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27-10-2016 дата публикации

Gas-Öl-Abscheider für einen Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE112009005511B4

Gas-Öl-Abscheider für einen Verbrennungsmotor (32) mit einer Innenkammer (40), die einen Gas-Öl-Nebel darin aufweist, umfassend einen rotierenden Trägheitsabscheider (42) in der Innenkammer (40), der an einer rotierenden Motorwelle (36) in der Innenkammer (40) angebracht ist und sich damit um eine Drehachse (44) dreht, wobei der Abscheider (42) einen Gasauslass (54) aufweist, der getrenntes Gas von dem Gas-Öl-Nebel abführt, wobei die rotierende Motorwelle (36) hohl ist und darin entlang einen Axialgasströmungskanal (56) aufweist mit einem Gaseinlass (58), der das getrennte Gas von dem Gasauslass (54) des Abscheiders (42) empfängt, und einem Gasauslass (60), der das getrennte Gas abführt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Abscheider (42) als Trägheitsimpaktorabscheider (42) ausgeführt ist, der durch Trägheitsimpaktion Gas und Öl von dem Gas-Öl-Nebel trennt, und dass der Abscheider (42) eine Scheibe umfasst, die einen Außenumfang (64) mit mehreren radial nach innen gerichteten Strömungsöffnungen ...

14-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015004403T5

Es werden Kraftstofffiltrationssysteme beschrieben, die eine automatische Abflussbaugruppe für Wasser aufweisen, das sich im Filtergehäuse ansammelt. Das Filtrationssystem schließt ein Filtermedium ein, das zum Entfernen von teilchenförmigem Material und dispergiertem Wasser, das innerhalb des Kraftstoffes enthalten ist, konfiguriert ist. Das Wasser wird in einen Abflussbehälter innerhalb des Filtergehäuses abgelassen, in dem sich das Wasser sammelt. Wenn das Wasser einen Schwellenwert erreicht, initiiert eine Steuereinrichtung eine Warnung für einen Bediener des Motors, wie eine Leuchte auf dem Armaturenbrett, die den Bediener anweist, den Motor auszuschalten. Wenn der Motor ausgeschaltet ist, wird das gesammelte Wasser durch ein Ventil der automatischen Abflussbaugruppe abgelassen. In einigen Anordnungen kann die automatische Abflussbaugruppe an bestehenden Kraftstofffiltrationssystemen nachgerüstet werden, wodurch die Kosten des Einbaus der automatischen Abflussbaugruppe in bestehende ...

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Zentrifuge mit konischen Trennwänden

Номер: DE0069906019T2

20-12-2001 дата публикации

High performance soot removing centrifuge

Номер: AU0000742287B2

07-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: JP2001212410A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a full flow and bypass composite type filter prolonged in a service period. SOLUTION: This full flow and bypass composite type filter is washable and back flushable and is reusable. The filter includes a full flow filter element 30, a bypass filter element 70, a bypass tube 74 and a venturi tube 84 and the flow direction in the bypass tube 74 is changed by the venturi tube 84. In back flush cleaning, a back flush deflector 110 changes the axial flow of the cleaning flow in the bypass tube 74 to radial flow at the outlet end of the bypass tube 74 in the venturi tube 84 and prevents the rectilinear flow up to the filter outlet from the bypass tube 74 of the cleaning flow. A blow-off port is disposed between the bypass tube 74 and the throat of the venturi tube 84 to jump the cleaning flow to a hollow region of the full flow filter element 30, thereby splashing and back flushing the full flow filter element 30. COPYRIGHT: (C)2001,JPO ...

05-04-2007 дата публикации

Zentrifuge zum Trennen partikulären Materials von einem Fluid

Номер: DE0010334762B4

Zentrifuge (20) zum Trennen partikulären Materials aus einem Fluid, umfassend - ein Gehäuse (22) mit einem Basisteil (21), das einen Fluideinlass bildet, - eine axial verschiebliche Rotorbaugruppe (23), die in das Gehäuse (22) eingebaut ist und ein Zentralrohr (35) aufweist, - eine Welle (24), die sich durch einen Teil des Zentralrohrs (35) erstreckt und eine Fluidauslassöffnung (37a, 37b) beinhaltet, - einen Fluidkanal (36), der mit der Fluidauslassöffnung (37a, 37b) und mit dem Fluideinlass (27) in fluidischer Verbindung steht, wobei eine Absperrhülse (46) in das Zentralrohr (35) fest eingebaut und derart positioniert ist, dass die Absperrhülse (46) die Fluidauslassöffnung (37a, 37b) versperrt, wenn die Absperrhülse (46) sich in einer ersten Position befindet, und mit der Rotorbaugruppe (23) durch auf die Absperrhülse (46) wirkende Druckkräfte in eine zweite Position bewegbar ist, in welcher die Fluidauslassöffnung (37a, 37b) unversperrt ist.

29-06-2006 дата публикации

Einteiliges Spiralschaufelmodul für Zentrifuge

Номер: DE0060208097T2

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Filterelement mit vielfältigen Filtermedienpaketmerkmalen

Номер: DE112015003421T5

Ein Filterelement mit einem ersten Filtermedienpaket mit einer Einlassseite und einer Auslassseite und einem zweiten Filtermedienpaket mit einer Einlassseite und einer Auslassseite. Das zweite Filtermedienpaket wird getrennt vom ersten Filtermedienpaket ausgeformt und ist mit dem ersten Filtermedienpaket so verbunden, dass die jeweiligen Einlassseiten und Auslassseiten des ersten und des zweiten Medienpakets nicht überlappen. Das erste Filtermedienpaket und das zweite Filtermedienpaket enthalten jeweils ein entsprechendes Filtermedienpaket-Merkmal, und das Filtermedienpaket-Merkmal des ersten Filtermedienpakets unterscheidet sich von dem entsprechenden Filtermedienpaket-Merkmal des zweiten Filtermedienpakets. Beispielhafte Filtermedienpaket-Merkmale umfassen Länge, Breite, Höhe, Form, Mediendichte, Lagenabstand, Faltenbiegewinkel, Faltendichte und Materialzusammensetzung des ersten und zweiten Filtermedienpakets.

10-12-2009 дата публикации

Pressure gradient dosing system for fluid supply

Номер: AU2006259823B2

04-05-2000 дата публикации

Cone-stack centrifuge with particle retention capability

Номер: AU0005595299A

06-02-2014 дата публикации

V-Shaped Filter with Serviceable Frames and Cartridges

Номер: US20140034565A1

A V-shaped filter includes a V-shaped carrier frame, first and second cartridge frames movably mounted to the carrier frame, and first and second filter element cartridges removably and replaceably mounted to the first and second cartridge frames, respectively. The first and second cartridge frames are movable to an inserted position in the V-shaped carrier frame providing an installed condition with the first and second cartridge frames forming a V-shape, and are movable to an extended position extending beyond the V-shaped carrier frame and providing a replacement-service condition. 1. A V-shaped filter comprising:a V-shaped carrier frame;first and second cartridge frames movably mounted to said carrier frame, and movable to an inserted position in said V-shaped carrier frame providing an installed condition with said first and second cartridge frames forming a V-shape, and movable to an extended position extending beyond said V-shaped carrier frame providing a replacement-service condition;first and second filter element cartridges removably and replaceably mounted to said first and second cartridge frames, respectively.2. The V-shaped filter according to wherein movement of said first and second cartridge frames to said inserted position traps and seals said first and second filter element cartridges respectively to said first and second cartridge frames in said installed condition claim 1 , and movement of said first and second cartridge frames from said inserted position to said extended position allows removal of said first and second filter element cartridges respectively from said first and second cartridge frames in said replacement-service condition claim 1 , to enable installation of replacement filter element cartridges.3. The V-shaped filter assembly according to wherein said V-shaped carrier frame has first and second sets of guide track channels receiving said first and second cartridge frames claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , along first and second ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018002354T5

Rotierende Koaleszer-Elemente, die den radial projizierten Trennoberflächenbereich in einem gegebenen (rotierenden) zylindrischen Volumen maximieren, wobei der zu reinigende Strom axial nach oben oder unten durch ein Trennmedium des rotierenden Koaleszer-Elements geleitet wird. Verschiedene beispielhafte Paketanordnungen sind mit verschiedenen Arten von rotierenden Konfigurationen bereitgestellt, einschließlich zylindrischer aufgewickelter Medienpakete, stumpfer aufgewickelter Medienpakete, konzentrischer Zylinder, gewickelter Metall- oder Polymerfolien mit und ohne Perforationen und/oder wechselnder Schichten aus verschiedenen Materialien. Die beschriebenen rotierenden Koaleszer können durch hydraulische Turbinen, Elektromotoren, Riemen, Getriebe oder durch Montage an rotierenden Maschinenkomponenten, wie rotierenden Motorwellen oder verbundenen Komponenten, angetrieben werden.

09-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE112010000807T5

Ein Motorluftmanagementsystem wird für einen Verbrennungsmotor bereitgestellt, der Durchblasegas in einem Kurbelgehäuse erzeugt, das Motoröl und Ölaerosol enthält. Das System enthält Kombinationen von zwei oder mehr eines Luft-Öl-Abscheiders, eines Luftfilters und eines Schalldämpfers.

21-01-1998 дата публикации

Closed crankcase ventilation system for i.c. engines

Номер: GB0002315096A

A closed crankcase ventilation system (10) which relies on a vacuum assist from the turbocharger inlet (24) to suction blow-by gases from the crankcase. The system includes a coalescer/filter (26) which is operative to filter any oil particles which may be entrained in the blow-by gases before they are released into the turbocharger inlet (24). A pop off valve (34) is also included in order to prevent the engine (12) crankcase from becoming over pressurized as a result of back pressure caused by either a plugged coalescer/filter (26) or some catastrophic engine (12) malfunction. Further included is a vacuum limiting valve (36) which prohibits the vacuum assist produced by the air inlet (24) to the turbocharger (14) from producing too low of an absolute pressure, thereby preventing an imbalance in pressure across the seals of the turbocharger (14). The system (10) further includes a bypass valve (32) which also prevents the crankcase from becoming over pressurized by routing the flow of ...

08-05-2003 дата публикации

Nozzle inlet enchancement for a high speed turbine-driven centrifuge

Номер: AU0000760173B2

03-07-2007 дата публикации

Variable flow inertial gas-liquid impactor separator

Номер: US0007238216B2

An inertial gas-liquid impactor separator has a variable flow actuator for varying cumulative gas-liquid flow through acceleration nozzle structure in response to a given parameter.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Filter mit vorgegebenen, Drei-Strom geformten Strömungswegkombinationen

Номер: DE112012001548T5

Ein Filter weist eine Vielzahl von ringförmigen Filterelementen auf, die in axial versetztem Verhältnis angeordnet sind. Ein axialer Strömungsweg weist eine Vielzahl von Strömungswegsegmenten auf, von denen einige durch ein jeweiliges Filterelement gefiltert werden, während andere ein jeweiliges Filterelement umgehen. Es werden verschiedene Kombinationen bereitgestellt.

27-06-2002 дата публикации

Extended life combination filter

Номер: AU0007948101A

27-06-2023 дата публикации

Variable-angle baffle device for gas-liquid separation

Номер: CN116328430A

The invention relates to a variable angle baffle device for gas-liquid separation. A gas-liquid separation assembly for separating air and liquid from a gas-liquid mixture includes a housing through which a fluid flows, a main separator located within the housing, and a sub-separator. The sub-separator is located within the housing before or after the main separator and defines a plurality of slots. Each of the plurality of slots is located between adjacent baffles of the sub-separator or between baffles of the sub-separator and a portion of the housing. The plurality of slots are positioned adjacent to each other in a direction substantially perpendicular to a direction in which the fluid flows through the housing. The plurality of slots includes a first subset of slots and a second subset of slots. The second subset of slots extends at an angle different from the first subset of slots such that fluid flows through the first subset of slots and the second subset of slots at different angles ...

01-07-2008 дата публикации

Centrifuge rotor-detection oil-shutoff device

Номер: US0007393317B2

A centrifuge includes a housing that defines a fluid inlet port to supply fluid to the centrifuge and an axle cavity fluidly coupled to the fluid inlet port. A bearing is received in the axle cavity. A check valve is disposed in the axle cavity to minimize tampering, and the check valve is configured to control flow of the fluid from the inlet port. A rotor is configured to separate particulate matter from the fluid. The rotor includes an axle rotatably received in the bearing, and the axle defines a fluid passage to supply the fluid to the rotor. The check valve is normally biased towards a closed position where the flow of the fluid is shutoff. The axle is configured to open the check valve when the axle is received in the bearing.

16-07-2015 дата публикации

V-förmiger Filter mit wartbaren Rahmen und Einsätzen

Номер: DE112013003775T5

Ein V-förmiger Filter umfasst einen V-förmigen Trägerrahmen, erste und zweite Einsatzrahmen, die an dem Trägerrahmen bewegbar befestigt sind, und erste und zweite Filterelementeinsätze, die jeweils an den ersten und zweiten Einsatzrahmen entfernbar und austauschbar befestigt sind. Die ersten und zweiten Einsatzrahmen sind in eine eingesetzte Position in dem V-förmigen Trägerrahmen bewegbar, was einen eingebauten Zustand bereitstellt, wobei die ersten und zweiten Einsatzrahmen eine V-Form bilden, und sie sind in eine herausgezogene Position bewegbar, die sich über den V-förmigen Trägerrahmen hinaus erstreckt, was einen Austauschservicezustand bereitstellt.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112009005573B3

Filter (10; 100; 200), umfassend:ein Filtermedium (12; 112; 212), das es einem Fluid ermöglicht, durch das Filtermedium (12; 112; 212) hindurch gefiltert zu werden, wobei das Filtermedium (12; 112; 212) eine Wandstruktur aufweist, wobei das Filtermedium (12; 112; 212) an zwei Endplatten (14, 16; 114, 116; 214, 216) angebracht ist, wobei eine der Endplatten (14; 114; 214) eine Öffnung (22; 222) beinhaltet, die es Fluid ermöglicht, in das oder aus dem Filtermedium (12; 112; 212) zu fließen, wobei die Endplatte (14; 114; 214) mit der Öffnung (22; 222) eine Hauptfläche (26; 126; 226) mit einer elliptischen Manschette (18; 118; 218) beinhaltet, wobei die elliptische Manschette (18; 118; 218) von der Hauptfläche (26; 126; 226) entlang einer Einführachse nach Außen vorsteht und die Öffnung (22; 222) umschließt;eine ovale Dichtung (20; 120; 220), die um eine Außenfläche der elliptischen Manschette (18; 118; 218) angeordnet ist.

12-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002877587A1
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

La présente invention propose un séparateur gaz-liquide à inertie amélioré (320) destiné à enlever les particules liquides d'un courant gaz-liquide, comprenant un logement (322) ayant un orifice d'entrée (324) destiné à recevoir un courant gaz-liquide (326) et un orifice de sortie (328) destiné à décharger un courant de gaz (330), une structure de buses dans ledit logement ayant une pluralité de buses (334) recevant ledit courant gaz-liquide provenant dudit orifice d'entrée et accélérant ledit courant gaz-liquide par l'intermédiaire desdites buses, un collecteur impacteur à inertie (336) dans ledit logement sur le chemin dudit courant gaz-liquide accéléré et provoquant la séparation des particules liquides dudit courant gaz-liquide, un actionneur à écoulement variable (344) pouvant se déplacer pour ouvrir et fermer un nombre variable desdites buses (334). The present invention provides an improved inertia gas-liquid separator (320) for removing liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream, comprising a housing (322) having an inlet port (324) for receiving a gas stream -liquid (326) and an outlet (328) for discharging a gas stream (330), a nozzle structure in said housing having a plurality of nozzles (334) receiving said gas-liquid stream from said orifice inlet and accelerating said gas-liquid stream via said nozzles, an inertial impact collector (336) in said housing on the path of said accelerated gas-liquid stream and causing the separation of the liquid particles from said gas-liquid stream, an actuator variable flow (344) movable to open and close a variable number of said nozzles (334).

19-05-2004 дата публикации

Turbine driven centrifugre

Номер: GB0002395149A

A centrifuge for separating particulate matter from a fluid includes a rotor assembly 23, positioned within a centrifuge housing including a rotor housing. A driven gear 34 is secured to a base portion of the rotor housing. A driving gear 35 is integrally arranged with an impulse turbine 36. Rotary motion is imparted to the impulse turbine 36 by a fluid stream from a jet nozzle 39. An alignment carrier 38 provides a first post (45, Fig.4) and spaced therefrom a second post (46, Fig.4), the first post (45, Fig.4) including the jet nozzle 39. The driven gear 34 is supported by the first post (45) and the driving gear 35 is assembled onto the second post (46). As fluid exits the nozzle 39 under high pressure, it is directed at an annular ring of impulse turbine buckets 40, striking each bucket tangentially as the impulse turbine 36 rotates. First post (45) also supplies bulk fluid to the rotor.

28-12-2006 дата публикации

Pressure gradient dosing system for fluid supply

Номер: AU2006259823A1

24-12-2009 дата публикации

Pressure gradient dosing system for fluid supply

Номер: AU2006259823B9

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027366A1

A cartridge top load filter design and filter element useable with the filter are described that allows fluid to be drained from the filter housing, from the exterior of the housing and without first removing the filter element or the housing cover. The draining feature can be manually activated by a knob that is accessible from the exterior of the filter housing adjacent to the removable cover. The draining feature does not require any tools to activate, and provides a “clean service” option of draining fluid before opening the filter housing. 1. A method of draining fluid from a cartridge top load filter housing having a cover removably attached to a housing base with a filter element installed within the housing , and a drain port adjacent to a bottom of the housing base , the method comprising:with the cover attached the housing base, displacing the filter element from a first position to a second position within the filter housing, at the first position fluid is prevented from flowing through the drain port and at the second position fluid is permitted to flow through the drain port, and the displacement of the filter element from the first position to the second position occurs from outside of the filter housing without removing the cover.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filter element moves in a longitudinal direction within the filter housing when moving from the first position to the second position.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein displacing the filter element from a first position to a second position comprises rotating a knob that is rotatably attached to the cover to displace the knob relative to the cover in a longitudinal direction claim 1 , the knob is engaged with a top endplate of the filter element at the first position and at the second position claim 1 , and a spring is engaged with the filter element and biases the filter element in a direction toward the second position.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein displacing the filter element ...

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Integraler Luft/Öl-Koaleszierer für eine Zentrifuge

Номер: DE102004019057B4

Anordnung mit einer Zentrifuge (41) zum Abtrennen partikelförmigen Materials aus einer zirkulierenden Flüssigkeit, wobei die Zentrifuge (41) eine einen Blowby-Gas-Einlass (65a) bestimmende Basis (65), ein mit der Basis (65) zusammengebautes und einen Blowby-Gas-Auslass (43) bestimmendes äußeres Gehäuseteil (42), wobei die Basis (65) und das äußere Gehäuseteil (42) einen hohlen Innenraum bestimmen, und einen Rotor (53), der in dem hohlen Innenraum angeordnet und derart aufgebaut ist, um die zirkulierende Flüssigkeit aufzunehmen, und ein Antriebsmittel zum Drehen des Rotors (53) umfasst, wobei der Rotor (53) ein Rotorgehäuse (46, 95) und ein Zentralrohr (44) umfasst, wobei das Zentralrohr (44) einen außerhalb des Rotorgehäuses (46) angeordneten Endabschnitt (45) umfasst; und einer Koaleszierfilterbaugruppe (40, 81), die an dem Endabschnitt (45) des Zentralrohrs (44) angebracht ist, wobei die Koaleszierfilterbaugruppe (40, 81) aufgebaut und angeordnet ist, um Ölaerosol aus einem Blowby-Gas ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102005006881C5

Fluidfilter (20; 74; 104; 114; 132; 145; 154) zur Anordnung an einem fluidführenden Kopf, wobei der Fluidfilter aufweist:ein Gehäuse (21; 105; 115; 137; 157; 162; 170) mit einem geschlossenen Boden (29) und einer Seitenwand (30), welche einen Hohlraum (34) definieren;ein Filtermedium (23; 106; 116), welches ein offenes Inneres definiert und welches in dem Hohlraum angeordnet ist;eine Gewindeplatte (22; 39; 75; 109; 117; 146), welche mit dem Gehäuse verbunden ist und zum Umschließen des Filtermediums gestaltet und ausgelegt ist, wobei die Gewindeplatte eine Mehrzahl von Einlassströmungsöffnungen (53; 128) definiert und eine Hülse (50; 76; 76a - 76d) aufweist, welche sich in das offene Innere erstreckt, wobei die Hülse eine Auslassströmungsleitung schafft;eine Endplatte (70; 98; 107; 118; 180), welche mit dem Filtermedium verbunden ist und einen Flanschabschnitt (78; 90; 181) und einen sich parallel zur Gewindeplattenhülse in das offene Innere erstreckenden Hülsenabschnitt (77; 182) aufweist ...

02-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112020000781T5

Ein rotierender Abscheider schließt ein Filtergehäuse, das sich axial entlang einer Längsachse erstreckt, und ein Filterelement ein, das innerhalb des Filtergehäuses positioniert ist. Das Filterelement schließt eine erste Endplatte und eine zweite Endplatte, die betreibbar an die erste Endplatte gekoppelt sind, einen ersten Elementkern und einen zweiten Elementkern, die zwischen der ersten Endplatte und der zweiten Endplatte positioniert und dazu konfiguriert sind, eine Verunreinigung aus einem Fluid zu filtern, ein. Ein Innenhohlraum ist der zwischen der ersten Endplatte, der zweiten Endplatte, dem ersten Elementkern und dem zweiten Elementkern definiert. Fluid, das durch das Filterelement strömt, in den Innenhohlraum eintritt und zwischen dem ersten Elementkern und dem zweiten Elementkern aufgeteilt wird und parallel durch diese strömt.

11-01-2001 дата публикации

Disposable self-driven centrifuge

Номер: AU0004504200A

29-04-2010 дата публикации

Inertial Gas-Liquid Separator with Axially Variable Orifice Area

Номер: US20100101425A1

An inertial gas-liquid separator removes liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream and has a variable orifice area variable along an axial direction and dependent upon axial movement of a plunger relative to a housing sleeve.

20-04-2010 дата публикации

Crankcase ventilation system with pumped scavenged oil

Номер: US0007699029B2

A crankcase ventilation system for an internal combustion engine has a jet pump suctioning scavenged separated oil from the oil outlet of an air/oil separator and pumping same to the crankcase. The jet pump supplies pumping pressure greater than the pressure differential between the higher pressure crankcase and the lower pressure oil outlet, to overcome such pressure differential and the back flow tendency otherwise caused thereby, and instead cause suctioning of scavenged separated oil from the oil outlet and pumping same to the crankcase.

13-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: JP2002224589A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a self-propelling centrifugal separator for separating a granular material from a circulating liquid. SOLUTION: The centrifugal separator comprises a pair of jet nozzles (34) in the tangent line directions for generating self-propelling force. A centrifugal separator shell (28) is joined to a base (29) for defining the space in a hollow inside and a disposable liner is positioned in the centrifugal separator shell. A hollow rotor hub (22) is assembled in the base (29) and extended through the space of the hollow inside. A supporting plate (33) is positioned in the space of the hollow inside and defines a circular flow outlet in corporation with the rotor hub (22). A unitary separation blade module (21) is installed in the space of the hollow inside so as to surround the circumference of the rotor hub (22). The separation blade module (21) comprises a plurality of separation blades extended at intervals from one another in the axial line directions. COPYRIGHT ...

20-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: JP2001046916A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a disposable cone stack self driving type centrifugal separation rotor assembly for separating a granular material from a circulating oil flow. SOLUTION: The rotor assembly 20 has 1st and 2nd rotor shell parts 22, 23 formed by injection molding a plastic. The rotor shell parts are welded at engaging edge parts 26, 27 with ultrasonic to form a surrounding shell provided with a hollow part. An injection molded plastic made supporting hub 25 is incorporated into the center opening part of the rotor shell lower half part to exist inside the hollow part to extend upward and an injection molded plastic made supporting/matching spool 24 is incorporated into the center opening part of the rotor shell upper part to exist inside the hollow part to extend downward. A cone stack assembly 21 provided with injection molded plastic made plural separation cones is arranged to form a matching stack, located inside the hollow part and assembled to make the supporting hub ...

26-02-2004 дата публикации

Zentrifugenrotor mit Niederdruckabsperrung und Kapazitätssensor

Номер: DE0010334762A1

Eine Zentrifuge zum Trennen partikulären Materials von einem Fluid umfasst ein Gehäuse mit einem Basisteil, das einen Fluideinlass definiert, und eine Rotorbaugruppe in dem Gehäuse, die ein Zentralrohr und eine Welle umfasst. Die Welle definiert eine Mehrzahl von Fluidauslassöffnungen und einen Fluidkanal, der in fluidischer Verbindung mit diesen steht. Der Fluidkanal kommuniziert mit dem Fluideinlass, derart, dass der Zentrifuge zugeführtes Öl durch einen Abschnitt der Zentrifugenwelle strömt und aus den Fluidauslassöffnungen austritt. In das Zentralrohr ist eine Ablenkhülse über einen Presssitz eingesetzt, welche anfangs derart positioniert ist, dass sie die Fluidauslassöffnungen abdeckt, wenn die Ablenkhülse sich in einer ersten Position befindet. Die Ablenkhülse ist mit der Rotorbaugruppe in eine zweite Position bewegbar, in welcher die Mehrzahl von Fluidauslassöffnungen nicht abgedeckt ist.

22-07-2010 дата публикации

Abflussventil zur Wartung eines Filters und Verfahren

Номер: DE112008001571T5

Fluidfilter, umfassend: ein Gehäuse, das so konfiguriert ist, dass es das Eindringen des zu filternden Fluids und den Austritt des gefilterten Fluids ermöglicht; einen innerhalb des Gehäuses angeordneten Filtereinsatz, wobei der Filtereinsatz ein zwischen zwei Endplatten angeordnetes Filterelement umfasst, wobei das Filterelement ein Filtermedium aufweist, das konfiguriert ist, um Fluid zu filtern, das in das Gehäuse von einer ungefilterten Seite des Filtermediums zu einer gefilterten Seite des Filtermediums eintritt, derart, dass das gefilterte Fluid aus dem Gehäuse austreten kann, wobei der Filtereinsatz austauschbar ist; und ein Abflussventil, das in das Gehäuse eingreift, und einschließlich eines Abflussloches, das so konfiguriert ist, dass es von dem Filtereinsatz nicht gefiltertem Fluid ermöglicht, aus dem Gehäuse auszutreten, wobei das Abflussventil eine offene Position und eine geschlossene Position aufweist, die dem Fluid das Fließen durch das Abflussloch ermöglicht bzw. nicht ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Rotierendes Koaleszerelement mit gerichteter Flüssigkeitsdrainage und gerichtetem Gasauslass

Номер: DE112016003302T5

Es wird ein rotierender Koaleszer beschrieben, der eine Abscheidevorrichtung für weggeschleuderte, koaleszierte Flüssigkeit aufweist. Die Abscheidevorrichtung verhindert ein erneutes Mitreißen von Flüssigkeit in einem Strom gefilterten Gases. Der rotierende Koaleszer schließt ein rotierendes Filterelement oder einen Koaleszenzkegelstapel ein, das bzw. der innerhalb eines rotierenden Koaleszergehäuses angeordnet ist. Die Außenfläche des rotierenden Filterelements oder der Auslass des Koaleszenzkegelstapels ist von der Innenfläche des rotierenden Koaleszergehäuses versetzt. Der Spalt zwischen dem rotierenden Filterelement oder dem Koaleszenzkegelstapel und dem rotierenden Koaleszergehäuse ermöglicht ein Ansammeln weggeschleuderter, koaleszierter Flüssigkeit, beispielsweise Öl, an der Innenfläche des rotierenden Koaleszergehäuses, so dass sie abfließen kann, und ermöglicht gefiltertem Gas, beispielsweise Luft, das Entweichen durch einen Reingasauslass des rotierenden Koaleszergehäuses.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Verbessern der Signalqualität eines Luftmassenstroms

Номер: DE112015001846T5

Eine Filterbaugruppe umfasst eine Konditioniervorrichtung, die einem Luftmassenmesser vorgelagert einen Luftstrom konditioniert. Die Filterbaugruppe schließt einen Stützrahmen ein. Die Filterbaugruppe schließt ferner ein Filtermedium ein, das mit dem Stützrahmen verbunden ist, wobei das Filtermedium eine schmutzige, zum Aufnehmen eines Luftstroms konfigurierte Seite und eine saubere, zum Ausgeben eines durch das Filtermedium gefilterten Luftstroms konfigurierte Seite aufweist. Die Filterbaugruppe schließt eine Konditioniervorrichtung ein, die mit dem Stützrahmen verbunden ist, wobei die Konditioniervorrichtung in einer nachgelagerten Richtung von der sauberen Seite des Filtermediums in Bezug auf den Luftstrom positioniert ist, wobei die Konditioniervorrichtung von der sauberen Seite des Filtermediums um einen Trennabstand versetzt ist.

10-11-2004 дата публикации

A combination centrifuge and filter system

Номер: GB0002401331A

A centrifuge 41, for separating particulate matter from a circulating fluid and a coalescing filter assembly 40, for removing oil aerosol from a gas and assembled to a rotor 53. Preferably the rotor is the rotating component of bypass lube centrifuge wherein high spinning rates are achieved and utilised to rotate the coalescing filter assembly wherein oil is removed from the exhaust gas in a crankshaft ventilation system. Advantageously a pair of jet nozzles 27, 28, allows for the processed fluid to provide a turbine arrangement imparting a rotary motion to the centrifuge. Contaminated fluid is allowed to enter through an inlet 65a, at the base and exits through passages 87, and outlet 43, as cleaned gas. The filter assembly may be perpendicular or positioned at an inclined angled to a centre-tube 44. A bearing seal 64 allows a filter carrier 51 to mate with a housing 42 wall and ensures no contaminated fluid leaves the system before entering the filter assembly 40.

17-10-2007 дата публикации

Spiral vane insert for a centrifuge

Номер: GB2437226A

A removable, spiral vane insert (23) for receipt by a centrifuge rotor enclosure includes a unitary, molded plastic spiral vane portion including a spiral vane module (26) and a baseplate (27) that are all integrally joined together. The spiral vane portion further includes a tubular sleeve (62) having a longitudinal axis corresponding to the axis of rotation for the rotor.

21-09-2011 дата публикации

Filter cartridge having a filter within a filter, and an endplate sealing structure on an outer filter element

Номер: CN0102196848A

A filter within a filter cartridge design is described that includes a sealing structure on an endplate of an outer filter element. Generally, the sealing structure includes an annular flange on the endplate that can directly seal against an interior surface of a housing when the filter cartridge is assembled for use. During filtration, the annular flange prevents a working fluid from bypassing the outer filter element. The sealing flange can seal with the housing in a press fit engagement.

19-06-2012 дата публикации

Inertial impactor with enhanced separation

Номер: US0008202339B2

An inertial gas-liquid impactor separator includes an inertial impactor collector having an impactor surface extending diagonally relative to axially accelerated flow, which surface is preferably a cone having a leading tip axially facing and axially aligned with the acceleration nozzle. In a further aspect, first and second inertial impactor collectors are provided in series, with an orifice in the first inertial impactor collector providing a nozzle for the second inertial impactor collector. Improved performance is provided by reducing the extent of the stagnation region to change from a narrow band particle size range to a wider band range and to shift cut-off size. An inertial gas-liquid impactor separator has a perforated layer of coalescence media having at least one aperture through which the gas-liquid stream flows. Improved performance is provided by increased penetration of the flow into the media patch and thereby enhancing particle capture by interception, impaction and diffusion.

11-08-2020 дата публикации

Tangential air cleaner with coiled filter cartridge

Номер: US0010737282B2

Filtration systems having a tangential air cleaner having a coiled media filter element and a cyclonic pre-cleaner are described. An outer wall of the filter element acts as a pre-cleaner sleeve of the housing to generate a cyclonic flow of the intake air prior to the intake air being filtered by the filter element. The housing cover includes geometry that redirects the cyclonic flow from a tangential path to an axial, straight-through flow directed through an inlet flow face of the filter element. Various embodiments of such filtration systems offer increased filter performance and capacity compared to similarly sized cylindrical pleated filter elements having a radial flow filtering path.

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE112008001692B4

Kurbelgehäuseentlüftungssystem für einen Verbrennungsmotor (22), der ein Durchblasegas in einem Kurbelgehäuse (24) erzeugt, das Motoröl (26) und Ölaerosol enthält, wobei das System einen Luft-/Öl-Abscheider (28) mit einem Durchblasegas und Ölaerosol von dem Kurbelgehäuse (24) empfangenden Einlass (30), einem sauberes Durchblasegas abführenden Luftauslass (32), einem gespültes, abgeschiedenes Öl abführenden Ölauslass (34) und eine das gespülte, abgeschiedene Öl aus dem Ölauslass (34) des Abscheiders (28) zum Kurbelgehäuse (24) pumpende Ölpumpe (36) umfasst, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Ölpumpe eine luftgetriebene Strahlpumpe (36) ist mit einem druckbeaufschlagten Antriebseingang (40), der druckbeaufschlagte Treibluft von einer Druckluftquelle empfängt.

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Stülpfilter mit Druckentspannung

Номер: DE112012000269B4

Stülpfilter (20), der ein ringförmiges Filterelement (42) mit einem hohlen Inneren umfasst, das durch einen Einlass (28) axial dorthinein fließendes Fluid aufnimmt, wobei das ringförmige Filterelement (42) Filtermedien (46) zum Filtern des Fluids umfasst, wobei das Fluid von dem hohlen Inneren (44) radial nach außen durch Filtermedien (46) zu einer äußeren Oberfläche (50) des Filterelements (42) fließt, ein Übergangsdruckentspannungsglied (60) am Einlass (28) und mit strukturierten konturierten Führungsoberflächen (62), die den Fluidfluss dort entlang in das hohle Innere (44) führen, um den Übergangsdruckverlust von dem Einlass (28) zu dem hohlen Inneren (44) zu minimieren, wobei die strukturierten konturierten Führungsoberflächen (62) des Übergangsdruckentspannungsglieds (60) Übergangsflussverlangsamungsoberflächen umfassen, die den Fluss des Fluids in das hohle Innere (44) allmählich verlangsamen und den Druckabfall minimieren;wobei sich das Übergangsdruckentspannungsglied (60) axial ...

18-06-2002 дата публикации

Hero-turbine centrifuge with drainage enhancing baffle devices

Номер: AU0002730102A

24-09-2002 дата публикации

Free jet centrifuge rotor with internal flow bypass

Номер: US0006454694B1

A centrifuge includes a shaft and a center tube. The shaft has a single flow passage from which fluid is supplied and has one or more fluid ports defined therein. The center tube has two sets of openings defined therein. A portion of the fluid in the centrifuge is directed to bypass the cleaning operation and is directly used to drive the centrifuge. The remaining fluid flows through the centrifuge and particulate matter is removed from the liquid. The fluid is then discharged through the nozzles in order to rotate the centrifuge.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170313A1

A filtration assembly includes a housing. The housing includes a first housing for fluid and a second housing opening for fluid. A containment cover is removably coupled to the housing. The containment cover defines a cover opening, a cover surface, and a flow passage. The cover opening is in fluid communication with the housing. The cover surface is substantially continuous around a circumference of the containment cover. The cover surface includes an open portion in fluid communication with the second housing opening. The flow passage is formed by a first passage surface and a second passage surface. The flow passage includes a first end in fluid communication with the cover opening. A second end is in fluid communication with the second housing opening through the open portion of the cover surface. The flow passage extends radially outward from the cover opening. 1. A filtration assembly , the filtration assembly comprising:a housing comprising a first housing opening and a second housing opening; anda containment cover removably coupled to the housing, the containment cover defining a cover opening that is in fluid communication with the housing, a cover surface, and a flow passage,the cover surface substantially continuous around a circumference of the containment cover and comprising an open portion in fluid communication with the second housing opening, andthe flow passage formed by a first passage surface and a second passage surface, the flow passage comprising a first end in fluid communication with the cover opening and a second end in fluid communication with the second housing opening through the open portion of the cover surface, the flow passage extending radially outward from the cover opening.2. The filtration assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cover surface comprises a first cover surface claim 1 , and wherein the containment cover defines an annular passage claim 1 , the annular passage substantially continuous around a circumference of the ...

22-08-2017 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for separating liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream

Номер: US0009737835B2

A gas-liquid separator comprises a housing having an inlet for receiving a gas-liquid stream and an outlet for discharging a gas stream. An impactor nozzle structure is supported by the housing and situated downstream of the inlet. The impactor nozzle structure receives the gas-liquid stream and accelerates the gas-liquid stream through an orifice that extends through the impactor nozzle structure. An impaction surface is supported by the housing and situated downstream of the orifice. The impaction surface receives the accelerated gas-liquid stream and causes separation of liquid particles from the gas-liquid stream so as to produce the gas stream, and a baffle situated downstream of the impaction surface modifies a flow of the gas stream so as to reduce carryover of liquid particles in the gas stream. A shroud for an inertial impactor gas-liquid separator is disclosed. A method for separating liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream is disclosed.

06-02-2018 дата публикации

Crankcase ventilation inside-out flow rotating coalescer

Номер: US0009885265B2

An internal combustion engine crankcase ventilation rotating coalescer includes an annual rotating coalescing filter element, an inlet port supplying blow by gas from the crankcase to the hollow interior of the annular rotating coalescing filter element, and an outlet port delivering clean separated, air from the exterior of the rotating element. The direction of flow by gas inside-out, radially, outwardly from the hollow interior to the exterior.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018001821T5

Trägheitsabscheider mit einer axial verschiebbaren oder einer verformbaren Ventilkörperkomponente werden beschrieben. Die Ventilkörper-Komponente verschiebt sich axial, um ein breites Spektrum von Durchflussraten durch den Trägheitsabscheider aufzunehmen. In einigen Anordnungen ist die Ventilkörper-Komponente durch eine Feder in Richtung der geschlossenen Position vorgespannt. Die variable Strömungsrate und die Verengung, die durch den Ventilkörper bereitgestellt werden, halten einen im Wesentlichen konstanten Druckabfall und eine im Wesentlichen konstante Abscheideeffizienz während des Betriebs über einen breiten Bereich von Strömungsraten durch die Abscheider aufrecht.

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Kraftstofffilterkartuschen mit automatisierten internen Entlüftungsfunktionen

Номер: DE112018005447T5

Eine Filterbaugruppe enthält ein Gehäuse ein, das einen äußeren Hohlraum und einen inneren Hohlraum aufweist, sowie eine Dichtung, die in dem Gehäuse positioniert ist. Die Dichtung enthält eine Innenfläche, eine Außenfläche und einen Entlüftungsdurchgang. Die Dichtung bildet eine erste Abdichtung mit einem zentralen Rohr an der Innenfläche aus. Das zentrale Rohr erstreckt sich in den inneren Hohlraum und enthält eine Öffnung. Ein Filterelement ist in dem Gehäuse angeordnet und enthält ein Filtermedium, das dazu ausgebildet ist, ein Fluid zu filtern, und eine Endkappe, die einen ringförmigen Laschenabschnitt aufweist, der eine zweite Abdichtung mit der Außenfläche der Dichtung bildet, wenn das Filterelement in einer Betriebsposition in dem Gehäuse angeordnet ist. Der Entlüftungsdurchgang umgibt die erste Abdichtung und die zweite Abdichtung, wodurch ermöglicht wird, dass Luft von dem inneren Hohlraum des Gehäuses zu der Öffnung in dem zentralen Rohr strömen kann.

18-01-2011 дата публикации

Crankcase ventilation system with pumped scavenged oil

Номер: US0007870850B2

A crankcase ventilation system for an internal combustion engine has a jet pump suctioning scavenged separated oil from the oil outlet of an air/oil separator and pumping same to the crankcase.

15-05-2012 дата публикации

Spin-on filter with performance enhancement features

Номер: US0008177967B2

A disposable, spin-on fluid filter for mounting to a fluid-directing head includes a molded housing having a closed base and a sidewall defining a hollow cavity. Filtering media is positioned within the hollow cavity and a nutplate is joined to the housing so as to enclose the filtering media. The nutplate includes a plurality of inlet flow openings and a lobed sleeve extending into the filtering media. An endplate is joined to the filtering media including a flange portion and a sleeve portion. The fluid filter includes an elastomeric valve having a first portion positioned between the flange portion and the inlet flow openings and a second portion positioned between the sleeve portion and the lobed sleeve. The valve provides an anti-drain back capability and in cooperation with the lobed sleeve provides a filtering media by-pass capability.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Raumoptimierter Abscheider für ein Motorkurbelgehäuse-Entlüftungssystem

Номер: DE112006003707B4

Abscheider für ein Motorkurbelgehäuse-Entlüftungssystem zum Koaleszieren eines Mediums mit zwei nichtvermischbaren Phasen, nämlich einer kontinuierlichen Phase, die im Wesentlichen Luft enthält, und einer dispergierten Phase, die Öl in Form eines feinen Nebels mit Tröpfchen mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 1 μm oder weniger enthält, wobei die kontinuierliche Phase entlang einer Fließrichtung von stromaufwärts nach stromabwärts fließt, wobei der Abscheider (131) ein Abscheiderelement (132) umfasst, das sich axial entlang einer Achse (134) erstreckt und Abscheidermedien (136) aufweist, die Tröpfchen der dispergierten Phase einfangen, wobei die Tröpfchen koaleszierend zu größeren Tropfen wachsen, die weiter koaleszieren und wachsen, um Pfützen zu bilden, die ablaufen, wobei das Element (132) in einer Ebene quer zu der Achse (134) eine geometrische Querschnittsgestalt mit geschlossener Schleife aufweist und eine innere Oberfläche (138) aufweist, die einen inneren Hohlraum (140) definiert, sowie ...

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Centrifuge has housing, which comprises fluid inlet for supply of fluid to centrifuge, where non-return valve is arranged in axle cavity and is in position to control flow of fluid from inlet connection

Номер: DE102006021033A1

The centrifuge (30) has a housing (40), which comprises a fluid inlet for the supply of fluid to the centrifuge and an axle cavity (42), which stands in fluid connection with the fluid inlet connection (44). A mounting (46) is included in the axle cavity. A non-return valve is arranged in the axle cavity in order to minimize manipulations. The non-return valve is in a position to control the flow of the fluid from the inlet connection. A rotor (32) is in a position to separate particle-shaped property from the fluid. An independent claim is also included for a method, which involves closing the non-return valve by removing the axle of the rotor from a bearing and maintaining the closure of the valve, when a second rotor with a different axle is inserted.

01-04-2004 дата публикации

Centrifuge, for separating particulate materials from circulating fluid, comprises rotor component, driven toothed wheel fixed to rotor housing, impulse turbine, driven toothed wheel fixed to impulse turbine, and support

Номер: DE0010345366A1

Centrifuge (20) comprises a rotor component (23) having a rotor housing, a driven toothed wheel (34) fixed to the rotor housing, an impulse turbine (36), a driven toothed wheel (35) fixed to the impulse turbine, and an alignment support having two uprights. Preferred features: The first upright has a nozzle in a flow connection with the rotor component group. The toothed wheel is fixed to the second upright and supported by the first upright. The nozzle is directed onto the impulse turbine so that the toothed wheel interacts with the toothed wheel to rotate the rotor component group.

06-10-2004 дата публикации

A rotor assembly and a centrifuge

Номер: GB0002400054A

A rotor assembly (20) for use as pan of a centrifuge for the separation of particulate matter from a fluid includes a collection chamber (21) housing a particulate separation mechanism and a drive chamber (22) including a Hero turbine (26) which assembles to the collection chamber (21) and which is separable from the collection chamber (21). The interfit between the drive chamber (22) and the collection chamber (21) imparts any drive chamber rotation due to the Hero turbine (26) directly to the collection chamber (21) for rotation and for particulate separation. By making the drive chamber (22) separable from the collection chamber (21), the collection chamber (21) can be discarded with its accumulated sludge, allowing the drive chamber (22) to be reused.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Filter with Specified Flow Path Combinations

Номер: US20120285324A1

A filter includes a plurality of annular filter elements arranged in axially staggered relation. An axial flow path includes a plurality of flow path segments, some being filtered by a respective filter element, and others bypassing a respective filter element. Various combinations are provided. 1. A filter for a housing extending axially along an axial direction and directing fluid along an axial flow path therethrough from upstream to downstream , comprising a plurality of annular filter elements for positioning in said housing , the axis of the annulus of each annular filter element extending axially along said axial direction , said annular filter elements being arranged in axially staggered relation in said housing , said plurality of annular filter elements comprising at least a first annular filter element , and a second annular filter element axially downstream of said first annular filter element , said housing having a plurality of flow path segments comprising a first flow path segment flowing axially through said first annular filter element and filtered thereby , a second flow path segment flowing axially along a path laterally adjacent said first annular filter element and unfiltered thereby , said second flow path segment being laterally adjacent said first flow path segment , a third flow path segment flowing axially through said second annular filter element and filtered thereby , a fourth flow path segment flowing axially along a path laterally adjacent said second annular filter element and unfiltered thereby , said fourth flow path segment being laterally adjacent said third flow path segment , said third and fourth flow path segments being axially downstream of said first and second flow path segments , said first flow path segment flowing serially into said fourth flow path segment , said second flow path segment flowing serially into said third flow path segment , said first flow path segment having a first subsegment and a second subsegment , ...

20-11-2001 дата публикации

Extended life dual full-flow and bypass filter

Номер: US0006319402B1

A cleanable backflushable re-usable dual full-flow and bypass filter includes a full-flow filter element providing filtered primary flow therethrough, a bypass filter element providing filtered secondary flow therethrough, a bypass tube conducting flow therethrough from said bypass filter element to said full-flow filter element, a venturi creating a low pressure zone aiding secondary flow through the bypass tube to assist in pulling the secondary flow through the more restrictive bypass filter element, wherein fluid, whether main fluid flow in the filtering direction or backflushing cleansing fluid flow in the opposite direction, flowing from the bypass tube changes direction at the venturi. During a backflushing cleaning cycle, a backflush deflector at the outlet end of the bypass tube in the venturi creates the directional change by changing axial flow of cleansing fluid through the bypass tube to radial flow at the outlet end of the bypass tube in the venturi and prevents straight-through ...

21-01-2010 дата публикации

Filter mit Installationsintegrität und Magnetflusssteuerung

Номер: DE112008000085T5

Filter mit Installationsintegrität, der ein Gehäuse umfasst, das ein Filterelement enthält, wobei das Gehäuse einen Einlass und einen Auslass aufweist und einen Fluidstromweg durch das Filterelement zwischen dem Einlass und dem Auslass definiert, wobei der Filter einen ersten Installationszustand, der die gewünschte Filterintegrität bereitstellt, und einen zweiten Installationszustand aufweist, wobei der Fluidstromweg einen Fluidstromkanal mit einem magnetisch vorgespannten Kolben enthält, der zwischen einer ersten Position, die Fluidstrom durch den Kanal zwischen dem Einlass und dem Auslass gestattet, und einer zweiten Position, die den Fluidstrom durch den Kanal zwischen dem Einlass und dem Auslass zumindest teilweise blockiert, beweglich ist, wobei sich der Kolben in der ersten Position befindet, wenn sich der Filter in dem ersten Installationszustand befindet, und wobei sich der Kolben in der zweiten Position befindet, wenn sich der Filter in dem zweiten Installationszustand befindet ...

14-08-1996 дата публикации

Self-driven, cone-stack type centrifuge

Номер: AU0004758596A

08-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009250388A1

A filtration device is provided that includes a filter component and an additive component. The filter component includes concentrically arranged filtering elements disposed in a filter-in-filter configuration. The additive component includes at least one additive material that is introduced into a working fluid to be filtered. The filter component and additive component provide an assembly for a filtration system that would filter a variety of working fluids. The filter component and additive component provides an assembly that can filter fluids more efficiently. As a result, fluids may enjoy, for example, extended drainage intervals and thereby reduce component wear.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Filteraufbau mit elliptischer Dichtungsgrenzfläche

Номер: DE112009002126B4

Filteraufbau, umfassend:einen Filter (10) mit einem Filtermedium (12, 112, 212), das an zwei Endplatten (14, 16, 214, 216) angebracht ist, wobei eine Endplatte (14, 214) eine Öffnung (22, 222) beinhaltet, die es Fluid ermöglicht, in das oder aus dem Filtermedium (12, 112, 212) zu fließen, wobei das Filtermedium (12, 112, 212) eine Wandstruktur aufweist, die es einem Arbeitsfluid ermöglicht, durch das Filtermedium (12, 112, 212) hindurch gefiltert zu werden, wobei die Endplatte (14, 214) mit der Öffnung (22, 222) eine Hauptfläche (26, 126, 226) mit einer elliptischen Manschette (18, 118, 218), die nach außen hin von der Hauptfläche (26, 126, 226) hervorspringt und die Öffnung (22, 222) umschließt, und eine ovale Dichtung (20, 120, 220, 320), die um eine Außenfläche der elliptischen Manschette (18, 118, 218, 318) angeordnet ist, beinhaltet; undein Gehäuse (30), das lösbar mit dem Filter (10) verbunden ist, wobei das Gehäuse (30) eine Befestigungskomponente aufweist, die eine Gehäuseöffnung ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018000178T5

Eine Filterbaugruppe umfasst einen Filterkopf, eine Anschlussöffnung, ein Fitting und einen Diffusor. Die Anschlussöffnung erstreckt sich von einem Abschnitt des Filterkopfes und definiert einen Kanal, damit Fluid in den Filterkopf hinein- oder aus diesem herausfließen kann. Das erste Ende des Fittings kann an der Anschlussöffnung befestigt werden, und das zweite Ende des Fittings kann an einer Filtersystemkomponente befestigt werden. Der Diffusor ist in dem Kanal der Anschlussöffnung platzierbar und umfasst eine innere Fläche und eine äußere Fläche. Die innere Fläche definiert einen inneren konischen hohlen Bereich, die sich in einem Winkel ungleich Null zwischen dem ersten Ende des inneren konischen hohlen Bereichs und dem zweiten Ende des inneren konischen hohlen Bereichs erstreckt, sodass ein erster Innendurchmesser des Diffusors an dem zweiten Ende des inneren konischen hohlen Bereichs kleiner als ein zweiter Innendurchmesser des Diffusors an dem zweiten Ende des inneren konischen ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Gas-Flüssigkeits-Separator mit Doppelstrom-Impaktion und Koaleszenz

Номер: DE112009000804T5

Eine Gas-Flüssigkeits-Separatorbaugruppe weist einen ersten und zweiten geteilten Doppelstrom-Teilweg auf. Der erste Weg ist ein Impaktions-Separations-Weg, der eine Flüssigpartikelseparation von einem Gas-Flüssigkeits-Strom durch Inertialimpaktion bewirkt. Der zweite Weg ist ein Koaleszenz-Separations-Weg, der eine Flüssigpartikelseparation von dem Gas-Flüssigkeits-Strom durch Koaleszenz bewirkt.

21-06-2001 дата публикации

Extended life dual full-flow and bypass filter

Номер: AU0007149200A

03-07-2008 дата публикации

Druckgradienten-Dosiersystem für eine Fluidversorgung

Номер: DE112006001586T5

Druckgradienten-Dosiersystem für ein Fluidversorgungssystem, umfassend ein Zusatz-Liefersystem mit einem Fluideinlass und einem Fluidauslass, einen Fließdurchgang einschließlich eines Abschnitts, der sich vom Einlass zum Auslass erstreckt, eine erste Druckzone entlang des Fließdurchgangs, die mit dem Einlass kommuniziert, eine zweite Druckzone entlang des Fließdurchgangs, die mit dem Auslass kommuniziert, wobei die zweite Druckzone einen niedrigeren Druck als die erste Druckzone aufweist, so dass zwischen der ersten und der zweiten Druckzone ein Druckgradient vorhanden ist, und einen Zusatz-Vorratsspeicher, der auf den Druckgradienten anspricht, um den Zusatz zum Fließdurchgang abzugeben.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Druckgradienten-Dosiersystem für eine Fluidversorgung

Номер: DE112006001586B4

Druckgradienten-Dosiersystem für ein Fluidversorgungssystem (302), das aufweist:ein Zusatz-Liefersystem (304) für einen flüssigen Zusatz mit einem Fluideinlass (306) undeinem Fluidauslass (308),einen Fließdurchgang (310) einschließend einen Abschnitt (311), der sich vom Einlass (306) zum Auslass (308) erstreckt, wobei ein Fluid entlang des Fließdurchgangs (310) von stromaufwärts nach stromabwärts, einschließend vom Einlass (306) zum Auslass (308) fließt,eine erste Druckzone (312) im Fließdurchgang (310), die mit dem Einlass (306) kommuniziert,eine zweite Druckzone (314) im Fließdurchgang (310), die mit dem Auslass (308) kommuniziert,einen Zusatz-Vorratsspeicher (316) für den flüssigen Zusatz, der einen ersten Anschluss (318) aufweist, der mit der ersten Druckzone (312) kommuniziert, und einen zweiten Anschluss (320) aufweist, der mit der zweiten Druckzone (314) kommuniziert,wobei im Fließdurchgang (310) zwischen den Druckzonen (312, 314) ein Druckverminderer (328; 342; 350; 360; 364; 368) vorhanden ist, der einen Druckgradienten erzeugt, so dass die zweite Druckzone (314) einen niedrigeren Druck als die erste Druckzone (312) aufweist,wobei der Zusatz-Vorratsspeicher (316) auf den Druckgradienten zwischen den Druckzonen (312, 314) anspricht, um den flüssigen Zusatz durch den zweiten Anschluss (320) in der zweiten Druckzone (314) in den Fließdurchgang (310) abzugeben,wobei der Fließdurchgang (310) zwei parallele Zweige (370, 372) aufweist, deren erster Zweig (370) ein Hauptfluidfließzweig ist, in dem der Druckverminderer (328; 342; 350; 360; 364; 368) angeordnet ist, und deren zweiter Zweig (372) in der ersten Druckzone (312), also stromaufwärts des Druckverminderers (328; 342; 350; 360; 364; 368) vom Hauptzweig (370) abzweigt, dann durch den Zusatz-Vorratsspeicher (316) verläuft, und in der zweiten Druckzone (314) zum Hauptzweig (370) zurückkehrt und sich wieder mit diesem verbindet, und somit den Druckverminderer (328; 342; 350; 360; 364; 368) umgeht,dadurch ...

07-07-2005 дата публикации

Kombinationsfilter mit erhöhter Lebensdauer

Номер: DE0060111169D1

09-03-2000 дата публикации

High performance soot removing centrifuge

Номер: AU0004455699A

21-09-2004 дата публикации

Internal seal for a disposable centrifuge

Номер: US0006793615B2

A fluid separation centrifuge for the separation of particulate matter from a flow of oil is designed with a disposable rotor assembly including a molded plastic rotor housing and a fluid separation device positioned within the rotor housing. Included as part of the fluid separation device is a unitary, molded plastic base plate which is designed and arranged with a peripheral lip formed with a channel portion therein. In a cooperating manner, the rotor housing is constructed and arranged with a molded plastic, generally cylindrical projection which is designed and arranged to receive the channel portion so as to create a fluid-tight, sealed interface at the location of contact between the projection and the channel portion.

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Gas-Öl-Abscheider für einen Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE112009000868B4

Gas-Öl-Abscheider für einen Verbrennungsmotor (32) mit einer Innenkammer (40), die einen Gas-Öl-Nebel darin aufweist, umfassend einen rotierenden Trägheitsimpaktorabscheider in der Innenkammer (40), der an einer rotierenden Motorwelle (36) in der Innenkammer (40) angebracht ist und sich mit dieser um eine Drehachse (44) dreht, wobei der Abscheider durch Trägheitsimpaktion Gas und Öl von dem Gas-Öl-Nebel trennt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Abscheider eine Abscheiderscheibe (100; 130) umfasst, die mehrere axial gerichtete Strömungsdüsen (102; 104) aufweist, die Strömung axial dort hindurch gegen eine Impaktionsfläche (108) leiten, die eine scharfe Richtungsänderung verursacht, wodurch die Trennung des Öls aus dem Gas-Öl-Nebel bewirkt wird, dass die Abscheiderscheibe (100; 130) eine äußere Sammelkammer (120; 140) aufweist, die von den Düsen (102; 104) bezüglich der Achse (44) radial nach außen beabstandet ist, wobei die äußere Sammelkammer (120; 140) eine Ablauföffnung (122; 142) aufweist ...

04-01-2007 дата публикации

Einstückiges Einweg-Rotorgehäuse mit Spiralschaufeln

Номер: DE0060216198D1

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Abflussrohr für Gas-Flüssigkeits-Abscheidesysteme

Номер: DE112011100225T5

Ein Abflussrohr für ein Luft-Öl-Abscheider-System, wobei das Rohr senkrecht in dem System konfiguriert ist, wobei das Rohr eine obere Öffnung zur Aufnahme von in dem System von Luft abgeschiedenem Öl und eine untere Öffnung zur Abgabe von in dem System von Luft abgeschiedenem Öl hat, wobei die obere Öffnung einen waagrechten Querschnittsbereich hat, der größer ist als ein waagrechter Querschnittsbereich der unteren Öffnung.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Impulsturbine mit nicht benetzender Oberfläche für verbesserten hydraulischen Wirkungsgrad

Номер: DE112018000210T5

Es werden verschiedene Anordnungen einer Turbine für ein rotierendes Koaleszer-Element eines Kurbelgehäuseentlüftungssystems für einen Verbrennungsmotor beschrieben. In einigen Anordnungen ist die Turbine eine Impulsturbine, die auch als Pelton-Turbine oder Turgo-Turbine bekannt ist. Die Turbine wird verwendet, um hydraulische Energie von einem Strom von unter Druck gesetztem Fluid in mechanische Energie umzuwandeln, die verwendet wird, um das Drehelement anzutreiben. Die Turbine umfasst eine nicht benetzende Oberfläche (z.B. eine oleophobe oder hydrophobe Oberfläche), die das unter Druck gesetzte Fluid abweist. Die nicht benetzende Oberfläche kann durch Plasmabeschichtung, Fluorpolymerbeschichtung, mikrotopographische Eigenschaften und dergleichen erreicht werden. Die nicht benetzende Oberfläche erhöht die Effizienz der Energieübertragung von dem Strom von unter Druck stehendem Fluid zu der Turbine, wodurch die Drehzahl des Drehelements im Vergleich zu benetzbaren glattflächigen Turbinen ...

15-06-2000 дата публикации

Nozzle inlet enchancement for a high speed turbine-driven centrifuge

Номер: AU0006315899A

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Engine Air Management System

Номер: US20120186566A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An engine air management system is provided for an internal combustion engine generating blowby gas in a crankcase containing engine oil and oil aerosol. The system includes combinations of two or more of an air-oil separator, an air filter, and an acoustic silencer.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Inside-Out Flow Filter with Pressure Recovery

Номер: US20120267294A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

In an inside-out flow filter, a transition pressure recovery member is provided at the inlet and has structured contoured guide surfaces guiding fluid flow therealong into the hollow interior of an annular filter element to minimize transition pressure loss from the inlet to the hollow interior. The transition pressure recovery member includes transition flow deceleration surfaces gradually decelerating flow of fluid into the hollow interior and minimizing pressure drop.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Filter with Shaped Flow Path Combinations

Номер: US20120285902A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filter includes a plurality of annular filter elements arranged in axially staggered relation. An axial flow path includes a plurality of flow path segments, some being filtered by a respective filter element, and others bypassing a respective filter element. Various combinations are provided.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Engine Air Management System

Номер: US20130104860A1

An engine air management system is provided for an internal combustion engine generating blowby gas in a crankcase containing engine oil and oil aerosol. The system includes combinations of two or more of an air-oil separator, an air filter, and an acoustic silencer. 1. An engine air management system for an internal combustion engine generating blowby gas in a crankcase containing engine oil and oil aerosol , said system comprising a combined crankcase ventilation filter and air cleaner comprising an air-oil separator having an inlet receiving blowby gas and oil aerosol from said crankcase , and having an air outlet discharging clean blowby gas , and an oil outlet discharging scavenged separated oil , said system further comprising a combustion air intake supplying combustion air to said engine , said combustion air intake including an air filter supplying clean combustion air to said engine.2. The engine air management system according to wherein said air outlet of said air-oil separator supplies clean blowby gas to said combustion air intake.3. The engine air management system according to wherein said combustion air flows from upstream to downstream through said combustion air intake claim 2 , including through said air filter claim 2 , to said engine claim 2 , and wherein said air outlet of said air-oil separator supplies clean blowby gas to said combustion air intake downstream of said air filter.4. The engine air management system according to wherein said combustion air flows from upstream to downstream through said combustion air intake claim 2 , including through said air filter claim 2 , to said engine claim 2 , and wherein said air outlet of said air-oil separator supplies clean blowby gas to said combustion air intake upstream of said air filter.5. (canceled)6. The engine air management system according to comprising a housing having first claim 1 , second and third ports claim 1 , said first and second ports being inlet ports claim 1 , said third port ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199983A1

An oil filter that includes an additive vessel to introduce additive material into oil flowing through the filter. The additive material includes an over-based detergent and optionally one or more of: a weak base additive, an anti-oxidant additive, an anti-wear additive, a friction modifier additive, a dispersant additive, an anti-foam additive, a nano-additive, a corrosion inhibitor additive, a pour point depressant additive and a surfactant additive. 1. An oil filter , comprising:a housing defining an interior chamber and having a first end and a second end, an oil inlet and an oil outlet at the first end of the housing, and an oil flow pathway between the inlet and the outlet for oil flowing through the interior chamber;filter media disposed within the interior chamber in the oil flow pathway between the inlet and the outlet, the filter media configured to filter oil flowing through the interior chamber;an additive vessel in the interior chamber, the additive vessel configured to introduce additive material contained therein into oil flowing through the interior chamber, the additive material includes an over-based detergent and optionally one or more of: a weak base additive, an anti-oxidant additive, an anti-wear additive, a friction modifier additive, a dispersant additive, an anti-foam additive, a nano-additive, a corrosion inhibitor additive, a pour point depressant additive and a surfactant additive.2. The oil filter of claim 1 , wherein the filter media comprises a pleated filter media and a by-pass media disposed between the pleated filter media and the second end claim 1 , the by-pass media includes a center oil passageway extending therethrough that is in communication with an interior of the pleated filter media claim 1 , and the by-pass media does not include additive material intended to be introduced into the oil;a venturi disposed within the interior of the pleated filter media;the additive vessel includes a capillary tube with an inlet end ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatuses for Separating Liquid Particles from a Gas-Liquid Stream

Номер: US20140033921A1

A gas-liquid separator comprises a housing having an inlet for receiving a gas-liquid stream and an outlet for discharging a gas stream. An impactor nozzle structure is supported by the housing and situated downstream of the inlet. The impactor nozzle structure receives the gas-liquid stream and accelerates the gas-liquid stream through an orifice that extends through the impactor nozzle structure. An impaction surface is supported by the housing and situated downstream of the orifice. The impaction surface receives the accelerated gas-liquid stream and causes separation of liquid particles from the gas-liquid stream so as to produce the gas stream, and a baffle situated downstream of the impaction surface modifies a flow of the gas stream so as to reduce carryover of liquid particles in the gas stream. A shroud for an inertial impactor gas-liquid separator is disclosed. A method for separating liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream is disclosed. 1. A gas-liquid separator , the gas-liquid separator comprising:a housing having an inlet for receiving a gas-liquid stream and an outlet for discharging a gas stream;an impactor nozzle structure supported by the housing and situated downstream of the inlet, the impactor nozzle structure receiving the gas-liquid stream and accelerating the gas-liquid stream through an orifice that extends through the impactor nozzle structure;an impaction surface supported by the housing and situated downstream of the orifice, the impaction surface receiving the accelerated gas-liquid stream and causing separation of liquid particles from the gas-liquid stream so as to produce the gas stream; anda baffle situated downstream of the impaction surface and modifying a flow of the gas stream so as to reduce carryover of liquid particles in the gas stream.2. The gas-liquid separator of claim 1 , further comprising an impactor shroud that extends from a perimeter of the impaction surface and has a free end that extends towards the impactor ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Crankcase Ventilation Inside-Out Flow Rotating Coalescer

Номер: US20150027422A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An internal combustion engine crankcase ventilation rotating coalescer includes an annual rotating coalescing filter element, an inlet port supplying blow by gas from the crankcase to the hollow interior of the annular rotating coalescing filter element, and an outlet port delivering clean separated, air from the exterior of the rotating element. The direction of flow by gas inside-out, radially, outwardly from the hollow interior to the exterior.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032798A1

The combination of a gas-pressure-driven pump jet nozzle or alternatively Coanda effect nozzle with an impactor nozzle(s) in an air-oil separator for separating oil from blow-by gasses from a crankcase of an internal combustion engine, or for separating liquid aerosol from gas, in general. Such combination enhances impaction efficiency and enables operation at higher pressure differentials (or pressure drop) (“dP”) without causing excessive backpressure in the air-oil separator. 1. A gas-liquid separator , the gas-liquid separator comprising:a housing having an inlet for receiving a gas-liquid stream;an impactor nozzle plate supported by the housing and situated downstream of the inlet, the impactor nozzle plate receiving the gas-liquid stream;an impactor nozzle extending through the impactor nozzle plate and providing a passage for the gas-liquid stream to pass through the impactor nozzle plate, thereby creating a pressure differential between an upstream end of the impactor nozzle and a downstream end of the impactor nozzle when the gas-liquid stream is passed through the impactor nozzle plate; anda pressurized gas jet nozzle that injects a high-velocity gas stream into the gas-liquid stream so as to decrease the pressure differential.2. The gas-liquid separator of claim 1 , wherein the pressurized gas jet nozzle injects the high-velocity gas stream into the gas-liquid stream at the upstream end of the impactor nozzle.3. The gas-liquid separator of claim 2 , wherein the pressurized gas jet nozzle is axially aligned with the impactor nozzle.4. The gas-liquid separator of claim 2 , further comprising a manifold plate spaced from the impactor nozzle plate and having an orifice extending there through claim 2 , the orifice comprising the pressurized gas jet nozzle.5. The gas-liquid separator of claim 1 , wherein the pressurized gas jet nozzle injects the high-velocity gas stream into the gas-liquid stream between the upstream end of the impactor nozzle and the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Improving Mass Air Flow Signal Quality

Номер: US20170036152A1

A filter assembly includes a conditioning device that conditions a flow of air upstream of a mass air flow sensor. The filter assembly includes a support frame. The filter assembly further includes a filter media coupled to the support frame, the filter media having a dirty side configured to receive a stream of air and a clean side configured to output a stream of air that has been filtered through the filter media. The filter assembly includes a conditioning device coupled to the support frame, the conditioning device positioned in a downstream direction from the clean side of the filter media with respect to the stream of air, the conditioning device offset from the clean side of the filter media by a separation distance. 1. A filter assembly comprising:a support frame;a filter media coupled to the support frame, the filter media having a dirty side configured to receive a stream of air and a clean side configured to output a stream of air that has been filtered through the filter media;a conditioning device coupled to the support frame, the conditioning device including a mesh panel, the conditioning device positioned in a downstream direction from the clean side of the filter media with respect to the stream of air, the conditioning device offset from the clean side of the filter media by a separation distance.2. (canceled)3. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mesh panel has a varying pore pattern and size.4. The filter assembly of claim 3 , wherein the mesh panel includes a first section having a large pore pattern claim 3 , a second section having a medium pore pattern claim 3 , and a third section having a small pore pattern claim 3 , wherein the third section is configured to be aligned with a mass air flow sensor positioned downstream of the mesh such that an air stream impacting the mass air flow sensor is conditioned the most.5. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mesh is planar.6. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mesh is ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Air Filter Assemblies and Carrier Frames Having Vortex-Generating Flow Guide

Номер: US20170043289A1

Air filter assemblies and carrier frames have a plurality of vortex-generating flow guides normalizing air flow to a uniform velocity profile downstream thereof. The airflow having the uniform velocity profile travels across a mass airflow sensor. 124-. (canceled)25. An air filter assembly comprising:an air filter element that filters an airflow from an upstream inlet to a downstream outlet and filters air flowing therethrough from upstream to downstream;a carrier frame carrying the air filter element;a plurality of vortex-generating flow guides at the outlet, the plurality of vortex-generating flow guides normalizing airflow to a uniform velocity profile downstream thereof; anda mass airflow sensor (MAF) across which the airflow having the uniform velocity profile travels.26. The air filter assembly according to claim 25 , wherein the air filter element comprises a primary filter element and a secondary filter element and wherein the air flows through the outlet in a generally axial flow path until the air flows along the vortex-generating flow guide claim 25 , which redirects the airflow into at least one vortex flow path.27. The air filter assembly according to claim 26 , wherein the vortex-generating flow guide comprises a pair of tilted trapezoidal tabs that are set at tilt angles with respect to the axial flow path claim 26 , the tilted trapezoidal tabs each being planar and having parallel opposing elongated upstream and downstream edges that extend perpendicular to the axial flow path claim 26 , wherein the upstream edge is longer than the downstream edge claim 26 , and further having opposing elongated side edges that extend from the upstream edge to the downstream edge;wherein the upstream edges of the pair of tilted trapezoidal tabs are adjacent and wherein the downstream edges of the pair of tilted trapezoidal tabs are spaced-apart and wherein the pair of tilted trapezoidal tabs have a V-shape when viewed in cross section.28. The air filter assembly ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Air Filter Assemblies and Carrier Frames Having Vortex-Generating Flow Guide

Номер: US20140130467A1

Air filter assemblies and carrier frames have a plurality of vortex-generating flow guides normalizing air flow to a uniform velocity profile downstream thereof. The airflow having the uniform velocity profile travels across a mass airflow sensor. 1. A carrier frame supporting an air filter element having a dirty air inlet and a clean air outlet and filtering air flowing therethrough from upstream to downstream , the carrier frame having an exit side at the clean air outlet , the exit side having a vortex-generating flow guide promoting rapid mixing of clean air downstream of the an filter element and normalization of a uniform velocity profile downstream thereof for flow to a mass airflow (MAF) sensor , to minimize MAF variation due to imperfect air filter element construction.2. The carrier frame according to claim 1 , wherein the air filter element comprises at east one of a primary filter element and a secondary or safety filter element.3. The carrier frame according to claim 2 , wherein the air filter element comprises a pleated filter media.4. The carrier frame according to claim 1 , wherein the air flows through the clean air outlet along a generally axial flow path until the air flows along claim 1 , the vortex generating flow guide claim 1 , which redirects the airflow into at least one vortex flow path.5. The carrier frame according to claim 4 , wherein the vortex-generating flow guide comprises a tilted trapezoidal tab that extends at a tilt angle with respect to the axial flow path.6. The carrier frame according to claim 5 , wherein the tilted trapezoidal tab is planar and has parallel opposing elongated upstream and downstream edges that extend perpendicular to the axial flow path.7. The carrier frame according to claim 6 , wherein the tilted trapezoidal tab is tilted at an angle of 10 to 45 degrees with respect to the axial flow path.8. The carrier frame according to claim 6 , wherein the upstream edge is longer than the downstream edge; andwherein the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072454A1

A liquid filtration system includes a filter head, a shell housing, and a filter cartridge. The filter head includes a skirt having a ramp disposed at a first end of the skirt. The shell housing is coupled to the filter head. The filter cartridge is disposed within the shell housing. The filter cartridge includes a filter media pack and an endcap coupled to a first end of the filter media pack. The endcap includes an interface member extending from an upper surface of the endcap. The interface member includes a sealing member that is at least partially tilted at an oblique angle relative to a central axis of the endcap. The sealing member is sealingly engaged with the skirt. 1. A liquid filtration system , comprising:a filter head comprising a skirt, the skirt having a ramp disposed at a first end of the skirt;a shell housing coupled to the filter head; and a filter media pack; and', 'an endcap coupled to a first end of the filter media pack, the endcap comprising an interface member extending from an upper surface of the endcap, the interface member comprising a sealing member that is at least partially tilted at an oblique angle with respect to a central axis of the filter cartridge, the sealing member sealingly engaged with the skirt., 'a filter cartridge disposed within the shell housing, the filter cartridge comprising2. The liquid filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the endcap includes an anti-rotation member engaging the interface member and extending radially away from the interface member such that when the shell housing is fully installed onto the filter head the anti-rotation member may engage the ramp with no radial gap between the ramp and the interface member.3. The liquid filtration system of claim 2 , wherein the anti-rotation member is a rectangular-shaped tab extending radially outward from the interface member and upwardly from the upper surface in a substantially perpendicular orientation relative to the upper surface.4. The liquid filtration ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061638A1

A separation assembly comprises a housing, a jet that expels a fluid within the housing, and a turbine positioned within the housing. The fluid causes the turbine to rotate about a center rotational axis within the housing. The turbine comprises a first axial end, a second axial end, and a plurality of vanes extending axially relative to the center rotational axis from the first axial end to the second axial end. The plurality of vanes defines axially-extending channels between each of the plurality of vanes. The first axial end comprises a radially-extending structure that axially blocks the flow of the fluid through the first axial end. The second axial end does not comprise any structure that axially blocks the flow of the fluid through the second axial end. 1. A separation assembly comprising:a housing;a jet that expels a fluid within the housing;a turbine positioned within the housing and positioned so as to be contacted by the fluid expelled from the jet, the fluid causing the turbine to rotate about a center rotational axis within the housing,the turbine comprising a first axial end, a second axial end, and a plurality of vanes extending axially relative to the center rotational axis from the first axial end to the second axial end, the plurality of vanes defining axially-extending channels between each of the plurality of vanes,the first axial end comprising a radially-extending structure that axially blocks the flow of the fluid through the first axial end, the second axial end being axially open such that fluid can flow unblocked axially through the second axial end,the fluid flowing unblocked axially within the channels between the plurality of vanes from a bottom surface of the radially extending structure to the second axial end of the turbine.2. The separation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the turbine is formed as a single piece.3. The separation assembly of claim 1 , wherein outer edges of the plurality of vanes extend axially in a substantially ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088523A1

A rotating separator includes a filter housing extending axially along a longitudinal axis and a filter element positioned within the filter housing. The filter element includes a first endplate and a second endplate operatively coupled to the first endplate, a first element core and a second element core positioned between the first endplate and the second endplate and configured to filter a contaminate from a fluid. An interior cavity is defined between the first endplate, the second endplate, the first element core, and the second element core. Fluid flowing through the filter element enters the interior cavity and is split between and flows in parallel through the first element core and the second element core. 1. A filter element comprising:a first endplate and a second endplate operatively coupled to the first endplate;a first element core and a second element core each positioned between the first endplate and the second endplate and configured to filter a contaminate from a fluid, the first element core wound directly on the first endplate; andan interior cavity defined between the first endplate, the second endplate, the first element core, and the second element core,wherein fluid flowing through the filter element enters the interior cavity and is split between and flows in parallel through the first element core and the second element core.2. The filter element of claim 1 , further comprising a spacer positioned between and creating a gap between the first element core and the second element core claim 1 , the spacer comprising vanes configured to reduce circulation of fluid flow within the gap.3. The filter element of claim 2 , wherein the spacer comprises a first sealing surface and a second sealing surface claim 2 , the first sealing surface creating a first seal between the spacer and a first element core exterior surface of the first element core claim 2 , the second sealing surface creating a second seal between the spacer and a second element core ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Filter Port Seal

Номер: US20190076762A1

A filter assembly includes a drain port comprising a top portion and at least one surface modification along the top portion. The drain port defines an aperture therein and is alignable with an outlet port. The outlet port includes a seal member that is attachable to an end portion of the outlet port. A portion of the aperture of the drain port is sealable to the seal member when the drain port and the outlet port are aligned such that the at least one surface modification of the drain port does not abut the seal member of the outlet port, thereby creating a sealed connection between the drain port and the outlet port. 1. A filter housing assembly , comprising:a filter housing; anda drain port operatively connected to the filter housing, the drain port including a top portion and at least one surface modification along the top portion, the drain port defining an aperture therein,the drain port being alignable with an outlet port, the outlet port including a seal member attachable to an end portion of the outlet port,a portion of the aperture of the drain port being sealable to the seal member of the outlet port when the drain port and the outlet port are aligned such that the at least one surface modification of the drain port does not abut the seal member of the outlet port, thereby creating a sealed connection between the drain port and the outlet port,wherein the aperture defines an inner surface of the drain port, and wherein the inner surface of the aperture of the drain port is sealable to the seal member of the outlet port such that the seal member seals within the aperture.2. (canceled)3. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the seal member is an o-ring seal member that extends around an outer circumference of the end portion of the outlet port.4. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface modification prevents an unauthorized outlet port from sealing to the top portion of the drain port claim 1 , wherein the unauthorized outlet ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Air intake water separator

Номер: US20170100689A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Various embodiments relate to an air intake duct. The duct includes louvers forming an air inlet to a housing. Each louver includes an inlet section and an angled section, the angled section inclined with respect to the inlet section. The duct includes the housing positioned downstream of the louvers in an air flow direction. The housing includes a drain configured to permit separated water from an intake air passing through the louvers and into the housing to be drained from the housing. The duct includes an inner inlet duct that provides the intake air to a component. The inner inlet duct extends into the housing and positioned downstream of the louvers in the air flow direction. The inlet duct extends above the drain by a distance thereby forming a well in the housing between a top of the inner inlet duct and the drain.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121806A1

An external brace for a filter element is described. The brace is configured to wrap around an exterior of a filter element having a filter media pack. The brace helps to support the filter media pack during filtering operations by preventing outward flexing of the filter media pack caused by fluid flowing through the filter media. In some arrangements, the brace interfaces with a filtration system housing to provide additional support to the filter element. 1. A filter element comprising:a first filter media pack;a filter frame coupled to the first filter media pack; anda brace comprising a frame defining a central opening, the first filter media pack received in the central opening such that the frame surrounds the first filter media pack the brace comprising a snap feature on an inside surface of the frame, the snap feature projecting towards the central opening and configured to impede deformation of the filter element.2. The filter element of claim 1 , further comprising a second filter media pack claim 1 , the filter frame securing the first media pack and the second media pack in a V-shape defining a central inlet between opposing inner faces of the first filter media pack and the second filter media pack.3. The filter element of claim 2 , wherein the first media pack and the second filter media pack are received in the central opening such that the frame surrounds the first filter media pack and the second filter media pack.4. The filter element of claim 2 , wherein the filter element is an inside-out flow filter element claim 2 , and wherein the brace supports the first filter media pack and the second filter media pack to reduce bowing and/or flexing of the first filter media pack and the second filter media pack during filtering operations.5. The filter element of claim 1 , wherein the central opening is defined by a length claim 1 , a width claim 1 , and a height claim 1 , the length being larger than the width claim 1 , the width being larger than the ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154602A1

A filter element for filtering a fluid that comprises a pleated filter media and a support structure. The pleated filter media comprises pleats that define an upstream gap along an upstream surface of the pleated filter media and a downstream gap along a downstream surface of the pleated filter media. The support structure extends along the downstream surface of the pleated filter media and supports the pleats. The support structure is folded into two layers comprising a first layer and a second layer within the downstream gap. The first layer inner surface and the second layer inner surface are positioned adjacent to each other within the downstream gap. The support structure comprises at least one spacer that increases a distance between the first layer outer surface and the second layer outer surface such that the differential pressure drop through portion of the support structure that is within the downstream gap is decreased. 1. A filter element for filtering a fluid , the filter element comprising:a pleated filter media comprising pleats that define an upstream gap along an upstream surface of the pleated filter media and a downstream gap along a downstream surface of the pleated filter media; anda support structure extending along the downstream surface of the pleated filter media and supporting the pleats, the support structure folded into a first layer and a second layer within the downstream gap of the pleated filter media, the first layer comprising a first layer outer surface and a first layer inner surface, the second layer comprising a second layer outer surface and a second layer inner surface, the first layer inner surface and the second layer inner surface positioned adjacent to each other within the downstream gap,the support structure comprising at least one spacer that increases a distance between the first layer outer surface and the second layer outer surface such that the differential pressure drop through portion of the support structure that ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for missing filter detection and prevention in rotating coalescer designs

Номер: US20180140985A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Systems and methods for detecting a missing coalescing element in a CV system are described. In some arrangements, the described systems and methods prevent the assembly and/or re-assembly of the CV system without an appropriate coalescing element positioned within the CV system housing (e.g., during a coalescing element service operation). In some arrangements, the coalescing element depresses a spring-loaded component of a shaft that provides flow of bypass gases to the CV system. If the spring-loaded component is not depressed, significant restriction is introduced to the CV system, and an on-board-diagnostic system may detect high-crankcase pressure through existing crankcase pressure sensors and de-rate the internal combustion engine. In other arrangements, a spring-loaded mechanism within the shaft prevents a housing cover (e.g., a lid to the housing of the CV system) from being repositioned when a coalescing element is not installed within the housing.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180140986A1

Rotating coalescer crankcase ventilation (CV) systems are described. The described CV systems utilize a pumping pressure created by the porous media of the rotating coalescer to maintain positive recirculation of filtered blowby gases through a potential leak gap between a static housing inlet and a spinning component of the rotating coalescer. In some arrangements, the porous media is fibrous media. The filter media may be pleated or non-pleated. The positive recirculation caused by the pressure balance prevents unfiltered blowby gases from bypassing the media of the rotating coalescer from the upstream side to the downstream side of the filter media through the gap. During operation, the pressure balance between the upstream side and downstream side of the filter media maintains the positive recirculation, which in turn maintains a high filtration efficiency. 1. A crankcase ventilation system , comprising:a housing;an inlet configured to receive blowby gases from an internal combustion engine and to provide the blowby gases to the housing;an outlet configured to provide filtered blowby gases from the housing and to at least one of an intake of the internal combustion engine and a surrounding ambient; a first endcap, and', 'a filter media, wherein the gap permits gas flow between a clean side of the filter media and a dirty side of the filter media; and, 'a rotating coalescer positioned within the housing such that a gap exists between the rotating coalescer and the housing, the rotating coalescer includinga central shaft coupled to the rotating coalescer the central shaft rotatable such that when the central shaft rotates, the rotating coalescer rotates and creates a pumping pressure that causes a high pressure within the housing on the clean side of the filter media and a low pressure on the dirty side of the filter media, thereby causing a positive recirculation of the blowby gases in which a portion of already filtered blowby gas from the clean side of the ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180486A1

A crankcase ventilation system comprises a housing defining an internal volume structured to receive a. rotating air/oil separator element. The housing has a housing inlet structured to receive a to fluid and a housing outlet defined tangentially in a sidewall of the housing which is structured to allow the fluid to exit the housing. An outlet conduit is fluidly coupled to housing outlet. The outlet conduit comprises an outlet conduit first portion axially aligned with the housing outlet, and an outlet conduit second portion positioned downstream of the outlet, conduit first, portion. A swirl breaking structure is positioned in at least one of an outlet conduit inlet and the outlet conduit second portion. The swirl breaking structure is configured to disrupt swirling flow of the fluid into the outlet conduit so as to reduce a pressure drop experienced by the fluid as the fluid flows from the housing into the outlet conduit. 1. A crankcase ventilation system , comprising:a housing defining an internal volume structured to receive a rotating air/oil separator element, the housing having a housing inlet structured to receive a fluid and a housing outlet defined tangentially in a sidewall of the housing, the housing outlet structured to allow fluid to exit the housing;an outlet conduit fluidly coupled to the housing outlet, the outlet conduit comprising an outlet conduit first portion axially aligned with the housing outlet, and an outlet conduit second portion positioned downstream of the outlet conduit first portion; anda swirl breaking structure positioned in at least one of an outlet conduit inlet and the outlet conduit second portion, the swirl breaking structure configured to disrupt swirling flow of the fluid into the outlet conduit so as to reduce a pressure drop experienced by the fluid as the fluid flows from the housing into the outlet conduit.2. The crankcase ventilation system of claim 1 , wherein the swirl breaking structure comprises a baffle positioned ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147529A1

A no filter no run bidirectional pin element is disclosed. A shell housing is removably coupled to a filtration housing, a removable no filter no run attachment, and a filter element. The filter element comprises a filtration media and a bidirectional pin element. The bidirectional pin element comprises a center tube formed as a single piece with a bidirectional pin. The installation of the filter element and the shell housing into the filtration system results in the bidirectional pin entering a pin aperture of the removable no filter no run attachment and the bidirectional pin preventing the operative engagement of a blocking element with a divider inside the no filter no run attachment. 1. A filtration system comprising:a shell housing removably coupled to a filtration housing;a removable no filter no run attachment; and filtration media; and', 'a bidirectional pin element, the bidirectional pin element comprising a center tube formed as a single piece with a bidirectional pin,, 'a filter element comprisingwherein the installation of the filter element and the shell housing into the filtration system results in the bidirectional pin entering a pin aperture of the removable no filter no run attachment and the bidirectional pin preventing the operative engagement of a blocking element with a divider inside the no filter no run attachment.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the removable no filter no run attachment comprises:a shell defining a fluid passage from an upstream fluid aperture at a first end for fluid receiving communication with the filter element to a downstream fluid aperture at a second end, the shell sized and shaped for coupling to a fluid pump inlet, the shell defining the pin aperture at the first end sized to receive the bidirectional pin from the filter element.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the divider segments the fluid passage into an upstream portion that comprises the upstream fluid aperture and the pin aperture and a downstream portion ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for utilizing a low-friction rotating coalescer contact seal

Номер: US20180169556A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Rotating coalescer crankcase ventilation (CV) systems are described. The described CV systems utilize a contact seal to seal a gap between a static side of a housing and a rotating coalescer inlet. The rotating coalescer may be driven mechanically, electrically, hydraulically, or the like. The contact seal can be formed via a soft solid or a liquid film created by oil. Accordingly, the contact seal is a hydrodynamic soft seal. The contact seal prevents the blowby gases from bypassing the filter element of the rotating coalescer. At the same time, the contact seal may be broken during positive blowby gas recirculation circumstances because the contact seal is a hydrodynamic soft seal.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171420A1

Rotating coalescer elements that maximize the radial-projected separation surface area in a given (rotating) cylindrical volume, where flow to be cleaned is passing axially upward or downward through a separating media of the rotating coalescer element. Various example package assemblies are provided with various types of rotating configurations including cylindrical coiled media packs, frustum coiled media packs, concentric cylinders, coiled metal or polymer films with and without perforations, and/or alternating layers of different materials. The described rotating coalescers may be driven by hydraulic turbine, electric motor, belt, gear or by mounting on rotating machine components, such as rotating engine shafts or connected components. 1. A filter element comprising:a first sheet of media, the first sheet of media coiled so as to form a media pack having an inlet face and an outlet face, the first sheet of media comprising spacers configured to maintain a gap between successive layers of the first sheet of media, the gap forming an axial flow channel extending between the inlet face and the outlet face, each spacer comprising a molded bump or a glue space, or being formed by a monofilament.2. The filter element of claim 1 , further comprising a central support tube;wherein the first sheet of media is coiled around the central support tube to form the media pack.3. (canceled)4. The filter element of claim 1 , wherein each spacer is formed by the monofilament claim 1 , and wherein the monofilament is wrapped around both sides of the first sheet of filter media.5. The filter element of claim 2 , further comprising a second sheet of media claim 2 , the second sheet of media is a flat sheet of media claim 2 , the second sheet of media being coiled around the central support tube such that the first sheet of media is sandwiched between two adjacent layers of the second sheet of media.6. The filter element of claim 1 , wherein each spacer is formed by the monofilament ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197165A1

A filter element including a first filter media pack with an inlet face and an outlet face and a second filter media pack with an inlet face and an outlet face. The second filter media pack is formed separately from the first filter media pack and is coupled to the first filter media pack such that the respective inlet faces and outlet faces of the first and second media packs do not overlap. The first filter media pack and the second filter media pack each include a corresponding filter media pack characteristic, and the filter media pack characteristic of the first filter media pack is different from the corresponding filter media pack characteristic of the second filter media pack. Exemplary filter media pack characteristics include the length, width, height, shape, media density, layer spacing, pleat bend angle, pleat density, and material composition of the first and second filter media packs. 1. A filter element , comprising:a first filter media pack with a first media pack inlet face and a first media pack outlet face; anda second filter media pack with a second media pack inlet face and a second media pack outlet face, the second filter media pack being formed separately from the first filter media pack and coupled to the first filter media pack such that the first media pack inlet face and the first media pack outlet face do not overlap with the second media pack inlet face and the second media pack outlet face, respectively,wherein the first filter media pack and the second filter media pack each include a corresponding filter media pack characteristic, and wherein the filter media pack characteristic of the first filter media pack is different from the corresponding filter media pack characteristic of the second filter media pack so as to substantially equalize flow between the first filter media pack and the second filter media pack.2. The filter element of claim 1 , wherein the corresponding filter media pack characteristic comprises at least one of a ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Auto drain system for vacuum and pressure side fuel water separator

Номер: US20180216588A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An automatic drain device is configured for use with a fuel water separator filter system. The automatic drain device includes a solenoid, a water-in-fuel sensor, and a controller configured to operate the automatic drain device by activating the solenoid in response to a signal from the water-in-fuel sensor. The automatic drain device may be utilized with suction side and pressure side fuel water separator filter systems. The automatic drain device operates independently of any user input.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200215469A1

A filter assembly includes a housing having an outer cavity and an inner cavity, and a gasket disposed within the housing. The gasket includes an inner surface, an outer surface, and a vent passage. The gasket forms a first seal with a central tube at the inner surface. The central tube extends into the inner cavity and includes an opening. A filter element is positioned within the housing and includes a filter media configured to filter a fluid and an endcap including an annular tab portion that forms a second seal with the outer surface of the gasket when the filter element is positioned in an operating position within the housing. The vent passage circumvents the first seal and the second seal, allowing air to flow from the inner cavity of the housing to the opening in the central tube. 1. A filter assembly comprising:a housing having an outer cavity and an inner cavity;a gasket disposed within the housing and comprising an inner surface, an outer surface, and a vent passage, the gasket configured to form a first seal with a central tube at the inner surface, the central tube extending into the inner cavity and having an opening; anda filter element positioned within the housing, the filter element comprising a filter media and an endcap, the filter media configured to filter a fluid, the endcap including an annular tab portion that forms a second seal with the outer surface of the gasket when the filter element is positioned in an operating position within the housing;wherein the vent passage circumvents the first seal and the second seal, allowing air to flow from the inner cavity of the housing to the opening in the central tube.2. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the vent passage extends along the inner surface of the gasket between the gasket and the central tube.3. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the vent passage extends from a bottom surface of the gasket to a top surface of the gasket.4. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the vent ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Air Filter Arrangement

Номер: US20180229170A1

Filter housings that have housing wall surface irregularities are described. The surface irregularities are positioned on the inner walls of the housings and/or axial ends of the housing walls. The surface irregularities may be, for example, grooves, ribs, bumps, and the like. The surface irregularities provide an engine integrity protection (EIP) feature by preventing non-approved replacement filter elements from forming seals against alternative sealing surfaces of the housing wall inner surfaces or axial ends. 1. A filtration system comprising:a filter housing;a removable filter element positioned within the filter housing; andat least one surface irregularity on a portion of a surface of the filter housing that prevents a seal from being formed over the portion of the surface, wherein the surface of the filter housing is an axial end surface of the filter housing, and wherein the at least one surface irregularity prevents an axial seal from being formed over the portion of the surface.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the removable filter element claim 1 , when positioned within the filter housing claim 1 , forms a radial seal with an inner wall surface of the filter housing.7. The filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface irregularity includes at least one of notch claim 1 , a projection claim 1 , a rib claim 1 , a groove claim 1 , a bump claim 1 , or a pocket.8. The filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the removable filter element includes a seal member that forms a seal between the removable filter element and the housing at a location of the filter housing claim 1 , the location being a different location than the portion of the surface.9. A filtration system housing comprising:a filter housing body forming an inner compartment structured to receive a filter element;a housing cover removably coupled to the housing body; andat least one surface irregularity on a portion of ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230873A1

The combination of a gas-pressure-driven pump jet nozzle or alternatively Coanda effect nozzle with an impactor nozzle(s) in an air-oil separator for separating oil from blow-by gasses from a crankcase of an internal combustion engine, or for separating liquid aerosol from gas, in general. Such combination enhances impaction efficiency and enables operation at higher pressure differentials (or pressure drop) (“dP”) without causing excessive backpressure in the air-oil separator. 120-. (canceled)21. A gas-liquid separator , comprising:a housing defining a pressurized air chamber;a manifold plate defining a plurality of motive jet nozzles, the plurality of motive jet nozzles receiving pressurized clean air from the pressurized air chamber;an impactor nozzle plate spaced from and positioned downstream of the manifold plate, the impactor nozzle plate defining a plurality of impactor nozzles; the plurality of impactor nozzles receiving a combination of (a) blow-by gases from a crankcase of an internal combustion engine and (b) a high-velocity jet of the pressurized clean air from the plurality of motive jet nozzles so as to create a vacuum mixing effect, thereby accelerating the blow-by gas; anda porous impaction surface positioned downstream of the manifold plate and the impactor nozzle plate, the porous impaction surface positioned such that the accelerated blow-by gas impacts the porous impactor surface, thereby separating aerosols from the blow-by gas.22. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , wherein each of the plurality of impactor nozzles are axially aligned with a respective one of the plurality of motive jet nozzles.23. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , where the plurality of impactor nozzles are not axially aligned with the plurality of motive jet nozzles.24. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , wherein the porous impaction surface is permeable.25. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , wherein the porous impaction surface is impermeable.26. The gas- ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Virtual filter condition sensor

Номер: US20190226367A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A system and method for determining a condition of a filter filtering fuel associated with an engine. Input information relating to the operation of the engine is provided by a plurality of sensors. At least some of the input information is used to determine a plurality of input variables, the plurality of input variables representing a plurality of engine operating conditions including engine run time, engine torque and engine speed. An algorithm incorporating the input variables is used to determine the condition of the filter. Information concerning the condition of the filter may be output to a user such as an operator or service provider.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Rotating Coalescing Element with Directed Liquid Drainage and Gas Outlet

Номер: US20180243677A1

A rotating coalescer having an ejected coalesced liquid separating device is described. The separating device prevents re-entrainment of liquid into a stream of filtered gas. The rotating coalescer includes a rotating filter element or coalescing cone stack positioned within a rotating coalescer housing. The outer surface of the rotating filter element or the outlet of the coalescing cone stack is displaced from the inner surface of the rotating coalescer housing. The gap between the rotating filter element or the coalescing cone stack and the rotating coalescer housing allows for ejected coalesced liquid, such as oil, to accumulate on the inner surface of the rotating coalescer housing for drainage and allows for filtered gas, such as air, to exit through a clean gas outlet of the rotating coalescer housing. 1. A filtration system comprising:a filtration system housing having an inlet and an outlet, a first endplate,', 'second endplate,', 'a coalescing device positioned between the first endplate and the second endplate, and', 'a rotating coalescer housing extending between and coupled to the first endplate and the second endplate, the rotating coalescer housing radially displaced from an outer surface of the coalescing device such that a gap exists between an inner wall of the rotating coalescer housing and the outer surface of the coalescing device, the rotating coalescer housing including a clean gas outlet adjacent the first endplate and a liquid outlet adjacent the second endplate, the rotating coalescer housing including a circumferential ring positioned near the gas outlet that prevents separated liquid accumulated on the inner wall from passing through the clean gas outlet., 'a rotating coalescer element positioned within the filtration system housing and in fluid communication with the inlet and the outlet, the rotating coalescer element configured to separate a suspended liquid from a fluid received through the inlet, the rotating coalescer element ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Virtual Filter Condition Sensor

Номер: US20180245491A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A system and method for determining a condition of a filter filtering fuel associated with an engine. Input information relating to the operation of the engine is provided by a plurality of sensors. At least some of the input information is used to determine a plurality of input variable, the plurality of input variables representing a plurality of engine operating conditions including engine run time, engine torque and engine speed. An algorithm incorporating the input variables is used to determine the condition of the filter. Information concerning the condition of the filter may be output to a user such as an operator or service provider.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180264383A1

A filter cartridge having a bypass filtration media is described. The filter cartridge includes main filtration media. In some arrangements, the main filtration media includes first filtration media and second filtration media that has a different filtering efficiency than the first filtration media. The filter cartridge is configured to be installed in a filtration system having a bypass mode. While in the bypass mode, fluid passing through the filtration system is allowed to bypass the main filtration media. To avoid unfiltered fluid from passing from the inlet of filtration system to the outlet (e.g., and on to an internal combustion engine), the fluid flows through the bypass filtration media (e.g., during cold start conditions). In some arrangements, the bypass filtration media has a lower filtering efficiency than the main filtration media. 1. A filtration system comprising:a housing having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet; a main filter cartridge having main filter media, the main filter media positioned between a first endplate and a second endplate, the first endplate including a bypass opening,', 'a bypass media endplate, and', 'bypass filter media coupled to the first endplate by the bypass media endplate and covering the bypass opening;, 'a filter element positioned within the housing and configured to filter a fluid, the filter element includinga bypass valve that can be opened and closed to toggle between a normal operation mode and a bypass operation mode, when the bypass valve is open, the bypass operation mode is activated and fluid being passed through the filtration system can bypass the main filter cartridge by flowing through the bypass filter media and through the bypass opening.2. The filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the main filter media is formed into a cylindrical shape.3. The filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the bypass valve is positioned within a central opening of the filter element.4. The filtration system of claim 1 , ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170274306A1

A gas-liquid separator comprises a housing having an inlet for receiving a gas-liquid stream and an outlet for discharging a gas stream. An impactor nozzle structure is supported by the housing and situated downstream of the inlet. The impactor nozzle structure receives the gas-liquid stream and accelerates the gas-liquid stream through an orifice that extends through the impactor nozzle structure. An impaction surface is supported by the housing and situated downstream of the orifice. The impaction surface receives the accelerated gas-liquid stream and causes separation of liquid particles from the gas-liquid stream so as to produce the gas stream, and a baffle situated downstream of the impaction surface modifies a flow of the gas stream so as to reduce carryover of liquid particles in the gas stream. A shroud tier an inertial impactor gas-liquid separator is disclosed. A method for separating liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream is disclosed. 125-. (canceled)26. A shroud for an inertial impactor gas-liquid separator that separates liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream by acceleration of the gas-liquid stream through a nozzle and towards an impaction surface so as to produce a gas stream , the shroud configured to extend from a perimeter of the impaction surface and having a free end that extends towards the nozzle , the shroud comprising a plurality of baffles that cause the gas stream to spiral as the gas stream exits the shroud.27. The shroud of claim 26 , wherein the plurality of baffles project sideways from a surface of the shroud.28. The shroud of claim 27 , wherein the plurality of baffles project from an outer surface of the shroud.29. The shroud of claim 28 , wherein the plurality of baffles comprise ribs that extend helically with respect to the outer surface of the shroud.30. The shroud of claim 26 , wherein the plurality of baffles project from an inner surface of the shroud.31. The shroud of claim 30 , wherein the plurality of baffles ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Rotating Coalescing Element with Directed Liquid Drainage and Gas Outlet

Номер: US20200276532A1

A rotating coalescer having an ejected coalesced liquid separating device is described. The separating device prevents re-entrainment of liquid into a stream of filtered gas. The rotating coalescer includes a rotating filter element or coalescing cone stack positioned within a rotating coalescer housing. The outer surface of the rotating filter element or the outlet of the coalescing cone stack is displaced from the inner surface of the rotating coalescer housing. The gap between the rotating filter element or the coalescing cone stack and the rotating coalescer housing allows for ejected coalesced liquid, such as oil, to accumulate on the inner surface of the rotating coalescer housing for drainage and allows for filtered gas, such as air, to exit through a clean gas outlet of the rotating coalescer housing. 120-. (canceled)21. A filtration system comprising:a filtration system housing having an inlet and an outlet, a first endplate,', 'a second endplate,', 'a coalescing device positioned between the first endplate and the second endplate, and', a clean gas outlet adjacent the first endplate and a liquid outlet adjacent the second endplate; and', 'a plurality of support ribs projecting from the inner wall to provide support to the coalescing device., 'a rotating coalescer housing extending between and coupled to the first endplate and the second endplate, the rotating coalescer housing radially displaced from an outer surface of the coalescing device such that a gap exists between an inner wall of the rotating coalescer housing and the outer surface of the coalescing device, the rotating coalescer housing including], 'a rotating coalescer element positioned within the filtration system housing and in fluid communication with the inlet and the outlet, the rotating coalescer element configured to separate a suspended liquid from a fluid received through the inlet, the rotating coalescer element including22. The filtration system of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180290153A1

Filtration systems having a tangential air cleaner having a coiled media filter element and a cyclonic pre-cleaner are described. An outer wall of the filter element acts as a pre-cleaner sleeve of the housing to generate a cyclonic flow of the intake air prior to the intake air being filtered by the filter element. The housing cover includes geometry that redirects the cyclonic flow from a tangential path to an axial, straight-through flow directed through an inlet flow face of the filter element. Various embodiments of such filtration systems offer increased filter performance and capacity compared to similarly sized cylindrical pleated filter elements having a radial flow filtering path. 1. An air filtration system comprising:a housing defining a central compartment therein, the housing including a radial air inlet and an axial air outlet positioned near a first end of the housing;a cover removably coupled to a second end of the housing;a filter element positioned within the central compartment of the housing, the filter element including a wound filter media, the filter element arranged for axial flow filtration such that air to be filtered flows into a first axial face of the filter element, flows through the filter media, and flows out of the filter element at a second axial face of the filter element; anda plurality of de-swirl vanes positioned on the cover, the plurality of de-swirl vanes routing a flow of air into the filter element by changing the flow of air from a swirling flow to an axial flow towards the first axial face of the filter element, the plurality of de-swirl vanes are spiral in shape.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the flow of air enters the housing through the air inlet and is routed around the filter element in a swirling manner prior to the flow of air reaching the de-swirl vanes.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a circumferential extension coupled to the filter element claim 1 , the ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190299134A1

Various rotating coalescer elements are described. The rotating coalescer elements include various arrangements of stacked separator discs or cones. In some arrangements, the described rotating coalescer elements include a combination of stacked separator discs or cones and filter media. In some arrangements, the stacked separator discs are designed to provide the largest possible amount of radial-projected separation surface area in a given rotating cylindrical volume, where flow to be cleaned is passing radially (outwardly or inwardly) through the rotating coalescer element. In some arrangements, this is achieved by stacking non-conical separating plates containing various area-maximizing features (e.g., spiral ribs, axial cylinders, spiral grooves, or spiral “V” shapes). 1. A separating plate for a rotating separator element , the separating plate comprising:a main body having an annular shape defined by an inner diameter and an outer diameter, the inner diameter defining a central opening, the outer diameter defining an outer edge of the main body, the main body comprising a plurality of bends forming a plurality of flow channels positioned between adjacent peaks of a plurality of peaks, each of the plurality of flow channels extending from the inner diameter to the outer diameter, each of the plurality of peaks associated with one of the plurality of bends, the plurality of bends having a spiral shape such that each of the channels is also defined by the spiral shape.2. The separating plate of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels have a V-shaped cross-section.3. The separating plate of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels have a U-shaped cross-section.4. The separating plate of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels are formed on a first side of the main body and a second side of the main body claim 1 , the second side opposite the first side.5. The separating plate of claim 1 , further comprising a spacer rib positioned on each of the ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации

System for Monitoring and Indicating Filter Life

Номер: US20150328568A1

Disclosed are systems, methods, and algorithms for monitoring and indicating filter life. In particular, the disclosed systems, methods, and algorithms may be utilized for monitoring and indicating the useful life of a filter in an internal combustion engine.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200318585A1

An air intake system having an air filter and a cyclonic pre-cleaner is described. The cyclonic pre-cleaner includes a plurality of fins that cause the air flowing through the pre-cleaner to go from a substantially axial flow to a substantially swirling flow. As the air flow through the pre-cleaner increases, the air is swirled at a faster rate, and some contaminant particles in the air will be forced out of the flow of air before reaching the air filter. The air intake system includes a blower unit having a motor, an impeller, and a controller. The blower unit structured to selectively draw more air through the air intake system to increase the flow of air through the pre-cleaner thereby increasing the efficiency of the pre-cleaner. 1. An air filtration system comprising:an air filter assembly;a cyclonic pre-cleaner positioned upstream of the air filter assembly in an air flow direction, the cyclonic pre-cleaner comprising a pre-cleaner housing and structured to cause air flowing through the cyclonic pre-cleaner to transition from a substantially axial flow to a substantially swirling flow, the cyclonic pre-cleaner comprises a plurality of fins positioned within the pre-cleaner housing; anda blower unit in fluid communication with the cyclonic pre-cleaner through a conduit having a first end coupled to the pre-cleaner housing at a position that is downstream of the plurality of fins and a second end coupled to an air inlet of the blower unit such that when the blower unit is active, the blower unit draws air through the pre-cleaner housing.2. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the blower unit comprises a motor and an impeller.3. The air filtration system of claim 2 , further comprising a controller structured to control a speed of the motor.4. The air filtration system of claim 3 , further comprising a dust concentration sensor structured to provide a feedback signal to the controller indicating a concentration of ambient dust entering an inlet of the ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Impulse turbine with non-wetting surface for improved hydraulic efficiency

Номер: US20190321765A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Various arrangements of a turbine for a rotating coalescer element of a crankcase ventilation system for an internal combustion engine are described. In some arrangements, the turbine is an impulse turbine, which is also known as a pelton turbine or a turgo turbine. The turbine is used to convert hydraulic power from a stream of pressurized fluid to mechanical power that is used to drive the rotating element. The turbine includes a non-wetting surface (e.g., an oleophobic or hydrophobic surface) that repels the pressurized fluid. The non-wetting surface may be achieved through plasma coating, fluoropolymer coating, micro-topography features, and the like. The non-wetting surface increases the power transmission efficiency from the stream of pressurized fluid to the turbine, thereby increasing the rotational speed of the rotating element compared to wettable surfaced turbines, which in turn increases the efficiency of the rotating element.

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170335812A1

Fuel filtration systems having an automatic drain assembly for water that accumulates in the filter housing are described. The filtration system includes a filter media that is configured to remove particulate matter and dispersed water contained within the fuel. The water is drained to a drain reservoir within the filter housing where the water collects. When the water reaches a threshold level, a controller initiates a warning to the engine operator, such as a dashboard light, that instructs the operator to shut the engine off. When the engine is shut off, the collected water is drained through a valve of the automatic drain assembly. In some arrangements, the automatic drain assembly can be retrofitted to existing fuel filtration systems thereby reducing the cost of fitting the automatic drain assembly to existing internal combustion engines. 1. A fuel filtration system configured to provide filtered fuel to an internal combustion engine , the fuel filtration system comprising:a filter housing including an inlet, an outlet, a filter media, and a drain reservoir positioned at a bottom of the filter housing; and a drain assembly housing,', 'a water inlet that extends into the filter housing,', 'a valve coupled to the drain assembly housing,', 'a water in fuel sensor coupled to the valve, and', 'a controller configured to open and close the valve based at least in part on a water in fuel feedback signal of the water in fuel sensor without direct instruction from an operator of the internal combustion engine., 'an automatic drain assembly removably coupled to the filter housing, the automatic drain assembly comprising2. The fuel filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the automatic drain assembly is removably coupled to the filter housing via a threaded connection.3. The fuel filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the automatic drain assembly further comprises a wire harness configured to provide data communication between the controller and an engine control unit of ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200332686A1

The combination of a gas-pressure-driven pump jet nozzle or alternatively Coanda effect nozzle with an impactor nozzle(s) in an air-oil separator for separating oil from blow-by gasses from a crankcase of an internal combustion engine, or for separating liquid aerosol from gas, in general. Such combination enhances impaction efficiency and enables operation at higher pressure differentials (or pressure drop) (“dP”) without causing excessive backpressure in the air-oil separator. 120-. (canceled)21. A gas-liquid separator , comprising:a housing defining a pressurized air chamber;a manifold plate defining at least one motive jet nozzle, the at least one motive jet nozzle receiving pressurized clean air from the pressurized air chamber upstream of the at least one motive jet nozzle;an impactor nozzle plate spaced from and positioned downstream of the manifold plate, the impactor nozzle plate defining at least one impactor nozzle; the at least one impactor nozzle configured to receive a combination of (a) blow-by gases from a crankcase of an internal combustion engine and (b) a high-velocity jet of the pressurized clean air, the combination received downstream from the at least one motive jet nozzle so as to create a vacuum/mixing effect, thereby accelerating the blow-by gas; andan impaction surface positioned downstream of the manifold plate and the impactor nozzle plate, the impaction surface positioned such that the accelerated combination of blow-by gas and pressurized clean air impacts the impactor surface, thereby separating aerosols from the blow-by gas.22. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , wherein each of the at least one impactor nozzle is axially aligned with a respective one of the at least one motive jet nozzle.23. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , where each of the at least one impactor nozzle is not aligned with any of the at least one motive jet nozzle.24. The gas-liquid separator of claim 21 , wherein each of the at least one motive jet nozzle ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Virtual Filter Condition Sensor

Номер: US20150361840A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A system and method for determining a condition of a filter filtering fuel associated with an engine. Input information relating to the operation of the engine is provided by a plurality of sensors. At least some of the input information is used to determine a plurality of input variables, the plurality of input variables representing a plurality of engine operating conditions including engine run time, engine torque and engine speed. An algorithm incorporating the input variables is used to determine the condition of the filter. Information concerning the condition of the filter may be output to a user such as an operator or service provider.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200347809A1

A water drain assembly for draining water from a filter assembly comprises a conduit, a water canister, and a venturi. The conduit fluidly connects a bottom portion of the filter assembly to a bottom portion of the water canister. The venturi comprises a first venturi inlet that allows fluid to flow from the fuel tank and into the venturi, a second venturi inlet that allows fluid to flow from the water canister and into the venturi, and a venturi outlet that allows fluid to flow from the venturi and into the filter assembly. The second venturi may comprise a capillary. 1. A water drain assembly for draining water from a filter assembly , the water drain assembly comprising:a conduit;a water canister, the conduit fluidly connecting a bottom portion of the filter assembly to a bottom portion of the water canister, a first venturi inlet that allows fluid to flow from the fuel tank and into the venturi,', 'a second venturi inlet that allows fluid to flow from the water canister and into the venturi, and', 'a venturi outlet that allows fluid to flow from the venturi and into the filter assembly., 'a venturi comprising2. The water drain assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second venturi inlet comprises a capillary fluidly connected to the top of the water canister.3. The water drain assembly of claim 2 , wherein the capillary has a length in a range of 1 to 4 times a diameter of a filter inlet of the filter assembly.4. The water drain assembly of claim 3 , wherein the capillary has an inner diameter in a range of 0.02 to 0.04 times the diameter of the filter inlet.5. The water drain assembly of claim 4 , wherein the water canister has a width which is equal to or greater than 4 times the diameter of the filter inlet.6. The water drain assembly of claim 1 , wherein fluid flows into the conduit of the water drain assembly from the bottom portion of the filter assembly after flowing through and being filtered by the filter assembly.7. The water drain assembly of claim 1 , ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190351359A1
Автор: Herman Peter K.

A filter assembly comprises a filter head, a port, a fitting, and a diffuser. The port extends from a portion of the filter head and defines a channel for fluid to flow into or out of the filter head. The fitting first end is attachable to the port and the fitting second end is attachable to a filtration system component. The diffuser is positionable within the channel of the port and comprises an inner surface and an outer surface. The inner surface defines an inner conical hollow region that extends at a nonzero angle between the inner conical hollow region first end and the inner conical hollow region second end such that a first inner diameter of the diffuser at the inner conical hollow region first end is smaller than a second inner diameter of the diffuser at the inner conical hollow region second end. 1. A filter assembly , comprising:a filter head;a port extending from a portion of the filter head and defining a channel for fluid to flow into or out of the filter head;a fitting extending between a fitting first end and a fitting second end thereof, the fitting first end attachable to the port and the fitting second end attachable to a filtration system component; anda diffuser positionable within the channel of the port, the diffuser comprising an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defining an inner conical hollow region extending between an inner conical hollow region first end and an inner conical hollow region second end, the inner surface extending at a nonzero angle relative to the direction of flow between the inner conical hollow region first end and the inner conical hollow region second end such that a first inner diameter of the diffuser at the inner conical hollow region first end is smaller than a second inner diameter of the diffuser at the inner conical hollow region second end.2. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the port comprises a ledge claim 1 , and wherein the diffuser is positionable between the ledge of the ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200353483A1

Filtration systems having a tangential air cleaner having a coiled media filter element and a cyclonic pre-cleaner are described. An outer wall of the filter element acts as a pre-cleaner sleeve of the housing to generate a cyclonic flow of the intake air prior to the intake air being filtered by the filter element. The housing cover includes geometry that redirects the cyclonic low from a tangential path to an axial, straight-through flow directed through an inlet flow face of the filter element. Various embodiments of such filtration systems offer increased filter performance and capacity compared to similarly sized cylindrical pleated filter elements having a radial flow filtering path. 111-. (canceled)12. A filtration system comprising:a pre-cleaner housing comprising an inlet configured to receive air to be filtered and a swirling device configured to cause the air to move through the pre-cleaner housing along a swirling flow path;a filter housing positioned downstream of the pre-cleaner housing in an air flow direction and configured to receive the air from the pre-cleaner housing, the filter housing comprising an outlet positioned downstream of the pre-cleaner housing and a central compartment positioned between the pre-cleaner housing and the outlet; anda filter element positioned in the central compartment, the filter element comprising filter media and a vortex finder, the filter media configured to filter the air as the air flows through the filter housing, the vortex finder that comprises a wall that extends from an inlet face of the filter media into the pre-cleaner housing that prevents contaminant separated from the air by the swirling flow path from entering the filter media.13. The filtration system of claim 12 , wherein the swirling device comprises at least one vane or fin.14. The filtration system of claim 12 , wherein the pre-cleaner housing further comprises a dust outlet configured to transport the contaminants separated from the air by the ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200376501A1

Inertial particle separators having an axially translating or a deformable poppet component are described. The poppet component axially translates to accommodate a wide range of flowrates through the inertial particle separator. In some arrangements, the poppet component is biased by a spring towards a closed or restricted position. The variable flowrate and constriction provided by the poppet maintains a substantially constant pressure drop and separation efficiency during operation across a wide range of flowrates through the separators. 1. An inertial particle separator comprising:a housing defining a central compartment, the housing comprising an inlet and a dust port;an inner body coupled to the housing, the inner body comprising a central tube having a first end extending into the central compartment and a second end defining an outlet; anda poppet positioned adjacent to the first end of the central tube, the poppet movable or deformable between a closed position, in which the first end is blocked, and an open position, in which the first end is at least partially unblocked, the poppet being biased to the closed position.2. The inertial particle separator of claim 1 , wherein a spring biases the poppet to the closed position claim 1 , the spring disposed between the inner body and the poppet.3. The inertial particle separator of claim 2 , wherein the poppet is axially displaceable along a central axis defined by the central tube between the closed position and the open position.4. The inertial particle separator of claim 1 , wherein the poppet comprises:a conical top within the inlet;a radially projecting surface connected to and downstream from the conical top, the radially projecting surface generally perpendicular to a central axis of the central tube, the radially projecting surface causing air to travel substantially perpendicular to the central axis; anda skirt connected to the radially projecting surface, the skirt extending away from the first end ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190381442A1

A filter assembly includes a conditioning device that conditions a flow of air upstream of a mass air flow sensor. The filter assembly includes a support frame. The filter assembly further includes a filter media coupled to the support frame, the filter media having a dirty side configured to receive a stream of air and a clean side configured to output a stream of air that has been filtered through the filter media. The filter assembly includes a conditioning device coupled to the support frame, the conditioning device positioned in a downstream direction from the clean side of the filter media with respect to the stream of air, the conditioning device offset from the clean side of the filter media by a separation distance. 120-. (canceled)21. A filter assembly comprising:a support frame;a filter media coupled to the support frame, the filter media having a dirty side configured to receive a stream of air and a clean side configured to output a stream of air that has been filtered through the filter media;a conditioning device coupled to the support frame, the conditioning device possessing a two-dimensional or three-dimensional fractal structure, the conditioning device positioned in a downstream direction from the clean side of the filter media with respect to the stream of air, the conditioning device offset from the clean side of the filter media by a separation distance.22. The filter assembly of claim 21 , wherein the conditioning device possesses a circle fractal perforation arrangement.23. The filter assembly of claim 21 , wherein the conditioning device possesses a triangular star fractal perforation arrangement.24. The filter assembly of claim 21 , wherein the conditioning device possesses a three dimensional higher order square fractal perforation arrangement including two spaced apart perforated conditioners.25. The filter assembly of claim 21 , wherein the conditioning device possesses a three dimensional rooted square fractal perforation arrangement ...

23-04-2013 дата публикации

Filtration device with releasable additive

Номер: US8425772B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filtration device is provided that includes a filter component and an additive component. The filter component includes concentrically arranged filtering elements disposed in a filter-in-filter configuration. The additive component includes at least one additive material that is introduced into a working fluid to be filtered. The filter component and additive component provide an assembly for a filtration system that would filter a variety of working fluids. The filter component and additive component provides an assembly that can filter fluids more efficiently. As a result, fluids may enjoy, for example, extended drainage intervals and thereby reduce component wear.

21-07-2009 дата публикации

Filtration device with releasable additive

Номер: US7563368B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filtration device is provided that includes a filter component and an additive component. The filter component includes concentrically arranged filtering elements disposed in a filter-in-filter configuration. The additive component includes at least one additive material that is introduced into a working fluid to be filtered. The filter component and additive component provide an assembly for a filtration system that would filter a variety of working fluids. The filter component and additive component provides an assembly that can filter fluids more efficiently. As a result, fluids may enjoy, for example, extended drainage intervals and thereby reduce component wear.

05-12-1995 дата публикации

Pressure side integrated air filter and filtering networks for engines

Номер: US5472463A
Принадлежит: Cummins Engine Co Inc

A pressure side integrated air filter assembly for a turbocharged engine includes an air filter carrier which is designed and arranged to receive an air filter element and which is adapted to mount to the intake manifold of the turbocharged engine. The air filter carrier which receives an air filtering element is disposed within the intake manifold and the intake manifold cover serves as the air filter cover. A peripheral flange on the air filter carrier is used to support the air filter assembly by being clamped between the intake manifold cover and the intake manifold. This peripheral flange substitutes for the intake manifold gasket. The air filter carrier and the air filter element each have a trapezoidal shape in cross section as a way to conserve space within the intake manifold. The air filter element is a single panel of filtering media which is fan-folded with a first series of folds disposed adjacent the intake manifold cover and an alternating second series of folds disposed at the outlet side of the air filter carrier. The integrated air filter assembly is mounted within the intake manifold and may be used as a security filter with a cannister filter positioned upstream from the turbocharger or with a precleaner air filter disposed upstream from the turbocharger.

31-10-2000 дата публикации

Air/oil coalescer with centrifugally assisted drainage

Номер: US6139595A
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

A coalescing filter for separating oil from a blowby gas stream includes a coalescing filter element designed with a plurality of relatively small flow-through pores which have the potential for creating a high restriction when wetted due to the surface tension which results. In order to reduce the restriction level, the coalescing filter is attached to a rotating component, such as a gear, so that rotary motion is imparted to the coalescing filter and centrifugal force is generated across the plurality of flow-through pores. By generating centrifugal force, any oil which might otherwise remain in said pores so as to clog the pores is spun out so that the pores of the coalescing filter element remain in a "dry" condition such that any restriction to continued flow is substantially lower than the restriction level when the pores are wetted.

20-11-2007 дата публикации

Pressure gradient dosing system for fluid supply

Номер: US7297256B2
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

A pressure gradient dosing system is provided for a fluid supply system. A flow passage has first and second pressure zones having a pressure gradient therebetween. An additive reservoir in an additive delivery system responds to the pressure gradient to release additive to the flow passage.

26-12-2006 дата публикации

Liquid additive slow-release apparatus driven by a filter pressure gradient

Номер: US7153422B2
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

The present invention provides a filter assembly containing a filter element and a container as a depot for a liquid additive. The container can include an inlet and an outlet, which are configured to allow a liquid to flow into the container mix with the contained additive and then flow out into the system. It has been observed that a liquid flowing through a filter assembly exhibits a pressure gradient within the filter. Consequently, the inlets and outlets to the container can be positioned to take advantage of the pressure gradient to enhance the addition of the additive to the liquid in the filter assembly.

02-01-2007 дата публикации

Liquid additive slow-release apparatus driven by a filter pressure gradient

Номер: US7156991B2
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

The present invention provides a filter assembly containing a filter element and a container as a depot for a liquid additive. The container can include an inlet and an outlet, which are configured to allow a liquid to flow into the container mix with the contained additive and then flow out into the system. It has been observed that a liquid flowing through a filter assembly exhibits a pressure gradient within the filter. Consequently, the inlets and outlets to the container can be positioned to take advantage of the pressure gradient to enhance the addition of the additive to the liquid in the filter assembly.

17-01-2012 дата публикации

Elliptical seal interface for filter assembly

Номер: US8097061B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filter assembly is described that includes a unique seal configuration between a filter and a housing. The filter has a filter media that allows fluid to be filtered therethrough, and has an endplate with an opening that allows fluid to flow into or out of the filter media. The endplate has a main surface with an elliptical spud protruding outward from the main surface and surrounding the opening. An oval seal is disposed about an outer surface of the elliptical spud. The housing is releasably connected to the filter, and has a mounting component. The mounting component has an elliptical boss that mates with the elliptical spud and seals against the oval seal.

06-07-1995 дата публикации

Self-venting drain valve.

Номер: DE69017729T2
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

28-12-2021 дата публикации

System and method for improving mass air flow signal quality

Номер: US11207631B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filter assembly includes a conditioning device that conditions a flow of air upstream of a mass air flow sensor. The filter assembly includes a support frame. The filter assembly further includes a filter media coupled to the support frame, the filter media having a dirty side configured to receive a stream of air and a clean side configured to output a stream of air that has been filtered through the filter media. The filter assembly includes a conditioning device coupled to the support frame, the conditioning device positioned in a downstream direction from the clean side of the filter media with respect to the stream of air, the conditioning device offset from the clean side of the filter media by a separation distance.

11-04-2023 дата публикации

Duckbill aerosol separator with always open refinement

Номер: US11624302B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An impactor separator comprises a housing having an inlet receiving a gas-liquid stream and an outlet expelling a gas stream. The impactor separator also includes an impaction surface positioned within the housing and configured to separate liquid particles from the gas-liquid stream and a nozzle assembly positioned within the housing. The nozzle assembly includes a nozzle assembly housing portion and a plurality of nozzles extending through the nozzle assembly housing portion. Each of the plurality of nozzles includes a nozzle inlet and a nozzle outlet. The gas-liquid stream enters into the nozzle assembly housing portion, flows into the plurality of nozzles through the nozzle inlet and exits the plurality of nozzles through the nozzle outlet. The plurality of nozzles accelerates the gas-liquid stream toward the impaction surface.

26-02-2019 дата публикации

Air intake water separator

Номер: US10213718B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Various embodiments relate to an air intake duct. The duct includes louvers forming an air inlet to a housing. Each louver includes an inlet section and an angled section, the angled section inclined with respect to the inlet section. The duct includes the housing positioned downstream of the louvers in an air flow direction. The housing includes a drain configured to permit separated water from an intake air passing through the louvers and into the housing to be drained from the housing. The duct includes an inner inlet duct that provides the intake air to a component. The inner inlet duct extends into the housing and positioned downstream of the louvers in the air flow direction. The inlet duct extends above the drain by a distance thereby forming a well in the housing between a top of the inner inlet duct and the drain.

24-07-2002 дата публикации

Self-driven, cone-stack type centrifuge

Номер: EP0806985B1
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

01-02-2000 дата публикации

Nozzle inlet enhancement for a high speed turbine-driven centrifuge

Номер: US6019717A
Автор: Peter K. Herman
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

A cone-stack centrifuge for separating particulate matter out of a circulating liquid includes a cone-stack assembly which is configured with a hollow rotor hub and is constructed to rotate about an axis. The cone-stack assembly is mounted onto a shaft centertube which is attached to a hollow base hub of a base assembly. The base assembly further includes a liquid inlet, a first passageway, and a second passageway which is connected to the first passageway. The liquid inlet is connected to the hollow base hub by the first passageway. A bearing arrangement is positioned between the rotor hub and the shaft centertube for rotary motion of the cone-stack assembly. An impulse-turbine wheel is attached to the rotor hub and a flow jet nozzle is positioned so as to be directed at the turbine wheel. The flow jet nozzle is coupled to the second passageway for directing a flow jet of liquid at the turbine wheel in order to impart rotary motion to the cone-stack assembly. The liquid for the flow jet nozzle enters the cone-stack centrifuge by way of the liquid inlet. The same liquid inlet also provides the liquid which is circulated through the cone-stack assembly. A honeycomb-like insert is assembled into the flow jet nozzle in order to reduce inlet turbulence and improve the turbine efficiency.

03-12-2009 дата публикации

Filter seal

Номер: US20090294351A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filtering apparatus has a filter housing with a structure forming a recessed region on the filter housing configured to be directly engaged by a filter element in order to form an integral seal. The structure may include one or more protrusions that extend into the filter element itself, or into respective recess(es) of the filter element.

01-02-2022 дата публикации

Filter assembly with a diffuser

Номер: US11235273B2
Автор: Peter K. Herman
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filter assembly includes a filter head, a port, a fitting, and a diffuser. The port extends from a portion of the filter head and defines a channel for fluid to flow into or out of the filter head. The fitting first end is attachable to the port and the fitting second end is attachable to a filtration system component. The diffuser is positionable within the channel of the port and comprises an inner surface and an outer surface. The inner surface defines an inner conical hollow region that extends at a nonzero angle between the inner conical hollow region first end and the inner conical hollow region second end such that a first inner diameter of the diffuser at the inner conical hollow region first end is smaller than a second inner diameter of the diffuser at the inner conical hollow region second end.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Inertial gas-liquid separator

Номер: DE112007003788B4
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Gas-Flüssigkeit-Trägheitsabscheider zum Entfernen von Flüssigkeitsteilchen auseinem Gas-Flüssigkeit-Strom (602)umfassend ein Gehäuse (604), das den Gas-Flüssigkeit-Strom (602) von stromaufwärts nach stromabwärts dort hindurch lenkt,wobei das Gehäuse (604) aufweist- einen Einlass (606), der den Gas-Flüssigkeit-Strom (602) empfängt,- einen Auslass (608), der einen Gasstrom (610) austrägt, und- einen Abflussport (612), der abgetrennte Flüssigkeit (614) austrägt, wobei das Gehäuse (604) ferner eine Anordnung aufweist, die den Gas-Flüssigkeit-Strom (602) axial entlang einer stromabwärtigen axialen Flussrichtung gegen einen axial beweglichen Kolben (618) lenkt, der in einer stromaufwärtigen axialen Richtung gegen den stromabwärts gerichteten axialen Strom vorgespannt ist,wobei das Gehäuse (604) ferner eine Strahldüsenstruktur (620) mit einer variablen Düsenöffnung aufweist, die den Gas-Flüssigkeit-Strom (602) radial gegen einen Trägheitsimpaktorsammler (624) in dem Gehäuse (604) zur Flüssigkeitsteilchenabscheidung beschleunigt, undwobei die Strahldüsenstruktur (620) eine variable Öffnungsfläche (626) aufweist, die von der axialen Bewegung des Kolbens (618) relativ zu der Anordnung zum Lenken des Gas-Flüssigkeit-Stroms (602) abhängt,dadurch gekennzeichnet,dass die Anordnung zum Lenken des Gas-Flüssigkeit-Stroms (602) eine Gehäusemuffe (616) des Gehäuses (604) ist,dass der Kolben (618) eine Kolbenmuffe (632) aufweist, die so angeordnet ist, dass sie teleskopisch axial entlang der Gehäusemuffe (616) in einer geführten Beziehung gleiten kann,unddass die Strahldüsenstruktur (620) zwischen der Gehäusemuffe (616) und dem Kolben (618) agiert, entlang der Kolbenmuffe (632) ausgebildet ist und den Gas-Flüssigkeit-Strom (602) radial dort hindurch gegen den Trägheitsimpaktorsammler (624) beschleunigt. An inertial gas-liquid separator for removing liquid particles from a gas-liquid stream (602) comprising a housing (604) directing the gas-liquid stream (602) from upstream to ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Inertial precleaner with variable aspiration flowrate control via ambient dust concentration sensor input

Номер: WO2017196367A1

An air intake system having an air filter and a cyclonic pre-cleaner is described. The cyclonic pre-cleaner includes a plurality of fins that cause the air flowing through the pre-cleaner to go from a substantially axial flow to a substantially swirling flow. As the air flow through the pre-cleaner increases, the air is swirled at a faster rate, and some contaminant particles in the air will be forced out of the flow of air before reaching the air filter. The air intake system includes a blower unit having a motor, an impeller, and a controller. The blower unit structured to selectively draw more air through the air intake system to increase the flow of air through the pre-cleaner thereby increasing the efficiency of the pre-cleaner.

29-05-2008 дата публикации

Apparatus, system, and method for maximizing ultrafine meltblown fiber attenuation

Номер: US20080122143A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An apparatus, system and method to maximize ultrafine meltblown fiber attenuation. The nozzle apparatus includes a polymer streaming channel, at least one gas delivery channel, a restricted throat area, and a bounded expansion area. In some embodiments, the nozzle comprises a two-dimensional converging-diverging Laval nozzle geometry. The gas delivery channels may provide the gas under a pressure exceeding critical pressure, such that the gas achieves supersonic speeds at the restricted throat area. The bounded expansion area may stabilize such supersonic speeds, thus maximizing ultrafine meltblown fiber attenuation while minimizing the formation of fly and other defects.

11-08-2020 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for missing filter detection and prevention in rotating coalescer designs

Номер: US10737209B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Systems and methods for detecting a missing coalescing element in a CV system are described. In some arrangements, the described systems and methods prevent the assembly and/or re-assembly of the CV system without an appropriate coalescing element positioned within the CV system housing (e.g., during a coalescing element service operation). In some arrangements, the coalescing element depresses a spring-loaded component of a shaft that provides flow of bypass gases to the CV system. If the spring-loaded component is not depressed, significant restriction is introduced to the CV system, and an on-board-diagnostic system may detect high-crankcase pressure through existing crankcase pressure sensors and de-rate the internal combustion engine. In other arrangements, a spring-loaded mechanism within the shaft prevents a housing cover (e.g., a lid to the housing of the CV system) from being repositioned when a coalescing element is not installed within the housing.

13-12-2011 дата публикации

Rotative inertial impactor gas-oil separator for internal combustion engine

Номер: US8075655B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An internal combustion engine gas-oil separator is provided by one or more rotative inertial impactor separators in an interior chamber of the engine and mounted to a rotating engine shaft in such interior chamber.

19-04-2018 дата публикации

An air filter arrangement

Номер: DE112016003214T5
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Es werden Filtergehäuse beschrieben, die Oberflächenunebenheiten in einer Gehäusewand aufweisen. Die Oberflächenunebenheiten sind an den Innenwänden des Gehäuses und/oder den axialen Enden der Gehäusewände angeordnet. Die Oberflächenunebenheiten können beispielsweise Rillen, Rippen, Höcker und dergleichen sein. Die Oberflächenunebenheiten stellen ein die Motorintegrität schützendes (EIP) Merkmal bereit, indem sie verhindern, dass nicht zulässige Austauschfilterelemente Abdichtungen gegen alternative Abdichtflächen der Innenflächen der Gehäusewände oder gegen axiale Enden bilden.

15-12-2011 дата публикации

System for monitoring and indicating filter life

Номер: WO2011156609A2

Disclosed are systems, methods, and algorithms for monitoring and indicating filter life. In particular, the disclosed systems, methods, and algorithms may be utilized for monitoring and indicating the useful life of a filter in an internal combustion engine.

14-12-2010 дата публикации

Filter with installation integrity and magnetic flow-control

Номер: US7850845B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filter with installation integrity permits fluid flow only in a first installation condition and not in a second undesired or mis-installation condition, including improper alignment or mounting of a filter element in a housing, an incorrect replacement filter element, absence of a filter element, and an incorrect housing cover. A magnetically actuated valve has a piston controlling fluid flow according to installation condition.

24-07-2008 дата публикации

Apparatus, system, and method for maximizing ultrafine meltblown fiber attenuation

Номер: WO2008067364A3

An apparatus, system and method to maximize ultrafine meltblown fiber attenuation. The nozzle apparatus (108) includes a polymer streaming channel (400), at least one gas delivery channel (202), a restricted throat area (406), and a bounded expansion area (306). In some embodiments, the nozzle (108) comprises a two-dimensional converging-diverging Laval nozzle geometry. The gas delivery channels (202) may provide the gas under a pressure exceeding critical pressure, such that the gas achieves supersonic speeds at the restricted throat area (406). The bounded expansion area (306) may stabilize such supersonic speeds, thus maximizing ultrafine meltblown fiber attenuation while minimizing the formation of fly and other defects.

25-09-2002 дата публикации

Disposable, self-driven centrifuge

Номер: EP1214982A3
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

A disposable, cone-stack, self-driven centrifuge rotor assembly (120) for separating particulate matter out of a circulating flow of oil includes first (122) and second (123) rotor shell portions which are injection molded out of plastic and joined together by induction welding engaging edges so as to create an enclosing shell with a hollow interior. An injection molded, plastic support hub (125) is assembled into a central opening in the lower half (123) of the rotor shell and extends upwardly into the hollow interior. An injection molded, plastic alignment spool (124) is assembled into a central opening in the upper portion (122) of the rotor shell and extends downwardly into the hollow interior. A cone-stack subassembly (121), including a plurality of individual separation cones (71) which are injection molded out of plastic, are arranged into an aligned stack and positioned within the hollow interior and cooperatively assembled between the support hub (125) and the alignment spool (124).

02-08-2006 дата публикации

Disposable, self-driven centrifuge

Номер: EP1685908A1
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

A disposable, self-driven centrifuge rotor assembly (20) for separating particulate matter out of a circulating flow of oil includes first (22) and second (23) rotor shell portions which are injection moulded out of plastic and joined together by induction welding engaging edges so as to create an enclosing shell with a hollow interior. A injection moulded, plastics support hub (25) is assembled into a central opening in the lower half (23) of the rotor shell and extends upwardly into the hollow interior. Said second rotor shell portion (23) includes a jet nozzle outlet (140a). The outlet (140a) of nozzle jet (140) includes an oversized ''relief'' counterbore (156) in order to generate a sufficient jet velocity.

03-05-2011 дата публикации

Multistage variable impactor

Номер: US7935165B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

An inertial gas-liquid separator and method is provided, including variable orifice jet nozzle structure having a variable orifice area dependent upon axial movement of a plunger relative to a housing sleeve, and in another embodiment having first and second flow branches, with the first flow branch being continuously open, and the second flow branch having a variable flow controller controlling flow therethrough.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Tangential air cleaner with coiled filter cartridge

Номер: WO2017066169A1

Filtration systems having a tangential air cleaner having a coiled media filter element and a cyclonic pre-cleaner are described. An outer wall of the filter element acts as a pre-cleaner sleeve of the housing to generate a cyclonic flow of the intake air prior to the intake air being filtered by the filter element. The housing cover includes geometry that redirects the cyclonic flow from a tangential path to an axial, straight-through flow directed through an inlet flow face of the filter element. Various embodiments of such filtration systems offer increased filter performance and capacity compared to similarly sized cylindrical pleated filter elements having a radial flow filtering path.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Inertial impactor with improved deposition

Номер: DE112010003605T5
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Ein Gas-Flüssigkeits-Trägheitsimpaktorabscheider enthält einen Trägheitsimpaktorsammler mit einer Impaktorfläche, die diagonal zu einem axial beschleunigten Strom verläuft, wobei die Fläche vorzugsweise ein Kegel mit einer vorderen Spitze ist, die axial der Beschleunigungsdüse zugewandt und axial auf diese ausgerichtet ist. In einem weiteren Aspekt sind ein erster und ein zweiter Trägheitsimpaktorsammler hintereinander vorgesehen, wobei eine Öffnung in dem ersten Trägheitsimpaktorsammler eine Düse für den zweiten Trägheitsimpaktorsammler bereitstellt. Durch Reduzieren der Weite des Staubereichs, um von einem schmalbandigen Partikelgrößenbereich zu einem breiteren Bandbereich zu wechseln und das Steilheitsmaß zu verschieben wird für eine verbesserte Leistung gesorgt. Ein Gas-Flüssigkeits-Trägheitsimpaktorabscheider weist eine perforierte Schicht aus Koaleszenzmedien mit wenigstens einer Öffnung, durch die der Gas-Flüssigkeits-Strom strömt, auf. Durch eine verstärkte Eindringung des Stroms in den Medienausschnitt, wodurch der Partikeleinfang durch Interzeption, Impaktion und Diffusion gefördert wird, wird für eine verbesserte Leistung gesorgt. A gas-liquid inertial impactor separator includes an inertial impactor collector having an impactor surface that is diagonal to an axially accelerated stream, the surface preferably being a cone with a front tip that axially faces and is axially aligned with the acceleration nozzle. In a further aspect, a first and a second inertial impactor collector are provided one behind the other, an opening in the first inertial impactor collector providing a nozzle for the second inertial impactor collector. Reducing the width of the stowage area to switch from a narrow band particle size range to a wider band area and shifting the slope measure provides improved performance. A gas-liquid inertial impactor separator has a perforated layer of coalescing media with at least one opening through which the gas-liquid flow flows. Increased ...

30-08-2011 дата публикации

Filtration device with releasable additive

Номер: US8007667B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A filtration device is provided that includes a filter component and an additive component. The filter component includes concentrically arranged filtering elements disposed in a filter-in-filter configuration. The additive component includes at least one additive material that is introduced into a working fluid to be filtered. The filter component and additive component provide an assembly for a filtration system that would filter a variety of working fluids. The filter component and additive component provides an assembly that can filter fluids more efficiently. As a result, fluids may enjoy, for example, extended drainage intervals and thereby reduce component wear.

06-11-2008 дата публикации

Inertial gas-liquid separator with slot nozzle

Номер: WO2008134117A1
Автор: Peter K. Herman

An inertial gas-liquid impactor separator has a nozzle accelerating a gas-liquid stream therethrough effecting liquid particle separation. The nozzle is provided by an elongated slot.

07-03-2007 дата публикации

Disposable, self-driven centrifuge

Номер: EP1214982B1
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

15-10-2019 дата публикации

Air filter assemblies and carrier frames having vortex-generating flow guide

Номер: US10441910B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Air filter assemblies and carrier frames have a plurality of vortex-generating flow guides normalizing air flow to a uniform velocity profile downstream thereof. The airflow having the uniform velocity profile travels across a mass airflow sensor.

05-03-2003 дата публикации

Free jet centrifuge rotor with internal flow bypass

Номер: EP1287895A2
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

A centrifuge (40) includes a shaft (46) and a center tube (50). The shaft (46) has a single flow passage (60) from which fluid is supplied and has one or more fluid ports (62) defined therein. The center tube (50) has two sets of openings (61) defined therein. A portion of the fluid in the centrifuge (40) is directed to bypass the cleaning operation and is directly used to drive the centrifuge (40). The remaining fluid flows through the centrifuge (40) and particulate matter is removed from the liquid. The fluid is then discharged through nozzles (78) in order to rotate the centrifuge (40).

19-05-2011 дата публикации

Rotating inertial impactor gas oil separator for internal combustion engine

Номер: DE112009000868T5
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

Gas-Öl-Abscheider für einen Verbrennungsmotor mit einer Innenkammer, die einen Gas-Öl-Nebel darin aufweist, umfassend einen rotierenden Trägheitsimpaktorabscheider in der Innenkammer, der an einer rotierenden Motorwelle in der Innenkammer angebracht ist und sich damit um eine Drehachse dreht, wobei der Abscheider durch Trägheitsimpaktion Gas und Öl von dem Gas-Öl-Nebel trennt. A gas-oil separator for an internal combustion engine having an inner chamber having a gas-oil mist therein, comprising a rotating inertial impactor separator in the inner chamber, which is mounted on a rotating motor shaft in the inner chamber and thus rotates about an axis of rotation Separator by inertial impact gas and oil separates from the gas-oil mist.

04-12-2008 дата публикации

Magnetic check valve

Номер: WO2008011240A3

A magnetic check valve includes a cage mountable in a fluid flow duct and supporting a plunger movable between a closed position blocking fluid flow past the valve, and an open position permitting fluid flow past the valve. One of the cage and the plunger includes a magnet, and the other of the cage and the plunger includes ferrous material magnetically attracted to the magnet to magnetically bias the plunger to the closed position.

09-03-2010 дата публикации

Centrifuge with integral depth filter

Номер: US7674376B1
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A centrifuge includes a rotor with one or more drive jet openings for rotating the rotor to separate particulate matter from a fluid. A filter element is disposed inside the rotor, and the filter element includes depth filter medium for removing from the fluid sticky contaminants having the same general density as the fluid, such as sludge or varnish compounds. The rotor has a split flow configuration in which a portion of the fluid is routed to the filter element and the rest of the fluid bypasses the filter element to maintain fluid pressure of the fluid discharged from the drive jet openings. In one form, the depth filter medium is impregnated with a chemical that changes a property of the fluid, like acidity. In another form, the depth filter material is contained in a capsule for easy disposal.

30-12-1998 дата публикации

Self-driven, cone-stack type centrifuge

Номер: EP0806985A4
Принадлежит: Fleetguard Inc

25-06-2013 дата публикации

Drain tube for gas-liquid separation systems

Номер: US8470062B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Filtration IP Inc

A drain tube for an air-oil separator system, the tube being configured vertically in the system, the tube having an upper opening for receiving oil separated from air in the system, and a lower opening for releasing oil separated from air in the system, wherein the upper opening has a horizontal cross-sectional area that is greater than a horizontal cross-sectional area of the lower opening.
