provide, determining, as a function of the threshold, a distribution rate relating to the proportion of the total yawing moment that the steering system or that the differential braking system must provide, and generating a setpoint for controlling the steering system and the differential braking system as a function of the distribution rate and of the value relating to the total yawing moment. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for generating a setpoint for controlling a steering system and a differential braking system of a motor vehicle , comprising:acquiring a value relating to a total yaw moment to be applied to the motor vehicle so that the motor vehicle follows a required path, and a speed of the motor vehicle;calculating, as a function of said speed, at least one threshold relating to a maximum proportion of the total yaw moment that the steering system or that the differential braking system can provide;determining, as a function of said threshold, a distribution rate relating to the proportion of the total yaw moment that the steering system or that the differential braking system must provide; andgenerating a setpoint for controlling the steering system and the differential braking system as a function of said distribution rate and of the value relating to the total yaw moment.12. The method as claimed in claim 11 , in which the threshold relates to the maximum proportion of the total yaw moment that the steering system can provide and is determined as a function of a maximum ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Method for Controlling ESA System of a Vehicle and ESA System

Номер: US20220144252A1
Автор: KIM KILSOO, Wang Xiaoyong

Provided are methods for controlling ESA system of a vehicle and an ESA system. The method includes: generating a trajectory to avoid an obstacle in front of the vehicle; obtaining a target yaw rate and yaw moment according to the trajectory; allocating the target yaw moment to one or more chassis actuators; controlling the one or more chassis actuators according to allocated yaw moments. The cooperation of actuators is implemented for more safe evasion. 1. A method for controlling Evasive Steering Assistance (ESA) of a vehicle , comprising:Generating a trajectory to avoid an obstacle in front of the vehicle;obtaining a target yaw rate and yaw moment according to the trajectory;allocating the target yaw moment to one or more chassis actuators of the vehicle;controlling the one or more chassis actuators according to allocated yaw moments.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of obtaining the target yaw rate and the target yaw moment according to the trajectory comprises:calculating a lateral offset and a heading error of the vehicle according to the trajectory;obtaining a target yaw rate and yaw moment based on the following factors: the lateral velocity of the vehicle, the lateral offset of the vehicle, the heading error of the vehicle, a front steering wheel angle of the vehicle, a road curvature.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the step of allocating the target yaw moment to one or more chassis actuators compriseschecking whether the vehicle is at over steer or under steer based on the target yaw rate and current vehicle yaw rate; {'br': None, 'i': M', '=M', '+M', '+M', '+M', '+M, 'sub': z,tgt', 'z,Driver', 'z,ECS', 'z,AWD', 'z,ESP', 'z,EPS}, 'allocating the target yaw moment to the chassis actuators by the following formula{'sub': z,tgt', 'z,Driver', 'z,ECS', 'z,AWD', 'z,ESP', 'z,EPS, 'where Mis the target yaw moment generated to follow the trajectory for evasion maneuver, Mis the yaw moment generated by driver, Mis the yaw moment ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210096573A1
Автор: SUN Yongyi, Yu Ning, Zhu Fan

A method and apparatus for determining a turn-round path of a vehicle, a device and a storage medium are provided. An embodiment of the method includes: determining a starting position and a target position for the vehicle to turn round on a road; determining, based at least partially on road information associated with the road and vehicle information associated with the vehicle, a candidate turn-round path between the starting position and the target position; evaluating the feasibility of the candidate turn-round path; and determining, based on the evaluation on the feasibility, a turn-round path by which the vehicle is to turn round on the road. 1. A method for determining a turn-round path of a vehicle , comprising:determining a starting position and a target position for the vehicle to turn round on a road;determining, based at least partially on road information associated with the road and vehicle information associated with the vehicle, a candidate turn-round path between the starting position and the target position;evaluating the feasibility of the candidate turn-round path; anddetermining, based on the evaluation on the feasibility, a turn-round path by which the vehicle is to turn round on the road.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the road information comprises at least one of the following:information about a type of the road,information about a width of the road,information about traffic element indications, orinformation about obstacles on the road.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle information comprises at least one of the following:information about a size of the vehicle,information about driving ability of the vehicle, orinformation about driving control errors of the vehicle.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining a candidate turn-round path is also based on the information about at least one of the starting position and the target position.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094797A1
Автор: SHOJI Takuya

A turning behavior control apparatus that is applied to a vehicle includes front wheel suspensions and rear wheel suspensions having anti-dive and anti-lift geometries, respectively, and left and right front wheels are steered wheels. The turning behavior control apparatus includes a control unit for controlling the braking device, and the control unit is configured to control the braking device to apply a braking force to a turning inner driving wheel when a deviation between a standard yaw rate of the vehicle and an actual yaw rate exceeds a deviation reference value and a time change rate of the deviation exceeds a start reference value in a situation where the vehicle is turning without braking. 1. A behavior control apparatus for a vehicle that is applied to a vehicle which comprises front wheel , suspensions and rear wheel suspensions having anti-dive and anti-lift geometries , respectively , and a braking device configured to independently apply braking forces to left and right front wheels and left and right rear wheels , and the left and right front wheels are steered wheels , whereinthe behavior control apparatus comprises a control unit for controlling the braking device, and the control unit is configured to control the braking device to apply a braking force to a turning inner driving wheel when a deviation between a standard yaw rate of the vehicle and an actual yaw rate exceeds a deviation reference value and a time change rate of the deviation exceeds a start reference value in a situation where the vehicle is turning without braking.2. The behavior control apparatus for a vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to calculate a target value of the braking force to be applied to the turning inner driving wheel based on at least the time change rate of the deviation so as to increase as the time change rate of the deviation increases and control the braking device such that a braking force applied to the turning inner ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101088A1
Принадлежит: FERRARI S.P.A.

A method to control a road vehicle with steering rear wheels when driving along a curve. The control method comprises the steps of: determining an actual attitude angle of the road vehicle; determining a desired attitude angle; and changing the steering angle of the rear wheels based on the difference between the actual attitude angle and the desired attitude angle. 1. A method to control a road vehicle with steering rear wheels when driving along a curve; the control method comprises the step of determining an actual attitude angle (β) of the road vehicle , i.e. the angle (β) comprised between the longitudinal axis (x) of the road vehicle and the direction of the running speed (V) of the road vehicle in its barycentre (B);the control method comprising the further steps of:{'sub': 'TGT', 'determining a desired attitude angle (β); and'}{'sub': 'TGT', 'changing the steering angle of the rear wheels based on the difference between the actual attitude angle (β) and the desired attitude angle (β).'}2. A control method according to and comprising the further step of decreasing the steering angle of the rear wheels when the desired attitude angle (β) indicates a tendency to re-alignment.3. A control method according to claim 2 , wherein the decrease in the steering angle of the rear wheels depends on the difference between the desired attitude angle (β) and the actual attitude angle (β).4. A control method according to and comprising the further step of determining that the desired attitude angle (β) indicates a tendency to re-alignment when the desired attitude angle (β) is zero or close to zero.5. A control method according to and comprising the further steps of:determining whether the road vehicle is in steady conditions or in non-steady conditions; anddecreasing the steering angle of the rear wheels only if the road vehicle is in steady conditions.6. A control method according to and comprising the further step of increasing the steering angle of the rear wheels if the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Drive assistance device for saddle type vehicle

Номер: US20220169239A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A drive assistance device (24) for a saddle type vehicle (1) includes a ride sensor (37) configured to detect a ride attitude of a rider (J), a vehicle body behavior generating part (25) configured to generate a behavior on a vehicle body by a prescribed output, and a controller (27) configured to control driving of a plurality of devices (BR, EN, ST) included in the vehicle body behavior generating part (25), and, when at least one of the plurality of devices (BR, EN, ST) is actuated regardless of the operation of the rider (J), the controller (27) determines which of the plurality of devices (BR, EN, ST) is to be actuated according to the ride attitude of the rider (J) detected by the ride sensor (37).

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150112569A1

Provided is a longitudinal force control apparatus. A lateral acceleration acquisition section acquires a lateral acceleration along a right-left direction acting on a vehicle. A bank angle acquisition circuit acquires a bank angle of the vehicle. A longitudinal force controller may decrease an absolute value of a longitudinal force at least with respect to a driving wheel of the vehicle based on the acquired lateral acceleration and the bank angle when it is determined that a calculated lateral-skid acceleration is equal to or greater than a predetermined threshold. The longitudinal force is a sum of forces along a front-rear direction acting on the driving wheel. 1. A longitudinal force control apparatus comprising:a lateral acceleration acquisition section configured to acquire a lateral acceleration, the lateral acceleration being an acceleration along a right-left direction acting on a vehicle;a bank angle acquisition circuit configured to acquire a bank angle of the vehicle; and a lateral-skid acceleration calculation circuit configured to at least calculate a lateral-skid acceleration of the driving wheel based on at least the acquired lateral acceleration and the bank angle, and', 'a judgment circuit configured to determine whether the calculated lateral-skid acceleration is equal to or greater than a predetermined threshold,', 'the longitudinal force controller determining first and second velocity ranges, the second velocity range being greater in velocity than the first velocity range, the threshold being greater when a velocity of travel of the vehicle is in the second velocity range than when the velocity of travel of the vehicle is in the first velocity range., 'a longitudinal force controller configured to decrease an absolute value of a longitudinal force at least with respect to a driving wheel of the vehicle based on the acquired lateral acceleration and the bank angle, the longitudinal force being a sum of forces along a front-rear direction ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111607A1
Автор: Fujita Yoshitaka

A vehicle stability control device has: a front active stabilizer installed on a front wheel side; a rear active stabilizer installed on a rear wheel side; a turning device for turning the front and rear wheels; and a control device configured to perform load distribution control in conjunction with turning control that actuates the turning device, when a difference in braking force between left and right sides of the vehicle exceeds a threshold value during braking. A first side is one of the left and right sides with a greater braking force, and a second side is the other of the left and right sides. In the load distribution control, the control device actuates the rear active stabilizer in a direction to lift up the first side and actuates the front active stabilizer in a direction to lift up the second side. 1. A vehicle stability control device comprising:a front active stabilizer installed on a side of a front wheel of a vehicle;a rear active stabilizer installed on a side of a rear wheel of the vehicle;a turning device configured to turn the front wheel and the rear wheel; anda control device configured to perform load distribution control in conjunction with turning control that actuates the turning device, when a difference in braking force between a left side and a right side of the vehicle exceeds a threshold value during braking,wherein a first side is one of the left side and the right side with a greater braking force, and a second side is another of the left side and the right side, andwherein in the load distribution control, the control device actuates the rear active stabilizer in a direction to lift up the first side and actuates the front active stabilizer in a direction to lift up the second side.2. The vehicle stability control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the control device performs the load distribution control such that a roll moment caused by actuation of the rear active stabilizer and a roll moment caused by actuation of the front ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Travel control device for vehicle

Номер: US20220177030A1
Автор: Yosuke Hashimoto
Принадлежит: Advics Co Ltd

A travel control device includes a turning control unit configured to execute turning support control causing a turning state quantity to follow a target turning state quantity by causing at least one of a front wheel steered angle adjustment device, a rear wheel steered angle adjustment device, and a braking device to be driven, and a steering instruction unit configured to, when steering is not being performed during the execution of turning support control, derive a holding torque and instruct a steering device to apply the holding torque to a steering wheel. The turning control unit causes the rear wheel steered angle adjustment device and/or the braking device to be driven but causes the front wheel steered angle adjustment device not to be driven when steering is not being performed. The turning control unit causes the front wheel steered angle adjustment device to be driven when steering is being performed.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Movement control device for vehicle

Номер: US20150120121A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A movement control device for a vehicle comprises a yaw-acceleration calculation portion to calculate a target yaw acceleration of the vehicle, a turn-back steering determination portion to determine whether a turn-back steering of the vehicle is conducted or not, and a drive-force control portion to a drive force of the vehicle. The control of the drive-force control portion is configured such that when the turn-back steering is not conducted, the amount of drive-force decreasing is increased with a specified increasing rate as the target yaw acceleration increases, the specified increasing rate becoming smaller as the target yaw acceleration increases, and when the turn-back steering is conducted, the drive force is increased in a case in which an absolute value of a steering angle of the vehicle decreases.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Enhanced vehicle operation

Номер: US20210139007A1

A computer includes a processor and a memory, the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to input a current trajectory and a planned path for a vehicle to a state observer algorithm to obtain a target yaw rate, compare the target yaw rate to an actual yaw rate to determine one of an oversteer or an understeer condition, and apply brakes on one or more but less than all wheels of the vehicle based on determining the understeer or oversteer condition.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139016A1

A vehicle control apparatus includes a steering device, a steering controller, a steering input member, a front-rear driving force distribution unit, and a behavior controller. The steering device steers front wheels of a vehicle. The steering controller controls and causes the steering device to perform steering automatically. The steering input member receives a steering operation inputted by a driver. The front-rear driving force distribution unit changes a front-rear driving force distribution ratio. The behavior controller predicts, if a steering operation is performed via the steering input member during the automatic steering, a behavior of the vehicle to be exhibited after steering corresponding to the steering operation, and causes, if an oversteer behavior is predicted to occur, the front-rear driving force distribution unit to change the driving force distribution ratio to a front-wheel biased distribution ratio as compared with a case where the oversteer behavior is not predicted to occur. 1. A vehicle control apparatus comprising:a steering device including an actuator and configured to steer front wheels of a vehicle;a steering controller configured to control the steering device and cause the vehicle to perform steering automatically, on a basis of a target travel path of the vehicle;a steering input member configured to receive a steering operation inputted by a driver;a front-rear driving force distribution unit configured to change a front-rear driving force distribution ratio that is a distribution ratio between driving force to be transmitted to a road surface from the front wheels of the vehicle and driving force to be transmitted to the road surface from rear wheels of the vehicle; anda behavior controller configured to predict, in a case where a steering operation is performed via the steering input member while the steering controller is causing the steering to be performed automatically, a behavior of the vehicle to be exhibited after ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Eco-friendly vehicle and a method of controlling motor torque of an eco-friendly vehicle

Номер: US20210139035A1
Автор: Gwi Chul KIM, Sora Jang
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

An eco-friendly vehicle includes a motor, and a motor torque of the eco-friendly vehicle is controlled by determining road surface characteristics based on wheel behavior characteristics when controlling starting of the eco-friendly vehicle and by controlling the torque of the motor before a significant wheel spin occurs when the vehicle is started based on road characteristic determination results. A method of controlling the motor torque of the eco-friendly vehicle includes determining a wheel behavior characteristic of the vehicle, determining a road surface characteristic of a road on which the vehicle is located based on the wheel behavior characteristic of the vehicle, and controlling the motor torque of the vehicle based on the road surface characteristic.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108828A1
Принадлежит: Great Wall Motor Company Limited

Disclosed are a method and an apparatus for controlling vehicle travelling, and a vehicle, wherein the method for controlling vehicle travelling includes: detecting a plurality of travelling states of a vehicle, the plurality of travelling states including a plurality of travelling directions; respectively previewing the vehicle travelling along the plurality of travelling directions from an original position in a lane to obtain a plurality of previewing paths; fitting a plurality of turning paths of the vehicle travelling from the original position to a target path in the lane according to the plurality of previewing paths; using the plurality of turning paths to calculate change information of a steering wheel angle; and adjusting the travelling direction according to the change information of the steering wheel angle, so as to control the vehicle to travel from the original position to the target path along the turning path. The embodiments of the disclosure enable the vehicle to return to the target path of the lane, and avoid adjustments made according to an empirical value, thereby ensuring the stability of travelling, effectively reducing the problems of overshoot and shock, and improving the comfort of drivers. 1. A method for controlling vehicle travelling , comprising:detecting a plurality of travelling states of a vehicle, the plurality of travelling states comprising a plurality of travelling directions;respectively previewing the vehicle travelling along the plurality of travelling directions from an original position in a lane to obtain a plurality of previewing paths;fitting a plurality of turning paths of the vehicle travelling from the original position to a target path in the lane according to the plurality of previewing paths;using the plurality of turning paths to calculate change information of a steering wheel angle; andadjusting the travelling direction according to the change information of the steering wheel angle, to control the vehicle to ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Attitude controller and saddle riding type vehicle having the same

Номер: US20140200780A1
Принадлежит: Yamaha Motor Co Ltd

An attitude controller eliminates a skid motion of a banked vehicle when travelling through a curve. The attitude controller includes a lateral acceleration sensor that obtains lateral acceleration, as rightward or leftward accelerations, acting on a vehicle of a motorcycle, a bank angle detector that detects a bank angle of the vehicle, and a longitudinal force controller that decreases, independently of each of the wheels, an absolute value of a longitudinal force as the sum of forward and backward forces acting on front and rear wheels based on the obtained lateral acceleration and the detected bank angle.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180118220A1
Автор: KIMURA Shuuji

A vehicle attitude control system includes a target sideslip angle calculating unit configured to calculate a target sideslip angle for turning of a vehicle based on a steering angle and a vehicle speed, and a target sideslip angle correcting unit configured to correct the target sideslip angle calculated by the target sideslip angle calculating unit by using a sideslip angle correction amount calculated based on at least one selected from a torque of an axle and an injection amount of fuel supplied to an engine. The attitude of the vehicle is controlled by using a target sideslip angle obtained through the correction performed by the target sideslip angle correcting unit. 1. A vehicle attitude control system , comprising:a target sideslip angle calculating unit configured to calculate a target sideslip angle for turning of a vehicle based on a steering angle and a vehicle speed;a torque detector configured to detect a torque of a rotary shaft constituting a driving system configured to transmit power output from a power source to a driving wheel;a target sideslip angle correcting unit configured to correct the target sideslip angle by using a sideslip angle correction amount calculated based on the torque detected by the torque detector; andan attitude control unit configured to control an attitude of the vehicle by using the target sideslip angle corrected by the target sideslip angle correcting unit.2. The vehicle attitude control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe rotary shaft includes a wheel axle of the driving wheel, andthe torque detector includes a wheel axle torque sensor configured to detect a torque of the wheel axle.3. The vehicle attitude control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe power source is an engine, a crankshaft configured to convert piston motion of the engine to rotational motion; and', 'a wheel axle of the driving wheel, and, 'the rotary shaft includes a crankshaft torque sensor configured to detect a torque of the crankshaft; ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266817A1
Автор: Beller Michael, BOLTA Axel

A method for stabilizing a vehicle () in which the vehicle () has a roll stabilizer (), which is designed to stabilize a first axle () and a second axle () as a function of a roll torque distribution between the first axle () and the second axle (). The method comprises a step of determining a sideslip angle index from a difference between a transverse acceleration calculated from a yaw rate of the vehicle () and a speed of the vehicle (), and a detected transverse acceleration of the vehicle (). The sideslip angle index is related to a sideslip angle of the vehicle (). The method also comprises a step of generating a control signal () using the sideslip angle index. The control signal () is suitable for adjusting the roll torque distribution of the roll stabilizer () as a function of the determined sideslip angle index. 110-. (canceled)11300100100120101102100101102300. A method () for stabilizing a vehicle () , wherein the vehicle () comprises a roll stabilizer () which is designed to stabilize a first axle () and a second axle () of the vehicle () as a function of a roll torque distribution between the first axle () and the second axle () , and the method () comprising:{'b': 310', '245', '100', '100', '100', '245', '100, 'a determination step () of determining a sideslip angle index () from a difference between a transverse acceleration, calculated from a yaw rate of the vehicle () and a speed of the vehicle (), and a detected transverse acceleration of the vehicle (), and the sideslip angle index () is related to a sideslip angle of the vehicle (), and'}{'b': 320', '160', '245', '160', '120', '245, 'a generating step () of generating a control signal () using the sideslip angle index (), and the control signal () being suitable for adjusting the roll torque distribution of the roll stabilizer () as a function of the determined sideslip angle index ().'}12300160320. The method () according to claim 11 , wherein the control signal () claim 11 , produced during the ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114959A1
Автор: KAKAS Peter, Varga Adam

A motor vehicle power steering system for steering of a motor vehicle includes a rack and pinion steering gear, a path prediction module for determining a preliminary defined vehicle trajectory in response to data received from a plurality of vehicle state sensors, data of the motor vehicle power steering system, and further including a vehicle lateral motion control unit. The vehicle lateral motion control unit tracks the preliminary defined vehicle trajectory by minimizing the lateral deviation between the preliminary defined vehicle trajectory and the actual position of the vehicle by control of motor vehicle power steering system parameters. 116.-. (canceled)17. A motor vehicle power steering system for steering of a motor vehicle , comprising:a rack and pinion steering gear,a path prediction module configured to determine a preliminary defined vehicle trajectory in response to data received from a plurality of vehicle state sensors and data of the motor vehicle power steering system, anda vehicle lateral motion control unit configured to track the preliminary defined vehicle trajectory by minimizing lateral deviation between the preliminary defined vehicle trajectory and an actual position of the vehicle by controlling parameters of the motor vehicle power steering system.18. The motor vehicle power steering system of claim 17 , wherein the control of the motor vehicle power steering system parameters includes control of a rack force request and/or a motor torque request of the steering system and/or a motor current request of the steering system.19. The motor vehicle power steering system of claim 17 , wherein the control of the motor vehicle power steering system parameters includes control of a position request.20. The motor vehicle power steering system of claim 19 , wherein the position request comprises a front wheel angle.21. The motor vehicle power steering system of claim 19 , wherein the position request comprises a rack position.22. The motor vehicle ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129479A1

A PCM () for controlling a behavior of a vehicle () having steerable front road wheels is configured to perform a control to reduce a driving force for the vehicle () according to a yaw rate-related quantity (e.g., steering speed) of the vehicle (). Specifically, the PCM () is configured, after reducing the driving force in response to a change in the yaw rate-related quantity and according to the yaw rate-related quantity being changing, to increase the driving force so as to restore a value of the driving force before the reduction, and the PCM () is operable, when increasing the driving force so as to restore a value of the driving force before the reduction, to change a change rate during the increasing of the driving force, according to a magnitude of the yaw rate-related quantity thereduring. 1. A vehicle behavior control device for controlling a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels , comprising a controller configured to perform a control to reduce a driving force for the vehicle according to a yaw rate-related quantity which is related to a yaw rate of the vehicle ,wherein the controller is configured to:increase the driving force so as to restore a value of the driving force before the reduction, after the driving force is reduced in response to a change in the yaw rate-related quantity and according to the yaw rate-related quantity being changing; andchange a change rate during the increasing of the driving force according to a magnitude of the yaw rate-related quantity, when the driving force is increased so as to restore the value of the driving force before the reduction.2. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to reduce the change rate during the increasing of the driving force to a smaller value claim 1 , as the yaw rate-related quantity becomes smaller.3. The vehicle behavior control device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a steering wheel of the vehicle is ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129480A1

The vehicle behavior control device is designed to control a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels. The vehicle behavior control device comprises a PCM configured to perform control to reduce a torque for the vehicle according to a steering speed of the vehicle, and acquire an understeer-causing state of the vehicle which is a factor causing understeer, wherein the PCM is further configured to perform control to, after reducing the torque, increase the torque at a change rate decided based on the understeer-causing state of the vehicle acquired by the PCM. 1. A vehicle behavior control device for controlling a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels , comprising:driving force control part configured to perform control to reduce a driving force for the vehicle according to a yaw rate-related quantity which is related to a yaw rate of the vehicle; andundersteer-causing factor acquisition part configured to acquire an understeer-causing state of the vehicle which is a factor causing understeer,wherein the driving force control part is further configured to perform control to, after reducing the driving force, increase the driving force at a change rate decided based on the understeer-causing state of the vehicle acquired by the understeer-causing factor acquisition part.2. The vehicle behavior control device as recited in claim 1 , wherein:the understeer-causing factor acquisition part is operable to acquire a gross weight of the vehicle, as the understeer-causing state of the vehicle; andthe driving force control part is operable to reduce a change rate during increasing of the driving force to a smaller value, as the gross weight of the vehicle acquired by the understeer-causing factor acquisition part becomes larger.3. The vehicle behavior control device as recited in claim 1 , wherein:the understeer-causing factor acquisition part is operable to acquire an elapsed period of time after installation of tires in the vehicle, as the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129481A1

The vehicle behavior control device comprises a PCM configured to decide a target additional deceleration. The PCM is operable: to correct the target additional deceleration in such a manner that it is reduced by multiplying the target additional deceleration by a coefficient K1 set according to a vehicle speed, a coefficient K2 set according to a steering wheel angle, a coefficient K3 set according to an accelerator position and a coefficient K4 decided according to a required deceleration; when a value derived by multiplying the target additional deceleration by K1 and K2 is less than a threshold D, to stop a torque reduction control; and, when the value derived by multiplying the target additional deceleration by K1 and K2 is equal to or greater than D, and a value derived by multiplying the target additional deceleration by K3 and K4 is less than D, to maintain the torque reduction control. 1. A vehicle behavior control device for controlling a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels , comprising a driving force controller configured to decide a target additional deceleration to be added to the vehicle , according to a yaw rate-related quantity which is related to a yaw rate of the vehicle , and reduce a driving force for the vehicle so as to realize the target additional deceleration , to correct the target additional deceleration in such a manner that it is reduced by multiplying the target additional deceleration by: a vehicle speed coefficient of 1 or less, which is set according to a vehicle speed of the vehicle; a steering wheel angle coefficient of 1 or less, which is set according to a steering wheel angle of the vehicle; an accelerator position coefficient of 1 or less, which is set according to an accelerator position of the vehicle; and a required deceleration coefficient of 1 or less, which is decided according to a required deceleration of the vehicle;', 'when a value derived by multiplying the target additional deceleration by the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129482A1

The vehicle behavior control device is designed to control a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels. The vehicle behavior control device comprises a PCM configured to perform control to reduce a driving force for the vehicle according to a steering speed of the vehicle, wherein the PCM is operable to reduce a change rate during increasing of a reduction amount of the driving force according to the steering speed of the vehicle, to a smaller value, as a steering wheel angle of the vehicle becomes larger. 1. A vehicle behavior control device for controlling a behavior of a vehicle having steerable front road wheels , comprising driving force control means configured to perform control to reduce a driving force for the vehicle according to a yaw rate-related quantity which is related to a yaw rate of the vehicle , wherein the driving force control means is operable to reduce a change rate during increasing of a reduction amount of the driving force according to the yaw rate-related quantity of the vehicle , to a smaller value , as a steering wheel angle of a steering wheel the vehicle becomes larger.2. The vehicle behavior control device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the driving force control means is operable claim 1 , when the steering wheel angle is increasing claim 1 , to reduce the driving force according to the yaw rate-related quantity.3. The vehicle behavior control device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the driving force control means is operable to decide a target additional deceleration to be added to the vehicle claim 1 , according to the yaw rate-related quantity of the vehicle claim 1 , and reduce the driving force for the vehicle so as to realize the target additional deceleration claim 1 , and to reduce a change rate during increasing of the target additional deceleration claim 1 , to a smaller value claim 1 , as the steering wheel angle becomes larger.4. A vehicle control device comprising a controller to which at least a steering ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129495A1
Автор: EGUCHI Teppei

A drive control system for a front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle is provided. The drive control system is installed on the front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle, which is a two-wheeler equipped with a front wheel and a rear wheel both serving as driving wheels, one of which is a steered wheel. When the vehicle is banking, the drive control system performs control of decreasing target driving torque of the steered wheel according to an amount of accelerator operation during acceleration operation of a driver compared to when the vehicle is running upright. 1. A drive control system for a front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle , the drive control system being installed on the front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle , which is a two-wheeler equipped with a front wheel and a rear wheel both serving as driving wheels , one of which is a steered wheel , whereinwhen the vehicle is banking, the drive control system performs control of decreasing, compared to when the vehicle is running upright, target driving torque of the steered wheel according to an amount of accelerator operation during acceleration operation of a driver.2. The drive control system for a front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the drive control system performs control of increasing a decrease width of the target driving torque of the steered wheel with increase in a banking angle of the vehicle.3. The drive control system for a front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein when the drive control system performs control of decreasing the target driving torque of the steered wheel claim 1 , the drive control system performs control of increasing target driving torque of a non-steered wheel.4. The drive control system for a front- and rear-wheel drive vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein the drive control system performs control of increasing the target driving torque of the non-steered wheel based on a decrease amount of the target driving torque of the steered ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle control including control over a rate of torque decrease

Номер: US20160137196A1
Автор: Paul Beever
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

A method of controlling a vehicle includes determining whether control over a rate of torque decrease is desired in order to improve the vehicle behavior. The rate of torque decrease is controlled to stay within a range of a selected rate of change. A vehicle control system includes a controller configured to determine whether control over a rate of torque decrease is desired. The controller is also configured to control the rate of torque decrease to stay within a range of a selected rate of change.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134152A1

A drive force control device, which controls a drive force distribution device that distributes a drive force to right and left rear wheels at variable distribution ratios, computes a steering angle-based turning radius determined in accordance with a steering angle, computes a limit turning radius, which is a minimum value of the turning radius with which the vehicle is turnable while keeping a stable travel state, in accordance with a vehicle speed, sets the larger one of the steering angle-based turning radius and the limit turning radius as a target turning radius, computes target rotational speeds for the right and left rear wheels on the basis of the target turning radius and the vehicle speed, and adjusts the ratios of distribution of the drive force to the right and left rear wheels such that actual rotational speeds of the right and left rear wheels approximate the target rotational speeds. 1. A drive force control device that controls a drive force distribution device that distributes a drive force of a drive source to right and left wheels of a vehicle at variable distribution ratios , comprising:a first turning radius computation unit that computes a steering angle-based turning radius that is a turning radius of the vehicle determined in accordance with a steering angle;a second turning radius computation unit that computes a limit turning radius, which is a minimum value of the turning radius with which the vehicle is turnable while keeping a stable travel state, in accordance with a vehicle speed;a target turning radius setting unit that sets the steering angle-based turning radius as a target turning radius in the case where the steering angle-based turning radius is larger than the limit turning radius, and that sets the limit turning radius as the target turning radius in the case where the steering angle-based turning radius is smaller than the limit turning radius;a target rotational speed computation unit that computes respective target ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

System for controlling a vehicle based on thermal profile tracking

Номер: US20180134281A1
Принадлежит: Nextev USA Inc

A control system has at least one thermal imaging sensor configured to track a thermal profile of a wheel of a nearby vehicle and provide data indicative of the thermal profile. The control system also has a computing device including a processor and a memory. The computing device is configured to receive the data from the at least one thermal imaging sensor, determine a wheel angle parameter of the front wheel of the nearby vehicle based on the data, and generate a control command to change at least one of a direction or an acceleration of the vehicle based on the determined wheel angle parameter.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281439A1
Автор: Pydin Andrii

An autonomous traveling body includes a body portion that has a longitudinal direction, a traveling unit that travels autonomously. The autonomous traveling body includes a rollover determination unit that determines whether or not the autonomous traveling body is likely to roll over due to traveling, and a travel control execution unit that controls the traveling unit so as to change an orientation of the longitudinal direction with respect to an advancing direction, in a case where the rollover determination unit determines that the autonomous traveling body is likely to roll over. 1. An autonomous traveling body comprising a body portion and a traveling unit , the body portion having a longitudinal direction , the traveling unit being configured to travel autonomously , the autonomous traveling body comprising:a rollover determination unit configured to determine whether or not the autonomous traveling body is likely to roll over due to traveling; anda travel control execution unit configured to control the traveling unit so as to change an orientation of the longitudinal direction with respect to an advancing direction, in a case where the rollover determination unit determines that the autonomous traveling body is likely to roll over.2. The autonomous traveling body according to claim 1 , wherein the travel control execution unit executes control so that the longitudinal direction is directed in a direction in which the body portion rolls over.3. The autonomous traveling body according to claim 1 , wherein the travel control execution unit executes control for changing the orientation of the longitudinal direction by causing the autonomous traveling body to make a turn claim 1 , in a case where the rollover determination unit determines that the autonomous traveling body is likely to roll over while traveling along a predetermined target route.4. The autonomous traveling body according to claim 3 , wherein the travel control execution unit executes control for ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle Motion Control Device

Номер: US20140222309A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

There is provided a vehicle drive control system that feels less unnatural and that enables an improvement in safety performance. A vehicle motion control system capable of independently controlling a driving force and a braking force of four wheels comprises: a first mode (G-Vectoring control) in which substantially the same driving force and braking force are generated with respect to left and right wheels among the four wheels based on a longitudinal acceleration/deceleration control command that is coordinated with the vehicle's lateral motion; and a second mode (sideslip prevention control) in which different driving forces and braking forces are generated with respect to the left and right wheels among the four wheels based on a target yaw moment derived from the vehicle's sideslip information, wherein the first mode is selected when the target yaw moment is equal to or less than a pre-defined threshold, and the second mode is selected when the target yaw moment is greater than the threshold (FIG. ). 1. A vehicle motion control system capable of independently controlling a driving force and braking force of four wheels , the vehicle motion control system comprising:a first mode in which substantially the same driving force and braking force are generated with respect to left and right wheels among the four wheels based on a target longitudinal acceleration/deceleration control command that is coordinated with a lateral motion of the vehicle; anda second mode in which different driving forces and braking forces are generated with respect to the left and right wheels among the four wheels based on a target yaw moment derived from sideslip information of the vehicle, whereinthe first mode is selected when the target yaw moment is equal to or less than a pre-defined threshold, and the second mode is selected when the target yaw moment is greater than the threshold.2. The vehicle motion control system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a vehicle lateral ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for control of a rear-axle steering of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20190135337A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for control of a rear-axle steering of a motor vehicle. A steering angle of wheels of a rear axle is set. Upon reaching a predetermined lateral acceleration of the motor vehicle, the steering angle and/or the gradient of the steering angle of the wheels of the rear axle is limited as a function of a coefficient of friction of a roadway surface on which the motor vehicle is moving.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130694A1
Автор: JEONG Jong Kyu

A regenerative braking control method of a vehicle, may include a first operation of determining a driving risk of a road surface on the basis of a status of the road surface while driving; a second operation of determining whether an accelerator pedal is released while driving; a third operation of determining whether a brake pedal is operated while driving; and a fourth operation of performing no regenerative braking when the accelerator pedal is determined as being released, the driving risk of the road surface is determined as being high, and when the brake pedal is determined as not being operated. 1. A regenerative braking control method of a vehicle , the regenerative braking control method comprising:a first operation of determining a driving risk of a road surface on a basis of a status of the road surface while driving;a second operation of determining when an accelerator pedal is released while driving;a third operation of determining when a brake pedal is operated while driving; anda fourth operation of performing no regenerative braking when the accelerator pedal is determined as being released, the driving risk of the road surface is determined as being high, and when the brake pedal is determined as not being operated.2. The regenerative braking control method of claim 1 ,wherein the first operation includes a color detecting operation of determining the driving risk of the vehicle driving on the road surface on a basis of a measured value of a vision sensor of the vehicle which detects a color of the road surface, andwherein when a detected color of the road surface is a same as a predetermined color, the driving risk of the road surface is determined as being high.3. The regenerative braking control method of claim 2 , wherein the color detecting operation further includes determining the driving risk of the road surface as being high claim 2 , when the accelerator pedal is determined as being released claim 2 , the driving risk of the road surface ...
