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04-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637471C2
Принадлежит: НЕК КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к системе связи, аппаратуре связи и способу управления связью. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности ввести в систему связи функцию выгрузки трафика. Система связи включает в себя аппаратуру связи, беспроводным образом подключенную к терминалам, и сеть, которая содержит: таблицу трансляции адресов, выполненную с возможностью выгрузки трафика из терминала в сеть, причем таблица трансляции адресов включает в себя порты источника, ассоциированные соответственно с терминалами; и средство трансляции источника для трансляции порта источника в таблице трансляции адресов для каждого однонаправленного канала посредством выделения заранее определенных диапазонов портов источника различным однонаправленным каналам, причем однонаправленный канал устанавливается между терминалом, который является источником трафика, и аппаратурой связи. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2200367C2

Предложена система коммутации ячеек асинхронного режима передачи (АРП). Система содержит более одного узла, включенного между магистралью, передающей абонентские данные, и высокоскоростной линией связи типа АРП для осуществления операции преобразования между абонентскими данными и ячейкой АРП, и блок коммутации АРП для приема ячейки АРП от одного из узлов по высокоскоростной линии связи, определения адресата из информации заголовка и маршрутизации ячейки АРП в другой узел. 3 с. и 17 з.п.ф-лы, 12 ил.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667039C2

Изобретение относится к области радиосвязи. Технический результат заключается в повышении быстродействия при восстановлении после отказов сети в отдельных линиях связи или узлах и выполнении балансировки нагрузки после восстановления. Сетевое устройство содержит память, процессор, множество сетевых узлов, которые содержат множество устройств построения сети, причем пакеты данных, которые намечено передавать в сетевой узел-адресат из первого сетевого узла через отказавший объект построения сети среди упомянутого множества объектов построения сети, передаются первым сетевым узлом в назначенный сетевой узел среди упомянутого множества сетевых узлов на основе конфигураций маршрутизации трафика. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652442C2

Изобретение относится к области коммуникационных технологий. Технический результат заключается в эффективной модификации таблицы потоков и снижении нагрузки на интерфейс. Способ модификации таблицы потоков заключается в том, что переключатель осуществляет поиск таблицы потоков, соответствующей идентификатору таблицы потоков, для определения того, существует ли ввод потока, отождествляемый с целевой информацией о модификации, и заменяет поле отождествления в отождествленном вводе потока на новое поле отождествления. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

08-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018124821A3

28-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU213782U1

Полезная модель относится к области сетей передачи данных. Техническим результатом является повышение результативности защиты за счет снижения вероятности обнаружения злоумышленником факта использования средств защиты и идентификации их характеристик. В маршрутизатор с проактивной защитой вычислительной сети от сетевой разведки дополнительно введены модуль генерации ложного трафика, блок вычисления показателя самоподобия, блок генерации параметров сетевого уровня, блок генерации параметров транспортного уровня. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

26-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016145611A

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94018501A

Передача информационных пакетов по асинхронному способу передачи производится по меньшей мере на двух полностью различных путях передачи с полностью раздельными АТМ-устройствами коммутации (ASWl..., ASW2...) или АТМ-кроссконнекторными переключающими устройствами (AССl..., АСС2). Через расположенное у соответствующего абонента сети подключающее управляющее устройство (CCU) производят сбор и первичную обработку переданных на стороне передачи на различных путях передачи тестинформационных пакетов, компенсацию обусловленных различными путями передачи различий времен прохождения информационных пакетов с помощью моментов времени приема и выдачу одного из нескольких переданных на различных путях передачи идентичных информационных пакетов.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122120A

... 1. Система коммутации, содержащая:первый коммутатор, выполненный с возможностью пересылки передаваемых данных, если передаваемые данные совпадают с любым из по меньшей мере одного элемента потока, зарегистрированного в таблице потоков в первом коммутаторе, основываясь на процедуре пересылки, определенной совпадающим элементом потока, когда передаваемые данные вводятся с входной линии связи, и пересылки передаваемых данных на коммутатор, подсоединенный посредством межкоммутаторной линии связи, если передаваемые данные не совпадают ни с каким из по меньшей мере одного элемента потока, зарегистрированного в таблице потоков в первом коммутаторе;второй коммутатор, принадлежащий группе коммутаторов, одной и той же с первым коммутатором, и выполненный с возможностью пересылки передаваемых данных, если передаваемые данные совпадают с любым из по меньшей мере одного элемента потока, зарегистрированного в таблице потоков во втором коммутаторе, основываясь на процедуре пересылки, определенной совпадающим ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Technologien zur Durchführung einer Orchestrierung mit Online-Analyse von Telemetriedaten

Номер: DE112017003688T5

Technologien zur Durchführung einer Orchestrierung mit Online-Analyse von Telemetriedaten umfassen einen Orchestrator-Server zum Zuweisen von Arbeitslasten an jeden aus einer Gruppe verwalteter Knoten, Empfangen von Telemetriedaten, die eine Ressourcennutzung anzeigen, von den verwalteten Knoten, wenn die Arbeitslasten ausgeführt werden, Erzeugen einer Datenanalyse in Abhängigkeit von den Telemetriedaten, wenn die Arbeitslasten ausgeführt werden, Bestimmen von Anpassungen der Arbeitslastzuweisungen in Abhängigkeit von der Datenanalyse, wenn die Arbeitslasten ausgeführt werden, um die Ressourcennutzung unter den verwalteten Knoten zu erhöhen, und Anwenden der bestimmten Anpassungen auf die verwalteten Knoten, wenn die Arbeitslasten ausgeführt werden. Außerdem werden andere Ausführungsformen beschrieben und beansprucht.

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Technologien zum Verwalten der Zuweisung von Beschleunigerressourcen

Номер: DE112017003703T5
Принадлежит: INTEL CORP, Intel Corporation

Technologien zum dynamischen Verwalten der Zuweisung von Beschleunigerressourcen enthalten einen Orchestrator-Server. Der Orchestrator-Server hat die Aufgabe, einem verwalteten Knoten eine Arbeitslast zur Ausführung zuweisen, einen vorhergesagten Bedarf für eine oder mehrere Beschleunigerressourcen zu bestimmen, um die Ausführung eines oder mehrerer Jobs innerhalb der Arbeitslast zu beschleunigen, vor dem vorhergesagten Bedarf eine oder mehrere Beschleunigerressourcen bereitzustellen, um den einen oder die mehreren Jobs zu beschleunigen, und dem verwalteten Knoten die eine oder die mehreren bereitgestellten Beschleunigerressourcen zuzuweisen, um die Ausführung des einen oder der mehreren Jobs zu beschleunigen. Andere Ausführungsformen werden ebenfalls beschrieben und beansprucht.

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Switch-Erkennungsprotokoll für ein verteiltes Struktursystem

Номер: DE112013000469T5

Ein verteiltes Struktursystem weist eine Vielzahl unabhängiger Netzwerkelemente auf, die durch switchübergreifende Verbindungen miteinander verbunden und einer selben Gruppe zugewiesen sind. Jedes Netzwerkelement enthält einen oder mehrere Switching-Chips, einen Prozessor und einen Speicher, in dem ein Programmcode gespeichert ist, der durch den Prozessor ausgeführt wird. Der Programmcode jedes Netzwerkelementes enthält ein Switch-Erkennungsprotokoll(switch discovery protocol (SDP))-Modul. Das SDP-Modul jedes Netzwerkelements rundsendet, wenn es ausgeführt wird, SDP-Dateneinheiten (SDP data units (SDPDUs)) unter Verwendung einer von einer Vielzahl von Übertragungsraten. Die Vielzahl von Übertragungsraten enthält eine schnelle Übertragungsrate und eine langsame Übertragungsrate. Bei der durch das SDP-Modul jedes Netzwerkelements verwendeten Übertragungsrate handelt es sich um die schnelle Übertragungsrate, bis das SDP-Modul dieses Netzwerkelementes ermittelt, dass ein Kriterium erfüllt ist ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Flexible Switch-Logik

Номер: DE102019007281A1

Die Paketverarbeitung mithilfe von flexibler Switch-Logik umfasst das Empfangen eines mit einem bestimmten Datenverkehrsfluss verbundenen Pakets, das Generieren eines Vermittlungsentscheidungsverhaltens in einem ersten Zyklus des bestimmten Datenverkehrsflusses durch Auswählen einer oder mehrerer Verarbeitungsetagen einer programmierbaren Pipeline auf der Grundlage eines empfangenen Profilsignals, welches einen für das erste Paket erforderlichen Verarbeitungstyp angibt, und das Durchführen einer Paketverarbeitung für das erste Paket unter Verwendung der ausgewählten einen oder mehreren Verarbeitungsetagen der programmierbaren Pipeline. Bei einigen Erscheinungsformen ist eine Verarbeitungseinheit für Eintrittspakete so konfiguriert, dass sie ein erstes Vermittlungsentscheidungsverhalten unter Verwendung der ausgewählten Verarbeitungsetagen einer ersten programmierbaren Pipeline in der Verarbeitungseinheit für Eintrittspakete generiert. Bei anderen Erscheinungsformen ist eine Verarbeitungseinheit ...

18-10-2007 дата публикации

Punkt-zu-Mehrpunkt Netzwerkschnittstelle

Номер: DE0060217257T2

06-12-1995 дата публикации

Message routing

Номер: GB0002290004A

A communication routing device for receiving messages from a plurality of input channels (3) and routing the messages to one of a plurality of output channels (2), wherein the routing structure includes a plurality of parallel memory devices (63) storing lookup tables and interconnection circuits (61) for selectively linking messages from one input channel to one of the plurality of memory devices depending on the content of the received message. ...

22-09-2004 дата публикации

Data routing

Номер: GB0002399709A

The present invention provides a data processing apparatus and method for a telecommunications system, the apparatus being operable to pass data packets between a first interface connectable to a first transport mechanism and a second interface connectable to a second transport mechanism. The data processing apparatus comprises a plurality of processing elements including the first and second interfaces, and operable to perform predetermined control functions to control the passing of data packets between the first and second interfaces, predetermined connections being provided between the processing elements. A plurality of buffers are provided, with each buffer being operable to store a data packet to be passed between the first and second interfaces, and a plurality of connection queues are also provided, each connection queue being associated with one of the predetermined connections, and being operable to store one or more queue pointers, each queue pointer being associated with a ...

03-02-2010 дата публикации

Packet switch device

Номер: GB0002462237A

A packet switch device is provided with a forwarding process unit (112-n) that determines an address for an input packet and outputs it as an output packet, an ingress interface card (115) that checks whether the input packet has a sequential patrol number, and an egress interface card (116) that generates a sequential patrol number and grants it to the output packet. The ingress interface card and the egress interface card are provided with a first memory interface unit (408, 508) and a second memory interface unit (409, 509) that carry out two dividing processes by doing one access process for check managing memories (407, 507) at continuing first and second memory access points (n, n+1), respectively, thereby making it possible to complete necessary processing in several clock cycles that are allowed at one-time table access by the forwarding process unit.

17-02-2010 дата публикации

Bypassing a faulty link in a multi-path network

Номер: GB0002462492A

A method of managing faults in a multi path network is disclosed. In one embodiment a multi-path network for use in a bridge, switch, router, hub or the like, the multi-path network includes a plurality of network ports; a plurality of network elements 18; and a plurality of network links 17 interconnecting the network elements and the network ports for transporting data packets, each network element including a fault monitor for detecting faults on the network links to which the network element is connected, a plurality of dynamically selectable output ports and output port selection mechanism and each network element being adapted to communicate the existence of a fault back to one or more other network elements via which network elements the faulty network link can be bypassed, and each network element being adapted to update its output port selection mechanism when communication of the existence of a fault is received so that only output ports which ensure the faulty network link is ...

27-05-2020 дата публикации

Direction indicator

Номер: GB0002569272B
Принадлежит: GRAPHCORE LTD, Graphcore Limited

14-09-2022 дата публикации

Enhanced smart process control switch port lockdown

Номер: GB0002604811A

A lockdown routine for a smart process control switch 146B, wherein traffic at the ports 203, 213, 215 of the switch is limited. Upon initiation of the lockdown routine and detection that a port 203, 213, 215 of the process control switch is connected to a second switch 109, 146C, 146D, a determination as to whether the second switch is lockable is carried out (e.g. using a handshake between the two switches). If the second switch is not lockable 109 (e.g. if it is an unmanaged switch) then a set of addresses (e.g. physical addresses or network addresses) for a set of known devices that have communicated via the second switch is received from the second switch, and the process control switch is transitioned into a locked state wherein traffic at the port 203 is limited to messages associated with an address in the set of addresses. If the second switch is lockable 146C, 146D, then the port 213, 215 is left unlocked. The switches may be used in automated or industrial control networks.

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000488061T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503320T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000498963T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000529983T

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000084653T

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000209415T

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000285647T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000252807T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000188321T

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for implementing communication between virtual machines

Номер: AU2014366588B2

In a method and an apparatus provided in embodiments of the present invention, a first switch receives an ARP response from an SDN controller, where the ARP response carries a MAC address of a destination gateway; the first switch acquires, according to the MAC address of the destination 5 gateway, VTEP information corresponding to the MAC address of the destination gateway, where a router corresponding to the VTEP information is located in a first data center; and the first switch sends, according to the VTEP information, an IP packet to the router corresponding to the VTEP information, so that the router corresponding to the VTEP information sends the IP packet to a second virtual machine through a tunnel between the router and a second switch. Therefore, an 10 SDN controller serves as a proxy, which reduces transmission bandwidth occupied by packet broadcasting; in addition, a packet passes only through a router of the first data center, which alleviates roundabout routing of the packet ...

18-04-2002 дата публикации

Forwarding variable-length packets in a multiport switch

Номер: AU0000746227B2

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Architecture for a hybrid stm/atm add-drop multiplexer

Номер: AU0005317900A

22-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002365464A1

Route switch packet architecture processes data packets using a multi-threaded pipelined machine wherein no instruction depends on a preceding instruction because each instruction in the pipeline is executed for a different thread. The route switch packet architecture transfers a data packet from a flexible data input buffer to a packet task manager, dispatches the data packet from the packet task manager to a multi- threaded pipelined analysis machine, classifies the data packet in the analysis machine, modifies and forwards the data packet in a packet manipulator. The route switch packet architecture includes an analysis machine having multiple pipelines, wherein one pipeline is dedicated to directly manipulating individual data bits of a bit field, a packet task manager, a packet manipulator, a global access bus including a master request bus and a slave request bus separated from each other and pipelined, an external memory engine, and a hash engine.

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002951944A1

In some examples, a network data center comprises a cloud-based services exchange point comprising a network, the cloud-based services exchange point operated by a cloud exchange provider that operates the network data center; and a programmable network platform comprising at least one programmable processor configured to receive a service request that specifies a plurality of cloud services provided by respective cloud service provider networks operated by respective cloud service providers, wherein the service request further specifies a topology for the plurality of cloud services; and provision, responsive to the service request, the cloud-based services exchange point to forward service traffic for the plurality of cloud services according to the topology for the plurality of cloud services.

10-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002055242A1

05-06-1994 дата публикации

Packet Network Interface

Номер: CA0002110653A1

A packet switch interface, which may be an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) layer interface chip, may be connected to the inputs or the outputs of a packet switch. The interface chip modifies the virtual path identifier and the virtual channel identifier in packets directed to and from the switch. The interface chip al so manipulates routing tags for the packets which are used for internal routing purposes in the switch. The interface chip includes a local interface through which packets may be extracted from or added to a packet stream flowing between a main inp ut and a main output of the interface. The interface chip polices different communications channels handled in the interface chip by detecting whether traffic in those channels exceeds certain network usage parameters. The interface is also capable of gathering certain statistical information about the traffic in certain communications channels to allow evaluation of network performance. These operations are performed in hardware ...

27-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002231203A1

The present invention is an apparatus, system, and method for converting point codes in a signal transfer point in a telecommunications signaling system. The STP converts point codes which designate the origination and destination signaling points for the message. The conversion is based on information defined by the messages, such as origination or destination information. The present invention creates a virtual signaling system which can be reconfigured at the STP by converting point codes, and thus, altering the identities of the signaling points. The present invention is also operable to convert circuit identification codes and transfer integrated services user part messages to a user part.

05-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002282159A1

A packet forwarding apparatus provided with a plurality of line interface units, comprises a routing processing unit for referring to a routing table, based on header information of received packet to specify one of output lines to output the received packet, a flow detection unit for referring to an entry table, in which a plurality of entries with flow conditions and control information are registered, to retrieve control information defined by the entry with a flow condition which coincides with that of the header information of the received packet, and a packet forwarding unit for transferring the received packet to one of the line interface units connected to the output line specified by the routing processing unit. The entry table id divided into a plurality of subtables corresponding to the values of flow attributes associated with the received packets and the flow detection unit retrieves the control information from one of said subtables specified by the value of the flow attribute ...

01-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002315119A1

An ATM switching node has a queuing resource (230) connected to an ATM switch core (30). The queuing resource provides centralized queuing for ATM cells destined for routing through the ATM switch core to plural output links. The ATM switch core routes an ATM cell destined for any output link requiring queuing to the centralilzed queuing resource. ATM cells for output links not requiring queuing are not directed to the queuing resource. The queuing resource has a link multiplexer (280) for each output link which is handled by the queuing resource. Each link multiplexer has both a first stage (304) and a second stage (302). The second stage comprises plural queues (312) for storing ATM packets and a second stage multiplexer (314) for selecting the ATM packets stored in the plural queues of the second stage for transmission to the first stage. The first stage comprises plural queues (320) for storing ATM cells and a first stage multiplexer (330) for selection of ATM cells including ATM cells ...

11-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002279776A1

A method and a network for a universal transfer mode (UTM) of transferring data packets at a regulated bit rate are disclosed. The method defines a protocol that uses an adaptive packet header to simplify packet routing and increase transfer speed. The protocol supports a plurality of data formats, such as PCM voice data, IP packets, ATM cells, frame relay and the like. The network preferably includes a plurality of modules that provide interfaces to various data sources. The modules are interconnected by an optic core with adequate inter-module links with preferably no more than two hops being required between any origination/destination pair of modules. The adaptive packet header is used for both signaling and payload transfer. The header is parsed using an algorithm to determine its function. Rate regulation is accomplished using each module control element and egress port controllers to regulate packet transfer. The protocol enables the modules to behave as a single distributed switch ...

26-04-2019 дата публикации

Message processing method and device

Номер: CN0109688055A

13-04-2016 дата публикации

Exchange structure system deployment of the standard protocol of the method and apparatus of the verification mechanism

Номер: CN0102546383B

02-07-2008 дата публикации

Multibusiness network switch

Номер: CN0100399764C

11-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002644312B1

06-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002570914B1

04-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002893800B1
Принадлежит: ALCATEL

11-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002571565A1

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101966235B1

09-11-2015 дата публикации

Network apparatus and selective information monitoring method using the same

Номер: KR0101564643B1
Принадлежит: 한국전자통신연구원

... 수신되는 모든 패킷에서 필요한 정보(패킷의 필드 정보)만을 사용자가 모니터링 할 수 있는 네트워크 장치 및 이를 이용한 선별적 정보 모니터링 방법을 제시한다. 제시된 네트워크 장치는 모니터링 대상 호스트와 연결되어 모니터링 대상 호스트로부터 네트워크 패킷을 입력받는 하나 이상의 물리 인터페이스, 및 하나 이상의 물리 인터페이스를 통해 수집되는 네트워크 패킷에 대해 선별적인 정보 추출이 가능하게 필터링하는 컨피규러블 모니터링부를 포함하는 스위치 패브릭 모듈을 포함한다.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101624474B1
Принадлежит: 닛본 덴끼 가부시끼가이샤

... 본 발명은 오픈 플로우 네트워크에서 "프로액티브형(a proactive type)"을 실현하고, 하드웨어(HW)의 성능 문제를 해결한다. 구체적으로, 오픈 플로우 네트워크에서, 복수의 스위치들 각각은, 자신의 플로우 테이블에 등록된 엔트리의 룰에 부합하는 수신 패킷에 대하여, 엔트리에 정의된 액션에 기초하여 동작을 행한다. 컨트롤러는, 복수의 스위치로 이루어지는 네트워크의 물리 토폴로지에 기초하여 계산된 경로에 고유한 식별자가 룰로서 설정되고, 미리 결정된 출력 포트로부터의 출력이 액션으로서 설정되는 엔트리를, 복수의 스위치간에 있어서 통신이 개시되기 전에, 복수의 스위치 각각에 등록한다.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101972469B1

20-07-2015 дата публикации

네트워킹 방법 및 네트워킹 장치

Номер: KR1020150083891A

... 본 발명은 네트워킹 방법 및 네트워킹 장치를 개시하였으며, 상기 방법은 각각 적어도 하나의 서비스 교환기 및 적어도 하나의 스트리밍 미디어 서버와 연결되는 네트워킹 장치에 적용되며, 상기 방법은 상기 네트워킹 장치 중의 구성모듈을 통해 상기 적어도 하나의 스트리밍 미디어 서버의 네트워킹 구성정보를 구성하는 단계와, 상기 네트워킹 장치 중의 제어모듈을 통해 상기 네트워킹 구성정보를 획득하는 단계와, 상기 제어모듈이 상기 네트워킹 구성정보를 기반으로, 교환모듈의 설정 인터페이스를 통해 상기 교환모듈을 설정하는 단계를 포함한다. 본 발명을 적용하면 종래기술에 존재하는 네트워킹 방식이 복잡한 기술문제를 해결하고 네트워크에 대한 통일적인 관리 및 구성을 구현할 수 있다.

08-04-2015 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020150038213A

15-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: BG0000049389A3

16-05-2009 дата публикации

Fault-resistant digital-content-stream AV packet switch

Номер: TW0200922333A

An AV packet switch comprises a multiplexer system having multiple multiplexer input terminals and multiple multiplexer output terminal, a particular multiplexer input terminal capable to receive an input stream synchronized with a first clock signal, a particular multiplexer output terminal capable to receive the input stream from the particular multiplexer input terminal; and an output stream destination synchronizer coupled to the particular switch output terminal capable to synchronize the input stream with a destination's clock signal.

03-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: BE0000903391A

Un réseau du commutation de paquets (100) comprend un ensemble de noeuds de commutation (110), appartenant chacun à un étage (101, 102, 103) du réseau . Chaque noeud d'un étage est connecté à un bus d'étage (220-1) qui indique ou noeud le rang de l'étage auquel il appartient, et comprend un circuit qui réagit à l'information acheminée par le bus d'étage associé en sélectionnant le bit dont le rang correspond au rang de l'étage, dans la zone de destination d'un paquet recu, en tant que bit à utiliser pour acheminer le paquet dans le noeud considéré.

11-10-2002 дата публикации

Combined header parameter table for ATM node

Номер: TW0000506204B

Within an ATM node, a cell handling unit (CHU) receives incoming ATM cells from an ATM switch and provides outgoing ATM cells back to the ATM switch. The cell handling unit consults a combined or consolidated table to obtain ATM parameters (e.g., VCI) for use in headers of outgoing ATM cells. The combined table can be utilized both for ATM cells with AAL2 protocol and ATM cells of a second type AAL protocol. The second type AAL protocol is preferably AAL2 prime, which requires that AAL2 packets carried in the ATM cell payload be whole packets and that the ATM payload not have an AAL2-type start field. The combined table is structured to have plural intervals, including a first interval for AAL2 protocol connections and plural other intervals for the second type AAL protocol connections. Each row for the AAL2 protocol interval associates (1) a unique incoming VCI value; (2) an output link value; (3) an outging VCI value; and (4) an offset value. The offset value points to the one of the ...

15-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000035154A3

L'invention concerne un transcodeur destiné à convertir des données d'une structure téléphonique à une structure par paquets. Ce transcodeur comprend: un moteur pour données téléphoniques logiques numériques, destiné à recevoir des données téléphoniques dans le transcodeur et à transmettre ces données téléphoniques depuis celui-ci, ce moteur pour données téléphoniques logiques numériques étant pourvu d'un tampon d'accumulation de trames; un moteur pour paquets logiques numériques conçu pour recevoir des paquets de données dans ledit transcodeur et pour transmettre ces paquets de données depuis celui-ci; un complexe de traitement de signaux numériques couplé au moteur pour données téléphoniques logiques numériques et au moteur pour paquets logiques numériques, ce complexe de traitement de signaux numériques comprenant un ensemble de processeurs de signaux numériques; et un processeur central couplé au moteur pour données téléphoniques logiques numériques et au moteur pour paquets logiques ...

31-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000051290A3

L'invention concerne un autocommutateur multiservice capable de fournir de nombreux services de réseau à partir d'une seule plate-forme. Le commutateur comprend une architecture d'acheminement de paquet répartie, dans laquelle chacune des diverses cartes peut prendre des décisions d'acheminement indépendantes. Ledit commutateur permet, en outre, la gestion dynamique des ressources afin d'attribuer de manière dynamique des ressources de modem et RNIS à un appel d'arrivée. Ledit commutateur peut aussi comprendre des caractéristiques de gestion de défaillances pour veiller aux cas particuliers de défaillance au sein dudit commutateur. Ce dernier permet également la segmentation du commutateur en plusieurs routeurs virtuels, dans laquelle chaque routeur virtuel possède sa propre série de ressources et une table de routage. Chaque routeur virtuel est segmenté en réseaux privés virtuels afin de contrôler l'accès au réseau. Cette invention concerne le routage lié aux modalités de supports du commutateur ...

03-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005101948A1

The invention discloses a method for routing the concourse service, which configures a node which make it have multi access ports, one trunk port and an access/concourse group for achieving the character information fields of the character information value from the data packet; and according to the access/concourse group establishes an character information table which takes the character information value and the access port number as items. The method further comprises: in access/concourse group the access port that receives data packets, achieves the character information value corresponding to character information field from the data packet, and takes the character information value as index to search for the character information table; if it doesn't find a corresponding item, it establishes an item comprising the character information value and the access port number, then it transmits the data packet to the trunk port; if it finds a corresponding item, it transmits the data packet ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150281077A1

A control apparatus includes a generation unit to generate a plurality of entries to be supplied with the switch, the plurality of entries being stored in a storage, a transmission unit to transmit to the switch an integration entry that the plurality of entries is integrated in an integration rule, the switch storing the plurality of entries in a table used for processing input packets, an acquisition unit to acquire the plurality of entries from the storage, and a control unit to perform re-integration processing including generating a re-integration entry integrated the plurality of entries and an additional entry in a re-integration rule created based on content of the plurality of entries and the additional entry, the re-integration entry being transmitted to the switch.

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150281067A1
Автор: Tianyi Wu

In a method and an apparatus provided for implementing communication between virtual machines, a first switch receives an ARP response from an SDN controller, where the ARP response carries a MAC address of a destination gateway; the first switch acquires, according to the MAC address of the destination gateway, VTEP information corresponding to the MAC address of the destination gateway, where a router corresponding to the VTEP information is located in a first data center; and the first switch sends, according to the VTEP information, an IP packet to the router corresponding to the VTEP information, so that the router corresponding to the VTEP information sends the IP packet to a second virtual machine through a tunnel between the router and a second switch.

20-07-2021 дата публикации

Discovering and mitigating MTU/fragmentation issues in a computer network

Номер: US0011070483B2
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology, Inc., CISCO TECH INC

In one embodiment, a maximum transmission unit (MTU) mismatch assessment service receives a notification of a mismatch between a packet size of a packet sent by a source to a destination in a network and an MTU of an intermediate router between the source and destination in the network. The service determines, using a machine learning-based model, that the mismatch represents a persistent MTU mismatch condition at the intermediate router. The service identifies a target router in the network to receive a configuration adjustment instruction, based on the persistent MTU mismatch condition. The service sends the configuration adjustment instruction to the target router, to alleviate the persistent MTU mismatch condition at the intermediate router.

30-04-2019 дата публикации

Distributed virtual gateway appliance

Номер: US0010277423B2

Methods, computer program products, and systems are presented. The methods include, for instance: providing a distributed virtual gateway for Network Virtualization over Layer 3 (NVO3) network. A gateway stack having three or more nodes is implemented as a distributed virtual gateway, providing Layer 2 or Layer 3 gateway services in a fail-safe manner. Nodes of the gateway stack are configured to autonomously process and forward inbound NVO3 data packets with known destination addresses without engaging a master of the gateway stack.

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Providing efficient routing of an operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) frame received at a port of an ethernet switch

Номер: US0010965792B2

A system for efficient routing of an OAM) frame in an Ethernet switch receives an OAM frame at a first port; building a first classification key dependent on an OAM frame header; classifies in a context of the first port to create a first classification; resolves action dependent on the first classification; modifies the first classification key to create a second classification key; classifies the frame in a context of the second port to create a second classification; sends the second classification key to an OAM engine coupled to the Ethernet switch for modification into a third classification key; receives the third classification key from the OAM engine; modifies the third classification key into a final classification key; modifies the header of the OAM frame with the final classification key; and sends the modified OAM frame to a switching fabric of the Ethernet switch.

08-05-2003 дата публикации

Multicasting method and switch

Номер: US2003088694A1

A method and system is provided for the scheduling of multicast frames in a switching network. In one exemplary embodiment, a destination identifier in an incoming frame to be multicast is used to determine an output port mask via a table lookup. The output port mask is used to determine which selected output ports receive a copy of the incoming frame. The selected output ports are copied to concurrently. Thus an efficient and simple method and system is provided to multicast an incoming frame.

17-08-2006 дата публикации

Switch fabric with memory management unit for improved flow control

Номер: US20060182112A1
Автор: James Battle, Daniel Tai
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corporation

A method for controlling a flow of packet data in a memory management unit of a network switch fabric is disclosed. A first portion of a data packet is received at a port on an ingress bus ring of the network switch fabric. A class of service for the data packet is determined based on the first portion and the portion is stored in a packer RAM of the port based on the class of service. Subsequent portions of the data packet are stored in the packer RAM. Once the predetermined number of portions have been received, the predetermined number of portions is sent to a packet pool RAM. A reference pointer to a first predetermined number of portions is sent to a transaction queue once an end of packet is detected and an egress scheduler detects a presence of a ready packet in the transaction queue and notifies an unpacker of the ready packet. The unpacker puts the ready packet into a FIFO and the ready packet is sent to an ingress/egress module.

19-04-2007 дата публикации

Method of processing information packets and telecommunication apparatus using the same

Номер: US20070086356A1
Принадлежит: ALCATEL

A method of processing information packets is disclosed which is adapted for a telecommunication apparatus comprising first processing means, second processing means and memory means. This method comprises the steps of: A) receiving an information packet from a telecommunication network by means of the first processing means; B) checking whether the value of a predetermined characteristic of this packet has already been processed by the second processing means; C) if the check at step B) is negative, checking whether this value has already been stored into the memory means; and D) if the check at step C) is negative, transmitting this value from the first processing means to the memory means and storing this value into the memory means. This method can advantageously be used in a telecommunication apparatus, particularly a layer-2 switch machine.

17-02-1998 дата публикации

Network packet switch using shared memory for repeating and bridging packets at media rate

Номер: US0005720032A1
Принадлежит: Compaq Computer Corporation

A hub circuit with an integrated bridge circuit carried out in software including a switch for bypassing the bridge process such that the two bridged networks effectively become one network. An in-band management process in software is disclosed which receives and executes network management commands received as data packets from the LANs coupled to the integrated hub/bridge. Also, hardware and software to implement an isolate mode where data packets which would ordinarily be transferred by the bridge process are not transferred except in-band management packets are transferred to the in-band management process regardless of which network from which they arrived. Also disclosed, a packet switching machine having shared high-speed memory with multiple ports, one port coupled to a plurality of LAN controller chips coupled to individual LAN segments and an Ethernet microprocessor that sets up and manages a receive buffer for storing received packets and transferring pointers thereto to a main ...

05-12-2002 дата публикации

Cell-based switch fabric with distributed scheduling

Номер: US20020181454A1

A switch fabric implemented on a chip includes an array of cells and an I/O interface in communication with the array of cells for permitting exchange of data packets between said array of cells and components external to said array of cells. Each cell communicates with at least one other cell of the array, thereby permitting an exchange of data packets to take place between the cells of the array. Each cell includes a memory for receiving a data packet from another cell of the array as well as a control entity to control release of a data packet toward a selected destination cell of the array at least in part on a basis of a degree of occupancy of the memory in the destination cell. In this way, scheduling is distributed amongst the cells of the switch fabric.

18-08-2020 дата публикации

Switchboard server using a high-level programming interface

Номер: US0010749938B1
Автор: Zhishen Liu
Принадлежит: 8×8, Inc.

Certain aspects of the disclosure are directed to routing communications for a plurality of switchboard interfaces, each switchboard interface corresponding to a data communications-enabled device of a respective receptionist. According to a specific example, a computing server is configured and arranged to provide data communications for a plurality of endpoint devices. A processing circuit can be communicatively coupled to the computing server and configured and arranged to receive communication event data from the computing server. For each of the plurality of disparate client entities, and in response to a subscription request from a switchboard interface for the client entity, the processing circuit can initiate a new subscription for the switchboard interface. While the subscription is active, the processing circuit can provide pseudo-event message data indicating a data metric specified in a respective set of control data for the client entity derived from programming instructions ...

13-11-2003 дата публикации

Method of parallel packet switching

Номер: US20030210654A1
Принадлежит: Dongguk University

Present invention relates to telecommunication switching systems and methods of packet switching and can be usable at development new high-speed telecommunication devices and equipment as switching structure. Iterative network structure, according to invention, is described using associative switching theory. Network nodes are disposed in associative arithmetical space. Inter-nodal relations are preset by binary relations of associative theory and have properties of reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity. Each node is represented by single radius neighborhood. Inter-nodal one-to-one connectivity of inputs and outputs of couple of transmitting and receiving nodes is defined by system of substitutions. Parallel routing algorithm is realized as permutation operation on a set of substitutions in-group of single radius neighborhoods. The information-processing rate is sped up due to concurrency of node processing operations up to multiplying by N22in associative network with N nodes. The offered ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038392A1

Described herein are systems, devices, and methods for front end configurations that support multiple input multiple output (MiMo) communication for cellular signals. The configurations include an antenna triplexer, a first multiplexer, and a second multiplexer. A first filter of the triplexer is coupled to a signal port of the first multiplexer, a second filter of the triplexer is coupled to a first signal port of the second multiplexer, and a third filter of the triplexer is coupled to a second signal port of the second multiplexer. The first multiplexer processes low-band (LB) cellular frequency bands and the second multiplexer processes mid-band (MB), high-band (HB), and ultra high-band (UHB) cellular frequency bands. Each frequency band includes a duplexer to enable bi-directional communication.

05-12-2000 дата публикации

High density packet switch with high speed interfaces and method for using same

Номер: US0006157638A

A high speed packet switch (100) is provided which uses a fabric size of 128x128 and operates at a 2.5 Gbps rate. Parallel data transport techniques are used to obtain the 2.5 Gbps data rate while operating internal switches (160) at slower rates. The packet switch fabric is fabricated on a single ASIC using high speed CMOS.

12-04-2005 дата публикации

Packet processing in a router architecture

Номер: US0006879587B1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation, INTEL CORP, INTEL CORPORATION

A routing architecture comprising at least one or more switches for packet switching and a controller for controlling the switches is proposed. A packet is received by the controller through the switch as if the switch is located in the controller.

29-02-2000 дата публикации

Network system having function of changing route upon failure

Номер: US0006032266A

A network system includes a plurality of networks, a first internetwork apparatus having a plurality of first ports each connected to the plurality of networks, a second internetwork apparatus having a plurality of second ports each connected to the plurality of networks, and a data transmission path connected to the first and second internetwork apparatuses to transmit data mutually between the first and second internetwork apparatuses. In the normal state, each of the plurality of first ports is caused to be able to transmit and receive data to and from one of the plurality of networks and the plurality of second ports are caused not to be able to receive data from the plurality of networks and to be able to transmit data to the plurality of networks. Whether a failure occurs in any of one of the plurality of first ports and a route between one of the plurality of first ports and one of the plurality of networks connected thereto is detected and the one of the plurality of first ports ...

25-06-1996 дата публикации

Systems and methods for employing a recursive mesh network with extraplanar links

Номер: US0005530575A

Techniques for making a recursive mesh network for connecting a varying number of access stations within a service area is disclosed. The techniques include (a) dividing the service area into MxN rectangular regions, having (M+1)x(N+1) corners, which cover the entire range of the service area; (b) placing an access station at an available region corner whenever a new access station becomes available, and connecting the access station to its corresponding optical connection paths, until (M+1)x(N+1) access stations have been so connected; (c) determining, for each additional new access station, which region the additional new access station falls within; (d) if this determined region has not been divided, dividing the determined region into SxT sub-regions; (e) if the divided determined region has less than (S+1)x(T+1) access stations within it, placing the additional new access station at an available sub-region corner in the region and connecting the new additional access station to at ...

01-01-2002 дата публикации

Distributed type switching system

Номер: US0006335934B1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd., HITACHI LTD, HITACHI, LTD.

A switching system for integratedly switching voice, data, image information and the like. The switching system comprises a plurality of front-end modules each adapted to perform a switching processing in association with a subscriber line or a trunk line, and a single or a plurality of central modules for interconnecting the plurality of front-end modules in star-type fashion and switching information prevailing between the front-end modules, in unit of block accommodating the information and a header added thereto to contain connection control information and in accordance with the contents of the header. The front-end modules are connected to the central module via inter-module highways each having frames occurring at a predetermined period and time slots contained in each frame to carry blocks.

28-11-1995 дата публикации

Lambda network having 2m-1 nodes in each of m stages with each node coupled to four other nodes for bidirectional routing of data packets between nodes

Номер: US0005471623A

The Lambda network is a single stage, packet-switched interprocessor communication network for a distributed memory, parallel processor computer. Its design arises from the desired network characteristics of minimizing mean and maximum packet transfer time, local routing, expandability, deadlock avoidance, and fault tolerance. The network is based on fixed degree nodes and has mean and maximum packet transfer distances where n is the number of processors. The routing method is detailed, as are methods for expandability, deadlock avoidance, and fault tolerance.

09-11-2021 дата публикации

Distributed multi-die protocol application interface

Номер: US0011169951B2
Принадлежит: Altera Corporation, ALTERA CORP

Systems and methods are provided for supporting wide-protocol interface across a multi-die interconnect interface. Data signals of a wide-protocol interface are split into a plurality of data streams. A handshake signal is established between a first circuit and a second circuit, whereby the first circuit and second circuit are dies of a multi-die device. The first circuit transmits the plurality of data streams to the second circuit via a plurality of multi-die interconnect channels. Each data stream of the plurality of data streams are compressed based on the handshake signal in order to provide wide-protocol interface with reduced number of required pins.

10-10-2017 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for implementing connectivity between edge devices via a switch fabric

Номер: US0009787583B2
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks, Inc., JUNIPER NETWORKS INC

In some embodiments, an apparatus includes a first edge device that is operatively coupled to a second edge device via a switch fabric. The first edge device and the second edge device collectively define an edge device network operating with a network-address-based protocol. The first edge device communicates with the second edge device via a multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) tunnel through the switch fabric. Furthermore, the first edge device is operatively coupled to the switch fabric such that a node of the switch fabric can be modified without coordination of the edge device network. Additionally, the first edge device is operatively coupled to the second edge device to define the edge device network such that an edge device of the edge device network can be modified without coordination of the switch fabric.

04-06-2009 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Providing Remote Access Redirect Capability in a Channel Adapter of a System Area Network

Номер: US2009144383A1

A method and apparatus for providing remote access redirect in a host channel adapter of a system area network are provided. The apparatus and method provide a mechanism by which a host channel adapter, in response to receiving a marker message, places selected channel(s) of the host channel adapter in a remote access redirect (RAR) mode of operation. During the RAR mode of operation, memory access messages received by the host channel adapter that are destined for portions of an application memory space marked as being protected are converted to RAR receive messages and redirected to a queue pair associated with an operating system rather than the queue pair for the application. The operating system is responsible for serializing access to application memory pages outside of the host channel adapter. The mechanisms of the present invention may be used to perform a checkpoint data integrity operation.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079061A1

Techniques are disclosed for hash-based routing table management in a distributed network switch having multiple switch modules. Upon determining that an attempt to insert a first routing entry into a first hash table of the routing table has failed, a second routing entry, which exists in the first hash table, is attempted to be moved to a second hash table of the routing table. If the move attempt is successful, then the first routing entry is added to the location previously occupied by the second routing entry. If the move attempt is unsuccessful, then a third routing entry, which exists in the first hash table, is attempted to be moved.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007434A1
Принадлежит: Accton Technology Corporation

A network interface card installed in a chassis switch, which includes a switch device and a controller, is provided. The switch device includes a plurality of ports coupled to other network interface cards in the chassis switch, and each of the other network interface cards is a fabric card or a line card. The controller is configured to perform different acts according to the card type of the network interface card, wherein the acts constitute a specific process of path planning which may prevent loops from occurring in the communication paths of control packet delivery between multiple network interface cards in the chassis switch. 1. A network interface card , installed in a chassis switch , comprising:a switch device, comprising a plurality of ports coupled to other network interface cards in the chassis switch, and each of the other network interface cards is a fabric card or a line card; and configuring the ports to be in a forwarding state and sending a first control packet through each of the ports;', 'receiving a plurality of second control packets from a plurality of line cards through the ports in response to the network interface card being a root fabric card;', 'determining one of the line cards to be a designated line card according to a plurality of second identities in the second control packets; and', 'configuring the ports other than the one coupled to the designated line card to be in a listening state in response to the network interface card being a backup fabric card;, 'a controller, configured to, when the network interface card is a fabric card, perform acts comprising configuring the ports to be in the listening state and receiving the first control packet from each of a plurality of fabric cards through the ports;', 'determining one of the fabric cards to be the root fabric card according to a plurality of first identities in the first control packet; and', 'configuring the ports to be in the forwarding state in response to the network ...

19-07-2016 дата публикации

FCoE VNport virtualizer

Номер: US0009397958B2

An FCoE VN_Port virtualizer where VF_Ports are used to connect downstream to host and target VN_Ports and a VN_Port is used to connect upstream to further FCoE VN_Port virtualizers or to an FCF. An alternate embodiment uses an Ethernet Fabric for an additional purpose. The Ethernet Fabric devices all act as FCoE VN_Port virtualizers, so that the Ethernet Fabric itself is considered a virtual FCoE VN_Port virtualizer.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078076A1

A method for controlling an output of an energy module of a modular energy system. The energy module can comprise a plurality of amplifiers configured to generate a drive signal at a frequency range and a plurality of ports coupled to the plurality of amplifiers. The method includes determining to which port of the plurality of ports the surgical instrument is connected, selectively coupling an amplifier of the plurality of amplifiers to the port of the plurality of ports to which the surgical instrument is connected, and controlling the amplifier to deliver the drive signal for driving the energy modality to the surgical instrument through the port.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190104207A1

Network access node virtual fabrics configured dynamically over an underlay network are described. A centralized controller, such as a software-defined networking (SDN) controller, of a packet switched network is configured to establish one or more virtual fabrics as overlay networks on top of the physical underlay network of the packet switched network. For example, the SDN controller may define multiple sets of two of more access nodes connected to the packet switched network, and the access nodes of a given one of the sets may use a new data transmission protocol, referred to generally herein as a fabric control protocol (FCP), to dynamically setup tunnels as a virtual fabric over the packet switched network. The FCP tunnels may include all or a subset of the parallel data paths through the packet switched network between the access nodes for a given virtual fabric.

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150188847A1

Systems and methods described herein are directed to streaming bridge design implementations that help interconnect and transfer transaction packets between multiple source and destination host interfaces through a Network on Chip (NoC) interconnect, which includes a plurality of NoC router layers and virtual channels (VCs) connecting the router layers. Implementations are configured to support a variety of different traffic profiles, each having a different set of traffic flows. Streaming bridge design implementation can divide streaming bridge into a streaming TX bridge and a streaming RX bridge, wherein TX bridge is operatively coupled with host TX interfaces and RX bridge is operatively coupled with host RX interfaces, and where TX bridge forwards transaction packets from host TX interfaces to different router layers/VCs of NoC, and RX bridge, on the other hand, receives packets from NoC router layers/VCs and transmits the packets to host RX interfaces based on Quality of Service.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Backplane Interface Adapter

Номер: US20120026868A1
Принадлежит: Foundry Networks LLC

A backplane interface adapter for a network switch. The backplane interface adapter includes at least one receiver that receives input cells carrying packets of data; at least one cell generator that generates encoded cells which include the packets of data from the input cells; and at least one transmitter that transmits the generated cells to a switching fabric. The cell includes a destination slot identifier that identifies a slot of the switching fabric towards which the respective input cell is being sent. The generated cells include in-band control information.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Crossbar switch and recursive scheduling

Номер: US20120033662A1
Автор: Tadeusz H. Szymanski
Принадлежит: Individual

A crossbar switch has N input ports, M output ports, and a switching matrix with N×M crosspoints. In an embodiment, each crosspoint contains an internal queue, which can store one or more packets to be touted. Traffic rates to be realized between all Input/Output (IO) pairs of the switch are specified in an N×M traffic rate matrix, where each element equals a number of requested cell transmission opportunities between each IO pair within a scheduling frame of F time-slots. An efficient algorithm for scheduling N traffic flows with traffic rates based upon a recursive and fair decomposition of a traffic rate vector with N elements, is proposed. To reduce memory requirements shared row queue (SRQ) may be embedded in each row of the switching matrix, allowing the size of all the XQs to be reduced. To further reduce memory requirements, a shared column queue may be used in place of the XQs. The proposed buffered crossbar switches with shared row and column queues, in conjunction with the now scheduling algorithm and the DCS column scheduling algorithm, can achieve high throughout with reduced buffer and VLSI area requirements, while providing probabilistic guarantees on rate, delay and jitter for scheduled traffic flows.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Diagnostic Port for Inter-Switch Link Testing in Electrical, Optical and Remote Loopback Modes

Номер: US20120051738A1
Принадлежит: Brocade Communications Systems LLC

A diagnostic testing utility is used to perform single link diagnostics tests including an electrical loopback test, an optical loopback test, a link traffic test, and a link distance measurement test. To perform the diagnostic tests, two ports at each end of a link are identified and then statically configured by a user. The ports will be configured as D_Ports and as such will be isolated from the fabric with no data traffic flowing through them. The ports will then be used to send test frames to perform the diagnostic tests.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for network switch element

Номер: US20120069839A1
Принадлежит: QLogic LLC

Method and system for a network switch element is provided. The switch element includes a plurality of megaports, each megaport uniquely identified by a unique megaport address identifier for network addressing. Each megaport includes a plurality of operational ports, each operational port identified by a unique operational port address identifier. The switch element also includes a local crossbar for communication between the plurality of operational ports, and a shared logic module configured to provide common control of the plurality of operational ports within a megaport to allow operational ports to share resource of a single megaport to route network packets there between. The switch element also includes a global crossbar configured to allow communication between the megaports.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Network packet steering via configurable association of packet processing resources and network interfaces

Номер: US20120069850A1
Принадлежит: Fortinet Inc

Methods and systems are provided for steering network packets. According to one embodiment, a dynamically configurable steering table is stored within a memory of each network interface of a networking routing/switching device. The steering table represents a mapping that logically assigns each of the network interfaces to one of multiple packet processing resources of the network routing/switching device. The steering table has contained therein information indicative of a unique identifier/address of the assigned packet processing resource. Responsive to receiving a packet on a network interface, the network interface performs Layer 1 or Layer 2 steering of the received packet to the assigned packet processing resource by retrieving the information indicative of the unique identifier/address of the assigned packet processing resource from the steering table based on a channel identifier associated with the received packet and the received packet is processed by the assigned packet processing resource.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Data transfer device

Номер: US20120093171A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A data transfer device 210 is equipped with a plurality of communication ports 211 a and 211 b, a communication establishment processor 212, and a communication maintenance processor 213. The communication establishment processor 212 transmits and receives communication establishing information for establishing communication with an external device connected via the communication port to and from the external device. The communication maintenance processor 213 is configured to operate independently of the communication establishment processor 212 and, every time a predetermined transmission period elapses, transmits communication maintaining information for maintaining the establishment of communication with the external device, to the external device. In a state that communication with a plurality of external devices via the plurality of communication ports is established, the data transfer device 210 transmits data received from one of the plurality of external devices to the other one of the plurality of external devices.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular network with concurrent packet transmission

Номер: US20120106550A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A vehicular network is a closed network with known sources, destinations, and network connections that can be mapped in advance, and used to identify network resources needed to transmit a packet from a source to a destination. A network module can determine the source destination, and a priority of a packet based on the packet's content. Using the source and destination information, along with a network topology data, the network module can determine if two packets need the same network resources to be delivered to their destination. When the two packets do not use the same resources, there is no conflict, and the packets can be transmitted concurrently regardless of whether one of the packets has a higher priority than another packet. If there is a conflict, the network module transmits the packets based on the packets' priorities.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Unified vehicle network frame protocol

Номер: US20120109406A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A vehicle communication network includes a network fabric, a plurality of vehicle control modules, memory, one or more multimedia processing modules, and a network manager. The network manager is operable to coordinate communication of packets, via the network fabric, among the vehicle control modules, the memory, and the multimedia processing modules based on individual content of the packets and in accordance with a global vehicle network communication protocol. The network manager is further operable to facilitate network resource management to support the communication of packets via the network fabric in accordance with the global vehicle network communication protocol.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Power management within a vehicular communication network

Номер: US20120109407A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Power management within a vehicle is achieved by maintaining individual and/or power island power saving options for each of a plurality of devices coupled to a vehicular communication network of the vehicle. Upon determining that power savings should be enabled for a device, at least one of the power saving options for the device is selected and applied.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Providing power over ethernet within a vehicular communication network

Номер: US20120110356A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A power distribution system within a vehicle operates to provide power over Ethernet to a plurality of network node modules coupled to a vehicular communication network of the vehicle.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus related to a switch fabric system having a multi-hop distributed control plane and a single-hop data plane

Номер: US20120155453A1
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

In some embodiments, an apparatus includes a compute device to communicate with a network control entity at each access switch from a set of access switches that define a portion of a data plane having a switch fabric coupling as hierarchical peers each access switch from the set of access switches. The compute device is operable to define a portion of a control plane that includes the network control entities from the set of access switches such that the compute device is hierarchically removed from the network control entities from the set of access switches. The compute device is operable to receive forwarding-state information from a first access switch from the set of access switches. The compute device to send the forwarding-state information to a second access switch from the set of access switches.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Two-dimensional circulating switch

Номер: US20120189003A1
Автор: Maged E. Beshai

A one-dimensional circulating switch may be defined by connections between several switch modules and one or more temporal cyclic rotators. Where a switch module that is part of a first one-dimensional circulating switch is also connected one or more temporal cyclic rotators that define a second one-dimensional circulating switch, a two-dimensional circulating switch is formed. A two-dimensional circulating switch is flexible and may scale to capacities ranging from a few gigabits per second to multiple Petabits per second.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Cluster router and cluster routing method

Номер: US20120189019A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A cluster router includes at least one control apparatus and at least two forwarding apparatuses. The control apparatus is connected to the forwarding apparatuses, and the forwarding apparatuses are connected with each other. The control apparatus is configured to generate a routing table of each forwarding apparatus and a packet processing information conversion table of each forwarding apparatus. The forwarding apparatus is configured to receive the routing table of the forwarding apparatus and the packet processing information conversion table of the forwarding apparatus, and execute data exchange between the forwarding apparatuses according to the routing table and the packet processing information conversion table.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Software Pipelining On A Network On Chip

Номер: US20120209944A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Memory sharing in a software pipeline on a network on chip (‘NOC’), the NOC including integrated processor (‘IP’) blocks, routers, memory communications controllers, and network interface controllers, with each IP block adapted to a router through a memory communications controller and a network interface controller, where each memory communications controller controlling communications between an IP block and memory, and each network interface controller controlling inter-IP block communications through routers, including segmenting a computer software application into stages of a software pipeline, the software pipeline comprising one or more paths of execution; allocating memory to be shared among at least two stages including creating a smart pointer, the smart pointer including data elements for determining when the shared memory can be deallocated; determining, in dependence upon the data elements for determining when the shared memory can be deallocated, that the shared memory can be deallocated; and deallocating the shared memory.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Scalable Distributed Web-Based Authentication

Номер: US20120221849A1
Принадлежит: Brocade Communications Systems LLC

Web-based authentication includes receiving a packet in a network switch having at least one associative store configured to forward packet traffic to a first one or more processors of the switch that are dedicated to cryptographic processing if a destination port of the packet indicates a secure transport protocol, and to a second one or more processors of the switch that are not dedicated to cryptographic processing if the destination port does not indicate a secure transport protocol. If a source of the packet is an authenticated user, the packet is forwarded via an output port of the switch, based on the associative store. If the source is an unauthenticated user, the packet is forwarded to the first one or more processors if the destination port indicates a secure transport protocol, and to the second one or more processors if the destination port does not indicate a secure transport protocol.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for dynamically creating and servicing master-slave pairs within and across switch fabrics of a portable computing device

Номер: US20120284354A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method and system for dynamically creating and servicing master-slave pairs within and across switch fabrics of a portable computing device (“PCD”) are described. The system and method includes receiving a client request comprising a master-slave pair and conducting a search for a slave corresponding to the master-slave pair. A route for communications within and across switch fabrics is created and that corresponds to the master-slave pair. One or more handles or arrays may be stored in a memory device that correspond to the created route. Next, bandwidth across the route may be set. After the bandwidth across the newly created route is set, the client request originating the master-slave pair may be serviced using the created route. Conducting the search for the slave may include comparing unique identifiers assigned to each slave in a master-slave hierarchy. The search within and across switch fabrics may also include reviewing a fabric route check table for slaves that can be interrogated within a switch fabric.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Channel Service Manager with Priority Queing

Номер: US20120327951A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method are provided for prioritizing network processor information flow in a channel service manager (CSM). The method receives a plurality of information streams on a plurality of input channels, and selectively links input channels to CSM channels. The information streams are stored, and the stored the information streams are mapped to a processor queue in a group of processor queues. Information streams are supplied from the group of processor queues to a network processor in an order responsive to a ranking of the processor queues inside the group. More explicitly, selectively linking input channels to CSM channels includes creating a fixed linkage between each input port and an arbiter in a group of arbiters, and scheduling information streams in response to the ranking of the arbiter inside the group. Finally, a CSM channel is selected for each information stream scheduled by an arbiter.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Fibre channel switching system

Номер: US20130016734A1
Автор: Stuart B. Berman
Принадлежит: Emulex Design and Manufacturing Corp

The Fibre Channel standard was created by the American National Standard for Information Systems (ANSI) X3T11 task group to define a serial I/O channel for interconnecting a number of heterogeneous peripheral devices to computer systems as well as interconnecting the computer systems themselves through optical fiber and copper media at gigabit speeds (i.e., one billion bits per second). Multiple protocols such as SCSI (Small Computer Serial Interface), IP (Internet Protocol), HIPPI, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) among others can concurrently utilize the same media when mapped over Fibre Channel. A Fibre Channel Fabric is an entity which transmits Fibre Channel frames between connected Node Ports. The Fibre Channel fabric routes the frames based on the destination address as well as other information embedded in the Fibre Channel frame header. Node Ports are attached to the Fibre Channel Fabric through links.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method for high-performance, low-power data center interconnect fabric with broadcast or multicast addressing

Номер: US20130022040A1
Принадлежит: Calxeda Inc

A system and method are provided that support a routing using a tree-like or graph topology that supports multiple links per node, where each link is designated as an Up, Down, or Lateral link, or both, within the topology. The system may use a segmented MAC architecture which may have a method of re-purposing MAC IP addresses for inside MACs and outside MACs, and leveraging what would normally be the physical signaling for the MAC to feed into the switch.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for controlling a network switch

Номер: US20130070761A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Systems and methods are provided for controlling a network switch. At least one forwarding element of the distributed switch is positioned at a first location of a network. A control element of the distributed switch is positioned at a second location of the network. The at least one forwarding element is controlled from the control element by establishing a communication between the forwarding element and the control element via the network.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Network system and network redundancy method

Номер: US20130077481A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

In a network system in which a switch forwarding packets and a control server determining route information are separated, it is desired to achieve a redundancy of the control channel by an out-of-band control channel and an in-band control channel, when the switch receives a control message regarding the flow entry registration and the like based on the route information from the control server. Specifically, the separated switch and control server are connected by a control channel for sending and receiving the control message. The switch is not only connected to a control server via an out-of-band control channel by a route dedicated to the control message, but also connected to another control server via an in-band control channel by a route which is common with a normal data communication for determining the route information, to achieve a redundancy of the control channel.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

High speed fibre channel switch element

Номер: US20130077637A1
Принадлежит: QLogic LLC

A high-speed Fibre Channel switch element in a Fibre Channel network is provided. The Fibre Channel switch element includes, a rate select module that allows a port in the Fibre Channel switch element to operate at a rate equal to and/or higher than 10 gigabits per second (“G”). The port may operate at 20 G, 40 G or at a rate greater than 40 G. Also, a cut status is provided for cut-through routing between ports operating at different speed. Plural transmit and receive lines are used for port operation at a rate equal to or higher than 10 G.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Network traffic distribution

Номер: US20130088969A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A switch for a switching network includes a plurality of ports for communicating data traffic and a switch controller that controls switching between the plurality of ports. The switch controller selects a forwarding path for the data traffic based on at least topological congestion information for the switching network. In a preferred embodiment, the topological congestion information includes sFlow topological congestion information and the switch controller includes an sFlow client that receives the sFlow topological congestion information from an sFlow controller in the switching network.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094498A1

Dynamic packet routing based on fabric awareness information is presented. Networking nodes in a networking fabric observe environmental properties across the fabric. When differences in environment properties between portions of the fabric are detected, differences in power consumption costs for example, the fabric generates corresponding routing tables. The networking nodes can then route traffic in a manner that is sensitive to the environment properties, power consumption or the cost of power for example. 1. A networking node comprisinga plurality of communication ports;a fabric awareness module configured to obtain fabric awareness information from other similar networking nodes via at least one of the communication ports, the fabric awareness information comprising differences among fabric environment metrics of the similar networking nodes;a routing policy generator coupled with the fabric awareness module and that generates a routing policy according the differences among the fabric environment metrics and according to a prioritized routing policy template; anda routing module coupled with the routing policy generator configured to route packets via the communication ports according to the routing policy based on packet attributes.2. The networking node of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of communication ports comprise physical ports.3. The networking node of claim 2 , wherein the physical ports comprise at least one of the following: a wired port claim 2 , an optical port claim 2 , and a wireless port.4. The networking node of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of communication ports comprise logical ports.5. The networking node of claim 4 , wherein the logical ports comprise addressable channels.6. The networking node of claim 4 , wherein the logical ports are addressable via at least one of the following a wavelength claim 4 , a frequency claim 4 , a signature claim 4 , and a port identifier.7. The networking node of claim 1 , wherein the traffic routing ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for High-Performance, Low-Power Data Center Interconnect Fabric

Номер: US20130094499A1
Принадлежит: CALXEDA, INC.

A system and method are provided that support a routing using a tree-like or graph topology that supports multiple links per node, where each link is designated as an Up, Down, or Lateral link, or both, within the topology. The system may use a segmented MAC architecture which may have a method of re-purposing MAC IP addresses for inside MACs and outside MACs, and leveraging what would normally be the physical signaling for the MAC to feed into the switch. 1. A system on a chip configured for providing server functionality to one or more computing systems , comprising:one or more processing cores;one or more peripheral element interfaces coupled to the one or more processing cores; andone or more management processors coupled to each one of the one or more processing cores.2. The system on a chip of claim 1 , further comprising:a switching fabric coupled between each one of the one or more peripheral element interfaces and the one or more management processor.3. The system on a chip of wherein the one or more management processors cause a communication request directed to a first one of the one or more processing cores to be held in the switching fabric while the first one of the one or more processing cores is in an inactive state and causes the communication request to be received by the first one of the one or more processing cores in response to the first one of the one or more processing cores being transitioned from the inactive state to an active state.4. The system on a chip of wherein:the management processor causes a communication request directed to a first one of the one or more processing cores to be held in the switching fabric when the one or more management processors determine that the first one of the one or more processing cores is in an inactive state;the management processor assesses the one or more processing cores to determine a second one of the one or more processing cores that is currently in an active state; andthe one or more management ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for High-Performance, Low-Power Data Center Interconnect Fabric

Номер: US20130097351A1
Принадлежит: Calxeda Inc

A system and method are provided that support a routing using a tree-like or graph topology that supports multiple links per node, where each link is designated as an Up, Down, or Lateral link, or both, within the topology. The system may use a segmented MAC architecture which may have a method of re-purposing MAC IP addresses for inside MACs and outside MACs, and leveraging what would normally be the physical signaling for the MAC to feed into the switch.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128721A1

A system to improve a Fibre Channel over Convergence Enhanced Ethernet (FCoCEE) network may include a sender in an FCoCEE network in which data packets having different data link layer structures are transmitted by the sender on a single data link. The system may also include a receiver to receive the data packets at the data link layer and to transmit an ACK and/or NAK in response to a sequence number in the data packets. The system may further include a replay buffer to retransmit the data packets where the replay buffer is sized by the length of the data link, data rate of the data link, the ACK and/or NAK processing time at either the sender and/or the receiver, and/or a threshold time for transmission and/or reception of the data packets. 1. A method comprising:receiving, using a computer processor, at a receiver data packets having different data link layer structures on a single data link at a data link layer via a sender through a Fibre Channel over Convergence Enhanced Ethernet (FCoCEE) and transmitting at least one of an acknowledge signal (ACK) and a no acknowledge signal (NAK) in response to a sequence number in the data packets; andretransmitting the data packets via a replay buffer that is sized by at least one of length of the single data link, data rate of the single data link, at least one of ACK and NAK processing time at either the sender or the receiver, and at least one of a threshold time for transmission and reception of the data packets.2. The method of further comprising operating the replay buffer at the FCoCEE network's physical layer.3. The method of further comprising modifying the data packet's EtherType field so each data packet comprises a sequence number via the sender.4. The method of further comprising indicating additional reliable link layer sequence number bytes via a delimiter claim 1 , and if a reliable link layer is enabled claim 1 , sequential Packet Sequence Numbers are at least one of grouped together as a common traffic ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Computer system fabric switch

Номер: US20130142195A1
Автор: Gregg B. Lesartre
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A fabric switch includes ports, a location function, component, and a routing function component. Packets are received and forwarded via the ports. The location function component provides for determining a location of routing information within a received packet of rooting information based at least in part on the input port at which said packet was received. The routing function component provides for determining an output port as a routing function based at least in part on the contents of said location.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156042A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

A customer order is received for routing data for a time period, and provisioning a logical circuit for routing the data during the time period. The logical circuit is provisioned through a first LATA, an IEC, and a second LATA. The logical circuit includes first variable communication paths that automatically reroute from a first set of switches to a second set of switches of the first LATA while maintaining the logical circuit, second variable communication paths to route the data through the second LATA, and fixed communication paths to route the data between the first LATA, the second LATA, and the IEC. The second set of switches form a route associated with the first variable communication paths that is not predefined and that is dynamically defined at a time of automatic rerouting. The logical circuit is added to a deletion batch, and disconnected at the end of the time period. 1. A machine accessible storage device or storage disc comprising instructions that cause a machine to perform a method comprising:receiving a customer order for routing data in a data network for a time period;provisioning a logical circuit in the data network for routing the data during the time period, wherein provisioning the logical circuit comprises, without manual intervention, provisioning the logical circuit through a first local access and transport area, an inter-exchange carrier, and a second local access and transport area, and wherein the logical circuit includes first variable communication paths to route the data through the first local access and transport area in which the first variable communication paths automatically reroute from first input and output ports of a first set of switches of the first local access and transport area to second input and output ports of a second set of switches of the first local access and transport area while maintaining the logical circuit, second variable communication paths to route the data through the second local access and ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Scalable network apparatus for content based switching or validation acceleration

Номер: US20130173786A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A network apparatus is provided that may include one or more security accelerators. The network apparatus also includes a plurality of network units cascaded together. According to one embodiment, the plurality of network units comprise a plurality of content based message directors, each to route or direct received messages to one of a plurality of application servers based upon the application data in the message. According to another embodiment, the plurality of network units comprise a plurality of validation accelerators, each validation accelerator to validate at least a portion of a message before outputting the message.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Network traffic distribution

Номер: US20130182571A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A switch for a switching network includes a plurality of ports for communicating data traffic and a switch controller that controls switching between the plurality of ports. The switch controller selects a forwarding path for the data traffic based on at least topological congestion information for the switching network. In a preferred embodiment, the topological congestion information includes sFlow topological congestion information and the switch controller includes an sFlow client that receives the sFlow topological congestion information from an sFlow controller in the switching network.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182704A1

Network switching and/or routing devices can use multiple priority data streams and queues to support prioritized serial transmission of data from line cards (or the like) through a fabric switch to other line cards (or the like). Preemption logic is used to insert within a data stream commands indicating a switch from one priority level data to another. Delimiter commands and combination switch/delimiter commands can also be used. Multiple crossbars are implemented in the fabric switch to support the various data stream priority levels. 1. (canceled)2. A method comprising: 'the first data stream comprises data having a first priority level;', 'receiving a first data stream, wherein'} 'the second data stream comprises data having a second priority level; and', 'receiving a second data stream, wherein'} the generating is based on the first data stream and on the second data stream, and', portions of the first data stream,', 'portions of the second data stream,', 'one or more first delimiters, and', 'one or more second delimiters, wherein', 'each of the one or more first delimiters indicates a change in priority from the first priority level to the second priority level,', 'each of the one or more second delimiters indicates a change in priority from the second priority level to the first priority level, and', 'the portions of the first data stream and the portions of the second data stream are separated using the one or more first delimiters and the one or more second delimiters., 'the combined data stream comprises'}], 'generating a combined data stream, wherein'}3. The method of claim 2 , whereinthe portions of the first data stream comprise a plurality of first data frames,the portions of the second data stream comprise a plurality of second data frames, and generating the plurality of first data frames, and', 'generating the plurality of second data frames,', 'in the combined data stream., 'the generating the combined data stream comprises'}4. The method of claim ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182715A1

Various exemplary embodiments relate to a method and related network node and machine-readable storage medium including a policy and charging rules node (PCRN) receiving a plurality of related service requests from different devices. The PCRN may proceed to generate a policy and charging control (PCC) rule based on at least one service request and other information stored in the PCRN if a mate service request does not arrive during the duration of a waiting timer. If the mate service request arrives subsequent to the expiry of the waiting timer, the PCRN may then generate a subsequent PCC rule to replace the previously generated rule, with the new PCC rule incorporating information from both of the mate service requests. 1. A method performed by a policy and charging rules node (PCRN) for handling a request message , the method comprising:receiving a request message;generating a first policy control and charging (PCC) rule based on first information carried by the request message and second information carried by a mate message associated with the request message; and removal of a second PCC rule from the GW, wherein the second PCC rule was generated based on the second information prior to receiving the request message, and', 'installation of the first PCC rule at the GW., 'communicating with a gateway (GW) to effect2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to receiving the request message:receiving the mate message;based upon receiving the mate message, starting a timer;waiting for the timer to expire; andbased on expiration of the timer, generating the second PCC rule based on the second information carried by the mate message.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the first PCC rule based on the first information carried by the request message and the second information carried by the mate message comprises modifying the second PCC rule based on the first information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the request message is received ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Switching matrix for interconnecting an access network and operator networks

Номер: US20130208730A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A switching matrix connects to an access network and a set of at least two operator networks. A controller performs a method of establishing new connections across the switching matrix in response to new connection requests. The new connection requests involve a sub-set of the set of operator networks. The controller determines if the new connections can be established across the switching matrix by rearranging only existing connections across the switching matrix to the sub-set of operator networks and, in response, establishes the at least one new connection. Otherwise, the controller rearranges existing connections across the switching matrix to at least one other of the set of operator networks to establish the new connections. The controller minimises the number of other operator networks which are involved when rearranging existing connections. The switching matrix can be a Clos switching matrix.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Scheduling distribution of logical forwarding plane data

Номер: US20130212243A1
Принадлежит: Nicira Inc

A controller for managing several managed switching elements that forward data in a network is described. The controller includes an interface for receiving input logical control plane data in terms of input events data. The controller includes a converter for converting the input logical control plane data to output logical forwarding plane data by processing the input events data. The logical forwarding plane data is for subsequent translation into physical control plane data. The controller includes an input scheduler for (1) categorizing the input events data into different groups based on certain criteria and (2) supplying the input events data into the converter in a manner that each different group of input events data is processed separately by the converter.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Communication channel for distributed network control system

Номер: US20130212244A1
Принадлежит: Nicira Inc

For a particular controller for managing managed forwarding elements that forward data in a network, a method for computing forwarding state using a set of inputs from a first controller and a second controller that is a back up controller for the first controller is described. The method receives a first subset of the set of inputs from the first controller. After failure of the first controller, the method receives a second subset of the set of inputs from the second controller. At least one input of the second subset of the set of inputs is duplicative of an input in the first subset. The method computes forwarding state using the first and second subsets of the inputs but without using the duplicative input.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Providing a Split Data Plane in a Flow-Based Switching Device

Номер: US20130223226A1
Принадлежит: Dell Products LP

A network switching device has a hardware data plane including a macroflow sub-plane that performs packet-based routing in the network switching device, and a microflow sub-plane that performs flow-based routing in the network switching device. The network switching device receives a packet-based routing rule from a software defined networking (SDN) controller, provides the packet-based routing rule to the macroflow sub-plane, receives a flow-based routing rule from the SDN controller, and provide the flow-based routing rule to the microflow sub-plane.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fault tolerant routing in a non-hot-standby configuration of a network routing system

Номер: US20130227340A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Methods and systems for facilitating fault tolerance in a non-hot-standby configuration of a network muting system are provided. According to one embodiment, a failover method is provided. One or more processing engines of a network routing system are configured to function as active processing engines, each of which having one or more software contexts. A control blade is contoured to monitor the active processing engines. One or more of the processing engines are identified to function as non-hot-standby processing engines, each of which having no pre-created software contexts corresponding, to the software contexts of the active processing engines. The control blade monitors the active processing engines. Responsive to detecting a fault associated with an active processing engine the active processing engine is dynamically replaced with a non-hot-standby processing engine by creating one or more replacement software contexts within the non-hot-standby processing engine corresponding to those of the active processing engine.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Servers, Switches, and Systems with Virtual Interface to External Network Connecting Hardware and Integrated Networking Driver

Номер: US20130242983A1

Methods, systems, and computer programs are presented for networking communications. One method includes an operation for receiving a packet in a first format by a virtual driver providing a communications interface of a first type (CI1), the first format being for CI1. Further, the method includes an operation for encapsulating the packet in a second format by a processor, the second format being for a communications interface of a second type (CI2) different from CI1. In addition, the method includes an operation for sending the encapsulated packet in the second format to a switch module. The switch module includes a switch fabric, one or more CI1 ports, and one or more CI2 ports, and the switch module transforms the packet back to the first format to send the packet in the first format to a CI1 network via one of the CI1 ports in the switch module. 1. A method for networking communications , the method comprising:receiving a packet in a first format by a virtual driver providing a communications interface of a first type (CI1), the first format being for CI1;encapsulating the packet in a second format by a processor, the second format being for a communications interface of a second type (CI2) different from CI1; andsending the encapsulated packet in the second format to a switch module, the switch module including a switch fabric, one or more CI1 ports and one or more CI2 ports, wherein the switch module transforms the packet back to the first format to send the packet in the first format to a CI1 network via one of the CI1 ports in the switch module, wherein operations of the method are executed by a processor.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the virtual driver is defined to support more than one virtual network interface card (VNIC).3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the virtual driver is defined to create a VNIC for a hypervisor.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein sending the encapsulated packet further includes:selecting one ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243005A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Keiji

An apparatus relays a packet transmitted from and to an information processor via plurality of ports. The apparatus stores, in a memory, first information identifying the information processor in association with a port from which the packet is to be transmitted. When a first packet is received via a first port, the apparatus determines whether second information contained in the first packet and identifying a transmission destination of the first packet is stored in the memory. When the second information is stored in the memory, the apparatus transmits the first packet from a second port associated with the second information, and otherwise transmits the first packet from third ports that are sequentially selected, from among the plurality of ports other than the first port, in variable order that is dynamically determined based on a current traffic state of the plurality of ports. 1. An apparatus for relaying a packet transmitted from and to an information processor , the apparatus comprising:a plurality of ports each configured to transmit and receive the packet;a memory configured to store first identification information identifying the information processor in association with one of the plurality of ports from which the packet is to be transmitted to the information processor; and to determine, when a first packet is received via a first port in the plurality of ports, whether second identification information that is contained in the first packet and identifies a transmission destination of the first packet is stored in the memory or not,', 'to transmit, when it is determined that the second identification information is stored in the memory, the first packet from a second port associated with the second identification information, and', 'to transmit, when it is determined that the second identification information is not stored in the memory, the first packet from third ports that are sequentially selected, from among the plurality of ports other than the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Gid capable switching in an infiniband fabric

Номер: US20130259033A1
Автор: Mark S. HEFTY
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Methods, systems, and apparatus for extending the size of Infiniband subnets using GID switching in an Infiniband fabric. An Infiniband subnet is defined to include multiple local identifier (LID) domains, each including multiple nodes interconnected via one or more LID switches. In turn, the LID domains are interconnected via one or more GID switches. Messages may be transferred between nodes in a given LID domain using LID switches in the domain. Messages may be transferred between nodes in separate LID domains by routing the messages via one or more GID switches. In various embodiments, GID switches may be implemented to also operate as LID switches and perform routing based on selected packet header fields.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266005A1

Described is a node comprising a switch fabric and first and second ingress modules. The first ingress module receives a first stream of packets from a first physical path through the network; forwards a copy of the first stream of packets to an intermodule communication channel; selects packets from the first stream of packets and a copy of a second stream of packets for forwarding to the switch fabric. The second ingress module receives the second stream of packets from a second physical path through the network; forwards the copy of the second stream of packets to the intermodule communication channel; and selects packets from the copy of the first stream of packets and the second stream of packets for forwarding to the switch fabric based on sequence numbers in the packets. 1. A node for a packet communication network , the node comprising:a switch fabric; andfirst and second ingress modules,the first ingress module being adapted: to receive a first stream of packets from a first physical path through the network; and', 'to forward a copy of the first stream of packets to an intermodule communication channel;', 'to receive a copy of a second stream of packets from the second ingress module; and', 'when selected to forward packets to the switch fabric, to select packets from the first stream of packets and the copy of the second stream of packets for forwarding as a single packet stream to the switch fabric based on sequence numbers in the packets;, 'the first ingress module being adapted to receive the second stream of packets from a second physical path through the network; and', 'to forward the copy of the second stream of packets to the intermodule communication channel., 'the second ingress module being adapted2. The node of claim 1 , wherein the first ingress module is selected based on a protection control signal.3. The node of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the packets in the first stream of packets have sequence numbers that are the same as the least ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Diagnostic port for inter-switch and node link testing in electrical, optical and remote loopback modes

Номер: US20130266307A1
Принадлежит: Brocade Communications Systems LLC

A diagnostic testing utility is used to perform single link diagnostics tests including an electrical loopback test, an optical loopback test, a link traffic test, and a link distance measurement test. To perform the diagnostic tests, two ports at each end of a link are identified and then statically configured by a user. The ports will be configured as D_Ports and as such will be isolated from the fabric with no data traffic flowing through them. This configuration can be static or can be on request or on errors. The ports will then be used to send test frames to perform the diagnostic tests. After completion of requested or on error testing the ports can return to normal operation.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279500A1

A switching module can route packets between a network fabric and a local network, both of which form a closed network such as a vehicular network. The switching module provides local network management functions, and handles packet transfers between the local network and the network fabric. The switching module uses network information, which can include information about packet content type and network topology, to determine a packet's priority, and an appropriate switching protocol to use for processing and routing packets. 1. A switching module comprising:an intra-vehicular network fabric interface for interface to an intra-vehicular network fabric contained within a vehicle;a switching circuit communicatively coupled to a plurality of local intra-vehicular network ports;memory configured to store intra-vehicular network information, the intra-vehicular network information including packet content type information and intra-vehicular network topology information;a processing module coupled to the memory, the intra-vehicular network fabric interface and the switching circuit, the processing module to:determine a priority of a received packet based, at least in part, on the packet content type information;determine a selected switching protocol based, at least in part, on the intra-vehicular network topology information; andprocess the received packet based on the priority of the received packet and the selected switching protocol.2. The switching module of claim 1 , further comprising:a packet buffer coupled to the processing module and at least one of a local intra-vehicular network port and the intra-vehicular network fabric interface; andthe processing module configured to manage the packet buffer based, at least in part, on the intra-vehicular network information.3. The switching module of claim 2 , further comprising:a plurality of packet queues;the processing module configured to place packets in the plurality of packet queues based, at least in part, on a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling data stream switch and relevant equipment

Номер: US20130287017A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present disclosure disclose a method for controlling data stream switch and a relevant equipment. The method includes: obtaining bandwidth demand information of a data stream; calculating a BWM according to the bandwidth demand information, the physical bandwidth of at least one ingress port and at least one egress port of the data stream, and TDM service bandwidth information; performing sequencing on entries of the BWM, to obtain a bandwidth sequencing information table; performing cell even sequencing processing on the data stream according to the bandwidth sequencing information table, to obtain a cell table; and controlling, sending of cells of the data stream according to the cell table. Through the solutions provided, processing complexity may be effectively reduced, the problem of scale limitation on a bufferless switch structure is solved, and meanwhile, a delay jitter during switch processing is also decreased.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301645A1

A system and method can rout traffic between distinct subnets in a network environment. A router that connects the distinct subnets, such as InfiniBand (IB) subnets, can receive a list of destinations that the router is responsible for routing one or more packets to. Then, the router can generate a random number based on a source local identifier (LID) and a destination LID associated with the one or more packets, and use a modulo based hash to select one router port from a plurality of output router ports of the router. 1. A method for routing traffic between distinct subnets in a network environment , comprising:receiving, at a router, a list of destinations that the router is responsible for routing one or more packets to, wherein the router connects to at least one subnet in the network environment;generating a random number based on a source local identifier (LID) and a destination LID associated with the one or more packets; andusing a modulo based hash to select one router port from a plurality of output router ports of the router.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:performing round-robin path distribution among all available router that are connected to the at least one subnet.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:implementing the modulo based hash in a router firmware, wherein the modulo based hash can take the random number generated using the source LID and destination LID.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, from a subnet manager, a port mapping between one or more destination global identifiers (GIDs) and one or more router ports.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:allowing the subnets connected by the router to be configured in different network topologies.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:allowing the source LID to be associated with an egress port of an previous-hop router.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:generating a same random ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for routing traffic between distinct infiniband subnets based on fat-tree routing

Номер: US20130301646A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

A system and method can rout traffic between distinct subnets in a network environment. A router that connects the distinct subnets, such as InfiniBand (IB) subnets, can receive a list of destinations that the router is responsible for routing one or more packets to. Furthermore, the router can obtain information, from one or more switches in the at least one subnet, on which downward output ports of the router can be used for routing the one or more packets, and build a routing table based on the obtained information.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Routing and forwarding of packets over a non-persistent communication link

Номер: US20130301647A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

An apparatus includes a table including Internet protocol (IP) addresses and corresponding ports, which specify physical and logical a logical links; and a router module for receiving IP packets and using the table to associate the IP packets with the ports without differentiating between ports specifying physical links and ports specifying logical non-persistent links. The apparatus further includes a driver for determining when assets for a logical link have become available, refraining from forwarding associated IP packets to the assets if the assets are not available, and then forwarding the associated IP packets to the assets once the assets have become available.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315232A1
Принадлежит: Fortinet, Inc.

Methods and systems for bridging network packets transmitted over heterogeneous media channels are provided. According to one embodiment, a network device comprises network interfaces (netmods), including a first and second set operable to receive packets encapsulated within a first and second set of media transmissions, respectively, and each having a first and second framing media format, respectively. A single bridging domain is provided by a shared bridging application. A memory stores data structures for translating between the first and second framing media formats via an intermediate format. The netmods pass a received packet, through a switching fabric, to the bridging application, which determines a relay location for the packet and whether the relay location is among the other set of netmods. Responsive to an affirmative determination, the bridging application uses the translation data structures to translate the packet before relaying the packet to the relay location. 1. A network-computing device comprising:a plurality of network interfaces (netmods), including a first set of netmods operable to receive network packets encapsulated within a first plurality of media transmissions each having a first framing media format of a plurality of framing media formats and a second set of netmods operable to transmit network packets encapsulated within a second plurality of media transmissions each having a second framing media format of the plurality of framing media formats;a plurality of processing resources coupled to the plurality of netmods and shared by the plurality of netmods, including a first processing resource upon which a virtual bridging application executes, the virtual bridging application representing a single bridging domain for all network packets received by the network-computing device;a non-transitory memory, accessible to the first processing resource, having stored therein one or more translation data structures defining translations ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315234A1

In one embodiment, a method includes splitting a plurality of physical ports distributed across multiple distributed line cards (DLCs) into a plurality of virtual switches, wherein each virtual switch comprises ports of one or more DLC, creating a virtual control domain (VCD) associated with each virtual switch, and autonomously controlling the virtual switches, wherein each DLC is in electrical communication with at least one switch fabric coupler (SFC), and wherein the plurality of physical ports appear to external devices as being part of a single cell switched domain. Other systems and methods are described according to more embodiments. 1. A method , comprising:splitting a plurality of physical ports distributed across multiple distributed line cards (DLCs) into a plurality of virtual switches, wherein each virtual switch comprises ports of one or more DLC;creating a virtual control domain (VCD) associated with each virtual switch; andautonomously controlling the virtual switches,wherein each DLC is in electrical communication with at least one switch fabric coupler (SFC), andwherein the plurality of physical ports appear to external devices as being part of a single cell switched domain.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:receiving control packets destined for a physical port of a virtual switch; androuting the received control packets to a VCD associated with the virtual switch which comprises the physical port.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:receiving route and configuration information from the virtual switches; andaggregating the route and configuration information for the virtual switches.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising creating virtual links between at least some of the virtual switches.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising mapping virtual instances to virtual resources to enable two or more virtual switches to share or have overlapping features.6. The method as ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

System for performing data cut-through

Номер: US20130322271A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A system transfers data. The system includes an ingress node transferring data at a determined bandwidth. The ingress node includes a buffer and operates based on a monitored node parameter. The system includes a controller in communication with the ingress node. The controller is configured to allocate, based on the monitored node parameter, an amount of the determined bandwidth for directly transferring data to bypass the buffer of the ingress node.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Multi-homing in an extended bridge

Номер: US20130322457A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Disclosed are various embodiments for multi-homing in an extended bridge, including both multi-homing of port extenders and multi-homing of end stations. In various embodiments, a controlling bridge device receives a packet via an ingress virtual port and determines a destination virtual port link aggregation group based at least in part on a destination media access control (MAC) address of an end station in the packet. The controlling bridge device selects one of multiple egress virtual ports of the destination virtual port link aggregation group. The end station of the extended bridge is reachable through any of the egress virtual ports of the destination virtual port link aggregation group. The controlling bridge device forwards the packet through the selected egress virtual port, and the forwarded packet includes an identifier of a destination virtual port to which the end station is connected.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329723A1
Автор: Ku Bernard
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

A method and an apparatus for providing call routing in a network are disclosed. For example, the method receives a signaling message for a call, and determines if the signaling message contains information for determining if routing of the call requires an ENUM (tElephone Numbering Mapping) query. The method then processes the call by bypassing the ENUM query if the signaling message contains the information. 1. A method for processing a call in a network , comprising:receiving, by a processor of a serving-call session control function, a signaling message for the call;determining, by the processor, the signaling message contains information for determining whether routing of the call requires a telephone numbering mapping query, wherein the information comprises a carrier identification code, wherein the carrier identification code identifies a carrier to which the signaling message is to be forwarded, wherein the network comprises an internet protocol network; andprocessing, by the processor, the call by bypassing the telephone numbering mapping query.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information further comprises a predetermined prefix for bypassing a telephone numbering mapping processing.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined prefix is determined by a service provider.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signaling message comprises a session initiation protocol signaling message.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Internet protocol network comprises an internet protocol multimedia subsystem network.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the internet protocol multimedia subsystem network comprises a voice over internet protocol network.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forwarding the signaling message to the carrier as identified by the carrier identification code.8. A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing a plurality of instructions which claim 1 , when executed by a processor of a serving-call session control function ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329739A1
Автор: Briscoe Robert John

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for obtaining information from a predetermined portion of a header of a data item such as an IP packet transmitted via a communication network such as a packet network, the portion carrying a codepoint selected from a first set of codepoints each of which has a pre-defined meaning according to a first pre-defined communication protocol. The method comprises: receiving the data item (s); inspecting the header whereby to determine the codepoint carried by the predetermined portion thereof (s); identifying whether the codepoint is a member of a second set of codepoints (s, s), the second set comprising fewer possible codepoints than the first set; and in the event that the codepoint is identified as being a member of the second set, and in dependence on such an identification being made, interpreting that codepoint according to a different pre-defined communication protocol as having a different pre-defined meaning (s). 1. A method of obtaining information from a predetermined portion of a header of a data item transmitted via a communication network , said portion carrying a codepoint selected from a first set of codepoints each of which has a first pre-defined meaning according to a first pre-defined communication protocol , the method comprising:receiving the data item;inspecting the header of the data item whereby to determine the codepoint carried by the predetermined portion thereof;identifying whether the codepoint is a member of a second set of codepoints, the second set of codepoints comprising fewer possible codepoints than the first set of codepoints; andin the event that the codepoint is identified as being a member of the second set of codepoints, and in dependence on such an identification being made, interpreting that codepoint according to a second pre-defined communication protocol as having a second pre-defined meaning, said second communication protocol differing from said first communication protocol, and said ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343383A1

A method and a device is provided to allow additional data to be transmitted between at least two users of a bus system. The transmitted data frames have a logic structure according to the CAN standard ISO 11898-1, and at least two additional short bits are inserted within a temporal bit length of at least some of the CAN bits such that at least for one of the two possible values of the current CAN bit, the first one of the additional bits inserted into this CAN bit is transmitted using a bus level that is the opposite of this value. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for data transmission in a network having at least two participating data processing units , comprising:transmitting data frames between the at least two data processing units via the network, wherein the transmitted data frames have a logical structure according to the CAN ISO 118981-1 specification;wherein at least two additional short bits are inserted within a temporal bit length of at least some CAN bits of predefined data frames transmitted, and wherein at least for one of the two possible values of a current CAN bit, the first one of the additional bits inserted into the current CAN bit is transmitted using a bus level which is the opposite of the one of the two possible values of the current CAN bit.19. The method as recited in claim 18 , wherein at least in the event that the current CAN bit corresponds to a recessive bus level claim 18 , the first one of the additional bits inserted into the current CAN bit is transmitted using a dominant bus level.20. The method as recited in claim 19 , wherein in the event that the current CAN bit corresponds to a dominant bus level claim 19 , the first one of the additional bits inserted into the current CAN bit is transmitted using a dominant bus level.21. The method as recited in claim 19 , wherein claim 19 , in addition claim 19 , in the event that the current CAN bit corresponds to a dominant bus level claim 19 , the first one of the additional bits inserted ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003280A1

Network switching arrangements including: setting an operation mode of a target switching block to a operation mode that is different from an operation mode of a first switching block while the first switching block is handling a switching process, the target switching block being one switching block selected from second switching blocks; performing a switchover process including starting the switching process using the target switching block instead of the first switching block, after completion of setting the operation mode of the target switching block; and copying the switching information held by the first switching block to the target switching block, prior to starting the switching process using the target switching block, after completion of setting the operation mode of the target switching block. 1. (canceled)2. A network switching device comprising:a interface block to be connected to at least one line, that receives packets and sends packets;a switching block that holds switching information and performs, based on the switching information, switching process of packets sent or received by the interface block and that is operated by either of operation modes with different levels of power consumption.3. A network switching device according to claim 2 ,wherein the switching block is adapted to change an operation mode among the operation modes while the interface block is operated by a predetermined power consumption, where the operation modes to be changed are not corresponding to a power-off mode.4. A network switching device according to claim 3 ,further comprising a control unit that selects an operation mode for the switching block.5. A network switching device according to claim 4 ,wherein the control unit monitors performance of at least one of either the switching block or the interface block, and selects the operation mode on a basis of the monitored performance.6. A network switching device according to claim 4 ,wherein the control unit monitors ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140029611A1

An apparatus for sharing a serial communication port between a plurality of communication channels is described. The apparatus comprises a transceiver that manages communications over the serial communication port. The apparatus also includes a multiplexer coupled to the transceiver, wherein the multiplexer multiplexes the plurality of communication channels. The apparatus also includes identification information circuitry coupled to the multiplexer, wherein the identification information circuitry adds identification information to data from the plurality of communication channels that enables the plurality of communication channels to share the serial communication port. The serial communications port and the multiplexer permit communication between integrated circuits that meet at least one latency metric for the plurality of communication channels when the plurality of communication channels are active. 1. An apparatus for sharing a serial communication port between a plurality of communication channels , comprising:a transceiver that manages communications over the serial communication port;a multiplexer coupled to the transceiver, wherein the multiplexer multiplexes the plurality of communication channels; andidentification information circuitry coupled to the multiplexer, wherein the identification information circuitry adds identification information to data from the plurality of communication channels that enables the plurality of communication channels to share the serial communication port;wherein the serial communications port and the multiplexer permit communication between integrated circuits that meet at least one latency metric for the plurality of communication channels when the plurality of communication channels are active.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transceiver comprises at least one receiver and at least one transmitter grouped together in a high speed clock line serial link of an integrated circuit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036909A1

Executing a single instruction/multiple data (SIMD) instruction of a program to process a vector of data wherein each element of the packet vector corresponds to a different received packet. 1. A method comprising:executing a single instruction/multiple data (SIMD) instruction of a program to process a vector of data wherein each element of the packet vector corresponds to a different received packet.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein each element of the vector corresponds to a same strict subset of packet header fields.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:accessing a second vector, wherein each element of the second vector identifies occupancy of a corresponding element in the packet vector;accessing a third vector, wherein each element of the third vector comprises flow state data for a flow of an associated packet in the packet vector;modifying elements in the third vector.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:determining a packet should not be processed by the SIMD instructions.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the SIMD instruction comprises at least a portion of the program to perform at least one of the following:determine protocols of the packets;validate the packets;compute header values for the packets; anddetermine an execution unit to handle the packets.6. A method comprising:receiving packets transmitted over a communications medium;arranging data of the packets into a vector, wherein each element of the vector corresponds to a different packet, for single instruction/multiple data (SIMD) processing of the vector.7. The method of claim 6 ,wherein the arranging data of the packets into a vector comprises arranging data of the packets into a vector where each element of the vector corresponds to a same strict subset of packet header fields.8. The method ofwherein the arranging comprises performing a Direct Memory Access of the strict subset of packet header fields data from a contiguously stored packet header.9. The method of claim 6 , ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036920A1

A system for use in a computer network is disclosed for identifying the destination of a network link from a source of the link, in which a predetermined identifier is transmitted between the connected network nodes. 1. A method for use in a communications network node for identifying a port associated with said network node to which a selected network link is connected , said method comprising:receiving a communications protocol packet at a first network node via a network link connected to a port associated with said network node;inspecting said packet for a predetermined identifier; andif said predetermined identifier is present in said packet then outputting an indication that said identifier has been received comprising an identification of said port via which said packet was received.2. A method according to in which data representing said indication is recorded in a log file.3. A method according to in which said indication comprises a visual signal associated with said port.4. A method according to in which said indication comprises an audible signal associated with said network node.5. A method according to in which said communications protocol comprises a data link layer protocol and said packet comprises a frame.6. A method according to in which said communications protocol comprises a link layer protocol.7. A method according to in which said network node is arranged to broadcast said received packet to each other adjacent network node and to omit the outputting of said indication.8. A method according to in which said packet comprises data arranged to determine the number of times said packet may be broadcast.9. A method according to further comprising:identifying a network port on a second network node;creating said communications protocol packet comprising said predetermined identifier for transmission via said port; andtransmitting said packet via said identified port so as to enable said adjacent first network node linked to said identified port to ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Deep Packet Inspection with a Virtual Machine

Номер: US20140036921A1

System and methods are provided for performing deep packet inspection of data packets. An example system includes a packet forwarding component and a virtual machine component. The packet forwarding component is configured to receive data packets for transmission and to select one or more of the data packets based at least in part on a first set of rules for deep packet inspection. The virtual machine component is configured to perform deep packet inspection on the selected data packets according to a second set of rules to determine whether the selected data packets are allowed for transmission. The packet forwarding component is further configured to transmit the selected data packets when the selected data packets are allowed for transmission after the deep packet inspection. 1. A system for performing deep packet inspection of data packets , the system comprising: receive data packets for transmission, and', 'select one or more of the data packets based at least in part on a first set of rules for deep packet inspection; and, 'a packet forwarding component configured to'}a virtual machine component configured to perform, according to a second set of rules, deep packet inspection on the selected data packets to determine whether the selected data packets are allowed for transmission,wherein the packet forwarding component is further configured to transmit the selected data packets in response to the virtual machine component determining, based on the deep packet inspection, that the selected data packets are allowed for transmission.2. The system of claim 1 , where the packet forwarding component is configured to select the one or more of the data packets by inspecting a predetermined sequence of bits at a predetermined offset of each of the data packets.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the virtual machine component is configured to determine whether the selected data packets are allowed for transmission by inspecting a particular sequence of bits of each of ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036926A1

A transmission apparatus includes a detector to receive a multiplexed signal including a plurality of signals having different frame periods and detect switching information included in the multiplexed signal; a sorter to sort a plurality of pieces of detected switching information into one or more groups according to types of corresponding signals; an adjuster to adjust an order of transferring the switching information sorted, according to a period with which the switching information is received; a transfer unit to transfer the plurality of pieces of switching information sorted, based on a result of the adjustment performed by the adjuster; a controller to generate path setting information to set transmission paths of the signals based on the plurality of pieces of switching information transferred from the transfer unit; and a switch unit to set the transmission paths based on the path setting information generated by the controller. 1. A transmission apparatus comprising:a detector configured to receive a multiplexed signal including a plurality of signals having different frame periods and detect switching information included in the multiplexed signal;a sorter configured to sort a plurality of pieces of detected switching information into one or more groups according to types of corresponding signals;an adjuster configured to adjust an order of transferring the switching information sorted, according to a period with which the switching information is received;a transfer unit configured to transfer the plurality of pieces of switching information sorted, based on a result of the adjustment performed by the adjuster;a controller configured to generate path setting information to set transmission paths of the signals based on the plurality of pieces of switching information transferred from the transfer unit; anda switch unit configured to set the transmission paths based on the path setting information generated by the controller.2. The transmission apparatus ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Priority Driven Channel Allocation for Packet Transferring

Номер: US20140036930A1
Принадлежит: FutureWei Technologies Inc

A method comprising advertising to a second node a total allocation of storage space of a buffer, wherein the total allocation is less than the capacity of the buffer, wherein the total allocation is partitioned into a plurality of allocations, wherein each of the plurality of allocations is advertised as being dedicated to a different packet type, and wherein a credit status for each packet type is used to manage the plurality of allocations, receiving a packet of a first packet type from the second node, and storing the packet to the buffer, wherein the space in the buffer occupied by the first packet type exceeds the advertised space for the first packet type due to the packet.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

System and method for creating a scalable monolithic packet processing engine

Номер: US20140040515A1
Автор: Hartvig Ekner
Принадлежит: Altera European Trading Co Ltd

A novel and efficient method is described that creates a monolithic high capacity Packet Engine (PE) by connecting N lower capacity Packet Engines (PEs) via a novel Chip-to-Chip (C2C) interface. The C2C interface is used to perform functions, such as memory bit slicing and to communicate shared information, and enqueue/dequeue operations between individual PEs.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064269A1
Автор: Hamdi Mounir, Wang Feng

The subject specification comprises techniques employing multi-stage multi-layer switches for packet switching using fully shared buffers with a scalable switch fabric. A switch component includes a set of input modules (IMs) of switches that receive packets and are associated with a set of central modules (CMs) of switches that are associated with a set of memories. The switch component includes a second set of CMs associated with the set of memories, the second set of CMs being associated with a set of output modules (OMs) that can provide packets as output. A switch management component controls switching of the packets between the IMs and first set of CMs to the memories during a first switching phase, and switching of the packets from the memories to the second set of CMs to the OMs for output during a second switching phase, based on a defined scheduling algorithm. 1. A system , comprising:a memory to store computer-executable components; and a switch component that comprises multiple stages of switches and intermediate-stage shared buffering of packets of information to facilitate communication of the packets in a communication network, wherein the switch component comprises an input component comprising a plurality of switches associated with an input stage of the multiple stages, an intermediate component comprising a plurality of switches associated with an intermediate stage of the multiple stages, and an output component comprising a plurality of switches associated with an output stage of the multiple stages; and', 'a memory component that comprises a plurality of memory sub-components and is associated with the intermediate component of the intermediate stage, wherein memory sub-components of the plurality of memory sub-components are shared with the plurality of switches of the input component and the plurality of switches of the output component to facilitate buffering of the packets via the intermediate-stage shared buffering and scheduling of the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Low Latency Networking Device Using Header Prediction

Номер: US20140079063A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

A network device receives a packet that includes a plurality of header fields. The packet is parsed to sequentially obtain the plurality of header fields. One or more header fields not yet available at the network device are predicted based on one or more header fields that are available at the network device. A network processing decision is generated for the packet based on the predicted one or more header fields and the one or more header fields that are available at the network device.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Segmentation and reassembly of network packets for switched fabric networks

Номер: US20140079075A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Reassembly of member cells into a packet comprises receiving an incoming member cell of a packet from a switching fabric wherein each member cell comprises a segment of the packet and a header, generating a reassembly key using selected information from the incoming member cell header wherein the selected information is the same for all member cells of the packet, checking a reassembly table in a content addressable memory to find an entry that includes a logic key matching the reassembly key, and using a content index in the found entry and a sequence number of the incoming member cell within the packet, to determine a location offset in a reassembly buffer area for storing the incoming member cell at said location offset in the reassembly buffer area for the packet for reassembly.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Mechanism to control resource utilization with adaptive routing

Номер: US20150003247A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Methods and apparatus relating to techniques for controlling resource utilization with adaptive routing are described. In one embodiment, an output port for transmission of an incoming message that is to be received at an input port is determined at routing logic. The routing logic selects the output port from a first output port and a second output port based on congestion information that is detected at one or more other routing logic communicatively coupled to the routing logic. The first output port provides a deterministic route for the incoming message and the second output port provides an adaptive route for the incoming message. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003286A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

This switched data transmission system, that may be used in particular in avionics applications, of the type comprising a plurality of electronic devices and equipment units adapted for transmitting discrete messages over a transmission network, and in which each of the equipment units is connected to a network switch, the switches being connected to each other by means of data transmission links so as to form a physical topology of a loop network, each message being associated with information regarding data flow priority in the network comprising of functional priority information, is characterized in that each message is also associated with information regarding topological priority of data flow in the network.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003447A1
Автор: Ekner Hartvig

A novel and efficient method is described that creates a monolithic high capacity Packet Engine (PE) by connecting N lower capacity Packet Engines (PEs) via a novel Chip-to-Chip (C2C) interface. The C2C interface is used to perform functions, such as memory bit slicing and to communicate shared information, and enqueue/dequeue operations between individual PEs. 120-. (canceled)21. A system comprising a plurality of packet engines , a first packet engine including: 'wherein the first packet engine slices a packet into bit slices and distributes the bit slices to the second packet engine without using switch fabric.', 'an interface coupled to a second packet engine;'}22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the first packet engine distributes the bit slices to the second packet engine using the interface.23. The system of claim 21 , wherein the first packet engine distributes the bit slices to a buffer system of the second packet engine.24. The system of claim 23 , wherein the second packet engine reads the bit slices from its buffer system claim 23 , and enqueues the packet using a network egress interface.25. The system of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of packet engines behave as a monolithic packet engine system claim 21 , wherein the monolithic packet engine has the processing power that is substantially equal to the processing power of the number of packet engines included in the plurality of packet engines.26. The system of claim 21 , wherein each packet engine of the plurality of packet engines includes a network ingress interface for accepting packets coupled to a buffer system.27. The system of claim 21 , wherein each packet engine of the plurality of packet engines includes a plurality of egress queues having a first interface for enqueuing and dequeuing packets claim 21 , and a second interface for transmitting packets via a network egress interface.28. The system of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of packet engines are configured to facilitate non-blocking ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006719A1

A method for setting up forwarding tables is described. A USAT part for a node is received. The USAT part includes glow definitions and a FGPL. Each glow describes network traffic flows and role instructions for the flows. Each FGP describes a role for the switching node; a validity rule; and relevant network topology. The method also includes determining a selected active FGP in the FGPL using the validity rule for the FGP, a network state and the ordering of the FGPs; initializing the glows, requesting a role identification to perform based on the selected FGP, determining the role instructions and instructing the TMS to update tables accordingly; and storing entries in software tables based on glows and the role instructions for the identified role, dynamically resolving conflicts among entries, and granting table updates to hardware tables. The tables include a software table for each hardware memory for forwarding packets. 120-. (canceled)21. A method comprising:receiving a universally specified affinity topology (USAT) part specific to a switching node, the USAT part including a definition for at least one glow and a fabric graph part list (FGPL), the FGPL being an ordered list of at least one fabric graph part (FGP),wherein each glow describes at least two flows of network traffic and role instructions for the switching node when handling each flow of the at least two flows, andwherein each FGP describes a role that the switching node is to perform in the FGP and a validity rule for the FGP;determining a selected active FGP in the FGPL based on the validity rule for the associated FGP;initializing the at least one glow;identifying which role that the switching node is to perform based on the selected active FGP in the FGPL;determining the role instructions for the identified role;storing at least one entry in a plurality of software tables based on the definition for the at least one glow and the role instructions for the identified role;dynamically resolving ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Multisite interconnect and policy with switching fabrics

Номер: US20220006758A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

Embodiments herein describe using translation mappings and security contracts to establish interconnects and policies between switching fabrics at different sites to create a unified fabric. In one embodiment, a multi-site controller can stretch endpoint groups (EPGs) between the sites so that a host or application in a first site can communicate with a host or application in a second site which is assigned to the same stretched EPG, despite the two sites have different namespaces. Further, the shadow EPGs can be formed to facilitate security contracts between EPGs in different sites. Each site can store namespace translation mapping that enable the site to convert namespace information in packets received from a different site into its own namespace values. As a result, independent bridging and routing segments in the various sites can be interconnected as well as providing application accessibility across different fabrics with independent and private namespaces.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, and system for providing network traversing service

Номер: US20150006737A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, an apparatus, and a system for providing a network traversing service. A resource management center sends a network traversing tunnel resource creating instruction to a secure traversing server according to a received network traversing tunnel resource leasing request sent by a management server of a carrier. After the secure traversing server creates a network traversing tunnel resource, the information of the network traversing tunnel resource is sent to the management server of the carrier through the resource management center. The information of the network traversing tunnel resource includes virtual access point information and service channel information. Thus, the management server of the carrier can provide a network traversing service for a terminal according to the virtual access point information and the service channel information. Network expandability of the carrier and reliability of network traversing can be improved by using the method.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005943A1
Автор: Raj Anil

In some examples, a method includes determining, with a Software-Defined Network (SDN) controller of an SDN, a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for switches along a routing path for a data flow based on packet overhead for the data flow and transmitting MTU installation instructions to the switches along the routing path to install the determined MTU value on the switches of the routing path. 1. A method comprising:determining, with a Software-Defined Network (SDN) controller of an SDN, a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for switches along a routing path for a data flow based on packet overhead for the data flow; andtransmitting MTU installation instructions to the switches along the routing path to install the determined MTU value on the switches of the routing path.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting MTU installation instructions to switches along an alternate routing path to install the determined MTU on the switches along the alternate routing path.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the packet overhead for the data flow includes protocol overhead that is added to a base frame size.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the packet overhead for the data flow includes encapsulation overhead that is added to a base frame size.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the packet overhead for the data flow includes tag overhead that is added to a base frame size.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the packet overhead for the data flow includes 4 bytes for Q-in-Q tunneling and 20 bytes for 6-in-4 tunneling to support IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MTU is determined to avoid fragmentation of packets in the data flow.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MTU is determined to support Ethernet frames having a size up to 1600 bytes.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MTU is determined to support Ethernet frames having a size up to 9216 bytes.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005950A1

A communication system comprises control devices, and forwarding nodes each includes packet processing unit that performs processing of a received packet based on a processing rule set in advance or received from control device associated with the node. First control device among the control devices, in response to a predetermined trigger, refers to correspondence between forwarding nodes and control devices, and transmits, among forwarding path information, at least forwarding path information that includes a forwarding node associated with the first control device, to second control device associated with a forwarding node that is not associated with first control device, among forwarding nodes on a forwarding path of the received packet. Second control device generates and sends the processing rule to a forwarding node on the forwarding path, among forwarding nodes associated with the second control device, based on the forwarding path information. 114-. (canceled)15. A communication system , comprising:a first control device;a second control device;a first node group that is associated with the first control device and processes a received packet based on a processing rule that is notified from the first control device; anda second node group that is associated with the second control device and processes the received packet based on a processing rule that is notified from the second control device;wherein the first control device generates path information including at least information that indicates a forwarding path of a packet, and transmits the path information to the second control device.16. The communication system according to claim 15 , wherein the first control device notifies the processing rule to respective nodes among the first node group on a forwarding path of a packet based on the path information that the first control device has generated; andthe second control device notifies the processing rule to respective nodes among the second node ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006580A1
Автор: Lamb Joseph M.

A Network Flow Processor (NFP) integrated circuit receives, via each of a plurality of physical MAC ports, PCP (Priority Code Point) flows. The NFP also maintains, for each of a plurality of virtual channels, a linked list of buffers. There is one port enqueue engine for each physical MAC port. For each PCP flow received via the physical MAC port associated with a port enqueue engine, the engine causes frame data of the flow to be loaded into one particular linked list of buffers. Each engine has a lookup table circuit that is configurable so that the relative priorities of the PCP flows are reordered as the PCP flows are assigned to virtual channels. A PCP flow with a higher PCP value can be assigned to a lower priority virtual channel, whereas a PCP flow with a lower PCP value can be assigned to a higher priority virtual channel. 1. A method comprising:(a) receiving configuration information onto a Media Access Control (MAC) layer interface circuit of a Network Flow Processor (NFP) integrated circuit, wherein the configuration information includes port definition configuration information and Priority Code Point (PCP) remap information, wherein the PCP remap information includes a plurality of portions;(b) using the port definition configuration information to configure the MAC layer interface circuit to include a first number of physical MAC ports, wherein the MAC layer interface circuit can alternatively be configured by the other port definition configuration information into another configuration that includes another number of physical MAC ports;(c) receiving a plurality of PCP flows of ethernet frames via the physical MAC ports onto the NFP integrated circuit, wherein all the frames of a PCP flow are received via the same physical MAC port and wherein all of the frames of the PCP flow have the same PCP value, wherein a first PCP flow received via a physical MAC port has a larger PCP value as compared to a second PCP flow received via the same physical MAC ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006674A1

An interfabric link between two separate Fibre Channel fabrics so that devices in one fabric can communicate with devices in another fabric without requiring the merger of the two fabrics. The interfabric switch performs a conversion or a translation of device addresses in each fabric so that they are accessible to the other fabric. This translation is preferably done using a private to public loop address translation. In a first embodiment the external ports of the interfabric switch are configured as E_ports. A series of internal ports in each interfabric switch are joined together forming a series of virtual or logical switches. The virtual switches are then interconnected using private loops. The use of the private loop is enabled by the presence of translation logic which converts fabric addresses to loop addresses and back so that loop and fabric devices can communicate. Because each port can do this translation and the private loop addressing does not include domain or area information, the change in addresses between the fabrics is simplified. In a second embodiment the external ports are configured as NL_ports and the connections between the virtual switches are E_ports. Thus the private to public and public to private translations are done at the external ports rather than the internal ports as in the prior embodiment. The virtual switches in the interfabric switch match domains with their external counterparts so that the virtual switches effectively form their own fabric, connected to the other fabrics by the private loops. 1. A Fibre Channel interfabric device comprising:logic to allow Fibre Channel packets to be transferred between a first device connected to a first Fibre Channel fabric and a second device connected to a second Fibre Channel fabric with all switching being done using Fibre Channel addresses.2. The Fibre Channel interfabric device of claim 1 , wherein said logic includes circuitry to perform public to private address translations and ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006677A1
Автор: Lamb Joseph M.

An overflow threshold value is stored for each of a plurality of virtual channels. A link manager maintains, for each virtual channel, a buffer count. If the buffer count for a virtual channel is detected to exceed the overflow threshold value for a virtual channel whose originating PCP flows were merged, then a PFC (Priority Flow Control) pause frame is generated where multiple ones of the priority class enable bits are set to indicate that multiple PCP flows should be paused. For the particular virtual channel that is overloaded, an Inverse PCP Remap LUT (IPRLUT) circuit performs inverse PCP mapping, including merging and/or reordering mapping, and outputs an indication of each of those PCP flows that is associated with the overloaded virtual channel. Associated physical MAC port circuitry uses this information to generate the PFC pause frame so that the appropriate multiple enable bits are set in the pause frame. 1. A method comprising:(a) receiving frames onto a physical MAC port of a Network Flow Processor (NFP) integrated circuit;(b) supplying configuration information to an Inverse PCP Remap Look Up Table (IPRLUT) circuit of the NFP integrated circuit;(c) writing frame data of the frames into a linked list of buffers, wherein the linked list of buffers stores frame data for a single virtual channel, wherein the single virtual channel is identified by a virtual channel number;(d) maintaining a buffer count for the linked list of buffers;(e) determining that the buffer count has exceeded a predetermined threshold value;(f) supplying the virtual channel number to the IPRLUT circuit such that the IPRLUT circuit outputs a multi-bit value, wherein the multi-bit value includes a plurality of bits, wherein each respective one of the plurality of bits corresponds to a respective one of eight PCP (Priority Code Point) priority levels;(g) in response to the determining of (e) using the multi-bit value to generate a Priority Flow Control (PFC) pause frame, wherein the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006360A1
Автор: GAREAU Sebastien

A Chip-to-Chip (C2C) interface utilizing Flexible Ethernet (FlexE) includes circuitry configured to provide a packet interface on a single card or over backplane/fabric links between two devices, wherein the circuitry comprises flow control and channelization for the FlexE. Each of the two devices can include any of a Network Processor (NPU), a Fabric Interface Card (FIC), a framer, and a mapper. A rate of the FlexE can be increased to support additional information for the flow control and the channelization. 1. A Chip-to-Chip (C2C) interface utilizing Flexible Ethernet (FlexE) , the interface comprising:circuitry configured to provide the FlexE over links between two devices, wherein the links comprise one of backplane links and fabric links, and wherein the circuitry is configured to provide flow control and channelization for the FlexE.2. The C2C interface of claim 1 , wherein each of the two devices comprises any of a Network Processor (NPU) claim 1 , a Fabric Interface Card (FIC) claim 1 , a framer claim 1 , and a mapper.3. The C2C interface of claim 1 , wherein a rate of the FlexE is increased to support additional information for the flow control and the channelization.4. The C2C interface of claim 1 , wherein the circuitry claim 1 , for the channelization claim 1 , is configured to provide a logical channel that shares one of a single calendar slot and a group of calendar slots.5. The C2C interface of claim 4 , wherein the logical channel changes on a frame boundary.6. The C2C interface of claim 4 , wherein information associated with the logical channel is communicated in FlexE overhead.7. The C2C interface of claim 6 , wherein the information is provided in one of a reserved area and a management channel of the FlexE overhead claim 6 , wherein the management channel is not used in a C2C application.8. The C2C interface of claim 6 , wherein a calendar area of the FlexE overhead is repurposed for the information.9. The C2C interface of claim 6 , wherein the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006741A1

Network switches and methods are disclosed. A network switch may include multiple input ports and multiple output ports, a switch fabric, and switch controller. The controller may receive and store data identifying a plurality of users and data defining which input ports and which output ports each user has authority over. The controller may receive, from a requesting user from the plurality of users, a request to make a connection between a selected input port and a selected output port. The controller may determine, based on the stored data, if the requesting user has authority over both the selected input port and the selected output port. The controller may refuse to make the requested connection if the requesting user does not have authority over both the selected input port and the selected output port. 1. A network switch , comprising:a plurality of input ports and a plurality of output ports;a switch fabric coupled to the plurality of input ports and the plurality of output ports; and receive and store configuration data including data identifying a plurality of users and data defining which of the plurality of input ports and which of the plurality of output ports each user has authority over;', 'receive, from a requesting user from the plurality of users, a request to make a requested connection between a select input port from the plurality of input ports and a selected output port from the plurality of output ports,', 'determine, based on the stored configuration data, if the requesting user has authority over both the selected input port and the selected output port,', 'refuse to make the requested connection if the requesting user does not have authority over both the selected input port and the selected output port., 'a switch controller configured to2. The network switch of claim 1 , the switch controller further configured to:cause the requested connection to be made from the selected input port to the selected output port via the switch fabric if ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006808A1
Автор: Shrader Steven

An electronic system includes: a network; a memory device, coupled to the network; a host processor, coupled to the network and the memory device, providing a transaction protocol including cut through. 1. An electronic system comprising:a network;a memory device, coupled to the network;a host processor, coupled to the network and the memory device, providing a transaction protocol including cut through.2. The system as claimed in further comprising a compute route node claim 1 , coupled to the network claim 1 , for the transaction protocol.3. The system as claimed in further comprising a memory route node claim 1 , coupled to the network claim 1 , for the transaction protocol.4. The system as claimed in wherein the network includes a memory transaction for transfer with the transaction protocol including cut through.5. The system as claimed in wherein the network includes a memory transaction for access on the network.6. The system as claimed in wherein the network includes a packet for transfer with the transaction protocol including cut through.7. The system as claimed in wherein the network includes a packet for access on the network.8. The system as claimed in wherein the network includes a start section for starting the transaction protocol.9. The system as claimed in wherein the network includes an end section for ending the transaction protocol.10. The system as claimed in further comprising a route device claim 1 , coupled to the network claim 1 , for providing access to the memory.11. A method of operation of an electronic system comprising:providing a network;accessing a memory, coupled to the network;connecting a processor, coupled to the network and the memory, for providing a transaction protocol with cut through.12. The method as claimed in further comprising providing a compute route node claim 11 , coupled to the network claim 11 , for the transaction protocol.13. The method as claimed in further comprising providing a memory route node claim 11 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Sending Communication Between a Remote Device and a Control Server

Номер: US20180006939A1

A method for communicating between a remote device and a control server is described. The method include receiving a reduced packet when a reduced server identifier matches a control server, identifying the control server, constructing a device network packet, sending the device network packet to the control server, accepting a control network packet, building a reduced control packet, and transmitting the reduced control packet to the remote device. 1. A method for sending communication between a remote device and a control server , the method comprising:receiving a reduced packet from a remote device when a reduced server identifier in the reduced packet matches a value indicating a control server, the reduced packet comprising a reduced server identifier and a data payload;identifying, based on the reduced server identifier, a control server;constructing a device network packet to send to the control server based on the reduced packet;sending over a computer network to the control server, the device network packet;accepting over the computer network, from the control server, a control network packet;building a reduced control packet, the reduced control packet comprising the reduced server identifier and a control instruction; andtransmitting, using a wireless transmission medium, the reduced control packet to the remote device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reduced server identifier is a subset of an address of the control server.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reduced server identifier is derived from the address of an address of a server to consume less data space than the address of the server.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein payload data in the device network packet consists of the reduced packet.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein payload data in the device network packet consists of the reduced packet and a security token.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein payload data in the device network packet is derived based on the reduced packet.7. A ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Enabling Frontside Stacking of Switches

Номер: US20190007262A1

Methods and systems for configuring a first switch for frontside networking. The method includes: discovering the capabilities of a second switch connected to the first switch, where the capabilities include frontside stacking; changing a port on the first switch connected to the second switch from a standard port to a frontside stacking port; discovering a topology of a network containing the first switch and the second switch; and creating a drop table having entries for at least the first switch and the second switch. 1. A method of configuring a first switch for frontside networking , comprising:discovering the capabilities of a second switch connected to the first switch, where the capabilities include frontside stacking;changing a port on the first switch connected to the second switch from a standard port to a frontside stacking port;discovering a topology of a network containing the first switch and the second switch; andcreating a drop table having entries for at least the first switch and the second switch.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising populating the drop table with a command to drop or forward a packet received by the port on the first switch.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the drop table is populated manually.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the drop table is populated automatically.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the drop table is populated automatically using a spanning tree-like function.6. A system of switches arranges in a mesh topology claim 4 , comprising:a first switch, a second switch, a third switch, and a fourth switch, wherein the first switch is connected to the second switch and the fourth switch, the second switch is further connected to the fourth switch and the third switch, and the third switch is further connected to the fourth switch, further wherein each connection is made using ports configured as frontside stacking ports; anda drop table configured to provide information about the relationship between each ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007455A1
Автор: MEHRVAR Hamid
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The present application provides methods of determining bandwidth demands and allocating bandwidth for a network including a plurality of groups of sub-networks. Each subnetwork includes a plurality of server racks and an aggregation switch node configured to control the flow of traffic to and from the plurality of server racks in the subnetwork. The aggregation switch nodes in the network are optically coupled to one another via at least one switch controlled by a switch controller. Each group of subnetworks of the plurality of groups of subnetworks also includes a group controller in communication with each of the aggregation switch nodes in the group. The group controllers are communicatively coupled to one another. The interaction between the aggregation switch nodes, the group controllers and the switch controllers enable distributed and dynamic control of switching between the subnetworks. 1. A method of determining bandwidth demands for a network comprising a plurality of groups of sub-networks , each subnetwork comprising a plurality of server racks , each subnetwork in a group of subnetworks comprising an aggregation switch node configured to control the flow of traffic to and from the plurality of server racks in the subnetwork , the aggregation switch nodes in the network optically coupled to one another via at least one switch controlled by a switch controller , each group of subnetworks of the plurality of groups of subnetworks comprising a group controller in communication with each of the aggregation switch nodes in the group of subnetworks , and the group controllers communicatively coupled to one another , the method comprising: the group controller monitoring the aggregation switch nodes of each subnetwork in the first group for bandwidth demands that each subnetwork of the first group has for other subnetworks within the first group of subnetworks, and for other groups of subnetworks in the network; and', 'the group controller communicating the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007432A1

A technique includes receiving a packet at a network device of a plurality of network devices in a network. The packet is to be routed to a destination network device. The technique includes determining, by a routing engine of the network device, a plurality of candidate routes for the packet to be routed to the destination network device; and grouping, by the routing engine, the plurality of candidate routes into a first set of candidate routes and a second set of candidate routes based on hop counts that are associated with the plurality of candidate routes. The technique includes the routing engine selecting one of the first or second sets based on a congestion metric threshold; and the routing engine selecting a candidate route from the selected first or second set based on weight metric values that are associated with the candidate routes of the selected first or second set. The technique includes the routing engine selecting an egress port associated with the selected candidate route. 1. A method comprising:receiving a packet at a network device of a plurality of network devices in a network, wherein the packet is to be routed to a destination network device;determining, by a routing engine of the network device, a plurality of candidate routes for the packet to be routed to the destination network device;grouping, by the routing engine, the plurality of candidate routes into a first set of candidate routes and a second set of candidate routes based on hop counts associated with the plurality of candidate routes;the routing engine selecting one of the first or second sets based on a congestion metric threshold;the routing engine selecting a candidate route from the selected first or second set based on weight metric values associated with the candidate routes of the selected first or second set; andthe routing engine selecting an egress port associated with the selected candidate route.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first set of candidate routes ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007440A1
Автор: Xu Zhenggen, Zandi Shafagh
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

The disclosed embodiments provide a system for performing flow routing in a network. The system may include one or more nodes in the network. Each of the nodes may obtain a dynamic rule that includes a flow definition and a routing action specifying an ECMP group in the network. When a flow in the network matches the flow definition, the node routes traffic in the flow to the ECMP group based on the routing action. The node then performs subsequent routing of the network traffic in the flow to reflect changes in membership in the ECMP group. 1. A method , comprising: a flow definition; and', 'a routing action specifying an equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) group;, 'upon detecting an imbalance in link usage within a network, based on telemetry data collected from multiple nodes in the network, automatically generating a dynamic rule to redistribute flows in the network across a set of links, wherein the dynamic rule compriseswhen a flow in the network matches the flow definition, routing, by a node in the network based on the routing action, network traffic in the flow to the ECMP group; andperforming subsequent routing of the network traffic in the flow to reflect changes in membership in the ECMP group.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing subsequent routing of the network traffic in the flow to reflect changes in membership in the ECMP group comprises:discontinuing routing of the network traffic in the flow to a link after the link is removed from the ECMP group.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing subsequent routing of the network traffic in the flow to reflect changes in membership in the ECMP group comprises:routing the network traffic in the flow according to a default routing action when the ECMP group is empty.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing subsequent routing of the network traffic in the flow to reflect changes in membership in the ECMP group comprises:dropping the network traffic in the flow when the ECMP group is empty.5. ( ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007465A1
Автор: WU Guangrui
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

A route priority configuration method, a device, and a controller. The controller receives an interface creation request for creating a layer 3 interface on a target device, where the interface creation request carries an IP address and a subnet mask. The controller generates a direct route of the layer 3 interface based on the interface creation request; allocates a route priority to the direct route according to a preset allocation rule; and sends the direct route and the route priority corresponding to the direct route to the target device. According to the embodiments, direct routes generated based on a same IP address can correspond to different route priorities, to avoid a case in which direct routes advertised by different distributed gateways form ECMP, and improve route priority configuration efficiency. 1. A route priority configuration method , the method applied to a network system comprising a controller and at least two devices , the at least two devices deployed with distributed gateways , and the distributed gateways on the at least two devices have a same IP address , the method comprising:receiving, by the controller, an interface creation request for creating a layer 3 interface on a target device, wherein the interface creation request carries the IP address and a subnet mask configured for the layer 3 interface, and the target device is any one of the at least two devices;generating, by the controller, a direct route of the layer 3 interface based on the interface creation request;allocating, by the controller, a route priority to the direct route according to a preset allocation rule; andsending, by the controller, the direct route and the route priority corresponding to the direct route to the target device, whereinthe preset allocation rule indicates that a route priority corresponding to a direct route that is based on the IP address and that is of any one of the at least two devices is different from a route priority corresponding to a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007468A1

System and method for supporting node role attributes in a high performance computing environment. In accordance with an embodiment, a node role attribute can comprise a vendor defined subnet management attribute. When a subnet manager attempts to discover a high performance computing environment, such as an InfiniBand subnet, or a switch topology, identifying a topology is quite complex when subnet manager can only observe connectivity, without context behind the connectivity (the roles of the different nodes in the connectivity). However, when a subnet has a node role attribute enabled, the subnet manager can map the interconnect more effectively as it can discover not only the connectivity during the initial sweep, but it can also discover the role of each node discovered, thus leading to a more efficient interconnect discovery. 1. A system for supporting node role attributes in a high performance computing environment , comprising:one or more microprocessors; a plurality of switches,', 'a management switch, and', 'a subnet manager, the subnet manager running on one of the plurality of switches, wherein the subnet manager, on startup of the subnet, performs a discovery sweep and a routing of the subnet;, 'a subnet, the subnet comprisingwherein the management switch is assigned a node role attribute of a plurality of node role attributes, wherein the node role attribute of the management switch comprises a management switch node role attribute;wherein the subnet manager, prior to performing the discovery sweep of the subnet, queries the node role attribute of the management switch;wherein the subnet manager, upon discovery of the management switch node role attribute at the management switch, excludes the management switch from the routing of the subnet.2. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the management switch has global connectivity within the subnet.3. The system of claim 2 ,wherein the plurality of switches comprises a leaf switch;wherein the leaf switch is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Cut-through bridge error isolation

Номер: US20200007469A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system includes a cut-through bridge including a plurality of stages within a controller for communication packet transmission to transfer data and one or more control signals successively between the stages. The system also includes a control signal interceptor within the controller operable to intercept control signals between a first stage and a second stage of the cut-through bridge. The control signal interceptor is further operable to generate a forced valid control signal for each of the control signals regardless of an error condition of the control signals. The control signal interceptor outputs the forced valid control signal for each of the control signals to the second stage of the cut-through bridge. The forced valid control signal for each of the control signals is propagated through one or more successive stages of the cut-through bridge to an end stage to prevent an invalid state at the end stage.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007470A1

Technologies for adaptive network packet egress scheduling include a switch configured to configure an eligibility table for a plurality of ports of the switch, wherein the eligibility table includes a plurality of rounds. The switch is further configured to retrieve an eligible mask corresponding to a round of a plurality of rounds of the eligibility table presently being scheduled and determine a ready mask that indicates a ready status of each port. The switch is further configured to determine, for each port, whether the eligible status and the ready status indicate that port is both eligible and ready, and schedule, in response to a determination that at least one port has been determined to be both eligible and ready, each of the at least one port that has been determined to be both eligible and ready. Additional embodiments are described herein. 1. A switch for adaptive network packet egress scheduling , the switch comprising:a plurality of ports;adaptive schedule configuration management circuitry to configure an eligibility table for the plurality of ports, wherein the eligibility table includes a plurality of rounds; and retrieve an eligible mask corresponding to a round of the plurality of rounds of the eligibility table presently being scheduled, wherein the eligible mask indicates an eligible status of each of the plurality of ports, and wherein the eligible status indicates whether a respective port of the eligible mask is eligible to be serviced in the round,', 'determine a ready mask that indicates a ready status of each of the plurality of ports, wherein the ready status indicates whether a respective port of the ready mask is available to be serviced,', 'determine, for each port, whether the eligible status and the ready status indicate that port is both eligible and ready, and', 'schedule, in response to a determination that at least one port has been determined to be both eligible and ready, each of the at least one port that has been determined ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021552A1

A service management system communicates via wide area network with gateway devices located at respective user premises. The service management system remotely manages delivery of application services, which can be voice controlled, by a gateway, e.g. by selectively activating/deactivating service logic modules in the gateway. The service management system also may selectively provide secure communications and exchange of information among gateway devices and among associated endpoint devices. An exemplary service management system includes a router connected to the network and one or more computer platforms, for implementing management functions. Examples of the functions include a connection manager for controlling system communications with the gateway devices, an authentication manager for authenticating each gateway device and controlling the connection manager and a subscription manager for managing applications services and/or features offered by the gateway devices. A service manager, controlled by the subscription manager, distributes service specific configuration data to authenticated gateway devices. 122-. (canceled)23. A management device for operation at a user premises to provide local application services for a plurality of endpoint devices at the user premises , the management device comprising:at least one processor;one or more interfaces operably coupled to the at least one processors and configured to enable (1) local, bi-directional communication with the plurality of endpoint devices that is located at the user premises and (2) communication with a service provider remote from the user premises; and receive user command data from a control device at the user premises, wherein the control device is separate from the plurality of endpoint devices;', 'operate the one or more interfaces to deliver at least a portion of content based on the user-command data, via the at least one local application, to at least one endpoint device of the plurality of ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010014A1
Автор: Marshall Stephen John

A switching device comprising a plurality of ingress ports and a plurality of egress ports. The switching device is arranged to receive data packets through said ingress ports and to forward received data packets to respective ones of said egress ports. The switching device is further arranged to: determine a first time at which a first cell of a selected data packet is to forwarded to one of said egress ports, determine a further time at which a respective further cell of the selected data packet is to be forwarded to said one of said egress ports, store data indicating that said respective further cell is to be forwarded at said determined further time, forward said first cell at said first time, and forward said further cell of said selected data packet at said determined further time. 1. (canceled)2. An apparatus comprising a plurality of ingress ports and a plurality of egress ports , the apparatus being arranged to:receive through the ingress ports a data packet comprising a plurality of cells; and determining a first time slot at which a first cell of the selected data packet is to be forwarded to the at least one of the egress ports, the first time slot being in one of a first phase or a second phase;', 'determining a plurality of further time slots at which respective further cells of the plurality of cells are to be forwarded to the at least one of the egress ports, each respective further time slot being in the same phase as the first time slot;, 'schedule, in a single scheduling operation, respective times to forward each of the plurality of cells of the data packet to at least one of the egress ports, the single scheduling operation comprisingwherein cells of different data packets are forwarded in an interleaved manner.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the further times are determined according to a characteristic of the egress port to which the selected data packet is to be forwarded.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the characteristic is a ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Detecting sources of computer network failures

Номер: US20220029900A1
Принадлежит: Twitter Inc

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for detecting sources of computer network failures. One of the methods includes identifying a network flow in a computer network between a source and a destination; performing a first probe to determine whether there is end-to-end connectivity between the source and the destination; in response to determining that there is no end-to-end connectivity between the host and the destination, performing one or more additional probes including a second probe to determine whether each hop in the path of the network flow between the source and the destination is operational including requesting that the source transmit a respective first trace diagnostic packet to each hop in the path of the network flow; and determining whether at least one link of the computer network that is part of the path of the network flow has failed based on the results.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012826A1

A network of physically linked elements includes at least a first switch, a second switch, and a third element. The third element is caused to transmit a data unit. A first timestamp and a second timestamp are obtained from the first and second switches, respectively. The first timestamp is associated with receipt of the transmitted data unit by the first switch and the second timestamp associated with receipt of the transmitted data unit by the second switch. The first timestamp and the second timestamp are compared. Based on the comparison, a determination is made that the first switch is physically located between the third element and the second switch. 1. A method for analyzing topology within a network of physically linked elements , the network of physically linked elements including at least a first switch , a second switch , and a third element , the method comprising:causing the third element to transmit a data unit;obtaining a first timestamp from the first switch and a second timestamp from the second switch, the first timestamp associated with receipt of the transmitted data unit by the first switch and the second timestamp associated with receipt of the transmitted data unit by the second switch;comparing the first timestamp and the second timestamp; anddetermining, based on the comparing, that the first switch is physically located between the third element and the second switch.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the third element is selected from a group consisting of a third switch and a first end host.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data unit is a frame claim 1 , wherein an identifier is included as a source media access control (MAC) address listed in a header of the transmitted frame claim 1 , wherein the first switch has a first forwarding database (FDB) table claim 1 , and wherein the second switch has a second FDB table claim 1 , the method further comprising:obtaining, by the first switch, the identifier from the header of the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Network Congestion Avoidance

Номер: US20170012881A1

Datalink frames or networking packets contain protocol information in the header and optionally in the trailer of a frame or a packet. We are proposing a method in which part of or all of the protocol information corresponding to a frame or a packet is transmitted separately in another datalink frame. The “Separately Transmitted Protocol Information” is referred to as STPI. The STPI contains enough protocol information to identify the next hop node or port. STPI can be used avoid network congestion and improve link efficiency. Preferably, there will be one datalink frame or network packet corresponding to each STPI, containing the data and the rest of the protocol information and this frame/packet is referred to as DFoNP. The creation of STPI and DFoNP is done by the originator of the frame or packet such as an operating system. 1. A method implemented in a first network apparatus used for forwarding data link frames , wherein said first network apparatus is used for interconnecting network nodes in a network , said method comprising:a) receiving a first request;b) responding to said first request by transmitting at least one first data link frame to a second network node before transmitting a second data link frame to said second network node, wherein a first queue in said second network node is to be used for forwarding said at least one first data link frame, wherein a second queue in said second network node is to be used for forwarding said second data link frame, wherein network load on said first queue is less than network load on said second queue, wherein said at least one first data link frame and said second data link frame are to be transmitted out of said second network node, wherein a set of data link frames to be transmitted from said first network apparatus to said second network node comprises said at least one first data link frame and said second data link frame; andc) transmitting data link frames in said set of data link frames in a first order ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012900A1

An exemplary network controller may be configured to perform path verification using a special packet prepared by the controller. The controller initiates the special packet at the head end of the service. Thereafter, each physical node in the path will be programmed with special flow entries to take this data path verification packet to the controller at each hop. The controller makes a note of this packet and also the path it has taken to reach the node that sent the packet. Then the data path verification packet will be resent by the controller to the next physical node in the computed path. 1. A method for verifying a data path from a first client device through a software defined network to a second client device , the method comprising:receiving a data path verification request from a first core node for the data path between the first client device and the second client device;sending, by the first core node, a notification of the data path verification request to a controller;sending, by the controller, a first data path verification packet to the first core node;receiving, by the first core node, the first data path verification packet; andsending, by the first core node, a second data path verification packet to a second core node, the second data path verification packet having information about the first data path verification packet.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, by the second core node, the second data path verification packet;sending, by the second core node, a third data path verification packet to the controller;verifying, by the controller, that the third data path verification packet conforms to the data flow path information; andsending, by the controller, a fourth data path verification packet to the second core node.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving, by the second core node, the fourth data path verification packet; andsending, by the second core node, a fifth data path verification packet to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012901A1

Arbitrating and multiplexing circuitry for performing an arbitration between a plurality of inputs and a selection of at least one of said plurality of inputs to provide an output comprises arbitrating tree circuitry having X arbitrating levels, where X is an integer greater than one; and multiplexing tree circuitry having Y multiplexing levels, where Y is an integer greater than one; wherein (i) said Y multiplexing levels comprise a first set of said multiplexing levels upstream of a second set of said multiplexing levels; (ii) said first set of said multiplexing levels is configured to operate in parallel with at least some of said X arbitrating levels, whereby said first set of multiplexing levels is configured to perform a partial selection in parallel with said arbitration performed by said X arbitrating levels; and (iii) said second set of said multiplexing levels is configured to operate in series with said X arbitrating levels, whereby said second set of multiplexing levels completes said selection to provide said output following completion of and in dependence upon said arbitration. 1. Arbitrating and multiplexing circuitry for performing an arbitration between a plurality of inputs and a selection of at least one of said plurality of inputs to provide an output , said arbitrating and multiplexing circuitry comprising:arbitrating tree circuitry having X arbitrating levels, where X is an integer greater than one; and (i) said Y multiplexing levels comprise a first set of said multiplexing levels upstream of a second set of said multiplexing levels;', '(ii) said first set of said multiplexing levels is configured to operate in parallel with at least some of said X arbitrating levels, whereby said first set of multiplexing levels is configured to perform a partial selection in parallel with said arbitration performed by said X arbitrating levels; and', '(iii) said second set of said multiplexing levels is configured to operate in series with said X ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012933A1

An exemplary network controller may be configured to perform ARP mediation through passively learning MAC addresses on client sides and keeping track of IP/MAC/Attachment point associations, hijacking ARP requests received by the core nodes through a packet_in operation or a redirection to other agents, injecting proxy ARP replies that provide target MAC information without the actual target being involved, and possibly programming the network nodes with the static ARP responding rule for a specified duration. 1. A method for address resolution in a software defined network , the method comprising:receiving an address resolution protocol request from a first client device at a first core node for a media access control address of a second client device;sending, by the first core node, a notification of the address resolution protocol request to a controller;determining, by the controller, if the second client device media access control address is stored in the controller; andsending, by the controller, an address resolution protocol reply to the first client device including the second client device media access control address when the controller determines the second client device media access control address is stored in the controller.2. The method for address resolution in a software defined network of claim 1 , further comprising learning the first client device media access control address when the second client device media access control address is not stored in the controller claim 1 , and sending the address resolution protocol request to a plurality of nodes after learning the first client device media access control address.3. The method for address resolution in a software defined network of claim 2 , further comprising a database of media access control addresses stored in the controller or across a plurality of distributed controller instances claim 2 , wherein the database is periodically updated by adding new media access control addresses as the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Long-Distance RapidIO Packet Delivery

Номер: US20160013885A1
Автор: Wood Barry Everett

The present invention provides a RapidIO device that includes a switch fabric and a port coupled to the switch fabric. The port is configured to establish a LP-Serial link with RapidIO endpoints, add packet headers having the same acknowledgement identifier to a plurality of contiguous packets and generate a link cyclical redundancy check value for the plurality of contiguous packets having the same acknowledgement identifier, the link cyclical redundancy check code computed to include the value of an acknowledgement identifier header. The port is configured to sequentially output the plurality of packets having the same acknowledgement identifier on the LP-Serial link. In addition, methods are disclosed for formatting bit streams in a RapidIO based communication system and communicating RapidIO packets. 1. A RapidIO device comprising:a switch fabric;a port coupled to the switch fabric, the port configured to establish a serial link with RapidIO endpoints, configured to assign the same acknowledgement identifier to a plurality of contiguous packets and generate a link cyclical redundancy check (CRC) value for each of the plurality of contiguous packets having the same acknowledgement identifier, the link CRC value of each of the plurality of contiguous packets having the same acknowledgement identifier computed to include the value of an acknowledgement identifier header prepended to each of the plurality of contiguous packets, and the port configured to append each calculated link CRC value to a corresponding one of the plurality of contiguous packets and sequentially output the plurality of packets having the same acknowledgement identifier on the serial link.2. The RapidIO device of wherein the port is configured to indicate to the RapidIO endpoints that repeat acknowledgement identifiers are allowed.3. The RapidIO device of wherein the RapidIO device is operable to exchange information with other RapidIO devices during link initialization that indicates that ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Distributed virtual gateway appliance

Номер: US20180013588A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Methods, computer program products, and systems are presented. The methods include, for instance: providing a distributed virtual gateway for Network Virtualization over Layer 3 (NVO3) network. A gateway stack having three or more nodes is implemented as a distributed virtual gateway, providing Layer 2 or Layer 3 gateway services in a fail-safe manner. Nodes of the gateway stack are configured to autonomously process and forward inbound NVO3 data packets with known destination addresses without engaging a master of the gateway stack.
