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02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725557C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системе и способу для определения направления взгляда оператора транспортного средства. Система содержит датчики измерения движения глазных мышц, компьютер. Датчики движения глазных мышц включены в устройство, носимое оператором транспортного средства. Компьютер включает в себя процессор и память. Память хранит инструкции, исполняемые компьютером по способу. При этом принимают данные движения глазных мышц от датчика. Определяют по упомянутому измерению направление взгляда оператора. Активируют операцию транспортного средства, если уровень внимательности оператора, основанный на направлении взгляда, ниже предварительно определенного порогового значения. Определяют опасность на проезжей части на пути транспортного средства из данных датчиков транспортного средства. Определяют недостаток внимания к опасности на проезжей части на основе определения, что направление взгляда изменилось от направления опасности на проезжей части. Предупреждают ...

28-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668356C2

Группа изобретений относится к световым сигналам транспортного средства. Система управления специальными световыми сигналами транспортного средства включает в себя компьютер, размещаемый в первом транспортном средстве. Компьютер содержит процессор и запоминающее устройство. Компьютер запрограммирован для сбора данных, относящихся к преследованию второго транспортного средства, использования собранных данных для распознавания поворота одного из первого транспортного средства и второго транспортного средства, и управления специальным световым сигналом в первом транспортном средстве на основании одного определенного поворота. Достигается усовершенствование управления специальными световыми сигналами транспортного средства. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

04-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729137C2

Изобретение относится к системе предупреждения о парковочном барьере. Система предупреждения о парковочном барьере содержит компонент обнаружения движения, компонент определения наличия и компонент уведомления. Компонент обнаружения движения выполнен с возможностью определения, что транспортное средство или водитель выезжает или готовится выезжать с парковочного места. Компонент определения наличия выполнен с возможностью определения на основании базы данных истории движения, присутствует ли парковочный барьер на парковочном месте, причем компонент определения наличия определяет, присутствует ли парковочный барьер, в ответ на определение того, что транспортное средство или водитель выезжает или готовится выезжать с парковочного места. Компонент уведомления выполнен с возможностью обеспечения указания наличия парковочного барьера водителю или автоматизированной системе вождения транспортного средства. Достигается повышение безопасности управления транспортным средством. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2533775C2

Изобретение относится к системам помощи при парковке автомобиля. Устройство управления содействием парковке содержит детектор препятствий; модуль содействия парковке; модуль определения начала парковки и модуль уменьшения величины управления содействием. При этом содействие парковке представляет собой приложение тормозной силы к транспортному средству и ограничения движущей силы транспортного средства. В других вариантах устройства уменьшение операционной величины управления содействием осуществляется посредством сокращения расстояния начала парковки, а также посредством понижения операционной величины управления содействием. В еще одном варианте устройство управления содействием парковке содержит средство обнаружения препятствий; средство содействия парковке; средство определения парковки и средство уменьшения величины управления содействием. В способе управления содействием парковке обнаруживают препятствие позади транспортного средства; определяют расстояние между препятствием и транспортным ...

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2302694C2

Изобретение относится к системе мобильной связи и может быть использовано для эффективного управления трафиком обратной линии связи. Достигаемый технический результат - улучшение пропускной способности системы мобильной связи. В системе мобильной связи осуществляется способ управления скоростью передачи данных следующего кадра пакетных данных обратной линии связи для передачи кадра пакетных данных обратной линии связи от мобильной станции к базовой станции по обратному каналу пакетных данных со скоростью передачи данных, выбранной из множества скоростей передачи данных, при этом мобильная станция принимает информацию управления обратной линии связи для управления скоростью передачи данных кадра пакетных данных обратной линии связи и передает следующий кадр пакетных данных обратной линии связи со скоростью передачи, которая определена в соответствии с информацией управления обратной линии связи. 5 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

30-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2704663C2

Группа изобретений относится к вариантам динамической системы информирования о разговорах. Система содержит: минимум один микрофон, пороговый анализатор разговоров в салоне (ICTA), систему принятия решения о чувствительности (SDT). Микрофон фиксирует звуковые данные в салоне транспортного средства. Пороговый анализатор разговоров в салоне (ICTA) анализирует звуковые данные в заданном частотном диапазоне и определяет, превышают ли звуковые данные пороговое значение в заданном частотном диапазоне. Система принятия решения о чувствительности (SDT) изменяет настройки транспортного средства, связанные с пользовательским профилем, когда звуковые данные превышают пороговое значение. Причем соответствующая измененная настройка транспортного средства используется для обеспечения управления бдительностью водителя системы транспортного средства в ответ на активацию системы транспортного средства. Достигается предоставление системы для помощи водителю в удержании внимания на дороге. 2 н. и 18 з.п.

11-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2660977C2

Изобретение относится к технике обеспечения безопасности дорожного движения, в частности к интеллектуальным транспортным системам, автомобильным средствам обзора пространства в переднебоковом секторе и удержания автомобиля в заданной полосе движения. Способ обеспечения курсовой устойчивости и безопасности движения автомобиля содержит этапы приема изображения с помощью видеокамеры и РЛС с синтезированной апертурой, анализа наличия разметки или дорожной полосы, формирование цифрового радиолокационного изображение (РЛИ) и/или радиоголограмму полотна дороги и предметов, расположенных на обочинах справа и слева от полотна дороги, определение границ дорожной полосы, распознавание положения автомобиля, определение векторной скорости движения автомобиля, экстраполяции траектории движения автомобиля с учетом текущей векторной скорости, расчет оценки наступления экстренного события на основании упомянутой экстраполяции и активации средств безопасности автомобиля на основании упомянутой оценки. Технический ...

22-03-2022 дата публикации

Система обеспечения безопасности дорожного движения

Номер: RU2767795C1

Изобретение относится к области обеспечения безопасности дорожного движения. Система содержит мобильные устройства участников дорожного движения, с приемопередатчиками GSM-связи и GPS/ГЛОНАСС для определения их геолокации; блок обработки данных, содержащий соединенные между собой сервер приложений и сервер GSM-связи, дополнительно содержит сервер расчета встречных скоростей, выполняющий функцию автоматической трансляции текущей геолокации приближающегося встречного транспорта с рассчитанной для него встречной скоростью в мобильное приложение с навигацией. При этом сервер мобильных приложений подключен к серверу расчета встречных скоростей; устройства определения текущих скоростей, устанавливаемые на участках дорог с ограниченной видимостью, подключенные к серверу расчета встречных скоростей и передающие в режиме реального времени данные о скоростях автотранспорта для расчета встречных скоростей; мобильные устройства участников дорожного движения содержат установленное навигационное приложение ...

22-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2767833C1

Изобретение относится к способу прогнозирования поведения. Способ прогнозирования поведения для прогнозирования поведения объекта вокруг транспортного средства содержит обнаружение объекта вокруг транспортного средства, указание первого объекта, который влияет на поведение транспортного средства, среди обнаруженных объектов, выполнение процесса прогнозирования для извлечения второго объекта, который влияет на поведение первого объекта среди множества объектов, присутствующих вокруг первого объекта и прогнозирования поведения. Способ также содержит задание извлеченного второго объекта как нового первого объекта и выполнение процесса прогнозирования для извлечения нового второго объекта, который влияет на поведение упомянутого нового первого объекта и прогнозирования поведения, повторение процесса прогнозирования с предопределенным количеством раз извлечения и прогнозирование поведения первого объекта во время первого процесса прогнозирования на основе поведений n вторых объектов, подвергнутых ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016148720A3

27-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018105574A3

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017146151A3

21-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774521C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству помощи при вождении. Устройство содержит: датчик, контроллер, устройство управления движением. Датчик обнаруживает положение первого препятствия впереди рассматриваемого транспортного средства на первой полосе движения, по которой движется рассматриваемое транспортное средство. Определяет положения второго препятствия впереди рассматриваемого транспортного средства на второй полосе движения. При этом вторая полоса движения является встречной полосой движения, смежной с первой полосой движения. Контроллер определяет, находится ли положение второго препятствия на более близкой стороне, чем положение первого препятствия в направлении движения рассматриваемого транспортного средства, и может ли рассматриваемое транспортное средство при остановке перед первым препятствием помешать движению встречного транспортного средства. Когда положение второго препятствия находится на более близкой стороне, чем положение первого препятствия в направлении ...

18-05-2022 дата публикации

Способ предотвращения столкновения транспортных средств

Номер: RU2772292C1

Предложен способ предотвращения столкновения транспортных средств, останавливающихся друг за другом при движении в одной полосе. На остановившемся транспортном средстве измеряют дистанцию и скорость сближения с ним сзади тормозящего транспортного средства. Вычисляют ускорение торможения и прогнозируют его тормозной путь до полной безаварийной остановки сзади. В случае нехватки длины тормозного пути сравнивают ее величину со свободным расстоянием перед остановившимся транспортным средством и, в случае неизбежного наезда сзади, обеспечивают автоматическое перемещение остановившегося транспортного средства вперед на возможное в данной дорожной ситуации безопасное расстояние. Достигается повышение безопасности. 1 ил.

24-01-2023 дата публикации

Способ предотвращения столкновений со встречным препятствием на полосе движения

Номер: RU2788652C1

Изобретение относится к автомобилестроению, в частности к способам повышения активной безопасности транспортных средств, и может быть использовано в бортовой системе автоматического экстренного торможения. Согласно способу предотвращения столкновения со встречным препятствием в виде ТС на полосе движения известным способом измеряют продольную скорость центра масс, угол поворота управляемых колес и дистанцию до препятствия в передней полусфере. Затем в блоке обработки информации и управления определяют прогнозируемую полосу движения управляемого ТС, положение препятствия на ней, по производной дистанции сближения и собственной скорости определяют скорость встречного ТС и вычисляют величину замедления, достаточного для полной остановки без столкновения каждого из двух встречно движущихся ТС. В случае превышения порогового уровня замедления формируют световой и звуковой сигналы предупреждения встречному ТС о предаварийной ситуации и формируют управляющие воздействия на тормозную систему до ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Система обеспечения безопасности участников дорожного движения при наличии на дороге двухколесных транспортных средств

Номер: RU2682149C1

Заявленное изобретение относится к области обеспечения безопасности участников движения. Система содержит передатчик в виде излучающего радиосигнала, подключенный через кабель питания к электрике двухколесного транспортного средства, и приемник, получающий радиосигнал от передатчика, который подключен через кабель питания к электрическим проводам автомобиля. Приемник с функцией сканирования пространства вокруг автомобиля настроен на конкретный тип радиосигнала с возможностью взаимодействия с передатчиком только по факту получения от него радиосигнала в разрешенном диапазоне частот. Снаружи на компактном корпусе приемника расположены светодиодный индикатор, акустически эффективное отверстие и кнопка управления. Обеспечивается информирование водителя автомобиля о наличии высокоманевренного двухколесного транспортного средства в непосредственной близости с его автомобилем с целью осуществления помощи каждому из водителей при совершении маневров. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2484993C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству управления транспортным средством. Способ и устройство заключаются в том, что транспортное средство управляется на основе управляющего значения. Управляющее значение включает в себя фактическое относительное расстояние и воспринимаемое относительное расстояние. Фактическое относительное расстояние определяет расстояние между объектом восприятия и транспортным средством. Воспринимаемое относительное расстояние является относительным расстоянием между транспортным средством и объектом восприятия, который воспринимается водителем. Воспринимаемое относительное расстояние меньше, чем фактическое относительное расстояние. Транспортное средство включает вышеуказанное устройство управления. Технический результат заключается в повышении безопасности. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

28-06-2021 дата публикации

Способ предотвращения столкновения транспортного средства с другим участником движения

Номер: RU2750467C1

В целях предотвращения столкновения транспортного средства с пешеходом при нахождении пешехода на проезжей части дороги подают радиосигналы электронным мобильным устройством связи пешехода. Упомянутые радиосигналы принимают узконаправленной приемо-передающей антенной электронного устройства транспортного средства от электронного мобильного устройства связи пешехода. Передают полученные радиосигналы в блок обработки информации электронного устройства транспортного средства с подачей тревожного сигнала водителю транспортного средства. На электронное мобильное устройство связи пешехода передают обратные радиосигналы с подачей тревожного сигнала пешеходу о приближении транспортного средства. Инициируют подачу тревожных сигналов, когда расстояние между пешеходом и транспортным средством составляет 200-250 метров. Технический результат – обеспечение одновременного информирования участников движения посредством дуплексной связи «пешеход-водитель-пешеход» в разрешенном диапазоне абонентских частот ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015110075A

... 1. Система предупреждения для транспортного средства, которая включает в себя компьютер с процессором и запоминающим устройством, запрограммированный для:сбора данных, относящихся к одному или нескольким объектам вблизи первого транспортного средства, причем один или несколько объектов представляют собой второе транспортное средство;использования собранных данных для построения виртуальной карты с одним или несколькими объектами, включающими в себя второе транспортное средство;определения того, что второе транспортное средство вероятно проедет в пределах заранее заданного расстояния от первого транспортного средства, тем самым создавая угрозу столкновения, иинициирования действия на основании обнаруженной угрозы;причем заранее заданное расстояние определено сравнением текущей интенсивности дорожного движения с заранее заданным пороговым значением интенсивности дорожного движения.2. Система по п. 1, в которой компьютер дополнительно запрограммирован для регулировки порогового значения интенсивности ...

19-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721437C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству помощи при парковке. Способ помощи при парковке в целевом положении парковки и выполнении автономной парковки с использованием сохраненной окружающей обстановки содержит этап, на котором обнаруживают окружающую обстановку; этап, на котором указывают обнаруженную окружающую обстановку; этап, на котором принимают определение того, является ли указываемая окружающая обстановка подходящей, вводимое пользователем; этап, на котором сохраняют окружающую обстановку, когда определение пригодности вводится пользователем, и этап, на котором выполняют автоматическую парковку. Автоматическую парковку выполняют с использованием окружающей обстановки, сохраненной ранее, при прибытии в упомянутую окружающую обстановку после распознавания окружающей обстановки. Достигается повышение безопасности автоматической парковки транспортного средства. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

30-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735340C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления парковкой и устройству управления парковкой. Способ управления парковкой для осуществления парковки транспортного средства на основе рабочей команды содержит получение рабочей команды от оператора, находящегося вне транспортного средства, обнаружение препятствия, существующего вокруг транспортного средства. При обнаружении препятствия уведомление оператора о существовании препятствия и запрашивание первого ввода для подтверждения существования препятствия или второго ввода для отрицания существования препятствия и при получении первого ввода вычисление первого парковочного маршрута при условии, что препятствие существует, и осуществление парковки транспортного средства в соответствии с инструкцией управления для движения по первому парковочному маршруту. Устройство управления парковкой содержит устройство управления, выполненное с возможностью исполнения инструкции управления для осуществления парковки транспортного средства в соответствии с рабочей ...

25-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2715063C1

Изобретение относится к системам безопасности транспортных средств. Система предупреждения для предотвращения столкновения с мотоциклом в случае экстренного торможения мотоцикла или быстрого приближения следующего за ним транспортного средства включает в себя модуль GPS, акселерометр, лидар, блок микроконтроллера и дисплей состояния системы. Система состоит из двух функциональных частей: первая часть для экстренного торможения мотоцикла представляет собой контрольную систему с открытым контуром, вторая часть для предупреждения слишком быстро приближающегося сзади транспортного средства представляет собой систему управления с закрытым контуром. Вторая часть содержит модуль GPS, акселерометр, блок микроконтроллера и дисплей состояния системы, установленные вместе на печатной плате и на держателе, лидар установлен перпендикулярно другим блокам, вместе с излучателем и приемником лучей для обнаружения приближающегося транспортного средства. Система подключена к внешним устройствам: стоп-сигнал ...

29-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722368C1

Способ управления транспортным средством включает в себя: обнаружение блокирующего объекта, который находится в позиции, в которой блокирующий объект перегораживает движение отслеживаемого транспортного средства в полосе движения, в которой движется отслеживаемое транспортное средство, и который скрывает, по меньшей мере, часть полосы движения от датчика, и встречного транспортного средства, движущегося в направлении к отслеживаемому транспортному средству по встречной полосе движения, противоположной относительно полосы движения; и замедление транспортного средства, когда встречное транспортное средство замедляется. Повышается безопасность движения. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013103336A

... 1. Устройство управления содействием парковке, содержащее:- детектор препятствий, который предоставляется в задней части транспортного средства, чтобы обнаруживать препятствие позади транспортного средства;- модуль содействия парковке, который исполняет, когда определяется то, что расстояние между препятствием, обнаруженным посредством детектора препятствий, и транспортным средством становится равным или меньше предварительно определенного расстояния начала управления, содействие парковке для предотвращения сближения между препятствием и транспортным средством на основе операционной величины управления содействием во время движения задним ходом транспортного средства из припаркованного положения и движения задним ходом транспортного средства для парковки;- модуль определения начала парковки, который определяет начало операции парковки, при которой движение задним ходом выполняется после предварительно определенного движения передним ходом; и- модуль уменьшения величины управления содействием ...

24-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016129528A

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014147069A

... 1. Способ работы транспортного средства в автономном режиме, в котором:управляют транспортным средством, по крайней мере частично, в автономном режиме;наблюдают за спрогнозированной траекторией движения транспортного средства для обнаружения объекта, с которым транспортное средство может столкнуться;отображают графический пользовательский интерфейс (GUI), содержащий спрогнозированную траекторию движения, траекторию движения, предлагаемую для предотвращения столкновения транспортного средства с обнаруженным объектом, а также само транспортное средство;выбирают между движением по спрогнозированной траектории или по предложенной траектории;обновляют графический пользовательский интерфейс для отображения выбранной траектории движения вместе с местоположением транспортного средства на выбранной траектории.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором компьютер выполнен с возможностью предоставлять на графическом интерфейсе пользователя механизм для осуществления выбора.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором траекторию ...

29-04-2010 дата публикации

Fahrunterstützungssystem für Fahrzeuge

Номер: DE102009043458A1

Eine Form eines Fahrweges (S) eines entgegenkommenden Fahrzeugs (50) wird auf der Basis von Markierungsliniendaten erkannt. Eine Geschwindigkeitskomponente des entgegenkommenden Fahrzeugs (50) in Bezug auf den Fahrweg (Route) wird durch Wichten einer lateralen Geschwindigkeitskomponente (vy) orthogonal zu der Route (S) sowie einer der Route folgenden Geschwindigkeitskomponente berechnet, und zwar mittels eines Geschwindigkeitskorrekturkoeffizienten (k), der in Abhängigkeit von einer relativen Distanz (L) zwischen einem betreffenden Fahrzeug (1) und dem entgegenkommenden Fahrzeug (50) vorgegeben wird. Eine Änderung in dem Verhalten des entgegenkommenden Fahrzeugs (50) wird vorhergesagt, und es wird eine Möglichkeit einer Kollision gegen das betreffende Fahrzeug (1) festgestellt. Wenn festgestellt wird, dass eine Kollisionsmöglichkeit besteht, wird ein Alarm zum Warnen eines Fahrers hinsichtlich der Möglichkeit einer Kollision abgegeben.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Umfeldbeobachtungssystems für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102012018012A1

Bei einem Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Umfeldbeobachtungssystems für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mittels dem die Positionen von Objekten im Umfeld seitlich neben, sowie vor und hinter dem Fahrzeug bestimmt werden, wird zur Verbesserung der Genauigkeit des Umfeldbeobachtungssystems vorgeschlagen, dass der Bewegungspfad (BP) für ein ortsfestes Objekt (P), an dem sich das Fahrzeug vorbei bewegt, ermittelt wird, und daraus die Winkelabweichung (K) bestimmt wird, unter der der für das ortsfeste Objekt (P) ermittelte Bewegungspfad (BP) von dem Bewegungspfad (BF) des Fahrzeugs abweicht.

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018113392A1

Ein Reduzierungssystem für einen toten Winkel eines Host-Fahrzeugs umfasst i) mindestens einen Sensor, der Positionsinformationen eines Zielfahrzeugs in Bezug auf das Host-Fahrzeug bestimmt, und ii) ein aktives Fahrbahnpositionierungsmodul. Das aktive Fahrbahnpositionierungsmodul empfängt die Positionsinformation von dem mindestens einen Sensor und bestimmt einen toten Winkel des Zielfahrzeugs. Das aktive Fahrbahnpositionierungsmodul beschleunigt in einem aktiven Fahrbahnpositionsmodus das Host-Fahrzeug, um das Host-Fahrzeug aus dem toten Winkel des Zielfahrzeugs zu bewegen, oder bremst das Host-Fahrzeug ab, um das Host-Fahrzeug aus dem toten Winkel des Zielfahrzeugs zu bewegen.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012214990A1

In einem Fahrzeug kann eine optimale Wegkrümmung, die durch eine oder mehrere Beschränkungen begrenzt ist, bestimmt werden. Die Beschränkungen können sich auf den Querruck und auf eine oder mehrere Fahrzeugdynamikbeschränkungen beziehen. Auf der Grundlage der optimalen Wegkrümmung kann ein optimaler Fahrzeugweg um ein Objekt bestimmt werden. Der optimale Fahrzeugweg kann an ein Kollisionsvermeidungs-Steuersystem ausgegeben werden. Das Kollisionsvermeidungs-Steuersystem kann veranlassen, dass das Fahrzeug einen bestimmten Weg nimmt.

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von potentiellen Gefahren im Straßenverkehr

Номер: DE102015210672A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Entschärfung von Gefahrensituation im Straßenverkehr beschrieben. Das Verfahren umfasst das Ermitteln von Umfelddaten bezüglich eines Umfeldes eines Ego-Fahrzeugs. Desweiteren umfasst das Verfahren das Bestimmen, auf Basis der Umfelddaten, dass sich ein Verkehrsteilnehmer im Umfeld des Ego-Fahrzeugs in einer Konfliktsituation mit einem Objekt im Umfeld des Ego-Fahrzeugs befindet. Außerdem umfasst das Verfahren das Ermitteln einer Maßnahme, die das Ego-Fahrzeug ausführen kann, um der Konfliktsituation entgegenzuwirken.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Post-Unfallassistent für Fahrzeuge

Номер: DE102016224041A1

Vorgeschlagen wird ein Post-Unfallassistent für ein Fahrzeug, der bei Erfassung einer Kollision des eigenen Fahrzeugs mit einem anderen Objekt erfasst, ob im Fahrzeug vorhandene Assistenzsysteme funktionsfähig sind und wenn dies der Fall ist eine Strategie zur Vermeidung weiterer nachfolgender Kollisionen bestimmt und umsetzt.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steuereinheit in einer Gruppe von koordinierten Fahrzeugen

Номер: DE102017001878A1

Verfahren (500) und Steuereinheit (410) zum Erleichtern des Austritts aus einer Fahrzeugkolonne (110) eines in der Kolonne (110) umfassten Fahrzeugs (100-2) durch Wechseln der Fahrspuren (210, 220). Das Verfahren umfasst: Berechnen (501) einer ersten Zeitdauer, die das Fahrzeug (100-2) benötigt, um Fahrspuren (210, 220) zu wechseln; Detektieren (502) eines sich nähernden Fahrzeugs in der Zielfahrspur (220); Schätzen (503) einer zweiten Zeitdauer, die das detektierte (502) sich nähernde Fahrzeug (200) in der Zielfahrspur (220) braucht, um zum Fahrzeug (100-2) aufzuschließen; und Ausgeben (505) der Information in Bezug auf den Fahrspurwechsel an den Fahrer des Fahrzeugs (100-2) basierend auf der Zeitdifferenz zwischen der berechneten (501) ersten Zeitdauer und der geschätzten (503) zweiten Zeitdauer.

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Insassenunterstützungsverfahren, Insassenunterstützungssystem und Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102017206585A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Insassenunterstützungsverfahren (S) für einen Insassen (5) eines Fahrzeugs (1) mit den Schritten (i) Umfelderfassung (S1) zu einem Umfeld (50) des Fahrzeugs (1) und Modellbildung (S2) zu mindestens einem Objekt (53) im Umfeld (50), (ii) Insassenerfassung (S3) zu mindestens einem Insassen (5) des Fahrzeugs (1) und Modellbildung (S4) zur Aufmerksamkeit des mindestens einen Insassen zum Umfeld (50), (iii) Abgleich (S5) zwischen dem Umfeldmodell und dem Insassenmodell und (iv) bedingtes und gesteuertes Veranlassen (S6) eines insassenbezogenen Prozesses (S7) in Abhängigkeit vom Ergebnis des Abgleichs (S3) und insbesondere vom Grad der Aufmerksamkeit, bei welchem die Insassenerfassung (S3) unter Verwendung einer in Bezug auf den zu erfassenden Insassen (5) körperfernen Sensoreinheit (20) erfolgt.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren, Vorrichtung, Computerprogramm und ein maschinenlesbares Speichermedium zum Betreiben eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102017211815A1

Verfahren (400) zum Betreiben eines Fahrzeugs (1), mit den Schritten:• Erkennen (401) eines Kollisionsobjekts (2), insbesondere eines erhöht gefährdeten Verkehrsteilnehmers, insbesondere eine Fußgängers;• Bestimmen (402) einer Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit des Kollisionsobjekts (2), insbesondere abhängig von einem Prädiktionsmodell für das Kollisionsobjekt (2);• Bestimmen (403) einer Ausweichtrajektorie (20, 20') zur Vermeidung einer Kollision mit dem Kollisionsobjekt (2) oder einer Kollisionstrajektorie in Abhängigkeit von der bestimmten Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit;• Steuern (404) des Fahrzeugs (1) derart, dass das Fahrzeug (1) zumindest teilweise automatisiert entlang der bestimmten Ausweichtrajektorie (20, 20') oder der Kollisionstrajektorie geführt wird.

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Gefahrerkennung bei beabsichtigtem Spurwechsel

Номер: DE102017212277B3
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

Verfahren (100) zur Ermittlung des Gefährdungspotentials eines Spurwechsels eines Ego-Fahrzeugs (1) von der aktuell benutzten Fahrspur (2a, 2b, 2c) in eine benachbarte Fahrspur (2a, 2b, 2c), wobei ein Erfassungsbereich (3) im Außenraum des Ego-Fahrzeugs (1) beobachtet wird (110) und wobei die Auswirkung von im Erfassungsbereich (3) erkannten Objekten (4) auf das Gefährdungspotential ausgewertet wird (120), wobei aus Positionen und Geschwindigkeiten von im Erfassungsbereich 3 erkannten Innen-Fremdfahrzeugen (4) ausgewertet wird (130), ob ein Zielgebiet (5), in dem sich das Ego-Fahrzeug (1) nach dem beabsichtigten Spurwechsel befindet, für außerhalb des Erfassungsbereichs (3) befindliche Außen-Fremdfahrzeuge (6) erreichbar ist.Verfahren (200) zur zumindest teilautomatisierten Steuerung eines Ego-Fahrzeugs (1), wobei bei einem beabsichtigten Spurwechsel das Gefährdungspotential dieses Spurwechsels mit dem Verfahren (100) gemäß der Erfindung bewertet wird (210), wobei der Spurwechsel unterbunden ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Gleisüberquerung mittels Fahrassistent

Номер: DE102017216351A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Steuern eines einen Fahrassistenten aufweisenden Kraftfahrzeugs über ein Hindernis, insbesondere ein quer zur Fahrbahn verlaufendes Gleis, bereitgestellt, wobei das Kraftfahrzeug eine Verbindung zu einer Rechnerwolke aufweist, die dem Fahrassistenten Informationen über die vorausliegende Fahrbahn bereitstellt, und wobei der Fahrassistent eine von einer ersten Trajektorie des Fahrzeugs abweichenden Alternativtrajektorie berechnet und das Fahrzeug die Alternativtrajektorie steuert.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Gefahrenerkennung in einem Fahrzeugumfeld

Номер: DE102018006223A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Gefahrenerkennung in einem Fahrzeugumfeld (7) eines Fahrzeuges (1) mit einer Umfeldsensorik (5) und/oder einer mit einer Datenbank verbundenen Navigationseinrichtung (13). Die Erfindung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Umfeldsensorik (5) und/oder die mit der Datenbank verbundene Navigationseinrichtung (13) in Fahrbahnnähe (9) befindliche Bäume (11) erfasst und/oder abgefragt werden, wonach unter Berücksichtigung von Wetterinformationen ein von den Bäumen (11) ausgehendes Gefahrenpotenzial abgeschätzt wird.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017112567A1

Beispielhafte Totwinkel-Erkennungssysteme und Verfahren sind beschrieben. In einer Implementierung erkennt ein primäres Fahrzeug ein sekundäres Fahrzeug vor dem primären Fahrzeug in einer benachbarten Fahrspur. Ein Verfahren bestimmt Abmessungen des sekundären Fahrzeugs und schätzt eine Fahrzeugklasse, die dem sekundären Fahrzeug zugeordnet ist, basierend auf den Abmessungen des sekundären Fahrzeugs. Das Verfahren identifiziert auch eine Seitenspiegelposition an dem sekundären Fahrzeug und bestimmt einen Totwinkel, der dem sekundären Fahrzeug zugeordnet ist, basierend auf der Fahrzeugklasse und der Seitenspiegelposition.

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Warnung eines Fahrzeugnutzers eines Fahrzeuges vor einem Objekt

Номер: DE102020111112A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Warnung eines Fahrzeugnutzers eines Fahrzeuges (1) vor einem Objekt, welches sich in einem seitlichen Warnbereich des Fahrzeuges (1) befindet, wobei der Warnbereich in Abhängigkeit einer momentanen Fahrgeschwindigkeit (v), einer momentanen Giergeschwindigkeit und einem Status eines Fahrtrichtungsanzeigers (3) vorgegeben wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass- auf einer Fahrzeuglängsseite, in deren Richtung ein Lenkrad und/oder der Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger (3) betätigt wird, ein Abbiegewarnbereich (A) und/oder ein Überholwarnbereich (U) als Warnbereiche des Fahrzeuges (1) vorgegeben werden, wobei- der Abbiegewarnbereich (A) derart vorgegeben wird, dass dieser einen von einer Fahrzeughinterachse (4) zu einer Fahrzeugfront (5) in Bezug auf eine Breite (b1, b2) zunehmenden Verlauf aufweist, wobei die Breite (b1, b2) geschwindigkeitsabhängig und/oder lenkwinkelabhängig angepasst wird und- der Überholwarnbereich (U) derart vorgegeben wird, dass dieser ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008022199B4

Parkunterstützungssystem, das in einem Fahrzeug installiert ist, wobei das Parkunterstützungssystem umfasst: ein Schätzungsmittel der eigenen Fahrzeugposition (1), das eine Position und eine Bewegungsrichtung des systemeigenen Fahrzeugs schätzt; ein Abstandserfassungsmittel (2), das ein Hindernis um das systemeigene Fahrzeug herum erfasst; ein Hindernisschätzungsmittel (3), das eine Position und eine Eckenform eines Hindernisses mit Bezug auf die Position des systemeigenen Fahrzeugs auf der Basis der Ausgaben des Schätzungsmittels der eigenen Fahrzeugposition und des Abstandserfassungsmittels schätzt; ein Zielraumschätzungsmittel (4), das eine Position eines Zielparkraums auf der Basis der Ausgabe des Hindernisschätzungsmittels schätzt; ein Mittel geführter Unterstützung (6), das das Zielparkraum-Schätzungsergebnis unterweist, oder einen Eintritt in den Zielparkraum unterstützt, gekennzeichnet durch ein Parkraumerfassungs-Positionsidentifikationsmittel (7), das eine Parkraumerfassungsstartposition ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102006051976B4

Fahrzeugparkassistenzverfahren mit den folgenden Schritten: Aufnehmen (S1) von Bildern außerhalb eines Fahrzeugs (SV); Erzeugen (S3, S6) einer Vogelperspektivansicht durch Wandeln der Bilder in eine Vogelperspektivansicht; Erfassen (S13) einer Bewegung des Fahrzeugs; Erzeugen (S8, S10) einer kombinierten Vogelperspektivansicht durch Kombinieren einer zuvor erzeugten früheren Vogelperspektivansicht oder einer zuvor erzeugten früheren kombinierten Vogelperspektivansicht mit einer aktuell erzeugten aktuellen Vogelperspektivansicht auf der Grundlage der Bewegung des Fahrzeugs; Erfassen (S11) eines Hindernisses (OB) in einem fächerförmigen Erfassungsbereich (DA) um das Fahrzeug herum; und Anzeigen (S16) von sowohl einem aktuellen Erfassungspunkt (DP1) als auch einem früheren Erfassungspunkt (DP2) des Hindernisses überlappend auf der kombinierten Vogelperspektivansicht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der aktuelle Erfassungspunkt als eine Markierung an einer vorbestimmten Position angezeigt wird ...

26-11-2009 дата публикации

Fahrerassistenzsystem mit Abstandserfassung

Номер: DE502006005090D1

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Warnsystem vor Falschfahrten und Falschfahrern

Номер: DE102013007001A1

Warnvorrichtung zum Schutz vor Falschfahrern und Falschfahrten auf Autobahnen und autobahnähnlich ausgebauten Straßen. Das System braucht keine Infrastruktur aus Bewegungsdetektoren oder Warnlampen. Es kann so installiert werden, dass Falschfahrten rekonstruiert und statistisch erfasst werden können. Es ist flächendeckend einsetzbar. Die Umfeldsensorik eingebauter Fahrerassistenzsysteme wird genutzt oder Fahrzeuge werden mit Sensoren (1) zur Umfelderkennung vorne und hinten ausgerüstet. Die Hinteren sind nur aktiv bei eingelegtem Rückwärtsgang. Die Sensoren sind an einem Steuergerät angeschlossen, dieses ist mit einer Anzeige (3) für den Fahrer, den Beleuchtungseinrichtungen und dem Motor verbunden. Auf Autobahnen werden rechts und links der Fahrbahnen an der Rückseite von Verkehrseinrichtungen Transponder (5) angebracht, Abstand ca. 50 m. Auf den Transpondern sind Informationen gespeichert, für das Warnsystem nur die Information Falsch. Bei der Fahrt entgegen der Fahrtrichtung empfangen ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erkennung von Fehlauslösungen einer automatisch ausgelösten Fahrzeugfunktion

Номер: DE102013222220A1

Es wird ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Erkennung von Fehlauslösungen einer automatisch ausgelösten Fahrzeugfunktion, insbesondere einer automatisch ausgelösten Gefahrenbremsung mit Ausweichmanöver, vorgeschlagen, indem mittels eines Umfeldsensors eine Gefahrensituation erkannt wurde und die automatisch ausgelöste Fahrzeugfunktion eingeleitet wird, und nach Auslösung der Fahrzeugfunktion Eingangsgrößen eingelesen werden, wobei als Eingangsgrößen Messgrößen des Fahrerverhaltens sowie Meßgrößen hinsichtlich der Fahrzeugreaktion verwendet werden, diese Eingangsgrößen mit hinterlegten oder aus aktuellen Messwerten abgeleiteten Vergleichswerten verglichen werden und aus dem Vergleich geschlossen wird, ob die Einleitung der automatisch ausgelösten Fahrzeugfunktion eine berechtigte Auslösung oder eine Fehlauslösung war.

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung eines Kraftfahrzeuges, Kraftfahrzeug sowie Verfahren zur Assistenz eines Fahrers eines Kraftfahrzeuges

Номер: DE102018005783A1

Beschrieben wird eine Anzeigevorrichtung (32) eines Kraftfahrzeuges (2) zur positionsgenauen Darstellung einer Position des Kraftfahrzeuges (2) relativ zu Objekten (6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16) in einer Umgebung des Kraftfahrzeuges (2), mit wenigstens einem Umgebungssensor (20, 22) zur Erfassung der Umgebung, wenigstens einem Display (28) und einer mit dem wenigstens einen Umgebungssensor (20, 22) und dem Display (28) verbundenen Recheneinheit (18), wobei die Recheneinheit (18) dazu eingerichtet ist, eine Position des Kraftfahrzeuges (2) relativ zu Objekten (6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16) in der Umgebung mittels von dem wenigstens einen Umgebungssensor (20, 22) aufgenommener Umgebungsdaten zu ermitteln, daraus eine Assistenzgrafik (34) zu erstellen und auf dem Display (28) anzuzeigen.Beschrieben wird desweiteren ein Kraftfahrzeug (2) sowie ein Verfahren zur Assistenz eines Fahrers des Kraftfahrzeuges (2).

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018105140A1
Автор: GAO PETER, Gao, Peter

Verfahren und Systeme werden zum Verfolgen eines Objekts bereitgestellt. Das System beinhaltet ein Datenempfangsmodul, das dazu konfiguriert ist, dreidimensionale Bildgebungsdaten und zweidimensionale Bildgebungsdaten zu empfangen. Ein dreidimensionales Objektidentifikationsmodul ist konfiguriert, ein dreidimensionales Objekt abzugrenzen und dreidimensionale Objektdaten auszugeben. Ein Einstellmodul ist dazu konfiguriert, die dreidimensionalen Objektdaten basierend auf den zweidimensionalen Objektdaten einzustellen und eingestellte dreidimensionale Objektdaten auszugeben. Ein Verfolgungsmodul ist dazu konfiguriert, mindestens ein Objekt unter Verwendung der eingestellten dreidimensionalen Objektdaten zu verfolgen.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Autonome Fahrzeugantriebssysteme und Verfahren für kritische Zustände

Номер: DE102018113926A1

Ein Verfahren zum autonomen Betreiben eines Fahrzeugs ist vorgesehen. Das Verfahren beinhaltet das Empfangen von mindestens Fahrzeugzustandsdaten und Fahrzeugobjekt-Umgebungsdaten an einem Prozessor; Erzeugen, mit dem Prozessor, eines optimalen Wegs für das Fahrzeug mit einer Kostenfunktion basierend auf den Fahrzeugzustandsdaten und den Fahrzeugobjekt-Umgebungsdaten; Identifizieren mindestens einer kritischen Zustandsbeschränkung basierend auf mindestens einem des Fahrzeugs oder der Fahrzeugumgebung mit dem Prozessor; Modifizieren mindestens eines ersten Abschnitts des optimalen Wegs mit dem Prozessor basierend auf der mindestens einen kritischen Bedingung, um einen kurzreichweitigen Trajektorienabschnitt zu erhalten; Erzeugen einer resultierenden Trajektorie mit dem kurzreichweitigen Trajektorienabschnitt; und Implementieren der resultierenden Trajektorie am Fahrzeug.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018219564A1
Автор: JI SUNGMIN, Ji, Sungmin

Ein Fahrzeug und ein Verfahren zum Steuern desselben sind vorgesehen, um eine Steuerungsstartzeit eines (ADAS) eines Fahrzeugs vorzuverlegen. Das Fahrzeug umfasst eine Bilderfassungsvorrichtung, die ein Objekt unter Verwendung eines Bildes des in einem Randbereich eines Fahrzeugs befindlichen Objekts erfasst, und einen Erfassungssensor, der Positionsinformation und des Objekts und Geschwindigkeitsinformationen des Objekts erlangt. Eine Eingabe empfängt einen Befehl zum Starten des ADAS und eine Steuerung startet das ADAS, wenn eine Fahrumgebung und ein Fahrzustand des Fahrzeugs eine vordefinierte Bedingung erfüllen. Eine Warnungsstartzeit des ADAS wird eine vorgegebene Zeitdauer nach einem Starten des Betriebs des ADAS vorverlegt und ein Betriebsfreigabe-Referenzwert zum Freigeben des Betriebs des ADAS wird derart eingestellt, dass er größer als ein vorgegebener Wert ist.

10-06-2020 дата публикации

Fahrassistenzsystem für einen Kraftwagen, Kraftwagen und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftwagens

Номер: DE102018221241A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Fahrassistenzsystem (7) für einen Kraftwagen (4), den Kraftwagen (4) und ein Verfahren (10) zu dessen Betrieb. Die Erfindung sieht vor, dass anhand von Umgebungsdaten ein Hindernis (5) detektiert und unter Berücksichtigung von Fahrzustandsdaten eine Kollisionsgefahr ermittelt wird. Weiter wird dann eine Ausweichtrajektorie (16, 17, 18) zur Vermeidung einer Kollision des Kraftwagens (4) mit dem Hindernis (5) bestimmt. Das Fahrassistenzsystem (7) ist dazu eingerichtet, als das Hindernis (5) entgegenkommendes Fremdfahrzeug (5) zu detektieren, für welches die Kollisionsgefahr größer als ein vorgegebener erster Schwellenwert ist. Weiter ist das Fahrassistenzsystem (7) dazu eingerichtet, zu überprüfen, ob ein Steuereingriff eines Fahrers (6) des Kraftwagens (4) diesen entlang der bestimmten Ausweichtrajektorie (16, 17, 18) führt und wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, den Steuereingriff des Fahrers (6) automatisch zu modifizieren, sodass der Kraftwagen (4) durch den modifizierten ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Steuern eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102019204260A1

Ein Verfahren (200) zum Steuern eines Kraftfahrzeugs (105) umfasst Schritte des Bestimmens (205) einer geographischen Position des Kraftfahrzeugs (105); des Bestimmens (210) einer der Position zugeordneten Schutzfeldgeometrie (155, 160); des Bestimmens eines Schutzfelds (170) mit der bestimmten Schutzfeldgeometrie (155, 160) an der bestimmten Position; des Erfassens (225) eines Objekts (125) im Schutzfeld (170); und des Vermeidens (230) einer Kollision des Kraftfahrzeugs (105) mit dem Objekt (125).

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Bewegtobjektdetektor, Fahrzeugsteuersystem, Verfahren zum Detektieren von sich bewegendem Objekt und Verfahren zum Steuern von Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102019204558A1

Bereitgestellt wird ein Bewegtobjektdetektor, der zum Erfassen eines Positionsverlaufs eines sich bewegenden Objektes in der Lage ist, das weniger durch das Verhalten eines Subjektfahrzeugs berührt ist. In einem Bewegtobjektdetektor 1 erfasst eine Bewegtobjekt-Relativpositions-Erfassungseinheit 12 Positionskoordinaten eines sich bewegenden Objekts, die in einem Subjektfahrzeug-basierten Koordinatensystem ausgedrückt sind, das auf der Position eines Subjektfahrzeugs basiert. Eine Subjektfahrzeug-Zustandsgrößenerfassungseinheit 11 erfasst die Zustandsgröße des Subjektfahrzeugs. Ein Koordinatenwandler 13 erzeugt einen Verlauf von Positionskoordinaten des sich bewegenden Objektes, die in einem Bewegtobjekt-basierten Koordinatensystem ausgedrückt sind, das auf der Position des sich bewegenden Objekts basiert, auf Basis der Positionskoordinaten des sich bewegenden Objekts, die im Subjektfahrzeug-basierten Koordinatensystem ausgedrückt sind, und der Zustandsgröße des Subjektfahrzeugs.

27-07-2006 дата публикации

Collision occurrence preventing or reducing method for use in vehicle, involves identifying obstacle using field sensor, determining data of obstacle, and determining vehicle deceleration based on the data of obstacle and data of vehicle

Номер: DE102005003274A1

The method involves identifying an obstacle (3) using a field sensor, and determining data of the obstacle. A vehicle deceleration is determined based on the data of the obstacle and data of the vehicle for assisting a smooth operation of a vehicle (1). A determination is made whether to decelerate the vehicle when the collision of the vehicle with the obstacle is unavoidable only by brake based on the obstacle and vehicle data. An independent claim is also included for a device for preventing or reducing occurrence of a collision of vehicle.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftfahrzeugs und Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102011120500B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftfahrzeugs (10), bei welchem wenigstens einer zum Schutz eines Fußgängers vor den Folgen einer Kollision mit dem Kraftfahrzeug (10) ausgebildeten Einrichtung (18) ein Ansteuersignal übermittelt wird, bei dessen Umsetzung die Einrichtung (18) in eine den Schutz bereitstellende Funktionsstellung verbracht wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass aufgrund des Übermittelns des Ansteuersignals an die wenigstens eine zum Schutz des Fußgängers ausgebildete Einrichtung (18) eine Bremseinrichtung (20) des Kraftfahrzeugs (10) von einer Steuerungseinrichtung (14) angesteuert wird, wobei der Auslöser für ein autonomes Bremsen das Übermitteln des Ansteuersignals an die Einrichtung (18) ist.

30-05-2012 дата публикации

A method of evading an approaching motor vehicle in same lane

Номер: GB0002485873A

A method of operating a first vehicle 2 comprises determining roadway data including a number n of lanes 3, 4, 5 of a roadway. If the number of lanes n is greater or equal to two (n â ¥ 2) then a lane in which the first vehicle 2 is travelling is determined via an optical camera 6. A determining apparatus (8, fig 3) connected to camera 6 of the first vehicle 2 determines if a second vehicle 7 is moving in an opposite direction in the same lane and outputs a warning message and/or automatic actuation of at least one apparatus of the first vehicle 2, selected from the group consisting of a braking apparatus (9), a drive apparatus (25), and a steering apparatus (26). A motor vehicle comprising apparatus to carry out the method is also claimed.

03-04-2013 дата публикации

Driver assistance system

Номер: GB0201302975D0

18-01-2012 дата публикации

Номер: GB0201120857D0

16-11-2011 дата публикации

Device and method of assisting a driver of a motor vehicle during a driving manoeuvre

Номер: GB0201117226D0

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Traffic density sensitivity selector

Номер: GB0201504789D0

30-05-2018 дата публикации

Geocoded information aided vehicle warning

Номер: GB0002556405A

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for geocoded information aided vehicle warning. An example disclosed vehicle includes range detection sensors and a threat detector. The example threat detector determines a threat or danger level based on a location of the vehicle 402. Additionally, the threat detector defines, with the range detection sensors (Fig.1, 104), contours or boundaries of detection zones (Fig.1, 102) around the vehicle based on the threat level 406. The threat detector also performs actions 412, to secure the vehicle in response to a threat detected in the detection zone. These actions may include closing windows, providing an alarm, locking doors and lowering a volume of a sound system. The threat level may be based on a geo-coded security metric, navigation data, and weather data from an external network. If a threat is detected, a notification may be provided to a mobile device on which a radar map may be displayed showing the location of the threat relative to the location ...

31-01-2018 дата публикации

Accident attenuation systems and methods

Номер: GB0002552576A

Various systems and methods are disclosed to mitigate potential accidents. In one implementation, a method determines a speed of a second vehicle approaching from behind a first vehicle and determines a distance between the first and second vehicles. The method determines whether the second vehicle can stop before colliding with the first vehicle. If the second vehicle cannot stop before colliding with the first vehicle, the method takes action to attenuate the potential collision by applying full brake force of the first vehicle, tightening seat belts, and/or turning the front wheels of the first vehicle to direct the first vehicle away from oncoming traffic. Action to attenuate a collision may be based on a geographic location of the first vehicle determined using a GPS system. A further method comprises determining whether the second vehicle can stop before colliding with the first vehicle; identifying any oncoming traffic; and if the second vehicle cannot stop and there is no oncoming ...

06-06-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle collision warnings based on a time-to-collision

Номер: GB0002556690A
Автор: RIJAN MALLA, Rijan Malla

A vehicle collision warning system comprising a host vehicle which includes a sensor to detect an object, a speed sensor to measure the current speed of the vehicle and a collision alerter. The alerter determines the distance to the object 404 and determines a time to collision TTC 408 based on said distance and current speed. In response to the TTC being less than or equal to a first threshold, a first alarm is emitted 412. The sensor may be an ultrasonic sensor and the alarm may include a continuous audible signal. If the TTC is greater than the threshold, the system may predict a future speed of the vehicle 416 based on pedal positions and angles 414 and, in response to the predicted speed being less than the current speed 418, compare the TTC to a second threshold which is greater than the first threshold 420. The system may emit a second, intermittent audible alarm 422, in response to the second threshold being met.

05-04-2017 дата публикации

System and method for measuring object height for overhead clearance detection

Номер: GB0002542930A

An overhead clearance system (10, fig 1) for a vehicle 12 is configured to receive signals from wireless transceivers (24) attached to objects 20 that are towed or carried by the vehicle and extend above a top of the vehicle. A controller 14 is programmed to receive the signals from the wireless transceivers and transmit a request to a remote device to send height data associated with the object and the vehicle. The controller outputs an alert when combined object and vehicle heights exceed a sensed vertical clearance. The vehicle 12 may include a forward looking camera system 26 that is configured to provide information regarding the overall height of an external overhead obstacle 80 to the controller 14 when the vehicle 12 is a predetermined distance away from the external overhead obstacle.

24-10-2018 дата публикации

Door protection system and method

Номер: GB0002545651B

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Virtual sensor data generation for bollard receiver detection

Номер: GB0002554148A

Simulating virtual sensor data in a three dimensional environment model 802, said environment containing one or more bollard receivers. The method comprises generating virtual sensor data for a plurality of sensors within the environment 804, the sensors possibly mounted to a vehicle, and determining virtual ground truth data about at least one bollard receiver 806. The method then stores and associates the virtual sensor data and the virtual ground truth data 808, which may then be used to train a machine learning model. The method may also comprise determining one or more simulated conditions for each of the bollard receivers including position, presence and dimensions. Such a system may be used in the context of avoiding collisions with bollard receivers mounted in the road.

23-06-2021 дата публикации

Method for assisting a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0002590133A

A method for assisting a motor vehicle (402, 403, 405, 407), which is guided in an at least partially automated manner, for driving through roadworks (401), comprising: receiving environment signals which represent an environment of the motor vehicle, said environment at least partially comprising roadworks, receiving safety condition signals which represent at least one safety condition that must be met in order for the motor vehicle to be assisted, externally to the motor vehicle, when driving through the roadworks, checking whether the at least one safety condition is met, generating, based on the environment signals and based on a result as to whether the at least one safety condition is met, data signals which represent data suitable for assisted driving through the roadworks by the motor vehicle, outputting the generated data signals. A device, a computer program, and to a machine-readable storage medium. The autonomous vehicle may be remotely controlled.

28-03-2018 дата публикации

A controller

Номер: GB0201802364D0

05-02-2020 дата публикации

Path guidance system

Номер: GB0201919051D0

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Automated object annotation using fused camera/lidar data points

Номер: GB202019873D0

26-12-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and method

Номер: GB0201818540D0

23-10-2019 дата публикации

Determining Road Safety

Номер: GB0201913089D0

29-11-2023 дата публикации

Controlling an autonomous vehicle using a proximity rule

Номер: GB0002619166A

A system and method of controlling an autonomous vehicle using a proximity rule 1302 & 1304. A reference trajectory is received from the planning circuit 1306 by a control circuit 1310, where the reference trajectory is determined by the planning circuit based on the proximity rule. The predicted trajectory is determined to overlap the reference trajectory in a first region and deviate in a second region wherein the vehicle is closer to an object in the second region than the first. The control circuit receives the proximity rule and determines a predicted trajectory based on the reference trajectory and the proximity rule. The autonomous vehicle is then navigated according to the predicted trajectory.

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399359T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416451T

15-04-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit und Abstandswarnvorrichtung

Номер: AT513938B1

The method involves measuring rear spacing (4) between front vehicle (1) and subsequent vehicle (2). The measured distance is compared with predetermined safety distance, and stored in data memory (9) of front vehicle. An optical signal (7) is displayed in front vehicle and warning message is transmitted to subsequent vehicle when measured distance is below the predetermined safety distance, after confirmation of the driver of front vehicle. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) a spacing warning device of front vehicle; and (2) a vehicle.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Methods and systems for detecting environmental information of a vehicle

Номер: AU2017417170A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A system for detecting a surrounding object may receive, from a camera, a first image including a plurality of pixels relating to one or more objects and receive, from one or more LiDARs, a first point set including a plurality of points corresponding to the plurality of pixels. The system may also, based on the first point set, determine 3D coordinates and reflection intensities of the plurality of points, based on which the system may generate a segment result by classifying the plurality of points. The system may further transform the 3D coordinates of the plurality of points into 2D coordinates and determine an object type of the one or more objects based on the 2D coordinates, the 3D coordinates, the segment result, and the first image.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Road friction estimation techniques

Номер: AU2020233770A1

Techniques are described for estimating road friction between a road and tires of a vehicle. A method includes receiving, from a temperature sensor on a vehicle, a temperature value that indicates a temperature of an environment in which a vehicle is operated, determining a first range of friction values that quantify a friction between a road and tires of a vehicle based on a function of the temperature value and an extent of precipitation in a region that indicate a hazardous driving condition, obtaining, from the first range of friction values, a value that quantifies the friction between the road and the tires of the vehicle, where the value is obtained based on a driving related behavior of the vehicle, and causing the vehicle to operate on the road based on the value obtained from the first range of friction values.

24-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691138A1

The present application adds detection capabilities to perceive the presence and/or measure the velocity of obstacles such as automobiles, trucks, pedestrian and other users, to vehicle lighting modules as headlamp, tail lamps, centre high mount stop lamp (CHMSL) and interior lighting to name a few, for driver assistance applications like adaptive cruise control, blind spot and pre-crash assist. For example, a Light Emitting Diode (LED) has the capability to be used as lighting source for illumination as a first function and also be pulsed or modulated as a source for the detection sub-system as a second function.

09-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002998600C

A display apparatus for a vehicle according to the present invention detects a vehicle travelling in front of the own vehicle, calculates a distance between the detected vehicle travelling in front of the own vehicle, and sets an emphasis display superimposed and displayed on the vehicle travelling in front. Further, the display apparatus for a vehicle, in cases where there is a large distance between the vehicle travelling in front and the own vehicle, when compared with cases where the distance is small, increases the degree of emphasis of the emphasis display and displays an image of the emphasis display on a display area provided so as to overlap with the position of a front window provided on the vehicle.

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003075187C

Force-detecting sensors are installed in a motorcycle's handlebars, footpegs and seat to detect the rider's grip, weight and weight distribution. A control unit interprets the signals from the sensors to determine an attribute of the rider or an intention of the rider to make a manoeuvre. Signals from environmental sensors are used by the control unit to determine whether the intended manoeuvre would endanger the rider, and, if so, the rider is alerted before the manoeuvre is undertaken. The alert is provided before the rider notices the hazard, or before the rider reacts to the hazard. By giving advance warning, of as little as a fraction of a second, a rider is given extra time to avert a potential accident. The control unit also controls settings of the motorcycle during a hazardous state of the motorcycle.

15-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008091A1

A collision-avoidance system for use with an autonomous-capable vehicle can continuously receive image frames captured of the roadway to determine drivable space in a forward direction of the vehicle. The system can determine, for each image frame, whether individual regions of the image frame depict drivable space. The system can do so using machine-learned image recognition algorithms such as convolutional neural networks generated using extensive training data. Using such techniques, the system can label regions of the image frames as corresponding to drivable space or non-drivable space. By analyzing the labeled image frames, the system can determine whether the vehicle is likely to impact a region of non-drivable space. And, in response to such a determination, the system can generate control signals that override other control systems or human operator input to control the brakes, the steering, or other sub-systems of the vehicle to avoid the collision.

01-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011957A1

A driving assistance system includes: a target detecting unit; an operation amount detecting unit; a speed detecting unit; and a pre-collision control implementing unit configured to perform pre-collision control for avoiding a collision with the target, when a predetermined control start condition is satisfied, and not to perform, even when the predetermined control start condition is satisfied, the pre-collision control when a permission condition has not been established by a point in time at which the predetermined control start condition is satisfied, the permission condition being that an accelerating operation amount is equal to or larger than a first operation amount threshold value, and a vehicle speed is equal to or less than a speed threshold value.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for supporting a driver of a motor vehicle during a driving maneuver

Номер: US20120089294A1

A method and device for supporting a driver of a motor vehicle during a driving maneuver during which longitudinal guidance and/or lateral guidance is/are performed in an automated manner. A trajectory for performing the driving maneuver being determined and the vehicle being guided with automatic control along the trajectory, while the surroundings of the vehicle is being monitored during the driving maneuver. If the driver intervenes in the steering while lateral guidance is being performed or if the driver operates the accelerator while longitudinal guidance is being performed or if the driver intervenes in the steering or operates the accelerator while longitudinal guidance and lateral guidance are being performed, the control of the vehicle is returned to the driver. In the case of an imminent endangerment to the surroundings, control is not transferred to the driver.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Driver Assistance System for a Vehicle, in Particular Commercial Vehicle, and Method for Controlling a Brake System

Номер: US20120203438A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a driver assistance system for a vehicle, in particular commercial vehicle, wherein the driver assistance system ( 14 ) has: a detection system which has at least one sensor ( 15 - 1, 15 - 2, 15 - 3 ) for issuing measuring signals (S 5 - 1 , S 5 - 2 , S 5 - 3 ), a control unit ( 16 ) for receiving the measuring signals (S 5 - 1 , S 5 - 2 , S 5 - 3 ) and for determining the probability of a critical situation or critical state of the vehicle ( 1 ), wherein, when a critical state or sufficient probability of a critical state is identified, the control unit ( 16 ) of the driver assistance system ( 14 ) outputs a signal (S 6 ) for priming a brake system ( 4 ) to a brake control device ( 6 ) of the brake system ( 4 ) of the vehicle ( 1 ), and wherein the control unit ( 16 ) outputs an external brake request signal (S 6 ) for initiating braking operations to the brake control device ( 6 ) of the brake system ( 4 ). According to the invention, in order to prime the brake system ( 4 ), the control unit ( 16 ) outputs an external brake request signal (S 6 ) which has a desired acceleration value signal (S 6 - 3 ) with a higher desired acceleration value (a-des) than a current actual acceleration value (a-act).

23-08-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Responding to Driver Behavior

Номер: US20120212353A1
Автор: Kin Fung, Timothy J. Dick
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Methods of assessing driver behavior include monitoring vehicle systems and driver monitoring systems to accommodate for a driver's slow reaction time, attention lapse and/or alertness. When it is determined that a driver is drowsy, for example, the response system may modify the operation of one or more vehicle systems. The systems that may be modified include: visual devices, audio devices, tactile devices, antilock brake systems, automatic brake prefill systems, brake assist systems, auto cruise control systems, electronic stability control systems, collision warning systems, lane keep assist systems, blind spot indicator systems, electronic pretensioning systems and climate control systems.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Driving assistance device

Номер: US20120330541A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A device for providing driving assistance for a driver of the vehicle to avoid the object of the risk subject when driving the vehicle, which includes: an object determination unit that detects the object; a collision prediction time calculation unit that calculates a time to collision which is a time indicating a degree to which the vehicle approaches to the object; an estimated risk level determination unit that determines an estimated risk level indicating a possibility of the object moving onto a predicted travelling path of the vehicle; and a driving assistance content determination unit that determines driving assistance content based on the collision prediction time and the estimated risk level.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069773A1

The present invention discloses an intelligent traffic safety system based on comprehensive state detection and decision method thereof. The intelligent traffic safety system includes a person condition detection unit, a vehicle condition detection unit, a road condition detection unit, an intelligent decision unit, a driver warning unit, a current vehicle mandatory processing unit, a barrier warning unit, a pursuer warning unit and an after-crash warning unit. The person condition detection unit, the vehicle condition detection unit and the road condition detection unit are separately connected to the intelligent decision unit; the intelligent decision unit implements an intelligent traffic safety decision method based on comprehensive state detection, and respectively sends corresponding crash avoidance warnings and processing instructions to the driver warning unit, the current vehicle mandatory processing unit, the barrier warning unit, the pursuer warning unit and the after-crash warning unit connected to the intelligent decision unit. 2. An intelligent traffic safety decision method according to claim 1 , wherein {'br': None, 'i': t', '=t', '+k', '+k', 't', '+k', '+k, 'sub': dr', 're', 'alcoholicity', {'sub2': '—'}, 're', 'tiredness', {'sub2': '—'}, 're', 'ex−', 'alcoholicity', {'sub2': '—'}, 'ex', 'tiredness', {'sub2': '—'}, 'ex, '(1)(1)+(1)(1)'}, 'the non-intervention crash incurrence time constraint criterion is obtained through the following formula{'sub': re', 'ex', 'alcoholicity', {'sub2': '—'}, 're', 'alcoholicity', {'sub2': '—'}, 'ex', 'tiredness', {'sub2': '—'}, 're', 'tiredness', {'sub2': '—'}, 'ex, 'Where, tis a reaction capability of driver, tis a manipulation capability of driver, kand kseparately indicate influences of alcoholic strength on the reaction capability and the manipulation capability, kand kseparately indicate influences of fatigue degree on the reaction capability and the manipulation capability.'}4. An intelligent traffic safety ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Motor vehicle, and method of operating a motor vehicle

Номер: US20130151085A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method of operating a motor vehicle, a trigger signal transmitted to at least one protection device for protecting a pedestrian in the event of an impending collision with the motor vehicle causes activation of the protection device to assume a functional position ready for protection. As the trigger signal is transmitted to the protection device, a control device activates a brake device of the motor vehicle to decelerate the motor vehicle.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238233A1

Embodiments of the invention describe modules/logic/circuitry to receive image data identifying terrain, environment, and/or one or more objects near a vehicle, determine a projection of the one or more objects with respect to the vehicle, determine whether the one or more objects will collide with the vehicle, and in response to determining the one or more objects will collide, altering the vehicle state. In some embodiments, altering the vehicle state is based, at least in part, on a driver position with respect to the one or more objects determined to collide with the vehicle (e.g., moving the vehicle to protect the drive). In some embodiments, altering the vehicle state comprises at least one of adjusting brakes of the vehicle to alter its trajectory, adjusting a steering wheel of the vehicle to alter its trajectory and adjusting an orientation or rotational speed of a flywheel (for CMG assisted vehicles). 1. A non-transitory machine readable storage medium having instructions that , when executed , causes a machine to execute a method comprising:receiving spatial data identifying at least one of terrain, environment, or one or more objects near a vehicle;determining a projection of the terrain, the environment, or the one or more objects with respect to the vehicle;determining whether the terrain, the environment, or the one or more objects are to adversely affect the vehicle based on the determined projection of the terrain, the environment, or the one or more objects; andin response to determining the terrain, the environment, or the one or more objects are to adversely affect the vehicle, altering the vehicle state via control moment gyroscope (CMG) active controls to change the projection of the vehicle frame with respect to the terrain, the environment, or the one or more objects, wherein the vehicle further includes a gyroscope coupled to a vehicle frame, and altering the vehicle state comprises adjusting an orientation or rotational speed of a flywheel ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Zone driving

Номер: US20130297140A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A roadgraph may include a graph network of information such as roads, lanes, intersections, and the connections between these features. The roadgraph may also include one or more zones associated with particular rules. The zones may include locations where driving is typically challenging such as merges, construction zones, or other obstacles. In one example, the rules may require an autonomous vehicle to alert a driver that the vehicle is approaching a zone. The vehicle may thus require a driver to take control of steering, acceleration, deceleration, etc. In another example, the zones may be designated by a driver and may be broadcast to other nearby vehicles, for example using a radio link or other network such that other vehicles may be able to observer the same rule at the same location or at least notify the other vehicle's drivers that another driver felt the location was unsafe for autonomous driving.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Obstacle Evaluation Technique

Номер: US20130332061A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A vehicle configured to operate in an autonomous mode may engage in an obstacle evaluation technique that includes employing a sensor system to collect data relating to a plurality of obstacles, identifying from the plurality of obstacles an obstacle pair including a first obstacle and a second obstacle, engaging in an evaluation process by comparing the data collected for the first obstacle to the data collected for the second obstacle, and in response to engaging in the evaluation process, making a determination of whether the first obstacle and the second obstacle are two separate obstacles.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Safety Device for a Motor Vehicle and Method for Operating a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20130338878A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG and Co oHG

The invention relates to a device and method for increasing the safety of a motor vehicle. A first sensor unit ( 2 ) detects the environment, in particular free spaces and objects ( 0 ) and the position and motion of said objects. A second sensor unit ( 20 ) detects the environment state, a third sensor unit ( 30 ) detects the vehicle state, and a fourth sensor unit ( 40 ) detects the driver specifications. The data are amalgamated. According to the invention, a driving safety coordinator ( 6 ) is provided, which calculates the risk of collision on the basis of a risk evaluation, and the driving safety coordinator ( 6 ) determines pre-collision phases (P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4 a, P 4 b ) of the motor vehicle ( 1 ) with regard to the object ( 0 ).

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle remote operation device

Номер: US20140032031A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a vehicle remote operation, device enabling parking-in and parking-out by a remote operation, the present invention provides the vehicle remote operation device which may correspond to an ambient condition change. When an automatic steering unit 15 automatically performs parking-in and parking-out by receiving an instruction from the transmitter 50, obstacle conditions around a vehicle (particularly, around a door) obtained by the surrounding object sensor 21 are detected, and it is determined whether a sufficient space is ensured for a passenger's getting on/off through a door to automatically move a vehicle to a place where getting on/off is easy if necessary.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Vehicular System for Low Speed Collision Avoidance

Номер: US20140032054A1
Автор: HAMMADOU Tarik
Принадлежит: Zorg Industries Pty Ltd

A method of providing range measurements for use with a vehicle, the method comprising the steps of: a) visually sensing () the area adjacent the vehicle to produce visual sense data (); b) range sensing () objects around the vehicle to produce range sense data; c) combining the visual sense data and the range sense data to produce, with respect to the vehicle, an estimate of ranges to the objects around the vehicle (). The estimate of ranges to the objects around the vehicle may be displayed () to a driver. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for providing range measuring , comprising:capturing an image associated with the range measurement;performing a series of radar range measurements;performing a series of calibrations of the image to determine a transformation matrix equation to find the relationship between the image points and the corresponding 3D world co-ordinates (X, Y, Z);segmenting the images by classifying a pixel as black or white using a threshold m in an intensity channel I, calculating a hue (H) for the pixel and segmenting the image using an upper and lower thresholds.11. The method according to claim 10 , comprising:smoothing the segmented image so as to reduce noise therein.12. The method according to claim 10 , comprising:matching the targets found in the vision system to the targets found in the radar system.13. The method according to claim 10 , wherein the method is carried out in a vehicle and the method includes:monitoring the vehicle to activate the method when predetermined conditions are present.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the predetermined conditions include whether the vehicle is in reverse.15. (canceled)16. A system for providing range measurements claim 13 , comprising: visually sense the area adjacent to the vehicle to produce visual sense data,', 'range sense objects around the vehicle to produce range sense data,', 'segment the visual sense data by at least thresholding the intensity and hue of the visual sense data to ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094993A1
Автор: JOHNSON Richard Scott

An imaging system may include a pixel array having a plurality of image pixels and a plurality of test pixels. The test pixels may each include a photodiode configured to receive a test voltage. For example, the photodiodes of test pixels may be coupled to a bias voltage supply line or the photodiodes may receive test voltages via a column readout line or a row control line. The test voltage may be output on a column line associated with the column of pixels in which the test pixel is located. Verification circuitry may compare the output test signal with a predetermined reference signal to determine whether the imaging system is functioning properly. If an output test signal does not match the expected output signal, the imaging system may be disabled and/or a warning signal may be presented to a user of the system. 1. An image sensor , comprising:a pixel array having a plurality of image pixels arranged in rows and columns, wherein at least one row of image pixels includes a test pixel and wherein the test pixel has a photodiode configured to receive a test voltage;a row control line coupled to a pixel transistor in each image pixel in the row;a voltage supply line configured to supply the test voltage to the photodiode via the row control line; anda plurality of column readout lines configured to read out image pixel signals from the image pixels and a test signal from the test pixel.2. The image sensor defined in further comprising verification circuitry configured to receive the test signal and to compare the test signal with a reference signal.3. The image sensor defined in further comprising a transistor coupled between the voltage supply line and the row control line.4. The image sensor defined in wherein the row control line comprises a transfer gate control line claim 1 , wherein the pixel transistor comprises a transfer transistor claim 1 , and wherein the transfer gate control line is coupled to a gate of the transfer transistor in each image pixel in ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001813A1
Автор: MATSUSHITA Masatoshi

This image generation device is provided with: an image acquisition unit that acquires a rear-side image of the rear side of a vehicle; and an image generation unit. When the rear-side image includes an overlapped portion where an image region, in which an auxiliary line for assisting in the backward driving of the vehicle is overlaid, overlaps an image region in which a specific target is positioned, the image generation unit generates, in at least the overlapped portion, an image in which the auxiliary line is not overlaid or is overlaid in a semi-transparent state; and when the rear-side image does not include the overlapped portion, the image generation unit generates an image in which the auxiliary line is overlaid on the rear-side image. 1. An image generation apparatus , comprising:an image obtainer that obtains a rear-view image of a rear view from a vehicle; andan image generator that, when the rear-view image includes an overlapping portion between an image region in which an auxiliary line for assisting reverse driving of the vehicle is superimposed and an image region in which a specific object is located, generates an image in which the auxiliary line is not superimposed or is superimposed in a semi-transparent state at least at the overlapping portion, and, when the rear-view image does not include the overlapping portion, generates an image in which the auxiliary line is superimposed on the rear-view image.2. The image generation apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe auxiliary line includes a plurality of lines,when the rear-view image includes the overlapping portion, the image generator generates an image in which a first line of the auxiliary line is superimposed and a second line of the plurality of lines is not superimposed or is superimposed in a semi-transparent state on the rear-view image,an image region in which the first line is superimposed does not include the overlapping portion, andan image region in which the second line is ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001876A1

A drive planning device has a processor configured to assess whether or not there is a problem with the driver and to assess whether or not a predetermined condition has been met based on information for the surrounding environment of a vehicle, and to create a first driving plan in which the vehicle is moved to the shoulder and stopped when it has been assessed that there is a problem with the driver and the predetermined condition has been met, or to create a second driving plan in which the vehicle is stopped in the traffic lane in which the vehicle is traveling when it has been assessed that there is a problem with the driver and the condition assessment unit has assessed that the predetermined condition has not been met. 1. A drive planning device comprising a processor configured to:assess whether or not there is a problem with the driver;assess whether or not a predetermined condition has been met based on information for the surrounding environment of the vehicle; andcreate a first driving plan in which the vehicle is moved to the shoulder and stopped when it has been assessed that there is a problem with the driver and the predetermined condition has been met, or create a second driving plan in which the vehicle is stopped in the traffic lane in which the vehicle is traveling when it has been assessed that there is a problem with the driver and it has been assessed that the predetermined condition has not been met.2. The drive planning device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to assess that the predetermined conditions have been met when the vehicle is traveling in a traffic lane bordering the shoulder and no other objects are detected traveling on the shoulder from behind the vehicle and approaching the vehicle.3. The drive planning device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to assess that the predetermined condition has not been met when at least one other object is detected traveling on the shoulder from ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Map information system

Номер: US20220003558A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A map information system includes a database management device configured to manage a map database used for vehicle driving support control. The map database includes road marking map information that indicates a position of a specific road marking including at least one of a stop line and a pedestrian crossing. The database management device is further configured to: detect a road marking candidate being a candidate for the specific road marking around a vehicle; recognize vehicle behavior of at least one of the vehicle and another vehicle in a period when passing the road marking candidate; determine, based on the vehicle behavior, an evaluation value that indicates certainty of the road marking candidate being the specific road marking; and register the road marking candidate having the evaluation value equal to or higher than a threshold, as the specific road marking, in the road marking map information.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

An apparatus and a method for controlling an inter-vehicle distance

Номер: US20210001848A1
Автор: ChangBeom OH
Принадлежит: Mando Corp

Disclosed are an apparatus and a method for controlling an inter-vehicle distance. Particularly, the apparatus for controlling an inter-vehicle distance may include one or more sensors, configured to detect one or more forward targets in front of a host vehicle, and a controller, configured to control the host vehicle to drive while maintaining a predetermined first inter-vehicle distance from a first target that drives on the driving road of the host vehicle. Therefore, according to the present disclosure, there are provided an apparatus and a method for controlling an inter-vehicle distance, which may more stably perform longitudinal control of a host vehicle while the host vehicle drives.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and Device for Detecting Safe Driving State of Driver

Номер: US20170001648A1

Disclosure is a method for detecting the safety driving state of a driver, the method comprises the following steps: (a) detecting the current sight direction of a driver in real time and acquiring a scene image signal in a front view field of the driver when a vehicle runs; (b) processing the acquired current road scene image signal according to a visual attention calculation model to obtain the expected attention distribution of the driver under the current road scene; and (c) performing fusion analysis on the real-time detected current sight direction of the driver in the step (a) and the calculated expected attention distribution of the driver in step (b), and judging whether the current driver is in a normal driving state and whether the driver can timely make a proper response to the sudden road traffic accident. The device is used for implementing the method and has the advantages of simple principle, easy realization, direct reflection of the real driving state of a driver, and improvement of the driving safety. 1. A method for detecting the safety driving state of a driver , comprising the steps of:(a) detecting the current sight direction of a driver in real time and acquiring a scene image signal in a front view field of the driver when a vehicle runs;(b) processing the acquired current road scene image signal according to a visual attention calculation model to obtain the expected attention distribution of the driver under the current road scene; and(c) performing fusion analysis on the real-time detected current sight direction of the driver in the step (a) and the calculated expected attention distribution of the driver in step (b), and judging whether the current driver is in a normal driving state and whether the driver can timely make a proper response to the sudden road traffic accident.2. The method for detecting the safety driving state of a driver as recited in claim 1 , wherein whether the driver timely makes a response to an important traffic ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004777A1

A device and a method for enabling safe traveling by performing image analysis and body identification using inter-vehicle communication information are realized. There are provided: an image analysis unit configured to analyze a captured image of a camera mounted on a mobile device, execute object identification of an image, and set a label as an identification result to an image region; a low-confidence region extraction unit configured to extract a region with low confidence of object identification from an image analysis result; and a label updating unit configured to update a label of the low-confidence region on the basis of information received via a communication unit. The label updating unit updates a label in a case where a matching rate between an object region analyzed from information received via the communication unit and the low-confidence region is equal to or greater than a specified threshold. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:an image analysis unit configured to analyze a captured image of a camera, execute object identification of an image, and set a label as an identification result to an image region;a low-confidence region extraction unit configured to extract a low-confidence region with low confidence of object identification from an analysis result by the image analysis unit; anda label updating unit configured to update a label of the low-confidence region on a basis of information received via a communication unit.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe label updating unitupdates a label of the low-confidence region in a case where a matching rate between an object region analyzed from information received via the communication unit and the low-confidence region is equal to or greater than a specified threshold.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a communication information analysis unit configured to analyze an object region from information ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001969A1

A safety device for a vehicle includes a sensor system and an evaluation and control unit that is coupled to the sensor system via an interface and that evaluates information from the sensor system in order to detect objects in the area ahead of the vehicle, calculates, on the basis of the information from the sensor system, a likely impact point of a detected object and/or a likely amount of overlap of the detected object and the vehicle, brings the vehicle into a defined slide-off position by way of a targeted intervention into the vehicle dynamics when the calculated likely impact point and/or the calculated amount of overlap satisfies at least one predefined condition. 110-. (canceled)11. A safety device for a vehicle , the safety device comprising:a sensor system; and [ detect an object in an area ahead of the vehicle;', 'calculate at least one of a likely impact point of the detected object and a likely amount of overlap of the detected object and the vehicle; and, 'based on information from the sensor system, 'responsive to a determination that the calculated at least one of likely impact point and likely amount of overlap satisfies at least one predefined condition, execute a targeted intervention into a vehicle dynamics to bring the vehicle into a defined slide-off position., 'a control unit coupled to the sensor system via at least one interface, wherein the control unit is configured to12. The safety device of claim 11 , wherein the intervention is in at least one of a braking system and a steering system of the vehicle.13. The safety device of claim 11 , wherein satisfaction of the at least one predefined condition is determined by a comparison of a distance of the likely impact point from a corresponding lateral edge of the vehicle to a threshold distance.14. The safety device of claim 11 , wherein the at least one predefined condition is that a distance of the likely impact point from a corresponding lateral edge of the vehicle is less than a threshold ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Intelligent Electric Vehicle to Predict the Accident and Notify before Accident

Номер: US20220009437A1

The present invention relates to an intelligent electric vehicle to predict the accident and notify before accident. The present invention identifies the real-time position and the mobile WIFI network connection which is an example of a person being in the car. Through this, the position-detecting vehicle technology, the car also alarms the immediate response team with the fact that a request is being made when a collision is happening and that the victim has been identified using call-based technology. As the crosswalk detection unit senses a pedestrian crossing the road ahead, a stopping system examines the driving behavior of vehicles behind the vehicle to determine whether they are blocking the way, and decides only whether not and stop the vehicle to make way clear for the crossing of the person. The invention also provides process and methods for dynamically defining a safety zone around a user. 1. An Intelligent Electric Vehicle system to Predict the Accident and Notify before Accident , said system comprising:a smash up predicting arrangement for detecting if automobile occupant has been hurt in an accident involving the vehicle;a vehicle position detecting system for detecting the real-time location of the automobile and a mobile WI-FI, communication end to end workstation which receive a signal predicting injury to the vehicle occupant from the damage predicting system to generate a calling from the vehicle to a call center, wherein said system is configured to connect with a call center and performs notification to an accident immediate response team facility on the basis of the calling and obtain prediction in sequence that the vehicle passenger has been injured from a damage intelligent predicting system and vehicle position in sequence detected by the vehicle location detecting technology and if one who notify an accident reaction facility of an accident, emergency cleaning-up after an mishap and treatment for an injured vehicle occupant and other all ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004530A1

A sensor synchronization system for an autonomous vehicle is described. Upon initializing a master clock on a master processing node for a sensor apparatus of the autonomous vehicle, the system determines whether an external timing signal is available. If the signal is available, the system synchronizes the master clock with the external timing signal. Based on a clock cycle of the master clock, the system propagates timestamp messages to the sensors of the sensor apparatus, receives sensor data, and formats the sensor data based on the timestamp messages. 1. A method of operating a sensor apparatus of an autonomous vehicle , the method comprising:upon initializing a master clock on a master processing node for the sensor apparatus, determining whether an external timing signal is available;upon determining that the external timing signal is available, synchronizing the master clock with the external timing signal;based on a clock cycle of the master clock, propagating a plurality of pulse timestamp messages from the master processing node to a plurality of sensors of the sensor apparatus;receiving sensor data from the plurality of sensors; andgenerating, based at least in part on the sensor data and at least in part on the plurality of pulse timestamp messages, output data to enable processing for controlling the autonomous vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:upon determining that the external timing signal is available, determining that the master clock remains synchronized, within a predetermined threshold, with the external timing signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining that the master clock remains synchronized with the external timing signal includes determining that the master clock time skew remains beneath the predetermined threshold even after the external timing signal is lost.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:dividing the clock cycle of the master clock into a plurality of timing intervals; andgenerating a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Processor and processing method for rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, and straddle-type vehicle

Номер: US20220020274A1
Автор: Lars Pfau

The present invention obtains a processor and a processing method, a rider-assistance system, and a straddle-type vehicle capable of improving a rider's safety.A processor (20) includes: an acquisition section that acquires surrounding environment information about a straddle-type vehicle (100); a determination section that determines necessity of assistance operation executed by a rider-assistance system (1) to assist with the rider's operation; and a control section that makes an execution device (P) execute the assistance operation in the case where the determination section determines that the assistance operation is necessary. The determination section determines the necessity of the assistance operation by using: a collision index value that is an index value of a collision possibility of a following vehicle against the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100); and a stability index value that is an index value of a stability degree of a relative distance of the following vehicle to the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100).

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008516A1
Автор: Itagaki Kenji

A vehicle control apparatus includes a driving state determining portion configured to determine whether the vehicle is in a drivable state at a present time or will be in a drivable state at a point in time after a predetermined period of time has passed from the present time, based on data indicative of a positional relationship between the vehicle and a surrounding environment, that is used in the autonomous driving mode; and a rotation speed reducing portion configured to reduce a rotation speed of the electric motor when it is determined that the vehicle is in an undrivable state at the present time or will be in an undrivable state at the point in time after the predetermined period of time has passed, and the rotation speed of the electric motor is equal to or greater than a predetermined rotation speed. 1. A vehicle control apparatus that controls a vehicle that is provided with an electric motor as a power source and is able to realize an automated driving mode in which autonomous driving without input from a driver is possible , comprising:a driving state determining portion configured to determine whether the vehicle is in a drivable state at a present time or will be in a drivable state at a point in time after a predetermined period of time has passed from the present time, based on data indicative of a positional relationship between the vehicle and a surrounding environment, that is used in the autonomous driving mode; anda rotation speed reducing portion configured to reduce a rotation speed of the electric motor when it is determined that the vehicle is in an undrivable state at the present time or will be in an undrivable state at the point in time after the predetermined period of time has passed, and the rotation speed of the electric motor is equal to or greater than a predetermined rotation speed.2. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe rotation speed reducing portion includes at least one of a command portion ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Emergency vehicle control device

Номер: US20170008534A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An emergency vehicle control device includes an emergency vehicle stop switch (emergency situation detector) that detects or estimates an emergency situation; and an accelerator operation detector that detects whether or not an accelerator is being operated. When an emergency situation is detected or estimated by the emergency situation detector and an accelerator non-operation state lasting for an accelerator non-operation time threshold value or longer is detected by the accelerator operation detector while the vehicle is running, the vehicle is automatically stopped regardless of whether or not a steering operation is performed.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20220024373A1
Автор: Kijun SUNG
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A vehicle is provided. The vehicle includes: a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver configured to receive a signal from a GNSS; a guide lamp installed on a front portion of the vehicle; and a controller electrically connected to the GNSS receiver and the guide lamp, wherein the controller is configured to: identify an entry of the vehicle into a parking lot based on a GNSS signal acquired by the GNSS receiver; and control the guide lamp to display a light line representing a path to be travelled by the vehicle and an area to be occupied by the vehicle on a road ahead of the vehicle based on the entry of the vehicle into the parking lot.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Processor and processing method for warning system of straddle-type vehicle, warning system of straddle-type vehicle, and straddle-type vehicle

Номер: US20220024480A1
Автор: Lars Pfau

The present invention obtains a processor, a processing method, a warning system, and a straddle-type vehicle capable of improving both the rider's safety and the rider's comfort.A processor (20) includes: an acquisition section that acquires surrounding environment information corresponding to output of a surrounding environment detector (11) during travel of a straddle-type vehicle (100); a determination section that determines necessity of warning operation provided to the rider and generated by the warning system (1); and a control section that makes an alarm (30) perform the warning operation in the case where the determination section determines that the warning operation is necessary. The acquisition section further acquires helmet posture direction information corresponding to output of a helmet posture direction detector (13) during the travel of the straddle-type vehicle (100). The determination section determines the necessity of the warning operation on the basis of the surrounding environment information and the helmet posture direction information.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Deformable Energy Absorber Structures For Front Hood Assemblies Of Vehicles

Номер: US20180009407A1

A front hood assembly for a vehicle including a front grille may include a sensory assembly, a bumper assembly positioned adjacent to the front grille, and an energy absorber structure. The bumper assembly may include a bumper reinforcement having a front face and a top face, which front face is disposed below and extends away from the top face. The energy absorber structure may be positioned adjacent to the top face of the bumper reinforcement. The energy absorber structure may be rearwardly compliant in an impact direction and disposed below and rearwardly of the sensory assembly such that an impact of the sensory assembly with the energy absorber structure in the impact direction collapses the energy absorber structure rearwardly. 1. A front hood assembly for a vehicle including a front grille , the front hood assembly comprising:a sensory assembly; the bumper assembly includes a bumper reinforcement having a front face and a top face, and', 'the front face is disposed below and extends away from the top face; and, 'a bumper assembly positioned adjacent to the front grille, wherein the energy absorber structure is rearwardly compliant in an impact direction, and', 'the energy absorber structure is disposed below and rearwardly of the sensory assembly such that an impact of the sensory assembly with the energy absorber structure in the impact direction collapses the energy absorber structure rearwardly., 'an energy absorber structure positioned adjacent to the top face of the bumper reinforcement, wherein2. The front hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the impact direction is disposed at approximately a 45° angle with respect to a portion of the top face of the bumper reinforcement.3. The front hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensory assembly comprises a radar sensor configured to generate an object sensing signal to prevent crashes.4. The front hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensory assembly comprises a radar sensor configured to generate a control ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009775A1

In a vehicle control apparatus, an object recognizing block recognizes an object which is present around a vehicle. In cases where there is a possibility that the vehicle will collide with an object recognized by the object recognizing block, the apparatus performs automatic braking control which brakes the vehicle. If the driver depresses the accelerator pedal in a predetermined depressing state, a braking controlling block cancels the automatic braking control. When an operation determining block determines that there is a driver's predetermined shift-lever position change, with which the driver's predetermined shift-lever position change is carried out during a driver's accelerator pedal depressing operation, the braking controlling block responds to a driver's accelerator depressing operation by not cancelling the automatic braking control or by making cancellation of the automatic braking control more difficult. 1. A vehicle control apparatus , comprising:an object recognizing block that recognizes an object around a vehicle;a braking controlling block that performs automatic braking control for braking the vehicle when there is a possibility that the vehicle collides with the object recognized by the object recognizing block, and cancels the automatic braking control when a driver in the vehicle depresses an accelerator pedal of the vehicle into a predetermined depressing state; andan operation determining block that determines whether or not the driver has performed a predetermined shift-lever position change, the predetermined shift-lever position change being defined as a driver's operation of changing positions of a shift lever of the vehicle in a state where the driver depresses an accelerator pedal of the vehicle,wherein the braking controlling block prohibits cancellation of the automatic braking control or resists the cancellation of the automatic braking control in response to the driver's depressing operation on the accelerator pedal, in a case where ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Enhanced collision avoidance

Номер: US20190009776A1

A headway between a first vehicle and a second vehicle is determined. A predicted time to collision between the first vehicle and the second vehicle is determined. A first mechanism in a wearable device in the first vehicle is actuated when the headway is less than a predetermined threshold. A second mechanism in the first vehicle is actuated when the predicted time to collision is less than a second predetermined threshold.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010077A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

In one embodiment, an autonomous vehicle (AV) system determines that a collision between itself and another object is imminent based on data obtained from sensors attached to the AV. The AV system determines an optimal vehicle orientation for the collision, determines a vehicle path to position the vehicle in the optimal vehicle orientation, and autonomously controls the vehicle to travel along the determined vehicle path. 1. At least one machine accessible storage medium having instructions stored thereon , wherein the instructions when executed on a machine , cause the machine to:access sensor data generated by one or more sensors connected to a vehicle;determine, at the vehicle, that a collision between the vehicle and another object is imminent;determine, at the vehicle, an optimal vehicle orientation for the collision based on the determination that the collision is imminent;determine, at the vehicle, a vehicle path to position the vehicle in the optimal vehicle orientation; andautonomously control the vehicle to travel along the determined vehicle path.2. The storage medium of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are further executable to cause the machine to:determine an optimal passenger orientation for the collision; andautonomously move one or more seats of the vehicle to position a passenger toward the optimal passenger orientation in advance of the collision.3. The storage medium of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are further executable to cause the machine to control activation of one or more passive safety mechanisms at or near the time of the collision.4. The storage medium of claim 3 , wherein controlling activation the one or more passive safety mechanisms comprises one or more of timing releases for a set of airbags claim 3 , ordering releases for the set of airbags claim 3 , and determining an airbag inflation rate for a set of airbags.5. The storage medium of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are further executable to cause the machine to ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012185A1
Автор: HARDA Peter

A vehicle, a method and a vehicle system for control of vehicle safety parameters is provided. The system is arranged to determine a closing velocity between a host vehicle exterior portion and an external object in a road environment where the host vehicle and the external object approach each other. The system comprises image capturing means, processing means and a sensor arrangement. The processing means are arranged to determine the closing velocity for each time instance by forming a quota of a distance between a first position and the host vehicle exterior portion and the estimated time to collision between the first position and the external object. The vehicle system is arranged to control the one or more vehicle safety parameters as a function of the determined closing velocity. 1. A vehicle system for control of vehicle safety parameters , the system being arranged to determine a closing velocity between a host vehicle exterior portion and an external object , or a part thereof , in a road environment where the host vehicle and the external object approach each other , the system comprising:image capturing means arranged at a first position of the host vehicle, the image capturing means being arranged to detect a field of view in a first direction and an extension of the external object, or a part thereof, in the field of view;processing means arranged to estimate a time to collision between the first position and the external object, or the part thereof, from a change of ratio between the field of view and the extension of the external object, or the part thereof; anda sensor arrangement arranged to detect a collision between the host vehicle exterior portion and the external object;wherein the processing means further are arranged to determine a closing velocity between the host vehicle exterior portion and the external object, or the part thereof, for each of a plurality of time instances by dividing a distance between the first position and the host ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Driverless Vehicle Movement Processing and Cloud Systems

Номер: US20180012497A1
Принадлежит: Emerging Automotive LLC

A system for navigating a vehicle automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator is provided. The system of the vehicle includes a global positioning system (GPS) for identifying a vehicle location and a communications system for communicating with a server of a cloud system. The server is configured to identify that the vehicle location is near or at a parking location. The communications system is configured to receive mapping data for the parking location from the server, and the mapping data is at least in part used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical object when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location. The mapping data is processed by electronics of the vehicle so that when the vehicle is automatically moved collision with the at least one physical object is avoided and the electronics of the vehicle is configured to process a combination of sensor data obtained by sensors of the vehicle. The processing of the sensor data uses image data obtained from one or more cameras and light data obtained from one or more optical sensors.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032904A1

Proposed is a method for controlling a vehicle through a multi System on Chip (SoC) system. Specifically, proposed is a method for controlling a vehicle, the method comprising the steps of: by means of a first SoC, requesting information to a second SoC or an Adaptive Driver Assistant System (ADAS); by means of the first SoC, receiving the information from the second SoC or the ADAS as a response to the request; by means of the first SoC, determining whether a vehicle is safe or not by using the received information; and by means of the first SoC, transmitting a command generated on the basis of the determination to the second SoC or the ADAS. 1. A method of controlling a vehicle in a multi-system-on-chip (multi-SoC) system , the method comprising:requesting information to a second SoC or an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) by a first SoC;receiving the information from the second SoC or the ADAS in response to the request, by the first SoC;determining whether the vehicle is safe based on the received information by the first SoC; andtransmitting a command generated based on the determination to the second SoC or the ADAS by the first SoC.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first SoC and the second SoC are connected to each other through peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) claim 1 , and the first SoC and the ADAS are connected to each other through a control area network (CAN).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a data packet used for the information request and reception includes command claim 1 , payload length claim 1 , number of elements claim 1 , data payload claim 1 , and end character claim 1 , andwherein the size of the data payload varies according to a data type related to the requested and received information.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when the first SoC fails to receive the information for a specific time or longer from the second SoC or the ADAS claim 1 , the first SoC transmits a message ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Device and method for reducing collision risk

Номер: US20220032906A1
Автор: HoJeong YOU
Принадлежит: HL Klemove Corp

The disclosure relates to a collision risk reduction device and method. According to the disclosure, a device for reducing a risk of collision comprises a receiver receiving, from a sensor, object information, an interval setting unit setting an interval predetermined in left and right directions of a traveling direction of the host vehicle, as a first reference interval, and setting an interval, which is a predetermined length larger than the first reference interval, as a second reference interval, a controller determining a type of the object based on the object information if the object approaches within the second reference interval and setting an alarm including the type and location of the object and, if the object approaches within the first reference interval, setting an alarm for avoiding collision with the object based on the type of the object, and an output unit outputting the set alarms.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Driver Assist Design Analysis System

Номер: US20190016342A1
Автор: Fredman Marc

A driver assist design analysis system includes a processing system and a database that stores vehicle data, vehicle operational data, vehicle accident data, and environmental data related to the configuration and operation of a plurality of vehicles with driver assist systems or features. The driver assist design analysis system also includes one or more analysis engines that execute on the processing system to determine one or more driving anomalies (e.g., accidents or poor driving operation) based on the vehicle operational data, and that correlate or determine a statistical relationship between the driving anomalies and the operation of the driver assist systems or features. The driver assist design analysis system then determines an effectiveness of operation of one or more of the driver assist systems or features based on the statistical relationship to determine a potential design flaw in the driver assist systems or features, and the driver assist design analysis system notifies a user or receiver of the potential design flaw. 1. A driver assist system design apparatus , comprising:a processor;a computer readable memory;a vehicle database storing vehicle information regarding a plurality of different vehicles, including driver assist system data specifying one or more driver assist systems used in the different vehicles;a vehicle operational database storing vehicle operational data for multiple ones of the plurality of different vehicles having driver assist systems, the operational data collected from each of the multiple ones of the plurality of different vehicles having driver assist systems such that the operational data reflects operation of the different vehicles during actual operation of the different vehicles; detect a driving anomaly during operation of one or more of the plurality of different vehicles based on the vehicle operational data within the vehicle operational database for the one or more of the plurality of different vehicles having a ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling driving of vehicle

Номер: US20150019064A1
Автор: Ki Cheol Shin
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An apparatus and a method for controlling driving of a vehicle are provided and the apparatus includes a sensor unit that has at least one sensor disposed at sides of a vehicle. In addition, a controller uses sensing information received from the sensor unit to confirm whether the vehicle enters a path and detects obstacles located in the path. The controller calculates a left and right width of the path based on the obstacles and then confirms whether the path is a narrow road. Further, the controller is configured to output a driving guidance to the confirmed narrow road.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017049A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Takayoshi

An accident determination device which determines whether an accident has occurred in a moving object based on an impact having occurred in said moving object, comprising: an impact detecting unit that detects an impact having occurred in said moving object; an accident determining unit that compares impact value of the impact detected by said impact detecting unit with a determination threshold so as to determine whether an accident has occurred in said moving object; and a threshold setting unit that sets said determination threshold according to an area attribute of the area where said moving object is located. 1. An accident determination device which determines whether an accident has occurred in a moving object based on impact having occurred in said moving object , comprising:an impact detecting unit that detects an impact having occurred in said moving object;an accident determining unit that compares impact value of the impact detected by said impact detecting unit with a determination threshold so as to determine whether an accident has occurred in said moving object; anda threshold setting unit that sets said determination threshold according to an area attribute of the area where said moving object is located.2. An accident determination device according to claim 1 , comprising:a position information acquiring unit that acquires position information indicating the position of said moving object; anda communication unit that communicates with an external device,wherein said communication unit transmits said position information to said external device and receives threshold information indicating an impact threshold according to an area attribute of the area where said moving object is located from said external device, andwherein said threshold setting unit sets said determination threshold based on said threshold information.3. An accident determination device according to claim 1 , comprising:a storage unit that stores impact thresholds corresponding ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016769A1
Автор: MITSUMOTO Hisanori

A vehicle disturbance handling system to handle a disturbance that is an external force that acts on a vehicle and causes deflection of the vehicle, including: a disturbance detecting portion configured to determine an occurrence of the disturbance and to estimate a degree of influence of the disturbance; and a disturbance handling portion configured to handle the disturbance based on the estimated degree, wherein, when it is determined that the disturbance is occurring, the handling portion controls a brake device and a steering device of the vehicle to handle the disturbance, and wherein the handling portion is configured to determine a disturbance-handling braking force, which is a braking force that should be applied to the vehicle by the brake device to reduce the influence of the disturbance, and to gradually decrease the disturbance-handling braking force with a lapse of time from a time point of the occurrence of the disturbance. 1. A disturbance handling system for a vehicle to handle a disturbance , the disturbance being an external force that acts on the vehicle and causes deflection of the vehicle , comprising:a disturbance detecting portion configured to determine an occurrence of the disturbance and to estimate a degree of influence of the disturbance; anda disturbance handling portion configured to handle the disturbance based on the estimated degree of influence of the disturbance,wherein, when it is determined that the disturbance is occurring, the disturbance handling portion controls a brake device and a steering device of the vehicle to handle the disturbance, andwherein the disturbance handling portion is configured to determine a disturbance-handling braking force and to gradually decrease the disturbance-handling braking force with a lapse of time from a time point of the occurrence of the disturbance, the disturbance-handling braking force being a braking force that should be applied to the vehicle by the brake device to reduce the influence ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Detecting and responding to processions for autonomous vehicles

Номер: US20210018919A1
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

The technology relates to detecting and responding to processions. For instance, sensor data identifying two or more objects in an environment of a vehicle may be received. The two or more objects may be determined to be disobeying a predetermined rule in a same way. Based on the determination that the two or more objects are disobeying a predetermined rule, that the two or more objects are involved in a procession may be determined. The vehicle may then be controlled autonomously in order to respond to the procession based on the determination that the two or more objects are involved in a procession.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038873A1
Автор: NAGASAWA Isamu

An emergency reporting device for a vehicle includes an emergency detector and a communicator. The emergency detector is configured to detect or estimate an emergency including a collision of the vehicle. The communicator is configured to, when the emergency of the vehicle is detected or estimated, transmit information related to the emergency to outside so that a succeeding vehicle receives the information related to the emergency. The communicator is configured to, after the information related to the emergency is transmitted, receive acknowledgment information from the succeeding vehicle about reception of the information related to the emergency. 1. An emergency reporting device for a vehicle , the emergency reporting device comprising:an emergency detector configured to detect or estimate an emergency including a collision of the vehicle; anda communicator configured to, when the emergency of the vehicle is detected or estimated, transmit information related to the emergency to outside so that a succeeding vehicle receives the information related to the emergency,wherein the communicator is configured to, after the information related to the emergency is transmitted, receive acknowledgment information from the succeeding vehicle about reception of the information related to the emergency.2. The emergency reporting device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a reporter configured to claim 1 , after the communicator transmits the information related to the emergency claim 1 , report to an occupant in the vehicle whether the communicator receives the acknowledgment information from the succeeding vehicle.3. The emergency reporting device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the communicator is configured to transmit claim 1 , as the information related to the emergency claim 1 , at least one of a state of the vehicle caused by the collision or a state of the occupant in the vehicle caused by the collision.4. The emergency reporting ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020212A1

A system included and a computer-implemented method performed in an autonomous-driving vehicle are described. The system performs: detecting one or more movable objects; determining a target movable object from the one or more detected objects; determining a manner of generating a directed alert notification selectively toward the target movable object; and causing a directed alert notification of the determined manner to be generated toward the target movable object. 1. A system for a vehicle , comprising:one or more processors; andmemory storing instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the one or more processors to:detect one or more movable objects; 'selecting a movable object based on a criteria, the criteria being based on any of a distance from the vehicle to the one or more movable objects at a current or a future time or a risk of a traffic incident caused by the one or more movable objects;', 'determine a target movable object from the one or more detected movable objects, the determining the target movable object comprisingdetermine a manner of generating a directed alert notification selectively toward the target movable object; andcause the directed alert notification of the determined manner to be generated toward the target movable object.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions cause the one or more processors to:determine a vehicle route of the vehicle;determine predicted moving paths of the detected one or more movable objects based on metadata of the one or more movable objects, the metadata being based on a type of the one or more movable objects;determine one or more of the detected movable objects that are predicted to be within a predetermined distance from the vehicle as one or more candidate movable objects, based on the vehicle route and the predicted moving paths of the one or more movable objects; anddetermine the target movable object from the one or more candidate movable objects based on the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022277A1
Автор: TAYAMA Shuichi

An approaching-body warning device causes a driver to recognize a direction in which a detection target approaches to an own vehicle and a distance thereto with tactual feeling provided by a vibration device. An approaching-body warning device includes a detection system that detects automobiles and the like approaching to an own vehicle from various directions. A vibration device includes a plurality of vibrating body pairs, each being a right-left pair of vibrating bodies, arranged along a vehicle travelling direction at the interior component with which a driver's body is to be in contact. When the detection system detects the detection target approaching from one or a plurality of directions, a vibration control unit controls the vibration device to cause the vibrating body pairs to vibrate in accordance with each direction in which the detection target detected by the detection system is approaching to the own vehicle and a distance therebetween. 122.-. (canceled)23. An approaching-body warning device , comprising:a detection system configured to detect, using an imaging camera system, a detection target being an automobile, a bicycle, a person, an animal, or the like that approaches to a travelling own vehicle from a direction of all directions;a vibration device configured of a plurality of vibrating body pairs, each being a right-left pair of vibrating bodies, arranged along a vehicle travelling direction at an interior component with which a driver's body is to be in contact;a vibration control unit configured to control the vibration device; anda display configured to display images taken by the imaging camera system in different directions of the own vehicle,wherein the imaging camera system includes pairs of cameras to take images on the right and/or left at the front and rear of the own vehicle, each pair thereof being arranged at the front and rear of the own vehicle, and an image recognition unit configured to evaluate dangerous approaching of the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Apparatus, Distance Calculation Apparatus, and Distance Calculation Method

Номер: US20180022346A1
Автор: MURAKAMI Takuya

Provided are a vehicle control apparatus, a distance calculation apparatus, and a distance calculation method capable of calculating a distance between a vehicle and an object even when the vehicle is stopped. A posture of the vehicle is changed while the vehicle is stopped and the distance to the object is calculated based on information imaged by a camera and the change in the posture by a vehicle posture control unit. 1. A vehicle control apparatus comprising:a camera mounted on a vehicle and configured to image an object in a predetermined direction;a vehicle posture control unit mounted on the vehicle and configured to change a posture of the vehicle while the vehicle is stopped; anda distance calculation unit configured to calculate a distance to the object based on information imaged by the camera and the change in the posture by the vehicle posture control unit.2. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein as the camera claim 1 , one camera is mounted with respect to the predetermined direction.3. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the distance calculation unit calculates the distance based on information imaged by the camera before the posture of the vehicle is controlled by the vehicle posture control unit and a change in the information imaged after the control is started.4. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the distance calculation unit calculates the distance by using the change in the information as a parallax.5. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the vehicle includes an electric power steering apparatus claim 4 , andwherein the vehicle posture control unit changes the posture of the vehicle by automatically causing the electric power steering apparatus to turn the vehicle.6. The vehicle control apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the vehicle includes a braking apparatus and a driving apparatus claim 4 , andwherein the vehicle posture control unit ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle controller for avoiding collision and method thereof

Номер: US20220041068A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A vehicle controller for avoiding a collision of a vehicle and a method thereof are provided. The vehicle controller includes a drive motor that supplies electric power for a behavior of a vehicle, sensors that obtain information outside the vehicle and information inside the vehicle, and a controller that estimates, when detecting evasive steering of a driver in a collision situation based on the information outside the vehicle and the information inside the vehicle, a front wheel slip angle and a rear wheel slip angle, and controls the drive motor based on the front wheel slip angle and the rear wheel slip angle.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling driving of vehicle

Номер: US20220041160A1
Автор: Chan Hee Jung
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

An apparatus and a method for controlling driving of a vehicle are provided. The apparatus includes a sensor configured to obtain driving environment information and vehicle driving information, and a controller configured to calculate a time to collision with a following vehicle based on the driving environment information when a lane change is necessary to be performed while flashing an emergency light, and to control flashing of the emergency light or a turn indicator based on the time to collision and the vehicle driving information when the lane change is performed.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025747A1

A vision system for a vehicle includes a camera having a forward field of view to the exterior of the vehicle through the vehicle windshield. A control includes an image processor that is operable to process captured image data to determine lane delimiters present in the field of view of the camera. The control connects to and receives vehicle data via a vehicle communication bus. The vehicle data includes a yaw rate sensed by a yaw rate sensor of the vehicle. Responsive at least in part to processing of captured image data by the image processor and to vehicle data received via the vehicle communication bus, the control determines a corrected yaw rate at least one of (i) when the vehicle is stationary and (ii) when the vehicle is moving straight. The control provides the corrected yaw rate to a driver assistance system of the vehicle. 1. A vision system for a vehicle , said vision system comprising:a camera comprising a lens and a photosensor array;said photosensor array comprising a plurality of photosensor elements arranged in a matrix that comprises multiple columns of photosensor elements and multiple rows of photosensor elements;wherein said camera is disposed at or proximate to an in-cabin portion of a windshield of a vehicle equipped with said vision system;wherein said camera has a forward field of view to the exterior of the equipped vehicle through the windshield of the equipped vehicle;wherein said camera is operable to capture image data;a control comprising an image processor;wherein said image processor is operable to process captured image data to determine lane delimiters present in the field of view of said camera;said control connecting to a vehicle communication bus of the equipped vehicle;said control receiving vehicle data via said vehicle communication bus;wherein said vehicle data is provided by at least one of (i) an accelerometer of the equipped vehicle, (ii) a transmission sensor of the equipped vehicle, (iii) a steering angle sensor of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Sensor fusion of camera and v2v data for vehicles

Номер: US20170025017A1

A method for fusing sensor information detected by a host vehicle and at least one remote vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication equipped vehicle includes collecting visual data from an optical sensor of a vision sub-system, and collecting V2V data from remote vehicles. The method further includes executing a control logic including a first control logic for generating a base lane model and a base confidence level, a second control logic that fuses together the V2V data, the base lane model, and the base confidence level, and a third control logic that generates from the fused lane model, the V2V data, the base lane model, and the base confidence level, a final lane model and final confidence level, and assigns a priority to the final lane model.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Mapping Techniques Using Probe Vehicles

Номер: US20180025632A1
Автор: Breed David S, Breed Ryan

Vehicle-mounted device includes an inertial measurement unit (IMU) () having at least one accelerometer or gyroscope, a GPS receiver (), a camera () positioned to obtain unobstructed images of an area exterior of the vehicle () and a control system () coupled to these components. The control system () re-calibrates each accelerometer or gyroscope using signals obtained by the GPS receiver (), and derives information about objects in the images obtained by the camera () and location of the objects based on data from the IMU (8) and GPS receiver (). A communication system () communicates the information derived by the control system () to a location separate and apart from the vehicle (). The control system () includes a processor that provides a location of the camera () and a direction in which the camera () is imaging based on data from the IMU corrected based on data from the GPS receiver (), for use in creating the map database (). (FIG. ) 1. A vehicle-mounted device , comprising:an inertial measurement unit (IMU) comprising at least one accelerometer and at least one gyroscope;a GPS receiver that provides a GPS-derived location;a camera positioned to obtain unobstructed images of an area exterior of the vehicle; said control system including a processor and being configured to re-calibrate said at least one accelerometer and said at least one gyroscope using signals obtained by said GPS receiver,', 'said control system being further configured to compare output from said at least one accelerometer with the GPS-derived location and angular orientation of the vehicle, and based on the comparison, modify acceleration output from said at least one accelerometer and modify angular velocity output from said at least one gyroscope,', 'said control system being further configured to determine position and angular orientation of the vehicle from the modified acceleration output from said at least one accelerometer and modified angular velocity output from said at least ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method and System for Providing Environmental Data

Номер: US20220044554A1

The invention relates to a method for providing environmental data wherein first environmental data are captured at a first time, objects being detected on the basis of the captured first environmental data, and object parameters being determined for each of the objects, wherein the object parameters are associated with the objects. In addition, a traffic situation is determined on the basis of the captured first environmental data, and filter criteria are determined according to the determined traffic situation. The filter criteria comprise prioritizations and predictions for the objects and the object parameters associated therewith. At a second time, second, updated environmental data are captured and transmission data are generated on the basis of the second, updated environmental data and the filter criteria. The transmission data are output. 1. A method for providing environmental data , comprisingcapturing first environmental data at a first time, wherein objects being detected on the basis of the captured first environmental data, and object parameters being determined for each of the objects, wherein the object parameters are associated with the objects;determining a traffic situation on the basis of the captured first environmental data;determine filter criteria according to the determined traffic situation, whereinthe filter criteria comprise prioritizations and predictions for the objects and the object parameters associated therewith;at a second time, capturing second, updated environmental data;generating transmission data on the basis of the second, updated environmental data and the filter criteria; andoutputting the transmission data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object parameter comprises one or more of a position claim 1 , a distance claim 1 , a speed claim 1 , an acceleration claim 1 , and a change in acceleration.3. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe capture of the first and second environmental data, the determining of the object ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025904A1

A system and method for detecting multi-tone sirens despite environmental noises that may be present obtains a microphone input signal, applies, in real time, a time-frequency analysis to the microphone input signal to determine a time-frequency representation, provides at least one multi-tone model that has a plurality of tone duration patterns, performs multi-tone siren detection on the time-frequency representation, the detection based on the at least one multi-tone model and factoring of doppler shifts, and generates a detection result that can be used in systems for automated vehicles. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:obtaining, by a computing device, a microphone input signal;applying in real time, by the computing device, a time-frequency analysis in order to obtain a time-frequency representation of the microphone input signal;providing, by the computing device, at least one multi-tone model that has a plurality of tone duration patterns;performing, by the computing device, multi-tone siren detection on the time-frequency representation of the signal, wherein the multi-tone detection is based on the at least one multi-tone model and factoring of doppler shifts; andgenerating, by the computing device, a detection result.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the performing multi-siren detection further comprises:grouping tone duration patterns which have common onsets and the same fundamental frequency.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the performing of the multi-siren detection further comprises:siren pattern matching by a temporal alignment of tone duration patterns for at least two different multi-tone models.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multi-siren detection is performed for a set of different time stretching factors for each tone duration pattern.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multi-tone siren detection is performed by an integral signal representation.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the integral signal representation is two- ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Detection device for a motor vehicle, driver assistance system, motor vehicle, and method

Номер: US20200025925A1

The invention relates to a detection device ( 4 ) for a motor vehicle ( 1 ) for detecting a distance (x 1 ) of an object (O 1 ) in a surrounding region ( 5 ) of the motor vehicle ( 1 ) from the motor vehicle ( 1 ), comprising an emitting unit ( 8 ), which is designed to emit a light beam ( 9 ) and to scan the surrounding region ( 5 ) by orienting the light beam ( 9 ) along predetermined emission angles ( 10 ), and comprising a receiving unit ( 11 ) having at least two receiving elements ( 16 ), which are designed to receive a part ( 12 ) of the light beam ( 9 ) reflected on the object (O 1 ), to detect the distance (x 1 ) on the basis of a duration between the emission of the light beam ( 9 ) and the reception of the reflected part ( 12 ) of the light beam ( 9 ), and to detect a reception angle ( 13 ), at which the reflected part ( 12 ) of the light beam ( 9 ) from the surrounding region ( 5 ) is incident on the receiving unit ( 11 ), wherein the receiving unit ( 11 ) is designed to detect a deviation ( 17 ) between the emission angle ( 10 ) of the light beam ( 9 ) and the reception angle ( 13 ) of the reflected part ( 12 ) of the light beam ( 9 ) corresponding to the emission angle ( 10 ). The invention additionally relates to a driver assistance system ( 2 ), a motor vehicle ( 1 ), and a method for detecting a distance (x 1 ) of an object (O 1 ) in a surrounding region ( 5 ) of a motor vehicle ( 1 ).

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Accident Calculus

Номер: US20190027038A1
Принадлежит: Allstate Insurance Co

Systems and methods are disclosed for determining that an adverse driving event is likely to occur and utilizing accident calculus algorithms to determine and cause vehicle driving actions necessary to mitigate consequences of the adverse driving event. After determining that an adverse driving event is likely to occur, a computing device my forecast consequences of the driving event. The computing device may determine potential evasive maneuvers that may be taken responsive to the adverse driving event. Additionally, the computing device may determine consequences associated with the potential evasive maneuvers and assign a weight relative to the consequence. The computing device may compare the potential driving maneuvers based on the weighted consequences to determine a driving maneuver to take.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027345A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

A method for handling a control card, wherein the control card is received by another vehicle. This provides an increased degree of safety in situations to be regulated, as it is possible to compare control cards of different vehicles and coordinate them if necessary. 1. A method for handling at least one control card containing traffic regulations in a plurality of vehicles , wherein the control card comprises a set of traffic regulations for controlling traffic flow of the plurality of vehicles , wherein each of the vehicles includes storage memory , and a processor accessible to the storage memory and configured to:obtain, by a first vehicle of the plurality of vehicles, a first control card of the at least one control card, wherein the first control card is at least one of stored in the storage memory of the first vehicle or received from an alternate source, and wherein the first control card includes traffic regulations specific to traffic compliance for the first vehicle;receive, by the first vehicle via car-to-X communication, a second control card directly from a second vehicle of the plurality of vehicles, wherein the second control card includes traffic regulations specific to traffic compliance for the second vehicle;compare the received second control card with the first control card to determine a match between the first and second control cards; andwhen the comparison indicates that the first control card matches the second control card, the first vehicle transmits a confirmation to the second vehicle,when the comparison indicates that the first control card does not match the second control card, a matching procedure is performed to create a common control card, the common control card is created by a cooperative matching procedure where the first vehicle and the second vehicle iteratively cooperate with each other to evaluate information based on which the first control card and the second control card were generated, [ wherein the traffic ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Enhanced collision avoidance

Номер: US20180029592A1

A driver input representing a steering maneuver associated with non-autonomous operation of a host vehicle is detected. A first target vehicle in an adjacent lane relative to the host vehicle is identified. The steering maneuver is allowed when a second target vehicle is detected in an original lane relative to the host vehicle. The steering maneuver is prevented when no second target vehicle is detected in the original lane of the host vehicle.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Parking control apparatus and parking control method

Номер: US20150032319A1
Автор: Sung Ju Kim
Принадлежит: Mando Corp

The present invention relates to a parking control apparatus and a parking control method. In particular, the present invention relates to a parking control apparatus and a parking control method in which an initial parking space searched while a vehicle is moved is corrected into a final parking space in a space recognition correction section based on a situation at the time of searching by the vehicle and information for an obstacle which is acquired while the vehicle moves along a first parking route, the position of the vehicle is changed, and then a final parking route is calculated.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048500A1

A driving support apparatus according to the invention estimates the position of a moving body by controlling a position estimation unit when the tracking-target moving body leaves a first area or a second area to enter a blind spot area and detects the position of the moving body by controlling a position detection unit when the moving body leaves the blind spot area to enter the first area or the second area. In this manner, the trajectory of the tracking-target moving body is calculated so that the trajectory of the moving body detected in the first area or the second area and the trajectory of the moving body estimated in the blind spot area are continuous to each other and driving support is executed based on the calculated trajectory of the tracking-target moving body. 1. A driving support apparatus provided on a subject vehicle , the driving support apparatus comprising:{'claim-text': 'calculate a trajectory of a tracking-target moving body, so that a trajectory of the tracking-target moving body detected in at least one of a first area and a second area and a trajectory of the tracking-target moving body estimated in a blind spot area are continuous to each other, by estimating a position of the tracking-target moving body when the tracking-target moving body leaves one of the first area and the second area and enters the blind spot area and by detecting the position of the tracking-target moving body when the tracking-target moving body leaves the blind spot area and enters the other one of the first area and the second area, determine that the tracking-target moving body leaves the second area and enters the blind spot area using a blind spot entrance confirmation area, the blind spot entrance confirmation area being set in advance, being set to have a predetermined range, and being situated on a rear side of the subject vehicle with respect to the blind spot area, and', '#text': 'processing circuitry configured to:'}execute driving support based on the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Event detection system for analyzing and storing real-time other-user vehicle speed and distance

Номер: US20220048502A1
Автор: Younghun Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

A vehicle event occurrence detection system of the present invention calculates a speed and a separation distance of other vehicle, displays information of one or two vehicles with a possibility of an accident on a screen in real time, and transmits it to an external device. Accordingly, when an actual accident occurs, an exact cause of the accident can be identified based on information before and after the accident. Since the information of the vehicles is stored in a storage, it can be reproduced and checked later.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Enhanced threat assessment

Номер: US20220048505A1

A computer includes a processor and a memory, the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to, in a host vehicle, determine a threat number for a first target vehicle based on data received from the first target vehicle indicating at least one of a position, speed, or route history of the first target vehicle, identify a second target vehicle based on data collected with one or more host vehicle sensors when the threat number of the first target vehicle exceeds a threshold, determine that the first target vehicle and the second target vehicle are not a same vehicle, and, then, upon determining that the first target vehicle and the second target vehicle are not the same vehicle and that at least one of (a) a barrier is detected between the host vehicle and the first target vehicle or (b) that a threat number of the second target vehicle exceeds a second threshold, suppress a collision avoidance action.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048518A1

Systems and methods for improving vehicular safety are disclosed. According to embodiments, an electronic device may collect or accumulate various sensor data associated with operation of a vehicle by an individual, including image data, telematics data, and/or data indicative of a condition of the individual. The electronic device may analyze the sensor data to determine whether the individual is distracted and whether the vehicle is approaching a location that may be prone to incidents. The electronic device may accordingly generate and present a notification to the individual to mitigate any posed risks. 1. A computer-implemented method of preventing vehicular incidents , the method comprising:accumulating, by one or more processors from a set of sensors, a set of sensor data during operation of a vehicle, the set of sensor data comprising at least location data and braking data;{'claim-text': ['determining, from the location data, that the vehicle is located within a threshold distance of a location that is susceptible to incidents, and', 'determining, from at least the braking data, that there is an elevated risk of incident associated with the operation of the vehicle near the location;'], '#text': 'analyzing, by the one or more processors, the set of sensor data, including:'}generating, by the one or more processors, a notification indicating that there is the elevated risk of incident; andpresenting the notification via a user interface of an electronic device.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein accumulating claim 1 , from the set of sensors claim 1 , the set of sensor data during the operation of the vehicle comprises:collecting, from the set of sensors, a set of telematics data associated with the operation of the vehicle.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:retrieving, from a server, information associated with the location; anddetermining, based on the information, that the location is susceptible to ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Manual shifting control system and method for multi-speed automatic transmission

Номер: US20180031119A1
Принадлежит: Allison Transmission Inc

Systems and methods for managing shift changes of a multi-speed automatic transmission of a vehicle are provided. The multi-speed automatic transmission being capable of establishing a plurality of forward speed ratios. The vehicle may include a transmission shift selector having at least one operator selectable shift request input to request a shift change of the multi-speed automatic transmission. A control circuit operatively coupled to the multi-speed automatic transmission is provided which shifts the multi-speed automatic transmission from a first forward speed ratio to a second forward speed ratio in response to shift criteria. The shift criteria may be based on a plurality of operational characteristics related to the vehicle.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031189A1
Автор: Patana Tero J.

Methods, systems, and computer program products are described herein for automatic collision avoidance and/or bodily injury mitigation. For example, a vehicle determines the optimal action(s) to take to avoid a collision or reduce the bodily injury of occupant(s) of the vehicle in the event that the vehicle determines that the collision is unavoidable. The vehicle performs action(s) that reduce the change of momentum experienced by occupant(s) thereof as a result of the collision. The actions are based on various characteristics of the vehicles that are to be involved in the collision. Such actions may comprise accelerating into and causing a collision with vehicle(s) in front of the vehicle at or around the same time at which a further vehicle rear-ends the vehicle. The system processes several scenarios in real-time (taking into changes of velocity of the vehicles involved) to determine the scenario that best mitigates the change of momentum. 1. A method for reducing a change of momentum to be experienced by one or more occupants of a first vehicle during a collision with a second vehicle , comprising:receiving sensor data from one or more sensors of the first vehicle;determining a first plurality of characteristics of the second vehicle based at least in part on the sensor data and a second plurality of characteristics of the first vehicle;determining that a collision is to occur between the first vehicle and the second vehicle based at least in part on the first plurality of characteristics and the second plurality of characteristics;determining one or more actions to be performed by the first vehicle that reduce the change of momentum to be experienced by the one or more occupants of the first vehicle as a result of the collision based at least in part on the first plurality of characteristics and the second plurality of characteristics; andproviding one or more control signals to one or more control components of the first vehicle that cause the first vehicle ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle control device and vehicle control method

Номер: US20140117651A1
Автор: Rumi Enzaki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle control device and a vehicle control method of an embodiment of the present invention automatically bring a vehicle to a halt by operating a brake ( 16 ). Thereafter, when the vehicle stops, a shift potion is switched to a parking position by the control of a shift position actuator ( 17 ). This makes it possible to keep the vehicle stopping without any difficulty, and to prevent the vehicle from moving again.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and System to Assess Abnormal Driving Behaviour of Vehicles Travelling on Road

Номер: US20160035220A1

The invention concerns a method for assessment of abnormal driving behaviour to improve driving safety of a vehicle travelling on a road, using position information and motion information about said vehicle and/or at least one neighbouring vehicle travelling in the proximity of said vehicle on said road. The method comprises a step of obtaining and memorizing ( 40, 42 ) a plurality of position information items and motion information items, each information item corresponding to a measuring time instant of an observation time interval and a step of obtaining ( 44 ) at least one estimate of the reference value for said vehicle and/or its at least one neighbouring vehicles travelling on said road during the observation time interval. Next, the sets of deviation values are computed ( 46 ), each deviation value being computed using a memorized information item corresponding to a measuring time instant and the at least one estimate of the reference value and the quantities of deviation are obtained from the corresponding sets of deviation values. If a quantity of deviation among said quantities of deviation is greater than a predetermined threshold for the corresponding driving behaviour, the method implements ( 52 ) a measure for safety improvement.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031757A1
Автор: BOULTON Adam John

A method of processing data for a driving automation system, the method comprising steps of: obtaining sound data from a microphone of an autonomous vehicle; processing the sound data to obtain a sound characteristic; and updating a context of the autonomous vehicle based on the sound characteristic. 1. A method of processing data for a driving automation system , the method comprising steps of:obtaining sound data from a microphone of an autonomous vehicle;processing the sound data to obtain a sound characteristic; andupdating a context of the autonomous vehicle based on the sound characteristic.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sound characteristic is a type of sound and the processing comprises:processing the sound data to obtain a sound pattern; andcomparing the sound pattern with at least one sound signature to determine a type of sound corresponding to the sound pattern, the at least one sound signature being indicative of a respective type of sound,and wherein the updating is based on the type of sound.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sound data comprises a background sound of an external environment of the autonomous vehicle and the sound pattern claim 2 , and wherein the sound pattern comprises an anomaly in the background sound.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein processing the sound data comprises frequency analysis of the sound data within a time window of a pre-set duration to obtain a sound pattern comprising an indication of at least one sound frequency present within the time window and wherein each said sound signature comprises an indication of at least one respective sound frequency present within a respective time window.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein processing the sound data additionally comprises frequency analysis of the sound data to determine a direction and a speed of a source of the sound pattern.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sound data comprises a background sound of an external environment of the autonomous ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031794A1

A method for monitoring the transmission of a safety audio message to the occupants of the passenger compartment of a vehicle. The method including transmitting an audio signal comprising the safety audio message and, mixed with said safety audio message, an identification signal including an identification digital audio message that is looped and frequency modulated, recording the ambient sound in the passenger compartment using a microphone, filtering and demodulating the signal to reconstruct the identification signal, analyzing the reconstructed identification signal to determine: whether the unique identifier corresponding to the transmitted safety audio message is found therein, and whether the time for which the identification signal was transmitted without interruption is indeed equal to the known duration of the safety audio signal, determining that the safety audio message has or has not been correctly transmitted in its entirety depending on the analyzing step. 1. A method for monitoring the transmission of a safety audio message via at least one loudspeaker located onboard a vehicle to the occupants of the passenger compartment of said vehicle , said safety audio message having a known duration , said loudspeaker having a maximum frequency , said method comprising:transmitting an audio signal comprising the safety audio message and, mixed with said safety audio message, an identification signal comprising an identification digital audio message that is looped and frequency modulated, said identification signal having a frequency comprised between 20 kHz and a frequency ceiling lower than a maximum frequency of said loudspeaker, the identification digital audio message comprising a unique identifier associated with said safety audio message,recording ambient sound in the passenger compartment by microphone,filtering the recorded signal by bandpass filter, so as to obtain a filtered signal having frequencies comprised between 20 kHz and a frequency ceiling ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033220A1

A method and system for detecting an accident of a vehicle, the method including: receiving a movement dataset collected at least at one of a location sensor and a motion sensor arranged within the vehicle, during a time period of movement of the vehicle, extracting a set of movement features associated with at least one of a position, a velocity, and an acceleration characterizing the movement of the vehicle during the time period, detecting a vehicular accident event from processing the set of movement features with an accident detection model, and in response to detecting the vehicular accident event, automatically initiating an accident response action. 1. A system for determining a vehicular accident associated with first user and a vehicle , the system comprising:a first application executing on a first device associated with the first user, wherein the first application is operable to collect a first movement dataset sampled from at least one of a first motion sensor and a first location sensor of the first device; receive a traffic dataset describing traffic conditions proximal a vehicle location extracted from the first movement dataset, wherein the traffic conditions comprise at least one of: a traffic level, a traffic law, and accident data;', 'retrieve an accident detection model; and', 'determine a vehicular accident event with the accident detection model, the traffic dataset, and the first movement dataset., 'an accident detection processing system operable to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the accident detection processing system is operable to:extract a vehicle motion characteristic from the first movement dataset, wherein the vehicle motion characteristic describes movement of the vehicle; anddetect satisfaction of a threshold condition based on the vehicle motion characteristic and the traffic dataset, wherein retrieval of the accident detection model and determination of the vehicular accident event are in response to detection of the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Collision avoidance based on centralized coordination of vehicle operations

Номер: US20220051565A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A computer-implemented method performed by a centralized coordinated vehicle guidance system may include: obtaining analytics data for a plurality of vehicles or objects centrally communicating with or detected by the centralized coordinated vehicle guidance system; detecting, based on the analytics data, a collision event within one or more vehicle-object pairs; determining trajectory adjustment information for one or more vehicle in the vehicle-object pairs involved in the collision event; and outputting the trajectory adjustment information to cause the vehicle to modify its trajectory.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051567A1

A context-aware safety device includes a wireless transceiver, a memory storing an application, and one or more processors. When executing the application, the one or more processors are configured to determine a context of a safety device, configure an alert based on the determined context, and broadcast the configured alert using the wireless transceiver. 1. A safety device , comprising:a wireless transceiver;a memory storing an application; and{'claim-text': ['determine a context of a safety device;', 'configure an alert based on the determined context; and', 'broadcast the configured alert using the wireless transceiver.'], '#text': 'one or more processors that, when executing the application, are configured to:'}2. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the safety device is a wearable device.3. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the safety device is included in another electronic device.4. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the configured alert is broadcast to one or more autonomous vehicles or a traffic control system.5. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to:determine a position of the safety device; andinclude the position of the safety device in the alert.6. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein to determine the context of the safety device claim 1 , the one or more processors are configured to determine whether a position of the safety device is within a predetermined distance of a roadway or other area where an autonomous vehicle is likely to be operated.7. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein to determine the context of the safety device claim 1 , the one or more processors are configured to determine whether a position of the safety device is within a roadway or other area where an autonomous vehicle is likely to be operated.8. The safety device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to:determine a position and a velocity of the safety device;include a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Adaptation of an evaluable scanning area of sensors and adapted evaluation of sensor data

Номер: US20200033863A1

A method, in particular for a vehicle control, for adapting an evaluable scanning area of sensors and for evaluating sensor data as a function of a driving situation, a hazardous situation being detected by evaluating the sensor data with the aid of at least one control unit, the control unit being switched, due to the detection of the hazardous situation, into a hazard mode which differs from a normal mode, a scanning area of the sensors being reduced and/or the sensor data utilized for an evaluation being limited in the hazard mode with the aid of the control unit, and, based on the limited scanning area and/or the limited sensor data utilized for the evaluation, a trajectory is recalculated or a response is triggered by the control unit in order to avoid the hazardous situation.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Pedestrian determination method and determination device

Номер: US20190034742A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A host vehicle is provided with external environment recognition sensors that acquire forward information to determine that a pedestrian is present in a forward position of the host vehicle using the external environment recognition sensors. In this pedestrian determination method, a front camera and a millimeter wave radar are provided as the external environment recognition sensors. When a pedestrian candidate is detected in a forward position of the host vehicle based on an image signal from the front camera, a matching area is set with the position of the detected pedestrian candidate as the center point. When the position of the object that is closest to the pedestrian candidate from among the plurality of objects detected by reflected waves from the millimeter wave radar is within the matching area thereby establishing a match, the pedestrian candidate is determined to be a pedestrian.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190034744A1

An apparatus detecting driving incapability state of a driver includes: a head detection portion that detects a head of the driver based on an image of a driver's seat captured by an imaging device mounted on a vehicle; and a shake detection portion that detects the driver is incapable of driving when an amplitude of a shake of the head detected by the head detection portion is smaller than a first amplitude or larger than a second amplitude, which is larger than the first amplitude, before a shake determination time elapses after external force has been applied to the vehicle during travel of the vehicle. 1. An apparatus detecting driving incapability state of a driver , the apparatus comprising:a head detection portion that detects a head of a driver based on an image of a driver's seat captured by an imaging device mounted on a vehicle; anda shake detection portion that detects the driver is incapable of driving when the head detected by the head detection portion is inclined in a direction of external force for a time longer than a return determination time after the external force has been applied to the vehicle during travel of the vehicle.2. The apparatus detecting driving incapability state of the driver according to claim 1 , wherein:the shake detection portion detects the driver is incapable of driving on condition that a steering wheel of the vehicle is not operated for a time longer than an operation determination time.3. The apparatus detecting driving incapability state of the driver according to claim 1 , further comprising:a facial expression detection portion that detects an eye outline and a black eye region of the driver based on the image;a white eye exposure calculation portion that calculates exposure of white of each eye of the driver based on the eye outline and the black eye region detected by the facial expression detection portion; anda white eye state detection portion that detects the driver is incapable of driving when the exposure of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle Travel Control Apparatus

Номер: US20150039156A1
Автор: Shibata Takeo

A vehicle travel control apparatus that can stop a subject vehicle at an optimum position, and at a subsequent restart time, suitably avoid an obstacle without imposing a burden on a driver is provided. 1. A vehicle travel control apparatus that travels on the basis of a predetermined set speed , and controls a travel of a subject vehicle according to a situation around the subject vehicle , the travel control apparatus comprising:a road width detection unit that detects a road width of a subject vehicle travel road in front of the subject vehicle;an obstacle detection unit that detects a position of an obstacle on the subject vehicle travel road;an oncoming vehicle detection unit that detects a position of an oncoming vehicle on the subject vehicle travel road;a width detection unit that detects widths of the detected obstacle and the detected oncoming vehicle in a direction of the road width;a subject vehicle travel side virtual lane calculation unit that calculates a subject vehicle travel side virtual lane on which the subject vehicle can travel on the subject vehicle travel side, on the basis of the road width, the position and the width of the obstacle, and the subject vehicle speed;an oncoming vehicle travel side virtual lane calculation unit that calculates an oncoming vehicle travel side virtual lane on which the subject vehicle can travel on the oncoming vehicle travel side, on the basis of the road width, the position and the width of the obstacle, the subject vehicle speed, and the position, the width, and the speed of the oncoming vehicle; anda residual road width calculation unit that calculates the residual road width of the subject vehicle travel road on the basis of the road width, the subject vehicle travel side virtual lane, and the oncoming vehicle travel side virtual lane,wherein when a point at which the calculated residual road width is smaller than a given value is present, a travel of the subject vehicle stops at a position in front of the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

In-vehicle camera and vehicle control system

Номер: US20160039358A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An in-vehicle camera is provide which has a case and a lens, and which is attached in a vehicle interior so that the lens is exposed at a top face of the case and the top face is opposed to a windshield or another window. The top face has an angular shape bent at a ridge line passing through the top face. The lens is positioned in the vicinity of the ridge line. The in-vehicle camera includes a hood attached to a front portion of the case, the front portion being positioned at a front side of the case with respect to the lens.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039410A1
Автор: Kaminade Takuya

A driving support device for a host vehicle that travels on a first road and makes a direction change, at a junction between the first road and a second road, by turning right or left is provided. The driving support device includes: a front detection unit configured to detect an object in front of the host vehicle; a recognition unit configured to recognize a state of another vehicle that travels on the second road toward the junction and that follows the host vehicle after the host vehicle completes the direction change, based on a detection result of the front detection unit obtained before or during the direction change; and a support determination unit configured to determine whether the host vehicle needs a rear-side support in relation to the state of the other vehicle, based on a recognition result of the recognition unit. 1. A driving support device for a host vehicle that travels on a first road and makes a direction change , at a junction between the first road and a second road , by turning right or left to enter the second road from the first road , the driving support device comprising:a front detection unit configured to detect an object in front of the host vehicle;a recognition unit configured to recognize a state of another vehicle that travels on the second road toward the junction and that follows the host vehicle as a following vehicle after the host vehicle completes the direction change, based on a detection result of the front detection unit obtained before or during the direction change; anda support determination unit configured to determine whether the host vehicle needs a rear-side support in relation to the state of the other vehicle, based on a recognition result of the recognition unit.2. The driving support device according to claim 1 , further comprising a rear detection unit configured to detect an object in a rear of the host vehicle claim 1 , wherein the recognition unit is configured to recognize the state of the other vehicle ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200034683A1

Methods, systems, apparatuses, and computer program products are provided for altering the behavior of an electronic personal assistant based on a situation associated with a mobile device. A situation is sensed with a plurality of sensors to generate sensor data. A situation score is calculated based on the sensor data. Behavior of an electronic personal assistant is altered based on the calculated situation score. In one aspect, the situation is a driving situation in which a driver drives a vehicle on a roadway. In such case, a driving situation score is calculated based on the sensor data, and behavior of the electronic personal assistant is altered based on the calculated driving situation score, such as suspending interactions by the electronic personal assistant with the driver to avoid the driver being distracted. 1. At least one computing device , comprising:at least one processor; and sensing a situation with a plurality of sensors to generate sensor data;', 'calculating a situation score based on the sensor data; and', 'performing an action by an electronic personal assistant based on the calculated situation score., 'a memory that stores program code configured to be executed by the at least one processor to perform operations, the operations including2. The at least one computing device of claim 1 , wherein said performing comprises:providing, by the electronic personal assistant, information to a user of the at least one computing device.3. The at least one computing device of claim 1 , wherein said providing claim 1 , by the electronic personal assistant claim 1 , information to a user of the at least one computing device claim 1 , comprises at least one of:providing directions to the user;displaying a message to the user;showing a video to the user; orplaying music to the user.5. The at least one computing device of claim 4 , wherein said performing comprises:providing at least one of verbal or visual assistance to the driver.6. The at least one ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037223A1

Autonomous driving assistance systems, methods, and programs acquire a present location of a vehicle, acquire a road shape of a road where the vehicle travels, and set, on the basis of the present location of the vehicle and the road shape of the road where the vehicle travels, control content of first autonomous driving control that causes the vehicle to travel without deviating from a lane and second autonomous driving control that controls a speed of the vehicle in accordance with the road shape. The systems, methods, and programs perform the first autonomous driving control or the second autonomous driving control in compliance with the set control content, detect a steering operation by a driver of the vehicle, and continue or stop the first autonomous driving control or the second autonomous driving control on the basis of the detected steering operation, the present location, and the road shape. 1. An autonomous driving assistance system comprising: acquire a present location of a vehicle;', 'acquire a road shape of a road where the vehicle travels;', 'set, on the basis of the present location of the vehicle and the road shape of the road where the vehicle travels, control content of first autonomous driving control that causes the vehicle to travel without deviating from a lane and second autonomous driving control that controls a speed of the vehicle in accordance with the road shape;', 'perform the first autonomous driving control or the second autonomous driving control in compliance with the set control content;', 'detect a steering operation by a driver of the vehicle; and', 'continue or stop the first autonomous driving control or the second autonomous driving control being performed in the vehicle, on the basis of the detected steering operation, the present location of the vehicle, and the road shape of the road where the vehicle travels., 'a processor programmed to2. The autonomous driving assistance system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Device

Номер: US20180037262A1
Автор: Imai Masato

This vehicle control device is provided with: an environment recognition unit for recognizing the surrounding environment of a vehicle; a parking route generation unit for generating a travel route to a parking position which is determined on the basis of the recognized surrounding environment; a signal input unit to which a parking command signal is input; and a travel control unit for causing the vehicle to travel along the travel route to the parking position on the basis of the input parking command signal. The vehicle control device drives the vehicle to travel to the parking position for automatic parking while behaving differently depending on whether the parking command signal input to the signal input unit is a first parking command signal or a second parking command signal. 1. A vehicle control device , comprising:an environment recognition unit that recognizes a surrounding environment of a vehicle;a parking route generation unit that generates a travel route to a parking position determined on the basis of the surrounding environment that is recognized;a signal input unit to which a parking command signal is input; anda travel control unit that allows the vehicle to travel to the parking position along the travel route on the basis of the parking command signal that is input,wherein the vehicle is driven to perform automatic parking travel to the parking position in a behavior different between a situation in which the parking command signal input to the signal input unit is a first parking command signal and a situation in which the parking command signal input to the signal input unit is a second parking command signal.2. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a passenger recognition unit that recognizes presence or absence of a passenger in a vehicle,wherein in a case where it is determined by the passenger recognition unit that the passenger is not present, the parking command signal is recognized as the first parking ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034886A1
Автор: LANGE Armin, Murray Blake

Methods and systems for identifying geographic locations where a vehicle carriage of a vehicle may be scraped. The system includes a transceiver of the vehicle configured to receive scraping location data indicating one or more scraping locations, each scraping location being a geographic location where a risk of scraping the vehicle carriage exists. The system also includes a location sensor configured to detect a current location of the vehicle. The system also includes an electronic control unit (ECU) of the vehicle configured to determine whether the vehicle is approaching a scraping location of the one or more scraping locations based on the current location of the vehicle and the scraping location data. The system also includes an input/output device configured to provide a notification that the vehicle is approaching the scraping location of the one or more scraping locations. 1. A system for identifying geographic locations where a vehicle carriage of a vehicle may be scraped , the system comprising:a transceiver of the vehicle configured to receive scraping location data indicating one or more scraping locations, each scraping location being a geographic location where a risk of scraping the vehicle carriage exists;a location sensor configured to detect a current location of the vehicle;an electronic control unit (ECU) of the vehicle configured to determine whether the vehicle is approaching a scraping location of the one or more scraping locations based on the current location of the vehicle and the scraping location data; andan input/output device configured to provide a notification that the vehicle is approaching the scraping location of the one or more scraping locations.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor array having a plurality of sensors configured to detect vehicle telemetry data as the vehicle is traversing a road and configured to detect when a scraping location has been traversed by the vehicle claim 1 , and wherein the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Platooning controller, system including the same, and method thereof

Номер: US20210035451A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A platooning controller, a vehicle system including the same, and a method thereof are provided. The platooning controller includes a processor that identifies information about outside vehicles around a platooning line based on sensing information of platooning vehicles, determines whether views of the outside vehicles are obstructed by the platooning line based on the information about the outside vehicles, controls the platooning vehicles such that the views of the outside vehicles are obtained, and performs collision avoidance control and a storage storing the sensing information or a result of determination of whether a view is obstructed.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Following-start control apparatus

Номер: US20180038952A1
Автор: Takafumi SHOKONJI
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

A following-start control apparatus includes a following-start controller that causes an own vehicle to so start as to follow a preceding vehicle, when start of the preceding vehicle is detected by a preceding vehicle start detector. The following-start controller includes a road surface gradient information setter that sets an estimated gradient of a road surface, on a basis of traveling environment information obtained by a traveling environment information obtaining unit, a first delay time setter that sets, on a basis of the estimated gradient, a first delay time that is set to be longer for a downward slope and set to be shorter for an upward slope as the estimated gradient becomes greater, and a delayed start controller that sets, as a delay time, a time upon so starting the own vehicle as to follow the preceding vehicle, on a basis of the first delay time.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042802A1
Автор: Kim Myung-Woo

A vehicle safety control apparatus using cameras includes a first camera configured to photograph light and shade of a current object during running, a second camera configured to photograph a color of the current object during the running, an image processing unit configured to perform image processing on first current object image data captured by the first camera and second current object image data captured by the second camera, a recognition unit configured to recognize the first and second current object image data on which the image processing unit has performed the image processing, a storage unit configured to cause the recognized data to match preset reference object-specific data and separately store the data matching the preset reference object-specific data; and a control unit configured to receive the recognized data and deliver a storage command to the storage unit. 1. A vehicle safety control apparatus using cameras , comprising:a first camera configured to photograph light and shade of a current object during running;a second camera configured to photograph a color of the current object during the running;an image processing unit configured to perform image processing on first current object image data captured by the first camera and second current object image data captured by the second camera;a recognition unit configured to recognize the first and second current object image data on which the image processing unit has performed the image processing;a storage unit configured to cause the first and second current object image data recognized by the recognition unit to match preset reference object-specific data and separately store the first and second current object image data matching the reference object-specific data; anda control unit configured to receive the first and second current object image data recognized by the recognition unit and deliver a storage command to the storage unit so that the first and second current object image data ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055613A1

Systems and methods can improve passenger safety for an Autonomous Vehicle (AV) based on the integration of sensor data captured by the AV's interior and exterior sensors. The AV can determine passenger occupancy data corresponding to where each passenger is detected within the AV by the interior sensors. The AV can determine multiple sets of one or more driving actions that the AV can perform at a future time. The AV can generate crash impact data corresponding to where each passenger is detected from one or more simulated collisions between the AV and one or more objected detected by the exterior sensors when the AV performs one or more sets of driving actions from among the multiple sets. The AV can determine ranked sets of driving actions based on the passenger occupancy data and the crash impact data. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:determining, by an Autonomous Vehicle (AV), passenger occupancy data corresponding to where each passenger is detected within the AV by one or more interior sensors of the AV;determining, by the AV, multiple sets of one or more driving actions that the AV can perform at a future time;generating, by the AV, crash impact data from one or more simulated collisions between the AV and one or more objects detected by one or more exterior sensors of the AV when the AV performs one or more sets of driving actions from among the multiple sets; anddetermining, by the AV, ranked sets of one or more driving actions from among the multiple sets based on the passenger occupancy data and the crash impact data.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, from the multiple sets, that a collision is unavoidable; andperforming a highest ranking set of driving actions from among the ranked sets.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the crash impact data includes one or more principal directions of force for the one or more simulated collisions.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055648A1
Автор: MAENG Jichan, SHIN Wonho

The present invention relates to an artificial intelligent vehicle, and to a vehicle control device and a control method thereof estimating and recommending a destination of a driver boarded on a vehicle, including: a memory including driving path information of the vehicle, and when an engine of the vehicle is started, among the travel path information, a processor detecting at least one first driving path information based on a location of the vehicle and a time at which the engine is started, calculating an estimated probability for each of the first destinations extracted from each of the first driving path information, and controlling the vehicle so that at least one of the first destinations is output as an estimated destination based on the calculated estimated probability. 1. A vehicle control device for controlling a vehicle , the vehicle control device comprising:a memory including driving path information of the vehicle; andwhen an engine of the vehicle is started,a processor detecting at least one piece of first driving path information among the travel path information based on a location of the vehicle and a time at which the engine is started, calculating an estimated probability for each of the first destinations extracted from each piece of the first driving path information, and controlling the vehicle so that at least one of the first destinations is output as an estimated destination based on the calculated estimated probability.2. The vehicle control device of claim 1 , wherein the processor controls the vehicle so that any one piece of path information according to selections of the driver is output among the output estimated destinations claim 1 , and controls the vehicle so that a result of re-estimating a destination according to a result of comparing the driving path of the vehicle to the path according to the output path information is output.3. The vehicle control device of claim 2 , wherein the processor performs re-estimation of the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055659A1
Автор: Zhang Yu

Systems, methods, and other embodiments described herein relate to providing cooperative control according to system conditions of a vehicle. In one embodiment, a method includes determining a system condition associated with operation of functions associated with an assistance system within an ego vehicle. The system condition is based, at least in part, on environmental conditions around the ego vehicle. The method includes defining available modes according to which control modes of the ego vehicle can operate with the system condition. The method includes controlling the ego vehicle according to a selected mode of the available modes. 1. A monitoring system , comprising:one or more processors; anda memory communicably coupled to the one or more processors and storing:an interface module including instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors todetermine a system condition associated with operation of functions associated with an assistance system within an ego vehicle, the system condition being based, at least in part, on environmental conditions around the ego vehicle;define available modes according to which control modes of the ego vehicle can operate with the system condition; andcontrol the ego vehicle according to a selected mode of the available modes.2. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the interface module includes instructions to control the ego vehicle according to the selected mode including instructions to claim 1 , in response to receiving a selection of the selected mode claim 1 , provide a control input to the ego vehicle to control a path of the ego vehicle according to the selected mode claim 1 , and display a mode interface to an operator of the ego vehicle associated with the selected mode.3. The monitoring system of claim 2 , wherein the interface module includes instructions to provide the control input including instructions to provide lateral controls to cause the ego vehicle to ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Multi-Model Switching On a Collision Mitigation System

Номер: US20190039609A1

Systems and methods for controlling an autonomous vehicle are provided. In one example embodiment, a computer-implemented method includes receiving data indicative of an operating mode of the vehicle, wherein the vehicle is configured to operate in a plurality of operating modes. The method includes determining one or more response characteristics of the vehicle based at least in part on the operating mode of the vehicle, each response characteristic indicating how the vehicle responds to a potential collision. The method includes controlling the vehicle based at least in part on the one or more response characteristics. 120-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method for controlling an autonomous vehicle having a plurality of operating modes , the method comprising:receiving, by a computing system comprising one or more computing devices, data indicative of a first operating mode from the plurality of operating modes of the autonomous vehicle;determining, by the computing system and at least in part on the first operating mode of the autonomous vehicle, one or more first control signals for a collision mitigation system onboard the autonomous vehicle, the one or more first control signals representing one or more response characteristics indicative of how the autonomous vehicle responds to a potential collision; andissuing, by the computing system, the one or more first control signals to control the autonomous vehicle via the collision mitigation system in accordance with the one or more response characteristics.22. The computer-implemented method of claim 21 , the method further comprising:detecting, by the computing system via the collision mitigation system, a potential collision between the autonomous vehicle and an object within a surrounding environment of the autonomous vehicle;controlling, by the computing system via the collision mitigation system, the autonomous vehicle based at least in part on the one or more response characteristics to avoid the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039509A1

[Abstract] A damage reduction device according to an embodiment of the present technology includes an input unit, a prediction unit, a recognition unit, and a determination unit. The input unit inputs status data regarding a status in a moving direction of a moving body apparatus. The prediction unit predicts a collision with an object in the moving direction on the basis of the status data. The recognition unit recognizes whether the object includes a person. The determination unit determines, when the collision with the object is predicted and it is recognized that the object includes a person, a steering direction of the moving body apparatus in which a collision with the person is avoidable, on the basis of the status data. 1. A damage reduction device , comprising:an input unit that inputs status data regarding a status in a moving direction of a moving body apparatus;a prediction unit that predicts a collision with an object in the moving direction on the basis of the status data;a recognition unit that recognizes whether the object includes a person; anda determination unit that determines, when the collision with the object is predicted and it is recognized that the object includes a person, a steering direction of the moving body apparatus in which a collision with the person is avoidable, on the basis of the status data.2. The damage reduction device according to claim 1 , whereinthe determination unit determines, when it is predicted that a collision with the object other than the person is unavoidable, a collision mode of the moving body apparatus to the object on the basis of a type of the object.3. The damage reduction device according to claim 2 , whereinthe determination unit determines, when the object is recognized as a manned moving body, a target collision site of the object, with which the moving body apparatus is to collide, and determines, when the object is recognized as an unmanned structure, a target collision site of the moving body ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039535A1

A method for assisting a driver during the deactivation of a highly automated driving mode of a vehicle. In this context, a takeover signal, which represents a takeover of control of the vehicle by the driver, and auxiliary information are read in. The auxiliary information includes image information representing the driver and/or vehicle-control information representing a control of the vehicle by the driver. In a further step, a degree of attentiveness of the driver is determined, using the takeover signal and the auxiliary information. Finally, using the degree of attentiveness, an assistance signal is output to assist the driver during the takeover of control, by activating at least one driver-assistance function of the vehicle. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for assisting a driver during the deactivation of a highly automated driving mode of a vehicle , the method comprising:reading in a takeover signal which represents a takeover of control of the vehicle by the driver, and auxiliary information which includes: (i) image information representing the driver and/or (ii) vehicle-control information representing a control of the vehicle by the driver;determining a degree of attentiveness of the driver using the takeover signal and the auxiliary information; andoutputting an assistance signal using the degree of attentiveness, to assist the driver during the takeover of control, by activating at least one driver-assistance function of the vehicle.11. The method as recited in claim 10 , wherein in the determining step claim 10 , a viewing behavior of the driver is analyzed using the image information to determine the degree of attentiveness.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein in the reading in step claim 11 , driving-situation information representing a driving situation of the vehicle is read in claim 11 , the viewing behavior being evaluated in the determining step using the driving-situation information to determine the degree of attentiveness.13. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057522A1

Diverse applications from particle physics experiments to lidar are driving cost and current reduction in giga-hertz sampling rate high-resolution data conversion. Multiple imagers captures a single pixel of data and require processing at very high speed. High-bandwidth high-rate signal sampling, analog-to-digital conversion, and transfer of large amounts of data to a digital data acquisition block are required in such systems. Dynamic range, power consumption, and transfer of high-speed, high-bit width data are key implementation challenges. Data acquisition architectures optimized for specific requirements of such systems may facilitate system implementation and reduce overall system cost. 1. A high-dynamic range data acquisition system , comprising:a sensor that emits sensor signals in response to detecting a particle collision or a reflected laser pulse;a first channel coupled to the sensor for processing the sensor signals;a first amplifier coupled to the sensor for amplifying the sensor signals;a second channel coupled to the first amplifier for processing the sensor signals after amplification by the first amplifier;a digital signal processor processes output signals from the first channel and the second channel, a digital signal processor output for outputting digital data signals representing the sensor signals detected during an observation period;a peak threshold filter that identifies a selected channel that has a highest signal amplitude that is below a predetermined Peak Threshold amplitude from the first channel and the second channel, wherein the digital data output signals processed by the digital signal processor only include the amplified signals from the selected channel; anda digital data acquisition block for storing the digital data output signals from the digital signal processor.2. The high-dynamic range data acquisition of further comprising:a second amplifier coupled to the first amplifier for amplifying the sensor signals after ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Robotic Golf Caddy

Номер: US20190041848A1

A autonomous robotic golf caddy which is capable of following a portable receiver at a pre-determined distance, and which is capable of sensing a potential impending collision with an object in its path and stop prior to said potential impending collision. 117-. (canceled)18. An autonomous golf caddy including:a vehicle frame and a housing connected to said vehicle frame; said housing having a bag support and one or more of an electronic display, a smart charger and/or a smart device communication arrangement; a rear surface of said bag support configured to support a portion of the golf bag when the golf bag is loaded on said housing; said smart device charger configured to a) charge a smart device, b) enable said smart device to receive data from said golf caddy, and/or c) enable said smart device to send data to said golf caddy; said smart device communication arrangement configured to communicate with a smart device located remotely from said golf caddy; said electronic display configured to a) provide information to a user, b) provide information about said golf caddy, c) allow the user to enter information, d) allow program information to be entered for operation of the golf caddy, and/or e) allow setting information to be entered for operation of the golf caddy;a drive mechanism connected to said vehicle frame, said drive mechanism configured to move said golf caddy; and,a collision avoidance/navigation arrangement in communication with a processor system, said collision avoidance/navigation arrangement including one or more sensors that are configured to detect objects about said golf caddy, said collision avoidance/navigation arrangement configured to send information to said processor system so that such information can be used to cause said golf caddy to avoid collision or contact with said detected objects.19. The autonomous golf caddy as defined in claim 18 , wherein at least one of said sensors are selected from the group consisting of an ultra-wide ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043768A1
Автор: PROKHOROV Danil V.

An autonomous vehicle may operate in an environment in which there is an unexpected dynamic object. The autonomous vehicle can detect the dynamic object. The dynamic object can have an associated movement. The movement of the dynamic object can be tracked. The movement of the dynamic object can be classified as being one ballistic or non-ballistic. It can be determined whether the dynamic object is on a collision course with the autonomous vehicle. Responsive to determining that the dynamic object is on a collision course with the autonomous vehicle, a driving maneuver for the autonomous vehicle can be determined. The driving maneuver can be based at least in part on the movement of the dynamic object. The autonomous vehicle can be caused to implement the determined driving maneuver. 1. A method of operating an autonomous vehicle relative to unexpected dynamic objects in an external environment , the method comprising:detecting a dynamic object in the external environment of the autonomous vehicle, the dynamic object having an associated movement;tracking the movement of the dynamic object;classifying the movement of the dynamic object as one of ballistic or non-ballistic;determining whether the dynamic object is on a collision course with the autonomous vehicle;responsive to determining that the dynamic object is on a collision course with the autonomous vehicle, determining a driving maneuver for the autonomous vehicle based at least in part on the classified movement of the dynamic object; andcausing the autonomous vehicle to implement the determined driving maneuver.2. The method of claim 1 , further including classifying a size of the dynamic object claim 1 , the relative size being classified as one of small or large.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , if the movement of the dynamic object is classified as being ballistic and the size of the dynamic object is classified as being large claim 2 , the determined driving maneuver includes one or more ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043888A1
Автор: WOLF Johannes

A collision avoidance system includes a plurality of cameras disposed at a vehicle, and an electronic control unit that includes an image processor operable to process image data captured by the cameras. A plurality of other sensors sense at least one of rearward and sideward of the equipped vehicle and capture sensor data. The collision avoidance system may determine imminence of collision with the equipped vehicle by another vehicle present exterior the equipped vehicle responsive at least in part to (a) image processing by the image processor of image data captured by a forward-viewing camera, a rearward-viewing camera, a driver side-viewing camera and/or a passenger side-viewing camera, and (b) radar data sensed by the plurality of other sensors, lidar data sensed by at least one lidar sensor of said plurality of other sensors and/or information transmitted to or from the equipped vehicle via a car2car (v2v) communication system. 1. A collision avoidance system suitable for use in a vehicle , said collision avoidance system comprising:a plurality of cameras disposed at a vehicle equipped with said collision avoidance system, each having a field of view exterior of the equipped vehicle;said cameras comprising a forward-viewing camera disposed at the equipped vehicle, said forward-viewing camera having a field of view at least forward of the equipped vehicle;wherein the field of view of said forward-viewing camera at least encompasses (i) a traffic lane the equipped vehicle is travelling along and (ii) at least one traffic lane that is adjacent to the traffic lane the equipped vehicle is traveling along;said cameras comprising a rearward-viewing camera disposed at the equipped vehicle, said rearward-viewing camera having a field of view rearward of the equipped vehicle;wherein the field of view of said rearward-viewing camera encompasses (i) the traffic lane the equipped vehicle is travelling along and (ii) at least one traffic lane that is adjacent to the traffic ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150049195A1

An image processing unit includes a first feature amount storage in which a certain feature amount of a candidate of an object to be recognized in an image is stored, the image being input in a unit of frame from an imager, an image processor including a second feature amount storage in which the certain feature amount is stored when the candidate of the object corresponds to the certain feature amount stored in the first feature amount storage, and a target object detector to detect, on the basis of the second feature amount storage, the candidate of the object as a target object from the image of frames subsequent to a frame including the certain feature amount stored in the second feature amount storage, and when the target object is not detected, to detect the target object on the basis of the first feature amount storage. 1. An image processing unit comprising:a first feature amount storage in which a certain feature amount of a candidate of an object to be recognized in an image is stored, the image being input in a unit of frame from an imager;an image processor including a second feature amount storage in which the certain feature amount is stored when the candidate of the object corresponds to the certain feature amount stored in the first feature amount storage; anda target object detector to detect, on the basis of the second feature amount storage, the candidate of the object as a target object from the image of frames subsequent to a frame including the certain feature amount stored in the second feature amount storage, and when the target object is not detected, to detect the target object on the basis of the first feature amount storage.2. The image processing unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe image processor includes the first feature amount storage;3. The image processing unit according to claim 1 , wherein:the image processor includes a disparity calculator to generate disparity image data on the basis of images input in a unit of frames from ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Driving assistance device and driving assistance method

Номер: US20180046193A1
Принадлежит: Nagoya University NUC, Toyota Motor Corp

A driving assistance device includes a driving situation acquisition unit that acquires driving situations of vehicles that may collide with each other, a driving characteristics acquisition unit that acquires driving characteristics of drivers of the vehicles, a driving action determination unit that determines driving actions that allow the vehicles to avoid collision with each other in the driving situation acquired by the driving situation acquisition unit and that match the driving characteristics acquired by the driving characteristics acquisition unit, and a driving action instruction unit that instructs the vehicles about the driving actions determined by the driving action determination unit.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180047285A1
Автор: Johnson Miles J.

Described herein is an electronic control unit in an autonomous vehicle. The electronic control unit may comprise: a memory; and a processor coupled to the memory. The processor may be configured to: detect a first obstacle; determine first data related to the first obstacle; transmit the first data to a data aggregation service; receive, from the data aggregation service, second data related to a second obstacle; create a notification of the second obstacle; and deliver the notification to an interior of the autonomous vehicle. 1. An electronic control unit in an autonomous vehicle , the electronic control unit comprising:a memory; and detect a first obstacle;', 'determine first data related to the first obstacle;', 'transmit the first data to a data aggregation service;', 'receive, from the data aggregation service, second data related to a second obstacle;', 'create a notification of the second obstacle; and', 'deliver the notification to an interior of the autonomous vehicle., 'a processor coupled to the memory, the processor configured to2. The electronic control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to detect disengagement of an autonomous driving mode in response to encountering the first obstacle.3. The electronic control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to cause the autonomous vehicle to take an action in response to receiving the second data.4. The electronic control unit of claim 3 , wherein the action comprises avoiding the second obstacle.5. The electronic control unit of claim 1 , wherein the first data comprises a location of the first obstacle and a description of the first obstacle.6. A method for informational display in an autonomous vehicle claim 1 , the method comprising:detecting a first obstacle;determining, by an electronic control unit, first data related to the first obstacle;transmitting the first data to a data aggregation service;receiving, by the electronic control unit from the data ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Measurement data evaluation for vehicle-dynamics systems having protection of the intended function

Номер: US20220063601A1

A method for evaluating measurement data that are obtained by a plurality of sensors. The method includes: the measurement data originating from sensors of a first group are processed by a function evaluation module to form a function signal that, when it is supplied to a driving dynamics system of a vehicle, causes the driving dynamics system to carry out a driving task; the measurement data originating from a second group of sensors are processed by at least a first safety evaluation module to form a first safety signal that, when it is supplied to the driving dynamics system, causes the driving dynamics system to prevent a specified undesired event of the vehicle, the second group containing a proper subset of the first group; the function signal is aggregated with the first safety signal to form a control signal that is capable of being outputted to the driving dynamics system.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063651A1

A computer, including a processor and a memory, the memory including instructions to be executed by the processor to calibrate utility functions that determine optimal vehicle actions based on an approximate Nash equilibrium solution for multiple agents by determining a difference between model-predicted future states for the multiple agents to observed states for the multiple agents. The instructions can include further instructions to determine a vehicle path for a vehicle based on the optimal vehicle actions.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and vehicle control method

Номер: US20190047469A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle control system includes a receiver which receives an operation of an occupant of a vehicle and, according to the received operation, changes to any one of a plurality of states including a first state before an operation is received and a second state after the operation is received, a direction indicator which is actuated when the receiver has changed to the second state, and a lane change controller which executes lane change control for changing lanes of the vehicle to other lanes independently of a steering operation of the occupant of the vehicle according to change of the receiver from the first state to the second state, wherein the lane change controller continuously actuates the direction indicator until the execution situation of the lane change control becomes a predetermined situation even after the receiver has changed from the second state to the first state when the lane change control is executed.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047552A1

A driving assistance device includes a travel information acquisition unit, a first information acquisition unit, a second information acquisition unit, a collision determination unit, a driving control unit, a presence determination unit, and an early control unit. When the presence determination unit determines that a moving object is present ahead of the own vehicle in its traveling direction in a case where the moving object is not detected by a detection device which is mounted on the own vehicle, the early control unit performs early control for advancing a timing at which the moving object is detected by the detection device and the driving control unit performs control so that the own vehicle performs avoidance driving action. 1. A driving assistance device comprising:a travel information acquisition unit configured to acquire at least a position and a vehicle speed of an own vehicle as travel information on the own vehicle;a first information acquisition unit configured to acquire, as first movement information on a moving object around the own vehicle, at least a position and a speed of the moving object from a detection device which is mounted on the own vehicle;a second information acquisition unit configured to acquire, as second movement information on the moving object, at least a position and a speed of the moving object from an external device which is provided outside the own vehicle;a collision determination unit configured to determine, on a basis of the travel information acquired by the travel information acquisition unit and the first movement information acquired by the first information acquisition unit, whether the own vehicle is likely to collide with the moving object;a driving control unit configured to control driving of the own vehicle so that the own vehicle performs avoidance driving action, in order to avoid a collision between the own vehicle and the moving object, when the collision determination unit determines that the own ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053573A1
Принадлежит: CARTICA AI LTD

A method for detecting an improperly driven vehicle, that may include detecting, based on information sensed by at least one sensor of a monitoring vehicle, a behavior of a monitored vehicle; determining whether the behavior of the monitored vehicle is an improper behavior; generating, by a processing unit of the monitoring vehicle, an improper vehicle label that comprises a unique vehicle identifier that identifies the monitored vehicle, when the behavior of the monitored vehicle is determined to be improper; and sending the improper vehicle label to at least one shared database accessible to other vehicles 1. A method for detecting an improperly driven vehicle , the method comprises:detecting, based on information sensed by at least one sensor of a monitoring vehicle, a behavior of a monitored vehicle;determining whether the behavior of the monitored vehicle is an improper behavior;generating, by a processing unit of the monitoring vehicle, an improper vehicle label that comprises a unique vehicle identifier that identifies the monitored vehicle, when the behavior of the monitored vehicle is determined to be improper; andsending the improper vehicle label to at least one shared database accessible to other vehicles.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises applying claim 1 , by the processing unit claim 1 , a machine learning process that was trained on vehicle behaviors that led to accidents.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises applying claim 1 , by the processing unit claim 1 , a machine learning process that was trained on vehicle behaviors that led to at least one out of accidents and near accidents.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises applying claim 1 , by the processing unit claim 1 , a rule based process that comprises traffic rules and regulations.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises monitoring a response of a driver of the ...
