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27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122448U1

1. Смеситель рециркуляции выхлопных газов, содержащий: верхнюю по потоку секцию трубопровода, имеющую проходное сечение, сужающееся в направлении воздушного потока через смеситель; нижнюю по потоку секцию трубопровода, имеющую расширяющееся проходное сечение в направлении воздушного потока через смеситель; по меньшей мере одну прорезь, сформированную в расположенной ниже по потоку секции трубопровода, для введения выхлопных газов в воздушный поток; и выступ, резко расширяющий поток, расположенный между верхней по потоку и нижней по потоку секциями трубопровода. 2. Смеситель по п.1, дополнительно содержащий выхлопную камеру, сформированную по периферии вокруг верхней по потоку и/или нижней по потоку секций трубопровода, причем верхняя по потоку и нижняя по потоку секции трубопровода вместе образуют внутреннюю часть трубопровода, при этом указанная прорезь соединяет выхлопную камеру с внутренней частью трубопровода. 3. Смеситель по п.1, в котором прорезь имеет удлиненную форму. 4. Смеситель по п.1, в котором прорезь включает в себя ряд прорезей, расположенных по периферии вокруг нижней по потоку секции трубопровода. 5. Смеситель по п.1, в котором по меньшей мере одно проходное сечение нижней по потоку секции трубопровода больше проходного сечения верхней по потоку секции трубопровода. 6. Смеситель по п.5, в котором проходное сечение нижней по потоку секции трубопровода после указанного выступа расширяется до начального размера проходного сечения верхней по потоку секции трубопровода. 7. Смеситель по п.6, в котором проходное сечение нижней по потоку секции трубопровода расширяется на 1-10% в месте расположения указанного выступа. 8. Смеситель по п.1, в котором выступ, резко расширяющий поток, задает плоскость. 9. Смеситель по п.8, в котором проходное сечение смесителя в указанной плоскости является минимальным. 10. Смеситель по п.6, в котором проходное сечение смесителя в верхней по потоку секции трубопровода в месте расположения указанного выступа меньше на 55-65% по ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140193U1

1. Двигатель, содержащий блок цилиндров; головку блока цилиндров, соединенную с блоком цилиндров, причем головка блока цилиндров включает в себя первый интегрированный выхлопной коллектор, по меньшей мере, с первым и вторым выхлопными каналами и второй интегрированный выхлопной коллектор, по меньшей мере, с третьим и четвертым выхлопными каналами; впускной вентиляционный канал системы PCV, расположенный между первым и вторым выхлопными каналами и проходящий от верхней поверхности до нижней поверхности головки блока цилиндров; и выпускной вентиляционный канал системы PCV, расположенный между третьим и четвертым выхлопными каналами и проходящий от верхней поверхности до нижней поверхности головки блока цилиндров. 2. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что впускной и выпускной вентиляционные каналы системы PCV расположены в разных рядах цилиндров. 3. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый из первого, второго, третьего и четвертого выхлопных каналов сообщается по текучей среде с разными цилиндрами. 4. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выпускной вентиляционный канал системы PCV сообщается по текучей среде с системой впуска воздуха двигателя ниже по потоку от дроссельной заслонки. 5. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что первый выхлопной канал сообщается по текучей среде с первым цилиндром, а третий выхлопной канал сообщается по текучей среде со вторым цилиндром, причем первый и второй цилиндры расположены относительно друг друга под непрямым углом. 6. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что впускной вентиляционный канал системы PCV проходит внутри первой наружной боковой стенки блока цилиндров, а выпускной вентиляционный канал системы PCV проходит внутри второй наружной боковой стенки блока цилиндров. 7. Двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что содержит изолированный картер, расположенный под головкой блока цилиндров и, по меньшей мере, частично вмещающий коленчатый вал, причем впускной вентиляционный канал системы PCV имеет выходное отверстие в ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140272U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: цилиндр, присоединенный к впуску двигателя и выпуску двигателя; топливную форсунку, выполненную с возможностью непосредственного впрыска топлива в цилиндр; систему EGR для осуществления рециркуляции некоторого количества выхлопных газов с выпуска двигателя на впуск двигателя; контроллер, включающий в себя процессор и машиночитаемый носитель, хранящий команды, при исполнении процессором которых: при первой температуре двигателя и первых скорости вращения и нагрузке двигателя, подается первое количество EGR в цилиндр через систему EGR; и при первых скорости вращения и нагрузке двигателя, по мере того как температура двигателя возрастает от первой температуры двигателя до второй температуры двигателя, впрыскивается первое количество топлива после закрывания выпускного клапана и до открывания впускного клапана через топливную форсунку при подаче второго количества EGR в цилиндр, большего, чем первое количество EGR, после открывания впускного клапана через систему EGR. 2. Система двигателя по п.1, в которой машиночитаемый носитель дополнительно содержит команды, при исполнении процессором которых: при первых скорости вращения и нагрузке двигателя, по мере того как температура двигателя возрастает от первой температуры, до второй температуры, впрыскивается второе количество топлива, большее, чем первое количество топлива, после открывания впускного клапана. 3. Система двигателя по п.1, в которой первое количество топлива впрыскивается в пределах 20° угла поворота коленчатого вала после закрывания выпускного клапана, а второе количество топлива впрыскивается в пределах 20° угла поворота коленчатого вала после открывания впускного клапана. 4. Система двигателя по п.1, в которой машиночитаемый носитель дополнительно содержит команды, при исполнении процессором которых: по существу, не осуществляется впрыск топлива между впрыском первого количества топлива и впрыском второго количества топлива. 5. Система двигателя по п.1, в которой ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140878U1

1. Система, содержащая: двигатель с системой выпуска; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов, присоединенную между двигателем и системой выпуска; систему очистки выхлопных газов, расположенную в системе выпуска и содержащую каталитический нейтрализатор с избирательным каталитическим восстановлением, форсунку мочевины, расположенную выше по потоку от каталитического нейтрализатора, и датчик выхлопных газов, расположенный ниже по потоку от каталитического нейтрализатора; и систему управления в сообщении с датчиком, содержащую постоянные команды для уменьшения величины рециркуляции выхлопных газов в ответ на выходной сигнал датчика, превышающий пороговую величину оксида азота, и при уменьшении величины рециркуляции выхлопных газов отнесения выходного сигнала с датчика к каждому из аммиака и оксида азота в разных величинах в зависимости от изменения выходного сигнала датчика, и регулирования одного или более рабочих параметров на основании отнесения и изменения выходного сигнала датчика. 2. Система по п.1, в которой один или более рабочих параметров включают в себя величину рециркуляции выхлопных газов и величину впрыска мочевины, причем когда выходной сигнал датчика отнесен к оксиду азота, система управления выполнена с возможностью увеличения величины рециркуляции выхлопных газов и увеличения впрыска мочевины. 3. Система по п.1, в которой один или более рабочих параметров включают в себя величину рециркуляции выхлопных газов и величину впрыска мочевины, причем когда выходной сигнал датчика отнесен к аммиаку, система управления выполнена с возможностью уменьшения величины рециркуляции выхлопных газов и уменьшения впрыска мочевины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 140 878 U1 (51) МПК F02M 25/07 (2006.01) F02D 21/08 (2006.01) F02B 47/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013145481/06, 10.10.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.10.2013 Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000142706U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: двигатель, содержащий впуск и выпуск; дроссель ниже по потоку от каталитического нейтрализатора в выпуске двигателя; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащую отвод EGR для рециркуляции очищенных каталитическим нейтрализатором выхлопных газов из места выше по потоку от выпускного дросселя на впуск двигателя, причем отвод EGR содержит охладитель EGR выше по потоку от клапана EGR, и перепускной канал, соединяющий выпуск охладителя EGR с выпуском двигателя ниже по потоку от выпускного дросселя, при этом перепускной канал содержит эжектор; и контроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для: работы системы двигателя в первом режиме EGR с выпускным дросселем, открытым в большей степени, для рециркуляции части выхлопных газов на впуск двигателя при направлении первого, меньшего количества выхлопных газов через охладитель EGR, а затем через эжектор; и работы системы двигателя во втором режиме EGR с выпускным дросселем, закрытым в большей степени, для рециркуляции части выхлопных газов на впуск двигателя при направлении второго, большего количества выхлопных газов через охладитель EGR, а затем через эжектор. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой при работе в первом режиме EGR клапан EGR открыт в большей степени, причем открывание клапана EGR основано на части выхлопных газов, подвергнутых рециркуляции на впуск двигателя, при этом при работе во втором режиме EGR клапан EGR закрыт в большей степени, причем закрывание клапана EGR основано на закрывании выпускного дросселя для поддержания рециркуляции части выхлопных газов на впуск двигателя. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой контроллер содержит дополнительные команды для формирования разрежения на эжекторе при работе в каждом из первого и второго режимов EGR, при этом большая величина разрежения формируется на эжекторе при работе во втором режиме EGR по сравнению с первым режимом EGR, причем разрежение используется одним или более вакуумными приводами двигателя, присоединенными к эжектору. 4. ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000146239U1

1. Система, содержащая: двигатель с впускным каналом и выпускным каналом; систему рециркуляции отработавших газов, присоединенную между впускным каналом и выпускным каналом; датчик кислорода с катализированием и датчик кислорода без катализирования, расположенные во впускном канале и выполненные с возможностью выводить показания концентрации кислорода и концентрации паров топлива; и систему управления на связи с датчиками, система управления включает в себя постоянные команды для настройки величины рециркуляции отработавших газов на основании показания концентрации кислорода и настройки одного или более из продувки паров топлива и впрыска паров топлива на основании показания концентрации паров топлива. 2. Система по п.1, в которой показание концентрации кислорода основано на датчике без катализирования, а показание концентрации паров топлива основано на разнице между датчиком с катализированием и датчиком без катализирования. 3. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая команды для диагностирования датчиков, когда рециркуляция отработавших газов включена, а продувка паров топлива выключена. И 1 146239 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 146 239°° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 22.03.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.11.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.11.2021 Бюл. №32 Стр.: 1 па 6бССэ9У ЕП

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000146389U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: двигатель, содержащий впуск и выпуск; турбонагнетатель, содержащий впускной компрессор и выпускную турбину; каталитический нейтрализатор выхлопных газов; выпускной дроссель после каталитического нейтрализатора; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащую канал EGR, охладитель EGR и клапан EGR, сообщающую по текучей среде выпуск двигателя ниже по потоку от каталитического нейтрализатора и выше по потоку от дросселя с впуском двигателя выше по потоку от компрессора; канал ответвления, содержащий эжектор, сообщающий по текучей среде выпуск охладителя EGR с выпуском двигателя ниже по потоку от дросселя; и контроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для работы системы в одном режиме с закрытыми каждым из дросселя и клапана EGR, при обеспечении протекания выхлопных газов из каталитического нейтрализатора через охладитель EGR, а затем, через эжектор; работы системы в другом режиме с открытыми каждым из дросселя и клапана EGR, при обеспечении протекания выхлопных газов из каталитического нейтрализатора через охладитель EGR, a затем, через эжектор; формирования разрежения на эжекторе во всех режимах. 2. Система по п.1, в которой контроллер приводит в работу систему в одном режиме в условиях, в которых каталитический нейтрализатор выхлопных газов находится ниже пороговой температуры, при этом контроллер приводит в работу систему в другом режиме в условиях, в которых каталитический нейтрализатор выхлопных газов находится выше пороговой температуры, а потребность в разрежении двигателя выше, чем пороговое значение. 3. Система по п.1, в которой при работе в одном режиме установка момента искрового зажигания подвергается запаздыванию на более высокую величину, а при работе в другом режиме установка момента искрового зажигания подвергается запаздыванию на меньшую величину. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 146 389 U1 (51) МПК F02D 21/08 (2006.01) F02D 43/00 (2006.01) F02M 25/07 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for controlling fuel injection in an engine depending on the exhaust gas partial recirculation rate

Номер: US20120004834A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A device for controlling fuel injection in an internal combustion engine of an automobile, the internal combustion engine being connected at an inlet thereof to a fresh air intake pipe and at an outlet thereof to an exhaust gas discharge pipe including a catalytic converter, an exhaust gas partial recirculation circuit connecting the discharge pipe to the fresh air intake pipe. The device includes a mechanism determining the amount of unburned fuel in the exhaust gases, a mechanism determining the amount of fresh air taken into the internal combustion engine, and an electronic controller determining the amount of fuel to be injected depending on signals received of the determined amount of unburned fuel and the determined amount of fresh air taken in.

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000150894U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая впуск воздуха; воздушный компрессор, присоединенный к впуску воздуха и выполненный с возможностью подачи подвергнутого наддуву заряда всасываемого воздуха в камеру сгорания; выпускной трубопровод для приема выхлопных газов из камеры сгорания; клапан с электронным управлением, присоединенный между выпускным трубопроводом и впуском воздуха для регулируемого впуска выхлопных газов на впуск воздуха; и контроллер, выполненный с возможностью применения по меньшей мере некоторого управления с обратной связью к открыванию и закрыванию клапана в первом состоянии, и во втором состоянии предотвращения применения управления с обратной связью к открыванию или закрыванию клапана, и возможностью применения управления с прямой связью к закрыванию клапана, при этом второе состояние является прогнозирующим помпаж компрессора. 2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая датчик положения педали и датчик давления наддува, функционально присоединенные к контроллеру, при этом комбинированный выходной сигнал датчика положения педали и датчика давления наддува не прогнозирует помпаж компрессора в первом состоянии, а прогнозирует помпаж компрессора во втором состоянии. 3. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая, функционально присоединенный к контроллеру, датчик разбавления всасываемого воздуха или датчик топливно-воздушного соотношения выхлопных газов, при этом управление с обратной связью основано на выходном сигнале датчика. 4. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая турбину с приводом от выхлопных газов, механически присоединенную к компрессору, при этом выпускной трубопровод присоединен ниже по потоку от турбины, а впуск воздуха присоединен выше по потоку от компрессора. 5. Система по п. 4, дополнительно содержащая клапан (CRV) рециркуляции компрессора, присоединенный между впуском и выпуском компрессора, при этом CRV поддерживается закрытым во втором состоянии. 6. Система по п. 4, дополнительно содержащая регулятор давления наддува, присоединенный ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152493U1

1. Система диагностики датчика влажности, содержащая: двигатель, присоединенный к системе впуска и системе выпуска; датчик влажности; и контроллер, включающий в себя команды для: во время первого состояния, когда датчик влажности подвергается воздействию первого газового потока, настройки рабочего параметра двигателя на основании выходного сигнала датчика влажности; и во время второго состояния, когда датчик влажности подвергается воздействию второго газового потока, указания ухудшения характеристик датчика влажности, если выходной сигнал датчика влажности является иным, чем ожидаемый выходной сигнал. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой: датчик влажности расположен в системе впуска двигателя ниже по потоку от дросселя системы впуска воздуха, причем в первом состоянии дроссель системы впуска воздуха находится в полностью открытом положении, первый газовый поток содержит всасываемый воздух при барометрическом давлении, причем во втором состоянии дроссель системы впуска воздуха находится в закрытом или частично закрытом положении, и второй газовый поток содержит всасываемый воздух под меньшим, чем барометрическое, давлением. 3. Система по п. 1, в которой: датчик влажности расположен на выходе канала рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR), причем в первом состоянии клапан EGR находится в полностью закрытом положении, первый газовый поток содержит всасываемый воздух, причем во втором состоянии клапан EGR находится в частично или полностью открытом положении, и второй газовый поток содержит отработавшие газы. 4. Система по п. 1, в которой: датчик влажности расположен в трубке вентиляции системы вентиляции картера, причем в первом состоянии давление во впускном коллекторе меньше, чем барометрическое давление, первый газовый поток содержит всасываемый воздух, причем во втором состоянии давление во впускном коллекторе больше, чем барометрическое давление, и второй газовый поток содержит воздух вентиляции картера. 5. Система по п. 1, в которой: датчик влажности расположен в трубке ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152552U1

1. Система двигателя транспортного средства, содержащая: турбонагнетатель; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов низкого давления (LP-EGR), содержащую клапан LP-EGR; и систему управления, содержащую машиночитаемый запоминающий носитель, содержащий команды для: управления работой клапана LP-EGR для поддержания отсутствия EGR при всех нагрузках двигателя в первом диапазоне более низких нагрузок; и увеличения открывания клапана LP-EGR и подачи топлива в виде разделенного впрыска за цикл до тех пор, пока не будет достигнута пороговая интенсивность EGR, в ответ на нажатие педали акселератора ко второму диапазону более высоких нагрузок. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой система управления содержит дополнительные команды для подачи топлива в виде одиночного впрыска за цикл и управления работой клапана LP-EGR для поддержания постоянной процентной доли EGR потока свежего воздуха через систему LP-EGR на всех нагрузках двигателя во втором диапазоне нагрузок, после того как достигнута пороговая интенсивность EGR. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой подача топлива в виде одиночного впрыска за цикл содержит подачу топлива в виде одиночного впрыска в такте впуска, при этом подача топлива в виде разделенного впрыска топлива за цикл содержит подачу топлива в виде первого впрыска в такте впуска и второго впрыска в такте сжатия. 4. Система по п. 3, в которой при подаче топлива в виде разделенного впрыска за цикл первая, большая часть топлива, подается в первом впрыске в такте впуска, а вторая, оставшаяся часть топлива, подается во втором впрыске в такте сжатия. 5. Система по п. 4, дополнительно содержащая систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов высокого давления (HP-EGR), содержащую клапан HP-EGR, при этом в каждом из первого и второго диапазонов нагрузок открывание клапана HP-EGR регулируется на основании открывания клапана LP-EGR. И 1 152552 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“ 152 552 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152555U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: двигатель, содержащий впускной коллектор и картер двигателя; турбонагнетатель с впускным компрессором, выпускной турбиной и охладителем наддувочного воздуха; впускной дроссель, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха; бачок, выполненный с возможностью приема паров топлива из топливного бака, причем бачок присоединен к впускному коллектору; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащую канал для рециркуляции выхлопных остаточных газов из положения ниже по потоку от турбины в положение выше по потоку от компрессора через клапан EGR; датчик кислорода, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя; и контроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для: регулировки опорного напряжения, приложенного к датчику кислорода, на основании удовлетворения одного из условий продувки и условий вентиляции картера; оценки разбавления EGR на впуске на основании выходного сигнала датчика кислорода и регулировки открывания клапана EGR на основании оцененного разбавления EGR на впуске. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой регулировка опорного напряжения включает в себя прикладывание болеевысокого опорного напряжения в ответ на удовлетворение одного из условий продувки и условий вентиляции картера, причем влияние засасываемых углеводородов сведено к нулю, и прикладывание более низкого опорного напряжения в ответ на отсутствие удовлетворения условий продувки и условий вентиляции картера. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой контроллер содержит дополнительные команды для регулировки более высокого опорного напряжения на основании количества углеводородов продувки или углеводородов вентиляции картера, засасываемых во впускной коллектор, причем опорное напряжение повышается по мере того, как повышается количество. И 1 152555 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 152 555” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152556U1

1. Система транспортного средства, содержащая: двигатель, содержащий впускной дроссель; турбонагнетатель, содержащий впускной компрессор и выпускную турбину; охладитель наддувочного воздуха, присоединенный ниже по потоку от компрессора и выше по потоку от дросселя; клапан рециркуляции компрессора в перепускном канале, присоединяющем выпуск охладителя наддувочного воздуха к впуску компрессора; регулятор давления наддува, присоединенный в параллель турбине; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащую расположенный выше по потоку охладитель EGR и расположенный ниже по потоку клапан EGR, расположенные в канале EGR, присоединяющем выпуск турбины к впуску компрессора; контроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для: при холодном запуске двигателя, нагрева теплотой сжатия охладителя наддувочного воздуха посредством запуска двигателя с каждым из закрытых регулятора давления наддува и клапана EGR и открытого клапана рециркуляции компрессора; и открывания клапана EGR после того, как температура охладителя наддувочного воздуха становится выше порогового значения. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой контроллер содержит дополнительные команды для, при горячем запуске двигателя, запуска двигателя с каждым из открытых регулятора давления наддува и клапана EGR и закрытого клапана рециркуляции компрессора. И 1 152556 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 152 556” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 31.07.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 13.05.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 13.05.2021 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па Эчасячр ЕП

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152587U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: впуск двигателя; выпуск двигателя; турбонагнетатель, содержащий компрессор и турбину, присоединенные между впуском двигателя и выпуском двигателя; канал рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR) низкого давления, выполненный с возможностью отведения по меньшей мере некоторого количества выхлопных газов из выпуска двигателя ниже по потоку от турбины на впуск двигателя выше по потоку от компрессора; клапан EGR, расположенный в канале EGR выше по потоку от компрессора и выполненный с возможностью регулировки количества выхлопных газов, отводимых через канал EGR; впускной дроссель на впуске двигателя, расположенный ниже по потоку от компрессора; дроссель системы впуска воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от компрессора; датчик кислорода, присоединенный к впуску двигателя выше по потоку от впускного дросселя и ниже по потоку от компрессора; контроллер, выполненный с возможностью: определения обновленного противодавления выхлопных газов на основании ошибок между действующей и требуемой концентрациями кислорода на впуске, причем действующая концентрация кислорода на впуске определена посредством датчика кислорода; и регулировки положения клапана EGR на основании перепада давления на клапане, причем перепад давления основан на давлении на входе компрессора и обновленном противодавлении выхлопных газов. 2. Система по п.1, в которой контроллер дополнительно выполнен с возможностью регулировки дросселя системы впуска воздуха для достижения целевого перепада давления на клапане EGR, причем целевой перепад давления основан на требуемом потоке EGR. 3. Система по п.2, в которой контроллер дополнительно выполнен с возможностью регулировки впускного дросселя на основании положения клапана EGR. И 1 152587 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 152 587? 1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152591U1

1. Система двигателя транспортного средства, содержащая: турбонагнетатель; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов низкого давления (LP-EGR), содержащую клапан LP-EGR; и систему управления, содержащую машиночитаемый запоминающий носитель, содержащий команды для: управления работой клапана LP-EGR для поддержания постоянного процента EGR от потока свежего воздуха на всех нагрузках двигателя в первом диапазоне более высоких нагрузок; и уменьшения открывания клапана LP-EGR и подачи топлива в качестве разделенного впрыска за цикл до тех пор, пока не достигается пороговая интенсивность EGR, в ответ на отпускание педали акселератора до второго диапазона более низких нагрузок. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой система управления содержит дополнительные команды для подачи топлива в качестве одиночного впрыска за цикл и управления работой клапана LP-EGR для поддержания постоянной процентной доли EGR потока свежего воздуха через систему LP-EGR на всех нагрузках двигателя во втором диапазоне нагрузок, после достижения пороговой интенсивности EGR. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой подача топлива в качестве одиночного впрыска за цикл включает в себя подачу топлива в качестве одиночного впрыска в такте впуска, при этом подача топлива в качестве разделенного впрыска топлива за цикл включает в себя подачу топлива в качестве первого обедненного однородного впрыска в такте впуска и второго локально обогащенного послойного впрыска в такте сжатия. И 1 152591 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“ 152 591” 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 23.08.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 20.05.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 20.05.2021 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па рбчся9яр ЕП

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152685U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: двигатель, содержащий впускной коллектор; картер двигателя, присоединенный к впускному коллектору через клапан принудительной вентиляции картера (PCV); турбонагнетатель с впускным компрессором, выпускной турбиной и охладителем наддувочного воздуха; впускной дроссель, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха; бачок, выполненный с возможностью приема паров топлива из топливного бака, присоединенного к впускному коллектору через клапан продувки; систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащую канал для рециркуляции выхлопных остаточных газов из положения ниже по потоку от турбины в положение выше по потоку от компрессора через клапан EGR; датчик кислорода, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя; и контроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для: регулировки опорного напряжения, приложенного к датчику кислорода, на основании удовлетворения одного из условий продувки и условий вентиляции картера; оценки разбавления EGR на впуске на основании выходного сигнала датчика кислорода при регулировке; и оценки содержания углеводородов продувки и вентиляции картера разбавления EGR на впуске на основании выходного сигнала датчика кислорода и дополнительно на основании открывания каждого из клапана PCV и клапана продувки. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой контроллер содержит дополнительные команды для регулировки открывания клапана EGR на основании оцененного разбавления EGR на впуске и оцененного содержания углеводородов продувки и вентиляции картера разбавления EGR на впуске. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой регулировка включает в себя корректировку оцененного разбавления EGR на впуске на основании оцененного содержания углеводородов продувки и вентиляции картера разбавления EGR на впуске, и регулировку открывания клапана EGR для приведения скорректированного разбавления EGR к требуемому разбавлению EGR. И 1 152685 ко ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000153135U1

1. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания с искровым зажиганием, наддувом и по крайней мере двумя цилиндрами, каждый из которых имеет по крайней мере одно выпускное отверстие с присоединенной выпускной линией для отвода выхлопных газов через систему отвода выхлопных газов и по крайней мере одно впускное отверстие с присоединенной впускной линией для подачи наддувочного воздуха через впускную систему, причем цилиндры образуют по крайней мере две группы, состоящие в каждом случае из по крайней мере одного цилиндра, где по крайней мере один цилиндр первой группы продолжает работу даже при частичном отключении двигателя, а по крайней мере один цилиндр второй группы является переключаемым в зависимости от нагрузки; при этом предусмотрены по крайней мере одна система рециркуляции выхлопных газов и по крайней мере один турбокомпрессор, работающий на выхлопных газах, который содержит турбину, расположенную в системе отвода выхлопных газов, и компрессор, расположенный в впускной системе, отличающийся тем, что выпускные линии цилиндров каждой группы объединяются в каждом случае в общую выпускную линию, образуя выпускной коллектор, при этом обе общих выпускных линии соединены с двухпоточной турбиной, имеющей по крайней мере одно рабочее колесо, расположенное на вращающемся валу в корпусе турбины таким образом, что каждая общая выпускная линия соединена с одним из двух впускных отверстий турбины, причем к каждому впускному отверстию проходит потоковый канал турбины, а также предусмотрен первый запорный элемент, выполненный с возможностью перекрывать в первом рабочем положении второй потоковый канал, относящийся ко второй группе цилиндров и отделять его от по крайней мере одного рабочего колеса, а во втором рабочем положении открывать второй потоковый канал и соединять его с по крайней мере одним рабочим колесом. 2. Двигатель по п. 1, в котором первый запорный элемент расположен на конце второго потокового канала со стороны рабочего колеса. 3. Двигатель по п. 1 или 2, в котором оба ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000154425U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая: двигатель; компрессор, присоединенный к впускному коллектору двигателя, причем компрессор приводится в движение турбиной; перепускной канал, присоединенный между выходом и входом компрессора, причем перепускной канал включает в себя перепускной клапан; датчик влажности, присоединенный к впускному коллектору, выше по потоку от впускного дросселя; канал рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR) низкого давления для рециркуляции отработавших остаточных газов из выпускного коллектора двигателя, ниже по потоку от турбины, во впускной коллектор, выше по потоку от компрессора, через клапан EGR; и контроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для: в то время как активирована EGR, в ответ на указание помпажа компрессора, открывания перепускного клапана; сохранения выходного сигнала датчика влажности, считанного непосредственно перед открыванием перепускного клапана; и настройки потока EGR на основании сохраненного выходного сигнала датчика. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой контроллер включает в себя дополнительные команды для: в то время как перепускной клапан открыт, не сохранения текущего выходного сигнала датчика влажности. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой активация EGR включает в себя клапан EGR, являющийся по меньшей мере частично открытым. 4. Система по п. 3, в которой открывание перепускного клапана основано на указании помпажа, причем открывание перепускного клапана увеличивается по мере того, как убывает запас до помпажа. 5. Система по п. 4, в которой контроллер включает в себя дополнительные команды для закрывания перепускного клапана в ответ на увеличение запаса до помпажа, а после того, как истекла пороговая длительность после закрывания перепускного клапана, сохранения текущего выходного сигнала датчика влажности и настройки потока EGR на основании текущего выходного сигнала датчика влажности. И 1 154425 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 154 425? Ц1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000154429U1

1. Система регулировки работы двигателя, содержащая: двигатель с системой рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащей клапан EGR; впускной дроссель выше по потоку от впуска EGR в системе впуска; контроллер с памятью, содержащей команды для регулировки открывания впускного дросселя для поддержания перепада давления на клапане EGR, пока он закрыт при определении поправки потока утечки клапана EGR на основании кислорода на впуске, и сохранения поправки в памяти. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой EGR является EGR низкого давления. 3. Система по п. 2, в которой EGR расположена только в одном ряду цилиндров V-образного двигателя. И 1 154429 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 154 4297 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 22.08.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 20.05.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 20.05.2021 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па 6бСУУЯ9 ЕП

12-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000170062U1

Полезная модель относится к двигателям внутреннего сгорания, работающим на альтернативном топливе - водном растворе поваренной соли. Электролитический двигатель внутреннего сгорания включает рабочие цилиндры с подвижным поршнем и рабочей камерой для электролита; электродуговой активатор электролита, выполненный в виде индуктивных накопителей электрической энергии, соединенных по входу с электрическим аккумулятором и выходом электромеханического генератора; термостойкие электроды из вольфрама, электрически изолированные от токопроводящего корпуса рабочей камеры и соединенные с электродуговым активатором. Дополнительно содержит количество рабочих цилиндров, кратное двум, рабочие цилиндры выполнены подвижными; электролитический двигатель внутреннего сгорания выполнен свободно-поршневым, поршни снабжены шарообразными наконечниками, а в дне каждого цилиндра выполнена отвечающая им шарообразная выемка; под каждым цилиндром расположены неподвижные поддоны с отметкой уровня на половине их высоты; рабочие камеры для электролита выполнены кольцеобразными, при этом верхнее полукольцо расположено в нижней части поршня, а нижнее полукольцо расположено в дне цилиндра и размещено вокруг шарообразной выемки; к каждому поршню жестко присоединены вертикальные штанги, и каждая из них снабжена Г-образной консолью с двумя зубьями; электролитический двигатель внутреннего сгорания дополнительно содержит неподвижно закрепленную паразитную шестерню для обеспечения обратной связи движения вертикальных штанг; каждый цилиндр снабжен мембранным насосом для подачи водного раствора поваренной соли в рабочие камеры для электролита в конце такта расширения, каждый мембранный насос выполнен с одной мембраной, к каждой мембране присоединена рама, содержащая две вертикальные тяги с горизонтальными консолями для возможности вхождения в зацепление с зубьями Г-образных консолей вертикальных штанг; рабочие камеры для электролита выполнены электроизолированными, электроизоляция рабочих камер для ...

01-10-2019 дата публикации

Система рециркуляции отработавших газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Номер: RU0000192767U1

Полезная модель относится к системам рециркуляции отработавших газов (ОГ) двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Техническим результатом является повышение количества кислорода во впускном патрубке двигателя внутреннего сгорания при возрастании доли возвращаемого количества газов через канал рециркуляции во впускной патрубок. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что система рециркуляции ОГ содержит генератор кислорода, соединенный с перепускным трубопроводом через смеситель газов. В процессе работы поток ОГ разделяется запорным элементом, и часть его - рециркулируемый ОГ - поступает в перепускной трубопровод, а другая часть выбрасывается в атмосферу. Рециркулируемый газ поступает в смеситель газов, где он обогащается кислородом, поступающим из генератора кислорода. Далее обогащенный кислородом рециркулируемый ОГ поступает во впускной патрубок, где он смешивается с атмосферным воздухом перед поступлением в камеру сгорания двигателя. Благодаря обогащению рециркулируемого ОГ кислородом обеспечивается полное сгорание топлива в цилиндре двигателя на всех режимах эксплуатации, что повышает эксплуатационные характеристики двигателя. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F02B 47/10 F02D 21/02 F02M 26/36 F02M 25/10 (11) (13) 192 767 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2016.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02D 21/02 (2019.05); F02B 47/10 (2019.05); F02M 26/36 (2019.05); F02M 25/10 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019119292, 19.06.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Арефьев Николай Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 01.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 01.10.2019 Бюл. № 28 1 9 2 7 6 7 R U (54) СИСТЕМА РЕЦИРКУЛЯЦИИ ОТРАБОТАВШИХ ГАЗОВ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ ВНУТРЕННЕГО СГОРАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к системам трубопровод, а другая часть выбрасывается в рециркуляции отработавших газов (ОГ) атмосферу. Рециркулируемый газ поступает в двигателей внутреннего сгорания. ...

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for exhaust-gas aftertreatment with reduced emissions

Номер: US20130047607A1

An exhaust-gas recirculation device for an internal combustion engine, a method for controlling an exhaust-gas recirculation device, a drive for a motor vehicle having an exhaust-gas recirculation device, and a motor vehicle having a drive of said type are described. The exhaust-gas recirculation device comprises a turbine, and an exhaust-gas aftertreatment device. The turbine has an inlet connected to an exhaust manifold and is configured to convert kinetic energy contained in an exhaust-gas flow through the exhaust manifold into rotational energy. The exhaust-gas aftertreatment device has an inlet connected to an outlet of the turbine, and is configured to reduce a pollutant content in the exhaust-gas flow. An electric grid heater is arranged between the outlet of the turbine and the inlet of the exhaust-gas aftertreatment device and is configured to heat the exhaust-gas flow.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130138324A1
Автор: Taku Ibuki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention relates to a control device for an internal combustion engine including: a first control subject 52 and a second control subject 35 D respectively capable of directly controlling a first control amount Regr and a second control amount Pim interacting with each other; a means for setting a target value of the first control amount as a first target control amount and setting a target value of the second control amount as a second target control amount; and a means for controlling the first control amount at the first target control amount and controlling the second control amount at the second target control amount. Further, in the present invention, a first target control amount TRegr is set as the target value of the first control amount capable of controlling the first control amount with a predetermined followability taking account of at least one of a first operation speed Krie, Krde as the operation speed of the first control subject and a degree of influence Ksee of the first control subject on the first control amount and at least one of a second operation speed Kriv, Krdv as the operation speed of the second control subject and a degree of influence Ksev of the second control subject on the first control amount.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Dual fuel combustion system based on diesel compression ignition triggered ignition control

Номер: US20130152899A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

In a method for a diesel-gasoline dual fuel premixed charge compression ignition combustion system based on diesel compression ignition triggered ignition control of the present invention, air (+EGR gas) and a gasoline fuel supplied in a premixed charge intake stroke create a premixed surroundings, a diesel fuel injected in at least two classified steps in a succeeding compression ignition stroke creates a compression ignition combustion surroundings for a diesel and serves as an ignition trigger to produce flames, and the gasoline fuel injected in the premixed charge intake stroke and having created the premixed surroundings is burned in a succeeding combustion expansion stroke to generate power. Accordingly, a practical diesel-gasoline dual fuel powered engine solving both unstable combustion due to difficulty in control of ignition times and combustion and knockings restricting power performance can be realized.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Turbocharger system

Номер: US20130199179A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Ltd

A turbocharger system for ensuring a sufficient exhaust gas recirculation (“EGR”) amount in all operating conditions, and reducing NOx emission from an engine. The system includes an EGR controller that re-circulates a part of exhaust gas discharged from the engine to an intake side. The turbocharger is a power-assisted turbocharger including an electric motor that assists a drive force of a compressor. The EGR controller controls an amount of exhaust gas recirculated to the intake side so as to inhibit the generation of NOx regardless of an amount of oxygen necessary for combustion of the engine. An electric motor control unit drives the electric motor, by the control of the EGR controller, when the amount of oxygen necessary for the combustion of the engine is deficient.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adjusting an estimated flow rate of exhaust gas passing through an exhaust gas recirculation valve

Номер: US20130226435A1

A system according to the principles of the present disclosure includes a volumetric efficiency adjustment module and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow adjustment module. The volumetric efficiency adjustment module adjusts an estimated volumetric efficiency of an engine based on a mass flow rate of air entering the engine. The EGR flow adjustment module selectively adjusts an estimated mass flow rate of exhaust gas passing through an EGR valve based on an amount by which the volumetric efficiency adjustment module adjusts the volumetric efficiency.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling an exhaust gas recirculation apparatus for heavy construction equipment

Номер: US20130298525A1
Автор: Ji Hoon Lim, Min Seok Ko
Принадлежит: Doosan Infracore Co Ltd

A method for controlling an exhaust gas recirculation apparatus for heavy construction equipment of the present invention, which includes: an engine; a turbocharger which rotates a turbine by using exhaust gas discharged from the engine, and compresses air, which is supplied to the engine, by a compressor connected to the turbine through a connecting shaft; an intercooler which cools compressed air flowing into the engine; a high-pressure EGR line which is provided with a high-pressure EGR cooler and a high-pressure EGR valve, and does not pass through the turbocharger; a hybrid EGR line which is provided with a hybrid EGR valve and a hybrid EGR cooler, and does not pass through the turbine of the turbocharger but passes only through the compressor; and a low-pressure EGR line which is provided with a low-pressure EGR valve and a low-pressure EGR cooler, and passes through the turbocharger, includes a mechanical control step in which an engine control unit (ECU), which receives a low-load request signal from a driver, or driving and idle signals, opens the hybrid EGR valve 151 of the hybrid EGR line 150 such that mechanical control and electronic control are performed in harmony for optimized control.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Approach for controlling exhaust gas recirculation

Номер: US20140100760A1

Various embodiments related to controlling EGR in an engine are disclosed. In one embodiment, a first EGR amount is supplied to a cylinder at a first temperature and a first engine speed and load. Further, at the first engine speed and load, as engine temperature increases from the first temperature to a second temperature, a first fuel amount is injected after exhaust valve closing and before intake valve opening while a second EGR amount is supplied to the cylinder that is greater than the first EGR amount.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002759A1

Methods and systems are provided for estimating an impact of PCV hydrocarbons on an output of an intake oxygen sensor. In one example, a method may include disabling EGR flow when the impact of PCV hydrocarbons on the output of the intake oxygen sensor is above a threshold. The impact of the PCV hydrocarbons on the output of the intake oxygen sensor may be based on a difference between the output of the intake oxygen sensor and a DPOV sensor when EGR is flow and a difference between the output of the intake oxygen sensor and expected blow-by when EGR is not flowing. 1. An engine method , comprising:disabling EGR flow responsive to an impact of PCV flow hydrocarbons on an output of an intake oxygen sensor increasing above a threshold when purge flow is disabled, the impact of PCV flow hydrocarbons based on a difference between two EGR flow estimates, at least one of the EGR flow estimates based on the output of the intake oxygen sensor; andadjusting engine operation based on a fuel concentration in engine oil, the fuel concentration based on an output of the intake oxygen sensor when purge and EGR flow are disabled.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel concentration is further determined based on engine oil temperature and fuel composition.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the difference is a difference between a first flow estimate based on the output of the intake oxygen sensor and a second EGR flow estimate based on an output of a DPOV sensor when EGR is flowing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impact of PCV flow hydrocarbons is based on a difference between a hydrocarbon concentration in engine oil determined based on the output of the intake oxygen sensor and expected blow-by when EGR is not flowing.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the expected blow-by is based on a pre-determined blow-by amount for a current manifold pressure and engine speed.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine is a turbocharged engine.7. The method of claim 1 , further ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009710A1
Автор: Han Seungcheol, LEE JangSu

Provided is a method for calculating an oxygen concentration in a combustion chamber, including: calculating volume efficiency of the combustion chamber while a variable valve lift is in an on state and the volume efficiency of the combustion chamber and the volume of internal EGR from the volume of the combustion chamber while the variable valve lift is in an off state; and calculating a mass of the internal EGR from the pressure of an exhaust manifold, the temperature of the exhaust manifold, and the volume of the internal EGR. 1. A method for calculating an oxygen concentration in a combustion chamber , the method comprising:calculating a volume efficiency of the combustion chamber while a variable valve lift is in an on state and calculating the volume efficiency of the combustion chamber and a volume of an internal EGR from a volume of the combustion chamber while the variable valve lift is in an off state; andcalculating a mass of the internal EGR from a pressure of an exhaust manifold, a temperature of the exhaust manifold, and the volume of the internal EGR.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:while the variable valve lift is in the on state, the volume efficiency of the combustion chamber is modeled from an engine speed, a pressure of an intake manifold, and a difference in pressure between the intake manifold and the exhaust manifold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:while the variable valve lift is in the off state, the volume efficiency of the combustion chamber is modeled from at least one of an engine speed, a fuel amount injected into the combustion chamber, and a pressure of an intake manifold.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the mass of the internal EGR is calculated from the volume of the internal EGR, the temperature of the exhaust manifold, and the pressure of the exhaust manifold.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein:the mass of the internal EGR is calculated from an equation of Pa*V/(R*Te),where, Pa represents the pressure of the exhaust manifold ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Condensate accumulation model for an engine heat exchanger

Номер: US20140102428A1

Embodiments for controlling condensate in an engine heat exchanger are disclosed. In one example, a method for an engine comprises increasing exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow responsive to condensation in an EGR cooler. In this way, condensate in the EGR cooler may be controlled via modulation of EGR flow.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022939A1
Автор: Nogi Yoshito

A rich control for temporarily declining an air-fuel ratio of exhaust gas discharged from an engine combustion chamber is performed by an additional fuel being injected into a cylinder in an expansion stroke or an exhaust stroke in a state where a throttle opening degree is switched from a base throttle opening degree to a throttle opening degree for the rich control and an EGR rate is switched from a base EGR rate to an EGR rate for the rich control. The rich control is initiated by switching a low pressure side EGR control valve opening degree (VEGRL) to a low pressure side EGR control valve opening degree for the rich control (VEGRLR), then switching a high pressure side EGR control valve opening degree (VEGRH) to a high pressure side EGR control valve opening degree for the rich control (VEGRHR) then controlling the throttle opening degree (VTH), and then initiating the injection of the additional fuel (Qa). 1. An exhaust gas control apparatus for an internal combustion engine , the internal combustion engine including an engine intake passage , a throttle valve , an engine exhaust passage , an exhaust turbocharger , a high pressure side exhaust gas recirculation passage , a low pressure side exhaust gas recirculation passage , a high pressure side exhaust gas recirculation control valve and a low pressure side exhaust gas recirculation control valve ,the throttle valve being configured to control a suctioned air amount, the throttle valve being disposed in the engine intake passage,the exhaust turbocharger being configured to drive driving a compressor with an exhaust turbine,the compressor being disposed in the engine intake passage on an upstream side of the throttle valve,the exhaust turbine being disposed in the engine exhaust passage,the high pressure side exhaust gas recirculation passage connecting the engine exhaust passage on an upstream side of the exhaust turbine and the engine intake passage on a downstream side of the throttle valve to each other, ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030304A1

The invention relates to a combustion engine and to a process for producing energy by means of expansion work in combustion engines. The invention is based on the problem of providing a possibility for supplying oxygen to the combustion space of a self-compacting combustion engine in an energy-efficient manner. According to the invention, with an arrangement for carrying out an intensified combustion for automatically increasing pressure of the combustion gases and using them in a combustion engine for performing mechanical work, the above-stated problem is solved in that an oxygen storage material is present in the combustion space so that a self-compressing combustion process is made possible by storing the oxygen in the oxygen storage material in the combustion space. 111.-. (canceled)12. An arrangement for carrying out an intensified combustion for automatically increasing pressure of combustion gases and use thereof in a combustion engine for performing mechanical work , wherein the arrangement comprises an oxygen storage material which is provided in a combustion space.13. The arrangement of claim 12 , wherein containing an oxygen storage material,', 'comprising at least one input for a fuel and at least one input for fresh air,', 'comprising a first output for giving off oxygen-depleted air,', 'comprising a second output which is provided with a valve for giving off combustion gases,, 'the combustion space comprises at least two reaction chambers, each reaction chamber'}each second output communicating via an input with a downstream work chamber, wherein only one valve is opened in each instance for introducing the combustion gases into the downstream work chamber.14. The arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the oxygen storage material has a reduction enthalpy for oxygen removal of from 150 kJ/mol of Oto 350 kJ/mol of O.15. The arrangement of claim 13 , wherein the oxygen storage material has a reduction enthalpy for oxygen removal of from 150 kJ/mol of Oto 350 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030305A1
Автор: Sugiyama Satoshi

In an EGR system that introduces an EGR gas to a vicinity of an inlet of a compressor in an intake passage, prevention of erosion of an impeller by condensed water generated in an EGR passage, and restraint of pressure loss of intake air are made compatible. An introduction port for an EGR gas formed in a wall surface of the intake passage in a vicinity of the inlet of the compressor and an exhaust passage are connected by the EGR passage. The EGR passage is provided with an EGR valve, and an exhaust throttle valve is provided downstream of a position where the EGR passage is connected in the exhaust passage. By a control device that controls the EGR valve and the exhaust throttle valve, respective opening degrees of the EGR valve and the exhaust throttle valve are controlled in accordance with a flow rate of fresh air that flows to the compressor, and a velocity of the EGR gas that flows out into the intake passage from the introduction port for the EGR gas is changed so that the EGR gas flows toward a center portion of the impeller of the compressor. 1. An EGR system for a supercharging engine , comprising:an introduction port for an EGR gas that is formed in a wall surface of an intake passage in a vicinity of an inlet of a compressor;an EGR passage that connects the introduction port to an exhaust passage;an EGR valve that is provided in the EGR passage;an exhaust throttle valve that is provided downstream of a position where the EGR passage is connected in the exhaust passage; anda control device that controls the EGR valve and the exhaust throttle valve,wherein the control device includes a control program for changing a velocity of the EGR gas that flows out into the intake passage from the introduction port in accordance with a flow rate of fresh air that flows to the compressor so that the EGR gas flows toward a center portion of an impeller of the compressor, andthe control program is configured to control respective opening degrees of the EGR valve and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049663A1
Автор: Kishiura Masato, Matsui Yu

An engine includes an exhaust manifold, an intake manifold, and an EGR device configured to supply EGR gas from the exhaust manifold to the intake manifold. An EGR cooler is provided at a side of the exhaust manifold, and a longitudinal direction of the EGR cooler is in an up-down direction of the engine in a used state. 1. An engine , comprising:an exhaust manifold, an intake manifold, and an EGR device configured to supply EGR gas from the exhaust manifold to the intake manifold,wherein an EGR cooler is provided at a side of the exhaust manifold, and a longitudinal direction of the EGR cooler is in an up-down direction of the engine in a used state.2. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein the EGR cooler is provided under the exhaust manifold.3. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein an upper end of the EGR cooler has a supply port into which the EGR gas is supplied and a discharge port from which the EGR gas is discharged.4. The engine according to claim 1 , the engine further comprises a cylinder head claim 1 , wherein the exhaust manifold has an EGR pipe claim 1 , the EGR pipe is extended from the EGR cooler to the intake manifold and partially formed inside the cylinder head.5. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein an attachment part of the exhaust manifold is provided between the EGR cooler and the exhaust manifold. This application is a Continuation under 35 U.S.C. § 120 of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/762,553, filed Nov. 20, 2018, which was a national phase entry under 35 U.S.C. § 371 of PCT Patent Application No. PCT/JP2018/042,767, filed on Nov. 20, 2018, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119 to Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-241707, filed Dec. 18, 2017, the entireties of which are incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to an engine including an EGR device.There has been known an engine including an EGR device which recirculates part of exhaust gas to intake air. The EGR device lowers combustion temperature by ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Fuel Injection Valve Control Device

Номер: US20190040814A1

A fuel injection valve capable of forming a homogeneous air-fuel mixture in homogeneous combustion at a low engine speed and a control device thereof are provided. According to the present invention, a fluid injection valve that is configured separately from a fuel injection valve and has a function of injecting a fluid is provided and a control device of the fuel injection valve includes a control unit that performs control such that fuel is injected from the fuel injection valve and then controls the fluid injection valve such that the fluid is injected from the fluid injection valve and the fuel injected from the fuel injection valve is stirred.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047973A1

Methods and systems are provided for detecting cylinder-to-cylinder air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance in engine cylinders. In one example, a method may include detecting an AFR imbalance of an engine cylinder based on an individual crankshaft acceleration of the cylinder relative to a mean crankshaft acceleration produced by all cylinders of the engine, and correcting a fuel amount of the cylinder via a fuel multiplier value, the fuel multiplier value selected from a plurality of fuel multiplier values based on an imbalance source. In this way, the AFR imbalance may be accurately detected and correcting using existing engine system sensors. 1. A method , comprising:indicating an air-fuel ratio (AFR) imbalance of a cylinder of a multi-cylinder engine based on a first crankshaft acceleration produced by the cylinder relative to a first mean crankshaft acceleration produced by all cylinders of the engine; andin response to the AFR imbalance, adjusting a fuel amount of the cylinder via a fuel multiplier, the fuel multiplier selected from a plurality of fuel multipliers based on an imbalance source.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the imbalance source includes one or more imbalance sources selected from a plurality of imbalance sources claim 1 , and the method further comprises:isolating each imbalance source of the plurality of imbalance sources and independently learning the plurality of fuel multipliers for each of the plurality of imbalance sources.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of imbalance sources includes nominal imbalance claim 2 , purge imbalance claim 2 , and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) imbalance claim 2 , and wherein the method further comprises:responsive to operating with more than one imbalance source, combining fuel multipliers from each of the more than one imbalance source.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein indicating the AFR imbalance of the cylinder based on the first crankshaft acceleration produced by the cylinder relative to the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047987A1
Автор: BEEMAN Webb, Owens Donald

Provided herein is an optimizable hydrogen generation system for producing and injecting hydrogen gas as a fuel supplement into the air intake of internal combustion and/or diesel engines. Hydrogen gas (H) and oxygen gas (O) are produced with one or more pairs of cells to adjust the amount of hydrogen gas supplied to the engine, while the oxygen gas is vented to the atmosphere. 1. A portable hydrogen supplementation system for supplying hydrogen gas , comprising a pair of cells , each cell comprising:(a) an oxygen substrate comprising an inner surface, an outer surface, and a plurality of through-holes;(b) a first diffusion layer disposed on the inner surface of the oxygen substrate and in fluid communication with the plurality of through-holes;(c) an anode disposed on the first diffusion layer;(d) a membrane comprising a first surface coated with a first catalyst and a second surface, wherein the first surface of the membrane is disposed on the anode;(e) a cathode disposed on the second surface of the membrane;(f) a second diffusion layer disposed on the cathode;(g) a hydrogen substrate comprising an inner surface, an outer surface, and an output port configured to flow gas therethrough, the inner surface being disposed on the second diffusion layer; and(h) a spacer disposed on the outer surface of the oxygen substrate, wherein the outer surfaces of the oxygen substrates are sealingly attached to one another, thereby forming a reservoir with the spacer, the reservoir being configured to hold water, supply the water into each cell and vent oxygen out of each cell, wherein the anode of each cell are electrically bonded to one another, and wherein the cathode of each cell are electrically bonded to one another.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a power supply in electrical communication with the anode and cathode claim 1 , wherein each cell claim 1 , when supplied with power from the power supply claim 1 , produces hydrogen gas and oxygen gas from the water ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Controller for supercharger-equipped internal combustion engine and control method thereof

Номер: US20170051662A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp, Mitsubishi Electric Corp

The objective of the present invention is to provide a controller for a supercharger-equipped internal combustion engine and a control method that can reduce man-hours for data measurement and matching, which are required to perform while the internal combustion engine and the supercharger are combined. In a controller, a target turbine flow rate for realizing a target compressor driving force is calculated; a target wastegate flow rate is calculated based on an exhaust gas flow rate and the target turbine flow rate; a target turbine-upstream pressure is calculated based on a target before/after-turbine pressure ratio for realizing the target compressor driving force and a turbine-downstream pressure; a target gate effective opening area is calculated based on the target wastegate flow rate, the target before/after-turbine pressure ratio, and the target turbine-upstream pressure; then, a gate valve control value is calculated.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058794A1

In an EGR device configured to reflux part of exhaust gas of the engine as EGR gas into intake air of the engine, an EGR valve configured to restrict a flow rate of the EGR gas is closed when rotation speed N of the engine is between a low-speed threshold and a high-speed threshold, and fuel injection rate is between a low-injection rate threshold and a high-injection rate threshold that are set for each rotation speed. 1. An EGR device configured to reflux part of exhaust gas of an engine as EGR gas into intake air of the engine ,wherein an EGR valve configured to restrict a flow rate of the EGR gas is closed when a rotation speed of the engine is between a low-speed threshold and a high-speed threshold and a fuel injection rate is between a low-injection rate threshold and a high-injection rate threshold that are set for each rotation speed.2. The EGR device according to claim 1 , wherein:a dead rotation speed width and a dead injection rate width are further set, andthe EGR valve is closed when the rotation speed increases from a low-speed threshold Na by an amount larger than a dead rotation speed width Nh or the rotation speed decreases from the high-speed threshold by an amount larger than the dead rotation speed width, and the injection rate increases from the low-injection rate threshold by an amount larger than the dead injection rate width or the injection rate decreases from the high-injection rate threshold by an amount larger than the dead injection rate width.3. The EGR device according to claim 1 , wherein the EGR valve is closed when the rotation speed is between a low-speed threshold Na and a high-speed threshold Nb for a predetermined time or longer claim 1 , and the injection rate is between the low-injection rate threshold and the high-injection rate threshold for a predetermined time or longer.4. The EGR device according to claim 2 , wherein the EGR valve is closed when the rotation speed is between the low-speed threshold Na and a high-speed ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062748A1
Автор: Puntambekar Aakash

Methods and systems are provided for increasing engine power via partial engine enrichment and exhaust gas recirculation. In one example, a method may include enriching a first set of engine cylinders and enleaning a second, remaining set of the engine cylinders, exhaust gas from the first set and the second set producing a stoichiometric mixture at a downstream emission control device, and providing exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to an intake passage of the engine from the first set of cylinders and not from the second set. In this way, cooling effects from the partial enrichment and the EGR enable engine air flow, and thus engine power, to be increased while an efficiency of the emission control device is maintained, thereby decreasing vehicle emissions. 1. A method , comprising:while operating an engine, enriching a first set of cylinders and enleaning a second, remaining set of cylinders, exhaust gas from the first set of cylinders and the second set of cylinders producing a stoichiometric mixture at a downstream emission control device, and providing exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to an intake passage of the engine from the first set of cylinders and not from the second set.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein enriching the first set of cylinders and enleaning the second set of cylinders is responsive to an engine torque demand being greater than a threshold torque and further responsive to a rate of the EGR reaching a threshold rate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of cylinders includes a first half of a total number of cylinders in the engine and the second set of cylinders includes a second half of the total number of cylinders in the engine.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first set of cylinders includes cylinders of a first engine bank and the second set of cylinders includes cylinders of a second engine bank.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of cylinders flow exhaust gas to a first exhaust manifold and the second set ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Two Stroke,Opposed-Piston Engine With Engine Braking

Номер: US20150068492A1
Принадлежит: Achates Power, Inc.

In a two-stroke opposed-piston engine, a ported cylinder with a pair of opposed pistons is equipped with an engine brake including an engine braking valve that can be opened to release air from the cylinder as the pistons cycle between BDC and TDC positions. 1. A method of operating a two-stroke , opposed-piston engine with at least one ported cylinder and pair of pistons disposed in opposition in the cylinder , in which injection of fuel into the cylinder is interrupted while charge air entering the cylinder between the opposed pistons is continuously released from the cylinder through an engine braking valve as the pistons move between BDC and TDC positions.2. The method of operating a two-stroke claim 1 , opposed-piston engine with at least one ported cylinder and pair of pistons disposed in opposition in the cylinder as recited in claim 1 , in which the charge air is released into an exhaust channel of the engine.3. The method of operating a two-stroke claim 1 , opposed-piston engine with at least one ported cylinder and pair of pistons disposed in opposition in the cylinder as recited in claim 1 , in which the charge air entering the cylinder is compressed by a supercharger.4. The method of operating a two-stroke claim 1 , opposed-piston engine with at least one ported cylinder and pair of pistons disposed in opposition in the cylinder as recited in claim 1 , in which an EGR valve is closed while the charge air is continuously discharged from the cylinder. This application is a divisional of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/385,510, filed Feb. 21, 2012, published as US 2012/0210985 A1 on Aug. 23, 2012, which claims priority to U.S. provisional application for patent 61/463,815, filed Feb. 23, 2011.This application contains subject matter related to that of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/373,448, filed Nov. 14, 2011, titled “Two-Stroke, Opposed-Pistons with Compression Release for Engine Braking”, published as US 2012/0125298 A1 on May 24, ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063340A1

The present disclosure improves serviceability of an automotive powertrain unit without deteriorating NVH characteristics. A powertrain includes an engine having a cylinder head; and a transmission coupled to the engine. The engine includes an EGR connected between an intake passage and an exhaust passage. The transmission is provided below the cylinder head in a vehicle height direction. The EGR is provided along a side of the cylinder head toward the transmission, and supported by the transmission. 1. An automotive powertrain unit comprising:an engine having a cylinder block and a cylinder head coupled to the cylinder block; anda transmission coupled to an end of the engine along an engine output shaft, and mounted on a side of the cylinder block, whereinthe engine includes:an intake passage connected to one side of the engine and an exhaust passage connected to an other side of the engine different from the one side; andan external exhaust gas recirculator (EGR) connecting the intake passage and the exhaust passage together in fluid communication,the EGR is provided along the end of the engine along the engine output shaft,a timing system cover is provided along the engine output shaft between (i) the EGR and (ii) the cylinder block and the cylinder head, the timing system cover being mounted on the cylinder head, andthe EGR is supported by the transmission.2. The automotive powertrain unit of claim 1 , whereinthe EGR includes: an EGR passage; andan EGR cooler interposed in the EGR passage, andthe EGR cooler is supported by the transmission.3. The automotive powertrain unit of claim 2 , whereinthe EGR cooler is a water-cooling cooler configured to circulate a coolant supplied from a water pump in the EGR cooler,the engine further comprising:a cooling circuit that includes:a first circuit configured to pass the coolant discharged from the water pump through a block water jacket formed in the cylinder block, then through a head water jacket formed in the cylinder ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063349A1

Systems, apparatus, and methods are disclosed that include a divided exhaust engine with at least one primary exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cylinder and a plurality of non-primary EGR cylinders. The systems, apparatus and methods control the fueling to the at least one primary EGR cylinder in response to EGR fraction reduction conditions. 1. A system comprising:an internal combustion engine having at least one primary exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cylinder connected to provide an EGR flow to an EGR passage and a plurality of non-primary cylinders connected to provide an exhaust flow to an exhaust passage, wherein the EGR passage is connected to an intake system to provide an EGR flow from the at least one primary EGR cylinder to the intake system, wherein the intake system provides a charge flow to the at least one primary EGR cylinder and the plurality of non-primary cylinders, the charge flow including an intake air flow and an EGR fraction provided by an amount of recirculated exhaust gas from at least the at least one primary EGR cylinder; anda controller configured to interpret an EGR fraction reduction condition in which the EGR fraction provided by the amount of recirculated exhaust gas in the charge flow is reduced from an expected EGR fraction during steady state conditions, and in response to the EGR fraction reduction condition the controller is configured to reduce an air-fuel ratio in the at least one primary EGR cylinder.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fuel system connected by at least one injector to each of the at least one primary EGR cylinder and the plurality of non-primary EGR cylinders claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to increase the fueling amount from the at least one injector connected to the at least one primary EGR cylinder by an amount that reduces the air-fuel ratio relative to a steady state air-fuel ratio.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one primary EGR cylinder includes at least two ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

System and method making it possible to deactivate at least one cylinder of an engine, intake manifold and heat exchanger including said system

Номер: US20190063378A1
Автор: Laurent Odillard
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes Thermiques SAS

A system for deactivating at least one predetermined cylinder (1, 2, 3, 4) of an operational multicylinder engine, wherein each cylinder (1, 2, 3, 4) of said multicylinder engine comprises an intake duct with an inlet connected to the intake manifold (5) and an outlet connected to the cylinder (1, 2, 3, 4) in order to allow the intake of combustion gases from the intake manifold (5) to the cylinder (1, 2, 3, 4), the system comprising a first movable sealing means suitable for sealing the inlet of said intake duct of the predetermined cylinder (1, 2, 3, 4), a recirculation duct suitable for connecting said intake duct of said predetermined cylinder (1, 2, 3, 4) to an exhaust gas supply, and a second movable sealing means (10, 30) suitable for sealing said recirculation duct.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for detecting and describing a transient driving situation

Номер: US20160076476A1

A method for detecting and describing a transient driving situation of a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine having a boost pressure control system or intake manifold pressure control system, wherein an indicator for identifying the transient driving situation is determined from a relative boost pressure/intake manifold pressure control deviation. 1. A method for detecting and describing a transient driving situation of a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine having a boost pressure control system or intake manifold pressure control system , the method comprising:determining a relative boost pressure/intake manifold pressure control deviation; anddetermining an indicator for identifying the transient driving situation from the relative boost pressure/intake manifold pressure control deviation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a deviation of a target value from an actual value of the boost pressure/intake manifold pressure control system claim 1 , in terms of the present target value claim 1 , is used as a relative boost pressure/intake manifold pressure control deviation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a dynamic indicator is determined from the relative boost pressure/intake manifold pressure control deviation and from a variable characterizing the engine speed.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the dynamic indicator is a dimensionless variable.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein a trailing edge in the time course of the dynamic indicator is smoothed off over time using a low pass filter.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the low pass filtration is used in a predefinable range of injection volumes.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the low pass filter is a PT1 filter having a present value of the indicator as an initial value and a volume-dependent or volume gradient-dependent time constant.8. A method for detecting and describing a transient driving situation of a vehicle with exclusively pilot-controlled boost pressure claim 5 , the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine and control method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20200072151A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control device for an internal combustion engine includes at least one processor and a memory configured to store a program. The at least one processor is configured to execute, by executing the program, a process of deciding a manipulated variable of the internal combustion engine from a control input value, in accordance with a predetermined conversion rule, a process of calculating a sample value of the controlled variable, a process of calculating a reference expectation value of the controlled variable from the control input value, a process of performing a hypothesis test for a null hypothesis that an average value of a predetermined number of recent sample values of sample values of the controlled variable is equal to the reference expectation value, and a process of modifying the conversion rule by an adaptive control when the null hypothesis is rejected.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072154A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

A system and method of inducing an operational response change in an operating direct-injection internal combustion engine is provided such that the engine includes a cylinder into which liquid fuel injection is directly performed. The method starts by operating the direct-injection engine using a start of injection (SOI) protocol. At some point during operation, it is determined that a change is desired for a first parameter of engine operation that is at least partially a function of a charge provided to the cylinder (such as the torque output). In response an operational response in the engine is induced by altering the SOI protocol via a first SOI alteration that alters the volumetric efficiency of the cylinder and changes the first parameter. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method of operating an internal combustion engine , the engine having an intake manifold fluidly coupled to multiple cylinders including at least a first and second cylinder , the method comprising:determining the existence of an imbalance between the first and second cylinders with respect to a first engine property; andaltering a volumetric efficiency experienced by the first cylinder independently of the volumetric efficiency experienced by the second cylinder to reduce the imbalance between the first and second cylinders.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the engine includes an exhaust gas recirculation loop in which recirculated exhaust flows from at least one cylinder into the intake manifold claim 10 , such that the recirculated exhaust is intermixed with fresh air in the intake manifold to form a charge; and the imbalance is in a fraction of the charge comprised of recirculated exhaust (EGR fraction) claim 10 , and altering a volumetric efficiency experienced by the first cylinder independently of the volumetric efficiency experienced by the second cylinder alters the EGR fraction experienced by the first cylinder independently of the EGR fraction experienced by the second cylinder.12. The ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and systems for egr control

Номер: US20160084181A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Various methods and systems are provided for estimating fresh intake air flow. In one example, a system comprises an engine having an intake manifold to receive fresh intake air and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system to supply EGR to the intake manifold, where flow of EGR through the EGR system is controlled by one or more exhaust valves. The system further includes a controller configured to adjust a position of the one or more exhaust valves based on an estimated fresh intake air flow rate, where during a first set of operating conditions, the fresh intake air flow rate is estimated based on a total gas flow rate into the engine and further based on a current position of the one or more exhaust valves, intake manifold pressure, air-fuel ratio, and fuel flow to one or more cylinders of the engine.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080521A1
Автор: Hoffmann Dirk

Various implementations include propulsion systems and related methods of operation. In one implementation, a system includes: an internal combustion engine, wherein the internal combustion engine has a combustion chamber for burning a fossil fuel, an electrolysis chamber for producing hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, a turbocharger, a supply line connecting a compressor of the turbocharger to the combustion chamber, the supply line designed to convey a gas mixture including at least a part of the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas to the combustion chamber, a gasification tank with volatile organic compounds received therein, and an air supply for supplying compressed air into the gasification tank, wherein the gas mixture, which is guided via the supply line to the combustion chamber, also includes gasified organic compounds from the gasification tank. 1. A system , comprisingan internal combustion engine,wherein the internal combustion engine has a combustion chamber for burning a fossil fuel,an electrolysis chamber for producing hydrogen gas and oxygen gas,a turbocharger,a supply line connecting a compressor of the turbocharger to the combustion chamber, the supply line designed to convey a gas mixture including at least a part of the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas to the combustion chamber,a gasification tank with volatile organic compounds received therein, andan air supply for supplying compressed air into the gasification tank,wherein the gas mixture, which is guided via the supply line to the combustion chamber, also includes gasified organic compounds from the gasification tank.2. The system as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:a vacuum pump for drawing off the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas from the electrolysis chamber,wherein the vacuum pump and the gasification tank are arranged so that the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas can be conveyed at least partially through the vacuum pump from the electrolysis chamber into the gasification tank to produce the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Controlling device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20160090929A1
Автор: Satoru Tanaka
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In response to decrease of a requested torque to a reference value or smaller, a value of a virtual air-fuel ratio that is used in calculation of a target air amount for achieving the requested torque is changed from a first air-fuel ratio to a second air-fuel ratio that is leaner than the first air-fuel ratio. The target air amount is calculated backwards from the requested torque by using the virtual air-fuel ratio. After the value of the virtual air-fuel ratio is changed from the first air-fuel ratio to the second air-fuel ratio, the target air-fuel ratio is switched from the first air-fuel ratio to the second air-fuel ratio. A target EGR rate is calculated by using the virtual air-fuel ratio. The target EGR rate is preferably determined by minimum value selection between a first target value of an EGR rate that is calculated by using the virtual air-fuel ratio, and a second target value of the EGR rate that is calculated by using the target air-fuel ratio.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101071A1
Принадлежит: Mazada Motor Corporation

A control apparatus for an engine includes an engine, a state quantity setting device, an injector, a spark plug, and a controller. The controller sets a G/F in a range from 18 to 50. After the spark plug ignites air-fuel mixture, unburned air-fuel mixture is combusted by autoignition. 1. A control apparatus for an engine , the control apparatus comprising:an engine having a combustion chamber;a state quantity setting device mounted to the engine, the state quantity setting device configured to adjust introduction of fresh air and burned gas into the combustion chamber;an injector mounted to the engine, the injector configured to inject fuel;a spark plug disposed so as to face an inside of the combustion chamber; anda controller connected to the state quantity setting device, the injector, and the spark plug, the controller configured to output control signals to the state quantity setting device, the injector, and the spark plug, whereinthe controller sets a G/F that represents an index associated with a weight ratio between total gas, containing burned gas, in the combustion chamber, and fuel such that the G/F is in a range from 18 to 50 by the controller outputting control signals to the state quantity setting device and the injector, andunburned air-fuel mixture is combusted by autoignition after the spark plug ignites air-fuel mixture.2. A control apparatus for an engine , the control apparatus comprising:an engine having a combustion chamber;a state quantity setting device mounted to the engine, the state quantity setting device configured to adjust introduction of fresh air and burned gas into the combustion chamber;an injector mounted to the engine, the injector configured to inject fuel;a spark plug disposed so as to face an inside of the combustion chamber; anda controller connected to the state quantity setting device, the injector, and the spark plug, the controller configured to output control signals to the state quantity setting device, the injector, ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123388A1

The present disclosure discloses an intake oxygen concentration control system suitable for an engine with lean NO x trapping technology. The system adopts an exhaust turbocharging device to provide a pressure difference for an oxygen-enriched membrane to generate oxygen-rich and oxygen-deficient gases, and controls the intake oxygen concentration of different cylinders by adjusting the opening of flow control valves to match lean and rich combustion cycles of a lean NO x trapping system. In a lean combustion cycle, all four cylinders are filled with an oxygen-rich gas, which can make the combustion more complete and improve the thermal efficiency and fuel economy. In a rich combustion cycle, one of the four cylinders is filled with an oxygen-deficient gas, and the other three cylinders are filled with air or an oxygen-rich gas with a low concentration, so that less fuel is required to create a reducing atmosphere to realize the release and reduction of NO x in a lean NO x trapping device, thereby reducing the fuel consumption and ensuring the output power of the other three cylinders.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Methods and systems for an engine

Номер: US20190107030A1
Автор: Xiaogang Zhang

Methods and systems are provided for an exhaust bypass valve and a heat exchanger upstream of a three-way valve. In one example, a method may include flowing exhaust gas through one or more of an exhaust passage, bypass passage, recirculating passage, and EGR passage based on positions of a three-way valve and a bypass valve.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Oil carryover reduction system

Номер: US20180112611A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system determines which propulsion-generating vehicle or vehicles in a group of propulsion-generating vehicles have an increased risk for oil carryover during operation at an idle setting for at least a designated oil carryover commencement time period. The system also determines a power requirement for the group of propulsion-generating vehicles in the vehicle system. The system determines power outputs for the propulsion-generating vehicles in the group such that the propulsion-generating vehicle or vehicles having the increased risk for oil carryover do not operate at an idle setting for longer than the designated oil carryover commencement period, and that the power generated by the group of propulsion-generating vehicles meets the power requirement that is determined.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122221A1
Автор: Lallemant Mathieu

The invention relates to a double metering device for metering a fluid of an internal combustion engine, said metering device comprising a body in which are arranged a first () and a second () fluid circulation path for said fluid, in which paths first and second mobile shut-off shutters are positioned in order to meter the flow rate of fluid passing along said paths (), said metering device further comprising a motor that actuates said shutters and a drive train able to actuate the first shutter and/or the second shutter in response to actuation of said motor. According to the invention, the drive train is configured so that over a first operating range () it meters the flow rate passing along the first outlet path () by actuating the first shutter, the other shutter being held in the open position. 1. A double metering device for metering a fluid of an internal combustion engine , said metering device comprising:a body comprising a first channel and a second channel for circulation of said fluid, in which are positioned a first mobile shutter flap and a second mobile shutter flap for metering the flow of fluid through said channels;a motor for actuating said flaps; anda kinematic system configured to actuate the first flap and/or the second flap in response to actuation of said motor, the kinematic system being configured to provide a plurality of ranges of operation comprising a first range of operation corresponding to metering of the flow through the first circulation channel by actuation of the first flap, the second flap being held in the open position, the first flap opening in only one of the plurality of ranges of operation.2. The metering device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said kinematic system is further configured to provide claim 1 , over a second range of operation claim 1 , proportional metering on the two fluid circulation channels by simultaneous actuation of the two flaps claim 1 , an increase in the flow in one of the fluid circulation ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112989A1

A control apparatus for a compression autoignition engine includes an engine, a state quantity setting device, a spark plug, and a controller. After the spark plug ignites air-fuel mixture to start combustion, unburned air-fuel mixture is combusted by autoignition. The controller changes, according to an operation state of the engine, a heat amount ratio that represents an index associated with a ratio of an amount of heat generated by air-fuel mixture being combusted by flame propagation, to a total amount of heat generated by air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber being combusted. 1. A control apparatus for an engine , the control apparatus comprising:an engine having a combustion chamber;a spark plug disposed so as to face an inside of the combustion chamber, the spark plug configured to ignite air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber; anda controller connected to the spark plug, the controller configured to output a control signal to the spark plug, whereinafter the spark plug ignites the air-fuel mixture to start combustion, unburned air-fuel mixture is combusted by autoignition, andthe controller changes, according to an operation state of the engine, a heat amount ratio that represents an index associated with a ratio of an amount of heat generated by air-fuel mixture being combusted by flame propagation, to a total amount of heat generated by air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber being combusted.2. The control apparatus for the engine of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when load on the engine is high claim 1 , the controller sets the heat amount ratio to be higher as compared to when load on the engine is low.3. The control apparatus for the engine of claim 1 , comprising a supercharging system claim 1 , mounted to the engine claim 1 , configured to supercharge the combustion chamber with gas to be introduced thereinto claim 1 , whereinthe supercharging system does not perform supercharging when the engine operates at a predetermined load or lower ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268222A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

An EGR valve is provided in an EGR passage circulating a part of an exhaust gas of an exhaust pipe in an intake pipe as an EGR gas, the EGR valve adjusting an EGR gas amount flowing in the EGR passage when an engine is in an EGR region, a differential pressure device is provided in the intake pipe, the differential pressure device adjusting a differential pressure of the EGR valve, a control unit is provided to control the EGR valve and the differential pressure device, and the EGR control method includes switching whether to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve and the differential pressure device or to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve only on the basis of an exhaust gas pressure of an inlet portion of the EGR passage. 18.-. (canceled)9. An EGR control method , whereinan EGR valve is provided in an EGR passage circulating a part of an exhaust gas of an exhaust pipe in an intake pipe as an EGR gas, the EGR valve adjusting an EGR gas amount flowing in the EGR passage when an engine is in an EGR region,a differential pressure device is provided in the intake pipe, the differential pressure device adjusting a front-and-back differential pressure of the EGR valve,a control unit is provided to control the EGR valve and the differential pressure device so as to generate the EGR valve front-and-back differential pressure corresponding to a target EGR rate based on an operating point of the engine, and calculating an exhaust gas pressure of an inlet portion of the EGR passage on the basis of an actual exhaust temperature of the exhaust pipe;', 'switching whether to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve and the differential pressure device or to adjust the EGR gas amount using the EGR valve only on the basis of the calculated exhaust gas pressure; and', 'when the EGR gas amount is adjusted using the EGR valve and the differential pressure device, controlling the differential pressure device to adjust an EGR valve front-and-back differential ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140209072A1
Автор: Nakada Hayato

A device of an internal combustion engine, which has a multicore processor including a plurality of cores mounted thereon and is capable of calculating various calculations relating to an operation of the internal combustion engine in parallel by the plurality of cores, includes a calculation unit that assigns a task of the calculations to at least one of the plurality of cores and performs the calculation, an EGR unit that controls an EGR operation that recirculates a gas flowing in an exhaust system of the internal combustion engine to an intake system, and a control unit that decreases a number of cores that are used in the calculation unit to be smaller as compared with before stop, when the EGR operation is stopped. The calculation unit includes an assigning unit that assigns a task of a specific calculation relating to the EGR operation to one or a plurality of designated cores, and when the EGR operation is stopped, the control unit stops the designated core or cores. 15-. (canceled)6. A control device of an internal combustion engine that has a multicore processor including a plurality of cores mounted thereon , and is capable of performing various calculations relating to an operation of the internal combustion engine in parallel by the plurality of cores , comprising:a calculation means that assigns a task of the calculations to at least one of the plurality of cores and performs calculations;an EGR means that controls an EGR operation that recirculates a gas flowing in an exhaust system of the internal combustion engine to an intake system; anda control means that decreases a number of cores that are used in the calculation means to be smaller as compared with before stop, when the EGR operation is stopped, model calculation means that performs a specific calculation relating to the EGR operation by using an engine model of the internal combustion engine; and', 'assigning means that assigns a task of a calculation relating to the model calculation means ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Control Device for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20200123989A1

Provided is a novel control device of an internal combustion engine capable of estimating an EGR rate in a transient state with high accuracy. Thus, in the present invention, unit spaces are formed by dividing a reference space of the intake passage into a plurality of spaces along a streamline through which the gas mixture of the intake air and the EGR gas flows, a physical model based on an advection equation for estimating the EGR rate of the gas mixture is established so as to correspond to each of the unit spaces, and the EGR rate at which the gas mixture flows into the combustion chamber is estimated by sequentially estimating the EGR rates of the unit spaces connected to head unit spaces from the head unit spaces by the physical model. 1. A control device of an internal combustion engine that includes control means which is for use in the internal combustion engine including an intake passage which is connected to a combustion chamber and supplies an intake air to the combustion chamber , an exhaust gas recirculation passage which is connected to the intake passage and recirculates an exhaust gas (hereinafter , referred to as an EGR gas) , and a throttle valve which controls a flow rate of a gas mixture of the intake air and the EGR gas , and for estimating a ratio (hereinafter , referred to as an EGR rate) of the EGR gas to the gas mixture to be supplied to the combustion chamber ,wherein the control means includes EGR rate estimation means for forming unit spaces by dividing a reference space of the intake passage into a plurality of spaces along a streamline through which the gas mixture of the intake air and the EGR gas flows, establishing a physical model based on an advection equation for estimating the EGR rate of the gas mixture so as to correspond to each of the unit spaces, and estimating the EGR rate at which the gas mixture flows into the combustion chamber by sequentially estimating the EGR rates of the unit spaces connected to head unit spaces ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Engine system for controlling exhaust gas flow

Номер: US20160138465A1
Автор: Kihoon Nam
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An engine system for controlling an exhaust gas flow includes an intake line arranged to draw in outdoor air, an engine combusting the outdoor air supplied through the intake line and fuel in a combustion chamber of the engine to generate torque, an exhaust line for exhausting exhaust gas from the combustion in the combustion chamber of the engine, a turbocharger having a turbine operated by the exhaust gas passing through the exhaust line and a compressor for compressing the outdoor air in the intake line, a catalyst unit arranged on a downstream side of the turbocharger for reducing harmful components of the exhaust gas, a bypass line branched from the exhaust line on the downstream side of the turbocharger and joined to the exhaust line on a downstream side of the catalyst unit, and a bypass valve arranged on the bypass line for selectively opening/closing the bypass line.

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine provided with a selective catalytic reduction system

Номер: US20160138498A1
Автор: Marco DE LUNA

An internal combustion engine (ICE) and method of control are provided to determine a value of a catalyst temperature and a value of a quantity of a reducing agent stored in the catalyst. The quantity of gas recirculated by an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system of the ICE is calculated on the basis of the value of the catalyst temperature and of the value of the quantity of the reducing agent stored in the catalyst. This solution makes it possible to adjust the quantity of gas recirculated by the EGR system on the basis of parameters linked to an efficiency of a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system associated with the ICE, in order to reduce the global quantity of pollutants produced by the ICE and released in the environment.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135539A1

A control device for an internal combustion engine comprising a combustion control part controlling a fuel feed system and ozone feed system so as to form a difference in ozone concentration space-wise or time-wise in a combustion chamber so that premixed gas burns by compression ignition in stages in the combustion chamber and an ozone malfunction judging part judging malfunction of the ozone feed system. The ozone malfunction judging part judges that the ozone feed system is malfunctioning when the self-ignition timing is retarded from the presumed self-ignition timing and the combustion noise is larger than the presumed combustion noise or when the self-ignition timing is advanced from the presumed self-ignition timing and the combustion noise is smaller than the presumed combustion noise. 1. A control device tor an internal combustion engine for controlling an internal combustion engine comprising: an engine body;a fuel feed system configured to directly feed fuel to a combustion chamber of the engine body; and a combustion control part configured to control the fuel feed system and the ozone feed system in a predetermined operating region so as to cause a difference in ozone concentration in the combustion chamber space-wise or time-wise so that the premixed gas burns inside the combustion chamber by compression ignition in stages; and', 'an ozone malfunction judging part configured to judge malfunction of the ozone feed system in the predetermined operating region,, 'an ozone feed system configured to directly or indirectly feed ozone to the combustion chamber, the control device comprises a self-ignition timing detecting part configured to detect a self-ignition timing of the premixed gas;', 'a presumed self-ignition timing calculating part configured to calculate a presumed self-ignition timing of the premixed gas;', 'a combustion noise detecting part configured to detect combustion noise when making a premixed gas burn by compression ignition; and', 'a ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142635A1
Автор: NOH Hyunwoo

A method and a system for preventing surge of a vehicle may include: determining whether an engine operation mode is a particulate filter regeneration mode or a catalyst desulfurization mode; determining, when the engine operation mode is the particulate filter regeneration mode or the catalyst desulfurization mode, a torque change; determining whether the torque change is smaller than a predetermined value; determining, when the torque change is smaller than the predetermined value, whether an intake pressure is higher than an exhaust pressure by at least a predetermined pressure; and opening, when the intake pressure is higher than the exhaust pressure by at least the predetermined pressure, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve and a throttle valve. 1. A method of preventing surge of a vehicle comprising:determining whether an engine operation mode is a particulate filter regeneration mode or a catalyst desulfurization mode;determining, when the engine operation mode is the particulate filter regeneration mode or the catalyst desulfurization mode, a torque change;determining whether the torque change is smaller than a predetermined value;determining, when the torque change is smaller than the predetermined value, whether an intake pressure is higher than an exhaust pressure by at least a predetermined pressure; andopening, when the intake pressure is higher than the exhaust pressure by at least the predetermined pressure, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve and a throttle valve.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the torque change is determined from a displacement change of an accelerator pedal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the EGR valve and the throttle valve is configured to be opened by a predetermined value for a predetermined time.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the EGR valve and the throttle valve are configured to be simultaneously opened or closed.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the EGR valve is configured to be opened after the ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Controlling device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20160153373A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In response to increase of a requested torque to a reference value or more, a value of a virtual air-fuel ratio that is used in calculation of a target air amount for achieving the requested torque is changed from a first air-fuel ratio to a second air-fuel ratio that is leaner than the first air-fuel ratio. The target air amount is calculated backwards from the requested torque by using the virtual air-fuel ratio. After the value of the virtual air-fuel ratio is changed from the first air-fuel ratio to the second air-fuel ratio, the target air-fuel ratio is switched from the first air-fuel ratio to the second air-fuel ratio. An operation amount of a fourth actuator that regulates an EGR rate is determined with use of a parameter corresponding to a fresh air rate in an exhaust gas and the virtual air-fuel ratio.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141336A1

A control apparatus for an engine includes an engine, an EGR system, a spark plug, a controller, and a supercharging system. While a supercharging system is performing supercharging and the EGR system is introducing burned gas into a combustion chamber, in response to a control signal from the controller, the spark plug ignites air-fuel mixture at predetermined timing so that unburned air-fuel mixture combusts by autoignition after the air-fuel mixture starts to combust by the ignition. 1. A control apparatus for an engine , comprising:the engine having a combustion chamber;an EGR system mounted to the engine and configured to adjust introduction of burned gas into the combustion chamber, the EGR system including an external EGR system configured to, after decreasing a temperature of a part of the burned gas discharged from inside of the combustion chamber to an exhaust passage, recirculate the part of the burned gas to an intake passage, to introduce the part of the burned gas into the combustion chamber, the EGR system further including an internal EGR system configured to introduce internal EGR gas into the combustion chamber by setting a positive overlap period in which both an intake valve and an exhaust valve are opened around an exhaust top dead center;a spark plug disposed so as to face an inside of the combustion chamber;a controller connected to the EGR system and the spark plug, and configured to output a control signal to the EGR system, a control signal to a supercharging system, and a control signal to the spark plug; andthe supercharging system comprising a supercharger provided to the engine and configured to perform supercharging with gas to be introduced into the combustion chamber, whereinthe controller outputs the control signal to the EGR system so as to introduce the part of the burned gas into the combustion chamber while the supercharging system is performing supercharging,while the supercharging system is performing supercharging and the EGR ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Fuel Oxygen Conversion Unit with a Fuel/Gas Separator

Номер: US20200141337A1

A fuel oxygen conversion unit includes a contactor defining a liquid fuel inlet, a stripping gas inlet and a fuel/gas mixture outlet. The fuel oxygen conversion unit also includes a fuel/gas separator defining a fuel/gas mixture inlet in flow communication with the fuel/gas mixture outlet of the contactor, an axial direction, and a radial direction. The fuel/gas separator includes a separator assembly including a core including a gas-permeable section extending along the axial direction and defining a maximum diameter, the maximum diameter of the gas-permeable section being substantially constant along the axial direction; and a stationary casing, the fuel/gas separator defining a fuel/gas chamber in fluid communication with the fuel/gas mixture inlet at a location inward of the stationary casing and outward of the gas-permeable section of the separator assembly along the radial direction. 1. A fuel oxygen conversion unit comprising:a contactor defining a liquid fuel inlet, a stripping gas inlet and a fuel/gas mixture outlet; and a separator assembly including a core comprising a gas-permeable section extending along the axial direction and defining a maximum diameter, the maximum diameter of the gas-permeable section being substantially constant along the axial direction; and', 'a stationary casing, the fuel/gas separator defining a fuel/gas chamber in fluid communication with the fuel/gas mixture inlet at a location inward of the stationary casing and outward of the gas-permeable section of the separator assembly along the radial direction., 'a fuel/gas separator defining a fuel/gas mixture inlet in flow communication with the fuel/gas mixture outlet of the contactor, an axial direction, and a radial direction, the fuel/gas separator comprising'}2. The fuel oxygen conversion unit of claim 1 , wherein the gas-permeable section defines a volume fraction claim 1 , and wherein the volume fraction is greater than 20 percent and less than 75 percent.3. The fuel oxygen ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Blow-by gas recirculating apparatus

Номер: US20170152777A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A blow-by gas recirculating apparatus includes: an oil separator provided to a side surface of a cylinder block at one side of an engine; a communication part providing communication between a blow-by gas outlet port of the oil separator and an intake manifold; and a PCV valve. The PCV valve is provided to the intake manifold, and the communication part is connected to the PCV valve. The PCV valve provided to the intake manifold is positioned above the blow-by gas outlet port of the oil separator with the engine mounted on a vehicle.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Control apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140236456A1
Автор: Hayato Nakada
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The invention relates to a control apparatus for an internal combustion engine ( 10 ) including a control target ( 60 V, 52 ) that controls controlled variable (Pim, Regr). The control apparatus according to the invention is capable of selectively performing single control that is control for controlling the controlled variable to a target value thereof (Pimt, Regrt) without considering a change in the controlled variable that acts as a disturbance on the control of the controlled variable, and composite control that is control for controlling the controlled variable to the target value thereof in consideration of the change in the controlled variable that acts as the disturbance on the control of the controlled variable. The controlled variable is controlled to the target value thereof through the single control when an absolute value of a controlled variable change rate (Rpim, Rregr) is equal to or smaller than a predetermined value (Rpimth, Rregrth). The controlled variable is controlled to the target value thereof through the composite control when the absolute value of the controlled variable change rate is larger than the predetermined value.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for controlling engine

Номер: US20190153967A1
Автор: Atsuhito IWASE
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

In a method for controlling an engine ( 1 ), based on a control map ( 75 ) of an engine speed N and a fuel injection amount Q of a common-rail fuel injection unit ( 3 ), a controller ( 7 ) calculating the fuel injection amount Q depending on the engine speed N, calculating an injection amount deviation ΔQn as a fuel injection amount increase, and determining that an engine is in a transient state if the injection amount deviation ΔQn exceeds a reference transient injection amount deviation A 2 or if a transient injection amount deviation count Xq is larger than or equal to a reference transient injection amount deviation count X 2 . If it is determined that the engine is in the transient state, the controller controls an EGR unit ( 4 ) and a boost controller ( 8 ) according to an excess air ratio λ that is an indicator indicating the state of the engine.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Control of Volumetric Efficiency in A Direct Injection Engine

Номер: US20170159599A1

A system and method of inducing an operational response change in an operating direct-injection internal combustion engine is provided such that the engine includes a cylinder into which liquid fuel injection is directly performed. The method starts by operating the direct-injection engine using a start of injection (SOI) protocol. At some point during operation, it is determined that a change is desired for a first parameter of engine operation that is at least partially a function of a charge provided to the cylinder (such as the torque output). In response an operational response in the engine is induced by altering the SOI protocol via a first SOI alteration that alters the volumetric efficiency of the cylinder and changes the first parameter. 1. A method of inducing an operational response change in an operating direct-injection internal combustion engine including:operating a direct-injection engine according to a start of injection (SOI) protocol, the engine including a cylinder into which liquid injection is directly performed;determining that a change of a first parameter of engine operation is desired where such first parameter is at least partially a function of a charge provided to the cylinder; andinducing an operational response in the engine, responsive to the determination of the desired change, by altering the SOI protocol via a first SOI alteration that alters the volumetric efficiency of the cylinder and changes the first parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein altering the SOI protocol is performed as a transient alteration.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the desired change in first parameter is also achievable via alteration of a second engine parameter claim 2 , wherein the first SOI alteration is introduced to initiate the desired change and the second engine parameter is varied to maintain the desired change when the first SOI alteration is removed.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second engine parameter is an intake air ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159613A1
Автор: DI NUNNO Davide

A method and system for operating an automotive system with regenerative power is disclosed. The automotive system includes an internal combustion engine including at least one cylinder having exhaust valves. When a deceleration of the vehicle is detected, the exhaust valves are activated to direct compressed air from the cylinder into a high pressure tank fluidically connected to the cylinder. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of operating an automotive system for powering a vehicle , the automotive system including an internal combustion engine equipped with at least one cylinder having an exhaust valve , the method comprising:detecting a deceleration of the vehicle; andactivating the exhaust valve of at least one cylinder to direct compressed air into a high pressure tank fluidically connected to the cylinder in response to the deceleration.17. The method according to claim 16 , further comprising:detecting a torque request; andactivating the exhaust valve of at least one cylinder to direct compressed air from the high pressure tank into the cylinder in response to the torque request.18. The method according to claim 17 , further comprising mixing compressed air deriving from the high pressure tank with fuel injected into the cylinder.19. The method according to claim 17 , further comprising directing compressed air from the high pressure tank into an air intake duct flowing into an intake manifold of the internal combustion engine.20. The method according to claim 17 , further comprising directing compressed air from the high pressure tank into the cylinder and bypassing an air intake duct of the internal combustion engine.21. The method according to claim 17 , further comprising directing compressed air from the high pressure tank into the cylinder claim 17 , when the compressed air pressure inside the high pressure tank is greater than a threshold pressure thereof.22. The method according to further comprising interrupting fuel injection into the cylinder when ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Uniflow-scavenging-type two-cycle engine

Номер: US20150167537A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

A uniflow-scavenging-type two-cycle engine according to the present invention includes: a cylinder in which a combustion chamber is formed; a piston that slides in the cylinder; a scavenging port that is provided at one end of the cylinder in a stroke direction of the piston and draws in an active gas into the combustion chamber in accordance with a sliding movement of the piston; a fuel injection section that is provided in the scavenging port on an outer side of the cylinder than a center of a width of the scavenging port in a penetration direction and injects a fuel gas to the active gas drawn in into the scavenging port.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Naturally aspirated common rail diesel engine meeting ultra low pm emission by passive exhaust after treatment

Номер: US20160169164A1
Принадлежит: Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd

A system ( 100 ) for controlling emissions of exhaust gases in said naturally aspirated engine is disclosed. The system includes an open loop exhaust gas recirculation flow. The system ( 100 ) further includes a catalyst ( 102 ) mounted at exhaust manifold ( 106 ) of the engine. Furthermore the system ( 100 ) includes an exhaust gas mixing tube inserted into intake elbow ( 104 ) (mixing tube). The system ( 100 ) further includes an exhaust gas recirculation valve ( 110 ) mounted on cold side of EGR cooler. Furthermore, the system ( 100 ) includes an electronic control unit to control exhaust gas recirculation valve ( 110 ) along with various other engine calibration parameters.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169168A1

An exhaust system state detection device includes an intake air oxygen concentration sensor that detects an oxygen concentration of an intake air of an engine, an engine revolution sensor and an accelerator position sensor that in combination detect a running condition, an indicated thermal efficiency calculation unit that calculates an amount of change in the indicated thermal efficiency of the engine based on the intake air oxygen concentration, the fuel injection start timing, and a first model formula defining the relation among the intake air oxygen concentration, the injection start timing, and the amount of change in the indicated thermal efficiency, and an exhaust gas temperature calculating unit that calculates an exhaust gas temperature based on the amount of change in the indicated thermal efficiency and a second model formula defining the relation between the exhaust gas temperature and the amount of change in the indicated thermal efficiency. 1. An exhaust system state detection device comprising:an oxygen concentration detecting unit that detects an oxygen concentration in an intake air of an engine;a running condition detecting unit that detects a running condition of the engine;an indicated thermal efficiency change calculating unit that calculates an amount of change in an indicated thermal efficiency of the engine based on the detected intake air oxygen concentration, a fuel injection start timing set in accordance with the detected running condition, and a first model formula that is stored in advance and defines a relation among at least the intake air oxygen concentration, the fuel injection start timing and the amount of change in the indicated thermal efficiency; andan exhaust gas temperature calculating unit that calculates a first exhaust gas temperature of the engine based on the calculated amount of change in the indicated thermal efficiency and a second model formula that is stored in advance and defines a relation between at least the ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167416A1

A method and system for operating an internal combustion engine equipped with a turbocharger and an exhaust gas recirculation pipe fluidly connecting an exhaust gas line to an air intake duct upstream of a compressor of the turbocharger is disclosed. A value of a parameter indicative of a temperature of an exhaust gas is determined, and an internal recirculation strategy of the exhaust gas is actuated if the determined value is lower than a predetermined threshold value thereof. The internal recirculation strategy includes interrupting a flowing of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe, and opening an exhaust valve during an intake stroke of a piston of the internal combustion engine. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of operating an internal combustion engine having a turbocharger and an exhaust gas recirculation pipe fluidly connecting an exhaust gas line to an air intake duct upstream of a compressor of the turbocharger , the method comprising:determining a value of a parameter indicative of a temperature of an exhaust gas; andactuating an internal recirculation strategy of the exhaust gas, if the determined value is lower than a predetermined threshold value thereof, wherein the internal recirculation strategy comprises:interrupting a flowing of exhaust gas through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe; andopening an exhaust valve during an intake stroke of a piston of the internal combustion engine.11. The method according to claim 10 , further comprising:determining a fuel requested quantity; andactuating the internal recirculation strategy, if the determined value of the parameter is equal to or higher than the predetermined threshold value thereof and the determined fuel requested quantity is lower than a predetermined threshold value thereof.12. The method according to claim 11 , further comprising measuring a temperature value of a coolant of the internal combustion engine claim 11 , wherein the parameter is the temperature value of the coolant.13. ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307452A1

An engine system is provided, which includes an engine, a swirl control valve, and a controller. The engine includes a cylinder, a piston, and a fuel injection valve provided incliningly with respect to an axial direction of the piston and configured to directly inject fuel into the cylinder. The swirl control valve is provided inside an intake passage and generates a swirl flow inside the cylinder at least when the valve closes. When an engine load is below a given threshold, the controller controls the swirl control valve to close, and controls the fuel injection valve to inject fuel during an intake stroke. While the engine load is below the threshold, at a fixed engine speed, the controller controls to advance a fuel injection timing when the engine load is at a first load, compared with at a second load higher than the first load. 1. An engine system , comprising: a cylinder defining a combustion chamber;', 'a piston configured to reciprocate inside the cylinder; and', 'a fuel injection valve provided incliningly with respect to an axial direction of the piston and configured to directly inject fuel into the cylinder;, 'an engine includinga swirl control valve provided inside an intake passage and configured to generate a swirl flow inside the cylinder at least when the swirl control valve closes, the intake passage being configured to supply intake air to the cylinder; anda controller configured to control the fuel injection valve and the swirl control valve,wherein when an engine load is below a given threshold, the controller controls the swirl control valve to close, and controls the fuel injection valve to inject fuel during an intake stroke of the engine, andwherein while the engine load is below the threshold, at a fixed engine speed, the controller controls the fuel injection valve to advance a fuel injection timing when the engine load is at a first load, compared with when the engine load is at a second load higher than the first load.2. The engine ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Differential pressure valve based boost device inlet pressure optimization

Номер: US20200158032A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Techniques for controlling a forced-induction engine having a low pressure cooled exhaust gas recirculation (LPCEGR) system comprise determining a target boost device inlet pressure for each of one or more systems that could require a boost device inlet pressure change as part of their operation and boost device inlet pressure hardware limits for a set of components in the induction system, determining a final target boost device inlet pressure based on the determined sets of target boost device inlet pressures and boost device inlet pressure hardware limits, and controlling a differential pressure (dP) valve based on the final target boost device inlet pressure to balance (i) competing boost device inlet pressure targets of the one or more systems and (ii) the set of boost device inlet pressure hardware limits in order to optimize engine performance and prevent component damage.

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Device for Utilizing Waste Heat of Engine

Номер: US20150176482A1

Device for utilizing waste heat from an engine provided with a Rankine cycle device having an expander bypass passage opened and closed by a bypass valve, and transmits the output of the Rankine cycle device to the engine, estimates the output of the Rankine cycle device accurately regardless of an open or closed state of the bypass valve and thereby enables appropriate output control of the engine. An output calculation part includes a torque estimation portion that estimates the torque of an expander with first and second torque estimation equations corresponding, respectively, to states in which a bypass valve is open or closed. The output calculation part calculates an output of a Rankine cycle device A, based on the estimated torque value. The calculated output of the Rankine cycle device A is output to an engine control unit 1. A device for utilizing waste heat from an engine , comprising:a Rankine cycle device provided in a circulation passage of a refrigerant with an evaporator that evaporates the refrigerant by heating the refrigerant by the waste heat of the engine, an expander that expands the refrigerant which has passed through the evaporator to thereby generate power, a condenser that condenses the refrigerant which has passed through the expander, and a pump that delivers the refrigerant which has passed through the condenser to the evaporator, and provided with an expander bypass passage that allows the refrigerant to circulate while bypassing the expander, and a bypass valve that opens and closes the expander bypass passage;a transmission mechanism that transmits an output of the Rankine cycle device to the engine; anda calculation processing unit that calculates the output of the Rankine cycle device and outputs the calculated output of the Rankine cycle device to an engine control unit that performs output control of the engine,wherein the calculation processing unit has:a first torque estimation portion that estimates a torque of the expander in ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176536A1
Принадлежит: Veleo Systèmes de Contrôle Moteur

The invention relates to an assembly () comprising: an admission circuit () extending between an air inlet () and an outlet connected to the inlet of a heat engine (); an exhaust circuit () extending between an inlet connected to the outlet of the heat engine () and an exhaust gas outlet (); said heat engine (); a return loop () enabling all or some of the exhaust gases in the exhaust circuit () to be reinjected upstream of the heat engine (); and an electric compressor () arranged in the assembly () in such a way as to be able to receive gases recirculating in the return loop (). 1. An assembly comprising:an intake circuit extending between an air inlet and an outlet connected to the inlet of a heat engine;an exhaust circuit extending between an inlet connected to the outlet of the heat engine and an exhaust gas outlet;said heat engine;a return loop allowing all or some of the exhaust gases in the exhaust circuit to be reinjected upstream of the heat engine, andan electric compressor, the electric compressor being located in the assembly so as to be able to receive gases recirculating through the return loop, the electric compressor being located in the intake circuit, a first outlet opening into the intake circuit upstream of the electric compressor, and', 'a second outlet opening into the intake circuit downstream of the electric compressor and upstream of the manifold admitting gases into the combustion chamber of the heat engine., 'the return loop having2. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 , the intake circuit comprising a mechanical compressor and the exhaust circuit comprising a turbine claim 1 , the return loop having an inlet downstream of the turbine and its outlets upstream of the mechanical compressor.3. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 , the first and second outlets of the return loop being the only outlets of this return loop.4. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 , the intake circuit comprising a bypass branch starting upstream of the electric ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Engine Control Device

Номер: US20180171892A1

An object of the present invention is to optimally control a recirculation amount of exhaust gas flowing to an engine that includes an exhaust heat recovery device in a main exhaust pipe thereof and performs exhaust gas recirculation from downstream of the exhaust heat recovery device. An engine control device includes an exhaust heat recovery device, an exhaust gas recirculation pipe, an exhaust gas temperature acquisition unit, and an exhaust gas recirculation amount control unit. The exhaust heat recovery device is provided in a main exhaust pipe of an engine and recovers heat from exhaust gas. The exhaust gas recirculation pipe is branched from the main exhaust pipe downstream of the exhaust heat recovery device and recirculates exhaust gas to the engine. The exhaust gas temperature acquisition unit acquires an exhaust gas temperature downstream of the exhaust heat recovery device. The exhaust gas recirculation amount control unit controls a recirculation amount of exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe based on at least the exhaust gas temperature. 1. An engine control device , comprising:an exhaust heat recovery device provided in a main exhaust pipe of an engine and configured to recover heat from exhaust gas;an exhaust gas recirculation pipe branched from the main exhaust pipe downstream of the exhaust heat recovery device and configured to recirculate exhaust gas to the engine;an exhaust gas temperature acquisition unit configured to acquire as exhaust gas temperature downstream of the exhaust heat recovery device; andan exhaust gas recirculation amount control unit configured to control a recirculation amount of exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust gas recirculation pipe based on at least the exhaust gas temperature.2. The engine control device according to claim 1 , wherein the exhaust gas temperature acquisition unit configured to acquire as exhaust gas temperature downstream of the exhaust heat recovery device is an exhaust ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Control device and control method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180171942A1
Автор: Masayoshi Nakagawa
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electronic control unit executes a deposit removal operation of removing a deposit accumulated in an intake port of an internal combustion engine. In the deposit removal operation, the temperature of an EGR gas that is recycled to an intake passage is measured or estimated. Then, a variable valve mechanism is operated such that an intake valve is opened in an expansion stroke or an exhaust stroke and the lift amount of the intake valve becomes larger as the measured or estimated temperature of the EGR gas becomes lower. Further, an external EGR device is operated such that the amount of the EGR gas that is recycled to the intake passage becomes larger as the measured or estimated temperature of the EGR gas becomes lower.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation apparatus and control method therefor

Номер: US20170175683A1
Автор: Ji Hoon Lim
Принадлежит: Doosan Infracore Co Ltd

An exhaust gas recirculation apparatus including an engine; a suction line; an exhaust line; a post-processing unit which is disposed in the exhaust line to reduce hazardous substances contained in the exhaust gas; a first circulation line which guides a part of the exhaust gas, which is guided to the exhaust line, to the suction line; a second circulation line which guides a part of the exhaust gas, which is guided to a downstream side of the post-processing unit, to the suction line; and a bypass line which branches off from an upstream side of the second circulation line, and merges with a downstream side of the second circulation line, wherein ammonia slip, which is discharged from the post-processing unit, is prevented from being guided to the suction line.

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184587A1

In a case where EGR is started in a supercharging region, an opening degree of a waste gate valve () is changed at a timing T at which an EGR ratio in a first predetermined position changes by valve open of an EGR control valve (). In a case where EGR is started in a non-supercharging region, a throttle valve () is changed at a timing T at which an EGR ratio in a second predetermined position changes by valve open of the EGR control valve (). With these controls, it is possible to suppress an occurrence of torque step upon start of the EGR without distinction between the supercharging region and the non-supercharging region. 1: A control device of an internal combustion engine having a supercharger arranged at an upstream side of a throttle valve , an EGR passage recirculating , as EGR , a part of exhaust gas from an upstream side with respect to the supercharger and an EGR control valve disposed at some midpoint in the EGR passage , the control device comprising:an EGR ratio prediction unit that predicts, in advance, a change of an EGR ratio in a cylinder of the internal combustion engine which is caused by a change of an opening degree of the EGR control valve; andan intake control device that controls a quantity of intake air, andthe EGR ratio prediction unit predicting the EGR ratio in a predetermined position in an intake system which is a downstream-side position with respect to a joining point between the EGR passage and an intake passage and which is an upstream-side position with respect to the cylinder, andthe intake control device being controlled on the basis of the prediction by the EGR ratio prediction unit.211-. (canceled)12: The control device of the internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:a plurality of the intake control devices are provided, andthe predetermined position is set according to the intake control devices.13: The control device of the internal combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the predetermined ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165963A1
Автор: Bowditch Brandon

A direct-injected compression ignition internal combustion engine includes an engine housing having a cylinder and a piston movable within the cylinder and including a piston end face forming a combustion bowl. The piston end face has an annular piston rim with a rounded inner rim surface that extends radially inward and axially downward from a planar outer rim surface to a combustion bowl edge. An antebowl is defined by the rounded inner rim surface and has an antebowl volume that is about 0.8% or greater of a total volume of the combustion bowl and the antebowl together. A configuration and dimensional attributes of the antebowl is associated with reduced smoke production during operation, particularly for low to mid-load transients. 1. A method of operating a compression ignition internal combustion engine comprising:moving a piston within a cylinder of the internal combustion engine toward a top dead center position, such that a pressure within the cylinder is increased to an autoignition threshold in a first engine cycle;injecting spray plumes of a first charge of a liquid fuel into the cylinder in the first engine cycle, such that the spray plumes of the first charge enter a combustion bowl formed in the piston and having a bowl diameter that is about 75% of a cylinder bore diameter of the cylinder or greater;combusting the first charge of the liquid fuel at least predominantly within the combustion bowl;moving the piston within the cylinder toward the top dead center position such that a pressure within the cylinder is increased to an autoignition threshold in a second engine cycle;injecting spray plumes of a second charge of the liquid fuel larger than the first charge into the cylinder in the second engine cycle, such that the spray plumes of the second charge enter the combustion bowl;advancing the spray plumes of the second charge through the cylinder, such that unburned liquid fuel in tails of the spray plumes of the second charge enters an antebowl ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Blower And Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20190186388A1

An exhaust gas recirculation blower of an internal combustion engine, with a stator and a rotor. Assemblies of the stator and the rotor, which serve for conducting exhaust gas, consist of a material that is corrosion-resistant and erosion-resistant when exposed to an acidic atmosphere. 2. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 1 , wherein the material is a metal material that is corrosion-resistant and erosion-resistant when exposed to the acidic atmosphere.3. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 2 , wherein the assemblies of the stator comprise one or more of:an intake socket,a compressor housing, anda diffuser.4. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 2 , wherein the metal material comprises an austenitic steel or a duplex steel.5. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 3 , wherein the metal material comprises an austenitic steel or a duplex steel.6. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 2 , wherein the assemblies of the rotor comprise one or more of:a compressor impeller,an impeller blades, anda compressor shaft.7. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 6 , wherein the metal material comprises an austenitic steel or a duplex steel.8. The exhaust gas recirculation blower according to claim 1 , wherein the assemblies of the rotor claim 1 , which serve for conducting exhaust gas claim 1 , comprise a titanium alloy.9. An internal combustion engine claim 1 , comprising:multiple cylinders; and a turbine configured to expand exhaust gas leaving the multiple cylinders; and', 'a compressor configured to use energy extracted by the turbine to compress charge air fed to the multiple cylinders;, 'an exhaust gas turbocharger comprising an exhaust gas recirculation cooler; and', a stator; and', 'a rotor;, 'an exhaust gas recirculation blower, comprising, 'assemblies of the stator and the rotor, which conduct exhaust gas, comprise a material that is corrosion-resistant and ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204792A1

One exemplary embodiment is a system comprising a dual-fuel engine structured to selectably combust a first fuel type and a second fuel type, and an electronic control system in operative communication with the dual-fuel engine. The electronic control system is structured to control a transition of the dual-fuel engine from a dual-fuel mode to a single-fuel mode. After initiating the transition from the dual-fuel mode to the single-fuel mode, the control system stops provision of the second fuel type, requires combustion using control parameters configured for the dual-fuel mode until a transition ventilation condition is satisfied, permits non-emergency commanded engine shutdown only if the transition ventilation condition is satisfied. 1. A system comprising:a dual-fuel engine structured to selectably combust a first fuel type and a second fuel type; andan electronic control system in operative communication with the dual-fuel engine, the electronic control system being structured tocontrol a transition of the dual-fuel engine from a dual-fuel mode which provides the first fuel type and the second fuel type for combustion by the dual-fuel engine to a single-fuel mode which provides only the first type of fuel for combustion by the dual-fuel engine, wherein after initiating the transition from the dual-fuel mode to the single-fuel mode, the control system stops provision of the second fuel type, requires combustion using control parameters configured for the dual-fuel mode until a transition ventilation condition is satisfied and permits non-emergency commanded engine shutdown only if the transition ventilation condition is satisfied, andcontrol a starting of the dual-fuel engine in the single-fuel mode, wherein after initiating the starting of the dual-fuel engine, provision of the first type of fuel is inhibited until a starting ventilation condition is satisfied.2. The system of wherein the control system is configured to set the starting ventilation condition ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140297163A1

A method for operating an engine system is provided. The method includes maintaining an intake volume positioned upstream of a throttle and downstream of air cleaner within a selected operating pressure range through adjustment of a balance purge valve positioned upstream of the intake volume and a gas discharge source. 1. A method for operating an engine system , comprising:maintaining an intake volume positioned upstream of a cylinder and downstream of air cleaner within a selected operating pressure range through adjustment of a balance valve positioned upstream of the intake volume and a gas discharge outlet in fluidic communication with a gas discharge source.2. The method of claim 1 , where the discharge gas source is an EGR conduit in an EGR system.3. The method of claim 1 , where the discharge gas source is a fuel vapor canister in a vapor purge system claim 1 , and wherein the intake volume is maintained with the selected operating pressure range throughout a complete purge cycle of the fuel vapor canister claim 1 , from commencement of vapor purging flow to stopping of purge flow.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising adjusting a vent control valve in fluidic communication with a surrounding atmosphere and the fuel vapor canister during maintaining the intake volume within the selected operating pressure range.5. The method of claim 1 , where the discharge gas source is a sealed crankcase chamber in a crankcase ventilation system.6. The method of claim 1 , where an entirety of the selected operating pressure range is below a barometric pressure.7. The method of claim 1 , where the selected operating pressure range is greater than −1.25 kilopascals (kPa).8. The method of claim 1 , where maintaining the intake volume within a selected operating pressure range includes receiving a pressure signal from a pressure sensor positioned in the intake volume and altering a configuration of the balance valve based on the pressure signal or includes altering a ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211520A1

An internal combustion engine includes a variable valvetrain system for improving the range of controllability of the internal EGR technique adjusts the internal EGR lift in a more favorable window and position compared to the internal EGR window typically utilized. In particular, a combined change of lift, phase and duration of the internal EGR lift of the exhaust vale improves the controllability and stability of the desired amount of internal EGR. The present system achieves a high internal EGR capability at low loads and lower back pressure. The system also achieves controllability of internal EGR at high loads without requiring ultra low lifts. The system also allows warm-up of the exhaust after treatment system faster for higher conversion efficiency, reduced HC and NOx engine-out emissions and increased combustion stability. 1. An internal combustion engine , comprising:an engine structure defining a combustion chamber and intake and exhaust ports in communication with the combustion chamber;an intake system in communication with the intake port;an exhaust system in communication with the exhaust port;a valve train assembly including an intake valve located in the intake port, an intake valve lift mechanism engaged with the intake valve, an intake cam engaged with the intake valve lift mechanism and defining an intake lift region adapted to open the intake valve;an exhaust valve located in the exhaust port, an exhaust valve lift system engaged with the exhaust valve and operable to open the exhaust valve at different lift heights, phases and durations during an intake stroke; anda control unit for controlling the exhaust valve lift system to alter the lift, duration and phase of the opening of the exhaust valve during an intake stroke based upon engine operating conditions.2. An internal combustion engine , comprising:an engine structure defining a combustion chamber and intake and exhaust ports in communication with the combustion chamber;an intake system in ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Throttle Valve Controller Device for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20200200100A1

There is provided a novel throttle valve controller device for an internal combustion engine that is capable of accurately producing a target torque for the internal combustion engine. The present invention includes a target fresh intake air flow rate calculating section that calculates a target fresh intake air flow rate passing through a throttle valve, an EGR gas flow rate calculating section that calculates an estimated EGR gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve, a target throttle intake gas flow rate calculating section that calculates a target intake gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve on the basis of the target fresh intake air flow rate and the estimated EGR gas flow rate, and a target throttle valve opening calculating section that calculates a target throttle valve opening from the target intake gas flow rate. Since the target throttle opening is set based on the target fresh intake air flow rate and the through-throttle EGR gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve, a target torque can be produced accurately. 1. A throttle valve controller device for use in an internal combustion engine including a throttle valve disposed in an intake passage connected to a combustion cylinder and an EGR valve disposed in an EGR passage that interconnects the intake passage upstream of the throttle valve and an exhaust passage , for allowing an exhaust gas , hereinafter referred to as “EGR gas ,” to flow into the intake passage , the throttle valve controller device including control means controlling the throttle valve , the control means comprising at least:a target fresh intake air flow rate calculating section that calculates a target fresh intake air flow rate passing through the throttle valve;a through-throttle EGR gas flow rate calculating section that calculates a through-throttle EGR gas flow rate passing through the throttle valve;a target throttle intake gas flow rate calculating section that calculates a target throttle intake ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216579A1
Автор: Hoffmann Dirk

A ship propulsion system is disclosed comprising an internal combustion engine for driving a ship, wherein the internal combustion engine comprises a combustion chamber for combusting fossil fuel, a supply line for delivering a gas mixture to the combustion chamber, an electrolysis chamber for producing hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, and a vacuum pump for sucking the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas from the electrolysis chamber. The ship propulsion system furthermore comprises a gasification tank with volatile organic compounds received therein, in particular methanol or ethanol, as well as a supply line for supplying a gas mixture to the combustion chamber, wherein the gas mixture comprises gasified organic compounds from the gasification tank and at least a part of the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas. Furthermore a corresponding method for operation a ship propulsion system is disclosed. 1. A ship propulsion system , comprisingan internal combustion engine for propelling a ship,wherein the internal combustion engine has a combustion chamber for burning a fossil fuel, in particular a diesel fuel,an electrolysis chamber for producing hydrogen gas and oxygen gas,a turbocharger,a supply line, which is designed so that a gas mixture can be conveyed via a compressor of the turbocharger to the combustion chamber, the gas mixture including at least a part of the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas,a vacuum pump for drawing off the hydrogen gas and the oxygen gas from the electrolysis chamber,a gasification tank with volatile organic compounds received therein, in particular methanol or ethanol, andan air supply for supplying compressed air into the gasification tank, and in addition to the turbocharger there is an air compressor for pumping air into the gasification tank,wherein the gas mixture, which is guided via the supply line and the turbo charger to the combustion chamber, also includes gasified organic compounds from the gasification tank.2. The ship propulsion system as ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine and system

Номер: US20190211782A1
Принадлежит: Reliable Energy Group Corp

This invention provides a method and system for simultaneously increasing fuel efficiency and reducing pollutant emissions by introducing oxygen-enriched air, achieved by either removing nitrogen or adding oxygen, into the intake system of a four-stroke internal combustion engine. The oxygen-enriched air may also be combined with normal air drawn into the combustion chamber during the intake stroke.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223708A1

An internal combustion engine includes: a cylinder having a combustion chamber formed at an upper side thereof and accommodating a piston to be reciprocally movable; a crankcase provided below the cylinder and accommodates a crankshaft; and a blow-by gas passageway recirculating blow-by gas, which leaks into the crankcase from the combustion chamber, to the combustion chamber through an intake system, in which an inner surface portion of the crankcase is provided with a blow-by gas intake part, and the blow-by gas intake part includes a protruding portion protruding in a direction in which the crankshaft extends, and the intake port opened in the protruding direction is formed at a tip end portion of the protruding portion. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:a cylinder that has a combustion chamber formed at an upper side thereof and accommodates a piston to be reciprocally movable;a crankcase that is provided below the cylinder and accommodates a crankshaft; anda blow-by gas passageway that recirculates blow-by gas, which leaks into the crankcase from the combustion chamber, to the combustion chamber through an intake system,wherein an inner surface portion of the crankcase is provided with a blow-by gas intake part that includes an intake port into which the blow-by gas is introduced from the crankcase and an intake passageway which allows the intake port and the blow-by gas passageway to communicate with each other, andthe blow-by gas intake part includes a protruding portion that protrudes in a direction in which the crankshaft extends, and the intake port opened in the protruding direction is formed at a tip end portion of the protruding portion.2. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the protruding portion is disposed at at least one point between a plurality of the cylinders.3. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the protruding portion has an oil penetration inhibiting portion that prevents oil from ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

System and Method for Operating an Engine with Reduced NOx Emissions

Номер: US20210254564A1
Автор: Obeng Yaw

A method for reducing NOx emissions during operation of an internal combustion engine in commerce which, when burning hydrocarbon fuel as a primary fuel, in the absence of any secondary fuel, has a characteristic stoichiometric ration. The method includes the following: in the absence of electrolytic activity, providing and entraining a quenching species in a gaseous medium and then interacting the quenching species with constituents present during oxidation of the primary fuel in a combustion chamber of the engine. 1. A method for reducing NOx emissions during operation of an internal combustion engine in commerce which , when burning liquid hydrocarbon fuel as a primary fuel , in the absence of any secondary fuel , has a characteristic stoichiometric ratio , the method comprising:providing a free nitrogen quenching species for interaction with constituents present during oxidation of the primary fuel in a combustion chamber of the engine while operating the engine at an air-to-fuel ratio greater than the characteristic stoichiometric ratio.2. The method of where the primary fuel predominantly comprises petrodiesel fuel and the air-to-fuel ratio is greater than 14.9.3. The method of where the primary fuel comprises petrodiesel fuel and the air-to-fuel ratio ranges between 15 and 25.4. The method of where the NOx emissions are controlled as a function of engine loading by varying a parameter taken from the group consisting of AFR claim 1 , rate of injecting a secondary gas comprising the quenching species claim 1 , cam phasing claim 1 , crank position relative to cam shaft claim 1 , fuel rail pressure claim 1 , injection pulse width claim 1 , mixture of air and exhaust gas based on EGR valve settings claim 1 , and electrolytic bath temperature for secondary gas generation.5. The method of where the free nitrogen quenching species is carried into the combustion chamber in an adduct.6. The method of where the free nitrogen quenching species is an electron donor ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217279A1
Автор: ASAI Go
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co., Ltd.

An internal combustion engine including a fuel reformation unit that generates reformed fuel based on liquid fuel and higher in octane rating than the liquid fuel and introduces the generated reformed fuel to an output cylinder. The fuel reformation unit includes a first fuel reformer that includes a reciprocal mechanism where a piston reciprocates in a cylinder, a second fuel reformer that includes a reformation catalyst, and a reformed gas passage that connects the first and second fuel reformers together. First reformed gas discharged from the first fuel reformer is introduced to the second fuel reformer through the reformed gas passage. 1. An internal combustion engine comprisinga fuel reformation unit configured to generate reformed fuel based on liquid fuel and higher in octane rating than the liquid fuel and introduce generated reformed fuel to an output cylinder, a first fuel reformer that includes a reciprocal mechanism where a piston reciprocates in a cylinder,', 'a second fuel reformer that includes a reformation catalyst, and', 'a reformed gas passage that is configured to connect the first fuel reformer and the second fuel reformer together, wherein, 'the fuel reformation unit including'}first reformed gas discharged from the first fuel reformer is introduced to the second fuel reformer through the reformed gas passage.2. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein 'a supplemental air introduction passage through which at least one of outside air and exhaust discharged from the output cylinder is introduced to the reformed gas passage as supplemental air.', 'the fuel reformation unit further includes'}3. The internal combustion engine according to claim 2 , wherein an introduction gas temperature detector configured to detect a temperature of introduction gas introduced to the second fuel reformer,', 'an introduction gas temperature adjustment mechanism configured to adjust the temperature of the introduction gas introduced to the ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237936A1
Автор: MATSUO Atsushi

The present invention relates to a control device () for a turbocharger () for supplying compressed intake air to an internal combustion engine (). The control device includes: a storage part () configured to pre-store a map (); a detection part () configured to a characteristic parameter; a calculation part () configured to obtain an efficiency η of the turbocharger on the basis of the detected characteristic parameter; a determination part () configured to determine presence of deterioration of the turbocharger by comparing the detected characteristic parameter and the obtained efficiency η with the map (); and an informing part () configured to inform a user of a maintenance request. 1. A control device for a turbocharger for supplying compressed intake air to an internal combustion engine , comprising:a storage part configured to pre-store a map which defines a relationship between at least one characteristic parameter and an efficiency of the turbocharger;a detection part configured to detect the at least one characteristic parameter of the turbocharger;a calculation part configured to obtain the efficiency of the turbocharger on the basis of the detected at least one characteristic parameter;a determination part configured to determine presence of deterioration of the turbocharger by comparing the detected at least one characteristic parameter and the obtained efficiency with the map; andan informing part configured to inform a user of a maintenance request if the determination part determines that the deterioration is present.2. The control device for a turbocharger according to claim 1 ,wherein the detection part is configured to detect the at least one characteristic parameter at a predetermined interval,wherein the calculation part is configured to calculate a mean value of the efficiency corresponding to the at least one characteristic parameter having a frequency greater than a predetermined value among the detected at least one characteristic parameter, ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Automotive combination sensor

Номер: US20140324323A1

Systems are provided for EGR mass and air mass estimation during steady state and transient operations. By utilizing a combination sensor comprising of a manifold absolute pressure sensing element and a differential pressure sensing element sharing a common pressure chamber with connections to the intake manifold, errors in EGR mass estimation may be reduced.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Engine controller

Номер: US20170234252A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

The engine controller includes an acceleration input detector that detects an accelerator pedal motion, a fuel injection amount calculator that calculates a target fuel injection amount, a fuel injection controller that controls the fuel injector, an EGR valve opening calculator that calculates a target EGR valve opening, and an EGR controller that controls the EGR valve. The EGR controller controls, after the accelerator pedal motion has been given, the EGR valve in a direction to decrease an opening of the EGR valve to a target EGR valve opening corresponding to a running condition to be reached after the accelerator pedal motion has been given. The control of the EGR valve opening is started before the fuel injection controller controls the fuel injector based on the target fuel injection amount calculated by the fuel injection amount calculator based on the accelerator pedal motion.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Internal Combustion Engine Control Device

Номер: US20190226443A1

An object of the present invention is to predict change of a combustion limit due to cycle variation of temperature and an EGR ratio and perform correction every cycle to decrease an amount of combustion consumption. Therefore, in an internal combustion engine control device that controls an internal combustion engine including a cylinder and an exhaust pipe, the internal combustion engine control device includes a control unit configured to perform EGR control of controlling an exhaust gas in the exhaust pipe to return to an inner cylinder of the cylinder, obtain temperature of the gas in the internal cylinder and an EGR ratio in a state where both an intake valve and an exhaust valve are closed in an combustion cycle, and correct a combustion parameter in a same combustion cycle as the combustion cycle on the basis of the obtained gas temperature and the obtained EGR ratio. 1. An internal combustion engine control device that controls an internal combustion engine including a cylinder and an exhaust pipe , the internal combustion engine control device comprising:a control unit configured to perform EGR control of controlling an exhaust gas in the exhaust pipe to return to an inner cylinder of the cylinder, obtain temperature of the gas in the internal cylinder and an EGR ratio in a state where both an intake valve and an exhaust valve are closed in an combustion cycle, and correct a combustion parameter in a same combustion cycle as the combustion cycle on the basis of the obtained gas temperature and the obtained EGR ratio.2. The internal combustion engine control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe control unit corrects ignition timing in the same combustion cycle as the combustion cycle on the basis of the obtained gas temperature and the obtained EGR ratio.3. The internal combustion engine control device according to claim 1 , whereinan ignition coil for supplying a high voltage to an ignition plug that performs ignition is attached to the internal ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Egr system for internal-combustion engine

Номер: US20180238275A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

In an engine, an intake duct is provided with an intercooler disposed downstream of an intake air compressor. An EGR pipe is provided with an EGR valve and an EGR cooler. An ECU determines a generation of a condensed water in the EGR cooler, the generation of the condensed water in a merging portion where a fresh air and an EGR gas merge with each other, and the generation of the condensed water in the intercooler. When it is determined that the condensed water is generated in any of these portions, the ECU performs a corresponding countermeasure for restricting the generation of the condensed water.
