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27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578534C2

Изобретение относится к способам измерения эрозионной опасности дождя. По слоям почвенного образца размещают группы меченых почвенных частиц. Почвенный образец поливают каплями дождя. После чего измеряют радиусы разлета почвенных частиц и их метки. По максимальной величине радиуса разлета и меткам почвенных частиц измеряют эрозионную опасность дождя. Обеспечивается расширение функциональных возможностей способа, заключающееся в возможности определения, из какого слоя почвенного образца вылетают почвенные частицы.

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594659C2
Принадлежит: НАЛКО КОМПАНИ (US)

Изобретение относится к определению количества различных веществ в жидком образце. В устройстве используется по крайней мере один способ оптического анализа, не зависящий от объема и/или концентрации, для определения одного из следующих свойств: водородного показателя pH, количества хлорида и/или количества железа в образце. Оптическое свойство может быть колориметрическим, флуоресцентным или и тем, и другим, причем оно может являться результатом добавления в образец красителей, комплексообразующих агентов, соединений, вызывающих мутность, и других реагентов, вызывающих оптический эффект. Способ также включает использование электрода BDD для окисления веществ (таких как сульфоксидные соединения), которые в противном случае мешали бы проведению оптического анализа, и/или для промывания образца газом. Так как измерения не зависят от концентрации и объема, их можно проводить непрерывно, быстро, тем самым избегая неудобства начала и завершения технологического процесса, а устройство может многократно ...

26-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640183C2

Группа изобретений относится к контролю степени выветривания угля. Способ контроля степени выветривания угля включает предварительное определение поверхностного натяжения каждой марки полукокса, который получен осуществлением термообработки каждой из нескольких марок угля, находящихся на угольном складе, и предварительную оценку доли каждой из нескольких марок угля на угольном складе; и смешивание нескольких марок полукокса в соответствующих долях для получения смеси полукокса, при этом степень выветривания каждой из нескольких марок угля контролируют так, что значение поверхностного натяжения на границе раздела фаз γсмеси полукокса, которое получено из поверхностных напряжений и долей каждой из нескольких марок полукокса, составляет 0,03 мН/м или ниже. Также представлены другие варианты осуществления вышеуказанного способа и способ получения кокса с использованием любого из вариантов способа контроля степени выветривания угля. Достигается повышение точности и надежности контроля. 4 н.п ...

07-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621882C1

Изобретение относится к области защиты от коррозии и может быть использовано для автоматической коррекции величины защитного потенциала по длине трубопровода для его эффективной защиты. Система содержит ведущую и ведомые станции катодной защиты, корректируемые задатчики величины начального защитного потенциала, электроды сравнения, блоки сравнения потенциала удаленных точек, линию связи, силовые модули, датчики нагрузки силовых модулей, электроды сравнения, нормирующие усилители потенциала удаленных точек, нормирующие усилители потенциала ведомых станций катодной защиты, нормирующие усилители потенциала ведущей станции катодной защиты, нормирующие усилители датчиков нагрузки силовых модулей ведущей и ведомых станций катодной защиты. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение эффективности защиты газопровода от коррозии посредством контроля значений защитного потенциала по длине газопровода и в удаленных точках для поддержания равномерного его распределения и управления величиной ...

18-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633790C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству и может быть использовано для оценки опасности водной эрозии почв. Способ оценки эрозионной опасности дождя на орошаемых участках, обработанных раствором гербицида глифосат, включает создание капельного потока воды, торможение капель дождя в среде поровой жидкости, измерение в ней давления и оценку эрозионной опасности по средней величине давления в поровой жидкости. При этом в поровую жидкость вводят раствор гербицида глифосат в концентрации 2-6%, затем тормозят в поровой жидкости капли дождя, измеряют давление в поровой жидкости и по его величине оценивают эрозионную опасность дождя. Изобретение обеспечивает расширение функциональных возможностей способа за счет возможности контроля эрозионной опасности дождя на орошаемых участках, обработанных раствором гербицида глифосат. 1 табл., 1 пр.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672042C1

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике, в частности к исследованиям металлов на коррозионное растрескивание в сероводородсодержащих средах. Устройство содержит ячейку с герметично закрывающейся крышкой с расположенными на ее поверхности пазами для закрепления в них одного конца испытуемого образца и подвижный поршень с резьбовым соединением для закрепления в нем второго конца испытуемого образца. Подвижный поршень разделяет герметичную ячейку на рабочую камеру и демпфирующую. С целью набора и фиксации давления в рабочей камере, в герметично закрывающейся крышке предусмотрена манометрическая сборка, состоящая из манометра и игольчатого вентиля. Демпфирующая камера снабжена сбросным игольчатым вентилем с манометром. Сероводородсодержащий газ под давлением проходит через игольчатый вентиль манометрической сборки и поступает в рабочую камеру ячейки. Под действием давления газа подвижный поршень создает растягивающие напряжения в испытуемом образце. Нагрев ячейки осуществляется электрическим ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664891C1

Изобретение относится к способу, позволяющему оценивать остаточный срок службы трубы. Сущность: осуществляют этап (S1) установления внутреннего диаметра трубы, предназначенный для получения данных о внутреннем диаметре (D) трубы; степень деформации внутреннего диаметра (ΔD) трубы из разницы между внутренним диаметром трубы и исходным внутренним диаметром (D0) трубы; этап создания (S3a) диаграммы проекции деформации, предназначенный для построения графика проекции деформации при условиях, когда уширение трубы достигает предела удлинения (X) срока службы при произвольно прогнозируемом остаточном сроке службы (T); этап (S3b) определения стандартной степени деформации, предназначенный для получения данных о степени деформации (A), получаемых при определении внутреннего диаметра трубы в ходе этапа определения внутреннего диаметра трубы, в качестве стандарта для определения наличия/отсутствия прогнозируемого остаточного срока службы на основе диаграммы проекции деформации; этап (S3c) вычисления ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013124969A

... 1. Способ измерения по крайней мере одного свойства преимущественно жидкого образца, включающий следующие этапы:добавление по крайней мере одного химического реагента к образцу, причем указанный химический реагент, когда его добавляют к образцу, способен вызывать измеряемый оптический эффект, непосредственно связанный с определяемым свойством,измерение указанного оптического эффекта, ивыведение значения свойства путем сравнения измеренного оптического эффекта с заранее определенными значениями, соответствующими определяемому свойству,удаление сульфоксидных соединений из образца путем добавления к нему промывной смеси, причем указанная промывная смесь содержит 2-10% перуксусную кислоту в равновесии с 10-35% перекисью водорода и воду,причем отношение между измеренным оптическим эффектом и определяемым свойством не зависит от объема жидкого образца и от объема реагента, добавленного к образцу, причем промывная смесь не оказывает воздействие на измеряемый оптический эффект за исключением предотвращения ...

14-08-1985 дата публикации

Corrosion test instrument

Номер: DE0003405024A1

The invention relates to a cost-effective corrosion test instrument, particularly for small components, in which, for example, tests according to DIN 50021 are possible. This is achieved by a closed circulation of the corroding mist, whose concentration can be adjusted. Moreover, the test objects in the test chamber are moved in such a way that possible spatial concentration differences of the mist are negligible.

11-08-1983 дата публикации

Material test chamber for corrosion testing

Номер: DE0003203471A1

The material test chamber for corrosion testing has a heating unit (10), which can be controlled in a time- and temperature-dependent manner, and a bottom tray (2) which is filled with process water in order to be able to produce the test chamber atmosphere having the essential influencing test variables of temperature and humidity, and also concentration for testing with a pollutant gas. A forced movement device (3, 4) for the process water is provided in said material test chamber. This results in an extremely uniform temperature of the evaporation surface and, consequently, in an appropriately high temperature constancy in the test chamber, associated with an appropriately high constancy of the air humidity, and in the avoidance of pressure variations in the test chamber. The forced movement of the water may, for example, be produced in a simple way by a circuit which is passed through the base tray (2) and in which a circulating pump is provided. ...

20-12-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002014584B2

09-12-1993 дата публикации

Druckbehälter zur Prüfung von Proben

Номер: DE0004218636A1

During testing, at least one sample element (25 to 28) is at the same time mechanically and thermally, as well as toxically or radioactively stressed. The pressure vessel (1) has a bottom (2) and a hood (4) which form a space (15) in which a sample stand (20) is arranged. The sample stand (20) may be secured to an intermediate ring (3) provided between the hood (4) and the bottom (2) in order to form an exchangeable module. Such a pressure vessel (1) allows samples to be tested in a nuclear power station; setting up a probe or exchanging probes is possible on site within a short period of time.

02-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001498894B2

18-06-2009 дата публикации

Neuartige Prüfmethode zur Simulation von Regenerosion

Номер: DE102007060511A1

Verfahren zur Simulation von Regenerosion an einem Objekt (17), das Verfahren aufweisend die Schritte: Erzeugen eines definierten, segmentierten Partikelstrahls (13) und definiertes Beaufschlagen des Objektes (17) mit dem definierten, segmentierten Partikelstrahl (13).

31-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001226956A

26-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods to monitor operating processes

Номер: GB0201400507D0

09-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008430309D0

20-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008709033D0

15-02-1989 дата публикации

Evaluating residual life of heat-resistant steel

Номер: GB0002208000A

A method of evaluating residual life of a heat-resistant steel member after and during service at high temperature and stress makes use of a residual life evaluation diagram which is obtained beforehand on a plurality of samples of the heat-resistant steel and which represents the relationship between the life consumption and a parameter which indicates the life consumed. The parameter may be data concerning the density of an alloy element such as molybdenum and chromium, or the state of degradation in the metallurgical structure and/or state of precipitation of carbides.

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Method and system for determining coating performance

Номер: GB2461272A

The present invention relates to a method and system for determination of coating performance of a nonconductive coating 3 applied to a metal structure 2 (e.g. a pipe) connected to a common terminal. The system comprises a first electrode 5 at a first location, a second electrode 6 at a second location axially displaced by a length, L, in relation to the first location, each electrode being in contact with a conductive fluid 4 (e.g. water electrolyte) with a specific (known) conductivity. A low-frequency voltage Vin is applied to the first electrode by means of a voltage source and the resulting potential Vout at the second electrode is measured by means of the voltage meter. According to the method, the mean leakage resistance Rle can be computed based on the low frequency voltage, the resulting potential at the second electrode, the specific conductivity of the fluid and the length, L, between the first and second electrodes. The mean capacitance, C, may also be determined by additionally ...

07-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for detecting corrosion of an insulated corrosion prone object

Номер: GB0002499138A

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI ) of an insulated iron or other corrosion prone object (1) is detected by taking a sample (8) of the pore fluid from the pores of a permeable insulation layer (2) that covers at least part of the object (1) and analyzing the composition of the sample (8) on the presence of any tracer fluid, such as phospines, mercaptans, alcohols, acids, ketones and/or aldehydes emitted or acetic acid and/or butoxyethanol absorbed by any corrosion of the corrosion prone object (1) by a tracer fluid detection sensor (6).

13-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002131550B

26-06-1996 дата публикации

Method for determining metal dissolution rates in fuels

Номер: GB0009608385D0

09-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001570872A

28-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001573834A

23-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002041807B
Принадлежит: LANCASTER R D

24-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002042007B
Принадлежит: GODRICH J

14-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001600134A

16-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001546041A

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA704978A

15-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA397584A

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518130T

15-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA158581A

15-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000122675A

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000076093A

15-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000158581A

25-09-1969 дата публикации

Device for quantitative investigation thermal and photooxydativer processes

Номер: AT0000274436B

14-06-2018 дата публикации

System and method of measuring defects in ferromagnetic materials

Номер: AU2018203605A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A method for detecting defects in a ferromagnetic material includes disposing a plurality of magnetometers about a surface of the ferromagnetic material, wherein each magnetometer of the plurality of magnetometers is fixed in position, relative to the ferromagnetic material and using the plurality of magnetometers to sense a magnetic field generated by the ferromagnetic material at a first point in time. The method also includes generating data points of a first two-dimensional map from the sensed magnetic field, each data point corresponding to a respective location on the surface of the ferromagnetic material and representing strength of the sensed magnetic field proximate the location at the first point in time. The method uses the plurality of magnetometers to sense the magnetic field generated by the ferromagnetic material at a second point in time, later than the first point in time, and generates data points of a second two-dimensional map from the sensed magnetic field, each data ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for monitoring corrosion in a well

Номер: AU2010279468B2

Systems (20) and methods for monitoring a well (10) are configured to identify or analyze various issues affecting the well (10) including corrosion, cement quality, inflow, and fluid migration.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Bearing monitoring method and system

Номер: AU2013251972B2

A method for predicting the residual life of a rolling-element bearing (12) comprising the step of: measuring the magnitude and/or the frequency of occurrence of high frequency stress wave events emitted by rolling contact of said rolling-element bearing (12), recording said measurement data as recorded data, and predicting the residual life of said rolling-element bearing (12) using said recorded data and an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) rolling-element bearing life model. The accumulated fatigue damage is determined from the measurements of the magnitude and/or the number of high frequency stress wave events emitted by rolling contact of said bearing (12) rather than using said International Organization for Standardization (ISO) rolling-element bearing life model's values for the accumulated fatigue damage.

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Bearing monitoring method and system

Номер: AU2013251971A1

A method for predicting the residual life of a rolling-element bearing (12) comprising the step of: measuring the magnitude and/or the frequency of occurrence of vibrations or high frequency stress waves emitted by rolling contact of said rolling-element bearing (12), recording said measurement data as recorded data, and predicting the residual life of said rolling-element bearing (12) using said recorded data and an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 281 rolling-element bearing life model. A life modification factor is determined from in service measurements of at least one parameter indicative of lubrication cleanliness and/or film thickness rather than using said International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 281 rolling-element bearing life model's assumed or predicted lubrication cleanliness values.

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Bearing monitoring method and system

Номер: AU2013251973A1

A method for predicting the residual life of a bearing (12) comprising the step of: obtaining data concerning one or more of the factors that influence the residual life of said bearing (12) using at least one sensor (14), obtaining identification data (16) uniquely identifying said bearing (12), transmitting data to and/or from the at least one sensor (14) using an industrial wireless protocol, and recording said data concerning one or more of the factors that influence the residual life of said bearing (12) and said identification data (16) as recorded data in a database (20).

02-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001184782A1

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770297A1

Systems (20) and methods for monitoring a well (10) are configured to identify or analyze various issues affecting the well (10) including corrosion, cement quality, inflow, and fluid migration.

31-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1098623A

... 17TU 2603 The useful life of a turbomachine part is affected by cyclic stresses which occur in the turbomachine part as a result of heating and cooling the turbomachine part. Each thermal cycle is comprised of a maximum heating stress and a maximum cooling stress which may occur during turbomachine start-up, load changes, shut-downs, or boiler excursions. The maximum heating stress and the maximum cooling stress for each cycle may be combined to define a stress range. The actual strees range for each cycle is compared with a calculated stress range curve for the turbomachine part to determine the amount of life expended during the cycle for the turbomachine part. This value may be expressed as a percent of life expended for the cycle. The life expended for each cycle is accumulated to provide an output indicative of the total percent life expended for the turbomachine part according to its operating history.

10-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001236528A1

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003088677A1

A water detection apparatus includes a continuity probe, a voltage source that provides a reference voltage, and a control circuit. The control circuit provides the reference voltage to the continuity probe, measures a feedback signal corresponding to the reference voltage at a predetermined location of the fire suppression system, computes a continuity between the continuity probe and the predetermined location based on the feedback signal and the reference voltage, determines whether water is present in a low point of the piping system based on the computed continuity, and predicts whether a valve tripping event is expected to occur based on whether water is present in the low point to provide a detection signal for remedial action to mitigate false trips of the valve based on detecting the water in the low point.

30-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002342655A1

A method of generating wall-thickness thinning prediction information where a wall-thickness thinning rate at a given position is estimated using information having a small number of measured points. Simulation of behavior of fluid flowing inside a pipe line is performed based on wall-thickness data of pipes and three-dimensional layout data of the pipe line. Simulated wall-thickness thinned data of the pipes of the pipe line are calculated from changes of the simulated behavior of fluid. The thinning rate prediction data is used to generate a plan for replacing the pipes based on the estimated wall thickness.

08-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002342655C
Принадлежит: HITACHI, LTD.

A method of generating wall-thickness thinning prediction information where a wall-thickness thinning rate at a given position is estimated using information having a small number of measured points. Simulation of behavior of fluid flowing inside a pipe line is performed based on wall-thickness data of pipes and three-dimensional layout data of the pipe line. Simulated wall-thickness thinned data of the pipes of the pipe line are calculated from changes of the simulated behavior of fluid. The thinning rate prediction data is used to generate a plan for replacing the pipes based on the estimated wall thickness.

08-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002624206A1

Test methods for testing rotor and stator assemblies that utilize magnetic bearings prior to installation. The test method generally includes operating the roto r and stator assembly prior to installation in a test atmosphere at a pressure greater th an 2 bar. The test atmosphere can be formed of air, an inert gas, or an expanded cryogenic gas.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002962566A1

A corrosion rate measurement system (100) includes a sacrificial probe (106) configured to be exposed to a corrosive material. A sensor (110) is arranged to detect physical changes in the sacrificial probe due to corrosion of the sacrificial probe (106) from the corrosive material. Measurement circuitry (120) is connected to the sensor (110) and provides an output indicative of a corrosion rate of the sacrificial probe (106) from exposure to the corrosive material. The sacrificial probe has a physical characteristic which causes the sacrificial probe to corrode at a non-linear rate.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002745587A1

The invention relates to an apparatus, a method and a system for obtaining a plurality of images of a sample arranged in relation to a sample device. The apparatus comprises at least a first optical detection assembly having an optical axis and at least one translation unit arranged to move the sample device and the first optical detection assembly relative to each other. The movement of the sample device and the first optical detection assembly relative to each other is along a scanning path, which defines an angle theta relative to the optical axis, wherein theta is larger than zero.

14-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002094013C

There is disclosed a method and apparatus for the corrosion condition evaluation of unbonded prestressing elements in post-tension concrete structures. The method involves locating a prestressing element in the structure and providing at least two openings in the structure at positions along the length of the element. One of the openings is an inlet port and the other is an outlet port, each of the ports permitting communication with the gaseous environment within a conduit surrounding the prestressing element. The gaseous environment is accessed through the outlet port by extracting a sample of gas therethrough. The sample is then measured to determine its humidity and thereby evaluate the corrosion condition of the prestressing element between the inlet port and the outlet port. A method and apparatus is also provided for the on-site corrosion protection of unbonded prestressing elements whereby the gaseous environments within the conduits are cyclically pressurized with a dry gas. The ...

17-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002008520A1

SUMMARY A method for monitoring the wall thickness of a pipeline (13) which is carried out via an electric circuit through several sensors (10) which have been mounted inside the pipewall (12). The sensors (10) have a sensor element (17) which checks the remaining wall thickness within the sensor element (17). A monitoring system which includes an electric circuit and several sensors (10) mounted inside the wall of the object. Each sensor has a sensor element (17) made of magnesium metal and is remotely monitored via an electric circuit. A sensor (10) which consists of a cylindrical, pluglike mechanical device which is inserted, and which includes a sensor element (17) of conductive, easily corrosive material such as magnesium metal, and an electrically insulated holder (18).

17-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002010110A1

A procedure and a device for determining corrosion of preferably insulated structural parts (2) assures in a simple way early detection of corrosion. For this purpose an electric conducting resistance wire (4) exposed to the same corrosive medium, e.g. condensation water, as the structural part (2) to be examined for corrosion is placed outside the structural part (2) and the electrical resistance of the resistance wire is measured. The effective cross-section of the resistance wire (4) and its electrical resistance change with the corrosion of the resistance wire (4) so that the resistance change of the resistance wire (4) resistance the effect of the corrosive medium.

04-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002152069A1

La présente invention concerne un dispositif de surveillance du vieillissement de fluides de refroidissement circulant dans des circuits échangeurs de chaleur. Il comprend un élément (4) en contact avec ledit liquide à surveiller, un élément électrique (51) séparé de l'élément (4) en contact avec le liquide par un volume isolant (6) renfermant un fluide à une pression donnée, ledit élément électrique réagissant au degré de corrosion de l'élément en contact, et une alarme (8) réagissant à une variation du signal de l'élément électrique. Selon l'invention: l'élément en contact avec le liquide à surveiller consiste en au moins une pastille (41) constituée d'un matériau présent par ailleurs dans le circuit et en contact avec ledit fluide (3) dans le circuit, et l'élément électrique consiste en un élément en un matériau piézo-électrique dont la fréquence varie avec une variation de pression dans le volume isolant (6).

26-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002142660A1

A tool for monitoring corrosion levels within a wellbore particularly suited for remote monitoring over extended periods. The monitoring tool utilizes a thin wall electrical resistance type corrosion sensor to determine rate of metal loss within the wellbore. The corrosion sensor is preferably made of the same material as the production tubing or drill pipe of the well and is positioned to allows the fluid within the wellbore to flow over the sensor at the same rate as the fluid flows over the tubing. A reference element is incorporated into the corrosion sensor to provide primary temperature compensation. A temperature sensor provides temperature data and allows for secondary temperature compensation for the corrosion sensor. A central processing unit reads and stores the data from the three sensors into solid state memory. The probe records data at programmable time intervals. Upon retrieval of the probe from the wellbore, the probe may be connected to a computer for downloading of the ...

05-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002142660C

A tool for monitoring corrosion levels within a wellbore particularly suited for remote monitoring over extended periods. The monitoring tool utilizes a thin wall electrical resistance type corrosion sensor to determine rate of metal loss within the wellbore. The corrosion sensor is preferably made of the same material as the production tubing or drill pipe of the well and is positioned to allows the fluid within the wellbore to flow over the sensor at the same rate as the fluid flows over the tubing. A reference element is incorporated into the corrosion sensor to provide primary temperature compensation. A temperature sensor provides temperature data and allows for secondary temperature compensation for the corrosion sensor. A central processing unit reads and stores the data from the three sensors into solid state memory. The probe records data at programmable time intervals. Upon retrieval of the probe from the wellbore, the probe may be connected to a computer for downloading of the ...

16-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002216079C

Pulse propagation analysis to ascertain whether an anomaly such as surface corrosion exists on a section of conductive member (22) such as pipe. Anomalies such as surface corrosion result in localized velocity chances of pulses propagating along a conductive member. These localized velocity changes exhibit themselves in changes in waveform, rise and fall time, amplitude and time delay of a pulse with respect to a fixed time reference. To allow such anomalies to be located, two pulses are generated (28, 30) such that they intersect at intersecting locations along the conductive member. The resulting modified pulses are analyzed (24) for perturbations indicative of localized velocity changes.

04-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002247358A1

A method and system for detecting corrosion on a pipeline (A). An electromagnetic pulse (26) is transmitted into a pipeline (A) to travel as a propagating electromagnetic wave along the pipeline (A) to a receiving station (35). Both the distance traveled from the transmitting (44) and receiving location (35), and also the time interval for such travel are measured. Velocity of the wave is dectected as a means of ascertaining whether corrosion is present. Various embodiments, using both multi-channel (80) and single cables, are used to transmit the detected waves, and the waves are received at a plurality of spaced locations (36) along the length of the pipeline (A). For an insulated pipeline, the signals can be received by a directional antenna, and the pulses can be transmitted into the pipeline by an antenna directly on the pipeline or a magnet electrical contact member.

15-01-1957 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000318486A

15-11-1965 дата публикации

Licht- und Wetterechtheitsprüfgerät

Номер: CH0000402467A

30-11-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000582356A5
Принадлежит: SANDOZ AG

15-09-1966 дата публикации

Licht- und Wetterechtheits-Prüfgerät

Номер: CH0000420672A

15-06-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000588695A5
Принадлежит: HOECHST AG

31-08-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000591077A5

12-05-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000598591A5

14-12-2007 дата публикации

Sensor unit for continuous corrosion monitoring of buildings has sensors, cables and carriers; cables are connection between sensors and measurement device; carrier is guide for cable

Номер: CH0000696821A5

The sensor unit (4) has sensors, cables and carriers, whereby the cables are the connection between the sensors and a measurement device. The carrier is the guide for the cable. The carrier consists of a hollow profile and/or a U-profile. The carrier is electrically connected to the armoring by a connector and the connection of the armoring takes place via it.

15-03-2013 дата публикации

Procedure for the examination of the surface stability.

Номер: CH0000700290B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Prüfung der Beständigkeit von Oberflächen (1) gegenüber Schadstoffen, bei dem zunächst ein Schadstoff auf einen Bereich der Oberfläche (1) aufgetragen wird und anschliessend ein Einwirken des Schadstoffes für eine vorgegebene Zeit erfolgt. Nach dem Einwirken des Schadstoffes wird eine Messung von Oberflächenveränderungen im Bereich des Schadstoffauftrags (7) mit einem automatisierbaren Messverfahren durchgeführt.

25-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000087159C2

Способ оценки коррозионного влияния нафтезаводского сырья на металлические части одного или нескольких процессов нефтепереработки, который включает стадии i) подготовки нафтезаводского сырья множества типов и/или множества фракций одного или нескольких типов, іі) создание массива множества образцов металлов, используемых в металлических частях, ііі) введение каждого с образцов металлов в контакт с нафтезаводским сырьем или его фракциями одного или нескольких типов при нестатических условиях и іv) определение коррозионного влияния нафтезаводского сырья и/или фракции на образец металла.

26-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: EA200700558A1

В заявке описан способ оценки коррозионного воздействия нефтезаводского сырья на металлические части одного или нескольких процессов нефтепереработки, включающий стадии на которых: i) подготавливают нефтезаводское сырье множества типов и/или множество фракций нефтезаводского сырья одного или нескольких типов, ii) создают массив, включающий множество образцов металлов, используемых в указанных металлических частях, iii) вводят каждый из образцов металлов в контакт с упомянутым нефтезаводским сырьем или фракциями нефтезаводского сырья одного или нескольких типов при нестатических условиях и iv) определяют коррозионное воздействие упомянутого нефтезаводского сырья и/или фракции на образец металла.

27-04-2015 дата публикации

Clay compositions

Номер: UA0000108377C2

30-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201291125A1

10-10-2016 дата публикации

Датчик скорости коррозии

Номер: RU0000165273U1

Датчик скорости коррозии, состоящий из гальванической пары или пакета изолированных гальванических пар, каждая из которых содержит стальной анод, катод и регистратор тока между ними, и измерительных проводов, отличающийся тем, что датчик размещен в токонепроводящем защитном кожухе, представляющем собой сплошную трубную секцию, оснащенную монтажным люком, отверстием с заглушкой и кабельным выводом, перфорированной трубной секцией, сетчатым и донным фильтрами, которые соединены между собой резьбовыми соединениями. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 165 273 U1 (51) МПК G01N 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016113216/28, 06.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.04.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Газпром трансгаз Санкт-Петербург" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2016 Бюл. № 28 R U 1 6 5 2 7 3 (57) Формула полезной модели Датчик скорости коррозии, состоящий из гальванической пары или пакета изолированных гальванических пар, каждая из которых содержит стальной анод, катод и регистратор тока между ними, и измерительных проводов, отличающийся тем, что датчик размещен в токонепроводящем защитном кожухе, представляющем собой сплошную трубную секцию, оснащенную монтажным люком, отверстием с заглушкой и кабельным выводом, перфорированной трубной секцией, сетчатым и донным фильтрами, которые соединены между собой резьбовыми соединениями. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ДАТЧИК СКОРОСТИ КОРРОЗИИ 1 6 5 2 7 3 Адрес для переписки: 196128, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Варшавская, 3, к. 2, ООО "Газпром трансгаз Санкт-Петербург", Г.А. Фокин R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.04.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Петров Степан Антонович (RU), Василевич Александр Владимирович (RU), Бичаева Тамара Николаевна (RU) U 1 U 1 1 6 5 2 7 3 1 6 5 2 7 3 R U R U Стр.: 2

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Межфланцевый узел контроля коррозии

Номер: RU0000167617U1

Полезная модель относится к устройству для измерения скорости коррозии гравиметрическим методом, а именно к конструктивным элементам, используемым для определения коррозионной агрессивности исследуемых сред в трубопроводах, и может найти применение в различных областях техники. Задачей предполагаемой полезной модели является разработка универсального устройства, позволяющего при высоких давлениях исследуемой среды с высокой точностью определить на внутренней поверхности трубопроводов и арматуры наиболее коррозионно-опасных участков, а также скорость коррозии с возможностью многократного его применения в различных точках фонтанной арматуры и трубопроводов обвязки скважин без проведения огнеопасных работ для монтажа и демонтажа. Технический результат достигается межфланцевым узлом контроля коррозии, представляющим собой межфланцевый диск с установленной внутри него гравиметрической кассетой, которая представляет собой стержень, на который установлены три дисковых образца-свидетеля, четыре изолирующие фторопластовые втулки, четыре гайки и две шайбы, причем внутренняя часть межфланцевого диска содержит два паза, в которые помещается гравиметрическая кассета фиксируемая двумя пластинами к корпусу межфланцевого диска при помощи винтов, на который в свою очередь прикреплена ручка при помощи сварки, при этом на концах стрежня с внутренней стороны выполнены продольные срезы. Разработанное устройство найдет применение на скважинах подверженных сильному коррозионному воздействию агрессивных сред, а также на любых объектах добычи углеводородов, где необходимо гравиметрическим способом РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 167 617 U1 (51) МПК F17D 5/00 (2006.01) G01N 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015153998, 15.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.12.2015 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.12.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и ...

02-10-2017 дата публикации

Резервный узел электрохимической защиты и мониторинга состояния трубопровода с бетонным покрытием

Номер: RU0000174099U1

Полезная модель относится к области изготовления трубопровода с бетонным покрытием и может быть использована при подключении к системе электрохимической защиты или к системе мониторинга трубопровода с бетонным покрытием при его прокладке на морских шельфах, в обводненной и заболоченной местности, в горной местности, на переходах под автомобильными и железными дорогами, на участках, подверженных рискам механического, климатического, природного характера, а также при прокладке трубопроводов в многолетнемерзлых, сезонно-мерзлых и слабонесущих грунтах. Узел резервного подключения состоит из стакана 1, который установлен на металлическую трубу 2 с защитным слоем 3 из полиэтилена, внутри бетонного покрытия 4, на котором установлена несъемная опалубка 5. Внутри стакана 1 установлен проводник 6. Проводник 6 одним своим концом электрически соединен с трубой, например соединен с помощью сварки с поверхностью трубы 2, зачищенной от полиэтилена в месте сварки. Длина проводника 6 должна быть достаточной для возможности подключения к нему. Проводник 6 уложен на защитном слое 3. Свободный конец проводника 6 имеет клемму 7 для подключения, которая защищена термоусадочным колпачком 8. Проводник 6 расположен в слое 9 наполнителя, в качестве которого используют, например, песок. Проводник 6 должен быть полностью погружен в наполнитель 9. Наполнитель 9 сверху заливают первым защитным слоем 10 из воска или парафина. На первый защитный слой устанавливают закладную петлю 11 и заливают вторым защитный слоем 12 из битумной мастики или полиуретанового компаунда, так чтобы часть закладной петли 11 оставалась над вторым защитным слоем 12. Для защиты внутреннего объема на стакан 1 устанавливают крышку 13. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. Ц 1 174099 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) зе а заза = (13) (51) МПК С23Е 13/00 (2006.01) СОЧВ 111/20 (2006.0Т) СОМ 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016129999, 21.07.2016 (24) ...

11-11-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для мониторинга развивающейся подпленочной коррозии трубопроводов

Номер: RU0000200782U1

Полезная модель относится к области обеспечения безопасности опасных производственных объектов и может быть использована для контроля скорости коррозии в системах транспорта углеводородов. Объем водорода, выделяющегося при развивающейся коррозии внешней поверхности трубопровода под отслаивающейся изоляцией, эквивалентен количеству растворяющегося в этой локальной зоне металла.Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является определение объема выделяющегося при ППК водорода и происходящего при этом изменения массы металла в коррозионном очаге, на основе определения концентрации водорода, эмитирующего с внешней поверхности трубопровода при развивающейся ППК, с учетом основных параметров грунта, значительно влияющих на данный процесс (кислотность, влажность и температура грунта).Технический результат достигается тем, что устройство для мониторинга развивающейся ППК трубопроводов, включающее в себя электрохимический датчик водорода на основе твердого электролита, дополнительно содержит измерительные преобразователи кислотности, влажности и температуры грунта, а также температуры окружающего воздуха, микропроцессор для вычисления объема выделяющегося водорода, буфер хранения данных, микропроцессор для вычисления потери массы металла в коррозионном очаге, преобразователь интерфейса.Предлагаемое устройство для мониторинга развивающейся ППК успешно прошло опытно-промышленные испытания на линейных участках магистральных газопроводов ООО «Газпром трансгаз Казань». РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 200 782 U1 (51) МПК F17D 5/02 (2006.01) G01N 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F17D 5/02 (2020.08); G01N 17/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020120066, 10.06.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.11.2020 U 1 2 0 0 7 8 2 Адрес для переписки: 420073, Респ. Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Аделя Кутуя, 41, ООО "Газпром трансгаз Казань", в технический отдел ( ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Device to indicate critical corrosion of a metallic structure

Номер: US20120031188A1
Автор: Anders Dahlstrom
Принадлежит: SCS Engr AB

The present invention relates to a device to indicate a predetermined critical corrosion of a metallic structure located in soil, water or concrete environment. The device comprises a probe that has a closed tubular container intended to contain a pressurized medium, and that has a wall thickness t that corresponds to the predetermined critical corrosion. A protective coating is arranged essentially over the entire outside of the container with the exception of a surface that is intended to be subjected to corrosion attack. The container is allowed to corrode so that the container becomes perforated, whereupon the pressure of the pressurized medium falls. The pressure change is measured by means of a pressure gauge, and in this way, information is obtained about the fact that the corrosion has reached the predetermined critical level.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Methods and devices for sensing corrosion under insulation (cui)

Номер: US20120056634A1
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

A method of sensing corrosion of a pipe covered by a layer of insulation comprises positioning a CUI sensor radially adjacent an outer surface of the pipe. The CUI sensor comprises a non-conductive base having a first end and a second end opposite the first end. In addition, the CUI sensor comprises a first test circuit mounted to the base. The first test circuit includes a first conductor, a second conductor, and a first testing element extending between the first conductor and the second conductor. Further, the method comprises exposing the first testing element to the same environment as the outer surface of the pipe. Still further, the method comprises determining whether the first testing element has corroded through. Moreover, the method comprises assessing whether corrosion of the pipe has occurred based on the determination of whether the first testing element has corroded through.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for sulfur-based corrosion testing

Номер: US20120074968A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for performing corrosion testing is provided. The method includes applying a thin film of silicone to an electrical device to be tested, positioning the device in a chamber, connecting the device to electrical testing equipment for determining any change in electrical resistance of the device, and disposing a gaseous compound of sulfur in the chamber. The method also comprises monitoring the device for any change in electrical resistance for indicating failure of the device.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Particle analysis for corrosion rate monitoring

Номер: US20120075629A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

Methods and apparatus relate to measuring corrosion rate. Corrosive fluid contacts a metal powder altering physical properties of the metal powder due to resulting corrosion thereof. For example, the corrosion diminishes mass of the metal powder reducing particle size and particle surface area of the metal powder. Since these physical properties of the metal powder are indicative of the corrosion rate, analysis of the metal powder provides the corrosion rate based on difference in the property of the metal powder before and after the contact with the corrosive fluid.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Thermal Analysis Apparatus And Thermal Analysis Method

Номер: US20120096936A1
Принадлежит: Netzsch Geraetebau GmbH

A thermal analysis apparatus and method, including a sample space with a sample carrier, and heating devices, and an inert gas. Flow devices generate an inert gas flow to the sample carrier. Getter devices and/or oxygen traps disposed in the inert gas flow remove residual oxygen.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Computer tomographic workpiece measuring device

Номер: US20120155606A1
Принадлежит: Wenzel Volumetrik GmbH

A marine device has a floating buoy containing electronics, a submerged payload containing electrical devices and electronics, a power source and a mooring line. At least a part of the power source is submerged and electrically connected to at least one of the submerged payload and the floating buoy, and the mooring line extends between the buoy and at least one of the power source submerged part, the submerged payload and a submerged anchor having a mass allowing it to stay under the water surface.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

System and method for controlling temperature inside environmental chamber

Номер: US20120239220A1
Автор: Ting-Chung Wang
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

In a method for controlling the temperature inside an environmental chamber using an electronic device, a target temperature T 0 , and a current internal temperature T and a current humidity level RH inside the environmental chamber are acquired. A current dew point Td of air inside the environmental chamber is calculated using a dew point calculation formula requiring the current internal temperature T and the current humidity level RH. The surface temperature of an object under test which is placed in the environmental chamber is detected using a temperature sensor. The environmental chamber is controlled according to the target temperature T 0 , the current internal temperature T, the current humidity level RH, and the surface temperature of the object under test.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for detecting and identifying contaminants in a gaseous environment

Номер: US20120245043A1
Автор: William G. England
Принадлежит: Purafil Inc

A method for identifying a contaminant in an environment includes providing a sensor array, the sensor array including a plurality of sensing platforms, each of the sensing platforms including a corrodible metal. A reaction is detected on the corrodible metal on one or more of the sensing platforms to identify a reaction pattern, and the reaction pattern is compared to known reaction characteristics of the corrodible metals. Based on this comparison, the contaminant, such as a corrosive gas, can be identified. The sensing platform may include a quartz crystal microbalance or a nanostructure. In some features, at least one of the corrodible metals includes gold, and a detected reaction of the gold corrodible metal indicates the presence of adverse temperature or humidity conditions in the environment.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Infrastructure Corrosion Analysis

Номер: US20120279599A1
Принадлежит: Quanta Associates LP

The disclosure relates to systems, methods and apparatus for analyzing an infrastructure system including measurement of a parameter associated with the infrastructure system, electronically recording the measured parameter as a data, transferring the data to an infrastructure unit which may be remote from the infrastructure system, analyzing the data to generate a risk model, and predicting a characteristic of the infrastructure system according to the risk. An implementation plan may be generated, and/or maintenance services may be performed as per the characteristic that is predicted.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Measuring the damage to a turbine-blade thermal barrier

Номер: US20130077649A1
Автор: Quentin Mistral
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A method for evaluating damage to a thermal barrier applied to a component made from a metal substrate, the thermal barrier including a sublayer of aluminium and a layer of columnar-structure ceramic material, the sub-layer being positioned between the substrate and the ceramic layer, the method including: a first calibration including selection of a determined number of calibration components that have undergone various degrees of damage, exposing them for a given length of time to radiation, measuring temperature obtained at the surface after the given length of time and establishing a curve connecting an increase in temperature to damage, and a second measuring the damage to the thermal barrier of the component including exposure to the radiation for the length of time, measuring the temperature obtained, and relating the increase in temperature to the calibration curve in order, from the curve, to extract the level of damage.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093443A1
Автор: Patrick Roger

Apparatus and methods for diagnosing status of a consumable part of a plasma reaction chamber, the consumable part including at least one conductive element embedded therein. The method includes the steps of: coupling the conductive element to a power supply so that a bias potential relative to the ground is applied to the conductive element; exposing the consumable part to plasma erosion until the conductive element draws a current from the plasma upon exposure of the conductive element to the plasma; measuring the current; and evaluating a degree of erosion of the consumable part due to the plasma based on the measured current. 1. A method of diagnosing status of a consumable part of a plasma reaction chamber , the consumable part including at least one conductive element embedded therein , comprising:coupling the conductive element to a power supply so that a bias potential relative to the ground is applied to the conductive element;exposing the consumable part to plasma erosion until the conductive element draws a current from the plasma upon exposure of the conductive element to the plasma;measuring the current; andevaluating a degree of erosion of the consumable part due to the plasma based on the measured current.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of measuring the current includes:interposing a resistor between the conductive element and power supply in series;measuring a voltage across the resistor; anddetermining the current based on the measured voltage.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:triggering a notification when the current increases to a preset threshold level.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the consumable part is formed of conducting material and the conducting element is surrounded by electrically insulating material such that the conducting element is electrically insulated from the consumable part.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the consumable part is formed of dielectric material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109099A1
Автор: Bridenbaker Eric

A method of testing workpieces and an automated oscillating solution spray manifold assembly for a corrosion testing chamber is configured to introduce a fluid into a cavity of a test cabinet that receives workpieces. The manifold assembly includes a motor having an output shaft for driving a linkage assembly. An elongated spray bar is connected to the linkage assembly and the spray bar has a plurality of openings spaced therealong. The linkage assembly is configured to rotate the spray bar in a desired oscillatory movement such that fluid can be dispensed through the openings and into the test cabinet. A fan-like pattern sprays from one opening and substantially overlaps with spray from at least one adjacent opening. The method of testing may include one or more of the steps of controlling a speed of the motor, a temperature level of the cavity, a humidity level of the cavity, and a salinity content of the fluid within the cavity of the test cabinet. 1. An automated oscillating solution spray manifold assembly for a corrosion testing chamber configured to introduce a fluid into a cavity of a test cabinet that is configured to receive associated workpieces through an opening; the manifold assembly comprising:a motor having an output shaft for driving a linkage assembly,a spray bar connected to the linkage assembly having a plurality of openings spaced along a surface of the bar, wherein the linkage assembly is configured to rotate the spray bar in a desired oscillatory movement such that fluid can be dispensed through the openings and into the test cabinet.2. The manifold assembly of claim 1 , wherein the spray bar has an elongated conformation.3. The manifold assembly of claim 1 , wherein nozzles are mounted to the openings on the bar.4. The manifold assembly of claim 3 , wherein fluid is distributed from the nozzles such that a fan-like pattern sprays from one nozzle and substantially overlaps with spray from at least one adjacent nozzle.5. The manifold assembly ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122593A1

A sensor for detection and measurement of incompatible (corrosive or foreign) materials in a fluid medium. The sensor includes a tuning fork mounted on a diaphragm with tines having an amplitude and a resonant frequency. The sensor alarms when a measured amount of the incompatible material has been deposited on the sensor to form a fusing element on the tines which causes vibration of the tines to cease. 1. A method of detecting the presence of a specified condition in a fluid medium by means of a sensor comprising a tuning fork attached to a diaphragm , the fork having tines capable of vibration at an amplitude and a resonance frequency , in which method , the presence of the specified condition will cause the formation of a fusing element on the tines to cause vibration of the tines to cease.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the formation of the fusing element changes the amplitude and/or frequency of the tines of the tuning fork from the amplitude and/or the resonance frequency3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fusing element is a material deposited at an end of the tines of the tuning fork.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the specified condition is deposition of material from the fluid medium.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the deposition material bridges the space between the tines.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tips of the tines of the tuning fork are roughened to enhance deposition.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a fusing element which does not interfere with the vibration of the tines when unexposed to the specified condition but expands in presence of the specified condition to stop the vibration of the tines when the expanded fusing element touches the tines. The present invention relates to the detection and measurement of corrosive or foreign materials. The invention may be applied generally to the detection of metal-loss by corrosion and/or erosion and/ ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164852A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

Provided are an atmospheric corrosion test procedure and an apparatus used for the test. The procedure involves a salt spray step for supplying salt content containing chloride ions on the surfaces of test pieces placed in a thermo-humidistat chamber and a subsequent dry-wet cyclic step including a dry sub-step for drying the surface of the test pieces in the thermo-humidistat chamber at a low relative humidity and a subsequent wet sub-step at a higher relative humidity than that in the dry sub-step, which are cycled. The salt content is supplied by spraying the salt water in the salt spray step. An exhaust step for removing the salt mist sprayed inside thermo-humidistat chamber is further inserted between the salt deposition step and the dry sub-step. The quantity of the salt content deposited on the surfaces of the test pieces is controlled by adjusting the quantity of the sprayed salt water. 1. An atmospheric corrosion test procedure comprising:a salt deposition step of supplying salt content containing chloride ions on the surfaces of test pieces placed in a thermo-humidistat chamber; anda subsequent dry-wet cyclic step, the dry-wet cyclic step including a dry sub-step of drying the surfaces of the test pieces in the thermo-humidistat chamber at a low relative humidity and a subsequent wet sub-step, in which the relative humidity in the thermo-humidistat chamber is set to higher value than that in the dry sub-step, the sub-steps being cycled, andwherein the salt content is supplied by spraying salt water in the salt spray step, a first dry sub-step of repeated dry sub-steps is carried out between the salt deposition step and the first wet sub-step of the repeated wet sub-steps, an exhaust sub-step of removing the salt mist sprayed inside the thermo-humidistat chamber is carried out between the salt deposition step and the first dry sub-step, and the quantity of the deposited salt content is controlled by adjusting the quantity of the sprayed salt water.2. The ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Membrane separation apparatus, membrane separation apparatus operation method, and evaluation method using the membrane separation apparatus

Номер: US20130220002A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A submodule is used to know exactly fouling of a membrane surface in a separation membrane module. The membrane separation apparatus of the present invention includes: a separation membrane module ( 1 ) configured to produce at least a permeate fluid from a feed fluid; and at least one submodule ( 2 ) having a separation membrane ( 23 ) made of the same material as a separation membrane in the separation membrane module ( 1 ). A deposition member ( 22 ) is provided on a surface of the separation membrane ( 23 ) in the submodule ( 2 ), and the feed fluid is supplied onto the surface.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224867A1

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) of an insulated iron or other corrosion prone object () is detected by taking a sample () of the pore fluid from the pores of a permeable insulation layer () that covers at least part of the object () and analyzing the composition of the sample () on the presence of any tracer fluid, such as phospines, mercaptans, alcohols, acids, ketones and/or aldehydes emitted or acetic acid and/or butoxyethanol absorbed by any corrosion of the corrosion prone object () by a tracer fluid detection sensor (). 1. A method for detecting corrosion of an insulated corrosion prone object , which is at least partly covered by a permeable insulation layer with pores containing a pore fluid , the method comprising taking a sample of the pore fluid and analyzing the composition of the sample on the presence of any tracer fluid emitted or absorbed by any corrosion of the corrosion prone object , wherein the sample is taken by injecting a sweep fluid into the pores of the permeable insulation layer and capturing a mixture of the sweep fluid and the core fluid and any tracer fluid from the permeable insulation layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion prone object comprises rust prone iron claim 1 , such as carbon steel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sweep fluid comprises a reactive rust tracer which reacts with and is therefore absorbed by rust and/or other corrosion products.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the tracer fluid comprises phosphines claim 2 , mercaptans claim 2 , alcohols claim 2 , acids claim 2 , ketones claim 2 , aldehydes and/or any other chemical composition released during iron oxidation.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the tracer gas comprises phosphine gas (PH) claim 4 , organophosphine claim 4 , methylmercaptan (CHS) claim 4 , methanol (CHO) claim 4 , acetic acid (CHO) claim 4 , acetone (CHO) and/or acetaldehyde (CHO).6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the tracer gas comprises organophosphine comprising CHPO claim ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231872A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The method for monitoring ageing of at least one electric equipment unit comprises: 1. A method for monitoring ageing of at least one electric equipment unit comprising:entering and storing ageing computation data by type of equipment,measurement of physical quantities representative of environmental conditions,computation of ageing according to said measurements and to the stored ageing computation data, andcommunication and/or indication of electric equipment ageing data.2. The monitoring method according to comprising functional conditions comprising:counting of the operations of an electric equipment unit,measurement of the conditions of the operations of the electric equipment unit, andrecording of data representative of operations associated with broken current values.3. The monitoring method according to wherein measurement of physical quantities representative of environmental conditions comprises:temperature measurement and storage by a sensor close to said electric equipment units,measurement and storage of the humidity content,measurement and storage of the salinity content, and/ormeasurement and storage of amplitude and frequency of vibrations.4. The monitoring method according to wherein ageing computation comprises:computation of ageing of the mechanical part and/or of the wear of electric contacts of said equipment unit,computation of ageing of the electronic part of said equipment unit, and/orcomputation of ageing of an electromagnetic actuator of said electric equipment unit.5. The monitoring method according to comprising determination of ageing acceleration factors.6. The monitoring method according to comprising selection of a maximum ageing acceleration factor from several ageing acceleration factors.7. The monitoring method according to comprising modification of a value of the ageing acceleration factor due to temperature from a temperature threshold.8. The monitoring method according to comprising combination of an ageing acceleration factor ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236975A1

A method of tracking the rate of corrosion of a metal conduit traversed by a corrosive fluid, in which is provided a device arranged so as to form, when said device is installed on a wall of the metal conduit, a chamber able to receive gaseous hydrogen issuing by permeation across said wall of said conduit, the method comprising: (i) a step of treatment to eliminate a metallic species from the chamber, (ii) a step of measuring a quantity of hydrogen received in the chamber, with a view to estimating the rate of corrosion of the metal conduit. 1. A method of tracking the rate of corrosion of a metal pipe conveying a corrosive fluid ,in which a device is envisaged that is arranged so as to form, when said device is installed on a wall of the metal pipe, a chamber that is able to receive the gaseous hydrogen resulting from permeation through said wall of said pipe,the method comprising:(i) a treatment step for removing, from the chamber, a metallic species that could be reduced by the gaseous hydrogen, during which at least the chamber wall formed by said pipe is treated on its entire surface,(ii) a step of measuring a quantity of hydrogen received in the chamber, with a view to estimating the rate of corrosion of the metal pipe.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a step of scavenging the interior of the chamber with an inert carrier gas,a step of measuring the quantity of hydrogen contained in the carrier gas from scavenging.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , in which the inert carrier gas additionally contains hydrogen.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , in which the hydrogen concentration in the inert carrier gas is between 10 and 10000 ppm.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the step of measurement of said quantity of hydrogen received in the chamber is carried out by means of a detector comprising a nickel-palladium membrane.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the treatment step is performed by scouring the internal ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for tomographic imaging

Номер: US20130307566A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Global Research Center

Approaches are disclosed for electrical impedance tomography which apply a current to a region at two or more frequencies and acquire voltage measurements at each frequency to generate a set of multi-frequency voltage measurements. One or more images of the region are generated, using spectral constraints, based on the multi-frequency data.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316459A1
Автор: Nettesheim Stefan

A method and an apparatus () for weatherability testing of a material sample () are disclosed. The material sample () is exposed to a testing atmosphere () in a testing chamber (). The testing atmosphere () is formed by a plasma (). Testing atmosphere () is withdrawn from the testing chamber () and resupplied to the plasma generation as a process gas (G), after filtering and/or conditioning. At least one further substance (S) may be added to a process gas (G) for plasma generation, in order to obtain a desired chemical composition of the testing atmosphere (). Parameters of the testing atmosphere () like temperature and chemical composition may be controlled. The material sample () may furthermore be exposed to UV light (), which preferably is generated by an electric arc. 1. A method for weatherability testing of at least one material sample , comprising the following steps:a) placing a material sample in a testing chamber;b) generating a plasma in a plasma generator and releasing a plasma jet into said testing chamber;c) forming a defined testing atmosphere in said testing chamber by means of said plasma jet, for said testing atmosphere to affect said material sample;d) withdrawing said testing atmosphere from said testing chamber; and,e) supplying at least a portion of said testing atmosphere, withdrawn from said testing chamber, after filtering and/or conditioning, to said plasma generator as a process gas.2. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein said testing atmosphere is formed by conversion of at least one process gas in said plasma and in said plasma jet claim 1 , and wherein a composition of said testing atmosphere is tested and monitored by a sensor.3. The method recited in claim 2 , wherein said at least one process gas is oxygen.4. The method recited in claim 2 , wherein said at least one process gas is air.5. The method recited in claim 2 , wherein said at least one process gas is of a defined humidity.6. The method recited in claim 2 , wherein at ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for specifying fracture resistance of mechanically stressed glass or glass ceramic

Номер: US20130319048A1
Автор: Peter Hartmann
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A method for specifying the material of glass or glass ceramic components by either the minimum service life of a component as a function of a predefined mechanical stress or the mechanical resistance as a function of a predefined service life during which mechanical stress occurs. The method enables a leaner dimensioning of mechanically stressed glass and glass ceramic components.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333481A1
Автор: Wada Yoru

In a method of determining a fatigue crack lifetime of a low-alloy steel material coming in contact with high-pressure hydrogen in a high-pressure hydrogen environment, estimate a fatigue crack acceleration starting point Kof the low-alloy steel material using a crack-growth threshold stress intensity factor Kobtained through a rising load test on the low-alloy steel material in a high-pressure hydrogen environment. The high-pressure hydrogen environment of the rising load test is a high-pressure hydrogen environment which has the same pressure and atmosphere as in the high-pressure hydrogen environment in which Kis estimated and in which the test temperature tolerance between both environments is ±5° C. 1. A method of determining a fatigue crack lifetime of a low-alloy steel material that comes in contact with high-pressure hydrogen in a high-pressure hydrogen environment , comprising:{'sub': max', 'IH-R, 'sup': 'T', 'estimating a fatigue crack acceleration starting point Kof the low-alloy steel material using a crack-growth threshold stress intensity factor Kobtained through a rising load test on the low-alloy steel material in a high-pressure hydrogen environment,'}{'sub': 'max', 'sup': 'T', 'wherein the high-pressure hydrogen environment of the rising load test is a high-pressure hydrogen environment which has the same pressure and atmosphere as in the high-pressure hydrogen environment in which Kis estimated and in which the test temperature tolerance between both environments is ±5° C.'}2. The method of determining a fatigue crack lifetime in a high-pressure hydrogen environment according to claim 1 , wherein the high-pressure hydrogen environment of the rising load test is an environment of ultrapure hydrogen of 99.9999 vol % or more.3. The method of determining a fatigue crack lifetime in a high-pressure hydrogen environment according to claim 1 , wherein the high-pressure hydrogen environment of the rising load test has an oxygen concentration of 1 ppm or ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008035A1

Environmental control systems and techniques for monitoring heat exchanger fouling are provided herein. In an embodiment, a technique for monitoring heat exchanger fouling includes providing a correlation of heat exchanger fouling to an operating variable. The correlation is programmed into a maintenance system that includes a processor that is adapted to receive data regarding the operating variable. The operating variable is chosen from inlet temperatures of input streams into the heat exchanger and outlet temperatures of output streams out of the heat exchanger, heat exchanger pressure drop, overall heat transfer coefficient value, speed of rotation of an air conditioning machine that includes the heat exchanger, and combinations thereof. Data regarding the operating variable is gathered via a sensor that is adapted to measure the operating variable. The measured operating variable is determined to correspond to excessive heat exchanger fouling in accordance with the correlation using the processor. 1. A technique for monitoring heat exchanger fouling , wherein the technique comprises the steps of:providing a correlation of heat exchanger fouling to an operating variable, wherein the correlation is programmed into a maintenance system that includes a processor adapted to receive data regarding the operating variable, and wherein the operating variable is chosen from inlet temperatures of input streams into the heat exchanger and outlet temperatures of output streams out of the heat exchanger, heat exchanger pressure drop, overall heat transfer coefficient value, speed of rotation of an air conditioning machine that includes the heat exchanger, and combinations thereof;gathering data regarding the operating variable via a sensor that is adapted to measure the operating variable; anddetermining that the measured operating variable corresponds to excessive heat exchanger fouling in accordance with the correlation using the processor.2. The technique of claim 1 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of inspecting impacts observed in fan casings

Номер: US20140020485A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A method for inspecting impacts present on an internal face of a fan casing, the method including: spotting a first impact present on the internal face of the fan casing; delimiting an inspection area containing the first impact; spotting the various impacts present in the delimited inspection area, the various spotted impacts forming a set of impacts to be considered; measuring, for each impact that is to be considered, the depth of length of the impact; for each impact to be considered, determining a harmfulness value, using at least one chart relating the depth and length of each impact to be considered to a level of harmfulness; determining, for the inspection area containing the first impact, a total harmfulness value by adding together the harmfulness level determined for each impact to be considered.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for monitoring deposition

Номер: US20140046629A1
Автор: Kaikai Wu, Linna Wang
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The present invention concerns an apparatus for deposition monitoring in a water system comprising a deposition measurement system, a DC power supply connected to a conductive deposition monitoring surface and a counter electrode, the apparatus has a first treatment configuration and a second treatment configuration, wherein one of the treatment configurations removes biofilm from the conductive deposition monitoring surface, and the other treatment configuration removes inorganic scale deposition from the conductive deposition monitoring surface.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods and devices for the detection of biofilms

Номер: US20140048424A1
Автор: Tingyue Gu

Methods and devices for the detection of corrosive biofilms and microbiologically influenced (MIC) corrosion rates are based upon the electrogenicity of the biofilms. The device may comprise a passive sensor having at least one first electrode, at least one second electrode, and an external circuit for electrically connecting the first electrode to the second electrode. At least one of the first electrode and the second electrode is capable of being at least partially coated by a biofilm. A sustainable electrical characteristic, such as voltage and current, generated when the first electrode and the second electrode are electrically connected and exposed to at least one medium indicates that the biofilm partially coating at least one of the first electrode and the second electrode is electrogenic, and thus corrosive. Special electrode and sensor designs are needed for the implementation of online and offline biofilm sensors.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064323A1

An environmental chamber system and a method for testing a device under test (DUT) include an environmental chamber in which the DUT can be tested. A temperature sensor senses temperature of the DUT, the temperature sensor generating a signal indicative of temperature of the DUT. A controller receives at least one input signal related to at least one of temperature and humidity in the chamber and the signal indicative of temperature of the DUT and provides at least one control signal for adjusting at least one of temperature and humidity in the chamber, such that the temperature of the DUT is not below a dew point of an environment in the chamber in a region of the chamber near the DUT, such that condensation in the environment in the chamber in the region near the DUT does not occur. 1. An environmental chamber system in which a device under test (DUT) can be tested , the environmental chamber system comprising:an environmental chamber in which the DUT can be tested;a temperature sensor for sensing temperature of the DUT, the temperature sensor generating a signal indicative of temperature of the DUT; anda controller for receiving at least one input signal related to at least one of temperature and humidity in the chamber and receiving the signal indicative of temperature of the DUT and providing at least one control signal for adjusting at least one of temperature and humidity in the chamber, such that the temperature of the DUT is not below a dew point of an environment in the chamber in a region of the chamber near the DUT, such that condensation in the environment in the chamber in the region near the DUT does not occur.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a mathematical filter.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one input signal comprises two input signals claim 1 , the two input signals being indicative of humidity and temperature in the chamber.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one control signal adjusts ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Powerless time reference

Номер: US20150003213A1
Автор: Thomas Suwald
Принадлежит: NXP BV

According to an embodiment, a time reference device ( 100 ) is provided, which comprises a corrodible element ( 140 ), wherein a corrosion of the corrodible element ( 140 ) advances with advancing time, and a sensor ( 102 ) configured for providing a sensor signal, the sensor signal depending on a physical property of the corrodible element ( 140 ). The physical property of the corrodible element ( 140 ) changes with a corrosion of the corrodible element ( 140 ) and the physical property of the corrodible element ( 140 ) is at least one of an electrical property, a magnetic property, and an optical property. A barrier ( 150 ) may be provided for defining a permeability for a corrosive substance ( 160 ) to the corrodible element ( 140 ).

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for quantitative estimation of fouling of the spacers plates in a steam generator

Номер: US20170003215A1
Автор: Bruno Renard, Nicolas Paul
Принадлежит: Electricite de France SA

The invention relates to a method for evaluating fouling of the passages of a spacer plate ( 10 ) of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger ( 11 ), wherein said passages ( 12 a, 12 b ) are provided along the tubes ( 11 ) to allow fluid to flow through the spacer plate ( 10 ), wherein, for each of a plurality of at least one passage ( 12 a, 12 b ): at least one measurement of a parameter dependent on fouling or the presence of magnetite is made in the vicinity of the passage, using an eddy current probe; this measurement is used to derive at least one indicator of the fouling of said passage, characterized in that said fouling is evaluated by comparing a set of one or more fouling indicator vectors of dimension of at least two, built from the fouling indicators thus obtained with a plurality of fouling indicator vector sets contained in a database, wherein each of said indicator vector sets is associated with a quantitative descriptor of fouling.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Methods for Identification of Materials Causing Corrosion on Metallic Substrates within ZPGM Catalyst Systems

Номер: US20150004709A1
Автор: Nazarpoor Zahra
Принадлежит: CDTI

The present disclosure provides an identification process which may employ various identification techniques on Zero platinum group metal (ZPGM) catalyst systems, in order to identify responsible materials for the formation of corrosion material, such as hexavalent chromium compounds. Identification analysis, such as X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) may be performed on various thermally treated ZPGM catalyst systems, such as in bare substrate, substrate with one type of ZPGM in washcoat, a substrate with one type of ZPGM in overcoat and substrate combination of ZPGM metals in both washcoat and overcoat. Results of identification analysis may show that regardless of metal catalyst (for example Ag, Cu, Ce), hexavalent chromium (Cr) may be formed on aged catalysts systems, which may be due to the high concentration of chromium in substrate. Therefore, corrosion and production of hexavalent chromium may initiate from elements found in the substrate and not from elements within the ZPGM metal catalysts. 1. A method for detecting corrosion in a catalytic system , comprising:aging at least one catalyst system in communication with a substrate;determining at least one color change on a surface of the at least one catalyst system, wherein the surface of the at least one catalyst system comprises a zero platinum group metal catalyst,analyzing at least one portion of the surface using a method selected from the group consisting of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and combinations thereof;wherein at least one corrosive material is identified in the at least one catalyst system according to said analyzing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aging comprises heating to about 900° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aging comprises heating for about 4 hours.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aging is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003729A1

The present disclosure provides a method and a device for detecting and evaluating a defect with electromagnetic multi-field coupling. The method includes magnetizing a pipeline with the electromagnetic multi-field coupling; detecting a defect of the pipeline along an axial direction of the pipeline at a constant speed; collecting signals at a position of the defect to obtain magnetic leakage signals in three dimensions and an electrical impedance signal; pre-processing the collected signals; decoupling the pre-processed signals, to obtain decoupled magnetic leakage signals and a decoupled electrical impedance signal; performing impedance analysis on the decoupled electrical impedance signal, and determining a type of the defect based on a phase angle of the decoupled electrical impedance signal; and performing quantification analysis on the decoupled magnetic leakage signals and performing quantification evaluation on a size of the defect using a neural network defect quantification method. 1. A method for detecting and evaluating defect with electromagnetic multi-field coupling , comprising:magnetizing, by a magnetizing circuit, a pipeline to be detected with the electromagnetic multi-field coupling;detecting, by a detector, a defect of the pipeline along an axial direction of the pipeline at a constant speed;collecting, by a signal collecting circuit, signals at a position of the defect to obtain magnetic leakage signals in three dimensions at the position and an electrical impedance signal at the position;pre-processing, by a signal processing circuit, the magnetic leakage signals in three dimensions and the electrical impedance signal;decoupling, by a processor, the pre-processed magnetic leakage signals in three dimensions and the electrical impedance signal, to obtain decoupled magnetic leakage signals in three dimensions and a decoupled electrical impedance signal;performing, by the processor, impedance analysis on the decoupled electrical impedance signal, ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method For Bacterial Detection Using Film Formation Promotion With Enhanced Corrosion Imbalance

Номер: US20210003497A1
Автор: Howland David Robert

A system and method adapted to have high sensitivity to the formation of biofilm by mixed community bacteria in fluids. The system enhances corrosion imbalance by differentiating conditions between metal sensor elements immersed in the liquid being monitored. The liquid may be diverted to and flowed through a sample chamber where adjacent sensor elements may reside in different flow velocity or temperature regions. The differentiated conditions allow for different film formation on one of the sensor elements relative to the other, and also more quickly than in the main system from which the sampled liquid has been diverted. The differentiated formation allows the use of measurement of polarization current between the metal sensors to produce data with superior resolution relative to prior methods. The speed of film formation promoted by the differentiated conditions allows for determination of risk of film formation in the main system prior to that film's formation in the main system. 1. A method for the detection of live film forming microbes in liquid by stimulating differential growth , said method comprising the steps of:routing a liquid through an inlet of a sample flow chamber;flowing a liquid through said sample flow chamber, said sample flow chamber comprising a first test probe and a second test probe, said liquid flowing first past said first test probe and then past said second probe;placing a voltage differential of a first magnitude and a first polarity across said first test probe and said second test probe as a first voltage state;measuring the current flow between said first test probe and said second test probe in said first voltage state;placing a voltage differential of a first magnitude and a reversed polarity of said first polarity across said first test probe and said second test probe as a second voltage state; andmeasuring the current flow between said first test probe and said second test probe in said second voltage state.2. The method of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010926A1

The method for a corrosion resistance test of a coated metal material is an electrochemical method simulating corrosion proceeded by damaged portions in the surface treatment film Two artificially damaged portions spaced from each other in a coated metal material that is obtained by providing a surface treatment film on a metal base are electrically connected to each other by an external circuit via an aqueous electrolyte material and corrosion proceeds by supplying current using one of the artificially damaged portions as an anode site and the other as a cathode site. 1. A method for a corrosion resistance test of a coated metal material obtained by providing a metal base with a surface treatment film , the method comprising:forming two artificially damaged portions penetrating the surface treatment film to the metal base in the coated metal material so as to be spaced from each other;electrically connecting the artificially damaged portions to each other by an external circuit via an aqueous electrolyte material in contact with the artificially damaged portions; andsupplying current to the metal base through the external circuit using one of the artificially damaged portions as an anode site and the other as a cathode site so as to proceed corrosion of the coated metal material.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe aqueous electrolyte material is a muddy material and is provided on faces of the surface treatment film at the respective artificially damaged portions.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'an exposed area of the metal base by the artificially damaged portion at the cathode site at which a cathode reaction occurs is from 0.005 mmto 25 mm.'}4. The method of claim 3 , whereina distance between the artificially damaged portions is 3 cm or more.5. The method of claim 1 , whereina value of current supplied by the external circuit is from 10 μA to 10 mA.6. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe surface treatment film is a resin coating film.7. A ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011352A1

An object of the invention is to provide an environmental test apparatus which can directly set an environmental change rate and hardly causes input errors. Change amount information associated with a total change amount and change rate information associated with a change amount per unit time can be input. A target locus of change can be set by using a change amount/change rate setting method of setting the target locus of change based on a combination of change amount information and change rate information. When setting the target locus of change by the change amount/change rate setting method, input of time information is inhibited. 1. An environmental test apparatus capable of placing a test object in a desired test environment to perform an environmental test ,wherein the environmental test apparatus is capable of changing the test environment during execution of the environmental test,wherein the environmental test apparatus is capable of inputting change rate information associated with a change amount of environmental factor per unit time, andwherein the environmental test apparatus is capable of setting a target locus of change using the change rate information as one item of input information.2. The environmental test apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the environmental test apparatus is capable of inputting time information associated with a time required for an environmental change, andwherein the environmental test apparatus inhibits input of the time information when the target locus of change is set by the change rate information as one item of input information.3. The environmental test apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the environmental test apparatus inhibits input of the change rate information when the target locus of change is set by the time information as one item of input information.4. The environmental test apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the environmental test apparatus is capable of inputting time information ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Wellbore Integrity Management

Номер: US20200011169A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Methods and systems for evaluating integrity of a tubular located within a wellbore are provided. The method includes measuring an operation parameter of the wellbore, measuring a feature of the tubular two or more times to produce an integrity log each time the feature is measured, and determining a tubular integrity analysis for the tubular by using the integrity logs and the operation parameter. The tubular integrity analysis contains parameter limitations for the tubular. The method also includes determining if tubular integrity is within or outside the parameter limitations. If the tubular integrity is within the parameter limitations, then determine a duration of integrity for the tubular. If the tubular integrity is outside of the parameter limitations, then determine a location on the tubular for loss of tubular integrity. 1. A method for evaluating integrity of a tubular located within a wellbore , comprising:measuring an operation parameter of the wellbore;measuring a feature of the tubular two or more times to produce an integrity log each time the feature is measured;determining a tubular integrity analysis for the tubular by using the integrity logs and the operation parameter, the tubular integrity analysis comprising parameter limitations for the tubular; anddetermining if tubular integrity is within or outside the parameter limitations; andwherein if the tubular integrity is within the parameter limitations, then determining a duration of integrity for the tubular, or if the tubular integrity is outside of the parameter limitations, then determining a location on the tubular for loss of tubular integrity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the tubular integrity analysis comprises calculating a rate of change of the feature of the tubular.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the feature of the tubular comprises at least one of corrosion on the tubular claim 2 , roughness on the tubular claim 2 , pits on the tubular claim 2 , deformation of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014072A1

One aspect of the invention provides a method of determining metal ion levels in the patents due to corrosion and wear processes of the metallic implant in a human or veterinary patient. One embodiment provides a cost effective and patient driven early diagnostic method which has a potential application in orthopedics and dentistry. In one embodiment, the method includes the use of an electrochemical biosensor to detect metal ions or particles in a sample taken from a patient having a metallic implant. 1. A method for determining metal ion levels due to corrosion and wear (tribocorrosion) processes in a metallic implant present in a patient , comprising:adding a sample taken from the patient to an electrochemical cell; andmeasuring impedance at an electrode of the electrochemical cell to obtain a sample impedance value, wherein the sample impedance value is a measure of the presence of metal ions from the metallic implant in the sample and is indicative of the metal ion levels released to the patient body due to corrosion process of the metallic implant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample is selected from the group selected of a blood sample claim 1 , a urine sample and a synovial fluid sample.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sample is selected from the group consisting of a blood sample claim 2 , an urine sample and a synovial fluid sample.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a metal component.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein metallic implant is selected from the group consisting of a dental implant claim 1 , a spinal implant claim 1 , a hip joint claim 1 , a knee joint claim 1 , an ankle joint and a shoulder joint.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the metallic implant is a hip joint.7. The method of claim 1 , where the metal is selected from the group consisting of cobalt claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , aluminum and a combination thereof.8. The method of claim 1 , ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017729A1

An oxide film is formed on the surface of a sample made from a metal material by holding the above-described sample at a temperature of 800° C. or higher and 1,100° C. or lower in an oxygen-containing atmosphere, and the sample provided with the oxide film is immersed in a corrosive solution containing an acid and NaCl for a predetermined time. After immersion, the corrosion state (degree of denseness of oxide film, cracking state, and the like) of the sample is evaluated. The corrosion resistance of the sample can be evaluated appropriately and conveniently in a short period of time by causing accelerated corrosion in an environment simulating the actual environment of an internal combustion engine. 1. A method for evaluation testing of a material for an internal combustion engine to evaluate the characteristics of a metal material of an electrode incorporated in the internal combustion engine , a raw material therefor , or the like , the method comprising the steps of:forming an oxide film on the surface of a sample made from the metal material by holding the sample at a temperature of 800° C. or higher and 1,100° C. or lower in an oxygen-containing atmosphere; andpreparing an aqueous solution containing an acid and sodium chloride as a corrosive solution and immersing the sample provided with the oxide film in the corrosive solution for a predetermined time.2. The method for evaluation testing of a material for an internal combustion engine claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide film is formed by holding for 1 hour or more and 100 hours or less in the air atmosphere claim 1 , or holding for 2 hours or more and 200 hours or less in a low-oxidizing atmosphere in which the oxygen concentration is lower than that in the air.3. The method for evaluation testing of a material for an internal combustion engine claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the acid is at least one type of hydrochloric acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034786A1

A corrosion resistance test apparatus is for a coated metal material including a metal base and a surface treatment film, and includes: one or two water-containing material holders to hold a water-containing material in contact with the surface treatment film inside; one or two electrodes in contact with the water-containing material; an external circuit configured to electrically connect between the electrode and the metal base, or between the electrodes; a temperature control element brought into contact with the coated metal material via an insulating portion and configured to control a temperature of at least the coated metal material; a temperature controller configured to control a temperature of the temperature control element; and a current supplier configured to supply a current between the electrode and the metal base, or between the electrodes, as an anode and a cathode, respectively to bring corrosion of the coated metal material to progress. 1. A corrosion resistance test apparatus for a coated metal material that includes a metal base and a surface treatment film provided on the metal base , the corrosion resistance test apparatus comprising:one or two water-containing material holders disposed on the surface treatment film to hold a water-containing material that is in contact with the surface treatment film inside;one or two electrodes in contact with the water-containing material contained in the one water-containing material holder or in each of the two water-containing material holders;an external circuit configured to electrically connect between the electrode and the metal base, or between the two electrodes;a temperature control element that is brought into contact with the coated metal material via an insulating portion and configured to control a temperature of at least the coated metal material;a temperature controller connected to the temperature control element and configured to control a temperature of the temperature control element; ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019142A1

A first measured value of a specific physical quantity at a target portion is correlated with a damage evaluation index to calculate a damage degree corresponding to the first measured value. The specific physical quantity is measured at least once at a position corresponding to the first measurement position in another time period having a different usage elapsed time from that of the first measurement, and these second and subsequent measured values are correlated with damage degrees calculated based on temporal changes corresponding to the second and subsequent measurements. A new damage evaluation index is approximately calculated based on a relationship between the first, second, and subsequent measured values and the damage degrees corresponding to the first, second, and subsequent measured values. 1. A damage evaluation method , which evaluates a damage degree of a target portion which changes over time in a structural member , comprising:a first process of correlating a first measured value of a specific physical quantity at the target portion with a damage evaluation index indicating a relationship between the specific physical quantity and a damage degree which is generated based on a temporal change, and calculating a damage degree corresponding to the first measured value;a second process of measuring the specific physical quantity at least once at a position corresponding to the first measurement position in another time period having a different usage elapsed time from that of the first measurement, and correlating these second and subsequent measured values with damage degrees calculated based on temporal changes corresponding to the second and subsequent measurements; anda third process of approximately calculating a new damage evaluation index based on a relationship between the first, second, and subsequent measured values and the damage degrees corresponding to the first, second, and subsequent measured values.2. The damage evaluation method ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Corrosion Analyzer

Номер: US20180017481A1

A method and apparatus for analyzing potential corrosion for a vehicle. Potential corrosion surfaces for the vehicle are identified using a model for the vehicle. The corrosion risks are predicted for each of the potential corrosion surfaces. The corrosion risks predicted are aggregated into a group of aggregated corrosion risks for a group of functional design units for the vehicle. A corrosion risk assessment for the vehicle is generated to identify a corrosion risk in the vehicle from the group of aggregated corrosion risks, and to enable a change in the model to reduce the identified corrosion risk. 1. An apparatus comprising:an extractor configured to identify potential corrosion surfaces for a vehicle using a model for the vehicle;a corrosion predictor configured to predict corrosion risks for the potential corrosion surfaces using a group of sources identifying corrosion risks for different types of materials; andan aggregator configured to aggregate the corrosion risks predicted for a group of potential corrosion surfaces into a group of aggregated corrosion risks for a group of functional design units in the vehicle to identify a corrosion risk in the vehicle from the group of aggregated corrosion risks, and to enable a change in the model to reduce the identified corrosion risk.2. The apparatus of further comprising:a risk analyzer configured to generate a corrosion risk assessment for the vehicle using the group of aggregated corrosion risks for the group of functional design units.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the corrosion risk assessment comprises at least one of the group of aggregated corrosion risks claim 2 , an identification of each of the group of aggregated corrosion risks that is greater than a selected threshold risk claim 2 , or suggested changes to the model that reduce the group of aggregated corrosion risks.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the corrosion risk assessment for the vehicle takes into account an impact to a group of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for testing components under force

Номер: US20190017910A1
Автор: Mark A. Yeager
Принадлежит: Covestro LLC

An apparatus and methods for testing components under force is described herein. The apparatus comprises cap bolts that may be tightened to exert a measurable, constant force upon a lever arm that rotates about a fulcrum. The lever arm pushes down upon a push rod, to exert a force upon a test piece in an insertion well, which may be filled with fluid. The fulcrum may be positioned, such that the force from the cap bolt gives a magnifying, or a diluting force, upon the push rod.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Microwave Horn Antennas-Based Transducer System for CUI Inspection Without Removing the Insulation

Номер: US20200018688A1
Автор: Amer Ayman, SHEHRI Ali

The present disclosure is directed to methods and systems for inspecting insulated equipment for any corrosion under insulation (CUI). The system includes a device comprising transmitter and receiver horn antennas, a vector network analyzer operatively connected to the antennas, and an infrared detector. In the method, a location for inspection of the equipment is identified. A metal jacket surrounding the location is removed without stripping the insulation. Microwaves are transmitted by the transmitted horn antenna at the location, and provide heating at the location. The microwaves are received by the receiver horn antenna after reflection off the equipment. The vector network analyzer analyzes the microwaves. The infrared detector detects infrared waves emitted from the location and develops an infrared image of the inner surface of the equipment. Based on the analysis of the microwaves and the developed image, a programmed processor determines whether CUI exists at the location. 124-. (canceled)25. A method for inspecting insulated equipment for corrosion under insulation using a portable , dual detection device comprising an infrared detector , a transmitter horn antenna , and a receiver horn antenna , the two horn antennas being operatively connected to a vector network analyzer , a controller having a memory storing instructions in the form of code , and a processor configured by executing the instructions therein , the method comprising:transmitting, with the transmitter horn antenna, microwaves towards the insulated equipment at a location suspected of corrosion under insulation;receiving, with the receiver horn antenna, the transmitted microwaves after reflection of the microwaves off the insulated equipment;analyzing, with the vector network analyzer, the transmitted and reflected microwaves, wherein the step of analyzing comprises determining a length of a signal path of the microwave from the transmitter horn antenna to the receiver horn antenna and ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018425A1

A system, an apparatus and a method for simulating and assessing a damaged corrosion film in a pipe segment for pitting corrosion potential under field conditions, including variations in cathode to anode ratios. The apparatus has an anode case that holds a working electrode, a first body portion attachable to one end of the pipe segment, and a second body portion attachable to another end of the pipe segment, the first and second body portions defining a corrosion simulation cell. The anode case can be contained within the corrosion simulation cell, and the working electrode can include a test matrix. 1. An apparatus suitable for simulating and assessing a damaged corrosion film in a pipe segment for pitting corrosion potential under field conditions , including variations in cathode to anode ratios , the apparatus comprising:an anode case that holds a working electrode;a first body portion attachable to one end of the pipe segment; anda second body portion attachable to another end of the pipe segment, the first and second body portions defining a corrosion simulation cell,wherein the anode case is contained within the corrosion simulation cell, andwherein the working electrode includes a test matrix.2. The apparatus in claim 1 , further comprising a reference electrode.3. The apparatus in claim 1 , wherein the test matrix comprises an anode coupon.4. The apparatus in claim 3 , wherein the anode coupon comprises a head portion and a stem portion.5. The apparatus in claim 1 , wherein the pipe segment includes an inner exposure-control surface area and a cathode surface area.6. The apparatus in claim 1 , further comprising a fastener member configured to secure the pipe segment between the first body portion and second body portion.7. The apparatus in claim 1 , wherein the anode case comprises a case cover and a case base.8. The apparatus in claim 7 , further comprising a case cover driver attached to the case cover and adapted to move the case cover with respect to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018426A1

A method for identifying metal wall loss in an insulated metal structure is provided. The method includes receiving thermograms of the outer surface of the structure using an infrared camera, applying filters to the thermograms using a first machine learning (ML) system, determining wall loss classifications based on outputs from the filters, validating the wall loss classifications by inspecting the structure, and training the first ML system using the validation results. Outputs of the first ML system and additional structural and environmental data are input to a second ML system that incorporates information from earlier states into current states. The second ML system is trained to estimate wall loss according to changes in the outputs of the first ML system and the additional data over time until a wall loss classification accuracy is reached. The metal wall loss is thereafter estimated using the first and second ML systems in coordination. 1. A method for inspection of a first insulated structure , the method comprising:acquiring, by an infrared camera, first thermograms of a first outer surface of the first insulated structure;determining, by a prediction circuit, a first wall thickness loss of a first defect in a first metal wall of the first insulated structure using the first thermograms, the first metal wall being underneath a first insulation layer of the first insulated structure, the first insulation layer coinciding with or being underneath the first outer surface; andoutputting, by the prediction circuit, the first wall thickness loss, whereinthe prediction circuit is built from training data using a machine learning process, andthe training data comprises second thermograms of a second outer surface of a second insulated structure having at least three distinct known second wall thickness losses of a corresponding at least three second defects in a second metal wall of the second insulated structure, the second metal being underneath a second ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Electrical methods and systems for concrete testing

Номер: US20200018712A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Hundreds of thousands of concrete bridges and hundreds of billions of tons of concrete require characterization with time for corrosion. Accordingly, protocols for rapid testing and improved field characterization systems that automatically triangulate electrical resistivity and half-cell corrosion potential measurements would be beneficial allowing discrete/periodic mapping of a structure to be performed as well as addressing testing for asphalt covered concrete. Further, it is the low frequency impedance of rebar in concrete that correlates to corrosion state but these are normally time consuming vulnerable to noise. Hence, it would be beneficial to provide a means of making low frequency electrical resistivity measurements rapidly. Further, prior art techniques for electrical rebar measurements require electrical connection be made to the rebar which increases measurement complexity/disruption/repair/cost even when no corrosion is identified. Beneficially a method of determining the state of a rebar without electrical contact is taught.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018559A1

A chip testing system includes a central control device, a chip mounting apparatus, a plurality of environment control apparatus, a classification apparatus, and a transferring apparatus. The central control device is configured to control the chip mounting apparatus to dispose a plurality of chips onto a chip testing device. Each of the environment control apparatus includes a plurality of accommodating chambers that are independent from each other. Each of the accommodating chambers is provided with a temperature adjusting device. The central control device is configured to control the transferring apparatus to place the chip testing device into one of the accommodating chambers. When the chip testing device carrying the chips is arranged in the corresponding accommodating chamber, the central control device is configured to control an operation of the corresponding temperature adjusting device, so that the chips are in an environment of a predetermined temperature. 1. A chip testing system for testing a plurality of chips , comprising:a central control device;at least one chip testing device including a plurality of electrical connection sockets each configured to carry one of the chips, wherein the at least one chip testing device is controllable by the central control device to perform a predetermined testing process on the chips disposed thereon, and the at least one chip testing device includes at least one power supply member;a chip mounting apparatus being controllable by the central control device to dispose the chips onto the electrical connection sockets of the at least one chip testing device; an apparatus body including a plurality of accommodating chambers and configured to connect to a power supply apparatus, wherein each of the accommodating chambers is configured to receive the at least one chip testing device, and the apparatus body includes a plurality of power supply members; and', 'a plurality of temperature adjusting devices each arranged in ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Reducing Condensation Risk Within Liquid Cooled Computers

Номер: US20160025613A1

An approach is provided in which a manufacturing test scheduling system predicts a dew point forecast indoor a facility based upon outdoor weather data and indoor environment data. The manufacturing test scheduling system selects time slots in the dew point forecast based upon a pre-defined dew point threshold and, in turn, schedules tests of a liquid cooled computer system during the selected time slots. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. A computer program product stored in a computer readable storage medium , comprising computer program code that , when executed by an information handling system , causes the information handling system to perform actions comprising:generating an indoor dew point forecast based upon outdoor weather data and indoor environment data, wherein the indoor dew point forecast corresponds to an area indoor a facility;selecting one or more time slots in the dew point forecast based upon a pre-defined dew point threshold; andscheduling one or more tests during the one or more time slots to test a liquid cooled computer system.10. The computer program product of wherein the one or more time slots correspond to one or more sets of a plurality of predicted dew points that are each below the pre-defined dew point threshold claim 9 , and wherein the one or more scheduled tests are cold bias tests of the liquid cooled computer system.11. The computer program product of wherein the information handling system performs further actions comprising:generating a plurality of auto-regressive models based upon historical outdoor weather data of the outdoor weather data and historical indoor environment data of the indoor environment data;building a system of equations using the plurality of auto-regressive models;solving the system of equations, resulting in a plurality of regression coefficients; andgenerating a prediction equation based upon the plurality of regression coefficients ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025614A1

A new technique to measure corrosion rates in naphthenic crudes in a high temperature environment has been designed using a gallium phosphate (GAPO) crystal microbalance. The technique is highly sensitive and can measure instantaneous corrosion rates. Due to the high temperature stability of the GAPO crystals, this technique can be used to measure in the laboratory dynamic naphthenic acid corrosion rates of iron at the high temperatures that are prevalent in various locations in oil and gas production and refining facilities, therefore opening a new and more accurate method to study naphthenic corrosion. 1. A device for measuring the corrosivity of a high temperature or hydrocarbon based fluid by determining a mass density change from a metal layer deposited on a surface of a GaPOcrystal microbalance , wherein said device comprises:(a) a first chamber in fluidic contact with a second chamber, wherein each of said first and second chambers is configured to retain said fluid; and{'sub': '4', '(b) said GaPOcrystal microbalance disposed within said second chamber.'}2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said metal layer is an iron layer.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said fluid is at a temperature of from about 100° C. to above 400° C.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said fluid is a crude.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said fluid comprises a naphthenic acid.6. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a heat source for maintaining said fluid at said high temperature claim 1 , wherein said heating unit is in operative contact with a member selected from said first chamber claim 1 , said second chamber and a combination thereof.7. The device of claim 1 , said second chamber further comprising a second crystal microbalance deployed therein claim 1 , wherein said second crystal microbalance is configured as a reference crystal microbalance.8. A system for measuring the corrosivity of a high temperature refinery ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024042A1
Автор: Ulmer Rick

A corrosion detection system and a method for operating a corrosion detection system are provided. The system, may include, but is not limited to, a PCB, a corrosion sensor, a first, second, third and fourth standoff coupled between the PCB and a chassis, a constant current circuit coupled to the first standoff, a first trace coupled between the third standoff and a first input of the corrosion sensor, and a second trace coupled between the fourth standoff and a second input of the corrosion sensor, wherein the corrosion sensor is configured to output a signal proportional to the resistance of the chassis based upon a voltage induced at the first input and the second input, and a processor configured to receive the signal proportional to the resistance of the chassis and determine a corrosion level of the chassis by comparing the signal to reference data stored in memory. 1. A corrosion detection system for detecting corrosion on a chassis of a device , comprising:a memory configured to store reference data; a printed circuit board;', 'a corrosion sensor coupled to the printed circuit board, the corrosion sensor comprising a first input and a second input, the corrosion sensor configured to output a signal proportional to a resistance of the chassis of the device;', 'a first standoff coupled between the printed circuit board and the chassis of the device;', 'a second standoff coupled between the printed circuit board and the chassis of the device;', 'a third standoff coupled between the printed circuit board and the chassis of the device;', 'a fourth standoff coupled between the printed circuit board and the chassis of the device;', 'a constant current circuit coupled to the first standoff and configured to output a constant current;', 'a first trace coupled between the third standoff and the first input of the corrosion sensor; and', 'a second trace coupled between the fourth standoff and the second input of the corrosion sensor,', 'wherein the corrosion sensor is ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024043A1

A method for monitoring microbiologically induced corrosion on metal surfaces in contact with a fluid. The method comprises adding to the fluid a silanol compound or silanol compound precursor having a group detectible by ultraviolet spectrophotometry or fluorescence spectroscopy, or which is isotopically enriched. 1. A method for monitoring microbiologically induced corrosion on metal surfaces in contact with a fluid; said method comprising adding to the fluid a silanol compound or silanol compound precursor having a group detectible by ultraviolet spectrophotometry or fluorescence spectroscopy , or which is isotopically enriched.2. The method of in which said silanol or silanol compound precursor is added to the fluid to produce an initial silanol concentration from 10 ppm to 2 wt %.3. The method of in which the silanol compound precursor has formula XSi(G) claim 2 , wherein G represents C-Calkyl claim 2 , C-Calkoxy claim 2 , chloro or a combination thereof provided that there is at least one alkoxy or chloro present; and wherein X represents a uv-active or fluorescent group.4. The method of in which a silanol compound precursor is added to the fluid.5. The method of in which the fluid has a water content from 0.01 to 100 wt %.6. The method of in which the silanol compound precursor has a group detectible by ultraviolet spectrophotometry or fluorescence spectroscopy7. The method of in which the fluid is crude oil having at least 0.05 wt % water.8. The method of in which the fluid is natural gas having at least 0.05 wt % water.9. A method for monitoring microbiologically induced corrosion on metal surfaces in contact with a fluid; said method comprising adding to the fluid a silicate compound which is isotopically enriched.10. The method of further comprising monitoring a level of isotopically enriched silicate compound in the fluid. This invention relates generally to a method for monitoring microbiologically induced corrosion on metal surfaces.The use of ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Hydrogen Embrittlement Progress Evaluation Method and Hydrogen Embrittlement Progress Evaluation Device

Номер: US20220042901A1

A cumulative distribution function of fracture time is calculated from large quantities of hydrogen embrittlement fracture test data measured under test conditions that assume reinforcing bars in prestressed concrete, transition probability is calculated from the cumulative distribution function of fracture time with a hydrogen embrittlement fracture being regarded as a stochastic process through which a degraded state progressively reaches a fractured state, and the time integral of the transition probability is found as the degree of progress of hydrogen embrittlement. 1. A hydrogen embrittlement progress evaluation method comprising:a first step of finding a cumulative distribution function of fracture time from hydrogen embrittlement fracture test data measured under a test condition that assumes a reinforcing bar in prestressed concrete;a second step of calculating transition probability from the cumulative distribution function of the fracture time with a hydrogen embrittlement fracture being regarded as a stochastic process through which a degraded state progressively reaches a fracture; anda third step of finding a time integral of the transition probability as a degree of progress of hydrogen embrittlement.2. The hydrogen embrittlement progress evaluation method according to claim 1 , wherein the second step finds the transition probability by approximating the transition probability with λ(t)=At+C.3. The hydrogen embrittlement progress evaluation method according to claim 1 , wherein the second step finds a time value for each degree of progress of hydrogen embrittlement and uses a rate of change in the degree of progress of hydrogen embrittlement as the transition probability.4. The hydrogen embrittlement progress evaluation method according to claim 1 , wherein the third step further finds a degree of progress of hydrogen embrittlement under changing environmental conditions by combining degrees of progress of hydrogen embrittlement found under different ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027242A1

Provided is a weathering test instrument that includes: a light source section including a plurality of solid-state light-emitting elements, in which the solid-state light-emitting elements are different in kind from one another, and are configured to emit light beams having respective wavelength regions that are different from one another; a light receptor configured to receive the light beams radiated from the light source section individually for the respective wavelength regions; and a controller configured to control radiant intensities of the respective solid-state light-emitting elements individually, based on received light amounts for the respective wavelength regions derived from the light receptor, and thereby control irradiance at a sample surface for each of the wavelength regions to allow an accelerated test of a sample to be performed. 1. A weathering test instrument , comprising:a light source section including a plurality of solid-state light-emitting elements, the solid-state light-emitting elements being different in kind from one another, and being configured to emit light beams having respective wavelength regions that are different from one another;a light receptor configured to receive the light beams radiated from the light source section individually for the respective wavelength regions; anda controller configured to control radiant intensities of the respective solid-state light-emitting elements individually, based on received light amounts for the respective wavelength regions derived from the light receptor, and thereby control irradiance at a sample surface for each of the wavelength regions to allow an accelerated test of a sample to be performed.2. The weathering test instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the radiant intensities of the respective solid-state light-emitting elements individually based on the received light amounts claim 1 , to allow a spectral irradiance distribution set in the light source ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025188A1
Автор: Weppler Michael

The invention relates to a climate testing device () and to a climate testing device kit for forming a climate testing device, in particular a corrosion testing device or the like, comprising a test-chamber module () having a test space which can be closed off from the surroundings and which serves to receive test specimens, a tank module () having a container for receiving a corrosive liquid, a control module () having a controller for carrying out a test cycle, and a housing assembly () for at least partially accommodating the test space, the container and the controller, wherein the climate testing device comprises a frame assembly, the frame assembly being composed of spaced-apart parallel frame carriers and frame profiles, the frame profiles interconnecting the frame carriers, the frame profiles and the frame carriers forming spatially separate module seats for the test space, the container and the controller. 11015111636123713381417. A climate testing device ( , ) , in particular a corrosion testing device or the like , comprising a test-chamber module ( , ) having a test space () which can be closed off from the surroundings and which serves to receive test specimens , a tank module () having a container () for receiving a corrosive liquid , a control module () having a controller () for carrying out a test cycle , and a housing assembly ( , ) for at least partially accommodating the test space , the container and the controller , characterized in that{'b': 18', '19', '20', '33', '34', '35, 'the climate testing device comprises a frame assembly (), the frame assembly being formed by spaced-apart parallel frame carriers () and frame profiles (), the frame profiles interconnecting the frame carriers, the frame profiles and the frame carriers forming spatially separate module seats (, , ) for the test space, the container and the controller.'}2. The climate testing device according to claim 1 ,{'b': 18', '36', '37', '38', '14', '17, 'characterized in that the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for Tank Bottom Soil Side Corrosion Monitoring

Номер: US20210025808A1

A metal plate corrosion sensing apparatus includes a conduit, and an electrical resistance probe mounted within the conduit, the electrical resistance probe configured to receive an electrical signal indicating a thickness of the metal plate, wherein the conduit comprises a plurality of slots configured to simulate an air/soil interface by permitting fluid access to the electrical resistance probe within the conduit through the slots. 1. A metal plate corrosion sensing apparatus comprising:a conduit; andan electrical resistance probe mounted within the conduit, the electrical resistance probe configured to receive an electrical signal indicating a thickness of the metal plate, wherein the conduit comprises a plurality of slots configured to simulate an air/soil interface by permitting fluid access to the electrical resistance probe within the conduit through the slots.2. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a nonmetallic claim 1 , non-corrosive material.3. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the material is a polyvinyl chloride pipe.4. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of slots are formed on a slotted portion at a first end of the conduit that surrounds and encloses a metal portion of the electrical resistance probe.5. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising a probe cover attachable to an end of the conduit distant from the slotted portion of the conduit.6. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the conduit is 1¼ inches in diameter and the slotted portion of the conduit is approximately one third of a total length of the conduit.7. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the slots are 5-10 cm wide and set at intervals of 1-2 cm from each other.8. The corrosion sensing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising connectors that connect the probe to a central processing unit that receives the signal indicating a thickness of the metal plate ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025809A1
Принадлежит: Hevasure Ltd.

The present invention relates to a system and method for continuous monitoring of system health in closed water systems. Sensors are provided to measure a plurality of system parameters. The measurements are compared to threshold ranges. A diagnosis of system health, specifically in relation to corrosion, is derived from the comparison of at least a first parameter to its threshold range. The diagnosis is further refined by comparison of a further parameter to its threshold range. Also disclosed are example sensors and methods, including galvanic sensors, optical corrosion sensors and methods for monitoring the effectiveness of inhibitors in the water system using conductivity measurements. 1105-. (canceled)106. An optical sensing apparatus for mounting in a water system and for monitoring corrosion in the water system , comprising:a metal sample having a uniform thickness and a first planar surface and a second planar surface opposite the first planar surface, wherein the first planar surface is arranged to be in contact with water within the water system;a light source configured to emit light towards the second planar surface of the metal sample; anda light sensor configured to receive light reflected by the second planar surface of the metal sample, and output a signal indicative of the intensity of the reflected light.107. An optical sensing apparatus according to claim 106 , further comprising a transparent element disposed at least partly between the light source and the metal sample.108. An optical sensing apparatus according to claim 107 , wherein the transparent element has a third planar surface arranged adjacent to the second planar surface of the metal sample.109. An optical sensing apparatus according to claim 106 , further comprising a seal for protecting the second planar surface from water in the water system.110. An optical sensing apparatus according to claim 109 , wherein the seal is located adjacent to the first planar surface and wherein the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116162A1
Принадлежит: AVATECH, INC.

The present inventions relate generally to methods, apparatus and systems for measuring snow stability and structure which may be used to assess avalanche risk. The disclosed apparatus includes a sensing unit configured to sense a temperature of a layer of snow as the sensing unit is being driven into the layer of snow. The disclosed apparatus may also be configured to take other environmental measurements, including resistance to penetration, humidity, grain size, slope aspect and inclination. Methods and apparatus are also disclosed for generating a profile of snow layer temperature according to depth based on the sensed temperature. Systems and apparatus are also disclosed for sharing the generated profiles among a plurality of users via a central server, and for evaluating an avalanche risk at a geographic location. 1. An apparatus for measuring snow structure and stability comprising:a pole having a length, a first end and a second end;a sensing unit located at the first end of the pole, the sensing unit comprising a head shaped for probing a layer of snow, the sensing unit configured to sense a temperature of the layer of snow;a range sensor configured to measure a distance between the range sensor and a surface of the layer of snow; and determine a depth of penetration based on the distance measured by the range sensor and the length of the pole; and', 'determine a profile of snow layer temperature according to depth based on the temperature sensed by the sensing unit., 'a processor configured to'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising an ambient temperature sensor configured to sense a local ambient temperature.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ambient temperature sensor is integrated into the sensing unit.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a notification device configured to indicate to a user that a stable temperature measurement has been taken and to direct the user to insert the sensing unit deeper into the layer of snow.5. The apparatus ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Experimental device for cavitation corrosion of liquid metal

Номер: US20210033509A1

The present invention discloses an experimental device for cavitation corrosion of liquid metal, comprising a stand, and a vibration device and a lifting and rotating device separately arranged on the stand, wherein a heating device for experimental use is arranged on the vibration device; a furnace lid with a sealing ring is arranged above the heating device; a stirring mechanism is arranged on the furnace lid; the stirring mechanism is connected to a chunk below the furnace lid; a clamp is connected below the chuck, and the clamp is connected to a sample; the furnace lid is connected to the lifting and rotating device; the lifting and rotating device can control the movement of the furnace lid so that the sample is placed in the heating device; the lifting and rotating device, the stirring mechanism, the heating device and the vibration device are connected to a control system.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033553A1

Hundreds of thousands of concrete bridges, buildings etc. and hundreds of billions of tons of concrete require characterization throughout the process from manufacture to pouring and curing and on throughout service life. The characterization may relate to initial concrete properties, projected concrete properties, framework removal, corrosion, failure etc. Accordingly, a variety of measurements such as water content, electrical resistivity, and half-cell corrosion potential for example would be beneficially implemented as easy to use field test equipment or embedded sensors allowing lifetime monitoring to be performed rather than discrete assessments when issues become evident. 1. A method comprising: a shell comprising an outer surface, an interior, and a pair of outer electrical contacts disposed on the outer surface and coupled to a pair of inner electrical contacts on the interior of the shell;', 'an electrical circuit disposed within the shell and comprising a battery, a wireless transceiver, a memory, and a microprocessor;', 'a measurement circuit coupled to the microprocessor disposed within the shell coupled to the pair of inner electrical contacts and providing a predetermined electrical measurement of a characteristic of an environment adjacent to the pair of outer electrical contacts; wherein, 'providing a sensor disposed within or for disposal within a batch of a material comprisingthe microprocessor establishes in dependence upon the predetermined electrical measurement of the characteristic of the environment a current value for the characteristic of the environment and stores the current value within the memory.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising calibration data relating to the batch of the material; and', 'batch data relating to the batch of the material;, 'storing within the memory first data comprising at least one ofwherein the first data was received via the wireless transceiver from another wireless transceiver at least one ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041084A1
Автор: MARCH Peter, Rudolph Bernd

The sensor device () has a sensor housing (), to which at least two sensors from a group consisting of a black standard sensor (), a UV radiation sensor (), an air temperature sensor and a humidity sensor are connected. 1. A sensor device for an apparatus for weathering or lightfastness testing of samples , comprising:a sensor housing, to which at least two sensors from a group consisting ofa black standard sensor,a UV radiation sensor,an air temperature sensor, anda humidity sensor are connected.2. The sensor device as claimed in claim 1 , in which a black panel or black standard sensor is fastened on an exterior wall of the sensor housing.3. The sensor device as claimed in claim 2 , in which the exterior wall is formed by a plate claim 2 , which is spaced apart from a first outer wall of the sensor housing.4. The sensor device as claimed in claim 3 , in which radiation passage openings for the passage of UV radiation are formed in the plate and in the first outer wall.5. The sensor device as claimed in claim 1 , in which an air passage opening for the passage of ambient air to an air temperature sensor and a humidity sensor is formed in an outer wall of the sensor housing.6. The sensor device as claimed in claim 3 , in which the plate covers the air passage opening.7. The sensor device as claimed in claim 1 , in which a battery or a rechargeable battery is arranged within the sensor housing.8. The sensor device as claimed in in which a first circuit board is arranged within the sensor housing claim 1 , with a control unit being arranged on said first circuit board claim 1 , to which control unit output signals from the sensors can be supplied.9. The sensor device as claimed in claim 8 , in which a first memory unit on which data specific to the UV radiation sensor is stored is arranged on the first circuit board.10. The sensor device as claimed in claim 9 , in which the first memory unit has a DRAM claim 9 , in particular a ferroelectric DRAM (FRAM).11. The sensor ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038293A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a method for evaluating the weather resistance by which the weather resistance of a fluorinated coating film can be evaluated accurately in a short time. 1. A method for evaluating the weather resistance of a fluorinated coating film , which comprises a fluorinated coating film deterioration step (I) comprising a step (ia) of exposing the fluorinated coating film to xenon arc radiation and a step (ib) of attaching an aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution to the fluorinated coating film under xenon arc radiation to wet the fluorinated coating film , and an evaluation step (II) of comparing characteristics of the fluorinated coating film as between before and after the deterioration step (I) to evaluate the weather resistance of the fluorinated coating film.2. The method for evaluating the weather resistance according to claim 1 , wherein the irradiance of the xenon arc radiation in the step (ia) is from 50 to 400 W/mwithin a wavelength range of from 300 to 400 nm.3. The method for evaluating the weather resistance according to claim 1 , wherein in the step (ib) claim 1 , the concentration of the aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution is from 0.05 to 10.0 mass %.4. The method for evaluating the weather resistance according to claim 1 , wherein the step (ib) is carried out more than once.5. The method for evaluating the weather resistance according to claim 1 , which further comprises a drying step (ic) after the step (ib) is carried out and before the evaluation step (II) is carried out.6. The method for evaluating the weather resistance according to claim 1 , wherein the weather resistance is evaluated by at least one selected from the group consisting of glossiness claim 1 , color difference claim 1 , outer appearance of the coating film by observation with a scanning electron microscope claim 1 , mapping of F atoms and titanium atoms by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy claim 1 , and peak variation of fluororesin by infrared analysis.7. The method for ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041678A1
Автор: Schoenlein Artur

The device comprises a chamber in which a UV radiation source and an enclosure are arranged, the enclosure comprising a bottom wall for mounting a specimen, a UV radiation filter facing the bottom wall and a plurality of sidewalls interconnecting the bottom wall and the UV radiation filter. 1. A light or weathering device for testing a specimen , comprising:a chamber comprising a top wall and a bottom wall;a UV radiation source mounted to the top wall of the chamber; andan enclosure arranged in the chamber, the enclosure comprising a plurality of side walls connecting a bottom plate to a UV filter and sealing out the penetration of any stray light into the enclosure, except light that is permitted to pass through the UV filter.2. The device as set forth in wherein the distance between the UV filter and the UV radiation source is configured such that during operation of the weathering device the temperature is kept stable at the UV filter and the transmission characteristics of the UV filter is maintained constant.35. The device as set forth in wherein the distance between the UV filter and the UV radiation source is at least times the distance between the UV filter and the bottom plate.4. The device as set forth in wherein the UV filter is an edge filter and the distance between the UV filter and the radiation source is large enough such that the edge length of the edge filter is maintained constant.5. The device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the UV radiation filter has the shape of a rectangular disk.6. The device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of side walls comprises four side walls claim 1 , each of which connects a side edge of the UV filter to the bottom plate.7. The device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the UV filter is an edge filter claim 1 , the edge of which is formed by a transition located within a wavelength range between an absorbing and a transmitting condition of the UV radiation filter.8. The device as set forth in claim 5 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041722A1

An apparatus for interrogating a media to be analyzed, such as an avian egg, is provided. Such an apparatus includes an emitter assembly configured to emit light toward a media. The emitter assembly has a first emitter source configured to emit a first light signal and a second emitter source configured to emit a second light signal. The first and second light signals are transmitted through the media in phase quadrature. A detector assembly is configured to detect the first and second light signals transmitted through the media. The detector assembly is further configured to resolve a relative or absolute amplitude of each of the first and second light signals. A processor is configured to process the detected signal to identify a property of the media using at least one of the relative and absolute amplitudes of the first and second light signals. An associated method is also provided. 1. An apparatus for interrogating a media to be analyzed , comprising:an emitter assembly configured to emit light toward a media, the emitter assembly having a first emitter source configured to emit a first light signal and a second emitter source configured to emit a second light signal, the first and second light signals being transmitted through the media in phase quadrature; anda detector assembly configured to detect the first and second light signals transmitted through the media, and further being configured to resolve a relative or absolute amplitude of each of the first and second light signals; anda processor configured to process the detected signal to identify a property of the media using at least one of the relative or absolute amplitudes of the first and second light signals.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second light signals are transmitted at a common frequency.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , where in the emitter assembly comprises an optics assembly configured to combine the first and second light signals so as to form a ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123750A1

A system for monitoring a power transmission line of a power grid, including a first comprehensive sensor () disposed at the intermediate position of a power transmission line between two towers including an altimeter, a first acceleration sensor, a temperature and humidity sensor and a rainfall sensor; a second comprehensive sensor () disposed at the cable connector of the power transmission line including a leakage current sensor, a tension sensor and a wind speed and direction sensor; and a second acceleration sensor () disposed at the intermediate position of the power transmission line between the cable connector of the power transmission line and the first comprehensive sensor (). A method for monitoring a power transmission line of a power grid, including a step of monitoring the sag condition, wind yaw angle, motion and position tracking, flutter conditions, breeze vibration level, fatigue life and icing situation of a power transmission line. The method and system for monitoring a power transmission line of a power grid effectively prevent and reduce incidents of the power transmission line of the power grid based on sensor multi-dimensional sensing technology combined with the advantages of wireless sensor network technology. 1. A monitoring system for a power transmission line of a power grid , comprising:a first integrated sensor disposed at an intermediate position of a power transmission line between two towers or poles, and comprising an altimeter, a first acceleration sensor, a temperature and humidity sensor and a rainfall sensor;a second integrated sensor disposed at a cable connector of the power transmission line, and comprising a leakage current sensor, a tension sensor and a wind speed and direction sensor; anda second acceleration sensor disposed at an intermediate position of a power transmission line between the cable connector of the power transmission line and the first integrated sensor.2. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Testing Apparatus For Simulating Stratified or Dispersed Flow

Номер: US20140123778A1

A system and method for simulating stratified or dispersed flow dynamics are disclosed herein. The method includes filling an apparatus with a multi-phase mixture that includes an upper phase and a lower phase, wherein the upper phase and the lower phase are immiscible liquids. The method also includes establishing contact between a bottom surface of a rotor drum and a top surface of the upper phase. The method also includes rotating the rotor drum such that the rotation of the rotor drum causes the upper phase to rotate and ultimately causes the lower phrase to also rotate. The method further includes monitoring a parameter of the multi-phase system while the rotor drum is rotating. 1. A testing apparatus for simulating stratified or dispersed flow dynamics , comprising:an outer housing configured to hold a multi-phase mixture comprising an upper phase and a lower phase, wherein the upper phase and the lower phase are immiscible liquids;a rotor drum connected to a rotor shaft, wherein a bottom surface of the rotor drum is in contact with a top surface of the upper phase;the rotor shaft configured to rotate the rotor drum;an inner drum configured to function as an inner boundary for the multi-phase mixture; anda bottom end cap configured to hold at least one instrument configured to monitor a parameter of the multi-phase mixture.2. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a top end cap configured to seal off the testing apparatus from outside debris.3. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one instrument is a corrosion coupon configured to measure a weight loss of a corrosion coupon.4. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one instrument is an electrical probe configured to identify a phase wetting regime.5. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one instrument is a thermocouple configured to measure temperature.6. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one instrument is a pitot tube ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Identifying Corrosion From Electromagnetic Corrosion Measurements And High-Resolution Circumferential Measurements

Номер: US20220065094A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A method for estimating a pipe property for a plurality of nested tubulars. The method may comprise disposing an electromagnetic (EM) logging tool in a wellbore. The electromagnetic logging tool may comprise a transmitter disposed on the electromagnetic logging tool and a receiver disposed on the electromagnetic logging tool. The method may further comprise transmitting an electromagnetic field from the transmitter into one or more tubulars, measuring the eddy current in the pipe string with the receiver on at least one channel to obtain a plurality of measurements, forming an EM log from the plurality of measurements, extracting data and distinct features from the EM log, forming a relationship between the EM log data and a database, wherein the database is formed from one or more high-resolution measurements, and producing a mapping function between the EM log and the database.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065771A1

The present disclosure provides a high-flux sensor suitable for corrosion big data monitoring and a method of manufacturing the same. The sensor includes a first metal sheet, a second metal sheet and an insulating sheet therebetween. The two metal sheets are laminated. The metal sheets and the insulating sheet form a test piece group. A through hole is drilled in the test piece group.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053009A1

A system for defect detection in plate like structures is disclosed. The system comprises a plurality of transducers configured to be coupled to a periphery of complex-plate structure. A controller is electrically coupled to the plurality of transducers. The controller includes a machine readable storage medium and a processor in signal communication with the machine readable storage medium. The processor is configured to generate a plurality of guided wave signals using a first set of the plurality of transducers, receive the plurality of guided wave signals at a second set of the plurality of transducers, and generate tomographic pseudo-image of structural changes of the complex-plate structure based on the plurality of guided wave signals received at the second set of the plurality of transducers. 1. A system , the system comprising:a plurality of transducers configured to be coupled to a periphery of a complex-plate structure; and a machine readable storage medium; and', generate a plurality of guided wave signals using a first set of the plurality of transducers;', 'receive the plurality of guided wave signals at a second set of the plurality of transducers; and', 'generate tomographic pseudo-image of structural changes of the complex-plate structure based on the plurality of guided wave signals received at the second set of the plurality of transducers., 'a processor in signal communication with the machine readable storage medium, the processor configured to], 'a controller electrically coupled to the plurality of transducers, the controller including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of transducers comprises a plurality of ultrasonic transducers.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller comprises at least one actuation channel claim 2 , at least one analog-to-digital converter channel claim 2 , and at least one multiplexer card claim 2 , and wherein the controller is configured to control the plurality of ultrasonic transducers for data ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for sensor fouling mitigation

Номер: US20210053842A1

Methods and apparatus for monitoring process water within a food processing system are provided. One example water control system for a food processing system generally includes a temperature adjustment element having an inlet and an outlet and a sensor coupled to the outlet of the temperature adjust element. The temperature adjustment element is configured to: receive, at the inlet, a portion of process water from a process water supply in a stage of the food processing system, the process water in the process water supply and the received portion of the process water having a first temperature; and cause the portion of the process water at the outlet to have a second temperature, different from the first temperature. The sensor is configured to measure at least one property of the portion of the process water received from the outlet of the temperature adjustment element.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049361A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

A method for measuring chemical species deposition in a well, flow line, or processing equipment includes monitoring a resonator sensor in a well, flow line, or processing equipment having a fluid flowing therethrough, where the resonator sensor can be a torsional resonator or a symmetrical sensor, and the method also includes detecting a change in resonance of the resonator sensor indicating the deposition of a chemical species on the resonator sensor. The resonator sensor can also measure the amount of chemical species deposited. The fluid may be an organic and/or aqueous fluid that comprises petroleum and/or produced water and the deposition chemical species include, but are not necessarily limited to, asphaltenes, wax, scale, gas hydrates, naphthenic acid salts, and combinations thereof. 1. A method for measuring chemical species deposition in a well , flow line , or processing equipment comprising:monitoring a resonator sensor in a well, flow line, or processing equipment having a fluid selected from the group consisting of organic fluids, aqueous fluids, and combinations thereof, flowing therethrough, where the resonator sensor is selected from the group consisting of a torsional resonator and a symmetrical sensor; anddetecting a change in resonance of the resonator sensor indicating the deposition of a chemical species on the resonator sensor.2. The method of where detecting a change in the resonance of the resonator comprises:measuring a parameter selected from the group consisting of a resonant frequency, a resonant frequency shift, damping, and a combination thereof; andcorrelating the parameter to a change selected from the group consisting of a viscosity change, a density change, and a combination thereof, where the correlation is selected from the group consisting of a mathematical model, an empirical calibration curve, and a combination thereof.3. The method of where the amount of change in resonance is detected over a time period and correlated to an ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055100A1

Systems, methods, and computer readable medium are provided for determining a wall loss measurement associated with corrosion and/or erosion present within an insulated pipe. A calibration image is acquired for the pipe wall at a first location and used in conjunction with an inspection image acquired for the pipe wall at a second location to determine an inspection thickness of the pope wall. An amount of wall loss measurement can be determined based on a difference of a calibration thickness for the pipe wall at the first location and the inspection thickness of the pipe wall at the second location. The wall loss measurement characterizing an amount of wall material lost due to corrosion and/or erosion present in the pipe wall at the second location. The wall loss measurement can be output for further processing and/or display. 1. A method comprising:acquiring a calibration image of a pipe wall at a first location of an insulated pipe;acquiring an inspection image of the pipe wall at a second location, the second location different than the first location;determining an inspection thickness of the pipe wall at the second;determining a wall loss measurement of the pipe wall at the second location, the wall loss measurement determined based on a difference of a calibration thickness of the pipe wall at the first location and the determined inspection thickness, the wall loss measurement characterizing an amount of wall loss in the insulated pipe at the second location; andoutputting the wall loss measurement.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , generating a calibration model of the pipe wall at the first location based on the calibration image claim 1 , the calibration model including an attenuation coefficient associated with the pipe wall at the first location claim 1 , an attenuation coefficient of insulation at the first location claim 1 , and the calibration thickness of the pipe wall at the first location in the calibration image; ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Climate vehicle with wind tunnel and method for dynamically testing vehicle components

Номер: US20170052090A1

A climate vehicle for testing a vehicle component under defined climate conditions includes a cabin that is separated by a cabin shell from a climate vehicle environment surrounding the climate vehicle. A climate control unit is arranged in the cabin and configured to control the climate of the air that is present in the cabin. A fan is configured to accelerate the climate-controlled air in a defined direction. A tunnel with an inlet opening is configured to receive the accelerated climate-controlled air. The tunnel has a tubular tunnel part configured to convey the accelerated climate-controlled air. The tubular tunnel part has a section that accommodates the vehicle component to be tested. The tunnel has an outlet opening configured to release the conveyed accelerated climate-controlled air into the cabin.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Method for Determining Degradation of Thermoplastics

Номер: US20170052108A1
Автор: Christopher Luke Hein
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A method of determining degradation of a thermoplastic when exposed to light and heat includes illuminating the thermoplastic with a desired wavelength of light at a desired irradiance while maintaining the ambient air surrounding the thermoplastic at a desired temperature. The method is useful to measure the discoloration rate of transparent, translucent and opaque thermoplastics such as polycarbonates, the discoloration rate being determined by transmission or reflectance spectra of transmitted or reflected white light through or from the thermoplastic.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for identifying layers providing corrosion protection in crude oil fractions

Номер: US20140134743A1

A method for determining and identifying corrosion protective layers that provide corrosion protection against crude oils and crude oil fractions is disclosed. The method identifies naturally occurring constituents in crude oils that indirectly provide corrosion protection. A method assessing the potential of these constituents is also disclosed. The method includes exposing metal coupons with the crude oil or crude fraction of interest at the expected operating temperature of concern. The corrosion potential assessment further analyzes the exposed coupons with transmission electron microscopy and an additional high temperature exposure that challenges the tenacity of the protection offered by the corrosion protective layer.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074846A1

A method and apparatuses to extend the time interval between out-of-service, in-tank inspections while insuring structural integrity using a risk-based, Bayesian statistical approach comprised of a passing leak detection test and the using the results from (1) tank floor thickness measurements, (2) prior out-of-service tank floor inspection results, and/or (3) acoustic emission corrosion maps of the tank floor to estimate the minimum thickness and maximum corrosion rate of the tank during the extension period. The present invention uses an in-tank, mass-based leak detection system to establish tank integrity, three or more ultrasonic (UT) thickness measurement sensors for measurements of the tank floor at one location, and to establish the spatial distribution of corrosion of the tank floor, one or more prior API 653/12R1 or STI SP001 tank floor thickness inspections and/or three or more in-tank AE sensors mounted inside the tank with vertical and horizontal locations in an oblique plane relative to the tank floor. 1(a) performing a leak-detection test;(b) determining that the tank is not leaking based on a result of the leak detection test;(c) estimating a thickness of the tank floor in at least one location of the tank at one or more places, wherein the thickness of the tank floor over at least one region of the tank is measured in-tank and used to estimate a corrosion rate and the thickness of the tank floor as a function of a selected time period to determine if a minimum floor thickness can be maintained during said period, and wherein in-tank floor thickness estimates are made using an ultrasonic thickness (UT) measurement sensor; and(d) conducting a risk assessment using statistical data of tank failures including data related to tank corrosion conditions, thereby assessing a probability of structural failure or leaking of the tank within the selected time period.. A method for determining an integrity of a storage tank including a tank floor, comprising the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Solid Particle Erosion Indicator Module For A Valve And Actuator Monitoring System

Номер: US20180058254A1
Автор: REIGL Martin

The present application provides a method of evaluating valve conditions in a turbine by a data acquisition system. The method may include the steps of receiving a number of operating parameters from a number of sensors, wherein the operating parameters may include steam temperatures determined over time and steam pressure, determining a steam chemistry, a throttling history, and a piping material, determining a probability of valve erosion based upon the steam temperatures determined over time, the steam chemistry, the throttling history, and the piping material, and altering one or more of the operating parameters and/or initiating repair procedures based upon the determined probability. 1. A method of evaluating valve conditions in a turbine by a data acquisition system , comprising:receiving a plurality of operating parameters from a plurality of sensors;wherein the plurality of operating parameters comprises steam temperatures determined over time and steam pressure;determining a steam chemistry, a throttling history, and a piping material;determining a probability of valve erosion based upon the steam temperatures determined over time, the steam chemistry, the throttling history, and the piping material; andaltering one or more of the plurality of operating parameters and/or initiating repair procedures based upon the determined probability.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of altering one or more of the plurality of operating parameters and/or initiating repair procedures comprises taking a valve out of service.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of altering one or more of the plurality of operating parameters and/or initiating repair procedures comprises ordering parts.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining a steam chemistry comprises evaluating a condensing water flow.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining a throttling history comprises a position of a valve spindle and valve pressure ratio.6. The ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061712A1

A method and apparatus for use in monitoring biofouling activity by determining a variety of different velocity rates of fluid via a biofouling monitor assembly. The biofouling monitor assembly beneficially provides a significant means for monitoring biofilm activity of macroscopic organisms and microscopic organisms across a variety of substrates or surfaces within an internal monitoring assembly of the present invention. 1. A method for testing bio-fouling characteristics of a fluid containing at least one organism comprising: (i) an external enclosure defining an inner chamber, a fluid inlet extending into said chamber and a fluid outlet extending out of said chamber;', '(ii) a plurality of coupons disposed within said chamber, wherein said coupons define a fluid flow path extending around said coupons from said inlet to said outlet; and, 'a) introducing said fluid into a bio-fouling test assembly, wherein said bio-fouling test assembly comprisesb) circulating said fluid through said fluid flow path, wherein said fluid flows across each of said coupons at a plurality of different flow velocities.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said coupons are removeably disposed within said chamber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one organism is deposited along a surface of at least one of said coupons.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising the step of measuring an amount of said at least one organism deposited on said at least one coupon.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the step of measuring a rate of accumulation of said at least one organism on said at least one coupon.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising the step of correlating at least one rate of accumulation of said at least one organism on said at least one coupon to at least one flow velocity.7. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the step of plotting rates of accumulation of said at least one organism against measured flow velocities.8. The method of claim 1 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Predicting High Temperature Asphaltene Precipitation

Номер: US20170058217A1

A method for determining a relationship between the ratio of solvent power to critical solvent power and the threshold light paraffin content of a hydrocarbon fluid is provided. The method comprises: 1. A method for determining a relationship between the ratio of solvent power to critical solvent power and the threshold light paraffin content of a hydrocarbon fluid , said method comprising:dividing a plurality of hydrocarbon fluids into subgroups, based on the ratio of solvent power to critical solvent power,for each of the subgroups, determining the threshold light paraffin content, said threshold light paraffin content being the light paraffin content of the hydrocarbon fluids at the point at which the fouling tendency of the hydrocarbon fluids exceeds a fouling threshold; anddetermining a relationship between the ratio of solvent power to critical solvent power and the threshold light paraffin content.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid is divided into at least 3 subgroups.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each subgroup contains at least 2 hydrocarbon fluids.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the subgroups has a size of up to 0.1 ratio units.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method comprises measuring the fouling tendency of the hydrocarbon fluids.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the fouling tendency of the hydrocarbon fluids is determined by measuring the mass of deposits produced by the hydrocarbon fluids claim 5 , or by looking at the change in heat exchange with the hydrocarbon fluids as a result of deposits.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the fouling tendency of the hydrocarbon fluids is determined by subjecting the hydrocarbon fluids to conditions which simulate the effect of a refinery on the hydrocarbon fluids.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the fouling tendency of the hydrocarbon fluids is determined by carrying out hot liquid process simulator tests.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light paraffin content of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059030A1

An apparatus for making artificial atmospheric environment and analysis system for dust-blocking of cosmetics using the same, and the apparatus for making artificial atmospheric environment includes a chamber in which fine dust is made; a wind generation unit including a plurality of driving fans disposed inside the chamber having different angles, the wind generation unit moving supplied dust inside the chamber so that the dust is distributed as actual atmospheric environment in the same or similar manner; and a dust supply unit which is provided integrally with or separately from the chamber to supply fine dust to the chamber, and the analysis system for dust blocking of cosmetics using the apparatus for making artificial atmospheric environment. 118-. (canceled)19. An apparatus for making artificial atmospheric environment including fine dust , the apparatus comprising:a chamber in which fine dust is made;a wind generation unit including a plurality of driving fans disposed inside the chamber having different angles, the wind generation unit moving supplied dust inside the chamber so that the dust is distributed as actual atmospheric environment in the same or similar manner; anda dust supply unit which is provided integrally with or separately from the chamber to supply fine dust to the chamber.20. The apparatus according to claim 19 , further comprising:a filter having a backflow prevention filter which prevents air flow from inside to outside the chamber, but allows airflow from outside to inside the chamber.21. The apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the chamber is formed with an insertion hole to insert arms of a subject on one side claim 19 , an inlet through which dust is inserted on an upper portion of an upper surface or a side surface claim 19 , and an outlet at a bottom of a side surface or a lower portion.22. The apparatus according to claim 21 , wherein the insertion hole of the chamber comprises a sealing member to present outflow of fine dust ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Devices for determining photoprotective materials

Номер: US20150064068A1
Принадлежит: Chemours Co TT LLC

This invention provides methods and apparatus for quantification of photoprotective performance of packaging concepts in an accelerated timeframe. In certain embodiments, the apparatus comprises a light source which provides a light beam that impinges upon a photoprotective material before being transmitted to a sample cell comprising a photosensitive entity, such as a photosensitive nutrient. In certain embodiments, the apparatus and methods can be used to generate models for the prediction of photoprotective performance values of untested materials based upon some other known qualitative or quantitative property.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Identification of degrading electrodes in a marine electromagnetic survey system

Номер: US20170059502A1

A system and method is provided for identifying degrading electrodes in a marine electromagnetic survey system. A system may comprise a sensor array operable for use in a marine electromagnetic survey system, wherein the sensor array comprises a plurality of electrodes. The system may comprise a shunt resistor connected to the electrodes and a processor operable to vary a resistance of the shunt resistor in the presence of a voltage across the electrodes. A method for identifying degrading electrodes may comprise measuring an electric field in a body of water with a pair of electrodes, wherein a shunt resistor is connected between the pair of electrodes. The method may comprise varying a resistance of the shunt resistor. The method may comprise measuring a voltage across the shunt resistor while varying the resistance of the shunt resistor to obtain measured voltages for different shunt resistor values. The method may comprise comparing the measured voltages of the different shunt resistor values to calculate resistance of the pair of electrodes.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056982A1

A method and system for early detection of biofouling utilizing a fluorescence based extracellular enzyme activity assay is disclosed. The method provides a means for early detection of biofouling on membranes used in flow-through membrane filtration systems for with a feed water flow, such as waste water of water for desalination. Also disclosed is an at-line sensor utilizing the fluorescence based extracellular enzyme activity assay that is positioned in the membrane filtration system for detection of biofouling. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for detecting membrane fouling comprising the steps of:providing a membrane fouling sensor positioned adjacent to a feed solution stream in a membrane filtration system wherein a portion of a feed solution stream flows through the sensor contacting a membrane therein; said membrane fouling sensor having an inlet valve directing the feed stream to the sensor and an outlet valve directing the feed stream from the sensor unit back to the main feed stream proximal to the main filtration unit;allowing the feed solution stream to contact the membrane fouling sensor during the normal operation of the membrane filtration system, such that the sensor membrane is subject to substantially the same conditions as the membrane in the membrane filtration unit;operating the membrane filtration system to for a time period ranging from 1 hour to 100 hours, during which time the sensor membrane and the membrane in the membrane filtration unit are exposed to any microorganisms in the feed solution stream and said microorganisms may adhere to the sensor membrane and membrane the membrane in the membrane filtration unit membranes causing one or more biofilm to develop on the membranes and producing extracellular enzymes;creating a closed system in the membrane fouling sensor by closing the inlet and outlet valves thereby trapping a portion of the feed stream and any microbial extracellular enzymes in the membrane fouling sensor;injecting a ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063300A1

A method may include: generating a signal in a conduit; measuring the signal; generating data representing a deposit in the conduit, the data being generated by a deposition identification model, wherein the deposition identification model utilizes the signal as an input; generating a treatment plan based at least in part on the data representing the deposit; and applying a chemical additive to the conduit based at least in part on the treatment plan. 1. A method comprising:generating a signal in a conduit;measuring the signal;generating data representing a deposit in the conduit, the data being generated by a deposition identification model, wherein the deposition identification model utilizes the signal as an input;generating a treatment plan based at least in part on the data representing the deposit; andapplying a chemical additive to the conduit based at least in part on the treatment plan.2. The method of wherein the signal is a pressure signal claim 1 , an acoustic signal claim 1 , or a combination thereof and wherein the conduit is a wellbore or a pipeline.3. The method of wherein the step of measuring the signal comprises measuring the signal with a pressure transducer claim 1 , microphone claim 1 , hydrophone claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The method of wherein the step of generating data representing the deposit further comprises performing a calibration calculation and using an output of the calibration calculation in the deposition identification model.5. The method of wherein the calibration calculation confirms at least one of acoustic velocity claim 4 , viscosity claim 4 , or density.6. The method of wherein the treatment plan comprises an identity and a flow rate of the chemical additive claim 1 , the chemical additive being operable to treat the deposit.7. The method of wherein the deposit is at least one of asphaltene claim 6 , paraffin claim 6 , hydrate claim 6 , or scale.8. The method of further comprising:performing an integrated ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068311A1

An ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus includes: a plurality of ultrasonic transceivers discretely disposed on a pipe wall of a pipe; and a control unit configured to control the plurality of ultrasonic transceivers and detect a generation point of damage caused in the pipe based on an ultrasonic signal exchanged between the ultrasonic transceivers. 1. An ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus comprising:a plurality of ultrasonic transceivers discretely disposed on a pipe wall of a pipe; anda control unit configured to control the plurality of ultrasonic transceivers and detect a generation point of damage caused in the pipe based on an ultrasonic signal exchanged between the ultrasonic transceivers.2. The ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the number of ultrasonic transceivers is three or more.3. The ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to detect a generation point of the damage caused in the pipe based on time after the ultrasonic wave is output from one ultrasonic transceiver and before a reflection wave from the damage is received by each ultrasonic transceiver.4. The ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to measure a size of the damage caused in the pipe based on the ultrasonic signal exchanged between the ultrasonic transceivers.5. The ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the control unit is configured to measure the size of the damage caused in the pipe based on an amplitude of the reflection wave from the damage received by the ultrasonic transceiver.6. The ultrasonic pipe measurement apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein:the control unit has operation modes including a search mode wherein an interval of transmitting an ultrasonic pulse is set relatively long, the search mode being adapted to detect a point of the damage and the approximate size of the damage, and a ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068327A1
Автор: MARCH Peter, Rudolph Bernd

The apparatus has a weathering chamber, in which at least one sample can be arranged, and at least one radiation source, which are arranged in the weathering chamber, wherein the radiation source is provided with a storage device, on which data relating to the radiation source are stored. 1. An apparatus for artificially weathering or testing the lightfastness of samples , comprising:a weathering chamber, in which at least one sample can be arranged; andat least one radiation source, which is arranged in the weathering chamber, wherein the radiation source is provided with a storage device, in which data relating to the radiation source can be or are stored.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichthe storage device is used for the authorization and/or identification of the radiation source.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichthe storage device is contained in an RFID chip.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichinformation which characterizes the radiation source as originating from a specific manufacturer is stored in the storage device.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichinformation which uniquely identifies the radiation source is stored in the storage device.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichthe operating hours provided and/or a residual life of the radiation source is/are determinable and storable on the storage device and in particular can be overwritten over the course of the operating duration of the radiation source.7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whichis configured to only bring a radiation source into operation when a preceding authorization and/or identification of the radiation source in accordance with preset criteria has yielded a positive result.8. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whichhas a control device, which is designed to store data on the storage device and to read data from the storage device.9. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichthe at least one radiation ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068328A1
Автор: MARCH Peter, Rudolph Bernd

The apparatus for artificially weathering or testing the lightfastness of samples has a weathering chamber, in which at least one sample can be arranged, and a plurality of radiation sources, which are arranged in the weathering chamber and which are operable independently of one another, wherein the apparatus is configured in such a way that the at least one sample is movable on a closed path around the plurality of radiation sources. 1. An apparatus for artificially weathering or testing the lightfastness of samples , comprising:a weathering chamber, in which at least one sample can be arranged;a plurality of radiation sources, which are arranged in the weathering chamber and which are operable independently of one another, whereinthe apparatus is configured in such a way that the at least one sample is movable on a closed path around the plurality of radiation sources.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichtwo or three radiation sources are arranged in the weathering chamber.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichthe radiation sources are formed by xenon gas discharge lamps.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , in whichthe radiation sources are operable in temporal succession and/or at least partially simultaneously.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprisinga control device, which is configured to generate control signals for actuating the radiation sources and which has a plurality of outputs, which are connectable to the plurality of radiation sources.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprisingat least one sensor to sense the radiated power of the radiation sources.7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , comprising a plurality of sensors claim 5 , wherein each sensor is assigned to one of the radiation sources and is arranged in such a way that the sensor measures the radiated power of the assigned radiation source and one output of each sensor is connected to an input of the control device to transfer a ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Corrosion Monitoring In A Fire Sprinkler System

Номер: US20180064978A1

A fire sprinkler system according to one aspect of the present disclosure includes a pipe having a first pipe portion and a second pipe portion. The first pipe portion includes a wall having a first wall thickness, and the second pipe portion includes a wall having a second wall thickness that is greater than the first wall thickness. The fire sprinkler system further includes structure coupled to the pipe and defining a sealed chamber between the structure and at least the first pipe portion, and a sensor for sensing a pressure in the sealed chamber. Example corrosion monitoring devices and methods for monitoring corrosion in pipe systems, including fire sprinkler systems, are also disclosed. 1. A water-based fire sprinkler system comprising:a water source;one or more sprinkler heads;a corrosion monitoring device positioned in a flow path between the water source and the one or more sprinkler heads, the corrosion monitoring device including a first pipe having opposite ends and a middle portion including a wall having a first wall thickness, a structure coupled to the first pipe and defining a sealed chamber between said wall of the middle portion and the structure, and a sensor to sense a pressure in the sealed chamber, the opposite ends of the first pipe each including a wall having a second wall thickness at a location spaced from where the structure is coupled to the first pipe; anda second and a third pipe coupled to the opposite ends of the first pipe, the second and third pipes each including a wall having the second wall thickness;wherein the second wall thickness is greater than the first wall thickness;wherein the first, second and third pipes are each rigid pipes comprising black iron or galvanized steel;wherein a change in the pressure in the sealed chamber corresponds to a breach of said wall of the middle portion due to corrosion and is indicative of corrosion damage in the second and third pipes of the water-based fire sprinkler system.2. The system ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064051A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a method for predicting the physical properties of polymers. More specifically, the present invention relates to a method for predicting long-term stability of polymers using a molecular weight distribution curve. 1. A method for predicting physical properties of polymers comprising the steps of:measuring a molecular weight distribution curve of the polymer to be measured (herein, a log value of a molecular weight MW (log MW) is denoted by x-axis, and a molecular weight distribution to a log value (dwt/dlog MW) is denoted by y-axis) using a gel permeation chromatography (GPC) at a temperature of 160° C.;dividing the section between 3.0 and 7.0 on the x-axis of the molecular weight distribution curve into four equal parts to obtain the integral value of the molecular weight distribution curve at each section; andpredicting the environmental stress cracking resistance (unit: time) measured by the full notch creep test (FNCT) under the conditions of 6.0 MPa and 80° C. from the integral value.2. The method for predicting the physical properties of polymers according to claim 1 , wherein the environmental stress cracking resistance is calculated according to the following Equation 1:{'br': None, 'i': A', 'A', 'A', 'A, 'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'Environmental stress cracking resistance=(−271)*+(−318)*+(−459)*+155*+29,586\u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}in Equation 1 above,{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'Ais an integral value of a molecular weight distribution curve in the section where log MW is 3.0 to 4.0, Ais an integral value of a molecular weight distribution curve in the section where log MW is 4.0 to 5.0, Ais an integral value of a molecular weight distribution curve in the section where log MW is 5.0 to 6.0, Ais an integral value of a molecular weight distribution curve in the section where log MW is 6.0 to 7.0, and'}{'sub': 1', '4, 'the integral value of Ato Ameans relative values when the integral value of the entire molecular weight ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064052A1

A method for evaluation of deleterious phase content and distribution in stainless steels and nickel-based alloys based on the correlation between measured open circuit potentials and volume fraction of deleterious phases is disclosed, in conjunction with a portable equipment and apparatus for carrying out the method. 1. An apparatus for detecting depletion of passivating elements , in particular due to formation of sigma phase and/or other deleterious phases , in stainless steels or nickel-based alloys at least containing one or more of the following alloying elements: aluminium , chromium , cobalt , nickel , molybdenum , nitrogen , copper , titanium and tungsten , the apparatus comprising:a container containing a liquid or a gelatinized electrolyte,specimen interface on the container providing contact between the electrolyte and the surface of a test specimen,a reference electrode in the container in electrochemical contact with the test specimen via the electrolyte,a voltmeter electrically connected between the reference electrode and the test specimen.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrolyte is an acidic chloride solution.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the electrolyte is ferric chloride.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container is a tube and the specimen interface is arranged in a lower end of the tubular container.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the container diameter is dimensioned to retain the electrolyte within the container through capillary action.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the container is a micro-capillary tube having an inner diameter in the range of 0.05-5.0 mm.7. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the specimen interface comprises a perforated or porous membrane covering the specimen interface in the lower end of the container.8. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising a positioning means in the form of a circumferential sleeve extending beyond the lower end of the container claim 4 , a lower end of ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064096A1
Автор: Sharma Prafull, Yeung Hoi

A system () for detecting and locating corrosion on the outer surface of a metal body (). The system includes an extended electromagnetic waveguide () arranged adjacent to the outer surface of the metal body. The electromagnetic waveguide includes a sacrificial component that experiences substantially the same environment as the outer surface of the metal body. The system also includes a waveform generator () arranged to be connected to the waveguide and to inject an electromagnetic waveform into the waveguide. The system also includes a waveform analyser () connected to the waveguide. The waveform analyser is arranged to receive a reflected portion of the injected electromagnetic waveform from the waveguide. The reflected portion of the injected electromagnetic waveform is used by the waveform analyser to determine the location of corrosion of the sacrificial component of the waveguide. 1. A system for detecting and locating corrosion on an outer surface of a metal body , the system comprising:an extended electromagnetic waveguide arranged adjacent to the outer surface of the metal body, the extended electromagnetic waveguide comprising a sacrificial component that experiences substantially the same environment as the outer surface of the metal body;a waveform generator arranged to be connected to the extended electromagnetic waveguide and to inject an electromagnetic waveform into the waveguide; anda waveform analyzer connected to the extended electromagnetic waveguide and arranged to receive a reflected portion of the injected electromagnetic waveform from the extended electromagnetic waveguide and to use the reflected portion of the injected electromagnetic waveform to determine a location of corrosion of the sacrificial component of the extended electromagnetic waveguide.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal body comprises a metal pipe and the extended electromagnetic waveguide is arranged underneath the metal pipe.3. (canceled)4. The system ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Reducing effects of pipe couplings in corrosion inspection of pipes

Номер: US20190064117A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Systems and methods for reducing effects of pipe couplings in electromagnetic log data. A method for corrosion detection comprises disposing an electromagnetic logging tool within a plurality of concentric pipes in a wellbore; obtaining electromagnetic log data along the concentric pipes; and identifying a location of at least one pipe coupling on at least one of the concentric pipes; and processing the electromagnetic log data to determine one or more attribute of the concentric pipes as a function of depth, wherein the processing uses the location of at least one pipe coupling to account for effect of the at least one pipe coupling on the electromagnetic log data.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066300A1

A method for enhancing the performance of a reaction chamber for use in a sample analysis system that includes providing a reaction chamber, wherein the reaction chamber has a predetermined geometry, wherein the reaction chamber has light collecting properties, and wherein the reaction chamber has an inner surface; and modifying the inner surface of the reaction chamber to include a predetermined degree of reflectivity, wherein the predetermined degree of reflectivity enhances the light collecting properties of the reaction chamber. 1. A method for enhancing the performance of a reaction chamber for use in a sample analysis system , comprising: (i) wherein the reaction chamber has a predetermined geometry,', '(ii) wherein the reaction chamber has light collecting properties, and', '(iii) wherein the reaction chamber has an inner surface; and, '(a) providing a reaction chamber,'}(b) modifying the inner surface of the reaction chamber to include a predetermined degree of reflectivity, wherein the predetermined degree of reflectivity enhances the light collecting properties of the reaction chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined geometry of the reaction chamber includes a revolved half ellipse claim 1 , an ellipse claim 1 , a sphere claim 1 , a cylinder claim 1 , or a rectangle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction chamber is adapted for use in a sample analysis device claim 1 , and wherein the sample analysis device includes a base configured to accept an insert containing a biosensor reagent.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein biosensor reagent includes living biological cells.5. The method of claim 4 , where in the living biological cells are engineered lymphocytes.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the biosensor reagent includes at least one antibody specific for a predetermined analyte and a bioluminescent agent claim 5 , and wherein the at least one antibody and the bioluminescent agent are expressed by the living claim 5 , ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066631A1
Автор: MUPENDE llaka, ZERZA Horst

The present invention generally relates to lifting gears such as cranes which use ropes such as high-strength fiber ropes. The invention in particular relates to a device for determining the discard state of such rope in use on such lifting gears, comprising a detection device for detecting at least one rope utilization parameter influencing the discard state and an evaluation unit for evaluating the rope utilization parameter and for providing a discard signal in dependence on the rope utilization parameter evaluation. According to the invention the detection unit has at least one detecting means for detecting environmental influences on the rope, which can be evaluated by evaluation devices to recognize the discard state. 1. A device to determine a discard state of a rope in use on lifting gears , in particular cranes , comprising:a rope utilization detector to detect at least one rope utilization parameter influencing the discard state of the rope, andan evaluation unit to evaluate the at least one rope utilization parameter and to provide a discard signal based on the evaluation of the rope utilization parameter,wherein the rope utilization detector includes at least one detection component to detect the at least one rope utilization parameter, and wherein the rope utilization parameter includes at least one of a weather and climate-based parameter prevailing at one or more lifting gears.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detection component comprises a UV radiation sensor to determine an amount of UV radiation acting on the rope claim 1 , wherein the UV radiation sensor comprises a radiation dosimeter.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the detection component comprises at least one of a precipitation sensor and a humidity sensor to determine at least one of a precipitation profile and the humidity in a vicinity of the rope.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the humidity sensor includes a salt content detector to determine the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067039A1

An environmental test chamber, and method of providing an environmental test chamber, includes combining an equipment module made up of an equipment housing and air treatment equipment in the equipment housing with a selected one or more of a plurality of chamber modules connected with the equipment module to provide the environmental test chamber. The equipment housing includes an opening defining an airflow passage and an airflow path extending to the airflow passage. The air treatment equipment includes air moving equipment flowing air along the airflow path through the airflow passage and air-conditioning equipment in the flow path. The air treatment equipment includes one or more of (i) heating equipment for selectively heating the flowing air, (ii) cooling equipment for selectively cooling the flowing air, (iii) humidification equipment for selectively humidifying the flowing air, and/or (iv) dehumidification equipment for selectively dehumidifying the flowing air. A plurality of chamber modules of different sizes from each other are provided. Each of the chamber modules has a chamber housing with an opening defining an airflow passage in the chamber housing that aligns with the airflow opening in the equipment module and an access opening that is selectively opened for accessing an interior of the chamber module. In this manner, the one or ones of the chamber modules that is connected with the equipment module determines a configuration of the environmental test chamber. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of making an environmental test chamber , comprising:having an equipment module comprising an equipment housing and air treatment equipment in said equipment housing, said housing including an opening defining an airflow passage and an airflow path extending to said airflow passage, said air treatment equipment including air-moving equipment flowing air along said airflow path through said airflow passage and air-conditioning equipment in the flow path, said air ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067817A1
Автор: SINGH Prabjit

A structure is provided. The structure may include an environmental test chamber including a sample chamber, a first air path beginning in the sample chamber and extending through a humidity control chamber, the first air path circulates air between the test chamber and the humidity control chamber, and a second air path beginning in the sample chamber and extending through a pollutant control chamber, the second air path circulates air between the test chamber and the pollutant control chamber. 1a sample chamber;a first temperature control chamber coupled to the sample chamber;a humidity control chamber coupled to the first temperature control chamber, wherein the humidity control chamber comprises a saturated salt solution in a labyrinth, wherein a temperature and a composition of the saturated salt solution dictates a relative humidity of the sample chamber;a second temperature control chamber coupled to the humidity control chamber;a first blower circulating air sequentially from the test chamber, through the first temperature control chamber, through the humidity control chamber, through the second temperature control chamber and back to the test chamber, wherein the circulated air contacts the saturated salt solution in the humidity control chamber;a fourth temperature control chamber coupled to the sample chamber;a pollutant control chamber coupled to the fourth temperature control chamber, wherein the pollutant control chamber comprises a bed of sulfur and a cooling tube in direct contact with, and used to control a temperature of, the sulfur, wherein a temperature of the cooling tube dictates a concentration of sulfur in the air;a third temperature control chamber coupled to the pollutant chamber; anda second blower circulating air sequentially from the test chamber, through the fourth temperature control chamber, through the pollutant control chamber, through the third temperature control chamber and back to the test chamber.. An environmental test chamber ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067818A1
Автор: Birky Zachary S.

A detection system for monitoring a component is disclosed. The component may be exposed to a condition that produces a change to the component. The detection system may have a sensor including a material sample configured to be exposed to the condition to produce a change to the material sample. The sensor may be configured to generate a signal indicative of the change to the material sample, which may be a step change in electrical resistance. The detection system may further have a controller configured to measure the change in electrical resistance based on the signal and determine the change to the component based on the measurement. 1. A detection system for monitoring a component that is exposed to a condition that produces a change to the component , the detection system comprising:a sensor including a material sample configured to be exposed to the condition to produce a change to the material sample, wherein the sensor is configured to generate a signal indicative of the change to the material sample, and wherein the change to the material sample is a step change in electrical resistance; anda controller configured to measure the change in electrical resistance based on the signal and determine the change to the component based on the measurement.2. The detection system of claim 1 , wherein the change to the component is creation of a surface layer.3. The detection system of claim 1 , wherein the change to the component is the diffusion of a surface layer to a selected depth.4. The detection system of claim 3 , wherein the material sample includes a thickness equal to twice the selected depth.5. The detection system of claim 3 , wherein the selected depth is in a range from 0.5-50 μm.6. The detection system of claim 1 , whereinthe sensor includes a plurality of material samples, andthe controller is configured to determine more than one change to the component based on detection of changes to more than one of the plurality of material samples.7. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072144A1

A method of predicting a corrosion loss of a metal material, the method including: inputting a prediction request point including a use period of the metal material for which a corrosion loss is desired to be predicted and second environmental parameters indicating a use environment of the metal material in the use period; calculating a similarity degree between first environmental parameters in corrosion loss data and the second environmental parameters in the prediction request point; dimensionally reducing the first environmental parameters in the corrosion loss data to a latent variable taking the similarity degree into consideration; and predicting a corrosion loss of the metal material for the prediction request point based on a prediction expression constructed using the latent variable and the similarity degree. 18-. (canceled)9. A method of predicting a corrosion loss of a metal material , the method comprising:inputting a prediction request point including a use period of the metal material for which a corrosion loss is desired to be predicted and second environmental parameters indicating a use environment of the metal material in the use period;calculating a similarity degree between first environmental parameters in corrosion loss data and the second environmental parameters in the prediction request point, the corrosion loss data including: a use period of a metal material; the first environmental parameters indicating a use environment of the metal material in the use period; and a corrosion loss of the metal material in the use period;dimensionally reducing the first environmental parameters in the corrosion loss data to a latent variable taking the similarity degree into consideration; andpredicting a corrosion loss of the metal material for the prediction request point based on a prediction expression constructed using the latent variable and the similarity degree.10. The method according to claim 9 , the predicting comprising:predicting a first ...
