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27-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2332533C2

Предложенный способ производства ткани для бумагоделательных машин или технической ткани предлагает нанесение материала полимерной смолы на заранее выбранные места на основе-подложке с помощью матрицы, которая осаждает полимерный материал каплями, имеющими средний диаметр 10 микрон или более. Заранее выбранные места могут быть, например, бугорками, выполненными на поверхности ткани путем переплетения ее нитей, или щелями между этими нитями. Назначение такого точного нанесения смолы состоит в том, чтобы обеспечить управление функциональными свойствами ткани, такими как проницаемость и стойкость к абразивному истиранию. Отверждение материала полимерной смолы можно обеспечить с помощью средств, соответствующих его составу, а по выбору можно провести абразивную обработку материала полимерной смолы, расположенного выше плоскости поверхности основы-подложки, для придания ему равномерной толщины. 2 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2266230C2

Изобретение относится к судостроению, а именно к мягким герметичным морским контейнерам для жидкости. Мягкий герметичный контейнер изготовлен из текстильного материала и имеет сужающиеся переднюю и/или заднюю концевые части. Указанные концевые части образованы на промежуточной трубчатой конструкции. Технический результат заключается в создании сравнительно большого мягкого герметичного морского контейнера для жидкости, имеющего средство герметизации концов путем придания им конусной формы, а также эффективного распределения действующих на контейнер нагрузок. 9 н. и 42 з.п. ф-лы, 26 ил.

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2630097C2
Принадлежит: СЭН-ГОБЭН АДФОРС (FR)

Изобретение относится к самоклеящемуся настенному покрытию, содержащему стеклохолст с закрытой структурой, состоящий из стекловолокон и полимерного связующего, проницаемого для воды, и адгезионное покрытие, содержащее одновременно контактный клей (PSA) и латентный адгезив, активируемый водой. Окончательное прикрепление к стене самоклеящегося переустанавливаемого покрытия проводится после его установки путем нанесения одного или нескольких слоев краски на водной основе. Изобретение обеспечивает создание самоклеящегося настенного покрытия на основе стекловолокон, обладающего функцией самосклеивания/переустановки и функцией приклеивания путем увлажнении активации латентного клея, что позволяет установить его на стены в один этап. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 2 пр.

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635158C2

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности и касается чистящего материала. Материал содержит текстильный материал-носитель, который по меньшей мере частично снабжен микропеной поливинилформаля (ПВФ) в таком количестве, что доля микропены ПВФ в суммарной массе чистящей ткани составляет менее 60 масс.%, предпочтительно менее 40 масс.%, при этом текстильный материал-носитель не содержит поливинилового спирта (ПВС) или содержит ПВС в количестве менее 50 масс.% и покрытие и/или пропитка из микропены ПВФ имеет массу единицы площади от 50 до 100 г/м. Описан так же способ получения чистящего материала. Изобретение обеспечивает создание материала, сочетающего хорошие чистящие свойства и свойства скольжения с экономичным изготовлением и хорошей стойкостью к стирке. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658398C2

Изобретение относится к текстилю, имеющему основу из вспененного пенополиуретана низкой плотности и способу его получения. Текстиль, дублированный полиуретановой подкладкой, получают при нанесении слоя смеси, образующей вспененный полиуретан, на поверхность текстиля. Смесь содержит воду и физический вспенивающий агент. Слой вспенивается благодаря действию воды и физического вспенивающего агента и отверждается для формования присоединенной подкладки, имеющей плотность 176 г/л или менее. Изобретение обеспечивает создание легко контролируемого способа, по которому присоединенная полиуретановая подкладка низкой плотности может быть нанесена на ковер или другой текстиль без защитного слоя. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 2 пр.

17-10-2024 дата публикации

Интерьерная наклейка

Номер: RU229662U1

Полезная модель относится к самоклеящимся материалам, имеющим слой художественного оформления рисунка, который может быть использован в качестве обоев, иных настенных или потолочных покрытий, а также для дверных и мебельных покрытий. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что интерьерная наклейка содержит основание, слой чернил, клеевой слой, бумажную подложку, отличающаяся тем, что основание выполнено из текстильного материала плотностью от 50 до 500 г/м2 и впитывающей способностью в диапазоне от 0,1 до 0,5% от веса материала, клеевой слой выполнен с клейкостью от 2 Н/25 мм до 20 Н/25 мм, слой чернил выполнен толщиной слоя в диапазоне от 0,5 до 10 мкм. Таким образом, заявленная полезная модель, за счет примененных текстильного основания интерьерной наклейки, плотности текстильного основания от 50 до 500 г/м2, впитывающей способности в диапазоне от 0,1 до 0,5% от веса материала, слоя чернил толщиной слоя в диапазоне от 0,5 до 10 мкм, клеевого слоя с клейкостью от 2 Н/25 мм до ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013106428A

... 1. Продукт в целом листовой формы, обеспечивающий возможность подгонки при установке и возможность последующего удаления, включающий: слой, содержащий материал на основе резиновой крошки и имеющий первую сторону и вторую сторону; грубый тканевый материал, прикрепленный по меньшей мере к первой или второй стороне; и покрытие из слабоприлипающего адгезива, чувствительного к давлению, нанесенного по меньшей мере на часть открытой поверхности грубого тканевого материала; причем слабоприлипающим считается адгезив, имеющий после выдерживания для схватывания в течение 24 часов прочность на отслаивание под углом 90° при скорости 300 мм/мин, измеряемую по методу испытания FINAT No. 2, между 1,77 и 3,96 Ньютон на ширину 25 мм при комнатной температуре (23°C ± 1°C) и относительной влажности 50% ± 5%.2. Продукт по п. 1, в котором материал на основе резиновой крошки содержит отдельные крошки резины, скрепленные вместе посредством связующего.3. Продукт по п. 1, в котором слой грубого тканевого материала ...

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003129640A

... 1. Мягкий герметичный контейнер для жидкости, предназначенный для транспортировки груза, включающего жидкость или псевдоожиженный материал, содержащий удлиненную мягкую трубчатую конструкцию, образованную намотанной по спирали полосой текстильного материала, ширина которой меньше ширины трубчатой конструкции, и имеющую передний конец и задний конец; средство обеспечения непроницаемости трубчатой конструкции; средство герметизации указанных переднего и заднего концов; средство заполнения грузом контейнера и его опорожнения и средство, прикрепленное к контейнеру для обеспечения возможности его буксировки. 2. Контейнер по п.1, содержащий по меньшей мере одну гибкую продольную балку жесткости, проходящую по длине указанной трубчатой конструкции и предназначенную для гашения ее нежелательных вибраций, причем указанная балка жесткости прикреплена к указанной конструкции, и в ней можно повышать и сбрасывать давление. 3. Контейнер по п.2, содержащий несколько продольных балок жесткости. 4. Контейнер ...

04-04-1996 дата публикации

Rutschfester textiler Bodenbelag

Номер: DE0029600161U1

07-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003327232A1

20-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001560671B2

31-10-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE8501119U1

12-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003245122A1

14-05-1998 дата публикации

Geotextiles Flächengebilde

Номер: DE0029622342U1

20-02-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002915609C2

10-01-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Echtleder

Номер: DE102006061872A1

Verfahren zum Herstellen Echtleder, aufweisend die Schritte: Wasserwerkstatt, Gerben, Färben, Trocknen und Endzurichten, wobei beim Schritt des Endzurichtens ein anionenemittierendes Material verwendet wird.

10-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001785380A1

26-01-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE8814542U1

07-06-2001 дата публикации

Three-dimensional fabric composite used for incontinence comprises upper and lower textile layers, microporous coating and intermediate layer of polyfibers

Номер: DE0010055902A1

Three-dimensional fabric composite comprises upper and lower textile layers, a microporous coating and an intermediate layer of polyfibers.

29-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002148958B

26-04-2000 дата публикации

Tarpaulin cover

Номер: GB0002342890A

A tarpaulin cover comprising a woven fabric (1) laminated with a coating film and having integrally woven transverse reinforcing strips (2) is described. At the ends of the reinforcing strips are provided tie-down loops (3) on side edges of the cover. The fabric, the coating film, the transverse reinforcing strips and the tie-down loops are all made of polypropylene, thereby aiding recycling of the cover, without the need to separate out component parts made of different materials. By using only polypropylene, a good strength/weight ratio is also obtained.

06-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009027143D0

02-09-1998 дата публикации

Dustproof fabric for a semiconductor cleanroom and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: GB0009814346D0

31-10-2009 дата публикации

Process for insecticidal impregnation of a fabric or netting or other kind of non-living material

Номер: AP2009005003A0

31-10-2009 дата публикации

Process for insecticidal impregnation of a fabric or netting or other kind of non-living material

Номер: AP0200905003A0

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000470751T

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA288181A

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000524626T

15-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000082790T

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000081481T

15-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000002940T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309407T

10-10-1974 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of a flexible product

Номер: AT0000318212B

26-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322496B

15-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000171107T

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000224475T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250686T

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Using a polyol mixture comprising PBD for creating a PU-based artificial turf

Номер: AU2017235610B2

The invention relates to a method of manufacturing an artificial turf (600,the method comprising: -creating (102) fluid polyurethanemass (210), the creation comprising reacting first and second polyolswith an isocyanate, the first polyolbeing apolyether polyol and/or a polyester polyolhaving at least 2 hydroxyl groups per molecule, the second polyolbeing polybutadiendiol; the isocyanate comprising isocyanate monomers, isocyanate polymers or isocyanate prepolymersor a mixture thereof, the isocyanate monomers, isocyanate polymersandthe isocyanate prepolymers having two or more isocyanate groups per molecule; -incorporating (104) an artificial turf fiber (501) into a carrier (308) such that a first portion (302) of the fiber protrudes to the front side of the carrier and that a second portion (506) of the fiber is located at the back side of the carrier; and -adding (106) the fluid polyurethanemass on the back side of the carrier; and -hardening (108) thefluid polyurethane mass.

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Decorative sheet and decorative material using same

Номер: AU2018341793A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Provided is a decorative sheet capable of expressing a design excellent in dark color degree while satisfying heat shielding property. The decorative sheet has, on an infrared-reflective substrate, a decoration layer including a solid printed layer and a pattern layer, wherein the solid printed later contains an infrared-reflective or infrared-transmissive pigment and a binder resin, and the infrared-reflective or infrared-transmissive pigment comprises: (A) three or more kinds of compounds selected from the group of pigments consisting of quinacridone, isoindolinone, nickel azo complex, and phthalocyanine; or (B) one or more compounds selected from the group of pigments consisting of a composite oxide containing manganese and at least one metal element other than manganese, an azo-azomethine compound, and a perylene compound, and wherein at least a part of the pattern layer contains carbon black and a binder resin.

03-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000565070B2

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Low distortion interlayer

Номер: AU2006216656A1

22-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008736382A

28-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000562088B2

02-04-1998 дата публикации

Composite fabrics, method for the production and use thereof

Номер: AU0004384097A

07-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001217627A1

29-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002424627C

An asphalt coated structural article comprises a substrate having an ionic charge coated on one side with a layer of asphaltic material and coated on the other side with a coating having essentially the same ionic charge as the substrate. The present invention is a waterproofing barrier which may be used as a roofing underlayment for concrete files or to waterproof the basement walls of a building structure.

16-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002764572A1

Embodiments of the invention provide carpet tile patterns and techniques for making carpet tile patterns that provide diversity of color, texture, and/or other pattern attributes. In some embodiments, a color attribute changes along a dimension of a web from which the carpet tiles are cut. In other embodiments, a yarn pile height changes along a dimension of a web from which the carpet tiles are cut. In some embodiments, carpet tiles mimic in some respects the appearance of wood flooring having natural variations in the appearance of the wood elements.

25-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1253063A

A method of adhering surface coverings to subsurfaces is disclosed. The method provides a manner by which a surface covering may be selected and a suitable adhesive may be selected for use with the surface covering. The selection of adhesive will depend on the dimensional stability of the subsurface and the performance characteristics of the surface covering.

23-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1264618A

A novel composite comprises a substrate having a coating matrix including an initial layer of a perfluoropolymer and an overcoat comprising a fluoroelastomer, a fluoroplastic, a fluoroelastomer/fluoroplastic blend, or a combination thereof. The perfluoropolymer in the initial layer may be a perfluoroplastic, a perfluoroelastomer, or blends thereof. In a separate embodiment, the novel composite includes a substrate coated solely with one or more layers of perfluoroelastomer alone or as a blend with a perfluoroplastic. Where the substrate is not susceptible to hydrogen fluoride corrosion, the composite may include solely one or more layers of a blend of a fluoroelastomer and a hydrogen-containing perfluoroplastic. Cross-linking accelerators may be used to cross-link one or more of the resins contained in the coating layers. Each composite may be topcoated with a layer or layers of a fluoroplastic, fluoroelastomer, and/or a blend thereof. The composite is flexible, exhibits good matrix cohesion ...

12-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001281244C

Prepasted Wallcoverings Prepasted wallcovering comprising a porous surface that carries a dry coating of polymer particles that become adhesive when wetted by water is made by applying to the surface a dispersion of the particles in a non-aqueous liquid that is stabilised by a polymeric stabiliser and then evaporating the non-aqueous liquid. A dried residue of the dispersion must not form a coherent film and should have a softening point substantially independent of the softening point of the polymeric stabiliser. The polymeric stabiliser is preferably an oil. The non-aqueous liquid is preferably relatively non-volatile.

27-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1178732A

Disclosed are polyvinyl chloride resinous copmpositions containing cellular fillers such as Silus Balloon and pearlite and molded products prepared by subjecting the compositions to heating at an increased pressure. The molded products may be combined with a core layer such as a nonwoven fabric and a victria lawn, a foamed layer such as PVC paste resinous foam, a surface layer such as a non-foamed synthetic resin and molded into laminated sheet products. Those are made lighter and superior in soundproof and adiabatic effects, bending strength, dry touchness, water resistance, dimensional stability, cold resistance and the like so that structural materials such as floor coverings and the like are supplied more advantageously as compared with conventional ones.

23-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002372276A1

Self-supporting, shaped, three-dimensional cross-linked proteinaceous biopolymeric materials that may be implanted in vivo, and methods of making such materials are disclosed. The biopolymeric materials most preferably include reinforcing media, such as biocompatible fibrous or particulate materials. In use, the preformed, shaped biopolymeric materials may be applied to tissue in need of repair and then sealed around its edges with a liquid bioadhesive. In such a manner, repaired tissue which is capable of withstanding physiological pressures may be provided.

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473651A1

The present invention relates to a fire resistant structural material comprising a surfactant component, surfactant-generated microcells, a filler component and a binder component. In addition, the present invention relates to fire resistant fabric materials comprising a substrate coated with a coating comprising the fire resistant structural material. Further, the present invention relates to fire resistant articles of manufacture comprising the fire resistant structural and/or fabric materials, and particularly to mattresses comprising the fire resistant fabric material.

23-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001264618A1

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473648A1

The present invention relates to a fire resistant structural material comprising a prefabricated microcells component, a surfactant-generated microcell component, a surfactant component, a filler component and a binder component. In addition, the present invention relates to fire resistant fabric materials comprising a substrate covered with the fire resistant structural material. Further, the present invention relates to fire resistant articles of manufacture comprising the fire resistant fabric material, and particularly to mattresses comprising the fire resistant fabric material. In its simplest embodiment, the structural material of the present invention consists essentially of a prefabricated microcells component, a filler component and a binder component.

18-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002489204A1

A consumer scrubbing wipe article including a nonwoven substrate and a texture layer. The nonwoven substrate has a dry basis weight of less than about 300 g/m2, and thus promotes easy, comfortable handling by a user. The texture layer is a non-crosslinked, abrasive resin-based material that is printed onto at least one surface of the nonwoven substrate. In this regard, the texture layer covers less than an entirety of the substrate surface and extends at least 50 microns outwardly beyond the substrate surface to which it is printed. This characteristic ensures that the scrubbing wipe article has a distinct scrubbyness attribute.

01-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002507824A1

A fibrous mat faced gypsum panel having on at least one of the facing sheets a moisture resistant, cured coating of a radiation curable, e.g., UV curable, polymer.

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002406991C
Принадлежит: TARKETT SAS

The invention concerns a method for floor-finish and wall-finish with differential gloss decoration effect characterised in that it consists in producing an undercoat (10) and then producing gloss effects by differentiated deposits (20, 22, 24) without total overlap of at least two topcoat type protective layers with different characteristics, in similar or different register, with the undercoat.

13-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002459270C

The present invention is directed to a method for applying an aqueous polymer dispersion to a substrate involving forming a polymer dispersion having a viscosity of from 10 to 5,000 m.Pas, and applying the dispersion to a substrate at a pressure of from 100 to 1500 psi. The method is useful with porous substrates, and especially in non-woven materials. The process provides a precise means of coating a polymer dispersion on the surface of a substrate, or with controlled penetration into the substrate.

16-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002450559A1

A structural article comprises a substrate having an ionic charge coated on one side with a coating having essentially the same ionic charge and covered on the other side with a water vapor impermeable material selected from the roof consisting essentially of metal foils and preformed plastic films. The coating consists essentially of a filler material and a binder material and the binder material bonds the filler material together and to the substrate. The water vapor impermeable material is attached to the coated substrate with an adhesive. In additional embodiments, the substrate is coated on both sides with a coating having essentially the same ionic charge and the article so coated is then covered on one or both sides with the water vapor impermeable material.

21-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001212844A1

18-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002525971C

Drywall tapes, drywall joints and methods for their construction are provided by his invention. The drywall tape of this invention includes a web of glass fibers (10) and a coating (14) disposed over a portion of the glass fibers. The fibers (10) and a coating (14) disposed over a portion of the glass fibers: The coating includes a resinous binder which is at least partially soluble or dispersible in joint compound. The resinous binder is capable of formingan adhesive bon with the joint compound when set.

08-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834408A1

A modular carpet system includes a carpet tile and an adhesive. The carpet tile is operative for resisting deformation, even under adverse conditions. In some embodiments, the adhesive may comprise a silicone-based adhesive or a urethane-based adhesive.

11-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002832042A1

The invention relates to a textile structure element (1), having textile stretch elements (11, 12, 13, 61, 62) and integrated textile support elements (21, 41), wherein, in places, the stretch elements (11, 12, 13) and the support elements (21, 22) are interconnected and allow, at least in part, a spatial expansion of at least one fillable stretch element and/or support element.

11-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002048331C

Disclosed herein is a repellent-treated, barrier coated nonwoven web. Nonwoven webs with small fiber and pore sizes can often be surface coated with a barrier coating such as latex to form a nonwoven which will act as a barrier to liquids. Surface coating of nonwovens having larger pores and fibers is more difficult as the coating often sinks into the thickness of the nonwoven web. The material of the present invention is a larger fiber/pore nonwoven web which will permit surface coating to form a material which has a good hand and cloth-like feel while also acting as a barrier to liquids. Such a material has a wide variety of applications including, but not limited to, personal care products, surgical drapes and gowns and other applications requiring barrier properties.

23-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002147648A1

The invention relates to a method for decontaminating polluted rooms and to suitable materials therefore. The method for combating the emission of odorants and pollutants is characterized in that the emission source is directly covered with a material containing adsorbent particles. Furthermore, the invention relates to an adsorbent material, containing a flat-shaped support material; which forms a water-vapor permeable barrier layer, or on which an additional watervapor permeable barrier layer is located; and a layer located on said support material, containing adsorbent particles.

28-02-1941 дата публикации

Faserstoffmatte und Verfahren zur Herstellung derselben.

Номер: CH0000213583A

15-06-1945 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung elastischer Gebilde.

Номер: CH0000237970A

15-01-1944 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000230485A

30-04-1973 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000296672A4

15-08-1971 дата публикации

Non-woven textile material containing at least two

Номер: CH0000511122A

The upper layer of a non-woven textile material containing at least two layers has in those places subjected to load, reinforcement which is at least partially incorporated into that layer, extends through some or all the thickness of the layer and is permanently bound to it. The reinforcement may be a thermosetting resin, a thermoplastic, a latex etc. and may be coloured to tone with the material. For textiles of thermoplastic materials, reinforcement may be accomplished by the fusion of the fibres and a supplementary layer of thermoplastic is generally added to compensate for the reduction in volume.

30-04-1973 дата публикации

Synthetic leather - using carrier of low density polyethylene film strips clad with high density polyethylene

Номер: CH0000536386A

Designed as a material for needle or manicure cases and the like, the carrier of strips of low density polyethylene are clad with high density polyethylene in a heat process, the lower melting point of the cladding material ensuring an even dispsersion. The purpose is to provide a composite material from the same polymeric base, without softening agents which could 'sweat out' in use.

14-06-1974 дата публикации

Production of a thermoplastic or thermohardening layer - in a predetermined pattern on a substrate strip

Номер: CH0000550070A
Принадлежит: SCHAETTI & CO, SCHAETTI & CO.

Dry powdered resin is delivered through perforations in a drum arranged according to the desired pattern, the drum being maintained without slip in contact with the substrate supported on a conveyor belt over a specific length of arc and the height of the powder in the drum being kept at the level of the inlet to this contact are while delivery takes place at the discharge end thereof and is controlled by a spreader device in such a way that small heaps of powder are left at points corresponding to apertures in the drum.

14-05-1969 дата публикации

Procédé de fabrication d'un matériau textile de revêtement

Номер: CH0000470526A
Принадлежит: AGEMO S A, AGEMO S. A.

15-06-1972 дата публикации

Printed wall paper roll prodn. - using synthetic resin binder and organic flow control agent

Номер: CH0000523785A

Washable wall paper rolls are provided with printed coatings contg. pigments and a combination of an org. binder, in particular a film-forming resin produced by emulsion-copolymerisation of three monomeric components (pref. butyl acrylate, styrene and (meth) acrylic acid) and an org. flow control agent consisting of a two-component copolymer contg. COOH gps (pref. styrene is combination with acrylic acid or its alkyl esters. vinyl acetate and crotonic acid, maleic acid or its anhydride). Relief patterns can also be formed.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Polyurethane Roller Coating Device for Carpet Backing

Номер: US20120000417A1
Принадлежит: KUSTERS ZIMA Corp

A device for applying a polyurethane mixture to a backstitch side of a greige includes: a tensioning roller rotatable in a first direction; an application roller arranged adjacent to the application roller and rotatable in a second direction opposite to the first direction, the tensioning roller and the application roller positioned transversely and adjacent to a path of travel of the greige on the backstitch side of the greige, the tensioning roller rotatable against a feed direction of the greige, the application roller rotatable in the feed direction of the greige; and a dispenser configured to create a puddle of the polyurethane mixture between the tensioning roller and the application roller.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Homogeneously branched ethylene polymer carpet backsizing compositions

Номер: US20120295056A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed herein are carpets and carpet tiles comprising a primary backing material having a face and a back side; a plurality of fibers attached to the primary backing material and extending from the face of the primary backing material and exposed at the back side of the primary backing material; and an adhesive composition. The adhesive composition generally comprises at least one homogenously branched ethylene polymer. Also disclosed are methods for manufacturing the disclosed carpets and carpet tiles.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Artificial Turf Yarn

Номер: US20130030123A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Provided is an artificial turf yarn having improved heat resistance, durability, softness and extensibility. The artificial turf yarn contains two components: an olefin block copolymer (OBC) and a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). The yarn includes from about 10 wt % to about 80 wt % of the OBC and from about 20 wt % to about 90 wt % of the LLDPE which produces an artificial turf yarn with improved softness and toughness while maintaining heat resistance.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Temperature Responsive Smart Textile

Номер: US20130078415A1
Автор: Moshe Rock
Принадлежит: MMI IPCO LLC

A textile fabric includes a smooth surface with one or more regions having coating material exhibiting thermal expansion or contraction in response to change in temperature, adjusting insulation performance of the textile fabric in response to ambient conditions.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Processes for recycling carpet and products of such processes

Номер: US20130112727A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Methods for the recycling of carpet are disclosed that produce clean face fiber suitable for industrial use. The methods allow the recovery of face fiber material, for example a polyester or a polyamide, from carpets that includes a face fiber material and a backing material, and include the steps of heating the carpet to a temperature lower than the melting point of the face fiber material, but higher than the initial thermal decomposition temperature of the backing material, for a time and at a temperature sufficient to thermally decompose, pyrolyze, or oxidize at least a portion of the backing material, rendering the backing material friable, that is more friable than the untreated backing; and applying mechanical force to the carpet so as to liberate the friable backing material from the face fiber material.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Carpets with surfactant-stabilized emulsion polymer carpet binders for improved processability

Номер: US20130149487A1
Принадлежит: Celanese International Corp

Disclosed are improved carpet products made using certain types of coating compositions to secure carpet fibers to a carpet backing or substrates and/or to secure one or more carpet scrims or other layers to carpet backing. The coating compositions, which can be in the form of either precoating or skip coating compositions, are made from latex binder emulsions based on interpolymers emulsion polymerized from vinyl esters, ethylene, and a multifunctional cross-linking co-monomer such as an unsaturated silane. Such emulsions are also stabilized with surfactant emulsifiers but are substantially free of protective colloid stabilizers. The multifunctional co-monomer alters interpolymer molecular weight, branching and/or flow properties such that films formed from such interpolymers exhibit relatively low elongation values. When the emulsion binder exhibits such non-elongating film-forming characteristics, the carpet coating composition made from such binders can be easily processed without build-up on carpet processing apparatus. Such binder emulsions which are stabilized substantially only with surfactant emulsifiers, and not with protective colloids, also have excellent compatibility with other coating composition components.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Flame Retardant Carpet Products With Coating and/or Adhesive Layers Formed From Vinyl Acetate/Ethylene Copolymer Dispersions

Номер: US20130156997A1

Disclosed are carpet products comprising at least one flexible substrate and at least one coating and/or adhesive layer associated with the at least one flexible substrate. The coating and/or adhesive layer is formed from an aqueous composition comprising: A) an emulsifier-stabilized vinyl acetate/ethylene (VAE) emulsion copolymer dispersion and B) at least one particulate filler material selected from particulate inorganic compounds and particulate plastic material. The vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer in the copolymer dispersion has a selected ethylene content or glass transition temperature. It is also preferably substantially free of cross-linkable co-monomer moieties which generate formaldehyde upon curing and preferably has a particle size, d, ranging from about 50 to about 500 nm. The carpet product is substantially free of polyvinyl chloride and bitumen and exhibits a Class B1 flame-retardancy in accordance with DIN 4102-14, corresponding to a critical heat flux of ≧about 4.5 kW/m. 1. A carpet product comprising at least one flexible substrate and at least one coating and/or adhesive layer associated with said at least one flexible substrate , said coating and/or adhesive layer being formed from an aqueous composition comprising:A) an emulsifier-stabilized vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer dispersion wherein the vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer therein comprises main co-monomers which include a vinyl acetate co-monomer copolymerized with ethylene; andB) at least one particulate filler material selected from particulate inorganic compounds and particulate plastic material; [{'sub': 'g', 'i) said vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer dispersion has a glass transition temperature, T, between −20° C. and +20° C.;'}, 'ii) said carpet product is substantially free of polyvinyl chloride and bitumen; and', {'sup': '2', 'iii) said carpet product, in the substantial absence of alumina trihydrate or equivalent flame retardancy-imparting material, exhibits in accordance with ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209726A1
Принадлежит: Celanese International Corporation

Disclosed are carpet products comprising at least one substrate and at least one adhesive layer associated with the at least one substrate, the adhesive layer being formed from a latex coating composition comprising (a) a first copolymer of at least a vinyl ester of an alkanoic acid having from 1 to 13 carbon atoms and ethylene; and (b) a second copolymer of at least styrene and butadiene, wherein the first and second copolymers are colloidally dispersed in an aqueous medium comprising a surfactant. The carpet products are particularly durable exhibiting high tuft bind values. 1. A carpet product comprising at least one substrate and at least one adhesive layer associated with said at least one substrate , said adhesive layer being formed from a latex coating composition comprising:(a) a first copolymer of at least a vinyl ester of an alkanoic acid having from 1 to 13 carbon atoms and ethylene; and(b) a second copolymer of at least styrene and butadiene, wherein the first and second copolymers are colloidally dispersed in an aqueous medium comprising a surfactant.2. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the at least one adhesive layer associated with the at least one substrate is a precoat layer that binds carpet fibers to the substrate.3. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the at least one adhesive layer associated with the at least one substrate is a skipcoat layer that binds a primary backing layer to a secondary backing layer.4. The carpet product of claim 1 , having a tuft bind value greater than 20 N.5. The carpet product of claim 1 , having a tuft bind value greater than 27 N.6. The carpet product of claim 1 , having a tuft bind percentage claim 1 , as defined herein claim 1 , greater than 150%.7. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the first copolymer is present in an amount from 30 to 99 wt. % and the second copolymer is present in an amount from 1 to 70 wt. %.8. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the first copolymer is present in an amount ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Recycled rubber backed cushioned vinyl

Номер: US20130209810A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A laminated surface covering including a facing material made of vinyl and a backing material comprising a rubber component. The rubber component comprising at least a matrix of bonded rubber granules. A bonding material disposed between the facing material and the backing material. The facing material configured to melt at a temperature between 165° F. and 210° F. infiltrating the backing material thereby essentially encasing the rubber granules of the matrix and providing fire retardation and smoke suppression qualities.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Carpet tiles and methods of producing carpet tiles with diversity of color and texture

Номер: US20130216763A1
Принадлежит: Interface Inc

Embodiments of the invention provide carpet tile patterns and techniques for making carpet tile patterns that provide diversity of color, texture, and/or other pattern attributes. In some embodiments, a color attribute changes along a dimension of a web from which the carpet tiles are cut. In other embodiments, a yarn pile height changes along a dimension of a web from which the carpet tiles are cut. In some embodiments, carpet tiles mimic in some respects the appearance of wood flooring having natural variations in the appearance of the wood elements.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Variable texture floor covering

Номер: US20130273321A1
Автор: DONG Tian
Принадлежит: Individual

A floor covering has an exposed surface with substantially the same gloss level and at least two portions having different tactile surface characteristics. The difference in the tactile surface characteristics between the two portions is at least an average RPc of 4. The floor covering includes a substrate and a high performance coating overlying the substrate. The high performance coating comprises texture particles, which may be organic polymer particles. The floor covering is made by forming a high performance coating including the texture particles on a substrate, at least partially curing the high performance coating, and then while controlling the temperature of the high performance coating below the melting point temperature or softening point temperature of the texture particles and above the temperature at which the texture particles deform under the applied mechanical embossing pressure, subjecting the first and second portions to different mechanical embossing conditions.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Floor Covering with Resilient Surface

Номер: US20130295313A1
Принадлежит: Tandus Flooring, Inc.

A floor covering includes a wear layer having an uppermost surface and a lowermost surface, a fiber layer comprising a plurality of fibers, and a backing. The plurality of fibers have a first portion integrally joined to the lowermost surface of the wear layer, and a second portion projecting upwardly from the backing, such that the fiber layer extends between the wear layer and the backing. 1. A floor covering comprising:a wear layer having an uppermost surface and a lowermost surface;a fiber layer comprising a plurality of fibers; anda backing, a first portion integrally joined to the lowermost surface of the wear layer, and', 'a second portion projecting upwardly from the backing,, 'wherein the plurality of fibers have'}such that the fiber layer extends between the wear layer and the backing.2. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the wear layer comprises a substantially homogenous polymer layer.3. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the fibers of the fiber layer are contiguous with the wear layer.4. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the fibers of the fiber layer terminate at an interface between the fibers and the wear layer claim 1 , such that the fibers do not extend into the wear layer.5. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the wear layer and the fiber layer each have the same chemical composition.6. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the fibers are formed from a polymer and the wear layer comprises the polymer of the fibers.7. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the wear layer and the fiber layer define a wear side of the floor covering claim 1 , wherein the wear side of the floor covering has a thickness claim 1 , and the wear layer comprises at least about 10% of the thickness of the wear side of the floor covering.8. The floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the uppermost surface of the wear layer is substantially smooth.9. The floor covering of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of pores extending through the wear layer so ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302556A1

A carpet, such as a carpet tile, comprises a support material with yarns tufted therein. The support material comprises a first layer of a non-woven material, provided with a reinforcement, such as a second layer of a scrim adhered to the first layer. The yarns are thermally fused at one side of the tufted support material. One or more backing materials are applied to said one side of the tufted support material. 1. A method of manufacturing a carpet , such as a carpet tile , the method comprising:providing an intermediate product comprising a support material having yarns tufted therein, the intermediate product having two opposite sides; andthermally fusing the yarns at one of the sides of the intermediate product, for anchoring the tufted yarns to the support material,wherein the support material comprises;a first layer of a non-woven material, provided with a reinforcement.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the support material consists of a non-woven material and a reinforcement.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the support material comprises at least one layer of non-woven material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the support material does not include a woven material.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement comprises a reinforcement layer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the reinforcement layer comprises a scrim.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the support material comprises any of:at least one layer of scrim;a sandwiched structure of a first non-woven material, a scrim, and a non-woven material.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the support material comprises a sandwiched structure of a first scrim claim 6 , a non-woven material claim 6 , and a second scrim.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the scrim is a woven scrim.10. The method of claim 5 , wherein the reinforcement layer comprises a fleece.11. The method of claim 5 , wherein the reinforcement comprises separate parallel reinforcement threads.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Electrospinning of ptfe with high viscosity materials

Номер: US20130316103A1
Принадлежит: Zeus Industrial Products Inc

An improved process for forming a PTFE mat is described. The process includes providing a dispersion with PTFE, a fiberizing polymer and a solvent wherein said dispersion has a viscosity of at least 50,000 cP. An apparatus is provided which comprises a charge source and a target a distance from the charge source. A voltage source is provided which creates a first charge at the charge source and an opposing charge at the target. The dispersion is electrostatically charged by contact with the charge source. The electrostatically charged dispersion is collected on the target to form a mat precursor which is heated to remove the solvent and the fiberizing polymer thereby forming the PTFE mat.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Glass Fibre Mat and Products Containing Glass Fibre Mats

Номер: US20130337251A1
Автор: Grassl Thomas

A glass fibre mat comprises glass fibres of a first kind, glass fibres of a second kind and a binding agent. Glass fibres of the first kind in this case are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of under 6 μm and compliance with the EC Protocol “ECB/TM/27 rev. 7” and glass fibres of the second kind by a mean fibre diameter of over 6 μm. The ratio between the weight component of glass fibres of the first kind and the weight component of glass fibres of the second kind is between 0.01 and 0.15. And the surface weight of the glass fibre mat is between 25 g/m2 and 80 g/m2. In a CV floor covering comprising a usable layer and a structural layer, the structural layer comprises a glass fibre mat of this kind provided with impregnation. 1. A glass fibre mat comprising glass fibres of a first kind , glass fibres of a second kind and a binding agent , having the following features:glass fibres of the first kind are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of under 6 μm and compliance with the EC Protocol “ECB/TM/27 rev. 7”;glass fibres of the second kind are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of over 6 μm; andthe ratio between the weight component of glass fibres of the first kind and the weight component of glass fibres of the second kind is between 0.01 and 0.15;{'sup': 2', '2, 'the surface weight is between 25 g/mand 80 g/m.'}2. The glass fibre mat according to claim 1 , characterized in that the binding agent comprises urea resin claim 1 , preferably a mixture of urea resin and a polymer dispersion.3. The glass fibre mat according to claim 1 , characterized in that the binding agent comprises polyacrylic acid binders claim 1 , preferably a mixture of polyacrylic acid binders and a polymer dispersion.4. The glass fibre mat according to one of the to claim 1 , characterized in that the mean fibre diameter of glass fibres of the first kind is between 0.5 μm and 6 μm claim 1 , preferably between 0.6 μm and 3.0 μm claim 1 , particularly preferably between 0.6 μm and 1.5 μm. ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems from Recycling Carpet and Carpets Manufactured from Recycled Material

Номер: US20130344281A1

The present invention pertains to carpet and methods of making and recycling carpet. In one aspect, the carpet includes: a primary backing which has a face and a back surface; a plurality of fibers attached to the primary backing and extending from the face of the primary backing and exposed at the back surface of the primary backing; an adhesive composition backing; and an optional secondary backing adjacent to the adhesive backing. The method of making carpet includes extrusion coating the adhesive composition onto the back surface of a primary backing to form the adhesive composition backing. The method of recycling carpet can recover one or more polymeric carpet components. 1. A carpet composition , comprising:a primary backing;a plurality of carpet fibers, the plurality of carpet fibers penetrating a bottom surface of the primary backing and protruding therefrom a top surface of the primary backing, andan adhesive backing connected to the bottom surface of the primary backing and comprising an adhesive composition, wherein the adhesive composition comprises a recycled polymer reclaimed from a terpene solvent solution.2. The carpet composition of claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed polymer comprises a polyolefin.3. The carpet composition of claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed polymer composition comprises at least one of a HDPE claim 1 , LDPE claim 1 , LLDPE claim 1 , ULDPE claim 1 , VLDPE claim 1 , VLLDPE claim 1 , copolymer of ethylene and alpha olefin claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , copolymer of propylene and alpha olefin claim 1 , copolymer of propylene and ethylene claim 1 , EVA claim 1 , and EMA.4. The carpet composition of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive composition comprises a blend of the reclaimed polymer composition and a virgin polyolefin composition.5. The carpet composition of claim 4 , wherein the virgin polyolefin composition comprises at least one homogenously branched ethylene polymer characterized as having a short chain branching distribution index ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Carpet Comprising A Propylene-Based Elastomer and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20140017439A1

Provided are carpets comprising at least one propylene-based elastomer. The presence of the propylene-based elastomer provides the carpet with improved properties, including good tuft bind strength and tuft lock strength, and reliable construction. 1. A carpet comprising:(a) a primary backing layer having a face side and a back side;(b) a plurality of fibers attached to the primary backing layer and extending from both the face side and the back side of the primary backing layer; and(c) a second layer attached to the back side of the primary backing layer, comprising at least one propylene-based elastomer comprising at least about 60 wt% propylene-derived units and about 5 to about 25 wt% ethylene-derived units, by weight of the propylene-based elastomer, wherein the propylene-based elastomer has a heat of fusion of less than about 75 J/g,wherein the second layer substantially locks in the plurality of fibers extending from the back side of the primary backing layer.2. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the carpet comprises no more than 150 g/mof latex.3. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the carpet comprises no more than 100 g/mof latex.4. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the carpet comprises no more than 50 g/mof latex.5. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the carpet comprises no more than 20 g/mof latex.6. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the carpet comprises 0 g/mof latex.7. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the fibers comprise at least one of polypropylene claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , wool claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , acrylic claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , and polyethylene terephthalate.8. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the primary backing layer comprises at least one thermoplastic polyolefin.9. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the second layer further comprises a filler.10. The carpet of claim 9 , wherein the filler is a flame retardant.11. The carpet of claim 9 , wherein the filler is aluminum trihydrate or calcium carbonate.12. The carpet of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030483A1
Автор: Howland Charles A.

A lightweight, low bulk, mobile CB shelter fabric includes a high tensile strength woven scrim laminated between two thin CB-impenetrable polymer films. Laminate adhesives can include isocyanate adhesion promotors. Coatings can be applied to the films for camouflage, increased light opacity, increased CB protection, sun, fire, and weather resistance. Lamination heat and pressure can cause the films to conform and bond through the scrim, while a pre-applied coating does not flow and remains uniform in thickness. The resulting fabric weight can be approximately 50% of conventional CB fabrics. The films can be hard-drawn polymers. A coating of hammer milled kaolin clay can provide increased light opacity. The films can be 1 micron thick, and can be nylon, aliphatic nylon, urethane, or poly-ether. The scrim can be a 1500 denier vectran with a 4.5 ends-per-inch warp and a 3.5 ends-per-inch fill. The scrim yarns can be flattened bundles of untwisted fiber. 1. A multi-layer fabric suitable for constructing mobile shelters that provide protection against chemical and biological agents , the fabric comprising:a woven scrim;an outer polymer film layer attached by a first adhesive to an outer surface of the woven scrim; andan inner polymer film layer attached by a second adhesive to an inner surface of the woven scrim;at least one of the outer polymer film layer and the inner polymer film layer being resistant to penetration by chemical and biological (“CB”) agents.2. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the films is made from a hard drawn polymer.3. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the films has a roughness of less than 10 microns.4. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein at least one coating is applied to at least one surface of one of the films.5. The fabric of claim 4 , wherein the coating includes a hammer milled kaolin clay.6. The fabric of claim 4 , wherein the coating provides a camouflaged exterior appearance to the fabric.7. The fabric of claim 4 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Floor Mat with Hidden Base Component

Номер: US20190000254A1
Принадлежит: Milliken and Co

This invention relates to a washable multi-component magnetic floor mat with a hidden base component. The floor mat contains a textile component and a base component. The textile component and the base component are attached to one another by magnetic attraction. The magnetic attraction is provided by incorporation of magnetic particles in both the textile and base components. The textile component is designed to be soiled, washed, and re-used, thereby providing ideal end-use applications in areas such as building entryways. The present invention eliminates the need to wash the base component of the floor mat which results in environmental, cost and labor conservation. Alignment and deployment of the textile component with the base component in an efficient manner is also described herein.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001100A1
Автор: SORTINO Salvatore

A pain-relieving mat for multiple and magnetic therapy is composed of a tissue of bioceramic fibre, magnetic bands of north-south magnetization, central magnetic bands, a lower tissue, configured to allow connecting the mat to any generator device for magnetotherapy, and engineered yarns, such as copper fibre, carbon fibre, silver fibre. 1. A pain-relieving mat for multiple and magnetic therapy , comprising at least:a. a first tissue composed of at least one bioceramic fibre,b. two pairs of magnetic bands for a north-south magnetization located at the ends of said mat, so as to be arranged, during use, two at the feet side and two at the head side,c. central magnetic bands, with respect to the length of the mat, i. allow connecting the mat to a generator device for magnetotherapy, configured to generate high and/or low frequency electromagnetic waves in,', 'ii. generate a monopolar radio magnetic field on the tissue and which, in an operative configuration, is regularly emitted in a homogeneous manner on the entire area of interest, or singularly or simultaneously with nuclei to generate a low frequency., 'd. a lower tissue, configured toe. one or more engineered yarns, such as copper fibre, carbon fibre, silver fibre.2. The mat according to claim 1 , wherein a wire exits claim 1 , which ends in a small metal ball that is configured to contact the floor claim 1 , in an operative configuration claim 1 , discharging the energy built up during the day.3. The mat according to claim 1 , wherein along at least one edge it comprises a carbon double wire.4. The mat according to claim 1 , wherein the upper side of the mat is made of silver fibre.5. The mat according to claim 1 , wherein copper filaments for the complete discharge of the electrostatic energy are present within the first tissue.6. The mat according to claim 1 , which further comprises a suitable jack connectable claim 1 , in an operative configuration claim 1 , to a magnetotherapy apparatus and/or a low-high ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001411A1
Автор: ETIN Aleksey

A composite sheet and a manufacturing process for producing a decorative sheet using the composite sheet are provided. The composite sheet has a base layer and a foamable layer bonded to the base layer. The foamable layer includes 100 parts by weight of a polyolefin material having an elastic modulus of <0.1 GPa, 0.1-10 parts by weight of a foaming agent, and 0-200 parts by weight of additives. The foamable layer has a thickness of 0.05 to 0.3 mm. 1. A composite sheet comprising:a base layer having an elastic modulus of >1 GPa; and 100 parts by weight of a polyolefin material having an elastic modulus of <0.1 GPa;', '0.1-10 parts by weight of a foaming agent;', '0-200 parts by weight of additives; and,, 'a foamable layer bonded to the base layer and includingsaid foamable layer having a thickness of 0.05 to 0.3 mm.2. The composite sheet of claim 1 , wherein said polyolefin material is selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic elastomer polyolefins claim 1 , ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers claim 1 , and atactic polypropylene polymers claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.3. The composite sheet of claim 1 , wherein said foaming agent is selected from the group consisting of azodicarbonamide claim 1 , an azodicarbonamide metal salt claim 1 , hydrazodicarbonamide claim 1 , sodium bicarbonate claim 1 , trihydrazino-sym-triazine claim 1 , pp′-oxybis-benzenesulfonylhydrazide claim 1 , dinitroso-pentamethylene-tetramine claim 1 ,azobisisobutyl-odinitrile, p-toluenesulfonylhydrazide, and bisbenzenesulfonylhydrazide.4. The composite sheet of claim 1 , wherein said additives are selected from the group consisting of catalysts claim 1 , pigments claim 1 , fillers claim 1 , matting agents claim 1 , microbial agents claim 1 , UV stabilizers claim 1 , fire retardants and release compounds.5. The composite sheet of claim 4 , wherein:said additives include a catalyst; and,said catalyst is selected from the group consisting of zinc oxide, barium ricinoleate, tin methoxy maleate, ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Electrospinning of ptfe with high viscosity materials

Номер: US20160002430A1
Принадлежит: Zeus Industrial Products Inc

An improved process for forming a PTFE mat is described. The process includes providing a dispersion with PTFE, a fiberizing polymer and a solvent wherein said dispersion has a viscosity of at least 50,000 cP. An apparatus is provided which comprises a charge source and a target a distance from the charge source. A voltage source is provided which creates a first charge at the charge source and an opposing charge at the target. The dispersion is electrostatically charged by contact with the charge source. The electrostatically charged dispersion is collected on the target to form a mat precursor which is heated to remove the solvent and the fiberizing polymer thereby forming the PTFE mat.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002834A1
Автор: Amir Uri, SHOSHANI Boaz
Принадлежит: Healthwatch LTD.

A method for substantially reducing the elasticity of at least one selected textile region of a garment. The method includes producing the garment including a conductive textile electrode and rigidifying the at least one selected textile region. The rigidifying process includes applying rigidifying matter onto or into the at least one selected textile region. The at least one selected textile region is selected from the group consisting of a conductive textile electrode and a region of the garment situated between two adjacent textile electrodes. The invention further provides a garment having a tubular form, knitted by a seamless knitting machine with base-yarns. The garment includes at least one conductive textile electrode, composed of multiple knitted line segments, each knitted with a conductive yarn and a spandex yarn, wherein the spandex yarn and at least one base-yarn are knitted continuously. 1. A method for substantially reducing the elasticity of at least one selected textile region of a knitted garment , the method comprising the steps of:a) knitting the garment in a tubular form, wherein at least one conductive textile electrode is integrally knitted into the garment, while knitting the garment; andb) rigidifying said at least one selected textile region, wherein said rigidifying includes applying rigidifying matter onto and/or into said at least one selected textile region, thereby substantially reducing the elasticity of said at least one selected textile region.2. The rigidifying method as in claim 1 , wherein said at least one selected textile region is said at least one conductive textile electrode.3. The rigidifying method as in claim Error! Reference source not found claim 1 , wherein said at least one selected textile region is a region of said garment situated between two adjacent textile electrodes.4. The rigidifying method as in claim 1 , wherein said rigidifying matter is thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) claim 1 , and wherein said TPU is ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002863A1

The invention pertains to a method to manufacture a textile product comprising a first sheet having polyester yarns fastened to this sheet to form a pile thereon, the method comprising providing the sheet, stitching the polyester yarns through the sheet to form the pile on a first surface of the sheet and loops of the yarns at a second surface of the sheet, contacting the second surface of the sheet with a surface of a hot body to at least partly melt the loops of the yarns to fasten the yarns to the sheet, wherein the second surface is actively cooled to force the temperature to be below the glass transition temperature of the polyester yarns within 60 seconds after the contacting of the second surface with the hot body. The invention also pertains to a device for applying this method. 1. A method to manufacture a textile product comprising a first sheet having polyester yarns fastened to this sheet to form a pile thereon , the method comprising:providing the sheet,stitching the polyester yarns through the sheet to form the pile on a first surface of the sheet and loops of the yarns at a second surface of the sheet,contacting the second surface of the sheet with a surface of a hot body to at least partly melt the loops of the yarns to fasten the yarns to the sheet,characterised in that the second surface is cooled to force the temperature to be below the glass transition temperature of the polyester yarns within 60 seconds after the contacting of the second surface with the hot body.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the second surface is actively cooled.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the second surface is cooled to force the temperature to be below the glass transition temperature of the polyester yarns within 30 seconds after the contacting of the second surface with the hot body.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface is actively cooled by contacting the second surface with a cold body.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002801A1

A solid polymeric fiber includes: a six- to ten-fingered sectional area having fingers having central axes. The fingers are positioned unsymmetrically to each of the central axes, and/or the sectional area of the fiber has no rotational axis. In an embodiment, the six- to ten-fingered sectional area is a six-fingered sectional area. 1. A solid polymeric fiber , comprising:a six- to ten-fingered sectional area comprises fingers having central axes, wherein the fingers are positioned unsymmetrically to each of the central axes, and/or wherein the sectional area of the fiber has no rotational axis.2. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the six- to ten-fingered sectional area comprises a six-fingered sectional area.3. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 1 , wherein at least one finger has a distance from a finger tip to a center of a maximum circle that fits completely in a cross sectional area of the fiber (inner circle r) that is different from at least one other finger.4. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 2 , wherein inner circle r claim 2 , is from 5 μm to 50 μm.5. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 3 , wherein a minimum circle that completely surrounds a cross sectional area of the fiber (outer circle r) is from 10 μm to 100 μm.6. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 4 , wherein a ratio of r: r claim 4 , is in a range of from 3 to 1.01.7. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 2 , wherein a distance from the finger tip to a center of the inner circle r claim 2 , is at least 5 μm to 100 μm.8. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a distance from a finger tip to a center of an inner circle r claim 1 , of the shortest and a longest finger is in a range of 25:100 to 60:100.9. The solid polymeric fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber is selected from thermoplastic polymers claim 1 , polyolefines claim 1 , polyamides claim 1 , polylactates claim 1 , copolymers derived ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002821A1
Автор: MIYAUCHI Nobuki

Mass production of carpet tiles can be enabled by a method for manufacturing a carpet tile by applying an adhesive layer to a carpet tile base material containing pile, the method including: a first process of mixing 15 to 25 wt. % of urethane resin glue to an acrylic foamed resin to produce 100 wt. % of a mixture, thereby obtaining an adhesive; a second process of subjecting the adhesive to viscosity adjustment to adjust viscosity thereof to 3000 to 6000 cps; and a third process of applying the adhesive to the carpet tile base material by using a screen mesh having a mesh thickness of 20 μm or more and less than 100 μm and an opening area ratio of 40% to 60%. 16.-. (canceled)7. A carpet tile comprisinga base material integrated with a base fabric and a pile, the pile being driven into the base fabric;an adhesive applied to a surface of the base material facing away from a surface of the base fabric into which the pile is driven,wherein the adhesive has a viscosity of 3000 cps or more to 6000 cps or less and produced by mixing 15 to 25 wt. % of urethane resin glue with an acrylic foamed resin to produce 100 wt. % of a mixture and adding 10 to 20 wt. % of a viscosity reducer to 100 wt. % of the mixture. The present invention relates to a carpet tile, and in particular, the present invention relates to an adhesive for a carpet tile exhibiting optimal adhesion by being used in a carpet tile.Carpet tiles are rectangular carpets. The greatest feature of carpet tiles is being capable of carpeting only a necessary area with carpet tiles, and in recent years, carpet tiles have been widely used mainly in offices. A normal carpet is required to have a size that fits in the size of a place to be carpeted, and a business model of build-to-order manufacturing is heavily used. However, in the case of the carpet tile, sites to be carpeted in various sizes can be carpeted with some carpet tiles that have the same size and are mass-produced, and this has an advantage in cost. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003114A1

A method of manufacturing a tufted surface covering includes incorporating tuft fiber into a backing to form the tufted surface covering, wherein the tufted surface covering includes an underside and a pile surface; coating the underside with a colloidal latex coating, wherein the colloidal latex coating has an exposed surface; wetting the exposed surface with an anti-blistering agent; and heating at least the underside to cure the colloidal latex coating into a solid latex coating. 1. A method of manufacturing a tufted surface covering , the method comprises:incorporating tuft fibers into a backing to form the tufted surface covering, wherein the tufted surface covering comprises an underside and a pile surface;coating the underside with a colloidal latex coating, wherein the colloidal latex coating has an exposed surface;wetting the exposed surface with an anti-blistering agent; andheating at least the underside to cure the colloidal latex coating into a solid latex coating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-blistering agent reduces blistering of the colloidal latex coating during heating to cure the colloidal latex coating into the solid latex coating.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-blistering agent comprises a latex coagulant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-blistering agent comprises an acid.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the acid is any one of the following: citric acid claim 4 , vinegar claim 4 , acetic acid claim 4 , an alcohol claim 4 , an organic acid claim 4 , an inorganic acid claim 4 , a sulfonic acid claim 4 , a mineral acid claim 4 , Formic acid claim 4 , Acetic acid claim 4 , Propionic acid claim 4 , Butyric acid claim 4 , Valeric acid claim 4 , Caproic acid claim 4 , Oxalic acid claim 4 , Lactic acid claim 4 , Malic acid claim 4 , Citric acid claim 4 , Benzoic acid claim 4 , Uric acid claim 4 , Taurine claim 4 , p-Toluenesulfonic acid claim 4 , Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid claim 4 , Aminomethylphosphonic acid ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010486A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

An object of the present invention is to provide a carpet exhibiting excellent antifouling property against both dry soil and wet soil. The carpet is a carpet including a pile yarn having a coated pile single yarn, in which the coated pile single yarn is a pile single yarn to which a layer A containing organopolysiloxane and a fluorine-based compound is attached, a fineness of the coated pile single yarn is 8 to 40 dtex, a crimp elongation of the pile yarn is 10% to 30%, a carpet staining degree (ΔE) in an antifouling dry test is 30 or less, and a carpet staining degree (ΔE) in an antifouling wet test is 30 or less. 1. A carpet comprising a pile yarn having a coated pile single yarn , whereinthe coated pile single yarn is a pile single yarn to which a layer A containing organopolysiloxane and a fluorine-based compound is attached,a fineness of the coated pile single yarn is 8 to 40 dtex,a crimp elongation of the pile yarn is 10% to 30%,a carpet staining degree (ΔE) in an antifouling dry test is 30 or less, anda carpet staining degree (ΔE) in an antifouling wet test is 30 or less.2. The carpet according to claim 1 , wherein a degree of deformation of the coated pile single yarn is 1.1 to 5.0.3. The carpet according to claim 1 , wherein the fluorine-based compound has a siloxane bond.4. A method for manufacturing the carpet according to claim 1 , the method comprising:a step of obtaining a carpet layer including a pile yarn having a pile single yarn and a primary base fabric; anda step of impregnating the carpet layer with a solution containing organopolysiloxane and a fluorine-based compoundin this order. The present invention relates to a carpet.Carpets are widely used in offices, hotels, restaurants, public facilities, homes, entrances to buildings, and motor vehicles but have a problem that dirt adheres to the carpet and the appearance is impaired as the carpet is used. Hence, it has been conventionally studied to impart antifouling properties to carpets in order ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009357A1
Автор: Jouve Mathieu

An interior trim part made by a method that includes the steps of bringing a fiber web onto a conveyor, needlepunching the fiber web to form a base in contact with the conveyor, and introducing a binder component on the base. The binder component introduced on the base is a thermoplastic polymer in solid form. The method includes a step for heating the base to cause the thermoplastic polymer making up the binder component to penetrate the base over a thickness smaller than the thickness of the base. 1. An interior trim part of a motor vehicle , comprising:a web of needlepunched fibers comprising base fibers forming a velvet font layer and a base,a binder component arranged in the base;wherein the fiber web comprises a quantity of strictly more than 0 wt % and of less than 15 wt % of binder fibers that are at least partially fusible,the binder component arranged in the base being a melted solid thermoplastic polymer having penetrated the base over a thickness smaller than the thickness of the base.2. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the binder fibers comprise bicomponent fibers comprising a core and an envelope surrounding the core claim 1 , the melting point of the envelope being lower than that of the core claim 1 , or fibers having a melting point lower than the melting point of the base fibers of the fiber web.3. The part according to any one of claim 1 , wherein the maximum penetration thickness of the thermoplastic polymer making up the binder component in the base after at least partial melting is less than 30% of the thickness of the base.4. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the melt flow index of the thermoplastic polymer making up the binder component is comprised between 50 g/10 mn and 70 g/10 mn.5. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the base fibers are formed with a base of a thermoplastic polymer of the same nature as the thermoplastic polymer making up the binder component claim 1 , the thermoplastic polymer of the base fibers in the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009701A1
Принадлежит: Beaulieu International Group NV

An automotive carpet is described having a needlefelt structure which can be low in weight but having good abrasion resistance. In accordance with embodiments of the present invention the automotive carpet comprises at least a needle punched facing layer as top layer made of staple fibers, wherein the staple fibers comprise at least 50% by weight of solid multilobal fibers, and at least a partial binding. A process for making this automotive carpet is described comprising the steps of: conveying a fibrous card web to a crosslapping machine and crosslapping the card web into a batt of material, wherein the multilobal nonwoven crosslapper travelling distance is less than 20% and larger than 10% bigger than the final width of the needle punched facing layer. 135-. (canceled)36. An automotive carpet comprising:at least a needle punched facing layer as a top layer made of staple fibers, wherein the staple fibers comprise at least 50% by weight of solid multilobal fibers, and at least a partial binding of the fibers of the needle punched facing layer.37. The automotive carpet according to claim 36 , whereby the solid multilobal fiber content is at least 60% claim 36 , 70 claim 36 , 80 or 90% by weight of a total fiber content.38. The automotive carpet according to claim 36 , whereby an outer cross-section of the multilobal solid fibers is substantially trilobal.39. The automotive carpet according to claim 36 , wherein a modulus of the facing layer is higher than 150 N/wt %.40. The automotive carpet according to claim 36 , wherein the multilobal fibers have an average modification ratio of 1.5 to 6.41. The automotive carpet according to claim 36 , wherein the multilobal fibres have a ratio of a circumscribing outer radius (R) to a tip diameter (D) of between 2.0 and 10.0.42. The automotive carpet according to claim 36 , wherein the at least partial binding comprises a latex compound claim 36 , a binder fiber claim 36 , a binder powder or a binder layer.43. The automotive ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010291A1
Автор: ZAPF Gunnar, ZETTL Heiko

The invention relates to a planar textile substrate comprising on a surface a coating that contains a water-activated adhesive, said adhesive representing an aqueous dispersion of the following composition. 119-. (canceled)20. A planar textile substrate that has a coating comprising an adhesive activatable by water on an outer side , wherein the adhesive is an aqueous dispersion having the following composition:a) 1 to 30 wt. % of at least one modified starch,b) 10 to 60 wt. % of at least one dextrin;c) 0.1 to 10 wt. % of at least one modified cellulose;d) 0.1 to 20 wt. % of at least one compound selected from the group comprising polyvinyl acetates, ethylene vinyl acetates, polyacrylates, polyacrylamides, polymethacrylates, polyurethanes, polyvinylpyrrolidones and mixtures or corresponding copolymers thereof;e) 0 to 30 wt. % of at least one additive; andf) 10 to 80 wt. % waterwherein the components a)-f) add up to 100% by weight,wherein the textile substrate can be pulled off from a surface in the dried state after application to a surface.21. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the adhesive is activatable by water a multiple number of times so that the textile substrate can be removed from the substrate a multiple number of times and can be fastened to the same position again.22. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the adhesive comprises 3 to 20 wt of component a).23. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the adhesive comprises 15 to 45 wt. % of component b).24. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the adhesive comprises 0.3 to 5 wt. % of component c).25. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the adhesive comprises 1 to 10 wt. % of component d).26. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the adhesive comprises 20 to 70 wt. % of component f).27. The textile substrate of claim 20 , wherein the additives are selected from the group consisting ofpreservatives, from the group of isothiazolinones, from the group of pyrithiones, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010639A1
Принадлежит: Beaulieu International Group NV

An event or exhibition carpet is described having a needlefelt structure which can be low in weight but having good abrasion resistance. In accordance with embodiments of the present invention the event or exhibition carpet comprises at least a needle punched facing layer as top layer made of staple fibers, wherein the staple fibers comprise at least 50% by weight of solid multilobal fibers, and at least a partial binding. A process for making this event or exhibition carpet is described comprising the steps of: conveying a fibrous card web to a crosslapping machine and crosslapping the card web into a batt of material, wherein the multilobal nonwoven crosslapper travelling distance is less than 20% and larger than 10% bigger than the final width of the needle punched facing layer. 135-. (canceled)36. An event or exhibition carpet comprising:at least a needle punched facing layer as a top layer made of staple fibers, wherein the staple fibers comprise at least 50% by weight of solid multilobal fibers, andat least a partial binding of the fibers of the needle punched facing layer.37. The event or exhibition carpet according to claim 36 , whereby the solid multilobal fiber content is at least 60% claim 36 , 70 claim 36 , 80 or 90% by weight of the total fiber content.38. The event or exhibition carpet according to claim 36 , whereby an outer cross-section of the multilobal solid fibers is substantially trilobal.39. The event or exhibition carpet according to claim 36 , wherein a modulus of the facing layer is higher than 150 N/wt %.40. The event or exhibition carpet according to claim 36 , wherein the multilobal fibers have an average modification ratio of 1.5 to 6.41. The event or exhibition carpet according to claim 36 , wherein the multilobal fibers have a ratio of a circumscribing outer radius (R) to a tip diameter (D) of between 2.0 and 10.0.42. The event or exhibition carpet according to claim 36 , wherein the at least partial binding comprises a latex compound ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010646A1
Автор: Higgins Kenneth B.

A dimensionally stable universal floor covering includes a tufted textile having stitches and a reinforcement layer of fibers and adhesive providing dimensional stability for the entire floor covering. The fibers and adhesive are mixed and then moved by an applicator towards the stitches. A slip path is formed to improve the movement of the fibers and adhesive. A releasable adhesive or gecko-like cover system is provided which also provides additional strength and stability and a releasable attachment of the universal floor covering to a supporting surface. 1. A method of manufacturing a universal floor covering which can be used as either a broadloom or modular floor covering , the method comprising the steps of:manufacturing either a broadloom or modular floor covering from a group of components including a tufted textile substrate having a primary backing substrate extending in a first direction and a plurality of yarns tufted through the primary backing substrate, the primary backing substrate having a face side and a back side opposite the face side, a portion of each yarn forming a stitch portion having an end that is located on the back side of the primary backing substrate, and spaces existing between the stitch portions;said group of components further including a composition pool having adhesive and reinforcement fibers;moving the tufted textile substrate relative to an applicator having an engagement surface, and providing space between the stitch portions of the yarns and the applicator;mixing the adhesive and reinforcement fibers for separating fibers and for moving fibers and adhesive against the engagement surface of the applicator;forming a slip path on the engagement surface of the applicator for separating the fibers and adhesive from frictional engagement with the applicator;applying controlled pressure with the applicator in a second direction towards the primary backing substrate and forming a relatively rigid reinforcement layer of fibers and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010658A1

A textile fabric having increased improved surface properties, variously including surface stability, abrasion resistance, resistance to edge fraying, moisture control, and resistance to fluid penetration is created by introducing a plurality of particles including low-melting particles onto a top surface of the textile fabric. The top surface includes elevated areas, depressed areas, a plurality of surface fibers and gaps among the plurality the plurality of surface fibers. A desired pattern of particle deposition and depth of penetration from the top surface of the plurality of particles into the gaps is established, and heat is applied to the top surface to melt the low-melting particles deposited onto the surface. 1. A textile fabric comprising:a plurality of yarns, the yarns comprising a yarn melting point and a plurality of filaments forming the yarns;a plurality of gaps disposed among the filaments;a plurality of elevated areas of yarns and depressed areas of yarns formed by the plurality of yarns looping in and out of the fabric,melted particle resin from a plurality of particles dispersed in gaps located in the elevated areas of yarns and melted, the plurality of particles having a particle melting point lower than the yarn melting point;wherein the elevated areas of yarns comprise sections of filaments free of melted particle resin.2. The textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein:the yarns comprise upper parts adjacent a top surface of the textile fabric; andthe melted particle resin is concentrated in the upper parts of the yarns in the elevated areas of yarns.3. The textile fabric of claim 2 , wherein the textile fabric further comprises:a barrier layer attached to a bottom surface opposite the top surface; anda macro-pattern embossed into the textile fabric, the macro-pattern comprising raised areas of the textile fabric and lowered areas of the textile fabric, adjacent raised areas and adjacent lowered areas spaced at intervals wider than spacing between ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Polyolefin composition for carpet backing

Номер: US20220033543A1
Принадлежит: Basell Poliolefine Italia Srl

A filled polyolefin composition made from or containing butene-1 copolymers having high melt flow and an inorganic filler. The compositions are useful for carpet backing.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Washable Carpet Tile

Номер: US20150017376A1

This invention relates to tufted floorcovering articles that are washable in commercial, industrial, and/or residential washing machines. In particular, this invention relates to modular carpet tiles that are constructed in such a way as to withstand exposure to at least one wash cycle in an automatic washing machine. The carpet tiles are designed to be soiled, washed, and re-used, thereby providing ideal end-use applications such as entryway floorcovering articles. A further advantage includes the ability to print advertising logos on the carpet tiles and easily change out the advertising logos as desired. Both features of the carpet tile of the present invention are achievable, at least in part, because the surface of the tile that contacts the floor does not require any type of adhesive in order to use the carpet tile for its intended function. 1. A washable carpet tile comprising:(a) A first layer of pile face yarns;(b) A second layer of nonwoven material; and(c) A third layer of vulcanized rubber;wherein the carpet tile has dimensions in the range from 4 inches by 4 inches to 72 inches by 72 inches; andwherein the carpet tile can withstand at least one wash cycle in a commercial or residential washing machine whereby the carpet tile is suitable for re-use after exposure to the at least one wash cycle.2. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the pile face yarns are selected from nylon 6; nylon 6 claim 1 ,6; polyester; polypropylene; or combinations thereof.3. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the pile face yarns comprise cut pile claim 1 , loop pile claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the pile face yarns are dyed claim 1 , undyed claim 1 , printed claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the layer of nonwoven material is selected from the group consisting of synthetic fiber claim 1 , natural fiber claim 1 , man-made fiber using natural constituents claim 1 , inorganic fiber claim 1 , glass ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016559A1
Автор: Miller Todd W.
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A method and apparatus for printing on an article are disclosed. An embodiment of a method may include the generation of a virtual mask that can designate areas for printing and/or designate areas to exclude from printing. A method may include utilization of the virtual mask during either 2D or 3D printing such that a print design is printed in areas designated for printing by the virtual mask. 1. A method of partially printing a print design on a surface of an article , the method comprising:receiving the article on a surface of a print system;receiving a print design for the article;forming a digitized image of the article using a sensor system;identifying one or more first portions of the article and one or more second portions of the article represented in the digitized image based on one or more detectable features on the surface of the article using a computing system, the first portion representing a print area of the article onto which a print material is to be printed and the second portion representing a no-print area of the article onto which the print material is not to be printed;forming a digital mask representing the second portion of the digitized image of the article and applying the digital mask to the print design to form a modified print design; andprinting the modified print design on the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the digital mask to the print design comprises determining a mapping relationship between the digitized image of the article and the print design and associating the second portion of the article represented in the digitized image with a respective portion of the print design to form the modified print design.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the digitized image is represented by a first plurality of pixels and the print design is represented by a second plurality of pixels claim 2 , and the mapping relationship comprises associating at least some of the first plurality of pixels with at least some of the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017206A1
Принадлежит: Polytex Sportbelage Produktions-GmbH

A machine for manufacturing artificial turf includes a fiber inserter configured to incorporate artificial turf fiber into an artificial turf backing to form the artificial turf. The artificial turf includes an underside and an artificial turf surface. The machine further includes a coater configured to coat the underside with a colloidal latex coating. The colloidal latex coating has an exposed surface. The machine further includes an applicator configured to welt an exposed surface of the colloidal latex coating with an anti-blistering agent. The machine further includes a heater configured to heat the underside to cure the colloidal latex coating into a solid latex coating. 124-. (canceled)25. A machine for manufacturing artificial turf , wherein the machine comprises:a fiber inserter configured for incorporating artificial turf fiber into an artificial turf backing to form the artificial turf, wherein the artificial turf comprises an underside and an artificial turf surface;a coater configured for coating the underside with a colloidal latex coating, wherein the colloidal latex coating has an exposed surface;an applicator configured for wetting the exposed surface of the colloidal latex coating with an anti-blistering agent, wherein the applicator is configured for spraying, or atomizing, or aerosoling the anti-blistering agent onto the exposed surface; anda heater configured for heating the underside to cure the colloidal latex coating into a solid latex coating.26. The machine of claim 25 , wherein the coater comprises a lick roll or the coater comprises a dispenser configured for dispensing the colloidal latex with a knife over roll applicator for leveling the dispensed colloidal latex.27. The machine of claim 25 , wherein the heater comprises a first heat control element for maintaining a first temperature range across the underside claim 25 , wherein the heater comprises a second heat control element for maintaining a second temperature range across the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017732A1
Автор: Frick Agnes, Groh Werner

Textile fabrics consolidated with a binder that is made from a binder system are described. The binder system may include: 1. A method for the manufacture of a textile fabric which is consolidated with a binder , the method comprising:providing a plurality of fibers;applying the binder system to the plurality of fibers, wherein the binder system comprises:a) 1% to 30% by dry weight of at least one polymer based on polyvinyl alcohol;b) 80% to 99% by dry weight of at least one starch, wherein the at least one starch comprises 50% by weight or more of one or more natural starches based on the total weight of the at least one starch;c) 0 to 10% by dry weight of at least one crosslinker;d) 0 to 10% by dry weight of at least one filler; ande) 0 to 10% by dry weight of at least one additive,wherein a sum of components a) to e) is 100% by dry weight of the binder system, and wherein the sum of components a) and b) is at least 80% by dry weight of the binder system; anddrying and curing the binder system on the plurality of fibers to form the textile fabric.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder system is applied in one application step.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the drying and curing of the binder system on the plurality of fibers comprises heating the binder system on the plurality of fiber to a temperature ranging from 140° C. to 250° C.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder system is applied to the plurality of fibers by one or more application techniques selected from the group consisting of curtain coating claim 1 , foam application claim 1 , and dip coating.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein excess binder system is removed from the plurality of fibers by one or more removal techniques selected from the group consisting of suction removal and mechanical rolling.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises incorporating a reinforcement into the plurality of fibers or the textile ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Hydrophobic Fiberglass Thermal Insulation Materials

Номер: US20180022059A1
Автор: Dill Lewis, Zhou Chengjun
Принадлежит: Super Insulation, LLC

Hydrophobic thermal insulation fiberglass flexible blanket using a textile grade fiberglass is produced by impregnating a hydrophobic polymer (e.g. a fluoropolymer) dispersion into a fiberglass blanket/mat, such as a needle felted fiberglass (FG) blanket/mat. The preferred FG needle felt blanket is a mechanically, rather than organically, bound glass fiber insulating blanket. The hydrophobic polymer dispersion forms a hydrophobic coating on the surface of the fiberglass filaments. Integral hydrophobicity is achieved and maintained without the need to add commonly-used hydrophobic inorganic particles, such as treated silica aerogels or fumed silica. Optionally, to enhance overall hydrophobicity and to inhibit fibrous surface lofting, a super-hydrophobic coating of fluoropolymer and inorganic particles such as silica particles may be dispersed onto one or more surfaces of the blanket. The resulting blanket thermally insulates better than mineral wool; it is equal in insulating properties to (or is slightly better than) untreated FG mat; and it slightly less insulating than aerogel-based blanket materials. It is relatively inexpensive to manufacture, it is flexible, it is durable, it can optionally be made moldable, it eliminates dust, and it remains hydrophobic after long-term heating to 600° F. (315° C.), or after short-term excursions to temperatures as high as 700° F. (370° C.). 112-. (canceled)13. A process comprising the sequential steps of:(a) wetting a textile-grade fiberglass blanket with a first dispersion comprising a first solvent, a first fluoropolymer, and a first surfactant;(b) evaporating at least 70% of the first solvent from the wet blanket by microwave or radio frequency drying, to produce a partially-dried blanket; and(c) forcing heated hot air to flow through the partially-dried blanket to decompose or remove the first surfactant, and to evaporate most or all of the remaining first solvent;wherein the result is a composite comprising glass fibers ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024708A1

Carpet tiles and products include a structured backing layer having a plurality of holes arranged therethrough. The holes may be sized and arranged over the backing layer to impart the desired properties to the carpet product. For example, the holes preferably are sized and arranged to be effective to mitigate moisture from a flooring installation and/or to alleviate manufacturing tensions in the carpet tile. Methods of manufacturing such carpet tiles and products, as well as methods of using such tiles and products to mitigate moisture and/or alleviate manufacturing tensions, are also provided. In one aspect, carpet tiles include a structured backing layer and a face fabric associated with the structured backing layer. The structured backing layer may include a plurality of holes extending across a thickness of the structured backing layer. The holes may each extend from one surface of the structured backing layer to the opposite surface of the structured backing layer, thereby creating passages therethrough. 1. A carpet tile , comprising:a structured backing layer; anda face fabric associated with the structured backing layer,wherein the structured backing layer comprises a plurality of holes extending across a thickness of the structured backing layer.2. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the size and arrangement of the plurality of holes in the structured backing layer are effective to provide moisture transmission from a subfloor on which the carpet tile is laid.3. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein a size and arrangement of the plurality of holes in the structured backing layer are effective to alleviate manufacturing tensions present in the carpet tile.4. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the structured backing layer comprises a material that is substantially moisture impermeable.5. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the structured backing layer comprises a hardback tile backing.6. The carpet tile of claim 1 , wherein the structured backing layer ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Textured Fibrous Structures

Номер: US20170022660A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Textured fibrous structures, and more particularly textured fibrous structures having a plurality of deformations such that the textures fibrous structures exhibit novel surface height properties compared to known fibrous structures, and methods for making such textured fibrous structures.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Alkyl Aromatic Hydroalkylation For The Production of Plasticizers

Номер: US20180022689A1

Provided are compounds of the following: 138.-. (canceled)40. The mixture of claim 39 , wherein each Ris claim 39 , independently claim 39 , a Cto Chydrocarbyl.41. The mixture of claim 39 , wherein each Ris claim 39 , independently claim 39 , a C claim 39 , C claim 39 , Cor Calkyl.42. The mixture of claim 39 , wherein each Ris claim 39 , independently claim 39 , hexyl claim 39 , heptyl claim 39 , octyl or nonyl claim 39 , or an isomer thereof. This application claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/751,835, filed Jan. 28, 2013, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/751,835, filed Jan. 28, 2013.This disclosure relates to a route to non-phthalate, aromatic ester plasticizers.Plasticizers are incorporated into a resin (usually a plastic or elastomer) to increase the flexibility, workability, or distensibility of the resin. The largest use of plasticizers is in the production of “plasticized” or flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products. Typical uses of plasticized PVC include films, sheets, tubing, coated fabrics, wire and cable insulation and jacketing, toys, flooring materials such as vinyl sheet flooring or vinyl floor tiles, adhesives, sealants, inks, and medical products such as blood bags and tubing, and the like.Other polymer systems that use small amounts of plasticizers include polyvinyl butyral, acrylic polymers, nylon, polyolefins, polyurethanes, and certain fluoroplastics. Plasticizers can also be used with rubber (although often these materials fall under the definition of extenders for rubber rather than plasticizers). A listing of the major plasticizers and their compatibilities with different polymer systems is provided in “Plasticizers,” A. D. Godwin, in Applied Polymer Science 21st Century, edited by C. D. Craver and C. E. Carraher, Elsevier (2000); pp. 157-175.Plasticizers can be characterized on the basis of ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Wallpaper and method for providing wallpaper

Номер: US20220042238A1
Принадлежит: Brainstoxx GmbH

A reusable wallpaper and method for producing reusable wallpaper for removable attachment to a wall or ceiling surface with wallpaper paste. The wallpaper includes only a flat base layer without a paste coating applied by the manufacturer. The flat base layer is in the form of a textile, in particular synthetic fibers.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042239A1

The present invention relates polyester tufted carpet where the tufts are engaged with a primary polyester backing and where a polyester extrusion coating is applied to the backside of the primary backing to lock the tufts which therefore avoids the use of a latex adhesive 1. A method for manufacturing a carpet , where the method comprises:providing polyester yarn;providing a primary polyester backing having first and second sides;tufting the polyester yarn into a first side of said primary polyester backing where said yarn extends from said second side of said primary backing;extruding polyester and forming a polyester extrudate and applying said polyester extrudate to said second side of said primary backing wherein said polyester extrudate provides a secondary backing layer that engages said polyester yarn extending from said second side of said primary backing wherein the secondary polyester backing layer locks the polyester yarn in the polyester primary backing.2. The method of wherein said polyester yarn comprises poly (ethylene terephthalate).3. The method of wherein said polyester yarn has a fiber diameter range from 800 to 2400 denier.4. The method of wherein said secondary backing layer comprises poly (ethylene terephthalate).5. The method of wherein said secondary backing layer comprises coPET.6. The method of wherein said secondary backing layer comprises a blend of PET and coPET.7. The method of wherein said polyester extrudate has a melting temperature in the range of 120° C. to 260° C.8. A method for manufacturing a carpet comprising:providing a primary polyester backing having first and second sides;extruding polyester and forming a polyester extrudate and applying said polyester extrudate to said second side of said primary backing and forming a secondary polyester backing layer; andproviding polyester yarn and tufting the polyester yarn into the first side of said primary polyester backing and through said secondary polyester backing layer.9. The ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024799A1
Принадлежит: Cintas Corporate Services, Inc.

A multi-component floor mat has a base or frame layer, intended to be positioned on the floor, that is dimensioned to accommodate a flexible textile mat or rug top layer portion that is releasably held in place on or in the base or frame layer by an attachment coupling feature associated with one or both portions, thereby allowing for the easy removal or replacement of the textile top layer of the mat and its economical laundering. 1. A floor mat to be positioned on a floor surface , the floor mat comprising:a base layer having a lower surface positioned on the floor surface;a base layer coupling feature;a plurality of top layers each of which is selectively and serially coupled to the base layer to thereby construct the floor mat; andeach of the plurality of top layers having a top layer coupling feature which is compatible to mate with the base layer coupling feature to couple a selected top layer to the base layer to construct the floor mat.2. The floor mat of wherein the base layer is impervious to the flow of water passing through the selected top layer.3. The floor mat of wherein the base layer further comprises:a cavity bounded by a peripheral lip extending around a perimeter of the base layer.4. The floor mat of wherein each of the plurality of top layers further comprises a fabric component.5. The floor mat of wherein each of the plurality of top layers is machine washable when separate from the base layer.6. The floor mat of in which each of the plurality of top layers further comprises a frame generally surrounding the fabric component and being larger than the base layer to cover the base layer when the selected top layer is coupled to the base layer.7. The floor mat of wherein the floor mat has a generally rectangular shape and the base layer has a pair of spaced elongate sides and a pair of spaced shorter sides in which junctions of one of the shorter sides with each of the elongate sides is non-orthogonal claim 1 , wherein the junctions are part of ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027773A1
Автор: ODonnell Dennis P.
Принадлежит: Clear-Coat Holding Company

A washable, reusable mat that serves as a stimulation device for animals, the mat having a base a base with a pile thereon, the pile being formed from a plurality of fingers which are arranged to form a structure with a plurality of spaces. Food or treats for the animal (e.g., a dog), are placed on the mat, and the food or treats fall among the fingers and are captured within the spaces formed in the pile by the fingers. The animal locates the food or treats by employing the animal's olfactory senses, such as smell and taste, to locate the food within the matt pile. The animal may use its nose (or paws) to gain access to the captured food by tunneling among the fingers, moving the fingers aside, or other action to access the hidden food. 1. A stimulation device for animals comprising a washable , reusable mat having:a) a base;b) pile attached to the base;c) the pile comprising a plurality of structures attached to the base;d) wherein the pile is arranged to provide interstices.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the structures are secured to the base to provide a first portion that extends from the base and a second portion that extends from the base.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of structures include a first end and a second end claim 1 , and wherein said structures are secured to the base at a location between the structure first end and the second end.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pile structures comprise a plurality of interfering fingers that engage each other and form capturing spaces between the fingers claim 1 , between the base and fingers claim 1 , or both.5. The device of claim 5 , wherein said capturing spaces comprise hidden spaces claim 5 , and wherein the fingers are arranged to provide access to the hidden spaces.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein said pile structure comprises a plurality of fingers claim 1 , and wherein said fingers comprise substantially cylindrical elements having at least an arcuate portion.7. The ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Carpet Tile With Polyolefin Secondary Backing

Номер: US20160032521A1

This invention relates to a carpet tile that includes a polyolefin secondary backing layer. In particular, this invention relates to modular carpet tiles having at least one layer of polyolefin-containing thermoplastic polymer in the secondary backing of the carpet tile. By modifying the composition of the carpet tiles in this manner, the carpet tiles are able to withstand the high temperatures associated with surface printing of the tiles, while still maintaining cold temperature flexibility. 1. A carpet comprising the following sequential layers:a. pile yarns tufted through a primary backing to form a primary composite layer;b. a precoat layer comprised of a polymer; andc. a backing layer comprised of a thermoplastic olefin polymer, wherein the polymer exhibits low temperature flexibility and high temperature resistance.2. The carpet of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic olefin polymer is a polymer blend.3. The carpet of claim 2 , wherein the thermoplastic olefin polymer blend comprises:a. 5 wt % to 80 wt % of a first polymer with low temperature flexibility, andb. 1 wt % to 20 wt % of a second polymer with high temperature resistance.4. The carpet of claim 3 , wherein the first polymer with low temperature flexibility is an olefin-containing elastomer.5. The carpet of claim 4 , wherein the first polymer with low temperature flexibility is a propylene-containing elastomer.6. The carpet of claim 5 , wherein the first polymer with low temperature flexibility is a propylene based co-polymer.7. The carpet of claim 6 , wherein the first polymer with low temperature flexibility is a propylene based co-polymer with 50% to 91% propylene monomer in the chain.8. The carpet of claim 3 , wherein the second polymer with high temperature resistance is an olefin polymer.9. The carpet of claim 8 , wherein the second polymer with high temperature resistance is a propylene-based polymer.10. The carpet of claim 9 , wherein the second polymer is a propylene-based polymer with ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030632A1

The invention pertains to a method for manufacturing a textile product comprising providing a first sheet having a front surface and a back surface, covering the back surface of the sheet with a porous layer having a porosity of 50% to 99%, the layer comprising a thermoplastic material, forming a pile on the front surface of first sheet by stitching one or more yarns through the first sheet, the one or more yarns having a free end that forms the said pile and a locked end that extends into the porous layer, thereby forming an intermediate product, processing the intermediate product by feeding this product along a body having a heated surface, the porous layer being pressed against the said heated surface, to melt at least a fraction of the thermoplastic material, cooling the molten fraction of the thermoplastic, thereby connecting the locked end of the one or more yarns to the first sheet, and optionally connecting a second sheet to the processed intermediate product, using an adhesive applied between the processed surface of the intermediate product and the second sheet. The invention also pertains to a primary backing for use in this method and to a method for manufacturing this primary backing. 1. A method for manufacturing a textile product comprising:providing a first sheet having a front surface and a back surface,covering the back surface of the sheet with a porous layer having a porosity of 50% to 99%, the layer comprising a thermoplastic material,forming a pile on the front surface of first sheet by stitching one or more yarns through the first sheet, the one or more yarns having a free end that forms the said pile and a locked end that extends into the porous layer, thereby forming an intermediate product,processing the intermediate product by feeding this product along a body having a heated surface, the porous layer being contacted with the said heated surface, to melt at least a fraction of the thermoplastic material,cooling the molten fraction of the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Washable Carpet Tile

Номер: US20190032276A1

This invention relates to tufted floorcovering articles that are washable in commercial, industrial, and/or residential washing machines. In particular, this invention relates to modular carpet tiles that are constructed in such a way as to withstand exposure to at least one wash cycle in an automatic washing machine. The carpet tiles are designed to be soiled, washed, and re-used, thereby providing ideal end-use applications such as entryway floorcovering articles. A further advantage includes the ability to print advertising logos on the carpet tiles and easily change out the advertising logos as desired. Both features of the carpet tile of the present invention are achievable, at least in part, because the surface of the tile that contacts the floor does not require any type of adhesive in order to use the carpet tile for its intended function. 1. A process for cleaning a carpet tile , said process comprising the steps of: (i) A first layer of pile face yarns;', '(ii) A second layer of nonwoven material; and', '(iii) A third layer of vulcanized rubber;, '(a) Providing a washable carpet tile comprisingwherein the carpet tile has dimensions in the range from 4 inches by 4 inches to 72 inches by 72 inches; wherein the carpet tile has been pre-washed; and wherein the carpet tile can withstand at least one wash cycle in a commercial or residential washing machine whereby the carpet tile is suitable for re-use after exposure to the at least one wash cycle;(b) Installing the carpet tile on a walking surface;(c) Allowing the carpet tile to become soiled;(d) Removing the soiled carpet tile;(e) Laundering the carpet tile in an industrial, commercial, or residential washing machine; and(f) Re-installing the carpet tile on a walking surface.2. A process for making a washable carpet tile , said process comprising the steps of:(a) Tufting face yarns into a nonwoven primary backing material to form a face composite;(b) Optionally, printing the face composite;(c) Providing a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032808A1

A carpet tile having a greige good, an adhesive layer, and a secondary backing material. The greige good has a primary backing component and a plurality of fibers attached to the primary backing component. The adhesive layer has an adhesive composition and a reinforcement material that is at least partially embedded within the adhesive composition. The adhesive layer is applied to a back surface of the primary backing component. The secondary backing material is adhered to the primary backing component by contact with a portion of the adhesive composition that flows through the reinforcement material. The reinforcement material and the secondary backing material are co-laminated onto the adhesive composition. 1. A method of making a carpet tile , comprising:(a) extruding an adhesive composition onto a back surface of a primary backing component of a greige good, the greige good further comprising a plurality of fibers attached to the primary backing component and extending from a face surface of the primary backing component; and(b) co-laminating a reinforcement material and a secondary backing material onto the adhesive composition, wherein the reinforcement material has an open structure and opposed first and second sides that are spaced apart relative to a vertical axis;(c) allowing the adhesive composition to flow through the reinforcement material from the first side of the reinforcement material to the second side of the reinforcement material such that the adhesive composition on the second side of the reinforcement material contacts the secondary backing material; and(d) cooling the adhesive composition to define an adhesive layer in which the reinforcement material is at least partially embedded within the adhesive composition, wherein the secondary backing material is adhered to the primary backing component by contact with the adhesive composition of the adhesive layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , following cooling of the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037554A1
Автор: Higgins Kenneth B.

A dimensionally stable floor covering comprises a tufted textile substrate and a reinforcement layer attached to the textile substrate. The reinforcement layer includes an adhesive backing compound and reinforcement fibers surrounded by the adhesive backing. The fibers may form a continuous layer on the back side of the floor covering or may be dispersed within the adhesive backing compound. The adhesive backing compound may be hot water-soluble to facilitate recycling of the floor covering. The floor covering may optionally include additional backing layers (including cushions) and may be used as a broadloom carpet, a carpet tile, or other modular floor covering products. Methods of manufacturing, installing, and recycling the present floor coverings are also provided. 1. A recyclable floor covering having a universal reinforcing backing layer which can be applied to both broadloom and modular floor coverings , the recyclable floor covering comprising:a tufted textile substrate having a primary backing substrate extending in a first direction and a plurality of yarns tufted through the primary backing substrate, the primary backing substrate having a face side and a back side opposite the face side, a portion of each yarn forming a stitch portion having an end that is located on the back side of the primary backing substrate, and an interstitial space existing between the end of each stitch portion;a reinforcement layer of fibers laying predominately in the first direction and the fibers being in substantial alignment with each other for forming a reinforcement layer of the fibers that is substantially parallel to the backing substrate, the ends of the stitch portions engaging the reinforcement layer of fibers for separating the reinforcement layer of fibers from the backing substrate and the engagement of the reinforcement layer of fibers with the stitch portions providing dimensional stability for the entire floor covering, and the reinforcement layer of fibers ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Washable Multi-Component Magnetic Floor Mat

Номер: US20170037567A1

This invention relates to a washable multi-component magnetic floor mat. The floor mat contains a textile component and a base component. The textile component and the base component are attached to one another by magnetic attraction. The magnetic attraction is provided by incorporation of magnetic particles in both the textile and base components. The textile component is designed to be soiled, washed, and re-used, thereby providing ideal end-use applications in areas such as building entryways. The present invention eliminates the need to wash the base component of the floor mat which results in environmental, cost and labor conservation. Alignment and deployment of the textile component with the base component in an efficient manner is also described herein. 1. A multi-component floor mat comprising:(a) A textile component comprising (i) a first layer of tufted pile carpet formed by tufting face yarns through a primary backing layer and (ii) a second layer of vulcanized rubber material that contains magnetic particles;(b) A base component comprised of (i) vulcanized rubber that contains magnetic particles or (ii) vulcanized rubber having a magnetic coating applied thereto; andwherein the textile component and the base component are releasably attachable to one another via magnetic attraction.2. The multi-component floor mat of claim 1 , wherein the textile component is magnetically receptive.3. The multi-component floor mat of claim 1 , wherein the base component is permanently magnetized.4. The multi-component floor mat of claim 1 , wherein the textile component of the floor mat can withstand at least one wash cycle in a commercial or residential washing machine whereby the textile component is suitable for re-use after exposure to the at least one wash cycle.5. The multi-component floor mat of claim 1 , wherein the face yarns are selected from the group consisting of synthetic fiber claim 1 , natural fiber claim 1 , man-made fiber using natural constituents ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Installation of Multi-Component Floor Mat

Номер: US20170037568A1

This invention relates to installation methods for a multi-component floor mat. The floor mat typically contains a textile component and a base component. Alignment and deployment of the textile component with the base component in an efficient manner is described herein. 1. A method for installation of a floor mat comprising the following steps:(a) Providing a base component, wherein the base component contains at least one attachment means;(b) Providing a textile component, wherein the textile component is comprised of tufted pile carpet and contains at least one attachment means that works in corresponding relationship with the at least one attachment means of step “a,” and wherein the base component and the textile component are releasably attachable to one another via the at least one attachment means;(c) Aligning the textile component with the base component, wherein the step of aligning is accomplished via the use of at least one alignment or deployment mechanism; and(d) Deploying the textile component onto the base component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one attachment means is selected from magnetic attraction claim 1 , mechanical attachment claim 1 , cohesive attraction claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one alignment and deployment mechanism is selected from the group consisting of textile component configurations that reduce surface area claim 1 , the use of a film material claim 1 , the use of a sheeting material claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. A multi-component floor mat comprising:(a) A textile component comprising (i) a first layer of tufted pile carpet formed by tufting face yarns through a primary backing layer and (ii) a second layer of vulcanized rubber material that contains magnetic particles;(b) A base component comprised of (i) vulcanized rubber that contains magnetic particles or (ii) vulcanized rubber having a magnetic coating applied thereto;wherein the textile ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Flexible cladding wrap, system and methods

Номер: US20170037636A1
Автор: Paul Bishop
Принадлежит: Paul James Bishop Ip Holdings Ltd

A flexible cladding wrap ( 10 ) for an exterior or interior wall of a building, a building wall panel, and/or a building surface is provided, the flexible cladding wrap ( 10 ) comprising a flexible facing layer ( 16 ) including a, preferably absorbent and more preferably porous, flexible facing substrate ( 22 ) and powdered aggregate ( 24 ) bonded to the facing substrate ( 22 ); and a flexible backing layer ( 12 ) including a flexible backing substrate ( 20 ) to which the facing layer is attached. A system utilising said flexible cladding wrap ( 10 ) to create a continuous aesthetic impression of the building is also provided, in addition to methods of making and using said flexible cladding wrap ( 10 ).

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Recycled rubber backed cushioned vinyl

Номер: US20220055355A1
Принадлежит: Ecore International Inc

A laminated surface covering including a facing material made of vinyl and a backing material comprising a rubber component. The rubber component comprising at least a matrix of bonded rubber granules. A bonding material disposed between the facing material and the backing material. The facing material configured to melt at a temperature between 165° F. and 248° F. infiltrating the backing material thereby essentially encasing the rubber granules of the matrix and providing fire retardation and smoke suppression qualities.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056638A1

Textured fibrous structures, and more particularly textured fibrous structures having a plurality of deformations such that the textures fibrous structures exhibit novel surface height properties compared to known fibrous structures, and methods for making such textured fibrous structures. 1. A pre-moistened textured fibrous structure comprising a textured fibrous structure comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface , wherein the first surface comprises a plurality of deformations comprising protrusions such that the first surface exhibits a root mean square average surface height value (Sq) of greater than 300 μm as measured according to the Surface Height Test Method.2. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the pre-moistened textured fibrous structure comprises a plurality of fibrous elements.3. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the plurality of fibrous elements comprise a plurality of filaments.4. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the plurality of fibrous elements comprise a plurality of filaments and a plurality of fibers commingled together.5. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the plurality of fibrous elements comprises a thermoplastic polymer.6. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer is selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 5 , polyethylene claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.7. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the plurality of fibrous elements comprise a plurality of fibers.8. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the plurality of fibers comprise a plurality of pulp fibers.9. The pre-moistened textured fibrous structure according to wherein the plurality of pulp fibers comprise a plurality of wood pulp fibers.10. A wet wipe comprising a pre-moistened textured ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056639A1

Various implementations include a mat having a lower surface and first and second edge portions that define at least a portion of a perimeter of the mat. The mat also includes a plurality of ribs that extend away from the lower surface of the mat for contacting the floor. Each rib has a longitudinal axis that extends between ends of the rib, and at least a portion of the plurality of ribs includes one or more branches that extend transversely to the longitudinal axis and are axially spaced apart from each other. The ribs are spaced apart from each other over the lower surface such that adjacent ribs define a valley therebetween. Water and/or debris can flow through the valleys. In addition, the longitudinal axis of each rib intersects the first and second edge portions of the mat at angles that are greater than 0° and less than 90°. 1. A mat comprising:a lower surface and first and second edge portions, the first and second edge portions define at least a portion of a perimeter of the mat; anda plurality of ribs for contacting a floor, the ribs extending away from the lower surface in a direction that is transverse to a plane that includes the lower surface, each rib having a longitudinal axis that extends between ends of the rib, and at least a portion of the plurality of ribs comprising one or more branches that extend transversely to the longitudinal axis, the branches being axially spaced apart from each other,wherein:the ribs are spaced apart from each other over the lower surface such that adjacent ribs define a valley therebetween,each valley extends continuously between a first end and a second end of the valley, the first end and the second end of the valley intersecting the first and second edge portions, respectively,the longitudinal axis of each rib intersects the first and second edge portions of the mat at angles that are greater than 0° and less than 90°, andthe branches on adjacent ribs are spaced apart axially and laterally relative to each other ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Construction of a Gripping Fabric

Номер: US20170042255A1
Автор: Cherneski James Paul
Принадлежит: TruSox LLC

A gripping fabric and method for construction thereof is provided. A fabric structure that defines an inner surface and an outer surface is created. The fabric structure or the gripping fabric is configured to conform to a user's body part for constructing a garment, for example, a sock. The inner surface is proximal to a user contact surface and distal to an external contact surface. The outer surface is proximal to the external contact surface and distal to the user contact surface. A gripping material is selectively applied on the inner surface and/or the outer surface of the fabric structure. The gripping material on the inner surface and the outer surface of the fabric structure adheres to the user contact surface and the external contact surface respectively, thereby providing grip between the user contact surface and the fabric structure, and grip between the fabric structure and the external contact surface. 1. A method for making a gripping sock , comprising:providing a sock, said sock having a resistance to sliding motion between said sock and a foot of a user when said user is wearing said sock, said sock having a resistance to sliding motion between said sock and a shoe when said user is wearing said sock and said shoe;applying a non-slip material on an inside surface and an outside surface of said sock to define the gripping sock, said non-slip material on said inside surface of said sock providing said resistance to sliding motion between said sock and said foot of said user when said user is wearing said sock that is greater than said resistance to sliding motion of said sock, said non-slip material on said outside surface of said sock providing said resistance to sliding motion between said sock and said shoe when said user is wearing said sock and said shoe that is greater than said resistance to sliding motion of said sock, whereby said non-slip material on said inside surface of said gripping sock frictionally engages said foot of said user when ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043551A1

A carrier material for vinyl floor covering, wherein the carrier material includes a nonwoven layer containing at least 50 wt. % of thermoplastic fibers and a scrim for eliminating wrinkles in the vinyl floor covering. The scrim includes weft yarns having a linear density of 28 tex or less. The carrier material prevents the formation of surface irregularities and printing errors in the vinyl floor covering. 1. A carrier material for manufacturing a composite product comprising said carrier material and an impregnated matrix , the carrier material comprising one or more nonwoven layer(s) of fibers , wherein each nonwoven layer of fibers is composed of thermoplastic fibers for at least 50 wt. % of the total weight of fibers in the respective nonwoven layer of fibers , and a scrim comprising weft yarns of glass fibers or high modulus polyester fibers , the glass weft yarns having a linear density of 28 tex or less , the high modulus polyester weft yarns having a linear density of 50 tex or less.2. The carrier material according to wherein the scrim comprises warp yarns of glass fibers or high modulus polyester fibers claim 1 , the warp yarns having a linear density of 100 tex or less.3. The carrier material according to wherein the scrim comprises weft yarns and/or warp yarns having a modulus of at least 25 GPa.4. The carrier material according to wherein the weft yarns of the scrim are multifilament glass yarns and wherein the individual glass filaments of the multifilament glass yarns have a diameter in the range of 3 μηι to 18 μηι.5. The carrier material according to wherein the weft yarns and/or the warp yarns of the scrim are made from E-glass or AR-glass.6. The carrier material according to claim 1 , wherein the scrim comprises a binder claim 1 , the binder comprising any thermoplastic or thermoset organic polymers claim 1 , copolymers or any mixture thereof.7. The carrier material according to wherein at least one of the nonwoven layer of fibers is composed of ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermally fusible sheetlike structure and method for production thereof

Номер: US20170044698A1

A thermally fusible sheetlike structure, especially usable as fusible interlining in the textile industry, has a carrier ply made from a textile material to which has been applied a two-ply adhesive composition structure comprising an underlayer directly adjoining the sheetlike structure and an overlayer disposed upon the underlayer, wherein the underlayer contains a first hotmelt adhesive and the overlayer a second hotmelt adhesive, wherein the first hotmelt adhesive has a melting point of >140° C. and a melt flow index (MFI) value of >50 g/10 minutes (190° C./2.16 kg) and the second hotmelt adhesive a melting point of <145° C. and an MFI value of <50 (190° C./2.16 kg).

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064854A1

A healthier carpet employing UV light-transmitting threads, which facilitate UV light transmittance down from the surface of the carpet, through the interior of the carpet, and into the primary backing of the carpet. The UV light can destroy bacteria, molds, viruses, yeast, and other microorganisms, which are present in the carpet. An external UV light source, with UV wavelengths from 100-400 nm, can be passed over the carpet for effective sanitization. 1. A carpet comprising:(a) at least one UV light-transmitting thread;(b) a carpet fiber; and(c) a primary backing to which the UV light-transmitting thread and carpet fiber are attached.2. The carpet of further comprising a secondary backing and an adhesive adhering the primary backing to the secondary backing.3. The carpet of wherein the UV light-transmitting thread comprises an aliphatic polymer.4. The carpet of wherein the UV light-transmitting thread comprises a polymer comprising cyclic olefin copolymer claim 1 , polymethylpentene claim 1 , fluoropolymer claim 1 , silicone based polymers claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.5. The carpet of wherein the cross-sectional geometry of the UV light-transmitting thread comprises circular claim 1 , triangular claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , multi-lobal claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.6. The carpet of wherein the UV light-transmitting thread comprises about 4-25 denier.7. The carpet of wherein the carpet fiber comprises natural fibers claim 1 , polymeric fibers claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.8. The carpet of wherein the carpet fiber comprises acrylic fibers claim 1 , nylon fibers claim 1 , polyester fibers claim 1 , polypropylene fibers or a mixture thereof.9. The carpet of wherein the carpet fiber comprises about 4-25 denier.10. The carpet of wherein UV light-transmitting thread transmits light of about 100-400 nm.11. The carpet of wherein UV light-transmitting thread transmits light of about 200-280 nm.12. The carpet of comprising yarn tufted into the primary backing wherein ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Textile Backing Formed from Recycled Materials

Номер: US20140128548A1
Автор: Evans, JR. Paul D., Moore Gabe
Принадлежит: Tandus Flooring, Inc.

Backings for carpet and carpet tiles are formed from various post-consumer and/or post-industrial polymeric waste materials, for example, post-consumer textile waste material (e.g., carpet and carpet tiles), post-industrial textile waste material (e.g., carpet and/or carpet tiles), and/or other post-consumer and/or post-industrial polymeric materials. 12-. (canceled)3. A method of making a textile backing from post-consumer textile backing waste and blended textile waste , wherein the blended textile waste includes at least one of post-consumer textile waste and post-industrial textile waste , the method comprising: shredding post-consumer textile waste, wherein the post-consumer textile waste comprises fibers joined to post-consumer backing, the post-consumer backing comprising compounded polyvinyl chloride, and wherein shredding the post-consumer textile waste at least partially separates the fibers from the post-consumer backing, and', 'removing at least about 80 wt % of the fibers from the shredded post-consumer textile waste to form the post-consumer textile backing waste, so that the post-consumer textile backing waste comprises at least about 80 wt % compounded polyvinyl chloride, wherein the post-consumer textile backing waste is in a shredded condition;, 'forming the post-consumer textile backing waste, wherein forming the post-consumer textile backing waste comprises'}optionally and separately densifying the blended textile waste, wherein densifying the blended textile waste comprises at least one of compacting and pelletizing the blended textile waste;delivering the post-consumer textile backing waste in the shredded condition to an extruder, wherein the post-consumer textile backing waste is delivered to the extruder in the shredded condition without being granulated or densified; andextruding a mixture comprising from about 75 to about 100 wt % of the post-consumer textile backing waste and from 0 to about 25 wt % of the processed blended textile waste. ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048831A1
Автор: Van Vliet Arie
Принадлежит: LOW & BONAR B.V.

A primary backing having a component having a front surface and a rear surface, a second component having a front surface and a rear surface placed adjacent and plane-parallel to the first component, and an optional third component having a front surface and a rear surface placed adjacent and plane-parallel to the second component, wherein the first component comprises a two-dimensional material layer, an extruded sheet, and a non-woven fabric and/or a woven fabric. The second component comprises a three-dimensional structure, wherein the three-dimensional structure is build-up from macroscopic thermoplastic fibers, the fibers cross one another at crossing points and are thermally bonded to one another at their crossing points, and the third component comprises a further two-dimensional material layer, wherein the material layer comprises an extruded sheet, a non-woven fabric, a woven fabric and/or a two-dimensional layer of macroscopic fibers. 1. A primary backing comprisinga first component having a front surface and a rear surface, and wherein the first component comprises a first two-dimensional material layer, wherein the first two-dimensional material layer comprises an extruded sheet, a non-woven fabric and/or a woven fabric, and', 'wherein the second component comprises a three-dimensional structure, wherein the three-dimensional structure is built-up from macroscopic fibers, wherein the fibers cross one another at crossing points and are thermally bonded to one another at their crossing points., 'a second component having a front surface and a rear surface placed adjacent and plane-parallel to the first component, and'}2. The primary backing according to claim 1 , wherein the first component is bonded with its front surface to the rear surface of the second component.3. The primary backing according to claim 2 , wherein bonding of the first to the second component is achieved by thermal bonding claim 2 , by mechanical bonding and/or with an adhesive.4. The ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Flexible cladding wrap, system and methods

Номер: US20180051469A1
Автор: Paul James Bishop
Принадлежит: Paul James Bishop Ip Holdings Ltd

A flexible cladding wrap for an exterior or interior wall of a building, a building wall panel, and/or a building surface is provided, the flexible cladding wrap comprising a flexible facing layer including a, preferably absorbent and more preferably porous, flexible facing substrate and powdered aggregate bonded to the facing substrate; and a flexible backing layer including a flexible backing substrate to which the facing layer is attached. A system utilising said flexible cladding wrap to create a continuous aesthetic impression of the building is also provided, in addition to methods of making and using said flexible cladding wrap.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051453A1

A method of manufacturing artificial turf includes the steps of: creating a polymer mixture including at least one polymer and a nucleating agent for crystallizing the at least one polymer, extruding the polymer mixture into a monofilament; quenching the monofilament; reheating the monofilament; stretching the reheated monofilament to form the monofilament into an artificial turf fiber, wherein during the stretching the nucleating agent boosts the creation of crystalline portions of the polymer within the monofilament; incorporating the artificial turf fiber into an artificial turf backing, thereby mechanically fixing the monofilaments of the arranged artificial turf fibers in the artificial turf backing. 1. A method of manufacturing artificial turf that is durable to mechanical stress , in particular in respect to mechanical pulling forces exerted on artificial turf fibers , the method comprising the steps of:creating a polymer mixture comprising at least one polymer and a nucleating agent for crystallizing the at least one polymer, the nucleating agent being an inorganic and/or an organic substance or a mixture thereof,wherein the inorganic substance acting as the nucleating agent consists of one or more of: talcum; kaolin; calcium carbonate; magnesium carbonate; silicate; silicic acid; silicic acid ester; aluminium trihydrate; magnesium hydroxide; meta- and/or polyphosphates; and coal fly ash;wherein the organic substance acting as the nucleating agent consists of one or more of: 1,2-cyclohexane dicarbonic acid salt; benzoic acid; benzoic acid salt; sorbic acid; and sorbic acid salt; extruding the polymer mixture into a monofilament;', 'quenching the monofilament;', 'reheating the monofilament;', 'stretching the reheated monofilament to form the monofilament into an artificial turf fiber, wherein during the stretching the nucleating agent boosts the creation of crystalline portions of the at least one polymer within the monofilament, wherein the boosting of the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Floor Mat with Hidden Base Component

Номер: US20220071427A1

This invention relates to a washable multi-component magnetic floor mat with a hidden base component. The floor mat contains a textile component and a base component. The textile component and the base component are attached to one another by magnetic attraction. The magnetic attraction is provided by incorporation of magnetic particles in both the textile and base components. The textile component is designed to be soiled, washed, and re-used, thereby providing ideal end-use applications in areas such as building entryways. The present invention eliminates the need to wash the base component of the floor mat which results in environmental, cost and labor conservation. Alignment and deployment of the textile component with the base component in an efficient manner is also described herein. 1. A process for cleaning a multi-component floor mat , said process comprising the steps of: (i) A textile component comprising (i) a first layer of tufted pile carpet formed by tufting face yarns through a primary backing layer and (ii) a second layer of vulcanized rubber material that contains magnetic particles; and', '(ii) A base component comprising an elastomer that contains magnetic particles;', 'wherein the textile component and the base component are releasably attachable to one another via magnetic attraction; and', 'wherein the textile component is at least 5% larger in length and width than the base component;, '(a) Providing a multi-component floor mat comprising(b) Removing the textile component from the base component;(c) Laundering the textile component in an industrial, commercial, or residential washing machine; and(d) Re-installing the textile component on the base component.2. A process for making a multi-component floor mat , said process comprising the steps of:(a) Tufting face yarns into a primary backing material to form a tufted pile carpet;(b) Optionally, printing the tufted pile carpet;(c) Providing a layer of unvulcanized rubber that contains magnetic ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Light transmissive carpet for vehicle

Номер: US20190053653A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A light transmissive carpet includes a pile including strands of a light transmissive yarn. The light transmissive yarn includes a fiber blend of interspersed colored fibers and unpigmented fibers. The unpigmented fibers in the light transmissive yarn are translucent and transmit light therethrough.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Low-temperature Thermoplastic Plate with Velvet Layer

Номер: US20140134385A1
Автор: Jun Yi, Xin Jun HEI

A low-temperature thermoplastic plate with velvet layer comprises a low-temperature thermoplastic plate and a velvet layer, wherein the low-temperature thermoplastic plate has meshes, and wherein the velvet layer is fixed to the regions which are on the top of the low-temperature thermoplastic plate and outside the meshes. The low-temperature thermoplastic plate with velvet layer of the present invention with velvet layers attached to the top and bottom thereof has rational and compact structure. Thereby, the low-temperature thermoplastic plate with velvet layer of the present invention has high gas permeability, high sweat absorbance and high extensibility and is comfortable for users and easy to work. Besides, the low-temperature thermoplastic plate with velvet layer of the present invention can be mass-produced in high efficiency.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140134386A1

The present invention pertains to carpet and method of making it. In one aspect, the carpet includes (a) a primary backing which has a face and a back surface, (b) a plurality of fibers attached to the primary backing and extending from the face of the primary backing and exposed at the back surface of the primary backing, (c) an adhesive backing, (d) an optional secondary backing adjacent to the adhesive backing, and (e) at least one homogeneously branched linear ethylene polymer. The method includes extrusion coating at least one homogeneously branched linear ethylene polymer onto the back surface of a primary backing to provide an adhesive backing. The method can include additional steps or procedures, either separately or in various combinations. Additional steps and procedures include preheating the primary backing prior the extrusion step, multilayer adhesive backings, washing or scouring the primary backing prior the extrusion step, and utilizing adhesive polymeric additives, high heat content fillers, blowing agents and/or implosion agents. The constructions and methods described herein are particularly suited for making carpet tile. 1161-. (canceled)162. A carpet or carpet tile comprising:a) a greige good having an adhesive applied to a back side thereof; andb) a foamed backing applied to the adhesive side of the greige good, wherein the foamed backing comprises a polymer composition having a polymer component comprising at least one homogenously branched ethylene polymer characterized as having a short chain branching distribution index (SCDBI) of greater than or equal to 50 percent.163. The carpet or carpet tile of wherein the at least one homogeneously branched ethylene polymer is a substantially linear ethylene polymer characterized as having:{'sub': 10', '2, 'a) a melt flow ratio, I/I>5.63;'}{'sub': w', 'n, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': M', '/M', 'I', '/I, 'sub': w', 'n', '10', '2, '()<()−4.63; and'}, 'b) a molecular weight distribution, M/Mas ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140134387A1
Автор: Hori Mitsuo, Yamada Kohei

Provided is a mat which is capable of significantly contributing to sound and healthy life environment, and particularly capable of effectively reducing energy of electromagnetic waves, vibrations, sounds, impacts, radiations and so on and which has excellent antibacterial properties, antiviral properties, anti-allergen properties and deoderization properties. 1. A mat with a backing layer formed on the back surface side of a fiber surface layer , wherein at least one of the fiber surface layer and the backing layer contains at least one selected from an organic attenuating filler , an iodine-based compound , a radiation reduction filler and an allergen reduction filler.2. The mat according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber surface layer comprises a pile yarn driving base fabric and a pile yarn driven in the base fabric claim 1 , and at least one of the base fabric and the pile yarn contains at least one selected from an organic attenuating filler claim 1 , an iodine-based compound a radiation reduction filler and an allergen reduction filler.3. The mat according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber surface layer comprises a pile yarn driving base fabric claim 1 , a pile yarn driven in the base fabric claim 1 , and a discharge sheet laminated on the back surface side of the pile driving base fabric claim 1 , the pile yarn is driven in the pile driving base fabric and the discharge sheet claim 1 , the discharge sheet contains conductive fibers that atmospherically discharge static electricity claim 1 , and at least one of the base fabric claim 1 , the pile yarn claim 1 , and the discharge sheet contains at least one selected from an organic attenuating filler claim 1 , an iodine-based compound a radiation reduction filler and an allergen reduction filler.4. The mat according to claim 2 , wherein the pile yarn driving base fabric comprises a nonwoven fabric containing a metal phthalocyanine compound or a derivative thereof.5. The mat according to claim 2 , wherein the pile ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060893A1
Автор: Lunsford David

A carpet tile comprises a primary backing layer comprising a flexible substrate with fiber tufts extending through and from one surface of the substrate to define, in use, the upper wear surface of the tile. A pre-coat adhesive layer formed from an aqueous copolymer dispersion is provided on the opposite surface of the primary backing substrate to secure the fiber tufts to the substrate and a secondary adhesive layer formed from an aqueous copolymer dispersion is provided on the pre-coat adhesive layer. A fiberglass scrim is secured to the secondary adhesive layer and an outer backing or cap layer covers the fiberglass scrim. 1. A method of manufacturing a carpet tile , the method comprising:(a) providing a primary backing layer comprising a flexible substrate with fiber tufts extending through and from one surface of the substrate to define, in use, the upper wear surface of the tile;(b) applying a pre-coat adhesive in liquid form to the opposite surface of the flexible substrate;(c) while the pre-coat adhesive is still in liquid form, applying a water-based secondary adhesive in liquid form and a fiberglass scrim to the pre-coat adhesive on the primary backing layer;(d) drying the pre-coat adhesive and the secondary adhesive; and then(e) applying an outer backing or cap layer to the scrim.2. The method of claim 1 , the pre-coat adhesive comprises a water-based adhesive and step (c) is conducted prior to removal of water from the adhesive.3. The method of claim 2 , the water-based pre-coat adhesive comprises an aqueous dispersion of at least one of a vinyl ester copolymer claim 2 , an acrylate copolymer claim 2 , a vinyl ester/acrylate copolymer claim 2 , a styrene-acrylate copolymer claim 2 , an acrylic-butadiene copolymer and a styrene-butadiene copolymer.4. The method of claim 2 , the water-based pre-coat adhesive comprises an aqueous dispersion of a copolymer of vinyl acetate and ethylene formed by emulsion polymerization.5. The method of claim 1 , the water- ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058069A1
Автор: Mello Bryan Scott

A method of manufacturing building panels includes assembling a frame of a building panel. The frame defines at least one cavity and at least one injection aperture in fluid communication with the at least one cavity. The method also includes positioning the frame on one of a base and a shelf of a multi-panel consolidation device having a plurality of shelves, with the shelves being in an expanded configuration, and at least substantially enclosing the at least one cavity. The method also includes forcing the shelves of the multi-panel consolidation device into a collapsed configuration, and injecting an expandable polymer through the at least one injection aperture into the at least one cavity. The method further includes forcing the shelves into an expanded configuration after a predetermined period of time selected to permit the expandable polymer to form a foam bonded to the frame. 138-. (canceled)39. A building panel comprising:a frame, the frame having a front surface and a rear surface, and defining at least one cavity, the frame having at least one injection aperture, each of the at least one cavity being in fluid communication with the at least one injection aperture;a fabric covering the front surface and the rear surface of the frame to enclose the at least one cavity; anda foam disposed within the at least one cavity and bonded to the frame; whereinthe at least one injection aperture is configured to facilitate injecting an expandable polymer into the at least one cavity that expands to form.40. The building panel of claim 39 , wherein:the frame comprises a plurality of studs and a plurality of tracks;the frame defines a plurality of cavities and a plurality of injection apertures;the studs and the tracks are attached to one another and cooperate to define the cavities; andat least one of the tracks defines at least one of the injection apertures.41. The building panel of claim 40 , wherein:the fabric comprises a plurality of pieces of fabric;at least ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069018A1

Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) compositions, and articles made therefrom, having improved flame retardancy are provided. The compositions can be used to make carpets that are suitable for installation where flame retardancy is desired. 116-. (canceled)17. A carpet comprising face fibers and a precoat , wherein: the face fibers comprise (a) from about 75 to about 99.9 weight percent of a resin component , based on the total composition weight , wherein the resin component comprises at least about 70 weight percent of a poly(trimethylene terephthalate) homopolymer , based on the weight of the resin component; and (b) from about 0.1 to about 25 weight percent of an additive package , based on the total composition weight , comprising from about 0.1 to about 15 weight percent of melamine cyanurate , melamine pyrophosphate , a zinc salt of diethyl phosphinic acid , or blends thereof , based on the total composition weight and the precoat contains a flame retardant additive selected from aluminum trihydrate and magnesium hydroxide.18. The carpet of claim 17 , wherein the precoat is latex-derived and contains the flame retardant in a quantity of 400 phr or less claim 17 , based on the total weight of the resin component in the precoat.19. The carpet of wherein the flame retardant is aluminum trihydrate.20. The carpet of wherein the precoat comprises a hot melt adhesive and contains the flame retardant in a quantity of 25 weight % or less claim 17 , based on the total weight of the resin component in the precoat.21. The carpet of claim 17 , wherein the precoat is latex-derived and contains the flame retardant aluminum trihydrate in a quantity of 300 phr or less claim 17 , based on the total weight of resin component in the precoat claim 17 , and wherein the carpet contains 2 weight % or less zinc salt of diethyl phosphinic acid in the fiber claim 17 , at a carpet basis weight of 28 oz/ydor less.22. The carpet of claim 21 , wherein the carpet exhibits a radiant panel ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Lightweight Carpet Products and Method of Manufacture Thereof

Номер: US20180066167A1
Автор: Salsman Robert Keith

A lightweight carpet product includes a greige carpet having a primary backing and tufted fibers, a secondary backing including a nonwoven textile of synthetic fibers, and a thermoplastic adhesive composition adhered to the greige carpet and the secondary backing. The thermoplastic adhesive composition includes a modified polyethylene terephthalate (PET) having a crystallinity less than unmodified PET and a melting point from about 90° C. to about 150° C., and a particulate filler. Methods of manufacture include using a thermoplastic adhesive composition to adhere a greige carpet to a secondary backing to form a lightweight carpet product. 1. A carpet product comprising:a greige carpet which comprises a primary backing and tufted fibers;a secondary backing which comprises a nonwoven textile of synthetic fibers; and 'a modified polyethylene terephthalate (PET) having a crystallinity less than unmodified PET and a melting point from about 90° C. to about 150° C.; and', 'a thermoplastic hot melt adhesive composition adhered to the greige carpet and the secondary backing, the thermoplastic adhesive composition having a viscosity from 5,000 centipoise at 325° F. to 10,000 centipoise at 325° F. and comprisesa particulate filler in the amount from 37 to 41 percent by weight of the thermoplastic hot melt adhesive composition,wherein the carpet product has a basis weight of less than 60 ounces per square yard.2. (canceled)3. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the carpet product has a basis weight from about 50 ounces per square yard to about 60 ounces per square yard.4. (canceled)5. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic adhesive composition has a viscosity from about 6 claim 1 ,000 centipoise at 325° F. to about 8 claim 1 ,500 centipoise at 325° F.6. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the modified PET has a melting point from about 100° C. to about 115° C.7. The carpet product of claim 1 , wherein the particulate filler is present in an amount ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063445A1

A method of protecting an outdoor surface includes providing an outdoor surface and providing a single flexible vinyl membrane having a polyvinyl chloride upper layer with a thickness of from 0.02 inches to 0.06 inches and a polyethylene terephthalate nonwoven fabric lower layer having a weight of from 2 ounces/yardto 6 ounces/yard. The single flexible vinyl membrane is installed by covering the outdoor surface with the single flexible vinyl membrane and affixing the single flexible vinyl membrane to the outdoor surface, and the single flexible vinyl membrane is installable onto the outdoor surface by a single individual. In some cases, the single flexible vinyl membrane is not installed by hot air welding. The single flexible vinyl membrane may further be trimmed to a shape similar to, or like the shape of the outdoor surface. 2. The method according to provided the single flexible vinyl membrane is not installed by hot air welding.3. The method according to further comprising trimming the single flexible vinyl membrane to a shape similar to a shape of the outdoor surface.4. The method according to further comprising installing perimeter edging around one or more outside edges of the single flexible vinyl membrane.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the single flexible vinyl membrane is affixed to the outdoor surface by applying pressure to activate a pressure sensitive adhesive.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive is comprised on a lowest surface of the single flexible vinyl membrane.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the pressure sensitive adhesive is applied onto the outdoor surface prior to the applying pressure.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the single flexible vinyl membrane is affixed to the outdoor surface using a plurality of mechanical connectors.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the single flexible vinyl membrane comprises the polyethylene terephthalate nonwoven fabric ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071333A1

Method for manufacturing a carpet or a rug, comprising the following steps: the step (S-S) of providing a primary backing (), being a woven or non-woven layer comprising filaments () of polyethyleneterephthalate and copolymer of polyethyleneterephthalate, the coPET having a lower melting temperature than the PET and wherein said PET is available in said primary backing () in a higher amount than said coPET; the step of providing a glue layer () consisting for 50% or more out of coPET; the step of tufting yarn at least into said primary backing (); the step of activating said glue layer () at least for partially fixing said yarn () on said primary backing (). The invention also concerns carpets () and rugs that are obtained or obtainable by means of such method. 130-. (canceled)31. Method for manufacturing a carpet or a rug , wherein the method comprises at least the following steps:the step of providing a primary backing;the step of providing a glue layer;the step of tufting yarn at least into said primary backing;the step of activating said glue layer at least for partially fixing said yarn on said primary backing;characterized in thatsaid primary backing is a woven or non-woven layer comprising, filaments comprising polyethylene terephthalate (PET);said glue layer is a layer comprising copolymer comprising polyethylene terephthalate (coPET) wherein the coPET has a lower melting temperature than the PET.32. Method according to claim 31 , characterized in that said glue layer is a woven or non-woven layer comprising filaments comprising coPET.33. Method according to claim 32 , characterized in that said filaments in said glue layer at least comprise bicomponent filaments comprising PET and coPET.34. Method according to claim 31 , characterized in that the primary backing comprises PET filaments and coPET filaments35. Method according to claim 31 , characterized in that said glue layer is at least provided as a powder comprising said coPET.36. Method according to ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Waterproof decorative sheath system for walls of moist environments, and method for making it

Номер: US20160076255A1
Автор: Christian BENINI
Принадлежит: Wed Srl

A waterproof decorative sheath system for walls of moist environments, including at least one layer of waterproofing material applicable on the wall surface of the moist environment, a first layer of specific adhesive material applied on the layer of waterproofing material, a layer of glass fibre tissue, applied on the first layer of specific adhesive material, having the final decorative aspect to be given to the walls, a second layer of specific adhesive material applied on the layer of glass fibre tissue, a substantially transparent first protective finishing layer, applied on the second layer of specific adhesive material, suitable for giving the layer of glass fibre tissue a partly translucent aspect, and a second substantially transparent scratch-resistant protective finishing layer, applied on the first protective finishing layer, to obtain a finished system that does not require the application of further additional decorative elements to obtain the desired final aspect.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090315A1

The present disclosure relates to a multilayer synthetic leather, at least comprising 2. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the first fixing layer is applied in a punctiform manner claim 1 , in the form of rhombusses or in the form of bars.3. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the first fixing layer is applied in an amount of ≥2 to ≤50 g/m claim 1 , in particular ≥10 g/mto ≤20 g/m.4. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the textile arrangement consists of a textile layer.5. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the textile arrangement comprises a textile layer and a water-impermeable membrane claim 1 , the water-impermeable membrane being partially fixed to the textile layer using a second fixing layer in such a way that the second fixing layer comprises fixing areas formed by a fixing agent and free areas free from the fixing agent in the same plane.6. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein further a top layer is provided on the polyurethane-based foam.7. The synthetic leather according to claim 6 , wherein the top layer is at least in part formed from a particularly aliphatic polyester-polyurethane dispersion.8. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first fixing layer and the second fixing layer is formed at least partially from a hot-melt adhesive or from a particularly aliphatic polyester-polyurethane dispersion.9. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane based foam comprises a silicone.10. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane-based foam has a solid content of ≥40% by volume claim 1 , preferably in a range from ≥40% by volume to ≤70% by volume.11. A method of manufacturing a multi-layer synthetic leather according to claim 1 , comprising the steps of:a) Providing a support;b) Optionally, applying a top layer to the support;c) Applying a polyurethane-based foam to the support or, if a top ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073886A1

A multicolored and accented carpet includes a plurality of tufts of color accented fiber including two or more differently colored extruded solution dyed yarns and a base yarn twisted together whereby a plurality of color transitions are provided along the length of the single accented fiber. A cut pile carpet is produced, having the appearance of a space dyed carpet, with the fade and bleach resistance of a solution dyed carpet. 1. A multicolored carpet comprising:a primary backing material; anda plurality of piles tufted with the primary backing material to form a carpet,wherein at least a portion of the piles of the carpet comprise color accented 2-ply yarns, the color accented 2-ply yarns comprising a single ply tri-colored solution dyed fiber twisted together with a single ply of solid colored fiber.2. The multicolored carpet of claim 1 , further comprising one or more piles tufted with the primary backing material in the form of solid color 2-ply yarns.3. The multicolored carpet of claim 1 , further comprising one or more piles tufted with the primary backing material in the form of a barber pole yarn.4. The multicolored carpet of claim 3 , wherein the barber pole yarn comprises a 2-ply yarn comprising two differing colors of pre-colored claim 3 , solution dyed fibers.5. The multicolored carpet of claim 1 , wherein between about 10-70% of the piles tufted with the primary backing comprise color accented 2-ply yarns.6. The multicolored carpet of claim 5 , wherein about 33% of the piles tufted with the primary backing comprise color accented 2-ply yarns.7. The multicolored carpet of claim 3 , wherein the color accented 2-ply yarn in combination with the barber pole yarn provides a plurality of color transitions along a length of the carpet.8. The multicolored carpet of claim 1 , wherein the carpet comprises cut piles.9. The multicolored carpet of claim 8 , wherein the carpet comprises a combination of cut piles and loop piles.10. A method of manufacturing ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Surface coverings including carbon sequestering materials and methods of making

Номер: US20210079590A1
Принадлежит: Interface Inc

Floor coverings, such as modular panels or tiles, for installation on interior surfaces include one or more layers, for example, an upper wear layer and a backing layer, where at least one layer includes a filler that includes a carbon negative material, such as concentrated carbon. The carbon negative material can sequester carbon such that the resulting floor covering has a negative carbon footprint when subjected to a Life Cycle Assessment.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086746A1

Disclosed are aqueous compositions suitable for use as binders or adhesives in carpet products. Such compositions, prior to being applied to carpet substrates and cured, comprise vinyl ester/ethylene copolymer dispersions, along with other optional comonomers. The compositions are made by a continuous emulsion polymerisation that utilises a continuous loop reactor with a secondary line section. Carpet products which utilise such coating compositions to provide binder and/or adhesive layer within the carpet are also disclosed. 1. A carpet coating composition comprising:an aqueous dispersion of a copolymer comprising polymerized co-monomers vinyl acetate and ethylene, where the dispersion is prepared by a continuous emulsion polymerization in a reactor comprising a closed loop section and a secondary line section.2. A carpet coating composition comprising:an aqueous dispersion of a copolymer comprising polymerized monomers vinyl acetate and ethylene, where the dispersion is prepared by a continuous emulsion polymerization in a polymerization reactor comprising a first section with a circulation loop with one or more inlets for raw material, a pump for circulating a reactor charge within the circulation loop, and a secondary line section not forming a closed loop connected to a discharge of the first section.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the volume of the secondary section is less than twice the volume of the circulation loop.4. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the mean residence time in the circulation loop is less than 12 minutes.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous dispersion further comprises an emulsifier.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the emulsifier is nonionic.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous dispersion further comprises a protective colloid.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is substantially free of functional monomer.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous dispersion has a ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Carpet Products and Methods for Making Same

Номер: US20140162018A1

Disclosed are carpet products made using a first copolymer precoat adhesive to secure carpet fibers to a carpet backing or substrates in combination with a second copolymer skipcoat adhesive for securing a carpet scrim or other layer to a carpet backing. The first copolymer is a copolymer of a vinyl ester and ethylene and a cross-linking comonomer, and the second copolymer is a copolymer of styrene and butadiene. Such emulsions are stabilized with surfactant emulsifiers but are preferably substantially free of protective colloid stabilizers. The first copolymer exhibits an elongation value greater than 125% at 110° C.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081544A1

An aqueous carpet coating composition comprises: (A) at least one particulate filler material; and (B) a stabilized copolymer dispersion comprising: (a) a copolymer formed by emulsion polymerization of a monomer mixture comprising a vinyl ester of an alkanoic acid having 1 to 18 carbon atoms and 1 to 25 pphm of ethylene, wherein the copolymer comprises particles having a weight average particle size, d, of at least 200 nm as determined by Beckman Coulter LS 13320; (b) water; and (c) a stabilizing system comprising (i) 1 to 4 pphm of an emulsifier component consisting of at least one non-ionic surfactant and (ii) 0.5 to 4 pphm of at least one first polyvinyl alcohol component having a degree of hydrolysis greater than 92 mol %. 1. An aqueous carpet coating composition comprising: (A) at least one particulate filler material; and (B) a stabilized copolymer dispersion comprising:{'sub': 'w', '(a) a copolymer formed by emulsion polymerization of a monomer mixture comprising a vinyl ester of an alkanoic acid having from 1 to 18 carbon atoms and from 1 to 25 pphm of ethylene, wherein the copolymer comprises particles having a weight average particle size, d, of at least 200 nm as determined by laser diffraction;'}(b) water; and(c) a stabilizing system comprising (i) from 1 to 4 pphm of an emulsifier component consisting of at least one non-ionic surfactant and (ii) 0.5 to 4 pphm of at least one first polyvinyl alcohol component having a degree of hydrolysis greater than 92 mol %.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the vinyl ester of an alkanoic acid having from 1 to 18 carbon atoms comprises vinyl acetate.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises from 6 to 20 pphm of ethylene.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises from 6 to 14 pphm of ethylene.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a weight average particle size claim 1 , d claim 1 , from 200 to 1500 nm as determined by laser diffraction.6. The ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080258A1

Reinforcing fibers insensitive to thermal and hydroscopic expansion or contraction are inserted into the backside of a textile fabric using embossing with a fine and deep pattern of projections or cupped needles and held in place with adhesive. The process allows the stabilization of layers having a high sensitivity to variations in temperature or humidity in constructions when the stabilizing fibers cannot be included in the original fabric-forming process, as in the case of a tufted fabric using fiberglass fibers for stabilization. 1. A textile fabric comprising:a top face;a back face spaced from the top face by a thickness;a plurality of textile fibers located within the textile fabric between the top face and the back face; anda stabilized layer extending into the textile fabric and partially along the thickness from the back face, the stabilized layer comprising a plurality of dimensionally stable fibers intermeshed with a portion of the textile fibers and an inter-bonding adhesive;wherein each dimensionally stable fiber maintains dimensional stability upon exposure to changes in moisture, changes in temperate or changes in moisture and temperature.2. The textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the inter-bonding adhesive comprises a low-melt adhesive comprising an adhesive melting point lower than a textile fiber melting point.3. The textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the inter-bonding adhesive comprises a liquid adhesive introduced after the dimensionally stable fibers have been inserted into the back face of the fabric and cured.4. The textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the dimensionally stable fibers comprise glass or aramid fibers.5. The textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein the dimensionally stable fibers comprise a low coefficient of thermal expansion.6. The textile fabric of claim 1 , wherein:the textile fabric comprises a tufted fabric comprising a primary backing between the top face and the back face;the textile fibers comprise yarns tufted into the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Polyurethane Roller Coating Process for Carpet Backing

Номер: US20200080259A1
Принадлежит: New Spirit Backings, LLC

A method for preparing carpet by using polyurethane to anneal secondary backing to a greige, comprising fibers attached to a primary backing using a roller application system. The greige is conditioned prior to coating and the polyurethane coated greige is contacted with the secondary backing and the laminate is tensioned and supported to maintain the laminate structure substantially through the polyurethane curing process. 1. A method for manufacturing a laminated carpet product using a polyurethane roller annealing system to join a greige having a face and an opposed backstitched side with a secondary backing comprising:(a) feeding a greige;(b) physically conditioning the greige;(c) applying a polyurethane mixture with the roller annealing system as the greige is moved laterally with respect to the rollers to form a coating on the backstitch side of the greige;(d) contacting a secondary backing to the polyurethane mixture coated backstitch side of the greige to form a backed greige;(e) feeding the secondary backing side of the backed greige substantially around the circumference of a heated drum;(f) tensioning the backed greige to tend to hold the backing side against the surface of the heated drum;(g) supporting the greige on the lower side of the heated drum to hold the greige against the drum.2. The method of manufacturing a laminated carpet product of wherein the physical conditioning of the greige includes the widthwise stretching of the greige prior to the application the polyurethane mixture.3. The method of manufacturing a laminated carpet product of wherein the physical conditioning of the greige includes the heating of the greige prior to the application of the polyurethane mixture.4. The method of manufacturing a laminated carpet product of wherein the physical conditioning of the greige includes the policing of the backstitch side of the greige to remove loose yarn segments prior to the application the polyurethane mixture.5. The method of ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Support garment or tape and method of making the same

Номер: US20190082751A1
Автор: Anthony Young
Принадлежит: Neil Pryde Ltd

A method of producing a variable compression garment. The method includes: identifying, in a base textile having a first elongation and memory characteristic, a first region having a second elongation and memory characteristic; applying to the base textile, in the first region, a first layer of an elastomer; drying the first layer of the elastomer to adhere the first layer of the elastomer to the base textile; applying to the base textile, in the first region, at least a second layer of the elastomer; drying the second layer of the elastomer to adhere the second layer of the elastomer to the first layer on the base textile; and baking the first and second layers of the elastomer to cure the first and second layers of the elastomer.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087743A1

Recyclable tufted carpet products and methods of preparing the same are provided. In particular, the recyclable tufted carpet product includes a primary backing having an air permeability greater than 100 l/m/sec at 200 Pa/20 cm, the primary backing comprising a polyester nonwoven; a plurality of yarns tufted through the primary backing such that a pile is provided at a first surface of the primary backing and a plurality of yarn loops are provided at a second surface of the primary backing; and an adhesive that anchors the plurality of yarn loops to the second surface of the primary backing. 1. A method of preparing a recyclable tufted carpet product , the method comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'providing a primary backing having an air permeability greater than 100 l/m/sec at 200 Pa/20 cm, the primary backing comprising a polymer nonwoven;'}tufting a polymer yarn through the primary backing such that a pile is provided at a first surface of the primary backing and a plurality of yarn loops are provided at a second surface of the primary backing; andanchoring the plurality of yarn loops to the second surface of the primary backing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the nonwoven is similar or identical to the polymer of the yarn.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer of the nonwoven and the polymer of the yarn are both a polyester.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the primary backing comprises an air permeability from about 1000 to about 4000.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein prior to the tufting step the primary backing comprises a thickness greater than 0.35 mm at 0.5 Pa/25 cm.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the primary backing comprises polyethylene terephthalate (PET) filaments and copolymer of polyethylene terephthalate (coPET) filaments.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the primary backing comprises 80-100 wt % PET and 0-20 wt % coPET.8. The method according to claim 1 , ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Preparation and Use of Silver Alloy Composite Nanomaterial

Номер: US20190084049A1
Автор: Wen Cao
Принадлежит: Pacific Import Manufacturing Inc

The present disclosure provides a method of preparing a silver alloy composite nanomaterial. The preparation method comprises forming a silver alloy comprising at least one of copper, zinc, magnesium, aluminum and titanium into a composite metal rod; evaporating the silver alloy of the composite metal rod, resulting in a gaseous alloy; rapidly cooling the gaseous alloy so as to condense the silver alloy into a solid state; and collecting the cooled powder so as to obtain the silver alloy composite nanomaterial.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085506A1

In a decorative material, a matting agent is added to, of a first gloss-adjusting layer and a second gloss-adjusting layer, one with lower gloss, where the matting agent has a particle diameter of less than 1.0 times the thickness of the gloss-adjusting layer with lower gloss. The matting agent can be thereby exposed to the surface while floating in the gloss-adjusting layer. Accordingly, a sufficient matting effect can be obtained in front observation, and unevenness imparted to the surface can be reduced; thus, the effect of scattering obliquely entering light is weakened, and the matting effect can be reduced when observed obliquely. Therefore, a picture pattern expressed by the difference in gloss, i.e., a design, can be made invisible when observed obliquely. 1. A decorative material comprising:a first gloss-adjusting layer provided on a substrate, anda second gloss-adjusting layer partially provided on the first gloss-adjusting layer, and having gloss that is different from that of the first gloss-adjusting layer;with a matting agent added to, of the first gloss-adjusting layer and the second gloss-adjusting layer, the one with lower gloss, where the matting agent has a particle diameter of less than 1.0 times a thickness of the gloss-adjusting layer with lower gloss.2. The decorative material of claim 1 , wherein the matting agent has a particle diameter of about 0.9 times a thickness of the gloss-adjusting layer with lower gloss.3. The decorative material of claim 1 , wherein the matting agent comprises an inorganic material.4. The decorative material of claim 1 , wherein the matting agent has a particle diameter of 2 μm or more and 15 μm or less.5. The decorative material of claim 1 , wherein the matting agent is added in an amount of 5 parts by mass or more and 40 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of a resin composition that constitutes the gloss-adjusting layer to which the matting agent is added.6. The decorative material of claim 1 , ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085507A1

In a decorative material, a matting agent is added to, of a first gloss-adjusting layer and a second gloss-adjusting layer, one with lower gloss, where the matting agent has a particle diameter of 1.0 times or more the thickness of the gloss-adjusting layer with lower gloss. Accordingly, sufficient unevenness can be imparted to the surface of the gloss-adjusting layer; thus, glossiness does not increase in oblique observation, and low gloss can be maintained. Therefore, it is possible to provide a decorative material having a feeling of unevenness obtained by the difference in gloss that hardly changes even when observed obliquely. 1. A decorative material comprising:a first gloss-adjusting layer provided on a substrate, anda second gloss-adjusting layer partially provided on the first gloss-adjusting layer, and having gloss that is different from that of the first gloss-adjusting layer;wherein a matting agent is added to, of the first gloss-adjusting layer and the second gloss-adjusting layer, one with lower gloss, where the matting agent has a particle diameter of 1.0 times or more a thickness of the gloss-adjusting layer with lower gloss.2. The decorative material of claim 1 , whereinthe decorative material further comprises a pattern ink layer provided between the substrate and the first gloss-adjusting layer;the second gloss-adjusting layer is formed in a portion overlapping the pattern ink layer; anda design pattern of the pattern ink layer is synchronized with the gloss of the second gloss-adjusting layer.3. The decorative material of claim 1 , whereinthe decorative material further comprises a pattern ink layer provided between the substrate and the first gloss-adjusting layer;the first gloss-adjusting layer entirely covers a surface of the substrate on a first gloss-adjusting layer side;the second gloss-adjusting layer is formed in a portion other than a portion directly above the pattern ink layer; andthe design pattern of the pattern ink layer is ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Floor covering with universal backing and methods of making and recycling

Номер: US20170089007A1
Автор: Kenneth B. Higgins
Принадлежит: Higgins Research & Development LLC

A dimensionally stable universal floor covering includes a tufted textile substrate and a reinforcement layer to provide dimensional stability for the entire floor covering. Vacuum, mixing, and injection of compressed air assists in preparing an adhesive and fiber composition to be in the preferred condition and position before the application of pressure to form the reinforcement layer. The universal floor covering is selectively cut and transported in a roll for installation, and it can be conveniently recycled if necessary.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136169A1

A carpet tile includes a textile top member and a carrier mat that is coupled with the textile top member via a thermoplastic material. The textile top member includes carpet yarns and a backing that is coupled with the carpet yarns so that the backing structurally supports the carpet yarns. The carrier mat includes a polymeric material component, a reinforcement, and a binder that is uniformly distributed throughout the polymeric material component and reinforcement component. The polymeric material component includes polymer fibers that are randomly oriented and entangled together. The reinforcement is disposed within the polymeric material component so that the reinforcement is entirely covered and concealed by the entangled polymer fibers to prevent exposure to a user. The reinforcement mechanically reinforces and stabilizes the polymeric material component and carpet tile.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Warp-Knit Structure Suitable For Vehicular Accessory Mat Or Cargo Management System

Номер: US20200087853A1

A warp-knit structure that is particularly suited to provide an acceptable coefficient of friction (COF) for a vehicle accessory mat or vehicle cargo management system when used with non-woven or tufted type flooring. The floor mat or cargo management system is therefore one that is adapted for repeated engagement and disengagement with both non-woven and tufted flooring present in a vehicle. 1. A vehicle floor mat comprising:an upper surface layer that is exposed to vehicle occupants;a backing layer of a warp-knit structure affixed to said upper surface layer having knitted loops, said backing layer having a thickness of 3.0 mm to 3.5 mm, a fiber denier of 15-80 and 144-216 spines/inch and wherein 50% or more of the knitted loops are cut or sheared;wherein said backing layer indicates a static coefficient of friction under ASTM D1894-11 on:(iii) non-woven flooring of 5-10 in the warp direction and 4-7 in the weft direction; and(iv) tufted flooring of 2.5-4.0 in the warp direction and 2.5-4.0 in the weft direction.2. A vehicle floor mat comprising:an upper surface layer that is exposed to vehicle occupants;a backing layer of a warp-knit structure affixed to said upper surface layer having knitted loops, said backing layer having a thickness of 2.0 mm to 4.0 mm, a fiber denier of 2-20 and 450-625 spines/inch and wherein 50% or more of the knitted loops are cut or sheared;wherein said backing layer indicates a static coefficient of friction under ASTM D1894-11 on:(iii) non-woven flooring of 5-10 in the warp direction and 4-7 in the weft direction; and(iv) tufted flooring of 2.5-4.0 in the warp direction and 2.5-4.0 in the weft direction.3. A free-standing cargo-management device for vehicle flooring comprising a primary wall and a projecting ground wall extending from the primary wall , wherein the surface of the ground wall that is configured to contact the vehicle flooring includes a layer of a warp-knit structure having knitted loops , said layer having a thickness ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180092420A1

A flocked helmet cover pad (FHCP) attachable add-on to a helmet cover includes a central hub and multiple appendages attached to the central hub. The appendages are shaped and arranged to provide additional impact energy absorption properties for a helmet. 1. A flocked helmet cover pad (FHCP) attachable to a helmet cover comprising:a central hub comprising a first multi-layer FEAM pad;a plurality of appendages, each appendage comprising a second multi-layer FEAM pad and attached to the central hub; andwherein each appendage is shaped and arranged to provide additional impact energy absorption properties for a helmet.2. The FHCP of claim 1 , wherein the first multi-layer FEAM pad comprises a fastener attachable to the helmet cover.3. The FHCP of claim 1 , wherein the central hub and plurality of appendages cover up to 90 percent of an outer surface of the helmet.4. The FHCP of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of appendages has a slit.5. The FHCP of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of appendages comprise an equally spaced approximately trapezoidal shaped multi-layer FEAM pad.6. The FHCP of claim 1 , wherein the first multi-layer FEAM pad comprisesa first outer wrapping fabric having a first surface; a center core having a first surface disposed adjacent the second ends of the first multiplicity of monofilament fibers; and', 'a second multiplicity of monofilament fibers, each having a first end and a second end, the second multiplicity of monofilament fibers at their first ends being flocked onto a first surface of a second outer wrapping fabric with the second ends of the second multiplicity of monofilament fibers extending away from first surface of a second outer wrapping fabric and disposed adjacent to a second surface of the center core., 'a first multiplicity of monofilament fibers, each having a first end and a second end, each of the first multiplicity of monofilament fibers at their first ends being flocked onto the first surface of the ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096772A1

A fabric contains a polyester fiber and a polyurethane elastic yarn that are excellent in deodorant function of sweat odor and the distinctive body odor of the elderly. The fabric is a combined fabric including a polyurethane elastic yarn and a cationic dyeable polyester fiber where a deodorant ratio of ammonia gas measured according to the detector tube method defined by Japan Textile Evaluation Technology Council for 0.15 g of polyurethane elastic yarn is greater than or equal to 40% both after washing 0 times and 10 times, also a mixing ratio of the polyurethane elastic yarn is from 5 wt. % to 30 wt. %, and a mass of 10 cm×10 cm is greater than or equal to 1 g. 14-. (canceled)5. A fabric comprising a polyurethane elastic yarn and a cationic dyeable polyester fiber where a mass of 10 cm×10 cm is greater than or equal to 1 g , wherein the polyurethane elastic yarn has a deodorant ratio of ammonia gas measured according to the detector tube method defined by Japan Textile Evaluation Technology Council for 0.15 g of polyurethane elastic yarn is greater than or equal to 40% both after washing 0 times and 10 times , and a mixing ratio of the polyurethane elastic yarn is 5 to 30 wt. %.6. The fabric according to claim 5 , wherein a mixing ratio within the fabric of the cationic dyeable polyester fiber is greater than or equal to 40 wt. %.7. The fabric according to is stained by the cationic dye.8. The fabric according to claim 5 , wherein the polyurethane elastic yarn contains an inorganic deodorant in a range from 0.5 wt. % to 10 wt. %.9. The fabric according to is stained by the cationic dye.10. The fabric according to claim 6 , wherein the polyurethane elastic yarn contains an inorganic deodorant in a range from 0.5 wt. % to 10 wt. %.11. The fabric according to claim 7 , wherein the polyurethane elastic yarn contains an inorganic deodorant in a range from 0.5 wt. % to 10 wt. %. This disclosure relates to a fabric combining a polyester fiber and a polyurethane elastic ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Carpet Backing Compositions and Carpet Backing Comprising the Same

Номер: US20160102429A1

The present disclosure relates to a carpet backing composition comprising a first polymer component, a filler, and a compatibilizer that can provide free radial resource for performing bonding functions of the first polymer component and the filler. The composition can exhibit good melt strength/extrudability and low viscosity. The present disclosure also relates to a carpet backing or a carpet that comprises such carpet backing composition. 1. A carpet backing composition comprising:(a) about 10 wt % to about 50 wt % of a first polymer component by weight of the composition, the first polymer component comprising an elastomeric polymer;(b) about 50 wt % to about 90 wt % of a filler by weight of the composition; and(c) about 0.1 wt % to about 5 wt % of a compatibilizer by weight of the composition, the compatibilizer providing free radical source to bond the first polymer component and the filler.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the compatibilizer has a melting point of about 50° C. to about 120° C.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the compatibilizer has a flash point of about 150° C. to about 300° C.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the compatibilizer has a specific gravity of about 0.9 g/cmto about 1 g/cm.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the compatibilizer is present in an amount of from about 1 wt % to about 3 wt %.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the filler comprises fly ash claim 1 , ground glass claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , talc claim 1 , clay claim 1 , or combinations thereof.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the filler is present in an amount of from about 70 wt % to about 75 wt % by weight of the composition.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer component has a melting temperature of less than about 110° C.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer component is a propylene-based copolymer having about 75 wt % to about 95 wt % propylene-derived units and about 5 wt % to about ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Primary carpet backing

Номер: US20170100914A1
Автор: Edze Jan Visscher
Принадлежит: Bonar BV

A primary carpet backing comprising at least a first and a second layer of fibers, characterised in that both the first and the second layer of fibers is a nonwoven layer of randomly laid fibers, that both the first layer of fibers and the second layer of fibers has a uniform composition throughout the layer, wherein the linear density of the fibers is in the range of 1 to 25 dtex, wherein both the first layer of fibers and second layer comprises at least two different polymers and wherein at least one polymer comprised in the first layer is different from the polymers comprised in the second layer.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Compositions, Fibers and Articles Produced Therefrom, and Methods For Producing Same

Номер: US20150110994A1
Принадлежит: Columbia Insurance Company

In one aspect, the invention relates to recycled polyethylene terephthalate compositions, fibers and articles produced therefrom, and methods for producing same. In a further aspect, the invention relates to homogenized post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate. In a further aspect, the invention relates to extruded polymer compositions, polymer mixtures, fibers, and/or Bulked Continuous Filament fibers comprising post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate. In a further aspect, the invention relates to processes for preparing recycled polyethylene terephthalate compositions. This abstract is intended as a scanning tool for purposes of searching in the particular art and is not intended to be limiting of the present invention. 139-. (canceled)40. An extruded polymer composition comprising polyethylene terephthalate present as from about 25% to about 100% homogeneously blended deposit post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate by weight and balance virgin polyethylene terephthalate , wherein the homogeneously blended deposit post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate comprises at least one impurity not present in virgin polyethylene terephthalate; and wherein the at least one impurity comprises floatable contamination in an amount less than 15 ppm , PVC contamination in an amount less than 50 ppm , or a combination thereof.41. The composition of claim 40 , wherein the polyethylene terephthalate is present as at least about 50% homogeneously blended deposit post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate by weight.42. The composition of claim 40 , wherein the polyethylene terephthalate is present as at least about 75% homogeneously blended deposit post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate by weight.43. The composition of claim 40 , wherein the at least one impurity present in the homogeneously blended deposit post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate comprises floatable contamination present in an amount less than 15 ppm and PVC contamination in an amount less than 50 ppm.44. A ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Linoleum floor covering

Номер: US20220170203A1

The present invention provides a linoleum floor covering comprising: 1. A linoleum floor covering comprising:a first layer of cured linoleum composition;a second layer of cured linoleum composition, anda reinforcement layer having multiple through openings arranged between the first layer and the second layer,wherein a combined surface area of the through openings is at least 50% of the total surface area of the reinforcement layer,wherein the first layer and second layer are adhered to each other through the through openings, andwherein the reinforcement layer is made of knitted material.2. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement layer is made of a warp knitted mesh comprising several yarns in which wales and courses run roughly parallel to itself claim 1 , wherein each wale is a column of loops corresponding to the first direction of the reinforcement layer and each course is a meandering row of loops moving both with the first direction of the wale and in a second direction of the reinforcement layer claim 1 , interlocking to the wale loops at each crossing and connecting the individual columns of wale loops to each other.3. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein each individual through opening has a surface area of 1 mmto 10 mm.4. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the through openings are distributed in a regular pattern over the reinforcement layer.5. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement layer has a constant thickness.6. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein a maximum thickness of the reinforcement layer is in the range of 0.05 to 0.5 mm.7. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the mass percentage of the reinforcement layer is maximally 3% of the total weight of the linoleum floor covering.8. The linoleum floor covering of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement layer has a first tensile strength in a first direction and a second tensile strength in a second ...
