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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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04-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708123C2

Изобретение относится к области космонавтики, а именно к средствам перемещения космических аппаратов с поверхности земли в космическое пространство. Устройство для запуска космических ракет содержит средство предварительного подъема ракеты на определенную высоту. Средство подъема выполнено в виде насаженного на цилиндр гибкого газонепроницаемого рукава. Устройство снабжено лифтовым контейнером с ракетой. Контейнер размещен в направляющей башне. Нижняя часть рукава связана с механизмом торможения и с основанием цилиндра. Цилиндр соединен трубопроводами с газогенераторными станциями. Цилиндр содержит отверстия для подачи газа в верхнюю часть рукава. Лифтовый контейнер, содержащийся в верхней части рукава, имеет спускаемый парашют. Достигается сокращение ступеней ракеты. 3 ил.

14-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628033C1

Изобретение относится к грузоподъемным устройствам и может быть использовано в качестве силового домкрата в составе различных грузоподъемных и транспортных машин, в которых необходимо точно фиксировать поднимаемый груз на неограниченное время на любом участке хода домкрата. Домкрат содержит корпус, в котором установлены силовой и управляющий поршни. На штоке управляющего поршня с возможностью вращения установлен винт с конической пятой и несамотормозящейся резьбой, взаимодействующий с силовым штоком. Конической пятой винт через управляющий поршень прижат пружиной к корпусу и таким образом заторможен. На силовом штоке жестко установлен стакан, шлицевым соединением взаимодействующий с корпусом. В шлицевом соединении выполнен паз, в котором установлен сигнальный шток, демпфером связанный с корпусом и взаимодействующий с упорами, выполненными в стакане. Техническим результатом заявленной конструкции домкрата является повышение надежности, упрощение конструкции и расширение функциональных возможностей ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485044C1

Гидравлический домкрат двойного действия с электроприводом включает подъемный гидромеханизм (1, 2), гидронасос (12), бачок для масла (9), маслопровод и электродвигатель (14), где подъемный гидромеханизм, гидронасос и бачок для масла соединены маслопроводом. Приводной механизм установлен между гидронасосом и электродвигателем. Обратный клапан (10) расположен между бачком для масла и гидронасосом. Гидронасос (12) расположен с одной стороны электродвигателя (14), а воздушный насос (15) расположен с другой стороны электродвигателя (14). Приводной механизм выполнен совместно с гидронасосом (15) и электродвигателем (14). Воздушный насос (15) соединен с воздушной трубкой (35), а электродвигатель (14) оборудован механизмом перемещения для управления соединением электродвигателя с воздушным насосом (15) и гидронасосом (12). Воздушный насос (15) присоединен к соединительному основанию другого воздушного насоса, а гидронасос (12) присоединен к соединительному основанию третьего гидронасоса, причем ...

30-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649254C1

Изобретение относится к механизмам для подъема тяжелых грузов. Пневматический домкрат содержит рабочий объем, заключенный в герметичную высокопрочную эластичную оболочку, расположенную внутри конической пружины сжатия, способной при полном сжатии свободно укладываться в виде спирали в одной плоскости и снабженной по краям общими с эластичной оболочкой основаниями. Витки пружины могут иметь любую требуемую форму сечения и конфигурации. В положении своего наибольшего растяжения домкрат имеет вид усеченного конуса, у которого при сжатии поверхность оболочки свободно и равномерно распределяется наружу между витками пружины. Жесткое верхнее основание имеет канавку для надежного контакта с кузовом ТС, а нижнее оборудовано поверхностью, исключающей скольжение. Достигается уменьшение веса и габаритов домкрата. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-12-1992 дата публикации

Hydraulic system for handling heavy workpieces - has pressure limiting valve controlled by variations in load

Номер: DE0004118244A1

The load (70) is raised or lowered by a hydraulic cylinder (60) which is supplied with hydraulic fluid from a pump (4) and is controlled by the alternate opening and closing of the control valves (41,42). The valve (42) is connected to a pressure limiting valve (2) which is in turn connected to the cylinder (60) and controls the cylinder pressure. The valve (41) is connected to a second pressure limiting valve (1) which has a valve head (14) with a conical seating surface. The valve head is actuated by a lever (50) which is mounted on a pivot and has the load cylinder (60) connected to its other end so that the valve is opened or closed by variations in the load (70). USE/ADVANTAGE - Handling heavy workpieces on machine tools. The hydraulic system is self adjusting.

20-10-2011 дата публикации

Mobiles Hebegerät mit elektro-hydraulischem Antrieb

Номер: DE102010015115A1

Es wird ein mobiles Hebegerät (1) mit elektrohydraulischem Antrieb und Positionsregelung des Hydraulikzylinders (7) vorgeschlagen, welche den vereinfachten und ungefährlicheren Einsatz beim Heben schwerer Lasten ermöglichen. Des Weiteren ist es möglich, mehrere Hebegeräte (1) über eine gemeinsame Fernbedienung synchron anzusteuern und wegen der an jedem Hebegerät vorhandenen Positionsregelung sicherzustellen, dass die Last von allen Hebegeräten (1) gleichmäßig angehoben wird.

30-06-1960 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001084597B

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013020493A1

Hier handelt es sich um ein kompfortables Hebegerät, welches dazu gedacht ist am Haus und im Garten Anlegeleitern überflüssig zu machen, indem man sich nach der gewünschten positionierung des wasserbetriebenen Teleskophebers einfach draufsetzt oder draufstellt, den Wasserhahn am Heber aufdreht und nach oben fährt bis die gewünschte Höhe erreicht ist. Hierzu wird der Heber vorher mit dem unter Wasserdruck stehenden Gartenschlauch verbunden. So kann auch z. B. eine 95 jährige Oma bequem die Dachrinne säubern. Zum ablassen öffnet man eifach den Ablaßhahn. und das Wasser fließt durch einen zweiten Schlauch ab. Z. B. in die Regentonne.

14-11-2002 дата публикации

Hydraulic pump unit for lifter for raising load has pump cylinder for pumping hydraulic pressure medium to outlet to which lifting cylinder is connectable

Номер: DE0010122346A1

The hydraulic pump unit (10) for a lifter (9) for raising a load has a pump cylinder (11) for pumping a hydraulic pressure medium (14) to an outlet (15) to which a lifting cylinder is connectable. It has a valve arrangement, with which the pressure medium at the outlet for the lifting cylinder is limited to a predetermined highest value. The hydraulic pump unit has at least one second pump cylinder (12) connected in parallel to the first pump cylinder. A coupling device (13) is provided, with which the first and the at least one second pump cylinder are operable in a coupled state.

01-09-1999 дата публикации

Vehicle jack

Номер: GB0009915271D0

10-05-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in jacks

Номер: GB0000196261A

... 196,261. McBride, J. P. April 11, 1922, [Convention date]. Cramps.-In fluidpressure - actuated jacks, applicable for use as clamps, pistons 17, 19 are disposed on opposite sides of a partition 14 in the cylinder 1C and are connected bv a rod 18. The skirt 16 of the piston 17 takes over a hollow extension 15 of the partition 14, and a spring 29 is placed between the head of this extension and the piston 19. By means of a pump A this is forced from below the partition 14 to its upper side to raise the piston 17. Lowering of the piston is effected by the spring 29 when a valve (not shown) is opened to allow fluid to pass from the upper to the lower side of the partition. A safety valve 32<1> is provided. The lower end of the cylinder is closed by a detachable plate 11 which can be removed to permit the connection of a rod 36, Fig. 3, with the piston 19 when the apparatus is to be used for clamping overlying plates prior to riveting. Specifications 144,351 and 155,206 are referred to.

21-10-2020 дата публикации

Modular boost system for a jack

Номер: GB0002583214A

A modular boost system can be added to a jack to enable greater lift capacity of the jack. One example can involve a jack that is positionable at a well surface for moving a tubing string through a wellbore in a subterranean formation. The jack can include a frame and an adjustable plate that is alternately (i) attachable at a stationary location in the frame for fixing the adjustable plate at the stationary location or (ii) detachable from the stationary location in the frame to enable the adjustable plate to vertically move within the frame. A boost cylinder can be removably coupled to the adjustable plate and a base for selectively supplying an additional lift capability to the jack.

25-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001530332A

... 1530332 Stands W VINTEN Ltd 24 Feb 1977 [13 March 1976] 10168/76 Heading A4H [Also in Division F2] A telescopic support for cameras comprises inner and outer relatively movable columns 2, 1 relative movement of which causes pressurization of the inner column whereby it can be locked in its extended position for supporting a camera on mount 24. Lifting of the inner column 2 causes air in chamber 32 to be expelled into chambers 27, 29 via flap valve 36. Depression of the inner column closes the flap valve 36, produces a partial vacuum in chamber 32 and causes atmospheric air to enter via ball-valve 35, tube 34 and aperture 33. When, after repeated operation, the pressure within chamber 29 is sufficient to support instrument mount 24 at about half stroke of a piston 30 attached to base 4 by cylinder 31, pin 37 is operated to lift ball-valve 35 so that no further pumping takes place. Minimal pressure is then required to lift or raise the inner column to the desired position where it is locked ...

06-11-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in jacks

Номер: GB0000786002A

... 786,002. Fluid pressure jacks. FAVRE, A. Dec. 13, 1955 [Dec. 20, 1954; Nov. 29, 1955], No. 35727/55. Class 78 (3). A fluid pressure jack is supported through resiliently mounted rollers 20 on a rail track 24 along which it is moved by a second doubleacting hydraulic jack (not shown), the piston rod 18 of which is pivoted to the base of the jack at 17. Liquid is forced into the working cylinder 8 by applying pneumatic pressure through a port 6 above the surface of the liquid in reservoir 4. The cylinder communicates with the reservoir through an inlet conduit 7, provided with a non-return valve 9, and through a drain pipe 15 provided with a manually operable valve 14. Lifting head 12 is provided with a resilient plate 25. In a modification (not shown) the jack is provided with a pair of pistons acting on the lifting head. The Specification states that the jack is suitable for supporting and moving ships in dry dock and is capable of remote control.

26-10-1960 дата публикации

Improvements relating to hydraulic loading means for the rollers of printing machines

Номер: GB0000852429A

... 852,429. Printing-machines. MATHER & PLATT Ltd. Dec. 19, 1958 [Dec. 19, 1957], No. 39444/57. Class .100(2) [Also in Group XXIX] Hydraulic loading means for printing rollers of printing machines where the load is applied to the two ends of the printing roller comprises two pistons operating the ends of the roller through piston rods extending through the covers of hydraulic cylinders, the annular area of the piston surface around the piston rod of one piston being equal to the full area of the second piston and the annular piston area in one cylinder being placed in communication with the full piston area of the second cylinder, such that the two ends of the roller will be given equal movement when the annular area of the second piston is connected to exhaust and hydraulic pressure is applied to the full area of the first piston. As shown, a printing roller a is moved towards an impression surface b by piston rods g and h carrying pistons e and f respectively. The pistons e and j slide in ...

15-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324346T

15-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA149876A

15-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000053482A

15-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000146736T

15-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000054726T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347466T

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000232186T

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017248526A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Abstract The present invention relates to a comminuting plant with a comminuting machine for reducing the grain size of a mineral substance, the comminuting machine having a machine housing and at least one displacement apparatus, the machine housing having at least one housing wall with reinforcing ribs, which extend over at least some of the width of the housing wall, or in the form of a slab, and the displacement apparatus being fastened to the housing wall and being movable into a displacement position, in which the comminuting machine can be displaced, standing on a support element of the displacement apparatus, and into a standing position, in which the comminuting machine stands in a stationary manner. The object of the invention is therefore to demonstrate a comminuting plant having a compact displacement apparatus which can be displaced within short maintenance times. The object is achieved in that the housing wall has at least one cut-out formed for the installation of the displacement ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Synchronized lifting and lowering apparatus

Номер: AU2014209079A1

A synchronous lifting or lowering system with hydraulic cylinders controlled by parallel- connected lift valves having two fluid passages. Hydraulic fluid for extending or retracting the actuators is delivered by a hydraulic supply system alternating between the two passages. Each time the supply circuit alternates passages, a fixed volume of hydraulic fluid is transferred during lifting or received during lowering by the respective lift or lowering valves to or from the cylinders causing the rods to lift or lower a proportionate amount. All of the rods extend during advancement or retract during lowering by approximately the same increment each time the supply circuit alternates passages. Because the rods all extend or retract the same increment each cycle, the load is lifted or lowered evenly and the need for height sensors or transducers is eliminated.

10-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001502788A

12-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002421837C

... -21- A snowmobile stand mechanism for drive-traok type snowmobiles is provided comprising a stand rotatable between a transport position wlftere the stand is not engaged and a use position where the stand is engaged and elevates the drive track above the ground surface, the stand cornprising leverage means that require minimal physical exertion or, alternatively, motor-driven operation. The stand can be attached to the snowmobile by means of a stand track, whereby the stand can bo retracted during transport and extended for use.

03-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1057625A

HYDRAULIC APPARATUS FOR RAISING AND LOWERING AN IMPELLER SHAFT A hydraulic apparatus is provided for raising and lowering the shaft of an impeller apparatus and includes a hydraulic cylinder having a piston mounted therein. A piston rod is connected to the piston and extends from one end of the cylinder. A support means for the cylinder is provided and includes a top portion, a base portion, and a hollow interior portion. The base portion is adapted to be secured to the top of the impeller apparatus. The cylinder is secured to the top portion of the support means and the piston rod extends downward into the hollow interior portion. Further means are provided for securing the piston rod to the end of the shaft, and hydraulic circuit means are placed in fluid communication with the hydraulic cylinder for activating the hydraulic cylinder to raise and lower the shaft. The hollow interior portion of the support means serves to receive the end of the shaft when the shaft is in the raised position ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950451A1

The invention relates to a rotating central column made of structural steel, with a hydraulic horizontal movement, arranged in an assembly for changing hoppers and tanks for lorries, with access to two adjacent working areas and provided with an inner hydraulic oil tank. Said column also comprises an inner carriage coupled to an arm forming a carriage-arm assembly moving vertically by means of the action of a hydraulic cylinder, and also has angular mobility of 90°. The rotating central column rotates on its vertical axis by means of the 180° rotation of the turntable on which it is mounted, said turntable being formed by a ring gear-pinion assembly actuated by a hydraulic engine and forming part of the base of the rotating central column.

26-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878857C
Принадлежит: MSLV PTY LTD

A jacking device (1) includes a base member (2), an upper member (3), and, at least one intermediate member (4). Each member includes screw threads adapted to engage a respective screw thread of an adjacent member. Drive means is included to permit movement of the members, and to thereby raise or lower an upper surface (6) of the jacking device (1). The intermediate member (4) may rotate as the drive means operates, but the upper and lower surfaces are preferably prevented from undergoing rotational movement. A plurality of such jacking devices (1) may be operated simultaneously to raise or lower a load or other object.

11-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002247546C

There is provided a jack for raising a wheel of a vehicle and comprising a horizontal base having spaced-apart front end and entry end, and spaced-apart side members extending between the front end and the entry end. A scissors-like lifting mechanism is connected to the horizontal base and has an upper end movable between a raised position at a distance above the horizontal base and a collapsed position near the horizontal base. A force-applying actuator is connected to the horizontal base and to the scissors-like lifting mechanism for actuating the scissors-like lifting mechanism. A wheel tray is connected to the upper end of the scissors-like lifting mechanism for up and down movement thereof between the raised position and the collapsed position. The wheel tray has spaced-apart front portion and entry portion, a bottom surface and a bumper on the front portion. A crossbar is mounted in the scissors-like lifting mechanism for engaging with the wheel tray and for causing the entry portion ...

28-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002247036A1

A lifting apparatus (10) for lifting an endless conveyor belt (11) supported on a support frame structure (15) including two spaced apart frame members (33). The lifting apparatus (10) comprises a lower beam member (57) for extending between and resting on the two frame members (33) and an upper beam member (53) for engaging a section of the conveyor belt (11) to be lifted. A jack means (59) is operable between the two beam members (53, 57) for selectively moving the two members towards and away from each other between extended and contracted conditions. The jack means (59) comprises two telescopic rams (61) disposed to extend outwardly of the two beam members (53, 57) when in the contracted condition. This allows the two beam members (53, 57) to assume a compact arrangement when in the contracted condition.

15-05-1958 дата публикации

Dispositif d'étayage d'un navire en cale sèche

Номер: CH0000329859A

31-07-1967 дата публикации

Vérin hydraulique

Номер: CH0000440618A

13-08-1976 дата публикации

Hydraulically operated platform control system - has motor driving screwed spindle passing through control plunger

Номер: CH0000578478A5

The system is particularly for a lift cage, having a pump, pressure-relief and non-return valves, and also a control valve, whose control plunger regulates the flow of fluid under pressure to the platform lifting ram. A motor is mounted on the control valve, driving a shaft coaxial to and rotating in the plunger. At the end of the shaft furthest from the motor is a screwed boss engaging in a screwed sleeve rotating in the valve housing and coupled to the platform. Thus rotation of the motor and movement of the platform each thrust the plunger in the axial direction, the two movements cancelling each other out.

31-01-1971 дата публикации

Hydraulisches Hebegerät

Номер: CH0000502262A

15-08-1971 дата публикации

Hydraulisches Hebegerät

Номер: CH0000511186A

15-07-1967 дата публикации

Hydraulikzylinder extrem niedriger Bauart

Номер: CH0000439642A

31-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000549406A
Принадлежит: UNILEVER NV

15-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000571457A5

31-07-1961 дата публикации

Hydraulischer Wagenheber, insbesondere für leichte bis mittelschwere Fahrzeuge

Номер: CH0000355915A
Принадлежит: WANNER AG

15-04-1972 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Heben von Lasten

Номер: CH0000521284A

15-06-1970 дата публикации

Hydraulisches Hebegerät

Номер: CH0000491812A

28-02-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000585151A5

31-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000665624A5

13-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000652915A5

29-08-2014 дата публикации

Device for moving heavy load, has clamping push device with push element for exerting push force on heavy loads, where clamping push device has clamping head which is connected with push element

Номер: CH0000707650A2

The device has a clamping push device (2) with a push element (3) for exerting a push force on the heavy loads. The clamping push device has a clamping head (4) which is connected with the push element. The clamping head comprises a clamping unit (8) for creating a form-fitting and frictionally engaged clamping connection with a holding element (26) for transmission of a push force on the heavy load. An independent claim is included for a method for moving a heavy load.

30-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000678320A5

A mechanical device is comprised of a frame having two uprights (1) and cross-beams (2). Two vertical bars (3) with adjustable spacing are connected to the cross-beams (2) of the frame. Supports (4) positionable along the vertical bars (3) are fitted to the object to be moved. A jack (5), mounted on an under-carriage (6), provides for the lifting or lowering of the frame and, simultaneously, of the object to be moved.

14-08-2018 дата публикации

Mounting structure of thin-walled light-steel building door frame

Номер: CN0108396937A

02-08-1963 дата публикации

Sophisticated device of support and connection between the ground and a supported mechanical unit

Номер: FR0001333785A

04-07-1955 дата публикации

Hydraulic hoisting device being used in particular with the installation of props as mine

Номер: FR0001097301A

16-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002481597B1

04-07-1969 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001573174A

13-09-1968 дата публикации

Improvement with the jacks and applications

Номер: FR0001539009A

01-10-1954 дата публикации

Hydraulic actuating cylinder with recuperation of energy

Номер: FR0001074082A

17-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002131815A3

21-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002365749A1

31-03-2000 дата публикации

Lifting equipment for loads comprises baseplate which locates jack and handling grips used to position equipment under load.

Номер: FR0002783788A1

La présente invention concerne un dispositif de levage de charges du type comportant un cric (15), notamment un cric hydraulique, destiné à être disposé entre une surface d'appui et un point d'application d'effort (21) solidaire de la charge. Ce dispositif est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une embase (1) comportant des moyens récepteurs (11) assurant le maintien de la base (13) du cric (15) et des moyens de préhension (7) destinés au positionnement de l'embase (1) sous la charge par l'utilisateur.

28-12-1973 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002131815B3

24-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002204566A1

17-04-2020 дата публикации

Smart autolifting system based on industrial internet of things

Номер: KR0102101380B1

21-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102080275B1

29-09-2006 дата публикации

horizontally transport equipment of high load goods

Номер: KR0100628695B1

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190114131A

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Fish way

Номер: KR1020200102819A

21-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060068925A

PURPOSE: An apparatus for horizontally transporting a heavy structure is provided stably and safely transport the structure by firmly supporting the heavy load and horizontally maintaining the balance of the structure. CONSTITUTION: The load of a structure is supported by the hydraulic pressure of a hydraulic cylinder(1) so that the structure can not be moved. The compressed air or the high pressure nitrogen supplied from an air control valve(3) is introduced into a passage formed on one side surface of a body of a movement support plate(2) and passages formed in a body of a piston seal(4) to form an air chamber and push the bottom surface of a skid way(6). The bottom surface of the body of the piston seal is raised upward. The structure can be easily moved horizontally regardless of the load of the structure by minimizing the coefficient of friction with the bottom surface of the skid way. © KIPO 2006 ...

23-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170008082A

The present invention relates to a signboard lifting apparatus for a vehicle. The signboard lifting apparatus for a vehicle of the present invention comprises: a cylinder unit mounted on a vehicle including the signboard inducing a lane during road construction, having an ascending and descending piston rod coupled thereto, and vertically mounted on the floor of a vehicle body; a power supply unit ascending and descending a piston rod by supplying hydraulic pressure or pneumatic pressure to the cylinder unit; and a lift attached to a rear side of the signboard, coupled to the outer side of the cylinder, and connected to the piston rod to be ascended and descended. Therefore, shaking is remarkably reduced since the distance between the cylinder unit and the signboard is minimized, thereby preventing noise or trouble, so firm and efficient driving is possible. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

07-05-2001 дата публикации

Arrangemang för hantering av en last

Номер: SE0000514876C2

23-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000015537A1

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif de manipulation de charge, notamment d'un composant automobile ou analogue. Ce dispositif comporte un ensemble vérin (12), un socle (16) et un ensemble plate-forme (14) qui peut être fixé à la charge et déplacé entre l'ensemble vérin et le socle. Ledit ensemble vérin (12) comporte une base montée sur roulettes qui supporte un ensemble à piston et tube. Ledit socle (16) comporte une poutre (114) supportée par une colonne (116) pour permettre l'ajustement relatif de la hauteur, et un tube d'amarrage (110) ou analogue supporté par une extrémité libre de la poutre. L'ensemble plate-forme (14) présente un bloc récepteur (48) dimensionné de façon à être reçu sur une broche réceptrice (46) de l'ensemble vérin, et une broche d'amarrage (108) ou analogue dimensionnée de façon à être reçue dans le tube d'amarrage (110) du socle. De cette manière, la charge peut être fixée à l'ensemble plate-forme et déplacée entre l'ensemble vérin et le socle, ce qui rend possible ...

05-07-1949 дата публикации

Номер: US0002475040A1

22-01-1946 дата публикации

Номер: US0002393410A1

27-12-1988 дата публикации

Jack system for lifting roof mounted air conditioners

Номер: US0004793593A1
Автор: Pittman; Don

A load lifting device for temporarily lifting and supporting roof mounted equipment such as air conditioning units so that roof repairs may be made includes spaced beam sections insertable under the roof mounted equipment and jacks for raising such equipment off the roof. Each beam section includes an outer end which is raised relative to the portion inserted under the equipment, the jacks being received under the raised ends. The beam sections include stops which are positioned adjacent the equipment to keep the jacks spaced laterally of the equipment. After the repairs, the roof mounted equipment is lowered into place.

29-03-1977 дата публикации

Snubber for one end lift jacks

Номер: US0004014515A

A one end lift or like jack is provided with a snubber which prevents a lift saddle from rising in an uncontrolled manner. The snubber comprises a bi-ended cylinder closed at both ends which is affixed to the lift cylinder for corresponding vertical motion. A piston rod is affixed to a relatively stationary lift frame, and a piston is mounted to the rod within the snubber cylinder to define two cylinder chambers. Within the piston is an axial bleed port bore permitting fluid to bleed between the chambers. A check ring can be moved by fluid pressure imbalance along the snubber piston rod into a closed position against the bleed port, inhibiting fluid flow and prohibiting uncontrolled rise of the snubber and main cylinders. When the check ring is not in its closed position, relatively free lift lowering action is permitted.

04-07-1939 дата публикации

Hydropneumatic jack

Номер: US2165095A

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236948A1
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

A bracket assembly four securing a hydraulic jack in a vehicle. The bracket assembly including a base and two support walls opposite each other and extending outwardly from the base to support the hydraulic jack. The assembly includes a base band having a first end and a second end. The base band is disposed between the two support walls and is connected to the base. A first strap partially made from sheet metal has a fixed end and a free end with the fixed end of the first strap pivotably connected to a first end of the base band. The free end thereof detachably coupled to the second end of the base band via a locking device. The first strap and the base band secures the hydraulic jack on the two support walls. 1. A bracket assembly to secure a hydraulic jack in a vehicle , comprising:a base;two spaced apart support walls positioned opposite each other and extending from the base to support the hydraulic jack;a base band having a first end and a second end, wherein the base band is disposed between the two support walls and connected to the base; anda first strap at least partially made of sheet metal, said first strap having a fixed end and a free end, the fixed end pivotably connected with the first end of the base band, and a locking device detachably coupling the free end with the second end of the base band wherein the first strap and the base band secure the hydraulic jack on the two support walls.2. The bracket assembly of wherein the base band includes a first extension arm extending from the base to the first end claim 1 , said first extension arm pivotally connected to the first strap at said first end.3. The bracket assembly of including a second strap pivotally connected to the second end of the base band and a free end of the second strap detachably connected to the free end of the first strap.4. The bracket assembly of wherein the base band further includes a second extension arm extending from the base to the second end claim 3 , the second end ...

19-06-2012 дата публикации

Jack stand and combination and method of elevating a load

Номер: US0008201807B2

The combination of a jack stand and a vertically oriented, compact hydraulic jack enables a user to avoid misplacement when lifting a load. The stand includes a vertically oriented column moveable between a plurality of different elevated positions. An underside of an overhanging member attached to the column is engaged by a piston member of the jack to elevated the column as the jack is elevated.

10-07-1945 дата публикации

Hydraulic device

Номер: US2379949A

06-12-2006 дата публикации

Universal lifting device and spreader

Номер: EP0001468787B1
Автор: Beisteiner, Peter
Принадлежит: Beisteiner, Peter

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729922C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Предложено опорно-подъемное устройство. Опорно-подъемное устройство содержит линейный приводной механизм, датчик нагрузки, контроллер. Линейный приводной механизм сохраняет равновесное состояние во время поддерживания первой нагрузки. Контроллер выполнен с возможностью выборочного приведения в действие линейного приводного механизма в ответ на приложение второй нагрузки к датчику нагрузки. Предложены также способ управления работой линейного приводного механизма, компьютерочитаемый носитель данных. Достигается возможность приведения в действие опорно-подъемного устройства одной рукой. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605580C1

Изобретение относится к пневматическому инструменту, а именно к пневматическим домкратам. Пневматический домкрат, работающий от компрессора, содержит две тороидальные оболочки, выполненные с возможностью подачи в каждую из них сжатого воздуха. Оболочки сложены по диаметру и уложены с примыканием перегибов в резинокордную покрышку, имеющую на нижней части внешней поверхности протекторы, а на верхней части внешней поверхности - грузонесущую площадку в виде двух фланцев, защемляющих верхние борта покрышки. Внешний фланец содержит проушины для шарнирного соединения с ручками переноса домкрата. Покрышка снабжена размещенными в центральной части полым цилиндром и телескопически соединенным с ним стаканом, между днищами которых установлена регулируемая пружина. Технический результат от использования предлагаемого изобретения состоит в расширении функциональных возможностей и повышении грузоподъемности пневматического домкрата. 3 ил.

06-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018144430A3

05-01-1995 дата публикации

Hydraulische Steuereinrichtung

Номер: DE0009313353U1

15-01-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002607425C2

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020021438U1

06-08-1930 дата публикации

Wagenheber, insbesondere fuer Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0000504528C

05-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for lifting a gate to hang the gate on a gate post

Номер: GB0002542748A

An apparatus and method for use in hanging a gate, the apparatus comprises a foot section hingably attached to a tilting member 3 by hinge 5, an adjusting means arranged to adjust inclination a of tilting member 3, a lifting device 9, an elongate member 4 mounted on lifting device 9 and connecting means 11 mounted on the elongate member 4. The adjustable inclination of tilting member 3 allows the apparatus to be used on uneven ground. Elongate member 4 may be separably mounted on lifting device 9 allowing the apparatus to be transported and stored in two parts. The connecting means 11 may be of variable orientation and may have recesses 12, 13 for receiving a horizontal bar of the gate having a substantially circular or substantially rectangular cross section, respectively. The foot section may comprise footplate 1 and attachment plate 2. The adjusting means may comprise a threaded rod 7, spring 6 and nut 8. The elongate member and foot section may each include a carrying handle (15 fig ...

21-01-1959 дата публикации

Improvements in piston apparatus for pressurising liquid

Номер: GB0000807829A

... 807,829. Syringes. MASCHINENFABRIK HILMA G.m.b.H. Sept. 10, 1956 [Sept. 9, 1955], No. 27654/56. Class 102(2). A high pressure plunger 5 is screwed into a spindle 3 which is screwed into a cylinder 1 and carries a low pressure plunger 2. The spindle 3 is connected to the high pressure plunger 5 by a spring loaded slippable coupling 9, 11 so that when a certain pressure is built up in the cylinder by the combined plungers the coupling disconnects the plunger and a high pressure is built up by the plunger 5. The plunger 2 may be connected to the spindle 3 by balls 4, or be loaded by a return spring. The cylinder 1 communicates with a cylinder 17 having a spring loaded piston 19 in a screwed cap 18 removable for filling the system connected to the cylinder 1 and by which an initial pressure in the system may be pre-set. The end of the piston 19 is provided with a pressure scale 21.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Multiple axle lift system and method

Номер: US20120080653A1
Автор: Joe Gray, Raymond C. Chan
Принадлежит: Gray Manufacturing Co Inc

A multiple axle lift system having a column mechanism and a carriage assembly is provided. The column mechanism has a base member with a central support member extending therefrom. The carriage assembly is slidably connected to the column mechanism and includes a centerline, a first lift pad assembly with a first lift pad for engaging a vehicle tire and a second lift pad assembly with a second lift pad for engaging a vehicle tire. The first and second lift pads are configured to face away from the centerline.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Jack stand and combination & method of elevating a load

Номер: US20120112147A1

The combination of a jack stand and a vertically oriented, compact hydraulic jack enables a user to avoid misplacement when lifting a load. The stand includes a vertically oriented column moveable between a plurality of different elevated positions. An underside of an overhanging member attached to the column is engaged by a piston member of the jack to elevated the column as the jack is elevated,

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Display device and method for providing 3D image of the display device

Номер: US20120200680A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Provided is a display device including: a viewpoint tracker for detecting a viewpoint variation by tracking a user's viewpoint; a display for alternately displaying a right image and a left image corresponding to user's right eye and left eye; a parallax barrier consisting of sub-segments which are continuously arranged to transmit or block the images by electrical on or off and alternately turned on/off by the unit of groups to alternately form an image transmission region and an image blocking region, in order to provide a 3D image by separately transmitting the right image and the left image to the user's right eye and left eye; and a barrier controller for electrically moving the image transmission region and the image blocking region of the parallax barrier by the unit of sub-segment according to the viewpoint variation, and a method for providing a 3D image of the display device. According to the present invention, it is possible to continuously smoothly provide an autostereoscopic 3D image to a user regardless of a change of a user's viewpoint from a mobile terminal such as a mobile phone or a change of relative position of the mobile terminal.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Pneumatic vehicle door spreader

Номер: US20120286223A1
Автор: Aurelio A. Vigil
Принадлежит: Individual

A pneumatic spreader for increasing the magnitude of a gap between a window or door of a motor vehicle and the vehicle body, to permit a tool to be inserted into and maneuvered through the gap. The spreader may comprise a hand operated squeeze bulb having a gas release valve and two inflatable flexible bladders inflated from the squeeze bulb through a manifolded gas supply conduit. Each bladder may be greater in length and width than in thickness, and may have an internal stiffener to facilitate initially inserting the bladder into the gap without causing the bladder to fold or roll during insertion.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153838A1

A clamper () is inserted into a tube member () disposed in a tube plate () and clamps the tube member (). Further, the clamper () includes a clamp mechanism () which has a contact portion () that contacts the tube plate () or the tube member () and inserts an insertion portion () into the tube member () so as to clamp the tube member () and a lifting and lowering mechanism () which lifts and lowers the clamp mechanism () in the insertion direction of the insertion portion (). 1. A clamper which clamps a subject clamping member , the clamper comprising:a clamp mechanism which clamps the subject clamping member; anda contact portion which contacts the subject clamping member at a position different from the clamping position of the clamp mechanism in the clamping state of the clamp mechanism.2. The clamper according to claim 1 , further comprising:a lifting and lowering mechanism which lifts and lowers the clamp mechanism with respect to the subject clamping member,wherein the clamp mechanism includes the contact portion.3. The clamper according to claim 1 , a clamp body which has an insertion portion to be inserted into the subject clamping member,', 'a cotter which protrudes from the insertion portion and comes into friction-contact with the subject clamping member,', 'a piston rod which presses the cotter so that the cotter protrudes from the insertion portion, and', 'a rod cylinder which is integrated with the clamp body and drives the piston rod., 'wherein the clamp mechanism includes'}4. The clamper according to claim 3 ,wherein when the rod cylinder pulls the piston rod toward the opposite side to the insertion direction of the insertion portion, the piston rod presses the cotter so that the cotter protrudes from the insertion portion.5. The clamper according to claim 3 ,wherein the cotter is disposed inside the clamp body so as to be movable in a reciprocating manner.6. The clamper according to claim 1 ,wherein the insertion portion is separated from the clamp ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292233A1
Автор: Arif Maxwell Olgun

The present invention provides a support assembly () for lifting a belt of a conveyor system. The support assembly () comprises an attachment assembly () to releasably secure a support member () to a frame of a conveyor system. The attachment assembly () comprising a lifting means (). The lifting means moves the support member, in a synchronised manner, between a first position, wherein the support member is not in engagement with the belt, and a second position, wherein the support member supports the conveyor belt at a spaced distance from at least one conveyor roller located below the belt, allowing an operator to access the at least one roller. 1. A support assembly for lifting a belt of a conveyor system , the conveyor system comprising rollers supported in a plurality of roller frames , the support assembly comprising:an attachment assembly to releasably secure a support member to a frame of a conveyor system, the support member having a first end and a second end;the attachment assembly comprising a lifting means to move the support member, whereby the first end and second end are raised in a synchronised manner such that the support member substantially maintains a constant angular orientation as it moves between a first position, wherein the support member is not in engagement with the belt, and a second position, wherein the support member supports the conveyor belt at a spaced distance from at least one conveyor roller located below the belt, allowing an operator to access the at least one roller; the support assembly being able to lift a fully charged belt.2. The support assembly according to wherein the support assembly is adapted to lift the belt while the belt is still operating.3. The support assembly according to wherein rollers from a plurality of roller frames are accessible for change out when the support member is in the second position.4. The support assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment assembly secures the support member ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292620A1
Принадлежит: ABS MATERIALS, INC.

Disclosed is a method and system for applying force against a solid object. A sol-gel derived sorbent material is placed against a solid object to be moved under conditions sufficient to contact the swellable sol-gel derived sorbent material with a sorbate and cause the sol-gel derived sorbent material to swell to at least I ½ times its volume in its unswollen slate to cause sol-gel derived sorbent material to expand and to apply force against the solid object. 1. A method for applying force against a solid object comprising:placing an expandable container with a swellable sol-gel derived sorbent material in its unswollen state in contact with a solid object andintroducing a sorbate into the container under conditions sufficient to contact the swellable sol-gel derived sorbent material with the sorbate, to cause the sol-gel derived sorbent material to swell to at least 1½ times its volume in its unswollen state, to expand the container and to apply force against the solid object.2. The method of wherein the expandable container is a telescoping cylinder.3. A method for applying force against a solid object comprising:placing a swellable sol-gel derived sorbent material in its unswollen state in an opening in a solid object andintroducing a sorbate into the opening under conditions sufficient to contact the swellable sol-gel derived material with the sorbate, to cause the sol-gel derived sorbent material to swell to a least 1½ times its volume in its unswollen state and to deform or fracture the solid object.4. The method of further comprising loading the sorbate into a balloon bladder claim 3 , before introducing the sorbate into the opening.6. The method of wherein the sol gel derived sorbent material is formed from about 60 to about 40 mol percent (a) and from about 40 to about 60 mol percent (b).7. The method of wherein the sorbate has a kof less than about −0.3.8. The method of wherein the sorbate is gasoline claim 1 , diesel feel or acetone.9. The method of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Providing Access to Wireline Communication Equipment

Номер: US20130306921A1
Автор: Narayan Rajesh
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Systems and methods for providing access to wireline communication equipment are disclosed. Exemplary methods include positioning the wireline communication equipment at least partly below ground level, positioning an electric-powered lifting device near the wireline communication equipment and at least partly below the ground level, connecting the electric-powered lifting device to the wireline communication equipment, and configuring the lifting device to lift the wireline communication equipment above the ground level when access to the wireline communication equipment is desired. 1. A method for accessing wireline communication equipment , comprising:positioning the wireline communication equipment at least partly below ground level, wherein the wireline communication equipment is positioned within a chamber and wherein the chamber comprises a cover for enclosing the wireline communication equipment;positioning an electric-powered lifting device near the wireline communication equipment and at least partly below the ground level, wherein the electric-powered lifting device is configured to be powered by a power supply located at least partly below the ground level, wherein the power supply is charged by a solar panel located on the wireline communication equipment, and wherein the cover enclosing the wireline communication equipment is substantially transparent;connecting the electric-powered lifting device to the wireline communication equipment; andconfiguring the electric-powered lifting device to lift the wireline communication equipment above the ground level when access to the wireline communication equipment is desired, wherein the electric-powered lifting device is further configured to receive a signal from a wireless communication device to lift the wireline communication equipment above the ground level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the electric-powered lifting device at least partly below the ground level comprises positioning the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

The bobbyjack

Номер: US20130334482A1
Автор: Bob J. Green
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for lifting pipes in a pipe rack for the purpose of inspecting the point of contact with the supporting beam, and to remedy any damage caused by corrosion and wear and tear.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041334A1
Автор: Patton Steve

A method for constructing a pier system to stabilize and level a structure by constructing a pier in sections and advancing the pier sections below a foundation using a hydraulic ram until bedrock is reached, and completing the piering system by positioning a head plate on top of the pier to provide a stable platform for a house jack and applying a vertical lifting force with the house jack to lift the foundation of the structure. 1. A method for constructing a pier system to stabilize and level a structure , the method comprising: forming a hole below the foundation;', 'placing a pier base in the bottom of the hole;', 'placing a first outer pier section over the pier base;', 'inserting a first inner pier section inside a recess in the first outer pier section, the first inner pier section butting against the pier base; and', 'repeating the steps of adding an additional overlapping outer pier section and an additional inner pier section providing an overlap of consecutive pier sections creating a link between the outer pier sections and advancing the pier sections downward using a hydraulic ram until bedrock is reached;, 'constructing a pier comprising the steps of positioning an at least one house jack on top of the pier; and', 'using the at least one house jack to apply a vertical lifting force to lift the foundation of the structure to adjust the structure., 'completing the piering system comprising the steps of2. The method of wherein said hole in said forming step is about 26 inches deep.3. The method of wherein said completing step includes positioning a head plate on top of the pier and then positioning the at least one house jack on top of the head plate.4. The method of further comprising positioning a heave plate between the at least one house jack and the foundation.5. The method of further comprising positioning a shim block and coupling assembly on the head plate and advancing the coupling assembly upward until the coupling assembly contacts the heave ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Synchronized lifting and lowering apparatus

Номер: US20140048760A1
Автор: Frantz D. Stanford
Принадлежит: Actuant Corp

A synchronous lifting or lowering system with hydraulic cylinders controlled by parallel-connected lift valves having two fluid passages. Hydraulic fluid for extending or retracting the actuators is delivered by a hydraulic supply system alternating between the two passages. Each time the supply circuit alternates passages, a fixed volume of hydraulic fluid is transferred during lifting or received during lowering by the respective lift or lowering valves to or from the cylinders causing the rods to lift or lower a proportionate amount. All of the rods extend during advancement or retract during lowering by approximately the same increment each time the supply circuit alternates passages. Because the rods all extend or retract the same increment each cycle, the load is lifted or lowered evenly and the need for height sensors or transducers is eliminated.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Jack with Two Masts

Номер: US20150008383A1

A jack for lifting segments of a structure includes a pair of masts, a mast base, a mast cap, a hydraulic ram, a bottom bracket and a shuttle. The masts are identical and upright with a plurality of evenly spaced holes. The mast base supports the mast and the mast cap receives the upper ends of the masts and maintains the masts in a parallel, relationship. The hydraulic ram moves between a retracted position and an extended position with a stroke distance which is significantly less than the mast height. The bottom bracket is removably pinned to the masts and receives and supports the lower end of the hydraulic ram. The shuttle receives the upper end of the hydraulic ram. The bottom bracket and shuttle, when not pinned to the masts, can slide vertically up the masts. The shuttle includes features for connecting to a segment of a structure. 1. A jack for raising a ring segment of a cylindrical structure on a foundation pad , comprising:(a) a pair of upright masts, each mast extending from a lower end to an upper end, each mast presenting a plurality of evenly spaced holes,(b) a mast base operable for receiving the lower ends of the masts and securing the lower ends in a side by side spaced apart relationship,(c) a mast cap operable for receiving the upper ends of the masts and securing the upper ends of the masts in a side by side, spaced apart relationship,(d) a hydraulic ram having a lower end and an upper end, the hydraulic ram operable for movement between a retracted position and an extended position, when in the extended position, the distance between the lower end and the upper end of the hydraulic ram being greater by a stroke distance than the distance between the lower and upper ends of the hydraulic ram when in the retracted, the stroke distance being substantially less than the length of the masts,(f) a bottom bracket which connects between the masts and which is adapted to be removably pinned to corresponding pairs of the evenly spaced holes of each mast ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010329A1
Принадлежит: Peck Tech Consulting Ltd.

A system, apparatus, and method for leveling a borehole or blasthole drilling machine, or portion thereof, provided over a drilling site can implement a ground contact detect phase or operation, a first coarse leveling phase or operation, a lowering phase or operation, and a fine leveling phase or operation. The phases or operations can be based on or responsive to signals from sensors of the drilling machine. The phases or operations can involve changing length of one or more of the jacks of the drilling machine when the drilling machine is positioned over the drilling site. 1. An automatic leveling system for a blasthole or borehole drilling machine comprising:a plurality of jacks;a plurality of sensors; anda controller configured to receive signals from the sensors and control the jacks to automatically level a drill assembly of the drilling machine,wherein the control includes a ground contact detect phase, followed by a first coarse leveling phase, followed by a lowering phase, and a fine leveling phase after the lowering phase.2. The automatic leveling system according to claim 1 , wherein the control further includes a second coarse leveling phase between the lowering phase and the fine leveling phase.3. The automatic leveling system according to claim 2 ,wherein the second coarse leveling phase is performed when the lowering phase results in the drill assembly transitioning from within a first leveling target associated with the first coarse leveling phase to outside the first leveling target, the second coarse leveling phase bringing the drill assembly within the first leveling target, andwherein the first leveling target is within 0.5 degrees of horizontal.4. The automatic leveling system according to claim 1 , wherein the ground contact detect phase includes the controller receiving signals claim 1 , from ground contact sensors claim 1 , of the plurality of sensors claim 1 , respectively associated with the jacks claim 1 , indicative of when each of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Inflatable air wedge with tool channel and associated method

Номер: US20210017006A1
Автор: Bruce Urff

An inflatable air wedge has a tool channel that is inserted between a vehicle door and a vehicle body for allowing an operator to effectively unlock the vehicle door without damaging the vehicle (door and/or body and/or weather stripping). The inflatable air wedge includes a selectively inflatable bladder capable of being intercalated between the existing vehicle door and the existing vehicle body, a pneumatic mechanism in operable communication with the bladder for selectively introducing and releasing air from the bladder, and a conduit engaged with the bladder. Advantageously, such a conduit is suitably sized and shaped for guiding an existing unlocking tool therethrough while the bladder is at an inflated state and seated between the vehicle door and the vehicle body. Notably, the conduit is spaced from the pneumatic mechanism and manually distended when the unlocking tool is positioned therein.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022037A1
Автор: Mast Jason

A lifting system includes a base and an upright extending from the base. An articulating arm assembly is coupled to the upright. The articulating arm assembly has a platform coupled thereto. The lifting system further includes a prime mover. The prime mover engages the articulating arm assembly to elevate the platform to a desired height. 1. A lifting system , comprising:a base;an upright extending from the base;an articulating arm assembly coupled to the upright, the articulating arm assembly having a platform coupled thereto; anda prime mover engaging the articulating arm assembly to elevate the platform to a desired height.2. The lifting system of claim 1 , wherein the prime mover is a pneumatic cylinder.3. The lifting system of claim 1 , wherein the platform is rotatable with respect to the arm assembly.4. The lifting system of claim 1 , wherein the articulating arm assembly includes a primary link claim 1 , an alignment link parallel with the primary link claim 1 , an alignment member claim 1 , a platform support supporting the platform claim 1 , the primary link and the alignment link connecting the upright to the alignment member claim 1 , and the alignment member connecting the primary link to the platform support.5. The lifting system of claim 4 , wherein the primary link is a pair of parallel cross members cooperating with each other to form a channel therebetween claim 4 , the channel receiving a portion of the upright.6. The lifting system of claim 4 , wherein the alignment link selectively lengthens and shortens to adjust an angle formed by the relative orientations of the primary link and the alignment member.7. The lifting system of claim 1 , further comprising a height adjustment track disposed on the upright claim 1 , wherein the prime mover is moveably coupled to the height adjustment track.8. The lifting system of claim 7 , wherein the height adjustment track includes a plurality of notches formed thereon.9. The lifting system of claim 1 , wherein ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022765A1

A method and apparatus for transporting heavy machinery, equipment or other heavy loads from one location to another, whereby the apparatus may be constructed as a walking machine including a plurality of lifting assemblies operative to lift the load above the supporting surface and then move the load relative to the supporting surface by transporting the load via rollers or tracks in the walking machines. In one example, the lifting assemblies are provided with separate longitudinal and lateral drive mechanisms independently operative for translating the load in either or both longitudinal and lateral directions. 1. A walking machine system configured to move a load over a road or other ground surface in one or more incremental steps via a plurality of lift/transport assemblies , each lift/transport assembly comprising:a lift mechanism operative to lift a load-bearing frame supporting the load;a foot pad assembly for contacting the road or other ground surface; a longitudinal drive assembly supporting the lift mechanism and operative for translating the lifting mechanism and the load along a longitudinal direction, and', 'a lateral drive assembly supporting the longitudinal drive assembly and operative for translating, independently of the longitudinal drive assembly, the longitudinal drive assembly, the lifting mechanism and the load along a lateral direction., 'a translation assembly coupled to the lift mechanism and the foot pad, the translation assembly comprising2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the lateral drive assembly comprises a low friction or reduced friction surface or plate between the foot pad assembly and a bottom surface of the longitudinal drive assembly claim 1 , and a lateral drive system for moving the longitudinal drive assembly laterally in a sliding motion across the foot pad assembly.3. A system according to further comprisinga slide plate disposed on a top surface of the foot pad assembly, wherein the longitudinal drive assembly ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041413A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

Apparatus and methods for lifting loads are described. The load lift includes a support frame and a lift assembly with main cylinder and at least one standby cylinder connecting a rotatable cross beam with a clamp plate. A rotary actuator assembly is connected to the lift beam to move the lift assembly out of the way while not in use by rotating the lift assembly from a lift position to a standby position. 1. A load lift comprising:a support frame having uprights and a cross beam, the uprights extending along a first direction and connected together by the cross beam extending along a second direction; and a lift beam with a lift beam axis extending along the second direction, the lift beam connected to the cross beam and configured to rotate around the lift beam axis between a lift position and a standby position;', 'a main cylinder with a first end and a second end, the first end connected to the lift beam;', 'at least one standby cylinder with a first end a second end, the first end connected to the lift beam; and', 'a clamp plate connected to the second end of the main cylinder and the second end of the at least one standby cylinder., 'a lift assembly comprising2. The load lift of claim 1 , wherein there are two standby cylinders.3. The load lift of claim 2 , wherein the standby cylinders are on opposing sides of the main cylinder.4. The load lift of claim 1 , further comprising a spreader bar connected to the clamp plate claim 1 , the spreader bar configured to cooperatively interact with a process chamber dome.5. The load lift of claim 4 , wherein the clamp plate has a ball joint on a side of the clamp plate opposite the main cylinder and the spreader bar is connected to the ball joint.6. The load lift of claim 1 , further comprising a rotary actuator assembly connected to the lift beam and the cross beam claim 1 , the rotary actuator assembly comprising a mounting bracket connected to the cross beam claim 1 , a rotary cylinder connected to the mounting ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023494A1

A system for manufacturing radionuclide generators includes an enclosure defining a radioactive environment. The enclosure includes radiation shielding to prevent radiation within the radioactive environment from moving to an exterior of the enclosure. The system also includes a conveyance system having a forward track and first carriages positioned on and movable along the forward track for conveying racks in a first direction. The conveyance system also includes a first walking beam mechanism magnetically coupled to the first carriages to move the first carriages. The conveyance system further includes a return track and second carriages positioned on and movable along the return track for conveying racks in a second direction opposite the first direction. The forward track and the return track form a loop. 1. A conveyance system for operation in an enclosed radioactive environment , the conveyance system comprising:a track;carriages positioned on and moveable along the track for conveying racks along the track;a walking beam mechanism magnetically coupled to the carriages to move the carriages along the track;a lift mechanism for lifting the racks off the carriages, the lift mechanism moveable between an extended position and a retracted position;a first sensor located to track the position of the carriages and racks along the track; anda second sensor located to detect whether the lift mechanism is in the extended position or the retracted position.2. The conveyance system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is located below the track and the second sensor is located adjacent the lift mechanism.3. The conveyance system of claim 1 , wherein the second sensor comprises a sensor mechanism including at least one of a mechanical switch and a magnetically-actuated electrical contact.4. The conveyance system of claim 3 , wherein the second sensor comprises a housing defining an interior that contains wiring connected to the sensor mechanism claim 3 , the system ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023543A1
Принадлежит: Vehicle Service Group, LLC

An apparatus includes a housing, a piston, an input cavity, a first actuating shaft, a first output cavity, and a second output cavity. The housing comprises an input port, a first output port, a second output port, a first end, a second end, a first wide wall having a first internal surface, and a chamber at least partially defined by the first end and the first internal surface. The piston is able to actuate along the first internal surface of the first side wall. The input cavity is in fluid communication with the input port. The first output cavity is in fluid communication with the first output port. The second output cavity is in fluid communication with the second output port. The first actuating shaft is fixed to the piston and helps fluidly isolate the first output port from the second output port. 1. A lift system , comprising:a first lift unit operated by a first hydraulic actuator;a second lift unit operated by a second hydraulic actuator;a hydraulic fluid source;a first hydraulic line supplying hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic fluid source to the first hydraulic actuator, the first hydraulic line comprising a first pressure sensor configured to detect the pressure of the hydraulic fluid in the first hydraulic line;a second hydraulic line supplying hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic fluid source to the second hydraulic actuator; anda first switch that, responsive to the first pressure sensor detecting a reduced pressure of the hydraulic fluid in the first hydraulic line, controls the supply of hydraulic fluid to the second hydraulic actuator to cease downward motion of the second lift unit.2. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the second hydraulic line comprises a second pressure sensor configured to detect the pressure of the hydraulic fluid in the second hydraulic line;further comprising a second switch that, responsive to the second pressure sensor detecting a reduced pressure of hydraulic fluid in the second hydraulic line, controls the supply of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024336A1
Автор: OYVIND Resch, TERJE Scheen

A hand held jacking/levelling-tool is provided comprising a jacking shaft and a frame moving relative to each other during jacking action, a caulking gun jacking mechanism providing the jacking action, two outer legs fastened to one of the frame and the jacking shaft and one middle leg fastened to the other of the frame and the jacking shaft being positioned between a left and right outer leg. Furthermore the jacking/levelling tool comprises a foot fastened at a right angle to each leg and pointing in the same direction. The jacking action causes the jacking shaft to move downward through the frame. 2. The jacking/levelling-tool according to claim 1 , wherein the two outer legs are fastened to the frame and the one middle leg is fastened to the jacking shaft.3. The jacking/levelling-tool according to claim 1 , wherein a support plate is attached to the foot fastened to the middle leg surrounding both of the feet fastened to the two outer legs.4. The jacking/levelling-tool according to claim 1 , wherein the foot fastened to the middle leg has a rear support extending in a same plane as the foot fastened to the middle leg.5. The jacking/levelling-tool according to claim 1 , wherein the jacking shaft is a rounded flat bar.6. The jacking/levelling-tool according to wherein an initial position comprises the foot fastened to the middle leg being positioned closer to the frame than the foot fastened to each of the two outer legs.7. The jacking/levelling-tool according to claim 1 , wherein the fastened to the middle leg foot has an indent on each side close to the middle leg describing half a circle and wherein each foot fastened to each of the two outer legs has a corresponding indent on their respective right and left sides.8. The jacking-tool according to claim 1 , wherein the two outer legs and the middle leg all have the same cross-section.9. The jacking-tool according to claim 1 , wherein the jacking shaft has a cross section like a rounded rectangle with a shorter ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031497A1
Автор: Frizzie Gregory Lee

A low-impact and modular mobile fuel delivery apparatus is disclosed with a self-propelled unit, a pump unit, and a tank unit. The self-propelled unit is adapted to minimally impact the terrain over which it travels and includes a lift for carrying the pump unit and for moving the pump unit between first and second heights. The pump unit includes a pump for drawing fuel from the tank unit and for supplying fuel to a retractable fuel-delivery hose. 2. The mobile fueling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the self-propelled unit further includes four wheels claim 1 , each wheel fitted with a low impact tire and configured to rotate about a vertical axis with respect to the self-propelled unit to change a direction of movement of the self-propelled unit.3. The mobile fueling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first frame is detachable from the lift.4. The mobile fueling apparatus of further including an engine connected to drive the power-driven pump.5. The mobile fueling apparatus of further including a source of hydraulic power provided by the self-propelled unit and connected to drive the power-driven pump.6. The mobile fueling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a distribution channel connects the first hose to the pump outlet.7. The mobile fueling apparatus of further including a reel attached to the first frame and connected to an electric motor claim 1 , wherein the first hose winds about the reel when the reel is rotated in a first direction by the electric motor.8. The mobile fueling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the tank unit further includes a second frame configured to retain the fuel tank and configured to engage with the bed.9. The mobile fueling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first portion of the fuel channel includes a second hose and wherein a wrap is about some or all of the fuel channel.11. The portable fueling apparatus of further including an engine connected to the power-driven pump.12. The portable fueling apparatus of claim 10 , wherein a distribution ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032997A1

Implementations described herein provide a lift pin actuator. The lift pin actuator has a housing. The housing has an interior volume. A track is disposed in the interior volume and coupled to the housing. A center shaft is at least partially disposed in the interior volume of the housing. A guide is movably coupled to the track. At least one internal bellows is disposed in the interior volume, the internal bellows form a seal between the center shaft and the housing. An elastic member is disposed in the interior volume and configured to apply a force that retracts the center shaft into the housing. An inlet port is configured to introduce fluid into the interior volume between the internal bellows and the housing. The fluid generates a force opposing the elastic member to extend the center shaft relative to the housing. 1. A lift pin actuator , comprising:a housing having an interior volume;a track disposed in the interior volume and coupled to the housing;a center shaft at least partially disposed in the interior volume;a guide movably coupled to the track;at least one internal bellows disposed in the interior volume, the internal bellows forming a seal between the center shaft and the housing;an elastic member disposed in the interior volume and configured to apply an elastic force that retracts the center shaft into the housing; andan inlet port configured to introduce fluid into the interior volume between the internal bellows and the housing that generates a fluid force opposing the elastic member to extend the center shaft relative to the housing.2. The lift pin actuator of claim 1 , further comprising:a band disposed on the center shaft, a position of the band relative to the center shaft adjustable to adjust the elastic force exerted on the center shaft by the elastic member.3. The lift pin actuator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal bellows comprises at least two axially aligned internal bellows.4. The lift pin actuator of claim 3 , further ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032344A1
Автор: RODRIGUES Alfredo

A drywall lifting apparatus is described which includes a base having one or more support features for supporting the drywall lifting apparatus on a floor. The drywall lifting apparatus further includes a hydraulic cylinder mounted, at a first portion of the hydraulic cylinder, to the base. The hydraulic cylinder has a second portion movable relative to the first portion through actuation of the hydraulic cylinder. The hydraulic cylinder also includes a drywall support coupled to the second portion of the hydraulic cylinder and a human lift coupled to the drywall support or the second portion of the hydraulic cylinder. 1. A drywall lifting apparatus comprising:a base for supporting the drywall lifting apparatus on a floor;a hydraulic cylinder mounted, at a first portion of the hydraulic cylinder, to the base, the hydraulic cylinder having a second portion movable relative to the first portion through actuation of the hydraulic cylinder;a drywall support rotatably coupled to the second portion of the hydraulic cylinder; anda human lift moveable with the drywall support through actuation of the hydraulic cylinder and rotatably coupled to the drywall support so that a support surface provided by the human lift remains generally horizontal when the drywall support is rotated relative to the second portion of the hydraulic cylinder to allow drywall to be placed on a wall.2. (canceled)3. The drywall lifting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the human lift provides a flat surface adapted to support a human.4. The drywall lifting apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the flat surface is provided on the support surface.5. The drywall lifting apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the support surface is coupled to the drywall support by one or more generally vertical coupling members.6. The drywall lifting apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the coupling members include one or more ladders.7. The drywall lifting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the human lift includes one or more ladders.8. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041542A1
Автор: Harris Danny

Disclosed precision shaft alignment system for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of a first shaft rotatably mounted and extending from a fixed unit and a second shaft extending from a variable position unit towards the first shaft comprises a control and computing interface module, a pair of measuring means for precisely measuring at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft and a jacking system for precisely aligning the shafts. The pair of measuring means is in communication with the control and computing interface module for transferring the at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of the first shaft and the second shaft. The jacking system is controlled by the control and computing interface module for precisely aligning the shaft. 1. A precision shaft alignment system capable of being operated for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of a first shaft extending from a fixed unit and a second shaft extending from a variable position unit towards the first shaft , the first shaft extending from the fixed unit being rotatably mounted to precisely couple with the second shaft of the variable position unit , the precision shaft alignment system comprising:a control and computing interface module for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of the first shaft of the fixed unit and the second shaft of the variable position unit by processing a plurality of calculated information;{'b': 118', '120, 'the two shaft mounted laser or digital measuring means , for precisely measuring at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft, wherein the pair of measuring means being in communication with the control and computing interface module for transferring the at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of the first shaft and the second shaft;'}a jacking system for horizontal ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for Lifting a Chair

Номер: US20160051426A1
Автор: Hall Shawn Anthony

An apparatus for raising and lowering a payload, particularly a chair and its user to provide assistance with the sit-to-stand task. The apparatus comprises a base, a platform, linkages attached between base and platform to allow only vertical motion therebetween, an inflatable bag also situated between base and platform, and a source of pressurized fluid such as compressed air, whereby the bag is inflated and deflated to raise and lower the platform. The user may use an existing, favorite chair, including a reclining chair, which is placed upon the platform without modification. In a low position, the platform is quite close to the floor, providing comfort during sitting. In a high position, the platform is greatly elevated, to provide a full measure of sit-to-stand assistance. The apparatus is compact, doesn't interfere with reclining or rocking while sitting, and is easily deployable, movable, and storable. 2. A lifting apparatus as in also comprising a seventh fastening means to affix the downward-facing surface Bof each bag to the upward-facing surface Sof the base claim 1 , and an eighth fastening means to affix the upward-facing surface Bof each bag to the downward-facing surface Sof the platform.3. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the number of linkage assemblies is four.4. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the number of bags in the collection of bags is one.5. A lifting apparatus as in wherein each bag expands and contracts by virtue of folded elements in the style of bellows.6. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the footprint of the bag claim 4 , projected upon the xy plane claim 4 , is substantially rectangular.7. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the fluid-entry port of each bag is located in the set of lateral surfaces.8. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the fluid-entry port of each bag is located in surface B.9. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the fluid-entry port of each bag is located in surface B.10. A lifting apparatus as in wherein the payload ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052756A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

A rotating shaft lifting jig is inserted between a rotating shaft of a rotary machine and a bearing stand surrounding the outer periphery of at least a lower part of the rotating shaft. The jig for lifting the rotating shaft includes: a pedestal which is supported on an inner peripheral surface of the bearing stand; and a jack part which is disposed between the pedestal and the outer peripheral surface of the rotating shaft and extends/contracts in the radial direction. The radial dimension of the pedestal is smaller than a radial clearance between the rotating shaft and the bearing stand. A rotor receiver having a cylindrical surface conforming to the outer peripheral surface of the rotating shaft is provided between the jack part and the rotating shaft. The rotor receiver is provided with a plurality of support members in directions different from the direction of the jack part. 1. A rotating shaft lifting jig which is inserted between a rotating shaft of a rotary machine and a bearing stand surrounding the outer periphery of at least a lower part of the rotating shaft , the rotating shaft lifting jig comprising:a pedestal which is supported on the inner peripheral surface of the bearing stand under the rotating shaft;a rotor receiver of which the inner peripheral surface is formed so as to conform to the outer peripheral surface of the rotating shaft, and which covers the outer periphery of the rotating shaft on the lower side;a jack part which is disposed between the pedestal and the rotor receiver, and extends/contracts in the radial direction of the rotating shaft to move the rotating shaft, along with the rotor receiver, in an extension/contraction direction; anda plurality of support members which support the rotor receiver against the bearing stand from directions different from the extension/contraction direction and different from one another.2. The rotating shaft lifting jig according to claim 1 , wherein the extension/contraction direction of the jack ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Lifting Device and System with Integrated Drive Unit for Lifting a Vehicle, and Method There For

Номер: US20160052757A1
Автор: De Jong Jurjen Jan

Provided is a lifting device, lifting system and method for lifting a vehicle. The lifting device according to the invention includes a frame with a carrier configured for carrying the vehicle; a drive which acts on the carrier, wherein the drive includes an integrated hydraulic cylinder drive unit configured for raising the carrier with the integrated hydraulic cylinder drive unit including: a housing of a cylinder; a piston rod movable in the housing; a height measuring system configured for measuring the displacement of the piston rod; and an integrated hydraulic fluid tank and motor unit that is configured for driving the piston rod. 1. A lifting device for lifting a vehicle , comprising:a frame with a carrier configured for carrying the vehicle;a drive which acts on the carrier, wherein the drive comprises an integrated hydraulic cylinder drive unit configured for raising the carrier, with the integrated hydraulic cylinder drive unit comprising:a housing of a cylinder;a piston rod movable in the housing;a height measuring system configured for measuring the displacement of the piston rod; andan integrated hydraulic fluid tank and motor unit that is configured for driving the piston rod.2. The lifting device according to claim 1 , wherein the height measuring system comprises a sensor code provided on the piston rod claim 1 , and a sensing element configured for reading the sensor code to determine the displacement of the piston rod.3. The lifting device according to claim 2 , wherein the sensor code is a magnetic code.4. The lifting device according to claim 1 , wherein the height measuring system comprises a locking system configured for locking the piston rod in response to an indication of the height measuring system that a desired position for the piston rod is reached.5. The lifting device according to claim 4 , wherein the locking system comprises a number of rod clamps.6. The lifting device according to claim 5 , wherein the rod clamps are hydraulically ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074539A1
Автор: Kerestes Jason

A method of controlling operation of a linear actuator, including maintaining the linear actuator in equilibrium when supporting a first load, determining application of a second load on the linear actuator, and selectively actuating the linear actuator in response to application of the second load on the linear actuator. 1. A method of controlling operation of a linear actuator , said method comprising:maintaining the linear actuator in equilibrium when supporting a first load;determining application of a second load on the linear actuator; andselectively actuating the linear actuator in response to application of the second load on the linear actuator.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein selectively actuating the linear actuator comprises actuating the linear actuator only when a difference between a value of the first load and a value of the second load is greater than a predetermined threshold.3. The method in accordance with further comprising:determining angling of the linear actuator relative to a vector of gravity; andadjusting a value of the first load based on the angling of the linear actuator.4. The method in accordance with further comprising restricting actuation of the linear actuator when the angling of the linear actuator is greater than a maximum tilt angle.5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein selectively actuating the linear actuator comprises:causing the linear actuator to extend when the second load applied to the linear actuator is a negative load; andcausing the linear actuator to retract when the second load applied to the linear actuator is a positive load.6. The method in accordance with further comprising varying a rate of extension and retraction of the linear actuator proportionally as a function of the value of the second load.7. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein selectively actuating the linear actuator comprises maintaining the linear actuator in equilibrium when the second load is applied at ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Drop line tensioning assembly

Номер: US20160060843A1
Автор: Jason J. Trotnow
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Global Mining LLC

A tensioning assembly including a primary rod and a hydraulic jack. The primary rod being positioned adjacent to a center section of the hydraulic jack. The tensioning assembly further including a frame housing anchored to the hydraulic jack. The tensioning assembly also includes a link rod connected to the primary rod and a primary adjusting and a secondary adjusting nut associated with the link rod to adjust the tension of a cable or line.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Tractor Trailer Jacking Assembly

Номер: US20220081268A1
Автор: Paul R. Davis
Принадлежит: Individual

A tractor trailer jacking assembly f includes a plurality of jacks that is each mounted on a bottom of a tractor trailer. Each of the jacks is positionable in an extended position to engage the ground to inhibit the tractor trailer from tipping. A control circuit is mounted on a semi tractor and the control circuit detects the speed of the semi tractor. A gyroscope unit is mounted on the semi tractor to detect a degree and a direction to which the semi tractor is tipping. The control circuit actuates the respective jacks into the deployed position on a corresponding side of the tractor trailer when the gyroscope unit detects the semi tractor has tipped beyond a pre-determined angle of tilt.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076431A1
Автор: Kritzer Jeffrey S.
Принадлежит: BendPak, Inc.

A jack assembly includes a base, a support platform, a pair of links connecting the base to the support platform and an actuator connected between the base and the support platform. The actuator is operable to move the support platform between lowered and raised positions. The actuator may be coupled to a power assist cylinder which utilizes pressurized compressible fluid to assist in lowering the support platform. A safety lock system includes a lock bar pivotally connected to the support platform and one or more pockets on the base positioned to receive a free end of the lock bar to retain the support platform in a selected raised position. A preferred support platform includes trays which receive contact blocks selected from a set of varied contact blocks. A portable automobile lift comprises a pair of the jack assemblies in combination with a portable power unit. 1. A portable automobile lift including a pair of mechanically unconnected jack assemblies , each said jack assembly comprising:a) a base, a support platform and a pair of links connecting said base to said support platform;b) a hydraulic actuator connected between said base and said support platform and operable to move said support platform between a lowered position adjacent to said base and at least one raised position spaced above said base, said actuator having a piston, a base end port and a rod end port, a first one of said ports providing fluid communication between a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid and a first side of said piston for raising said support platform; andc) a power assist canister connected to said other of said ports of said actuator, said power assist canister holding a charge of pressurized compressible fluid, said pressurized compressible fluid exerting a force on a second side of said piston and assisting in lowering of said support platform when said pressurized hydraulic fluid is drained away from said first side of said piston.2. The portable automobile lift as in ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076432A1
Автор: FARQUHARSON Phillip

A jacking device for lifting and supporting earthmoving equipment or vehicles, the jacking device including: a base; a jacking leg mounted to the base, the jacking leg for lifting a load to an elevated position; a top plate mounted to the jacking leg, the top plate for engaging the load; and, a support member mounted directly or indirectly to the base, wherein the support member is positionable to engage the top plate and thereby provide additional support to the load in the elevated position. 1. A jacking device for lifting and supporting earthmoving equipment or vehicles , the jacking device including:a base;a jacking leg mounted to the base, the jacking leg for lifting a load to an elevated position;a top plate mounted to the jacking leg, the top plate for engaging the load; and,a support member mounted directly or indirectly to the base,wherein the support member is positionable to engage the top plate and thereby provide additional support to the load in the elevated position.2. A jacking device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support member is a cylindrical support sleeve rotatingly engaged to the jacking leg.3. A jacking device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the jacking leg includes a hydraulic cylinder.4. A jacking device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the barrel of the hydraulic cylinder is mounted to the base.5. A jacking device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the inner surface of the cylindrical support sleeve is threadably mounted to the outer surface of the barrel.6. A jacking device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the outer surface of the cylindrical support sleeve is splined.7. A jacking device as claimed in claim 6 , further including an outer sleeve mounted to the base.8. A jacking device as claimed in claim 7 , wherein a motor and associated worm gear are attached to the outer sleeve.9. A jacking device as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the worm gear is positioned to engage the splined outer surface of the cylindrical support sleeve such that ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075540A1
Автор: Decker Arnold

A lift system includes a cylinder having an end surface, a threaded member supported for movement with a piston, and a nut threadedly engaging the threaded member and selectively engageable with the end surface. Engagement of the nut and the end surface limits axial movement of the piston relative to the cylinder in at least one direction. A drive mechanism rotates the nut relative to the threaded member, and a control valve controls movement of the piston relative to the cylinder. A drive control mechanism controls operation of the drive mechanism and rotation of the nut. A nut sensor senses a portion of the nut. The nut sensor is in communication with at least one of the control valve and the drive control mechanism. When the nut sensor detects a portion of the nut, the control valve stops movement of the piston or the drive control mechanism stops rotation of the nut. 1. A lift system comprising:a cylinder having an end surface;a piston movably supported in the cylinder;a threaded member supported for movement with the piston;a nut threadedly engaging the threaded member, the nut being selectively engageable with the end surface, engagement of the nut and the end surface limiting axial movement of the piston relative to the cylinder in at least one direction;a drive mechanism operable to rotate the nut relative to the threaded member;a control valve operable to control movement of the piston relative to the cylinder;a drive control mechanism operable to control operation of the drive mechanism and rotation of the nut; anda nut sensor operable to sense a portion of the nut, the nut sensor being in communication with at least one of the control valve and the drive control mechanism, wherein, when the nut sensor detects a portion of the nut, the control valve stops movement of the piston or the drive control mechanism stops rotation of the nut.2. The lift system of claim 1 , further comprising a piston sensor operable to sense a portion of the piston claim 1 , the ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166954A1
Автор: Bogert Richard W.

A lifting apparatus operable to lift an object is provided. The lifting apparatus may include a base having a receiving recess and an actuatable cylinder movable between a collapsed configuration and a fully extended configuration to lift the object during a lifting operation. The actuable cylinder and the base may include, in some embodiments, recesses mounted therein to improve a stroke length to overall length ratio of the lifting apparatus. 1. A lifting apparatus operable to lift an object , the lifting apparatus comprising:a base having a receiving recess; and a cylindrical barrel having a longitudinal bore extending therethrough and coupled to the base via the receiving recess of the base, the cylindrical barrel having an end cap recess;', 'a piston mounted within the longitudinal bore of the cylindrical barrel and configured for reciprocal movement therein, the piston having a piston rod recess;', 'a piston rod mounted within the longitudinal bore of the cylindrical barrel and coupled to the piston via the piston rod recess, the piston rod configured to extend from the cylindrical barrel as the actuatable cylinder moves toward the fully extended configuration; and', 'an end cap mounted within the longitudinal bore of the cylindrical barrel and coupled to the cylindrical barrel via the end cap recess, the end cap configured to permit linear movement of the piston rod therethrough between the fully extended configuration and the collapsed configuration., 'an actuatable cylinder movable between a collapsed configuration and a fully extended configuration to lift the object during a lifting operation, the actuatable cylinder including2. The lifting apparatus of wherein a ratio of a stroke length of the lifting apparatus between the collapsed configuration and the fully extended configuration to an overall length of the lifting apparatus in the collapsed configuration is at least 0.76.3. The lifting apparatus of wherein the cylindrical barrel is threadedly coupled ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102274A1

A powered pallet truck is provided having a base support portion and a load lift portion. The powered pallet truck has a lift cylinder device connected at a lower portion to a forward extending lift cylinder device seat on the base frame and pivotally connected at an upper portion within a recessed channel in the load lift frame. 1. A powered pallet truck comprising:a base support portion having a base frame and a load lift portion having a load lift frame, the load lift portion further comprising a pair of forks that extend forwardly;a drive wheel being rotatably connected to the base frame;a drive motor coupled to the drive wheel;a lift mechanism operable for moving the load lift portion and the forks thereof up and down relative to the base support portion;the lift mechanism further comprising a lift cylinder device connected at a first portion to the base frame forward of the drive wheel;the lift cylinder device being pivotally connected at a second portion to the load lift frame and being recessed within the load lift frame; anda pressurized fluid supply mechanism connected to the load lift frame and configured to supply pressurized fluid to the lift cylinder device.2. The powered pallet truck of wherein lift cylinder device is disposed in a channel in the load lift frame.3. The powered pallet truck of wherein the first portion of the lift cylinder device is connected to a lift cylinder device seat that extends forward from the base frame.4. The powered pallet truck of wherein the load lift portion further comprises an upstanding housing configured to receive one or more batteries with the pressurized fluid supply mechanism being disposed above the one or more batteries.5. The powered pallet truck of wherein the pressurized fluid supply mechanism includes a pump for supplying pressurized fluid to the lift mechanism.6. The powered pallet truck of further comprising an upper link assembly pivotally connected to the base frame at a first end and pivotally ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Lifting support frame

Номер: US20150102276A1
Автор: DENG Juanjuan
Принадлежит: Nantong Jinyue Fashion Design Co Ltd

This invention discloses a lifting support frame, comprising a frame, a fixed seat, a hydraulic cylinder, a guide spindle, a guide plate and a support plate. In the frame the fixed seat is fixedly connected, at both sides of the fixed seat, a hydraulic cylinder is connected, and in the middle of the fixed plate, the guide spindle is connected fixedly. Above the said hydraulic cylinder and guide spindle, a horizontal guide plate is fixedly connected, where a support plate is provided. This invention solves the problem existing in the techniques, and is featured with high efficiency and low cost.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107870A1

An apparatus includes a housing, a piston, an input cavity, a first actuating shaft, a first output cavity, and a second output cavity. The housing comprise an input port, a first output port, a second output port, a first end, a second end, a first wide wall having a first internal surface, and a chamber at least partially defined by the first end and the first internal surface. The piston is able to actuate along the first internal surface of the first side wall. The input cavity is in fluid communication with the input port. The first output cavity is in fluid communication with the first output port. The second output cavity is in fluid communication with the second output port. The first actuating shaft is fixed to the piston and helps fluidly isolate the first output port from the second output port. 1. A hydraulic lift apparatus , comprising a plurality of hydraulic actuators;a hydraulic pump;a housing comprising a first end and a second end, wherein the housing defines a generally cylindrical interior space;a piston positioned in the interior space and partitioning the interior space into a first region and a second region;a dividing member positioned in the second region that partitions the second region into a first output region and a second output region; and the input port provides fluid communication between the first region of the interior space and the hydraulic pump;', 'the first output port provides fluid communication between the first output region and a first one of the plurality of hydraulic actuators; and', 'the second output port provides fluid communication between the second output region and a second one of the plurality of hydraulic actuators., 'an input port, a first output port, and a second output port to the interior space, wherein'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the dividing member comprisesa first cylindrical member that is fixed relative to the second end; anda second cylindrical member that is fixed relative to the piston; ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Mobile Lifting Column, Lifting System Comprising One or More of Such Lifting Columns, and Method for Lifting a Vehicle

Номер: US20210122619A1
Автор: De Jong Jurjen Jan

The invention relates to a mobile lifting column, a lifting system including one or more of such lifting columns, and a method for lifting a vehicle. The mobile lifting column includes a frame with a moveable carrier. The carrier includes a carrier part and a guiding part with the carrier configured for carrying the vehicle. The mobile lifting column also includes a drive system which acts on the carrier and is configured for raising and/or lowering the carrier relative to the frame, and a lifting controller configured for controlling movement of the carrier. The guiding part of the carrier includes a U-shaped guiding part. 153-. (canceled)54. A mobile lifting column for lifting a vehicle , the column comprising:a frame with a moveable carrier, wherein the carrier comprises a carrier part and a guiding part with the carrier being configured for carrying the vehicle;a drive system which acts on the carrier and is configured for raising and/or lowering the carrier relative to the frame; anda lifting controller configured for controlling movement of the carrier, and further comprising a displacement mechanism configured for positioning the lifting column, wherein the displacement mechanism comprises:a displacement frame comprising a housing, and a wheel that is provided at a first end of the housing, wherein the wheel is moveable relative to the frame between a displacement position where the lifting column can be displaced and a stationary position where the lifting column is in a stationary position;a counter force element that is providing in or on the frame; anda steering handle that is operatively coupled to the wheel with a linkage mechanism that is configured for moving the wheel relative to the frame, wherein the steering handle is connected to the displacement frame at a second end of the housing.55. The mobile lifting column of claim 54 , wherein the guiding part of the carrier comprises a U-shaped guiding part.56. The mobile lifting column according to claim ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180118536A1

An assembly for adjusting a position of a vessel includes a frame for carrying the vessel, and a lifting device configured to move the frame from a horizontal position to a first vertical position by pivoting the frame, and to move the frame from the first vertical position to a second vertical position by raising the frame. 1. An assembly for adjusting a position of a vessel , the assembly comprising:a frame for carrying the vessel; anda lifting device configured to move the frame from a horizontal position to a first vertical position by pivoting the frame, and to move the frame from the first vertical position to a second vertical position by raising the frame.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a skid pivotally coupled to the frame and coupled to the lifting device.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the lifting device comprises an extendible arm.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein:the skid comprises a first connection point and a second connection point;the extendible arm comprises a first end and a second end, the first end being coupled to the frame; andwhen the frame is in the horizontal position and the first vertical position, the second end is connected to the first connection point of the skid, such that extending the extendible arm causes the frame to pivot with respect to the skid.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , when the frame is in the first vertical position claim 4 , the second end is connectable to the second connection point of the skid claim 4 , such that extending the extendable arm raises the frame vertically.6. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the skid comprises longitudinal skid members claim 4 , the first connection point and the second connection point being offset along one of the longitudinal skid members.7. The assembly of claim 6 , wherein the first connection point and the second connection point are offset vertically from one another.8. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the frame is connected to the skid ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Airplane Jack Apparatus

Номер: US20180118537A1
Автор: Goodsell Vernon Roy

An airplane jack apparatus for lifting a flat main spring landing gear includes a base that supports a hydraulic jack and an upright member, to which a lift arm is pivotably attached. The lift arm has a rotatable cross member that engages a piston that raises out of the hydraulic jack, and the lift arm has a horizontal lifting portion that engages the ground-facing end of a landing gear. The base of the airplane jack apparatus has wheels to allow the jack to move as the angle of a landing gear changes while being lifted. 1. A jack apparatus for lifting a flat main spring landing gear of an aircraft from a ground surface , the jack apparatus comprising:a horizontal base having a front side, a rear side, a left side and a right side;a set of wheels attached to the base;an upright hydraulic jack positioned on the horizontal base, the hydraulic jack having a piston that extends vertically out of the hydraulic jack;an upright member attached to the rear of the horizontal base, the upright member having a front side, a rear side, a left side, and a right side;a lift arm having a front side, a left side, a right side, and a rear end, wherein the rear end of the lift arm is pivotably attached to the upright member;a rotatable cross member that horizontally lies between the left and right sides of the lift arm and is positioned between the front side and rear end of the lift arm over the hydraulic jack, wherein the rotatable cross member engages the piston that extends vertically out of the hydraulic jack; anda lift portion that lies between the left and right sides of the lift arm at the front side of the lift arm.2. The jack apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic jack is pivotably positioned within the horizontal base.3. The jack apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic jack is pivotably attached to the horizontal base.4. The jack apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the front side of the horizontal base has a front edge having a left end ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120792A1

A transportation apparatus is described herein that comprises a lifting apparatus having a support structure, a base portion and a scissor-lift device disposed between the support structure and the base portion. The scissor-lift device having a first arm having a first end and a second end pivotally connected to a second arm having a first end and a second end. The first end of the first arm is hingedly connected to the base portion and the second end of the first arm is slidably engaged with the support structure. Similarly, the first end of the second arm is slidably engaged with the base portion and the second end of the second arm is hingedly connected to the support structure. A method of raising centrifuge equipment to a desired height via the lifting apparatus is also described herein. 1. A transportable support apparatus , the apparatus comprising: 'a first arm having a first end and a second end pivotally connected to a second arm having a first end and a second end, the first end of the first arm hingedly connected to the base portion and the second end of the first arm slidably engaged with the support structure, the first end of the second arm slidably engaged with the base portion and the second end of the second arm hingedly connected to the support structure.', 'a lifting apparatus for raising and lowering centrifuge equipment, the lifting apparatus having a support structure, a base portion and a scissor-lift device disposed between the support structure and the base portion, the scissor-lift device comprising2. The apparatus of wherein the support structure includes a guiding element disposed on an underside portion thereof to engage with the second end of the first arm and the base portion includes a guiding element disposed thereon to engage with the first end of the second arm.3. The apparatus of wherein the second end of the first arm and the first end of the second arm include a wheel element to facilitate improved sliding engagement with the ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Article conveying equipment, system and method

Номер: US20220266305A1
Автор: Hongbo Li, Qingguang MA
Принадлежит: Beijing Geekplus Technology Co Ltd

An article conveying equipment includes: a carrying apparatus, configured to carry one or more articles to be transported; a travelling apparatus, where the travelling apparatus includes at least two driving wheels located at the bottom of the travelling apparatus, the at least two driving wheels are configured to control the travelling apparatus to rotate in a first rotation direction; and a rotation supporting apparatus, which is located between the carrying apparatus and the travelling apparatus and connected to the carrying apparatus and the travelling apparatus respectively, where the rotation supporting apparatus is configured to rotate in a direction opposite to the first rotation direction when the travelling apparatus rotates in the first rotation direction.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115014A1
Автор: CHOISNET Thomas
Принадлежит: IDEOL

The invention relates to the naval field and in particular to a method for launching a structure () intended to float in water (). This method comprises loading the structure () onto a pontoon () floating in the water, the bearing placement below the water () of at least one prop () connected to the structure () while the structure () rests on the pontoon () floating in the water (), lowering the pontoon (), with disengagement of the pontoon () vertically from the structure () and its subsequent removal while the structure () is supported by the at least one prop () bearing below the water (), and lowering the structure (), which is still supported by the at least one prop (), until the structure () floats in the water (). 1. A method for launching a structure configured to float in water , comprising the steps of:loading the structure on a pontoon floating in water,abutting under water at least one support pillar, connected to the structure, while the structure rests on the pontoon floating in water,lowering the pontoon, vertically disengaging the pontoon from the structure, while the structure is supported by the at least one support pillar bearing under water, before:removing the pontoon while the structure is supported by the at least one support pillar bearing under water, andlowering the structure, still supported by the at least one support pillar, until the structure floats in water.2. The launching method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one support pillar is removably connected to the structure claim 1 , the method further including a step of separating the at least one support pillar from the structure once the structure floats in water.3. The launching method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one support pillar is connected to the structure through a location for the fastening of an anchor line on the structure.4. The launching method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of connecting the at least one support pillar to ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Comminution Plant with a Comminution Machine

Номер: US20180126388A1

A comminuting plant with a comminuting machine for reducing the grain size of a mineral substance, the comminuting machine having a machine housing and at least one displacement apparatus, the machine housing having at least one housing wall with reinforcing ribs, and the displacement apparatus being fastened to the housing wall and being movable into a displacement position, in which the comminuting machine can be displaced, standing on a support element of the displacement apparatus, and into a standing position, in which the comminuting machine stands in a stationary manner. The object of the invention is to provide a comminuting plant with compact displacement apparatus which can be displaced with short maintenance times. This is achieved in that the housing wall has at least one cut-out formed for the installation of the displacement apparatus so that the displacement apparatus can be integrated at least largely into the housing wall. 12123143131613113. A comminuting plant with a comminuting machine , in particular a crushing plant with a crushing machine for reducing the grain size of a bulk material , the comminuting machine comprising a machine housing () and at least one displacement apparatus () , the machine housing () comprising at least one housing wall () with reinforcing ribs () , which extend over at least some of the width of the at least one housing wall () , or in the form of a slab , and the at least one displacement apparatus () being fastened to the at least one housing wall () and being movable into a displacement position , in which the comminuting machine can be displaced , standing on a support element () of the at least one displacement apparatus () , and into a standing position , in which the comminuting machine stands in a stationary manner , wherein the at least one housing wall () has at least one cut-out formed for receiving the at least one displacement apparatus () so that the at least one displacement apparatus () can be ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150137056A1
Автор: YANG Chung-Yi

A jack structure includes a cylinder, an air chamber piston rod disposed therein, an ejection piston rod disposed around the air chamber piston rod, a position-limiting component on top of the external cylinder, and a fastening component on top of the cylinder. The air chamber piston rod has a top with an air chamber piston, an internal portion with a first air chamber, and a sidewall with a gas passage in communication with the first air chamber. The ejection piston rod has an air chamber sealing cover, position-limiting portion, and ejection hydraulic piston. The air chamber sealing cover, ejection piston rod, air chamber piston rod, and air chamber piston together define a second air chamber communicating with the first air chamber. The ejection hydraulic piston, ejection piston rod, air chamber sealing cover, air chamber piston rod, and cylinder together define a hydraulic chamber communicating with the liquid passage. 1. A jack structure , comprising:an external cylinder having a liquid passage penetratingly disposed at a sidewall of the external cylinder; a first air chamber disposed in the air chamber piston rod;', 'a gas orifice penetratingly disposed at a bottom of the air chamber piston rod, wherein a gas is conveyed to the first air chamber via the gas orifice;', 'a sealing component for hermetically sealing the gas orifice; and', 'a gas passage penetratingly disposed at a sidewall of the air chamber piston rod and communicating with the first air chamber;, 'an air chamber piston rod disposed centrally in the external cylinder and havingan air chamber piston disposed at a top of the air chamber piston rod; a jack platform disposed at a top of the ejection piston rod; and', 'an air chamber sealing cover disposed at a bottom of an internal wall of the ejection piston rod, wherein the air chamber sealing cover, the internal wall of the ejection piston rod, an external wall of the air chamber piston rod, and the air chamber piston together define a second air ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126805A1
Автор: King Joshua

Systemized controls, apparatus, and mechanisms for unloading or loading portable buildings or equipment with respect to a flatbed trailer or an open, flat hauling platform are provided by a load management system. Loads such as prefabricated sheds are loaded safely without damage onto a trailer for hauling to from locations which may have hostile terrain in the vicinity of pick-up or final placement. The load management system provides a series of powered continuous tracks and lifting devices used to extend the load management system to the ground and lift the trailer until its wheels lose contact with the ground. The load management system uses powered continuous tracks to move the trailer over potentially hostile terrain to an unloading location. Conversely, the load management system can be used for loading a shed for secondary moving or repossession. During transit the load management system remains locked into a retracted safe configuration. 1 a set of at least three dual roller pairs fixated and distributed approximately with equal separation on a roller mounting body, each said roller pair comprising two rollers attached to a common roller axle and hub with said roller hub attached to said roller mounting body,', 'a series of at least two parallel aligned roller bow springs attached orthogonally to the at least two side roller assemblies;, 'an at least two side roller assemblies further comprising,'}, 'a roller assembly further comprising a pair of under-carriage locking tabs on opposing ends of the elongated frame main members, each locking tab comprising a locking pin transverse hole to accept a locking pin with the load management system disengaged,', 'a series of under-carriage cross members attached to the series of elongated frame main members,', 'a series of at least two under-carriage frame lift mount holes, each said frame lift mount hole for mounting a device for lifting,', 'an under-carriage frame swivel frame pivot mount for mounting a swiveling ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140219768A1
Автор: Holtman Matthew W.
Принадлежит: Gray Manufacturing Company, Inc.

An improved vehicle lift system is provided for lifting and supporting a vehicle. The vehicle lift system includes a portable front lift for lifting and supporting a front end of the vehicle, a portable rear lift for lifting and supporting a rear end of the vehicle, and a portable control station for remotely controlling the front lift and the rear lift from a safe and convenient location. The vehicle lift system may include hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics, and/or mechanical linkages for distributing and providing lifting power to the front lift and the rear lift. 1. A vehicle lift system comprising:a portable front lift comprising one or more front lift units and a set of wheels for moving the portable front lift;a portable rear lift comprising one or more rear lift units and a set of wheels for moving the portable rear lift; anda portable control station for controlling said front and rear lifts.2. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more front power lines connected to said control station and said front lift claim 1 , further comprising one or more rear power lines connected to said control station and said rear lift claim 1 , wherein said front and rear power lines are configured to provide lifting power to said front and rear lift units claim 1 , respectively.3. The vehicle lift system of claim 2 , wherein said front power lines include at least two front pneumatic lines claim 2 , wherein said rear power lines include at least two rear pneumatic lines claim 2 , wherein each of said front lift units comprises a pneumatic cylinder powered by one of said front pneumatic lines and a mechanical lock actuator powered by another of said front pneumatic lines claim 2 , wherein each of said rear lift units comprises a pneumatic cylinder powered by one of said rear pneumatic lines and a mechanical lock actuator powered by another of said rear pneumatic lines.4. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , wherein said rear lift comprises at least ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144853A1
Автор: Nussbaum Hans
Принадлежит: Otto Nussbaum GmbH & Co. KG

A lift apparatus having a plurality of cylinder-piston assemblies arranged in pairs with respectively one hydraulic medium supply and drain. For each pair of assemblies, one cylinder-piston assembly is a command assembly and connected thereto is a hydraulic pressure supply. The respective other cylinder-piston assembly is a response assembly, with its supply connected to the drain of the command assembly. For synchronized lifting at several lift points without active regulation, at least three pairs of assemblies hydraulically cooperate with each other in a serial circuit with the hydraulic medium drain of the command assembly of an upstream pair of assemblies is connected to the hydraulic medium supply of the response assembly of the next downstream pair of assemblies and the hydraulic medium drain of the command assembly of the last pair of assemblies is connected to the hydraulic medium supply of the response assembly of a first assembly pair. 11020141414141414311414. A lift apparatus ( , ) for lifting heavy loads , particularly a lift platform , comprising a plurality of cylinder-piston assemblies (F-F , K-K) arranged in pairs , with each of the cylinder-piston assemblies (F-F , K-K) comprising at least one hydraulic medium supply and at least one part of the cylinder-piston assemblies (K-K) additionally including a hydraulic medium drain , and with each of the pair of assemblies comprising one of the cylinder-piston assemblies (K-K) , operated as a command assembly connected with a pressure connection of at least one hydraulic pump () , and the respectively other of the cylinder-piston assemblies (F-F) being operated as a response assembly , with a hydraulic medium supply thereto being connected to the hydraulic medium drain of the one of the cylinder-piston assemblies (K-K) operated as a command assembly ,characterized in that{'b': 1', '2', '3', '2', '3', '4', '4', '1, 'at least three pairs of assemblies are provided and the pairs of assemblies hydraulically ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Jacking pole

Номер: US20150144854A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A jacking pole apparatus is disclosed. A jacking pole may include two tubular members, slidably engaged with one another in such a manner that they may extend or expand. A jacking pole may engage two surfaces or objects and extend therebetween in order to provide support. Further, a jacking pole may vertically displace an object or surface. A jacking pole utilizes locking mechanisms to remain in certain positions and provide continuous support for surface and objects. The locking mechanisms may also be utilized during vertical displacement in order to facilitate such motion.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137267A1

A central column allowing a 360° rotation on its central axis comprises mechanical safety locks and load sensors for safe operation in vertical and horizontal movements. The central rotating column may be part of a mounting and dismounting system for mining truck dump bodies and water truck bodies, providing two adjacent working areas. The lifting system for dump bodies of mining trucks and bodies of water trucks comprises a vertically adjustable mechanical lock; a spring-actuated automatic lock horizontally holding the column in position; an automatic rotation lock preventing the column from rotating while in operation; a toothed crown and pinion assembly integrated to the rotating base and allowing a 360° movement, and a load sensor preventing the horizontal movement of the column under load. 1. A central rotating column made of structural steel , having a horizontal hydraulically-driven movement , arranged in a dump body and water truck body exchange system , able to access two adjacent working areas , and featuring a hydraulic oil tank in its interior; the central rotating column includes a vertical travelling support arm vertically traveling by means of a hydraulic cylinder , also including a 90° swing movement; the central rotating column rotates on its vertical axis mounted on a 180° rotating turntable , the turntable includes a hydraulic motor driven crown and pinion assembly being an integral part of the base of the central rotating column comprising: an adjustable vertical safety mechanical lock activated by means of an external locking lever preventing the accidental downward travel of the vertical travelling support arm; a mechanical spring-actuated automatic safety lock adjusting the horizontal movement of the column; an automatic rotation lock preventing the column from rotating during lifting operations; an all-around toothed crown and pinion assembly allowing 360° rotation of the column; an XL extending arm attached to the travelling support arm to ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146183A1
Автор: Puls Ingo

A system for enabling servicing of a rotor of a wind turbine is provided. A rotor servicing fixture attaches to a first and second rotor blade, and contacts a wind turbine tower. A clamp assembly is connected to the rotor servicing fixture, and clamps onto a third rotor blade. The clamp assembly lowers the third rotor blade from a hub and raises it back to the hub. A lifting assembly is connected to the rotor servicing fixture and the clamp assembly, and is configured for raising and lowering the third rotor blade via the clamp assembly. A slide assembly is connected to the rotor servicing fixture, and is configured to support the rotor part and to slidably move the rotor part away from or towards the wind turbine. The system enables the rotor part to be removed or replaced without requiring the rotor to be removed from the wind turbine. 1. A system for enabling servicing of a rotor of a wind turbine comprising:a rotor servicing fixture configured to attach to and be supported by a first rotor blade and a second rotor blade, the rotor servicing fixture configured to contact a tower of the wind turbine;a clamp assembly connected to the rotor servicing fixture, the clamp assembly configured to clamp onto a third rotor blade, the clamp assembly configured to lower the third rotor blade from a hub and to raise the third lower blade back to the hub;a lifting assembly connected to the rotor servicing fixture and the clamp assembly, the lifting assembly configured for raising and lowering the third rotor blade via the clamp assembly;a slide assembly connected to the rotor servicing fixture, the slide assembly configured to support the rotor part and to slidably move the rotor part away from or towards the wind turbine; andwherein the system enables the rotor part to be removed or replaced without requiring the rotor to be removed from the wind turbine.2. The system of claim 1 , the rotor servicing fixture further comprising:a first leg and a second leg, both the first leg ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Lifting Plate Jack

Номер: US20210171326A1
Автор: Terry Lee Call
Принадлежит: Panel Jacks

A lifting device includes two lifting plates, four rams coupled to the two lifting plates, and a pump coupled to the four rams. Two of the four rams are coupled at two sides of one of the two lifting plates and are configured to move the one lifting plate along a first direction when operated by the pump. The other two of the four rams are coupled at two sides of another one of the two lifting plates and are configured to move the other lifting plate along a second direction when operated by the pump.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Hydraulic Jack System

Номер: US20180141791A1

A hydraulic jack system for lifting a load is disclosed comprising a hydraulic cylinder having a hydraulic piston for displacing loads and a locking ring for locking the hydraulic cylinder in place when pressure is removed from the hydraulic cylinder. The jack system also has a gear operatively connected to the locking ring for displacement of the locking ring and a top plate connected to the hydraulic piston for receiving the load. A bottom plate connected to the hydraulic cylinder to provide support to the hydraulic cylinder is also disclosed and, securing means for attaching the bottom plate to the hydraulic cylinder wherein the securing means allow for movement of the bottom plate when the hydraulic jack system is lifting a load. 1. A hydraulic jack system for lifting a load comprising:a. A hydraulic cylinder having a hydraulic piston for displacing loads;b. A locking ring for locking the hydraulic cylinder in place when pressure is removed from the hydraulic cylinder;c. A gear operatively connected to the locking ring for displacement of the locking ring;d. A top plate connected to the hydraulic piston for receiving the load;e. A bottom plate connected to the hydraulic cylinder to provide support to the hydraulic cylinder; and,f. Securing means for attaching the bottom plate to the hydraulic cylinder wherein the securing means allow for movement of the bottom plate when the hydraulic jack system is lifting a load.2. A hydraulic system for use in a hydraulic jack system comprising:a. A hydraulic cylinder having a hydraulic piston for displacing loads;b. A locking ring for locking the hydraulic cylinder in place when pressure is removed from the hydraulic cylinder; andc. A gear operatively connected to the locking ring for displacement of the locking ring when the hydraulic piston is displaced.3. Any invention as may be defined in the above description. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/423,925, filed Nov. 18, 2016, the ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147969A1
Автор: Richardson Robert

A container transfer system is disclosed. The container transfer system includes a conveyance mechanism configured to support a container and move the container along a first axis, and a lift mechanism configured to raise and lower the conveyance mechanism. 1. A container transfer system , comprising:a conveyance mechanism configured to support a container and move the container along a first axis; anda lift mechanism configured to raise and lower the conveyance mechanism.2. The container transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the conveyance mechanism comprises:a drive tray including a channel;a plurality of sockets mounted to the drive tray and positioned within the channel;a conveyor chain mounted on the plurality of sockets; andan electric motor connected to one of the plurality of sockets and configured to drive the conveyor chain.3. The container transfer system of claim 2 , wherein the lift mechanism comprises:a frame;an air spring attached at a first end to the frame and at a second end to the drive tray, wherein a height of the air spring can be adjusted to vary a distance between the frame and the conveyance mechanism.4. The container transfer system of claim 3 , wherein the lift mechanism further comprises:a telescoping strut attached at a first end to the frame; anda stabilizer slide attached to a second end of the telescoping strut, the stabilizer slide including a channel, wherein the drive tray is received within the channel of the stabilizer slide.5. The container transfer system of claim 4 , wherein a glide pad is positioned within the channel of the stabilizer slide between the stabilizer slide and the drive tray.6. The container transfer system of claim 4 , wherein the drive tray is configured to slide along the channel of the stabilizer slide.7. The container transfer system of claim 4 , wherein the lift mechanism further comprises a stabilizer bar extending between the second end of the air spring and the second end of the telescoping strut.8. The ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145122A1
Автор: Gupta Ashish, Reddy Padira

A side saddle slingshot drilling rig includes a left and right substructure including a left and right lower box. The side saddle slingshot drilling rig includes a drill rig floor mechanically and pivotably coupled to the left and right lower boxes such that it is pivotably movable from a lowered position to a raised position. The drill rig floor includes a V-door. The V-door is positioned on the V-door side of the drill rig floor. The V-door side of the drill rig floor is oriented to face the right substructure. A mast coupled to the drill rig floor may include an open side, defining a mast V-door side. The mast V-door side may be oriented to face the right substructure. The mast may pivot into its raised position or may be a bootstrap mast. 1. A drilling rig comprising:a right substructure and a left substructure, the substructures positioned generally parallel and spaced apart from each other;the right substructure including a right lower box and a first strut, the first strut pivotably coupled to a drill rig floor and pivotably coupled to the right lower box, the drill rig floor including a V-door, the side of the drill rig floor including the V-door defining the V-door side of the drill rig floor, the V-door oriented to face perpendicular to the right substructure;the left substructure including a left lower box and a second strut, the second strut pivotably coupled to the drill rig floor and pivotably coupled to the left lower box;anda mast, the mast including an open side defining a mast V-door side, the open side oriented to face perpendicular to the right substructure, the mast pivotably coupled to the drill rig floor by one or more pivot points and one or more lower mast attachment points, the mast being pivotable in a direction parallel to the V-door side of the drill rig floor.2. The drilling rig of claim 1 , wherein the struts form a bar linkage between the lower boxes and the drill rig floor.3. The drilling rig of claim 2 , wherein the struts are ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Use of buoyancy type power generation method

Номер: US20180156189A1
Автор: Tetuji KOHSAKA
Принадлежит: Individual

To improve and use a “buoyancy type power generation method”. A method for harnessing buoyancy and a device therefor are described as prior art in Patent No. JP 5789231 B2 “Buoyancy Type Power Generation Method”. The present invention, adds “self-supply of driving power” as a new feature to the prior art. That is, the present invention is “a self-contained power generation method and a device therefor, for driving itself by means of power produced by itself and for generating power that can be used industrially”. Presented are: a “gap operation type float” and a “rotary type float” which have simple operating methods and configurations as novel power generation devices of the present invention; various devices such as a self-reliant electric-power plant, a bubble injection water maker, a wired electric aircraft, and a seismic isolator as utilization inventions that use the power generation device of the present invention; and various uses of the power generation device of the present invention, for the respective industrial fields.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200154879A1
Автор: PEI Xubo

A gas-operated lifting table provided by an embodiment of the present disclosure, includes a pedestal, a column assembly, and a panel assembly, the column is detachably coupled to the pedestal and the panel assembly, the panel assembly includes an operating member, the column assembly includes a fastening column fastened to the pedestal and a sliding column movable relative to the fastening column, the gas-operated lifting table further includes a controllable gas spring arranged within the column assembly and detachably coupled to the column assembly, when the operating member is pressed against the controllable gas spring, the sliding column is movable relative to the fastening column in a direction away from or toward the pedestal. The gas-operated lifting table provided by an embodiment of the present disclosure has a simple structure and is flexible to operate. 1. A gas-operated lifting table comprising: a pedestal , a column assembly , and a panel assembly , wherein the column is detachably coupled to the pedestal and the panel assembly , the panel assembly comprises an operating member , the column assembly comprises a fastening column fastened to the pedestal and a sliding column movable relative to the fastening column , the gas-operated lifting table further comprises a controllable gas spring arranged within the column assembly and detachably coupled to the column assembly , and when the operating member is pressed against the controllable gas spring , the sliding column is movable relative to the fastening column in a direction away from or toward the pedestal; wherein , the sliding column is sleeved on the fastening column , the column assembly further comprises a first guide rail and a second guide rail engaging with the first guide rail , the first guide rail is arranged on an outside wall of the fastening column , the second guide rail is arranged on an inside wall of the sliding column and located at an end of the sliding column adjacent to the ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140255105A1
Автор: Asplin Charles L.

A method of lifting a structure using one or more inflatable hoses is described. In one embodiment, a method of lifting a structure resting on the ground includes attaching a lift apparatus to the structure to the raised. An inflatable hose is introduced underneath the lift apparatus, with the inflatable hose being disposed between a bottom surface of the lift apparatus and the ground. The structure is then lifted by inflating the hose with pressurized media so that the hose increases in volume to impose an upward force on the lift apparatus which in turn lifts the structure.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140259985A1
Принадлежит: Nabors Drilling International Limited

A method includes accommodating a first mast section of a mast on a mast cart below a floor of a platform, the mast comprising a plurality of mast sections, and elevating, using actuators located on the mast cart, the first mast section through an opening in the platform. The method also includes attaching the first mast section to the platform using a plurality of holding locks located on the platform, accommodating a second mast section on the mast cart below the floor of the platform, and elevating the second mast section to the first mast section using the actuators. The method also includes attaching the first mast section to the second mast section, detaching the first mast section from the platform, elevating the first mast section and the second mast section through the opening using the actuators, and attaching the second mast section to the platform using the holding locks. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a base adapted to accommodate a first mast section;a plurality of actuators extending in a vertical direction from the base, the actuators adapted to apply a force in the vertical direction and being extendable and retractable along a vertical axis; anda coupling located on a corresponding actuator from the plurality of actuators, the coupling arranged to temporarily engage the first mast section and to convey the force from the corresponding actuator to move the first mast section along the vertical axis in connection with extension of the actuators.2. The apparatus of wherein the actuators comprise hydraulically telescoping cylinders.3. The apparatus of wherein the base is a quadrilateral surface having four corners and having each corresponding actuator located near each corner.4. The apparatus of which further comprises a platform comprising at least two vertical supports and a floor that connects laterally between an upper portion of each vertical support;wherein the first mast section has an upper section and a lower section, and a second mast section ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170728A1
Принадлежит: E-MAKE CO.,LTD.

A wheeled cabinet includes a container including compartments, a rear handle, drawers, and a storage between the drawers and a base; a pneumatic assembly including an inlet, connectors, a pneumatic cylinder on the base, a piston rod configured to move alternately upward and downward relative to the cylinder, and a controller for activating the cylinder; a lifting assembly including two opposite rails upwardly disposed on two sides of the base respectively, and an inverted U-shaped frame member slidably disposed on the rails and having an underside of a top secured to the piston rod; and a tire support assembly including a support secured to the frame member, two slides on two sides of the support respectively, a sliding tray secured to the slides, a slot on an inner surface of the tray, a moveable tab in the slot, and two rollers on two sides of the tray respectively. 16-. (canceled)7. A cabinet comprising:a container including a plurality of compartments on a top, a handle on a rear end, a plurality of drawers under the handle, a base, a storage between the drawers and the base, two front wheels disposed under the base, and two rear wheels disposed under the base;a pneumatic assembly including an inlet, a plurality of connectors, a pneumatic cylinder disposed on the base and being in fluid communication with one of the connectors, a piston rod configured to move alternately upward and downward relative to the pneumatic cylinder, and a controller for activating the pneumatic cylinder or not;a lifting assembly including two opposite rails upwardly disposed on two sides of the base respectively, and an inverted U-shaped frame member slidably disposed on the rails and having an underside of a top secured to the piston rod;a tire support assembly including a support secured to a front end of the frame member, two slides disposed on two sides of the support respectively, a tray slidably secured to the slides and configured to extend or retract relative to the support, a ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Scissor Lift with Hydraulic Pulling Cylinder

Номер: US20170174486A1

A lift device configured to lift an object includes a stationary base, a lift assembly, a support assembly, and a lift mechanism. The lift assembly is movably coupled to the base, and the support assembly is movably coupled to the lift assembly. The support assembly is configured to support the object. The lift mechanism has an adjustable length. The lift mechanism is coupled to the base and to the lift assembly such that decreasing the length of the lift mechanism moves the support assembly upwardly and increasing the length of the lift mechanism moves the support assembly downwardly. 1. A lift device configured to lift an object , comprising:a base for supporting the lift device on a surface;a support assembly movably coupled to the base and configured to support the object; anda lift mechanism including a hydraulic cylinder, the hydraulic cylinder coupled to the base and to the support assembly such that drawing a piston of the hydraulic cylinder into a barrel of the hydraulic cylinder moves the support assembly upwardly, and extending the piston out of the barrel moves the support assembly downwardly.2. The lift device of claim 1 , further comprising:a lift assembly coupled to the support assembly, the base, and the lift mechanism, wherein:the lift assembly includes two first legs rotatably coupled to the support assembly and slidably coupled to the base; andthe lift mechanism includes a crossbar rotatably coupled to the two first legs.3. The lift device of claim 2 , wherein:the crossbar is arranged perpendicularly relative to the hydraulic cylinder of the lift mechanism.4. The lift device of claim 2 , wherein:the lift assembly includes two second legs rotatably coupled to the base and slidably coupled to the support assembly.5. The lift device of claim 4 , wherein:the support assembly includes two arms, each arm coupled to a first leg and a second leg of the lift assembly; andthe support assembly includes a cross member fixedly coupled to both arms of the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Hydraulic Crane System for Lifting a Crane on a Vehicle

Номер: US20160185579A1
Автор: Collins John

A hydraulic manifold system for lifting, installing, or repairing large industrial field equipment. The system includes a hydraulic motor, which is fluidly connected to a hydraulic line of a vehicle, which is drivingly connected to a high-pressure hydraulic pump and fluidly connected to above-ground jack, ram, or lifting device. An above-ground jack, ram, or lifting device is hydraulically actuated by the fluid supplied by the hydraulic pump wherein a remote electronic controller can be utilized to provide a signal in order to depressurize the auxiliary device using an electronically actuated valve. 1. An auxiliary hydraulic device for fluidically integrated use with a vehicle having a hydraulic system and providing high-pressure hydraulic oil to an auxiliary hydraulic device , comprising:a. a manifold; i. a first hydraulic line in fluidic communication with hydraulic system of the vehicle;', 'ii. a second hydraulic line in fluidic communication with the auxiliary hydraulic device;', 'iii. a hydraulic pump in fluidic communication with the first hydraulic line and second hydraulic line configured to generate hydraulic fluid pressure;', 'iv. a reservoir for storing hydraulic fluid, and in fluidic communication with the hydraulic hydraulic pump; and', 'v. an electronic controller electrically connected to the hydraulic pump to activate the pump; and, 'b. an auxiliary hydraulic system, comprisingc. an auxiliary apparatus, hydraulically actuated by fluid from the hydraulic pump.2. The auxiliary hydraulic device of claim 1 , further comprising a hydraulic motor.3. (canceled)4. The auxiliary hydraulic device of claim 1 , further comprising a heating element in fluidic communication with the auxiliary hydraulic system.5. (canceled)6. The auxiliary hydraulic device of claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary device is selected from the group consisting of: an above-ground jack claim 1 , a bead breaker and a ram.7. The auxiliary hydraulic device of claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Lifting System for Lifting a Vehicle with Indirect Height Measurement and Method Therefor

Номер: US20180179035A1
Автор: De Jong Jurjen Jan

A lifting system for lifting a vehicle, including a mobile frame with a moveable carrier configured for carrying the vehicle; a drive which acts on the carrier and has a hydraulic system; a measurement system including a sensor configured for indirect measurement of the height of the carrier, with the sensor configured for generating an indirect measurement signal from the hydraulic system that is indicative for the height of the carrier, or a change thereof; and a controller configured for controlling the height of the carrier in response to the indirect measurement signal of the measurement system. 114.-. (canceled)15. A lifting system for lifting a vehicle , the system comprising:a mobile frame with a moveable carrier configured for carrying the vehicle;a drive which acts on the carrier and comprises a hydraulic system;a measurement system comprising a sensor configured for indirect measurement of the height of the carrier, with the sensor configured for generating an indirect measurement signal from the hydraulic system that is indicative for the height of the carrier, or a change thereof; anda controller configured for controlling the height of the carrier in response to the indirect measurement signal of the measurement system.16. The lifting system according to claim 15 , wherein the drive acting on the carrier comprises a hydraulic liquid reservoir and hydraulic connections claim 15 , and wherein the sensor of the measurement system is contained in the hydraulic reservoir and/or in the hydraulic connections and is configured for measuring the level claim 15 , pressure claim 15 , or volume of hydraulic liquid and/or the change thereof.17. The lifting system according to claim 16 , wherein the sensor of the measurement system comprises one or more of the following sensors: an ultrasonic hydraulic liquid level sensor claim 16 , a float sensor configured for measuring the hydraulic liquid level claim 16 , a pressure sensor configured for measuring pressure and/ ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180181096A1
Автор: Harris Danny

A precision shaft alignment system for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of a first shaft rotatably mounted and extending from a fixed unit and a second shaft extending from a variable position unit towards the first shaft includes a control and computing interface module, a pair of measuring means for precisely measuring at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft and a jacking system for precisely aligning the shafts. The pair of measuring means is in communication with the control and computing interface module for transferring the at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of the first shaft and the second shaft. The jacking system is controlled by the control and computing interface module for precisely aligning the shaft. 1. A precision shaft alignment system capable of being operated for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of a first shaft extending from a fixed unit and a second shaft extending from a variable position unit towards the first shaft , the first shaft extending from the fixed unit being rotatably mounted to precisely couple with the second shaft of the variable position unit , the precision shaft alignment system comprising:a control and computing interface module for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of the first shaft of the fixed unit and the second shaft of the variable position unit by processing a plurality of calculated information;the two shaft mounted laser or digital measuring means for precisely measuring at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft, wherein the pair of measuring means being in communication with the control and computing interface module for transferring the at least one position of the first shaft and the second shaft for establishing precise concentric axial alignment of the first shaft and the second shaft;a jacking system for at least one of a horizontal and a vertical ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle lifter

Номер: US20160200557A1
Автор: Je Hwan CHO
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a vehicle lifter that includes a first support portion that is provided to support a downside of a vehicle, a second support portion that is spaced apart from the first support portion and is provided to support the ground, and an expansion unit that connects the first support portion and the second support portion to each other and is expanded when a fluid is supplied to a closed space formed inside.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Container lift and/or weighing system

Номер: US20160202111A1
Принадлежит: BISON GROUP Ltd, Bison Groupl Ltd

A portable container lift or weighing system includes lifting units, each including a hydraulic linear actuator and a mounting arrangement for mounting the actuator to a shipping container. The system includes a number of portable components that can be handled by a single worker. The system may provide a means for weighing the container.

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Pressure-Medium Unit, Having a Housing Produced by Injection Molding and Composed of Plastic, and Method for Producing Said Pressure-Medium Unit

Номер: US20180195534A1

A pressure-medium unit includes a housing, which is produced by injection molding and composed of plastic, in the housing wall of which housing at least one connection bush having a passage opening is fastened, through which pressure medium is fed into and/or led out of the interior of the housing. In the injection molding process of the housing, the connection bush, with the exception of the passage opening, is at least partially injection-molded into the housing wall. 1. A pressure medium unit , comprising:an injection molded housing made from plastic;at least one connector socket with a through opening in a housing wall of the housing, through which through opening a feed and/or discharge of pressure medium into or out of an interior of the housing takes place, whereinthe connector socket, with the exception of the through opening, is molded at least partially into the housing wall during the injection molding of the housing.2. The pressure medium unit as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe connector socket is configured for releasably fastening a connector stub of a hose or pipe line, which connector stub conducts the pressure medium.3. The pressure medium unit as claimed in claim 2 , whereinthe connector socket is configured as a push-in fitting for releasably fastening the connector stub which conducts the pressure medium.4. The pressure medium unit as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising:at least one seal element arranged between a radially outwardly protruding collar of the connector stub and an outer face of the housing wall or an end face of the connector socket.5. The pressure medium unit as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe connector socket has a sleeve part and a collar part which protrudes radially outwardly away from the sleeve part, andat least the collar part is molded completely into the housing wall.6. The pressure medium unit as claimed in claim 5 , whereinfor an anti-rotation safeguard of the connector socket with respect to the housing wall, the ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195036A1

A transportation apparatus is described herein that comprises a lifting apparatus having a support structure, a base portion and a scissor-lift device disposed between the support structure and the base portion. The scissor-lift device having a first arm having a first end and a second end pivotally connected to a second arm having a first end and a second end. The first end of the first arm is hingedly connected to the base portion and the second end of the first arm is slidably engaged with the support structure. Similarly, the first end of the second arm is slidably engaged with the base portion and the second end of the second arm is hingedly connected to the support structure. A method of raising centrifuge equipment to a desired height via the lifting apparatus is also described herein. 1. A method , the method comprising: a support structure, a base portion and a scissor-lift device disposed between the support structure and the base portion, the scissor-lift device comprising:', 'a first arm having a first end and a second end pivotally connected to a second arm having a first end and a second end, the first end of the first arm hingedly connected to the base portion and the second end of the first arm slidably engaged with the support structure, the first end of the second arm slidably engaged with the base portion and the second end of the second arm hingedly connected to the support structure., 'raising centrifuge equipment to a desired height via a lifting apparatus, the lifting apparatus comprising2. The method of wherein the support structure includes a guiding element disposed on an underside portion thereof to engage with the second end of the first arm and the base portion includes a guiding element disposed thereon to engage with the first end of the second arm.3. The method of wherein the second end of the first arm and the first end of the second arm include a wheel element to facilitate improved sliding engagement with the guiding element on the ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Portable Electronic Vehicle Lift

Номер: US20160214839A1
Автор: Boudreau Rene

A portable electronic vehicle jack is provided. The present invention provides a vehicle lifting device including a telescoping hydraulic cylinder disposed inside a portable housing, wherein a piston is extendable and retractable therefrom. The piston includes an engaging member configured to engage a vehicle and sustain the load. An electrically driven hydraulic pump is operably connected to the hydraulic cylinder and includes a reservoir having a hydraulic fluid therein. The hydraulic pump is configured to displace the hydraulic fluid into and out of an expandable chamber within the hydraulic cylinder. Displacement of the hydraulic fluid into the expandable chamber exerts an upward force onto the piston, which drives the piston upwards along a vertical axis. A remote control having one or more switches is provided for activating the electrical drive of the hydraulic pump and displacing the hydraulic fluid to either extend or retract the piston. 1) A portable electronic vehicle jack , comprising:a housing;a hydraulic pump positioned within said interior volume;a hydraulic cylinder positioned within said interior volume, said hydraulic cylinder operably connected to said hydraulic pump;a piston positioned in said hydraulic cylinder, said piston configured to extend and retract from said housing; anda remote control operably connected to said hydraulic pump, said remote control being adapted to control the operation of said hydraulic pump.2) The portable electronic vehicle jack of claim 1 , further comprising an engaging member disposed at a distal end of said piston.3) The portable electronic vehicle jack of claim 1 , wherein said hydraulic pump further comprises a reservoir containing a hydraulic fluid therein.4) The portable electronic vehicle jack of claim 1 , further comprising a coupling valve claim 1 , said coupling valve operably coupling said hydraulic cylinder to said hydraulic pump.5) The electronic vehicle jack of claim 1 , wherein said remote control ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238018A1
Принадлежит: Vehicle Service Group, LLC

An apparatus includes a housing, a piston, an input cavity, a first actuating shaft, a first output cavity, and a second output cavity. The housing comprises an input port, a first output port, a second output port, a first end, a second end, a first wide wall having a first internal surface, and a chamber at least partially defined by the first end and the first internal surface. The piston is able to actuate along the first internal surface of the first side wall. The input cavity is in fluid communication with the input port. The first output cavity is in fluid communication with the first output port. The second output cavity is in fluid communication with the second output port. The first actuating shaft is fixed to the piston and helps fluidly isolate the first output port from the second output port. 1. A hydraulic apparatus comprising: (i) a first portion having a first inner diameter, where the first inner diameter at least partially defines an input cavity and a first output cavity,', '(ii) a second portion having a second inner diameter, wherein the first inner diameter is larger than the second inner diameter, and the second inner diameter at least partially defines a second output cavity,', '(iii) an input port in communication with the input cavity,', '(iv) a first output port in communication with the first output cavity, and', '(v) a second output port in communication with the second output cavity; and, '(a) a hydraulic housing comprising (i) a piston slidably housed within the first portion of the hydraulic housing,', '(ii) a first seal fixed to the piston, wherein the first seal abuts against the first inner diameter to fluidly isolate the input port from the first output port, and', '(iii) an actuating rod fixed to the piston, wherein the actuating rod comprises a second seal, and the second seal abuts against the second inner diameter to fluidly isolate the first output port from the second output port., '(b) a piston assembly configured to ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Trailer Jack

Номер: US20150224967A1
Автор: Rensink Rodney Lee

Disclosed is a jack that may include a first assembly having a first side wall and a second side wall, a second assembly having a third side wall and a fourth side wall, a pin connecting the first assembly to the second assembly so that the first assembly is rotatably connected to the second assembly, and at least one actuator connected to the first assembly and the second assembly. 1. A jack comprising:a first assembly;a second assembly pivotally connected to the first assembly;a locking assembly pivotally connected to the first assembly and having an end configured to engage an interfacing member arranged in the second assembly; andat least one actuator configured to rotate the first assembly with respect to the second assembly.2. The jack according to claim 1 , wherein the locking assembly includes a first arm.3. The jack according to claim 2 , wherein the locking assembly includes a second arm.4. The jack according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one actuator is a single actuator arranged between the first and second arms.5. The jack according to claim 4 , wherein the single actuator is pivotally connected to the first and second assemblies.6. The jack according to claim 3 , further comprising:a first connecting structure on the locking assembly;a second connecting structure on the first assembly; anda second actuator, wherein operating the second actuator causes the first and second arms to revolve about an axis.7. The jack according to claim 3 , wherein the second actuator is one of a pneumatic and hydraulic cylinder.8. The jack according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one actuator is a pair of actuators arranged on the sides of the first and second assemblies.9. The jack according to claim 8 , further comprising:a handle configured to actuate the locking assembly.10. The jack according to claim 9 , wherein the handle is configured to rotate the at least one arm into a position such that the end interfaces the interfacing member.11. The jack according to ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150232309A1

A self-synchronizing wheel lift system configured to lift a vehicle using compressed air. The lift system comprises a plurality of pneumatic wheel lifts and a lift control system. The lift control system is configured to automatically synchronize the heights of the wheel lifts during vehicle lifting without causing any of the wheel lifts to completely stop during vehicle lifting. 1. A self-synchronizing wheel lift system configured to lift a vehicle using compressed air , said lift system comprising:a plurality of pneumatic wheel lifts; anda lift control system configured to automatically synchronize the heights of said wheel lifts during vehicle lifting without causing any of said wheel lifts to completely stop during vehicle lifting.2. The wheel lift system of claim 1 , wherein the lift control system is configured to automatically synchronize the heights of said wheel lifts during vehicle lowering without causing any of said wheel lifts to completely stop during vehicle lowering.3. The wheel lift system of claim 1 , wherein the lift control system comprises a position indication system claim 1 , a pneumatic control system claim 1 , and an electrical control system claim 1 , wherein said position indication system is configured to provide an indication of the heights of said wheel lifts during vehicle lifting claim 1 , wherein said pneumatic power control system is configured to control the flow of compressed air to said wheel lifts during lifting claim 1 , and wherein said electrical control system is configured to control said pneumatic control system based on said indication of heights provided by said position indication system.4. The wheel lift system of claim 3 , wherein each of said wheel lifts comprises a pneumatic main cylinder claim 3 , wherein said pneumatic control system comprises a plurality of pneumatic valves each associated with one of said main cylinders claim 3 , wherein each of said pneumatic valves is configured to control air flow into and/or ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Lifting and Transporting Device

Номер: US20200216296A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a lifting and transporting device for lifting a load ( 13 ) and for transporting the same transversely to the lifting direction ( 8 ), for use in the production of a screwed flange connection ( 35 ), in order to bring a tensioning tool ( 13 ) into a tensioning position in which it is in engagement with a screw bolt connection ( 18 ) to be pretensioned, or into a transport position in which it is out of engagement with a screw bolt connection and can be transported to the next screw bolt connection, wherein the flange ( 36 a, 36 b) extends horizontally, comprising a frame ( 2 ) for picking up and for lifting a load ( 13 ), a holding device ( 3 ) for holding the load, wherein the holding device is movable relative to the frame in the lifting direction ( 8 ), and comprising a hoisting device ( 4 ) for lifting and lowering the holding device ( 3 ) with the load ( 13 ) attached thereto, wherein the frame ( 2 ) is mounted on a first and a second support bearing ( 5, 6 ) and the first support bearing ( 5 ) is designed for abutment against the flange upper side ( 14 ), the frame ( 2 ) is designed to extend from the flange upper side ( 14 ) along the flange face ( 15 ) to below the flange underside ( 16 ), the second support bearing ( 6 ) is designed for abutment against the flange upper side ( 14 ) or against the flange face ( 15 ), the holding device ( 3 ) is equipped to hold the tensioning tool ( 13 ) below the flange underside ( 16 ) with the engaging means directed upwards, and the hoisting device ( 4 ) is equipped to lift the holding device ( 3 ) with the tensioning tool ( 13 ) attached thereto from a lowered transport position into a tensioning position.

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Inflatable air wedge with tool channel and associated method

Номер: US20180229985A1
Автор: Bruce Urff

An inflatable air wedge has a tool channel that is inserted between a vehicle door and a vehicle body for allowing an operator to effectively unlock the vehicle door without damaging the vehicle (door and/or body and/or weather stripping). The inflatable air wedge includes a selectively inflatable bladder capable of being intercalated between the existing vehicle door and the existing vehicle body, a pneumatic mechanism in operable communication with the bladder for selectively introducing and releasing air from the bladder, and a conduit engaged with the bladder. Advantageously, such a conduit is suitably sized and shaped for guiding an existing unlocking tool therethrough while the bladder is at an inflated state and seated between the vehicle door and the vehicle body. Notably, the conduit is spaced from the pneumatic mechanism and manually distended when the unlocking tool is positioned therein.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180231223A1
Автор: Rau Michael A.
Принадлежит: Diversified Products, LLC

An inline mast adapter configured for attaching a light fixture, where a light fixture is aligned (within 15.24 cm, as measured horizontally, from the center of the light fixture) with an extendable tower mast, when the extendable tower mast is in a vertical position. The inline mast adapter includes a pivot arm, such that a light fixture may be attached from ground level. The inline mast adapter further includes a first gas spring and a second gas spring configured for rotational movement for rotationally moving the pivot arm to a vertical position. Further, the inline mast adapter may be an after-market add on to the extendable tower mast, such that the inline mast adapter is a kit. 1. An inline mast adapter apparatus for adapting an extendable tower mast , the inline mast adapter comprising: 'the attachment backing plate, the attachment hardware, the attachment frame, and the attachment arm are in mechanical communication;', 'an attachment backing plate, attachment hardware, an attachment frame, and an attachment arm, wherein'}, 'an attachment system, the attachment system comprising,'} 'the support bracket is in mechanical communication with the attachment arm of the attachment system;', 'a support bracket, wherein'} the first gas spring rod is in gaseous communication with the first gas spring, and wherein', 'the release handle is in mechanical communication with the first gas spring rod, and wherein', 'the first gas spring is in mechanical communication with the support bracket;, 'a first gas spring rod and a release handle, wherein'}, 'a first gas spring, the first gas spring comprising,'} [ the second gas spring rod is in gaseous communication with the second gas spring, and wherein', 'the second gas spring rod is in mechanical communication with the release handle, and wherein, 'a second gas spring rod, wherein'}, 'the second gas spring is in mechanical communication with the support bracket., 'a second gas spring, the second gas spring comprising,'} 'the ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140326937A1

A hydraulic pushing device, including: a hydraulic unit, a rear seat, a front seat, a prying mechanism, an automatic adjustment mechanism, and a zero-torque pushing mechanism. The hydraulic unit and the rear seat are disposed on a platform. The zero-torque pushing mechanism includes two hydraulic cylinders, one end of each of the two hydraulic cylinders is hinged to the rear seat via a third hinge pin, and the other end of each of the two hydraulic cylinders is hinged to the front seat via a second hinge pin. The automatic adjustment mechanism includes a control lever and two locating pieces. One end of the control lever is in a fixed connection to the front seat, and the other end of the control lever is clamped by the two locating pieces. The prying mechanism includes two pawls, a pawl shaft, two prying guides, and two rows of equidistantly-disposed stop pieces. 2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the prying guide employs two plates disposed at two sides of the stop piece claim 1 , and the prying guide comprises a long pin hole matching the first hinge pin.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein a lower press block is disposed at a lower part of the front round block leaning against the pawl shaft claim 1 , and an upper press block is disposed at an upper part of the front round block.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein inclined support bars in a fixed connection to the front seat are disposed at two sides of the control lever claim 1 , respectively.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the stop pieces are fixed on the lower slide rail claim 1 , and correspond to the pawl.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein rollers are disposed at both sides of a bottom of the platform. This application is a continuation-in-part of International Patent Application No. PCT/CN2012/001280 with an international filing date of Sep. 18, 2012, designating the United States, now pending, and further claims priority benefits to Chinese Patent Application No. 201210014452.6 filed Jan. 17, 2012. The ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150246797A1

A vehicle lift system incorporating one or more lift control modules having an advanced operating platform. The lift control module includes a user interface for receiving user instructions from a user, at least one control module processor, and a non-transitory computer-readable medium with an advanced operating platform stored thereon. The computer readable medium includes a first application operable executable by the advanced operating platform. The first application directs the control module processor to provide instructions to the vehicle lift to control the vehicle lift based on the user instructions. The computer readable medium further includes a second application executable by the advanced operating platform. The second application directs the control module processor to perform certain steps, with such certain steps not directed to controlling the vehicle lift. Furthermore, the advanced operating platform is configured to execute said first application and said second application simultaneously. 1. A vehicle lift system including a vehicle lift with a post , an actuator , and a carriage assembly , where said vehicle lift system further comprises:a lift control system for controlling the actuator so as to lift the carriage assembly relative to the post, wherein said lift control system includes at least one core processor; a user interface for receiving user instructions from a user,', 'at least one control module processor,', 'a non-transitory computer-readable medium with an advanced operating platform stored thereon, wherein the computer-readable medium further includes one or more electronic libraries stored thereon, with said electronic libraries being accessible by said advanced operating platform,', 'wherein each of said electronic libraries include one or more library program codes for instructing said at least one control module processor to perform steps,', a first application operable to be executed by said advanced operating platform, wherein ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160244307A1
Автор: Bogert Richard W.

A jacking system adapted to facilitate jacking of a lifting structure includes an extension system which is interchangeably coupleable to a jacking device or a jack stand. The extension system can include a coupler portion having an opening which is configured to removably couple the coupler portion to the jacking device or the jack stand and a ram portion which is configured to be engagingly coupleable to the lifting structure. Related methods of lifting and supporting a lifting structure are also provided. 1. A jacking system adapted to facilitate jacking of a lifting structure , the jacking system comprising: a coupler portion having an opening, the opening configured to removably couple the coupler portion to the jacking device or the jack stand; and', 'a ram portion configured to be engagingly coupleable to the lifting structure., 'an extension system interchangeably coupleable to a jacking device or a jack stand, the extension system including2. The jacking system of claim 1 , further comprising: a receiving portion configured to be removably coupled to the ram portion; and', 'an engagement portion having an engagement surface, the engagement surface configured to engage a corresponding surface of the lifting structure., 'a jack pad including3. The jacking system of wherein the engagement portion extends from a first lateral end to an opposing second lateral end to define the engagement surface which extends angularly from the first lateral end to the opposing second lateral end.4. The jacking system of wherein the engagement portion further comprises:a pair of stops, each stop disposed on opposite ends of the engagement portion.5. The jacking system of wherein the jack stand includes a receiver member having a receiver opening claim 1 , the receiver opening configured to receive therein the coupler portion of the extension system.6. The jacking system of wherein the extension system further comprises:a load dispersing ring, the load dispersing ring configured ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Automotive Hydraulic Tilt Lift Assembly and Related Methods

Номер: US20150251883A1
Автор: Miranda Arnaldo

The invention is directed towards a hydraulic tilt lift assembly for raising and rotating an automobile which includes a first vertical column and second vertical column affixed to a garage floor. Each vertical column has a shaft, a middle portion and a rotation cavity positioned proximate to the middle portion. Perpendicularly attached to the middle portion of each vertical column is a pivot fork which includes a first holding beam and second holding beam in parallel relation to one another. A connecting beam (perpendicular to the first and second holding beams) attaches to both holding beams. In turn, the connecting beam connects to the rotation cavity of the vertical column through a rotating beam. A first fastener is positioned on the first holding beam, while a second fastener is positioned on the second holding beam. Both fasteners may include parallel engaging bars sufficient to engage one tire of the automobile. 1. A hydraulic tilt lift assembly , comprising:at least one vertical column having a shaft, a middle portion and a rotation cavity proximate the middle portion;a pivot fork perpendicularly connected to each vertical column, the pivot fork having a first holding beam and corresponding second holding beam in parallel relationship to one another, the pivot fork further including a connecting beam which attaches the first holding beam to the second holding beam, wherein the connecting beam connects to the vertical column through a rotating beam positioned within the rotation cavity; andat least one fastener positioned on a first holding beam for affixing the automobile to the hydraulic tilt lift; anda hydraulic pump.2. A hydraulic tilt lift assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a first vertical column;a second vertical column; anda first pivot fork attached to the first vertical column; anda second pivot fork attached to the second vertical column.3. A hydraulic tilt lift assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first pivot fork includes a first fastener ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации

System for Loading Large Fluid Containers and Pumping Fluid Therefrom

Номер: US20190248635A1
Принадлежит: Magnum Venus Products Inc

A drum loading and unloading system and method for loading and unloading a drum. The system includes a portable base unit having pedestals for holding a drum at a predetermined position for loading and unloading material from the drum; a pair of pneumatic cylinders attached to the portable base supporting a cross-beam; a pumping piston attached to the cross-beam for pumping material into and out of the drum; and a lifting device attached to the cross-beam for lifting the drum onto the pedestals of the portable base.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Lifting and Transporting System

Номер: US20170260027A1
Автор: Larry R. DEBATTISTE
Принадлежит: Individual

Jack units attach skates to an object to be moved. Each jack unit has a tongue that slidably engages a coupling slot affixed to the object, and can be operated to raise or lower the tongue; when raised, the object is supported on the skates and can be rolled to a new location. A crane can attach to lift eyes on the jack units to allow the system to be lifted with the skates attached to the object, avoiding the risk to operators of positioning the skates under the object while it is suspended. Rotation-limiting structures can be selectively employed to block rotation of the trailing skates to facilitate steering when rolling the object supported by the system. The coupling slots can be provided in coupling elements which can attach directly to the object or which can be employed to form a freestanding frame to which the object is secured.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Self-inflating Buoyancy Driven Elevator

Номер: US20170260031A1
Автор: Hunt Robert

An apparatus and process for lifting heavy objects by capturing mechanical work from the buoyant energy of liquid displacement. The apparatus comprises one or more bodies of liquid, collapsible liquid-displacement displacement vessel, and lifting force transfer means to the object, in use, the weight of the object to be lifted is secured onto the lifting platform and leveraged by the force transfer means to draw gas into the displacement vessel. Once the displacement vessel is full of gas, it will reverse the force transfer means to lift the object to the top of the liquid. Once the lifted object is secured at the elevated position, a gas release valve releases the gas and the displacement vessel collapses and sinks back down to the bottom of the liquid and the process can be repeated as necessary. 1. An apparatus for lifting heavy objects utilizing energy from liquid displacement , composed of one or more of the following: (1) A large body of liquid and (2) A collapsible displacement vessel apparatus submerged within the body of liquid that is utilized for creating upward buoyant force for lifting objects , and (3) a means whereby the collapsible displacement vessel apparatus leverages the heavy objects being lifted to self-inflate.21. The apparatus of claim # further comprising a collapsible displacement vessel submerged within the liquid that has the components of (a) an upper section that has legs , columns , or a support system for reaching from the bottom of the body of liquid up to the upper section. The upper section also has a gas input corral and a gas outlet valve and the upper portion of a retracting system for collapsing the displacement vessel. The upper section is also connected to the top part of the mid-section , and (b) a mid-section comprised of a gas chamber , bellows , or bladder for the purpose of inflating with gas to displace liquid and collapsing to dispel the gas , and (c) a lower section comprised of a platform or apparatus that is ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170260769A1

Disclosed is a tower lifting device for a rotary blasthole drill, comprising a hydraulic cylinder (), an extending oil path (), a retracting oil path (), a speed control oil path () and a proximity switch (), wherein the extending oil path () is connected to a non-rod-end chamber of the hydraulic cylinder (), and an extension control unit is provided on the extending oil path (); the retracting oil path () is connected to a rod-end chamber of the hydraulic cylinder (), and a retraction control unit is provided on the retracting oil path (); the speed control oil path () is connected to the retracting oil path (), the speed control oil path () is connected to a speed control valve block () in series and the tail end thereof is connected to an oil tank (); the proximity switch () is arranged on a tower supporting frame () for controlling the switching on and off of the speed control valve block (), and when the tower () is approximately in a horizontal state, the speed control valve block () is on. By using such a tower lifting device in the present invention, the speed at which the tower is laid down to a horizontal state can be conveniently controlled. 1. A tower lifting device for a rotary blasthole drill , the rotary blasthole drill comprising a main frame and a tower , wherein a tower supporting frame and the tower lifting device for controlling the tower to switch between a vertical state and a horizontal state are arranged between the main frame and the tower , characterized in that , the tower lifting device comprises a hydraulic cylinder , an extending oil path , a retracting oil path , a speed control oil path and a proximity switch , wherein ,the extending oil path is connected to a non-rod-end chamber of the hydraulic cylinder, and an extension control unit is provided on the extending oil path;the retracting oil path is connected to a rod-end chamber of the hydraulic cylinder, and a retraction control unit is provided on the retracting oil path;the speed ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180258797A1

A jacking assembly for a rotor of a turbine includes an arc-shaped saddle which extends around and supports a lower portion of a rotor. A lifting beam extends over the rotor transversely to an axial direction of the rotor. The lifting beam is axially aligned with the arc-shaped saddle. Two connectors are disposed on respective lateral sides of the rotor, each connector extending between and being coupled to the lifting beam and the arc-shaped saddle such that the saddle is configured to lift the rotor vertically when the lifting beam is displaced vertically. 120-. (canceled)21. A jacking assembly for a rotor of a turbine , comprising:an arc-shaped saddle configured to extend around and support a lower portion of a rotor;an arc-shaped retaining member connected to the saddle and configured to extend around an upper portion of the rotor so as to hold the saddle beneath the lower portion of the rotor; andtwo lifting devices disposed on respective lateral sides of the rotor, the lifting devices being configured to lift the saddle vertically.22. The jacking assembly of claim 21 , further comprising a lifting beam configured to extend over the rotor transversely to an axial direction of the rotor claim 21 , the lifting beam being axially aligned with the arc-shaped saddle claim 21 , each lifting device configured to support a portion of the lifting beam to displace the lifting beam vertically.23. The jacking assembly of claim 22 , wherein each lifting device is configured to move vertically so as to displace vertically the lifting beam.24. The jacking assembly of claim 23 , wherein the two lifting devices are mechanical jacks25. The jacking assembly of claim 22 , further comprising two connectors disposed on respective lateral sides of the rotor claim 22 , each connector extending between and being coupled to the lifting beam and the arc-shaped saddle claim 22 ,wherein the saddle is configured to lift the rotor vertically when the lifting beam is displaced vertically.26. ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160272470A1

According to at least one exemplary embodiment, a scalable jacking machine system may be provided. The system may include at least one jacking machine, which may include at least one controller, at least one monitoring device, and at least one electronically controlled valve. The at least one controller may be configured to communicate over a wired or wireless network with a controller of at least one other jacking machine, allowing the jacking machines to operate in unison. 1. A scalable jacking machine apparatus comprising:a primary jacking machine, having at least one controller, at least one monitoring device, and an electronically controlled main valve;at least one secondary jacking machine, having at least one controller, at least one monitoring device, and an electronically controlled main valve; andat least one network,wherein the at least one controller of the primary jacking machine is configured to communicate data from the at least one monitoring device of the primary jacking machine to the at least one controller of the at least one secondary jacking machine over the at least one network; andwherein the at least one controller of the at least one secondary jacking machine is configured to actuate the electronically controlled main valve of the at least one secondary jacking machine to cause data from the at least one monitoring device of the secondary jacking machine to match the data from the at least one monitoring device of the primary jacking machine.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the primary jacking machine and at least one secondary jacking machine are unified hydraulic jacking machines.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a display and control device configured to communicate with the at least one controller of the primary jacking machine and at least one secondary jacking machine.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one network is wired.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one network is wireless.6. ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210331903A1
Автор: Brooke Brian

A portable lifting apparatus for lifting aircraft by an axle including a base member having a housing; a lifting member coupled to the base member, the lifting member configured to move between a first position and a second position, and a coupling member configured to couple the lifting member to an axle of a vehicle, wherein the lifting member raises the vehicle from a first height to a second height when the lifting member is moved from the first position to the second position. 1. A portable lifting apparatus for lifting a vehicle by an axle , comprising:a base member having a housing;a lifting member coupled to the base member, the lifting member configured to move between a first position and a second position; anda coupling member configured to couple the lifting member to an axle of a vehicle,wherein the lifting member raises the vehicle from a first height to a second height when the lifting member is moved from the first position to the second position.2. The portable lifting apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first support arm extending from a first side of the housing and a second support arm extending from a second side of the housing.3. The portable lifting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a width between the first support arm and the second support arm is adjustable.4. The portable lifting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing is formed in a rectangular shape.5. The portable lifting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lifting member includes a hydraulic system with a hydraulic cylinder and ram configured to lift the coupling member from the first position to the second position.6. The portable lifting apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the coupling member includes a detachable engagement member configured to have a diameter which corresponds with an internal diameter of the axle of the object.7. The portable lifting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second height is between about 6 inches to about 36 inches from the first height.8. A method of ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Tire Lift Cable Guide Assembly

Номер: US20160280519A1
Автор: Abraham Matthew J.

Implementations described herein relate to guide assemblies for a tire lift assembly. The guide assembly includes a mounting plate, a support structure extending from the mounting plate, and rollers. The mounting plate includes mounting holes to connect the mounting plate to a casting of the tire lift assembly. The support structure includes a first wall, a second wall, and a third wall that define an opening. The first wall is connected to and extending from the mounting plate, and the second wall and the third wall are connected to and extending from the first wall. The second wall may be opposite the third wall. The rollers are rotatably supported by the second wall and the third wall with each roller positioned on opposing sides of the opening. Each roller rotates relative to the support structure when a cable of the tire lift assembly travelling through the opening contacts the roller. 1. A guide assembly for a tire lift assembly , the guide assembly comprising:a mounting plate having mounting holes to connect the mounting plate to a casting of the tire lift assembly;a support structure extending from the mounting plate, the support structure comprising a first wall, a second wall, and a third wall defining an opening, the first wall connected to and extending from the mounting plate, the second wall and the third wall connected to and extending from the first wall, the second wall opposite the third wall; anda first pair of rollers rotatably supported by the second wall and the third wall, the first pair of rollers positioned on opposing sides of the opening defined by the first wall, the second wall, and the third wall;wherein each roller of the first pair of rollers rotates relative to the support structure when a cable of the tire lift assembly travelling through the opening contacts a roller of the first pair of rollers.2. The guide assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a second pair of rollers rotatably supported by the first wall, the second pair of ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transporting and steering a heavy load

Номер: US20160280524A1
Принадлежит: Columbia Trailer Co Inc

A method and apparatus for transporting heavy machinery, equipment or other heavy load from one location to another, whereby the apparatus is constructed to steer the load in order to move the load in a desired path to a set position, one embodiment directed to a walking machine including a plurality of lifting assemblies operative to lift the load above the supporting surface and then move or rotate the load relative to the supporting surface by transporting the load via rollers or tracks in the walking machines, the lifting assembly including a steering mechanism using an actuator operative for rotating, via a multi-linkage assembly, whereby the lifting assembly lower structure is rotated relative to the lifting assembly structure to set the walking machine at a desired angle so that lifting assemblies may be driven in a desired walking direction,

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275144A1

A pneumatic lifting device includes a base, a first mast attached to the base, and a second mast attached to the base opposite the first mast. The first mast has a first rail extending therealong, and the second mast has a second rail extending therealong. A lift platform is operatively coupled to the base. The platform includes a first pair and a second pair of bearings coupled thereto so as to move in conjunction with the lift platform. The first pair of bearings is operatively coupled to the first rail so as to enable the first pair of bearings to move with respect to the first rail. The second pair of bearings is operatively coupled to the second rail so as to enable the second pair of bearings to move with respect to the second rail. 1. A pneumatic lifting device comprising:a base;a first mast attached to the base, the first mast having a first rail extending therealong;a second mast attached to the base opposite the first mast, the second mast having a second rail extending therealong; anda lift platform operatively coupled to the base, the lift platform including a first pair and a second pair of bearings coupled thereto so as to move in conjunction with the lift platform,the first pair of bearings being operatively coupled to the first rail so as to enable the first pair of bearings to move with respect to the first rail,the second pair of bearings being operatively coupled to the second rail so as to enable the second pair of bearings to move with respect to the second rail.2. The device of further comprising at least one inflatable bladder structured and positioned so as to force the platform in a direction away from the base during inflation claim 1 , the at least one bladder including a contact member positioned between the platform and the at least one bladder and in contact with the platform.3. The device of further comprising a plurality of wheels rotatably coupled to the base wherein the plurality of wheels is structured to support a weight of the ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170278317A1

A vehicle lift comprising a main housing and a carriage assembly configured to engage a wheel of a vehicle, with the carriage assembly being vertically shiftable relative to the main housing. The vehicle lift additionally includes a lift control module for controlling actuation of said carriage assembly. The vehicle lift further includes a docking area configured to receive a diagnostic device, with the docking area including a power port configured to provide power to the diagnostic device. 1. A vehicle lift comprising:a main housing;a lift actuator;a carriage assembly configured to engage a wheel of a vehicle, wherein said lift actuator is configured to vertically shift said carriage assembly relative to said main housing; anda lift control module configured to control said lift actuator to vertically shift said carriage assembly, wherein said lift control module comprises a graphic display for displaying information related to operation of said vehicle lift;wherein said vehicle lift is configured to connect with an on-board diagnostic (OBD) system of a vehicle,wherein said lift control module is configured to obtain vehicle diagnostic information generated by the OBD system of the vehicle and to display, via said graphic display, the vehicle diagnostic information.2. The vehicle lift of claim 1 , wherein said vehicle lift is configured to connect wirelessly with the OBD system of the vehicle.3. The vehicle lift of claim 1 , further comprising a diagnostic device claim 1 , wherein said diagnostic device is configured to receive the vehicle diagnostic information from the OBD system of the vehicle and to provide the vehicle diagnostic information to the lift control module.4. The vehicle lift of claim 3 , wherein said diagnostic device is a handheld claim 3 , mobile computing device configured to be in data communication with the OBD system of the vehicle.5. The vehicle lift of claim 3 , wherein said vehicle lift further comprises a docking area for removably ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200270892A1
Автор: Gupta Ashish, Reddy Padira

A side saddle slingshot drilling rig includes a left and right substructure including a left and right lower box. The side saddle slingshot drilling rig includes a drill rig floor mechanically and pivotably coupled to the left and right lower boxes such that it is pivotably movable from a lowered position to a raised position. The drill rig floor includes a V-door. The V-door is positioned on the V-door side of the drill rig floor. The V-door side of the drill rig floor is oriented to face the right substructure. A mast coupled to the drill rig floor may include an open side, defining a mast V-door side. The mast V-door side may be oriented to face the right substructure. The mast may pivot into its raised position or may be a bootstrap mast. 1. A drilling rig comprising:a right substructure and a left substructure, the substructures positioned generally parallel and spaced apart from each other;the right substructure including a right lower box and a first strut, the first strut pivotably coupled to a drill rig floor and pivotably coupled to the right lower box, the drill rig floor including a V-door, the side of the drill rig floor including the V-door defining the V-door side of the drill rig floor, the V-door oriented to face perpendicular to the right substructure;the left substructure including a left lower box and a second strut, the second strut pivotably coupled to the drill rig floor and pivotably coupled to the left lower box; anda mast, the mast including an open side defining a mast V-door side, the open side oriented to face perpendicular to the right substructure, the mast pivotably coupled to the drill rig floor by one or more pivot points and one or more lower mast attachment points, the mast being pivotable in a direction parallel to the V-door side of the drill rig floor.2. The drilling rig of claim 1 , wherein the struts form a bar linkage between the lower boxes and the drill rig floor.3. The drilling rig of claim 2 , wherein the struts are ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150298947A1

A hydraulic lift is provided. The hydraulic lift may include a hydraulic cylinder defining a fluid chamber. The hydraulic cylinder may have a piston rod extending into the fluid chamber, a seal dividing the fluid chamber into a liquid chamber and a gas chamber, and a gas outlet from the gas chamber. The hydraulic lift may further include a pneumatic line in fluid communication with the gas outlet. The line may accumulate gas that is compressed in the gas chamber when the hydraulic cylinder is energized. The hydraulic lift may further include a load support for carrying a load and coupled to the hydraulic cylinder such that energizing the hydraulic cylinder raises the load support. The hydraulic lift is free of pneumatic tanks for compressed gas storage. A gas regeneration system and method of regenerating gas is also provided. 1. A hydraulic lift comprising: a piston rod extending into the fluid chamber,', 'a seal dividing the fluid chamber into a liquid chamber and a gas chamber, and', 'a gas outlet from the gas chamber;, 'a hydraulic cylinder defining a fluid chamber, the hydraulic cylinder having'}a pneumatic line in fluid communication with the gas outlet, the line accumulating gas that is compressed in the gas chamber when the hydraulic cylinder is energized; anda load support for carrying a load and coupled to the hydraulic cylinder such that energizing the hydraulic cylinder raises the load support,the hydraulic lift being free of pneumatic tanks for compressed gas storage.2. The hydraulic lift of claim 1 , further comprisinga pneumatic mechanical lock normally engaged to prevent the load support from lowering,the mechanical lock being operable using the compressed gas accumulated in the line to disengage the mechanical lock.3. The hydraulic lift of claim 2 , further comprisinga valve fluidly coupled to the line and to the mechanical lock, the valve selectively fluidly coupling the line and the mechanical for providing compressed gas accumulated in the line ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Method for separating dual wheels

Номер: US20160297240A1
Автор: Rockford Tyson
Принадлежит: Summit Tool Co

A method for removing a dual wheel from a primary wheel of a dual wheel assembly. The dual wheel is secured to the primary wheel while forming a gap between a periphery of the dual wheel and a periphery of the primary wheel. The dual wheel and the primary wheel each may have a tire mounted thereon, with the dual wheel assembly being carried on an axle. The method comprising inserting an uninflated, high pressure airbag at least partially into the gap between the dual wheel and said primary wheel; inflating the high pressure airbag to expand the gap between the dual wheel and the primary wheel so as to separate the dual wheel and the primary wheel; and finally, removing the dual wheel from the primary wheel. Likewise, a similar method can be used to remove a wheel from an axel, the wheel being carried on and secured to the axel while forming a gap between a periphery of the wheel and a periphery of the axel.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Module Moving Systems

Номер: US20160297652A1
Автор: Chris Giattina
Принадлежит: Chris Giattina

The present disclosure generally pertains to a system for lifting and moving pre-fabricated building modules. In certain embodiments, a lifting apparatus is provided, wherein a frame is configured to attach to the exterior surface of a pre-fabricated module and wherein the lifting apparatus, along with an attached pre-fabricated module, may be lifted and moved either by rolling the lifting apparatuses or by hoisting the pre-fabricated module using a crane attached to brackets on the lifting apparatuses. The height of the lifting apparatus may be adjusted using a source of force, such as a crank-operated or hydraulic jack, to attach the lifting apparatus to a pre-fabricated module.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180290869A1
Автор: MARRALE Carmelo

Pumping machine () comprising: —at least two tubular elements () containing pressurized gas and extending vertically in parallel and interconnected between them by means of a connecting element (); and —an electromechanical lifting system () comprising a first cylinder (), interconnected to the tubular elements () and comprising a substance compressible by a piston (); and a screw () with a vertical axis Y coinciding with the axis of the pumping machine (). The screw () is inserted inside a second thrust cylinder (), connected in sliding manner inside the first cylinder (), and has a first end () fixed to the connecting element () and a second end () configured for sliding inside the thrust cylinder () and overlying a chamber () comprising lubrication and cooling oil overlying the piston (). 1. A Pumping machine comprising:at least two tubular elements containing pressurized gas and extending vertically in parallel and interconnected between them by means of a connecting element; and{'b': 601', '701, 'an electromechanical lifting system comprising a first cylinder (, ), interconnected to the tubular elements and comprising a substance compressible by a piston; and a screw with a vertical axis Y coinciding with the axis of the pumping machine;'}{'b': 605', '705', '601', '701, 'i': b', 'b, 'wherein the screw is inserted inside a second thrust cylinder, connected in sliding manner inside the first cylinder, and has a first end fixed to said connecting element and a second end configured for sliding inside said thrust cylinder and overlying a chamber (, ) comprising lubrication and cooling oil overlying said piston (, ).'}2. The pumping machine according to claim 1 , wherein said screw is a recirculating ball screw claim 1 , or ball roller screw claim 1 , or satellites roller screw claim 1 , or hydrostatic nut screw.3661659b. The pumping machine according to claim 1 , wherein said first end is fixed to said connecting element by means of first locking means ( claim 1 , ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190284031A1
Автор: HUANG Ming-Hsien

A lifting device including a first platform, a second platform, a gas spring and a locking device is provided. The first platform includes a base and a first column connected to each other. The second platform includes a working table and a second column connected to each other. The second column and the first column are movably connected. The second column has a plurality of engaging holes. The gas spring includes a first end and a second end opposite to each other. The first end connected to the first column, and the second end connected to the second column. The locking device partially disposed at the first column, and a portion of the locking device being adapted to penetrate the engaging holes to fix a relative position between the second column and the first column. 1. A lifting device , comprising:a first platform, comprising a base and a first column connected to each other;a second platform, comprising a working table and a second column connected to each other, the second column and the first column being movably connected such that the working table being raised and lowered relative to the base in a lifting direction, wherein the second column has a plurality of engaging holes;a gas spring, comprising a first end and a second end opposite to each other, the first end connected to the first column, and the second end connected to the second column; anda locking device, partially disposed at the first column, and a portion of the locking device being adapted to penetrate the engaging holes to fix a relative position between the second column and the first column.2. The lifting device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an adjusting apparatus, disposed at the first platform, wherein the first end being rotatably disposed at the adjusting apparatus, the second end being rotatably disposed at the second platform, wherein the adjusting apparatus is adapted to adjust the first end to move in an adjustment direction and to rotate the second end so as to ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304066A1
Автор: NEBEL Michael Warren

A leveling and stabilizing jack includes an intermediate member joining first and second lifting sections. Each lifting section includes a cross beam, a leg, a brace, a foot, a motor and a drive screw. The motor powers the drive screw, which is operably associated with the leg, to cause the leg to extend away from or retract toward the cross beam depending on the motor's direction of rotation. A motor control can control the motor of each of the lifting sections independently in a manner that results in leveling of the jack when deployed. 1. A jack comprising: a first cross beam;', 'a first trunnion engaged with the first cross beam and selectively displaceable in first and second displacement directions with respect to the first cross beam between a first position and a second position;', 'a first leg pivotally connected to the first trunnion; and', 'a first brace pivotally connected to the first leg and pivotally connected to the first cross beam;', 'wherein displacement of the first trunnion with respect to the first cross beam in the first displacement direction results in rotation of the first leg in a first angular direction with respect to the first cross beam and rotation of the first brace in the first angular direction with respect to the first cross beam, and', 'wherein displacement of the first trunnion with respect to the first cross beam in the second displacement direction results in rotation of the first leg in a second angular direction with respect to the first cross beam and rotation of the first brace in the second angular direction with respect to the first cross beam., 'a first lifting section, the first lifting section comprising2. The jack of further comprising a first drive mechanism operably engaged with the first trunnion claim 1 , the first drive mechanism configured to selectively displace the first trunnion in the first and second displacement directions with respect to the first cross beam.3. The jack of wherein the first drive ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200299008A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd.

Filling of a powder particle material is executed for a flexible container bag (hereinafter, referred to as “flex container bag”) by executing a powder particle material filling step of filling the flex container bag with the powder particle material by supplying the powder particle material to the flex container bag, and a tapping step of executing a lifting operation of lifting up the flex container bag filled with the powder particle material to cause the flex container bag to be distant from a floor surface or a base bed thereabove and a dropping operation of dropping the flex container bag by releasing the lifting by the lifting operation to cause the flex container bag to collide with the floor surface or the base bed. The handling property of the flex container bag filled with the powder particle material can further be improved. 1. A filling apparatus for a powder particle material , comprising:a powder particle material supplying device that supplies the powder particle material to a flexible container bag (hereinafter, referred to as “flex container bag”);a lifting device that lifts up the flex container bag arranged on a floor surface or a base bed; anda control device that is operable to control the lifting device to execute a tapping process including a lifting operation of lifting up the flex container bag filled with the powder particle material by the powder particle material supplying device by the lifting device to cause the flex container bag to be distant from the floor surface or the base bed thereabove and a dropping operation of dropping the flex container bag by releasing the lifting by the lifting device to cause the flex container bag to collide with the floor surface or the base bed.2. The filling apparatus for a powder particle material according to claim 1 , wherein a lifting member that releasably engages with an upper portion of the flex container bag; and', 'an elevating and lowering device that elevates and lowers the lifting member, ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170313559A1
Автор: Lauderbaugh Gerry D.
Принадлежит: Vehicle Service Group, LLC

A vehicle lift includes a vehicle support member, a cylinder, and a controller. A linear transducer—such as a string potentiometer—is (preferably removably) positioned inside the cylinder. The transducer detects the position of the cylinder and sends a corresponding signal to a controller that controls the height of the support member in response to the signal. The cylinder acts on the vehicle support member through a scissor mechanism, parallelogram linkage, or straight vertical hydraulic lifting. 1. A vehicle lift system , comprising:a support member that supports at least part of a vehicle; an actuating member that translates inside the chamber of the fluid-filled cylinder as the fluid-filled cylinder expands or contracts through at least part of its stroke; and', 'a sensor at least partially fixed relative to the chamber, wherein the sensor is configured to detect a linear position of the actuating member inside the chamber; and, 'a fluid-filled cylinder configured to raise and lower the support member, wherein the fluid- filled cylinder defines a chamber, wherein the fluid-filled cylinder comprisesa controller in communication with the sensor to receive a signal indicative of the linear position of the actuating member, wherein the controller is configured to control the height of the support member responsively to the signal.2. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid-filled cylinder is connected to the support member through a scissor mechanism.3. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid-filled cylinder operates vertically to lift the support member.4. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid-filled cylinder is connected to the support member through a parallelogram linkage.5. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the height of the support member in relation to the corresponding height of one or more other support members.6. The vehicle lift system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor ...
