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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 29038. Отображено 200.
20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2327240C2
Принадлежит: НЕКСАНС (FR)

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, к сверхпроводящим кабелям с криогенной оболочкой, в частности к способу изготовления сверхпроводящего кабеля, состоящего из кабельного сердечника, содержащего, по меньшей мере, один удлиненный сверхпроводящий элемент, и охватывающей кабельный сердечник гибкой трубы, включающий в себя следующие этапы: а) непрерывную размотку кабельного сердечника с источника кабеля; б) непрерывную размотку металлической ленты с источника ленты; в) непрерывное формование металлической ленты вокруг кабельного сердечника в трубную заготовку, заварку продольного шва и последующее гофрирование заваренной трубы, причем внутренний диаметр гофрированной трубы больше наружного диаметра кабельного сердечника; г) намотку состоящего из кабельного сердечника и гофрированной трубы сверхпроводящего кабеля на кабельный барабан или укладку сверхпроводящего кабеля в, по меньшей мере, один виток; д) завершающее механическое соединение концов кабельного сердечника с концами гофрированной ...

27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434979C2

Изобретение относится к устройству (20) фальшпанели управления, прежде всего для бытовых приборов (10), таких как стиральные машины и сушильные машины, с фальшпанелью (22) управления. Изобретение направлено на создание улучшенного устройства фальшпанели управления, а также улучшенного способа для изготовления такого устройства фальшпанели управления. На внешней стороне фальшпанели (22) управления выполнены сегменты (38) управления и индикаторные сегменты (36) для управления или же контроля, а также с электрическим схемным устройством (24), которое соединено с сегментами (38) управления и индикаторными сегментами (36) и расположено в области внутренней стороны фальшпанели (22) управления. При этом схемное устройство (24) имеет по меньшей мере три электрода (50), которые расположены распределенными приблизительно параллельно к фальшпанели (22) управления, а также средства (54) обработки данных, которые настроены для того, чтобы определять расчетным путем пространственное положение средства ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2579082C2

Изобретение относится к изготовлению труб для формирования трубных колонн с заложенным проводником для использования в скважинах. Техническим результатом является обеспечение свободного прохода скважинных средств, таких как, например, кабельные измерительные средства или оборудование для цементирования, за счет сохранения полного сечения внутреннего канала трубных сегментов при сохранении надежного крепления и защиты проводника внутри трубных сегментов. Предложен сегмент скважинной трубы, содержащий: трубчатую основную часть, имеющую внутренний канал, проходящий по длине сегмента, и имеющую наружную поверхность и внутреннюю поверхность, сформированную внутренним каналом, причем эта основная часть выполнена из пригодного для экструзии материала, способного выдерживать окружающие условия в скважине и по меньшей мере один экструдированный проход, сформированный в трубчатой основной части и простирающийся по ее длине. Причем этот по меньшей мере один экструдированный проход частично заключен ...

10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428112C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к пульсовым оксигемометрам, а также способам их изготовления. Одним из вариантов выполнения оксигемометра является цельный одноразовый аппликатор для измерения уровня насыщения кислородом крови пациента, который содержит светоизлучатель, светодетектор, электронную схему, вмонтированные в упомянутый аппликатор, механизм прикрепления, предусмотренный на аппликаторе для того, чтобы позволить упомянутому аппликатору быть прикрепляемым к пациенту. При этом при помощи электронной схемы осуществляется работа упомянутых светоизлучателя и светодетектора, а также вычисляется по полученным данным от светодетектора по меньшей мере уровень насыщения кислородом крови пациента. Другим вариантом выполнения является оксигемометр, содержащий аппликатор с различными слоями, выполненный с возможностью прикрепления к пациенту, светоизлучатель и светодетектор, каждый из которых вмонтирован в упомянутый аппликатор, электронную схему, вмонтированную ...

27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264861C2
Принадлежит: ЛАЙФСКЕН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к взятию проб и анализу биологических жидкостей, таких как кровь или интерстициальная жидкость, с предотвращением кратковременного взятия проб. Устройство для взятия проб жидкости содержит предварительную камеру (12), имеющую внутреннюю поверхность и первый объем и оказывающую воздействие первой капиллярной силы, измерительную камеру (14), сообщающуюся через жидкость с предварительной камерой, имеющую внутреннюю поверхность, и второй объем и оказывающую воздействие второй капиллярной силы, при этом первый объем не меньше, чем второй объем, и между капиллярными силами существует разность в виде дифференциальной капиллярной силы, достаточной для того, чтобы вызвать поток жидкости из предварительной камеры (12) и заполнить измерительную камеру (14), при этом внутренняя поверхность предварительной камеры (12) имеет первую неровность, первую действительную и первую геометрическую площадь поверхности, а внутренняя поверхность измерительной камеры (14) имеет вторую ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606168C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для электростатического соединения коаксиальной трубчатой конструкции. Наружная труба содержит электропроводящий материал и имеет внутреннюю поверхность. Внутренняя труба содержит электропроводящий материал и имеет наружную поверхность. Внутренняя труба и наружная труба расположены для создания канала. Связующая структура, содержащая электропроводящий материал, расположена таким образом, чтобы она создавала механический контакт и электростатическое соединение между электропроводящими материалами на трубах. Связующая структура находится в контакте с внутренней поверхностью наружной трубы в нескольких первых точках и с наружной поверхностью внутренней трубы в нескольких вторых точках. Изобретение повышает надежность устройства трубчатой конструкции. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569552C2

Система включает выполненный с возможностью монтажа в стойку блок распределения электроэнергии, включающий корпус, имеющий первый конец и второй конец. Корпус также включает наружную стенку, определяющую полость внутри корпуса, и крепежные элементы, сконфигурированные для того, чтобы обеспечивать возможность монтажа корпуса внутри стойки для электрического оборудования. Наружная стенка корпуса включает отверстие, проходящее линейно между первым концом и вторым концом корпуса, и множество электрических проводников, расположенных внутри полости и ориентированных линейно между первым концом и вторым концом. Система включает также ответвляющий модуль, включающий множество контактов, отходящих от него, при этом каждый из множества контактов сконфигурирован для его введения внутрь отверстия с последующим сопряжением с одним из множества электрических проводников внутри полости, соответственно. Технический результат - создание системы распределения электроэнергии с возможностью масштабирования ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542778C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Небулайзер содержит насадку, разъемно соединенную с корпусом. Насадка содержит распылительное средство, воздушный канал и датчик расхода. Распыленная жидкость выбрасывается в воздушный канал, который заканчивается мундштуком, через который пользователь производит вдох и выдох. Вдох и выдох создают поток в воздушном канале, который обнаруживается датчиком расхода. Распылительное средство работает с управлением от средства управления, содержащегося в корпусе. Группа изобретений позволяет облегчить быструю и удовлетворительную очистку небулайзера. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571174C2
Принадлежит: МАЙКРО МОУШН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к сборке (200) датчика для вибрационного измерителя (50). Отличительной особенностью сборки датчика (200) является то, что дополнительно к одному или нескольким плоским гибким элементам (210-212′) компонента датчика, отходящим от основной части (202) и связанным с компонентом (104, 105, 105′) датчика одного или нескольких компонентов датчика, введен резервный гибкий элемент (350). Резервный гибкий элемент (350)связан по меньшей мере с одним гибким элементом компонента датчика. Каждый из гибких элементов компонента датчика содержит первичное электрическое соединение (512А, 512′А) и резервное электрическое соединение (512В, 512′В). Причем электрические соединения (512А, 512′А, 512В, 512′В) расположены между по меньшей мере двумя гибкими подложками. Технический результат - повышение эффективности и надежности сборки датчика за счет улучшения электрической конфигурации. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2579331C2
Принадлежит: СТОРА ЭНСО ОЙЙ (FI)

Согласно изобретению, предложена упаковка на основе пластика или волокна, содержащая интерфейс для стыковки и соединения съемного модуля с упаковкой на основе пластика или волокна, причем модуль имеет беспроводной передатчик, а интерфейс имеет проводники для передачи информации об упаковке на основе пластика или волокна от этой упаковки в указанный модуль. Вариант осуществления настоящего изобретения также включает модуль, систему и программные средства. Вариант осуществления изобретения относится к «интеллектуальной» упаковке (smart package), управлению таковой и различным вариантам применениям таковой. 4 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы,12 ил.

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441207C2

Изобретение относится к емкостному датчику давления. Техническим результатом является повышение чувствительности датчика давления. Датчик давления включает корпус и упругую измерительную мембрану. Корпус и/или измерительная мембрана выполнены из керамики, стекла или монокристаллического материала. Измерительная мембрана имеет, по меньшей мере, один первый электрод, который обращен к поверхности основного корпуса. Поверхность основного корпуса имеет, по меньшей мере, один второй электрод, который обращен к измерительной мембране. Емкость между первым и вторым электродами является мерой давления, подлежащего измерению. Один из первого и второго электродов имеет проводящий ток слой, который содержит металл и стекло. Металл содержит сосуществующие домены элементов благородных металлов. Элементы благородных металлов представляют собой Au и Pt. Стекло является стойким в условиях высокого вакуума при температуре 910°С. Стекло за исключением имеющихся примесей не содержит никакого свинца и никакого ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610144C2

Изобретение относится к модульной вычислительной системе для центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Технический результат – обеспечение первоначального предоставления ЦОД вычислительной мощности или ее расширение, повышение эффективности отвода тепла, обеспечение защиты от пожара. Достигается тем, что модульная вычислительная система включает один или большее количество модулей ЦОД, содержащих компьютерные системы со стоечным монтажом. По меньшей мере, один электрический модуль соединяется с модулями ЦОД и обеспечивает электропитание компьютерных систем, располагающихся в модулях ЦОД. Один или большее количество модулей кондиционирования воздуха соединяются с модулями ЦОД. Модуль ЦОД может включать две предварительно изготовленные части, каждая из которых включает ряд стоек, включающий две или большее количество компьютерных систем со стоечным монтажом, общий проход на передней стороне ряда стоек, тыльный проход на тыльной стороне ряда стоек, впускное отверстие для воздуха в общем проходе и выпускное ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2591002C2

Группа изобретений относится к электроснабжению транспортных средств с электротягой. Система для передачи электрической энергии к транспортному средству содержит электрическую проводниковую структуру, которая содержит несколько сегментов (T1, Т2, Т3, Т4, Т5, Т6, Т7, Т8), причем каждый сегмент простирается вдоль пути движения. Каждый сегмент содержит одну линию для каждой фазы переменного тока. Система содержит несколько блоков питания для подачи переменного тока к соответствующему сегменту и источник тока для передачи электрической энергии к нескольким блокам питания, которые соединены параллельно относительно источника тока. Первый блок питания выполнен с возможностью подключения к каждому сегменту первого комплекта двух сегментов (Т1, Т4, T1_a, Т4_а, T1_b, T4_b). Каждый соседний сегмент (Т2, Т3, Т5) выполнен с возможностью подключения исключительно к другому блоку питания. Причем первый блок питания выполнен и/или расположен так, что внутренние импедансы его соединений с сегментами первого ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556086C2
Принадлежит: ЭССЭКС ЭРОП (FR)

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат состоит в улучшении охлаждения. Способ изготовления электрической обмотки для электроприбора, при котором обмотка заделана в жидкость, служащую для охлаждения. Сначала изготавливается провод, в котором множество отдельных изолированных электрических проводов прямоугольного сечения размещены по меньшей мере в одном пучке с прилеганием друг к другу своими плоскими сторонами. Вокруг пучка для получения общей изоляции наматывается материал для обмотки, состоящий из изоляционного материала, а затем провод формируется в цельную обмотку. Для намотки используется материал для обмотки в виде ленты или жгута из полимерного материала с заложенной памятью формы, который в результате растяжения имеет бульшую длину по сравнению с первоначальной длиной. Готовая обмотка нагревается до температуры, при которой материал для обмотки укорачивается в направлении намотки. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

07-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2644005C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат состоит в упрощении замены источника питания. Источник питания имеет один или более электронных модулей питания, которые могут быть заменены без выключения источника питания. Каждый электронный модуль питания может быть заключен в отдельный отсек источника питания. Каждый отсек может иметь стационарные электрические разъемы, выполненные с возможностью электрического соединения с электронным модулем питания. Реечный механизм, соединенный с рукояткой управления снаружи отсека, может перемещать электронный модуль питания из электрического контакта со стационарными электрическими разъемами и/или в электрический контакт со стационарными электрическими разъемами. Перемещение электронного модуля питания в отсеке может происходить без отключения источника питания. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531262C2

Изобретение относится к области радиотехники и может быть использовано в схемах радиочастотного передатчика для ослабления помех. Технический результат - уменьшение помех и/или повышение линейности в радиочастотном передатчике. Радиочастотный передатчик содержит усилитель, антенный порт, развязывающее устройство, выполненное с возможностью развязки выхода усилителя от помехового сигнала антенного порта, контур линеаризации и линию передачи, содержащую первую часть (связывающую источник сигнала с входом усилителя), вторую часть (связывающую выход усилителя с входом развязывающего устройства) и третью часть (связывающую выход развязывающего устройства с антенным портом). Контур линеаризации выполнен с возможностью ослабления нелинейности развязывающего устройства и содержит первый направленный ответвитель, связанный с третьей частью линии передачи, импеданс контура и, по меньшей мере, один дополнительный элемент контура линеаризации, выполненный с возможностью коррекции сигнала линеаризации ...

26-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659018C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к вариантам катетера для стимуляции и картирования электрической активности в сердце и абляции участков с нарушенной электрической активностью, и способу изготовления точечного электрода катетера. Катетер содержит удлиненный корпус катетера и предохранительный трос. Трос имеет натяжную часть, расположенную в канальной части, для прохождения вокруг закругленной дистальной поверхности. Катетер включает точечный электрод, расположенный на дистальном конце удлиненного корпуса катетера. Точечный электрод имеет электропроводный внутренний опорный элемент, имеющий канальную часть, образующую закругленную дистальную поверхность. Опорный элемент имеет сечение круглой формы различных размеров. Катетер содержит электропроводную куполообразную оболочку, установленную на опорном элементе и имеющую форму полой трубки или цилиндра, и имеющую закрытый и закруглённый атравматичный дистальный конец и открытый проксимальный конец. Предохранительный ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485491C2

Изобретение относится к газовым датчикам, используемым во многих областях техники для удовлетворения растущих требований по экологии и безопасности. Изобретение касается комбинированного газового датчика, содержащего электрохимический газовый датчик с первым и вторым электродами и резистивный газовый датчик, реализованный посредством третьего электрода, при этом первый и второй электроды соединены посредством ионопроводящего материала, причем первый электрод по меньшей мере частично покрыт первым каталитически активным материалом, а третий электрод размещен в непосредственном контакте с первым каталитически активным материалом и не находится в непосредственном контакте с первым электродом. Изобретение также относится к системе датчиков, способу изготовления комбинированного газового датчика, способу работы комбинированного газового датчика. Технический результат - упрощение конструкции датчика, расширение функциональных возможностей. 4 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2447526C1

Многожильный скрученный кабель включает одиночный провод (2), задающий центральную продольную ось, первое множество композитных проводов (4), спирально скрученных вокруг одиночного провода в первом направлении скрутки под первым углом скрутки относительно центральной продольной оси и с первым шагом скрутки, и второе множество композитных проводов (6), спирально скрученных вокруг первого множества композитных проводов в первом направлении скрутки под вторым углом скрутки относительно центральной продольной оси и со вторым шагом скрутки, при этом относительная разность между первым углом скрутки и вторым углом скрутки составляет не больше чем около 4°. Многожильные скрученные кабели можно использовать в качестве полуфабриката для последующего изготовления готовых продуктах, например в кабелях для воздушных линий электропередачи. 23 з.п. ф-лы, 23 ил.

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2474021C1

Соединитель включает в себя первый (1) и второй (2) штекерные разъемы. Первый разъем (1) включает в себя первую (3) и вторую (4) фиксируемые планки. Второй разъем (2) включает в себя фиксирующий элемент (5), первый (6) и второй (7) разъединительные язычки и деблокирующий элемент (8). Первая планка (3) и/или вторая планка (4) выполнена с возможностью фиксации в фиксирующем элементе (5). Первый язычок (6) в состыкованном состоянии соединителя прилегает к первой планке (3), которая посредством первого язычка (6) выполнена с возможностью отсоединения ее от фиксирующего элемента (5). Второй язычок (7) в состыкованном состоянии соединителя прилегает ко второй планке (4) таким образом, что вторая планка (4) посредством второго язычка (7) выполнена с возможностью отсоединения от фиксирующего элемента (5). Деблокирующий элемент (8) в состыкованном состоянии соединителя охватывает первый (6) и второй (7) разъединительные язычки таким образом, что деблокирующий элемент (8) прилегает с одной стороны ...

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2218300C1
Принадлежит: АКЦО НОБЕЛЬ Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к конструкции для вентиляции газообразного водорода и способу ее изготовления. Конструкция для вентиляции газообразного водорода содержит по меньшей мере два металлических слоя, причем первый металлический слой 1, подверженный водородной хрупкости, соединен со вторым металлическим слоем 2, устойчивым к водородной хрупкости, и сетку 4 для образования каналов для вентиляции 5 между первым 1 и вторым 2 металлическими слоями и сеткой, причем сетка расположена между упомянутыми первым 1 и вторым 2 металлическими слоями и соединена с ними. Данные способ и устройство позволяют получить прочную конструкцию для вентиляции газообразного водорода. 4 с. и 14 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015103177A

... 1. Система обеспечения электроэнергией, прежде всего тяговая система транспортного средства, причем система (1) обеспечения электроэнергией содержит инвертер (3), электродвигатель (4), приемное устройство (5), адаптированное для приема переменного электромагнитного поля и выработки переменного электрического тока посредством электромагнитной индукции, и систему (8) пассивных электрических цепей, адаптированную для соединения инвертера (3), электродвигателя (4) и приемного устройства (5), причем система (8) пассивных электрических цепей содержит первую передающую цепь для передачи электрической энергии между приемным устройством (3) и электродвигателем (4), вторую передающую цепь для передачи электрической энергии между приемным устройством (5) и инвертером (3) и третью передающую цепь для передачи электрической энергии между инвертером (3) и электродвигателем (4),отличающаяся тем, чтосистема (8) пассивных электрических цепей выполнена так, что при заданной частоте зарядки импеданс, обеспечиваемый ...

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004118246A

... 1. Способ выполнения сквозных соединений в гибких подложках (1) для обеспечения электрического контакта между двумя расположенными на противоположных поверхностях (1a, 1b) подложки (1) электропроводными контактными участками (4, 41; 6, 61), при осуществлении которого в зоне этих контактных участков (4, 41) в подложке (1) режущим инструментом (9) выполняют прорезаемую под наклоном к ее поверхностям (1а, 1b) прорезь (11), отличающийся тем, что за одну рабочую операцию совместно с выполнением в подложке наклонной прорези (11) оба примыкающих к ней участка (20, 30) подложки смещают относительно друг друга, разводя их во взаимно противоположные стороны до тех пор, пока они не заскочат один за другой. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что обращенные друг к другу участки (20, 30) подложки смещают относительно друг друга, разводя их во взаимно противоположные стороны, с помощью отдельного толкателя (12) и/или предусмотренного на режущем инструменте захватывающего приспособления (15). 3. Способ ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009149204A

... 1. Датчик давления, включающий, по меньшей мере, один основной корпус (1) и, по меньшей мере, одну упругую измерительную мембрану (2), которая с образованием герметично закрытой по краю измерительной камеры (3) соединена с поверхностью основного корпуса, причем основной корпус (1) и/или измерительная мембрана (2) в качестве материала имеют керамику, стекло или монокристаллический материал, измерительная мембрана (2) имеет, по меньшей мере, один первый электрод (6), который обращен к поверхности основного корпуса (1), поверхность основного корпуса (1) имеет, по меньшей мере, один второй электрод (5), который обращен к измерительной мембране, причем емкость между первым электродом и вторым электродами является мерой давления, подлежащего измерению; отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, один из первого и второго электродов имеет проводящий ток слой, который содержит металл и стекло, причем металл, по меньшей мере, включает элемент благородного металла, и стекло при 900°С устойчиво к высокому ...

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004115186A

... 1. Способ изготовления сверхпроводящего кабеля, состоящего из кабельного сердечника, содержащего по меньшей мере один удлиненный сверхпроводящий элемент, и охватывающей кабельный сердечник гибкой трубы, включающий в себя следующие этапы: а) непрерывную размотку кабельного сердечника с источника кабеля; б) непрерывную размотку металлической ленты с источника ленты; в) непрерывное формование металлической ленты вокруг кабельного сердечника в трубную заготовку, заварку продольного шва и последующее гофрирование заваренной трубы, причем внутренний диаметр гофрированной трубы больше наружного диаметра кабельного сердечника; г) намотку состоящего из кабельного сердечника и гофрированной трубы сверхпроводящего кабеля на кабельный барабан или укладку сверхпроводящего кабеля в по меньшей мере один виток; и д) завершающее механическое соединение концов кабельного сердечника с концами гофрированной трубы в то время, как кабель находится на кабельном барабане или в виде по меньшей мере одного витка ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441263C1

Изобретение относится к подложкам активной матрицы. Подложка содержит множество первых проводных соединений, простирающихся параллельно по отношению друг к другу; множество вторых проводных соединений, каждое из которых обеспечено между смежными первыми проводными соединениями таким образом, что они простираются параллельно по отношению друг к другу; и третье проводное соединение, которое пересекает первые проводные соединения с изолирующей пленкой между ними, с которым вторые проводные соединения соединены через контактные отверстия, сформированные в изолирующей пленке, и которое имеет большую ширину, чем вторые проводные соединения. Каждое из первых проводных соединений имеет часть с множеством линий и часть с одиночной линией, которые соединены вместе, в области, накладывающейся на третье проводное соединение. Части с множеством линий и части с одиночной линией первых проводных соединений расположены таким образом, что они примыкают друг другу, третье проводное соединение имеет щель, ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014114526A

... 1. Инструмент для геофизического исследования скважин, который содержит:корпус скважинного прибора;генератор излучения, помещенный в указанный корпус скважинного прибора, который содержиткорпус генератора,мишень, помещенную в указанный корпус генератора,источник заряженных частиц, помещенный в указанный корпус генератора, чтобы направлять заряженные частицы к указанной мишени, ипо меньшей мере, один источник напряжения, подключенный к указанному источнику заряженных частиц, причем, по меньшей мере, один указанный источник напряжения содержиткаскадный умножитель напряжения, который содержит множество каскадов умножения напряжения, соединенных в однополюсной конфигурации, ипо меньшей мере, одну нагрузочную катушку, подключенную, по меньшей мере, в одном промежуточном положении указанного умножителя напряжения; ипо меньшей мере, один приемник излучения, находящийся в корпусе указанного скважинного прибора.2. Инструмент для геофизического исследования по п.1, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013158819A

... 1. Катетер, содержащий:удлиненный корпус катетера;точечный электрод, расположенный дистально относительно корпуса катетера;опорный элемент, имеющий канальную часть, образующую закругленную дистальную поверхность;оболочку, установленную на опорном элементе; ипредохранительный натяжной элемент, имеющий натяжную часть, расположенную в канальной части, для прохождения вокруг закругленной дистальной поверхности.2. Катетер по п. 1, в котором предохранительный натяжной элемент имеет два конца, по меньшей мере один из которых фиксирован к катетеру.3. Катетер по п. 2, дополнительно содержащий рукоятку управления, причем указанный по меньшей мере один конец предохранительного натяжного элемента фиксирован в рукоятке катетера.4. Катетер по п. 1, в котором канальная часть имеет U-образную форму.5. Катетер по п. 1, в котором предохранительный натяжной элемент имеет две проксимальные части, проходящие параллельно через корпус катетера.6. Катетер по п. 1, в котором оболочка и опорный элемент образуют ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012120724A

... 1. Устройство для удаления электрода (8) из оправки (6) инструмента (2) для удержания электрода и/или для установки электрода (8) в оправку инструмента (2) для удержания электрода, образующего часть сварочного устройства и удаляемого из сварочного устройства перед удалением или установкой электрода, содержащее первую часть (12), предназначенную для вмещения инструмента (2) для удержания электрода, при этом электрод (8) выступает, по меньшей мере, частично наружу из первой части (12), и содержащую средство остановки инструмента (2) для удержания электрода при его перемещении и при его повороте; и вторую часть (14), установленную вокруг первой части (12) и предназначенную для закрывания части электрода (8), выступающей наружу - из первой части (12), при этом вторая часть (14) выполнена с возможностью ее отделения от первой части (12) в результате ее скольжения вдоль электрода (8) и выполнена с возможностью вращения относительно неподвижной части (14), когда она ее окружает, причем вторая ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113346A

... 1. Сетчатый осветительный модуль (13; 23), содержащий:- множество электропроводящих проводов (15a-b), задающих сетку с узлами (16а-с); и- множество твердотельных источников (17a-c) света, каждый из которых размещен в соответствующем одном из узлов и соединен с двумя электропроводящими проводами из множества электропроводящих проводов,при этом электропроводящие провода (15a-b) уложены так, что сетчатый осветительный модуль (13; 23) проявляет трехмерную топографию, икаждый из электропроводящих проводов (15a-b) уложен так, чтобы проявлять множество сгибов (18a-b; 28a-c), каждый из которых размещен между двумя взаимно смежными твердотельными источниками света, и по меньшей мере один сгиб (18a-b; 28a-c) размещен между каждой взаимно смежной парой твердотельных источников света, соединенных с электропроводящим проводом.2. Сетчатый осветительный модуль (23) по п. 1, в котором по меньшей мере три сгиба (28a-c) размещены между двумя взаимно смежными твердотельными источниками света.3. Сетчатый осветительный ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106299A

... 1. Детектор (1) падения для обнаружения падений пользователя или объекта, к которому прикреплен детектор (1) падения, отличающийся тем, что детектор (1) падения содержит датчик (3) потока воздуха для предоставления измерений, указывающих вертикальную скорость и/или изменения высоты детектора (1) падения.2. Детектор (1) падения по п.1, который дополнительно содержит датчик (2) ускорения для измерения ускорений детектора (1) падения.3. Детектор (1) падения по п.2, который дополнительно содержит процессор (4) для обработки измерений от датчика (3) потока воздуха и датчика (2) ускорения для обнаружения того, произошло ли падение.4. Детектор (1) падения по п.3, в котором процессор (4) выполнен с возможностью оценивать ориентацию детектора (1) падения по измерениям от датчика (2) ускорения и использовать оцененную ориентацию для генерации профиля вертикальной скорости для детектора (1) падения по измерениям от датчика (3) потока воздуха.5. Детектор (1) падения по любому предыдущему пункту, в ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152399A

... 1. Светодиодный источник света, содержащий:плату светодиода, содержащую светодиодный излучатель и схему управления указанным светодиодным излучателем;опору, выполненную с возможностью поддержки платы светодиода; икорпус, охватывающий указанную плату светодиода;причем корпус заполнен газом или смесью газов, чтобы указанные газ или смесь газов действовали как среда, обеспечивающая отвод тепла от платы светодиода; а газ или смесь газов выбраны таким образом, чтобы обеспечивался более интенсивный, по сравнению с воздухом, отвод тепла от платы светодиода.2. Светодиодный источник света по п.1, в котором указанная опора содержит пружинную опору.3. Светодиодный источник света по п.1, в котором тепло отводится от светодиодного излучателя к поверхности корпуса посредством конвекционного потока.4. Светодиодный источник света по п.1, в котором материал корпуса выбран таким образом, чтобы обеспечивалось пропускание света и перенос тепла от поверхности корпуса в окружающую среду путем излучения.5. Светодиодный ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015113932A

... 1. Электрод для электролиза, содержащий:токопроводящую штангу; ипластину, прикрепленную к токопроводящей штанге;при этом, по меньшей мере, часть токопроводящей штанги опускается ниже верхнего края пластины.2. Электрод по п. 1, причем, по меньшей мере, верхняя часть токопроводящей штанги опускается ниже верхнего края пластины.3. Электрод по любому из п. 1 или 2, причем указанный электрод представляет собой катод, используемый в электролитических процессах для производства меди.4. Электрод по любому из п. 1 или 2, причем токопроводящая штанга выполнена из нержавеющей стали.5. Электрод по любому из п. 1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что токопроводящая штанга изготовлена профилированием на роликовой листогибочной машине листового материала роликами.6. Электрод для электролиза, содержащий:токопроводящую штангу; ипластину, прикрепленную к токопроводящей штанге;при этом токопроводящая штанга содержит прикрепленный к ней токопроводящий элемент, который повышает проводимость токопроводящей штанги.7.

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014147043A
Автор: БОН Пьер (FR)

... 1. Соединитель (1) предварительного разогрева, предусмотренный для электрического соединения анодного стержня (2) к анодной раме (6) электролизера (4) на фазе предварительного разогрева электролизера (4), отличающийся тем, что соединитель (1) предварительного разогрева содержит средства подвешивания на анодную раму (6) и средства опоры, предусмотренные для приложения давления на анодный стержень (2), чтобы удерживать его прижатым к анодной раме (6), при этом средства подвешивания и средства опоры расположены и выполнены таким образом, чтобы соединитель (1) предварительного разогрева наложить на так называемый постоянный соединитель (12), предусмотренный для электрического и механического соединения анодного стержня (2) c анодной рамой (6) при функционировании электролизера (4) в непрерывном режиме.2. Соединитель (1) предварительного разогрева по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что средства подвешивания и средства опоры расположены и выполнены таким образом, чтобы соединитель (1) предварительного ...

29-04-2010 дата публикации

Längswasser-Sperre für elektrische Leitungen

Номер: DE202009013471U1

04-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003121460A1

06-05-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Stromerfassungseinrichtung

Номер: DE102008051561A1

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Stromerfassungseinrichtung mit einem einstückigen, u-förmig gebogenen, Stromleiter bestimmter Länge, der einen Mittenabschnitt und zwei Endabschnitte hat und in dem Mittenabschnitt die Form eines Stabes mit nicht-rechteckigem Leiterquerschnitt und in seinen Endabschnitten Abflachungen mit rechteckigem Leiterquerschnitt aufweist, und mit einem im Mittenabschnitt angeordneten magnetischen Modul, das eine den Stromleiter aufnehmende Durchführung aufweist, wobei das Verfahren die Schritte aufweist: Bereitstellen des magnetischen Moduls sowie eines in dem Mittenabschnitt und zumindest einem der Endabschnitte gerade und stabförmig ausgebildeten Stromleiters; Aufbringen einer Zinnauflage auf den Stromleiter in zumindest einem Teil mindestens eines Endabschnitts; Positionieren des Stromleiters und des magnetischen Moduls relativ zueinander, derart, dass der Stromleiter sich mit seinem Mittenabschnitt in der Durchführung des Moduls befindet, und Verformen des Stromleiters ...

07-08-2008 дата публикации

Electrical conductor for heating has carrier structure of bonded fiber and carbon material adhering to it as conductor

Номер: DE102007006624A1

The electrical conductor has a carrier structure and electrically conductive material. The carrier structure is made of bonded fiber. The conducting material consists of a carbon material, possibly carbonized carboniferous material, which adheres to the bonded fiber, and may be applied to it by pyrolitic deposition or other forms of deposition.

26-08-2010 дата публикации

Verbundprofil mit einem Trägerprofil aus Leichtmetallwerkstoff sowie einem Profilband und Verfahren zum Herstellen des Verbundprofils

Номер: DE102005063436B9

Verbundprofil mit einem aus Leichtmetallwerkstoff stranggepressten Trägerprofil (12) sowie einem dessen Kopffläche (28) überspannenden Profilband (40) aus einem härteren Metall, wobei das Profilband (40) auf der Kopffläche (28) des Trägerprofils (12) liegt und an seinen Längsseiten jeweils ein zu seiner Längsachse (B) paralleler Einschubstab (52) runden Querschnittes angefügt ist, der andererseits in einen seitlichen Schlitz des Trägerprofils (12) eingreift, wobei die Einschubstäbe (52) jeweils mit dem Profilband (40) durch eine Schweißnaht (48) verbunden sind.

19-08-2010 дата публикации

Ultrafeindraht und Herstellungsverfahren dafür

Номер: DE102010001664A1

Herstellungsverfahren für einen Ultrafeindraht mit einem Leiter, der aus einer Vielzahl von Adern ausgebildet ist, wobei das Verfahren umfasst: Verdrillen von drei Adern zu einem verdrillten Draht und Ausbilden des Leiters nach dem Verdrillen durch Zusammendrücken der verdrillten Adern mittels einer Kompressionsöffnung einer Kompressionsform. Ein Verhältniswert eines Querschnitts des Leiters nach dem Zusammendrücken zu einer Fläche der Kompressionsöffnung beträgt 80% bis 83%.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Kapazitiver Abstandssensor

Номер: DE102010045008A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen kapazitiven Abstandssensor (2). Der Abstandssensor (2) umfasst ein Sensorelement (4), mit einer elektrisch leitenden, langgestreckten, flachen Sensorfläche (16), die wiederum eine Anzahl von Löchern (18) enthält. Die Sensorfläche (16) ist von einem elektrisch nichtleitenden Isolierkörper (14) vollständig umschlossen, so dass der Isolierkörper (14) die Randbereiche (22) der Löcher (18) vollständig überdeckt. Das Sensorelement (4) wird insbesondere hergestellt, indem in die Sensorfläche (16) zunächst die Löcher (18) eingebracht werden. In einem darauffolgenden Arbeitsschritt wird die Sensorfläche (16) von dem Isolierkörper (14) vollständig umhüllt, der auch die Löcher (18) der Sensorfläche (16) vollständig ausfüllt.

06-06-2012 дата публикации

Wundverband zur Elektrostimulation sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung eines solchen Wundverbands

Номер: DE102010053213A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Wundverband zur Elektrostimulation (10) mit einem flächigen Energieübertragungselement (12, 12'), einer mit dem Energieübertragungselement (12, 12') verbundenen Schutz- und Trägerschicht (14), welche das Energieübertragungselement (12, 12') außenseitig bedeckt und wenigstens abschnittsweise über einen Rand (16, 16') des Energieübertragungselements (12, 12') hinausragt, sowie einer flächigen Wundauflage (26), die innenseitig auf einer der Schutz- und Trägerschicht (14) abgewandten Seite des Energieübertragungselements (12, 12') aufgebracht ist, wobei das Energieübertragungselement (12, 12') und die Schutz- und Trägerschicht (14) eine sich vom Rand ins Innere des Wundverbands (10) erstreckende Trennlinie (18, 18') aufweisen, welche ein Kontaktband (20, 20') des Energieübertragungselements (12, 12') von einem Wundauflage- und Abgrenzungsbereich (22, 24) des Energieübertragungselements (12, 12') trennt. Des Weiteren betrifft die Erfindung auch ein Verfahren zur ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Therapeutisch anwendbare Gleichstromabgabevorrichtung

Номер: DE102012010262A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Gleichstromabgabevorrichtung umfassend eine Gleichstromquelle oder eine Einrichtung zum Anschließen an eine Gleichstromquelle und eine erste Elektrode sowie eine zweite Elektrode zum Verbinden mit der Gleichstromquelle, wobei die Gleichstromabgabevorrichtung ferner ein Mittel zum Konstanthalten der Stromstärke bei der Abgabe des Gleichstroms umfasst und die erste Elektrode als Nadel oder als Mehrzahl miteinander elektrisch leitend verbundener Nadeln ausgebildet ist. Die erfindungsgemäße Gleichstromabgabevorrichtung ist zur therapeutischen oder kosmetischen Behandlung des menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers einsetzbar.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Einrichten elektrischer Verbindungen in einem elektromechanischen Hybridgetriebe

Номер: DE102005011888B4
Принадлежит: GEN MOTORS CORP, General Motors Corp.

Verfahren zum Zusammenbauen eines elektromechanischen Hybridgetriebes, wobei das Verfahren die Schritte umfasst: Vorsehen einer vormontierten Anschlussteilanordnung (128), die eine erste Mehrzahl Drahtanschlüsse enthält, die für eine selektive, im Wesentlichen einheitliche Bewegung bezüglich eines Getriebegehäuses (18) ausreichend miteinander verbunden sind; Ausrichten der vormontierten Anschlussteilanordnung (128) mit einer zweiten Mehrzahl von Drahtanschlüssen, die bezüglich zumindest eines Elektromotors/Generators befestigt sind, und Einrichten einer elektrischen Verbindung zwischen jedem der ersten Mehrzahl von Drahtanschlüssen und einem jeweiligen der zweiten Mehrzahl von Anschlüssen, wobei jeder der ersten Mehrzahl von Drahtanschlüssen ein jeweiliges Befestigungsloch definiert; wobei die vormontierte Anschlussteilanordnung (128) ferner mehrere leitfähige Hülsen (164), die jeweils ein erstes Ende (168) und ein zweites Ende (172) aufweisen und eine jeweilige Öffnung definieren, die ...

11-03-2010 дата публикации

Schmelzsicherungsbrücke eines komplexen Typs, Sicherungskasten, und Herstellverfahren hierfür

Номер: DE102009038420A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung schafft eine Schmelzsicherungsbrücke eines komplexen Typs, welche eine isolierende Blockbasis mit mehreren Kavitäten aufweist, eine leitende Verbindungsplatte, die in der isolierenden Blockbasis integral eingebettet ist, wobei ein Teil der leitenden Verbindungsplatte zu zumindest einer der Kavitäten freigelegt ist; eine Vielzahl Schmelzsicherungselemente, von denen ein jedes in einer korrespondierenden der Kavitäten untergebracht ist, und ein erstes Ende besitzt, welches mit dem Teil der leitenden Verbindungsplatte verbunden ist, und ein zweites Ende; und eine Vielzahl Anschlüsse, von denen ein jeder integral in die isolierende Blockbasis eingebettet ist und ein erstes Ende aufweist, welches mit dem zweiten Ende eines korrespondierenden der Schmelzsicherungselemente verbunden ist, und ein zweites Ende besitzt, welches an der isolierenden Blockbasis exponiert ist.

21-05-2014 дата публикации

Primary wire for marine and sub-sea cable

Номер: GB0002479371B

20-06-2012 дата публикации

A low noise amplifier with an impedance matching amplifier stage and a bias circuit which compensates process and temperature variations

Номер: GB0002486515A

A low noise amplifier 605 comprises an input impedance matching stage M1, M3, Rfb in parallel with the main input transistor M2. The matching stage is compensated against process, aging, and temperature variations by a feedback circuit (figure 5) acting on M3 to stabilize the voltage at node A. A common bias voltage for devices M1 and M2 is provided internally through Rfb. No input coupling capacitor or bias resistor is required, which reduces the circuit size and noise factor. The output of the matching stage may be added to the output of the main input transistor M2 at node B, using device M4. The LNA may possess a differential structure 605,610. The LNA is compact, inexpensive, consumes little power, has no external matching or bias components, and is suitable for high volume manufacture.

19-12-2012 дата публикации

Material for use with a capacitive touch screen

Номер: GB0201219766D0

22-08-2012 дата публикации

Electrical heating system for a section of fluid transport pipe, section and pipe equipment with such an electrical heating system

Номер: GB0201212086D0

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Electronic device packages and methods

Номер: GB0201219308D0

04-09-2013 дата публикации

Signal and power transmission in hydrocarbon wells

Номер: GB0201312858D0

24-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002163513B

24-08-2005 дата публикации

Integrated detonator for use with an explosive device

Номер: GB0002411222A

A detonator assembly is provided for use in oilfield operations to detonate an explosive downhole. The detonator assembly includes a capacitor 808, an initiator EFI, a transformer 810 and an addressable chip 812 mechanically and electrically connected to form the integrated detonator unit. The assembly may further comprise a capacitor discharge unit having a charging resistor, a bleeder resistor and an integrated micro-switch adapted to couple charge from the capacitor to the initiator when activated. The initiator may comprise a semiconductor bridge, an exploding bridge wire or an exploding foil initiator. The addressable chip 812 may be adapted to identify and selectively charge one or more initiators from a set of initiators. In another embodiment, a jet cutter is disclosed comprising a detonator assembly embedded in a first explosive material wherein the detonator comprises an initiator and a capacitor, and a second explosive material proximate to the initiator.

28-05-2003 дата публикации

Grounding electrical circuit to motor vehicle beam

Номер: GB0002382475A

The present invention is generally directed grounding an electrical connection to a magnesium cross beam 14 of a motor vehicle. In order to ensure proper grounding, the cross beam is provided with a copper connector 22. The connector defines a first aperture 26. An electric circuit is preferably traced on a plastic substrate 32, where the substrate defines a second aperture 34. The substrate is placed on top of the cross beam such that the first aperture and the second aperture are aligned with each other. An attaching means such as screw 40 is inserted through the first aperture to the second aperture such that the substrate is attached to the cross beam. In order to prevent the movement of the substrate relative to the cross beam the second aperture is provided with a washer 36. An aluminium heat spreader 42 may be provided.

18-06-1997 дата публикации

Apparatus for remote handling of plugs and sockets

Номер: GB0009708711D0

08-09-2004 дата публикации

Gating grid and method of making same

Номер: GB0002399219A

A gating grid for deflecting ions includes an insulating substrate (16) a conducting layer (28) adhered to the insulating substrate (16), and interdigitated electrodes (14) patterned in the conducting layer by a photolithographic process. A hole (18) in the insulating substrate beneath the interdigitated electrodes allows ions to pass through the hole in the substrate. A process for making a gating grid for deflecting ions includes adhering a conducting layer (28) to an insulating substrate (16), forming interdigitated electrodes (14) on the conducting layer (28), and then forming a hole (18) in the insulating substrate beneath the interdigitated electrodes.

08-11-2006 дата публикации

Electrical feedthru

Номер: GB0002406448B

30-04-2008 дата публикации

Connector having removable conductor

Номер: GB0002443224A

A connector 1 for facilitating a pressure-tight electrical connection through a well head comprises a hollow body 2 having upper and lower openings 3, 4, a bulkhead 12 provided in the body 2 and a conductor 18 removably held in the bulkhead 12, for example by a retaining plate 26. A portion of the conductor protrudes from the bulkhead 12 in the direction of the lower opening 4. The conductor 18 has an insulating layer 20 insulating the conductor from the bulkhead 12 and extending along part of the said protruding portion, forming a pressure barrier between the first and second openings 3, 4. The conductor 18 may be connected to an insulated core 38 of cable 30. A second insulating layer 40 ideally surrounds the connection of the conductor 18 and core 38. The second insulating layer may be dielectric tape or heat shrunk material. Particularly suited for use in wellheads. The removable conductor enables in-situ maintenance and repair. Independent claims are also included for a connector assembly ...

04-04-2012 дата публикации

Material for use with a capacitive touch screen

Номер: GB0002484217A

A modified material for use with a capacitive touch screen is described. The modified material comprises a material impregnated with a composition comprising either a non-metallic and/or a metallic conductive agent with a binder. A variety of materials are contemplated, including, but not limited to leather. Also described is an apparatus and method of providing a conductive glove is disclosed.

15-11-2000 дата публикации

Solid state embossing of polymer devices

Номер: GB0000024294D0

18-03-1964 дата публикации

Composite thermostatic electrical resistance elements and their method of manufacture

Номер: GB0000952986A

... 952,986. Making thermostats. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Inc. April 8, 1960 [April 8, 1959], No. 12663/60. Heading B3A. [Also in Division G1] To increase the electrical resistance of a bimetal or other composite conductive sheet which flexes on heating, at least a portion of at least one face of a conductive part has a collection of closely-spaced discrete recesses 23 which as indicated in the four parts of Fig. 2 may extend part of the way into one layer 3, to the face of the other layer 5, into the other layer or through the two layers. The recesses may be formed on one face of the bimetal or on both faces with different patterns. The layer 5 may be the high expansion layer and be an alloy of iron with 22% nickel and 3% chromium and need not be of the same thickness as layer 3. There may be 17,000 recesses per square inch in a bimetal 0.008 inches thick. The recesses may be produced by fine mechanical blanking or by liquid honing or blasting through a resist, stencil or lattice or by etching, with ...

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Signal and power transmission in hydrocarbon wells

Номер: GB0002500849A

One aspect relates to a method of installing a transmission system in a hydrocarbon production well. The transmission system is operable for transmitting power and/or control signals down the well or for transmitting data signals back up the well. The well comprises a main well bore, a production tubing inside the main well bore and a branch off the production tubing. The branch comprises a side track tubing. The method includes: providing a sensor and/or load assembly in the branch; installing a first inductive coupler of an induced current transmission arrangement around the production tubing in the main well bore, and connecting the sensor/load assembly to the first inductive coupler via a communication link. Another aspect relates to a hydrocarbon production well installation.

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for multiple input power distribution to adjacent outputs

Номер: GB0002540496A

A power distribution unit (PDU) includes a multi-layer printed circuit board having first, second and third conducting layers or regions connecting three power inputs to respective power outputs. Thus adjacent sockets can be connected to different phases of a three-phase supply.

14-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002166462B

04-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for locating a PCB within an enclosure

Номер: GB0002499809A

An apparatus is provided comprising an enclosure for enclosing a printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB 302 has at least one tab 304 extending from its peripheral edge. The enclosure or housing comprises first and second portions 100, 200, one or both of the housing portions have at least one cut-out recess 106, 206 arranged to receive the tab of the PCB. When the edge tabs or protrusions reside within the cut-out notches or recesses the PCB is stopped from moving relative to the housing portions.

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Electrosurgical instrument

Номер: GB0002515493A

An electrosurgical instrument is provided for the treatment of tissue. The instrument 3 including a shaft 14 and a tip portion including at least one electrode 16, located at the distal end of the shaft 14. A fluid impermeable sheath 25 covers at least a proportion of the shaft and extends to the tip portion where it terminates in a distal end portion 26. A metallic shroud 29 is provided, comprising an annular ring portion 30 and a rearwardly extending cylindrical portion 31. The ring portion 30 is connected to the tip portion, and the cylindrical portion 31 overlies the distal end portion 26 of the sheath 25 so as to prevent ingress of fluids at the distal end portion of the sheath 25. Preferably the ring portion 30 is connected to the tip portion by a process involving heating the ring portion 30, preferably by welding. The fluid impermeable sheath 25 may be melted in the region of the cylindrical portion 31 of the metallic shroud 29, so as to be sealed against the cylindrical portion ...

09-09-2015 дата публикации

Universal RFID tags and manufacturing methods

Номер: GB0002481156B

17-05-2006 дата публикации

Method for interconnecting electrical conduits in a borehole

Номер: GB0000606999D0

21-07-2010 дата публикации

System and method for forming conductors of an energy generating device

Номер: GB0201010069D0

15-08-2012 дата публикации

Electric power supply system, vehicle and method of operating a vehicle

Номер: GB0201211864D0

25-08-1949 дата публикации

Improvements relating to point contact negative resistance devices

Номер: GB0000628287A

... 628,287. Contacting - solid resistances. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., Inc. March 5, 1947, No. 6241. Convention date, March 2, 1945. [Class 37] [Also in Groups XXXIX and XL (c)] A negative resistance device comprises a body of highly purified silicon in contact with a pointed member, the silicon body being polarized negatively. Highly purified silicon ingots may be produced as described in Specification 590,458, [Group III], and the method of making the negative resistance device comprises the following stages : (a) fuse under non- oxidizing conditions silicon of approximately 99.85 per cent purity with one-third per cent aluminium added (or alternatively, boron may be used) and cut slab or 1 to 2 millimetres thickness ; (b) polish one surface optically flat; (c) heat slab at approximately 1000‹ C. for eight hours; (d) grind unpolished face of slab clear of vitreous material and nickel or rhodium plate this surface; (e) cut slab into small sections and etch in weak hydrofluoric acid to remove about ...

30-12-2015 дата публикации

Omni-directional LED lamp

Номер: GB0002527694A

A lamp includes an LED assembly and a heat sink in thermal communication with the LED assembly. The heat sink includes a plurality of fins disposed around a body and extending away from the body. The lamp includes a plurality of lenses disposed around the body, in between the plurality of fins. A lens includes a slot disposed at the top of the lens and a protruding pin configured to engage with a hole on the heat sink. The lamp also includes a cap disposed at the top of the lamp. The cap includes a plurality of ridges configured to align with and interlock with the grooves of the plurality of lenses.

01-08-2001 дата публикации

Multilayer circuit component and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0000114013D0

18-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001569452A

20-08-1980 дата публикации

Process for the manufacture of electrodes

Номер: GB0002039953A

18-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002033169B
Принадлежит: YAZAKI CORP

14-05-1980 дата публикации

Wire harness

Номер: GB0002033169A

A wire harness manufactured by a new method and a new apparatus is provided. A covered wire paid out from a selected one of reels is extended in a predetermined lay-out and fixed. The thus fixed wire is cut-off from the reel. Then, another wire is paid out from another reel for arranging it in a juxtaposing relation to the previously laid-out wire and cut off from the reel. After repeating the above steps, the arranged wires are tied up to form a wire harness. There is also provided a device which puts the above method into practice, thereby reducing complicated assorting work involved in the manufacture of a wire harness. A method and a device for automatically uncovering end portions of each wire of the wire harness and attaching terminals thereto are also provided to greatly increasing the productivity.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Power supply connection structure device

Номер: AP0201407789D0

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Power supply connection structure device

Номер: AP0201407789A0

30-04-2011 дата публикации

Coupling and method for use with a lamp fitting.

Номер: AP2011005653A0

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Power supply connection structure device

Номер: AP2014007789A0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Pipeline and methods

Номер: AP2014008113A0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

A cathode and method of manufacturing

Номер: AP2013008333A0

31-03-2015 дата публикации

A cathode and method of manufacturing

Номер: AP0201308333A0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Pipeline and methods

Номер: AP0201408113A0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Pipeline and methods

Номер: AP0201408113D0

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Moisture resistant cord plate for a photovoltaic module

Номер: US20120000524A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention relates to a moisture resistant cord plate for a photovoltaic module, methods of manufacturing photovoltaic modules, and methods for generating electricity from photovoltaic modules.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing ceramic electronic component, ceramic electronic component, and wiring board

Номер: US20120018205A1
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

A method of manufacturing a ceramic electronic component prevents variations in characteristics even when the ceramic electronic component is embedded in a wiring board. Ceramic green sheets containing an organic binder having a degree of polymerization in a range from about 1000 to about 1500 are prepared. A first conductive paste layer is formed on a surface of each of the ceramic green sheets. The ceramic green sheets are laminated to form a raw ceramic laminated body. A second conductive paste layer is formed on a surface of the raw ceramic laminated body. The raw ceramic laminated body formed with the second conductive paste layer is fired.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Device for detecting physical state variables of a medium

Номер: US20120019271A1
Принадлежит: Hella KGaA Huek and Co

In the case of a device for detecting physical state variables of a medium, such as pressure or temperature, for example, of a liquid, comprising at least one measuring sensor, which is connected to at least one electrical conductor so as to transmit signals, wherein at least one section of the conductor, which encompasses the sensor, is embedded in a casting compound, the casting compound is embodied, according to the invention, from at least one casting core and a casting jacket, which encloses the casting core, and provision is made in the casting compound for at least one recess for a media-conducting access to a contact surface of the sensor.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Compact modular fuse block with integrated fuse clearance

Номер: US20120019345A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

A fuse block assembly includes a nonconductive base formed with pedestal surfaces attachable to terminals from a location above the base, while providing a clearance between the body of a fuse and the middle portion of the base when a fuse is installed.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Mobile wireless communications device with shunt component and related methods

Номер: US20120021701A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A mobile wireless communications device may include a portable housing including at least one electrically conductive housing portion configured to function as an antenna. The mobile wireless communications device may also include a printed circuit board (PCB) carried by the portable housing, and wireless transceiver circuitry carried by the PCB and including at least one circuit element carried by the PCB. The mobile wireless communications device may also include at least one current shunt component coupled between the at least one electrically conductive housing portion and the at least one circuit element.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Touch screen rendering system and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20120026124A1
Автор: HAO LI, Steven Young, Yi Wei
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

A touch-screen display apparatus, the apparatus may include first and second sheets having opposed major surfaces and a size and shape defined by a periphery. The periphery may be defined by opposed ends and opposed edges. The first and second sheets may each have a conductive pattern including a pair of opposed busbars and a plurality of traces electrically coupled to, and extending between, corresponding pairs of opposed busbars. The transparent force sensing (TFS) sheet may have opposed major surfaces and a variable resistance which is related to a force exerted upon one or more of its major surfaces. The TFS sheet may be situated between the first and second sheets. The apparatus may also include one or more separation portions situated between the TFS sheet and the first or second sheet to bias the TFS sheet apart from the first or second sheet.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Portable computer unified top case

Номер: US20120030930A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A top case assembly for a portable computer is disclosed. The assembly may include an integral unified (e.g., homogenous) top case formed from a single part. The integral top case provides an enclosure, frame and cosmetic exterior of the portable computer. The integral top case also serves as the primary structure of the portable computer. The assembly may include a variety of subassemblies such as keyboards, touchpads, circuit boards, and drives that are carried by the underside of the integral top case. The integral top case may be formed from aluminum slab that has been machined to form walls, openings, attachment areas and cosmetic areas of the top case.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Electrically active textiles, articles made therefrom, and associated methods

Номер: US20120030935A1
Принадлежит: Infoscitex Corp

A method of making articles from electrically active textiles. First and second fabric pieces include conductors therein. A seam is established between the first and second fabric pieces. A determination is made, at the seam, based on one or more predetermined factors, which conductors of the first fabric piece intersect or overlap with which conductors of the second fabric piece. At the seam, an electrical and mechanical connection is formed between select conductors of the first fabric piece and select conductors of the second fabric piece.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

System for multiple energy storage and management and method of making same

Номер: US20120038216A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A propulsion system includes an electric drive, a first energy storage system electrically coupled to the electric drive through a DC link, and a second energy storage system electrically coupled to the first energy storage system in a series connection. The first energy storage system comprises a high specific-energy storage device and the second energy storage system comprises a low specific-power storage device. The propulsion system also includes a third energy storage system comprising a high specific-energy storage device electrically coupled to the second energy storage system. A bi-directional boost converter is electrically coupled to the second and third energy storage systems such that a terminal of the third energy storage system is electrically coupled to a low voltage side of the bi-directional boost converter and a terminal of the second energy storage system is coupled to a high voltage side of the bi-directional boost converter.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Establishing continuity between a shield within an implantable medical lead and a shield within an implantable lead extension

Номер: US20120041529A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Implantable medical leads and implantable lead extensions include a shield. The implantable medical lead is coupled to the implantable lead extension. Stimulation electrodes of the implantable medical lead contact stimulation connectors within a housing of the implantable extension to establish a conductive pathway for stimulation signals from filars of the implantable extension to filars of the implantable medical lead. Continuity is established between the shield of the implantable medical lead and the implantable extension by providing a radio frequency conductive pathway within the housing. The radio frequency conductive pathway extends from a shield of the implantable extension to a shield connector that contacts a shield electrode of the implantable medical lead. The radio frequency conductive pathway may have various forms such as a jumper wire or an extension of the shield within the implantable extension.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Thermal expansion compensator having an elastic conductive element bonded to two facing surfaces

Номер: US20120045948A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A thermal expansion compensator is provided and includes a first electrode structure having a first surface, a second electrode structure having a second surface facing the first surface and an elastic element bonded to the first and second surfaces and including a conductive element by which the first and second electrode structures electrically and/or thermally communicate, the conductive element having a length that is not substantially longer than a distance between the first and second surfaces.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Packaging structure of electronic components and a manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120051002A1
Принадлежит: ACSIP Tech Inc

A manufacturing method of a packaging structure of electronic components is provided, and includes the steps of: providing a substrate including at least an electronic component and a grounding area; covering the electronic component of the substrate with a molding unit; cutting out the molding unit to form a plurality of recessed spaces, wherein the recessed spaces are arranged around the electronic component and at least one of the recessed spaces is electrically connected to the grounding area of the substrate; and forming a plurality of columnar electromagnet barriers in the recessed spaces and an electromagnet barrier layer on an upper surface of the molding unit. A packaging structure of electronic components manufactured by the aforementioned method is also provided.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Coil assembly and electrical device having such coil assembly

Номер: US20120051009A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

An electrical device includes a coil assembly and a case structure. The coil assembly includes plural coil units in a stack arrangement. Each of the coil units includes alternate loops and vacant portions. The loops of each coil unit are aligned with the vacant portions of an adjacent coil unit. There is a spacing interval between every two adjacent loops of every two adjacent coil units. The case structure has a receptacle for accommodating the coil assembly.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Touch panel sensor

Номер: US20120056664A1
Автор: Dong Sik Nam
Принадлежит: Individual

A touch panel sensor for sensing a contact position of part of body comprises a substrate, a resist electrode part including resist electrodes formed on the substrate to have a capacitance changeable according to approaching of the part of body, and a signal electrode part including signal electrodes formed on the resist electrode having resistance coefficient less than the resist electrode.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Lens barrel assembly for a camera

Номер: US20120063761A1
Принадлежит: DigitalOptics Corp MEMS

A lens barrel assembly for a camera is disclosed. The lens barrel assembly comprises a lens barrel, at least one optical element disposed within the lens barrel, and an actuator configured to move the optical element. The actuator can be disposed entirely or partially within the lens barrel. The actuator can be a MEMS actuator, such as a MEMS actuator that is formed at least partially of silicon. The optical element can be a lens.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

A method and a device for the electrical treatment of a plurality of containers

Номер: US20120067639A1

The invention relates to a method for the application of at least one voltage pulse to at least two containers fitted with electrodes, by means of which at least one voltage pulse is applied to at least one container, while at least one other container is subjected to a preparation or a post-processing. According to the invention the method comprises mutual exchange of the respective positions of the container to which a voltage pulse has already been applied and the further container. Furthermore, the invention relates to a device ( 1 ) for making electrical contact with at least one container fitted with electrodes, with at least one receptacle ( 3, 7 ) upon which at least one container can be set, and with at least one contact appliance ( 8 ) for making contact with the electrodes of the container. According to the invention at least two receptacles ( 3, 7 ) are provided, wherein one receptacle ( 7 ) is located at or inside the contact appliance ( 8 ), and wherein both receptacles ( 3, 7 ) and/or the contact appliance ( 8 ) can be moved such that after completion of the movement the other receptacle ( 3 ) is located at or inside the contact appliance ( 8 ).

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Adapter for high-speed ethernet

Номер: US20120071011A1

An adapter includes a mechanical frame, which is configured to be inserted into a SFP-type receptacle and contains a socket for receiving a plug of a twisted-pair-type cable. First electrical terminals, held by the mechanical frame, are configured to mate with a connector in the receptacle. Second electrical terminals, held within the socket, are configured to mate with electrical connections of the plug. Circuitry connects the first and second electrical terminals so as to enable interoperation of the plug with the receptacle.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Self-opening innerduct for a conduit

Номер: US20120073860A1
Автор: Jerry L. Allen
Принадлежит: Wesco Distribution Inc

An innerduct ( 10 ) for insertion into a conduit includes at least one cell ( 11 ) which forms a compartment ( 14 ). A self opening stiffener ( 15 ) includes branches ( 16 ) attached at their ends ( 17 ). When the innerduct ( 10 ) is on a roll, the branches ( 16 ) are positioned adjacent to each other. When the innerduct ( 10 ) is being inserted into the conduit, the branches ( 16 ) move away from each other to open the compartment.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Electrofluidic imaging film, devices, and displays, and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20120081777A1
Принадлежит: Gamma Dynamics LLC, University of Cincinnati

A device and method of making and using the same. The device includes first and second substrates that are spaced to define a fluid space. Polar and non-polar fluids occupy the fluid space. A first electrode, with a dielectric layer, is positioned on the first substrate and electrically coupled to at least one voltage source, which is configured to supply an electrical bias to the first electrode. The fluid space includes at least one fluid splitting structure that is configured to facilitate the movement of the non-polar fluid into a portion of the polar fluid. Fluid splitting structure assisted movement of the non-polar fluid splits the polar fluid.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical instrument with jaw member

Номер: US20120083784A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical instrument for supplying energy to tissue may comprise a handle, a trigger, an electrical input, and a shaft extending from the handle. The surgical instrument may comprise and end effector first and second tissue engaging surfaces that are slanted with respect to a transection plane. The end effector may, for example, have an electrode defining a V-shaped cross sectional profile. The end effector may comprise a plurality of raised surfaces that are received by a plurality of indentions when the end effector is in the closed position. The end effector may comprise a cutting member having a plurality of bands.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for manufacturing passive waveguide components

Номер: US20120084968A1
Принадлежит: Aviat US Inc

Various embodiments are directed toward systems and method for manufacturing low cost passive waveguide components. For example, various embodiments relate to low cost manufacturing of passive waveguide components, including without limitation, waveguide filters, waveguide diplexers, waveguide multiplexers, waveguide bends, waveguide transitions, waveguide spacers, and an antenna adapter. Some embodiments comprise manufacturing a passive waveguide component by creating a non-conductive structure using a low cost fabrication technology, such as injection molding or three-dimensional (3D) printing, and then forming a conductive layer over the non-conductive structure such that the conductive layer creates an electrical feature of the passive waveguide component.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Compaction of electrical insulation for joining insulated conductors

Номер: US20120084978A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for coupling ends of two insulated conductors includes coupling a core of a first insulated conductor to a core of a second insulated conductor. Exposed portions of the cores are located inside a box with an open top. Electrically insulating powder material is placed into the box and a first plunger is inserted through the open top of the box to compact the powder material. Additional electrically insulating powder material is placed into the box and a second plunger is inserted through the open top of the box to compact the powder material into compacted powder material that surrounds the exposed portions of the cores. The compacted powder material is formed into a substantially cylindrical shape. A sleeve is placed over the compacted powder material and coupling the sleeve to the jackets of the insulated conductors.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Hydroformed splice for insulated conductors

Номер: US20120085564A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for coupling ends of two insulated conductors includes coupling an end portion of a core of a first insulated conductor to an end portion of a core of a second insulated conductor. At least a part of the end portions of the cores are at least partially exposed. Electrically insulating material is placed over the exposed portions of the cores. An inner sleeve is placed over end portions of the two insulated conductors to be coupled. An outer sleeve is placed over the inner sleeve. There is an open volume between the inner sleeve and the outer sleeve. The inner sleeve and the outer sleeve are coupled to jackets of the insulated conductors. A pressurized fluid is provided into the open volume between the inner sleeve and the outer sleeve to compress the inner sleeve into the electrically insulating material and compact the electrically insulating material.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Positionable lighting systems and methods

Номер: US20120087129A1
Принадлежит: LD Kichler Co Inc

A lighting assembly includes a lighting unit having a housing defining an internal cavity and an opening. A light source is assembled within the internal cavity of the housing. An electrical wire is electrically connected to the light source at a first end and is configured to be contained at least in part within the housing. The opening is configured to permit withdrawal of a user selected amount of the electrical wire from within the internal cavity and/or to permit a user selected amount of the electrical wire to be inserted into the internal cavity.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Cam clamp for electrical connector

Номер: US20120088393A1
Автор: Larry N. Siebens
Принадлежит: Thomas and Betts International LLC

A connector may include a first member having a first bore therethrough. A second member having a second bore therethrough may be configured to align with the first bore in the first member. A cam clamp may be provided for securing the first member to the second member. The cam clamp may include a pin having a head and a shaft, wherein the shaft extends through the first bore and the second bore. A compression element may be positioned between the first bore and a head on the pin. A cam member may be rotatably mounted to an end of the shaft opposing the head and configured to move between a first position and a second position. The cam clamp may be configured to secure the second member to the first member when the cam member is rotated from the first position to the second position.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Screwless connection terminal

Номер: US20120088415A1
Принадлежит: Bals Elektrotechnik GmbH and Co KG

A screwless connection terminal with a contact element to which a conductor is to be electrically connected, the contact element comprising a connecting section and a contact surface, with a clamp spring by means of which the conductor is to be clamped to the contact surface of the contact element, wherein the clamp spring has a clamping leg, an abutting leg and a tensioning leg, wherein a clamp opening is formed in the clamping leg, through which clamp opening, the conductor is to be led, wherein the abutting leg of the clamp spring abuts on the contact element, and the tensioning leg of the clamp spring connects the abutting leg to the clamping leg, wherein the clamping leg further comprises a conductor clamp extension with a clamping face which is aligned substantially parallel to the contact surface of the contact element.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Low cost-low profile lead set connector

Номер: US20120089002A1
Автор: Francis Kusti Mackie

A patient worn medical monitoring device ( 10 ) includes a multi-channel electrical connector ( 18 ) for connecting a lead set ( 22 ) to a monitoring unit ( 16 ) is able to wirelessly transmit a patient's physiological data over a telemetric link to a receiver unit for remote monitoring purposes. The multi-channel electrical connector includes first and second connector elements ( 40,42 ) disposed on either one of the monitoring unit or lead set. The first connector element includes a plurality of rigid pins ( 44 ) disposed between a plurality of ribs ( 50 ). The second connector element includes a compressible substrate carrying flexible electrically conductive pads ( 46 ) that flex independently of one another. The connector elements to are configured to such that the pins of the first connector element electrically engage the flexible electrically conductive pads of the second connector element.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Electric vehicle supply equipment with storage connector

Номер: US20120091961A1
Автор: Amy Swift, Erwin F. Hani

An electric vehicle charging system includes a housing, an electric vehicle supply circuit disposed within the housing and constructed and arranged to provide power to an electric vehicle from a power source, and a storage connector movably attached to the housing and configured to engage an electric vehicle charging connector. The storage connector may be configured to rotate between a first position to hold the charging connector to the housing and a second position for insertion/removal of the charging connector. The storage connector may be configured to engage a latch on the electric vehicle charging connector to hold the charging connector to the storage connector.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Thermal flow sensor integrated circuit with low response time and high sensitivity

Номер: US20120103085A1

A thermal flow sensor integrated circuit for sensing flow in a channel based on temperature measurements, the integrated circuit having a temperature sensing element ( 30 ) on a front side of the integrated circuit arranged to face the channel, and a bond pad ( 60, 200 ) coupled electrically to the temperature sensing element, for making electrical contact off the integrated circuit, the bond pad being arranged to face away from the channel. By having the bond pad facing away from the channel, the space needed for the bond pad and any connections to it need not extend beyond the temperature sensing element and get in the way of the channel. Hence the temperature sensing element can be located closer to the channel or in the channel to enable measurements with better response time and sensitivity.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Locking electrical receptacle with elongate clamping surfaces

Номер: US20120115348A1
Принадлежит: Zonit Structured Solutions LLC

A method and apparatus (“utility”) for securing an electrical connection formed by a mating structure including prongs of a male assembly and receptacles of a female assembly are provided. The utility includes a clamping mechanism whereby the very forces that would otherwise tend to pull the connection apart serve to actuate the clamping mechanism, thereby securing the mated pair. The apparatus may be integrated into a standard receptacle, or retrofitted to work with existing devices. In one embodiment, the clamping mechanism acts solely on the ground prong of a standard plug assembly, so that it is unnecessary to consider electrical potentials applied to the clamped prong in relation to the design of the clamping mechanism. Further, the withdrawing movement of the prongs of a plug may cause elongate clamping surfaces of the clamping mechanism to frictionally engage opposing surfaces of the clamped prong.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

End termination for three-phase insulated conductors

Номер: US20120118634A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A fitting for coupling ends of cores of three insulated conductors includes an end termination placed over end portions of the three insulated conductors. The end termination includes three separate openings that pass through the end termination longitudinally. Each of the insulated conductors passes through one of the openings with end portions of the insulated conductors protruding from one side of the end termination. Exposed cores of the end portions of the insulated conductors protrude from the end termination. A cylinder is coupled to the side of the end termination from which the end portions of the insulated conductors protrude. An electrical bus is coupled to the exposed portion of the cores. Electrically insulating material fills the cylinder such that the cores are substantially enclosed in the electrically insulating material. An end cap is coupled to the cylinder to seal off the interior of the cylinder.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Air conditioning wiring system

Номер: US20120122323A1
Принадлежит: Lennox Industries Inc

A wiring system for use in an air conditioning system comprising a printed circuit board having wiring receptacles and wiring connectors. In one aspect, at least some of the wiring receptacles comprise two or more wiring sub-receptacles, and each of the wiring sub-receptacles includes a slotted sub-receptacle connection pattern. Furthermore, the slotted sub-receptacle connection pattern of each of the wiring sub-receptacles is different from every other sub-receptacle connection pattern. Each of the wiring connectors includes a ridged connection pattern that is different from every other ridged connection pattern of the wiring connectors, such that a given wiring connector is receivable within only one of the wiring sub-receptacles. An air conditioning system and a method of manufacturing is also provided.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Multilayered printed circuit board and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120125680A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd

An opening is formed in resin 20 by a laser beam so that a via hole is formed. At this time, copper foil 22 , the thickness of which is reduced (to 3 μm) by performing etching to lower the thermal conductivity is used as a conformal mask. Therefore, an opening 20 a can be formed in the resin 20 if the number of irradiation of pulse-shape laser beam is reduced. Therefore, occurrence of undercut of the resin 20 which forms an interlayer insulating resin layer can be prevented. Thus, the reliability of the connection of the via holes can be prevented. Thus, the reliability of the connection of the via holes can be improved.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting devices and methods

Номер: US20120127720A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Light emitting devices and methods such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) are disclosed for use in higher voltage applications. Variable arrangements of LEDs are disclosed herein. Arrangements can include one or more LED chips connected in series, parallel, and/or a combination thereof. LED chips can be disposed in a package body having at least one thermal element and one or more electrical components.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Connection box assembly method

Номер: US20120132456A1
Автор: Brent L. Kidman
Принадлежит: Cheetah USA Corp

A method for assembling an electrical connection box. The method may include the steps of selecting a connection box having at least one receiver, selecting an assembly comprising an electrical fixture and at least one anchor, and securing the assembly to the connection box by inserting the at least one anchor within the first receiver. The at least one receiver may include a first engagement mechanism designed to engage a second engagement mechanism included as part of the at least one anchor.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Electrical connecting element and window pane provided with such an element

Номер: US20120135631A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

Electrical connecting element ( 2 ) that is designed to be welded or soldered onto an electrically conductive component ( 11 ) of a window pane, comprising an electrically conductive body ( 20 ), of which one section is designed to be welded or soldered onto the component ( 11 ) for its electrical connection, and of which another if section is designed to be connected in the direction of the outer side of the window pane, characterized in that the body comprises an electrically conductive foil ( 21 ) with a thickness between 1 and 500 μm and intermediate means ( 5, 6 ) that serve as shock-absorbing means between the stiff section of the body of the connecting element and the window pane.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

High Aspect Ratio Microelectrode Arrays Enabled to Have Customizable Lengths and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20120138335A1

A method of fabricating an array of micro electrodes enabled to have customizable lengths. A substantially criss-cross pattern of channels on a top surface of the work-piece substrate ( 10 ) is formed using electrical discharge machining to form a plurality of shaped columns ( 20 ) having tapered profiles. The shaped columns have a tapering profile which extends at least 50% of the length of the columns. The plurality of shaped columns is etched to sharpen the tapered tips into needle tips forming the array of microelectrodes.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods of coupling electrical conductors

Номер: US20120142228A1
Автор: Kenneth P. Rundle
Принадлежит: NDI Medical LLC

Systems and methods are provided for coupling a plurality of electrical conductors, such as wires. A connector is provided including a plurality of bores or channels formed into a preferably unitary connector body, wherein at least a portion of one or more of the bores or channels intersects at least a portion of another of the bores or channels. The bores or channels are preferably formed along bore axes, which may be coplanar. A method according to the present invention includes inserting an insulated electrical conductor into a connector body and rotating a conductive rotational member threaded into a bore or channel formed in a connector body so as to electrically contact the conductive portion of the insulated conductor and at least one other electrically conductive surface.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Insulated composite power cable and method of making and using same

Номер: US20120163758A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An insulated composite power cable having a wire core defining a common longitudinal axis, a multiplicity of composite wires around the wire core, and an insulative sheath surrounding the composite wires. In some embodiments, a first multiplicity of composite wires is helically stranded around the wire core in a first lay direction at a first lay angle defined relative to a center longitudinal axis over a first lay length, and a second multiplicity of composite wires is helically stranded around the first multiplicity of composite wires in the first lay direction at a second lay angle over a second lay length, the relative difference between the first lay angle and the second lay angle being no greater than about 4°. The insulated composite cables may be used for underground or underwater electrical power transmission. Methods of making and using the insulated composite cables are also described.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Submersible composite cable and methods

Номер: US20120168199A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Embodiments of submersible composite cables include a non-composite electrically conductive core cable, a multiplicity of composite cables, including a multiplicity of composite wires, around the core cable, and an insulative sheath surrounding the composite cables. Other embodiments include an electrically conductive core cable; a multiplicity of elements selected from fluid transport, electrical power transmission, electrical signal transmission, light transmission, weight elements, buoyancy elements, filler elements, or armor elements, arranged around the core cable in at least one cylindrical layer defined about a center longitudinal axis of the core cable when viewed in a radial cross section; a multiplicity of composite wires surrounding the elements in at least one cylindrical layer about the center longitudinal axis; and an insulative sheath surrounding the composite wires. The composite wires may be metal matrix or polymer composite wires. Methods of making and using submersible composite cables are also disclosed.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Electronic paper display and method for manufaturing the same

Номер: US20120170107A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Disclosed herein are an electronic paper display and a method for manufacturing the same. In the electronic paper display according to the present invention, red, green, blue, and black (RGBK) rotatable balls are included in a plurality of pixel spaces isolated by barrier ribs, two or more rotatable balls having the same color are connected to one thin film transistor (TFT), and the thin film transistors (TFTs) for respectively realizing red, green, blue, and black (RGBK) colors constitute one unit pixel. According to the present invention, when the rotatable balls exhibiting each of the RGBK colors are connected in two or more and simultaneously driven within one unit pixel, the pixel electrodes are made to be large and connected to one TFT. As a result, the number of TFTs can be decreased even though a large-area display is manufactured, and the volume of module can be minimized.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for an Electronic Device

Номер: US20120170176A1
Автор: Derren Knight
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

In accordance with an example embodiment of the present invention, an apparatus comprises a holder for a connector, the holder has a guide element and pivot element, the holder being movable in first and second direction along an axis and pivotable about said pivot element at a position along said axis when said holder moves in a direction along the axis.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Key Drive Device and Keyboard Musical Instrument

Номер: US20120174724A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Murakami
Принадлежит: Yamaha Corp

A key drive device to be installed on a musical instrument with a keyboard partly located above a leg block via a key bed, including: drive units to be at least partly inserted into a removal space in the key bed. In a state in which the drive units are installed, at least one drive unit which drives at least one key located above the leg block includes: (a) a first portion at least a part of which is inserted into an insertion space portion of the removal space between the leg block and the keyboard; and (b) a second portion at least a part of which is disposed in other space portion of the removal space, a dimension of the second portion in at least one of a vertical direction and a horizontal short-side direction being larger than that of the first portion.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Double-sided circuit board and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120181076A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd

A double-sided circuit board including a substrate having a first surface and a second surface on an opposite side of the first surface and having a penetrating hole extending between the first surface and the second surface, a first conductive circuit formed on the first surface of the substrate, a second conductive circuit formed on the second surface of the substrate, and a through-hole conductor formed in the penetrating hole of the substrate and electrically connecting the first conductive circuit and the second conductive circuit. The penetrating hole comprises a first hole having a first opening with a diameter R 1 on the first surface of the substrate, a second hole having a second opening with a diameter R 2 on the second surface of the substrate, and a third hole connecting the first hole and the second hole and having a diameter smaller than at least one of R 1 and R 2.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Damage detection and remediation system and methods thereof

Номер: US20120188078A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A damage detection and remediation system includes a sensing device for detecting damage events related to a structure of interest. Such damage events may include impact from a ballistic object, a tamper event, a physical impact, or other events that may affect structural integrity or cause failure. Illustratively, the sensing device is in communication with a measurement system to determine damage criteria, and a processing system which is configured to use the damage criteria to determine, for example, a direction of the initiation point of a ballistic causing the damage event.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle damage detection system and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120191375A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

An impact detection and remediation system includes a sensing device for detecting damage events related to a structure of interest. Such damage events may include impact from a ballistic object, a tamper event, a physical impact, or other events that may affect structural integrity or cause failure. Illustratively, the sensing device is in communication with a measurement system to determine impact criteria, and a processing system which is configured to use the impact criteria to determine a direction of the initiation point of a ballistic causing the damage event.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for mounting and protection of communication equipment in underground mine

Номер: US20120192412A1
Автор: Rickey V. Shiner
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for supporting communication equipment in an underground mine includes a pair of vertically extending laterally spaced and substantially parallel elongate members, a pair of horizontally extending members, each depending from and extending outwardly from proximate a lower end of a respective elongate member a distance approximately equal to a thickness of a power supply, an upper shield member attached to and extending outwardly from proximate an upper end of the pair of elongate members in the same direction as the pair of horizontally extending members, extending a distance approximately equal to a depth of power supply and having a width approximately equal to a width of the power supply, and a flexible sheet of material disposed over the pair of elongate members from below the upper shield to above the pair of horizontally extending members that is held in place by the communication node.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for connecting two objects electrically

Номер: US20120192415A1
Автор: Hiroto Sugahara
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A groove, and a recess which communicates with the groove, are formed in a substrate. Next, a through hole which communicates with the groove is formed. Thereafter, a wire is formed on an upper surface of the substrate, and an individual electrode is arranged on a lower surface of the substrate. Further, a droplet of an electroconductive liquid is made to land on the recess, and the liquid is filled in the through hole via the groove. Next, the liquid filled in the groove, the recess, and the through hole is heated to harden. Further, the recess and the groove of the substrate are removed by cutting up to an area near the through hole. Accordingly, it is possible to connect electrically the connecting bodies arranged on both surfaces of the substrate by filling an electroconductive material in the through holes easily.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Corona igniter having improved gap control

Номер: US20120192824A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A corona igniter 20 includes an electrode gap 28 between the central electrode 22 and the insulator 32 and a shell gap 30 between the insulator 32 and the shell 36 . An electrically conductive coating 40 is disposed on the insulator 32 along the gaps 28, 30 to prevent corona discharge 24 in the gaps 28, 30 and to concentrate the energy at a firing tip 58 of the central electrode 22 . The electrically conductive coating 40 is disposed on an insulator inner surface 64 and is spaced radially from the electrode 22 . The electrically conductive coating 40 is also disposed on the insulator outer surface 72 and is spaced radially from the shell 36 . During operation of the igniter 20 , the electrically conductive coating 40 provides a reduced voltage drop across the gaps 28, 30 and a reduced electric field spike at the gaps 28, 30.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Differential signal transmission cable and method for fabricating the same

Номер: US20120193122A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Cable Ltd

A differential signal transmission cable has a pair of insulated wires, a first tape and a second tape. Each of the first and second tapes is made of a base material having an electrical insulating property and an electrical conductive film formed on at least one surface of the base material. The first tape is spirally wound around the insulated wires such that the electrical conductive film is provided outside. The second tape is spirally wound around the first tape such that the electrical conductive film of the second tape contacts with the electrical conductive film of the first tape. Among angles made by an upper edge of the insulated wires and an edge of the first tape in a side view in which a longitudinal direction of the pair of insulated wires is a horizontal direction, a first angle made on one end side of the insulated wires is an acute angle in the first tape. Among angles made by the upper edge of the pair of insulated wires and an edge of the second tape in the side view, a second angle made on the one end side of the insulated wires is an obtuse angle in the second tape.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Docking Station System

Номер: US20120194994A1
Автор: Bruce Lloyd
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable docking station system is designed to mount a portable computing device flush onto a musical instrument. The system features buttons or openings so the user can easily access the controls on the computing device such as volume and power. The system features a housing having a eject system allowing the edge to pivot which provides ease in installing and removing an attached portable computing device. The system is adjustable to receive computing devices of various sizes and thicknesses. Fillers or spacers are added to the system to accommodate various computing devices.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Leads with spiral of helical segmented electrode arrays and methods of making and using the leads

Номер: US20120197375A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

A stimulation lead includes a lead body having a longitudinal surface, a distal end, a proximal end, and a shaft extending along at least a portion of the distal end of the lead body. The stimulation lead also includes multiple segmented electrode members disposed on the shaft along the longitudinal surface of the lead body near the distal end of the lead body. Each segmented electrode member includes a ring structure which forms at least a partial ring and is disposed on the shaft, and a segmented electrode coupled to the ring and having an exposed surface configured and arranged for stimulating tissue when the stimulation lead is implanted.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Self-Adhesive Radiant Heating Underlayment

Номер: US20120198691A1
Принадлежит: Protecto Wrap Co

Provided herein is a self-adhesive radiant heat underlayment that may be utilized in flooring and/or outdoor applications. The heating underlayment has an adhesive backing that allows for conveniently adhering a flexible heating element place prior to applying a material over the top surface thereof. In one arrangement, a mesh grounding layer is provided to ground the flexible heating element to reduce unintended electrical tripping of the installed underlayment.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing wiring board

Номер: US20120204424A1
Автор: Izumi Tanaka, Yuji Yukiiri
Принадлежит: Shinko Electric Industries Co Ltd

There is prepared an insulation layer generation member having a support film and a semi-cured insulation layer provided on a surface of the support film. Subsequently, the insulation layer generation member is affixed to a pad such that the pad contacts the semi-cured insulation layer. The semi-cured insulation layer is cured, to thus generate an insulation layer. Subsequently, the insulation layer is exposed to laser by way of the support film, thereby opening an opening in the insulation layer.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for particle complex handling

Номер: US20120208716A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

An embodiment of the invention relates to a device for detecting an analyte in a sample. The device comprises a fluidic network and an integrated circuitry component. The fluidic network comprises a sample zone, a cleaning zone and a detection zone. The fluidic network contains a magnetic particle and/or a signal particle. A sample containing an analyte is introduced, and the analyte interacts with the magnetic particle and/or the signal particle through affinity agents. A microcoil array or a mechanically movable permanent magnet is functionally coupled to the fluidic network, which are activatable to generate a magnetic field within a portion of the fluidic network, and move the magnetic particle from the sample zone to the detection zone. A detection element is present which detects optical or electrical signals from the signal particle, thus indicating the presence of the analyte.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Magnetically guided catheters

Номер: US20120221001A1

A magnetically-guided catheter 100 includes a tip positioning magnet in the distal electrode assembly configured to interact with externally applied magnetic fields for magnetically-guided movement. A magnetically-guided mapping catheter 100 includes an electrically-conductive capsule in the form of a casing 146 that includes a distal ablation surface and isolates the positioning magnet from bio-fluids to prevent corrosion. An open irrigation ablation catheter includes an isolated manifold that isolates the positioning magnet from contact with irrigation fluid to prevent corrosion.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing an integrated device

Номер: US20120222294A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An article for producing an integrated device includes a deformable layer and one or more components releasably attached on one surface of the deformable layer.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for Separating the Connecting Ends of Twisted Wires

Номер: US20120227858A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and a method for readily untwisting the ends of a plurality of twisted wire conductors that are to be stripped and connected to the terminals of an electrical or electronic apparatus. The apparatus comprises a shank having an end, and an elongated-shaped slot located in an end of the shank. The elongated-shaped slot extends into the shank a predetermined distance, and the slot has an opening adapted to receive the twisted wire conductors. The elongated-shaped slot has two spaced-apart and substantially parallel walls that engage and grip the twisted wire conductors when the wires are inserted into the elongated-shaped slot and the shank is rotated in a direction opposite the direction of twist of the wire conductors. After inserting the ends of a plurality of twisted wire conductors into the elongated-shaped slot of the shank, the shank is rotated in the direction opposite the direction of twist of the wire conductors. The separated conductor wires are then removed from the elongated-shaped slot, the wire ends are further separated and striped of insulation, and the wires are then connected to the terminals of an electrical or electronic apparatus.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Unitized photovoltaic assembly

Номер: US20120234377A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A unitized photovoltaic assembly is disclosed. The unitized photovoltaic assembly consists of a unitary frame designed to retain a plurality of photovoltaic modules. The unitary frame is formed by orienting a plurality of rails in the lateral direction above and mounted too a plurality of struts oriented in the vertical direction. Once the unitary frame is formed, photovoltaic modules slide into slots running the length of the rails and are thus retained in the unitary frame. Also added to the unitary frame are a series of power conversion elements, retaining brackets, mounting brackets, and cleaning elements. The completed unitized photovoltaic assembly can be fabricated off-site, transported as a single unit and installed to a roof or other surface with the use of a specialized lifting frame, also disclosed. Additional unitized photovoltaic assemblies can be mechanically and electrically interconnected to form a complete photovoltaic system.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Metal retaining features for handheld electronic device casing

Номер: US20120241186A1
Автор: Stephen Zadesky
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

This invention is directed to mechanical and electromagnetic shielding features of an electronic device case. An electronic device case is formed of two housings, each housing having integrated snaps, channels, or other retaining features used to secure the housings together. The housings additionally include integrated retaining features used to secure electronic components within the device case. The housings and retaining features are formed of amorphous metals or other materials with high elasticities. Because the retaining features necessary to assemble the case and secure the electronic components to the case form integral parts of the housings, no external retaining features are required to assemble the electronic device in the case.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrical connection between conductive elements

Номер: US20120241215A1
Принадлежит: Pfaudler Werke GmbH

A method of forming an electrically conductive connection between two or more electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) is provided, as is the resulting connection. Wherein the two or more electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) are coated with a non-conductive coating ( 7 ), wherein an at least partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ) is located in a region ( 12 ) between the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) at regions of the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) which are substantially free from any non-conductive coating ( 7 ). The method comprising positioning one or more sealing elements ( 20 ) such that they completely isolate the partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ), such that after the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) are connected together, the sealing element ( 20 ) is held, and preferably compressed, between the electrically conductive elements ( 2, 6 ) and form a seal separating the at least partially electrically conductive pasty medium ( 8 ) from the surrounding environment.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Data center topology with low sts use

Номер: US20120242151A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Equipment in a data center may be wired in a topology in which each piece of equipment is served by one Static Transfer Switch (STS). Each group of equipment is assigned a main UPS and a reserve UPS, which may be connected to an underlying power source such as a utility. The main UPS and the reserve UPS are connected to the first and second inputs of an STS. For dual-corded equipment, the first cord is served by the output of the STS, while the second cord is served by the main UPS without an intervening STS. Thus, if the main UPS fails, the STS transfers power to the second UPS, thereby allowing the first cord to be powered. The second cord, not being served by the STS, simply loses power, thereby doubling the power draw at the first cord at roughly the same time that the transfer occurs.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Feed-through connector assembly for implantable pulse generator and method of use

Номер: US20120246921A1
Принадлежит: Greatbatch Ltd

A connector assembly, and its method of assembly, for use in a medical device for connecting an IPG to a connector assembly for connecting the IPG to a relatively large plurality of electrodes that can support 24 or more stimulation channels for stimulating one or more stimulation regions of a patient. Also the IPG and the stimulation system and the stimulation therapy utilizing the connector assembly.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Process for changing a spent anode and support and system for the temporary storage of such a spent anode

Номер: US20120246923A1
Принадлежит: Rio Tinto Alcan International Ltd

The process involves pouring a smothering powder onto a spent anode placed on a support to cover it, with the aim of limiting fluorinated gas emission by the anode. The support may include a temporary tank, pre-filled with powder and provided with an opening for discharging the powder towards the anode on the support.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Plasma cutting tip with advanced cooling passageways

Номер: US20120248073A1
Принадлежит: Thermal Dynamics Corp

A plasma arc torch is provided that includes a tip having an improved life. The tip defines a first set of fluid passageways, a second set of fluid passageways and an internal cavity in fluid communication with the first and second fluid passageways. The internal cavity includes a base portion disposed proximate and surrounding a central orifice of the tip. A first set of fluid passageways allow for entry of a cooling fluid into the tip and a second set of fluid passageways allow for exit of the cooling fluid from the tip.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Interchangeable rechargeable battery system

Номер: US20120250237A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A rechargeable battery system, including a housing, a negative terminal, a positive terminal, and a third terminal. The negative terminal is electrically coupled to the rechargeable electrical discharge member and may be electrically coupled to the housing. The positive terminal is electrically coupled to the rechargeable electrical discharge member and electrically isolated from the negative terminal. The third terminal is electrically coupled to the negative terminal. The third terminal is also physically isolated from both the positive and negative terminal. A non-conductive sleeve substantially encases the housing and the negative terminal around which the positive, negative, and third terminals are externally exposed. Therefore, an electrical device configured to operate with either a rechargeable or finite battery may selectively detect the electrical voltage across the positive and third terminal rather than the positive and negative terminal and automatically adjust the electrical operation to correspond with a rechargeable battery.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Optical module, manufacturing method of optical module and optical communication device

Номер: US20120257852A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An optical module includes: a substrate provided with a through hole for inserting an optical fiber from a second principal surface side of the substrate; an optical device provided on a first principal surface side of the substrate; a first electrode provided in the substrate for connecting an electric fiber from the second principal surface side; a second electrode formed on the first principal surface side of the substrate for connecting to the optical device; and a third electrode provided on a side surface of the substrate and electrically connected to the second electrode.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Resonator device

Номер: US20120262253A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A coaxial resonator device includes a substrate including a chip-and-wire circuit. A resonator is coupled to the substrate using a conductive epoxy. A system includes a resonator device. The resonator device includes a housing having one or more connectors, a resonator coupled to the housing a conductive epoxy, and a chip-and-wire circuit connecting the resonator to the one or more connectors.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Control device for a motor vehicle and related method for mounting a control device for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120262882A1

The invention relates to a control device ( 1 ) for a motor vehicle, comprising a housing ( 10 ) and at least one circuit carrier ( 20 ), which is arranged in an inner chamber of the housing ( 10 ) and comprises at least one first contact element ( 22 ) that establishes an electric connection to at least one second contact element ( 17 ) of a plug receptacle ( 50 ) on at least one housing wall ( 11 ), wherein the second contact element ( 17 ) is guided through the at least one housing wall ( 11 ) and is designed on the inside as a contact spring that rests against an associated first contact element ( 22 ) by spring force, and to a related method for mounting a control device for a motor vehicle. According to the invention, the at least one housing wall ( 11 ) comprises receiving means ( 11.1 ) for a first circuit carrier ( 20 ), wherein the first circuit carrier ( 20 ) is guided through guide means ( 13.1 ) designed in the housing ( 10 ), wherein the guide means ( 13.1 ) and/or the receiving means ( 11.1 ) form a mechanical stop ( 19 ) for the first circuit carrier ( 20 ) that is designed such that the position of the first circuit carrier ( 20 ) is fixed in the mechanical stop ( 19 ) with sufficiently small tolerance such that the electric connection between the at least one first contact element ( 22 ) of the first circuit carrier ( 20 ) and the corresponding second contact element ( 17 ) designed as a contact spring is established in the plug receptacle ( 50 ).

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of making spark plug casing and spark plug having the spark plug casing

Номер: US20120264344A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A spark plug casing includes a single-piece shell having a nut portion, first and second tubular portions and a converging shell portion, which are configured to be removed from a cylinder head as an integral device. The first tubular portion extends from the nut portion and has a first cross-sectional size. The second tubular portion has a second cross-sectional size less than the first cross-sectional size. The converging shell portion is coupled between the first and second tubular portions. The casing further includes a ground strap having a third cross-sectional size less than the second cross-sectional size. The ground strap is received within an end portion of the second tubular portion opposite the converging shell portion, such that the ground strap and the cylinder head are in a spaced relationship with respect to each other for preventing carbon buildup from binding the ground strap to the cylinder head.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods for preparation and disposing of an optical fiber(s) into a blind hole(s) and related assemblies and methods of making same

Номер: US20120269488A1

Methods for preparation and disposing of an optical fiber(s) into a blind hole(s) and related assemblies and methods of making same are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for processing an optical fiber(s) is provided. The method includes processing an end portion(s) of the optical fiber(s) with a laser. The end portion(s) of the optical fiber(s) is disposed in a blind hole(s). The blind hole(s) may be disposed in a holding structure. The optical fiber(s) is attached to the holding structure. A fixture is also disclosed and may be used for retaining the optical fiber(s) in a channel(s) disposed in the fixture during preparation and/or disposing of the optical fiber(s) in the blind hole(s). An assembly prepared in accordance with the methods provided herein is also disclosed. In one embodiment, the assembly could include a holding structure assembly for an array of the optical fibers.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for disposing a component

Номер: US20120269971A1
Автор: Hidekazu Arase
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Provided is a method for disposing a component on a substrate ( 100 ), the method comprising steps of: a step (a) of preparing the substrate ( 100 ), a first liquid, and a component-dispersing liquid; a step (b) of applying the first liquid to the substrate ( 100 ) along the +X direction continuously to dispose the first liquid on hydrophilic lines ( 112 ) and hydrophilic body regions ( 111 ) along the +X direction alternately; a step (c) of bringing the component-dispersing liquid in contact with the first liquid disposed on the hydrophilic region ( 111 ); and a step (d) of removing the first liquid and the second liquid from the substrate ( 100 ) to dispose the component on the hydrophilic region ( 111 ).

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods for detection of cardiac rhythm disorders using basket style cardiac mapping catheter

Номер: US20120271136A1
Принадлежит: Topera Inc

A method for sensing multiple local electric voltages from endocardial surface of a heart, includes: providing a system for sensing multiple local electric voltages from endocardial surface of a heart, including: a first elongate tubular member having a lumen, a proximal end and a distal end; a basket assembly including: a plurality of flexible splines for guiding a plurality of exposed electrodes, the splines having proximal portions, distal portions and medial portions therein between, wherein the electrodes are substantially flat electrodes and are substantially unidirectionally oriented towards a direction outside of the basket.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Buss Bar Strip

Номер: US20120273021A1
Принадлежит: Antaya Technologies Corp

A buss bar strip for mounting to a solar panel to electrically connect to a series of electrical lines extending from solar cells. The buss bar strip can include a thin elongate flat flexible strip of insulative material having a longitudinal length. A predetermined pattern of elongate conductors can be longitudinally disposed on the insulative strip in at least two rows along the longitudinal length and electrically isolated from each other. Each conductor can have a predetermined position, length, and spacing from each other on the insulative strip for laterally electrically connecting to selected electrical lines from the solar cells at lateral electrical connection points located along the length of the conductor on exposed surfaces on the conductor.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Surface Mounted Light Fixture and Heat Dissipating Structure for Same

Номер: US20120275162A1
Автор: Daniel S. Spiro
Принадлежит: Spiro Daniel S

A light fixture includes a heat dissipating structure, an electronics assembly, and a bolt for attaching the heat dissipating structure to an external panel. The heat dissipating structure includes a first side having multiple outwardly extending projection regions and a socket, for receiving a light source, is formed in an apex of each projection region. A second side of the heat dissipating structure includes a heat sink formed in an internal cavity of each projection region. The heat sink includes fins in contact with and radially arranged about an outer surface of the socket. The electronics assembly is located at the first side of the heat dissipating structure. The bolt includes a passage through which wiring from an external source is routed to the electronics assembly. The electronics assembly includes wires routed through channels in each of the projection regions that electrically interconnect the light sources to the electronics assembly.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Junction Box for Snap Together Electrical Connections to Photovoltaic Panels

Номер: US20120279747A1
Принадлежит: Solaredge Technologies Ltd

A junction box adapted to provide an electrical connection to an electrical wire attached to a photovoltaic panel. The junction box has a lower portion which has an entry slot to allow entry of the wire into the junction box and a raised protrusion over which the wire is bent and formed to be substantially in the same shape as the raised protrusion. The junction box also has a clamp adapted to be attachable to said lower portion, whereby the clamp holds the wire in place for providing the electrical connection. The wire is preferably bus ribbon. The lower portion preferably has an elastic polymeric element disposed between the raised portion and the wire. The raised protrusion may have an elastic polymeric element.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Circuit board viaholes and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120279775A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Techwin Co Ltd

Provided are a circuit board with a viahole and a method of manufacturing the same. The circuit board includes: a substrate formed of an insulating material; a conductive layer disposed on the substrate; a plated layer comprising nickel and disposed on the conductive layer; and a viahole passing through the substrate, the conductive layer, and the plated layer, wherein a crystal growth direction of nickel in the plated layer is parallel to a thickness-wise direction of the substrate.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Battery recharging station for use in a bar

Номер: US20120280647A1
Автор: Dale Perez

A battery charging station may be used with a bar having a counter-top surface on one side of the bar and a drink rail portion on the other side. The battery charging station may include a body having a bottom surface and at least one foot that has a width that is equal to or less than the width of the drink rail portion. The battery charging station may also include at least one phone charging tip and at least one advertisement. Because the battery charging station is supported to the drink rail portion, it does not interfere with the counter-top surface.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Circuit module and manufacturing method for the same

Номер: US20120281370A1
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

A circuit module and a manufacturing method for the same, reduce a possibility that a defect area where an electrically conductive resin is not coated may occur in a shield layer. A mother board is prepared. A plurality of electronic components are mounted on a principal surface of the mother board. An insulator layer is arranged so as to cover the principal surface of the mother board and the electronic components. The insulator layer is cut such that grooves and projections are formed in and on the principal surface of the insulator layer and the insulator layer has a predetermined thickness H. An electrically conductive resin is coated on the principal surface of the insulator layer to form a shield layer. The mother board including the insulator layer and the shield layer both formed thereon is divided to obtain a plurality of circuit modules.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing solid electrolytic capacitor

Номер: US20120284978A1

Provided is a method of manufacturing a solid electrolytic capacitor including a capacitor element, the capacitor element having an anode body with a dielectric coating film formed on a surface thereof and a solid electrolyte made of a conductive polymer. The method includes the steps of: forming the capacitor element having the anode body with the dielectric coating film formed on the surface thereof; preparing a polymerization liquid A containing one of a monomer as a precursor of the conductive polymer and an oxidant, and a silane compound; preparing a polymerization liquid B by adding the other of the monomer and the oxidant that is not contained in polymerization liquid A, to polymerization liquid A; and performing polymerization after impregnating the capacitor element with polymerization liquid B.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Electrical interface and method

Номер: US20120289082A1
Автор: Michael V. Kalavitz
Принадлежит: Individual

A mounting base is disclosed comprising: a base housing configured to retain an electrical connector at a first base housing end and a flexible shaft at a second base housing end, the base housing providing an electrical path between the electrical connector and a first electrical wire in the flexible shaft; a contact spring for providing an electrical connection to a power terminal on the electrical connector; a insulation sleeve enclosing the contact spring; a contact eyelet electrically attached to a second electrical wire in the flexible shaft, the contact eyelet in electrical contact with the contact spring; and a grounding collar disposed against an end of the flexible shaft, the grounding collar disposed within an interior channel in the second base housing end.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Capacitive sensor interference determination

Номер: US20120293190A1
Принадлежит: Synaptics Inc

A processing system for a capacitive input device is described. The capacitive input device includes a plurality of sensor electrodes configured to detect input objects in a sensing region. The processing system configured to transmit a signal on a transmitter sensor channel of the capacitive input device. The processing system is also configured to receive the signal on a receiver sensor channel of the capacitive input device, wherein the receiver sensor channel is coupled with an amplifier. The processing system is also configured to determine if a level of interference has been received by the receiver sensor channel in conjunction with receipt of the signal.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Ultra-low power multi-threshold asynchronous circuit design

Номер: US20120293198A1
Принадлежит: University of Arkansas

A multi-threshold null convention logic circuit. The circuit includes a first circuit, a first high-threshold transistor coupled to V cc , and an inverter receiving power from the first high-threshold transistor, driven by the first circuit, and including an output.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Versatile lighting units

Номер: US20120294008A1
Принадлежит: XtraLight Manufacturing Partnership Ltd

Systems and methods which provide a versatile lighting module which may be utilized alone or in combination with other lighting modules to provide any number of lighting unit configurations are shown. Lighting modules of embodiments herein are adapted to facilitate electrical connection, whether to one or more power supply and/or to one or more other lighting module, along any portion of the entire periphery of the lighting module. Accordingly, lighting modules may be coupled together in any orientation, geometry, and topology to cooperate as a light source having various desired characteristics according to embodiments herein.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus Pertaining to Movement of a SIM-Card Tray

Номер: US20120295458A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus comprises an assembly and a SIM-card tray configured to move, at least partially, into and out of the assembly to thereby selectively electrically connect and disconnect a SIM card that is disposed in the SIM-card tray to and from at least one electrical connector. A biasing member automatically urges movement of the SIM-card tray with respect to at least one of moving the SIM-card tray into the assembly and out of the assembly. By one approach this biasing member comprises a spring. By one approach this spring can serve to both automatically urge movement of the SIM-card tray into the assembly and out of the assembly. These teachings will accommodate a SIM-card tray configured to accommodate a micro-SIM card. These teachings will also accommodate a personal communication device having the aforementioned components.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for applying soft solder to a mounting surface of a component

Номер: US20120297616A1

The invention relates to a method for applying soft solder to a mounting surface of a component, wherein a connecting means comprising a carrier layer and a soft solder layer formed by physical vapor deposition on the carrier layer is brought into mechanical contact between the soft solder layer and the mounting surface, such that a first bond strength between the soft solder layer and the mounting surface is greater than a second bond strength between the soft solder layer and the carrier layer. The connecting means is subsequently removed from the component so that the carrier layer releases from the soft solder layer in the area of the mounting surface and thus soft solder remains only at the mounting surface.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for multiple input power distribution to adjacent outputs

Номер: US20120307421A1
Принадлежит: Server Technology Inc

Methods, systems, and apparatuses provide power from multiple input power sources to adjacent outputs efficiently and reliably. Aspects of the disclosure provide a power distribution unit (PDU) that includes a number of power outputs including first and second adjacent power outputs. The PDU includes a printed circuit board having a first conducting layer electrically interconnected to a first power input connection and the first power output, a second conducting layer that is at least partially above the first conducting layer and in facing relationship thereto. The second conducting layer is electrically insulated from the first conducting layer and electrically interconnected with a second power input connection and the second power output, the first and second power outputs thereby connected to different power inputs.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Inline Fuse Holder Assembly

Номер: US20120309232A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

An inline fuse holder assembly encloses a fuse assembly including a fuse, and first and second wire connectors at respective first and second longitudinal ends of the fuse assembly. The inline fuse holder assembly includes first and second components including respective first and second connectors. The first and second connectors include mateable, non-releasable connection components configured to connect the first and second components to one another and form a substantially waterproof, non-releasable connection upon connection. The first and second components together define an enclosure for enclosing an entirety of the fuse assembly when the first and second fuse holder components are connected to one another.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for restricting moisture ingress

Номер: US20120311855A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Apparatus and methods to protect circuitry from moisture ingress, e.g., using a metallic structure as part of a moisture ingress barrier.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Wiring harness and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120312596A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

There is provided an electric wire 1 comprising an electrically-conductive conductor portion and an insulating cover portion 11 covering the conductor portion. A colored marker 13 is provided on an end portion of the cover portion 11. The colored marker 13 indicates that the electric wire is a manually-incorporated wire. A circuit identifier 12 is provided on an intermediate portion of the cover portion 11. The circuit identifier 12 is made by printing or provided in the form of a mark and indicative of a connection destination of the electric wire 1. The colored marker in the end portion is made by an ink inferior to that of the circuit identifier on the intermediate portion in at least one property selected from among adhesiveness, weatherability, heat resistance, and chemical resistance.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Normally closed microelectromechanical switches (mems), methods of manufacture and design structures

Номер: US20120318648A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Normally closed (shut) micro-electro-mechanical switches (MEMS), methods of manufacture and design structures are provided. A method of forming a micro-electrical-mechanical structure (MEMS), includes forming a plurality of electrodes on a substrate, forming a beam structure in electrical contact with a first of the electrodes, and bending the beam structure with a thermal process. The method further includes forming a cantilevered electrode extending over an end of the bent beam structure, and returning the beam structure to its original position, which will contact the cantilevered electrode in a normally closed position.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Formation of alloy liner by reaction of diffusion barrier and seed layer for interconnect application

Номер: US20130000962A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An interconnect structure including an alloy liner positioned directly between a diffusion barrier and a Cu alloy seed layer as well as methods for forming such an interconnect structure are provided. The alloy liner of the present invention is formed by thermally reacting a previously deposited diffusion barrier metal alloy layer with an overlying Cu alloy seed layer. During the thermal reaction, the metal alloys from the both the diffusion barrier and the Cu alloys seed layer react forming a metal alloy reaction product between the diffusion barrier and the Cu seed layer.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Driver circuit, method of manufacturing the driver circuit, and display device including the driver circuit

Номер: US20130002312A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

Provided are a driver circuit which suppresses damage of a semiconductor element due to ESD in a manufacturing process, a method of manufacturing the driver circuit. Further provided are a driver circuit provided with a protection circuit with low leakage current, and a method of manufacturing the driver circuit. By providing a protection circuit in a driver circuit to be electrically connected to a semiconductor element in the driver circuit, and by forming, at the same time, a transistor which serves as the semiconductor element in the driver circuit and a transistor included in the protection circuit in the driver circuit, damage of the semiconductor element due to ESD is suppressed in the process of manufacturing the driver circuit. Further, by using an oxide semiconductor film for the transistor included in the protection circuit in the driver circuit, leakage current in the protection circuit is reduced.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Electronic control unit and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130003306A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An electronic control unit is disclosed. The electronic control unit includes: a resin board; a power device that is surface-mounted on the resin board; a microcomputer that is configured to control the power device; first heat radiation means for radiating heat, the first heat radiation means being disposed on an opposite side of the resin board from the power device; and first heat conduction means for conducting the heat generated by the power device to the first heat radiation means.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Circuit and Method for Interference Reduction

Номер: US20130005284A1
Автор: Spendim Dalipi
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A radio frequency transmitter comprises an amplifier, an antenna port, an isolator adapted to isolate an output of the amplifier from an interfering signal of the antenna port, a linearization loop and a transmission line comprising a first part (coupling a signal source to an input of the amplifier), a second part (coupling the output of the amplifier to an input of the isolator) and a third part (coupling an output of the isolator to the antenna port). The linearization loop is adapted to reduce non-linearity of the isolator and comprises a first directional coupler coupled to the third part of the transmission line, a loop impedance, and at least one further linearization loop element adapted to adjust a linearization signal and to feed the adjusted linearization signal to the transmission line. The radio frequency transmitter also comprises an interference reducing circuit adapted to reduce an influence of the interfering signal on the linearization loop. The circuit comprises a variable gain and phase shifter, and second and third directional couplers. The variable gain and phase shifter is coupled to the third part of the transmission line via the second directional coupler, which extracts a compensation signal from the transmission line, and is adapted to adjust amplitude and phase of the compensation signal based on the amplitude and phase of the interfering signal passing through the loop impedance. The third directional coupler couples the variable gain and phase shifter to the loop feed line and feeds the adjusted compensation signal thereto.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Lead system having a non-stationary to stationary electrical interconnect and method therefor

Номер: US20130013046A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A lead system has an elongate body, an active fixation assembly movable relative to the elongate lead body, including a non-stationary electrode. The lead system further includes a non-stationary electrode member and an electrical interconnect electrically connected between the non-stationary electrode member and the stationary electrode member. The electrical interconnect provides a reliable electrical interconnection between the stationary electrode and the non-stationary electrode, while allowing the non-stationary electrode to move relative to the stationary electrode.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Grounding method adapted for power supply

Номер: US20130014385A1
Автор: Chao Sun, Ming Xu

A grounding method adapted for a power supply (for example, an adapter power supply, a three-phase AC-to-DC power supply, a DC-to-DC power supply, . . . , etc., but not limited thereto) is provided, and which includes: (a) providing a circuit body corresponding to the power supply, where the circuit body has an input part and an output part; (b) disposing the circuit body in a shielding layer; and (c) making at least one of the input part and the output part to be coupled with the shielding layer through at least one capacitor. In this case, the present invention can effectively solve the problem of common-mode interferences in the power supply.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Primary wire for marine and sub-sea cable

Номер: US20130020107A1
Автор: Antonio Pagliuca
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics UK Ltd

Primary wire for marine or undersea cable comprises a conducting core ( 10 ), typically a multifilament core of copper, and an insulating sheath comprising an insulating inner layer ( 12 ) having a thickness of 0.35 to 1.0 mm, preferably 0.5 to 0.75 mm, and an outer protective layer ( 14 ) of polyvinylidene fluoride having a thickness of 0.15 to 0.3 mm, at least the outer layer being radiation crosslinked. The inner and outer layers are preferably crosslinked together using electron beam radiation. The combination of the inner and outer layers of the sheath enables marine and subsea cables and the like to be made with smaller diameters, without loss of capacity or electrical properties and with an increase in overall performance such as temperature range and mechanical properties.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Electrode array assembly and method of making same

Номер: US20130023972A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corp

A lead assembly and a method of making a lead are provided. The method of making a multi-contact lead assembly comprises placing monofilament placed in the void spaces not occupied by the plurality of conductor wires and, in one embodiment, thermally fusing the monofilament to the like material spacer by applying heat just below the melting temperature of the monofilament and spacer material. Alternatively, the monofilament and spacer may be of different materials and heat is applied to cause at least one material to thermally reflow or melt. The conductive contacts may be located at either the distal end and/or proximal end of the lead. Oversized spacers may be used in order to provide extra material to fill voids during the thermal fusion/reflow process.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Universal Light-Emitting Diode For Light Fixtures

Номер: US20130027915A1
Принадлежит: Ecolite Manufacturing Co

A light-emitting diode (LED) system to retrofit a light fixture has a frame configured to be installed under an existing light fixture and a LED lighting assembly couplable to the frame. In one example, the frame is formed as a plurality of rails having a flange to be installed between the light fixture and a grid member of a ceiling suspension system. The frame may be installed without removal of the existing light fixture. The LED lighting assembly includes an LED array and an optical waveguide for dispersing light from the LED array. The LED system maintains a thin profile, enabling it to retrofit existing light fixtures. Installation time is reduced, thereby reducing labor costs, while the LED lighting provides more light with less energy.
