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10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2328635C2

Изобретение относится к тормозным системам транспортных средств, а именно к тормозным механизмам дисковых тормозов. Тормозная колодка тормозного механизма воздействует на тормозной диск. Тормозной механизм размещен в суппорте дискового тормоза и содержит взаимодействующий с тормозной колодкой нажимной элемент и стержень. Нажимной элемент с помощью стержня установлен в кожухе суппорта параллельно оси вращения тормозного диска. Нажимной элемент имеет полый внутренний участок, по которому проходит стержень. Стержень взаимодействует с возвратным устройством для тормозного механизма, расположенным внутри полого внутреннего участка нажимного элемента на стержне. Достигается уменьшение габаритов и веса, а также улучшение герметичности и упрощение конструкции. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497029C2

Изобретения относятся к области транспортного машиностроения. Способ установки регулировочного устройства на пневматически управляемом дисковом тормозном механизме включает в себя этапы, на которых: устанавливают регулировочное устройство в заранее отрегулированном исходном положении в установочный винт тормозного механизма; соединение приводного кольца регулировочного устройства с вращающимся рычагом тормозного механизма и центрирование посредством упорного кольца регулировочного устройства осуществляют в выемке суппорта тормозного механизма; позиционируют регулировочное устройство посредством его поворота; устанавливают регулировочное устройство на тормозном механизме посредством фиксации упорного кольца на суппорте тормозного механизма при помощи фиксирующего элемента. Дисковый пневматически управляемый тормозной механизм содержит регулировочное устройство для регулировки износа тормозных накладок и тормозного диска и зажимное устройство, приводимое в действие посредством вращающегося ...

10-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2079018C1

Использование: в тормозах транспортных средств, в частности в дисковых тормозах. Сущность: привод с автоматическим подрегулированием для дискового тормоза содержит станкообразный корпус с выполненными за одно целое днищем и кожухом, ограничивающим цилиндрическую полость, открытую в направлении приводного усилия. В полости установлен поршень с образованием камеры, сообщающейся через впускной канал с источником рабочей жидкости. В днище корпуса соосно с поршнем установлен вал, связанный с механическим стояночным тормозом. Один из упорных узлов закреплен на днище корпуса, а второй на валу с возможностью вращения и осевого перемещения вдоль него. Два опорных элемента соединены между собой резьбой с образованием регулируемой опоры между вторым упорным узлом и поршнем. Между упорными элементами, закрепленными на корпусе, и на одном из опорных элементов установлена предварительно сжатая пружина. Первый упорный узел выполнен в виде пластины, контактирующей с днищем, и установлен в контакте с первым ...

04-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681110C1

Дисковый тормоз транспортного средства, имеющий создающее силу торможения нажимное устройство из силового звена, предпочтительно цилиндра с рабочей жидкостью, и усиливающей давление рычажной системы, и имеющий компенсирующее устройство для компенсации обусловленного износом воздушного зазора тормоза. Составными частями компенсирующего устройства являются установленный с возможностью вращения, приводимый в действие с помощью нажимного устройства приводной элемент, установленный с возможностью вращения на той же самой оси компенсирующий элемент и, расположенное на пути движения между приводным элементом и компенсирующим элементом передаточное устройство. Чтобы создать тормоз транспортного средства, снабженный компенсирующим устройством для компенсации обусловленного износом воздушного зазора, у которого компенсация устроена конструктивно просто и обходится небольшим количеством частей, передаточное устройство выполнено в виде спиральной витой пружины, которая оперта вдоль первого участка ...

10-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95109869A

Предложен тормозной двигатель с механическим приводом 3 и с автоматическим устранением зазора с помощью распорной детали переменной длины. Удлиненная гайка 7 распорной детали несет на себе пластинку 12, образующую часть механического привода, причем последний установлен внутри корпуса 1 тормозного двигателя.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014122320A

... 1. Устройство для регулировки (1) при износе тормозных накладок и тормозного диска дискового тормоза, в частности, пневматически приводимого в действие дискового тормоза, с приводимым в действие вращающимся рычагом зажимным приспособлением, которое выполнено с возможностью установки в установочный винт дискового тормоза и на скобе дискового тормозного механизма дискового тормоза с помощью упорного кольца (7), с ходовым винтом (2) и, по меньшей мере, парой трения (30, 31, 32) с соответственно двумя контактными поверхностями (6, 17; 22a, 24a; 26, 28), отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере одна пара трения (30, 31, 32) имеет криволинейное поперечное сечение, по меньшей мере, одной из контактных поверхностей (6, 17; 22a, 24a; 26, 28).2. Устройство (1) по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что криволинейное поперечное сечение, по меньшей мере, одной из контактных поверхностей (6, 17; 22a, 24a; 26, 28), по меньшей мере, одной пары трения (30, 31, 32) имеет, по меньшей мере, возвышение с эффективным радиусом ...

02-10-2002 дата публикации

Disc brake with tensioning system esp. for utility vehicles has turning lever with apertures for bearing shells/bearing elements to hold lever on caliper

Номер: DE0010139901A1

The brake has a caliper (1) overlapping the brake disc (3) and an actuating device for the brake linings (5,7). The actuating device has a turning lever (19) pref. operated by a piston rod. The lever has an aperture at one end to accommodate one end of the piston rod, and two further apertures in the outsides of the other end. Cap-shaped bearing shells and/or spherical bearing elements for the lever are fitted into the apertures, to hold the lever on the caliper and on at least one pressure piece to move the brake lining towards the brake disc.

13-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009005467A1

Im normalen Betriebszustand wird eine Bremskraft durch direktes Zuführen eines Flüssigkeitsdrucks, der in einem Hauptzylinder als Antwort auf eine Betätigung des Bremspedals erzeugt wird, zu einer Scheibenbremse erzeugt. Zusätzlich kann eine Bremskraft durch Zuführen eines Flüssigkeitsdrucks zu der Scheibenbremse mittels Betätigung eines Hydraulikpumpenmotors durch ein Steuergerät erzeugt werden. Wenn eine Knock-Back aufgrund von zum Beispiel einer schnellen Drehung eines Fahrzeugs auftritt, wird einem Kolben gestattet, rückversetzt zu werden, so dass eine ungleichmäßige Abnutzung eines Bremsbelags und einer Scheibenbremse verhindert werden kann. Anschließend, wenn eine Ursache für das Knock-Back behoben ist, wird erwirkt, dass sich der Kolben vorwärts bewegt und ein Belagspiel wird durch das Steuergerät durch Betätigung des Pumpenmotors eingestellt, so dass eine Verschlechterung des Ansprechverhaltens verhindert werden kann.

18-10-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002166694B2

19-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002410525A1

14-08-1997 дата публикации

Brake drum piston adjustment for lining changes

Номер: DE0019604402A1

The axial orifice (21) on the lining side of the piston (2) has an inside thread (22) and is closed off by a stopper (23) remaining within the limits of the piston on the lining side. The thread-way of a return screw has a head end which projects beyond the piston when this is fully screwed in, thus indicating screw presence in lining changes. The stopper has its own ventilation hole (24). Brake piston adjustment is conventional though the nut (5) bears continuously on the friction cone (10,11). After braking, the elastic seal (20) draws the piston off the lining so that the piston has only to be drawn further out so as to lift the nut off the cone and twist it via spring (12) until the nut re-seats onto the cone, thus signifying that the piston has been adjusted to allow for lining wear etc. Re-lining calls for stopper removal to allow the return screw to be inserted in its place etc.

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Hydraulisch betätigbare Fahrzeugbremse

Номер: DE102004016367A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Fahrzeugbremse und ein Verfahren zum Betätigen einer derartigen Fahrzeugbremse. Die erfindungsgemäße Fahrzeugbremse ist ausgeführt mit einem Gehäuse (12; 12a), einem in dem Gehäuse (12; 12a) aufgenommenen Bremskolben (14; 14a), der mit einem Bremsbelag (18; 18a) gekoppelt ist, und einer Blockiereinrichtung zum Arretieren des Bremskolbens (14; 14a) innerhalb des Gehäuses (12; 12a), wobei der Bremskolben (14; 14a) mit dem Gehäuse (12; 12a) eine erste Fluidkammer (24; 24a) begrenzt, die mit Hydraulikfluid beschickbar ist, so dass der Bremskolben (14; 14a) zum Betätigen der Fahrzeugbremse (10; 10a) hydraulisch innerhalb des Gehäuses (12; 12a) entlang einer Kolbenlängsachse (A) verlagerbar ist, wobei die Blockiereinrichtung ein Blockierelement (54; 54a) aufweist, das zum Arretieren des Bremskolbens (14; 14a) innerhalb des Gehäuses (12; 12a) verlagerbar ist. Zur einfachen vollhydraulischen Realisierung einer Feststellbremsfunktion ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass ...

09-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002739477A1

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Scheibenbremse mit einer Nachstellvorrichtung

Номер: DE102017104443A1

Eine Scheibenbremse (1), vorzugsweise druckluftbetätigt, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, umfasst eine Bremsscheibe (2), einen die Bremsscheibe (2) übergreifenden Bremssattel (6), in welchem eine Zuspannvorrichtung (ZV) angeordnet ist, wobei beiderseits der Bremsscheibe (2) jeweils ein Bremsbelag (3, 3') vorgesehen ist, und eine Nachstellvorrichtung mit mindestens einer Nachstelleinrichtung (7, 7') zur Nachstellung eines Reibflächenverschleißes an Bremsbelägen (3, 3') und Bremsscheibe (2), wobei die mindestens eine Nachstelleinrichtung (7, 7') unabhängig von der Zuspanneinrichtung (ZV) mit einem Druckmedium betreibbar ist. Die mindestens eine Nachstelleinrichtung (7, 7') ist mit einer ersten Zylindereinheit (ZE1) mit einem ersten Druckkolben und mit einer zweiten Zylindereinheit (ZE2) mit einem zweiten Druckkolben ausgebildet ist, wobei der zweite Druckkolben der zweiten Zylindereinheit (ZE2) einen Kolben (16), der mit dem Bremsbelag (3, 3') in Kontakt steht, und einen Nachstellkolben ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015108890A1

Vorgeschlagen wird eine Scheibenbremse mit einem eine Bremsscheibe (5) und Bremsbeläge zu beiden Seiten der Bremsscheibe übergreifenden Bremssattel (2) und einer in dem Bremssattel (2) angeordneten Zuspanneinrichtung aus einem durch ein Kraftglied antreibbaren Bremshebel (10), einer zu dem zuspannseitigen Bremsbelag hin arbeitenden, innen in dem Bremssattel (2) geführten Traverse (8), und einem Schwenklager (17) zwischen dem Bremshebel (10) und der Traverse (8), wobei die Traverse (8) in Zuspannrichtung (Z) betrachtet eine Außenkontur (8A) aus Außenflächen (31–36), mit denen die Traverse in dem Bremssattel (2) geführt ist, und weiteren Außenflächen aufweist, und der Bremssattel (2) in Zuspannrichtung (Z) betrachtet eine Innenkontur (2A) aus Innenflächen (41–46), an denen die ersten Außenflächen (31–36) der Traverse geführt sind, und weiteren Innenflächen aufweist. Um durch geeignete konstruktive Maßnahmen die Gefahr von Fehlmontagen während des Einsetzens der Traverse in den Bremssattel ...

29-12-2011 дата публикации

Self energizing disk brake has pneumatic or electromechanical actuator and brake caliper, which is provided with reaction-lateral and clamping-sided brake lining and brake disk

Номер: DE102010024945A1

The self energizing disk brake has a pneumatic or electromechanical actuator and a brake caliper (5), which is provided with a reaction-lateral and a clamping-sided brake lining (8) and a brake disk. An actuation unit is provided with a brake cylinder subjected with a compressed air. An actuating stamp (22) and a self reinforcement stamp (27) are supported at a brake pivoting lever (11).

22-03-1979 дата публикации

Automatic adjuster for vehicle brake - has expansion spring actuated by piston for engaging adjusting nut

Номер: DE0002741365A1

The vehicle brake system automatic adjuster has a nut loaded in the adjustment direction to run on a screw spindle with non-jamming threads. The expansion element has a spring (33) held on the projecting end of the actuating piston. The spring has radial arms (39) which engage with the inner screw thread of the nut when the actuating piston moves. Engagement is ensured at very small radial movements.

27-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020110021U1
Принадлежит: LEE MU KAI, LEE, MU KAI

26-09-1985 дата публикации

Automatic readjusting device for a disc brake

Номер: DE0003410249A1

An automatic readjusting device for a disc brake, the disc brake having a brake piston (8) which, to actuate a brake shoe, is arranged displaceably in a brake cylinder (4) and can be actuated by means of a hydraulic actuating device and a mechanical actuating device; having an extendable readjusting member which is arranged between the brake piston and the mechanical actuating device and has two readjusting elements (readjusting spindle 32 and readjusting nut 38) connected to one another via a thread which is free of self-locking; having a clutch (40) for holding fast one of the readjusting elements during mechanical actuation and having a return spring (68) supported against a stop fixed to the housing. In order to create a structurally simple readjusting device, the clutch (40, 90) is provided between one of the readjusting elements (32, 38; 94) and the piston (8; 100) and a rolling bearing (48; 104) is arranged between this readjusting element and the piston. ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Scheibenbremssattel und Bremssystem

Номер: DE102019205314A1

Es werden Bremssysteme und Verfahren zu ihrer Betätigung offenbart, enthaltend ein Bremssystem, welches aufweist: einen Rotor aufweisend: eine Nabe, die konfiguriert ist für die Anbringung an einem Fahrzeug; und eine erste und eine zweite Kontaktfläche; und einen Steg, der die erste und die zweite Kontaktfläche mit der Nabe verbindet; einen ersten und einen zweiten Bremsklotz, die sich benachbart der jeweiligen ersten und zweiten Kontaktfläche des Bremsrotors befinden, wobei der erste und der zweite Bremsklotz konfiguriert sind, während der Betätigung des Bremssystems gegen die jeweilige erste und zweite Kontaktfläche zu drücken; einen ersten Bremskolben, der konfiguriert ist, während der Betätigung des Bremssystems den ersten Bremsklotz gegen die erste Kontaktfläche des Rotors zu schieben; wobei bei Betätigung des Bremssystems in einem ersten Betätigungsmodus der erste Kolben die zweite Kontaktfläche durch Auslenkung des Rotors an dem Steg zu dem zweiten Kolben hin bewegt.

22-10-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8320022U1

22-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002356203A1

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011014916A1

Eine Scheibenbremse mit einer an einem Bremssattel angeordneten, einen sich an einer Brücke (4) abstützenden Bremshebel (1) aufweisenden Zuspanneinrichtung zum Andrücken eines Bremsbelages an eine Bremsscheibe, sowie einer durch den Bremshebel (1) betätigbaren Nachstelleinrichtung, mit der eine verschleißbedingte Änderung eines Lüftspiels zwischen dem Bremsbelag und der Bremsscheibe im Wesentlichen ausgleichbar ist, ist so ausgebildet, dass die Brücke (4) eine Brückenplatte (5), an der der Bremshebel (1) anliegt, sowie eine mit dem Bremsbelag in Korrespondenz stehende Druckplatte (6) aufweist, wobei mit einem Verstellelement (10) der Nachstelleinrichtung, das mit der Brückenplatte (5) und der Druckplatte (6) in Verbindung steht, entsprechend dem Lüftspielausgleich, die Druckplatte (6) in Zuspannrichtung relativ zur Brückenplatte (5) bewegbar ist.

26-03-1970 дата публикации

Selbsttaetige Nachstelleinrichtung

Номер: DE0001625684A1

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Pneumatisch und/oder elektromechanisch betätigbare Scheibenbremse für ein Nutzfahrzeug

Номер: DE102005024119A1

Eine pneumatisch und/oder elektromechanisch betätigbare Scheibenbremse für ein Nutzfahrzeug, mit einem eine axial feststehende Bremsscheibe (1) übegreifenden Bremssattel (4), der als Festsattel elastisch verformbar und an einem Achsteil (7) befestigt ist, einer Zuspanneinrichtung (5) zum Zuspannen der Bremse, die einen Schwenkhebel (10) aufweist, und mit im Bremssattel angeordneten Nachstelleinrichtungen (6) zum Ausgleich von Bremsbelag- und/oder Bremsscheibenverschleiß, ist so ausgebildet, dass im Bereich des Schwenkhebels (10) ein Stützteil (11) vorgesehen ist, das bei einer Zuspannbewegung des Schwenkhebels (10) nach einem vorbestimmten Hub des Bremskolbens (9) zwischen dem Andruckbereich (13) des Bremsbelages (2) am Schwenkhebel (10) und dessen Abstützung (12) am Bremssattel ein Widerlager bildet.

25-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001725032A1

21-03-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002207414C3

17-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008006482B4

Scheibenbremse, mit einem eine Bremsscheibe (6) übergreifenden, als Schiebesattel ausgebildeten Bremssattel (1), in dem beidseitig der Bremsscheibe (6) jeweils aus einer Belagträgerplatte (3) und einem daran befestigten Reibbelag (4) bestehende Bremsbeläge (2, 5) gelagert sind, von denen ein aktionsseitiger über mindestens eine Druckspindel (7) durch eine Zuspanneinrichtung an die Bremsscheibe (6) andrückbar ist, wobei die Druckspindel (7) mit einer Nachstelleinrichtung in Wirkverbindung steht, mit der ein verschleißbedingtes Luftspiel ausgleichbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Nachstelleinrichtung ein auf der verdrehsicher gehaltenen Druckspindel (7) federbelastet verdrehbar gelagertes, sich an der dem Reibbelag (4) abgewandten Rückseite (3) des aktionsseitigen Bremsbelages (2) abstützendes Druckelement (8) sowie einen in Zuspannrichtung in einem der Bremsbeläge (2, 5) verschiebegehemmt gelagerten Anschlag (9) aufweist, wobei das Druckelement (8) als rotationssymmetrische Trommel ...

23-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001286626A

... 1286626 Spot-type disc brakes; actuation; slack-adjusting GIRLING Ltd 3 Oct 1969 [11 Oct 1968] 48419/68 Heading F2E Two mechanical actuators, one of which is shown at 9, Fig. 1, which together operate a directly-applied pad 7, are spaced apart circumferentially in relation to the disc D, Fig. 3, and are arranged for simultaneous operation by, in sequence, a fluid pressure actuator motor 24, Fig. 2, a push-rod 23, an articulated lever 22, a shaft 21 and a common driving pinion 19, Fig. 3. Each mechanical actuator 9 includes an inner thrust race member 14 having gear teeth meshing with pinion 19 and having tapering recesses for co-operation with ball-bearings 13, corresponding recesses are provided in an outer thrust race member 11 coupled to a boss member 16 by a tension-spring 17. Brake pads 7, 7 are located in opposed gaps in a medial yoke section 1, Fig. 1, which is secured to a vehicle frame structure in the vicinity of the disc D. Inboard and outboard yoke sections 2, 3 are joined together ...

12-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001355959A

... 1355959 Spot-type disc brakes; caliper supports; automatic adjusters AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS Ltd 9 Nov 1971 [23 Nov 1970 8 March 1971] 55611/70 and 47921/71 Divided out of 1355960 Heading F2E In a spot-type disc brake where application is by applying means on one part of a sliding caliper and caliper reaction, and where the caliper slides on a fixed support, the fixed support comprises an attachment portion 12, 13, Figs. 3 and 5, or 43, Figs. 8, 9, and two pairs of limbsa first pair, 14 or 44, extending across the periphery of the brake disc 16 and having their inner edges located at a greater distance radially outwardly from the disc axis than the inner edges of the second pair 15 or 46. As shown in Figs. 1, 3, 5, two sheet metal members 10, 11 each of generally U-shape, are secured, e.g. by bolts (not shown) to a fixed anchorage on a vehicle (not shown) so that limbs 14 of member 10 overlie brake disc 16, Fig. 3, while limbs 15 of member 11 extend in the opposite direction. The left-hand ...

18-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001425196A

... 1425196 Spot-type disc brakes; slack adjusting KELSEY-HAYES CO 17 May 1973 [18 May 1972] 23691/73 Heading F2E In a self energizing floating caliper disc brake having a floating caliper 15 a tilting member 35 is located between the flat surface 45 of a cupshaped member 43, provided in a cylindrical bore of a pad backing plate 21 for tilting movement of the tilting member, and a pin 32, engaging in a pocket 31 of an actuating shaft 28 whereby if a rotor 12, rotating in the direction 81, is to be braked by pads 18, 19, on actuating lever 62 and shaft 28 are pivoted in an anticlockwise direction thereby transmitting an axial force through pin 32 to the tilting member 35. Pad 18 has limited circumferential movement through a flange 49 thereof engaging in a caliper recess 51, and cup-shaped member 43 follows this movement to cause member 35 to pivot first about a spherical surface 34 thereof and then about a shoulder 38 thereby causing a further axial force to be applied upon brake pad 18 to ...

18-02-1987 дата публикации

Brake actuator

Номер: GB0002178808A

A brake actuator includes a piston and cylinder assembly (16, 13); an adjustable abutment means (22, 23) to limit return movement of the piston (16); free travel means to allow limited free travel of the piston 16 under hydraulic actuation before adjustment of the abutment means (22, 23) will take place; and an adjustable setting means (36, 37) to set the amount of free travel; part of said adjustable abutment means (23) and the adjustable setting means (36, 37) form a sub-assembly and are held together by retainer means (56, 53). The adjustable abutment means includes a screw member (22) and a screw threaded nut (23), the screw threading constituting the free travel means, and the setting means comprises a non-rotatable sleeve (36) which on manual actuation of plunger (37), after assembly but before insertion of pin (62), moves the sleeve (36) axially into engagement with the nut so as to set the amount of free travel. Resetting of the piston is achieved by rotating the nut via a one-way ...

17-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002172350A

An actuator for a brake comprises a piston and cylinder assembly 125, 124 with an adjustment mechanism to control movement of the piston 125 towards the end wall 119 of the cylinder bore 124. The adjustment mechanism includes a strut formed by screw and nut members 132, 135 having interengaging screw-threaded formations 136, 137 and means to effect relative rotation of the screw and nut members 132, 135 upon excessive movement of the piston 125 during fluid pressure operation of the actuator. The nut member 135 extends through the end wall 119 of the cylinder bore 124 and an external lever mechanism (156; 160) is provided to move the nut member 135 relative to the actuator body 122, to effect mechanical operation of the actuator.

09-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001204376A

... 1,204,376. Disc brakes. GIRLING Ltd. 7 Aug., 1968 [15 Aug., 1967], No. 37395/67. Heading F2E. In a disc brake including a pair of opposed pad assemblies 24, 26 of which one (24) is directly applied by an actuating mechanism and the other is indirectly applied by the reaction on the caliper housing 6, which is pivoted at 8 to a fixed mounting member, the actuating mechanism includes two pistons 34 which are hydraulically operable independently of each other and a thrust transmitting assembly 12-16, inclusive, of adjustable length is provided for transmitting thrust from either or both of pistons to the directly applied pad assembly 24. As shown in Fig. 1 the actuating mechanism includes a rotatable cam 10 and the thrust transmitting assembly 12-16, inclusive, of adjustable length which acts between the cam and the directly applied pad assembly 24. The pistons 34 are arranged side by side and act through thrust members 36 to actuate a lever 28 attached to the cam 10. When the cam 10 is rotated ...

09-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001204393A

... 1,204,393. Hand brakes. ALFRED TEVES G.m.b.H. 7 May, 1968 [18 Sept., 1967], No. 21608/68. Heading F2E. To provide easy manipulation of a nut a d screw slack-adjuster, a handbrake lever 4 contains a cylindrical member 5 rotatable about an axis 16 by a double knife-edge member 7 which sits in V slots across the axis of the cylinder 5 and the slack-adjuster spindle 8. A further cylindrical member 2, located in the base of the casing, carries an off-centre knife edge 15 seating in an off centre V slot 14 in the cylinder 5, so that when the member 2 is turned e.g. by a screwdriver, the cylinder 5 and the slack-adjuster spindle 8 are rotated. As shown a spring 3 retains the member 3 in working position when the knife edges act as pivot and thrust linkage for the hand brake.

03-04-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in hydraulic disc brakes

Номер: GB0001108095A

... 1,108,095. Disc brake; automatic adjuster. H. TEVES, E. A. TEVES, and M. TAUSEND, [trading as A. TEVES MASCHINEN-UND ARMATURENFABRIK KOMM. GES.]. 3 March, 1966 [23 July, 1965], No. 9372/66. Heading F2E. An hydraulically actuated disc brake provided also with a handbrake system includes a casing 3, an actuating piston 4 therein, a slack adjusting screw 5 secured to the piston, a slack adjusting nut 6 on the screw, a spring-loaded pivoted pawl 7 engaging with the nut to rotate it when the pawl 7 is rotated, the pawl being movable by an entraining element 8a bearing on the nut. When the piston 4 moves forward and excessive slack is present the gap 9, between the end of a slot in the entraining element and the aim 10 of the pawl, is taken up and the pawl rotated. On return of the piston the pawl moves back, engaging teeth 6 on the nut to rotate the latter and take up the slack. The' piston is secured against rotation by a toothed sleeve 11 engaged by a spring 12 attached to a disc portion 8 ...

01-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008704399D0

09-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008802986D0

26-06-1985 дата публикации

Disc Brake device automatic adjustment

Номер: GB0002150241A

The device includes a piston 50, an automatic adjuster 90 and a sleeve piston 110 within the cylinder 40 of a caliper body 20 wherein braking and adjustment are achieved by a hydraulic input, and said piston 50 is pushed by a mechanical input through said sleeve piston 110 and said adjuster for braking. The adjuster 90 comprises bolt 70 and nut 80; nut 80 engages piston 50 and is restrained from rotating while 70 has a clutch portion 73 engageable with a clutch face 114 on sleeve piston 110, when portion 73 moves away from face 114 during hydraulic actuation the adjuster 90 is extended. Cam shaft 170 and push rod 190 provide the mechanical input. An atmospheric chamber 116 is defined within sleeve piston 110. A number of embodiments are described and shown e.g. in Figure 5 an alternative arrangement of bolt 250 and sleeve piston 260 is illustrated, and various arrangements to prevent rotation of the sleeve piston are shown in Figures 9-13. ...

18-02-2009 дата публикации

Disk brakes

Номер: GB2452000A

A disc brake having a support structure (11) for attachment to a vehicle and a caliper (14) which spans an associated disc (13) and is supported for sliding relative to the disc on the support structure. The caliper includes an actuation piston (15) which is moveable within the caliper in a direction generally parallel to an axis of rotation of the associated disc to move a first brake pad (18a) into contact with a first side of the associated disc and to cause sliding displacement (X) of the calliper relative to the support structure (11) to draw a second brake pad (18b) into contact with the other side of the disc (13). The sliding displacement (X) of the calliper (14) relative to the support structure (11) is guided by the engagement of the piston (15) in a bore (17) formed in the support structure and a ball and ramp mechanism 24 moves the piston (15) relative to the calliper (14).

18-02-1981 дата публикации

Disc brake assembly

Номер: GB0002054776A
Автор: Watanabe, Mamoru

An improved screw type disc brake device particularly adapted for a small type automotive vehicle is disclosed in which a male screw member of a relatively large screw lead is screw-engaged with a caliper arm supporting a movable friction pad so that thrust due to forward rotation of the male screw member is utilized as an urging force to bring the movable friction pad into pressure contact with the brake disc. An automatic gap adjustment device is interposed between the male screw member and the movable friction pad for providing the movable friction pad with an advance feed for every reciprocating rotation of the male screw member. A manual adjustment bolt is screw-engaged through the center of the male screw member for adjusting the position of backward movement of the movable friction pad via the automatic gap adjustment device.

10-03-1982 дата публикации

Brake applying thrust transmitting and slack adjusting mechanisms

Номер: GB0002082701A

A thrust-plate (11) transmits force to the discs of a multi-disc brake (not shown) via an adjustable force transmission bolt (41) of a telescopic two part plunger (14, 15). The need for adjustment is sensed by a known arrangement comprising a friction ring (21) which limits the retraction of an outer part of the plunger (14). After wear, the inner- part (15) of the plunger retracts further than the ring-limited outer-part (14). However, the parts are maintained in force-transmitting relationship by the follow-up motion of the bolt (41), which motion maintains the bolt (41) in frictional contact with part (14) via surfaces (23,24) and with part (15) via clutch surfaces on its helical thread (fig. 2, not shown). ...

03-11-1982 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to actuators especially for brakes

Номер: GB0002097497A
Автор: Tribe, Leonard T

In a sliding caliper disc brake actuator, an actuating shaft 39 is rotatable to rotate a helical cam element 23 that in turn axially displaces a non-rotatable cam element 22. The element 22 and 23 are located in a bore 21 in a caliper leg 16 with an automatic adjusting mechanism 18. A helical return spring 58 acts via a washer 59 to bias the cam elements together and a push rod 53 of mechanism 18, is held against rotation by a washer 59. A nut 48 of mechanism 18 is threaded onto the rod 53 and engaged by cam element 22 to transmit axial force to the push rod 53 and relative extension of the push rod from the elements 22, 23 is accomplished by a one-way spring brake 72 acting on the nut 48 and a disc clutch drive 63 to 69 between the cam element 23 and the nut 48. Lost motion is provided at the clutch drive or the spring brake to prevent rotation of the nut 48 on the rod 53 during normal clearance, and rotation of the nut on the push-rod occurs when excessive clearance occurs. ...

03-11-1982 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to actuators especially for brakes

Номер: GB0002097496A
Автор: Tribe, Leonard T

In a sliding caliper disc brake actuator, an actuating shaft 39 is rotatable to rotate a helical cam element 23 that in turn axially displaces a non-rotatable, cam element 22. The elements 22 and 23 are located in a bore 21 in a caliper leg 16 with an automatic adjusting mechanism 18. A helical return spring 58 acts via a washer 59 to bias the cam elements together and a push rod 53 of mechanism 18 is held against rotation by washer 59. A nut 48 of mechanism 18 is threaded onto the rod 53 and engaged by the cam element 22 to transmit axial force to the push rod 53 and relative extension of the push rod from the element 22, 23 is accomplished by a one-way spring brake 72 acting on the nut 48 and a disc clutch drive 63 to 69 between the cam element 23 and nut 48. Lost motion is provided at the clutch drive or the spring brake to prevent rotation of the nut 48 on the rod 53 during normal clearance, and rotation of the nut on the push-rod occurs when excessive clearance occurs. ...

29-08-1985 дата публикации

Hydraulic brake actuator

Номер: GB0002153933A

The actuator has a piston 10 and incorporates an automatic adjuster which includes a strut of variable length formed by members 16, 13 threadedly interengaged by way of a non-reversible screw threaded connection. The member 13 is an adjuster shaft which forms a reversible screw threaded connection with a drive ring 23 arranged to control rotation of the adjuster shaft during brake application and release. The non-reversible thread is subject, during brake application, to a load which is the resultant of forces derived from the braking pressure applied to different areas defined respectively by a seal 12 on the piston 10 and a further seal 26. This ensures that random rotation of the adjuster shaft during brake application is resisted. A number of embodiments are illustrated and described. In Fig. 3, nut element 16 coupled to piston 10 forms the non-reversible screw threaded connection with shaft 13 whose end carries seal 26. Figs. 4-6 illustrate alternative embodiments with an intermediate ...

16-10-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in disc brakes

Номер: GB0000939427A

... 939,427. Disc brakes. DUNLOP RUBBER CO. Ltd. March 17, 1960 [April 1, 1959], No. 10964/59. Class 103 (1). A disc brake comprises a rotatable disc, a pair of angularly movable pressure-plates fixed to spindles which are rotatably mounted in a housing straddling the periphery of the disc, the pressure plates being disposed on opposite sides of the disc and carrying friction pads for engagement with the disc, means for moving the pressure plates simultaneously to apply the brake, retraction members comprising bushes which are maintained by springs with an interference fit on tapering portions of the spindles, and arms which extend from the bushes which are capable of moving with the spindles for a predetermined distance only on application of the brake and spring means for returning the arms and thereby retracting the pressure-plates to a predetermined distance from the disc. In the embodiment illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4 the disc brake is operated by angular movement of the lever 16 pivoted ...

12-01-1966 дата публикации

Automatic brake adjusting mechanism

Номер: GB0001016318A

... 1,016,318. Shoe-drum brakes. KELSEYHAYES CO. Sept. 19, 1963 [Sept. 24, 1962], No. 36869/63. Heading F2E. A brake mechanism comprises a shoe 12, a drum 10, a backing plate 11, a torque-resisting member 40, an anchor 49 on the member 40 adjustable by a pawl 60 but normally locked by a spring 80, a linkage 67-71-73 activated by application of the brake (when applied with the drum moving in reverse) to move the pawl 60 to an operative position, an end portion 84 of the spring 80 being engaged in an aperture 85 in the web 18 of the brake shoe so that the spring 80 is moved out of engagement with the anchor 49 if the brake moves more than a predetermined distance outwards due to excessive wear, Fig. 2, which shows the shoe 14 being applied to the drum which is turning in the reverse direction A, illustrates half of a two-shoe brake of which the other side is similar but inverted when the brake is applied to the drum moving in the direction C and without an adjustable anchor on the member 40.

07-07-1982 дата публикации

Improvements relating to brake adjusters.

Номер: GB0002090355A

The adjuster which adjusts only at low brake pressures comprises a first rotatable shaft member (15), a second rotatable nut member (13) and a third non-rotatable member (11), said members (11, 13, 15) having a common thrust axis and said first and second members (15, 13) having a non-reversible screw-threaded connection (17) therebetween, said second member (13) being axially displaceable and rotatable relative to said third member (11) and having an abutment surface (25) which is biassed towards engagement with a non-rotatable abutment surface (27), on member (11), a fourth annular member (19) acting as a drive ring being connected with second member (13) by a reversible screw-threaded connection (21), a friction surface on said annular member (19) extending perpendicular to the thrust axis and being biassed against a complementary friction surface (37) on said third member (11), said shaft member (15) having an enlarged diameter region (15a) which is acted upon by hydraulic pressure ...

01-11-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in servo brakes

Номер: GB0000278711A

... 278,711. Athimon, F. Oct. 6, 1926, [Convention date]. Actuated or applied by springs.-In a spring relay device for assisting the application of brakes, the point of application of the force of the spring on a lever connected to the brakes shifts when the lever is actuated by the control pedal &c. from an ineffective to an effective position. Means are provided for automatically shortening the effective length of a rod in the connections to the brake when the stroke exceeds a predetermined amount. A lever 4 pivoted to a fixed casing 1 about an axis 7 is connected To the brakes by a rod 3 which passes through the upper end of the lever against which it abuts by means of an adjusting nut 15. A short double-armed lever 16 pivoted at 14 on the lever 4 is connected by the rod 2 to the operating pedal and has limited pivotal movement relative to the lever determined by a pin 17 for actuating aa adjusting nut 15 as described below. The lever 4 is of channel section to receive rollers 6 which ride ...

13-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008923885D0

15-03-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to disc brakes

Номер: GB0001061547A

... 1,061,547. Disc brakes. KELSEY-HAYES CO. June 15, 1965 [June 25, 1964], No. 25312/65. Heading F2E. A disc brake normally applied by a fluid pressure responsive piston 37 can be applied mechanically via an extensible thrust transmitting member 50, which comprises inner and outer sleeves 51, 52 which are in screw-threaded engagement, for parking or emergency use. As shown the brake is applied mechanically by rotating a shaft 60. This causes balls 67 to ride up cam faces formed in a fixed cover 61 and in a flange 64 fixed to the shaft 60, moving the shaft and the thrust member leftwards to apply the brake. Excessive slack in the actuating system is removed by spring-loaded pawls 55 in the shaft 60 which engage in teeth 54 in the inner sleeve 51 to unscrew this sleeve from the outer sleeve when the rotation of the shaft 60 exceeds a predetermined amount. The outer sleeve 52 is prevented from rotating by an O-ring 72. The caliper 23 floats on rods attached to a fixed member 22 and the brake ...

15-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002039338B
Принадлежит: GIRLING LTD

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398740T

15-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA897878A

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473378T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487890T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501370T

15-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA218880A

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000528530T

15-07-2018 дата публикации

Sensor arrangement with at least one magnetic sensor

Номер: AT0000519455A4

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Sensoranordnung mit zumindest einem Magnetsensor (1), zumindest einem Magneten (2) und einem Gehäuse (11), für eine Bremseinheit eines Fahrzeugs. Um vorteilhafte Konstruktionsbedingungen zu schaffen, wird vorgeschlagen, dass eine Welle (3) in dem Gehäuse (11) und gegenüber einem Halter (9), auf dem der zumindest eine Magnet (2) angeordnet ist, in einer Weise drehbar gelagert ist und der Halter (9) sowie der zumindest eine Magnetsensor (1) in und relativ zu dem Gehäuse (11) gegen Verdrehung gesichert in einer Weise gelagert sind, dass bei Rotationsbewegungen der Welle (3) der zumindest eine Magnet (2) Translationsbewegungen gegenüber dem zumindest einen Magnetsensor (1) ausführt. Dadurch ist auf der Bremseinheit kein Getriebe mit einem Winkelsensor erforderlich und es wird daher eine besonders günstige und kompakte Anordnung erzielt.

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000545980A

15-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000218880A

15-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000130410T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000344402T

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA60879A

19-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034574668T

15-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033273179T

09-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036875796T

05-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038207350T

18-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030708563T

12-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034862861T

18-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033254922T

02-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000555612B2

05-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006171580A
Автор: BAUM H W, H.W. BAUM

05-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007195674A

09-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003206572A1

15-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000451618B2

25-02-2002 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: AU0001044102A

07-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003110984A

11-06-2002 дата публикации

Brake disc cylinder with parking brake mechanism and brake disc comprising such as cylinder

Номер: AU0002205302A

15-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005232679A

29-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA940974A

01-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1243827A

A METHOD FOR FORMING A BRAKING PISTON FOR A DISC BRAKE A method is provided for forming a braking piston for a disc brake of the type which includes a disc mounted for rotation about an axle. A brake housing is mounted on the axle in alignment with a friction surface of the disc. The piston has an interior end at least partially mounted within the housing and an external end outwardly of the housing adjacent the friction surface of the disc for axial movement toward and away from the disc. A flexible boot is secured to the housing and has an end extending into a circumferential channel around the piston. The housing has a plurality of first axially extending splines around an interior cylindrical surface thereof. The method includes the steps of providing the piston with an interior end having a cylindrical outer surface and forming a cylindrical groove thereabout. A plurality of second axially extending splines are shaped in the external surface of the piston to match the first splines ...

18-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1139682A

DISC BRAKE AND ADJUSTER THEREFOR A disc brake assembly includes a frame which is movably disposed relative to a rotor and a central opening on the frame carries a pair of friction elements facing opposite sides of the rotor. An adjuster assembly is disposed within the central opening to control the position of the pair of friction elements relative to the rotor. The adjuster assembly includes a lever pivotally engaging the frame and an extendible assembly cooperating with the lever and frame to control the pivotal position of the lever relative to the frame. An actuator extends into the central opening and is engageable with one of the friction elements and the lever. Upon operation of the actuator, the one friction element separates from the lever to engage the rotor and the frame moves to engage the other friction element with the rotor. A pawl is responsive to movement of the actuator to control extension of the extendible assembly. The extendible assembly is carried on the lever at ...

24-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1024910A

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Disc Brake of Hydraulic Self-Energizing Design with Force Transmission Unit

Номер: US20130098715A1
Автор: MILLER Bernhard

A self-energizing disc brake includes a brake-internal hydraulic arrangement with a supply circuit and an expansion vessel; a brake application device having a cylinder for applying a brake pad toward a brake disc; a force transmission unit supporting the brake pad at a wedge angle on the brake application device; a tangential-force absorbing cylinder for switching over the wedge angle, which is operatively connected to the force transmission unit; an electric-motor actuator for acting on the brake application device via the hydraulic arrangement; and a control unit. The force transmission unit has a deflection lever and a shoulder element attached thereto. Rolling surfaces thereof are in contact with respective corresponding rolling surfaces of a brake application element of the cylinder and a brake pad support device. The deflection lever has a pressure section with a rolling surface in operative connection with the tangential-force absorbing cylinder. 1. A self-energizing disc brake , comprising:a brake-internal hydraulic arrangement with a reservoir circuit and an expansion vessel;a brake-application device having at least one brake-application cylinder for the brake-application movement of at least one brake pad in the direction of a brake disc;at least one force transmission unit which supports the at least one brake pad on the brake-application device at a wedge angle, the at least one force transmission unit having a diverting lever and shoulder element attached thereto;at least one tangential force absorption cylinder for wedge angle switching, which tangential force absorption cylinder is operatively connected to the at least one force transmission unit;an electromotive actuator which acts on the brake-application device via the hydraulic arrangement; and the diverting lever and the shoulder element have rolling surfaces which are in contact with respective corresponding rolling surfaces of a brake-application element of the at least one brake-application ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Disc Brake of Hydraulic Self-Energizing Design with Adjusting Device

Номер: US20130098716A1
Автор: MILLER Bernhard

A self-energizing disc brake includes a brake-internal hydraulic arrangement with a supply circuit and an expansion vessel, a brake application device with a brake application cylinder for applying a brake pad in the direction of a brake disc, a force transmission unit which supports the brake pad at a wedge angle on the brake application device, a tangential-force absorbing cylinder for switching over the wedge angle and being operatively connected to the force transmission unit; an electric-motor actuator which acts on the brake application device via the hydraulic arrangement, a distributor cylinder arranged in series between the electric-motor actuator and the brake application device for pressure boosting, and a control unit for controlling switchover of the wedge angle between the tangential-force absorbing cylinder and the electric-motor actuator. An adjusting device adjusts brake pad wear, and has a movable screw spindle, which is operatively connected to the brake application device. 1. A self-energizing disc brake , comprising:a brake-internal hydraulic arrangement with a reservoir circuit and an expansion vessel;a brake-application device having at least one brake-application cylinder for the brake-application movement of at least one brake pad in the direction of a brake disc;at least one force transmission unit which supports the at least one brake pad on the brake-application device at a wedge angle;at least one tangential force absorption cylinder for wedge angle switching, which tangential force absorption cylinder is operatively connected to the at least one force transmission unit;an electromotive actuator which acts on the brake-application device via the hydraulic arrangement;a distributor cylinder for pressure boosting, which distributor cylinder is arranged in series between the electromotive actuator and the brake-application device;a control unit for controlling the wedge angle switching between the tangential force absorption cylinder and ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048358A1

The invention relates to a disk brake, in particular for utility vehicles, having a brake application shaft and having an adjusting device for wear-dependent adjustment, wherein a rotational axis of the brake application shaft is perpendicular to a rotational axis of the adjusting device and a pin serves to couple the brake application shaft to the adjusting device. A longitudinal axis of the pin encloses an acute angle with the rotational axis of the brake application shaft. The invention also relates to an adjusting device for a disk brake, in particular for utility vehicles, having an adjusting element in the form of an adjusting nut or an adjusting screw, and having a slipping clutch for limiting the torque which can be transmitted to the adjusting element. The slipping clutch has a friction element which is rotationally coupled to the adjusting element in both rotational directions. 2. The adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein a frictional surface of the frictional element that forms part of the slipping clutch is turned toward a brake disk in the installed state.3. The adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein the frictional element has a coupling mechanism for coupling to a trimming mechanism for the adjusting element.4. The adjusting device according to claim 3 , wherein the coupling mechanism includes a gear rim.5. The adjusting device according to claim 3 , wherein the coupling mechanism includes an inner contour deviating from a circle form on the frictional element.6. The adjusting device according to claim 3 , wherein the coupling mechanism includes a profiling on the side of the frictional element away from the brake disk.7. The adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting element is profiled to connect to a trimming insert or tool.8. The adjusting device according to claim 1 , including a prestressing mechanism for prestressing the slipping clutch in a frictional locking9. The adjusting device according to claim 8 , ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Brake caliper device having automatic pad wear compensation mechanism

Номер: US20220018405A1
Автор: Chih-Hsien Liao
Принадлежит: Individual

A brake caliper device is adapted to be used with a brake disk, and includes a main body unit, first and second pads, a caliper actuator unit, and a positioning unit. The caliper actuator unit includes an actuating member, a bolt member that abuts against the actuating member, and a threaded sleeve that is threadedly engaged to the bolt member. When the actuating member is driven by an external force, the actuating member is capable of vibrating axially to cause an axial vibration of the bolt member, which prompts the threaded sleeve to rotate relative to the bolt member for pushing the first pad toward the brake disk, thereby automatically providing a travel stroke that compensates for pad wear.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010553A1
Принадлежит: Foundation Brakes France SAS

A longitudinal end of the nut has: 1. Nut , wherein one longitudinal end of the nut has:at least one blocking face forming a means for blocking a rotation of the nut along a longitudinal axis of the nut, and the blocking face or at least one of the blocking faces and the transmission face or at least one of the transmission faces having at least one common edge, and', 'the blocking face or at least one of the blocking faces being concave,', 'the nut comprising at least one groove crossing the blocking face or at least one of the blocking faces and the transmission face, or at least one of the transmission faces., 'at least one transmission face forming a means for transmitting a force directed along the axis,'}2. Nut , wherein one longitudinal end of the nut has:at least one blocking face forming a means for blocking a rotation of the nut along a longitudinal axis of the nut, and the blocking face or at least one of the blocking faces and the transmission face or at least one of the transmission faces having at least one common edge, and', 'the blocking face or at least one of the blocking faces being concave,', 'the nut comprising at least one groove crossing the blocking face or at least one of the blocking faces and the transmission face, or at least one of the transmission faces,', 'the transmission face or at least one of the transmission faces comprising a spherical part., 'at least one transmission face forming a means for transmitting a force directed along the axis,'}3. Nut according to claim 1 , wherein the groove is curved along its length.4. Nut according to claim 1 , wherein the groove opens out onto a longitudinal orifice of the nut.5. Nut according to claim 1 , wherein the groove forms a bearing surface perpendicular to the axis.6. Nut according to claim 5 , wherein a contour of the bearing surface has at least one curved edge.7. Nut according to comprising several grooves claim 1 , preferably identical to each other.8. Nut according to claim 7 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010554A1
Принадлежит: ZF Active Safety GmbH

Brake apparatus for a motor vehicle with a restoring apparatus, comprising a brake support body, a brake lining, a restoring apparatus for the brake lining, and a wear compensation means, the restoring apparatus being connected via the wear compensation means to the brake lining, the restoring apparatus having a lever arm which comprises a spring section, a supporting bearing and a lever bearing, the lever bearing being arranged between the spring section and the supporting bearing. 1. A brake apparatus for a motor vehicle with a restoring apparatus , comprising:a brake support body, a brake lining, a restoring apparatus for the brake lining, and a wear compensation means,the restoring apparatus being connected via the wear compensation means to the brake lining,the restoring apparatus having a lever arm which comprises a spring section, a supporting bearing and a lever bearing,the lever bearing being arranged between the spring section and the supporting bearing.2. The brake apparatus as defined in claim 1 , wherein the restoring apparatus has a connecting element which engages into an opening of the friction lining and configured the frictionally locking connection as a result.3. The brake apparatus as defined in claim 1 , wherein the lever arm is of flexurally stiff configuration.4. The brake apparatus as defined in claim 3 , wherein the restoring apparatus is of two-piece configuration and has a connecting element which is fastened to the lever arm.5. The brake apparatus as defined in claim 4 , wherein the spring section has a spring arm which provides a spring force for a restoring action of the brake lining.6. The brake apparatus as defined in claim 5 , wherein the spring section claim 5 , in particular the spring arm claim 5 , is prestressed.7. The brake apparatus as defined in claim 6 , wherein the spring arm has an end section which bears with a prestressing face for the provision of a prestress against a prestressing face of the spring section or the lever ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Type Of Motor Vehicle And Its Automatic Compensation Brake Device

Номер: US20190011005A1

A type of automatic compensation brake device includes the caliper body and the push device. wherein, the push device is used for pushing the brake pad to brake the vehicle, including the push rod, the thread sleeve, and the piston; the piston is arranged on the caliper body by the elastic fixing part and it can be extended and retracted; the piston and the caliper body form the drive chamber which is used for holding the push rod and the thread sleeve; the push rod is arranged inside the drive chamber in a sliding manner; the thread sleeve is rotated freely and connected to the push rod through the thread; the pre-tightening mechanism is arranged between the thread sleeve and the piston; the pre-tightening mechanism is used for pushing the thread sleeve to be rotated and moved along the push rod's axis to be always kept in contact with the piston. 1. A type of automatic compensation brake device is characterized in that it includes:Caliper body;A push device used for pushing the brake pad to brake the vehicle comprises the push rod, the thread sleeve and the piston; the said piston is arranged on the caliper body by an elastic fixing part and it can be extended and retracted; the said piston and the said caliper body form the drive chamber which is used for holding the said push rod and the said thread sleeve; the said push rod is arranged inside the said drive chamber in a sliding manner; the said thread sleeve is rotated freely and connected to the said push rod through the thread; the pre-tightening mechanism is arranged between the said thread sleeve and the said piston; the said pre-tightening mechanism is used for pushing the said thread sleeve to be rotated and moved along the push rod's axis to be always kept in contact with the said piston.2. According to claim 1 , the said automatic compensation brake device is characterized in that the first opening chamber is arranged on the said caliper body; the said piston is arranged inside the said first opening ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Brake Application Mechanism of a Disc Brake

Номер: US20180023646A1

A brake application mechanism of a disc brake includes a pressure piece in contact with a brake pad, and a cylindrical threaded element that is retained on the pressure piece in such a way as to rotate therewith. The pressure piece and the threaded element that is connected thereto are designed as separate parts. 1. A brake application mechanism of a disc brake , comprising:a pressure piece which makes contact with a brake pad; anda cylindrical threaded element which is held in a rotationally fixed manner on said pressure piece, whereinthe pressure piece and the threaded element that is connected thereto are configured as separate components.2. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe threaded element is configured as a threaded sleeve.3. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 2 , whereinthe pressure piece and the threaded element are connected fixedly to one another in an integrally joined, frictionally locking or positively locking manner.4. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe pressure piece and the threaded element are connected fixedly to one another in an integrally joined, frictionally locking or positively locking manner.5. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe threaded element is screwed to the pressure piece.6. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 5 , whereinthe screw connection is secured against rotation.7. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe pressure piece and the threaded element consist of different materials.8. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe pressure piece and the threaded element consist of different iron materials.9. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe threaded element and the pressure piece are connected to one another by way of rotary friction welding or fusion welding.10. The brake application mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024742A1
Автор: Taylor Martin P.

A disc brake and an adjuster system for a disc brake. The adjuster system may include a piston, a manual rewind apparatus, and an overload device. The overload device may be arranged between the manual rewind device and the piston and may be configured to interrupt driving engagement between the manual rewind apparatus and the piston when torque is applied above a predetermined value. 1. An adjuster system for a disc brake , the adjuster system comprising:a piston for applying an actuating force to a brake pad, the piston having a rotatable portion for adjusting a running clearance between a brake disc and the brake pad;a manual rewind apparatus located within the piston and being in a driving engagement with the piston such that when a torque is applied to the manual rewind apparatus, torque is transmitted to the piston; andan overload device arranged between the manual rewind apparatus and the piston;wherein the overload device is configured to interrupt the driving engagement between the manual rewind apparatus and the piston when the torque applied is above a predetermined value.2. The adjuster system of wherein the overload device is arranged radially intermediate the manual rewind apparatus and the rotatable portion.3. The adjuster system of wherein the overload device is an elastically deformable member.4. The adjuster system of wherein a radially inner surface of the rotatable portion further comprises at least one recess claim 3 , and the elastically deformable member is arranged in the recess for transmitting the torque to the rotatable portion.5. The adjuster system of wherein the recess is a longitudinal channel.6. The adjuster system of wherein the manual rewind apparatus further comprises a formation shaped to mechanically receive and retain the elastically deformable member.7. The adjuster system of wherein the formation further comprises a recess or a bore claim 6 , and the elastically deformable member is located in the recess or bore.8. The ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024041A1
Автор: HARDER Markus

A disc brake () for a utility vehicle includes a brake disc (), a brake caliper () which surrounds the brake disc (), an application-side brake lining (), a rim-side brake lining () and an application-side application device () which is arranged in the brake caliper (). The application device () has at least one adjustment spindle () and a pressure plate () that is arranged axially between the adjustment spindle () and the application-side brake lining (). A plain bearing element () is arranged between the pressure plate () and the adjustment spindle (). 11. A disc brake () for a utility vehicle comprising:{'b': '19', 'a brake disc (),'}{'b': 2', '19, 'a brake caliper () surrounding the brake disc (),'}{'b': 3', '3', '4', '2, 'i': 'a', 'an application-side brake lining (), a rim-side brake lining () and an application-side application device () arranged in the brake caliper (),'}{'b': 4', '5', '6', '6', '5', '3, 'wherein the application device () includes at least one adjustment spindle () and a pressure plate (), wherein the pressure plate () is arranged axially between the adjustment spindle () and the application-side brake lining (),'}{'b': 7', '6', '4, 'wherein a plain bearing element () is arranged between the pressure plate () and the adjustment spindle ().'}217136. The disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plain bearing element () is arranged axially on a pressure plate pin () of the pressure plate ().317888a,b. The disc brake () as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plain bearing element () has at least one stamping ( claim 2 , ).4167105. The disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure plate () and the plain bearing element () is arranged axially via a pressing operation at an end side () of the adjustment spindle ().5171197. The disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein that the plain bearing element () includes a plastics material coating () on an inner wall () of the plain bearing element ().617997. The disc brake () as ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038428A1
Автор: Severinsson Lars

A brake actuator for brakingly engaging a brake block or pad () with a rotating part of a vehicle has spring means () creating a linear brake force. An eccentric mechanism () is arranged in a brake force transmitting chain from the spring means () to the brake block or pad (), and there is a motor () for controlling the angular position of an eccentric () in this mechanism and thus the brake force transmitted from the spring means (). 1. A brake actuator for brakingly engaging a brake block or pad with a rotating part of a vehicle , said brake actuator comprising:spring means for creating a linear brake force;an eccentric mechanism in a brake force transmitting chain from the spring means to the brake block or pad; anda motor for controlling the angular position of an eccentric in said eccentric mechanism and the brake force transmitting chain from the spring means to the brake block or pad.2. The brake actuator according to for brakingly engaging a brake pad with a brake disc of a vehicle claim 1 , comprising said spring means for biasing a drive bridge in a brake application direction claim 1 , said drive bridge being connected to the brake pad and being controlled in its position in this direction by said eccentric claim 1 , which extends through an opening in the drive bridge and is arranged on a control shaft journalled in relation to a housing of the brake actuator and connected to the motor.3. The brake actuator according to claim 2 , wherein said spring means is supported by a cover of the housing of the brake actuator claim 2 , and wherein the control shaft is journalled in shaft supports of the cover.4. The brake actuator according to claim 2 , wherein reduction gearing is provided between the electric motor and an outgoing drive pinion thereof.5. The brake actuator according to claim 4 , wherein the reduction gearing comprises a planetary reduction gearing.6. The brake actuator according to claim 4 , wherein said drive pinion is in gear engagement with a ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Wear Adjustment Device of a Disc Brake and Corresponding Disc Brake

Номер: US20150068852A1

A wear adjustment device is provided for the adjusting friction surface wear on a brake pad and a brake disc of a disc brake having a brake application device, preferably with a rotary lever. The wear adjustment device can be coupled on the drive side to the brake application device, and on the output side to a spindle unit. A respective rolling body arrangement is axially arranged on both sides of a drive element, one of which is designed as a roller bearing and one is designed as a ball ramp coupling. A central shaft is coupled to the ball ramp coupling and has an output interface for coupling to the spindle unit. A radial freewheel is coupled to the ball ramp coupling by an overload spring unit and to the central shaft. A directionally-dependent torque device is provided, along with a housing in which the drive element, the rolling body arrangements, the overload spring unit, the radial freewheel, the central shaft and the directionally-dependent torque unit are arranged.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063528A1
Автор: Malki Refaat

A disc brake having an actuation mechanism, a wear adjustment mechanism that includes a manual rewind apparatus having a manual adjuster shaft; a brake caliper having a housing cavity and an inboard wall, an inboard support interface, and an outboard support interface. The inboard support interface is located within the housing cavity, outboard of the inboard wall. 1. A disc brake comprising: a piston for applying an actuating force to a brake pad, and', 'a wear adjustment mechanism for adjusting extension of the piston to account for wear of the brake pad, the wear adjustment mechanism including a manual rewind apparatus having a manual adjuster shaft;, 'an actuation mechanism that includesa brake caliper having a housing cavity for at least partly accommodating the actuation mechanism, the housing cavity being partially defined by an inboard wall of the brake caliper; andan inboard support interface and an outboard support interface where the manual adjuster shaft is supported, wherein the inboard support interface is located within the housing cavity, outboard of the inboard wall.2. The disc brake of further comprising a seal between the brake caliper and the manual adjuster shaft claim 1 , wherein the seal is located at an interior face of the housing cavity.3. The disc brake of wherein the actuation mechanism further comprises an operating shaft for applying actuating force to the piston; anda roller configured to pivotably support the operating shaft, the roller comprising at least one bearing surface configured to form a pivoting interface with the operating shaft;wherein the roller defines the inboard support interface.4. The disc brake of wherein the roller defines a first bearing surface and a second bearing surface claim 3 , and wherein the inboard support interface is axially located between the first and second bearing surfaces of the roller.5. The disc brake of wherein the roller is secured to the brake caliper.6. The disc brake of wherein the brake ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089139A1

A brake assembly having a sensor assembly that is received inside a shaft of a wear adjuster mechanism. The wear adjuster mechanism may be at least partially received inside a piston that may be rotatable about the axis and may be at least partially received in a tappet. The sensor may provide a signal that is indicative of rotation of the shaft. 1. A brake assembly comprising:a brake caliper;a tappet that is moveable along an axis with respect to the brake caliper and that is adapted to engage a brake pad assembly;a piston that is rotatable about the axis and is at least partially received in the tappet, wherein the piston and tappet have mating threads;a wear adjuster mechanism that is at least partially received inside the piston, wherein the wear adjuster mechanism includes a shaft that is rotatable about the axis; anda sensor assembly that is received inside the shaft and that provides a signal indicative of rotation of the shaft.2. The brake assembly of wherein the shaft has a shaft cavity extends along the axis from a first end of the shaft to a second end of the shaft and the sensor assembly is received inside the shaft cavity.3. The brake assembly of wherein the sensor assembly includes a sensor housing that is received inside the shaft cavity and that is rotatable about the axis with the shaft.4. The brake assembly of wherein the sensor housing is spaced apart from the shaft.5. The brake assembly of wherein an end cap is fixedly mounted to the piston claim 3 , and the sensor assembly has a sensor that is received in the sensor housing and a sensor shaft that extends from the sensor housing and that is rotatable with the end cap and the piston claim 3 , wherein the sensor detects rotation of the sensor shaft about the axis with respect to the sensor housing.6. The brake assembly of wherein the sensor shaft extends along the axis and is spaced apart from the shaft.7. The brake assembly of wherein the end cap has an end cap hole that receives an adapter that ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072146A1

A disk brake includes a wear sensor and an adjusting device having an adjusting element in the form of a pressure screw and/or a pressure sleeve. The adjusting element has a recess in which a reset device extends which is rotationally coupled to the adjusting element for resetting the adjusting device. The wear sensor lies at least partially in the recess. 1. A disk brake , comprising: in particular for commercial vehicles , witha wear sensor: andan adjusting device having an adjusting element in the form of a pressure screw and/or a pressure sleeve,wherein the adjusting element has a recess in which a reset device extends which is rotationally coupled to the adjusting element for resetting the adjusting device, andwherein the wear sensor lies at least partially in the recess.2. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjusting element moves axially on adjustment claim 1 , and wherein the wear sensor is a linear sensor which detects the axial position of the adjusting element.3. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wear sensor includes a Hall effect sensor.4. The disk brake as claimed in further comprising a reset shoulder rotationally coupled to the reset device via a gear mechanism.5. The disk brake as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the reset shoulder is designed for application of a reset tool.6. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a holding device that holds the wear sensor and extends into the recess.7. The disk brake as claimed in claim 6 , further comprising a brake caliper claim 6 , wherein the holding device is mounted in the brake caliper.8. The disk brake as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the reset device is held by the holding device.9. The disk brake as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the holding device claim 6 , the wear sensor claim 6 , the reset device claim 6 , the gear mechanism claim 6 , and the reset shoulder form one structural unit. This application is a U.S. National Stage Application under 35 U.S.C. § ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Brake assembly and method of adjustment

Номер: US20220090643A1
Принадлежит: ArvinMeritor Technology LLC

A brake assembly and a method of adjusting a brake assembly. A tool may be insertable through a through hole in a caliper housing and into a shaft cavity of a shaft of a wear adjuster mechanism that is configured to adjust a running clearance of a brake pad assembly.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080535A1
Автор: VERMANDE Frédéric

A screw actuator comprises a screw shaft for threaded engagement with an actuator output device such that rotation of the screw shaft causes linear movement of the actuator output device; and a motor for driving rotation of the screw shaft. A no-back device is included for restricting movement of the screw shaft in response to feedback torque applied due to external forces on the actuator output device. 1. A no-back device for a screw actuator , the screw actuator comprising:a screw shaft for threaded engagement with an actuator output device such that rotation of the screw shaft causes linear movement of the actuator output device; and a motor for driving rotation of the screw shaft, the no-back device being for restricting movement of the screw shaft in response to feedback torque applied due to external forces on the actuator output device, the no-back device comprising:a brake, the brake including:a no-back device brake member for engagement with a screw shaft brake member connected to the screw shaft in order to generate a braking torque on the screw shaft when the brake members engage with one another; anda biasing device for providing a force to urge the brake members to engage with one another when the motor is not activated, this force hence resulting in a braking torque that resists rotation of the screw shaft under feedback torque; anda brake controller, the brake controller being arranged to provide a force to urge the brake members to disengage with one another, the force being applied upon activation of the motor for rotating the screw shaft, in order that the braking torque is reduced when the motor is activated.2. A no-back device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the brake controller operates independent of axial feedback forces along the screw shaft and/or independent of axial feedback movement of the screw shaft.3. A no-back device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein when the motor is inactive the biasing device engages the brake to prevent movement of ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Disc Brake for a Commercial Vehicle

Номер: US20140174862A1

A disc brake for a commercial vehicle includes a brake caliper which extends over a brake disc, a brake application device which is arranged in the brake caliper for pressing brake pads against the brake disc, and at least one adjustment spindle which is rotatably mounted in a bridge via a threaded coupling. A wear adjusting device is positioned in the brake caliper by which a wear-induced change of the clearance between the brake pad and the brake disc can be substantially compensated for via an axial movement of the adjusting spindle. The disc brake is designed such that the adjusting spindle has at least one axial groove on an outer side, the length of the groove being limited in the direction of the brake application device. A stop, which is axially fixed relative to the bridge, engages into the axial groove in a relatively displaceable manner. 1. A disc brake for a commercial vehicle , comprising:a brake caliper engageable over a brake disc;a brake application device arranged in the brake caliper for pressing brake pads against the brake disc, the brake application device including at least one adjustment spindle rotatably mounted in a bridge via a threaded coupling;a wear adjustment device positioned in the brake caliper for compensating a wear-induced change in an air gap between the brake pad and the brake disc via an axial adjustment of the at least one adjustment spindle, whereinthe adjustment spindle has, on an outer side, at least one axial groove, the axial groove being limited in its length in a direction of the brake-application device, anda stop axially fixed with respect to the bridge, the stop engaging into the axial groove in a relatively displaceable manner.2. The disc brake according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustment spindle comprises multiple axial grooves arranged parallel to and spaced apart from one another.3. The disc brake according to claim 2 , wherein the axial grooves are arranged at uniform angular intervals with respect to one ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144233A1

A vehicle braking system includes brakes, a body, a braking linkage, a service brake comprising a braking piston movable relative to the body to act on the braking linkage and delimiting a service brake pressure chamber to place the braking piston in a service braking position. A parking brake acts on the braking piston and has a working configuration and a resting configuration. The parking brake includes a blocking device movable relative to the body to act on the braking piston and having a first position and a second position in which the blocking device is configured to immobilize the braking piston in a service braking position. A control device is movable relative to the body and has a locking position to hold the blocking device in the second position. A service brake indicator device receives information representing supply and/or venting of the service brake pressure chamber. 1. A braking system having brakes with at least one lining or at least one block , the braking system comprising:a body;a braking linkage configured to act on at least one of the brakes;a service brake comprising a braking piston movable relative to the body to act on the braking linkage and delimiting a service brake pressure chamber with the body, the service brake pressure chamber configured to be supplied by a first pneumatic pressure agent to place the braking piston in a service braking position;a parking brake configured to act on the braking piston of the service brake and having a working configuration and a resting configuration, the parking brake comprising a blocking device movable relative to the body to act on the braking piston and having a first position and a second position in which the blocking device is configured to immobilize the braking piston in the service braking position with the parking brake in the working configuration;a control device movable relative to the body, the control device and the body configured to delimit a parking brake pressure chamber that ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Electromagnetic brake device

Номер: US20210102587A1
Автор: Hiroshi Isono
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electromagnetic brake device presses a pressing plate against a brake rotor along an axis via a friction material by the electromagnetic force of an electromagnetic actuator. The electromagnetic brake device includes a support member that is disposed on the opposite side of the pressing plate to the brake rotor and that is supported by a housing so as to be displaceable along the axis and non-rotatable around the axis, and a shaft member that transmits a force in the direction along the axis between the pressing plate and the support member. An electromagnetic coil and an armature of the electromagnetic actuator are spaced apart from the pressing plate between the pressing plate and the support member, the electromagnetic coil is supported by the housing, and the armature is supported by the support member.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Disc Brake And Brake Actuation Mechanism For A Disc Brake

Номер: US20170108068A1
Автор: Sandberg Stefan

A disc brake including a brake caliper and a brake actuation mechanism having an amplification mechanism for introducing a clamping force, an adjustment mechanism for compensating a lining wear having a torque clutch, a thrust element for transmitting the clamping force onto the brake disc, wherein the thrust element includes an adjustment spindle, and a return mechanism, wherein the amplification mechanism, the adjustment mechanism, the thrust element and the return mechanism are mounted in a functional interacting manner in the brake caliper by way of a rod. The disc brake is further provided with at least one device, which is configured to exert a defined resistant torque on the rotation of the adjustment spindle. 2. The disc brake according to claim 1 , in which the device is configured to increase the friction in the threaded engagement between the adjustment spindle and the thrust piece.3. The disc brake according to claim 1 , in which the adjustment spindle is configured as a hollow spindle and the device is arranged inside the adjustment spindle.4. The disc brake according to claim 1 , in which the device is set under a defined pretension.5. The disc brake according to claim 1 , in which the device comprises an abutment cup claim 1 , against which a coil spring of the return mechanism is supported.6. The disc brake according to claim 5 , in which the abutment cup is arranged on the rod in a rotatably supported manner and non-rotatably connected with the adjustment spindle by means of at least one connecting element.7. The disc brake according to claim 6 , in which the axial position of the abutment cup on the rod and thereby the axial spring force of the coil spring is adjustable by means claim 6 , wherein the axial spring force of the coil spring determines the resistant torque of the device.8. The disc brake according to claim 5 , in which the abutment cup is configured to exert a radial spring force radially on the adjustment spindle claim 5 , which ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Wear Adjustment Device for a Disc Brake

Номер: US20180119761A1

A readjustment device for a pneumatically actuatable disc brake for a vehicle is designed to compensate wear between a brake pad and/or a brake disc. The readjustment device has: a pneumatic actuator, which has a cylinder, into which an axially movable piston is inserted, to which compressed air can be applied and which can be moved in a first direction by application of compressed air; a non-self-locking threaded drive, which has a threaded nut and a threaded shaft, wherein the piston is coupled to the threaded nut in a rotationally fixed manner and wherein the threaded shaft rotatably extends through the threaded nut. The readjustment device has at least one restoring spring by which the piston can be moved in the cylinder in a second direction opposite the first direction such that the readjustment device performs an advancing stroke as a result of application of compressed air to the piston and performs a restoring stroke in a spring-actuated manner as a result of the spring force of the at least one restoring spring. 1. A readjustment device for a pneumatically actuable disc brake for a vehicle , which readjustment device compensates wear between a brake pad or multiple brake pads and/or a brake disc , wherein the readjustment device comprises:a pneumatic actuator which has a cylinder;an axially displaceable piston inserted into the cylinder, to which piston compressed air is suppliable and which is movable in a first direction by being acted on with compressed air, a threaded drive of non-self-locking design which has a threaded nut and a threaded shaft;wherein the piston is coupled rotationally conjointly to the threaded nut, and further wherein the threaded shaft extends rotatably through the threaded nut;at least one resetting spring by which the piston is movable in the cylinder in a second direction which is opposite to the first direction,wherein the readjustment device is configured such that an advancing stroke occurs as a result of the piston being ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Brake Actuation Mechanism For A Disc Brake And Disc Brake Comprising The Same

Номер: US20170122394A1
Автор: Sandberg Stefan

A brake actuation mechanism for a disc brake including an amplification mechanism, an adjustment mechanism, a thrust element and a return mechanism, which are mountable inside a caliper housing by way of a rod so as to be functionally interacting, in which the adjustment mechanism includes a torque limiting clutch mechanism drivingly connecting several elements and including a first clutch element drivingly connecting a rotatable input element with a rotatable output element and a second clutch element connecting the rotatable output element with the rod, the rotatable output element radially surrounding the first clutch element and the second clutch element. A disc brake including such brake actuation mechanism is also contemplated. 1. A brake actuation mechanism for a disc brake comprising a brake caliper , which straddles at least one brake disc , the brake actuation mechanism comprising:an amplification mechanism for amplifying a clamping force being introduced into the brake actuation mechanism;an adjustment mechanism for compensating wear;a thrust element transmitting the amplified clamping force onto the brake disc; anda return mechanism;in which the amplification mechanism, the adjustment mechanism, the thrust element and the return mechanism are mountable inside the housing of the brake caliper by means of a rod so as to be functionally interacting, the rod being adapted to be supported in the housing of the caliper in an axially fixed and non-rotatable manner; andin which the adjustment mechanism comprises a torque limiting clutch mechanism and elements being coaxially and rotatably arranged around the rod, which elements are at least partly drivingly connected by the torque limiting clutch mechanism;characterized in thatthe torque limiting clutch mechanism comprises a first clutch element drivingly connecting a rotatable input element with a rotatable output element and a second clutch element connecting the rotatable output element with the rod, the ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137213A1

A tip of a pneumatic brake cylinder device is attached rotatably at a base side of a caliper body, and a base end of a first brake lever is attached rotatably to an end part of a cylinder at a side opposite to where the rod protrudes. A center part of the first brake lever is rotatably attached to the body. A front part end of a second brake lever is rotatably attached to a tip of the body, and the base ends thereof come into contact with a tip of the first brake lever. A brake lining and a brake head are attached on an inner surface at a tip of a pressing-force transmission member disposed at a center part front part of the second brake lever. A torque-receiving pin tip is immobilized at the brake head, and a shaft is held on the body via a spherical washer. 2. The caliper brake device for a railway vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the clearance adjustment mechanism to adjust the clearance between the two brake linings and the disc is provided with the pressing-force transmission member. The present invention relates to a caliper brake device which imparts a braking force on both side surfaces of a wheel of a railway vehicle by clamping a brake disc (referred to below simply as a disc) that rotates together with the wheel.A pneumatic-hydraulic converter is required in cases where air is used as a pressure medium in a railway vehicle which employs a hydraulic caliper brake device which uses hydraulic oil as a pressure medium. Accordingly, in recent years, there has developed a tendency to use pneumatic caliper brake devices in order to reduce or eliminate hydraulic power units.However, in order for railway vehicle to utilize pneumatic caliper brake devices which have lower output than hydraulic caliper brake devices, the pneumatic brake cylinder devices have become larger, which increases the size of the device as a whole, thus making it difficult to install it in a limited space.Accordingly, the invention of Patent Reference 1 made use of a lever principle in ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135709A1
Автор: Knoop Dietmar, Thomas Paul

A brake carrier for an air-actuated disc brake. The brake carrier may have first and second carrier portions that may include a mounting arrangement and a recess. The recess may define a circumferential abutment surface for restraining motion of a brake pad in a circumferential direction and a radial abutment surface for restraining motion of the brake pad in a radially inward direction. 1. A brake carrier arrangement for an air-actuated disc brake , the brake carrier arrangement comprising: a mounting arrangement for mounting the brake carrier to an axle or a steering component;', 'a circumferential abutment surface for restraining motion of a brake pad in a circumferential direction;', 'a radial abutment surface for restraining motion of the brake pad in a radially inward direction, wherein the circumferential abutment surface and the radial abutment surface cooperate to at least partially define a recess; and', 'a guide sleeve projecting a side of the brake carrier to enable a caliper to slide thereon in an inboard-outboard direction, wherein the guide sleeve and brake carrier are integrally formed as a single component., 'a brake carrier that includes2. The brake carrier arrangement of wherein the brake carrier has a first carrier portion and a second carrier portion claim 1 , wherein the first and second carrier portions are separate components not physically connected to each other.3. The brake carrier arrangement of wherein a main body of each of the first and second carrier portions is generally planar and the mounting arrangement and recess are formed in the main body.4. The brake carrier arrangement of wherein the recess terminates adjacent the radial abutment surface.5. The brake carrier arrangement of further comprising a support wing arranged to extend in an outboard direction from the brake carrier and arranged to circumferentially support a caliper with respect to the brake carrier.6. The brake carrier arrangement of wherein the mounting arrangement ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132147A1
Автор: SHAHIN Hatem

The invention relates to a hydraulic brake system for a vehicle, comprising a cylinder () and a piston () movably arranged inside the cylinder (), wherein the piston () has a closed end, an open end () and a piston wall surrounding a cavity () of the piston () between the closed end and the open end (), the piston () being movable along a longitudinal axis () of the cylinder () by hydraulic pressure within the cavity () for pressing at least one brake pad () against a brake disc (). An outer diameter of the piston () is smaller in a central section () between the open end () and the closed end than at the open end () and at the closed end so that, in the central section (), a space () remains between the piston wall and an inner wall of the cylinder (). 1. A hydraulic brake system for a vehicle , comprising:a cylinder; anda piston movably arranged inside the cylinder,wherein the piston has a closed end, an open end and a piston wall surrounding a cavity of the piston between the closed end and the open end, the piston being movable along a longitudinal axis of the cylinder by hydraulic pressure within the cavity for pressing at least one brake pad against a brake disc,characterized in thatan outer diameter of the piston is smaller in a central section between the open end and the closed end than at the open end and at the closed end so that, in the central section, a space remains between the piston wall and an inner wall of the cylinder.2. The hydraulic brake system of claim 1 , characterized in that the cavity is narrower in the central section of the piston than in at least one of a section between the central section and the open end and a section between the central section and the closed end.3. The hydraulic brake system of claim 1 , characterized in that it further comprises a hydraulic fluid for exerting the hydraulic pressure within the cavity of the piston claim 1 , wherein the space between the inner wall of the cylinder and the piston wall in the central ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136925A1
Принадлежит: WABCO Europe BVBA

An adjuster unit () for a vehicle disc brake (), in particular an air disc brake () of a commercial vehicle, includes an adjustment spindle () adapted to be operatively coupled with one of the brake pads () such that by rotation in a first direction, the adjustment spindle () moves the brake pad () towards the disc (). By rotation in a second direction opposite of the first direction, the adjustment spindle () moves the brake pad away from the disc (). An actuator ring assembly () is rotatable about the adjustment spindle (); and a wrap spring () is helically wound around the adjustment spindle (). The wrap spring (), being part of the adjuster unit, is positioned on the adjuster unit, in particular on the adjustment spindle, to engage a stop () upon rotation of the adjustment spindle () in the second direction, causing the diameter of the wrap spring () to increase. 1100200111352059119100. An adjuster unit (; ) for a vehicle disc brake (; ′) of a commercial vehicle , the disc brake () having a brake caliper () , the brake caliper preferably having a thrust piece (; ) , a pair of brake pads () , a disc () positioned in between the brake pads () , the adjuster unit () comprising:{'b': 101', '201', '9', '7', '3', '101', '201', '9', '11', '101', '201', '11, 'claim-text': [{'b': 107', '207', '101', '201, 'an actuator ring assembly (; ) rotatable about the adjustment spindle (; );'}, {'b': 109', '209', '101', '201', '101', '201', '107', '207, 'a wrap spring (; ) helically wound around the adjustment spindle (; ) and operatively coupling the adjustment spindle (; ) with the actuator ring assembly (; ), and'}], 'an adjustment spindle (; ′) adapted to be operatively coupled with one of the brake pads (), and to engage a threaded bore () provided in the brake caliper () such that by rotation in a first direction, the adjustment spindle (; ) moves the brake pad () towards the disc (), and by rotation in a second direction opposite of the first direction, the adjustment ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159734A1
Автор: Wagner Mark

A brake caliper is provided with a timing and retraction controller, a brake pad and a lock-connection comprising an engaging component and a locking component. The timing and retraction controller adjusts brake timing, eliminates parasitic brake losses and dampens out-of-plane vibration between the brake pad and rotor. The brake caliper includes a housing disposed over a brake rotor; first and second opposing brake pads extendably and retractably mounted on opposite sides of the caliper housing, brake pistons that extend and retract the brake pads into and out of frictional engagement with the rotor, and brake pad timing and retraction controllers disposed on opposite sides of the caliper housing. Each controller includes a Belleville spring or other resilient member with a short compression travel limited to between about 1.50 mm and 0.025 mm. The short stroke Belleville spring of each controller applies a hold-off force against the extension force of the brake pistons that slightly delays brake pad extension and slightly reduces brake pad clamping force against the rotor, thereby advantageously providing a front wheel braking bias when applied to the rear wheels of a vehicle. The restorative force applied by the short stroke Belleville forcefully and uniformly retracts the brake pad from the rotor, eliminating parasitic brake losses, and dampening out-of-plane vibration between the brake pad and rotor. 1. A brake pad useable with a brake pad retraction system , said brake pad comprising:frictional material affixed to a backing plate, the backing plate comprising a locking connection operative between said brake pad and an end portion of a controller shaft, said locking connection comprising an engaging component operative to establish an alignment of the shaft with respect to said brake pad and a locking component operative to lock the shaft in said alignment, whereby said locking connection is counteractive to vibration, heat and/or torque arising from braking ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172097A1
Автор: PROUZET Bertrand

There is provided an apparatus for applying a braking force to a brake disc using a brake pad. The apparatus comprises a lever configured to rotate about a first fulcrum, and a pressing member attached to said lever and for urging a brake pad against a brake disc. A component is arranged and configured to ensure that said pressing member has a circular translational movement upon rotation of said lever, and a rotatable input member is configured to rotate a first member. In use, rotation of said first member causes movement of an actuating member along an first axis (A), and said axial movement of said actuating member causes said lever to rotate about said first fulcrum for applying a braking force to said brake disc. 1. An apparatus for applying a braking force to a brake disc using a brake pad , comprising:a lever configured to rotate about a first fulcrum;a pressing member attached to said lever and for urging a brake pad against a brake disc;a link member attached to said pressing member and configured to rotate about a second fulcrum in such a manner that said brake pad remains substantially parallel to said brake disc while said lever rotates about said first fulcrum; anda rotatable input member configured to rotate a first member, wherein, in use, rotation of said first member causes movement of an actuating member along an first axis (A), and said axial movement of said actuating member causes said lever to rotate about said first fulcrum for applying a braking force to said brake disc.2. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a portion of said link member between its attachment to said pressing member and said second fulcrum is of the same length and remains parallel with a corresponding portion of said lever that is between its attachment to said pressing member and said first fulcrum.3. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said pressing member follows a circular translational movement upon rotation of said lever about said first fulcrum.4. ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle Disk Brake

Номер: US20170175837A1

The invention relates to a vehicle disk brake having a brake-application device which provides the braking force and which is composed of a force element, preferably a pressure medium cylinder, and of a pressure-boosting lever arrangement, and having a readjustment device for compensatory readjustment of the wear-induced air clearance of the brake. The readjustment device comprises, as constituent parts, a rotatably arranged drive element () which can be actuated by the brake-application device, a readjustment element () arranged rotatably on the same axis, and a transmission device arranged in the movement path between drive element () and readjustment element (). To provide a vehicle brake which is equipped with a readjustment device for compensatory readjustment of the wear-induced air clearance and in which the readjustment means is of structurally simple design and has a small number of parts, the transmission device is in the form of a helical wrap spring () which, along a first helix section (), is supported radially with respect to the drive element () and, along a second helix section (), is supported radially with respect to the readjustment element (), wherein the former radial support is realized at the inner side, and the latter radial support is realized at the outer side, of the wrap spring (). 111.-. (canceled)12. A vehicle brake comprising:a brake-application device comprising a force element and providing a braking force;a pressure-intensifying lever arrangement;a readjustment device configured to readjust a wear-induced release clearance of the vehicle brake; a rotatably arranged drive element operatively connected to the brake-application device to be actuated by the brake-application device to rotate about an axis of rotation;', 'a readjustment element arranged rotatably on the axis of rotation; and', 'a transmission device arranged in a movement path between the drive element and the readjustment element;, 'the readjustment device ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Disc brake, in particular for commercial vehicles

Номер: US20160186827A1
Принадлежит: WABCO Europe BVBA

A disc brake, in particular for commercial vehicles, has an adjustment device for compensating for brake lining/brake disc wear. The adjustment device is arranged at least partially inside an interior space of the brake caliper and has an adjustment gear with an adjustment nut having an internal thread, and an adjustment spindle screwed therein with an external thread. For adjustment during normal operation of the brake, the adjustment nut is rotated in relation to the adjustment spindle, which is fixed against rotation. A first sealing device at least partially seals off an annular space on the brake disc side between the inner wall of a through-opening in the brake caliper and the axially adjustable adjustment spindle, which extends through the through-opening and toward one of the brake linings, wherein the first sealing device is held on the caliper at one end.

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Disc Brake for a Commercial Vehicle

Номер: US20180187729A1

A disc brake for a vehicle, in particular for a commercial vehicle, includes a brake caliper, which extends over a brake disc; a brake application device arranged in the brake caliper for pressing brake pads against the brake disc; at least one brake piston, which can be moved axially by the brake application device; an adjustment device, which is positioned in the brake caliper and which is operatively connected, by a gearing, to the brake piston in order to axially adjust the brake piston in order to compensate a clearance change resulting from wear. The gearing has an input gear, which is retained on the adjustment device for conjoint rotation, and an output gear, which is retained on the brake piston for conjoint rotation. The disc brake is designed such that the output gear connected to the brake piston for conjoint rotation and the input gear of the adjustment device, which input gear corresponds thereto, are arranged in a driver device, which is held in an axially movable but rotationally fixed manner. 1. A disc brake for a vehicle , comprising:a brake caliper which straddles a brake disc;a brake application device which is arranged in the brake caliper for pressing brake pads onto the brake disc;at least one brake plunger which can be displaced axially by the brake application device;an adjusting device which is positioned in the brake caliper and is operatively connected via a gear mechanism to the brake plunger in order to adjust it axially in order to compensate for a wear-induced change in an air play, whereinthe gear mechanism has a drive gear which is held on the adjusting device in a rotationally fixed manner and an output gear which is held on the brake plunger in a rotationally fixed manner, andthe output gear which is connected to the brake plunger in a rotationally fixed manner and the drive gear of the adjusting device, which drive gear corresponds with said output gear, are arranged in a driver device which is held such that it can be displaced ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204903A1
Автор: Klaas Thomas

The proposal is for a bearing of a lever (), which is provided with a pivot arm (A), in relation to a pressure piece (), having a race () on the lever side, said race being curved in a partially cylindrical manner, a race () on the pressure-piece side, said race being curved in a partially cylindrical manner, rolling elements (), which roll on both races () and are grouped together in a bearing cage (), and having a radial projection (), which is fixed in terms of rotation relative to one race () and forms a stop which limits the mobility of the bearing cage () in one circumferential direction. In order to refine the bearing in terms of assembly, the bearing comprises a pocket () or opening, which is arranged in the other race () or extends partially into said race, said pocket or opening extending only over a part of the race width and, at the transition to the curvature plane (E) of the race (), forming a stop edge () which limits the mobility of the bearing cage () in the other circumferential direction. 11174535374535363435365045455236. A bearing of a lever () , which is provided with a pivot arm (A) , in relation to a pressure piece () , having a race () on the lever side , said race being curved in a partially cylindrical manner , a race () on the pressure-piece side , said race being curved in a partially cylindrical manner , rolling elements () , which roll on both races ( , ) and are grouped together in a bearing cage () , and having a radial projection () , which is fixed in terms of rotation relative to one race () and forms a stop which limits the mobility of the bearing cage () in one circumferential direction , characterized by a pocket () or opening , which is arranged in the other race () or extends partially into said race , said pocket or opening extending only over a part of the race width and , at the transition to the curvature plane (E) of the race () , forming a stop edge () which limits the mobility of the bearing cage () in the other ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: US20160215841A1

A disc brake having a caliper, a piston, an operating shaft, a wear adjustment mechanism, and a transmission path. The caliper may straddle a rotor and may retain first and second brake pads. The piston may be slidable within the caliper. The operating shaft may apply an actuating force to advance the piston when the operating shaft is actuated. The transmission path of the wear adjustment mechanism may include a one-way clutch.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223934A1

A monitoring device for a disk brake includes a sensor configured to be attached to a brake caliper of the disk brake; and a measuring element configured to be moved relative to the sensor unit. The sensor is designed to register a relative position of the measuring element. The sensor and the measuring element are spaced from one another for the purpose of forming a contactless monitoring device. The preloading element is arranged between the measuring element and the sensor for preloading the measuring element against a pressure spindle of the disk brake. 1. A monitoring device for a disk brake , comprising:a sensor configured to be attached to a brake caliper of the disk brake; anda measuring element configured to be moved relative to the sensor unit,wherein the sensor is designed to register a relative position of the measuring element,wherein the sensor and the measuring element are spaced from one another for the purpose of forming a contactless monitoring device, andwherein a preloading element is arranged between the measuring element and the sensor for preloading the measuring element against a pressure spindle of the disk brake.2. The monitoring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device is configured to be be integrated into an adjusting device of the disk brake.3. The monitoring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring element surrounds the sensor in an annular manner.4. The monitoring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring element partly surrounds the sensor along a direction of motion (X) claim 1 , and{'b': 2', '1, 'wherein a length (L) of the measuring element in the direction of motion (X) is shorter than a length (L) of the sensor in the direction of motion (X).'}5. The monitoring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the preloading element is a spring.6. The monitoring device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the spring is a coil spring which at least partly surrounds the sensor and the measuring element ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217380A1

The invention relates to a wrap spring for blocking an unwanted rotational movement of a rotary element. The invention further relates to an adjusting device for adjusting the wear of brake pads of a disk brake. An adjusting device comprises a guide sleeve in which a wrap spring is arranged, a grooved ring which encompasses the guide sleeve, wherein the grooved ring is coupled to a closure cap via a torsion spring, and an opening ring encompassing the grooved ring. The invention further relates to a disk brake for a vehicle, in particular for a utility vehicle, wherein the disk brake comprises an adjusting device with a wrap spring. 1123423456617a. A wrap spring () having a first wrap spring end () and a second wrap spring end () , with a wrap spring portion () arranged between the first wrap spring end () and the second wrap spring end () , wherein the wrap spring portion () extends axially around a wrap spring axis () and comprises at least one wrap spring coil ( , ) , wherein the wrap spring () comprises at least one U-shaped projection ().217623. The wrap spring () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the U-shaped projection () is formed from the at least one wrap spring coil () between the first wrap spring end () and the second wrap spring end ().3115271. The wrap spring () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wrap spring extends along an angle (α) claim 1 , as measured from the wrap spring axis () claim 1 , from the first wrap spring end () to the U-shaped projection () claim 1 , in the circumferential direction of the wrap spring ().4112751. The wrap spring () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wrap spring () claim 1 , from the first wrap spring end () to the U-shaped projection () claim 1 , extends along an angle (α) claim 1 , as measured from the wrap spring axis () claim 1 , by 90 degrees in the circumferential direction of the wrap spring ().511. The wrap spring () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wrap spring () has a circular cross section claim 1 , a ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210301889A1

An electromechanical brake apparatus includes a housing supporting an inboard brake pad and an outboard brake pad for selective frictional contact with a rotor interposed longitudinally therebetween. The housing includes a mechanism cavity located longitudinally between the inboard pad and a motor having a sun gear motor output shaft. An adjuster ramp assembly indirectly receives torque from the motor. A spindle is provided for selectively moving the inboard brake pad longitudinally. The spindle is operatively connected with the adjuster ramp assembly to indirectly receive torque from the motor therethrough. A leading ramp assembly is configured to transmit applied torque from the motor to the adjuster ramp assembly. The leading ramp assembly receives stepped-up torque from the motor via the sun gear motor output shaft and a plurality of planet gears located radially between the sun gear motor output shaft and a toothed inner lumen of the leading ramp assembly. 1. An electromechanical brake apparatus , comprising:a housing supporting an inboard brake pad and an oppositely facing outboard brake pad for selective frictional contact with a rotor interposed longitudinally therebetween, the housing including a mechanism cavity located longitudinally between the inboard pad and a motor having a sun gear motor output shaft;an adjuster ramp assembly indirectly receiving torque from the motor;a spindle for selectively moving the inboard brake pad longitudinally, the spindle being operatively connected with the adjuster ramp assembly to indirectly receive torque from the motor therethrough, the spindle and adjuster ramp assembly being located substantially within the mechanism cavity; anda leading ramp assembly configured to transmit applied torque from the motor to the adjuster ramp assembly, and the leading ramp assembly receiving stepped-up torque from the motor via the sun gear motor output shaft and a plurality of planet gears located radially between the sun gear motor ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Disk Brake And Production Method For A Disk Brake

Номер: US20160273603A1

A brake including an adjustable thrust element for applying a brake force to a brake pad and an adjustment device for selectably adjusting the thrust element. The adjustment device includes a shaft having a cylindrical shaft surface, a sleeve having a cylindrical sleeve surface, wherein the shaft and the sleeve are arranged end-to-end, and a torque clutch including a wrap spring that is mounted on the cylindrical shaft surface and mounted on the cylindrical sleeve surface, the shaft including an integral drive pin for selectively rotating the shaft. The brake further includes an operating lever, wherein the drive pin extends radially directly from the shaft surface of the shaft and wherein the operating lever includes a groove that receives the drive pin. 1. A brake comprising:an adjustable thrust element for applying a brake force to a brake pad; a shaft having a cylindrical shaft surface;', 'a sleeve having a cylindrical sleeve surface, wherein the shaft and the sleeve are arranged end-to-end; and', 'a torque clutch including a wrap spring that is mounted on the cylindrical shaft surface and mounted on the cylindrical sleeve surface, the shaft including an integral drive pin for selectively rotating the shaft; and, 'an adjustment device for selectably adjusting the thrust element, the adjustment device includingan operating lever;wherein the drive pin extends radially directly from the shaft surface of the shaft and wherein the operating lever includes a groove that receives the drive pin.2. The brake of wherein the drive pin includes a partially spherical end.3. The brake of wherein the drive pin and the shaft are formed as a single component.4. The brake of wherein the shaft surface is cylindrical.5. The brake of wherein the drive pin is fixed to the shaft to integrate the drive pin into the shaft.6. The brake of wherein a rod extends through the shaft and the sleeve.7. The brake of wherein the drive pin is spaced apart from the rod.8. The brake of wherein an ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Disk Brake And Method For Manufacturing The Same

Номер: US20190257379A1
Автор: Sandberg Stefan

The present invention refers to a disc brake having a brake caliper, which overlaps at least one brake disc, and a brake actuation mechanism having an amplification mechanism including a brake lever being rotatable around a pivot bearing for introducing a clamping force from an actuator, the brake lever having an arm extending between its actuator connection means and its transmission means, a thrust element in connection with said transmission means for transmitting the amplified clamping force onto the brake disc, in which the brake lever comprises a recess between its actuator connection means and its transmission means, which recess is traversed by the axis of said pivot bearing. 1. A disc brake comprising a brake caliper , which overlaps at least one brake disc , and a brake actuation mechanism havingan amplification mechanism comprising a brake lever being rotatable around a pivot bearing for introducing a clamping force from an actuator, the brake lever having an arm extending between its actuator connection means and its transmission means,a thrust element in connection with said transmission means for transmitting the amplified clamping force onto the brake disc, characterized in thatthe brake lever comprises a recess between its actuator connection means and its transmission means, which recess is traversed by the axis of said pivot bearing.2. The disc brake of claim 1 , in which the brake lever is configured and arranged in relation to the thrust element so that the clamping force from the actuator is substantially directed perpendicularly to the axis of the brake disc upon brake actuation.3. The disc brake of claim 1 , in which the amplification mechanism and the thrust element are mounted in functional cooperation in the brake caliper by means of a rod claim 1 , which rod is supported in the housing of the brake caliper so as to be not displaceable in axial direction.4. The disc brake of claim 3 , in which the rod extends into said recess.5. The disc ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256409A1

The invention relates to an electric adjusting device for a disc brake, comprising a brake disc and a brake caliper of a vehicle for adjusting the wear of brake linings. The electric adjusting device comprises a motor, a force transmission device, a sensor unit and an actuating unit. 1122331aa. An electric adjusting device () for a disc brake () having a brake disc and a brake caliper () of a vehicle for adjusting the wear of brake linings ( , ) , the electric adjusting device () comprising:{'b': '4', 'an electric motor (),'}{'b': '5', 'a force transmission device (),'}{'b': '7', 'a sensor unit () and'}{'b': '6', 'an actuating unit (),'}{'b': '4', 'wherein the electric motor () is oriented in one of the follwoing arrangements{'b': '6', 'axially parallel to the actuating unit (), toward the brake disc,'}{'b': 6', '7, 'axially parallel to the actuating unit () and the sensor unit () toward the brake disc,'}{'b': 4', '6', '8, 'coaxial with the actuating unit and the sensor unit and the electric motor () and the actuating unit () are arranged on a carrier plate ().'}21219477. The electric adjusting device () for a disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electric adjusting device () comprises a plug connection () for the power supply of the electric motor () and the sensor unit () claim 1 , and for transmission of a signal of the sensor unit ().3127164. The electric adjusting device () for a disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensor unit () of the electric adjusting device () detects an absolute position (P) of the actuating unit () and the absolute position (P) is formed directly by an evaluation logic as a manipulated variable for regulating the electric motor ().41251. The electric adjusting device () for a disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the force transmission device () of the electric adjusting device () comprises the following features:{'b': 10', '13', '13', '11', '11', '12', '11', '6, 'i': 'a', 'a worm gear () with a ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200263749A1
Автор: JO Chi Hoon

A parking brake apparatus may include: a driving part; a driving gear rotatably connected to the driving part; a gear shaft engaged with the driving gear so as to be rotated by the driving gear; a pair of pistons disposed on both sides of the gear shaft and connected to brake shoes, respectively; a pair of nuts disposed in the respective pistons, and screwed to the gear shaft; an elastic member installed between the piston and the nut so as to pressure the nut toward the brake shoe; a holder installed in the piston so as to support the elastic member; and a constraint ring installed in the piston so as to constrain the holder. 1. A parking brake apparatus comprising:a driving part;a driving gear rotatably connected to the driving part;a gear shaft engaged with the driving gear so as to be rotated by the driving gear;a pair of pistons disposed on both sides of the gear shaft and connected to brake shoes, respectively;a pair of nuts disposed in the respective pistons, and screwed to the gear shaft;an elastic member installed between the piston and the nut so as to pressure the nut toward the brake shoe;a holder installed in the piston so as to support the elastic member; anda constraint ring installed in the piston so as to constrain the holder.2. The parking brake apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the holder comprises:a first holder ring installed in the piston so as to support the elastic member; anda second holder ring stacked on the first holder ring, configured to constrain the nut, and constrained by the constraint ring.3. The parking brake apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the second holder ring has a second protrusion part to constrain the first holder ring claim 2 , andthe first holder ring is locked to and constrained by the constraint ring.4. The parking brake apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the second holder ring has a holder screw part formed on the inner surface thereof claim 3 , andthe nut has an outer screw part formed on the outer surface thereof so as to be ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Brake device

Номер: US20180274612A1
Автор: Tsutomu Suzuki
Принадлежит: KYB Corp

A brake device includes: an extendable and contractable coupling member that couples one end portions of a pair of link arms to each other; and an adjuster that causes the coupling member to extend so that positions of brake linings relative to brake discs are adjusted to be constant. The adjuster includes: an extension mechanism that has an extension shaft with a male thread and an extension nut with a female thread, which is threadedly engaged with the male thread, and causes the coupling member to extend; and a pressing spring that presses the extension nut in an axial direction toward a contact surface, which is provided in a main body recess portion housing the extension nut and is in contact with one end portion of the extension nut.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292576A1

A disk brake includes a brake disk, a brake caliper, at least one application device lying within the brake caliper on one side of the brake disk, an axially movable device configured to move a brake pad axially toward the brake disk, and an adjustment mechanism configured to be rotated about an rotation axis lying parallel to a rotation axis of the brake disk and which, in the case of rotation in a first direction of rotation bringing about adjustment, is configured to rotate the actuating spindle. The adjustment mechanism includes a thread device which, at least in a rotation in a second direction of rotation opposite the first direction of rotation, is configured to mesh with the external thread of the actuating spindle and to screw the adjustment mechanism in relation to the actuating spindle. 1. A disk brake , comprising:a brake disk,a brake caliper,at least one application device lying within the brake caliper on one side of the brake disk,an axially movable device configured to move a brake pad axially toward the brake disk by way of at least one actuating spindle when the brake is actuated, wherein the actuating spindle can be rotated, has an external thread, and is configured to be screwed into a threaded bore in the movable device, andan adjustment mechanism configured to be rotated about a rotation axis lying parallel to a rotation axis of the brake disk and which, in the case of rotation in a first direction of rotation bringing about adjustment, is configured to rotate the actuating spindle because of a rotational coupling acting in the direction of rotation,wherein the adjustment mechanism comprises a thread device, which, at least in a rotation in a second direction of rotation opposite the first direction of rotation, is configured to meshes with the external thread of the actuating spindle and to screw the adjustment mechanism in relation to the actuating spindle.2. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the thread device is a wrap spring ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180298962A1

A caliper body () of a disc brake apparatus () includes an accommodating portion () which accommodates a piston () for pressing a brake pad (), a cam lever () for generating a pressing force through rotation, and a pressing force transmission mechanism () which is interposed between the piston () and the cam lever () to transmit a pressing force to the piston (). The accommodating portion () has an opening portion through which the piston (), the cam lever () and the pressing force transmission mechanism () can be assembled into the caliper body () from a thick back side thereof, and both the accommodating portion () and the opening portion are opened to a rotor disposition side area in the caliper body (). 1. A disc brake apparatus comprising:a caliper body having a frame structure, wherein a piston which presses on a brake pad,', 'a cam lever which generates a pressing force through rotation, and', 'a pressing force transmission mechanism which is interposed between the piston and the cam lever and transmits the pressing force to the piston,, 'the caliper body includes an accommodating portion which accommodates at leastthe accommodating portion has an opening which enables the piston, the cam lever and the pressing force transmission mechanism to be assembled into the caliper body from a thick back side of the caliper body, andboth the accommodating portion and the opening portion are opened to a rotor disposing side area of the caliper body.2. The disc brake apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising:a pressing force generating portion cover which seals up the opening portion, whereina side wall which separates the accommodating portion from the rotor disposing side area is provided on the pressing force generating portion cover, anda through hole through which the piston is inserted into the rotor disposing side area is provided in the side wall.3. The disc brake apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising:an actuator which actuates the cam lever, whereinthe ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180298969A1

A brake piston assembly is described. The brake piston assembly includes a brake piston, the brake piston comprising: a front face and a back surface, the front face opposite the back surface and the front face configured to exert pressure on a brake pad; a cavity extending into the brake piston from the rear surface; and a projection located within a cavity of the brake piston at a position intermediate the front face and the rear surface; a brake piston nut receivable into the cavity; and a flexible retainer, the flexible retainer located in a groove in an outer wall of the brake piston nut; wherein, when the piston nut is fully inserted into the cavity, the flexible retainer will be located between the projection and the front face. 1. A brake piston assembly comprising: a front face and a back surface, the front face opposite the back surface and the front face configured to exert pressure on a brake pad;', 'a cavity extending into the brake piston from the rear surface; and', 'a projection located within a cavity of the brake piston at a position intermediate the front face and the rear surface;, 'a brake piston, the brake piston comprisinga brake piston nut receivable into the cavity; anda flexible retainer, the flexible retainer located in a groove in an outer wall of the brake piston nut;wherein, when the piston nut is fully inserted into the cavity, the flexible retainer will be located between the projection and the front face.2. A brake piston assembly comprising:a brake piston;a brake piston nut; anda flexible retainer; 'wherein the brake piston assembly is configured such that upon fluid pressure actuation of the brake, the brake piston moves in relation to the brake piston nut in a first direction, compressing the flexible retainer against the projection, and upon release of the fluid pressure actuation of the brake, the flexible retainer expands and moves the brake piston in relation to the brake piston nut in a second direction opposite the first ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Adjustment Mechanism for a Vehicle Disk Brake as well as a Cardanic Rotary Bearing and a Coupling Ring Therefor

Номер: US20200291995A1
Принадлежит: BPW Bergische Achsen KG

The invention relates to an adjustment mechanism for a vehicle disk brake, which is provided with an adjustment device for compensating the operation-induced wear on the brake linings and the brake disk, wherein the adjustment device has the following components: —a drive element (25) which is rotatably arranged within the housing of the disk brake on an axis (A) parallel to the axis of rotation of the brake disk and which can be set in rotation by a brake application device; —a shaft (40) which is arranged centrally on the axis (A), on which the drive element (25) is rotatably mounted; —a cardanic rotary bearing (45) which supports the shaft (40) in an opening (1A) of the housing in a pendulum-like manner and which is made at least partially of a deformable rubber or elastomer ring (46) and a steel ring (47) which is attached therein. In order to further develop the mentioned adjustment mechanism so that it can be produced more economically and requires only a small number of components, the steel ring (47) is supported in a sliding manner against a cylindrical bearing section (50) of the shaft (40), and a coupling consisting of a first coupling part (51), which is rotationally fixed to the shaft (40), and a second coupling part (52), which is rotationally fixed to the steel ring (47), is arranged on the axis (A), the second coupling part being a coupling ring (52) which is rotatably mounted on the shaft (40). The invention further relates to a corresponding cardanic rotary bearing (45) and a corresponding coupling ring (52).

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170307035A1

A disk brake includes a brake disk, a brake caliper, at least one application device lying within the brake caliper on one side of the brake disk, an axially movable device configured to move a brake pad axially toward the brake disk by way of at least one actuating spindle when the brake is actuated, and an adjustment mechanism configured to rotate the actuating spindle because of a rotational coupling acting in the direction of rotation. The adjustment mechanism comprises a thread device, which, at least in the case of rotation in a second direction of rotation opposite a direction of rotation, is configured to mesh with an external thread of the actuating spindle and is configured to screw the adjustment mechanism in relation to the actuating spindle. 1: A disk brake , comprisinga brake disk,a brake caliper,at least one application device lying within the brake caliper on one side of the brake disk,an axially movable device configured to move a brake pad axially toward the brake disk by way of at least one actuating spindle when the brake is actuated, wherein the actuating spindle is configured to be rotated, has an external thread, and is configured to be screwed into a threaded bore in the movable device, andan adjustment mechanism, configured to be rotated about a rotation axis parallel to a rotation axis of the brake disk and which, in the case of rotation in a first direction of rotation bringing about adjustment, is configured to rotate the actuating spindle because of a rotational coupling acting in the direction of rotation,wherein the adjustment mechanism comprises a thread device, which, at least in the case of rotation in a second direction of rotation opposite the first direction of rotation, is configured to mesh with the external thread of the actuating spindle and is configured to screw the adjustment mechanism in relation to the actuating spindle.2: The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the thread device is a wrap spring having a same ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Self adjusting automatic load brake

Номер: US20200309216A1
Принадлежит: Goodrich Corp

A self-adjusting automatic load brake for a hoist is disclosed. In various embodiments, the load brake includes a first shaft defining an annular hollow portion; a second shaft defining an engagement portion, the engagement portion configured for sliding disposition within the annular hollow portion; a first reaction plate coupled to the first shaft; a second reaction plate coupled to the second shaft; and a plurality of friction discs, with at least one of the plurality of friction discs coupled to a cup and disposed between the first reaction plate and the second reaction plate, the annular hollow portion of the first shaft and the engagement portion of the second shaft being sized and configured to accommodate thinning of the plurality of friction discs.

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316644A1

Brake systems and methods of their operation are disclosed, including a brake system comprising: a rotor comprising: a hub configured for attachment to a vehicle; and a first and a second contact surfaces; and a web connecting the first and second contact surfaces to the hub; a first and a second brake pad located adjacent to the respective first and second contact surfaces of the brake rotor, wherein the first and the second brake pads are configured to press on the respective first and second contact surfaces during operation of the brake system; a first brake piston configured to push the first brake pad against the first contact surface of the rotor during operation of the brake system; wherein upon operation of the brake system in a first operation mode, the first piston moves the second contact surface toward the second piston by deflection of the rotor at the web. 1. A disk brake system , the system comprising: a hub configured for attachment to a vehicle,', 'a first and a second contact surface, and', 'a web connecting the first and second contact surfaces to the hub;, 'a brake rotor comprisinga first and a second brake pad located adjacent to the respective first and second contact surfaces of the brake rotor, wherein the first and the second brake pads are configured to press on the respective first and second contact surfaces of the brake rotor during operation of the brake system;a first brake piston configured to push the first brake pad against the first contact surface of the brake rotor during operation of the brake system; a nut in communication with an interior of the first brake piston,', 'a spindle in threaded communication with the nut and configured to be rotatable, and', 'a parking brake rotator configured to rotate the spindle in relation to the nut;, 'a parking actuator comprisinga second brake piston opposed to the first brake piston; and an adjustor spindle, and', 'an adjustor nut in threaded communication with the adjustor spindle,, 'a ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324805A1
Принадлежит: ZF Active Safety US Inc.

A ball nut assembly comprises a spindle having a longitudinal axis, a ball nut, and bearing elements supporting the ball nut on the spindle. First, second, third, and fourth ball nut deflectors are between the ball nut and the spindle. First, second, and third planes extend parallel to the axis. The first and fourth ball nut deflectors are in the first plane, the second ball nut deflector is in the second plane, the third ball nut deflector is in the third plane. Furthermore, the second and third ball nut deflectors are on opposite sides of the first plane. A first acute angle is between the first and second planes and a second acute angle is between the first and third planes. 1. A ball nut assembly for a comprising:a spindle having a longitudinal axis;a ball nut;bearing elements supporting the ball nut on the spindle;first, second, third, and fourth ball nut deflectors between the ball nut and the spindle;first, second, and third planes extending parallel to the axis, wherein the first and fourth ball nut deflectors are in the first plane, the second ball nut deflector is in the second plane, the third ball nut deflector is in the third plane, and the second and third ball nut deflectors are on opposite sides of the first plane;a first acute angle defined by the first and second planes; anda second acute angle defined by the first and third planes.2. The ball nut assembly of wherein the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third planes intersect along the axis.3. The ball nut assembly of wherein the first and second acute angles are equal.4. The ball nut assembly of further comprising:a first recirculation track corresponding to the first ball nut deflector;a second recirculation track corresponding to the second ball nut deflector;a third recirculation track corresponding to the third ball nut deflector; anda fourth recirculation track corresponding to the fourth ball nut deflector, wherein the second and third recirculation tracks are mutually adjoining.5. The ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190331181A1

An operating shaft and an actuation mechanism for a disc brake. The actuation mechanism may include a wear adjuster mechanism and the operating shaft. The operating shaft may include opposed pairs of arcuate surfaces arranged with offset axes of rotation and a recess therebetween for accommodating a portion of the wear adjuster mechanism.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: US20190331184A1

An actuation mechanism for a disc brake. The actuation mechanism may include a yoke, a piston, a wear adjustment mechanism, and a rolling element bearing. The piston may have a rotatable portion. The wear adjustment mechanism may have a driving portion. The rolling element bearing may be located between the driving portion and the yoke.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190331185A1

An adjuster mechanism for a disc brake. The adjuster mechanism may include an outer piston and an inner piston. The outer piston may define a bore having a female thread, a non-threaded region, and a transition region. The non-threaded region may have a greater diameter than a minor diameter of the female thread. The minor diameter of the female thread in the transition region may progressively increase until it meets a major diameter of the female thread.

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190337539A1
Автор: BARBERIS Dario, XIE Xuzhou

A brake actuator for railway vehicles, comprising: a main body having a braking chamber, a service braking piston movable with respect to the main body along a longitudinal axis, a pair of levers articulated to the main body and bearing respective brake pads, a transmission mechanism including an auxiliary body, a pair of thrust elements articulated to said levers, a pair of carriages movable with respect to the auxiliary body along a transverse direction perpendicular to said longitudinal axis, and a pair of slack adjusters each of which is disposed between a respective carriage and a respective thrust element, wherein the transmission mechanism comprises a floating member, which is free to pivot with respect to the service braking piston about an axis perpendicular to said longitudinal axis and to said transverse axis, wherein the floating member carries a first and a second pair of thrust bearings which cooperate with cam surfaces of said carriage. 1. A brake actuator for railway vehicles , comprising:a main body having a braking chamber;a service braking piston movable with respect to the main body along a longitudinal axis;a pair of levers articulated to the main body and bearing respective brake pads; anda transmission mechanism including an auxiliary body, a pair of thrust elements articulated to said levers, a pair of carriages movable with respect to the auxiliary body along a transverse direction perpendicular to said longitudinal axis, and a pair of slack adjusters each of which is disposed between a respective carriage and a respective thrust element, wherein the transmission mechanism comprises a floating member, which is free to pivot with respect to the service braking piston about an axis perpendicular to said longitudinal axis and to said transverse axis, and wherein the floating member carries a first and a second pair of thrust bearings that cooperate with cam surfaces of said carriages.2. A brake actuator according to claim 1 , comprising a pair ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Disc brake caliper

Номер: US20160369858A1
Принадлежит: Newbridge Brake Ltd

A disc brake caliper for a vehicle includes a caliper housing, first and second tappets ( 16 ) mounted in the caliper housing for transmitting force to a brake pad, a bridge section ( 14 ) mounted across the first and second tappets, and a pivoting lever ( 12 ) for applying force to the bridge section ( 14 ), the bridge section in use transmitting the applied force to both tappets ( 16 ) simultaneously, and first and second return springs ( 20 ) disposed side by side provided between the bridge section ( 14 ) and a front wall of the caliper housing, for urging the bridge section ( 14 ) and both tappets ( 16 ) rearwardly into the caliper housing.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200347898A1

The invention relates to a disc brake () for utility vehicles, having a brake caliper, a brake disc (), an actuating lever () arranged axially to a disc brake axis (A) of the brake disc (), an adjusting device () comprising an adjusting spindle (), a pressure collar () and an adjusting spindle head (), wherein the adjusting device () is arranged at least partially within an interior () of the brake caliper (), a primary seal () for sealing the interior () of the brake caliper (), an annular space (), which is delimited by an inner wall () of a through-opening () of the brake caliper () and the adjusting device, and a secondary seal () for at least partially sealing the interior () of the brake caliper (), characterized in that the primary seal () and the secondary seal () are designed as a piston protection cap (). 11. A disc brake () for utility vehicles , comprising:a brake caliper{'b': '37', 'a brake disc (),'}{'b': 4', '37, 'an actuating lever () arranged axially to a disc brake axis (A) of the brake disc (),'}{'b': 36', '12', '13', '27', '36', '7', '2, 'an adjusting device () comprising an adjusting spindle (), a pressure collar () and an adjusting spindle head (), wherein the adjusting device () is arranged at least partially within an interior () of the brake caliper (),'}{'b': 8', '7', '2, 'a primary seal () configured to seal the interior () of the brake caliper (),'}{'b': 10', '6', '19', '2', '36, 'an annular space (), which is delimited by an inner wall () of a through-opening () of the brake caliper () and the adjusting device (), and'}{'b': 9', '7', '2, 'a secondary seal () configured to at least partially seal the interior () of the brake caliper (),'}{'b': 8', '9', '14, 'wherein the primary seal () and the secondary seal () define a piston protection cap ().'}21910. The disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the secondary seal () is arranged within the annular space ().31827922812. The disc brake () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the primary ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Disk Brake Comprising a Quick Contact Device

Номер: US20180363715A1

A disk brake actuated preferably by compressed air, for a motor vehicle, includes an application mechanism. The application mechanism has a brake rotary lever which acts on a traverse in which there is arranged at least one readjusting spindle which acts on an application-side brake pad, having a readjusting device, and having a quick contact apparatus. The quick contact apparatus effects an advancing movement which is superposed on an actuation of the disk brake during the phase of overcoming an air gap. The quick contact apparatus has an intermediate element which is variable in terms of its position and which has at least a wedge-shaped design. 1. A disk brake , actuated preferably by compressed air , for a motor vehicle , the disk brake comprising: the quick contact apparatus effects an advancing movement which is superposed on an actuation of the disk brake during the phase of overcoming an air gap, and', 'the quick contact apparatus has an intermediate element which is variable in terms of its position and which has at least a wedge-shaped design., 'an application mechanism with a brake rotary lever which acts on a traverse in which there is arranged at least one readjusting spindle which acts on an application-side brake pad, having a readjusting device, and having a quick contact apparatus, wherein'}2. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the intermediate element is formed as a threaded bushing which is in engagement with the brake rotary lever in a rotary drive connection and which is in engagement with the at least one readjusting spindle in a drive-output connection.3. The disk brake as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the threaded bushing is arranged rotatably in the traverse claim 2 , and the at least one readjusting spindle is screwed into the threaded bushing.4. The disk brake as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the rotary drive connection of the threaded bushing and the brake rotary lever is formed by a toothing on the threaded bushing and a ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Disk brake and drive element of and adjusting device of a disk brake

Номер: US20170370434A1

A disk brake is proposed for a vehicle, preferably a commercial vehicle, having 23110. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the first mechanism element () is a single or double pin which is fastened in the brake lever ().31031. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the brake lever () is a forged component or a cast component claim 1 , and in that the first mechanism element () is forged or cast onto it.4313212. The disk brake as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the slotted guide ( claim 1 , ) extends at least over part of its length obliquely with respect to the plane (E) which is defined by the pivoting movement (S) of the lever arm ().5313212. The disk brake as claimed in claim 4 , characterized in that the slotted guide ( claim 4 , ) extends over its entire length obliquely with respect to the plane (E) which is defined by the pivoting movement (S) of the lever arm ().63132123132. The disk brake as claimed in or claim 4 , characterized in that the angle (W) claim 4 , at which the slotted guide ( claim 4 , ) extends obliquely with respect to the plane (E) which is defined by the pivoting movement (S) of the lever arm () claim 4 , varies over the length of the slotted guide ( claim 4 , ).7. The disk brake as claimed in claim 6 , characterized in that the angle (W) becomes smaller as the pivoting movement (S) increases during the brake application.831321212. The disk brake as claimed in one of to claim 6 , characterized in that the slotted guide ( claim 6 , ) describes an arc which is curved outward in relation to the adjusting axis (L) and the curved course of which corresponds at least over a part length to the path which is taken by the inner end (B) of the lever arm () during its pivoting movement (S).927323532353627. The disk brake as claimed in one of to claim 6 , characterized in that the drive element () is composed of the slotted guide () claim 6 , which is designed as a single or double arm claim 6 , ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle brake device

Номер: US20190359195A1
Автор: Yasushi Okada
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A brake device for a vehicle, including: a rotary body; a friction member; an actuator including a piston and an electric motor; a piston-retracting prohibiting mechanism including a toothed wheel having ratchet teeth, a stopper configured to lock the ratchet teeth, a stopper biasing mechanism configured to bias the stopper in a direction in which the stopper moves from a locking position to a non-locking position, and a stopper keeping device configured to keep the stopper positioned at the locking position by an electric current supplied thereto, the prohibiting mechanism being configured to prohibit the piston from being retracted in a state in which the stopper locks the ratchet teeth; and a controller configured to control supply of an electric current to the electric motor and supply of the electric current to the stopper keeping device, wherein an electricity storage device is provided in parallel with the stopper keeping device.

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Disk Brake And Brake Actuation Mechanism

Номер: US20190368561A1
Автор: Sandberg Stefan
Принадлежит: Haldex Brake Products AB

The present invention concerns a brake actuation mechanism for a disc brake, in which a translational movement in the direction of the brake disc leads to a rotation of an input element of an adjustment device, the input element of the adjustment device being designed as part of a ball screw drive. Furthermore, the invention concerns a disc brake with such a brake actuation mechanism. 2. The brake actuation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the input element of the adjustment device interacts directly or indirectly with a torque clutch.3. The brake actuation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the input element of the adjustment device is designed as a spindle or as a nut of a ball screw drive.4. The brake actuation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the amplification mechanism claim 1 , the thrust element and the adjustment device can be mounted together in the brake caliper by means of a rod in a functionally cooperating manner claim 1 , the rod is mounted in a housing of a brake caliper of the disc brake so as to be immovable in the axial direction and not rotatable;the input element of the adjustment device being in the form of a hollow spindle of a ball screw drive which is mounted rotatably on the rod.5. The brake actuation mechanism according to claim 4 , wherein a nut of the ball screw drive is axially applied with pressure by the amplification mechanism.6. The brake actuating mechanism according to claim 5 , wherein the amplification mechanism comprises a lever which is pivotably mounted in a bearing seat body and the nut of the ball screw drive is in a non-rotating connection with the bearing seat body.7. The brake actuating mechanism according to claim 5 , wherein the hollow spindle of the ball screw drive has a threaded section which is rotatably connected to the nut of the ball screw drive via balls claim 5 , and a cylindrical portion.8. The brake actuation mechanism according to claim 7 , wherein the cylindrical section is supported ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200408268A1

A disc brake () for vehicles, in particular for commercial vehicles, includes a brake disc, at least two brake linings (), and an adjusting spindle () axially adjustable toward the brake linings () for setting an air play (L) between the brake linings () and the brake disc (). The adjusting spindle () has a pressure plate () on a side facing the brake linings (), and a pressure piece () arranged on the adjusting spindle () on a side axially opposite from the brake linings (). The pressure piece () has an anti-rotation safeguard () for blocking a rotation (R) of the adjusting spindle (), and the anti-rotation safeguard () axially engages the adjusting spindle (). 11. A disc brake () for vehicles , comprising:{'b': '2', 'a brake disc (),'}{'b': 3', '3, 'i': 'a', 'at least two brake linings (, ),'}{'b': 4', '3', '3', '3', '3', '2', '4, 'i': a', 'a, 'claim-text': [{'b': 4', '4', '3', '3, 'i': a', 'a, 'a pressure plate () arranged on the adjusting spindle () on a side facing the brake linings (, ), and'}, {'b': 9', '4', '3', '3, 'i': 'a', 'a pressure piece () arranged on the adjusting spindle () on a side axially opposite from the brake linings (, ),'}], 'an adjusting spindle () axially adjustable toward the brake linings (, ) for setting an air play (L) between the brake linings (, ) and the brake disc (), the adjusting spindle () having{'b': 9', '10', '10', '4', '10', '10', '4, 'i': a', 'a, 'wherein the pressure piece () has an anti-rotation safeguard (; ) for blocking a rotation (R) of the adjusting spindle (), and the anti-rotation safeguard (; ) axially engages the adjusting spindle ().'}2110667711117766aaaaa. The disc brake () according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation safeguard () comprises a fixing element (; ) claim 1 , with an opening (; ) claim 1 , and a connecting element (; ) configured to engage the opening (; ) of the fixing element (; ).31119. The disc brake () according to claim 2 , wherein the connecting element () is connected in a positively ...

24-04-2013 дата публикации

Not published

Номер: GB201304493D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

28-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AR028862A1
Принадлежит: Akebono Corp North America

Un aparato para operar un freno de mano que comprende un gabinete y actuador automáticamente ajustable para frenos de disco de automoviles. Es de un material liviano, tal como aluminio y tiene una cavidad que encierra medios con placa de leva de rampa estacionaria y tuerca de manguito, con medios para engranarlas e impedir la rotacion. Dicho engrane se hace entre ranuras en la cavidad y salientes en la tuerca y placa o entre proyecciones radiales de la cavidad y ranuras de placa y tuerca o bien entre proyecciones axiales de placa y tuerca y el gabinete. También incluye un anillo de dureza mayor al material del gabinete. Elimina el huelgo o juego excesivo de desgaste del material de friccion de la pastilla. An apparatus for operating a handbrake comprising an automatically adjustable cabinet and actuator for car disc brakes. It is of a lightweight material, such as aluminum and has a cavity that encloses means with stationary ramp cam plate and sleeve nut, with means to engage them and prevent rotation. Said engagement is made between grooves in the cavity and projections in the nut and plate or between radial projections of the cavity and grooves of plate and nut or between axial projections of plate and nut and the cabinet. It also includes a ring of hardness greater than the cabinet material. Eliminates the excessive wear or play of the friction material of the pad.

19-04-1977 дата публикации

Brake cylinder device

Номер: JPS5248772A
Автор: Yasuo Karasutani
Принадлежит: Tokico Ltd

26-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: IT7919630D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Sab Ind Ab

05-12-2012 дата публикации

차량용 디스크 브레이크

Номер: KR101208367B1
Автор: 김주곤
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명은 제동된 상태로 잠금된 디스크와 마찰패드의 접촉을 수동으로 해제할 수 있는 수동풀림장치를 갖는 차량용 디스크 브레이크에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 차량의 휠과 함께 회전하는 디스크와, 디스크의 측면에 마찰하여 제동하는 마찰패드와, 마찰패드가 부착되는 쐐기부재와, 쐐기부재를 상기 디스크 방향으로 이동시키도록 구동력을 제공하는 구동 모터와, 구동모터의 회전운동을 상기 쐐기 부재의 직선운동으로 전환하는 방향 전환부와, 마찰패드와 디스크의 공극을 일정하게 유지하는 패드 보상부를 포함하는 차량용 디스크 브레이크에 있어서, 마찰패드가 디스크와 마찰하여 제동된 상태로 잠금 될 때, 마찰패드와 디스크의 접촉을 수동으로 해지할 수 있도록 패드 보상부에 설치되는 수동풀림장치를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: KR101761593B1
Автор: 공영훈, 홍선기
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

디스크 브레이크가 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따르면, 한 쌍의 패드 플레이트가 진퇴 가능하게 설치된 캐리어와, 상기 캐리어에 슬라이딩 가능하게 설치되고 피스톤이 제동유압에 의해 진퇴 가능하게 설치되는 실린더가 마련된 캘리퍼 하우징을 포함하는 디스크 브레이크에 있어서, 상기 피스톤의 내부에 설치되어 상기 패드 플레이트가 디스크로부터 멀어지는 것을 방지하고 일정 간격을 유지하도록 하는 어져스터; 상기 실린더 내에 설치되어 전방부가 상기 어져스터와 나사결합되며 후방부에 실린더의 내주면 쪽으로 확장된 플랜지부가 형성된 푸시로드; 상기 푸시로드의 후방부가 삽입되고 상기 푸시로드의 회전을 방지하도록 상기 실린더 내에 설치되어 주차케이블과 연동하여 상기 푸시로드를 피스톤 쪽으로 가압하는 램프유닛; 그 일측 끝단이 상기 실린더에 고정되고 상기 실린더의 내주면과 상기 푸시로드 사이에서 소정의 수용공간을 형성하는 스프링 케이스; 상기 스프링 케이스의 수용공간에 직렬로 마련되어 상기 푸시로드에 탄성력을 제공하는 제1 및 제2 탄성부재; 및 일측 끝단이 상기 램프유닛의 단부에 지지되어 상기 제1 및 제2 탄성부재 사이에 개재되는 지지플레이트;를 포함하는 디스크 브레이크가 제공될 수 있다. The disc brake is started. According to an embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a disk drive comprising: a carrier having a pair of pad plates installed to be movable forward and backward; and a caliper housing slidably installed on the carrier and provided with a cylinder, An adjuster installed inside the piston to prevent the pad plate from moving away from the disk and maintain a constant interval; A push rod provided in the cylinder and having a front portion screwed with the adjuster and a flange portion extending toward the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder at a rear portion thereof; A lamp unit installed in the cylinder to insert the rear portion of the push rod and prevent rotation of the push rod, and to interlock with the parking cable to press the push rod toward the piston; A spring case having one end fixed to the cylinder and forming a predetermined accommodation space between the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder and the push rod; First and second elastic members provided in series in the receiving space of the spring case to provide an elastic force to the push rod; And a support plate having one end supported by an end of the lamp unit and interposed between the first and second elastic members.

23-06-1977 дата публикации

Depressor device with pad abrasion compensation device for disc brake

Номер: JPS5274775A
Автор: Yukinori Nishiyama
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: KR101327944B1
Автор: 공영훈
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명은 제동동작 종료 후 피스톤의 복원효과를 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 디스크 브레이크에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 디스크 브레이크는, 한 쌍의 패드 플레이트가 진퇴 가능하게 설치된 캐리어와, 상기 캐리어에 슬라이딩 가능하게 설치되고 피스톤이 제동유압에 의해 진퇴 가능하게 설치되는 실린더가 마련된 캘리퍼 하우징을 포함하는 디스크 브레이크로서, 상기 피스톤의 내부에 설치되어 상기 패드 플레이트가 디스크로부터 멀어지는 것을 방지하고 일정 간격을 유지하도록 하는 어져스터; 상기 실린더 내에 설치되어 전방부가 상기 어져스터와 나사결합되며 후방부에 실린더의 내주면 쪽으로 확장된 플랜지부가 형성된 풀-로드(pull-rod); 상기 실린더의 후방벽에 결합되어 상기 풀-로드를 지지하며 실린더 내를 밀폐시키는 지지부재; 그 일측 끝단이 지지부재에 고정되고 상기 지지부재와 상기 풀-로드 사이에서 소정의 수용공간을 형성하는 스프링 케이스; 및 상기 스프링 케이스의 수용공간에 마련되어 상기 피스톤을 원래의 위치로 복귀시키는 탄성부재;를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a disc brake that can improve the restoring effect of a piston after the braking operation ends. The disc brake according to the present invention includes a disc brake including a carrier provided with a pair of pad plates in a retractable manner, and a caliper housing provided with a cylinder slidably installed in the carrier and a piston installed in a retractable manner with braking hydraulic pressure. A adjuster installed inside the piston to prevent the pad plate from moving away from the disk and to maintain a constant distance; A pull-rod installed in the cylinder and having a front portion screwed with the adjuster and having a flange portion at a rear portion extending toward the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder; A support member coupled to the rear wall of the cylinder to support the pull rod and to seal the inside of the cylinder; A spring case whose one end is fixed to the support member and forms a predetermined accommodation space between the support member and the pull rod; And an elastic member provided in the accommodation space of the spring case to return the piston to its original position.

23-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CN101524991B
Автор: 金柱坤
Принадлежит: Mando Corp


25-08-2022 дата публикации

차량용 마찰 브레이크 시스템

Номер: KR20220118318A
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명의 실시 예는 차량용 마찰 브레이크 시스템(1)에 관한 것이다. 마찰 브레이크 시스템(1)은 적어도 하나의 브레이크 패드(8, 9)에 연결 가능하고 마찰면에 브레이크 패드(8, 9)를 가압하도록 마련된 제동 부재를 포함한다. 또한, 마찰 브레이크 시스템(1)은 액추에이터(2)에 의해 생성된 회전 운동을 브레이크 패드(8, 9)의 제동 동작으로 변환하도록 마련된 변환 유닛을 포함한다. 변환 유닛은 볼-인-램프 어셈블리를 포함한다. 볼-인-램프 어셈블리는 적어도 하나의 홈(26)을 갖는 제1 플레이트(12), 제1 플레이트(12)의 홈(26)과 마주하는 적어도 하나의 홈을 갖는 제2 플레이트(13), 및 제1 플레이트(12)와 제2 플레이트(13) 사이에 배치된 적어도 하나의 볼(14)을 포함한다. 볼(14)은 제1 플레이트(12)의 홈(26)과 제2 플레이트(13)의 홈에 사이에 유지된다. 볼-인-램프 어셈블리는 제1 플레이트(12)의 회전 운동을 제1 플레이트(12)에 대한 제2 플레이트(13)의 병진 운동으로 변환하도록 마련된다. 제2 플레이트(13)는 제1 플레이트(12)의 회전이 제동 부재의 제동 동작을 초래하도록 제동 부재와 기구적으로 결합된다. 마찰 브레이크 시스템(1)은 스핀들(4)을 더 포함한다. 스핀들(4)은 제1 플레이트(12)의 내면 상의 나선부와 맞물리는 스핀들 나선부를 포함한다. 스핀들(4)은 액추에이터(2)에 의해 제1 각도 범위로 회전되도록 마련되어 제1 플레이트(12)의 회전 운동을 일으키며 이에 따라 제동 부재의 제동 동작을 발생시킨다. 스핀들(4)은 제1 각도 범위를 넘어 회전하도록 마련되어 패드 마모 조정을 위해 스핀들(4)에 대해 제1 플레이트(12)의 병진 운동을 발생시킨다.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Brake mechanism for a disc brake

Номер: DE102006020550B4
Принадлежит: Haldex Brake Products AB

Bremsmechanismus für eine Scheibenbremse, welcher in einem Gehäuse (1) eines Bremssattels der Scheibenbremse aufgenommen ist und ein Druckelement (5) zum Übertragen einer Bremskraft über zumindest einen Bremsbelag auf zumindest eine Bremsscheibe sowie eine Nachstellvorrichtung zum Ausgleich des Verschleißes des Bremsbelags aufweist, wobei die Nachstellvorrichtung zumindest drei Elemente (10, 11, 12) in einer koaxialen Anordnung aufweist, welche miteinander in einem kraftübertragenden Eingriff stehen und zumindest teilweise rotationssymmetrisch sowie zumindest teilweise als Bestandteile des Druckelements (5) ausgebildet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das erste Element (10) mit dem zweiten Element (12) und das zweite Element (12) mit dem dritten Element (11) jeweils über einen Gewindeeingriff miteinander drehbar verbunden ist, so dass sich die drei Elemente (10, 11, 12) sowohl relativ zueinander als auch jeweils relativ zu dem Gehäuse (1) des Bremssattels in Axialrichtung zu der Bremsscheibe auf diese zu und von dieser weg bewegen. Brake mechanism for a disc brake, which is accommodated in a housing (1) of a brake caliper of the disc brake and a pressure element (5) for transmitting a braking force via at least one brake pad on at least one brake disc and an adjusting device to compensate for the wear of the brake pad, wherein the adjusting device at least three elements (10, 11, 12) in a coaxial arrangement, which are in a force-transmitting engagement with each other and at least partially rotationally symmetrical and at least partially formed as components of the pressure element (5), characterized in that the first element (10) with the second element (12) and the second element (12) with the third element (11) each rotatably connected to each other via a threaded engagement, so that the three elements (10, 11, 12) both relative to each other and each relative to the housing (1) of the caliper in the axial direction move the brake disc towards and away from it ...

21-10-1982 дата публикации

Adjustment device for a vehicle brake

Номер: DE2116175C2
Принадлежит: Girling Ltd

16-06-2011 дата публикации

A nut adjust for disk brake

Номер: KR101040945B1
Автор: 김진석
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

피스톤과 너트어져스트 사이에 마련되는 클러치면을 개선하여 너트어져스트의 작동성 및 제조가 용이하도록 본 발명에 따른 디스크 브레이크의 너트어져스트는 유압 또는 기계적 추력(推力)에 의해 패드 플레이트를 디스크 측으로 밀어주는 피스톤, 패드 플레이트가 마모되면 피스톤을 디스크 측으로 전진시켜 피스톤과 패드 플레이트가 항상 일정간격을 유지하도록 하는 디스크 브레이크의 너트어져스트에 있어서, 상기 피스톤은 일측이 개방된 컵(cup) 형상으로 마련되고 내부가 다단으로 단차져 순차적으로 형성된 제1수용부와, 제2수용부 및, 제3수용부를 구비하고, 상기 너트어져스트는 헤드부와 플랜지부를 구비하여, 상기 헤드부는 씰 링을 개재하여 피스톤의 제1수용부에 삽입되고, 상기 플랜지부는 피스톤의 제3수용부에 삽입되며, 상기 피스톤의 제2수용부와 제3수용부를 구분하는 경계선에 배치된 제2단면과 상기 너트어져스트의 플랜지부 전면(前面)이 형성하는 클러치면이 이격된 상태를 유지할 수 있도록 상기 피스톤의 제1수용부와 제2수용부를 구분하는 경계선에 배치된 제1단면과 너트어져스트의 플랜지부 사이에는 탄성부재가 마련된다. In order to improve the clutch surface provided between the piston and the nut adjuster, the nut adjuster of the disc brake according to the present invention is adapted to the disc side by hydraulic or mechanical thrust. When the pushing piston and the pad plate are worn out, the piston is moved to the disc side so that the piston and the pad plate always maintain a constant distance. In the nut brake of the disc brake, the piston has a cup shape with one side open. And a first accommodation portion, a second accommodation portion, and a third accommodation portion formed sequentially in a multi-stage step, and the nut adjuster includes a head portion and a flange portion, and the head portion is provided with a seal ring. Is inserted into the first accommodation portion of the piston, the flange portion is inserted into the third accommodation portion of the piston, The first accommodating portion of the piston to maintain a state in which the second end surface disposed at the boundary line separating the second accommodating portion and the third accommodating portion and the clutch surface formed by the front face of the flange portion of the nut adjust are separated from each other. An elastic member is provided between the first end face and the flange portion of the nut adjuster disposed at the boundary line that separates the second accommodation part.

15-11-1990 дата публикации

Brake actuator with automatic adjustment

Номер: SU1607693A3
Принадлежит: Бендикс Франс (Фирма)

Изобретение относитс  к машиностроению и может быть использовано дл  автомобильных транспортных средств. Цель изобретени  - повышение надежности работы. Гайка /Г/ 10 установлена с возможностью вращени  и осевого перемещени  с втулкой 3 и нажимной деталью 4. Винт 12 установлен с возможностью осевого перемещени  и взаимодействует с Г 10 посредством резьбы 13. Колесо 16 муфты свободного кода 15 взаимодействует с помощью пальцев 18 и ходовой несамотормоз щейс  резьбы 17 с Г 10. Кольцевой элемент 20 взаимодействует торцовыми поверхност ми 23, 24 с Г 10 и выступом 21 - с втулкой 3. При возвращении клина 8 в первоначальное положение муфта 15 преп тствует вращению колеса 16. Пальцы 18 привод т во вращение Г 10, что вызывает выкручивание винта 12 из Г 10. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

09-11-2012 дата публикации

Disk brake for vehicle

Номер: KR101197477B1
Автор: 김주곤
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

본 발명은 차량용 브레이크에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 마찰패드의 마모에 따른 마찰패드와 디스크사이의 이격을 보상하는 간격조절장치를 갖춘 차량용 디스크 브레이크에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a vehicle brake, and more particularly, to a vehicle disk brake having a gap adjusting device for compensating the separation between the friction pad and the disk according to the wear of the friction pad. 차량의 휠과 함께 회전하는 디스크와, 상기 디스크의 일측면과 마찰하며 제동력을 발생시키는 가동 마찰패드와, 그 일면에 상기 가동 마찰패드가 부착되며 동력을 발생시키는 구동모터에 의해 상기 디스크의 회전방향으로 이동하며 상기 디스크측으로 전진하는 쐐기부재와, 상기 쐐기부재가 상기 디스크측으로 전진하도록 안내하는 안내부재를 포함한 차량용 디스크 브레이크에 있어서, A rotational direction of the disk by a disk rotating together with a wheel of a vehicle, a movable friction pad that generates a braking force by friction with one side of the disk, and a driving motor to which the movable friction pad is attached and generates power In the disk brake for a vehicle including a wedge member for moving forward to the disk side and the guide member for guiding the wedge member to advance to the disk side, 상기 가동마찰패드와 상기 디스크 사이의 간격이 일정하게 유지되도록 하는 간격조절장치를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. And a gap adjusting device for maintaining a constant gap between the movable friction pad and the disc.

24-10-2012 дата публикации

Plunger rod adjuster for compact brake caliper units, having an adjusting lever that abuts on an elastic stop

Номер: CN102753853A


19-02-2021 дата публикации

Disc brake device

Номер: KR102217662B1
Принадлежит: 아이캔 컴퍼니 엘티디.

본 발명은, 브레이크 라이닝이 마모되어도, 브레이크 레버의 개폐 각도를 일정하게 하는 한편, 브레이크 라이닝을 좌우 대칭으로 유지할 수 있는 디스크 브레이크 장치를 제공한다. 좌우 방향으로 개폐하는 브레이크 레버(3L, 3R)에 장착된 브레이크 라이닝(4L, 4R)이 브레이크 디스크(2)를 협지하고, 레버 기구(11, 12)와 스핀들(120)을 구비한 연결 장치(20)로 이루어진 링크 기구(10)가 스러스터(40)의 로드(41)의 승강 동작에 연동하여 개폐 동작을 수행하고, 레버 기구와 연결 장치의 상대적인 변위에 따라 스핀들이 일방향 클러치(130)에 의해 일방향으로 회전하여 연결 장치의 전체 길이(D)가 단축되고, 연결 장치를 단축할 때의 스핀들의 회전을 가요성 축(150)을 통해 좌우 한쪽의 브레이크 레버의 하단측의 스토퍼(74)에 나사 장착된 조정 볼트(72)에 전달하여 조정 볼트를 스토퍼에 대하여 아래쪽으로 돌출시키는 디스크 브레이크 장치(1a)로 하고 있다. The present invention provides a disc brake device capable of maintaining a brake lining symmetrically while maintaining a constant opening and closing angle of a brake lever even if the brake lining is worn. Brake linings 4L and 4R mounted on the brake levers 3L and 3R that open and close in the left and right directions hold the brake disk 2, and a coupling device having the lever mechanisms 11 and 12 and the spindle 120 ( The link mechanism 10 consisting of 20) performs an opening/closing operation in conjunction with the lifting motion of the rod 41 of the thruster 40, and the spindle is attached to the one-way clutch 130 according to the relative displacement of the lever mechanism and the connecting device. By rotating in one direction, the overall length (D) of the connecting device is shortened, and the rotation of the spindle when shortening the connecting device is carried out through the flexible shaft 150 to the stopper 74 at the lower end of the left and right brake levers. The disc brake device 1a is transmitted to the screwed adjustment bolt 72 to project the adjustment bolt downward with respect to the stopper.

10-02-2014 дата публикации

Disk brake adjustment device

Номер: RU2506469C2

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to automotive industry. Device for control over air-operated disc brake lining and brake disc wear comprises clamp arranged to be actuated by rotary lever. Pressure device can be fitted in disk brake setscrew and mounted at disk brake mechanism by means of thrust ring. Thrust bearing is arranged axially on one side of drive ring while bearing ramp clutch with free running function is arranged on opposite side. Said clutch comprises bearing, drive ring arranged on one axle between thrust bearing and clutch bearings ion drive side, and coupling ring on power takeoff side. Taper bush is arranged between said coupling ring and cylindrical spring sleeve. Torque-dependent clutch with retaining section is fitted on axle between said taper bush and spring sleeve. Air operated disc brake incorporated abode described adjustment device. EFFECT: precise adjustment, perfected manual return mechanism. 9 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 506 469 (13) C2 (51) МПК F16D 65/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011107710/11, 31.07.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.07.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КНОРР-БРЕМЗЕ ЗЮСТЕМЕ ФЮР НУТЦФАРЦОЙГЕ ГМБХ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 01.08.2008 DE 102008036034.1 (72) Автор(ы): ИРАШКО Йоханн (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.09.2012 Бюл. № 25 2 5 0 6 4 6 9 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2014 Бюл. № 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 102004037771 A1, 16.03.2006. US 4491203 A, 01.01.1985. RU 2157324 C2, 10.10.2000. RU 2265758 C2, 10.12.2005. 2 5 0 6 4 6 9 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/005560 (31.07.2009) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 01.03.2011 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2010/012483 (04.02.2010) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент" (54) РЕГУЛИРОВОЧНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ...

25-02-2020 дата публикации

Disk brake and drive element of adjusting device of disk brake

Номер: RU2715105C2
Принадлежит: Бпв Бергише Ахзен Кг

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: disclosed is a disk brake for a vehicle comprising: a brace bracket and brake shoes on both sides of the brake disk, device (5) for applying the brake, adjustment device (20) for compensating wear of the brake shoes and the brake disk, drive element (27), which is turned around adjustment axis (L), and brake lever (10) consisting of shaft (11), which, on one side, is supported relative to braking clamp, and, on the other hand, relative to pressing part (8) functioning on one of brake shoes, and arm (12) of lever, which is turned with shaft (11) and central line of rotation of which continues at right angle relative to shaft (11), wherein arm (12) of lever is provided with support (16) for power element in area of its outer end (12A), wherein brake lever (10) comprises gap (40) through which adjustment axis (L) continues, mechanism, which connects brake lever (10) with drive element (27), consists of first mechanism element (31) on brake lever (10) and second mechanism element (32) on drive element (27), which interacts with first mechanism element (31) located in arm end (12B) inner end (12) in plane (E), which is determined by turn (S) of arm (12) of lever. EFFECT: technical result is creation of space for installation of bearings located on shaft and carrying braking forces. 15 cl, 17 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 715 105 C2 (51) МПК F16D 65/18 (2006.01) F16D 55/2265 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16D 65/18 (2019.08); F16D 55/2265 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017128584, 11.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): БПВ БЕРГИШЕ АХЗЕН КГ (DE) 25.02.2020 12.01.2015 DE 10 2015 100 322.8 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.02.2019 Бюл. № 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 2503175 A1, 26.09.2012. BY 16280 C1, 30.08.2012. DE 102012006101 A1, 26.09.2013. DE 4323292 ...

12-06-1978 дата публикации

Mechanical system disc brake

Номер: JPS5365567A
Автор: Tetsuo Haraikawa
Принадлежит: Tokico Ltd

20-02-1975 дата публикации

Actuating device for the friction pad of a disc brake

Номер: DE1575872B2
Принадлежит: Girling Ltd

10-03-1983 дата публикации

Actuation and readjustment device for a partial lining disc brake

Номер: DE3131813C1
Принадлежит: Bergische Achsen Kotz Soehne

01-12-2017 дата публикации

The driving element of the adjusting apparatus again of disk brake and disk brake

Номер: CN107429770A
Принадлежит: BPW Bergische Achsen KG


08-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle brake device

Номер: CN110525407B
Автор: 冈田康志
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


15-01-2014 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: KR101351346B1
Автор: 공영훈, 홍선기
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

A disk brake is disclosed. The disk brake including a carrier in which a pair of pad plates are installed to be able to move back and forth, and a caliper housing which is installed to be able to slide in the carrier and in which a cylinder whose piston can be moved back and forth by brake hydraulic pressure is placed according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: an adjuster which is installed inside the piston to prevent the pad plates from moving away from a disk and to maintain a given distance; a push-rod which is installed inside the cylinder, and whose front is coupled to the adjuster using screws, and which has a flange unit extended from the rear towards an inner circumferential surface of the cylinder; a ramp which is coupled to the flange unit to prevent the push-rod from rotating and to move with the push rod, and is placed on a seating groove positioned at a rear wall of the cylinder; a spring case whose one end is fixed to the cylinder and which forms a certain space between the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder and the push-rod; and an elastic member which is placed in the space in the spring case and provides elasticity for the push-rod and the ramp.

03-06-1977 дата публикации

Mechanical disc brake

Номер: JPS5267460A
Автор: Hiroshi Ito
Принадлежит: Tokico Ltd

06-02-2017 дата публикации

Linings wear control device for disc brake

Номер: RU2609842C2

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the automotive industry, particularly to lining wear control devices. Lining wear control device for disc brakes with a clamping device and a feed lever adapted to be mounted preferably in the adjusting spindle of the disc brake, comprises an adjusting shaft with outrigger, pivoting mechanism drive element and the coupling sleeve for a pivoting mechanism element connection with adjusting shaft adapted to enable start. The coupling sleeve is made with the possibility of electrical start by the electromagnetic coil. Lining wear control device control method is that adjustment with the registered lining wear if reached the comparison value set in advance is performed by energization of the electromagnetic coil or the coupling sleeve when moving the brake by the feed lever. Disc brake wear comprises inings wear control device. Better fabricability of device is reaached. EFFECT: invention provides a reduced wear of nozzles for disc brake. 31 cl, 24 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 609 842 C2 (51) МПК F16D 65/56 (2006.01) F16D 66/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2014136741, 06.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.02.2013 (72) Автор(ы): МИЛЛЕР Бернхард (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): КНОРР-БРЕМЗЕ ЗЮСТЕМЕ ФЮР НУТЦФАРЦОЙГЕ ГМБХ (DE) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2005/0241894 A1, 03.11.2005. US Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 06.02.2017 7497306 B2, 03.03.2009. DE 102008017225 A1, 15.10.2009. RU 2246054 C2, 10.02.2005. 10.02.2012 DE 10 2012002731.1 (45) Опубликовано: 06.02.2017 Бюл. № 4 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 10.09.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2013/052277 (06.02.2013) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 0 9 8 4 2 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 2 6 0 9 8 4 2 R U C 2 C ...

24-06-2019 дата публикации

Disk brake mechanism for cargo vehicle

Номер: RU2692303C1

FIELD: transport machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to transport machine building. Disc brake mechanism is provided with brake disc caliper covering the brake mechanism, with clamping device arranged in the brake mechanism support for clamping the brake pads to the brake disc, with brake plunger, which is made with possibility of axial displacement by means of clamping device, with the adjustment device positioned in the brake mechanism support, which by means of the drive is in working connection with the brake plunger for its axial movement in order to compensate for the wear-induced change of the air gap. Drive has a driving wheel retained on the adjustment device without possibility of rotation and a driven wheel held on the brake plunger without possibility of rotation. Drive is designed so that the driven wheel coupled with the braking plunger and the driving wheel of the adjustment device assigned to it are located in a gripping device which is retained with the possibility of axial displacement, however without possibility of rotation.EFFECT: increase in the life of the device is achieved.11 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 692 303 C1 (51) МПК F16D 55/2255 (2006.01) F16D 65/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16D 55/2255 (2019.02); F16D 65/567 (2019.02); B60T 1/065 (2019.02); F16D 65/0971 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018111068, 12.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КНОРР-БРЕМЗЕ ЗЮСТЕМЕ ФЮР НУТЦФАРЦОЙГЕ ГМБХ (DE) 24.06.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 112013003793 T5, 30.04.2015. 01.09.2015 DE 10 2015 114 547.2 DE 102012006112 A1, 10.10.2013. RU 2328635 C2, 10.07.2008. RU 2265144 C1, 27.11.2005. (45) Опубликовано: 24.06.2019 Бюл. № 18 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 02.04.2018 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 6 9 2 3 0 3 R U (87) Публикация ...

26-03-1985 дата публикации

Disc brake equipped with parking brake mechanism

Номер: JPS6053229A
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

02-09-1988 дата публикации

Patent JPS6344108B2

Номер: JPS6344108B2
Принадлежит: Sab Industri AB

14-04-2015 дата публикации

Plunger rod adjuster for compact brake caliper units, having an adjusting lever that abuts on an elastic stop

Номер: KR101512221B1

본 발명은 브레이크 캘리퍼(7)를 포함하는 레일 차량의 디스크 브레이크(100)에 관한 것이며, 상기 브레이크 캘리퍼의 캘리퍼 레버들(6, 8)의 한 단부가 브레이크 슈(15)에 결합되고 다른 단부가 마모 조절기(16)에 결합되며, 마모 조절기(16)의 길이는 제동력 모터(14)의 스트로크에 따라 제어 메커니즘에 의해 조절될 수 있다. 상기 제어 메커니즘의 제어 로드(32)는 마모 조절기(16)의 조절 부재(24)에 작용하고, 프리휠링 메커니즘(38)을 포함하는 상기 조절 부재(24)는 마모 조절기(16)의 하우징(21) 내에 지지되며, 상기 조절 부재의 스토퍼 섹션(23)이 자기 조정의 출발 위치에서 적어도 하나의 복귀 스프링 부재(26)에 의해 하우징(21)의 스토퍼(37)에 대해 부하를 받는다. 본 발명에 따라 스토퍼(37)는 스톱 방향으로 탄성을 가진 적어도 하나의 탄성 부재(39)를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a disc brake (100) of a rail vehicle including a brake caliper (7), wherein one end of the caliper levers (6, 8) of the brake caliper is coupled to the brake shoe (15) And the length of the wear regulator 16 can be adjusted by a control mechanism in accordance with the stroke of the braking force motor 14. [ The control rod 32 of the control mechanism acts on the control member 24 of the wear regulator 16 and the control member 24 including the free wheeling mechanism 38 is connected to the housing 21 of the wear regulator 16 And the stopper section 23 of the adjustment member is loaded on the stopper 37 of the housing 21 by the at least one return spring member 26 at the starting position of self-adjustment. According to the present invention, the stopper 37 includes at least one elastic member 39 having elasticity in the stop direction.

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Disc brake

Номер: JP6559349B2

23-09-2022 дата публикации

Electric disk brake

Номер: KR102446044B1
Автор: 이재현
Принадлежит: 주식회사 만도

전동식 디스크 브레이크가 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 측면에 따르면, 피스톤이 제동유압에 의해 진퇴 가능하게 설치되는 실린더가 마련된 캘리퍼 하우징과, 상기 피스톤의 내부에 배치되는 어져스터와, 상기 실린더 내에 마련되어 전방부가 상기 어져스터와 나사결합되고 후방부에 반경방향으로 확장된 플랜지부가 형성된 푸시로드와, 상기 피스톤을 가압하도록 모터의 구동에 따른 회전력을 감속하여 출력기어를 통해 출력하는 액추에이터와, 상기 푸시로드의 회전을 방지하도록 상기 실린더 내에 설치되어 액추에이터로부터 회전력을 전달받아 상기 푸시로드를 피스톤 쪽으로 가압하는 램프유닛 및 상기 실린더의 내주면과 상기 푸시로드 사이에 형성된 스프링 케이스에 마련되어 상기 푸시로드에 탄성력을 제공하는 탄성부재를 갖춘 전동식 디스크 브레이크에 있어서, 상기 출력기어의 일측면에는 중심으로부터 반경방향으로 일정간격 이격된 적어도 하나의 돌기가 형성되고, 상기 출력기어의 중심에 회전가능하게 설치되어 상기 램프유닛의 회전 램프 플레이트와 결합되며 상기 출력기어의 회전력을 일방향으로만 전달하는 커넥터를 더 포함하고, 상기 커넥터에는 상기 돌기에 의해 회전력을 전달받도록 상기 돌기가 회전되는 원주방향에 지지부가 마련되는 전동식 디스크 브레이크가 제공될 수 있다. An electric disc brake is disclosed. According to an aspect of the present invention, a caliper housing provided with a cylinder in which a piston is installed so as to move forward and backward by hydraulic pressure, an adjuster disposed inside the piston, and a front portion provided in the cylinder are screwed with the adjuster, Installed in the cylinder to prevent rotation of a push rod, a push rod having a flange portion extending in a radial direction at the rear portion, an actuator that decelerates a rotational force according to driving of a motor to press the piston and outputs it through an output gear; In an electric disc brake having a ramp unit that receives rotational force from an actuator and presses the push rod toward the piston, and an elastic member provided in a spring case formed between the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder and the push rod to provide an elastic force to the push rod , at least one projection spaced apart from the center in a radial direction is formed on one side of the output gear, is rotatably installed in the center of the output gear, is coupled to the rotation lamp plate of the lamp unit, and the output gear It may be provided with an electric disc brake further comprising a connector that transmits the rotational force in only one direction, wherein the connector is provided with a ...

22-09-2017 дата публикации

A kind of motor vehicle and its self compensation brake gear

Номер: CN107191512A
Принадлежит: Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co Ltd


20-07-2005 дата публикации

Brake gear

Номер: RU2256829C2

FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: brake gear is mounted in the clamp by way of pins and comprises lever, traverse, pressing ring, and control mechanism. The pressing ring is provided with clamps which pass along the diagonal from the center of the pressing ring to the back side of the pressing plate. EFFECT: simplified structure. 10 cl, 11 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2 256 829 (13) C2 F 16 D 65/30, 65/40 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2002129297/11, 27.03.2001 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 27.03.2001 (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 03.04.2000 (ïï.1-11) SE 0001182-5 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÑÅÂÅÐÈÍÑÑÎÍ Ëàðñ (SE), ÍÅËÀÍÄÅÐ Îêå (SE), ÃÐÈÏÅÌÀÐÊ Éîàêèì (SE) (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.07.2005 Áþë. ¹ 20 2 2 5 6 8 2 9 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: ÅÐ 0243114 A1, 28.10.1987. DE 4212352 A1, 14.10.1993. DE 4112641 A1, 22.10.1992. SU 295277 A1, 01.01.1971. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 04.11.2002 (86) Çà âêà PCT: SE 01/00660 (27.03.2001) 2 2 5 6 8 2 9 R U Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Áîëüøà Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", Å.Â.Òîìñêîé C 2 C 2 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 01/75324 (11.10.2001) (54) ÒÎÐÌÎÇÍÎÉ ÌÅÕÀÍÈÇÌ (57) Ðåôåðàò: Èçîáðåòåíèå îòíîñèòñ ê îáëàñòè ìàøèíîñòðîåíè , â ÷àñòíîñòè ê òîðìîçíûì ìåõàíèçìàì äèñêîâûõ òîðìîçîâ. Òîðìîçíîé ìåõàíèçì óñòàíîâëåí â ñêîáå ïîñðåäñòâîì öàïô. Òîðìîçíîå ñðåäñòâî ñîñòîèò èç ðû÷àãà, ïîïåðå÷èíû, íàæèìíîé îáîéìû è ðåãóëèðóþùåãî ìåõàíèçìà. Íàæèìíà îáîéìà ñíàáæåíà ñêðåïëåíè ìè, ïðîõîä ùèìè ïî äèàãîíàëè îò öåíòðà íàæèìíîé îáîéìû âíèç ê îáðàòíîé ñòîðîíå íàæèìíîé ïëàñòèíû. Êîíñòðóêöè íàæèìíîé îáîéìû îáåñïå÷èâàåò ïðèëîæåíèå óñèëè â îïðåäåëåííûõ, ðàçäåëüíûõ ó÷àñòêàõ òîðìîçíûõ êîëîäîê. Òîðìîçíîé ìåõàíèçì îáðàçóåò åäèíûé óçåë, ÷òî îáëåã÷àåò åãî îáñëóæèâàíèå è ñáîðêó. Òåõíè÷åñêèì ðåçóëüòàòîì âë åòñ óïðîùåíèå êîíñòðóêöèè, ñíèæåíèå âåñà òîðìîçíîãî ìåõàíèçìà ïðè ...

11-02-2020 дата публикации

Disk brake supply device of vehicle, as well as cardan rotating support and coupling ring for it

Номер: RU2714092C1
Принадлежит: Бпв Бергише Ахзен Кг

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a vehicle, and more specifically to a disk brake supply device. Disk brake supply device comprises housing, drive element (25), shaft (40), cardan support (45). At that, there is steel ring (47) with possibility to perform sliding movement and to rest on cylindrical support section (50) of shaft (40). Coupling is arranged on axis (A) of shaft (40). Coupling consists of rotary motionless relative to shaft (40) of first part (51) of coupling and rotary fixed relative to steel ring (47) of second part (52) of coupling. Second part of the coupling represents collar ring (52) resting with possibility of rotation on shaft (40). Further, corresponding cardan rotating support (45) is provided, as well as corresponding coupling ring (52). EFFECT: enabling the design simplification. 27 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 714 092 C1 (51) МПК F16D 65/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16D 65/18 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018137185, 02.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): БПВ БЕРГИШЕ АХЗЕН КГ (DE) 11.02.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CH 488947 A, 15.04.1970. FR 2932237 A1, 11.12.2009. US 5960925 А1, 05.10.1999. EP 1985475 B1, 30.06.2010. RU 2495291 C2, 10.10.2013. EP 531321 B1, 03.08.1994. 24.03.2016 DE 10 2016 105 611.1 (45) Опубликовано: 11.02.2020 Бюл. № 5 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.10.2018 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 7 1 4 0 9 2 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2017/162229 (28.09.2017) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ПОДВОДА ДЛЯ ДИСКОВОГО ТОРМОЗА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА, А ТАКЖЕ КАРДАННАЯ ВРАШАЮЩАЯСЯ ОПОРА И МУФТОВОЕ КОЛЬЦО ДЛЯ НЕГО (57) Реферат: Изобретение касается транспортного средства, относительно вала ...

01-02-2019 дата публикации

Bearing of lever which is provided with pivot arm in relation to pressure piece

Номер: RU2678796C2
Автор: Томас КЛААС
Принадлежит: Бпв Бергише Ахзен Кг

FIELD: machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to bearing of lever (1) provided with pivot arm (1A) relative to pressure piece (7). Said bearing comprises rolling track (45) which is curved in a partially cylindrical manner on the side of lever (1), rolling track (35) curved in a partially cylindrical manner on the side of the pressure piece, rolling bodies (37) which are combined in bearing cage (36) and are rolling on both rolling tracks (35, 45) and radial projection (34) which is fixed without the possibility of rotation relative to one rolling track (35) and which also forms a stop limiting the mobility of bearing cage (36) in one circumferential direction. Said bearing has pocket (50) or opening arranged on other rolling track (45) or partially reaching into it that extends only over a part of the width of the rolling track and at the point of transition to curvature plane (E) of rolling track (45) forms stop edge (52) which limits the mobility of bearing cage (36) in the other circumferential direction.EFFECT: improvement of the bearing in relation to the installation technique.12 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 678 796 C2 (51) МПК F16C 19/50 (2006.01) F16C 33/46 (2006.01) F16D 65/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16C 19/50 (2018.08); F16C 33/46 (2018.08); F16D 65/18 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016127924, 24.08.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): БПВ БЕРГИШЕ АХЗЕН КГ (DE) Дата регистрации: 01.02.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 102010006262 A1, 18.08.2011. 26.08.2014 DE 102014112241.0 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.09.2018 Бюл. № DE 102007024787 A1, 27.11.2008. EP 0589206 A1, 30.03.1994. DE 102012103017 A1, 10.10.2013. WO 2007009542 A1, 25.01.2007. SU 551454 A1, 25.03.1977. 27 (45) Опубликовано: 01.02.2019 Бюл. № 4 (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT ...

17-01-1980 дата публикации

Disk brake

Номер: JPS556075A
Автор: Toshifumi Maehara
Принадлежит: Akebono Brake Industry Co Ltd
